995 bus time schedule & line map

995 - Myerscough College Via Whalley, View In Website Mode

The 995 bus line (Clitheroe - Myerscough College Via Whalley, Longridge) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Clitheroe Town Centre: 5:05 PM (2) Myerscough: 7:37 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 995 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 995 bus arriving.

Direction: Clitheroe Town Centre 995 bus Time Schedule 55 stops Clitheroe Town Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 5:05 PM

Monday 5:05 PM College, Myerscough Tuesday 5:05 PM Green Man, Inglewhite Wednesday 5:05 PM Moores Corner, Goosnargh Thursday 5:05 PM

Oakleaf Close, Goosnargh Friday 5:05 PM Oakleaf Close, Goosnargh Saturday 5:05 PM Goosnargh Lane, Goosnargh

The Grapes Inn, Goosnargh

The Croft, Goosnargh 995 bus Info The Croft, Whittingham Civil Parish Direction: Clitheroe Town Centre Stops: 55 Stags Head, Goosnargh Trip Duration: 68 min Whittingham Lane, Whittingham Civil Parish Line Summary: College, Myerscough, Green Man, Inglewhite, Moores Corner, Goosnargh, Oakleaf Whittingham Lane, Whittingham Close, Goosnargh, Goosnargh Lane, Goosnargh, The Grapes Inn, Goosnargh, The Croft, Goosnargh, Stags Camforth Hall Lane, Whittingham Head, Goosnargh, Whittingham Lane, Whittingham, Camforth Hall Lane, Whittingham, Whittingham Whittingham Hospital the Lodge, Cumeragh Hospital the Lodge, Cumeragh Village, Hill Crest, Cumeragh, Kestor Lane, Longridge, Hill Crest Drive, Village Longridge, Market Place, Longridge, Health Centre, Longridge, Gardeners Cottage, Longridge, Hill Crest, Cumeragh Corporation Arms, , Hillside School, Hothersall, Asturian Gate, Hothersall, Ward Green Kestor Lane, Longridge Lane, Ward Green Cross, Kitchen Grn Fm, , Kestor Lane, Longridge Black Bull, Ribchester, Post Oce, Ribchester, Stoneygate Lane, Ribchester, Halls Arms, Knowle Hill Crest Drive, Longridge Green, Gallows Lane, Dutton, Bailey Green Cottage, Spinney Croft, Longridge Hurst Green, Shireburn Arms, Hurst Green, St Josephs Rcps, Hurst Green, Mitton Road End, Great Market Place, Longridge Mitton, Three Fishes, , Aspinall Arms, Market Place, Longridge Great Mitton, Mitton Hall, Great Mitton, Kingsmill Avenue, Calderstone, Cemetery, Calderstone, Health Centre, Longridge King Street, Longridge Calderstones Drive, Calderstone, Hospital, Calderstone, Rail Station, Whalley, The Grove, Gardeners Cottage, Longridge Whalley, Bus Station, Whalley, Hayhurst Road, Whalley, Rookwood, Whalley, Cemetery, Whalley, The Corporation Arms, Hothersall Eagle, Lamb Roe, Whiteacre Lane, Lamb Roe, Trafford Gardens, Barrow, Primary School, Barrow, Hillside School, Hothersall Garden Centre, Barrow, Clitheroe Golf Club, Barrow, Limehouse Farm, Barrow, Littlemoor Road, Primrose, Asturian Gate, Hothersall Park Street, Primrose, St James Street, Primrose, Interchange, Clitheroe Town Centre Ward Green Lane, Ward Green Cross

Kitchen Grn Fm, Ribchester

Black Bull, Ribchester

Post Oce, Ribchester

Stoneygate Lane, Ribchester

Halls Arms, Knowle Green

Gallows Lane, Dutton

Bailey Green Cottage, Hurst Green

Shireburn Arms, Hurst Green Avenue Road, Aighton

St Josephs Rcps, Hurst Green Whalley Road, Aighton

Mitton Road End, Great Mitton

Three Fishes, Great Mitton

Aspinall Arms, Great Mitton

Mitton Hall, Great Mitton

Kingsmill Avenue, Calderstone

Cemetery, Calderstone

Calderstones Drive, Calderstone

Hospital, Calderstone

Rail Station, Whalley

The Grove, Whalley The Grove, Whalley

Bus Station, Whalley Woodlands Drive, Whalley Civil Parish

Hayhurst Road, Whalley

Rookwood, Whalley Clitheroe Road, Whalley Civil Parish Cemetery, Whalley

The Eagle, Lamb Roe

Whiteacre Lane, Lamb Roe

Trafford Gardens, Barrow

Primary School, Barrow

Garden Centre, Barrow

Clitheroe Golf Club, Barrow

Limehouse Farm, Barrow A671, Pendleton Civil Parish

Littlemoor Road, Primrose Parker Avenue, Clitheroe

Park Street, Primrose Whalley Road, Clitheroe

St James Street, Primrose

Interchange, Clitheroe Town Centre Railway View Road, Clitheroe Direction: Myerscough 995 bus Time Schedule 57 stops Myerscough Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 7:37 AM

