COMPUTING IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 1 Software and Dependencies in Research Graphs

Stephan Druskat

Abstract—Following the widespread digitalization of scholarship, software has become essential for research, but the current sociotechnical system of citation does not reflect this sufficiently. Citation provides context for research, but the current model for the respective research citation graphs does not integrate software. In this paper, I develop a directed graph model to alleviate this, describe challenges for its instantiation, and give an outlook of useful applications of research citation graphs, including transitive credit.

Index Terms—software citation, citation graphs, transitive credit !


HE DIGITALIZATION of research changes research meth- Citation and the sociotechnical citation system broadly T ods across disciplines, and produces new forms of provide the following functions: research and knowledge [1]. In the process, research soft- ware has clearly become an integral part of digital research • Context function: The provision of context for re- methodologies [2]. It embeds research knowledge, imple- search products by establishing a graph of research ments algorithms and models, and is a central component products with links between the identified citing and of digital scholarly integration and application [3]. It thus cited products, to enable traceability of outcomes, presents a significant, and increasingly vital, intellectual both over the past to understand how present knowl- contribution to academic research. edge was established, and into the future to under- stand how present knowledge is being used (cf. [1], Research software should therefore also be considered [7], [8], [9]) a legitimate research product [3], [4], [5]. Research products • Social functions: The establishment of trust and have the most value – and their outcomes can be understood authority [9], [10], [11]; the recognition of the value most fully – when they are considered in their context [1, of a research product while providing credit to its p. 10]. This context is standardly provided through citation. authors [4], [7]; the potential for evaluation of in- Therefore, one aspect of research software gaining the status dividual researchers [7, ch. 6], individual research of a research product is, that it must be integrated into the products [12], journals [13], and research groups, scholarly citation system. institutions, and countries [7, ch. 6] The citation system in current digital scholarship is • Compliance function: The assertion of compliance a sociotechnical system based on technical infrastructure, with good scholarly practice [7], [14] and involves different stakeholders. Stakeholders include • Discursive function: The organization and shaping domain-specific communities of researchers who use soft- of discourses of scholarly credibility, authority, and ware, research software engineers (RSEs) and other soft- relevance through epistemic change via “dynami- ware developers, research institutions, publishers, reposi- cally rewriting the past” [7, p. xvi], [11], [15], [16]) tory providers, index providers, and funders (cf. [6]). Tech- • Reproducibility function: The enablement of re- arXiv:1906.06141v3 [cs.DL] 19 Dec 2019 nical infrastructure upon which the citation system is built search reproducibility through correct and complete most prominently include publication repositories; citation citation [17], [18], [19], [20] indices and aggregators; publishing services including web- sites; services provided by libraries; resolvers for digital Software as a research product can be subject to all of identifiers; metadata formats; reference management, text the described functions – including the discursive function, processing, and other software. albeit to a limited degree, see below – only if it is fully integrated in the citation system. While this is not currently the case [3], [18], [21], [22], [23], [24], progress is being made, • Stephan Druskat is with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin, Germany, the Computer Science Department at Humboldt-Universit¨at driven by different stakeholders: zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany, and the Department of English Studies at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany. • Research software community initiatives such as E-mail: [email protected] the FORCE11 Software Citation Implementation c 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from Working Group ( IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, citation-implementation-working-group) build on including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional established community standards [4] and bring to- purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. gether stakeholders to shape technical infrastructure DOI: and policy, and develop guidance [6]; their activities COMPUTING IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2

concern the discursive and social functions directly, c c and the remaining functions indirectly. 1 2

pub-in • Domain, infrastructure and software communities develop software solutions for providing citation pub-in cite metadata [25], [26], create repositories, information pub-in cite services, and indices (e.g., [27], [28], [29], [30]), and p1 p2 p3 develop metadata formats [31], [32]; their activities

