Business cards, flyers, invitations and more! Contact 042-552-2510 (extension77315) 227-7315 VOLUME 14 NO. 27 SEPTEMBER 17 − SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 INSIDE INFO SUBMIT STORIES TO:
[email protected] STRIPESOKINAWA.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE Awashwith TDY TRAVEL DURING PANDEMIC A CHALLEN Age PAGE 3 How a graying nation honors its elders Pages 4-5 RECOGNIZING USAG OKINAWA ‘WORKHORSE’ PAGE 3 TOURING TOKYO DURING COVID-19 – VIRTUALLY! PAGE 6 File photos PAG E 7 Iwakuni family barred from bases after travel incident BY JOSEPH DITZLER, onset of a second wave of coronavirus cases. STARS AND STRIPES Friday’s release came with an apology: Published: August 28, 2020 “The air station expresses sincere regret The family violated Japan’s to our Japanese neighbors for any anxiety TOKYO — An American family that drew caused by this incident and we will continue rebuke from Japan’s defense minister af- Quarantine Act, along with to strictly enforce appropriate COVID-19 ter skirting coronavirus restrictions in orders in place from risk mitigation measures.” July has been barred from Marine Corps U.S. Forces Japan. COVID-19 is the respiratory disease Air Station Iwakuni, and all U.S. military caused by the coronavirus. installations, for 10 years, according to Ma- The family left Iwakuni on Aug. 25 for the rine statements. U.S., according to an email from 1st Lt. Phil- The family of four arrived July 12 at lip Parker, a spokesman for MCAS Iwakuni, family members were infected with the Haneda International Airport in central to Stars and Stripes. Parker said a family Tokyo and the following day boarded a coronavirus.