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NOTTINGHAM, €#artf# iHtelitaewn O'CONNOR AND HIS CON- ^ ma ^ m mmmm ^mMV^ iA^wuumam AA ^^ a . . MR nh ^J k STITUENTS. Fmsbur j .—At a meeting, held on Sunda y last , tha following resolution was carried una nimously ;«* Monday last presented a novel scene to the Moved bj R . Fozzan, seconded by Mr Dicrey, ' That we the members of the council of the JFinsbur y p^ple of Notting ham—the miniatur e of the People' s , looa. Char ter. Perhaps in these dull times, when dis« Iity. feel called upon to express our profound gratitiid a F. O'Connor g. cussion is altogether prohibited , and the expression Jo , Esq., M. P., for the -nerous and liberal offer he has wade to secure counsel for the . public opinion , whether in public or private , is de* of fence of th» men awaiting their trials in Newgate ; suppressed by the law of the sword or by the , per- aad we furth er feel that we should be want ing in out Ter sion of the law of the land , it is something re- AND l we di8C ntioue subscribing and collecting NATIONAL TEJJ3ES' JO J\ l ? fresh ing and novel to find the URNAL until he bB people still read y to . fully ind emnified from aDy pecuniary y loaf meet, even in the open air , fearlessly to express o the advan cement of monies for that purp ose.' No Xi«BD3.-On their opinions, thus provin g, beyond refutation , that VOL- XL 570- LONDON , SATURDAY, SEPTEMBE R 23, 1848. ™CE ¦ma S^ Sunday, Mrs Theob ald , of Manch ester. Five Shilling* and Sixpence per Quarter ve two Cresting lectures in the large room however brute forc e may triump h for a season, the of?. thei. B«o jar , Briggate. The room was crowded to csmbined intelligence of a united people will yet them lest they may be excluded from the festive to a str anger over his Thus I that unconstitu tional exoesj, an d the '' ¦ head. (Cheers.) measure passed the Commons, chairman, elicited sueh lecturer gave great satisfaction. £o« over throw its majesty and power. Cowed as the table and the social boaid , and lest ther eby their show you that the state of no refu- I would a show of hands as we be- wfong the of Mrs Ireland furnishes from that moment avow myself a Republi. lieve was ^ "'" Krrices Theobald , ma* working classes now are—disappointed as they have wives and families should lose their position in lation . But never befor e exhibit ed at a public meet, obtaini nforma tion so- , in God 's name, where is the great can. (Tremen dous cheerin g.) I also stated that byappljing to MrBrook JroD Kat/ been by the new parliament , from which so much ciety; their cry is a social cry, ing as illustrative of unanimit y ; and upon the con. and so is the cry of difficult y of settlin g this Labour Question if Labau r the suppres sion of public opinion would lead to the was expected—and after the most protracted ses- the middle classes. Those shopkeepers and was trary being put , not one single solitary hand was TivBRTO if, Devon.—A meeting trad ers represented ? (Cheers .) I will show you two establis hment of secret clubs and societies of the Char tist As* sion ever known , and in which so much perfidy feas , and held up against the motion , when the announcemen t •oci.uon was1 held on Frida y evening, who are now peris hing beneath the witherin g influ- source s—the one a debasin g fund , and the other a that those clubs and September been perpetrated—there is some societies would be the of Mr O'Connor 's re-electio n lptn . at. the Golden Lion Inn, I thin g not only was received with Westexe. Mr Row ence of class legislation, are obliged to pin them- pauper fund— from the application of which, to its focus of sedition , conspiracy, and tre ason ^ ohtfa, town * strange, but astonishin g, in the fact , fomented deafening cheers, followed b ¦councillor , in tbe chair . After the , that the most selves to the skirts of laree manu facturers and legitimate and proper purpose , the whole. Labour by spies and informers y waving of hats and aoription s sub ' , aad that the re sult would be, clappin g of several individual s had been hande d in, abused of that house is—with the exception of Mr commercial men,—the one class commandin g Question and war mean that the of hands. When the cheering had sub. ths question may be settled— I enthu siastic , the honest , and the destit ute , sided in aid of the Defence Fund , and an annou ncement Sharman Crawford —the only one of its members competi tive power which pauperises theshop Tithes and Will any would be , the a8t wcek £1 keeping Poor Rates. (Loud cheers. ) entrapped by the wily, the cunning, and m? 8 g P b** been re- who would dar e to base the tenure of his office upon Mr O'Connor again presented himself mitted»%t »* ^ class, the other commandin g the credit which ena- ene deny that tithe—if at all sustainable—is not a the villanou s. (Hear , hear. ) Well , and to Mr Ride r, at the Sue effice, making in si the free and , such has been said : My frien ds, I thank AiJ to unfettered opinion of his constituents , bles them to speculate in trade,—while both live divine charitable fund , from the proceeds of which my war ning to the you. I accept the re- tins fund , the aeoretiry brou ght farwai d tha people for now nearly eleven newal of my trust with balance electors and non-electors. Our readers were aware that upon the pride and destitution of the poor. (Loud the ignorant should be educated the stranger years, and see hovr pride and satisfaction ; the sheet for the past quarSer , which was rea d , my prophec y has been fulfilled more especiall an d adopted . it was impossible to secure a room , where this novel cheers.) Alas ! it is too true ! and you find that housed, and the destitute fed ?—an d will aay one by recent occurren ces. y as all were summoned, and the A questio n being asked wpeotine In London we have the in- jury has been the librar y, called forth from ons of T unanimous. And now the audit spectacl e was to take place, not that we believe the the same reasonin g applies , the same motives deny that Poor-rates should not be most beneficially former Powell-(groans)-and rel , wiihout or * y upon it you will vanity, I think I may say that I appoi nted to examine tho accounts, the result of the inconvenience to have arisen from plot or contri- operate, socially, upon the middle classes as upon employed to the sustainment of the poor , instead of have others . Iu , in my own per - Ashton we have Williamson aad soa, must present to ¦am * ; the rocome , expenditure , and balance being vance, but from the fact of the Exchan ge, and the the landed ari stocracy. The shopkeeper , like the to the coercion of the destitute ? Well those two mterbo ttom. In your minds the most extraor- named , it was , ^ Oldhara , Gifford ; and in Hsl i- dinary recollection. suggested that the various items 0! other public buildings , being previously engaged ; little landlord unds may Robert Her e I am , abused and de- expenditure , prostitutes his jud gment to the falla- be estima ted lowly at fifteen millions fax, Eramett , the most trusted from his nounced is a detailed form , should be pro duced and under these circumstances it was supposed that cies propounded b a-year ; and name. (• Oh by every newspa per in the empire ; re- at the next meeting, which was y manufactarers , lest be himself, , if app lied to the location of the poor , oh ,' and groans.) And mark , that in viled by aocenJi nely orde red Mr O'Connor would postpone his visit until such every class, save Labour , and by some