auth concern the context and social functions directly, and auth auth auth auth the remaining functions indirectly. • Research policy researchers develop procedures for a1 a2 a3 a4 evaluating research software [33]; their activities con- affil affil affil affil affil affil cern the social and compliance functions directly, and the remaining functions indirectly. • Funding agencies update funding policies (cf. [5]) i1 i2 i3 i4 and guidelines for scholarly practice [34] to incor- porate citation of research software; their activities Fig. 1. Partial G2-type RCG for a research product which references two concern the compliance function directly, and the other research products. The graph includes the respective G1 graph remaining functions indirectly. (in bold print). Nodes: pn=research product, an=author, in=evaluable affiliation, c =evaluable publishing container; Edges: cite=“citation” re- • n Publishers establish editorial policies that require lation, auth=“authored by” relation, affil=“affiliated with” relation, pub- the citation of software, sometimes as a subset of in=“published in” relation. data [24], [35], or plan to do so [18]; their activities concern the context, social and reproducibility func- tions directly, and the remaining functions indirectly. research products rather than establishing references to their authors. In this paper, I aim to contribute to the understanding of the In order to fully exploit the social citation function, RCGs requirements for the implementation of research software must model additional properties of research products: citation. To this end, I will investigate the output of the con- text function of citation, research citation graphs (RCGs), with • The provision of academic credit requires the in- the objective to answer the following research questions: clusion of author nodes, and authorship relations between them and research products, as does the • RQ1: What are the necessary changes in the model of establishment of trust and authority if it is based on research citation graphs to allow for the integration individuals. of research software, and the adoption of the citation • Evaluation requires the inclusion of two classes of functions? entity nodes: affiliations (research groups, institu- • RQ2: What are the requirements for the implementa- tions, countries, etc.), and respective affiliation rela- tion of software citation based on an updated model tions between them and authors; “product contain- of research citation graphs? ers” (journals, edited volumes, repositories, archives, • RQ3: What are current challenges for the instantia- etc.), and respective published-in part-of relations tion of research citation graphs? between them and research products. • RQ4: What applications do research citation graphs enable? The model graph changes accordingly: Let P be the set of all vertices {p1, . . . , pn} which represent research products, A the set of all vertices {a1, . . . , an} which represent authors, I 2 RESEARCH CITATION GRAPHS the set of all vertices {i1, . . . , in} which represent evaluable Research products and the references between them can author affiliations, and C the set of all vertices {c1, . . . , cn} be modeled as a directed graph G1 = (V,E) where V is which represent entities which contain research products. a set of vertices (or “nodes”), and E is a set of ordered Let V be the set of disjoint sets {P, A, I, C} of vertices in the pairs of nodes (i.e., “directed edges”). The nodes in V RCG G2 = (V,E). Define L : V → V to set represent research products, the edges represent reference • L(v) = P when v ∈ P ∈ V, relations (i.e., citation) between source nodes (the citing • L(v) = A when v ∈ A ∈ V, research product) and target nodes (the cited product). • L(v) = I when v ∈ I ∈ V, This most basic model of a research citation graph (RCG) • L(v) = C when v ∈ C ∈ V. enables the context function of citation: It helps understand what other research products a specific product relied on See Figure 1 for an exemplary visualization. In the past, the (“back-tracking”), or has led to (“forward-tracking”), in citation system, as the foundation of the academic credit and order to build on this understanding in research, or conduct evaluation system, focused on journal articles, books, and evaluations and measurements. Both tracking methods can conference papers [1], and G2-type RCGs are the output of be implemented as graph traversal, where back-tracking the system’s context function at this stage. In addition to follows outgoing edges, and forward-tracking follows in- the more general reasons given above in section 1, research coming edges. The model also enables the social function software must be integrated in the citation system also to of establishing trust and authority, where it is based on realize the compliance and reproducibility functions of the the citation of acknowledged trustworthy or authoritative current sociotechnical citation system. Definitions of and COMPUTING IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 3 guidelines for good scholarly practice change to reflect the tifiable by unique identifiers as issued by repositories for digitalization of scholarship, and compliance with them digital research products such as Zenodo [39]. For papers, requires research software to be cited. The recently updated identifiers for concepts are not issued across repositories. guidelines for good scholarly practice by German funding Usually, preprints and final publications will be archived agency Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, for example, re- on separate platforms. Although preprint repositories such quire that “provenance of data, organisms, materials and as arXiv do issue versioned identifiers, which point to the software used in the research process is indicated and re- latest version when stripped of the version information, use documented; the original sources are cited” [34, p. 14, there are no cross-repository identifiers that can uniquely my translation]. Computational reproducibility also