PA6S EIGHTEEN ■ONDAY. JUNE Z6. 1861 Avenwe DaUy Net Press Ron Par the Week Ended The Westher June 8, 1861 Poreeaet of D. 8. WentiMr Marine Pvt. Richard C. Farrelli John Derby, quartermaster, and About Town stationed in Hawaii, is home on Robert Buchner, adjutant, of Man-! Cub Honored CoBilderkble oloudtaeM. mild lo-. 40 days leave. He will be entertain­ Chester Barracks, 'Veterans o f ) 13,330 night. Jjo w near 60, Wedneadny ing friends at his home at 613 i World War I of the USA, hav'e re- J Member of the Audit moatljr fair and warmer, lllgli in Mr*. Gertrude Ellingfton. 49 Ox­ iMain St. He will return to Camp! ceived .silver spark plugs from na­ Boreeu of Oircnlatton ford S t. left Idlewild Saturday I Lejetine, N.C. at the ^ end of the tional headquarters In recognition For Heroism Usm I R«fris«raiort 80s. nisrht by jet for Germany where ' leave. ' j of their membership efforts. Manchester— A City of Village Charm she will spend the next live weeks In Coventry OrcrliMiled and with relalii-es. j I The Army Navy Auxiliary will I George T. I^aBonne Jr. 64 VOL. LXXX, NO. 227 ! sponsor a public card party tonight Mtnnechaug’ Dr.. Glastonbury, and (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 (Classified AdterUsliig on I^ge 16) PRICE FIVE CENTS The Tall Cedars of Lebanon. at 8 o'clock at the Clubhouse. 'Manchester insurance agent for Michael Ha.vden, 9-year-oW Cub Potterton's Kutmes Forest No. 116, wnll hold National Life of Vermont at 163 Scout of Manchester, 4 has been the last monthly ’'meeting of the Campbell Council. No. 573. Main St., is serving on the special awarded the Honor Medal for -ISO Center St.—Cor. of Chureh t season tonight at 7:30 at the Ma-; Khights of Columbus will hold its guests gi-eeting committee at the heroic action at the risk of his own sonic Temple, Final plans for.the.I annual installation of riew officers annual meeting of the 1961 Million life hy the National Council, Boy New England P o l i c e Stote iVctusIFacts Panel outing on July 1 will be formu­ tonight at 8:30 at the K. of C. Dollar Round Table at the A m en-' Scouts Qf America. lated II Home on Main St. cana Hotel. Bal Harbour, Fla. | The presentation was made yes­ terday at the Nathan Hale- Com­ Three Marine privates have com­ munity Center. Coventry, by Eric pleted rerniil training at the Ma­ ; Manchc.sler Assembly, 'order of New Officers for 1961-62 will be ■ H. Lind, president of the Eastern Pool Forces to Eight Calls Union, Castro, Captives Split ; Rainbow for Girls, will hold a husi- installed at a meeting of the Ro- ; rine Corps Recruit Depot. Parris ' nc.s.s meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Connecticut Council, Boy Scouts of Island. S. C Tln'y are Ronald D. tarv Ciub of Manchester tomorrow | 'M.vsnnic Temple. Officers will wear at 6:30 p.m. at the Manche^er' America. Ship Rivals Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs Harn- white. Miehael was eight years old and ‘Eye Bank’ Plan son B Cook. 87 Chambers SI : and i Country Cub. had been a Cub Scout for only six Organized Gambling Edward A and Richard J. Grant The rcgrular meeting Ivefore nfonths when he avvxike at 5:30 For Connecticiil sona of Mr. and Mrs. E. .\. Grant i The annual picnic of the Red on the morning of Oct. 4, 1960, to New York, June 27 (TP)— summer vacation of the Memorial i Cross Volunteer Nurses’ Aide A fact-finding board meets of .10 Horton Rd. .Ml three will re­ Temple Pythian Sisters, will be find the living room of the fam­ port to Camp Le.ieune. N. C for I Corps will be held tomorrow at ily's five-room home In Coventry Washington. June 27 (/P)— '^of the six New England state po New Britain. June 27 (TP)— here today to speed a report held to.mormw night in the Odd |6:3n p.n'i. at the home of Mrs. Ed-; On Halting S>Fap Try combat Infantry training. ablaze:. He woke his parents. Mr. lice chiefs and a few of their top An “Eye Bank” that will en- Fellows Hall. Main St., at 8 p m. 'ward 3fark. South Rd.. Bolton. j The Justice Department lo- ' on the maritime strike to Plans for the pu iiic in September and Mrs. Hugh Hayden, now of day announced indictments echeion officers. ^ ! able Connecticut residents to President Kennedy. The re­ with the .Memorial Ixidge. Knights 290 School St,, Manchester, and Known as the New England receive corneal transplants, of Pv ihias \vi ' he l omnleted. Mrs RO'D' Cadet Alan Bennett, son | went to the rescue of his two against 13 men for using ille­ State Police Administrators Con­ port could be the crucial step L T. WOOD CO. Irene ndci-son. chairman will of .Mr. and .Mrs. Morris Bennett, 98 yoimger .si.ster.s, leading them far gal long-distance telephone ference (NESPACi, it was prigin- or to donate them after in halting the 12-day-old ,«er\e refreshments. j Baldwin Rd., has reported to the enough away from the house to be hookups to conceal a nation­ allv conceived as an interstate po­ death, has been established at strike under the Taft-Hartley I Re erve Offieors Training Corps i out ot danger. He returned to the wide horse race betting sys­ lice education group atrt the May | \'e w Britain General Hospi- Law. Prisoners ICE PLANT Temple Chapter. Order of Easl- Camp at Fort Devons. fori house to help hi.s father in the res­ 1960 meeting in Hartford of the|i„i six weeks' training. He Is a stu- 1 tem. The 3-man board came here In «1 BISSEIX .STREET ci-n Star, will meet Wednesday at cue of Ills mother. The home was North Atlantic Region of the In- * Tlie Connecticut Lodge of Odd ’ response to a reluctant S (^ from S pm at the Ma.sonie Temple .Mrs. dent at I’niversity of Connecticut., de.stroyed in the blaze. Atty. GOn. Robert F. Ken­ ternational Association of Chiefs Turn East From Main St. Michael is a member of Den 3, of Police. j Fellows is sji^onsoiing the pro-1 Kennedy,, who voted against the Af State Theater Kveretl Frost will ho chairman of' nedy said a 20-count indict­ Tn-o __ ; Riam. which wir be known as the I Taft-Hartley law as ,a congress- thp refreshment committee. Maniiicstrr Ced.arettcs w ill meet Pack 65 of Coventry, sponsored by ment, returned by a federal Not Ready tonight at 7:30 in the Federation i the Green-Chabot Anieri< an ot' 1 Fellows | man in 1946 but Invoked it yester- Rixini at Center Congregational ' Legion. He attends Nathan Hale grand jury in New Orleans, Mulcahy,h, intoI the(V. intelligenceI ^ area ^ j ! Bank and 'Vis.ial Research Foun- ' dav on the grounds the strike im CTiiirrh for a final meeting before grew out of illegal calls to or perils national security. School, Manchester. - so that it.s members would have One pf the functions of the foun­ The fact-finders scheduled a the summer roccss. Refreshments The Honor Medal is the mgh- from New Orleans and Baton a ready medium of exchanging To Return will be served. dation will be to raise moniy for meeting for this afternoon with honor the National Council epn Rouge, Lo.. New York City, confidential Information relating research in eye diseases and train "all principals to the dispute.’’ ► MON., TUES., WED. MANCHESTER SfECIALS ^ bestow upon a regi.stered scout for to gambling. ey.- specialists. More than 200 person.s attended meritorious action or life .saving, Chicago, Los Angeles, Las "For a long time.” Mulcahy ssiid Union lenders involved in the Key^West, Ha., June 27 (TP) ------4 the Bueklanri PTA Fair Saturday . Vegas, Atlantic City, Miami, In announcing the new venture strike reacted to the move with and is awarded only after investi- today, "the State Police chiefs of last night ■ in Hartford, Joseph displeasure, skepticism that the —Directly contradictory re­ at the school grounds. Winners of j gaiton by the National Court o f. Biloxi, Miss., and Newport, New England have run into many 100<"r ALL BLKF J the hicycle and doll i a triage con- ■ Today they watch excitedly Dannhauser. West Hartford, lOOF strike really poses a threat to the ports persisted today about Honoi. Ky. difficulties in their fight against eye bahk chairman, said New nation and a warning that even the future of tiie Committee tests were Raymond Dzen. best ! Cub Scout Hayden is the second a.s their new home takes organized gambling. Britain Hospital was picked as the tie-orated bike: Sheny Prior, most boy of the Ea.stcrn Connecticut an 80-dav cooling-off period un­ of Prisoners sent here by Fi­ 7 “Numerous problems arose unusual bicycle, and Pamela Ftil- ' shape. Tomorrow they will Hartford, June 27 (TP)— site of the program because. U has der the law would fail to cool off Council to receive the award sinee i which overran state boundariej^ specialists ' who can transplant i the strikers. del Castro. Havana Radio said let . doll carriage. Judges were ' scouting began in the area in 1910. 1 start their new life. There State Police Commissioner yet there was no agency in ex­ F.thel Robb. Mrs .Maurice corneas and the hospital | Many of the owners of the 200- they -were preparing to return He is the first Cub Scout in; | will be new friends, .schools, Leo J. Mulcahy today dis­ istence with the specific responsi­ has been patnering experience in ^ odd ships that heve been tied up (HAMBURG Willey and Olln Gerich Sr. em Connecticut to be awarded an , to Cuba but the prisoners said CENTER Cl T Cornerstone In at East Catholic Hif>h and various organizations closed the formation of a New bility of filling this void. this specialty for four years. in Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf Coast Honor Med^l. i "NESPAC now fills part of that they were not. Cemslng the cornerstone of the new Ea-st Catholic High School on W, Middle Tpke. is the Rt. Rev as they become part of the England Intelligence Agency The Odd Fellows said the eye ports, welcomed the news and Havana Radio, quoting "unoffl- M.sgr. Robert Doyle, former superintendent of schools in the Archdiocese of Hartford, who directed void. If Attorney General Robert bank in Nev.’ Britain will be the promised the President full co- community. Tb children to fight organized gambling F. Kennedy’s recently proposed cial sources,” said “the Yankee the of the school's construction. In the foreground i.s the Rev. James Connelly, the new —“the life blood of big-time 19t.h in the nation and will be affil- operation. government has caused tha ■superintendent of arrhdioce.san schools. The Rev. Charle.s Shaw, principal of the school, assis'.i growing up, their neighbor­ legislative progiram, . with respect lated with the world’s biggest. Creation of the inquiry board negotiations to fail... the Commit­ Monsignor Doyle. The school will open in September for about 400 freshmen. (Herald photo by WILL DELIVER crime.” which is at the Manhattan Eye, was the first step under the Taft- ork Chops Ofiarfti. hood becomes their whole It is a tightly knit organiz.ation (Continned on Page Ten) tee of Prisoners is preparing to re­ GUARANTEED Edr, Nose, and Throat Hospital. j Hartley law for the settlement of turn to Cuba today to report on the world. What if something This connection will allow Con-j considered national emer- RANCH HOI SE HEAVY WESTERN STEER BEEF A failure of the negotiations.” hour series was necessitated by tneia Guay; Bowers. John Has- : FAR.M were to happen to you? necUcut donors to give their c o r - j ff®bcies. The board was instructed The radio also quoted Prims Stale DAY Posts curient construction at the library fr f:s h C V J \ 9 j Would you not svant vour neas after death for use anywhere i 1° report its findings to the Presi- Minister Fidel Castro as blaming kell: Charter Oak. .Angelo Ges- in the rountty. Similarly, (Jon- Friday. liuilding. In event of rain, the .story mundo and Barbara Duncan: At Reasonable Prices family lo remain in famil­ the defunct Tractors-for-Freedom To Local oiiieii Kuwait State Seeks nectlcut residents who have been] Kennedy can then instruct the Committee for the failure and say­ houis will be in the West Side Green. Joseph Segal and Frances iar surroundings? .Sun Life's I blind by injuries to the cornea may I attorney general to seek an in ing “the committee wants to cheat TI ESD.VVS r.nd FRID.AVS IN receive sight-restoring corneas jubction in a federal court. The ^ Rib Steaks 59m Mis.a Lo ui.'e Copping was elect­ Recrc-ation building. Sweet: Nathan Hale. Mortimer THE .MA.NCHESTER .AREA Mori gage Pjoferlton Policy and blackmail us.” from out of sttae. judge grant at a fem- ed department chaplain, and Mrs. j Miss Marlon Je.sseinan will be Moriarty and Carol Hiiestis; tan salcguard your home A spokesman for the prisoners, the storyteller. Children from five Keeney. Pat Dougherty and Karin Dannhauser said the Odd Fel­ WORLD GREEN ST.AMPS Otto Miller, department patriotic i TEL. Ml 9-9904 Role in Arab League (Continued n«i Page Ten) who declined to be quoted by name, to ten years of age are invited. The Pearson: Robertson. .Io.«eph Twaro- for those vou love. It’s a lows and the lOOF auxiliary, the DOUBLE EVERV WEDNESDAY: instructor at a convention of the Rebeccas, will concentrate on the said flatly; Disabled American Veterans and schedule will be as follows: I nite and Susan King: Valley St.. policy well worth investi- "We are not preparing to lea've. Wedne.sday. stories about our coun­ I Don Seipel and Janice Rourke; Mcmchester Poultry Fflttn busineaa and non-medical facets of auxiliary in Hartford this past 472 KEENEY ST. g.rting. .May I discuss it with WMhington, June 27 UP> — ♦bors to bolster the independence the program. This is the first we have heard of weekend. Both are members of the try's birthday: July 5. oircius I Verplanck’, Alfred Tarlxix. Judith i The UnIM States today sup­ Britain had pledged to protect. it and we are continuing to do our storie.s, and July 12, favorite folk you? This will include accepting Senate Backs 974 i Manchester DAV Auxiliary. ! j Hilin-ski, Joyce Wogmaii: Waddell, - ported the independence of Ku­ Hassan said in a Cairo interview best to secure the freedom of our tales. j Robert Seelert and Joan Kline: | pledges from donors and arranging 'Fhc Manchester Auxiliary was wait "as a sovereign state’’— high-ranking officials of President for transportation of the corneas, companions. We have no news awarded a trophy for its child wel­ I West Side. Mike Gales and Mary WALTER R. and thus opposed Iraq’s Md to Nasser's United Arab Republic are whatsoever, other than what you MAIN i Ann Pagani. RANGE w'ithln 48 hours after death, to the Increases in i fare work, and citations for legis­ annex the oU-rIch sheikdom. In watching the situation closely. hospital where they are to be used. Commando Band in Training (the Associated Press reporter) LECLERC lation. hospital and An.pi PI avgr<»un(l Hours ; Programs at the various play- ' PARTINGTON JR. liOndon, the Foreign OfHoe re­ •:I expect the UAR government have told us.” , grounds w ill include' game.s. arts i rUEL OIL 164 Eawt Center Street stated Britain’s pledge to defend to issue an - official statement The Miami Herald today published this picture by staff photographer Doug Kennedy to illustrate American officials also said they ST. i FUNERAL HOME 1 ' and crafts, story hours and spe- MaDcheater, Conn. Kuwait If refus^. - Wednesday supporting Kuwait’s 9 9 to 116 Social Security a story about anti-Castro volunteers getting air-drop training on a private, field north of Miami. knew nothing of any plans'for tha Set by Rec Dept. , cial events. 311 flMG04—TR 5-8640 stand." he said. They call themseLves the Intercontinental Penetration Force. The "Inter<-Pcn” garrison is led by prisoners to go back. Manchester A Story Hour Starts | GASOLINE Hartford, June 27 i/Pi — The FUISERAL By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Diplomatic source.^ said league State Motor Vehicle Department'^ Washington. June 27 iff’’ — Pres­ Jerry Patrick. left, shown coachiifg a volunteer on parachute handling. (AP Photofaxi. Louis T. Gidci, an ifnmlgration By Lutz Mus(‘uiii The eleven playgrounds super- ; ‘ A Kuwait official 'said a state leaders also are taking a grave Daily record of automobile ident Kennedy's bill to Incresse official a.ssigned to the prisoners SERVICE vised hy the recreation department j , of emergency was proclaimed to­ view of the claim by Iraq's ambi­ fatalities as of last midnight snd Social Security benefits has won here, said: "I don't believe IL day in that oil-rich little sheikdom, tious Premier Abdel Karim Kaa- Do They Want School Aid? There are no such plans.” AMPLE ^ will open Wedne.^iday for nine BANTLY OIL the totals on the same date last Senate passage following a promise Meat, Grocery WALTER N. A story hour at 2:30 pin. weeks. menaced by Iraq's bold bid to an­ sem. ’The little shstkdphl has 200.- year: . John Hooker Jr., executive sec­ LECLERC Wednesday at the We. t Side play­ FREE DELIVERY I .IMI' \\V, l\C S U N LIFE 000 people and oil reserves of J3 by Democratic leaders to bring up retary of the Tractors Committee, F R E E ^ The hours of supervision will be nex It. The army was reported or­ I960 1961 Director ground near Lutz Museum will be | At The PARKADE 'I \l\ -ll!l.i;i dered to the border, so far quiet, million a day. ^ K illed...... 99 116 later this summer a medical ears said he planned to return to Key PARKING the first of three summer programs | 9:30-12 2:30-.%, f>-S. with no eve- • OF to curb any Invasion. Iraq's claim of sovereignty set program for the aged. Prices Dip, Cut West From Miami this afternoon, Call Ml 9-5869 aiT a n g e d by the Mary Clieney Li- ' nin^ programs on Fridays. 11 TEL. Mlfclicii 9-4595 off violent demonstrations in the TTie in««gui«,- -tJassed-yeaterday Ribicoff Ghallenges bringing with him new informalUon LIGGEH DRUG Abdel Azlx Hassen, Kuwait's di­ •0T .Han Dies at 107 23 .M am Sticet, Manchester hrarv. .‘•nnciA'i-soFS for the playgrounds CANADA rector of educatioji, announced little country, for 62 yesrs a Brit­ 90 to 0. now goM to a House-Sen­ Cost of Living (o;( the prisoners., He would - not The change of site for the story are Buckley, Paula Adams and Pa- I i KOCKVILLE TR 5-.1271 these precautions in Cairo, where ish protectorate, wedged between Waterbuiy. Jpne 27 i.Pi—Leon­ ate Conference Committee to iron say'■what'the iiifortrtatlon was. Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Air Pas­ ard Demmons, who as a boy of 11 Yesterday. Hooker said he ex­ • ------he Is to submit the sheikdom’s ap­ out minor differences. plication for membership in the sengers arriving in Cairo said peo­ watched the furor that swept the It would let men retire at age States’ Rights Chiefs Washington, June 27 (JPi — The pected to have "a decision” by Arab Lteagiie. Such a membership ple were vowing to take up arms North on Lincoln's assassination, 62 under social security, boost the cost of living dipped one-tenth of against any threat to their inde­ died yesterday at 107. minimum monthly check from $33 one per cent In May because of low­ (Contlnaed on Page Ten) would give It equal footing with pendence. Iraq and other sovereign nations ’The grandson of a man who was to $40. raise widow’s benefits by 10 Honolulu. June 27" uPi — ’The na-^Kennedy a program of grants for er meat and grocery bills, the ^ "Evenx Iraqis living in Kuwait brought to this country as a slave per cent and add 160.000 persons to Labor Department reported today. In Middle Bast councils. partlcipateil in the demonstra­ tion's governors tackled the achool achool construction and teachers’ ’The league’s acting secretary- but himself a bom freeman, Dem­ benefit rolls. salaries i.4 "roqted and nourished in Deputy Commissioner Robert J. tions.” Hassan said. “Cables sup­ mons was active at a variety of An expected fight over medical financing problem today with con­ 5^’ers of the Bureau of Labor general, Dardirl Ismail, told news­ porting Kuwaiti independence are politics." men that before the league con­ jobs until he lost a leg at 91. Ten care for the aged failed to devel­ ference speakers attacking and de­ He added it "relies upon the Statistics said the unusual drop pouring In from the whole Arab years later he was heard to grum­ op. A Republican proposal was Inspired an unidentified staff poet Bulletins siders Kuwait’s application, SeefV- world." fending the Kennedy aid-to-educa- quick but illusory' proposition that tarj’ General Abdel Khalek Has- ble. "If I hadn't lost my leg I'd withdrawn after Democratic as­ tion program. the federal income tax Is inex­ to this verse: Culled from AP Wires Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, neigh­ still be working." surances the House would conduct "Down goes beef steak and up suna will use Its good offices in bors on the Arabian peninsula, Secretary of Health, Education haustible ’ M effort to settle the Kuwait- At 101 Demmons admitted. "I hearings on the subject next and Welfare Abraham A, Ribicoff The school aid controveray at a goes rent. have always had close ties and month. “This lowers the index by one- Irmq dispute.. this was emphasized in a broadcast was a wild one in my youth and I aent a blunty-w'orded challenge to scheduled business session pre­ ATTY. POMERANTZ JAILED still like my liquor and tobacco Sen. Jacob K. Javits. R-N. Y., “statea’ righta’’ opponents of Pres­ ceded a slate dinner tonight at tenth per cent. Saudi Arabia .has alreadj,' pro­ by Radio Mecca of a statement by chief sponsor of the GOP plan, ‘Take time out for three strong New Haven, June 37 (/P> — claimed support of Kuwait and King Saud: strong." ident Kennedy’s measure. He asked which Vice, President Lvndon B. WilUam Pomerantz, 53. a Hart­ Beautiful way to Demmons followed no particular served notice, however, that he them to specify which. If any. of cheers ^- Kuwait’s ruler. Sheik Abdullah Al- ‘‘^ft should be knowri to every- Johnson was to review the grave ford attorney, was sentenced to­ regimen for longevity, except would seek to force a vote on the existing federal school aid pro­ international situation that has "We’il be living for nothing in 83 sallm As’sabah, was seeking ad­ issue )>efore the 1961 session ends. years.” day to serve 90 days of a one- ditional backing among his neigh- (Continued on Page Five) ‘When I’m tired I go to bed early grams they would be willing to furnished an uneasy background to .vear jail sentence for evading and get up late—other times I go He said it should not be made a give up. this otherwise gay and colorful At 127.4 per cent of the 1947-49 political football in an election year Ribicoff, unable to attend, sent consumer pri'ce average, the Index taxes on a 1054 Income of gS6,- to bed late and get up early." SSrd annual conference. .598. U.S. District Court Jndge His last years he spent with h^s such as 1962. Asst. Secretary James M. Quigley has not fluctuated up or down by ... a IfitaiM phone Sen. Clinton P. Anderson. D- Governors and their families more than a small fraction In the Robert P. Anderson Imposed daughter and her family, cultiya-1 to read his remarks. get extra comfort ting a small patch of poppies b e - I N.M. chief sponwr of the soeW Raymond Moley, contributing collected stmbums on the beaches last eight months. I the sentence on Pomerantz, and added poundage at such because, as he recently Vonfided to , f^cunty approach to editor of Newswreek Magazine, said In May. there was a decline of j who had pleaded nolo conten­ Custodian Denies in the Senate, said he, too. strong­ typical Hawaiian affairs as a four-tenths of one per cent in food , dere (no contest) to the single 11^ < a t friend, "I like to have living waterside liiau, a feast featuring a count on June 6. A second things around me.’’ ly hoped tor action at this ses­ prices, caused mainly by an un- 1 in your bedroom sion. roast pig. seasonal drop in meats and poultry, j count, involving unreported In­ 'The social security bill cleared But in conversations with each On the other hand, there was an j come for 1955, was nolled. Prior Riders Miscreated 10 Yearn Sentence by the Senate yeaterday carries News Tidbits other and with newamen many of advsince of two-tenths of one per ! to the sentencing, Assistant 17.8. and security Hartford. June 27 (.Pi—A 80-year-, out most of Kennedy’s recommen- them made It clear they are appre­ cent in non-food Items w’hlch go ; ■Yttomey Henry Stone said Night-time pecurily is yours with the new Princess phone from the AP Wires hensive about new threatening that Pomerantz had a total In­ By THE A8600L\'n&D PRESS ' Shilman said after his party I old Bo.ston man has been sfn-1 datloiia in the field and is quite into the living costs of the aver­ — plus step-saving comfort both day and night. The lovely tenced to 16 years in prison for j similar to the House version. gestures made by Sortet Premier age city family. come of $450,000 during the A young “Freedom Rider’s" was arrested June 2 in Jackson, Nikita Khrushchev. . period of 1943 to 1950, but did Pegler asked "leading quMtions” ' taking part In the robbery of a In all, about 4.42 million persons There ■were higher prices for Princess fits neatly on any bedside stancT, in half the space story ot brutal treatment inflicted ! bank in Wamirk, R.I.. on March would gel new or increase pay- Thrse thousand refugees from Gov. David L. Lawrence,’ Penn- used cars and gasoline, medical , not file an Income tax return In" on riders at the Mississippi State including whether they thought East Pakista.i riot in protest aylvanla Democrat, proposed the of a regular phone. And look! . . . lift the receiver and the 23., 4 ments totaling $780 million the firrt care and hospital Insurance, ciga­ any of those years. However, Penitentiary brought prompt com­ Mrs. Franklin D. Roosewit was In addition. Henry I. Horton was year under the legislation. ^ against government plans to re­ conference go on record as solidly rettes. and clothing. the statute of limitations cov­ ment from Sheriff J. R. Gllfoy that Communist-inclined. settle them In regions outside Ben­ behind Kennedy in any negotia­ Because the May drop in the in­ ered the period until 1954. Dnr-.. dial lights up . . . flick a switch and you h.ive a soft-glow "they’re all being treated well and "I never mentioned communism, (Continued on Page Ten) I (Oonttaned on Page Fear) gal . . . Chinese Nationalist Air tions ,)vlth Khrushchev. dex, about 23,00c employes of vari- ■ lug that 'period. Stone sold, night light. everybody )inows it.” at least not In connection with Force report they dropped 60,000 Gov. Mark O. Hatfield, Oregon Otis metal working companies will \ Pomerantz had gross legal fees In any room in your house, here’s the nicest extension ’The sheriff at Jackson serves as Mra Roosevelt.” Pegler said. The food ponela over wide area of Republican, said his party will get one-cent hourly pay cut. Their ' of $630,000. custodian of riders con'victed on columnist said he was allowed to Communist China... .Five mem­ unite behind the President on Ber­ labor union contracts have , phone ever. Choose the in white, beige, pink, breach of peace charges in con­ interview some of the riders but bers of a British aolentiflc axpedl- lin. But he said the GOP reserves for wage adjustments to index ; END8 GENEVA BOYCOTT nection with efforts to desegregate he didn't recall Shilmian being tioii pieounred drowned when' their blue, or turquoise. To order or find out more, call our the right' '.‘to disagree and to con­ change.*. Geneva. June *7 (JPi—Prince tranaportation facilities in that among them. Court Blocks Challenge small plaotle boat oapstzea off the structively offer criticism.” Myers said about 123,000 will re­ Deep South city. To date, 163 Pegler said he asked some ques­ bleak Arctic Island of Jan May­ Boun Oum. head of the pro- business office or ask any telephone man. „ “I do not believe that we ought ceive increases' of tw'o to three Western Vientiane government ol riders have been found guilty. tions designed to bring out that en. to try to _muzzle the opposition cents hourly, reflecting price ad­ 2 I,aos, ended his boycott of the Gilfoy denied charges made in a the riders had bean “denied some Officials cling to hope that three merely for the sake an(t In the vances last year which could not ' New York interview yesterday by basic education.” One of the ques­ On License Suspension men and a boy mlasing slnoe Sun­ name of national unity,” he told a be added to pay checks earlier be- 14-power Geneva Conference at I Its 24th session today. Former ^ f i ' ” - Kennth Shilman, an 18-year-oId tions, he said, was whether they day an Lsdee Champlain will be Ribicoff’s message told the gov-1 cause of a ceiling on the amount J whits youth from Oceanside, N J . knew Mrs. RoMevelt had stated found sa fe.. ,tnventor>’ filed in Premier Phoui Sananlkone, rep­ % ■> ernors that those who cry out loud- j of pay boost which can be received- resenting the five Laos politick "Shilman’s wrhole story is exag­ Hartford. June 27 The Con-tappealed Supreme Court. Middlesex county probate court eet about Statea’ Rights invariably In any single year. gerated,’’ he said. ‘"The facts In it (Continued on Pi Five) Bhows Bernard Ooldftne’s rotate parties supporting Boun Oum, 4 nectic^ Supreme Court of Errors The Supreme O nirfs unani­ took a seat among the nations are diatorted and colored up.” mous opinion, written by Associ­ wojitt flA mUlion.. .Chreus truck todsyroisniissed an appeal by a (Continued on Page Four) (Continued on Page Five) discussing his country’s fate. Shilman said Chicago Riders motorist who challenged the ate Justice Ho\\'ard Alcorn, noted loaded with choirs swerves off IVa- j Felix Singer, 32, and Terry Sulli­ terbury road injuring a passenger | Hit.herto, Boun Oum had refused state’s right to deprive speeding that Young’a appeal aought to in approve, a Laotian delegate to van, 23, were stripped naked and Dublin Elects drivers of their licenses. vacate an order which »’os effec­ In the cob of the vehicle. dragged 60 yards along a concrete tive only for a 30-day period from the six-week-old conference. 7 The High Court'.* decision by­ corridor after they refused to take ident Seen Ready to Take Stand passed the question of whether the April 1. 1960. RICKEY HAS HEART ATTACK off their clothing and walk to their Jewish Mayor I state motor vehicles commissioner It said Young’s "immediate elation, predicts trucks will dl»-' cells. , e I is empowered to suspend licenses need” in launching legal action pUce railroada in next 20 years. . . Pittsburgh, June 37 (B—Branch ‘"The skin wem tearing off their Police continue tc chose down tele­ On Desegregation in Schools Rlekey, long-time magnate In By MICHAEL ROONEY' ] of convicted speeders. Instead, the was a stay of his license suspen­ bodies and the extreme pain I court dismissed the motorist's ap- sion “pending the determination phone tipc in hunt for a thiii, major league boaebell and father showred on their faces,” said Shil­ Dublin, Ireland, June 27 (P — smooth-faced woman described as of basehall’s farm system, euf- ; peal on grounds his case was of ultimate Issue.” By G. K. HODEXFIELD ('".strong" only by comparison with man, who waa freed Saturday af­ For the second time in five years "This remedy,” the High Court kb'nap-slayer of 3-year-old An­ fered a heart attack today In ter posting a $500 appeal bond. . "academic.” drew Ashley . . . Actor Hunie Atlantic City. N. J., June 27 i/P‘— ' action at other NEA conventions. Canada, Rickey’s personal secre­ the. Irish of Dublin have picked I The appeal was made by Rich­ said, "was available either by a The National Education As^cia- For instance, the NEA. with a ’The sheriff said the two first temporaty- injunction . . . or by Cronyn and two Nassau business­ tary reported In nttsburgh. The refused to leave the truck which themselves a Jewish lord mayor. ard Young, Bridgeport, who was men drift In small boat in heavy tlon, whose ranlu have been sinit in : membership of 765,000 educators, secreta^, Ken Blackburn, eold took them from Jackson to the He’s Robert Briscoe,, of course, arrested March 10, 1960. for speed­ administrative action requested of seoa for more than 34 hours before the past by bitter battles over never has said flatly that it ap- Rickey waa stricken abont 0 a-m. penitentiary at Parchman, 130 the ardent Irishman and Orthodox ing in Darien. He pleaded guilty and taken bv the commissioner rescue. achool desegregation. . appears | proves of the 1954 Supreme Court I on his private fishing telaad near miles to the northwest, then ley Jew election as Dublin’s and paid a $12 fine two weeks Henry F. Hensel, Socialist Party ready this year to lake a stand on decision on segregated schools. Toronto. Blackburn sold Rickey dowm at the entrance to the maxi­ first Jewish mayor created some­ later. "The plaintiff did not seek ad­ chairman, reports party ..^ es, out the issue with a minimum of bick­ This year's proposed resolution at was flown from the island to a mum security unit where they thing of a sensation. ; Young wa.s notified that his ministrative action, and although any sociallst-repabllcan ralUbn in ering. least acknowledges that decision hospital In Sudsberry, Canada. j driver’s license had been suspend­ his complaint claimed Injunctive The powerful resolutions com­ and the changes it has brought to | Gift Idea: Handy extension phones make wonderful gifta were jailed. In 1956 he became mayor when Nov. 7 mayoralty election . . Gov­ The seriousness of his oondltioa "We dragged them 15 feet along his name was pulled from a black ed for 30 days, effective April 1, relief, it was not verified by oath, ernment of Venezuela reports 16 mittee of the NEA convention iias the public schools. was not known. for birlhdaya, weddings, anniversaries and other special the concrete hallway inside the bowler to break a tie. By the same 1960, and he launched legsl pro­ which is a prerequisite to action killed and nine wounded in brief offered.the strongest policy state­ In previous years, the NEA haa 1 -' C 1 by the court..." settled for statements similar to ■J-' ■ 1 occasions. And for a special treat, make it a Princess! building,’’ the sheriff said. "That traditional draw the next year, ceedings. revolt yesterday' by the Barcelona ment on desegregation in NEA his­ I lULJNBKI DEFEATED t concrete is smooth finished and he missed re-election. He contended that the motor The decision said the period of army garrison. tory. one adopted last year in Los An-1 Orange, June 37 (89 — John couldn’t tear them. I saw them my­ But in the city cotincil election vehicles commissioner. John J. Ty­ Young's license Suspension "has Ohio penitentiary' physicians re­ It falls far short of what man.v geles. urpng that "all citizens ap­ /elenski of the Wallingford self and there wasn’t a mark on night Alderman Briscoe drew nan. acted illegally, firbitrarily long since expired. No blemish on port convicted wife slayer. Dr. Negroes and many northern and proach the matter of de.segrega-! tion in the public schools \rtth the; Country Club, who^works tUghts THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY them.” 22 votes against a total of 21 for and in abuse of his discretion in the plaintiff’s drUung record Samuel Sheppqrd, has no indica­ weatern whites would like. How­ so he can play golf days, ousted Meanwhile Jackson City Judge his three opponents. The public ordering the license suspension. would be affected by a decision of tion of cancer resulting from vol- ever, it seems to have at least spirit of, good will and respect for law.” Medalist Jerry CourvlUe of the James Spencer sentenced another galleries burst into applause, and Young also claimed the suspen- this appeal, because such a blem­ imteer cancer experiments . . . token support from them, and from Shorehaven (kmatry Olnl^ t Bp, 33 riders to four months in Jail and Briscoe took the gold chain from siem was a hardship, since he need­ ish would arise from his pica of John O. Haverlick of LnkeviUe, soi:thern whites as well. The resolution proposed this today Ih a 30-bole lin t reond fined them $200 each for breach a member of another minority ed the license to commute to his guilty to the charge rather than placed on two-year probation for The policy statement ^ s offer­ year is the first one ever to carry even a hint of action by the NEA. match of the Oonneotleat A na- of peace to lilke his total to 163. group in ■ this. over^hebnJngly Job in Stamford. from the suspension of his license.” embezzling union funds . . . U. S. ed at an open meeting /5f the re­ teur OoIfOhami TTie judge thus continued giving Catholic . Capital, Maurice Ddtk- The case went to Superior Court The Supreme Court noted that Ambassador to South Korea, Sam­ solutions committee ymterday. In It directs the officers and direc­ contrast to past years, its recep­ tors of the associiiUon "to be alert Brook. Stan liUlnskl of maximum penalties' to each rider, erell, ,a Protestant. in-vj^iidgeport, where Judge Friink Young’s complaint alleges hiVd- uel D.'^Berger, presents his creden­ cheater, who won the BBinBt* a practice hs has follow^ since fNow 67, Briscoe is probably the T. Healey ruled that the state mo­ ship through the licensa auspon- tials to President Yun Po-Sun. tion was mild. No one, of course, to the possibilities for planning June 8. V dares predict what the 6,000 voting and Initiating actions” which will, nary quaBfylng medal at Wetb* best known mayor Dublin haa ever tor vehicles commissioner hss au­ sion, ajid said: BBtimatsd 10,000 farmers put up enfield, waa another tlrat jl Another atatsmsiit. by Shilman bad. thority to suspend licenses 6f eeo- **n>a question prsawtad U sco- luod Ueckades in Western France delegates will do when the resolu­ among other things, “assure the dtaiiutad by columnist 'Weat- tions come up for a vote Friday. rotBid vtettm, bowtag I t vieted speeders. to pntest Oovtmmont farm poU- CoateOe o t MIU RlvMr, B ^ tavok Paglsr ta New Tork. « Page SaTMiX It WBS this niUng Biet Teuag « «■ JTsgq U to) lU s jrear’B reaolutlon ^peara (Oonttnned ea Fag* Two)

-J.— ■T.lf ’(IT

FACE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 gAGB IH i i i 7 Students Coventry best appearing ladlei’ auxiliary, Earl C. Lovell, L«aUe J. Murray, sion will beat the Coventry Orange Mrs. Walter R. Siwek. Anyone not RockvillcrV emon older 4-H meoalMra to serve as Most Directors Warm beat senior band, best junior band, Peahl I. Potter, Shirley A. Rowell, Hall on Rt. 44A. contacted who wishes tickets may junior counselors. The minimum Third Graders Sheinwold on Bridge department from the greatest dis­ James T. Rowley Jr., Karen M. The Registrars of Voters will obtain them from any of the com­ age is 16. Registration deadline is Given Grants tance, and the department with Toedt, Allan W. Waas and Pauline also work on caucus lists during mittee. July 15. Old ^Steamer^ the most men In line.'' A. WhilNi. the sesidon and malre any neces­ 4H Camips Slated Act Out Stories Toward Golf Club Plan Medals for the "best senior and About Town sary changes. New caucus lists Manchester Evening Herald Cov­ B y BE SUSPICIOUS South dealer junior majorettes will also be must be filed with the town clerk In Two Sessions Mrs. Carlton's Grads 8 Bt Htoek- Kiwanis given. The Rotairy Club dinner meet­ entry ooirespondent, F. Pauline Rockville-Vernon OF OPPONENTS Neither tide vulnembls To Highlight ing wrlll be held at 8:45 p.m. to- by July 21. Uttle, telephone Pilgrim 3-6ZS1. ley School recently .prsaantsd t m By Alfred Sheinwold NORTH Three of the 34 Coventry grad­ Saturday is the deadline for The Tolland County senior and Sev«n achol«rshir>8. totaling: S2.- A majority of the board of directors has expreased a friend­ A A 10 7 < moiyow at the vestry , of First dramatizations of atoriss from Don’t look now, but the players uates of Windham High School Congregational Church. Sylvester permanently physically disabled junior 4-H camps will be held this St. John’s Women 050, have been awarded by the Ki- ly interest in a recent announcement by the Manchester at your right and l«ft are your (9987 were National Honor Society stu­ persona to apply for a special ses­ children’s reading books. wania Club of Manchester to Man­ Country Club which is seeking to buy land from the towh 0 A K 2 Fire Parade J. Ploufe will be In charge of the sion to be made a voter. The forma year from July 23 to 38 and from -e a te r High School g^-aduatea for opponents. If they hand you a gift, dents and 13 also graduated with program. Shea on Group Appoint Chairmen They were "New Bbbda” and and reestablish the club as a private organization. look for the , hook. 4 K 10 7 honors. may be had from Town Clerk El­ Aug. 6 to 11, respectively, ac­ "The Rabbit and the Pins-Qum collage, art or nursing school All statements of the d i r e c t o r s , ...... ' ~ ' ...... —~ WEST EAST An old-time steamer, horse- The Coventry Boating Club will more A. Turkington at his office cording to the county club agent, Wolf.” The cast for "New Shoes*' atu4y. it was announced today by When this hand was played re­ A K 3 2 drawn, fire fighting engine from The three national honor pupils Studying Juries The executive committee of St. however, both those mildly in fa­ ll; cently In a French tournament. A J 5 4 were Robert S. Cleverdon, darol I. present a water ski exhibition at 2 in the Town (>ffice Building. The Albert B. Gray. John’s Episcopal Churchwomen re­ included Donald Wilson, the pjsd- Herman J. Heck, Kiwania Club looked Into on a pure buslnesa <9 K 6 5 4 3 <9 Q 10 2 Yantic will be one of the features p.m. Sunday at ' the Lakewood vor and those mildly opposed, were basis. West led a heart, and the queen Mahr and Burton K. Merrifleld Jr. building Is open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 ; Republican John F. Shea Jr., The campsite will be the Wind­ cently appointed chairmen for Ihe dier; Roger Feder, Farmer Orotf; presi—nt. qualified by reservations until fur­ 0 5 0 Q 10 4 of the Silver Jubilee Anniversary Heights Beach, (Coventry Lake. p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday ham County 4-H Center at Ab- Denise Pinkman, Mrs. Oniff; Awarding of the largest number “I think the town of Manchester drove out South's ace. Declarer Ab A 1 i The 13 honor pupils were John Manchester re'presentative to the coming year. They are Mrs. Wil­ ther information Is obtained from cashed the top diamonds and led a “ parade of the North and Soutih W. Brainard, Judith A. (Tamarco, There will be adequate parking fa­ and Friday and Saturday from 9 lng:ton, about 27 miles east of liam S. Simpson, supply box; Mrs. Nancy Rohan, Mrs. Friendly; Joey of scholarships in the club's his- the country club. ought to have a prlvata country SOUTH Coventry Fire Departments Jufy cilities Jn the area, according to a.m. until noon. state legislature, has been ap­ Rockville. i LeBlanc, Tommy Tumble;' and torj’ was made possible, he ex­ club' as well as a public golf third diammd from dummy. Blast 22. Robert T. C!halecki, Patricia L. Lawrence T. Small, devotions; Open House at Country Cluh Pool Those who were mildly in favor >>») took the queen of diamonds, and A Q ? • Crocker, Karen L. DePoTt, Linda Ellsworth Mitten, club president. Center Sets Barbecue pointed to a committee to re­ Gray said a program greatly Mrs. Jeannette Sullivan, hospital­ Sheila Douton, Patsy Painter. plained. by funds raised in the ra­ course," he said. <9 A J One of the main features of the The Nathan Hale Community dio auction project. were four Republicans, Mayor Har­ Director Anderson said. "I don't '\ West got rid of two spades. 0 J 9 8 7 « The parade will highlight the L. Gergler, Edward L. Hathaway, study the state’s jury system. changed from former years has ity; Mrs. David L. Evans, United The cast of "The Rabbit and the A postponed ‘'open house” for members af?d prospective members old Turkington. Thomas Bailey, three-day flrlt annual carnival of exhibition will be that of a human Center ways and means commit­ A bill was passed In the re­ been planned for the summer Those who received scholarships and their families is scheduled at the Manchester Country Club think the present lease they have East returned the deuce of ♦ 9 8 6 ■ Raymond C. McKinney, Barbara Thank Offering Mrs. Douglas J. Pine-Gum Wolf” were Allen Cher- Francis Dellafcra and Eric Ander­ hearts to the king, and W(eat led the two local fire departments on water kite. Included also will be tee will sponsor a public chicken cent legislative session author­ camp seselons by former senior Roberts, white envelopes; and nard, Mr. Bear; Charles Qowen, and the schools they will attend in^ Swimming Association pool tomorrow from 5 to 8 pm. Mem­ Is (oo favorable for the country West NetfhE m! July 20, 21 and 22 at the Plains L. Palmer, Sandra J. Fderson, Sha­ ski jumping acts. barbecue from noon to 2 p.m. July elude Miss Judith Anne Cook. 323 bers and ^isitors may inspect facilities. There will be swim­ son. and one Democrat, William club. I think the town should en­ another heart to East's ten. The Past 1 A Pats ron T. Proulx, Nancy M. Szeluga, izing the appointment of the com campers and representatives of Mrs. James L. Grant, publicity. Mr. Rabbit; Alton Hare, Mr. Frog; Collins. defenders had managed the hearts Athletic Field. Enrollment Seaaion Set 16 at the grounds at the center. mittee. the camp committee. The date of Sept. 11, was set lor Kenny Kupferberg, Mr. Raccoon; Woodbridge St . Southern Connec­ ming. and refreshments will be .served. The pool opened for Mie courage the country club to re­ AH Pass Trophies will be awarded, John and Gladys M. Wilhelm. ticut State College in New Haven; Those who were neutral were Re­ main In Manchester. I think the very cleverly to avoid giving de­ Opening lead — ^ 4 •Present voters are reminded In case of rain the affair will be Members of the committee will Club members who are 14 years the Installation of new officers. Robert Bujak, coyote; David Rood, season Saturday The pool will be open dally with life guards publican Donald Conrad and Demo­ Klein, parade chairman, has an­ Other graduates were: Gwen­ there will be an enrollment session held inside the building. be two senators, two representa­ old or over as of July I will be Miss Judith F l>arson. 