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+ Most Rev. John B. Brungardt

Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City

ne of my earliest memories of my Odad was in the mid-1960s while he was a teacher and coach at Mon- signor Luckey Catholic High School in Manhatt an. He would occasionally take my older brother and me to a football game, and we would get to stand on the sidelines. The high school boys seemed so big to me! I was impressed by their all-team huddle before the game. As they jumped and yelled, I laughed, yet it was a powerful symbol of unity, of togetherness, of fraternal love. Jesus prayed: “that all may be one, as you, Father are in me and I in you” (John 17:21). As followers of Christ, we are called to a profound unity. This does not mean a same- ness, nor a uniformity. United in Christ means an unconditi onal love, one for the other. This togetherness means a love that does not count the cost. This oneness means, as Francis empha- sizes, an encounter, an invitati on, and an accompaniment with each person we meet. We are in the beginning stages of our Special Diocesan Appeal, a call to Photo by David Myers unify as the Catholic Diocese of Dodge Jacob Schneider and Mark Brantley are ordained transiti onal Deacons for the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City City, a call to unify as four dozen par- by the Most Rev. John B. Brungardt, May 21 at the Cathedral of our Lady of Guadalupe. See Page 9. ishes, a call to unify as the people of God. The goal of this Appeal in unity is to assist with ministries of mercy, offICIaL aPPoIntmentS with faith formati on, and with our seminarians and priests. I ask you to be the Most Rev. John B. Brungardt, of Dodge City, announces the following: open to God’s call with respect to this Appeal. What is the Lord asking of you Rev. Mr. Juan Salas, to be ordained to the priesthood June 4, is appoint- It is also noted that: as an individual, as a family, as a , ed parochial vicar at St. Mary, Garden City eff ecti ve June 24. Sister Catherine therese Paulie, CSJ, cur- as an organizati on? Thank you for your Father Michael a. Klag, a priest on loan from the Diocese of Wichita and rently Parish Life Coordinator of St. John the prayers and considerati on. currently of Holy Name, Winfi eld, and St. Mary, Oxford, is appoint- Apostle at St. John, will minister as a pastoral Stay tuned to our SKC, our diocesan ed pastor of Sacred Heart, Pratt and St. John the Apostle, St. John eff ecti ve associate at St. Boniface in Sharon, Holy Rosa- website, parish bulleti n announce- June 21. ry in Medicine Lodge and St. John the Apostle, ments, and other forms of communica- Rev. Mr. Mark Brantley is assigned to diaconal ministry at St. Anthony in Kiowa, eff ecti ve June 21. ti on as we organize, plan, and imple- Lakin, Christ the King in Deerfi eld and St. Raphael in Syracuse from June 1 Father Floyd McKinney, currently pastor of ment our call to assist our sisters and to July 31. Sacred Heart, Pratt and Priest Supervisor and brothers in Christ with this Appeal. Let Rev. Mr. Jacob Schneider is assigned to diaconal ministry at St. John the Sacramental Minister at St. John the Apostle, us huddle in unity. Let us lovingly be Bapti st in Meade, St. Patrick in Plains and St. Anthony in Fowler from June St. John, will be returning to the Diocese of together in the Lord. Let us be one with 1 to July 31. Wichita eff ecti ve June 21. God, and one with each other. Jesus By order of Seminarian John Stang will complete his shows this unity by His unconditi onal the Most Reverend Bishop John B. Brungardt Spirituality Year with a 30-day retreat and then love for each of us. Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City, be in residence at the Cathedral of Our Lady of + Bishop John Sister Janice Grochowsky, CSJ, JCL, Chancellor Guadalupe in Dodge City for a month. Page 2 May 29, 2016 The Southwest Kansas Catholic Another Way eep is calling on deep, the Poet class upon class, sports, homework, on a drowsy aft ernoon. This one All of a sudden the quite ordinary Dsaid in Psalm 42. Those inspired and homework again) … so wrapped into that bucket, that one into the things of our lives can take on quite words say best what life with Christ up in these things that we are prone other bucket, half-asleep himself, another aspect. It is a diff erent, a must mean, and where it has to be to miss the deeper things of living. he worked without thinking, on a strange, a new aspect. These or- lived. But we live in the shallows. We become trapped in what’s out primiti ve form of automati c pilot, dinary things become transparent Look at your own experience. there, in what we have to do, in no he worked on at his task … unti l he before our eyes. They let us into The sheer everydayness of life has a ti me for anything else. grabbed an electric eel. That snapped hidden things we did not know they narrowing eff ect on us. That’s what I What does it take to break free him to att enti on right quick. had. That’s the shock that steals over mean by “living in the shallows.” We from that? It doesn’t depend on us. And it can happen to us on the lazy us. That’s the awareness that comes are usually so wrapped up in the uti li- And it isn’t really too hard. aft ernoons of our lives, entangled upon us in a fl ash. That’s what we Bishop Emeritus tarian needs of this day (family, work, Two thousand, fi ve hundred years in our own messy worlds, trapped usually call a Sense of Wonder. Ronald M. Gilmore school, adjusti ng to one another in ago, Old Socrates described an old in them. And, all of a sudden, all of Look closer at your experience. the home, meeti ng upon meeti ng in fisherman, on an Athens beach, that can vanish … if something else There’s an eel or two hidden in the offi ce, task upon task on the job, absent-mindedly sorti ng his catch grabs our att enti on. there. June 24 Golf Classic to benefi t reti red priests Year of Mercy Room for teams, sponsorships available Cathedral Pilgrimage uring this Jubilee of Mercy, has invited the faith- To participate, become a sponsor, or donate an auction item, Dful to pilgrimage to their cathedral, enter through the “holy contact Mark Roth at (620) 227-1535. More information is at doors”, and take part in special prayers. At 4 p.m., June 12, the faithful will gather at the Cathedral of www.dcdiocese.org/development/golf-tournament. Our Lady of Guadalupe in Dodge City for a pilgrimage focussing he second annual “Dechant Golf Classic” to Items are being sought for a silent aucti on that on prayers for the sick and the elderly. Traise money for reti red priests of the Catholic will take place in conjuncti on with the banquet. The prayer service will be followed by the anointi ng of the sick. Diocese of Dodge City will be June 24 at the Golf The event begins with an 11 a.m. Mass celebrated A light meal will follow. Please RSVP for the meal by Monday, Club at Southwind in Garden City. by the Most Rev. John B. Brungardt at St. Dominic June 6, 620-225-4802 or [email protected]. “We’ve already had several teams register, so Church. All parti cipants are encouraged to att end be sure and call to register as soon as you can,” the opening Mass to start this special day in support Peregrinación para los enfermos y ancianos noted Mark Roth, Development Director for the of reti red priests. Catholic Diocese of Dodge City. “We can take up Registrati on begins at 11:30 a.m., which will be en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora Guadalupe: to 36 teams.” followed by lunch at The Clubhouse. The shotgun Domingo, 12 de junio, a las 4:00 pm Last year’s event raised more than $21,000 for start will take place at precisely 1 p.m. A prime-rib Habrá oración y Unción de los Enfermos. Se ofrecerá una the reti red priests fund. dinner will be served at 6 p.m. comida ligera después. The classic is sponsored by several area busi- The total cost per four-member team is $500, Favor de avisar si parti cipara en la comida antes del lunes, 6 de nesses and individuals. More sponsorships are which includes green fees, cart rental, lunch, four junio, llamando al 620-225-4802 o [email protected]. being sought, ranging from $200 to sponsor a hole, drink ti ckets per person, and the prime-rib dinner to a prime sponsorship of $5,000. banquet. “The priests have given so much spiritual Non-golfers are welcome to att end the banquet support over the years,” Roth said. “We owe it to for $50, and must RSVP by June 17. The club facili- MODEL CHRIST them to conti nue to support them in their reti re- ti es, such as a pool and club room, will be open to ment years.” golfers’ guests throughout the day. ‘Christi an Morality and Social Issues’ Pastoral Ministry Formati on Program dcdiocese.org/pastoral-ministry-formati on Coleen Stein: (620) 227-1538 PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN he Diocese of Dodge City requires all employees and volunteers Twho work with children to parti cipate in a Protecti ng God’s Children awareness session. Through the Diocesan Awareness Sessions and other educati onal eff orts of the diocese, all people of the diocese can learn how to discuss diff erent aspects of abuse -- including sexual abuse -- with children and how to teach them to protect themselves. The next PGC session is schedule for: ulysses Garden City Sunday, June 5, 2 – 5 p.m. Sunday, august 21, 1– 4 p.m. Mary, Queen of Peace Parish St. Dominic Parish Center, 615 Center, 302 W. Wheat Ave. J.C. St. Ulysses, KS 67880 Garden City, KS 67846 Contact Person: Tony Hernandez Contact Person: Sr. Myra Arney (620) 356-3994 (620) 276-3500 or PGC Facilitator: Sharon Stuart Debra Dechant (620) 276-2024 (620) 225-5164 PGC Facilitator: Sharon Stuart (620) 225-5164 PGC HOTLINE If you or someone you know may have been a victi m of sexual abuse by clergy, an employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Dodge City, you are asked to contact Dave Snapp, Fitness Review Admin- istrator: (620) 225-5051 work; (620) 225-2412 home; dsnapp3@ starrtech.net. You always have the right to directly contact the Department for Children and Families/Kansas Protecti on Report Center: Hotline num- ber is 1-800-922-5330. The Southwest Kansas Catholic May 29, 2016 Page 3

All invited to priestly ordinati on of Deacon Juan Salas, June 4 On being a bridge between God and others: ‘This is a beautiful thing’