aiier wmen, a portio n of Mr Barke d his wife, and his family, should be excluded from upon the land of their birth , would, in fi ve years, every locality those men professe d the lar gest amount even publicati oa of that order, and , nevertheless , accepted as I hb Pkopw, was read , which gave time as one or the other of these buildin gs could be the society of the more wealth y of their order. But locate half a million of families, amountin g to two of enthusiasm , while their own sworn testimon y esta- much eatiafac. its represent ative by a most enlightened constitu - tion , it being ooasidered by thoso prc aent tbat secured for that purpose. However, he felt aware let me illustr ate the proposi tion for you. Can la- millions and a half of people ; would leave a lar ge blishes the fact that they were the prime insti th i gators in ency ; and , to convince you of the importance that publi cation was » valuable co worke r with th that such an excuse might have been put down to >our .now estimate its value in the manufacturin g revenu e to the Exchequer ; would promote pure those several conspiracies. (« Oh , ' « JNob ihbrs oh, and Shame. ') I attach to short accounts , I am here to tell Star , ut the great and glorious cause 0 hesitation , and mLht have injured his cause ; and, market ? (Cries of • No, no.') No,—wages are religion and education ; destroy pau perism and de- Well, would I h ave been justified in you justioe and truth . jeopardisin g your now that I do not base ray tenure of office even A vote of thanks to the chair therefore , he resolved to meet the people in measured by the pride and destitution of the poor grada tion ; and reduce the taxation of the country cause by jeopardisin g my own liberty, man naisbed the business of the evezioa in obeying the upon its sessional duration , for if, during any session, ,( when the and not by any standard of the value of labou r. by fifteen millions a-year —substituting knowledge. injunctions (' company quietly separated. THE MARKET PLACE, oftbSg ^jillains. No. no.') No, but I should fail to dischar ge my trust faithfully , Christianit y, and Rochdale —To the Chartists of Eogland. Your children may be, and probabl y are, as dear to and wealth , for ignorance, prejudice , mark the difference, if all were allowed to speak not accordin g —Tha and now we shall proceed to give an account of the to the princi ples upon which you following resolutio n was passed unanimo usly at a you as the children of the Queen , and so base is the and povert y. (Loud cheers.) Then why is this openly; the folly of the fool would.be checked by affair. elected me, I shall not trifle with pledges or opi- meeting of the council of the Rochdale National system, that by the love of those children is the not attem pted ? Because it constitutes the fund the wisdom of the wise At half-past two o' clock, the time appointed for , our cause would have been nion , but whenever called upon durin g the session 1 tnarter Association , held September 18th p-' amount of wages measured. The employer for the pro paga tion of blasphemy and the pro- saved froa the we That commencing proceedings, Mr O'Connor , accompa- goes to ignominy that those ruffian s have cast shall be prepared to surrender a trust if but a small , the council of the Rochd ale branch , srein g tha the destitute man and say? ,' I employ you from cha- stration of Labour throu gh destitution. (Cheers. ) low itate of the nied by a party of the Old Guards , moun ted the upon it, and its advocates would have been saved minorit y shall demand its restorati on. (Loud cheers. ) Executive fund a , do f.Tthw itn remit ri ty, hut you must submit to a lar ge reduc tion of Talk ef redu ction of taxation , every year you are from a dre ary tno sum of fifteen shillings platform, and was received with loud cheers and dun geon. (Cheers.) My friends , I Again, I say, look at the novel spectacle of a man to the same, and wages;' the destitute man , in his increasin g it. This year you have increased it by two earnestl y call upon the men of England and wavin g of hats. pride and desola- am not come here to flatter you ; you are the manu- attem pted to be crushed by the whole Press of the Soot- tion, reflects and looks aro und him millions, and the generosity of Parliament will ever land lo do likewise.' There are many Joca 'itka Mr Sander s was appointed as chairman , and ; he sees his facturers of your own misery 5 you spend your money empire , and whose honour was to be destr oyed who , be measured by a have never contribu ted a penny to the present after commen wife that is dear to him, and his children that ought by the resolution to suppress the de- in drunkenness and dissipation— (loud cheers )— Select Committ ee Exe- ting upon the novelty of the spectacle , of the House of Commons. (Loud cutive ; and we oall upon them to do their duty , to be a blessing to him,—he perceives his weakness mand of labour. (Cheera. ) Perha ps, in giving an which, if applied to your reformation and and and the honour which the proceedings would confer organisa- cheers, and * They can' t.') Look, I say, upon that contribu te in propor tion to the number of mem. arisin g from want of union (cheers), and he says, account of my stewardshi p, I may inform yoa that tion , would make you too powerful for both upon Mr O'Connor and the people of Notting- your enemies. man who alone for his associates dare s, in such Bors, say a halfpenny per member ; then the wivel which alternative shall I accept. —that of a pau per 's I voted against this grant of Two Millions. (Cheers.) (Cheers. ) have told ^ ham, he introdu ced the honourabl e member to his I you a thousand times, and I now stirring and troublesome times, to appear before his and h ttle ones of Messrs M'Dou all and Jones can re* fare, and separation from my loved wife and But again I tell you, that an individual who standi ceive their consti tuents. child* repeat it , that your princi ples are within your grasp constituents and settle his accounts with them. wages. Remember the y were sacri ficed ren, or the proffered pittance which is up in that house to advocate the ri ghts of Labour for advocat ing your below the , at any time ; that you can make Peel and Russell (Great cheerin g.) Take it home with —think rights—and shall it be said that Mr O'Connor , upon presenting himself, was again ' you, you , the Cha rtists of value of my labour . ('Aye, and that s it.') Well, to ensures but a sorry hearing from any section. I bid the six points of the Charter for your support , upon it—reflect England and Soctland , allowed loudly cheered. He said upon it—dream upon it—and your their families to be ,—Mr Chairman , and elec- his honour, be it spoken, pride and love of family recollect Mr O'Connell was once arrai gned for call - when it is worth havin g j and , as I have told you a negleoted and forgctten ? Surely, wonder will be that the man , whem those bloody you will not. We hope, then , that your tors, and non-electors of Nottin gham—I hare come triumph , he ado pts the sad alternati ve, and becomea ing them 658 pickpockets—and when he became thousand times before , you have no ri respond will ght to call acts were principally framed to entra p, is still at be the forwar ding of pound s, shillings, and a miserable exister. Well, is his position as a cus- shy and overawed , and was about to retract, 1 upjn me to violate one single pence, her * to-da y to dischar ge a must sacred obligation. I law that would jeo- large, and