DONNA DAE and JANE WILSON Heard with Fred Waring's Orches- tra over NBC See page 2 L! seareid ,MERICkEric -, ,: -. 611 Fred Waring Wears Well Janet Blair: The Girl Everybody likes Annabe /la Speaks Her Mind MOViE -RADIO GUIDE

the mast- discussed question in Evervihing except winning Hitt war 15 be- PROBABLY Hollywood today is the the one concerning side the point, Annabelle continued earnest- CONTENTS Government edict that present star salaries ly. Of course if h a pail of human nature to must be slashed -and definitely! In that Anna- grumble about personal inconveniences. But Ginny Launches a Ship 1 belle. actress wife of Tyrone Power, agrees all those will be as nothing if we do not win Waring Weirs Well 2 wholeheartedly. As she sees if, persons in mo- this war,' Melodies for Uncle Sam 3 tion pictures should go on doing all the work Annabelle explained as she went on that she - - Janet Blair: The Girl Everybody Likes...... 4 they can, making pictures and radio appear, h an American citizen. born in France and America ors Trial; by Eric $evareid 5 ances, without compensation that the plight of her native Opera in the Hayloft. -- _ -...... 3 when that is forbidden by the country is naturally strong in The Movie Front, by Frances Long 7 wage ceiling which the Govern- her consciousness. Her eyes McCarthy Paratroop School 3 ment has set up. that usually twinkle, were stormy The Radio Front. by E. Kay, Avery Thompson and Bi{I Of course that h only my as swirl, I think we she When Andrews ...... 9 opinion," personal said Anna - shall have fewer tires, less gas, Music. by Aolsert Bagas i0 who has returned belle, to pit aline, my thoughts automatically Frequency Modulation, by Dick Dorrance 11 lures and will keep her home +urn to those lands that have Short Waves. by Charles A. Morrison... 12 together while Ty is serving no tires and no fuel for motors Complete Programs for This Week...... 1J -32 with the Marines for the dura- or even heat. When I think we Feminine Forum. by Edith Hampton 33 tion. "I do not flatter myself shall have less coffee and sugar What's Cooking! by Georgia Scott- 23 that this view is patriotic fewer luxuries, I think too of Corer Piirdn bp Ur Mir-jinn n1 :loot-la either," she stated when inter the countries that have no ne- viewed on the subject. We Annabella -Mrs. Ty- cessities-where there h not Volume 12, Number 8 Nov. 28 -Dec. -1, 1942 have been dealt with most rane Pow er -looks even enough milk to keep their generously .uN1,ri'lltd;ai.u,i: Carl .1. $hrleYlelba' by the American at salary ceilings 'l Thies alive. /1eNa,neYO ration: Hoak &laryil public through In Prrhrran: t7t'i t'ourt the agency of And when I think of the rlivallt'.It,Y 1011:nseet_ ,]nmc. Ck. llnnlon the motion- picture industry. Is a1.1.ietnlF rallub.; Ann AíulllVUIIIeI'}!'', Alu.les, Fr.uMei Lullyy 1tullyNwld, F:.lir'1 Iwtliilr dea of questioning how much ál11 rraelard Klalr.11pun, New' YorG: B.11 Andrryr. Görcllp*r: [:l+.rersG' Raulur. Pspynrneu. it not now up to us to s pallm A- atrqn.,m. onori Wart-4.; ru.e y,irnrnur, trally-nrä ..n4ulatrul: F:ulacrl axx,t, do everything possible wr7rb , in Hollywood should or should not dl il.l r. to uphold that industry as a moan, of service do 1c e.arn twenty -five thousand dollars rv110111- 1i55Fl+I.TR= KIIIAIf4til r.11¢tllnr1. Ruben nMltlilry, lerpll Ramer. Melee to the 1.I.r1Y1M. 1VlI1IJLy1 Nice. Robert F311faye- fJllilY Mannino_ CltellYll $Ixll.rrS, OW. sY1,l00.. American people ?' year -then I am angry. 1JIttiN1. AND r1nCLLarrGll .urrs: 771 Plylaorlll+ Canr1. Citicnrn. ]llinrile, in little Annabeila's estimation every mem- "There is no want that is not happiness M., 1.,11...1.1.1 ßri..r 11-rade Mark rtraibl[Ipd V. S. PaI. Qlne.i. Ynlnmc 13.:i4uubet S. Week al Nor sA-.air. 1, 1943- YIL¿1=:led wCrk1.1 la' trlalrrlr PIILu.tl/ms. rue.. ii1 ber of the industry should serve the cause of compared to defeat and slavery. If we lose Kurrll örnad Biber_ rnunlleuullu, o-ebn:ylSNWlr. údltueha luid Plreuln,ó.g 011llra; 7d1 1411n14LLii Cohn. Chicago. U1.Ixnln- Elnurp/l g. 5e01.11d-e1nFa, mollar w1 rlrr lY»t r71Cn, war entertainment irrespective of personal this war. the people of Hollywood will riot çHllayu. ]ürlluls, . e4.:n! "_I. 16{d. lardrr IJ1r hul nr Mareti 7. IMO. AnllulrllaM Yl.+l Other IJrIM1 nrnl, W1a. . Gea,eda, C..rr1l51 1943 ILYV profit. Looking at the subject horn a merely be concerned with trying to live on that Yrllwle PlrlknlUnc. ln.. rrrrir:l Ln.ullrtrrd IunmixcrlVls .Sinuld An necul>SlalreSed 6r IULlnra, ..rll.aadtrraed errelulm Nar lY'lrrrL HI Men cHlll/ pr lT1py lr1 selfish standpoint, if is but insurance for the amount -they will be concerned with try- it,I tTilrad Srnteh v4Jt]dl'rM1ri.' c.IrL ln rho II. S. 1pd Im.rit.r1g wlyd nlnnth u1 nit Pan nmerlgin future. To have motion pictures suffer in pub- ing to live at all. This is not a time to P>wicl e411r1n' s1z manlb., 53-Ilrl: one Tear, .DO. FFrI]lrlg11di1 rnler ln dnrrluls oounlzler: .IY m011111., P4.110: Ise ,cur. bi.P, Leist[ by n..,lll In Iey era l'. eYpren 1n111es' tinter lic esteem in these crucial times would be bad think of pay -checks; it is a time to think in r cherY drßrill Lo Idre nnirl of d5rm.;z.-Rnv1u Ciuml Cnrrmacy eunl pt ellAacrlb:r7 rlhk. Pinner alien tom e ck, for vllwldr nr LLddrna- ï[r ...rt., to vivo 'VII 1 ufp nlidresrn, 'deed. if they do, Annabelle feels they will terms of service fo America. To fail in that PICLLSI Pddit-k. IIl rt.rtt'N{andclrrL' lir rnkererirn to rpLL rll,rlGlly lA the P..Ix.lglr.n+ni r1rlu,rlmrtlt. í3k I'lN:nlr..th Coarr. CLrni;;n. nb,ir!, ^Ver again regain their prestige in our time. is unspeakable! -The Editors. r1I1Srl;ü 10. r K s

Today Meets Yesterday

Dinah Shore Greets Elsie Jank, Sweetheart of World War l's AEF

TWO were were representcxcl on Dinah shore's flue Network program recently, Elsie Janis. "Sweetheart ut the AEF- in 1917-1X, guested on the show. supported by s- etersirw who heard her sing in France. Dinah. one ul the present ss1'eetheart6 of our armed forces, swapped yarns with Elsie about their experiences entertaining lighting men.

ELSiE JAN15 introduces a trio of veterans of World War I to Dinah Shore, singing favorite of 1942's fighting men. The veteran at left is Chief Pharmacist's Mate John Tracy, who is on active duty again

MEN OF THE SEA greet the girl who cheered their predecessors a ARM IN ARM, the men and women of 1918 and 1942 present a cheer- quarter- century ago. Left to right: Sailor Bill Shimanckas, Dinah Shore. ful united front. Marine Ray Wilson stands by Dinah Shore, while Chief Marine Corps Private Ray Wilson, sailer Robert V. Cole and Elsie Janis John Tracy. who served in both wars, is linked to both Dinah and Elsie


GINNY SIMMS prepares to swing bottle of ZING goes the bottle right on the dot, as champagne that christens the "SS George another challenge to Axis dictators slides H. Corliss," product of Wizard Kaiser's ship- down the ways in San Francisco Bay. Below: yards, while Jane Wyatt (left) looks on The 10,000-ion freighter hits The waves

ADIO and screen personalities and members of the press descended on San Francisco to cele- brate Navy Day this year. They came by plane, tram and bus fora program of events which kept them all jumping. Day marked a double world premiere at the Naval Base Theater on Treasure Island and on the mainland at the Golden Gate showhouse of film The Navy Comes Through," saga of the Atlantic, the Merchant Marine, and the men who man its guns. Coast -to -Coast broadcasts over NBC covered the event. Highlight of the day was a tour of the Richmond shipyards, where Girmy Simms christened the huge 10,000 -ton Lib- erty freighter, the George H. Coriisa. Turned out in thirty days, the boat is just one of hundreds of giant cargo craft being constructed by Oregon's wizard boat -builder, Henry J. Kaiser. Thousands of cheering shipyard workers greeted Ginny, and hailed George Murphy, who acted as m. c., intro- duced film stars Jackie Cooper, Jane Wyatt and Harold {Great Gildersleeve) Peary. Later at Treas- tire Island Theater Jackie played the drums in Jack Petty's shipyard band, and ship- building swingsters in outfits labeled "Bug Driver," "Welder" and "Fitter," to denote work they're doing, gave some great jive. Yep, Navy Day this year was a great day for Frisco!

OREGON'S "miracle" ship- builder. Henry J. Kaiser. His plan converted idle yards into teeming hives building giant cargo croft WARING WEARS WELL

Fame That Endures Is Fred Waring's Reward for Top Entertainment

RADIO devours creative ideas and talents. Yester- day's jokes and songs and personalities are quickly forgotten.. Millions -strong audiences arc glutted with alarming speed -and they turn to something new. But Fred Waring goes on and on, a perennial fa- vorite. He is versatile, skilful, likable. His organiza- tion, the outgrowth of a quartet, is now large and many -sided. His band is smooth. his glee club tune- ful. The shows Fred puts on have the variety with- out which no program can last in radio's cut -throat competition. Today Fred's great interest lies in the writing of songs for our armed forces. Once content to be a top jazz. musician, Waring is now proudest of such songs as "Sky Anchors," "Roll. Tanks, Roll," "The Fight- ing Quartermaster Corps," "The Men of the Mer- chant Marine" and "Look Out Below." All were composed, presented and published by Fred himself.

FRED WARING is shown above as he conducts SIGHT AND SOUND of the gals above are the musical organization he built up from a banjo equally easy on the eyes and ears. They're quartet. At right Fred samples the product of his (I. to r.) Donna Dae, Daisy Bernier, Ruth private kitchen in his crew's New York headquarters i Cottingham, Jane Wilson, all Waring singers

WAY BACK WHEN Waring got his start with the WARING'S 1942 ORGANIZATION (below) is quartet below. The eager youngsters are (I. to r.) large, deft, highly entertaining. His NBC show Poli McClintock of the F,op -eyed voice, Fred, broth- thrills listener., with its melody and its variety er Tom Waring, Fred Buck. Their dreams came true of entertainment. His success is truly lasting

r BOND BUYS BAND. Mrs. Donald M. Feeney bought a bond to get the right to lead Freddy Martin's orchestra on h Pacific Coast Blue Net- work show. The singer at the microphone is Bud Willard of Monrovia, California, who also bought a bond to earn a chance to show his talent


FIVE GRAND A DANCE. One mem- For Uncle Sam FREDDY MARTIN (above), originator ber of the audience bought a $5,000 of "Melodies for Uncle Sam" show, denomination war to bond arrange a bought a $1.000 bond to dance with rumba between actress Mae Murray Lana Turner. Below: A dance with and bandleader Freddy Martin (above). Novel Radio Show Runs on Liberty Rita Hayworth was auctioned for an Below: Jane Wyman dances with an s800 bond buy. Top bidder William Army captain on Martin's bond show Hall Principle; Bond Purchases Give Haines gave his dance to serviceman

Audience Free Hand With Show

DO YOU want to lead a band? Or dance with your fa- vorite movie star? Or bang away on the drums? Or sing a song over the air? Just about anything you want is yours on Freddy Martin's Pacific Coast radio program from 11:00 to 12:00 p.m. PWT Sundays. The Cocoanut Grove is turned over to the guests for this broadcast -to the guests and to Uncle Sam. Merry- makers can gratify their hidden longings at the price of one war bond. A bond purchase will put Martin's baton in your hand, his band at your disposal. A bond is your ticket to say "Howdee" to the home folks over the micro- phone. Put your bond money on the line and you can dance with any celebrity present, or borrow a trombone, or sing your favorite song. The resulting radio show is a mixture of one of the pleasanter types of insanity with patriotism. Everybody has a fine time, and their relaxed enjoyment gets across to listeners. The seriously patriotic side is, of course, a practical matter of dollars and sense. In ten weeks this Pacific Coast Blue Network program promoted the sale of more than $30,000 worth of war bonds and stamps. JANET BLAIR: The Girl Everybody Likes

The Type Women

Pick Out for a Son or Brother

IN JANET'S home bailiwick, Altoona, Pa., she was known as the town's most -talented child, a natural song - and -dance girl that would have de- lighted the late George M. Cohan. Her earliest ambition was to be a ballet dancer. but father didn't think very highly of the notion. Finally he got so tired of seeing his daughter stand on her head and kick that he gave in. Roz Russell, with whom Janet is starred in "My Sister Eileen," grew so fond of her that she turned match- maker and tried to arrange a ro- mance between Janet and her brother George. However, Janet's real heart is Private Louis Busch of the Army Air Forces, formerly pianist for Hal Kemp's orchestra, where Janet was singing when Columbia cfiered her a movie contract. Gregory Raton, actor - director with a penchant for backing into the King's English and then ex- ploding -still in reverse -takes the r bow for discovering Janet. Now she's on her way up the star ladder -and fast! But she still likes to wear her hair in pigtails, tied with red ribbon.

MARTHA JANET LAFFERTY (Janet Blair) is her real name, and the roots r of her family tree are in Ireland. Left: r s árJMl ' "Something to Shout About!" portrait J 141#'


r -454V,.

- - ( mi.. - :

JANET beats the Hollywood heat (above) TITLE ROLE in "My Sister Eileen," with Rosa- by practising her songs on a raft in the lind Russell, Brian Aherne, above, put Janet's middle of Toluca Lake. Left: In make -up for stock right on the star market. Said Roi, "She's Columbia's "Something to Shout About!" the sort of girl I would pick for my brother" 4 ERIC SEVAREID, one of our younger commentators, disiinquished himself as a CBS Paris reporter before the fall of France. He is now a Washington commentator

¢- 5

Strong, Harsh Words Warn Americans Against the Dangers of Confusion, Smugness and War's Glamorous Side

IT IS no longer popinar to say that ing. it is partly ijeeuu5c it is t ,,t car- and liver-pills. In times that try men's tempt so far was not a Hollywood Ainericans are not yet sill out for ried along by a strong tide of popular souls, men want sincerity and simple, production but the "Battle of Mid- war; btit it is still true. The current feeling which should come up from the honest speech. This is not a medicine way," made during the actual fighting. tail, Liven impetus by the President deep rents of the country. The sense show. The silky tones. the unctuous The expression on the faces of those himself. was to dismiss the critics hs of the reality of this desperate struggle bombast must be stopped. Every radio wounded [tiers ns they were brought pe.ssimistic scolds who get their ideas is coming over our people very stnwly. station in America should begin at home from the sea could scarcely be frnw their typewriters- Beginning with As yet it does not equal the reeling in once a rigorous seif- examinut ton. An- equaled by any actor. It trade one's the President's return from his "se- Britain, China or Russia. fI du not nouncers and newscasters who cannot heart tighten. it brought compassion, cret" trip, we passed through an un- speak of those among us who have al- rid themselves oI affectation should and a deep pride in the American happy and dangerous interlude. In this ready but loved ones in the war, They themselves be gotten rid nf. We should fighting man. Only where Hollywood period there was a concerted drive to know. Between them and the rest of have some kind of national board of touched the picture did it become cut the ground from under press and us lies an unbridgeable gulf,] Why is censorship over commercial announce- false and cheap, I mean the silly com- radio critics, with no distinction inade this so' Twenty years of teaching our - ments. This war is not a bandwagon mentary by a Hollywood character between responsible and irresponsible selves that we Were isolated from the to which ad- writers tan hitch their actress. which inane me ashamed, commentators. That interlude is over. rest of the world. Twenty years of laxatives, breath -sweeteners and ciga- French picture -makers were not afraid at least for a tinte. It ended with the corroding materialism. Twenty years rettes. Hourly use of sn- and -so's prod- of reality. the Russians are not afraid remarkable radio speech of Mr. SVen- in which we tried to forget that we uct simply will not bring the clay of of it Why should we be afraid? dell WiIikie. were Just members of the human rate. victory closer. and I am convinced that When I voiced these complaints ou Most intelligent reporters who have Slowly, as our ships go down, as the millions rd Americans are beginning a national radio forum. my friend worked abroad in this war have long casualty lists conic in realism works to feel un increasing anger at the con- Walter Wanger answered that Holly- known of what Witlkie complained- its way back into the bloodstream of stant suggestion that it will. For radio, wood would like to give us real pic- that we are not expressing our political America, The process moves too slow- a trensendous task and an inspiring tures but that the ticket- buying pub- cause clearly and forcibly enough. The ly for the pace of this war. and I feel opportunity lies at hand. lic would not permit it. With due re- American story is not being told in the compelled to assert that so far Ameri- And so also for the motion pictures. spect for a must enlightened producer, places Of uncertainty. The why"' of can radio and motion pictures have American pictures have always been I cannot feel this is a satisfactory our fight- Almost all the angtiiehed not speeded the process. Sometimes I the most entertaining in the world. answer. Hollywood created the pen- globe looks to us to sound the theme think they have actually impeded It. but they have also been the insist un- ple's habit so far as movies are con- song of the world to come, and so far As one whose career is bound tip in real. We have been at war. struggling cerned, and now that our tinte of trial our confused and doubting allies in the radio. luny I sound a warning? A slow. for our very national life. for nearly has come. Hollywood must assume far corners have heard only a few dull resentment against the dully mi- a year. In that time I have nett yet leadership in guiding the people into faint strains. not always in key. rrophnne fare is rising w the people. seen one Hollywood production which reality and understanding. This, you may say, is the fault of We cannot "sell" this v'ar to the peo- conies to grips with the reality. the I aso afraid we at home are still. by Washington. But if Washington has ple by the time-hollered methods Ly pain and suffering, the exaltation, the and large, iss the 'fashion show phazre helm faint -hearted, confused and gn.p- which we have always sold hair -oil profundity of this war. The best id- (Cnntiniud ou Page 36)

5 STARTLED HILLBILLIES Lulu Belle and Skyland Scotty (above) gape at the antics of two dancers from the Chicago Civic Opera's opening production, "Aida." "Barn Dance" shares a building with opera, and casts visit back and forth

LAWRENCE TIBBETT (above), droned for his "Aida" opera part, gets a guitar lesson from Pat Buttram, NBD comic

MARTINELLI (at left), ...... , r,..,. stellar opera tenor, gets PARTNERS in backstage antics NEW REPERTOIRE is handed to a lump of sugar from are Patrizia Bowman, prima balle- opera's Anna Kaskas by NBD's Marjorie Lynne of NBD. rina of the Chicago Opera, and "Salty" Holmes. Tho lovely back - Arkie beams approval Otto, 225 -pound Barn Dancer drop is formed by Joy and Jean


Good Neighbor Policy Works as "National Barn Dance" and Chicago Civic Opera Share Quarters

makes strange bedfellows. and it's Corn Belt humor and square -dance clutter. WARthanks to the war that Chtr-agoans are So the Hayloft was moved to the Civic The - treated to a new and atartllag fellowship. The ter, a inodern auditorium in the seine building city's lordly grand opera c, mpany is housed as We Civic Opera House. On a still night. under the same roof as that hash of hinterland bargemen on the river are treated Io the nun - hysteria, the "National Barn Dance." gled strains of "Celeste Aida" and "The lied Until this fall. NBD had its own hayloft at River Valley." the Eighth Street Theater. But the Army asked Performers of both shows have become great for that space, and lecturer in technical Air pals. smoking and chatting backstage. Law- Forces subjects echo where once was only rence Tibbett is a red -hot NBD fan.

1St BANJO EYES Cantor and Billie DISHER- UPPERS for glamour and Burke knock off Canteen duty food are Rita Hayworth and Hedy to pose with Navy by request Lamarr at the Hollywood Canteen

KEN MURRAY, JR., age two months, follows in his famous dad's footsteps. Mommy is former Cleatus Caldwell. Isn't Junior the spit 'n' image of Dad!


FIRECRACKER Maria Montez stops PHILOSOPHER of the airlanes, Ar at entrance to Canteen to give THE MOVIE FRONT kansas Traveler Bob Burns, chat admiring servicemen autographs with Pinky Tomlin at the Canteen

get -togethers, Jeanette has obtained a honest -to- goodness Hollywood war ba- Epilog to fame. In a neighboring HOLLYWOOD piano, ping -pong tables and a radio, by was born to Brenda Joyce and Lieu- auctioneer's shop is a sign reading. plus the small comforts that put guests tenant Owen Ward. Her name's Pam - "Effects of Elaine Jacobs Barrie, for- By FRANCES LONG in a mood for relaxation. Its an ill ela. and she weighed six and one -half mer wife of late John Barrymore, to Good neighbor. Jeanette MacDonald wind that doesn't blow some good: pounds on arrival. Mama Brenda is be sold." Miss Barrie already has sold has worked out a plan for the time Who knows. perhaps Americans will getting along line, and the lieutenant's the Bel -Air hone John left her and when gas -rationing will keep her com- discover that home isn't just a place tunic buttons are in grave danger of moved into smaller quarters . . . munity in their own back yards. She to sleep. At least Jeanetté s idea seeing popping right off his chest. he's that has offered her playroom to the to point in that direction and sounds proud. And what man wouldn't be, Remembrance of laughter. Edna May "Neighbors' Club." which Bel -Air. sub- like a fine one for any neighborhood with such a beautiful wife as 20th Oliver left Hollywood last week -for- urb of Hollywood where Jeanette lives, to follow . . . Century's blond Joyce, who had the ever. But it will be a long time be- is organizing, as a meeting -place for courage to take time out from a bright fore the film colony will forget her evenings at home in future. For these Happy landing for Pamela. First movie career to have a war baby . . (Continued on Nest Page)

FEATURES Find Your Best OTHER BRIEF PICTURE GUIDE BUTCH 111N11: uiL BABY MOVIE REVIEW Entertainment Here 1 VVV) : Bred Lrawlord i "Butch," Virginia Brute. the as.rl.aNhllON ha,. .., "My Sister Eileen" V._..r.. ,M thur, rniuun in a grip tent as George M. Cohan heads girl; but Baby Millie.' Bonilla 1/VYV Owl v ..n.,. rs.i.ra Itua:d Only .^IM . heel. ....HA pmt d&Jo,a .wises' with sit and great MI.-Emily. steals the dare. -Family. Cast: Rosalind Russell, Janet Blair. e..e.,.r..n W -n,. .. I. DESPERATE JOURNEY ion. hir...... VV I. .. .M a purl...e.- Family MUSICALS Brian Aherne. George Tobias. Allyn . «roW.1). . o..p. 11'VV). Errol Flytui fn exutia= N.t.r.. ..,., hl,.: . ...,r.ra THE FLYING (n;Flb IVVV). FOOTLIGHT SERENADE Joslyn. Elizabeth Patterson. Grant s. 'I- w ' .0010 . .. Inv fah, Gnpptng oar drama woven goal war draina nl the air.- family. ono ALL Mn1 .r'I (VW): Musts, dialog - Mitchell. Richard Quine, June Havoc. ....,.11.... I rvuud Arurricarl pilota in China. ICELAND VVV 1 . Sonia Henle .an,N" I.n -TMa [OeFOda Grable, Mature. Join. Payne, Donald MacBride, Gordon Jones. (Miss) --Adult Jane skates superbly M beautiful set Wyniau.- Family. Jett Donnell, Clyde Fi'Imore. Minna MAJOR AND THE M1 tinspi to ewer ut Sammy Kayé s OUTSTANDING TIIE HOLIDAY INN IV1'V: Bing YTS' het ra.-Family . Phillips. Frank Sully. Charles La Torre. N()lt t VVVV) Ginger Rotten at Crosby and Fred Astaire hl Ito NOW. VOYAGER (VVV): A Columbia producer. Max v V) her hem h. a remedy with a mg Berlin opus.- Family. picture: Gor. Roi Russell and CROSSROADS (VS quite Heavy drama and Bette Davis. keen toot.- Family. MY GAL SAL tVVVs Rita don: director. Alexander Hall. Screen a thing. Bill Powelk with herb Both are good. Paul Ilemet& Janet Blair in THEY ALI. KISSED TUE Hayworth is really terrific.- and stage play by Joseph Fields and Lamarr. Bass Kathbane.- Adult. Glad). Cooler. Jaen W11.00 give BRIDE tsVVV): Juan Craw- Farads. Jerome Chodorov. which were "Sister Eileen" MKS. MINIVER )Special) excellent support -Adult. adapted (VVVVI'): drama, ford and Melvyn Douglas in a PANAMA IIATTIE iVVV): from or,giml Ruth McKenney Wartems ONCE UPON A THURSDAY stories. based on Jan Struther's novel sophisticated comedy. -Adult. Screen rennin of Broadway hit I VV.') . Kenzie, with a hinny with Ann .,Shen and Red I942's hell so lac-family TIIIS ABOVE ALL 1 VVV) slant Marked, Man .1... better Skelton.-Family. her Type of Picture: Uproarious comedy that is even PIED PIPER (Ws VI. Moiety Erne war kise-Nog, but share ul slanting.- Family. Woolley is the Opal in it the censors let follow bosh. funnier than the stage play! I Kean!) it COMEDIES SOMEWHERE I'LL FIND YOU this whinulnl war Ty Power. Joan Fontaine.- Adult. drama.- AKE HUSBAND+ NECES IVVV) Sheol, goer snow for Family. THIS GL'N FOR HIRE SAHY' IVV1 Domestic truce. author, Gable-Turner picture - This Is the Story: The Broadway hit comes to PRIDE OF THE YANKEES (VVVV): Gripping melodrama with Ray Milland. Iron, novel Adult. the screen with very few changes and n heap more VVVV): The life story of Lou with spy plut. Veronica Lake. "Mr. ,k Mrs. Curet Adult. "- TIIE (:LASS KEY I VVV) laughs. if that is possible. The Sherwood sisters Gehrie, great ball player aid Alan Ladd, "Dud" ul year. sky- I >LtltklED A x'11(11 IVVV): Spine nnglu,t murder mystery (Roz Russell, Janet Blair) greater man. Gary Cooper, Teresa rockets lo lame.-Adult. By author of "Topper" series. wills Verouled Lake and Alan leave Columbus, Ohio Wright hear.- Fanily. THUNDER BIRDS 1 VVV): In Stars Fredric March, Y'enmira Ladd combination stain.- Adult. after a minor tragedy in their lives to lind tam. REAP TIIE WILL) WIND (Stye. Technicolor. Fill, built around Lake. Fun lare for the whole and fortune in Ness. York. Ruth (Roz) is interested zap (VVVVV): In color. Hie battles ruin Ovate OR the ground (auily', WESTERNS toriral theme id Americas OF in writing, Eileen (Janet) in dramatics. Front the fight before they nil their wings. JOAN OZARK (VVV): APACHE TRAIl. t VVV) : Okay to rid the Finer& Km. al pirati :hrrt S1n111- -AIhdL Ililariuus mined); with mystery in all drperlments; Lloyd Nolan moment they lance in Manhattan, Eileen, rite belle cal wreckers.- F:umly TO THE SHORES OF' TRIPOLI slant. Judy Canuta at her best: and Domua hied head bill. - of the family. is pursued -with laughs -! v the SPRINGTIME. IN THE IVVVV): H'ar picture in color. Joe E. Brown at his zaniest.-- Family. sterner sex, and promises of fat roles on Hoc KIES (VVVV). Lavish inn starring Mailmen O'Hara. John Family. b''nad- CALL OF TIIE CANYON way, while Ruth tries earnestly to sell her sisal in Technicolor. plus swill Payne. Randy Scott.-Family. YANK AT ETON (VVV): (VVVV): Gene Autry proves his stt.tlei comedy For the whole family! WAKE ISLAND (VVVV: A Mickey Rowney meets Tina Thay- point.- Fondly. and keep them both eating. There's never a let-up TAKE A LETTER. DARLING vividly portrayed historymmkiug er.- Family. sONS OF PIONEERS (WV): in the fun from the moment the two girls move fobs (VVVV): Hilarious commis. with picture, taken from U. S. Ma- CARTOONS Roy Rogers sursit guntoter -aid a basement apartment in Greenwich Village, wit). Rosalind Russell and Feed Mat rine.' heron. defmaa of Wake. - BAMBI (VVV'.'): Disney's tat how !--Family. Murray -Fni everybody. For all Americana. est in Technicolor. Sheer enter THE CYCLONE KID INN) its worm's -eye view of the street. TALK OF THE TOWN YANKLF: 1)0ODLE DANDY rauu,enl that's hearties. mine Don 'Ted" Ilafny Ont., Imo 10 IVVVV) Cary Gtat. Jean Ar IVV%%t J Ie repay at hit anl lull fur Iht whole (amity. a trig oI sine,; -- F.0101). Verdict: A -1 entertainment for the whole family'


1 CASH IN ADVANCE is Char- 2 PROFESSOR McCARTHY greets lie's policy. McCarthy needs the a new class of paratroopers. Note dough to supplement his allow- that he's wearing a dress uniform. once from thrifty Edgar Bergen while Mortimer is garbed for work

CHARLIE McCARTHY is out ershoot" equipment Charlie ut- to win the ar. His para- fers. As usual, Charlie plays the troop school recently opened its part of the theoretician. leaving doors (and a collection of Ber- the practical work - and the gen's umbrellas) for the training crasl.es - to Mortimer Snerd. of future heroes. In fact. his stu- Prospective students should ap- dents are heroes already. or else ply immediately. for FUlgar Ber- slightly Welled in the head. con- gen is certain to miss hui um- sidering the state of the -bornb- brellas anon and call a halt Me,,,..uw

MtC4RTHY PARATROOP 2CH001 C,tii stioct vou JUMP PRUE FIRZT AID .,...,r.... a CMaacit Pi`CARIVV

3 TAKE -OFF TIME finds Mortimer 4. THE JUMP was fine, according poised for a jump (left). Says Char- to Mort. It was only the landing

lie, "I regret that I have but one that hurt. Doctors say Snerd will Snerd to give to my country" recover, but the umbrella won't

dent from the life of the real Dr. for him to chatter, sans cussing, as for :the armed forces ... Dinah Shore. The Movie Front Wassell is just one that proves Coop background noise with other animals now in Warners' "Thank Your Lucky (Continued from Preceding Pagel would be a natural for the part: in a pet -shop. Came his great moment, Stars," and Olivia de Havilland. on the Honored with the Navy Cross for res- and he screamed: "Quiet. you blank - same lot, have a common interest priceless sense of humor and her cuing nine helplessly wounded Amer- ety -blank lunkheads! We're rolling' that may develop Into a great friend- Iliatehless characterizations on the ican sailors from Java during the Camera:" The director yelled. "Cut." ship for the two-Lieut. Jimmy Stew- screen. Miss Oliver died at the age of Japanese invasion. he still hasn't got and glared. as the stricken trainer art, Dinah's present heart and Livvy's fifty -nine. Like the beloved Marie over his amazement at being men- apologized, "Sir. Pete never said that in the past ... Orson Welles not only Dressler, she's left an empty niche in tioned by President Roosevelt in one before. He must have remembered narrates but writes and produces the our hearts that no one else can fill ... of his radio fireside chats and being what the director we worked for last fifteen-minute weekly radio series. un- invited to visit the chief execu- week said." But Pete was in disgrace der the sponsorship of Lockheed and In answer to a query from many tive. He was even so modest that he and the director got another parrot. Vega aircraft, informing listeners on

of our renders, the little girl who ap- shied away front the invitation. In Too bad such an honest bird should all phases of American aviation . . peared with Vic Mature in our Sep - (act. his wife had to tell Navy officials have gut such a shabby dealt ... Ginger Rogers and Philip Reed have temiler 5 -11 issue is Constance Culer. that, although he wouldn't say so him- discovered each other ...Cary Grant's daughter of Lieut. Kenneth A. Coler self, the doctor would be "thrilled to Jottings from Movietown. Juan learning to knit for scenes in "Flight of the U. S. Coast Guard . . . death" if a meeting with Mr. Presi- Blundell just returned from enter- to Freedom.' Happy purling. Cary! ...

dent could be arranged .. . taining servicemen in Newfoundlaryl Joan Crawford's new husband, Phil Paging Gary Cooper. We hope Cecil tired but in great spirits and inspired Terry. goes to M -G -M after several B. DeMille can get Gary to play the Outspoken bird gets the gate. A by the courage and fighting spirit of tests in which Joan insisted on play- role of Dr. Wassell in his film built parrot was needed for "Cat People," our inen. Even the fact that the ship ing opposite him . . . Jack Benny's around the exploits of the former and Pete, a Brazilian gentleman of that took her from the mainland was Maxwell has gone to the scrap heap. Arkansas country doctor, war hero good repute according to his trainer. torpedoed couldn't dampen her en- is being replaced by an Austin. and Croydon M. Wassell. Following inci- was hired for the job. Script called thusiasm to do everything she can giving him a new line on his show.



War Stamps Replace Cigars as Lou Costello Celebrates a New Arrival; Sidney Blackmer Teams With Lionel Barrymore; Elman Auctions Jap Flag

NEW YORK -You know," he confided. "those dismay. oii it went and got him in the roosters are really smart Ever since toe of his right foot. Mrs. Crosby, who CHICAGO By E. KAY Pearl Harbor. instead of crowing. they was preparing lunch. rushed out, near- By BILL ANDREWS have hissed the rising sun" ... ly fainted at the sight but managed Norman Corwin, CBS writer-Pro- to get him to the hospital. Seine hours Family news Radio's keeping the ducer recently returned from London. Actors! If you're anemic, turn down later, after Lew's toe was amputated, department of vital statistics hopping. enlightened us concerning radio there. casting -calls for "Young Dr. Malone." Mrs. Crosby remembered she left Danny Thomas, emcee of that swell The essglish are using the word "aus- Elizabeth Keller. the lead. is a friendly lunch cooking on the stove. Calling Saturday night variety show from terity" to describe things in general. young person who pops up eagerly to Norris Goff (Abner). her neighbor. Great Lakes, is chortling over the ar- Suits with no cuffs on the pants are greet each new addition to the cast. on the phone. she asked him to dash rival of Teresa Cecilia. his second austerity suits: meals with three First she gels you to sign up for a over and turn of the stove. But when child Three days later Jim Campbell. courses arc austerity meals. and. above blood donation and then she collects Goff arrived. he found he'd been pre- Blue announcer. topped Danny with all, the woad applies to radio in En- a quarter for the weekly stamp pool. ceded by the fire department. police the announcement of twins, a boy and gland today. We know that any night Up to date Elizabeth hasn't had any department and a host of neighbors. a girl. And our scratch -pad notes re- In the weak we can turn your dials and turn -downs. No wonder radio needs a saw great waves of smoke streaming mind us that Thanksgiving is Vivian listen to programs that are heard on shot in the arm occasionally . out of the windows. Fortunately noth- Fridell's first wedding anniversary. that particular night week in and ing outside the kitchen was damaged. Vivian has the lead part of Mary week out-but not the British listener. "Famous Jury Trials," now heard but Its a day the Crusbyh will lung Nobel in "Backstage Wife." But the He held knows very far in advonce un the Blue. has dressed the program remember. The next time we go to test bit of family news is in the re- whet programs will be scheduled and to represent a real courtroom. 'fluy say. "EVERYthing happens to me." union department. Burr Lee recently his choice is limited. Corwin has prom- have a jury box with twelve jurors we'll think twice .. directed a young Army flier in "Vic- ised to do an article for us wherein tried and true. a witness stand. the tory Marches." The pilot's name is he will tell you more about radio in judge wears a black robe and the A proud papa for the third time. Lieutenant Burr Lee, Jr.... England .. . district and defense attorneys really Lou Costello was presented with a six - mean business. We became xe en- pound baby boy by Mrs. C. To hail Latest radio organization in these Ray Knight and his "Cuckoos" used thralled we applauded when the jury the advent of Lou. Jr.. which is what parte is the Blood Brothers' Club. It's to tickle our funny -bone. but now that brought in a verdict of "amt guilty." the baby will be called. Lou did not composed of radin performers who he is back with two conspirators to Jay Jostyn ("Mr. District Attorney") pass out the customary cigars. Instead have donated blood to the Red Cross aid and abet him. we are taking a lick- oses the defense attorney the night we he was dishing out partially filled for use of our fighting men. Founders ing in the rib -tickling department. attended court. How does it feel to be war -stamp albums. Su inspired was are Art Hearn and John Walsh. both

'The Three R's." Ray Knight. Glenn on the defense. Jay' . . . he with this idea. he wants to enlist four -time donors. Membership in- Riggs and Joe Rines. heard on the all American papas in a "War Stamps cludes Hugh Studebaker. Pat Dunlap, Blue Network. are as zany a trio as Dave Elman received the first Jap for War Girths" movement. With the Betty Ruth Smith, Ed Prentiss. Les ever faced a microphone. Knight flag captured on Guadalcanal for his thousands of war babies born all over Tremayne. Karl Weber, Eileen Palm-

writes the show and Riggs and limes "Victory Auction" . . Lenore Kings- the country every clay, the extra rev- er. How about starting such a club in

are vice presidents in charge of rip- ton. who plays Ebba in "Against the enue from such a source would aid your neighborhood? .

ping It to bits .. . Storm" on NBC. is the proud recipient the Treasury Department immeasur- of the first Wuman s War Emergency ably. Whr,ddya say. fellas, are you So much for the news. Now 1 have

Arthur Vinton. farmer and ucter Radio Service operator's license in willing' . . . a bone to pick with NBC's Chicago heard over NBC in "Mr District At- New York City . Raymond, mine staff. That group has just published torney," was discussing his farm with host of Inner Sanctum Mysteries Always ready with a good quip. the findings of an elaborate research Fat Byron. director of the program. heard on the Blue, received a can of Victor Borge thus week tells of the study in the matter of grohiics. Much Arthur told about the prize turkeys oil for the creaking door from a fan mari who cats nothing but patriotic as I hate to take issue with my friends he raises. spoke about his cows but . Charlie Cantor, Clifton Finnegan food. It all goes to the front ... of NBC. 1 must report that the study's was especially attracted to his roosters on "Duffy's," has been added to the fConfinued on Page Facing 36) cast of Jack Pearl's Mutual "Creata Arthur 'Dagwood" Lake is thank- Blanca Carnival" ... Twelve- year -old ing his lucky stars these days that Ronny Liss (Bobby on "Bright Hori- television is not twine used yet. His zon" on CBS) is now an honorary scripts have been pretty rough lately. ensign. Ronny completed three acale- and had a recent one beets acted out model planes in accordance with spe- he'd have been a pretty bruised and cifications approved by the Bureau of battered fellow. Costumed as a Nazi Aeronautics of the U. S. Navy . for a part in a play, during the half - Evelyn Juster, formerly of Chicago hour he would have been socked three radio. is now a member of the cast of times on the chin, hit with a catsup "Just Plain Bill" ... DONT FORGET bottle. banged on the head four times TO BUY TUBERCULOSIS CHRIST- with a frying -pan, menaced by a MAS SEALS . . . 'Corky" Corcoran. farmer's shotgun. a tummy -gun and a youngest member of the Harry James club. choked and given a good shak- outfit. being all of eighteen, will take ing. almost killed by an irate house- a wife November 29. "Corky" is Har- wife and as a finishing -touch bopped ry's adopted son. on the head with a tase by son Alex- ander. Who says the life of an actor- is nothing but large dishes of peachy. ai'i1ANKS HOLLYWOOD Aid cream' . . . TO T NE By AVERY THOMPSON Famous New York stage star and Hollywood screen actor Sidney Black- Y A N KS In the "It Shouldn't Happen to a mer has joined Lionel Barrymore, Dog" department. the Lew Crusbys "Mayor of the Town" cast as a perma- take the prize. Lew. who is announcer nent member and will portray Dr. THE BARON'S BACK. Jack Pearl on the "Lum and Abner" program. Jim Elliott. A veteran in the theater. FIGHTERS' SMOKES are pro- (left) plays the Baron of fall. was cleaning his gun after a duck - Blackmer won the Academy Award in vided by "Thanks to the Yanks" tale fame. while Cliff Hall is the hunting trip. very much under the im- ID38 for his portrayal of Teddy Roose- show. Bob Hawk and actress Les- Starli. They're on MBS Wed. pression it was unloaded. Much to his velt... ley Woods pack some cigarettes

s: I 9 MUSIC


Lily Pons in Season's Opening Met Broadcast Sat.; Rodzínski Directs Shostakovich's "First" Sun.; Gershwin Piece on "Telephone Hour" Mon.

By ROBERT BAGAR NBC "Telephone Hour" broadcast to that, Shostaicovich being, in a manner POPULAR MUSIC consider. This work has charm, as of speaking, Is petiole's voice. How- New York World- Telegram Music moat of us who have heard it can say. ever, his compositions have enough BV THE merest Critic nid Associate Pruyrain The subject of a bon vivant from the worth to be themselves the attraction. luck Vaughn Alanotator for Philharmonic-Sym- States humorously pining away for Having heard the Seventh Sym- Monroe became a phony Society of New York home was one that Gershwin treated phony several limes, this writer is still trumpet- player. A with considerable aerie/near. strangely unmoved by it but that bi young friend of I -IE first Metropolitan Opera broad- The piece is gay, light, airy and it another story. The First, written when his, recipient of a cast nt the year brings an old possesses the quality of effervescence. Shostakovirh was nineteen, is still magnificent trum- T friend --not to say battle- horse- Of course, it isn't a Richard Strauss considered in some exalted circles the pet as a gift. round in tk+nizettis ever popular "Lucia di tone poem. nor is it a Debussy canvas, composer's best in the form_ Always that he could not Lammermoor." Principals for this per- but it does have a distinctly Ameri- the servant of the state, he labored perform on the in- formance are the dainty Lire Pons as can personality. Gershwin has in- over his scores with the uppermost Vaughn Monroe. strument, because Lucia, Jan Peerce as Edgardo and vented better melodic themes than are thought of explaining Soviet perfec- He also clicked of a dental dis- Leonard Warren as Ashton. Both Miss iescurpurated here. But he his rarely tion through his music: One of his with fhe ladies ability. Result, he Pons and Mr. Peerte hure appeared been more natural in his trealtnent of typical utterances regarding this very gave the truriltret before in their respective roles, but the jazz Idiom. idea goes, ''We, as revolutionists, have to young Vaughn, Mr. Warren comes through with his Oscar Levant. who seems to have a different conception of music. Lenin and that started something, Ment Impersonation of the bburkguardly assumed the post of chief Gershwin himself has said that `Music is a moans Plans, great glorious plans, for Ashton. interpreter, is the soloist on this broad- of unifying broad masses of people.' Vaughn's career as an engineer went The part of the heroine in this work cast. His solo group, hew ever, goes Not a leader of ma_cses, perhaps, but as far as a year or two at Carnegie has ever been a favorite a the colora- Chopin, in that he will play one of certainly an 'organizing force' For Tech. In 11132. when Vaughn kissed his turas. The great sopranos, from Per - that composer's Waltzes and au etude. music has the power of stirring apeeltie college days good -by, he took up with siani on to those of the present day. Closing the broadcast is the Leo Sow - emotions in those who listen to it, Larry Funk's band. He remained with have reveled in the florlditles of the erby "Song for Americans." "Good music lifts and heartens and that outfit for a time then moved his lightens people for work and effort. It Mad Scene, for intance. Notable 1(!! - q,. 'r.I,, F,, . H ost' Mann.e belongings, Including one trumpet and O.te NBC.ë a.d. t w"1 1k you.5 Y Lucias have been Jenny Lind, Adelina 161.1 may be tragic, but it must be strong. a pair of natural trumpet Lips, to an Patti, Emma AIbani, Christine Nilsson, It is no longer an end in itself, but a orchestra conducted by Jack Marshard, Marcella Sembrich, Lutsa Tel More Shostakovich vital weapon in the struggle" With an exemplary lack of vanity. Maria Barrientos, Atnelita Galli - Curet. These were words penned in 1931, Marshard soon turned the band over dal Monte and others. Mies. Pons Artur Rodzinski, conducting the His ideology has not changed with the to young Vaughn, who, the fermer Toti Philharmonic- Symphony for fort- her debut in this role at the a years. The ups and clowns he has leader had discovered. made a hit made night, offers on his second Sunday with Metropolitan on January 31. 11131. known in official favor have served to the ladies, Thus Marshard became the tu outdone by the distaff side. broadcast with the orchestra a pro- bring him closer to his avowed pur- band's Net be gram consisting of the Weber business manager, tenors of great distinction have ap- overture poses to the effect that "Music can- Born in Akron, Ohio, Monroe got to "Oberon:' elf peared as Edgardo. There have been the First Symphony not help having a political basis-an that "Vaughn" name because Shostakovich, Morton Gould's "Spir- his ltale Campanini, Tamngno, Caruso, idea that the bourgeoisie are slow to mother remembered a schoolgirl and ituals" and waltzes from "Der Itosen- comprehend. There can be no music Bones, Martinelli. Schipo, Gigli kavalier." crush" of here for one Vaughn Glaser, Latnl- Volpi, to mention a few. without ideology." a matinee idol of the time. The young Shostakovich, of course, is Based on Sir Walter Scott's novel, the piece How much of this is balderdash and leader first attracted national atten- "The Bride of Lammermoor," the de resistance. The Soviet composer's here mtech an unvarnished truth one tion through his NBC broadcasts from music has never known such attention has no tray of knowing. It does seem opera's libretto is by Salvatore Cam - currently. Euston. In 1940 he did the not unusual marano. "Lucia di Lammermoor" rias as is being given it The to me, thcls.gh. that Shostakovich pos- thing of reorganizing his band. cru :r egentts Russian given its llrst performance at the stand against the sesses urges powerful enough to com- Now. as almost everybody knows. Nazi a do with Teatro San Carlo, Naples, on Septem- hordes may have It to pose, no nutter what their mature The he not only sings with the orchestra ber 26, 1835. New York's first experi- point I sin trying to make is that but he also takes a regular turn at ence with it came at Niblii s Garden Shostakuvich might have written those playing the trumpet "just to keep his in Italian on September 15, 1843. And works under some other political set- hand in," The sis- font -two rnaestro two years later it was given in English up. Slogans and catch -phrases, I'd say. was offered a ?Unit Century -Fox movie at the Park Theater and in French at are silly stiff. In the long run it will contract last yetis after he had made a the Acadeiny of Muait in 11369, these be the tnusic -as music -that countss. suçceselul screen test. They wanted ,.h'. i.M }>.n M0ei' 1. 1. 1O..y 1h in New York. The initial IMISPw }rp..n. 41.m elsOMkr MMKti./. 1rn last two again cry, r.vy.nAr. ?.. Cif_s him, minus the band, for juvenile performance at the Aletrapotitan oc- s roles. He refused. Nevertheless. he le curred on October 24, 11183, when slated to work ender the Ai -G -M Sembrlch embodied the Lucia. Concert Records aegis. Apparently, he is very likely This year's Metropolitan broadcasts Victor has released seven! interest- movie material, will have new features for the delecta- ing albums in the past few days. First a a the listeners. There will be tion of of these is the remarkably fine record- Popular Records "Opera -Var Victory Parties." an "Op- ing of the Schubert B -flat Major trio era Column of the Air" and. as usual. for violin, cello and piano, with Jasrha Benny eh/erbium and his orchestra the "Opera Forum." Intermissinne. it Heifetz, the late Emanuel Feuermann deliver a pair of their most typical appears, wit' have as important a and Artur Rubinstein to do the play- performances -which means, specifi- place in the scheme as the actual per- ing. Another is the Pierre Monteux- cally, solid rhythm, well- played ar- formance. It sounds interesting. San Francisco Symphony performance rangements. and much imagination- u42,-;KI~.n'.t. m.'v .M rr...r .,NÓ.1 }..1 - of Minsky- Korsakofr's Schehernzadc, via "Six Flats Unfurnished" and "Why which, outside of sume sluggish wood - Don't You Do Right?" These are con- on Gershwin and the Concert Hall wind playing, in 3 worthy accomplish- tained a Columbia disk. Freddy ment. Then there is the Glaulys Marlin and his musicians converge en- Now that George Gershwin's "Rhap- Swarlhout set of arias from French gagingly on "I Get the Neck of the sody in Blue" has been given a Tos- operas. The list contains the Siebel Chicken" and "Can't Get Out of This canini performance, one can expect a song from "Faust.' "Que Fais Tu ?" Mood" on a Victor record. IN "LUCIA" ROLE co'orafura full -time resurgence of the American from "Romeo et Juilette" and others. Another Victor item worth the composer's music over the airwaves. Lily Pons opens opera broadcast buyer's lime is that offering Dinah Apropos of which there is the srheded- season over the 8'ue Network Sat- See the Program Pages for Music Shore in "You'd Be So Nice to Conte ing of "An American in Paris" on the urday direct from fhe Mel sfage Listings a.d Complete Music Detail Home To" and "Manhattan Serenade."



Majority of FM Programs Exclusive to FM Listeners; Face Shortage of Skilled Technicians; Two New Outlets for New York City

By DICK DORRANCE throughout the evening hours. Even though another station uses the same 43.9 megacycle channel at a location FM Takes Inventory as near by as the top of Mount 1Vash- THE outlook for continued Fly: ingtnn, Ness- Hampshire --only about I)roadcasting more than encour- three hundred miles away -FM will aging it we are to accept the re- still permit both of them to operate sults of a recent survey conducted by without a trace of crows- interference. FM Broadcasters_ Inc., the national This, you'll recall. is because properly trade association of frequency-modu- designed FM receivers are receptive lation stattoi . Last inonlh this group only to the strongest signal on a given sent questionnaires to every FM out- channel mid ignore any other stations let in the country. requesting latest that might cause whistles. chatter or information on their present operation cross -talk. and probable war -time plans. FM outlets using the same channel Most imps i taut of the several fact - without interference difficulties may be learned is that not one of the coiim- found in such closely stsaced cities as mercial FM stations currently operat- New York and Schenectady; Philadel- ing has any thought or t tirteiling il.a phia and Hartford, Cnnn.; Boston arid daily schedules. The questionnaires New York: Columbus. Ohio. and De- went to each of the thirty -seven coni- troit, to name but a few. With ortI - mercial [Intl right experimental trans- nary broadcasting, half a continents mitters now on the air. also to soot separation is often not satisfactory, seventeen more outlets supposedly still under construction. FM Broadcaster~. Three for Indiana foe., report-~ better than an eighty According to prediction, FM percent response to iT gliestionnntre. station W49FW anti has Inadc interesting tabulatinri at Furt Wayne, Indianu, r of alt replies. gea rob now oft the air, broadcasting Trani 4 The average FM station, tor ex- ON TOP of Clingman's Peak, 6,000 feet above sea level, sitsW4IMM's- to 111 p.m, each day urtd offering pro- ample, now operates ton and a malt new transmitter building. Programs originate in W4I MM's Winston -Salem grams in which classical music pro - dominates. W49FW is operated hours daily. Two New England trans- more than one hundred miles away and are carried to transmitter by studios Westinghouse Radio Stations, Inc,. and mitters mnintain twenty- four -hour For broadcast by FM radio relay, This picture was taken from an airplane service, while there are a number of is one of four FM outlets which that others, in excess of fifteen organization now runs. running Indiana soon hours a day. The ehortest schedule is will have another FM A dark -horse has also entered the transmitter en six hours, since The Federal Communi- Any Old Radio Tubes? operation, according to New York picture with the appear- recent reports W715B, cations Cumin is: ion has set this as the that say oper- one at the inure ... igtlititratlt queries ance of W39NY. licensed to the Mu- minimum. ated by the South Bend Tribune, la asked by the FMB/ questionnaire was. nicipal Broadcasting System which almost ready to go on the air. This will "What are your greatest current prob- operates the city's official station, be the state's third frequency-modula- lems In connection with continued WNYC. At the Cline this is written, Special for FM Fans tion venture. W45V at Evansville has operation? ". Station operators placed W39NY is reportedly ready to begin been serving FM listeners for over a 'l'here has been a frequent and al- the growing scarcity of transmitting testing and will soon serve 3,960 year, most stubborn notion that most FM tubes and replacement parts far ahead square miles -roughly about a third the are rinse larger transmitters -since majority of all other worries. A rather than the actual area of Ness Vote of Approval connected with regular AM broadcast second was the problem or personnel, York City itself. stations--fail to offer Conch in the wily with many stations admitting that they FM has few supporters quite so en- of non-duplicated programming. The face a shortage of skilled technicians After Sunset, Too thusiastic anti ilnhlagging in their et- FMBI survey effectively torpedoes this and suitable program people. A few forts as W45CM at Columbus. Ohio. notion. It shows that 1:13.7 percent or stated simply that they have no pratr- W39NY, as the FM voice of the mu- This pioneer Ohio station conducts the programs heard every day over the leins. nicipal government, wilt be a welcome periodic surveys among its listeners to nation's FM putiets are exclusive, and FM Broadcasters. Inc., also pointed adjunct to the AM outlet. WNYC. For gauge the extent of their satisfaction available (pith to FM listeners. There's out that a third of the frequency - some time now, New York's energetic with FM reception and the type of a large number of cases where better modulation outlets today are unable little mayor, Fiorello H. LaGuardia, programs that W45CM is putting on than severity -live percent are exclu- to serve with adequate signal strength has fought a running battle with the the air. A constant upward trend has sive, but the average hr sadly pulled the entire area assigned to them by Federal Communications Commission been noted in the reactions of these dawn by a feu East Coast stations Washington. This is due in ahnnat in an effort to secure permission for central Ohio FM fans. that are bl'oarteasting almost the same every case to the u.se of tenpurary SS'NYC's unlimited operation. Unrur- Personal interviews by researchers programa as their AM parents. and antennasa and reduced wattage, since tunately. however, WistYC uses the last month showed that 92.8 percent thus acting as little more than echoes needed innterials arc tied up in the same channel in the AM broadcast- of the listeners are enjoying good re- of what any listener can hear on his war effort. ing band as a station in Minneapolis sults-in other words, clear, noise - regular AM receiver. and, because ordinary broadcast waves free reception from W45CM. 01 them, -eight of the com- act as they do after WNYC Kea 21.6 percent are using outside receiv- At least twenty News from New York dark. mercial FM stations maintains full- or always been required by the FCC tii ing antennas. The reply to another part -time staffs devoting their effnrta November seems to have been a go off the ail- at the time of local sun- question -Did FM's staticless qualities toward making the caliber of FM en- profitable month for FM in New York set in Minneapolis. It has been the increase the listener's radio enjoyment tertainment better. This includes re- City. The long -awaited W75NY of FCC's contention that WNYC would during the past summer?-was an em- search itt nee: prugramining tech- Metropolitan Television, Inc went un cause considerable interference with phatic IIR.2 percent. And, although niques, studies of FM audience retie- the air, operating From 3 to 9 p.m.. the Minnesota station. and the Whole practically all FM set owners paid Lion. and refinements in FM studio and serving a good share of its as- case provides an excellent example of extra sums to buy a receiver equipped and transtitter equipment. Incidental- signed 8.500 square miles. It's the the problems that bar the establish- for FM as well as AM. a total or II ly. six of the full -time FM commer- eighth frequency -modulation outlet to ment of further large AM stations. percent quickly declared that the addi- cial stations hove no connection with be heard by New York FM listeners, W39NY epill have no such worries. tional expenditure had been well any AM interests and are operated an who now have a allzable selection on thereby giving the city of New York worth while in view of dividends in completely independent ventures. the dial frisnt which to choose. an official voice that ran broadcast listening pleasure. t :o 11 SHORT WAVES


u, S. Short -Wave Stations to Wage All -Out Radio War Against Enemies; License Women Radio Operators for War Emergency Service

In the Mediterranean Zone By CHARLES A. MORRISON ers will receive -fair compensation" for the use of its facilities. It was Im- OVERNIGHT the war of S.Ite President, international DX'ers Alliance perative to bring all short -wave facili- ,Mediterranean has entered a ties under Federal control before the new and spectacular phase. No start of the American ollensive In limger is this great sea merely a Nazi Rome 2H03 9.630 7:30.11 p.m. to eastern French broadcasts are very pl'oii I Men North Africa. This was actually ac- hike. At time of writing, all of French N, A.; 11:30 p.m.12:30 in all program schedules. Some popu- western A. En. complished only three clays ahead of Africa is in Allied hands, EgYPt a.m. to N. lar variety and network shows are still North glish news at 7:30. 9:30 the landing of troops in North Africa. and finest of Libya have been wrested being scot overseas to our troops. All p.m., 12 mid. in all, the new set -up seems to have from Rommel's grasp. It seems only a Rome 2E011 7.22 7:30 -11 p.m in eastern matter of days until Tunisiu and the N. A. English news at gotten off to a good start. Radio Stockholm's Schedule Mr. F. the manager of balance of Libya will be under the 7:30, 9:30 p,m. P. Nelson is The Swedish station the Bronze Network. John H. Sheehan, short -wave Control of the United Nations, thus (transmitters at Motala, studios at giving us a vast and unbroken front NEUTRAL former program nianagerof G. E. sta- PORTUGAR Stockholm) now operretea as follows, of trans- tions WGEO and WGEA cif Schenec- to challenge Axis supremacy according to an air -snail letter froze Lisbon í5W4 15215 7 -9 a_m. Fairly wee} tady, N. Y.. is assistant. port lines in the Mediterranean; giv- his offlaals of this station received by ing us a base from which to launch Yount According to John F. Royal, vice Lisbon Mg 19.04 1 30 -5 30. 5:45.7:45 p.m. president of NBC, the plans of the Torn Beeker of Fenton, Mich. (CWT): great offensive attacks upon Italy and Heard irreg. Government engineers and those of Daily (except Sunday) the inainland of occupied Europe. Lisbon CSW7 9.735 8 4 p.m- to N. A. Very of in vital war area? the private companies give every in- t 45.2 =15 a.m. iniorninx unrvicel over SSP ',':hat radio this well heard cit./ OS) Listeners are asking from -what sta- SPAIN dication of equaling and even sur- la :011-1 I;en a -m- se Notch America aver enlarged war zone passing what is being done by Axis SST 110.1351 tions in this newly Madrid EAQ 9260 7 -8 p.m. to N A. ftglish 1:00 -1:15 p.m. 'Swedish newel over S33P they can expect short -wave reception, news 7 pm. Usually countries. This means more high-pow- l i t.t051 it 4:00 -4115 p.m. (Swedish newel over SHP In Allied hands we have stations at well heard in U. S. ered transmitters and frequencies, 1111.705) Rabat, French Morocco; Algiers, Al- SPAN. MOROCCO which are being arranged for, and 4:20 -4;35 p.m. (English sad German new.) close between practical over SEU i4.533} geria; Cairo, Egypt. In Axis hands is Melilla EA9AA 7.09 Heard afternoons to 5 coordination E!004 :00 p.m. Sto Swedes abroad) over the powerful E. 1. A. R. station at irreg_ radio operators and those of the Gov- SEP (11- 71151, SBU 4 -335) Rome, Italy. Transmitters in neutral ernment agencies who can give proper Sanies 3.00 -4:15 countries affected in the new scope are directives. Our t'trtntlry has yet too a.m. p.m. (Swedish preenln, ) Off to a Good Start of power to over S13P located at Lisbon[. Portugal; Madrid, kw transmitters high 9:00 -10;00 a -m- to Sough America over SOT a at Melilla, Last week I told about how inter- reach a saturation point of world cov- 115.155! Spain, and small station IC:00.I1:kt a.m. to North America over Spanish Morocco. national broadcasters and the Govern- erage, and that is what the OWI and SkIT 115.1551 ment had tied up for the duration to CIAA, with the cooperation of the z0.4: 45 p.m- Chronicle in Swedlah over In the table below we give present SEP (11.7051, SIR! 1e.5351 operating schedules and frequencies of wage an all -uut radio war against our private companies, are striving for. 8:eo -9:0o p.m. Ito Swedes abroad) over the stations mentioned, together with enemies. The program transition Is a Unable to reach a financial agree- SEP [11.705]. Situ 19.955) ether facts that lnny be important. It gradual one. with the must noticeable ment with the owners of WRUL, the most be borne in mind, however, that change the increased handling of war - station of the World Wide Broadcast- Short -Wave Emergency Service these frequencies end schedules are news items. Every hour on the hour, ing Foundation was taken over by the subject to changes_ In the case of the from one to six stations of the new Government under a decision of the lIndet F'ederul and state control, Route station, nitly transmissions network, known as the Bronze Net- War Cuminuniratinns Board, Its facili- short-wave transmitters are being set beamed on North America are Hated work. may be heard broadcasting the ties were assigned to the Office of War up in many localities. Ire ease land (CWT): news in English. Right at the moment, Information. It is stated that its nwn- lines are broken during air-raids, trained hort -wave amateur operators, ALLIED at pollee stations or no civilian- defense MOROCCO headquarters, will handle messages SO Rabat CNR 8 -039 7 -8 amt. 1.5 p.m. Not there won't be any danger of one part heard well In the U. 5. of a city being t'ut off from the reel or ALGERIA one city cut off from cum 'nun ieNtion Algiers TPZ 12.12 7$ a. x 1.5 p.m. Usual- with the outside world. In many in- ly wee heard in eaters stances these units will be manned by and central U. S. gir: operators so that men may not be Algiers TPZ? 8.S6 7 8 a.m., 1.5 p.m. Heard taken from more important duties, In rairly well on afternoon New York City, for example, one thou - transmission, sand girl students will receive Wo- EGYPT merS s War Eiliergettt'y Radio Service Cairo 5UV 10.05S 12-45: p.m.. and on net- operator licenses. The first recipient work pickups 5:30.6.30 1,1 such a license was Lenore Kitigstun, p,m. i -rag- Poorly heard who plays Ebba. feminine lead in the On afternoon program bug NBC feature 'Against the Storm." good as pltk -ups. Calera SUX 7155 Redid to 330 p.m. very Irreg.., and on network Noies Concerning the Stations pickups 5:30.6:30 p.m. iircg. At time of writing. Vichy. France, radio is broadcasting to North Airier - AXIS iea at 6:30 to 7: 15 r1.ne. on 17.765. and ITALY 3:00-3:45 p.m. C\VT on 11.1145 Incgs. Roma 2R06 15.30 6:30.6 50, 11140 a.m.. Vichy does not seen' to be operating 12:40 p.m. to eastern N. un 9,52 mega at present, since Berlin A.; 1130 p.m,12 :30 a.m. is using !his frequency evenings , to western N, A, English EAQ (9á35), Madrid, broadcasts to news at 12 mid., 6:40 North America daily 7 :00 to 8:00 p.m.; a.m. 12 noon, in English from 7:00 to 7:15 p.m. Rome 21104 11.83 730 -11 p.m. to eastern WAR -TIME BRITAIN is described to American listeners by dramatic N. A,. 11:30 p.m. -12:30 CWT . , , CSW4 (15,215), a frequency cast above. Title of their vehicle is weekly series a -m, to Western N. A. En "Britain to America," of Lisbon, Portugal, that has been in- ghsh news at 7:30. 9:30 produced by the BBC. short -waved to +he United Stoles and relayed active for a long tinte, is now in use p.m., 12 mid. by the Blue Network, Leslie Howard (fifth from left) is program's narrator daily from 7:00 to 9.00 a.m. CWT.


War News in English World Short -Wave Broadcast Daily Morning Guide to Programs Stations CWT MWT CITY STATION DIAL Tim shown it CWT; wblree, eue beer for MWT 6 00 a.m. 5:00 a.m. London GSB 9.51 The programs listed here ore rhos broadcast doily or the some tins.. e.cepnons ore I.dic.I.d. 6:30 a.m. 5:30 A.M. Saigon 11.775 Megs. Call Station T,me e Time shown is CWT; subtract one hour for MWT 6:30 a.m. 5:30 15.20 a.m. Berlin DJB 19METER GANO (Continued) 6:30 a.m. 5:30 a m. Melb'rne VLG2 9.54 Korth Acoen, ., 1:.10 6:30 a.m. 5:30 a.m Vichy 17.765 DAILY 19,861 15 23 Komsomolsk. U. S, S. R,: 6:40 6:40 a.m. 5:40 a.m. Moscow 15 75 t u .t-E,4h.h pro 7:20. 9:15.9:40 a.m., 4:15-4:40. 6:40 a.m. 5:40 a m Rome 2R06 15.30 Saturday, Nov. 28. through gram: 112,191 5:486:25, 8.8:40. 10:15.10:40 T:15 lis Il 7:00am 6:00 a.m. Tokyo 121( 15.16 Friday, Dec. p.m.- !Who -Talk p.m. to North America K.: DZ17 (10.541 17.241 7:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. Perth VLW6 9.68 UXJ 15.23 D X T Berlin. Germany: 6.8:15 a.m. CWT Program Station 7':30 p.m.-Labtl, 7 30 a.m. 6:30 a.m Ch'gk,nq XGOY 9.625 Ctly Finland-Nth, 15.23 VL66 Melbourne, Australe: 10 -10:40 7:30 a.m 6:30 a m. Manila KZRH 9.64 635 a.m -McBwurue-Drwdo,l (E,elish). 01X3 111.7851 p.m. to North America 7:30 (ex. Ja 8:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. London GRE 15.39 I,1 eastern North American p.m. Sun.)-ttia ,Ir 15.22 DXU15 Hurten, Holland: 3:501:15. 54 8:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m Berlin 0.113 1520 6f.le,rt.; 6:30 & 7:25 nnr,. - Eagh.h prueran, PS11 p.m 110.221 8:45 a.m. 7:45 a.m. Singapore 12.00 \e... IEnelf.l.): 1'u2 (954, 1512 Voce of site Indu: 9.11 a.m. S. p.m.-Poi lueal-PrueraO. lut 9:00 a.m. 810 a.m Ch'gkinq XGOY 9630 610 a.m.-Moscow I+rnuVmn.II. 15.22 Natrona) Congress Radio: 11:15 North A1larira: 1'S117 (9.635) 9:00 a.m. 8:00 a m Rome 2R06 15.30 Sserdle,y.k - New. 1 Lnere.h i 11 45 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 15.16 75. 8 p.m.St.ttihelm-Bninita.l 830am Tokyo JIK '15 9.86) 15.21 W BOS Boston, Matt : 7.11:45 a.m fur North SBI 10:00 4.M. 9.00 a m. SBT 15.155 7 America: Stock'm a.m.-D.IIb-News 15.20 DJB Berlin, Germany : 6.8:45 a.m to 19535) 1117051 10:05 a.m. 9:05 a m Mi dtrne VLG2 9.54 1'1'173 19591 stir North America. 9:30.9 40. 11:30 E::I5 p.m.-B.rbn-Talk to Fred 11:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m London GRE 1539 7 a.m.--'rokto--New. tEne:n a m. 12 noon. 4 .5011 p.m. to Daily Aff JIK 115.161 ILS 111.801 Kaltrnharh. D'/.0 110541 DXJ North Americy (7.241 12:00 noon 11:00 a m Panama HPSG 11.78 8 a.m.- Kuihyahev -New. II, 15.19 01X4 Lahti, Fmland: 9:55 a.m..6:05. 8:1S & 10:15 p.m.-Knw,m.,ul.k 12:00 noon 11.00 a m Porn, 2R06 15.30 1I11.1 (14.40) John R. Sheehan, pro- 10:05.10:50 -E,eli.h program from Sibr- p.m. 12:00 noon 11:00 a.m. London GSF 15.14 8:30 6.m.-BauekoL-Nrw (l:, 15.18 G50 London, England: II :30 -11:45 gram manager of ria (15.11. 15.23. 9.5651 1:00 p.m. 12:00 noon London GRE 15.39 0.10 ' 1I1,715) a.m. WGEO and WGEA, 21:20 p.m.-Budatnsl-Nrw s (En 1:10 p.m. 12:10 p.m. Finland OIX4 15.19 9;15 a.m,- Mascots -News i 15.18 RV96 Moscow, U. S. S. R.: 11 p.m. -1, alihl HAT4 19.1251 3:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m Rome 2R04 11.81 611.101 : 115.25) who joined OWI staff 6:40.7:20 a.m., 4:15.4:40, 5 :48- 21:45 e r n-Euel..h pr, 3:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m Vichy 11.845 10 am.- Melbourne-Tnuo, p.m--B 6:25 P.M. to North America to assist manager of coni I.0 Korth America; 9 L 4:15 p.m. 3:15 p.m. Moscow 15.11 .luu fur Realer. North .1nMI. 15.18 XGOX Chungking, China' 5:30.7:30 p.m. 10 n.ni,-Nr.y.. HKI14 19.538) 4:45 p m. 3:45 p.m London GRG 11.68 ye. VLG2 (9.54) U. S. shortwave nef to North America HERS (11.865) GRY 9.60 10 a.m.--l'huuakine-Ne« (6.. 15.17 TGWA Guatemala City, Guatemala: 9 p,m.-Uribi-Xrw 1 KIrel..h I : 5:15 p.m. 4:15 p.m Rome 2R03 9.63 'dish) X(:Ol' 19.6251 12:45.1:55 p.m. to North Amer- VCO2 17.29) 1'11113 19.591 5:45 p.m. 445 D.m. London GSC 9 53 10 a 10:4S,a.m.-4..ire..n- 'N - 1 itnrl I.srrr Family. (, . í81 ica; Sun. 12:45.6 p.m. 4.111 of 5:48 p.m. 4:421p rn. Moscow 15.23 IE,ahh/ (II 78) WIG I l l .681 9:10 p.m.--B Ir-Name. 15.165 PR E9 Fortaleza, Ceuta. Brazil: 8.11 Doily Evening 10:30 a.m.- Berk, -\et.. 4:45 p.m. (ta. Sun.l-Lnn.lnn- Atnern'an seamen latini Irma a.m., 5.8 p.m. eppnoa. gla.10 Law., New. Iwo. I. torpedoed hip. D711 110.541 6:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m Tokyo JZK 15.16 IIJ1. (15.111 low GM 15.165 ZPA6 Encarnac,on, Paraguay - 5.3 p.m. 19.58) DXJ 17241 6.00 p m. 5:00 p.m. Berlin D2D 10.545 11 :40 aJ11.-Ra,e-C,elih anal 611G 01.661 4.5L 46111 or later g 10 p.m.-5/elL,un,.-Proóran. lot 7:05 p.m. 6.05 p m Madrid EAQ 9.16 Italian prrrfratn for Sonh 4:50 p.m.-B f r i n-(:nusan , 15.16 VLG7 Melbourne. Australia: 8.8:15 a.m.. 12 s I En prrieram loi North Arur,ira 1'I14 t1523a 7:30 p m. 6:30 p m Finland 01X3 11.785 America t noun-New N,nlh Aui.n,.i 4:455.15, 9 10 11 p.m. DJD n 77) (10.541 1'tJ.)- (10.525) 7.30 p.m. 6:30 p.m Rome 2R03 9.63 girds). 21106 115.301 ( UID 15.16 32K Tokyo. Japan : 4.11 a.m.; 5:55- 10:15 In, 8:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m London G5C 9.58 12;45 p.m.--Guatemala-alari,nhg U3H 115,20) UXJ (7241 DJ- ' p,lyrant 10 p.m. to astern North Amer- North America! 19.621 GSL 6.11 protraiti. T(:W',1 115.17) (9.52) ica, 10.25 p.m.1:30 a.m. to west- 2:45 (Fir 5:15 und 10:45 Braeaaysll.. Frew h 8:00 p.m. 7:00 p m. Berlin 020 10.54 p.m.- Lomlon -Ne,. p.m,--Jumaira-1'anrl> p.m. - ern North America DX1 7.24 It11.111. CAE 115.391 G11G Nen 7111 (410) Equatorial Aides - All li,uliI, 15.155 SOT Stockholm, Sweden: 9:56.10:50 8:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Moscow 12.19 ill 68) 5:40 p.m.-I. n n d .. n-L7+trniva pins:ranl lot U. 5.. F71 , I1.971 a.m. to Noril, America 9.77 3:30 p.m.- Virh} - F:ueliIs talk l',d, $:45 p.m,-New analysis 1:1 p.m.-So. Africa-Nrws IF, 15.15 WRCA New York City, N. V.: 8 a.m.. a,,,1 8:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m Stockh'm SBU 9.535 and rumor (11.8451 war nNneularies: (stil' eh,h 1 15.961 3:40, 3:55.6:45 p m. 1:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Curacao PJC1 715 4 p.m.-Lando n-Proerann for 19.581 (:51. 16.11 11:25 pJn.--Mrll.ournr-F:nghI, 15.14 GSF London d: 12:45.4:45. 9:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m Bern HER4 9.538 Forre Ire Nntlh Africa Glt1 5:55 p.m: Tukyis--Protrai, Im motorail] lut western North 5:4510:15. 10:30 a.m: 3:15. 3:30- HERS 11.865 (0.60) raider., Ninth AO,rrira. J7K America. l'I.63 1 11 71i VLQS 4,4.151 :15Englanp.m. 9:00 p.m 8:00pm Tokyo JZK 15.16 4 0.m.-Athlene. Ireland -Hen. 415 161 JRJ (11.80) (9.68) 15.13 DXL6 Parrs, France: 3:30-6. 64:45 a.m. JZJ 1180 tF:ngó.h). 19.5951 6:15 & 9'I5 p,m.-T n k 11:30 p.m.- R o 1p r-An,erini. to North America. 9:30. 10:30. 11 Arien 9:30 p.m. 8.30 p.m Reme 2R03 9 63 4:15 p.m.-L o n o n-"1/.6.11.., curled n.ra+a8t4 Iront Alnerlra, Hour (Vl western Anrlh a.m. -1 ;45, 4:50.11.45 p.m. 2R011 7.22 1 alli,e ' PniefAm prisoner. sil war 1, JaPa, I7.K ara ; 12 luid -New. I English I 15.12 HVJ Vatican City: Sun 4.30.5, 7.710. 9:45 p.m. 8:45 p.m. London GRN 6.195 moo.. rod' 19 581 GRG t 11.68, 115161 JIJ (11 90) 2R03 19.631 211114 1 I1 Ill 7:30.7:50. 88 20 p.m.: Thuds. GSL 6.11 4.30 p.m. (ea. Sun.)-Lw.n.I.,n- 7 p.m.-14 adri,l-l'n.prant ln. 2R06 05.301 211011 17.22 ) 7:30.7.50, 1.8.20 p m., Fr, 10:30- 10:00 p.m. 9:OOpm Berlin DXJ 714 10:50 a.m. 10:15 p.m. 9:15 pm Vichy 9.62 15.12 DXH2 Berlin. Germany 3:30.10:20 a.m. 10:15 p m. 9:15 p.m Moscow 9 565 SPECIAL PROGRAMS 15.11 Komsomolsk, U. S S. R : 4:15- 10:30 p.m. 9.30 p.m. Tokyo JI1 11.80 4:40. 5:48.6:25. 8.8:40, 10:15- JZI 9.535 For programs broodcosr doily see Daly Progrr.ms aboe. 10:40 p.m. to North Ameuta 11:00p.m. 1000pm. Berlin DxJ 7.24 15.11 MIL Berlin, Germany: 66:15. 7:30. 28 10:15 nr..ni..i.. 111. 5:30 P ,n LM,dn11 Wm D X P 6.03 Saturday. November P.m. -Lima -( - -'The 8:45, 10:40 a m..4:30 P.m. rra fis \4.1 19341 al 11 t Irrrah+ CM 11.30 p.m. 10:30 p in. London 6RN 6.195 15.08 Deutscher Volkssender : 9.9:20 CWT City Program Station 1958, GRG (11.681 65L 6.11 a.m. 3 Berlin- Smiling Through 6:45 12:00 mid. 11.00 p.m Rome 2R03 943 p.m.- Monday, November 30 p.m.- Quito. ErOarMt -E, 15.047 2R021 Rome, Italy: 11:30 a.m. 11 noon. t1511) l l.761 4131. DXIt i eli.h Mail Boa I1fIB (9.958) 3:15.3:30. 6-8.45. 11:20 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.- Oulu. Eruption -HI S p.m. -L undo u- Slr.p. ,ate. 7 p.m.-1. n d a i h-"I)mm,rra, 1 a.m. Important Stations the Record H1J11 112 455. Auhure." program In. Aren nl Mai-rhos," William Doll Pal. GM" ENO OF 19METER BAND 9958 ) Ihr %lrrrhnt Marine' 49.581651. (6.11) Steger, Ora or coms.nde of kilocycles ahewa, 19.58) 4,RG 111.68) 5 p.m.- London -Matching On. 11:30 p.m.-f.uarrala-E,eOh 14.935 PSE Rio de Janeiro: Thurs. 3.3-30 CR7BE btoranlll .tue 02X4. !inland 16.19 5:30 Inndon IA.. Hntlb "March of Tim,' G54' p.m.- --The H,- Ta,1v 1 , . `- , 7.730 pm. 9.61 PICT. Curacao 7.2$ In Ow Air 119v., Simian C$W: Portugal :35 PZXS. 19.581 r5i. 16111 14.47 WOO Ocean Gate. N. 7 a.m.4 p.m. D. Guise. 16.14 G54 19581 J. DJB Oerman IS.2O RV V S.S.R. 16.7$. 7 p.m.- London -Weekk visit to Thrsday, Decmbtr 3 14.46 DZN ecrlrn. Germany: 3:30.5 30.9 15. DID 11.71 15.17. 7 p.m. r. n do Werktne fur 16.11. 15.11. 11.19. the American Redd ('rn.. Eee11 -I, n- 9 30. 10.11 a.m., 2:30 -3.15 p.m OIL 16.11 II 95 11.03 9 566. 9.146 1'Irt..rt GM' 19.58, GSL t6.111 5 nnAnn-'Helle..Choi Chah, including message+ from 14.44 Malaga. Spain. 3.6 p.m. DIo 16 S6 BST. Sweden 16.11$ Mers in Britain: 65f 8:15 p.m. lank.. Mapklral dren:' n.e..aer Iront L,u,M, Anteri+an - - : DXJ. 714 SBD. 14.40 Kuybyshev. U. 5 S. R 6.8:15 9.636 Marione 6S1' 19.58) 1151(6 11) and Welsh In rhihlren DXP. 6.03 TAP. Turkey 9.413 19.581 GSL (6.11) parent 3.57 o 10:30 p.m f na a- "Peru rails rtaruale,l in An,rrlro G5f 0X2. TFI, Teeland 19.586 8;45 p.m.-1..1 n d rs- Womm'n -L 13.01 Kulbyshev. U. S. S. R.. 8:30. DZD. " 10.513 TGWA. Guatemala 9.13 War GS(' 19581 GSL 16.111 Tins' 1,,...fall wiu.Ir and En- 19.581 6156 (11 68) DXL6. Trance 15.13 VLG. ustralia 11:15 a.m. 9.61 11 cr.n . ,rt AAX4'L (6.082) 5:30 p.m.-Lmdm,= rrhe Prop, DXLS4. 965 VLOt. p.m.- 1:ualeniala- Pnpalanna 12.83 CNR Rabat, Morocco: 7.8 a.m. " " 9.66 ean.lu War." Strong Wood G5f EAQ. Spain 9 $4 LG3. 11.71 rimha concert 16W'A (9.6581 12.455 HCJB Quito. Ecuador 6:45.8:50, 11:30 EIRE Irrland 15.12. VEGB. (9.58) 10.23 Tuesday, December 1 a m.'2:30 p.m. (Sun. 7 a.m. -4:30 1714 9 195 VLG:. 15.11 15:30 p.m.-1. o n d n n('anadian Sunday, Nevember 29 pm.). 5:9:45 or 10 p.m. Trance (Vichy) VLQ2. 1117 10 a.m. -L.nn,I nu-- 11r...,cr I Scrapbook : GS(' (9.581 1 12.23 Sverdlovsk, U. S. S. R.: 10:15 17,761. 1.545. 962 VLR. 9.61 9 a.m, - New York - (ouu,und fa7lalhall toddlers GNE (15.39) i5:40 p.m, (Thun., Fri.. Sat.) FM. F.. VLW6. - p.m. -12:30 Braaavllla 9.12 Pro lia ounce W NBI 115.151 Spnnl+h a.m.. 3:30.4 p.m, (En- Equatorial Al.,. 11.97 VUD3. Iadl 9,69 6 p.m. (Tues,. Thun.)- He>kja Quitn, Erad,( - Ir. 11110s 115.211 glish 1 GRF.. England VUD4. vil, Ireland -Munir and talk.' sins Im Fneh.h li+tener. 15.39 " 11.49 Chungking. 12.235 TFJ Reykjavik, Ireland: Tues. 3:45 GRO " 11.61 WBO$ Beaton, Mass. 9:30 a.m. - China - TFJ (12.235) tt4'J R (12.455. 9.958) GRH 9.63 Slr.ated Irmo An,erira,a In 4 6:20 p.m. epproa. 16.33. 16.11 6:15 O.m.- Berlin -A 11.41 ta an 7 p.m.- I,.n.Mn -- London Let 'JAN 7 III WCHX. New York Clti I XGOY (9625) 12.19 Moscow- U. S. S. R.. 7:30.8:30. h,.- F, :fish rats In a Berio. heel. ter.' Macdonald Ila. tines' GSf ORS. " 7.07 17 63. 15.27. 9.63. 9.49. 11:45 aim.- Guelemob- Rerpr.r 10:30.11.30. 11:45 a m. -5:48. ORW 6145 6.17. 11.43 21 117 wh,nt 11111 110.541 DXJ (9.581 G.1. 16.11) pr.. naan Marimba 5:486 25, 7.7:50. 10:15 P.m.- ORX 9.60 WCDA New Is E,send.k 7:30 p.m.-I. n it of n York City 11241 n- "Binai.. 12:30 ORT 9600 9.59. 11 63 1Y:11'.í (15.17) 6:30 p.m. Canadian Streaks." Cal Waller a.m. - Loud,,, - Elliot, m. GSC. ' 9.S$ RCRC. York City 12.13 DIE Berbn, Germany: 5:15.8. 9 a Ne. 4 :30 p.m.- Indwlon- "An.nreins fab,.r 1:SC 19.58) GSC 19.581 (mil 111.68. 080. 11.73 11.63. 17.13 2:45, 2:55.445. 4:50.11:15 p.m. l'ors." Britain an.wer . gwe.lwms 7 p.m.- 'Tinrent OST. 11.14 WGEA. Sekenaetady. Lnn1Ie,- 12.12 TPZ Alger, Algeria: 6:15.7 a.m., 1.5 OIL. 1.11 N. C. 33. Irin., American. about the war : Frssler(rk " 11.50. IS 9.5$ Errol." Kuh nr Friday, December p.m. RAT4. Hungary 9.156 WGEO. $cbensrtady. rsr 1958) GRG 111.68) Vernon Bartlett 651 19.587 12.115 Aden. Arabia 11:15 p.m'12:30 HOB, £cusdvl 12.451 Y. Y. 81.60 II 115 5 p.m.- I. o n d i n- Hrilain to 1'30 a m -Sew York Weapons ZNR 9.631 GSt. 16.11) - HERO. Srltaertand 9.86.9 63 Amen. a "British Tor a m. HERS WLWO. 7:30 p.m.- Landon-The Vole. of F,rerd in America WJQ ' Cincinnati. of an ordinary British 12.095 GRF London. England: 2- 10:45. 11:1 5 11.966. 11 715 Ohio 15.15 11.71 6.0$ tir, Ile Evens 654' 19.581 651 (10.011 a m12 noon. 12:15.2. 2:15 -3 HPtA. Panama 11.70 WHIST New York City ,noli,, lighting nu a world wide 16.111 10 a.m.-L Inn- l'allb,g da It. H P 50. " 11 71 4igf (9,581 111 5.309:45 p.m. 17.74 16.16. krona GRG 681 8:15 p.m. (Tues., Thurs.) -Ber A. F u, Canada GItE 115.39) HSPS Malian,' I I :1 11.893. 6 100 5:30 p.m. -I.011 d u u- faua,li:u 10:15 a.m. New "One 12.06 FFI Shanghai, China: 11 p.m. -1, 3:30- Vaticn 11.74 WRCA. lin- Ruler( tl Ile' 1171 -- York - HVJ. City New Yorh Citi .er.,lrtlee: 6SC (9.58) 651. )Y.,I.ai, 9 a.m IndoChina 11.76 17 76. IS 15, 110,54) DXJ 17.241 tu Another," for the 1ZHA. Hone Rang II 4711 11.893. 0.67 t 6.11 t 9 P.m- Qu110. Erllad wr,,.P. of Great Klltu,. WNBI (TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) iz1. Japan 11.00 WRULWRUW, 6:30 p.m. -- London -"Star. and Vire tit lilac.' pruer.,n on 115.15) WHOS (15,211 7ZK. 10 16 Boston. Mus. 17.76, Stripe, lu Britoil,," will, Be. '5:30 p.m.- Loudon -"The 11'aí KOEI. Ban FranrIn. 15.35. 9.70. 11.7$. 0111,1 Xalh,n' rtlelie1 the ).yon pool Belie DMoiel, pill un no Land." fapt y nil Note: This is the second ,n a series in whit) Celli. 16,11. 11.7:1. 9 6S 11.73 6.01 nark: over 111'39 1 12.455. i Fall. XW1D. San Funri.ro. ROOT. China In the A. E F. io Britain 9.958) 4154' 19.581 we will publish a complete jot of the world's Calif 713 9.57 I5 W 11.90 9.61$ G51' 1958) 651, 16111 7 p.m.- I.nnlon -'011 Ibn Her short wave broadrast.nq slatrons by frequency smut Philippines 9.44 ?P.O 3 Italy 963 T$.m.- Inmlw, -North .American aril." Stanley Slatted, GS( with tee operating schedule for each Reserve ELM Norway 9MS 21(04. Mgt Wadaasday, December 2 Gue.a Night : GS( 19 581 GSL 1958) GSL 16.11) your copy of MOVIERADIO GUIDE In ad IeTCY. NanehuMn 11106. ' 1S 30 (6.11) 11.771. 16.1611 9 515 SROR. " I: 69 10 a.m.-landas.-l:rxnnes I 7:30 p.m: Ltnd,n- 'Warlel At ranee so that you will not miss any of the 01X2. !Woad 9 410 =011. " : 215 7:30 p.m.- Vatican City -%nn fau.dlan ,n RrHa. GRF lairs' H Wfrkhan, Steed' CIS( fist. 01X1. II 765 71091. IS 047 .I , . -b. I. 115%1 111 74, ,15391 1958i Gcl. !Slit


