The (almost) Complete Barclay Crocker Audio Tapes Guide By David Winter (version of 15-NOV-2012) Change log: - Minor fixes including a PRO reference. Still a few in red miss a letter not shown in the original BC catalog. If you wish to contribute, please email clear pictures or scans of both tape box and index to
[email protected] Please make sure that your files are at least 1024 pixels large and show complete box cover and index. Thank you ! Label codes: Sonic Sentry: ARG: Argo On some tapes, side 1 is shorter than side 2. In order to locate the begining of the tape, BC put their Sonic BC: Barclay Crocker Sentry signal which will produce special tones when the tape is played in Fast Forward mode. On some DGR: Deutsches Grammophon recorders, you may engage the manual spooling mode (as if you had to edit it) and play it. On some others, DSM: Desmar you may use a trigger or push-button to engage the tape toward the heads while fast forwarding. ERS: Entracte HAL: Halcyon Records Quality Control (QC) code format: SYDDMM and later QC=SYDDMM-II LOL: L'Oiseau Lyre S = Slave recorder (1 digit) MER: Mercury Y = Year (1 digit: 7 and 8 stand for 1977 and 1978 respectively, 0-6 stand for 1980-86) MHS: Music Heritage Society DD = Day (2 digits) PHI: Philips (PHI x if dbx encoded) MM = Month (2 digits) PRO: Pro Arte (PROx if dbx encoded) II = Operator initials (2 digits): RF = Rich Fill, WC = William Cunningham, WC = Wayne Chin, EH = Erich Hissel, and sometimes HB = Hency Barclay QNT: Quintessence (QNTX if dbx encoded) Beware of tapes duplicated in 1977/78 which may suffer from loss of lubricant and become defect.