By DaVID MyERS ing houses, but most of all, I saw him bishop said soon aft er the visit. “What Southwest Kansas Catholic happy,” he said. “I just wanted to be a wonderful family! We celebrated two eacon Juan Salas has three great like him.” Masses in the local church, Saint Peter.” Dloves: God, His people, and choco- Soon aft er entering seminary, he “My family has always supported my late. discovered that there was a misconcep- decision to enter the seminary,” Deacon At 10 a.m., Saturday, June 4 at the ti on about seminarians. He happened Salas said. “However, in the beginning Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe in upon an old friend, who was dubious as they did not think I was serious about it. Dodge City, the young man from Aguas- to whether or not to shake hands, as if So then, when I told them I wanted to calientes, Mexico will be ordained a being a seminarian somehow separated enter the seminary, it was a litt le hard priest for the Catholic Diocese of Dodge him from his old friend. for my father because I am the only son City. “We talked for a while and fi nally he of the family and there would not be The Most Rev. John B. Brungardt told me: ‘So, now you are in the semi- any decent with my last name.” invites and encourages the people of nary. Will we sti ll be friends?’ Of course Today, of course, the family couldn’t the diocese to att end this event: “You, I said yes! be more proud of their son and brother. your family, friends and guests are “Seminarians are just like other young Aft er all, it was his parents, Deacon most cordially invited to parti cipate in men. What disti nguishes us is that we Salas said, whose deep devoti on helped this celebrati on of the immense love of want to be Priest: live celibate lives, ad- lead him in his decision to enter the Jesus Christ. Please come to see your minister the sacraments, and confi gure priesthood. future parish priest receive the Sacra- ourselves as Christ, the highest Priest. “The seed of the vocation is born ment of in this extraordi- And by the way, we do like chocolate a deeply in our hearts,” he said to those nary blessing from our Merciful Father.” lot, at least I do.” who may be contemplating entering Like Kansas, Aquascalientes is located Deacon Salas admits that even he had seminary. “One of the first signs of Deacon Juan Salas in the geographic center of Mexico. misconcepti ons about seminary life. this vocation is to feel an interest in Deacon Salas was reared in the nearby “I thought the seminary was a place the priesthood. Once this happens, town of Villa Garcia, Zacatecas where where the seminarians were praying the you should give yourself the opportu- he enjoyed playing soccer, musical in- whole day and they were not allowed nity to discover what the priesthood is “I look forward to struments, and serving as an altar boy. to do something fun,” he explained. about. Do not throw away this option being a holy priest. His father, Alfredo Salas Candelas, “There was this equati on in my mind: without trying, without considering is reti red, and serves part-ti me as an Seminary equals dark, boring place. the priesthood as an option for your I look forward to art professor in a cultural insti tute. His “Certainly it was not! I discovered life. Take off your fear. God is calling mother, Bertha Alanis Tavira, is a home- that seminary is a place where those you because God needs men of value helping people in maker; Deacon Salas has one sibling, a who have the curiosity about the like you. sister, Anabertha Salas. priesthood could develop themselves “I look forward to being a holy priest. their relationship “I fi rst felt the call to enter the priest- intellectually, spiritually, humanly, and I look forward to helping people in their hood when I was a child; I was about apostolically. It is a place full of values relati onship between others and God: between others eight or nine years old,” he said. “I that can help seminarians through their being a bridge.” think that being an altar boy awakened life. There is ti me for everything; ti me Perhaps referring once again to and God: being a that feeling.” to worship God, to study, to work, to that childhood pastor who was so in- bridge.” The example set by his pastor was play.” strumental in his decision to become instrumental in Deacon Salas’s decision In August of 2012, Bishop Brungardt a priest, Deacon Salas said, “It is Perhaps referring to enter the priesthood. was able to visit with Deacon Salas’s really great that the people can find “I used to see him as a great per- family while in Mexico. a man who always is there to listen, once again to that son, somebody who was acti ve the “I met his parents and sister, and talk, or give some advice, no matter whole day; celebrati ng Mass, talking the whole family met in the home of what the situation, in happiness or childhood pastor with people on the streets, exercising, Juan’s grandmother for a family reunion sadness. who was so instru- att ending parishioners at his offi ce, visit- (many uncles, aunts, and cousins),” the “This is a beauti ful thing.” mental in his de- cision to become With great joy, the Catholic Diocese of Dodge City a priest, Deacon Announces the Ordinati on of Salas said, “It is re- Rev. Mr. Juan Salas ally great that the to the people can find a ORDER OF PRESBYTER man who always is through the impositi on of hands and the there to listen, talk, invocati on of the Holy Spirit by or give some advice, The Most Reverend John B. Brungardt no matter what the B����� �� ��� C������� D������ �� D���� C��� situation, in happi- 10 a.m., Saturday, June 4, 2016 ness or sadness. Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe “This is a beautiful 3231 N. 14th St., Dodge City, KS thing.” Recepti on to follow in the Holy Family Social Center WHat if we all suddenly decided that we had a responsibility, and a heartf elt desire, to help others?

Page 4 May 29, 2016 Commentary The Southwest Kansas Catholic God of the Every Day Blessed Caritas Bader, 1860-1943 ’m driving down a long, lonesome arie Josefa Carolina Bader, born Ihighway. It’s about 2 p.m., the hott est in Switzerland in 1860, joined the part of the day. I see a prairie dog take a M By Dave cloistered Franciscans when she was 20 couple of steps onto the highway. It turns and became known as Sister Caritas. Holy Ones of quickly around and blows franti cally on its Myers Editor When cloistered nuns could do ap- Our Time front paws. I chuckle confi dently as my ostolic work, Sister Caritas went on a air conditi oner blasts Arcti c air. I glance mission in South America. Her superior By Sister Irene in my rear-view mirror and see the prairie agreed to this new plan and wrote: Hartman, OP dog mouthing something very insulti ng. I at my phone. There are no bars--no bars “Sister Caritas is supremely generous, is didn’t mean for him to see me laughing. on the antenna, no bars on the batt ery. eager for any sacrifi ce and with practi cal Now I feel guilty. Should I go back and I am stuck on the highway, barless. I am sense and educati on, does great service apologize? sans bar. Zanzibar: a term I just invented to the mission.” The land is flat and hot, like a wok meaning no bars (copyright pending). Sister Caritas and six Sisters arrived fi lled with veggie sti r fry, except instead I open my door to vent the pizza oven in Colombia. The new group lived and of shrimp and snow-peas, there’s scrub that my car has become, and hear a worked in a tropical jungle, in coastal brush, angry prairie dogs and the occa- strange chatt ering sound. It is the sound regions, and the Andean highlands. sional shoe. (While on vacati on in 2001, of a prairie dog laughing. I peer back at Seeing the need for a larger Order, I found a shoe off I-64 in Virginia, and its him. He scurries into his hole, which is Sister Caritas founded the Franciscan mate on I-44 in . I wore them into 20 degrees cooler than the surface. I can Sisters of Mary Immaculate with a mis- a store in Cheyenne, Wyoming and a guy hear music coming from his hole. And sion centered on educati on for the poor. points to my shoes and says, “Hey!”) the ti nkling of wine glasses. Now he’s just Higher educati on was the members’ The coolness of the temperature and rubbing it in. goal. “...The bett er educated, the greater the soundness of my radio envelope me; I Now it is quiet. No more Perry Como, the skills the teacher has, the more she drive along, oblivious to the sea of barren no soft whir of the air conditi oner, no will be able to do for our holy religion prairie through which I am navigati ng. I engine. For the fi rst ti me I really noti ce and Glory of God. The more intense lose myself in my CD, “Perry Como Sings the surrounding environment. The sky is and visible her external acti vity, the KISS,” (sati sfying my appeti te for both 50s so blue! And the golden prairie, it goes deeper and more fervent her interior crooners and 70s heavy metal rock). All on forever, not a human-made structure life must be.” is well. I am master of my environment, in sight. There’s a certain peacefulness Sister Caritas died February 27, 1943. king of the litt le corner of the world I now that comes from being completely cut By that ti me her Order had spread to occupy. off from everything, which I would be many countries, even to the United Perry Como is singing “You gott a lose experiencing were I not curled up on the States. Sister Caritas was beati fi ed in your mind in Detroit Rock City,” when I side of the road in the fetal positi on in a 2003. suddenly hear a coughing sound coming semi-catatonic state of panic. “See God’s will in everything,” she Blessed Sister Caritas, founder of the Fran- from my engine, followed by a wheez- You know what, though? I think we said, “and do His will with joy out of ciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate. ing, followed by the sound a video game actually need those rare moments of gut love of Him.” makes when you lose. I glide over to the sinking, stomach-churning, brain-teasing side of the road. The engine smells like helplessness. They act as a reminder that burnt pancakes. if you had nothing else on this earth--no “Hmmmmmm”, I wonder to myself, phone, no lights, no motor cars, not a Pope Francis’ Monthly since there’s no one else to wonder to. single luxury (like Robinson Crusoe, as I get out of the car and open the hood. primiti ve as can be)–you sti ll have your Intentions; May 2016 Aft er careful examinati on, I realize, “Yep, faith. You still have God in your heart it’s an engine, all right.” through the Holy Spirit. Universal: Respect for Women Since I know less about engines than I No matt er how lost you feel, how alone that in every country of the world, women do about the physiology of the fi rst mol- you think you are, you are sti ll the sparkle may be honored and respected, and that their lusks of the early Cambrian period (550 in His eye; you are sti ll the cat’s meow. essenti al contributi on to society may be highly to 580 million years ago), which, unlike He is the chocolate icing and you are the esteemed. today’s mollusks, did not possess a shell, cake. If you were having car troubles on but instead a mantle covered in a hard Pluto (as I imagine you would), you would Evangelizati on: Holy Rosary cuti cula of a horn-like material, I got back sti ll be as close to God as macaroni is to That families, communiti es, and groups may in the car to call for help. (For more on the cheese. (This column is really making me pray the Holy Rosary for evangelizati on and mollusk, consult your local library or look hungry.) peace. at an old View Master slide.) Years aft er a highway patrolman hap- I try to open my window, but the car pened by that day and called AAA for me, batt ery is drained. I sti ll feel confi dent, I sit in my air conditi oned offi ce at my though. This is 2016, aft er all, and I am computer--a cup of coff ee at my side, my not a prairie dog, but a person! A person highly underrated land-line phone close with opposable thumbs! And I have a cell by--choosing not to wonder what would phone, which, by coincidence, requires happen if suddenly it all went kablooie. opposable thumbs! I suppose you could God told us not to worry about tomorrow, dial it with your nose. Especially if you aft er all. I do consider this, though: have an opposable nose. My Uncle Dean God is the King of the Every Day; why had an opposable nose. He used it to swat burden ourselves with thinking we are in fl ies at picnics, which we kids enjoyed, but charge? Life can change on a dime for the the adults found deeply disturbing. bett er, or for the worse. I don’t know about I dial the phone. (I don’t pay AAA an you, but knowing that God will never, ever outrageous amount of money for noth- leave me to go it alone, gives me a great ing! Well, most the ti me I do.) I look down deal of comfort.

