National Implementing Measures
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n;J .f~ COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES National Implementing Measures to give effect to the White Paper of the Commission on the Completion of the Internal Market Situation at 30 April 1991 0 0 () c s:: •*• m * * z * * -1 * * 92 * * * This document has been prepared for use within the Commission. It does not necessarily represent the Commission's official position. Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1991 ISBN 92-826-2694-6 Catalogue number: CM-70-91-782-EN-C © ECSC-EEC-EAEC, Brussels • Luxembourg, 1991 Reproduction is authorized, except for commercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Belgium NOTE TO READERS This guide, available In all the official languages of the Conunlty, Is beIng pub II shed as part of an I nfor~~at I on exercIse. It was designed as a documentary tool and In no way binds the Conlsslon. The lnforutlon It contains Is drawn from the INF092 data base accessible to the public and there Is no Implied crltlcln or otherwise of what the Member States have done. Measures whIch have not been offIcI a II y notIfIed are not II sted. Because the situation Is constantly changing, the guide can do no more than ref I ect the posIt I on on a gIven date, In thIs case 30 April 1991. A new edition wl I I appear every six months . • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS I. THE REMOVAL OF PHYSICAL BARRIERS Control of goods Dlr. 85/347 Duty-free fuel contained In fuel tanks of commercial 1otor vehicles Reg. 1900/85 Single Administrative DocuMent: situation until 31.12.1992 2' Reg.1901/85 Single Adllnlstratlve Document: situation until 31.12.1992 3 Reg. 1797/86 Postal charges for presentation to customs 4 Reg.3690/86 Abo I ltlon of exit customs formal ltles: TIR 5 Reg.4283/88 Abol ltlon of exit customs formalities: Introduction of common border posts 6 Reg.1674/87 Community transit procedure: guarantees 7 Reg.4060/89 Elimination of transport chaecks at frontiers 8 Reg.474/90 Abolition of the transit advice note 9 Reg.2726/90 Community transit 10 Veterinary and Plant health controls Dlr.85/397 Production and trade In milk 11 Dlr.87/486 Classical swine fever 13 Dlr.87/489 Classical swine fever 15 Dec.87/230 Classical swine fever 16 Dlr.87/487 Classical swine fever 17 Dlr.87/488 Classical swine fever 18 Dec.87/231 Classical swine fever 19 Dlr.85/358 Growth promoting hormones 20 Dlr.88/146 Growth promoting hormones 22 Dlr.85/323 Fresh 1eat and poultry meat (microbiological) 24 Dlr.85/324 Fresh meat and poultry meat 25 Dlr.85/325 Medical exa11natlon of personnel 26 Dlr.85/326 Medical exa11natlon of personnel 28 Dlr.85/327 Medical exa11natlon of personnel 29 Dlr.86/469 Control of residues 30 Dlr.85/320 Classical and African swine fever 32 Dlr.85/321 Classical and African swine fever 33 Dlr.85/322 Classical and African swine fever 34 Dlr.85/511 Foot and Mouth disease 35 Dec.86/649 African swine fever In Portugal 37 Dec.86/650 African swine fever In Spain 38 Dec.87/58 Bruce I los is, Tuberculosis and leucosis In cattle 39 Dlr.85/574 Protective measures against Introduction of organls•s har1ful to plants 40 Dlr.88/572 Protective 1easures against Introduction of organisms harmful to plants 42 Dlr.86/362 Pesticide residues In cereals and food of animal origin 43 Dlr.86/363 Pesticide residues In cereals and food of animal origin 44 Dlr.86/355 Plant protection products: (ethylene oxide) 45 Dlr.87/153 Fixing of guidelines for additives used In animal foodstuffs 46 Dlr.87/328 Pure-bred breeding cattle 47 Dlr.90/495 Eradication of Infectious haemopoletlc necrosis of salmonlds 48 Dlr.87/491 Heat treatment of pork products 49 Dlr.88/288 Intra-Community trade In fresh meat 51 Dlr.88/289 Inspection of Imported cattle, pigs and fresh meat from third countries 53 Dlr.88/407 Trade In animal semen: animals of the bovine species 54 Dlr.88/658 Intra-Community trade In meat products 55 Dlr.88/661 Zootechnics for purebred breeding pigs 56 Dlr.89/145 contagious bovine pleuropneumonia In Portugal 57 Dlr.89/227 Imports of meat products from third countries 58 Dlr.89/361 Purebred breeding sheep and goats 59 Dlr.89/556 Trade In bovine embryos 60 Dlr.88/380 certification of seeds 61 Dlr.89/366 Marketing of seed potatoes 63 Dlr.89/439 Protection against organisms harmful to plants and plant products 64 Dec.S0/217 Eradication of africain swine fever In Sardinia 65 Dec.90/242 Eradication of bruce I los Is In sheep and goats 66 Dec.S0/424 Expenditure In the veterinary field 67 Dlr.S0/168 Protection against organisms harmful to plants 68 Dlr .89/186* Pesticide residues In fruit and vegetables: maleic hydrazide 69 Dlr.88/406* Bruce I los Is, Tuberculosis and Leucosis In cattle 70 Dlr.88/409* Health rules for fresh meat and fees charged for the