BUSINESS | Page 1 SPORT | Page 1 Improving Qatar aim to lay marker Qatar Airways Cargo for 2022 launches Guadalajara freighter service World Cup published in QATAR since 1978

TUESDAY Vol. XXXIX No. 11057 January 8, 2019 Jumada I 2, 1440 AH

GULF TIMES www. 2 Riyals

Deputy PM meets Tunisian FM In brief Qatar Airways QATAR | Offi cial Amir appoints heads of GTA, tourism council His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim ‘world’s most bin Hamad al-Thani yesterday issued Amiri Decision No 1 of 2019, appointing Ahmed Issa Rashid al- Ibrahim al-Mohannadi as Chairman of General Tax Authority (GTA). His Highness the Amir also issued Amiri Decision No 2 of 2019 punctual airline’ appointing Akbar al-Baker as Secretary-General of the National Tourism Council and Hassan O FlightStats analysis shows 89.8% of Qatar Airways’ Abdulrahman al-Ibrahim as Assistant to the Secretary-General of the 177,324 flights departed on time last year National Tourism Council. The decisions are to go into eff ect tual operation across the 12 months sengers to their destinations on-time”. from the date of issue and are to be By Pratap John than their counterparts in the other It curates the data from more than 600 published in the off icial gazette. Chief Business Reporter global airline groups. global sources. FlightGlobal’s FlightStats’ study of Besides Qatar Airways, the oneworld QATAR | Sport the 4.6mn oneworld fl ights in 2018 - members include American Airlines, atar Airways was the “world’s operated by the alliance’s 13-member British Airways, Cathay Pacifi c, Fin- Al-Attiyah wins fi rst most punctual international airlines and their 30 affi liated carriers, nair, Iberia, Japan Airlines, LATAM stage of Dakar rally Qnetwork airline” with 89.8% of serving more than 1,000 destinations Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, Qantas, HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Aff airs Sheikh Mohamed Double former champion Qatar’s its 177,324 fl ights monitored departing in 150 plus countries - showed 81.59% Royal Jordanian, S7 Airlines and Sri- bin Abdulrahman al-Thani met the Minister of Foreign Aff airs of Tunisia, Khemaies Nasser al-Attiyah won the opening on time in 2018, an analysis by Flight- of them departed on time. Lankan Airlines, and around 30 affi li- Jhinaoui, in Doha yesterday. Talks during the meeting dealt with ways to enhance stage of the Dakar Rally between Global’s FlightStats shows. oneworld member-airlines collec- ates. bilateral relations, as well as issues of mutual concern. Lima and Pisco yesterday to lead the The analysis ranks “oneworld as the tively also achieved the best arrival Royal Air Maroc is a oneworld mem- race in Peru. Al-Attiyah, the winner alliance with the most punctual airline punctuality in 2018, with 80.22% of ber-elect. Fiji Airways has just joined in 2011 and 2015 is a minute and operations in 2018 for the sixth year them landing on-time, a 2-point im- as the fi rst oneworld connect partner. 59 seconds ahead of Spain’s Carlos running.” provement on either competitor global As part of oneworld, these airlines Sainz in second place, with Poland’s It means oneworld has retained this alliance. serve more than 1,000 airports in 160- Jakub Przygonski a second further premier on-time status since Flight- oneworld members also took top plus territories, with some 14,000 dai- behind in third spot after a day of Global’s FlightStats started tracking honours FlightGlobal’s FlightStats’ ly departures. Advisory Council racing on desert tracks. “It’s always alliance punctuality. 2018 awards for individual airlines. The alliance members carry almost nice to win and I’m very happy with This latest honour means that one- Three other oneworld members also 550mn passengers a year on a com- the car,” he said of his high-wheeled, world is now the current holder of seven made it to the world’s Top 10 airline bined fl eet of 3,500 aircraft. beefed up Toyota. “It’ better than last “best airline alliance” titles internation- network list – 2017’s winner Iberia, oneworld alliance said it generates discusses draft law year’s model.” ally – more than twice as many as both American Airlines and LATAM, the al- some $135bn in annual revenues. other global airline alliances combined. liance said releasing the FlightGlobal’s Top tier oneworld loyalty card- ASIA | Politics The ranking is based on analysis FlightStats analysis yesterday. holders (Emerald and Sapphire) en- by FlightGlobal’s FlightStats of some FlightGlobal FlightStats said its joy access to more than 650 airport on DNA database Sheikh Hasina sworn 45mn fl ights operated by hundreds awards are “designed to recognise the lounges and are off ered extra baggage in as Bangladesh PM of airlines globally in the past year – hard work of the airlines that demon- allowances. The most regular travel- O DNA stored in the database shall be confidential Sheikh Hasina was sworn in which showed that oneworld members strate consistently high performance lers (Emerald) can also use fast track yesterday as Bangladesh’s prime collectively maintained a more punc- and deliver on their promise to get pas- security lanes at select airports. QNA On the occasion, HE Ahmed bin minister for the third consecutive Doha Abdullah bin Zaid al-Mahmoud term after her party ‘Awami League’ briefed the Council on his meeting last won the parliamentary elections in Wednesday with German Bundestag December. Sheikh Hasina, 71, took Training session he Advisory Council, at its regu- member and spokesperson of the So- oath before the country’s President lar weekly meeting held yes- cial Democratic Party of Germany’s Abdul Hamid at the presidential Tterday under the chairmanship Parliamentary Group, Nils Schmid, and palace in Dhaka along with her 46 of HE the Speaker Ahmed bin Abdul- his accompanying delegation, during cabinet members. Hasina is the lah bin Zaid al-Mahmoud, discussed a which they discussed bilateral relations first prime minister in the history of draft law on setting up a DNA database between Qatar and Germany and ways Bangladesh to be elected for a third in the country. of supporting and developing them in consecutive term of five years. Under the draft law, a DNA database the parliamentary fi eld. Her party ‘Awami League’ won 259 shall be established at the Ministry The German Bundestag member of the 299 seat-parliament in the of Interior. It shall be attached to the praised the great progress made by Qa- December 30 elections. competent authority at the ministry. tar in various fi elds and its distinguished Page 6 The database shall be used to store role in the regional and international genetic information obtained from arenas, as well as its eff orts for peace BRITAIN | Politics DNA samples as per the law. The ge- and stability in the region and the world. netic information shall be stored for He also expressed pleasure that Doha British MPs to vote on 30 years and shall be removed after the will host the next session of the General Brexit deal on Jan 15 expiry of this period. Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary British lawmakers will vote on Prime Data stored in the DNA database Union (IPU). Meanwhile, the Financial Minister Theresa May’s Brexit plan shall be confi dential and cannot be and Economic Aff airs Committee of on January 15, the BBC reported viewed without the permission of the the Advisory Council held a meeting yesterday, citing government Minister of Interior, the Public Pros- yesterday within the 47th regular ses- sources. The Commons’ vote had ecutor or a competent court. sion of the council, under its Rappor- been set for December but was The use of biological samples taken teur Ali bin Abdullatif al-Misnad. called off at the last minute by the for purposes other than those provided The committee reviewed a draft law PM, who was facing defeat, but for in the draft law, which specifi es the determining customs duty on certain sources have told the BBC the vote penalties to be applied to those who types of iron similar to those produced will not be delayed again. It is also violate it, is prohibited. by Qatar Steel Company. It also re- understood the government will The Council decided to refer the viewed a request for general discussion set out further reassurances on the draft law to the Internal and External on the achievement of the National controversial backstop. Page 8 Aff airs Committee for further study Plan for Food Security. and a report. The Advisory Council also The committee decided to complete AFRICA | Politics AFC Player of the Year Abdelkarim Hassan (L) trains with his Qatari teammates in Abu Dhabi yesterday. Qatar will take on discussed its draft budget for fi scal year its deliberation, on both topics, at its Gabon says coup Lebanon in the first match of their Asian Cup campaign tomorrow. Sport Page 1 2019 at yesterday’s meeting. next meeting. bid thwarted Gabon said it foiled an attempted coup yesterday after a group of soldiers called for a popular uprising while the country’s ailing president was abroad. The presidency said: Ooredoo announces deployment of 5G services for QNB “The situation is under control.” Page 4 oredoo announced yesterday corporate applications. 2030 to deliver world-class infrastruc- breaking 5G network services to yet This new service confi rms that both that it has connected QNB, the On top of vastly-improved coverage, ture, Ooredoo has showcased exciting another key corporate customer and, parties have only one goal, which is to AMERICA | Announcement Olargest fi nancial institution in Ooredoo’s 5G commercial service will milestones, including the demonstra- in particular, one which provides such provide the best and latest of technol- the Middle East and Africa, to its be- also enable QNB to off er their custom- tion of the world’s fi rst driverless aerial valuable services to the citizens and ogy to their customers. We are keen to President of World spoke, pre-standardised 5G network ers the latest in smart applications to taxi and super-speed 5G in a moving residents of Qatar. continue to deliver high quality solu- Bank resigns services. enhance their digital lives. vehicle at a dedicated event at The Pearl. “We are excited to see what a phe- tions to our loyal customers, as part of The president of the World Bank, With the new service, QNB will ben- The QNB’s customers can expect nomenal diff erence 5G will make to dig- our innovative and customer service Jim Yong Kim, announced his efi t from a connectivity solution via ra- Ooredoo’s 5G commercial service to ital lives in Qatar and the wider region, excellence.” resignation after more than six dio technology for corporate customers utilise the latest network technology to and we look forward to continuing a Ooredoo is Qatar’s leading commu- years in the role yesterday. The who may have operations in hard-to- off er much higher speeds and capacity, productive partnership with QNB.” nications company and continues to Korean-born American will leave reach areas, as an alternative to high- as well as better latency than existing Manar Khalifa al-Muraikhi, director, Yousef Darwish, general manager enhance Qatar’s mobile, Wi-Fi, and na- the role at the end of January, the speed wired networks. Ooredoo Qatar’s cellular systems. PR and Corporate Communications at of QNB Group Communications, said: tionwide Ooredoo fi bre networks on the Washington-based World Bank said 5G service off ers an extremely high- Following the launch of 5G in May Ooredoo, said: “We are exceptionally “Ooredoo is one of our main partners Ooredoo Supernet. It has the fi rst, fast- in a statement. Page 5 speed, low latency network for selected 2018, in line with Qatar National Vision proud to be able to off er our ground- that we are proud to work closely with. est and furthest 5G network in Qatar. Gulf Times 2 Tuesday, January 8, 2019 QATAR

Municipality Foreign ministry secretary-general discusses ties with US diplomat conducts Amir issues two 29,089 inspection raids in 2018

instruments of The Municipality of Doha, represented by the health control section of the department of municipal control, conducted 29,089 inspection raids in 2018 that covered various institutions and establishments in various ratifi cation areas of the municipality. HE Ministry of Foreign Aff airs Secretary-General Dr Ahmed bin Hassan al-Hammadi met The annual report announced is Highness the Amir sued yesterday Law No 5 of 2019, Law, enacted by Law No. 13 of yesterday with US the acting charge d’aff aires to Qatar, William Grant. During the meeting, by the municipality yesterday Sheikh Tamim bin Ha- amending some provisions of 1990. they reviewed bilateral relations, means of supporting and developing them and prospects indicated a significant increase Hmad al-Thani issued Law No. 10 of 2002 on the Public The law is eff ective and shall for co-operation, in addition to issues of common concern. in the number of inspection raids yesterday an instrument of Prosecution. be published in the offi cial during 2018, amounting to 52% or ratifi cation approving a draft The law is eff ective starting gazette. 19,096 inspection tours, adding memorandum of understanding from the day following the date Law on supporting com- that the number of administrative (MoU) between the Ministry of of its publication in the offi cial petitiveness of national closures and records of seizure Education and Higher Educa- gazette. products: His Highness the Al-Hammadi meets Ethiopian envoy during 2018 increased to 180 tion of Qatar and the Ministry of Law amending some pro- Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Ha- seizure and closure of facilities Higher Education of the Sultan- visions of Judicial Authority: mad al-Thani issued yesterday of which 88 were administrative ate of Oman on co-operation in His Highness the Amir Sheikh Law No 2 of 2019 on support- closure of the violating food the fi eld of science and higher Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani is- ing the competitiveness of na- establishments. education. The draft MoU was sued yesterday Law No. 4 of tional products and combating The doctors in the health signed in Doha on June 7, 2018. 2019 amending some provisions harmful practices to them in control section supervised His Highness the Amir issued of the Judicial Authority prom- international trade. the examination of 6,94,140 an instrument of ratifi cation ulgated by Law No 10 of 2003. The law is eff ective and shall be slaughtered animals, the approving the ratifi cation of an The law is eff ective starting published in the offi cial gazette. destruction of 11,282 slaughtered agreement on the promotion from the day following the date Law regulating invest- animals because it was unfit for and protection of mutual invest- of its publication in the offi cial ment of Non-Qatari capital: human consumption. The health ments between the Government gazette. His Highness the Amir Sheikh control inspectors also inspected Qatar and the Government of Law Amending Some Pro- Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani is- 3,64,286 tonnes of vegetables the Republic of Togo. The agree- visions of Civil and Commer- sued yesterday Law No 1 of 2019 and fruits and destroyed ment was signed in Doha on cial Procedure Law: His High- regulating the investment of the HE Ministry of Foreign Aff airs Secretary-General Dr Ahmed bin Hassan al-Hammadi met 11,647 tonnes of them because April 30, 2018. ness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin non-Qatari capital in economic yesterday with the Ethiopia’s ambassador to Qatar, Metasebia Tadesse Woldegiorgis, they were unfit for human Law amending provisions Hamad al-Thani issued yester- activity. on the occasion of the end of his tenure in the country. The secretary-general extended consumption, and 376 seizures of law on Public Prosecution: day Law No. 3 of 2019 amend- The law is eff ective and shall thanks to the ambassador for his eff orts in promoting bilateral relations, wishing him suc- and violations were issued along His Highness the Amir Sheikh ing some of the provisions of the be published in the offi cial cess in his future duties. with fines amounted to Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani is- Civil and Commercial Procedure gazette. QR2.1mn. (QNA) Emergency departments at Al Wakra SC receives Hospital treat 30,000 patients a month prestigious

amad Medical Corpo- “With a combined staff of excellence for hernia surgery. hospital’s various outpatient tinuing work on the expansion ration (HMC) has said 2,351, including 288 doctors “We are continuing to expand departments, noting that up to of our inpatient and outpatient Hthat Al Wakra Hospital’s working across a variety of med- the services we provide to pa- 3,500 patients are treated each rehabilitation services. There month by the Rehabilitation are also plans to establish a award for three emergency departments ical specialities, we provide a full tients. This year we introduced treat more than 30,000 patients, range of diagnostic and treat- a play therapy service to support Department, which has a hy- Blood Donation Center here in while the hospital’s various out- ment services for outpatients pediatric patients throughout drotherapy pool and dedicated Al Wakra so that those wishing patient departments give care to and inpatients, including day their inpatient care and to help facilities for male, female, and to donate blood can do so right 20,000 patients each month. care patients of all ages,” added them manage their pain. We paediatric patients. here in the community, without Dr Omar al-Qahtani, deputy having to travel to Doha,” said Dr cybersecurity Each day, approximately 600 Dr al-Kadhi. have also opened a new admis- adult patients and 300 chil- He noted that Al Wakra Hos- sions and discharge lounge to medical director, Al Wakra Hos- al-Qahtani. dren are treated at the hospital’s pital is continuing to add to the improve patient care and expe- pital, noted that the hospital’s Opened in 2012, Al Wakra he Supreme Com- Archer system to host and Adult and Pediatric Emergency services off ered to patients as rience. The lounge is a comfort- expanded clinics have increased Hospital was established to serve mittee for Delivery & manage the cyber-security Departments, with an additional part of ongoing eff orts to in- able space that has streamlined capacity to care for patients. the rapidly growing communi- TLegacy (SC) has been capabilities framework cre- 80 women cared for at the Ob- crease access to care for those the admission and discharge “The main Outpatient Depart- ties of Al Wakrah, Mesaieed, and awarded a renowned RSA Ex- ated for the 2022 FIFA World stetrics and Gynecology Emer- living in Al Wakra and the sur- processes and is helping patients ment features 48 consultation the South Doha Airport area. cellence Award for its work in Cup - an enormous task and gency Department each month. rounding community, pointing return home more quickly,” said rooms with over 400 clinics held As one of HMC’s largest facili- the fi eld of cybersecurity and one that requires a great deal Dr Sabah al-Kadhi, medical that recent additions include the Dr al-Kadhi. each week.” ties, the hospital is spread across safeguarding. of commitment, collaboration director, Al Wakra Hospital, said National Burns Center, a robotic According to him, a number Dr al-Qahtani noted that fu- more than 300,000sq m of land. The award was given in and continuity. in remarks yesterday that the surgery service for general sur- of new services introduced this ture expansion plans include With over 325 beds, including recognition of the SC’s ‘RSA “I am delighted to receive General Hospital was designed, gery and urology, and a coun- year has helped reduce wait- the commissioning of a new CT 234 general and acute patient Archer Suite’ project after this award on behalf of the SC built, and staff ed with the trywide collaborative service ing time and improved access to scan, which is expected to be op- beds and more than 90 critical the Security and IT depart- and the IT department, and changing needs and expecta- with dentistry, diabetes, mental elective care services. erational early in the new year. care beds for high-dependency ments demonstrated an abil- I look forward to continuing tions of the growing community health, and cardiology. He explained that approxi- “We are planning to estab- and burns patients, the hospital ity to stretch the capabilities to build on this success over in the country’s southern region Al Wakra Hospital has mately 20,000 patients are lish a Center of Excellence for also has 77 observation and day- of the system and create an the coming years as we work in mind. also become a centre of received each month in the Stone Treatment and are con- care beds. (QNA) impact on both a regional and together to deliver amazing enterprise level. in 2022.” Major Othman al-Homoud, The RSA Archer Suite deputy head, Cyber-Security project was established by the Unit, Security Committee; SC to oversee the implemen- and Maryam al-Muftah, di- tation of a unifi ed cyber-se- NU-Q launches Executive Education in Communication and Media rector, IT at SC, accepted the curity capabilities framework. award on behalf of the SC. The system is accessible to the Commenting on the award, multiple entities and organi- rofessional communica- health or sport communication and institutions’ reputation. non-profi t health organisations professional expertise well-po- al-Homoud said, “I am de- sations across Qatar who are tors in Qatar and the region as well as those for whom this The second examines suc- operating nationally and inter- sitioned present these courses lighted to accept this pres- involved in delivering a safe Pcan receive training in their training will have benefi t. cessful sport organisations that nationally are facing important for working professionals and tigious award on behalf of and successful tournament fi elds as part of a series of master- The Executive Education in have developed new audiences challenges and opportunities. others interested in advanced my colleagues in the Security in 2022. classes Northwestern University Communication and Media at and revenues around their en- Changing demographics in the education,” said NU-Q Dean and Committee and the SC. The framework allows or- in Qatar (NU-Q) will be off ering NU-Q will off er three masterclass- gagement with sport and how region and changing patterns CEO Everette E Dennis. “From day one we have al- ganisations to quickly im- in 2019. As part of its Executive es during the spring semester which they use it to penetrate emerging in media consumption habits “We now have a full set of ways treated the subject of plement risk-based cyber- Education in Communication and include: Strategic Communica- markets such as China, India, mean that health campaigns and courses that will be taught be security as our greatest prior- security building practices Media programme, it will feature tion, Reputation, and Resilience and the Middle East. It also ex- health communication need to some of the world’s leading ex- ity and we work together every that tackle people, processes sessions aimed at specifi c needs in in Times of Change, Sport Com- plores how media mega-events be rethought in ways in which perts from academia and major day to deliver not only the and technology elements - Qatar including health, sport, and munication, Marketing, and Gov- like the World Cup and the Ol- they consider the transforma- health, sport, and media organi- greatest FIFA World Cup in all based on industry stand- strategic communication. ernance and Eff ective Strategies ympics can be utilised to im- tion of public opinion and the sations. In this way, NU-Q can tournament history, but also ards and best practices. This, The programme is open to indi- for Health Communication. prove marketing opportunities. media technologies in general. contribute to the growing talent the safest. Projects such as in turn, leads to improved viduals working in these respec- The fi rst executive course The third will discuss how the “As a leader in the fi elds of pool of communication profes- this play a huge part in helping cyber-security maturity, tive fi elds as well as recent gradu- will examine how to use strate- healthcare industry is being dra- communication and media, sionals and interested layper- us achieve these goals.” more informed decision mak- ates and others who are making gic communications to improve matically transformed. Govern- Northwestern University in Qa- sons in the country and region,” Al-Muftah added: “The ing and enhanced business a career transition to strategic, the resilience of organisations ments, private companies, and tar is by dint of its faculty and Dennis said. (QNA) SC has successfully used the performance. (QNA)