Official Newspaper Bishop John B. Brungardt...President Published Semi-Monthly by the Catholic David Myers...... Editor Diocese of Dodge City. All material in this Tim Wenzl...... Advertising Manager newspaper is copyrighted 2016. Daniel Stremel, CPA....Business Manager The Southwest Kansas Catholic Mrs. Margaret Klenke...Editor Emerita P.O. Box 137, Dodge City, KS 67801 Service of Editors Phone: (620) 227-1519 Msgr. A.J. Felling 1966-1971 Facsimile: (620) 227-1545 Byron Hull 1971-1974 e.mail: [email protected] Margaret Klenke 1974-1990 website: www.dcdiocese.org/register Tim Wenzl 1990-2000 . The Southwest Kansas Catholic Commentary May 29, 2016 Page 5 ‘And make our dwelling’ Ambushed by love

By E. Jane Rutter buckle myself in for one more flight on this six- By Mary flight weekend, a trip that shoots me half way Special to the Catholic I Sharon Moore o you think they understood him? When Jesus told the dis- across the country and back. I cherish my work, but Dciples that he was going to the Father and that the Father the travel can be numbing. Poor, Like would send them the Advocate, the Holy Spirit “…to teach you How can I make this flight interesting, I wonder, Jesus everything and remind you of all that I told you,” do you think as passengers heft and maneuver their bags into they understood what Jesus meant (John 14:26)? the already crowded overhead bins. Do you ever think that maybe the disciples expected the A couple of years ago I would have made at least initial pleasant conversation with my seat Advocate to appear before them as their new teacher in the mates. Or, at least, I would have been open to their form of a human person like Jesus, rather than as the Holy Spirit greetings. Why am I surprised to discover him here, as we dwelling within each of them? While we don’t know what the But now even a simple acknowledgment of the approach thirty thousand feet, walking this aisle, disciples were expecting after Jesus rose to the Father, we do other as other, as someone I will share air space blessing each of us as, though there were only know that after his crucifixion they were trying to figure out with for the next two and a half hours, anything one of us? what the last three years of their lives meant as his followers. beyond a nod, seems too much for me. Like Thomas Merton at his epiphany at “What do we do now that our Master has left us?” How can I make this flight interesting, I wonder, Fourth and Walnut in downtown Louisville, I too And then came Pentecost and the in-dwelling of the Holy now as the flight attendants snap shut every suddenly realize that I love all these people. That Spirit. The Master never left. God never leaves us. overhead bin, as they check every seat belt, every they are mine, and I am theirs. That we cannot be We have the advantage of the Scriptures, the truth of the seat back, every tray, electronic items powered separate. promise that the Holy Spirit dwells within us. We have received down and stowed. I love them because they are beloved of God. as gift the ever-present whisper of God. What makes us shy How can I make this flight interesting, I ask myself Because at the core of my being I know that I about opening our hearts to God within? Is it fear of rejec- again, remembering that I alone am responsible for must love whom Jesus loves, and bless whom tion or unworthiness? Is it fear of being thought crazy, or too my own boredom. Just as I alone can choose to be Jesus blesses. Christian? engaged. A wave of joyful astonishment washes over me. Maybe we are simply afraid that if we open ourselves to the More accurately, I remind myself, thinking of the How could I have felt indifferent, bored, carefully Holy Spirit’s presence, God will take over our lives and call us to Easter season, I can choose to let the risen Lord be protecting my space from the inconvenience of action. It seems to me that consciously or not, we oftentimes engaged through my presence, on this flight, for the the small and kindly conversation of so-called block the Holy Spirits, afraid of our carefully planned lives being good of these fellow passengers. Now that’s a big strangers? overthrown. thought. Now at thirty thousand feet I realize that I am Giving up our wills to serve God doesn’t sound like much fun. The truth is, the risen Lord invites me to be on hallowed ground. The risen Lord walks here, After all, we are individuals taught to chart our own course; present to these others, whom I will probably never beholding, blessing, cherishing each one. On this Sunday morning he shows me how to deserving of having whatever luxuries the world offers; pulling encounter again in this lifetime. love. It is very simple. He holds space enough in ourselves up by our boot straps; being whatever we want to be. I look out the window and see that we are pulling his heart for each one whom he encounters. He Our dreams and desires seem like a lot to give up to willingly ask away from the gate, and turning to queue up for shows me how it is done. God to lead us…wherever. takeoff. I notice, now, the rapid acceleration, and The only painful part in this little apprenticeship And yet, like the disciples, I find that the more I open myself feel the G-force pull me back as we soar quickly up off the runway. I watch the land below disappear is this almost unnoticed moment, an instant, up to the Holy Spirit within, the more I give up my course and really, a wisp of time almost too small to my plans to listen for and respond to the whisper of God the beneath a blanket of cloud. Soon the flight attendants spring into action, measure, when my heart itself becomes unhinged happier I am. The less I think about myself and the more I sim- from its moorings, set free to roam and behold ply serve others, the greater the joy. working the aisle with their carts. And suddenly, catching me by surprise, I get what and bless as the risen Lord blesses. There is no boasting in serving God, only awe and wonder at really is happening. It is one thing to say that the Lord is risen. His endless love. We are, as St. Teresa of Avila so beautifully re- In a flash, and with utter clarity, I understand That’s the easy part. minds us – Christ’s hands and feet and eyes and body on earth. that the risen Lord is walking the aisle. He At 30,000 feet, my work today is to live as The Holy Spirit waits within for us to reach out to, walk toward, moves forward from the rear of the plane, with though this were true. see others as brothers and sisters and serve them everywhere. arms extended toward this one, toward that And so I pray: Dear Lord, let me release the fullness of the one. Beholding, blessing, cherishing each one. (c) Mary Sharon Moore, 2016. All Rights Holy Spirit within and shine your light of love and peace, hope Ambushing each passenger, as it were, with pure Reserved. Mary Sharon Moore writes and speaks and truth. divine love. Encouraging each one in the untold nationwide on the nature of God’s calling. Visit ©2016 E. Jane Rutter. particulars of their journey. marysharonmoore.com. St. Stanislaus youth raising Photo money for of the 2017 NCYC Week he youth of St. Stanislaus TParish, Ingalls, are raising Celebrating money to attend the National Catholic Youth Conference Christ in in Indianapolis, Indiana in November 2017. On July troubled 16, the youth will host a times 5k Run and Prayer Walk at Cimarron Crossing Park. Dif- Men of the 38th ferent levels of sponsorship Bomb Group attend are available. For a registra- a Catholic Mass tion form, or to sponsor the held on Christmas event, go to www.dcdiocese. Day, 1942, in New org/swkscatholic. For more Guinea. information, contact Katrina Baker 620-874-2870, or email [email protected]. At NCYC, the youth will be able to celebrate their faith with 20,000 other youth from across the country. It is an experience they won’t be able to forget. Page 6 May 29, 2016 The Southwest Kansas Catholic Faith journey: Confirmations, First Communions celebrated around the diocese Sacred Heart, Larned First Com- munion: 1st row (left to right): Krysten Watkins (Catechist), Anthony Gonzalez, Felicity Newell, Gil- lian Smith, Mallorie Ceniceros, Levi Sand- ers, and Father War- ren Stecklein; 2nd row (left to right): Caleb McDonald, Ad- dison Townsend, Mia Munden and Quinton Reeh (Not pictured: Slade Sundahl)

(Above and below) PRINCE of PEACE, St. Patrick, GREAT BEND Sacred Heart, Confirmation, Father Donald Bedore. Larned Confir- mation: 1st row (left to right): Ben Kelty, Avion Tucker, Sebastian Whitting- ton, Brandon Ce- niceros, and Father Warren Stecklein. 2nd row (left to right): Stacy Sanger (Catechist), Mason Perez, and Chance Sanger.

