Section Grosse Pointe ews A

Published as Second Class Matter at the VOL 44-NO 9 .GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 1983 30\ Per Copy Post Office at Detroit, Michigan $13 Per Year 42 Pages - Three Sections for your information Sitrinking classes are on voters' minds

By Joanne Gouleche <-pnt accordll1g to the BUleau of eqll,dJled valudtlOn at property) Labor Stdtl"tlc~ Although thel e hd:>n't been When ddded to d count\ dlloCcltlO11 much organlled public oppo'>ltlOn Appdl ently on the mind'> 01 ot Il 65 111111", the ta\. ie\) equell" School millage tax fyi ~;; ,W mIll'> to Monda\ ',> "chool mIllage ele<- othel t.l xpclyel '> I" '"hether "chool By Tom Greenwood tlOn, there dre ,>ol11e tough que"t admllll'>tl eltll e pel.'>onnel hdl e "idlOol OlllCldb <;dy the milielge election is Monday lOn~ belllg put to '>chool Ofllcwl'> been reduced 0\ el the yeell" ItJ pIOpo"ltlOn'> I epl e'>ent d I edudlOn a'> e\ Idenced by lett(,l~ und phone propol tJOn to the dra~tlc' drop 111 01 f.H mill'> flOm whelt \\d" elp Tempest in a teapot cdll'> to the G Io.'>~e POlllte Nell'> 111 em aliment dnd wII! the ROelld 01 pI 0\ cd bv votel" t hl'ee yeell''' "go "The '>chool w'>tem doe'> not ,>et of EdllcatlOn ha') voluntarIly rol- recent \I eek'> Edu(cltlOn c.on,>ldel a pel" II eeLe TllIng~ ha\ (' mo\ ed 110m d elnd cldd the BOelld of EduceltlOn loc,1I d,>"e~",nwnl'> (at propelty) led back Its mIllage even beyond ,>Immer to d '>ILlle betwe('n ollel to teclchel'> at the bdl g,lInll1g II III 1110,>tIike Iy not le\ y the ent Ire TOP ON THE Cjuery [1<,[ I" why and IS only I e,>pol1,>lble for taxe" the Headlee Amendment, when table thl'> "ummel 1\ hen the Wood.'> OfflCld'" dnd Bill Anton, local '><-hool ta ....e:, ha\ e InCI eet'>ed plopo,ed mIllage I ate' becclu,e 01 that go to the '>chool ,»,>tem school tru!>tees reduced the tax 11\1',",(101' l\f ,"•.',,+rH1'l.. Re'tJ.uY' ....:it en ('du('atol ,,' ('tli rpnf {'ontl,H't '" thp Hil lfnee T~\. '\mc!1dmcnt III ILlcul 'yCcll '> \~lICIl CIJI UiilllCIll 111O">eldxe~ !lei Ie lJeen lut e\ ery leVy by i II mllb ja~l ::,eptember Mack \venue PI1e" 111 c1a.'>sroorm Ie, at etn dll tIme 10\\ \lhlCh ,>tdte,> propeIty td\e" Cdn vedl lor the I",>t 10Ul \(,dl'>" not InCI ed"e mOl e th,w the I dte of SCHOESSEL called the compar- Anton announced la~t week - from 13,337 III 1972 to aboul \\ HEN VOTERS go to the poll" Schoee,'>el '>dld . 7,800 IdSt f,i11 Coupled With that next Monddy, March 7, they \1III IIlflatlon Ison of peak and present enroll- the re~taurant v.a.'> <.Io.'>mg Its A<,.'>e,>,>edv,dudtlon at propert) ment counts a "poor analogy" .'>tatl"tlC, IS the fact that the eo~t be a'>ked to applove a mIllage II\; RESPONSE to the Nell'" III dOOl.'>to the luncheon tl ade be 111 the '>chool dJ"tnct h,I'> mOl e cau.'>e of exce.'>::.lve tlcketll1g of to educate a child In Gro.'>se package oj 25 35 mills for genera! ljullle, '>chool '>poke"lllan Call "When we had peak enrollment, POInte has soared over 300 per- operatIOn of the school ~y.'>tem than doubled m the Pomtes '>mce patron<; by 0\ ellealoll'> meter Schoe'>"el thl.'> \\ eek "ald conti aI \ 1!!72 dnd wllid medn hlghel tax we had portabl.: clas'>es Jammed maid.'> cent (from $1,103 JI1 1971 to $3,333 along l\1th a reque,>1 01 1 30 mIl'" to whdt ,>ome taxpayer'> !l1a~ to the lull, and \\e even rented 111 1981) over the last 10 years, to lun the publiC hbrcll'le" - all bIll" 101 "ol11e re"ldenh according thInk local '>chool t,1....e'> t,d\e to "chool oltlCldl" ~pace from churches," he said Anton IepOl ted that the met when the natIOnal mllatlOn rate lor the next three yedl'> (A' mIll b(;'('11 cut b) the Board of Edu- "What you should be comparing IS er.'> caused an extreme hard has only Increa.'>ed about 131 per- equal<; $1 for e\erY'$l,(lOO of .'>tdte cat IOn '>ll1CCHi79 Schoe~~e1 pOinted out the Board ship to hl<; e~tabllshment be (Continued on Page 4A) cause 01 the 'confu~lI1g' time limits of the machine.'>, plus "the lot behmd the restaurant Swell belles on wheels has had the most tickets of any Prince like area 111 Gro.'>se POll1te Woods hlstor) betv-een the hours of 11 30 a m and 3 pm" Charllling Anton contmued by sayll1g he's talked to the city about the metf.'r<; and complamed that the meter maIds were so "voraCI- hit$ town eus ' that some customers have entered the restaurant seekll1g By Tom Greenwood change for the meters only to So who needs Sheik AlI.Fassl, return to fmcl tickets already on the not-.'>o-pnncely prmce who as- their cars cended to DetrOIt last year bear- lI1g $40,000 111 "Iove me" money? On the other Side of Mack, Wood~ City l\lanager Chester Grosse Pomte was treated to the Petersen deJ1les Anton ever SIght of a real pnnce \\ ho breezed spoke to Clt) hall, and pomted mto town la.'>t Fnda), scattel'lng out that the Woods "IS not In .'>mlles and $100 tlP~ m hI'> \Iake the busJness of provldmg park- Accordll1g to report::., our pnnce mg for one busmess and the lot and hiS fiance called StateWide at Hampton and Mack IS thele Llmotlsme Set'Vlce from the Westm for the use of all busmes.'>es ' Hotel and ordered Up the 'bIg- Furthermore, reported gest, be<;t IJmo" they had avail- Peter'ien, there are two 12 hour able From there, It was on to a lots wlthm two blocks of the re- downtown bank where PI Ince staurant, plus a three hour Charmmg (blond and m hiS mld- mUniCIpal lot and a two hour lot 30s) cashed a check for $70,000 or 111 the back of the re.'>taurant $100,000 (reports I dry)

"It I.'> not the re::.ponslblhty of Word has It the money was leg- I he cIty to provIde Anton's with Itlmatl" acquired from a ChIcago a private parkll1g lot" "aId real estate tranc:;actJOn Peter,>en with fmahty WHILE THE CASH was bemg Anyhow, Anton's nel~ haUl'S readied, our man about town sent are 4 p m to 2 a m Monday hiS chauffeur off With $200 to pur- through Saturday, and 4 p m to chase a "big bnefcase .. In v-ent PnoIo by Tom Gtt«lWOOd 10 p m on Sunday.'> the money and on went the spend- The call of the great outdoor., wa., just too much for these four Rousek, 12, Lara Wise, II and Lisa Jasina, who were captured mg SpI ee Grosse Pointe beautie!l last \\eek. The combination of no snow, high whizzing down Dean Lane in the Farms. The last lhey were seen, If only the patrons were as temperatures and lots and fots of sunshine added up to a winning the) v-ere giggling their way into the sunset on Chalfonte Road. voracIOUS as the meter maIds FIrst It was off to the Falrlane combination for skaters lIeft to right) Laura Jasina, 11, Kin Shoppmg Mall for clothes and $50 Beer nuts tips to "anous cashl ers Then they There'> good news and bad popped out to the POll1te where nev-.'> thiS week For you beer the Ilmousll1e dropped off our lovers, the good news IS you hero's fJance at Leon's on Mack Support for Reagan dwindling - Hertel Avenue for "the works .. can now slam down the suds at By Wilbur Elston the DetrOit Zoo Hertel .'>ald He himself hasn't de- out agamst Reagan's poliCies and the race Willie the soon-to-he Mrs Rep Denms Hertel, the DetrOit CIded \~hether he'll vote for the program<; He thlllks the In- The bad news IS they've stop- Lucky" \\ as havlI1g her hall nail.'> Democrat \\ ho now IS I\ell mto hiS compromise agreed to by a pre- crea"mg mdependence of Demo- In Washington, Hertel says, the ped the sale of peanuts, os- and make-up done, Leon Sehoyan second term as the 14th District SIdential commiSSIOn Pre,>ldenl crats and RepUblicans III both members of the state congress- tenSIbly because too many pat- and the mysterv man made "mall congressman, fmd::. that hIS mall Reagan and House Speaker Tip IOnal delegatIOn, RepublIcan as talk ' - houses II1dlcates they want more rons were throl\ mg them at the thiS year from hl~ district and O'Neill although he does approve actIOn on the Jobs bill, reductIOns well as Democratic, work well to- ammals even from the Pomtes IS express- ,of the proposal to put Congres.'> gether on an mformal basis, es- "We had d drll1k, talked some m defense spendmg c1earmg up II1g less support for Pre'ildent Illto the 'iystem along WIth other the me% In the EnVironmental peCIally when they are con. Does thl.'> medn zoo gael's will football then he told me he 1\ as Reagan than It did a year ago federal employ'cs ProtectIon Agency and other siderlllg MIChIgan rather than be reduced to to'>smg beer bot- Just up from Flonda' <;dld matters on which thev feel the partisan Issues In fact, he esti- tle.'> m'>tead? Sehoyan "After a \1 h ill' he ,>hIHr- Hertel back m hIS dIstrict for a Hertel sees the contIllUll1g fed- mates that fewer than 10 percent state Democratic Party comen eral defICit a.'> the major long- admll1l~tratlOn IS not offenng ed and <;aId he \\ a'> cold much leader<;hlp of the votes cast In Congress re- Heroes and villians tlon, told the Grosse Pomte Ne\I'i tel m problem for the go\ernment 'All he \\ a.'> wealll1g \\a<; a ally are based on partisan politics In OUI 111 ca.'>e \ou-dldn't that Jetter writers thIS \ ear '>eem but emphaSizes that Impro\ement Hertel prl\ rttely IS 'iupportmg shIrt '>0 I lent hlln a ,,\\eater and that many more are based on to be less Interested In politIcal 1Il former Vice PreSIdent Walter know It dcparlii,l'lJl: one of the the economy IS a more Im- mutual mterest In reglonaf and main lead'> In last Friday Then he <;ald he needed a fur coat slogans than In <;peclflC program'> mediate problem If the econom~ MOl1dale for the DemocratiC [ told him \1e had the be 'it furriers state Issues mght " TV mal Ie "The Warr and economIc ISSUe'i, such as nat- 1mpro\ es tha t WIll In Itself can nominatIOn for preSident m 1984, In the 'itate here III Gros'>e POll1te WI'S" Ila.'> played bV David ural gas price 1I1creases and re- tnbute substantIally to the reduct- although he has not yet publicly Currently, he added, the MIChi- <;0 off he I\ent to hu\ a couple Patrick Kelly, brother of our peal of the 10 percent \\lthholdll1g IOn 111 the federal defiCIt he poml declared for the former Mmnesota gan delegatIOn IS makmg renewed SaId he needed some J('welry, too O\ln State Senator John tax on diVidends and mterest eel out '>enator He believes Mondale efforts to obtalll more defense I\ould be<;t .'>erve :\iIchlgan's 111- contracts for MIchigan In view of Kell)', \\ hlle he \1 a'> gone \1e took The proposed re\,I<;lOn<, In SOCial Hertel contends that whdt' terest,> and thll1k<; that most lead- the fact that MIchigan ranks as The other Kellv played (are of hiS fiance She told me <;he Secunty fmancmg now bemg dl"- Democrats are not cntlcllmg Ihe felt Ju<;t like C,ndcrella [ gue,,<; mg Democrat <; In the state no\\ the lowest of the 50 states on the LutiwI a rather repugndnt cU'i<;ed m CongrC'<;s do not <;eem Gap pre"ldent much more than are leamng toward :\Iondale 111 a hasls of the per capIta return to gang leader \1ho as'>a ,,'>mate.'> "0 Thl'> gUy II a'> a real Prlllce to be promptmg much mml Irom the) did a year ago more Repub- Charmmg , <-ontll1uPcI "eho\ an conte,>t that alread\ has seen at the state 111 federal spendmg anothpr gang leader and hiS dl'itrlct one 1\ay or another hc an" m Congre,,><; are .'>peakmg lea::.t three oUlPr candidates enter (Continued on Page 8A) bldme<; the da,>tardly deed on 'I \ e ne\ er <;ecn that mlKh ca<;h the Cone) hl'lI1d ba'"ed \Var III m\ life He II a'> gl\ Illg out tIP'> nor"> gdng nght and left S,lId he 10\ cd to ">ec FOI t ho<;(' II ho sa II the movie the look on people',> fclce'i I\hen he His Lordship sells aU 111anorof things remember the 'icene near the ga\p them the c.l"h Spho\an end \\heJ'(> a gang nwmber 1n a e<;tunate<; he ga\ e out a bltle Je,,<; By Tom Gr('el1\.\Ood car chck<; beer bottle'i together than $,'300 1I1 tip" Th(' LOid of the \[dnor held d and ('erll\ urge" the W,1rrlOr,> 'lEA '",\ JIILE, \ T ,\he(> .1p1\1'1 'to (ome out and pla\ ') Well gdrage "ale la"t Saturda\ Load" er<; Pnnc e Chdrmmg 1\cl" maklllg of cammonPI''' clppparec! to !wru,>c' thl' IIC>lrdo \\Ith Ihe bottle" on lot'i of peopl(' \ en _ \ c'ry Iwpp\ hi" fll1g('1 <; \1.1'> Da\ 1(! Kt'il) the !l1C'rchandl'C' AnlHju(' "IIOld" from fo)hlOpld and ~u)tI,lIld \ ll'd \\ e trot a (all he \1a" COl11lllg Illu(it'nl Jdll\ h(' dho I" Olll' of v.llh Chn"tmd'> tn'(' Ilghl'> and PhOto by Tom G'e«lWOOd our \\el\ <;elld Edmund \he(' It , t!1(' I('ad Chdfeldcr" 111 till' Cllr TUPPC'I'\\illl' for the .J.ltentlOn of . Ynll'd he IUlrpri_~ed the v-a" '3 p m and \\ e \I'pre \ ('I \ -... . rent Illt 48 How'" Illth :\Ick ell,,( r1lllltlelt II1g bll\ ('I'" "o/~' : kind of harqmn,~ gou can o \('n hu,,\ I Ilcllle dnd Eddie \Jurph\ Onc 'h " pick up at a qood qarage .I The Item that drc'\1 till' larg('<;t again h(' pla\" a had gU\ "elf He pili Chd"ef! dldlllond "el ~ah Take this RolIlI III a pellr of tl\(>(,/er,> fOl the cham named Luther And III both .. mount of gel\\ ~('I " (,l1ld Ill<' I(m Roqce, for in~tance, It h(' 1\d" I\('dllllg \('\1 {'dme' d e,,1 dInounl of bId" I \1e1" III" mo\ IP'> 11(' gpl'> «'I'm mellN) by lcall on the hlock at held gU\" hadder Ihan hp I" h('eI\ \ gold nuggd tll dC(,lei fOI hi" Lorchhlp" 111'>0 HolI" Ho\ ( tldnC(' f;/fon f;rAlltmnd'H qaraqe It"> nl((' to kno\1 thai !lot ,ill \c luall\ If!" LOl d<;hlp lIll/e on ROIi/gn Rood /0111 actm,£; 111 Ilw Kplh famll\ I" H(, "did he h,ld .I pldnp 10 hound<; bdl('r Ih,w HI" \1.11101' Saturdaq. Lord of the confll1pd 10 th(' floor of th(' e'dlch dnd hI' Il('pdpd 11 III 10 mill "hlp ) I" (;, 0""(' 1'01111('1 Eltoll "'anor of PenA11l Calltle :\1" hlgeln ';('nellp utI''' I told hl1n II lId' I1npo""lhl(' !<:ck"lldn h('(dIlW LillI! of IIH' \!dnol ~fm nd (nqhlJ wall hU1I1/ Inside fllghl .lue,1 like' thell "on1l' \eal" elgo e1fll'l plll(h;l"lI1g ~howlnq the cnr'lI finer P('nkJll (d"ll(' 111 \\1 "hll (' ~(ol qlialltle~ to potential RU">ln('"" H\ \\ hill' \Idllmg for till' hrdc ('Il'! I,l!1 II T 11<' ! It 1(' (d In (' II It h 11)(' hllqf'r 1.lId S,.homiq, of Cdble Tv Loc al 17A King \!Idcl" cl"~(,(! d \ oung d('('d the Uoodll (lnll/del, In CL''>''lfIPd 4C \IOl11eln hO\1 mu<-h th(' dldmond the frn('Hf "lItrff upper Edllol'lah Hl\ and I'mprdld ring "h( l\eI" Illl\ Illg OF (O{'RSE, mo"t "hopIH'r" lip" tmdllion oj the ari/l- F~alurp 12R coe,t Told It lId" ',1()() )1(' pill 111I'I'p (lIdn 1 f('elll/l' th('\ \\('1'\' c!Pelllng trl1cracq, hoth ml'n dc- 11I"11pr,>10 Edllor 1M S!OO Illil'> In )11'1' po(kl'1 When "he WIth red white and bliw hlood('d c/lned fo ,~ag if a sale Obit ll 14 I.')A might nol undt'l "!,lI1d tlw hpro of 0\ ('I' 111<' Pll( (' of a hd"('mC'nt

".' • '4

Page Two-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 3, 1983 The Lord of the Jlanor has a garage sale (Continued from Page lA) "We had 25 members of the De- want to ma ke a wrong t urn ShIP" _ _ illl WEGIVEIDU MOREllIAN "The only notIce we gave was trOlt Press Club stop by for dmner there" Elton Eckstrand IS an estate - an advertIsement tn the Grosse last year," saId "Lord" Eck- All In all It'S been a pretty tn- planner with lots of plans for his . -proudly- mtroduces- A MERE Pomte News," saId "Lord" Eck- strand. "They really seemed tOI terestmg liie so far for "HIS Lord- estate ~ strand "I'm absolutely amazed at enJoy themselves, plus they gave RE.Pl..ft£EMENf how many persons showed up for me lots of tiPS on how to restore The QC4-THM WATER FILTER WINI:XMl the sale We must have had 300 to the estate" Unsurpassed in recent EPA Test 400 people stop by I even had to Another pleasure granted to Bottle Water post a man to let Reople In and out Eckstrand is the power to appoint Quality at les8 than 2~ per gallon £.~ of the basement baronets So far he's deSignated BUILDING CO. FOR INFORMA TlON CALL AccordIng to reports, nearly "nine good men and true" to the 791-7689 1---- ~"-IJl"£ Iy" everything was sold, With the ex- posItIon 882-3222 ceptlOn of the swords and the Among them are Jim Crowe, re- Remodeling Speualllls Rolls Royce tired outdoor edItor for the DetrOit ClOSED OPEH • bmlly Room' "Quite a few ladles took down News and POinters Lud Schomlg Serving Dinner - Tuesday through Saturday WEDtlESDAY TllUflSDAY • RtUt.iJllon ROOITl~ the phone number because they and Thurber fOR RNAL AND FIlDAY • KI[chtm *Dlnner du Jour (10.00) • LoJ" V,ol.""nI thought theIr husbands might be MARKDOWNS 10 TU9PM other baronets mclude a prom- M, T, S 10-5.30 • l:.n,Ht M,untenJI'Kt' Interested In the car ," said Eck- WIne Cocktails, Champagnes, Wine, Beer W( h4! t' our ou 11 !HtJ!I strand ment DetrOit banker and Gen Winter Prlc.. Robert H Barrow, current Com- "I expect that more than a few mandant of the Manne Corps 343-0610 I SIG' 01-' TI"'~ \IER:\I \11) husbands WIll be contacting me In the next few weeks As for the "HE WAS IN England buy 109 y ~ - Harner Jets for the Mannes, when -I(. ti':J.K ","fn{;.J.-..1dDt swords, they'll go back to Scot- I~I he stopped by to stay at the cas- Kimberly Korner 20311 Mack, Grosse POinte Woods land" Comehomc lO~ty tle " <;~lHl"l.ord" F'('k<;tr~ml "BE'- COUll: ilOlllt 1O~'II. l!:ckstrand bought the car In Windowl Supplied by Ing a general, the commandant Qroesbe<:k Lumber England some time ago The Rolls and a baronet, he naturally show- has been appraised at $24,000 ed up WIth a color guard." -E#ttdJrj 4J%t~60fo 1-11 PENKILL CASTLE plays a Eckstrand knows a lot about the -,{mY11 -;!H!~ -~(;«t - Grosse large part In Eckstrand's life So MarInes, haVIng served as an In- much so, that even though he IS In fantry Captam In the corps durmg Pointe News realIty an estate planner, he re- younger days Actually, he dId -L~na -(~7.J(4t -,If/flU fers to hImself as "the caretaker VINTAGE POINTE (USPS 220-600) a number of Interestmg things 10 to an old bUilding" .' i'l iJl,! ,rrtE,t dim" f

1II111111111111111111111111111111111111111n1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Handseu n Itlssel loaferr jar men With f{emllne ,~ leather role Featurmf{ Sebago 'f Patented Welt CDu\f~QOIS ,<, eonstruetTOn for more jle>.:thrllty, S/lppo~t, com- THE CUSTOM fort and dura/JlIII) A flmple, elegd!1l look TAILORING ,"'fade m ,\lame hy skdled craftsmell AMERICA~1VTRA VELER Black or Wme $59.95 by Gleneagles Mens & Ladies A RemarkaMe Value' ALTERATIONS Tuxedo Rental FREE DRESS SHIRT An extra-lIght weIght weather With SUIT PURCHASE coat for the man on the go 399 Fisher South of Kercheval The silky fabrtc IS both Grosse Pomte washable and ram resIstant OPEN 9 to 6'30 SAT 10 to 630

885-4983 ( '", 111111UJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII r A daHlc model, spltt raglan Black or Wme $59.95 deerJe,fly front and lay-down A Remarkable V"llIe I collar. Natural or hamhoo Handreun heefwll IO"fen for men Clame rt}/mf!, CUSTOM MADE SHIRTS Ulfh fl /!,enllme le{Ither role fealltrlll/!, ~e/)(If!,o's FOR MEN & WOMEN e\/ IIIfll1! Ptlhllted Well Con ft"Ielll)lI for gl ealer 145 TAILORED 60,. ~Of 0 jle\1IJ1!IIY 11Ip!JOrl,(omforl and Jura/nllty bleh ~t'g -- 3 SHIRTS Ivy le-oovt Pit-of p{I1r Ihe prodllct of a careful Afame cra(trman

$90.00 S f'~~ 01 1....0 ~/zel 01 e, B>JlIol'l Cvlh Il'~Qul(1 or'r" With M>nogram "~",.,(h Of two pod::@'f\ 12 ,1dJ $2 (0"'''. 'bf' Culi 'W l~ or w I~o",r flOp, 2 Days Only MARCH8&9 onOl"lOQrom 10 d H.rt .., Ilylof'\ HARPfR WOODS SINCE 1900 KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR 0 GROSSE POINTE PERMANENT STORE VI'-lA Park Crest Motel 139S Oak T,ee lid Pk_y b,t 131 KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR 0 GROSSE POINTE • Open Tbursday Fl enmr.;1 111<) 20000 HARPER Iwl,", N J 08830 Ph 283-3660 Ma\tu( art! Open TIJ/lrrJd) Plenm!!, r Irl 9 882.8970 CALL 884--1100 Mastercard 882-3670 Visa Ask for ItI, lakhll'"' -= Thursday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three-A Hearing 'fuesday , Park mny change zoning law ., A new zoning ordinance for the city councIl before It becomes ROclds between Jefferson and Grosse POInte Park that would law, but the code IS generally m. E~sex and between BallouI' and allow development of multIple. terpreted and enforced at the the cIty limits north of Jefferson family housmg In certain areas at planning commISSIOn level The proposed ordinance reo the CIty wIll be plesented tQ the Charles Leman, of Vl!Jcan. qlllre~ 1,500 square feet of land pubhc for comments at a Tues- Leman ASSOCIates, wrote the new per dwellmg umt for multiple. day, March 15, 7 pm meetIng of ordinance and accompanymg map famlly development~ In additIOn, the planmng commiSSIOn whlCh dIVides the city mto eIght such developments would be reo The 75-page proposed ordmance zones for reSidential. commercial strlcted to parcel.'> of flve.acres or covers everything from allowable and parking uses more and !>Ite plan~ must be ap. Academy lot sizes to canopies In reSidential Multlple.familv housmg IS ai- proved b} the cIty's plannll1g and commercIal sectlOni> It IS the lowed 111 one or" four reSidential eomml~SlOn befol e a buildJl1g has Family first thorough reVISIOn of the CI- zones, R.D, which IS scattered permit could be I~<;ued ty's zonmg law In decades The through several blocks betl~een At em'lIer review ses~lOns WIth fmal versIOn must be clpproved by Westchester and Lakepolnte cIty leaders. Leman has saId he A-Fair believes the sites now occupied by auto dealel shIps on Jefferson and Everyone had a good time State mediators enter public i>chool bUlldll1gs may be at Grosse Pointe Academy's pnme palcels for multiple family Family A-Fair last month, development, If they should be. Children's Home talks come available He ha~ defended including Clyde and Dale. By Mike Andrzejczyk raise, a fIgure he said WIll most the need for "alternatlVe" hOUSing two Clydesdale horses that Umon and management bar. likely come down, add10g the ex. to attract young adults, retalll provided hayrides for all the gamel's at Chlldren'<; Homp of De tenSIOn of the present contract "empty. nesters" and 'lemor Cltz. school's visitors. The second trait are scheduled to meet WIth a was also unacceptable to ulllon len!> who ve outgrown theIr smgle annual affair brought stu- family homes m the commumty federal and state mediator FrI- bargamers dents. parents and faculty day, March 11, umon offICIals Waller reiterated the workers' The old zolllng ordmance now III saId, as wage talks contlllue be. plan to stay on the Job rather that use IS more liberal 10 regards to together for a day of fun in- tween the home and 62 ChIld care stnke. "Most of the people don't multlple.famlly housmg than Ii> volving clowns, mimes. bal- and kitchen staff workers want to do It," he saId. "We don't the proposed code, Leman said loons. puppet shows. games, Ameflcan FederatIOn of State, want to shut thmgs down " "There are large areas of the art displays and foods from city now that allow multiple- County and Mumclpal Employes Caring for the home's reSidents many lands. Even the local 1640 preSident John Waller family hOU'llllg as high as 50 to 60 "IS not lIke makinl$ carbureator peri>ons pel acre," Leman saId at horses thought it was a good saId both Sides agreed to the parts," Waller saId, addmg a an earlIer planmng commiSSIOn idea. maliatlOn after wage talks dead- shut-down by workers would dls. meetmg "If anythlllg, thIS ordl. locked rupt the chIldren's lives The umon Signed a two-year nance tIghtens up on reqUIre- The home, on an ll-acre sIte on ments " contract With the home 1I1 De. Cook Road In the Woods, offers cember, 1981, he saId One clause In two other reSidential zones, care to emotionally dIsturbed R.A and R.B, both deSIgnated for In the contract allowed the reo chIldren aged 6 to 12 as a volun- opemng of wage negotIatIOns In smgle-famlly use, minImUm lot tary, non.profIt, non-sectanan res- sIzes are mcreased to 10,000 and the second year, which the UnIon Idential treatment center. drd last year, he added 7,200 square feet respectively The Workers staged an mformatlOn. R.C zone, which allows one and Plwws by Tom Greenwood Bargammg last month left the al pIcket at the home last month two sides far apart, Waller saId, two.famlly development, requires WhICh they hoped would put pres- lot size of 5,000 feet for smgle and leading to the ChIldren's Home sure on the management bargam- request for mediatIOn which the 3,600 feet per dwellmg umt for ers to come to the table With a double.famlly use union accepted MediatIOn was the working offer, Waller saId The The zonmg map also contallls next step In the negotiating pro- picket, however, had very little ef- three different busmess zones _ cess, he added fect, he noted, addmg It was re- Waller saId the last manage- offIce-servICe, local business and ferred by management to only general business The changes re- ment offer was a $400 raise over once since It occurred. commended 10 thiS area are one year and all elltf'nsion of the Mediation is the next step of the present contract, due to run out in geared to "Improve the business bargaining process, Waller said environment and enhance the I December Waller said the union The findings of the mediatior can was demandmg a 19 percent pay reSIdential qualIty of neighbor- be rejected by eIther side but part hoods," accordmg to Leman The of the medIatIOn WIll Include SUb- ordinance seeks to elimmate light Camp for sneezers stantiation of management claIms industry from neighborhood busi- the home is fmanclally unable to The Allergy and Asthma Infor- ness strips on CharlevOIX The pay higher wage increases than striP of auto dealerships at the matIOn AssociatIOn, in conjunctIOn offered, he added. WIth St John Hospital, WIll pre- Jefferson Avenue entrance to the Children's Home was founded m city IS zoned for offIce-serVICe use, sent a free campmg and asthma- 1936 after a cholera epidemiC ", trcs program on Wednesday, whIch means If any dealership Originally called the Protestant should remain closed for SIX March 9, from 7 to 8:30 p.m , 10 ChIldren's Home of DetrOIt, the the Hospital's education center months or more, the land would home was located on Jefferson lose Its "exI~tmg non-conformmg Dr Thad Joos WIll dISCUSS Avenue and cared for seven or- camping and problems encounter- use" deSignatIOn and be forced to phans with an annual budget of conform WIth the offIce-servlCe ed by asthmatics $200 limItatIons The program 1S open to adults In 1950.the home moved to Its and children seven years of age present SIte. The board ot trus- The only area of the cIty zoned ',~ and older. For mformatlOn con- tees relocated to the site to pro. for parkmg m the new map IS on tact Ron Harvey, at 343-3769 the southeast corner of LakepoInte vide a campus type environment at Jefferson Thinking State Sen John Kelly will host corned beef, cabbage, potatoes of Leasing Sen. Kelly his fourth annual St Patrick's and dessert, plus unlimited bever- Day Party on Thursday, March ages In addition, Irish singers hosts 17 and dancers will entertain Think of The party WIll be held at Staple- throughout the evemng. ton Hall, 10820 WhIttier, between DRUMMY St. Pat's Harper and Kelly Roads, from Tax deductIble donations of $10 5:30 untIl 9 p.m. and WIll feature a per person will help cover the LEASING INC. party complete traditIOnal Irish meal of costs a Mile .1 Gr.tlol' 772-6700 772.2200 Oavl"e.'lo,. v p RaJpn FII%.k Sel •• Mg,


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Page Four-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 3, 1983 School tax election Monday (Continued from Page lAI strator" can do to cut costs added talks with teachers have our present and Idf'al capacity ot "IF ENROLLMENT stayed the not btarted. "We don't know what 9,900." same, It would be a different exactly IS gOIng to happen" story," Schoessel said "But It While enrollment has sagged In 1981 Grosse Pointe teachers doesn't and kid.'>don't leave (the considerably In the POInte's pubhc won a 20 percent pay hike over school .'>ystem) 10 big chunks We schools, It doesn't necessarIly two years Cost to the school sy- mean lower costs for the school operate more efficIentlv when we have lots of kids" . stem of the first yeal' of the con- system, Schoes.'>cl .'>ald tract wa.'>$14 mIllIOn. Because of the Pomte's declm. Supt Dr Kenneth Brummel Will A natIOnal study showed oper- Ing enrollment problem, the atIng expenses to manage a school answer que"tlOns about the March .'>Chaoldistrict has made several 7 millage electIOn on Grosse system rose 187 percent over a 10 cuts In personnel ovel the la.'>t year penod, tWice the mcrea.'>e of POinte Cable's Channel 19 Friday, three years, Schoe.,.'>el .'>ald In- March 4, at 7 30 P m other consumer goods and ser- cludmg three centrdl office' ad Vices, Schoessel .'>ald Because mml.'>trators and their "ecretarles, On electIOn day, polls Will open students leave the system grad- 1 5 as.'>I.'>tant prinCIpal pO.'>ltlOn., at 7 a m ReSidents can vote up ually, It otten hmlts what admml- and 50 5 tedchlng pO'>ltlOns He until !l pm Nada')s condition improved Nada RadUlOVich, the South According to pollce, the Ford .'>aId High School musIC student ser. pick-up truck Ms RadulOVich wa.'> Ms Radulo'/Ich, a cellIst, was lOusly Injured In an automobtle ndtng In, hit the median on Mack 1982 wmner of the Thomas Nester aCCident last month, IS Imlwovlng near Neff Road and tIpped up:>lde Memol'lal Scholarship, named to at Bon Sf'('ollr<; HO<'Olt(-l1 'I nown ~ftpr tr'l"plmg 117 r~et !~anor the founder o~ the Crosse spokesman said thiS week 'She Pollce charged the driver a 21 Pomte Symphony Orchestra She was taken off the critical list and year old Gros.'>(' Pomte Park man, \~as scheduled to play with the deSCribed In fair conditIOn after With careless drlvtng They .,ald "ymphony thl& Sunday brain surgery the man told them he had turned The South semor IS an alumna Nada, 17, of Grosse Pomte Clly, hiS head for dn IObtant when hiS of the Interlochen Summer Pro- /~I suffered severe head InJulles, a truck struck the mc>(han Officers gram and played With the Con- punctured lung and broken ribs In found an empty beer can at the gress of Strings m Cmcinnati last the aCCident whICh occured while scene, whICh the man admItted year Ms RadulOVich IS studying she was dnvlng down Mack Ave- drlnkmg, reports .'>aJd The man on scholarship at the DetrOit nue With a friend on Feb 19 appeared to be coherent, po!Jce Commumty MUSICSchool I More teen dances at War Memorial 1 ..Jf!IfI'''h Grosse POinte students In Thursday, March 31, and l<~rIday, contmue, accordmg to the center Alice andfriends visit War Menwrial seventh, eIghth and mnth grades May 20, featurmg "J R Enter- If you can volunteer, send your are inVited to dance to "The Dave tamment " Admls.'>ion for these name, address and phone number The Children's Theater of the War Memorial will present "Alice in Wonderland" at 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. Adams Band," Friday, March 11, two dances IS $2 to the attentIOn of Jack Dotson, on Saturday, March 5 and 12. Cast members include (front row, left to right) Michael Happner. Tracie Dold from 7 30 to 10 30 pm, at the An I D IS reqUired at all youth director, War Memorial, 32 as Alice and Diane Shock (back row) Michael Schoenith. Laura Vick, John Hammond. David Bryant, Marla War MemorIal AdmISSIOn IS $2 50 dances More parents are needed Lakeshore Road, Grosse Pointe Kurtz, Cathy Obeid and Doug Sutherland. Tickets are $2.50 for students and $3.75 for adults and may be Other dances are slated for as chaperones If the dances are to Farms, MlCh, 48236 purchased at the War Memorial office.

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All those TV GUIDEchannels.All those shows.All those HELPS choicesTo help you watch the best that's ~OU on,Qick up the 15301 E. Warren best. ·.TV Guide. Detroit On sale now. 885-3200 DECI Thursday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Flve-A Mogk sets his sights on the Chinese connection By Michael Raveane cultural tIes between MlChlgan nor Blanchard to remforce MillI- crease SIchuan's power output, a slbes and sending SCientists and A Grosse Pomte Park attorney and SIchuan It was the result of ken's commlttment to expand the subcommIttee has been formed to intellectuals mto the countryside, who recently went to Chma as two years of negotIatIOns state's trade WIth Chma present Ideas to Governor Lu m Mogk saId part of a trade delegatIOn says Mogk said that the committee A,<,a follow up to last year's trIp, the letter no.... being drafted "The Cultural Revolution essen- there may be a bnght future for Identlfled Sichuan as the provmce Mogk saId a letter IS bemg drafted Mogk saId the MichIgan Pubhc tially closed the doors of Chma to MIChIgan firms hoping to do bus- of most Interest to MIchigan's to Governor Lu of SIchuan out- ServIce CommISSIOn, the Michigan the rest of the world and dIsrupted mess With China high technology industrIes be- IInmg areas III whIch MIChIgan Department of Commerce and the the d evelopme nt of Intellectual The attol'ney, John Mogk, 44, cause It must Improve its elect- compame,<, can help hiS provmce's state's two electrical utility com- capacity in the umversltIes and was named to the MIChigan and rical power capabrlltles and mdustry rebuIld Similar trade panIes are represented on the the IOdustrlal sector A whole Chma commIttee by former gov- machme-tool mdustry 10 order to delegatlOn,<, from West Germany, subcommittee generation of mmds was lost" ernor Milliken becau~e of hl,<,ex- expand Its overall mdustrlal base Japan and Sweden are competlOg Mogk said that DetrOit Edison BECAUSE OF thiS, the current pertise on a wIde range of pro- "We can offer qUIte a bIt to WIth MIchIgan, Mogk said, but he and Con,<,umers Power have pro- leadershIp under Deng Xlaopmg, blems facmg the stdte Since 1969, them, I thmk, because we are the IS confident that MIChigan com- VIded '>Imtlar consultmg serVIces has begun a poltcy of cooperatIOn he has worked a,<,a c.on,<,ultantfor center of the world's machme-tool pame,<, will get the Job because of to other countrIe,<, that nobody WIth Western countries 10 an at- the governol dnd a variety of Industry, whIch IS very Important the stdte',<, level of advancement know,<,..Jbout tempt to broaden ItS sClentlflc and state offlce,<" Iflcludlng the state to early mdustnal development," III It,<,machme-tool IOdustry and "They are hIghly advdllced industrIal development Mogk ~ald Department of Managrment and Mogk saId ItS energy produc. tlOn and dl~trIb- energy compames," Mogk Said the central government m Pekmg Budget and the Housing De- Mogk's mam task IS to list the utlOn technology The opportuOlty IS there, he ad- has adopted a policy of de- velopment Authollty He IS also d orgamzatlOn,<, that be,<,t meet ChI- "DespIte advances made around ded For them to ~ell con~ultmg centralIzatIOn that WIll gIve more former Wall Street dttorney and IS nese needs and to coord mate the the world, there are a number of "ervlce,<, to SIchuan 111 the dreas of decISIOn makmg authOrIty to the preSIdent of the MIchigan Energy actIVitIeS of these compames once technological areas where thl~ planmng and development for provInces, though all polICies will and Resource Hesearch A,<,soc- the needs are IdentIfied Bur- John l\1ogk country - not only by vIrtue of It,<, power generatIOn and the pro- stIli have to get the approval of relatIons between Peking and iatlOn (MERHA), d ,<,tate govern- roughs Corp and the Ex-Cell-O early leadershIp through World vldmg of eqUIpment the authOrIties 10 Pekmg ment. umversltle<, and mdu<;trv CorD have alreadv been success- Washmgton W:u' II, but b:, Its .:ld\,:UICCS m:::dc To dlustr~te Chln.:1'S l~ck of l\.logk l>alJ thIS "SIgnal to the .. 1he drrangements are not ,<,0 partnershIp created to fmd solu- ful in seIlIng machmery and tech smce - stIll represents leader,<,hlp electrIcal power generatIOn, Mogk West" has prompted trade dele- tIOns for the resource and tech- nology to ChIOa as a result of a structured as to them con- I 10 the world," Mogk SaId compared Michigan's output to gatIOns from dIfferent countrIes to nology problems iaCing the state 1979 trade miSSIOn cern In terms 01 d 10% of capital Because of polItICal upheavals, that of Sichuan Provmce MlChl- ViSit various Chinese provmces since the companIes would not He 1,<,currently a laW professor at THE FULL commIttee met ear- Mogk saId that SIchuan's gan, whIch has one-tenth the popu- now given more latItude In plan- bUIld and operate the faCIlities 10 Wayne State Ul1Iverslty He ran lIer thIS month to develop a list of machme-tool mdustry IS about 30 latIOn of SIchuan's 100 million, nmg and development ChIna, II Mogk said "The Chinese against DetrOIt Mayor Coleman machlOe-tool compames that years behmd the Umted States produce,<, 16 thousand megawatts Young tWICe as an Independent "The thmklOg IS that we In are more Interested 10 bUylOg mIght be aVailable to market theIr "The same processes we used 30 of power at maxImum output By MichIgan and our mdustrial sector THE TRADE delegatIOn, products In China The group IS Ideas and products from the We"t years ago are being employed by contrast, Sichuan produces 2,000 could benefit by cutting through rather than haVing Amencan headed by Helen MJllIken, Signed also Identuymg technologIes that the Chmese today," he saId megawatts "Thmk of the dufer- the red tape and worklOg WIth a an agreement With Governor Lu MIchigan firms might sell to the firms bUIld and run the faCIlitIes," As part of a drIve to expand ence," he said province where there IS a dIrect he explamed Dadong of the central Chinese prOVInce In addItIon, the group overall mdustrIal capabIlities, Mogk saId that Chma IS seekmg need for goods and servICes," province ot Sichuan The agree- hopes to InVite a trade delegation Mogk saId the central government MOGK SAID THE ChInese can this type of assIstance from ab- Mogk saId. Sichuan was chosen be trusted to pay for these goods ment, signed last Nov 4, Will ex- from SIchuan to vlsll MIchigan. In Peking plans to double or trIple road because ItS overall because of its existmg mdustrial and servIces because they already pand economic, SCientifIc and The commIttee has asked Gover- ItS electflcal power output by the technological development was set base. year 2000 ThIS expansIOn of back about a decade by the Cul- Mogk saId there IS lIttle concern have a good track record power output, Mogk said, is need- tural RevolutIOn of the 1960s and "They're considered to be very or apprehension among the com- honest If they say they WIll pay a ed because" .you can't expand '70s The Cultural RevolutIon, a panies interested In trading With industry without expandmg power political upheaval that was en. China that its Communist leader- debt, It Will be paId" SPRING TIME generatIOn" About 40 percent of glOeered by the late Chinese lead- ship might try to take advantage In addItIOn, Mogk saId that Chma's electncal power IS con. er Mao Zedong, disrupted mdust- of them or renage on a deal In the there have already been some sumed by mdustry, he said nal progress and IOtelIectual event of another politIcal up- cases when some preVIOusly SA\t~NGS AS PART CF an effort to 10- growth by shuttmg down umver- heaval or worsenmg dIplomatIC (Continued on Page 16A) PRICES ARE REDUCED NOW brqont AIR • CONDITIONERSI VILLAGE.MARKET fine UP TO 10.2 SEER RATING wines 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE 18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms - present- • 5 YEAR WARRANTY liquor ON COMPRESSOR INCLUDING LABOR BY FLAME "THIS WEEK'S BELL RINGERS" • • Installed on poured concrete slab Prices Effective March 3rd, 4th and 5th • 35 Vehicles 10 serve you CLOSED SUN. & CLOSED WED. at J P.M . • Heating, Air Condltlonmg Electrical Contraclors • Over 55 000 Satisfied Customers USDA CHOICE • 24 Hour Phone Service

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Page Six-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March ~, 1983,.

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'1 Thufsday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven- A Kids and the Segar to perform religous cults Operatic afternoon with symphony Do you know how to recogmze a Mezzo-soprano Kathleen Segar, "As she has demon'>trated many cult? Do you ever wonder how to a 1982 Wlllner of the Metropolitan tIme'> before, her '>trong clear prepare your child to avoId cults? :;:$/ Opera AuditIOns, Will be the fea- vOIce I'> a dehght " Do you need to know how to break x Jf... ~ For three consecutive ~ea~on~ t ~< t tured guest soloist at the Gro,>~e someone away from a cult? GIven /j/I ' POinte Symphony'~ Sunday, MI~s Segar played major I ole~ the right set of circumstances March 6, concert, at 3 30 P m 10 WIth the Northern Indiana Opera everyone IS vulnerable, especially '\ : { Parcells AuditOrium, Mack at A~!>octatJOn and ha!> appeared our young people Vermer III Groi>se POlllte Wood.'. numerous tIme!> With the MH:hl- Gail Kaess and Kay Healy, ~~'<- l She Will perform aria!> from gan Opera Theatre mcludlllg pro- members of the War Memorial t r operas by Purcell, Mozart, Don ductlons of "Carmen," "Anou'ih," Council of Spon~ors, have 01'- ~t ~ e:- lIettl and Massenet "The Haunted Castle" and Mar- gamzed a publIc service forum to "Kathleen Segal' would !>eem to riage of Figaro" dt the MU'ilc address these questions, Sunday, be an opera singer who IS de~tlned Hall, "Madame Buttedy" on tour, March 6, at 2 p m at the War ~ ',; <., to make the bIg time," i>ald John as well a'> 'Allce 10 Wonderland" Memorial GUIOn, mU~lc CritiC of the DetrOit at Kennedy Centel, Wa~hmgton. !\ group of pane!l~t~ will prOVIde '\../_ /""', i Free Pre~s, when the mezzo wa!> D C She has abo '>ung \',Ith the mSlght mto the varlou~ perspec Organizing a panel discussion on religious cults to be presented next chosen one of 11 first pnze win Dayton Opera and the Wa"hmgton tlves of cult hfe Dr Thomas Sunday at the War Memorial are (from left to rightl Gail Kaes~, Re- ners III lai>t year's opera competi- Opera Keiser, Ph D, p~ychologlSt, Dr venend Kenneth Lentz and Chris Clay. tIOn In additIOn to $5,000 for TJcket~ for the March 6 wnLert Kenneth R Lentz, pa!>tor of St further study, all Wlllners were can be ordered by call1J1g 8864084 Paul Evangehcal Lutheran Sign lip, shape up for summer lllvited to perform on the Met In advance or purchased at the Church, a former cult member, New sprmg cla!>ses, deSigned to concentratIOn The class fee IS $35 ,>tage III New York In a concert door for $5, adult!>, ~2 ~tudent~ and a parent of an ex cult mem- enhance grace and phySICal fIt- for 10 ses!>JOns which was broadca'it natLOn-wHJe Felix Re!>l1Ick wII! conduet the K:lthlet>n Seg:If ber Il~::'::' dill! jJl ~jJdl e PdlllLlPdlll:> lUI T de K \\ dll Du Kdl die, d fOllll UI At that tUlle, fvllvwwI') llel pel GI v""",,e ['vlllie 5) JII!J!JVh.l :: The film, "Ticket to Heaven," an actlve summer, w1I1be offered self-defense, Will be offered on sonal conference With the panel of WIll also be presented at the War Memonal Fndays, 7 30 to 9 30 P m beglll- notable Judges, MISS Segar re- AdmIssIOn IS $1 Call 881-7511for ported, "they saId that ba!>lcally I "ning March 18 The eight week National ham hook-up today more mform at IOn Aeloblcs for Over 50 will program costs $28 my tnstrument was one of the best meet on Mondays and Wednes- For grace as well as for 111- mezzos they had heard" Members of the South Eastern FM transmISSions from mdlvldual Greek dance night days, 9.30 to 10 30 a m or 10 30 to creased conf;dence and body 1m- The slllger, who holds a Mas- Michigan Amateur RadIO AS!>OCla- Itcensed amateurs on theIr two- 11 30 am. beglllnmg March 14 age, the new term of ballet for ter's degree In vOice from the tlOn club WIll hook IIp their VHF way equipment from perhaps 20 to For those who have yearned to Allce Belfle, mstructor, modIfies adults will beglll the week of Umverslty of MIchigan, made her "repeater" today. March 3, at 30 mIles away and then retrans- learn Greek danCing, the War or steps-up her program to SUit March 14 The Instructor, Mary debut With the DetrOIt Symphony 8 30 P m to the natIOnal telecon mits the same vOice Signals Memorial Will offer a special indiViduals' needs The fee IS $48 Ellen Cooper, teaches the Chec- in a 1979 fully-staged productIOn of ference facillties <;ponsored by the through ItS high antenna to other Greek nIght, Thursday, March 10, for 12 bi-weekly classes For those chett! method of ballet Class fee Stra uss' "Elektra," under the Honeywell RadIO Club 10 I\1mnea- short wave equipment perhaps 20 8 P m, Cost IS $5 per person, or $3 wlshmg a thIrd class each week, IS $36 baton of Maestro Antal Doratl pohs, Mmn to 30 miles away for students III Instructors Ted and there WIll be Friday sessIOns for Mls~ Cooper also teaches ballet and, subsequently, With the same Some 60 repeaters coast-to-coa~t LIlhan Forrests' dance classes. an additional $24. to youngsters Students are as- orchestra, sang solos of composI- WIll carry the hour-long program The SEMARA club's repeater IS Regular ballroom danCIng Ms Belfle wlll also offer Hatha SIgned to class according to age tIOns by Bach and Beethoven Several thousand amateurs and located atop St John HospItal and classes WIll begin March 21, with Yoga on Fndays, 9 30 to 10 30 and ablhty The spring term for She has also appeared WIth the i>hort-wave hsteners wIll be tuned other repeaters Will pick up the separate sessions for begmners a m startlllg March 18 Hatha young people starts the week of symphomes of Toledo, Jackson, In to the broadcast, the orgamza program from the transmiSSions and continUIng students The yoga IS a form of exercise that March 21 Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Grand Rap- hon Said and cover the tn-county area, the classes will be III the evemng and teaches total relaxatIOn and lll- For more lllformatlOn call 881- Ids and Fort Wayne, where her A repeater IS a remote-con- group saId are $30 for $10 lessons creased f1exlblhty, circulatIOn and 7511 performance rated thIS accolade trolled radIO statIOn that receIves Village Locksmith Inc. (r"rrlH,,.h "lIurI" the J lif(l~(' l()('k~nllth) EST. 1912 • Complete Lock Service • Complete Auto Lock Service • Home/Busines!) Safes ARE YOU LOSING MONEY • \\ e ';t-II and In!)tall Floor Safe .. • Metal & Wood Door" Installed 1855 .. Mack BY INVESTING IT (,. P ... arlll~ 881-8603 For insurance call

THE WRONG WAY? f;; ;~t STATE FARM A l ~ ~{!~ Fred Zelewski :1 18538 Mack Avenue at Touraine Crosse Pointe Farms 48236 882-9308


SAVE UP TO 50°10 on AIR CONDITIONING COSTS WITH DETROIT EDISON INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE Flame Furnace is an authorized installer SPECIAL thru S15C)!O Reg April 15th • $~~'g~o * So"", msla/lallons may b~ tllghf!' a few of the Investment plans we offer CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Just because you're earning mterest on that make your money work harder your money, doesn't mean you're earnmg the most Illterest you can WE CAN TELL YOU F L Because now there are a lot of WHAT'S RIGHT FOR A M E Investment options that can make YOU ... RIGHT NOW. A your money work harder Of At Manufacturers we can take FluIR/NI c E course, With so many to choose the confUSion out of choosmg 574-1070 34 YEARS OF from, It'S tough to know which the nght Investment plan by 527-1700 28707 VAN DYKE DOING IT RIGHT! 14847 GRATIOT one IS best for you giVing you lust what you wont South of 12 Mile Servmg G.P Near 8 Mile Straight talk and Simple WHAT DO YOU WANT WARREN Smce 1949 DETROIT FROM YOUR MONEY? answers We'll explain every thing you need to know so It Everyone has different all makes sense And can needs and wonts If you Over A Century of Service even help tador an mvest- would like to earn high ment plan to meet your to the Eastside Communiti{'s Interest and stdl have access needs and wants So when "L"';t. «" to your funds for example, -~ , : ~ you come to Manufacturers there s MANUFUND Our , ~. ~:~ \(.~'" you'll be saving money not Insured money market ~ ;-r.., / ....~- ....0 lOSing It And you'll have .,." .' { tAl account And NOW INTEREST .... '" It Invested the right way CHECKING a high Interest : ~"it 4 account With checkbook con- THAT'S MY BANK. venience Stdl you might have some money you can afford to put away for a while and not MANUFACTURERS RANK touch So you might want our 6 month or 30 month MONEY Crop.~heck Chapel of MARKET ACCOUNT Both guar- MOf'lutocturerllj NotIonal Bonk of DetrOIt Manufa,tue" Bank of Boy City antee a high fixed rate of Manutacturer .. Bonk of Cooperwdle Jhe \\'m.R,flamilton C'o. mterest for the term of your 80nk of lorlljlnq Monufocluer .. Bank of ll\(Qn n l't'''IFRAI DIRH T()R~ MonufacturN\ Bonk of NOVI Monuiocturers Bonk 01 $1"111"'1' mvestment But these are lust j 1 J / .. Manufacturer< Bonk of The Shore, Monu/a,Iurer< Bank of Soulhl eld N 1\ 226 ( RO( KFR BLVD Mounr ( lemen\ ~!lfl(;\ 4()~.OS77 \\ III II 11.11111111111 II I 'Ill l-I'JH J n,l' "I \1 11lIl1l1l1on lohn" Itr",I.'Il,111 ll"n"ld n 1I",I.I11"nn 11",,1 Il \l""I,'~I" \ ... " 11111 Il,r,', lor_

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"If' '1 II \~/l t I \~ "11 J ,"'I •• ., ••

Page Elght.A ... G R.O SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, March 3, 1983 Michigan National announces 11.3/4 percent home financing This Week in Business Sears appoints Hospital CEO MIChigan Nattonal Bank-Grosse 101' vice-president In charge of steps down Pointes last week announced It is mortgage lendmg, said the loan store manager offering mortgage loans for terms offer reflects the "mflatlOn risk, New manager Children's of from five to seven years With as well as the credit risk" to the of the Grosse HOspItal presI- mterest rates as low as ll~ per- bank Pomte Farms dent and chief cent, amortized over 30 years "The greater the mfiatlOn risk Sears surplus executIve off- "We believe conditIOns are rIght the customer IS wIlling to assume, store IS James "-":-_ Icer, Dr. Robert to put carpenters, bricklayers, the lower the current mterest cost W. Chaffer, '"' H. Gregg, has electriCians, plumbers and other Will be," he saId former asslst- oIIIA' ...... announced hiS bUIldIng tradesmen back to NIChols said he thmks there IS a ant manager of _ ,-... retirement r work," said bank PreSident Ger- pent-up demand for low cost, fixed the Pomte store SInce 1980 Chaf- from the hospital Dr Gregg, who ald J Hulber "Falling mterest rate mortgages to refmance fer JOined the Sears management JOIned the hospital staff In 1949 as rates, depoSit growth and a deSire mortgages and land contraeLs en- tralnmg program In 1970 and has an assIstant resident In pediatrics, to put local depoSit dollars back to tered mto durmg the "creatIve fl- held several pOSitIOns With the will continue as the hospital's work In the Grosse POlOte area nancmg" period of the last three company executive dll ector for special pro- have prompted the return to years, (when mortgage Interest Jects The Grosse POinte Park reSidentIal mortgage lendmg " rates were as high as 17 percent) Creative Risk resident was appointed director of Denms NiChols, the bank's sen- "However," he cautIOned, "10 names Platt ambulatory servIces In 1958 and mortgaglOg a home today, both was later named director of the Grosse POinte Pulmonary ServIces DIVISIOnuntil the borrower and the bank must City reSident Hertel take IOto consideratIOn a funda- tle was appOInted preSident In (Continued from Page lA) W. T. Platt Jr. 1972 mental dIfference m the economIC IS new seOlor cltmate The home buyer must be VIce-preSIdent ~ ~ .. Announcing ... He pOinted out that defense pr('r~rPl"l to commit a re!3tl\'cly spendmg accounts lor '1.7percent at CI ecoH constant portion of his or her 10- Risk Management CorporatIOn 10 has been named an account of the budget and that Michigan come to a mortgage payment Mt Clemens Platt Joins the firm executIVe at Blair TelevIsIOn In currently gets back only 67 cents Buyers should purchase only as from the Frank B Hall & Co. ChICago Grosse POInte Park on each tax dollar It sends to much house as they can afford" where he was vICe-presIdent for reSident Dennis H. Plansker has Washmgton Too many of the The new mortgages Will be paId formulas for federal distributions marketIng Platt Will be respon- been named chairman of a panel In full or renegotiated after theIr Sible for managIng the placement WhICh wIll select award-winnmg to the states work agamst MIChI- term expIres to reflect the infla- gan's mterests, he saId of Insurance programs for the commerCials In the 23rd annual tIOn rate between now and that self-Insurance services company InternatIOnal Broadcastmg Hertel and other MichIgan con- time, Nichols said Awards competitIOn Plansker IS gressmen, and espeCially Rep MIchigan National Bank-Grosse Comerica promotes senior vice-president! associate Robert DaVIS, the MIchigan Pomtes is headquartered at 21110 vice-president creative director at Campbell- Mack Avenue In the Woods. It has RepublIcan who serves on the Grosse POlOte Ewald Company Chairman and House Armed Services Committee total assets of $24 mIllion and IS a Park resident chief executive officer of the J L With Hertel, belteve they have a wholly-owned subSidIary of MiChi- Hudson Company P. Gerald Mills, gan National Corp, which IS com- Dodie C. David good chance of gettmg a larger has been pro- has been named to serve on the share of federal contracts for thiS prised of 26 banks With con- board of trustees at Henry Ford solIdated assets more than $6.5 moted to VICe- state by keepmg the pressure on preSident of Hospital Mdls, of Grosse Pointe federal procurement agencies milhon, accord 109 to the com- Farms, holds directorships on pany consumer per- Hertel's dIstrICt, under the re- sonnel at Comenca, Inc Ms. several boards, mcludlng Com- erica, Inc , ASSOCIated Merchan- apportIOnment following the 1980 DaVid, who Joined Comerica In dlsmg Corp., the Umted Founda- census, now comprises a pop- 1978 as a personnel offIcer, was Cottage receives tIOn and DetrOit Renaissance ulatIOn of 516,000 people, as con. appOinted an assistant Vice-presI- project approval dent 10 1979. Dr. Tymon C. Totte, D.D.S., has trasted WIth hiS old district's been elected to the board of dIr- count of 435,000 which had shrunk ectors of the L D Pankey Dental to perhaps 370,000 by the end of Cottage Hospital of Grosse WXVZ Newstalk Pointe recently received ap- names Ryan FoundatIOn, Inc, an affIlIate of the 1970 decade While he was the Umverslty of MIamI MedICal home, Hertel kept busy visitmg proval from the MIChIgan De- WXYZ Newstalk Radio has ap- School. Dr. Totte, of Grosse partment of Pubhc Health to the new reaches of hiS district as pointed Pointer Mary Beth Ryan Pomte Woods, IS a viSiting guest well as the areas like Grosse be~in a $331,000project to repla.ce its retail sales manager Ms radlOgraphIc!fluoroscoplC eqUIp- lecturer and clinical Instructor at Pomte which he continues to Ryan was an account executive the Institute serve ment In Its radIOlogy department. WIth WCXI AM/FM In DetrOIt - Joanne Gouleche FURNACES & BOILERS R.plcrcltd IT'S HIGH INTEREST•••