110 Oak on duty at all times In event of rain, the open house will t-o country club is a definite asset to clarer a second trick in the suit, dolyn D. Brand, Donald E. Bums, They are Miss Eva Little, presi­ deer; John Filloramo, muskrat; crat Ted Powell. but now the lead was in the Ekist nounced. Judging will be for the to register with a political party Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sasman tives, a judge from the Superior eligible for senior camp. dent; Mrs. Roberts, vice presi­ James Coughlin, Pine Gum Wolf; Grove St.. I ’p.sala College. East re-scheduled for the first fair day following the town." best appearing department In W. Robert DeLorge, Veronica E. Friday from noon to 8 p.m. will serve as co-chairmen. Assist­ Orange. N. J . Michael A Geciaus- C' Those who were mildly opposed "At present I have no feelings hand. How was West going to get clarer would get the club trick af- Court, and a ’member of the Con­ Gray said applications should dent; Mrs. Douglas H. Fisk, treas­ Terry Nassiff, ’possem; and Bar­ were Republican Robert Gordon te ' all. Then declarer could cash shirts, best appearing department Dragon, Alessandra F. Eremita, In the First District, the session ing will be Mrs. Clarence A. Brad- necticut Bar Association. be made early b/^ause of possible urer; and Mrs. John H. Moffat, bara Goss, turtle. kas. 50 Starkweather St . Colgate on a municipal golf course," he in to run the two last hearts? In blouses, best appearing appara­ Robert W. Gould, Raymond E. will be held at the "rown Office Vniversity. Hamilton. N. 'V . and and Democrat FYancls Mahoney. said. Gift Offered dummy's ace of spades and lead field, Mrs. H. E. Burnett, Mrs. Ar­ Appointments are being made limited attendance. secretary. . The members of the class also Miss Mary Ella Zeigler of Coven­ Asked to Consider 'East returned the jack of clubs, a low spade toward his hand to get tus, oldest hand-o^rated appara- Gudelevlcus, Roberta H. Hansen, Building. thur Forst, Mrs. Harry A. Jack- by the speaker of the House and He said there will be oppor­ A program for the coming year perfoimed a novelty act, singing Director OlUns said, "The issue, tUB, oldest motor-driven apparatus. Susan E. Humes, Judith A. Love, In the Second District, the ses­ son, Mrs. Herman F. LeDoyt and try, Hartford Art School, all 1061 ISEA Seen Ready to Take Stand A committee appointed by club it seems to me, is this, whether we and South accepted the gilt a spade and the rest of the dia­ the president of the Senate. tunity for a limited number of was also formulated. and dancing. graduates of Manchester High president Veon Terry has asked want a private golf course. I gratefully. He took dummy’s king monds. South would make his con­ School. the board to consider selling land don’t think it would be proper for ! 'li of clubs and returned a low spade tract instead of going down three. Also. Miss Sylvia Smith. 27 Mad­ On Desegregation in Schools In the Globe Hollow tract on S. a private organization to buy wa­ in the hope of getting to his own Dally Question J, ison St., and Miss Nanty Hall. 45 Main St. tershed property." Some other hand with the queen of spades. Partner opens with one apade, Morse Rd.. both 1961 MHS gradu­ What part of the "tract, or how part of the tract other than water­ Alas for trusting declarers! East and the next player passes. You ates. who will both enter Hartford (Continued from Page Duel "let us work this out In our own much the club would be willing to shed might be proper to sell, he 11 stepped up with the king of hold: Spades—K 3. 2; Mearts—Q Hospital School of Nursing. The pay for It, have not been deter­ ‘ maintenance of free pu'ollc way." said. spades, caiAed the ace of clubs and 10 2; Diamonds—Q 10 4 3; Clubs Kiwanis scholarship committee If the same spirit holds Friday, mined. A private course "adds tone to led a club to West’s queen. West —A J 2. What do you say ? also renewed its award to Miss schools; promote good will, fair- The club presently leases land a community, ’ he said. "On the thereupon took the rest of the TONIGHT TILL 9 ... WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY 9 to 9 the resolution will pass in a breeze. ■ fef,(i Answer: Bid two notrump. This Maureen E. McKeever. 69 N. i ness and respect for law; offer Vernon McDaniel, executive sec­ On the east and west sides of S. other hand, I think the town. If It tricks. South was down three and bid promises 13 io 15 points, with School St., a 1960 graduate of possibilities of reducing hoetilUy." retary of the Teachers State As­ Main St. for about 118.000 a year. car afford It, should provide a mu­ didn’t even get a trick with dum­ strength In all unhid suits. You are Manchester High School, for her When the meeting was thrown sociation, a Negro affiliate of the Membership In the club ie open nicipal golf course. my’s ace of spades. one point short, but have two ten- sophomore year at Central Con­ open for discussion, there was a NEA, told reporters the proposed to any resident of Manchester who Details Not Difficult If South hSd been a su^ilcious spots by way of compensation. necticut State Collegfe in New Brit­ parade of delegates to the micro­ Statement includes most of the slants to buy a membership. "If you agree in p rin ci^ , the soul, he’d have refused the club This Is close enough for practical ain. phone. urging a stronger stand. points the Negroes had asked for. Non-members may play occa­ Ironing out of the details U not trick. Then what could East do? purposes. Members of the Kiwanis scholar­ sionally by paying greens fees of difficult. I see no reason why it mmW He could take the ace of clubs and (Copyright 1041, General i ship committee are Edson M. Unlike past years, however, no "Don't say we are satisfied wrlth $4 on weekends and holidays and can't be concluded to the mutual lead another club, so that de- Features Corp.) Bailey, chairman; Dr. EMw-ard L. Negro pleaded that the NBA take it," he said. "Let’s just say this is $2 on weekdays. satisfaction of all concerned," he Be«ser, George U Davis. L>-nwood a firm stand supporting the Sup­ a resolution we can live with." The town bought the 1,000-acre said. whether or not to sell town land K. EHmore, Raymond B. Gorman, reme Cknirt decision. No southern From all indications, the south­ 7 Globe Hollow tract froni Cheney Director Bailey said, "I favored would have very little effect on License Fees Increase and Dr. Robert E. Kama. educator took the floor and asked. ern whites feel the same way. Bros, in 1955 for $1.5 million. In­ a private club before and I favor my decision. I would be looking Tide, ^nds. cluded In the purchase was the it now. for much more.” The State Board of Fisheries area which the Country Club had "I opposed the lease before, not Director Mahoney said, "I would and Game reported today that Weather occupied for many years through berause I didn't want a private like to know more. Maybe, if the fees for combined hunting, fish­ an arrsmgement with the Cheney cUib, but because I didn't think the people liad to vote to buy this ing and trapping licenses will 'Windsor I12,000.000 $17.95 for drapes and upholstery. Super the time of your lives with enough cash to cover travel, motels and hotels, sightseeing, dining— ...IT WILL BE REMEMBERED FOREVER! sized reservoir never needs spiecial to do all the things you’ve wanted to do for a water—even in hard water areas. long time. You'll travel carefree, knowing that you have enough money ' INNERSPRING HOLLYWOOD BED €mnk MONnaV PAYMINT SCHIDWI . . . and that your 20 JR 12 6 J b U lI M P ' Peymts pmrmit Ptyaatt SEE THESE OTHER LADY CASCO DESIGNER MATCH-MATES FOR... loan is with folks you f a Petmt! TKHNICOLOl* trust: HFC. Drop in or $IM i 6.72 % 7.27 810.03 81&46 STUDIO COUCH OUTFIT-COMPLETE A New Look of Modem Luxury ...A New Concept o f Modern Performance JM 13.07 14.18 19.74 36.55 phone for courteous, 3M 19.25 20.91 29.27 54.48 / REGULARLY 99.50 REGULARLY 99.50 reliable assistance. 5M 30.83 33.61 47.55 89.47 aANK rnncK Mini/iNu COSTAL 6M 36.41 39.74 56.48 106.80 AVM.0N N»NrMBi/CMu«ALU/a Mfiiun UOK •tilU l* 9MRV M ni* T S t i i ttSmU o lo o r SmitS tm f n Life Insurance at nfymnUnSimelmStttdtU.lfJSutioiCitStrS group rale is available «m i 4 m Smimmmt at SU S m Ust $ 5 8 - 8 8 • far m»alk am I M pari a i Ota tmUmaa $ 5 8 -8 8 on all loans •• aaaau at 1/00 amt mat •• lataat ^ SJDO, mmd •A of 1% far tmoaaS am Ikmt faal a t Ita fmlamia M aataat at SM O ta StOO. ■II n o b t FREOEBICK" Fealore lot ToaUe Starts Wed. OUSEHOLD FINANCE The Orj^lMl Caret “OONK w HtH t h e WINB" MANCHIfTIR tHOPnNO PAMCAM Sleeps two comfortably. INNERaPRING MATHUESS 382 Middia TumpNc^ WbsI' IHf Bi!>r AHEAD OE T!iE RESl Choice of colors and fab­ AND BOX SFBINO ON USG8 Potterton’sKaMsliMter’s latrgoat and OUeat TV, RvUe, Record and Appliance Store. FULX.Y GUARANTCaED 2nd Hoor-vMItclMH 3-27'38 rics. Fully ffuaraAtecd. OHOIOE OF COLORS OF HEADBOARD 130 cann ST. Con»r of Cl COMIMG JULY ■mb n III Mm. hH -A ^-M to • M . M. Read Herald Advs. ^REE DELIVERY! J P TO M MONTHS to PAY MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER* CONN^ TUESDAY, JUNE «7, 19ftl MANCHESTER EVENING HERALDi MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY, JUNE 27,. 1961 PAOIIM Richard It. Lyman, Wapping; Tlia* RockviUe-Vernon odor# Lsppin, 81 W. Mlddla Senate Backs Mra. Xdna Wilson, Vemon; Mrs. PRESGRUmONS Bolton fiylvla Nett, 88 Oakland St.; Free Delivery Court Blocks Challenge Increases in Charles Thomas, Coventry: Clar­ Second G>nsolidation Defeat ence W. Custsr, Coventry; Mrs. LIQBEn DRUE Sandra Ross, South Windsor; Gary SHOPPING ^ABKADE St. Maurice Elderkln, 29 Fox HUl Dr., Rock- INVITATION Generates Strong Reaction Social Security vllte; Linda D. MacArdle, 20 Con­ On License Suspension stance Dr.; Albert 2** Women Honor A warn) welcome awaits any invertor (OoatUuad from Pag* Oae) IlMcUen wse «tron* In V*mon^the right cour*« In supporting eon- Middle Tpke.; Mra. UUlan Strick­ (Ctenttaned from Paga Om ) to our new office. Drop in, won’t you? land, 27 LUlian Dr.; Marcia Fert court bad erred in its charge to teday In ths waic« o f conaolida- solidatJon. the Jury hearing the case. These would be financed by an guson, Columbia; John Sheridan, demlc, and w* must refuse to *n- Two Members tIOB'a Mcond defeat in the apace "If the people don't want me In Increaie tn the aoclal eeeuiity tax The court also ordered a new office," he said, "they can put me 83 Oak St.; Mra. Doris Schllchtlng, ATTIC FANS tertaln the appeal." trial in a damage suit brought b.v Open Thursday evenings 6:00 to 9:00 t t a year j-eaterday. of H P«r cent each on employer Ellington; Mrs. Dorothy Hardman, Two membera of 8t. Maurice out." and employe, and 8/18 of one'per Be ready for the hot weather In other^^ctions. the court or­ Mre. Fannie G. Bader. Bridgeport, and Saturday until noon. Proponents of the charter and Hahn said he probably would not Broad Brook; Joshu Arnold, El­ I I againet the United Orthodox Syna­ Council of Catholic Women, Mrs. cent on the self-employed, effective ahead with a HUNTER AT­ dered a new trial in a damage suit •enaohdatlon measure aaid largely nm for office a ^ n tn October lington; Kenneth Hena, 81 Lenox gogue of Bridgeport. Keeney Hutchinson, it.s first prejil- next Jan. 1. St.; Mrs. Jean M. Mathiason, 78 TIC FAN Installed in your brought by John .Worden, Wolcott, The court set aside a decision in dent, and Mra. Charles Robbins, ttiey were highly discouraged at when town elections are due. Rls- The fienate added amendments home. Complete with fan, ley said he could not comment at Florence St.; John J. Mutiny, 12 a minor, against Joseph Francis, favor of the synagogue by the its first, who with tier the reaulta and expect increased to the bill increasing by $8.S0 a Lenox St.; Linda Marie Bisson, louvers and all carpentry | PUTHA.M S’ CO. present. Southington. Fairfield Count.y Superior (Tourt. husband ha.s for many years in- Membeft N*w fork Stock Exchang* tanaion and dismay in the town. month the amount on which the Wapping; Christopher Desmond, I work. Mrii. Bader sued for damages af­ sti-ucted the first communicants, The majority of district commis­ federal government will match on A New Haven Superior Court sioner* were discouraged by the Skinner Rd., Vemon; Mrs. Mar­ WILSON ter she fell and was injured in were honored at the council s an­ The charter was defeated in the the old age, blind and disabled Jury awarded verdict and judg­ 71 lA n CtNTIR n . • MANCHCCTH * TH: IM $-2111 Vernon Fire District by a vote of vote. There was no indication to­ jorie Keith, 173 E. Middle Tpke.; a building owned by the synagogue. nual dinner last night. i public assistance programk; giving Mrs. Clair Frier, Ellington; Karen ELECTRICAL CO. ment to the boy, who w'as injured The High Court, in ordering The. Rev. Bernard L. McGuik, TK to 671 as about 40 per cent day that they would resign in a the welfare department auutority while playing on or about a road a James T. Blair • Kobert H. Slorkal e f the district voters turned out. body, or aingly. however. Wlemowski, South Windsor. Ml 9-4817-ME 3-737A new trial, said the lower court was pa.stor of St. Maurice Church, to help destitute Americans pushed ADMITTED TODAY: Francis grader owned by Francis. in error In finding the plaintiff read a letter from the' Rev. Meanwhile, voters in the city of Loverin and Harvey said other out of Cuba; and raising sllgutly Financing AvaUabl* pressing matters arc ahead. A dis­ Wetherell, 343 Parker St.; Harold The High Court, upheld an appeal chargeable with contributory neg­ Vincent J. Hines. Bishop of the Rockville approved consolidation tha amount an Individual retired J. Howard, 365 Center St.; .Mrs. by the defendant that the lower ligence as s matter of law. Norwich Diocese, expressing' re­ by a whopping margin of 1.246 trict btfdget has to he set, they under social security can earn and said, for the annual district meet­ Bernice Lovegrove, South Kd., gret that he could not attend be-; Named Manager rotes as 1.4^ wted in favor and still draw his benefits. Bolton. cause of busy stthedulc. | 167 against it. ing in July. a John H. Harvey of Suitnyview A number of residenLs in both To pay for the liberalized earn­ BIRTHS ■YESTERDAY: A .Bishop Hines said, "I remember: Dr , Vernon, has been named'fnan On a townwide basis, the ma­ district and city said they felt the ings limitation provielon, the daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Frank when Mother Hutchin.son founded j ager of the White Corbin Division jority favored consolidation 2.164 defeat was tantamount to "poli­ Democrats put through an amend­ Steppen, Middle Butcher Rd., Kuwait State Seeks the organization 20 years ago wlien • of the United States Envelope Co. to 672. tical suicide." ment to advance by one year, from Rockville. PROTECT It was known as the I..adies of St. | effective July 1. 1969 to 1988, the last step 1/2 per Last year. conaoUdation waa DISCHARGED YESTERDA'Y: 'IjljR rf.'ViVfAl Ai-A,N')I Maurice. I have personal knowl- He succeeds Williatn J. Cullinane | downed in the district 1.236 to cent increase in the social security Mrs. Domenica Fike, 116 WaddeU edge o f her indefatigable activity | of Longmeadow, Mass., who has j A‘i:. S83. Rock^’llle voters passed it 93.1 tax provided by present law. Rd.; Robert Sloan Sr., 49 Wads­ on behalf of the original .sn,all boon appointed manager of the Los In the medical care discussion. Role in Arab League to 662. 12th Circuit worth St.; Sam Yulyes, 91 Flor­ 1. GAS OIL but beautiful chapel of St. M a u - ' Angeles dirtsion. Although officials of Vernons' Anderson said he just had learned ence St.; Mrs. Mary Bielecld, and rice when I had the honor of i Har\-ey joined the company in. three govemmeats registered re­ from Chairman Wilbur D. Mills, Hartford Tpke., Rockville; Mrs. (Contlnned from Paga One) assisting you in 1939 in your first • January 1946 and was made as- ■ actions ranging from dumfound- D-Ark., of the House Ways and Florence Miller, Brookfield St., 2. WEATHER Ma.s.i after your ordination. sistant manager in May 1959. He Court Cases Means Committee that he plans tp •dness to anger, the most articu­ Bolton; Mrs. Rosa Belle Hitchcock, body that Kuwait and Saudi Ara­ Meat, Grocery 'Aa you remember I was ii^gn ; ^**,')?"?*^'^?*^*** manager in Au late reactim came from Atty. open hearings on the subject July Wapping: BYank J. Schuster, 48 gust last year. | IS and finish by July 31. bia are one country and any mis- a curate at St. James in Man- ' Hertaert Haimabury, a lire district MANCHESTER SESSION Lyness St.; Vaino Harju, Hart­ llap that befalls Kuwait affects che-ster and came during the .-ium- Harvey served In the U.S. Army resident, who aald he will be “back Monday Anderson said he felt it was ford; Mrs. Beverly Perottl, 31, N. Prices Dip* Cut and previously had been employed lilghly Important for the House to Saudi Arabia and vice versa. " mcr months to celebrate Mass in at the same stand" Immediately Robert Davidson, 44, of South EHm 6 t ; Joanne Laura Boily, 'Tol­ Bolton. It was then 1 first "met at Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. and will start a new push for con­ go ahead with these sessions so land; Mrs. Louretta Gagne, Box BLACK TOP A mors reaorved reply was dis­ He is a graduate of Manchester Rd., Bolton, was given a three- that, if the Senate seeks to force Mrs. Hutchinson and came to ad solidation in some way. Mountain Dr., Vemon; Robert B. patched by King Hussein of Jordan Cost of Living mire her for her zeal and devo­ High School ‘and attended Newark Donald B. 1/overin. chairman of month suspended aentence and the issue, the other branch could Bannister, 40 Hoffman Rd.; Mrs. SEALER College of Engineering. He ts mar­ not argue it never had considered tn response to Sheik Abdullah's tion to everything concerned with the still official Charter Commls- placed on indefinite probation on a Lena G. Griffin, Rockville; Mrs. call tor help in maintenance of (Coatbined from Pag^ W e ) the church,” ried to the former Margaret Robin­ sioo, said ha waa nearly at a loss charge of aggravated aasaulU the subject. ESizabeth L. Porell and son, Wap­ son of Manchester. The couple has Tliere have been widespread re­ Kuwait's legal rights. "While I do not have the pleas­ 7 for words, but aaid he did not feel Howard Phillips. 49, of no cer­ ping; Mrs. Mary Stemann and son, ''Jordan has always been and This group includes 25,000 em­ ure of knowing Mrs. Robbins per­ three children. ths defeat was that clearcut to ports at the Capitol that Demo­ 438 W. Middle T^ke.; Mrs. Ssndra Five Generations Gather tain address was given a 30-day crats were going to let the issue will continue to be a supporter of ployes of Lockheed Aircraft Oorp. sonally, I have heard much of ner warrant giving up. jail sentence on a charge of va­ Adams and daughter, 86 Spruce /truth and justice." said Hussein's Five generations gathered at a post-christening parly for the two long devoted *er\'lce as organist Robbins were presented with bou­ He aaid he would look into the go over until 1962. Javits said he St. POUR AND SPREAD and Pacific Alrmotlv* Corp. In youngest members, three-month-old twins, Scott and Brad Aron­ quet* of red roses from St. grancy. was disturbed by these. answer a* made public in Amman. of the church. To both your hon­ possibility of another referendum Andrew Johndrow, 46, of no cer­ DISCHARGED TODAY: Mra. "Jordan will always work for the both firms the increase is two son, at the home of the infants’ ■ parents, Mr. and Mrs. William ored guests I send my personal Maurice Council of Catholic Wom­ under the existing enabling act, Washington, June 27 (/F) — The Ann MacArthur, 50 Ehtst St., Aronson, in Enfield on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Kissmann, 237 Spruce en as a token of appreciation for tain address, was liven a 10-day Senate-passed social security bill good of her sister states and the cents. A number of aluminum and thank.* as well as the gratitude of which does not expire until Sept. 1. suspended Jail sentence on a charge Rockville; Mrs. Margaret ’Tracy, Arab Nation (worldl at large." can manufacturing workers also St., a great-great-grandmoUier, holds Scott Aron.son, and Mis. their *ervice. would let a beneficiary add a net the diocese for all they have done District Oommissioner John H. of vagrancy. Opponents to consolidation in 'Vemon had little to say after the charter defeat yesterday. Doris Rockville; Mrs. Louise Shewokts, will get increases. Katherine Keish, 307 Gardner St., holds' Brad Aron.son. Stand­ during their many years for the Harvey said he "wouldn't blame $100 a year to the profit he can The Kuwait government, vrith ing are William Aronson of Enfield, father of the twins,, and Mrs. Edward Feeney, 4S, of 163 Benton E. .Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Johnson, John B. Zenuik and Loren Vice, chairman of the Wapping; Mrs. Mary YankowstU, 5 G.I.. *7.50 British backing, declared it would The index for May stood nine- glory of God and the good of the city for fighting to push all St., waa given a five-day jail sen­ Vemon Taxpayers’ Bureau, said they were "not saying anything” at this time about future plans. now make by taking a job. 99 North 6 t ; Mrs. Laura Mercer, Allan Aronson of Bolton, grandmother of the twins. Mrs. Wil­ As the legal formula now stands, fight any Iraqi attempt at annexa­ tentha of one per cent higher than souls.” ths existing tax InequlUee back on tence for intoxication. Although considered among the leaders of opposition, they took no credit for the defeat, said Ver­ South Ooventiy. FREE SQUEEGE tion. liam Aronson, mother of the twins, is the former Jacqueline Hol­ Monsignor John Hannon of Man­ ths town." a beneficiary can earn $1,200 with­ in May a year ago. This waa one of lander, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William Hollander. 816 Center Engagement Robert SidoU. 17, of New Britain, non voters had “ finally learned to think for themselves.” (Herald photo by Ofiara). chester who worked closely a IU i ------;------^------out effect on his social security A British Foreign Office spokes­ the amailest year-to-year rises St. ’Thirty-Uiree members of the family attended the gathering. Opposition members in Vernon waa fined 143 for apeeding. both women during the time when said the vote showed the people In payments. On the next $300 he Leaps to Death man In London cited Britain’s since World War II. Charles R. O’Reilly. 19. of 88 the eleotion of a chairm ^ to suc- pledge t o defend her former pro­ St. Maurice was a mission of 8t. Aoki-Malcolm ths fire district “have finally Lancaster Rd., was fined 842 for loses $1 in benefits for each $2 Myers said that in the last 12 Do They Want School Aid? c e ^ Gov. Stephen L. R1 MclNlch- earned, leaving him a net $150. Port Cheater, N. Y., June 27 tectorate—given independence last James Qhurch in Manchester, The engagement of Miss Mary teamed to think for themaelves" failure to drive to the right. week—If asked. Forty per cent of months the index has risen seven Mwt the (^>ponents should formu­ ols. Colorado Democrat. Above $1,500 he loses dollar for W — A woman identified as Mrs. times, declined twice, and remain­ through Father McGurk, expressed Michiko Aoki of Lethbridge, Al­ Wajme Doubleday. 17, of Amston, It Is the Republican’s turn and the ol] Britain usee comes from his disappointment at being unable late some action-to strengthen the waa fined 836 for speeding. dollar. Thus the limit is $1,350 Joan S. Robertson,' 33. of nearby ed unchanged three times. berta, Canada, to Constable Proc­ partly because of geographical 338 North Main Street Kuwait, and the oil industry there Custodian Denies to be present. tor Laurence Malcolm of the Royal district govemm«}t. Albert Scalzo, 18, of Danbury, above benefits. Greenwich, Conn,, killed herself Phone MI 9-5253 The net spendable earnings of " \ reasons GOP Gov. Wesley Powell by leaping from the 'roof of a 6- is operated by British and Ameri­ The Rev. Edgar Farrell, now at Canadian Mounted Police has been A. number a t district residents wail fined 836 for speeding. Ribicoff Challenges The Senate bill keeps the $1,200 can companies. factory workers continued to rise, doss to the situation said there Paul Deaena, 18, of New Britain, o f New Hampshire-appeared to be figure for earnings without - loss story apartment house last night. ELLINGTON BRANCH Our Lady of Mercy Church In announced by her parents, Mr. and the likely choice. Indications were that Iraq would as did their buying power, A long­ PlalnvlIIe, attended the dinner and Mrs. Samuel.Aoki of Lethbridge, was really no organized opposition wasas fined $48 for speeding. of benefits, then extends the $1 for Although a policeman and a West Road, Rout* 83 er work week and higher hourly to consolidation and said they did Anthony Maluccl, 43, of 74 Bran $2 bracket by $200 up to $1,700. priest reached the roof and were TRemont 5^6213 find little if any support from her Riders Mistreated recalled many Incidents when he Alberta, Canada. Middle East neighbors although pay, both attributable tO| the busi­ came to Bolton Sundays from St. Her fiance the son of Mrs. not understand completely the de ford St. waa fined for dumping Thst figures out at $1,450 net be­ talking with her, she made them ness recovery, boosted spendable n feat rubbish on private property with­ States’ Rights Chiefs fore the beneficiary-worker begins keep at a distance by threatening GLASTONBURY BRANCH Russia may back Kassem. (Continued from Page One) the advancement of Colored People James Church. James M. Crough, 52 Wells St., Touring Scouts 83 Hebron Avenue Informants said Kassem’a claim earnings for the third month in a The Very Rev. Ralph Kelley, Manchester, and the late Proctor Frank B. Cornell, a staunch op­ out permission. to lose all the extra money he tojum p at any moment. row. • claimed credit for getting the I^aily, police said, she went to JA 2-3326 had caused embarrassment and an­ In her autobiography that ahe j most signatures on the petition first pastor ojf St. Maurice and now M. Malcolm of Nova Scotia. ponent said he felt the vote can Dale F. Slack, 18. of Marl­ (Contlnned from Page One) makes. M Interpreted "as a mandate to borough. waa fined $28 for operat­ pose the administration’s aid-to- Dinner Hostesses '' A Republican amendment which a comert%nd hurled herself off. noyance for other members of the After deduction of federal in­ "segregated black and white ser­ I asking removal of racial barriers. pastor of Sacred Heart Church In Miss Aoki is a school teacher In Arab League and particularly Nas­ come and social security taxes, the Vemon, said the parish was very tCalgary, Alberta. Constable Mal­ the fire commiaaloneni to resign." ing a motor vehicle with defective educatlon bill to name any of the would have raised the basic deduc­ vants " in her Washington home I In another development, the “arc quartered in the states receiv­ existing programs they would like ser, who had just congratulated q-verage factory worker with three fortunate to have two auch dedi­ colm graduated from high school Loren Vice, chairman of Vernon b i^ es. ing the greatest share of federal More than 100 parents and tion-free limit to $1,800 was beat­ j Freedom Ride Coordinating Com­ Taxpayers’ ^reau which circulat­ Randall Gee. 18, of 169 Cooper to have withdrawn. Kuwait on its new Independence. dependents had a pay check of when her husband was assistant j mittee announced plans to hold a cated women working in the par­ in Stellarton, Nova Scotia, and has funds." friends of Senior G)rl Scouts of en 59-30 in a vote that almost fol­ There waa talk of an emergency ed a petition last winter to remove Hill Rd., waa fined $36 fpr tamper­ Moley, who once served in the ’Troop 1, who will leave Saturday lowed party lines. Administration $82.44 a week, a gain of about 85' secretary of the Navy. ! .strategy meeting in Jackson tO' ish. been in the Royal Canadian "For brief intervals during each Franklin D. Roosevelt administra­ leag:ue meeting on Kaesem's claim. cents over April. While the Shllman interview day. In introducing Father Kelley, Mounted Police for seven years. the present district government, ing with a motor vehicle. session of Congreas," he said, "the for Europe, were honored at an liautenants argued it would cost sdd he would not discuss future Carlos R. Seise. 24. of 15 Han- tion, said in a prepared speech the There were also reports of possible The take home pay of the aver­ was being discussed, federal cour's Father McGurk said he wondered He is stationed at Hay River in the 'States’ Rights' banner has been "appreciation dinner" in Wood­ too much. mediation efforts by other Arab The committee is made up of moves away St., was fined $25 for failure administration bill is drawn so it ruff Hall at Center Congregation­ age worker with no dependent* were asked to halt reported seg­ one representative each from the how his predecessor had been able Northwest Territories. Canada. to return license and registration. hauled down while realistic gov­ will give aid to states which do states. was $74.85. to take care of what Is now two The wedding will take place in The proposal at that time waa to ernors and senators and congress­ al Church last night. regation practices at airport res­ Soiilheyn Christian Leadership can a spMial disMct meeting to Ronald Felber, 17, of 170 Green not need it as well as to those Diplomatic sources said Kuwait All the in earnings rep- taurants In New Orleans, La. p a rlies and erect such a beautiful Southmlnlster United Church, men hammered tout programs, of The Scouts picked berries and had Mot j-et called on Britain to ConfjeiSfeiice and the Student Non- vote on removal ‘of the board of Rd., was fined $18 for failure to which do. ’Thus he said It was made strawberry shortcake, serv­ represented increased buying pow­ Mobile, Ala . and Tallahaa.«ee, church In Bolton during his pas­ Lethbridge. Alberta, on Aug. 12. federal aid for highways, for vrel- Hospital Notes come to her defense, and hope ^vas er because of the verv light change Violent Coordinating Committee, .H re commissioners and installation obey an officers algnal. aimed at snaring votes in Congress ed with ptmch and coffee. The pro­ Fla. both of Atlanta, the Congress of torate. The couple will visit Manchester i fare grants, for farm prog;rams, of the richer states. expressed the tesue might be set­ In the index. Compared with May, of a president-board of directors Candase King, 18, of 73 Crest- for resQurce development — yes. gram Included songs, audience par­ In the first action of its kind, Racial Equality, and the Nash­ Both Mrs. Hutchinson and Mrs. on a wedding trip. form of government writh greater wood Dr., was fined $15 for making "The pressure for federal aid Visiting hours are 8 to 8 p.m. tled peacefully- Sbeik Abdullah 1960, spendable earnings were up the Justice Eiepartmenl filed .suit and for education as well. ticipation and campfire skits and Al-salim As'aabah. held long about $1 and buying power was :ip ville Christian Leadership Council. powers than now exist. an improper lane turn. comes not from the people who square dances in costume by the for all areas except maternity a to end alleged discrimination "Then. %vith the legislation' en­ where they are 8 to 4:30 and 8:30 conference with BritisJi represent­ one-half of one per cent. Hannabury, a member of th« for­ Judith Brown. 18, of Andover, acted and the allotment formulas are responsible for our schools Scouts, with Miss Karen Churila against Negroes in the dining fa­ mer atisens' Committee for Better was fined $15 for driving a car in the states and the thouasiQds of to 8 p.m.; and private rooms ative John Richmond at his royal Meat prices dropped for the cilities at Moisant International Sentence Increased adjusted to take account of varia­ as mistress of ceremonies. pSLlace. The Iraqi move also fourth month in a row. reflecting Government, said he had remained without a muffler. tions in stste financial cesources,cesov local communities, nor from the Brief talks were made by Miss where they are 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Airpoit in New Orleans. out of the fight during the past Visitors are requested not to prompted British warships and ample supplies and the sharp com­ Joseph Davis, 54, of 46 Over­ the banners are again unfurled parents directly affected, but from Dolores York, president of the Negroes went to court seeking Hartford. June 27 i/Fi - A state year while the new charter com- land St., was fined $15 for intoxi­ organized pressure grroups and smoke In patient’s rooms. No more soldiers to delay their departure petition of poultry. Poultiy prices injunctions designed to desegre­ troop, and by Mrs. John Mortimer, hit their lowest level since World prison inmalt who prote.sted when misslan revised the first charter. cation. lobbie close to the adminjjrtration co-leader of the troop. than two visitors at one time, per from Kuwait, a dispatch from the gate airport restaurants at Mobi^ But, he said, he wrill start in anew Ribicoff, a former governor of War II. roughly 31 ~per cent below the. State Board of Sentence Re­ Ernest Reed, 42, of Main St and congress,’’ he said. Guests included Dr. and Mrs. patient. former British protectorate said. and Tallahassee. to move for merging of the town's Connecticut, assailed what he called In communique released here the average price in 1947. view increased his prison term has and Ernest Pamphrey, 62, of 83 the "false cry of alarm ” that fed­ Gov. John A. Notte Jr., Rhode W. T. Stroud, Miss Jean Campbell, a At Unity House, Pa., A. Phillip failed in an attempt to have the three governments, "the only hope Oak St., were both fined $10 for Island Democrat, reported his state ADMITTED YESTERDAY: the Kuwait government said It "is Nearly all beef, pork and lamb for the community." eral aid would be accompanied by scout executive; Miss Eleanor Gor­ products decrea.sed. bringing meat Randolph, president of the Broth­ action reversed in superior court. Intoxication. control of education. is spending one out of every three don, also a co-leader of Troop 1, Frank Morton, Hebron; Mrs. Ann convinced that friendly and peace- erhood of Sleeping Car Porters, Rockville Mayor Leo B. Flaher­ MacArthur, 50 Blast St., Rockville; loving countries. e.specially sister prices to about the year-ago level. He went to court with a writ of The cases against Alexander "I reject the claim that federal dollars of its income for educa­ and Harold Eels, of a Hartfj^d termed ' i ' "grave mistake a de- , habeas corpus claiming his rights ty Jr., now on vacation In Maine, Carter. Jr. 19, of Lebanon, charged tion. Mrs. Greta Coyle, 143 Hollister Arab states, will mipport Kuwait A 3.3 per cent drop in egg prices aaid M ore he left Monday that If funds mean federal domination," travel agency. Miss Ann Lobrke occurred despite heavy govern­ cision of the AFL-CIO Executive ^ had been violated in two ways, with operating a motor vehicle he told the governors. "I did not ’The conference wiU wind up Its Jeffriea waa chairman of the din­ St.; Mrs. Claire Henson, Wapping; In preserving her independence.” conyolidation is defeated he w-ill Iraq sent a note to all foreign ment purchase of dried eggs, and council to put off pnlil fall a pro-: Both arguments were rejected yes- without a license; John W, Wal­ find this to be true In my state and business sessions tomorrow with ner. Marylln Gleason, 33 ’Tyler Circle; posed j^crackdowa on segregation I terday hv Superior Court Judge support another move for the lace. 60, of 79 Foster St., charged and Arab diplomatic miasions in | dAiry products prices generally eventual consolidation of the par­ I think many of you who readily n BREATHE p u r e r , fr e s h e r AIR were down. practtioes in its member unions. —Elmer ■”W. ~Ryan. with failure to drive a reasonable accept federal funds and regularly Baghdad stressing its "firm de­ titioned town. termination to preserve the unity ' In. Kansas City, Harold Dun­ Alfred was originally GOT A dlsUince apart; Robert ^ Palmer, "This is a strife-tom town," Han­ seek Increased grants will candidly IN MINUTES WITH PURITRON* can. head of the privately-owned 37, of 58 Margaret Rd.. charged admit the claim Is spurious." — e------a - of all people in Iraq and Kuwait." convicted of robbery with rtol- nabury said, "and will continue to MNboMvV TIM Kassem called Kuwait "an inte­ Fairyland Amusement Park, said ence iit Fairfield County Supe­ be strife-tom" until some sem­ with reckless driving; were all Ribicoff said state and local, Salaries Raised nolled. ' gral part of the Iraqi motherland" the park will continue its policy of rior Court list November and" sen­ blance of order is introduced. efforts cannot alone provido the gir g^ AgiB^gligii, g4gcg sfi4 siiioksf not admitting Negroes. He made Cases continued; kind of educational system the and assailed last week'a agree­ tenced to two to seven years. He said the fire district vote In Adult Program the statement In reply to a peti­ Until July , Raymond J. Mo- country ought to have, i No biggw than a radio, this portable Puritroa can do so ment by which Britain granted He felt this was too stiff and could not be used as a true picture 8 tion to the park owners,by the “TOO of the sentiment of all the voters. dean, 33,' of 17 Gorman PI., for 'The Secretary holed states now much for the air in a 1S z 13 ft room... even an uttventilated Kuwait inderpendence as an “Im- asked the state board of sentence plea to charge of intoxication; receive more than ^ .5 billion an­ place Hite -a besemctit rumpus room, apartment-bouae peraJlat” move which gava Kuwait Adult education teachers in Mam- director of the Committee on review tn examine his case and He said he felt the main body of Racial Equality iCOREi How­ opposition voters showed up. leav­ John D. Swift, 25. of Hartford, for nually in federal aid to education kitchen, or office without windows. Just plug it in. It cleanses only nominal Independence. chester next year will receive $4 and perhaps whittle off some of the ing a large group of voter* un- plea to charges of failure to carifjt through college grants, vocational . the air d ectronically. then recirculates it in s constant fresh 'The U.S. Gulf Oil Corp.. which per hour if they are in their first ever, the National Association for sentence. ' anawrered for. a license and failure to change aids, National Defense Education supply. OniBliBe steeping in such clear sir.) Wonderful in a with the British Petroleum Co. Or second year of teaching in the Selectman William R. Hahn name on license; Harold Crandall, Act. loans and fellowship as well kitdien, PuritTon aetiislly "inhaks” grease par- . ^ gaon owns the Kuwait Oil Co., aaid it TOUGH” program and $$.'50 if thev have showed dismay at the results and 31, of Chestnut Hill, for plea to as money for school construction ttetethtfoK they can slain walls. White or gray. was "very much aurprised" at charge of creating unnecessary and teachers salaries in Impacted Iraq's move and was "trying to get taught longer than that, the board said only that the people who are Itdoaealwciay.oryonriaeoeybacfc. n w g lv of education agreed last night. opposed to measure* seem to get noise; Ann M. Mello, 29, of Paw- areas. a statement from the British Por- He challeneged those who op­ «ign Office as to what it means." The flat rate has been 1.3..50 an out and vote while the others stay catuck, for plea to charge of hour. lIN ffT H E IDEA OF home. hazardous driving; George O. Nye L«wia Piper, director of adult PAY-AS-YOU-GO IVtf/ than. . . $98 y§»r /oed First Selectman George E. Ris-^ of North Haven and Miriam N. LENOX PHARMACY Cairo, June 27 (JFi — A spokes­ education, wdll receive $1,400 for clearance man for the Arab kingdom of Ye- i Gffat Amarkm l*y,Mld he hoped "for the sake of Newcomb of North Haven, both 299 E. CENTER 8T. MI 9-0898 his work. INSURANCE tM town" that the defeat turns out for plea to charge of Illegal park­ men declared today the ailing' The board of education appropri­ Agent. for the best. ing; Lucian Daigle, 16. of Hart­ Imam Ahmed, who recently turn-1 ated $5,000 for the adult education He said he did not feel caught in ford, for plea to charge of op- ed over- the reins of government to program in the budget, and decid­ the middle on the issue and said he I crating a motor vehicle without a his reform-minded son, has no In- j ed laat night to keep that figure, v\ had followed whdt he thwght was license. tentlon of stepping down per- ■ despite budget cuts in other areas. manently. \ The board will hear a report on The spokesman said Crown I the program for the next school Prince Mohammed Al-badr. about year at a later date, - V V . 35. will run the government until A state grant to education re- i tfl^eatAuirrinn] his 70-year-old father recovers imburae* the board for half the We’ll be glad to explain how you ran N m o iip m u m from wound.* suffered in an assssi- insure your home, your car, everythin g Knsfork amount spent for adult education. you osvn . . . pay in easy instsllraents nation attempt last March. The board aet the aalarv rates after While handling affairs of state, with Great A m eren ’s budget plan. considering that other town* in the Get the facta now. Ir iH Fir9«M CUSTO\^ Markn oil b n u c o the spokesman added. Al-badr Is state set higher rates than Man­ con.sulting the king "for decisions chester for adult education instruc­ R o b in H o o d whh hutM t cItiM N m m . UiMqoaM for cIo m on Important matters.” tors. r 2 tSSa You CM rfort, low Im I bills m i trooUt-frot iMrfoniMMln LaBONNE-SILVERSTEIN ASSOCIATES'^ € Comfort DYMAiMIG INSURANCE Girls' Flats 158 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER-—Mitchell 8-1155 With the Iron Fireman CUSTOM $5 to $8 Values OUTFIT YOUR Mirk II furnace you um s super- 2044 MAIN 8T„ OI-ASTONBUBY—MEdford 8-9171 7 Window Shades leniltive themtostat which operates CHILDREN WITH SEVERAL < 0 9 9 the furnace rvith the slightest varia­ PAIR AT THESE LOW PRICES. tion of room temperature. ’This Mod* to Ordor »3 .9 9 gives you remarkably uniform ALSO indoor temperature. No matter Sizes 4 to 9. Famous Name how often the furnace starts there Get a home improvem^t loan...and relax DOUBLE VENETIAN BLINDS is BO smoke, no soot, no fouled frien d s, Biiiig your old rollers tn combustion chamber, no wasted oiL and save 35c per shade Bowling Shoes 99 » TRIPLE-S BLUE ClMnllnnst Men's and Women’s With the instant clean flame thcr* arc no flacks of soot blowing from Some , home repair jobs are just not (Jo-it- while purposes . . . and home improvements your chimney sscaping into your yourself projects. They require outside help are always worthwhile. You can have ample *4.99 REGULARLY PRICED FROM 4.99 to 7.99 noma. Hundreds of tests mads with siiKdce-deteetiiig fautnirasBts show nw. Fn lu. mlitM U l o w n c , . * and that may mean a bigger bill than you’re time to repay in monthly payments that you a fluM that’s absolutely clean from m TftnUM 1*4 a rtlM«,s*Mig«Si, If the veteran dies in can handle, and our low rates include life STAMPS Cfilldren’s School Children’s Arch Bob Smart "American the very moment it’s turned on. V.s, veteran, » prepared to meet all at once. Cushion Men’s Dress Oesittemen’’ Dress No problem. Just give us a call. We like to insurance. Come on in soon. Dnwn gn funi Mils . Opewtas wHhpui ®f transports Shoes lend money on (xmvenient terms for worth- Oxfords Ownsrs report rsnanrkabtefriel St V- chimnny draft EVERY WEDNESDAY Broken Size* Sneakers Oxfords fargB. Than is no smoky wnrm-up U m c u s t o m Mark n fttraaoe period to foul the frimao* and prorUu ill cwH potIHv* *10.95 'saste oil. Service ttlte a n ent to d r a ft with pneision control. No Values to $18.00 POfafrK natural chimney draftdra reqt^d. *1.49 *7.99 Sizes 7 to 12 Broken Sizes Sizes 7 to 12 G, D, FEE widths MM *««pectfuiiy^ The Conne^ieuf Bank MANCHESTER GREEN Gkffis in$tall«d in aluminum cdmbinaHon E. A. JOHNSON FOGARTY BROS, liiE ' d o m ond windows of aH typos. AND TRUST COMPANY OPEN 8 A.M. to 5 P.M.—SATURDAY 8 A.M. to NOON gsitiffdaT* * 319 raO A D ST.— MI 9-4539 ^ PAINT CO. M r m r A ts te r O ffieea ; 893 Main SntKrr, 15 Noutb M aim St u x t , 723 MAIN 8T. SHOE OUTLET, inc FUEL OIL, RANGE o n , OONNEOnOUT COKE LA . WHITE GLASS CO. MANCHESm Shofpino Paxkadb PHONE MI 9-4501 gEDO HIGHLAND COAL MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 31 BISSELL ST. Pbeiw Ml 9-7322 im u B R O f e d e r a l DEPOSIT INSURANCB CORPORATION MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN* TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 PAGE BKVXN FACE s n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BIAHCHESTER. CONN,, TUESDAY, JUNE *7, 1961 law flreia. In broadcaatlng com'- struggles of the session, wltU Um maaauraa i» tbs ssma a s la io n Bolton Coventry FOR RINT^ IHattrl^FStFr panlea. commercial banka conceded aesmsd to produos k miraculously Deaths Ltut N\ghi D ublin Elects strength in the city Senate, the psacsfttl rssult It sssmsd that ths SHEARSON, Budget Cuts Allocated $ «od 1$ mm. Bl«*to VNlM tan Bat the tart that the broad­ Connecticut savings banks considered strong savlnga banka might eoncsivahly —MOBd or oUeBli ■ !