Towards a sustainable route for the synthesis of chemical building blocks ARC CBBC Annual Report 2017 Table of contents 3 Foreword 5 ARC CBBC in a nutshell 6 Highlights of 2017 9 Research projects’ progress 9 Multilateral Program Line 19 Bilateral Program Line 23 Scientific excellence 24 Visibility and collaboration 26 Organization and governance 31 List of abbreviations Contact ARC CBBC Office Budapestlaan 6 3584 CD Utrecht The Netherlands +31 (0)30 253 5202
[email protected] B. M. Weckhuysen Utrecht University, Scientific Director +31 (0)30 253 43 28
[email protected] Ms. E. Molnar Utrecht University, Managing Director +31 (0)30 253 52 02
[email protected] Composed by ARC CBBC Office, June 2018 Design: WAT ontwerpers, Utrecht Foreword On behalf of the Executive Board, I hereby present the ARC CBBC Annual Report. The report will provide you with an overview of the activities undertaken and the further development of our research programs throughout the second official year of our research center. Our community has gathered several times. During these meetings, inspiring discussions brought us to a more definite formulation of our research topics. They have been reviewed by our Scientific Advisory Board in two rounds, one in April 2017 and the other quite recently, in April 2018. The first projects of ARC CBBC have already started. PhD candidates and one postdoctoral fellow have been appointed on some of our bilateral projects. Furthermore, our first two flagship projects, on bio-based coatings and bimetallic catalysts, have been approved and will start soon.