I 600 L V[~NOIS 863 780U IT'S UNLIMITED CHECKING••• 1~30. rEROifVAl 8n 90/0 ~ Ino MAPl,E RD 6.4) 4BiO I ).)Ihl f 1'1 \ ~ .. \ ~ ;...... \.~~I\.\ 1 ""ite(1 t....~~/"~wu ....f... ~~ " 10.,,0.- "'l. ~: IT'S FIRST FEDERAL'S SUPER NOW ACCOUNT! 125% Current Annual Rate First Federal offers a super way to earn high interest and wnte as many checks asyou want. A First Federal Super NOWAccount SUPER INTEREST. Maintain the minimum opening balance of $2,500, and you'll earn the current rate of interest computed daily,paid and compounded monthly 725%, effective Monday, February 28,1983, through Sunday, March 6, 1983 Ratesare changed each Monday. SUPER CHECKING. A First Federal Super NOWalso gives you the convenience of unlimited checking. You have instant accessto your money, even as it earns Inte rest I And when you open your account, your first 50 checks are free SUPER PROTECTION. DepoSits at First Federal are insured up to $1OO,OCOby the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. Overdraft protectIon ISavailableto Qualified customers Should your balance drop below $2,500, your account WIll earn 5%% annual Interest There are no monthly service charges when your balance remains over $300 Looking for high Interest and unlimited checking? Stop In and ask about the Super NOWAccount at your nearest First Federal office l March It's super 24 imFI~!r.!~~~~,QE!~~~,~gaN GROSSE POINTE 6B NOTRE DAME near Kercheval 882-7697 ST. CLAIR SHORES 21800 GREATER MACK near St.Joan 777-9450 HARPER WOODS 19601 VERNIER at Beaconsfield across from Ea~t1and 881-9300

'", , , GR.OSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nlne-A Woods manager pay is increased By Mike Andrzejczyk plOved a lecommended lllcrea<,e pOlllted out hiS 5 percent ral'>e was Woods City Admmlbtrator Clerk JJl City Alto! ney Gem ge CatIlll'!> not retroactive, taklllg effect at Che'iter Peter'ien wll! get hi" flr'it fee II om $50 to $55 an hour City the beginning of the cIty's next fiscal year raIse In three yedr~ next July The Comptroll{,l A""e<,<,or Fredenck Woods counCIl voted Monday, I1olnf1~hel' Wll! receive a 4 per Salaries for other' city managers Feh 28, to Increase Petersen'" cent raJ"e III Jul, 110m $:H,500 to are, according to Park Mayor salary from $49,000 to $50,000 and $36,000 Dougla'i Graham, 54,900 III the pay 111ma $1,500 bonu., effeellve The Wood" becdme the "econd Fal m~ and $50,800 In the CIty July 1 uty III .1" /lIdn} lIIonth" to otlel It., Currently, the 53,400 ~alary paid The salary lIlCred"e Ie top appOlllted OfflCldl" d pay rdl<,e 111 the Shore!> I!>~pllt between the cornmenddtlon Cdrne from the Ld"t JdnlWIY, the P,lIk City coun VIllage Supel'lntendent and Town- Wood" Cornpen"atlOn B"aludtlOn cll voted to gl\ e It~ uty mandger !>hlp Clerk CommIttee whIch met for the Id"t dnd comptlollel d<,,,e,,"or 9 per The counCIl also voted to con- two month<, Challlllg lor [lIe cent pdY IIlCled<,e" The Pdrk cIty tinue the ~ame fnnge benefIt pac- committee wa<, CouncJ!mdn mdnagel le<.el\cd $46,000 up 110m kage fOI the apPolllted OffICials, Robert Novltke, WIth membel <, S42,OOO, willie the comptlollel folJowlIlg the IecommenddtlOn by Councilman John Sabol and d<,,,e~,,or leCl'IH'd $-11 OOlJlip flom the Compen~dtlon E\ clluatlon MayOl Geol ge Freeman $,l9,900 COmll1lttee which <',lId It reVIewed In addition the counul dp \\ hlle till' 1',11 k pa \ 1.11 "e<, ell e the package dnd h ad no ~lIgge,>ted 1('11 O,ltlJ \ e to Juh 1982 l'eler"en mc!lhlon" f"arlllS ('op~ stop Moran Jnoeak-in .,4' .J':.~ " 355 FISHER RD. We delIver ~ '~.-. 882 5100 Optnllo5l0dody Wed A phone call from all alert l, ~~ ) ~ - .,' "O:C'~ (IO~:-~ ~_ .. ~~'1 neIghbor Wd~ In~tl umental In '1 helpmg Farms police cdpture a DetrOIt man su~pected of breaklllg and entenng a Moran Hoad horne - PARMS tJdARl@T Sunday mormng, Feb 20 According to police report<;, the fRESH fRYING WHOLE BEEf Then. ftl Sal Only -Ii nelghbol' became ~U~PIClOU'iaft('r ';Jr seeing an older model Ca! \\ Ith a IENTEN SPECIAL tf. Three cheers for 'Vanities' CHICKEN TENDER- ::- loud muffler crul<,e 'ilowly down WHITEFISH "Vamtles," written by Jack Heifner, IS the fourth offermg of the season by Denms WICklme ProductIOns, Moran at 3 45 a In BREAST LOIN . <, Inc., at the Golden LIOn Restaurant The show opens Fnday, March 4, and WIll run for 12 performances only After pullmg mto a driveway, No Ba,k AI/ached SOLO WHOLE ONL Y FILETS on Friday and Saturday evemngs through Saturday, April 9 Patrons will be treated to a prime rib or fish the CitIzen phoned police and re- dinner wIth cocktails at 7 pm, dmner at 7 30 and the show at approximately 8 45 P m The comedy follows ported seemg a lone male leave $1.39 LB $3.79 LB $2.59 LB three Texas gIrls from theIr hIgh school cheerleadmg days through theIr evolutIOn mto three dlstmct the car and run behind a nedlby personalitIes The cast mcludes (left to right) COLLEEN McNULTY, MARTHA TERRY and L "ADEN" garage SOMETHING NEW' $1 89 RUSSELL. TIcket pnces (includmg dmner, tax and tip) are $1950 per person, wIth gIft and group rate Respondmg officers Cpl Otto HOMEMADE STUFFED CABBAGE...... • LB tickets avaIlable Call 880-2420 for more mformatlOn. Glanert, Cpl Gordon Evans and JUMBOIUIN> French 98 PH Robert Ireland found the car, Brie S3 ,b BREMNER a 1971 Pmto, and blocked It before CRAB MEAT Blu 49 Silent auction IllvestJgatmg further Bavarian S4 1b WAFERS The offIcers ~ald the suspect 12\1,01 CANS SEAFARE $2'9 -4-- Havortj 'b I promises fun had made entry mto a home via a I mIlk chute Unable to raise any- New York $1.98 I ~1~ $3.95 Cheddar S2'81b The Grosse POint InterfaIth one III the house, Cpl Glanert en- LIMIT 2 PLEASE Center for Racial JustIce wIll hold tered the home through an un- Its thIrd annual "Auction UnlimIt- KATZ'S CHEESE CAKE, The Connoisseurs Choice $1 00 locked wmdow and unlocked the II Wonderful Flavors - IndIVIdual Servings EACH. ed" on Saturday, March 12 <;tart- back door ing at 6:30 pm WhIle Cpl Evans checked the TOLLANA IMPORTED The site of thiS year's auctIOn IS basement, Cpl Glanert moved to '/ SPUMANTE or histonc St. Andrew's Hall, 431 the second floor of the home, ARTICHOKE East Congress, located In Brick- where he came upon a ranscaked BRUT town There, patrons '.VI!! enJoy bedroo~n CHAMPAGNE HEARTS cocktaIls and hal's d'oeuvres whIle Both officers conducted a viewing items and services aVail- room-by-room search of the floor, able at the silent auction Hems to before dIscovering the suspect be auctioned IlIclude orlglllal hldmg beneath a bed The arre<;t Guindon cartoons, a 36-hour stay was made WIthout mCldent at the new 81. RegIs Hotel, hot all' A search of the suspect's Jacket balloon ndes, a Strohhaus party, I');t. '",...( • t IJ ~( f'l f (fUr "la)s'),~, ;?OA..1 turned up a woman's WflSt watch a wet>k's vacatIOn for SIX at Myr- ;'fle.. "'-"yft:Pt.- 'I J -' R£ '>6 , ....."1 S~ti~ and diamond necklace, pollee tle Beach, SCar SIX seats In said for more good ad vice. talk to us about Y.QYIinsurance needs, Mayor Young's box at Tiger Stad- ArraIgned before Farms Mun- We'nsend you our informative brochures. IUm and much more clpal Judge Robert Pytell on A $10 donatIOn Includes fme din- Tuesday Feb 22 on a charge of ing, the auctIOn and orlglllal breaking and entering an OCCUPied r~'\ LangMHeenan & CO. "Coney Islands" A 50-50 raffle bUilding was Shawn Patllck (~ }1333 W Fort Street, Detroit. MI48226 will also be held For more mfor- McCarthy, 21, of Umverslty Road 't- "~ ,~' $13/962-1400 matlOn or an advance re"lew DetrOit ...-.l ~/ "?'"...~ catalog, call 882-6464 TIckets may McCarthy was released on I also be purchased at the door $5,000 bond DoN'T SEIllE fOR A MERE REPLACEMENT REDUCED RATES WINDOW • CUSTOM CUTTING • CONSUMER WORKSHOPS • PANELING. On Our Simple Interest New Car Loans w ~ l~ ~ ~ -' ~ 5: i= II:( m (!J 1-4 :n z () a () EJ -' 41 ~ I w () A.. I You choose the en ~ Gel a betler ""ndow-famous >\ndersen" • as foot.l8/3 (/) :n Perma ShIeld" ""ndows Their insulating "'ood en 0 core, double panc Insulaung gl' (or optional (!J lnple glazing) and lough Vinyl e"enor; make z 0::: :E Extension Cord ~ shape,~ lhem energy cfficlent and Hrlualh 0 41 :n maintenance frce Ea>lh '",lalled a-' t'J Beg. 8.48 m ~ < • Comehometoquality. • Z (/) IA~I Z I size, C ~ II( ~ Come home to Andersen .. m a r «I- ~ < -' z eD~&style :::::l :r: G) (/) () ualley Ildlng Inc. z 1.99 • 0::: -0 • II:( ~ REPLACEMENT WINDOW SPECIALIST 0 z a :E -l Wood • Vinyl • Aluminum a I~- ~ • 28021 Harper. S1.Clair Shores. 775.5190 >- -; cv/Z -' VISIT OUR SHOWROOM ll. 0 0 • r (JJ We'll provide the cash (f) p:: a: w • l- (JJ l- I WORKOUT :::::l e :I: -l (f) ~ m-l • :n 11 °/0 APR t -12 Month Term a: en Starring w CD • Jane Fonda "tl ~ r 1 ~ °/0 APR - 24 Month Term. :::::l Il1 -< -' • :? 1.2.9 OJo APR - 36 Month Term (f) a A Compl.te Two P.rt z a w 0 ~~~~~~.d8ft~~ n;;18.n.~ :I: WE'VE GOT 13.9 °/0 APR - 48 Month Term lC1%-l S">\ 011 In BAT'" Of () • VHS I- LUMBER! z ~ :s en • e (f) 1 Fremlnll lumber r *ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE I- ~ 2Jl4, 2Jl6, 2Jl8. -l () 2Jl10,2Jl12 :::::l 0 • LIMITED TIME OFFER TO QUALIFIED APPLICANTS 0 ::J 2 Stud. z 0 3 COX Plywood c:: 4 BOIIrcll • ll. 5 PIIrtJcl.-~rd s: () 6 rr .. teet lumb.r a ll. ..:I f(X d.ckl, plltlOI It f.nce. r ~ 0 Michigan National Bank >- Z -' ~ vi i G) Grorfe POinter a U> e FORMICA. VANITIES. MILLWORK. HARDWOODS. DOORS. Magnetic • 21110 MACK AVENUE Sight & Sound 15554 EAST WARREN AVENUE. 882-6820 Installment Loan Department 884-7880 17045 Kercheval An Equal Opportunity Lender - Member FDIC Grosse POinte (next 10 Sanders) diVISion of 3741 ST AUBIN AVE. • 885.5300 LUMBER & MILLWORK DETROIT • 832-0070 ----~.-~----....----_..

,fage Ten-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 3, 1983 ~ Baby boom focus of pilot program City rejects summer tax plan Farms mall ~ "The Baby Boom and What It the communrty'!> retirees EducatIOn Subcommittee on still revlewlllg the plan ;:=Means to America" Will be the "Our communrty i!>fOltunate to Members of the Grosse Pomte Selllor CItizen Activities They are City Councl1 JOined their col- Although a new state law allows faces trial ;-tOplC of ftrst of two pilot programs have a relatively high pprcentage Mary Ann Collmson, Dr Arthur school districts to collect taxes SIX -:'thls spnng sponsored by the De- of reSIdent!> With JO to 40 veal's of leagues m the Park and Farms Hillegas, Howard Hush, Eugene last week by reJecting a request months earher, the Grosse Pomte this nlOnth ::partment of Conllllulllg Education profe!>slOnal, techlllcal 01' execu Ivanso, Manon Koch, Helen Mar for summer tax collectIOn from public schools will continue With : 'of the Gros!>c POinte public tl ve expenence 1Il a vanety of till, John Schonenberg, LOUIse Its wmter levy accordmg to of A Gro!>se POinte Farms man :'schools The programs will be dn fleld~," Scbonenbelg !>dld the Wayne County Intermediate la!>t month was ordered to stand TeWalt and John Wayne School District flclals School board trustee!> ~'llltroductlOn to d new monthly dl!>- "Much of the !>oclal, ec.onomlc tnal for manslaughter m the Jan The group has complIed and will Accordmg to a council re!>olu- voted down a summer tax plan :.cussion group thiS fall edue-atlondl, polJt\(al ter of re- tlOn, the county collectIOn "\vould last year saying II would be *: Speaker at the flr~t meetlllg on tnal hfe 01 today ha~ origin!> III tl! cd re!>ldent!> and others wllImg be confuslllg to taxpayers, would burdensome for some reSidents to GrO!>'ie Pomte elt y MUllIclpal : :Thur!>day. Mare-h 24 at 8 p m III the developrnent~ OCC11Il"lngdul' to pal tlclpate III the proposed pre- not correlate With the city's sum- come up With a lax payment edr- Judge Stan KMUI ordered Edward ::the cafetella of Brownell Middle Illg the active \vOlkll1g hie of thew !>entatlOn" her m the year : 'School 260 Chalfonte will he John IIldlvldual" and In which the\' mer payment of two (tax) In W C,llIlkm!>, 20 bound over for Challing the April 28 "esslOn !>tallments and (would) ad mlIllS- :.J Sch'onenberg, JI Schonenhel g played d VItal lole both pdrtlCi trial 111 Wavne County CirCUit on \\!l1 be Eugene V Ivanso retIred traIl vely be more costly to collect FLEe sponsors the chal ge ~tem mutg 'from d fatal : IS a membel of the American pant" and ob"ener"" S(honel1 I"C'gl!>tel ed prof eS"lonal meta!lur :.Academy of Ac.tuarle,> a pa,>t berg .ldded III reldtlOn to the !>l.leof the levy , automobile aCCident IIlvolvmg 21 glc dl engllleer and past director of ~.presldenl of the MichIgan Ac- The Department of ConlJlllllllg Local Cltle!> prepare properly VD lecture yeal -old Todd Eh Idge of Glo!>se adult educatIOn I('( I Ultll1g these 111 romle elt" \1110 (lied mstantIy III l'/lIVer!>lty, who will present the ment!> The county !>chool dl!>tnct the CI a~h. ,111 demography dl\'lduab lo encourage them to Those Illterested In discoverlllg tOPiC 'The Pd,>t Fifty Year!> 01 So ~ Schonenberg's pi e~entatlOn will !>hale then' knol\ ledge dnd exper- collects 1 09 mills flom City res- male about the preventIOn and 'n Technology, He!>earch and De- Idents (about $140,000 a year) and Caulk!!l", Elvldge and another . highlight the Impact thdt the past lence \!'11th othel'> In the com vc'lopment' HI!>pi e.,entatlOn will treatment of venereal dl!>ea~e1> friend \\ele drl\ mg down Jeffer- • World War II baby bOOJrlhd!> had munlty, Schonen!wrg ~ald would save money by "colledmg !>hould attend "V 0 Update 83" dt l/l( lude eXdmple!> of mdterlals the money early With Its Cllll'ent !>onA\ cnue dt a high I ate of !>peed ,on !>oclet,), and \\111look al the ef- . We hope to en(OUI dge <1 7 30 pm Thursday, Mdrch 3, 111 pi oce.,,,e,, and products which winter collectIOn, the dlstnct ha!> eally on Sunda" mornmg, ,Jan 15, . feet of 75 m!lhon birth., III the cro~" generatIOnal e>"pCllencc hd,e emt.'lged and their effects on the Parcells School Audltonum. at when CaulkJll!>"lost control of the . years from 1946 through 1964. ....Ith our older gt'ner<1tlOn!>!>peak to borrow money to carry It Mack Avenue and Venuer Road !>O(lety now dnd III the future car dnd It overtUi ncd. accordmg focu!>lIlg on !>oual and p.,ychol. Illg to OUI'younger generdtlOIl!> on through until the wmter property Guest speaker Will be Dr Lawr- At l'(>lme fjIlP<..llnn" ,,!11 (,>Ve" :>!'e p~!d to DoltCE' uglLdl lllllJilLdllUlI:> relatIOn!> \\ Itb the pa!>t dnd pre!>- bt.' dn<;wered from the audience ence Ii U ane, chlel 01 1nlectlOu!> Sen Illg as moderator for the ent - and With thought'> about the Gro!>se Pomte Park and Grosse Diseases DIVISIOn at Harper Police !>ald Caulkw!> was legally ~ March 2-1 se!>slOn Will be J dnet future," sdld DI George T Ed Pomte Farms CounCils abo have Grace HospItal The program IS mtoxlcatcd and a breathanalyzer • Brown, past preSident of the Am d IIlgton, !>UPPfVISOI of Contmumg Another cigarette brand that turned down the summer tax re sponsored by the Family Life test showed hl1>bloodJalcohol can. t a!led m the marketplace WdS d tent at 20 Under state law, a per- erlCan As~oclatlOn of University EducatIOn He added that the' 1Il- quest, saylllg the plan may cause EducatIOn Council (FLEC) and Women, Grosse POlllte Branch telleclual stimulatIOn" project tobacco Ie!>'>!>mQke made of cab- hardship for reSidents Gro!>se the Health EducatIOn CounCIl son IS legally drunk With blood! al- The pre!>entatlOn and a '>econd emanated from a '>ugge!>tlOn by bage cailed "Bravo" Then there Pomte Shores does not collect (HECl Each organizatIOn 1<;lo- cohol content of 10 WdS one of cocoa beans named • scheduled for April 28 are as a Ie- Dr Kenneth Brummel !>upenn- taxes for the Wayne County In- cated III the Farms Accorcltng to police, Caulkms IS • suit of recent dehbel atlOn'i of the tendent of !>(hooh "Free" Another of helbs \\1lS termediate School DI!>t1"1ct Of- DonatIOns will be accepted at labeled Hone, De Lu\.e " IIee on bond pendlllg pre-tnal m Department of ContlllUlng Educ"e POinte \\ood!> are the door ell <.lIlt court 011 Mal ch 10 tlOn'" Cltl7ens' Ad,lsory Sub- mlttee for thiS spnng'" pilot pro • commIttee Future speaker!> and gram and fOl next year'!> !>efle,> : diSCUSSIOnleader'> for the group are membprs of the public :. are expected to come from among school!>' Department of Contlllumg ~ ~~~r--UNICORN BOOKS GIFTS & CARDS ;' J '~V130900 HARPER 293-9333 -~. ~~~" Across Shores ShoWng Center .; ~~ Harp:lr at 13 Mile

1, I ~')J COMPARE OUT GIFT PRICES - \, Selection of Computer Books / '» ~ ~ 20% OFF 20% OFF ALL FOX FILM DELV. HARD COVER BOOKS Except Sale Books of so 15% OFF PaperbaCK Best SelJets Fruits and veg~ableMarket' ONE FREE BOOK TOP 20 , If;; \.''Ihen purchasing ) ~~~ Silhouette BONUS Candlelight Harlequin Hummel PrecIOus Moments Complete Series Club card RedemptIOn Lower heating bills more .'• > than you'd believe possible! New Thermiser .' Vent Control System A fuel saver lor your furnace, bpller or $ 00 waler healer Ihat slashes heating bills ~ with complete safety' Saves more t

because 'I squeezes more heat from fuel f-".- : ....~~ .... ft Works all 01 the lime 100"0 guaranlee of satisfaction with savings during the first <'::'l!c/ian River White Seedless year or your money back No electrical parts or flimsy wings to break down or malfunction 99 year quality guarantee 32 Size Call today for full details GRAPEFRUIT 8 for 1-800-621-1569 California CALL ANY OF THESE .. KIWI v FRUIT, .. DEALERS TODAY JOE KOVACK REFRIG, RAPID SERVICE REFRIG ALADDIN HEATING Gr. Pie. Woods Gr, Pte. Park Warren 882-5611 884-4154 758-5900 JEFCO INC. FLAME FURNACE CO. Supreme Heating & Supply Co. Roseville Warren Delrolt Detroit

296.2222 574-1070 527-1700 885.2400 BOSTON~ FERNS"", v ,$4.99/ ,,' IBJABlE BOlY SYSTEMS WILLIAMS REFRIG & HTG. D J McCONNELL CO. 11 East DetroIt Delrolt Roseville East Delrolt 8 BASKET 772-5310 372-5500 773-8010 779.6773 African - $129 Flowering • VIOLETS 4" POT , Ivy GerlJ'!!!!T GRAND OPENING OF OUR NEW DELI FEATURING WILSON CONTINENTAL DELI ITEMS Continental Ham Bar-B-Q Bologna Pepper Loaf Liver Cheese Head Cheese Old Fashion Loaf with .",.. Energy Command Ham & Cheese Loaf REQUIRES Gas Furnace ~ Summer Sausage NO ExclusIVe IJJ ' Liverwurst CHIMNEY H~!~~R~,,., !....:;~ II I ltf., ,trusl " .... I. n... s.o" '.... ~,. iIOIf • ,.. -1M< rtl powerIt' , .. all Ie .!.I IN' ~m' .'~ ytlt, •• I,r -:"POSITIVE PLUMBING ,.,.;c.. In "HftC' 'It,~ygh '*',ch 6,h St. Clair Shores & HEATING 27900 Harper OPEN DAILY 8-8 Ister and 10 grandchIldren conducted on the east coast la"t Interment was In ResUl'l'ectIOn spring Little Bit of Magic. Cemetery The four-week class WIll be held Cinema League Hilda M. Lefebvre from 9 30 a m to 12 30 P m beglOllIng Saturday, March 5 will tour ServIces for Mrs Lefebvre, 76, Three-hour sessIOns also are of Shelborne Road In the Farms, slated for March 12, 19 and 26. All Elliott Shumaker wel e held Saturday, Feb 26, at classes Wll! be held 10 the cafe- Yugoslavia SerVIces for MI ~hllmclker, 01 the A H Peters Funeral Home tena of Brownell MIddle School, The Grosse POInte Cinema Lea- the POinte, wel e held Fllday, Feb A member of Grosse POInte 260 Chalfonte Avenue, In the gue WIll present "Yugo~lavla 25, ill ~l P'111] ("lthO)',. ('h ... ell MemorIal Church and past preSI- Farms Students WIshing to enroll from Bclgr3dc to Dubr0\ mk," ... dent of the NatIOnal Farm and In thIS class must contact the De. He died Tuesday, Feb 22 III color slide travelogue by Esther ~~~ Harper HOspItal Gal den Club, Mrs Lefebvre was partment of .ContInuIng Educa- Peters on Monday, March 7, at B tion Call 343-2178 Born In DetrOit, !VII' Shuffidker the Widow of Jack L Lefebvre. pm "Those enrolllOg should be AA5t ~~ worked for the Delrolt Free PI es~ She IS surVIved by two brothers The program Will feature vIews and a sister aware that they WIll be expected for 50 years before hIS retll ement of scemc and hIstorICal slgmfl- ~tycu..ska.u Interment was m Acacia Park to make a commItment to an Im- Startmg as a countel clel k In 1918, cance as well as scenes of life In he became a .'>alesmdn of ulltomo- Cemetery portant research project and YugoslaVIa ~. should plan to attend all sessIOns tlve and retaIl advel tl'>mg untIl The Postojna Caves. whIch are Charles Sheehey and to partICIpate In all actIv- The priests and people of 1931, when he was promoted to J. among the largest In the world ItIes," saId Dr George T EddIng- AutomotIve Sales Manager ServIces for Mr Sheehey, for- WIll be featured along WIth scene~ St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church Ten years later, he was pro merly of BIshop Road, lately of St ton, supervIsor of contInUIng edu- catIon of mountaIns, waterfalls and rIV mated to natlOndl advertISIng ClaIr Shores, were held Saturday, ers The town Sarajevo, hIstOrIC Invite you, your family, and neighbors to a The class Wll! be taught by manager In 1963 he was nam<>d Jan. 29, at the Verheyden Funeral for Its role in World War I, IS also Paula Gerow, a local reSIdent and assIstant ad vertlslllg dll ector 111 Home and St Clare of Montefalco featured. LENTEN PARISH MISSION regIstered dIetItIan Currently charge of fmanclal <1(1\ ertlsmg Church Scenes of markets, country Preached by employed as outpatIent dIetItIan and special advertlsmg projects He dIed Wednesday, Jan 26, In people and folk dances are also The Rev. James Burke, O.P. and The Rev Stephen Shimek, 0 P at Hutzel HospItal, Mrs Gerow He retll'ed III 1968 Henry Ford Hospital mcluded in the travelogue holds a Bachelor of SCIence de- Monday, March 7, through Friday, March 11, 1983/730 PM Mr Shumaker was past presI- A natIve Grosse POInter, he was The publIc IS mVlted to attend gree In DietetICs from MichIgan MiSSion theme: "Finding God Again - A Return to dent of the Adcraft Club 01 De- a buyer for many years for Frank the program at ,10 charge CInema State UnIversity and a Master's the BasIcs" trOIt, the Players, Umted Cerebral and Seders Department store, and League members are 10vlted to Degree in Health Education from Palsy ASSOCIatIOn of Detlolt. was vIce-president of CadIllac 'attend the SOCIal hour follOWIng 21620 Mack Ave., St. Clair Shores, MI - 777-3670 SenIor Men's Club of Grosse FabrICS and the Good Housekeep- Wayne State Umverslty the program Pomte, and a charter PreSident of mg Curtain and Lmen shops Mts Gerow IS not a newcomer the SenIor Men's Club of the De He was the grandson of Charles to thIs kind of commulllty serVICe, trait AthletIc Club J ChaUVIn, who operated the having taught a general adult nu- Orchestra Hall He was also a past commodore Chauvm House on East Jefferson, tritIOn class, "EatIng Your Way to Celebrating our Btb Anniversary of the DetrOit Yacht Club and a now the sIte of the EsqUIre Thea- Better Health," and havmg served hosts Ms. Leon member of the Kmghts of Colum- ter as a guest speaker at varIOUS edu- bus Mr Sheehey IS surVIved by four catIOnal InstitutIOns, as well as Suzanne Lal Leon, vIOlImst and Mr Shumaker IS surVIved by Sisters, meces and nephews profeSSIOnal aSSOCIatIOns and WInner of the 1982 Strmg CompetI- LUNCH" hIS WIfe, Jane, a step daughter, Memonal contributions may be corporate functIons tion sponsored by the Jumor Lea- Mother Mary Kathleen Ronan, made to the St Bonaventure ASSIsting Mrs, Gerow In several gue of Detroit and FrIends for Or- chestra Hall, will perform a solo RelIgious SIsters of Mercy, a step Monastary, c/o the Soup Kitchen seSSIOns of the new class wIll be DINNER award reCItal Sunday, March 6. at son, Peter Ronan; a sIster, a Interment was 10 Holy Sepul- Mary L Tucker, a dIetetic assist- brother and thl ee grandchildren chre Cemetery ant certIfICated by Wayne State 4 p.m at Orchestra Hall UnIversity who completed an Ms Leon, a Grosse Pomte res- mternshlp at South Macomb Hos- Ident and recent graduate of Cur- SPECIALS pital Mrs. Tucker has been direc- tis Institute In , Will UNIVERSITY LIGGETT (HOOt. f'RESUJTS tor of Food Service With the Red be accompanied by her SIster, Cross for seven vears plamst Stephame Leon in a pro- "Thmk of the 12 hours you gram of Stravinsky, Beethoven, Cocktail Hour Prices spend with us as an Important m- Prokofief and the Sarasute-Zim- vestment for health," Mrs Gerow ballst arrangements of BIzet's 11:00 A.M. TO CLOSE p)sfefl d9the said. "You WIll learn how to plan "Carmen" nutritIOUS meals and how nutrI- TIckets priced at $5 are on sale tIonal needs change as people In the box offIce at Orchestra grow .oldel': You will learn how to Hall Student or senior CItIzen Entire Month of March t rt~~5~s;,., lSfllrA: Identify your own toughest eatmg rates are available by callIng problems and the strategies you FrIends of Orchestra Hall, 833- HOURS: Au5urs $Z lJJ'JS~OfJ/!/!IJ; can use to overcome them 3702. Mad orders can be charged "Most Important, you'll learn with MasterCard and Visa at P.O MON.-FRI. 11:00 A.M. TIL CLOSE how to eat WIsely, no matter what Box 02130, DetrOIt, 48202 SAVE 20% ON A GREAT MEAL , your eatmg habIts may have been SATURDAY 4:00 P.M. TIL CLOSE before And you wIll learn to do so Spanish Club plans 200/0 OFF '" ( ) 20% OFF: in a SImple way that does not CLOSED SUNDAY ).\(.,~ complIcate your lIfestyle," Mrs Mexican evening ~ 6 ;'(:Wh c: c Gerow saId The Grosse Pomte Spamsh Club (!hi~~ult /j>an€{lk~ ,J{OM}(J g~ MarjOrIe Gaunt, director of WIll meet Monday, March 7, at B o Nursmg and Health ServICes for p.m. at the Grosse Pointe War The 'Pirates Cove u VALID UNTIL MARCH-10 1983-Not valid Sat or Sun Before 4 pm the Southeastern MIchigan Chap- p p: MemOrIal, 32 Lakeshore Road Pre~;;t th,s coupon to the cashier at eIther Original Pancake House Restaurant 0: ter of the American Red Cross, and receive a 20% discount lor you and your entire party Mexican songs and dances Will be 17201 MACK o saId that "Better Eatmg for Bet- N ONE GUEST CHECK, PLEASE Ni performed by the children of Casa • Soulhfield • Gro••• Point. Wood' : ter Health" WIll take the guess- MarIa t93;15Ttn Milt Rd 20273 MoICk..... I work out of nutrItIOn, and show .etw.en SOlJlhf.lld Rd Ii Evergreen .. n Vernl.r I: Moroll GPNJ Ms. Marsha Clark will Interpret 882-9055 those who enroll now to read food L !.o.o.a.~.t~2~~~.m T.~.'.~.1:~~~~ . the story of Casa Maria

I SAVE 20% ON A GREAT MEAL , • Mastectomy Supplies : 200/0 OFF ' I ,1 , 20% OFF: • t\" ., ..... • Ostomy !c ~ :4£'. c: Supplies (j}ur~ud~'-1'an€ak~ t1l~(J • Back Braces ~g gi • SALES • SERVICE ,,'p VALID UNTIL MARCH 17 1983-Not valid Sat or Sun BefOrE': 4 pm P: • RENTALS "0 Present Ih,s coupon to the cashier at either Onglnal Pancake House Restaurant 0: and recelva a 20% discount lor you and your entlre party N I • Hospital Equipment for the home : N ONE GUEST CHECK, PLEASE : • Free Delivery, Set Up, Instruction : • Soulhfield • Grot .. Point. Wood. : • tl335 Ten M,lt Rd 20273 MoICkAn I • HeJpmq People With Home Health • Bel" .. n Southlltld Rd I £¥t,gr.en Be"' .. n Vemler • Moro.. GPN I L !~~r:'.~o ~.p.rr:•••••••••••••••. ~~ ~.': ~~ ~:'•.•••••••••• :::J Care Needs Is Our SpeCialty Woods Home Care 19775 MACK AVENUE 0d8 • G'S8S:S930 ~ Open MOIl .Ft! 9 $ 30 Stl 104 ~rD!lSt Jointt JUt • • ~ - ~' WI &4tll. ,1 .I1t/"01I 01 rll< \/" ,1M (o'f' f ,r 1/)7() l:he 18701 Mack Avenue South pf Moross Detroit, Mich. 48236 WA\7ERL1? 885-9610

CONSOR'(. % M retlAcL JAFFee Omec("oH. 10 DISCOUNT TO SENIOR CITIZENS '" 1'1'(1,,/111 1/ 1':1," '"/IIll J'/,~r, J I ON GARAGE WORK

J:, /"'111111,"1 I ll '1I/Il.llll' "J'r,I.!II,II,IJI f "I ' 1\' 11,11 \ \,/11 .. ,/11.1,I'/II, 111 Ilrllllli II/I GAS IS ALWAYS SOLD 1\,"1 11II.l1'''/l/lrI/d lIlIlll, "/1(" III/' AT COMPETITIVE PRICES Ih"lJI<[h ,"Ih (,JIIIIII,I SUNDAY. MARCH 6. 1983 at 7'30 PM 111 tIll' (J('cnq. rl

Y,c'lleh 1S82 S))Ol Ad ...rh SS Stude"''' $1 ( h\ j "" ~ I I H. Come to Us for Answers CI: GRATIOT JU~1 North of 13 ~lll' 293.4500 , • ,.

Page Twelve-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 3, 1983

For Your Community For Your Family

Shirley LewIs Carl E. Sauter Mrs. Kim Lie Mr. & Mrs John G. Scales Ted Felmlng Bobble Ligan Pat Schneider Mrs. Joan Armbruster Mrs Patricia M. Forster Frederick K. Lovelace Frances & John Schonenberg Jan Arndt Mr & 'Mrs Joseph L. Fromm Mr. & Mrs. George B. Lowrie, Jr Mr. & Mrs. Richard Seagram Mrs. Gayle Arnold Mr. Jesse Lowther Betty R. Seifert Mr. & Mrs Stephen Gagne Mary Evelyn Self Dale Julie Gallimore H. Judith Bailey & Mrs. Kay Mackstaller Lloyd A. Semple Dr. Mrs Max Gardner Dr. & Mrs. Myron Barlow & Maire Elementary School PTO Semor Citizens Advisory Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gast Barnes Elementary School PTO Mr. & Mrs. Dick Malik Committee of The Grosse June D. Gibson, Mayor Pro Tern of Mr. & Mrs. ChriS Baskel Mason Elementary School PTO POinte PubliC School System Richard H. Beach Harper Woods Judy A. McSorley Services for Older CItizens, Inc. Gladys Gles Mr. & Mrs. Dan Beck V. Jim & June McWatt (SaC) Evelyn D Gill The Bed, Bath & Linens Store Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Melnig \ Dr. Donald B. Shumaker James & Rita Goss Nola Bell Jane H. Mertz Mr. & Mrs. MaUrice Smith Martha S. Graham David & Joyce Benjamins Anne Midgley Richard & Nancy Solak Mrs Carl B. Grawn Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bernhardt Alice Metry Mr. Anthony J. Spada Mr. & Mrs. James C. Greenfield Mrs. Paul Blackburn Dolores A. Mitchell Sparky Herbert's Grosse Pointe North High School John Blough Sandy & Nick Moisides Joan & John Stewart Parent Club Betty J. Brogan G race Monaghan Mr. & Mrs Gerald L. Stoetzer Grosse Pointe South Mothers' Brownell Middle School PTO Monteith Elementary School PTO Club Mr. Lorenzo BroWning Bill & Evelyn Montgomery Rev. Wilham O. Taft Grosse Pornte Symphony Dr. & Mrs. Wm. E. Brownscombe Sandra Morrow . Mar~tta L."Tallani Women's ASSOCiation .,J) ~~\;r" ~ _to..,JoM.s.~~ ~~. Sharron M. Murphy /)"'\ ....'Mr Mfs.~ LA~W.aJt '. e Mr. & Mrs. George Bojalad Beth & John Gustafson Richard W. Thams Joan Buccina Mr. & Mrs. S. Sidney Newhouse Harry & Martie Thomatla Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian A. Buffa Mr. & Mrs. Collin Hadala Nicholson Chemical Industries Inc. Joseph P. & Barbara A. Thompson David S. Burnett John & Norma Hammel John R. Thomson Mr. Mrs. George E. Bushnell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Hanpeter & Robert F. Nicholson The Dave Torrence Family Robert G. Buydens Dr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Harmon Robert Novitke Mrs. Wm. C. Tost Vicky & Jo Hartlngh Mr. Robert Nugent Mr. & Mrs. Emmet E. Tracy Msgr. FranCIS X. Canfield Ann Hathaway Mr. & Mrs. J. Nysen, Jr. Trombley Elementary School PTO Wm. J. Champion & Co. Patncla & Edward Haug Charles & Mary Turner Mr. & Mrs. Wm. J. Ciaramitaro Frank W Hausmann, Jr. DenniS & Rosemary Hawhee Ron & Lynn Cieslak John R. O'Connor Dr. A. Ulmer F. H. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Paul Henning Mr. & Mrs. William O'Keefe Mr. & Mrs. William S Hickey John & Virginia COOd Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. O'Loughlin John & Ann VanSyckle Mrs. Joseph Higgins Dr. Robert E. Coleman Ann Vier The HIli ASSOCiation Community Services AdVISOry DominiC V. Palazzo Mary & Robert Vltohns Committee of The Grosse Jane K Hoey Mr. & Mrs. Norman Palus Mrs. Paul Hoffman Pointe Public School System Parcells Middle School PTO Dr. & Mrs. Frank B. Walker Harold & Arlene Connell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L Hudson, Jr. George E. Parker, Jr. Clarence F. Wascher Kathleen Connell Howard Hush George V. Pendy, MD Margaret Watkins Hal & Jean Cornelius T.A. Penszynski, Councilman of Mr. & Mrs. Philip Watkms Mr. James P. Curran, Jr. Tom Ireland Harper Woods Nancy Waugaman Tibor F. Piri Czako & T. William T. Peters Mr. & Mrs. John Wayne Thomas K Jefferrs Mr. & Mrs. John Pierce Peter Werle, MO Jan Dahl Russell C Jones Pierce MIddle School PTO Douglas & Ann West James R. Daoust, Jr. Dr. Donald K. Pokorny Mr & Mrs. Jim Wheatley Defer Elementary School PTO Gall Kaess Poupard Elementary School PTO Mr. & Mrs. Edward White Delta Kappa Gamma Beta Xl JlnHee Kang Mr. & Mrs. John C. Prost John & Joy Williams Chapter Donald J Keith Dan & Debra Pugglni Mr & Mrs Wil ham Wilson Cathy Champion DiUaman Armand & Caryl Kerber Thomas R Wise Dr. Mrs. Henry M. Domzalski & Kerby Elementary School PTO Mr. & Mrs Robert Retherford Edward D. Wolf Betty & Ken Dornbrook Mr. & Mrs John Klobuchar Patricia Reynolds Barbara Wotnng Guy & Marilyn Doyal Mary J Knight Mrs. Jean Rice Mrs. Paul Duker Dr & Mrs. K Richard Knoblauch Richard Elementary School PTO Ron & Mary Zaplnskl Mr. & Mrs. Michael Durkin Joan M Koerber Adele C. Ryder Mr. & Mrs. Henry L Zlft Mr & Mrs Ross T Kogel Harry T. Echhn Jan & John Kolleth James Ellison Leslie & Mary Ann Komlosan Mrs. Carroll Evola Michael P Kramer Elizabeth S Kuhlman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fennell Bob & Peggy Kutscher Ferry Elementary School PTO Darrell E. Finken Dr & Mrs J E Lehman FIscher's Hallmark Joe & Joanne Leonard Join Us Vote YES Monday, March 7

Paid by CItIzens for Quality Education, 771 Blalfmoor, Grosse POinte Mr 48236

\, hursday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen-A ,- ~ouncil sets $25 fee for mobile toters ~, I By Susan McDonald ~ of Grosse Pointe Park will be mobIle trash toters they receive, •I People who live m the west end charged $25 for each of the new under the city's program to clean • up alleys WIth a seml.automated . garbage system The Park councIl passed an or- dmance Feb 28 makmg toter use mandatory III the sectIOn of the r.'To Me;-~~r Health Needs ... city WIth open alleys and setting ".-. the $25 charge for the new gar . . ... We Cover The Pointes. " bage cans on wheel!> A spokesman repre1>entmg Rub- HARKNESS PARK 0 berm aId, budders of the system, PHARMACY DEVONSHIRE PHARMACY Said 1>ome 1,200 toter1> WIll be de- 20315 MACK DRUGS 15324 E. Jeffttrson livered to home" WIthIn four 884-3100 16003 MACK 822-2580 weeks The toters carry 85 gallons 881-0477 of tra1>h and roll on wheels They also have heavy snap-on IJds to prevent spIlling Use of the new system won't be lImIted to the we1>t end of the Park, though Any Park re!:>ldent who want'> to take advantage of the below-cost offer of $25 pel' can can order one through cIty hall, (822-6200), under the rules ap- . proved by a 6.1 vote of the coun. .. u1. C l) U II C dill ,lll A JIL hu II Y 5 lJ d Ut almost $40 , each, and that WIll be the charge Waverly Consort at Memorial . " for any addItIOnal purcha1>es, of- fICials Said. ',> popular Waver!) Consort will prc!>ent a concert Sunday. March 6. at 7:30 p.m. in Gros!>e: Mayor Douglas Graham saId Pointe Memorial Church. Highlighted by reproductions of authentic Renaissance instruments and costumes •. the cIty expects to encounter in- the group's program is entitled "!talia Mia-Song!:> and Dances of the Italian Renaissance." The group has' dIVidual pI'oblems With the toters consistently received rave reviews in the New York Times, New York Magazine, Time and Newsweek •• - handicapped persons who can't Stereo Review and others, which result in sold out concert!> in New York City. Tickets are available at the: wheel them out, homes WIth nar- church office and at the door for $5 for adults, and $1 for students. Call 882-5330 for more information. : row gates to the alleys, etc. He , THE dIrected the cIty admInIstratIon to work WIth each cItizen to Insure Thieves take $15.,000 from home in Park BRONZE DOOR the program IS a success. A Grayton Road family re- turntable. mIcrowave oven. sterl- 109 glass door and left the same : "ThIS program IS new, and we turned from a two-day trIp to fmd Ing sJ!ver, Atan tapes, a clock way, offiCials Said : Now Featuring found m our pIlot study, It IS great their home had been ra'1sacked radIO, garnet ring" and $300 In The method of operation IS SlIDI. ' for clearung up alleys and re- HOT HORS D'OEUVRES AT OUR HAPPY HOUR and $15,000 worth of valuables ~to cash lar to that in recent crimes in the : ducmg !lUer," the mayor said "I Monday-Friday 4-7 p.m. In the lounge len, according to Park polIce The thIeves apparently gamed Farms and Park. according to • expect everyone m the City, not The breakmg and enterIng wa~ entry to the home through a shd- pohCt : Just people who have to, WIll want Every Monday Night reported at a bout 2' 30 P m on i to buy one of these" Sunday, Feb 27, according to beginning at eight The toters are !lfted onto gar- ChIef Henry Coonce, Among the Grosse Pointe Public Libraries, CHUCK ROBINETTE JAZZ, TRIO bage trucks by an automatic me- mIssing Items were four teleVISIOn featuring chamsm and can reduce the work. sets. a stereo WIth speakers and load and number of mJufles for The Best Place in Town for: SHARON WILLIAMS trash collectIOn crews, the Rub- Join us for our famous berm aId spokesman saId AARP will party on • Rental Art Prints Midnight Cocktail Hour 51. Patrick's Day • Summer Reading Club Lunch Hours: 11:30-3 p.m. The AmerIcan ASSOCIatIOn of • Meeting Rooms Dinner Hours: War Memorial Retired Persons (AARP) No 3430 Monday-Thursday 5-10 p.m. will celebrate 8t Patflck's Dav at • Seniors "Outreach" ItS Monday, March 14, meetmg at Program Friday and Saturday 5-11 p.m. stepping out 12:30 pm at the NeIghborhood Club • Story Hours Bar Open Monday-Saturday 11:30-2 a.m. The War MemorJal has planned Each person IS asked to bnng a two speCial evemngs of good food, potluck dish to serve 12 The Insh • Video Tapes 123 Kercheval on the hili entertamment and fun. The first Dancers wIll entertam begInning WIll feature those blue cntters the at l' 30 P m. Members and guests 884-7774 "Smurts" and Ice skatmg cham- are also asked to bring a cake of pIOns Tal Bablloma and Randy hard soap for the group's chanty Gardner at t\1e Ice Capades, Wed. The World Medical Rehef, Inc nesday, March 16 +t The group prefers hard soap to For mformatlOn call 881-7511 the cold cream variety

M & M DISTRIBUTING CO. Cleaning Materials & Equipment

Ms. Dorothy M. Kennel, President Feb. 17, 1983 Grosse Pointe Board of Education WE DELIVER 389 St. Clair Avenue Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48230 884.0520

Dear Ms. Kennel: 16734 E. WARREN DETROIT, MI. 48124 I am writing you because I am troubled by the finances of our schools. FRIENDS OF \ GROSSE POINTE LIBRARY I have always believed in good schools, have always supported them, and have never objected to paying high, or hlgher, taxes for worthwhile public services. BELLE ISLE Grosse Open " Pointe's 8-6 Doily Nevertheless, I cannot help but wonder if our school expenditures Oldest 8-/2 Wed. are out of control. I am more and more conscious of a simllarity FoodMorket VEDRUGGE'S Closed Sunday between teacher unions and those of auto workers and steel workers, ,m AWNING CO 17328 MACK at Sf. Clair who through coercion of weak, short-sighted managements have estab- nvas • Vinyl • Acrilan • Dacror. Ilshed themselves as economically privileged elites, with conse- FREE DELIVERY - CALL 885.1565 quent destructive effects. We cater for 4 - 400 people Opinion is one thlng; facts are another. So I have sought the l BIIY NOW and SAVE facts from the school adminlstration. ~""""~~""'-"----. Lean Servmg Grosse POInte Since 193 J GROUND BEEF lB. I am told that the median salary for a teacher lS ;34,845, for 774-1010 22704 Harper $1.39 180 days of teaching. Adjustin~ for an annual basis results In SI C1al1 Sho'es Prime, Choice an equivalent salary of around $46,000. This does not include fringe benefits. T-BONE STEAKS $3.39 LB. This is really a shocking number. Wlth all deference to the lm- Prime, Choice portance of education of our children, it is difflcult to accept PUBLIC SALE PORTERHOUSE STEAKS LB. that a teacher in elementary or high school should be paid at 53.49 that level. I am sure that the median income of working residents Prime of the Pointes is less than that, and perhaps SUbstantially less. NOTICE LEAN VEAL STEW LB. And this is to a large extent a community of upper income, whlte Due to unclaimed school order NECCHI 52.99 collar professionals, many of whom work longer hours and are under has Just released for sale to the publiC a more pressure than the teachers. limited number of new 1983 HEAVY DUTY FRESH BEEF RIBS ZIG ZAG speCial sewing machines that (ASK FOR OUR 8.8.0. RECIPE) 79 LB. In 1972 the annual per pupil cost in the District was J1,067. are MADE OF METAL and sews on all In 1982 ~t was S3,742, an increase over ten years of 250%. No fabriCS leVIS, canvas upholstery, nylon Once Again Entenmonn's stretch Vinyl, Silk, EVEN SEWS ON management of any corporation would survive with that klnd of a HOT CROSS BUNS For Lent 51.79 t:'ecord. LEATHERl With 12 Built In Stitches BUilt In Automatic Buttonhole Paul Newman's Own Surely there lS some state of mind of the school board at the SALAD DRESSING base of thls. Can you tell me what it is? I fear that you have 1-YEAR FREE SERVICE $1.39 no appetite for confrontation and that cost consciousness, if 25- YEAR WARRANTY California EXTRA-FANCY present, disappears through some process of ratlonalizatlon. ASPARAGUS 51.59 LB. Sincerely, Reg$S29.00 $19800 Ind,an River ~ ,... '\ \ {'" r-., I NOWONLYI r f .....-J r I ~_ _ ~ \...... ' {J \ ..0\ l ...l Edwin S. McCollister PINK GRAPEFRUIT 3/89 718 Middlesex All MACHINES ARE BRAND NEW IN CARTONS California large Grosse Pointe Park AVAILABLE ONL Y AT HEAD LETTUCE 2/89 Note: No reply to this letter had been received from I-]s.Kennel through Feb. 28. Although open to reason, I will vote against WHI"TTIER SEWING KIWI FRUIT 4/99 ~he millage at the election on March 7. CENTER Authoflzed Dealer For Necchl-Slnger NEW PEPSI-FREE & DIET PEPSI-FREE 5 I 89 16231 MACK AVE. 8 Pic. Y2 Liter 80ft/es • AT TIFFANY LANE 885 - 5540

~I - - -~----~------.~------


Thursday, March 3, 1983 Page Fourteen-A GROSSE POINTE Complete Home Students score BURGLAR AIJlIIM ~ music honor and South HIgll SCllool's Tnstru- Fire Emergency System mental Music Depal'lm~nt re- cently partlclpa!cd In DI<;lrICtSolo Activates Electronic Siren and and Ensemble Fest! \ al Lit L'Anse notifies POLICE and FIRE de- Creuse High School partments through our computers. GROSSE POINTE 8LARM The festival, an annual compell PLUS a small transmitter that tlOn sponsored by the Michigan fits In the palm of your hand School Band and Orchestra Assoc- And there's more ... and Is designed to activate your IatIOn, Judges students on fIve Call for details system from anywhere within ateas of mUSIcianship tone, In- Grosse Pointe its range. tonatIon, rhylhm, techmc and In- terpretatIOn Each event IS graded Alarm, Inc. on these areas With letter grades 17008 Mack Avenue Groue Point. Park 48224 .and 10Ui IV's Those students who received I's are eltglble to compete at the State Solo and Ensemble FestIval on March 26 Student~ receIVIng REMODELING? first diVISIOns last Saturday were "\1"11 , ADDITIONS • DORMERS Beth Miller, Julie Parker, 'ChrIst- """"IIT IIrr"nn I VU \,/('\,__I MI I UI \V HEC ROOMS Ina Nlhem, Carne Krogh, Lisa These University Liggett students, (left to right) Mike Henein, John Hadjisky, Jim Kitchen and LESS THAN THE BEST" CUSTOM KITCHENS Tacke, Effie Papadakis, Helen Rob Ryan. beat 52 contending teams to win special honors in the recent Computer Bowl VI. the Anne D' Alessandro, Kathel'1ne University of Detroit's 1983 math-computer contest for greater Detroit and Windsor high school AND BATHROOMS Hem, Peter Nicholson, Nada 26 YEARS AS REMODELING PORCH ENCLOSURES RadulOVich, MIChael Ward, Marty students. SPECIALISTS CUSTOM GARAGES Heger, Nick Markus, Vicky Web- Career Night • REPLACEMENT AND ster and JulIe Henderson OVER 2.000 SATISFIED GREENHOUSE WINDOWS More were Llesa Busse, Peter OFFICES Wack, Lynn Armbruster, John CUSTOMERS COMMERCIAL REMODELING Dunn, Chns McKeehan, Amy Students explore their future jobs • Gaskm, Jila Shafadeh, Laura LICENSED,. INSURED • • • Weidig, Matteo dl-Tommaso, Scott Forty-five careers. ranging Occupations to be featured In surance, Interior deSign, Journal- DON'T TAKE A CHANCE - Miller, Jenmfer Ward, Kay Hor- from accountIng to vetermary the 30-mmute presentatIOns In. Ism/broadcast, law, law enforce- DESIGN SERVICE ton, Curt West, Steve Kmg and medICIne. will be featured 111 the c1ude accountIng, agriculture, air- ment, legal assisting, medical CALL A PROFESSIONAL laboratory technology, mediCIne Kirk Sanders third annual Career Night at lIne careers, architecture, auto- Visit Our Showroom - 18332 MACK, Grosse Pointe Students receiVing second dlv. South High School on March 16, at motive deSign/engIneerIng, auto- and musIc 7 15 pm. motive technology, aVIation tech- isions were Betsy Ward, Kim AdditIOnal careers that Will be Kurrie, Adele DINatale, Helen The two-hour program, entitled nology, bankmg'finance, building 881;r~e024 featured include nursIng, oceano- 1U!ila.IR.FI~ Markus, Mary Warner, Sharon "The Next Frontier - A Career trades, chemistry, commericial graphy, performmg arts, photo- ~ Sl1\ce 1956 ~ ConsultatiOn Lee, Donna Emery, Lisa Manthe, Expo," Will be presented JOIntly deSIgn, computer SCience, cosme- graphy, phYSical therapy. psycho- Kristm Kelly, ChriS Herrmton, by South High School and the tology, cuhnary arts, dentistry, logy, publIc relations/advertisIng, Rob Elrick, Juhe Harbold and Mothers' Club editor! reporter, engineermg and A 3D-minute keynote address, a fashIOn merchandlSlng. radiology, respiratory therapy, John McNamara robotics, sales! marketing, secre- Recel vmg the three m arkmg futuristiC look at career, will kick Other careers presentatIOns In- Gallis' Itfeathaus tarIal! word processIng, stock- were John Williams, Jeff Bosley, off the evemng's actiVities Dr clude hospital admimstration, broker, travel tourism and veten- - - --~ 885-7290 Anf Ulku and Paul Tacke Albert L Goldberg, an educa- hotel and restaurant manage- tIOnal consultant at Wayne County ment, industnal technologies, In. nary medlcme 8-6 TUESDAY South's Instrumental MUSICstu- //.-:::'( GM ,~: dents are prepanng for the Dis- Intermediate School Dlstnct, Will '/ thru SATURDAY speak on "The Outlook on Careers ~ trict Band and Orchestra Festl- REQUEST FOR BIDS " , Pork'rlg ", Rea' vals on March 12 and 19. In the Future EmphablZIng Change" ANNUAL AUDIT FOR I. 19005 MACK 1 Blk. S. 01 Moross Dr Goldberg, who IS a member THE GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM of the World Future Society, has Local students The Grosse Pomte Pubhc School System hereby inVites the submISSion of publ1shed more than 50 articles sealed bids for the Schoool DIstrict's Annual FinanCial Audtt for the fIscal with nlath honors and IS a speaker on computers, fu- years 1982-83, 1983-84, and 1984.85 combined tures, jobs and high technology -.E Three Grosse Pomte high school PracticIng profeSSIOnals from 45 Bids Will be received untIl 3.00 p m. on the 21st day of March, 1983, at the students were honored at Alma different career al'eas WIll make BUSIness Affairs offIce, AdImmstration BUl1dIng, 389 St Clair Avenue, NO LIMIT! Delmonico Steak and College last Saturday, Feb 26, for 3D-minute presentatIOns at B 10 Grosse Pomte, MIchigan, 48230, at which time and place all bids Will be placing m the top 100 out of 21,000 P m in various designated rooms publIcly opened and read Rib Eye Roast $3.39 LB. at South High School. The same students who participated in the Requests for bid forms and any questions should be directed to ChrIstian 26th annual Michigan Mathema- presentatIOns Will be repeated at Whole Cut and Wrapped Free Fenton, BUSIness Manager, at 343.2050. All bids must be submitted on the tics Pflze Competition B 50 P m so students and parents required form and will be binding for sixty days subsequent to the date of can hear a second career presen- Beef Tenderloin $3.99 LB. At North High School, semor bid openIng. The right to reject any and/or all bids IS reserved , Alex RothlS was honored for plac- tatIOn. Whole mg In the top 100 entrants. South The focus of small group meet- Catherme E Brierly \ ~". Cut ""d Wrapped Fre. S students were seniors Robert ings wil~ be on th~ ~t~,mfQrmp.- .. ,~..,rJl9f

CARROL CLOCK Today - 1983 - enrollment G P N 3 '3-83 3 10.83 3-17-8.1.3-24-83 City A~ses~or is only 7,805 students. CITY OF (6rn.anr pointe 1J1artnn MICHIGAN ThiS represents a 41 % drop In enrollment over a 12-year penodl And 'lJOTICE OF HEARING ZO'lING BOARD school offiCIals predict there Will be only 6,287 students enrolled by 1986- OF APPEALS 871 ;-"OTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zomng Board of Appeal~ Will meet m the CIty Hall at 90 Kerby Road. Gros~e POinte Farms on It seems clear that, In view of the steady, substantial decreases in Grosse MONDAY MARCH 21 1983 POinte's school enrollment Since 1971, major reductions In the system's operating budget are Justified and called for at 8 00 P m to hear the appeal of Mr & Mrs DaVid Fuger. oll.ner of the Equltiped WIIt1 Cruj!)1'l rei.., <1"loQQer premises located at 204 LakeVIEW. from the demal of the BUIldmg De w fC!t cap3 III w'heel 6 way PBS~ um partmenl to Issue a Pemlt for the constructIOn of an attached garage at It is our feeling that the mIllage reduction proposed by the Board of ....In ~y rr rror! 'Vi ()lil serol nel '00 mets ant' mar.,.. ,....or,. standard lealunu the Side of hi~ home located at the foregomg addresc; Such permit IS- Education - from 26 55 to 25.35 - IS far from major and does not begm ~uance wac; demE'd for rea~on that the attached garage proposed to be to adequately reflect the shrunken - and stili shrinking - student enroll- 1.... 1 V.n Dyk. located on the foregomg premises would mfrmge upon reqUired open Side ment W."en, MICIlIgan yard space of 4 feet leavmg a Side yard of 2 feet. and upon thE' mlmmum .0.&.1 'Tilt,. front :y ard of 22 feet, 2 !fiches, therby requmng a vanance from the 758-1800 prOVISIOns of Article XIII. Sectlon 1300 of the Zonmg Ordmance ThiS IS Why we urge you to vote NO In the March 7 referendum. eM"'''""' - ~.. c"..., it it it INKE The Hearmg 'WIllbe pubhc Interested property owners or reqldent of the Concerned Taxpayers Of Grosse Pointe Clty are inVited to attend RICHARD G SOLAK B. Brink. J. Caskey. J. Denier. T. Fox City Clerk & Secretary G. Mudle • R. Weber. H. Kohring G P ~ 3-383 ZonIng Board of Appeals

1 Thursday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Flfteen-A "SequOla" IS not the only word Mountam climber" have to \\ear Know Your Schools m the Engll!>h language With all wool and not cotton, becau'>e \\e~ the vowels, but 11'<; the only one wool dnes out qUickly CVl'n III lh(~ Smaller classes don't mean lower costs \\ Ith at lea~t four In a row high cold Cotton doe!>n't 'I By Dr. Kenneth Brummel even lower than what they al- 10-year trend during which time level, or from one school at any Supt. of Schools ready are. the cost of su.pphes and servICes one time, class SIzeS drop ~lJghtly SEWER COUNTER TOPS FORMICA@ As regular readers of thIs col- Your Board of Education IS very used in prOVIding a public educa- from year to year, and often limit umn know, I have been uSing concerned about declimng enroll- tion increased 187 percent, more what can be done In term~ of lay TROUBLE? these articles to provide mforma- ment and has taken a number of than tWice the rIse of other con- offs and dIsruptive shifting of at- c.- 45% 9~EcE tendance lines or school con~ohdd- tion about the mIllage requests cost-saving measures, including sumer goods and servIces whIch the Board of EducatIOn IS cutting central offIce ad mmlstra- Perhaps the best example IS to tlOns The end result IS that '>ome presenting to the electorate on tors, laymg off staff, and reducing compare the operatmg expenses expenses can be saved, but many IXL CABINETS of a school to those of a household still mcrease March 7. program offerings, In response to MIDWEST PLASTIC TOP CO. Parents can reduce a few ex- According to a study conducted In 16535 EAST WARREN One concern that we 10 Grosse the declme student populatIOn. penses when a child leaves home by the NatIOnal In~tItut(' of Ed- NEAR OUTER DRIVE Pomte share with many school Unfortunately, It doesn't always for college or work, but the mort- ucatlOn, It takes up to 10 year!> for ., J llVf ~mOIl) U~4) I;' J 1 1 1 KHH llfl/AL VA ~ lr 881.1900 dIstricts across the state and na- follow that lower student enroll. gage IS the same, and utlhtles, in- a school to reahze full '>avmg'> I".> MA~Lf RO 6>1] 4drjr tIOn is the dilemma of mcreaslng ments mean lower costs for the surance and SImilar cost!> !>tlll go from dechmng enrollment Even CORIAN DO-IT -YOURSElF costs for educatlOn despite de- schools. StatistICS from a survey up then, the chances are ~hm that chnmg enrollments Some cItizens done by the NatIOnal CommIttee Schools, like households, lose the saving') ....111 approach or equal have sugge!>ted that the decltne In for CItizens In EducatIOn show theIr students gradually from dif- the co~t of educating edch thlld student populatIOn which our that pubhc school enrollment was ferent grades and schools Since lost because school !>en Ice'> .Ire schools are experiencing should down 2 percent natIOnally at the enrollment dechne doesn't take most effiCiently provIded collec- enable us to reduce the millage end of the 1970s, but costs were up the form of large blocks of !>tu- tIvely rather than mdlvldually In rates bemg requested to levels 13 percent Those figures follow a dents leaVIng from one grade actuality, provldmg the '>ame ,>er- vices to an mdlvldual 01 a group of smaller SIze IS not a') eeon Liggett offers adult computer workshops omICal In many SituatIOn,>, per pup'l co<:t<: R('hHllly mRY ,pprp;l<:f> UniVerSIty L:ggett S\..huul CUIll- llit: BA::,rC lall~uagt: aJ t: taught wnh d pI e:.entatlOn by Or (jerry as enrollment decline" puter EducatIOn Coordinator The second workshop IS "Learn- Goldberg of MlCr6-StatIOn In Mary Kosak IS conducting mtro- 109 the Logo Language" to under- Southfield. What I have tned to explain In thiS article IS that It IS pos,>lble to ductory computer workshops for stand the computer language de- Kosak Said partICipants are only save money under certain declin- Interested ULS parents veloped by Dr Seymour Papert at exposed to begInmng computer Ing enrollment SituatIOn,>, but not famlhanzmg adults With basl~ MIT. Workshop III IS "An Intro. tralnmg, and that WIth further as much money as most people computer skills ductlOn to Word Processing," traIning they can do much more think A separate but related I')sue teachmg word processIng skills Participants Will learn useful in- IS that in addition to the steps to The first tOPICof Kosak's work- and capablhtles The fmal work- formatIOn for selecting theIr home save money taken by the boald to shops IS called .. Meet mg th e shop IS "Software Review," dIus- computers, Kosak said date, the board soon may choose Computer" where computer ter- tratmg the vanety of available For more mformatlOn, call the minology and an mtroductlon to software packages and programs school at 884-4444 to take more drastlC measure!> such as school clOSings and con- sohdatlOns However, any changes Teens worry what future will bring In the organizatIOnal !>tructure that the board deCides to make When the natIon's top teens and nearly half belIeve that pre- dulgences of their peers may ac- WIll not occur untIl the 1984-85 worry, they worry most about the marital sex IS unacceptable under count for the fact that the teen school year, so we do need the future, whIch may partially ex- any cIrcumstances achIevers are a healthy bunch money thiS millage wlll prOVide to plain why they aVOid drugs, sex They aren't drug users either NinetY-SIx percent have never operate next year Then, millage and alcohol Eighty-three percent have never dealt with a chronic illness and rates can be adjusted through The thirteenth Annual Survey of tried mariJuana, 97 percent never 95 percent have never hCNorth theIr aVOIdance of some of the m- AdmISSIons OffIce at 884-4444. A and services m thiS commumty at Inc. Card 8\\0, \nc. • ~ High School. tour of the Umverslty Liggett the "bargain" rates noted In the 72 Kercheval AnnUl 17047 Knchnal AnnUl 20223 Mack AVBAUI Under Conductor Nathan Jud- North students campuses also can be arranged News son. the Symphony Orchestra will place in f"mals I open the program, playing "Eg- mont Overture" by Beethoven, a North HIgh School busmess stu- movement of Bach's "Branden- dents recently Jomed the compe- burg Concerto No 3," and "Ballet tItion at a regIOnal conference of HAVE YOU SEEN 16111 MACK AVE. Egyptien" by Luigini the BOEC , Baseball, Softball, $3.09 Lacrosse, Soccer G.P. CUSTOM MORRELL • Summer Learning Adventure - ages 5 to 9 CHEESECAKES E. Z CUT HAMS enrichment and tutorial • Extended Day Care Program - a;:'les~ to 9 I noon til 5:00 p.m. • Art Adventures - ages 8 through 14 "NATIONAL BRAND NAME SOFTDRINKS AT DISCOUNTPRICES" NEW for further information call PEPSI FREE or PEPSI FREE The Grosse Pointe Academy ONE CALORIE n.t..,~.... ~ 171 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe Farms $5 99 CASEOF24 -~~ • 16.9 OUNCE ~ plus deposit BOTTLES ~~ It - 886-1221 CARRY OUTSERVICE& CONVENIENTFREEPAr\KING IN OUR LOT!