Page 14 (12,a-s) WSM Gene Archer WTJS Rev 11..A [Mule. Nov. 28 -Dec. 4 Inclusive: Metropolitan Opera Resumes SATURDAY 11 :15 A.M. Murk by Black: W1 kW November 28 Consumers' Time: NS1111 KTH° Fall Broadcasts Sat.; Oscar Levant, Guest of Telephone WMr WJDX WSB KI'KC WALA KU0AScirurs News KVCO- Frr.dom on the Land Hour Mon.; "An American in England" Returns Tuesday KWTO Farm Chats MORNING I 11'APO-Future Farmers WCOA Musical net-Bite 7:30 A.N. NFAA irate Teachers College KRLD -Aunt Jemiina; Juke Buz WALA Colored Vespers *NttPI New "; Stmbo Party CENTRAL WAR TIME Serenade WBAPBetty Crocker WSM -Vou & the War KWKIITransrribrd Prem. *WDSCNews Texas Jlm Robertson. bae.1 LOG OF STATIONS KWTO Rev. W. E. Dowell WLW Round-Up 11:30 WJBU A.M. WMPS WADI Gadabouts; This Neraiatt Listed in Edition 5-Gulf States 1V'ROL 11arkrt Snuare Richard Leibert, rgamist: WSMB at Nine WTJS -Radio Rangers Farmers' Union Prom.: west: WBRC WALA WMC KARK BRCGuodwil Industries Call Kilo- Power Net W'JHO KTIlS WJDX WSM NMill Radio Resival Letters cycles Wales Location work 10:00 A.M. WMC Colles I1 N'NC The Club: KMOX WFAA -Music Boa Creightons Are Coming: *News: KWTO WLAC WCOA WSMH tt'ALA Stars Over Hollywood: KMOX KTRII WJDXTTme to Shine KA R K 920 5.000 Little Rock, Arkansas NBCBN KTBS WTJS WAPO KWKII 11'IIAS KIILD WSM WDSU WLW Mail Beg KDKAt 1020 50.000 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania NBC WAPO WJDX 50511 WMC KIILD WNOX Good Neighbor KLRA I420 5.000 Little Rock, Arkansas CBS N'RRC W'BAP KARK WLW Keyboard Capers: WGST *KLIIAWorld Today WSMH Morning Varieties KMOX 1120 50.000 St. Louls. Missouri CBS WSB WOPI WROL KV00 Golden Melodic: KTBS WAPO KPRC- VIncent lapel Orch. KPRC KPRC WWL Aunt Jason; Dams But 950 5.000 Houston, Texas NBC -TON Markets: KOTO WRFC KTBSRidin' the Range KRLD 1080 50,000 CBS *News; Delta Rhythm Boys: rs Dallas, Texas KARK -Leal We Forget KTHS Hit Tunes; Prim Rename KTBS 1480 1,000 NBC WGST WREC KWKH WV, L Shreveport, Louisiana KL1IAArkanoas Defense KUOAW tison Ann. .,ioo*t KTHS BN WWNe KTRH KRLD KLRA 1:30 A.M. 1090 10,000 Hot Springs. Arkansas KPRCAnn Tuberculosis Looms*. KVOG E.elyn Lyme KTRH 1320 5.000 Houston, Texas CBS IIN Serviceman's Hop: WDSU KWKH- Trerucribed Pena Breakfast Club: WROL KTIIS WJBO WSIX Music KUOA 1290 5.000 Siloam Springs. Ark. Local KTRH Betty Crocker WAPI.Nsuabers, Plena Everything Gees: KTBS WALA KV00 1170 50.000 Tulsa. Oklahoma NBC *KSlt)X. News; R'umen's Hour WRAP KCOA -A B C Radio -Early Birds WCOA KPRC WBRC WFAA K W K H 1130 50.000 Shreveport, Coutsi.ana CBS KWTO-Hayloft Frolic WBT KV00 Farm Youth !'rem Treasury Stu Perd WSB KWTO 560 5.000 Springfield, Missouri Local *WAPI News; Y. M. C. A. Re- WCOA WALA Farm Bureau Yawn Patrol WALA 1410 5.000 Alabama NBC-ON iter ter The Garden Gau: WWNC tVREC Mobile, 11 API Children's Exchange WOOD Breakfast auk' *WBT -News ; Tony Pastor's KLRA WHAS KWKH KTRH WAPI 1170 5.000 Birmingham, Alabama CBS Orch. WBRC /made Jbn *WGSRNews; Music, IClow, WAPO 1150 5.000 Tennnsee NBC BN *111NIP News; Salor. Swing WIIAS Number, Pines: WAPI WGST Chattanooga. *WBT News; Man oo the uro Homespun Harnsewkw WBAP 820 50.000 Fort Worth, Tenn NBC TQN *WHAS-News; Band Aid *News: WTJS WSM WLAC WCOA -Farm Fair WJUXMmiral Clock 780 CBS *WLAC -News; Young America N'LWBradlry NAItKSouth American Way wBBMt 50.000 Chltago, Donon WOOD Texas Rangers Kincaid W B R C 960 5.000 B irmingham, Alabama NBC Club WNOX-Early Wornt KI'O,t Hill Boud WFAA- Sus.lay School Lesson WBT 1110 50.000 Charlotte, North t. anoint CBS *WMPS -News WOPI Breakfast KV00 Rey. T Ms loo Webb WLAC Nary Scrapbook Club WCOA 1370 1.000 Pensacola. Florida NBC BN *W'SOX -News; Bands & Bends 1VIIFC It's Time to KWTO Schaffer Sisters *Wl.W News; Everybody's Farm Stain WDOD 1310 5.000 CMttanooga, Tenn cssee CBS It ROL Rhythmaires W ROL I I i11hi:L.e N BTHrtarhei perl WMPS Popular Tohn WDSU 1280 5,000 New BN m' r1S -Top Tunes VSR P.,rk,re l'eus WJn\ lo the Woman'. Works; Outcast, Louisiana WNOX Han on the Fano W E N Rt 890 50.000 Chicago, Illinois BN WSIXToday' the Day Melodies WOPI -Teo Ferrant Club W FAA 820 50,000 Dallas, Tens NBC TQN 10:15 A.M. WWL lime to Shine WMC .nt.a Steele SYR0I. Trou Rangers s Hop: WNOX Captains o/ Kittheus wFLA+ 970 5.000 Tampa. Florida NBC BN Service Men WMPS O'SR al.r on the farm God's WREC 7:46 A.M. WOPI gurteten Boo; Devmtwaal WGN+ 720 50.000 Chicago, Illinois MBS Country: WWI. WSIX It. f. U 9R0 920 5.000 CBS tt ItT KMOX KRLD KTRH Pr SIA t annHis WGST Atlanta. Georgia WSMB Swan, Party *News: KTHS WHAS 840 50.000 Loutsrille, Kentucky CBS KWKII KLRA WTJS Su,.tune *mows WJBO 1150 5.000 Baton Rouoe. La. BN K I'OOA Jerry Sean' Orch. B :16 A.M. WWL Rhythm Bodes. *News: KV'OO KPRC KNOT WJDX 1300 5,000 Jackson, Mississippi NBC is All Jr. Garden Club Playhouse WFAA WSIX WLAC 1510 50,000 Nashville. Tennessee CBS tt GST Highway Patrol Time to Shine. WAFT Everything Goes: WMC KTBS 11:45 A.M. KARK WLS+ 890 50.000 Chicago, Illinois BN LAs Farm Highlights *KI.RABetween Arts; New. WALA WCOA WJDX WFAA wLw 700 50,000 Cincinnati. Ohio NBCBN ',%JHO -F. F. A. Prem. Melodic Moments: WIIEC KRLD -Stamps Quartet WSM KPRC WGST WMAQ+ 670 50,000 Chicago. Moon NBC ltL:1COld Dirt polder O DOD hT1IH-Musical Clock *News: WWL WOPI WMC 790 5.000 Memphis. Tennessee NBC N'NOX- Futur. Farmers of Amer- KUOA Army Recruiting Al Trace's Orch.: WhIPS KARK-This Rhythmic Age WMPS 1460 1.000 Memphis, Tenn. ON -MBS ica -News; Transcribed KARK Land of the Free *KWKH KUOAUr. Remould Martin, er WNOX 990 5.000 Knoxville. Tennes'tee CBS WTJS-Zeke Martin Prgm. KPItl:Texas Extension Service raute. WOA1t 1200 50.000 San Antonio, Texas NBC -TON KWTO-Slim dr Tiny 10:30 A.M. KRI.It.Markets; Mule KWTO.Orark Newsettes WOPI 1490 250 B ristol, Tenn NBC WALAWake Up & Live ICTRHtFarm Securities WLOD.Murnine 'Tuna WREC 600 5,000 Memphis, Tennessee CBS Little Blue Playhouse: KTHS Cub KI'IA Latin Rhythms WAIWBrrakfast W'LACMLuir Rot Melodies WROL 620 1,000 Knoxville, Tennessee NBC-BN WMI'S WDSU WJBO WISItC Diana Darling KWTOPnultry; Grain Reports 11111 Ms Health 750 50.000 Atlanta. Georgia NBCBN 11' WBTGuillenno Gale WSB Let's Pretend: DT WLAC N Al.?. Rural RI.Ilnus WNOX- Memory Lane Nashville, Tennessee *WIKIDNews: Breakfast Club WSIX 980 5.000 MBS WWL KWKH WGST WAPI WAPO -Pet. Cassell WROLArnerka Sings WSM 650 50,000 Nashville, Tennessee NBC BN WREC KRLD KTRH WWNC WDSUVariely de Fun WBRC-Treasury Star Parade WSB-Cracker Barrel 1350 Ntw NBC WGSTSp.rklme Melodies wSMB 5.000 Orleans. Louisiana WOOD KLRA WIIAS KNOX WCOAParade nt Stars WSLX Morning Varieties 5.000 Sr Pttersburp, Florida BN WHAS-Renfro Valley WSUN+ 620 Mk Coast Guard on Parade: WFAA -Music of the Gridiron W1JS-Storning Devotional WTJS 1390 1.000 Jackson. Tennessee MBS *WJBOMusir; News WSMB ¡(Vol) KARK WBRC WI.A(' Peabody morn. WJDX- Matinee WWI. 870 50.000 New Orleans, Loinsúna CBS WMC WSM WFAA WSB WLW WOPI Southland Singing Asheville. WLA('Mu"ic for Breakfast 1 :00 A.M. wwNC 570 1.000 N. C. CBS KTBS KPRC t1'ALA WOPI N'ROL Hillbillies Foundation NBC -National Broadcasting Company WJDX WSIXGerurne the Goum. WLWConsumcri Parade: WHAS WREC WMC Musical Variety Youth on CBS- Columbia Broadcasting System ht0A- Clessie Favorite WWNC N'GST KRLD WDOD Broadcasting System WMPS -Dauce Music M85--Mutual KWTO -Mike Dosch *WREC- Musical Clock; News W'BT KWKH KLRA WLAC BN -Blue Network WAPO- Mickey Mouse Club TQN -Texas Quality Network AFTERNOON W ROLMuw -ale Encores; WUA1 %%ALA KV00 WCOAMelody Moments r1 I Local Affiliated With Any National Network WSBOo the Air; Melodies KP1tC KTBS WJDX WSMB -Not t11 OD. Vlornme Pop Tuna Night -time Programs only 12:00 Noon WSIX- Sun.hinr Trio 1% MS WOPI WMC WBRC *WNOXNeus; Bands & Bonds WSM.Daniel Quartet - Network Programs Ord, WROL -City Temple The information contained in the CENTRAL WAR TIME WSMBShall We Waite hARKKu1Jie Jamboree NOTICE: program scout *WSIX -News the Morning KMUX Mater Kitchen ores presented in these pages Is supplied ny the stations L1TJSTup u' WTJS -Bid Fashioned Meeting Vincent Lopt: Oren.: K'ltt NWL -Dawn Busters *KTIIS-Noss; Prim. Resume. broadcasting those programs. MOVIE RADIO GUIDE should Moser rot be considered responsible for errors In announcements due 10:45 A.M. toJIU. ( Kiddies failure of stations to adise of weekly program changes. h Ill Entertainment to K L'OASaturday Specials Golden Melodies; 11'1íC KTBS B :00 A.M. is listed h('nA God's Hall Hour If your favorite station net at quarter. or halt. KWTOAI Stone's Hymn Sint N. ti% %%.%1.A WSMB 11 ROL Everything Goes: WONT KPRC K11 TO Sunday School Leeson hour periods. consult the tint, listings immediately preceding WSIX- Snittirrs KARK KTHS WCOA WAPO KV00 WAIT Hayloft Jamboree The chances art that a network program' of 311 or 60 minutes' Journal: KLRA WLAC -hour 11:00 A.M. Country WALA WSM WROL WSB WAPO-Hymns of the Church,. duration ;s on the air at a quarter when you do not 111VbC: KMOX %VDT WREC WBAI' Or. Ii. N. Witham* tend your station listed. Here's Washington: KTBS KPRC *Sews *News: WREC KI.RA WWNC WAI't) KV00 KPRC WCOA Morning De.ottooal Theater of Today: KWKH WWL N'MI'S WFAA K11111 KWKH WGST WBT *Star Ii program Rill.. Indicate. oew, /woodcut, WDSUStory Teller WREC KRLD WHAS KMOX KRLD-Kauter Quartet WNOX KRLD Ras Flog tidiest.. .,die's war effort ,ergr,mt WM) Navy Praos. WNOX KTH11 WAPI WOOD KT111I V'illate Boys Breakfast Club; Orch. A Vocals *WLWNews; Singing Neighbor KLRA WLAC WWNC WGST KLOA - Midday Melodic nit; Doti Mr \rill. m.c.: WL;SU *WMPS -News WBT KWKH Tran.rnFad Prgm. WSIX N'JBO KTHS *WNOX -News; Village choir WNOX -Morning Matinee N'HSV Jungle Jim Music by Black: WMPS WSIX KWTO Haden Family *News: N' API WSMB WMC WROL Saturday S WROL- Rltyttunaires WGST-Parade of Stars *News: MIR.: WCOA WSMB N'AI'L Mai on the Farm -Organ Moods WJDX 11'LW WMPS WSIX WHAS-Form Talk WALA WSB O'/SRC Town Talk *KARKNews; Aura Jemlma 1VSM- Homemakers Chat 9:30 A.M. *WJ1t0.1Irsntional, New. KARK -Nazarene Church *W1101) Song Shop; News WTJS Varieties *WJDXNewn, Kiddie KMOX -Jolly Jamboree Hank Lawsen's Knights: KTHS Matinee *KRLD -Newa; Dance Parade WDSU -La. Agriculture *KUOA News; Comp Buddy Sa. WWL Life of Peggy Hill IVLW-Cniuudrits Russ I'hoir *KTHS -Newa; Tax Instruction; IVENR Ilenry King's Oreh. "SIX WMPS-Playi:rormd Varieties lut. Nat'l Hillbilly Champions: WWI. Skyllner,p *WGST -News; CI ' 'an Coon 1:1S A.M. N'NOXHible Hour Harmony KWTO Gnndwill Family 1VDCtn WREC WWNC MIT KUBA -Voices in ell (lour; Dixie Motor Club. WROLRidln' the Ramp WFAA.Early Bird Revue Mirandy in Persimmon Holler: KWKII WLAC K1.RA K VOO -Betty Crocker Music WHASMusical WSM-Gospel in Song KWTBIU, S. Army Prem. WIIAS -Men on the Farm WMPS WDSU WSIX Revell Presents: WMC WTJS- Southern Meludiers Nellie 1:45 A.M. WAPO-Dante Time WJDX -On the Farm Front WAPO WSM WALA WSMB WAPO WRAP *W WLNtwt; Dawn Busters Encore: Nat'l Hillbilly Champions: WGST WDSU-Uncle Sammy *WNOX News; Merry-Go- Hound, Youth on Parade: WWL KPRC WCOA KTHS WSB String Ensemble: W58 WSMB WFAA- Parade of Stars News 1:1S A.M. 1(T11S Dixie Mountaineers Rainbow House: WTJS 1VklC WBRC WAPO WCOA W.1110 -Honer Demonstration Pre WOPI Rev. Dan Graham Caucasian Melodic: 1111 KWTO Nark Sweethearts KNI0X Piano lteciul KTBS WSM gram *WIt111. New., Matinee WRFC WGST WIIAS K1.RA WRAP Markets; Musk KRLD -Form Prgm. KMOXM.dluJ Sonny *WJDX News; Markets WSB Forward Georgia WBT KTRH t%t nA Front Page Drama KUBA-Imperial Singers KPIICDairy Dramas WLW-Homemakers' Review WSIX Kitty Faulkner Breakfast Club: WMPS WJBO Freedom o the Land For- *KV00-News KRI.DFreedom on the Land *WMC News; C apt. Toll Fowler 1VS11 Stan on the Farm Everything Goes: t1Mt tot, *KWTO- Markets; News; Muses hl'ltA Hal Saunders WOPI- Studio Party Review of 1 sors A MusP KARK Jane ,Adam. Sp. eking W LW Paul Arnold. songs WBRC Lee 51,Brirt. Whoe %Vert. Commando Kids Theater WROL-Rambling Rangen N W L Mau on the Farm 4:0f1 P.M. Page 15 BROADCASTS Kld w.ln the Suck: BIBS W'h11'5 FOOTBALL 11 111(r Cleveland O rcir.: 41 W SATURDAY, November 28 NOVEMBER 28, 29 L 0011k. 011" K 1"11_0 K It' KFI I'11:N 1 1{',l'l liTR11 WHOX T{?fltN Saturday. Nov. Tennessee rs. Vanderbilt" 01,11 Stanford vs. Nary Pre-Flight: MILD FiLILA Blue Streak Rhythm NISI II All 1, KFl:I KHJ MDR Ks'StC Peer Cyut sure- ereOriel war Tim. Grier KI ltL' -Tr. he announced KC.ïI KFNAi MYE(' KV"OI: l'rmen tor Plano V A mlm,a I2:15 P.M. E:UO P.M. Washington vs. Wash Milton Grlri KT115- FreeJoiii un the Land M1.1DO 1 -T1 hr announced Army re. Navy. 1 It- & Georgia vs. Georgia Tech.: 5101e: I1;110 Ell FaotbalI Game: W'JiJX KTRS till K%I.1(1 Advt.'tne. ei ilnrnie MIt'. nr[.lar[. W"RRI. WO it kIJL (ARK W-01'1 1YM C W'C:OA Allen W511 W.rtF WRrn. IZOO P.M. *W'Ah'I Turntable Sports; 2!15 P.M. To be announced: Wl'JS l'iifoii; Neese Koly Cross vs. Boston College: *Ne.r: KI'O.A W'01Y Texas Christian vs. S. M. V.: K5'F0 11'111{1'(1. S, OrlI.) 11' Hi WT,AI" Sunday, Ney, 29 14'IlT-I.uus 11II:1111F1.1 & A,hner WH,i.Mu.ie the Record Central War Tir, WUSL[1'a6."[.r Olf 1.15 P.M. Tim, *11'.IDtJF'oorhall Scores; 11ulir; 340 P.M. 4:1;i P.M. Ohio Stile vs" Iowa Seahawks: 1:00 P.M. Sew Nebraska rs. Kansat State: Kid with the Stick: WSIX VOWS I51A01 151.01 5VCOL W I"AC !led (rosy Palm. KWTI I Market, ; 'Fol.(' Tunes WOStr ]iI-"IB KnH. Brooklyn rs. Plttsbureh: It'nf 110fIN »mite Poch Bay: win-11,1h noted Headlines *W111,5-Florio .50010 AS P M. 4:00 P.M. Philadelphia vs. Green binenents: WEM. I%KBIt IVl' WFIf. rFIl1r5t'\rtls IV0111.5IIrerI0 Alabama r/ rs- Georgia Pre -Flight: Oregon State vs. ANichlgan Washington rs, netreil. WNVI 111.11T1r IK arruul,rl! 0'511 111.fltwnu.! Saklrl Drck. 111i1:í H NOV, Puni .4t Pase.. State: MOOS WJIT,1 11rloill I1001) 10 11111 W ,11M 11 SiXSmiue Seseian Camp Grant vs. Phnom: Is ILL Southern C31ilOrnji vs. Notre WCJL 4130 P.M. *W'tibl- Selo: `.[mils WHOK name: ktr0 KECA KTAk Clyde Lucas' Orchestra: I:TI4 S Il OILFrertlon, Girt Fort Knall vs. Indiana: tVII.5 KVO. MTV!. JESSICA DRAGON ETTE- KERN KTKr 2 :00 P.M. Ir1.11 W'U.I: WS15 W:WPS 5:45 P.M. Michigan re, Iowa: SI HO WAIT W.11111 Song thrush of the "Satur- KFI3K Kilr; KOH K.EC To be announced: WHOM. WDSU wXYE WHO' 11. (FM 11.110.1 SUFI kl:A 11'!iBT WJJI7 Chicago Sean vs. Cleveland: Cleveland Orch.: KLk. LYGST *The WofId Today; (Toul day Hight Serenade' V5 "JFI WW'J 1111t r i 111: X IT 11011111 WI1.iS itHEC KTRII ICSO'tir WEST 0'1X111 WHAS 5111L KMOX WOOD 11111.:1' 1tA HB 1 e4a x011..1280 R 1(.1 aa0 1150. 1(111. ,CW(H *0'APOtiews; FOOTBALL FREpUENC1ES WJE-790 W O 0'AI'f KIM] Fuulh;dl Forerael HARM-1340 HO1M90 W ]íßa 1470 1t09U-120 1'111.(1 KAMI W'IlT WAPI. WCOAiu, Pen Alley I01313-1490 Three Sons Tlrio: KTBS W'5A1 X01. 1300 WHIM-1í1a wrl0.1i110 Enjoy Yourselves: W('OA W'AT.A 11'USiI Pie Dufour HECA7@0 It0p6.1E:e9 WHR.11-1340 WO 100 W HH0-12J0 WR11L1R3o 10 1101. MARX 14COA Kl'IIC HPRC I( 147u ICPMC-t000 *tiro.: HV00 WMt' WF1.A.1'ooSbali Scores EI.A WBE-10:10 W HA-9T0 WJSST.I410 W1[011.1446 SI ti,1114 SOYA 50311x I5' A I'O I[ERN1410 RCM' :40 WCAV1A10 W HAI.le10 WL AC-1510 . ( ARIO KWTO WJDODintler 01141e WRH-l:iln OSTI ll r HFAH-1811 HMI V1-BO WCOL-1130 wlSAR110 WLH-770 W$DI'asd *Spores; News: OIL-SC (TBS. W1.IYThrArhoe To to announced; WTJ$ á Wilhwr HEM-1.103o KROY.1E40 WCOS-1400 WHE13.0S0 wLB2.n:l0 W8A Nail 0 W1VL *WMIS.Nrwr; Freullrrll :cures IiPaM090 IC 51.-1100 W13110- WIC Win-C.1100 Wt.LH1400 WSAR.l4x0 1,10.i.1- Echoes the : 1' RI1C 115B KFPY9.0 REAR-s20 WbEy.1ta0 of Opera Shirt, WOAF Bslnkh0uslr Jnrnburer r: H10-1290 WEN X.1340 WO B-780 k 41.T0 IIaJm+ J'omrlr Time. D'BAP WTJS xrEtti.n10 11s0 W DKI:. t19n WHO-1040 W'LGL1330 WSBT900 liunrr WOPit.:ominwlity Snld ICFBDta0 X HC-040 W0011-1:+10 1VT10141429 WLW -100 WSac-0a0 *II HT-News; teionss al 'I'wïlikht *Nell.; :putt.. Kl'll5 05MB tl'Nl1LFaullrall Srnr.hua111 ISOA-la10 fiTMB-1.009 WEAN-7W W ICt-000 W htBL-14.0 W'LAC-Muokal MARK You r_1u'1 WWII-13.w Henlesrles Po Business Wti1.C-Ru0t1 he Vetter. O:GH.13G0 xTSA.550 WEAUT110 WILL-Ma WxHS.899 1-SPD.1370 WSR--lo the Gramm will, Hiller RGKO577 HIIOA1E50 WEEU 050 WIP-nIfl WarCA510 SrSatRuy Acid! WSUI.BIO W_L'OXUanriwr Pors7 KRll.11 Pigskin KG0.1117 1{110A 1z00 WELI-700 1k'tS-Soo W ACT 460 WRTa"17X(0 Revue H'S516Muaicar. RHJ930 xYOE-La50 11L'Eirk-570 WInN-11S0 WN AC.1200 W TAG-aS0 WOP1 Rhythur Bally Kt 11.1 Jerry Seen Present, 4:45 FiTLO-1730 WEST 1400 WIESI340 13F-1290 WS1111r, Starinn Men 1I011 *WAPO.Sews: Theater News Hvolt1300 WI/ WTA11-1190 To be announaed: h1[1[ RfLO1200 R1tO-1x30 WFAA.S20 WJAS 1110 1VAHH-1340 PTCDr.t010 WFAA.Swln1 far Supper 11AAH-1440 R'PH0-1340 N'JAE-9.^A VW, B ob Astor 's Orth.: IVAIPS *IRO-710 WäT-C-1900 WTHT]e:0o 4:45 P.M. 00380.Saliero al the Presti H IT 1260 W AGE.Y40 WEAL-13110 W']BC10:10 W 300X- 900 WTI C-1000 *Dolan Close. news: IV LW 0'5B String Vignettes: W'.0111 01'.1101V R1.1.11-11!0 WALAI4I0 Vr-FBR"13100 W.11304110 W'QAi-1800 WE WJU5 -A lo Z in Novelty M.r.629 K F' il(: OJIJ:C WHIM 11'APU WAlr1 hl[J5a0 1L'ATR-1320 W FEA1T0 W 3EJ-1140 WOIf40 WTOC120n O'LW.('enstruCtian Goes 4.r War MARK 1{T8'3 0'F.A WSMR *Yr.r. W' 11S1: IVSAfIi KOIC.A SíHO-17G0 WBHH.780 WE-UAW W JIM-1240 A'OL"100 WTRY 000 WWI Treasury Stu Parade WGAI.1160 51 1111. II'AFrI W 15'S1d K AHh I nu 1'.01111 Ur. Busrr+e-. HN1C-1070 WñC1d1440 WJJD1150 0000-1700 w W.1-000 LW WSIX- Saturdays Swine Session HOAeeb Y.'HYS-1460 WOAR -1400 R'J Er /00 11'OH-T I(l W X Ty12-rO INCOA will. Hitler IS SM liai of Doors KOtta N HRC-900 WON-700 Fil /MIMI-War In Ille Air IS ti nr :elute Jr. Chandra: of WFAA-Uerler /diode L 1.11,1erre h11TO-Rhine Town Editor WFI.A-Unired on the All a Iln,lr 12115 P.M. FalrtbaN Game: t1'c.5'r WOW Football Game: IV,/ PS (1110 0'1J1' From romp JnekaOn NIGHT WGN.Thr 1J011 Ii'J1t11-Fuuthu'll I- a. Football. Army vs. Nary: 11.111. 1(1,100 M'1'ltll KW'HFI WW'tie' (,111 I( IL'COA 1111'1 KI'RC W',II1I7I?SO Prgln. 11W'1. 15110:1' 10 1yhS.hify i'nlnin, W'C I I,I 0"A1..1 11.110 KHi.l1 0 API APO 11'31C Musical 'Variety Where there le on listing li 1'ItS WLSV.Bnonr WS10 10 NON Metropolitan Opera :ll'EFIS W USL' WN115 Dance for a station Os preceding Cmnitr Juu.imrrr 1111011. Ikl1l KARIi (7rch. tVSLTSlmrls Vincent Lopez ' Orehestrae WI)iU metropolitan Opera: I' U51' KT015 }1SbX program Is os the air, WSAt0enean l y111115 Sin WJBO 11'S1X W',11121 II7AI Football Game: WI'JS 5100 P.M. btu Football Gamer I11IPS *Joe GallicChio's Orsh,: News; WTJSAt '.1ur Itnli,eel Football, Army vs. Narr: 'WOOD HPRC 0:Oß P.M. *News: ICN(!C K1'Rt' Tn be m.unm.rrd 115NR t1701C KISS IS .WO 7;00 P.M. IVNOX WW1. I51sT W0'SC Kt trl. La.ii. KUOA.Qsark Jamboree Musk MARK AMP, WALA CENTRAL WAR TIME Mr. Adam & Mrs. Eve: 1'B1 ItGST WAPI MVOOFornholt riami Football. vs. Nary WINS T:Y(lOAlen an the Farris *Frazier Hunt, news: W'GSC Stars trom the lI'MPS W44L W'N(1N 1'RDa1 K51'M11 Army HTCI A.I1., of .111112k Jinn Blue: HW'li)ï'atrarslnns Iq SOCK! 0011T 0JB1) 005ÚN W05í: KTRII 15't1AS KSSOX lif'1-U Red hawks: KPRI Nil AA WJB(f Football Semler : 1u.it 4APpLlleck L J4lenild Russ Brawn. songs: KIIf.D People's Platform: KLRA WXOX W LAC Kt'OA k'hlr- F:A1Atí * News: KTN1! KIILU v11SKenlutliy Corm Bu, wan K'FFtll WWNC 11GST *Rey Porter. news: W'Ir51: W 1.S WS'?H.T0 be entlalrneed MILD KTRII WJDX WSI!( WI.ACC'.entral Cllureh at rlrrist Dinner Musli Concert: W 515 WRR, WORN II'ttI'S {VJBO IV'Sl' X KTHS WIH1C I]lerkrrlmnrrt Time WSfx 111.IY T. he ewuliuwnd 2 :15 P.M. KTHS Rosh Webster says.: KARR WSO KVY1l -Korn 1(01,111.. WNW Young AmOrira Sines *News; 04011 KMOX WJUX '0.11 KT120 KPRC Abito Dish Row WS/1 WWI Foillhall Game: 11.11)X KTRS KWTOMisxwri Farmers 1111rI1:1ie1011-.4 Rlyihlll KLKA =furie in Tonight W0510 W'OPI WRAP WFLA W'AIAQ 0'5MR KPHr W'A1'O.11111hillles W'M0 10 AIlk WUP1 WAPO WTJS JCL, .111. & ,Toaö KPRC -You Co I On Moaners K ONA WA1.A mow .KANM 1CUKA WRAP u,d: Newt {V1í(11. I *WNOXMnrryCo.IT, with Nary Bulletin WTJS SITIOS WM 11'I IA I IS' R01. Opera: lllitrr Board: WTJS- lilrytiun ILur,hh 1:15 P.M. I0elropolltan (Tilo tonsil *KU]OANews: ylelmly 'ftme *Yens: WLS KIIiIA 11'51k W,11.A WAIe[ I 111-1.A IVIYIA Funlholi Gan] Milito' KUDA Metronalllan Opera^ *I(Yr)lNews; 0111111 Tinit 10010:5He11 Feld Show WLW KVOt1 12 :30 P.M. KTHti 0OSMS rnYal Football Game: RIBS 5'J11X *KIVK111ew1: Sports M.TI1tiIlr. Claud W. Kelly 1(1.111 Mingle lit Washington Luntheon: W.111O K11 -i'N- Junior Rodin Rei m/ WeOk WAIMI I'AL"1 WRAP WC('A lOSOIIl -Il +dru 'F0n01J Kc2111 F'.wthiIl Senroi KUOA (iv! Hr,nnrfup Football m : IC .11..1 KTRS I:'1 .IA -T.. be annO11111 t,1 Ga t WS/AB MARK WAPIDeeris Without "or.lo K W KIISnnnhine Beys WAPI You Can 0 1n1 NAIL ei. Filetball Game: 11 NPS with FIIrIer football Game: WOOL KNiOX :30 P.M. C0Aklorea;u Ro.ue 0111'{ Pigskin Solar-hoard .11 W'SHB I *News: KW Fll 01 11114)11 {Gypsy loi ;b4 W:IPOSlat Pared. *WOOD-War Cn1,11r.er.tary KPHCFarnily Wun11i4r Hour Football Game: I3X WPSIJ Ws51 1:11 KEi W'NC I'J K'rRS K. 1114hu rYh'. I. ..,.1 r, 1 KL'OA Vrw.: SSar4011 W05tI.Jolly F - 11'1111( Sunda.' Srhnol Lessor W(i Li rleh WTJS * I.; i:m W1117; 1IIuL WAPO WrrsTTö WHA5-Farm 1Mq1rt41011 fl'IIAS- Uearotianal W ST '1'., be :hnoinietd be .4111,11...d Haw on the Farr., 11111.1N KYRC Nowt WI.Ar-Mnmrr,l of Melody W'J ROMarnu.ri te & lier tiare IVC(IA Football Sean-board W'REC-TrHIr Amen. AO 11u51[ NARK Meladi 1411.0 Football Game: (TRH KWKH WSM W 17L W.1DX-In the Groove *00li011.New,. Suros Daniel Qtra.[rt I.W Fenlhall. Iowa Seahawks KLI: IVREf" WG'ST WW NS: h LI I A Nova IÌ.1 WLACTo be ennuul.ced WGN(hook Agree 7:15 P.M. al Ohio Slele W44'L HMOX MUD Rodin 110.., KTLII *WLW New-s; Know Yu11r Amur Wit AS.Hobhy Lobby *Ed.., Tomlinson, news: 0171107 Or 0'OI'1-Evtlnçrll.tir Hoar K1IIS.Sa1on eh. Metrapahtan Opera: 01).1 KTRS i1a *WLACEye-Witness tier.. WSl'N KITS W'tri1- 5'S1I^" h1'RHItadlo (r..po! FeBno-híp 1:30 P.M. WSRti WS IX WNOXTrade Minds Tavern WLWlnside Radio KLRA.Wake Island in s hialleln Mode KUOA -Muole Football Game: tY1J0 WREI:H's Walla Time 10111.19 JVSI Mush - 101'0A Sports i binslr Football Game: WW1. MIRA K VOO Roll Willi Playboys WF101.Atarket Square *W'iff'- Musk; News WAPTSIIMUen of Ihe Press {YGtiT K'l'Itll WOOD WAl'JlChureh al Gort W0'NI, 2 :45 P.M. 55511Un Handstand Wllnl: Fred Worinll's Orcll- W'UQ[tBohhy Horn. xMOX HRLD KWKH WRFC lilt WRAP Man on ef,1 Fenn football Game: WT.I0 W'TJS -Hihlo Revival W'sM4,Ilileeine the Palmeri 001.5 Born Flame 'urlrlier W1111C- WAPI W1OX Stanhacktr Ii10 fl1HLyrluu I1..uiidUp *WWLSIvlodies; Sews LS W L th eié s Lai e Edition 1VSI7iTrraeory Slur Parade *WCOAHewsl l.uurheon Alunie; Metropolitan Opera; WU5li KTHS WSMAl Foe Everyuhlue 5 6:15 P.M. Suulothing Ahuut Football Game: I(TB5 WRAP 3 :00 P.M. :15 P.M. SV'iJS-SHrlrl Mar- Message of Israel: W'LS *WHAS.Nows; Four Way; W00110 WJ11X Calling Parr IA merit a: 10(KI1 KAI:K WRHC Football Game: IITHS WSSC 7t30 P.M. kel:; Sevinga Talk KAMIS WRT W11SF 001)011 Pí0qle's Pladoren; WOOD II'A1411 ri'ASA WROL MARK 11C'OA lOOP1 Truth or Consequences: WhiAQ W J 117( -Thai ter 11.1.1. I(UUOA- Cleaslc hour Football Game: WTIS WSSP II APO 10512 *Joe G0lticchiu'1 Oren.: News: KOKA (Tito K1'11t: MARK *IVIOEC- Dativ., 04111-; News KVO(1-Fo tue announced WRAP KU OA 1 Iylerial Chorus WIIOL WJ0:( WO,Ir KY(lO WCOA WROLReyu0S1 RN1-111n1 k *News; To be announced: WTJS WAI'Isuperrnau Radio 1.4rum *News; WFAA 0'06 WF1.A WBR1: 115I8 N'ALA W'SIY.Rasmin' Costley KVOOFarnR, l.11. 10 SIPS WAPO- Sporeo; Thealer Jews *Ki.K.Vsport, ; O1i ,ir: News WAI'tJ W'1101. WOPI WJDX KWTOMlrledf Muelanp Metropolitan Opera: lI S1X WJBO *408 w -News WCOA-MatinOe Melodies 101 RC Kriyliborhood Coil W5B WMC P.M. 0111. WGN-Swor es 1T :4S To be announced: WWNC KRt.0- Bri-rilii5 *Hobby Lobby: Eric 5erareid. W'FfAS.CwlríOr Sfon+men WFtI 5IP1 MILD KMOX *WI.AC The World Today Vktaly TW 111: 11'0151 053X *WAtCRrw: Popular Murk KTRII- Mtrsir41 Merin newr 1.61251 W11 F:(' 1:1.11"00 KTILHFIn's a Flying *WLW' .Nests: Send, of the Allies My105 IVGST 41Stt WJ8O W'S1 X-Middal Ilrt1rl Inn ai *{'1151. New. K0CA.Jesse Crawford 1l11AQ ldurieal Enloe (C news 10111.!' KT1111 01,11'1 10111011 Fettball Game: MIST l'W *150(tt,ton Close, : Spl.rt. *1V,10X\ x1 *I1HOI, - Kral NTT Il'LAC 1YML HLIIA IS NO\ 1:45 P.M. WAPI -Man OmIT Ssrlle itallone W515- Popular Mnair FeOlbell Game; W211 WHO]. Melrapollian ppela. 51:1X KTHS 3 :15 P.M. *W111tíMuslr: Netts ' Over Here- 011 hi WPM' Along M Wn511 VALA Metropolitan Opera: KTHS WDSU W'COASttMk :30 P.M. *News: K111S HARK Football Game: NIBS WROL WIr51Jldccorde'l Rhythm This Is Oho Hour: 111;\ rt 511', 1(OTOlfarvesl Hand, ta the Vanes; W'W'\(; s Men 11.ItlA. StRAP tl'AI'O WROL W.111.0-lance Music *Thanks HTHS-Ey.r11.X11 KUOA.fr.odalli Fighting IV,IIIX be nl.nu.meed ;ST Tu 101111 M 101151 I1V IV AI't 11 Pryor. 11t '0.0 10 A I110 01' OP I W' Trul) An lcrirall lil%l1A'l'n KWKII.Tranlarlhed III. It N05 KWTO.Lumbrrlarks FOCSball Game: W'W'I. *11N11í Setts; Sports 1{hUFX 1Vn0t (Tull W'IIAS. H1.,il,,, 1 .1111. 3:30 P.M. WIST IC DID 10HAS KWKII W'BfiCIlraltb Prnrl,, !: T 1:11 1111 S 101101 SCLIIA W'tll'IIlorry Hllrlieke 01011 {tLti Tlnn, f.11,nrr be announced: Ii,1TT1I WOOL WLAC WW1. l'., .. ,1 ,...i, WIH)UNaney de Bill It MON WGS'1' SS'IIE(' To 01'1:11' ,3..1 Your Rial KLIIA IY I"W hn1n1r r 0)101 W'GS'F Ellery Queen: [TARI: 0510 WHASLlrostutk; Uollree ,.1 Agri - FnnlhaH, ll. nI irlHr. vr. t'an Illrri KLIIA )00',11. llt.tan ('Iw., noes *WNW; Molts 1';1+1,., t,r WAtI- 0010110 W'ALA 15',51ÁQ W.111XCheelteri.onr,! derl.Ht 11,1..,1l' 11' SOS IYntlI1 1111SI h)IUS M1110 WAPI R I. Erraenry Osar Parade W515PiO,ulnr 01y.1e 11' Sing for Dough: KTRS WL.AC -Load of the Free WIIAS 1'SAr HT 11'S11AI.110I0 1.i1 Gamme. W'SII 5:3Cí P.M. *Sue.. WTJS 110:1, WS1PS 11 {SC- Muelenl Iarioe , B NB' To he anywmrnd Football Kills *I1" rtti-Snws 1111111 Rehgeon In the News: !GYRO 11'GS WJI)X W IMOrgen Alrfodte W.1110-Anlrflea 1.0414111 Auxiliary O.Hi 4tOA M A Rii 7145 P.M. 111(11'] 10.01 WRAP WJUS 1055111 W11 PI Iti AI: FC Treasury filar Parafe WTJS Raillai Aloe:- VOIX Mili. F0 OW} 0 Over Host: KTI15 *W'SM&C+IerrnI Flauls MWTu11:.1r3:ß Dim& 11111 0IF0 Fi1IvA liar ris Rem KL'0,Thr.r QI4rlrrr Time 0..02111 To be 0101Pä IC I'Rr -Army Recruiting 1 :00 P.M. WJOS party announced: O'015 1r11 Pelrrrld ( tulr 2:00 P.M. WT.15011 10 IYrinry *Neu - WAL0. 0138 WDSt' K1 IF, Trauserllrrdt Frpm. WrM I:n1Jen We.r rnwbori Football Game: äT11[ WON Filetball Game: WGST KMOX 1 1;111 1:1'11.0 %taster Berikarr3 WT!, Reute Or.h. WSMB MARK WJEIX O',1LA O'wir (1.1:.0 KWFitI MUM 3 :45 P.M. 1r0u.111.: :1rr Per0JE: NARK h t loll Spoils. Slay Torn- Sallie W'BAI' 44020,0 KR1.1' W'FiFt- IlW'1. MW Tra -.1,..... 1051X1 + rune ICnntlnurd dn Next Pagel Peg* 16 ( 12/8 -5? WIIASRtetru Valley Barn Dance *WNOX-Pstri.otic Parade; News IVJDX- Rhythm Time *WROLNews; Sports WLM'Tlue 5o115 Stylists 1V3ß Bill Stern, ',ports SATURDAY, November 28 WLW-This In the Navy WSLX -Swing Shirt *14'; ox- World Events WSLIN- Treasury Star Parade 1VOP &Elmo Martes' Orsh. WWL-Dance Orch. WSI4Freddy Mercies Oreh. Victory Parade el Spotlight 1V' W'L Listeners Choice Rands; P. Hayward: 44`15 10 :15 P.M. WAPO WSUN KTHS WS1X WMPS WJBO 9:30 P.M. Alvino Rey's Orch.: WS1 -N VL'JRO Bobby Sherwood's Orch.: WDOD WB651- Plincr & Earle Grand or' Opry: WBRC WOAI WBAP KTBS KIWI/ WJDX IV'W'NC KTIRH iVRIiC tVGST W DS U -Newa * WOPI WSMB WFLA NARK KWH11 W'It'I' KLRA liLAC WLW -To be announced KPRC WñïC WVMAQ WNOX W'MC.Canip Tyson Oreh, WALA WSB WCOA WSB8art Oauee Olmsted's Story Dramas: WSB WTJSBvys Town *John Gunther, news: WROL RALA W'BIRC 1VStI1t W'OI'I WSI'N WDSIi KTHS WMC WMMq 'l'unluht'e drams 1 entitled B:45 P.M. Treasury Star Parade: WJBO "'Pie orient et Shur I h tia WNOX R'prlrl, " 67 Jame, '17nu rifer. Dante Orch.: WAR'S Saturday Night Serenade: Jessica KLÌJUEllery Queen Dragonette: Bill Perry. tor.; hi.IIA- Foorban Scares Sports: WHAS KPRC WAPO Gus llsensehen't Orch,: WLAC -Happy Valley Jamboree HARK -Sports; Meet the Band KMOX WHAS KWHH W13BM WGNCarl Ravaata's Ord:. KDKA- Sereriarile WLAC: Melodies in fire Night WGST WAPI WREC WNOX KMOX -Sint, America, Sing JOAN EDWARDS sings KLRA WDOD KTRH KRLD WLSilume Front HUD-Football; Scores WLW- your favorite songs on WW1. WST Boone County Jamboree *H'l'RSNews; To be announced "Your Hit Parade" Little Bo Peep His Lent Iler WOPI -Allen Roth's Orch, ltTiiS -Dance strut. Jeep horns -no Tel WROL-Friendly Tavern IVAP!- Melody Co Round View Runnette Prim' 11' SS N A l let ro Male t:linru, WIIRMILay Pearl's Or cli. 1;00 P.M. Wh,r 'Don't You Fatl In Lore WWL -Deeds with Me trieyne Without Words WCOA-Four Shades of Rhythm Sly buddy Doeia idea. IVUStr.Jouh' Friars Barn D.ybreak Orple WFAA -Moonlight & Stuff Alks-tether Niel Dan4l: Rule* Deer Canteen RerlIn 9:45 P.M. Eddie Peabody: Hoosier Het !dale betters. Kern *tVI-LANews; String Ensemble Shots: Joe Kelly: Dinning This in the Amy Berlin *Frazier Hunt. news: WBBM WGNL:hicagn at Night KMOX WLAC WWL KRLD WJDX- Saturday Night Sisters; Others: KVOO KPRC WUSII Ta be aticoanced Serenade WOAI WSMB WBRC WCOA KTRH KWKH MAY- Gregor 'Ziemer. background WALA WLS WSE IYMMC HTB5 tl'MCPopular Music FM Freedom B ridge: WAPO n1 don't know how i could've kept my busi- WRAP WLW KOKA WOAI -Danes Music 9:00 P.M. WROL WDSU WSUN W'r1P1Darrce Music ness going these last few months if if weren't Over Here: KTHS WSIX WSUN Yankee Doodle Minstrels: KTHS Eileen Farrell, sop.; Orch.: WELT 11'ROL- Parade of Bonds for those cash -prizes radio programs!" WiIP5 19.1130 WSIN- Fnt,thail Scoreboard 1V,1BO WSUN WDSU WMPS WWNC WSIX *WWI:News; Spurts Chicago Theater or the Air: WGN Louis Prima's Orch.: WTJS Your Hit Par-ade; Barry Wood. Bill Stern's Colgate Sparts News- *News: WMPS WSIX WON m.c., Joan Edwards, vocalist; reel: IVSIC WOAI WLW WBAP WJBO 40:30 P.M. Hit Parader's Chorus: Mark WBRC KARK KPRC WCOA *KLRA-Music is the Night; Rince Orch.: liTR H WNOX Classmates Waneuw's Urch.: WNOX WBT KDKA KTRS WALA KV00 News KLI1A WGST W'WN1: KWKH MIAS KMOX KWKH WLAC WSMB WFLA WMAQ WOPI lal- SDance Orch, WWL WHAS WLA(: KMOX Ed Prentiss -the Blue's Captain Midnight - WAPI WGST KLRA WREC WJDX WAPO 11'API Sereu ode in Sw'i ugtime M'ET WDOD has two famous classmates from school days WGST-Dance KTRH KRLD WOOD WSBM *John Time Mr, at the University One is Paul Engle, B. Hughes, most WGN WNDN -Dance Orch. Smith Goes to Town: wSh of Iowa. KMOX WWL WFLA WMC W'ROL W'LSBarnyard Jamboree Wi{EL'- Treasury Sim- Parade W'AI.A noted nlidwestern poet; the other is Roy KAkK- IRarmon]r Dictators WMPS- Popular KPRC tVSo7D IVAPII W41AQ *KUDA.News Tunes Porter. famed Blue Network newscaster, WSBBarn Dann KARK KTHS WCOA 1W }Ar WAPO..Dance Music *WTJ5 -Yeas 10:00 P.M. WDALI.Pn,r. Jos. Schramm *Ray Ifeatherton's Ouch.; News: WFLA -J, Ltarttin Peterson *News: WMAQ WOPI W.fC WJBt1 Faits WSUN WS1X Ambidextrous Mimi WFLA WJDX -Cleve Bass WASPS Ssw!9,53) & Boys 9:15 P.M. Cabanne, raven -haired songstress on WMAQArmy Air Force Shaw *News; Major George Fielding *News' WHEC WBBM WON WOPIGreeriway Graupel Group II;S6Idiers with Wings: WBT Eliot, news: WHEC WAPI D ante Orchestra: WFAA WJDX "Horace Heidt's Treasure Chest" program, is iVROLFricndly Tavern WHOM WWNC KWKH KTRIE KWKII WOOD KTRH WLAC WLW talented in many fields. She is a fine rifle shot, WSMIGraad Ole Opry WAPI KRLD WGST K RLD -Grand WOOD Jimmy Jay's Orch,: WMPS Fiance Parade an excellent horsewoman, a gifted dancer and WTJS. Benk Night WRFC lí11 -0 -Army Band a first -rate sketch artist. *News: HARK KPRC WTJS *1VAPI -Hews; Sports 0:15 P.M. Campana Serenade: WMC KOKA W',10X KVOO WLW WFAA WRRS'Deui11 Shaw's Oreh. WALA WFLA WBRC WBAP WOAI MIMAS WRENS WDSU- Sports HARK -Excursions in SeienCI 1VDAl WSMB WMAQ *World at Large; WSMB WALA Ficton and Fact KL'OASy'mphony of Melody Bond Wagon: WTJS WMPS KRLD WFAA -The Music Elan KMOX Sports 10:45 P.M. Dick Huddleston, who runs the poetofce and rival grocery and *WFLA-News Treasury Star Parade: KLRA *KDKA.Ncws; Rumba Rhythms *Roy Heatherton's Orth.; New.: in "Lum Abner's" scrip - WROL KTBSTranseribed Prem. WUSU tual Pine Ridge, is a real person dawn in Pine HARK.- L'aire of the Army B :30 P.M. *KTHSNews; Hil Tunes Ridge, Arkansas, who is cashing in heavily KMOXPcuple's Platform *WBT -News; hineie: News *KDKA -News with tourists because of his friendship with KPRC-Navy Recruiting WCOA-Men, KMOXOId Fashioned Barn Dance Chicago Theater of the Air: WGN Marbines C Victory "Lum and Abner" and their use of his name. KTBSTrrrnscribed Prgrn. *WOOD- Music; News I(VOO.Prutraiti Prevost Can You Toa This?: KVOO KVOO Lest We Forget *Wrrgtr:W'ar WAPI- Musicale The enterprising merchant, who owns the Today on WOPI KTRS WAPO WOAI 11'AFn -Star Parade WGNLearn to Dance IVISKM- Salure to Virttn'y only boats the little river near Pine Ridge, WMAQ KPRC WRAP KDKA *1Vt -OA -News *WGS1'News: Musk WONEddy Howard's Ouch. has posted signs ail over that section of the WSMB WBRC WFLA WROL Mali Hymns of Freedom W,IHO -Let's Be Neighbor, WLW- Burt Fathrrr'e Oreh, Ozarks advising travelers to visit the hamlet WJDX KAR]S '.VALu WCOA WON-1101 Sanders & Guy Savage WL5.Net'i Barn Dance WRECDance Oreh, made famous by Lum and Abner. Once there, they're talked into staying for fishing, and 11:00 P.M. Dick does a land-office business renting out *News; Your Number, Please: boats! SATURDAY'S BEST LISTENING KTRS KVO0 WSMB WSB WOÁ1 WMC KOKA WBRC So It's Real, Is It? WCOA 1SPRC WROL WFAA The horrible gasping and Art Kassel's Cinch.: WTJS WGN leering whinny of Benny's new horse is produced See program fisting% for more Jack through detail and additional cows programs *News; Chuck Fosters Orch.: the tortured vocal cords of "Pinto" 1VBBM wrier. KWKH WOT Colvig, WOOD WNOX KTRH WHAS whose list of animal noises has come down the 9 :17 Bond years through Walt Disney cartoons. "Leona," News and Discussion Wagon Freddy Martins Orali.; KTIIS 9:15 Gampana Serenade ttiL'ti tai :2R WhIPS WSIX the horse, has replaced the Maxwell as trans- Dick Powell; Metty Malnerk's orchestra portation for the Benny gang. 4:45 *ItRI.D- Hews!. Donee Parade Upton Close *WCOA -News; Dancing Parry 5:45 The World Today +4WDEIJ -Neal 6:00 People's Platform Drama A.M. *WJB0Datu:liut Party; News *BBC News: Jerry Wald's Or- WMAQ-Emile Petti's Orch. 7:00 Roy Porter *WLAC -News; Night Owl Club chestra: WTJS WON WNOX -Let's Dance 11:00 Theater of Today *WLW -Newt; 7:15 Edward Tomlinson Dance Orch, *WDSU-News *IVSBSeins Nouures; News 9:00 John B. Hughes 11:30 Stars Over Hollywood *WMAQ -News; Music *t1',rìtNDanre Music: New, WWL-licrb WLW-Alidnite Melodies P.M. Sherry's Orch. -Joe Marsala's Ora.; *WMAQ End of Saturday Programs 6 :30 Ellery Queen News. 11:115 P.M. Variety Tonight's mystery Is "The Adventure of 1VS8Sivi ug Nocturne A.M. the Three Mothers" Your Number, Please: WMAQ W'IVLUarecc Orrl+- FREQUENCIES 7:00 Abie's Irish Rose KARK92G WFLA-970 8'00 Breakfast Club Freddy Martin's Orch.: WOSU 11 :45 P.M. KDKA-1020 WON-70 P.M. Chuck Foster's Orch.: WAPI KLBA 1420 WGST-920 6:30 Thanks to the Yanks Classical Music *WWL-News * Starfight Souvenirs; News: KMOX1120 WHAS-840 t'58 KPRC-950 WJBD 13s° Bob Hawk, m.c. P,M. KRLD-1080 W DX-13oo 7:00 1:00 *Hob Allen's Orchestra; News: KTBS-14a0 WLAC-1510 Mr, Adam and Mrs. Eve Metropolitan Opera Company 11;310 P.M. WDSU Frank Crumit and Jutia Sanderson Today's opera: "Lucia di Lammermoor ": KTHS-idgo WLS-84o *Ray Pearí'e. Orch.: Hews: *News: WSIX KRLD KTRH-1320 WLW700 7:30 Over Here Milton Cross, narrator. Details on page 10 KW'KH 1111I3M KRLD *WFAA- T}y,rnlss Up, America; KUOA-t390 WMAQ-67o Ronald Coleman, tri. e.; David Broekman'a 4:00 Cleveland Orchestra News KVOO-I170 WMC-790 Orchestra: Guests Rudolph Ringwald, conductor; Eunice *Starlight Souvenirs; News: WLW-Muon River KWKH-1130 MAPS-1460 KTRS 1iFRC WFAA KDKA KWTO-560 WNOX-g90 7:30 Truth or Consequences Perlis, guest pianist WALA-11t0 WOAr-i200 7:30 tVSi1B WOFI WFLA WMC 12:00 Mid. WAP3-ti70 Hobby Lobby 8:00 Chicago Theater of the Air WAIF'S 14'BItC IVROI. KVOO WOPI1400 "Bohemian WAPG113a WREC-600 8:00 Your Hit Parade Girl," with Marion Claire. M- krCOA WOA7 ICL'OOBoh Wilk' Playku,ys WRAP820 WROL-620 Barry Wood; Joan Edwards; Maris War. illie. Baggiore, Bruce Foote and Earl *KWKHNens: Transcribed WRBM780 WSB-950 now's Orchestra Wilkie; Henry Weber, conductor *Bob Allen's Orchestra; News: Pre M. WBRC-Obi] WSrX-980 WENR IVSITN KTISS WSIX *WEB MNexs: Ben Young's WRT-11 t0 WSM-650 8:00 Alka- S_Itzer Nat'l Bern Dance 8:45 Saturday Night Serenade tt'MPS WCOA-1J70 WSMB1330 8 :30 Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands Jessica Oragonette, soprano; Bill Perry, Orch. Harry James' Orch.: 11'tiOX 1VISTDanrhie Party WDOD-r3I0 WSUN-620 9:00 tenor; The Serenaders; Gustave wDSU-3280 wTJS-I34o Bill Stern's Colgate Sports News- Haan. IVftEC Wi3AS WAI'I KTR]I WON-Griff VL'illiauis' OrAA, schen's Orchestra WP.NR890 WWL-870 reel tl'BT It LW .11 Graham's Orrb. WFAA-83O WWNC370 ii ! ul Iu 1s AR lfrrlr..-r It-Iryut *11.1.1L H ni H. tfesrlr, c5---1281 Page 17 V. LAC Fo Ire erWOUUrrd *WW1P5 !Cewi; M,tIr l5'IIP1+ orite Ba,da MORNING WsO\ Rev Irsi,hllpfl SVX01-Rey. G. E. Beeman 11'ßrll.ltarkrl Square *WSB News; 'Isms:. Bible Labs. SI'SI1B5'nc Ser.ier, 51.kSSVrieht Bnan SUNDAY, November 29 8:00 Al, SISIXC setb. P,r.i,y trrial, Church IN t J Staklirr. tif the Press SVSM- Classic Hall 10:45 A.M. CENTRAL WAR TIME W'SA1l- Cot pet i4.ur Dinning Sisters : 1-11-HS 11. 51t 1i 12:30 P.M. IS'LW 11,IDlC Vs' BAP W.,11 if He* York Phirharmenir Sym- *World WWI Iunerrt Maslen Modern Musa.: 5513IIAll' Fi!'Itt" flews Roundup. IYSB KV'ílU SBitC 1YALA II IIS113 KTBS LS'F,,I phony: WI-AC MIKE WAIT !1 ILI ^H 15 1I 51 I LL 115]113 9 :15 A.M. KF'ItCBeat Estate Hear WGST HUIS 55'TBEC WW'NC 51 list tV I I1 Ire Italian to Learning: 5V IC lí 7 is I It APO Fantasy Ill Melody_ WJBO WOSU I5.II10 7lernirq SVars?rsl, VV HAS K.110X WOOD WWL i1 .101 Li It 8'I TI> MAPS WAPT-150 Years of Prnkrns h15KH ICTRH ICL1iA WGST N Ir1.11 KTY11 WNW.; W'AP! W i-A1 HARK -131W WAl'n-Hs.mns uf the Churches D reel u r r to "Oberon "... Weber ricers of the World_ I¡W'KlI SlPriee .1y" Cldldu,rld" Ant rnI,lülr n sit lama Ne- 1. iryvi, 10, {5' COA ,17r1ody Pa re, re ,.. IAL WAI'i W'Hi'.I W'IIT *KILLl)Nawa; Mode .rr nar f:.121,933. entehh,yyephlssi liw.lui knvrsn +F111Ht'5lusir; Ness 51WXt. KMON %555L KTRH 1 UOA- Arcoetbun Su veil NH IrHups or ale DIM Gurlt}, ,ein. :mimeo. In Pict Movements !NAPO-Sweet Musk WhtPSFirsl Rllpií.l Church hrnlyd lhint:al R¢Ihur ",rhe flmsld 11i1Á5 dSS,Y.wt Willi/no, reales Lhe "naean- WCOAUrgu, Melodies WI/0 L-Ca l va ry 5114111 darkly,- 1- *World News KU-15 hr rli.frro,u, fnsrill tinnll.11 nnd kavaller" . . . ..Ntrauee Roundup: 11'1. W Wayside 1V5iXDaace Shrll- Window. several wlk'ai Speakers. HPLLC- Texans un (tin Alert NIA) Ilt {Il Sl I'.1.1 K"00 1%'WLOLChiron of C'hrlil %'SA1 Lnsrenrn l;rim /nidi,, inullt Lutheran Hour: LIMPS KIRS -We Cover the Bal Ile! rout ; W'SIX Itaiubda tYT.lSSUnliar >1v.ir ti.SklKSullduy Srhoo! Trio Business Review IILIIA-Rev. Beni M. Bvgard *\vss: KIM) WOW Pi LOA 1CL :OA -I's, Aln.ricarla K IiI.R.Senmps Quarles 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 5SJi1)t hut Jorra WAN/ VYDOD K WTOCnmrnwaily Sine K 1:0ACa3heltral of Darks War Journal': 1VIISL; Calle: WALA *KW'TO Wings Over Jordan: WGST kABK''uu Can't Do Bus/DM Sunday Spiritual News Kt1'Kfl LINOS Wl1Lell Hospitality Time: KInO WSMB WA PO To be annmented *W-ALA-Nena; MIN( with Hitter Varieties WAN K31Ú\ KRL11 KTRH WSB WJDX WALA WBRCOur Walt' SYBRC-Idea1 *KMIIX-\nss; Urlau inarriude Quarter W11F1 IVI.AI WHAS WBT *Quincy Howe, news; T{ WO: WCOAT0 he announced 1Y11C1F1lisdla KRLU1'odelihe Rasytrrs Itslspl KLRA WREC- KTRH 11G)T WAPI WIAA- Tesm,s on the Alert AL GOODMAN and Crin W'GS'r Dr. Louie O. Newton %'W IC Kt¡UA Gun Trek's Urch Southernsires: KTFIS WIISU h:IW0.81oJern WLWfulhrral. Hour orchestra supply the mu- J1lO Horn 'I hiss W,). Church Irrvier- WrAI WArn Ansie WLW W' S1\ W"APiYroGcs W'ISPSSarrly Saline sic for the "Texaco Star WñCPSBlhfe Truth. WRAP WA1C KTIIS WSI1 15'LFltl7-: rltnbacket WON-Shill We Waltz' Theater" th'I Xti1i Ness t; l .111411 eel o r TnrilIill Stories of America: W'SOX *SYISOL W'Jl *W'BT-News; Bertrand Haerir -:cress Anlerfea HIOU WSMB First Presbyterian l'Ilurrh. KTBS WSW Cher kit Wheels IV ROL- Rev. A .5isI,rI, WSIH WALA KAfflí 15'x8 15'flAiLh.ivrr=ily of Lout/sills r, WOOD Wtitti The %whits (;mile Pelll's 8rncesila: 11 I\ W'SIXS1an m, ode WMI" W.1130-Sir-sta l'ai Aletitudist Chr'rch : KLRA WSTX 'fou r Ee"sy SVAI Tl711171a of Mainuri Kills TJäfiev. L. 11. Riussn Southland Echoes; W'1'JS IC- ['besah MAI' Chair KAR Saterrhr *1V:OA;-News; 15.1.1 Smrsìnr Siu;vr, *News. kAlI1C lC%Tll K1:1.11 K LFO.l Moro inu Wu, ship Lel'e Look nt tlie liPftc Inr,rtg; firai l':.iale flaw- Bible Old l'aalrlunud ltrstv.al lit0.1 K WKII Morning sort. WON 8;13 A.M. 1,5-,1 hotel WRFC-Band of the Weak x:15 P.M. is, inC- Iliehlands I:Lurrli KLHAiilnres Deep River Boys: 11,Ik,X KYUO li SSTO Sal', .1 lion Army Siu,drY LIrcttl"tbuntr} ['lurch uf FIo11y *Upton fiase, news: KPRC *WSTNews; hew While K'F1r111'ariuir al Srar, VvSAICt Sdufn! niil 15''141 WSB ICPHI' 111'AÁ WSM %'RAS Air Carpe Preis, KVIIO WHIiL 1ALAPutnrreet l'rkln 1t Mi WAP(Jd:hnrrlr el l'hrise %t"551-Curren! Events WFAA NAIL. W'SALB KTBS W.3130- Marmite Worship Music * WAIQ WAPt1,Serhe 3lylet W'RkrRa.hn Revival sS1.la l.nllMra lluur 11'IUX NIBS WON WROL Coast to Coast Bus: SILISIJ %VLSI- tinily 'Mt nude flair W'BHC-ainuiuk Cunrsntiwl on a WC.IJAInsplrnliun Tinir *W Kaddar show W'I :tiA SINK- W'BRL KA SIC WJBU IYC'OA WON-Listen fu Leihrrt WIMYi1Ecen.nlie WFAA Homy C. WVti.rt. Wake Up, America: KTHS 15',180 W16OSt" Joseph's Ine WROL- $roadway Baplr1 Chute), %'11W Variely & Fun E. Paver Bagas, ofganist: WHAS WTISFir.e Itelhorli.i l'ralrch 12:45 P.M. IV OR"51' ittri limit \ L5f. 5,' 1VIISt W,1PS-Ra.Iio ilihir less Modern Music: 11'JD\ WJD\Ps11d ltadnr Volt/ 2:30 P.M. 11.1I String äreenarlr Tos'rets In Iu now- Prietsweer # WY1Pl Ness 11:15 A.M, RA UK. hrsc; An L1rrilnt le (oil mils Pantos (rani .1Jn,eurtt, -a WRf115unllax anr Service Herr Verk Philharmonic-51m- 15111'S-Ike . 13. II. I.,.. 7ee1t0e' Ixl n.r *Weekly War Journal: WRr1L Lett/>= Ftellrurrr *4S'\ísN Yens: Weer %'%L Al e Matta K l0A Acrvudiun Qundirr Olrb. tJ mluor l'rihhh sat Penis C Wamanpower: K11OX 15'I;ST SS'SM tirtinal Life eastern K ISTE) Rev, VI_ E. 11,. ,11 15G.T ELSA Whir WWïC .Inipme 11' API W 1 %C Pinaille hl t: rtul_ '-Pro nr 9:45 A.M. SIAPI-Strauss W>tllYr. W'HAS KMOX WLsOII WW1 STJS.F''upbere in Ihr News 51.8T -Yon -,n'l Ropiness _ l Po enfin None' Bach SYS IC1f1.lr KTfttt 5S'10\ WAN Commando Mary IiTBK B kith Hitler WBRC-Hymns uf Mar paten 4:75 P.M. W.11 h TilaU Cafre Montle Y %slip LI'nl' I SYFAA *R'UPI -\eas ISISTiiI'_ J. 5, iS;I'haaiel "fiass Army -four: !CAM,: WON KTBS Symphony Owl.: KARE .Sl'0 1 {T'I HAMS 15 APO W1101. R'AL.A :íl Ilrirkte (latish of Christ iiIlEC-Olean II,1,uilev Wt(I.1"71eckcrbnard Time IV,I.A W' lit lL S}i?% NPR(' WALL It %'lc if firliuioua Nin+ Reporter 11'ü(' 11'trSti-Bible Class 1V511 11'(IlA KVOU 5S'BIIC' *ti," t5'11Sli WO'S' 1r Mitt' i i,Iinny of Mindy' KL'(1[5 Ina l'ari'; Ilp Bu.illeee 11 :30 A.M. *15'.I110News 51',I114 11TAA 5S'APO %'SAIB K,Sl:.lti 1.1 all DI I Werk IIi IYAI'I kiretheehuud Assn. with Ililtrr RI.AC-Treasuly Star Parade SVI.W To the President: Wf1SU SV,I1C Sports Y., Ill .1 bullies 1.51.11 Cldi,di'rnl 51fifil'-Lesi We Fnr:;rl W' Alt' !iter.. d- DiOSnuati. To he announced: Il'?11'S Emma Otero. sap.; Breit.: 55'sß KItLlLtlrfus of lilltllulw %ILIA Nandi Lis Ille Side of the ISSMl+ldrii+ Ilildr C lasr WON-Disk Fijis Ii151'11. Assuruhty I111l0 SVSA78 WJL» WALA *ti.s;! IiL'OA LI+IX Vl..p,r Road lI TJ S-Yue e l+ Il'nFsCHull}tvuor! an Parade 51',111fI{;usnrt ti;n,rr 14.11011Perolfr at 51a1s WAR' =.Pnpulnr Tartes Salt Lake City Tabernacle :1111K i1'1t+si.,Hlvlorn Music WMrß of 'isiun WBT WW 2:45 P.M. Aland WON- Guspel }lour \r KAi(1X W NUA Navy apl,il..i 10 :00 A.M. Belo. Leusi. hem Sr, W IHILSev nUi hay Adventists 1:00 P.M. f(l:flACnmrel Thor 1'rJS-Tup -rums 51.5 011 la War. }nip Rhapsodies of the Rockies: Whir t'dsiin..- l'Ivre., !ruait "Tenn Those We Love: iCttt.f W\OX %% NIX P,uul.0 Ifdietr 51 T.is. soulheri. I1. h,J rr WAN/ WALA W Rol- KVOf1 Iwuner" W'up err 5S'S%\s SVI.At KSSSH WGS'T 4:30 P.M. 11 WL -Cru. !tuck h.lkk KTBS WJI)X Al 'ru., f"NS .hark 3:00 P.M. Symphony Orth.: S0IIX l5'±B 11N I. IS I1:15 11.1R1L Il 111:4 Rare in )mati 1s e.p1 wry Army Heur: WW- 15 i6 NIBS W.11".5 WSW, WAN!' 1Mil 1" Satdleus of Production: KTHS kl 14 1 10111X SIHT WAN saur . 711. r- al.Hrw.. R'nodMnv ISJDIi LL 11tC KAltk 1Ss1I11 H5(1.1 KCII WS1X Hymn .,t II..o %un. W'r Ir Sammy Kaye's Dreh.: WSB WSW 8:30 A.M. ,.amore I: PIIr Musical Steelmakers (Wlseelins * News; Coolidge Strino Quartet: bay floe Plea Iwrl t11A1I IL JSIX leas /MIS KAKIS Stee11: ICJIpI tl'1151 Words & Music: WsB W'JRX 15'1C- K 1.11 1 II HAS PAN Hew York Philharrnonlc-Sy'r,- KT115 knit! tS1 5 1 W K/'1JC1 ALA lI'CrIA 11 In r . M,.eart n s. 1 AC WA' L 1c W K H IIMPS It 1 AA IiT1L5 W"AlC sIW'1 IJnnrtet a.1 "r.. lCRLO1,rrr BafWr I'llLLlrli PM Pita men Hour: STlJS IL'TdIPS rpna.nre ennnn,m,+ncne no ljllxriee ID P - SW re/ EïCiai zcreinll Bapnla I linrrh 111i.1 Si: 1.11.' l' SEC SSILIa St E_ Power Woo, organist: 11'GST P]'_ Chaplain Jim, U. S. A,: K7115 per te" Rev. John E. lotlrr: 511 "t. W't;tiTTuue Tithe 11' 11107[ 1VL,(1D LITT %WI. KRLIt %I1fAS MST %V,I RU HARK eu.1110 tl'ISAa Pillion K II1J1 k'Ilrlt W4ti\ WAN AIlrrnunr, trocen *News: WD11 %V Iii nn I ulvtrait KPIiI Fnelr-5Sr-t Fnsemblr Sow im Ao-.rdiddy of Gel. kl.r:A WALA N at'l Vespers: KT PIS %'DSCI Church Service. 51111'1 R 1LT %II.WWeekby' Wilt .Journal Concert Shrivlim Kl'll('Texse Forum 1C1-0APnp Wti1X 11J BD Af.11.S Srieore *KldOii S'x, Pinnies L'.,il,wl 11111'i Mitaient Alenunrir, 1735IJ'ptlsl Itou+ fro 1Srf1AAmrrinu Chilli/pee tFPhfllip KryneGordan. KI[l.U''nu 5.011.1 Ira Icusnlr, lï *KRLORws. Wide Oust 15'1S1. 1',,urh of Ahlrr i.a ai War news: hT'üHFunny Paper Party WlJtiiPrnl" Jae Sainlanln WMI' with Hider *KWKII -News; Mn,, Bible W L1V Boy s Taw in dr u 1[ S1111-Alililetelinl Ahi.,in'e '' uza RUDA-Sunday Srcunde KTRIf-Mctully Lane Class 11 :45 A.M. 11'11( Ninthly KL5' h H Montt rinna }ladtwee KS'O(l.11ubrew Christian Ilour IS'RUC Liu Frrr.lurn Ring KWTD Con co01 Boll WSJ \ O rrt.id. la Yl,n W'11U1 !,rieu.ade IC111'(1Sumssy Sv-tlnul Lr.rw salt Lake City Tsbr.nack: IS SÛC KIVTULuthwan Hour 1t,uf Sulliia} *WAFhtiews. Mow liar Sunday LISI lYc3.1 W 1P1esU ta Wvrehip fad Meehndr.r 1S'TJS Prn,r,-,._I tl l'hureh tlhll F,,aniaw, of Fan SS BAP -Suburban Editor W WI. - . .ii Para,tr I.,.ui, VS ANY-h Der/altos/ *SI'tial6\rw5 liSit l'hti. 1IWR('-Mosir A11sa7 New 3:15 P.M. W B,1F' Show 75u,1 1511u\ Sr,Igs nt Esralide Wheezer LI-RFIr Bir,niushafu Pa.rare WCUA -Hanish 1:15 P.M. Carrfp Post Band: 151155 1hC\ hruru,u. u, .r,rncr *WTJnp.1pws; Concert Interne IC1Ar.I1lalrn inns W'IrUFIPisan 51rkwles AFTERNOON Sammy icayr"s arch.: WSMH 15751 Sunda} Iwae, rnllh banal 1:30 WI_,rur" Dab Jones 31 sli- P.M. 11lISEsauwrflu Con. F linter: *WGST- Netts; Cllumb Service S unday Taasll:hre Time. will; WAH.Rer. I. P HAT 12:00 Naan t, 55 SI I uaNe 1t'p. ,u,rnra *WCA1: -trot; All Slur Parade rr.l 51arFfurh tiriPl 11ST 4:45 P.M. W'\LiX-IJsilr Clrrtrh Lt }EHI" Rrtaeerl IreaJlu,r. Fit *WXOX -\rums. 04117r1 Tnn5i IV Al 1 LltrnA 15lteIl. xAPI1 *William L. Shiver, news: 55'W1 IS'Rt}Lflr. Ai rides Qu.rlrl CENTRAL WAR TIME iS I I+X-Atciwiir Mao.lr Organ Musk 1.11' KA1(IR KICLf1 ll'C...1' KWIi11 15sI\-Dr. M. F. ICaa *11s1X-Xrnr IVSB -First PrnMlrriei, rhareh 10." People - Robert St, Jahn: AlleWe Believe; Ness: WdtC KTIl1t W'Al7 1'iH1I1 W St1\ WF11Thle Week in Washington W Herres' S wen l t SiC13s %SM 11'SI13 WV AA WHAS WNW WIa1C WS/18.5unlnler lit ion Services * SMBF 1:30 P.M. 5511 K'r'Its WWL- linty Van,- -Putt ii ICAItli WJDX WALA KP RC It LHA.CTlurrh or Christ wtiC UniYerslly al Chicago Round The Pause That Refreshes on ICLI"!llLr:ei Wr N,net T.iLL MAC the All 11%'1' W'LAC WAN 8:45 A.M. Oisraion: ICTHS IVI!')) Hemhivn 10 :15 A.M. Church of the Air: WHO.' SYKT 15.111X 15'BRC IMO 1V51SB W',yr1 WFI,IS 10II1X KSt.1r 11 l4111 %5'1 1i WGST !/7'1111 1CM0X STarrhfnu Alone Cancer! Trio; WWII' WNW: 15.51 51111.1 W'sR WFAA KT If 11 Wt iti'I K L R,1 Wit 1:r II Rhapsody of Ike Rectum.: %'SMI li it'll F! -INA LILAC SSHT Emu 4 Ah,er 411151 ICARIX N' I" Wll'1. hl WAN WM .1 111.1N 1114 RH 5Y11OCt 1VI1HH WCSl, 'WRAP 11B111 lt 7h' Mu.irul l'nr;L1J Words & Musk: 11s.m *Horace Helot's hlusleal Craw: W'SV Nr1 Soldiers of Produchan. Wild! *World News Today: Choir: % -1151 W'hiti K'CHS *Vievs on the NEWS; 15'3"%' KRLOMalhodile Houi Coolidge Siring Quartet: EliOX ii 1tI 1.V K It I.CI 1S[;ST !MAU 8:00 P.M. Youna People's Church or SS'Af9Waite Time WOOD Cunrert bilrrnetiunsl * \riss- K "l)t 111101. W-TJS LI .11'I ICtSf, W"I1,1± S5 6T trio *Edward R. fAgrrow news. Musk Air" {5'1LF'S WT.1$ LS'1145 it 1:1 *WIT -Yews: W'115' Tmiy %'allerc K I'OA Mario Morelli's Ore11. Show o1 Yesterday & Today. KMU2i W5', \I 15T'0Á Quartet Easy Listening : L5IJSIr KTilS , -Fine PG.ha 55'111- IFeri.rre llamwf %,11 Snrvirr MAU.- mist: SI9IX Il'ifll). 1CWKf1 K111.11 W'111 tt ur\ WOOD-Hew, E. J. Doeiels IVRO1" Hibtiral Or, ,., IV Apt Ilirhhr 11ri,nIir. K,IRK!Araoerne Church S haw Time: kl'lir. SSKAY WIYI. WGST OP1 Music Salan 111(1 :r -- You i 'ary l ills Humanen lil-liASLlirr of thy Ilvn, Kl'tMl'oiees of Harmony Catholic HMO; Guess 5aeat:ert 11' 11 EI' r'hrit i.n Scirnrr Service 10:30 A,M. t kith Hitler KPRC' Christian Science AW"rU-Yreastvnl en the Lam' W'JD2C K1'Hu 11 FI.1 is st Ri 0"1 Ina-nip/1P KTRII.KaleirN,seope 1:6Ir1el FACTO WI nI it ,51t; 11 at: 9:00 A.M. Josef Marais Atracan Trek: *lYVU1u'itc,nnrs Alrh.fir., News FiLY1,S-Jem Sears' Owl. 5(1111L ' Israrl s nit Vol* rt HARK Kriss WS5! kllh 111ISSI WY;tT Qi,ix Non Radle PuIy1I: MON 1CTB5 Hi1,Ir W'.11Kr J uliitee 5uuaers W'J IHI (HdF}.lfouerl Revisit * Ntws, arl[a1,I to America: Coolidge String Quartet: HMIs sI'ALA 15flls I ,gis rrty 911 Kn,hrrky W']tgllYTSUIa ius Frr.lnm W'JUXß¡rr's Drraw Hause WHO Wtit\ 1130S 4500 KP11C 1i I,11.Á SS KW11Il k -1 l'fl III :C 111.11- -kailau hr Phil Brim IVI IC Sa,Igr for Victors W51%14,111ar A1uüe l5' 11f' i'UOl Ise 17811 The First Nlghler: w1I1's W 1tAQ Ensile Pell i's Oreh . W\Il,i..IL,.ir Just for Yon W'S1113 Hebrew Chi ierian Itrwr 01 the stllFl 1SBT SSturl W'TJ Church Air: *Hews; Ii r ItS A11IC WI DX. *W11PS tires,; Osnre Muait WON Salvage Prem. *Krs IC 1' 1111 Ii a1t Os MANl' I LY UI Il n 3:45 P.M. 1177tS M we I I 4711417V.11 Willi' fitful t5.5:'n 11'~11 L1111'í R1r=e.v! linse (lain *51ifIfi'-Rlae Rosen; tiens K W K I i 5I 5f': C * Ki 111,5-Yrw. 1CTll1ITunes A Trinnn, NNW With%. ii 15 Wyss IS Its iI. F'rmu rbr Choir Lull Srrvi,r Melody: KTHS 1% "Li el Starr KISCfLAl''ma k1tUAilelln, f:hilllrv Fantasy in * Xrn,. 51 Itl Il W' 11 Wi'OA l'urad. WW1. Parade r.! Starr WRNI'-Sri enade 1C IV'lY1 aSsvuol ,tl Swim *Neu, lítillA %W W1 WMPS W'Ilke WSLA T:4á P.M. News W'S14Alarkrt 1'rAFI .141.10114 I.r+earuhua i i II HOC KKl,1111i1 F ", +:,ils K Pl :C Trea.tt ry Slav farad. 4:00 P.M. I1111 Chorus I ul Christ . IDGL' Kl'UA-1 enem' i2:75 P.M. I'il,{ " }:ar;rsir,a Science hnrri, WM H in Symphony Dreh.: WIR' 15'ROL *W'BARfr(rs.lr} Rn:n,l ,.,. K .9 I I K Hymn; YIE1 Cave K WTUIfiniiv 11'3."1(' .1 Snhs! & a Lumi, Wti111i Wall KTBS KPIR' 15BIB Ms Irraw 1, .lu.,rrrl I./ PA r.ittlY lann ll'r I!lurch LIAI'I.1111Wllle }'in'' * Labor for Victory: KPiir WON NA Ili'. WA»: %-It' 5Ii'ft KVttO W'BAP SS'1Hl1 1.1yr Hlm,hlrrs IsI:3.11 Lity Slickers WBAPTnxee V0 li.lFtii KSlHI I- Jv WRUL eilesrlai Today n.rrplrr re tt,r n*an,It ne SY1JSi1-J013y hl (IA Friuli/. Rnniplrt ft. !fens; Iha,n,.ad'y KRt.11 ' 1i15'TU tiuralas *WEN Is, *tirs_. r.k-r 'The ltrnrni 54LACllne Itu1r in Hissers 1S'.51'O Srmrlus LeniN mile, KTI35Trallsrril.ed F'rtul.; News 2.00 P.M. Trs1alk,iwT<7 *John W. Vander cook, news: Yynlplwlny Ye" S..Ts.. haloes -iy WLWTamnuy Rim A Beim Lou K'BFLCIlappv !Utters WHASDr. 7,otkr W"ILA Doctors Inuraveuur W51s-t1iaf FI., SI'r I hdlvwned KTHS IVJBO IVD'tt Family 55 T»A C71ew e1u vI WJBO- Yaretne. %ItRI let's (let Coil, Hour: IIAS 55511 5VHO1_Dunrr 'Ow... .Ilnrt+ WFAA-1h, Dlrid Cork/mitt W'L'C'yxll Luke rev rhnir WI' %A BMA. Soars af Frre.l..n, Music for Neighbors: 5SJDX tiLI'kIf 11'11.7 LSl-Ir' SS(:ST SII.GT ]larntnr ITrh,din WLW You L rho SI,. *0, t \y-u.- .turn Moll KIRK 55.51,' 511/km ' W'W'1- 5I'{1'1 F(Vlrl\ (Cenlinued on Next Pagel 16 (12/13-5). 6:310 P.M. Pogo LOG NIGHT We, the Petrple: WHT IVWL SWING SHIFT KTRIf IYLAI: 1'Itkl' i[lYKtt This leg lists statism broadcasting far two hours or mere SUNDAY, November 29 IVNIO!C 11'HAS WGSl' altar enidnlghi. 1+ k presented fee the use of war lndvsfry Where there b no fisting workers who often search for radio entertainment during the tVPOO K R Lft f{1.P A W API early morning hours. Tlma shown is Ceetrel War Time. for o station its preceding t:,nwt: M9ndnnln Wet Tan- the oie. a14ny" ivFfe n[ th1 n SVOPI -To he announced program is on t-htnee Call Kilo- ö11-aadpr lu rIw II. S., tr1i. t1w Location 011 the Alr 11'TIS1'oti Can't Da Business Letters cycles 6:00 P.N. rrauam er Ilu,rh'h lanr uuer Willi Uhler l'llin.e,p xlpi,:re ere ra'lnr: the

i,l .. I 1a ;I CENTRAL WAR TIME woe. C111.1 Mill R 11111.111. I'm mdu . 1 1.m, Fitch Bandwagon; Tobe Reed, 11.111 .,nu 1I Iellnl lu _ a 111" 5:30 P.M. *Drew Pearson, news: WSUN kLlkAt ih1:11 rH,,lelu;Je, l'es- hauy r'0rr14l 11.111. 41 .1 u In 111 W_r.( Cutest Orch.: I1'Slt" W'SR K1111 %WBis :Nlt Kilt 111111 IY111.PnJ11111a, re SIn". 1111.11 WI . Fri,. 1+1-115 KAIkIC 1{rkr' 1CC1Y1 Metropolitan Opera Auditions: na Commandos; WREC I WKH a,ln, .I I l37 IVA I t C11. i{ritS WJ13O WDSti II'SIX tl 1,A W 1I S!t l R 11Irr HIP 171uihdlr, V. C. 11a11y, 1 i p.01, n.tn. WNOX WBBM 1 {TItH %YGST I'MPS tl't:üA %VOAt II'Al't1 It I'OO it i:.tu taw jtalt F141. tint,. Y,a,". 'r1a... f1111r,. I1 p.m l{MCIx KRLD WWI. WAPI In I a.m. Anchors Aweigh: 11'rí5 Wl'1.A Il'FAA IVBISC ti'SIAQ 15'ßT KOKA WSA1 11c.IL' l! II rldlarlrlplda, !'s. Wily .+mpl Ilull., i i p.n1 le 1 a,lu lark Benny Show' 1. i OD KARK 11'11.38 11139 Tampa..Pln, dül1. n1.ly I I p.m. in ;1 a.a4- H l l Jimmy liarrl's Oren.: IV B RA1 I The Great Gildersleeve: KARK 1t'5ß 15'[í11i HALA liDKA 17 uRV Zenit tl1ialWu. Pk. Ilauy. I pun. th. á 11la. 55Ií,1 N dwl,. p"la. lu I a.nl. 11'L1V 11'5MB WBRC IVHOT. WMAQ WFLA W1.1Y KPRC (Paz Kids; Joe Kelly, m.c.; "111 l'7mldera9', It. I. huila rnon1H 41 5t ICi:I 11110 Huston, Mom. I1114. 11 11.n1. ll, 4a11 ü.tl1, WALA WJDX 1VCOA ,VSO %VOA] WFAA IYHHC 11'551 4'ifPS 1{7'Hti ll',I6[1 WEND 511-Iu 1 i11i11 NrRtYta! N. Y. lady I nat. tu _ sin tVHQL W,IDN SV.I1C WSMB 1%'DSLI Sergeant Gene Autry: W BT 5L l'1.,I 11711 Ì'at1gW. Fla, 514., It p.al. a.tlL Kh1OX-Let's WWL WREC K1VKH WAPI KTBS WAPO IVCOA Know Japan IS lit IVOd Nee York. N. Y" hilly. 11 11.111 lu : a-a1- kUOA JEU t !lapel R ICI 1;utl Ilri,iKeplgl, Conn. Daily,1 linn., 11 11,111, lu a WLAC WNOX KTRH WHAS Voice of Prophecy; King's Her. WLUL3Swinein' ,ni Air RICh 5su liary, 11111. lhuty. I, nail. to ¡s a.m. KMOX KRLD KLRA WGST aids Male Qiiarree: WITPS II lilt, ö,ll Stiloll, Ina11y, I I 11.111. tir -1:1.5 11.m, W'RRM WWNC WDOD WGN.L:usy ]Iv11ey h'if. GLADYS SWARTHOUT, W'SIX WTJS WIN-Troth or i"nuslnrlenees VL.L1i :1:11 Ja.'It.lettllllr, FI. eau., 11 h,n1. to 3 a.m. EFIiC- Memory Melodies i1J11 star K IRA- Central Baptist 1v51NPohltlar Nusir 711t1 llruuh. Mien. laö I" tend. In 1:311 a.m. Metropolitan Opera KTBS-Transcribed Prgin. 5tklrll 17130 Ilülralu, 1{. Y. hilly, II le.ta. ill ;t 4.10. * KUIOA -News 11'SIIN.Alu3.1c You Wan appearing an "Family KL'OA-Canadian Letter; Listea- *WITOi% -News; Sports Is LIS :np t:klrhmyl1.111i10 IIIIit'_ II 11,Ih1. ro ::'n.la" 4.1 WT',1Slterie5v Fatnrira 1[1A1: 1240 lfatwh 31441. lluly, 11 p.111, 1 11 1:711I Hour" ni: Posi WDSUMusieal Selection K1'0OPartage Stamp Adventures LL'N3aI ,IBfl Nevi York. N. Y, hilly, II 11,m. *WGNCarl Ravoaaa's Oreh.; %5ü1. r_IKl laily' r>;r,pl !Nth, I p,u1. 11,:k u.111. iWTOEvotic Moods 6:45 P.M. IVI1U1btrn11, Il. L', i Nowa 111111 710 Sr, Yolk. N. Y. Sum, ].I p,111. lU 5i:1:1 R-m,i JYher 5:16 P.M. *11' APO News W l IASRupert Hui sell; H hair Jimmy Hilliard's arch.; KMOX ally., I I p.m. nt 4:8 3.11, WFAA.Quis of Two Cities 11!iíl N, I I 0.15. 5 a,m. Britain to America: KTHS *WLACNrann: To the announced W1111, Hn111p11, C. Pally etrrpl Stan.. 1a WSTCStumpus Court 11"Q;I,11 Hiauni. Fla. 11014. 11 ham. lu ` a.m. Irene Rich: WHAS KLRA WBT 7:110 P.M. WOPI Alkn Roth's Orch, 6:15 P.M. W'IVA 111411 Hirllmnrnl, Vs, [hilly, I1 pin, lu 4:tll u.m. WG51 KMOX KWKH KTRH 513AI 1;4440 C'lucintrdlI. Ohio Iledll rx,',Yil Som-. I1 ;p.m. to 4 WSM -Truth or Consequences American Forum of The Air: WREr WNOX WAPI WLAC Stars from the Blue: KTHS a.1n,; iì1114, I1 11.111. tU I R.m. WTJS WGN II KRLD WWL 5:45 P.M. W',11311 WStJN IVSUiV d.11 di. 1?1a_ Pally, i i'ode,. lee OA, Chase & Sanborn Prgm.; Edgar 1i'dilr ,;u ..e,,,y-,, X, Y. 111.14. II r,.111 1 71..1.111, WAPO- ffillbilly Hit Parade KI:OArlassie flour Bergen & Charlie McCarthy - 1VBAP -Dance Orch. *News: KPRC KVOO KTBS WOOD- Swingin' on Air Don Aiaerhe; Dale Evans; Ray WHRC'- Sparts KWTO * WDSU W,1r News Noble's Orch.; Guest: WMM WDOD- Sunday Vespers KIJOAHawaiian Serenade *WENRVaeabnnd: New. Visa %V1311C WFAA ntWDSthWur News W'APOTheater News; Sports WLAC- i:eturrh in the Wiidwood WOPI Way Back When KY00 SVM :ACI WSMB 1VALA ADA] KOKA WFLA WLW Back in 1924, radio was a strange beast, 1{IrRC 1V {'OA KAHN IVNIC WJIIX NIBS 1%APu 5C3lf l according to the "Danny Thomas Show's" ace s oued. Mcerlhe en a skit SUNDAY'S BEST LISTENING ñ14. comedian, Art Kohl. After broadcasting *Earl Godwrin, news: KIlTS with a group of stock - company players. one of IVJBO W51PS WSUN WS1X the actors asked the engineer, "How long be- WDSU fore the people will hear what we've just See program fisflegs for more detail and additional news programs Re Hello. Americans: KTRH IY$RM KLRA WOOL: KRLD said ?" WREC W'N'OX WGST KWKII News Discussion Drama WBT 1/A1P1 WHAS KMOX and WL.ACCentrat Church of Christ Says A.M. Gildersleeve it with Flowers A.M. WLS Metropn li I an Opera Audi- 11:00 Weekly War Journal 11;30 To the President tions lial Peary, the jovial Great Gildersleeve, is P.M. Letters to the President from the people, WWL-Rood tir yesterday busy singing and reciting Christmas greetings 12:Do Northwestern Reviewing Stand dramatized by Arch Oboler; Lewis Stone. in Portuguese and Spanish into his recording 1:30 University of Chicago Round narrator 7:15 F.M. machine. This is a yearly habit for Peary, who P.M. Table Discussion *Edward Tomlinson, A r w a: has an uncle in Río de Janeiro, and a cousin 1:30 World News Today 1:00 Those We Love KT'HS WJ130 in Buenos Aires. The uncle speaks only Por- Nan 2:00 John W. Vandercook Gray, Donald Wood., Helen Wood, WOSILSporis tuguese. the cousin, only Spanish. Alma 2:15 and 4:15 Upton Close Kruger and Francis X. Bushman 1VLS- Treasurer Star Parade 4:45 William L. Shirer 5:00 First Nighter * WMPS -News IVSIX -Dyana 5 :00 Edward R. Morrow 5;00 Britain to America Gayle 6:00 Drew Pearson 5:15 Irene Rith WSUN -Tes he announced in History 7:00 American Forum of the Air 6:00 Commandos WAPI -Hoc Tale. 9:30 7:30 WOOD-Musical Mande 7:00 Earl Godwin 7:00 Hello, Americans P.M. Hoof of Charm; Phil Spilainy's Starring Orson WDSU-Prof. Jus. Schramaa 7:15 Edward Tomlinson Wailes; Mercury Theater *Crime Dotttor, drama; Erie Ail -Girl Orel.. ; Richard Stark. Players; !Aid Gluskin's Orchestra WGNStars of Tomorrow m.r.: WMAQ W LIY ICSN1 115V 7 :45 Gabriel Heatter Sevareid, 11. ewe t WNOX WLAC *%VJRO.N mks; berellilde IVNiC WSMB KPitC W'HAl 8:00 Walter Winchell 7:30 One Man's Family 1VRi1M W AT WGST WI ÁS IVOPI- Srudin Vespers 7:30 Crime Doctor KMOX KTRH K'AKH KRLD MUM KTI3S W'URC I{VOCI 3:30 Jimmie Fidler WS1X-Treasury Star Parade IVFI.A IV KAP BARK 1t'Op1 WWI. WAPI WOOD %V %VNC 8:45 Dorothy Thompson 7:30 Inner Sanctum Mystery W'HOI. KOKA WAPO WCOA Dramatic mystery thriller with Raymond KI.RA WREC 9:30 Report to the Nation P icture I .[pry by Cho evareld 8:15 P.M. WALA Edward Johnson. narrator: Peter Lorre o n 6. The Parker Family, with Leon Take it or Leave It, quiz peste in "Murder in the Morgue" One Man's Family; It V00 WLW W5UN WLW Phi! Baker, 1r1.r.: WBT KMOX Yariefy WFAA WVNIC Y/i-MB WMAQ Janney: IVENR 8:00 Radio Reader's Digest W'BRM WREC KTRI7 1{ I ;1.p WRRC %l'0A1 WSM KARK *kl1OA -News; Quiet harmonies P.M. Charles Butterworth in a cemir monolog. WHAS WAPI WGST l[LItA KPRC WI "OA WFLA W'OP! WALA -U. S. Marines "From Pillar to Post" lI'IVI. I{I \'I{II II'LAC WOOD 2:3o Army Hour WA l.,l Kf1KA KTBS %YROL WAPIDr. Henry M. Edmonds A dramatic program with pickups Tram %YW'NC 1VNOX 10:30 Unlimited Horizons IVSB WJDX WOPIYou Cann Do Business training -centers of U. S. forces all over Inner Sanctum Mystery: KTHS with hitter *John B. Hughes, news: WTJS the world lo show the development of our CiOSSJCat Music WDSU %YJIRO WLS W ROI. Treasury Star Parade IVGM awned forces" Guest speakers K UOA- Britain Speaks WS1XPoplular Music Goad Will Hour; John J. An- thony, 4:30 Musical Steelmakers 10:00 Coolidge String Quartet WAPO-First Church of the cond.: WDSU KTR S P.M. WENN V,I6O 1fÁ1PS John Winchcoli; Regina Colbert; the Steele 11;30 Salt Lake City Tabernacle Organ Nazarene 8:30 Sisters; Singing M,llmen; Tommy Whit- and Choir V.' M PS First Baptist Church American Album or Familiar WSIX -Lest We Forger ley and the Musical Steelmakers Frank W. Asper. organist WSIX- Popular Munie Music; Frank Munn; Jean W'SLI N- Suretadc WSUN -Britain to Ameríea della Cuieos 5:30 The Great Gildersleeve 11:30 Dickenson; Vivian Emma Otero, soprano; Concert Male; Gus llaensclleñ s 9:15 P.M. 5:30 Sergeant Gene Autry sop.; rch estra Orch.: WSM8 WMAQ KDKA *Lee Chime, news: IYT,I S With Virginia Vass. Horace (shorty). 7x45 P.M. P.M. Wahl KPRf' 11'513 IINC % /0A1 1L'C1N.IliII Sanders & Guy Murphy and Lou Bring's Orchestra Savage 2:00 New York Philharmonic-Sym- *Gabriel Hlratter, news: WON KTBS WFLA WJDX 1VBRC 6:00 Jack Benny Show phony . 1CVDO .WFAA WCOA WALA 9;.7o P.M. Mary Livingstone; Bennis Day; Rochester: K UOAJerry Sears Presents Artur Rodzinski, conductor Jimmie Fidler: IVENR WJBO *Report to the Nation; KWKII Orchestra *IV six-New. Phil Harris' WLIV KTHS WDSU Wh1PS 1 11W-NC 11'13T 3 :30 Pause That Refreshes on the Air w - rJSNeichteorhoohi Call /HAS W'HEC: 6:30 Quiz Kids Andre Kostelaneti Orchestra; chorus; 1VSIX KRLD WGST KLRA WOOD Star Theater; Fred Allen: 6:30 Fitch Bandwagon led Cott, emcee; guests 8::00 Texaco P.M. WHAS KTRH KMOX BSAS 7:00 Chase and Sanborn Program 4:00 Symphony Orchestra FREQUENCiES Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy; Dan WGST ERLD 11'IIEC KWKH Leopold Stokowski, conductor Manhattan Merry-Go-Round; Con- WLAC 11'ßT WOOD KARK-920 WFLA-9711 Ameche: Date Evans; Ray Noble's Orches- WAPI 4 :00 The Family Hour rad Thibault. liar.; Chorus: WNOX IVWNC KLRA WWL KDKA-1020 WON-720 tra Deems Taylor: Al Goodman's Orchestra; Girls of Manhattan; Victor KLRA-3420 WGST-92o Arden's Olrrli.: WMAQ W'SM KARK 'treasury Star Parade KMOX-1120 WHAS-540 8:30 Texaco Star Theater Gladys Swarihaut. soloist ICOKA WALA KTI35 KPRC 11'APO-H wullana KYRC-9so WJBO-I15o Fred Allen; Portland Haifa; Al Goodman'r KRLD1080 WJDX-I3oo 6:30 Metropolitan Opera Auditions WBRC WFLA WFAA 1VCOA *%V B RC -Yews Orchestra KTBS1480 WLLAC15I0 Wilfred Pelletier, conductor; William Har- KAHN. %VOM WJuX WSM1I WGN -Eddy Howard's Orch KTHS1090 WLS-890 9:00 Take It or Leave It grave, bassbaritone. and Virginia Resnick, WMC W513 W'OPI Back Fionie Huur KT14H-t320 WLW.70o Phil Baker. quizmaster soprano. guests WROL- Fashiotl Cpinulentatas KUOA-1290 WNAQ670 dramatic Radio Reader's Digest; WHAS 10:00 Hawaii Calls 19SUK "H 1i nicai Meditation KVOO-1I70 WMC790 8 :00 Manhattan Merry-Go-Round K11111 KMOX 1VBSM WGST KWKH 1150 WM YS-1480 Men About Town: Gina Conrad Thibault; WREC WET WNOX KLRA. 8:45 P.M. KWTO-560 WNOX 990 of Manhattan; Victor Arden's Orchestra W'lVL Wi.,AC WALA-la lo WOAT120o Album Familiar *Dorothy Thompson Comments: WAPJ-117e WDYI-t490 MII. ICAL 8:30 American of *Walter Wilnchell, comm.; WLW tYSIfN WJRO WMPS WAPO-1155 WREC-600 WEND WROL-62o +t r o Music WEN!! W;jL'N WRAP-820 t ! w KARK -Blue Echoes WURM-760 WS13-750 11% Frank Munn; Jean Dickenson; Vivian ty t Old Fashioned Revival: WTJS Dance Dreh. WBRC-980 WS1X-980 delis Chiesa; Buckingham Choir; Bertrand KTHS +[i¡11ÿ11 KUOA WCOA WROL WAPD.String Serenade WBT-It10 WSrA-650 Hirsch, violinist; Gustave Haenschen'S *News: WCOA-137o WSMS-1359 > c on rho Blue Network K!MLD- Academy Award *WDSU-News Orchestra WOOD 1310 WSIiN620 Coot- tCoaet KTHS'ru he announced IVI N -Art Kassel's Orel. WpSU-17a0 WT]5-1390 Sunday 4:311.5:00 P.M. C.W.T. 8:00 Hour of Charm K%'OO I'uL,4ir, Service Convert #WLW -Drrw Pearson, news WF_NR890 WWL870 "IT'S WHEELING STEEL" Phil Spitalny and his all -girl orchestra KW li li -Traci serilird Prem. WSIX -014 Hickory Quartet WFAA820 WWNC-570 *Walter Winchell, comm.: Kills 10:00 P.M. Alumna Reÿ s Orch.: WSIX IVItOL IOWA 'from to Ihr Nation Page 19 WBRC WOAI KVIKU MARK %VSUN WJBO KPitt 'ehe Greet Gildersleeve WM( WSB WOPI WSM W'JUX *News of the World: News: W'IIH\t Urpart to the Natioa WWNC Bobby Sherwood's Orch.: WBT WRAP WSMB WCOA WALA WHISK h1Vtill KTRII WCUA Old Fashimierl Revival 11'ItEC N'IK)D N'AI'\ KRLD NAB- WHHM WWNC WAPI SUNDAY, November 29 KPRC KLRA WDOD KTRII KMOX WI-NR-Most Honored Music N'HT (sw.9.53) WLW Tree Creightons Are Coming: WNOX WGST Burt Farber's Orrb *News: N'Bfl(' WFLA WOPt *Pe SIC -News; To be announced; WJDX WMAQ *News WLW WRAP WMAQ Slu,ic WROL City Temple WHAS-Dream Srrer,sd. Alvino Rey's Orchestra: WAPO Sports: KVOO WSMB *WCW News, N'1.W Munn This Is Our Enemy: 111.1S W11AIPowder Music SLepy Hollow kir er WCOA WSM KRLD -Church of Christ WWL-llerb Sherry's Orch. *1% ski. sleepy. 'billow. News *New,. WSCN WAPI WBBM WSM Francis Critic's Serenade *N. is. KARK KVOO WBAP KVOO-Musirate W 1%1 Dane. Or, h KNOX KWKH- Transcrdted Prim. 11:15 I.M. 11 I I A 5 1111)\ KPRC' WOAI 10t41 I.M. Most Honored Music KDKA WALA- Chapel in the Sk) N t.11' 1% SR WSMBe WJBO Charles Dent's Orch.: WSMB 11' ROL Gene Krupa's Orch.: WRFC WCOA- Marvel of Vision Jerry Wald's Orchestra: KWKH 11:45 P.M. Quiz of Two Cities: KTRH WWL *New, , \nisi. I1ST WMC WDSU -Jolty Friars Gospel Church KRLD roll 11111. WLAC WAPI *Gay Clar,dge's WAPO.Tre..urs Star Parade *Ness,, Sports KSIOX 1VUOL WGNChiraen at Night WAPI' Muir Or ch.; News: Romdrell Music Eddy Howard's Orch.: WGN WUSU *WFLA.Nrws: Isle Garcia *h1IKA Newa: Rumba Rhsthmt WIENSOIJFa.hioned Revival WGN Graf Witham.' Orch. WGN *New hIKA 1 111L -True Detects. Mystnses *K1.ItA -Music in the VigbI. WJDX -In a Drowsy Mood WI Al \tusk in the Night *News: W'SIX KRI.D N'LACOW Fashioned Revival Hr. Newt 1%ROL Parade of Bands BLS%d)aure Oreb. 11:30 P.M. W'LElkry QUINN *KTBSNews: Tnnsenbed Prgm *W'WLNew,; Magic 12:00 Mid. *WNOX -Kegs; Bible Hato *KTIIS-Nevis; East End Temple 11:00 P.M. *Gay Ctaridge's Orch.: News: tv-I, -Svinplinnic Swint WALA World at Large 10:30 P.M. 11x1.\ 11J Bo WENN KTIIS *News. WROL WRFC N'Sl'NMusiral Meditation *WDSU-War Todas Freddy Marlin's Orch.: ll'JBO 1S BAP KDKA All Theo Ihr Nit. Gene Krupa's Orchestra: WWNC *KMOX Starch WEHR Musical Steelmakers W'FNN WDSU 11'APO N'BAP Vaughn Monroe's Orch.: WLAC fur Ftee.lum; KLRA WOOD WRT WGST BSI\ News 9:45 P.M. t\GN Answer Alan hills 15' KT WAPI WftEC KTRH %A NON WWL KTRH *KWKII5ews; W Al AQ Josef Korstner, pianist Carl Ravaata's OrcP : WGN KW'KI1 WNOX Trancribed Parker N'RRC KTBS Prgm. Family: WAR'S Old Fashioned Revival *Johnny Long's Orch.; Nenn: *News; Charles Dent's Orth.: *BBC News; Bobby Sherwood's 11'0Á1 K1110 N'MC SS erWtsItSINews; I(AItK N'SIX Swing Shift WSIX \\Jlw WDSU SVSI.1N SIAQ 1111.A ICTBS WSM Orch.: WGN Ben Young's %VSR N'OPI WJDX Orrh. WRAP WSUN-Treasury Star Parade WRID WNW KV00 WOAI *Joe Marsala's Ouch.: News: WSMB WCOA WALA KPRC . Unlimited Horizons: WMC KDKA N'RT- berühug Party 1%. I. Donee Orrh. KDKA WSMH KTBS WMAQ WBRC SVFLA WSIAQ KIRS WALA Wald's Orth.: W'REC WBT SVENIMu,icale You Can't IM Business with Jerry KDKA 11'FLA N'MC KPRC 10:15 P.M. SVJDX WRAP WBRC WAN) WDOD WNOX 1VI ;N-Art Kassel's Orch WROL WSUN WHIM KTRH WSM WOAI Hitler: WSB WROL KVOO WSMB \1'í.W' -AI Graham's Orris. KAIOX -Favorite Stelndies Story Behind the Headlines: KNOX Ray Pearl's Orchestra: WBBM WSIAQ-Emile Petti's Orch WAPI-Screnade in WOPI KTBS %VELA WSB *News: WGN WREC WLAC *News: WSMB WBAP l SIOX Swinerinse *11'SfrMusie; News WAPO Miracles & Melodies KARK WOAI 1VRRRC WSM WAPI *KPRC -News; Radio Chanel *WCOA -Dance Nocturne: News B WBBMRuss Brown. sonos WMC KPRC KDKA KARKBack home Hour *IVI \u-ws ; nonce Orch. *t\'I)SU -News End of Sunday Programs

*WGSTNews; Slu,ical Sun Dial WDT -Light of the World Little Jack Littlei Orch.: Kills Valley WCOA 551ISl1 WHAS Renfro MONDAY, November 30 Do Vogl Remember, WJBO WSIX %V MPS I MORNING WJDX Muskat Clock WHAS-To be announced David Harum: KPRC K5'00 WI.W Bradley Kincaid WJDX -John Searle. hymns WFAA WLW WSMC Sunshine Boys WMC- Slusirale 7:00 A.M. 11 SNI-Daniel Qua, 1l110l.1letty Guiding Light: SVAI'I KARK *WMVSNews; Waterier; Music let is Bob W'NOXVictory Front W MB-Slorsine Varieties WSIX Orman Sluods K5VK11 Transcribed I'rga. CENTRAL WAR TIME 5 %VOX Early Worm 1VUOLLaurel Ave. Church WTJS KWTO -A1 Slums Hynes Sung IVROL IliRadRir. Varieties 11'SBSunshine Boys *World News Roundup: KTBS :30 A.M. WWI.Sutann, Javeau WALA- Fashiunairef WAI'(i WHI(C WJII\ WOPI 1191 Penelope Pan IISNI Sluicalc WAPO-Newe (Witte* 1\51X- the Da) WSMB T,+las'. Morning Moods: hilts WBRC 9:1S A.M. WSMILTreasury Star Parade 1110I -Sane the Prarn N SAO( WALA WWL -Vic & Sadr WCOA- Melody Moment, *News of the World: KMOX 7:45 A.M. Toe O'Nedls: KARK 1VSB WSM Wt$)D WGST Good Morning Blues: KIRA *WDULL Ncw. WAPI RUT WHAS WRFC Mew- KVtK) WBAP WBRC 10:00 A.M. N'HEC Uncle Ben & Hired Hands: WGST WJDX ,1kha Land wwsr *News: W551 WTJS IS WC 11'1.W %AMC WOPI news: 11 '1' NC KTRH Road of Life: KARK KPRC WNW Novatlme *Wm. Hillman, KTIIS WLAC W\NH KTBS WAPO WALA WALA WCOA WUSI) WJBO Reveille Roundup: KTBS WALA h \W 558AI' WBRC WJDX 11'NOX,Lonely Women World Wt OA 11 11'ROL WSIPS WAPO WCOA WJDX WMC KARKlieht of the LW WM(' 1%OP1 WCOA Wul'Ltarm & Home Hour KMOX Treasury Star Parade Melodic Moments: W *Clifton Utley, hewn: KV00 110P1 W'ROL \\slob WBRC KLRA WBT SR ri'sM W ALA \1 ItOL- Treasury Star Parade *KPRC.Radio News 5511Lá 11WNC N *News: KARK KUOA KWKII *Newt: KTIIS Specials; Clara, Lu 'n' Em: KNOX REC Markets, Music KUOA. Little Concert *Roy Porter, news: KLRA -Musical Clock *News. KMOX WFAA KPRC WDSU Wslt Hand of Today; Varieties KV00-Rev. T. Myron Webb: 11180 Breakfast at Sardis: KT1ts \VySI human *KPRC -New; Music Bot KVOO WSIX WDSI. WJBO WMPS WROL of America 1024 Ranch. WGST Personal Shopper Feyle: 11 SMBLioda . First KRLDRuuinl% u Mr !stodge KRLD Kitty KMOX 11'51 N Luvt Slusiral WSM KWKII Transcribed Prem. *News. WAPI WIIOL WNI- 51a KTRII Clock KW70-Schaffer Jump Time: KLRA KTRH KW11 Harsc,t Hands lnnr to Shine: KARK WAPI Sisters KRLDVirtor1 Freni *WAPO Des wools; News WAPI WGST WLAC WREC 11:00 A.M. WI AA Farb' llüds *KI ItA Between Acts. News 1(THS -little Mountaineers h It 1.U-llousewuu,ers 11'COASai- 11 Onk Siusic W11.45 \h,rninc Frolic Is I1t11 Musical Clock K1It11Ialht of the World Worst & Music: KTBS WAN) WFAA -Big Sister *KTBS News, Transcribed Prgm WM' " I..1u Gsa, Dom) K Ill.\ Ith)thuut Simms KN'KII Esci) (louse hose WJDX -In the Willman's World; * K L'OA -News *Kate Smith WLWTume to Shine *ht %hIl N, -w.. Ii.uscribed KWTO rark Sweethearts KWKIITranscribed Speaks: Ni.,: Sunshine Songs Prgm. KNOX KULU *WSW News; Music l'u«u,i *WDOD Naas, America Mareoe KWTOlHayloft Frolic KTR11 KWKII WTO.Slim WLW -Life Can Be Beautiful WAIT N'BT *WNOX News; Tenn. Hillbillies K & Tiny On WAPO,A Morning Thought WWI/ 11GS1' 1YIlTRangcrs Quartet WMC -Gene Steele WGST Light of the World (11IAS WLAC WNW WHET' *WSB-Merry.Go Round; News WNOXCaplauu N'HT II inn Time WSIXMartha White *WDODNews; Breakfast Club of Kitchens WHAS-The Goldberg' 55 WL WOPI-Devotional WOOD Virginia Charles *Boake W'SAS Varieties WDSI'.Varlety &Fou WLAC Melody Queen Carter. news; WTJS 11'ROI.Mornine Music 11'11.15 Treasury Star Parade WTJS Jam for Breakfast *WJBO- Markets. News WMPSMerrGu Round *Neil a: WALA WCOA WSMB WSB-Enid WNOXNewe; Matinee WWI. Dawa WLAC.Musir far Breakfast Day W'NOX-Suues That Live WSB WNRI WJDX Busters WWL W'SI\ Serenade to a llocsewife N'I.W Consumers Hal Burn, Varieties WSIX-IJeeli KARK- Nalarelr r Foundation River Boys WSMB- Novatime t bueb *WHF.CMusieal IU.IIA-Thee Out pur it 7:15 A.M. Clock; New. W'WLRieht to Ilappinea WTJS-llave You Got It? Sung WSB 5:45 A.M. hl'Rl.'Mnstcak On the Air: Melodies WWL Unpublished Diary Do You Remember?: KT85 WTJSTop o' the Morning Happy Jack Turner. songs: 1:30 A.M. *KTHSNen,; skyliuers 11'111\ 1\.\l..\ 11SMB W 11I. Daub 'lusters KIRS WCOA WMC WSMB 10:15 A.M. KUOA- Voices in Harmony Hank Lawsen's Knights; Kills KVtX)-Llght of Ou World Pages of Melody: WIISU WAPO WSB WALA SVJDX Vic & Sade: KARK KPRC 1:00 A.M. WCUA WDSU K%VTO-Orark Fanes Kill, Rhythm Rally: WFAA KPRC K1'00 WALA WRAP WBRC Hour Amanda of Honeymoon Hill: 55.1)5UUnr1e Saran,.) Rendezvous: WREC *Newt, lull L'' I(I ;I.D WBT 1'1 Victory Front: KLRA KMOX WCOA WJDX WLW 11'Oí'1 Breakfast hMUX 11'Bí IV HAS WWL WI A.1 Guiding Light MN 111% \u 1% Nl)X WWNC KWKH WREC 11'SIC WW\I N.11'1 WSB WSM 5%JBU Lonely Wooten Everything Goes: KTI3S KV00 *New, W'HRC WWL WOPI Cheer Up Gang: WTJS WLW WROL Second Husband: KSIOX WW1 111 Edhtur s WII, S WAPO Wt UA WSB WOPI Lonely Women: KARK WBT Symphonettes: KN'Kll KTRH Dauthler %%NW; *News KLRA KVOO 1VSli 1% HAS WWL *55 NI'S New., Wontuu's World \NSA' \1AI.A 11 um. Guiding Light: KTRH WGST KARK Souris* Serenade Karl Zomar's Scrapbook: WTJS N'ul'I Noon Tunes B reakfast Club; Don McNeill, KRLD- Donald Nord, songs *KARK Name You Well Remem- Varieties Console Melodies: KTRH KWKH II IKIL Naudelh,t KMOX -Oaark KTIIS IV'JHO WSIX KUOALeo Erody ber; Lost & found. Ntws Ranters Ed McConaoll, KLIIA Treasury Star Parade 15 SIX Serenade to KPRC Srnilin' *News; WAPI WBRC WMPS KWTOOzark Newsettes K PH(' NIa Perkins a Ilnusew ds *KItLUNrws; Maritime Talk; 11551 55nrnen Music WMC WSMB WAPI- Stoods; KRLIBetly A Bob of Aliment Winds WJDX Rhythmic Thie Black & White KUOA -Trade *KARK -News; Music Moraine at Nine Kilts News lo a SS nnua s World 11:15 K VOO Musicale eel Melody KUOARambling Rhythms A.M. KMOX- Staging Neighbor. Stele- WBT-Raneers Quartet KUOA -Gems KWKIf- Transetibed Prim KWTO.MarLets, Juke WAPIDear Public Words & Music: S,AI.A N'BIIt du, WOOD-Happy V. Boys Boa Jew BSIH 511DX K VTOIlalg.iness Runner. bocce; Carl (laden SDUD-Un a,, & Chorus KrRCstefa Unger; Music; WHAS -Time Out for Musk Bug Sister WBRC Lit Freedom Rine WALA Bob Crosby's Orch. *WEST -s sus s, Melodies hM0\ KItIi) KTRII Myri Smile Prgm. W I-AC Shari,- Box :Melodies WLACOld Dirt bobber 5111'1 will. 511IAS WRFl WHT Szath KTRH Huy WTI Ronde WLW -Aunt Jenny's Stories WAPI.Walis Time WCOA Roundup WNOXGuidog Light SNI tI\O\ NIIIIts kl.tlS hillbilly *Kt'OA News: Music WNOX- MMusicale WAIK) Golden Gate Quartet WDOD Breakfast Club WREC-Rendezvous with Romana Leo' Roam y. lanac K111.1 Transertbrd Prgm. WROL-Career of Agee Biao *WBAP -News; Market, seta.t t,, ,na un, ar,mle. ua WGST Hal Burns Varieties 1V5SI11 String Ensemble K W TO Goodwill Family WSM -Shopper; Serenade will«.4.aly if the Rouse I,,,. ,.era' karts W I Lilt Fugitisrs from Justice; MSC- Mrlod,es WTJS-Moraine Devotional 1111111 Studio Dale 10:30 A.M. Jimmy Blair, songs: %AM15 \Illkmaa's Matinee (1C,STNnmber, Lí'1 AA Earls Birds Please Against the KPRC K 0A Loa iivrs' CI e WLAC Chuck Wagon Gang Storm: KARK WGST-T, be announced 9:00 A.M. *55 JRO-Des'otlond, Newt KVOU WALA WBRC WCOA h1'(0 I.uurly Women W \II' Home Town Frolics *NJDX News; Melodic WLW' The Goldlire, Ion Victory Volunteers: Strings WFAA WJDX 1%LW WOPI K111.11 Tr...onled tale. WMPS Rev. B. R. Lewis KARK WLAC WTJSSoulhern Melodirn WBRC Guiding Licht W'MC WSB WSW %1'(OÁ Sluacal 1 ulbits W'OPI Breakfast Club WSM KPRC KV00 WI.W.Sweet *WWL-Nee.; Dawn Bunten \\'OPI WSMB KTBS River A House In the Country: KTHS 11}.1A loan. Un t, 1r;IX.Tt.las's die Day WJDX tV \I(" Nnsehv Tore WSB WMC %% psi' WJ110 WAPO N'GST Le Frire Tno WSM Time to Shine 11 UXt.reht of the World 5:15 A.M. Delta Rhythm Boys: Bright Moriten: KMOX KRLD 51'.180 Guiding Light KLRA 1\01'1 Bible Conference B reakfast Club: S1' MPS WAPI WREC WWNC KTRH KWKH WGS1 N'IIAS 11'1..11. 11tHurne 1 anelis 7:30 A.M. 5% It EC Mun'rnts ill Devotion Everything Valiant Lady: KS10X WLAC WWL 81.11 Sin Perkin. Goes: WSB 51II01.tidin' the Range Texas Jum Robertson. *KRLU News; Rancit Girls Wolume's Club: KUOA WMPS *WOPI News; Tunes bar.: School of the Air: %MSC WBT 1% SI X Let's Learn Slusie *KTHSNew,; Prgm. Resume KLIIA Wuutari s Magazine 11 "It Big S,trr lVJ HU WAPI 11 SM. Hill Everett & Owen Brad- KTRII- Lonely Women KWTOA Woman's World WSM 55h,duw Shopping Do You Remember?: WSMII Gypsy Caravan: WNOX WGST ley -God's Half Hour W'APTTreaswy Star Panda WV, .1 an,e. \lien, maulst ; hum WBRC K I.II A KCOA WSMR- Church In LVildwood *KWKH News, Transcribed WBT-Popular Music FruuI Collet Club; KLIIA WWNC Coffee Grinders: KPRC WFAA WNOX -Hnds in Bonds Prem. 9:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. *News: KRLU KTRH WTJS K ARK Janr Adams Speaking New WREC South American Way KWr0-What's Naval Academy Band: WT.'S KWTO WAPO WDSU WSM h ..VUS Slvxic kitchen 1VALAMclody lime Lone Journey: 51' BAP K5'00 WIIOLA'uertca Sings Ted Steele's Orch.: K'lliS Il LAC K It .1 .0.. Dos Serenade WAPO hEmig of the Churches Islip(: *WSIX -News Romance of Helen Trent: KMOX ling tu Shine: IVILE( WWI. K1ItII Stnical I lock WRAP -Dance Orch. Young Dr. Malone: WLW *WiJSNews; Lake Sta-tia WGST %VIIAS 15'1..11' 11'NOX KARK Sunshine Buys hl'nA Suuy Book Castle WBT- GutdIne Light Stringllme: WAN) WSIX 10:45 A.M. KWKII KRLD I%WL *KLRA World Today K (VIII Per. W. F. Unwell WCOA Morning Devotional B achelor's Children: KLRA Stories: KMOX Nall Farm & Home Hour; KITH K I'PIC Early Birds W It t: Musical Mnnories WDOD liner ion Ur. mating Wl1Ei: KTltll KNOX MILD Aunt Jenny's KRLD K71(11 WBT WGST WDSU WJHO WJDX %%Mt IN THIS Rit runes; Resume A In In IIolio firmed WDSU Moron,: Mekahes KWKII WHAS 1cLAt: WSW K UOI Fred NcCteskey, tar. 111 IA li:a Garcia WGST Lonely Bunten *New. W'DSL' WLAC A oung woaa le dtecon Tesa. Ilan get W' ln it) SS'Itsil h \ I ill Erei% n I.) one *1%1115 News *WHAS Sews: Tang nul for KARK Slarrbtng to Victors, tente %lia her 'Mfg titer" Ala Perkins K1'00 11'FÁ.1 KWKH Sunshine Rays 1t 1 O \ I nor to Shia. Music KTR\ T noerdted Prem. ctituce, sea Joli tu W'sen- *KARK News; Sketches tes. Nlark WALA Rev. Barker WLW Linda's Fini lave WJBOI.ight of the World h We Recommend Inplos, aid .eon after fall In ill!, & Irite tl All Number.. Please WM( Uhsia Bruww *WLW News; Organ KI'OA Island Serenade lot. with young man at tilt Yonne man Cor lief. II.. 0.\ Row Shine WNOX Nsuhbor ta r. telle KI.lt.1 %,Ioa. tir & l.wd *WMPS -News; Optical Drame WALA homier Sluate thole lore carman he. Howeser WOOD Breakfast Club .VRIUMeduikow; Musk *WNOX -News. Vinage Choir H .11'1 hand Ito, Revue rrJrklie : commette. IContunued on Neat Pagel Page 20 ., 5) Lonely Women: WLW Men of the Land KARK posits n. harmony h r11s Wiest K1'OA Classic Cana W'.AI.A NEXT WEEK! MONDAY, November 30 KV00 Bit Sister *New.: WS1X 11'SMB KW ITIRitht to Hap.dnes 1: I H's l'rin.erDMI Piero Complete Log of Radio Stations 11R11l :-Rink, nuns al 11111A Garden Club al the Au WIIAS Devotional kW DI Jody & ,lane I. W Missouri in the United States, Canada and lU Far mr, WJOX Nnveleen 11 11'1 Piano Patterns 11,11.A Siupin' Sam *WNW New,; Herbert harper W 11LI Mon Your Batik Stan°. Mexico by Frequencies! 1111111' Musk Irvin, Paradise 11'111'1 Wally live. ihr N R1 Ibyhl to Happiness WI 0.1 Treasury Star Parade WSM 0,01 & Bill Everett is hulr r.. Its ausuuneed 1.11111 News *11 Varieties. W il t'. Fdnor s Daughter it % t senile Prem. 1:30 I.M. %%I M Lacht ul the Wirkt W Lund. Column Jilt, Lei's Social We Leve & Learn: KIRA KMOX W'N(I.X.Pelger l'outtu s Family it Lt% \ rr & Sido Puff MILD 1711I1 K11 K11 11 API 11U1'í lamm Ro.i.,, It I:ul r hock \lath° WREI W'HAs WHT W'LAC %VIt11L-t'.trooze i\'>IX farm News WWI, "The girl who blew the smoke W Doti u SNI Luno Jr Abner 2:45 I.M. Guiding Light: 111.W Anloche'r face" is the way they referred to Wilts Hag o' ('old Mutual Gan Calling; WTJS Right te Happiness: KARK Dale Evans before the singing starlet joined 1,1'1:1 K \pal 1íHÚ' 11111:1' 12:30 P.M. 11 MI's the Chase & Sanborn cast. The vivid bit of PJUX I%LI1 W,u WOI'I *News: %%AI. % í1'(11% WIT WGST K Ills acting it referred to was in a film called "Curl the & Sade: KMOX WOW(' PiJllu 11 -I) %ASNI WREC Trouble.' Neither Dale nor Don knew ttt the Limb's Ferst Lave: WSW tt'SM Howard Jackson, songs: WD't' *Norton McGiften, news: KPIIC KAIIK st 'IP, 1178O s1 SIX KTHS time that either one would be aligned with WBAI' KPRC Musicale KI01 Mrlrabr. Charlie McCarthy this season. 1,11 'thy 1 Rhythmalres: WAPO KI?OA Markeltranrs & tlusie TO ¡Mu 1:,ou,d It *1% .11'I New.; VIRGINIA CLARK por *News. KW'113 WDSU WLAC KV00 -Four Star Kitchen Model Kit. hen WALA trays Helen Trent in the WSW 1VTJS KWKH KWTO Life Can Re Beautiful Serenade WAI'(h Serenade "Romance of Helen Trent" KARK -Melody Boy's W',11N) (laits net nl' KLIIA -A to 7. in Novelty WBRCPupulat Mime WRT Road of Lilo *Kt'OA -New, Netl.horly News 10 2 4 stanch WIND WT15 KRI.D Vedettes 1%014Ameri.. kindles W('t)A Tea Time Tunes MALA Don Allen's Orch 1111E( (11.30 am Continued) KTHS Dame Orch. WSB-Treasury Star Parade WDOD-Musicale WAI'OMuk from Hawaii *News: KMIIX 18110 HOPI KTRII Muskat Qum %1SIN Devotional W HAS Rome,. s News; Style WBTlass Ranter 11' HT Kl'GI helpful limner Kl'UA Musk in a M.nlern Modo W5MB Prem spotlight (louse WCOA -All It.',aost heur *KAIIK -Sews; Masse h 11:11 l uuvd II minmleen l K100 -Hob Wills & Bovs WIACOrgan Musk WOS(II'. S Marines KI.h1Tune h, 'boded Wen N'NON KUOA Sonp DI alt N A1..% Uh.ekerloard t,i. 1:45 P.M. Voting Dr. Millen. 1111AS Vic & Sade KI'Itt.Frunt Pa..t Music 1% -MR K W 1O-Markets 11 11'1 Faria & Family Imam Sturte Gossip W./150 v. F. W. Flynt; Cadet KKLU -Round & Round 11.11.A-Musical Moments Pepper Young's Family: WAPI M IIAI' Music Yn,I Like 111..11 Musical Memories *hDOA Nrwn; Melody Tim. WHAS WWI. 3:00 P.M. WAPI Light of the Warta W BRCStanbacker WGST WIT W'MPS.l.lthl of the WarW *KVO :News: Dance Thug Hymns WI.W Smatter', Wile: KPIIC WRRC WAIF -Luuch With - *WCOA. News ; Employment of All Churches: News; Sports W 1A WLW WMC WSB WNOX Bible (lour tKWKll *WT)RC -News Pictures Curley Bradley. fonts: KTIIS F. Serna; Music 11,í111 I..tItK 111:01 Ith,tlumures KW ro Haden Fatally *WBT New.: Popular Wis., WOOD N'DSC WALA WSIX Grandpappy *Club Matinee; News: WALA 11S NI. Shmgdng Atone WALA-Navy )'ram. Wet)'. Farn. & hor. l' *WilA,.New.; Markrti Savings Editor's Daughter WMC KARK W LOA 5% IRO 111í11L. 11'sIX WAIN)-En' Ramblers, *WLVWNews: Lis Mar- Judy & Jade: KrRC KV00 -calk WW1'S 4:15 I.M. WCOA-Bargain Review kets; Everylm.ly's Fana N) Hu Luncheon Serenade *Walter Compton. news: WTJS 1%IR,4Jul1y Friar. N' 11I'SHousewires Ire. Burr W.11M. Theater Revue The GoIdSerp KMOX WREC Hop Hartigan; WA1.A WDS1J *News: KIRA KW K11 WDOD WFAA.AIIen Roth', Omit. t hest WI. W Big Sister KLRA Ur eau Keller hula KPRC WGST SS Portia Facet Life: MARK WIIAS.11erbie Koch. organist -Teo Per Cent Block Party KIt1D-Radio Revival LAC 11WNC WItF.0 WOPI WSW Novelty Revue WWI. KItLD KTHS KV00 WBRC WFAA WJItN lu the Groove N I: Cf Sweet Ito, rr *11 Stl'SNews; Dunce Music *1C1RII -New. WOPI *News 11J11 WLW WMC *11I.W News t Krum Your 11 wit !lisle Fano a 11, ms Hour KUOA- Siesta KTRII WUSD KTHS 501'1 Navy Prem. W BT 111101. WSB WSM WSMB America N' S1 X R F. D. 980 Wilt Roiliest film thm KWKH- Transcribed Prtm. Portia Blobe I. forced to eels, WNOX Swingste, 'rime -Sia K MOX Editor'. Daughter pet. eaata+l alalleer cumin tat W)MB Aloha Land WSIX Ruanio Cowboy KW r0 Perkin 11B Arn.y Report WCIIA ..{Trent ou Soo. *KTBS New.. T...... ,hr.l Yrgrss. terra ut her own rbIW. 11:45 A.M. *IISNIBCurrent E.eni. t% %1 On the nl KUOA Daily Diversihn Ban,rt.,.,d Out Gal Sunday IsIrr\ t1'GST *11í'L New >; Mek.lie WDOD.ICo.d life Mother & Dad: KLRA MP. Kit *1t K1I00 Guiding Light SOX WI.lelndy, New. MIAs W1.\t W >VX Ktt'KII 11JB0 -T, be .nnotinted tt'NN( WOOD MILD W 12:45 P.M. WJDX Status Bnui e,. *SVAIY1 Merry-G,rHound. News hilLU WHAS (tight to Happiness Joe Fraatte's Orch.: WTJS S :15 P.M. Vincent Lopez' Orch.: WDSU WLAC -Moments of Mel..dy Naval Academy Band: WMPS *WJDX-News; Rhythm Varieties KSIVX Our Ihr. Beam Today at the Duncans: KNOX 11480 WMI'S WNOX -Life Can He Beautiful KARK -Tin Pan Alley WNOX Ma Perkins *ICTKII News 101 1,11 KRLD KPRC -10.2.4 Ranch *Morgan Beatty, news: KTBS *WOPI -Liana Musrc; News WWI Church in the Wildwood KI'OA March of Melody Dun Winslow: 11 L P. 1% APO 1í'V1'I WSB WSMB *WSB -News; Messie KTBSTranscrihed Preto WSM N'uman Looks al the Trine," WSM Mary Foster News KWTOMarkeis. Ton, Joan Brooks. songs: 1 ;IX k11 :11 %1e1.w1, Lane tt Itu1L '«API Frolics The Goldbergs: WGST WLAC WSMB-Navy Dramas Blue Streak Rhythm. WLAC KUM Echoes of the South 3:15 P.M. W'.1 PO- Muerica Marches WBL WREC KVOO Markets Stella Dallas: KPIIC KTBS %VI.W 11GST-Gewre. West. Munk Vour Prem.: KPRC WRAP 2:00 P.M. *Music by Shredn.k: News: KWTO -Mars at th. Stockyard. Cruy KVOO LABRI W'l'AA WJUX WHAS Defense Talk; Music KMOX KIRS WJDX WALA-Rural Ithytbm *News: KARK David Haras: KMOX WMC 11'áa 11SN WSMB W NJDX J BO-MeMdles W API.1 is & Sade 10 -2.4 limit.: KIRA Air Capers: KTIIS WDSU WSIX KARK N'MPSLanely Women *News: WFAA WSB Parade WAPO Pete ( mull KRLDIleadlme Whirs WROL WJBO Dr. William Pearson Tolley: W'Br WREC Studio Presents Spurts: WCOA W'l1AS 01 Stars %1 WIC-Diana Darling KTRH Parade Sophistleators: WWNC KTRH KLRA KRLD K71í11 KIVKII WSIX-Trio Time 10.2.4 Ranch: WIlT WWL KUOA- Ozarks Are at War WI'OA.Just Helm. Norm. WGST W'Wt. KLRA It 1°111 WLAC WGST WNOX WWL Freedom Girl KARK- Resunoe; l'arrtp Robinson WDOD.Ma Perkin. k WKH'rranseribed Preuve WTJS *Club Matinee; Nees: *KIRA-Sports; Musk; News *Stanley Dixon, news: KTIIS 4:30 P.M. N FAA Sunshine Boys KWTO Little Crossroads Stare Story of Mary Marlin: KPRC W I.'l' KPIICLister to Leann wONfillbifly Hoedown *WALA -News; Musk KVOO WIMP WBRC WJDX KNIUX Hearts is Harmony Superman: N'l'JS KTHS -Hop Hartman W RFC.Cherk.rhwtard 1 WAPI-Farm Reporter WLW P.MC 1156 WSM K M 10 (izar. Sweethearts WPM' K11I11-Teas hangers Venetia. KARK Singing Strings: KT115 W ROLH.Bbiuks 111311C-Hal Barns to Ill young Deney" iI., Kent). WW1 Hayloft Jamboree %VSIX %'..11.A 117130 KUOA -Music Irmo 16r Mashers 11S1I1 Wonian' MUM Serenade he mios -rd from prison thrnoti WHAS Ma Perkins Just Plain Bill: WFAA KPRC MOO It's a W..m.rn's World W WDOD & Bì0 (tre effort. of Mary 111 Itoa.l ,d 1 .Ir -Nancy pnl.utikunA WIt1.1 600 flub NLW KV00 W ALA- Dancetinne WHAS College of Ag. Marna? KAIIK Livestock; W'OI'LTea Time Trio & Curley: KW K/1 WAPU- Adv cot ines of Jimn, rieniture *News: KVOA W.11Rr Landt 11 "ri S Fin Pan Alley KiIIA KTItll WRFC WIIAS Allen WLWIlrarts Ils Pion. KTBS KWKH Harmony Trarseribe,l 11111. .Martha Adams WDOD *WBrIC.hiar1em Harmonies; AFTERNOON WIlEC Hock Turner & Buck. WLAC KRLD -Platter Chatter; Markets «oison'. Hour News moos; New, KWTO-Lone Journey KMuXW 3:30 P.M. KRLD-Mueic: Sports WIRIUJsun.or Commandos 12:00 Noon %% SIX-Swinging.' WALA-Agnes Griffin Giants of Freedom: KIRA N'1.AC KTBS -Transcribed Pram WDSU-Recorded Rhythm 1\ SMIhe Store WAPILnnely Woolen CENTRAL WAR TIME KTRH KWKH WLK)D WWNC KCOA Bait Sworn 11J130 Hop Harrigan WTJS Rolling Along 11'BT-lietney Front IVM( Beverly Matir. songs k ras WNOX WHAS KWTel Haden Family -Markets, Scores WWI. Mehl in 11 ru t.niess WCOADanrine Highlights WMPS 1101'1 Ws11111 L. Jones: KPRC KTBS *WAPI-New. -Kay & Berl WDOD-Life Can B. Beautiful *H. R. Baukhagr. news: KTIIS KVOO WBRC WFAA WJDX WAN) Sweet A Swing *WNOX -News: Spurt. 1:00 P.M. WHAS -Hearts iu II:rrn.ony HOPI WALA WDSl' WI 111 WLW' WMC W'SR N'SMB WIS111' Frenknn of the Land -Tony Pastor', Ord. W XOX -The ("Adheres WSM -Jamup & Honey Life Can Be Beautiful KMOX Light al the World: 15'M WOPI.Fra,.k Jackson. pianist WSM KARK *WIT New.; Songs at Tsinght 1V'AP1 1VB1 11r,s1 WIIAS KMOX Linda s Love WGST Rhythms WTJS -tills Rhythmic Ai. Dr. Malone: KMOX WREC-Dura Orris. First 11L1C WRF( WWI Young KIRA 5wbigin' with Shanty WJDX-Dn,re Orch. KIILD K'IlIH KWKH WAPI WSNWStrinr Emends'. KItit) 5:30 P.M. *News: KP1tC KVOO WAN) KUOASongs of the Islands 1% MC In the Grose WILT 1VI'(IU N'GSr WHAS Songs by Marcia: í1U1'1 1%Mí 1111C WFAA 11SH 2:15 H IfT Rriarhuppen WMPS.Gukang Light 1% It t%W I.M. KTHS NSR Jr *WCOA -Blue F.clon, News Party KARK-Luni Abner Alto Malone is fared wll In. Ma Perkins: KARK KPRC WLW N'NOXDencitig Frank Parker. tor.: KMOX Sews; 11GST. Peachtree Street Temple *KLII.1 Mr.. Tucker; prohtem r.r rrltln: Yeeak filmer tt'B.1p N HI11' WCOA WJDX WROI.-(it WGST KW'Kfl KTRII F4,111 %.w. that .ue doesn't lair lilts. WOPIMarch On, Marries WSI W' Lose 11 MC WUPI N'SII WSM WALA Jack Armstrong: ItAPY' KRLD- St.mps (biotin Vincent Loper' Orch.: WALA 111JSOn to Victory WSM Why We're .Fighting hl ll) Blut Streak K17111 Village Boys *News: KPIIC WBRC Shady Valley Folks: 11T.IS WSMB Symphony of Melody Rhythm: KLR,t RUDA .Midday 3:45 P.M. Edihou It' BT Melodies Checkerboard Tinte- KARK St. Louis Matinee: KIRA KTRH WI.- Diale's Late KWKH Shellnu Httnhr,. *Frank Cuhel & Owen Cunning WIMP 11 WNC Wltft Young Wrdder Brown: KPRC -Hie 4:45 P.M. ham, 11'MI'S R1(1 Sister KISS Transcriber) Prem. Goldberg. KW'TO W DOD h1 Bs K100 11 BM: WFAA °cos l Kit(Tnsun The Talk KUOA Navy Pru.s.. WWI 11JUX WIN' W LAIC WSB To be announced: 11'0511 WALA 10-2 -4 Ranch KVOO WBRC t (.01s Arkuua tiind., KV0011aI Burns' Varieties *KMOX News WSM WSMB KANE W.111(1 11YIL1 *News: KRLD WALA W'DS(' *11J130- Munir; News Kills )tue Warren. Tueur Tuner Raymond Scott's Orch.: KLRA Ben Bernte'r Oren.: KIRA 11'8T WTJS WHAS W.1I,X KUOA Gazelle -Latin Famih K WTO Matinee MelrAres WAPLts ,min al Work KTRH KWKH WDOD WLAC K110\ Kill.t' KTRH KWKH Superman: KVOO It'NON WMAQ -Emile Pettis Otch WAIN) Check & Juanita NAPO.Culdint Lithl WREC KMOX N'GST WAPI 11'1x)1) 11C,ST WIIAS *WWI'` New., Ttwlay's Tune WCOA-Soniethihe About Every. KI.'OA Concert TM.. 11'BT NIA Perkin. 111.Af 1t'Rka WWL WWNC FREQUENCIES *WNOX News; Murry. G..ltouud; thing; Melodies *W'GSTNews; Tune Time WHAS Road of Life WNOX News WJ130 I.. S. I' .lerivukurr Chats Love W NUN lirai Quartet Front Page Farrell: KAIIK WMC KARK 920 WPLA-970 WHAS-Linda'. First WON 720 *111LOL-New; hl sser,Cer WJDX On the Farm Front W.180- Hynrt.. of All Churches *NYII'I- Streamliner: News KPRC WFAA WLW KVOO KDKA-1020 WSIX Studio )'arty KLRA 1120 WGST-020 Wt.AC Central ( hued, WLrW.Vktury From W11(1L A to Z is Novelty Captain Midnight: WSLX KMOX-I120 WIIAS 11' SM- University e40 of Tnunessee WSW-Musicale W XOXJoyce Jordan WWL Familiar Favorites KTHS The Sea Hound KPRC-950 WJBO -IISu WTJSValun Murk & %VOIT A lu Z in Novelty KUOA Vic & Sede KRLD-10110 WILDX-1300 12:1S P.M. WIrul Ropiest Rhythm 2:30 P.M. 4:00 P.M. KWTO Alpen Bran Prem. KTBS-11110 W ACJ510 'I Georgia Jubilee Pepper Young's Family: KARK 11 as- KTHS-1090 WLSJ90 Edward MacHUgh. WAIY1 WDyt. Are You a Genius?: KIRA WBRC Smith American KTRH-1320 WLW-700 *11,11 B..rdha.r KVOO WRAP %VFWC( Melody 11'\IPs KPRC 11 API K11KH 11'1VNC %V DOD WJDXTrea.ure Chest of KUOA 1290 WMA.67o it .íl Dent of Aar'- leur. IV'SI 11'SM Ma Perkins: KMOX WAPI W'BT WJDX WLW WM(' KALI) 11'1'L WRIT %MI'S Ibl Tune. KVOO.1170 WMC 90 N' 116 Classical Faro, ile. WOPI WGST WIIAS WLAC WREC When a Girl Marries: KAIIK W'OPI- Rhytlum Rally KWKH 1130 WMPS-1460 WT.'S Jean. Jane & Joan 111'.15- Saving It KWTO-560 WNOX 990 WWL Wanda Landowska, harpsichord- KI'IK KV00 1YBILC' WFAA WOA1 W.1(' N'OPI 1VSB WALA-L110 1200 Salon Orch.: KIRS WON WSR 1:15 P.M. ist; Concert Orch. KTIIH WJDN WLW S:00 P.M. WAP1 1170 WOP1 1190 1í'SMEI Texas School of the Air: KPRC Adagio louent by S11;Nmk; News' WAPO-lISO WREC-600 Concerto foe atnog Orchestra *Must( *News: KRLD WITH KUOA WRAP Loll/ 11'ní (die nrmor threaten Joss KTBS N'MI WROI. WRAP IUD WROL 620 W'JD' Joyce Jordan, M. D.: KMOX and Harry Des,: sapem.ri.. WBBM :an WSB-:so Yraneols Ceuperlo le Grand.. *Quincy Howe. news: KTIt II Hal Bums l'areeties KARK Kill.t' KTRII KWKI1 W API Brahma *Ness KWTO WSIX N'(:ST WBRC-960 WSIX9e0 st' LAC WEIT-1110 WSM 650 t% WGST Garant In- N'TJ5 KWKH WMC Br WOOD N'LAC e s, sept. rtes She WSMH 1350 dies. Roui. No I aamess Winslow: 11 MPS WSIX WCOA-1370 KLI1 A- Hillbill,e. 1t'REC KIRA WW1. KMOX -March for Freedom Den WDOD 1310 WSUN-62D KPRC -Checkerboard Time B etween the Bookends: KINs School of the Air: KLRA KMOX KTBS -Trais. rib.d Prem. 11'.1µ11 K'I11" WDSU-1260 wT)5 1390 KTHS To be ammo..ed WALA W,%PO Wtish 11 NIPS WW1. 111 i>1 ham N' RE(' ISTHSPopula, Tunes (.one 'bunter. W'S Ill WGST WENR-590 WWI. 570 EVOOMerryr .kri> WSIX 11'JBO law -15.331 K 1YIt11 I(Tltll Bat X Cowboys %% API WFAA520 WWNC 571 ! uu 6 Abner KWTt) WROL litttj -Army Kecruitinn Pram. W'SB -Helen 11/711 1614, 9:45 P.M. tS--12/81 Page 21 KARE. Spoilt; Mutig KTRH -Popular llrludrr. IVSIX -Right Court A1Ylne Rey's Orch.: WSW,/ li l'Eir Lawrence Welk's neck. KLOA- 31aater Builders of Amer- WSUNFreedem u.. the Land For Musk That Endues: WTJS Kill-, Farn, Security ica 'vor *News- 11'Jlt° WSIX WMPS MONDAY, November 30 *KI 0A-News: Listening Post KVDO.sport,. tiurrlun Young, *WTJS News WENE *WWL- 1.11, *M'A Pl. T4netable TrAdl; Spurts; organist F.ajoy Down South: KTHS-Dance Orel. N.-.. ICW'KH- SunIrine Bays Sews *W1441' Tilt %Tar Today : 11It.IP Sterne Melodlea tWALAh+ros; Interlude; Radii Hot Copy 11511 WURC KP R C 7:45 P.M. 1VSN1.Jnnr Grant & Ot.en Bradley 11.I1K W'Ml 1CT115 WAPO tl'[' OA Between Ihr Linn Forum *KLRADr. W. ll. Murphy! W {11tNnvatime 11At.A WIrOD Rrnmlwxy Bundw.gon 1%APIBlue Echoes KARK Hens Guy Lombarde'a Orch.! *u'JDrt Music; Newa *WAl'e1.Netrs: Swale xlun;t 10:00 P.M. KTRH KUUAVoiers in Snug WNnX WWNC 44 -.1i1X W1111M.Chlrneo's Fred Waring in V.rtory Tune will[' KLtiA Walton Hein battle *WDOD-Estes Krfauver; Cecil WLAC Mull !'nur Hattie Slitions WCOA-To b-t en+wunrwl Tine tt 11.1[J KMDX WEAC Bmwit w.ii,rnoM Dmmr. (tech,: WRAP WJDX WLW- Denenh Maure 1VVt1/ Swinliilr ml Air W511N -Motor Club; To he an, t.:711 Ott:: WD511 si Warin. s, a.pr 9. 10801. *W'Iux- Music; News Pie Dufour noun erd WHAS-To *Hews; Wm. L. Shn er, news: *Sous: WRFC WRRM WON WSIX-980 C1t11. he announced tt'TJS -Dunce firth. Iïl'I{IT *WSM Nervs; WJRO.Dofrnse W'IVNC KWKII H'AI'E WADI WERE[ KWKH Simla Colmmii WLAC, WLAC-( ulunial Quarter 8:00 P.M. WREC KHI,DLlpon Smith's Oreh. WSM Jill Jackson World al Large: WALA WWLAfternmi, HrLwllrr WLW-Mysteries of Life Counter Spy: WSUN WJBO W'SME KVOOUffice el War Information trFxü WSIX KT11b KRLD WCOA-Dance Nocturne tV.IAQ.dluske! Entre *}News- 5:45 P.M. WNOX -bent !longer The Telephone Hour; Symphonic KARL, KV00 WAN) WGSTQuareerint,rer Quarter Or Dud,; C,uestc: W531 KPIIC WHEAT WBRC %VJD:X KPRC *WHASFfanrs Music.; News *Tile World Today: KMOX WET * WOA1 -Wig Analyst[ Il'FAA WROL.Frlendly 11.513 WMAQ WMC FCV0tI Watt WHAS D{'DA WLW -Burr Farlier's Drrh. KT/Ili Kit lCII. 5111011 WGSC Tavel 11.Ií -llnad Vktorg WBRC KAHN KIT'S W'SMD WLW WkIC IVOP1 11513 W'MAQ.Sporta M`H.S WNWS WEE( WWNC In Teeasuey Star WSM Allir.'t Irish Bent 11JI1 'A'F1.A W'LW /POPE Parade: WJBO *I%'llr'.Nrws; Treasury Star Pa 11 AIs1 1 51.10 WSU2 -Th.uninon Four 1VROL WAPO KDKA 11'pÁ! ride BOO Stern. sports: tt'JUC WM-.A *KIJKA Sews; Raucha Rhythms StiW'L- Lveutux Melodies WCOA WFAA WALA W'0A1 Music Series DONNA !?AE Don Winslow cd the Navy:11'hSU *KLHAMusic can be .nirrirlit :n !Pirko Rrnhwle it the Night; W'511.'Ft Ira an trim. red heard with Fred Waring's *Lowell Thomas, comm.: WLW 6:45 P.M. W'olta in c' minor: Etude In News VilVL.Sur-pri,r C niftier KMDX -Sparts Orchestra on "Pleasure Jimmy Jeri arch.: WMPS * H. V. Kaitenborn, orris: KTRS Song cur Aourhu Sawerbe 10 WM1.14 WI.W WALA KrHS- Tlantcribrd Pegar :45 P.M. Time" 10:l Ranch- VICOA WJBO KAM Lux Radio Theater: K1'110 WIT tVAPO WPLA WUPI. WCOA *KTIiSNrns; Flit Tunes Guyy Lembardo's Orch.: WET W'ROL KIiLD WWL WAPI KMOX *lV1l' Sen-..; Music; News *Scots: WW1- wrnx KV00 WREC 11'WL KWKH HARK KPRC KV00 WNOX W'UOD KWKH WWNC WDODEtnlrrrs on the Hearth 11:30 P.M. %VAi'O WOA1 WMC W S13 *K1)KANow. WUI'1 WLAC 1V1IAS IVODM WIOEC W üSll- .loEly Ne11 Bondshu's 01ch.: WBRSI KWru *Headiinurs: KPRC WOAI Friars KMOXMountight Serenade IVFAA FC1.R:1 VCS': WENRMosl Honored Musse WSMR *News, W.MMB WDSU K000Your Kindly Philosopher *BIsONCII)li News; *News; Shorts: KTHS *Gabriel Meatier, news: WGN 'IGN Ilugli f.'lirsai. songs Harry James' News: WI.AC WHAS WAFT /dent Honored Music Oren.: IIY:N *Sport.; KIDS *Sew._ WIJSU *WG4'r.Nrws; Etas* Yeu Want; 1VNI1S WW!. S purts: WJBO WSIX KUUO1 WHAM Sainte In Victory Gene Krupa's Orch.: *WMPS-News; Popular Tuas News 1CRl.1) Will Spent.: VBRIr WSB Kl.RALawrri e IL'nih's Orrb, *W1111 News; Rhythm at Ran- WNOX WRFC KWKII 14-2.4 WKPi.lîrtery Parado W M1'!i .liar Your Dettle Stations KRI.D -The Roriehera tiTHS Ranch rfunl *Gay tdge't Orth Hews: KTRIIYan Cans Ito Business I1IJSEank .L'iiJit *WNOX- Parriofit Parade: New. Stet\ J¡nifty KLrOA Treasure Stur Parade *WROL-News; Evans. stories WAIN WJED.I KTIIS WFIAP with Hitler Sports WC:STArlion un the Horne Frunit WRAP Frn=iilfy Musk 8:15 P.M. WS1XSoin, Shill WSi X W WSNI Ari Evening at I{ame WAPIYaue Town & Ours WI.W luliiink Lewis' Orch. Baron Elliott's OHIO.: ?'MPS *11ry1.World in Review *EOM trim the Tropics; News: W-IHID.Mueie to iìrad Dy K ll.ltl llerlrie Minu, pianist WMC WIN Dance Tinte 1(11T0 Harvest 'lands 11 WI. WSMR KPRC mimic WGN '.ldodi..ui Minute, Dance Ouch. 41'111' Suirel Variety W DS1 ápurtrocast KTRS IYL'UA IODAI 11.5,11 WI_ACMrlmse un the Ale *W't.N News 10:15 P.M. IVREtllanre Orrh 1011KÁ *W,1PSFullnn Lewis Jr., towdt- L ee Reisman's Orch.: W'Al'O W'511 Ellis Anr.D [Push :Caws NIGHT 8 * ME,C.ïharlle Spivak'. Orris. :30 P.M. W'S1'N 1171.5L W.RO WSIX WHAS- Dienur Seri-node Parade of Spotlight 11:00 P.M. IVSV1i ,yon Your Battle Stations Velour WMP5 WLW Mtdnire Melodies Raufis; Grava Ti.Wn; 1VENH Whore there is no ffsffng t0'IJ S-AI Your Request Olmsted's Story Drama: WSMR *News: Three Suns Trto: WMC *IVROLMirok You Want; News WIVLTavern pi qtr TOSS %TSI.IH KIT'S WUSV WSIX 1V{1P1 for a station its preeading WJDX WBEC WALA 10511 W'OM. MIMIC WCOA 1VS13-Swamp NOS !Mils W I BO W'VIPS program Is on the air, 7:00 T.M. 1VS13 K PRC KTRS WROL W'LI' Melwhat Dr. 1. Q.: Jim MCC }tin: KVOO Vox Pap: WLAC KRLD 10M0X Benny Coadman's Orch.: WAPI Bob Allen's Orch.: WÍSV 1CVOO 6:00 WCOA WALA 1V5h1]3 KTRS P.M. KT1111 WHAS KWKII WHOM K151011 1C111í1 V,WNC WCST x[115 WMPS IL'SUN IVJBO 11145 P.M. WHRC WJDX KPRC WIJPI WET IVGST WIIEC ICI.RA WDOD W'RfT WNOX I1'ylX *Gay Claridge's Orch News: CENTRAL WAR TIME KDKA WLW KARK WMC Cavalcade of America: KTRS *New:: WMAQ K 11 r1N *News: Harry James' Orch.: 111111) The Lion's W'511 WMAQ WSM WOAI Roar; Major Hoopfe: HARK WEIR. KIHOA Wí1Y1 KARK- Sports; South American WDOD WNOX KTRH WREC *Echoes Irom the Tropics; 11',ttl' WROL WAPO WFAA KTHS WSUti WSMII KITE WFAA hVOG Way is F111M ICRI.D WET New.: 1'il.Q The Better Hall: WTJS Organ Moods: KARK WOhl WMC WSM WI.W WSR K1JKA Music You Wane Chico Morn' Orch.: WON # Nacra; WAN W'SJ% 1CIt].n *tVFLAArademy Award; News Amos 'n' Andy: WET WHAS WhIAQ WAN) NARK WFNR WSME Kaeihne & Family Wr ;N Clair° Mars' Orris KM Korn Ku*lllers *News: KDKAJahnny WLAC MIST WAN WREC *Earl Godwin. news: WMPS K EW Frank Parier, tenor K MOX WKT Colui, i,t. Mnste:works KMOX WDBM KTRH l(RLA wsix W'JBC1 KTRS WiIN 8:45 P.M. *KTESNewo; Tr.nsriibed Prgm- KIiKA.Fratrk Ardrini s Argen WLW' Moon Hirer WWL KWKH vas WDSIJ W'BRC -Sung_ Inc Hen 11115.Dmicr Oreb_ Ilnians Fred Waring in Victory Tune *Cal Tenney: WGN K1'00 Musicale *WRAP %gal. Jimmy & Loop 12:00 Mld. 9:OO P.M. Time: 1VCW. WSR W M W14C *KLHA- Christlan Science Lan. WRAP- Htlly-nt,od Mrb.diu WIIAS-Mastensorks of Music Dante 04th.: WJRO Gram Swing, news: WON WRItW WALA WiDx tine; goes *Raymond 1011111. Su the hicry Goom *11Lr -News; Night Owl Club- Jan Garber's Orris.: IMPS WJU0 W'ENII WS1X WAPO WitoL KTBs 11L15' KtiOA../ti.41 Music hills WET r roluurbi a Misters, or ks *WI.W-News: Dance Orch. KDKAAII Thew the Nile WSHp KVOO KARK KDKA WALA-Listen. Ladies lviIPS WCOA Four Shades of Rhythta *WMAQ-News; Musk *KMUX -March for Freedom; WFI.A Kish[ WRAP W(A1 WAP]Know Yon+ Elty, Stele A Contented Hour; Chorus & *WFLA- News; String. Ensemble *1150Nmvs; Sleepy Hollow Nruta »nix Orch., direr:n111 of Perry Pelt): Vo dka. us ryes[ e Country 11'CN rhiraeo at Sight W'WLtterh Sim ry'e Orth. JtKW'K1fNewsc Tranerrihed Pro- gawp i w 1V5IC /1511111 11'SD W1.111 N Wari,.e ,haw en rni la'. WCOA Gems & Melody W1IAS- Sports cram VRlit: WMAQ HANK. *FutIon Lewis. Jr news: WTJS WDOD-Solon Music KTB5 101.ACMrlody Album 11 :T5 P.M. *W RHM- Sew+.; Pali lie Fen's Orrh. 1'551 KVOO KI'Hi: KDKA *News, KSIt1A WLS WSLK WJDX- Spinning Wheel WLWGrepor Ziemer Rarkgrerwd Three Suns Trio: 11'SMB WIMP/menu' Party W'.iD% IVY1.A 11051 WFAA *K1.IMA1'hr IL'utIJ Today WFLA,51trDill Air Force Bond *t1(1Á1 -1.1. V. Kaltenborn Harry James' Orchestra: KMOX l'ENI1.Munk Onu Want *WILT- liururded News WCOA WALA 11.1011, 11GN hílirll Lor.neJ'o Period; WNOX 'World [:vente Tira Tint .enrylI Parade of Bands MIK.A Johnny Ksollue & Fanalg *W'I1*11Newse Sports WROL-Flashes of IJrr 105MSnmiky Lanson. songs Y1,WAl Grnllam'a Orrlt, $sire cil Iii - Pour. HVlllr !saline to Lupin Amurrea *WDStl The War Tolley WWL Tu be onnounrod 3.a, 4h ylruiIoy rhdrllx le lty *14'W!.5exs: Srurts *WA 1'l Spar ts; Musk You Want; WMAQ Emile Petra erth. WGN Dr. Fresh/is Bradley Darling. chile Sell. or Seat - 10:30 P.M. *W'HO1.Nooa lynd: News t1JBUMolnidy Pirate; Molasses 7:15 P.M. The gompinR srf *Carmen CSvalTatds Orchestra; WENIi -l.oa On/ow-is Orch. I%5HSwind Nnrlurne WJH9 Coming; Sund Lang Fyne.. & Jomnary Lum & Abner: WMPS Hews- W'51'N KTIIS WDSU 11'MAQ.Fler Copy *Wile% Dance Irisle: Newts wi,S KTIIS WDSU Tredltlanel WMAQ Sweet & Spanish Th. Sleigh ... .kauoia 1YJRO WS1X WMPS *W'WI.News End or Monday Programs WNOX Tl,,,f, Winds Tavern ii.l'riA- Sports; Muir Duan tl.GtII *WAL .Glory l'ros.' nh Trio; ONr.uafr 1p Plr. Warns Sews Dom. Uedtelf Irene. [' Ile*? 6 :15 P.M. nowa; WCOA Rand Dreams; Afire Kler *Newt al the World: WSR Meet Ilse Tn lte Worthy_ Tierney WGN Roupie ilnur 11'Ui'I lC1'RC KTRS IV SMR BEST WNOiTriasury Star Parade *Raymond Clapper, news: WGN MONDAY'S LISTENING KAHN KDKA WMIAQ WROL 11T-15 WSM W HO!. Music,[ Quit WSIX- Screen Guild Play: KTR1I WWL Ceiling Unlimited: WHAS KLRA Coffee Pot WSUNK1ivw Your Army KWKII KMOX 11'.1FI WEBht 1010X 14'AI'I KWKH WC/ST WTJSSiw.rtl 51'RT 11'HAS D'r;ST K111.11 See program listings for more detail and additional news programs Witty KTRR 1CR1.11 KTSA KLRA WLAC WIIEC tIwNe WI)HN1 WWI, WLAC 7:30 P.M. WDOD WNOX Johnson Family: W'1'JS Voice of Firestone. 41'l1lI12 KVOO To be announced: 1YSUN and Discussion 9;30 Blondie *Hass. IL't1ttA W.111X WBRC tVSM 1VD11 WLW 11,511 *tit'too. WROL W'USTI News KUKA -Wiiur Dinner Date WJDX KARK IVFAA WCOA *WAPOEye- Witiwo New' A.M. Drama ItU9A- tlusaic Iinur WALA WFI.A 11'Mí: WMAQ 1101'1Grrat Gi1,I ardu.. 11:00 Boakc Carter P.M. ENOO.Tn ko announced WS3WII KDKA WAN) K'l'85 9:15 P.M. P.M. 6:15 Ceiling WALA-Simper ttshalles WRO1. KPRC Unlimited Alias John Freedom: WEHR 12;00 H. R. Buukhage Orson narrator WAPO Spurts; Thesier New. Taw Toro... ranee Welles, WSUN IVMPS WDSU 1 :00 Foster WRAP Serenade Passing by Form]] KTHS Cedric 7:00 Cavalcade of America Frans rho. Cam/woos .. Canine?.C end nee WSIX WJRO 5:45 Lowell Thomas 10 n7 Popularr M u.sic Madeleine Carroll in "Sharer Kenny." The IC with Ail Tour honni,.. *WAPO-tirws *W'Otill -War Today 6:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr. real yte.ldahsokb WGN -Hill sadder[ & Guy Sewage Sister Kenny will also be On the Show tCII -1Th1 N Out War H +V 1111 edsdoe 5:15 News of the World NI F r F -.. . W ROL Ithythtu 8;0r3 Lux Radio Theater H: GN. Soo. SS Vaquero'. none "N +loin.-'.. 6:45 H. V. Kaltenhorn Su.lfr Marko! Rrwrn WTJS- Treasury Str Parade 8:00 Counter Spy Wild Diets Okras 7:011 Earl Godwin *tvt.W :Oro.; Mrk.d,os W... 9 :30 P.M. 9:00 Screen Guild Play 11FLA 8:00 Gabriel Heatter *W'ME'Musir: Nows True or False: WLS W'MPS 1. Lands of the Fm_ Paulette Goddard and Kay Kyser in "Ball 11'APO 9 :0D Raymond Ciapper WNW{ Man Your Bartle Stations I:TFIS Wi1O1' WJW1 WIC. KiBS WMAQ of Fire" thirtu1pntlnr Hume Cor to. MAYO WON WAI.A WANK 9:00 Raymond Gram Swing 11e1,tf t'irafili Le Rae ohs eta 9:15 Alias John Freedom o ow trite. of Mayors 11'S11 WGA1 WFAA 9:3D Paul Schubert WI iI, Irmo Or tlu.lc nn Ihr Mookl n IN,dgrm fmt- Drama or the conquered countries Daytime S hens cast ; W111' WWNC WcEV T.. 1u .. nl.r,unced 17.11 tram upraising Os pinl.,ri 10:30 Hot Copy on Hie Now Torn fi lnnl. Irani Blondie: 101,RA WAPI Kltl.n Variefy 6:30 P.M. needed by Turfy I emn n., . 101101) WNOX 11'I1Ah KTRII A.M. 8lor tIo; W'ItI weST WWNC ..tar player Ina Ohr MOW,. WHIIM 11'RKC KMOX 101101 8:00 Breakfast Club Classical Music In1.m1 ;II 9:30 1,.111,1 Adventures of Bulldog Drum- WLAC WWL [also .mI 6,30 P.M. P.M. Lone Ranger: MIS mond; WON p.1n -1 Freedom 7:30 Voice of Firestone *Say Joe Haw. Schubert, news: 117.15 3:30 Giants of Dinning Sisters: WFI.A KARK Nineties Revue; *Paul Andy Symphony orchestra under the dlrettloa At t WSMD W.111.\ IVerPI aril; Realrire Kay. Billy M. Kn1iA- Prarelul Valley 6:00 Amos 'n' of Allred Wailenstrin; Richard Crooks. K 1It Wititr Grernr; Norodom Girls; Four KPRC -T be iuiuonrrerd 6:00 and 10700 Fred Waring's Orches- *N.,..r WI'.IA tt't:.N WTJS l'luh.uerl; Ray. Rluek's Dreh,; 1'RFKC- Slossfir111 Comm. Prem. Ira tenor 14 SIPS Cerli Erman, news: WBBM Wr1]A -Fort Burrsuca, 7:00 Vox Pop 8 :00 Telephone Hour tt,. 1 rnlr Rattle Slaloms. KLRA WLAC WAIN K11LD KVYKI1 WGN.Mlu_sic That Entures 7:15 Lurn and Abner Symphony orchestra conducted by Donald WRFC WNOX WREt KMO!i WUT W'GST- Ilanrr Time 7;30 True or False Voorhees; Oscar Levant. prism, guest Grroe ( :iWerak.ro KDKA WMC WCST WHAS 11411X.t'niversity of the AU 7:30 Nineties Revue 9:00 Contented Hour KTRH Forward Starch WLW Ray Mayer. Eolith Leans Gay KMRIN Lassen. America Parade of Bands Chorus and orchestra directed by Percy KPilt' Amend Serrirn Hewn; KLOA To be .arma red WROL -Most Rimmed Music 8:30 Victory Spotlight Will Ostomis Orchestra Faith. Soloists are Josephine Antoine, so Mush 11' n(1F7.Tre a sur v Slut Parade St-:A1 Hospitality Time F¡IILI) Lot's nu. America W'OPIVicenry 1'.I, ado 11'5 hI B Jnhnnt Lyric% 8:30 Dr. I. Q. prams. and Reinhold Schmidt. basso Page 22 12.3 -5i G uidai;: Light : lti T It l l 11(157 1111 As To Lr amlwwelu 1+1:1. Ii.11un"r1,1 Nevis, 'uni, It ..111X. 7-eagle, hymns KUOAJau Ihibati W'MtC NMili.icale NEXT WEEK! TUESDAY, December 1 IC00 14041 Carl. Newari4ea It' \C1.\ Virtu; Is 17 ro WAPI }:Ii+iL,rar iMu, il.. This Will it. i_urrei Avr. Church Complete Log of Radio Statics Il L'i, kne ar Nine W'SW- a,1.Tfkne Rnvs t 'T1i)DHanlpy V. Boys 5L'nal..;erirlly irr;.,n:l 'Vl'SBPenelope ran in the United States. Canada und W'FAA[Iwliruiukyes 00'5111 Here C u i rs ill. Rand Tin 's ¡Ill' Dal' W1 LAS lhu lui 11 Lone W A E. hi, a. 0,,le Mexico by Frequencies! 7:45 A.M. Vl,At i111plr Sias 51rí 4s ,Franklin Stewart Entertains: ll'LW AMU Jenny's Stenos 10:00 A.M. 1Vw NC WNOX- alii'ieel R+,uquel May Lee Taylor; KLII, KANOX *News: 1\ßl., 41:11'0 WON- Perruital Sipper 1v il1.11 lï Cllll KW K.1-1 ]PAPS 11i ,, SVOtlh WGST WHAS 1W'i1 Ou -i. I. l+r1i 51.11[11, (l'''Ol: i .i rem. ill Alien lilair Wilt] * PS- N esl r. I lbn la wnrlá iLil1i- :lrkanta. T'r., 5'111 Lci.... I Lrlberl: W'IDX R'S,N,- Shul,pers' Serenade 511.1[ 11NO1X WREC WWL W fJPI-Nuoru T'irnca *5'1ßO- 5lusie; Nowa 11.-11R {l"1.11 iíurning Devotional Road of Life; NARK KPRC 11'11171, It:rmLline Rangers *it'1IPSNewn, 'l 'inlay Tone 41-IN-Serecrude KMOX WFAA KPRC FL ot] li'BA1' 11'81tC WJDX . to a Ifuns,:witr *SYNOX -Nexa; Murry -Cio Ifuurnt. 5I'I. KVOII 9:00 A.M. 111.51 1V 1t' W'OP1 WCOA +s.y 1hlsir }laur NMI s 1N, Ti fill. i shine: HARK WAN Victory Volunteers' IiAP.K tits 11'11 WALA *At'RU[: Noss; Alalincr *ttl.ltABetwee1a, Arts; News WSB KPRi 1CV'r,tl lt'Blit' WSB Farm News 11 Views Breakfast at Sardis: KTHS 11:15 A.M. KB 1.11- Stailipe 1.111 lei 55.l1ß W',1íON W',LIC S' ON W'SIXShrrlin Pirla 51O1 WJBO WMPS WROL KTBS Trunsri ¡lied Prem. K711w l' SII Clark Dennis, tor.: MAPS WSM- Claude Sharp &. Kathryn iv SIN KTRII- %l,i>iral Cluck Valiant Lady: Sister; KMOX WBT Pol lcctíeri 1010X *KTBS -New.; Trauarr Vbed prim Ell KRLD K LOA -shad kola Si drier WHAS WT,IS- Values & Milati Symphoneltes: WWNC WREC *Kl1OA -News WHEC WWL WNOX *Kti'ICILNews; Transcribed KLRA 1C'TRH WAPI WDOI) KLRA Prgin. K IITOIlayloft Fretic 12:15 P.M. Lunel+ t'wnen KTRIi WGST 51':1111 -A Morning nought Words I. Music: WALA WBRC klYrnS1ii, IF Tiny Music for Eretyenc: KTBS ART VAN HARVEY is *KRLD-News; .Gnbatnres 1,'1i tt[3 Master Singers 11'Sí16 KPRC WJDX WALA-Wake U1, d, Lire 1'OPl WSMB Mr. Victor Gaols on the New'; Prem. Resume; You Got I1? W8Rt'Diaita *KTBS W"Gls.liavr K UOA- Masters of Music Ma Perkins: ISifUN d'API W'BT and Music popular sketch "Vic WBTliauçers IZnarlri KVOO. Lonely Wow en WGST W't[AS %VLAC YBEC Klr!]Al;,ef's Half Hour Sade" *WpUn -News; Breakfast Club 10:15 A.M. GIVitlI- Tratisrribed Pry WWYL *KW Kit -Nec,: Travooribed Pro. Vie & Sude: KARK KPRC tVCCQA- hluslcal Tld -Bits 15051i 1VDSUVariety & Fu/1 gram Edward MacHugh: KTIIK WGSTSparklrng Melodies KV0x1 WAL& WRAP WBRC WFAADancc Ordo. SVhIPS KWTO- Wlul'e New *WJBO- Music; News WCOA W'JOX t1'LW WMC WGSTLe Fevre Trio *News: KRLD K7'Ft11 H('OA WALA -rinkr 1EIIIuerun's Orel. WJBO Guiding Light t IV1.ACltlusic fur 'keel, last W'OPI WS-3. WSAI 5V,1 OX MORNING WAPI- Rouquel of Honor WLAC- Idorniou Varietie* IV/IV-Consumers Foundutbun Second Husband: KMOX WBT Hai Burns' Varieties: NVI KH IVAI'0.H1..Lili a n1 the Churches WLWiIa Perkins WWMPS -Dance Music WHAS WWI. NARK WMC 7:00 A.M. 1W'BAPDar,ee Band *W'OPINewa; Tunet Folks Fn,lic WOI'Ilauaiieri Night, WET- Guiding Light Delta Rhythm Boys: KTRH KLRA -Hume CENTRAL WAR TIME *WRECMusical Cl.iek;. News 11'SBBig Sister KPRC- Market Ba =I.ei WC[1A- hl01Ilíng Devotional KWKII IV SM-Window Slur ppini News Roundup; KTBS WSB-On the Air; Melodies KVOO -Korn Bubbler, *World WDOD)ln +ital Buurprut Karl Tomar's Scrapbook: W'TJW ; Farm W'S51 hnnirl t]uniOui WTJS.Iamea Allen, uianist KWKII- Missouri Formers WA PO MARC WJUX WUPI SVDSCF Morning Melodies KLRA WDOD Morning Parade of Stars: Front WALA4hreiri Saul 5L'ShIB WTJ5Top o' 1IIe WHAS -News; Time Out for *1TRLDNews; Marine Talk WWL Dawn * W APO11illhillies Busters lIusie Rhythm" 11:30 A.M. *News of the World: KAIOX KUPA- Rambling WI'BRC- Checkerboard 'Cloue W',Il3O.Liglil 0r the World WAPIDcar Publie 1VAPI 1.1'B7 i 'DOIJ WGST B:DD A.M. Romance al Helen Trent: KMOX WCOA- Treasury Star ]'made *WLW News; Singing Neighbor * SVGST -Nens; Melodies WNOX WIIFC WWVife *News: KLRA KRLD WET WGST WHAS WLAC *W DOD -Music ; News *W'MPS -News; Optical Drama WLACOld Dirt Dobber *Wm. Hillman, news: KTHS }L'1í!:[' 1 'WYC KIVKII KRI.II WWL WFAA - Herald Goodman & Bell *WNOX-News; Village Choir W'ICGX- Guiding Light WALA WCOA WHSU WJBO Family Everything Goes: KTBS KVOO %1'ROLBeity & Bob I'VE EC-Let's Waite Rat'I Farm & Nome Hour: KTHS ICIH l_ WV 171'$ Column Wt11A IL'0,IX W'11S1; 11',[BO WAX WMC WJBO.L -soda Lee's Social *Cl,lton Utley. liVDO WAN) WSB WROL Organ Moods W'SMB- String Ensemble news: W:.ii 'MOP) IVTJS- L'ariettes 1YSM IVLOS Vir & Sade *News: KAHN KllUA WALA YSBMarkets; Music W'W'L -Life of Peggy 11101 KLIIA .y1 usical Pluck Breakfast Club; Don WNW], 10:30 A.M. B everly Mohr, songs: KTBS WSIXFarm News *NP11C -N ei+s: Musk Bea 11.0.. KTHS Ol ZHO WSLL W SluI -Lam tir Al ter 9:13 A.M. Against the Storm; BARK WMC Texas Hungers: IYDOD StiROL KI:1.I1 l , I.Vo; Alt. Dodge *Roy Porter. news: WMC WBRC Wt'r.15- Rhy'thn, lianihle The D'Nellls: HARK KPRC W5B KPRC KYO0 VIAL'S WBRC Ma Perkins: 14 VO0 IVFAA KTl Il.11usicul Clock WSMB KV'00 WBAP WBRC WJDX 1Vt:OA WFAA WJDX WLW *KARK -Newt; Sketches in Black IS 11 !'u. ; M1lurkets; Tran- *News: WAPI WASPS WJDI WLW W'hI1C WOPI WSMB }YORE ISW 11'SM & White 1x:34 P.M. scribed 1' iglu. KARKNews; Music * WS td KTBS WAPO WALA KRLD KLRA- Arkansas Oefens' Vic & Sade: Kh1OX WBT WUST NW I Fancily KMOX Favorite Melodies B right Horizon: KMOX WCOA WGST WHAS XPI1C- Ilelpful Framer Fl EC WFAA-Early Birds KPRC -Musicale; Smile KTRH KWKH Prj. R II- Women's Clubs WHAS Morning Frolic Music *Ray Parlor, news: WDSU WLAC WWL *Morton McGiffen, news: KPRC *K(r0ANews; KUDA -Songs of Ihr Wed '1,Y:i Daisy WJBO KTHS A ].louse In the Country: KTHS WBAP KWKH- Traosrribed Prrnl. KWTO Markets WLW -Time lo Shine KWTO- Gnwlwill Family Poetic Strings: KLRA WREC 11'L/St' WAPO Music for Everyone: WMC WSR WNOX W'ALAFarm Bureau *W.IICNtna¡ Music W DS LI- Melodie *News: WAPO W5IX WAPI-Light of the World MALA WAPO NLu5' Teen. Hil36il1le Kitty Foyle; KMOX Woiwen's Club: KUOA W'MPS *IYti(Jx- WFAA -Early Birds WAPOLiinth Willi *News; 1tW'TO lVlS{J WLAC Roum1; Newa Folks Light of the World: TCTRH WGST KLRA Woman's Magazine - *WSBMcrryCo- WGST -Just Home WIIRCStory of a 11; inn WSM WSMB 11715 KWKH Shrubs iVbilr KICLDVictory 11'11141 Pram, IV 1N- W't.W -The Goldberg" KTHS'Transcribed *WIST News; Pnputar Music KARK -Melody Bays W Varielie5 Neighbor Sweethearts Lee Taylor SM. *WNOX -News; Goad KWTOOrark KW'l'OMary WCOA Farm Front K L RA -Nov "time W"-J 53 am for Break fast WT,TS- Southern Melodic!' *W'AY.1 News WAP1Treasury Star Parade *WLW-News; Lirestock Mar- K RLD.Varieiies WWLDa sea Busters *WWL-Nowa; Dawn Busters WBTMocsicel Bouquet WBT- Pnitulrar Music kris ; Everybody's Farne KTHS Dance Orrh, WDOD -Neva; Concert Gems WOOD-Take Easy * It WAIPS-Ilnusewires' '1' r e It lure K'l'RII- Truies 7115 A.M. 8:1S A.M. W11ASTIte Goldberga WJ BO-Mamba: Melodies Chest KUOA Music in a Modern Mode You Remember?: KTBS School of the Air: WBT WWNC W LAC- Mek+dy Queen WNOXBands & Ronds Do WORT -Ten Per Cent Block Party KVOO -Bob Wills & Bays W'ILei. WALA WSMB WAPI WROLLaurel Ave. Church WREC-Rodney Cole WRECSweet River WAPIFarni & Family Fori n N' S17í Recruiting Service Pages of Melody; WOSL' WAPO Breakfast Club: WMPS 11'IlDL-Arroerica Slugs WSB Ditile FSr,u & Home Hour WBRC- Slanbarbor WWLRight la Happiness -News; Leke Marlin WINS Everything Goes: WSB *11755 WS77C -R. F. D. 980 *W'('OANews: ]Clade WSMBIrving Miller's Or1:h, WOOD- Grendpeppy Breakfast Rendezvous: WREC Melodic Moments: KLRA WGST 9:30 A.M. 10:45 A.M. i1'J5tiw,sllinr Singers *WHAS- News Markets 'V11rIS 111-W VROL Coffee Grinders: KPRC 1VFAA *N:w 5ophisticators: KIM] WJBO-Luncherin Serenade t1 NON: KARK,Ianc Adamo Speaking Little Jack Littie's arch,: KTHS Hank Lawsen's Knights: ICT1i5 A.M. WI DX-Theater Revue Cheekerlioar,l Time: WET WOOD KMOXMagic Kitchen ttnNll WSIx swaps WI80 11:45 WCOA WIIWI W'LW Big Sister Sulu ise -Serenade *KHLO.Optirul Talk; Serenade 1vAf:K Up Gang: WTJS David Harum: KPRC KVOO Our Gal Sunday; KMOX MUST W'MPSVirtory Is Our Business (]Nark Varieties I