* • W m . Etiniiti$ Ifprald By 1 « ABaoCBATWD M O an HAMMIU i CO. Voters May tUda projeetora. casters were on the warpath, and in the small town House. kill tba bill ths commsreial banks New York—Frederick F. Oraen- Town Meetin" Jewish Mayor PUBUgHBU BY nUi This titanic struggle never did wkntsd, but that, if they used their /Em that rtttareh buSt^ AU>______p s o n s w CO. me. found all kinds of help in Congress, Yankee man, $$, national prasldent of the By Board of Education WELDON DRUO CO. should net be taken aa the Anal or develop. To the contrary, the bill Isgtalattvs atrsngtb for such a MeeOtri New THk Stack IiCkMlt • PeaeCtC l i f t (Continued trons Page One) u I n n siTMt American Jewish Committee and Join Parties Approves All Ml Mala S t « bL l a M $ ll MAMihMtAr COOD. complete Judgmeet of the Issue or By A. H. O. to admit “foreign" money to the purpoast Gontrovsrsy would bs at­ THOllSrr rtsRGCSON Oomiecticut residential niortgage tracted to tbs tax reduction mesa- honorary nrealdeht of the New He followed his first election WAL.TE:R R rERGUSON the voting on it. ASK FOR YOUR COPY OF SHI ARSON The board of education.last night approved a tentative list nbUalMra We depart, momentarily, from Aeld passed as quietly aitd peace­ urs ths savings banks wanted for York Federation of Reform Byna- lAUST RFSIARCFI RFPORF with a rousing 7-week tour of The FOC may now be an Ineffi­ of budget cuts totaling 8266,522, including a reduction of On June 30 Agenda Items’ America. Groups of American rtMioded Oetobar l. u n chronicling the sometimes boom- fully a» if it were of no particular tbsmsslvss. goguee, died yesterday. ,Or6anman cient mess, which could stand importance to anybody. Instead of a knock-down, drag- was,, a member of the AJC delega­ ?124,700 in salaries, and major reductions in equipment and Irish and Jews received him with For HooMt PuMtaMd Kren Ey«ntn« Except eranging results of over-exertion An enrollment session during open arms. •uodan and Holidays l^larad•• • e ‘ at dM ■ some streamlining of Its procedure But .that was not. of course, the but. fight, with thoBS imaginary tion whlrii in 19S7 waa gWen an Sheorsen, Kemmlll A Ce. maintenance and Repairs. The town meeting last night Po« ibfftee at Ita^utcr Conn ~ The list, submitted to the board South Windsor which present voters may register approved a special voter-making A trim engineer-turned business­ Ecoaomieol Rapoin on Q aa Mail Matter and auU.ority. But it la a free kind of pressure by those seeking leg­ whole story. brass Imucklsa of ours, ths sav­ audiencs with Pope Pins xn, the I The .whole story has to inelude ings and ths commsreial bankers Brat Jewish group in history to. be SIS Main 81. Mancueeirr . by Superintendent of Schools Wil­ as Republicans or Democrats will aeaslon Saturday, disposal of the man with a melodious brogue and Rodia, TV, STorod, of mg as, and there may be some islation of some special benefit Mitchell 9-3*31. MIUAell 3^31*. liam H. Curtis, will be final, pro­ Skinner farm buildingn at the new a lifetime of rervice in the Irish lUN RATES from the 1961 General Assembly, the fact that another bill which acted' like lamb and lamb aa both eo received. be held Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. at ay ^e Is Adrance members of Congress who, even Paris — Helene Dutrieu, $4, a I Pleei* lend yeur lateet Reecarth Kepert. vided the board of directors does Churches to Start high imhool site, and staggered cause, Briscoe said nothing un­ Phonagraph AppUancat Carlin Mail and pass Into one instance where concerned banking also passed the maaauraa waltaed. thair way the Community Hall. This is not a usual about his election. One Tear ...... ,....tU.SO IBUU without any special interest, be­ pressure, and counter-preshure session quietly imd unobtrusively through tha tesslan, each tacitly pioneer, yroman aviator whose fly­ not restore any of the budget cuts terms of office for most town Six Month* ...... 7 7i 11 W ing career b e g u in 190$, died yes­ KAMI___ to the educatlvin board. Summer Schedule session at which new voters can be boards. "I refuse to see anything very Three Montha ...... 3.M t'lU lieve that there is some safety in were so perfectly matched and — 80 unobtrusively, in fact, that tha shaphsrd for ths other. And I strange in a Jew being lord mayor many legislators, we would guess, it waa certainly nice that Govar- terday. Mrs. Dutrieu was a cham­ The board of education will pre­ made. It is scheduled to permit The voter-making session will Potterton's One Month ...... IM IH ita tangled red tape and its Inabil­ tempered. In such ideal juxtaposi­ ADORBBB. STOCKS sent the list at a second appeal to of Dublin," he said. “But it does WeeXIy ...... X 41' tion; that everybody, it seemed, still have to wake up to the fact nor Dempsey, who was given the pion woman bicycle rider in Ku- On Sunday, Wapplng Commu­ registrars to make corrections to be held Saturday from 9 a.m. to Phone MI 9-4037 ity to move avriftly and clearly. rope before she gave it up for the CITY- -BTATR the directors on July 11 for res­ show there is tolerance in Catholic MEMBER o r i ended up happy. that, in a session which sup­ privilege of playing Uttle Boy BONDS nity Church will begin Its union the lists of voters and allow those noon in the ’Towj^Office Building. Ireland. ISO Center St-^-Uor. of Chnroh THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I The celebrated Minow speech won Blua to both flocks, found both R ^ter thrills of flying. Bht waa toration of the cut. Included in the services with First Congregational Applicants of fd^gn birth must It may be recalled that, after posedly raised taxes for everybody, list of proposed cuts will be ex­ not registered with a party to do On hla American tour, Briscoe The Aeeoclated Preee u excluelrely many plaudits because it attacked the committee hearing on Senate they did pass out one tax reduc­ bills before him on the very same bom in Belgium. r MUTUAL FUNDS Church of South 'Windsor. present proof of citl^nship. reviewed St. Patrick's Day parades antitied to ihe lue of renublicatlon of planatory paragraphs detailing the Through the month of July serv­ The selectmen propose to ad­ all new* diaoatches credited to li or acknowledged evils and banalities Bill 149, "An Act Concerning tion of eventually generous pro­ day, Wedneaday, June 14, so that areas the cut will affect. The in New York and Boston and not otherwle* credited In thie paper Transaction of Business by For­ portions. he could sign them both with ths ices will be held for the two Corrected lists of voters are State 4-H Leader vertise a public auction soon to Engaged stumped the land promoting Ire­ and also the local oew* ouplixhed here. In television: but it also raised the areas are administration, instruc­ churches at the Wapplng Commu­ dispose of the Skinner farmhouse ' All fi^ta of rcpubllcation of epedal eign Banking Corporations,” we This tax reduction wa^ convey­ very same flow of his official pen. printed after this session is com­ The engagement of Miss Arlene land and appealing for aid to Is­ spectre of one man deciding what tion, health services, operation of nity Church at B;30 a.m. only. pleted. Only those voters enrolled Ronald F. Aronson has been ap­ and other buUdings on the site of Oiapatcbca heroin are alao reaarrad. fancied we heard the brass ed. to the savings banks of the plant, maintenance of plant, fixed Frances Caaszar of Manchester to rael. was good and what ivaa moral and state, by Senate Bill 316, “An Act BOND RAISED TO $00,600 During the month of August the with either ; the Republican or pointed State 4-H Club leader in the new Coventry Junior-Senior He brought with him a ton of ' TUli eertic* client of N E. A..Sere knuckles clattering in the pock­ charges, community services, and services will be held at 9:30 at High School at Ripley Hill Rd. Richard G. Andersen of Newing­ Front End >ee. Inc what «-aa clean and what was Concerning the Deductibility of Ir>- Danbury, June 27 UFi—The bond Democratic party are permitted to the University of Connecticut Col­ Irish goods, including shillelagdis, ets of the representatives of the capital outlay. First Congregational Church at and rt. 31. ton has been announced by her . Publleher* R'preeentatlT**; The proper entertainment for the state's two rival banking griiups, terest or Dividends Paid on Sav­ on a young Rtdgefleld' husband Atty. Harold Garriiy, chairman vote in caucuses to be held next lege of Agriculture, President A. mother, Mrs. Rose A. Csaszar, 22 glassware, Iriah whisky and the' Jolim Mnthewe Special A g n e y — New charg^ with wounding his wife 993 Main St. month. Republicans will caucus on Within a reasonable time after like. At social functions he would Tork Chlraro Detroit and Boetoa. American people Perhaps many the savings bankers and the com­ ings Accounts by Certain Banka For His Car Insurance? of the board, said the explanatory Dog License Deadline N. Jorgensen announced today. He Ridge St. Special MEiMBER AUDIT BUREAU OS mercial bankers, "fhe measure In and Associations under the Con­ during a quarrel has been raised paragraphs will serve to let the July 11 auid Democrats on July 12 the auction. First Selectman Rich­ The bride-elect is also the raise a glasa of hla country's spir­ CIRCTEATIONS of us. perhapi even many broad­ from $15,000 to $50,000. The new Town Clerk Charles Enes warns to nominate candidates for the succeeds Maurice L. Hill who is ard M. GaHnat said, the select­ its and ofler a toast-^ln, Hebrew. 1 1 * 1 . $ 1 2 .5 0 question was one which would necticut Corporation Business public know that the board of edu­ that this is the last week to obtain now with the federal Extension daughter of the late Alexander J. The Herald Prtntlac Company Ine.. casters, agree with Minow. But establish the right of conuiiercial Tax.” bond was set yesterday when cation is "not doing this (Impos­ October election. men would ask the town firemen Csaszar. Her fiance is the son of Briscoe visited the United States kaeumes no nnancial reaponalbllity for George Wilmot, 29. Aspen Hill dog licenses at the Town Hall. Li­ The first scheduled dafe on which Service in Washington, D. C. to bum to the ground any remain­ first in the 1920's to plead for (1) ALIGN FRONT END typofraphio- i error* appeartna In ad- what might be the idpas and stand­ banks to increase their operations This happens to be something New Aetna Casualty ing the cuts) from choice, but just censes are $2.10 for males and Mr. and Mrs, Gustav Andersen, TerHoemerA and other readme matter ards of the next FXX: chairman? in the Connecticut residential the savings banks were scheduled Rd.. was arraigned on a charge of because we have no alternative." new voters will be made is Aug. 26. Aronson has been assistant 4-H ing buildings. Newington. support for Irish independence. He (2) BALANCE FRONT la The Mancheater Beentna Rtrald assault with intent to kill in cir­ spayed females; $5.35 for females. 161 In Swim Program The meeting was unanimous in was one of the Irish Republican WHEELS—REO. $4.00 The fact of the matter is that mortgage field by importing the to get before this, but something cuit court. State Police say Wil­ Garrity said the cut "crirtalnly Wanting School Awards So far 151 children have signed club leader at Iowa State Univer­ Miss Csaszar is a 1952 gr^u - Army (IRA) youths who seized the lending resources of out of state that was atjhnied in the 1959 ses­ AUTO-RITI will result in a lower standard of Awards distributed at the Wap- its adoption of the special act of ate of Mount Saint Joseph Acad­ (8) CHECK FRONT WHEEL ' Dtaplar adrerttatna cloelna houra: federal regulation of broadcast­ mot shot his wife Joan, 28, in the education in Manchester.” up for the community swimming sity since 1956. Prior to that he the 1961 General Awembly pro­ Irish Free State consulate In New BEARINOS iFVir M oiidav— 1 cm Ptlday bank.s The brass knuckles had not sion because Governor Ribicoff chest at the climax of a quam l ping Elementary School Saturday and water safety program sched­ was an Extension Youth Specialist emy, West Hartford, and is em­ York imtil a police riot squad Fhr Tueadar—1 p ra Monday ing how stands in a condition actually come out at the hear­ was holding up a similar tax meas­ Among the items to be deleted evening were: American Legion viding for SFtaggered terms of of­ ployed by Baxley and Henry Ford (4) CHECK BRAKE SYSTEM Tbr Wednesday—1 Tueaday. Saturday night. Mrs. Wilmot is in SAVES MONEY from the school program next year uled for the next seven weeks at in Polk County at Des Moines, for fice for most town boards. The act, drove them out. Jhor Thuredav—1 p m Wednaaday. where it has just about the least ing. but the savings banks had ure applying to the state's insur­ Danbury Hospital in satisfactory to Paul Kugler and Claudia Sher Camp Johnson'. Mrs. Richard two years amd a high school teach­ Tractor Co.. Inc., East Hartford. In 1939 he toured America on Jhor rrtdB'v—1 p.m Thursday possible direct inAuence on w^at acted as if they were fighting for ance companies. The reduction Is will be the proposed $16,000 lan­ man, honorary mentions — John introduced by the two Coventry Mr. Andersen is a 1954 graduate ALL FOUR ONLY Bhr Saturday—1 p m Friday condition. Wilmot'a hearing waa guage laboratoi^ at Manchester Olmsted, Mrs. Wilfred Maxwell or er at Coon Rapids, Iowa for two representatives, was sponsored by behalf of Zionism. Claasiried dendllne'o tn 30 a m each ' broadcaatlng does. And. even life and for an did and sacred to be by progressive stages, the set, for July 10. Cahill and Theresa Prestileo; PTA Mrs. Angelo Freddo may be called years. of Newington High School, and Is Briscoe's grandparents migrated day of publlcaWon except ' Saturday- first to be merely one of two and For Saft Drivors High School. The list also calls for the League^ of Women Voters. employed by the Atrax Co., New­ though many of us complain that piece of state protectionism, and the elimination of 24'.•i additional Awards, (first honors in three out if any are not sure of their class The new state leader will super It applies to the boards of edu­ from Lithuania. Dublin l^m, » Am______. the commercial banks had acted aa a half per cent of the existing tax, of fourmarking periods), Theresa ington. Bomebody should do something, it personnel. assignments. vise the 4-H program in Connecti­ cation, finance, tax review, plan­ A September wedding is planned. young Robert attended school (here Tufsdsy. June J7 if they were hungry and idealist­ which is merely $175,000. This Let the careless driver pay In addition to the salary reduc­ Prestileo, Cynthia Moniz, Carolyn New applicants are asked to cut. ning and zoning board of app'bals and studied engineering In B^lin. may be that the present state of ically devoted to the ideal of the arithmetic, however, indicates Bowers, Sharon Williams, Claudia the automobile Insurancs tions, other cuts will be as follows: apply to Mrs. Francis Selble or A native of Lincoln, Neb., he and ita alternate members. In 1926, w l^ Bamon de Valera's affairs is just what we really want free flow of money anywhere. that the total amount of tax fi­ Whirlpool Washors, 1. Equipment, both old and new, Sherman; PTA Citizenship Award: Mrs. Maxwell during the houra of received his bachelor’s and mas­ sons will die over a holiday period, Flaniia F a il party was formed, he Kuwait And need, in a free country. It is And .such a combination of dol­ nally to be abolished, at the end rates he deserves! Auto-Rits $66,315. Peter Kugler and Nancy Bard. the swimming lessons, between 9 ter’s of science degrees in 1951 and many people have a tendency to let joined and entered the fight better to have the public, and the lar interest and high principle of the progressive process, is Drysis 2. Maintenance and repairs, $37,- Public Records a.m. and noon. 1958 from Iowa State University Death Estimates Hit down in their safety habits if the against UiMBritlsh. SERVICE ON ALL ,Ko doubt you are annoiwd to seemed certaiq to erupt, later on, some $7,000,000. gives the safe driver ad Firemen Cited total app>!&rs to be below that CONVENTIONAL MAKES public alone, have the right to re­ 192. Warranty Deeds: Property at at Ames. HU major fields of study Though a devout Jew himself, TJnd. In the newa. what aeema to into one of the big legislative Now. the oresence of these two Pricas M Low, much for so little*. 3. Supplier, $12,565. 131 Woodland Dr. from Woodland The Bolton Volunteer Fire. De­ were in agricultural and vocation­ Honolulu, June 27 (jW — Gov. figure." he does not ImpoM his will on his tain ita slow power to mle on the 4. General construction and sites Park Inc., to Robert W. Suver of John N. Dempsey of Connecticut The Democratic Governor also children. Of his four sons and be h call to be concerned about a Sorvlca That's Batter partment was notified last night al education. He U married and the has announced he will propose at said he will join with governors of place called Kuwait. We know taste and content of the program­ Improvements, $7,410. ux of East Hartford; property on that they were cited as having the father of three children. and three daughters, two of the MORIARTY 6. Miscellaneous, $18,340. Foster St., from Nicholas Homat the national governor’s conference New York, Rhode Island and Mas- girls, Elsie and Joan, have been wre are annoyed. There are enouRh ming it receives than to have best equipment In the parade In here That the National Safety sachusetta In urging federal tax swifter action by governmental Phona or writ# for detoib obouf aaw AUTO«RITE Miscellaneous cuts include print­ et ux to Michael Homat of Hart­ Vernon Saturday. The department converted to (JathoUcism. Elsie en­ eriaU apota. real, potential, and Potterton's ing, $200; the Ir.-servlce training ford; property at 110 Highland entered the new fire truck qhd six practice tonight at 6 at the Bolton Council stop issuing predictions on relief for the distressed New Ha­ tered a convent last year to be­ BROTHERS pressure or decree. THE STUDENTS OF 1$6 Center St.—Uor, mt Ohorch program, $500; ps.ychologicaI test­ Dairy field. holiday death tolls. ven Railroad. Their proposals come a Carmelite nun. fancied, in the world today. Dr., from Woodland Park Inc., to members in tho parade. A trophy, "Holiday death estimates," would include repeal of the 10 per 301-315 CENTER ST. Tet Kuwait, we And, haa eVery' ing, $700;; mall distribution, $900; W. Richard Davison ,et ux of Roy­ the first such one to be received "I have always preached and TEL MI 3^185 a major medical insurance plan for Manchester Evening Herald Bol­ Dempsey said yesterday, "are psy­ cent federal transportation tax. practiced the right of private con­ peaslble qualifleatton for tta rpu- al Oak, Mich.; property at 11 In Bolton, will be awarded to the chologically bad. If the National The four states are already com­ Between War* Fred Boeehino *$19 Quortoriy education employes, $14,540; and Maryland Rd., from Pleasant Val­ department. ton correspondent, Grace McDer­ science-and the absolute liberty of ttn a, place In our routine criais summer use of the Manchester mott, telephone hQtchell S-6S66. Safety Council predicts 100 per- bined in joint state tax help. ' One day we are told that what for a class lA, IB or 1C au­ obert J. ley Elstates, Inc., to Robert J. Firemen have , made plains to the individual," said Briscoe. headlinea. PRESENT A High School swimming pool, take part in a parade in Coven­ this country’s economy needs most tomobile with $25,000 bodily Luther et«ux; property at 204 nUa little ahelkdom la loaded NOTICE injury and property damage $1,500. Woodland Dr., from Woodland try in July. with oil. Is an ad\-anoe to a four day week liability, $1,000 medical pay­ Poard member Christie McCor­ Park lnc.,to Albert J. Moreland et Volunteer firemen satid itist for ever>’body. PERCUSSION RECITAL ments. $1,000 accidental mick called the original 1961-62 ux, of Hartford; property at 121 night that they were very pileased Until last'week, it waa a prime THE OFFICE OF school budget a "go^, Mund, de­ with the turn-out at thebr open Hmple of nineteenth century im- The next day we are told that death and $20,000 uninsured R Woodland Dr., from Woodland fensible" budget and JaJd the this country's imperative econom­ motorist protection in Man­ REAL ESTATE Park Inc., to Raymond J. Over- house Sunday afternoon. People perlaliam. living under a Britlah DR. J. A. S^GAL chester. board has a "very deflnUe obliga­ Schelde et ux of Blast Hartford. came through the fire house ic necessity is to achieve a sensa­ Thurs,, June 29 — 8 P.M, INSURANCE tion” to Inform townspeople that steadily throughout the afternoon protectorate. 413 MAIN ST. Laat week. Britain, following tional Increase in Ita production, the school board does not approve Manchester Evening Herald to see the new truck amd other Only $1* in all of Tolland of the budget cut. McCormick al equipment owned by the town. the present day atyle. abandoned which would seem to advocate and Windham Countiea $$$ MAIN ST., GROUND FLUOR.—TEL. Ml M261 South Windsor correspondent, WILL BE CLOSED so said that state education grants Dental Clinic Slated REAL COOL Kuwait, legally at least, to tta that everybody go back to at least AMERICAN LEGION HOME “INSURANSMITHS SINCE IBU” should be given to school boards Laura Katz, telephone Mitchell a six day week. 4-1753. A dental clinic for pre-school own Independence, British force JULY 1 to AUG. 1 for use. and not be used, for ex­ children and ' those entering first • Both remedies reAect the same ample, “to pay off the mortgage grade or kindergarten will be held could atlll be available at the MUSIC lY TONY O'lRlGHT and on the school debt.” scene' but only on requeat of Ku­ economic -'tuatlon—one in which Accident Victim at the Community Hall on July 12, we are getting all the produc- THE BARNARD JUNIOR HIGH BAND "It was never intended that that 13 and 14. A dental hygienist will COOL wait itaelf. money be used for other pur­ Inspect, clean teeth and apply sod­ This formal removal of what | however. poses," he said Still Critical ium fluoride. Parents interested In r amounted to British sovereignty having a full «"eek's work Chairman Garrity cited losses In "science, the language laboratory, having their children attend the created w-hat is known as a power everv'body. Eugene Dunphy of 667 N. Main clinic are asked to call either Mrs. One remedy says we should do English, art and music" as evi­ St., Injured in a head-on collision John (Jhaplin of South Rd. or Mrs. vacuum. dence that "education is suffering Sunday where three were killed. Is more toward splitting up the In Manchester as of this coming Pasquale Cjafro of Birch Mt. Rd. COOL And a power vacuum. In a pow­ reported still in critical condition amount (6f production work krk year.” Ext. er politics world, is something AT at Manchester Memorial Hospital Baptisms you move Into before somebody now have. Board member Frank Sheldon However, a hospital spokesman said the board of education "reem­ said today he is improving. He is Recent baptisms in St. Maurice else moves Into It. The other remedy says we must CH€N€Y phasize to the general manager" Church include Elizabeth Ellen, Increase production enough to PILGRIM HALL suffering from multiple injuries. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas The first formal move toward the "Income (state aid to educa­ II Others injured in recent aocl S. Berry of Andover: Theresa Ann, COOL Ku-wajt has now, come from the give everybody a full time job. tion) aa well as the expenditures to dents are reported to be doing daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas TTiere is one comforting thing II education" In Manchester, very well. Arab nation o ' 'Iraq, which has I I I I I I Mrs. Jane Stuek of the board said Hovey of East St., Hebron; David proclaimed that Kuwait has al­ about a situation in which we find the cuts "cannot be measured in Robert W. Wilson of 49 Arch Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. ways been a part of Iraq, even ourselves with' two diametrically the lives of children going through St. i.s reported to be in serious David T. McConnell of Carolyn Dr., opposed remedies for the same our school system this coming condition but improving. Mrs, Hebron; Donna Lynn, daughter of through the period when British Grace Palicki of 162 Spencer St Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy, COOL situation. Nobody Is really doing Open Tonite year.” Garrity added that the board imperialism usurped the situation has been “frustrated in an attempt is listed as improved and doing Villa Louisa: and Stephan Arthur, there. anjrthing about putting either pur­ to put into effect a sound educa­ very well, the hospital spokesmsin son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pykq -J’ Iraq advances this claim not be­ ported remedy Into effect. tional program" in the town. said. Both Wilson and Mrs. Pa of Brewster St.. (Coventry. ■ A preliminary appeal to the llcki were involved In a head-on Baseball Result cause it takes K too seriously, or The truth is nobody knows hqw collision Friday. to manage the detalla for either board of a directors to restore the Sheridan's Garage defeated Bol­ expects anybody else to takeXjt till 9 :0 0 budget cut to the school board was The hospital spokesman also ton Dairy last night 9-0. Victorious COOL too seriously, but because It is f-***"**^!'’ made June 5, but General Manager said the two South Windsor girls pitcher Craig Pepin allowed two Keep^ afraid tb^t, if the situation la leA The only reliable practicing Richard Martin said no considera­ Claudia Carroll of 58 Hollis Rd hits and struck out 11 players. a complete vacuum, it will be the economist our age has known la tion of a restoration can be made and (Jarol Ponte of 14 Parkview Dave Southerlln caught. For the the institution of war. j WMt* Blcocliad Cotton .. 1e por indi until a final list of proposed cuts Dr. who received head injuries Bolton Dairy team, Tommy Fred­ United Arab Republic which moves Is submitted to the directors. while playing ball Friday, are in do, Tom Crockett and James Tracy into it, creating a sphere of influ­ And this is not merely because, Sunmior Ploytim# FcM es . \ 60c yd. The board of education win meet very good condition. pitched and Tom l^qiklnson caught. ence for itself. as la-so o ^ n said, it pula part Informally with the directors either John 'Loughlln of Thompson'vllle A special drill for Bolton fire­ AJi that remains is for Russia oi the working force in uniform Fiborglat Dropory Fabrics . . sViOb yd July 6. 6. or 7, to discuss a restora- whose leg was broken when man will be held tomorrow night at and puts the rest of the working tl^on in advance of the appeal July heavy pipe fell on It Saturday has the firehouse at 6:45. and the United States to be drawn been discharged. The Educator baseball team will force making things which are Into this Miadow-boxing, for HOURS: Daily Noon to 9; Sat. 10 to 6 Khrushchev to make a speech, for purely destructive in nature. It Electrically Kennedy to call a special session la also because war stimulates our of the National Security Council, Imagination and just goes ahead AIR-CONfHTIdNED FREE PARKING . . . lot next to Top Notch and for the fate of cf^lizatlon, and does what should be done and HARTFORD RD. MAKE A suddenly, to depend Kuwait. what has to be done. MANCHESTER 1 During World 'W ar II, there MILLS It could happen reiy^easily. For the important thing In our time were any number of thrilling in- "SAVINGS & LOAI^I J Semi-Annual SALE la not the identity of any particu­ s.ances Jn which jthe American lar criais point, but the kind' of economy did the mammoth impos­ Summer can ^a$ coolj^s a breeze! world anarchy we tolerate "in sible—tlie thing that only the vi­ which the rule of grab usually sionary and the foolish dared even PENALTY.FREE ^ STRIDE RITE SHOES With the flick switch you can cool the air, seems a step ahead of the rule of suggest might be within reach of circulate it, get rid of humidity and it’s all so Its power. It wasn't afraid of ita law. It Is the great Irony of our easy. See your d e a ^ r for electric cooling time that, even vdien we seem to own shadows, whether they were MORTGAGE LOAN" disconrimied styles 1» getting civilized enough to con­ cast by theory or by something NCER which fits your home and your budget. Real, cede freedom to peoples long held more tangible. Orig. 8.50 ta 9.98 5.99 honest-to*goodness air conditioning includes You'd think we might, some under somebody's yoke, we still coolingiVehumidifying, filtering and circulot* seem to loose them into a power day. develop some cohesive, clear- ... PART OF YOUR PLANS Mostly girls to teens, 8V4 to 3, t^ n 4 to 9. politics jungle. directloneS drive to do something PRE-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE ing. Yoji/ti^can hove oil of these in o simple about getting past some of the 956 Main facing Oak A limited group of boys’Vsizes 12Ve to 3. windo^jenr portable unit. minor challenges' in a peace time SUNT-0-MATIC*and SUNTrO-MATK S p e d d Safety In The Meas? economy. FOR HOME OWNERSHIP! FmOR MODELS AND DEMONSTRATORS r -• Keep your favorite room the most comfort* No administration in • modem The great dream our war time ■ !-J ■ . ■ experience left us was- the dream times, at least, has ever taken Strap shoes in red or black calf, black able room in the house oil summer. You con such a clobbering as wa.s adminis­ of a great economy of abundance. ■■ Riducid * 5 0 Whether you are planning a new do it at the flick of .o switch. . . electrically. And It would he the natural fulfilment llna 1*1. |)b* eke* **•) patents and tie oxfords in red calf, tered to the Kennedy regime the of our industrial genius. Is MOHTKaiO CeWMt home or buying en exi$ting one, it now's the time to do it, before the scorchers other day when its executive reor­ black velved, pigskins. Sorry, not We have been amazed, ever ganization proposal for revamp­ get herel sime, at how quickly our capacity will pay you to investigate the ad­ every size or width in every style. ing the Federal Communications Raduetd * 7 0 to absorb such an abundance was (Inei i*|. price afee* n«) vantages of e "Savings and Loan" Commission was vetoed by the exhaust.^rl. hi r i o n i l ToM* fM « ile i* ie House, by a vote of 323 to 77. “And will fit them accurately’* When it’s not the heat but the humidity! We can make it: we could use Penalty-Free, Open-End Mortgage The main Impetua for this clob­ more of it. and if we can t there Reduetd bering seems to have come from' * 5 0 Loan. We have been providing Some folks suffer more from humidity than are other* In the world who can;; (lr«* f*f. pike eke* ete) the nation's radio and television from heat. Actually worm, dry air is more but when production is of a kind wMMONTEIErTeUf sad . bi oadcastlng stations, who. espe-" Home Mortgage Loans since. 1891 discontinued styles discontinued styles we can't fire from guns or drop (srryis|(sss comfortable than cool, damp air. A dehumidi­ d ally after the rather celebrated on cities, we haven't the faintest ^ and feel sure our experience can be S7«ecJi by President Kennedy’s ROUND BOBBIN CONSOLE Fiutuu;F unuuf '.PAR'.PARIAN' Mud'inr TEEN ‘HANDLERS’’ ^Gerberich’* BOYS' SHOES fier is not o cooling device but it dries the air, idea how to distribute what we mode by SINfjFR in hunn .jm* vvtiinui lim M rf: of help, to you. Please feel free to new chairman of the FCC, Newton can produce. and eliminates o major cause of discomfort. Minow, seemed to fear that • 7 9 5 0 Some time, between wars, we consult with us at anytime. Orig. 8.95 and 9.9.5. Orig. 8.95 and 9.95. It's great in o workshop or basement recrea­ streamlining the federal agency ought to work on the theory and 5 . 9 9 5 . 9 9 and giving its chairman greater FULL POWER CANISTER CLEANER >, Teen sizes 4 to 9. Sizes 3Vt to 9. tion room. In fact, on electric dehumidifier science and practical techniques SOM bsM, M-bsariai oilin, 7-$c eWadsmiit Mt direction of ita detailed operations of dlstributlpn wrings o pint of water on hour out of the air might lead to pressure on them Dress or casual flats, tie oxfords, A fine group of sturdy boys’ shoes in for a different brand, of program­ - f t loafers, squash heels, widths AA to 6. bucks, calfs, loafers; in the overage room. There's no dripping Bl'S FAIR HIKE STALLED ming, climaxed by the introduc-1 TRADE-IN MACHINES moisture to collect on pipes, woodwork, furni­ .. - narUord. June 27 (Ah — The >7 Uon of a new uncertainty into the state Public Utilities Commission A wide vmipty of potlnhlr and con,oI< rtiodti. -i -. ture or mildew on rugs. This summer keep copi hitherto rather routine process ol has ' suspended new bus fares re­ * 1 9 5 0 ^ 2 9 5 0 $ 3 9 5 0 cfiscontinued styles disconrinued styles periodic license renewal. quested by the ConnecUcut Rail­ SAVINGS ond comfortoble electrically. ^ Oriec they were on the warpath, way aind Lighting Co. The suspen­ sion announced yesterday means llm M stack an mast itams-lint m m , i n t saM filRLS’ and TEEN SHOES SNEAKERS and SANDALS the broadcasters apparently had that the company cannot place the PAY AS LinU AS $1.35 PER WEEK ON OUR USY PAHWir PIAN a2tc/ L O A N \ political power to bum. After all, new faree in effect on July 30 as it ..•V s s o t ' I ,\ r I o .n; U,ey' can and do allot free time to requested unless the commission SINGER SEWING CENTER Orig. 6.95, 7.95 Orig. to 3.98 members of Congress; they can se­ decides they are reasonable - and M)QUARn Rb M)R At ; ‘i^'R ,. .•. .1 •. 3 . 9 9 1 . 9 9 necessary. The-« company asked SizM 12

T«L XXV, No. S6 Tuesday, Jam 27 CoBipOod by Stadsnte of Maachoater Hifb Scbool Mloa Hilen Eatao, Faculty Adyiaar Vol. XXV, No. 86 Tueoday, Jane 27 Compiled by Students o f Manchrtt^ High School Miss Helen Estea, Facalty Adtlaer Future Education Takes Many Class Swims in Sea Jean, Karl Discuss Excellence

For What PurpoM, Bxeal- To Institutions on Both Coasts O f Changing Tides lence?" Th* moat outatandlng« .ass acholara of 1961, ^ean Hay, val­ The orbiting of Sputniks, the AWARD STARTED edictorian, and Karl Kehler, salu- **Vye all BUnd here together on* attend Tufts College In Medford.*David Roberts, Purdue University. tatorlan, presented their ideas on Boston University will be the home North Lafayette, Indiana; Joseph placing of men in space, and the llte threshhold of tomorrow — In appreciation for Misa excellence, at the 1961 Graduation But now the future faces use with of Robert Hendel and Phyllis Sol­ Pouech, S t Ambrose. DsvenMrt, election of the first Catholic pres­ Exercises, Friday, June 23. omon. Ptfnela Parker will also be Iowa; David Almond, Baker Uni­ Helen J. Estes, 26 years of ad- so xoftfA to be done, prepared to ident are events which have taken visorthip of High School World, l^ rl etated that students must tneet the challenge la the class of attending B.U.'s school of music. versity, Baldwin, Kansas; ' Linda ' ‘ , ‘ ■ Harvard University In Cambridge Johnson, Olivet College. JOlivet, place in the past four years. the seniors of the staff have in­ be shown by proper guidance the Blxty-one.” As the senior class stituted a journalism award in ' reasons for education and for striv­ stood together for the last time has accepted Donald Morrison. Michigan; Bob Walsh. St. Greg­ Events paralleling those of inter- Mount Ida in Newton, Mass., ory’s College. Shumee, Oklahoma; her honor. ing toward excellence. Without singing their class song, more naUonal prominence were those The Helen J. Estes Ewel- this guidance, they lack "the stim­ than half of them were thinking will be the destination of Dorothy Susan McKinney, Adrian College, at MHS. Brondolo in September; Susan Oo-' Adrian, Michigan; Catherine Lang, Icnce in.' Jorunalism Medal will ulation to work to the fullest of of the years ahead in which they The retirement of Edson M. be presented annually to the their ability." Karl felt that 99 w'ould be enrolled in colleges, hen will attend Burdett College In College of St. Catherine, St. Paul, Boston; the East Coast Aero Tech., Minnesota. Bailey, principal of MHS for the staff member who best me.‘ts per cent of today's students do A business schools, nursing schools, past 25 years and the advent of A. the following qualifications: nSed this help in understanding and technical institutes ^ order Lexington. Mass, has accepted The crowded state of New York Is being "Invaded” by many MHS Raymond Rogers, as principal was Journalistic insight, enthusinsm and enjoying hard work and the to complete their educati&i. Harold Freckleton; Arlyne Gar- and perfection of style. The Mty is attending Emerson College "grads" in the fall; Mike Geciaus- the major event in the fall of 1960. pursuit of knowledge. To be a lady in white is the kaa, Colgate University, Hamilton; Under Mr. Bailey the merit sys­ recipient will be chosen by the ambition of 30 graduating senior in Boston: Dianne Lechausse h u advisor and co-editors. To Jean; 'the purpose ot excel­ been accepted at the Boston Con- Donna Greaney, Tobe-Cobum, New tem, honors classes, special classes lence is not to ' possess superiority girls: these SO girls will ^ enter- York; John Lee, iMerganthaler, for the less advanced students, and u g nurses’ training in September. liervatory of Music. Dance and or to promise "a dramatic blow of Drama in Boston; Mary Jane Me New York; Jo-Linda Lelb, Syra­ the use of electronics ^ equipment and end of the course to indicate deliverance that will see the end Hartford Hoapit^ will have en­ cuse University, Syracuse; Enid for clerical work in the main of­ his progress. rolled-in its freshman class; Bar­ lAughlin can be located next year ot all oppression, poverty and dis­ at Boston College. Rogers. Keuka College, Keuks fice were Instituted. Mr. Bailey is The purpose of the reading clinic ease." 'Ihe purpose ot excellence Is bara Oooper, Judith Prescott, Park; Don Selple, Hamilton Col­ now associated with the staff of Ls to improve reading skills and 2 Busan Stoltenberg, and Gail Zit- Also in Massachusetts will bo to live up to our own personal Jack Reid, Clark University. Wor­ lege. Clinton; John Weir, Paul the University of Hartford. in turn improve the marks of the standard for our lives and our fcovitch. Carole Miffit and Lynne Smith, New York; and Dolores In the spring of 1961, the audi­ student. As Mrs. Skinner puts it, Appleby are both planning to take cester; Carole Shapazian. North­ work. Jean explained that living eastern* University, Boston; Wil­ York. Marymount College, Tarry- torium was dedicated - to Mr. "Reading is a tool not a subject." up to this standard 1s necessary coiuses in j>ractical nursing at town. Bailey in honor of his many years The desire to iniprove must come Hartford Hoepital. liam Stiles, Monson Academy, not only because ot our obligation Monson Leland Powers School of Linda Ann Smith will receive of faithful service! to MHS. from the student or no improve­ to our abilities, but for self-re­ Also in Hartford, S t Francis airline hostess training at the Cen­ A tutoring system was estab­ ment will be made. B o^ itsl will have in its freshman Radio, TV, Theater in Boston nas spect. Excellence, Jean felt. Is not accepted William Turkinglon. tral Technical Institute In Hart­ lished in the fall of 1959. Its pur­ At the end of the six-month class Bylvia Smith and Mary ford; Patricia Shick will get her the superiority of one over anoth­ Janet Wahnqulst will attend the pose was to nave students in a course moat students have doubled er, bill a "working together to Thomson. The Middlesex Memorial training at Northwest Airlines parUcuIar subject tutor students their reading rate, while maintain­ r * " Hospital in Middletown has ac­ Forsyth School of Dental Hygiene School in Chicago. achieve the best for all." "We 7 in Boston. who were having trouble in the ing or increasing their comprehen­ must seek excellence in our own cepted Sandra Cummings, Karen Technical education ranks high subject. Hie system was very suc­ sion and improved their vocabu­ Hanson. Delores Pease, and Ro­ Another neighboring state, Rhode in intereat among the graduating dally work, to create a world ot Island, is getting quite a la^e rep­ cessful and has been used for the lary by 10 to 20 per cent. As Mrs. peoples working together to seek berta Vandeihoff. Maureen Mc­ boys: Peter Shainln and - Martin Skinner states, "The student who resentation of MHS "college-bound­ Goodatlne will both attend the past two years. the end of tyranny and suffering.’’ ' •» Cann, Karen McNamar, and Kath­ A course in economics was wants to learn will progress twice erine Olsaver are planning to at­ ers." Providence College has ac­ Stevens Institute of Technology in In conclusion, Jean said: "Class­ cepted Philip Dupont and Greg­ taught by television in the fall of as fast as one who has no desire tend the Joseph Lawrence Hospital Hoboken, New Jersey; Bruno for Improvement. The reading mates of 61: I would ask of you Fun, food galore at Benior Banquet Don Cerdner, emc9t, enjoys leisure 671 graduates in formation at commencement ceremony Memories, friends unite at Senior Reception in New London. Sandra Chartier ory Frey; Salve Regina College in Primus and Daniel Minior have 1959. The course, which originated clinic will continue next year on an to think of excellence in this man­ and EUzabeth MeVey are both Newport will have Margaret C3ote been accepted at the Rensselaer from the University of Connecti­ expanded basis, including a new ner throughout your lives: To show and Mary Carol Dwyer. Carol Polytechnic Institute in Troy, cut. was broadcast to MHS oni a unit on poetry." gratitude to parents, teachers, planning to receive their training GUha. Craig Maine, Patricia Mc­ from Grace-New Haven Hospital New York; Garry Sutllffe will at­ closed circuit. Although this ^ - In September of 1960, the Tiling board of education, and all those Angels, Devils Carthy, and Judith Soule all plan tend R.C.A. Institute In New periment was not repeated ‘ in Jdnlor High School opened after who have contributed to our edu­ Business Opportunity Fun, Frolic Plentiful in New Haven. The EJU Whitney to attend Bryant College In Provl Seniors Receive Many Awards Tech Nursing School in Hamden York City: R. Grepler will study 1960, the technique of teaclilng by being under construction for 14 cation by striving for an excel­ dence. Brown Univerity, also In aviation electronics at Jackson­ TV Is thought to be a strong poten­ months at a cost of $1,500,000. The lence that finds Its purpose in the Devise W ill will be expecting Joanne Kenneal- Providence, will be expecting Rob­ service of others. To work always ly in September, while the William ville, Florida; and George Ordway tial in the future of education. school, which consists of 33 class­ Manchester High's largest grad-'<|'lng the Elmira College Key and*w.