\ \ • • S 4 a •


Page Sixteen-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 3, 1983 Hospitals team up to tone up heart patients Two local hospitals are co- The program IS operated by Bon heart works and how to manage operatmg on a program to help Secours and St John Hospitals cardiac conditIOns PatIents from rehabilitate cardiac patients and and mcludes a Cardaeroblcs exer- eIther hospital may be referred to are controllmg costs by sharmg clse program and four-sessIOn either program services semmar whICh explams how the St John operates the Cardaero- blcs program at the St Paul School Gym, 170 Grosse Pointe Resolve conflicts at workshop Boulevard It Includes warm-up and fleXIbility actiVIties, exercises The JUnlor League of Detroit are two of the goals of the work- to condition the heart and cool- w111sponsor a workshop on "Con- shop Theory, experience and skill down afterward Persons must be flict Resolution" Thursday, March practice m confhct situatIOns Will referred to the program by theIr 10. at the War MemorIal, 32 Lake- be part of the day's actlVlhes doctors and at each session, EKG, shore Road The work!>hop IS the sixth m a blood pressure and weIght tests The workshop WIll run from 9 serlt's entitled "BUIlding Blocks to are made a.m to 3 p m and WIll cost $15 for Makmg a DIfference" bemg spon. PatIents' exercIse tolerance and lunch and materials sored by the JunIOr League of De- safest heart rate are determmed Dr Bruce L Glbb of Ann Arbor, trOit ReservatIOns may be made by a team of experts headed by president of Bruce L Glbb As. by sendmg a check for $15 pay- 8t John's Dr FrederiC Hender- PIlolo b'/ Karleel Ford soclates, and Kathleen Danne- able to the JUnior League of De- son Instructors of the program Pushing tbeir way to bealthier hearts are these cardiac patients involved in a St. John Hospital rebablUta. miller of DannemIller-Tyson, Inc, trolt, 32 Lakeshore Road, Grosse are Pat Gottschalk, R N , and tion program. St. Jobn and Bon Secours are cooperating on a joint program to help heart patients to better orgamzatlonal consultants, WIll be Pomte F'arms, MlCh 48236 The Cathy Susan, phySICal therapist the workshop leaders Learnmg to deadhne for reservatIOns IS March For more InformatIOn about health. M . I use confhct productively ana to 4 AdditIOnal mformation may be CardaeroblC<;, call 343-4357 Artists teach spring courses at the War emona Identify different kinds of confhct obtamed by calling 861-0040 Bon Secours' segment of the The War MemorIal's sprmg art \"~rkshop Tuesday, March 29, 9'30 students how to mat! cut glass and Jomt program IS a seminar whIch classes run the gamut of levels a m. to 3 p.m. Students should mitre In a p.rofesslOnal ~anner 1 f"l"l • ~ - - ~ ~..... - pro"ldes an overVle'" of cardlac MJ. .aog-'- CJ'Cg \....h1nCSC (;{).iiiit;t; ....Oii amI U1Lt:lt::>l:> hi lh~ wOI1J of al t. Ull1lg d :>ad .. lUllch. TIlt: \.\):>l!:> Each of the eIght seSSlOr.s IS three conditIOns, their mahagement and Mary LOUise McCarroll WIll $2150 hours Total cost $39.. . (Continued from Page SA) thai, chaIrman of Burroughs rehablhtatIOn processes. Patients teach Beginmng Drawing, on M t F II '11 t h For the art enthUSiast, Wl1ham negotiated deals between China Corp, Cecil Mackey, presIdent of attend four weekly evemng ses- Wednesdays, April 13 to June 15 argare a one WI eac A Bostick, secretary of the De. and American companies have MIChigan State Umverslty, DaVid SIOns at Bon Secours conducted by and "Fundamentals of Portral- ~~~~~~~~l~~~c:~:~~n~r:y ~~ trolt Institute of Arts for 30 years, later put the AmerICans at a dis. ReIchard, mternatlOnal marketmg a team headed by Johann ture" on Mondays, Aprll 11 to from 7 30 t~ 9 30 pm. She wili wJ1l conduct an ilIu;strated survey advantage "The Chmt'se are wJ1l- director at the Ex.Cell-O Corp; Schmidt, M D Sue Went, R.N , June 20 Both classes meet from 9 teach WIlliam A Bostick's calli- of the 5,000 hlstor.y of West- ing to re-negotlate the deal and Harold ShapIro, president of coordinates the program. The to 11.30 a m and are $65 for eIght graphIc method and use the text ern art. The eIght seSSIOns, start- make It fair to the American MIChigan State UniverSity, and team also mcludes pharmacists, sessIOns B k th ed C t $25 f 109 Wednesday, March 2, I to 3 compames, whICh among trading Supreme Court Justice G Mennen dietiCians, SOCial workers, phys. For those interested In 011, Por- .ostlc au or os IS or p.m., 10clude SIX lectures and two partners 10 this country IS some- Williams Former UAW president ICal therapists. cardIOpulmonary traits in Oils will be taught by eight weeks plus text fee. visits to the DlA. The fee is $40 for what unusual," he said and former Ambassador to China, therapists and a chaplam Paolo Coppmi, Thursdays, April "PIcture Frammg" will be held SIX lectures and two museum VIS. Leonard Woodcock, IS head of the The team talks about stress 14 to June 16 from 7:30 to 9:30 both In the mornmg and evemng Its "If you've got a good deal and committee management, medication, diet, pm Class fee is $65. on Thursdays begmmng March 24. For more mformatlOn call 881. things go bad for the other guy, Trade between the Umted States exercise and emotional and phys- Students may work WIth oil or Marguerita Ibarlu2:ea will teach 7511. they usually say 'too bad ' " and Chma amounted to more than ical concerns acryhc m Wilham House's BUIld- In additIOn to Mogk and Mrs $5 billion last year, according to For more Information, call 343- ings and Landscapes begmning Milliken, the committee boasts a the U S .China Trade CouncIl. A 1509 Thursday, March 17 from 9 a.m Vatican art shown in slides number of well known political, spokesman for the MIchigan De- to noon. Students should bring a S1. Paul on-the-Lake's Monsig- can art collection being shown ab- businesses and academIC leaders partment of Comm~rce said that photograph of the building or nor Francis X. Canfield WIll show road for the fIrst time. Centuries including. Norton Berman, dlrec- no fIgures for trade between Woods seniors landscape they wish to paint. The slides from "The Vatican Collec- of art are included in the exhibit. tor of the Michigan Department of MIChigan and China are available plan a party cost is $94 for eight three hour tIOn: Papacy in Art" at 1:30 p.m. Commerce, W MIChael Blumen- at this tIme sessions. Wednesday, March 9, at the The program is part of the The Grosse Pointe Woods Semor In the area of crafts, Mary Her- NeIghborhood Club. NeIghborhood Club's World Travel Jr. League sets food drive Citizens group wJ11 hold their bert will teach the basics of bas- The collection includes 237 pre- group. All senior citizens are in- Spring Card P arty and Luncheon ketry in a Round Reed Basket cious masterpieces from the Vati- vited. The JUnior League of Detroit donated to Crossroads East, at on May 20 For the has invited everyone to Jom its' 'I 14641 East Jefferson In Detroit. fIrst time, the party Can One Can" campaIgn to pro- The agency dIsperses food to wIll be free for all vide food for hungry people in those in need and also provides lNOTEI FollowLnq h t":le t ..xt of Ordinance No 2.21 .dopt~ by the CouncU paid up members of ot th. CUy of Gro... PoLnte et Ii uvul.r Metin9 held '.bna.ry 22, lflJ ..) Detroit. The League started to counseling and referral services the orgamzation. project as a means of solving the Cash prizes will be CI1'Y OF Immediate problems of Detroit's A food collection box is located awarded from the (StUllar 'Uillie MICHIGAN needy and to encourage thought in the Grosse Pointe War Memo- treasury, according to ORDINANCE NO. 221 about long range solutlons. rial's front hall. For more infor- party chairman Mrs. mation, call 881-0040. Collected canned goods will be Helen Hughes. Paid 111< Oll

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council Will hold a publIc tickets at $3.50 avail- CHAPTER 106 PROPERTY t'l.AINnNAHCE COOE Section PM.803 0 Cl;!'rtitic6te- of Occupanc-y ~eql,lln:aent. able to everyone else hearmg on Monday, March 7,1983, at 730 P m. m the Council Room of the PM eO) 1 mUnicipal buildmg, 20025Mack Plaza, for the purpose of selectmg com. For more informa- That Chapter lQ6 of Tltla VUt of the Gro•• e Pointe City 1:04. i. munlty development projects to be submitted to the Wayne County Office tIOn, call 884.1459 roenby repcalec:l And. the tollovlnq chapur aub.Ut\lU4 thenfgZ't It ..hall ~ t;lnla",r\ll for any p'rlon~ f1r:lb or corpQuUo1\ to hendur occupy or for an.)' owner or a9e-nt thereot, to perllitt the occ\lptt1on of of Intergovernmental Affairs and Management for mcluslOn 1I1 the City's • 191 Adoptlo~ of Code by .. tenne. Pursuant to t.he provl.aiona of any dWll'lling or .truct.ure or part there-of, fot any purpo •• , .mill". I 1983 application for Commumty Development Block Grant funds. By Regi na stages S.eUon Hkl of "et. 219 of 190', State of MlchiljJan, a.... n4",~ Th. Bu1l4in'i ..resolution, the City CounCil agreed to partiCipate in such program and C.r'tit Icat. of OCcupancy h.a bc!ltn. I.•• ued by the 8uildln9 ~p/ltt4oent 'With 'Brigadoon' Officlala 'C04e M.~n~.trato'l'. !nt.rnatiDn&l~ Jnc •• "s1c .~r,y ~,,~.lts dti'llC!M wbo are individuals or who represent neighborhood re_peet 'to .uch d..,.11in9 or .t:ructur. J.Ns.Yt altt.,.,wtllc::h i. ",ot. ..-or. KalnUI1&nce Code lha.r.lndter nfene" to ... the! IOCAh.le proputy groups or prIVate non-profit corporatlons to submit Ideas and comments The Lerner and than. three (J) ycars pr-.1or to the date of .uctl OCcllp.tlUon 'The-Cert.lf ieate concernmg the 1983apphcatlOn Funds of up to $99,000 00 may be available "'in.tenance Code/UIl, .. cone! edition) 110 hereby fOUll4 and c!echre4 lo be Loewe musical "Brl- ot Occuplncy sroall _tatll' that the Ih:ailchn9 t>ep.r-lll'ent hal the for approved projects an acceptlllb1e C'Ode tor that purpo ... anc:l ~s hereby ..doptltd by reference ... gadoon" pre- dwe-l1ing or- structure And tro.llt ... id Dcpal'"tmcl1t h•• dete:rmine-d that t .... in this Ch.pter 1D041fled, for the- purpoae of prot;!ctin9 the he-a1th, .afet.y Chester E. Petersen sented March 4, 5, 11 dVI!'111n9 or st.rueture Ny be occupifld The- CertU le.t. of occlJp.ncy .hall .tInd vel fare in building_ in the City of Gro ••• PoLnt.e- .nd. on the GPN - 3-3-83 CIty AdmInistrator-Clerk and 12, at 8 p.m at boar lhU 11!'gend in cepltll lelt@lU or bold-lace type I "T)115 CE:RTIFIC"TE herein.Her provided :by I Regina High School In POtS N01' CONSrITlJT£ ANY 1U:.PRISENTATJOH OR W.lLRR,ANTY AS TO THE C0'4DlTIOH or Harper Woods (1) Utabll1hin.9 EII1nilltU:lNintenancll' nand-. rd. fOIt".11 .truc:toJoua an4 TH£ OWELLIr4G OFl: OTm:f4 STRUC1'U1U:.S ON SAIl) PRU11Sts geSCRIBEtI HERl:%H (OR CITY OF "nillie 1J1uttn.aMICHIGAN The mUSIcal is a preJlt;iu. for baaic e-quiplMnt and faciUtlu for 1Jqht. ventilation, ANY ASPECT or <;UCH CO..,OITIONI, AND INTERESTED PtP.SOtIS APE ADVISED ~D story of two Amencan ENCOURACED TO PiA,t THEIR 0W1l INSPECTJON or 'THE P~£1'HSE5 IN OItOE" TO NOnCE OF PROPOSED USE OF hunters who stumble and location, an.d for .af. and sll1\Ltary maintenance of aU structures DETERMfNE T:HE CO"JDlTlOO THEREOF • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS up'?n a quaint Scottish ThL.a section .hall net. apply to any occuPAncy in existence .tit the time Village called Bnga- (2) 'idnq t.he re.pon.l.biIitill's of O'Vnltr., oper.tor, and occup&nt.. of ..11 of the ad-option of thtt Ch.pter Notice IShereby given that a Pubhc Hearmg was held Monday, February doon, which holds a P"1-90) 2 :~Ef..!}.£a.!..1..0~a.E~f.,!! Application for a Cert'fiea.te of 28, 1983,at 4 00P m by the City AdministratIOn at the MUniCipalOffice, 90 secret Kerby Road, for review of Commumty Development projects to be sub- Se-ct\on 1',..-201 0 is ~1tle-d .tiS foll"""s ....dy oc r..ade by 'the OY"'tiPr or hiS dealqnated aqe-n't, of .. dwell ing mItted to Wayne County Office of Program Development and Coordina- Pre-sale tickets are Pi'll 201 0 ~ell1nq~ F'a""lUy Hotel, Motel RooQ1nq House. Room~nq Unit lInd upon .. forl"l F

Taber p." 101 S PubllC.uU IT''lnt~.~ Sidewalk. on Publ~<: riqP't of """'1 .lhall r!1I@lllhg 'LS not tn confonunc~ "Hh t.he- atorenae-ntlone4 rah imUID.t.nderd., ORDINANCE NO. 98 be ~lnt"Lned H\ .tIccord/ln::e- with Ch...pter 42 of the Cr(5Ue ?o~rtf' CIty Code the Intpector .hlll request re1l'l8dy t.her~t .tIrl.1.. CertHicall of OCcup.ncy honored IIJ.611 not be Inue-Cl unt11 such st"lid/ll'"~' are: cOI'IIpIic~ 'WIth to the AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CO~E OF THE CITY OF GROSSE The 1980graduate of prevprts t."'lti't"frollt r:.tIlllnq Int.o • atate of or becor!n.q un."fe POINTE PARK BY AMENDING SECTIONS 23, 24, 25 AND 27 OF the Umverslty LIggett $.e-ctlO"l Pili ]02 4 ) tS ~:hne-d to re-ad .I' follows P'" 80] 4 Conditional Certlficate ot occup6ncy In t:he- e....e11t tor any CHAPTER 12, GARBAGE AND RUBBISH, TITLE n. UTILITIES AND School scored once m reason an CNnt!r or purch.,er request. that. • Cert.lflc.tlte ot OCC~p.tInc:y SERVICES OF SUCH CODE the first and tPlfd be Issued prior to cOt'llp1e-te confor .....nce 'With th; .lnlMWS .t.~.r~. of THE CITY OF GROSSE POINTE PARK ORDAINS periods and tWIce In <;.e-ctlon P1'l 401 J' 16 Ifodlfled to re..d as follows this Code /lnd If the .tIb..en.ce of cOfIple-te conroraance- dOf!'s not il\ the the second st anza to judql">en.t ot t.he 1'l"'spec'tor ~ con.titut.e aaleri.1 'health or ,.tIrety h.:tarda. a Section 1. Sections 23,24, 25 and 27 of Chapter 12.TItle VII of the City lead the Big Green to I..ast. one- rJ l Window of appToved .. u:e '"clrq threctly to t.he outdoor .. or to Con~it10n./ll Certificate of Occupucy -.ay lJC ~ .. ull!'d upon the condition of Grosse POinte Park are hereby adopted to read m their entirety as 1\1n the He also added t.h1t. ('o"'\p1ete conforl'l.lrce be ach;,e-vt"'d ..,.ithln a re-a.onabl .. tL ... apeel ried follows an a<;<;I,>tIn the can w-:Jroo. &"'l .. 11 be- ten rlO,) per ceM of the floor .t''!'. of 'J;\H:h roo"!' Wh~r.ever- by the If'1'Pf!'ctor~ not lto •• Uti" 'even (11 days .~ tts. OWner'. or test Taber lead'> the 2 3 Refu~e Storage. <\ suf£lclent number of containers for refuse ac .... } IS or ott'1er porl',,""lnS or .... ructure f.tlce .tI "Inc!ow of 6l"ly ~droo" an(l .. .,Ie.... purch" ..e-r' .. a ... uunce tl'1 .. t coa.plete conrOf"lUnCe vill be ..chiev~ by BIg Green In goal cumulating between collectIOn days shall be prOVided by every <>t.t;tructlons .re 10C'.te-~ It'll th.n three rJI rt'l't fro'Tl U'I' WH\dov and extll!''I'1t! depo~1t wiUl the City or Cro ... Pol.nt. in t.he 11'10unt or not I .... tlu.n '>COflng t hI" sea!:oon householder or other person or persons served Contamers for reo to " leveol above tt6t (,If the: ceHthg of the l>edroo'" "uch. wtndO'«l'shall not fHty(S'SO 00) doUu. or fifty 1$0'1 pelt" cent or the .. t.ed repair fuse shall be of a type approved by the City. as established by the wllh 16 He al'>o hae:;11 coats fwhlch est i~ate lIJrUlt be acceoptable to the City of (;.ro... Pointel Department of Pubhc Service and approved by the CIty Manager ase:;lsts fOf 27 pomte:; pursuant to SectIOn 2 7 of thiS Chapter He IS thIrd In the 1\ v wt'dcht"'ve-r i. the lire-.tIter In tt'1. ",vent of 'nu.nce of a Coru1lt.ional League In ,>corlng CiPrt.i(!' of Oceup.lll'lCY~t ..... owner or P\lrC' ahllll notHy the 2 4 Refuse Containers All refuse placed at the curb or by the alley for With nine pOints In rnspector by or before the .nl5 of th. ti .. perlod .peelt!ed by the pick shall be In contamers approved by the CIty The permiSSible fOUf gamee:; Jrapt"ctor for .chh'viru;J contoTaance th.t .ail5 cO"\fonllance hat btoa-n

types of contamers shall be established by the Department of Public ot be O'W"')IU S Taber, an eco- e 1902 COo!e-0"'1 f.!.le c~pletf!' prlf'\lP~ COptiP. of t~ ... IVY''' l'la'lllIC'Pl'"Op4!Tty achieved, .n~_ Ce-rt.ificate occup.tll'\cy atall lS'l.>a~ a~ the Service and approved by the City Manager pursuant to Secllon 2 7 ~HteT'anc. Code-/l9ill .<"cord t"~IUO"l huein "~optlPd ar ...... a1lable for of thiS Chapter Discarded furmture, appliances, or SImilar bulky nomics maJor, IS the publIC 11M and 1."IyE'cllon at the C6'f'lCIt 06' th .. C;,ty Cle-r'll: oY"'iP( • or purchaBer'. cOClllpll.l"Ic. I' t~ O'Wn.-ror p-"rcP'Jaser to Items not subject to decompo'iltlon shall be either broken and re- son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Taber of Ox- co""pl y .. s 6qrf"f"d the f!;ulldjnq OfoJMrt~nt .... y u.... 0 lIIuch or the c".h duced In volume so as to permit safe and speedy handling or. If 8 liD C,,",,--!. 01'1 rllr (r')1"'plfltl'!'pTlnu.r1 eopi •• (If th<" ROC" "uic Prop"'rt/ IS ford Road or !'Jon'" r1.. ce .... Illr-yto l" ..t llf,H. leqel act 10n to I.C\lr. COnrOnMlr1Ceor such procedure not practicable, the owner shall call the Depart. -.. lntflr1i1nc:,e-ccode-Il,E1l second "~ltlO" _hall be" ril'....d •• rflf"'t'rinq to He ment of Public Service to arrange for speCial handling The greatest to ul"Idertak" t'!'w!- sp+cltlM wor)l .,.itP'o Teturn of .l'loy balanc. to th-e OW'TIer Allen Taber a Clfy of Gr-O.'41 POlnt" "11 ref"rll!'l'\ce' tht"reln to tl"1e ~1lt'.,lnIClf'.llty. "11<1to dimenSIOn of such bulky artIcles shall not be more than three (3) or Tn the evetlt lhllt Ult- .tIlfIO'"•..:nt or e •• h or the bond I. not JunlOf from the .... y IJr.d •• 1 of tf'f' p<>rsornf'i burp4u •• nd/or .ubd;,vllllonB of •• ;,d 81w111rHnq (4) feet Branches shall be cut to not over four feet I ...frlel~rot lo covpr the e-ntiT4I COtlt of C'ol'lforNinee- thpr. an)' ~d:ltlonal Woods, was selected ~plJrt_~t 1l"'1J1~ bfo rrlJt'J ..... r",(prrtnq t.o thr- Clty IoIAT.!lq't'"r {City Cll'rk, of (ost ~t"rl"l,.nd,",r B~.ll bP cP'l.tlrq.d aljlairat th40 prfl"i'''a and the O\Il"rfprof 25 Collection Place Refuse for collection shall be placed at the curb or as the Ivy League on the property abutting the aile} only on the day on whIChcollec Hockey Player of the U Ld ..,rMIll B(II" and ..h. II be coil eoeud .s pro'll Ll!..~ 'Ot .inqle lot tlOn Will be made or after 6 o'clock P M of the day precedmg such Week for hiS four.goal 41l"".Il"'''''"1t. In .~ctlon I 13 of th .. Grn, .." Poll"t. CIty Co(I .. performance 10 Dart- All TfI'''rl!'T'('(''s .t-e-rl!'l'i to Hifl leq.l r.~rl!'u"l.t .. tIV. or th'" T""IJ"'lIC'lpallty d,all collectIOn day No garbage cans or permanent refuse container" or J''' aGl ~ Ac"~sl tor 1l...!R&lrl [very OCCIJp.antof • ctw.lllnq or ctructur" carrIers shall be left at the curb or on the property abutting the mouth College's 8-4 No rt-ad ... r". ....rrll"Q to ttiP CHy "uorr .. y of t.he elt) c.! ro .... ;>O~r'Jtl' alley victory over Brown on ..I'lIl1 ql./e the O'Wr.r of rot. aoJl'h-or-iT.d .qltrt. (""leP'J .... y Inclu~4 t"". Feb 5 11 llU C' .... "ro..s..e.1'1 Coo...! ~. tolloowl rq .,..c. j01'l1 .r~ • .J~Ulct lOr'll 0' VI. I'!IJll~tr:J ::Hpart"Wnt or H. "aUqMr•• _'hctlnq rlp'ita or elt.,atIOfl. 2 7 Containers to be Provided. The Department of Pubhc ServIce shall ~~ 111151("" f>r'">t'f'rty M.tIlrl.I'lH'IC'fICod.n"ll ,~co"'ld ("ditlo" •• "lIInby p.Jr.ualt to e..... or bond~ aee ••• to the ~llil'\q ....d any .cc ... ory bu;,ldir'l!jJ adopt speCificatIon:; for refuse contamers and may adopt rules and It .r'ly r(".. tt,.. fOf p.,lrP'O'" (If .... lI:iMq 'ucP\ t"'~.itl !)r .1t.ral~or. regulatIOns for the collectIOn and disposal of refuse, not inconsistent .n Ult 11i1'C"'U)' to .rsur. cOfP' with ttlll C1' ."'6 .11ab1. th. v.lth ttus Chapter. subject to the approval of the City Manager It I,.u."cer ot • Cartlflcat. o( Or.:'c"UpU'lC")' shall be the duty of the occupant of premises m the City to prOVide GARBAGE containers conformIng to such speCifications, through purchase of '"hiP I"(( ..rt\vl' d.u or the "tn;,n Or(lj, tk) ~:n sh.ll b* tefl rlO, such contamers from the City or otherwIse Refuse contamers made GRINDER? I"ay... ftar dlt. ot public,tlon t .....reOr

available for purchase or lease from the City shall be upon such Cd p- It.' J Per..lty ror Vlolatt~ 'M'!t p4'r'I.Hy tor Yio1altt'>f\t 0' .,iUi.,.

terms as sel by the City Council by resolutIOn Failure to comply Prop.rty ,..,.Ir'lt.,...",ce C04e I~all be' .. ~rO'Yld40d ;,n uetlor 1 1) of l"'l. With any rule or regulatIOn duly adopted as herem prOVIdedshall be deemed a ViolatIOnof thiS Chapter ~~ Cro". Pol rot. CI ty Cod. S..c:tiorla'. 1102 .r-.d no 2 art 1\OdifucS to u.d .. (ollovi. PlU MllNG'HEAt!!li l' If UZIUACll Section 2. ThiS ordmance shall take effect on March 15, 1983 PM 11C 1 ".pp.!ill~d Th. City Council .haa .et u an .pp .. 1 boud .nd Ctn ""","M:r:_-<:Lr:Q 11100 LMIlIIOIS ...... 7100 Nunzlo J. Ortlsl .~.Il ~a\le t~. duty r .. ~n.aIMllI:y and .uf""'rity tv ~1Ic:1tSelMueu 153CMmCII£VAl • 122 107D CP'N • ""rcn. l, 1.1 J GPN - 3-3-83 City Clerk l7t1 UN. • M3 4IIG rprerr.d lO tN>1I\ Thursday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Sevenleen-A for the first tIme to come up trators along With their aver- Letters Tothe~it:rno' vote o~ ~~~ Jat If the with some logical explanatIOn age fringe beneflt~, Includmg I I In- why our tax bills have Ill- pensIOn medical-dental We are voting 'no' on both millage faIls, the Board of creased drastically each year surance and life Insurance Why increase school taxes now? the mdlage proposals EducatIOn wiIl be compelled to the current all-time high, The ~ame al~o 15 requf'~ted of To the Editor: tlOnally ~nd economically in A strong message to trustees while ~chool enrollment has teacher~ I have never wntten to your the best Interest of the com. declined almost one-half If the Third, ba~ there been any fine newspaper before, but the munity.. . I feel I must write after overcrowded .classes Is thl~ board prOVides a 5atlsfactory reductIOn III the numbers of importance. of the school mlll- I ~eheve If .the voters t~k reading your article on closing what we want In POinte explanatIOn, or better yet, teachers, aho non-teaching age electIOn on Monday, the time to think through this schools (Feb. 24 issue) Sever- for our children? Also, IS our economIes which common admJnl~trator!>, con~lstcnt With March 7, compels me to ex- question, clearly and without al points trouble me greatly school system gOIng to prov.1de sense Illdicate~ ~hould ac- the tremendous reduetlOn In press publicly a resounding prejudice and press~re, .~her. First, you stated .. Jon transportatIOn for our child. company the dra~tlc reductIOn stUdent load? Ju!>t how many "no!" would vote a resounding no Gandelot dispelled rumors that ren? If not, how WIll small m !>tudents, then they can re- indIVidual" are there In each Why increase taxes when the to the mdlage increase Then some schools are already tar- children (K to 4) get to school !>ubmlt the proposal!> and the category, <..ompared With student body has decrea~ed th.e board could. c~me back geted to be shut down" Mr If Mom doesn't have use o! a voter~ Will approve them "peak load" time'>? from approximately 13,000 ~Ith a mor~ re~~shc proposl- Gandelot did make a pomt to car? Parents, do ~ou want In a recent meetmg With Fourth, many re<,ldenh are down to 7,800 or 41 percent? tIOn after examining all f';lcets mention that no schools were your. little ones walkmg ?r,eat- neIghbors, here are ~ome of dI~mayed at the board'<, Would it not be more logical to of enrollment, school closmgs, targeted, but he most defmlte- er distances? I sure don t. the questions which trouble "dilly dallying" on '>chool clo- reduce costs by clOSing super- etc. ly did not dispel any rumors. many of us' ~ure~ There has been ~urvey~, fluous schools, etc? Wasn't- Grosse Pomte has always A number of Mason parents, r'lrst, we are told 85 percent ~tudICS, but nothing h<.l<,been I suggest our 5chool board of our ~chool tax money goe<, there a citIzen committee had, and should have, an ex- along WIth myself, took no dOUble-check these matters. done and no indicatIOn 01 what working with the school board ceJlent educatIOnal system comfort 10 Mr Gandelot's to salanes Smce the unions ~chool~ Will be c1o!>cd Pre- We in Gro~se Pomte have al- became so powerful, each year sumably. the delCly results toward thiS goal? What hap- B.ut in thes.e times of economic statement Also, (Supt) ways enJoyed an excellent we learn of dra5tIc mcrea!>es from a lack of courage In re- pened? distress, It should face ':!p Brummel, why couldn't you school system. I know. I went A150, would It not be more some hard tacts, tighten Its look i'1to thE> 31\cl!E>ncE> Il/hile to M~c;;on,Parcells :md Grosse both in salarIes and frmges ~I~tlng pre~~ure group~, ad. We ulH1er~tand teacher neg- 111111l~lJ aLOr~amI teacher~, and • eliucal \ and economICal) to b~lt (lIke t~~ rest ot US) and Mr Gandelot was speakmg? Pointe North High School. put an Important question lIke given the cltIze~s (who, after Do you know something you otiatIOn!> are currently under- a minority of parenb, Incon- That is why I am raising my vcmenced by ~uch cloSlng5. this up to the electorate at the all, foot the bIll) an econ- don't want Mason parents to chIldren here Please don't de- way. In view of dIsmal next regular election? Not only omically-so':!nd, no frills school know? stroy thIS. There are other al- economIC conditions, Increased Finally, one reSIdent won- would this ensure a larger, system which ~ould be sol- Second, the Grosse POinte ternatives Many were brought tax burdens on homeowners, ders If, in negotiatIOn!> With the more representative vote, but v~nt, and of WhICh we could News made a pomt of asking and generous Increases the teachers' union, consideratIOn out at the public meetmg at IS given to the fact that teach- it would give the board more still be proud. Southlake busllless manager Parcells last October I know teachers have enJoyed from UnIon pressure In past years, ers are paid a full year's time to re-thlnk the whole Mrs. Frank Bulkley Jerry Parker how closing - I was there Don't hurt the question of what IS educa- Grosse Pointe City schools in that district has af- IS the board prepared to take a wages for much less, po~slbly chIldren to save money. They firm stand on a total "freeze" 10 month!> work, In contra~t to fected the community. He are all the future we have. this year? stated, "We had virtually no the much favorable status of Second, taxpayers want to privately employed taxpayers. trouble. Everybody understood Nancy McDonald the reasons. We prOVide trans- know specifICally the average Mr and Mrs, John C. Cook What'Js on Cable portation .. " I suggest you Grosse Pointe Woods pay of non-teachIng admmlS- Grosse Pomte City Thursday, March 3 - Channel 8 talk to the parents In the • 7 30 P m - "CondomInium Catalog" - Escape south With this Video Southlake dIstrict. Yes, they gUide to see the condo, learn the cost and dates of avallablhty, and have a did understand - at the tIme. telephone number to contact for reservations Today they feel cheated and • 8 P m - "Houses, Houses" - A revIew of houses for sale In the Grosse conned Absenteeism is up Pointes and Harper Woods The transportation IS provided Thursday, March 3 - Channel 17 by buses driven by school Jan- IS YOUR DOCTOR OUT OF TOWN • 6 pm - "Build Your Own City, Build Your Own Walls" - ThiS film itors. Some schools are facing discusses the defmltlon, different types, causes and treatments of OR UNAVAILABLE BUT YOU HAVE A epilepsy A healthy athletIC man has to face the fact he has epilepsy The film demonstrates the effects It has on marnage, Job, self-Image, and physIcal abIlities *************** URGENT HEALTH CARE NEED? • 6 30 P m - Hank Luks vs Cnme .. UNIQUE, NEW .. • 7 P m - People With Erv Steiner .. CABLE T.V. SHOW .. • 7 30 P m - A View from a Park Bench WIth Judge Beverly C. Grobbel .. Markets neighborhood people .. • B P m - The Health Field EASTSIDE • 8 30 pm - "FinanCial Planning," with Margaret Southworth, certified .. and their skills .. finanCial planner • 9 pm - "SmgleSeen " it WATCH ,JOB MART .. • 9 30 P m. - League of Women's Voters Forum "New Life In our .. Channel 8 .. EMERGENCY CENTER NeIghborhood" - A dISCUSSIonon group homes for the mentally disabled .. M W F 7 30 p.m - SAT. 11 30 am .. • 10 P m - "DetrOIt Media Monthly" Thursday, March 3 - Channel 19 iC CALL 886~?'~¥o!a~:n371.4591 iC 20048 HARPER AVE., HARPER WOODS • 6 p.m. - "To Your CredJt " Friday. March 4 - Channel 8 1(************** • 7 30 P m - "CondominIUm Catalog" - See March 3 lIstmg • B P m - "Houses, Houses" - See March 3 listing ~881.61601 Friday, March 4 - Channel 17 Grosse Pointe Soccer Assoc. • 7 P m - The Health FIeld HOURS: MON.-SAT. 10-10 X-RAY-LAB-EKG- • 11 pm - Sam's Showcase Theater - Debut - Watch hve entertam- and I ment feature films and conlest glve-a-ways, plus mUCh, much more SUN. & HOLIDAYS 1-6 DENTISTRY TOOlght's feature fll'm IS the orlJ{lnal "NI~ht of the LIVing Dead" ThIS thrdrer ..hould not be mIssed by horror film buffs the Neighborhood Club Friday. ~arch 4 - Channel 19

• 7 30 P m - ExplanatIOn of the 1983 Millage Proposal, WIth Dr Ken REFEREES CLINIC Brummel, Supermtendent of Schools, and the millage co-chairpersons, LOUIse TeWalt and Harry Thomalla Tom Syme, Clinic Director Sunday, March 6 - Channel 8

• 10 am - "Houses, Houses" - See March 3 lIstmg March 7 and 8. 7:30 to 9 p,m. Monday, March 7 - Channel 5 March 14 and 15. 7:30 to 9 p.m. • 4 30 P m - American Catholic • 5 pm - FaIth 20 at the Neighborhood Club • 8 pm - ServIces taped at St James Lutheran Church Monday. March 7 - Channel 8 16 years or older, earn • 7 30 P m - "CondommlUm Catalog" - See March 3 lIstmg officiating license • B P m - "Houses, Houses" - See March 3 hstlng Monday, March 7 - Channel 17 Call Gary Braynaert • 6 30 P m - "Waveforms" - A weekly series that takes a look and Itsten at contemporary musIc featUring hve performances by natIOnal and 885.4600 local groups • 7 pm - "SmgleSeen" - An alternatIve to bars, dating serVICes, and well-mtentlOned relatIves • 7 30 pm - "Young VJewpomtes" - A news show brought to you by the kIds of Grosse POInte CITY OF • 8 P m - The Health FIeld • 8 30 P m - "The Job Show" - A weekly series put out by the M E S C concernmg Jobs available both locally and natIOnally Q)rUIUlr puiufr • 9 P m - World Adventure Series, WIth Margaret Ann Behrends and Wayne County, Michigan Kenard Lawrence ThIs new senes takes a look each week at different ,.~~,"Cooking Onions world travel films '---'.' 3-LB. BAG Monday, March 7 - Channel 19 BOARD OF REVIEW • 6 P m - "Images of Agmg " MEETING 'II" 39c • 6 30 pm - Presentation by storyteller/consultant Jackie Wuertenberg at MonteIth Elementary School The Property As~e,>smcm Roll of the Tuesday, March 8 - Channel 8 Cuy of Gros'>e Poime, Wayne County, Michigan, for the year 198~ has been WILSON • 7 30 P m - "CondominIUm Catalog" - See March 3 lIstmg compiled. The estimated Stale- • 8 P m - "Houses, Houses" - See March 3 lIstmg Bananas Tuesday, March 8 - Channrl 17 Eq ua Iizat ion factor for 198 ~ IS 0 :97 2 leEeRIAM ReSidential and 1:0206 Commercial. • 6 pm - "I Love You, Frank" - Shows a man havmg a heart attack Therefore, In accorJdncc with the 4 LBS.$1!O and shows the vanous warning signs leading up to It The audIence also Y2 Gal. $1~9 see<; how frustrating It can be to !):et help If you don't know m advance General Property Tax laws of Ihe what to do for a heart attack Victim State of Michigan and Section 35. of • 6 30 pm - Hank Luk<;.s Crime the City Charter, as amended: SUNBORN LOW FAT V20/0 • 7 P m - People vdth Erv Stemer • 7 30 P m - A View from a Park Bench WIth Beverly C Grobbel • 8 P m - The Health FIeld The Board of Review Orange Juice MILK • B 30 pm - "Fm&nclaJ Plannrng," WIth Margaret Southworth • 9 P m -' ~mgleSeen" - See March 7 Ii<;tmg Will Meet on • 9 30 P m - 'DetrOit MedIa Monthly" Y2 Gal. 99~ $1~9Gal. TUl'<;day. March 8 - Channel 19 Monday, March 21, 1983 ALEXANDER & HORNUNG • 6 P m - 'Ody<;<;ey Qup<;t for Energy" NA rURAL CASING Alexander & Hornung" ~ Wednesday. \larch 9 - Channel 5 and FRESH or SMOKED Knackwurst )\~1\ • 4 30 pm - Amencan Catholic ~,r • 5 P m - Faith 20 I /- ; LIVER $ 1 2 \ l! )}, • B P m - Servlce<; tapro at MemOrial Pre<;hyterlan Church Tuesday, March 22, 1983 99 9 A \~ \ SAUSAGE • lB $2 Wednrsday, March 9 - Channel 8 ' I \ ~ • L.b ,'./ ~ • 7 'lO P m - . ConrlommlUm Catalog" - See \larch 3 IIstmg During the Hours of '\ ~\\ MUNSTER or 'J7 • 8 pm' HOuse<; Hou<;e<, - S('C March 3 Ii<;tmg ~ Wednl''iday. \larch 9 - Channel 17 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. :, ~ MOIIERELLA Sliced Bacon ~ 'J' \ • 6 30 P m -- ' Waveform., . - See March 7 lI<;tmg and 89 fj • 7 P m - '~mgleSeen" - ~et' March 7 IIstmg $1• Lb. 39 • 7 .'lO P m - Young Vlewpomtes " $1 b ':" BY THE CHUNK ONL Y • L. it • 8 P m - Th(, Health FI('ld 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. • 8 30 P m - "The Jot> Show" - See March 7 listing • • 9 pm - World Adventure Series - See March 7 IIstmg Such meeting will he held .it the Wrdnl'!lday, March 9 - Channel 19 Municipal Offl{e~, ]']47 Maumee. • 6 P m - "Of All Place<; for Mon<;t('r<; Thomas W. Kressbach • 6 30 P m - Presentation by <;torytellerl consultant Jackie Wuertenberg City ( lerk it Monteith Elementary School (, P N ~ ~ H ~ ~ I () H~ ~ 17 H~

\... " I,

Thursday, March 3, 1963 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eighteen-A ( Views of the News) Indecision imperils tax vote

If the Gro~~e POinte Board of EducatIOn had a definIte perIOd of tIme would at lea!>t end the dealt more expeditIOusly with the controversial speculatIOn that IS now lueled bv the board'" school c1o~lng Issue, It would be In a stronger indeCiSIOn . pO~ltlOn when It face~ the renewal of Its three- Despite these CrIticI"ms, however, the mes- year tax levy to fmance the schools and Its capable facl IS that the school system and the libraries at Monday'~ millage electIOn lIbrarIes need the revenue!> that are prOVIded by the millage WhICh I~ up for renewal on Mon- JUDGING FROM the letters to the editor and day ClOSing a s,chool or two would not ~ave the the telephone calls to the Gro~~e POInte News, !>ystem from dl!>a~ter If the rene\\al were voted we think a sub!>tantial ~egment of the com- down In fact, If the \ oters reject the renewal, munlt v feel<; that the school board has been the board !>Imply would have to put the Issue to dllc1to'ry In arnvlng at any decI~lon about another vote, despite the addItIOnal expen~e whether anv schools <;hould be closed m view of that would be reqUired the '>hal p declme In school enrollment As thIS The board has made It clear that It doe~ not newspaper has stated In earlIer editOrIals, we plan to Impo~e the full 26 65 mills voted unle!>!> 1I1t:l:> llavc all caJ} LIG3<:d '>cheo! assessed valuatIOns In the Pomte,> But It still bulldlng~ In the face of enrollment declInes could save money by closmg one or more ~Imllar to those In the Pomtes In East Detroit, schools even next year, de!>plte the comment by lor example, where the enrollment has declmed Supt Kenneth Brummel elsewhere In thl!> Issue from 13,771 m 1971 to 7,490 thiS year, four of the News that any board actIOn on the or- <;chool buildIngs already have been closed In gamzatlOnal structure thIS year WIll not cause Gro<;s,e POinte, where enrollment has dropped any changes untIl the 1984-85 school year from 13,337 m 1971 to 7,805 thiS year, no ~chools have yet been closed although the CItizens' IN THE LAST 10 years, the gro~s cost per committee m January recommended one of the pupIl In the Gros!>e Pomte school system for the dlstnct's three middle schools be closed by 1986 operatIOn of the schools and Ilbranes has risen School millage isn't reduction If enroll ment trends persist from $1,26646 m 1972-73 to $3,88694 m 1981-82 In other words, the cost per pupil has more It would seem to me that I would guess that a good THE DELAY IN makIng any decIsIOn on the than trIpled m that decade And whIle It IS true, any proposal for a renewal of many Grosse Pointe taxpayers school clOSIng Issue has Irntated some parents More as Dr Brummel says In hiS column, that a millage to operate the Grosse feel the same way as well as advocates of school closmg. Parents There must be substantIal school IS similar to a household In bemg unable Pointe school system should be are IrrItated by the rumors that have swept the letters to cut expenses proportIOnately when a child substantIally influenced by the budget cuts the board could community about which schools might be tar- ledves, the rIse m expenditures per student In Sizable shrInking of student make in adjusting to an en- geted for clOSIng One result of such concern IS on page the Pomte system ha!> outraced other co~ts and enrollment that has been going rollment drop of 41 percent - that a candidate IS now running for one of the even the national school averages, Brummel on for a number of years cuts that would enable it to re- 17A two vacancies on the school board because he duce the school millage by cites According to the Grosse and hIS fnends want to make sure Mason To return to the prImary argument here, Pomte News, enrollment In the conSiderably more than 1.2 elementary school IS kept open, that candi- If however, this newspaper beheves that there IS POInte's schools reached its mIlls. John DenIer date establIshes a trend, supporters of each no reahstIc alternative at this tIme to votmg for maXImum In 1971, With a high- Grosse POInte Farms school that might be targeted for closing m the renewal of the proposed millage because the est-ever total of 13,337 stu- future might offer a candidate to reinforce revenues are needed to keep the doors of the dents, Since then, however, their demands to keep it open, schools and hbranes open enrollment has been shrInking Such a prospect IS hardly consistent with the steadily and now number& only kmd of cooperatIOn that has prevailed among AT THE SAME tIme, however, we thmk there ought to be an early resolutIOn of the 7,805 students school board members in the past But It does On March 7, Grosse Pointers differences between the school admimstrators reflect the diviSiveness that threatens the dis- are being asked to vote on the and parents who, on the one hand, oppose any trIct unless the Board of Education fmally acts Board of Education's proposal moves toward school closmgs and consolIda- expeditiously to vote to close one or more to reduce the school millage B~ Pdl ROll!>!>cau schools or votes down such a proposal We hap- tions, and those other Grosse POInte residents t, from 26 55 mills to 25.35 mills The Four Leaf Clover and St Patrick's hat e;unlatch , pen to belIeve a t least one ought to be closed at who on the other hand, demand more pOSitIve It actIOn on the controversial school closmg Issue for a period of three years. r::;' n ers sparkling In the Window of Seasons of [ thiS Juncture but a deCISIOn not to close any for Frankly, I don't consider re- (~' ../ .~ Paper remmd us that 5t Patrick's Day J., Just ducmg the school mIllage by " --... around the corner See the shamrock patterned 12 mills much of a reduction ~,+\,,, -i'i' ~ party goods and table cover'i ready for a happy under the circumstances, and J celebratIOn at 115 Kercheval No 'trigger~ for House GOP • Schools need PIck A WhIte Carnahon print on black .,Ilk Jac The exact form of Mlchi~an's new tax pro- cans also would want the mechamsm for de- quard for a mock wrap style dress WIth whIte ribbon bell gram rema\ns uncertain thIS week despite the dicating the extra sales tax revenues to pro- fresh and fashlOnable for spring You'll fmd It along House Taxation Committee's approval of a var- perty tax relief to have been enacted before seniors' help With other after five dresses at Marla Dmon, 11 Kerche IatIOn of Gov James Blanchard's proposed 38 they would support any state referendum on As a reSident of Grosse val. In pastel shades, there's a sl1k organza dinner dress percent mcome tax Increase the sales tax Approval In a stateWide vote POInte for 29 years, It be- styled WIth ruffled sleeves and hem You'll love thE' ribbon print on soft green chIffon Bright red polka dots spta'ih on One thmg IS certam, however. That is the would be reqUired before such an Increase hooves me to make a positive a dress accented WIth a double white organdy collar A House RepublIcan oppOSitIOn to the com- could become effectIve contrIbutIOn to the vote on the Republicans also are seekmg a commitment upcommg ml1lage proposal sophIsticated slender dress WIth tiered sleeve~ IS of an all mittee's plan which was approved only by the over pleated cafe au lalt fabriC Mana tells us thIS Ie;Just from the governor to support sunset legislatIOn Quality education oppor- Democratic maJonty last week and supported a sampling of the collectIOn that IS arriving dally by not a smgle Republican member of that WIth speCific termmatlOn dates on legIslatIOn tumties brought us to Grosse requmng state expenditures, appoIntment of an committee POinte as It has '>0 many other • Under the committee's revision of the gov- outside state commiSSIOn on hIgher educatIOn parents who have moved into At The League Shap you'll find the ~ ernor's proposal, the Income tax would rise by to study the pOSSible consohdatlOn of programs our area and, now, havmg ma- JUnior League'of DetrOIt's HIstone BUIldings - ~.\' black and whIte wrappmg paper It IS now 1 75 percentage points, from the current 4.6 per- and colleges, and settllll up another outSide tured Into the mushroommg 1kl14jIJt.)\ avaIlable In a large prmt for bIg packages "1It:i' cent to 635 percent, retroactIve to Jan 1, but state commission to study mental health pro- group of "elder citizens" (I grams and Instltutions With a "Iew to consol- don't much care for that and a small print far little ones It's three , the mcrease would be tied to Michigan's un- dollars a roll at 72 Kercheval employment rate In future years. That means IdatIOn or even closmg some of them. term), new - but the same - A major Republican worry IS that a high and the increased tax rate would be scaled back as responslbllltles face us. Our • _-_ J . the state's unemployment rate drops, and permanent tax increase Will SImply encourage children's education was aided Spnng SpecIal. at Trail Apothecary, would return to the current level of 4.6 percent hIgher state spendmg when the recessIOn ends then by taxes all paid for by -_ __ 121 Kercheval Yves Samt Laurent',> Rive If the Jobless rate ever dipped to 7.8 percent, and revenues start soanng But Bryant also Citizens, many of whom were 1 i- v .. Gauche eau de tOIlette atomIzer Ie; $950 for the 1979 rate In 1982, the rate on a monthly fears that under the Democratic tax plan, . 'in retired. We now must help to fGj~ one ounce basis exceeded 17 percent at the end of the every recession, no matter how mild, and at a keep quality educatIOn as our tIme when the state should be tlghtemng ItS • year top pnority for our commun- One Of The NICest Ways to an earl) ~pnng free;h belt, there WIll be a tax Increase or we Will be REP. WILLIAM BRYANT Jr., of Grosse Ity hause IS via the potpourrI and the perfumed burmng at a full 6 1 percent income tax rate Excellent schools promote Pointe, Vice-chairman of the House TaxatIOn stIcks In bitter arange and summer citrus e;cent'> found at high real estate values and Committee, points out that House Repubhcans the Greenhouse, 117 Kercheval 881-6833 llbrane'i that are top notch object to the Democratic proposal on several "IT IS MORALLY and legally questIOnable prOVide us all WIth added ful- • grounds One IS that the Democratic tax in- for the legIslature to wash Its hands of the fillment Did you know that PerSnickety Pedlar has a brand ne\\ ,>parklmg crease would be a permanent one, and, m fact, obligatIOn to set tax poltcy based on current collectIOn of glassware at equally beautIful prices T\~o the books borrov. ed last year would be automatIcally reimposed again and conditIOns but to do <;0 permanently IS rid- styles from which to choo<;e one piam agam In the future whenever the unemploy- Iculous," Bryant says "To tell legl~lators they total eight for each resident? for $12 a dozen and one fancy at $16 a dozen ~ Complete use of our system ment rate rose above the 78 percent tngger can ~ave more money to spend only If they Will Available In hIghball or double old fa'>hlOned IS the goal of our admmlstra- level The only exceptIOn to the permanent tax act In ways to hurt tilE' economy and cause sIzes Stemware IS also shimmering The --Ii tlOn Community activities \\ ould be In any year following a 7 8 percent or unemployment IS scary To tell leglslator<; they remarkable pnce IS $3 50 each Good value., aren't hard to could have a higher tax rate and more money With nearly 20,000 partiCIpants find at 98 Kercheval lower unemployment year to spend, Without haVing to vote on It, by gett- In more than 600 classes and Bryant also pointed out the DemocratIC plan actiVIties show us the school • Ing rid of unneces<;ary employes and thereby A FaVOrIte of your'> :\lerona <;pOlh separate" are would not reduce the 1 5 percentage pomt m- s)-stem's ~Ilhngness to offer raisIng the unemployment rate. seems worse __ at PappagaJ1o. \\altmg for yOU to mix or crea<;e untIl 1985 at the earltest and would than SIlly good, vaned learmng expen- operate thereafter only if unemployment were match the great colors Jade') 1'110\\ "Unemplo~ment .. he continued, 'like any ence<; Service" for Older Citi- blu(' pink and la\endar Pant<; '>pllt .,klrts to fall below 13 percent for the middle two other smgle indIcator of ,>ocldl need, 1<; not zens (S 0 C ) 1<;now located In ~ WIth elae;tlcl7cd \\dlst,> .,\\eater<; "tnrwd and quarter.:, of the prtor year That means, he Said, something which <;hould determine tax and three school bUIldings sohd tops all of 100' ( cotton 11') Kerche\ dl that even a drop of four percentage POints In spendmg poliCies of thiS <;tate Those poliCIes In addItion. the Board of the unemployment rate from 17 percent to 13 should be determined by legislators and the EducatIOn has made substan- • The Smart ~prmg SUlh at Ld Strega percent, for example, and the Increased state governor, conSidering all rele"ant factor<; m tial cutback~ as a result of de- revenues and reduced <;pendmg that would clIm ng enroll ment, by cutting Boutique come In Cllrasuede knit Imen.look eludmg the ability of taxpayer~ to pay the taxe<; and poplin Many feature fashlOn's fllt('d occur from ,>uch a drop, would not reduce the demanded of them Elected offlclal<; are paId to three central offIce adminiS- rate below the 6 1 percent level He added that look Be '>ure to '>ee lhem at La Streg.l 61 be problem ~olver" - not pa..,ser<., of the buck" trators an as<;lstant principal. Kercheval III the lobby of the Colomdl Fl,d "the tngger" would apply to the 1 5 percentage Bryant <;tre<;<.,e~that th(' Republlcan'i ..,land and redlici ng :i0 5 teachmg eral BUlldmg . POint hike and not to the additIOnal one-quarter ready to help ~olve the <;tate':, <;oclal and fl<;eal pOSltlOn<; over the last three of 1 pefcent Increase that Blanchard would end problem'> and are not <;('eklng to he oh<;truct- yeClr<; At the same time, the • v. hen budget defiCits are met lomst \\-Ith r(',>pect to Democratic proposals BOdrd has voluntarllv rolled- hd'> d nl'\~ "hlJmwn1 of good lool\1ng (,In\,j<, Hou'>e Hepubllcans have argued that cut<; In But, he says, Pulling triggers IS not our Idea hack t!w millage by <;lgmflcant WILD WINGS handbags ~Ith \\lldhfe themh Pnce<; rangf' from 'i>1Oto ..,pendlng could be deeper and the Income tax vf solvmg problem" . and add<; "Pull thl<; amounts each vear $20 One Kerche\al Open Thur"d,l\" untIl 'J pm Jncrea..,e ~maller than the governor'<; propo<;al<; trigger and the '-tale ma~ blov. up ,. W<' 11\e longer retire ear- The GOP thmkmg stem.., III part from the par- Closed Fnday<, at 6 p m BR) 4001 THAT sot:'lnS a bIt extreme but It Ind'cate.., lier, and use our facliltle<; to ty'.., \ Ie\\- of the defiCIt. accordmg to Bryant the depth of the Hou;;;c GOP oppo<;ltlOn to the ennch our IIve<; Help keep our Blanchard e<;tlmate<; the defiCit at $900 millIOn, • Democratic tax committee's program communIty a pldee \\here Flash' Ladles ..our Fla<;h \\hll(' Hepubllcans <;ee It as no more than $800 folk;;; \\111 be movmg mto for have arn\ c'on" of Pdf>( I' Whatc\('r hlr retIred \!ears Th<' Gro<;se vear.., taxe<; dnci th(' eff('ctl\(' date of the new C ul'> to m('et aOchlt one thIrd of th(' $ROOm IIIton Pomt<, PubliC school "'y..,tem • progr a ms a 1moc-l e" ('r:-.on(' agr('p,>, \~III be re )70(!]~ [5[b01?[X]@0 hd'o molm \"d\" to deflc It or $267 mtlllOn. whll(' Blanchard v.ant<; rC('('I\ ('.., 11ttle ..,tat(' fLindlng " c arn thc' nf'\~ b,lh\ In troactl"e to .Ian I 1983 In dfec!. we re al r£>duu.d stdte spending to account for no more and a \ en ..,mall amount from ready hemg suhJected to hlghN tax rate.., e\ en eluded are mfant seal'> Snugh <- arnE'r" thrf'c' \l. <1\ (on th,Jn a quarter of hl<; estimated $900 million the count" W(' dep<'nd on our vertlb\e to stroller and ba<,lc ,troller'> 110 Kpf( hc\ ,,1 though \\e \\-on't knO\~ ('....actly ~hat they arr budgd of $225 mllllon m IIIage for a II but ,Spercent of until they emerge from the Legislature Cnfor Bou"e Hepuhllcan<; a1'>0 v.ould go along With our fund'i Opt for excellence tunately, ~e'r(' gOing to hCll,e to pay mOf(' not • a j)foposed IOcrea<;e 10 the state 'iale'> tax to 5 m OUf <.ommumty A "yes" They'll Bee Gr<'Cn \\ Ith em \- \\ he'll. only In 1983 but for some vpar'i In th(' future pl'l'ru-nt but only under certam condltlOn~, ac- vote on :'vlarch 7 maintains our the) .,ee how much you \ e 10,1 at DIPt ( en!c'r cordmg to BI yant The GOP would <;upport It If Ju~t hov. much more, and for how long are 6.1 ! pI'£' excellence pala save,> you $20 BB2 'iR8'i It replaced the Increa<;e In Income tax revenue<; l<;sue<; on which the maJorrty Demo<.rah and .Johnnv Adams dollClf for dollar and If the addItIOnal funds the mmonty HepuhlJcan<; are <;1111deeply di- Gfo<;<;e POinte City • \\-('n' dedIcated to property tax rellef Republl- Vided Section People 13 of rrhe l)oi 11te The Second Section Thursday March 3, 1983