% %LW Lonely Women: Nita. tr Behr. RTBtTranscribr4 Prgrn. lCltIs. iui 'Front Diu/ *Tire World Today: IiTTLH WBT W'BIIM Texas Scheel of the Air: Carter.. KPRC Lea Hone...... Doss KTHS-Let. Chihli. W'SB Amity Report 1010X KWKR WAPI WOOD *Fulton Lewis. Jr., news: IIT.15 WIMP * New: WSIX LVSMIi KTRH -Tune Tune W'SNI.Cin the Bandstand WGST WHAS W-NOX WREC *News; KUCIA MIS WSLY KARK Warts In Harmony KUUAParenh Forum *KUDA- News; Neighborly Heave WTJSJmmle Alien, mantel 55W St: *KLRA-The World Today KUDACZussic Chinic 1' K W'1 J Judy & Jaor S'ALA espars *WWL.Melody; Keos Don Winslow of the Navy: WDSL *WI)OI).Nrnti Spode K1't111Itie SIstrl W'APO.Deeds Without Wordy WAPO- ]tusk from Hawaii Bill Stern, sports: WALA. WJDX W'GN1h. Preston Bradley K WTO -Kith! to Floppiness 515 P.M. [V}TT Right so lIat.Piness WET-Lion A Ahlser * luwal l Thomas, comm.: 1I' IAV II-MAO-Sweet & Siunlstl Had... WSW' Revival WOW Tr, be atrtraorsrrrl WCOA -All Heuani Huur *Edwin C. Hill, news: WREC Bob Aster's Orel.: WMPS 1VNOX- Tra,Ir Whale layers WIIASDevotional 11' 11AS E.lilnr's Dauhser WDSU -U. S. Marines KWKH WAPI WGST KRLD *News; WSMB WSL'N.Suotshnie salute W'I ire N..eckers -Sews; T.nriral Snorts: KTBS ti .111f1 1111.0 r'Ivl, *WGST Tuna W'1.AC KMOX %VEST WW1. News: WLAC *SM(' Next; 1lrrbrrr Harper W'HASVic Sade *sports; KISS 11'1-ÁC Lir;hl of she World A *Music. by 5hrednik; Heirs; WWI. 6:15 P.M, IVtd't'I isic Satan *WJ110.Wer Rneedup; Inrer:He. Harry Orchestral Wise WNOX tro,p.r Veeeje Famib WJDX WSTsT *Neva: WARIL KI'KL K1110 James' W-tiNS l south .harp. L. ¡lay Pei WISP1- WLAC Musical Memurie. ri'11,15 WGST WLAC WAPI AmerJ.. Rotten Jose Bethancourl's land: WST% WAPO WNW WOAÌ KWTO tettieri WASPS -Light of the World %VHF..- IS W'ROLVar let ies Dun Winslow: WLW Sports; WBRC WSB ilWKH MILD 1:30 P.M. W'NOX -Bible Ilaur WNW,: KMOX WWI. 2:45 P.M. *Newa: WFAA WSH KLfiA Slue Streak Rhythm We Love & Learn: f LRA KMOX 1VROL- Ritylhruaires IVII(OLI KLIIA taint WAPL Right le Happiness: KARK KARK- Maritime Service; Pram. KIILD-The Ranchers KRIi) IiTRII KIVFLII 1VSM- Shnpl,itrç 4round V'aritlies *News al the World: WO!'I WSB IVfIEC WHAS WLAC WWI, KPRC KVOO WRAP WBRC Bosomy; Camp Robinson KUOA- Music KARK KT'RS IVM,IQI I'shTll W'BT WJDX WLW 1V1,1C WOPI 4;1S P.M. *KLftA- Sports; Music; News WlAP- Friendly KPRCI)iek Juriens' Ouch. IVC(A -Meet the Band 115M KOKA WROL Guiding Light: WLW 1VSB WSM Waller Gross' Orchestra: KLM NPR(' 1L K1TIS -Flay Harrigan WJRO.Daitee Music 11'715 PA Victory Hour; KIT'S WALA 11S -Hit Tunes i wli if %VWtiL- W DUD KRLD Johnson Family: KTRIJ -Tresse Rangers WOPI-Rhyth Ir Rally WCAO WDSU WJHO WS1X KUQA- Maladies Hop Harrigan: WDSU Green Hornet: II S I'i 1í1'D5 KWTURhytlun Ruund.Up KLIOA- Tncheikowsky Serenade WROL- Novatitne Mulual Goes Calling: WTJS Portia Faces LHe: KARK KPRC *Sous! 151311f' W'raiA W.ILIX KV00It'e a Woman's World WSAIArr Evening st Home WMPS WALAMrFarland Twins Ord. KTBS KVOO WMC' WOP1 KUOALhi..ie (lour WALADance Timer WTJS.Danea Time Linda's First Lore: WMC WSM *IVAP1 New'; Model Kitchen WROL WSB WSM WSMB KSIIO'l'e, hr arnunui.rd IVAPO- WAPO Adventures of Jimn.y KARK Serenade WBRC WFAA IVJOX WLW no 1V.1í.,1 Supper 'Melodies 1VHTNoad of Life Allen Where there k listing Joe Frasttm's Orch.: WTJS 11' AI'lISIH,rus: Tluwer News *WRRC -1E e r t e in Harnrnnirs. for station ifs preceding KUOAMarkrlgramn & Music W'('OATeatimd Tunes KL'RANtarrli r,i Melody Newa program is on the dir- (Continued on Heat Pagel KVOO Four Star liitrhen W DOD M ueicale KTHSSangs by Doris Green KWTO -Life Can Lk (Beautiful W Ds U . Il.corded Rhythm *KTRHNews 1VAPODeily 1levur1nn1 W11ASWnlnen's News; Style KWTO.hlarkets; Tunic Tuna /1V14.11.1.4141 nl illy. World /louse WAPI -Frolics W'f.AC.Oirran WBRC Popular Musts Music WAPOAmerira Marches Ca.; IVMPSOtnee Music TUESDAY'S BEST LISTENING WOPI-Prank Jackson & WNOXYoung 11'BTEvalyn Turner Feature Story Dr. Malone WKST.George West; Musk WSIX- Ifarriett Hassell WSB- Treasury Star Parade WEIRS- Drfenae Talk; Meek WSMR.Prgm. Spatlieht WSMB -Mork Gossip WJBO .Melodies Women Si, program listings for more detail and additional news pregeones 1 :45 P.M. 3 :00 P.M. VMPS- Lonely Pepper Young's Family: WAPI WRECStudio Presents B ackstage Wile: KPRC WBRC 11;SIXTriu Tim, WHAS WREC WGST WWL WFAA WLW WMC WSB 7:30 Al Jolson Show WBT WWL Afternouu Melodies Discussion WS.MK KARK News and Parkyakarkus 'Harry Elnsiernl : Carol Hymns of AO Churches: WLW Club Matinee: WALA 11'COA 4..3o P.M. A. hl. Bruce; Ray $lock's Orchestra WSW. F)litor's Daughter /LARK 11Itr)L WSIX WMPS WJBO Just Plain BM: WLW KOO 11:00 Bunke Carter Judy & Jane_ KPRC KVDO 8:00 Burns and Allen *Walter Compton, news: IVTJS WFAA KARK KPRC P.M. W BAP WOOD Jimmy Cash; Paul Whrteman'S Orchestra *Hews: KLRA KWKH Singing Strings: KTIIS W0511 12:00 H, R, Baukhago The Goldlxrgs: KMOX WREC WGST WLAC WWNC WREC WS1X WALA 8:00 Battle of the Sexes 1100 Cedric Foster K LRA.Orisu Refire lone WWL KRUI Langt Tria: KIL'Klt KLRA Walter O'Keefe rs master of Ceremonies KRLDRevival Qu.e tit *News: W IISU KTRH WBT WOOD KTRH WRFC WLAC 5;45 Lowell Thomas 8:30 Fibber McGee and Molly *KTRH-News Fulton Lewis, Jr. hMOX,Eddtor's Daughter I1bIAS I ser-9.óS1 6:00 Jim and Marian Jordan: Bull Thompson. KUOASiesta Pram. 141KTBSNewe; Transcribed Superman- WTJS 6:15 News of the World Isabel Randolph: King's Men; Billy AM,ns KWKH Tranuribed Prim. *KTHS.News; Daily Cliurlti . K N1('X-Women's Stour 6 :45 H. V, Kaltenbarn 0 Kit est ra K W'TOMa Perkins Resume KRLD.Musie; Sports 7:00 Earl WDOD -Road of Life Godwin 8:30 Victory Parade of Spotlight Bande KUOAllaiiy Diversifies KTBS -Transcribed Prem. 9:00 Swing WJD.Sl.te Board of Health RVOO.Cuiding Light Raymond Gram Gene Kruda's Orchestra KL'OA.Bafl Scores John B. Hugnes WLAC,Moments of Melody *W'Ar Merry -Go Round; News KWTOHaden Family 9:00 9:00 Bob Hope Variety Show WNOX.Life Can Bo Beautful iVIIASRìght to Happiness *WAPI -News Frances Langford; Jerry Cvdonna; Vera Howe *WON-Dance Murk: *W'JDA.News: Rhythm Varieties WAPO- Sweet & Soda; Vague; Skinnay Ennis' Dichnira Music Variety *W5aNews; WNOX -Ma Perkins WHRC-Marching to Victory WSMMaeyFueter Á.M- 9:30 Red Skelton and Company f OI'L1.1Men Su Leihert WET-News; Popular Music Business * 8:00 Chub Harriet Hilliard: Ozzie he1,on's Orchestra, WSAIRYuu Can't Du WSM IVIlrinn Lucks if the News WEST- Singirr' Sam Breakfast with Hitler P,M. Wonderful Smith 3 :15 P.M. WJBOSirrgirie `strings 2:00 P.M. WJDX-.Dance Orch. 6:00 Amos 'n1 Andy David Hinter: KMOX Stella Dallas: Kl'lfC. KTBS WLW WMC-lu !he Groove. 6100 and 10:00 Fred Waring's Orches- Drama Three R's: KTIIS 1YDSI1 WTtOI. fiV11O WHIR' WFAA WJDX WMT'S-Guiding Light tra P.M. Win() IFMC IVS!S WSM WSMB WCOX- Dancing Party 7 Johnny Presents 7:00 Lights Out *Stanley Dixon, news: WTJS HARK :00 WOPI -Tenn. High PrgnI. Simms, vocalist and mistress of Story of Mary Marlin: KPILC Waller Gross' Orchestra: KRLD Ginny 8:00 Famous Jury Trials WRUL.Lily Temple ceremonies; Dave Rise's Orchestra, and 8:30 Suspense 1¡1íH1 WRAP W BR( : WJDX KWKH WOOD WLAC WGST W'SB- litron Mouds IVSMM a chorus known as the Bombardiers in WLW sync- KARK WSH WNr» KLRA WSNI -Wings of Gold 9:00 An American England Joseph Julian, astrale. Eileen Farrell, sap.; Concert Or. Club Malinn; KTIIS WSMB- Conyers }lull 7:15 Lum and Abner rhrstre: WWtir' KIRIi WGST KMOX- Hearts in Harmuey WWLDixip s 1..1r Edition 7:30 Horace Heidt, with Frankie Carle KLRA KTRR Texe. ..'awl ,. and Musical Knights Classical Music *Sews: KI1OA WAIT/ KUOAMereels of Visini 4:4S P.M. 7;30 Duffy's P.M. Tranacrilsnl Prirrr : h11.11, HIVKH KWTO.Harress Hendn Captain Midnight; WSIX Ed Gardner; Shirley Booth: Marie Greene; 6 :30 American Melody Hour KRLD- PIal1.r chatter; Markets WAPN.Hayt !t Jamboree Front Page Farrell: KARK WF.W Orches- della Thikaull, K WTO.Lune Journey WBTLIN Can Be Beautiful WAGA WMC 1WAA KPRC Eddie Green; Peter Van Steedeh's Vivian Chiesa. Conrad Remo 1Y LI_AAerr. t;rrlhn WDSU- Y.rlety on Records KVOO tra Evelyn MaCGreaor, Bolunn,n1 Lege TI R---51 8:00 P.M. At! Kissers (arch.: 1%''rJ S tc.IX ,w1,:4 .i.ift *News, Roy Shred & Co.; News Burns JF Allen" 1I.11'1 KARR *11'OSl' The 11ar Tudor *11 !-.l-Worhl In Merino K1'8e VY811C 11'1111' 1;11111 K]:C7X lHlitl 1'ILIS K51'KII k11'CN 11{I1 Sanders ar Guy Srv tjt'Y Trrasn Star Parade 145it 'VISA 1 K1'11C riLi TUESDAY, December KRI"I1 %11M.: Rill W'IHIU ar tIW'L Ion re Writ hI1hA 15 ROL W'GSl' II51'\C W87 WW1 MIST Liahee Time 10:15 P.M. *News. J SarnLt'sOrch,; IVRT 11'Wr.F'reedou. Dirt 111ö111 1ti11 1WI::'r' WNON. W'ItF:C Olm Hei's story Dramas: IIUPI SSN11\ K1t B attle of the seats: lCPR1" %'tiR h I 1111 111t1111 *H. V. Kallentrorn- news: 1'JDX 4:30 P.M. 11J11x 11 NI111 %t' APO 1/'tJI:C W'Jllx IiT13! WyNIH WLW Lou attest s Orchestra: li7'lIS WS SI {VII tit VS :Al KAl:K Red Skelton & Co.: Karret HIl 1158 WALA Kl-Il) 11 Bltl KAIIk KDK. 41ti1'ti lI1f1, Wl\ WARD 11'I(ol 11't ON WFI.A lia r,1; Ozzie Nation'. Orr1..: Benny Goodman's Orch.; WNrlx W'MAQ 5151C WS51 :ktiew. 15E111 IS18 WI1S1l 'OAI W,.ndrrful t'1,41 1h, 11'FLA 'SN1 1tt1'Xl KTl;I1 51'1i5T 11111-:t ll'MA4 1(T8s ISS' LID WNW 118P KAK1X WA LA %'COA WSA111 WHIN KTISS 11111111 1i11f:11 K:J1A To be announced: WI'T'F IIIIMA Al N1erHrti s *News: WRAP W'SM8 W'DSU KA1![¡ WMAQ KVI1(T WAN) Leo Rtisman's Orch.: W'Sl''N Famous Jury Trials: W'F;NR H11A5 Mdtarwurl, ni Sk,.ir KTHSFIuyd IluPfvr liuulle( IV ll(11. 11'nPI 111.1' %l'.n 11'11 A WA LA 11J110 WMPS 1iT115 11'f1SU WJBO *11 LAC NeW'4, N 1001 111,1 (:11711 LYIIOII"5luslr h !Idol Hy 11'A!C 11'r311f.' 11A1.A KDKA Jimmy Joy's Orch.: 15M1^s lie announced *11'1.L1' 1(nny; 11re11. IVGN-The 1.Iou's If1or K Iltl' 1VltA1 WRAP 51u,.ts: KPIIC 1VIIAS L:,n.r WALA-Don A11e.'s Dolt. *W'hlAtl tiens; 51 1101r ll'1.s-Trrurury Sli,r Parade Talks: HUI II W11' N I" WHOM *1r1vv: 14;1111K 11'hSA0 WAi'uRaio'11 Ifayuvl * ll'.It. N e n,, Shiro l l ul loa *A1'hIP$-FuHuu Lewis, Jr., rumen. li9if11 KWKII 1V13T LI(itiT KAIIKSlu.rls: It's Dime! Time i5'COA-ltey11old'5 Music Emmert %l'WI: Herb Slimy} 's (hrh sSB(iully,rood Salan Orrh 1L'IIF:[' W'\ON KOKA Hueir YOU Wam 11TI.,-Aradelny Award I Avslx-SpnrN *Paul Schubert. news: 111,15 K lt i. l II r e si 1k,a hl a,rhe, * 1V1:\-FureiFn 7tlta,r, 11:15 P.M. 1TTJ5A4 Vur llrqurd An,iy 'terra.' nr *ItiTlltiNelrs; Trrarlacrihetl Prem. reeoe's 1V(1PI Al1eu Ror lis archrh Lou 8 Orchestra: lI' E,\' 11 7:00 P.M. K l i LJ1. Rob ( rtby'. Ili eh. iSTHsUaure rlrrh- ull.9l WK(IL-Yanr Meiners 11..ur *WWI News K Must/ale Lights Out- tt'LAC W'JUK lt'AIC WS-IX-Book *Roy Weld & Co.; News: Rrrie, *W'INIIINl:r:s; lueir 11' APk !1I ekallt (he Bnuad KLRA KTIIIr WIIAS fYW'L 11,1Q W.rCt\-Lei's build o Dream 11'1151f JnI1y W'881T-lea II W'.118 W'APt KRT.D WGS-r 1040X Fr;prs Prtul Trio W'TJS-Bauk Niel,t W'GN lturrherueri Jan savitl's oi[h.. KM h KhlO\ WRHM ICt1'KN W'SIK[: W'lr'oJC It'HTMullersvurk *W'FLAS-Erh.in r_ !RR WCOA Eddy Howard's Orct1.: lllil JOSEPH JULIAN. narra- i'ALA SY11T WWNC 8:15 P.M. i'nur Siudes n( Rhythm W'AI.A-Sprime Hilt Li,lleKr W'LAC]Helollies 1'FAAMuautl>:h! 8 Stull 1yl,fL1 Frm. l.ul,rui Al;I'M! tor of "An American in Jnnny PresentsT GIfl11y Simms; 1411,..10 Dore W'APC}MetOtl,r Tiuie 11' WL. 4:ni,rrsilr Tin,r *WIT A News; String Eu-esnble England" Rusés (Neb.: 8ombdlyd *11.11'1 SjwrL: Muv: You W aut: ien: WSB KPIIC KDKA *11'6N-Ntm, f5t:\.l Keraen al Night ti,, W517C-r..,,r 1'u:k lfur. 9:45 P.M. 411.11' h1rlrP IJ Album W'h1AQ WRAP Wort WFLA 11'I,IV 'itumin *Frazier Hunt, news: KMOX 11'1.11 Gregor YJeertrr Rarkgruunu Ilus+. ,,or.lisl (6;15 oar. Conllnuedt WLW WCOA IYRIIC WMC B:30 P.M. hlli.le KISI:II B'll'L II sll.}:npe.,e T,dmrdcc WALA WJT1X Witt l'+rputkr Musir lt'tiN VSMR Victory Parade el Spotlight B oring BOW; 11SAN *II 1V h.. News WBAPI.ean Bork & f.nlnn WW1 M I II. V. K n11 enfimrn 11OAI Kl'Olt KAR IC KTR5 R'ruris; Cruets- l'ivllls KrHS Frank Sinatra. songs: 11'ISIiH W'F'I.AL'awairxllc nl Dl.nla W'I1O1" 1'11111. Pnr711r nl Rand- 11:30 P.M. WAPO 11'ENIt IS'Sl'N WöSlr WJBU KT'1111 1'SI'NI W'H'l' SVi..I(: W CN 5 ports mourn nr alnnr almmr on P.O. a, ,I's,N1 IS111 Fsrrrtl & Clreun161 *Henry King's Orch.; News: W1R5 W.IX D ick Kuhn's Orch.: *Earl Godwin, news: WJRO W'TJ Slmrlx KT1ts W511'! Il'Jlll7 11"SL;X 111,4 Smile Morton Fibber McGee & Molly: l'ÿM8 *15':,WPfeww; snots of the AI. W'N1i'S WSLIN NLIDA KTIIS *News: W.IH[I I'E)1R N'llhl *WW1. ïrWç Swine 1'sIX 'ALMS KTBS 1V R ICl' K l'll(1 WMAQ WS1X Her WLS WDSU WS1Y WS1P5 Eddie Fans' Orchestra: 11'131151 KA Rh: 1t'ALA KOKA IVMC 1C L le Syuy,lu.0 y in Melody *W'M('Musir; Newr KL'i},Jusl Mimic A 10:30 P.M. KNII\ KPIü' WJ DX W'(t1'l 11'I:OA WAP15ereatle ixi Swingtime Jerry W a Id's Orch.: 1: I.1í.1 IVC5T WUAI-Hmskbohse JR Haller* *IST Nlft W'nr ('Idlllllrnl xy Dolores' Wets.;h.: IS' N(1\ %%T LC 11'LW 11'511 WSM W(tA1 WRAP Wl]OU'rilne for ltwuanct 6 11'tiO\ Lt1111n WOPIUinner ?ilusic 15'GSIIJpb Clnsburph'a Concert lillll\ IS1111 K Ii I.I r 1(141; 11' 8'1" lrAPíl W-FI-A W'SVNi' tl Orch. Music Shield Suspellse: WDO).) WWk(' WAPI *Roy & Co.: News: 6:30 P.M. 715 11.14. W'D5U'uirlr & Fun *Ray Heatherton's Orch.: News: lt Mr KUKA ISSI:IQ [iTB:; WHAS 1'CST WREC WBRM 1YGST1ua f-MCI L'Fn Busil,rsl SI'Nips Concert Classiest 1W.IYu IVLW Lum 6 Abne1- 1S.IRt1 11'S1PS 51:N 11'J BW Kills II111ì1. W.MIi kWh.: KMOX WIRT KI.IiA KHLf1 with Hitler 1I'11s1' W'z1X Happened In the KITS WLS 11'WSl *BBC News; Cootie Wdl.ams' 1P411 Service: JíT7LH WLAC W'MIX W'IiASTrensor.r Sl.r P.,xlr St, Loot Serenade: warn-. WWFB Mt' Spurts= KDOA IYiJs Or. h1. W'G% fi.71sS kA lt li H W'51tli KSVKHSu+lshine Bu,. *1rNf7C E+rRTt..r.s News ISl HS it'SMIs W'FL,I S9Mt: I'IRJA L1. S. Nesy KIl'KH Rat, l:uulrerk, flieh. WWI( t1'-IOC WGNi'ar1 Ravaeaa:. Mr!' 11'.11kr ll'MASJ W'GNSpnrluner,'. S10nri1ehl Kef'( KARK *IX11s1' \w1. American Melody Hour: W'HAS WROL--Trrasnry 51e. Parade 10:00 P.M. 11 1I.:1 Ism 9_53) 11'5tX Mefw11 eau.- IS R 1S Ilrrarn 5orenade 11'15 tit 1iT'RII Klli.11 HSVHH 1TJS£lertririty /'tricota Fred Waring in Victory Tun, *Nnw. 1%'I:EC 11Yi!, Kil'Kfl tsSL'VTJah lfatln ollce 51 t II' tbdqite HnL,d,rs LWGti'r fiNloK WLAC WWLrP1ay foe Pay Time: 1V it IQ 11111111 11'r'N It 1%'.11r * ll'ROLSSa-ir o Vl;.u1; News 7:30 P.M. F lA'(II'1 Si. t1API 111sü!1 K1.ItA 1V WL. 1:45 P.M, *News: 11 1.1 Alnire Dlrh,. W'FAA 11JD\ H orace Haiti. with Frankie Cork Leo Reisman's 51'DS(1 11y14t11me Xtnuur 1WItF'L 11'111 140,i Ilii h. Orch.: I:1'llrt 11'11(11. & Nin.iral Billie fa W'SAfB 1l1',GRF.IIJ, -I I1 I.W' 11h..li.. *.\.,1. Atl'.I, 11'11.11' WNleà *%Yltl)1.111h11,11i1. S,,l *News: Quincy Howe. news: KS1(1X S11111 ig 1VMAQ ItUKA 1t'R1iC: WEB %VIN 9:00 P.M, Il'AI'l KTH li KArI: tl WHO': It1'(1(I.Sltfiri of 11':1r Inter ru:.11nu 11:45 P.M. IVLtV KPttl' KTKS %YAl'O W' L1t hI11S.tl'uf. I 1111 iN, An American in England: 1VI'llAUauce Nnelurne *Henry Klno's Orch.; News: ,.'.CISt'A= Mu, 1VSM WRC?L KA11K 1YOAl *Viol ld al l.nrce: RALA WShIB hl'11( A1'1110I ..,., IS'\f1x W'l.,lt 11s:,F 1IHHNt *WRNS 11;11.r tl,,.ie: Newt 11' H till WJDX W('OA 'Whit WRAP K i11.:1 l en' Ktln\ KWKII W'Itls K1t1.11 WON! I'., n1d a 1 M u:ie *1ri1.. W".I] IV ,11R ICtiLD KA'(1(1 WOI'f %F1A *Noss: *ARK KVIICI W'AFKY Srr.11141. 1 KTIl.S\,ry Jfelruilinx Prem. 1113T KLItA 111Iti, lL slf Fra,1r,. Cr./lies 1 1 , 1 1 *AI Jolson Show; Cecil Brown, KTfil! 1rJi1!C 11'F',IA JSLCJA Minter OIIi1Jrs WPM' W H 1. sur,i...r tll,ll Moor: news: KL IIA WA PI KRIM WHO- WOOD W'API H;.er IL1'011-Slpe'l. (iulllVn Young, 11 I.11 'Wilt W1 IA I W SHM S1'LAC *Raymond Gram SWIM. newo: 10:45 P.M. aeseulse KMOX W'I:ST cSVL WH KPCI" lvl'l11 12:00 Mid. 11'88M it110I1 WBT WM, %5'Ilÿl' KTIfs Wk%R Jerry Wald's Orch.; ]i.1. 11117 K i1h. to rh.,, ,1.,- WIIL7; *K I rhA News; Ru,nl.. Ithytl.rns Nile *W AlLA .News lnIerind, I' M P`': I'SL\ WW1 *',111 M 11 *WAIYsNews; St1nl Mutie KRLh KW'KIf W-H!, KTRtf *hLI1A Mur u1 Ilu Mehl: u I u rrerlom; Duffy's: WROL 1l'tiI'ti WIRR) Bob Hope Variety Show: KAIIK *1i1rk.I Nr ¡ ti, NNW' To be xurruunced WSL1Q IGr..s K-17l5 11'LS W'MPS Ki'O. WSMI4 Il'Jni WoPI KA1O\ Sf,.,nlikhl jereraale *ICIVKII r u e; WfXyA-Tro Pan Alloy 'Fumes K HO x Spnrl s \ Trsn,rrebed W.LLATrrasure Clime W'SR %YI,%S' KV[t0 41Mf. WWS1 FiTHSTransrril,nl Program };VOI-1 l'rnpram Pnvu.+ I', :ill Wfu}fl-SNInRiti vu Aie KT85 IYBRC W'fLA 1ü'RC WAN Most Ifruurrnl 11' USS}-Sports *KTHS News: Mr T,I.1r+ Music *WHIM \I.1.4 s I Imrbr Wright's W'DSL'.Pte DuFour W(-CIA W,ILA %'DAi WRAP t1111151y:1nle lu 1WG tiGri[f W i if Iams' Nth. News,. Mllslny tiewr lirlory IIr11 SL'Fi_AChorw; Spots W'APCI I11101. *WWI News KDKA *W1:NI: News. R11r1fIm al Ran 111í1' PAM 1n11 IV Tesas Baboon *VtIAS-Fari Korn Pilade; 1'111111 \loon irçit l',Irlr *IVYIO.ri-Wnrlrl *John B. Hughes, news: WIiN d,n, 11'1_Nll Llai- a1t 1lTACj-M100c; Stand By, Antri" Brews It' EN illlnt Ih,lwlyd Music l.m Walt *1'"IJSNrw SS l;\ 11.,tnt Et',1i10, ilmi Ir.- 1St:\ .In rl,rh WOr1-Mhsle For You 1S'sIK-Trrxsury Slar Parad* 1II:\ Hugh i or PM. ...Obi, 1í,1.,n!". IV WI. Trr:,-n m I' h..l 1V1.W' Ikir1, 5laulhr's Orris. WROl.111syihur *MILI 5-Noss *11üST Stmt.: MIAs- II1St' .1I rirahlu,l thr1,, 9:i5 P.M. It MALI \, Illnlarvl WNW 1 O} Hr.,l,dnn' 1151L,', Wilson Parker 7:45 P.M. .11111 1n11 Inn'l [1n Ruurvn Hel 0reh Boxing Boul. 51,1 S WENT.. IV al' Dauer Ord:. *11111'S }tirw; Aiiivlc Si IL W51 110111 I I,1 y ttWDSU-War News Iltllrr X l'Irlor ll'lIT', Li 3/, tl'IHI *WNOx-DontP Ore11.: Nrws ];III' 11111'5.-rl-ra$nng Si nl' Pur:nk *SL'slJ.,lIilhir, Nn'. A I,n-rnnl,il 11:1,1,1, Iehr lu.r,l 11:00 P.M. 6:45 P.M. 1151k-DLurinp, Ra *1I,1'ti Ilnn,-.- 61u.41.-; News 5icssrs ! 1= " 11n111_ lun ,,,,q *11\nN Pr1r411r Parallr; New, Cart varta'L Orchestra: 11'S1 i'S Hradllnera: AI'llt.' 1tiOA1 WTJS.Darlce (lt'r11. *lt BUT tiri,.; SI.,rl 11i1 End el Tuesday ProOrams

