50 Thursday 27 February 2020 www.cambrian-news.co.uk Public Notices ENOCH ELWYN EVANS *:$+2'',$',*<)/:<127(1'5 ,19,7$7,21727(1'(5 (Deceased) Pursuant to the Trustee Act 1925 any persons having a claim against or an 7RSODFHD3XEOLFRU interest in the Estate of the afore- *ZDKRGGLUFHLVLDGDXDPGHQGUJDQ $SSOLFDWLRQVDUHLQYLWHGIURPFRQWUDFWRUV mentioned deceased, late of Waun Lluest Plwmp JRQWUDFWZ\UDUJ\IHUJZHUWKX WRWHQGHUIRUWKHYHQGLQJRI SA44 6HS, who died on 01/01/2018, /HJDO1RWLFHRQWKLV are required to send particulars thereof +8)(1,$$',2'<''32(7+$&2(5 ,&(&5($0$1'+27 &2/' in writing to the undersigned Solicitors on or before 08/05/2020, after which '5,1.6 date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to claims and SDJHWHOHSKRQH &HLUJDQLDWDGLIDVQDFKXUKZQJ interests of which they have had notice. (EULOOD0HGLDFIH 7KHWUDGLQJFRQFHVVLRQLVDYDLODEOHIURP RUTH THOMAS & CO SOLICITORS Canolfan Fusnes Coedmor  SA48 8ET ZHUWKLU\F\QQ\UFK\Q