/ I'~~ /1~ /~ 1" 'pdP ,..l' ~ / ~/n w, / '/ ~, ~1,.. /' / 'l.,Pi 'v I~rOl11Al10ther Pointe '" / . t '

Of View 11' " I- ~ BJ }(mpt ,1Iuelier l f The 1983 ProvIsional Class of the Junior League of fl Detroit IS moving quickly these days to tmalize plans tor a fund raiser to assist the League's cookbook project and a food raIser to as<;lst the needy In the area. Each guest j at the Friday, March 11, party IS encouraged to brmg along canned goods for later charItable dIstributIOn. It wIll be a casual, lIvely evemng at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club TIme IS 7 30 P m to 1 a m Each $20 ad- vance admlsslOn ticket covers musIc for dancmg and a sumptuous buttet A cash bar WIll be available The mSpiratlOnal efforts of cooks and food lovers at- tending the affaIr WIll also be focused on a Creat~ve Apron Contest, WIth prizes awarded to guests wea,rlllg the most Imagmatlve ongllldb Till;n;'ll be other prlzes, too, for there's a raffle on the fund/food mght's agenda Tickets for the raffle WIll be sold at the party The num- ber to call for mformatlOn on tickets for the party itself is 881-5683 Tuesday Musicale Artist Concert Tuesday MUSIcale of Detroit's regularly scheduled concerts feature performances by the musicale's own talented members through the year, but a highlight of the musicale's year is always the Arbst Concert, ~hlCh brings very special performers on-stage before mUSIcale members and guests. Carl Kaiser operatIc tenor and professor at Calvin College and Daune Mahy, soprano, associate professor at the OberlIn Conservatory of Music, are this spring's Artist Concert stars. They'll present a program of art songs, operatIc arIas, solos and duets, works by. Haydn, Beethoven, Schumann and 20th century Itahan and Elizabethan songs by Argento, Tuesday, Ma~c~ 15,. at 10:30 a.m. in the Grosse Pointe War MemorIal s Fries Auditorium. Accompanists will be Joanne Warners and Lydia Frumkin Mr. Kaiser has delighted artists throughout Europe. Ms. Mahy's notices describe her as a "stunning inter- preter" and praise her "poise and maturity." The recital will be followed, per Tuesday Musicale tradition with a gala luncheon, 10 the War Memorial's Crystal Ballroom, where sprmg Clowers will ?eco;ate the tables. Guests will be greeted by the mUSIcale s pres- ident Mrs. Russell H. Skitch, M.B.E., and the group's sociai chairman, Mrs. Michel Skaff. • • • Members of the social committee planning the lunch. eon include Mrs. Russell Axsom, Mrs. William Bradley, Friends of F.L.E.C. (Family Life Education Councll) board 8:30 p.m., wUl feature Irish beef stew, saiad, rolls and an "Irish Mrs William Bundesen, Mrs V. Everett Kinsey and members ANN DlSSER, MARY ELLEN DAKMAK and PEGGY dessert" (a cake baked in the shape of a shillelagh, perhaps?). There'n be entertainment, by Mitch Gavin and Players and Mrs. John E Young. Mrs Joseph Shaheen is In charge POSCH (left to right) have already captured the leprechaun, but of reservations. Mrs. C.E. Pardee is Artist Concert there are plenty of shamrocks still available. . . and they invite Irish Step Dancers, an Irish sing-a-long and dancing. A $20 per person contribution is suggested. Tables for groups are avail- chairman. you to "come and catch one" - a shamrock, that is; the lepre- chaun's taken - on St. Patrick's Day. Thursday. March 17, at able. For further information or reservations, contact Mary Second Film Sound Track for DCB the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club. Complimentary green beer will be Ellen at 886.8166, Marlene Kotcher at 779-1083, or your nearest When Hollywood Academy Awards producer Harri- served up starting at 7:30 p.m., with a cash bar available for funning wUd leprechaun. (Continued on Page 4B) those who prefer their liquid refreshment au naturet. Dinner, at

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Sweet as cotton candy our delectable little nightshIrts are deftnltely a slumber-time treat WIth their comfortable styling, easy-care fabrIC RIght From Eve Sttllman In plnkJwhlte stripe. sizes S M L, 832; Left Gilligan and O'Mally's red and white stripe In sizes PSML, 831

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Tuesday Wednesd.y Sa1urday - T'II 5 30 P M (Cloud Sunday) as,.; abou' Ou' cOr"' I,/f"'1 er' a y f3; nav p rj,r' B S,pgel Mac;lllrCard V Cia Amer can E>pres<, tdStldnd and Norl~ and O[)f'n Suf'oal 12 '05 p...., DlMir;lown 7 M Ie East,and 8 rm ng"'am No I" and 9656400 8646800 :i71 8200 044 7744 569050(1 Thursday, March 3, 1983 Page Two-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS To open Dance Shores Garden Slinmastics '83 Club to meet • • Co-hostesses Mrs Phillip DICk- sprrng seSSIon Inson, of Grayton Road, and Mrs DaVid Martm, of Colomal Court, Arc you lookIng for a fun - but Will assist Mr~ Robert L Rous- safe - way to exercise? Join the seau when ~he opens her York- local members of Dance Slimnas- shIre Road home to members of lICS, Ltd, as they shape up for the Grosse Pomte Shores Branch £>pnng In anew, eight-week ses- of the Woman's National Farm sIOn 01 aproblc danCing scheduled and Garden ASSOCiatIOn tomor- to begll1 the week of March 7 row, Friday, March 4 'The day's In The POinte, classes Will be agenda mcludes a busmess meet- held at Chn£>t the Kmg Lutheran 109 followed by a program by Church, located on Mack Avenue, Mrs Anthony Vmcl, a member of at ~ 30 a m Mondays and Wed- the group, who wIll show her ne"dajs dnd at 6 45 pm Tues- slIdes of wlldflower~ and other da) £:, and Thursdays, and at Items of Intel est Gro<,£:,ePomte Woods Presbyter- Ian Church, also located on Mack A~enue, at 6 45 P m Mondays and St. Pat's party Weclne<,days, a£:, well as at Samt :'Illchael's Episcopal Church, on SunnmgdaJe Park, at 5 p m Tues- for Newcomers da,,£:' and Thur~days Grosse POinte Newcomers AquaFlt, aerobiC exercise for gather at McCarthy's, an Insh the non-SWimmer, meets at 5 pm. Cottage lovers and friends · · · pub on West Fort Street In down- JVlomldY~ dllO TlIUI ::'UdY=> 111 tilt: Janus Productions wl1l present Neil SImon's sparklmg com- town Detroit, at I JU p.m. SdlW- Plel ce Middle School pool day, March 12, for a Saint Pat- Clds<,es Will be held m Harper edy, "The Last of the Red Hot Lovers," starrmg EDGAR A rick's party With plenty of beer, \~ioods at the JFK Library at 7 GUEST III, MARY B. GEIGER (rIght) and Bonme Cook and wme, Irish stew and entertam- p m Monday~ and Wednesdays Nancy Brassert (not ricturedL at a dinner theater sponsored by ment by Irish pipers and singers Further information on any of the the Cottage Hospita Auxiliary on FrIday, March 18, at the throughout the evemng above sessIOns may be obtamed Grosse Pointe War MemOrIal Tickets for the benefit are avail- Asslstmg Ed and Barb Olsen, by callmg 886-7534 or 882-5783 able for the complete evening, mcluding cocktails at 6:30 p.m., chairmen of the evening, are All classes mclude a prewarmup dinner in the War MemOrIal's Crystal Ballroom at 7:30 p m. and committee member~ J an and Rob Iout me, Sit-up portion, stretchmg the performance in Fries Auditorium at 8:30 pm., at $25 per Meredith, Carol and Joe Bibeau, Swing into spring dance, vigorous aerobiC routines person - or at $10 per person for the play only Reservations Lynn and John Crissman, Karen and cooldown dances All mstruc- must be made by Monday, March 14, by contacting MRS. HAR- and John Schultes, Betty Sue and in this very smart fur jacket. tOI~ are CPR certified and eval- Jim Campbell, Joan and NICk uated by corporate Dance Slim- OLD E. CROSS (center) at 881-8068. MRS. JOHN B. SUTTON III (left) is, like Loretta Cross, one of general chairman Mrs PICCIOneand Loretta and Manfred Also mink, coyote fashion furs at big savlng~ na£:,tlcs personnel The club IS af- Bartel fIlIated With many prestigIOus fit- Kenneth R. Smith's Cottage AUXIliary co-chairmen for the proj- Couples mterested 10 member- ness mstltutes, among them the ect; others are Mrs. Russell R. Noble, Mrs. Josette Hos- ship In the local Newcomers Club f 1\ f.' FlU'" #n AerobiCS Center, , Tex., king, Mrs Nancy Y. Davidson and Mrs. William J. Lawson. are mvited to contact the mem- j _),t t~.(lall-f~o(fill which has certified Ruth Sova, FRANCIS T M. LOUD (standing, left> is the production's tech- bership chairmen at 881-2890 or All furs labeled to Dance Shmnastlcs executive di- show country of or ,,/ GROSSE POINTE mcal director. 882-7948 for further informatIOn Igln We do not sell rector, to manage a health! fitness furs 01 endangered 201(1- \1 \( k /\\UllIl program, and the American Phys- species Member (,r"~'t P"ll'tt \\ "< <1\ Ical Fitness Research Institute. Yachtswomen Michigan Fur Con What makes Dance SlJmnastlcs servat.on Association 885-9000 different? Every session offers meet March 10 OVERCOME new, upbeat musIc - not the same songs week after week, but Dolores Shelfoon Will present WINTER fun, Simple dance routines, chal- slides and commentary on her re- DRYNESS lengmg enough for the advanced cent triP to Japan at Yachtswom- student but easy enough to be en's meetmg next Thursday, WITH learned by the newcomer. March 10, at 8 p m at the Great Every routme IS put together for Lakes Yacht Club Hostesses for REDKEN the proper muscle workout as well the evening are Woods reSidents a£:,tor Its aerobiC content. And all Marlene BohlInger, Helen Jean HAIR CARE students are closely monitored to Reichlmg and Betty Savage, and make sure they are receivmg an Shores reSident Beverly Steven- AND effective, but SAFE, workout son. SKIN CARE PSI will sponsor Saturday seminar <: REDIZEN Deadline for reservations for a The program, runnmg tram 9 to motl v atlOnal se mlOar, Steppmg 11.30 a.m., Will be conducted by Out of Your Comfort Zone, spon- motivational speaker and trameI' £Itrhul'l-3Juml's ([oiffurl'B sored by the Greater InternatIonal Thomas L. Bleet, Ed.D., preSident I Metropolitan Area CounCil of Pro- of Thomas L Bleet & Assoclates. 20525 MACK AVENUE 881-6470 fessional SecretarIes International The registratIOn fee of $18 in- and set for a week from Saturday, cludes lunch. 2 Blocks South of 8 Mile OPEN EVERY EVENING March 12, at the Hyatt Regency, Further information may be ob- Dearborn, IS thiS Saturday, March tamed by contactmg Jenelda Sow- 5 ers at 383-0243 after 6 p.m ~ YORKSHIRE TV FREE ESTIMATES on Carry In Service 21915 MACK 778-4050

Moving or Becoming Engaged? Getting Settled Made Simple New Town dilemmas fade after a WELCOME WAGON call As WELCOME WAGON Representative, It'S my lob to help you make the most Q! yoU!" new neigh- borhood ShopplOg Areas Community opportunl- lies SpeCial attractions Lots of tipS to save you time and money Plus a basket of gifts for your family III be IIsten109 for your call HELPFUL HINTS for Wedding, and Engalle- Jh~ shops of ments loo! SIGN OF THE LION l~~~,%o~ Walton-ri~rc~ Groue PoInte 881-5618 Grosse Pointe ~I Clair Stlorea ...... 881-2221


Our solid cherry accent table IS an attracttve addition to your liVing room or boudOir. Its charming Queen Anne styling, rich brown finish and pellte pull-out serving tray epitomize tradll!onal deSign 12x16x221f2"H, $175. Sale ends March 5, 1983


(J "[1 I Jarotlslln '> rll,.rqr ---- t11( fr '> no lnnual I;>p 10 to 530 Dally (,m"" Pornr" Thursday and Friday In.the-Vlllage nights 'td 9 P m 88,2-0052 Opr n Thur<,oays and Fndays until 900 pm We will validate your parking ticket

, '. ----~~--

Thursday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS FaU wedding Love-Tworek Cynthia Bryce date is made rites planned to be married Dr and Mrs RIchard H Bryce, Dr TalsJa Tworek, of Lake- Cathy Ann Munerance and Dr of South Brys Drive, have an- Kevm Joseph Grady who~e en- shore Road, I~ a nnouncmg the en- gagement of her daughter, Joanna nounced the engagement of theIr gagement has been announced by daughter, Cynthia Lee, to Thomas her parents, Mr and Mrs RIch- Margaleta, to Dr Ralph Wayne Love, ,',on of Albert Love, of Herman Buske, son of Mr and ard Munerance, of Northville are Mr~ Howard Buske, of LItchfield Wichita Falls, Tex , and the late making plan~ for a Septe~lber III A May weddlllg I'> planned weddmg Mrs Love A late March weddll1g MI,',~ Brycc an alumnd 01 Our I~ planned Lady Stal of the Sea High School, MISS Munerance, a Regl~terc'{.\ MISS Tworek I~ a graduate of ,',Ludwd C1lmlllal Ju,>tlee aL MIChl Nurse, received her BachelOl 01 GIO~se Pomte South HIgh School gan State UOIver,>lty dnd holds d SCience degree fJ om GI and Valley and a Hegl,',tered X Ray Tech- LItigatIOn Cel tlflcdte flam the In State College Dr Grad\' '>on of Cynthia Bryce Katherine Bayer nologl~t Her Ilance hold" a Joanna Tworek "tltllte fOi P,ll ale~al Trdltllng She the Darnel Grady,>, of Sun~lOgdale Bon Wllght, School alumnus who holds a Drive, IS an alumnu~ of the UI1I- Mldwe~tern State UI1lVerslty, MedICine, Fort Worth He h 1)1(''> Y!oon, Velll Dusen & Fre('ffidll III Bdchelor of SCience degree III Or- verslty of Michigan dnd WaVlw Katherllle Bayer Wlcillta 1"<111'>, and I'> '" gl actuate ently lIltermng at Detloll 0<.,1 ( () gdnlLatlOnal Management clnd Ac pathlc HO~Pltdl DetrOit a'> d IllJgatlOn pdl alegal State Umverslty Medlcdl Schoul ot Texd'> College 01 O,',teupathlc and '>('I'vc,>on the BO~lJd 01 Ad. counting from IllinOIS State U lll- ver~lty. I'>vlcp-presldent of Bu~kc is a l)ride-elect III 1'>'>10 11,', lor the In,>t1tllt(' 01 Par Inc and a member of the Seniors s{~tto ,i~it :\11 and MI '> Challe~ Mal '>ch Miss Hopkes Her helnce, a LitchfIeld High Detlo'lt Tr~fflc Club nel Bdvel 01 GI o~~e POll1te St. Paul's Catlu~dral Boule\ ai'd, have announced the to say vows engagement of thell' daughter, Chnst Church SenlOr~ and thell The cngdgement at Karol Lvnn Special Kcltherme Elllubeth, to Jame~ guests Will VISit St Paul's Cathe Hopkc'> dnct Petcl Charle~ S\;en- Hobb~ Greiwe, .'>011of :\11 clnd '>on ha'> Iwen dnnollnced hy her Complete dral 1U downtown DetrOit on MI~ Robert John Glclwe, of De- Thursdav March 17 The dav',> parent'> Mr ervlce fol- Hou"ton Tt'x A Idle .July \\ eddlng South I:lJgh' School graduate, and IS pldtmed $35, lowed by a luncheon In Barth her llance, a member of Tau Hall I\h,,~ Hopke~ a Ul1IVel"Ity LIg- regularly $50 Kappa Epsilon fraternIty, both gett gl,lduatc who attended Early reser, atlOn~ are reque~t- hold Bachelors degrees from Colby Sawyer College and re- ed, In order to reserve '>pace for HIlbdale College Hers IS a Bache- Jl1 ceived her Bdchelor of SCience Karol Lynn Hopkes transportatIOn and lunch, and lor 01 Arts In Early Childhood Ed Nur~1I1g degrec from !\illchlgan may be made by contactIng the lICatlO11 HI'> I'>a Bachelor ot BusI- State Ul1lvet '>It) where she af- wood Court, I~ an alumnll~ 01 chlJrch office, 885-4841 nes,', AdtnJlll~tl dtlon ill1ated \\ Ith Alpha Phi suronty, Grosse Pomte South High School reslde<; on Shorel1dm Road She IS He attended Centl'c11 Mlchlgdn a Regl<;tered \lur~e, currently Ul1lverslly and receIved hi'> Co,, U 'dl on" N , Anthony Trombly-BeU troth is told emploved at Bon Secour~ HospI- Bachelor of Arts degree from The place to discover tal MIChigan State Umversll" He I'> Mrs Horace S Bell, 01 Warren. of the Legal A,>,>lstant A,',socratJOn al Kay 8aum - 885 3240 currently employed a~ 1l1,IllU- of Michigan ~lr Swemon, ,',on of Mr and it has announced the engagement 01 Mr'> Charle~ S\\ el1,',on, of Kpn- facturer~ agent her daughter, Jane to Mark Edgar She I~ a legal a~sl~tant a t Lake Trombly, son (1t ;vIr and Mrs ::.hore Legal Servlce~ where her Edgar Trombly, ot Barclay Road france, a Grosse Pomte North High Anthony Prano to claim bride FELLOW BOOKWORMS ... The weddmg IS planned for early School alUmnus who holds a October ,Bachelor of Arts degree trom Mr and Mrs Frank Bologna, of May, at the Grosse POinte Aca- There's a Library The bnde-elect, who IS also the MIchIgan State Umver::.lly and a UtIca, are announc1l1g the en demy Chapel daughter of the late Dr Bell, at- J D from Wayne State Umverslty gagement of their daughter, The bnde elect IS an alumna of Millage RENEWAL Election tended Foothill High School and Law School IS a staft attorney SULanne Lynn, to Anthony Joseph Regina HIgh School Her fIance Amencan RIver College, both m He IS a member of the State Bar Prano, son of Mr and Mrs attended Grosse POlllte North MONDAY, MARCH 7th Sacramento, Calif. and MIChIgan of Michigan and the National Joseph S Prano, of East Doyle High School and MIchigan State State Umverslty She IS a member Lawyers GUIld Place The weddmg IS planned for Umverslty For Continued Excellent Library Services DON'T FORGET TO VOTE! OUR NEW CAPTAINS ~ TOM & MIKE LE FEVRE THE LOOK OF ARPIN FURS invite you to HANDKERCHIEF LINEN of Jf/indsor Fur Specrali\ts for .cida OK Eke .£aIw Dl.lnC Rohcfl' ,t 1tU\ Ol'er oi7 lean; drLlllO!! Illth I Ii In,1 featuring "Lrdlilt llOUl I",," Fine Food and III b{\t hdlllLd ')(1 LAY-AWAY Pol\l,tLr 'i() H I\on'

Fresh Fish Specials Daily '\ Ilondutul 110\1I1 ENTERTAINMENT t Ihm Ilull IL,turul NOW! TUESDAYS- New Orleans Dixiland to , It( h hrLlIt I Take Advantage Cnet Bogan and tflllullllplllllLlIII' of our low the Wolverine JazZ Band "11I[(,oth pk III lr ImLIhe [,ll"lllll with Dixie Belle pre-season L,lend to IhL prices ... 1st & 3rd THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH - II II st rL pL It 'HI The BiQ Band Sound of thL \h"n ,kL\l\ ",Il\ NO INTEREST Chet Bogan's 7 piece Band II mt but thuL' I Itlt hdi Charges till Fall! fRIDAY & SATURDAY- to lllir If IOU II lilt I t>ll If In lur'lUO"L , Tony Dannon Quartet , , 'iI/LI 12 1/2 ihru!() 1/1

$88. FRIENDS OF GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC LIBRARY .cida OK Eke .£aIw 484 PELISSIER ST., WINDSOR 24026 E. Jefferson 104 Kercheval 1-519-253-5612 ON THE Hill N. of 9 Mile 773-7770 886.7424 DAILY 9 to 5.30

PET POINT PAINTING Satu rday, March 12, 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p,m. in our Needleworks, Store for the Home Huge savings! Huge selectIOn! Plan to Meet Kathy Lanza, a needlepOint canvas artist choose a beautiful Lees carpet and save! With a unlque talent for captunng the charm and personality of a chenshed pet on canvas Live the life of £EES Working With a clear photograph 0f the pet, she Will paint a lifelike portraIt for you to needlepOint Bnng In your photo and let her help you create a one of a kind conversation piece and heirloom for everyone to enloy

.J~l(~()l)SOll'S Grosse POinte 776-5510 21435 Mack Ave. Open Thursdays and Fridays until 900 pm Open until 9 pm Mon Thurs Frl, Tues Wed Sat untl16 We Will validate your parkl'1g ticket

• (, GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Four-B Pottery paper for Pettipointe Sensuous, Beautiful FrOl11 Al1otl1er Poil1te New Feeling meeting conducted by the group's Mrs Gordon Sorenson welcomes preSident, Mrs Richard Rmke, a gift to you from Seven Hills of Pettlpomte Questers to her Pointe and Mrs. Robert Greer's paper on Of View home today, Thursday, March 3, The Byogenlc Way to keep your skin fresh Rockmgham Pottery The study of (Continued from Pa~e IB) for a brown bag luncheon followed Chflstme Valmy face treatment Deep CleanSing pottery is a year-long project for by dessert and coffee, a business Vegetable Peeling Steaming, Vacuun,I,.g, Massag- the Pettlpomte Questers son Engle and his aSSOCiate, Sidney Kirkpatrick, slipped Ing, Mummy Mask and ArtiStiC Make-up FOR YOUR quietly into Detroit recently to jom Leonard B. Smith HAIR. Creative Hair DeSigns for Men & Women and the DetrOit Concert Band, headquartered on Mack Conditioning treatment - Avenue in The Woods, m productIOn of music for "The All for $29.00 Indomitable Teddy Roosevelt," they were rewarded with expires March 21 performances demonstratmg the quality and profession- Come in and Receive a Gift! Enjoy the Luxury of alism that have catapulted the DCB mto worldWide rec- ognitiOn as The Great American Concert Band. SEVEN HillS OF ROME Custom Made "You were marvelous," Engle told the DCB at the 18530 MACK AVENUE conclusion of five three-hour sessions which prOVIded 73 882-1540 Open Mon -Sat Draperies minutes of mUSICfor the movie It's the second tIme the band has been featured m a full-length, major film in fromour 1970, the BBC flew Its teleVISIOn crews to Detroit to film and record the DCB for a documentary on the lIfe and The Vacation n€ttL€ CREEk mUSiC of John PhIlIp Sousa, America's March Kmg. Value of 1983! SHOP The Sousa fIlm premiered in London, on BBC-l, and received a glowmg trIbute from reviewer Henry Pleas- Due to the peso deval- :lr.ts In The Inter'1qti()n~l Hprald Tribune Repeat net- ...... uation, MeXICOis now work telecasts m this country and abroad produced such a fantastic bargain for NOW a bombardment of requests for DCB recordmgs that American visitors . . . Smith promptly launched productiOn of an LP series con- we SPECIALIZE in lovely taining all of Sousa's 116 published marches The serIes II villa accommodations, 25% OFF has been adopted by the Book of the Month Club and is one of ItS current maJor record promotions, '. '91 apartment rentals, and Take advantage of our free "';-. a wide range of hotel decorating service, while our sale Following a 1982 program of 17 concerts at the John , suggestions. lasts Tum your wmdows Into focal Philip Sousa MemOrIal Band Shell on the Michigan State points of fashion Select from over ~ *., 900 Nettle Creek fabriCS Fair Grounds (a series made possible entirely by private support), the DCB went into several recording seSSIOns CALL US TODAY Cottons, velvets, Silks, sheers and more Nettle Creek has made It that will soon add four more albums to Its other, on- Greatwoys Travel CorporotlOn easy to beautify your Windows m a going LP series, "Gems of the Concert Band." The Gems customized elegant fashion, and Sue Albright Shelley Brenner Anne Benkert series of complete concerts in an auditorium perform- Marianne Kassab Judy Standish Phoebe Weinberg poSSiblefor you to attain quality at ance format features a broad varIety of composers, in- pnces you can afford strumental and vocal soloists, m a range of classic, \ .,00 Kercheval on the Hill Shop Inthe comfort of your home semi-classic and popular music - mcluding, of course, Open Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm - Sat 930-1230 for custom drapenes, bedspreads, boudOir furniture and accessones the staples of the band's repertory: the great marches. 886-4710 Let our profeSSional decorators help * * ,;. you create a more beautiful home There ISno charge for thiS talent You pay only For the layman who mIght wonder why it took 15 hours If I' ~'. ( I' for the merchandise you buy Come In or , ~ ask about an at home appointment to get 73 mmutes of music for the Teddy Roosevelt film, Smith explains, "It IS a umon requirement that not more J than 15 minutes of 'usable product' be acqUIred in a three-hour recording session." Final Sale Saturday Night Fun a la 40s • na;L€ CR€€k5 HOP The Friends of St Francis Home for Boys are just [iiiii!iiii1 17110 KERCHEV AL • in-the-village that: a loosely-knit group of "friends," east side, west ~ Qjren Thursday evening" 882-0935 • side, all-around-the-town residents, united by theIr com- of Winter mon interest in and desire to promote the good works of St. Francis Home, now in its 94th year of servmg metro- politan DetrOIt youngsters with special needs. Fund raising is one way the Friends can definitely help Clearance Tradition House the Home, and they've come up with an especially fun way to do that this month, a Saturday Nite Out - 1940s Special l'alues Style at Mrs. Morgan's Boarding House, Dorothy Mor- gan's popular restaurant located on Puritan at Linwood Fashions m Livonia. Save 40% . 50% on these The fun begins at 7 p,m. Saturday, March 12, Guests, .Spectacular Valuesl who ~re encouraged to come dressed for the decade and the occasion, WIll dine family style, on chicken with Mrs,l Morgan's famous peach cobbler topping dff the Further Reductions A Ma.5fe(f~'ly crafled o( ~alld f1ne r~c:1rand mfrror's a meal. There'll be music, by Detroit songstress and jazz pt-rfccl comb1na:flon of be.udlj and pracUcallly...... handsome pianist Miche Braden, and a fashion show by vintage greeting by lflt door greal {Dr 1..1.5' mlmde grQ 'n loditl.J Consul General of New York City. He was in charge of 21'h"x ,7-N SALE $59.50 Public RelatIOns under Herve Alphand at the French fYoUfte~~ reg 12950 Embassy In Washmgton. He's entitled to wear the ribbon of the French LeglOn of Honor, and he's also been hon- ored by the United States; the military unit In which he was serving durmg World War II received an American for gracious retirement living An Flhar Ar,,.n n,.t tabrt" o lc, .. r'tlt"rllltlr Presidential CitatIOn. In-splrr([ hij a Cld'i'ilc 181h ilf ani rn III r"l1 room family room or tit'" (t>ntur'l s'anrlu ""d for In (olmallt'd \("fl let' ," He IS the fIrst Frenchman to serve as vice-president fhl'i fth/t11 Mtr'n ,../rlu-r;/t t" \ofld Pfnf" itnd mt"lIou O'd r.tlt"rn tLHh /I .. qracd&.41 of t~e Society of CIncmnatt, created by George ft1lnf"'d column 'os 'at"dl a~ nnl"ih It '\-itn 'dt"dld'jrr'i drt "ima planl ..tdnd d Ort"at for (offN' hy a 'lworllr (hafr who fought in the War of Independence and their direct or for cJ("t"'i\or't"\' beginning for a In ~(}tld P'?nr wllh Otir roof.2 Dlam x 27 f1 descendants mf"/loUJ Old r.uH'm {iniot,h SALE $39.50 1'* Dl"mxZJ" brand-new Year! req 69 50 If you'd lIke to hear hIm speak (and your French IS up SALE to it), call 644-4410 or 292-2750 for informatIOn on Satur- $24.75 day's lecture' luncheon rf'q 4975 'Zorba' coming to Assumption . Comfort Followmg hts evemng perfor- Re ...ervatlOns should be made by •Security I Thh ...... ' ...lW'afft"ntt .. blt" calling 779-6111, DO NOT call Ma- r.. bt-.wH(ully (ldf'f"'(f from mance as "Zorba" next Tuesda~ . SOniC .,,.lfd nn'" u Irh dlllhf"'rar" MarcH 8, at MaSOniC Temple, An- Temple since these llckels dnd qualH", 'IOU t'xP'f'(( Imm are not avatlable through the box . Companionship rthan Mlf"'n Th ... m,'loUl Old thony Qumn WIll head for As- r.H~rn n"hh j. rfd'tlll dl ..ltt" .."tf"c1 <;umptlOn Cultural Center and a offIce And ,lH1I1qut'd rIll h~ni1 rrr(f"{' AssumptIOn Center. estabhshed in pdf/~.Iot, oil ((X ...,.alllAf)/ ... mdl()nt' gala afterglow featunng enter- 10 . Activities '14/ d (.... mil' (hoflr (om,. 1.. 1<,. ,)ch :.nldqf" tamment, Greek hors d'oeuvres, 1977, ha') become Widely known of thr"i l~ru ...pulal O"t"I/}Q ... 16 It Greek wine and <;umptuou<; pas for the cultural actlvltu'<; It offers ALE $S4. 75 ea. trle<; to the commumty at large as well • Excellent Meals ~99.!lO fo~boo Dunng hIS appearance to bene a<; to memher') The center IS lo- rf'q 94 751'it £It the center, Qumn \\.11\ place a cated on Marter Road, at the bor- memento Into a time capsule lo- der of Grosse Pomte Woods and ~ cated to A<;sumptlOn's ne\\. St ClaIr Shores church. which Will he opening call today at 90 Days Same As Ca8h soon MARILYN BIRETTA .. daughter Lois Nair As<;umptlOn IS offerIng select of EDWARD and RENATE ticket') for thaI evening'') pl'rfor- BIRETTA. of The Woods, was 823-6470 for an appointment mance at $25, mc]udlng hu') tran<;- namPter at WIlliam Woods \ o"r .:,ha" tlh-'. (.,.II"ry Temple, and $25 tlckel') for the af- College, J<~uJton,Mo Students so 8 MilE AT MOUND 15 MINUTES FROM THE POINTES 366-6512 terglow The tickets may be pur- honored earned at least a 3 fj HOURS Mon Thy" f" Eve. "I 9 Sundoy 12 ~ chased separately grade poInt average • .'

Page Flve-B Thursday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Miss Sullivan wed in south Autunm nuptials ~./ To tell of. life All Samts Episcopal Church At. Mrs Berry G Sikes, all of At- lanta, Ga , was the settmg fo~ the lanta, and Mrs Thomas McClure, for Miss Gilbert in J{athmandu Saturday, November 27, weddmg of St. Clair Shore&, wore floor Sat nt Paul' s-on.the-Lake&hore Members of the Women's As- of Shelagh Margaret Sullivan length dresses of deep papflka red was the setting for the autumn daughter of Mr and Mr~ Robert satin, also styled with heart- SOCiation of Gros&e Pomte Mem- wedding of Suzanne Mary Gilbert, orial Church mVlte all women of F SullIVan, of Trombley Road &haped necklmes and puffed daughter of 1'111'and Mrs Howard and Loren Lloyd Whitney III, SOI~ sleeves They carfled long-stem- the church and the community to E Gilbert, of McKmley Plate, Jom them next Tuesday, March 8, of Mr. and Mrs Loren L Whitney med, white roses and James Robert Hale. ~on of at 10 a.m In the church lounge to Jr , of Hilton Head Island S C Best man was Timothy C Bays, Mr and 1'111'.'>Glenn I Hale, of The 1 o'clock cerem~ny at of Atlanta Randy Campbell, of hear The Reverend FranCIS A Grand Ra~lds YounklO, who served as a mlS- which The Reverend Michael B Mableton, Ga , and the bnde- The 2 0 clock ceremony Satur- '>lOnary In Thailand for 22 years MillIgan presided was followed by groom's brother, Thoma& Wood day, Oclober 23, at which Fathel a receptIOn at The MansiOn, after Whitney. of Grand hland, NY, prIOr to belOg as&lgned to hiS Ron Alder preSided was followed present post In Kathmandu, whICh the newlywed& left for a &eated the gue&ts by a receptIOn In the Gro~,>e Nepal, In 1979 Canbbean CrUl&e They had both The mother of the bl'lde wore a POinte War Memoflal'& Frle~ been resldmg m Atlanta, and have street length dres& of pale wood The Reverned Younkm, a grad- Ballroom The newlywed,> va uate of PrInceton Theological returned there to make their vIOlet chiffon She pmned cymbld- catroned on Nassau, In The Bah home lum orchIds to her matchrng SemInary, combInes a degree In amas Thev are at home In Trov Agncultural EducatIOn With hiS The bnde'& gown of dntlque _pur&e The bndegroom's mother The bflde wore a tradltlOn'dl theologICal traIning In hiS over- Ivory satm 1ea tured d heart- '>elected a &treet length dres& of Mr. and Mrs. gown and veIl and cdflled ea,>Chrr<;tlan servICe He WIll be LorE.'1l Whitney III &eml cascade of phalaenop"'l,> 01 Jamc!> n. Hale IOtroduced by the aSSOCiatIOn's &leeves She wore her godmother'& wide collar, and a cymbidIUm 01'- chld&, ,>tephanotl~ and bahy', were Jelhey S ,Jdrvl.., of Oak nJc/

Grosse Pointe Woods CHRIST CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH • 19950 Mack Avenue 61 Grosse POinte Blvd. (hallway belween Morass and Vernier Roads) 885-4841 8Il6 -lIOO 9 30 EDUCATION HOUR For Adults, Youth The Episcopal Church Welcomes Yo" and Children PrtnClpal services' 11 00 WORSHIP Children's Learmng Center and <) 15 a m Holy Eucharm & Church School Nursery PrOVided I I 15 a m Mornln/( Prayer and Sermon { COME GROW WITH US Holy Euchaml - f,rst Sunday Infant, care prollded - both ler! feel Buy a friend or member of your family a Other services - Holy EuchaflSl ST. MiCHAEL's .< 5 30 p m Saturday St. Clair Optical Gift Certificate for prescription EPISCOPAL The Grosse Pointe 8 00 a m - Sunday CHURCH Congregational ey~wear during Vision Week. When they buy ~ and <) 30 a rn - Tuesday 20475Sunnlngdale Park their new glasses, the St. Clair Optical will match Gro~s~ Poln~ Wood. American Baptist ~!l4-41120 Church FIRST CHURCH OF FIrst English the certificate amount and apply both to the 8 00 a m Holy Euchaml .Il1'( l1..tthml,. .. t Inlhrnl' UNDERSTANDING 9 10 a m Blhlc Study 930&1115 Ev. Lutheran 1178 AUDUBON at GROSSE POINTE total cost of the complete pair of eyeglasses. ',,"ur,ery .\vailahlel "ALL WE 10 10 a m Church WAR MEMORIAL HAVE FOR 'LEARN ABOUT THE ( horal t:uchan't and Vernlcr Road at "ermon "unday 'i<'hool LIFE" POWER & NEW HOURS: Job 2 1-6 Wcdge",ood Drive, STRENGTH I'.eekday Euchan't Gro~~e Pmnte Woods CENTERS IN 9 30 a m Tue~day YOUR BODY 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Crib room fal;.llJlles !l1l4-5040 Monday 'l 1\ ~1 Wor,hlp and Church 10 a m 1nterpretIOg lhe (-'IRST "An HI) \ Y Church School at <;chool - 9 15 a m Bible mlo Today ~ LIYlng Tuesday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 9 10 only NeE'll prayer help or 11'( 01 Rpctor Robprt F '\IpUy Church Wor~hlp other actavilles call 882 5327 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 1lr He" H '''lICheon -11 a m DR ""RAil <;01ADA and 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p,m. LooklR~ tor t'nl'nd'hlp Ill" lalk ~ "~III' Paul. Kepplpr, Pa'l

GROSSE POINTE I Redeemer UNITARIAN st. Paul Ev. CHRIST United ST. CLAIR OPTICAL CHURCH '/. Lutheran FELLOWSHIP Methodist Church Service .' -n ' Church ~ Church St. Clair Professional Building H('lI~lOll~ t-: l Chalfonte and n()n-<1~nommatlonall Lothrop 217fl(1 H;l,e!1 HOdri 20'i71 Vernier Ground Floor "QUIVERING Harper Woo

Groe" Poln•• FIRST OFFERINGS NEAR STAR OF THE SEA, super home WIth IMPRESSIVE BUYS RealEs'.'. FIRST OFFERING Large Center Entrance Exchange Members first floor bedrooms, large family room If you need 5 bedroom5, 21, baths you will love this ENGUSH home that IS In Impeccable condItion Colomal, 3 bedrooms, 212 baths, separate It features a den, updated kltdll'1I recreatIOn room WIth fIreplace and servIce staIrs to second breakfast room, paneled recreatIOn room, 09x12) attached garage Borland ASSOCiates FIRST OFFERING - Lowest prICed 3 bed- floor There 15 abo d screened ten dce LAND CONTRACT TERMS AVAILABLE lovely screened terrace Open Sunday 1421 of Earl Keirn Realty room 2 story home m Grosse Pomte Farms, Buckmgham You MUST see thl5 ENGLISH TUDOR If you want a home WIth specIal features lIke a mormng room, Wm J Champion P,'2 baths, natural fIreplace, den, paneled 1 & Co hbrary, large family room, p,tntry !>tep-down 11\109 room, large dlmng room, 5 bedrooms, 3 /2 FIRST OFFERING - Fanta511c family home recreation room, all thIS for $73,900 Century 21 Lochmoor baths - all at a very mode!>t prKe at affordable price, country kitchen over PRICE REDUCED - Move,m condItIOn, 4 bed- Danaher. Baer, lookmg large Yard, convel1lent locatIOn room, poSSible 5th center entrance Colomal, Home updated to pel fectlOn WIth a dream kitchen, dmmg room With bay, den, 3 bedrooms, 1112baths, Wilson and StrOh, Inc near parks and schools All terms COnsl excellent locatIOn 70x156 lot Mutschler brIck courtyard and drlve\~av R G Edgar & de red and qUick occupancy kItchen Assocliltes MERRIWEATHER ROAD, 46 bedrooms, lIb BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED - Three bed- CONDO - Four bedrooms, 2 bath", 1 car garage. beautifully decorated Goodman, Pierce room Colomal With many custom features <\... ~ ~.- ~ rarv garden room, fIreplace 10 master, (II "'~.,:J"''''''''''.'''''oJ large assumable mortgage and '\eJl located Newer Mut5cnler kltl/lt:J1 dilli Id1~" raffil!;' ART DECO home newly decorated featullng 5 bedrooms, 3112baths, gourmet's dehght kitchen, room With raised brIck hearth fIreplace and Grosse POinte nedI' RIdge Road family room, marble slll~ recreatIOn room With wet bar and fIreplace 10 yr LAND CONTRACT Real Estate Co beam celhng, prIced In mid 70's AVAILABLE Higbie & Maxon Ine GRA YTON - Newer 3 bedroom colomal 10 lo- AFFORDABLE family home 3-4 bedrooms, IIv cation convement to shoppmg, schools and mg room With fIreplace, large kItchen With Johnstone & LOT 111 the PARK measurmg 72x142 LAND CONTRACT Johnstone, Inc transportatIOn Land Contract or SImple apphances, 2 car garage, FHA or VA AssumptIOn avaIlable CONDO - LUXUrJOU53 bedroom, 3 bath" With 85% ASSUMABLE mortgage McBrearty & Adlhoch FIRST OFFERING - Charming English Realtors, Inc GEORGIAN COLONIAL With 3 bedrooms & 2 Hardwood floors and natural woodwork, Three bedrooms With studIO apartment which has lIVIng room, kItchen and bath There are 2 stoves Monroe & ASSOCiates full baths on 2nd floor, With bedroom & two fireplaces, outstandIng arched wll1dow, Realty bath on third floor, large 20x14 family and 2 refrigerators on WATERFRONT lot With 50 ft seawall large master bedroom Palms-Queen Realtors room, beautIfully decorated throughout LUXURY RANCH - located one block from Jim Saros Agency PrIce reduced Lakeshore, thIS well bUIlt home IS Ideal for OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 _ 14 STRATFORD PLACE - Outstandmg Colomal - LAND CONTRACT AT the couple lookmg for one floor hvmg, at 1 Schultes Real Estate 11% on a beautiful street near lake Four bedrooms, 3 12+112baths, family room, many extras FIRST OFFERING tached garage, lIberal fInancmg terms such as fme flmshmg and tremendous closets A POOL WIth patIO rounds It out SchweItzer Real Estate, lnc I PrIce redueed Better Homes THREE MILE DRIVE - Tudor, 3 fIreplaces, OPEN SUNDAY 2 5 _ 1238 HAIWARD - Four bedroom ENGUSH, 2 1h baths, large den, master & Gardens large lot, 4 bedrooms, 2112baths, bedroom & bedroom With dressmg room and bath den and recreation room SCully & bath on 3rd floor, new furnace, greenhouse Hendne Ine INTERIOR DESIGN SHOWHOUSE - The best OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 _ 21921 SHOREPOINTE - NOW Take advantage of the LOW mortgage of everythmg in thiS magmflcently deco- fmancmg available _ SImple assumptlOn or blend Three or 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, large deluxe Shorewood E R Brown rated and mamtamed colomal Five bed- CONDO _ many speCIal features An excellent value for the seriouS buyer. rooms, 31h baths and many speCial features SlOe Realty Co such as central air, sprinkler system, Strongman beautLful extensive landscapmg Call for & ASSOCiates FIRST OFFERI~G addItional details , Tappan Gallery 01 Homes -""~~

rolet; and " '" +",",« '"' "'W»ff ....h ~..."') AsSOCIates ~ Youngblood ELEGANT ENGLISH located on Wmdml11 Realty, lr)C Pomte DrIve Featured are a step-down Iivmg ~ room, oak paneled lIbrary, modern kItchen, REALTORS TAPPAN AND dynamiC 2-story stamed glass wmdows and a ",rl ATrc magmfIcent Pub room With natural fireplace on IAss v\.....-I/""\Ie..) I the lo\\er level Call us today for additIOnal m. formation or a prIvate showmg of thIS special 882-5200 home "ON. THE-HILL" As a member of a local exchange, a REALTOR' has the Tired of rentIng? Own your own apartment opportunity to trade "Mortgages, Land Contracts Sized CONDO Convemently located, short walk 884-6200 information and I to VIllage shoppmg and transportatIOn Easy ideas on a regular and other Creative/Financing" hvmg With central air, ('arport, low mall1- basis with fellow tenance. Priced to sell Call for details professionals and to ! work with them for ":,. I). t.. community im- r provement. REAL- TORS' often serve SCHULTES REAL ESTATE on planning boards, 'chweltzer ...... Better zoning groups, city I. 1.~Homes" NEW OFFERING! 22800 Edgewood, St Clair Shores - OPEN SUNDAY - BeautIful 3 bed- Real E/tote,lnc. I .. and Gardens room Ranch on spectacular park-Sized lot under $70,000 Must see' county commissions and other organiza- Two you FIRST OFFERED _ In a unIque wooded settmg, secluded and pnvate, nestles thiS charmmg 4 tions that promote names can trust bedroom, almost new Colomal on LAKELAND SuperIOr quahty WIth an eye to conven- community well-be- Ience, low mamtenance and great good looks IS eVIdent throughout ing and progressive development. New Lower Rates, Guod Weathel, Plentiful Llst111gS, Pent-up Demand or a Com bma tlO?J of AU of tile Abol'p Whatever It IS It's Workmg'!' "SOLD" IS Bae!' III Style' NOIi"s the Tune to Sell Your Home! GREAT HOMES IN THE WOODS 580 HAMPTON _ Very attractive 4 bedroom Colomal ClaSSIC Georgian exterIor WIth huge modern famtly room, full bath and laundry on first floor The home you've al- 1567 SUNNINGDALE _ TerrifiC 4 bedroom Semi-Ranch on extra large lot near Lochmoor Golf ways wanted. The Course Super rec room WIth kItchen faCIlities size that's perfect for your family. The 812 MOORLAND _ Summers commg and you'll enJoy It more m your own pool Great entertammg m LINCOLN Executive style Ranch with all location that suits all MOORLAND - ThIS 4 bedroom home IS Just thiS gorgeous 4 bedroom Colomal, too' your needs. Financ- filled WIth amemtles Convement 1st floor laun- features - updated kitchen, large famIly room, 1st floor laundry, 2 full baths, 3 car garage, 542 BRIARCLIFF _ LuxurIOUs 5 bedroom newer Colomal - has It ALL' First floor office/den, ing you can afford. dry, gourmet kitchen, family room and attach- Sound like a dream? ed garage are Just a few of the features (G- Simple assumptIOn (F-016) 886-5800 laundry, famIly room Circular drive, sprmklers' Members of the 049) 886-4200 GOOD VALUE IN THE PARK Grosse Pointe Real FIRST OFFERINGS 823 BEDFORD _ Profes~lOnally decorated 3 bedroom Colomal WIth fabulous custom flmshed floors Estate Exchange, LAKELAND _ ThiS extra speCIal 4 bedroom Colomal has many newer features, glass enclosed Clean, claSSIC exterIOr make~ thiS one -appealIng package' can make your fond- est dream come truel terrace, country kitchen WIth bUllt-ms, rec room WIth bar, elaborate alarm system, furnace, 1028 BERKSHIRE _ You'll love thiS big beautIful Colomal' FIve bedrooms, large lIvmg room WIth central air (G-0771 886-4200 ... in 1982. They 99 MEADOW LANE _ Farms - A fabulous 3 bedroom, "2~" bath English style Colomal on a fireplace leads to screened porch Library know Grosse Pointe prIvate street - perfect condItIOn - all terms (F.033) 886-5800 1386 GRAYTON _ Popular l bedroom ,>IzeWith small house price' Great locatIOn Hardwood floors. one of Ameri- 686 NEFF _ G P City _ CharmIng 2 family Enghsh style mcome m prime conditIOn and location - leaded glass, extra msulatlOn - Just a few of the mce features of thIS home' ca's great residt>n- walk to the "VIllage" - 9tho/c II1terest Land Contract (F-03O) 886-5800 tial communities. 2080 ANITA _ Woods - Cozy I1h story bnck home In a super neighborhood, large master bedroom, 1312 BERKSHIRE _ Outstandmg Tudor de~lgn With all the claSSIC features' Ornate plaster, lovely Buying or selling, central air and more $48,900 (F 034) 886-5800 mantel on In,mg room FP Five bedloom" Low Price' they're best quali- BY APPOINTMENT fied to help turn yom' 1153 GRAYTON _ A lot of hou,,,, m the Ideal locatIOn' 415 bedrooms Kitchen With pantry and W. EMORY CT. _ PrIced 111 the 70's, thIS 3 bedroom brick home IS beautifully mamtamed With a dream into your nt>xl breakfast area Famlly room Ea~y Land Contract terms' lovely family room Land Contract term~ make thiS a perfect chOIce (G-027) 886-4200 move. NORWOOD _ Low down payment to a Simple assumptIOn are offered on thIS delIghtful 4 bedroom 1140 LAKE POINTE _ Great Bun£(

Will look at all offers OPEN SUNDAY (G-036) 886-4200 1 NORTH BRYS _ Perfect Colomal for those who like lots of room Four bedrooms, 2 '2 baths, and 300 SOMETHING IN THE FARMS sq fl of hVll1g area ThIS superbly mamtamed home has a seCUrIty system and central air 431 LAKESHORE _ Lookmg for the top of the line? ThiS magmflcent mansIOn may be the gem (G.056) 886-4200 you're after Why not welcome back hoom times from on top of thiS gently rolhng slope overlook- MERRIWEATHER _ ImpreSSive 6 bedroom Colomal built for entertammg A paneled library, enormous garden room, butlers pantry and 2 wet bars make thIS a comfortable home OPEN 109 beautIful Lake 5t Clair? You owe It to YOU' With DlrecI Deposit SUNDA Y (G-D15) 886-4200 290 PROVENCAL _ Ddll1ltcly the mo~f DELUXE offermg on the market today' Perfectly restored, ~tlDOn TIME FOR A CONDO? Sharp 1st floor 2 bedroom umt m Grosse Pomte CIty, Immediate occupancy better than mo~t NEW home'" BE>autlful mlald floors, paneled doors, mcredlble family room $49,900 (F 749) 886-5800 Gove=..t check FOUR TO CHOOSE FROM! $119,900 to $165,000 newer executIVe style Colomals, 4 and 5 bedrooms, Pool with cabana Tolall\. pn\ dIe on lime ... all havr famIly rooms and today's best features (F.75O)


Gro... Pointe OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Rea' E.tat. Exchange Members 16245 OAKWOOD 1)!UVE HALL ROAD AT Buyers t GAR!,'IELD - RICH IN CUSTOM DETAIL Borland Assoc'ates lNG, thl~ dl~llndlH' 3 bedroom 'detdched' ot Earl Kelm Realty f I I I CO~DO ()ffer~ the convelllente dnd bt'nehL., 5 ,\ I Wm J Champion of pnvate Il\lng Yo,th all the pleasure~ dnd & Co OPEN HOUSE <,ecurlty of LOndomlOlUm oYorler~llIp Addl (.f Sunday, March 6, 1983 litH tlOndl amenltlC., Indude paneled famIly Century 21 loch moor I J:~j Danaher Baer, 2 - 5 p.m. room WIth ~kyllle&, bedmed c'dthedral cell Illg formdl dWlng ruom, fll'-t floor laundry, Wilson and Stroh, Inc ba~ement, 2 Cdr attached gal age, applJ R G Edgar & ances $4{)00 malOtenante fee - a~sumable ASSOCiates Come and look through our listinG books / mortgdge Goodman Pierce

- .." (. AH.(?},,;~ .y ...... A;~ ...... ?>X~ ~W""'+¥"~ »/ &. ASSOCiates over a cup of coffee Grosse POinte BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE Real Estate Co FREE COMPUTER SERVICES VIEW THIS 3 BEDROOM, 21~ bath Center Entrance Hall Colomal on popular OXFORD RD The Higbie & Maxon, Ine master bedroom has walk-m c1o~et and private bath SItting on a ~pa(Jous lot, plu!> an attached Johnstone &. garage, central aIr and all copper plumbmg make thIS home tops on the be~t buy lI~t at $139,500 Johnstone, Inc • Buyer Qualifications McBrearty & Adlhoch • Home & Investment AnalySIS THE GRACE AND CHARM of a bygone era are typified In each room of thIs MedJterranean style Realtors Ine • Loan Amortization Schedules MINI mansIOn Just a block from the lake 10 Grosse POinte Farms Monroe & ASSOCiates • Comparative Market AnalySIS Really PROFESSIONALLY DECORATED and landscaped, this 3 bedroom semI ranch has 21/~baths, family room With brIck fIreplace and beamed cathedral ceiling New kitchen bUIlt-inS and 1st floor Palms.Queen Realtors laundry top the list of many pluses Jim Saros Agency 16845 KERCHEVAL, in The Village Schultes Real Estate THE COMFORT of 2 zoned systems and rigid security system are ~peclal features m thIs surprlsmg- Schweitzer Next to Kroger Iy spacIOus ranch 2 full baths, 3 large bedrooms, family plus games room, natural fIreplace, 3 Real Estate, lne I car plus attached garage. new screened porch - all for $75,000 10 St ClaIr Shores, bordering Better Homes Grosse POinte & Gardens Scully & 882-5200 THE GARDEN BALCONY of the attractive 2 bedroom conc.ommlUm Will prOVide a relaxmg atmo- Hend(le Ine sphere after a hard day's work 10 the city Newly carpeted, this very attractIve umt 1<; ready for Shorewood occupancy Amemttes mclude pool and club house E R Brown Sine Realty Co A BEAMED CATHEDRAL ceilinged family room, a paneled hbrary off the maIO hallway and a THE PROPERTIES LISTED Strongman bay-windowed breakfast area are speCIal features of thiS COpIOUShouse BUilt III 1937 thIS English & Associates house has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths on the second floor and a very private bedroom and bath on the tlurd floor Warm, random plank f100rmg throughout the fIrst floor has speCIal appeal Tappan Gallery ON THESE PAGES Central air of Homes Toles and Are Offered Exclusively MINUTES FROM THE VILLAGE but far removed from the bustle of It, privacy lies at 553 Lake Associates land ThiS spacIous Colomal was carefully created to prOVIde the hvmg, bedroom and storage Youngblood Realty, Jne By Members Of The space necessary for the larger family Many extras can be found III thiS 5 bedroom, 3 bath home ) for under $135,000, "--- GROSSE POINTE INSIDE AND OUT thIS attractIve property dehvers what It promises move m conditIOn featuring 3 bedrooms, p~ baths plus a famIly room at 11508 Lakepolnte at $46,000 It IS a ternflc buy Owner Do You Know REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Will conSider FHA or V A terms How Much Your House is Worth?