natu- identify concepts of papers. rally requires, amongst other information, e.g., about the Defined as a “set of instructions that direct a computer computational environment, the correct identification of the to do a specific task” [40, p. 2], software is “functionally software that has been used in published research [17], [36], active” [41, p. 2] (“dynamic”), i.e., it performs functions and provision of this information through citation [4], [18], on data, whereas papers are clearly static. A software may [37], [38]. have different states, and execute along different paths In order to enable these functions in RCGs, they must at runtime. The final states and execution paths depend model the citation-related specific properties which set soft- on configuration, interaction, and possibly the data that ware apart from other research products. These properties is being processed. States and execution paths define the relate to the software citation principles of specificity, unique actual “dynamic product” that is used to perform a specific identification, and attribution and credit [4]. Software differs software task. from textual research products in the form its artifacts can A further difference between software and papers is take, in its notion of finality and the relationships between the containment relationship between a product and the its artifacts, in the citability of its concepts, in its dynamicity, contributions to it. Contributions to a research product can in the containment relationships between a product and its be active or passive, and direct or indirect. In direct active contributions, and in the roles which contribute to it. contributions to papers, contributors influence the product Take an academic paper as example: As a research prod- directly through contributions of text, analyses, ideas, etc. uct, it is perceived to be a single artifact, available in a “final” Direct active contributions to software can take the form version. This finality is a function of peer review, editorial of source code, code comments, documentation, architec- acceptance, and “adequate” publication. Final published tural design, API design, UI design, tests, code reviews, papers cannot have a new version after publication. Instead, bug reports, etc. With direct passive contributions, a paper any changes must again pass peer review, acceptance and uses another product or parts thereof, by building on it, publication, at which stage the changed paper is considered refuting it, refining its analyses, contextualizing its findings, to be a discrete new research product. Papers may also have etc. Direct passive contributions to software are mainly non-final versions published as preprints. its “dependencies” – i.e., other software – but can also In contrast, software development processes produce include other research products, such as publications that artifacts at different stages. Every commit (or “revision”) describe algorithms, models or methods implemented in in a version control system produces an artifact, a collection the software. Indirect contributions to a research product are of source code and other files, and build processes may ad- direct or indirect contributions to passive contributions to ditionally produce one or more binary artifacts. The notion that product. Indirect software contributions to software are of a “final” software product does not exist as such. This transitive dependencies. is due to the lack of a standardized publication process for “Dependencies” of a software S are software compo- software which is based on peer review. Instead, software nents to which S exhibits a degree of coupling. If S relies can evolve over time, and any revision can be tagged as on functions of another software S1, without which S will a version and “released”. None of the versions can be not function as intended, S1 is a dependency of S. This considered “final”, as at any time, any changes produce usually means that S calls functions from S1, or uses its a newer version of the same software, not a discrete new API in another way, e.g., through inheritance. Dependencies research product. Also, while versions of papers may or can take different forms, as libraries, code fragments, or may not differ in content – preprints may have the same algorithms. The defining quality of a dependency is that content as a final publication – versions of software will it is not part of the original, directly contributed, source usually represent differing source codes. When we talk code of a software. Therefore, functions defined in a file about “software”, we usually mean a version of a software X that are called from functions defined in another file Y , that has been released or used. Alternatively, “software” are part of a dependency iff file X is not part of the same can also refer to the concept of a software (cf. [6]), rather codebase as file Y . This may include that file X has other than a version, revision, or artifact: “Microsoft Excel” refers authors than file Y . Original source code and dependency to the concept of a spreadsheet application, of which its source code form the common codebase of a software. At versions are realizations. Although a paper and its preprints runtime, direct passive contributions (dependencies) and are arguably also different realizations of the same concept, indirect passive contributions (transitive dependencies, i.e., these paper concepts are never explicitly cited, whereas the dependencies of direct dependencies) become part of software concepts may be cited, e.g., in the case of pipelines the same “software object”, as execution paths transcend or frameworks [6], or to understand the development of boundaries between a software and its dependencies. In a software in computer science research, or in software contrast, direct passive contributions to papers are part comparison. In analogy, software concepts may be iden- of the product in the form of references; indirect passive COMPUTING IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 4

