International Trade Compliance Update (Covering Customs and Other Import Requirements, Export Controls and Sanc- tions, Trade Remedies, WTO and Anti-Corruption) Newsletter | December 2020 In This Issue: World Trade Organization (WTO) World Customs Organization (WCO) Other International Matters Multilateral Trade Agreements The Americas - North America The Americas - South America Please see our Webinars, Meetings, Seminars section for contact and regis- Asia-Pacific tration information for the new webinars in our 17th annual Global Trade and Europe, Middle East and North Africa Supply Chain Webinar Series: International Trade Basics and Trends as well as links to past webinar recordings, PowerPoints and handout materials Africa (except North Africa) and information on other events. Newsletters, reports, articles, etc. Webinars, Meetings, Seminars, etc. In addition, there are links to the video recordings of the WTO TBT Notifications 2020 Virtual Trade Conference (July 14-16 2020) and the CBSA Adv ance Rulings 2020 Virtual Year-End Review of Import/Export Developments CBP Rulings: Downloads and Searches CBP Rulings: Rev ocations or Modifi- cations European Classification Regulations Amendments to the CN Explanatory Notes Section 337 Actions Antidumping, Counterv ailing Duty and Safeguard Inv estigations, Orders & Rev iews Asia Pacific International Commercial and Trade Webinar Series December 2020 – January 2021 | 11:00 am – 12:00 pm (GMT+8) Editor, International Trade Com- To get details, see our Webinars, Meetings, Seminars section pliance Update Stuart P. Seidel Note: Unless otherw ise indicated, all information in this Update is taken from official Washington, D.C. +1 202 452 7088 gazettes, official w ebsites, new sletters or press releases of international organiza-
[email protected] tions (UN, WTO, WCO, APEC, INTERPOL, etc.), the EU, EFTA, EAEU, Customs Unions or government agencies.