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R.T. McElreath, AAMS® Please Note: Due to Financial Advisor www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC space constraints, the . Catholic cannot include 103 West 6th all photos that have been Scott City, KS 67871 1-800-632-3188620-872-3188 submitted. They will be included in the next issue. The Southwest Kansas Catholic May 29, 2016 Page 7 Olmitz parish works to save historic windows from deterioration

These are “before” and “after” pictures of a reno- A newly renovated 103-year-old window at St. Ann Church vated window at St. Ann Parish in Olmitz, left. shows the intricate detail and artistry.

lic families to worship in this quaint parish would be cost more than $175,000 to restore the museum-quality denied both the history, and the beauty of all 21 of the windows, but the parish was undaunted. To date, Ol- intricately detailed stained-glass windows, including a mitz parishioners’ efforts have resulted in raising nearly By DAVID MYERS large rose window. two-thirds of the funds needed. Southwest Kansas Catholic And act they did. To complete each window’s restoration, Hoefer first LMITZ -- Several parishioners were seated inside With approval from the Catholic Diocese of Dodge had to remove Plexiglas sheets, which 40 years ago Othe century-old St. Ann Church when they heard a City, St. Ann parishioners set off on a campaign, deter- were placed over the windows in an effort to protect loud “THUNK!” coming from within inside the church. mined to save the windows before they deteriorated them in the years to come. It turns out that one of the large, museum-quality beyond repair. Scott Hoefer of Hoefer Stained Glass was Unfortunately, the Plexiglas contained no venting; stained glass windows had shifted some three inches. hired to lead the restoration. (Hoefer has led restoration moisture was trapped inside and the windows were The century-old irreplaceable pieces of art were dete- projects for several other parishes in the diocese.) unable to “breathe.” The wood frames were rotting and riorating. The windows were made at the Munich Art Glass the lead was decayed. The attempt to conserve the win- Upon thorough examination, it was determined that Company in Chicago; most of their artists came from dows inadvertently contributed to their deterioration. if the parish did not act, the multitude of future Catho- the Franz Meyer Studio in Munich, Germany. It would Continued on Page 8 Name: Sarah swafford

theme: Rise up! CIVIC CENTER

Page 8 May 29, 2016 The Southwest Kansas Catholic

Historic windows Expanding the arts: Sacred Heart Cathedral being saved School awarded grant for music program

for future acred Heart Cathedral independently all at once in SSchool in Dodge City one room without disturb- generations recently was awarded a ing the other students. grant for $1,500 from the The headphones can be Continued from Page 7 Community Foundation of removed when students It was a delicate operation to Southwest Kansas. are playing together in an remove the Plexiglas without the The grant enabled the ensemble. windows crumbling amid the de- school to purchase 20 “Learning to play instru- cayed wood framing and lead lining. Casio SA-76 keyboards with ments is an essential part Once removed, the windows would headphone sets and batter- of a general music class,” be taken apart (an operation which ies. Dawson said. “Students required them to be placed under “They are used to teach learn to read music as well water), cleaned, re-leaded, and our middle school students as gain experience play- replaced under treated and vented basic piano skills in their ing an instrument in an glass. It takes several weeks to com- general music classes,” ensemble. Additionally, plete each window’s restoration. said Daniel Dawson, music they learn important life When the Catholic visited the director at Sacred Heart. skills including teamwork, parish on May 11, six windows “Middle school students cooperation, and responsi- had been completed. While the who attend USD 443 cur- bility.” Photo by David Myers improvement is apparent from rently receive piano instruc- The keyboards will give the interior, from the outside the tion in music class, and we seventh and eighth graders we didn’t have a piano? What’s they liked the instruments, one restored and un-restored windows would like for our students real world applications to the point of not playing music in student responded enthusiasti- are as different as night and day. to have the same opportu- their music theory studies. music class?” cally, “They’re cool!” Another Under the old Plexiglas, the win- nity. Seventh grader Brian It was clear that the students said, “I like ‘em!” dows are almost colorless, as if “Electronic keyboards Nguyen, 13, noted that it were enjoying the new key- Dawson is in his sixth year of hidden under a thick fog. The newly with headphones will al- was “better to learn using boards. When the group of sev- teaching at Sacred Heart Cathe- renovated windows are filled with low students to practice these. What would we do if enth graders were asked how dral School. vibrant colors, so clear that you can see the veins on the arms of Save the date: those depicted. Once complete in early 2017, the church—at night in Marriage and Natural Family Planning event particular—will appear—and will for decades to come--as it originally appeared a century before, like a July 9, Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe vibrant, colorful beacon of a faith- rom 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday, July 9, the Marriage and filled community. FFamily Life Diocesan Team will host a workshop at The first Catholics came to the Ol- the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Dodge City mitz region in 1875 from Austria. In on Marriage and Natural Family Planning. The event is 1883, a frame church—St. Anthony- free. Lunch and childcare is provided. -was constructed four miles south- The featured speaker is Dr. Lisa Gilbert, a Kansas west of town. The community in physician in Kearny County specializing in Family Medi- 1889 decided to construct a second cine. church, and later a school, within Topics will include: the northern area, where the town • Why does the Sacrament of Marriage Matter? was now blooming. This became • The incredible science behind Natural Family Planning St. Ann, named after the blessed Methods mother of Mary, and, it is said, after • NaPro Technology and Treating Infertility the numerous women of the parish • What is contraception actually doing to our bodies? who were named Ann and Anne. • What has Pope Francis said about Marriage & Family The original church and school life during this Year of Mercy? were destroyed in a fire, and in • ... and much more. 1913—barely a year later—the More information will be in included in a future is- determined community had con- sue. Contact Deanna Johnston at djohnston@dodgec- structed a new school and church. itycathedral.com or (620) 225-4802 x 203 for further The cost for the windows was an details. unbelievable $250 each, which is difficult to imagine even by today’s standards. Scripture Readings Today, restoration costs are ap- proximately $10,000 for each of the Sunday, May 29: Gn 14:18-20/Ps 110:1-4/1 Cor 11:23-26/Lk 9:11b-17 larger windows. Anyone, including Monday, May 30: 2 Pt 1:2-7/Ps 91:1-2, 14-16/Mk 12:1-12 For the past parishioners, who would like to Tuesday, May 31: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16/Is 12:2-6/Lk 1:39-56 donate to the fund, can send checks Wednesday, June 1: 2 Tm 1:1-3, 6-12/Ps 123:1-2/Mk 12:18-27 latest movie made out to St. Ann Parish to Thursday, June 2: 2 Tm 2:8-15/Ps 25:4-5, 8-10, 14/Mk 12:28-34 Window Restoration Fund, St. Ann Friday, June 3: Ez 34:11-16/Ps 23:1-6/Rom 5:5b-11/Lk 15:3-7 reviews, visit Church, 115 Cleveland, P.O. Box 8, Saturday, June 4: 2 Tm 4:1-8/Ps 71:8-9, 14-17, 22/Lk 2:41-51 Olmitz, KS 67564-0008. Sunday, June 5: 1 Kgs 17:17-24/Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13/Gal 1:11-19/Lk 7:11-17 (As a side-note, during the Monday, June 6: 1 Kings 17:1-7/Ps 121:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8/Matthew 5:1-12 Catholic’s visit, Father Richard Tuesday, June 7: 1 Kings 17:7-16/Ps 4:2-3, 4-5, 7-8/Matthew 5:13-16 www.catholic Gielow, CM, a chaplain for the Chi- Wednesday, June 8: Kings 18:20-39/Ps 16:1-2, 4, 5, 8, 11/Matthew 5:17-19 cago Bears, paid a quick visit to the Thursday, June 9: Kings 18:41-46/Ps 65:10, 10-11, 12-13/Matthew 5:20-26 news.com church. He will be presenting a par- Friday, June 10: 1 Kings 19:9, 11-16/Ps 27:7-8, 8-9, 13-14/Matthew 5:27-32 ish mission in Olmitz in December. Saturday, June 11: Acts 11:21-26; 13:1-3/Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4, 5-6/Matthew /movies.cfm More information will be included 10:7-13 Sunday, June 12: 2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 7, 11/Galatians 2:16, closer to the time.) 19-21/Luke 7:36--8:3 or 7:36-50 Name: Sarah swafford theme: Rise up! CIVIC CENTER At the Jr. High Youth Rally

The Southwest Kansas Catholic May 29, 2016 Page 9 ‘Encounter ... invite ... accompany’ Mark Brantley, Jacob Schneider ordained transitional Deacons By DAVID MYERS Southwest Kansas Catholic t was an unexpected gesture of heart-felt Iappreciation: When the newly ordained Rev. Mr. Mark Brantley and Rev. Mr. Jacob Schneider processed out of the worship area of the Cathedral of Our Lady of Guadalupe May 21 following their ordination as transi- tional deacons, the entire parish erupted in applause. The unexpected gesture left the Most Rev. John B. Brungardt, Bishop Emeritus Ronald M. Gilmore, and the many local and visiting priests smiling as they processed by the bap- tismal font and out the main door. The gesture wasn’t meant only for the two men, but for those who helped form them in their vocation: their families, the priests and religious, their friends – all those who offered support along their journey. And it was an ap- preciation to God for providing the diocese with the two men journeying to the priesthood. Photos by David Myers Prior to the bishop’s homily at the ordination Mass, Above and left: Jacob Brantley and Schneider were called forward by their Schneider and Mark classmate, Deacon Juan Salas (whose ordination to the Brantley are ordained priesthood is scheduled for June 4 at the cathedral). With transitional Deacons the consent of the people gathered, Bishop Brungardt at the Cathedral of elected them as official candidates to the diaconate. Our Lady of Guadal- During his homily, the bishop called forward the chil- upe by the Most Rev. dren, to whom he described Jesus’s encounter on the John B. Brungardt. Road to Emmaus. With the children following behind, Below and below, left, the bishop first walked to the large crucifix. the new deacons are The resurrected Christ, the bishop told the children, congratulated by fam- reached out to the two disciples in their grief and con- ily and friends. Also fusion. Like Jesus, who “drew himself near and walked pictured is Deacon with them,” deacons are “called to encounter folks in Schneider’s mother their suffering, serving in charity and mercy.” with his neice. At bot- Jesus, the bishop said, “invited the disciples into a tom is the bishop with deeper understanding,” interpreting the Scriptures to the newly ordained them. Deacons Schneider “Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke (left) and Brantley. to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32) Deacons, he said, are called to open the Scriptures in preaching and invite the faithful to seek the truth. Bishop Brungardt led the children around the altar where he spoke of Jesus accompanying the disciples at supper and in the breaking of the bread – the Eucharist. “He was made known to them in the breaking of the bread.” (Luke 24:35) Many more “Deacons are called to accompany the faithful, to serve photos can at the altar in Holy Mass; soon to be priests, to bring the be down- Bread of Life to the world,” Bishop Brungardt said. loaded in After the bishop’s homily, the ordination continued color at with the “promise of the elect”, after which the bishop dcdiocese. laid his hands on first Brantley’s then Schneider’s head. org/swk- This is the official point at which Mark and Jacob were scatholic ordained transitional deacons. The bishop then proclaimed the prayer of ordination, after which Deacons Mark Brantley and Jacob Schneider had placed upon them the of the deacon. As a fully vested member of the transitional diaconate, Rev. Mr. Brantley and Rev. Mr. Schneider were presented the Book of the Gospels, which together they held high before the congregation. Following the Mass, the newly ordained Deacons Brantley and Schneider enjoyed a reception in the Holy Family social hall, filled with the aroma of good food, and surrounded by family, friends, and well-wishers from across the diocese. Deacon Brantley will spend his summer serving at St. Anthony in Lakin, Christ the King in Deerfield and St. Raphael in Syracuse from June 1 to July 31. Deacon Schneider is assigned to diaconal ministry at St. John the Baptist in Meade, St. Patrick in Plains and St. Anthony in Fowler from June 1 to July 31.