1 Probably not. A 1ST OFFERING - 746 Balfour Colomal With 4 LAKEVIEW - Four bedroom 2 h bath resI- Realtorll is compe- family bedrooms and 21~ baths plus 2 dence In the Farms on 50x295 lot 17xl4 fam- tent to judge the fair maIds rooms and bath Den, screened Ily room Wood deck and gas grIll Great market value of porch. 2 car attached garage l00x175 ft locatIon LEXINGTON - Three bedroom 2 bath seml- your house. Call a lot 1ST OFFERING - Moran Road 3 bedroom, ranch Tiled and paneled basement At- Realtor'l< if you plan IIt2 bath Enghsh. Updated kItchen, Flonda tached garage, near transportatIOn Im- to buy or sell. Re- room, paneled recreatIOn room, 2 car gar- medIate possessIOn Under 80 member, guess age $91,000 LINCOLN - Corner St Paul Four bedroom work can be costly. LOTHROP - SIX bedroom 31~ bath semi. ranch 21h bath Colomal Porch, 19'(19family room +1 . Planning to sell your house? 21x22 foot family room, patIO. recreatIon on 2nd floor, recreatIOn room, 2 car at- room, 2 car attached garage tached garage Only $125,000 Talk to a professional. MANOR - Three bedroom Colomal WIth eating The experienced space In kitchen and famIly room Newer staffs of the Grosse dnve and roof Extra msulatlOn Recently Pointe Real Estate decorated $78.500 BUY YOUR WINTER HOME IN GROSSE POINTE Exchange members MARYLAND - Two family flat Three bed- THREE ONE OWNER HOMES have a full knowl- rooms each unit Separate furnaces and edge of Grosse FIRST OFFERING - ThiS umque contemporary home was custom bUilt by the original owners to basements Three car garage McKINLEY PLACE - SpacIOus Colomal With their f1gld and high quahty specificatIOns DeSigned by the famed 5aarmens, It features outstand- Pointe properties. garage apartment near South High Modern Ing quality construction mcludmg extensive use of Pewablc tile. mahogany and parquet There theil' CUI"rent values kitchen, den, card room and step down are fIVe bedrooms, modern kitchen, fIrst floor utility room, library and garden room Yard big and the best financ- 24x14 famIly room enough for a tenms court In prime Farms locatIOn ing available. They McMILLAN - Near Ridge Road, 4 bedrooms, 2 have a sincere con- baths, famIly room WIth fireplace, 2 car An outstanding and spectacular vIew of Lake St ClaIr, five bedrooms, a French library WIth :#t~ cern in assisting you x .;;Jiff!;1ii' ~ garage fireplace and wet bar, Mutschler kitchen and Hobermas quahty constructIOn are a few of the in selecting the right BALFOUR - Extraordinary Colomal With fam- MORAN - Three bedroom Colomal, 11~ baths, features of thIS home bUIlt In 1963 by the original owners .... home for you. If you lIy room and sun room Bedroom and 11k bath screened terrace, newer furnace, roof, want or must ao on 1st piUS 3 bedrooms, library and 2 baths on dnve and carpetmg Wide lot $74,900 An English Tudor m the Woods 1Sa rarity Large master sUIte With slttmg room and fIreplace, three 2nd RecreatIon room and complete kItchen In bedrooms each With pflvate bath, large hbrary WIth fireplace and a sun room WIth Pewablc tIle business in today's basement Heated pool With bath house 21h car PEACH TREE - Coloma I near the Hunt Club 1 floor and fIsh pond market. you'll be attached garage Four bedrooms 2 'z baths, den and famIly ahead if you do busi- room, attached garage FIRST OFFERING - One of the lowest* *priced* * homes* * *In *the*Woods* featUring four bedrooms Engll<;h ness with those who PROVENCAL - English manse on l00x550 lot Tudor architecture Glass enclosed porch Nicely decorated Convement to Mack '>hoppmg deal in it every day. Modern kItchen. library, 6 bedrooms, 5% baths. recreatIOn room, central air Apart- A member of the ment over attached garage FIRST OFFERING - Lennon, Harper Woods Four bedroom brick bungalow, natural fireplace 10 Grosse Pointe Real IIvmg room, good size dmmg room, kItchen updated In 1979 Gros<;e Pomte schools RIVARD - Two bedroom ranch With den and Estate Exchange! beautifully land<;caped yard Central aIr $69,900 626 Lmcoln, convemently located In *the*heart* *of*the* City,* *features* * a large family room With parquet Buying or selling a home is no job for an ROBERT JOHN - Three bedroom ranch Lib- floor, modernized kitchen and five bedrooms Early possessIOn rary, enclosed terrace recreatIOn room 2 amateur. Phone any car attached garage ' Price Reduced - FantastIc Farms Colomal on a dead end street Perfection In terms of 10cat1On, member of the decor and layout First floor master bedroom and bath, family room WIth fireplace, great kitchen Grosse Pointe Real ST PAUL - Three bedroom 11'2 balh town- With eating space, sprinkler sy<;tem, central air house New kItchen central air rec.reatlOn Estate Exchange for room $85,500 profe<;sional a <;<;i1>- BERKSHIRE - Delightful Enghsh Tudor With STEPHENS - SpacIOus reSidence on lovely Grosse Pomte Shores - BrIck Ranch one block from lake Stupendou., family room. Inground pool LIbrary plus 26 foot famIly room, 4 bed- tance. street FIVe bedroom<; & 4 'z bath<; plu<; 1st sWimming pool rooms 21.'2bath~ plus bedroom and bath on 3rd. ' floor maid" room and bath Llbrarj & fam- recreatIOn room, central air 1 CdI' Grosse POinte Woods - Three bedroom 2 '2 bath Quad level walking distance to all <;chool" 1 Ily room. 3 dltached garage 160x175 COLONIAL ROAD - Three bedroom, 2 'z bath lot Colomal Den and screened porch, recrea- UNIVERSITY -- Three bedroom Colomal Re- 51 Clair Shores, RIViera Condo, top floor, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, pool <;8una and clubhou<;e tion room Unusual features add to ItS creatIOn room central air 3 car garage character and charm $165,000 $74000 Harvard, DetrOlt - Three bedroom brick Colomal, completely renovated, all oak floor'> furn:lce and 1 FISHER ROAD - Three bedroom, 1 'z bath LANARK - Ne:lr 7 \llle and 194 Tw[} bed- roof new 1977 lovely family home Enghsh 16 foot den, 2 car garage $78,000 room Bungalow YoIth expansIOn attic New HILLCREST - Three bedroom 2 bath bun- PRICE REDUCTION - $159,000 On one of the Woods loveliest tree lined <;treet<; <;tand<; thl'> red roof, newly pamtcd III and out $.10SOD galow 21 fl famIly room, recreatIOn room brick four bedroom, 3112 bath Colomal With panrlt>d hbrary and cheerful ~un porch ,\ new $69,000 GRA YTON - Three bedroom Colomal near Mutschler kitchen, burglar/fire alarm system and <;pnnkler ~) .,tern are '>ome of the many LAKESHORE LANE - Threc bedroom cu~tom Harper Scrt>en('d porch 2 car garage exceptIOnal features of thiS well mamtamed home so c!o<;e to Barne<; Star of the Sea, ~orth and $42,500 Liggett ranch FlorIda room recreatIOn room With lav, 2 car attached g:lrage 80 foot lot NOTTINGHAM - :-'('ar E OUler Dnve T\~o ALSO FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION LAKE SHORr~ - Out~tandmg modern 2 <;tory bedroom bungalo\', YoIth ('\p:ln<;lOn attic re<;ldence 10,,23 tv.o <;tory entrance hall Famll} room $26000 BEVERLY $189,000 HAMPTON $179000 Rr:NAUD $.'>00 OO(J with CIrcular <;talrs lRx19 hbrary, 21x22 ROSEDALE CT - J'nu' n', m:lld<; room 3OOx'lOOlot ler Two car attached gar:lge $79 ')()() HAMILTON CT $119000 RACINE $ 74000

V AC ANT LOTS ISLAND LA~E $ 89500 51 PAL"! OPEN SUNDAY 2:00-5:00 CALL 0:"1 THJo:SF: AND ~I\NY OTHER LISTINGS WI': HAVE AVAILI\HT F 621 Robert John :1 bedroom r:lnch

Anlt rl( In THOROUGH COVERAGE OF R, I'" ';'!1

.-..L _ Page Nme-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 3, 1983 ~

Grosse Pointe Real Estate SMART BUYS WITH GOOD TERMS JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. Exchange Members Open Sunday 2 to 5 Come see us! 1 Borland ASSOCiates Palms-Queen Realtors 3M Kerby - 3 bedroom'>, + 2 bedrooms, 2 baths + 2 2 bath,>, 775 UNIVERSITY --- -] of Earl Kelm Realt~ Jim SarOl> Agency good floor plan, well con<;tructed Close to grade school GROSSE POINTE CITY 94:1Hidden Lane - GrO!>~ePointe Woods - Center entrance Wm J Champion Schultes Real Estate 1 OPEN SUNDAY 25 & Co bnck ranth, large slate foyer, three bedrooms, 2 ? Schweitzer bath~, paneled family room ne~t1ed m a qUiet cui de-~a(., An outstanding bungalow featuring 3 bedrooms, a family room, modern kitchen, natural fire- Century 21 Lochmoor place, central air, recreatIOn room, garage opener, and much more SPOTLESSLY Real Estate, Inc I Room for tenms court TERMS Now $148,500 Vacant Better Homes Danaher. Basr, ALL OFn:RS CONSIDERED CLEAN 1 " SHARP DECOR 11 T , Wilson and Stroh Inc & Gardens 108ll Lakepomte - Hlstonc VlctOrlan whltehou~e on beautiful spacI- 22 WEBBER PLACE - Simply stated - A REMARKABLE HOME' Beautifully decOldted and R.G Edgar & Scully & ous lot m Gro~~e POinte Park 4 bedroom~, 2 baths, 2 car gar- exquIsitely mamtamed A breath-takmg tudor sUited to the most exactmg ~tandard~ Associates rlendne, lnc age, price $47 500 Goodman, PIerce Shorewood 233 McKinley - In the Farm!> - Four bedrooms, 2% bdths, den, 819 BEACONSFIELD - A FIRST 01"FERING' Clean 4 umt apartment with separate furnace~ and E R Brown & ASSOCiates Wide lot, fireplace m hVlng room rear porch :l!l sep:lr:'te meters L:1!1d Co"tr?ct ""th $'?') (l()O nown for 12 YEARS II II A real $ maker' I ,...... Y'\.I'P.:;.q I .... • Real Estate Co Strongman BY APPOINTMENT . 1409 YORKSHIRE _ BeaHtlful center entrance English tudor' Restored to Its ongmal beauty I • Higbie & Maxon, lfie & Assoctales . Leaded glass, natural wood, 3 ~paclOus bedrooms, Ilh baths, and a super kitchen l31 LAKESHORE • Johnstone & Tappan Gallery •. Johnstone, toe of Hornet' • McBrearty & Adlhoch Toles and • AS$OC!ates • JIM SAROS AGENCY, INC. Realtors. toe ~ Monroe & ASSO,,,fjt$l> Youngblood ~• Realty Realty. Jnc .• 886-9030 • ~ LAKE FRO"lT VIEW ~ John S. Goodman, Inc. Grosse Pointe Farms - French style colomal custom built by Mlcou for 1 \ Owners featurmg 4 bedrooms, plus charmmg sitting room, 3 12 baths, < Real Estate Since 1951 hbrary, fireplace, step-down hvmg room fireplace, family room, TOLES & ASSOCIATES, INC. formal dmmg room, kitchen pantry, and back stairs Maid's quar- ters Immediate posses~iOn $375,000 BY APPOINTMENT 8 8 6- 3 0 6 0 BEST BUY IN THE PARK - GREAT LOCATION ELM COURT - A QUIET LANE OFF LAKE STEPHENS NEAR KERCHEVAL - Beautiful 1403 Kensington - New England style colomal, marble foyer, kitchen SHORE ROAD Library, Mutschler kitchen Southern Colomal With a New Orleans ac- JUST THE FACTS! With breakfast area bUilt-m, 4 bedroom<;, 21f.! baths, solanum recreallon room, four bedrooms, 21~ baths, cent Library, family room, first floor bed TERMS or FHA FINANCING, 12!h''7o , 30 yrs Vacant First Offermg m EAST DETROIT Charmmg 2 Harper Woods - 18784 Washtenaw - Bungalow - Two bedrooms, fam- large lot rooms and bath plus 5 bedrooms and four baths up ,Four fireplaces, recreatIOn room story, sharp decoratmg throughout, large Ily room $30,500 Land Contract terms master bedroom $39 900 GROSSE POINTE FARMS NEAR LAKE Spe and 3 car garage $330,000 Grosse Pointe Farms - Vacant - 314 Hillcrest - Great starter home, 3 clal contemporary With many umque fea APPOINTMENTS ARRANGED bedrooms, new kitchen, Just redecorated, only $69,500 LC terms tures Family room, 30-foot hvmg room 155 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE - IN THE DEVONSHIRE - Two story Mediterranean, 3 Rent With optiOn to buy With gallery celhng, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, FARMS Ranch With paneled family room bedrooms, sun room, 1st floor lav $76,000 St. Clair Shores - 21616 Englehardt - Small ranch, three bedrooms, one , exceptIOnal patIO and landscapmg Ternflc With fireplace, beamed cellmg and bal. 5 IN GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Three bed bath, paneled family room Great Buy' L C Terms Assumable i for entertammg bedrooms, 4112 baths Excellent locatIOn room bungalow With very attractive famIly mortgage at 9% 'i •, room With natural fireplace, new decor and 4820 Bedford - Brick bungalow Eatmg area III kitchen, cathedral cell- mg m lIvmg room, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath Well mamtamed $28,900 GROSSE POINTE PARK - Center Hall Col- OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 landscape $57,500 omal south of Jefferson Family room, first IMMACULATE - 12004 WHITEHILL m DE- Immediate possessIOn floor laundry, three bedrooms, 2% baths, 599 RIVARD - Not only a library but a new TROIT, recently reduced 3 bedroom brick Commercial Property - 160' near Eastland $179,000 central air condltlOmng $103,000 famtly room With fireplace The large mas tudor, charmmg throughout $44,500 • ter bedroom has a beamed cathedral cell- LUXURY CONDO m DETROIT - EnJOY the SWIM INDOORS 12 MONTHS A YEAR' 45 WII mg, dressmg room and bath Three other River m 1 bedroom Shoreline East Priced low Tree features an mdoor pool, 16'x35' bedrooms and 21.-2 baths The finished m the 40's' I~alrns. ~ family room With fireplace and bar, three basement has carpetmg and a fourth bath MT CLEMENS - 1'.-2 Acre estate, lovely up- bedrooms, three baths, central air room dated older home $73,800 Qt}~5~P-----"~ 800 NOTRE DAME - Colomal Situated on a 1544 BRYS - PRICED TO SELL IMMED- CALL ONE OF OUR REPRESENTATlVES 6O-foot lot near school, shoppmg and the "Mortgages, IATEL Y Three bedroom bnck & alum- l mum Bungalow With natural fireplace, Neighborhood Club Den, 3 bedrooms, I h 17646 MACK 886-4444 newer kitchen ....Ith bUllt-ms, newer furnace baths, recreatIOn room and central air con With central air conditIOning dllJonmg Land Contracts and other TOLES & C W. Toles Wllham E Keane Creative Financing" Sue Adelberg Ann W Sales ASSOCIATES, INC. Betsy B Buda Jacquelyn M Scott WE DID IT AGAIN ". Sally C Coe James D Standish, 111 REALTORS 885-2000 ~1 Mary F Ferber LOIS M Tole!' 74 KERCHEVAL " OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ~ Keim Sold Mine r " FREE GROSSE POINTE MAPS t In Less Than 10 Days 1559 S RENAUD Let Us Sell Yours Too SPECTACULAR SPACIOUS three bedroom RANCH that Will make your dreams . . . We Get Results t come true With a $78,500 SIMPLE As- sumphon Mortgage at 10% Family t Having your house on the market is never easy. In our room, modern kitchen, first floor laun free market analysis, we'll offer you sound facts on dry, and much, much more pncing & marketing your home to get the best results. S~ 20439 MACK AVENUE t 2135 FLEETWOOD 1-3 P M The folks at 218 Fisher listened, and now they too can MAINTENANCE FREE three bedroom t say, "KEIM SOLD MINE IN LESS THAN 10 DAYS!" Grosse Pomte Woods brick home on neat street, With family ". S,~, ~~ 'Re4~ room or den Newly decorated and car- OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 peted makes thIS home a real pleasure ", 886-8710 NEW OFFERING AT 851 S "lfhere S(,les amJ Friend,,, tre Uade" t to see $65,000 BRYS a welcome addItion to t one-story Rancy style hvmg. INVESTOR'S DREAM m prime Grosse Brick & aluminum extenor WIth OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 OPEN Pomte rental area Owner Will conSider lease - back on lower umt Hurry, It'S thermo-casement Windows .. makes thIS 7 room home almost .. 1389 BRYS - Sharp 3 bedroom Colomal With a modern open kitchen Newer furnace, 2 tax time . o care free family room plus It) t car garage Natural fIreplace m hvmg room Open basement Simple assumption I "'0 super rec room In the 90's Ex- C\l Pnced at $68,500 m LARGE FAMILY home for the money, nice . Z lIvmg room and dmmg room plus mod- t cellent flnancmg see It Sunday • > . < Ull HOLLYWOOD - In move m condition Offermg 4 bedrooms, 21'2 baths, family room. en ern kitchen and 5 BEDROOMS and a . C ILbrary first floor laundry, spiral stairway PatIO off kitchen 2 car garage Simple c:: den OUR NEW OFFERING AT 794 . t CADIEUX Includes alot of . Z assumptIOn z .• ::;) c SPARKLING NEW RANCH With two bed cheerful hVlng space In an oh so . CJ) 1265 DEVONSHIRE _ Updated kItchen, a strlkmg feature m thl<; lovely 4 bedroom Col- rooms and library and a <;pectacu!ar t handy locatIOn And the super . » • omal Paneled family room RecreatIOn room 3 car garage Hardwood floors Nat- -< kitchen With load<; of cupboard space, a terms leIs you assume an 834 ~ • Z t\\O car attached garage PLUS CIrcular eXlstmg mortgage With low .- W ural woodwork . Q. ~ monthly payments A large 3rd . 1 U1 t . o 686 BIRCH LN - Large Ranch on a large lot offermg 3 bedrooms, family room, 2 2 d~e bedroom With private bath IS . baths, first floor laundry 2''2 car attached garage Owner Will conSider trade on LOCo\TION I LOCATION' LOCATION' t upstairs Super buy at $07 500 . Farms area Three bedrooms With new .. It) smaller home o Do come Sunday . I "tl modern kitchen AI<;o new garage and . C\l m • 1010 S RI':NAUD - Exqul<;lte sprawling custom bUilt Ranch Inground heated pool With Z t dnveway make., thl<; one of the best AT 20070 BALTREE COURT an adorable 11'.1 Story IS waltmg to . > JacuzzI Three bedroom<;, famIly room, FlOrida room, 2 baths, deluxe recreatIOn buys on the market today steal your heart Two 1st floor bedrooms plus a 3rd upst31rs . < room A~sumable mortgage en t And the peace and qUIet of an almost pnvale cuI-de <;ac Court . C c 1ST OFFERI:-lG - 2-year old 3 bedroom, With a lillIe park at It'S end' Such-a-deal for $76,900 " Z 971 SHOREHAM - Four bedroom 1 .-2 Story ....Ith extensive remodehng Newer modern z I' 'l bath Colomal With ultra modern kIt- ::;) ' c By Appointment - Call 886-3800 en kitchen Newer bathroom Whirlpool tub Deluxe tIle features FIrst floor laundry » chen and terTlflc family room With fire Land Contract term<; t place won't la<;t' -< t GREAT STARTER HOME z 2326.1N ROSf-:DALE - Bordermg Gro<;se POInte m St Clair Shore<; Three bedroom I\) TWO BEDROOM RANCH - Feature<; fam . and the opportumty to decorate w I lly room With fireplace and ullllty room '~ , a well-deSigned ail-brick 2 bed- Q. Ranch With family room 21'2 baths first floor laundry 2''2 car attached garage U1 o As<;umable mortgage '. ,l room Colomal m the heart of the t 't Farms your way. GUARDIA~ 1ST~f~:=I:I~~g~I::r::: ~;~~~~e~.:::<;g~ HOME WARRANTY Only OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN t ,~~ $64,300 Call <;oon- thl<; <;hould go ~o(~~"rh~~r I~~g~nr7:.:pll~~~tl~~d- b~~~~ ,,..i ~t]Ui'. qUickly I BY APPOINTMENT cellmg - ma.,ter bedroom ha<; dres<;tng " . room and bath plu<; 4 more bedroom<; Plu<; many more modest to man'qon LAKE SHORE - Newl~ decorated In & out BARRINGTON - Charming 2 bedroom Ranch t and 2 hath<; - only the beglnntng - Sit ROLAND - Charmmg carefrec 3 b r Coloma I $ 95000 Located m Gro<;c;ePomte Shor('<; Four hed. With family room Screened porch Central ling room With balcon~ and lovely WIITTTIf-.H Hand<;ome bTlck EnglLsh Tudor $149,900 room<; family room, 21'2 bath<;, recreatIOn t air New kitchen Sprinkler c;ystem Land grounrl<; room 2 car all ached garage New Circular OXFORD - Shore<; estate <;l1peroPPortumty $26S.000 Contracl drIve Alarm <;y<;tem SprInkler <;y~tem SOMERSET - Three Income from $76,000-$86,500 Central air BISHOP - Man<;lon With carnag(' hOllse, ele\ator $285 000 CANTERBURY - Four bedroom Colomal With t CRANFORD - Townholl<;(, With pllan $ 89,900 2''2 bath<; natural ,"oodwork Family room 1 WAYBllR"I - ~e\ler out of qate and mu~1 ,>('1\ RIDGEMO'or - Brick 1 '2 '-tory Warranted $ 74900 R(,crl'atlOn room 'IIewer roof A<;<;umable Two bedroom Bungalow \\ Ith 2nd floor ex mortgage HUHI \, .. \, ..oe 1\11 .. pan~lOn Land Contract t('rm<; - $<) 000 I) ~ The Grosse Pointe Office M,\RYLAND - Own('r re locatmg mll<;t <;ell dow n for fIV<' yea r<; t Open Sunday 10-4 Three herlroom Colomal With 2 '2 car gar- t ' age RecreatIOn room Simple a<;c;umpllon WI':STCHESTER - (enter Entrancf' Colonial 395 Fisher Road prlCl'd to <;e1\at $7Cl000 Thn'c hedroom<; PrIeM at $38,500 FlOrida room recreatIOn room 2 car gar 881-0800 ~~~~:I!!~o!! 886-3800 PRESTWICK - Lovely Colomal With hardwood age Burglar alarm <;y<;tem Land Contrad term<; - $20 000 down for five y('ar<; An RFAL ESTATE t floor<;, 3 large bedrooms, oversized garage t Frl'l' Parklnll In Rl'ar WIth h('ated room attached Tiled base- excellent buy L. MARKETING CONSUL TANTS ~ ment Fireplace


1584 BRYS _ ,l,lummum '~lded Bungdlow With SINE REALTY Grosse Pointe Real Eatate extra bedrooms If It ~atlsfJe~ - You ( aVdtldble Wll$on and Stroh. Inc & Gardens 3 bedroom, bdth~ ~epardte ~ulte on the first floor all model n IOn\emence" and dC- BY APPOINTMENT R G Edga.r & SC\Jliy a Pre~l\~l(k off Mack - 4 bedJOoms - 2';-. baths Hendrie. Ine ce"soncs geared to today'" modern IIvmg ['Ir<.,t OffPI 109 _ SPACIOCS 1 5 "ton honlt' Illth three large bedrooms A$Soclates _ on extra large lot Large kitchen - at- ,...__...... _ n ..,...... ~ ~hf\rQownorl ~1llct C('>P ..Inti tl'.O full bathrooms In u t''' J "",.: •• _::~ f.""h"f1 h~~ement & L:~\,..h.....d .;~r:1~~ &~;;~,a't~- .. E R Brown C A C Low heatlOg bill;, and an .lfforddtllt' pnce 10 the 70 s Grone Pomte Sine Realty Co S('ULLY ST. CLAIR SHORES 1-t61 forrey _ ELEG-\~T three bedroom ColonIal on d double lot Large Real Estate Co Strongman Woodbndge - Dorsett ,tyle - 2 bedrooms - fJ.mlly room & flmshed basement HigbIE! &. Maxon, In c. & AliSCClaleli rnmm 2'. bath~ - family area - patIO - carport John$tone & Tappan Gallery Scully & HendrIe, Inc Heal E..,tale Jono~Olle, InC. of Home!i 1142 BI,hop _ 5 BDR Colomal In G P Par\.. 8~1l-8:HO McBrearty & Adlh<>eh TO," and SINE REALTY 1994 Ro,l~n _ 1 BDR - 2 bdth Colomal In G P Wood, Realtors. file Assoc,a1el> \1t'LTlLlST !-,EHVICE Monroe &. ASSOCillle!i yOungblood rAH'\l<' OFFill" 884 7000 Century 21 Lochmoor Rea~ Realty, Inc. 20817 Mack at Hawthorne Rd, A REALTOR@ is a PUl"{'ha!>eo, of mil. 884-5280 lions of fami!., professional. He Or hOllwo, each H'ar ari.. she has a lot of William J. Champion & Company handled hy'REAL. background in the TORS . The'ie home field, and is better OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 bll~'er!> might be equipped to do what 436 RO'_AND _ FANTASTIC FAMILY ROOM With brick wall fIreplace accents thiS claSSIC 3+ !>llrprhed to learn is called "strategic bedroom Colomal 10 the Farms Central all' clOd all terms conSidered $97,500 that behind t!w marketing." To- THE PROPERTIES LISTED tr a nsact ion lie., day's marketplace BY APPOINTMENT more than 70 year., requires that kind of -FIRST OFFERING _ CORNER UNIT CONDOMINiUM 3 bedrooms. convemently located II? ON THESE PAGES of concern 1'01' 1)1"0- Grosse Pomte and pnced to sell - under $70.000 f('.,sionali!>111 and in- sophistication. Get Are Offered Exclusively tegrity in the real es. some for yourself. ALLARD 3 bedrooms. natural fireplace. screened porch, $69.900 tate field. Call a REALTOR@. BALFOUR vacant lot l00x180 near Wmdmlll Pomte. $35,000 BEACONSFIELD 2 bedroom, 4 famIly Income, fleXIble terms, $114.000 By Members Of The BEDFORD . 3 bedrooms. 2'12 baths, family room. 2 car garage. $110,000 BUCKINGHAM 5 bedrooms, 31h baths. family room, beautiful wood detail. $164.900 W DOYLE 2 bedrooms, garden room, natural fIreplace central aIr. $87.900 GROSSE POINTE FARMBROOK 3 bedrooms. 1'12baths, 1112car garage, all terms offered $39.900 GREENLEAF 3 bedrooms, ullllty room, excellent conditIOn, $40.900 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Realtors Are HOLLYWOOD 2 bedrooms. good storage. utIltly room, enclosed porch, $35.000 JEFFERSON COURT 5+ bedrooms. 41/2 baths. family room. near the lake. $124,900 Matchmakers KENSINGTON 2+ bedrooms. natural flreplace, utIlIty room, neat, $32,000 They match up spe- LAKELAND 9 bedrooms. 412 baths. minI-manSIOn. $250,000 cial people with spe- E OUTER DRIVE 2 bedrooms. natural fireplace. 2'h car garage. $29,900 S OXFORD 3 bedrooms. 2',< baths, lIbrary, famIly room. $187,500 cial houses. Call a PEMBERTON 4 bedrooms, 2 tz baths, Floflda room. 2 car garage, $132,000 1P ' Realtor to find PEMBERTON 4+ bedrooms. 21/2 baths, den. leaded glass. deck, $129,900 MORTGAGE MONEY IS NOW AFFORDABLE YOUR special PEMBERTON 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, 2 lavs. family room. $95,000 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A GREAT SELECTION house It works. ROXBURY 3 bedrooms, natural fireplace, 2 car garage, breakfast nook. $33.000 You'll see. ST PAUL 3 bedrooms, P6 baths. townhouse. newer carpetmg, $92,000 LOCATiON PRICE BDRMSlBATHS FEATURES THREE M[LE 5 bedrooms, 3'/2 baths, lIbrary, family room, great terms. $230.000 1 Washmgton $103.000 3'11'2 Updated kItchen. 4th bdrm on 3rd floor, extra large yard WOODBRIDGE 2 hedrooms, 2 6 baths, Dorset model family room $72.500 1 Balfour 84,900 4/2 MUlschler kItchen Immaculate and spacIOus YORKSHIRE 4 bedrooms. P,< baths. sun room, nalural fireplace, $85.000 Yorkshire 79.500 3/111;: Nl'\\ kitchen. large den. large yard. Hohda) 75.900 2' 1 Ranch. attached garage. screened parch MANY OTHER FINE HOUSES AVAILABLEI Maumee 99 500 4'216 Umque Condo. master sUite WIth JacuzzI, modern kitchen Mary C Bodkm Shirley Kennedy Balfour 125.000 Sl31'.! Excellent value. attached apartment. Planning to sell Oxford 124.900 3/21'2 Umque family room, central air Land Contract terms Margaret Breltenbecher Lorrame Kirchner your house? Sally Clarke Evelyne Rupp Van K Drive 147.500 412112 Immaculate. new kItchen. pnme location Marian Dodge Barbara SImpson Lakepomte 94.!lOO 3121"2 Center entrance Colomal. prIme location. new roof Talk to a Ro,lyn 54,000 2/1 Natural fireplace. library, assumable mortgage Dorothy Healy Jean Wakely professional. Call Diane Kelly Mary Walsh • McMillan 93.900 31]1'2 Library. large sun room Cathy ChampIOn Dillaman. Broker FIRST OFFERING _ ThiS handsome English features 4 good SIZed bedrooms, 2 full baths, a famIly any member of room. den and a bright updated kllchen Excellent value at $103.000 the Grosse Pointe .- - Real Estate - - OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 WMh' I 1\1ember of the 1387 YorkshIre Exchange. LOCATED' ON THE HILL Ja'~.Ion Grosse POinte Real Estate Exchange 21312 Van K Drive t Macomb Board of Realtors They have the In Gro~~e POinte Farm~ C acros~ flam Perry Drugs AND COMPANY DetrOit Board or Realtors know-how! l102 Kercheval_ 884.570~ Call one of our ASSOCiates for your housmg needs • Youngblood ~ - Thomas R Youngblood Betty Vmgl James P Fablck Non Fury neaUy Inc. Kenneth Kosovec Allan G DICk Bill Warren . Thomas Gould Bll~ ing a ho\O(' ('ollld Paul PIerron JUdllh '1lller lw your 1,lrgt,,,t "in- Trudy Rhoades gh' Iif('t1l1H' IIlH ...t. men •. It'., no joh for an amatclII'. Con.,lIlt a IO('cll m('mhc!' ot SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER AND ... the Gro" ...(' Point(' WE ARE GETTING NEW OFFERINGS AND NEW FINANCING DAILY - Rt'al E ...tat(' E,,- CALL US FOR DETAILS! changt'o TIll'~ 'I'(' r('al GROSSE POINTE PARK _ AttractIve newer 4 bedroom. 21,1z bath COLONIAL In a lovely wooded pro.,! ,>etllng mcludes fully equipped kitchen. large family room paneled lIbrary. attached garage and 'C\ eral chOIces of excellent flnancmg $159 500 884-0600 BERKSHIRE _ A ~tatl:l)' TUDOR With l'verythmg' 3 large family bedrooms plus extra quarters on 1rd floor family room. fJm~hed basement and a chOIce of temptmg terms' 881-4200 Through state a'iSO- BI~HOP _ A flOe famll~ COLO:>;IALoffer 109 3 bedrooms. JI'2 baths, family room, fireplace. central ciations, REAL- air and a nicely fml'ihed ba,emenl Terms to 'Ult most budgets' $86 000 881-4200 TORS' "peak out on HANDY TO THE VILLAGE _ 4 bedroom 1 bath Tudor style TOWNHOUSE on Cadieux Easy walk taxes, licen"ing acts to elementaf) s<-hool land (ontract terms aVaIlable $94.500 884.0600 I:>;THE P<\RK _ 4 bedroom 1''2 balh ENGLISH has games room complete With carpetmg, fIreplace and other legislation and Its o",n party kllchen \]<;0 featured I'> a beautiful m ground pool With deck and patio Lots of which affect proper- 11\ mg ,pa(e and great l-ytra, at $115000' 884-{)6()() ty transactions. \\ r\SHI;-"GTO~ _ Super 1 bedrrYlm ,paclOus RA~CH has all the amemtIes for comfortable and They also partici- com enlent IJ\ 109' famll~ room flOlshed basement. 3 car attached garage and MORE' Excellent pate in continuing high balance as<;umptlOn $1)') (lOCI 881-6.100 education program" OPE' SC'in \Y Z.5 aimed at increa"ing B81~OO Keep in Touch 2212 .\Ilard Ranch 'lBdrm<; Fireplace rec rm FHA,VA $59.900 'ikills and technique" 1064 Bdlfour Coloma I 'i Bdrms 2 hath'. 2 la\, den LiC $120.000 8814200 884 0600 which enahlt' them 1974'i Blo"'iom Ln 2 Story 4 Borm'. 2'2 bdlhs Land contract $124900 to provide t'fficient SUBSCRIBE TODAY 1090 Canterbuf\ Coloma1 ') Bdrm<; 2'" bath<; famllv room $137500 8816300 884 0600 ,,('rvice. lR2 Ch,lIfonte ' Ranch 'I Bdrm~ 212 bath~ Golf cour,e \ lew" $197 500 have the Grosse Pointe News 4'1 <; Duval F!R()T OFf- ER of 4 hedroom 21., bath Colomal Co,mtry kitchen delivered every Thursday Wllh heam c('lhng breakfa<;t room fireplace famIly room, MORE' $162 (.(I() 884..{)6()() 2012 i'lcetl'.ood FIHST m Fi'.H of fine 'I herlroom COLO~IAL Family room WIth \., a m('mh('r of a MAIL YOUR CHECK TO fireplace llpdnl for ('otnmllntt, 1m- PIO\f>IO('nt. HE \1.- ,&:;?). 1dl11IMii1 i~ :C:;~ T()H~ ol't('n "'('!'\(' ZIP on planning hnard." 70ning group .... <'it\' ('ount, ('ommi.,.,jon ... and otl1('r org,lIli/,l- tion., that promotE' GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GROSSE POINTE WOODS ('ommunih \\('II.h('. 82 Kercheval 884.0600 16610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881-6300 mg and pi.ogrf>...... h(' df>\ ('Iopm('nl. Page Eleven-B rhursday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

D Pf10C.f1AM', ,UflJl ( r l() CHM.U pion EusebiO Pedroza and 1t1 conten MON., MAR. 14 MO"'., MARCH 7 young country musIc siliger struggling SAT., MAR. 12 der Rocky Lockrldqe te'evISed I,vp ---I 8:3().9PM CBS (7 30 Central/Mount) to estdbllSfl IllS own Identity dfter 9.11PM CBS (8 Central/Mountain) 9.11PM NBC (8Cenlrdl/Mounldln) SUN., MAR. 6 yedrs of performing In the shddow of JANE DOE Sll~pense thriller about M.A.O.D.: The Candy Lightner SMALL & FRYE Comedy mystery w th Dar ren McGaVin and Jdck Bless SAT., MARCH 5 I rw folk hpro faHler dn amnesiac ~ life and death race to Story True lale of ttle Cdl,[OI nla lPM.? NBC (t? NoonCenll\'-\ount) recdll her p 1St Karen VdlenllnL Eva housel rdU whose sorrON al the deatll 11\9n 111Ptitle roles dS a cOf'tempor NCAA BASKETBALL Big rn"tcr)p 911 30PM CW, (8 CPIII'dl/Mo ,'Italn) 1 9-11PM AtlC (8 Ce'llrallMountaln) of her dJughter ledds to trle for mallon dry p"vale eye '.'11thd 1930 s self of M~rnphls Sldte at Loulsvillp I DEADLY LESSONS Telell ck unpre Marr'" Sa nl [)awJ Huffman and the ---H--E. . ..- dlways excellent 'N111'drn Dr Vdn( a' d natlondl organl1dtlon IMolhprs ITlngL and h S Incled,ble shllnk,ng I v ewed at pre<;stlme 1PM.? ABC 112NoonCpntlMl1 AYdlnst D,un~ Drrvlng) lobbllng for pdrlnf'r ,. who I', somed"y '>oon gOlnc,to I " f I FOOTBALL The rr,dugL.ratloli ot the TUES., MAR. II political dcllon Ihdt results In the tremply BIG' TUES., MARCH II Un,ted States Football Le 'Clue>' 20 8.10PM NBC (7CentraIIMountan) sl ronqe' Be" HOT HERO SANDWICH A treat lor JAZZ dnd Kdth~lIne Ross pick up a pay Rem~pn C ff Potl~ John RL.bln~teln foung viewers wl\h 2:30PM.? CBS (t 30Cent /Mounl) cheaue Irom Hollywood sale maste, dr,d DaVid Huddleston SorroN 'dge Ldkers great Kdreem Abdul Jabbar NCAA BASKETBALL The 'Ndr' (,", Pam Dawbpr ( M ndy of Mork and ) at disaster Irwin Allpn Ttm, one IS dnd d('t,OIl n a very llmely tPlelllck I of Marquette trdvel to III,r DI. Robert (Benson) GUillaume M,chdel Rosemont HOrizon to Idk!' on th, SIr:'NT GER aboul these ktller bees 'f I Lpamed and slnqer Joe Jackson rJpP'lul Aillf' Demons 1 ...L 1.....1 9.11PM CB'> ItlCentrallMoUllldlfl) SAT., MARCH 12 3.5PM NBC (2 Central/Mounldln) 10 11PM NBC (9 CentrallMountaln) GOLF Honda Inverrary Class c _OIbMO~D -T-H-E-- THUR., MARCH 3 MONITOR Premiere of a news mag 5-6PM NBC (4 CentrallMountn n) 8.9PM NBC (7 CentrdllMountdln) azme program '.'11thIIlvestlgatlve re SPORTSWORLO Finals ollhe World LAURENCE THE KIDS FROM FAME Members ports profiles and InqUilles Into Figure Skallng from MdrytanrJ World of the cast 01 the popular TV series today ~ s gnrllcant stories Lloyd Dob Cup Bobsledding from Iialy OLIVI£~ MIRROR Ilprepare for a tour 01 Great Britain bins anchors for reporters Steve SAT., MAR. 12 where the ',how s d smdsh hit Gene DelaneY and Rebecca Sobel LUCIEARNAZ CRACK'D Anttlony flay Debbie Allen Errca 1PM.? NBC (12 Noon Cent /Mount ) . TUES., MARCH 14 GERALDINE CHAPUN Gimpel LLe Currer Cd'io Imperato NCAA BASKETBALL and Lorr S ngar d'''' sl,Ol.n In pprjor 8.8'30PM CBS (7 Central/Mountain) 1PM NYT Big to Wild Card TONY CURTIS mances al VdlIOU'; ,;pots Including ACE CRAWFORO. PRIVATE EYE SWC Championship Comedy premiere w,th Tim Conway EDWARD FOX London s RGI" All Prt Hall AtlantiC to Championship ROCK HUDSON Noon PT PAC 10 Wild Card ANGELA LANSBURY 3PM NYT Big East Championship SUN., MAR. 13 .a.:.'~ SAT., MAR. 5 WAC Wild Card KIM NOVAK 9.11.35PM ABC (8 Central/Mountaml ELIZABETH TAYLOR 1PM ? NBC (12 Noon Cent IMount ) 3PM PT PAC to Wild Card THE MIRROR CRACK'O LukewarfYl NCAA BASKETBALL 2PM.? CBS (1Central/Mountain) Agatha Ch rlstre With Ms lansburyas CHINA 1PM NYT Villanova at Georgetown NCAA BASKETBALL Check /ocal MISSJane Ma rple polhng around the St Joseph s at West Vlrglllla starlon for game(s) telecast In your small British town of St Mary Mead SYNDROME I Purdue at OhiO State viewing area starling al looking for a killer III tile midst of a SEC Wild Card 2PM NYT M,ssourr Valley I e mosl recenl I'oup of movie stars on location for a JACK LI::M MON I. . SWC Wild Card Conference ChampIOnship verSIOn of movie s very fllst talkie motion picture Hudson Chaplin Fnx M ICHACl DOUG LA <) ~~ .. Big 8 Wild Card 1PM PT PaCifiCCoast AthletiC Assoc 1927 With AI Jolson who said You and Curlls are on hand but IllS Novak JANl::. rONDA r ~ lalian Championship from aln t heard nothlo yet' Yeah? Well and Taylor as aging movie queens / ~ The Forum In Westwood (hL.mmmmnl) hlSSlng IIlsulls at each you alii t seen nolh,n \iI you see Nell 3:30.5PM ABC (2 30 Cent /Mount ) other that lenos IIllerest to thiS one Diamond as a talented mUSICian torn PRO BOWLERS TOUR $200000 between a life ollamilidl and religiOUS WED., MAR. 9 Toledo Trust PBA Nalional Cham traditions and the lure of a show plonshlp from Imperial Lanes In OhiO 9.11PM CBS (8 Central/Mountam) bUSiness career 5.6PM NBC (4 Central/Mountaln) SUN., MAR. 6 GOLF Bay Hili ClaSSICIron' Orlando 9.11PM ABC (8 Centl all Mountain) Florrda. semi final round BABY SlSTER PaSSIO'l between a SUN., MAR. 13 bf'autl1ul young woman 1nd her SIS 12Noon.? CBS (11AMCenl/Mount) ler s boyfrrend 1l1'eaten"0 dpstrov J NCAA BASKETBALL family forever Sulfry romdnt\( ..drdmJ With Phoebe Cates Ted Wass Pam Noon NYT Metro Conference Cham eta Bellwood and Efrem Zimbal,sl Jr plonshlp from Rlverlront Coliseum In CinCinnati MON., MAR. 7 2PM NYT Southeastern Conference 9.11PM NBC (8 Central/Mountain) Championship from B,rm Noon PT New MeXICOat So Dako\a Ingham Jefferson CIVIC 3PM NYT Michigan at Minnesota Center In Alabama Big East Wild Card LIVING FRI., MARCH 4 1PM.? NBC (12 NoonCent/Mount ) SEC Wild Card NCAA BASKElBAL.L The toughly B:3().9PM ABC (7 30 Central/Mount) SWC Wild Card contested AtlantiC Coast Conterence PROOF: AT EASE Chanots of Fear There s Big 8 Wild Card Championship game the willner Df lighthearted larceny afoot as buddies 3PM PT Oregon State at Oregon THE HANK Jimmy Walker and Davrd Naughton whIch Immedlalely becomes a 'avor 3:3().5PM ABC (2 30 Cent IMount ) lIe In the NCAA tournament Live keep the men In therr platoon In hot PRO BOWLERS TOUR $110000 water With the big brass at Camp Tar from the Omnl In Atlanta. Georga WILLIAMS Cleveland Open from Buckeye Lanes Creek a computer ba'ie In Texas 3-5PM NBC (2 Central/Mountain) 4.6PM CBS (3Central/Mountalll) GOLF Bay Hili ClaSSIChnal round 9.10PM ABC (8Central/Mountaln) JR. STORY THE CHINA SYNDROME An abso 5-6PM NBC (4 Central/Mountain) SKIING TOf) to bottom coverage of THE RENEGADES SIX young men WITH~---- futely gripping thriller mvolvlng an all America s Downhl/I Irom Aspen SPORTSWORLD Women s Pro too pOSSiblesenarro for the end of the and a woman all gang leaders Colorado World Cup Surfing lrom Oahu world as we know It Jack Lemmon toughened by life on the streets get 5-6PM NBC (4 Central/Mountain) HawaII NHRA World Drag RaCing RICHARD has never been In a more Important a golden opportunity to clear their Finals (complete With Funny Cars) records by becoming speCial police GOLF Honda Inverrary ClaSSICsemi film and It ISdoubtlullf second gener from Orange County Inferna1lOnai deputies But gOing straight IS hard final round Irom Lauderhill FlOrida THOMAS atlOfl movie brats Jane Fonda and Raceway In IrVine California Tape Michael Douglas ever Will be A Ilrst work and they re not real sure II s 5-6:3OPM ABC (4 CentrallMountalll) LIVING PROOF' The Hank Williams , JiB3 CON OONOVAN ASSOCIATES INC rate and chlllmg film all the way worth It (Premiere) BOXING WBA Featherweight Cham Jr. Story Richard Thomas as the PROGRAMS LISTED ARE CHOSEN AT THE SOLE DISCRETION OF CORNELIUS DONOVAN ASSOCIATES INC SNElL FUJIT A DESIGN

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) Feature Page Thursday, March 3, 1983 Page Twelve-B Ele{{lillt f/?tJtnte Ellti"l{

COUlller POl nts A selection of recipes from the forthcoming low.caloric, low- h~ Pat Hou.,.,t'.iU cholesterol - and penny-\\ise - iF....~ cookbook by Thyra Grey Howard Are You Ready for St Patl'lck'" Dav'l and Helena DeWitt Roth featur- Wright's Gift and Lamp Shop 1<', \\ Ith paper pdrty ing. this week, a trio of goods and greetmg cards Stop now at l8650 l\lack l'p1-" LENTEN SEAFOOD DISHES. Avenue FREE PARKING next to the bulldmg FIsh pI oduct~ are hlghlj nutri-

Spellal at the .""'otl!' Dome PhrulI/[[(\ rOll f{1!t tIOUS and are an excellent mean~ ~ " of obtammg dIetary e.'>sentlals bU. bUI:' of 4711 .,oup ~p!'(/a!l~ pI/red ';;11 TheIr complete protem content 1<; 15-20'1< of which 95.97(~ IS 111 eaSily Looking \\ ay -\head \\ alton PH'nt' bUHr, ~Jll,lbl'th digestible form. Fish are also hIgh ....orth is back from a bu\mg Inp to "111'\\ York ,JndI'>hu,\ ~ntJng t In calCIUm, magnesIUm, potas- her order!> for fall "hlch '>heSd)'>proml!>c"to bl' a \ N) good SIum, copper and chlorme, along looking season In the meantime, watth for all thl' ,>pnng and "11th hl?ln!.1n<=ltllrl?'"flchest source summer la"hlOn,>arrl\ lIIg lid Il~ of lodme ~No fresh or frozen llsh contall1s as much sodIUm 111 an Although The PredictIOn IS for gold pnce~ to average servmg as the maximum rise, Tony Clider at BIJoute- , 1 \ \ i permItted on a low sodIum diet, rle I:' offerIng 10\\ prlces on ..... unless It has been preserved m , salt or bnne Blj~uT as they sample their Girl Scout choco- diagonally in 1'2-Inch pieces stylet. and new culon for Spreng '83 Free Parking !Ii Cookie Sale: chocolate Ice cream, made with late/vanilla double dips should dispel them all. 1 cup onion, thinly sliced front 776-5511 Girl Scout thm mint cookIes, or vanilla ice 2 cloves garhc, crushed cream, made With GIrl Scout peanut butter pat- Mary and Katie are members of Brownie Troop 319. Laura, Erin, Julie and Christine belong to 1 tsp. tarragon Perfect For. ,spring partie!>,Jack Bryan'" ndV) ties? If you have any doubts about how delici- Girl Scout Troop 1491. 1'4 tsp. salt chiffon dress trimmed with ",hlte chlfConthat come. In ------Dash of cayenne pepper a fttted or loose style. Sizes b to 16. No charge for The 1983 GIrl Scout Cookie Sale men, Including Girl Scouting for borhood managers. 118 tsp. black pepper alterations at The Pointe Fashions. 15112Kercheval residents of housmg proJects, the . ... 822.2818 begm!> tomorrow, Fnday, March Latch Key Safety Program for The, M,IChlgan Metro Girl Scout lib, frozen cod fillets, thawed, 4, and WIll run through Sunday, children who care for themselves Co~ncil IS cel~bratmg Girl S~o.ut. drained and cut into serving March 13 In additIOn to thll1 after school, Teenage Pregnancy Ing s 7l~t anmversary by JOlmng pieces 'U'1"rYJDCDT"" U{)Q~.Tt:"'O . Now IS the tIme to mints and peanut butter patties, In sauce pan bring to boil broth -P6"'~Y ~\Y~\1'11~bring some sprmg into Intervention and Prevention, the others m women-focused events the Scouts WIll offer packages of LatInO Project designed to pro. durt~g 911'1 Scout Week A. Wo- and lemon juice. Add carrots, your home with blooming plants from KImberly shortbreads, sandWich cremes, mote the self-image of Spamsh- men s I:hst?ry Task G!OUP, JOlmn,g bring to boll, then cover and cook Flowers: 20% oft' all green plants and bloommg peanut butter sandwiches, car. speaking young women, Planmng the nahon In celebrating Women s over medium heat until almost mel-coconuts and new nutty-cho- plants Cash and carry Mack at Loch moor for Success In the World of Work HIstory Wee~ (March ~ to 13), has tender. 5 to 8 minute!>. Add mush- 886-0300 colate ChipS, at $175 per box, at (a practical guide for finding and create,d ~ display which focuses rooms. celer~', onion, garlic, booths In neighborhood stores, landing the right job) and Careers on Michigan women ,wh~ have tarragon, salt, cay,'nlU' pepper ~up('rmarkets and bank') to Explore (a program for dls- ma~e substantial contrIbutIOns to and black pepper, Cover and cook An Interesting Sele"lw/1 )f ur:ll lillI/ii '110m ~anders' 40 stores throughout coverIng non-traditional Jobs of society. until celery is crl!lp.tender, about cuffee tables and end tables In Ameruun Tradltw/1al the metropo1Jtan area are featur- the future), The display Will be part of the 5 minutes. styling They are qualzty pzeLes of sulld oa}l made by 109 the speCial editIOn ice creams Meanwhile, sprinkle fish lightly Amerzcan craftsmen See them at WhIte':, Old Rout.e, Detroit area Girl Scouts have Hall of Exhibits March 10 to 12 at with salt and pepper and place in hand-dipped 10 cones and sundaes, sold cookies since 1927. They ex. Strategies. Th~ Second Annual 26717 Little Mack. St CIQlr Shores Open Thur~day and as well as In half-gallon cartons, 15xIOxl.inch pan lined with foil. pect to sell an estimated three Career Convention for Wo!""en at Pour vegetables and broth over Friday nights untLl 9 pm Closed Mondays 776- now through March 31 As a salute million packages durmg thiS Cobo Hall Cadette a.n~ Semor GIrl fish. Cover with foil and bake in 6230 to Girl Scoutmg's 71st anniver- year's lo-day sale. Proceeds from Scouts wIll assist vIsitors both at sary, Sanders store fountams Will preheated 350. oven 15 minutes. or the annual fund raiser help fi- the ~Irl S~out booth and as con. until fish flakes easily when tested The Annual Spring Sale .. starts March 5 and runs through feature a speCIal sundae durmg Girl Scout Week, March 5 to 12' a nance individual troop and coun. ventl0n gUides. with a fork. Serve with pan juices. March 19 at Calico Corners. What bargains! Be the first Cor the customer's chOice of the two ice cil-wide activities and programs The Michigan Metro and Huron Makes 4 servings. belt selection at 21431 Mack Avenue. Free parking in front. Open for the 65,000 ~oung people served Valley Girl Scout CounCils Will Calories per serving about 155. Mondays until 9 p.m. " 775-0078. creams made With Girl Scout cookIes, topped WIth Sartders hot by GIrl ScoutIng throughout the host a receptIOn, providIng an op- Cholesterol about 46 mgs. * fudge sauce metropolttan area. portumty for networkmg among Now.. IS the tIme to prepare your skll1 for Through the years, the Cookie conventIOn participants, aut~ors CRISPY BAKED FILLETS your vacatIOn south. A SUN TANNING BOOTH IS Sanders wll! donate a quarter to Sale has grown to become a well- and ~orkshop faclhtators, Fnday This method produces a crisp avaIlable at Joyce at Walton-Pierce 886-4130 the Michigan Metro GIrl Scout tooled volunteer effort by local evemng, March 11, at the Hotel coating. looking almost like deep- cookie managers Girl Scout lead- Pontchartram Proceeds from thiS Councl! for each gallon of Girl fried fish. Scout Cookie Ice cream sold ers, Girl Scouts ~nd their parents fund raiser Will go to the outreach Bridal Reglt.try IS nOLl, 1 pound fIsh fillets Key volunteers III The Pointe this programs ava!lable at The Bed, Bath & the/ - - Proceeds from the Ice cream year are Peg LeWIS, area man- Furt~er Il1formatlOn about 1'4 tsp salt Llllens Store, 16906 Kercheval bed bath & linens sale Will help fund Girl Scout out- agel', Barbara Earle, area cup- Strategies and the Gul Scout re- Dash freshly ground pepper j TheIr unique t.electlOn and per- t' reach programs deSIgned to meet board manager, and CatherIne ceptlOn may be obtaIned by cal- 2 Tbsp. vegetable 011 , I sonal attentZOT! gwe them a real 5 ore the needs of today's young wo- Pentls and Sue Simonson, neigh- Img 964-4475 113 cup cornflake crumbs ~l advantage In asslstzng the brzde and her u ell wlshert. III Preheat oven to 500•. Wash and t, provzdlng for her bed, bath alld table need\ 881- Pointe's Rose Society focus on miniatures dry fillets and cut into serving 9890 pieces. Season. dip in oil, and coat Miniature roses have a umque Dick Schmidt, a past-president pruning and maintenance of these with cornflake crumbs. Arrange charm because of their perfect, of the DetrOlt Rose Society and prolific little flowers in a single layer in a lightly oiled, Special ... at Allemon's Flori!>t and (,arden The speaker, an accredIted shallow baking dish. Bake 10 min- (enter. 17931 Ea'it Warren, beautiful large carna- dIminutive replICatIOn of the one of Michigan's foremost ex- tions regularly $15 a dozen are no,", speciall) beauty of larger roses They re- perts on growing mimature roses, Life Judge of the Amencan Rose utes without turning or basting. •I SocIety, has been a ConsultIng priced $6.99 a dozen .. 884.6120 flect m mlmature all the colors, WIll present a program on these Makes 4 servings. ~ Calories per serving about 260. shapes and growth styles of theIr petite flowers at the Grosse Pomte Rosanan for 20 years He was named outstandll1g Consulting large r counterparts The plants, Rose Society's meetll1g next Cholesterol 70 mgs. An Anniversary RIng lets her know you'd foliage thorns. buds and flowers Wednesday, March 9, at 7 45 P m Rosarian for the Great Lakes DIS- marry•her all over agalll EDMUND T AHEE trIct In 1980 HIS own garden con- are m detaIled, tinY proportIOn, m the ExhibitIOn Room of the tams over 200 mmlature plants, SHRIMP CREOLE JEWELERS has cl good selectIOn of beautiful dIa- the:-- HI e naturally d\~arf roses Grosse Pomte Central Library. mond anniversary rmgs Stop and see them at 20139 Onl~ Imagll1atlOn limits thp uses Kercheval Avenue at FIsher IncludIng 170 different rose var- 2 Ibs shrImp, cooked and to \~11lch these versatIle little Road IetIes de-vemed Mack at Oxford 886 4600 Refreshments wIll be served fol- rose" lan be put ;\;lImatures can HIS program Includes a short 1J 4 cup margarme lOWIng hiS talk Hostesses for the be tucked mto tIght places - or hIstory of the miniature rose and '})3 cup omon, chopped Bealltlflll ScenlL Ea~ter Egg,> thai look lIke the evenmg are Jane Stone, Betty Lee grouped II1tOcollectIOns of 100 111 selectIOn tiPS for choosmg popular 1 cup green pepper, chopped old fa ..,hlOned ~lIltar egg~ all' handmade at [I DII k( n~ Of the ",pdce reqUIred for a dozen varIeties He IS a noted photo- and Vlrgll1la Spurner Any II1terested commul1lty 1 cup fresh mushrooms shced A Place, 22210 Harper, St ClaIr Shorn 7723620 ..,tandard "lie roses The~ can be grapher, and WIll show shdes of member IS welcome at thiS meet- 1 cup celery, chopped, gnl\\ n 111 pob tubs or' hangmg many different mll1lature roses 1 clove garliC, mmced bd"keh The\' are a practIcal ad- currently available He Will also Ing of the non-profit. educatIOnal Expert Interior Ueslgn Service I~ ~ 3 Tbsp. flour dillOn to Saturda\, " -~ ""'~ AD K chapters slate DSO's guest artist is Arrau \lare-h 12. 2 cans (8 oz ) tomato sauce GPYC fashion lunch Polish-born conductor Jeny may also be purchased at the Or- L 4 tsp salt Semkow begll1s a three-week chestra Hall box ofhce Master- 1) 8 tsp pepper {CONNIE'S . STtVI's PlACE] StC\ r <;a; <., , Tons yf 1'h(, \Iphn Ep<;lIon and Beta Card and VISA charge card cus- 112 tsp drIed basil ...... ", .. -sprIng stuff for kIds l<., Alpha Chapter<; of Alphd Delta guest conductIng engagement Vvlth tomers may order by telephone at Hot, cooked parsleyed flee Kappa an honorary <;orontj for the DetrOIt Symphony Orchestra pOUrIng m the door ,- ThiS mcludes o\rr "IX 111lndrrc! 567-1400 or 833-3700 Group rate 111- \\ omen 111 (ducatlOn \\ III ho<;t a \~Ith evemng concerts to01ght, Saute onion, ~r{'en pepper, Ea<;ter SUIts tor boys and fIrst communIOn <;tllh Thursday, March 3, at 8 p.m and formatIOn may be obtallled by fae;hlOl1 ..,110\\ and luncheon Satur mushroom." celer} and garlic in There IS n great ~electlOn of fIrst communion c!re'><; calling 446-0909 Ii,l'" \larch 19, at the Gros'ie Saturday, March 5, at 8 30 P m at melted margarine until tender. es and veIls for glrl" It"" \vorth thr drive to ;'vlack Ford AudItOrium and Fnday, These concerts mark Maestro Stir in flour. bring to a boil. \dd A venue one block south of 9 MIle Road 777-8020 Powtp Ydcht Club Cocktails VvIII Semkow's eighth guest appear- he <;('1\ cd dt 11 '30 d m luncheon March 4, at 8 p m at Orchestra lemon juic{'. tomato pa'ite, tomato P S Final WInter Sale! Most WIntel merchandl~e ance With the DSO He fIrst con- at 12 :lO pm Hall "auce, salt, pepprr and ba"i1 ducted the orchestra In Decem from $3 to $9 Fa hlOn<.,In En..,lev :\\emH.> and Guest solOist IS II1ternatlOnallj Cook for 10 minute~ \dd shrimp. acclaimed plamst ClaudIO Arrau, bel', 1971, most recently !11 Feb- and bring to a boil. Reduce heat hair \\Iee; b~ lmdgf. Makers \\11l ruary, 1981 Arrau, who hrst per- hI' ff>,lturpd Re"ervatlOns for tiC celebrating hiS 80th bIrthday thl,) and simmrr until thorou~hly Shop Ew I)' (or EO,(,'1 '[ h, "'chool H,'II formed With the DSO 111 1944, has ke!<' at ~14 ppr pere;on may be year With 'ipeclal concert appear- blended. Serve on platter <;ur- .. 11(1~ mall~ ha~ket 1(('1/1., to dellMht (Ill ,mall ,If ance<; throughout the Ul1Ited made eIght guest appearances rounded by hot. par'ileHd rict'. }. md(h' 1)\ callmg 884-2832 or 542- 'ill1ce then, the most recent bemg \ , 17904 Mar k Al t'lIlie 81ilq States and Europe He Will per- Makl's 8 "erving", . no ldtel than :\1onda:--, March m December, 1978 ~.J 7 form Brahms' Plano Concerto :"10 Calories per "en ing '" !thout I 111 D mll10r Op 15 The second I o~e Inch!''>In~tanth 8od~ \\rappmg at Francp,>co '>Hair rice about 210. half of the program WIll consist of Cholt'<;terol about 161 m~<;. and !'.kin "alon HS2-2';50 E11'broidery Schumann''i Symphony No 4 1I1 D DRC will meet mmor, Op 120 i~~iUarrh 9 topic Tickets, rangmg In prtce from on Wednesday c'lI1dl('\\lck embrol(i<'ry ana- $8 to $17 for the Ford AudItOrium To honor Trini t)' !1\ P \nwi I( an need!p\\ ork form, concerts, from $8 to $20 for the The DetrOit He\ lew Club gat- appll(dll,Hl' tm tIll lq81 84 ~rl1nlll \\ ill tH' I,\light b~ Pat 1'1pton co- Orche'itra Hall concert, are on pre!'lidpnt \lpmorJdl \'1Il..,C'r\ 111(' offC'! hers next Wednesday March 9 at College (h,llrJn,lI1 of the ~t .Jame'i LuthI'- "ale at the Ford Audltoflum box mg a (\('\ C'!opmpntcll pi ( ..,(hool \I'dl 11..,( (k.., 10 Illlp ,ollng..,!PI' the DetrOit Golf Club for cocktall<; Mr and ;\lr<; \'vlll1am fr'lI1ken- ldn (11l1!ch \\ompn'" GUIld offlcP and all CTC outlet'i TIckets program tv.o mOrnll1~'" J!C'r \\C'('k III "11 l' d ' \ t I d lh I t 1011 f 1 0111 and a noon luncheon followed by a staedt WIll hold a receptIon In horn(' l1t(, !O elt n1l'r:t.Ir\ ..,(h01l1 b\ ( hrhtmde; Fair 11(',,n ){OU<"l' for chologIst Dr Thomas L Blect Conn) PreSident .lame'i F Eng ..,(']"..,or'i and sslOn semester at the Umverslty of Mls- from 9 15 to 10 a m at Gro,,'i(' GerIsch, DRC's current preSident alumni and parent'i of student's Open Hotl..,<.>,me! or till' ,( hool ma~ ...hould be made bj Tuesday. <;l<;Slppl Students so honored POlnt(, "'v1emor1i1JChurch earned at least a 3 5 average for and offiCial hostes<; for the meet- are II1vlted to attend <=lndmay call he obt,lln<.>db\ ('ont III tll1g Shlrlc\ Mdrch 8 b~ call1ng B825962 or the The nur'iery founded 111 19.'i7a<., 12 semester hours mg 886-4034 for further informatIOn a {Ooperatlve, I'" noVv accepting 1'reVvyn at 882-18% church office, 884-0:;11

