PA6S EIGHTEEN ■ONDAY. JUNE Z6. 1861 Avenwe DaUy Net Press Ron Par the Week Ended The Westher June 8, 1861 Poreeaet of D. 8. WentiMr Marine Pvt. Richard C. Farrelli John Derby, quartermaster, and About Town stationed in Hawaii, is home on Robert Buchner, adjutant, of Man-! Cub Honored CoBilderkble oloudtaeM. mild lo-. 40 days leave. He will be entertain­ Chester Barracks, 'Veterans o f ) 13,330 night. Jjo w near 60, Wedneadny ing friends at his home at 613 i World War I of the USA, hav'e re- J Member of the Audit moatljr fair and warmer, lllgli in Mr*. Gertrude Ellingfton. 49 Ox­ iMain St. He will return to Camp! ceived .silver spark plugs from na­ Boreeu of Oircnlatton ford S t. left Idlewild Saturday I Lejetine, N.C. at the ^ end of the tional headquarters In recognition For Heroism Usm I R«fris«raiort 80s. nisrht by jet for Germany where ' leave. ' j of their membership efforts. Manchester— A City of Village Charm she will spend the next live weeks In Coventry OrcrliMiled and with relalii-es. j I The Army Navy Auxiliary will I George T. I^aBonne Jr. 64 VOL. LXXX, NO. 227 ! sponsor a public card party tonight Mtnnechaug’ Dr.. Glastonbury, and (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1961 (Classified AdterUsliig on I^ge 16) PRICE FIVE CENTS The Tall Cedars of Lebanon. at 8 o'clock at the Clubhouse. 'Manchester insurance agent for Michael Ha.vden, 9-year-oW Cub Potterton's Kutmes Forest No. 116, wnll hold National Life of Vermont at 163 Scout of Manchester, 4 has been the last monthly ’'meeting of the Campbell Council. No. 573. Main St., is serving on the special awarded the Honor Medal for -ISO Center St.—Cor. of Chureh t season tonight at 7:30 at the Ma-; Khights of Columbus will hold its guests gi-eeting committee at the heroic action at the risk of his own sonic Temple, Final plans for.the.I annual installation of riew officers annual meeting of the 1961 Million life hy the National Council, Boy New England P o l i c e Stote iVctusIFacts Panel outing on July 1 will be formu­ tonight at 8:30 at the K. of C. Dollar Round Table at the A m en-' Scouts Qf America. lated II Home on Main St. cana Hotel. Bal Harbour, Fla. | The presentation was made yes­ terday at the Nathan Hale- Com­ Three Marine privates have com­ munity Center. Coventry, by Eric pleted rerniil training at the Ma­ ; Manchc.sler Assembly, 'order of New Officers for 1961-62 will be ■ H. Lind, president of the Eastern Pool Forces to Eight Calls Union, Castro, Captives Split ; Rainbow for Girls, will hold a husi- installed at a meeting of the Ro- ; rine Corps Recruit Depot. Parris ' nc.s.s meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Connecticut Council, Boy Scouts of Island. S. C Tln'y are Ronald D. tarv Ciub of Manchester tomorrow | 'M.vsnnic Temple. Officers will wear at 6:30 p.m. at the Manche^er' America. Ship Rivals Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs Harn- white. Miehael was eight years old and ‘Eye Bank’ Plan son B Cook. 87 Chambers SI : and i Country Cub. had been a Cub Scout for only six Organized Gambling Edward A and Richard J. Grant The la.st rcgrular meeting Ivefore nfonths when he avvxike at 5:30 For Connecticiil sona of Mr. and Mrs. E. .\. Grant i The annual picnic of the Red on the morning of Oct. 4, 1960, to New York, June 27 (TP)— summer vacation of the Memorial i Cross Volunteer Nurses’ Aide A fact-finding board meets of .10 Horton Rd. .Ml three will re­ Temple Pythian Sisters, will be find the living room of the fam­ port to Camp Le.ieune. N. C for I Corps will be held tomorrow at ily's five-room home In Coventry Washington. June 27 (/P)— '^of the six New England state po New Britain. June 27 (TP)— here today to speed a report held to.mormw night in the Odd |6:3n p.n'i. at the home of Mrs. Ed-; On Halting S>Fap Try combat Infantry training. ablaze:. He woke his parents. Mr. lice chiefs and a few of their top An “Eye Bank” that will en- Fellows Hall. Main St., at 8 p m. 