Chairman of Supreme QRCS organises education and Judiciary Council meets WATSAN services in Philippines US House atar Red Crescent ternational development divi- ing friendly ties with QRCS. delegation Society (QRCS) has sion at QRCS, stated, “QRCS “We work together on diverse Qconducted a series is a key humanitarian provider humanitarian operations to The Chairman of the Supreme of fi rst aid, risk reduction, in the Philippines. With its ac- help the aff ected communi- Judiciary Council and President and psychological support tive interventions in response ties in the Philippines,” said of the Court of Cassation HE courses for 2,500 students to the several natural disas- al-Dosari. Dr Hassan Lahdan Saqr al- of eight primary schools ters that hit the country over Earlier this year, QRCS Mohannadi met yesterday with in Mindanao, the southern the past few years. These in- donated two water tankers, a delegation of US House of Philippines. clude 2013 Typhoon Haiyan, each 10,000 lt in capacity, for Representatives, on the occasion Under a multifaceted project 2014 Typhoon Hagupit, 2017 the Philippine Red Cross, al- of their visit to the country. implemented in coordination Surigao earthquake, 2017 Dosari pointed out. “These During the meeting, they with the Philippine Red Cross, Typhoon Vinta, and 2018 deliveries will be used to pro- discussed judicial co-operation QRCS’s representation mission Typhoon Mangkhut, just to vide drinking water for peo- between Qatar and the United in the Philippines also reha- name a few”. ple during the recurrent dis- States, and means of enhancing bilitated water and sanitation She commended the strong asters that frequently strike and developing them in various (WATSAN) facilities and pro- relations between the two Mindanao, the country’s fields, especially in the areas moted hygiene awareness at National Societies, as Senator second-largest island that is of judicial training, judicial the target schools. Richard J Gordon, president of mostly prone to typhoons, qualification, investigations and Noura Rashid al-Dosari, the Philippine Red Cross, pays fl oods, and earthquakes,” she mutual judicial assistance. general director, relief and in- particular attention to hav- added. (QNA) Students at a primary school in Mindanao. Gulf Times Tuesday, January 8, 2019 3 QATAR/REGION/ARAB WORLD

Engineering tech Top fi lmmakers confi rmed as programmes at masters for fi fth Qumra event CNA-Q receive rench New Wave cinema global accreditation legend Agnes Varda, pro- Flifi c Japanese director and writer and By Joey Aguilar Polish fi lmmaker Pawel Paw- Staff Reporter Accredited courses likowski have been confi rmed as the fi rst three Qumra Masters of All CNA-Q programmes in the the Doha Film Institute’s (DFI) our accreditation cer- School of Business Studies are dedicated industry incubation tifi cates from the Ca- accredited by Accreditation and talent development event. Fnadian Technology Ac- Council for Business Schools The three leaders in global creditation Board (CTAB) have for two and three-year cinema will nurture the develop- been awarded to College of diplomas in the disciplines of ment of local and international the North Atlantic – Qatar’s Marketing, Accounting and upcoming fi lmmakers in Qatar (CNA-Q) engineering tech- Human Resource Manage- in a series of masterclasses and nology programmes. ment. mentoring sessions at the fi fth CNA-Q president Dr Khalifa The programmes in the Col- edition of Qumra, being held al-Khalifa received the awards lege’s School of Information from March 15 to 20 at the Mu- from CTAB education con- Technology are accredited seum of Islamic Art, it was an- sultant Errol Persaud at a cer- by Canadian Association of nounced yesterday. emony yesterday at CNA-Q, Information Professionals, A selection of pivotal works adding to the long list of other which are: Information Sys- of Varda, Kurosawa and Paw- From left: Pawel Pawlikowski, Agnes Varda and Kiyoshi Kurosawa internationally-recognised tems – Hardware, Information likowski will be screened as part accreditations that the insti- Systems – Software, Informa- of the programme that provides rytelling, inspiring generations and her installations have been (1997), he then delivered the he started making short fi lms tution holds in its academic tion Systems – Network and unique professional develop- of fi lmmakers around the world exhibited at the world’s most notable (1998), during his postgraduate stud- schools. Systems Administration, and ment opportunities to emerging to create fearlessly and to be true prominent galleries and muse- Barren Illusion (1999), Charisma ies at Oxford, later joining The CTAB certifi cates were Information Systems – Web fi lmmakers and introduces them to their creative spirit.” ums. She has won several rec- (1999), and Pulse (2000), which BBC’s documentary depart- awarded to the three-year di- Developer. to some of the fi nest works in “The assembly of masters of ognitions including the Silver was awarded the FIPRESCI Prize ment. He started making unique ploma programmes of Proc- In the School of Health global cinema by true vanguards fi lmmaking Agnes Varda, Kiy- Bear Prize at Berlinale (1965) for in the Un Certain Regard at 2001 documentaries in 1987, mov- ess Automation Engineering Sciences, the following of the industry. oshi Kurosawa and Pawel Paw- her fi lm Cleo from 5 to 7 (1965); Festival de Cannes. ing into narrative fi ction 1996 Technology, Electrical Engi- programmes are accredited: Delegates with projects will likowski conjures the essence Golden Lion at Venice Interna- Kurosawa continued to gar- with Twockers while teaching neering Technology, Mechan- Three-year diploma in Respi- also participate in workshops of ‘Seven Samurai’ in provid- tional Film Festival (1985) for ner awards with documentary and narrative fi lm ical Engineering Technology, ratory Therapy are accredited and working sessions with in- ing essential protection of the her fi lm Vagabond (1985), Léop- (2008), taking the Jury Prize in directing at the National Film and Chemical Processing En- by Canadian Society of Res- dustry experts, advancing their cinematic community from the ardo d’Onore at the Locarno Un Certain Regard and Best Film School. In 2013, he moved back gineering Technology. piratory Therapists; two-year progress, covering all stages of ‘looting’ of global cultural ban- Film Festival (2014), Palme d’Or at the 2009 Asian Film Awards; to Warsaw, where he continues “These accreditations are Pharmacy Technician diploma the production life cycle from dits,” said Elia Suleiman, the d’Honneur at Festival de Cannes (2013), which won to make fi lms and teaches fi lm extremely important for CNA- is accredited by The Canadian scripting and direction through DFI’s artistic adviser. (2015), Grolsch Audience Award Best Director at Rome Film Fes- writing and directing at the Wa- Q. They validate the excellent Council for Accreditation of to post-production, distribution Born in 1928 to Greek father for Best Documentary at Toron- tival; and jda School. work we are doing and serve as Pharmacy Programmes; Oc- and marketing. and French mother, Varda was to Film Festival (2017) for Faces, (2014), winner of Best Director Among Pawlikowski’s ac- a reminder that this CNA-Q is cupational Health Safety and “We are honoured to welcome a photographer in the 1950s. In Places (2017), and an Academy in Un Certain Regard. In 2017, claimed narrative works are Last an internationally recognised Environment Programme is three true masters of cinema to 1954, she founded Cine-Tamaris Honorary Award for her contri- he screened Resort (2000); My Summer of technical college, preparing its accredited by National Exami- be our 2019 Qumra Masters, and to make La Pointe Courte, which bution to cinema. in Un Certain Regard, and its Love (2004); The Woman in the students to be trained as in- nation Board in Occupational to share their wisdom, learning earned her the title of ‘Grand Born in 1955 in Hyogo Pre- spinoff Foreboding in Berlinale’s Fifth (2011), Ida (2015 Best For- novative problem-solvers and Safety and Health; three-year and insights with emerging fi lm- Mother of the French New Wave’. fecture, Kurosawa is a world- Panorama. Daguerrotype (2016) eign Language Film Oscar); and technically competent work- diplomas in Advanced Care makers,” said Fatma Hassan al- Her body of work includes 33 renowned fi lm director, writer, marked Kurosawa’s fi rst overseas Cold War (2018), winner of Best ers who strive to meet Qatar’s Paramedicine Programme Remaihi, CEO of the DFI. short and feature length docu- fi lm critic, and professor at To- production, and his current fi lm, Director at Festival de Cannes evolving economic needs,” Dr and its Medical Radiography “The participation of these mentary and narrative fi lms, in- kyo University of the Arts. A To the Ends of the Earth (working and Polish submission for Best al-Khalifa said in a press state- are both accredited by Ac- three living legends who have cluding Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962); graduate of Rikkyo University, title) is an international co-pro- Foreign Language Film Academy ment. creditation Canada. established remarkable identi- Vagabond (1985), Jacquot de he produced independent 8mm duction shot in Uzbekistan. Award. The masterful quality of “These CTAB accredita- In the School of Language ties in cinema will expand the Nantes (1991), The Gleaners & fi lms and made his commercial Born in Warsaw, Pawlikowski his work has established him as tions mean that CNA-Q pro- Studies and Academics, possibilities of the medium for I (2000), The Beaches of Agnes feature directorial debut in 1983 has lived in London, Germany one of the foremost fi lmmakers grammes meet and exceed an the English Language Qumra delegates. Agnes Varda, (2008) and Faces Places (2017). with Kandagawa Wars. and Italy since the age of 14. A of our time. outstanding standard of edu- programme is accredited Kiyoshi Kurosawa and Pawel In 2003, Varda launched a Initially attracting inter- graduate of literature and phi- The fi nal 2019 Qumra Masters cation in the fi eld of engineer- by Commission on English Pawlikowski have redefi ned sto- third career as a visual artist, national attention with Cure losophy at London University, will be announced shortly. ing technology,” he stressed. Language Programme According to CNA-Q, its Accreditation. Process Automation Engi- CONFLICT neering Technology pro- gramme, along with the Elec- mirror industry needs and Israel launches trical Engineering Technology challenges,” Gamar noted. further Hamas programme, has been re-ac- Meanwhile, Persaud, dur- credited for a second time un- ing his visit to the College, also strikes after Gaza Khamenei aide says US til 2020. awarded engineering gradu- rocket fired ates Ahmed Saleh al-Baker, “These CTAB Ahmed Ibrahim al-Heidous The Israeli army said yesterday it accreditations mean and Mohamed Ahmad al-Ena- had carried out further air raids that CNA-Q programmes zi who recently bagged the fi rst against Hamas positions in the approached for talks meet and exceed place in CTAB 2018’s National Gaza Strip in response to a rocket an outstanding Applied Research/Technology being fired over its border. The Reuters terms of the pact. “During problems in Afghanistan”. He would fail to wreck the econo- standard of education contest for their “Natural Gas Israeli air defence system inter- Dubai my visit to Kabul last month, said the Kabul government my. In July, Iranian authorities in the fi eld of engineering Liquid Recovery Plant Design, cepted the rocket which was fired the Americans...asked to hold had known of his talks with the said Tehran had rejected eight technology” Simulation and Optimisation” overnight from the Hamas-ruled talks,” the secretary of Iran’s Taliban. Washington accuses US requests for a meeting be- report. coastal enclave, the army said. close aide to Iran’s Su- Supreme National Security Iran of trying to extend its in- tween Trump and President The College’s Chemical “Each year, we hold a re- Planes and a helicopter gunship preme Leader Ayatol- Council, Ali Shamkhani, was fl uence in western Afghanistan Hassan Rouhani on the side- Processing Engineering Tech- port contest for students then raided “terror targets within Alah Ali Khamenei said quoted as saying, without by providing military training, lines of the UN General As- nology programme secured its from CTAB-accredited pro- the organisation’s military camp in yesterday US offi cials had ap- specifying what the US side fi nancing and weapons to the sembly in Sept 2017. fi rst accreditation from CTAB grammes. The quality of re- the northern Gaza Strip,” the state- proached him during a visit he wanted to discuss. Taliban, a charge Tehran denies. “America’s fantasy and hos- until 2021, including its Me- ports submitted certainly re- ment said. A Hamas security off i- made last month to Afghani- US offi cials were not imme- Shamkhani’s comments tile measures have led nowhere, chanical Engineering Tech- fl ects the excellent education cial in Gaza said that Israeli aircraft stan to request talks with Te- diately available to comment on came days after reports of talks in spite of all their vengeful ef- nology programme. students are being exposed carried out three raids, targeting a hran, Iran’s semi-offi cial Tas- the report. In 2001, Iran worked between US and Taliban offi - forts towards the Iranian peo- Established in 1982, the to,” said CTAB chair Candace position of the armed wing of the nim news agency reported. with the United States to help cials over proposals for a cease- ple, and will certainly not in the CTAB is a standing commit- Scott in a statement. movement near Beit Lahia in the Tensions between Iran and set up a new Afghan govern- fi re in Afghanistan and a future future,” Iranian state TV quoted tee of The Canadian Council of “CNA-Q students were north of the Palestinian enclave the United States, have in- ment to replace the Taliban, withdrawal of foreign troops Foreign Ministry spokesman Technicians and Technologists among some of the top sub- without causing any casualties. creased since last May, when which had been toppled by a ahead of possible peace nego- Bahram Qasemi as saying yes- (CCTT). The board is charged mittals this year and CTAB is The latest raids follow strikes by the President Donald Trump pulled US-led military campaign fol- tiations. terday. “Our nation will never with developing, co-ordinat- pleased to announce that the Israeli army on two Hamas posts out of a 2015 nuclear deal be- lowing Al Qaeda’s September 11 Khamenei slapped down yield to the cruel pressures of ing and managing the national fi rst-place winner of the 2018 on Sunday, after balloons carried an tween Tehran and major pow- attacks on US cities. an offer of direct talks made the United States. We will never accreditation programme for contest was from CNA-Q,” explosive device over the border ers, and then reimposed sanc- Shamkhani was in Kabul last by Trump last year and Ira- bend to those who talk the lan- applied science and engineer- Scott added. fence. The Gaza border has been tions on the Islamic Republic month for talks with the Tali- nian officials have said Wash- guage of sanctions and build ing technology programmes Ahmed Haseeb and Has- relatively calm in recent weeks after that had been lifted under the ban “to help curb the security ington’s crippling sanctions walls instead of bridges.” internationally. san Mouhsin, who are both a deal in which Israel allowed to CNA-Q vice president-Ac- graduates of Process Automa- provide millions of dollars in aid for ademic Samah Gamar echoed tion Engineering Technology fuel and salaries in the blockaded the statement of Dr al-Khalifa programme at CNA-Q, also enclave. A Hamas security source saying that “our graduates are received an honourable men- said one strike occurred east of recognised as work-ready – tion for their report,“Design Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Pro-govt rally as Sudan says 800 protesters held stepping up to high industry a Safety Control System for Strip and hit an observation point expectations, especially when the Instrument Air Supply in a for Hamas’s armed wing, while the national interests are at stake.” Qapco Plant.” second was east of Gaza City. AFP pound to three (from two to She described the College’s “This speaks not only to the Khartoum six US cents).Several buildings engineering technology cre- high calibre of our students but and offi ces of Bashir’s ruling dentials as “the only creden- also to the excellent instruction RIGHTS National Congress Party (NCP) tials of their kind off ered in they receive while at the Col- Saudi woman ore than 800 protest- were torched in the initial vio- Qatar.” lege. This is proof that upon ers have been arrested lence. “To secure this type of ac- graduation, our students are ‘under the care’ Min anti-government Sudanese authorities have creditation, they must be ready to compete on an inter- of UN agency demonstrations held across launched a crackdown on op- academically rigorous pro- national platform in their fi eld. Sudan since last month, a min- position leaders, activists grammes taught in applied We are very proud of these win- The Saudi woman who made a des- ister said yesterday, as hun- and journalists to prevent the workshop-based settings that ners,” Dr al-Khalifa said. perate plea for asylum after landing dreds gathered at a rally back- spread of protests. at Bangkok airport has been placed ing President Omar al-Bashir. Sudan has been facing a “under the care” of the United Na- Deadly protests have rocked mounting economic crisis over tions refugee agency, a Thai off icial Sudan since December 19, the past year led by an acute said late yesterday. Rahaf Mohamed when unrest fi rst broke out over shortage of foreign currency. al-Qunun said she ran away from a government decision to raise The cost of food items and her family while travelling because the price of bread. medicines has more than dou- they subjected her to physical and Authorities say at least 19 Traders display their groceries along a street as they wait for bled and infl ation has hit 70%. psychological abuse. The 18-year- people including two security customers in Khartoum, yesterday. Food and fuel shortages have old said she had planned to seek personnel have been killed in been regularly reported across asylum in Australia and feared she clashes during the demonstra- The fi gure was the fi rst given set on fi re including 15 that be- several cities, including Khar- would be killed if repatriated by Thai tions, but rights group Am- by offi cials for those detained longed to international organi- toum. immigration off icials who stopped nesty International has put the since the rallies erupted ini- sations. Most anti-government ral- her during transit on Sunday. The death toll at 37. tially in towns and villages and “The demonstrations began lies have been spearheaded incident comes as Saudi Arabia Interior Minister Ahmed Bi- later spread to the capital Khar- peacefully, but some thugs with by professionals like doctors, faces intense scrutiny over the lal Osman yesterday gave de- toum. a hidden agenda used them to teachers and engineers, but shocking murder of journalist Jamal tails to parliament of arrests Osman told lawmakers there indulge in looting and stealing,” they have been swiftly broken Khashoggi last year, which has made during the protests and had been a total of 381 protests the minister said, adding that up by riot police fi ring tear gas renewed criticism of the kingdom’s violence that marked several reported since December 19. the situation across Sudan was at protesters. Yesterday, crowds rights record. Thai immigration chief rallies. He said that 118 buildings now “calm and stable”. Protests of protesters gathered in the Surachate Hakparn had said Sun- “The total number of pro- were destroyed in the protests, broke out when the government Red Sea city of Port Sudan but Dr Khalifa al-Khalifa (centre) receiving the accreditation day that Qunun was denied entry testers arrested until now is including 18 that belonged to raised the price of a small loaf they were quickly dispersed by certificates from Errol Persaud yesterday while Samah Gamar because of her lack of documents. 816,” Osman said. police, while 194 vehicles were of bread from one Sudanese riot police, witnesses said. looks on. PICTURE: Ram Chand Gulf Times 4 Tuesday, January 8, 2019 AFRICA