•ere given to Georgeanne Minder. ert Allison In the fall; Jean Hay will attend Worcester Polytechnic for an excellence of mind that W. Backus Hospital in Norwich In 1958 a reading clinic under rooms plus a library, cafeteria, I Great for Graduates "Newsflash- the United States is uating class filed into the MHS Certificate was Leslie Carlson. '62, Stanley Sholtk, '63, and Eileen At Annual Sports Night will attem) Pembroke University, Institute, Worcester, Massachu­ the direction of Mrs. Helen P. seeks constantly for intellectual Bruce Stavens wna given the Trin­ Sulli\fan, '63. will welcome Joyce Wescott. audio-visual room and main office, at war and in danger of being at­ auditorium for the final time on and Muriel, Melendy will attend the setts. Skinner was established. The first is staffed by 36 teachers under the honesty and truth.” ity Book Prize. The Harvard Book Traveling to out-of-state hos- University ' of Rhode Island In Connecticut technical schools JEAN HAY KARL KEHLER Armed with their high school Singer Sewing Machine Co. in Wil- tacked.” The Senior Girls’ Club scholar­ Fun and frolic highlighted thc^ As a "sophomore,” Don brought piUUs will be: Linda Holman and years of its Institution was one of direction of A. Hyatt Sutliffe, Lisa Cowan, '61 Wednesday morning. They came to Prize and the newly established' ship was awarded to Sandra Smith. Kingston. will receive many graduates: The experiment—seeing If the course llmantlc, C. J. Burke for the Royal An enemy bomb came hurtling Senior Sports Night Tuesday, to mind the innumerable drives of Jane Reese, who plan to receive principal. diploma and a feeling of worldly out of the skies and the MHS see the presehiatlon of their class ITale Prize were presented to David '61; the Boys’ Club scholarship to Journeying up to the state fam SUte Technical School i in Hartford justified continuaUon.T-The results In 1959, IBM machines were in­ knowledge, graduated seniors are Ice Cream Co.. Madelaih Reynolds Baxter. Going" to Girls’ State this June 1.1, on Meniorial Field. the year. A ' general drive was their training from the Henry ous for its maple sugar, Vermont, will be attended by Robert at the Parkade Laundercenter, and of '61 was no more. Some­ will and to honor various claaa- Wllliman Eagleson. Games and group activities were dramatized by members ot the Heywood Hospital in Gardner, were overwhelmii^y In favor of stituted at MHS to make out re­ summer will be Leslie Carlson and will be Charles Baraw and Frank Schuetz, and Ray Soma; Ronald the continuation of the clinic on a going out Into Manchester and «iur- Andrew Palladine at the Florida where in the twilight zone these mates for their accomplishments. Carole LaPoIt. Girls' State certifi­ Seniors who have made out­ followed by the presentation of committee as one cracked a bull Mass. Also training in Massachu­ port cards and school schedules,. "spiriti" of '61 were reunited once Boyd, to attend the University of Shurkus has enrolled in the Prince full-time basis. / This machine Is now used for the College Scholarships rounding towns and cities to carry State Conservation Department. Richard Kennedy, Student Coun­ cates are given by the American standing accomplishments in extra­ the class history in' the main gym. whip while another collected mon­ setts will be Diane Klimas at the Verinont in Burlington. Trinity Col- Technical School in Hartford; New . Since then /approximately 700 more. The "angelic" seniors, and curricular activities were given Sports night, one of the get- ey from the •terrorized students Mercy Hospital in Springfield; same purposes at Illing. MHS PoU on the business of tomorrow and The Sail) Machine Co. Inc. will cil president, received the Amer­ Legion Auxiliary. lege, also in Burlington, will be England Technical InsUtute in students havw benefited from the have working as an apprentice "devilish" seniors were brought .special recognition. As the senior to.gethers for the Senior class be­ with a waste basket. Jeannette Conrad, at the Leo­ The class of 1961 witnessed and future years. together for the reading of their ican Legion Auxiliary award for In the field of business, the attonded by Maureen Brown and Hartford has accepted Tony Kua- reading clln^. The reading skills participated in progression In the machinist, J. Clinton Levesque; boy who has shown athletic and fore graduation, waa well attend­ Misspelling "psychology’ was minster Hospital, in Leominster: Hartford, known as the "Insur­ Last Will and Testament. Underwood Award for Outstanding Kerry Uetchell's downfall In Kathleen Naktenis. Robert Brennan das. The State Technical Institute that are stressed are: Vocabulary, past four years. This will be our What advice would you give un­ Make Futures Bright Courtney Doucette plans to work the senior who has done most for Businfess Education waa given to scholastic superiority, Michael ed. Nancy Faies, at the Cooley Dick­ is landing his sumtner working at in Hartford will<’hava among its comprehension, speed and oral derclassmen now that you have ance city" will find many senior _Jhe ghostly seniors left much tq Organized activities ranged sophomore year. She did take enson Hospital in Northampton; future, for we are part of a pro­ for Manchester Auto Parts; Mor- senior Gail Humphrey. Carol Genta Cavey’s Restaurant in Manchester freshman class: Everett Tuttle, reading. Each student is given a gressive age. been In high school for four years ? girls with permanent occupations iarty's Gasoline Station will be the be remembered by. The bequests from such bizarre topics as water first place in the school spelling and Sheila Hill, at the Melrose- there. At Travelers’ Insurance Co. w’ere presented in skits by the received the Lions' Club Business to help earn his tuition for St Ronald Spear. Richard Nelson, standardized teat at the beginning Karen Rivard, '61. Financial aid to help meet col-'^to Minnesota, received grants of place of employment for George Award. balloon blowing to the time-hon­ bee, however. Wakefield Hospital in Melrose. Michael’s College In Woonisky Robert Belanger, F. GUI Copeland lege expenses has been garnered $900 and $750 respectively from will be; Beverlee Hayes. Joyce Trueman: Robert Berzenski plans members of the elected Will Com­ ored sack race. Tlie raw.-«gg The notorious IBM machines Ihmela Simmons is planning to and Jack Daly. Shlrin Richardson; Determine Kalber, Lorraine Woollett. Sally Students o\itstanding in contests Park. Also traveling to Vermont by many prospective students of Northfield’s Carleton College. to work for the Connecticut mittee. At their 25th reunion the throwing contest was gyeeted \Vith were installed at Mlj^ when class enter the Maine Medical Center in will be ersLig Johnson who will Alao in Connecticut wUl be: what your profession will be or the Cole, Carol Frazier, Leila Lussler, 1961-ers may look back from the and in profeasional potential were members were juniors. Televisicjn college you will attend as soon as Ron Prentice was awarded a Springs and Wire Forms in Farm­ mixed reactions as uneasy on­ Portland, Maine, and Penny Friz­ study at Windham College, Putney, Ronald Allen, Dean Cosma, Pres­ higher education institutions who Irene Recknagel, Joyce Coseo. world beyond to see how the also given awards. Robert Barton lookers were splattered by broken in classes was introduced in the possible. $900 Federal loan to enable him to ington; Joseph Packard will be and Richard Gallagher placed first zell, the Mary Hitchcock Memorial while Middlebury Cbllege in Mld- cott Hurl, Walter Islkewicz, Otis turned their tassels from left to attend Gettysburg College In Diane Dinallo, Pam Riddell, Mar­ juniors have used their valuable eggs. same year. Hospital in Hanover, N. H.. Kleperls, Larry McKay, Richard employed as an automatic pin- and second, respectively, in the dlebury will have Richard Kennedy right on the MHS athletic field on Pennsylvania. Marietta College In garet Green, Nancy Gilman. Ca- setter mechanic. j possessions especially: The egg-throwing was followed Sportsmen were victorious as The University of Connecticut in among Ita students. Michael Rear­ McMullin, William Middlebrook Sportsmen Finish Karen Rivard: Decide whether ren Overton, Karen Anderson, "C?arol Wemlg’s loveliness is Marguerite Oates Campbell by an obstacle race, a pillow juniors. Members of the basket­ June 23. Ohio bestowed $425 upon Linda Patricia Tunsky will be work­ Award examination. Robert Bar­ Storrs will receive among its fresh­ don wlU attend Norwich University and John Thieling as students at you are here to learn or play. The Smith. and Ellen Brawn. given to Sue Miner. All MHS they fight, and the traditional sack ball team gained a berth in the two can be mixed, but learning Laurels donated by local spon­ ing as a secretary for the Eastern ton also received an award as the man class the largest number of In Northfleld *l?d Charmieij Rous­ the Porter School of Tool and De­ Stein Among the employes of the do impress And no two girls are race. state tounyy in New Haven. MHS college - bound students: seau will attend Caatleton Teach­ sign in Rocky HIU The Ward should come first, to build a suc­ sors have been awarded to several; Aetna Life Insurance Co. will be: States Farmers’ Exchange In finer.” "Roses are red: violets are winner of the Civitan Essay Con­ Once the seniors had demon­ Rememwr Rick sticks? They Larry Bates, Margaret Bcaucage, er’s College in Castleton. School of Electronics in West Successful Seasons cessful future. Dave Almond and Roberta Johns Kris Kemp, Eileen Chister, Arlene Buckland; The Weather System blue. Kobllnskl Is sweet; Mary Ho- test. Noreen Leber received the strated their sports abilities, the were made "famous” by student William Belekewlcz. Mary Jane Also northward bound will be Hartford has accepted Robert Cas­ r each received $100 grants from McGann, Linda Stevenson, Gloria Center will employ EK>lores Mc- bln too.” LaBonne-Silverstein Award. history wa.s presented. Mem­ council president Rick Kennedy in BoggiiU, Bruce Bonadies, Priscilla Barbara Boles and Jamea Galanek sells, Barry Gafftiey, John McKen­ Jean LeSure; Wlien you get to the newly established Daniel Man- Girls Receive Moran, Patricia Mann, Sandy Lor- Caughey; the Acquisition Depart­ "See that basket, see that rim. Manchester High's top musical orable events over the four -years his successful campaign. Bradley, Carolyn Brown, George who will be at the New England na. Brian Wagner, Donald Gun- be a senior and on the commen­ chuck Memorial Fund. Manchester entzen, Barbara Pfeiffer, Mary ment of the Research Library In Dave and Steve have been so trim. students were given recognition we-e charaetdzed and drama­ Many changes were seen by the Buck, David CalL Michael Cronin, College In Henniker, New Hamp­ sten. Walter NlUnaM, Richard Te- This year’s Manchester Highf-games. Manchester won its first Education Club awards of $200 Pratt A Whitney Aircraft will be through the presentation of sever­ athletic teams have shown fine seven games in a row and then cement committee, don’t sign up Arm Hanson, Betty Foster, Sandra They have hopped out of many a tized as Don Cordner, master of of '61 in the final year. The Raymond Davis, Robert Deane, shire. Also-studying in New Hamp­ traulte, and Steven Zane. Ptatt for the will committee. were presented to Sue Stoltenburg, Berzenski, Irene Lachance, Con- the pHice of employment for spot. And as much can be done by al prizes and scholarships. Re­ ceremonies, recalled the experl- change In the honor roll system Robert EJccellente, Aija Freimanis, shire will be; Kathleen Bentz, Ply­ and Whitney Training School wlU seasonal records and have dis­ went into a slump, losing 4 of ita Karen McNamara, Penny Friz­ Sport Awards Sharon Delaney, and Patricia ceiving the Frederick E; Werner last 5 games. Victories came ’ stance Fontana, Rosalie McCarthy Binn Andrulot.” ence.s. (V was Initiated by a senior student. Henry Gryzb, Jonathw Hewey. mouth Teachers’ College In Ply­ take John Qtlve, William K-rin played outstanding sportsmanship zell, and Elizabeth MeVey. Kath­ as a stenographer, and Janet Coleman plans to work at Stygar "A hot shot is our Bucky, With Music Award waa Pamela Parker. Don reviewed the bcw'ilderm^t After 25 years of service to MHS Also, D. J. Kelsey. Sharon Kob- mouth: Richard Provost, St. An- and George Wales. oveh Windham- (2), Bristol Elast- Althea Perog: Enjoy yourself Gage Oo. as a clerk-typist. Roberta Johns"'and David Almond during victory or defeat. Senior ern, Conard, Bristol Central leen Kanehl was awarded $300. An assembly wa« held for sopho­ Christensen as a bookkeeper. a rifle he haa no fault. And '62 will of fre.shman. He noted the h6n- students. Mr. Edson M, Bailey re­ linsky, Marilyn Kurtz, Gary Lehr- selems’ College, Manchester; and Business schools alao rank liigh .while you can. without getting too Mike Geciauskas received a $250 Barbara Farrell plans to work were given the Daniel Manchuck Wethersfield and Platt. Losses many demerits. more, Junior, and senior ^rls for Hartford Fire Insurance Co. will be as lucky. With dead-eye Allen, of freshmen. He noted the hon­ tired to be replaced by Mr. A. man, Suzeinne Mamet, Gregory Ronald Ulm, Thompson School of in students’ plans for continued athletes may now look back to grant from the local Kiwanis Club, as a clerk-typist for the Depart­ Scholarships, while Leslie Donahue or Marty Goodatlne earned when the teams, which will represent were at the hands of Conard, Ma­ the presentation of sports awards be employing Susaii Weir as a Sault.” Raymond Rogers Jr. Manchuck, Steven McAdam. Agriculture, a division of the Uni­ education. Mara Andreaon, Nan^ while Judy Larson was given a ment of Health, Eklucation and he won secor.d place In the sci­ Closing victory for the class versity ot New Hampshire in Dur­ cy Ames, Susan Mlffitt Carol MHS next fall, winter, and spring, loney. Hall and WethersfieldsLead­ Carole Anderson: When you get on Thursday, June 8. Fifty-eight typist; John f^irtis, Diane Bou­ The'tJiass Will Committee head­ Nancy McFarland. Robert Merrer, ing hitter on the Indians nine was $400 sum from the same organiza­ Welfare Bureau of Old-Age Suy-- ence /air; likewise our "ancestor” came on Nov. 24, 1960, when the James Mistretta, George Mortlock, ham. Moore, Nancy Mucclo, Linda Pren­ and see that talented underclaas- to be a senior, study hard so you tion. dreau, Nancy Hines, emd Mary Lee ed by Arlene Garrity and under Mike Geci§iuskas who batted. 310. girls in the senior class were given Howell in other capacities. viviors Insurance for the Federal PETER KiOCK Karl Reichelt waa mentioned as a Indian football team emerged vic­ William Newcomb, Gwendolyn New Jerseyites will find among tice, Caroline Pulchelopek, Marge men will captain the teams which won’t have to take exams and don’t Government. the direction of Mr. Jay Stager GAIL HUMPHREY student council president for the they now have. Coach Richard Danielson and co- Manchester Memorial Hospital awards. prepared and presented this 1961 I'nderwood Award Klath Award torious from the annual TurKcy Owren, Gaida Ozola John Pellerin, them many MHS "grads. ” Malcolm Sacharek, Adele Saplta, Richard be on the will committee. scholarships for future nurses Employed by the Connecticut year. Day contest with East Hartford. F. Marlow, Roger Harrison and Smith, Susan Then. Elaine Zava- T^e Manchester High School captains Mike Geciauskas and Those receiving the 1961 numer-' Mutual Life Insurance Ck>. in Hart­ “Uncle Sam” is undoubtedly Senior Will at the Senior assembly Jean Peltier, Michele Peltier, were won by Sandra Chartier, Lin­ waiting to meet his new litle rela­ the school. Several citizenship Althea Pierog, Trudi Recknagel, Janet Nutter will do their studying rella, Robert Andrews and David football teeun had'its first success­ Bruce Bonadies led the MHS soc­ Penny Frizzell; Live your senior als for attaining 200 points were ford will be. Marilyn LaPointe. on Wednesday. Other members of Geciauskas received the Clarke at Drew University in Madison; Hastings will attend Morae Col ful season In several years in 1961. cer squad through an impressive da Holman, and Nancy Fates. Sue Kathleen Lewis, Ruth Geer, Carol tives entering the Army, Navy, this committee include Jean Le­ awards were presented to those Medal. Robert Foster was given Wayne Reynolds. Malcolm Robert­ year to the greateat. Mamet won the local Verplanck Mary Jane BogginI, Eileen Chister, son, and Deborah Roddy. Upsala College in Orange will be lege. Also In Hartford, the L B. The Indians finished the season season of 8 wins, 2 losses and one Harvey and Bonnie Valente. Air Force, Coast Guard, , and Sure, Gaida Ozola. Penny Frizzel, who had made outstanding contri­ the Charles L. Wigren Award, enriched by four MHS'ers: Edward M.. Training School will have en­ with a fine 5-4 record. The fight tic. Even with this very ^ood PTA award of $100. Carol GUha, Suzanne Mamet, Jo­ Marines. Sintering the U.S. Army Ruth Gerf\ Carol Gllha, Buddy butions to the school. Receiving given to a worthy athlete and Also, James Royce, Donald Scho­ Arlyne Garrity; Live it up but Marie Pantaleo received $35 to anne Peters. Roberta Vanderhoff Jane Crandall and Janice Chace Underwater Wonders field. Daniel Shea, Carol Shenning, Marsh, Elizabeth Cotton, Judith rolled: James Berzinskas, Gall and spirit of this team, co-cap- record the hooters just missed will be David Butler, Angelo Minor, Aluiea Purog, Phyliss the Amerjcan Legion Citizenship school citizen, was given to Henry qualifying for the Connecticut work laat quarter to get all Bs begin her studies at the Connecti­ and Cassandra Vincent. will both be working as secretaries Pontillo, Thomas Ryan, Henry Awards- were Marlene Forde and Lesly Smith. Roberta Smith, Sand­ Larson, and Robert Richards. John Johnson, Sheila Kusiak, Diane Le- tained by Bob McCabe and Mike for the Amj^can Universal Insur­ Solomon. Minor. The recipient of this award Lucas plans to attend Rider Col­ slczka and Wayne Turner. Made state meet. The Indians ran up cut Institute of Hairdressing: The following girls had 450 points Minor, Donald Stephens, Kenneth Kit Lang Richard Kennedy. Donated by the is selected by the varsity coaches. ra Lee Smith, Charlene Souther- Simmons, were attributes of which Richard Tetrault was honored by ance Co. ^^ndra McKenny has a gill, Joseph Staniunas, Gary Ster­ lege In Trenton. lelne Blanchette haa been acespt- the Manchester fans can be proud. a total of 20 goals against their Gaida Ozola: Participate in and received the 1961 small “ M ": Burnett, Jonh Merrill, and Andy Dilworth-Cornell-Quey Post, 107, Kenneth Smith received a sweater Journeying into the "Deep South” opponents, keeping the opponents school activities to get a broad a $650 grant from the Ward Lois *Caddy, Linda Giacomini, job at the Federal Insurance As­ Taurls. these awards are given to the sen­ Set Reception Theme ling, Merle Tessier, Roberta ed at the Hartford Secretarial The Indians scored victories over sociation in Hartford, while Dor­ award because he has earned six Thorpe, Joy Trapuzzaho, Nancy for their education will be: Walter School. Barry Snyder and Bmce both Bristol schools. Central and down to a minimal six goals. vlew^of high school life. School of Electronics. Marge Hibbard, Patricia; Hood, The boys in "Air Force Blue" ior boy and girl who have notably or more letters In sports. Lamie, who will attend Asbury Linda Johnson, Persephone Kam- othy Prior will be working at the Ungerer. and Donald Werner. Fiah win attend the Hartford In- Elastem, and over Platt. Wethers­ Coach Gilbert Hunt of the Eng­ Malcolm Barlow received a $400 from Manchester Will be William M any Seniorj!. served the school for four years. Writing and art awairts were The Senior Reception conclud­ • Under the direction of Mr. Da­ College In Aabury, Kentucky; Mar­ stltuta of Accounting. Ray Mc­ Rose Memorial scholarship from bas, Patricia Schick. Joan' Small, Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co. Juniors Christine Dingwall and UConn's College of Pharmacy field, and longtime — rival East lish Department, with the leader­ Joseph PouSch: Try to stay off Denise Randolph will hold a posi­ Keith, Ted Chokas, Ronald Nourie, preseiited to those who had won ing the high school career of the vid Hartwell, faculty advlsot to will have enrolled Wesley Shorts sha Jewell, who will attend Wash­ Kay and Joanne Peters will attend ship of Co-Captains Karl Kehler demerit probation because you Drew University. Marshall Potter Jean Tierney, Pat "Tunsky, and Anthony Alibrlo received the Civ­ members of the class of 1961, was Hartford. Manchester suffered Barbara Zillnskas. tion at the Connecticut General In­ Thomas Elriokson, Dennis Siebert, keys in the competition sponsored the Reception Committee, the fol­ and Shirley Donahue; the School of ington College in Chestertown, Mitchell Junior College In New losses to Windham, Middletown, and John Matchett, led the MHS won’t have any fun if you are on It. was granted a $100 George Ayer Richard Bird, Allen Tomlinson, Attend Picnic itan {?lub Citizenship Awards fqr held on Friday evening. The dec­ lowing seniors have worked par­ Maryland; and Jean Tierney, who London. surance Go.; Carole'Nolan will be by the Hartford Courant, to those Nursing, Cassandra 'Vincent and, Hall, and Conard. Mike Simmons gunners to a fair season with 13 Memorial scholarship by Spring- For earning 700 points the 1961 Alfred Meek and Fred Fay. their outstanding leadership, seryl who had won national recognition, orations which have been worked ticularly hard and should be cred­ will attend St. Joseph’s Collide In Thirteen seniors will go to out- field College. big "M " was awarded to Kathy ^ working at the Metropolitan Life Barbara Hughes; the College o f' and Buddy Minor were selected wins and 5 losses. Almost every­ Dotty Brondolo - Studying pays / ) Insurance Ck>. here In Manchester. Enrolled in the U.S. Coast ice, patriotism, and dependability. and to those receiving the Quill on since early spring, follows an ited with the success of the re­ Emmitsburg, Maryland,, of-state schools for business train­ one was potentially red-hot, but Pat Provencal was awarded a Bentz” Pebie Begg, Diane Bou­ The Senior Picnic June 12, Arts and Sciences^ Timothy Beck­ as members of the AIl-CCIL foot­ off. W The legal department of the Llb- Guard will be Leyten W'ilmot, The DAR Award given by _.the Awards. 1 Mary Ziegler waa given underwater theme; blue and green ception: Mary Jane BogginI waa Thomas Dawkins and Martha ing: Bentley School of Accounting, something .seemed to givA various $275. Beatrice Fox Auerbach dreau, Betty Callahan, Karel Cobb, marked the beginning of the .sen­ lights flooded the cafeteria and with; the School of Ph>-sical Ther­ ball team. Simmons and Bob Mc­ erty\ Mutual Insurance Co. will be Lyndon Wllmot, Charles Perkins. ior activities for the class of 61. Orford Parish Chapter to a senior a plaque- for the national fame to chairnian of the committee; Larry apy. Jeanne LaVigne: and the Simpson will continue their edu­ Bo.ston, Rodney Fowler and EM- members dangerous slumps. The scholarship to study at nearby St. Elizabeth Cotton, Marlene Forde. girl who has displayed • autstand- many different species of fish BeH wa.s in charge of the dance cation at Elon College in Elon. Cabe received further accolades in the place of emplosrment for Bon­ Jim Valente, Dwight McQuade, After partaking of a breakfast of her school and to her teache'r.'Mrs. School of Engineering, James ward Borgida; LaSalle Junior Col­ receiving the Thom McAn Shoe team placed fourth In the Con­ Joseph College in West Hartford. Sheila Hill, Suzanne Hubbard, Sue were seen swimming on the .luge band; Connie Risley and Donna N.C. Also in North Carolina will lege, Aubumdale, Maas., Gail Graif Hurly, Frances Nylin, Linda Olm- nie Andrews. and Robert Follet; "proud to waffles and sausage sponsored by Best. A member of the freshman Awards for best back and best necticut State match. Alan Sault Jane Steiner was granted $400 by claim the title of the United States KARL KEHLER cafeteria windows. The queen Humphries took care of the flow­ be Donald Cordner. at, Wesleyan and Persephone Kambiu; Be'^ker was unanimously elected captain Seniors Recall the TJniversity of Hartford. stead, Kathryn Platt, Shlrley'Pyka, Other MHS graduates can be the Student Council in the school reigned with her court from an class at the Hartford Branch will lineman. Marines” will be David Spencer, cafeteria, the senior class left (or Engineers'* A ward ers for the patrons; Ed Borgiria be Elinor Minnick. College in Rocky Mount. Majoring Junior College, Worcester, Mass., for next year’s team. Top honors were won by Howard Daneen Renn. Deb by Raddy, and found working at Pratt and Whit­ underwater sand castle. arranged for the programs and in Physical Education at Virginia Judith Copeland and Joanne Don­ The basketball team enjoyed a Dolores York. ney Aircraft. These seniors are: Elrnest Kearns. Alvan Bacon and Ted: Hiltons in Mqodus for the an­ Those who will attend Central very successful season, winning Mr. Richard Sollanek coached Triumphs W on Turkington. who received $1,000 James Ontenio. wa.s given the Hartford Courant The Bobby Kaye Orchestra, a Sheila Hill the favbrs; Kay Ol- Intermount Jr. College in Bristol, ahue; Bay Path Junior College. 1961 medals were awarded the , Mary Ann Paven, Kathleen Gibbs, nual senior class picnic. 12-plece band, supplied music. .saver and Maty Jane BogginI were Connecticut College in New 12 w t of 20 ganoM. The team the Swimming team through a from MIT. John Golden was The senior playday began with Music Award. Junior Ronald Pir- Britain are: Noreen Leber. Jacque­ Va. will be Dawn Moiumphy. East Longmeadow, Mass., San&a good season. The Indian "Ducks" awarded $900 by the same school. following girls for earning 1000 John Nelligan, Albert Eaton, Penny “Anchors Aweigh" will soon be key was awarded the Beller’s Mu­ A new feature this year was in charge of'rofreshments, Erika Virginia Stale College in Peters­ Geer, Donna Vaders and Joan Bri- started out fast, winning six of Fairbanks, Connie Bussiere, Cathy the favorite song of 23 boys enter­ a cloudy sky, but soon cleared up a photographer who was se’ up line Lombardo. June Martin, its first seven games, but it faded co-captained by Fred Iwstenke Individuals of the class of ^61 Pam Parker expertly showed points: Kathy Bentz, Joyce Bowen, sic Shop Award. The Manchester Krempasky the decorations, aqd burg has accepted Karel Kobb. zitls; Northamp Junior College Joan Brizitis, Maureen Brown, Camposeo, Robert Messier, ./eff ing the United States Navy. The enough to give nearly a» pres­ all evening to lake a colored pic­ Sue*Taylor the invitatiom. Samuel McCloud. Teriy Lee Jeske, in the middle of the season. The and Scott Huri won their first six have set many records during four b«r mastering of music for a $500 ent enough sunburn, and fnore, to Evening Herald and the WlNh’ "Sunn y Florida’s" beautiful Northampton, Maas., Barbara Zi- meets but dropped three of their Shirley Donahue, Poppy Gerard, Morhardt, Patricia Uriano, James new Navy men will be: James Music Awards were given to Jon ture of each couple. These pic­ Following the Senior RecepUon Joanne McHugh, Patricia Nico- Indians made a late season rush years of high school. Many reoorda grant from Boston University. Harvey, Norbert Saegaert, James satisfy them. letta, Kathleen Noonan. Shirley weather will be absorbed by llnski, BMker Junior College, Wor­ renmlning contests., The team Gail Graif, Erna Jackel, Ann Louise ^ Stamler, Robert Lutz, Donna Almond. '63, Frederick Barrett, tures may be picked up any time the Dawn Dance was held in the Joseph MassoUni, a prospective cester, Mass., Donna Frankisnd toward a berth in the State Tour­ and triumphs are algniflcant only Love of art enabled Marcia Wer­ Lynne, and Neil HatUn. Collier. Dennis Heffron, Roger The morning was spent in prac­ Pj'ka, Carol Sibrinz. Gerald Wai- fini^ed the season three-way ner to win an $85(P award from the Jeffries. Sharon t'Koblinsky, Jiv- '62, anti Kennetl),.' Woods, '63. after July 12, at the Butterworlh Cafeteria until 3. student at the University of Mi­ and Lois Ledbefter, and Judith nament and qur.llfled with a thrill­ CCIL first place tie Ullh Windham to the individuals. Others hsve Linda Lieb, Elinor Minnick, Dawn Coulombe, Edward Czarnato, Rich­ tically every sport Imaginable Chaminade MusU! Club awards Studio on Main St. PanfJBarker- !' lach. Maureen Whelan, Penny Beck. ing overtime victory over Wethers­ Rhode Island School of Design. "What number are you calling?" ard Toce, Louis Barber, Ronald from such activities as tennis, Whit^, smd Carol Wisniewski. ami, and Rjchard Allely at Embry and Maloney. Talented Hurl Moiumphy, Althea Pierog, Shlrin will be the favorite expression of Riddle Aeronautical Institute, al­ The Hartford Institute of Hair- field. Manchester was eliminated |>een made known to fellow clasa- A $450 scholarship from Pem­ Cowles, ^ e t e r Gavello, Thomas swimming, ' boating, golfing, and Also, i Mary PauUer. Karen broke the school backstroke rec­ broke was awarded to class vale­ Richardson, Carol Shenning, Suz­ 1 i, 12 graduates as they start work at so in Miami. drcaaing has accepted Louise Chap- in the first round of the tourna­ ord twice. J matea. ^ anne Taylor, Roberta Thorpe and Quish, Walter Parker, Fred Kos- horseback riding to lazier ones Rivard. Samuel Hendrickson. Hen­ pas, Sandra Lazzarl, and Joapne ment by a strong Hillhouse team. dictorian Jean Hay. Dennis Keith the' Southern New England Tele­ tenko.yRichard Kohler. as swinging and just plain lying GRADUATION ry Blair, Seig Blamberg, Susan "California or Bust" la the mot­ The Indian golf team won the Bob Merrer and Marty Good- Michelle Williamson. phone Company.' The graduates to of John Bacon, who will study Welzchowskl. Barbara CJieifaey, Co-captalns for the year were stine put the claa^ o f '61 in the received a $400 scholarship to Douglas Korner, Richard around in the sun. Lee Brown. Kerry ,Aun Getchell, CCIL title with a fine record'of Bates in Maine. Four girls in the graduating class working for SNETCO will be Past Turns Present at the California Institute of Tech- Donna Luce, Marie Pantaleo.v.and Steve McAdam and Dave White. news in 1958. Bob was awarded received bar plna for earning more Eberle, Jlobert CompimetU, PaPaul Aftn lunch, at one o’clock, the PROGRAM Carole Guzavitch. Elaine Kase- McAdafn set two school records 14 wins, one tie, and one loss. Co­ Also heading northward, With Helene Roche, Jean Rodgers, McNamaV^ James^AnderaonSFaaul pool waa cleared of people, and vlcli, Arthur Kelly, and David Pasadena and of Dick Joyce Smolensk! will all attend captains Roger Poe and Wayne top QutU prize for hie prose con­ than 100 points. They were Maureen scholarship aid are Dave Haskell Sharon Hill, Rose Delaney, Grac/^ Martaln, Rtchasd'^^yle,Coyle, ClkytonClayti swimming and diving contests m - Ladabouche. Davln, who has been accepted at the CohnectlMrt^ InsUtute of Hair­ during the season. He iftt the sin­ Reynolds received a great deal of tribution. Marty won second prize Brown, 1342 points; Dawn Moium­ PRCiOESSIONAL El Camino College in Ton'ance. dressing In Hartford. gle game standard by scoring 35 (with $875 per year from Colby Guarnaccia, Marilyn Garey, Linda Hill, and Bill Heine. gan. / Accepted at the University of support from underclassmen Don in the Northern Connecticut Sci­ phy, 1300; Carol Shenning, 1205; Rawlings, John ' McCarthy, Carol "Triumphal March" In ’61 Glass History Neil Chadwick will be located in The Rhode Island School of De­ points against Windham in the ence Fair’s junior' division with College) and^raig Johnson with a Two girls have decided to enter Canoe racing began.,,,gt' ' two Hartford are 10 MHS graduates: Bc.sser, Stan Hilinski Jr., and Da­ $1,200 graht from Windham Col­ and Roberta Thorpe, 1225. ' Anderson, Gall. Armstrong, Rita September at the Eastern Bible sign In Providence, R. I., will have first game of the season and set vid Kay. This year’s team had his project, "Electronic Eyee for the Women’s Services. Janet Bilo­ o’clock on the river. Several teams STAR SPANGLED BANNER Ellen Arendt, Mary Ellen Barrett, l e t in PutWy, Vt. Pam Parker. Gone!; Gall Humphrey will be of nin* were formed. Including a Carl Chltjiqn, John Hutchinson, Institute in Green Lane Penn­ among the freshman class: Carole the season record at '363 points. some of the finest schoolboy golf­ the Blind." deau will be entering tbe WAVES, Remember the flr^st day of school, very youthful Mr. Rogers; and sylvania. Also in Pennsylvania, Dan M(fuor waa granted a full- working in the aervice order de­ team from a group ot honeymoon- GREETING Sandra Falelli, Edwin Pemberton, Moses, Marcia Werner, and Mary The baseball team also had a ers since "Red” Smith. Kerry Getchell won acclaim in partment during the day and at­ and Nancy Frost plans to enter the Soccer team winning the state Mike Simmons, playing the retir­ will be Robert Foster, at Lehigh Zeigler. The Hartford Art School good year winning 8 and losing 4 tuition Pratt and Whitney scholar- either the Women’s Marines, or ers who challenged the high school PRESIDENT GREGORY ing Mr. Bailey reminded the Roger Poe, Bette Rowley, Gisela Kevin Toomey, '61. 1969 when she won second place tending Hartford Secretarial CAROL CiENTA MANCHUCK JOHN ITRBANETTI , rhamplonship. and Mr. Bailey’s Shultz, and Jane Steiner. University. Bethlehem; Roberta has accepted: Jamea Sommers, in the school sMlling bee. . She ehlp to Rensselaer Polytechnic In­ Student Receives WMnen’s Air Force. teams. Class of '61 of the turnover In of­ Johns, at Lebanon Valley College school nights. Bob Alllaon, '61 IJons' Club Business Award Rentachler Oertifleafe retirement? All these events and St. Joseph's College in West ^ rb a ra Groff, Erika Krempasky surpassed several upperclass op­ stitute. This award ialso pays an Judy Prescott '61 SALUTATORY ficials at MHS. in Lebanon; Bruce Murray, at Ly­ and Sharon Luclous. extra $500 per year for college ex­ Manchester banka will have many outstanding occasions were Hartford will be expecting in Sep­ ponents to gain bar title. Aid in Education many naw employes. Those graulu- Ing leadership waa presented to "Need for Excellence" A fitting culmination of a four- tember Mary Lou Correia Linda coming CsHege, in Williamsport; The Julius Hart School of Mu­ penses. Elizabeth Budd, by taking! a First relived Tuesday night when the year high school career was Judith Rhodes, at Bryn Hawr Col­ Carol Mosfee waa one of nine Karel Cobb was aided by a $200 ates working for Connecticut Bank Poppy Gerard. Joan Farr, '62, won KARL B. KEHLER Frazier, and Patricia Provencal. sic has accepted William Adams, key winners in the state scholastic Following up his Interests In the award donated by the Connec­ Place for her silver service in the marching up to recei-e diplomas lege, Bryn Mawr; and David Si- per year grant from Virginia and Trust Co. are: Pat Ambrose national art competition. As hon­ Senior History Committee pre­ To Southern Connecticut State Patricia Bumford, Bnmo Glullnl, writing contest. and Judy Mozzer. working as ticut Association of Women Deans ROUND TABLE SINGERS at graduation to get only a red brinsz, at Muhlenberg College, AI and Saundra Soboleskl. State, while Dave Roberts received architecture, Richard McMulUn, "The Lord Is My Shepherd" orable mention for her short story sented the 1961 Class History in College in New Haven go Kathleen On April 9, 1900, Gary Lehrman bookkeepers; Jeanette Caselli as a and Coufiselors. folder and to learn that the docu­ lentowm. The University of Pitts­ Constance Bell will attend the $375 from Purdue. '61, has been honored by receiving "Send Forth Thy Spirit” in the national writing competition the Arena. ment might be picked up at the Kanehl and Daneen Renn; to the burgh will have among Its fresh­ won the local Road-e-o. Kit Lang received a full-tuition atenographer; Cynthia Perkins, Students outstanding in math University of Bridgeport, William American Academy of Dramatic In the same year, Riok Kennedy a scholarship to the Porter School a pen and key went to Jean Hay. As Don Cordner. Master of Cere­ seniors’ respective piiUtickin William Eagleaon PRESENTATION OF Morrissette,'63; and Karen Niles, son are both looking forward to In the closing weeks of the year, chester High School Guidance Best Dancers Craig Johnson Aircraft to the freshman with the '62. Receiving keys lor their writ­ Rogers, Dave White, Jean Hay, Thy praises loud shall sing. stitute of Technology in Csm- attending the International Office. Twenty-aeven make-up And look back with mixed are both plaiinlng to work as ap­ Daneen Renn DIPLOMAS their college years at Carietoin top honots^ware Won by Jean Hay Poppy Gerard , Best All Round Mtchacl Simmons highest average in algebra waa ing Vere Robert Papanos, ’62 (2); Mike Geciauskas. Peggy Beau- Manchester Alma Mater, bridge. Right over the Connecticut College in Northfleld, Minnesota, People's College in Elamors, Denr and enrichment couraes are feelings, some of Joy and prentices for a tool and die maker; HAROLD GARRITY and Karl Kahler. Jean became the Russell Parson can be located Mary Jane BogginI Most Chaitged Since Robert McCabe given to David Henchey. Specif FRANK SHELDON Charles Joy, ‘62 (2), Nancy Fol- cage, and Jack Reid. Accept our offering. state line at Springfield Collega In as are Mike Simmons and Ken mark. Judy Prescott, 'fll. Taledictorlairxpr the class; Karl, being offered. Moat couraes are some of sorrow; Springfield, Mary Jane McCuny, working for Hamilton Standard; Froshann Year science awards went to seniors lans'bee '62; Catherine Lang, '61; The first day of achool was We love thee, ofd Manchester, Tedfbrd, who will g o to Upper salutatorlan. for Junior high and high school But now the future faces ua SINGING OF CLASS SONG Erika krempasky, ’61; Barbara And for the Red and White, Arthur Holgerson, and Marshall with ao much to be done. and Dorothy Yeomans will have the Jean Parka Most Sincere . j Joseph Staniunas Peter Shalnin and Donald Scho­ dramatized by Doug Secore, as a Iowa UnivenBty in Payette, Iowa. A hesrty burst of sppisuss fol­ Btein atudenta and aye open to resi­ Most Talkative | * , field for a particle accelerator en­ Bickford, '62; Kathleen 'Vennart, frightened fteehman; Pat Bum- Where’re llfe’e battles find ue^ Potter can be located. Many states will have Just


io Senate Leader Louis I. Glad­ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MAyCHlfelISTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 PAGE ibjhniN I stone of Bridgeport yesterday were Police Chiefs Castro, Captives Split Facts Panel S ta te N ew s elected co-chairmen of the State 1 I'i.j' Legislature Council —- standby- Hebron adm of the General Assembly. Unite in War Calls Union, At its organization meeting In You Should Know... Swim Course Set OaHalting Swap Try Roundup the capitol, members of the coun­ TV-Radio Tonight PRESCRIPTIONS cil picked co-chairmen of the body On Gambling To Begin July 3 tConthmed from Page' Oae) because of the exact political di­ James M. Higgins (OontiBii^ fram Fare One) Ship Rivals vision In ythe make-up of the 24 (Oontiniied from Page One) TEL. sentenced to two.Vears for forging member ^oup. Mrs. Clifford R. Wright, chair­ this afternoon on the future of le pi postal money orders. Members of the council, who re­ to organized crime and racketeer­ first Umted Fund is convinced the man of the swimming commlttos, Television Begotiatlons. Obituary (Continued from Page One) ceive $20 per day for attending Ml 9-9814 The sentences were prescribed ing, is adopted by Congress, It will fund will unify.the town itself lit has''announced classes at AmsUm 6:00 B is 3 Theater (In protreM ) 8^ 7:30 San Francisco Beat The Cuban broadcast also quoted monthly meetings will meet dur­ charitable giving. Lake will start July 3. The course Karly Show (In progress) 10. 10 Laramie 10. 32. ; porary injunction for an 80-day, yesterday In U.S. District Court ing the next year and a half to bring federal agencies such as the First Shew (In progress) 33 Bugs, ______Bunny J. 40. I Castro as saying that "the gov­ "It’s foteg to be a question of will be sponsored by the PTA and Salty Brine's Shack (In progress) I F ^her e Knows■' Best ernment of the United States, in­ Son Takes Life cooling-off period. by Judge Robert P. Anderson. explore problems willed to them FBI directly Into the fight." jraisteg the funds to benefit those 13 RUleman 8, 40. Labor leaders did not expect by the 1961 general assembly. Mulcahy said he is sending tele­ Red Cross. Quick Draw UcGraw 8 I Dobie Olllls 8. stead of considering the situation, H(»ton entered a plea of guilty orgsmiEatlana that do give service Neiys 53 Alfred Hitchcock Presents 10. 3 PINE PHARMACY of its own people, launched a big After Mother t)ics that an Injunction would be issued earlier this month to the charge The recently-adjourned session grams today to all of Connecticut’s In Manchester,” said Atty. James At recent date, ort 8 morning at the Rockville City Hos­ merce. junior life eaidng course. 10:30 Sllenta Please to cheat and blackmail us by send­ Miss Loretta Lee Carlson, daugh­ strike next fall, -wben the injunc­ The engagement of Miss Joyce false names to 28 money orders- jects. These range from the con­ Atty. Hlgfgins brought to the Water ballet and adult classes Million Dollar Movie 18 Slate Trooper 2. Tightening the frotittilUons News. Sporte A Weather 40 11:00 Newa, Spnrta A Weather In time of need, families liv­ ing equipment worth nothing." pital. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leland V. Carl­ tion expired. Ann Bragdon of Ellington to Rob­ In other federal court action: troversial issue of licensing tele­ preeidency of the infant organiza­ will be omitted this year because Bridgeport Grad TTils was a reference to the com­ "Sailors can’t be pushed around,” ert DentUs Owen of Manchester John J. Thunsfield, 30, former vision repairmen to studying the on Interstate ulpment of slot ma­ Rough Rldere 3 11:16'Feature 40 He was found in a parked car on son. 199 S. Main St„ was graduated chines and similar gambling de­ tion his experience as president of lack of demand. Jam u W. Kuhlmann, son of Mackensle'e Raiders 10 Clark Gable Theater ing in the surrounding area can mittee's last offer of 500 assorted, Anthony Rd., Tolland, with a hose Juije 12 from Cornell University he said. has been announced by her par­ treasurer of the Chromium Corp. complex subject of blue laws pro­ of the Manchester Young Repub­ Mrs. Margaret Kuhlmann, 132 Ly- Movie of the Week 13 11:30 Premiere vices. Town Meeting Action ; Focue on America 8. 83 World's Beat Movies farm-type tractors, rather than going into the car from the ex­ Ithaca, N. Y „ with a B.A. degree Ralph E. Casey, president of ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brag­ Elmployes Federal Credit Union, hibiting certain sales on Sunday. lican Club, and as a member of nesB SL, received his bachelor of call the Holmes Funeral Home the 500 heavy bulldozers with at­ the American Merchant Marine whs given a one year suspended 3. Prohibiting t h e interatets The toivn meeting last week v6t- Newa and Weather 30 11:25 News haust. Efforts by State Troopers to as a mathematics major. don, Crystal Lake Rd., ElUngton. .(The agenda of matters referred the town pension board and the ed to establish a committee to i science degree in education from T;1S Back Stage 32 11:30 Jack Paar Show (C )) lO. 30. with confidence. Our service tachments and spare parts 'Castro Institute, which represents many stetbnee and placed on probation transportation of wagering para­ Sporte Camera 30 13:60 Newa and Weather revive him with oxygen were un­ Miss Carlson was a member and Her fiance is the son of Mrs, to the co'.uicU also includes pro­ executive committee o f the Great­ lect poeslble sit'es for te8 long the University of Bridgeport on demanded. secretary of Kappa Kappa Gamma ship owners, said ‘iOur industry Pierre Tharret, 83 Eldridge St., fdr two years for embesslement posals concerning regulation of phernalia. er Hertford Red Cross. June 4. livelivening Report~ 40 1:00 Late News to them will be just as prompt, successful. He was pronounced 4. Broadening the Fugitive Felon talked of town office building SEE SATrSDArS ’.TV WEEK FOB COMPLETE USTINO His comments about $45 million dead on^ arrival at JohiUKin Memo­ sorority, a member of the Sage will, of course, give full coopera­ Manchester, and Marvin L. Owen of $2,739.45 from the credit union, space and room heaters; inspec­ Joined Shea, Marte In his senior year he was award­ ^ e m ie t just’as dependable as it is to was a reference to published re­ ‘niurafield made restitution o f the Act. which will replace the present ar­ rial Hospital in Stafford Springs. Chapel choir. Keynotes singing tion.” of Glen Rock, N. J. tion of public eating places, a for­ In his own profession, he re- rangement In which valuable town ed the Arnold Medallion aa the out­ mOMHR Of ports on the cost of the abortive Miss Bragdon Is a 1959 graduate money. 6. Prohibiting obstruction of In­ John, 4, and Timothy Matthew, 7 those who live in our immediate The death was termed a suicide by group, and served on the women’s In setting up the fact-finding estry worlc camp for ixiy*: ***•■ vestigations or Intimidating wit­ •osntly became associated with months. papers are kept in the inadequate standing student in the Arnold THiCOlDinMIlf invasion of April 17. >fedical Examiner Dr. Alfred student government association board, Kennedy said a supply line of Rockville High School, and is Ing the compulsory school age; School of Physical Education. neighborhood. WTien the prisoners were sent nesses. — Atty. John F. Shea Jr., Republi­ Lectured At High School town clerk’s office, and at private Radio Schiavetti. and orientation committee. She to Hawaii had been cut by the employed by The Travelers Insur­ 4 Admit Burglaries relationships between boards of can town chairman and represent­ rteidences. to Key 'Wi'est Saturday. Castro said ance Go. , 6. Granting llnmunity from During the past year, Atty. Hlg Kuhlmann, a 1955 Manchester -^{0lff was born April 30. 