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DJLEAD from EVERY SATURDAY PARTY “MONSTER” INTERVIEW: DJ LEAD from EVERY SATURDAY PARTY “MONSTER” MONTHLY MAGAZINE This Magazine gives y'all Hip Hop Headz the Real 07 Words from the Real Scene... July 2012 volume.052.issue.179 www. COVER INTERVIEW: DJLEAD from EVERY SATURDAY PARTY “MONSTER” INTERVIEW: DJ LEAD from EVERY SATURDAY PARTY “MONSTER” ●音楽との出会いは? ࣦԆবƣݢƠƤ¦ҋԈࠧ੾ŷLjƳƿଜŹƛƟƀƘƔ LJࠛƘƛŹǀ࢘١୛ƣҘƠ๱ƨޠLjƜƎƆƞ¦DJƣ֋ ƠܶƘƔƿƌƛBLACK MOVI'LJ՝ƐƾǁƔƿƌƛǀ ŻƖƠ¦D,ƝƀBLACK MUSI%ƭƣ؅෿LJࠛƙƽŻ ƠƟƿƳƌƔ§ ●当時はどんな音楽が流行っていましたか? ƒƣݢƤ$'#5T IE $1;5ƁໆܶƘƛƛ¦ƒƣ۩Ơ 2P#%ƝƀƁǕǮƔLjƜ¦వϠƜƎƀƢ§$'#5T IE $1;5ƣ%&౩ŹƠܶƘƔLjƜƎƆƞ¦HIP HO2ƟՂ ƍƣNJȓǸȈƝ41%-ऽƣƷƣƁŷƘƔƿƌƛ¦ҏƁ Ö HIP HOP ×ƟƣƀƤ෋ƠƤƽƄൌƀƾƟƄƛ§ 4'))#'ƝƀƷଜŹƛƔƆƞ¦ŷƳƿǠȋțȓƘƛϩ ࠭ƤƟƄƛ¦િƠȌǸŹƝߵƘƔƷƣLJ౩Ż¦Öຈ Ԉ×ƘƛԕƿƜଜŹƛƳƌƔƢ§૴Ԇƀƾ݄ܝƣࠜƤ ƠĹӃ֎ƠదƘƔ%&LJ౩ŻƄƾŹƜ¦D JƷƌڔĹȞ ƔƀƘƔLjƜƎƆƞ¦ீࠜƤǧÀțǮÀǾȓƝȇǕ ǝÀƕƆƜ෺ёϠƤƌƔƌ§ࡺƿƤ&JªǨțǝÀƣ ޠ৾୴Ơ֋ت¦ǾÀȈƜ෋ƷƹƿƔƀƘƔLjƜƎƆƞ ƝȔǛÀDZƳƜ౩Ż๸๯ƷƟŹƀƾ¦ശԖƣǝǫǓÀ ƥƘƀƿƹƘƛƳƌƔ§ ●その後DJを始めたきっかけは? ޠǝǫǓÀƷЀ૘ຨƌƔݢ¦࢘١୛ƁD ,LJࠩƶƛ֋ LJග૤ƌƛƛ¦ȔǛÀDZƷলӒիƣHIP HO2LJ૴ॊƠ ෥ϠƤŷƘƔƣƜ¦թƉƝਆശƷƾƘƛƒǁLJҘ ƠࠛƘƛ֌Ƙƛ¦ீࠜƤ׽ŽƛƄǁǀॣƷࡺƿƠŹƟ ƀƘƔLjƜ¦࡭෿୤ணƠƹƘƛƳƌƔƢ§ ●人前に出てDJ をやり始めたのは? ƽƄӾŽƛƟŹLjƜƎƆƞవƄƾŹƜƎƀƢ§ீ ࠜƣໆܶƜ¦๶ඝƀƾ݄ܝবƁ࢒ƳƘƛ¦1ࠜƀƾ ࠜƄƾŹƳƜǹÀǮNjÀLJƹƘƛƔLjƜƎƽ§ǸțDZƝ ƀHIP HO2¦ǒÀȓǠȋțȓƜƉƖƸݮƑƟLjƜƎƆ ੤ؐ۩Ƥ$#4ƝƀƜܝ݄§ƞ¦ƒŻŹŻࣄƜD Jƌƛƛ ёƝƀ฿ƘƛDJƌƔƿ¦ࠜƠƤǶÀªǖȋȑƜƷ ¦ƠĹӃƄƾŹƤࡖƿƛڔӃƎƽŻƠƟƘƛ§ಆƷĺȞ ÅॣϠƤదǀƽŻƟગƂŹnjȁțǰƷƹƘƛƔ LjƜƎƆƞ¦Ü෦࢏D ,ƹƾƟझࡦƄƟƾƭLjƟÝƘƛ ࠔƜƒŻŹŻतࣄLJૃƎƽŻƠƟƘƛƔࠜƠ¦ƖƼŻ ƞத຅తƹƾƐƛƷƾŽǀ$#4ƁŷƘƔLjƜ¦ƒƈƜ ࠧൌෟƂƴƔŹƟƈƝLJƹƘƛƳƌƔƢ§އࣃƤਆਅ ſּƊLjƷŹƟƀƘƔLjƜƎƆƞ¦෋ƣ૴ƜƤÜ DJƤ ෦࢏ƹƘƛƟLjƱÝƘƛ֎ࠛƖƁŷƘƔƣƜ¦ƏƘƝ੣ ࢄ୴ƠƤ1ॣϠƤ๱ƨƠຢƛƄǁǀƽŻއ¦ҜڑƆƔ #/ஞƠŹǀݢƠ/#)7ר¦۩ƠƟƘƛƳƌƔƢ§ƒƣ /% UƝࢪӁƘƛ¦෋ƷLIVE DJLJƹƾƐƛƷƾŽǀࠔ ƭܶƄƽŻƠƟƘƔרƠƟƘƔLjƜ¦ऽLjƟ૝ඝƹஶ LjƜƎ§ƒƈƀƾ/#)7/#ƤӂߔƎǀLjƜƎƆƞ¦ ஊLJϰƌƛ&,LJƹƘƛŹƈלƠޥࠜ෋ƤƖƼŻƞગீ ŻƘƛǧnjȇțǘƜ¦4;7<1ٕƝդলƜƤ๧บƟ KEISUKEƊ Lj ƘƛŹŻǒÀǔDz njǞÀƝƀƝ¦ 44#6'&ƣࣃֈȉțǸÀƷ࢒ƳƘƛऽ½ƹƘƛŹƈ ŻƘƛƟƿƳƌƔ§ ●プロのDJとしての意識が芽生えたのはいつ頃からで すか? §Ɯ¦ĺవਂϠƀƷƌǁƟŹƜƎةއƒǁƤේீƠ ƒǁƳƜƷǿȕƜƹƘƛǀϩ࠭ƤŷƘƔƆƞ¦D JƘƛ¦ ƘƖƸŽƥۄǖȋȑƁಓবƌƔ૘ӚƜ¦ࠧൌƜǿȕƘƛ ǿȕƍƸƟŹƜƎƀ§T V ƜƔƳƠࢪƛƄǀࠧआ D JƝ MONTHLY HARLEM MAGAZINE *JULY 2012* 01 ઽƠƜƷŷ¦ڷƀÎईϧƜƷƹƘƦƿऽLjƟॣƁ૜ƘƛƄǁƛ¦ࠧൌ ●HARLEM 15th ANNIVERSARY PARTYでは ●初のオフィシャルCD「the FINEST "PREMIUM ÜŷÀÀƈǁŹŹƽƟÀÝƴƔŹƟ੾ Ɓ૜ƾƟŹॣƁ෼੝ƣŹƄǖȋȑLJࢪƌƛƄǁǀƘƛ ALL STARの一員として初出演でした。 MIX" -BEST OF HIP HOP / R&B MIX-」が発 ǀƤƏƜƎ§ ŹŻƣƤ¦HEAVY *+66'4SƠదƘƛƌƥƾƄƌƛƀ ূƀƾ*#4.'/्൙Ɲƀ߆ࠍLJ௱LjƜಆƣƈƝƤ 売されました。今作の聴き所を教えて下さい。 。