Zimbabwe teachers set Gabon thwarts coup bid to strike in By Gerauds Wilfried chairman Moussa Faki Maha- Obangome, Reuters mat reaffi rmed “the AU’s total Libreville rejection of all unconstitu- pay dispute tional changes of power.” In a video on social media, abon yesterday foiled Ondo is seen in a radio studio By MacDonald Dzirutwe, Reuters an attempted military wearing military fatigues and Harare Gcoup, killing two sus- a green beret as he reads the pected plotters and capturing statement. seven others just hours after Two other soldiers with ri- imbabwean teachers will strike from they took over state radio in a fl es stand behind him. today to press for US dollar salaries bid to end 50 years of rule by Ondo said the coup attempt Zas talks with the government failed to President Ali Bongo’s family. was by a group called the Pa- bring a breakthrough, a union said, adding Government spokesman triotic Movement of the De- pressure on President Emmerson Mnan- Guy-Bertrand Mapangou an- fence and Security Forces of gagwa to contain a runaway currency crisis. nounced the deaths and arrests Gabon against “those who, in Cash shortages have plunged Zim- after soldiers briefl y seized the a cowardly way, assassinated babwe’s fi nancial system into disarray, radio station and broadcast a our young compatriots on threatening social unrest and undermining message saying Bongo was no the night of August 31, 2016,” Mnangagwa’s eff orts to win back foreign longer fi t for offi ce, after suf- a reference to violence after investors sidelined under his predecessor fering a stroke in October. Bongo was declared winner of Robert Mugabe. The quick failure of yes- a disputed election. With not enough hard currency to back terday’s coup and the lack of Bongo won the poll by fewer up funds showing in bank accounts, the widespread support suggest than 6,000 votes, sparking value of electronic money has plummeted, further eff orts to overthrow deadly clashes between pro- prompting businesses and civil servants to Bongo are unlikely, analysts testers and police during which demand payment in US dollars they can said. the parliament was torched. withdraw. But the attempt alone shows “President Bongo’s record as Just over four months into Mnangagwa’s a growing frustration with a defence minister under his fa- contested presidency, the Zimbabwe government weakened by the ther lowers the possibility that Teachers’ Union (ZIMTA) said its members President’s secretive medical current military leadership is would strike as spiralling infl ation has left leave. supportive of his ouster,” said them unable to buy basic goods and fuel On December 31, in one of Judd Devermont of the Center that are in short supply. his fi rst television appear- for Strategic and International Government doctors have been on strike ances since the stroke, Bongo, In this video grab made on a video footage obtained on YouTube, Gabon soldiers on state radio call on the people to “rise up” and Studies in Washington. for more than a month over the same issue. 59, slurred his speech and he announced a “national restoration council” would be formed. France has a permanent ZIMTA president Richard Gundani told appeared unable to move his force of 300 soldiers in Gabon. Reuters a meeting between public sector right arm. It is unclear if he is had come out into the streets The Bongo family has ruled the capital’s hillside shanties president,” Exx Africa Busi- The United States also sent unions and acting Labour Minister July able to walk. He has been in to support the coup attempt, a the oil-producing country to the east. ness Risk Intelligence said in a about 80 soldiers to Gabon last Moyo only resolved to re-start talks, but Morocco since November to Reuters witness said. since 1967. A sharp drop in oil output report. week in response to possible teachers would not report for duty from continue treatment. Helicopters circled overhead Bongo has been president and prices in recent years has The international commu- violence in Democratic Re- today. In a radio message at and there was a strong mili- since succeeding his father, squeezed revenues, raised debt nity condemned the coup at- public of Congo after a presi- “We were very frank to each other and 4.30am, Lieutenant Kelly tary and police presence on the Omar, who died in 2009. and stoked discontent. tempt, including former colo- dential election there. all the unions agreed that workers are in- Ondo Obiang, who described streets. His re-election in 2016 was Oil workers’ strikes have be- nial ruler France which urged Foreign governments have capacitated and we provided suffi cient himself as an offi cer in the Re- Most of the beachside capi- marred by claims of fraud and come more common. its 8,900 citizens registered in often suspected Bongo and justifi cation that they are unable to work,” publican Guard, said Bongo’s tal was quiet, however, and a violent protest. Economic growth was 2% Gabon to avoid moving around members of his government of Gundani said. “ZIMTA’s declaration of in- New Year’s Eve address “rein- government spokesman said The economy was long bu- last year, down from over 7% Libreville. corruption, accusations they capacitation stands and teachers will not go forced doubts about the presi- the situation was under con- oyed by oil revenues, much of in 2011. “Gabon’s stability can only have denied. to work.” dent’s ability to continue to trol after the arrests. which went to a moneyed elite The coup indicates “broad be ensured in strict compli- During his father’s rule, Ga- Moyo did not immediately answer calls carry out of the responsibili- Residents said Internet ac- while most of the 2mn popula- socio-economic and politi- ance with the provisions of its bon was a pillar of ‘La Fran- to his mobile phone. ties of his offi ce”. cess was cut. tion live in deep poverty. cal frustration with Gabon’s constitution,” French foreign cafrique’, a web of infl uence The government employs more than Outside the radio station, “The government is in place. In Libreville, expensive leadership, which has been ministry spokeswoman Agnes that gave French companies 100,000 teachers and ZIMTA has 44,000 loyalist soldiers fi red teargas to The institutions are in place,” western hotels overlook the weakened by the suspected in- von der Muhll said. favoured access to African au- members. disperse about 300 people who Mapangou told France 24. Atlantic Ocean to the west and capacitation of its strongman African Union Commission tocrats. Police yesterday arrested and later re- leased nine members of the smaller Amal- gamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimba- bwe who were picketing at a park in central Harare, their lawyer said. There was a heavy presence of police Nigerian military raids newspaper over report on Boko battle with water cannon elsewhere in the capital. As doctors continue their strike, Zimba- bwe’s public hospitals have been left short AFP operations against the extremists. the violence, said the action was con- censorship during former army gen- newspapers that were targeted under of drugs and reliant on patients to buy Lagos Soldiers and operatives from the ducted in good faith. eral Buhari’s previous time as military the previous administration of presi- them. secret police and civil defence para- Operatives had only wanted to “in- head of state in the 1980s. dent Goodluck Jonathan in 2014 af- Pharmacies have stopped accepting in- military raided the daily’s offi ces in vite” those behind the report to dis- In 2018, Nigeria ranked 119 in Re- ter publishing articles critical of the surance policies for purchases and demand igeria’s military was yesterday Maiduguri, the capital Abuja, and cuss its implications, he added in a porters Without Borders’ global press military. payment in dollars. accused of attacking press commercial hub, Lagos, on Sunday. statement late on Sunday. freedom index, a notch lower than The newspaper last week reported Zimbabwe is also struggling with acute Nfreedom after troops raided Army spokesman Brigadier- Daily Trust editor Mannir Dan-Ali war-torn Afghanistan. that Boko Haram, which the govern- shortages of fuel, forcing motorists to a newspaper for publishing a front- General Sani Usman said the report condemned the action as “unlawful” The Africa Program Coordinator at ment has repeatedly said is on the queue for hours. page story about its handling of the “divulged classifi ed military infor- and said the stand-off at the newspa- the Committee to Protect Journalists, verge of defeat, had captured six loca- Civil servant salaries accounted for 90% Boko Haram insurgency. mation, thus undermining national per’s Abuja headquarters lasted fi ve Angela Quintal, said the army’s raid of tions in northern Borno state, includ- of the budget last year but Mnangagwa’s Computers were seized and two security”. hours. the Daily Trust was “outrageous” and ing Baga. government has made an ambitious pledge journalists in the northeast city of He alleged it gave the Islamist ex- President Muhammadu Buhari or- a “blatant violation” of media and The claimed seizure came after to cut this to 70% in 2019 as part of reforms Maiduguri were detained following tremists “early warning” and as a dered an end to the newspaper offi ce citizens’ rights. months of attacks on military bases aimed at boosting growth and investment. the Daily Trust story about military result “sabotaged the planned opera- siege, his spokesman said, which pro- Amnesty International Nigeria said in the remote region blamed on or Mnangagwa came to power in November plans to recapture the town of Baga tions...putting the lives of troops in voked strong condemnation on social the authorities had an “obligation to claimed by the Islamic State-backed 2017 after Mugabe was forced to resign fol- on the shores of Lake Chad. imminent and clear danger”. media and comparisons to media re- protect freedom of the pro- faction of Boko Haram, ISWAP. lowing an army coup. The army said it acted because the Usman, who has previously threat- pression under decades of military rule. vided by the constitution and inter- More than 27,000 people have been He was declared president in August newspaper had compromised national ened the media with legal action for Some commentators compared the national human rights laws”. killed in the violence since 2009 and 2018 after a presidential vote that his main security by publishing details of future publishing unoffi cial information on action to harassment of the media and The Daily Trust was one of four more than 1.8mn remain homeless. opponent says he won fraudulently.

Gambia truth panel hears testimony

AFP Banjul

truth commission in the tiny West African state of The Gambia yesterday began hearing witness testi- Amony as it set about investigating rights violations committed by the regime of Yahya Jammeh. Modelled on South Africa’s investigation into its apart- heid era, the commission will hold hearings into Jammeh’s 22-year era of oppression which ended in 2016 after he was forced from power. President Adama Barrow has hailed the commission as a step towards national healing and a way to prosecute those responsible and off er some closure to victims and families. Ebrima Chongan, police assistant inspector general be- fore the 1994 coup which brought Jammeh to power, testi- fi ed yesterday how he was dragged from police headquar- ters and held in solitary confi nement in a prison outside the capital Banjul after the putsch. “We were arrested by the soldiers at the police head- quarters in Banjul. They dragged us and bundled us in a pickup vehicle. We were taken to Mile Prison where we were kept in solitary confi nement,” he said. “The cell we were kept in had rats. The junta classifi ed us as security detainees and a threat to national security.” After Jammeh took over The Gambia, the smallest coun- try on land in Africa, he installed a network of oppression, driven by the police, National Intelligence Agency and a death squad called the Junglers. His reign began to fall apart in 2016, when he suff ered an electoral defeat at the hands of Barrow, then an opposition leader. He refused to step down, but was forced out after other West African countries intervened militarily and diplomati- cally. He fl ew into self-imposed exile in Equatorial Guinea. The Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commis- sion aims at using a court-like approach to investigate how abuse began and became systemic, as well as its impacts. The commission is empowered to advise prosecution of perpetrators and recommend fi nancial compensation to victims. Its board members are drawn from all the coun- try’s major regions, its fi ve main ethnic groups and two re- ligions, led by a retired UN diplomat, Lamin Sise. Gulf Times Tuesday, January 8, 2019 5 AMERICA World Bank Hillary, Cuomo promote reproductive health president to step down next month

AFP Washington Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo smile at the end of an event to discuss reproductive rights at Barnard College, in New York City yesterday. The two Democrats shared the stage to promote the Reproductive Health Act orld Bank President in New York, which Cuomo wants the State Legislature to pass in their first 30 days. Under New York’s current law, abortions after 24 Jim Yong Kim an- weeks are illegal unless it is necessary to save the woman’s life. Wnounced yesterday he would step down next month, more than three years before his current term was due to expire. Trump to travel to US-Mexico border over wall funding US Supreme Court The decision ends Kim’s six-year upholds California tenure and may give US President foie gras ban Donald Trump decisive infl uence President Donald Trump plans to for his wall. Democrats returned Sanders said in a Twitter post over the future leadership of the visit the US southern border on to Washington in the new year, yesterday. She said details would 189-member global develop- Thursday, leaving Washington taking control of the US House be announced soon. Lawmakers The US Supreme Court yester- ment lender. for the first time since the partial of Representatives, and passed and Trump hit an impasse last day upheld California’s foie gras “It has been a great honour Jim Yong Kim federal shutdown began 16 days legislation to reopen all closed month over Trump’s demand ban, ending a long legal battle to serve as president of this re- ago over his demand for fund- government agencies but did that a bill to keep the federal between animal rights activists markable institution, full of pas- the bank set the goal of eliminat- holder, the United States, an ar- ing for a wall along the border not include wall funding. This government operational include and defenders of the delicacy. sionate individuals dedicated to ing extreme poverty by 2030 and rangement that also allowed Eu- with Mexico. The Republican week, they will pass a series of money to help build a wall along The highest US court rejected an the mission of ending extreme ramped up fi nancing. Last year, ropean powers to name the head president showed no sign of bills to reopen federal agencies the US border with Mexico. appeal filed by foie gras produc- poverty in our lifetime,” Kim, 59, it also won approval for a sharp of the International Monetary backing off his pledge to build after weekend talks between About 800,000 government ers against a law prohibiting the said in a statement. $13bn capital increase after acced- Fund. a wall, which he says is neces- the Trump administration and workers are either furloughed or sale of products from force- Kim, who became the bank’s ing to requests from the Trump Nevertheless, when he was sary to stem illegal immigration. Democratic negotiators failed working without pay. On Sunday, feeding geese or duck, to enlarge president in 2012, is to join an administration to curb loans to nominated for a fi rst term in Democrats in Congress disagree, to end a stalemate. The White Trump pledged not to bend in their liver. The law, passed in as-yet unnamed fi rm focus- high-income countries like China. 2012, Kim was the fi rst US nomi- with new House Speaker Nancy House did not provide details his demand for $5.6bn to pay 2004 by California in the name ing on investments in develop- Naming Kim’s replacement nee to face a challenger when Pelosi calling the building of a of Trump’s trip, but the planned for the wall but said the barrier of animal rights, carries a fine of ing countries, the bank said in a could mark a sharp break with Nigeria’s Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala wall “immoral.” Trump skipped a visit will likely highlight security could be made of steel instead of $1,000. Producers of foie gras statement, and will return to the the past as the Trump admin- entered the contest for the bank’s planned trip to Florida to stay in concerns pushed by the adminis- concrete as a potential compro- from Canada and New York, as board of Partners-in-Health, istration has repeatedly broken presidency. Perhaps warding off the US capital during the Christ- tration as justification for the wall. mise with Democrats who refuse well as a California restaurateur, which he co-founded. with multilateral institutions challengers and avoiding a repeat mas and New Year’s holiday “President @realDonaldTrump to fund it. Trump has argued the then appealed to the Supreme World Bank CEO Kristalina and conventions of which Trump of 2012, the administration of after large chunks of the federal will travel to the Southern border wall is necessary for national Court in defence of this delicacy Georgieva will serve as interim himself has been highly critical. former president Barack Obama government were shuttered on on Thursday to meet with those security and has tried to link they called “perhaps the most president upon Kim’s February 1 Under an unwritten rule, the in 2016 swiftly endorsed Kim for Dec 22. He exhorted Democrats on the frontlines of the national terrorism to illegal immigration, maligned (and misunderstood) departure, the bank said in a state- bank’s presidency has always a second fi ve-year term, which in Congress to “come back from security and humanitarian crisis,” without providing evidence, as food in the world.” ment. Under Kim’s leadership, been chosen by its largest share- began in 2017. vacation” and approve funding White House spokesman Sarah justification for the plan. Gulf Times 6 Tuesday, January 8, 2019 ASIA Sri Lanka court refuses to test president’s sanity Hasina takes oath

AFP turned to power with the support of parlia- Colombo ment. Mental infirmity is grounds for remov- ing a president if two-thirds of parliament Sri Lanka court yesterday rejected agree, but no party or coalition in the legis- as Bangladesh PM calls to subject the president to a lature commands such a majority. A mental health examination after The two-judge bench of the appeals AFP he sacked a former ally, dissolved parlia- court said it did not have the jurisdiction to Dhaka ment and plunged the country into crisis. force Sirisena to be examined, and ordered The Court of Appeal rejected a petition to the petitioner pay the state 100,000 rupees force Maithripala Sirisena before a panel of ($540) in legal costs. heikh Hasina was sworn in psychiatrists to scrutinise his mental state Sirisena came to power in 2015 in a coa- as Bangladesh’s prime min- in the wake of the political upheaval in the lition with Wickremesinghe. But personal Sister for a record fourth term Indian Ocean island. differences festered and their alliance im- yesterday after a crushing election The turmoil began in October when ploded in October when Sirisena kicked his victory. Hasina, 71, has presided Sirisena dismissed Sri Lanka’s prime min- former ally out of office. over record economic growth in the ister and dissolved parliament, both de- Wickremesinghe refused to stand down South Asian country of 165mn peo- cisions later overturned by the country’s and allow Rajapakse, a former president ple but critics have accused her of highest court. For more than a month, Sri and divisive war-era strongman, to take his creeping authoritarianism. Lanka drifted without a government as two place. Her ruling Awami League party rivals jostled for the prime ministership and The crisis dragged on for weeks until the and its allies won the December 30 protests rocked the capital Colombo. Supreme Court denied Rajapakse the right elections by a landslide, securing The instability ended peacefully when to rule and he bowed out in December. Some 288 seats in the 300-seat parliament Sirisena’s controversial appointee Mahinda factions within Sri Lanka’s parliament have compared to just seven for the main Rajapakse stood down, and the deposed pushed for Sirisena to be investigated for opposition. prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe re- orchestrating an alleged coup. The United States expressed concern about “credible reports of harassment, intimidation and vio- lence”. The United Nations on Fri- day said there were indications that “reprisals” have targeted the oppo- sition since the election, including Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina greets President Abdul Hamid before taking oath at the ceremony in Dhaka. physical attacks, arbitrary arrests, harassment, disappearances and as Bangladesh’s “mother of hu- Rahman, his wife and three sons. minister in 1996 but she struggled fi ling of criminal cases. The opposi- manity” for allowing in hundreds She started her political career as to emerge from the shadow of her tion, which last week boycotted the of thousands of Rohingya refugees a hero of the people, returning from father during her fi rst term and lost oath taking ceremony of the newly fl eeing a military crackdown in exile in 1981 to take over as Awami the 2001 contest. She returned to elected MPs, has demanded fresh neighbouring Myanmar in 2017. League leader and beginning a long power after winning the December polls under a neutral caretaker gov- Opponents accuse her of jailing struggle to restore democracy in 2008 polls by landslide, just months ernment — something Hasina and arch-foe Khaleda Zia on politically Bangladesh. after she was imprisoned by a mili- the election commission have re- motivated charges, of orchestrating Hasina joined forces with Zia’s tary-backed government on corrup- jected outright. mass arrests, enforced disappearanc- BNP to help oust military dictator tion charges. President Abdul Hamid admin- es and passing Draconian anti-press Hussain Muhammad Ershad in 1990 She has been in power ever since, istered Hasina’s oath in a ceremony freedom laws to try to cling to power. but the pair soon fell out and were presiding over economic expansion at the presidential palace, Bangab- Hasina was abroad in August 1975 branded the “Battling Begums”. of more than 6% every year since haban. A 47-member cabinet with when a group of renegade military of- Their rivalry has dominated Bang- 2009. GDP growth last year was many new faces was also sworn in. fi cers assassinated her father, Bangla- ladeshi politics for the last 30 years. 7.86% and Hasina has promised to To her supporters, Hasina is known desh’s fi rst president Sheikh Mujibur Hasina was fi rst elected prime take that into double digits.

New Malaysian king to be picked end of this month

AFP Kuala Lumpur

new Malaysian king will be elected and sworn in this month, royal offi cials said yesterday, after Sul- Atan Muhammad V abdicated in a historic fi rst fol- lowing his reported marriage to a Russian former beauty queen. The king stepped aside Sunday following intense speculation about his future after reports surfaced in re- cent weeks that he had taken medical leave, and then wed the former Miss Moscow. As the country reacted with shock to the news, Ma- laysia’s Islamic royal families met at the national palace to push ahead with the task of picking a king to take over from Muhammad V, 49, who gave up the throne after just two years. Keeper of the Ruler’s Seal, Syed Danial Syed Ah- mad, said after the meeting that a new king and his deputy would be elected on January 24 and installed on January 31. Swearing in ceremonies for Malaysian kings are lavish aff airs, marked by honour guards and Islamic prayers and attended by hundreds of guests in traditional fi nery. Mus- lim-majority Malaysia is a constitutional monarchy, with a unique arrangement where the throne changes hands every fi ve years between rulers of the country’s nine states. The royal households take it in turn to provide the country’s king, and it is usually known before the formal election who will become the monarch. While their role is ceremonial, Malaysia’s royalty command great respect, especially from Muslim Malays, and criticising them is strictly forbidden. But the succession may not be as straightforward this time as the next in line to the throne, Sultan Ahmad Shah of Pahang state, is elderly and report- ed to be ailing. Royal offi cials said he did not attend yester- day’s meeting due to ill health. After him, the next in line under the rotation system is the sultan of southern Johor state. Sultan Nazrin Shah of northern Perak state is the acting king, as he is the cur- rent deputy and performed Muhammad V’s duties after he went on medical leave at the start of November. Despite mounting speculation in recent days the king might give up the throne, there was still palpable shock across the country at the fi rst abdication of a king since the end of British rule in 1957. “I am naturally stunned. The (king) is a man of the people,” Siti Nur Fahimah Razali, a 25-year-old trader from the king’s home state of Kelantan, told the New Straits Times newspaper.