fearlessly defends his princi ples in the whioh will be putting ; into praetical operation tomer to the shopkeeper improved ? Far from it. pulled him by ths skirt and said , ' Stick to it, and the pardise my liberty, until you have all worked as I Market-p lace, and then, I think, that instead of goldsn rule- ' Do unt o others aa ye would they received your confidence and support upon the assu- He but suffers individuall y, while the shop we will back you. , keepers ' And although Mr M. J. have done, within the law, for the accomplishment of revilin g yeu will honour me; while you will agree should do unto yon.' rance, and with a knowled ge of my principles—with suffer collectively from labour 's destitution. O'Connell, Lord Arundel and Surre y, (Cheers.) and the your principles. (Loud cheers. ) Let all work for with what I have before stated , that one tongue at Signed on behalt of the council , Let us look to the other side of the Methodis t .Parson a knowledge of those princi ples you elected me as picture , and 1 Drummond , frequently read the a month as I h ave worked for twent j -six years , large is worth thou sands that are incarcerate d. Lbigh Glbave , secretary, furnish it from the Land Plan (loud cheers ), Northern Star ' MlIHOrO LITAN CbNTBAL VlOIIM your representative , and I am come here to.day to ay, in the House of Commons, and and your Charter is carried. (Cheers. ) The men Again, I thank you, assurin g: you that I shall now AND Dl£PBNG8 this plan whieh a licksp would make Fond. — KeceiptB from September 10th to Se ittle mercenary of the go n:e responsible , not only for every who inhabit those houses now consider me a destruc- resume my seat with more pride and ptember tell you that , in spite of the reign of terror—in defi- more force 17th.—83, Dean-itreefr , Soho, 4*Si ; for vernmen t—receivin g £ 2,000 a year of your money word in it, but also for the quack advertise- tive and a firebrand but I tel l Defence, ; you that I will live when backed by the renewal of your confidence. 2i 2d; Carli sle, per J. Gilfcerta on; for D ance of the odium songht to be cast upon thoseprin- for deciding upon the scratching of soldier 's backs— ments—(laughter)—and althou gh what I am saying down their efence of prejudice, and they will yet adopt my (Loud and long continued cheering.) Cuffsy and others , £1; Green -cate. 3d : Stall. and the government itself, sought to destroy by des- here now may be flashed in my face, 6> ples, and of the persecution by which they are at- I will apply teachin g. This class would draw lots for the hon our wood , 2* Id; Globe and Friends troying me. (Hear hear. ) the words of Sheridan to that assembl . 7i ; Cigar maker s, , Suppose trade is brisk , y— of hanging and gibbetin g me; but so averse am I to fo wyfl | !V iDOr e 5i: Crip tempted to be put down—I am here , I say, in defiance ^ ' ,^ !!l Jr ' o PJeeate ' P 8r Mfa G«'l» and that hands are wanted , and that the countr y ' Tanta .nra.ra—roguei all cruelty, that when TO THE MEMBERS OF THE 10j lOJ d ; Mr KendnJ ck' Globe to say that I still main- , regau all.' saved from their fangs, I would , and Frien ds, 5j : A of those dange rs and threats , must be scoured far a supply, the employer goes Friend, psr Mr Sumner. 6i; (Roars of laughter.) My friends , if we could have not hurt a hair of their heads , but would reclaim NATIONAL LAND COMPANY. Mr Rider , aa per tain those princi ples in their integrity and entirety into that free mark et, the husbandman rests upon them by kindness. (Cheers. ) Stab, £2 Oi ii ; Laud Office, as per Star , 3 secured a room uninterru pted by the passin g of I hate cruelty, and 15 54 his spade or his hoe; here is reciproci ty,—here they Mr Kydd , par Siab , 1* ; Dj pttord , per Mr Flojd , —(loud cheers)—and if you are not prepared to vehicUs, as we are here , thou gh brande d as a destructive , it is my greatest My Friends, trea t upon equal terms , and the husbandman says I might, and probabl y 5s; for Defence, per Floyd , 2iGJ; Wootton-under * elect another to , ' I would, have delivered a mere boast to be able to say th at I never committed or o a accept me as their represen tative , can earn 30s. a week and consecutive addr ess as Y u must n tur ally suppose th at I, of eige, per R. Lone , 5i; Nottingha m, per J. Sweeh good health ,—I can eat regards tolerated a single act of cruelt y, even to a dumb fill my place ; hut I will not sit in that assembly, to my stewardshi p, the present position of all persons connected with the Land Scheme, 6s3i.—Total , J67 4s9J d. provisions that have not been thumbed in the mar- animal, in all my life. (Cheers.) Cruelt is the nations and the Labour Question , but while other-* y am the most interested in a decision upon its James Gbas 9by, secretary. which you have sent me, if my voice and my vote, ket-place,—I can rest in my own house, surrounded , would be but too happy to make the excuss of greatest of all vices ; you may reclaim the drunk ard , future workings and efficiency by my own family, and I am my own master ! not ; and in order and my principles, are not stamped with your unani- being able to get a meeting-pla ce as an the idler, the liar, or the thief , but you never can re- to secure WHAT WIL L YOU GIVE ME ?' (Cheers.) The apology for a speedy decision upon the proposi- NATIONAL LAND COMPANY. mous approbation. (Cheers .) And I now pr esent a postponing their appearance , I make no suoh excuse claim the cruel man. Before the question of my resig- tions that have been submitted to employer retires , he comes to the slave market , and nation is put to this meeting, I must arm you, I, novel spectacle. I stand here to give practical effect —I prefer meeting you in this mark et-place under you and together with Alva and Distr ict—Messrs M'Grath and Clark there the labourer measures his wage3 by the desti- myself with an answer toan y Mr Dixon and Mr Doyle (our the canopy of the broad blue sky and where none charge of partialit y, or of brother Directors will meet the memb ;ra of the several braaches in to two of the six points embodied in the People' s tution of his class,—the shopkeeper becomes bank- this being a packed or one-sided meeting. I ' , being on their mission), •his diatriot at Alva can be denied admittance. And now let no man must have , , on Monday evening aex\ the ru pt from his poverty, and wealth becomes centra- you that the electors as well as the decided up on hold ing a Confe rence at 25 ;h in>-t. Charter. I stand here-denounced by the Press- misunder stand me or affect to misinterpret tha remind non-electors lised in the hands of the few, who monopolise legis- Birmingham, on Monday, the 30th October, Glaso .w.—Messrs M'Gra th and Clark will meet denounced by the classes denounced by some of object of my visit. I come her e to tell have had ten days notice of the object ; and I must lation , and which is app lied to the you that I and I am the more anxious for the ado the members of this and surrounding br anches the enthusiastic who would have jeopardised me, degradation of maintain again, in order to place you and myself in a proper pt ion of , on every poiut of the People's Charter as my Wednesday evening next, 27 h inst., at Glasgow. and jeopardised our cause ; I stand here as I stand labour."