_____ ...L.. ~_ •• » s 4

Inside: Sports Sccti()n Classified Ads C Thursday, March 3, 1983 Solution to Pointe's field use problem? a hst of those who needed to use thought to It," Bruce saId "We By Peggy O'Connor of faclhty dupltcatlOn and a lack of a master plan for fIeld use the ftelds That informatIOn was made thc~e recommendatIOns to John Bruce enVISIOned a disas- might eventually erupt Into a consolidated mto a workdble form the school c;ystem and made It ter when hiS long-time dream of much greater problem" at the group',', second meetmg and known that we are WIlling to co- gathenng the leaders of the major commIttee member,', were a~ked opel ate With the c;chool,', 10 paymg sports "Interests" In Grosse BRUCE SAID Brummel agreed to report to the tlurd meetmg With [or the,',e ImprovemE>nts Pomte for a dialogue on field use and the pair, WIth other school of- ,',ome recommendatlOnc; on 1m "We were very Impressed by 10 the commumty fmally came fiCials, began the process of form- proving the maintenance 01 the the '>lIpenntendent'<; re~ponse He true The words "pretty 109 an adVisory counCil to deal local flClds , , JealOUSies" and "conflIct" kept With those problems Bruce recal- I,', anted to know - from day one runmng through hIS head, nght up led hIS less-than-anxlOus deSire to "Two th10gs came out 01 the - \\ hat the '>chools could do to untll the group met for the first assemble what he precelved as meetings" Bruce saId "Flr,',t, we pro\ Ide qualltj faCilIties for youth What time IS It boys and gIrls? It's time for Sports ~port,> tl me thIS past fall hostIle factions 10 the same room dIscovered a neat communlcdtlOn Week's super duper, Too, Too TerrIbly TrivIal TrivIa Test. form and ,',econdly, we were able Pass the test and consider yourself a sports expert Fall It What happened at that meetmg "After all we (Dr Brummel, Supt Brummel wa,', equally to re,lew all of the schools' sIte'> pledc;ed With the work of the and, well, don't go showing your face at any sports events and at meetlOgs SlOce then has Ben Zenn, Carl Schoessel, George used and plovlde d recommendd done a lot of reaffirm Bruce's Eddmgton and Bruce) had worked ~ports perc;onnel on the commIt- in these parts, buddy. tlOn of change') and Improvement,> tee I wac; Impressed I thmk faith 10 the commuOlty's sports for, I stilI dreaded brlngmg these to the superintendent .. The Easy Part leaders and more Importantly, sports people mto one room I we've really direct these dIfferent accordlOg to Bruce, made a slgOl- came mto It thmkmg there was BI uce ~dlU IIle l UlIlJIllLlCe IldU pI uulelll:> \..'illl..lI ildJ !>Vllt' Lc}ond 1. What are the nIcknames of the sports teams at North flCant attempt toward unprovlng the potentIal for confhct but It geared the Improvement plan to the school wstem We've add res- and South High School? A) The Pmks and the Greens; the ways athletIC faclhtles are Just wasn't there" take place over a one to three- ,',ed the fact" that space IS !tmlted and we need to Improve the space B) The Blue Devils and the Norsemen; C) The Lions and used 10 Grosse POinte year period He added that Supt When representatives of the Brummel accepted the plan and we have," Brummel SaId the VIkmgs; D) The Huns and the Vlsigoths Bruce, executive director of the Grosse POinte Soccer ASSOCiatIOn, would attempt to help the school "What I hope WII! come out of The Hard Part Neighborhood Club, said he the Neighborhood Club and LIttle system develop a one-to three- realized long ago that there was League and Babe Ruth League till<; I,', a long I ange plan for fIeld year plan use and the cooperatIOn between 2. What IS KIrk GIbson's mIddle name? A) Dirk; B) Os- an "overlap" of sports activity 10 baseball met 10 October, It was BUT BRUCE ,',tres,',ed that the the commuOlty and the school sys- car; C) Harold, D) #+ o/c&%'Y< # '! I the POinte HIS goal was one of the first time 10 Bruce's memory fmdlng an alternative to what he that such a meetlOg had taken Improvement plan was merely a tern" " 3. Name a professional athlete born in Grosse Pomte? felt was the unequal allocatIOn place And when that first meet- recommendatIOn made to the A~ far as when real physical A) Reggie Jackson; B) Wayne Gretzky; C) Mana AndreW; and use of athletic fields He 109 was fmished, Bruce saId, he school system "We all agree the Improvements can be made to D) Bill Babcock turned to the Grosse Pmnte School left feeling very impressed that school system shouldn't have to some of the fields, Bruce says he System, whIch has been respons- each party had recogmzed It had pay for Improvements for thmgs 4. How many times has the ULS boys' tennis team won a believe" It would not be unreal- Ible for the mamtenance and al- a common purpose hke Little League but haVing the lstiC to expect s(,me Improve- state championship in the past 17 years? A) zero; B) 17; locatIOn of most of those fIelds, for school system cooperate WIll The members of the field use ments by Splllg of 1984 The pro- C) 14; D) 21. benefit them 10 the long run .. help committee spent that ftrst meet- blem, not surpnslllgly, IS cost 5. Where have the DetrOIt Tigers fmished in the last two "I told Supt Kenneth Brummel ing gathenng mformatlOn on field The study the held use com- (Continued on Page 2C) years? A) Cleveland and Baltimore; B) 6th and 5th; C) 1st that I felt the escalating problem sites and conditIOns and compllmg mittee made was "done WIth some and 1st: D) 5th and 4th. 6. Which one of these people is not involved m local pro- Cal 20 fleet feSSIOnal or college sports? A) MIchael Garza; B) Roger Schmuck; C) Sleepy Tripp; D) Attila Kogler. officers 7. How tall is former South High basketball star Stark Langs? A) 6-10; B) 4-9: C) 5-11%; D) 7-2. elected ,The 'You Might As Well Forget It' Part Cal 20 Lake St ClaIr Fleet offIc- 8. Zealous Detroit Red Wing fans traditionally throw this ers were elected 10 a Feb 10 meetmg at the EdIson Boat Club. object on the ice to spur their team on to the playoffs What Past EBC commodore Mark is the object? A) An air-sickness bag; B) A subpeona; C) A Williamson WIll serve as fleet cap- dead rat; D) An octopus. tam. Beth Moran Will be trea- 9. What former Detroit TIger, while heading to first base surer, BIll :l\lacNaughton IS secre- tary, George Peterson, measurer; during a dispute over whether he'd been hit by a pItch, bit DebbIe Flaska, SOCIal chairman; hImself on the arm and was awarded the base because the and Ralph Deeds, publiCity red mark proved he had been hIt? A) Ty Cobb; B) Willie chaIrman Horton; C) Mark "The Bird" Fidrych; D) Norm Cash. Fleet members ha" e planned another actIve salling season, 10- 10. FIgure out the square root of pI to 37 places. (Nah, eludIng 13 DRYA races on Satur- just kIddmg). days begmmng May 21, a 39-l'ace lOa. What local pro athlete said. "That was the stupldiest Sunday morning malO and Jib thing I've ever done in my life"? A) Dave Rozema. after serIes at CSYC runmng from May 22 through Oct. 2, and a 14-race taking stitches you-know-where for a cut he got when he Wednesday evemng series from fell on a bottle after someone pulled his chair out from June 1 through Aug 1 under him as a "Joke"; B) Dave Rozema, after doing an Also on the agenda agam this Impression of Bruce Lee and ending up with knee damage year are the Tuesday evemng and leg surgery; C) Dave Rozema, after moving to Grosse races at the Park PIer, sponsored Pointe Park; D) Dave Rozema, after making a car com- by the Gro~se Pomte SaIl Club, mercial for a local dealershIp. and the Thursday evemng races sponsored by the Farms Pier ANSWERS: 1. B. Blue Devils and Norsemen, who some- Getting set to enjoy the Western Open Indoor Mixed Doubles Championship at the Grosse The Labatts' Challenge Race, times play lIke Huns and ViSlgoths 2. C, Yep, It'S Harold Pointe Hunt Club which continues through March 6 are committee members (left to right); lllIl1ated by past Cal 20 Fleet cap- (snicker, snicker) 3. D. Bill Babcock, who else? 4. C. 14 out co-chairpersons Jack and Debra Liang, Johnny Lamb, Dorothy Turri, Barbara Bidigare, Audrey tam Art Sp1Odler, IS tentatively of 17 and 11 championships in a row. 5. D. Fifth and fourth McConachie, Barbara and Donald Milock and Bruce Vaughan, Other committee members not scheduled for Aug 6 SplOdler - and more of the same for '83? 6. A. Michael Garza pictured include Harold Bidigare. Sally Cox and Hunt Club tennis professional Tobey Hansen. plans to open up thIS popular doesn't play sports - he's my 2-year-old ne~hew - but I Tickets for the tournament, which features nationally-ranked players like Susan Mascarin, are overmght saIl to the Thames have great hopes for him. 7. A. Langs is 6-10 and still grow- available individually or in all-event packages at the door. Student tickets are aiso available. For RIver 10 Canada by estabbshmg a ing. 8. D. Among the many thmgs thrown on the ice, the DIVISIOnII to Include boats 10 the further information, telephone 884-9090. 24 to 26-foot range WIth a PHRF octopus is least offensive - except maybe to the octopus ratmg of 200 or more 9. D. Norm Cash did indeed bite hImself to get on base - ThIS year may also see the first but despite popular belief he did not have a bite clause in North near league title contingent to represent the Detroit his contract. 10. I told you I was kIddmg. lOa. B. Although area 10 the Cal 20 NatIOnals at the By Paul Regelbrugge mg off the bench" to the wrath of North's SWImmers, pomts wIll be honored If you saId all of the above. North IS now 9-2 In the BI- 93-34, before Ann Arbor PIOneer Kmg Harbor Yacht Club In Los North High County League and 11-8 overall dunked North, 71-56 Angeles the t1md week In July Other scheduled events Include And now for the scormg. If you got mne or 10 correct FollOWing an msplratlOnal and The Norsemen are tied for first Sportmg a 10-4 0\ erall record, highly emotIOnal tribute to Coach place With Lakeview, With a Win wInmng Norsemen agamst North- the buffet and cocktails evemng at (WIthout lookmg), conSIder yourself heir apparent to Joe Joe and Beth Moran's follOWing Falls and Jerry Green and start callmg yourself Champ or Ray RItter 10 the pre-game cere- there (after press tlme), North ern were the 200 medley relay umt moOles, the North varsity basket- WIll have won the league cham- of Strong, Gornen. Monahan and the Southport Sail Club Regatta on SkIp or something sporty lIke that. June 18, and the fleet's annual ball team rose to the occasIOn to pionshlp The Norsemen begm dls- Cobau. Dave Chadwell In the free steak roast on the Chlcago- A score of six or eight correct and you're on the second pounce on the ClIntondale Dra- trlCt play between March 7 and 12 and Joe SchmIdt In the 200 1M gons, 51-42, last week Other w10ners \\ere, Tim Mona- Mackmac race weekend July 16. ballot nomination to the Grosse Pointe Sports Fan Hall of Further informatIOn on Cal 20 Fame if they ever care to build one RItter, who WIll retire as Wrestlers third han 10 the 50 free, Mike Revno]ds 10 dlvmg, Jlln Strong In the 100 actlvltlCS may be obtamed by cal- North's basketball coach after the North's wrestlers placed an ex- season, commented, "I was so fly, SchmIdt m the 100 free. BIll bng fleet captam Wllhamson at If you got three tc five answers correct, that means cellent thIrd place of 17 teams last happy to wm thiS game Defen- III 774-8372 you're slipping, sweetie. You embarrass yourself by cheer- week m the state's most competI- Luberto the 500 free EriC Sively the kids really played hard mg for the Huns at South football games and you deserve a tive dlstnct tournament No 1 Zimmerman In the 100back, MIke seat behind a post at Tiger Stadium and a lot of people contnbuted to rated Hazel Park and Warren Woods 10 the 100 breast and the 400 free relay team of Henkel. GPSA~Clllb thIS victory" Lmcoln were the only two schools Two or less correct answers - forget It, chump I don't Mark Davey once agam led the Brady ,John Coball and Luberto ahead of North as the Norsemen even know why you're reading thIS sectIOn Turn to the North attack, scoring 12 pmnts plan Cllilic John Menzo hIt some bIg buckets champIOns were Greg Fiemlllg Other action ... obItS or somethmg before someone notIces you looking at and Fred Schultz Dave Flemmg early 10 the game and wound up Craig Como's 21 pomts and Enc The ~econd annual Grosse thIS page. and Greg Fobare placed second, WIth 10 POints, and BIll McEnroe Walter's 17 POints led the mnth Pomte Soccer ASSOCiatIon and and Pat Marlow was fourth, they Note' Those who did get mne or 10 correct answers cor- went 10 for 10 from the free throw grade North cager~ to a 51 33 ,Ie NeIghborhood Club Referee ClImc WIll advance mto the reglOnals Ime to gIve him 10 pomts tory over Fra~er A 33 17 N of CI1ntondn]e 5-15 [nterec;ted persons should be 16 GP Swim Club takes third 13-15, and Lake Shore 15.8 13-15, or older Further mformatlOn may 12-15 D.1I1a Wq;ton. :vtal)pne be obtallled by callIng Greg The Grosse POinte SWJnl- Club In the 11-12 girls' age group Prelsz Lvnne Barton and 1.17 Brynaert dt 118S4600 or Jim Har- placed third In team standings at KatIe Young was first 10 the 50 Brownell cagers are honored Seagram kept "J'orlh c!o'>e rl11gton at 884 5485 the Bulldog Aquatic Club sWim free, Kelly Bartsch was second In meet held at Schoolcraft College the 50 free and fIfth 10 the 100 Brownell School's seventh and fIll was honored With the Team eIghth grade basketball teams Spmt award Other eIghth grad- In late January 1M, and Lallra Verona was fifth were honored In an awards cere- ers honored were Tom AligUStltuc;, PlaCing In the top C;IX In the 9-10 10 the 500 free Kathy Klsh was The Ol~E STOP SHOP age group was Ted Stedem, who Sixth In the 500 free, N-ancy Wood<; mony at the school March I The Mark Bente, BIll Gryzema, Doug eIghth grade team earned a 9-3 was second In the 50 breast The wac; fIfth In the 50 breast, and the Hagen, Tom LIIlenslek, Taylor record, whIle the seventh graders relay team of Wilham Canu, ,John team of Young, KI<;h, Woods and LIncoln, Chns Pettit, Enc Res- finished the year at 8-4 turn Rob WImsatt and co-captam Cartwright, Geoff Celhar and Verona wac; fJrc;t 10 the 200 free Tim PIche Mark Vaughn was second 111 the relay Young, Verona. Woods and EIghth grade coach AI Devme CALL Seventh grader Andrew BielskI 200 free relay Bartsch teamed up for a flr'it m prec;entl'd awards to hI') team, m. In the 11-12boys' age group, Bill the 200 medley relay eludmg the Most Va]uable Player took the Most Valuable Player 882-8990 award and Andy Walker earned Thompson was fifth 10 th(' 50 free In the glrl'i' open age group award, whIch went to captam Moc;t Improved Player recognition and 100 fly, thml 10 the 100 back ClOdy Gannon wa<; c;econd 10 the Brady Kraushaar Kraushaar led from seventh grade coach Paul Mechanical. Collision. Insurance Work and <;Ixth In the 200 free Ian 1,000 free and 200 fly, thIrd In the the league 10 scormg WIth a 21 Pellerito Steve Clarke waS honor- Let us take Good Care 01 your car needs Thompson was fifth In the 200 I M 200 I M and c;lxth In the 100 pomt per game average He also ed WIth the Hustle award and Kirk and 100 breast, thIrd In the 100 fly breast The team of Gannon, set school r..;cords for most pomts Lowry was gIven the Team SPirit 50 J 5 Maryland • Detroit and fourth In the 100 I M The Gretchen Ream, Sue BenOIt and In a game (36) and most pomts In team of Thomp<;on, Thompc;on, Amy Sparkman was third 10 the a season (247) award Other honorees were Matt Aldrich, JIm Branson, Mike CaJ Greg Cooksey and ChriS Nevl<;on 400 medley relay Co-c aptam ,Jim Dara receIved caterra, Mark Carrasco. MIke FREE------Tune Up with Paint Job was first In the 200 medley relay Gannon, Sparkman, Margaret Finch, Matt Frame, Brian The team of Thomp<;on, Thomp- Enders and Cheryl Chase were Most Improved Player honors, Limited Oller - Hurry (Most Cars) Fromm, Paul Gryzema, Frank son, Cooksey and Aaron Smith fifth 10 the 400 free reI ay Caven West was given the Team Player award and Russel Turby- Karabetsos and Dan Rashid was thIrd In the 200 free relay (By Carolyn DeLuca) Thursday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Two-C Mite Blues reach Adray finnh . third period when Rajt notched came from behind to tie the score Field The Grosse POinte Blues MIte A With 1 28 left in the game on Au- travel team flmshed With the best the willner on passes from Watson and Andy Van Deweghe and fol- ld's third playoff goal, With RaJt record 10 the round.robm portIOn lowed that With hiS fourth goal of and Tucker asslstmg The game use of the playoffs to gain the home ended With the Blues stormmg the team advantage In the Adray the game on passes from Fred- erickson and Auld to give the Trenton net, m an unsuccessful at. Community Hockey League tempt to notch the wlOner Blues a 7-5 victory champIOnship game to be played The Blues were 10 a do.or-dle answer? Sunday, March 20 at 3 p m at U Allen Park fell next at GPCR, 4-1 Jody Hartmgh opened the SituatIOn on Sunday, Feb. 27, when (Continued from Page IC) of M Dearborn Arena they met Plymouth at U of The Blue!>' playoff drive began sconng on passes from Auld and Brad Dunlap In the second period M-Dearborn Plymouth Jumped at LlOcoln Park In a see-saw bat- off to a qUIck, 1-0 lead, but Watson "Improvements and malOten- Watson scored on assistants from tle Playlllg Without team captam tied the game With Hartmgh and ance for soccer fields are major Rajt and Scott Berger before expenses, ones the schools cannot Brian Crane, the Blues fell behind Jensen credl ted with assIsts. 20 before Todd Frederickson con- Allen Park notched ItS lone goal bear," Bruce said (AdditIOns of Dunlap then scored from Van Ue- Frederickson scored a power play and Improvements to soccer fields \ crted pa~ses from Tom Ra}t and goal from Watson and Crane, fol- DaVid Auld IOtO the Blues first weghe and Watson Auld capped comprIse the majority of the the scorlOg With help from Brad lowed by a Dunlap goal from Auld committee's list of recommenda- goal Moments later, Fredenck- and RaJt before Plymouth tied the ..,on returned the favor, settlOg up Warezak and Watson, while Jason tIOns) Hall turned aSide all but one Allen game Auld's goal. Hajt asslstlOg The Blues' defense of An- Early 10 the second perIOd, Park shot "THERE'S A great awareness The Blues' momentum slowed tonenko, Van Deweghe, Jensen, Kevm Wat~n ~cored With a"slsb of the problem, but little attentIOn when they lost to Woodhaven, 3-2 Berger and Cullen McMahon gOing to DaVid Tucker and Jeff (with some help from Crane) then to fundralsmg Without havmg a -despite goals by Crane (Freder- group 10 Grosse Pomte to oversee Jensen Lincoln Park came fight showed why they allowed the few- bdck to tie the game The Blues Ickson asslstmg) and Dunlap thlOgs like fundralslng, the (from Watson) and fine goal tend est goals of any team m the lea- schools get stuck with It and that's forged ahead, 4.3, as Ra]t con. gue, shuttmg down a powerful verted slick passes from Fred- 109 from Peter Antonenko not their responsibility" ! ?c1y I \1ck frown~d on the Blues Plymouth offense until Rajt ellCK"UII dUU AulJ llltv .. nJelCS' notched the Wlnnel 011 d 1J1dty, With Trenton 10 a 2-2 tie, despite Bruce added that among the goal After Lincoln Park tied It three-way passmg play from Auld again, Rajt scored on a pass from 24 ~hots on goal, four shots off the committee's goals are to raise goal posts and IOnumerable and Dunlap With only 2 20 left m Watson but Lincoln Park t!Cd It the game Goalie Hall kicked money through private fundmg blocked shots Ra)t opened the and to persuade city governments once more leaVing the teams away several Plymouth shots m deadlocked at 5 5 scoring when he knocked 10 a they also have to provide for Tucker rebound With Auld draw- the last two mmutes to preserve Grosse Pomte put It away 10 the changes and Improvements .lOg the second assist The Blues the victory And now that the committee has Calling all partiCipated In beginning a dlalo- phOto by Ke"o Mooahan sports fans . • . NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION OF THE ~ue and maklOg an attempt at Ashley Larisey, of South, on the uneven bars. Improving the field use Situation, SWimming and dlvmg instruc- GROSSE POIN.TE PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM, Bruce said committee members tIOn, recreatIOnal and competitive have expressed an interest 10 Gymnasts top Fraser sWImmmg program, weIght tram- WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN TO BE operatlOg on a permanent baSIS as 109, wrestling, baton tWlrlmg, HELD MARCH 7, 1983 a youth sports counCil South's gIrls' gymnastics team BaclUhs and Rick Leonard started racewalklng, etc Will be offered agam thiS spring by the Grosse vaulted to victory over Fraser last the meet by \~lOlling the 200 med- TO THE QUALIFIED ELEe TORS OF SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT' The Idea of such a counCil, month, WInnlOg 113 95-86 7 and ley relay and setting a new pool POInte PublIc Schools A Water Safety Instructor's PLEASE TAKE NOTICl: Iholl ol SpeCl,d Elecllon of lhe Grosse POlnle Bruce said, would be to mamtam notchmg Its second straight Win record of 1 4263 South also Public Schoot Syslem. Wolyne County, Mlchlg,ln. will be beld In s,lId channels of communicahon be- over Fraser. The Win Improved placed three SWimmers In the 200 program Will be offered as well as tween the commumty, the school South's record to 9-1, lOcludmg a indiVidual medley - Bacluhs two additIOnal advanced IIfesav- Slhool Dlstrllt on Mondoly, Ihe 71h doly of M..Ifch. A D 198~. The polls system and the governments, as Six-game wlOmng streak (2 043), Jack Nebon (2 085) and 109 programs for future life- of elecllon will be open from 7 00 o'clock A M 10 8'00 o'c!ol.k PM. well as among the users of the guards Younger people (ages 11- Eolstern Slolndolrd Time on SolId Molrch 7, 198 ~ South dommated the meet 10 Matt Van Twm (2 074) Bacluhs athletic f~~s Such a counCil maklOg a clean sweep of all four qualIf!ed for state competitIOn In 14), who are not old enough to en- The plolces of eleltlOn wJlI be the duly deslgnolted votlng plolCeS In would :avelop programs to roll In the advanced lifesavmg a1a9 events. Phyllis Ayoub was first on that event eolcb election preCInct In the School DIS1Clli olnd ..Ife olS follows deal witl'tvMucation of coaches Another of South'~ state qual- programs may WIsh to enroll In the vault, with Andrea Bay and PRE( INCT NO.1 - VOllng plolce R.DI South gIrlS WIll perform In the re- do for the kIds The government gIOnal meet at Troy Athens on I SCHOOL, 20655 Lennon. lily of Harper Woods. Mlchlgoln can't do It and the schools don't March 12, Ayoub, Bay, Booth, 11jakl~ IDOllt1t!lJ1tP PRECINCI NO 10 - VOllng pl<1ce <11the JOHN R BARNES SCHOOL. know where to go. We need a Howe, Young and Vasher The 20090 Mornmgslde Drne. Grosse !blnle Woods, Mllhlg<1n. commIttee hke this to continue to girls had their fmal regular sea- 795 Lake Shore Road Identify who ought to be dOing Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan 48236 PRECINCT NO 11 - (All ,Ibsenlee ,ater b<1llols) \otlOg ptolce .It son meet against North on March BOolrd of l:ducolllOn offICes, ~H') St C1ollr, ClIY of Grosse Pomle. Mlchlg<1n what and what we can do to aid 2 (after press time) the declInIng resources NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE AI s<1ld SpecI.lI Election. Ihe followlOg Sep<1rolle propositions WIll be Swimmers are second submllled 10 Ibe vOle of Ihe lOg and 1:0206 (ommcrCl,d. Signed Raymond J. Wojtowicz ers racing officials from 12 Noon to I 00 PM "nd ,lg,lIn from 5.00 PM to Learn the costs and Any per~on may fde IN WRITING Wayne County Treasurer 600 P M thf' potential rewards with the CITY CLERK a compJ.l1nt of SemInar Includes I€'C- The Boud of RC\lC\\ \\ 111tOnllnuc In sc<;slon on the<;e daIe'i D.Ile J,lnUM' 10 I')ll~ ture! track tours any as~es<;ment ST ATING ~Pf( J AL- unlll "lllnlcrc<;lcd per<;ons h,nc bcen hCMd, IA(f{ PI-R"(IN VOflNC, I ...... ,AID ..,PI( IAI III( no"" MU"T Club House dining LY che ground~ of the lampl,lIn!. m A RIC,I"nRI-I) I-IIldcrul dallons farm tour All persons tOo\locrlOg lhemsehc~ .lggrtc\cd hy Ihelr ,I<;<;e~'i- \1\ ITHIN THI'" ..,CHOOr. 1)1'" I RI( T 1'< \1\ HI( H HI- OR "HF hy the BOARD OF REVIJ-W which Cost IS $200 00 per mCnl'i mol~ prc\cnl their compl,llnt~ to thc ROMd of Rcvlew RI..,IDI" couple ($12500 sin- Will convene on Mond,ly, Marth 21 Thl\ NOIIll IS glHn hv order of rhl BO'lrd of Fduf.llion of The Grosse ,\1 lhc<;c \c<;\Ion<; gle) Seminar limited and Tuesday, March 22, 19H~. POIOle Puhlr, ..,(hool "ystem ~ ,lyne (ountv MI' hlg.ln to 25 couples BOARD OF REVIEW Dated lanuMv 10, I ')ll \ Call or W"te ( IT' or (,RO..,..,I POIN rJ PARK Mleh1tan Harness Thomas W. Kressbach Catherine E. Brierly City Clerk N. J. Ortlsi Horse.en's Anocialloa "'ecrll,lry Bo.lni of Fdul,1I10n (IlY(IIRK C, P N 2 24 In .Ind ~ ~ H\ 517-:S49-2920 G,P.N. 2.24.8~ and ~-~.ln "x 30490.. .1 4U64 Page Three-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 3, 1983

'" "''X v ",/. 1':": .... "

. - ",' ',' ,

Taking the JV to the league championship were St. Clare player!>, from left to right. (front row) St. Clare's varsity boys' basketball team includes, from left to right, (front row) Don Keith McQuerry. John Wronikow!>ki, Mark Addy, Derald Penn, Jason Whelan. Rich McCloud. Jad Berschback, Adam Moceri. Louis Gormely, Dave Salkowski, Dave Fannon, Joe Rosasco. Sean Pablo, Eric Garr; (back row) manager Matt Haun. coach Steven Zaranek, Pat O'Brien, Chris Bruce, Marty Stapleton; (back row) Pbil Keller, coacb Joe Beldyga, Albert Shaheen. Steve Addy. Rivers, Roger "unwick, Jeff Fikany, Pete Astfalk, Mike Paull, Derek Schafran, manager Dave Mike Peplowski, Scott Fischer, Heath Obrecht and Anthony Vitale. Dixon and manager Joe Morandini. Bradfield We've got winners • • • back in swim We've got winners .,. and vision championship trophies The Farms' Wilham they're all from St. Clare of during ceremonies at the Bradfteld IS back In Montefalco School. St. Clare March 18 Detroit Piston game the sWim again at varsity, junior varsity and at the Pontiac Silverdome. Bowdom College. fifth and sixth grade girls' The Grosse POInte basketball teams turned in un- South High School Finest Chinese American Food Want to he graduate IS returning Banquet FaCilities-Recently Remodeled defeated seasons - winning for hiS third year as a Hawaii Cocktail Lounge- Happy Hour Mon Fn 3 7 P m a swimmer? Open Mon (tw's 11 aT \ J rr F & Sal 1 ed ItS record t t assIst gomg to Ramsey Gouda to to 15-3 With a 50-46 victory over tie the game at 1 1 -----~_a!l!D='~IH'--..... SouthfIeld ChnstIan High School The second perIOd saw LLS % m overtime Feb 22. Southfield , :.' /~, come out shootIng, outscormg Its lIMI",,/!'i,,' , 70 and ULS have Identical 11-2 lea- opponent 3-0 and outshootwg II gue records With one game to Lakeview, 21-9 Mal ty Wittmer , OFF~~' play scored tWice and Tom Do\\. once, ~~ Jefferson Colonnade The game was close throughout, as the KnIghts took d 4 1 lead SKIS. BOOTS. POLES With ULS holdmg four and two- after two penod <; AS<;15t<;\\ ent to family owned Restaurant t pomt margins at the fIrst quarter Walt Connolly Dan Bowen dnd See pro basketball at All PARKAS • BIBS Cobo Arena on Thurs and halftime breaks Southfield Rob Wood ULS and Lake" le\\ This is NOT One Of Those "Up Chnstlan forged a tie after three Monday March 7 traded goals In the third pellOd at 730 pm t To" Sales With "EI Cheapo" Mer- penods and moved to a four pomt RE-OPENS lead With a minute to play the fmal ULS goal \va" a po\\er DETROIT chandise. ThiS IS A Full 30% To play goal by Rob Wood. assl.,ted t Semor guard J T Parks closed SPIRITS 70% OFF The Good StUff. 3 Days by Mart) WIttmer to give l"LS d the margin to two With a baselIne V5. ROCHESTER MARCH 1 Only. Except CB. 5-2 \\-In dnve and JUnior center Bnan Last Saturda), Feb 26, ULS ZENITHS t Hunt sent the game Into 0\ ertlme ended Its regular season play b~ and on Wed Mar 9 Newly redecorated and , aan~~~343Mack • South of V8[n~Mn.. They lace the Wisconsin at 46-46 With a 1O-foot Jump shot losmg. 5-2 to No 1 ranked CatholIc off a feed from senIor guard Flyers at 730 P m --- fully licensed to -:'POINTE WOODS• 884-~ Central The first perIOd ended 111 Tcke!> 5650 and 55 50 Larry Van Kirk Hunt scored the a {}-O tie The second .,tan73 "a\\ r~" u '0" Q"Q 0 ,,, In serve you your favorite only fIeld goal the overtime the Shamrocks "core a po\\er plav penod as ULS forced Southfield , . ~U )1/- Pro basketball IS goal and take a 1-0 lecld to the :-;) ,J' back In Delroll Ger Christian to mls" t\\0 ..,hot". and [ J CENTRAL COLLEGIATE locker room Catholic Centl <11 t '-.; ~ meSpmlCall5676000:t COCKTAil, BEER or WINE or lor mto Home games on ,\ ran the clock down to 7 seconds came out and :.cored a po\\('r plav '2 With a four-corner d(')av Van "--I WCHB 1440 AM Ill. • HOCKEY ASSOCIATION goal JU'lt 16 secono" mto t!w 'hll 0 779-4720 KIrk added a free throw to make perIod hut ULS ('ountci ('d \llth :.,.- c\Sb' 24223 Jefferson North of 9 Mile It 49-46 Park:. added one more goals by Gouda from Haymo dnd free th ro\\ \llth t\\ a second~ left to an una"<;I"ted goal by Wlltmel complete the !>conng CatholiC Central rallied three Hunt \\a" once agam ULS lead- more tllne<; befO!e the end of the Ing scorer and rebounder \\ Ith 16 penod to hand the Kmght'> a 5 2 POint" and 10 rehounds Park" and Van Kirk ,Hided nine pomts each loss LATE REGISTRATION Park'i aha had £1\ e rebounds Spikers are up, down while Van Kllk contributed four GROSSE POINTE PARK LITTLE LEAGUE "teal" On Tuesday. Feh 22 the l L~ \ ar.,lty volleyball tpam faced leers split Southfield Chn'itwn. 0](' toughe<;t GROSSE POINTE PARK RESIDENCE The L LS var'>lty Ice hockey tedm III the ;\1I-\C league I L" /'-~ team "pllt a pdlr of game~ la.,t had trouble defendmg dgelll1.,t Ih \veek endmg a ,>e\en-game \\ m opponent's mcreolbl(' "plklll~ ,mel mng "treak and headmg mto reg lo.,t the flr.,t game qUit kl\ The Tonal competitIOn \Ilth a 13-63 team \\-3<; ahle to !\Pl'p lh '>pllil" BOYS & GIRLS mark hI gh ,me! \I, on I he ,,('cond gd me On \\'pdlwsd,l\ Feb 21 Ihe but Southfield Chll.,tldn I\on Ill(' Knights Ira\ eled to ~t (lair third galnP and th(' ,-(,t AGES 8-12 CHAMPIONSHIP Shore~ (1\ lC Arena 10 pIa:> Lake The .,econd .,et \\ SATURDAY, Doubleheaders both days begin at 4 p m Southfield Chrl'>tlan \\on tlw ..,('1 1I1 FII"t Frldav the adult f(.lllm two gamp<; (dthollgh I L~ put LIp a JOE LOUIS ARENA '>hlp ?roup of .S, .Jame'> Luthereln good flFht ----r MARCH 5th Sponsored by BALL PARK FRANKS Clullch \\11\ met"! at the Hdcquet On hen 2.1 th(' h .Hr. pld" ..r! (1 Tickets $8 50 $7 50, 56 50 al Joe LOUIS Arena Ball Cenlf'r of \Vdl ren 2lJqo1en IC douhl ..headel at KIng"" ood : Little I 10 A.M. - 12 NOON Box Office Hudsons a nd alii ft'£' outlets Cenlel Houle\ ard Fnda~ \ldrch School f)e,>plte the out"',llidlllg I 4 ,It II 10 pm pld:> of rookl(, pl(l\ ('1 ILlrh Ho Court llIlH' ha., been !(".,ened man L'LS \\<1., defedtpd CJ 1-\ -; \1 ~.~};Leaque; AT ~~ApRHGOENE(313) 567.9aOO for both \\nllvball dnrl racquet The I.L~ "j>lk('l., \\l'II' \lcIOIIOll., For lnlormatlon & GROUP SALES (3131 567-6000 ball The ~5 charge Includes pIa" agam lel"t Frloa\ h.h 2') 1\)1('n Basl!balll Pierce Middle SChool IIlg lime and refre<;hnwnts Ihey m('t Pljmollth <:hll'>11.m .II j (BACK ENTRANCE) SAVE $2.50 With discount He<;elvat IOns must he made bv homp 111 a douhkh('dt!pr Thdllk., IIR6. coupon available at the \larch 1 wlth .Jane Ruhl at to th(' excellpnt plaYing of (\1'1" 748R or DOrl" Woerner at RR5 1!lR7 Bring Birth Certificates BALL PARK FRANK display at your membN of the te('1'''mg of \Tuff\ Flr,>t Frldel\ Celli the churdl of Ha<;tmg" ano El17aheth ~ al rrn fIce at 1\84051\ Thursday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Four-C Call 882-6900 CLASSIFIED ADS 6 Trunk Lines to Ser\'e, You QuirklY. 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS GENERAL 1A-PERSONALS GENERAL GENERAL PRIVATE EAR REPRODUCTION antique INDEX TO CLASSIFIED OFFERED WANTED bus mess ~ecretary LOSE 10 291bs amonth Earn BAGEI~I dolls customized bv Fr- extra Income while dOing It De1J~ered fresh ever} Sunday PIERCING OUT OF STATE Experienced for full lime ances Before 6, 2949898, NEWSPAPERS Call 882 9610 morning (In the Grosse alter 6, 293 9171 BY CAROLYN, R.N. 1 Legal NotICe 120 lake and RLver Property for sale Help wanted ads In po,ltlOn 4'12dais General Pomte area) 12E CommercLol Property office WOIk and greetmg EXPERIENCED GENERAL 822-1859 1 A Personals eluded New Honzon's Book publiC and telephonc Top $3 - dozen, $2 - '/2 dozen RENT A COOK -I'll cook for handyman MUST HAVE 18 Secretarial Servlce 12F Northern Property Shop 03 MIle ne (elr and DAY OR NIGHT - Wake up 1 C PubliC SJle 13 Reol Estate 'The Bagel Man" an} special occasslOn Rea- 296-1560 Write Grosse POInte, P 0 phone (no exceptIOns) 962 ~onable Excellent refer With a little sunshme 10 your 10 Obituaries 13A Lots for Sale 885 7839after 4 p m CASHIER NEEDED part Box #36311, Gros~e Pomte 2632 ence, 881-8089 ear 792-6084 2 Entertainment 138 Cemetery Property Farms 48236 TO THE SERIOUS dieter, 2A MUSIC EducatLan 13C L:md Contracts lime Evelllngs and week AITRACTIVE WOMEN to Herha1Jfe IS effeclJve, heal DON'T COOK tomght - Call TAX RETURNS 28 TutorIng and EducatLon 130 For Sale or Lease end:, Apply ",,Jth In Monddy, LANDSCAPE GARDNERS tastefully perform Peal a Dial-A Meal before 12 noon March 7th Mr A's Grocen, skJiled In foll- 2C Hobby Instruction 14 Real Estate Wonted Gram~ for ~mgmg telegram and have a home-cooked Tax planmng, tax shelters, 19210Mack Ave . tnmmmg and general gar 4611 deferred compensatIOn, 20 Camps 14A Lots Wonted den maintenance Must be company Excellent pay meal delivered to your door 148 VocatIon Or Suburban Celli Zany Chorus Line, BUYING A Computer? Buy dl pensIOn and profit sharing 2E AthletLc InslruCllan EXPERIENCED BUMP and experienced Gene'~ Ldnd 884-9468 plans to scape Service 885 9090 , sh,lp~a~d C?IJOI bue-twill the .abIllt.y .to easlly deal 1865 HYSTERICAL ---co-rn-edy- t!\ U t 9237100 With parents, faCility, stu ------SERVICES rat app can - dents Excellent secretarIal MATURE WOMAN to care for 569-1292 magic act Different shows FOUND - 4 month old ,adoI' for chlldren or adults Pri- FRENCH TUTORING, pn FREE CRAFTS-'= from Art- and organizatIOnal skills, 3 year old and mfant m my A.D. vate lessons, conversatIOn able female Doberman mil< vate parties or stage Ten craft Concepts Be a hos- sensitivity, and conscl- home 8 a m 6 p m Mon- EXPERT classes 10 my home Ph D Found near Warren and FINANCIAL SERVICES years eXferience Reason- tess and benefit For In- entlOusness Excellent frm- day-Friday, own transpor Clock and watch repair, all candIdate who lived In Fr- Bedford 881 1726 Free to able Cal 5270617 good home formation call Denise 822- ge benefits POSitIOn avall- tation 882-4740 INCOME TAX AND types 35 years expenence ance 4 years 886 2534 - - - -- _ 429~______able In June Submit re- RECEPTIONIST. BOOKKEEPING AuthOrized Colomal clock DJALL-occasi-;;ns MusIC of ------FOUND Long haired female DENTAL RECENT Ph D m computer FREE PICK-UP AND service represenlal1ve the 1920's to 1980's Reason- cat, black/rust, wearmg EVERYONE LOVES TO sume, references), and expenenced With pegboal'd, sCience Will tutor high MAKE NEW FRIENDS cover letter to urosse DELIVERY SERVICE able 886-5601 flea collar On Rivard 343- school chemistry, phySICS, AND MAKE MONEY Pomte News, Box U-25, 99 msurance and scheduling GROSSE POINTE 884-9246 0698 evemngs A PIANO bar stybst for your math 886 5031 IN THE PROCESS Kercheval, Grosse POinte Eastsl~e o!~ce _772~~_ REFERENCES ORIENT AL RUGS next party The plano!Vocal FOUND - Collie, (lost some Sell Avon guts, Jewelry and Farms, MlCh 48236 $50.000 PLUS - first year CALL FORAN PRIVATE CLASSES or tutor- stylmgs of Mr Jeffrey Lm- time ago) 822-2020. 824- makeup Call DIane, 885- HA\of; AImgerleTashlOD show Sales representative') for APPOINTMENT WANTED dau Need a plano? I'll brmg mg of SJlamsh or French gl 0942 In your home 772 7975 for health and nutritIOn com- one or many 8069 331-3885 mme Have your own plano ven Call Jean 885-7425 -- - - - EMPLOYMENT Parf:l1me mformation Book a party pany Management oppor- Pnvate collector WIll pay any bar 646-9531 FOUND - Mother With pup- Ideal for houseWife In and WIO a lovely gown tumty Experience helpful reasonable price THOROUGH ProfeSSIOnal pIes, (mother black With Grosse Pomte Woods to take DENTAL-ASSISTANT'::" Full _ Tr~nmg ~~vld~_ 88!~O!1 644-7312 A BEITER BAND service Math specIalty, short haIr) Homes needed a few phone calls er week or part time, for the person AMBITIOUS YOUNG persons '-'B-E--A--S-T-ARi Have your academIC subjects, tests, 822-2020,824-8069 "FRIENDLY PERSUASION" for busmessman ow pay, who wants to get out of the mterested m startmg their G R E , wntmg Skills, study weddmg ceremony and Weddmgs, Parties, Banquets FOUND atJeTferso-; a-;d steady Call 881 2920 Friday house but doesn't need a job own busmess with our $ TAXES $ reception VIdeotaped In full CALL 839-4950 hahlts, 885-3332 Lakepolnte, a large young 12 P m only 882-2820 supervlSlon, 962-2632 color and sound Call male Shepherd Collie, blaCK MATH AND SCIENCE ------SAT PREPARATION -In COMPLETE PERSONAL MemOries Video 758-2875" and tan, short haIr, fnendly, Teachers _ substitute DRIv'1iRS =-operungs ava"ii TAlLORESS - MEN'S cloth AND BUSINESS TAX SING ER/PIANISl dlvldual1zed study pro- housebroken, good with Iuds teachmg pOSitIOns avall- able, all hours open Need Ing expeflenced Full or gram Math specialty Pre I SERVICE RESUMES by Lynn Profes- MUSIC FOR SPECIAL and other dogs 773-0954 able Must be certified 10 good driVing record 15001 part time, all benefits. Call pare for March 19th SAT SIOnally composed & IBM OCCASIONS secondarj' mathematlcs or Mack at Nottmgham Vincent, 882-3970 type written Phone for llD- 881-8633 WEDDINGS, RECEPTIONS, 4-HELP WANTED sCience Excellent dally pomtment 296-1002 Confidential work, done CHURCHES, GENERAL wage rate CaJl the Grosse OR BANQUETS 9 YEARS 2D-CAMPS well, at reasonable pnces VALET PARKING, harten- Pomte Public School Sys- EXPERIENCE 109, for your parties, wed- tem 343-2333 dmgs Experienced Ref S26-2994 521-8659 CAMP ARBUTUS - Pnvate OFFICE MEDICAL ASSistant PHA~E:10 erences Call Pat 881-7955 girls camp Grand Traverse OB-Gyn Practice BaSIC DENTAL OFFICE 2A-MUSIC area Jur:e 26th-July 23rd, .. A NEIGHBORHOOD and ASSISTANT office duties, vena Junc- 21513 Kelly Road EDUCATION July 24th-Aug 20th Call Excellent career opportunity ture injectIOns an hls- BUSiness Success Story" 881-9442 Write Mayfield, East Detroit East Warren Avenue BUSI- 10 the excltmg world of wo tOri:?" experienced only Experienced WOODS MUSIC Mlclugan 49666 men's fashIOns ThIs ISa full Send resume to Gro,se 776-5155 ness ASSOCiatIOn Fes- Pomte New<;,99 Kerchcval. tival/Parade, September time pOSItIOn,workmg most STUDIO 2F-SCHOOLS Saturdays With a day off Gro'),e POInte Farms MI Chairside Mastercharge & Visa 16 18,1983- Volunteers call GUITAR, PIA.NO. THEORY 881 2957 "Shop East War dUring the week You must 48236 Box R 19 Welcome be able to work Indc- ren Avenue and Save" HOME or STUDIO ST PAUL'S Nursery School EXPERIENCED barmaid Assistant 20943 Mack has opemngs m a five-day pendently from our Ea<;t- part time Gro:,se POinte Call weekdays 881-2920 afternoon sessIOn for 4 Side suburban locatIOn 881-'>738 Park 541 3605 Do you relate well wlth people? TAXES - ACCOUNTANT year olds For more m- Do you work effectl~ ely as a member of a team? MATURE COLLEGE GRADUATE formatIOn call Jamce Smo- The indiVidual we seek must PART TI:'rtE JOB PIANO~~OICE, and ORGAN possess accurate typmg Do you see yourself m a health proff><;<;\On? Personal and BUSiness Taxes linskI 8860422 IN private m,tructlOn UnlV slulls of 55-£5 wpm, enJOY fig If so ~e want to talk WIth you Includlllg corporatIOn, musIc graduate, 30 years RE~AI&'>A!\CE CENTER OPEN HOUSE gure work, have a good Immediate opening for part PLEASE PHONE 882-1651 Reasonable Rates Serving you since 1968 teachmg experlencc MI s telephone penonalltj and Junker, 823 1721 Tue,day, March 8, 9 15-10 tIme a,<;I~tant to do IIght 882-6860 OR 882-8507 be hIghly organized The bookkeepwg and clencal To arrange for a confldcntlal wtervlew Monday am Ideal candidate WIll accept PRIVATE Clas<;lcal GUitar MEMORIAL NURSERY INC work mcludmg t} pmg m a through Thursday I lessons - Prefer serIOus responslblhty readily Grosse POInte MemOrial fast growmg mutual funds We understand the valur ot outstandmg talent BALLOONS mmded begmners and hrm Ideal for College stu Church, 16 Lakeshore, for Qualified apphcants are m HIGH FLYING HELIUM BALLOON BOUQUETS intermediate students For informatIOn 882 1896 dent Opportunity to grow For all occasIOns for as little as $10 - deh~ery avad mformatlOn call Pete 341 Vlted to submIt resume, and WIth company dble Buy a dozen or buy a gro,s A GREAT Ihl} 0376 salary expectatIOns for re 3-LOST AND view to Gros,e POInle New,; CDI to celebrate St Patrick', Day Green balloon, and PIANO LESSONS and more I FOUND 99Kercheval. Gro,se Pomte Temporary Services ,hamrocks galore I $14 and I'P Certlfled musIc teacher WIll Farm, MichIgan 48236 - 259-7518 HOUSEKEEPING 882-4968 teach begmnmg and mter LOST - Calico cat, female. Box W 74 mediate plano mU<;lc near Marter and Haw theory and apprecIation thorne 88t 3548 PARTTIMEbahy<;lllmgpo,\ P~IVATE Dl TY tlOn m my home for mfant Nl RSE,> SUPERVISOR NURSERY - PLAYROOM lI8l 0925 LOST - Orange and ~hlte girl begmmng Apnl ). 1 • Top 1'.1\ FULL-TIME DAYS COMIC CHARAC TERS c1o~n<; cartoon flgurp,> pamt PIANO LESSONS qualified cat, MorriS look alike cvenmg, ~reklj Re<;pon .ll1gh ~1,mdtmg acryh( pamts teacher m" home 882 7772 Kerby and Gros,e POinte Blvd Male, declawed, ver~ <;Ible, non <;moker o\~n .In'>urrd Bonded Immedlatr ,uperv\,ory (X,,>,tlon ha'>('nwnl "all, With cheerful cartoon characl('r, EDUCATION 7196 tal facllItle, or on n('('(led Cocker Spamel WIth whIte qlllr('(\ Mu,t br ahlc to rotat(' \\Cl'kpnd, ('hoo)., high ,choo]<;, col markmg, on no,r che,;t and day, 885-7352 pa~<; Age 11 year, partly ll644 UNLIMITED legr<; 1\814874 APPLY IN PERSON d('af Ken<;mgton <;trf'et VIC AMWAY IS ~IORE 263-0580 TUTORING lOll}. whIle vl,>llmg from THA'IJ SOAP' PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT ALL SUBJECTS Canarla Wcarlng rahle,; Fant,l,hc ,('cond 10< orne OJ>- Bf:A I TK JA'IJ'> :V11I"tha\ r Lced, ('ountr} tag, porlunl!} It '> \~orkmg for minimum 2 ,rIO""",\I FACULTY T - 1'~r1 artH 4 10 77347'iil HOSPITAL 'I>oe\ L' 1>01'''TE phonc 881 6484 after 6 p m (, \ ,"'~J', " or call collert 611 273 52.19 Part tlm(' I or 2 dav, per 159 KERCllJ<~VAL By Mrs Carol BI~ke L!': \H1\I;-'G CE"ITEH ~ef'k Ofhce 10(, avml Hou,lon Dalla<; Ala<;ka GRO&'>E POINTE FARMS \11 For Appomtment Phone (313) 962-9303 TUTOHTNG __ Your home All field Call Kathy 8.190611 ahle Sub,tantlal r