Ɓŷǀ ●今後の展望を教えて下さいۆҔƁҌƿƟŹƝƀऽLjƟঝנƾƀƷƌǁƟŹƜƎƢ§ ૜ƘƛƔƀƾ¦ƳƊƀࠧൌƁࢪƾǁǀƝƤߵƘƛƟƀƘ ߦŹƔŹؒƣ ƔƆƞ¦ƟǀƮƄƌƛƒŻƟƘƔLjƹƝߵŻƌ¦ਙପ ૴Ɯ¦෋Ɓണ૘ƀƆƟŹƽŻƟؒƷऻƿ۶Ƒƛ¦ਿ݉ %&LJࢪƎƈƝƠƽƘƛ¦෋ƣࠔLJЀರƣॣƠƷభ૜ 日本で活動しながら、渡米する事になったきっかけは? ƠվƌŹƜƎƢ§ƈǁƀƾƷƽǂƌƄſնŹƌƳƎ§ ୴ƠȉǠȋÀƣC &ƣ૴ƜƤ௏ƴݠLjƕৼؒƁࢪຢƔ ƊǁǀƂƘƀƆƠƟƘƛƄǁǁƥƝߵƘƛƳƎ§ƒƣ૴● ෋Ƥռේ୴ƠÜ&,ƤஞӁƣ൘ҍƹƀƾஞӁƜƹǀƮ ƝƤߵƘƛƳƎ§ŹƙƷƤƀƆƟŹƽŻƟǕȋǫǩÀ ƜࠧൌƣǡǧnjȓLJ඘ƊƏƠƹƘƛŹƆƔƾƝ§ȐÀ ŽƁŷƘƛ§44#6'&LJແƖझƇƛƀƾ ●東京・大阪・京都と3都市でレギュラーパーティーを ƟؒƷ¦ǡǗȑǫǩƝƀదǁƛ෋ƾƌƄNJȔțǠƌƔ ȕǫǹƹNJǠNJƣDJƝƷ૵໡ƄƟǁƛƂƛǀLjƜ¦௫ܯƂÝƘƛ ƟƷƣƠƌƛ¦NJȉȒǓƝ઀௃ۋஞƣCLUB D JƝƌƛƤࠧ お持ちですが、それぞれの都市のオーディエンスに ƙƷƿƜƎ§Ѐ಺ƣଜƂࣄƤ¦෋บ֫Ɯƣࣃƶƛƣǟ ƠNJǠNJƣᜊLJƽƿ׷רƠϰƌƛ¦঩ପޥஊLJગל ƟƷƣƠƌƛŹƂƔŹƜƎ§NJǠNJƣCLU$ǟÀțƜ ƠຢƔƾ どのような印象をお持ちですか? țǘȓؒƜŷǀĹุؒƣÚ .+8'/;&4'#/5HGCt.ޥൌƁǰǫǿǗȑǡƣࠧॄƁŷƘƔƣƠ¦ગ #0#4%*;ÛƜƎ§ ƤతේƁǰǫǿǗȑǡƹƝߵŻLjƜƎƆƞ¦෋ƾƁNJǠ & Ƥ¦ƹƘƦƿ๱ƨƠຢƛǀॣƔƖƁǗÀȓƜƎ MAINOרบਂLJ૜ƾƟŹD J ƜƷझࡦŹॣƤЀ౛Źǀƌ¦๧บƟ ஶ ƟƷƣƠƟǁƥ¦NJȉȒǓƣD,ƷۋDŽǁǀॣƷ NJƜƳƝƳƘƛ׷ۄƊƹ׭ Ƣ§ſᑼຨƟॣƁ੯Źƌ¦ؐӔդٞࡐƝ܀ƷบਂƕƆƹƟƄƛේீƠझࡦŹƌ¦ਪƣॣ ஞƝƤೊƮൊƠƟƾƟŹLjƜƎƽ§ ੯Ź§࢜હƝ༱ේึƜƤൗϣ֎ƷਆਅϷŻLjƜƎƆƞ¦ ●その先行シングル「LIVE MY DREAMS」は日米 ໡Ź٧ƜNJǠNJǬNJÀƁࢪຢǀƽŻƠƟƘƛ¦෋ƾƷר਺ເƤƹƘƦƿ ƈŻƠܶƄࠜƠƤ઀௃ƠϋDŽǁǀƝߵŻƌ¦తේƣ܂ ƜƤƟ の今最も〈旬な〉ラッパーの競演という部分に注目×ޥƘƛՂƍƜƎƢ§ÖঘӔƣગ×רƤஞӁƕƟŶƝ§ÜƞŻƎǁƥƈƣӧƜǰǫ ÖঘӔƣஶޥƹƤƿગ ࢜હƘƛ が集まります。 D J ƤේீƠझࡦŹƀƾ¦ƒǁLJƷƘƝ੯ƄƣॣƔƖƠ¦רŽƛƳƌƔ§ Źƌ§NYªLAªǹȒƴƔŹƟՂӾƜ¦ஶܯǿ D JƠƟǁǀƀÝƝƒLjƟLjƥƘƀƿ §ƛൢƨແƙࣄƕƝ§࢜હƤ࢜હ௰ࠧ ෋ƤHEAVY *+66'45ƠదƘƛƀƾƣǵǗǡǰǡ భƶƊƐƛŹƂƔŹƜƎƢگࣃƶƛ෋ƁN;ƭܶƘƔƣƤవƟLjƜƎƆƞ¦੯ ŹŻƣƤঘӔƜ ŽƛƔLjƜƎƆƞ¦ƒƣ૴ƠࠧൌบܯƣƀƀƘƔǝǎțDZǟǡǮȈ¦ऀ ƣऽƁŷǀƌ¦ƒǁƁƞƈƣॕࠕƜƷƟŹÖ࢜હƾƌ ǮǫǿLJŹƙƷت࡫੯ງƟॣ࡫¦ſ 。