Cambodia marks anniversary of Khmer Rouge ouster Tens of thousands of Cambodians packed a stadium in Phnom Penh yesterday to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the expulsion of the brutal Khmer Rouge regime — a day strongman Prime Minister Hun Sen called the country’s “second birthday”. The ultra-Maoist Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot, installed a reign of terror in 1975 that left 2mn Cambodians dead from starvation, hard labour, torture and mass executions. It ended on January 7, 1979, when Hun Sen, a former Khmer Rouge cadre, led Vietnamese forces into the capital to expel the murderous regime. The 66-year-old premier hailed the day as Cambodia’s “second birthday” at an elaborate ceremony in Phnom Penh’s Olympic Stadium, where he was joined by traditional Khmer apsara dancers and marching bands. “Today we celebrate this ceremony in order to recall unforgotten memories of the most heinous crimes of Pol Pot’s group,” Hun Sen told the crowd, and thanked Vietnam for saving the country. A UN-backed tribunal found two top Khmer Rouge leaders guilty of genocide in a landmark ruling in November. Gulf Times Tuesday, January 8, 2019 7 ASIA/AUSTRALASIA Kim said to be on train to China for summit: report

Reuters the roads around a station in the light on details and talks since Seoul Chinese border city of Dandong have made little headway. China as the train passed. Last year Kim is the North’s most important travelled to China three times to economic and diplomatic backer, orth Korean leader Kim meet with Xi, before and after despite anger over its neighbour’s Jong-un is on his way Kim held other summits with nuclear and missile programmes. Nto China for his fourth US President Donald Trump and Ties have warmed in the last year summit with China’s Xi Jinping, South Korean President Moon as Pyongyang’s relations with South Korean media said yester- Jae-in. both Seoul and Washington have day. Kim is expected to meet again also improved. South Korea’s Hankyoreh with both the US and South Ko- China also played a role in newspaper, citing an unidenti- rean presidents in the near fu- Trump’s meeting with Kim, fi ed source with close knowledge ture, and another visit to China lending the North Korean leader of North Korea-China aff airs, has been seen as a possible move an airliner for his trip to Singa- reported that Kim was travelling before those summits. pore. to Beijing late yesterday to meet Earlier on Monday the South Diplomatic sources say Xi will with Xi. Korean newspaper Munhwa Ilbo probably go to North Korea at South Korea’s Yonhap news reported that US State Depart- some point soon, which would agency, citing an unspecifi ed ment offi cials recently met mul- make him the fi rst Chinese leader source familiar with North Korea tiple times with North Korean to do so since 2005. issues, said a North Korean train counterparts in Hanoi and dis- In early December, Xi told possibly carrying a “high-level” cussed planning a second sum- North Korea’s foreign minis- offi cial had crossed the border mit between Trump and Kim, ter during a visit in Beijing that into China. fuelling speculation that Viet- he “hoped North Korea and the The source told Yonhap it had nam could host the event. United States meet each other not been confi rmed whether At their landmark June summit halfway and address each other’s a senior offi cial was on board, in Singapore, Kim and Trump reasonable concerns, allowing but that dozens of security ve- pledged to work towards denu- positive progress on the penin- hicles and offi cials had blocked clearisation, but the pact was sula’s nuclear talks.” Kim Jong-un with Xi Jinping in one of his earlier visits to China. Taiwan arrests engineers for ‘leaking tech’ to China

AFP An offi cial with knowledge of of the arrests but they said they the Asian power. In March, Trump attacks on American companies. Taipei the investigation said the group included “high ranking” offi cials imposed tariff s on $50bn worth of Employees at Taiwanese com- allegedly sold the trade secrets including at least one at factory di- imports from China for punish- panies have previously faced al- to Jiangyin Jianghua Microelec- rector level. In a statement on its ment over alleged IP theft, which legations of trade theft benefi ting ix former and current engi- tronics Materials, a tech company local website BASF said one cur- the US says costs its companies as China. In October 2018, the US re- neers for German chemicals based in China’s eastern Jiangsu rent local employee was under in- much as $600bn a year. stricted sales of crucial technology Sgiant BASF have been arrest- province, pocketing $1.3mn. “The vestigation. China has denied the allega- to China’s state-owned chipmaker ed in Taiwan on suspicion of leak- technology involved in the case “We have taken immediate steps tions and has taken steps to im- Fujian Jinhua, accusing it of steal- ing valuable technology to a com- has an estimated market value of to support the investigation led prove IP protections in recent ing trade secrets from US-based petitor in China, authorities said 100mon euros ($114mn) although by local law enforcement offi cials years, including establishing spe- semiconductor giant Micron with yesterday. Taiwan’s Criminal In- the suspects were caught before and protect the relevant informa- cialised courts to handle matters the help of offi cials from Taiwan’s vestigation Bureau (CIB) released they could sell the most confi den- tion,” the company said. The ar- including patent disputes, copy- United Microelectronics Corpora- a statement saying the suspects tial information,” the offi cial, who rests come as US President Donald right and trademark infringement. tion (UMC). were involved in a plot “to leak asked not to be named, told AFP. Trump spars with China over its But a recent report by US Trade A year earlier, fi ve former em- crucial technology and manufac- The CIB did not provide a alleged theft of US technologi- Representative Robert Lighthizer’s ployees of Taiwan’s local Micron turing processes... to make illegal breakdown of how many suspects cal know-how, one of a litany of offi ce accused China of continuing subsidiary were charged with profi ts”. were working for BASF at the time grievances in his trade war with a campaign of state-backed cyber- passing trade secrets to China.

Australian senator used Run-up to spring festival taxpayer cash to attend far-right rally

An Australian senator faced criti- cism from across the political spectrum and possible censure yesterday, after it emerged that he used taxpayer cash to fly business class to a far-right rally. Prime Minister Scott Mor- rison and opposition leader Bill Shorten both condemned Sena- tor Fraser Anning’s participation in the rally in the southern city of Melbourne on Saturday, a rare show of political unity. Morrison accused the inde- pendent politician – who often votes with the prime minister’s Liberal coalition government – of “associating himself with extreme and off ensive racist views.” “He is a repeat off ender on these issues,” Morrison said. Anning once called for a “final solution” to Australian immigra- tion. An anti-immigration rally at St Kilda Beach in Melbourne drew hundreds of demonstra- tors – some of whom made Nazi salutes – and counter- demonstrators.

Japan billionaire Workers place art installation of the 12 Chinese zodiacs ahead of the Lunar new year celebration as part of the Wan Qing Festival of Spring says ‘free cash’ outside the Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall in Singapore yesterday. tweet most shared of all time Billionaire Japanese tycoon and future space tourist Yusaku Maezawa said yesterday Thousands stung in Australian jellyfi sh ‘invasion’ his tweet promising a cash giveaway of nearly $10,000 was the most retweeted ever. AFP tles for their transparent bluish tralian College of General Practi- minutes to many hours ... The sting The 43-year-old Maezawa Sydney appearance. At least four major tioners. can also cause systemic signs such posted a tweet on Saturday beaches remained closed as the or- as nausea, vomiting and general promising 1mn yen ($9,250) ganisation warned that even more The extraordinary number feeling of malaise.” in cash each to 100 randomly ighly venomous jelly- jellyfi sh were on their way. “A of stings in the last few days Treatment includes rinsing the selected followers who had fi sh have stung more than wall of bluebottles is approaching has occurred as strong wound with water at 45C or using retweeted it by yesterday. The H3,000 people on Austral- #Rainbow beach. Lifesavers are onshore winds have come in icepacks. It is less straightforward tweet – now retweeted more ia’s northeastern shores in just a closing the beach. Please stay out from the north-east, bringing to treat stings from the fearsome than 4.3mn times – is the most few days, authorities said yester- of the water,” read one of several the creatures into contact Irukandji variety of jellyfi sh, how- shared in history, according day, forcing the closure of several warnings from Surf Life Saving. with swimmers ever. Stings from these box jelly- to the entrepreneur. “Hit the beaches. Bluebottle stings are a frequent fi sh — which can be smaller than a new world record. Surpassed The massive infl ux of Portu- occurrence and it is not uncom- The extraordinary number of fi nger nail – can cause acute mus- Twitter’s world record number guese man o’ war jellyfi sh, whose mon to hear howls of pain from stings in the last few days has oc- cular pain, violent vomiting, feel- of retweets (it was 3.55mn RTs stings are notoriously painful, has changing rooms along Australia’s curred as strong onshore winds ings of “impending doom”, hair before) and more people are been described as an “invasion” by eastern beaches during the south- have come in from the north-east, that stands on end, strokes, heart still retweeting,” wrote the high- local media in the state of Queens- ern hemisphere’s summer. But the bringing the creatures into contact failure and death within minutes. profile Maezawa. The previous land. sheer number of people stung in with swimmers. State-backed broadcaster ABC record-holder was an American Coastguard association Surf the last few days has surprised au- The doctors’ group describes reported that the number of peo- teenager in 2017 trying to Life Saving said a “whopping” thorities. There are usually around the symptoms of a sting as an “im- ple taken to hospital with Irukandji win a year’s supply of chicken 3,595 people had suff ered painful 10,000 cases of bluebottle stings mediate sharp pain and acute in- stings in Queensland this season nuggets from fast food chain burns after encounters with the each year on the east coast of Aus- fl ammatory skin reaction”. “The is already 20, double the normal Wendy’s, according to media. creatures, also known as bluebot- tralia, according to the Royal Aus- intense skin pain can last from yearly average. Gulf Times 8 Tuesday, January 8, 2019 BRITAIN

‘Only 18% EU ‘to reassure voters feel May has premier with right deal’

Reuters London pledge for trade record low of just 18% of voters think Prime A Minister Theresa May has got the right Brexit deal, an ORB poll published yesterday showed. deal by 2021’ When asked if they were con- fi dent May had the right deal, Guardian News and Media drawal agreement. We can copy “That’s the area we are poking 59% disagreed, 21% said they London and paste – but what is the point about in.” A line of lorries is seen in Kent yesterday during a trial between disused Manston Airport and the port did not know and 18% agreed, if it is a copy and pasting exer- An appeal by Downing Street of Dover of how the roads will cope in case of a “no-deal” Brexit. the lowest level ever recorded by cise?” for a stronger legal commitment the poll which has been moni- heresa May is likely to be Downing Street indicated it by the EU to fi nalise the deal by toring views of her negotiation off ered an “exchange of was hopeful of securing written the later date of the end of 2021 since 2016. Tletters” confi rming the political and legal reassurances – ensuring the backstop would The poll, which has been car- EU’s intention to conclude trade from the EU in the coming days, be in place for a year at most – ried out monthly since the end of talks with the UK by 2021, as before the meaningful vote an- has so far been roundly rejected 2016, surveyed 2,000 adults in Brussels seeks to help the prime ticipated on Tuesday next week, in private discussions before and No-deal Brexit truck the United Kingdom. minister in the run-up to next although insiders would not say after Christmas. Meanwhile, the main opposi- week’s Commons vote on her what form they expected the re- “They cannot expect a legal tion Labour Party is today ex- deal. assurances to take. commitment to land compli- pected to back a proposal that The correspondence under But the all-important docu- cated negotiations by December could mean the government discussion would fl esh out lan- ment is not expected before the 2021,” the EU offi cial said. “We ‘war game’ scorned needs parliamentary approval guage already included in the Brexit debate begins tomorrow, do not want to make ourselves for a ‘no-deal’ Brexit, putting up withdrawal agreement but it is raising questions as to whether legally culpable for a situation Reuters another referendum on European ter as “a fake traffi c jam... to show a new hurdle for Prime Minister hoped its clarity could persuade MPs will be discussing May’s that we can’t control.” The prime Manston, England Union membership to a disor- the EU we are ready for no deal”. Theresa May. some MPs of the EU’s inten- deal with all the available infor- minister insisted over the week- derly departure with no deal. Britain’s Road Haulage Asso- Britain is due to leave the Eu- tion to avoid triggering the Irish mation at the beginning of what end that the delayed vote on May’s government has repeat- ciation (RHA) said the trial was ropean Union on March 29, but backstop. is expected to be a fi ve-day de- the deal would take place in the convoy of nearly 90 trucks edly warned that a ‘no deal’ will too little, too late and would need the deal May has negotiated Should talks on a suffi ciently bate. Commons next Tuesday despite yesterday rolled through lead to severe economic disrup- to be repeated to properly stress- with the bloc looks unlikely to comprehensive and deep future The UK wants the EU to widespread doubts that Downing Athe southeast countryside tion, and yesterday’s exercise test the management of thou- be approved by lawmakers in its trade deal be agreed and ratifi ed stress its intention that a future Street has any hope of success. to Britain’s main port to conti- was part of preparations to en- sands of lorries. current form, generating huge by the start of 2021, it is hoped trade agreement would begin A deadline is one of three ele- nental Europe in a government sure essential supplies can keep “Less than a hundred lorries is uncertainty about the path of there would be no need for the by the end of 2021 at the lat- ments of a package – along with test-run for a potentially chaotic fl owing through Dover, Europe’s a drop in the ocean compared to the world’s fi fth largest econo- whole of the UK to fall into the est, so rendering the unpopular strengthened parliamentary Brexit that was mocked as a farce busiest ferry port. the more than 10,000 that go to my. customs union envisaged by Irish backstop irrelevant, but it oversight and a commitment to by opponents of the split. The transport ministry said it the channel ports every day,” said Preparations for leaving with- that “all-weather” solution for is unclear whether it would be keeping open trade between Prime Minister Theresa May was testing Manston airfi eld as a Charlie Elphicke, a Conservative out a deal — the default scenario avoiding a hard border on the is- enough to win rebellious Tory Northern Ireland and Britain – is trying to force her Brexit deal holding facility for lorries and traf- lawmaker for Dover. if May’s agreement is rejected land of Ireland. MPs over. designed to address MPs’ con- through parliament but lawmak- fi c congestion on Kent roads in the “Sending lorries across Kent — have been ramped up, with The target-date cited in the No 10 recognises it will be very cerns that commitments to avoid ers are expected to reject it. event of disruption at the border. on a wild goose chase to Manston government and businesses ac- mooted correspondence would diffi cult to negotiate a free trade a hard Irish border will shackle If so, business chiefs and in- Setting off from Manston, 87 airport and then to the port of tivating and testing contingency not constitute a deadline for deal by the time the post-Brexit Britain to Brussels indefi nitely. vestors fear the world’s fi fth- trucks drove the 32kms to Dover Dover by small and winding, of- plans designed to limit the ex- concluding the trade talks, how- transition period ends in Decem- A clause in the 585-page draft largest economy will leave the and back again. ten single track ‘A roads’ through pected disruption. ever, and EU offi cials are scepti- ber 2020 – but wants to see if it treaty already stipulates that the European Union at 2300GMT on They then drove again to Do- Kent villages is not the right That has prompted a group of cal as to whether the gambit will could get a commitment to a fi rm “union and the United Kingdom March 29 without an agreement ver. plan.” lawmakers from across the po- be suffi cient to win over enough start date one year later. shall use their best endeavours to on their future relationship. Hiring the lorries cost £48,950, Dover has been Britain’s most litical spectrum to come up with MPs to get May’s contentious “If we can’t get a free trade conclude, by December 31, 2020, With parliament deadlocked, the transport ministry said. important gateway to Europe a plan to try to win parliament deal through parliament. deal agreed by the end of 2020, an agreement which supersedes the ultimate destination of the The ‘war game’ was criticised since Roman times and the port the authority to prevent a ‘no- An EU offi cial said: “We have then what’s the next jumping off this protocol (the backstop) in Brexit project remains unclear. by lawmakers as a waste of time now handles 17% of the United deal’ exit by amending legisla- to stick to what is in the with- point,” a Whitehall source said. whole or in part”. Possible outcomes range from and money and mocked on Twit- Kingdom’s goods trade. tion. Gulf Times Tuesday, January 8, 2019 9 EUROPE

Two dead ‘Yellow vest’ boxer arrested as ship in distress off ‘Black after assaulting French police Sea’ coast AFP ing. “He was immediately ar- ing several protesters in the The move underscored the Paris rested and will be held account- southern city of Toulon on increasingly sour relations be- able for his acts by the justice Saturday also risk fanning the tween Rome and Paris, which Reuters system,” Castaner added. fl ames. have previously clashed over Istanbul rench police yesterday Around 50,000 “yellow vest” The police offi cer — a com- immigration policy, among arrested a former profes- protesters took to the streets mander who was granted other issues. Fsional boxer seen punch- again on Saturday in cities France’s highest award, the Le- Dettinger, the boxer, could wo people died and an- ing offi cers during a “yellow around France to denounce the gion d’Honneur, on January 1 face years in jail if convicted other four were missing vest” demonstration in Paris, centrist government of Presi- — was referred to investigators over his rampage on Saturday Tyesterday after a ship car- as the government prepared to dent Emmanuel Macron, lead- at the weekend after appearing on the Leopold-Sedar-Senghor rying coal sent a distress signal announce a new tough line on ing to clashes in Paris, Bordeaux to punch a protester in the face bridge which links the Tuileries off the northern coast of Turkey, violent protests. and Rouen. several times. gardens to the Musee d’Orsay in the coast guard and the local In shocking images fi lmed Several men driving a forklift The “yellow vest” dem- central Paris. governor’s offi ce said. on Saturday, a heavily built truck also smashed open the onstrations have frequently Assaulting a police offi cer The Panama-fl agged vessel, man in a black duff el coat can doors to the ministry build- turned violent since they be- can lead to up to three years in which departed from Russia’s be seen squaring up to several ing of government spokesman gan in late November, par- prison and a fi ne of 45,000 eu- Azov port, sent out a distress police offi cers before knocking Benjamin Griveaux in Paris, ticularly on December 1 when ros ($51,000), though sentences signal around 148 kilometres off them down in a hail of punches who denounced the break-in as crowds ransacked a museum can be increased in some cir- the northeastern Black Sea prov- and then kicking them on the an “unacceptable attack on the in the Arc de Triomphe and cumstances. ince of Samsun, the coast guard ground. Republic”. daubed graffiti on the famed The French boxing federation said. Thirteen crew members One of the offi cers is then While the number of pro- monument. issued a statement condemn- were on the bulk carrier includ- beaten by other protesters testers has dwindled since De- The protesters drew support ing the violence, saying that it ing nine Ukraine nationals, two wearing yellow vests before be- cember, the determination of a from a unlikely source yesterday “ran completely contrary to the Azerbaijan nationals and two ing rescued by fellow riot police smaller but increasingly radical when the two leading fi gures values of our sport”. Dettinger Russians, the Samsun governor’s in protective equipment and core of “yellow vest” protesters of the populist government in posted a video on YouTube on offi ce said. helmets. poses a dilemma for the govern- Rome urged the “yellow vests” Sunday in which he said he had The coast guard said the dis- The ex-boxer, identifi ed ment. Prime Minister Edouard to continue, in comments supported the “yellow vests” tress signal was received regard- by French media as 37-year- Philippe is set to announce new A video grab made yesterday shows former boxer Christophe which risk ramping up Italy’s since the beginning and de- ing a “possible sinking” of the old Christophe Dettinger, is measures to tackle the unrest in Dettinger broadcasting a message of apology for punching war of words with Macron. nounced “repression” from the ship. a former heavyweight fi ghter a prime-time interview on TF1 police officers during a “yellow vest” protest in Paris. “Yellow vests, do not weak- French police. Seven members of the crew who reportedly works for the channel later. en!” Deputy Prime Minister “I was teargassed with my had been rescued so far while local government in the Es- Budget Minister Gerald Dar- olence, we need to be ultra- failing to notify authorities Luigi Di Maio, who heads the friend, my wife. Anger rose up a search and rescue operation sonne area south of Paris. manin sought to distinguish severe. It needs to end,” he told about a demonstration. anti-establishment Five Star in me and, yes, I reacted badly. I continued for the other four, the Interior Minister Christophe genuine protesters, who want RTL radio yesterday. The move led to criticism Movement (M5S), wrote on his defended myself,” he said. coast guard said. Castaner said Dettinger, known lower taxes and more help for French police signalled a from political leaders on the far party’s blog. The protests against fuel The operation was being car- in the ring as “The Gypsy From low-income families, from stricter approach last week right and radical left, who have It is extremely rare for Euro- taxes began in rural and small- ried out by a plane, two helicop- Massy”, a town south of Paris, those “who are in the business when they arrested one of the encouraged demonstrators to pean leaders to back anti-gov- town France against the policies ters and two boats, it said, adding had handed himself into police of ultra-violence”. leaders of the “yellow vests”, continue taking to the streets. ernment protesters in a fellow and governing style of 41-year- that one air force helicopter was in the capital yesterday morn- “And faced with ultra-vi- truck driver Eric Drouet, for Images of a policeman strik- country. old Macron. also joining as back-up.

Paying tribute Last year was fourth warmest, greenhouse gases up: report

Reuters 2018, California and Greece record of 406.7 parts per mil- Oslo suff ered severe wildfi res, Kera- lion (ppm) in 2018 from 404.1 la in India had the worst fl ood- in 2017, stoked largely by hu- ing since the 1920s and heat- man burning of fossil fuels. ast year was the fourth waves struck from Australia to And the average global tem- warmest on record, ex- North Africa.Around Antarc- perature in the past fi ve years Ltending a scorching tica, the extent of sea ice is at a was 1.1C (2.0F) above pre-in- streak driven by a build-up of record low at the start of 2019, dustrial times, it said. man-made greenhouse gases, according to the US National According to a UN climate the European Union’s Coper- Snow and Ice Data Center. report last year, temperatures nicus Climate Change Service Copernicus chief scientist will rise 1.5C above pre-indus- said yesterday. Freja Vamborg said 2019 would trial times by mid-century on Average world surface air also likely be hot.”We now have current trends — bringing the temperatures were 14.7 Cel- a nascent El Nino — it depends prospect of even more extreme sius (58.5 Fahrenheit) in 2018, partly on what happens... weather. just 0.2C off the highest, it said will it continue or die out?” That UN report said gov- in the fi rst global assessment she told Reuters. ernments would have to make based on full-year data. The last four years have seen unprecedented cuts in green- This year will also likely be the highest average tempera- house gases to keep tempera- hot, its scientists said. tures since records began in the tures below the 1.5C rise, which “Dramatic climatic events 19th century — 2016 was the is the toughest goal set in the like the warm and dry summer hottest, boosted by an El Nino 2015 Paris Agreement. in large parts of Europe or the event that warmed the surface Almost 200 nations agreed increasing temperature around of the Pacifi c Ocean, ahead of a “rule book” to govern the the Arctic regions are alarming 2017 and then 2015. Paris accord in talks in Poland Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner, Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet, French culture minister Franck signs to all of us,” said Jean- The Copernicus report said last month, even though crit- Riester and Junior Interior Minister Laurent Nunez attend a ceremony outside the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo’s former off ice, to Noël Thépaut, head of Coper- that concentrations of heat- ics said it was insuffi cient to mark the fourth anniversary of the attack in Paris, yesterday. nicus. trapping carbon dioxide in prevent dangerous climate Among other extremes in the atmosphere rose to a new change.