KARR- Sunrise Serellnde I:F.1 ,ttegv,ksns, ltus r WIJO1)IJuppy r BI0.5 HMOX -[hark Varieties 2 15",lt I11.111ír1 Quarter WYAA-Suurnlil. I WEDNESDAY, December MORNING KPRC- Sr.il:ri F,'d McConnell; II íf111 Itorito9 Teri.-, cs W1LtiT71ne Ord 1.0 Musk Music WI Si .Mueir tins Melodies 7:D0 A.M. KVOATrade Winds 8 :30 A.M. W'1.11 Aunt Jv1411v'1 Slnñes KVOONeusir ..Ie ll1lL ätn,I,i Ru., 8reakla0 Club: Don McNeal, 11 Me/1+enlr 1111.1, LAGST CENTRAL WAR TIME KISTOHapl.inr, Ifontrrr *lV'S1PSNew3; N1ee,a1lePr: Hr+,In .., e" KTHS W'Jö11 Il'SIY Jump Time: hi -IIA W'OPI-Perranet Sltrqq,er 111íí1t W'Hilt! reef Freedom Mug W-tif1xF:arh 5',rrw IS' Pr II. l-,rrlr .,f Alia r fSlair * World News Roundup: KIDS *ti.,.. 11'API 11'Hffl 1VMC WBT Musicale t RnLtiilil ipin V1 Breakfasl Club: 11Hr11- S1rrrulde í111N, W1IHC IVJDX WOPI sirs 1W551R 1VJrr\ q'Sír}hplreri i1111bR1y WSR"I'cneiul'r 1'701 Il WCOA- Roundup *KA1iK\e,.s; Must( Morning Moods -- KTRS WRAC l'JSMurnKIL ft,awl,ennt Wssta %1' S1 X-Tnda} uhr WDODBreokfirl f'bll. ' h.N.\ tiinei,w tirielJu,r, Melds. Iltillte kV .11.A *Hews of the World: KMOX WGSTHol Runts' Varieties li,- 4:00 A.M. 11,1P1 51'ßT WOOD WG5T *Nr1 W'5111 WEAL = KT7111 1 7:45 A,M. WJBO.Fueilinr. Ire Justice; hI'Hr.5neila Vrlcer; 51u,ie.le Music in the AOr: Kt.li.1 WAN 11'1í1'(' WWI.O. Mee Milkmen's him 1t11'N(' 11' Reveille Roundup: II .11.1 11' APfI sinilr Prim. hAl :h Leih! eil Ihr %1ria 111:1- *Wm. Hillman. news: Kilts WLACChurk 11' ;Ow (inne 11,. tW13114 Wc i 1:1 11..11 IN IVhfC re !Inuit, KIM »: 'Irrnsury Slog Pura& F Victory Volunteers: KARR 11',1LÁ W'f'U.. WJ110 SL;MP5Rrt, li" H. MALI iW lieh}. ll',Allt * K lYl:l Nel.'s; Mulo News I1'i0 WSM K }li" lCllt) WOPI- LIIIIR K-lIi} Nadir, skin'...! -; W'ROI, Whitt': Breakf:e,l IkilIlkt l'runrrribtsl l'run, 1VRRl WJI.1X St Alt WOPI Green field il tage tVIVNC K l'ONI.11de Cuucert newt' It l(>1.) RAT('.Irnnm T'.'. Fr i. Chapel'. lilL"l'u t' l.ill Fnu,ir, 1r,Inn KT'S!, .kClllton Utley. WRIX- Is í'e111 rtes.. 'l. alveoli Hebb, Torlog'i ihr ila, *News: LiI-lll; 1%'D9Lt tlrlurlies Valiant Ltdy: KN111X *\r,1," I(AIIK K1JOA WSATTrnr Io Shin Ptrnl1al Shupler 0-2-4 i:;,m,}I 1illt.11 W'C'r5T II1'"A,1F:art. I u, nJ. 54 wna VII . (;'11111 II G5T ',Killers' !'loos Bird, ti V' K I I 'Transcribed Prem. KLIIA W"5}I iFK111.11-Nrw.; Neve..$ Music Rug W'C:ST. Jllsl Rome Folks KW"IOIhelrrtfer S1-errs lrnnlllrn *KPIII 7:30 A.M. *Nov:- 111:1A *KLIIA-The 'World Today KSt[1N KPfiC 111,1' The r klberres *14:11'1 %'arletie.; Nr.. *KTtlShewr; Prem. Resume; h1011 SA-s1X W TJS-Suutltean !ir b.d ire s hTuale Kl:Lt'Ri.buiIITi; Mr. Lodge D o You Remember!: WBRC WILOA Nay lr wird Ihar HARK Tune to Shine 13n1, Hinters I'(JA KTTIII.Wluekal Cloak *4/'WL1eus: lt FAA nie 5i.ter K God's 11,11 fi.uir Robertson, *K1.11:.VHrtnr' :hr Arse, News WK1l- News ; Markets: Tenn. Trans Jim bar.: 1IJD \14, the 'V.anan's World; *K iCTRII lnsical scribed Relent. IVJBO Chrcl. 3 :15 A.M. Sillis,1.r KL'oAfD,1l1,n,ir Strings IC FREQUENCIES Honda W 1.11' Life Can He Beautiful ICWTO threes, Music Men: KLIIA WWNC *1fiWliHtiew; Tr.nsrrarer" School of the Arc: 11 API %'BT WI'LA WFs,V Kaely Hints WNrO \- t:apiams ..I Kiullr,: liA1'{K-940 g0 Pogo 111T\(- K[1KAl030 WCN-230 Tune to 5hh,e: WI1LC WWL l': 111 .Pete.'. ,.1 Alice Blair WHAS Murnitle Froth. K4rrY1slini k Tin. Breakfant Club: 11'1PS HLRA s42O WGST 920 N: l.Af Tram+ Noisy *New,: I(1í L D KT Jt11 WLAC 15']k' -gehr Steele KMOX1t2h WIIAS-r140 WAN-Thor lo Sbirir Everything Goes: 1111 14.51 w-1w Tun. lu Shin, KW TO í1'A1'O WDIU WSH IVBT-llanccrs 1111iá Day KPRC-930 WOO 130 *WM!.New.; ltlule WTJS lJlwrll W'F1A 1,11,1I Ill lìnn.' !'.eimini KRLD 10E41 W}T1X-43o0 *11'17011:So1s: Dreal,last Club Colfee Grinders: KP01' *WN(I.ONewsi Tnmu, Hillbillies ISAItK S.u, +hiur Hupe KT BS 1446 W1.AC 4510 WDSI'l'ariesy ñ Fun Rhythm Boys: S1'113N 11:45 A.M. K'r]ls 1000 W I.S-89p *WIIIJMrrry.Co- Rrnlnd; News *K1.IIAWnrld '11111110 Della KWIC-Eurty *%4'.113L1 N1rt.rugrr, 41,tiir; Nnwrs K :.11 11úE1' KT'Rll1320 WLW-700 IVNINh11u'Iha SV11ife Hierin w Vletory flout: KLIIA 1200 WhiAQ-670 HCTTIS W'[..11':liurir fur lirr:,kr,i1 Ki3OA íí'1H lurielins Hit Tones; Pry, Re 1(111K .i:41, bd :o., 5peakin1 10111\ K1'kIl 1170 "unle WLW Cnnauners Fort ld nirn. KVOO WMC 790 Wt.IS Jam for Hrealrfssl KUOAFrod MrClesbrs ilia, KNOIN.31.1glr 1411A1í. Nappy Jack Turner, songs: WhIPS-1460 *IVRIiC-Mu.Ie;11 [Iirk. Neu, KWK2l113n WWI. Misr Du1r11 KVOOI:Yrlyn i.Y1111r h.i Ich lurl Hn,I. Unwire ICT(1. IS ri'Cn.i 1(N1 KWTO 565 WNpX.ngO W4BOaI L}Ie Ale; 1rS,h..l1r- 14111 FiWHH- 5nnotFar, B10. I. ít11..1,1,7 (ßn -treiucI, 14.ís %%still I1 .A1..1 11',IIe\ WALA WOAr-t200 W7J5-Top v' the Sl.rn.r,; WAPI.11:0 WOPI t490 7 :15 A.H. WALA -Rev. Borke, Hu +ir ..l 11'BRC WWL Will. Dour, Blisters KTlal Cork *Nena: WAPO-IISO WRFC 600 SS'APitiunLErro, Please Hr.. 11', G Pnw11 1..14011' ISrnnrn7 KAB' 1I IST Do You Rrmembe1 7: KTBS Moue hlllil 1] IVSMB WBT- Breakfast II.Itli .5litsirat Memories Goldlese file'!: KTRII IWG57- W1iHM626Ó WSB-lrSñ t71Ii\ 1t.0 Shine 8 00 A.M. 11'COARise & USl11 11 oak. KPRC.Melrld' Soouooi.s WIlRC06D WSiX9140 Reflec lions 1515 K(' WREC WAPI *Ne,vs. Revival WISODRreak[Ysl Club KI1i1 htll.ln W07 K 111.11 WRT1110 WSM6F0 1PI71°I Tint i,, Shine Donald Soars Pages 01 HeIady: WDSU WAPC. *WGST.+iess; Slnsital Sae Dial SI-11"VV ICX(tx *MIAs Cars HUOA Tluee- Chiseler Tune WCOA-I3:0 WSM131350 Valle! 1"crtrylhlqg rery- (troll. WOOD 1310 WSUN-6a0 NTH!, WilAS- Renew ii'.Si'lr KTIlS K'Ik? '11 LW Linda* First Love i.11'TCl Neosenns W17SU lain WT}5 1300 WHAS WI _W WNW. WJOX- idulIe.t 11'r 1,.1 I17511 t'al A 41_111 gliria Bniwnr It APIIlhlrtuuir 1ín.1.; Tint *New.: 117:41 St WF:NRa9n WWL4'0 WNW/ 1sLW8rìtk, Kiesraid b IS t1I:e11. it tit.`. ä owi tir.q!Jones 51,rn,b.e WrAA 70 WWNC5y0 Jack Lillie Little's then.: KIIIS t5- . ` Page 25 SS' U41: 1i'JRQ WMF'S WVIX WAIN Aunt Jenny's Stories: KMOX WEDNESDAY, December 2 Did You Know? KRLD KT1tlI WST WGST wIAS WLAC J Guiding Light: WAPI KARK KWKII- Tranacrlbed Prsm, 11UPfftilnbrlly Hoedown K{V'TO -Al Slaur's Hymn Sion lirrLrrtrltaru Thee WALA -Catol Gilbert W RnI_ Híllhilli,y AFTER AN ELEVEN O'CLOCK WS+SU11'nmxn's Cohsmn ONE NIGHT *WAPO-News & Oddities HROADCAST W'SRI' lame the Prgnr, uIs l- Ib.t+l ut Life WCOAMelody Moments r3Dg+LAei *WDOUNews VLlZll1Z WJDX- Morning Matinee C AFTERNOON:;: WAS WARNE!) BY A LABOR DEP WMCLeI's Be Neighbors OFFICIAL. THAT HE COLLDN'7 WORK SV'NOX -Lindy Warner' 12:00 Noon BET7YL9U AT TI-MAT LATE HOUR. W'OP1 Farris & ]Some }lour Market Square CENTRAL WAR TIME FINALLY CONVINCED l'!r'il TOMMY WitlY Markets; Music *H. R. Backhage. news: KTIIS HIM 'BETTY LOO"' ums 'Ash nand or Today WALA WU+t' IVC:OA JUST A *VOICE' lt. l Women of America Life Can Be Beautiful: KMOX SS' S tI H L ier rig, First 1014 WAPI ARI WCST WRAS OWL Ma Perkins WLA(_ WRFC WWL Beverly Mihr, songs: KARK. 11.00 A.M. KTBS WSB 15'OPI li4Slls ;al) Words & Music: KPRC HTBS *N.ns KPInt- HVOO WAPO JOYCE HAYWARD has W'Al ti Raw. SI }AA the feminine tend in "The *IA eat News; *Bailee Carter. news; W'TJS A Mrs Tucker: Sea Mound" *Kate Smith Speaks; News: Larv't N.%, KMON MILD KTRII KIVILFI kit LDS!burpsQuartet WAN WIlT V1'DOD WCST %'l'1LFL- Yillaer lKya SLBfrC IfaS Burns.' Varieties VYMIAS II'I 101 AC WNOX WREC KIIOAMidday Melodies t('C.OA Ser ells ILI WW' I. KWIiIISitcrlon gnarlier! wntlt]tianey I: Ritl *News; WALA WCOA WAMS KW'TC)Bie Sinter W11ASLduntack; ('oltese of Ag- WB 1W WAR WBILI' Town Talk ricul i u rc KARKtiaxarene Church W'1101l Arkinass Traveler tYJl.iNl'lteekerhnnrd Tinge ](1.110!ñu.- Oni or o Sang *WJß+1kMTus1C; News WLW Hearts in Harmony *KTHS -Kress: Sky'linero W./1 IX Ilanch Shaw *WR1:L.Hurk Turner & Burk KLIDA Voices in Harmony *W,Ill',1 News, Today's Tune areas; Novo K VOU Light el the World *WAU\ Newa; Slerey Ca- Round; W STX-Swinutsigre KW "1O- OratLt Ftinit Hour Nerve 1V'SI Hia Sister wvsr Miele Sammy *W'llfl,. News: MesmnSer W TS S JCnllm+l Along WFAA Guiding Lie' tit WSIN stud'. Party Lti W L yl le ls I. Happinessuppineq WJIJO.I.onetY Wrmen WSM ring Ensemble *WJIA -News; larucrlute WTJS Values k llusrt 1:00 P.M. W1.VV Editor's Daughter Vincent *WMCNexs; Music 12:15 P.M. Loma' arch.: WALL *WHPS -tom ; Woman's World IV MPS WSM Sketches In Melody: KTBS WCOPI WOPI.1ioon Tunes Light of the Worlds WLW SS FMB WROL Rambling Rsn.ers Voting Dr. Mato!: KLRA ICII(tX W51X Serenade to a housewife Ma Perkins: hi MOX WAPI WRT KilLll KTIIH KWEH tvAPl W5M Woman of America MIST MIAs 1VLAC WREC WRT WDOII %V CST ISLIAS .. -I .'1111 WRFC WWI. 11:15 A.M. Edward MtHugh: ltTRS WDSSJ *News: KPRC WIIRC LULU laal rs Checkerboard !Toro! KALIIL PAUL CHUBERT BELLE A %LA+ SCOTTY Words & Musk: WALA WJIIC * tW,ws: KILL!) KTRH KUOA WRAP NaWS c'/WMF.YraTöq' ANO *eau EXbFRr' WEMk o M'S. scan- WISEMAN} WS51FJ WJDX WMC JDX KTSSTrens -ribed Pram. Bin Sister: KAIUK MILD KTRH THE OF SOME RE BORN WiTAIN 40 MILES Hal Burns' VrietiCA! KARK E'l115Dor W'arreu; Tunic Tune* IS AIJ`fHOR 11'.1l'í W'BT LV HAS WREC OF EACI4 OTHER IN NORTH 'SWIM Wade KUOA.Souek Amorleaa Wet D> Ta-1E BOOKS WHICH ARE WXUX WOOD WWL KLRA Klux Inllt,ltllrs KVOO 1fol Burris' Varieties CAROLINA SVT MET 1 R Brooks, Wh11'S ON THE REOUIREO READING - Joan Songs: KPRC- Chrekettnard Time KW"ltinlatlnre Mekehes LI OF THE THE FIRST TIME ON THE /DIM-Univ. Chapel KVIJO.Merrymvkera WAPO -Check & Innate/ OFFICERS T1-lAyNdNG SCHOOL. RADIO IN CHICAGO. KVOOLenely Wameu 1CWTO- Miesouri Farmer. WCOASumelhlrle Abair( Every- K WtÿH Trausrs-ilir+l Prim, WALA- Sinein' Sam Ihit'e, tingle WCOA- Musical Tait' WAIÿLHillbillies WJBO Victory Garden SVI -AA trance Orel. wane Musk from Nandi* W.III\ 011 the Farm Rant WGST Le Fevre Trio WCOATreaseary Star Parate WIAC.Cenrral Church WI BO Guiding Light *WOOD-Varieties; News W'MCMuskake *IC - Juke Jam- K LD- Housrnannere WKIINews; Transcnired Pre KW1O}larkets; Rog f WLAC M.,tninç Varieties WFAASmilc Praersen WRPI.Tamk uu Navy; Alin' Rothe boree; Carl ]laden *KTBS-News; Pirwr. cram Traninibed 111.W Ma Perkins WJ80I.Lnde Lads Serial Column Orch- KakT(TWhat'e New WALACarl Rayarsis UFO). *KL'OANcws *WOPINews;Tunes WJDX-Loden Fomily Wl: tL Warmers RE,. thin -Transcribed Pr gin_ V. ALA Mslody Time WAPI-Treasury Star Parade KWKH IL'S'S sin: Sister WI.W.Vte & Sade MSOf;rurgie J1iSIlea *1V,Il'UGoldwl Melodies; News WAN]. Golden Gore tluartel KWTOflayiuft Frolic WSM -Window Shopping Wicht Chock Marlin *11 111 Bstlkltt'vr 'loISloe WHAPOanre Oreh. *WRAP -Newa; Markets WAPO.A Morning Tl'.,ught WTJ5,lames Allen, pianist; Finn WSB- Markets; Musse 11S1.1IlC lOinlemS d aV,triIrs W'i1T- 1VDOD -Shlun WBTHymti Time fiuidlne light Siring Front WSIX}arm News W "IJSJaan- .later & Joao WI 'Oft /demising IV}SIICLady al Houle WOOD Virginia Charlie Devntinnal llri WS.uI Jantimree ii'Uf ll.! Mira 'VGSTNwnt'er, W'HASTreasury Star ring Tulles Please Parade 11:30 A.M. WTJSRae or riolrl 1:15 P.M. 11 LIM1' Alurlilag Melodies *WJBO- Deveuoasl; Nervs *W'NOXNews: Matinee Romance et Helen Trent; KMOX Joyce Jordan, M. O.: KS1UX ;rile to Housewife *WHAS -News; Time Out for *W.lDX -Heus; Mrk.dk Strings SVSIX -Sercn a 1FGST LVllAS W'LAC W1LOX 12:30 P.M. KRlll Kí'1111 KW'KAI WAR Mirk WLACGuiding Lieht IV5M Musicale KW 1:11 Kti1_f] WWL Sketches In Melody: WSB KIDS. 150(111 WGLII' W'IAL WIIEC S1'JHOLiglil of the World WLW-Swett Hirer %VSMB- Novatime Enicy Yourselves: KTIIS WAPO WRT OWl. KLRA *WI.SI' -Newt; Organ WMC- Kavelty Time WTJSHaue ten Get Farm & Home ill Nat'l Hour: KTIIS Vic & Sade: KNOX WRT IVI;AT Between the Bookends: *WMPSNrw: Dnlieal Drama W'NOXLighl of the World . WWL 1"n1ubllslied Diary Wi1M1' IV,1rkJ 100 DX Vi Kills 'A l tEC W /I1ra 1S'11'rr W'liSLr 11511'5 *WNOXNew1; Vitlu4e Choir WOPIdJlble Conference 10:15 A.M. ts5t1 *Norton MtGdfen, news: KPRC Wd1X WJItO lV 11oó VRECMomeais eil IJrtolIva tall. linty A Vic & Side; KARK KPH(' WMC Ph'ladelphla Vary Yard Band! W K.U' SvSOLOrgen Moods WROLRidfu' the Raiser Lonely Worsen: Wier' IGLOO WALA WRAP WRRC í17J 5 *Nee.. KV'f O W D5 l 11 LAC IYTJS..Varir1I i WStXLY's Learn Slunk WCOA WJDC WLW' WOP1 Texas Bangers- WOOD WROL WSM WSilH lOTJS KIVKII Teen School al the Air: KPRO WWI. Suzanne sl'SM1.801 Everett Owen Brad. WFAA Jasra f WSB V'SM Ma Perkins: KVOO KAItK- bleLxiy DOS's 1VIIAP ley *KARKNews: Sketches in Blade Hsrmnnt 9 :15 A.M. Second Husband: lialOX WRT K1.HAA ra L iti Novelly k,llih Heart gi WSMB.1- indigo tint Lore WHAS WWL I' tY hile KRI.DVarielien KL'C)Al;laslc ( -belt Kl.uAArkonsas Defense }{sirs The O'Nwlls: KAIM% WSH WSM 1:45 A.M. Four Clubmen: KTIIH KWKH KTIIS.D a nee Orch. hi'fsj Rig KPRC KVIlf1 WRAP WSRC KRI.D KI°HC Helpful Hamer KTIiIL\luniral quill. K W'Ttl liielui to 3Inno nese WJOX WLW WMC WOPI Lone Journey: WRAP KV00 HLRA-Treasury Star Parade KTIill.lsnilr,l Horne Volunteers Kl!OA -Music ist a Modern Mode W'BI1C lladir. Ilrrhal the Sa'J KTRS WSW SVAPO WALA KPSiC KUDARamhlkng Rhythuls KCIOASones of West KVt)fltSuh Wills dc Boys IAi -I7rvul hlr :il WCOA Bachelor's Children; KWKII WAPI -Dear Public Morro. M erkr is LV ALA i ltrrkerbrard link LVJUNNnrrirrrr *Roy Porter. trews: WDSU KLRA IL111.0 W'Rh:S' KTRII WOOD .Southuth American Wig WALA Musical aHtrnents WAPIFarzrt & Fnmiiy Forum *WI=i'Nows, If..thrrl Ilarmor SVJIIIÌ KTIIS 11í10X *WCST-News; Melodies WAPI -L1ghI of the. World WIIAP-Maile 'km Like l ILLI l',ali ins 1.i ,t,r Kitty Foyle: KMOX Young Or. Melone: WLW WLACOi l Dirt Dal{bee W'AP"ILunrlr With W$RC"Sttnbecker MOW In the Air: WRT 5tringlime: WAR) WSIX WNOXGuidmg Light * WBTNrwa: Suai, Time *WCQA -News; Music 1 ;30 P.M. Light .,l nhr Woad.. KTIW WCST tluciwlo, WM( WSM P'REU Rcntlrivous with Romano * it'11111 -tiros l'irrnrea W000 tirandpappy We Loro & Learn: it, I.ltA KSItIX *New t WAPI WROL *News: WUSO WLAC WSMS- String Ensemble WCOAFarm Front *V.IIAS News. Harket:; sYIO[f K 111.11 k11111 KM 111 lV'5 P1 KRLIJI'.ctary Front KArIKMirehine to 'Octant wrs$ Irks Martin *WC,WNems; Lierdoek Mae Talk tit I l A> 11' 5Eí' WW1t1 IS LAC kegs: Ese'11wd s Farm li'IVI. Kb'Klt- Transcribed Them KTBS-Tranteriire.l Frain. 10:30 A.M. WJBO- Lunehee.n Serenade WSO'r Fimisewivno T e r a s u r e W'.IIIX G olding Lyhtc W'I iv HOTO.Orasis Sweethearts KUOAblond Serenade Against the Storm: KARK KPRC Theater Revue We Recommend st W LIT Steter Mutual Gaio Ceiling: R MPS *WDUDNews: America Marshal KTHS WALA WR11C SVC'OA lire kvoo WON Ten Per Cent Block Party Novelly St IJIL On WALA News far the Lichee WFAA WJDX WLW WMC Wail:- Beene WAPI Rand Box Revue W fi E( An-eel River *04,APS; Nrwe; Popular Taxies *Hews- hill- WM .i Mr IN WIIAS The Guidberes won V'zf WSa1 WIST World lash lair }inn S Home flour W Aemyr WIltit 11.115) 1VLA1' Melwly queen Ugh! of Ihr Bright Horizon: kyrL1X KRLD Ol'f Piotram MsrryGn WCOA Do You Remember!' WSAfI 1 -ols Be Neighlauro WItot Restnest Rhythm Linda. Fuss Lese WSW 105M WWMI'S Rni+r,d KTRII KWKII WGST Vi llAS WHASTo be atmm1.1vrrd WS(X.lt. F. D. 500 WSIXRoandn'Cowboy JIS ILK WND (Soop Thar Live W LAt WWI. WJDX -John 1unina McInsliru 1f11í Moon:ate WhIN.Ptep Ilicr (loss Seeale, A House in the Count''': *ISWI. Ni*: KTlis 11:45 A.M. hS U,I .Viarbmtt i.,rss & Mild' SM. aright N. Happiness WNOXVielury hum' SYIISl WJRO WROL.Naratime Our Gal Sunday: KMOX WCST 12 :4S P.M. 10'0U F.u+ Mar kitiIrn KLRA Wuman's Mngarirne 9 :30 A.M. WFIAS WLAC WNW,: KWKH Lite (hill /II' EIrnldtluk WSHSmndhina Boys KTBS- Trunsrribcd l'rgn'. *Morgan Beatty, news: KTBS HLL'ltI KI fi.l 11'r1Pl LVSSIR 17104 Uvs :mloa Hank Lawsen'S Knights: KTI1S LVSa1Rt'1'rnesury Star Parade KL llA WAPO WROL WAN) Women's Ch'b A I ie l'an Alley rA WÌSU WW'1.Vic & Salo K IT'l Tne Goldbergs: IVRT WGST iVh.Ll' Iden I th, W:.rid Lv['I KWTO -A Wnlnan'e Work] Ranch WT'.IS KPIIC19.2.4 W I.AC 5Y 11111 alert a l t'nmtr Cheer He Gang- WAPITrcasury Star Parade KT1ISTranscriLed Prem., To:00 A.M. Your Crazy Prgm,: WRAP tItl Land.. tie the Flug Amanda of Honeymoon Hilt: WAPR.Goldrn Melodies KTIt1LPrrrdum n., thr fund lil'RC WHr- SI -SII lirnu'ry Mliu l'n,,u1 KMaX Wail WOAS WWL Road of LIN: KAM( HI'RC Popular Music K(IDA-Krl'nre of the South Vincent Loom' Etch.: WI:18U R-51\ lies {ntutn,d WMPSWumen's %IRO 54MI'S Coral Marsh, Pianist: KWKH 1ti'[IL1 WRAP Wine SI'JDS Club KVO(Markels SVSHR Pram Npoiii,.hr K'rltn W-LVS' WMC W'OP1 WCOA WSR W'70X -Bands & Ilot,dt KWTl].Maii 'hr Stinkyirde 10.2-4 Renck, KLRA WJDX *Newel KLRA KVOO WSB lVSif LVA[.A W'RECJesse Crawford. organist WALA -Rural Rltyshm KI1LJ1 }yerdline Pira,l. 1:45 A.M. Remem- WROL.America Sires sd Star, *KAIIKNomo you Will Breakfast at Sardi's: KTIiS WAPI Vic & Sade Krnti.1'aradr P epper Yount, ramrly; 1V,iPI *WSIN N rugs 15' ber; Last & Found; News VYyJStT WJB(] WMP5 VIRIL t i'tl ]'rte t a.setl K IJOArharks Are al War W14Ah W'1111 Wtll- taCST WTJS-O14Fashivnnl Vnlrnt KPHr Ma Perkins W'4?[ W111í -INune Darlinc KWKIIrrenseril,rd Pettis 1V fIT KRLD- 1101.y & Bub Clara. Lu 'A' Eel: %MO% T0:45 A.M. H' .(J.t Iasi Before Noon, Markets KYV'Us t-,rule Vn.. +road- Srnre Hymns al All Churches; WLte KTHS New. I" o W41171411. 1Vnrld Sophisticaters: Kl IL. KTRH Bavid Sarum; KYltt KAU], Wind t.LI.. Perkins *WALA News: Musk Pagel KIJOAkrri.s el Melody WAPI 1VGST WIdC tCREC WFAA 1LW' WYAA -,u..h i.:r Bop e WVAT'I Farm Reverter IContinued on Next Page 26 il«. _1 it,E.t 1 b: t,,,., ., I,I11 lilYbtSurrrl 'fHur h.ilr I I Tir PA pCfuusr C:uarJs Thr Llgn's Rgar; What's 4YS1.113 111,ir I;ns.pp 1L'II.1S 11441,1 ol LiFv *IiCC1A Yeas; Melaly Tiö,c }1,1, 15.1r .4J,°, W.1lir, WOSI ll .IIN.fi! ltu,lrir'I *lit'CKI-¡ïell'!r: MI« T.'ilire Ir'1'YIS 51'!,I 5 1t Nf"- 3:00 P.M. *11'f1P! Sireau,Ynrr: New'. ; WEDNESDAY, December 2 *KW K1{. News tipnrta Fred Waring or Vlciary Tune Backstage Wife- Is.l'111 11'li1:r W1101, A to y in N,rrilly lfV1T0-11ude11 Foudls Ton, IV5 H 1(11 1 41 I. to I1' S' I ut F 1A SLl.tl 1111i 1ttiH 11'iYE, Fn,ha, F;irurilr- Il' ALA-Tain Pya,prea 11:51 A W-lü11 11 .11 Lt 1', 11 li11a, W11H Itr .A PO. Ensr Il a :Mar r, SVOPI-Shall WR['!. 1:dHh 51 Vi'fi Lll:- We /Volte! I: I. 4100 P.M. *11'HT a 102.g i gluas Pegrn * W Il ti Compton, news: 1VTJ5 lìunrh 11'í11L1 [i1J:..1 ]ilni i(1'C, *Hews: hl III l:ítltiEl Vo II Are Voir a Grn,us ï'; W'APi tl'i'Il,t1irruinNr,r; ilel'lelr il'FI.A WIS.SI' 1511,11 WRFC-Donee Orchestra 11'I1SCJolly iI.GI VO. Ir Vo. V. IC1:1.1I KL[L5 Ii11111 h1r1 15tY'L Friurs Amos "n' Andy: 11111- 11111 WSMBSisine Limai obi r 55'F.A W 11. V. ri 1 Illi, 111116'. (Itrli. 4í11'L -.bury Air Li.uer Rand HI(l I. I5'I li 11 FST 11 lait 11W11" W lil'I' i11 H 111.,/ St 111 S1 r. ifehir lir,rh, nrernlSt 11 i 11 I *Club Matinee; Hews.: 11' 51.1 W hen a Girl Marries: KARK 1i i.l Ii [. I I lr I I; I 11H11.11 51.1HS fIi Ihe I:,.,n,e WI51 Ii11nS 2:15 P.M. 11 1:111. 11 J Iir1 1t1 t , t 11'ti l\ K!'lIL KtI)J 5VB1[C 11'FA.1 *lt I 11 t, ,. - : l' ,,, I W,,,Ji, songa War Congress of American In- 11 5S1'S 15,111\ ií1.11' SF51C W'Ol'I *Sens. 111.- 51,1\ 11'1e1.N tiii,a,r,, fune üL0,1 ,lu.vs! KLRA Futhll WI ,'I 1t,,51H 11'is *h1.11 mid 1,Ir fi1Ht1f F.dilr,r D;nilrirr 11.1i .5n0 114.w t SVltEl- *Sens Ti TO 11'GST ltis f *KTRS I r,In"rrllu.l Pi em 11b51,I., i6i' 1ó,uil.lni,d Ma Perkins: KARK RPR[ WSB , *111ulit N,n.: *K'rllS-Nru., K. l'llur.lrfls, Yr111i'i Ilr'nrk'; 5rrt INRA!' WBRC 11' í:0A IV LW 1011IL VI I,. Resrurm tlarr-tl 111r (3i, liun li,dI,r,,. W'SH. R'fl!'f WJDX WALA Kt10A-Dalle nner-rr++s N,r fte.11 11'1.i !Ir Prrsti,ii ISr:iil6, 11'hll 5:15 P.M. Krfxl 1rl I{'l'lir 1 rali,r,rin,I l'r,111" 11). hr a ,o +.,,.rd KL'C7O.G,+irliug Today al the Chocano: Ei MI IX Shady Valley Folks: WTJs *iC11'1I-51rn I;i,Rnun,l; News KTl[7lúpular T,rnr- Il t] 1' .5 ,,.n"i. The f;ul,ll,rri: WOOD Ktli,11 61t1.11 Kií'TO *11i hti li New r 11..11.11. L54i ,1 , r,,i,s- *11 NIA t1LI F.,v-,I- WW'L Milt Mentit Tria: StS1 N ,. 1.1;,itliell[ krlrnes *51'SMNrlrs; ti)rurls Wtl'LF.rrnine Nl,'In+ür 8:00 Arkansas Traveler, with Bob WS51 Lullaby 'rime 1Yr31R-,Pill Jarlr.on News ans! Discussion Burne W"W'L-B)iy..ie, Lare Edition 4:45 P.M. A.M. 5 :45 P.M. $:15 Carnival Show 4 :45 Bobby Orth.: *H. V. Kartenborn, news: 1STO5 P.M. Sherwood's WMPS [(ARE 11:00 Boake Carter Jack Pearl, CM] Hall. Brad Reynolds, Jean To be announced: 11'l'AO WALA W' FI. A 51'C+I'1 11'A I k i *The World Today: KMON 11'RT 51'31.1íy Merrill, Morton Goold's 55 1L'LW S5'COA WI:OL Orchestra 'J BII KTILII KWlil-1 M''API P.M. 5'000 IVBRC K I'L1O 'Nd ON 55511 8:30 Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands Front Page Farrell: KARK IVMC 5Yf1ST WHAS IV7LOX WREC 12:00 H. R. Baukhage 1Vti31 WAL WMl' Sammy Kayo's 0rtheslra 1í1.5V KPIIC W'F,1A KVOO WWNC 6:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. Mr, Kern, Tracer 131 Los!. Per- 9 :00 Kay Kyser's Program 6:15 News of the World Ben Bermes Orch,; KLIIA MIT Sill Stern. sports: WALA WJDS R'11'r Ei1,1N 1VBBLI Trudy Erwin. Harry Bahbpll. Sully Mason. KMCIN KI l O '11'1[1! KWKH NIÌ,15 6;45 H. V. Kaltenborn Don Winslow of the Navy: 11'051: WW'Nf Juhe Conway and Dorothy Dunn V. API 117)017 WGST IV HAS Grand Prier Headliners: KPRi 7 *Lowell Thomas, comm.: WLW :00 Earl Godwin 11 I.A1 11'FiEI' 11'11'[ W'W'NC 11 r1.11 k'I'HiS 9:00 Raymond Gram Swing 11' NOX *News: Sports: 1í'3M8 *Neu W'FAA W'S51$ *5 po News K'l'Bs W'LAC 9:00 John B. Hughes Captain Mtdnighl: 11'SlX ris; hTHS 10-2-4 llanClr Drama 15151, 9:15 WOO11-11u5ir. io 115411 11.. National Radio Forum KTHS T'hr Sra Hakim! 9:30 P.M. 10.2 -4 Mauch: WCOA WROL W'L[\ l,dudü,u Iliur,les Paul Schubert KIIOA - Vie & Sade 7:00 of the Man WJBD Adventures Thin K ll'TO Altrru than Pleur. *Aras: KARK KPétC E.5110 7:30 Dr. Christian 11 -FSRt' 5 Auirriruu Was, utll WA PO WO P1 W511. 11.11' "1'0 FREQUENCIES Variety Tonight's play is "The Child 1s the Future" 1VJ0X-Treasury Cher! of Merde Sports: IVSB WBRC 11'M1'Shcit KARK-926 WPLA-31I0 A. M. 7:30 Manhattan at Midnight Tillacs K LRA-Co [leeu Carl KI7KA-1020 WGN720 7:30 True Story Theater WS.ATBah .101110ne & Owen 11 lU ll The Ranchers KLRA-1420 WGSTg2u 8 :00 Breakfast Club Starring Henry Hull R rd d try KUOATreasury Stir Parade KMOX-11xp WHAS-840 1í'l il, Swine 11 I5'JB0.Mlnsir; Spurts KPRC-95a W BOL lao P_M . B:30 Mayor of the Town KRLD108u W DX-1399 Starring Lionel Barrymore W'BAPI'rirl,dry Music 6 :00 Amos 'n' Andy 5:00 P,M, WOPLRhytlun Rally KTBS-1480 W ClSlo 8:30 Mr. District Attorney *Navy KTHS-1990 WLS-896 6:00 Fred Waring's Orchestre Band; News; KTBS 1VSlIAn E,'elanr al Nome KTRH-1326 WLW Jay Jostyn; Vicki Vofa; Len Doyle; Peler Will tutu. Tor Lon, Abner WT.TS (ranee l'une KOOA1299 W7oIAQ-670 7:15 and Iran Steeden's Orenestra Don Winslow: ll'11PS WSIX KVOO1170 WMC799 8:00 Eddie Cantor Show lí'FFIS WJBO KWKH-)lau WMPS-1466 KWTO-SSO WNOx-999 Ornah Shore; Hattie McDaniel; Bert *Quincy Howe, news; WLAC NIGHT WALA1410 WOAI.1200 Gorden; Shirley Dinsdale, ventriloquist: Classical Music *Ni',..: SV WAP3-1170 WOPI-1490 ttiSfuN BRC Won! WAPO-ILSn WRFC699 Edgar Fairchild"; Orchestra' Gracie Alien. P.M. Lurv 11'APl WSIM'IB is ltauger Where there no fisting WBAP-820 WROL 620 guest 7:00 Nelson Eddy: Irene Manning; l'ai ST for v sie {ion its preceding WORM-780 WBTl-159 8:00 Basin Street Chamber Music So- Robert Armbruster's Orchestra 10.2-4 Rnncll: WOOD WREC program is on the ofr. WBRC-966 WSIX98n W"r,IK W8T41l0 W5llrs-b59 ciety 9:00 Great Moments In Music Muait WCOA-t379 WSMB135n Paul *1íAW[iYeiss; 6:00 P.M. Swing ensemble conducted by La- lean Tennyson, Jan Peerte, Robert Weede: KLRAT}me in Tonight WrIOD L310 WSUN-610 salle: Kay Lorraine: Mallon Cross and George Sebastian, conducting. Irving Der - CENTRAL WAR TIME W OSII-1280 WTIS 1390 Kl'l:tOfl Ihe Froni Page; Malte WENR-Sod wWf.-870 guests lin se 'celions Iti RU/ Fr. r,rll,Il d Rvurul *Fulton Lewis, Jr news: W I.I± WFAA WWNC-570 WJRtjFootl,all Fa. 6:00 P.M. *Raymond Gram Swing: K rlls W-III';; Neu Salo.. Baptist Cli (5-12181, Poqe 27 %VIAL' Sle;ross on the An Eddie Cantor Show: WAPO WSM WJBO WENR IVDSU WSIX *WItOL Ness; Sports WREC\erahbarin,+rd Call WFAA WMAQ KARK L'BRC WMPS 1VSIX -Swing Shift SIXSport 1I'JDx %5a113 WLW I'S8 WSL'ti -To tir announced *W'SSLIVorl.L in Review WEDNESDAY, December 2 1VTJSAi Your Worsen WFLA KV00 WCOA %ROC *WTJS -;lows W'SLN Treasury Star Parade WW1_ Torun m the Tann WOP1 WAP! WMC KPRC 9:15 P.M. WWI. -Dance Dreh. 7:00 P.M. KTRS WALA 1V0A1 KDKA Nat't Radie Forum: KTbiS 10:15 P.M. 10:45 P.M. Adventures of She Thin Man: WENR WSUN WDSU B enny Goodman's Oreh.: KTRH Arkansas Traveler: KTRH WBT *Guy Lombardos Orth,; News wirL VSR WFAA WMAQ KRLD WHAS WRRM KMOX Art Kassel's Orch.: WMPS WW il_ WDOD MILT. WGST I1'1IC WSM WLW WOAI li5l']Lli KLRA HWKIi %1ST W'WL WNOX KLRA WOOD Kl'KII WDOD- Visiting Our Arurtlras WSMß KI'00 KP1nC 11'SRC * K I)KA News WGtil WWNC WW1. WAPI WCX -Hill Sanders & Guy Savage Three Suns Trio: WJDX WSMB KTBS WJDX HARK KDKA WLAC WREC 1'OPl KARK WAPO WA.LA KMOX Moonlight Serenade WON WJBO -Speak Up for Democracy KVQ UTreaaury Star Parade WCOA WALA $assn Street Chalber Music So- WHIM tVFLA K1LH1 *Earl WSIX -Swink Srrenede WAI'IMost Honored Muoio Godwin, news: í1L5 KTHS riely; KTIIS W11IS W'SUN 14rJSTressury Soar Parade Alelno Rey's Orchestra: WJSO 151íP+ WDSU iY,18O WSUN WO5u WSIX WBBMSalutr to Victory 9:30 P.M. WSUN WS1K *WI:NRNews; Rhythm at Rau- 1VSIX *Gabriel Heeler, news: WGN ItitThe Man Behind the Gun: *News: KMOX WMAQ dam Nelson Eddy; Irene Manning: *KUOASympkwny of Melody; K1io. KI,RA WWNC WRFC KARK- Sports; This Hhyrhmle WGNolicnuiy Krone, stories WWI. ELIGt i1VNC WOOD Neves KTRH WGST 11141111 WAPI Axe WLW-Johnny Lewis' Orch. W'NON W11BA1 K RLO IVGST WENIITrsas Rangers WBT KWKFI1 WNOX KLJKA -Music Yon Waite WMAQHerble piavisi ILIAC Mintz. WRFC w iui KWKFI W.IRQ.FI--nett¢ Field t:allinK *Paul Schubert, news; WTJS KPRC-Korn Euhhler-a WRFC -Dance Drch. IVFf.IS KMOX WAPI WBT WTJS-Bande Niolo! KRLD- Treasury Star Parada KRLD -Frank Parker, tnr. 11 :00 P.M. *Cal Tïnney: WCJd 8:15 P.M. *W DOD-News *KTRS -New_ Transcribed Prem. KTHS-Dance Orch. Grits Williams' Orch,: ! IGN KUOA Jass Sleek Flask Street Chamber Music So- WGN- Service Men's Show WHAS -Fort W API.I1 ehxl} Ge. I:nund *News; Bobby Sherwood's Orch.: WAIY].Edwan! Shaper, violinist d eist WENS Knox Parade W'JBD- Football W'BAP- Rhythm & Romance W'NIIN t 'Lk }D WREC WBT LVRCM_FLeshrs rat Life *WGN -News Forecast WBBNSe the story Goes W BBS1 KTR}t KW'KH WSIX -Song. nt Romance WLAC-Song Stylists ANNE ELSTNER is heard 7:15 P.14. WNIP5 -Dante Music WET- Muorerwarks Bob Alten's Oreh.: WDSL' W'JEO as Stella Dallas Lum & Abner: WLS 8:30 P.M. W'COAFuur Monday WV1PS W-W'L- Univcrsit. Time Stades of Rhythm WSUN WMPS WAPO KTHS through Friday 1iDSIJ WJR0 KTHS Mayor el the Town, with Liénel 9t45 P.M. WDSL' War fisndo WRAP WSIX R:Irry'me.re liLIIA WAPI %V BT W'GNChiraeu St+nrrs: KUOA WTJS Carmen Cavallaro's Orch.: WSUN al Mehl *News; Paul Martin's Orch.: W'llNC WHAS WHOM IOX W *WAI'u Snuihlun4 Sings; New, I Eddy Howard's (Nth,: WTJS FIA 5 -Spo rLs KTBS WROL WBRC KVOO Vaughn Monroe's firth,: 'WRFC 11'NO WWL WGST WOOD Wt.AC- Melody Album WGN1lunplo liner *News. 1Y }:NR IV/Ro WMPS WMC W$A1 WOAI KPRC íe lí ?' Kl'bll1 WNOX FLRLII WLAC WIlEC Hl5'KH W ROT- Muelca1 Quip WSIX W LWGregor Ziemer Barkernund *Mews; WALA WENR WSMB Neil Bondstru's Oren.: WEBE Mr. District Attorney, drama: WMtPopirlar WSIX- Beptial Honk Store; City 1 tLis.l7nnee Orelc- Music KMOX KMOX KWKit WMAQ KARK IVSMO WFLA WNOX- Treasury Ste.' Parade Slickers KTHS.Danre Orch. KOKAFcank Andriui's Argen- * tV I)S1i . N ewa WSUN -Know Your Array KPRC MAC WJDX 1CVOD WDO1J- Quartermasters Quarter *WDAI -H. V. Kilienhorn WHASDrenrit Serenade IYOPI WLW WALA WAPO ditiens 7:30 P.M. Hour WROL- Parade of Bands *KR1.11Hewa; Stamps Baxter 5V'LWMidhlte Melodies WSB WAIL WSN1 KTBS WCOA Tommy Dorsey's Orth.: WFJA *WDSU-The War Today W 4R. R e eerie Quartet *WBOLMusie You Want; News WROL KDKA WOAI WFAA World WS1tC WALA WCOA KrRC WLAC -Visions in Munie WSAi- :irnrrira de the Criais WHASMseterworks of Muoio Wsli.Swing Nocturne Victory Parade a1 Spotlight *WWL News: Snorts WSS WMC K00 WLW 10:00 P.M. WLAC-Visions ire Musts 1VLWMrkrdies WJnx Won: Bands; Gracie Fields: WS1X 10.70 P.M. KARK WMMAQ IVFSR WSUN ICHI'S *News; William L. Shlrer. news: *WLWNews: Dance OreE. 11í4S P.M. KTHS WSM WIIOL KTHS *Guy Lombardo's Orth.; News: *Ray WAPO WJBO rsw -453) KTR!! KWKFI WILEC WAPI *WMAQ-News; Music Mate's Oren.; News: KDKA 11'0AI WFAA WLAC WWNC KTRH KLRA WGST *WSB Kerns; Sleepy Hollow IS }E.1í2 Carnival Show: WGN KMOX KRLD WuOD *Dr. Christian, drama, starring *News: WOVE WFAA WWL Herb Sherry's Orrh. *Henry King's Orch.: News: HTiili Qaeittun 11o1í IV LAC Dran Hrrslralt; Cecil Brmsn, *News: KARK KVOO WSB 11:15 P.M. W IJSV WDSU-To Ire announced Anther's Playhouse: WFLA news- W'138í1 KTRH WWNC WAPO WHAS WJDX WBBM Paul Martin's Orch.: WSMB *News; MILD WSIX IVAPI WIJSNatr Raoul 1518 WAIKI WGST WAPI WREC WLAC WLW WRAP WOAI KTRS KPIIC WMC WMC WRAC VALA %ARK Bobby Sherwood's Orch -: KMOX KDKAJulinoy Kasilruds Orch. ri'WL. VET KRLD KLRA 8:45 P.M. WCOA KPRC WI:MC IV WSM K EiK.Johnny Kaaihue & Family WLW.Moorl River KWKFI WHAS KMOX WNOX KTRIIPrrrode of Sines at WALA WSMB R *World Large *W'API.Sports: Music Yon Want; 11.631 WTJS- Serenado lu Swing *Lou Breese's Orth.; News: 12:00 Mid. l sw KRLD N ears 9:00 P.M, WJHO W ÇUN KTHS WSIX 'MK AAil Titre the Nile Manhattan al Midnight: WDS1) *KDKA News; Rumba Rhythms 1VI'N11.Lou Breese 's Orch. Kay Kysei e Prgm.; musical WMPS WDSU *KMOX-Merril tar Freedom: W'LS K'I'RS WJ w WMPS *KLRA -Music In the Night; IVtIAQ.Aurlinr's Playhouse q uit; Harry Babbitt & Sully News *News: WRBM WGN WREC Newt Trite Story Theater- WGN *WWI. Nerr, *KWKHNeivs; Mason. varollsls: WFLA WLW KMOX- Sports WAPI WENR KWKFI Transcribed Fro 11:30 P.M. grans KIJ 1ATt ter euuuunced 1VAP[t KTBS WJnx 1t'BRC KTBS- Tracrarrlbed 1'rcrn. KVOD-Office et War Information *Ray Mace's Orch.; News: WENII-Sluatr You Want *WI)OI1.Tumncy 'Ineker Time; IC!'OO KARK WCOA WROL *KTHSNewo; Hit Tunes WCOA-Dance Nocturne 41 WALA KDKA WSMB KTBS WFLA *WRifítNewe: }Ian Newa ":ME WMAQ KDKA RI-NEWS ; Music; Nu551 WFAA-Prison Broadcast Young'. *Ir Wtll'l WSM WBRC WOAI Oreh. WSICTo be anntaucicrd lutin 1VSB WOAI WMC WOOD -Embers on rire lLe.ceah News *WHASDancr. Music; WMC KPRC WSMlLes's Gn Fishin' WFAA KPRC WDSUJolly Friars WJDX -Danee Orch. WBT.Danciog Parry WCR.Eddy Howard's *W'TJSNews Great Moments In Muset: WDOD WENR-Most Honored Music WLW -Bart Farber's Oreh. *BBC News: Jerry Wales. Orch.: Orrh. WLW.AI elrahani a 7:45 P.M. KTRH WHAS KMOX WRFC WGN- Answer loan WMAQ- Sports WI :N Orde. WMAQ-Emile Petti's Orch. KlIOA Voices in Stine KRLD KWHH WAPI WGST *WGST--News; Music WllA.- l'rrpal:u Stumc *Henry King's Orch.; Hews: *WSUN Liiiire Music; News WSSIJt.N oral imi' WRHM WWI. WBT WWNC WJBOTo be announced W ROL -Danee Orch. WJBO WSUN KTHS WRAP w'rt,..tomice Orch. KLRA WLAC WNOX IVMAQChuck Acme tl'W 1. .nrr+rise W'F:tiI' 15ä1N WMPS End or Wednesday Programs

IF-LAC -Clark Wagon Genf KUOAJan Hubati KRLDVietory Front r MORNING WMC-doive Tonto Frolics THURSDAY, December 3 KIVTOorark Nessseekes KTRH-Light of the World W'MPS Rev. U. It. Lewin WAPI lihythmic Moods; This KWZO-Onerk Sawa ilicarts WOPI- ar Nine Breal.lytl Club Horning *WAPI-News; leib e s ifousrw¡Iv 7:00 A.M. WSIX-Trulay''s tira Day WI/OD-Happy V. Boys WIIT.Muaitat Uoutpiei 'Cime IVDSU- Morning !rhythm Kt'ÛA -Story Peak Castle Cime WSM lo Shine W1IAS Out for Music *WODDNesva; f'inires-t Gem. CENTRAL WAR TIME *WDOD.plews; Breakfast Club KWTO.Rev, W. E. Dowell WLACMuaic Brix Melodies WGST -Sparkling Melodies 1VHRf -Musical WGST-Light of the World 7:30 A.M. Memories WLW Aunt Jenny's Stories WHAS-The *World News Roundup: lïl'83 *WJBO.Music; News WOOD -Rudi, Revival Goldberg, WNOX- Musiral Bouquet WLACMeIody Queeii WAPO WRAC IYJB7i WOPI Texas Jim Rihertnen, hero: WJDXLlsten ta f.elbert *WHAS-News WROI, Career of Alice Blair W MPS.Merry.Crr WSMI1 WMP5 VJHu WLAC -Music Breakfast WJDXTtmr te Shine Rocc nd for WSMShnppers' Serenade WROL- Guadalalorn KMOX WLW.Consumera Foundation WI.W- Linda's First Love Trio *Hews of the World: Coffee Club: KLRA WWNC WTJSMarning Devotional WSIX Re,rulllne WAl'1 WBT WUOLJ WGST WMC To be announced WMCOIivta Browne rrrvles WWLRs¢Irt to lipniness WRFC WWNC Do You Remember?: WBRC WMPS.Populer Tones WNOXGood Neirlrber Siednikow: 9:00 A.M. *Wm. Hlllrnan, news: ICTI15 *News: Kit b f:'rHH KWrTO *WREC-Musical Clock; News WREC- Munie WROL-Music Jeenime; 9:30 A.M. WALA WCOA WUSU WJBO WAPO WIiSU WTis WLAC WSMAunt Shapwn' Ilk Victory Volunteers: li:ARK WSB -On the Melodies Serenade Hank 1YRrIL WMPS W 511 Air: 1YER N5~í8 XPRC IC1'tK1 Lawsen's Knights: KTHS Tome to Shine! WRFC WWLL 114E1- Daniel Quartet WSMBMorrínt Varieties WBRC K CBS WIDX WMC W'05Ú *Clifton Uttey, news; KV00 11'5]18 KARK SUnsirinr Boys -D-wk Leibert, organist WWL -Aunt Jeerinia; Dawn Bust- WOPI WSM Cheer Lip Gang: 11755 KUOA 117.1S-Try, n the Atorrini *Nom. KARK *KLRA World Today !CI Valiant Lady: l$MOX Amanda of Honeymoon HIII: KLRA-Mus:ul Cluck WWL -Dawa Busters 8:30 A.M. KrRC -Music Boo *KitLDNewl; Miniatures KMOX II III WHAS WW1. *KPICCN.w1 : Music Sax ILTHS las Ir lractIon; Resume Morning Moods; KTBS WBRC Fred ERLf1- Itou,id -p: Mr Dodge * KTHS -News; Resgme; Felbel, organist: KTRH KUOA-Fred McCloskey, tor. 0:00 A.M. 1VSMB WA LA Tunes KWNJE KT1111Mualral clack KVIIO Evelyn L.yunc *News: El-HA KRLD WWNC. SophisGutors: KLRA ¡VITAS Kill 1I Lonely Nomen *Kcws: KLIIA KVOO 1158 *KWKFII it ws; Markets: Tran- KW'K }I Sunshine Boy* WGST scribed Prgm, WET WRRC KVOAGud's Half Hour *IiARKLual & Found; News WALA -Rev. Barker Breakfast Club: WROL *KWKH -tiows; Transcribed Pro. Klrttehla Perkins KWTr]Goodwill Family IVAPJ.Numhere. Please Everything Gees: KTRS KV00 *News: WSSI WTJS KT1lli Kenn+ KRLD-Betty de Bub WPAAEnrly Bird. WBT-ChnrIce Magnante WAPO WCOA WSB WSM Wi.AC KWTO- W'hal's Now IA-FRS-Marilyn Utilise'', songs W HAS,Morrdne Frolic WCOA-Time & Times %VOPI WALA WFtOL KARK -Light of the World WLAC Texas Doily WALAJnck Teagarden's Orris, KLIOAWwiien's Chorus WOOD-Breakfast Cub Breakfast Club; Don McNeill. K hltiX- Musical Rour,uet WAI'1fh,uquot of Honor WLW -Tlme to Shine KWKIIT'runurrilserl Prem. *WGST News; Musical Suri Dial WJRO WSIX *KPRC-Radio Specials; New* W',Ptl- +cs *WMC' News; Mrole KITTS ilym al the Churehe* *K11'TO. Markets; News; Carl WHAS - Renfro Valley K I DAAccu shell Roael lin Xewy; Tenn. Ihillailthea *News: WBRC W5í{; WSMS WRAPTo be announced Huhn * WNOX WJDX -Musical ('tack K VIJO -Rev. T. Myren Walsh; Ness WBT- Gurdirey Licht WALA ()yams Gayly *WSSMerry.GeRoutld; WLW - Bradley Kincaid *News: WAPI WMPS WJDX Personal Shipper 11.IX- M.rthe White WCOAMerning Devotional WAPI-Strauss Wettest WMC Sunshine Boys *H.1LK- Newt, SLIM Jarnima KW K IF Transcribed Prim. WUDI) Musical Routines 11'AP° C+.r''i Robison W t;11- 'nnellef WNOX Early Worm KMOX- Favorite kletodies KWTOSchalter Sisters, WDSI:- WTJS Morning Melodies 'MBAR-News; Markets -Jane for Breakfast W 111 $f lies KPRC' Music; Smiles *WAPO Rf]L -Hi L'ariettes: News WGST. Lonely Women WRRt' -1-x1} or Clir House I1'WLDiwn Busters W5B- Penelope Pan Monte *KUOANews; WCOASaç It with Music *WHAS -Yews: Tune Out lee WCOA Parade of Stars WSLXToday's the KWKH- Tranteribed Perm. 7:15 A.M. D» WFAA-Big Skier abode W DOD-St dodgy Inslrumental KWTOGoodwill Family WIDX-In the Woman's World; 11J1501JRbt of the World You Remember?: WS.VI8 IVGST Neunber. Arose Do 7715 A.M. WDSUMelodies Sunshine Suage *WLWYews; Sir+Cine Neighbor KTBS WIDX WALA WFAA-Early *WJRO7.,ollo,al; News Birds WLW -Lite Can Be Beautiful *WMPS-News; Optical Drama *WJfcX -Nrns. Tropical Franklyn S le we r t Entertains: Moods Pages of Melody: W[JSU WAPO WGST-Just Homy Folks WMC -Gene Slesle *WNOX-News; Village Choir WLACGoI.Iing bah! WWNC WLW -The Gobblers KTHS WNOXCaptaim of Kitchens WROL -Betty & gob W LW-So rot River Organise: -News¡ Greed Neighbor Milton Charles, WREC *News: KTHS *WNOX WON-Career e! Alice Hleir WS1X-Organ Moods Wh1C Novelty Time WTJS- Southern Melodlera WLYNC WftECJesalyn Payne. erpanill WTJS Verletlea WNOX-1.1qht of Ihr World %VIOL WNOEC *News: KMOX WFAA KPRC *WWLNews; Down Busters *News: WHAS WSB -Enid Day WWI..Life of Peggy Hill WOPISible Con torsi ice WLW WSIX KVOCI WWL-Hal Burns' Varieties 6:15 A.M. WREC.Dnel tht Ilarneou i,, Checkerboard Time,. WOOD WBT Time to Shine: RANK WAPI 7:15 A.M. WSIXL.I'a !.earn Musk KARKSuurhe Serenade *KLRA -Between Ado. Newt School of the WWNC WLIT Alr: 8:45 A.M. The O'Neills: WSMr;,rapel In bon;: KSIDX -Orark Varieties KRLD,Slampa Quartet W APl HARK KPRC %TSB Turner, songs: WRAP WJDX WSMSPlrurrh In the Wild+roed K PNC Reveille Roundup KT BS7ranrrribni Prgnt. Breakfast Club: WMPS Happy Jack KV00 WBRC KTBS KVOD WCOA WNW ' WMC WON WSM LI KUOATrade Winds KTRH -Muskat Clock Everything Goes: WSB 9:45 A.M. KV00 Superior Fred Folks KUQA-Rhythmic Strings WSB WSMIS WJDX KPRC KTBS WSM WAPO WALA Carol Marsh, pianist: ItLHA WALA CVWCLWOA WRAP NWTO- Morning Serenaders *KWKFI-New: Transcribed Lone Journey' KVLkr WGST 1117e Victory Front: KLRA WREC KPRC WAPI Rustic Rhythms Palm. *Ray Porter, news: WDSU Coffee Grinders: KPRC KMOX KWKH WWNC Stringunor: WAPO IlSIX 11'BKs' l,ri Frei-40e1'1 Rine !CW'1T .Çlini & Tiny IVFAA WJBO KTRS N'CDAE{iItWlly Rounrhen WALA -Wake Up & Live KARKJane Adams Speaking *News: WBRC WWL WON Bachelor's thlld+en: KLILA Jump WGST Hal Rurn, Varielkes WAPOBreakta*t Club KMOX- Sbagi:r Kitchen Lands- Wonnen; NARK WBT Time: WNOX WWNC It IMO KWKFII WIRFt. KTRIi ll'JIIl7Fuldlives from Jostles; WBRCDiana Darting KRL.b -Ascot J..ii ina; JnLe Boa Guiding Lihi: KTRH WGST KLRA WREC K /tiOX Milkman', Matinee MIT-Rangers Quartet Serenade KI: Lit Il r,dd NMIL% SOW Kitty Foyle: K..MOX (Continued no Nest Paget Young KLkiA 20 Or, Malorve: filh, Page KI{LD K'l'RI3 SC1VKIf IvA['1 I. AFTERNOON I 'VBT LVl1n1J W'GST IV1tA`: NEXT WEEK' THURSDAY, December 3 WE 1_t' WWL 12:00 Noon Vincent Lopez' 0rchestra: WAL1 Complete Log of Radio Stations WAR TIME W ti1t CENTRAL *News; KPRC W'BRC in Canada and Commerce Liriri,eon: IS FITS the United States, *W'APfNeve. & [}lJllie KARR-Rose Roomn e hL]nd ies WIrJA K'I'RS tVBRCNanio liar lit 21., WALA WIT-I KIES Transcribed PION,. Frequencies! :+prnker 'aire 11 Wier, le. Iry Mexico by WCOA- Meh+dy Motu."' K TIIs Dur Women; Took Tutu, moLi et tir monist+ r 6r,,.,1L *WI IO11 7:VMS 1.1" i1l'et.l [hark !Sum Anrml Ahern l7. Cull,yr 1 leer 1 W ,IDX -Mary Lee Taylor curl the howdah: shad Co- E MI Hal Burus'r Varieties WMC-Jack Rouge's Liana Life Can be rieautifull KTr1UX 1C11'-rn Mali ne.. 114r1udlrs %%WON Lonely Women Willi 11'IìST MI AS W'3k11' Ll APtJ Cher k & Ju tin; la But Has Radio Softened Them? W I JP! 1-:11.', Or Dame flour WLIT N'0F;l W'W'L WRAP Dance Tir ire