contributions are not part of a paper at all, but must instead ware yield new requirements for a G3 RCG model which be retrieved via backtracking traversal of an RCG. integrates software research products, and supports the Direct active contributions to papers are recognized compliance and reproducibility functions: through authorship, and direct passive contributions • The versionability of software (and other) research through citation. Indirect contributions are not recognized, products requires no new model elements, but the but can be discovered in RCGs. Similarly, direct active re-definition of the set P as the set of all vertices contributions to a software should be recognized through {p , . . . , p } which represent versions of research authorship – or acknowledged contributorship, see below – 1 n products. whereas reliance on dependencies as direct passive contri- • The specific relationship between versions as realiza- butions should be recognized through citation. This holds tions of concepts and the respective concepts requires despite the part-of relationship between dependencies, tran- the addition of concept nodes, i.e., a new set O ∈ V, sitive dependencies, and the depending software at run- which is the set of all vertices {o , . . . , o } which time, when dependencies arguably become direct active 1 n represent concepts of research products. Alternatively, contributions to a software product. The software citation P could be re-defined as the set of all vertices principles motivate this, by suggesting that software citation {p , . . . , p } which represent versions or concepts of should generally address software source code [4], which 1 n research products. For reasons of clarity, I will pursue makes dependencies passive contributions. Additionally, the first option in the following. under a standard definition of authorship [42], the default • The relationships between versions and concepts recognition type for direct active contributions, authors of also require the addition of realization relations, i.e., dependencies do not qualify for authorship of depending edges from nodes in P to nodes in O. software: The contribution to a software through a depen- • For cases where concepts that overarch versions of a dency is substantial, but neither will they draft or revise research product remain unidentifiable – as is usually the depending software, nor will they approve the version the case with papers – the relationships between of the depending software to be published, or agree to be versions of a research product require the addition accountable for it. This categorically rules out authorship of order relations, i.e., edges from nodes in P to and motivates citation of dependencies instead. other nodes in P which define one version (the Citation should attribute contributions to a research source node) as the predecessor of another version product to all contributors, and enable the provision of (the target node). These edges allow for the analysis credit for a contribution. There is increasing acknowledg- of cumulative impact over versions of a research ment of the fact that direct contributions to research prod- product. ucts can take different forms than text production [43], • A differentiated model of contributorship to research and that metadata should represent different contribution products, and specifically software, requires the ad- types [44]. This is the case for all types of research product, dition of edges representing different contribution and specifically for software, where creditable contributions types. As this is currently not possible in lieu of greatly differ from those to papers, and include not just an agreed-upon model of acknowledgable contrib- the writing of source code, but also contributions to the utorship, the relations formerly denoting authorship architecture, design, documentation, engineering, manage- have been labeled contrib* in Figure 2, instead of auth, ment, verification, validation, repair, maintenance, etc., of a where the label is to be understood to reflect differ- software [45], [46], [47]. However, there is not yet a com- ent types of contributions, including both traditional mon understanding of which types of acknowledgable and authorship and the more fine-grained contributions creditable contributions there are across different types of re- to digital research products. search software. It has also not yet been established whether there are qualitative differences between contribution types These changes take into account almost all of the specific that may motivate a tiered concept of contributions, such properties of software as a research product. “Dynamic as primary and secondary contributions. The products” have not been included here because they rep- ontology, for example, defines a term contributor as “a resent objects different from the principle target of software secondary contributor” [48], whereas community initiatives citation, i.e., source code (cf. [4]). They will be discussed such as All Contributors [47] suggest to reward “every further in section 3. See Figure 2 for a visualization showing contribution, not just code” without defining differently an example of the updated G3 model for RCGs. The figure valued contributions. It is therefore not possible to add shows a paper p8, which cites a software version p1. p1 has contributor types to a model of RCGs at this stage in a mean- been contributed to by two contributors, one of which (a1) ingful and future-proof way. Instead, different stakeholders has made contributions of two different types, e.g., writing – software producers, researchers, publishers, institutions, source code and writing documentation. p1 also cites two policy makers, and others – should collaborate to develop dependencies p3 and p4. p3 cites its own dependency p5, and implement policies and ontologies that allow for a more making p5 a transitive dependency of p1. p4 is a realization differentiated model of author- and contributorship across of software concept o1, and precedes another version of all acknowledgable research products. This model should the same software, p6, which is also a realization of o1. p1 replace the traditional authorship model and be reflected also cites a paper p2, e.g., describing an algorithm which in the metadata for research products that is provided at p1 implements. p2 in turn has a predecessor in the preprint publication, for purposes of citation, credit, etc. p7, with which it shares one contributor. For p2 and p7, no In summary, the described specific properties of soft- concept has been published. COMPUTING IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 5