(Cheen.) In Nottin gham and the other position, repeat and impress upon your minds that this course, in consequence of the declaration of princi ple. (Cheers.) I come her e to tell you that KiiMARNO CK. —Messrs M Grath and Clark will in the House of Commons—ALONE , to give an manufacturing towns, trade is paralysed , and you if a mere fracti on of this meeting, an insignificant several of the Midland Counties Secretaries, if the most influential man in this borou gh said, • Use meet the members of this and surroundin g branches , account of my stewardshi p, to tender my resi gna- are at .a loss for the solution, but I think I can ^ fraction , shall manifest disapproval of my conduct whom I had the pleasure to meet at Notting- your influence to secure me place, patrona ge, or on Tueiday . 26'.h inst., at Kilmarnook . if you are dissatisfied with my services, t show you why your fancy trade has suffered from by voting to accept my resi I will at once ham , on Monday last. They urged—and I Albxwduia . tion, or o emolument , and I will ensure you your re-electio n at gnation , — Messrs M Grat hand Clai k will meet the present continental convulsion. Meu engaged resi , as the honour rests in representin g entirely coincided with them—the indispen- tho members of this branch on accept a renewal of the trust of those services if they the next contest , or, refuse it and my oppositi on gn all, and not Thursda y evening, in revolution and expecting death , do not pre pare in representin g part of the mind sable necessity of convoking the 28th init. have met with your appro bation. (Loud cheers.) And shall ensure your defeat ;' in such case my answer , the will, and the in. Conference ; for the advent like the hero , or the bride groom telli when I say that such is my intention , do not mistake should be, ' You are not my master I am not gence of Nottin gham. I have sow done, merely and they further urged the necessity of each upon the stage, they are not like them at- your observin g my by presuming that I will resor t to any mean or servant , I was not employed to do your work and I that no doubt the youn g gentlemen of the district paying the expenses of its own dele- Bilmon —Th e Chartists of Bilatoa are reques ted tired in doublet and hose, embroidered with Press, who are numericall shufflinz trick for the purpose of deceiving you ; do will not prostitute myself to your service.' I would y strong here— (cheers )— gate, and you may rest assured that 1 cord ially to meet at the house of Mr Joseph Linney , on Sunday point lace ruffles , they go simply at tir ed into will assure their readers on Saturday next cot suppose tha t I am going to take a show of rather maintain my honour and independence than , that Mr acquiesced in that proposition. evening next, to take into considerati on the best the field of action , and cease to be customers O'Connor made a long and ramblin g means of raitin g funds for the hands, as a means of ascer tainin g the will of the maintain my seat in parliament at the expense of speech , with- We have named a day sufficiently remote to support of the law- foi your wares ; — then your labour ceases out beginning, made victims. majority, and thus hold my seat upon a puzzle. No. , eithe r. (Loud cheers.) Nottin gham middle, or ending, to three or four afford the members of all districts maturely an d its produce is not required has given J Souih Lohdok Chartist Ha ll. if I cannot represen t you almost unanimously, I will , yon cannot in return hundred tattered ra gamuffins—(great laughter )—and dispassionately —Walter Cooper England a Chief Justice and the Board of Centr oul to consider the propositions to will lecture on Sunday eveniae nex t at all. (Cheers.) And in order procure food , and you are deficient in the commis- that the motley assemblage did not represent any , September 24 sot represent you a President , and it shall be the boast of the consti- be discussed by the Conference ; and every at eight o' olock. Subje ct : ' The life, charac ter , and may be considered as a fair sariat departmen t; and vulgar and eontemned as portion of the mind of Nottin gham ; while, if a that this vast assemb lage tuenc y that Nottin ghamjhaj obliterated those 3tain s thinking man must see an d understand th at writings of Robert Burns. ' —Mr Kyd d will lecture on the Land question is, let me call your atten- Whigling, or a Tory representative, had placed him- representation of your town, I tell you that if a from its history by giving labour an honest repre- this4course would be ju st as necessary after the Monday evening next. Subject : • The four pillar s tion to this startling fact, that the prostra- self in the same honourable position , and spouted very few hands in the front , or on the ri ght, the . sentative . (Lond cheers. ) Again, if any man in tour of Messrs M'Grath and Clark, as there is of the itat t.' tion of trade at home or abroad , does not de- unconnected balderdash for ten minutes Oldhak. left, or ia the centre, are held up against the re- this vast assemblage and belonging to the consti- , his speech no other possible means by which the opinion —A general meeting of tho members of prive a pig of its value, or paralyse the in. would be represented as the sublimity of eloquence , the N ational Lan d Company will take place in the newal of my tenure of office , I will surrender my tuenc y voted for me in the hope that I would re- of the several districts could be ascertained. dustry of the producer ; the pig is the com- and his conduct as well worthy of imitation. (Great ¦oheol room of the Woiking Man 's Hall, on Sunday trust into your hands. (Loud cheers.) When 1 commend him as a policeman or an exciseman As far as I am concerned l missariat , the feeder is the commissar y-general , and cheerin g.) But as my popularity never did—and , I on y gather from next, September Si, when all who are enrolled are represented my native county in Parliament , and —(laughter)—or that I will do so, let him now vote requested te pay although you cannot eat lace, he can eat his pig, please God! never shall, depend upon the hired mere rumour and from letters from individuals their contributio ns, Ac, and com- before yoH had established your Charter , and before for the acceptin g of the resi gnation of my trunt as I mence paying the penny per share to th a aid fund. and if his wife or himself require the produce of praise of a prostitute Press , I now submit myself , as in the sever al district s, th at the pro position s — I became associated with English politics, I carried will in nowise prostitute myself to his debasement. On Sunday (to-morrow) Mr Jame s Leach of Ma n* artificial labour , they will get more of it for th e pig your representative , to ths most searchin g examina- have been received with all but unanimous ap- -the two great princip les of Annual Par liaments and (Loud cheers.) I will make an honou rable con- oheiter , will lecture in the Working Man 's Hall, at in bad than in good times. (Heir , hear, and tion not into my stewardshi p only, proval. Of course there are and will be some ' Universal Suffrage into practical operation , at the tra ct with my honourable colleague, to him I leave , but, as trust six o olock in the evening. Subjec t: ' The organi- cheers.) No man can control the labour of the free should be based upon character and honour , I court , objections , and some amen dment s, as the pro- satien of labour and co operati on.' close of each session of Parliament , by tendering my the patronage, if he can get it. (Lau ghter .) 1 labourer, while the employment and wages of the I invite , and challenge the most ri positions are merel y to elicit discussion ; an d Mb DoNovAw' g Robxb.