11 id 'F IL014 I sailore' Alf Breaks: W'SR WOPI WSMB W'¿'ll,tiunraIlune! About Every Lamb ever leave I1 1í1 -r Afar lr L Mnsid %Licit !Liu: ]fel,Klirs If Joan Davis and Gil 1v.,13 Musical Bouquet *Nri.. fi P1117 h: V00 WAPO lVi17NOn the Form Fout NBC's Rudy Vallee show, they won't have to IS 131 The Quartermaster WMC WFAA W 1.AC Central Church worry about their future. They can always 11':3113 I.iiidan First lave ICARKLum k .lúrrer 1VStCHrríicale team up as a knockabout comedy dun in Vi L -Ma Perkins *KLflANrns;Fi rrii News lluP1-Buuyuei. Irl Yni+; Mtreir vaudeville. For same years, Joan was part- H tail-stamps Quartet W'ItfH.ltce,rra lihsllnn 11:00 A.M. nered with Cy Wills in a routine that featured Village Boys W'5R Georg ia .1 uLllee wag, partnered Words fir Music: ICTt35 WAPO ICL'OAMiddo' Mekrriit *1VSINBalkhar;r Talking self-mayhem. Arid Lamb with SIC KPH( WSM fcW'KH- Snrishinr Sus, WSMBCIarsic:r! Iravnrires Marion I3ellet in an acrobatic dancing act in *Kate Smith Speaks; News: HW'TU -Rig Sister WT1S.Jcau,Jtine & Juan which each took plenty of punishment. KMOX KRLD KTRII KW K.11 {4'FDIC-Town Talk W I LLSON, 1:15 P.M. MEREDITH WAN WILT WDCII) WGST WIJl.Itl Arkae Tr avoine ru Joyce Jordan, M. O -: KMOX maestro of "Maxwell MIAS WLAC W'NOti WREC *WJBO- Music; News KR 1.0 !MTMIH KW1CH PAPI Talk by Basil O'Connor: ELM KTRH Texas Cowboys House Coffee Time" WiVL s Tune *WMPSNews; Tnrlaÿ WDOD WGST WLAC WREC KLIOASlockroen's Trails *Snake Carter. news: WTJS *W XIX -News: Merry-Go- Round; 1 {T11F[ %VWNC WREC 1V'07 WWL KC-I.RA Shady Valley Folks; 11'T,IS KW'TO Harvest Hands *Nerve: WALA WCOA WSB Nerre Continued) Texas school of the Alr: Kk. RC Grrtitheres: I{WTO WU)OD WAFT- Haylrtlt ,Iamburee (9:45 am WSMTi 11'ßl11 *1v ROLNerrs; Matinee The WRAF lV'1VL MIST-Christian Science Prem. KARK- Na7erelre C hurclr WSIXStudio Parti' Young Dr, Malone: WLW Between the Bookends: KTRS WHAS-Ma Perktae WALA WCOA KLRATiine Out I.,r a Song Wt,M Victory Fanners *KMOX-News Muss, Lee Taylor: WAI.,1 WAPO IVUSII WSIX Gaxctle WOPITee Time WLAC *KTHS- Neves; 'Fax Instruction; WTJSVaIues & Atuslr KUOA *Ncwa: WDS[I WMPS WROL WSM WAN- Alabama ['allege Proa1. WREC .600 fiai+ to Skyliners HARK -Marching Victory 12;15 P.M. Lonely Women: 'W LW WAPOGuiditig Light WTJSTm Pen Alley ascribed Prem. KUOAVoices in Harmony Luncheon: WSMB kiTRS -Tr Commerce KA ftKItearts in Harmony WBT -Ain Perkins WWL .Martha Adams KTHS. We Recommend KV00 -Light of the World KTES WUP1 KtITO.Ocark Farm Hour K VOAClassic Clinic *WGST -Yews; Time Time RUM-Morning Serenade Edward MacHUgh: KTHS WD5UJ It %'fill. Rik Sister WHASLinda's First Love 3:30 P.M. WADI -Band Biz Revue WDSU -Uncle St pimp Highways to Health; WNOX WFAAGuidlnq Light WMPS KSYTO -Right tu Happiness- W'JSOHvr iss of All Chufsha WBTLIRht of the World Ma Perkins: KMOX WADI WBT KTRII I {IVKH WWNC WHAS 114/BO-Lonely Want WBRC-Radio Revival WLAC'- Victory Frail WHAS-Ta be announced WGST V HAS WLAC WREC WHAS- Dr, Arthur R. Ruggles talk. News; Rhythm Varieties Devotirmitl WNOX -Jnyee Jordan ran "The WJDX -John Seale% hymne *WJDX- wwL War at Herres." WLW Editor's Daughter WJBOTir he announcer) W' M C Musicale *News: KRLD KTRH KUOA 2:30 P.M. Lorenzo Jones: IOPRC KTBS *WMPS-News; Woman's World W,TDXMerciccri WNOX- Victory Front WJ DX Pepper Young's Family: HARK KVOO WBRC WFAA WJDX W OPINoon Tunes *WMC --.News; Herbert Harper W'ROLWayne Hines Oral_ Burns' Varieties: HARK KVOO WRAP WBRC WLW WMC WSB WSM WHOL- Rambllne Rangers Hal WOPI-Rev. J. H. Warburns I(PRC WSB-Sun shine Beys KWKH VMC 1:30 P.M. WJDX WI.W WMC WSB WSM WST1H KARK For- WSIXSereuade ro a Housewife Frolic WSM- Freedom on the Lind KLRAFlmue has Mutual Goes Calling: WTJS {V GPI KLRA -U. S. Navy ever 11:15 A.M. KPRC-Market Basket WhIPS Indianapolis Symphony Orch.: XMOX- Linda's First Love WSMB -Hera Comes the Band KVI70Krrrn Koh/Wars WRYNL' KRLD- wlth We Love & Leave ; IiLRA KMOX KTRll Swinglit' Shanty WWL -Vie & Sade Words & Music: WALA WBRC KW TO Miennu ri Farmers KRLD KTRII KWKH WADI Shady Valley Folks; WTJS KLIO,t.Your War Resources IV.MB WJ DX WALA- 5in¢ili Saur Men at the Land, Su Si Ale: WBT -Claude Casey d'r Whits" 1D :OD A.M. WREC WHAS WET WLAC Big Sister: KMOX HELD KIRR WAPDHillhiUtre wWL KTHS WCOA WOSU WALA Hogan Sardes: KTHS Breakfast at WHAS WREC WWL WNOX MARC-Checkerboard Time Guiding Light: WLW WMPS *WCOA -Blue Echoes, News WJLfO WMPS WROL Parade WDSU WAPI WBT WOOD KLRA WCOA- Treasury Star *News: K'rila. WALA WCOA School of the Alr: KNOX KRLD WDOD- Musirrle WSIX News Clark Bennis, tenor: WM'S *WDODMuslc; WUSU 19,1190 WGST KLRA WREC KWKH WGST -Three Quarter Time Road of Life: KARL( KPRC KUOAMnsters of Music WFAA -Herald Gooch-non & Bell WWL WLAC-Songs by Culurubi WJDX Linda's First Lave: WMC WSM KVOO WRAP WBRC KVOD-Lonely Women Family HARE *News' WSIX WSMB WOPIHere Connes the Band WLW WMC. WW1 WCOA TY-unscrihed WJBD- Lilyda Lees Soda! Colima WTJS KWKH- Preis. KPRC 14 lr KUOA- Parcelle Forum -Dn to Vrictuy SASS VSM WALA -Vie WCOA-Musical Tidbits Wl.W A Sade HUOA- Marketgranis & Music KWTOJndy & Jane 3:45 P.M. Mary Lee Taylor: KLRA KRLD Music WFAA -Dance Orch. WSA Markets; KVOO -Four Slur Kitchen W'APONcighhorhnad Call Voting Widder Brown: KPRC KTRII KWKH WAP1 WBT WGST-Le Fevre Trio WSIX -Farm News WBT -Bight Iasi looniness KTBS KVOu WOW: WFAA WHAS WLAC HW70 -l.fie Car. Sr Beautiful WDOD WGST WJ BO-Guiding Light W'iMLum & Abner WAPiUDaily Drive don WOOD -111c Gulrlíirrgs. ttJDX WLW WAIL SVSB WSOX WREC WWI. KIIQX WLAC- Varieties WTJSRhy-that Ramble Mornii;& W'HAPLiçltt al the World WHAS-Editor's Daughter WSM Wtiyli3 KARK *KTESNews ¡Transcribed Prgm. IV LW Ma Perkins of the World 12:30 P.M. WBRC -Popular 'Music WLACLieht Raymond Scott's arch.: KLRA *KUUA -Newel *WOPINewa; Tunes II't1PI -To be WNPXPelper rien g s FFluidly Frolic Vie & Sade: hitloX WET W'GST announced KW KII KMOX WOOD WGST KWTOllayloft WSB-111 e Sister WSB-Man ;'oils Stations WOPI -Flore Cones the Sand Morning Thought WREC Battle WREC WArOA WSM- Wil,dove Shopping W'SIXDrvnt ion trl WROL- Varieties !'ocular Music 1ITJS Farm *Norton McGilfen, news: KPRC KUOA Canoed Timis woe ,lances Aliti,, Pianist W SMB- Prgnl. Spotlight WTJSHave You Got 1tT Front WRAP 2:45 P.M. WHAS -Road of Lire Air Forces Band: WSB 1:45 P.M. ALLAI: Lipscomb Campus Ethan A.M. Pat Army Right to Happrness: h'SII WSM 10:15 11:30 A.M. WALA h-11í: WAN': WSMB Pepper Young's Family: WAN. KAI0i k11'Itt: KVOO W'fAP W'N0X Bond quarrel KWKH KTOy IVOFI WOW W'S37( 11'Jí. +N WOPI *IYOPi- Slreoniliner; News Symphonette5; KTRII Romance of Helen Trent: ICtdOX W'Rltl- MA' Kh3OX WBT *News: KWTO WUSL1 WLAC Earl Tanner. so.ngs: KTIIS WALA {(tor' WROL -A lo Z in Novelty Second Husband: WGST WHAS WLAC W'NDX WSNI WSMB VMS KWKH i from Broadway: WW1. Fn,tilior Favorites WHAS WWL KWKH KBL[I WW1. Wosl W S!N Fifteen Minuses HARK KPRC RARKMeludy Boy, 11'I /S1 tl-.IBO KTI1 Vs MPS Vie & Sade: Nat'l Farm & Home Hour: KTHS Hymns of All Churches: WLW 9:00 P.M. WALA WRAP WBRC KLRA -N01,4 rime KL'OAMeludina 10,00 lvrlit' 11'3 Htr WJDX WMC Judy Sr Jxire ICPRC KVOO When a Giri Marries: KARK WCOA IYJOX WLW WMC KRLD -Varieties KWTtlilhytlm Pound -Up WSM 1V13 AP ICYkI' ICY00 IVRRC WPM W'OP1 WSB WSM HMS-Dance Orch. WALA- Fredtll Martin's Drell, Enjoy Yourselves: K'l'135 L- lion 5 Dana ter . MARK WA[C Iy,IDX UMW WWI W$MB Karl Zomer's Scrapbook: WVTJS KTRH- Fanning +Jrnire *%l'API -News ; Model Kitchee Ala Perkin. í{V00 15TAA The li,+ldbergs: Kh1OX WREC WMC (tree HLRA- Treasury Star Parole KUOA -Music ins Modern Mods WAPO.tie Wag le Rarriters: WDOD TYROL KUJ :A Orgaer Itefli'rOn] *IC -tiews; Morin Tait Texas KVQOSob Will, & Boys at Life Are Yeu a Genius?: 3{1.1tÁ WWL [IL) *KARKNewa; Sketches in Black HtlI,fl- Revived quartet WHT -Road HUOA- Raulbling Rhythmsms *KWKH-Keas; Farne Newt WCOA-Tea Time Tunes Kw'[ikl W'W'NC KRLD WREC & White *11_TltIl -News WAPIDear Public WAPIFarrn Family Forum 1 {WTO ICLHAArkeinsas Defense i 1:U0.1-Siesta WfJOi]- AGisirale *New.: IVSIX WTJS Il-Dl}UMusie ru Hen,enher W'BAP- Mcesir V.111 Like WHAS-Women's News; Style Humer Rit KtiTrnuscr deed Prone KMOXMarch for Freedom; On *W(;ST Newt; Melodies KI'RCHelpfnl W 13ßC- Staubacker Irr Victory Hll "f17 -11:1 Perkilu Flouse tae Beam WI AL Dit Dirt Oribiler KTRII-Arms *IVCOA -Nov,: Music Music KUDAlongs of ihr West v1'i OA-Amen' on Song WLAC-Organ KTBS.17uheerilead Pn7Tm WNOXGuiding Light WOO DGrandoappy WNOXYorm2 Dr. Malaire KT'HSPnputar KWTO.Markrta WROb -Jtn rI of Life Tunes LI'1l El Girl te-onn Gra }-ion's *WHAS -krame; Markets; Savings C WAt_ASwiiW lt- ,10XCoIkrcrl Hall WSIX JCun =allia KTft./ILI:Cs Be Neighbors WSS111-String Ensemble Tnr Talk of die World (L,Ai:.Mrrrnent,e ul Melody W5111B-?Mie Gossip ik'KUl1.n hens; Neighborly Newr WAPILiglll WJBOLullcheon Serenade 1170'0-Lunch with 11'NUa -I.iie Carl Be Beautiful 3:00 P.M. WALAPnirulnr Music 10:30 A.M. 11'.11)X- Theater Revue W Af I. C.udaban is 11 RNS'Si,m uI a -Hyiii *W'111.1. Nance Miote : News WLW',Bic Sister Wife: KPRC WBBC Against the Storm: ICARIC KPRC *11LITNeue; Mekuly Mustangs SR- News; Music Backstage W''OMuslr hoar Itawalt WMI i.Darrr 1lu.ir WFAA W LW HARK WSklB H'.ST Lulil & A}nier KVtlll 11'ALA lt't3 }tC WCOA OVI DAFrreda,, coi 1hr land ((SII(liry Fnsler W1101. Reyu, =t ¡Myth., 11'4tí' W-ti33 - Wuclu -Alt 41.' FAA WJDX [1'3.14 W'MC: -News; Ulu est nck Mar - 11'STIR Tull Grant }Vainest Maur *WLW WSTXRoami.. Cowboy Matinee; News: WALA µ'U00.II.rror-ill, WW1 WS/3 WSM I:crs: FA eryhody'c Farm *Club Bay *W'ri't AHIrs 2:011 P.M. (V.I BO (tSux Horizon: KMOX tUìLR T e n nu 1VCl)A WWII, 1VDS[I- Ilanu,Ialion Rnntil Bright 1%'31 i'fl,u.mrire.' r re David Harum: KMOX K V1:1í W HAS 12:45 P.M. 14'?t7F5 *WGST Noie; P --T. A. Prgm, KTRII t'l,e +l Three R's: KT! Ii, 1VJBO WDSLO t1'V I- Beatty, news: KTBS *Walter Compton, news: 51-'r,í5 11HAS.1'ic & Sade 11'l.:lr WOPI -Ten Per Ceei Rick Party *Morgan W'HOL SC51M A House in the Country: KT'HS 11'ßE[ Sweet River WOPI WSB IV YIDS WAPO *News; t{t,TIA 1¡41'KH W'DC11J 14,10[1 Boucler 5iudrnt Union *Stanley Dixon, news; WT.iS KRLD 11'r,yl; WW'SI3I1Ltiic (Form Hoirie Heur W1101. 4VGS1' 11'A[.Á 11'W :NC ll'L,11' 11u -1r:a! llcrlrurirs l WBT Wu ice'e ChM: 1CL!Cr.1 WMPS WSIX -R. F_ D. 980 The Goldbergs: WIJT WGST Story of Mary Marlin: HPRf_ KTRII WW1. WRFC WMP_I.iglir al the World KLI {A Woman's fklagaelne INS110PirpliI it Mns1C WLAC SCCOn 11 RIP 1V'RRC W'JUX IS MOXE,li toe.5 Daughter W \[1N Fl:trk itou, 1CTSS.Tionscrilrnri Pier... WT.IS- Sunslii1ie Rnogere Vincent Lopez' Orchestra: 1VD51: tl'IAA Walt: KARK WSg IYSM *KT11S.Tnr =; Transcribed Pryrn ISW" rl1.Mary ',re T:r.'Inr WJ11V 113It'r. Pan-American Hot Spot' lVll'NC *1(1'11S-rims? Daily ['harklr, 11:45 A.M. R'BAP FREÇtUENCIES WAPI - Treasury slay AV Your Crazy Prem.: FCPOIC H'GST 1{1.R:1 KTHH Resume Sunday: IC }ILIX WGST Our Rai *News: KARK KM()X ¡CTI1S KI f)ireryuies KARK -920 WFLA97t 11'NON *New- W'Apo Od.D.nilr Stuslr tVIlAS 11'I.At: 3CE'ER KI.1IARielrli' Ihr Range 1sT KDKA -1020 WON-720 IVHT- Popular ICßI.R-l:'talter Shailer; Markers KVI1ti.[;uirlinr. LI -1420 WGST W.101] 1l,,rlring Mel,r,Jios 1{Ii0.1t {i I:LDI:Ina.11iinc Parole -Mohs CuH.,nndl Hen's KLRA -920 KTSS T r:vurri hurl Preto *IvAI'o KMQX -112u WHAS -g40 "bom[- KARHa]i:u, Tuer Mirk!. Suions (leek_ 11'AUlk1 :midi KTISHnancr KIV1C11= rrarl+rrilerrl Prom. *WDSii New KPRCItsI WJJBQ -3lSt KTBs 1're.i I ihed PI % i. Ih u wilEl-- t,,,,es nt the Wands KW hl I Ttai e tr ill Pre 11'Te1 .t uurnry 1VFIA5- Riniti to Happiness KRLD -:0847 WIDX -1300 KT1iHNlel.eh Ii Love W1i)11.A,uriica Sings ü Wm I.uu rbr rjar k, -11,A AL'1wv Griffin tOrvllrir, Varieties KTRS -i-la0 W ,AC3510 Erkn,es n{ rlie Soulb *WSIN -Xows KL'l)A- * W'AI 0NnOi. Mr.ii WNW: -31a Perkins H'rHS -toit WLS -Ergo Lï-11'I 1eYaalea KTRFI -t32í1 WLW -70tí *VT.ISZ,Towe 'Like Martin KVfil).Mirkeis WB!IC" -11x1 tiara,. Vsrielter, 11ü'C/narv treat %YllplR,Illel¡II Board -,n .0 1 he Stockyards KiJOAateo WMAO d7u KW It!.M WO 1,6. Sere r,r,r1P Looks the News rr, ,.I I I;,nvine. t1i4lkli4lrts WSM.Wnrnun it KVOO -1170 WMC -ten W l.A- fibre! RhyUwti d Bill 10:45 A,M. WDOD-Nann. iL ]n llr Lite S:rin Ae 13r.ivtiful KWKH -1í3u whIPS -tiny, 1L'APLL'in & Sorb .1 345 P.M- W H 1FLkr-esturk ; eullr>;e Ag Orch.: KTHS Lv11.1-}i,,ilis. In It aril O WNOX -000 Little Jack Little's WAPO. Pete Cussed ric,rh,Irr *Club Matinee: News: WRSU WALA -141n WOAI -I211F 1vh,1' 11'LAX W'JI4O IV :MPI {L- Star Parade S1\,i17 T3,0 Gollihcrgs 1Vill Trcarili WIIIY.l ilerl,,I,n;r i Time 1CTH WAPI -1170 WOPI 1490 ttnl'1 lïunl rk. AIilsic David Harum; KPRC KVO4 *WBT- Nr,C :s Digest WLW Herrn in llarinnul Stella Dallas: KPRC KT73ti 11'í,(V WAPO.115i WREC -ó0n 11 ! ! 1..1 I 1-tore Orch. WROI-tzn V; FAA WLW 11'COA- t- ItoVherhnarrl Title *Wit \rW5 HVon WRAC WFAA W',IfIX WBAPktt ri :-.illt Lnri,re FI,eluhle WSB -75o Aunt Jenny's Stories; H]1t X 'NM l)-Ala Perkins 11ti1X.i'rra,clir,,, (ttii 11'SB WSM WSMB WBBM7a0 .1111 Ili 11011,e,um! WS1X.al0 W'FAASunshine Beets illCl.l.i i W11PCnot L{RLJ) WITH WET W[i:T W'!:11. DPW , f Agriculture WaT -1.110 WSM -6s0 W 11'ItPI IIil1hiliy Ii,rd,ri 2:15 P.M. WHAS LAC ,l - llri1111w Tone KRl.1) WCOA -t371r WOMB to 111rk, Kf1:r kl-II.A Walter Grei,' Orchestra: Guiding Likhtt 1VAI'L l {ARR 11'Ror Treasured Hymns L LI'I. Irlelet Ma Perkin,. -1t230irh WWTSUIrfs u , If,klrlrini R.1t%X KW NH íl'111,0 WLAC WNOX 1113-1E' 11131ít wr 0A WWOSOUD 1á2 KW'K1-l- Transcribed Prem. W ROL- Hi111,i[livs 1 T KwTOA1 Siuue' tlyma Sing WS]IISWuuwn': Ce muait 1:60 P.M. 11'i.11 11'lh tYr1I'I R-+li 1Iä111 W?NA 890 WWL -870 1 -1120 WwNC57B WALA -Larry Stewart ll'W'3: 1kí:0 ni taie Light of the World: Wt.1V 1S VOI KFI1{OtX1l lra1r3is ire harmony WFAA ri11ui I:i,rrln,.m,. Don Winslow: t''l.W *Hews a1 the World: Atilt 11,,41 7:30 P.M. (s-=1r,s, Pape 2e 54 .M SI.ah;use 11.011na *ti-ns, WFAA WSE W5LtQ KAitIC Wt7P1 lints The Aid:ich Family: WOA1 W1.W KAFtH- Marsrune KDKA WSh1H 4:15 P.M. Service; Pep. WRD». NPRC wMAti write WBRC WJDX P4rit4 Faces Lae: KARK KPRC Resume; Camp ltobiriaon Harry James' Orch,: WBT WLAC sCyou WON KTB5 WROI. THURSDAY, December 3 KTBS KVUO WBRC: WPM *KLRA Spark; M mir; News WHAS WAPI KRLD KARK WTLA WGST KPi{r wJDX W WROL. Safety Music KWKH WRFC WBB011 1.W WOPI KMOX Council; KMOX KOKA IVRAP WSB WSM1 wLir R'SB WSM WSMB KTH Hup Innigen WWL WNOX WWNC WOOD 11'C0Á RSMR WALA IVAPO Hop Harrigan: WALA WDSU KTRILTeaaa Ranters KTRII KLRA Stage Door Canteen: WBB': L'UA-Tarhaikowaky *Death Valley Days; Cecil KMOX WIiA`: Mother & Dad: KLRA Ii Serenade *News: WBRC WI.UA WROL KWKH Brown, iiew's: WHAS KH'K!I I rritury Star Parade: WAN WWNC h,OO -It's 4 Woman's World WJDX KRLD WALA WrRM WLAC WRFC Karst WET Joe Presentee arch.: WTJS -Dente Tune KUOA- Classic !tour IC MOX KTRII K1.ItA -Cahn Parade WAN Alabama Serkiiii .gc RV00To he announced * KTRif News üRf.DMike Maneuvers R'AIlJ- .ldvenlarese el Jumpy WALA- Supper Maladies, America's Town Meeting al the KUOAManh of Melody 1011I1- Student's Musicale KWTOMarkete; Tonic Tuns, Allen WAPO- Spurts; Theater Hews Air- WSIX WL5 KTIIS *WRIICH a a WAI'O.Treacury Star Parade WAN-Proßts r i in Harmonies: WBAPSunset Serenade Dirk Destiny: IV MPS News *pixie Jamboree; Cecil Brown, Wt'OAMusie: Concert WAPOArnrrien Marches WFLA- Cavalcade of Prairie tVDODCrrrssing R'BT17irmer Mrrsir WGN- Sports news: WET the 1laters WET-Popular Music WCOATc WDSt1 -TTI, Lost Garrison WfSTGearge West: hl.rsle he innq.nl red WLS-Smilc Market KLRA -Dr. Tema Murphy W1100 L-ulnmandos ICL'OA -To be announced IYLA[' Camp Forrest Piggy. WHAS- Defense Music Junior *WLW-News: tidies ul ihr Al- Talk; thm IVAP1Army WTJS- Klirtririty Prosrni, WJBO lteiadles W DSO Rìiy lies Air Force Command WGST- Sundown Serenede WOOD- Wataods on the Air 1VLAC.Ta he announced *WMC -Music i News B :45 P.M. WHASSporis 11'1N'.+Ú WMPSLnnrly Wwnen LVOAI Euukhaus. Janrhoree -Hohem I Doke! IVJBO) -ling Harrigan µr;1 -Gril£ W'itliagui Orrh- Bobby Sherwood's Orth.: KF.RA WREC 5Iudin Presents WSLXTn he announced WLA'Red Cross, Prim. W'JHO.L. S. U. Pep Meeting KTRII W JX T to Ttaae W71C VTariter. - Srnres WNOXNeyhborhoud Call WAFt) Dance WWL-Love & Mush 6:30 P.M. Time SUMPS -Kay & Seri *WTJS -Sews will -Jane Jane Con,ns, Orch -: WML: Bartlett L Cheeky *WNOX.Sier; Span. sop,; *11W'1.Serensdr; N.,.. Friar TOMMY RIGGS brings 4:30 P.M. WSMB ETHS WIIFH WJI)X LVOP[Nus-alhnc 14' ICSL' Sports Abbott & CestetIC: u'JHU WSUN the invisible Betty Lou to Lands Trio: KWKH KLRA WWL-Let's Be ti.1 ;l.lwrr rais P.M. WWL- Freeinm Girl HTR11 WILF:C WGST WOOD WAPO KISK,A 'ahn ill 9 en+ -F life on Tuesday nights Easy Aces: kiICIX WBRM *Kt.RA- Muser; News WHAS WET 9:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. %VIIAS WIT NC Kt :OA -Waits Tiare Singing Strings: 1 THS WALA WLACMerdies Jerry Weld's Orchestra: WRFC *WAPI- Rhythmic Moods: WS1X WJBO 4.w -953) lei Neighborhood Call: WSMB Let's Abbott & Costello: KtOO KARK WUI'I- iihvtlun Hlmpaoly WOPI 11'58 WBH( KTRS KI.ULL Save; Sews KTRS KPRf: WRAF WRAP Just Plain BIII: WFAA KPRC WRF.C77rree Sons WMC *Nears_ WRAP whips W'l'JS *Wi)ODMusir; Cecil Brown. (also see 6:30 pm. CWT) KARK WI.W KVOO WSM LVGN I]," Talk by Leon Henderson: KTFIH The first Line; WAN WRFC 4 :45 P.M. Superman: WTJS Quiz of Two (:sties: WAPI WSB *WHOX -D aline Oreh. ; Cecil WGST WNOX KWKII Kl.ItA WWL Kiil.D KLRA WWI. Your income Tax WSUN *News; WAPI WI?5U KARKLouis Itetancourt'i Orch. Brown. news WHO) KWKH WLAC WBT *Leslie Nichols & Arthur Mann. W'ri5 -Dance Orcé. Louis Prima's Orth.: WTJS K DKA -Tour Lite Stories news: KI'RCArmed Svrvirea News; Mu- KMOX WBRM KTRII WHAS WMPS sic *Frailer Hunt, news: iihtOX K,s1DXWomen's slow - *Ynea: WDSU WOOD WWNC KRLD WALA KRLD-Talk by Leon Henderson B:00 P.M. KRLD KWKH WWL KHI.D .Music; Sports LYTJS WHAS *Raymond Gram Swieg: WEHR KTHSArmy & Nary Program Mary Small, songs: WWNr WIST KTBSTranser:br.l Prgm Lum & Abner: IVLW Majal Bowes' Original Amateur KTIIS WJBO Wí1511 WS1X KIY'RI KTRII- WBR11 WLAC WHAS R(IOA7u hr auunu,ur{ WROL Popular Melodies Dour: KWKH KLRA I MOX WMPS WSUN KTRH iit;OAMasler iBuilders KWTONa.Ien Family -Spools; 411111e WIIT KELP WLAC 14Wí, *Raymond Clapper. news: WW1 *Newa: WEHR WJBO WSIX KARK KVOOSperts: Gordon Young, WA['O.Sweet 6 Swing 1040X Dell Feld Show SVAPI WGST WHBM KTRII WTJ 5 WMPS nrga n ist W'BI((- Marching to Victory KPRC.Norman Cleatier'i Orel" WHAS WREC Rudy Vallee Show: WALA Meer Your Ht !tie Stations: KWKH- Sunshine Flays *w'BTNaws; Popular Mu,ie Muskel America's Town Meeting of the w'SB W?I1C WLW WSM WOPI 1IF1A WGST KTISSBurarlk Owen¡ *WAL1- tr.ka; Interlude WGST- iUirthms Mail Air- WAIN WEHR witoL IVAPo WBRC WSM13 Treasury Star Parade: KLRA Warr; Spurte WFDAWaIt Serenade WJf)XUunce Orth. KUI)A To he .nnnllnM.$ Kraft Musk Hall; Ring Crosby, KDKA LYF'I.A WCOA WMAQ WRFC WOODSwir:gir nn Air WJDX-Symphony of neatly WAFT Serenade in WLAGTo be announced Ic I u Keyboa d Class m.r,; Music Maids; Victor Ningtiwe WAICIn the Grouse W'OSU-Pie Dufour WJ1ECThe Suns 1VCCsA Hawaiian Music *WAPI -Tu r Tidbits - Burge; Johnny Trotter's Orti .: t WFLA-Fashion Str:trpy; Ted WMPSGtri.fins Light Hews St'J[!X IVLIV WORM WRAP WPOLI C. 5. Treasury Sports¡ Steele WNOXDameine Party WAPO.75s WOPI WI-LA KTRS KPRC 9:15 P.M. WUStr.,lnlly Friars be eun.runced WGST -Herr the Army WOPLTu be aru.rrurrce.I KARR WBRC WSS1 ar.aWings to Victory: WS1X WJI /S.Slnn Krntin'r Orch. SYBAPillcrrit Melodies WLAC- Melody Time WMC WROL-L-ily Tenrnle WCOA WMAQ WRL8. WSMB WSUN WEHR WJ80 WDSU WNOX-1.1. S Army WRTSonps at Twilight WL5- Texas Rangers IVSBOrsan Morns the Linea KVOII WEB KDKA WALA whips WCOAF3etwern LVOV- Bonnie Sluart, wing. W5Á1 -Whin Quiz WDOTIRCnry Rumbler *Gabriel Heatter, comm.: WGN An Knees Orch.: WTJS 10100 P.M. WMAQ-Music; Stand By, America WSMBCathoile Missions 1VGSTCivllisn Defense *WAPf3- Harmony Runner; Heli, KTHS -Football Predictions WNON -You Can't Do Bulinasi WOP! 11' Wl_ 11ix1e's Late Edition *W.1110 lnlrrhuir; News WDOD -Music to Read By WGN -1118 SarrdvIs k Guy Savage *News: With iler *WISSI' *News; Quincy Howe, news; WM-Matinee WOPIEchori News 4 :45 P.M. of Yesterday WJBO -Starlight Serenade 9 :30 P.M. KIL'1C11 K'l'RI- "API WREC WLAC John Kirby% Orrli WROL- Rhythm *WMPS-N,we P.qurl:r Tuner WLAC Front Pape Farrell: KARR WMC *11'111:1' ISsre; News WSIX -Road to Victory Mardi et Time: WLW WMC WS1X-980 LVNOX.Bible Hour Fred Waring in Victory Tune WFAA KPRC KVOO WLW Club WSMSongs of the Open; Rs- WEk113 WMAQ WBRC WEAP WTJS-Sink Night WMAQ Ben Bernle's Oreh.: KLFL1 WET *WS11 :feria; scrams meta & Trio KARK WAPO KDKA WSB lima: *Noss : KARK KVOD WAPO KMOX }MID KTRH KWKH WWtErenintt Melodies 8:15 P.M. WRtlL KTRS KL'p0 WOAL WAPI WDO1 IVGST WI-bS 5:45 P.M. KPRC WSM Whitt WHAS WJDX W1.IV Talk by Wilt MIMI WFAA WLAC W RF:C WWNC WNOX Basil O'Connor: WMPS Talks; Kh1OX WRVS! KTRII KPRC 8111 Stern. sports: WALA WJDX 6 :45 P.M. Ruth prseI.tent or WWL OOnnner, WHAS WCST WLAC WWNC WMC WBRM WCOA WEfA D an Winslow of lue Nary: WDSU eh. National Fow.datl.,u tar to- *World it Large: FIELD WALL To be announced: WCOA 'VOEU Today: KMOX WRT *H. V. Kastenborn, news: WSM rant'''. paralysis, tatar on "41 WWL WNr1X. KWKII WBT *The World WJDX Whit WAPO WROL WEMB WALA WJBO KTRII KtVKII WAPI WOOD Raprt u. the People on lorrn- *Paul Schubert, newt: WTJS WCOA WOPI Piii1tiL.' *kI)KA hewn; Rumba Rhythms WNW( WREC WMAQ WFLA tfle KLttA- Teuchdms-n Tips Captain Midnight: WSTX WGST WHAS KVOU *News: WDSU WGN *KLRAMusie in the Night. WWNC WALA KTBS KARK KIILD.Tressury Star Parade KTIIS-The Saa hound WMC WI.LV News *Lowell Thomas, comm -: IVLW KTIIS.Penteraatal Church KIII7AVIe & Sade Mr. Keen, Tearer of Lest Per- 8 :30 P.M. WALr4Alvina Rey's Orrh- K,UOXSpurls Bobby Sherwood's Orth.: WWI'S KWTUF;ya Alnbaasaden songs: WWNC KMOX WDUM Bobby Sherwood's Orth.: WRF:f' *WAPI -Mews KTRS-Traneceiheii Franc. IV BBC-Neighborhood t'a11 News: KTRS WLAC *Sports: WHAS WEC WGST WAPI KWKii WCOAQulet Fumes *KTRS -Nowa; Hit Tunes WWL WWL WJOX Buy Scouts. *Headliners: WORM KPFCC WRAP Victory Parade of Spotlight *WDOTINew =: Music *WILT-News; *Ole; Newt 1VAMP5Ilil Tune *News KARK KPFCC KVU0 WDODMoan *News: WUSS? WSMB Bands, Gracie Fields. WJBO WI :LA- (Seeds Without Words Magie S1I -You with WAPO WSW tçwro ('an't Do Business WSUN WEHR KTl3S WSIX WGN -Wald of America WPM-Jolly Friars KLRA-Blue Slunk Rhythm LVDODHyu.n Tulle Hitler WGN -The Lion's Rear WMPS WJDX-I Hoar chit Southland W SNR Must Honored Musk Lanson & Owen KKLT)The Hanchera WSMSnmky WLAC -Van Can't Ito Business Dick Jorgens' Orth.. WGN Singing -;Continued on Next Page) Bradley KUOA- Varicl;cs WSMBSetilIdand Sereiadr WIRAPFriendly Music with Hitler h.LS- Discussion Flub 15"1F }.ti.ying It WBRC- Shosis Lama, J r , sigma, WCOA Meet the Band *WMPS-Fulton WSCIXSouLl. An.eriran Way E :a0 P.M. WJBO Book Reviewer W'UPFVinrent (Apse Oral BEST LISTENING W(SPI Samory Kayr s Ord THURSDAY'S *Indiana indigo; News: KTRS WSLX- Sports I Ift WMC KPRC WALA WROLNovatUrir lt'SBSaIgn Orth. WTJS -As Your Request Western Five; WCOA WWL -Taaem in Ton =r LY5MFyening at Hnrrra Hunt, WGST *Fratder news' -Yews; Sports See program ilrfings for more detail end additional news programs *KSNB 7 :00 P.M. WEIT WTJS-Dana Time Troubadors & Mary Ann memo: Maxwell House Celle, Time: .CRL11 KTlì11 8:00 Music Hall Fanny Brier; Frank Morgan; Kraft Don Winslow: WMPS WSIY News and Discussion Sing Crosby; Victor Sorge; Music Maids; KTIIS WJBO NIGHT John Conte, tax.; Meredith A.M. Willson's WSMB KVOO Johnny Trotter's Orchestra *News: Kh10X WBRC WOPI Orch.: WSM KDKA WSB WLW 11 ;00 Brake Carter 8:00 Major Bowes' Amateur Hour *KARK- Nssus; Music Where there Is no !Whig KARR WROL WBRC LYCRA 8 :30 K LRA-Tune in Tonight P.M. Stage Door Canteen ies WFLA WJDX WMC WOA1 B ert Lytett, of ceremonies ICPHCOlf the Front Page; blusie for o sfafian preceding 12;00 H. R. Saukhage miser WOPI KtBS_ KPRC WALA *KUOANena; Melody Time program h on the air, 6'00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 8:30 Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands 1VHAQ WRAP WAPC1 *KVOONrus: Dance 6;16 News of the World B ob Crosby's Orchestra Time Reflections: KRLD WGST WHAS Sports 6 :00 P.M. *KWKH-News; WWNC WRFC WOOD 6:45 H. V. Kaltenborn 9:00 Abbott and Costello leaden Family WAN KWTO CENTRAL WAR TIME win KLRA KTRII KWKH 7:00 Earl Godwin Connie Haines; Leith Stevens' Orcheslr WAPI Superman Fred Waring in Victory Tune *Earl Godwin, news: WMPS 7 :30 America's Town Meting 9:00 The First Line WAPOEs -sy Ramblers Time: WON W'511 WCOA WSM W51X WSUN KTRS WJBO Subject: "Shall We Suspend the forty - 9:00 Rudy Vallee WCOABergain Review Show WBRC WJDX W.U.A KVOO WIç WDSU Hour Week ?" Or. Harold Moulton, Gov. Joan Dark. Gil Lamb, Two -Ton Veina WIJOU- Acrenr an Sans WRFC WSMB KDKA KTRS Sinroaietu: WGN Friars Harold Stassert, Boris Stuskin and J, Felton, Shirley Ain Mitchell and guests WDSDJolly RARE WAN) WRI)I. WRAP KMOK -Leon Henderson, talk WFAA -Alton Rnlh's Orris Raymond Walsh. speaker WLW WOAI WFLA KPRC KL:GAJust Music WHAS- Herble Koch. organist 1M The Lion's Rear; Army -Nary WAPIFlyina for Freedom 0:00 Raymond Clapper Drama WJDX-In the Groove Game: WAITS WDSU WJBO WBRM- Today's War & You 9 :00 Raymond Gram Swing P.M. WLAC- Central Church of Cbriet KTRS WSUN *WOOD -War Commentary 9:30 The March of Time Paul Arnold. 7;30 Aldrich Family *LVI,IV Newt; sown Amos 'n' Andy- WIST WHAS 9:30 Paul Schubert WLAC-Stump the Cadet 7:30 Death Valley Days WNOX.S.vingelni Time WLAC WrSi' WAN WREC *WNOX-World Events -Set Dial Tonight's story will be "The Lady Says WRFC Your WRBM KTIltI KMOX WAPI WWL- Keeeler Field WROL-Market Square No" KAYHH MILD WWL (also at Variety WSB,1rn.y Ramon 10 7:15 P.M. A,M. 9115 Wings to Victory WSA1 -Cln the Bandstand p.m.) *Fulton Lewis. Jr.. news; WTJS Club WTJ6Jumn Mien, organist Lum & Abner; WMPS KTHS 8:00 Breakfast *News- IUTOA WTS WSIX Classical Music *WWL -Melody; News IVLS WJBO WDSU P.M. * KLRA Th. World T..dal KMOX -March far Freedom 6:00 Amos 'n' Andy P.M. *WDOl.tiews; Slants 5 :15 P.M. KUOA- Spurts; Music 6 :00 10:00 Fred Warings Orches- 2:30 Indianapolis Symphony Orch- WGHDi, Prcilen Bradley and Jahn Sebastian: R1cLC KRLD WOOOSalmi Music tra estra Kt%l ;I WMAQ Sweet & Spanish WSOK- South American W'ay 7:00 Maxwell House Coffee Time 7:00 Sinfonietb *Ralph Marten's Orch,: News; WNOX Trade Winds Tavern WSTX- Melody Lane Fanny Brice; Frank Morgan; John Conde; WSL'N Freedom es the I and For 1030 New World Music Symphony *Indiana Ineiao: News: WJDX 6:15 P.M. over Meredith Willson -s Orchestri orthetlr4: direction. Or frank 1VSti Johnson Family 11TJI 51 T:15 Lum and Abner Wadi Page 30 :12.8-51 Nov World Music; tS41Ji WS1C *ITEM' News. Rhythm al lino 17:15 P.M. WLWAlidnrie Mlk.lis iiTFiS µ'FL WALA d ish WSf1Swinç N.rt l doe WAN, Tire. Suns Trio- µ .-_-11B W+B WHHC KPiIC KARK Ot't.% Jimmy Frans, Mille. *W'HOL alrasrc l.ni SV ,nt, News Del Courtney% Crih.: THURSDAY, December 3 S'DAl WLW- Cllirk Makehe'. Orel," liMDX W' L W' Mrindir. WRECDn..., Ouch. Hf]iCA Johnrr} lieaihue & Family Dick Kahn's Orch.: WASPS W'SMSporis; Rill Keenest A *WAPI 5r.,rlr; Music You Want; 11:45 P.M. *Setts- 1V1lEt' WGN 5'RBhI Owen Bradley geai *Eddie Oliver s OIrIt,; News: 110:00 p.m. Continued; ti l l l li .y ru l l c. Ors Dane. Tone W'API 11'S' L ECH' li l I 11'ENR ID'ENHLoll Bte.'n?s Orch. - W (:\ IIu411 ;'aside, silly iC11K.1 Muth- Yuu µ' I +Stl Want Dative Or rh.: ICTRi1 WFAA 11:00 P.M. Ii- 11A1í -Much ul 1hr New W'irlui *WGST- Yens. Music ü'l7iaRa,nce *Joe Marsalas Orch.; News. Orris. W'J67C 1VIlriL *WW1. Sews WJBO Mau Stetivns WAN llekrr>,}-[:u Rimed WMPS WM ,Ct Tour Hartle ]iILLUDsnrine Party Johnny Long's Orch.: WIN PS D ncc Maw µIS114FTalk Its Loop IIn.:lrrwa KTHS µ'DSO WJfu) WSUN P.M. *New. WS1\ IS.11'1 KItLP K'O(Ftare it War Iuformaunn tí:30 W'LW *WOOL" News; Spoils SS F17 \fa.tartvutks µ4.1x Mm.n iL.e1 WCOAOaner :Nocturne *Joe Marsaia's Orch.; News: WS1X -Swing Shill 11'I-rrAF.1u1 tiharles of MI5 Ilan AS haw Music: *New.; Three Suns Trio; WRAP µ'All.' WI. LA WSlili ALW' 12:00 Mid. *W'Sht -World in 11'17N 1liirrien at *MI r News Review Nigh; W1,W-Surt µ'0AI WRDI. WSM KP1IC iá'101 'ABFIC lí7113 1i11KA All T11r.1 r1i, \Ile AC Farbor'. Orch. KURA W'SUN-Treasury Slur Parade SI. Mrludy Album tN , IYAfAQAhbn[r & CnaleHd Watt'. KTBS 11'ßR(: KPilr * Klt[ March 1111 FYr,nlnln WWI. I.laaee Orel'. 111.1VGr.eor 'Ziemer Elnni:ynlund 4V3YT, Surprise *New': Del Courtney's Orch.: *BBC News; Blue Barroh's Or New{ IVNCPuptllar Slusic 10:15 P.M. lt'l'RIi WBB3I 1(WK11 WREC ehestra- Wt.N K1110 Buf, Wilt. & l'Inyltny's *%%(-1A111. l'. IU It enhnr[t WEST *KM KN.N.ws; 'rran.rrttwd Pro 10:45 P.M. WNOX WOOD News: OVSe1X B enny Goodrnan's Orch,: WWN µllrll.lraradr nl Band. *Dolores' Orel.; op KTIIII WNOX WGST iL'SHMr. Smith Con la Ail Kissers Orch.: Willi 5't3'T µ'ol:r Toro Jan Savitl's l'1rarlre Wrllllu's Kri'I H WIIEC MILD }LIRA #W'W'LNrws: ,S,nnris Orchestra: h:Al'KIF *Nuns OEbR Il'SIAR K1n3i x'HT II51I. Neil BOndshu't Of Ch.: Hit'KhI Orris. N osey King's Orchestra; ttiJHtl KLiKA AI alarsiw'. Duch, l'III Uanrura Perry Yeas, %ROM KMit\ kTi:lt k111.0 KARK WSUN %DSC WSTM 10:30 P.M. Bobby She r wood's Orch.: lV SH'S *MILD Dareinc Pally W1i.70.2,.lue1e Tau Ware! #KVOO -N.ww; Bob 10111,' Oreh. *Eddie Oliver's Orch.; Hews: WBRC Rey-s Orchestra; Naomi iYGX Curl Orchi Dinning Sisters: 'STIR *Alvino rA Ncww 11'f LtCI µ'MPa SAWN *KUK µ'.LAS -Masterworks of Music K771S 1V1.5 At LirrrhAl.i v Orelr. IYSIS WIDX WFI.A µOPI IV'StIN IVUBU KT?IS WL1SU KMOr<-ii'wullaht WSIY Serenade *WLAC- Nesrsi Might Owl Club W M A(l Emile POWs Oreh. S'AI'(1 KTBS WALA KCü17 WäIX HL'OO Prevues *WLWNews: Dance hreh. *WDSL \ews WRITS WSH Swing ,r,nelurne Dance Orch._ Jan Savili's Orchestra: WNOX KWKIi-Rwy yloeheekh Urrh. *li- i1AMNews; Music * WEN 11 lluny King's Dreh.; KMOX WMIQ * W SUN Dalmee Musks 1Yew. AVYNC VVi.±T KLRA WLAC WAP!-Must Honored Music *S'S1i. New . Sleepy 1Cels. Sports.: WHAS )(NCI 11'LHHI KMCIX 1VB611-5alule lu V''rinry WW1. 1ír= :,ri-iii 01.111 VVFFAS Drranp Serenade End al Thursday Programs