1914, in Uught swimming and life-saving strike and that shipments of mili- education and boards o f finance; prosecution In certain circum­ ative to the state legislature, and Other duties of the committee High School graduate, will return (Thla Ustlng Inelodca only tboM nowz broitooastz of 10 or U-mtamte their mission was to tell the Mr. Owen Is a 1957 graduate of MontviUe, June 27 (JV-Stete water resource problems; facilities gins also lectured on law to a class KarlM>ad. Germany, and had lived for the Cornell physical education ^tary cargoes had been delayed. stances. ' Atty. Paul Marte, a former Re­ will be to recommend the type of to the university next year to seek length. Somo staUona dany other short newseosts.) American people his position in the department for three years. Manchester High School, and Is Police are collecting warrants for sessions of the circuit court; of high school students In Glaston' in this cmintry for flve yews. The President, invoking the law from police around the country on 7 Prohibiting travel In aid of publican town director. bury. The lectures are part of the building and estimate the coat. his master’s degree. stalemated negotiations to change He leaves two brothers, Rudolph Miss Carlson, a 1957 graduate with reluctance, said the maritime employed by Pratt and Whitney majority cards for purchase of al­ There will be seven members, one WDBG—i i w WFOF— 1416 the 1,197 prisoners for 500 tractors. four Norwich men who were ar­ racketeering enterprises. Previously he had been .with the service of Hartford County Bar 6:00 News 6.00 Today In Hartford Wolff. Mamaroneck, N. Y.. and of Manchester High School. Is strike had proved again the need Aircraft, division of United Air coholic beverages; sales tax ex­ firm of Scully, Dunn and Higgins to be selected by the planning and 6.06 Sporte 6:16 Conn. Ballroom HOIMES The Cuban Radio quoted Castro rested several days ago for a ser­ “Should these laws be passed,” Associationion speakers’ bureau. The Paul Wolff. Budlngen. Germany, waterfront director for Camp Yan for more flexible procedures to craft Corp., East Hartford. emptions; social security cover­ In Hertford. zoning commission, one by the se­ ly on St. Peter’s Rectory lawn 6:16 Art Johnson Show 7:00 B o b ' Scott as saying Cuba was willing to ac­ ies o f burglaries in four Connecti­ age for deputy sheriffs; standards Mulcahy said, "It wUl draw local e^erlmentexperlni seemed to work, said from 8 to 5 p.m. for Mr. and Mrs. 8:06 Raynor Shines 9:00 Ray Somers and two sLsters. Mrs. Anna Kirch, kee Trails in Stafford Springs this handle a national strike. Tho wedding Is planned for Sept. While hla new association brings lectmen, two by tee board of fi­ 1:00 Newa. Sign Off cept agricultural equipment in ex­ cut cities. plans for elementary schools; in­ poUce, state police and federal of­ Higgins because the students Lyman Eddy who are leaving soon 11:00 News ■Vernon, and Mrs. Amelia Fischer, summer. After Sept. 1. she will be Labor Secretary Arthur J. Gold­ 23 at St. Bernard’s Church, Rock him Into close contact with lead­ nance and three by the committee. SIS 11:10 Ray Somers change for the prisoners "provid­ vUle. Officers reported yesterday that dexing of land records; and collec­ ficers into a united attack on or­ asked sotoe astute questions on for California. 6:00 Paul Harvey Del Raycee Show Rockville. ,. employed as an electronics com­ berg, whose report on the Istriks ers in Manchaater politics, he has A report is to be made at a town 1:00 ing it la chosen by ourselves." puter programmer for Consolidated the four have admitted burglaries tive bargaining for municipal em­ ganized gambUng for the first legal proplems by the time the Mr. Eddy has been a member of 6:30 Sound Stage WIBV—I2IS Double funeral services will be preceded the President’s order, already ha(t quite a bit of experi­ meeting In September. 8:30 Night Fll|At Castro Friday rejected a take- In lo a Angeles and Bangor, Maine, ployes. time." series wap over. the church vestry for some time, 6:(M News held for Wolff and his mother at Edison In New York City. ence in the field. He is a member Last week’s town meeting also 10:00 John W. vandercook V r 400 MAIN S m tT 7 U-or-leave-tt offer of 500 farm trac­ felt a clear distaste for the use of in addition to theic actiiities in Members of the new council in­ The commissioner said there It evidently was a success on a 11:30 Public Affairs . 6:10 Wall Street the 'White-Gibson Funeral Home, authorized the selectmen to pur­ director of the Brotherhood of SL 6:16 Bob Bacon—Sports \ MANCHCSnR,CONN. tors from the American commitr the Taft-Hartley Law. As general New London, Bridgeport, East clude SMiators Anthony J. Ar- have been a half dosen NESPAC of the Republican town committee personal basis, too, because his Andrew and a member of the choir, 12:00 Sign Off S5 Elm St. Wednesday at 8:30 counsel to the United Steelwoiicers meetings In the past year, with as well as of the Young Republi­ chase 19 acres of Isind on the old w n c —itM 6.36 Showcase tee. He maintained his demands Wedding Hartford and West Hartford dur- mentano, Francis C. Clady Jr., students presented him affection' Colchester road for a town dump. Mrs. Eddy has been active in the 6:46 Lowell Thomas—Sports for 900 heavy bulldozers or farm a.m.. and at St. Bernard’s Church Increases Given Union in 1959, f Idberg had waged In^^e ^st year, the next one scheduled for July can Club. ately with a cartoon copied from 6:00 Ross Miller 7:00 CBS News at 0 a m. Burial will be in St. Caldwell, Fred J. Doocy, I^ul J. The land Is owned by the Stete Alter Guild and Episcopal Church- 6:16 Weather A Sports tractors of equival«it value. a long fight against President Ei­ **Piey’ve pulled so many jobs 10-11 at Wentworth-by-the-Sea, And he Is one o f two Republi­ the "New Yorker" Magazine, 6:30 Album of the Day 7:10 CBS In Person „ Bernard’s Cemetery. Falsey, Florence D. Finney, Glad­ Highway Department and is women. Their four sons have 7:30 Fulton Lewis Hooker has been thdf.bnly con- To Instructors senhower’s Use of the law In try­ in many places that teey New Hampshire. cans on the Town Bsnsion Board showing two prisoners shackled by 6:45 Three Star Extra Friends may call at the funeral Eggerud-Johnson '80 stone, Peter P. Marianl, and known as the sand pit. Residents served as acolytes, as members of v7:06 Conversation Piece 7:65 CBS News Analysis tket between Castro'k prisoner- ing to end a steel strike. Connecticut membere of the or­ Sind Pension Trust Fuhd Board, the the wrists to a wall, their feet 8:00 CBS The World Tonight home tonight from 7 to 9. Miss Thelma Gertrude Johnson can’t remember them all now,” Franklin G. Wellea of the area voiced opposition on the junior choir and of the Order 8:00 Model U.N, emissaries and members of the Of Homebound Kennedy earlier dismissed an of­ one state police officer said. House members' are: Reps. Dom­ ganization, in addition to Mulcahy, other Republican being treasurer dangling, and the only exit a little of Sir Galahad. 8:06 Richard Mi Nixon 8:16 Showcase of Noryich became the bride Lsroy Norris. the grounds It might mean pbllu- 9:06 Night Beat 8:30 New* disbanded Tractors Committee. fer by s6me of the maritime uni­ The four, Robert Preble, 21; inic J. Badolato, Elizabeth Budd, are Maj. Leslie M. Williams, ad­ window protected by bars. One WINF New. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Spencer The third man who completed tion of streams. 9:65 Grandstand Bandstand 8:36 Since his first meeting with the ons to form a joint committee with of Thomas H . Eggerud of Paul Preble. 23; Frank Maloumby, Robert F. Cairns, Gustef Carlson, ministrative officer of the State prisoner Is saying to the other, 10:06 Red Sox at Minnesota 8:40 Showcase Music Mrs. Elizabeth M. Spencer, 9S. Teachers of the homebound in tee RepuUlcan majority .was Reconstruction of the Hillsdale Manchester Evening Herald prisoners Saturday. Hooker has in­ government agenda to clear es­ Fishers Island, N. Y, in a cere­ 19, and Michael Glaude, 20, are Peter A. Crombie, Jack Frankel, Police Department: Capt. Samuel "Now, here’s my plan ...” road at Amston Lake, and portions Hebron oorreepondenL Miss Susan 11:16 Sports Final 9:00 CBS Newa who had made her home with a Manchester will receive $4.25 per S. Rome, head of the Rackets Jamea Arthur, the chairman of the In his free time, Atty. Higgins 11:30 Starlight Serenade 9:06 WINF News and Showcase sisted he is not negotiating with sential cargoes. He said the offer mony at the Leffingwell Baptist being held in state jadl here on Gennaro Frate, Guido LaGrotte, of Paper Mill Rd., by the select­ B. Pendleton. I'.OO Sign Off 10:66 N.Y. at Loe Angeles until slgnoff them, but only servhig as a link son, Irving M. Spencer. 48 Gerard hour next year, instead of $3.75 $25,000 bond apiece on charges Florence Lord, John A. Mlsci- Squad, and Sgt, Wayne H. IBlsh- pension board who just subipitted plays golf and mows his 2(X)-foot lot St., died yesterday at the Crest- was "tacticar rather than "sub- Church, Bozrah, on June 17. nls resignation. men was authorized. between the two groups. and $3.50, the board of education stemtial." Herman Cooper, lawyer of possession and concealment of koski, Louis Padula, Patterson, op, head of the Intelligence Divi­ at 31 Judith Dr. fleld Convalescent Hospital after sion. I ( Legion Awards The members of the committee decided last night. for the NMU, called this an "out The bride is the daughter of Mr. stolen goods. William M.. Shea, Robert Testo, Higgins could possibly be the The American Leg;lon American­ were Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. Dr. a long illness.' and Mrs. Frank W. Johnson of .{^..^tolen ring found in the car and Anthony E. 'Wallace. next chairmsh, d«i«ndlng on who She was born Ifi Springfield, The homebound instruction cost of hand” rejection of labor’s offer, ism awards, g(lven annually by Milton Eisenhower and Walter adding: Norwich, and the niece of Mr. and of one of them started the inves­ the board of dlrectora appoints to Turull Captain Jones-Keefe Post to elementary Reuther, head of the United Auto Mass., July 3, 18M. She was grad­ la $3,000 In the new biidget, and Mrs. G. A. Larson, 131 Center St.. tigation by State and New London fill Arthur's place. uated from the^ Massachusetts board of education decided to in­ "The administration has thus Manchester. The bridegroom is the Extraditions Delayed Illin^ PTO Sets He was bom In Manchester April school sixth graders, were present­ Workers. police. The value of the loot taken ed this year to Janice Lavallee of Hooker's continued Involvement Normal Art School, Westfield, crease the payment rates becausi forecast Its future policy in labor son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H by the quartet In this state has Hartford, June 27 (Ab — Two fi. 1931, the son of Mrs. Mary I. Of Legion Sons Mass, in 1883. She was the widow that figure, unchanged for the pasi disputes. Collective bargaining Eggerud, Kenosha, Wis. persons arrested in New York Program Plans Hlgglhs and the late Dr. Edwin C. Bolton-Hebron Rd.. and Zachary was interpreted ' by informed been estimated at $30,000. Martin of Amston Lake. The sources as an indication that a of Charles K. Spencer. three years, has neifer been ex­ and the right to strike — extolled The Rev. Kenneth Hatch, pastor state last December in connection Higgins. William Tamil, son of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer ha*d taught art In ceeded. In theory — are made meaning­ with charges they participated In Hs attended S t James’ School awards are made on the basis of new approach may made to of the church, performed the cere­ Program plana for 1961-62 were Mrs. William Tumll, 312 Oakland character, sportsmanship, scholar' break the negotiation stalemate. the Hartford public schools for The board is partially reira^ less in practice. Economic real­ mony. Gene Nichols of Groton, Teachers* Pay Raised a merchant-fleecing wwket 1ieje completed at a meeting of the ex­ siui OmtMTbury School in New St.,' haa been elected captain of the several years. She had formerly bursed by the state for the pro­ ities and legal standarda are sub­ have still not been returned to Milford, and was graduated from ship, loyalty and contribution to There was speculation that the soloist, sang "I Love Thee,” "Be­ Hartford, June 27 (IP)— Using ecutive committee of the new Til­ Sons of the Legpon for a second the school. committee might decide to re-form lived in Hartford, and had been a gram. ordinated to corporate conveni­ cause," and “A Wedding Prayer,’ $900,000 appropriated by the 1961 Connecticut. ^ ing PTO recently in the teachers' HoW Cross College In 1952 with a term. resident of Manchester for 35 Mrs. E. Mae Holden of the board ence.” A re q u ^ for the extradition of bocM or’s degree In political sci- Tea for Eddys or dnake some recommendation for and Mrs. Kenneth Hatch was or­ General Assembly, the State lounge at the IlUng Junior High Other officers, elected recently, A farewell tea wag held l^cent- a solution. years. She was a member of the was the sole board member op­ In appointing the fact-finding ganist. Candelabra, flanked by tall Board of Education has adopted a John Gustin, 37, and Miss Cynthia School. snee. are' Kevin McVeigh, first lieuten­ Hooker had planned to meet Asylum Hill Congregational posed to the raise In rates. She board, Kennedy relied heavily on baskets of white gladioli, stock, nqw schedule that increases the Chamonl, 28, both of Troy, N. Y., The season will start with an From 1953 to 1954 he served ant; Thomas Walsh, second lieu­ said she preferred a rate raise was forwarded to Governor Nelson with the prisoners yesterday but Church in Hartford. Goldberg’s counsel and named the carnations and hybrid daisies, with pay of teachers at the four state open house at the school on Sept. with the U. S. Navy aboard De- tenant; Charles T. Johnson Jr., ad­ his trip was canceled without ex­ Survivors, besides her son here, comparable to the adult educaLlon a background of greenery, were at colleges. Rockefeller Jan. 30, a spokesman 26. Members will be registersd, and stroysr-Ekoort 152, and was dls- jutant; Kevin Walsh, chaplain; raise of $4 and $4.50. same three men the labor secre­ in Governor Dempsey’s office said. diaiqi^ as a lieutenant Junior planation. are another son, Harold S. Spen­ tary had appointed last week as a the alter. Baskets of pink laurel, The new schedule will take ef­ each wUl receive copies of a book­ Robert Cobb, finance officer: John cer of West Hartford, and a This request has been neither grade. Golding, historian; George Clarke CEMENT ... fect Aug. 31, and will make these let listing PTO officers, the year’s Relsx...hsve fun pink and white peonies decorated Thb prisoners held an impromp­ citizens panel to seek a solution. honored as rejected and efforts to From the time of his discharge tu newrs conference yesterday to brother, Gilbert W. Miller of They are David L. Cole, I*ater- the vestibule. changes: program, and a proposed constitu­ sergeant-at-arms; Franklin Longo Brandon. VI. Directors to Act President, from $10,380-$14,700 contact the proper autHoritles In tion, drafted with the assistance until 1967, he worked lor the Pratt assistant sergeant-at-aVms, a n d W. H. ENGLAND deny published r^>orts they had son, N. J., a leading labor arbitra­ The bride, given in marriage by the New York CJovernor’s office to and Whitney Aircraft credit union, Richard Cobb, past captain. planned to blame the United Funeral servicM will be held tor and former director of the her father, wore a full-length gown to $11,580-$16,380; Dean, $9,300- of Mrs. Robert La PoU. LUMBER CO. tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Holmes $12,180, to $10,380-$14,700; pro learn the status of Connecticut’s Teachers who head various de­ then for Hertford Accident and Meetings have been suspended States publicly for the failure of On Welfare Costs Federal Mediation and Concilia­ of sUk organza over peau de soie, request have been fruitless to date, Indemnity;Insurance for a year, for July and August, but a trip to the April 17 Invasion in which Funeral Home, 400 Main St. The tion Service; Samuel I. Rosenman, with fitted bodice and princess fessor, $7,500-$10,380, to $9,300- partments at filing will speak at Rev. Laurence Vincent, associate $13,140; associate professor, $6,- the spokesman said. and then joined Atty. Scully. Boston to see a Red Sox-Yankee • Open Ail Day Saturday • they were captured. former New York State Supreme lines. Swiss organza flowers out Gustin has been brought Into the Oct. 24 meeting at which mem­ minister o f Center Congregational .The board of directors will meet 720-$9,120, to $8,340-fll.700; as­ bers will vote on the proposed con­ Atty. Higgins married the for­ game is planned for July 22. In­ "We are not interested in dis­ Court justice, and James J. Healy, lined the scoop neckline and brief Resnsselaer County Court twice mer Miss Joan Schoonmaker of stallation of new qfflcers will take cussing how we got Into Cuba but Church, will officiate. Burial will tonight at 8 o’clock In the Munl- sleeves, and formed appliques on sistant professor, $5.940-$8,340, to stitution. "Special Areas" night "A t the Green”— ha 9-6201 be in Spring Grove Cemetery, professor of industrial relations since his arrest last Dec. 9 on a Manchester Dec. 5, 1053. The cou­ place at the first meeting In Sep­ only in how to get out.” a spokes­ e ij^ Building to consider ap­ at Harvard University’s Graduate the bouffant skirt. The skirt was $7,100-$9,980; instructor, $5,340- charge of being a fugitive from on Jan. 16. 1962 will include de­ Hartford. $7,260, to $6,300-$8,700; assistant ple have three sons, James Jr., 6, tember. man for the prisoners said.’ propriating $7,000 to the welfare School of Business administration. fashioned with back pouf, accented justice, but both times the court monstrations by Grade 7 and 8 There will be no calling hours. instructor, $4,200-$5,640, to $4,- students in the gymnasium, labor­ He aMed that the prisoners department to cover unusual ex­ The unions involved In the dis­ by a huge bow, and terminated in has dismissed the charge because could make no further statements a'chapel train. Her headdresj* was 380-$6,300. of the lack of a warrant from Gov­ atories, music rooms, sewing rooms penses with which that department pute represent 85,000 officers and i M \ ^ that might endanger their com­ Jaimes Raymond Meehan crewmen. They are the National fashioned of Swiss lace medallions The staff members at the col­ ernor Rockefeller. The governor and kitchens. rades. , James Raymond, Meehan, 68, is being confronted. embroidered with seed pearls, and leges In New Britain, Danbury, must issue a warrant if he wants Mrs. Evelyn Brown, who became One thing aboet The appropriation would be In Maritime Union; the Seafarers Ih- WINNING FRIENDS AT EVERY TURN The spokesman for the prison- father of Mrs. John Lynch and Mrs. ternational Union; the Marine En­ her fingertip veil was of illusion. New Haven, and Wlllimantic will to honor Connecticut’s request for school librarian In February, was trs, Gustavo Garcia, said they had Ambrose Griffin Jr., both of Man­ addition to the $85,435 budgeted hy |She carried a cascade of white also share in the $200 raise author­ extradition. credited with an excellent job In Corrair, it makes friends in a hurry. One drive, in fact. Because any Conrair— the dlrectora for the current year, gineers Beneficial Association; the been given 15 days In which to chester, died Monday morning fol­ Masters, Mates and Pilots; the sweetheart roses, stephtuiotls and ized for all state employes with at organizing the library, but she 18 wagon, sedan or coupe—is such an overwhelming joy to pilot Its rear-engine and a special appropriation of least one year of service. The complete their mission, wdth the lowing a long illnesa In Northamp­ American Radio Association, and orchids. Confer on Singer Co. in need of typing help. Mothers possibility of two one-week ^ ten ­ ton Mass. $5,000 made a month ago. the Radio Officers Union. legislature also froze into the pay will be asked to volunteer for this design makes for light, positive steering and real nailed-down traction. And its Miss Mary Dellafera, director of Mrs. Dee McCombs of UncasvUle, of all state employes a $180 cost- Washington, June 27 (Ab — The sions, depending on the status of Meehan is also survived by his In another developmmt yester­ a cousin of the bride, was matron work. full independent suspension idiuts out road shocks wife, Lillian Cross Meehan, another the department, said unusual hos­ day, the ship owners filed unfair of-living raise that had been president of Singer Manufacturing Omer Glngras was named gov­ the negrotiations. pital and convalescent home ex­ of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Immigration authorities de­ daughter, and seven grandchildren. labor practice charges against Betty Beard of Leflangwell, and granted two bienniums ago and Co. has expressed ■willingness to ernment representative for the new before th^r ever reach you. What’s more, this sweet­ , The funeral will be held Wednes­ penses for welfare dependents is renewed by the 1959 legislature. discuss with union leaders of the PTO unit to report Board of Edur scribed the prisoners' status In most of the unions irttir the Na­ Miss Sandra Doutt of Manchester, heart’s no slouch at saving you money: It carries a day morning at 8:15 at the Rey­ the chief reason for the request. tional Labo* Relations Board. They Although the board said it was company’s Bridgeport, Conn., plant cation and Board of Dlreqtor^ Key West as a "temporary pa­ nolds Northampton Funeral Home The money will be appropriated a cousin of the bride. CORVAIR role.” charged "bad faith” in the unions’ Miss Debbie Eggleston of Uncas- pleased to be able to give raises the results that can be expected actions pertaining to schools. ■enable price tag, goes and goes on a gallon, never in Northampton, Masa. A solemn from the additional state reim­ to the state college faculties, It said from the removal of some of Its Members of the executive com­ A spokesman for the Depart­ demand they be permitted to bar­ vllle, cousin of the bride, was flow­ needs Mq^ coolants. nU' p | j r | i p | | | IT T high Mass of requiem will follow at bursement for welfare expenses, if gain for crews of American-owned the failure of the General As­ operations. mittee include Mr. ai^d Mr®- Elmer ment of Justice said in Washing­ 9 at St. Mary’s Church, Northamp­ the apfiroprlatlon is approved. er girl. Michael Fowler of Leffing­ Singer president Donald P. Kir- ton that the prisoners were free to foreign flag vessels. well was itesbearer. sembly to earmark funds for raises Odell, presidents; A. Hyatt Sut- How can you resist a personality like that? H I v IlL ln llL C I ton Burial will be In St. Mary’s for teachers at the state vocation­ cher told reporters after he and liffe, school principal; Mr. and leave ICey West and go wherever The issue is a key union demand. Attendants wore Identical silk Cemetery, Th^re, are about $60 ships, mostly al-technical schools and employes Bridgeport Mayor Samuel Tedeico Mrs. Howard Daniels, membership / ' they' wanted. organza gowns of pastel shades had held a closed-door meeting Window PainUng taiikers, which are owned by of the-state department of educa­ chairmen;’ Mr. and Mrs. Theodors i n Elzeept for their meeting with John J. Hood Jr. over peau de soie, fashioned with yesterday In the office of Rep. Metheney. ways and means; Mrs. the press, the prisoners spent the Ai'iericank but fly the flagrs of for­ tion will result In “enormous ine­ John J. Hood Jr.. 64. of Hartford, eign countries. draped bodices and full skirts, quities.” Frank Kowalski, D-Conn., that the Edward Platz, program, and Mrs. ’’ '‘t day with friends and relatives. brother of Mrs, Mildred Massaro of Contest Slated with head, bows and circular veils. transfer will not have so severe Walter Toygala, hospitality. Four of them were joined by their In commenting on the charges, Commissioner William J. Sand­ Manchester. dle May said Republicans, who con­ TAKE TIME . . . to get there and back. Easy does it! Give yourself plenty of time heard a lecture on government, Cobniu A MIddlebrook, lao. trolled only the House of Rep­ Senate Space CommittM today. In sea and staff assignments as attended a class on parliamentary and Mrs. Roberf Guilmatte. East Health Association recently Mrs. Elggerud Is a graduate of The group approved an luithori- to get where you’re going, figuring on the heavier-than-usual trfiffic. Share the 7 Bank 8toeke resentatives, had to go along with Vice CMef of Naval OperatlonB. Longmeadow. Maas.; 13 grand­ awarded service pins to Mrs. Anna Norwich Free Academy, Norwich ‘ law taught by Mrs. Frances Bid Asked the administration’s tax hikes in zation for spending $1,784,800,- Ricketts will have the rank ot road and arrive alive. And plan to be home—sa/e/y—by dark! children; and two great-grandchil­ Kjellson, Mrs. George Okerfelt, Commercial College, and has been 000 during the next year for Butice Redick, former secretary dren. Conn. Bank and Trust order to maintain essential state admiral and replace Adna. James of state and Girls’ SUte director, Co...... 52 Mrs. C. Henry Anderson, Mrs. Al­ employed in the personnel office sucli efforts as manned space­ S.' Rnssbll. Russell will be given Funeral services will be held services and to alleviate the "fi­ and heard a talk on "how to look Hartford National bert Harrison, Mrs. Harold West, at Norwich State Hospital. Mr. nancial mess the Democratic ad­ craft, iveather and communlca- another assignment after stay­ TAKE TIME . . . to relax. Leave strenuous play to the youngsters. It you’re over­ your best." Thursday at 8:16 a.m. at the Bank and Trust Co. 48*i 51 Vi Mrs. Norman Gerhart, Mrs. Al­ Eggerud is a graduate of the ttons satellites and elaborate ing on as the Navy’s No. 2 offi­ Thomas W. Johnson Funeral ministrations since 1955 had creat­ weight (or over forty) maybe fishing, boating or just loafing are more your speed. Fire Inenranoe Caimpanlee bert Robinson, Mrs. Carroll Nel­ Bradford High School, Kenosha, ed.” moon shots. Including an eventu­ cer until Ricketts la confirmed Home, 105 Oak St., Windsor Locks, Aetnj Fire ...... 112 117 son, Mrs. Edward Marsh, Mrs. Wis., and served in the U.S. Ma­ al landing and retarn. by the Senate. followed by a solemn high Mass of Democrats refused to yield to Hartford Fire ...... 66',i 69'i Earl 'VanCamp, Mrs. Victor John­ rine Corps, receiving six battle Republican attempts to alter the TAKE TIME. . . to watch the children. Youngsters in swimming need watching. requiem at St. Catherine’s Church son, Mrs. Arthur Tolf, Mrs. Anne stars during the Korean conflict. In Broad Brook at 9 a.m. National Fire ...... 133 143 Increases, he said. It’s a good idea to pair them up in the “buddy system’’ . . . but keep a sharp eye Phoenix Fire ...... 101 106 Reqd and Mrs. Everett Johnson The couple will Uve on Fishers Is­ Hovever, May said. Republicans Burial will be In St. Catherine’.s on them yourself as well. ^8 and ’8 Cemetery. Life and Indemnity Ina Cos. for' their visits to convalescent land, N. Y., where he is serving mnsider the changes temporary Aetna Casualty ....1 2 7 137 homes. with the U.S. Coast Guard. Friends may call at the funeral and hope to propose a "fairer dis­ I'I—ill Aetna Life ...... 114 *i 118'i tribution” 'of the tax load before TAKE TIME . . . to h e^ boating safety. With more and more boats on our water­ home today from 7 to 9 p.m., and Conn. General ...... 223 tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 233 The American Legion will elect the 19^ legislature assembles. 0 —When was the Aeneid, one p.m. Hftd. Electric Light 70 73 officers and delegates to the state Guidance Clinic May’s comments on the tax ways each year, it’s more important than ever to observe the simple rules of of the world's great epic poems, Travelers ...... 117'i 122'i convention in.Hartford at ita an­ hikes were contained in a critique -boating safety. Insist on life jackets for non-swimmers . . . avoid an overloaded written? PubHc rtUinee nual meeting .'tonight at 8 at the of the 1061 legislature prepared by boat. . . show the same courtesy and care you would on the highway. A—The first century before Conn. Light A Powet 27'i 29'i Legion Home. Installs Officers State Republican headquarters for Christ by the Roman poet, Virgil. F u o e ra la Hftd. Electric Light 69>i 72', distribution to members of the Hartford Gas Co. .. . 54' i 681, ADLAI TALKS ON AID Mrs. Jay Rubinow, 49 Pitkin St., Southern New England General Assembly and local party Q—Which sUte observes Frank­ Washington, June 27 (/P) ~ will be Installed as president of the officials. S lin D. Roosevelt’s birthday as a Mrs. George Meyer Telephone ...... 49 4 52 Vi Adlal E. Stevenson cautioned tho (Community Child Guidance C31nic Funeral services for Mrs. George Manufacturing Oomoanles Among worthwhile accomplish­ holiday ? Senate Foreign Belatlona Com­ of Manchester at its annual meet­ ments of the recently adjourning A —Kentucky. Meyer. 62 Bigelow St., were held Arrow. Hart, Heg. ., 59 62 mittee |oday against Imposing ing tonight at 8 at the clinic, 60 yesterday afternoon at the Church session. May cited legislation in A message in the public interest from the Associated Spring .....14 14 16 severe restrictions on rallltary Haynes St. We’ll be 1^ to explain bow you can Get dost h Cermir «U local oulkoruod CkemoUi dealer^ s of the Nazarene. The Rev. C. E. Bristol B ra ss...... 12 14 the fields of aid to education, ur­ Q—Who was the inspiration for aid to Latin American countries She succeeds Dr. Mather H. ban renewal, highway construc­ insure your borne, your car, eoerylhing Winslow officiated, assisted by the Dunham Bush .. ,5 5 6 for tee protection of their ‘‘In­ Insurance Information Office of Connecticut Robert Brow-ning’s poem "Rabbi Rev. Chester A. AusOn. Mrs. Ivan Neill, who will become vice presi­ tion, medical care for the aged,, you own . . . pay .in easy instellmento Em-Hart ...... 76'i“ieii 81H ternal secnrlty." Stevenson, U.S. dent. Other officers to be Installed with Gtsat American’s budget plan. Beckwith was organist, and Mrs. Fafnlr B earin g...... 67 67 61 Ambasador to the United Na­ and improved pay for state em' Get tee fseta now. A—Ezra Ibn, Jewish author. George Beauregart, soloist. i are Richard C. Knight, treasurer; ployes. N. B. M achine...... 20 20 22 tions, told the oonunlttoe that Theodore Gurnej^ secretary; Dr. Burial was in the East Ceme­ North and Judd .. 15 17 many of tbeee countries will need Q — To what family -does the tery. Bearers, all nephews, were Robert Alesbiuy and Adam BAGLIN INSURANCE AGENCY ballidonna or deadly nightshade Stanley Works ...... 17 ■ 19 patrol craft, helicopters and Rhodes, board of directors. Assembly Council Named Earl Glenney, Everett Glenney, Veeder Root ...... 51 55 ROUTE 44A. B O V tO S CONN. , be^qogT WUliam Glenney, Jamea Glenney, arms to protect their coast Unee Dr. Neill and Leonard Tarensky Hartford, June i vh — Repub­ ▲ <—• T b» potato family. The above quotations are not to from Castro-exported conunu- will present reports of the clinic's lican- House Leader J. Tyler Pat­ P.O. BOX 888. l^ O H E S n B B , OONNw.’J IlX . MI CARTER CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC. George May, and Jack May,) fte construed u setusi twsyftftg. m tk during the past year. terson o t Old LcTfis and Demacrt- THE^INSU^RANCE COMPANIES C 0 N N E C T I e II f) ) ! 1229 MAIN STREET, MANCHE^T^R, CX)NN.—MI •-52S8

\. f MANCHKSTEB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN^ TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 TWSLVI MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 PAGE THIRTBBIf BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLBj,; 0I6W. M •TSJ t MtV! IM'CLUaC fU O V W W F t* School Board ' c v L v d h n p ■OTMtS iinw iTH A •ARtKtkm,. Eichmann Insists SINCCVK^fiOr, IDWMr L dW N orr DOUSHi- TWEM! CARTi BUT DEJAC 'J53T N o t t o P a y n u-in., ..IBHoW Antwtr to PrHM j FOR EXPERT AiMfioan Writer la i Gestapo in Charge WHEEL ALIGNMENT—WHEEL BALANCING rr A«6Wrtttm»OFF Medical Plan RADIATOR REPAIRING AND RECORING ... \ COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE JsrUS&l^in» Juno 27 —Adolf^fop whAt. hfinnetnAH In • t„|| The board of education last SUE t3w/;ft»sr*Ay n s j|«r MAT m m m in ir mm igntTg rrm ------1— r 600,000 Jews from Hungary, de­ a declaration under oath from deduction plan for employes w ho. ^ A8 WE KMOWt.) 1M N LESSIJ IIE/ CNTl«7E0NMWWkSCWWH>HIM1------SiS& ffarSa-^ 4BNamb«r s r s s m . fense counsel Robert Servalius a Mrs. Eliza Fnelber In connection wish to payofor the Insurance MOONMBsI? ( NOT VET, ySET HEl^ U HW / IHHR PISORaM«ZB> UNE6 V THE r toPoUofmn apMOatioa contended. themselves. PORT OF THEIR UNQUWTEP In Budapest, said Servatius, the with Eichmann's denial that he THEY GOT / ANYWY/ ^ IN A HURRY.' ^ 1 r r w l f l l rii r had anything to do with the mur­ Board member CJhristie McCor- . OOP? deportations to the death camps ders in Lidice that followed the. mick called the insurance plan f were the responsibility of the sen­ assassination of SS (3hief Rein- "very desirable," but said that it k / u S ^ S 9 / ior S8 and security police and- hard Heydrich by Czech partisans cannot be financed by the board ■ M C k m t t IT Elchmann only organized the at least for the next fiscal year in I MPmb trains. One of the prosecution indict­ MHdttotok I ments against Eichmann charges order that the board remain with­ ifieeioref/ Eichmann, on the stand for the him with criminal responsibility in its budget. ! 5 1 8 8 5 3 * L v r sixth day, again gave a marathon for the murder of some 80 Lidice Frank Sheldon of the board said totowsr description of the Nazi bureau­ major medical insurance is a "very fScR^DlON'T ElSarvt^ cracy designed to illustrate that he children whose parents were ------MOM* j^ E wiped out in the Nazi retaliation. valuable insurance plan," and he I OUT OP/ was constantly under orders and The children are presumed to asked that the board pay "Uie It’s Summer Money Time at Beneficial- personally bore no responsibility have peri.shed in the Nazi death small cost of a clerical worker." | for the pogrom. camp of Chelmno. Vacation cash is ready for you newl Eichmann said the charts Ser­ Mrs. Freiberg's declaration said To get the money you want in a hurry, just phone CARNIVAL vatius introduced into evidence Die* of Diphtheria j BY DICK TURNER g M rm m lfe were either drawn by himself or she lived from 1941 to 1945 near Beneficial! Then, soon as approved, get Oash for vace* Po.sen. Czechoslovakia, and "saw 2 HaiUord. June 27 i,flp.--The « IT drawn on the basis of information SO children from Lidice well cai-ed tion . . . cash for left-over bills . . . plus an International ■MMr he provided. Red crayon was used state's first diphtheria death since extra PRISCII.I.-'VS BY AL VERMEER S S S S S ih IT w n for every day, I was told the chil­ 11963 lias been reported by the .stale Credit Card for cash wherever you go. "You’re the l7Blpn for those "killing” Jews, blue for dren were orphans from Lidice," boss” at Beneficial. ALWAYS KEEPS TMAT, [REALLYV "legislative effort" and green for I health department. The victim wa.s TRANSISTOR RADIO "deportation matters." The de­ Mrs. Freiberg, who now lives In la 51-year-old Glastonbury man. D O N 'T IBMitattaN P Bremen, said she heard nothing Loans $20 to $,600 — Loans life-insured at low cost. r^wiNRY T U R N E D O N ? HEAR aSoocMton fense contended that Eichm inn ! In announcing the death yester- ,THINS.' NOT/, SOaia never stood outside the "green" more about the children after she ' day, the department .said tliat 106 MAIN ST., Over Wooiworth't, MANCHESTER ELriatollMr fled before the advancing Rus­ prior to the development of im­ MlUhsll 3.4156 . Ask for ths YES MANagsr MI^TWE ^ WHAT A ' I— — area' in all his dealings and de­ sians in 1945. , c r e e p b iVp e s s im is t I J spite his position ' as chief of munization procedures, diphtheria A losn oi SiOO costs S20.60 ivhtn promptly repiid m "Jewish affairs ' in the Gestapo. Presiding Judge L ai\^ ii/said deaths occurred at the rate of 700- 12 consecutivs monthly instillmtnts of $10.05 each. 7 the declaration would h ^ e to be Both Eiichmann and Servatius 300 a year. The disease Is an regarded as hearsay ev'idence. acute Infection brought on wnen ! oonceded to the court that the Eichmann sat watching impas­ charts were somew' at compllcat- the diphtheria germ lodges In the —BENEFICIAI__ SHdRT RIBS BY FRANK O'NEAL sively as the 80th session of his throat, J ed. Presiding Justice Moshe Ljin- trial opened and the declaration FINANCE SYSTEM dau said one of them was so com-, from Mrs. Freiberg was submit­ s m horse 'iOtiNm>A0OOI>C^PONVi plex it looked as though orders ted. went round and round and almost B/hLWR0N9 RR‘tKO9linRy. ‘ ' ^/lyWEYto^ftOHT.^ met themselves coming back, "a* He occasionally humped foi ',vard in his chair, his hands folded in Allan A. Newton, senior class president, is handed his diploma by T h u Bonk that gives you PLANNED SfCUR/TY though the snake was biting its his lap. Richard W. Howes of the Connecticut State Department of Edu­ tail." cation. Dr. Fred D. Manganelll, director. Howell Cheney Tech­ 5 ? Eichmann recalled a meeting T e c h G r a d s nical School calls names of the graduates. (Herald photo by with a Polish poet married to a Ohara I. Jeweas who came to him highly Andover BONNIE BY JOE CAMPBKf.L disturbed about persecution of the Told to W orh Jews. The poet killed himself right the to Director Manganelli course were Barry' S. Chambers, WEU.,THIMlC.y WWT/ > after his meeting with Eichmann. Salvation Amiy for the school. Melvin B. Crockett. David J. Ga- PtOVOUTHMKOFAWK ' filRLjMINR / I THINK NOW "There was nothing I coiild do." F o r B r e a h s The brass ensemble of the Man­ doniski, Barry R. Shea, Antoine ID o r r ICECREAM I rVEGOT HERE'S MV X^Astd Eichmanni'^I explained I had Sets July Appeal chester Salvation Army Band, led M. Simard^-and Gary C. York. room MMW DAD VET f> IT/ PLAN— y , to^asa on orders fixjnj my superi­ by Robert Lyons, played for the S.B.M. Savings Bank ors, I recall the poet was highly The annual appeal of the Salva­ Howell Cheney Technical School graduation. disturbed about enforced divorces tion Army for funds will be held The numbers included, "Deep graduates were told last night Passage." by Soderstrom. "God then being ordered. Immediately during July in Andover. The an­ f^dOSTBEOUSENbokS SOMErtOWl IHlfflC \ after enforced divorces, the Jewish they would find the world indif­ Our Fathers " — the proce.ssional I ENJOY YOUR A FRIEND. rU.KflAD'' ggENIAKEN^ partner would be deported." nouncement was made by the ferent, looking at them with prag­ and recessional march - - by War- ! ren. "Manhattan ' by Liedzen, | VACATION WITH Life Insurance IDIRMjeSdO ONB FOR Eichmann said he could not re­ chairman of the Andover Salva­ matic eyes. "American Melodies" by Brough­ m JHATOLPNASOFVOO^ member whether he referred the tion Army Service Unit, Lewis W. Joseph Maher, employment and AN AMERICAN MADE poet's concern to his superior offi­ ton. and the National Anthem. [ cer SS Gen. Heinrich Mueller. Phelps. training manager of Connecticut The invocation and benediction i fiE^riomoMbu? "Thera w^aa nothing I could do The proposed campaign will pro­ Light and Power Co., Hartford, was given by the Rev. Percy M. j TRANSISTOR within my authority, " Eichmann vide funds for the welfare com­ stressed to the 23 graduates "what Spurrier, assistant at South Meth- j is^ said. mittee to carry on its program of you will find in the world, what the odist Church. i Richard W. Howes, chief. Bu- i r MA hk TJi •« M. M at Servatius cited a letter from service in the traditions of the world will find In you, and what ■«ILA.ral.ete Eichmann in 1943 to the Nazi for­ Salvation Army. The amount de­ you will find in yourself." rcaii of Vocational Education. eign ministry dealing with the sired locally Is 8300. "Ybu've been given a lot by your I Connecticut State Department' of ; **Oh, th* tama eld thlnga, HalenI Junior's wondering Education, presented the dip- JU D D SA X O N BY KEN BALD and JERRY BRONDFIELD owner of the Capital Cinema in The service unit fund makes family now." he .said, "but no whet he can get into and Henry what Heidelberg. The qudftion involved possible such services in the com­ one will ever give you a promo­ I lomas. Cheaper by the family ho can get out ofl’" attempts to get authorization to munity as emergency family wel­ tion, you'll qualify for it." He add- I The graduates in the Carpentry take measures against the man. fare. dental and medical care, ed ■\’oii may get a break, but course were William Albert ,Iar- - who was a Hungarian Jew. SS of­ summer camping, Christmas cheer, first you must work for the vis, Edwin G. McConnell, and Cal- , ZENITH, MOTOROLA. LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON ficers In the area had alleged he and any other sendee the unit breaks." ; vin E. Mudgett. was living with forced papers to feels is necessary. Maher cited the rapid advance­ I The graduates In the Drafting RCA. EMERSON. TM-WfUtiBbii lerd. hide the fact he was'Jewhah. In the event of a disaster or ment the ’world has made,in all 'course were John B. Currier III. ; The Jew, Servatius "said, trans­ other serious emergency, the sen'- fields since 1945. "With these ad- 1 Raymond F. Gauthier. Richard A GENERAL ELECTRIC ^ e s ATM ferred the owmership of the thea­ ice unit becomes part of the dis­ vanceniYnts in technical fields vou [Nesman. Gary A. Recave, F'rancis ter but managed to keep control I. Ruika Jr, and Russell A. • dET f t r ! aster relief program. mav reach as high as you wish.'' _ o through a son. Eichmann proposed Members of the sendee unit, all However, he cautioned the Wright Jr. Real Quality the man's residence permit be re­ of whom serve in a voluntary ca­ graduates to remember. "The I The graduates in the Electric voked and the son be deported to I course were Maurice Clancy, Wll- a concentration camp. Servatius pacity. are: Phelps; Mrs. George greatest key of satisfaction lies in Low Prices Downing, secretary; Mrs. John H. the successful completion of the job I liam F. Donahue. John A. Drew asked Eichmann how he came to jjr. Peter E. Haiigan. John R ba involved. Yeomans, treasurer; Mrs. Ruth at hand...a total dedication to Whitney, welfare secretary; and .vour work. " Kennedy Jr , (Jeorge E. I-alhr,op, SAMPLE BUY "A complaint was lodged Allan A Newton, and Bruce G. through channels, which necessi­ Stewart E. Hoisington. Maher said, the world will now .About Town "look to you for help In their Job. . , Putnani. BY JOHNNY HART tated qfuikk and radical treatment The graduates in the Machine since the complaint came from the The Pilgrim Fellowship of the to you for ability to do more." You GENERAL ELECTRIC CongT^ational Church has elected will be measured by "the depth of BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE T H O R 'M O S r B e M A D HE PpeOBABD/ f sw e; fu - B E r \ fuehrer's office," Eichmann re­ plied. "My superiors gave me brief George Munson Jr., president. Oth­ your purpose and the amount of ALL TRANSISTOR . A T M E . - H E W A L K E D Cj i d n 't s e b y c o f t h a t Ss i t i er officers are Sharon Pohl. vice your drive.” T W ^ OUTOFTHI Pir/MSHTSTHE mSArtTS instructions; ‘Concentration camp.' POOR Mr. soHG V fiCTTiNa rr RIE.HT FHKST M E AM D president: Gail Jennings, record­ Finally, he said. "Yoii must find fiOlWC AMP c o u m ! UMPCRTC MAKE TO THE fiOVERNMEMT, MR. SOME » . J Orders like this could be given only yourself. You will need self-knowl­ Notice LANPKR3RM, UF5TURMED COMriNSATEP. BUrTHERESTHERUB. D i d n ’t e /b n s p e a k . by the head of the office and nev­ ing secretary; Christine Hutchin­ OVER itotrae uis puvmmoM son. corresponding secretary’; and edge. for without it you will blame THE 05M65 TELLTHE PE ASAMT5 TW tTTHBy, er by the head of a depajmient ' others for your faults ' WE HAVE DAILY TOTMeaoVERMMENT. ■[>«? THE CDNS5, IMSTITUTEP THE LAND REFDRi^ Eichmann W'as a (Wpartment Richard 'Vale, treasurer. - EOVERNMENT PtSTRfEUTES AMP THAT THE MONEY MUSTBE PWPIOTlliMI. head!^' \ In Little League baseball Mon­ “You must analyze yourself each TDC m o M 5MALL mRCRS ^ SO MR.S0NE COUECTS N0THIN6. day night, Hoisington's defeated day." Maher concluded. "You DELIVERY TO THE * Once again I^andaii lost pa'^ence with the lengthiness of Eichmann's the Community Club, 13-6. must pay attention to yourself... Robert McBride, librarian to others, in this way you'll, find • • • S statements and cut in at one point • • • : to declare: of the Biimap-Skinner Memorial success." ' ONE Policy for Llbra^, has announced that the Earlier in the evening. Dr. Fred BOLTON "You are not called upon to lec­ library will be closed on July 4. D. Manganelli. director of the ture about these documents. I wish school, told the graduates. "The you to keep this in mind in all Manchester Evening Herald .An­ mere fact that you ever take part I’.S. We have a fresh ■ your replies." in a pi'oject and carry it to its end AREA Eichmann flushed, bowed and as­ dover Correopondent, Margery stock of radio batteries the Entire Family .Montandon, telephone Pllgrtiii Is the first step to" sented with a muttered “jawohl" "Graduation is not an end," he (yes). 2-6012. a t low discount prices. MORTY MEEKLE BY DICK CAVALLI said, "it is a beginning . . . a com­ LENOX At another point. Judge Bey- mencement . . . a beginning of a manin Halevy shook the defend­ Body Recovered life for you." BUr HE NEASR ANSWERED V(/ ant's assurance with direct ques­ PHARMACY at ONE Low ^ I WTOTOTO PRESWOENT LETTER. MAYBE HE FELT r GOriOO Allan A. Newton, 1961 Senior KENNE7/AND INVITED HIM PBTSONAUAND HE'>( BUTlBlPtrr i\' liin t ii MNTNHCe ALL N THE NAME or BSaPEFROM cally included at no additional premium. If father BASYAe ------QWNMT ' (9UMN.KITA should die, the family's insurance continues just ai leeeHTN. though he had lived . . . but without payment of premiums. (Senerous dividends, as earned start CUSTOM STYLING AT FACTORY-TaVOU PRICES! COMET is the proved com­ the first year. Investigate Savings Bank of Man­ pact with fine-car styling. chester Savings Bank Life Insurance for your fam­ Choose your Comet here Time an^ Temperature ily now. , . . today! Around the Clock $195 DOWN D A V Y JO N ES BY LEFF and illeWILLlAMS CASH irVRADE NO MONEY DOWN Your savings Current Annual Dividend 5 YEARS TO PAY HRST PAYMENT Feb. '62 Membi’r i»f FedenU Dtpwll taowyta Wiyley OTtN DART A MNDAV insurance Corp.