Inspection thereof 72 Dlr.S0/533 Extension of I 1st of prohibited products 73 Control of Individuals Dlr.88/664* Tax-free allowances: International travel 74 Dlr.88/663* Tax rei lef: small consignments of non-commercial goods 75 Dlr.88/331 Tax exemption: small consignments and other final Imports of goods 76 Dlr.89/604 Tax exemption: permanent Import of personal property 77 II. THE REMOVAL Of TECHNICAL BARRIERS FREE MOVEMENT OF GOODS New approach In technical har•onlzatlon and standards Dlr.87/404 Simple pressure vessels 78 Dlr.88/182 Extension of Information procedures on standards and technical rules 79 Dlr.88/378 Toy safety 80 Dlr.90/683 Procedures for assessing conformity of products 81 Sectoral proposals concerning approxl•atlon of laws Motor vehicles Dlr.88/76 Air pol Iutton: exhaust gases 82 Dlr.88/77 Air pollution: exhaust gases from diesel engines 83 Dlr.88/436 Air pol Iutton: gas emission standards from diesel engines 84 Dlr.87/358 EEC Type-approval: motor vehicles and trailers 85 Dlr.89/235 Motorcycle exhaust system noise 86 Dlr.89/297 Lateral protection for goods vehicles 87 Dlr.89/458 Air pollution: gas emission standards for cars below 1400cc 88 ' Tractors and agricultural 1achlnes Dlr.88/297 EEC type-approval 89 Dlr.87/402 Front-mounted protection structures 90 Dlr.89/173 EEC type-approval components and characteristics 91 Foodstuffs Dlr.85/591 Sampl lng and methods of analysis 92 Dlr.85/585 Preservatives (potassium blsulphlte and thiabendazole) 93 DI r. 86/1(12 Emulsifiers, stabilizers, thickeners and gel I lng agents 95 Dlr.85/573 Coffee and chicory extracts 96 Dlr.86/197 Spirit drinks 97 Dlr.88/388 Flavourings 99 Dlr.88/593 Fruit jams, jellies, marmalades and chestnut puree 100 Dlr.89/108 Quick-frozen food 101 Dlr.89/107 Authorized food additives 102 Dlr.89/109 Materials In contact with foodstuffs 103 Dlr.89/398 Foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses 104 Reg.1576/89 Spirit drinks 105 Dlr 89/394 Fruit juices and similar products 106 Dlr.85/572 Materials In contact with foodstuffs: testing 107 Dlr.89/395 Label ling, presentation and advertising of foodstuffs 108 Dlr.89/396* Lot 109 Phar•aceutlcals and high-technology 1edlclnes Dlr.87/22 High-technology medicinal products: marketing authorization 110 Dlr.87/19 Proprietary medicinal products: standards and protocols for testing 111 Dlr.87/20 Veterinary medicinal products: testing standards 113 Dlr.87/21 Proprietary medicinal products: simplified procedure 115 Rec.87/176 Proprietary medicinal products: standards for testing 116 Dlr.89/105 Pricing: price regulation 117 Che11ca1 products Dlr.85/467 Polychlorinated biphenyls and terphenyls - 6th modification 119 Dlr.85/610 Asbestos - 7th modification 120 Dlr.86/94 Detergents 121 Dlr.88/183 Marketing of fertl llzers: I lquld tertii lzers 183 Dlr.89/284 Marketing of fertl I lzers: solid and fluid fertl I lzers 123 Dlr.89.530 Marketing of tertii lzers: trace-eleMents 124 Construction and construction products Dlr.87/405 Tower cranes: sound levels 125 Other lte1s Dlr .86/217 lyre pressure gauges for motor vehicles 126 Dlr.86/662 Noise: ealsslons from construction plant 127 Dlr.87/357 Dangerous products resembl lng foodstuffs 129 Dlr.88/314 Non-food product prices 13(1 Dlr.88/315 Foodstuff prices 131 Dlr.88/320 Good laboratory practice (GLP) 132~ Dlr.86/594 Noise: Household appl lances 13~: Dlr.88/667 Cosmetics 13~1 Rec.86/666 Fire safety In hotels 13SI PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Dlr.88/295 Public supply contracts 136i Dlr.89/440 Public works contracts 137' FREE MOVEMENT FOR LABOUR AND THE PROFESSIONS Dlr.85/432 Pharmacy: Qualifications In pharmacy Dec.85/434 Pharmacy: Qualifications In pharmacy Dlr.85/433 Mutual recognition of diplomas In pharmacy Dlr.86/457 Specific training In general medical practice Dec.85/368 Comparabl llty of vocational training Qual lflcatlons Dec.86/365 Training In technology Dlr.86/653 lndependant commercial agents Dlr.89/48 General system for the mutual recognition of higher education diplomas awarded on the completion of professional education and training of at least 3 years' duration 146i COMMON MARKET FOR SERVICES Banks Dlr.86/635 Annual accounts of banks and other financial Institutions 147 Dir .89/117 Accounting documents of branches of foreign credit and financial lnsltutlons 148 Dlr.89/647 Solvency ratio for credit Institutions 149 Com.Rec. 87/63 Deposit guarantee schemes 150 Com.Rec. 87/62 Monitoring of large exposures 151 Dlr.86/524* Credit Institutions excluded from coordinating legislation 152 Insurance Dlr.87/344 Legal expenses Insurance 153 Dlr.87/343 Credit and suretyshiP Insurance 154 Dlr.88/357 Direct Insurance other than life assurance: freedom to provide services 155 Transactions In Securities Dlr.85/611 Investment services: collective Investment undertakings