Page 10 May 29, 2016 The Southwest Kansas Catholic Llamado en la Unidad no de mis primeros recuer- Jesús oró: “Que todos sean como Diócesis Católica de Dodge nuestra SKC, nuestra página web Udos de mi padre fue a media- uno, como tú, Padre, estás en mí City, un llamado a unifi carnos diocesana, los anuncios en el dos de la década de 1960, cuando y yo en ustedes” (Juan 17,21). como cuatro docenas de parro- boletí n de la parroquia, y otras él era maestro y entrenador en Como seguidores de Cristo, quias, un llamado a unifi carnos formas de comunicación, mien- la Luckey Catholic estamos llamados a una unidad como el pueblo de Dios. El obje- tras organizamos, planifi camos High School en Manhatt an. De profunda. Esto no signifi ca una ti vo de este llamado en la unidad y ejecutamos nuestro llamado vez en cuando nos llevaba a igualdad, ni una uniformidad. es ayudar a los ministerios de la ayudar a nuestros hermanos y mi hermano mayor y a mí a un Unidos en Cristo signifi ca un amor misericordia, de la formación en hermanas en Cristo con esta Es- parti do de fútbol, y lográbamos incondicional, uno a otro. Esta la fe, y a nuestros seminaristas y pecial Peti ción Diocesana. Acur- quedarnos en los costados. ¡Los unión signifi ca un amor que no sacerdotes. Les pido que estén ruquémos en la unidad. Estemos chicos de secundaria me parecían cuenta el precio. Esta unidad abiertos a la llamada de Dios con juntos con amor en el Señor. tan grandes! Me impresionaba signifi ca, como subraya el papa respecto a la presente Peti ción. Seamos uno con Dios y uno con + Reverendo cuando se apiñaba todo el equipo Francisco, un encuentro, una invi- ¿Qué le pide el Señor como los demás. Jesús muestra esta John B. Brungardt antes del parti do. Mientras tación y un acompañamiento con individuo, como familia, como unidad por su amor incondicional Opispo de Dodge City saltaban y gritaban, yo reía, sin cada persona que encontramos. parroquia, como organización? a cada uno de nosotros. embargo, era un poderoso sím- Estamos en las etapas inicia- Gracias por sus oraciones y con- + Monseñor John bolo de la unidad, de unidad, de les de nuestra Especial Peti ción sideración. amor fraterno. Diocesana, un llamado a unifi car Manténgase en sintonía con Papa Francisco advierte: ¡Ignorar al pobre y al prójimo es despreciar a Dios! ATICANO (ACI).- Los pobres centraron El Papa expresó que “Lázaro represen- “Lázaro, que yace frente a la puerta, es que separaba en vida al rico del pobre, si Vla catequesis del Papa Francisco de te bien el grito silencioso de los pobres un reclamo viviente al rico para recor- ha transformado en un gran abismo”. la Audiencia General de esta semana, en de todos los ti empos y de la contradic- darse de Dios, pero el rico no acoge tal “Hasta que Lázaro estuvo bajo su casa la que refl exionó sobre la parábola del ción de un mundo en el que inmensas reclamo. Será por tanto condenado no –prosiguió- para el rico existí a posibilidad hombre rico y del pobre Lázaro. riquezas y recursos están en manos de por sus riquezas, sino por haber sido de salvación, abrir la puerta y ayudar “¡Ignorar al pobre es despreciar a Dios! pocos”. incapaz de senti r compasión por Lázaro y a Lázaro, pero ahora que ambos han ¡Y esto debemos aprenderlo bien: ignorar “Jesús dice que un día ese hombre rico de socorrerlo”. muerto, la situación es irreparable”. al pobre es despreciar a Dios!”, pidió el murió, los pobres y los ricos mueren, La últi ma parte de la parábola cuenta El Pontí fi ce advirti ó que “la misericor- Papa. ti enen el mismo desti no, todos nosotros, que ocurrió después de que murieran. “El dia de Dios hacia nosotros está unida a Francisco comentó que “la vida de es- sin excepción, y entonces se dirigió a pobre Lázaro es llevado por los ángeles al nuestra misericordia hacia el prójimo. Cu- tas dos personas parece discurrir en dos Abraham suplicándole con el apelati vo cielo ante Abraham, el rico, al contrario, ando falta esta, tampoco ella encuentra caminos paralelos: sus condiciones de de ‘padre’. Reivindica así ser su hijo, es precipitado a los tormentos”. espacio en nuestro corazón cerrado, no vida son opuestas y del todo no comuni- pertenecer al pueblo de Dios”. El rico alzó la vista y vio a Lázaro junto puede entrar”. cantes. La puerta de la casa del rico está Pero, “en vida no ha mostrado ninguna a Abraham y los ángeles y le pidió ayuda “Si yo no abro la puerta de mi corazón siempre cerrada al pobre, que yace allí consideración hacia Dios, es más, ha “mientras que en vida hacía como que no al pobre, esa puerta queda cerrada, y fuera, buscando comer alguna sobra de hecho de sí mismo el centro de todo, cer- le veía”. también para Dios. ¡Esto es terrible!” la mesa del rico”. rado en su mundo de lujo y de derroche. “Cuántas veces tanta gente hace como El Santo Padre fi nalizó su catequesis El rico “lleva vesti dos de lujo, mientras Excluyendo a Lázaro, no ha tenido en que no ve a los pobres… para ellos los afi rmando que “ningún mensajero y que Lázaro está cubierto de llagas; el rico cuenta al Señor ni a su ley”, señaló. pobres no existen”, pensó el Papa. ningún mensaje podrán susti tuir a los cada día banquetea alegremente, mien- Francisco hizo notar que en la parábola “Abraham en persona ofrece la clave pobres que encontramos en el camino, tras Lázaro muere de hambre. Solo los el rico no ti ene nombre, “mientras que de todo el relato: él explica que buenos y porque en ellos viene a nuestro encuen- perros se ocupan de él, y vienen a lamer del pobre se dice cinco veces que se malos han sido distribuidos para com- tro Jesús mismo”. sus llagas”. llama Lázaro que signifi ca ‘Dios ayuda’”. pensar la injusti cia terrena, y la puerta Otro Camino

n abismo llama a otro, dijo el Poeta en el cosas más profundas de nuestra vida. Estamos tardeadas de nuestras vidas, enredados en USalmo 42. Esas palabras inspiradas dicen de atrapados en lo que esta allá afuera, en lo que nuestros mundos desordenados, atrapados en la mejor manera lo que debe signifi car una vida tenemos que hacer, en el no tengo ti empo para ellos. Y de repente, todo eso puede desaparec- con Cristo, y donde se debe vivir. Pero vivimos nada más. er, si algo mas cauti va nuestra atención. en la parte poco profunda. ¿Qué nos puede liberar de esto? No depende En un instante todas las cosas ordinarias Vean a su propia experiencia. La sola idea de nosotros. Y no es muy difí cil. de nuestras vidas pueden tomar otro aspecto. de un día como otro de la vida ti ene un efecto Hace 2500 años, el Viejo Sócrates describió Es algo diferente, algo extraño, un aspecto limitador sobre nosotros. Es lo que quiero decir un viejo pescador, en una playa de Atenas, nuevo. Estas cosas ordinarias se vuelven con que “vivimos en la parte poco profunda.” distraídamente ordenando su pesca ya de transparentes ante nuestros ojos. Nos llevan Por lo usual, estamos tan envueltos en las tardeada. Uno en esta cubeta, uno en la otra hacia cosas escondidas que no sabíamos que Obispo Emeritus necesidades normales de nuestro día (familia, cubeta, medio dormido, trabajaba sin pensar, tenían. Es lo que nos da una sacudida. Ese es Ronald M. Gilmore trabajo, escuela, adaptarse el uno al otro en la en una forma primiti va de piloto automáti co, el conocimiento que pasa sobre nosotros en casa, junta tras junta en la ofi cina, tarea tras estaba muy atareado…hasta que agarro una un instante. Es lo que llamamos un Sentido de tarea en el trabajo, clases sobre clases, de- anguila eléctrica. Eso cauti vo su atención de Asombro. portes, deberes, y más deberes)… tan envueltos inmediato. Vean más cerca a su experiencia. Hay una en estas cosas que tendemos a dejar pasar las Eso nos puede suceder a nosotros en esas anguila o dos escondidas ahí.