—Mr Donova n resignation to the people. (Cheers .) I sat in the will reserve my independence. I am your servan t gid inquirry into , of Msnohei * hired labourer depends upon the caprice of the every act of my life, and from which, notwithstand- by the time appointed for the meeting of Con* ter, will attend thejfo llowing places next week— reform parliamen t in its infan cy ; and I shall now but not your slave. If I hire a servant upon the pre- capitalist , more than upon the demand for his pro- ing the denunciation of the Press , I shall be able fertnee, I hope to be enabled to present such a the councils of the different localities will please an- proceed to give you an accoun t of its dctaze. sumption that he will faithfull y discharge the re- nounce and pr ovide places of meetin duce. (Hear , hear. ) In Prussia , and in , and to prove, before an impartial tribunal , that I have set of rules as will bring us within the g :-Padiham , (Laug hter. ) Popular expectation was roused almost quired duties, I would consider it an act of the Sunday, September 24: Burnley, Monday , throughout the world, the solution of the Labour never committed a dishonest, a mean, a dishonour- Friendl Societies Acts, and enable us to pro- 23; to madness, by hope raised , by the assurance that greatest tyranny if I was compelled to retain that y Barowford , 26; Coloe, Wednesday , 27; Ciithero , Question is now the one topic of all-abs orbing con- able or ungentleman-like act throug hout my life. ranch new blood had been infused into the ema- servant after he had proved himself inefficient or not cure enrolment. However, whatever you may Thursday, 28; Baoup , Frida y, 29; Todmorden , versation , and yet I defy you to point me out one (Loud and tremendou s cheering.) Now I am here Sunday , Ootober 1. ciated and withered body of legislation during the trustworthy, and I look upon you in the same po- think of the pr obable and ultim ate success of practica l word , written , published , or spoken upon te answer any question that may , not Niw R*dford. Zast general election. Another great and boasted sition ; I should consider that I had committed the be put to me the Plan , I am determined to struggle to the ~The Land members of this branoh this all-important subject. True , a great theor y has y upon my parliamentary, t UnOn mv general are requested to attend a meeting at the Pelicap rinci le of reform was to have been real ised—the greatest act of tyranny towards you if, havin g onl bu death for its realisation , as in my soul and my , p p been propounded—the theory of Socialism and em- Pelioan -street , on Monday evening next Six Poin ts of the Charter were to be rende red un- ployed me from a belief in my efficiency conduct. conscience I believe, scoffed at as it is, that it , at eis Communism, and that theory has been enthusiasti- or reliance o'olock. by sound legislation , and while those six upon my honour, I had deceived you upon When silenne was restored, a person came to the must and will constitute the basis of social and necessary cally accepted and app lauded in consequence of its both SiimiBLD—A meeting of the Chartists will ba points are repudia ted by the enemies of labou r, poists but still had recourse to the flimsy front of the platform , and asked Mr O'Connor why political regener ation, and be the adopted of held ia the real and practical deficiency. It is a theory upon techni - Democratic Readin g Rooms, 33, Qaeen * there have been five nsw points added to the Eng- cality of hirin g for a certain period to secure it was he had not supported Sir Henry Halford' s all nations. street, on Sunday evening, at eight o' k which the writer and the spouter may excite the my cloc , ami every lish Constitutio n. (Hear , hear. ) Tes, of all the place. (Loud cheers.) I am not like the kon measure with regard to the Framework-knitters. I trust that the members in the several dis- succeeding evening, at which the Northkr h Star and most lively enthusiasm , but it is one which, in its savage and bloody enactments that disgrace the members for Sheffield, who, when requested to re- Mr O'Connor repeated the question , so that all tricts will elect shrewd and trustworthy de- daily paper s will be publicly read . Oa Tuesda y practical result , must inevitabl y end in a war of the evening, September 26, at half-past seven statute book , those which have stained it during the sign by the very voters that elected them, ur ged might hear and understand it, and gave the follow, g s to , Mr Laac H industrious against the idle. (Loud cheers.) Do le ate , whose chief aim and object will be will deliver a lecture . Subject:' Emigration and its recent session of parliament , are the most atrocious their seven years ' tenure of office as a justi fication ing answer :—I shal l first answer the question un- not mistake me, my friends , for while I am allowing do the best in their power to secure the ein effeots upon British commerce. ' But althoug h as the matter stands , for continuin g in their dishonoured trust. (Cheers. ) equivocally, aud I shall then ask ano ther. Sir and bloody. the greatest latitude and tolera tion to the freest ex- ciency of the Plan. Exetbr. —Tie Lund members ef this branc h ara after time it will be more gratif ying to There may be some men who attach paramount im- Henr y Halford brought his measure forward upon a requested to perhaps in pression of opinion, and the most unbounded advo- I remain, your faithful friend, convene a meetin g for the purpose of the people of Nottingham, to know that their repre- portance to a seat in parliament , but it is my pride Wednesday, when the sitting of the house is limited electing a seoretary in the room of J. W. llavill. cacy ot a princi ple, I am neither a Socialist nor Feaugus O'Connor. whffl sentative was the first man to resist them , and the to say, that I believe there are only two members of from twelve to six o'clock. I remained in the house has rergned . Communist. (Loud cheers.) The princi ple is at 11 x «—^ m ^ tj ^ i 1 • .^_^_ last to abando n his opposition. (Loud cheers.) that house, and they are both Irishmen , repres ent- till half-past two ; there were other questions to Wbst Ridin g Dblsqatb iVIbbtu g.— A West Rid ic variance with the rul ing instinct of man , which is & Yes, had it not been for me, the Irish Coercion Bill, ing English constituencies, who would have the come on' af ter that under discussion was decided , and THE DIRECTORS' PROPOSITIONS. delegate meeting will be held in the Chartist roms, selfishness, self-intere st, self-reliance , and individu - Leeds', on Sunday mornin g next which was No. 1 in the black catalo gue, would have manliness to face the electors and non-elector s in it was thou ght impossible to bring on the Frame- , the 24th icst , at ality ; and decry that feeling or instinct as you may, 10 TflE KDITJR 0? TBE NOSTHEBN BTAB. ten o' clook, for the pu rpoaa of windin g up tha ac« passed sub tilentio, and withou t a voice being raised their respective boroug hs and tender their resigna- work.kni tters ' question on tha t day : I left the I tell you tha t there is not a man in the meeting, or Dunfermline, 10th Sept , 1818. counts of the late Wcb i Riding Demonstration. It is against it—(Shame , shame)—and the - records of tion. Of course you are aware that I allude to house to meet a deputation. I was returnin g at a man in this world, who is not governed by that Mr Edi tor ,—Amongst the many plans that have to be hoped th at all parties