ผ¦ſᑼຨƟఊੇ¦ȑǠǒƹT V ௃ƣȉǯNjNJȦऽLj Ɗ×ƘƛƣƁজŹƟƘƛߵŹƳƎ§௫Ơ*#4.'/ƤDJ ֫ƣǟțǘȓƘƛŹŻƣƁŷƘƛ§෋Ƥണ૘ƀƾD,Ɲ ●読者へメッセージをお願いします ƠĹӃ¦ઘĽத຅తƠ*#4.'/Ì/10ڔƟຑਙƷժƶƛ¦ƹƤƿગஞӁ0;ƤƒƣࠜકƷԼਆ Ơ઀ƌƛǷÀDZȓ݄ŹnjȉÀǠƷŷǀƆƞ¦ƒƣൌƎ ƌƛతේ۰ȑǫǿLJƒLjƟƠߦƘƛǀ๑ƜƷƟŹLjƜ ĻȞ §ƠঘӔƣHIP HO2ƣ૴ॊƕƘƔƌ¦ਆƛƤ0;Ɯໆ ƉƄD ,LJગࠔƠNJÀǮNjǡǰƝƌƛϋƘƛƄǁƳƎ§۩ ƎƁ¦ূƀƾ#0#4%*;ƠƤȌȑȔƛƛ§௙ƍƽŻƠ 56'4ÍƠࢪћƌƛǀLjƜ¦ছ೗๱ƨƠຢƛҌƊŹ ஞÌ$766'4(.Y SA674&AYSÍƷƞרƘƛƒǁƀƾతේƹ੮ƣݓƠƷໆǁƛƄǀƴƔŹƟ¦ ƤHOUS'ƹ'.'%641ƹ੮ǠȋțȓƣǟÀțƷভƿ MAIN1ƠƷǬNJÀƜĺӃƷ௙ܶƌƛऽ½ȌȑȔƛƛ§ ෋ƁƹƘƛǀܶ ƘƛƷ झƁƘƛƛ¦ǹÀǮNjÀƣി܏ƊƷก໧ƕƝߵŹƳƎ§ ĺॣƝƷࠧൌƝƤਆƄϷŻॣবLJංLjƜƛ¦ȑǫǿƷ ƈƠƷƟŹǹÀǮNjÀLJƹƘƛǀLjƜ¦ƽƀƘƔƾЀணۄŽƛƂƳƌƔ§ҏƝگƒŻŹŻગƂƟໆǁƁ §ࡐƜŷǀDJ MINAMIƊLjƁҏணƷ0;ƹ ȒȒǫǗƷজŹƀƾ¦෋ƁƒƈƣҝƆ׾ƠƟǁƔƾƘ ຢƛƷƾŽǀƝվƌŹƜƎƢضƤ¦ড়ޥHIP HO2ƁবƳǁƔ0YƝŹŻӧƠԼਆƠȌȑǁƛ§ ગ Ơ஋Žƛǀƌ¦੮ƣ ƛߵŹƁŷƘƛ§#0#4%*;ƁƞǁƕƆǓǫǛ໡ƄƛޝƛƂƛ¦ƒǁLJ࠾گ୴Ɯ¦D,ƷझࡦŹ஥ ȆnjNJȇLJډƌƛǀբƤ෦తƁߧޟN;Ơઊ ۰ƣؒƘƛŹŻƣƤNJȉȒǓƣȑǠǒƹۄƁતߑŹƛ¦ऽLjƟ࡫໸ƣǹÀǮNjÀƁŷƘƛ¦ේீ ஞ߲ƽƿƷ&,ƔƖƁN YªȆnjNJȇƭܶƄࠔƁ੯ŹƽŻ Ʒ¦ϷŻ Ơ෦Ӄ؅൓ƌƛƳƌƔƢ§֌ƿƣ೘ܶ֋ƣ૴Ɯ¦෦Ӄ ƠߵŹƳƎ§D J Ɓऽ½ׅࡹƌƛຢƔࠔLJ࠾৻Ǝǀƀƾ¦ CLU$ƜƤƀƀƾƟŹƌ¦N;ƣſּƊLjƤȒȒǫǗƣ ЀॣƜอਭƌƛƔƣLJߵŹࢪƌƳƎ§ÜతේƠ֌ƘƔƾ ƒƣࠜ½ƣໆǁƁಣйƊǁƛǀƽŻƠߵŹƳƎ§ǒÀ ఊ຀LJືӂƌƛҞŻLjƜ¦తේ۰ƣؒLJƀƆƔƾǒÀ ƈLjƟࠔƌƽŻÝƝƀÜŷƣD ,ƣŷƣՂƍȌǸƀƘƔ ǯNjǐțǡƷƌƘƀƿഗŹƛຢƛǀƌ¦෋ƣ૴ƜƤӒ ǔDznjǞÀƷÜƹƶǂÝƘƛƟǀƌ§܂ƈŻƣॣƔƖ ƝϷƘƛǝÀ ƤේீDŽƁƳƳƟLjƜƎƽÎईϧࡹ༵ࠜբƁૉŹƝƤרŹӧƜƎƢ§ஶةŽǀࠜբƁࠧൌƠƝƘƛ ӞƣǡǧnjȓƠЀ಺ܯƟÝƝƀ¦ƒŻŹŻЀॣƜ DŽǁƔLjƜƎƆƞ¦D ,୴ƠƤȁǡǰƟࠜբƀƟƝۄ §ແƘƛǀƝߵŹƳƎޝƎƉƄ໡ƀƘƔƝߵŹƳƎ§ ǻǡؐƝƌƛƣǗȑǾǡǧnjȓƁ ༱ේึƝ࢜હLJ੝ƌƛĺƜԒƘƔՂƍƀƟ­ ſּƊLj ߵƘƛƳƎ§ŷƝƤ௔ƣÜ DJ LEAD !!! ÝƘƛǟȋǎǰ 影響を受けたDJはいますか? ઘЀࡣ֫ƟǗȑǾƁ੯ŹƜƎ§ƒŻŹŻࣄƷӒӞƘƲ ƣശൌƷ¦D JƁߦŹƹƎŹƽŻƠ¦ĺ౵ุƝĻ౵ุƠ● ƀƟࣄƠD JƝƌƛƣƈƕDŽޙ¦Ɵƾ ŹƝŹŻƀ§ ݉ŻƽŻƠҋదǁƔƿר੯ൌ෋ƤऽLjƟD ,ƀƾи؉ƤࡱƆƛƛ¦ஶ *#<+/EƊLj¦-#0)OƊLj¦ગޥƟƾMINAMIƊLj¦ ƿƁŷƿƳƎ§ƈǁƷӴஞ߲ƣ61P D ,ƠƤƒƣD,ƣ ŹƆƞ&J 4;19ٕ¦&, ●地元の京都はいかがですか? ǟȋǎǰǸÀǠȏțLJޮƘƛƴƔƿƝ¦ऽLjƟӧƜƀةBENKAY ƊLj¦వ༈Ƥ ƜƎƆƞ¦$766'4(L;ƁƜƂǀਂƝƜƂƔ۩ ƀƘƛƄǁƔƾվƌŹƜƎƢ§ƈƣؒƟƾ*'AVYڹݣƤӕЀࣉƠǹÀǮNjÀLJƹƘƛƄǁƛǀ ૝§'(14'( ƘƛƄǁƔƌ¦෋ƝۄஞƣCLU$ǟÀțࠧ੾Ɓ¦ঘ֔Ɲ1ঘ֔Ƅ *+66'45ƣӕƷƀƆǁǀƘƛר¦Ɔƞ¦෋ƁD ,LJ߭ƶƔࠜƠƤևƠӕ๧บƕƘƔƌ¦ϩ ƜƤ ࠭ƌƛƟƄƛƷȌǸŹƝߵƘƔࢰբƤऽLjƟǧnjȇțǘ ƾŹ൱DŽƘƔƝߵŻLjƜƎƽ§ȉǯNjNJƷऽ½ૻุƌƛ #0#4%*;Ɓ0;ƭܶƘƔǧnjȇțǘƜ/#+01ƝȔǛÀ ƣƽŻƠӒӞƀƾǡǧÀD JƁຢƛǀƌ§ ǯNjțǘࢪຢƛ¦ਆƛƁ໡ŹǧnjȇțǘƜбLjƜƄǁƛڔƜŷƘƔƌ§૜ƾƟŹբƠ෋ƣ૴ƠׅࡹƊǁƛǀƝߵ ƄǁƔƌ¦෦ §ƠƤHEAVY *+66'45ƣDJ ENUF(¦&, ƹƿƔŹࠔLJƹƘƛ¦ƒƈƠſּƊLjƷഗŹƛຢƛ¦ ໡ƀƘƔƜƎܛ§ŹƳƎ ƠଵŹƙƂƔŹƆƞଵޥஞƤஎࡇƹƀƾÜગרCAMIL1¦DJ KAST ON'¦DJ BI) BE0Ɲƀ¦௙ƍ ƏƘƝ LJࡱƆƛƳƎ ŹƙƆƟŹÝƘƛŹŻƣƁŷƘƔƆƞ¦ݣƠƟƘƛƽ ●現場と制作での〈DJ LEAD〉の使い分けはありまډƠ໡Źߧ݄އǗȓÀƣȉțǸÀƀƾƷ ?LJ଑ƘƛÜƈǁƕƆজŹࠔLJƹǁƛǀÝƘƛ すか؃Ƣ§ȌǸŹD JƤЀࣉƣࠜբLJұƉƎƕƆƜࠧൌLJঢଥ ŻƹƄ ŽǀǟÀțƠƟƘƛƂƔƝߵŹƳƎ§෋ƾƤƏƘƝ ռේ୴ƠƤЀࣉƟLjƜƎƆƞ¦C &ƹȑǠǒƤุƣۄ ƠຢǀƘƛƟƘޥƊƐƛƄǁƳƎ§ƕƀƾ෋ƤઽƀƁગ ƂࣙࡦƹƿƳƎ§CLUB܇¦ŽƠƷܶƄƌ¦Ɖ ௙ƍࠔLJƹƿ੣ƆƛǀƕƆƹƣƠ¦Ր׵Ɓ൱DŽǀƕƆ ਂƠſּƊLjƁŹƟŹLjƜڄƿࠧൌƜࡒࢪƌƛۆƔƾ¦ࢪຢǀ ¦ŽƏƠܯतƜƤ¦2%әŹƛ߭ƶǀĻൌਂƳƜҏƷہಷिƮƠܶƘƔƿƌƔŹƘƛߵƘƛƳƎ§࡟Ź߰ƠƷ ƜƈŻƷ൱DŽǀƀƝ¦෋ƾࠧफ़ƁƨƘƄƿƌƛƳƎ§ƕ ƣ ܯƛ¦ؒLJৼƨƟƁƾƒƣतƜگƒŻŹƘƔD ,Ɲ׮ћƜƂǀǩȋțǡƁƷƘƝŷǀƣƠ¦ ƀƾ%.7BƘƛગࠔƜƎƢ§ӎƶƛߵŹƳƎ§ȑǫǹÀ ſּƊLjƣൗϣ֎LJ तƤǽȕNJLJভƿझƇƛƟLjƱƹہ§ƛǀƕƆƟ֎ƁƌƳƎƢ§ЀࣉƣࠜբLJұƉ Ʒ4;7<1ٕƤƷƖǂLj¦#0#4%*;ƹ47(F NECK ŽƛŹƂƳƎƢگतƜہ ƎࠔƤƝƛƷગࠔƟࠔƕƝߵŹƳƎ§ ௃¦ЀࣉƣঘકƣӕƁతේਆݓƜԖ๒ƌƛǀƌ¦෋ƣ ƝߵƘƛƳƎ§ӒӞƜƤÖȑǠǒƜƀƀƘƛǡǰȒÀǰ ƹƘƛǀத຅తƣÌ$766'4(.;5A674&A;5ÍƤ¦ Ɯ৘ગƟॣ֎ƁŷƘƛƷCLU$ƜƀƀƾƟŹؒ×Ƙƛƣ ƁŷƿƳƎ§ƒǁƤƹƤƿǹÀǮNjÀƟؒƍƸƟŹƀ רMONSTER” への加入によりHARLEMのレギュラー &,ĻॣƜ෦࢏ॣϞझదǀƽŻƠƟƘƛ¦ේீƠ“● ŽƾǁƟƀƘƔࠔƁݣ֙ƈƘƛƳƎ§ ƾƘƛື๭ƀƟ§ƜƷƔƳƠతේƣD JƤƒǁLJԶϷŹܯDJとなった訳ですが、改めて思う事はありますか? ஞƜƤ ƤȔǖȍȑÀƠƟǀϞਂƀƾſঘ༹ƠƟƘ ƌƛ¦CLU$ƜǔțǔțƀƆƛſּƊLjƁЎŹƛƛƷ/'.#4* ƛƛ¦D ,ƷҏணƷƹƾƐƛƷƾƘƔƿ๱ƨƠܶƘƔƿ ●精力的な活動を続けている中、常に意識しているこ ÜӕƈǁໆܶƘƛǀƣ૜ƿƽƾƭLjƕƆƹÅÝƴƔŹ ǀLjƎƆƞ ¦ƒǁƤϷŻƝߵŻ§໡ŹؒƜƷگƌƛ¦ǡǧǫǽƹȔǖȍȑÀD J८ƝƷ૵໡ƄƟƘƛƔ とは? 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Maino & Anarchy ¦ŻॣƷŹǀƌ§ȑǠǒƹ T 8ƣ໡ƊƤۄ຅తƤÖ࢏કDŽ ƈŽǀDŽƘÝت¦× ŹǽȕNJƜ¦ગಆƟƣƠǟțǿȓƠÖ&,ƣࢪƎҋ×ƕ ȓǠȋțȓǹÀǮNjÀǡǧnjȓ “Same Dame Time” ƆƜࣙഫƌƛƛ¦ƒǁƤ*#4.'