implements an algorithm described in a paper, and the pub-in paper should be cited to enable due credit for its contrib- utors. Choosing to not cite the paper when it should be, is ú pub-in c2 p5 c3 o1 arguably discursive action with respect to creditability and pub-in relevance of research products. On the other hand, this goes

real against currently promoted good scholarly practice [34], and cite real

pub-in presents another corner case. Finally, and most importantly, contrib* ú ú prec ú a4 p3 p4 p6 the discursive function does not influence RCGs directly in pub-in terms of elements in a graph. Rather, its output must be

cite studies on what is not in a given RCG instance when it cite should be, or what is in a graph when it should not be. q cite ú cite q pub-in p8 p1 p2 c1 Based on the discussion and development of a useful

contrib* contrib* model of research citation graphs that integrate software in this section, I will discuss current challenges for the contrib* contrib* prec instantiation of RCGs in the following section. contrib* q contrib* a1 a2 p7 a3 affil affil affil affil 3 CHALLENGES FOR THE INSTANTIATION OF affil RCGS

i1 i2 i3 i4 Research citation graphs have a number of potential appli- cations, which I will discuss in section 4. A prerequisite for these applications is the instantiation of research citation Fig. 2. Partial G3-type RCG for an exemplary textual research product (p8) which cites an exemplary software (p1) with two software depen- graphs for actual research products, including software. dencies (p3, p4), and a citation to a paper (p2). Additional and changed RCGs are built from distributed metadata, probably repre- elements in comparison to the G2 model in bold print. Software products sented as linked data. An example of this is CodeMeta [32], marked with ú, textual products marked with q. Nodes: p =version n a linked data exchange schema for software metadata which of a research product, an=acknowledged contributor, in=evaluable affiliation, cn=evaluable publishing container; Edges: cite=“citation” re- extends the vocabulary and is implemented lation, contrib*=“contributed to by” relation, affil=“affiliated with” relation, in JSON-LD. CodeMeta files can, for example, represent pub-in=“published in” relation, prec=“precedes” relation, real=“realizes” relation. software as well as other research products as references of a software. For journal papers, JATS [49] can be used to retrieve metadata and resolve references. Instantiated RCGs Taken together, the updated G3 model for research ci- can, e.g., be stored in (graph) databases, represented in main tation graphs enables all functions of the current sociotech- memory, or visualized as graphs. nical system of citation for research software (RQ1). With In theory, RCGs are instantiated by recursive resolution regards to the discursive function, some systemic limitations of references from a “root” research product to retrieve the apply. First of all, the acknowledgement of direct passive set P ∈ V for a graph G = (V,E); for each p ∈ P , retrieval software contributions to a research software, or failure to of the product-specific metadata to retrieve the sets A, I, C, do so, can only be used to shape and organize discourses and O for G; deduplication of the vertices in V for G. of scholarly credibility, authority, and relevance to a certain This process yields requirements for an implementation extent. As dependencies are hard-wired into the software of software citation (RQ2), which also reflect the software product, only the preference of dependencies over function- citation principles [4] (in parentheses): ally equivalent others before or while creating the product • Publications and publication metadata – including have the potential to affect a given discourse. To neglect, or references – are available digitally, and metadata are favour, a specific dependency over another usually means machine-actionable (“Persistence”, “Accessibility”); a trade-off of functionality for a research software. These • research products duly and correctly cite references choices will be determined by the functional and/or engi- including software in publications (“Importance”, neering needs of any given software project, and are not “Specificity”, “Credit and attribution”); likely to be used as discursive