Sesiones de conscientización Línea especial para No permita que el juego La Diócesis requiere a todos los empleados y voluntarios víctimas de abuso sexual te destruya. que trabajan con menores a asistir a las sesiones de con- Si usted, o alguien a quien usted conoce ha sido scientización de Proteger a los Niños de Dios. víctima de abuso sexual por algún clérigo, o cualquier Línea de Ayuda para el Juego Estas sesiones de conscientización están disponibles empleado de la Diócesis de Dodge City, por favor co- Problemáti co Línea de Ayuda en ambos inglés y español. Son conducidos por gente municarse con el Sister Dave Snapp, Fitness Review de nuestra Diócesis especialmente entrenadas como fa- Administrator: (620) 225-5051, o (620)225-2412, o al para el Juego Problemáti co cilitadores. Las sesiones se publicarán en las parroquias, correo electrónico [email protected]. Conserva escuelas, el períodico Southwest Kansas Register y la siempre su derecho de comunicarse directamente a 800.522.4700 página electrónica de la Diócesis. www.dcdiocese.org/ Social Relief Services, 1-800-922-4453. protectingchildren. ksgamblinghelp.com The Southwest Kansas Catholic May 29, 2016 Page 11

Todos están invitados a la ordenación sacerdotal del Diacono Juan Salas, el 4 de junio Acerca de ser un puente entre Dios y los demás: ‘Esto es algo hermoso’

dioso.” “Los seminaristas son como cualquier principio pensaban que no era en serio. Como Kansas, Aguascalientes está joven. Lo que nos distingue es que quere- Así que, cuando les dije que quería entrar localizado geográficamente en el centro mos ser un Sacerdote: vivir vidas célibes, al seminario, fue un poco difícil para mi de México. El Diacono Salas creció en el administrar los sacramentos, y configura- padre porque yo soy el único hijo de la pueblo cercano de Villa Garcia, Zacatecas rnos como Cristo, el altísimo Sacerdote. Y familia y no habría ningún descendiente donde disfrutaba de jugar futbol, tocar de paso, también nos gusta el chocolate, con mi apellido.” instrumentos musicales, y de servir como bueno por lo menos a mí sí.” Hoy, por supuesto, la familia no podría monaguillo. El Diacono Salas admite que hasta el estar más orgullosa de su hijo y hermano. Su padre, Alfredo Salas Candelas, está tenia ciertas malinterpretaciones sobre la Después de todo, fueron sus padres, dijo retirado, y trabaja medio tiempo como vida en un seminario. el Diacono Salas, quienes con su gran profesor de arte en un instituto cultural. “Pensé que un seminario era un lugar devoción lo ayudaron en su decisión de Su madre, Bertha Alanis Tavira, trabaja donde los seminaristas estaban rezando entrar al sacerdocio. en casa; el Diacono Salas tiene una her- todo el día y no se les permitía hacer “La semilla de la vocación nace muy mana, Anabertha Salas. cosas divertidas,” explico él. “Había dentro de nuestros corazones,” le dice “Sentí por primera vez el llamado a una ecuación en mi mente: Seminario aquellos que estén contemplando entrar entrar al sacerdocio cuando era un niño; equivale a un lugar obscuro y aburrido.” al seminario. “Una de las primeras tenia entre ocho y nueve años de edad,” “¡Ciertamente no fue así! Descubrí que señales de esta vocación es sentir un dijo él. “Pienso que servir como monagu- el seminario es un lugar donde aquellos interés en el sacerdocio. Ya cuando esto illo despertó ese sentimiento en mí.” que tienen la curiosidad sobre el sacerdo- sucede, deben de darse la oportunidad El ejemplo de su pastor fue algo instru- cio pueden desarrollarse en lo intelectu- de descubrir de lo que se trata el sacer- mental en la decisión del Diacono Salas al, espiritual, humano, y en lo apostólico. docio. No descarten esta opción antes l Diacono Juan Salas tiene tres de entrar al sacerdocio. Es un lugar lleno de valores que pueden de intentarlo, sin considerar el sacer- Egrandes amores: Dios, Su gente, y el “Lo veía como una gran persona, ayudar a los seminaristas en la vida. Ay docio como una opción para sus vidas. chocolate. alguien que estaba activo todo el día; tiempo para todo; tiempo para alabar a Quítense sus miedos. Dios los está A las 10 de la mañana, sábado, 4 de celebraba Misa, hablaba con la gente en Dios, para estudiar, para trabajar, y para llamando porque necesita hombres de junio en la Catedral de Nuestra Señora las calles, hacia ejercicio, atendía a sus jugar.” valor como ustedes. de Guadalupe en Dodge City, este joven feligreses en su oficina, visitaba casas, En agosto del 2012, el Obispo Brun- “Estoy entusiasmado con ser ya un de Aguascalientes, México será ordenado paro más que todo, lo veía feliz,” dijo él. gardt pudo visitar la familia del Diacono santo sacerdote. Estoy entusiasmado un sacerdote para la Diócesis Católica de “Yo solo quería ser como él.” Salas en México. con ayudar a gente en sus relaciones con Dodge City. Poco después de entrar al seminario, “Conocí a sus padres y hermana, y los demás y con Dios: ser un puente.” El Reverendísimo John B. Brungardt el descubrió que había un malentendido toda la familia se congrego en la casa Tal vez refiriéndose otra vez a aquel pas- invita y anima a la gente de la diócesis acerca de los seminaristas. Se encontró de la abuelita de Juan para una reunión tor de su niñez que fue tan instrumental a que asistan a este evento: “Usted, su con un viejo amigo, que estaba indeciso familiar (muchos tíos, tías, y primos/pri- en su decisión de ser un sacerdote, el familia, amigos e invitados están cor- sobre si darle la mano o no, como si por mas),” dijo el obispo poco después de Diacono Salas dijo, “Es algo muy grande dialmente invitados a participar en esta ser un seminarista de alguna manera lo su visita. “¡Que familia tan maravillosa! que la gente siempre pueda encontrar celebración del inmenso amor de Jesu- separaba de su viejo amigo. Celebramos dos Misas en la iglesia local, un hombre que siempre está ahí para cristo. Por favor vengan a ver a su futuro “Hablamos por un rato y finalmente San Pedro.” escuchar, hablar, o dar un consejo, sin párroco recibir el Sacramente de las me dijo: ‘Así que estas en el seminario. “Mi familia siempre me ha apoyado en importar la situación, en la alegría y en la Ordenes Sagradas en esta extraordinaria ¿Seguiremos siendo amigos?’ ¡Claro que mi decisión de entrar al seminario,” dijo tristeza. bendición de nuestro Padre Misericor- si le dije yo! el Diacono Salas. “Sin embargo, en el “Esto es algo hermoso.”

“Estoy entusiasmado con Con profunda alegría, la Diócesis Católica de ser ya un santo sacerdote. Dodge City Anuncia la Ordenación de Estoy entusiasmado con ayudar a gente en sus rela- ciones con los demás y con Rev. Sr. Juan Salas Dios: ser un puente.” al Tal vez refiriéndose otra ORDEN DE LOS‘ vez a aquel pastor de su ni- PRESBITEROS ñez que fue tan instrumen- tal en su decisión de ser un a través de la imposición de sacerdote, el Diacono Salas manos y la invocación del dijo, “Es algo muy grande Espíritu Santo por que la gente siempre pu- El Reverendísimo eda encontrar un hombre John B. Brungardt, que siempre está ahí para Obispo de la Diócesis Católica de Dodge City escuchar, hablar, o dar un Sábado, Cuatro de Junio del dos mil dieciséis consejo, sin importar la a las diez de la mañana situación, en la alegría y en la tristeza. Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe 3231 N. 14th St., Dodge City, KS “Esto es algo hermoso.” Seguida por una recepción en el Salón Social de la Sagrada Familia Page 12 May 29, 2016 The Southwest Kansas Catholic


ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Papal 5 John preached in 7 the wilderness here (Mt Call us today at the following locations: 3:1) 8 9 10 11 12 8 OT historical book Bucklin: 620-826-3848 13 14 Cimarron: 620-855-3185 9 Bk. of the Penta- teuch 15 16 Dodge City: 620-227-3196 11 It was written in Garden City: 620-276-7671 three languages (abbr.) 17 18 19 13 Not ordained Ness City: 785-798-2237 14 Hosea, formerly Syracuse: 620-384-7800 15 St. ___ de Beau- 20 21 22 23 24 pre www.kellerleopold.com 16 Agency headed 25 by uncle of Cardinal Dulles 26 27 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 17 Place of reservation for the Blessed Sacra- 28 29 ment 30 31 32 INSURANCE 20 He knocked down Making a difference for life the Philistine temple 33 34 35 36 22 11th century theo- logian 27 What some angels are 37 38 28 Congregational ini- www.wordgamesforcatholics.com tials 29 A sacrament is an ___ 6 “Agnus ___” 23 The outward ___ 38 Solemn holy day 7 One of the prophets met in three 30 Catholic actor Guin- DOWN 10 Blessed are those 24 Catholic author of ness 1 Those who exercise who do this, in Matthew the “Father Dowling” 32 He gave Hannah the public power of the 5 series, Ralph ___ Church 12 ___ Creed 25 Grandson of Adam AN EED TYLER MEYER, FICF words of comfort D R , FICF 3 Sebastian is their 18 “…of my ___ and 26 Pope St. ___ (785) 472-2145 office (785) 726-4899 33 Omission and com- Kingman, Sharon, Willow- mission patron saint flesh of my flesh…” (Gen 31 ___ of the Mo- (785) 531-0135 cell dale, St. Leo, Pratt, Danville, 35 Second of IHS 4 “Let him ___ himself 2:23) hawks Ellinwood, Hoisington, Medicine Lodge, Kiowa, and 36 Biblical dry mea- and take up his cross and 19 ___ Meal 32 “___ homo” Olmitz, Russell, Claflin and Greensburg councils. sure follow me.” (Mt 16:24) 21 You cannot serve 34 ___ of Man Ellsworth councils. 37 Land of milk and 5 An epistle God and this Mt 6:24