/ƠƌƀࢪຢƟŹࠔ ƿצத຅తƤÖǡÀǹÀǝǧǯÀǡǧnjȓ×Ɲ¦ࢪຢ ଜŹƛǀॣƁƒƣॣࠧफ़ƜƤ৘઀ৼƥƟŹƽŻƟؒƁ - Future ON'ƜƎƢ§ ǀƕƆſּƊLjƣ࡫໸ƁϷŻǹÀǮNjÀLJȔǖȍȑÀ ƀƀƘƛÜŷƘ!! ƈƣؒŹŹƽƟÝƴƔŹƟ¦ॣƁৼ ƟLjƹƝߵŹƳƎ§ONLY ”ƠࠛƘƛǀƙƷƿƜƎ§ ƫƒŻŹŻؒƝƣࢪӁŹƠŷǀƝߵŻLjƜƎƽ§ƔƳ “Pop That - French Montana feat. Rick Ross, Drake, Lil Wayne ƔƳஊƆƔȑǠǒƜӋƀƌŹؒƁƀƀƘƛ¦๡઱Ɲ 02 MONTHLY HARLEM MAGAZINE *JULY 2012* MONTHLY HARLEM MAGAZINE *JULY 2012* 03 2012 JUL SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 7/1 2 SORRY... 3 EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 4 EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 5 6 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 7 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT HIP HOP & ALL MIX HIP HOP & ALL MIX MUSIC ALL PARTY HIP HOP & ALL MIX HIP HOP & ALL MIX SUNDAY CLOSED RED ZONE PARTY NAKED HIP HOP & ALL MIX DANCE HOLIC PUNCH OUT!!! MONSTER D KOYA, KANGO D KOMORI, G SAFARI, HAL D WATARAI, HAL, SAH D KANGO, SAFARI DELIGHT O SHEIKER MURAKAMIGO D SHUNSUKE, BUNTA, O SHUNSUKE, TSUKASA, TAKU O SHINOBU, KAZ, HIDEMI 07 D HAZIME, ALAMAKI SELECT, shoWWgo B O TAK B B d MASAKI+KEITA+SHIGE+GOTO+ ROYAL FLUSH SONNY+GEORGE+YU-KI+ACHI, AVENUE SOUL FOOD "BLUE CHIP" NAOTO+TAKUMI+MASAKI+ D RYO, ALAMAKI G KAZ001 from OSAKA A U G D KEN-SKE, MOB, REVOLVER MAMIZO+MIO, O