cancer red will see tho Parliament will tell you that I opposed the whole Sharraan Crawford—( tremendous cheerin g) —the half-past three , upon the presumption th at the ques- necessity of attending and ruling instinct , and above all—those who profess the beea propounded lor battering the condition of the settling this affair without five upon their introduc tion , until at length in my hon . member for Rochdale, who may, with conn. tion might come on. I met some members coming workiBg further notice . princip les of Socialism. (Great cheering.) The classes, there has not been one equal to opposition te the last invasion, or rather destruc- dence, stand before his constituents and non-electors out, who told me it was impossible it could come the Land allotmen t put in praotice by tha i great Kiddkrminbteb. —A special meeting of tha mem* government of that instinct may be varied , one of the remnant of Iris hliberty, I was lett alone, and give an account of the zealous , the faithful , and on. However , that question , that onght to have taken and good man , Feargus O'Connor , Esq. What a bera of this branoh of the Land Company will be held tion, man may be selfish and sordid , another man may be and without a seconder. (Cheers.) And as to all independent manner in which he has discharged the a long time in discussion , was not only brought regret will it cause throughout the country should it at the Falco n Ian, en Tuesday evening next , at seven selfish and generous. I am selfi-h, and, if I had fail. It is the duty of every one who feels an in- o'olook. practical measures of amelioration , the voice of a duties of his office. (Loud cheers. ) I tell you, on but disposed of in about an hour , And now I come ing zny against five millions of money to-morrow , the bearin g of my electors and nen-electors , tha t I did not to my question. Determined to dischar ge my obliga- terest iu the working man, to do his utmost endea- Sourn London Chartist Hall —A publio discus* single man was incapable of carry buy you vour to work out tbis great soheme. I sion will take place at the above hall, selfishness would be to expend it to the last farthin g you and as you did tions fairly to my consti tuents I came to Nottin g- see the Di- on Sunday the interests of faction. I stand alone in that house , and I will not sell , njt buy me , rectors are anxious and willin g morning , at eleven o'clock. Subject : ' Which would upon the location of the poor upon the land. (Loud to consult with the several to do their best, hated by those opposite me, hated by those behind you shall not sell me. (Great cheer ing.) I may ham before the session, they haying brought before the members several most benefit the nation , emigratio n or home coloni- cheers.) What! tell me that any one set of men , with classes and trades, upon questions of importance , ; me. hated by those on each side and around me, make myself as serviceable to your cause out of par- p rop ositions for their approval or disapproval. sation. ' —The Land members will meet at s x o' clock brains in their heads, will labour that others may without aay reference to politics ; I came to receive Njw in the evenin g. because traffic in your destitut ion constitutes the liament as in it, and your rejection of me to day , sir, th ere ia one of theee propositions th at live upon their indu stry—and such would be the instruction , and to act upon my instructions ; I re- carries a strong objection on tbe face uf it. Emigration. —Matthew Stevecson having resided stock-in-trad e and profit of each. (Cheers. ) And shall not damp my ardour in that cause. An es- real practical effect ef Socialism , or rather Com- mained here three days ; not a question was sub- tate is bought—the ground is djeared— the houses four years in America, chit fl/ amonget the workin g althoug h the solution of tne Labour Question now (Cheers.) No, althoug h its death is again pro- munism. The state in which we live is one huge mitted to me, except that of thetrame-work knitters . built—all is made ready—a day appoin ted for loca- classes, will deliver one or two lectures , if required , convulses the world , yet are those, called your re- nounced by the Pr ess and our enemies, as of yore, to system of Communism : and it is only out of those I discussed their ca9e with them ; I told them the tion—due notice is^iven all—the members ' bids in any town within fifty miles of Bolton on the pro- presentatives, as hopelessly ignorant of the subject I am going to make another tour of resurrection. bable good or evil results of emi grating to materials of self-relia nce, individuality, and co-ope- impossibility of instructin g me upon so lar ge a are taken—ths highest receives his location—the t>o Unite d as the unborn babe. (Hear , hear.) Your chairman (Cheers.) The little minister is gone to Ireland to money to go fer the good of all. This plan might StateB. Terms-paying hi* travelling and other ration , that a just system , equally protective of all , question in conversa tion ; I asked them to submit has truly told you that I was not going to appeal to settle the question of that countr y. What a subject do were there aot a better and a juster way . The reasonable expenses. Address , Matthew Stevenson , the rich and the poor , the strong and the weak , the their opinions in a plain and simple form in writi ng, those statel y houses and shops by which we are for a puppet-sho w ! (Cheers.) If, instead of ex- juster way , in my opinion , is to give an opportunity newa-agent , No. 7, Folds-road , Little Boltcn , Lsn- educated and the ignorant, the hale and the cripple, to state distinctl y their grievances and proposed re- surrcurded ; as I do not represent the bricks , tracting two millions from your exhausted frames , to all—the able and the less able member. The way cashiie. the sane and the insane , can be moulded. Once have medies, and that , at my own expense, I would I propose, is to take weekly instalments, so Nbwcastlb-u pon-Tine. — A general meeting r,£ stone, and mortar , of which they are composed, he had placed himself at my disposal , I would that the establish the princip le of Csmmunism , and you para- secure the ablest counsel to lick them into parlia- poor member may pay in his pence, the members of this branch will bs held in M. Jii ds' baf I have sum- made more money of the raree-show , as the and the more 3 the intellect of thinking man , mentar y shape, able member his long room, on Monday evening, September 25, lyse industry, yon destroy honourable competition , menageries or exhibitions of Batty, Wombwell, or embody them in a bill, propose it pounds—each to reap the benefit oi at moned the mind and not the mind' s extinguisher ss to and his own money, eight o' olock, and the members will be n quired to you elevate the cunni ng, destroy self-reliance , and have been as nothing compared support it in parliammt. (Loud cheers.) by way of interest, or by lowering the tribunal to jud ge my fitne-s , but although 1 Van Amburgh would his rent when located—the highest pay- commence payin g up their shares , and to the aid create a war of the idle strong against the weak in- saw And as we say in Ireland, ' It 's a bad dog that's not oh the list of may not represent those inanimate things or their to the exhibition of the smallest Saxon you ever ments to receive his house and land. In my opi- fund , in accordance with the resoluti on.—A district dustrious. (Cheers.) I ask you boldly, in the face the worth whistlin g after. 