Silence observed in Norway for hikers slain in Morocco Ousted Slovak PM Fico seeks top court job Hundreds of people observed two minutes of rakesh overnight December 16-17, where they were silence yesterday in Norway in honour of two Scan- vacationing. Their bodies were found the following dinavian women hikers murdered in Morocco’s day. The authorities have said they were beheaded Reuters after he was pushed out of prime the sleaze in politics. Fico resigned vakia at the European Court of Atlas Mountains in December. and are calling the crime a “terrorist” act. Bratislava minister’s offi ce in the furore over in March after being in power for Human Rights in 1994-2000, has Standing in the cold with flags flying at half-mast The university addressed the murders with the murder of a journalist. almost a decade, but remains been nominated to become a Con- at the University of South-Eastern Norway in the students yesterday morning as classes resumed The murder of Jan Kuciak, who chairman of the ruling Smer party stitutional Court judge. town of Bo, the participants gathered to remem- after the Christmas break. “We talked with the lovakia’s dominant political investigated political corruption and is seen as driving policy be- The body is the country’s top ber 28-year-old Maren Ueland from Norway, and students and tried not to understand what can’t be fi gure Robert Fico will run and EU subsidy fraud, and his hind the scenes while party ally court, which rules on whether 24-year-old Dane Louisa Vesterager Jespersen. understood, but we tried to make it easier for the Sto become a Constitutional fi ancee Martina Kusnirova trig- Peter Pellegrini serves as prime legislation passed by parliament Both were both students there. The two women students to put words on what has happened,” said Court judge this month, seeking to gered biggest protests since the minister. Now Fico, 54, who has a and judgments by lower courts are were killed at an isolated hiking spot south of Mar- Annette Bischoff , the head of the faculty. quit party politics less than a year 1989 fall of communism against law degree and represented Slo- in line with the constitution.

Two more die after massive snowfall

DPA Munich/Vienna

he bodies of two more people have been found in Austria after Theavy snowfall over the week- end created dangerous conditions in the mountains. The couple - a 23-year-old woman and a 28-year-old man - were hunt- ers looking to refi ll food supplies for wild animals and check on hunting facilities when they were surprised by A tractor drives on an icy road after heavy snowfall in Knoppen, Austria, yesterday. an avalanche, mountain rescuers said yesterday. The snow is around two has now been halted. “Due to the dan- man state of Bavaria announced they metres high in the region. gerous situation we can not justify the would remain closed until Friday. More than half a metre of snow had operation. The last thing we want is a The town of Miesbach near the Aus- fallen on the northern side of the Alps dead rescuer,” the head of the opera- trian border declared a state of emer- since Saturday morning. tion said. A further man, a 35-year-old gency. Austrian authorities in the re- On Sunday, two German skiers were from Slovenia, also died on Sunday af- gion of Tyrol said they were preparing also confi rmed to have been killed by ter he got caught in deep snow. for the highest level of avalanche haz- avalanches. Two other winter tourists Experts said further snow in the ard - on Sunday the hazard was rated were also missing, however rescuers coming days should be expected, as “high,” the second-highest level on said yesterday that the search for them schools in southern parts of the Ger- the fi ve-level scale. Gulf Times 10 Tuesday, January 8, 2019 INDIA Amarinder rules out tie-up with AAP in Punjab

IANS the national level would be taken party,” he said, adding that the perspective and electoral com- khpal Singh Khaira, who re- will decide on his status. tion, senior leaders of the AAP New Delhi by the Congress high command. Punjab Congress had conveyed pulsions, and would be followed signed from the AAP on Sunday, Khaira, who claims the sup- Punjab unit described him as an Singh, who met Congress these views to the high com- by PPCC,” he said, referring to said yesterday that he would port of fi ve-six AAP legislators, “opportunist” and said that his president Rahul Gandhi in New mand earlier too. the state unit of the party. announce a new political party told reporters in Chandigarh exit “would only strengthen the unjab Chief Minister Am- Delhi yesterday to discuss issues “The AAP has become de- Exuding confi dence that the today. that he and others will not resign organisation”. arinder Singh yesterday related to the state government funct with no identity now in Congress would win all the Khaira, who was suspended from the assembly as they do AAP parliament member Pclaimed the ruling Con- and the party, clearly ruled out Punjab, as against the situation 13 Lok Sabha seats in Punjab, from the AAP in November last not want to burden the excheq- Bhagwant Mann said: “Khaira gress in Punjab will win all 13 Lok an alliance with the AAP in Pun- prevailing in the last Lok Sabha Singh said: “The best candidates year for anti-party activities, uer with fresh elections on these was sacked (as leader of oppo- Sabha seats in the state on its jab. elections,” Singh told reporters. would be chosen by the party.” said the new party would work seats. sition) due to indiscipline. He own, and ruled out the need for “The AAP is totally non- “However, any decision on a He said the issue of any change out an alliance with other like- The AAP’s Punjab unit lead- continued to make statements an alliance with the Aam Aadmi existent in Punjab and there is coalition with the AAP or any in portfolios of the ministers was minded parties. ership on Sunday demanded against the party leadership. He Party (AAP). absolutely no need for the Con- other party would be taken by not discussed during the meet- Ruling out his resignation Khaira’s resignation from the has always done politics centred However, he said the decision gress in the state to go in for an the Congress high command, ing with Gandhi. from the Punjab assembly, assembly after he quit the party. around himself which is not ac- on a coalition with the AAP at alliance with Arvind Kejriwal’s keeping in mind the national In other developments, Su- Khaira said the assembly speaker Reacting to Khaira’s resigna- ceptable to the party.”

Norwegian Biopic on Modi PM sees great scope Govt plans for India partnership jobs quota for

IANS New Delhi

orwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg said yes- poor among Nterday there was a “great scope” to develop bilateral part- nerships with India in areas such as business, trade and invest- ments. “As India continues to be the fastest growing economy in the upper caste G20, we see a great scope for the Norwegian-Indian partner- Agencies a jumla (fake promise)” which questions which need to be an- ships in business, trade and in- New Delhi bristles with legal complications swered. They have to come before vestments,” Solberg said at the and there was no time for getting parliament. The BJP is desper- Indian-Norwegian Solutions for it passed in both houses of par- ate, it is panicking and rattled. It Sustainable Growth-seminar in rime Minister Narendra liament. wants to do certain things for fear New Delhi. Modi’s government an- Congress spokesman Ab- of losing vote base,” said Raja. “It is against this backdrop Pnounced plans yesterday hishek Singhvi said on Twit- Supreme Court advocate and that Norway has just launched a to set aside a quota of govern- ter that the latest move was an nominated Rajya Sabha member new strategy for our engagement ment jobs for poorer members of “election gimmick” and “proof K T S Tulsi said: “This looks like with India. This refl ects the im- India’s upper caste, months be- positive” of Modi’s “fear” of los- an attempt in the direction of portance we place on our bilat- fore what looks set to be a chal- ing power in the vote, which is abolishing the entire reservation eral relations.” lenging re-election bid. due to take place by May. system.” According to Solberg, the India already reserves jobs for “Did you (government) not However, BJP leader and Min- aim of the new strategy is to impoverished and disadvantaged think of this for four years and ister of State for Finance Shiv strengthen Norway’s bilateral lower castes for civil service jobs eight months? So, obviously Pratap Shukla, said the move relations and economic ties with and college places, but this has thought of as an election gimmick was not aimed at placating the India. caused resentment among other three months before the model upper caste. She further said that open and communities, who say it is unfair code. You know you cannot ex- “This is not an attempt to free trade were crucial for eco- and freezes them out. ceed 50% cap, so it is done only to placate the upper castes. We nomic growth. Modi’s plans would help posture that you tried an uncon- are trying to give them their “A stable global framework households with an annual in- stitutional thing,” Singhvi said. right. We are not doing a favour for trade and investment is vital come of less than Rs800,000 “Forward reservation is a gim- to them. It is in line with Prime for both our countries, espe- ($11,000). The decision would mick to fool people, the 50% cap Minister Narendra Modi’s motto cially in times like today when require a change to the constitu- continues to be law,” he said cit- of ‘sabka sath, sabka vikas’. we are seeing increased pro- tion, which caps the number of ing the M R Balaji case in which “Those who do not want to tectionism in certain markets,” reserved jobs and college places the Supreme Court put a 50% get this bill passed in parliament Solberg said. at 50%. cap on reservations. may go ahead. We will try to get “We are doing what we can to The plans were approved by “Government only misleading this bill passed,” he said. ensure that the Trade and Eco- the cabinet yesterday. They re- nation. Andhra Pradesh and Ra- Caste-based quotas are meant nomic Partnership Agreement quire approval from both houses jasthan tried exceeding 50% quo- to provide equal opportunities between EFTA and India will be of parliament. ta but was struck down by court. for India’s poorest and most fi nalised soon. This agreement Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party Modi, BJP clearly think Indian marginalised groups. will contribute to increased (BJP) swept to power in 2014, but public eats grass,” said Singhvi Nearly one in four Indians still trade and a better environment late last year it suff ered painful adding that the move was a sign lives on less than Rs100 a day. for our businesses.” defeats in three key state elec- of the Modi’s “fear and certainty Demands for quotas for The Norwegian prime min- tions to the opposition Congress of losing 2019 elections”. highly sought-after govern- ister is on a three-day state party. Communist Party of India’s D ment jobs and university places visit to India that began yes- The BJP was said to have faced Raja said the move indicated the have escalated in recent years terday. the wrath of the upper castes, ruling BJP’s desperation. as unemployment has risen and She will deliver the inaugural especially in Madhya Pradesh “What exactly they have de- conditions in rural areas have address at the annual Raisina and Rajasthan, over the amend- cided we don’t know. How they worsened. Dialogue, a multilateral confer- ment brought by the central have defi ned ‘backwardness’ In 2016, at least 10 people were ence on international issues. government to nullify a Supreme we don’t know. Already the Su- killed when thousands of Pati- “Norway and India are both Court judgement in the SC-ST preme Court has put a cap on dars, a relatively well-off caste ocean states, and closer co- Act last year. reservation at 50%. That has not of farmers and traders, took to operation in this fi eld will ben- Reacting to the decision, BJP been challenged by the central the streets in Gujarat to demand efi t both countries. The ‘Ocean MP Udit Raj said it was a “bold” government, which means the they be included in those quotas. Dialogue’ between Norway and Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis (left) and Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi pose move. cap remains. Similar protests by upper India will be an important tool to with a poster of the upcoming film PM Narendra Modi, a biopic on Modi, during an event in However, former BJP leader “So in this case, what the Su- caste groups have been wit- bring this cooperation forward,” Mumbai yesterday. Oberoi portrays Modi in the film. Yashwant Sinha said the pro- preme Court is going to do we nessed in other states including Solberg said. posal was “nothing more than don’t know. There are many Maharashtra and Haryana. Take teenage girls off night AGP ends ties with BJP shift, clothing factories told over Citizenship Bill IANS ommendations to the Lok Sabha. New Delhi The bill is likely to be debated in Reuters fi dence in the mind of the global which is voluntary, says factories the Lok Sabha today. Chennai buyer that workers’ needs are should not employ anyone under The snapping of the ties by the being taken into account and we 16 or make people work more he Asom Gana Parishad AGP, however, does not threaten have zero tolerance to any form than nine hours in a day. yesterday quit the alliance the BJP-led alliance government lothing factories in of abuse.” They must also allow workers Twith the Bharatiya Janata in Assam. southern India will have An estimated 45mn workers, the freedom of association and Party over the central govern- The BJP has 61 members and Cto stop putting teen- mostly women, are employed in create eff ective grievance mech- ment’s decision to go ahead with the support of an independent age girls on night shifts under India’s thriving garment indus- anisms. the Citizenship (Amendment) member in the house of 126 while a new code of conduct that fol- try, with major hubs in Tamil It also addresses the issues of Bill, 2016 which seeks to give its ally BPF has 13 members. lows complaints of abuse of the Nadu and Karnataka. sexual harassment, maternity citizenship to non-Muslim mi- While the AGP has 14 members, largely female workforce. They have limited or no legal benefi ts, migrant workers and norities from Bangladesh, Paki- the Congress and AIUDF have 24 Workers aged 16-19 will also protection and few formal griev- minimum wages and says wom- stan and Afghanistan. and 13 respectively. be allowed to take time off dur- ance mechanisms. en cannot be fi red when they are “We have made our best ef- Bora said: “We fought a long ing their periods and no one will Numerous studies have pregnant. Much of this is already forts to convince the BJP leader- battle over the Citizenship Bill. be made to work more than nine shown that low pay, intimida- required under Indian law. ship about the negative impact We protested on the streets and hours under the new guidelines tion, sexual harassment and The code is intended to help of the bill and the stand of the we met diff erent political par- from the Southern India Mills’ other abusive working condi- factories meet international la- people of Assam, but the BJP has ties and members of the JPC Association (SIMA) that came tions are common, with the bour standards as well as com- decided to go ahead with the bill over the bill. We tried our best into eff ect this month. standard working week often plying with legal requirements. leaving us with no option but to to stop the bill being a part of “The idea is to help manufac- exceeding 60 hours. “This code is very important quit the alliance,” AGP president the government. However, now turers understand how an em- A report last year by Better because it updates employers Atul Bora said in New Delhi af- that the BJP has decided to go ployee should be treated, right Buying, a US-based group that about the latest laws and will ter a party delegation led by him ahead with it, we have no option from recruitment to retirement,” rates the purchasing practices of create a safer work place for the met federal Home Minister Ra- but to walk out of the alliance,” said Selvaraju Kandaswamy, brands and retailers, said pres- thousands of women employed Activists from the All Assam Students Union (AASU) shout jnath Singh. said Bora. secretary general of the associa- sure on suppliers to deliver more in the industry,” said Kannagi slogans during a protest against the government’s bid to pass The cabinet earlier cleared the He said the alliance with the tion, which has more than 700 quickly and cheaply had con- Packianathan, chairwoman of a bill in parliament to give citizenship to non-Muslims from Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, BJP before the 2016 assem- members. tributed to labour abuses. the Tamil Nadu State Commis- neighbouring countries, in Guwahati, yesterday. The placard 2016 after a Joint Parliamentary bly polls was a demand of the “We also want to create con- The new code of conduct, sion for Women. reads “Citizenship Amendment Bill 2016”. Committee submitted its rec- time. Gulf Times Tuesday, January 8, 2019 11 LATIN AMERICA

‘Sonic attack’ on US embassy may have been crickets: scientists

Guardian News and Media weapon. It was an explanation “The recording is defi ni- ets of a similar species and sound source does not mean that mats had suff ered concussion- caused by an open car window. Washington that appeared to gain weight when tively a cricket that belongs to keeping them in cages in his an attack of some sort did not like injuries, but other medical In the new study, Monteale- an audio recording of a persistent, the same group,” said Fernando room. One night he woke to a happen, but it casts doubt over professionals have challenged gre-Zapata and Alexander high-pitched drone made by US Montealegre-Zapata, a professor penetrating sharp sound. The the sound being responsible for the conclusions, claiming the Stubbs at the University of he US embassy in Havana personnel in Cuba was released to of sensory biology at the Uni- culprit was one of the males the diplomats’ health problems. doctors misinterpreted the test California searched a scientifi c more than halved its staff the Associated Press. versity of Lincoln. “The call of calling out for mates. The of- The cause and nature of their ill- results. database for insect sounds that Tin 2017 when diplomats But a fresh analysis of the au- this Caribbean species is about fender was banned from the nesses remains unclear. Not all of the aff ected diplo- matched the Cuban recording. complained of headaches, nau- dio recording has revealed what 7kHz, and is delivered at an unu- room but Montealegre-Zapata The spate of unexplained mats reported unusual sounds The call of the Indies short- sea and other ailments after scientists in the UK and the US sually high rate, which gives hu- could still hear the cricket health problems among the US when they fell ill, and descrip- tailed cricket turned out to be hearing penetrating noises in now believe is the true source of mans the sensation of a continu- singing for females. diplomats led doctors at the tions of any noises diff ered from remarkably similar, they found, their homes and nearby hotels. the piercing din: it is the song of ous sharp trill.” “I am not surprised that this University of Pennsylvania to person to person. with acoustic pulses repeated at The mysterious wave of illness the Indies short-tailed cricket, As a child growing up in call could disturb people who are run tests on almost two dozen Some recalled grinding or the same rate, and specifi c fre- fuelled speculation that the staff known formally as Anurogryllus South America, Montealegre- not familiar with insect sounds,” embassy staff . In March last year, cicada-like sounds, while others quencies being louder than oth- had been targeted by an acoustic celerinictus. Zapata recalls collecting crick- he said. The identifi cation of the the team concluded the diplo- experienced buff eting like that ers. Bolivian bees under threat from coca pesticides