tEaSER tHE FIRSt: Fill in the answers to tEaSER tHE SEConD: A commonyms is the clues by using all the syllables. The group of words that have a common trait in number to be used is in parentheses. the three words/items listed. For example: the words; A car - A tree - An elephant: BOG BRA DO EX GAN GNA LA MEN MENT they all have trunks. tEaSER tHE NA NA O PERT SA TO TOR TOUR VO 1. Your Hand - Your Voice - Your Children tHIRD: 2. Chop - Yard - Pogo What is 3/7 1. Baked pasta dish (3) 3. Lawn - Rocking - Wheel chicken, 2/3 DARIN REED, FICF SHAUN LINENBERGER 2. Forewarning (2) 4. Sheep - Watch - Seeing-Eye cat and 1/2 (785) 726-4899 office (785) 301-2676 office 3. Long sled (3) 5. Lilac - Plum - Violet goat? 4. Well done! (2) 6. Tug - Sail - Steam (785) 259-2335 cell (785) 623-8716 cell 5. Master (2) 7. Turkey - Teddy Bear - Christmas Stocking Ransom Council La Crosse, Olmitz Councils 6. Athleti c competi ti on (3) 8. Sea - Taco - Turtle 7. Twister (3) 9. Sand - Juke - Toy Check 10. Time - Sti nk - Atomic out our website! (Left ) To solve a Soduko, • • • fi ll in the table so that the kofc numbers from 1 to 9 will insurance be in each column, each ks.com row and each 3x3 box only once. Every sudoku

oDUko puzzle can have only one

S correct soluti on. GEORGE SPINELLI, S ADAM CEBULA ’ FICF, LUTCF, CLU (785) 728-2147 office (785) 726-4899 office (785) 871-1991 Cada fi la debe contener (785) 650-3404 cell Goodland, Colby, los números a parti r la 1 Plains, Dighton, Liberal, Marienthal, Scott City, a 9. Cada columna debe Ulysses, Hugoton, Johnson, Sharon Springs, eBaStIan Lakin, Elkhart, Ingalls, Syra- contener los números St. Francis, Tribune and . S a parti r la 1 a 9. Cada

cuse, Satanta. Larned, Belpre, t Garden City councils.

St. John, Seward, Ness City, S cuadrado 3x3 debe Great Bend, Spearville, Wright, F or more information on a contener los números a Fowler, Windthorst, Dodge career with the Knights of parti r la 1 a 9. City, Jetmore, Kinsley, and Columbus, contact George Ashland councils. Spinelli at (785) 726-4899. The Southwest Kansas Catholic aDVantaGe May 29 2016 Page 13 PrIeStS on the PraIrIe Hoefer Stained Glass Msgr. John Cody – May 30, 1956 • Restoration of Antique Stained sgr. John Cody was born Aug. 15, 1897, in Jordan- and Painted Glass Mstown, Whitehall, Kilkenny, Ireland. He was ordained • Custom Designed of New June 10, 1923, at Immaculate Concepti on Cathedral in Den- Stained Glass Windows ver by Bishop J. Henry Tihen. He served as an assistant at St. Mary Cathedral in Wichita for a year. Customer Care and His pastorates include: St. Mary, Moline, (1926-35); St. Quality Craftsmanship John, Iola, (1935-45); St. John, Clonmel, (1946-47), and St. Rose of Lima, Great Bend, (1947-56). 1-800-663-8020 During his pastorate at Moline, he built a new school, 910 S. Main • South Hutchinson dedicated by Bishop August J. Schwertner on Oct. 10, 1946. Visit our website; View our job sites At Clonmel, he built a new church, dedicated by Bishop Mark www.hoeferstainedglass.com K. Carroll, Sept. 24, 1947. At Great Bend, he started a second parish and built a school and “chapel of relief.” Bishop John B. Franz dedicated St. Patrick Chapel on May 9, 1954. Msgr. Cody served one year (1945-46) as a chaplain in the U.S. Army. He saw frontline acti on on Guinea, Luzon, and other Philippine Islands. He received the Asiati c-Pacifi c Ser- vice Medal, World War II Victory Medal, American Theater Service Medal, Philippine Liberati on Medal, and three batt le stars. He was raised to the rank of captain in November, 1945, and at the ti me of his death was a reserve offi cer with 105 Layton Street ♦ Dodge City the rank of major. He received the Asiati c-Pa- In 1949 Pope Pius XII elevated him to the rank of papal cham- cifi c Service Medal, World berlain; he was named domesti c in 1952. War II Victory Medal, Amer- Msgr. Cody died May 30, 1956, shortly aft er giving an address following a televised Memorial Day service in Great Bend. Bishop ican Theater Service Medal, John B. Franz was the celebrant of the Ponti fi cal Mass of Philippine Liberati on Medal, at St. Rose Church. Bishop Mark K. Carroll preached the sermon. and three batt le stars. Burial was in the Catholic secti on of the Great Bend Cemetery.


Check out the new Diocese of Dodge City website: www. dcdiocese.org. It’s like the old website, only less fi lling and bett er for you!

“If you are too busy to pray, you are busier than God wants you to be.” ― Wanda E. Brunstett e Each issue of the Southwest Kansas Catholic is avail- able for down- load, free and in color, at dcdiocese. org/swkscatholic. No registrati on or sign-in is required. The site includes an archive of game pages dati ng back to 2011. 855-392-9333. Page 14 May 29, 2016 The Southwest Kansas Catholic aDVantaGe