'I never received those in- senseless occupants , and as it is my desire to ex- for nothin g. (Great laughter.) I think I. hear nion , werethia plan adopted , it would give a stimulus delegate meeting of the Charter Association will ba of this promul gated and extensively-accepted theory, structions from those frame-work kni tters , and, as in plain the links by which all society is bound toge- keeper crying out : ' Ladies and Gen tlemen— to the membars far surpassing the Ballot - It will held in the house of Mr T. Pr att , Magnesia Back , if there is a man among st you who does not prefer that all cases, they would now charge me with their own North Shields, on Sunday, September 24 ther, I will prove to the inmates of those house * Vont yon valk up and see the smallest Saxon double the funds that the proposed bonus would de. at two the princi ple of self-reliance, individuality, and co- neglect of duty. (Cheers.) 100 members were to be o'ttock. that their salvation , their comfort , th?ir prosperity vas ever seen for noth ing ?' and I think I hear Suppose , for instance , operation, to that of Communism, which would at The perso n located , say next monih , and all the hundred to pa; Arrbbt op Mr Johk west. rpo and wealth wholly upon the prosperity of Peggy Muldooney say to Nelly Mulligan : 'Wisha , who asked the quest ion , replied, —Nxwcastlb .f , depends once destroy every one of those att ributes? (Loud £20 on an average. This would amount to £2,000. Tins. —Mr John West of Maoclcefiald , was arrested (Cheers. ) Let me ask the God, Peg, his'nt he a poor little crater— the devil that he did not put the question with any , the workin g classes. my let it be Eupposed tb at weekly instalments were here on Sunday evening, September 13 cheers.) I am not astonished at a destitute people Regan' ' (Roars the slightest ill-feeling, Now, , on a bench inmates of those shops, whether the well-paid la- from me, but he'd fit in Jac k s belly- but that he wished the , aad 20 vin 'ns, Supc caped the convulsion. (Cheers.) I think I hear labour 's adversitv ? and that brinsrs us to the consi- be astonished , as the old adage says— * Times ch ange reference to the price of sugar . (Cheers.) Any picked from the street s a little girl , the daughter of 28 .h, and a tua party and ball on the two tiilowio# tic directing my attention to Ireland , and a pattern drawer ; that search was days, the 29tli 3,0th September . deration of the great sccial question. And I will the scep and we change with them.' Now so much for Lord more question s ? a Mr Morrison , and of Tea on tha summoni ng that unhappy countr y as a refutation of afterwards made for her in every direction ; and tha t tiblo, each day, at Iiyo o' clock precisely. now show you how everv class of society is vitiated John' s tour in Ireland as a means of pacificating and No other question being put , though ample time my assertion— but my answer is, that there is no many da ys afterwards the child was found in a state Salfjhd Chartist msz>,ber3 at the head and source , and I will prove to you that regenerating that country , and a word as to our own was allowed, —A raeoting of tha Ireland. (Cheers.) The serf who im- of nakeancB s in this wotnnn\i possession in an obscure •will bo held Ban k-street Gr eats of the Labour Question is tenure in and I have done. I stated in parlia- Mr Sweet , as an elector, moved ' That Mr O'Con- in their roonu , middle-class ignoranc e movement, part of the city. . The pr isoner was convicted and g lcxI Ssp tember proves the soil is the bond slave of its owner. There , what I never stated but noihad fai thfull y dischar ged his duties to the elec- George-streo *, on Sunday evenin , the cause of their own ruin , and the depression of ment as your represe ntative sentenced to fourteen yearn ' transportation. .—On Mo»;lsy Evening is a premium for idleness , and a discoura gement to upon tors and non-electors he be 2Uh, at half»paBt s^x o'clock trade. (Hear , hear .) The middle classes, like the what I always opposed on the hustings and of Nottin gham, and that DKPAimiKE of Convicib PuR New South Walhs a inaeiiug ni\\ bo held in tho abova room for tha pur - industry. If the small farmer , who pays £1 an was re-elected as their parli ament.' hired convict-ship, left her moorings land ed aristocracy, are linked t ogether by social the platform, namely—that if the Constitution representative in —The Etlen , , pose of lengthening the Dafeaoo and Victim Fund , acre for land , increases its value to 25s., the griping Loud cheers. ) oppoBi'.e the Royal Amnal ,. Woolwich , dn. Vciday ^ ties and class prejudices ; the little landlords , violated by the supp ression of public opinion, when the Manchest er victims will atloud ;—1 amely, landlord gives him the option of increasin g his rent now- afternoon, with 300 convicts on board {rota Mil with small iicomes, adopt the opinions which is the safety.va lve of agitation, the bulwa rk The veteran Georgb Harrison , with his, Messrs Lep.ch, Donovan , Claik, Givcott , W liitcaker , to 25s.—thus taxing his own industry, and making the white head non-elector , to bank Penitentiary and tha Model PrUftu a? Pec- Chair to be^a^n and princi ples of great landlords, with large of the Constitution , the preserver of peace, and , came forward, as a Weit , and others, at taifyai * capital of his labour—or the alternative of lettin g it second tbe put by the tontine. ' incomes and small intellects ; they fear to oppose magnet of 6ouud pub lic opinion—I stated tha t if proposition , and which, when seven o clock . X _ 2 - . THE N O RTHERN STAR . September 23, 1848.

' ' Revalenta Arabica,' and I am happy to say that it has tlona to the payment , which I should wish t> ur ge upon couid not gain admittance . A ladder was procured AN EFFECTUAL CURE FOR PILES, FISTULAS, fcc. effect, in res toring mo to health again , &c. , when had the desired f once $ttmu your worship. —Mr Ysrdley : If they are such as I cun wlteeaa get up to the first floor window when Kitche n. , the male —Anthony entertain issue am prisoner Wymoidka m, Norfolk, May 10, 1818.—Gentlemen ,—I , you may do so j but the poin ts at , wbo h ud a piece ofwoodUke a «taff , threa tened S PI LE OINTMENT. whether tbe rats has b;en ABERNE THY ' am happy to inform you, that throug h the Divine blessing WEST MINSTER , — Hiauw&r Kobdee t. — Sarah you aro rateable , whether t'> kill ai;y one who dared to enter his place. The pri - ! ana comparati vely how few of tke aStcted hav« feeeft ' Revale nta Arabica Food,' I am much better, duly demanded , and whether it has or has not been soner al so WHAT a painful and nosious distase is the Piles perna- upon th « Brrl ng ton en A Elizabeth W«eloy, wero charged with tOroatcne * to blow out his brains with a- nenttv enred by oriinarv appe als to Medical skiU! Tku , no d«ubt, ansea from the mso «f powsrful aperienU althoug h I have taken it only four or five dajB . I can highway rebbery . paid. I eann at have matters over which I ha ye no juris- plitol . The ohildron and iho piissncrs were in better effect upon tbe stomach committing a —Henr y Thomas Jones the room • toofre quendy AdBvnistere d by the Prof esstsn ; indeed, strong internal medicin * should «lway» be avoided U all la fely say tha t it has had a diction discussed here —Mr Donne : There is ouo poin t the' r Ointm ent , after years of ae all the medicine I have taken for tbo sta ted that ha was going home on Saturday eight, and . appe arance was awful , find