AFP legal in this part of Bolivia. They Coroico, Bolivia are sold openly for traditional use in the local towns. It is chewed, used for making teas, and in re- igh up in the Bolivian ligious and cultural ceremonies. cloud forest, a woman According to the latest sur- Htends to her bees, smoker vey by the UN Offi ce on Drugs in hand, working from hive to and Crime, Bolivia has 24,500 hive under a canopy of leaves to hectares under coca cultivation, delicately gather panels of hon- an increase of 7% in a year. The eycomb. It’s a bucolic scene that government is collaborating with experts say won’t last, for the the UNODC in alternate devel- bees are dying. opment programmes but despite The culprit – as in so many this, between 35% and 48% is other cases across the world – is destined for cocaine production. pesticide. The diff erence in Bo- On the steep slopes of the re- livia is that pesticide use, along gion’s valleys, the lush forest is (left to right) The new Brazilian National Development Bank (BNDES) president Joaquim Levy, Brazil’s Economy Minister Paulo Guedes, Vice President Hamilton Mourao, with the coca plantations it is pockmarked with small plots of President Jair Bolsonaro, Chief of Staff Minister Onyx Lorenzoni, Banco do Brasil President Rubem Novaes and the new president of the Caixa Economica Federal bank, being used to protect, is on the coca arranged in terraces. Pedro Guimaraes listen to the Brazilian national anthem during a ceremony at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia, Brazil, yesterday. rise. Environmentalists and bee- “The area of coca cultivation keepers like Rene Villca say the has expanded and the native for- bee population is being decimat- est has been reduced to alarming ed by massive and intensive use levels,” said Miguel Limachi, an of chemical pesticides to protect entomologist at La Paz’s San An- the region’s biggest cash crop. dres University. Limachi says the Here in the idyllic Nor Yungas expansion of coca cultivation has region north of the cloud-high helped to destroy other plants that capital La Paz, the pesticides are provide a natural defence against NGOs funding to be tightly taking a toll on Villca’s hives. “Of the coca-leaf pests, particularly the 20 hives I have, 10 are pro- the Tussock Moth. In other parts ducing normally and 10 are not.” of the Andes, the pale moth has On another part of the moun- been used as a biological weapon tain where Nancy Carlo Estrada against coca cultivation. tends to her bees, a canopy of “A monoculture is more at risk controlled, says Bolsonaro protective netting around her from pests or fungi because there head, Exalto Mamami wades is no longer native vegetation Reuters criticised foreign interference in to optimise the use of public funds said the decree on NGOs could be is ratifi ed within 120 days by through a waist-high coca plan- – there are no natural control- Sao Paulo the Amazon region. and bring more benefi ts” to peo- viewed in a positive light, but also Congress, gives Cruz’s offi ce tation, pumping out liquid pesti- lers,” Limachi explained. “And The responsibility for moni- ple assisted by the NGOs, Cruz expressed concerns. the power to “supervise, co- cide from a canister on his back, then more pesticides are used in toring NGOs has been put in said in an interview published If the new rules “facilitate a ordinate, monitor and accom- face covered with a long cloth higher concentrations.” unding of non-govern- the hands of government sec- yesterday on the G1 news portal. constructive relationship be- pany the activities and actions against harmful blowback from Harmful organophosphates mental organisations retary Carlos dos Santos Cruz, He denied the intention was tween international civil soci- of international organisations the spray. He is all too aware of in the pesticides mean the bees Fworking in Brazil will be a retired army general who said to restrict their activity. ety groups and the government,” and non-governmental organi- the pesticide’s toxicity, but has – “a social insect and extremely rigidly controlled, President Jair the initiative will help deter- “The plan is not to interfere that is positive. But Vivanco said sations in the national territory.” other priorities. organised,” according to Limachi Bolsonaro said yesterday, re- mine whether the organisations in the life of the organisations or he was also worried about how Meanwhile, the head of Bra- “We use pesticides because – become disorganised, and less fl ecting increased oversight by are fulfi lling their role of carry- restrict anything. But it’s public far the Bolsonaro government zil’s environmental protection the pests eat through the coca able to feed and care for larvae. his new right-wing administra- ing out work that complements money. There needs to be trans- will go in monitoring the groups. agency Ibama resigned yester- leaves and this aff ects our in- In recent years across the globe, tion over such groups. government actions. parency and there needs to be Rules to increase oversight day after Bolsonaro criticised come. The plants can dry out and bees have been mysteriously dy- Plans to boost scrutiny over An executive order issued last results,” Cruz said. over NGOs was one of Bol- the amount of money the unit that way we as coca farmers lose ing off from “colony collapse public funds that NGOs receive week gave the new administra- Leaders of NGOs that work in sonaro’s very fi rst acts after he spends to rent vehicles in his lat- out economically,” said Mamani. disorder” blamed party on pes- has raised concern that their ac- tion potentially far-reaching and Brazil, such as Jose Miguel Viv- was sworn in on January 1. est attack on the agency. The sale of coca leaves – the ticides, but also on mites, viruses tivities might be restricted by a restrictive powers over NGOs. anco, director of the Americas Bolsonaro’s temporary de- Suely de Araujo had been base component of cocaine – is and fungi. nationalist government that has “The government’s intention is division of Human Rights Watch, cree, which expires unless it leading the agency since 2016. Cartel co-founder’s son Maduro defends testifi es against Guzman rule as legitimate AFP The US, the European Union Caracas and a grouping of countries from Guardian News and Media Niebla greeted the defendant guilty plea he had made in April the western hemisphere called New York with a courteous half-smile. 2013 in which he admitted oper- the Lima Group have refused to In contrast to the dry, often ating a “vast narcotics traffi cking enezuela’s President recognise the election. droll, testimony of previous conspiracy”. The court docu- Nicolas Maduro defended On Friday, Canada and 12 ne of the greatest betray- turncoat witnesses, El Vicen- ments added that Zambada Nie- Vhis government’s legiti- other Lima Group countries als in mafi a history has tillo gave meandering testimony bla was now “co-operating with macy as his bid for a second six- joined in calling for Maduro to Oemerged into open court which nonetheless gave some the US”. year term has come under grow- step down and open the way for a at the New York trial of Joaquin idea of the scope and depth of his During the fi rst week of the ing fi re internationally and by the transitional government formed ‘El Chapo’ Guzman, as the authority: he oversaw importa- Guzman trial, El Vicentillo en- country’s opposition-controlled by leaders of the National As- former heir-apparent to Guz- tions of cocaine from Colombia tered a further guilty plea for National Assembly. sembly. man’s Sinaloa federation turned into Mexico and onward to Los related off ences, and another In a sign of turmoil around The US state department is- against his own boss, the cartel Angeles and Chicago, which he agreement to co-operate “on any Maduro, who is to be sworn in sued a statement Saturday say- – and apparently even his own made his centre of operations. matter”. He faces sentencing in Thursday, a Supreme Court judge ing the US stands with the Na- father. He described meeting high- March. and former ally appeared on US tional Assembly as “the only Vicente Zambada Niebla – ‘El level executives from Mexi- Meanwhile, a year-long inves- television to denounce last year’s legitimate and last remaining Vicentillo’ – is the son of Guz- co’s state oil company Pemex, tigation by El Universal of Mex- election, having fl ed the country. democratically elected institu- man’s longtime partner and co- with a view to shipping nearly ico City has traced the details of “I have decided to leave Ven- tion that truly represents the will founder of the cartel, Ismael ‘El 100,000kg of cocaine to the US El Vicentillo’s relationship with disavow the govern- of the Venezuelan people.” On Mayo’ Zambada García, and was in a tanker owned by the con- the DEA, in which he provided ment of Nicolas Maduro,” Chris- Sunday, the Venezuelan foreign once groomed to take over the glomerate, bearing its logo. information in exchange for a tian Zerpa, who sat on a panel ministry accused Washington business. Zambada Niebla also alleged free hand to operate. The DEA that deals with electoral issues, of attempting “to consummate But now he has testifi ed for the that a senior military offi cer in has admitted contact with El Vi- told EVTV Miami. a coup d’ promoting the prosecution. the Mexican defence ministry centillo but denies a deal allow- Responding on Twitter, Ma- repudiation of legitimate and Niebla – the cartel’s former and a member of former presi- ing him to continue traffi cking. duro declared: “Legitimacy has democratic institutions.” operations manager, envoy to dent Vicente Fox’s security team All this will make for event- been given us by the people with The Supreme Court, mean- politicians and businessmen – were accomplices of the Si- ful cross-examination, so far as their vote. To those who hope to while, said it has opened an in- and logistics supervisor – told naloa cartel. judge Brian Cogan will allow, as break our will, make no mistake. vestigation into Zerpa, over al- the court that he started accom- Zambada Niebla is a star – will the possibility of a variation Venezuela will be respected!” legations he sexually harassed panying his father to planning potentially crucial – prosecu- on the narrative: it is widely be- Maduro was re-elected on May women who worked in his offi ce. meetings as a teenager. tion witness, but a controversial lieved that El Mayo and Guzman 20 in presidential elections called The Supreme Court said the “I started realising how eve- one. He was arrested in 2010 in developed major diff erences, and by a regime-backed Constituent investigation dates back to No- rything was done,” he testifi ed, Mexico City and extradited to that Zambada Garcia betrayed A woman and her son wait to board a bus at a station in Caracas. Assembly and boycotted by the vember 2018, but it was only “and little by little, I started get- Chicago. his former partner to Mexican Washington has recently stepped up contacts with South American opposition, many of whose best- made public after the reports ting involved in my father’s busi- But he was never tried, and in authorities in order to assume states dealing with the influx of migrants – around 1mn to Colombia known leaders were under house that the justice had fl ed to Flor- ness.” April 2014 the DEA unsealed a sole control over the cartel. alone – from Venezuela’s worsening economic crisis. arrest or barred from running. ida. Gulf Times 12 Tuesday, January 8, 2019 PAKISTAN

Govt having second thoughts on PM Civil service reforms House varsity plan

Internews Now, it seems the Islamabad importance of maintaining an offi cial house to receive plan faces resistance he government has giv- international dignitaries en a hint of reviewing has dawned upon the Internews form eff ort. He still repents that ice. Policies were now being Secretariat Service and rec- Yet, the Pakistan Engineering Tits decision to convert government, opening Islamabad the transport monetisation re- outlined by elected representa- ommends phasing out several Council claims that more than the palatial Prime Minister up the chances of form was hijacked and misused tives, a signifi cant of demotion service groups from the present 40 per cent of positions dedi- House into an international maintaining the status by DMG offi cers in the absence for civil service.” CSS while retaining the Pakistan cated for engineering experts university. quo ne of Prime Minister Im- of an eff ective media and civil This apparently runs counter Administrative Service and a were currently occupied by non- The possibility of such a move ran Khan’s key goals for society to act as watchdogs. to Prime Minister Khan’s recent couple of others. engineers, mostly from admin- opened after Prime Minister It is to be noted that the O‘tabdeeli’ (change) was Former prime minister speeches that policymaking is These recommendations istrative cadres because of their Imran Khan hosted the visiting decision to convert the PM good governance through civil Zulfi kar Ali Bhutto, while un- appropriately the domain of point at undermining the bu- deep rooted infl uence, nullifying Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and House into a university was service reforms. He inducted two derpinning civil service reforms elected representatives and that reaucracy’s accountability and the principle of right man for Deputy Supreme Commander also opposed by security agen- former bureaucrats as his advis- in the early 1970s, lucidly ex- bureaucracy is required only to further consolidating the hold of the right job. One of the results of UAE Armed Forces Sheikh cies, expressing concern over ers Shehzad Arbab and Ishrat pressed frustration over the bu- implement that policy. one service group over all others. is the Rs1.5 trillion energy sector Mohamed bin Zayed al-Nahyan the absence of a state asset to Husain on Establishment Divi- reaucracy’s love for status quo Husain, while tracing the On the contrary, diff erent circular debt, PEC claims. at the PM House. house foreign dignitaries. sion and Institutional Reforms when he said: “No institution causes of decay and decline in people, committees and com- The Pay and Service Com- In his victory speech, Imran Now, the PM House may and Austerity, respectively in the country has so lowered civil service, puts the blame on missions, local as well as foreign, mission presided over by Justice had announced that he would be given the status of a state to deliver on the goal. the quality of our national life as loss of constitutional protec- that have studied the problems Cornelius had concluded that not use the Prime Minister’s guest house – an option on Shehzad himself is a retired what is called the ‘naukarshahi’ tion, eroded glory and low com- of Pakistan’s civil service and the normal method of claim- House as his residence and which there would be no issue. offi cer of the District Manage- (bureaucracy). pensation of civil servants. recommended remedial meas- ing the right to occupy a post in that his party would later de- The ministry of education ment Group (DMG) now re- “It has created a class of Brah- He tends to downplay the ures from the early 1950s to early public service should be proving cide the fate of the building. and skills development had named as Pakistan Administra- mins or Mandarins unrivalled in dangerous mismatch between 1970s, took a diff erent direction. competence to do so and not on Recently, he inaugurated the also recommended keeping the tive Service (PAS), while Husain, its snobbery and arrogance, in- the bureaucracy’s authority and Bernard Gladieux, a US con- the basis of reservation or vest- Islamabad National University PM House building in its origi- an economist, is working on the sulated from the life of the peo- accountability as the cause of sultant hired by Pakistan in the ed rights in favour of a certain (INU) at a two-day conference nal state and only setting up a task with a team of mostly senior ple and incapable of identifying civil service’s apathy to per- 1950s, remarked that ‘regardless section coming down from the on “Emerging Challenges and Darul Hikmah Institute in the bureaucrats. itself with them.” formance and its indiff erence to of their personal and professional period of colonial rule. Opportunities for Pakistan”. fi rst phase and later on consid- A common perception is that Husain criticises the civil serv- the common man’s life. qualifi cations, no democracy can The fate of Imran Khan’s re- Now, it seems the impor- er any possible development most governance and adminis- ice reforms introduced by Bhutto Husain suggests promo- aff ord to entrust its administra- forms may be similar to those tance of maintaining an offi - of a university in the extensive trative reform eff orts have faced in the early 1970s, and by Mushar- tions in the civil service on the tive destiny to any single cadre or enacted in the past unless the cial house to receive interna- lawns of the PM House. resistance from civil servants raf in the early 2000s, in his book basis of almost the same cri- group, class or service. elected representatives, assisted tional dignitaries has dawned The ministry had advised themselves and primarily from Governing the Ungovernable. teria which have already found To do so is to run the risk of by outside experts, take charge upon the government, open- that the construction of Darul amongst the DMG or PAS offi cers. Spelling out the reasons for their way into the Establish- creating and maintaining a civil and reform the civil service into ing up the chances of main- Hikmah and the university “No one should be a judge in his criticism of Bhutto’s and ment Division’s successive offi ce service oligarchy. He believed a unifi ed whole in which talent taining the status quo. was possible in the lawns that their own case,” said Nadeem- Musharraf’s reforms, Husain memorandums. the technical and professional and competence, liberated from With the new development, will not only fulfi l the promise ul-Haque, the former deputy writes on page 217 that “these He conceives a National Ex- offi cers also had administrative the confi nes of ‘groups’ and the chances of transforming made by the prime minister but chairman planning commission, reforms curtailed the autonomy ecutive Service that appears to expertise and should be given ‘services’, rise to the top, leaving the PM House into a university will also help keep a historic who spearheaded the last re- and supremacy of the civil serv- be almost a replica of the present top positions. the dead wood behind. seem fading away. building in its original state.

Indian envoy Tribute to Geoffrey Douglas summoned over Remove Bilawal, Sindh killing along LoC The Foreign Off ice (FO) yesterday CM from ECL: CJP summoned Indian Deputy High Commissioner J P Singh to protest the latest “unprovoked Internews the top judge asked the JIT ceasefire violations” by Indian Islamabad counsel why Bilawal’s name border forces along the Line of was included in the report. Control (LoC) in the Bagsar sector “In this moment, Bilawal is which resulted in the death of a hief Justice of Pakistan clean and innocent. He is only civilian. (CJP) Justice Mian Sa- taking forward his mother’s According to a statement issued Cqib Nisar yesterday or- legacy, why was his name by FO director general (South dered that names of Pakistan placed on the ECL,” the top Asia and Saarc) Muhamed Faisal, People’s Party (PPP) chair- judge asked. who also serves as the foreign man Bilawal Bhutto Zardari “Did the JIT include him ministry spokesperson, the firing and Sindh Chief Minister Mu- in the matter to bring him at the LoC left civilian Azeem rad Ali Shah be removed from disrepute or because some- dead and caused injuries to a the Exit Control List (ECL) one asked to do so?” the chief woman. and ordered the National Ac- justice asked. “The Indian forces along the countability Bureau (NAB) Further during the hearing, Line of Control and the Working to initiate an inquiry into the advocate general Sindh said, boundary are continuously case. “Sindh CM Murad Ali Shah’s targeting civilian populated A three-judge bench headed name was placed on the ECL areas with heavy weapons,” the by the chief justice and com- without any investigation.” statement read, adding that this prising Justice Ijazul Ahsan At this, the chief justice re- “unprecedented escalation” in and Justice Faisal Arab for- marked, “Murad Ali Shah’s ceasefire violations by India has warded the case to the NAB self-respect is being damaged. been ongoing since 2017, a year and ordered it to initiate a Should have seen that he is a during which they committed fresh inquiry into the case in provincial chief minister. Does 1,970 such violations. light of the joint investigation this happen in any country that The statement termed the team (JIT) report. the name of a chief minister of “deliberate targeting” of an Ordering NAB to complete the second biggest province area populated by civilians as the investigation within two is placed on the ECL?” “deplorable and contrary to months, the chief justice re- The chief justice then or- human dignity, international marked, “The accountability dered that Bilawal and CM human rights and humanitarian watchdog can probe Bilawal Shah’s names be removed laws”. and CM Shah independently. from the ECL. It added that India’s ceasefire If after the investigations a “Bilawal Bhutto and the Chitral region policemen pay tribute beside the coff in of former British off icer and teacher Geoff rey Douglas at his funeral in Lahore violations were a threat to both reference can be formed, then Sindh chief minister were only yesterday. A former British off icer who arrived in Pakistan with the Raj and stayed to become one of its most famous educators, with regional peace and security, it should be fi led.” included for political scoring,” students including Prime Minister Imran Khan, has died in Lahore aged 101, off icials said. and “may lead to a strategic Earlier during the hearing, Justice Nisar remarked. miscalculation”. (Internews) As Lahore chokes on winter smog, Ordinance issued govt moves to cut air pollution for 17-member Thomson Reuters Foundation index that many in Lahore check air quality monitoring stations That index, updated dai- of smog pollution was lower this medical council Lahore via the AirVisual phone app. in the province weren’t working ly, is posted for public use on year than last in Lahore because Alam thinks it’s time for the because of a lack of funding and the Environmental Protection of anti-smog measures already government to declare a pub- capacity, Alam said. Department’s website. underway. Internews A senior offi cial of the t his house on busy Mall lic health emergency on the The prime minister said he Since coming into offi ce, But Alam said monitors in- Islamabad Ministry of National Health Road in Lahore, envi- worst days, when the air is full sees tackling the city’s smog Khan has organised meetings stalled in his house continue Services said the 17-member Aronmental lawyer Rafay of dust and pollutants that can problem as a priority. with brick kiln owners and won to show hazardous levels in his council will have representa- Alam runs three air purifi ers cause health issues including “It is a serious issue that must a two-month winter shut- neighbourhood. he Pakistan government tion from all provinces and around the clock, keeps his win- asthma, lung damage, bronchial be addressed,” Khan told his down of factories in 12 districts, “It’s not just brick kilns and has promulgated an or- that it will elect its president dows shut and stuff s towels into infections and heart problems. cabinet. including Lahore. farmers who are causing air pol- Tdinance for establishing and vice-president. The ten- the gaps under his doors. “The air pollution in Lahore is In November, the Lahore High The government has also lution. Pakistan uses the most a 17-member council for the ure of the council will be three Some winter days, when the bad throughout the year, but in the Court ordered the Punjab pro- pushed brick kiln owners to shift polluted fuel in the world – tack- Pakistan Medical and Dental years. city’s smog is particularly bad, winter there is temperature inver- vincial government to implement to cleaner technology, off ering ling this problem will require a Council (PMDC), which has “Eight of the members will “I don’t send my daughter to sion where a layer of warm air is recommendations of the Smog loans to make the switch, as well tremendous change in the en- been run by an ad hoc council be from the provinces as they school,” he admits. “I am not go- prevented from rising and it traps Commission, set up by the court in as issuing fi nes for kilns that op- ergy and transport sectors of for a year. will nominate members for ing to risk permanent damage to all the pollutants below it, which 2017 to look at the drivers of smog erate using the dirtiest technolo- Pakistan,” he said. However, the ordinance will clinical and basic sciences, her lungs.” renders them visible,” he said. and fi nd ways to reduce them. gies, such as burning used tyres. He said the country needed a have to pass through Senate two from dentistry, two from Pakistan’s second-largest city Lahore, once known as the Those included curbing emis- The Environment Protection nation-wide system of air qual- and National Assembly within private colleges, one from the is choking on smog, driven in Garden City but now choked sions from factories, closing brick Department has fi ned farmers ity monitors in its cities to better 120 days. In the instance of army, one from the College part by smoke from bricks kiln with cars, regularly fi gures on kilns that fail to use fuel-effi cient who burn crop stubble – a tra- understand what is happening a delay, the government will of Physicians and Surgeons and steel mills, burning of rice air quality indexes as one of the technology, and fi ning polluting ditional practice – and is looking and drive action. have to get an extension of Pakistan (CPSP) and three stubble and garbage, growing most polluted cities in the world vehicles and farmers burning rice at promoting zero tillage farm- Cutting smog would have another 120 days by passing a will be lay members as cred- numbers of vehicles on the road – and many of the pollutants are stubble in the winter. ing as an alternative, though other benefi ts as well, he said. resolution from the National ible individuals and philan- and large-scale losses of trees as also drivers of climate change. The commission also ordered making the switch will be costly “By reducing greenhouse Assembly. Opposition parties thropists are involved in such the expanding city makes way Prime Minister Imran Khan’s the planting of trees in urban for farmers, Aslam admitted. gases that cause air pollution can repeal the ordinance by councils the world over,” he for new roads and buildings, government, which came to pow- areas and eff orts to spread envi- As well, the government is you are also addressing climate passing a resolution in Senate said. residents say. er four months ago, has restarted ronmental awareness in schools. considering setting higher emis- change. The two are linked”. as they have a majority there. He added that there were 80 Many in the city of 11mn com- air quality monitoring in Lahore Aslam said the government sions standards for vehicles – but Abid Omar, who founded the According to a notifi ca- members in a council estab- plain of headaches and burning after the previous government now has a team travelling around warned the switch could make Pakistan Air Quality Initiative, a tion issued by President Arif lished in 2012 and 32 in one es- eyes and throats as air pollution ceased it two years ago, said Malik Lahore reading the city’s air petrol “more expensive for con- non-profi t group that publishes Alvi, the PMDC ordinance tablished in 2015. “With only levels this winter have on some Amin Aslam, the prime minister’s quality monitors, with the data sumers as a result”, Aslam said. data about air pollution and its was signed and promulgated 17 members this time, making days hit fi ve times the legal limit, climate change adviser. feeding into the city’s own air The Environmental Protec- health impacts, agreed that a as per the advice of the prime decisions will be easy for the according to a global air quality During that two-year period, quality index. tion Department said the level broad approach is needed. minister. council,” he said. Gulf Times Tuesday, January 8, 2019 13 PHILIPPINES Palace vows Court upholds order none will be spared in drive to arrest Trillanes against graft By Neil Jayson Servallos Alameda said Trillanes failed Manila Times to produce an original copy of his amnesty application form which By Catherine S Valente bears a receiving stamp from Manila Times he Makati Regional Trial the Department of National De- Court Branch 150 has up- fence’s (DND) Amnesty Ad Hoc Theld its decision to have Committee, which he argued in alacanang yesterday Sen. Antonio Trillanes 4th ar- the rules of court was the “high- assured the public rested as it junked the lawmak- est available degree of proof.” Mthere are no sacred er’s plea to reverse the ruling. Without it, Trillanes could not cows in President Rodrigo Du- Branch 150 Judge Elmo prove his compliance with the terte’s administration amid Alameda, who ordered Trillanes amnesty procedures, the court the Presidential Anti-Cor- arrested in September last year, said. “Sen. Trillanes cannot ruption Commission’s (PACC) said the senator failed to prove claim exception to this rule since investigation of three Cabinet the existence of an “original” no evidence has been presented members over corruption al- application for amnesty and to that such accomplished applica- legations. explain his failure to produce it. tion form exists in the fi les of the Palace spokesman Salvador “Since the existence of the DND Ad Hoc Amnesty Commit- Panelo reiterated that Duterte Salvador Panelo duly accomplished application tee,” he said. would spare no one, includ- form for amnesty has never been “(Trillanes) failed to satis- ing his friends or allies, in his er and now Technical Educa- established nor the fact of his factorily prove the (following) campaign against corruption. tion and Skills Development admission of guilt of the crime predicates: the existence of the “You must remember that Authority chief Isidro Lapena he committed… the substitu- original, the loss or destruction the president’s policy ever and National Commission on tionary evidence he presented is of the original or its non-pro- since is there are no sacred Indigenous People chair- considered hearsay evidence and duction in court, the unavaila- cows in this administration. man Leonor Oralde-Quintayo cannot be admitted,” Alameda bility of the original is not due to You violate the law, whether were being investigated by the said in his order which was re- bad faith on his part,” he added. you’re a friend or an ally, or commission. leased yesterday. The judge said the senator’s political adversary or a rela- But Panelo said those being “In view of all the foregoing, evidence and testimonies from tive, or a friend or a fraternity investigated will remain in their the Omnibus Motion is denied,” Armed Forces and DND offi cials it doesn’t matter. You violate posts. “We will wait for their he added. Antonio Trillanes: arrest possibility? saying he fi led for amnesty and the law, you are accountable,” fi ndings or their recommenda- Trillanes previously fi led a admitted guilt were “hearsay.” Panelo told reporters. tions. 19-page omnibus motion for re- a “grave” mistake in issuing amnesty.The rebellion charges a series of engagements . “The rule requires that the “Just like what I said, If there’s evidence, then the consideration by way of special an arrest order on the basis of fi led against Trillanes in con- In his six-page order, Alameda highest available degree of proof friendship doesn’t count. If president will act on it,” he said. appearance through his counsel President Rodrigo Duterte’s nection with the 2007 Manila said the senator was not able to must be produced by him to there’s evidence, the axe will PACC chairman Dante Reynaldo Robles last October 1, Proclamation 572 which voided Peninsula siege were dismissed prove through testimonies and prove the contents thereof es- fall where it should,” he added. Jimenez had said the fact- where he asked the court to void Trillanes’ amnesty ab initio in 2011 after he was granted documents that he indeed fi led pecially his claim that he made Panelo made the statement fi nding inquiry involving three its September 25 order for his ar- (from the beginning). amnesty by President Benigno for amnesty and that he admit- a narration of his admission after PACC Commissioner Cabinet members was under rest as it lacked “legal and fac- Alameda ordered Trillanes ar- Aquino. ted or recanted previous state- of guilt of the crime subject of Manuelito Luna said Labour way. After the probe, a recom- tual basis.” rested in September as it found Trillanes lost his appeal a ments that compromised his the application for amnesty,” Secretary Silvestre Bello 3rd, mendation would be forwarded It said that Branch 150 made that the senator did not apply for week after leaving for Europe for admission of guilt. he added. former Customs commission- to Duterte. Charge people ‘behind Getting ready for annual procession entry of foreign trash’