actions. A “re-writing of the • publications are uniquely identifiable through past”, by wilfully neglecting to reference specific dependen- a machine-actionable identifier (“Accessibility”, cies and their import in the scholarly discourse, becomes “Unique identification”); impossible as soon as they are used, and thus become an • contributors, research institutions and other evalu- inseparable part of, a software. Some build systems have a able entities as well as publication platforms can be concept of optional dependencies. Optional dependencies, deduplicated, i.e., are uniquely identifiable. i.e., those that can optionally be used in a software which also defines a fallback mechanism for the case that the op- To meet these requirements for research software, a num- tional dependency cannot be resolved and used on a given ber of challenges (RQ3) have to be overcome first. The system, may be more prone to allow discursive actions, but publication process for textual research products is well- the discussion of this corner case is out of scope for this established and involves peer review, editorial acceptance paper. Another case where the discursive function may be and adequate publication together with curated and com- of interest is in references from a software to a text-based plete metadata and unique identification to enable the cita- research product. This could be the case when a software tion use case. No such process is yet in place for software, COMPUTING IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 6 although software journals such as JORS [50] or JOSS [51] can be achieved through the use of identifiers such as aim to provide a similar workflow, but do not meet the ORCID. Again, this solves the technical side, but adoption “Importance” principle [4], as they publish metapapers, remains a cultural challenge. This can be tackled through and not the software itself. Additionally, while references encouragement, request and requirement of adoption of to text publications are recorded in their metapapers, soft- identifiers from funders, publishers, and institutions, as ware references (dependencies) are not. Alternatives include well as through education and exemplary practice by re- automated deposits from source code repositories such as searchers, software creators, and institutions. GitHub to general purpose archives such as Zenodo, which While the requirements discussed above apply to all provide unique identification, but do not require or curate types of research products, there are two particular aspects citation-relevant metadata, including references. Similarly, of research software which further affect the instantiation of Software Heritage [52] harvests source code and provides RCGs. As mentioned in section 2, software has two states: unique identification, but does not require citation-relevant the static state of its source code, and the dynamic state metadata, including references. at runtime. While strictly speaking, the dynamic state is In order to establish a publication process for software irrelevant in a discussion of software citation as defined by similar to that of papers, action is required from many the software citation principles [4], there are solutions that different stakeholders. Research software creators will have may enable the instantiation of RCGs constricted to a single to embed publication steps into their workflows, which also software at runtime. Software that documents the executed reflect short, iterative cycles of software development. These paths taken in a complex software product to produce a re- publication steps should be supported by repositories and search outcome at runtime can potentially produce an RCG archives, as well as publishers, which need to adopt and for this execution. Duecredit [26] implements this concept process metadata schemas that include references to other for software written in Python. It registers references for research products, and make reference metadata available portions of code at the module and function levels, and in addition to product metadata [53]. Software publications can inject references for dependencies. Its output is a list of must further be considered in evaluation processes by re- references that represent the code that has been called dur- search institutions and funders, and thereby creating incen- ing execution. This output can potentially be transformed to tives for creators and institutions to publish research soft- an RCG, albeit a local one which will usually contain only ware. It will also have to be determined at which stage peer first and second level references of a software, depending review and editorial acceptance – including the required on the downstream provision of the respective metadata by curation of metadata – may be integrated. Peer review, dependency projects. Additionally, the manually provided editorial oversight, and metadata curation for software may reference metadata cannot be verified. be in the scope of publishers collaborating with archives. While duecredit may not be suitable for the instantiation Instead of publishing metapapers, software journals could of non-local, larger-scale static RCGs, it brings into focus the manage the peer review and acceptance process for a soft- fact that research software will often include dependencies ware deposit in archives. Suitable business models for this or transitive dependencies that are not research products, will have to be established, especially as software products and which will therefore not be published in an adequate can usually be published in cycles much shorter than those way, and not come with citation-relevant metadata. In for papers. Another option for the curation of metadata order to provide relevant context for research products, would be for libraries to engage and adopt this task, again in and enable all functions of citation for research software, collaboration with archives and research data management. these “hidden” contributions to research must be included Suitable metadata and exchange formats exist [31], [32]. in RCGs. This touches, in fact, the core of the discursive Such adequate publication practices for software may function of citation [16]. In lieu of publications, unique also support the due citation of research software, which identifiers, and curated metadata for non-research software, is still not widely established [3], [18], [21], [22], [23], [24]. In this can be done by applying software engineering methods. order to establish due citation of software, a culture change Through static code analysis using manifests, build configu- needs to take place across research, which can be driven rations, or import statements in conjunction with repository from two directions: top-down by policy makers, institu- mining methods, a dependency graph can be retrieved for a tions, funders, publishers and publishing platforms which given software, which can be transformed into a partial RCG can require the citation of software in research, and the pro- for research software dependencies for which no machine- vision of suitable metadata for software publications, and actionable metadata or unique identifiers are provided. I reward it based on adapted evaluation practices; bottom-up will investigate this method in future research. by educators, peer reviewers, editors, researchers, research In summary, the feasibility of instantiating RCGs that software engineers, etc., which educate about, insist on, include research software is currently limited. This is due enable, and practice due citation of software and provision to unsatisfactory software publication practices, lack of of citation metadata for software. provided correct and complete metadata, and insufficient The unique identification of software products can be software citation practices induced by lack of incentive achieved through publication via archives that provide and requirement to cite software. Solutions are being pro- DOIs or similar persistent identifiers. While this solves the posed and developed in technology [31], [32], policy [34], technical side of unique identification of software, the cul- theory [4] and other areas [6]. These solutions support a tural challenge, i.e., the adoption of respective publication culture change towards software citation implementation. practices, remains to be solved as discussed above. Progress in software citation implementation will gradually The unique identification of contributors and institutions unlock applications for RCGs. I will provide an outlook on COMPUTING IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 7

