
Fort Ke nt

Zoë Dicke rson Railroad Ne tworks & De stinations in

ES212 2017 P re sque Isle Colby Colle g e The first line of railroad tracks in Maine , Aroostook State Environm e ntal Park and the se cond in Ne w Eng land, was Studie s com ple te d in 1836 by the Bang or and P iscataquis Canal and Railroad Com pany stre tching from Bang or to Old Town – a distance of 12 m ile s. Throug hout the following ce ntury, railroad line s e xpande d across the state

Nickerson Lake prim arily to transport tim be r, pape r and State Park ag ricultural products. In 1924, Maine railroad se rvice re ache d its pe ak with 2,380 m ile s of tracks. Since the n, ove r 50% of those tracks have be e n abandone d or dism antle d. The tracks in State Park this m ap illustrate the curre nt rail se rvice

Lily Bay in Maine , totaling 1,165 m ile s, with m ost State Park be ing use d sole ly for fre ig ht.

Gre e nville

We st Forks

Peaks-Kenny State Park

Rang e le y Shackford Head Rangeley Lake State Park State Park Skowhe g an Bang or Ü Farm ing ton State Park Roque Bluffs Wate rville State Park State Park Lake St George Be lg rade Be lfast Blue Hill State Park Holbrook Island Sanctuary State Park Aug usta In 2002 passe ng e r rail se rvice was re store d Damariscotta Lake Camden Hills Acadia National in Southe rn Maine by AMTRAK ope rating a State Park De e r Isle Park Cam de n State Park line known as the Downe aste r. This line conne cts Brunsiwck to Boston with 10 stops Auburn Rockland Range Ponds Frye burg along the way. Downe aste r has be e n State Park State Park Wiscasse t succe ssful in g aining ride rship, which has Bath sparke d plans for the e xpansion of Brunswick Wolfes Neck Woods State Park passe ng e r rail furthe r north. City officials Fre e port Reid State in Aug usta, Auburn, Le wiston and Bradbury Mountain Park 0 20 40 80 KM State P ark Wate rville have all vote d to conside r the P ortland re turn of rail se rvice to the se citie s, and Cape Elizabe th P asse ng e r Rail in 2014 Maine DOT drafte d a plan to inve st Old Orchard Be ach De stination Citie s and Bidde ford $125 m illion in passe ng e r rail as we ll as a Ferry Beach Towns by P opulation State Park Fre ig ht Rail rang e of proje cts propose d to boost fre ig ht Ke nne bunkport 0 - 10,000 rail se rvice . Thoug h the re is curre ntly no National and political conse nsus, if passe ng e r rail we re to State P arks 10,001 - 25,000 25,001 - 30,000 be e xte nde d it would g re atly im prove public Lake s and P onds 30,001 - 65,000 acce ss to m any of Maine ’s de stinations. York Larg e r Than 2 SQ KM Kitte ry