By Bernadette E Tamayo dumping ground. The Philip- back the trash after an agree- Manila Times pines should assert its dignity ment was reached at a bilateral and co-equal standing as a sov- meeting between Filipino and ereign state in the community Korean authorities on Decem- enator Aquilino Pimentel of nations,” Pimentel said. ber 27 and December 28 last 3rd yesterday urged the “We should not be seen as a year. SBureau of Customs (BoC) recipient, offi cially or unoffi - According to offi cials of the to fi le charges against those cially, of waste material coming Mindanao International Con- behind the entry of “foreign from other countries.” tainer Port, the waste materials trash” through misdeclaration The Philippine government will be returned to South Korea of cargo. is set to return some 6,500 on January 9. The senator said the repeat- tonnes of waste from South The consignee, Verde Soko ed dumping of foreign garbage Korea that were dumped in Industrial Corporation, had into the Philippines was an af- Mindanao. falsely reported that the con- front to the country’s dignity. The South Korean govern- tainer vans carried soft plastic “We’re not someone else’s ment has committed to take and not garbage. “We are thankful to the South Korean government for its commitment to resolve this matter and take back the mis- declared shipment,” Pimentel said. “Let’s ensure that this bra- zen act is not tolerated and, in Catholic devotees walk near Quiapo church in Manila yesterday, ahead of the annual Black Nazarene procession tomorrow where fact, punished to the fullest ex- millions are expected to attend. tent of the law, particularly our Tariff and Customs Code and possibly the Toxic Substance and Hazardous Wastes and Nuclear Wastes Control Act of 1990,” he said. Pimentel said he will seek an Shells match gun used in lawmaker’s killing: police update on waste materials from Canada that were dumped in the country in 2013. By Roy Narra showed that Henry Yuson’s fi rearm matched Five other suspects, who either surren- Canadian Prime Minister Manila Times with the 11 shells and fi ve slugs recovered by dered or were arrested, also tagged the mayor Justin Trudeau promised to the police at the crime scene. as the brains in the killing. resolve the matter when he at- “It was positive according to the fi ndings Yuson said Baldo promised them P5mn for tended the 31st Association of he shells and slugs recovered by inves- of the Crime Laboratory so that will boost killing Batocabe. Southeast Asian Nations Sum- tigators matched the fi rearm used by our case,” Albayalde said. One of the six suspects, Emmanuel Juda- mit in Manila in November Tthe self-confessed gunman who killed The PNP chief said the fi ndings further var, said in his extrajudicial confession that 2017. AKO Bicol party-list Rep. Rodel Batocabe, strengthened the complaint fi led by the po- Baldo, when he was still the vice mayor of “There’s been no follow Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Oscar lice against Daraga Mayor Carlwyn Baldo and Daraga, planned to assassinate the mayor, through ever since. We need Albayalde said yesterday. his cohorts. Gerry Jaucian, according to PNP-Criminal immediate and concrete action Albayalde said the latest fi ndings of the Yuson last week admitted killing Batocabe Investigation Detection Group (CIDG) direc- Senator Aquilino Pimentel. on this,” Pimentel said. Integrated Ballistics Identifi cation System and pointed to Baldo as the mastermind. tor Chief Supt. Amador Corpus. Budget dept denies role in scam over projects

By Mayvelin U Caraballo Rep. Rolando Andaya Jr, majority “Citing these amounts to present a ed claims that it allocated funds with Manila Times leader of the House of Representatives, picture of a ‘fl ood control scam’ facili- preferential treatment to certain areas accused Budget Secretary Benjamin tated by the DBM is irresponsible and or districts. Diokno of conniving with DPWH of- misleading,” the budget department “The DBM has no hand in determin- he Department of Budget and fi cials in facilitating anomalous alloca- said. ing the projects that should be imple- Management (DBM) yesterday tions in fl ood control projects. It said the amount representing the mented and in which areas or districts. Tdenied allegations that it was Andaya alleged that there was a proposed allocation for 2019 could not This is the job of the implementing behind the facilitation of a fund scam conspiracy with the DBM and Are- yet be accounted for. agency; in this case, the DPWH,” it in fl ood control projects under the De- mar Construction Corp, the fi rm of “There are no existing projects for said. partment of Public Works and High- Diokno’s in-laws that cornered multi- 2019 as the 2019 budget has yet to be It explained that there are technical ways (DPWH). million infrastructure projects. legislated, much less implemented,” requirements set by the DPWH that “The Department of Budget and The DBM said Andaya also claimed the DBM pointed out. need to be satisfi ed for projects to be Management expressly denies the fa- that P332bn was allocated for “non- Also, it mentioned that the amounts considered for inclusion. cilitation of a fund scam in the Flood existent” fl ood control projects. This allocated in the 2017 and 2018 Gen- “Even then, the DBM is not privy Mitigation Structures and Drainage purportedly comprised P213bn worth eral Appropriations Act were reviewed, to the specifi c project listing for the Systems programme of the Depart- of appropriations in 2017 and 2018 and amended, and approved by the Senate projects under each programme and ment of Public Works and Highways,” the proposed allocation of P119bn for and the House of Representatives. region during budget preparation,” the Benjamin Diokno: facing allegations it said in a statement. 2019. The Budget department also refut- DBM added. Gulf Times 14 Tuesday, January 8, 2019 COMMENT

CHAIRMAN Abdullah bin Khalifa al-Attiyah EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Faisal Abdulhameed al-Mudahka Deputy Managing Editor K T Chacko P.O.Box 2888, Doha, Qatar [email protected] 44350478 (News), 44466404 (Sport), 44466636 (Home delivery) 44350474 GULF TIMES Great win but India rue the ones that got away

Even as the Indian cricketers celebrate their fi rst-ever Test series win in Australia, their joy would be tempered by the thought that, with a little luck and shrewdness, they could have ended the season with victories over South Africa and England too. Cheteshwar Pujara’s single-minded determination and the fast bowlers coming good in helpful conditions were the cornerstones of India’s 2-1 triumph Down Under where teams from the subcontinent have not been able to assert themselves. From Yellow Vests to The tough Aussie conditioning combined with the Asian teams’ inability to adapt to bouncy pitches have been touted as the main reasons for this, but Virat Kohli and his boys proved the task was not beyond them if they played some good old-fashioned Test cricket to win the fi rst series for the country in 71 years. the Green New Deal Pujara batted a total of 1,702 minutes or 28 hours and 22 minutes in the series scoring three centuries and a By Joseph E Stiglitz demands (whether from far-off Brussels pass on fi nancial debts, which we can to the refrain: sequencing and pacing half-century in the process – a mindboggling feat by any New York or from well-off fi nanciers), it should somehow manage, than to confront our matter. It would have made more sense come as no surprise that some are children with a possibly unmanageable to begin with creating new jobs before standards. Frustrating the Aussie fast bowlers with his angry. The Yellow Vests’ refrain speaks environmental disaster. the old jobs were destroyed, to ensure blunt defence and attacking whenever the opportunity t’s old news that large segments to their concerns: “The government Almost 90 years ago, US President that the profi ts of the oil and coal provided itself, the right-hander brought to the fore the of society have become deeply talks about the end of the world. We are Franklin D Roosevelt responded to companies were taxed, and the hidden virtues of cricketing discipline that would have delighted unhappy with what they see as worried about the end of the month.” the Great Depression with his New subsidies they receive eliminated, “the establishment,” especially There is, in short, a gross mistrust Deal, a bold package of reforms that before asking drivers who are barely the purists. I the political class. The “Yellow Vest” in governments and politicians, which touched almost every aspect of the getting by to pony up more. Pujara batted His heroics have forced protests in France, triggered by means that asking for sacrifi ces today American economy. But it is more than The Green New Deal sends a positive the Indian cricket board to President Emmanuel Macron’s move to in exchange for the promise of a better the symbolism of the New Deal that is message of what government can do, for a total of 1,702 think about upgrading his hike fuel taxes in the name of combating life tomorrow won’t pass muster. being invoked now. It is its animating this generation of citizens and the next. climate change, are but the latest And this is especially true of “trickle purpose: putting people back to work, It can deliver today what those who are minutes or 28 contract to match that of the example of the scale of this alienation. down” policies: tax cuts for the rich in the way that FDR did for the US, with suff ering today need most – good jobs. players who play all formats There are good reasons for today’s that eventually are supposed to benefi t its crushing unemployment of the time. And it can deliver the protections from hours and 22 of cricket for the country. disgruntlement: four decades of everyone else. Back then, that meant investments in climate change that are needed for the Pujara, who has an aversion promises by political leaders of both When I was at the World Bank, the rural electrifi cation, roads, and dams. future. minutes in the the centre left and centre right, fi rst lesson in policy reform was that Economists have debated how eff ective The Green New Deal will have to be to ODIs and T20s, has over espousing the neoliberal faith that sequencing and pacing matter. The the New Deal was – its spending was broadened, and this is especially true series the years missed out on globalisation, fi nancialisation, promise of the Green New Deal that is probably too low and not sustained in those countries like the US, where millions of dollars, but it’s deregulation, privatisation, and a now being championed by progressives enough to generate the kind of recovery many ordinary citizens lack access to only in the fi tness of things that he is compensated for the host of related reforms would bring in the United States gets both of these the economy needed. Nonetheless, it left good education, adequate healthcare, or unprecedented prosperity, have gone elements right. a sustained legacy by transforming the decent housing. value he brings to the Test team. unfulfi lled. While a tiny elite seems to The Green New Deal is premised country at a crucial time. The grassroots movement behind Yet, Kohli and coach Ravi Shastri erred in dropping him for have done very well, large swaths of on three observations: First, there are So, too, for a Green New Deal: It the Green New Deal off ers a ray of hope a Test against England last summer. Earlier, in South Africa, the population have fallen out of the unutilised and underutilised resources can provide public transportation, to the badly battered establishment: they dropped Ajinkya Rahane. Poor team selection and middle class and plunged into a new – especially human talent – that can linking people with jobs, and retrofi t they should embrace it, fl esh it out, and world of vulnerability and insecurity. be used eff ectively. Second, if there the economy to meet the challenge of make it part of the progressive agenda. impulsive decisions helped South Africa win the series 2-1. Even leaders in countries with low but were more demand for those with low climate change. At the same time, these We need something positive to save In England, Pujara was dropped for the fi rst Test. K.L. increasing inequality have felt their and medium skills, their wages and investments themselves will create jobs. us from the ugly wave of populism, Rahul and Murali Vijay were given a long run. They were public’s wrath. standards of living would rise. Third, a It has long been recognised that nativism, and proto-fascism that is even taken to Australia only for Mayank Agarwal to be fl own By the numbers, France looks better good environment is an essential part decarbonisation, if done correctly, sweeping the world. – Project Syndicate than most, but it is perceptions, not of human well-being, today and in the would be a great job creator, as the in after their repeated failures. numbers, that matter; even in France, future. economy prepares itself for a world zJoseph E Stiglitz is the winner Agarwal proved an immediate success at the top of the which avoided some of the extremism If the challenges of climate change with renewable energy. Of course, some of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in batting order, laying the foundations for India’s win in of the Reagan-Thatcher era, things are are not met today, huge burdens will be jobs– for example, those of the 53,000 Economic Sciences. His most recent book Melbourne. Had rain not come to Australia’s rescue in the not going well for many. When taxes on imposed on the next generation. It is coal miners in the US – will be lost, is Globalisation and its Discontents the very wealthy are lowered, but raised just wrong for this generation to pass and programmes are needed to retrain Revisited: Anti-Globalisation in the Era fourth Test in Sydney, India would have wrapped up the for ordinary citizens to meet budgetary these costs on to the next. It is better to such workers for other jobs. Be to return of Trump. series 3-1, having forced the hosts to follow on. But that said, India are now better placed to assert themselves in the longer format of the game. In Agarwal and teenager Prithvi Shaw, who missed the series with an ankle injury, India have identifi ed their next opening pair. Even more spectacular has been the rise of wicketkeeper Rishabh Pant, who took a record-equalling 11 catches in Adelaide and struck 159 not out in Sydney. The 21-year-old’s red hot form means Wriddhiman Saha now faces an uncertain future when he returns from a shoulder injury. The Aussies, meanwhile, have to go back to the drawing board. It’s a great concern that they are not producing fresh talent they used to do in the past. But there is hope. With the ball-tampering bans on former captain Steve Smith and opener David Warner about to end, the Aussies can begin to stage a recovery. The two veterans have a few more years of cricket left in them. All is not lost for the Aussies, for sure.

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© 2018 Gulf Times. All rights reserved A ‘Yellow Vest’ protester on the Champs-Élysées in Paris on November 24, 2018. Gulf Times Tuesday, January 8, 2019 15 COMMENT 2019, a year to turn the tide

By Ian Goldin and Robert Muggah experts and institutions to manage goal of constructive change. To achieve Oxford interdependence and technological an inclusive globalisation, we must change. A growing divide between address rising inequality, embrace elites and all those who have been “left diversity, and rescue international et us hope that 2019 is the year behind” has poisoned politics for a cooperation from the specter of when the historical tide turns. generation. unilateralism. In 2018, divisions within and Still, the disillusionment with The stakes could not be higher than Lbetween countries continued globalisation is mostly confi ned they are in 2019. When extremism, to deepen. And while geopolitical to North American and Western algorithms, fake news, and foreign tensions and political tribalism European countries. After all, the manipulation drive politics, have transformed international fortunes of the emerging powers in democracy itself is threatened. relations and national politics, new East and Southeast Asia have risen, Without more active engagement on technologies are upending long-held and most people around the world are the part of policymakers and political assumptions about security, politics, objectively better off in the aggregate leaders, there can be little hope for and economics. Complicating matters than they were 30 years ago. Outside the future. The accelerating pace further is the growing interdependence of the West, average incomes since the of change, along with deepening of our societies. We are all increasingly fall of the Berlin Wall have doubled – international interdependence, subject to forces beyond the control of and tripled in China. Life expectancy makes it harder, not easier, to find any one country, city, or individual, not in many developing countries has common solutions. least when it comes to climate change. increased by a whopping 15 years, It is tempting to try to stop the What a diff erence three decades and 3bn more people worldwide have clock and retreat from hard choices. makes. Back in 1989, the collapse of the learned to read and write. But the changes underway will aff ect Soviet bloc seemed to augur a triumph But there is no guarantee that this us all, regardless of whether we for liberal democratic principles and “New Enlightenment,” as Steven participate in the conversation. The values. The development of the World Pinker of Harvard University calls it, only way forward, then, is to improve Wide Web that year promised a new will continue delivering progress. The our literacy and engage with complex age of human fl ourishing and global Enlightenment of the seventeenth ideas. To do otherwise and play the cooperation. As recently as the 2000s, and eighteenth centuries came in victim is to invite catastrophe. Only fl ashy catchphrases like “the death the wake of the Renaissance, which by shaping the future ourselves will of distance” and “the world is fl at” was a period not only of scientifi c we fear it less. Unless bold people act, abounded. and artistic revolution, but also of the arc of history will not bend toward Yet far from fl attening the world, rising intolerance, religious warfare, justice or improved outcomes. globalisation has made it more and persecution of scientists and Three decades after the fall of mountainous and uneven. More than intellectuals. the Berlin Wall, we are again at a ever, one’s postal code determines The reactionary violence during Three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, we are again at a crossroads, and a battle of ideas is raging. The new crossroads, and a battle of ideas is one’s perspective, lifespan, and fate. and after the Renaissance owed walls being built within and between societies pose a grave threat to our collective future. This is the year to start raging. The new walls being built Instead of replacing national ideals much to elites’ failure to manage the knocking them down. within and between societies pose a with shared values, globalisation rapid change and rising inequalities grave threat to our collective future. has led to rapacious competition, occasioned by the print revolution. and contributed to growing inequality. To that end, policymakers must take the outdated twentieth-century This is the year to start knocking them the decline of welfare states, and the Today’s elites should take note. The And now, artifi cial intelligence and steps to protect the most vulnerable. paradigm that divides all politics down. – Project Syndicate corrosion of international institutions. spectacular fallout from the US-led automation are threatening to replace Social safety nets are being slashed into left and right, socialism and And though there technically are more invasion of Iraq and the 2008 fi nancial routine jobs and accentuate social precisely when people need them capitalism. The politics of 2019 is z Ian Goldin is professor of democracies today than in 1989, many crisis profoundly damaged public divisions. Can political leaders and most. After the fi nancial crisis depleted values-based, which is why traditional Globalisation and Development at are becoming more illiberal. trust in authorities and experts. What citizens muster the will to tackle government resources and produced political parties are being outfl anked the University of Oxford. His Twitter Not surprisingly, public support unites right- and left-wing populism common threats, or are we headed crippling debts, governments such by parties appealing to national handle is @ian_goldin. Robert Muggah for globalisation has waned. The is the idea that the old guard has let the for further fragmentation? Much will as that of the US have made matters sentiment and nostalgic fantasies. is co-founder of the Igarapé Institute attacks of September 11, 2001, and people down while ensconcing itself in depend on the steps taken in 2019. Now worse by cutting taxes. Today’s political revolution has and SecDev Group. They are co- the $5.6tn “war on terror” certainly a cocoon of privilege. more than ever, we must grapple with More broadly, we all need to roll so far been defi ned by anger and authoring a book on global challenges, didn’t help. Nor did the 2008 fi nancial They have a point. Flawed policies to the accelerating and interdependent up our sleeves and get a handle on frustration. But those sentiments can forthcoming this year from Penguin crisis, which exposed the failure of promote globalisation have let us down drivers of change. globalisation. That means abandoning and should be harnessed to serve the Random House.