exemplary applications in the following section. software concepts, e.g., o1. Given short timespans between versions, for example, an agile process could be assumed. Credit for “hidden” contributions to research Assum- 4 APPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH CITATION ing that p5 is a commercially-developed software which GRAPHS was never intended to be published as a research product, and given that p1 is research software, traversing the graph RCGs enable different analyses of the context of research from p1 following outgoing cite relations enables attribution products (RQ4). In this section, I will outline potentially of and credit for the contributors to p5 (not visualized) G useful analyses based on the visualization of the 3 model for their contribution to the research published as p1. One for RCGs in Figure 2. The exemplary analyses also serve as obvious challenge here is the retrieval of complete and indirect evaluation of the model. correct contributor information so that contributors to p5 Back-tracking exploration The context of research prod- are correctly attributed and can receive credit. ucts can be explored using RCGs to find out which pre- Retrieval of transitive credit The last exemplary analysis ceding research a research product builds on. This can be (Credit for “hidden” contributions to research) already hints at done by traversing the graph starting from p8 and following the usability of RCGs for calculating fractional credit to be outgoing edges of type cite. The analysis shows for example, recorded in transitive credit maps for a research product. that the paper p8 indirectly builds on research published in When fractional credit for a research product is not only p2. The implementation of software citation solicited above distributed over authors – as is currently done implicitly makes this insight possible, as without citation of p1 in p8, through the order of authors lists for papers – but also over and citation of p2 in p1, the relation between p8 and p2 contributors and cited research products, a complete credit would remain hidden. map for a research product is created. A credit map for a Citation tracking The context of research products can product A also feeds into the credit map of a product B that be explored using RCGs to find out which research builds cites A. The main principle of transitive credit [9], [54] is upon a given research product. This can be done, e.g., by that a contributor to product A can therefore receive credit traversing the graph starting from a given research prod- for product B. If a fractional credit weight is determined uct node and following incoming edges of type cite. The for all contributors and references (i.e., built-upon research analysis shows, for example, that paper p2 has been cited products), the credit weight for a single contributor or cited by software p1, in addition to any other papers citing it product can be determined transitively. If a software S is (not visualized). Again, software citation makes this insight jointly developed by two people who share credit equally, possible by providing not only references to software, but both receive .5 fractional credit of the summary credit of 1 also references of other products from software. that can be distributed for any given research product. If S Tracking of concept citation G3-type RCGs enable cita- is cited in a paper P, and the fractional credit for S for its tion analyses for concepts in addition to products. This can contribution to P is weighted to .2 (of 1), each contributor to be done by traversing the graph starting at o1, following S receives fractional credit of .1 transitively for P. incoming nodes of type real to products realizing the concept Different systems of weighting have been suggested published in o1, and consecutively following outgoing cite for fractional credit, such as contribution taxonomies [43], relations from the realizing products. Given the citation of [47] which could define default credit weights for different p4 in p1, and assuming that p6 was cited in another product contribution types as templates for fractional credit. The p9 (not visualized), this analysis yielded a citation count of same could be done for dependencies, which could be 2 for the concept of a software which has been realized in assigned a fixed (small) weight template for contributions two implementation versions of the software. to another software. However, this would disregard the fact Contribution role analysis Traversing the graph starting that, for example, a software A has a different weight for from p1 and following outgoing contrib* relations allows an a software B which provides a wrapper API for A, than analysis of how roles are distributed over contributors to a for a software C which uses a single function of A and research product. Once a sufficient model for contributions has a large number of additional dependencies. In future to research has been established, this also allows for a fine- research, I will develop a weighting system of fractional grained evaluation of contributors with respect to their skill credit for software dependencies which instead is based on sets and creditable contributions. software engineering metrics such as function call frequen- Self-citation analyses RCGs enable self-citation analyses cies and complexity. In contrast to the retrieval of credit by finding nodes in A (for contributor-based analyses) or weights for other products than software, such a system C (for, e.g., journal-based analyses) with more than one does not rely on access to publication metadata, as it can incoming relation of type contrib*, and looking at whether use software engineering artifacts such as manifests and their source nodes are connected directly with a cite relation. build configurations. It thus exploits the actual conditions Analysis of software development practices Traversing found in the software and dependencies, rather than a meta- the graph from a software product node, e.g., p6, following representation. The fractional credit weights will still need incoming (or outgoing) prec relations, creates a timeline of to be registered for publications, which requires solutions to versions of a software. 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Stephan Druskat holds an MA in English, Mod- ern German Literature and Linguistics from the Free University of Berlin, Germany. He is a Re- search Software Engineer, working in linguistics, and a PhD candidate in Software Engineering at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Computer Science Department at Humboldt- Universitt zu Berlin in Berlin, Germany. In his work, he focuses on research software sustain- ability and software citation. He is a Special Col- laborator of the Software Sustainability Institute (UK), and a board member of de-RSE e.V. - Society for Research Software (Germany).