ACT NOW! MAIL COUPON TODAY lEHnUITGARAGEs! M ORIARTY^ BROTHER mm lanchester Ml SOUTH MAM ST. WAUINOKW. CONN. I COLLECT!! n HSi ISTIMATf . □ ntt SOOUIT ^ | MAIN OFFICE EAST BRANCH WEST BRANCH I Par-:.t I I 92 J Mcii'n S(. 285 East Crnh-r 5 t. , Ai o n c h 4 ■ 11 I Lincoln — Continental — Mercury — Comet — English Ford — Willys Jeep Cor. Lenox St. West Mufiih T ut tr • I OPEN THUPSD/VY I 301-31S CENTER ST.. MANCHESTEfl Ml 3-5135 OPEN EVENINGS fVfN/NGS 6 la 8 BOTH BRANCHES OPEN FRIDAY' I always PUNTY OP PKII PARKMO: J,./,

‘ ’ t ;i

•'1 ■. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY. JUNE 27, 1961 PAGE F i m i N Cincinnati Story THE Herald Angle Smith and Among Open Qualifiers Every Club in Loop Trade Gambles Pay X By EARL YOST Lucrative Payoff Like Reluctant Dragons Dividends for Reds Sporta Editor New Record At Suffolk L^ou,ns (First of a Series) Established Now Victim of Fordl Cincinnati, June 27 (/P)-—Trading in the baseball market is Homers Being Hit at Record Clip Chance-'for Youngsters Squire of Depot Squaro, Dr. Arthur Moran, is a fretjuent Busto'n, June 27 CP)— An Ve«- York Tiinp *’7 Naliona] Le»«Tje. The Phil* didAMauch, gave up four hits, walked 1 gamble and there is nothing wrong witli gambling when ByCourville unidentified person won 339,112 ... ■ niioc it behind a joint, eight-hit pitching! two and struck out four in his ■you win. Since taking over the Cincinnati^ Reds, General hone caller as well as a visitor to the sports department. on a 32 bet at Suffolk Downs It 8 getting SO that the ques-, Owens, their long mis*-! first start for the Phils. He went Manager Bill DeWitt ha.s gambled and so far is a winner. ?esterday morning the North End physician called and yesterda.v hut had to wait an As Eligibles Back Qut tion no longer is w hether inp righthander, and reliever Dal- .six innings, then admitted he "Ran Despite the inclement agonizing five minutes before The Reds are high In the Na-*”- asked, “ How many homt> runs have been hit in the major White.v Ford can win 20 fo r la.s Green. No other games were out of gas." He had worked back leagues this season?’.’ I c uldn’t give the answer at the pre^ weather, match play started he could be sure of the loot. into .shape with Williamsport in tlonal League pennant chase disrupting our staff which we the first time. Now the scheduled. ^ ^ ^ thanks to- the manuever* of De- this morning in the State The liieratlve pa.voff, on a New York, June 27 (^)—The refusal of seven eligibles to the Class A Eastern League for a think is the best in the league. So cise moment, for several reasons, one being that there was twin double, was made possible a Witt. who went from office boy to still copy to be edited before the'r Amateur Golf Tournament at make the trip for Olympic-rtyle track and field meets against speculation about the S^tubhy VANKS-.VMiKLS - three-nm month before rejoining Philadel­ it had to be Bailey." * ***...... I ...... V.'. 4..4 by Jeddah Chant, $36 winner of Bouthpaw i.s ran he take 30 homer by Bill Skowron with tv\ o out phia last Friday. This was his first ticket seller to Mecutive in a long I Bailey went to the Giants for deadline,! and ;i would take a few the Race Brook Country Club, the seventh race. Russia, West Germany and Poland next month could cost the ./ No major league pitcher has won ninth gave the Yankees their victoi-y over the Giants since 195d. American League career which In­ Blasingame and catcher Bob minutes of research to get the an-1 t'- Orange, with two Manchester United States at least one victory in Moscow, AAU officials cluded a stint owning the St. swer. A foul claim was lodged 80 since Pirzy Dean did n for the r,nly lend against the Angel.s and The Phils managed just four hits Ischmldl. Blasingame took over at golfers In the championship field against Jeildah Chant. conceded today. <* St Louis Cardinals in 1334 The beat, relievor -tlm Ponohue il-3i in off lo-ser Jack Sanford (3-61 and Louis Browns. second and with Gordy Coleman at The question was a good one, of 32. Stan Hilinakl, Manchester "It’s disappointing not to be only American Ix'aguer to come , battle of home runs at rozv Wng- first, Cincinnati had an Infield, one The stewards needed five min­ the sprints, Ull* Williams, (jomp- Stu Miller, scoring in the fourth on Dewitt’s Irat American League especially so, with an abundance Club ckamploT. ami qualifying able to send our strongest team ton, Calif., schoolboy In the 440; close since then wa.s Hal. Newhous- |py Field which has been adequate on de-■ of homers being hit around the utes of ronsiiltatlon and a re­ a triple by Don Demeter and a Job was as president of the De­ 18 medalist last week with a 67, and view of the movies before they abroad," .said Pinky Sober, chief Dixon Farmer of Occidental In th# er. who won 29 for Pelrott in 1944. Prarson. Steve Bilko and single by Charlie Smith. It waa the troit (Tigers before switching lo fense and showed plenty of batting major league park* this season. Ronnie (Red) Smith will repre­ of the (track and field committee. But no4v come.s Ford, at 32 a vet Each season about this time. Just disallowed the charge. 440-hurdles; Jim Dupree of'South'- ex-Yankee Ken Hunt honiered off sixth defeat in eight games for the the Reds after the 1960 season. punch. sent the Silk Town. HUinski put The payoff was desrrilied as "Actually, the team will not suf­ em Illinois in the half-mile and wan in "illl J-hl Ford, giving the Angela 1-0. 3-1. .^•3 third place Giants, who trail first DeWitt’s first deal for the Redji Manager E'red Hutchinson sums past the one-thtrd mark, the Figure together roumis of 70-76— 146, to fer much except in the hammer New york 1 ankees. and a gu> «h o, g.b B,.,‘ the Yankees! place Cincinnati by five an Ameriean record on a $! Bob Avant of Southern California could' prove to be the one that' It up this way; Filberts get out the slide rule and tie for eighth place, while col­ throw.’’ who will team with John Thomaa never has won more than 19 in one “ We knew Freese had dlfficul- note that so and so is ahead of RON SMITH STAN HIUNSKI bet. blasted back sfarter Ken • • • gives Cincinnati the momentum to legian Smith fired 71-72—143 to Previous high was $35,758.8< The first and second place fin­ in the high Jump. year. In that time, however he a McBride on home runs by Mickey tie.s with the While Sox. But we Babe Ruth's pace In 1927 when he tjc, for fourth place. won 166 and lost only ft for an BR.AVES — CARDS - Joe Ad­ cop the fiag. on a 32 twin double bet at this'i ishers In the National Champion­ Then there ar* the seasoned Mantle, his 23rd, and pinch-hitter also ■ knew he could make the hit 60 home runs. Roger Marlp of iMen to watch are defending ships weekend all were of­ amazing 205 percentage. cock rapped s two-run homer, cap­ It was a three--w»y Job engi­ the New York Yankees, In case you track last Mav 24. veterans like of Pon­ Johnny Blanchard and a two-run play.s. Hi.s problem wa.s throwing. champion Dick Slderowf of Indian fered spots in the team. tiac, Mich., In the 120-yard )iur- Whitey won No; 13 night, single by Yogi Berra Showron a ping a six-run third inning for the neered last December. DeiWItt We got him to throw the ball in- haven't heard, is the curent homer Hill and Jerry Courville of Shore- staggering Ihrougli fo-- ar. 9-6 vic- dealt shortstop Roy McMillan, one But Ron Morris, the pole vault dles; of Oregon, winning .shot, following walks to Braves, and then singled- home the .stead of aiming It and he’s done belter ahead of the Bambino's haven. The latter, a 26-year-oId Second Nine Opens winner; Dallas Ixmg and Parry ton- at l-os Angeles that made of the game’s top fielders, to MU- mark that ha* atood up under all and of Santa Clara In Roger >taris and Mantle, came off deciding run in the fifth. Larry the job. He hits the long ball and golf equipment salesman, toured O'Brien. 1-2 In the shotput; Har­ the mile; , Tenneasee him the first to ^ a t everx; club in i riphthander'Art Fmvler. It wa, ,he Jackson 13-.51 wa.s the loser while wraukee for pitchers Joey Jay and drive.* In plenty of runs. kinds of pressure and challengers Race Brook yesterday twice In 68 the expanded 10-team American . . Juan Pizarro. Then he swapped old Connolly and, Al Hall, of AAI's world broad jump record Lew Burdette l7-5i won his third "Kasko might not have the for 34 years. 1 strokes for a 136 total, to set a .Southington, Omn,; 1-2 in the ham­ I^eague. It was Whitey> seventh both leagues. •Pizarro and pitcher Cal M cLl^ to holder, and of Santa in a row. with relief help from Don range of .some shortstops but he Come September and October, 1 new qualifying record. Courville* At. ERCC Saturday mer throw, and and Rink Clara In the half-mile. straight success, giving him three •McMahon when the Cards broke the Chicago White Sox for Gene the sluggers always seem to tall off more 4ictories than any other Fo' d I 13-21. gave up six hits and has good hands and one of the j card was the lowest In 62 years of Babka. 2-3 in the discus throw, all walked four, but fanned seven In loose for,four runs on six consecu­ FYe'ese. [ best arms in the game. Bla.sin- from their early hot pace and' competition. Par is 71. Slderowf refused to make the trip. pitcher in the majors this season. "We needed a third baseman Ruth’s record goes on for another ■ And coming in the only game eight inifings. upping his AL-lead- tive hits in the ninth. game has pulled our infield to­ scored 69-71—140, runner-up to By EARL YOST INTERNATIONAL LEAGl'E \’aripty of Reasons and we figured McMillan was ex­ gether and both he and Kasko year. One must remember that in Courville. scheduled in the AL. it put the sec­ ing strikeout total to 100 Lefty The Braves" big third inning ON THE BUTTON— Cassius Qay connects with a straight right to the jaw of Kolo Ceremonies dedicating the opening of the second nine holes Trailing 2-1 after four innings, of them complained ,'that Luis Arroyo mopped up 1-2-3 in the started with a two-out walk. Frank pendable," said DeWitt. "3\’e know how to get on base. 1927, the Babe came up with 17 In' Holly’ Mandly. former Manches­ ond place Yankees within one game (Duke) Sabedong during lO-rdund heavyweight bout in Las Vegas last night. T!lay gambled that Eddie Kasko or Leo Ansaldi's Contrai-tors rallied for they couldn’t take time off from of front-running Detroit. ninth. Bolling. Ed Mathews and Hank ’’(Joleman Is not the greatest September, a record for the final ter standout, now playing out of at the Ellington Ridge Country Club will take place Satur­ • • • Cardenas coiiM handle the job at month of the campaign. three run* in the fifth to defeat their jobs they had some BTiile Ford and the Yankees were Aaron followed with singles that scored unanimous decision to run his professional winning streak to seven straight. fielder in the world but he’s will­ Avon, and a former champion, day morning at 10 o’clock on the 10th tee. Leon Browne, means of being reimbursed. Morris short and also give us added hit­ ing to work and learns He Official averages, up to and in­ turned in a surprising 142 on a pair Aceto & Sylvester last night at battling the Angels in the late, late PH1IJ9 — GIANTS — Owens, brought In two runs for a 2-2 tie. (AP Phetofax). ERCC publicist, reports a full program will be held—weather Vcrplanck, 4-3. and O'Brien offered to go only to show, the Philaidelphia Philliea who quit the Phils’ Spring camp in and" Frank Thomas then rapped a ting. knows how to swing the bat.’’ cluding games played last Sunday. ; of 71s. Mandly has played little peimlttlng. Ag* for Youth Pitching dominated llie action the Moscow meet. Connolly didn't TWILIGHT LEAGUE knocked oiff San Francisco. 1-0. and a huff when he figured he was be­ two-run tnple ahead of Adcock's Pleaaant Sivprise show 652 homers were collected by ROGER MARIS golf in recent years. Mandly has Introductory remark.* and pre­ like the way the meet in Mos­ American League batsmen and 499 won three State Opens. be awarded to the low scorer with winning moundsman Johnny Setting a new high single thla ktilwaukee beat St. Louis. 9-6, In ing overlooked by Manager Gene homer. "NOf I wasn’t afraid of’s Rookie <*)cher Jerry Zimmer­ sentation of the will be made cow was run week was Ruth McIntosh with 141. Reaction of Justice Department Awaited fielding. I watched him play in the National League. . Now for a look at the National Two rounds of match play were Saturday. Minney allowjijg three hits and man has been a pleasant surprise. League to get an answer to Mo­ by Fred McKone, president of the The Russians’ Va.ssily Ruden- Miss McIntosh and Flo Kloter both against Detroit and he did great * * * scheduled today with Hillnski Joe Curtis of A&S but four. His fine defensive work has helped ran’s .second question. The senior Ellington Purchasing Corporation. F'ollowing are the foursomes and kov won the Olympic hammer rolled 346 triples to share top both ^t bat and in the field. After the youthful staff which includes paired with Ben Costello of Mill starting times: An.saldi’s ...... 000 130 4-4-1 circuit blasters are averagli^ a Ted LaBonne. ERCC president, Aceto ...... 010 101 3-3-1 throw with a 220-1 toss. Neither honors in that department to date. all. McMillan was 30 and McLish Jim Maloney, 21; Ken Hunt. 22; Ruth Mark Safe ^ River and Smith against the vet­ will speak briefly and will intro- 10 a.m, G. LaBonne, F. .Mc- home run over 33,91 official at eran Bobby Grant. Two rounds Minney and Burr, Kuzmiok's -A Tom Pagoni nor Bob Backus, the Miss McIntosh added games of 114 Senators Ready to Hit Hard 36. We got FVeese who Is 27 and Jay Hook, 24; Jim O’Toole, 24, and The 10 teams in the Junior loop duee special guests. Konc. W. Cichon. J. Nichols. two hammer throwers who will and 91 to her 141 while Mrs. Klo­ Dark Loses Fingertip bats. will also be played tomorrow with Curtis and Ostroiit. Jay who Is 26. You don’t often get Howie Nunn. 25. boast a 65.2 average while the *cn- Hope that answers the que^ons Honor of playing in the first 10:08 T. Wolff, P. Naktenis, W. lake the trip, can match that. ter bowled 114, 124 and IQS for T- hurt when you trade age for Although Freese and Coleman ior circuit clubs—eight teams the 36-hole finals on Thursday. foursome, teeing oft as close to 10 Kunzll, L. Becker, M. Ovian. Yet Connolly, who holds the her share of the triple lead. Other *>deal specifically with basketball orf’time professional boxing under posed. , Failing to qualify from Man­ N.ATIO.N.AL IxBAGl’E Washington, June 27 (/P) youth.” both hit for distance, Cincinnati's are averaging 62.1 homers There * * • o’clock as possible, will go to La- 10:16—G. Allen, L. Galasso. F. orld record of 230-0, could do good scores were Alba Soblskl 116, other sports scandals. But Miller Federal regulation. Without tampering with the real pow'er comes from the out­ is little chance that the addition­ chester was Joe Segal of the Uni­ Meurant, T. Bantly. Poorly played beat de-scrlbes 1 Along with His Temper Senate backers of bills de­ Bonne, McKone, Pro Wally Cichon night’s slugfest at Buckley as Nas- no better than eighth in the Olym­ Norma Goodin ll4. Bvie Tedford said one of the bills, which would His bill which has been intro­ 3routhful pitching a t ^ anchored field in which Vada Pinson and al two teams In the American H e r o ’ ll T h e r e versity of Connecticut golf squad and Jlramy NichoLs, special guest. 10:24- A. Grotheer, W. Thornton, 112, Kay McWilliams 112 and signed to crack down on rack­ this past spring. siff Arms outlasted Manchester pics and lost to the Russians In make it a Federal felony to cross duced, would create the post of by veteran Bob Purkey and backed Prank Robinson are fixtures. League this season will be any Condolences ale extended to the In addition to golf, a fa.shion A. Lind.say, L. Scranton, the 1959 meet In Philadelphia. Irene Constantine 112. eteers pre.ving on collegiate a state law tp promote any racke­ Feneral Boxing Commissioner in by reliefers Bill Henrj’ and Jim Wally Post and Gus Bell—both great help to fence busters in Higgins, 13, a lor- Tli« qualllieri: 10:32 R. Gib.son, J. Ru.sher, L. Auto ParU. 1.5-14. The latter Philadelphia, June 27 (4^— Angered because his San Fran­ Jerry Courville. yhur,-haven 611-68--136. show will be presented at 3 o'clock scored at least once In every in­ The shotpuUers who replaced and professional sports teering venture, could be a u.seful the Justice Department, with pow­ Brosnan. DeiWitt aded Jay to the long ball hitters—alternate in left. quest of erasing Ruths homer: League baseball pilch- Dick Slderowf. Indian Hill 69-71— 140. for the women while at the same Kelly, T. Fergu.son. GREEN MEN’S I)l)iqBLES weapon fixes of sports ning but it wasn't enough. Long and O'Brien are Gary Grub- cisco Giants left 12 men on base in a 1-0 loss to Philadelphia, awaited today the Justice De­ ers to license fighters, managers, staff, had himself a front line Then, too, the Reds have a good standard. weekend follow- Holly Mandly. Avon '71-71 — 142. hour a golf clinic is scheduled. A 10:40- L. Browne, C. Sweeney, ner of New York University, a Rolling a new lUgh triple thla AMERIOAN LEAGUE events. promoters and matchmakers, and Ronnie Smith, Manchenter 71:72—143. It appeared after five frames th e usually mild-mannered Manager Alvin Dark tore the tip W. L. Pet. O.B. partment’s reaction. third baseman and upped the bat­ bench where they can call on New York ranked No. 1 in the , year’s illness Man- Terry Brazcl. Wetherafieid 71-72— 143. cocktail hour is listed at 7 o’clock A. Bailargeon. C. Barrett. 60-fooler and Jav Silvester of the week was Sam Little with a 381 Keating told a reporter his owm to move in the courts to punish ting producti'vity at short. Jerry Lynch, one of the games’s A.L. total honiers with* 93, is of Chester a waa the only 10:48—S. Ketcham, A. Ferreira, that the APs had matters all pinfall. This included one game of o f f the little finger of his right hand last night when he Deiroit .. ___ 46 U M t Sen. James Eastland. D-Miss.. Kd Creed. Wethera(ield 74-70—144. with a dinner-dance starling at 8 wrapped up with a 13-9 lead but Santa Clara Youth Village, a 61- threw a stool in the Giants’ dress-*------New York ___ 44 26 .636 I chairman of the' Senate Judiciary bill, presently still in rough draft secret deals with the underworld. Now the Reds found they had pinch batters. last Friday, with Los Angeles see-. easualty in the .Amateur Bn ...... 36 S3 .622 0 Congress will pass laws to deal starts at 11:30. out the verdict, Lipsnis’ 58-8 3/4. Tsnity Hospital for emergency Baltimore ....8 6 34 .314 Oi', with cases like the current college outcome of collegiate and possibly boxing might be all right, but that Eaio Chacon was not the answer. the Reds—from DeWitt to batboy pack was Boston with 44. a total (ounh jn his qualifying 70—146. All golfing participants opening 11:02—C. Kelly, J. Harrigan, L. John Uelses and Henry Wads­ SUMMERETTES other amateur sports events. the Justice Department is not the DeWitt learned he could 'get Don Bill Ferguson—feel Cincinnati has above only the 30 the weak nil-; and only three qualifiers for Sian Hilinakl. Mancbeater 7I.V76—146. Bantly, N. Chase. Paul Huntington, Dan O’Con­ Top scores were Lori Sinicropa treatment and returned to his Chicago ...... 86 ! 84 .614 ba.sketball scandals. Sam Petrone. Hubbard Heighls 73-74— day will receive an inscribed golf nell, Tom Rae and Ray Halstead worth, both 15-4 performers, FMIadelphia hotel room early Tues- Kansas City . 20 38 .483 16 Sen. Kenneth Keating. R-N Y., Keating .said power to trade Im­ right agency to bsmdie it. Blasingame from the Giants. a great chance to win Its first ting Philadelphia Phillies collect finals, won by Dyrol Burleson. 147 bail significant to the opening day 11:10 D. Kellner, E. Scranton, ahould make up for Morris' ab­ 119-112, Fran Janaltls 112-110, Jo pennant in 21 years. Kd Minor, New Haven 73-74 - 147. C. Sheldon, S. Grotheer, B. Wolff. each hit safely twice for Nasaiff’s Kerin 117, Reggie GbursKi' 113, ilay morning. Washington . .80 40 .429 I6 i^, annoimced he is collaborating with munity from prosecution for testi­ Kefauver anq Kennedy report­ "They wanted one of our relief ^ in National Leapie ! close, now at Quantico. Va., with Jimmy Crant. Wethersfield 72-75— 147. ceremonies. A Cornish Trophy will sence in the pole vault. edly may get together this week men or catcher EM Bailey." said Next -that strong, young pitch­ Other A’ L. team totals were Chi-1 (Pp Marines, chased Jim Beatty, with Ted Blake.slee the hitting Clara Freeman 112, Ruth Pohl 112, Hla Anger caught in a jagged Minnesota ___ 26 43 .377 19 the National Collegiate Athletic mony against the underworld ring­ Hugo Torza, Edgewood 73-74 — 147. star for the APs with three hits, Silvester beat both Oerter and edge on one of the legs of the Los Aiigeles .26 47 .347 2I>', Assn. (NCAA) in drafting .such a leaders of gambling conspiracies to try to thresh out the matter. DeWitt. "We had no intention of ing. Baltimore Ij^jiifnPPj and George Lar.son Burl Re.anik, Woodbrldge 71-77 —14S. Babka in the discus in the AAU Mabel Calane 110, Btlnny Crocker Bob Gram Sr.. Wethersfield 7.5-74 - 149. one a homer. Hal Davey and Bud 110 stool me he threw it Into his onm Monday's Results bill. He said it would make the Would be a useful companion. He across the finish line. Close was a Championships with a 19!5-8 heave, . land-56 and Kansas City 4.5. ' member of the 1,500 meters. U.S. John Zelen.aki. Wallingford 7.5-74—149. Neil 'also had two hits each for locker. New York 8, Los Angeles 6. bribing of college and pos.sible said he also plans to push legisla­ Allan Breed. Wethersfield 76-73— 149. the losers. less than a foot off the World rec­ Only Games S BurEf>09. KdEowood•;dgewood 76-74—76-' 150. Cone, Cummings and Barry. Chance for Newcomers 3-0), 8 p.m. basketball stars to keep scoring In 40 and the Phils last with 30. Mozzer 117, Jil Kravontka 116, nail, waa tom off. case in lyny other way:’] Although there is little likeli- Wednesday Ben CoRtfirio, Mill...... Rivrrvrr 77-7' 77-74—151. "We were aware in advance that Ruih Battles 110, Ruth Ostrander Chicago (Piztaro 8-0 and Bau­ certain games within the range of Alpheufl winter Jr Brooklaw'n 75-76— Earlier, Giants’ Ooach Wes Eastland made clear that he hood of an-individual seeling a new i!; u W. Bie Side (J\al -AMEKU A.N LEAGI E of these fellows couldn’t go,” 110 mann 6-6 ) at Detroit (Began 7-2 the gamblers’ polntspread. 151. m . Weetrum had explained that acci­ plans no sports bill of his own, standard, the team high w ater duf 'o Dick Knwale.vkI. New Haven G.C. 79-73 ■When a team gets .seven runs in said Sober. "But on the other hand, and Oeaale 1-6), 7 pan. Herbert Miller Jr., chief of the — 152. dent by saying that* Dark tore the but he said he favors enacting leg­ By NL for Stocking New Clubs marks. In both leagues, a*e being ML Nebo. its first al bats its usually hard to their absence opens the door for HOUDAT TRIOS Baltimore (E stra^ 4-6 and Pap­ Justice Department’s Criminal J ” , Adam Mirhalek. Canaan 76-76 1,52 raiec c c E w n a t i ♦ alive until what proved to be the some of our promising youngsters nnderpiut of the little finger on pas 8-8 ) at Kenaee City (Baas 4-6 islation in this area, and promised seriously threatened. . Jolin Stevenson. Hubbard Ueiphi.-, 74-79 ' KEC- SOrT^I5AI.l. beat. Kathy Campbell 116, Kathy Cole­ Division, told the Committee he - 1-53 I Getting all three runs in the winning run scored from third the wire meshing in the tunnel and DItmar 2-3), 8 p.m. that such a bill would get early The old New York Giants of 1947 Flld o f ihc Llllfi This was the case dast night al to acquire the international ex­ man 100. way leading from the Giants dug- lacked authority to commit the de­ th* World*- "We discu.ssed several plans." and the Cinclniiati Rcdlegs of 1956 base in the third inning (or the Waddell wheii Police W Fire dent­ perience that makes champions. New York (Daley 6-9) at I>oe hearings. He emphasized that he Chicago, June 27 (i^P)— available after th Veteran Earl Torge.son, rut Joe W m hers(ieir7lri6-153. ][,“ ■?] inning.s. B olan,! M otors Dave Neville 110, Larry Jamial- out to the visitors’ dressing room partment' to any position on .such its roster said Giles., "and we gaVe New ifhare the big league ma/k. each x --Janiea Healey Hanford 78-76— 1.51. held On to defeat Gus s ^Grinders FPs. ed the runner seven limes en route All in all, it's a strong team.” tls 111. Angeles (Bowsfleld 8-2), 11 p.m. legislation. meant legislative hearings, as dis­ National League today adopt- Sene* 15 players fr t^ i loose by the Chicago White Sox, tn Connie Mack Stadium. Boston (Ctaoo l-I and Monbon- tinct from any investigation of as of Aug. 31, 1961. :Of these 15. York a chancie to present its plan. with 221 round trippers in 155 , , , , „ , riOes Payne. Brooklawn 78-76- 154. I last night at Mt. Nebo, 5-3. Fire & P olicy to a 8-3 decision over Scars, Jumbo Jim Elliott of Villanova. Miller was on the witness stand ed a “ liberalized" plan with a seven must be from the active Both the new teams and the old games. Tfie A. L, record is 193, ' .fought on with the Neiv York Robertlo ^ r t uramGram Jr., W(iher.ifieldwfiner.xrieid 74-80-74-80 ^ n cFror, followed by doubles - by 1 0 1 0 0 1 X 3-7-0 Joe Amaio, Scotty Mcl./Can and the head coach, called it a "Great However, when Dark got back to qoetta 7-6) At Minnesota (Kaat 2- testifying in behalf of a broad pro­ the basketball scandals. GREEN TEENS .sliding scale to provide major Hat and the other eight from each teams were co-operative In the ex­ set bv the Now York Yankees m ' Yankees. The one-time Boston i I Joe Camposeo and Jimmy Men- AAI ...... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1-4-1 Tom Gessay hacked up Ray Lon­ group of youngsters." Rolane Irish 100. hie hotel room early Tuesday morn­ 7 and Ramos 4-9), 7 p.m. ^ gram requested by A tty. Gen. Rob­ MeAtinr Loans ing he personally acknowledged league talent for its newest tesLm’a major Ileague roster of 40. change of their views. The plan 155 games last year. ! Brave first baseman should prove . x--Won on ihlrd hole of audderi-dealh | ditto in the third fram e sealed up Hohenthal and Higgins; McHale don's pitching witli solid hitting "They should give u.<|. a fine NA-nO N AL LEAGUE ert Kennedy to help battle or­ MeanwBi(e. Seh. Elates Kefauver, The new clubs must take a total was unanimously adopted by all 10 Barring a complete collapse of | ® P®*® runner and ! playoff, the verdict (or the Motors. Cam­ and fielding. Gary Roberts starred start toward the 1964 Olympics," that the accident occurred when he D-Tenn.. another member of the members — the New York 1 y—Lost on third hoi# (^f Buddfn-d#Aih and Anderson. GREEN JR. BOYS threw the etool. Added Degree W. I.. Pet. G.B. ganized crime. of 32 players at 375,000 a player club.s." Maris and Mickey Mantle, the i *®Bhandcd pinchhitter . . . Five ! playoff, poseo also drove in the first in­ for Sears he added. Terry Kloter 135, Bob Constantine CbioinnaU ... .43 25 .032 __ Useful W’ihapon committee, is planning to press Mets ajid the' Houston Colts. Yanks should create a new league.! rbilc road race Is scheduled July t —IvORt on tfcond ho|# of had told the coaches to say giving each newcomer 16 with the George Weiss, former New York playoff. ning run. Ed Doll also had two Jim Dwyer hurled the win for Police & Fire 700 010 S 10 3 Some o f the new faces that will 121. whatever they felt waa right." George Mitchell, above, for­ L»s Angeles . .41 20 .586 3 None of Kennedy’s bills would I bill he has drafted to place big Although the bulk of the plaii established teams losing four and quite possibly, a new all-Limel^ Southbridpe. Mass., sponsored .sallies for the winners. Losing Sears 200 001 8 6 4 have the Russians wondering just Son Franciso . .38 30 .559 5 is similar to that of the American Yankee general manager and now Ponticclli's. a foiir-hitlcr. Matt said Dark. "But it waa the stool." mer local sporta promoter, was apiece. Next, New York and Hous­ pre.sident of the New York Mets, high. In this case, the increased - P-'” Bie Southbridge VFW . First Bound Pairincs arid Ktartinr pitcher Stan Midlin came through Reiser led the attack with two Isnidon and Carrier; Kelly, Goss where the U.S. hides its assembly GREEN MIXED Of the 12 men the Giants left Pittaburgh .. . .33 30 .524 I'/J League, the National League made ton each have a choice of selecting A.L. schedule would be a factor. Riverside Park continues to draw Times: with'three hits (or Gus's while and Richter. line are (the new 9.2 Ralph Nevers 1S8-37S, Vicki recently preaented with his Milwaukee . . . .81 32 .492 »'/, available more players from which .said he Was satisfied. But Bill De- Moran, who helped work his VC ay I capacity crowds for the Saturday Upp#*r Half hits while teammate Bob Esca- stranded, four of them were w t one player from every club at a Witt, ChncinnatJ general manager S:30^—('onrville v«. Zelenski Nino Petrjcca and Dick Plaggc vitch homered for the Contractors World record 100-yard dash man) Burchards 117-128, Alice Rock 132, on third base, once with none out C.A.G.S. from the University LouU . . . . .30 36 .455 12 the newcomers., can choose, in­ price of 350,000. through college and medical school night stock car races. Jalopy 8;.l5—Hilln.tki v». Cosiuiin each collected two bingles. and Paul Drayton of Villanova in Gerry Costa 117. Expansion Pays Biff Dividends wiio reportedly opposed a liberal 8:40— Braz<»l vs. Ni'lt^lhladt Mike Orlowski's round tripper once with one out and twice with of Hartford in the field of guid­ Chicago ...... 25 40 .385 10«, cluding "premium" pi<^ of 3125,- Finally, each established club by playing bMeball. catching 'vas events are scheduled at the .same Boland's ...... 122 000 x 5 -8-1 plan, .said: 8*46 J. Grant vs Brunoll paced Nassiff’s. two out ance. Now residing in Farm­ Philadelphia . .22 41 .349 18', 000 per player. ! must then make available two his position, went on, "If you tan track every Tuesday night . . . S:50— Mandlv vs. Kufta Gus .s ...... 101 000 1-3-10-1 ington. Mitchell la director of Monday’* Reeults New York and Houston will pay •premium’’ player, and from t h i s ^ get the home run totals, see If you Wally Foriln of the Rec staff 8:55— Burrill vs. Mirhal#>k Cail.son and Manditto; Midllh Glen Haven Boys’ Day Camp Phlladelplila 1. San Francisco 6. For Minnesota at Box Office 375,000 each for moat of their can figure out how often heme hopes to be able to offer a senior Ji:00—Allen vs. Skoczylas ALI MM FARM list the newcomers must alter-' Jubilation. 9:05—T on a va. Stevenson and Duff. HUHTING ATE WITH THE JURY at Sperry’s in ^Iton. A physl- Milwaukee 9, St. Louis 6. players, but they also will have a nately select four 3125.000 players. Los Angeles owner Walter run is hit." butdoor basketball program at Lowor Half Team No, 1 topped Team No. 2 Auto Service Specialist ^ cal ediucatlon teacher at South- Only Games Scheduled. New York. June 21 i.T) t—The choice of making 350,000 pur­ Each new team will end up O’Malley, reputedly a big power According to my arithmetic, plght, under the arc lights, at 9:10—Slderowf vs. Breed CHURCH SOFTBALL last night, 4-2. Buftalo. N.Y. ^ a n d expansion move that led to the with four "premium" players while that’s what it was called in those 9:20— Treed vs. BiirEes.* Four-hit pitching by Ernie Bliven athletic director at the University | received hi.s B.8. tn physical doclnnatl (Hunt 8-3) at Chicago i transfer of the Washington Sena- up with four 3125,000 "premium" you ought to talk out in.stead of days, and a subject I car t recall I League realized *2,400 from its an- 9:26— Petrone vs. Kristof each eatabliahed team will lose sparked iCenter Congo to a 6-5 dc- INTERMEDI ATE I/EAGI’E of Buffalo, missed An ajhlettc ban-. education from the University (Ellsworth 2-5) 2:80 p.m. j tors to Minnesota is paring off in players. * only one. Under the entire plan, •shoving it down their (New York flunking. In the American League- hual house to house for 9:1(V-Smith va H. Grant Dick Marsh drove In the win- quet at that InsUtution’Tor the first j of Ckmnectlcut and hts mas- San Francisco (M a^hal 4-4) at j attendance dividends for the In stocking Los Angeles and and Hou.stoni throats.’’ a homer is registered less than funds to meet operating expenses 9:25— K. Minor vs. Kow-aleski cisio^i cfver Liberty Mutual last the newcorher, will have to pick 9:40—I,.enc*yk vs. Proto night at Charter Oak. ning-run;,,run 1 last; night at the Oval as time tn 26 years, but they h^d to teni In physical education from Philadelphia (Borzhardt 2-8). 8:03 ' Twins. Washington, each American 36 official at bats, 35.79 at bats' . . . Interested .spectator at Li'.llc 9:45— Resnik vs. Healey 20 players but can go as high as Once the meeting ^nded. th* A trio of two-run frames sec­ GreW' Maannr nipped the Inter­ lock him up to keep him ' Springfield Ojllege. He Is a ; p.m. Hitting — BUI Skowron. Yan­ League club made available 15 to be exact.' Bases on balls and League games at Waddell Field MUFFLERS The SI. Paul-Minneapoh.* entry 28 by exercising the right of se­ owners and their varices repre­ ond. sixth and seventh—provided mediates. 2-1. 'Die same lad also Peelle was wp-lng on an Erie captain In the army reserves I Los Angeles (Podres 7-1) at zoomed past the 500,000 mark on kees, went thr«e-for-flve and lieat players from which the new teams lecting eight 350,000 players. sentatives hustled off .to bed to hit batsmen, naturally, are not Ed Kovis, former minor league with 19 years of service, in­ tht Cenlei* gang with its run-mak­ pitched a three-hitler in the fast SI*OKTING IM)GS County court jury deliberating an ^ j Pittsburgh (Friend 8-7), 8:16 p.m. ' the strength of its three-gapie chose seven at a flat price of 376.- Warren Giles, president of the get .some sleep before the open­ counted. ba.seball pitcher and well playexi contest. Marsh'.s Insurance fraud case, and was held j cluding tour* In both World I M llwa^ee (Buhl 4-5 nr flon- I .Angels, 8-3, with three-run homer 000 a player. Each team spent 32.1 ing. Liberty, with (our runs in the Hunting dogs working In thick week-end series with the .New York National League, said he believed ing of the Joint rpajor league meet­ third held a 5-2 lead after live Texa.s I^-ague single in the fifth cover are siibjex’t to Injury. One overnight with other jurors when War II and In the Korean con­ linger l-l) at St. Ixwls (Simmons! Yankees that drew 101.291. with two out In ninth. million. the plan waa far more liberal ing today. they c ^ d not reach a verdict. flict. frame.s.1 broke a 1-1 tie. such Injury in, a tondimcy of the I 2-6 ) 9 p.m. ,j^ e Twins’ attendance for 33 Pltdilng — Jim Owens. Dallas The National League will make than that adopted by the American The American t-eague also met Paul Richards collected two hits Green, PhiU, each gave np four available 17 players from each Dick Pitkin (two doublesl and tip of the dog’s tail to cut and hAme dates through Sunday’s League. .yesterday and held preliminary Gary Bogll (double and single I and drove in one run for the Build­ hits In 1-0 vlct iry over Giants established team, with each new tear. Here’s a simple solution In games waa 619.627. In 33 dates 4 The National League atarted its discu.s.sions for the joint session. Champion Impressive i ______■ paced the Congo assault. Don Cook ers while Pete .Sylve.ster's .single tlio problem. Cut the finger off an in Griffith Stadium. Wa.shlngton with. tlwens, making first start, club spending a minimum, of 31.7 meeting yesterday afternoon at The American League paid Im Vegas, Nev.—Caosiue Cla.v, accounted for the lone loser tally. pitching six Innings and Halming million to a maximum of 32.1 mil­ and Bob Demlng, each with dou­ old pair of leather gloves and last season their attendance was 2:15 p.m. EST and didn't conclude tribute to Bill Veeck. the ailing 194'i, K.V., outpointed Kilo Sabe­ bles, paced Liberty. Green Manor ...... 