Monday 7:37 AM Interchange, Clitheroe Town Centre Railway View Road, Clitheroe Tuesday 7:37 AM

Market Place, Clitheroe Town Centre Wednesday 7:37 AM Market Place, Clitheroe Thursday 7:37 AM Lowergate, Clitheroe Town Centre Friday 7:37 AM Candlemakers' Court, Clitheroe Saturday 7:37 AM St Michaels & St John Rcps, Clitheroe Town Centre Lowergate, Clitheroe

Pendle Club, Clitheroe Town Centre 995 bus Info Wilkin Square, Clitheroe Direction: Myerscough Stops: 57 Greenacre Street, Clitheroe Town Centre Trip Duration: 68 min B6243, Clitheroe Line Summary: Interchange, Clitheroe Town Centre, Market Place, Clitheroe Town Centre, Lowergate, Park Street, Primrose Clitheroe Town Centre, St Michaels & St John Rcps, Street, Clitheroe Clitheroe Town Centre, Pendle Club, Clitheroe Town Centre, Greenacre Street, Clitheroe Town Centre, Littlemooor Road, Primrose Park Street, Primrose, Littlemooor Road, Primrose, Limehouse Farm, Barrow, Clitheroe Golf Club, Limehouse Farm, Barrow Barrow, Audley House, Barrow, County Primary School, Barrow, Trafford Gardens, Barrow, Whiteacre Clitheroe Golf Club, Barrow Lane, Lamb Roe, The Eagle, Lamb Roe, Cemetery, Whalley, Rookwood, Whalley, Hayhurst Road, Audley House, Barrow Whalley, Bus Station, Whalley, Bus Station, Whalley, Bus Station, Whalley, Post Oce, Whalley, The Grove, County Primary School, Barrow Whalley, Railway Stn, Whalley, Nethertown Close, Calderstone, Hospital, Calderstone, Calderstones Trafford Gardens, Barrow Drive, Calderstone, Cemetery, Calderstone, Kingsmill Washbrook Close, Civil Parish Avenue, Calderstone, Three Fishes Inn, Great Mitton, Mitton Road End, Great Mitton, Knowles Brow, Hurst Whiteacre Lane, Lamb Roe Green, Shireburn Arms, Hurst Green, St Johns Church, Hurst Green, Punch Bowl Hotel, Hurst Green, The Eagle, Lamb Roe Huntington Hall Lane, Dutton, Duddle House Farm, Dutton, Moor Nook, Dutton, Halls Arms, Knowle Cemetery, Whalley Green, Black Bull, Ribchester, Ward Green Lane, Ward Green Cross, Asturian Gate, Hothersall, Corporation Arms, Hothersall, Gardeners Cottage, Longridge, Rookwood, Whalley Health Centre, Longridge, Halfpenny Lane, Longridge, Brabiner Lane, Cumeragh, Whittingham Hayhurst Road, Whalley Hospital the Lodge, Cumeragh Village, Whittingham House, Goosnargh, Whittingham Lane West, Bus Station, Whalley Whittingham, Stags Head, Goosnargh, The Grapes Woodlands Drive, Whalley Civil Parish Inn, Goosnargh, Goosnargh Lane, Goosnargh, Oakleaf Close, Goosnargh, Langley Lane, Bus Station, Whalley Goosnargh, Green Man, Inglewhite, College, Myerscough Bus Station, Whalley

Post Oce, Whalley Clitheroe Road, Whalley Civil Parish

The Grove, Whalley The Grove, Whalley

Railway Stn, Whalley

Nethertown Close, Calderstone Nethertown Close, Whalley

Hospital, Calderstone

Calderstones Drive, Calderstone

Cemetery, Calderstone

Kingsmill Avenue, Calderstone

Three Fishes Inn, Great Mitton

Mitton Road End, Great Mitton

Knowles Brow, Hurst Green

Shireburn Arms, Hurst Green Avenue Road, Aighton

St Johns Church, Hurst Green

Punch Bowl Hotel, Hurst Green

Huntington Hall Lane, Dutton

Duddle House Farm, Dutton

Moor Nook, Dutton

Halls Arms, Knowle Green

Black Bull, Ribchester

Ward Green Lane, Ward Green Cross

Asturian Gate, Hothersall

Corporation Arms, Hothersall

Gardeners Cottage, Longridge

Health Centre, Longridge King Street, Longridge

Halfpenny Lane, Longridge

Brabiner Lane, Cumeragh

Whittingham Hospital the Lodge, Cumeragh Village

Whittingham House, Goosnargh Whittingham Lane West, Whittingham

Stags Head, Goosnargh Whittingham Lane, Whittingham Civil Parish

The Grapes Inn, Goosnargh

Goosnargh Lane, Goosnargh

Oakleaf Close, Goosnargh Oakleaf Close, Goosnargh Civil Parish

Langley Lane, Goosnargh

Green Man, Inglewhite

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