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Father Wesley Schawe • (620) 227-1533 • [email protected] The Southwest Kansas Catholic May 29, 2016 Page 15 Obituaries Herman Debes, Vietnam War Robert G. Heiman, 77, of St. Dominic private care provider. She was a member veteran, dies at 71 Parish, Garden City, died April 27, 2016. He of the Altar Society and St. Rose School of was a member of the Knights Of Columbus Nursing Alumni. Survivors include her hus- erman Leo Debes, 71, of Prince of and had served in the National Guard. He band, Benjamin J. Shaffer; sons Kenneth, HPeace Parish at St. Patrick Church, was a lifelong farmer on the family farm in Tom, and Dan; daughters Linda Elliott, Great Bend, died May 8, 2016. Mr. Debes Finney County. Survivors include his wife, Patsy Giangrosso, Treva Goodman, Cathy was a United States Air Force veteran Susan; daughters Mary Doll and Janet Burr; Shaffer, Laurie Logan, and Sharon Denney; of the Vietnam War, having served two son, Martin; sister, Dorothy Hoffman; and 16 grandchildren; nine great-grandchil- tours of duty. While in the Air Force, he seven grandchildren. Father Reginald A. dren, and several nieces and nephews. was stationed at Minot Air Force Station, Urban presided. Father Don Bedore presided. Minot, N.D.; Tan Son Nhut Air Base, Viet- John Patrick “Murph” Murphy, 70, Martin Franco, 74, of St. Mary Parish, nam; Lowry Air Force Base, Denver, Colo.; of Prince of Peace Parish at St. Rose of Garden City, died May 7, 2016. Survivors Phang Rang Air Base, Vietnam; Clear Air Lima, Great Bend, died Sunday, May 1, include his wife, Socorro Franco; sons Force Station, Alaska; Zwiebrucken Air 2016. He served from 1964-1974 in the Martin, Jr., Bobby and John; daughter Rosa Force Base, Germany; Altus Air Force Base, U.S. Marine Corp, 3rd Marine Division, Francisco Espinosa; brother Ignacio Franco; Altus, Okla.; Suwon Air Base, Korea; Vance during the Vietnam era, earning three sister Olivia Sandoval; 10 grandchildren, Air Force Base, Enid, Okla.; and numerous purple hearts through the course of three and 14 great-grandchildren. Father Charles temporary duty assignments throughout tours of duty. Survivors include his wife, Seiwert presided. the world. Herman Leo Debes was awarded numer- Carol Herrman Danielson; a son, Michael Larry L. Ventsam, 82, of St. Anthony of His decorations, awards and medals ous decorations, awards and medals for Danielson; a sister, Carolyn M. Murphy; Padua Parish, Leoti, died May 13, 2016. included the Meritorious Service Medal his service. a brother, Leo Murphy, Jr.; a grandchild; He was a farmer and rancher. He served with first oak leaf cluster, Air Force Com- He retired in August 1985 as Master Ser- and many nieces and nephews. Father in the United States Air Force from 1952 mendation Medal with one device, Air geant (E-7) in the United States Air Force, Don Bedore officiating. through 1956. Survivors include his wife, Force Outstanding Unit Award with two Security and Law Enforcement Section, Kenneth H. “Bud” Pekarek, 93, of Prince Joan; children Mark Ventsam, Linda Lof- devices, Air Force Good Conduct Medal serving more than 20 years. Following his of Peace Parish at St. Rose of Lima, Great fredo, Carol Molz, Steve Ventsam, and with four devices, National Defense Service retirement from the Air Force, Mr. Debes Bend, died May 1, 2016. He served dur- Tom Ventsam; 13 grandchildren; and one Medal, Vietnam Service Medal with three lived on the family farm north of Radium ing World War II in the Army Air Corps. great-grandchild. Father Benjamin Martin devices, Air Force Overseas Short Tour in Stafford County, where he was a farmer, Survivors include two sons, Kent L. and presided. Ribbon, Air Force Service Award Ribbon stockman, gardener and hunter. Kevin G.; one sister, Linda Zubilliga; five Steven Charles Doll, 64, of St. Theresa with three devices, Air Force Professional He was a member of the Knights of Co- grandchildren; and 13 great-grandchildren. Parish, Dighton, died May 12, 2016. He Military Education Graduate Ribbon with lumbus Council #7485, Andover. Father Don Bedore presided. graduated in 1969 from St. Joseph’s one device, Small Arms Expert Marksman- Survivors include one brother, William Joan MacDonnell, 90, of St. Joseph Par- Military Academy in Hays and served in ship Ribbon, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry E. Debes; sister, Caroline F. Moeder; and ish, Scott City, died May 2, 2016.Survivors the United States Marine Corp. He was a Cross with device, and Republic of Vietnam seven nieces and nephews. Father Ted include her son, Richard; daughter-in-law member and past Grand Knight of Knights Campaign Medal. Stoecklein presided. Connie MacDonnell; brother Chris Lister; of Columbus #3210. Survivors include his sisters Margaret Ball and Mary Flower; nine children, Gabe Doll, Manon Doll-McGhee, grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. and George Doll; nine grandchildren; sev- Father Bernard Felix presided. eral great-grandchildren; brother, Gary Clarence J. Tuzicka, 86, St. Ann Parish, Doll; sisters, Wanel Elliott and Leah Shap- Olmitz, died May 3, 2016. Survivors include land; and four nieces and nephews. Father daughters, Diana Hertel and Linda Wagner; Bernard Felix presided. sisters, Marian Miller, Alice Urban, and Marcella “Sally” Vink, 94, of Prince of Delores Vsetecka; four grandchildren; and Peace Parish at St. Rose of Lima, Great four great-grandchildren. Fathers Charles Bend, died May 12, 2016. She was a Mazouch and Ultan Murphy presided. member of the Altar Society. Survivors Sandra LaCoy, 50, of St. Joseph Parish, include ons, Craig, Kenny, and Terry; Scott City, died May 5, 2016. She is survived daughter, Kathy Berkley; sisters, Clarissa by her husband, John LaCoy, Jr.; daughters Blessing, Bernice Henderson, and Ethel Ashley J. LaCoy and Audrey M. LaCoy; and Ricker; brothers, Norbert Zecha and Ber- brothers Tim Stegman, Randy Stegman, nard Zecha; 11 grandchildren; and eight and Doug Stegman. Father Ben Martin great-grandchildren. Father Don Bedore presided. presided. Agustin Garcia, 81, of St. Dominic Parish, Wilma Jean Heath, 85, of St. Theresa Par- Garden City, died May 4, 2016. Survivors ish, Dighton, died May 15, 2016. Survivors include his son Augie; daughters Nora include daughters, Susan Smeltzer, Carolyn Burnett and Nydia Garcia; and five grand- Dutoit, Marilyn James, and Betty Haas; children. sons, Steve, Brian, and Joe; 15 grandchil- Bernie Lucille Linenberger, 90, of dren; and 24 great-grandchildren. Father Prince of Peace Parish at St. Rose of Bernard Felix presided. Lima Church, Great Bend, died May 6, Karen Angele’ Divine of St. Joseph 2016. She was a member of the Altar Parish, Ashland, died May 12, 2016. She Society and the St. Rose School of Nurs- is survived by her mother, Betty Salyer; ing Alumni Association. Survivors include brothers, Charles Paul, Matthew Garth, sons Larry and Ron; one daughter, Mary and Bradford John; sister-in-law Susan Lou Beardslee; brothers, Ervin Schneider Salyer; children, Katelynn Nicole Ezzell, and and Marvin Schneider; sisters, Beatrice Justin Clay Divine; son-in-law Tony Ezzell; Gorrell and Kathleen Bittner; seven grandchildren Natalie Rose Ezzell, Colton grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchil- Scott Ezzell, and Zaden Lee Divine. She dren. Father Ted Stoecklein presided. also leaves behind many nieces, nephews, Paul Bishop, 72, of Prince of Peace Par- cousins, and friends. ish at St. Rose of Lima, died May 9, 2016. Remedios Chairez, 84, of St. Mary Par- He was a United States Army veteran, ish, Garden City, died May 15, 2016. Sur- stationed in Germany. Survivors include vivors include her children, Hermila Lira his wife, Karen Sue Bishop; and sisters Chairez, Blanca Lira Chairez, Antonia Lira Betty Chlumsky and Willie Ellis. Father Don Chairez, Pantalion Lira Chairez, Sigifredo Bedore presided. Lira Chairez, Irmicela Lira Chairez, Juan Florence Louise Shaffer, 84, of Prince of Lira Chairez, Pedro Zuniga Lira, and Celia Peace Parish at St. Rose of Lima, died May Hidrogo Zuniga; brother, Marcial Chairez; 7, 2016. She was a registered nurse and and many grandchildren. Page 16 May 29, 2016 The Southwest Kansas Catholic SRAEL The apple of God’s eye By CHARLENE SCOTT-MYERS I thought again of his deep compas- Special to the SKC sion when we visited what we thought Editor’s note: This is the second of a was the Pool of Siloam, a small deep three-part series about Israel. pool with steep steps that a blind man rom the suff ocati ng heat of the Dead could not navigate. Jesus gave him the FSea and the gargantuan heights of Ma- gift of eyesight so that he could enter sada, our group of visitors from the United the pool like everyone else. The pool States traveled to En Gedi, a lush oasis and we visited, however, was replaced in nature reserve, where waterfalls fi ll the air 2004 by another much larger pool dis- with humid sweetness. covered by archeologists who believe it It was like moving from Hell to Heaven is the REAL Pool of Siloam. No matter. in a matt er of a few miles. This story of the compassion of Jesus From En Gedi, we swung left to the an- still touches my heart. cient town of Hebron on the West Bank, We strolled along the Jordan River where we saw the Tombs of the Patri- to a spot traditionally thought to be archs--huge caskets honoring Abraham where Jesus entered the water for his and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, and Jacob baptism by John the Baptist. Several and Lea. (Their actual burial places are people were splashing into the river said to be in a cave beneath the Tombs to be baptized, reminding me of our Iof the Patriarchs, where the public is not parish church in Spearville—St. John allowed entry.) Abraham bought the prop- the Baptist—decorated with a stained erty when his wife Sarah died, 2,000 years glass window of the cousin of Jesus before the birth of Jesus. beheaded for . A portrait of Jacob meeti ng Rachel was created by the Scotti sh arti st William Dyce in The story of Jacob and Rachel is the Bi- We also traveled to the city of Cae- 1853. Born in 1806, Dyce died in 1864. ble’s sweetest romance. Jacob was tricked sarea in Israel, a port city on the Medi- into marrying a veiled Lea by her father terranean with a still standing Roman Laban, for whom he had worked seven lessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. aqueduct with its lovely arches and a years for the hand of Rachel and whom he Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. harbor built by King Herod, utilizing his thought he was marrying. Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. famous enormous blocks of beveled Jacob’s true love was Lea’s younger sis- B Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they stone. My friends and I tried to swim ter Rachel, for whom he now had to work shall be sati sfi ed. in the harbor, but ended up stagger- another seven years for Laban. We read Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. ing in the water from stone to slippery in Genesis the sweet passage: “So Jacob Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. stone! We did get to sit on the high served seven years for Rachel, and they Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God. Roman bleachers carved from rocks in seemed to him but a few days because of Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, the town that Jesus also visited during his love for her.” for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. his ministry. Poor cross-eyed Lea gave Jacob ten sons, Blessed are you when men revile you, and persecute you, and say all kinds Another day we visited the ancient Church of St. Anne. I named my daugh- Rachel only two (the 12 tribes of Israel). of evil against you falsely, on account of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your Rachel died aft er the birth of her second ter “Anne” in honor of this saint who reward in Heaven is great, for so they persecuted the prophets who were child, Benjamin. Her fi rst son Joseph, who was the mother of Mary and grand- before you.” would wear the coat of many colors and mother of Jesus. I had prayed to St. rule over his brothers, was Jacob’s favorite. Anne since I was a child. (I named my Jacob buried his beloved Rachel near Beth- son ”Chris” for St. Christopher.) The lehem, and we saw her resti ng place. lovely church of St. Anne has perfect One sunny day we visited the Mount of A Catholic Franciscan chapel is located of barley bread and two fish. (I’ve al- acoustics, and our group sang our Beati tudes in northwest Israel on the shore on the mountain where the beautiful ways wondered if the fish were cooked. hearts out with every hymn we knew, of the Sea of Galilee, the site of the fi rst ser- Beatitudes were given to us. Another Surely they were.) The apostles wanted our voices like angel songs floating mon of Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount. It holy place is Bethsaida, where Jesus fed to disperse the multitude that followed through the air. was a lazy, sleepy aft ernoon, but we recited 5,000 people (this count did not include Jesus, but the Lord said “no!” He was In our hearts, we knew that Israel was the Beati tudes together as we sat on the the multitude of women and children) the One with the greatest compassion and is the apple of God’s eye! sloping hillside (above, center). by the miracle of multiplying five loaves of any person who ever lived. To be continued.

this Roman aqueduct at the port city of Cae- sarea has out- lived King Herod by 2,000 years. Herod had a harbor built in Caesarea, which was visited by Jesus during his ministry.