Three-day forecast Cycling toward success in Kenya TODAY Maximum Temperature : 260c Minimum Temperature : 190c By Brian Malika 58% of those who enrolled in secondary home after school, she washes the day’s her sturdy black bicycle, she is actively Nairobi school never graduated. dishes and helps make dinner. By the time dismantling gender stereotypes that WEDNESDAY Excessive commutes are thus those chores are done, Carol is usually too pervade many African societies. For Maximum Temperature : 270c depriving Kenya’s young people of the tired to do her homework. girls, the pressure to drop out of school Minimum Temperature : 190c ow did you get to school education they have been promised; But a few years ago, Carol’s life and marry young is intense; in fact, THURSDAY when you were young? For girls in particular are disadvantaged by changed signifi cantly when she was nearly a quarter of all Kenyan girls – Maximum Temperature : 230c many people in developed distance. Fortunately, there is a simple given access to a safe, fast, and reliable some 23% – are married by the time Minimum Temperature : 160c countries, the answer was solution: match free schooling with free way to get to school. World Bicycle they are 18. But by getting to school on H Fisherman's forecast a guaranteed (if under-appreciated) bicycles. Relief, an American charity that time, Carol is building self-esteem and mode of transit such as a school bus or a In rural parts of Kenya, this is slowly provides free bicycles to people in giving herself a chance at educational WARNING Africa, cut her commuting time from success. What’s more, the hordes of Inshore : Poor visibility expected parent’s car. But reliable mobility is not happening, and the results so far have at places by early something students in Kenya take for been remarkable. Consider, for example, two hours to 30 minutes. Now, Carol exploitative men who harassed her morning granted. For Kenyans, transportation to the story of Carol, a 15-year-old arrives at school feeling fresh and alert, daily when she walked are now one Offshore : Nil school is, quite literally, our ticket to a secondary-school student who spent and this has dramatically improved her less annoyance to contend with. WEATHER Inshore : Misty to foggy at places better future. years walking six kilometres (3.7 miles) outlook and performance. Her grades, With a simple change to her mobility, by early morning In 2003, when Kenya made primary to class every day. Born to a poor family, she tells me, are also improving. educational success is within reach for becomes moderate school free for everyone, total enrolment Carol could not always bring lunch, and, Students are not the only ones Carol and many other Kenyan girls. temperature daytime with some clouds. surged to 104%. But this dramatic because not all Kenyan public schools who suff er from a lack of reliable Kenya still has much work to do to Offshore : Misty at places at first increase in access was not accompanied serve meals, she was often forced to transportation. When farmers, ensure that every young person who and partly cloudy at by any noticeable expansion of school skip food entirely. This lack of nutrition health-care workers, and public-sector wants to go to school can. But on the times WIND facilities. As many schools struggled severely aff ected her ability to learn and employees cannot get to their jobs long road to educational equality, it Inshore : Northwesterly-North- to accommodate the infl ux of new concentrate. promptly, productivity drops and output is comforting to know that not every easterly 04-14 KT students, a dearth of local classrooms And yet, the long walk and hunger declines. World Bicycle Relief has helped solution needs to be complicated. – Offshrore : Northwesterly- Northeasterly 03-12 KT forced pupils in rural areas to travel pangs were not the worst of it; like these people, too. Since 2005, more than Project Syndicate gusting to15 KT at north farther from their homes in search of thousands of other girls in rural and hard- 400,000 bicycles have been distributed Visibility : 4-8/2 KM a seat. This extra travel time lowered to-reach parts of Kenya, Carol’s day does around the world, benefi ting some two z Brian Malika is a social worker, attendance rates and negatively aff ected not start by getting ready for school. After million people. But for female students reproductive-health counsellor, and Offshore : 1-3/4 FT founder of One More Percent, a nonprofi t learning outcomes; according to one waking up at 4:30am, she makes breakfast in Kenya, the gift of mobility has been Around the region study, just 63% of students who started for her family and cleans their mud- especially transformative. organisation that works to improve the Weather in a free primary school fi nished, while thatched house. Then, when she returns Today, when Carol rides to school on health of young women and girls. Weather today Max/min tomorrow Max/min Baghdad Sunny 17/08 Sunny 16/03 Kuwait CityM Cloudy 18/14 P Cloudy 20/10 Manama P Cloudy 23/18 M Sunny 26/18 Muscat P Cloudy 26/20 M Sunny 27/20 Live issues Tehran M Sunny 10/01 P Cloudy 11/-1 Eff ects of non-sugar sweeteners on health

By Linda Carroll “Unfortunately, we need more and One limitation is that the researchers Pennsylvania. What’s important when Reuters Health better research on the topic,” he added. left out studies that did not name you’re trying to lose weight, Pfarr said, Meerpohl and colleagues gathered the sweetener being tested. Another “is a focus on overall calorie intake and research that explored the impact of issue, pointed out in an editorial eating nutrient-rich foods like fruits review of research on artifi cial sweeteners on important accompanying the new report, was that and vegetables, along with low-fat artifi cial and natural health outcomes like weight and blood Meerpohl and his colleagues lumped dairy, whole grains and lean meat.” sweeteners commonly used sugar levels. They eventually settled together studies comparing artifi cial Sodas containing artifi cial Around the world Aas alternatives to sugar failed on 56 studies, 35 of which were not sweeteners to non-caloric placebos with sweeteners may aid in weight loss, Weather Weather to fi nd strong evidence they provide clinical trials. those comparing artifi cial sweeteners “only if you’re using them to replace today Max/min tomorrow Max/min signifi cant health benefi ts, but also Some of the small studies suggested to sugar. full-calorie drinks,” Pfarr said. “But if Athens P Cloudy 05/0 S Showers 13/12 found no harm from using them. non-sugar sweeteners might slightly “In experimental trials, the you see this as an opportunity to eat Beirut Rain 13/11 Rain 13/11 The analysis, published in The improve body mass index (BMI, a intended eff ects of (non-sugar other foods, you’re not going to realise Bangkok S T Storms 31/24 I T Storms 32/25 BMJ, was commissioned by the World measure of weight relative to height) sweeteners) are expected to diff er that impact.” Berlin Rain 07/01 Rain&Snow 03/01 Health Organisation with the aim and blood sugar. depending on the energy content “For the vast majority of people, Cairo Cloudy 18/07 P Cloudy 16/06 of developing guidelines on the use Data on 318 participants in four of the comparator,” writes Vasanti there probably aren’t any health Cape Town Cloudy 23/17 Cloudy 22/16 of non-sugar sweeteners such as randomised controlled trials showed Malik, a nutrition researcher at benefi ts to non-sugar sweeteners,” Colombo M Sunny 32/22 S Showers 31/22 aspartame and stevia. that daily energy intake was 254 Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public said Dr Aziz Alkatib, a cardiologist Dhaka Sunny 27/14 Sunny 27/14 “Unfortunately, we don’t have calories lower in those who consumed Health in Boston. Meerpohl and his at Detroit Medical Center’s Harper Hong Kong P Cloudy 18/14 M Cloudy 17/16 suffi cient data to assess fully the artifi cial sweeteners compared to colleagues “did not diff erentiate Hospital in Michigan. “For individuals Istanbul P Cloudy 02/-2 M Cloudy 06/04 potential benefi ts and harms of those who consumed sugar. And trials according to the nature of the who consume excessive amounts Jakarta T Storm 32/25 T Storm 31/25 non-sugar sweeteners,” said senior a study of overweight and obese comparator. Among included studies, of sugar, particularly in the form of Karachi Sunny 24/14 Sunny 26/16 researcher Dr Joerg Meerpohl, director individuals who were not trying to benefi ts on blood pressure and body sugar-sweetened beverages, perhaps a London P Cloudy 09/03 P Cloudy 06/02 of the Institute for Evidence in lose weight found that the artifi cial weight were observed when (non- non-calorie sweetener is a less health- Manila M Sunny 30/23 M Sunny 29/23 Medicine at the University of Freiburg sweeteners were associated with a loss sugar sweeteners) were compared damaging alternative.” Moscow S Showers -9/-16 Cloudy -14/-15 in Germany. of nearly 4.5lbs. with sugars rather than non-calorie A better strategy for weight loss New Delhi Fog 19/08 Fog 20/07 “While a substantial number of But artifi cial sweeteners did not placebos.” is to switch to water, Alkatib said in New York S Showers 09/06 M Cloudy 08/02 studies have been published, there seem to help overweight and obese The new report shows that artifi cial an e-mail. “One study showed that Paris Cloudy 09/03 S Showers 06/01 was not much consistency in relation adults and children who actually were sweeteners, in and of themselves, do switching from diet beverages to Sao Paulo S T Storms 33/21 P Cloudy 33/21 to the specifi c intervention/exposure trying to lose weight. not lead to improved health outcomes, water helped women lose weight,” Seoul Sunny 0/-13 M Cloudy -1/-7 evaluated and which outcomes were Two studies with a total of 174 said Michele Pfarr, a clinical he explained. “By consuming these Singapore T Storm 29/25 T Storm 31/26 measured when and how.” participants found a very small nutrition manager at the Magee- sweeteners, you avoid confronting a Sydney S T Storms 27/21 P Cloudy 26/20 Moreover, Meerpohl said in an e-mail, improvement in blood sugar with use Womens Hospital at the University major roadblock to healthy eating: Tokyo Clear 13/02 Clear 09/03 most of the studies were small or brief. of non-sugar sweeteners. of Pittsburgh Medical Center in sugar addiction.” Gulf Times 16 Tuesday, January 8, 2019 QATAR HIA’s Oryx Airport Hotel tees off ‘Golf Simulator Experience’ amad International Air- port (HIA) yesterday Hlaunched its ‘Golf Simu- lator Experience’ at the Oryx Air- port Hotel. The innovative recrea- tional space comes as a part of the airport’s eff orts in providing pas- sengers with exceptional facilities and 5-star services to relax, reju- venate and recharge during their transiting time at HIA. The state-of-the-art indoor golf experience allows passen- gers to enjoy a collection of gam- ing options and playing sessions. The ‘Golf Simulator Experi- ence’ is equipped with a high defi - nition golf package, golf bags and clubs for men, women and kids. The facility also includes a lounge with seating area, creat- ing the best atmosphere for pas- sengers in transit. The Oryx Airport Hotel at Ha- mad International Airport also Hamad International Airport (HIA) launched its ‘Golf Simulator Experience’ at the Oryx Airport Hotel. The features the ‘Vitality Well-being Al-Meer and other dignitaries during the launch of HIA’s ‘Golf Simulator Experience’ at the Oryx Airport innovative recreational space comes as a part of the airport’s eff orts in providing passengers with & Fitness Centre’ that off ers Hotel yesterday. exceptional facilities and 5-star services to relax, rejuvenate and recharge during their transiting time at HIA. travellers an indoor swimming pool, hydrotherapy tub, gym and hamed al-Meer said: “Being the sengers an avant-garde rec- ence’. Our eff orts to provide the is a step forward for HIA as it Oryx Airport Hotel at Hamad In- Skytrax, making it one among only classic spa treatments among fi rst airport in the Middle East to reational space designed for the best customer service experience prepares to receive 50mn diverse ternational Airport has consist- fi ve other airports in the world to other services. launch a ‘Golf Simulator Experi- modern traveller.” to every one of our guests displays passengers by 2022. ently shaped the travel experience achieve this prestigious status. With the latest ‘Golf Simulator ence’ in a passenger terminal com- Philippe Anric, director (Op- our commitment to excellence. We HIA will continue to invest in for passengers, by providing a HIA also has been ranked the Experience’, HIA’s Oryx Airport plex shows Hamad International erations) Dhiafatina Hotels said: look forward to welcoming pas- innovative solutions designed smooth and hassle-free experi- 5th best airport in the world Hotel will truly refl ect a haven of Airport’s continuous commitment “We are very pleased to witness sengers to indulge themselves in to meet the needs of the modern ence through world-star custom- at the Skytrax World Airport serenity at a world-class airport. in off ering pioneering solutions the Oryx Airport Hotel’s extension the latest entertainment the Air- traveller, making the airport a er services and facilities. Awards 2018 and is a candidate Hamad International Airport towards passenger experience. of its world class facilities with port Hotel has to off er.” destination on its own. Hamad International Airport is for the “World’s Best Airport chief operating offi cer Badr Mo- “We are excited to off er pas- the new ‘Golf Simulator Experi- The Golf Simulator Experience Offi cially launched in 2014, The classifi ed as a fi ve-star airport by 2019” awards by Skytrax.

Custom-made and personalised products off ered at Shop Qatar’s Design District

esidents and visitors looking to design dialogue all under one roof. shop for the season’s latest must- Running until January 12, the District Rhave items can now have them cus- off ers visitors a wide variety of artistic tom-made and personalised exclusively expressions to choose from. Design en- at the Shop Qatar Design District at the thusiasts can stay up-to-date with the Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre latest trends at the Fashion Speakers’ (DECC) this week. Corner sessions or daily fashion shows. French fashion label Faith Connexion Other activities include 12 beauty mas- brought its Brooklyn-based graffi ti artist terclasses and workshops by online-fa- to add his special touches to casual wear. mous make-up artists and more than 60 Men looking to suit up in style can pop-up shops, which will be showcasing head to Turkey’s Baris Bespoke pop-up unique and varied off erings ranging from shop where they can select the fabric, cut professional tailoring to customisable and style to perfect their desired look. Visitors can commission and buy on- casualwear, from handcrafted clothing and At local pop-up shops Fonto and Noor the-spot their favourite art pieces by home accessories to makeup. Stationary, customers can add personal- renowned local artists at Design District’s For every QR200 spent at the Design Russian ambassador Nurmakhmad Kholov joins other dignitaries at the tree-planting ceremony. ised touches for the perfect gift. Art Avenue. District, shoppers can enter one of the Art lovers are also in for a treat at the festival’s three remaining raffl e draws, Art Avenue where they can commission artist Mariam al-Mulla. with two cars and seven cash prizes and buy on-the-spot their favourite Open daily between 3pm and 10pm ranging from QR10,000 to QR100,000 to pieces by renowned local artists includ- at DECC, the District brings a colourful be won each week. Russian ambassador attends ing Yasser al-Mulla, who is known for his showcase of local and international pop- Next week’s Shop Qatar raffl e draw sketch drawings, Muna al-Badr, known up shops, cafes, fashion shows, work- will be held at 7.30pm on January 10 at for her canvas paintings, and abstract shops, masterclasses as well as engaging Mall of Qatar. QBG tree-planting ceremony ‘One Dust’ expo by Qatar-based artist opens at Doha Fire Station he Qur’anic Botan- Development, QF, as well between the two coun- There is no doubt that ic Garden (QBG), as other QF offi cials, am- tries. QBG contributes to the he Doha Fire Station yesterday viewers to embrace that “dust”, to accept Ta member of Qa- bassadors, representa- “QBG launched the intellectual and cultural opened an exhibition by Qatar- one another and to look forward for hope tar Foundation, recently tives from the UN Edu- ‘Ghars’ tree-planting value of Qatar Foundation Tbased artist, Jesse Payne, titled and a better tomorrow. hosted a tree-planting cational, Scientifi c and campaign as one of its – educating the com- ‘One Dust’, which will run until January Payne is an American artist who is cur- ceremony as part of its Cultural Organisation, initiatives to protect and munity about Islam, and 17, Qatar Museums (QM) has announced. rently serving as assistant professor in the popular ‘Ghars’ cam- and members of the pub- preserve the environ- helping to position Qatar The exhibition, open from 9am to 7pm, Art Foundations Department at Virginia paign. lic, highlighting QBG’s ment and build an envi- as a modern scientifi c and is inspired by sand storms and is the latest Commonwealth University Qatar. The event, attended eff orts to encourage the ronmentally-conscious educational centre.” initiative by the Doha Fire Station to create Payne is currently a member of the by Russian ambassador community to engage in community, not only in QBG regularly organis- a hub for art and culture in the country. 2018-2019 Artist in Residence programme, Nurmakhmad Kholov, ‘green’ initiatives. Qatar but across the re- es tree-planting activities “’One Dust’ is a series of works that which was launched in 2015. The nine- was in line with Qatar- Fatima Saleh al- gion and the whole world. to promote the impor- recreate the overwhelming sense of pow- Qatar-based artist Jesse Payne (right) month programme is open to all Qatar- Russia 2018 Year of Cul- Khulaifi , project man- QBG’s eff orts are in line tance of environmental er and scale that sand storms possess, shows his works to Doha Fire Station based artists and has grown become a plat- ture. ager, QBG, said: “We are with the UN’s goals for awareness among com- exploring both the fascination and fear director Khalifa al-Obaidly and other form for artistic expression and growth. The tree-planting cer- pleased to welcome the sustainable development munity members, and the brought forth by this natural phenome- guests. It provides artists in Qatar with the emony, held at the Oxy- Russian embassy to our and the Qatar National ‘Ghars’ campaign is part non and emphasising the idea that we all opportunity to develop their art practic- gen Park at Education event in conjunction with Vision 2030.” of the organisation’s goal come from one ‘dust’”, QM noted. ing during these tumultuous times. The es and showcase their works to the world City, was also attended the Qatar-Russia 2018 Kholov said: “I am of cultivating 2,022 trees Going beyond its literal meaning, Payne artist’s brush strokes paint a picture of through media coverage, open studio by Machaille al-Naimi, Year of Culture, signify- pleased to be a part of this by the 2022 FIFA World uses dust as a metaphor for the obstacles chaos, confusion and beauty of a region nights, and a large exhibition at the end president of Community ing cultural cooperation event organised by QBG. Cup. and challenges that the region is fac- consumed by its own “dust”. He invites of the residency. QatarDebate successfully organises EUADC 2019

atarDebate Center, a that the time has come to replace reached every spot in the world member of Qatar Foun- international laws with a single through the art of debate and ex- Qdation (QF), successfully universal constitution’. pression of opinion, which is one organised the European Univer- Dr Hayat Abdulla Maarafi , of the pillars of human life. sities Arabic Debating Champi- executive director of QatarDe- “We had the opportunity to onship, EUADC 2019, in the Aus- bate, in a statement yesterday participate in the 4th Interna- trian capital Vienna from January said the tournament highlighted tional University Arabic Debat- 3-5. QD’s keenness to promote Arabic ing championship 2017 in Qa- The event featured 20 univer- language in debates in an eff ec- tar,” said Amel al-Rabai, head of sities representing 15 European tive way so as to infl uence young Arabic Language at the European countries. peoples’ thoughts. College of Humanities, Frank- The European Institute of Aisha al-Nesf, head of Educa- furt. human sciences team from tional Programmes — QatarDe- She presented her idea to Qa- Germany was awarded the bate , described the event as a tarDebate management to or- championship title, while the “diverse and wonderful gather- ganise a European universities Yalova University team from ing.” debate championship in Arabic, Turkey took second place. Abdulrahman al-Subaie, head which resulted in the QatarDe- The two teams debated the of Outreach Programme — Qa- bate Center conducting the Vi- The event featured 20 universities representing 15 European countries. motion, ‘This House believes tarDebate, said the centre has enna event.