JACS Annual Report
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Justice & Community Safety Directorate 1 Annual Report 2016-17 The Justice and Community Safety Directorate acknowledges the Ngunnawal people as the traditional owners and custodians of the Canberra region and the region is also an important meeting place and significant to other Aboriginal groups. We respect the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their continuing culture, and their contribution they make to the Canberra region and the life of our city. CONTACT FOR THIS REPORT General enquiries about this report should be directed to: Justice and Community Safety GPO 158 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Telephone: 02 6207 7173 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.justice.act.gov.au FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Freedom of information requests can be made by emailing: [email protected] ACCESSIBILITY The ACT Government is committed to making its information, services, events and venues accessible to as many people as possible. If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, and need the telephone typewriter (TTY) service, please phone 13 36 77 and ask for 13 34 27. For speak and listen users, please phone 1300 555 727 and ask for 13 34 27. For more information on these services, contact us through the National Relay Service: www.relayservice.gov.au If English is not your first language and you require a translating and interpreting service, please telephone Access Canberra on 13 22 81. IBSN: 978-0-9925863-3-1 © Australian Capital Territory, Canberra 2017 This work is subject to copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the Territory Records Office, GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601. First published October 2017. Information about the JACS Directorate and an electronic version of this annual report can be found on the JACS Directorate website: www.justice.act.gov.au Cover photos by Ellena Bisset Justice & Community Safety Directorate 2 Annual Report 2016-17 CONTENTS Foreword ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Section A: Transmittal Certificates .......................................................................................................... 9 B.1 Organisational Overview ................................................................................................................. 14 B.2 Performance Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 32 B.3 Scrutiny .......................................................................................................................................... 131 B.4 Risk Management .......................................................................................................................... 137 B.5 Internal Audit ................................................................................................................................ 140 B.6 Fraud Prevention ........................................................................................................................... 142 B.7 Work Health and Safety ................................................................................................................ 143 B.8 Human Resources Management ................................................................................................... 146 B.9 Ecologically Sustainable Development .......................................................................................... 164 C.1 Financial Management Analysis .................................................................................................... 169 C.2 Financial Statements ..................................................................................................................... 177 C.3 Capital Works ................................................................................................................................ 291 C.4 Asset Management ....................................................................................................................... 302 C.5 Government Contracting............................................................................................................... 306 C.6 Statement of Performance ............................................................................................................ 326 L. Victims of Crime ............................................................................................................................... 344 O.1 Bushfire Risk Management ........................................................................................................... 356 O.2 Freedom of Information ............................................................................................................... 369 O.3 Human Rights ................................................................................................................................ 380 O.4 Legal Services Directions............................................................................................................... 391 Annexure A: Office of Coordinator-General for Family Safety ............................................................ 394 Annexure B: Sentence Administration Board...................................................................................... 398 Attachment A: Acronyms .................................................................................................................... 407 Attachment B: Compliance Statement ................................................................................................ 411 Attachment C: Index ............................................................................................................................ 413 Justice & Community Safety Directorate 3 Annual Report 2016-17 FOREWORD Figure 1 Director-General Alison Playford I am pleased to present the Annual Report for the Justice and Community Safety (JACS) Directorate for 2016-17. In May, I returned as the Director-General after a period of extended leave. I would like to recognise the support from my executive team and wider directorate while interim arrangements were in place. The responsibility of Director-General was shared over the period by former NSW Department of Justice Director-General Laurie Glanfield and JACS Deputy Director-General Community Safety (DDG) David Pryce, with Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate Deputy Director-General Gary Rake also acting in the role for a short time. Their combined commitment ensured we continued to meet our objectives and at the same time improved our overall performance. I would also like to acknowledge the contributions of DDG Justice Vicki Parker who retired in April 2017. Vicki was appointed the first Coordinator-General for Domestic and Family Violence in the ACT and formalised the Government's approach to addressing family violence which led to the $21.4 million Safer Families package in the 2016-17 Budget. Our new DDG Justice Richard Glenn joined JACS in April 2017 with an extensive legal and justice policy and practice background. Richard was the former Deputy Commonwealth Ombudsman and has also held a number of senior executive positions in the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department. In October 2016, JACS also welcomed Jo Wood as the first full-time dedicated Coordinator-General for Family Safety. Within the directorate, we also released our new Strategic Plan 2017-19 to reaffirm our vision, purpose, values and accountability. The plan identifies initiatives we will focus on in the coming years including increasing community safety through crime prevention and building resilient communities, maintaining a correctional system and strengthening rehabilitation for detainees as well as increasing justice access and support. The directorate is committed to developing an engaged and inclusive workforce, recognising the value of diversity and the need to provide supportive leadership at all levels to empower our people. The plan also takes into account the Government's commitments. I look forward to progressing this important work in the next financial year. Justice & Community Safety Directorate 4 Annual Report 2016-17 The directorate strengthened its governance arrangements during 2016-17 by undertaking a full review of law-based delegations which ensures our staff are appropriately authorised to exercise a function on behalf of the Director-General and/or a Minister. I am also proud the directorate signed the JACS Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2016-19 in November 2016. The stretch plan reflects a JACS-specific vision of reconciliation – a vision of a fair, safe and peaceful community where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights and interests are protected. Figure 2 JACS Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan 2016-19 RAP member Jarad Brown, RAP Member Robyn Kahonde, Director-General Alison Playford, Ngunnawal Elder Aunty Violet Sheridan, Deputy Director-General, Community Safety David Pryce and Justin Mohamed at the RAP launch in November 2016. Before the October 2016 ACT Government election, we farewelled Minister Simon Corbell MLA who had held the Attorney-General portfolio for more than 10 years. Mr Corbell was also the Minister for Corrections and Minister for Police and Emergency Services for periods during his time in the Legislative Assembly. The directorate was proud to serve him during his time