BUNTA D 下拓 6 SENCE, Gunz HUNT, MADHOOD+HASSE, BoostRush 08 * OPEN. 23:00 ¥2,500/1D * OPEN. 22:00 ¥3,000/1D * OPEN. 22:00 ¥2,500/2D * OPEN. 22:00 * OPEN. 22:00 ¥3,000/1D * OPEN. 22:00 ¥3,000/1D * till 24:00. ¥1,000/1D (with flyer) * * till 24:00. ¥1,000/1D (with flyer) * * till 24:00. ¥1,000/1D (with flyer) * ¥2,500 /1D ¥2,000/1D (with flyer) * till 24:00. ¥1,000/1D (with flyer) * * till 24:00. ¥1,000/1D (with flyer) * 8 9 SORRY... 10 EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT 11 EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT 12 SORRY... 13 EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 14 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT HIP HOP & ALL MIX BX CAFE: MAIN FLOOR: SUNDAY CLOSED HIP HOP & ALL MIX RED ZONE MUSIC ALL PARTY PARTY NAKED CLOSED HIP HOP & ALL MIX PUNCH OUT!!! MONSTER D KOYA, KANGO D KOMORI, D WATARAI, HAL, SAH D KOYA, MOTOYOSI DELIGHT O HIDEMI KENT O SHUNSUKE, TSUKASA, O SHINOBU, KAZ, HIDEMI D HAZIME, SAH O shoWWgo HIRO, SELECT REGGAE B HIP HOP & ALL MIX B ROYAL FLUSH B SUPA DUPA SATURDAY "ORANGE BLOOD"
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