Page Five-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 3, 1983 ~FOR RENT ~FOR RENT ~FOR RENT 4-HELP WANTED ~SJTUATION 6-FOR RENT 6-FOR RENT UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED 5-SITUATION UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED GENERAL WANTED WANTED UNFURNISHED DUPLEX - Kelly/Moross TO RENT - upper J room ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom 3 BEDROOMS - first floor, ement, dl.,tance of the Village De CLOTHING SHOP - Part-lime guard servIce provement? Painting, re- lower flat Newly reo POSit requll ed 1182-4867 palflng, etc Please call dmIng, carpetIng, appll- near Mack Security depoMt $350 plu'> secunty Low utll Desues young men for bales or offIce 881-1068 decorated, $265 per month ances, garage, East War George, 343-0477 plUS security depOSit 259 ren/Outer Drive area, $265 $260, monthly Haverhill Itles 526 0938 ASHLAND, South, 5 room posItion Full or part-time LADY WISHES to care for Expenenced helpful Appl) 0768 after 5 p m 8826010 Call 772-9263 TWO BEDROOM ranch In 10\ with small boat well, Sick, expenenced nurses' EXPERT HOME mamte. .,tove, refngerator caroet In person Steve's Place for aide With diploma and CLEAN~SP-ACIOUS, 2 bed. GROSSE POINTE PARK _ 6 DICKERSON;OUTER Drive, Harper Woods on Ro'>com nance Palllting QualIty mon Fully carpeted, ~tove ed, including heat, secunty, Teen Boys 23220Mack, one references Glenda, 531- workmanship Dependable room apartment $245 m room lower on Maryland, 2 bedroom upper flat, fully block south of 9 Mile refngerator, large family and references Ideal for 8046 References Snow shovelIng cludes heat, stove, re appliances, garage, very carpeted, heat, water paid, EastSide, LPN or R N 2 student ~eeks baby sitting ------last month'~ rent 88562t2. PHE CIVIL WAH bnck farm after 5 p m DUPLEX ROSCOMMON, 2 days a week 776 3530 preferably around home GROSSE POINTE Park - 881-4850 hou~e (cHca 1837) near De (Wmdmlll Pomte area) 4 MEDICAL Wayburn 3 bedroom house, HOUSE FOR RENT _ 3 bed bedroom~, carpetmg, ga~ trolt clt) e pets HAVERHILL _ 6 room up carpeted, fIreplace, $350 clo~et<;, Idundr) room faul. lOll Evening, 881>0479 • AIDES Excellent references No ment, w,dmmmg pool and • HN's & LPN's FOR LEASE - SpacIOus per, stove, refngerator, plUS secunty dnd utllltles ltle~ $280 d month Colli clubhou..,e member~hlp in- live-inS Call 296-1167 or heated, clean 8853010 5625900between 9-5 Afler 5 after 5 p m for dPP0lnt clude., kltlhen and laundry INCOME TAX Prep,ll er - 771-3751 upper on Trombley Itd 3 ment 268 64J6 or 731 9030 Palt time Some expenence For Home Health Care bedroom, 2 baths , liVing 4644 CHATSWORTH _ 5 up pm - 435-4543 room, ,lpplJance.., $450 neces~a1 ~ 885 1519 AT Its Best Call SA-SITUATION room, dining room, well per, clean, carpeted, applI- NOTTINGHAM, UPPER 5 DEVONSHIRE/WARREN month I) 977 2880 COMMUNITY ORGANIZER DOMESTIC eqUIpped kitchen With eat ances. $225 Ideal for adult~ looms heat and garage charming 2 bedrom upper ~T CLAIR ~hore<; 3 bedroom MED-STAFF flat Large room~, appll needed Call 843 2550 557 -2505 109 area Garage and use of 777-4546 security depOSit TV 2-7554 lower, on cana!. appliance.., adjacent tenms court ances, leaded glas~, $250per $450 88t 7224, garage WINDMILL POINTE - 1 THREE BEDROOM Colomal P.rl..RT TT1\1F h'>r,) "U,na nn<-I ~ ~I\~~' TI\' nr::"'G'n"'IO") .'l.v:lIl:lble AP"ll 1 $77'i "'O'1lh 141 0140 ilftl'r 'i DOMESTIC I.t:H'.1JJtuuM !Owelllal- $22.) tlOn m my home foJ' 'infantl ::J1..ol- \1..0 i rt \ ,\ ,",u" • bedroom, attached garage 111lJetlOll, 1l~lIl Ul I "lit Will, girl begmmng <\pnl 23 1ST, excellent tYPing, good CLEANING month UPPER 4 ROOMS - 1':,\,>t a month, heat Included 4836 WM J CHAMPION & CO available, stove, refrlgera optIOn to buy Includes all Experienced, relIable, family Outer Dnve and Warren i\oltlngham 8823422 evenmgs weekly Re~pon o~ phone, relIable and 884-5700 tor, secunty depOSit, refer applIances Gros~e POInte Sible, non ,moker 01\11 \\ell groomed 882-7087 owned domestiC cleanIng - - - ences, small pet OK Newly Real E~tate Co 882-0087 9770099 2 BEDHOOM 101H~rflat $260 transportatIOn, refel ences service at a reasonable cost SPACIOUS 2 bedroom upper- decorated throughout 882- LOVELY HaverhIll/Berkshire GROSSE POINTE CITY - per month, Bedtord near MOTHER'S HELPER - Grosse POinte Park - stove, 8825484 Young woman deSires child SpeclalIzmg In catenng, 2013 after 5 p m area Income 41h rooms Neff, duplex, 5 room,>, fire Wclrrl'n 8850346 after 6 refngerator, carpetmg 10- place, JalOUSie porch. $500 a care pOSitIOn, light house serving and clean. up for LAKESHOR E DRI VE, re- newly decorated, applIances pm SPECIAL LADY partJes Please call 839-8856, cluded, $250 per month plus month TU 5 7429 W\I\TED keepmg, !lve 10 preferred secunty depOSit 886-4322, furbished Tov. nhouse, 2 mcluded' all ullhtle~ except CI1 Y OF Ea~t DetrOit off 9 776-0323 OUTER DRIVE,Dlckerson Mile 1 bedroom lower, Warlllll1ature to Cdre for 1 III 88b 7087 88 HI900, bedroom, basement, all', electnc Ideal for adults area - 7 room house 3 bed ~tove. I efngerator, car fant of I~orkmg couple dnd COMPANION - AIDE for club house, pool Unfur 5'l7 7229 OFFICE/HOME LAKEPOINTE--- 3 bedroom rooms ImmedIate oc peted. laundry room With light housekeepmg III our eldelly or disabled Full n1shed, $450-$475, fur. CHANDLER PARK Dnve/G home, 8 a m to 5 30 P m CLEANING GREAT upper, new k1tchen, newly mshed, $550 971 2299, 821- cupancy Security depo<;lt II a,her dl yer $265, Im- time or part time 892-6178 decorated and carpeted, no 6000, Ext 446, Barb ray ton area Large 2 bed. Monday thru Thursdav, REFERENCES _ _ _ _ room upper flat - $250 a month 775 1948 mediate occupancy 885 COLLEGE STUDENT WIth CALL 772-8099 pets Immediate occu. 0807 930 a m to 7 p m Frlda)' COURVILLE, vacant 2 large applIances mcluded, With G-RATIOT/HOUSTON Own transportatIOn, on bus excellent drlvmg record ---- pancy, $325. 540-4497 Wtutller Newly decorated I and tran~portatlOn for full UNIQUE WOMAN wants bedroom upper Income use of washer/dryer Off Ime Start March 28th BRIGHT, BEAUTIFUL, spot- Carpeted, heat Included, street parkmg Available bedroom apartment, applI- IF YOU CAN'T SELL References Call 8244717 or part lime work Call Enc, general housekeepmg Job less basement studiO Ap. $100 depOSit, $325 monthly April $290 a month 885-1419 ances, hghted parkmg, heat YOUR HOME before 10 pm 8859265 Good transportatIOn and plIances, near 2 buslInes, Included, $225 a month, plus referenLes 839-4706 _~2~788! ~ CLAIR SliO-RES Let me rent and manage your EVERYONE LOVES TO BABYSITTING IN lIcensed garage Mack - CourVille sf Brand $225 secunty 527 5095 GROSSE POINTE PARK, 3 new upper or lower UnJt~ property for you 30 years MAKE NEW FRIENDS Grosse POInte Farms home EXPERIENCED HOUSE- $200 a month 885-5361 after expellence We have quaII Call Karen, 881-4674 even- bedroom upper Fully car- With 2 bedrooms, air condl- CAVALI ER MANOR AND MAKE MONEY KEEPER, Grosse POinte 4p.m fled I enters IN THE PHOCESS lOgs/weekends peted' hvmg room, dmmg tlOnmg, laundry room, 24575 KELLY references. Own trans- WAYBURN -1 bedroom flat, room, excellent condltlon applIances and car-port For ENDWELL Sell Avon gifts, leI'. elr~ and portatIOn, trustworthy, reo EASTLAND AREA range, refrigerator, $180 a $275 mcludmg water 331- only $400 per month plus makeup Call Diane, 885 CARPENTER WORK - liable 521-1619 LUXUriOUs2 bedloom apal t- MANAGEMENT CO, Pamtmg, small Jobs, re- month 886-5860after 6 p m 7349 $300 security depOSit Wil 0942 weekdays, anytIme week- ment Appll,lnces. cal pet. 526-3993 pam, shelvmg, partitIons, LADY FOR house cleaning, ends CONDO"::" Lakeshore-village IIam Lockard Realty 263 central air, pool, carport, no COOKS, WAITRESSES, paneling ~~ll P_:t: ~~27~_ every other Fnday and - _ Gary Lane, corner umt, 2 9330 security depOSit Near 10 LOWER FLAT, 3 bed, study, ters and bartender, need- FINISH CARPENTER needs Monday References 778- VERY CLEAN 5 room lower bedroom, newly carpeted, KELL YIWHITTIER - 5 large Mile Road enclosed porch, appliances, ed, apply Woodbndge BeaconsfIeld near Warren central all' AvaIlable rooms, upper, carpetmg, 772-3649, 961 7411 flI"eplace, garage, $380 542- work No Job too small 8159 $275, security depOSit 886- Tavern, 289 St Aubm, bet. March 1st (OptIOn to buy) garage $270 777-4794 3039 doors, locks, basements IWILLDOalltypesofgeneral 0889 i="94/CADIEUX One bedroom ween 2 and 6 p m Monday References Call Marc, cleanmg. Call 771-6744 JIm Perry. 881-0095, office COURVILLE between Warren apartment, stove refnger through Saturday 885-6187 HARPER/WHITTIER area- 649-4455 and Mack 5 rooms, 2 bed- ator, carpeted, $275 per 15 BEACONSFIELD 3 bed------3 bedroom brick Colomal month, heat Included 331- room townhouse. basement, MANICURIST v.anted to YOUNG LADY Wishes baby APARTMENT and house. SUNNY 5 room lower, WIth rooms, front room, dmlng Slltlllg after school and cleanmg Reasonable Call Natural fIreplace, 2 car full ba<;ement and garage room, fireplace, cedar 0581 ]lh baths, $375 take over clientele mu~t garage With opener 885- Nottingham between Mac have experience In weekends Grosse POInte Clara 872-1821 Grosse Pointe Park Secur- closet, screened porch, TWO BEDROOM. 2nd floor 8532 Ity 821 9297 newly pamted, $300 In apartment With heat In k/Warren 2 bedroom upper. : sculptured nalb and other Farms area 882-9896 GENERAL CLEANING serv- If2 garage ,lnd ba,ement.' <;peclalty nail S"I vIce::. COMPANION _ -Housekeep Ice, 2 hard-workIng stu- GROSSE POINTE Clty-:-4n KELLy /71f21\iiie f bedroom eludes heat 882 9194 eluded, garage, apartment St Clair, upper, farmhouse freshly decorated, newer $250 Please call Cleo betl' cen 11 er, lIve In, experienced and dents, homes, apartments bungalow, newly decorated, CAI>IEUXICHANDLER-Park charm, one block from Vil- carpetmg Shar p. newer, Bedford/Mack 3 bedroom and 4 p m for an appomt references 8852090 References 264-0056 725- ready to move In Appll- area 3 to 4 months occu upper $275 ment 372 2.255 Career _ __ _ _ 4827 lage Two bedroom, laundry well.maintamed bUlldmg at ances, $350 per month plUS pancy Lower 6 room urut 312Alter $300monthly Call KellYl71f.!Mile lovel)! 3 bed- . opportumty, benefits EOE WALLPAPERING. pamtmg, ------WIth applIances, glass en- repair work no Job too COMPANION-AIDE for eld- closed porch, $400 a month _secur~y d~o~t _75!-=522~__ Kitchen appl1ances natural John at 882-5200 oays room house, basement, new' 4A-HELP WANTED small Free estimates erly or disabled Full tIme 885--2546 HARPER WOODS - 3 bed flI"eplace, garage $345 573 ATTRAcTIVE ON-E bedroom 21'z car garage, $350 ' DOMESTIC pave, 26~0810 after 3 p m or part time. 892-6178 room ranch, very comfort- 6335 flat With garage, $190 Bea- LmhurstiHayes - one bedroom GROSSE POINTE Park - 3 able, Grosse Pomte schools, ALTER 1 bedroom apart upper Ideal for smgle heat HANDYMAN _ PaintIng, EXPERIENCED - LADY bedroom upper flat, fire- -= consfield at Outer Dr 779- $450 a month, can be par- ment, heat and applIances 4376 mcluded $165 EXPERIENCED CLEANING carpentry, mmor plumbmg, Wishes permanent 5 days place, dmIng room, $325 lIally furmshed Shown 2-5 mcluded References $175 Many others not lIsted Call person needed Reliable and and electrical General With adult/small family, 552-9820. March 5 20632 Lennon 331-4677,8843883 DUPLEX 2 STORY - 2 bed LaVon's Rental Service" hard working Reference~ -- rooms, Mack/Morass area home repairs Cement References 881-7304 ST. PA\]L, near Neff Large, 7732Q3.'; , 8863621 work Mr Jackson. 331- E:FFICIENT HOUSE clean- HAR-PERWOODS--Newly ASHLAND 595,"p-refer working 882-1546, after 6 p m attractive duplex 3 bed- decorated, 1 bedroom - - ~-- - - 3439 109 thoroughly done, refer- apartment near St Johns smgles or couples One bed- HARCOURT - 2 bedroom, WE SPECIALIZE In the rooms, IIf2bath, sun porch BUCKINGHAM - 2 bedroom EXPERIENCED-Eastland ences provided, call Rose, No pets I-year lease Hospital $325 884-0501 room newly decorated $135 11,2bath upper flat Garage placement of profeSSIOnal plus security and depOSit lower, carpeted, stove, reo domestic and nursmg per area woman for general 978-2502, leave message, Available Apnl 1, $600 Sec. frIgerator, very clean $300 Separate furnace $550 PARK,2bedrOOzTIlowernat after 5 p m 526-6290 sonnel Housekeepers- housecleanmg References 979-8657 unty. 882-0597 monthly, secunty 886-8670 munth ImmedIate occupancy GROSSE POINTE PARK 2 ------~ -- Cooks - Couples - Child available, own transporta- LADY WILL clean homes, GROSSE POINTE Park - 3 Care - Day Work - Maids tlOn 839 1691 apartments, offices ef- 881-8377 3919 HAVERHILL - 6 room ST CLAIR SHORES - Out- room upper income, very upper, 3 bedrooms, stove _ Home Health Care Live MALE-NURSE avallabJefor fIclentiy. Experienced De- 745 NOTRE DAME-..=3 bed- ~;~~~nt O::ledl~~~r fla~Sn standing 2 bedroom, 2 oath clean, Ideal for smgle adult, and refngerator, garage, upper overlooking beach In or Out Please call duty In prIvate reSidence pendable car Reasonable room, 1 bath, stove, refrlg- BeaconsfIeld $250 each plus heated, appliances, $250 separate furnace and Modern kitchen Central Excellent references 882 prices 791-0939. erator, garage One block to security Good references GOLL JEANNETTE References 821-2902 utilities $275 plUS secunty all' Garage $750 month 5671 A-I QUALITY profeSSIOnal Village Available Aprtllst 824-3858 PERSONNEL UPPER FLAT - 3 bedrooms~ depOSit 882-4094 housecleaning, dependable $600/mo ------AGENCY !lvmg room, dmmg room, DANAHER, BAER. 1329 MARYLAND, Grosse CONDO FOR RENT WIth op- GROSSE POINTE - 1 bed- BABYSITTING With references, 296-0367or room furmshed condo Cen. 106 Kercheval carpeted throughout, re- WILSON & STROH POInte 2 bedroom lower, tIOn to buy SterlIng Heights Grosse POinte Farms SERVICE AGENCY _7~-6198 ------frigerator No pets $350 885-7000 carpetmg throughout, re 15MLleand Ryan Beautiful troll aIr $575 month ServmgtheGrossePomlearea MATURE - non-smoking 822-6970 GROSSE--POINTE CITY fngerator, stove, Side drive, 882-2928 - townhouse, 2 bedrooms IIh since 1955 Care of CHIL woman seeking positIon as garage, full basement,lawn baths full finished base LAKEPOINTE - 2 bedroom State Licensed and Bonded 2 BEDROOM lower flat In Lower, 2 bedrooms, newly care $335, Includes heat, lower $300 month 1 bed DR EN and the ELDERLY daily cook, housekeeper Grosse Pomte Near trans ment A appliances mclud- By the hour 24 hour rates compamon m Grosse Pomte decorated, new carpet, $165, secunty 886-0657, mg washer/dryer, carpeted room upper, $225 month EXCHANGE ROOM and avaIlable area home DeSire 5 days, portatlOn $350 monthly m modern kitchen. $500 821-6833 Separate furnaces board for care of elderly eludes heat and water monthly plus security 884 - - ~- drapes heat and water m. woman evenmgs and Sat- LICEN~_ED 264-0_202, Monday through Friday, 9-5 cluded ImmedIate occu- HIGBIE MAXON, INC __ or 5 30 $5/hour Have own Available AprIl 1st 821- 7987 urday and Sunday Excel KELLY/WHITTIER - 1m pancy 886-5739 886-3400 NEED SOMETHING moved? car 526-2622 AlIsla, 6361 mediate occupancy 2 bed. lent for student 468 7832 or 3 BEDROOM upper Stove. AVAILABLE MARCH 1st GRATIOT/McNICHOLS - 1 TU5-8342 Two Pomte reSidents Will room lower full basement, CONNER/Outer Drive - 2 move or remove large or Se-CATERING refrigerator, garage Car. Grosse Pomte Woods 3 bed- very clean $300 utilItIes m bedroom Colomal, fur- hedroom or studIO apart- ment, newly decorated All ~mall quantllles of furmture, peted basement, $300 per room ranch With dining eluded except electnc 839- nished kitchen, fully car- GROSSE POINTE month Call 822-8457 room and 2 fireplaces, large utllItles mcluded 527-9753 appliances, planas or what 8139, 372-0599 peted, $260plus utilities Se EMPLOYMENT APRON' ASSOCIATES party kitchen, nicely decorated, have you Call for free estl planners SpeCialty hors GROSSE POINTE Park $700 a month plus security CUrltv depOSit 882-8093 2 BEDROOM Condo on lake- GROSSE POiNTE\VOODS - POINTE, one, two. AGENCY mate 343-0481,or 822-2208 d'oeuvres, main dishes, Lovely 3 bedroom lower on 885-0990 GROSS'E shore Dnve, $420 Ideal for 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, formal bedrooms, appliances, 885-4576 desserts Delivered/served. Beaconsfield WIth flI"eplace, ------dmlng room, fireplace. bachelor 7767705 PRIVATE NURSING 882-7149 carpet through-out, kitchen ALTER CHARLEVOIX, newly decorated, carpet, 50 years relIable service lower level family room. WIth appliances and eatmg Gros<;e POinte Side, aUrac- p~r~mg ~24.3849, 792-6839 BEAUTIFUL HOUSE In Around the clock completely redecorated Needs expenenced Cooks, RENT A cook for your special space Formal dmmg room tlve large one. bedroom or New carpetmg and drapes, Grosse Pomte Shores 2 bed- In home hospital or nursmg GROSSE POINTE PARK 2 rooms, den, liVIng room \Hth Nannies Maids, House- occasIOn Reasonable Ex- Immediate occupancy $390 studIO apartments, $180-$210 applIance<;, flmshed base- bedroom lower, Semta bus home RN's LPN's. Aides, cellent references 881-8089 fireplace, $650 886-0924 keepers Couples Nurse piUS UWltIes 886-8051 mcludes appliances and utI 1- ment, 3 car garage, $600 lIne, Park prIVileges $265 AIdes. Companions and campan IOns. male atten. dant,>, lI\e 10S Screened and GROSSE POINTE Clty- Illes 331 78_5_2__ ~ ~-----.-_ 851-1722882-8011 month 821-6039, after 5 p m HAVERHILL near Mack Day Workers fOI pnl ate INEXPERIENCED at glVlng bonded 24 hour service LI- parties? I Will plan your Lovely 2 bedroom apart ifARPERILakepomte area. Lo\\er 5 room. I", garage. home<; MT. CLEMENS UPPER FLAT ON Moross 1 cen~ed nur<;es for m<;urance next party and/or cater It, ment on St Clair Carpet nlce 2 bedroom 10wE.'r.Ideal bedroom, Ial ge IIvmg room, back porch, carpeted Heat 18514Mack A\enue case~ or both 331-2919 through-out, garage Kit. 141 K - FLORAL for couple freshly painted $280 882 7775 Gros,;e POlnte Farms dmmg area, kitchen. bat POINTE AREA NURSES chen With applIances and LUXUriOUS, modern, 2 bed $225 pIus utilities, secunt~ hroom, $250 per month call CADIEUX I 94 area I bed. TU 4-3tllQ MARIE'S CATERING - Ail eatmg space ImmedIate room, townhouse, Ph baths, depOSIt, no pets, references, days 559 2120or after 5p m room upper, refrigerator. 4C-HOUSE SITIING OCCasslOns Hors d'oeuvres, occupancy $450 pIus appliances, fenced pflvate Schweitzer Realty Call stove. heat $235 month SHIR' S carefully hand or 8820207 SERVICES brunch, dmners, buffets and utilitles 886-6051 yard. carport No security Lmda, 886 5800, 776-0475 464 7925 machme wa<;hed and hand- party trays 862-6295 ------depoSIt, from $335 463-4482, GROSSE POINTE Park, 5 GRA YTON - clean 3 bed- Ironed $1 25 each 823 2140 CADIEUX/7 MILE, cozy 961-7411 room to\'- nhou'>c, ne\\ Iy LOWER INCOME - 3 bed RETIRED Gro<;se POinte room flat, fresh pamt. I Grosse POinte Park) small house Ideal for deL orated and Larpl'tl'd room large hvmg room and couple wl<;he<;to hou<;e <;It 6-FOR RENT SOMERSET near Warren, newer plush carpet, natural couple $250 plus security 882 Bo'n 8, 885 9306 dmlng room ba<;ement, 2 111 Gros..,e Pomte area for UNFURNISHED niLe StudIO, applIanLes utll fireplace, garage. base CARING ... No pets 774-4434 car garage, appliances m the summer 885 '3891 ------ltles mduded $180plus seL ment storage, rent from HOUSE FOR lease m Gro<;,e A TR >\DITION SINCE 1975 ONE BEDROOM upper flat- cluded 6.J62900. 884-2.142 CHATSWORTH - 3 bedroom unty 362-1066 someone who cares Jim Pomle Wood<; Plea<;e cllll "EXPERIENCED hou<;e FOR LOVED ONES AT newly decorated. $250 All HAMPTON ROAD ..i WOO room upper, <;tove, refrlg. flat, garage, hreplace, car. forced aIr furnace, $52.'5per hvmg room dmlllg room, • Alde<;- Homemakers erator, no pets $200 petlng appliances, drap upper \ applIances, heat m. month With )!early lea<;e new kitchen carppllng -- 4 bedroom C010nllli 0992 after 4 pm cludea, $295 Call LaVon's References, secunty de. PrIes Devon<;hlre/East 881-8186 Can be ,een am I1me .1446 FamJl~ room I ec room VACATIONING') BlI~ln('<;., EXPF:HIENCED Nt'R~E'S POSIt I pay all utlhttes Warren $275 882.6010 Rental Service, 773-2035 Bedf ord 14,l00I') full> carpeled '3 car ga triP'" I II care for ~our chll ald0i aVllllahle Reasonahle 372-3545 TROMBLEY/Upper 3 bed rllge. 70 foot fenccd lot dren, lIght hou<;('keeplng GROSSE POINTE PARK. MACK OUTER DRIVE area, rooms. 2 bath rooms, hre WHY :\101' CO:'-lSIDf:R $72'i monthl~ plu<; ~ecUfl'l rdlp<; Frd<;er Agency State deluxe one bedroom carpet Referencp<; ')26-6464 IlcC'n,ed and honded 29'3 large fre<;hl) pamted one place, porch, 10 room<;. $600 Ho\VI~G "OUt ",,0 pet, Coill after 6 885 WINDMILL bedroom upper Heat and ed qUIet clean adult bUIld \717 POINTE DRIVE plus heat 822 4025 INVESTMENT ()()')'l FRAiIoK "IJanrl) man ~Cf\ Ice water Included Stove and 109 $245 $290 8344857 RETlHl':D IlANDYMA~ - TOWNHOUSE refrigerator 881.9583 PROPERTY GH \TlOT 7 Mile ar('a Wallpapermg p,unlmg ,lOr! CHALMERS Outer Dnve 5 ml<;c('lIan('OlI..,f('p,ll1, 7i I Minor repalr<; carpentry 3 BEDROOM, 2'h bath, $695 Immel\ e luxury Ida Available ~tartIng Ap. dlllll1g 100m set. chma cab. green, pll1k Loveseat $225 Outer Dn ve 371 30'13 chair and utllltle, sup- mess I Antlque~ al e Wac lent condItIOn, $135 527- phed, plus use of large furru,hed condo on AtlantiC nl, 884-4993after 5 30 P m met, buffel, table (1 leaf), 6 chaIr $125, emerald green Ocedn BIedthlland chaIr;" Mahogany. $900 881-2619 buy 3bedroom bungalow 10 Beautlfull~ fUI n I~hed new tres~e, and box spnng,) Harper Woods Major on near A A A pm his fame' Why, he'.'> got A Yellow spmdle bed, new, WANTED USED SchWInn buJldmg A.'>k for John three bedroom, three bath J P Coats, oak spool cab $525 $80 881-4990 appllances, pool, Ph baths, condommllun WIth fIre KIA\\AH ISLAND, South 5734578 bICycles, any model 886- Bllnk 8820087 met, a flow blue wash bowl no garage Call after 7 p m place, get, Duncan - - - 372-4849 GRO~SE POINTE - MaIn maJol ;,kI chma floor office ,ulte large re In, J\dIl.lble ....eekends. 200 yard.'>to Oledn and pool 9 Irons I 82 Comfortdbl\ dC IlOner, uphol~tered and purses regularly $400- $150 bedroom apartment6, deco parking $500 a monlh m ware, a Hebey compote et,~evl'I.11 equipment - furmture 8852000 GRANDFATHER MinImum one ....~k $650 oer GROSSE POINTE A\ 393967b eve $150 After 5 p m 371-1779 5400 dudmg <111 ullhtle, tennl.'> COUIh pool, ,auna, FOR RENT able Apnl 8855208 IOn of books dealmg WIth nmg'> AIr ConditIOned New lOP~lI1g ,lvallable Aplll l,t $500per various a'ipects of Afncan malhll1e week, $1,800 monthl) llllO Culture, some old HrIl1.'>h l' Ul{l'.! tUltl:.. (;Ul>lVllI~vr.. FIVE MINUTES from Grosse MARCO I~LAND - New 2 Fre~hl~ painted and deLorat 5090 Castles by J ohn~on Bro bed sofas, end tables, ORIENTAL RUGS Pomte - Clean, qUiet, com- bedroom, 2 balh Condo, ed avaIlable 3683, ....eekly or thers, 3 SwedIsh cr~stal lamps, solId maple table fortable, carpeted room for BEAUTIFUL BEAVER J::, Pleasant atmo,phere longer 96J 6309 or 886-1768 vases, a Waterford cr~ stal wllh 4 captallls chaIrs, WANTED employed mature gentle Off street parkmg land VdcdtlOn retreat .,tereo cabmet, fdmlly room man Call 885-3039before 7 Sand} beache.'>, gloflous DISNEY WORLD, Daytona ashtray, many decoratlve pICtures, and much, much chaIr and ottoman Satur pm 881-4147 .'>Un~et vIew;, of northern Be"ch area Luxuflou, 2 547-5000 more It's all at the Coloma I day only 10 to 4 pm 1178 DILLON BUILDING MIchIgan beckons ~ou to a bedroom condo from March WhittIer, Gro,~e POll1te ROOM AND BOARD m ex new'~ bedroom, 2 bath home Shop 25701 Jefferson near change for 20 hours of servo 26 882 1232 Park COLONIAL NORTH ....Ith .111 Ihe modern con 10 MIle Monday through Ice and companIOnship Ma vemence.'> For renlal 111 Saturday 11 to 6 772 0430 LARGE Counlt y dmmg room J & F FIREWOOD ture woman non-smoker de New ofhce bulldmg at 1[li'2 formatIOn please call 885 6F-SHARE LIVING Personal Check, Master table and 6 chau s, $600 SEASONED OAK and MAPLE sired 371-8132 Mde and Harper, 500-1,300 7393 after 5 p m QUARTERS Charge, and Visa are wel 8853502 $57 per face cord - - - - Tax & Delivery Included GROSSE POINTE FARMS- square feet AIr condltlOlI- corned, and don't forget we mg, carpet, Janitor. near ex- MARCO ISLAND Condo, DUNCAN PHYFE dmll1g QuantIty DIscount AvaIlable Atlrachve bed/slttmg room, FEMALE WANTED to share buy and appraIse too I pressway ImmedIate occu 2,200 square feet, decorator ------room sel - 6 chaIrs, table JOHN 757-4885 FRANK 882-6910 bath 885-0032 my home In Harper Woods ESTATE SALE 10460 Greens- dnd pads, buffet Good con pancy furmshed, 2 bedroom. 2 Con\enlent locatIOn 885 775-2373 778.0120 baths, prIvate Jacuzzt, boro, DetrOIt Dmmg room, dltlOn, $1,000 or best offer GROSSE POINTE PARK - 1278 bedroom, clocks, glas~ col 885 6379 artel 5 p m SpacIous room With home mICro wave, washer, dryer, BABY FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT color cable TV, ground floor PROFESSIONAL YOUNG Iectlbles, camera privileges 824-9266 ATTRACTIVE OFFICE - St RENEWED Cribs, Feedmg Table, Car Seats, Tul)s, WIth dlfect acces, to pool, female to share home III RALEIGH COMPETITION 10 HOUSEHOLD and Clalf Shores, $150, dll utIl- DressmgTables, Scales, Strollers, Bassmetts, Etc 6C-CFFICE ItIes 772-4380,886-7508 outside JacuZZI, Club house Grosse Pomte $250a month speed, perfect condItIOn ESTATE SALES With Sduna, boat dock, mcludes utlhtles 881 5967 885-2266or 886-2654 RECYCLED Selhng at % Retad Pnce FOR RENT avaIlable on and off season ------Conducted by UK" RELOYED Lamps, Toys. MobIles, Framed Needlework COLONIAL EAST BLAae '12S &JJJ hood 882 6512 or 343-9237 ------each Exhaust hood, $25 Appraisals Mack-Renaud PARK - Paneled offIces on KEY LARGO, Buttonwood Bay RESPECTABLE FEMALE 886-1353 IN YOUR HOME £lve.rm sUIte Mack Ave condo ExclUSive, well-fur- TO share 2 bedroom flat -~--- TAPPAN ElectriC range WIth Free offers, no obligahon HIGBIE MAXON, INC mshed 2 bedroom town Balfour $200 plus security double ovens, (Fabulous 100 Kercheval 8863400 house Tenrus, beach, pool, appraisals furnished 8825162 400) model, whIte, 40", ver) sE'Cond floor manna, securIty Call col. entIre estales also deSIred 14 x 14- newly decorated, Ideal good condItIOn, $180 881 ANTIQUE TRADER large rm - big wmdows lect, 305-661-7743 for manufacturer's repre. 6G-STORE LEASE 7621 JOHN KING 21805 VAN DYKE, WARREN.OPEN DAILY 10-5 Also see 12E, Coml Prop sentatlve, attorney, etc Llr CONDO - Beautlful 2 bed. SELIG OffwtUte Halt\an- cot .. ".", 756-7885 cated on Mack between 7-8 room on SIesta Key/Sara ST CLAIR Shores Lease ton love seat, $150, sofa, 961-0622 Please call for details Mile $145 BM-7300 sota AvaIlable April and part of bUlldlllg (30x:W), $250, like new 882-0967 May Monthly $1,600 778 ------Don't be fooled by Imita- VIrgInia S Jeffrle.'> GENERAL OFFiCE and med- paneled, carpeted Ideal 7287 for small boutIque or gilt BOX SPRING and mattress tors Over 17 years a Realtor 882-0899 Ical space for lease Num- sets by Serta off TWII1 shop 773 0836 ','2 profeSSIOnal, courteous erous, attractIve EastSIde HILTON H~AV New pro $145 Full, $185 Queen, $225 ST CLAIR SHORES locatIOns From 650 to 3,600 fes'ilOnally decorated 2- PRIME RETAIL space m Vd. New, 1,000 square feet offIce KlI1g, $325 All first qualIty servIce. sq rt SUItes Call bedroom plus loft Palmetta lage for lease. Approx 600 Dealer warehouse clear space, parking, $650 square feet, $600per month F"lIENDLY JOHN DEWALD Dunes \ IlIa Bicycles, walk ance 268-2854or 371-5400 to ocean, pool, golf, tennis 881-888810-5 30 tit\rtz~ PPuFESSIONAL G M BLVD AREA, 2,000 Household Sales HAYMAN CO. and shoppmg 886-9234 ~f:RVICE 12,000square feet WIth park- 569-5555 - - -- 6H-FOR RENT L. KATHERINE ARNOLD, ANTIQUES 109 For sale or lease ------SCHUSS MOUNTAIN Chalel, OR SALE SUSAN HARTZ ANDARY 886-5670 MACK AVENUE Sunny by week OJ weekend, fully HOUSEHOLD & ESTATE YOUR SPECIAL street level offIce. 300 eqUIpped SWlm/go!f/tenms POSSESSIONS 886-8982 square feet, aIr condItIon 3 BEDROOM Bungalow LIQUIDATiON SALES OPPOSITE Eastland SUIte 921-4030,LIz, 886 3377rughts ARE MY mg, $125 834-4857 Moross/Beaconsfleld area Grosse Pointe City for lease, Opal Plaza, 18301 Very clean Apnl 1st OCCU- INSURANCE APPRAISALS SPECIAL CONCl kN East 8 MIle Rd 777-4646 HARBOR SPRINGS ------50-VACATION pancy, $375 plus uhhtIe~ ANTIQUES -I BOUGHT AND SOLD BeautIful new 3 bedroom con. 882 1938 afler 5 EXECUTIVE OFFICE bUIld- RENTALS dommlUm, sleeps 10, fIve • PROFESSIONAL, BUT PERSONAL SERVICE 109 In Grosse POInte mll1ute~ to Boyne Highlands Woods WIth space to lease TRAVERSE CITY - Charm. and Knub., Knob Days, 886- 6J-HALLS • TRAINED PERSONNEL lI1g beachfront resort, East IndIVIdual offices and 6922 evemngs, 885-4142 FOR RENT sUItes avaIlable KItche- Bay $230-$330 weekly - --- 771-1170 Brochures call 616-938-1740 HALL FOR rent - DeSirable nette and common recep- - LOTS OF "SNOW" 10 Harbor • INITIAL CO~SULTATION-NO CHARGE dates available We later hon area Easy access to BOYNE HIGl-tLANDS Spr1l1gs GREAT SKIING, 1-94 DiscrImlnatmg pro- Boyne Htghlands/Nubs Nob I funeral lunlhes, large or WOOD TABLES feSSIOnals only Informa- Luxury 5 bedroom 3 bath BeautIful chalel WIth fire small 8859659 or 881-9645 tIOn, 886-4101 chalet over lookmg Boyne place, sleeps 6, fully eqUIP- - ~ - -- HIghland Forrent weeke'1d, ped, $190 823 5605or 823-4103 6K-STORAGE SPACE $10 BRAND NEW luxury offices weekly, or season Call 8-5 after 6 p m Household on Mack 10 Woods Includes pm Monday Fnday (616) STORAGE SPACE avallahle all utIlities, centraL air, lULTO"l HEAD l',land/South 526-2107a<;kfor Dick orTom 10 my home for your furm parking and phone, from Carohna N('w oceanfront, ture 372-52.16 $125 month 882-4662 MARCO ISLAND Condo, fulh IUIIlI~hed 1 or 2 bed Estate Sales YOUR CHOICE RiverSide on Marco RIver, room Villa Golf, lennl~, HOOVER/ll MIle - 1,000 sq 7-WANTED 30"w x 60"1 x19"h or 30"w x 60"1 x 30"h Top floor, 6 story bUlldmg, 2 pool $225 $325 per week CONDUCTED BY fl Imme warehouse spaLe m the gen- 562-1387 569-2929 PHONE 884 3990 Lookm~ to assoCl8te With il. MARCO ISLAND Aftt>r April ('ar!\ eral are Children room furniture and lam p.<;, r>, Collectibles • FIne Anllque Fllrnl' CONCOURSE EAST balh'i full~ eqUIpped kltch v.('leome Da~ week or ~ofa bed, kItchen table and ture en ....Ith dl'ihv.a~her fire- chalr~ porlable bar and RICHIE'S USED APPLIANCES BUILDING month Da\" B816402 eve PLE \SE CALL OR WRITE 20011 Kelly Rd place, TV, ~tef('O !I8'}-1211 mng'i B824,)93 I\vallable at 'itooh Magnauox slcreo, thl<;tlmc one condo, Ma~('h ml'iC 4270 I') r.hle near CLEARWATER BE'\CH - 2 OFFICE SPACE Rvan Country CI ub Es bedroom, 2 bath luxun 22ml thru Apnl 2nd DuMOUCHELLE'S AVAILABLE tate'i Condo on Gulf 661 1714 . CHALET;'., EAR Boyne Moun 409 E JCFFERSON COMPETITIVE RATES lam 'ie<']uded FOR 'ikung FINE BOOKS D!'"THOIT, 4B226 885-0111 5C-OFFICE ....('Ck or weekend, Phone 963-6255 FOR RENT color TV flfl'p]acc 778 4{l50 PURCHASED or ll84 ()4~1 Single \ olumc'i or entire hhraflc", CLEARWATER BEACH - 440 Wf''il (,ulf front lu xur)! Jn ) our home or al our HOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATION 2 h('droom 2 hath ('ondo office SALES COMPANY pool tll',I('h walklOg dl" hI !',dltlon, 'ilgncd edl 1,111('(' t IOn., \1lchlgan DelrOit. to .,hop, non re'itau ,\\, \[LAB! E FOH APPH \I~AU., r,ml<; Wl4104 C\\ll ""ar HI,>tory lI1u~ A;'.,D E..,TATE ~ALr:S Irilt('n book<; Fme leather I1ILTO\ HFAD - ~ea PlOe~ binding., pflvilte pre<;'i Golf Tf'nnl., Villa rom !x holarh goon hook'i 111 Our "lho!, I" lo( atef! at plete]~ fUrOl'ihed Sleep, nn) ,trl';l ISllS Ch,lIIC\OIX 4 h M,trrh 2'; April 1 72'5 (~ro""(' POlntl' 1'<11 k 1\.117 (Jua\lfll d :\prral~dl<; Prompt rrmo\ ill )fOIlf., TUf'.,da\ ;Jon Thur'id'ihour., 10 art ange for 1''2 onth ('olldo For ,a Ie or A BOOKERY IH'IRII "1'('('lal ,Ippomtmrnt'i rl'nl ""Ith o/)IIOn Fil rm"hcd o IIf I{l'puta tlOn We now have a complete Service Center All parts !'f)R RENT wquare feel 80 feel of ~la"" .,ho\H',I.,C Mca \1.IY ( II \HI.r ..~ r.I 1l\GJ<:;-.I~MITII 16626E WARREN hl'(jroom 2 hnlh ()('('anfront nr ~a ve'> 45'/, and ilcce<;.<,OrJ('., Rd) lI827143 881-9434 641 8.167 Page Seven-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 3, 1983 11-eARS 9--ARTICLES 10B-TRUCKS 8-ARTlCLES 8-ARTICLES oS-ANTIQUES FOR SALE B-ARTICLES 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE WANTED FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE 1982LN7 Mercury, white, blue ~AsTS1DE: book~eller de!>lres GENERAL EJettnc he $225, mahogany drop leaf -- - - - Cash paid and Immediate FIREWOOD DEN, LIVING ROOM tUintable, 2 ~peaker" like dmlllg room table and 6 dm- 1976 CADILLAC Coupe de dltlOn, 4 cyhnder, 35 to 40 AND DINING ROOMS, DENLEY'S removal Ville _ excellent condItion mpg, new pamt, tires, and FREE new $125 3439117 mg loom chaIr." $400, Will , brake;, $2,000 881 0263after All early Amencan le~s than 5 ANTIQUES GRUB STREET DEILVERY SEMI AntIque 3 p!C<-eoak bed ~cparJle) Anl1que marble low mIleage $2,900 881- 4 P m years old ThomaSVille, Furniture, clocks, Decoys, A BOOKERY 8507 $50 A CORD roomsetwlthdry~lIlk $1200 table lamps, $175 pall' 1977 BurCK LaSabre custom, Ethan Allen, BroyhIll 882 3289 573 4578 toy~, and pflmllives 27112 17194East Warren, 521-5050 Many power toob, cash Harper, between to and 11, near Cadieux VOLARE 1977-2door,6 cyl- 2 door, blue, tilt wheel, WOr-. TAPPAN MIcrowave, mder, automatIc. power stereo, all', askll1g price BICYCLE- ~ Colu-m-bHl grrlts only I Saturday J March 5th 9 5 Monday through Satur- DetrOit, Michigan KITCHE:'-l ~ET formltJ IJl,111<1 new 111 box, $270 or steeflnglpower brakes, $3,495 881-7621 24" 3 speed Works excel- 10 30 a m 461 Colonial thiOIlW, Ielb'e I (!l,1II" $50 be~t offer Cold Spot refrlg day 77'1.9385 882-7143 AM,FM ca~!>ette ~tereo, tow -- lent, $50 884.2507 Court, Grosse POlllte 8843371 ereltor \\11thbottom freezer, WE BD Y MID SELL ~------. package, clean $1,650 885 DODGE CHARGER, 1973, 2 ------0-- LA-RGE--rec-lIners With Farms 6 Blocks north of MOVIM, SALE -16 cublt (,I'; In u,e until 5aturday, $50 7227 after 6 p m door, V-8, automatiC, low TW Moross East off Mack FURN'ITURE reflnJ~hed, re- CASH FOR mileage Come~ WIth Royal upllght fauer, Auo~onK 884-4396 pop-up SIde tables Frames -- -- -HARTZ paired stnpped. any type of KIDS CLOTHES 1978 DELTA 88 Royale - Sound AMIFM cassette m good shape Need some VIcino, "ulld OJh \ oung I)()y" mCYCLES _ Boy ~ 27 IIlch, camng Free estlmate~ EXCELLENT CONDITION power sleermg, power stereo With 2 magnum tclptcllll bC'l1clnd mOL,' ell! II) "peed :lobO Glrl'~ 20 Inch, upholstery work $50 or HOUSEHOLD SALE 4748953 VERY CLEAN, BETIER brake, automatiC, all' speakers $850 822 5347 _ Item~ m e>.CpHent(OIlc!lllOll (Ocl,,[PI bl ake, $20 882-5211 best offer 343-9237 10814McKINNEY, DETROIT condItIOnIng AMiFM NICE 1980 Monza, power Evenmg" \\ll'kend, L'l4 ANTIQUE CLOCK repair BRANDS, INFANT THRU 14 CARS $1001 TRUCKS $75' West of Edsel Ford expres~- 414') 77b 0175 I MOVIl\G SALE - Every- AntIque pocket watch re- Brmg m Monday, Tue~day stereo, good condItIOn, low steer mg. power brakes, Available at local gov't sales way between Morang & fhIng mu~t go Saturd ay, or Thursday, W-4 p m mileage, 1 o\\ner, $3.800 AM,FM ~tereo, new tires Call (refundable) 1-(312} Whither March 4 5. Friday paIr SpeclalIzmg 10 house KI1 CHEN 1 '\BLE FOIll\ll,l I M"t th 5. 104 J51 Mo~elJe calls (35 years exper- ON HANGf~RS PLEASE 371 1750 after 6 30 26,000 miles 372-4772 Rick 931-5337 Ext 1852B for your & Saturday 10 a m 4 p m top 5 (halr, \ery Il'""ona Place 1981 OLDSMOBILE 98 Re before 8 p m Must ~ell (hl'ectorv on how to pur- Ience) 884-9246 LEE'S RESALE hi,. RH'i 7417 J. i~I:1~1I~Il~TY SCOTS - ';",uC}, 1:,200 :nl~es, !o3de0 l~uB (.ADILLAC Sc-d:l-r., chase 24 hrs ThIS whole house ~ale Ie, 2.UJJl Mdl.K 00' ::032 ---- - 2 CUS10M UPHOLSTEHFD SPRING SPECIAL UNIVERSAL MALL $9,500 8855025 ($1,400 brand new body KENMORE refngerator - brimming With u~eful ANTIQUE SHOW ANTIQUE OR COLLECT- goodies priced to ~ell matchmg ro"e pmk \ellet for the month of VW SUPER BEETLE, 1974, parts ) 70'~ restored Must lIh years old, excellent con- lIvlllg roolll thclll' ~Loo pall MARCH AND SALE IBLE DOLLS SUCH AS rear de fogger, new brakes, sell $700 8867394 after 4 dItion, $450 Call after 6 p m qUIckly We are featurmg a Dequmdre and 12 Mile Rd MADAME ALEXANDER, pretty walnut dmwg ,et, a dfler 4, 8114 56')6 Kilthen Cupboard Doors new muffler, very nice, pm _ 8829380 Sunday, March 6th thru BARBIE, Erc lovely wrought Iron table RIDING MOWEH ,mJIl Stnppmg Only Sunday, March 13th Free mu!>t be seen 8244648 1975 FORD LTD, excellent COMP-LETEBEDROOM set, and 5 chaIrs and a sofa and ....on.t ~tart, $75 llll49(lJ4 PAINTED $8 $10 757-5568 OLDSREGENCY98-2door, condition, highway mlle- VARNISHED $5 $7 ad_~lss~on, Fre: ~~~~g_ ------liVing room set, mlscella. end table There I~ an an------1975,loaded, very clean, A 1 age, $1.200 445-0595 or 839- neous other furl1lture, MOVING SALE, fUImllll e Frlendl} Profe~'ilOnal J. C. WYNO'S OLD FURNITURE hque round oak table WIth nell Me\ "1'''' Sno\\ 1'10\\ pll Quality ServIce condition, $2,195 885-4929 7609 -- drapes and lamp, some claw feet, a 1930 oak dmmg ANTIQUE AND LAMPS AND ORIENTAL - - - - 1977 COUGAR XR-7, 49,000 baby thmgs Call for more IUI e~, TV, \ JlUUm l1L"nel SUNSHINE 1977 T BIRD, full power, ex- nules, I owner, mmt condl- table and 4 chaIrs, bedroom wlckel ch(ur, stel eo old ~TRIPPING CO COLLECTIBE SHOW RUGS informallon 882-0521 furmture, a formlca kItchen EASTSIDE, MARCH cellent shape, white 884 hon, new brakes, tires, II unk, lampe" kltthen '>el 113')7E 8 Mile Rd BOUGHT 2 JENSEN 3-way sp;akers, set and much more 6TH 1096 exhaust and battery $3,200 couch, bedroom "et e1nd 757-1766 MAHOGANY - WALNUT - $200 or best offer 372-4058 The kttchen IS full of ~mall ROMAHALL 1982 PONTIAC Flreblrd, fuel fIrm After 6 p m all day LOTS, LOTS MORE ell! - - CHERRYWOOD Items There are bed and Nowlill March 37 9 to 5 SOI"A, pokel/bumper pool ta 24845 GratIOt at 10 Mile IIlJected, 4 cylmder, auto- Saturday and Sunday 779- FRENCH PROVINCIAL light East DetrOIt mahogany bedroom SUIte bath lmens, loads of men'.,. 521 3481 ble, RCA VIctor phono FOR CASH matlc, sun-roof, full power, 1984 gl aph, lamp!>, assorted Hours 9-4 by Davis Cabinet. Twm women's and chlldlen's 573-4578 9,500 mIles, $10,000 642¥ MUSTANG 1981, 6 cyIinde~ clothes, workbench, tools, TRADITIONAL IIVlIlg loom household articles, Satur- Free admiSSIOn 8721 33 leader, power steermg, beds complete, 9 drawer J C Wyno's assorted yard tables and set couch, wmg chmr, 2 tub day Sunday 10-5, 23329 CASH FOR oflgmal 011 pamt- C-ADILLAC Coupe deVIlle, power brakes, all', rear dresser with mirror, tall 772-2253 chairS, a hand lawn mower, chall s, 2 tables, exl'l Clse Elame, St Clair Shores mgs, Amencan, European, Elegante, 1 owner car, wmdow defrost, automatic chest, 6 drawers, mght ta- bike $50, boots, table and 77939.39 ble, appraised $4,250, sell- stove and refrigerator etc 18th, 19th Century, ofhers beauty, only for the fussy transmISSIon, low mIleage ANNOUNCING SPRING Sales confIdential Art Inc. mg price $2,500 882-0337 We also have a very mterest chair $40 <-all afLcl J p m l-tl0VING SALE -lO:sp-eed buyer $4,500 881-1912 779 0213 iog and unusual collectIOn of B86 9708 SOUTHFIELD VA 1-9429 9,000 BTU AlrCondltU)ner\ bIke. quality clothes, books, ------1981GRANADAG L~ 4 door .JzOOO-1982"-4-door Jade, -air, small dolls and fIgures from SMALL OFFICE refngel ator lawn mower, exterIOr pamt, PAVILION JOHN KING IS stlll buymg $75 76" custom couch, like around the world air, crUise, stereo, light most opttons $6,400 371- _ excellenl condItIOn $75 10 d m 5 p m 929 Pember- ANTIQUES good books for cash Why new, $175 886-2059 I'll hand outnumbered hcket~ grey/dark grey, $5,900 884- 7622 J72 2500 ton, Gros~e Pomte Park sell to someone else for 19" GE-:-COU)R TV, excel- at 8 a m Friday to each per ------EXPOSITION 1652 CITATf6N 1981 = exceTIent lesli? 961-0622 ' _ ------condItion, 4 door, 2 tone lent condition, $100 892- son In Ime at the door al that LARGE m~ulated dog house;, REPUBLIC AIRLINES fre- _ $50, each 331-0986 quent flj er certificates One MARCH 4, 5,6 COUPE deVILLE, extra brown, many extras, $6,700 8499 after 5 pm hme SHOTGUNS and nIles want- clean, low mIleage, mmt 259-4973 MOVl-NG SALE 5500 BiShop free round trIp, 2-500/0 off Southfield CIVICCenter COFFEE AND SOFA Lane 26000 Evergreen Road ed - Parker, Fox, SmIth, conditIOn, many extras, 1977 eA-DJLLAC Eldorado, We haven't had a sale w De- Saturday March 5, 10 a m Best offer 886 3826 WlOchester and others Parsons tables, like new (between 10 & 11 MIle Road) _$~,_~_88~~ loaded. power moon roof, 779-4065 troit for a wtule I'm hopmg books, dlshe~ Imens, mlScel- BEDROOllC SET, 3 -PIece Private collector 478-5315, that all of you, my loyal cus- laneous household Items cind Thoma!>vllle, Queen Size, Lecture on Saturday at 4 p m 1982 PONTIAC Trans Am, alarm, new tIres, $3,950 RECORDS SCHWINN Tandem bIke, very tomers, WIll fwd your way "Amencan IndIan Art" T-tops, loaded, warranty 9776754 clothmg rldrk walnut, top quality CAR CI'IY CLASSICS pays top good condItion, $125 881- to McKmney thiS week See James Rutkowski _885-~~ rust, 3922 GOLD C/\RPETING excellent mattress llll6 ~07 _ _ __ Excellent Food dollar for qua1Jty LP's (331/3 you then! RPM) All types of mUSIC, 1974 FIAT - 2 door, convert- excellent mtenor, low "MOVING SALE" - Hide-a- SALES CONDUCTED BY condItIOn 60'!, wool Z7 ,>quare BAGELS I Free Parkmg Ible. body fall', runs good miles $1,000 821-9734 after vards $.100 llll23289 Dellvt led fl esh evel ~ Sunday 12-9Dally 12-6 Sunday any quantity libraries ap- bed, $75, organ $200, pool SUSAN HARTZ $500 527-9479 after 5 5 table $75 beds, clothmg, PUCH MOPEDS, brand new 2\ (In the Grosse AdmiSSIOn $2 50 With thiS ad prlllsed at your home 21918 Harper (between 8 and 9 1982LYNX -=--L"[ low mii; 1982 FIREBIRDSE, V6, mIscellaneous Saturdl\y 886--8982 1I1 good for all 3 days stili boxes 4 to choose Pomte area) MIle), St Clair Shores age, all', crUIse, cassette, black, rust proof, warranty, and Sunday, 9-5, 1305 Wtut- from $300 $450.$550, motor- $J dozen, $2 - '/2 dozen M&M ENTERPRISES tIer 885-8726. BLUEPRINTS 10-5:30, MondllY through 4 speed, $5,650 885-3732 mmt conditIOn, many ex- INSTANT COPIES cycle type $700, evenmgs Call DaVid 469-1706 Saturday; FrIdays open till 8 \\eekends,294-4145 776-{)175 "The Bagel Man" 1976COUGAR XR7 _ loaded tras, $9,500 or best 777-3551 FURNITURE Wholesale Dis- SCRATCH PADS - 65~ LB 885 7839 after 4 p m pm 775-4770 48,000 mIles, $2,000 or best' i968 CHEVY Impala, depend- tnbutors of MichIgan, AAA WEDDING INVITATIONS -- WAREHOUSE SALE 881 7686 able transportatIon, $150 or factory direct to you! Sel- PHOTOTYFESETIING "ALMOST NEW" APPAREL STA~IP And Com appraisals 25% OFF everythmg in our 5th CASH FOR BOOKS lmg all new merchandise in KEYllNING acceS~0I1es, fill'S and an for e.,tates, banks, private floor ....arehouse' Need Whole librarIes or smgle vol- 1980 MARK VI -=- fully loaded best offer 839-2963 -- ongmal cartons. 2 pIece PHOTOSTATS, NEGS tlques at a fractIOn of the collectlOn" Call John Sten- space for new shIpment! umes purchased Pick-ups computer dash, CB, 27.000 1976ELDORADO convertible, mattress sets, twm $59, full 100RESUMES orlgmal co~t del 881 3051 on larger loads miles, $9,500 881-8692 red metalliC, whIte tip, We Buy Furs white leather mterlOr, full $79, queen $99, sofa sleepers ONE PAGE CAMERA- THE LIBRARY CO Con~lgnment~ Welcome SCHWANKOUSKY'S COUPE (feVILLE, 1974, ex- power, mmt conditIOn, $119, bunk beds complete READY - $10 BA-MUSICAL 16129Mack at Bedford $88 7 piece hvmg rooms ' 'STATIONARY INSTRUMENTS ANTIQUES cellent condItIOn, regular 48,400 mIles, $6,300 negotI- LEE'S 881-5800 gas, full power, blue!white able 646-0151 $239, decorative lamps from CLUB BOOKLETS lllll8082 Affordable European fur- 20331 Mach Closed Sunday & Monday top, FM, aIr, chmate con- FORD COUNTRY SQUIRE $14 88, 5 piece wood dinettes RUBBER STAMPS MUSIC [WOKS - Methods, nishll1gs III the Elegant $159, $800 pits now $375 DOLL APPRAISALS House of FabriCS, Bldg 1500 WANTED. WICKER or rattan trol, best offer, white wagon, 1974, many new Open to the pubhc, dealers OPEN MONDAY THRU sheets Teacher dIscounts, leather 884-1037 SATURDAY 9-5 P M ANTIQUES OR reCItal room available Woodward at John R, Sec- chaISe lounge. Reasonable _____ parts Includm~ transmls- and institutional sales wel- POINTE PRINTING COLLECTIBLES J L S GratIOt north of 9 ond Floor, Mon -Sat, 11-5 882-2299 COUGAR 1981 XR7, power SlOn, and radiator, runs come Name brands, Serta, SUSAN'S DOLL Ml'SEI M Call about Free Parkmg steerlllg, power brakes, good 372-5285 etc 9451 Buffalo, Ham. 15201KERCHEVAL CLARINETS andFlutes - 757 '5568 961-2656 16 INCH boy's bike, prefera- rear defogger, AM/FM 1981 MALIBU ClaSSIC - per- tramck (l block north of at Lakepomte from $8995 Altos from $299 ------Jerry ~uck ~tudlOs 775-,!!-~ bly a Schwmn, good condi- stereo, llIr, 17,000miles, like fect l'ondition, very low Holbrook, 1 block east of Grosse Pomte Park 822-7100 FIREWOOD, NORTHERN ANN ARBOR WINTER tIOn 882-3220 new, $6.800 After 7 p.m mileage, AM/FM stereo, llIr Conant) 875-7166Telegraph ------ANTIQUES MARKET MIChlgclll ,easoned hdrd ORGAN - Hammond Aurora weekdays. anytlme week- condltloned, much more (2 blocks south of 6 Mile) ESTATE SALE - 5222Marse- wood bIrch maple ash and Will be held ENGLISH PRAM ...:.heIrloom 532.4060 Monday through Illes, Saturday - Sunday 10 8200, 5 \ ears old. excellent style Call 886-3100 or 886- ~~~~~ $6,250 527-0515 oak Deh\ered 293-3'l49 condItion S2,000 885 4597 Sunday, March 6, 8 am . 4 pm Saturday, 10-8, Sunday, - 4 Furruture many other at 2459, leave name and num 1975PONTIAC Grand Safari, 1981 RIVIERA - 18,000miles, - after 6 p m 12-5 14480GratIot (2 blocks mlsc items Clothlllg, \\0- I' LE <\ MARKET The Sheraton Umverslty Inn ber 8 passenger, 63,000 miles, excellent condition, loaded, THE north of7MIle Rd ) 521-3500. man's Size 14 EVERY TUESDAY MIl5wEST ---- Take 1-94, EXIt 177 WANTEDmen' sluggage, good transportation, $1,350 rust-prOOf $9,995/offer 881- Monday through Saturday, BEDROOMSET,3plecessolld ALCOMOS CASTLE Fmest CollectIOn of reslored AdmiSSIon $1 AmerIcan TourIster, or After 6 p m 881-6959. 7224 10-8. 10909 Grand RIver wood ornately carved, 85 l'iINE MILE BETWEEN antique archItectural com Samsomte, 2 or 3 SUiter, ex- ponents and fixtures aVall- OLDE ATIIC ANTIQUES - 1977 TOYOTA STATION Wa- 19111ESCORTGL~peed, all', (corner of Oakman) 934- _~ears o~~ 839~139 37~ 0599 MACK AND HARPER cellent condItion 882-7992 7730591 dble Three floors of quality large mventory of furruture, gon, 4 cylmder, automatIc, stereo, crUIse, extras, 6900 Monday through Sat- antique bUlldmg matenals, AMiFM, air, runs like O.J 886~~1 _ urday, 10-7 Credit cards MEITO CHINAWARE 87 trunks, paper, hardware, PRIVATE Collector would like y,5OO GIRL'S BIKE, 24 Inch, 3 "pec13hzlng III stained, Simpson looks hke PhylliS 1982J2000 LE, navy blue, air, and checks accepted De- pIece settmg plus servmg glass, lots of oak 1607 Mlht- to buy U S. stamps, U S llveryavallable. pieces, blender, excerlSE' .,peed. Tdn like new $75 or leaded, beveled and Jeweled ary Street at Gnswold, Port Diller, $1,350 885-8295 power steenng/brakes, be.,t offer 2 used 20 Illch glass wllldows and doors coms, and baseball cards ______bike reasonable 772-t417 Huron 984-1264 Monday I 775-4757 1975-ZEPHYR WAGON crUise, AM{FM cassette, girl.,' bike." $25each After 6 Fulh Iestored condllton or through Saturday 10-5 Sun- Woodgrain, 6 cylmder, air, rustproofll1g, $7,100 886- WINTER CLOSEOUTILlKE'NEW Whirlpool Su- bUilt to speCIfications pm 8851646 day 125 1(}.6()%off on fme used furru- preme top load dISh....asher - -- r..latenals UnlImited, 2West 10A-MOTORCYCLES power steermg/brakes, au- ~~8~_0!:. 556~~ _ ture, antlques, collecbbles, $125 Call Leon B851488 QUEEN SIZE mattre~s - tlhchrgan Ave, YpSIlanti 8C-oFFICE FOR SALE tomatlc, AMiFM 885-2000, 1979 CHEVROLET Malibu art objects, paintings ------SImmons Sleep Kmg brand Thursday through Sunday, evenmgs 884-0744 Landau, 26,000 miles, V-6, Drexel 8 pIece dlmng set $295 RESALE SHOP Just opened- ne\\ S8.'> 8829806 EQUIPMENT 10 a m 5 p m Monday 1975 CORDOBA, excellent all', rear defogger, AMiFM 20's 5 pIece dmmg set $495 many reasonable nems. throu gh Wedne.,day by 1976 KAWASAKI 175 Enduro Sabre-leg sofa $385 Vlcto- household, c10thmg new and VINYL RECLINER black, - very good conditIon, runs condItIOn, low mileage, all radIO, all power, $3,850 Ex- appOintment or ('hance 5 DRA WER hie cabmet, desk nan settee $289 Mahoganv used shoes Bndal m\llta $35 8853647 excellent, new helmet In- options, full power, $2,000 cellent condItion, rust- 4836980 and credenza 777-4646 eluded, $295 Call 881-3956 881-0263 after 2 p m proofed 526-2524 desk $79 Queen Anne 7- bons 571-4313 BEDROOM SET. French Pro - 1 DRUM SET 4 piece. cymbals, after 6 pm i9ll0MERCURY-ZEPH-YR 4 CAMARO LT- -A'MIFM ~~~: dmlllg set $950 Much COMPUTER TIMEX expan vlIlclal, Bo} s clothmg 8 2, ~ARTICLES ------1m slOn umt, cartndgE'<; $100 boy'~ shoe., (new) 88.') 6730 $.100 Bon 88S 9215 1979 HONDA CX500, shaft door, 4 speed, air, power stereo, all', power wll1dows, WANTED steering/brakes, crUIse, locks. rally wheels, $2,000 ANTIQUE TRADER 882-5541 FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC 7]0 LESLIE speaker, dnve, water cooled, full 21805 Van Dyke slereo, deluxe intenor!ex- 821-9589 ETHANALLEN solid wood Range - 30 excellent con mal!oga'1y Call after 6 p rn WANTED USED bed, with f1armg adJustablp back (~If., Mile Road) kmg sIze bookcase head a.q2--1667 tenor. new tIres, fully 1982 MERCURY LN7 - all', dl tIOn $75 885 007'1 mattress and spnngs. 675- rest, crash bars, rack, rustproofed when new Ex DAILY 10-5 756-7885 board and frame. tradItional 3985 more, excellent condition, 20CCASSIO,\; \Lchalr" J <;ofa YES \OU <-an plcly the organ cellent one owner car AMjFM stereo, Interval --FOR THE-CREATIVE - styhng, $175 Three ___ $1,800 343-9015 Bob $3,995 884-1061 Wipers, rear wmdow defog- table mu"l sri! e,cell"nt $.'1'! Cl5lmonthlessons, rental DeSign and make your own cushIOned contemporar) VINTAGE CLOTHING ------______gel', low mileage, must sell condItIOn 885-{)287 dehver Jerry Luck StudlOs "Patchwork" rug, usmgdlS- style couch, blue grO project $2<; 541-6116 - -- - see, $300 or be~t offer 885- PIANO, Sheraton chma c"b Flrcp],l('c ~cru'n andIron, FUEL OIL 3291 after 5 30 P m 21006 Mack met, buffet, dres'i forms, 1976 LEM-ANS --2 door:- alr- - 881 1911 and tool<. hngnl breiS" fllllSh PIANOS WANTED WILL purchase and pump - - - - power wllldows and door 1979MALIBU ClaSSIC StatIOn recliner, sewll1~ machinE', $~') '1M 'f>8'1 lock, AM-FM, automatiC, Wagon, loaded, excellent Hurr) I Supply limited (cabinets), chair'> lamp<; (, H \ '" [)" '-,Vll1eh Consoles from your tank 1981SACH MOPED SeVIlle. I 1 h 882-9420 black and grey, 1,200 mIles, clean, $1,900,881-3245 condition, $3,500 771-1816 SESSIONS BanjO Clock - ex- chma, many mlsc IIE'm, DlNf ...... G hOO\1 ~ET - 1i adl .nO "m", l'n~ h _ _ __ _ mmt condItIOn Asktng $500 cellent conditIOn, $75 372- Sunday. March 6 I') pm tlOnal lahlc pad fi chall" TOP PHI( ES PAID - 1968BUICK ELECTRA Ex- 1978 BUICK Estate \Vagon, ,h1l1J ('2rl1nel $1200 bi2 cellent condItion, $1,200 or fully eqUIpped, like new, 2500 20632 Lennon VF 7-0506 'rOP $$ PAID for color TV's 773-6656 - - - - I 1128 _ _ ~edln~-~~pa~~~4-9380- 10B-TRUCKS offer 1973 Gremlm $850 $3.800 or offer 886-3252, MOVI7IlG SALE Stove, area 1 881-2619 8225778 rug", furmture, toys, air WEEKEND SALE 1 Ll\I,(, HO!)'l rllm:'~ rex-,m 111" 19J , Im:rOUNT Drum<;, FOR SALE condItIOner, snow blower, 20 AT kitchen furnlturp and ml, hLJI' II .... ,n'J1~ - ,Ill m<;tru BOOKS 1981 CHEVETTE 4 door, 4 BUICK LeSabre 1975,loaded, yrs accumulatIOn March 5 MAGNIFICENT ('p]l.meoll" ?2fJOH Cilrollnd m,11< 88.1.1Vdn Dyke ll21- PURCHASED JEEP, 1980, CJ5, excellent speed, air conditIOned rear runs !!:reat. $f 100 886-6202 and 6 9 a m 5 p m 4701 POSSESSIONS Sl (lair ::,l!rJ!t'''' 4{i 14 1 i P m conditIOn, $.'),000 882-8195 defros tel', cloth entenor CourVIlle, DetrOIt Mahogany secretar} l.Jm ,gc :'WVI'\iG VTlTORI,\ .... lJect dOLI ". "I Roth _ Sell }'our fllle books \\ ltr 197'l FORD Pickup - With stereo low miles best offer CARS "ell for $11895 (a\'er- I 822-4049 MOVING SALE, 3808 Cad- chma, Onental rug... cry" \lso Jeeps, Pick- Ieux, chll1a cabll1et, tal, fur." several mahog,ll1v chalf hutc h bfclSS blrd ;,44 grlty and experience automatiC, 40.000 miles, 1~9 ASPEN WAGON aIr, hIt, ups A\lilllahle at local GRlJB STREET - A good condltlon 882 2597 couch tahles, kitchen set, table<; WIth leathrr lnsrrl', tage ""lck(,1 -Ofd ,lt1dch,m deluxe mterlor New tires Gov't Auctlons For DI- BOOKERY dressers, \I acuum, lamps, and 2 dmmg room sets (one f('rn "lfllld oak tablC' ,Hld CO,,"," lIlf>:A 1 HI. organ 650, $3,395 773-8545 rectory call 805-6876000, French PrOVinCIal on(' ('half- hall !«blt'" ,me! mlr itn',qup \\l1llp l'xcellent 17194E Warren near 1979 4x4 DODGE pIckup 315 mlsc Saturday 11-5 1975FORDLTD-2door, all', ext 1626 Call refundable EnglISh mahogany) f(Jr< (h ..."l, of dra\' ..., <; lOl-,hllOn 771 372.1 Cadieux V-8, custom mteflor, auto- TWO 20 Inch gIrls' bikes VIsta matlc, 24,000 miles, no rust, AMWM stereo, loaded. 21823VAN DYKE AT Rl"2 14 DetrOIt 48224 Ross Coasler brakes. $37 50 Rn ~ $1,400lh('<;t 884 0131 Il \ 'v1 \10:\ D (,hufrh Sl7l' or R827143 stereo. must sell $4.300 each or both $65 3430164 MILE RD , IN WARREN A"II \! \1'1.1' dnd 0 ,)., '\'d ~~n filII pN!ills, like new, 8221777 See 758.4247 AUDI ')OO()S DlESl':L 1'lll0 9 PIECE dmmg room set n Anne bIrch. oak maplf' $40 643 DRUMMY BI'~DROO\l "F: I - ~Irl, \\.11111' bedroom chest. dre'iser 7235 or 549 2244 Tr ov t<)8() CIT ATION 37,000 mlle<;, conlpmpor dr~ from For C'''l KENNARY KAGE WIth mirror (cu~tom glass I"lrewood ('ompan~ 4 door hat('hhack, 4 cyhn Furnlturf' lnr ') pH'CC' III ANTIQUES BOOKS/USED AND RARE dt'r dolh lnfl'f\or, rlOar de OLDS tops) mmt condition, $55() cllJde~ dp"k chc "I of lp I1idtchll1g he,Hi 1975 MALIBU Clas<;lc - 5734578 Between Rldgemond ilnd '-,Itllrdd\ 'lam 4pm JOHN KING Pow{'r stN'rln~Ihrake<;. air For that personal touch on . Armada 784 5102 Opcn ,md fool "";1I rl mght ,Iand F.xcpllenl condilion $.100or \\ I HI 'I AND ~ELL 961-0622 condltlomng, AM IFM. tilt new or used cars DINING room, 6 pIece fnllt- Friday, Saturday Sunday. ( dll \1\ .It b Warr{'n wheel, rear defogger 12 to 5 Lamp<;. furmlure Iw~t olfer \flN 7 I) m ,)'ll • Clip lInd Save thiS ad • wood, $600, also sofabed HR24396 $1,250 5738717. after 6 n2-2200 791.a824 and mise :1475