'ward 3fark. South Rd.. Bolton. j The Justice Department lo- ' on the maritime strike to Plans for the pu iiic in September and Mrs. Hugh Hayden, now of day announced indictments echeion officers. ^ ! able Connecticut residents to President Kennedy. The re­ with the .Memorial Ixidge. Knights 290 School St,, Manchester, and Known as the New England receive corneal transplants, of Pv ihias \vi ' he l omnleted. Mrs RO'D' Cadet Alan Bennett, son | went to the rescue of his two against 13 men for using ille­ State Police Administrators Con­ port could be the crucial step L T. WOOD CO. Irene ndci-son. chairman will of .Mr. and .Mrs. Morris Bennett, 98 yoimger .si.ster.s, leading them far gal long-distance telephone ference (NESPACi, it was prigin- or to donate them after in halting the 12-day-old ,«er\e refreshments. j Baldwin Rd., has reported to the enough away from the house to be hookups to conceal a nation­ allv conceived as an interstate po­ death, has been established at strike under the Taft-Hartley I Re erve Offieors Training Corps i out ot danger. He returned to the wide horse race betting sys­ lice education group atrt the May | \'e w Britain General Hospi- Law. Prisoners ICE PLANT Temple Chapter. Order of Easl- Camp at Fort Devons. .Ma.ss.. fori house to help hi.s father in the res­ 1960 meeting in Hartford of the|i„i six weeks' training. He Is a stu- 1 tem. The 3-man board came here In «1 BISSEIX .STREET ci-n Star, will meet Wednesday at cue of Ills mother. The home was North Atlantic Region of the In- * Tlie Connecticut Lodge of Odd ’ response to a reluctant S (^ from S pm at the Ma.sonie Temple .Mrs. dent at I’niversity of Connecticut., de.stroyed in the blaze. Atty. GOn. Robert F. Ken­ ternational Association of Chiefs Turn East From Main St. Michael is a member of Den 3, of Police. j Fellows is sji^onsoiing the pro-1 Kennedy,, who voted against the Af State Theater Kveretl Frost will ho chairman of' nedy said a 20-count indict­ Tn-o __ ; Riam. which wir be known as the I Taft-Hartley law as ,a congress- thp refreshment committee. Maniiicstrr Ced.arettcs w ill meet Pack 65 of Coventry, sponsored by ment, returned by a federal Not Ready tonight at 7:30 in the Federation i the Green-Chabot Po.st. Anieri< an ot' 1 Fellows E.ve | man in 1946 but Invoked it yester- Rixini at Center Congregational ' Legion. He attends Nathan Hale grand jury in New Orleans, Mulcahy,h, intoI the(V. intelligenceI ^ area^ j! Bank and 'Vis.ial Research Foun- 'dav on the grounds the strike im CTiiirrh for a final meeting before grew out of illegal calls to or perils national security. School, Manchester. - so that it.s members would have One pf the functions of the foun­ The fact-finders scheduled a the summer roccss. Refreshments The Honor Medal is the mgh- from New Orleans and Baton a ready medium of exchanging To Return will be served. dation will be to raise moniy for meeting for this afternoon with e.st honor the National Council epn Rouge, Lo.. New York City, confidential Information relating research in eye diseases and train "all principals to the dispute.’’ ► MON., TUES., WED. MANCHESTER SfECIALS ^ bestow upon a regi.stered scout for to gambling. ey.- specialists. More than 200 person.s attended meritorious action or life .saving, Chicago, Los Angeles, Las "For a long time.” Mulcahy ssiid Union lenders involved in the Key^West, Ha., June 27 (TP) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 the Bueklanri PTA Fair Saturday . Vegas, Atlantic City, Miami, In announcing the new venture strike reacted to the move with and is awarded only after investi- today, "the State Police chiefs of last night ■ in Hartford, Joseph displeasure, skepticism that the —Directly contradictory re­ at the school grounds. Winners of j gaiton by the National Court o f. Biloxi, Miss., and Newport, New England have run into many 100<"r ALL BLKF J the hicycle and doll i a triage con- ■ Today they watch excitedly Dannhauser. West Hartford, lOOF strike really poses a threat to the ports persisted today about Honoi. Ky. difficulties in their fight against eye bahk chairman, said New nation and a warning that even the future of tiie Committee tests were Raymond Dzen. best ! Cub Scout Hayden is the second a.s their new home takes organized gambling. Britain Hospital was picked as the tie-orated bike: Sheny Prior, most boy of the Ea.stcrn Connecticut an 80-dav cooling-off period un­ of Prisoners sent here by Fi­ 7 “Numerous problems arose unusual bicycle, and Pamela Ftil- ' shape. Tomorrow they will Hartford, June 27 (TP)— site of the program because. U has der the law would fail to cool off Council to receive the award sinee i which overran state boundariej^ specialists ' who can transplant i the strikers. del Castro. Havana Radio said let . doll carriage. Judges were ' scouting began in the area in 1910. 1 start their new life. There State Police Commissioner yet there was no agency in ex­ Mi.ss F.thel Robb.
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