100 Olx 2-6-1 slip it over the tip of the dogs 322,203. de■ |ablc " The comml.ssion ruling xas a paper milk carton and slice off The Cincinnati Reds. won their opening assignments be­ Hauppauge, N. Y. (/py George SHOP MI 3-U44 City A s and Detroit Tigers are ' Pearson. .Angels (5) Egg vs. Pagani’s, 6:15, hfebo. Mi^eapolis. June 27 (.Pi -Tlhere* ership in 19.59. the league has ac- been given center court billing in­ Copeljand. principal at Haup­ Two games were played last' bouts in wnlch the top. There will bp no more tween showers. Australia’s reign­ most ,of the only clubs ahead of 1960 The ‘ Civitan Moriartj’’s, ,6:16, has been a lot of talk recently ' ceptfd the quiet third baseman-/ stead of Fraser and In his first pauge High School, thought he'd night with F.Fire & Police edging i thie boxers suffered sriatched paint one carton will ing Chatiiplon Neale Fraser, knocko'iitss lacerations. lastji^throughout the season. FISK N ATION AL LEAGUE Charter Oak. - about the red-hot bats some Amer­ Reds are ■ up 68.000, Kansas City I first baseman as a power hitter. ' showed all his old power in dis­ appearance ther^ since last year’s like a turn on the mound for bat­ AAI I, 3-1, at Charier Oak and 32.000 and Detroit 2,000. Adcock, Braves (11) .Nassiff’s vs. Bantly’a, 6:10, ican League players have been final, roee to the honor. Only once But what about the "Killer’s"' posing of America's Rudy Her­ ting practice at age 40. "You have Pontlcelli’s ; topping Nassiff's at V (Charter Oak. swinging. new-found success in the average Ir the first set, when he dropped good hitters," (Jopeland told his Keeney Sr. No line score on this Roger Marls and Mickey Mantle. department? nando In straight sets. Hernando, his service, did his game fall below FAP vs. ^onticelli’s, 6:10, from Modesto, Calif., atruggled to baseball coach. The next day the game was received. Keeney. New York’s power duo aiming at Killebrew contirrues to deny he’s his reputation. team played a game and made Rangy Carl Hohenthal was the the all-time twosome homer total stave off defeat, but went down, i Sullivan’s vs. Army A Nai-y, 6, doing anything different ^^at the 6-3, 6-1, 6-1 with Fraser showing The other, four seeds to enter only two hits. Copeland formerly "big man" at Charier Oak as he I AUTO SERVICE SPECIALISTS Waddell. of 107 set by the Tanks’ Lou Geh­ •plate this year than when he hit pitched for Rochester and In 1950 flashed hi* fast ball past 15 bat­ rig and Babe Ruth in 1927. have his peak form and no signs of the second .'round without serious Manor vs. Medics. 6, Buckley. .276 last year and .242 in 1969. difficulty *were Italy’s Nicola went to spring training at Sara­ ters. He struck out the aide in the Paganl's v*. Lawyers, 6, Ver- been banging Jiomc iTins at an trouble from his suspect left knee. . "I think I’m a betUr hitter this The Australian’s impressive per­ Pietrangeli, Australian Champion sota. Fla., with the Boston Red first, fourth, sixth and seventh planck. awesome clip. year.” said Killebrew. “but I’m Sox. T onight Norm Cash, Detroit’s newest formance was a shock for those Roy Emerson, Spain’s Manuel frames. He scattered four hits in Weslne*4tay, June 28 not doing anything differently. I who have already written him as Santana and Chile’s veteran cam- beating Chris McNeill. hitting phenom, is leading the guess the difference is simply Quarter Midget races, 7:30, league in batting and RBIa and is below form and unlikely to live aigner Luis Ayala. Ernie White, former southpaw Play of the night was Pete on Buckland. that I have more confidence now." up to his rating as favorite. All won without dropping ijfa'et, pitcher, is managing the Mobile Herdic’s base running when he second to Maris in home runs. Shorter Fences Help Legion at Rockville, 6:16, Henry Elston Howard of the Yankees McKinley, of St. Ann. Mo., and but against outclassed opp-ing to pull the ball WINF Charter Oak. With these aiid other star.* tak­ this year like I had to in Wash­ b u y SERVICE Elks V*. Htfd. Nat., 6:10, Char­ ing the headlines, one of the hot­ ington the past couple seasons." BOLAND ter Oak. test batters in the majors is going explained Harmon. "Some of AAI VS. Manor, 6:10, Keeney. fly balls that went for easy outs LARRY’S STATION almoet unnoticed. Optical VS. PAF, 6. Waddell. He ik. Harmon Killebrew, who Iq past seasons are home runs Moriarty's vs. 'Auto Parts, 6. QUARTER MIDGET 917 Center St.— Near Love Lane— MI 9-3011 during the past month has' carried here.” WHEEL AUUNMENT DONE ON 3IODKRN ELECTRONIC Buckley. YANKEE You're Invited To An Exclusive Showinf Of The the Minnesota Twins on his own Killebrew forgot to mention BEAR MACHINES B.V FACTORY TRAINED PEiytONNEL Nomiaii’s vs.' Ansaldi’s, 6, Ver- broad ahoulders. The Minnesota some of his home runs which have I planck. captain, although playing for a caused the statistician* to run for ^^CLASSIC^^ SET CASTER IliurMlay, June 29 club -which finds it hard to win a their tape measures. For instance “FAST FIFTIES” PonticelH's vs. TAP, 6:15, Weat game, ia blasting the ball at a .852 Killebrew Is the only batter to 100-LAP TEAM RACE 6.PASS. BASEBALL SET CAMBER Side. ■ clip. have hit the big backdrop behind SEDAN ShowiM of post Memorial Day iMlianapolit 500* SET TOE.IN Army A Na\’y vs. B. A.’s, 6:15 Fbitto Buried by T smu SIdd the centerfield fence in Metropoli­ WED. A T 7:30 P.M. Nebo. KiUebrew’s feats have been bur­ tan Stadium—Uiat ball traveling mil* inces. Sponsored by this stoHon. yMr Mobile Knowledgeable people buy Imperial. SETTOE-OUT Mai vs. St. Mary’s, 6:15, (Charter led by Uie Twins’ skid from the an estimated 600 feet. CONfl. VALLEY QUARTER MIDGCT TRACK Oil Co. and fhe Monroe Shock Co. • ^ ANY Oak. first ^vlsioa to ninth ^ace in the "Fm also not uppercutting the Intersectioii of Hilliard St. and New State Highway 12 Months or NEW YORK AT LOS ANGELES CENTER STEERING AMERICAN PonticelH's vs. FAP, 6:10, Char­ circuit by losing 29 of their last baU as much this year as I have 12,000 Miles Gnaroiitee $195 D o w n It’s a matter of taste (and value). CA^ ter Oak. 87 games. before," Killebrew added. "But - GAME TIME 11 P.M. SH O W N NIGHTLY AT 8:3G->ond 1:00 A A I. RO AD TEST Bantly's vs. Naulffs, 6:10, T%e Minnesota leader during the I'm doing, it more than 1 ahould." Keeney. BOB ELLSWORTH « R d ,f r l iM b last wsek raised bis average 24 N o one la higher ,ln praise of CHANNEL 3 NEWSCASTER Juno 26,27 ond 28— Brinq rbo Family T r ^ y , Anne S6 the modest KUleluwv then his $ 5.20 FRONT END points with 13 hits in 24 trips to WILL BE TRACK ANNOUNCER Whiskey by Hiram Walker Methodists vs. Mai. 6:15, Char­ the plate. In addition, he walloped teammates and opponents. BOLAND MOTORS HEAR ALL YANKEE NIGHT GAMES. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK—M HOURS ADATt ter Oak. six home runs, bringing his season “Harm’s been cmnyl^ the bell WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF M O R M _ . Full Qnarl SHOP Manor vs. AAI, 6:10. Charter club,”, said 8 9 b Allison, who is • FULL RACINO PROGRAM KnaMSUT-BnNF.miRwriKBn•BHlRMBiranS Ajnttos*^ total to 22, and drove in 15 rune, ' too dENTEB STREET— Ml 3-4079 H O M E flmd A W A Y — DIAL 1230 PRODUCTS—g a s , o il , TIRES, TUBES mad AOCCSSORinl 357 BROAD ST. . Oak- ' jumping him to a fourth place tie having his ttlfflculilea with the bet a REFRESHMENTS llMOis Htfd. Nat. vs. Elks, 6:10, in that department with 57. "Without KUiebiww, we’d be • FREE ADmraiON OVEB U YEARS IN T H E SABIE LOCATION MI 3-2444 TOUR qUALlTT LARK DEALER FISK KMney. Since l^ebivw blasted 42 hone •ren lower," enthiiaed m w MAn- , Bean vn Ofttlcnl, «, WndddL rana and tied for the leagiM lead- ager Bam Uele. X p <

■ ■■ - t !;i,. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 PACT S m C E N 'lIAi^CHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 PAGE BEVSNIVEM ArtlclM For Sale 45 Household Goods 51 Apartments— Fist*— Houses For Rent 65 Houses For Sate 72 Houses for Sate 72 Business Services Offered IS THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW BY PAGALT and SHORTEN H«lp Waatod— Ftm ateSS fislp Warned— Mate S6 Lota For Sate 73 Reaort Proparty^ for TV ANTENNA Bonanza Sale— In Tenements 63 TWO LAMP tables with lamps. FOUR Room home 6100 per month. MANCHESTER — 8 room ranch, I—MANCHESTER Special — $400 MANCHESTER — McKee St. %, TREE PRUNINO,' removal and lot PART-TIME or MU-Ums opening! TRAINEE openings for shoe sales­ our (amous do-it-yourself depart­ BOLTON LAKE—A • room eOttiM, man, shest metal woiitar, con- Two wool rugs with pads, 9-12, ETIRNI8HED apartments, heated, References and lease required. alumlnpm storms, amesite, ttees, down will buy this immaculate 6 acre lot on bus line. City water, Uynwood Drive, wlnteriead, kae clearing. Call Prank C, Noble Jr., for el!iit-typl!t, bookkoopw. own* ment, Rabbit Ears, regular 67.98, 12x15. Two fibre ruge, 9x12, 13x15. ' Phllbrick Agency, Ml 9-8464. room Cape for $13,200. Good loca­ D o c RICkETS JH E PEPiKrRtClAM.MfilST’B A i l JHAT IS. EXCEPT Hlf Otiti SMAU ter, Mdu penon, waltroM, counter strucUon laborer, factory helper, two rooma. Kitchen set. refrigera­ bus, shopping $11,600, Carltcn W. sewer and gae,>ctoee to etores. conqpany water, locate^ near Uie CLASSIFIED MJ »-«05S aRer 5. now 89c; Hideaway R^^bblt Phllco radio with record player. Hutchins, MI 9-6132. tion, nice yard, don’t walk call us Zoned for two-family, $5,000. Town molder, truck driver, malntoance tor, gas range, bedroom set. Free beach. Immediate occu)jancy. A * OMTHE MOST TH O U GH EXAMIMATIOH THEbfAMlMATIOHTIlihf 0ET,.ir« A . gin. Apply OonnscUcut State Bnt- Bars regularly $10.98, now Westlnghouie Roaster oven. Ml AVAILABLE in September—new 6 now. The R. F; Dimock Co., MI A Country Realty, Glastonbury, CXlltPLETE REPAIRS - By Stu­ POR ALU HIS LITTLE PATIENTS - poym ant Sorvlco, 8M Malp St. A mechanic, orderlv, salesman. $1.49; UHF, Indoor antenna, 8-1273, gas, electricity. Adults. Low rent. room wlnteriMd home at Bolton ply Edward J. Holi nr your mpoaeMe fer oalj ONE laeorreet or aailtted great aavi^a. CaU CH 3-3378. with aa Tittle as 3-8 hours spare cycle, a Star Mite Kodak camera. ond floor. 245 N. Main Street. $80. by appointment only. The R. F preferred. Evenings BU 9-8638. I far aai adwUM saat aad thea o a | y ta the eateat et a Ume daily. Call BU 9-4923 today. MI 8-4500. 659.95, one only, now $53. Ml 9-5229. able September through June. MI VERNON — Cape, garage suid #,500. Sitaatlons Wanted— 9-3933. Dimock Co.. MI 9-5245. Barbara I arUeh de aet leaeea the ealae af AMESIT^ DRIVEWAYS construct­ breezeway, commercial zone. Ask Woods, MI 9-7702, Johanna Evans, DO YOU HAVE a 2-3-4 family heme Female 38 l o a m s a l e —R ich, clean $14 loam TWO FURNISHED Rooma, auto­ 'ALICE CLAMPET, Realtor I •*mahe goad” hwrtlee. ed—reatirfaced—sealed. Superior ELECTRIC STOVE, 12 yearg old, Ing 616|.86o, Tongren Agency, MI MI 9-5653. for siile. Call Joyce Montpetlt, paveii. Ml 3-6515. Help Wanted—^Alsle 36 for $13.|b. Also fill, gravel, sand matic washer. 37 Park, Rockville. 3-632*1. MI 9-4543 MI 3-7357 Broker, PI’ 2-7031 any time.. RELIABLE GIRL^ experienced, to and stone. Miller Sand A Gravel. good condition. Call MI 3-5388 TR 5-8274. Summer Romes For Rent 67 after 5 p.m. SIX ROOM house near school and lODB OOOHBBAXIOM WILL LATTN MOWEUtS aharpened and MARRIED MAN with car to serv­ baby alt during week days while MI 8-8803. LENOX STREET — Nice clean 6- main shopping, G.E. oil heat, mouier works. Ml 8-41995. ANDOVER LJUCE — All conven­ n AmOKXATED qial M l 3-2711 repaired aalea and service, pick ice established FuUer Bniah cus­ THREE ROOM apartment. Includ­ room Capa for $13,200. Central to storm windows, porch, new roof. Rockville-V ernon HOTPOINT refrigerator, 10 cubic ing heat, hot water, and gas for iences, fireplace, screened porch, everything. Plenty of trees. T. up and delivery. Complete line of tomers, Manchester • RfiUlmanUc APARTMENT size stove, excellent patio, hot Water, reasonable. JA Just painted, large lot, $14,000. Call area, W-$100 weekly to start plus foot, good condition, Sonatone. cooking, electric refrigerator and J. Crockett, realtor, MI 3-1577. Toro riders, reels, and rotaries, condition, $35. 214 Center St. 3-6067 or PI 2-7201. owner, MI 9-6461. garden and lawn supplies. L A M expenses. Cali PI 3-6498 or CH Sitnatlona Wanted— Male 39 hearing aid, never used. MI 3-8922 stove. CbJI m i 9-7737 from 4-6 p.m. Loot and Foond Automobilei for Sale 4 /ftV miHRAUB, BONNER ROAD — Vacant 6-room Ekiulpment Corponitlon, Route 83, eamUTFiLitoAP) 3-1406 for persciial Interview ap­ HIGH SCHOOL, boy would like job TWO-ROOM completely furnished GIANT’S NECK HEIGHTS—Priv­ pointment. Cape with I ’-i baths. All the ex EAST HARTFORD School Building Airing l o o t —Male Beagle vidnlty Ver> 1997 DODGE Coronet. V-9, 4-door, Vernon, Conn. TR 6-780P. tAPPLt RNKittA cutting lawns or doing odd jobs. REO POWER lawn mower, reel TELEVISION SET $20. Call MI apartment, hot water, private ate beach aasociatton. Secluded “ p O radio, heater, excellent condition, 3-1282. tras. Owners anxious to nell. T. non Rd.. Boltow aaawera to Pat. MI 9-3561. type. CJall.MI 9-5971 after 6 p.m. bath. Apply Marlow’s, 867 Main modem 4 j’oom cottage, heat, hot J. Crockett, realtor, MI 3-1577. 6950. MI 9-9751. STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, SEUIVICE BtaUon attendant, fuU- water, sleeps 7. 670 weekly. July $1,000 DOWN Call MI S-41M. Reward. Ume. Mechanical abUlty, exper­ St. fireplaces, flagstone terraces. COMPLETE kitchen of 9 overtiead 15, August 19, August 26, Labor Reawnable. CaU MI 8-0796. -Mm. ienced preferred. Heneet and re­ cabinets, 89" sink, base cabinet BOLTON — $12,900—5 room* with Beautiful 6 room Cape Cod. 2 LOST—Pair oC ladiea glasaes, gold THREE BOYS to -do caretaking 1960 WBBCXJR tape recorder, COVENTRY — Furnished 4-room Day weekend. 3 minutes to beach. large oversize garage on lot lOOx' Gets Hot, Gains Little sweater In telephone booth near 1951 FORD, good running condition. liable. Call befora 8 p.m., MI with 5 drawers, all new chrome unfinished, only 8 years old. full SPRING CLEAN-UP—Altlca, cel­ work and carwadiing. MI 8-9178. •lightly used. Call MI 9-1496. apartment, garage, utilities, heat. PI 2-8142, MI 9-6772. 200. Plenty of trees, artesian well. cellar, hot water oil heat, combina­ n i s t National Bank. Call MI Reasonably-priced. MI 9-5403. ^Radio-TV Repair Painting— Papering 21 Help Wanted— Female 35 4-8910 fLxturea, $200. Call MI 3-1411. PI 2-7811. Also apartments in 2 Will G.I. or F.H.A. T. J. Crock lars, garages, yards, burning bar­ COTTAGE AT Miaquamicut—week tion aluminum storms and screens Three and a half hours of public* Gottier, he said, "sprung them •JM6. Reward. Services 18 Hartford. ett, realtor, MI 3-1577, 1955 DE SOTO. 4-door sedan, power rels emptied, vacant houses BOOKKEEPEiRr—Full chaise long CLERK-TYPIST, salesman, ware­ THREE-PIECE living room set. of July 8-15 very reasonable. Call well landscaped lot 70x247, city hearing last night left an esti­ on us to show Mileto was hlghi” t cleaned. Barrels for sale. M A M house man, cook, baker, short Dogs— Bird»—Pets 41! Boats and Accessories 46 Tetterbabe. Tappan deluxe stove. water and sewers, priced at only steering, power brakes, good me­ TV SEUtVICE—AU makes. Honest, HOUSE PAINTING, free estimates, establlahed firm, thofoujpHy ex­ WEST SIDE—3 large rooms, stove Mr 3-4088. EAST CENTER ST area mated 40 Vernon petitioners none Gottier fired back that he wM chanical condition. MI 3-8336 after Rubbish Removal Service, MI onler cook, sheet metal worker, MI 3-5708, Im' 614,700. LOOT—SMALL black kitten, vicin- Economical. High quality parts. reasonable. CaU PI 3-6983. perienced, good hand, accurate CLEARANCE on 1960 Thompson and refrigerator, heat and hot m iculate 6 room Cape, aluminum the wiser as to reasons behind trying to use concrete flgpirea in 5 p.m. 9-9757. painter, aervice staUon operator, COVENTRY LAKE—4 room cot­ Ry e< lAurel Street Call MI SJISO. Guaranteed 90 days Famous for typiat, 40 hour week, beginning WANTED—Home for 4 cute kit­ boats. One 16 foot Sea Coa.*iter and HOSPITAL Bed, reasonable. Seen water, 685 monthly. MI 3-6507. siding, tile bath, shade trees, only selection of sn aTchitect for the making his choice. salary 685. Write Box "BC" Her­ flame cutter, cutter grinder, auto one 19 foot Off Shore. H. G. tage, hot water, shower. 650 week. MANCHESTER REALTY proposed Skinner Rd. Elementary Up to that point, Gottier said, 1955 CHEVROLET plck-up, half ALL KINDS of clocks repaired, service since 1931. Phone Ml mechanic, construcUon foreman, tens. Call MI 9-1457. at 27 Grant Rd. Come in garage 615.300. Carlton W. Hutchins MI 9-4537. Pstterton’s. 180 Center SL ald. Schulze, Inc., West Rd., Ellington, ATTRACTIVE 3 room furnished Available July and August. PI CO. School. "I didn’t Incriminate any members ton. very good condition. MI antiques included work ^aran- Electrical Services 22 auto painter, cement finisher, knock on door inside. 9-5132. TR 5-9707. apartment. Living room, bedroom, 2-6452. The hearing was instigated by of the committee, but as long as 8-0763. teed. MI 9-1962. brick layer. Apply ConnecUcut large kitchen, Main St. location, CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, FRBJE ESTIMATES—Prompt serv­ SIX WEEKS old mongrel puppies, MANCHESTER — Near schools 11 Maple St. MI 3,0000, MI 8-4348 citizens who wanted to know what you’ve started taking me apart I’ll (ALA.) — AUTOMOBILE LEGAL CLERK-TYPIST State Employment Service, 906 aecond floor, heat included. 690 COVENTRY — Ijikefront cottage, 1956 CADILLAC 60 special, all avaUable all hours. Satisfaction ice on' all types of slectrlcsd wir­ reasonable. Call MI 9-8888. HEREZ ORIENTAL rug, approxi­ bus, stores. Good shaded yard. 3 concrete facts were used by the speak'for m'yself. 7 Aasodation, Special RepreecntS' guaranteed. CaU Ml 9-1315. Main St. A public employment Building Materials 47 per month. Available July 1. MI boat and pier, sleepg 11, cribs. bedroom Colonial, attio, reception power, in exceUent condition. LAWN MOWERS repaired- and ing Licensed and Insured. WUson Opening in small department for eervice—no fee charged. mately 7x9 foot, 6100. MI 9-8551. Available July and Augat 5-12. TR VERNON—Owner's loss, your gain Vernon School Building Commit­ "J don’t know how you selected tlva, C. W. Barnett M OtU St, aharpened. MI 3-5737. EHectrical 0>. Manchester, MI 9-6808. hall, pantry, recreation room, tee in choosing William Mileto to an architect," he said. Manchaater. Conn., MI S-7434. 41,000 miles. 61,650. Call TR 5-7533. TELEVISION antennaa and rotor capable clerk-typist with good typ­ ASSORTED USED lumber, build­ 5-2956 on this lovely 5 'j room ranch, ap­ 9-4817. Glastonbury. MB 9-7876. Articles For Sale 45 An Allrert Super Duper Special modem bath. Good roof. Steam design the 640-pupiI school, slated Petitioners cited minutes of the systems installed and repaired. ing ability. Aptitude for flgura LABORERS FOR temporary work, ing and plumbing supplies, radia­ NEW DUPLEX, 5 rooms, available proximately $2,300 down. $83 BLACK 1958 Volkswagen, red leath- 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Apply ConnecU­ 650 FREE GROCERIES oil heat. New burner, new 72-gal monthly as.sumek'4'2% mortgage. for use in the fall of 1962. building committee showing that a Serving Manchester and sur­ work is essential. HOME MADE ravloU, fresh or tors, pipes and fire bricks, doors 650 FREE CLOTHING August 1. Picture window, birch er seats, white sidewalls, reason­ Household Serriees cut State Employment Service, frozen, SOo dos. H. Pastpiallnl. 84C cabinet kitchen, ceramic tile bath, Ion hot water heater. Oak floors Price $11,900. Discoe Agency, MI A meeting of the committee number of the voters for Mileto able, Miut sell. After 5. MI 3-8439. rounding areas. Modem TV Serv­ and windows. Open daily 3:30-6 6.50 FREE JEWELRY Wanted To Rent 68 2-car garage. Amesite drive, Offered 13-A ice. 405 Center St., Ml 8-2205. Private Instructions 28 906 Main St., Mancheater. A public Avery S t r ^ Wapplng. p.m., 8-4 Saturdays. Yard at Stock heat, hot water, Venetian blinds, 9-0626, aftei-w’ard resulted in no action on were absent when some of the BLOClBOUn^ Saka aad SarRce, COMPTOMETER employment service, no fee 650 FREE GASOLINE INTERESTED In renting 7-8 room Price $15,900. E.scott Agency the petitioners’ request to recon­ other architects were Interviawed. CALL OR SEE me for a good deal Place o ff North Main St. Choman’s with purchase of any 3 room outfit storm windows, attic, cellar, cen­ headad l autaaaMUtiva. AUrad RADIO-TV REIPAIRS aU makea. RADIO-TV REPAIRS, any make, TUTORING of grades 4, 5, 6, 7 and charged. LAWN MOWERS—Toro, Jacobsen, house with possibility of option to MI 9-7683. 15 THISTLE RD.—5 room ranch, 2 sider its choice. ‘ Barney Moses scored Mileto for on a 1961 Ford or Falcon and A-1 OPERATOR ' Housewrecklng, Ml 9-2392. during oup great summer sale. You tral location. MI 9-7885. AbmO; SM Bam y St. T a t Ml Cars, phonographs changers. free pickup and delivery on amall 8 at student’s or teacher’s home, Bolens, Ooodall, Arlens. Riding buy. Call MI 9-7423. bedrooms, exceptionally large liv­ The lengthy hearing, at times designing a fire house in the Ver­ used cars. Walter O. Parker. L. P. Honest, economical. Guaranteed 90 -Opening for comptometer opera­ TAILOR, turrent lathe operator, mowers. Bolens 7 b.p. RidamaUo get your merchandise at the store MODERN 3 'i room apartment with CUSTOM FMOLY ing room with fireplace, attached hot, was filled with questions and non Fire District more expensive Fitigerald. Inc,. 73 Brookljm St., radios, phonographs. Houra 6-10 by qualified teacher. MI, 9-5763. Y O U R BEST BUY IS AT days. Famous for service for SO p.m. H A E Radio and TV. MI tor with good figure aptitude. Com­ milling machine operator, cabinet tractors with over 31 attachments. of your choice. Yes! Take your heat, electric stove, electric hot garage with sundeck. Call owner, comments, but those who attended than they had asked. Relnhanlt, he RIDE WANTED from Manchester RockvlUe. MI 9-5324. years. Phone M 9-4537. Potter- 9-5582. Ml 3-1479. ELECTRONICS — Radio-Televi­ pany offers exceUent benefit pro­ maker, engine lathe operator, ma­ choice of 650 free groceries, cloth­ water heater, ceramic tile bath, South Road. Bolton, excellent two MI 9-6211. No agents. Used mowers and tractors. Parts NATIONAL Business Propert.v For Sate 70 family 4-5, with many extras, built said afterward they felt results said, later designed a fire house Canter to Twin HiU section of Cov­ ton's. sion Servicing Course. 2 evenings gram. good wages, modem air con­ chinist, tool maker, power press and service. Capitol Equipment ing, Jewelry or gasoline full cabinet kitchen, combination were nil. that fell within their budget- entry, Route 44-A. Call after 9 operator, injection molder. Apply 610 DOWN DELIVERS by present owner. Sleeping porch, 1960 FORD Sunliner convertible. per week. "Leam-by-Dolng” at ditioned office. Apply Co.. 38 Main. MI 8-7958. Rail Fencing $2.99 Per Section windows. TR 5-9493. FOR SALE—Restaurant. Bar and Members of the building commit­ p.m., RA 3A530. FLAT FINISH HoUand window MORTENSEN TV Specialized RCA 3 COMPLETE fireplace, etc. Spacious grounds CaU MI 3-6753 after 8 or Saturday. “ Connectlcut’a Oldest Electronics ConnecUcut State Employment Combination Doors 614,9.5 Ea. Grill, excellent yearly gross, tee indicated at points in the hear­ shades made to measure. AU televlaion, service. 9D 9-4641. Service, 806 Main St. A public em­ SPECIAL SALE picnic tables, 3" ROOMS OF BRAND ROCKVILLE—14 Laurel St. Beauti­ choice location, 612,500. Call the workshop and storage building WANTED—Ride from West Middle School." EInrol] now for June Ceiling Tile 9c Sq. Ft. DON’T MISS THIS ONE ing that their decision on an archi­ metal Venetian blinds at a new Class. Free catalog. New Elngland FIRST NATIONAL STORES, ployment aervice—no fee charged. lumber, 8 foot 613.50, 8 foot $16.50. NEW FURNITURE ful 2 and 3 room furnished apart­ R. F. Dimock Co., Ml 9-5245. large lot. two-car garage with Two Teen-agers T pl^ to Vertion Circle, hours 9-6 low price. Keys made whUe you Knotty Pine Paneling IS 'ic Sq. Ft. AND APPLIANCES ment. TR p-8607. I amesite drive, can easily be con tect had been made and would 1954 PLYMOUTH, 4-door, can be Technical Institute, ,56 Union INC. Delivered assembled W. Zlnker, Windows—Special 610 Ea. stand, and that "we can come up Can 9-TK9. wait. Marlow’s. Millinery Dressmaking 19 Ml 9-5444. The "Econom y" verted to a 9 room single. Quality construction plus Ideal seen at 37 Margaret Rd. Place, Hartford. JAckson 8-3406. Park ^ Oakland Ava., Special 2x4" Studs 690 Per M’ UNUSUALLY nice 4 room apart­ with a functional, low-cost school Sustain Injuries Eaat Hartford PLASTIC MOLD MAKERS Free 650 Merchandise Farm and Land For Sale 71 WASHER - REFRIGERATOR fe- FOR DRESSMAKINO and altera­ PICNIC TABLES, attached seats, Birch Paneling 25c Sq. Ft. 3 ROOMS ...... 6188 ment in Coventry. Large cabinet S. A. BEECHLER, Agent location, expandable Cape Cod, that will be good for the taxpay­ AntomobOeo for Sale 4 pairs. Prompt, economical, expert, tions, call Lsm Kratzke Ml 3-0683 LEGAL SECRETARY, downtown Must be experienced. 3" lumber sine plated bolts, 6 foot Mahogany Paneling 17c Sq. Et. The "Honeymoon" kitchen, formica counters,2 large DEVELOPERS or investors — 100 ers” Paul Begin, 17, son of Mr. and Trailers 6-A Bonds— Stocks Mortgages 31 Natural Shakes 68.9Q Per Sq. plastered walls, fireplace, ame­ Basically, the petitioners wanted guaranteed. Phone Ml 9-4587, Pot- any time. Hartford office, experience re­ All benefits $19.95, 8 foot $22.95. Also 10 and Free 650 Merchandise Isedrooms with wardrobe closets, acres with over 1800 foot front­ MI 3-6969 Mrs. Leo B ^ n , 943 E. Middle terton's, 180 Center St. 60 hour week — 15x15 living room with fireplace, age, less than mile from Route to know what facts and figures Tpke., broke his left shoulder In a IMS W H LT8 JEEP8TER. CaU MI MORTGAGE MONEY —We can quired. JA 2-1165. 12 foot. DeUvered. W. Zlnker, MI CASH 'N CARRY 3 ROOMS ...... 6269 site drive. Hollister School dis­ 1959 HOME7TE mobUe home, 9-5444. large tiled bath with linen closet, 6 in Andover. Originally part of a SIX ROOM Cape with dormers, had been used in selecting Mileto fall this morning while {daylng with S-0H4 after 6 p.m. supply any amount of money. Apply The "Charm House" 50x10. front and rear bedroom, is­ SAM’S UPHOLSTERY - Retired Moving—Trucking- automatic oil circulating hot water development. Libera! financing. corner lot with plenty of shade trict, Just off Main Street. over five other architectural firms children in his yard. He was treat­ land kitchen, very good condition, from the shop. Can take care of Terms to fit your needs. Handled CALX. ON US FOR KITCHEN Free 650 Merchandise Storage 20 CLERK-TYPIST TWO GALXGNS of premium oil 3 ROOMS ...... 6394 heat with baseboard radiation, John A. C^ianello, MI 9-5334 or aluminum storms throughout, considered for the Job. ed at Manchester Memorial Hos­ OU>ER CARS mechanlca apa- reasonably priced. Call before 7 all your upholstering needs at with strict confidence and exped­ ALLIED MOLD & CABINETS. WALL PANELS iency. J. D. Realty, 470 Main St., 61.09 plus tax, formerly at Triple- AND TRUSSES The "Hollywood" fully insulated, piped for automa­ evenings MI 3-7303. near Waddell School Direct from They also asked that the selec­ pital. data, tbdt younalf can, always p.m. BU 9-5726. great savinga. CaU C I^-2378. MANCHESTER Moving and Truck­ a m oot aalecttoB. Look behind our MI 3-6129. PERSONNEL ENGINEERING X-Store now at Coronet Gas. Refill Free 650 Merchandise tic washer, Venetian blinds, owner, $13,900. MI 9-2425. OWNER MI 3-1777 tion be reconsidered. Joseph 8. Packard, 16, eon erf Mr. ing Company. Local and long dla- Charles H. Brown, a petitioner, alDea. Donglaa Motosa. S8S Main WEAVXNO of Bums, moth ooles 640 Hilliard St. your old can. 668 Center St. Nobody, But Nobody, Undersells 3 ROOMS ...... 6488 screens, storm windows, hardtop and Mrs. Joseph Packard, 69 tance moving, packing and stor­ Interestipg poaition in small, MI 3-2747 Houses for Sale 72 LARGE COLONIAL located in busi­ pointed to a copy of comparative and tom clothing, hosiery runs, National The "Boulevard" parking area. Must be seen to be Durant St,, waa treated at. Man­ NEED A CAR and had your credit Auto DririnE School 7-A age. RegiUar service throughout department for a qualified CEDAR clothesline poles Installed appreciated. Adults. $75. MI 3-7056 ness zone near center of town. school building costs and said the chester Memorial Hospital last eve­ handbags repaired, sipper re­ Business Opportunities 32 ist, recent high school g t^ u a te Free-650 Merchandise BOWERS SCHOOL A R E A -6 room turaad doara? Short on down pay- New England States and Florida. and reset, all sizes. 1956 Chevrolet NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. after 6 p.m. Ideal for professional offices COVENTRY-See this before vou figures showed that school build­ ning for a cut on his right H ^ , PREPARE FOR driver’s test. placements. umbrellas repaired, considered. Pleasant working PART-TIME openinge for meat cut­ sedan, low mileage. MI 9-1353. 3 ROOMS ...... 6597 home, fireplace, large cabinet beauty parlor, or many other pos­ aMBt? Bankrupt? Repoasession? MI 3-6563. EAST HARTFORD snack bar for The "Aristocrat” buy. Lai-ge. new 6 room Cape; 2 ings designed by Mileto were high­ which required 12 stitches. He Ivaa Ages 16 to 60. Driving and class men’s shirt coUars reversed and conditions, exceUent benefit ter, counter man, grill man, shoe 881 STATE STREET, NEW SPACIOUS modem 6 room kitchen, formal dining room, 2-car sibilities. Call Discoe Agency. MI Don’t glTe up! See Honest Oo^- sale, can make $200 weekly on Free 650 Merchandise full baths, hot water heat, fire­ er priced than schools resigned by Injured at Parkade Bowling Lanes, room. Three instructors. No wait­ replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend­ AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Co. Local- short hours, present owner has program. Write P. O. Box 1512, aalesman. Apply ConnecUcut State NORTH HAVEN. CONN. apartment, stove. refrigerator, garage, beautifully landsc^ed 9-06?6 two of the others, Ebbets, Frid laa, gat the lowduwn on the lowest ing Shop. 3 ROOMS ...... 6679 place, drilled well, asking $13,900. where he works. ing Manchester Driving Acade­ moving, packing, storage. Low larger business. FlMt 6800 takes Hartford, stating education, ex­ Employment Service, 806 Main St. CHestnut 8-2147 heat, hot water furnished. Close Yard. Marion E. Robertson Bro­ and Prentice and the Malmfeldt down and amallest payments any- my. PI 3-7249. A public employment service—no The price includes free delivery, Make an offer. Suburban Homes wbara. Not a amall loan or finance rate on long distance inovea to it. For appointment’cedi MIn ^ 7 ! perience and salary require- to Manchester High School. ker. MI 3-6953. Agency, PI 2-8354, TR 5-3315. Associates. HAROLD A SONS, Rubbish remov­ menta. fee charged. free set up, free service and free NEAR PARKADE ^lan. Douglas Motors, 48'8tatea. Personalized service. Ml before 8 p.m. Adults, teen-agers accepted. $135 Douglas R. Hayes, chairman of ny MORTLO(3C’S Manchester’s lead­ al, cellars, and attics cleaned. 8-5187, CH 7-1428. ^SOMEBODY* STOLEN Diamonds— Watches— storage till needed. CAPE—6 rooms, excellent location. ing driving school. Three skilled Aahea, papers all rubbislL Harold SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT per month. MI 3-4787. On nice corner fenced-in lot—4 ROCKVILLE — Owner transferred. the former Lake St. School Build­ Shower Honors V OUR G A L J Freshly painted. Private back Must sell. 7 room finished Cape courteous instructors. Class room Hoar. MI 9-4084. .’MANCHESTER Package DeUvery. Experienced Jewelry 48 Phonp Samuel Albert, Hartford CH yard. One-car garage. 616.500. room Cape, room for 2 on second ing Committee, took Issue with the INS ENGLISH Zephyr compact Help Wanted— Female 35 So we are looking for some-'V FOUR ROOM, second floor apart­ with 4 bedrooms, U 2 baths, on cost figures used and said the Engaged Couple instructima for 16, 17 year olds Light trucking and package deliv- LEONARD W. TOST, Jewelers - 7-0358 for an Albert Courtesy Auto. ment. located near Cooper HIH Philbrick Agency, Ml 9-8464. floor, also ear, 6 new tires, 6195. Clark Motor Telephone Mr. Mortlock, Director WAKE-UP SERVICE — Do you SEWING MACHINE SEPTIC TANKS body to take her place as a jl We will call for you at your home, wooded lot near Henry Park, Lake St. School, designed by Mile­ Sales, 301 Broad St., MI 9-3013. ery. Refrigerators, washers and FASHION demonstrators 620-640 ( saleslady . . . somebodyJF Rephirs, adjusts watches expert­ Apartmentk, excellent condition, aluminum storms and screens, of Driver Educatloii. 90 9-78M. oversleep mornings? Let us help stove moving specialty. Folding AND bring you bark home again. Posi­ 30 ACRES, 1943 Colonial Cape, 6 BUILDING LOT to, cost less than other comparable A Jack and Jill bridal ahower you with your problem. Manches­ profit commlaalon. No delivering OPERATORS who Is neat In appearance-^ ly. Reasonable prices / ‘pen Tues­ modern gas furnace, combination low price of $13,900. Cantor A chairs for rent. Ml 9-0752. Or collecting. Beeline Style Shows. tively No Obligation or use your rooms, recreation room, beauti­ Green section 102x600. school# in the state. for Francis H. Hill of Manchester FORD 1956 wagon. 4-door, 9 pas- LARSON'S Connecticut's first U- ter Answering Service, MI 9-0500. and likes selling fashion to n day through Saturday, Thursday windows and doors, $70 monthly Goldfarb, Realtors, MI 3-8442, TR Brown said toda" he felt the Is­ Party Plan Sensation. Samples PLUGGED SEWERS own auto and we win give you 5 Call MI 3-4576. fully landscaped, fruit trees, out­ and Miss Dian-t Bisson o f Andover aangar, T-Bird engine, automatic censed driving school trained — AND TRAINEES ( nice people. 1/ evenings. 129 Spruce St. M 9-4387. 5-6244. sue is closed for s time, but said aMft, power eteerlng, exception­ furnished free. MEdford 8-7477. gallons gas free even If no purchase buildings, reasonably priced. C!ari- ARTHUR A. KNOFLA, was held recently at the summer Certllted and approved Is now of-' the feeling of a number of petition­ ally clean, $999. MI 3-6737. Painting—Papering 21 MU 8-9006. If you are our ‘‘Somebody,’’^ is made. ton W. Hutchins. Ml 9-5132 - Realtor cottage of Mr. and Mra.' George fering classroom and behind Building-Contraciing 14 Apply Machine Gleaned PORTER STREET — Center en­ ers Is that the effect of the hear­ you will receive salary plus ^ Garden— Farm—-Dairy A—I ^ B —E—R—T—’—S DUPLEX, 4 rooms, bath, pantry, MI 3-5440 MI 9-5938 trance Colonial. Cape, 5 generous Ecabert, Columbia Lake. ' Mcfre 1997 FORD Consul convertible. Ehc- wheel Instniction for teenagers. EXTERIOR and interior painting, SepUe Tanks, Dry WeOa, Sewer ( commission for a 5-day )/ $12,600—3 Bedroom ranch, fire­ ing in the long run will be good. CARPENTRY—Roofing, remodel­ MANCHESTER MODES, 43-46 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD hot water, parking. MI 9-1051. size rooms, screened porch, large than .50 friends and relatives S n ­ cellent condition. $575. Call MI 9D 9-6076. decorating, ceilings, floors. Clean CONNECTICUT licensed nurse, any Unea InetsIIed—Cellar W ater­ Products 50 place. storms. Smalt cash assumes He said the building committee ored the couple. ing, repairs. No Job too small. Ed week. There are other store^ Open Nights Till 8, Sat. 6 p.m. 698.50 monthly. Carlton W. Hutch­ BOLTON IJVKEFRONT— Contem­ living room with fireplace, formal SJ7U. workmanship. Free estmates. No shift, private hospital. TR 5-9121. INC. proofing Done. AbULTS Only (2 or possibly 8) who i.s now aware that citizens are The cottage waa decorated i^th Stasiak, PI 2-7564. job too small'. John Verfallle, MI benefits, too. W PICK YOUR own strawberries, 25c ins, MI 9-51sl porary ranch, 7 room.s, 2 fireplaces, dining room, one-car garage, PINE ST., MANCHESTER ( enjoy country living will be con­ ultra modem kitchen. 3 large bed­ vitally Interested in functional de­ yellow and green ballooni, wed­ Garage— Service— Storage 10 3-2521. TOYS. GIFTS, TOYS — One of basket, bring your own contain­ ’ parklike yard This property in top BATHROOMS, tiled, additions, re­ GAS STOVE, excellent condition, 4 sidered for attractive 2 floor rooms. baths, 2-zone heating, sign and economical construction ding bells and umbrellas. A buf­ 1993 HENRY J—4 cylinder, rebuilt America’s largest party plans MeKINNEY DROS. ers. Pasqualini Farm, Averv- St., RANCH—5*4 rooms, 3 years old, 1'2 condition throughout, $17,800, modeling, reo rooms, all types of COUNTER GIRL, abort order cook, (•Her young daughter stoley Wapping. years old. MI 3-7735 apartment i5 rooms), attached to Bowers School area, family size thermopane windows. garage Philbrick Agency, MI 9-8464. in coming schools. fet suppetp' was served. motor, $100. MI 9-310^4. PAINTINO AND paperhanglng. needs dealers and managers for halrdresaer, waitreaa, nurse’s our gal.) lovely old colonial on farm. Op­ Reinhardt Blasts SBC carpentry. Call MI 9-4291. krtchen, plaqtered walls, cast iron •space for 2 cars. Marion E. Rob­ Hill i^rlthe son of Mrs. Ecabert, TWO-CAR GARAGE for sale. Call Good clean workmanship at rea­ their new toy and gift line. No aide. Bilk finisher, seamstress, Sewtrog* DIsposol Co. BENGAf, combination gas and oil portunity for possible part-time Architect Alfred Reinhardt, a 1949 CHEVROLET Club coupe, ex­ MI 9-5133 after 5 p.m. sonable rates. 80 years In Man­ I80-1S2 Peari SL—Ml SJSOS SAUL LEVINE FASHIONS PICaC STRAWBERRIES, 25c quart, baseboard heat, 1-car garage. This ertson, Broker. MI 3-5953. TOLLAND -Very rlose to parkway, 26 Fost'ri- St. Miss Bisson Is the ADDITIONS, recreation rooms, re­ investment. No collecting, no de- cook. Apply Connecticut State Em- ( bring own containers. George range. $30, Must t>e out by Friday. work on farm but not necessary. new ranch on lot 150x200. 5';. Vernon resident, blasted the com­ daughter of Mr. amd Mrs. Gerard cellent ninnlng condition. 