W MIX Fete Svorni Breakfast at S4rdi's: ä1-11= *Kate Smith Streaks; Nters: WHtJLFBtlhllllr, FRIDAY, December 4 WOeI' µ'18p WMPS WRul. KALUN Kit 1.0 k'filll HOOKS MORNING I µ58Palieiohe Pm -WSl\ tr.11'! 1 µ'ltilot Ili GST 11s1ATodaty's trie Dey *Ii Frl.Il -News; Maritime 'talk: tVLIAS VALA( WNW( WREC 7;00 A.M. Trio WWL *Netts: krill II WSM S'TJS K 7:4S A.M. ill- Foyle: l-DIA *WAPt1.MerryßnRound: \ray WTJSJean, Jane & Joan hltl.11 6.111.1 W'Rltf'. 11'GST MHA5 Right to Ilapi,iurss WW1. *WJIJN News; Rhythm Varierie. 1:15 P.M. WNON Perkins Pepper Vollces Family! IiARK ,Ha WISP! Chnrrh the Joyce Jordan. M. 0.: KMOX KPitC lo raixl 11'BAP VBRC in Wiliw rand t.VSM Woman L. Iss at r-hi News KRLD K7 "Hit KWlilI IVAPI wJfSX W LW 1V11L WSJ IVSM tVTm1D WUST WLAC WREC WWI HERB SHRINER supplies tV-UT K1.1;A WW1. 3:15 P.M. :Men of the Land, Su & Air: the comedy for fite B etween the Bookends: KTIIS t1'II.A 15IlStt KTIIS Raymond Scott's Orch.: KLRA "Camel Caravan" WALA W'Ai'17 {1'[rSU WS1X Eastman School of Music: KTlill KItL11 1il'1t11 íitCitili !L'1100 Lonely Women: IN LW WW'Yt W'LAI tVt.;tiT tt'Y,iN WBT D avid Chrskin's IcI,RA Texas School of the Air; KI'RC Philadelphia Dtth.: 11' 1SP5 WT,IS *Club Matinee; News: KT}IS KTlill iilVKtt ts'Itlll ltii+lfli WIMP *hews_ iV;i1N W5M1I Ic,11RK- Ilrarts In IIerrnnny W'11St 1Vy1PS liC:til 1t1.At' W1tF,l KUlIA-Brinks A Authors KU[JA- Classic Clinic Stella Dallas: iLPRC ICTBS 1VL1V' ISl'Onrnnrerl Tirare l[WTT]Jluly 14 Jane liVtrft.riie, Si?1.cr LJIr WApDTu be unnnuhrrrl KVUtI WEAK VVF.1A W'JU7ti "ni K WTO-ftight to Happir,ees W]1I' 11Y\nA !tend gimlet WAPOF'reerloni. Fighting Met, IV551 WSLIB KARfC R',IPft. )laity' Devotion W'SB *WSW! Slreamliner: News is W'i1T Rialis to Hominess "Officer. there's men following me!" 141101. A lu 'L in Novelly WBRC- Radii, Renval WDOI1.TIn Gnldllerlrr KATCIX"Hearts in Harmony IVCOA .fuck Bordr's Gana MST. F'nri,llk:,r Favorito. 1Y I 1010A-Le-st We Forget evutioual IAti Editor's Ua,gyhter WHAS- ft tV1,ACI.iel,i of the World KWTCI.Oaark surrtheart.' 4:00 P.M. 1VJ DX Novrlcers WtiUXPepler tuunR s Family WAPHaytopt Jamboree *R'MC.> ews; Harper Hrrheri W'UPlfar+,rh Nnbiwn WHAS 11e Perkins The Sea Hound: W,rBO 1VCt7A-T'irut Front KPRCChurkerbuprd Time WMPS-Dr. Ben Curt WRl}L Vnrierin WOP!-Tra Time When a Girl Marries: ICARK *WLWNews; Lrvesluch Mar- K Vtjl1- hurl yitrake rs WON- :t cu Z in Novelly. REI '.600 Club liPHt' MVO() WttIIC N'F,A.A kids; Everybody's Farm KVVTOSTlrseuri Farmers WSM-John Lewis & Shallriol, 2:45 P.M. WTJSTin Pan Alley- 1V'.IR.0 tt'LW W:13C MOP] Is HPSlfonsewrvrs' Tr ea s O re 11/tLA Sinllili Sam WWL-Martha Adams 1V5R IS'SNH l'hr+t 1V711'U-tlilOmlRn 1t3ß P.M. Fifteen Mrnules Dom Broadway: WOPI-Ten Per Cent Block Peery MIRE Ns1ne lriun Perullse 1111S1' N'JBO LVSIX KTHS Arc You a Genius7, W'tV'I We LAVA & Learn: KLRA KNOX 3:30 P.M. ha/EC-Swan River WEIDA Tma,ury Star Parade Right to Nappiness: KAP.Fí hLItA ISW'KH WIVtiC littl.tl 1 W"KH %YAP! tyti6 Dinh, Farm R Jfum. flour *WtH1p Varier/et. New, Kitt-t1 KTIuH KPRC EV'L70 tVBAP WB11r Exploring Space: KLRA KTRH SVirEC IV'IIAS W'111 Wl1l_ 1YS1J[-ff. F. D. 98i} WFA, Smile Proli tt'Rk{ N`J117L WOW W31C WON KII'kfl it1_:1t" LV1IXC N'VV'tiC KItTO WS1X 11'INF IVWL 1VSIdBDanr. llusic wJBO Unda Lce'f Social Column W 4R NSSI tl'IWh iVII:VS WTJS Guiding light: WLW 11:45 A.M. WLri' Vie & Sade KUDASfebwllts Lorenzo Jones: KP$C k`TBS NMI kV Minch tic. Fr.ah.nt WIIOL Iliad. Martin *News: KTI15 WALA W(DA K11'111 ituundIfp 1LVOFI WE/RC 11TAA WJDX K TBS-Tran e rihrd l're us ß ur Gal Sunday; WaYAIT KMON 1VGST WSR Afarkets, Hwk 1VJ60 {YALA-Paul Brew' r thrtl. I5'LW WNW Wilt LV5SD KARE KTHSP.Irwlar Tunes TiWhif WTIAS WIC W'NON W'S1N Perm Sens Philadelphia ¡Nth.: W.MP. tS t'i *V'APl Xeras; s1 irl ErtrheM WSMI4 IíTRlE-ffar \ !-nsdwys HRLD WS11 l.srrn A Ahne W'APfkSerrnlutr *Kt-UAtiess.: tnehh.rly tir,.. Linda's First Lave: WNW WSM -L"indá C Fint Leve tiA1iK-South Anwrtc.n {Vey W'Tt 1l ,d Cwhl K;IOI W'AL:t-ll..hl. , W117-11ned or :"llr FNL31 ^+rriueñ! 5lianrv Royer i:I'iiC10-2 4 Rends NARK .,ili, KPHCVerl.ny Prem. WEDA Tra Tom Tune" Kl:0A-Snriç. nl the Wanda 11' APIs Mime- Flinn Hanish xTN`ç.Trsn set fba+J Pram. 12:30 P.M. KtJOA farkelar+rns & Atl+aie WD1II1 Ahrs,calr W'f1Tesriari.wq,vf W'Hl'Lomr Hamer K THH U. S. Navy Prelim, & 11'r=t1.t.AII iiuur Vic Sade: ls1n7 IVHt W'GtiI MVO Four Star kitchen W'IIAS Winer n n Ness. Srykr t1'C¡ST indium Iicslurt Kl.iOA-FxhrreJ of the South W'Ttn17.E.st W111,1'. K WTG-Irk Can Be Beautiful fir NI 'I' IV'11P1-1'trknr l'r,,iew Chuter, flay K VOOAfarAna *Norton HtsGlllrn, news: KPitC WI .4( ih ran Musk W'DStrV, F. W. Auxiliary KYt'TO-Neu WAh'O -PeiIy Devotion W'TJS-Orr to V'irtnry .t thr Staekrnrde WRAP W'ïC1X Vunnv Ur Malone 1V tiA5.1-ir & Sade WALARunil Rhythm WRAP-Light nf the World 11 1. ' ro Af unr Marine Band: WO W BRC: VopuLtr Musk WSh11I-Slura río.sip P.M. JI lhbl l r, tn WAPIV rc & Sud. 3:45 KWTO WI1S1? WL1C WriPI }lure tomes the Bond t511PS Lido .,1 rtrr World IVAN/ Pete rNS.PLI 3:0f1 P.M. K11'1e11 WS.H VYSSt6 WTJS WSItU!- s. Army Young Weiler Brown: liPltt. W "O Bihlr Ilnar WHIJCUiane ling. Mir KAHKAt.h,dr Rnyl Batkstage Witt: WRR[ 15151iC 1YF.t1 W irtlL 11hy1hin:,Irr. WIST-lnalpitutt IL'I Y 1 rrnr inrinl KM- K'FI1S Kt',Ii, KLllAA is Novelty WPAA !NIA, 1'VI(' ':H W'J 1 r.Y 11"1"51 15. aSC WHO WSVT:1u,rq,iitc Arnurut WCOA.ruat Before Noun; 711urkrte WS}1BPrgrn. Spada,.) KftLBL'arirtirs IiAl:k 11':0.113 MARK 11'5.11 VCti118 eConllnued un Neat Pagel WDODAdr Perkins KT'IiSI]dtlee Orth. 1 :45 P.M. W FAA-!ilsu.luur Boye 3iT']il1 Afustral L}ule 1VOr1.I1111hR1y Betty Crocker: LVL55' fluerlo,vn KUOA.11urlr in .. Madsen Mnrle Pepper Young's Family: IV Ill' VRf:C('Irorknrlxl.rd 'Dine KV00}Jnh Wille Boys 6 I1'APf W IIAS WGST IVWI. WROL1IWldiliee SY AJ.A tlirstkerbua r d Time FRIDAY'S BEST LISTENING WSAIBFtrslmn rases WAPS.Fartg & Founts Earl Tanner. songs; ICTHS IV'AI.A u WI. Fi,rum R ..r,d l.i, P:1tAi" 11u.ä l',,,1 L,kr lV[I5l WSIN W1110 " I1ftC-Stpubn,.hrr *Neves: KIM' W'5D r'' 1 C1A\.s5., ,51u+,1c Judy & Janie: KPH(' KV00 Sec program listings for more detail and additional news programa AFTERNOON '. Urit1GrandpaPpy WE/AP r1C1lASfiens; Slarkrts; Sviinlls Editor's Laughter: MARK WM1C: The Golrll,erest KMOX t'iEC 12:00 Noon 'lane 4:00 People Are Funny WJIJOLunchen Serenade MLRAOrgan Reflretiuus News and Discussion CENTRAL WAR TIME Quin newels; Art Baker, maitre at cart WJUN -Thentrr ROCA! K RLURediu Mee-teat A.M" le/LW file Filter h VOA-Siesta montes *N, R. Baukh.gr. new: k'[Il5 t 1;00 K W-K11 Transcribed 1'ripn. Boakc Carter 9:00 Meet WALA VVDSt1 WCrhA *MC Novelty Items Your Navy k1110-Ma P.M. Talent from LHe Can Be Beautiful KSIUX *W'StPSNrw.; pence Sfusie Perkins the Great Lakes Naval Tram - WI1PL7'rra.uty Parana 511.11.1 - Accent an Sank 12;00 H. R. 8aukhugc WM'i 1V11T {vGST Wl1AS 5fue m9 Station. Band mugi {; a two hundred WltCll. IV'Dt)DRuad of Life 6:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. Wt-Ai' IYTtF:t" 1í11'l. Rrquu.t lihsthm voice chair; rhythm drchntri. and Litt W SIX Rrtanshi Cnlv bar 11JUXC.anetn hail B everly Mehr, songs; KTBS 6:1S News of the World tenant Commander Eddie Peahodt. ban wnrf *WWl 1Sr1s,: Melodies WLAC- Mumrnts of Melody 7:00 Earl Godwin W-COX -Lice Can 1k Beautiful joist *Y,,,. h.' Pill! I¡VWAI W'APO 8:00 Gabriel Heatter 12:45 P.M. *Wort- Health Talk: hews 9:00 Camel Caravan WMC WFAA 9:00 John D. Hughes Lanny Ross. Vincent Lopez' Orch.- JUCI WSM-Mary Fusser m.c.; Margo: Kerb Shriner: KARKI.um & Abner WSA1BDance 9:30 John Gunther LL Orrh. Gcorgiu Gibbs: Xavier Cugat's Orchestra. *KLRA -New. ; Faint Naves 111ra' MPS fMorpan Beatty, news: 9:30 Paul Schubert Thornton Wilder's "Our Tower' K!t LD ?t ariim quarter kTBS 2:00 P.M. fi1RH- Village Boys St nP I 5S +1s W S SI l5 WA',() 9:30 Tommy Riggs and Betty Lou KUOAMidho 314itJea Wfirll. Eifeen Farrell; VVW'L KLRA Variety Felix Mails' Drckestre. Anita. vocalist KW KF1 Shelton brothers The Goldbergs: W'BT W'CST LtGSt' KWTOBic Sielee WI.AC David Harnirr HVICI,Y A.M. 111MIC Tri+rn Talk Your Ciliary Prom.; KPkC 1513AP Three R's: ]íT'liS VV'JHiJ WllStl 8:00 Breakfast Club Drama wi1on.ArkA01011 Traveler *Nrws: KAiiK KVIOX KTHS NROL W'S1X P.M. *W.IBOHuair:Non 10-2 4 lt.rl,sh tiLRA 14J11X Philadelphia Orch.; IVTJS WMPS 6:00 Amos 'n' Andy 6:00 5cratnhie St JDXI,ntt.n Family KRLLHr.ou,. Peradt Story of Mary Marlin: IiPNC COO 10 :00 and Fred Waring's Orches- Aviation :dvenlu,e glanes and aviation *WÁDPSNrwsi Duchy's Tull. KTNI! Parade 1 Stern KVOO WRAP ttIIJtC: NJlik tra *WNOxNwV; Mrrry.Gu.Stouhd+ KY 1i11 ILi.ebubl Ihnts IVLW' Wh1L' ii.ARti IVSU LV5M "teen News 1Ctt"fl1 Litrlr r'rrs..rnarts Stare *New.: kilOA W;VPU 7:00 Kate Smith Haur 6:-15 Our Secret Weapon, wlih Rex *WROLNewi; Aivsie *WA l-A Nrn,., Mode Tiytt,i7Platrrr 0-haiter; AlarLrra Ted Collins; Olyn iandrek: Kate Smith Stout *WSB1'rw. Willie Ilai lsurir. Varieties KTBS-Tr+n,sr"ribed ['rrcns Sinpcst; Jack Miller's Orchestra; Guests 8:09 Playhouse WS1XSru,lin Pally 11't11A arrn,ydr KTItH-rnfurvh'svinX Tuuixhl's 7:16 in Person. Dinah Shore 8 :00 Gang Busters WSMUnivor+ll) of Trnnesere W'J1r1U YuhryAl BH1 W'resllere Wi1JIS. 8:30 That Brewster goy WS11BMuneaI' I.Jvinterl,; Collage uf Ag- _{ f-Transr I 7:30 Information, Please WKI film, Prem. 10:50 to WTJS.ViNitex A Music droll urn KIVTTJ f.uur Jnnrtsey Clifton Iadiman, m.c.: Franklin P. Adams; Road Danger W1.iVileurtr ln lfurmuuV IVALAiVç,ro. Griffin loan Kiern: Gust St 12:15 P.M. *W'I1Pa' Shirk Till nee d. Buck- 15 API-Lemely Weinnn GI' Days rota Perkins: KFIOX 11'ÁP1 WW1, arena ; K,IHr 11'ST.Victrsry Front 7:30 Those Good Classical Music Nineties" show with WBT WGST WHAS WI,AC tV'Sl% Slvhtvrunn WCt1A=Danrirsg IfiIt1111çh6 A "Gay Pat Barnes, WREC WSMDrpl" of Agriraliafe WOOB-Lilr [:Cri Br Beautiful master 1.t ceremonies: Hat Willard, bari- 1:30 Philadelphia Orr.hentra Edward MarHugh: KTI19 WI*LJ 11"l'J I [. II l+,u ,S hrip WiIASHearts in Hurrnorly tone; Ethel Lllherl, soprano: Julia Eugene O+manrly conductor W'sll.11rghl am,. WMPS in 1Iul+Plness IV\Ox-Thr Guldlleres central). 7:00 Cities Service Concert Band: }!-Marine KTBS WS]18 lt'Ol'f W'urds k Illu.ir 8:30 Plantation Party Lucille Mannen: Ross Graham; Chorus; WON 1:00 P.M. IV'REL'Dance Orel,. Louie MauSty and the Westerners.; Dunne Dr. Frank Black. conductor; *Hews: KRLD Te1H11 KLDOA Vincrnt Loper' Orth.; MALA IL'SHB String: Ehsnmtdr Granitland Sisters; Whitey Ford, m.c. wJnx Young Dr. Marone: KLRA K1tOR 08:53 Mary Ric,. football tornmen Lstar 2:15 P.M. Ann !tarter/ Hal Burns" Varieties. : KARK KR Lb KTIIFf KWKH 1VAPI 8:00 Waltz Time Lilt K H W'.uC, 1t'BT WJJOti WGST IV/LAS St. Louis Matinee: KLIIA WREC 8:30 Victory Parade of Spotlight Banda Frank Munn: Amsterdam Chorus; Ake I l ll ll ri111es W8£C WWL KTIiII lYV.IC Chuhe Barnet's Orthtstra Lyman's Orchestra Page 32 (12/s-S) i iTtte Lion's Roar; Scramble: R.tL.ALisian, Ladies WMPS WSUN WJBO K111S 1VAI'O I1il[hfiliea WDSU 11'i'í 1A Gems & Melody NEXT WEEK!. LILAC FRIDAY, December 4 Fred Waring In Victory tune .Stat n , the Cadet Time: WOPI WSB WCOA WLW Dulfy's Tavern Complete Log of Radio Sfeions WJDX WIIOL WALA WBRC WROL-flashes of Life KVOO WSAIR KTBS KARK WTJS-Sports in the United States, Canada and WAPO -Erssy Ramblers KDKA IVAN) 11'OÁ] WRAP WCOABargain Review 7:15 P.M. WSM WNW KPRC WFLA (also In Person, Dinah Shore: KTHS Mexico by Frequencies! WDSUJoily Friars at 10 p.m.) WFAAIIIen Roth's Orel. WMPS WJBO WDSU WSIIN WHASlierble Koch. organist *Fulton Lewis, Jr.. news: %VT.15 WLS 11,.,IDX -In the Groove *News: WLS KUOA WSIX KUOA -Spurt a; Music -The *KLRA W'nrld 'Today , *WLW.News; Paul Arnold, VAMP WA1.APipe Organ LS'APO-hlekrdy I KI1LLILfge Smith's Orel. WNOX- Swingeler Time *WDOD. News; Sports WAPIStrauss Waltzes WDSU.re he .,,.i.iired KT'Orl.O(rice of War Inform/Ilion 4VROL.Market Square WENR -Ta be announced WCOAToucltdown Tips *KWKH-News; Scores WSBArmy Repart WGNDr. Preston Bradley WGYHoople Hour 4:30 P.M. *IVAPI -News; Sports WLWTo WSM -Oa the Bandstand be announced WROL Musical Quir *John Gunther, news: 1(1115 W1 :OADance Nocturne WMAQSweet & Spanisl, *WWL-Melody; News TT'S1XMelrtly Lane WSUN WDSU *WDSLiThe War Tndoy WNOX -Trada Winds Tavern W'i.Sltank Night *WHAS-Dance Munir. News 5:15 P.M. Tommy Riggs & Betty Lou; WOAI Deat.K Ranchers WLWBurt Farber's Drell. *Melodic Strings; Hews: KT]IS 6 :15 P.m. 7:30 P.M. SVCUA WOPI KTli:i WMAQ Those Good 01' Days; WSLhS KPRC WMAQ-Sports WJDX pig Our Secret Weapon: IVREC WUti ROSA tIFLA KTHS WMpS WDSU WSIX SIRUL 11',1P0 WSMB MALS 1VOA1POpular Music Today at the buncans: KMOX KTRH WHAS WLAC KLRA WWL-Surprise KWHH KRLD KMOX WDOD WWNC WADI Information, Please. quit prim., KVOO WBRC WJDX Canso see Don Winslow: WLW WBT WWL KWKH KRLD with Clifton IEadiman, trim.; ó3íl p.m.) 10:45 P.M. Musical Fantasy: KARK WMC Milt Herth Trio: WSIX WRBNM WGST WNOX John Kieran; F. P. Adams; ROSS GRAHAM, hark *Paul Schubert, news: WTJS Wald's Orch.: 1'ßT Olga Coelho. songs: MAC WRFC *News Cif the World: KARK Guests; WMC WMAQ KARK Jerry lill'KH WBAI'Srrike p tone heard on the "Cities *News: WFAA WSB KPRC WMAQ KTBS WSMB WJDX WCOA WBRC WLW Bamls WWI. VELAR -Stan Kenton's Service" program 10.2.1 Ranch- WBT WWL WOPI WSM KDKA WROL KVOO KTBS WSB WALA Orch. *Lou Breese's Orch.; News KARK -Music; War-Time Motor- WSMB WOPI WROL KPRC WGNEddy Howard's Oral,. WDSU WSH VOW Football Forene.t ing; Camp Robinson Johnson Family: WTJS WSIX WAPO WFLA WSM HDKA *KUHA -News 1L'1_LS' Sleet Your 4:15 P.M. *KLRASporaa; Music; New WOM WFAA Nary KMOX- ill mud ial, bere.adr *News: WBRC WCOA WJDX WHIPS Dance Static Hap Harrigan: WALA WDSU KPRC.Listen to Leiben HUOA-To be aria runced KS'OOSlerl Casts & Winn Joe Frasetta's Orth.: WT35 KLIOAClaasiic Hour WSB -Dixie Play}ieruse KTRH Texas hangers KVOO -To announced WENNR -Texas Rangers Shots Portia Faces Lile: KARK KPRC br W51X -City Slickers Mnsie *KTBS- Trenarribed Pram.: Name WALA- Supper Melodies WONIhdlo Soldinr, Hello Sailor IVAI'IMost Hnnarc.1 KTBS KVOO WBRC WFAA WSM- Frreslde Singers WIIBM- Satine to Victory KTHS -Hep Harrigan WAPOSports; Theater News WJBO.Jax Fislilcig Fax WJDX WLW WMC WOPI KUOAMusic from the Masten *WLAC- Melody Time; Cecil *WEER -News; Rhythm at Ran WSMB WRAP- Sunset Serenade 9:45 P.M. WROL WSI3 WSM KVQO -Pt's a Women's World Brown, news dom WFLA -Tampa U. Forum Men, Machines WDSU Mother & Dad: KLRA KWICB WALA -Dance Time LVOPIHuuse Dreamt & Victory: WItS.Iimmy Evans, stories WGN Sports d WSUN WWNC KRLD WAND -Adventures of Jimmy seW'T,IS -News WLWCIsick Menthe's Orch. KMOX-On the Sean[ WLS -Smile Market Eddy Howard's Orchestra; WGN WMAQ- Ilerbie Allen *WLIV -News; Melodies 7:45 P.M. Mints. Pianist *KTRII-News *WBRC -Harlem Hermorieat WTJS WREC -hanta Orrh. *WMGMunie; News Those Good OF Days: WENR KUOA.Marclr of Melody News *News: WEHR WJBO WSIX WDAI -Tune Time KUOA- Voices in Song KWTO- Markets; Tonic Tunes WCOASwing Along WAIFS 11:00 P.M. WSTXErakin Butterfield WJRO- between Uhe Linea WADI -Frolics WpOD- Junior Commandas KTHSDance Orch. WAPO -America Marches WS1fPhyiia Lane & Orch. WOPITenit, High, Speech Club Guy Lombardo's Treasury Shaw: WDSU. Recorded Rhythm 10:00 P.M. WG5T- George West; Rosh WHASSports WSMB Eddia Reed WTJSDence Orel, WROI. WJBO WASPS WSUN IVSL' WHASUcfense Talk; htusfc WJBO.Hop Harrigan 6:30 P.M. MOO P.M. *News: WFLA thDSU WAPO HMS WJBOMeludies WMC- Markets; Scares Easy Aces: WWNC WBT WBLAS Playhouse; LS'OS'1' KLRA WAN *Hews; Cecil Brown, ne *S: *HEWS; Paul Martin's arch.: WMPSLoncly Worries WNPSKay & Berl KMOX WBBM WHASAS KMOX W BIIM ICTR li it'TH F I 1(tl k s i 11 API KRLD KVOQ WROL KPRC WSM WREC- Stmiin Presents *WNOXNa u; Sports beep Melody: KTBS Wide WSB KWKH KRLD WWNC WNOX WLAC WREC K'rias 1I'OPI 15h11 MIMIC WS1X -Trio Time WOPI-Dinner Music WUAI IVBIte WDOD WBT WLAC WREC *Q. E. D. Commentator; WMPS W0A1 LUIRA Tune WWL-Afternoon Melodies W5MJamup & Honey; To be WWL Fred Waring la Victory *News; Foster's arch.; Tommy Riles & Betty Lod: WSM Tints; IVIIAQ Chuck 4:30 P.M. announced (also at 9:30 Waltz Time; Frank Munn, Tar, WNOX ltU'RII Kl'1RH WREC p.in) *Se.en. It.SR,. KVOO WAPO Ludt Trio & Curley: KWKB WT,ISTFiLa Rhythmic Age Chorus; Orch.: WMAQ W,IDX 15Bllh1 11.13T MAD KRLD Bobby Sherwood's Orch.: KRLD WBRC WHAS WRAP WLW KTRH WREC WHAS KLRA KTILI] WUST WREC KTBS WSniB KVO0 White Grill Williams' Orch.: WGN 5 :30 P.M. EI 550.51 KDKA WOPI KPIC IV SR Whit: WJ X WOPI WC Keyboard Serenade: KTRH WRT WAPh *News: IVSME1 WCOA WDSU Singing KTIIS WDSU WMC WLW W5h1 W OAS WCOA WBBht SPEC WSB Strings; Girl: WSIC KTBS WSU Lare Ranger: WLS MESH KMOX WALA tsw Canteen WCOA WTJS WSIX 9.53) WOPI *NWGVews: WFAA WTJS WMPS IVALA WFAA KDKA -Frank Andrini's Arien- Just Plain B {Il; HARK WLW World at Large; WALA WS.TSB Parker, tor.: KMOX WGST 'Gabriel Heater, news; WON ;Wens %%FAA KPRC KVOO Frank *1(D1[Á -hews: Rumba llhs'tlsn,s KARK -hording College Gang W,IRD *WRAP -News; Jimmie & Leon, WTJS KINK!! Busters: KTHS *KLRAMusic in the Kiehl: Superman: Hiehols & Frank Cuhel, iCDSABeri ie Armstrong's Orch. WHAS- 5iasterworkx et Music *NeKS: KPRC WAFI *Leslie WSLIS WhIPS WSLC WDSU News nrer; Wi1PS KPRC-Anped Services News; Mu- WEHR *WLAC -News; Night Owl Club KAION- WOntcrr's Hour KMOX- Sparts *WLW' -News; *News: [(RID WALA WDSU sic Star Parade Dance Crcli. KR1.11Music, Sports KARKTreasury KTBS- Transcribed Program WHAS WTJS KTHS-Tax Instruction; Henry *KUOA -Newt *1VMAQNews; Music KTBS- Transcribed Prem. *HTHSNews; lait Tunes 10.2.4 Ranchs KVOO WBRC King's Orch, *WAPO -Mao A Vaughn; News *WSB -News; Sleepy Hollow K110Á -Ball Scores *1VicF -Ncwn; Music; New. hum dr Abner: WLW WROL KIIOA- Master Builders WFLA -Air Force Presents WWLIlerb Sherry's Ord. KWTO -Haden Family WDOD. Interlude KWTO KVOO-Sports.; Gordon Thing, WNOXI'm an American WAPOSwect & Swing organist WENR -Most Honored Music t1 :1S P.M. KARK -Sports; Music T,'ROI. -Top 'runes WGN -llugh Carson, songs WBRC-Front Page Drama Streak Rhythm ICWKH.Surtshlne Boys KLRABluc WTJS-Bank Night *TVGSTNews; Music You Want; Guy Lombardo's Treasury Shaw: *WBT .Yews; Twilight I Dixie KPRC -From A to Z *WALA -News; Interlude WDSU Dance News WOOD -Tea Time KTHSBurnelle Owen; Musical *WAPONews; Football Foreptat 815 P.M. Paul Martin's Orch.: WSMB WGsr- Rhytlin,s WCOA-Ta be :iritionitted WJBO .Dan ce Music Mail Man KARK- Quartermaster Prgrn. WhIPSDouble or Nothing MUAI - Varieties WJBO Musical Kist /A -To be announced WDOD.Swingin' on Air *1VG N -Nrws Chuck Foster's arch,: KMOX W rDxDattce Orch. WDSII.Pie Dufour *WNOXPa tee tic Paradé; Newa *WAPI.Turntable Tidbits. WOPI-Tcnnesaee high Speech KDKA -Johnny Kaaihue & Family tVMf' fu Hit Gransr WFLA -Modern Puritan: *WROL -News; Sports Sports; News Sports Club *WA FI Spurts; Musk You Want; WMrSGuidine Light Melodies WJSO-James J. Merriam, WSIXSsving Shift WBAPMerrie -World in Review News WNtr\Dancinn Party WCOA-RCIWrrn the Linea WJDX- Neighberhnod Call 8 :30 P.M. *WSM WSUN.Trranury Star Parade IVENII Lou Brcese's Dreh. WOFISnpii a College Speaks WDOD- Hroadway Bandwagon *1V1.AC -The World Today That Brewster Busy: WAN WLAC WWL -Dame Orth. WMAQ Read to Danger IVROL -City Temple *WJ11O.1nte-hsde; New- WLW hilri re Serenade KTRH 1í11[I4: WWL WREC WSI1. Meniory Lane WMAQMu.ir; Stand By, Amarle, KWKII I5'IIAS SCSI WBBM *-WWL-Neves WJDXMntinru 10:15 P.M. WSAI -Why Were lighting WLAC- lcethall Prophet WKOK -Lune Rwegeo WWNC WBT ELK RELD 11:30 P.M. LVSMDSymph,rny id Melody R'NOX.Superman W ROL Rbytl m Victory Parade Of Spotlight Three Suns Trio: WOPI WAPO *Vaughn humaines Oren.; News: WWL.Ilixie's [.ale E!1i[lon MALA WBRC WFLA WJDX *TV IIEC- Mdsir; News WSIXRead to Victory Bam 1 s ; G riteie Fields: WSIX SINON WH-KL WRT WSJ,' WSB WShRB KVOO 4,45 P.M. W5BLet's Be Neighbors WSMBMrssnge for Americans WSUN KTHS WJBO 11'ENR *Clyde Lucas' Orch.: Hews: Bete Bernie's Orch.: KLRA WBT Benny Goodman's Orth.: WWNC WSIX -980 Club WSUN9taritime Training WDSU WMPS WJBO WVSItN NUS WDAP KTRH KWKH WNOX WAN K11LU I(LLIA KMOX KRLD *WSilNrws: Sports WWL[l. S. Marines Plantation Party; (8:53 Mary WSLX WMPS WOOD WAIT WDUI) WGST SVIIAS SVSNIR -J1U Jackson 6 :45 P.M. Alan Mercer) : 115M B ROSA KWKH WREC *BBC News; Harry James' Or- WLAC WREC SVIVL WWNC WWLFuotball Preview *H. V. Kattenborn, news: KISS KTBS SVSi1 WJDX WLIV Eddie Oliver's Orchestra: WSUN chos[ru: WGN WNOX WOPI W'AP(1 1VMAQ WFLA WMAQ Whit RVDO WBRC WJBO WSIX 5:45 P.M. River: News: 11' 111 WSM To be announced; WCQA WDSU SARI( WROL KVOD W.t!A ICAItii W(1Ii WFLA WCOA *News: 1IMUX WMAQ *Moon *The World Today: KMOX WBT KIES I';FLA 1VSAIB WHRC R':1 L1 W.I BU WCOA SVBRI' WOPI WJDX MALA WSB KPRC WFAA KARK- Sports; lt'a Dance Time KTRH KWKH WADI WDOD WORT RPl[C L WDAI KDKA Ca1111Ig Iht the Neighbors Front Page Farrel?: KARK TLC WGST WHAS WNOX WIIEC WSB 'NOV WNW WFAA KPRC /WOO WLW Double or Nothang: WON WTJS KPRC -Born Sabliers Charlie Wright's Orrh.; WBBM WWi C: Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Per- WAPO Manic Weavers Trio KJLLLOFrank Parker, songs SSYKl1 ii5lti( KM! ]Cram Captain Midnight: WSIX Bill Stern, sports; WALA WJDX son, WWFVC WHAM WHAS *1(TBSNews; Franscrihwl Prem. KTILS The Sea Hound WBT WDOD- Parade or Stars HDKA- Frank Arndrini's Oren. *Lowell Thomas, Comm.; IVLWV Kilox faTHS -Dance Utah. KUOAVic & Sae Headliners: KPRC WFAA *IV NOX- l'arid .Events *WDSU -News Don Winslow of the Navy: WDSU MOM KT'Fthl- Wrertling Matches KWTO- Àlpcl, Prcm. Orch,: WHIPS WDSU 1L'Sh1R WI101.Teuch,lou;n Tips *WEN It-henry King's Orch.: llrau Dick Kuhn's *Nees; WBAPRhythn, & Romance WBRCSe,rtti American Way 1VSH KTRS1[1.2.4 Ranch Sawn Sports: SI'BRC 8:45 P.M. WBBM-So Ow Story Goes WIUX- }ion Your Battle Statiotui KTHS WSMB WAN-lour Town A Ours WI1A5Dream Serenade *News; Sports: WAPIJusi Music WLYT- Mastera'

Miss A. Henry, Galveston, Texas.- Eugene Denis McNulty used to sing at home when his parents had company, and thus he discovered that people liked to hear his voice. After com- pleting his course at Cathedral High School in New York, where he was born on May 21, 1917, young Drams DAY won the Ma- yor's Scholarship, which got him his first radio job. After his first audition in April, 1939, Dennis was soon singing regularly over a New York station. It was Mary Liv- ingstone who was responsible for the Dennis Day: Mary discovery of the boosted him new voice. She ob- tained a record, sent it to Jack Benny, and waited for her husband's verdict. Jack liked the voice even more when he heard it in person, and thus Dennis Day was brought to a wide NBC network. -room.. irr- Dennis stands rive feet nine inches, YOUR EYES are the show windows that reflect the real you, so care tar weighs about 150 pounds, has dark - them. Witch - hazel -soaked co+ton pads will rest them, but make them ap- brown hair and brown eyes. He likes pealing with proper make -up that adds character- interest to your face golf, horseback riding, handball and strokes -not too heavy, not too light swimming. He's also a candid -cam- Dust face- powder over your art work era fan -which sometimes embar- to blur the pencil lines -and then rasses his friends -and spends much whisk it away. There you have a nat- time collecting stamps. A bit of the ural effect and an even color. What a blarney can be found in Dennis, but FEMININE 'FORUM devastating difference! he is actually shy; praise embarrasses And don't be afraid of eye -shadow! him, and he still can't quite realize Although you may want to skip it that his voice is more important to By EDITH HAMPTON during the day. by all means use it at him financially than the legal training night, Electric lights have a graying, which he received at Manhattan Col- aging effect on your eyes, so preserve lege. He likes the idea of being able Here's Looking at You! your beauty with an oily base eye - to repay his parents for their earlier shadow. Choose a Maybelline shade to sacrifices. blend with your eyes and you will flutter a pair of shimmery, beguiling Miss Judy Grier, Omaha, Neb. -- OW about it? Do you meet a your face. So start your eye -beauty eyelids! If by chance you have rather Glad you like our colyum -and Cori- straightforward glance with ab- with the brows! Remember, no exotic prominent eyes, spread the shadow all NEE BOSWELL. She's a brave gal who's H solute confidence, or do you shapes or thinly penciled tines. They over the upper lid from the base of been suffering for years, but she still drop your eyes from shyness or shame? are positively tabu! Strive for a per- your lashes right up to the brow. But gets around in that wheelchair. Con- Eyes, you know, tell your entire story fectly groomed brow that sweeps up- if your eyes are deep -set, just apply a nee, who used to be Connie and in just one glance, so never, never ward and outward in a natural curve. faint line at the base of the upper changed her name avoid the candid look of friend or When you start the plucking opera- lashes with a mere whisper of a shad- under the advice of enemy. Such a gesture not only marks tion, use a broad -tipped tweezer and ow below the outer ends of the brows. an astrologist, was you as completely lacking in self - sponge the surface of your skin with There is no better assurance of a dewy, born in New Or- assurance but in these times it is no freshener or alcohol. This soothes the youthful appearance. leans on a Decem- longer considered attractive to be the skin and minimizes any danger of in- Now for the final step in your cam- ber 3. The Boswells coy little girl of bygone days. Mea fection. Begin by brushing your brows paign for eye- beauty- mascara. If you lived in a world of don't like it. So meet that man's stare upward and outward. Are there a few have ever harbored any illusions abou t music, and Contact with a return performance -and meet straggly hairs that do not follow the mascara splitting your lashes or had this to support him on his own grounds! There is no natural line? Those are the few which poisoning your eyes, forget it! A good her when at the greater thrill of perfect companionship must be plucked out. Now reverse the standard brand like Maybelline is ab- age of four she be- than when you gaze out, and yes- procedure by brushing the brows solutely harmless, so use it with con - Connee's handi- came almost hope- someone looks in! downward and removing only those fidence. Your lashes must be perfectly cap didn't hinder lessly paralyzed as It doesn't matter one iota whether stragglers that do not fall in line. And clean and free from any cream before a result of a fall your eyes are large, small, friendly or here's a trick of the plucking trade. you fringe your eyes with mascara. from a coaster - soulful, for there arc tricks of the Stretch the tissue between the thumb Use the tiny brush to mix a paste and wagon. Connee couldn't play, but she trade that will play up your peepers! and middle finger, and draw it slightly sweep the brush across the width of did sing and study music. She organ- A pretty ankle may turn a man's head, upward. This cuts off the circulation the lashes to cover them, Brush from ized her two sisters. Martha and Vet, but a pair of lovely eyes will cause and makes the plucking simpler and the roots to the tips of each separate into a trio which became not only a him to lose it completely. So lend at- toss painful, Now sponge your brows lash. And for the maximum amount Louisiana favorite but a southern fa- tention! Your eyes must be bright and once again with freshener and you are of flattery and the minimum amount vorite. By 1935 the Boswells were in- expressive, and if they aren't, look to ready for your Maybelline pencil. of mascara, repeat the procedure with ternationally known and loved. In your health. If there is a delicate film Actually there are very few of us a clean, dry brush. 1936, Connee made her first solo ap- shadowing your orbs, if you are guilty who possess brows that are even in There you are! You have accom- pearance because both of her sisters of bloodshot, dull eyes, see your physi- color and thickness. So whether you plished the idea! of eye -beauty. And had told her they were getting mar- cian --see your oculist, You need pro- are blond or brunette. you must use a now you are ready to give that man ried. Irving Berlin chose Connee as fessional help. pencil for a lasting, natural effect, a "here's looking at you" sort of glance. the outstanding ballad singer of the But you are probably one of the Make sure the point is well sharpened, Stare him down! Your eyes are per- nation. A second fall several years girls who simply needs to accent your and hold the pencil horizontally to fectly groomed and, Milady, you rate ago again incapacitated Connee. but eyes-add character and interest to your brow. Now make short, slanting high on what we might call "eye cue "! (Continued on Pape 34)

33 ELECTRICIANS QUESTION SERVICE Jag Earn More 8teselifeeel !- Riser lob Better. Serve (Continued from Page 33) Your Country. Cettiris... she refused to let such a handicap AMAZING 3 VOLUME hinder her. Since then she has been ELECTRICAL 124410.4.stefa ENCYCLOPEDIA heard on many shows, notably the (Join radio's quiz game! Try your ico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Ne- FREE 7 DAY 'ML "Camel Caravan." She spends her spare skill at answering these radio brain- vada and back to your starting- point, time painting, Atrt'7tOrt rrATEYI. rYa.e- playwriting, playing busters, For correct answers see page what state have you circled? t ie.i-Irter..red by ex. the several instruments of which she peas Uard nycolarlr 36.) 3. Aboard a ship in the U. S. Mer- eh. lob by hundreds of is master. Connee makes her own vocal Electrician.. serrl.'e wen chant Marine, what or who is usually radio mee. air eadetti .i arrangements. She's five feet tall, "Sparks "? de.u. Nato :enable m From "Quiz Kids' nicknamed etc. áA41_ COMPIr1Y. weighs ninety -four pounds, has chest- (Blue, Sun., 7:30 p.m. EWT) 4. 1f a person has fainted and you Lrn areryrblnEke- is grind: Armature swindle/. nut hair, brown eyes, married to 1. What former Secretary of War is are trying to render first aid. should A. (:. ia. C. Aturnt., are- Lecely, manager. eratora, ekctrnnics, auto- Harry artists' now the American minister to New you place the head lower or higher FREE VEITli motive ENCYCLOPEDIA ae etkréç Ä'e:welr. rr+a: Zealand? than the rest of the body? . kectrkalae+tiona quickly. Mrs. Kenneth Peptone, One year t yaonai Hauert, 2. What member of the Imperial 5. In 1835, John Marshall, Chief de:rolce I m cicada., detrly-°Jti.n ia- of ofinicalur Madre 1taatn.ctar dudew hwfr.Ranks. T.a.ri.w,t Here's that complete cast the NBC War Cabinet in the first World War is Justice of the Supreme Court, died; n ab7 Electrical or SEE THEN FREE which you re- to ACT show "Stella Dallas" now of the Union of South and in his honor the Liberty Bell was Red .rtbteoL d.,a-Lh..cter :I.k. premier NOW and writ Iodwk Yee EL.sTNER Rena,. '11-0 got .ri quested. Arrive has the lead rung. What happened at time that Certificate nutting y,dl r ir Africa? that Technirul Serriee by p is w Msaena.u.7ld. ita, dare role of Stella; the part of Minnie 3. When did war time go into effect? makes this ringing of the Liberty Hell mea for one year alter you rnu by GRACE VAI,YSITIN1; Dick is purchase enCyClapedin LIMO íl:l1 UfF':R. played 4, When did Bataan fall? memorable? MICHAEL FIT¿teAURICE; VIVIAN SMOI.r,N lr.c. LLw:i Drag ll[eTwIClYlrovl 5. When did we all register for 6. The chorus of "Yankee Doodle" soo Senn, awtlnï Str..r, Noah. JNa. CAW-AM is Laurel; WALTER KINSELLA takes the Doodle keep it up; `lend w rhn W. rirn thwerteat w. i..ic.lkw sugar -rationing? goes: "Yankee t.rrelonrd.. Plane 7 a...ka 111 of Gus; Bob is portrayed by AL- wa.wr áari: part 6. Why is the popular descriptive Yankee Doodle dandy; Mind the mu- tr.; w bTwb:dw°..r. DER? ALEP; ELAINE KENT is Madge; phrase "The Nine Old Men" out of sic and the step , , How does the and KENNETB DAIGNEAII is Fletcher. date now? last line go? Some weeks back we published the 7. Justice Byrnes resigned from the 7. The Wright brothers changed the cast of the five -a -week "Our Gal Sun- Supreme Court to accept what other entire history of the world when they day" (see November 7 -13 issue), In appointment? proved at Kitty Hawk that airplanes the serial "Big Sister," it is bric Dsess- 8. Can you identify each of the fol- were practical. In which of our steles L ER who has the role of Frank Wayne; lowing min trying to make good on is the now -famous Kitty Hawk lo- 'aLANGUAGE IS A WEAPUN4 Maude Kellogg in "Life Can Be Beau- new jobs.: (a) Lieutenant General cated? tiful" is played by Rtrre WLSrrÙH; and Ter/, ehr Ad- w 'rrllr as.iI.nlanti- i Bernard IL. Montgomery, (b) Rear 8. For which one of the following f lea: war and :irr ' ulli.afe prate, thrau.h in "Portia Faces Life," the role of Admiral John Henry Towers, (c) Vice purposes are fatigue clothes supposed . bil,tt i, tarok a fn, eta I Manning is handled by HART - MASTER ANOTHER LANGUAGE Walter Admiral William F. Halsey? to be worn by soldiers: When they are quickly, easily, correctly r.LTr ROBINSON. 9. With what do you associate the at work, when they are off duty or following numbers in connection with when they get tired? by LINGUAPHONE D. E. Otto, West New York. N. J.- the war ellort on the home front: (a) The e.Idlannut L, hon. E A R. E. Y E Coarrrtuiaaai S,IIM.a hn.ar raufm at nativ. When we published the biography of one, (b) two and a half, (e) a dollar From "Double or Nothing" fearhert TMTO YOUR OWN 14011E. Na Ea,' singer Meer BAsatrr, it was with his 9:30 p,m. EWT) I.h is taekrn You learn Ihr are ladtsgr sixty -five? (MBS, Fri., bf LISTENING. express permission and approval. In 10. A husband and wife both are in I. Right or wrong? The Department He.Slldr Caurtn is 27 L1Imil us of RUSSIAN JAPANESE SPANISH fact, he wrote most the details the services: The husband is a captain of Agriculture was established before PORTUGUESE CHINESE NORWEGIAN himself. If you have heard that he lias is sad al arten in the Army, the wife a second 1900. even - Send for ME boob no children -in fact, is not mar lieutenant in the Waacs. When they 2. Smoking, pickling, salting and LINGUAPHONE INSTITUTE ried -then it is possible that the pub- walk down the street together on duty freezing are all methods of preserving AS RCA E.ledi./, New Awls . Clair 7.O1.10 licity is either not strictly up to date and in uniform, should the husband food. According to food authorities, or just doesn't mention the whole ur the wife walk uu the outside end what other type of fecal preservation story. should they walk side by side or one will be a major development to come KWIK- TRIM si.rs ahead of the other? out of this war? Mrs. R. M. Clive, West Palm Beach, 11. According to Federal legislation 3. What very prominent American rinne tail u,a a{rrefe..l-__' Oar art Fla, --Sorry, but I don't know whether rulings, if a has been missing in the "rIWa - Um. IllllwnnoryteaHC, i or what happens soldier airman Pa- am.ey taring Inn. hl mid or not DOROTHY KILCALL£N is coming is unable to pay his income tax? cific? SEND HO MONET ,;, e¡,¡ "r1p4ay mum SD. back on the air. We all miss her. 4. How many men did Secretary pon pe t ` *":4:"rr.r tr i. FAT .10.000 i]..I MAW.. I. Q:' Stimmen recently say would be in the FOrna úlr madam From "Dr. WONDER COMB CO..ár.r OO.cl, ca'''re cavilson. Iwlr uhe -bGnr.d-- n°rnfrorerarso wow (NBC, Mon., 9:30 p.m. EWT) Air Forces by the end of 1943: 4,656- 1. There are four grades of generals 000, 2,200,000 or 1,768,006? CAN VITAMINS RESTORE NATURAL COLOR in the Army, namely brigadier gen- 5. What did each of the following TO YOUR GRAY OR STREAKED HAIR? eral, major general, lieutenant general nursery -rhyme characters lose: (a) Here's How You Con Tes} }t. Amoileq Ponders through the hair roots to check rra? spread to aire the and full general. How many grades of Little Bo Peep, (b) Lucy Lockett. (r) 2 -Way Double Action Atli-Gray Hair Vian.ie iwrsola ei norwg tntrr ni,, oDam again. wöik Tod admirals are there in the Navy? Queen of Hearts? Trectmea} ofd Get Reale. Ga} Yaar Mo.sy near w guarantee HOB- o ual, lee can and do rosie a ilion fair moos t hack triai offer. 2. If you start on a trip from north- 6. What is the difference between a Boar for !ra Askl.ry. Send tor either Oho il.79 t30 day) or {.-T/ 110 4y1 ern Arizona go through New Mex- grass widow and a golf widow? P.nataa AnU -Gral Hats and What Grim 011 (A1 and FREE BOOKLET! Vitamine. You need fiend no mane} buk pay poatmn on . rural on Lite MAILS.. 1-Um-Millet restate Nutt picare You've read and beard about the Weal miracle of you or many, hack Send reknitanee with your order vitamin srrenrt tete anti -gray hair roan:ant. tear lai and we p.. yootagr_ Or you are Endtod to weile Icy the original double .,UOn .nil -gran hair rli.min tree tx Siel rhlCh Leila mud ahmst Antliennr Iisio formula, PANA I L , on a frai after uO lai! It caUi tOe Yitamtos_ Whatever you and tor. do li now. bon's let Gniaeehate atecataere anpiher day pow subgut taking stepl to we wbat de Ia G4va Panel. glee not only the mat-gray h.tr v11anan. bat Salk Panacea AntI -Ores Rai, Vlramtu rah What Germ Uli the wheat fera+ oui fntaata el alter-Islay na welt Not supplement.cement. Lim i.e-ny double ace.. treatment, may a TOMMY, dlw loan dye. Panacea actually is healthiW fur Tau. tend stemirmetO. ht sorka by .estorlug to `pur system the hair puler rituality that may be Lacking In you PAHATES COMPANY NOVEMBER 28 Baas Emit keen nr . snort of Mwjnmeltae Na mas- daily diet and li so. would iltee.f teed nalvr.l color Depl. NI-7 310 5_ MkIiiman. Atm.. Ckkdtfo ter Amr =mimosa the ecr /Dews how mow., the Frank Black, NBC, RCA Bldg., New stam changea are Mat he ui crate n. ,resalas: ten or a :alessaai 1mÚ4 feule/ we.sf.e whakh N es- STOPS RADIO Caused by Electric Appliances York, N. Y. Cl'nm ti /o. rA STATIC Catch broadcasters ranee error- therlrsaeur aA. bnfta- SEND NO MONET DECEMBER 1 ier -aad mad gear earn, ta ldarrt -Haase Germa. tat FREE S DAY TRIAL Piy.dtrh Cba,S. Chle.Oo The Jve+ Itie rsrQ no* Mawr mare r.r .D .rc. CO.ra.y, s.vt_ 311A, Sm., N. ra.la Johnny Johnstone, NBC, Sunset and Naar Asmardwa eairlOA fl mal be W:arrt m Alta cam.. Valet Jar roar con - .rprattrg 1r anr u/r-od rmo.e rar wf rawrl r 1Seça:d.ar a oel .rudaa rlll er.urw se l..a F..I Vine, Hollywood, Calif. ermay1u1rw erre If c. O. O. f+:re- I.etrtr dem z, rl coas pew r.. a Mary M.artin. NBC, Sunset and Vine, L7 wOars. - *: rrn`alrw etim r. awnciá caer IL tb ...ar' na.. 1[ prom meet Hollywood, Calif. Irene Rich on "Dear John ": "1 can't .cry . V. YJYm-11 PAM Y. %eM:. r fly iwm. a 2 find the Niles, knob."-Mrs. R. Garver, tr7 `t°."w>e:'r :i mr. ire1.°V. a.,td:"tn.e° .Mi1. o1e`.e.. erri. I AMA,. DECEMBER : u..eR.. Iarh Ir, 1 V w öta0--t ]5y Bldg_, Ephrata, Pa. (November I over RII+e aik'Ia Vrr w ry IAA. aara ap .w era*r-Pr= rawer... . lws4. Jesse Crawford, NBC, RCA CBS.) Wrl.. rI aOaY.r YI,.rN. 124.., New York, N. Y. Warren William, Columbia Pictures, Announcer: "Proceeds will go to NERVOUS TENSION 1438 N. Gower St., Hollywood, Calif. Benghofl Hospital for hot dogs. " -Mrs. Can Make You Cross as a Bear Donald Woods, CBS, 485 Madison T. J. Ramey, Malta, Mont. (October Ave., New York, N. Y. 20 over Station CHAR.) Under ordinary circumstances, most et us are good natteredand agreeable. we getnerv- DECEMBER 3 When Baron Elliot, Station WCAF., MBS, eue. we are likely to be "cross as a bear' -and reporting Pittsburgh, Pa. Earle Kelley, local off- we'll h are to atl mi t that we do get nervous at times. collision' beach France Laux, Station K-MO$, St. shore ship "The was Crnnkiness is univ one of the resulta of a Boothman, Louis, Mo, shipped."-Herbert Vic- nervous tension. Wakefulness, Rest- DR. MILES NERVINE can do a lot toria, B. C., Can. (October 20 over lessness, DECEMBER 4 Headache, or Indigestion are toward helping you relax, to sleep, to Station C-IOR.) likely to follow nerve strain. When tiny regain your self-control. Deanna Durbin, Universal Studios, of these common discomforts threaten Get Dr. Mile. Nerving at roar drue ware. Universal City, Calif. to interfere with work or disturb Read directions nod eye hair as discoed. Free "Another Japanese po- your Sample -Write Mile, Laboratories, Inc., Dept. Isabel Randolph, NBC, Sunset and Bill Stern: your peace of mind or your comfort, R. G. 12. Elkhart. Indiana. Vine, Hollywood, Calif. 'iceman came running from all direc- Tableta Liquid Elizabeth Reiter, CBS, 485 Madison tions,"---J_ Parizack, Fairmont, W. Va. 35c and 15c M1ES NERVINE 25c and $1.00 Ave., New York, N. Y. (October 31 over NBC.) 34 cutlets to make one pound look like two. 7. Try something new In the way of meats. Feat kidneys, hearts, tongue, sweetbreads, brains and tripe. You will find that this voluntary meat - rationing can be a spark to your imagination, an adventure in the cu- linary arts. Here are a few ideas: Kidney Stew

1 pound kidneys 2 onions, medium size W 11H I teaspoon dry mustard F Nl IOW) taw.. I teaspoon salt clHLnO1 5{+ teaspoon pepper

3 cups water Safe :Vera Way in Feminine llygiene 2 tablespoons flour Gives Continuous Action for Hours is every wife's right to know certain (acts. 2 tablespoons butter or bacon It Her greatest happiness. her physical and drippings mental well -being may be at stake. She can not go by what others tell; she must know. Remove every trace of white tubes Otherwise in feminine hygiene. she may resort from the kidneys. Cut the kidneys into to over -strong solutions of acids, which can cubes. Soak them one hour in cold salt burn. scar and desensitize delicate tissue. Today thousands of informed women have water. Drain, add fresh cold water, turned to Zonitors- the safe, new way in and bring to the boiling -point. Discard feminine hygiene. These dainty, snowwhtte this water and add another three cups suppositories kill germs instantly at contact. Deodorize-not by temporarily masking - of cold water. Bring to a boiling- point, but by destroying odors. Spread greaseless, skim, add sliced onions and seasonings, protective coating to cleanse antiseptically and simmer about one hour until kid- and give continuous medication for hours. neys are tender. Brown Yet' Zonitors arc safe for delicate tissues. Powerful - yet non- pxasonous, non -caustic. the flour in the fat and Even help promote gentle healing. No ap- gradually add the kidneys paratus; nothing to mix. At all druggists. and stock, stirring con- stantly. Cook slowly byt ul ln' w d ' "sltil \. about fifteen minutes. yt.d ahN COUv"°"ro¿¿p.rt Serve with boiled rice I umaü I ur9"rY ppc 1oe Asea %« and a garnish of toast y'p 1.177,3' foundness. nrA 1- woYbalr-Iona aC., n..1- 211. 707 /1 N. Gt.rA, Cl,:eaye v HMO Because we have not, matey things ©0i continue to hamper us. Military and LEG SUFFERERS Why continue lo a naval leaders as rarer wttbnut alumpt- 31© act though the war le>F 10 qe [.IOr1hIn.f Write today Mr New 0ol.a were their private, professional en- ai r! --'l'1 i I: I.l i:lk htK1130IIB Molt OE - *ENE 0 . lrtlhlF. L1:f;' 11 Mila aWUI Vanrom 0! terprise and they resent questions r10xhl.i 111010 I.rK 91drw. LSepe:tTethuda uant trail! yW roa.. Muni Uwe 4n years or about how they're running it; the spir- Guerra.- lrl.d and 00- HOR170HTAL 55- Aibur,lunl of a tree 6. !schwa, orchestra. duroed by riulllradM- ' it of Annapolis versus West Point lives FREE I Morgan. comedian 57. One who leases -leader on of ftET11pD5, 3214 re. -"Maxwell House Coffee 59, Cenree bandleader 7. initials of ((,sumo Shearer instead being left to the foot- f8E -, arm. 14eNb11 BOOKLET +f.n rlralea/,ttrV,10.10 Time' W. Andrea ----, screen sear 8. Masculine name ball field; hundreds of congressmen 5. Fred -, comedian 6r'1. Plut 9. Part of shr rrll "To h." yield to the needs of pressure groups 8. Diulnbark.s a 1elmleine name IO. Wants 12. Evelyn , screen star 63. Gier lords 11. Doe who tile/ally Inns rather than the needs of the whole tle.'u'cii 13. Dinah songstress 64- understand clearly fail an aulealahlte nation; the Chief Executive postpones tN1E4:IUEo 'Time In Smile" 65. Promontory 15 Italian coin dismissal of the incompetents in office la A.iffy 14, Last name. star in the por- 16. Monster in fairy tales @rIioroc írehiyl mused tr! and deeply resents criticism, although athlete's maim. pmps e 'it, movie star [U. S. VERTICAL 19. __ Bari, m-coin slat ft. I. rire, urern 20. star this war cannot possibly I other tltytuyt aoadin Use ondata. Artily) iln Krug.r, scrrelr be conducted I Is. Same 2 City in Ohio 22- - Lake. in '-Blonàie nor mntiraled A Card intelligently without constant criti- fe~,. eta.inkaL. comforts and 17. Taylor, raffia actor 3- bore -Victory" checks itching cism; the war effort is used as a Cloak fay[. trial Nettie l8. -Duke . bandleader 4. Kay , bandleader 24. Clop screen star prawn granny batik Ask -, it-or yang 21. Bird with yellow feathers 5. Like 27. Fred announres' for some interests to advance the New Id.^ geir l today loe D. D. P. Poraerlehim. 23. Vexed 29. Fiorito, bandleader Deal and by others to destroy the New 25. Closest 30. -hlclinrs from a straight Iemee Deal. Because the desperate war spirit MATCHED solution to Puzzle 31. Mari 26 John -, in 'Thunder has not yet come over us home, Birds' Given Last Week 32_ CivPan Defense (ablrr.F at 28. linlaatener 34. initials of Chester Morris anti- T3ritiats weitiineett ebbs and Rows 30- Hit by a hard biow r, 35. Loafer, and suspicions of Russia, because it is Wear your err mid yell. 1 wlr. ar 33. Paining :r: 36. Male noose long r'.eh rap011y Communist, continue to flourish in Irno 37. Crept. screen star 40. Fort .spark Aholinrer ee !0!00A 0.11101 lurio, .hold shady places. i.ddlv.d to yola mraaura. Guar-mimed w Ill 38. Plural of medium 41- Substances One would almost think Sens . f cloth., rent TUDAY feries 34. Wing -like 44. Shod from a bow we had a surplus of SAhll Ll of the brae macee obtainable. Wrlteta part allies and could AM ERRMCAN MATCH OMPAMY 42 Man's nickname 45. Lowest limber of a Twat afford to insult them at will. Because :Lori. JACKSON SINO., A1/T. pfa,or10ae,o, ILL 43. Verotlica screen star 47 Feminine name many of us 46. First name, star in the par. 49. Nrressity do not understand the ADDING trait 50, Annoy tremendous stakes in this war, we SIo c kc t MACHINE 48. Poker stake 54 Neff, atilllrrller calmly vote prewar isolationists IDEAL XMAS GIFT n L. ar eTM bark 51. Negotiate ss. Frozen panicles from the into Congress, not remembering that l.aaw.rf.trll-Ne 52- Bullock rL, sky wrvWn rO.wnLIt " they FREE T R IA L! s ö o nsar.T n.. fit, 53. who keeps account of 56. Scheme showed a fundamental ignorance .d-ct rA1 lu }a.t 0e. . . a gaunt 513 Hind!. bandleader of the world and that they may be - r.4',n. G 0 weral[¢t - eá',1.:>r. .r, there to vote on the organization of i; t peace. Thus QaearrAr GJTw . we casually risk throwing R0.w11i>lt/. owe.s7ta.r...a`---..la the whole thing away, as we did after BRAIN - BUSTERS - ANSWERS the last war. Was even Hitler more careless of human lives? ASTHMA Gradually we at home are ceasing Wondeneua relief far Asthma dishes with the dmpir (Here are the correct answers in Ws weekly to pay their tuxes until after the war. and then to behave as though this war wes e a Lee 1 ANWOGELY. nidcrettt lllgblr endefeed ay .ralefw assn Ho matter whet you may hay. quis. Of the twenty -five questions on page 31. they do not have to pay interest on the amount profitable and exciting adventure. tried, we sok you la try Ihia amazing remedy thirteen were answered correctly. How do you of their income la1t, Bros only alga roe liberal apply and prove Gradually the iron is entering our Am/same/a by actual teat, rl'. atibt on Roues' rate?) souls. But we Back Guarantee unmet are so slow. so very slow. - of Its swam,* enthuse,. No one J. P. HOFT. FCC., Dept. 12. DWI 137. Ile ssy'Ir. Il. "Dr. I. Q." in America can do more to "Quiz Kids" speed the process than we of the radio 1. Three; Roar admiral rite admiral and ad- 1. Patrick and motion pictures; no, not even the Jay Hurley. miral, President 2- Field Marshal Jan Christian Smutts. or Congress. But first we POEMS WANTED I. Utah. must take stock of ourselves; we must For Musical Setting 3. February 9. 1942- 3. The radio operator. walk off six paces and take a good Mather. Home, Lasa, Saerml, Patr+rtie.Comk 4. April 9. 1942. or any =uhjecL Don't De1ay-Send cm your 4. Lowe, to permit the blood fe run bark te look at ourselves. Then we must re- [irisiere Poem as ones -for lmmediala can- 5. Between May 4 to 7. 1947. the head. organize and set to adarstiou and FREE Rhyrmlrar Dictionary. work, resolved to 6- Thr phrase refers to the Supreme Court and 5. It cracked. resist the first screams of protest from RICHARD BRIITHLRS 37 w the phrase is of date now out because there are that tyrant, the box -once. They will only eight and they aren't old. 6. "And with the girls be handy." die away in time. WG will have the 7- He was appointed Economic Stabiliser (or 7. worth Census. people with us. and what is more, Econemic Stabilization we Free for Asthma Director) by President S. At werk, will be Roosevelt, with the people. 8. (at In command of the British Eighth Army. Eric Seuareid, Columbia's During Winter "The Army of the Nile," in Egypt. (b) Comman- "Double or Nothing" Washing- of the Naval in ton correspondent, is presented Satur- 11 yon sinter It4 there nble hacks of A thma der Air Forces the Patiffs. (c) 1. Right. when it la cold and damp; Il raw. Winery winds Commander of the Havai Forces in the Southwest days and Sundays over CBS at 8:55 make you choke as 1r each Mp ter breath wee Om Pacific. 2. Dehydrated foods. 17.ní. EWT under very last; I reatrul sleep le lnutooeebde [woman of the sponsorship of 1h, lru[G]a la breathe; fee] Ulu dimmer la lr you 9. (a) Coffee ration, one cup per person per 3. Captain Eddie Rlckenbacker. Parker Pert Co. for Quink; and Sun - aloK ly wearinr your kilo away, don't roll to pond at days e0r1 to the Prantle. Arthmo Co. 101 0 fr.. trial al day, (b) meat -rationing, two and a half pounds 4. 2,200.1700, on "World Neiva Today" over a remarkable method. No mutter where you lire or per person per week, (c) ceiling prise for nylon CBS at 2:30 p.m. nether you have any bluh hi any remade under 5. (a) Her sheep. lb) her pocket, tc) her EWT, udder the the OWl. xll tor thIe free trial. .0 you hare turreted stockings of average gauge or weight. tarts. sponsorship of Continental Radio and for a lifetime and tried everything you mold ].ern of without relief; 10. According to regulations. the wife should Television Corp. He may oven It you an utterly dlenur- 6. A grass widow Is a woman separated from also be heard aged. do not abandal hoer but ',red today for 1h1t walk nearer the curb and one pate to Or rear, laity on "News of the World" free trial It well meat you nolhlne- her husband b1 divorle or by his absence; a 4011 at 8 a.m. Addrea. to better protect her superior officer. EWT, Freed/or Asthenia Co. S4Í Rapider Sldq. widow is a woman whose husband neglects her and on "The World Today" at 482 Hlagora Serest, Imffolo, Hew Tara li, Men in the armed smeses are opt required to play golf. 5:45 p.m. EWT. 36 -POEM Millywo, ONE WOMAN'S FAMILY is the NBC Holly- KNITTING -POINTERS are passed on from DICK POWELL is back on the air. The film wood staff. Minetta Ellen is mistress of the or- mo +her to daughter. Teacher here is Marjorie star with the sweet voice is heard on "Cam - ganization's service flag. She's Mother Barbour Anderson, feminine lead of MBS' "The Shadow" pana's Serenade" every Saturday nigh+ over on "One Man's Family," heard Sundays, NBC series. Interested spectator is her daughter, Lynn NBC, supported by Mai-+y Malneck's orchestra

but this is an obvious error. Such rendition of an auto crash. because the engineer didn't believe in The Radio F runt activity is the work of piucrnds, whose Tersepofrtgires: The NBC version is Santa Claus and didn't buy war bonds. (Continued from Paye 91 normal job is to confuse linotypces that these grolnns pull the minute The next day I sate the same mikilctla setting this publication, and who visit hand forward toward the end of pro- (het- name's Suzy) almost in tears be- tlnrdings are superficial and occasional- the studios with me. Grcohnws call them grams that are already running too cause an actor was flopping in an audi- ly inaccurate, in for such specialized assistance. long. doe, ay personal pigand, insists tion. She quickly switched mikes with Grnhms are radio's equivalent of Firr rr,il ;s' Grnhms who climb tip mi- that what they really do is time the him and put on a performance that gremlins, those Little People who are crophones and toss pebbles in actors' programs better than the directors. If was marvelous. "But he'll flop on the staging their own private feud with mouths. This makes the talkers fluff they like a program. they put the show," I remonstrated. "I know : she United Nations Fliers in Europe. Grem- Their lines. Joe Kelly of '`Barn Dance' brakes on the clock hands. forcing the replied. But he's caste and hungry and lins, as countless articles have told is the souI'ce of considerable data on entertainers to nil ill) some extra en- he might as well get one pay- check. you. specialize in puncturing gas - their habits, Art Van Harvey (Vic) tertainrnent. But when the jokes get anyway." tanks. stripping control wires in flight, claityes to have discovered a related tou corny they push the clock ahead. Basically. gratin's and ruiltileltas and playing hob with compass read- grohni called the sinudget, who blurs So far, the NBC report isn't tut, had. aren't vicious. A little unreliable. roeay- ings, type on scripts so as to cause fluffs. But It omits all references to wtriki- be, a Little mischievous. But by and The NBC report names several Squirliies. rfribblies, stria ks: These teItu,'r, ilIikilettas art feminine grohms, large they are s minor annoyance. major types rit grnhins, tvhich it aright are sound -objects ;al 1.11 ms. Squirtlies just as tiflnellas are feminine grein- Now. pigands are something else be well to review briefly: have little oil -cans with which to nil lins. They are subtler than grohms, again. Thoroughly baci characters - Fleccurs: Grnhms who grab cues hinges that are supposed to squeak, flightier. meaner, yet sometimes kind- Don't pall an ¡l attention to Andrews. frnin directors' finger -tips and fly Dribblies take showers in the rain ma- er. 1 once watched a mikiietta drive This is Joe Pirfaad talking. if rye around the studio with them so the chine. and sometimes sing as they un engineer crazy by playing with the didn't rrlir his eopl,, 71oi1'ct rind tlir actors can't pick them up. This makes bathe. The effect on a serious drama is sound indicator. She would push the worst tripe. Still lie complains becrrrrsc for awkward pauses and for nverfaps terrifying. Shilìíes switch the labels on meter up when the sound Was IOW. we stick ter a National Brocrlcestirrq between music and dialog. Fern Per- sound- e.fferts records. guaranteeing and he-ti frantically lower the volume. SListt lr! once in a Ichile or' sari that sons of " lie ipmate' contends that that a program which needs the soft The result on the air was ghastly. I Swing is heard an hltrrunt. Nuts flumes also switch the pages Of scripts. song of a woadiand bird will get a fine asked her about it, and she said It was To trim! Eenrlifisfrrdlrr. So tong.

WAR NEWS rouses enthusiasm on the AMOS 'N' ANDY solve the gas -rationing problem with this BELLE OF THE NINETIES k a part +ha+ part of Dick Widmark, star of NBC's neat little motorbike. In the driver's seat is Freeman Gosden, becomes Beatrice Kay. Here she is in "Front Page Farrell," Betty Garde, sob - portrayer of Amos. Charles Correll (Andy) poses in typically costume as the dashing soubrette of the sister of the serial, gives her approval "unfazed" fashion in the sidecar, unworried by traffic jams "Gay Nineties Revue," CBS Mondays 5es,4d4ze ...with black villainy, with fiery romance, with breath- less deeds of daring ... in the roaring era of Love, Could and Adventure!

Tyrone Maureen POWERS O HAHA


4"cre-e4te-eg-vae with LAIRD CREGAR THOMAS MITCHELL GEORGE SANDERS ANTHONY QUINN GEORGE ZUCCO Oireclad by HENRY KING Pradúced by ROBERT RAMER Screen Playby Ben Hecht and Seto, f Miller Adapted by Scion i. Miller, from the Novel by Rafael Sabatini

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