\ Thursday, March 3. 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Elght-C = 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL. ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE l1-cARS 12D-LAKE AND FOR SALE FOR SAL.E 11-eARS 11-eARS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE RIVER PROPERTY BUDGET PRICED two bed. GROSSE POINTE Farms' 3 OPEN SUNDAY 2t05,Gro,,;e bedroom, family room, EXECUTIVES 1981 CadLllac 2 FLATS room co op apartment on 1978 CUTLASS Brougham - 1976 WHITE PINTO lov. GROSSE POINTE POinte - CRANFORD large kitchen With break. Coupe De Ville - loaded ENJOY PAHK PRIVILEGES qUiet street near Cadieux excellentcondllJOn, AMIFM mIleage, good engllle one LAKE LOT TERRACE 16820 Crdllford, fast nook, 2 full baths With optwn'> Excellent con and Mack, low down pay. stereo, loaded burgundy ov. ner $1,250 885-4611 86 8X200 775 7268 5 bedroom Tov. nhou;e, ga!> 1430 J2 ~omcr"el L<.Irge 6/6 $79,500 881 5241-agent dillOn v.hlte WIth cabnolet hllck, "epemenl 1979 MUSTANG ::,teer roof, burgundv lIItenor ndCl'> 2. I , automa New Cal hd; been ordered, BY OWNER, Well.mam- GROSSE POINTE WOODS Large Canal lot, WIth sea term; MI(hlg<.ln Renlty Co decor<.lll'd A'>'>umable 1974 CAPRICE Cla";IC - tic ,jIf, rear defog no ru,;t, must "ell $8,900, OJ best of. large 10''< Intel e"t Land talned 3 bedroom brick 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. cloth mtenor, air, power new brakes $3,100 331 5762 fer Aftel 3 pm, 881-4923 w<.lll Melro Beach area 296 7602 LIVlllg room WIth fIre. After 8 p m 756-9758 Cantrall 19 VPdl" left ranch near Cottage Hospl wmdov.;, lock", run'> aftel 6 pm 19BO MUSTANG HATCH ASSUME Land Controlct at 1312 12'f~ Maryiand 610 ;epa tal Modermzed kitchen, place Good Size famJiy. excellent $875 881 6751 BACK 6 C) IJnder, 4 !.peed 811'~ 'j. IlIlh $32,500 dOI\ n I ,1te fUrJll1ce'>, 3 Cal gar<.lgc, central air, full ba;ement, room With Anderson wm 1972 PONTIAC - full power, BOAT, WATER LOVERS Al MUSTANG, 4 ;peed 3 good conditIOn $650 3'31 CIl..lnudl, AM !,'M very good payment on 3 bedroom eu" IO\H'r \ ,Ic"nl, III mce condl fenced lot, $74,900,8862020 dows $79,900 I have numelous beautiful tom brick lullch A~kl/lg ll86-6686 door, 4 cylmder 15,000 1290 a(t<'1 4 p m (OndltlOn low mIle; $4 650 tlon Ov. roll'> .tnxlOu!> "top ST CLAIR SHORES - 4 bed mIles, e>.(ellent conditIOn 8ll,) 5437 Canal and Lakefront home" $87 ,500 r'or delall,; t<.lll :l48 h) 1980 CHEVY IMPALA ,llf m prime area; and varlOu,> 9278 aftel 6 p m In Wood'> room Colomal near lake 343-0854 $4 900 1980 ~PIHIT 17,000 ml1e, au NEW HOME V6 I Cdr defogger ru,,' pI () price range'> Also de"lr CALL 886-1190 Immaculate 8%% poSSible 1973 PLYMOUTH Du'>ter, 6 fed, JU"l reduced $3 900 tomdtlc full~ loaded, de INCOME PHOPEH'1 '\ $113,900 1011:!/Je{ferson JIM CLARK, BUILDER luxe model, Zleb<.lrted Cdll able Canal lot" Wolyburn and Kerch<'\ dl C\ lmder, aulomdtlc new 821 8793 CALL GlL WITTENBEHG 777 5439 Cu~tom Cape Cod Inner p:lmt black and v.hlle new ,Ifler 1 81155705 'THE WATER A~'>Umahlc r.lortgage L<.IJld HOND t\ 1!179Cl~ l( wdgOIl au Conll act Pre,>enllj o( CUI} courtyard, flr,;t floor bed. tires, all nev. parts A~1 FM SPECIALIST" ANIEL tomatl( cx(cllent condition 1911 COI PI<: DeVIlle vel \ led b) rellable tendnt;, room and bath 277 Ken stereo ca;"ette, 40000 ong CF,NTURY 21, AVID 77B 8100 GRO~SE POINTF, Wood; - AM F~1 ~tereo 4 nc\\ tIre" \\ ell malllldined I ov. ner meet> code FleXIble $JY !"X")f) Il\COMl': PHOPf~HTIl>:S 3 bedroom brl(k Colomoll wood Ct , Gro.',se POl/lte mal mIle;, mu,>t '>ee $1 '550 If not Ill, lea\ e your number good mlle..lge regular gd'> 5} 000 mile, S2 000 or be"t 824 3506 2 J onable offer 882 bOI7 full bath~, 2 half baths, at day" 1 30-5 00 EA~T DETHOlT - l':xdU'>I\e floll FOI ..III eX(l'lIent III RIVIE.RA 1981, lOaded mmt 12E-COMMERCIAL l<.lthed garage, (enlroll air, 1979 CADILLAC COLI'E ared Cu<,lom J ht'droorn ve,>tmenl ufJlJ'> 10 >1 all \ 775-4900 needs pamt, goo-'" ... ~ r. ) ...... , ~f) QM 1.""""""Tl""" f'r"'f ulJ .. !~~e"'e~u 3 h~ ....()()m, ~ 00'"t J.,-.n «.I. l...... ~ ~...... - ... ;~h.,nb S:10,000, '1y tum<.ltlc AM !,'M cd~sel1e .L 1.\.\)1 u.ll,'" ...... Ulooh BUYS Paid For YOUI Junk 01 Un,>l\elv ownel 88b 6903 after 5 baths, famIly room, rec 1977 CONTIl\F,t\ TAL GREY I eM defog alum mum Owner 779 '52l5 II> anted CJI' SALES - LEA~ES pm room, kItchen With built. \ er) cleall, no ru'>l, $J!JOO wheels excellent conditIOn GROSSE POINTE BULL '\lJT0 Pi\RTS CHAHMING THHEE BED III barbeque and mIcro, 294-4695 886 9583 264 3319 EXCHANGES GHOSSE POI'\TE PARK VI! gmla S Jefflle.'" Realtor ROOM hll(k bungalow 11\ burglar and fire alarm, 894-4488 Nev. LI"lmg - 5 5 2 family MARCO ISLAND 2 bedroom, 1975 TO\'01 A Corolla, 4 1971 CUTLA~S full power 8820899 l/lg loom dWlIlg loom $225,000 A!.k for Julia speed, <.Ilr .',lereo, elc "lo excellent conditIOn S8'iO kJtchen ""Ith edtlllg ,pdce 4 fI at $7.'50 ,I month wcome 2 bath penthouse Gorgeous Side dllve g, garage, vel Y Hle dnve, very 38020 VILLA MAR, HARRISON TOWNSHIP tractive and convelllenll) ;peclal - $100 Body needs 776-4529 ur 777-&'352 Grosse Pomte company want!> ,;harp' $5') 000 Tr) 10';'< (% mile South of Metro Beach) repair", engme great condl 1979 HONDA CIVIC 1200 ______1 approximately 2,000 it of located m St Cldlr Shore, dov.11 Bronze, rU"lproofed, well 2 bedroom bnck ranch, With covered double boat hOIst tlOn 372 0881 v.arehouse '>pace m the gen. Low mallllenanee tee GROSSE POI:'oJTE PARK mamlamed New exhaust 11e-BOATS AND MOTORS eral area Would prefer A!>sumable mortgage Nev. IIstlng LakepOlnte J Steel seawall, 2 baths, family room, large lot 1977280Z, very good condition, olnd tlres AM,FM, 51 000 ______loadmg dock acce"s Please Only SCIIOU!> buyer .. CJI! bedroom '>l/l gle econd floor rt OPEN SUNDAY 2 5 l87Y Jrd GENERATION, updated kItchen and 2 full baths Move.m 8819650 526-6007 apartment Right out of 1967 ELDORADO, SIlver 1978 SEA RAY SRV2oo, E Z Presl \\ Ick .',potle;s home Architectural Digest A OPEN SUNDAY 1. 5 condition $110,000 Coupe, many nev. part!>, VW DASHER v.agon, 1976- Loader Tandem trailer, ImmedIate occupancy' 1591 EDMUNDTON very good condlllOn $1,450 most umque offermg Call BY APPOINTMENT 884-1724 ex(ellent running condltlon loaded, must sell 881.1241 Grosse POInte Real E<;tate 4 bE.'droom, 2'2 bath, Cape 343-Q752 regular gas New tires, evelllng; and weekends JOHN DeWALD Co 8820087 Cod FIrst floor laundry 1982 TC-3 - $5,450 Immacu brakes, roof rack, $25000 THE HAYMAN CO 881 1839 after 4 p m 1971 TROJAN twm Chrysler 5695555 HARPER WOODS, J bed $119.000 late, 2,000 mlle<; 1981 Omlll room, nev. kItchen, I1C.l, I _ $4,100, low mlle<; 777 1976 MUSTANG IIneed." a lit engmes, ::,Ieeps 6, $10 000 61 MEADOW LANE - FARMS KERCHEVAL/CADIEUX c, CharlevlJn ..A"..e room and master bedroom (241h'x16Ih'), Mutschler 1978 FORD Fle,;ta $I,65U CB I ad,o excellent condl sessIOn Gro~se Powte RC

Page Nlne-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS 'hursday, March 3, 1983 21F-HOME 21e-ELECTRICAL 21F-HOME IMPROVEMENT 15-BUSINESS 20B-REFRIGERATION 21F-HOME IMPROVEMENT ,J-REAL 13-REAL IMPROVEMENT SERVICE ESTATE ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES AND AIR CONDI- TIONING REPAIR QUALITY HOME Improve Al ELECTRIC All types of H,F. JENZEN menl~ Drywalhng, Pawt. BY APPOINTMENT GROS~E POINTE F'AHM~ EASTSIDE Rock Show pro. LET GEORGE DO IT elet trlcal H ange'>, dryer'> 109, CeramIc Tllmg and duchon, seeklOg fmancl 1 bedroom !Jllck Colomal, hv SUN'S RefrIgeratIOn - Quail Wher , dryer, dl!>hwal>her'> and addltlOn~ 1n8 7548 LJ. Carpentry No Job too ~mall backlOg, offer'i limited fisk DESIGNED famIly room In St Cldlr 109 room, dlnmg loom, fJm fled repaIr techniCian!> Low , call MIke 10ve~tment opportunity, REMODELING AND Shore~, only $44,900 Ily loom, Ilh baths, 2 car rate~ Call day or mght 751. makes NO SERVICE mteresled parlJes contact AODITIONS 7144514 ;1,640 assumes $255 payment garage PJOfe'>l>lOll3l1ydee 7447 CHARGE If repaired GUar ELECTRICAL WIRING and Sandy at 9494629 Monday. ARCHITEl'TURAL MODERNIZE TO 12 year old, :i bedloom ordted and l und l>erVlce repair:, - VIOlatIOn!> cor Friday between 10-2 REFRIGERATION REPAIH SERVICE MODEHNI~M OIcely deeor dted I anch Cali Mu«,chlel kItchen and bdth, _ SerVIce, $99') CdJl 641 Speclali.lJng In GE, Ken recled - free e,>tlmate'> - for delall,> $105000 8818117 low price,> - IJcen,ed - BATHROOMS AND HOME OR OFF'ICE HOME COMPUTEHS - Be 9170 more and WhIrlpool prod- yoU! own bo,s Get In on a POInte reference'> - Hon KITCHENS 30 yearl> expenence \1ech dream - hedlpd dnd dlr ground floor marketing PEHSONALIZED Doran, BIll lYl48after 4 00 REPLACEMENT AFTER 5 P M 7762185 Wood!>.. l bedl oom, 21/, bdth 20C-CHIMNEY AND WARREN SCHULTZ tondltlOned work,>hop 'fdl m ' ,>tylp Colon"ll 886' plan new to MIchIgan Call FIREPLACE SERVICE SINCE 1965 WINDOW!' PLUS 3 bedroom brick 6040 Dan or AlICe 77b-3728 REPAIR George Stull'> 21D-TV AND RE HOOFING SHOREWOOD E R BROWN rallth AMBITIOUS young perbon!> 885 17b2 RADIO REPAIR ALUMINUM SWING BUILDIm~ Large home for large family 2 BY OWNEH - Gro'>'>e POInte Wood" 4 bedl oom brick tn mtcre,>ted 10 "tdrtmg theIr &TRIM full bath" plu~ one 10 ree FIHEPLACE, wood !>tove!>,011 lev('1 1"l bdth~, npw roof, own bU~lOe!>, WIth our 20G-GLASS-MIR ROR COLOH TV, HI STERIW • Quahty Hemodehng room Clo'>e to 'lhool'> flue cleurlervI!>lOn 962 2612 SERVICE 885-62&1 • Hoom AddItIOn!> Wdlerfornl rdnch VdlatlOll ~creen, m!>talled I n:,urt'<1, LICENSEO & INSUHED out 8828744 no me..s, Profe,>!>lOndl Ma~ ANTENNAS • Dormer:, at home I OYoner y, dnt'> lo • KItchen!> 16-PETS ter SYoeep CO N!':AH ~'IAH and Barnes 4 1,450 '>quare foot rdnch, fdm FOR SALE ChImney Sweep Company paIr - lu!>tom wmdow de 21E-STORMS AND COUNTER TOPS & bedroom ColonIal, 2\1. VANITIES AI. Mr:HHELLI, B80-a710 Ily room. 2 bath,>, excellent bdth:" 2 lal atllgn, Frenlh door" mirror:" SCREENS YORKIE pupple'>, bedutl[ul elc Free e,>tlmdte~ 882 CORIAN & CABINETS floor plan rdge 2 [ll eplace~, newly STOP SMOKING fJrepldce~ 27 year'> of eontmuou'> hCrVlce Eal>t1 and A red Everythll1g [emale!>, AKC 771 9416 ')211 FREE ESTIMATE~ m the bUilding mdu,>try delordted, $135,000 By Free flrepldce thelk l"lre EASTVIEW EOW VAN OSTAEYEN has been done for you Cent ownci 882 Lb90 ONE YEAH OLD female cat, plaleb and chlmney~ COMPLr~TI'~ H$MODF:LING r ALUMINUM INC HAHPLH WOODS - 4 bed neelli, good home 821-5000 cleaned dnd repaired 20H-FLOOR 839-0424, 465-7152 applJance~ IIlcluded 17000 MACK BY L M C CONST. room ColOnial Gro'>'>e GEHMAN SHEPHERO pure ChImney ~<.reen~ mbtalled SANDING Suburb l'l YEAHS EXPERIENCE 1 884 9512 Gro,>"e POlnte Park M.T, CHARGOT hptp bUI y Lme, 2 /2 b ..... ~lr (.l(hne 88n-Ol)B') LUlU I C&JlUl t:.....l\)U H!l.1U'I' tv crccn "'rr Room for everyone' 4 bed ovel lUOIbs CdndUldn IJOIII. 109 dnd IIIll:>tung :"l(rel-ldU.l BUILDING CO. lI~t 143 06b6 - first wormln!l, x-rayed 20E-INSULA nON IIlg III ddrk stdllllng Call for ,tormb, tllm, roofmg. gut PEHSONALLY DESIGNED room family room \lilth ter'>, wroughl Iron, (vlOyl hlp~ paper trdlned $75 free e!>tlmate W Abraham, Kltchenl> - AtlJ(~ fueplace, plu~ fml~hed ree LOVELY CUSTOM BUILT productl», aWlllng~ * each 891-4445 979-3502 Bal>emenb - Porchel> 21G-ROOFING room In St Cldlr Shore'> I dlKh by 'I hlCle J bedroom 881 1060 or 527 56lb * INSULATION Bathroom'> - Ree Hoom~ SERVICE Mu<;1sell brlek, wnvelllent St Clair OLD ENGLI<;H Sheepdog (, & G FLOOH CO * Blown In fREE ESTIMATES Outdoor deck envIronment,> A!>sume 101J40/,mtere!>t Yolth Shol e:, loc,ltlOlI E,ldte- !>tud ,>erVlce, AKC, gUdrl>lOnaJly Altll~ & Sidewall'> CUSTOM CRAFTED ROO!"ING repair,>, gutlerl> ' paj ment~ of $475 total 3 pnled to ,ell For dppomt teed 885 2274 done Dark ,>tammg and fm ALUMINUM DOORS AND Free Energy Audltl> Cabmets - Formica bedroom, 1'2 bdth, attdched ment lall ';2{) 5203 WINDOWS, SCREENS RE * cledned, rep,med, pla,>ter VERY AFFECTIONATE 0"/, U11LITY f'INANCINL I~hmg All work guaranteed 2 Cdr gal age PAIRED, FHEE PICKUP * Wood workmg - tnm work repdlr'> wmdow!> raulked, male Old Engll:,h Sheepdog, TOXlt fOdm ExtractlOn Free e,>tJmdte, Reference'> Four bedroom, 21,z bJth, ver) KI'"LLY/l\lOHO~~ Ar('J, 3 bed AND DELIVEHY, OOOR * Replacemenl WlOdow'> cleaned In,ured, refer- , room IJrlek bungdlow r'or ]If.! yearb old, can't keep Form,lIdehyde Testmg 8850257 Interior - ExterIOr Door~ eleganl double \\IlOg Colo WALLS, PORCH ENCLO * enCI"> Seavcr':, 8820000 Free 468 2763 ALL POINTES CONST CO I"ULL Y LICENSED AND mal on over:'lzed lot mal dUllng room naturdl KELM SURES FRED'S STORM. [u epldlc, 2 lar gal age 1m 886 3537 839-4311 EVENING CALLS INSURED St Clair ~hores Immedldte GOOD WATCHDOG, 4 year Floor sandmg, refml!>hmg, old R. LAETHEM occupancy 3 bedroom brick mediate occupanly Cdll WELCOME GENERAL HOME REPAIR evening!> 263-0952 mIX, mu!>t be 10vIOg but floors a !>peclalty Expert III Free EstImate,> - 8826842 ranch, one owner home blnct 882 BIl34 20F-WASHER AND slam 535 7256 ROOFING CENTUHY21 GOLDMARK 2 CONDOS - 15803-10 Wmd DRYER REPAIR 21F-HOME LAKEPOINTE 29800 Harper JU'it Norlh o[ mIll Pomtp. Drive - 3 b(>d FLOOR SANDING. !>lamlllg IMPROVEMENT 16C-PET Free e!>llmate!>, workman. CONSTRUCTION 12 Mile Rd room!>, 2l,z baths $95,000 BOARDING 886-7456 DA YS AND evenmgs - Apph !>lup guaranteed 382.5323 edch, extr'! garage 8820114, COMPLETE HOME 296-3810 ance repaIr - 30 years ex M U SCHUSTER CO REMODELING EXPERT REPAIRS 714-0290 ANIMAL LOVING LADY \lilll penence, washer!>, dryer!>, THE HOUSE MECHANIC" 21-MOVING LICENSED AND INSURED GUTIERS CLASSIFIED ADS RIVERIA 1ERRACE - De care for pets whIle your dl~hwasher!> 296 1671 294 HOME REPAIRS mabIe mid level2 bedroom, dway Excellent refer- 6875 • Carpentry 882-6707 ROOFING CALL 882-6900 ence~ 776 6222 NEED SOMETHING moved, 2 bdth, ne\\ly decorated, dell vcrI'd or dl!>posed of? • Pamtmg SMALL JOBS mamtendnce fee mclude'> REA & SON Two Pomte reSIdents WIll • Millor Plumbmg GROSSE POIN1 E SHORES hedt and aIr condItIOning, CONSTRUCTION INC 774-9651 move or remove large or • Mmor Electrical Cuslol)1 4 bedroom ranch carport pool, club house 2o-GENERAL 20E-4NSULATION CRAFTED WOOD OR VINYL small quantitIes of furlllture, REPLACEMENT WINDOWS WIth all amemtles Secluded 885-6604 SERVICE • KItchens dppllances, pIanos - or All type'> of modernizatIOn ydrd and pool 884 2861 • Ree Rooms PRICED TO SELL OPEN SUNDA Y 2-5 what have you Call for free 372-7191 772-7191 BARRY'S N G CONSTRUCTION CO • Bathrooms 1216 BLAIRMOOR 4 bed. o estimates Call John Stem- WILLIAMSBURG COLONIAL Ma!>onry repairs, chImneys, • AddItIOns BUILDING room, 2'h bath colOnial, SUDRO INSULATION mger, 3430481 or 822-2208 BARKER ProfessIOn all) decorated 3 patIOS, porches Speclahzmg • Porch ConversIOns Speclalmng m ReSHlentlal family room Attached 2 car Smce 1948 P S Others may copy our ad CONTRACTORS bedroom, 1'h bath famIly In FIeldstone fireplaces I.J. REMODELING Roofmg, complete home garage, mdnj extras TIred of paywg !>kyroeket but never our price, experl ModernizatIOn. AlteratIOn!> • room, central dlr ne .... gar cen'ied 839 9459 MODERNIZATION Improvements 15 years $122.000 884-6842 109 fuel bIlls? Ask for ence or 'ityle AddItIOns • FamJly Rooms age 182!:lAllard ALL WORK PERSONALLY In the area 881 5691 HANDYMAN WIth truck our portfoho of homes RELIABLE POINTE resIdent • KItchens & Recreation KENSINGTON - Warren In Clean ba!>ements, garages, PERFORMED With current fuel bIll With truck WIll move large or MIKE SCHUSTER, 882-4325 Area!> 775-1532 GROSSE POINTE WOODS come, $55 000 No realtor~ etc Any hauhng, odd Jobs l savlng~ Take advantage small quantJlJes FREE ESTIMATES JAMES BARKER 3 BEDHOOM Colomal, l 2 882274b Br,h . 885 6227 886 5044 bath, fJnI<;hed basement. of our off-season pricIng INSURED LICENSED &. !!'!SURED INCOME - WARREN/Outer now Comfort [or all Bob 8821968 ------countr) kitchen, large hvmg ALL CARPENTRY & CONT LETO BUILDING CO ALL POINTES room, natural fireplace, Drive Two- 1 bedroom un sea!>on!> 150/, Federal Its 2 natural fireplaces 2 DOORS, LOCKS INSTAL- McCALLUM MOVING com- SINCE 1911 CONST co PAQUIN famIly room, terms avaIl Tax CredIt pany Modern truck and CUSTOM BUILDING COMPLETE REMODELING able WIll trade or consIder enclosed porches new fur- LED, GLASS & SCREEN 1181-3515 nace, lo~ $30,000 '!>886-4593 REPAIRS, PAINTING, equipment Estabhshed In REMODELING Easy Fmancmg AvaIlable ROOFING Land Contract 1918 - Fully msured Plano REC ROOMS 882-3463 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS, SPECIALIZING IN SPECIALISTS IN RIVIERA TERRACE Condo, speclah,>t'i 771>-7898 KITCHENS BUILDING REPAIRS OF * Kitchens - Baths. Rec FLAT ROOFS ASSUME 11 8% mortgage, 3 2 bedroom upper $59,900 882-3222 Rooms and AddItions ALL KINDS LICENSED LICENSED - INSURED bedroom hungalow m East Land Contract term!> FREE ESTIMATES 21A-PIANO *INSULATION DetrOlt Close to all schools, Robert Sflre, 776 7260 884 VOCCIA 886 5129 468 5099 SERVICE BLOWN IN OR BLANKET 839-7534 mId 40's 7795952 - 884-8447 7276 CONSTRUCTION DAVE THE HANDYMAN ToXIC Foam ExtractIOn CL1NTON TOWNSHIP EnJoj CO., INC. Formaldehyde TestJng 1,900 l>quare foot two bed 13A-L:OTS ., ALL TYPES OF HOME PIANO TUNING and repair- Ing Work guaranteed room condommlum featur FOR SALE MAINTENANCE • AddItIons * Complete Wmdow and mg large room'>, 2'f., baths, 3 AND REPAIRS Member AFM Ed ....ard Fel- • Dormers Door Contractor ROOF car garage at Schultz Es ske 465-6358 • Garages GROSSE POINTE SHORES NO JOB TOO SMALL - - 886-3537 tates, 19 mIles Ea<;t of Gar- EXPERIENCED COMPLETE PIANO servIce • KItchens - - --- LEAK nedrth\' Lake • FlTeplaces _ field 286 2130 100ft frontage REASONABLE Tulllng, rebUlJdmg, refllllsh HADLEY HOME EXCELLENT G P mg Member Plano Techru Brick and Cement work REPAIR CONDO - ONE bedroom, L/CTerm,> Bank fmancmg available IMPROVEMENT appliances, storage, low PALMS QUEEi>< REFERENCES Clan'i GUIld zech Bossner 8'l9 1236 Complete INC. mamtenanee clean, Harper 886-4444 73l-77lYl Home ModermzatlOn COMPLETE REMODELING SPECIALISTS Woods Call1l86 9057 PIANO SERVICES - Tumng m-2816 713-1105 SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES INTEHNATIONAL WATER GROSSE POINTE Farm<; 20A-eARPET and repaIr Quallfled techru. KItchens/Baths Root Leaks Guaranteed WAY Island Home - Ap :-'cwbcrry Place third lot LAYING clan FleXIble hours Hea ROWL AddltlOnsiPorche~ 90Y 151 sonable rates 881-8Z76 20 Yra ExperIence proxImately 5000 ,q £t 2 [rom Lake~hore CARPENTRY AttJc/Rec Rooms flreplace!>, 4 plus hedroom~ I{u,>'>ellHome:>, 885-0051 CAHPET LA YING FREf HOME: SURn, REPAIR - REFINISHING Aluminum Sldmg(fnm CALLBILL 112.5539 \li1th 4 lJle bdth<; SpaclOu!>, NEW AND OLD MICH L1C '3-4571 KItchens, Bathrooms Gutters/Down Spouts cheery, qUiet, near golf GHOr.,SE POlNTl<: PARK ~ • FIlEE HEAT LOSS I.llSrECTID •• European Master TechniCian Fmlshed Basements SIalr<; Carpeted ShIfted 40 Yrl> Exp Free Est Storm Wmdows/Doors courses, yacht club,> (1l3) Size 105x8.';, corner o[ Cad' FlIE£ COMI'UTEIIIZID EJIE:IIIY AUDIT Trim Mouldmgs Repairs of All Type:, TELEPHONE 832-6721 Roohng/Slungles/Hot Tar 671 1751 leux and Je[fer'>on, 8lJ6 AU;O M .. 18 or ncHde General Horne RepaIrs Alummum Sldmg and 3598 CARPETING, VINYL FHA-VA SPECIFICATIONS QU ALITY WORKMANSHIP Gutter Cleaning FOR SALE by oYoner 1 bed 21B-SEWING room ranch, large Mutschler itUILO'ER HAS i l~s - r-,1o; HARDWOOD IIIa*IIIII • Ctulfdll - 1I11u1ria1 AT REASONABLE RATES FenceslRepalrs of all klOds kItchen mcludes air condl mngslde / Vernier near Samples Shown III CEllULOSE. MINERAL MACHINE 521-5589 839 9307 Licensed and Insured tlOmng $165 000 Slar Of The schools and churches WIll Your Home WOOL. FIBERGLASS. B86-05ro SPRAY ON CEllULOSE Sea area Shown by bUIld to sUll Call 884 lYlll6 BOB TRUDEL COMPLETE TUNE-UP $7 95 JOHN W SCHOBER appomtment only Call 886 774-7;;90 days, 294-5896 elies OVER 20 YE,o,RS - All makes, all age'> All parts AMERICAN H J Green Company WE KNOW THE BUSINESS The handIest guy In town 0131 JERRY S CARPET WE ALSO OFFER A COMPLETE stocked 885 7437 & MODERNIZATION LOOK OUT over Gro'>!>e STORM WINOOW HEATING • pamtlng • glaZlng GROSSE POINTE FARMS - POinte from Mernv.eather SERVICE COOLING AND • carpentry • cab met Not too BIg SpaclOu<; 3 bedroom brick Hill - 7'ix 169 882-1400 In<;tallallOn IRepalr~, all kinds HOME MODEANlZA TION SEAl/ICE 21C-ELECTRICAL InstallatIOn • small Not too Small ranch. famIly room, 2 £Ire In home sale~ Warehouse SERVICE We ,>peclalJze 10 dormers, place'>, 2 baths, [ull bd<;e MACOMB /-'\ WAYNE plaster repaIr • 13B-CEMETERY prices Over 20 year'i experi- COUNH I(-~\ COU"lY VIOlatIOn work porches, plumbing and heat- ment, 2lar attached garage ence 526-4097 •~ 526-4097 Ing Occupanry at c1o<;mg Dace) PROPERTY TEl /Hi, lDC ... _, TEl /Hi, lDC S & J ELECTRIC CALL 884-1285 7763604 ResidentIal CommercIal BATHROOMS - TILE - 7145400 951 VERNIER RD. G.P.W. KITCHENS 3 FOREST LAWl\!. 'lloh '>ec MAIN OfC 13123 EASTWOOO, DET :-io Job Too Small GFOs...<;E POINTE \0\ OODS - tlOn 10 $200 each 77B 1202 885-2930 DETROIT LICENSED 886-4ln8 854 Vermer Road Sharp 4 after 6 p m UNIVERSAL bedroom brick bungalow, RETIRED MASTER electrl- FENCE CO. 16D-ADOPT GARAGE DOOR 1,400 sq ft attached garage, CUll! Llcen,>ed VIOlatIon'> 14-REAL ESTATE A PET Service,> mcrea<;ed A!<;o Chaln.llnk fenclOQ Service - InstallatIOn natural fIreplace I block to C Cuslom Gates 10% GrO'i~e pOlllte r-;'orth Dacey WANTED '>mall Joh,> TU ') 2966 Automallc Door Openers o SIockade Fence REASONABLE RATES 7745400 COLVILLE U Alley Easement 0 PROMPT SERVICE EAST OUTEH DR! VE - CASH FOR HOMES ELECTRIC CO. P Insured F SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP MACK ~EHVING ARE.\ 4'i YEARS DOUGLAS KRUEGER AntI-Cruelty Hange,> Dryer'>, SerVIces, o Free Estimates F ').5 Bnck Wlth extra lot lo STIEBER REAL TV l N Prompt Service 885-721') vold ASSOCiation Doorbell!> to ~ettle e~t"te Agent :-'1 775-4900 VIOLATIO'IIS \. 13569 Joseph Campau FAST EMERGENCY 366-4398 Widman 8/;1..,781 IF VOl aTP retiring and .....11I Hd" I'dr' ci' SERVICE LI1'.COL:". ROAD <;(,11 your Gro~<;e POinte Tony Jabfonows;d hlock from Lake'ihore, re near to tran<;portallOn 10 a m to 4 p m 774-9110 Cf'nll) remodeled, expand home at d rea~onable profIt 'A' r ,j<1'{ It '0 Jr,' S,j' .rrJil { WHY PAY more? Call Glenn dhle '~bedroom, 1 bath ovpr \\ hat VOIIpaId for It and [or Jour best deal Licensed JOANNA WESTERN large kltchpn ....Ith cdling not add 1lI{latlonan real e!> 1'1ectr Ical contr ac tor All space liVing room ....Ith PLEASE ADOPT! tat( dgent prKe I rrl1ght ~('ll t; pc<; work 5'18-4835 WINDOW SHADES natur crptne<;ump Kef( hc" al trro,'>e POlOte VOluntper help w3nled Pel food and car F,LECTRICAL ;J'/4'1 mortgage r"rm~ 482'>,6 SONTRACTOR fl8I>-sQ41 labels welcomed For Informalion cali Mary GRA' TOP \1OIW"''' KELLY area fir'>! 15-BUSINESS Jllllhe~t quality - Lowe~t 891-7188 pTlce~ Free estImates SALES AND SERVICE off,'r ~haTp 2 bedroom OPPORTUNITIES 15011 KERCHEVAL cond(J fml' n pd' mrnt loy. ¥J, l'iOl? V[MK AVE - In TU 511000 97R 7625 or 8799518 ( ( .. 11 '.I,flrJ.,' Cpntllr\ 21 - '.,,,ror(' 771 (,ro, f I'r;lnl" <,lor( or 1i"i' 'im~I, bU,lr «, $2l'i ;) mr,',th S-1(lI) "f'( UTlt, h('dt IvlMEDTATE PO~"F},<'I()' IncllJdNJ lV!'; ,)lo(' (,RO%F: PO" H, \lrO()£)" ~dddlf romplelpl~ re 1 ....,(Ji}-, ,",\}-,<,T\lL ....T JU' f nal('il 4 bedrn(,m brick {JPf>()HTI "ITY r ~p< ( od ,r,rn,1n ,.Jppilf('1 ;,nd rr..-JfI1 O.....n( r dnXH/U, 11, dIU<'lIrlf"tr,r( y.lth [m,llicllIg d'dllablr- m1)(lnn "nr1 u,nt('fnpor dr, r 1,( nt! Ir- J<, « r-klng .,n STIEBER REAL TV drtl\( fJr pd<,I.f ('(jI1il) 77;' 4'lC() In H',I ()r trJ h( I P find n( ( pr(JJ( rt( d nf .. r If rm gr,,'), th \l.,xlmum 10 ePEN SUNDAY 1-5 \( klng vat£' ~~qllil'I (,roup In( $':1 'tOO 21217 KlIlgWII1c t2(f7 Call 118')7044 after 5 pm , Thursday, March 3, 1983 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Ten-C 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL 21Q-PLASTER 21T-PLUMBING AND HEATING AND 21G-ROOFING 21I-PAINTING, 211-PAINTING, THE (;HOSSI'; POINTI<~ NEWS 1\11\ Y BE PUR. WORK LANDSCAPING SERVICE DECORAT1NG DECORATING CHASI':D FHOM TilE «'OLLOWING LOCATIONS (::-.tOI(''' ,liP 11"ll'd 1)\ "tl eets and from DetrOit on PLASTER CONTRACTOR EMIL THE I-GROSSE POINTE WHITEY'S throu~h (he Glo",e 'Pomtel:>, Hdrper Woodl:>and St repair work Free estl mates TRIMMING, removal, spray- ROOFING PLUMBER mg, feedmg and slump re- • W,111 Pappnng Prompt l:>erVlceJ ManiaCI, Repairs and reroofmg Alum1- CONTRACTORS l 1,1I1 ~hOIl" ) SPECIALIZING IN moval Free Estimates CUSTOM PAINTING AND ullltll1~ 778-4357 465-4150 num trun and gutters Fath- • IntCllOr P • K1tchenl:>• Bathrooms Complete tree service Call WALLPAPERING • Hea~onJblc PI let', DOWNTOWN: QUALITY PLASTERING - er and Sons _ Good WOlk • Laundry room and Viola- Flemmg Tree SerVice, 774- Bob Isham Dale Isham EXPERT ANTIQUING Ht.'l1Cl'lI l ,lIuml't 'I ob,lceo • Old and Hew work 6460 526-0666 776 9684 885-8155 Ilhllil Il'l ('I 11\',1I 100 TO\lcr el!mmated, prompt service Free Estlmatel:> FREE ESTIMATES fo'REE ESTIMATES 774-0414 30 yearl:> m Grol:>l:>ePomte Tony, LJeensed Plum bel LANDSCAPE ------JEFFERSON AVE.: Free EstimatE's Satl>fac INSURED B1I1,Master Plumber GARDENING CASH AN ROOFING tlOn guardnteed Rea,on- Michael Satmary Jr EUROPEAN TOUCH P,I! I.. Ph.JIIll,ll I ".:otlillghaJll cHid Jeffelson DeSign, con.>trucllon, planting, HOT ROOFS WALLPAPEH P,\I"i 11M, \ 1I1,)~l'WIIl( '>hop Bt',llon~flt'ld ,mct Jc'ffell:>on ablr James Blackwell 821 882-0029 PRUNING, lawn and garden Commercial ResidentIal MICHAEL'S 7051 or 294-00.H mamtenance GlOsse Pomte 1"01 The FlIle,t BOB DUBE Year round senlce PAINTING & MAUMEE: PLASTERING and Drywall reSident Stungles and Replllrl:> In Old Wmld BUll ~t'lU\ll' 1I0,plt,rl C,lllICU\ ,1Ild l\Lluml'e. glIll:>hop Nell Squires, 75Hf172 PLUMBING and HEATING REFINISHING CI afl",mdlhillp Licen,ed Mal:>ter Plumber Horticulturist Work Guardllteed Intenor Exterior Sel vile "l hl'lilet 1)\ Ul(' I-'I,hl'! .Inti ~l , ete ADVANCE MAINTENANCE INTERIOR - EXTERIOR Insured FIl'<: E~tll1latl" *Early sprmg feedmg Pl'll I DllI~" un tilt' IIlII Full warranty 17319East Warren Wallpapermg - ReJl:>onable 779 5135 775 29.C1 Wet pla'iter expertise WOIk *Horticu!tunsts and foresters 11,111 \potln (.II I on the Jilll Real:>onable, L1censed 884 9512 REFERENCES gUaranteed Free el:>tlmatel:> We know hov. to tnm your - - RALPH ROTH 886 lJ2411PAINTl!\G Wdllpdpellllg I Cot I.lgl' Jl, "pJt tOll' I <1kepolllte ,1IldChtenng Free estimates De\ ollshll e ])1 ug De\ on..hll e and \lack 0881 PLUMBING, HEATING, MAC'S TREE AND SLATE-TILE Reasonable and honest PERFECT PAINTING 'I'll! k.,hll e J\ldrket YorkshIre dnd Mack SEWERS AND DRAINS REPAIRS Reference<; C,lll anytime Intel lor Jnd extenor, pldl:>tel 1',11 kle, Pdl t\ "'tore St Clair and Mack FREE ESTIMATES SHRUB TRIMMING 35 YRS EXPERIENCE European repair \Igel P,lrtl ~tore St Clair and Mack Plastermg, drywall, painting BOILER SPECIALISTS COMPLETE WORK After 6 p m 882-7322 7778081 Reasonable rates, quality WORK GUAR 4.NfEED Rand ~ Ph ..l llld() \lc tlhllan and '\lack BILL FISHER A.F, WITISTOCK WALLPAPERING «'ree el:>tlm 8820195 The Best Paperhanger Al hor Drugl:>,7 :'vIlleand Mack - -- - - 21H-CARPET m Town Greg, 882 5661 St John Ho,pltal Moross near Mack 21R-FURNITURE 885-7711 GRASS CUTTING CLEANING "BECAUSE ALL 1 DO IS SPECIAL 257lOnS8857067 Harkne'» Phal macy Lochmoor and Mack * Experienced * * BOB'S UPHOLSTERY - 25% Keith Damelson CARPET CLEANING Call Ron for) our CUSTOM PAINTING HollY\lood Pharmacy, Hollywood and Mack off already low pnces Local * Reasonable Licensed Master Plumber Reliable Shampoo and Steam ProfessIOnal Estimate Interior/exterior plal:>terand :'>lr C" Deh, Ridgemont and !\lack references 772 9326, 368------* Call Ben 882-1734 All Work Guaranteed 751-7893 dryv. all repairs, ha nd Bob, Drug StOIe Roslyn dnd J\lack 4198 Bob McVey PLUMBING REPAIRS Free Estimates stucco Denms 465-4434 772 2095 INTERIORS EAST WARREN AVE.: FURNITURE refmlshed, re- & SUPERIOR ______- BY DON & LYNN SELCA PAINTING and The Wille Bd<;ket Outer Dnve and E Warren paired, stnpped, any type of SEWER CLEANING EXTERIORS LOOK - 30 years expenence * Husband-Wife Team decoratlllg, resldentldl, canmg Free estImates Reasonable Rates For All commerc131 brush, roll, Mr C's Gra\ton and E Warren Sprmg 1Shere, get the Jump steam cleanmg carpet and * Wallpapermg 474-8953or 345--6258 MIKE POTTER ED PAGEL l:>pray FI ank Selca, 979 9383 7/Elel en, Ea'st Warren betv.een Call us for a REASONABLE furmture By Wtlbur, Doug * Pamtmg Cadieux on, near 13 ;,\llie and delivery avaIlable 778- SatIsfactIOn guaranteed, problems, large or small 5712 886-4132 PROFESSIONAL CARPET 886-4374 good T eferences, New Honlon" Book Shop Little Mack and 13 Mile UPHOLSTERY CLEANING. .------.--- TU 2-0628 TIRED OF yourfrt?- Excellent MICHIGAN TREE reasonable rates Free HARPER WOODS: ------at REASONABLE RATES JOSEF'S estimates Brian, 772-3167 FRANK B WILLIAMS, li- alterations and sewing Also SPECIALISTS We use Von Schrader~ dry WALLPAPER REMOVAL ------Parkcrest Part) Store, Parkcrest and Harper censed budder Speclallzmg custom Raggedy Ann and foam extraction equipment • Experienced * AMERICAN' * Andy dolls Before 5 p m Expert Trimming, Toppmg, Hunter Pharmacy Country Cluh and Harper m home up-ddtmg and all Shapmg and Removal • Deep SOIl Removal • Insured WALL WASHING Kaycee DI ugs, Buurnemouth and Harper mmor or major repairs Call 886 1524 * Special 25% spring dIScount • Fast Drymg • Rehable No Streakmg The Tmder Box Eastland Shoppmg Center, AIsle 7 Porch enclosures, doors ad- 24 hour emergency service • Leaves no resOllmg reSidue Estimates at no charge or No Dnppmg Justed, bookshelves m- 21X-DRAPERIES * For free estimate call obligatIOn All Work Guaranleed stalled, paneling, new coun * Bush and hedge trimming Distinctive Carpet & 776-8267 Free Estimates ter rops, vanIties Code VIO- Tree Stralghtening and CUSTOM DRAPERIES - Nursery Care UphOIsi:al~5eaners 772 2095 21o-CEMENT AND lations corrected Four cour- Quahty work, reasonable --GROSSEPOINTE 210-eEMENT AND * SPECIAL OFFER * BR'CK WORK , , BRICK WORK teous expert aSSistance In pnces Wide selections of Ask. for Tom Barrese !b J:NNT.ER'S, INC, Improvmg your home In any fabncs All hems hand sewn Now through April, 1983- get 21K-WINDOW 5 yards of free nursery chips Satli!factloo Gullrateeed" 'raintmg't... imerfor-exterior, area, please call me at 881 978--2691 WASHING R,L, STREMERSCH With each work order Keeps SPECIAL paperhanging and paneling I ALL TYPE BRICK l:>tone, CEMENT CONTRACTOR 0790 ------Free estimates cheerfully block and concrete work ------CUSTOM DRAPERIES by weeds controlled - a $68 G OLMIN Cement ALTERATIONS - Modern- Mana Free estlmates Free 2 ROOMS cleaned, 3rd room given LIcensed and WINDOW CLEANING Archv. a~~ step<;, porches, value I Driveways izatIOn, all bUilding needs, IIlstaJlatJon 886 1381, 977- Free Estimates cleaned FREE Insured SERVICE patiOS, cftlmne)S, £Ire- Patios rough to hmsh m all trades 2472 445-0377 773-4369 D CARPET 882-9234 FREE ESTIMATES plaCe<;, nev. and repairs De Bnckwork Sendel, 822 1201 If no an No Job too small -QifALiTYPAINTING WE ARE INSURED Basement Waterproofing PATIO MAGIC CLEANING CO. - call e\ elllngl:> GUY DE BOER 21Z-SNOW REMOVAL SHAMPOO & steam extrac- SERVICE 372-3022 Steps AND UNIQUE PATIO DESIGNS tlon, spot & stam removal, INTERIOR- TESOLIN BROS Tuck POIntmg 885-4624 772-3446 LET US BUILD D WINDOW CLEANING CO Custom Wood Decks -- --- LANDSCAPING free estimates, lowest EXTERIOR CARPENTER WORK - Small ONE FOR YOU Storms and screens, aluml CEMENT CONT Free Estimates prices m the Pomtes jobs, replllrs, shelvmg, par- num and gutters cleaned Dllvcway" ha,rl 11 t ,Hid ga LARRY 468-5884 294-1602 773-0525 20 years profeNonal SPECIAL ON tltlOns, panehng, cellmgs, HOWARDS ------expenenCt free estimates LOll e<;t rage f100l;" r ,It\1,lIb, foot SMALL JOBS AND call Pete - 882-2795 TREE SERVICE SHORESIDE Carpet Clean- MATI FLETCHER prIces m the Pomtes mg~, PdtlO~, razmg garage, ------WEEKLY LAWN 109, professlOnal carpet 4151 Buckmgham 886-6102 294-1602 773-0525 Free EstImates "42' Years REPAIR WORK • Att.Jcs & Porch Enclosures • tree removal MAINTENANCE cleaning Work guaranteed - PROFE-S-S-I-O.N-A.L In BUl:>lIlel:><; 884-7139 _ AdditIOns and Kitchens • stump removal * Sprmg clean up Fully IOsured Free Esti- K-WINDOW cleamng com- 777 0642 or 777 626.1 • CommerCial BUIldings .trunmmg Fertllizmg _topping * mates Call 775-3450, 24 PAINTING pany Storms, screens, gUl JACK WILLIAMS JIM SUTTON * Reasonable pnces J.W KLEINER .cablmg hours INTERIOR-EXTERIOR ters, alum mum cleaned In GENERAL CONTRACTOR For Free CEMENT CONTRACTOR 1677Brys DrIve • storm damage • Wallcovermg- sured Free Estimates CONCRETE & BRICK WORK Estimates Call CEMENT BRICK STONE TV 4-2942 TU 2-2436 Fully Insured, free estimates 211~AINT1NG removal/hangmg ------ADRIAN 884-7890 • Plaster Drywall Repair 882-0688 P atlas v.alks porche, ,teps • DRIVEWA YS • PORCHES DECORATING • PATIOS _ STEPS, • ETC QUALITY carpentry and for- 758-6949 • Textured Cellmgs A OK WINDOW CLEA:--IERS Flagl:>tone I epalr mica work, kItchens, vam- • Stalnmg and Varm<;hmg Servlte on storms and Tu(k pomtmg, patchlllg 885.{)6()2 ties, re<: rooms, ne\\ or re MAC'S THREE C's PAINTING & • Quahty Work/Reasonable screens AI<;o dome.,tlc Asphalt patchmg and seahn;; faced, 15 years expenence SPRING CLEAN-UP LANDSCAPING PAPERHANGING Rates housecleanl1lg Free estl SPECIALIZING IN 21P-WATER- Free estlmate<; Vito Sapien- BY L.M.C. • References mates Monthl\ rates 775 PROOFING za,774-8933 Complete yard work, shrub Df'si~n in Garde-DIng • Semor CItizens DIscounts 1690or n3 9838" SMALL JOBS and tree tnmmmg etc Specialists 13 YEARS EXPERIENCE FREE ESTIMATES FREt: ESTIMATES ALL CARPENTRY & CONT Reasonable ratel:> quality GROSSE POINTE fireman CAPIZZO CONSTRUCTION DOORS - LOCKS IN * Lawn Clitting 886-0585 Denms, 775-2327 v.III do wmdo\\ washlllg LICEJl.SED service Call Tom * Gardpn !\lamtl'ndnn' Gordon, 7744481 BASEMENTS made dr), STALLED, GLASS & 776-4429 or 882 0195 GROSSEPOINTE -P~~t~g 821 2984 TU 2-0717 Cracked \\ ails repaired, un SCREEN REP AIRS, * Spring CI(' available Llvmg rooms, ROOFING-PAINTING * BlO.LED BASl':MENT PLUMBING 'AY NIGHT 881-4988 FOR:llirE\HS O' dmmg rooms, etc 882-2795 Exterior Interior Decor atmg 21N-ASPHAL T \~ALL REPAIRED - 772-2614 • Wallpaper, dr)v.all pla<;ter Drll,c\\J\<; ("Iag(' Floor .. STRAJGHTE~ED AJ\,D QUALITY mterlor/extenor WORK • Quality v.ork low rate<; pdtlO' pOi ch' <; painting and repair BRACED 21S-CAR PENTER • BOB'S PAINTI:":G 886 <\LL TYPES OF CON Seaver's 882-0000 and plTHI CTIO'\ WINTER SPECIAL 372 278'l and '''filing FrC(' p,tlmatc<; * ALl WORK GUARA:-< A Division .of Cox and Baker 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE 0\1 np] .,upen I"or Ref el TFED m RITTEN FREF Interior/Exterior Pamtmg PAINTERS ence" mcluded ,lnd m"ul * 111 I \ ('v. d \ " E..,TTMATF:,,) Introduces Poggenpohl Distinguished ~3594 Day<; E\emngs EUROPEAN EXPERT'> ance * P dlO' 885-0602 CALI. \:\ 1 TI \1 * ll~"rnwn' \\<1tlrprooflng for deSign. functton and quality InterIor e\ tl'rlor r. If no all' call rIng, pltchln~, 171llOfl7 In kItchen and bath cabinetry Ql'i\I Tn \\OHK MARCO pla<;tenng wlndov, pulljmg, caulkmg (,ood v,ork GrQ<;<;e (,( 1(10 PHI< r,r., 21Q-PLASTER PAINTERS 21M-SEWER Cu"tom hUllt "ar,ll.(r<" ,mrl arl WORK POinte I eferrncc., FrN' SERVICE 19591 Mack Avenue InterIOr, extenor textured E<;tlmate<; Rea,onahle ('all dltl'm<., T It l n,N! Call ceIlings, wall papenng, John anj time 7769119 HH I' r '>11\1 \T1." HEAl 11r LI- CEILJ'l(, Grosse Pointe Woods, 884-7088 \ rICh <;prpolrh.l('aVdll ------882-6900 ')21 '>46.1 :'1"'KLlM:~ ~1'i REA & SON \~ITH THI~ I\D C(),\..,1 HI ( fIO'\ 1,\(' fl266 372-7191 712-7191 277-7743 526-7494, 9-6 245-9263 Atter 6

I. _. _e 0_._. -, -; 0_' _...... ,.-.--.-...... ~~~

Bargains Offered , . Regularly Each Thursday! " For Sale: From A to Z Automobile, antiques, allergy. Boat, birds, books, bassoon. Cassock, car, couch, castle. Classified Advertising Dentist, dog, divan, diet. Elk, etagere, ermine. gets resultsl Frog, fence, fireworks. Gourd, gremlin, gnomes. House, horse, hobby. Iceberg, island, idea. 882-6900 Junk, jewels, jungle. Kids, kangaroo, kites. Luggage, love seat, lasso. Mother-in-law, manuscript. Advertise in Classified Novel, notions, newspaper. Ocelot, oasis, octopus Call 882.6900 or Send in . · • Pajamas, pottery, peanuts r------WANT AD ORDERFORM------., : Schedule my GROSSE POINTE NEWS .~a~~ Ad fo~ Quilt, quiche, quota , Date ______Ciassl Ica Ion DeSired ------Rock Star, radio, raft. Enclosed is my check or money order for $ ------~-- -- NAME _ _ _ _ - - - ADDRESS ------Shack, school, sailboat. CITY _ _ _ ZIP _ _ _ ------PHONE ------Mail to( Classified Advertising Dept. Grosse Pointe News, 99 Kercheval, Tanker, talent, taxes. ______G!o~~e ~~in!e ~~rms,_ ~~~:- 4!l23~ ______Usefulness, ulcer, ukulele. WRITE YOUR AD BELOW OR ON A SEPARATE SHEET IF DESIRID. Minimum Cost is $3.20 for 12 Words - Additional Words ao' Vampire, van, vase, vessel. 1 2 3 4 Whatever, washer, winter. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ,2 3.20 3.80 X-ray, xylophone 13 340 14 3.60 15 16 4.00 4.20 18 4.40 19 4.60 20 4.80 I 17 I Yearbook, yacht, yourself. 21 5.00 22 5.20 23 5.40 24 5.60 6.40 I 25 5.80 26 6.00 27 6.20 28 I Zebra, zeppelin, zoo. 31 7.00 31 7.20 etc. 29------6.60 30 6.80 J , , Thursday. March 3, 1983 NEWS Page Twelve-C GROSSE POINTE St. Palll sets sports registration Club volleyball chanlps crowned RegIstratIOn will be held for Registration for baseball, soft- sports, are also ehglble It was another successful ~ason cal 7-1 season records The Cap- Mary Schurman, Kns Vandevu~se fIfth, Sixth, seventh and eighth ball and track teams at St Paul Registrants must be 14 and grade boys' and girls' track for the Neighborhood Club s fall taln's 2 team was 62, Charlie,>' and Cheryl Vantol School Will take place Monday, younger and enrolled 111 classes up volleyball program as 300 women Angel~ and the Clark Brother'> The Charlie'!> Angel,> squad top- teams, seventh and eighth grade March 21, from 7 to 8 p m In the to the eighth grade A fee of $25 boys' baseball and fIfth, SIxth, on 25 teams partlclpated 10 the ac- were 53, Dutch Treat Too Wd'>J 5, ped runner-up Captam's 2 for the school's gym Any boy or girl who Will be charged for each sport seventh and eighth grade glrb.' tlOn Games were played at Pirates Covel Village Shoe~ \\ as Tuesday Night DIVISion title Bill attends St Paul or IS a registered WIth a maximum annual rate of Brownell School, With a double- 2-6. McMillan Brother!> Inc wa'> DIVlrg11 coached the Angels who member of the pansh IS ehglble to $75 per family Checks should be softball elimmatlOn playoff tournament 1-7 dnd the Volleyglrl,> brought up Included Tere'>a Blachut, 'Anne partiCipate Students who attend made payable to the St Paul Ath- follow1Og the eight-game regular the rear at 0-8 Burke, Ddna Cooper, Kathe 01- any parIsh or school which touch- letJc Club Fees help pay for team Jason turns season schedule In po~l-!>ea~on playoff actlOn, a Vngll, Mary Goodheart, Mary es the parish boundaries of St photos, CYO fees, eqUipment and The Club presented a\\ ard<; to 10-game playoff !>enes fmally de Lal ge, Jane Loul<;lgndu and Mary Paul but does not offer CYO coaches, tables., witlS $50 the champlOn~, runner~-up and clded the OlvI'>lOn I champIOn O'Donnell MO!:>lof the time, Jason Chev- sponsors of teams 111 three dIVI- Seaman Pall'lck Paper came A F. la Pointers win squash titles aller, 8, of Allard Road, plays SlOBS In DIVI!:>lOnI, Seaman Pat through the wlnner~' brdcket dnd qua tt c sses goaltendel for the GPHA MIte rick Paper Company look the lltle the James Orlando Hall' Unique beuin March 7 The State 'A' and Veterans fJeld, 15-8, 15-14, 15-6 In the Men':. 40's, DetrOIt AthletiC Club's Flyer'> Bul la!>t week, Ja:.on turn With a 7-1 regular ~ea~on mark fou~ht their way throug~ the los 0- Michigan Squa!:>h Racquet!:> A" ed the tdble" and became a !:>corer Telly's Place Ine and J ame<; Or er~ bracket to face eacn othel 111 Area Ie,>ldenb will have the op- George Haggarty, who I!> I anked SOclatlOn tournament!:> were held _ and he'!:> ~50 Ilcher because of lando Hall' Umque were 6-2, the the find]!:>, ""h)(:h Wd!> \\on by porlumty to !>hape up for !:>pnng 111 last week at the Executive Athie. No 4 natIOnally, defeated Paul Volley beauts were 3-5, Simon In- Seaman Pal rick 111 d be!:>tthree of a new !>IXweek !>erJe'> of aerobic Hellens of Franklin, 8-15, 15-12, It tic Club 1Il Southfield Three Ja!:>on won the $50 playlllg surance wa!:>26 and Langone dnd fl\e :.ene" The Chdmp., mcluded AquaFlt cla!>!:>es Sponsored by Grosse Pomter!:> captured !:>lale ti- 15-11, 15-9 Dlmango Shell wa!:>08 on the "ea Ann Ander'>on Amy AI go, Peggy Dance SlImna!>hc!>, Ltd , and of- In the Men's 50'<;, Tony Crocl3ta SCOIeO, the bet ween-penod!:> In- tles 1I1 the Veterans dl VI!:>lOn!:> of the Umverslty Club 01 DetrOit terml'>SlOn game, dUring the Feb son CadIeux, i\1vr d Cdrl\\ fight Janet fered through the Gro!:>!:>ePomte In the Men's 35's, RICh Gnffm defeated Dr T Tchen of Farm- 22 DetrOit Heel Wmg,> conte!:>t at Dutch Tredt took the Dlvl!>lOn II Hooper, Lll1da KhalJl, Rachael Commul1lty ServIces, AquaFlt of the DetrOit Athletic Club de mgton HIlls, 15-8, 18-14, 14-15, 15-8 Joe LoUIS Arena regular season crown With an 80 Khalil, Beth Rettig and JeanlHe classes are scheduled to beglO In feated Denms Potocsky of South- All Jason hdd to do was !:>tand record The Ragette!> and Kelly Soulliere Gros!:>c Pomte the \\eek of March betlheen the blue 11I1eand the net ~o?strUC!lOn were 6-2_, th~ B?~ In OI\ISlOn II, the Dulch Treat 7 AquaFlt routine" are performed Pointers lead Squirts to win and shoot a puck through a hole In :::>ecour~ ~IUl.~I~ \'ot.:lt: ~,-,), lilt: M.l tedm Wd!:>unuelealt.:U llllUUgilOUl the board coverll1g the regular while !>tandmg 111 three to five feet ers drc among tho'>e St Cldlr hgators were 4-4, Larry ~ 7 11 an~ the playoffs Incllldll1g a victory 111 of water The St Cldlr Shol e'> SqUlrl AA net Jason did the Job, won the $50 the Go-G,etters each had 3-;) a five. game champIOnship match W1I1g.... can chllm the title of Shores champ~ and left Joe LoUIS wIlh the cash, a To register for the AquaFlt Fifth gradel <; Ho,,!:> Kogel ewd marks, 1J 111 on Street and the With runner up Kellv Construc- class that will be offered at Pierce champIOn tlOn The Dutch Treat chdmplOn of the North AmellCdn Silver Bradley R u<;'>cll are me mbt'l S 01 got out of being on the other Side Middle School, 15430 Kercheval on lhe champlOl1<;hlp team \\ tllch Hideaway wa<; 1-7 ship ,>quad IOcluded Gayla Balt" Mondays and Thursdays at 5 pm, Stick tourndment at Sdrma Ont, of the puck for a change In the Tue ....dav Dn 1<;lon, the Mal j Kdll11lnk Nancy Malefvt' beat Sault Ste Mane, Ont , 4-0 call 343-2160 III late ,Jal1Lldl) 1\\0 Wood,; "kdl. Bumper<; and B ~t111a hdd ldcntl Be\ :\venhlll1> Kdthy Hlt!:>emd You Buy Now I , YOU'VE BEEN SHOPPING FOR!! WE BEAT ANY DEAL The Fin (;s..d Car~ in To" n 1981 RELIANT SPECIAL EDITION 4 DR Burgundy From Any Dealer Period! Olr, crurse, FM, outo & pwr low mileage, one ow~r $5995 1980 MIRADA CMX. Dark blue, moon roof, 318 Get New, Low v.a, air, stereo, crUise, full pwr lOTS OF EXTRASI $5795 Interest-Rate Financing 1979 THUNDERBIRD. Burgundy, V-top air, stereo ON NEW 1982 OR 1983 crUise, pwr wmdows A VERY NICE CARl $4495 Annual 1979 REGAL LIMITED 2 DR. Two tone paint, air, stereo, crUise, tilt, pwr wind, 31,572 miles EX Percentage CHEVROLET CARS OR CELlENT CONDITION $5495 Rate ~981 CORDOBA CROWN COUPE Black Y lop, LIGHT DUTY TRUCKS 6 c:y\ ,CIlT, stereo, extras ONLY $6.95 ••• t . 15175 E. Jefferson In Grosse Pointe Park 821-2000 Mon. & Thurs. 8:30-9:00 Tues., Wed., Fri 8:30-6:00

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