6135. chester. Raymond Flake. Ml Il4fring for this fast selling party 767 Main St., Manchester 58H School St. References required. Rental under house offers you those little extra# FOR RENT—Large 2 stall" garage modeling, all types of carpentry. ployment Service, 806 Main St. A Sadd, c /o Walter Nevers Farm, that make a house a home. 619,500. BOWERS SCHOOIv—Immaculate 6 rooms, baseboard hot water heat, mittee as being "stacked" and said Bisson, Andover. The couple ■will O ark Motor Salee. 801 Broad St. 9-9287, plan line. Call or write today, $95 plus utilities. About 15 miles with walk-up loft for storage MI MI 4-1700. public employment service—no fee Ellington Rd., Wapping. hU 9-0757 Philbrick Agency. Ml 9-8464.. room Cape, shed dormer, plaster­ njee cellar for recreation room^ he objected strongly to the "lack be married July 15 at the Ecabert MI 9-3013. SANTA’S PARTIES. Avon, Conn., charged. from Manchester, Realtdr. Write 9-2667, EXTERIOR PAINTING. We spo- sYtlt- 4 p.m, and Sunday mornings. TELEVISION SET $50. Call MI ed. garage, parklike yard, trees, low taxes, immediate occupancy, of common courtesy” shown him home. ORchard 3-3455. 7 p.m .-9 p.m. Box A-P. Herald. only $16,900. Carlton W. Hutchins, 19V CHEVROLET V-9, standard ciallze in commercial, residential, 9-6448. SIX ROOM colonial in the Porter 10% down payment. $1-2,990, Can- when he was invited to appear be­ ■hift, eoceellent running condition, I^flng—Siding 16 industrial, and trim Jobs. Big or ORchard 3-9829. STRAWBERRIES—Piclt your own, Street section, bar and rec room Ml'9-5132. toli- A Goldfarb, Realtors. MI 3-8442 fore the group. bring your own container to Voipe NEW EFFICIENCY apartments, ______V $949. d a rk Motor Sales, SOI B n ^ Motorcycle^-^Bicycles 11 small we do them all. Joseph SALESWOMAN, experienced wom­ SOFA. 2 LIVING room chairs with 2'j rooms, heat, refrigerator, in basement, breezeway, 1-car ga­ TR 5-6244. He said only four committee St.. MI 9-3013. ? A A. DION, INC. Roofing, siding, Dionne, contractor. Cau M SM1494. • SEPTIC TANKS Rd,, Bolton. Carl Balkus. Jr. slip covers, good condition. Call MI rage, wooded lot, 622[900. Phil­ SUBURBIA members were present and he was I painting. Carpentry. AlteraUons en’s wearing apparel, 4 or 5 day stove, storage space In basement, EXCEPTIONAL BUY-1948 Har­ 9-3080. brick Agency, MI 9-8464. Country living, but still In Town. $13,500 Florence SI, 5 room older not given a chance to discuss his I and additions. CeUings. Workman­ week. Apply Tweeds. 778 Main St. CLEANED and INSTALLED PlCaC YOUR owTi strawberries, 25c on bus line, near shopping center, OMtAT Ntw ru n OIL 1993 PLYMOUTH, excellent run­ ley, built California style, in very EXTERIOR—Interior house paint­ Here's a gem two bedroom ranch house, one block to School. St. school building work elsfewhere in ship guaranteed. 399 Autumn St. quart. Pepe’s Farm. Tinker Pond $90. 25 Congress St. Apt. H, MI 46 HARLAN STREET —6 room •lames Parish, oxtia lot included. ning condition, new tires. 6195. good shape. MI 9-0548 after 5. ing specialists. Free - estimates with I ’ ii baths. Real spacious. the stale. DtVnOFMMHil I NU 3-4860 without obligation, satisfaction • SEWERS M ., Bolton, MI 9-3832. Machinery and Tools 52 3-7091 Cape, fireplace, baths, full 1 Belfiore Agency, MI 3-5121. Clark Motor SalM, 301 Broad St., EARN INCOME Words can’t describe the immacu­ Committee members Herman G. BICYCLE 28:’ Firestone special i MACHiyB OUEA^fED basement, enclosed porch, garage, MI 9-3013. ' guaranteed. ABC Painting, MI 1954 CASE FARM tractor, good THREE ROOM apartment, central- late condition and the room sizes. cruiser, good condition 615. M I' BIDWfcLL HOME Improv'efnent 9-4147. BOLTON NOTICE SPARKLE STRAWBERRIES— wooded lot. 75x150. Marion E. : SPRING ST Immaculate 7 room Olson and Frank B. Cornell, two for freezing, pick yoUr own. 25c condition. 1083 Tolland Tpke., l.v located, reasonable rental. But there is a living room, dining 9-0142. I Company—all types of siding and Ordinance for the regulation of • INSTALLATION Robertson, Broker. M3 ^5953. room, kUeben, utility room and a ' home. IG baths, heated den. 2-car of the men Reinhardt referred to roofing. Aluminum clapboards a In Conjunction With Your Present \ quart. Novell! Farm, Mountain Manchester. Adults only, MI 9-3973. >. EXTERIOR and Interior painting. voting hours at Annual Town hall. I garage, lOOxOOO lot Belfiore as absent, blasted right back and specialty. Unexcelled workman­ SPECIALIST Rd., Gle'etonbury. PrincAss Charm Paperhanging. Wallpaper books. Meetings and at any Referendum 2'*! ROOM apartment, furnished. RANCH—Sl-i rooms, S bedrooms, Full basement with garage and Agency, MI .■! 5121. .said Reinhardt was given the English Blbycla for sale. 630 MI ship .\n 9-6495. Business or Own a New Business \ Musical Instruments 53 kitchen and dining area, living same considieralion as other ap­ Wallpaper remov^. Ceilings. adopted at a Special Town Meet­ STRAWBERRIES—Pick you own. Also 3 room apartment fumlahed. an enclosed porch across the front. 9-3139. Floors. Good clean workmanship. room, built-in oven and range, plicants for the Job. They said six COUGHIJN ROOFING Co. - AU ing in Bolton, Connecticut on Fri­ Aldo Peace. Hebron Rd., Bolton. Rockville TR 5-8274. MI 9-1816, Large well landscaped lot afford Fully Insured. Reasonable rates. Town and Country WURLITZER TWO manual organ aluminum storm windows , and ANDC\’E p - ROUTE 6 men were present, hot four. types of roofs and roof repairing, day, June 23, 1961. With Exclufive Benefit! Through a Mary Carter Paint MI 8-5712. >■ ing the maximum of privacy. Ixi- Leo Pelletier, MI 9-6326 or Ml combination chord and pedal, one AVAILABLE July 1--3 room apart­ doors, full basement, nice lot. only Reinhardt said he was not be­ specializing m Twenty Year Bond­ The houra of voting at the an­ Franchiie. A Minimum Investment Secured by Inventory. vear old, like new asking $995. cated out east of Shady (JIcn. The Giving away $3,500 woith of 9-5082. DRAINAGE CO. STRAWBERRIES—Pick yqur own, ments. first floor, stove, refrigera­ 613,990. Call McCarthy Enler- grudging Mileto the job, but was Perfect Play-Togs! ed Roofs. Call Ml 8-7707. nual Town Meeting and at any Immediate profits are possible due to our high powered Call MI 3-4319. _ prises, Inc. Ml 4-1539, John V. recently-widowed owner is anxious home value in this 6 room 1860 25c quart. Michael Kurj's. French tor. heat, hot water, utilities fur­ to sell and the low asking price le- angry at the lack of courtesy. referendum shall be from 6:00 M l 9-4143 advertising promotion featuring a continuous FREE offer ' Panders. BU 9-8044. square foot bric k and frame ron- A.M. to 7:00 Ft.M. Rd., Bolton. HAMMOND ORGAN — B-2 home nished, tile bath and shower, full fleets her feelings. Oh air-condi­ temj)orarv ranch with attached 2- He said he was "through with to ail our customers. With every gallon or quart sold, a Roofing and Chimneys 16-A Invitation to Bid model with Leslie speaker, excel­ kitchen cabinets. Call MI 9-8448 tioned. too, plus combinations, awn­ car garage. Owners will finance. Vernon." gallon or quart is given away absolutely FREE of extra cost. GOOD PICKING, plenty .of berries, between 5-9. 687.73 MONTHLY, Immaculate Sealed bids will be received at lent condition, never used com- split, recreation room. Garage, ings, etc. Sacrifice at $21,500. Petitioners continually hammer­ ROOFING—Specializing repairing pick your own, 25c qiiartV 517 ed at school construction figures, the Office of the General Mana­ merciallv $1,750. MI 9-8634. TWO ROOM apartment, heat, hot huge lot, 4>s% mortgage. Carlton roofa of all klnda. new 'coofa, gut­ Gardner St. | \ T. J. CROCKETT. Realtor •saying that a list of figures.tunied ger. 41 Center Street, Manchester, THIS FREE ...COSTS YOU _ ^ water, refrigerator furnished. MI W. Hutchins, 5H 9-5132. LAWRENCE F. FI A NO ter work, chimneys cleaned, re­ MI 3-4 577 Realtor Ml 5-2766 over to them by Building Com­ paired. Aluminum sidlqg. 30 Connect Icub until July 5, 196T at PAINT OFFER... NOTHING EXTRA W a n ted — To Buy 5&, 9-6105 11:00 A.M. for Construction of Spring Special! Hout I Goods 51 MANCHESTER—Family size Cape Ed Crawford - MI 9-4410 mittee Chairman John R. Gof.ler years' experience Free estimates. WE BUY, SELL or trade antique SIX ROOM duplex, near Center. of 6 rooms on large lot. Conven­ showed the Lake 8t. School’s oer- Can Howley Ml 8-5$81. MI 8^)768. Water Malb—Ferguson Road-Por­ In addition to this unique sales aid-,-there are other ter Street Northerly. RENT A T A P ^ ^ co rd e r as loW as and used furniture, china, glass, 6100 mortthlv. Adults only. MI ient school and bus. Quick occu­ VERN(')X pupll cost as $1,156 and two specific benefits that are granted to help insure the success sliver picture frames and old 9-5403. pancy. Asking 613,900. Madeline schools designed by other archi­ Bid forms and specifications are 60c daily. Marlow’s, 867"Main. Call A horn* to family lille to MANCHESTER AMESITE PAVING of your franchise. There is no franchise fee or .royalty pay­ MI 9-52ib. . , ( coins, old dolls and guns, hobby "mith. Realtor, MI 9-1642. tects in East Hartford and Bloom­ available at the Controller’s Of­ I Heating and Plumbing 17 collections. atUc contents or whols BROOKFIEI4J ST. 6 ■ room flat, the fullest. 5 room California ranch field a.s having an average per- fice, 66 Center Street. Manchester, • DUVEWAYS e WALKS • PARKING LOTS ment. Your advertising is co-oped 50/50. A minimum skel­ ' COVENTRY—To settle estate. Re­ with breezeway and oversized ga­ BLUE RIBBON HOME Connecticut. TORO LAWNMOWERS at reduced estates Furniture Repair Service, adults, available July 15. Call MI |iupil cost of $733. 2 PLUMBING AND heating re­ eton stock is your only investment outside your operating prices. Ride, rotary, reel models 3-7175, duced 612,900. 5 room house, rage, hot water heal, basement TCfdfN OF MANCHESTER MACHINE GRADED • PAVED u d ROLLED Talcottvllle. Conn. Tel Ml 3-7449. "This could mean,” Brown said, modeling instaUmUona repairs capital. If you already have a business, add a paint depart­ with wind-tunnel grass bag attach­ t^nriughway three acres of land, recreation room, about acre of 1 Desiiable Bowers School district. 3 CONNECTICUT "that the town will pay as much All work guarantsed 35 years ex- ment to capitalise on your customer traffic and make huge ment. Marlow’s (nc., 867 Main, SIX ROOM duplex, Clinton pt., newly decorated, new heating ays land with many trees,, And for ad­ i bedroom ranch, piany extras. Must psrtencs. 34-hour service. Call RICHARD MARTIN, FREE ESTIMAnS • CALL ANYTIME fern. Call Ml 3-278S week days. be seen to be appiecialed. Lovely as $423 more per pupil Ihpn nec- profits. Groceries, hardware, feed and seed, and many other MI 9-5221. TWIN STr 6"l l 6 r separate seats. available July 1. Hot air heat. Call ditional fun and Comfort, large I essary.” Projected over the 10- Esri VanCapip, Ml 9-4749. GENERAL MANAGER MI 9-7390 between 6-7 p.m. modem swimming pool Owner's yard for children. Walking distance dry good-Hne outlets have inrieased their profita by opening An 9-8866. I year .span, he said, this could THE PRICE IS RIGHT UNPAINTED FURNITURE, com­ NEW CAPES and Ranches. City loss, your gain at $21.900' Selling to schools. Ix)W 20s. Foi' appoint­ a Mary Carter Paint department. You, too, Gib increase gas, city water, landscaping, I amount to an extra $2 million in plete selection. Desk.s. chests, Room.s Without Board 59 price. * ment to see this new listinffElill An­ your income with a Mary Carter franchise for an inventory bars, stools, comer cupboards, FOUR ROOM tenement, newly 90’xl50’ lot, formica counters. nette Huntgr, MI 9-3695. MI 9-5306. I .school construction, TIME PAYMRNTS ARRANGED investment of $5000. or less depending upon your needs decorated. MI 3-8232. Knotty pine cabinets, ull base­ i Committee members answered 4» bookcases. Just the thing for sum­ FURNISHED ROOM for rbnY one ’ ALICE C'LAMrKT, Realtor and the die of your trade area. If you are not in business mer cottages. All st King's !°w ment, metal luttchway, full insula­ BARROWS &AVALLACE that the architect will be the in­ block from Main St. Call V MI SEVEN ROOM rent off Eaat Cen­ strument of the'com mittee, which 7 now, you can open your own full line Mary Carter Paint prices. King’s Department Store. tion. colored bath fixtures, ceram ­ (Office open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) Helps kee^your 9-6'f46, ' ter St., aecond floor, electric hot ]MI 9-4543 MI 3-7357 Store with an inventory investment of $5000. or less in direct ic tile, hot air heat, sixth unfin­ 55 H, Center St. will keep a close eye on cost of water, garage, no pets. Call JA ished room in Cape, built-in oven the new school. burner cleM as it relationship to your.needs and your trade area. PLEASANT, large heated room, Ml 9-5.306 DE MAIO BROS. USED FURNITURE. Ml S-7449. free parking, on bus line. 148 Cen­ 3-0745 after 7 p.m. and range in Ranch. Only $12,490, MANCHESTER -.531 Vernon St. Choice Explained heats your Home I The acceptance of our franchise by businessmen from ter St. MI 3-5002, $390 down. Call McCarthy Enter­ New 7 room Colonial. 12x23' h Members who voted for Mileto VERNON .5 room ranch, 90x90, TEL M l 3-7691 coast to coast can be best illustrated by the fact that we prises, Inc. MI 4 1539, John V. paneled family room, U '2 baths. 3 I (he was chosen on a 5 to 4 vote) RT-98 Is the most completely GENTLEMAN—Comfortable room, Ra8ine!t!> lAxsitions Panciera, BU 9-8044. steel building, commercial zone. alteady have over 600 retail branches in 56 states. Our paint Three Rooms or Furniture large bedrooms, built-in G.E. oven explained their choice as gov- effective fuel oil additive in use centrally located, ahower. bath, . For Rent 64 and range, dishwasher, disposal, Tongren Agency, MI 3-6321. ! erned by his willingness to work franchises are unlike any others offered by competitive FROM MODEL HOME BOWERS SCHOOL—6 room Eng­ today Tkis helps your oil PAH-O-RAMA parking. Call at Russell's Barber garage. \ acare. beautifully land­ with the committee, his vision. burner deliver more dean, d » paint companies. You risk nothing except time and over­ Shop, com er Oak and Spruce. EXCELLENT spot for any puslnesa lish Colonial. I 'i baths, large scaped., large shade trees, porch, ' and 'his ability to adapt design to Cost Over $700 or office.'C enter of town, plenty pendable best. You get pro- head, since your inventory investment is refundible. We kitchen, 3 large bedrooms, large many extras, $24,900. By appoint­ Lots For Sale 73 I need. of parking MI 9-5229 9-5 miuffi service, too. All designed V are able to offer this guarantee since our success story is wooded lot, 25x50' outdoor swim­ ment Irving Baver, Builder, MI Andrew Tricarico, who did not n e v e r BEEN USED NICE ROOM to rent next to bath, ming pool, tennis court, barbeque, TWO B ZONE lots with city unparalleled in the paint industry. 3-6396. vote for Mileto, said although he to make home heating easy. Sale Price $388 with parking. MI 3-5422. AIR CONDITIONED large one 1-car ffaraffe, 628,900. Philbrick water. Union St Manchester WANTED was in the minority “ the demo­ We welcome a visit by you to any of our retail brauchet rixjm office, 100% Main Street lo­ Agency. MI 9-8464. 1 BOWERS SCHOOL area—6 room $2,350 each. Mj^-6495.______8178 2646 cation. Apply Marlow's, 867 Main. cratic piocess has been served." Pay Only $4 Week ROCKVILLE—Fumlahed room for ranch, fireplace, dining room, Call today for 34-93 scrosi the nation so that you can see the success of our rent on first floor at 12 School St. MANCHESTER—6 room rambling 7>4 ACRES, high elevajjipn, beauti­ Mileto, he went "on. "will -have e a dealers and learn how you. too, can increase your income STORE—Comer Spruce and Birch cabinet kitchen, 8 bedrooms. to work with us and answer to Sacrtficlhg complete bedroom, Lady preferred. Call MI 3-4551 or ranch, nicely landscaped 100x257 Shown by appointment. Marion E. ful view, minutes out. trees, only OMt Sift Linotype - Intertype with a minimum amount of Investment. In no instance is St. suitable for shop or office, A beautifuUy fitting princess complete living room and kitchen Ml '9-2206. lot, sunken 16'6’ ’xl9’9" living Robertson. Broker, Mj 3-5953. $2,500. Carlton W. Hutchins, Ml us. I feel it is most unfortunate Mobilheat ir^s sundress in s wids range of sises 1-4.1) paint experience necessary to qualify for a Mary Carter decorator furniture from model dis­ heated. Call SaybrooK, EX 9-6033. room, fireplace, two bedrooms, 9-5132. to condemn us at this time. 1 cropped Jacket for cover-up. franchise, since you will be thoroughly trained by our own play home. We will give you free 80 GARDEN ST. — Housekeeping den Or third bedroom, dining 40 TURNBULL RD.—6 room Cape, ; think you should give us a A play tel to romp in all sum­ room, Bendix, parking, near bus. FOR RENT—Comer of Eldridge VERNON—One Acre near elemen­ No. 8178 with Patt-O-Rama Is perionnel. There is no t k a ^ fo'r this training. delivery and free storage up to one room, kitchen, utility room, l‘i large living room, dining room, j chance.” mer! The young miss will love this Operator year, MI 9-1936. “ and Spruce St., small store suit­ tary school, shopping center, bus. In siscs 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, FeohirM: able for beauty parlor, real es­ baths, basement, aluminum storm kitchen with bar, ceramic tile I He and others repealed that topper with cute kitten pocket windows and doors, patio with CH 9-4383 O r MI 9-7683. W E QIVE M , 53. Bust SS to 54. Size 38, 40 Our franchiie grants are the envy of the paint world due FURNISHED UGHT housekeeping tate, small business. Rent very bath down. Recently added—3 bed­ ' they are just as interested in eco­ over an easy sunsult- NORMAN'S fireplace, shade tree.s, 2-car ga­ nomy as other residents. bust, dress, 5H yards of 35-inch; 2-car garags.. . . built-in stove and oven . . . 2 full baths— to the immediate profita realized through our FREE paint room, centrally located, ladies reasonable. Inquire 168 Wood­ rooms with built-in lavatory up. BEAUTIFUL one acre wooded lots, GREEN STAMPS botsro, 2)i yards. Pattem No. 2646 has tissue— ceramic. 1 with stall shower, 1 with 2 lavatories (JUst made 443 HARTFORD ROAD rage and amesite drive. Excel­ Finished recreation room. Beauti­ Hayes supported Mileto as a sizes 3, 4, 6, inclusive; hot-iron offer. Consequently, they are highly coveted. Only a few only, MI 3-0388. land St. Ml 3-8474. magnificent view in Bolton. For b for children). . .This is an up-t^the-mlnute modem home PART-TIME MI 3-1524 lent value, 622,900. For additional ful large private vard, $16,900. MI I good man to work with and said T order, send 35c in coins to: transfer for kitten; directions. towiu ttill remain available, in this area so ACT today. further information or appoint­ Bus Burnett, Tiu Manchester Eve­ selling at 6?0,P90, , Before you buy furniture any- WOODLAND ST., Manchester — Information contact McCarthy En­ 9-0060. residents should not "condemn To order, send 25c in coins to:— Literature will be forwarded to you free of any obligation. where-rahop at worman’a. terprises, Inc., Ml 4-1539, John V. ment to see fall the R. F Dimock ning Herald, lUa AVE. OF FURNISHED room near Main St., 2,400 square feet of office space Co., M l 9-5245, something that hasn’t even hap­ MORMRTY Anns Cabot, Ths Manchester Eve­ to be erected in the next 8 weeks, Panciera. BU 9-8044. VERNON—5’ i room ranch, garage, AMaaOA8,NEW TOW $6, N.k. For information contact KELVINATOR refrigerator, stove, 9 Hazel St. MI 9-2170. pened yet." ning Herald 1150 AVE. OF D A Y W O R K suitable for insurance and profes­ large, assumable 4Crs. Robert Donahua of M ; Miss Barbara Walletu Girl’s to teet them. Cooper Hill St., la on a cross­ Mayor Bing of Burlington, V t, GUAIIANTEED The Manchester L doubt on the western position in day after the U. S. Supreme Court Soviet I’esponsibility.” property at 20 De^iwood Dr. wrac««A laair cinaed. 8 mountainous, as It will be cooler. West Berlin, Elizabeth Snow to Joseph A. and Elisabethville, Katanga, June 28 returned a decision on cases test­ Kennedy spoke solemnly of “the gravity of this threat” by Roland D. LePage of 407 Parker They will not take turnpikes or "Gentlemen, you do not frighten ing the constitutionality of Con­ construction soared over the two main highways. Judith M. Blais, property at 67 »i.M us,” Khriishchev said. "A peace - President Molse Tshombe de­ the Sciviets against the integrity of West Berlin. He called million dollar mark in commercial, St. wa.s installed as grand knight necticut's anti-birth control law. last night at in installation cere­ Wetherell St. treaty will be concluded.” clared in the National Assembly on Russia to join with the western powers in discussion of Wiet Sees educational, and industrial con­ Both Donahue and Cheaney have Building Permit The court did not rule on the mony of Campbell Council Knights $100. They figure it will cost He talked about the possible today that Katanga will remain conatitiitionality of the Connecti­ what he termed the unfinished business of German problems. struction. Spencer Realty, for additions to WELDON DRUB BO. breaking of diplomatic relations by of Columbu.s. $150. They are equipped with a Astaertaed Denies independent from the rest of The cut law, but it said the 82-year-oId “ Discussion,” he said, “ will be profitable if the ^viets will Town Growth "Last year 150 homes went up District Deputy John Andrelski commercial building at 39 Spencer western nations and said thif was law had- become a nullity since no sleeping bag. two pair o f sneakers, St., $28,000. Congo "at all cost.” and this will be surpassed. Two installed the ofBc’ers. a pair of shorts and a raincoat. Stl MUUN ■ t.-M l l-SOtl not a new threat, but a oossfbility attempt •was made to enforce It. accept in Berlin— and indeed in Europe— BeIf-determination« new hig!i schools, the Catholic that would only hurt the West This represented a sharp rever- which they profess in other parts of the world, and if they John P. Wiet, executive vice LePage is an inspection methods They ■will share a small’ tent and Mrs. Griswold said the board of High School and Vocational sheet writer at Pratt and Whitney sleep out. They have cooking ’Your policy of threats vlll n ot, sal from Tshombe’s promises to the will work sincerely for peace rather t| iim an extension of president of the Manchester Cham­ School, will be ready in the fall. frighten us,” he said. directors today authorized ai ape- Aircraft. He is married to Annina utensils, some dried foods, tools for Central Government in Leopold­ cial fund drive to finance the new power. ' « ber of Commerce, foresees moder­ “ Retail sales continue to mount, J. LePage. They have one son. bike repairs, extra tire tubes and Khruahehev declared that the ville. WTien he was released last and have been responsible for the military might of both sides now is centers. She said no specific goal The President was asked if he ate but steady growth for Man­ Other officers installed last night a first aid kit. week, he pledged cooperation with was set. advent of two new shopping cen­ equal and policy should be conduct­ Leopoldville’s leaders, who want would comment on reports the ad­ chester's economy. Ha suggests ters, now making a total of four were Enrico Reale, deputy ^ grand To get bikes for the trip. Dona­ ed on an equal basis between them. She said the league also hopes ministration was considering par­ East Reds Held knight: I^eo Colburn, chancellor: hue said he wrote to all Anlerican to bring Katanga back into the na­ to be able to refer patients to pri­ that economic growth in the future within town boundaries. "But,” he added, ” we consider tion for the tax revenues of its tial mobilization because of the Frank Laraia. recording secretarj': bike manufacturers. He said three vate doctors in lightly populated threat to Berlin. may exceed that of the 50's. "In the automotive field, used that the forces of socialism^ and ! rich mine* Richard Jarvis, warden: Robert firms' offered to give them bikes, peace are the stronger. We base areas of the state. Kennedy replied that Dean Ready to Bldck "The theory that economic ma­ car sales have been reported nor­ Scully, inside guard: Alex Co'si- but he finally decided American T.shombe had been under arrest Mrs. Charles H. Parks of South- ta mal with new car sales being bet­ that not only on our economic and Acheson. who was secretary of turity and stagnation have set in kowski, outside guard: Paul Mori­ bikes with balloon tires would not military might, but on the justice in Leopoldville for tw’o months. It port, president of the league, and : state imder President Truman, had HBW-from Gmerd Electric! has been spoofed!’’ Wiet' said. ter, according to some dealers." arty, treasurer: James P. 'Hemey. be good for the trip. was believed that his release was other officers will meet here to- i Berlin Planes Matthew W. Moriarty of Mori- of our cause.” been named In April to consider "Mortgages are moving at a financial secretary: John O’Connor, He wTote to the Boeton office Khrushchev also repeated his de­ contingent on an agreement to co­ day with a group of doctors from | tlie matter of "what steps we sUpped up rate. Savings and In- arty Bros, on Center St. reports operate ■\vith the rest of the Congo advocate: and Ray Flke was named mands disarmament on Soviet throughout the state to discuss the , would take to implement our com­ Berlin, June 28 (>F)—East Ger­ vestiilents move steadily upward. that this has been the best year to another term as lecturer. and bring hts army under central centers. | yet in new car sales. terms and talked about the situa­ mitments to Berlin” and that his man Communist authorities today, FIRST TRULY PORTABLE Employment has again reverted to Dr. J. L. Hebert. retii*wig grand tion In Southeast Asia. control. But there was Wldespresd Dr. Alan Guttmachcr. chairman : report would be coming In. He con­ issued a new law that could serve its normal pattern. "Other large scale town im­ knight, was named to the board of skepticism that he would retract of the Medical Committee of the ^ provements are being held back to He called last week’s Zurich tinued : as a basis for halting air trafflo "Real estate is crackling. Those trustees. ' • agreement among the Laotian this promise upon his return to Planned Parenthood Federation of "We are going to discuss it this realtors wHb really want to work await the completion of a Master Elisabethville. 'This appeared to be America, and Dr. Maiy Calderone., between isolated West Berlin and Plan for Manchester. princes a "good beginning” and week, and we will be con:|dering the outside world. ROOM AIR CONDITIONER are showing up with impre.saive said he hopes it wlU lead the Lao- confirmed by his speech today. medical director of the federation, other propoeala which might be Effective Aug. 1, the law will records and sales, ep can be seen "By the next census, Manches­ tlons to a solution of their own “We shall defend an ladepSndent will attend the meeting. put forward in order to make by younger, aggressive men sur­ ter. now the second largest, is pro­ problems. Katanga at all cost and will do The league also received a con­ require all aircraft with radios to HALL FOR RENT meaningful our commitments. receive special permission from passing the longer established jected to become the largest town He blamed the United States and everj-thlng to maintain our nation gratulatory telegram from Marg­ "But the p roposals are still— Arms in Units of sales,” he said. east of the river, with per capita For parties, showers, recep­ its allies for the Laos crisis and aret Sanger, founder of the move­ East German authorities to cross tions, meetings. Complete kitch­ have not still come to the White their territory. Wiet mentioned the expansion of and family incomes up," Wiet said it would never have arisen if (OobUbumI OB Page Tweaty-Mvea) ment and for many years president House officially, and I am there­ local Industrie.*, and the arrival In said. en farilltiee. Large enclosed Air traffic from the West to parking lot. of the international federation. fore not able to comment because Manchester . of a branch plant of "With all the accomplishments Mias Sanger, who now livea In we ,have not seen any such pro­ West Berlin now ia hanctled by an the -Monomelt Company of Min­ not yet know i to us from other Tucson, Ariz., said she hoped the President Kennedy speaks with emphasis as he discusses the Berlin crisis at a posal as you suggested at ths air safety center including repre- places, in the fields of science, re­ Inquire Lithuanian Hall neapolis as evidence of Manches­ ‘Little Pe<;eption8 Add Up’ league’s decision to open a cen­ Washington news conf^nce today. (AP Photofax). present time, though ot course we • entatives from the United ter’s Industrial potential. search, savings and investment, "T GOLWAT STREET ter would receive wide support States, Soviet Russia, France and and in other ‘ndustries, I express will be considering a whole variety Construction, always indicative TEL. Ml $-6104 medical schools and of measures, which might be tak­ Britain. of economic progress, has been limitless confidence in Manches­ MI 3-8490 After 6 P.M. Tedvin^ Algeria en.” ■■ The Soviets may withdraw from-.' growing at a steady pace. In May, ter's future,” Wiet concluded. in ta ^ ^ ^ e r now refers many The president set forth his views It if they sign a -separate pesos What’s Jumbo Got CoraracMtK' patients to out-of- shortly after Soviet Premier .Ni­ treaty ^wOlV'Communlst East Oei>, state centers and helps pay the kita Khrushchev offered in Mos­ many. ' , - '*'■ costa of tlw eentehs servlring Con­ Joining Kuwait cow to negotiate on Berlin and Earlier today, Walter Ulbricht, necticut rssidenta. Germany — but warned the West head of the East German regime, That GiantHasn’t? De Gaulle to Bolster against attempting any military asked West Germany to start talks 2 Pacifists Acquitted Against Iraqis buildup In that area to strengthen immediately on a peace settlement Its hand. By JOHN CHADWICK ■to provide every shopper with a New London, Jime 38 —A Kennedy said nothing Russia (Continued on Page Twelve) Ju4g* has acquitted two peclfista By' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NATO Defense Line Washington, June 2i UP) — A slide rule so that price compari­ Arab world leaders were lining does can affect the West’s rights witness told Senate investigators sons can be readily made.” bseauae, he said, the law# con- oemlng dsmonitrationn during up today against Iraq's cisim to in Berlin. today that In these days af vast "I am looking towarde the day,” the rich little sheikdom of Kuwait'. Paris, June 28 IPi — A stepped-Salon with repoH'Irs, said he had It was Kennedy"s first news arrayjs of packaged goods on su­ meek Sir raid alerts ai^ unclear. up drive by President Ciharlee de issued orders for the return of ope conference in Washington in near­ Mrs. Neubergsr said, "when the . ftuperior Court Judge John P. President Gamal Abdel Nasser's permarket shelves “ the word oon- ‘jumbo half-quart’ ta bigger than United Arab Republic came out Gaulle for a quick end to the 7- division from Algeria. Without ly eight weeks, and he opened it Bulletins sumer Is sometimes spelled suck­ the ‘full half-quart’ or a ‘big 16 Cotter yeatanlay dismissed charg­ against any effort by Iraq to grab year Algerian War was under way fixing dates, he added he would es BgBlnst Edward Guerard, 24, by reading a statement reiterating er.” ounces’ or ‘16 large ounoaa’ is more the oil prize on her southeast bor­ today. order others back as well. A his administratlon’’s strong po­ CuUed from AP Wires Porta-Cart Room Air Conditioifer That’s the wsy Marys Mannea, than the 'king-sized half quart’ or Norwich, and Torvald Faegre, 20, der. The UAR announcement, com­ French division is about 15,000 Stoddard, N.H. They had been ar- It Includes bringing French di­ sition on the German city. a New York magazine writer and the ‘giant-s|ze half quart’.” bined with firm Saudi Arabian op­ visions back from the North Afri­ men. Kennedy also announced that Cmi any ream y«u’r« In. Cart . . . operataa on any ads .hastsd in Norwich ^fpr refusing to position to Iraq's claim, was 'ex­ t ' housewife, summed up for the Se­ She saiki the Food and Dn:g Ad-" tikiacbveri during d'state'wlde Civil can territorj’ to the Continent, re­ Besides strengthening NATO he had instructed his Science'Ad­ RONNIE SMITH DEFEATED and unit stay together, roll 115-volt circuit. No a ^ a l nate Anti-Trust and. Monopoly mib- ministration never haa spelled out pected to swing most of the 10-/ia- suming, suspended talks with lab­ forces on the European continent, visory Committee to organize a Orange, June 28 ((Pi^m ootb- perSnse exercise on April 28. tion Arab League behind Kuwait right to any window. Adjusts wiring needed. commlttee her reaction to atiop- in detail where on a package, or In Judge Cotter said the regrja- el leaders and a renewed threat to the redevelopment might also be special study to determine wheth­ stroldng Bobby Allen from quickly and easily to window plng for groceries and household what size type, the net contents Sheik Sir Abdullah As-salim. As- partition Algeria into European intended as a peace gesture to the er the Russians have been, or could Wampanoag moved Into the tions on the drill, as set dowm in sabah’s defiance of Iraq Premier and Mo.slem sectors if negotia­ height. .60 Per Week supplies. ' must appear. a bulletin sent to ail police chiefs nationalist rebels. be engaged in secret testing of semi-finals of the Connecttcut The picture she drew in a state­ So, she said, the busy but careful Abdel Harim Kassem. tions fail again. nuclear weapons. State Golf Association tourna­ *2 fire chiMta and other authorities In “The UAR does not accept the De Gaulle said the peace talks Plugs into slmoat any outlet ment she submitted was reflected shopper ’’standa in the supermar­ the statk,'were indefinite. De Gaulle’s aim. according to with the rebels — broken off at The order to his Science ' Ad- ment today with a 4 and S vic­ In the prepared testimony of other ket aisle, twisting and turning the logic of annexation," Minister of Informed sources. Is to break the vlsorv Committee indicated clear­ tory over Wethersfield’s BIU "■While they (the pacifiatsl in­ State Abdel Kader Hatem said in Ehrian-les-Balns two weeks ago — The W. G. GLENNEY CO. witnesses for the start of three package, looking over all four sides Algerian Impasse in three months will be resumed and "we will see ly that Kennedy Is studying the Hufta at the Race Brook Coun­ tended to violate the law. there a broadcast over Cairo Radio. ' * —one way or another—In order to days of hearings presided over by to try t^find a guide to contents was no law that could be violated,” what happens.” He set no date for possibility of a resumption of U.S. try dub. Joining Allen in thq Sen. PhlUp A. Hart, D-Mlch. and w ei^ t.” make French forces available by next-to-the-last round waa Terry NORMAN’S, INC. Judge Cotter said. (Continued on Page Twenty) fall for the looming crisis in 3er- Hart said the Initial hearings Mrs. Mannes also apoke of the The regulations, he commented, (Oonttaued on Page Tweaty) (Continued on Page Twelve) Brazel, Wethersfield, who ousted BUDGET PLAN lln. Ben Coeteilo, MUI Blver, S and 2. 443 HARTFORD RD.. MANXHESTER would deal with the packaging and need for a slide-rule to figure out did not give a clear definition of labeling of products ordinarily The French cabinet approved to­ Ted Lenezyk, Indian HID, and spread$ HEATING OIL paymenls uniformly the differences between the con­ what "take cover” means. The \1o- day the recall from Algeria.of one sold for household consumption In tents of Jars of apple sauce or oth­ lation would depend on what he Ernie Burgees, EdgSwoed, also division, about 15,000 men. l gained the semi-finals. Lenezyk supermarkets, er products, called the whim of the arresting Information Minister Txiuls Ter- “The old fasUonsd butcher was "And what housewife with a kid officer. scored a S and 2 triomph over ^ew s Tidbits renoire told newsmen this transfer Reuther, CM Launch young Roiude .Smith of Man- often accused dFklwtihlng his Inside the cart and one af her heels He suggested that a lawyer at­ will both emphMize a considerable thumb,” Hart said, ^ s want to can spare the time?” asked. tached to the Civil Defense author- from the AP Wires ch e s^ . Borgeoa eUnataate4| Ctam Improvement In the Algerian mili­ Miner Jr., High Ridge OL C , on b o ^ r s that tossy’s consumer tary altuation and put France in IsA’t^tiU buying that thumb, but (OenttaiMd SB Fage Foorteen) (CoBttnued en Page Twelve) Cpnference the 21st. Miner rolled In a 80- a better position to "face up to its Contract foot putt on the 18th ta in a fancy package.’” Senate Democratic leader Mi) . f- isnltacn: 1) '%t ta Iks asters s< sasa to m-' Fags Fs I). •uljr K ey. (Osatteaed sa Psgs r) dom Oomralttss, win sjMa talks .iOmteMsfi sa Page Ik n s), r ■ -1 M