be thought one of thim cues of this coraBle int. The Propricta r of tha above ite suffer ing, placed kinself und«r aBd bowels, tiian into had pro oeeded half-way up Doan -strcet , Westminster which , from your worshi p' position , you are im- wjs dead . Another cons tabl e arrived , wh nn they of that eminent surgeo n, Mr Abern ethy, was by him restored to perfe ct health , Rndhas enjoyed it ever last four months. I have had the advice and attendance , * en* ti»e trea tment of the over a perio d of fifteen surgeons , but none of them have the prison ers followed him peratively bound to inquire : the summons alleges tha t tered the plac>-, ana took ¦taee ^ vrthont tn * siwhte st retur n Disorder , of years , durin g which tuna the same Aber- of one physician and four when , and Errln gton suddenl y tbe four children to the work, ' of healing; a vast number desper at* go much for mo as 1mb been done in so tho rate is justl y due which those at whoie in»tanc» it home Befldan prescri ption hns been the me^ns cases, botk im and out of the Pro- been able to do coming up to bim, swore that he should give her some, , ; and ihe prisoners woro taken into nustody . One which eases had been un-ier Medical care , and time by the ' Revalenta A rabica Food. '—Robert was issued •rirtor 's circles of fnemls, most of some of them for a very consider , short a thing for brl pglng her bII that way. lie wan much our. kuow to be a gross falsehood. —Mr Yardlty : ofI the children , Henriet t a, nine yesr * of ago, had a pair s Pae Ointment was introduced to the PubUc by the desire Woodbine , builder , &c—Mess rDu Barry and C o. I will itte time Aberneth y' of many who had been perfectly prlBed and told her that ho had not taken not tolerate the uso of such language here . —Mr of black eyes, and she taid they ' , and since its in roduction , the fame of this ointment has spread far and wide ; even the Athol-st reet, Perth , May V nd, 1818 — Some time has now , her out of were cauBed by her fnher tilled bv its apu ication She then said that if ho did Dunne : You bavo no ri ght to dict ate t o mo, an intelli- bea ting her altray s slow and nnwUlwg to acknowled ge the virtues of any Medicine not prepared b them , elapsed since the lady (who had been an invalid for thir- the way. not immediatel y . The other children aleo complained of SSa ^lProfe ssion, y gent and responsi ble, bsinjr , Havin g and frank ly ad mit that Abernethy 's Pile Ointment , is not only a valuable preparation teen years), for whom I procure d your Arabica Food has give her something, sho would knock his br ains out. where cr in what manner been ill-used by tho prisoners . Henr ietta 6.-id irf ws donow freely , but a I ought to worship . remedy in every stage and variety of that appalling malady. been using it daily as dir ected, aud I am hnppy . to say The priso ner W esley then came «p with two men, who —Mr Yardley : Cor tainly not , n>j r her father be<\t her for stealin g halfpence mer-Wins should I attem pt to . She said the Sufferers from the Piles will not repent giving the Ointment a trial. Multitudes of cases of its eScacy might that it has produced the most salutary change iu her sys- placed themselv es on each etdo ot him. Prosecutor be. 60 bo .—Mr Danne : Bat why chil dr en on that day had rieo and sujm nature ef toe cuuiplaiut did not render those who sh6uliJ I bo ra ted for a home , bread and pc ba produced, if the have betn cured , unwilling to publish tem, i-c—James Por ter. o*ma very mucU nlormed , and gave Erringto n sixpence into which I never on- 'a tOB *. T hey saiJ they were sometimes St Andrew -stree t, 1st June 1818.—The Reva- very butitry Hertford, to let him go. Sho passed the money ter, and for the main tenance of a doctrino in which I Ther e waa n bed und bedstea d in covered pot ?, at 4s. 6a , or th e quantity of tfcree is. Gd. pots in one for 1 1«., with fall directions lenta Arabica Food has dono mo a most considerable to Wesley, and , &o., on which tho prisoner ISd do sot feellevs % I find my relig ion in tho Scri pt ures. 1 slep t bat ,ha children Q byC. KiKO ( Agent to the Pr oprietor ), So. 3t, Napier-ttreet , Hoxton New Town, London, where also can deal of good.—O. Reeve. told her to look at it, and see if it was good, after whioh lay p 3B the bar e boar d, without ornse. do not believe the Book of Common Pra yer , many parts anj tbing to cover procu red every f ateut Medicine of repute , direct from the original makers, with an allowance on taking six AGE.NTS FOR THE SALE OF THE REYALENTA »he Bald, ' This won' t do for me; I must have moro .' them , and they wero evld-ntly in a be of which I conceive to be falsa , and dirtil y opposrd to state of 8tarvaiio n t ARABICA. P/oseouto r then told htr that ho would give her no more , .-Swga.nt Cotter , 15 N, coLfir mtd ' ABEEXETHY' S PILE OINTMENT. tbe Scripture s —Mr Ysrdley *V« Be snre to ask for ' Tho public are reques ted to be on their guard Agents in London : Hed ges and Butler, 1S5, Regen t- tha t if Bbe did not go off he would cry . : These are discussions »|t .-n (nrtett a Maria Is a sure and by Steam or Sailing Vessels. Shi cutting his wife's t hroa t, who afterwards inflicted rome CellacZ Worr.w ,,1T, the, dies for corns , its opera tion is such as to render the cuttin g of corn s altogether unnecessary ; indeed pments abroad at- robbed, but stood on e;ch side of bim as though they daughter , aged nia > yWM ill other reme , tended to. wounds in bis own throat appear ance , whose the pract ice ot" jutting corns is at all times dangerous , and has been frequently at tended with lamenta. would if fee offered any resistance —Polictmun Wadlowo , in the cell where bo vtas oicite'l great sympath we may say, • TnE Trade . y, being En in- bssidis its liability to increase their growt h ; it adheres w it'u the most gentle pressure , produces an *# Supplied. lecked up, tilth the teeth of a brace luekle, wes fiaalij- Mligett! little creature He consequences , A Popular Treatise on proved meeting tbe pneouers together In Chapel -street , , Bald artles sly that her father htful relief from torture , aud, with perseverance iu its application, entirely eradicates the mos} ' Iudiires tion and Constip ation ,' examined , Mr Ribertaon . a surgeon , having describee! bea t her for I Instast and delig entitled ' The Natural Regener ator Westminster, at about a quarter to one, and taking them jing >nd thieving. Mr s Caindkr beat c»rns aud bunions. of the Digestive Or- t he wounds on t he prisoner' s wife and otated that the her wm. i|,,,m Invetera te gans without medicine' by Du Barry Into custody, when they were immediatel y identified b , Her father beat her severely i;ave been received from upwards of one hundred Physici ans and Surgeons of the greatest eminence , and Co., forwarded y ) over Testimo nials by tJiem port free , on recei prose cutor. —Policeman prisoner blmgolf had inflicted oiveral lscorated wounds the tvigbe nnd m with a thick stick from many officers of both Araiy and Navy, and nearly ons thousand private letters from the gentry in pt of letter stamps for 8d, tbe Nowlun proved that the or cane as well as Peoplo's Copy ; or 2s, Court Copy. en his own throat , h r< waB committed for trial . nhich br. ko while he was beating town and country.Ispeaking in high terms of tais valuable remedy prisone r Weaby was tried and convicted of folony in hcr .-T ho male WORSHIP-STREET — Assaclt .- Daniel Cholker a prisoner aik.d Henriett a Prepare d by Jonx Fox , in boxes at Is. U shame ,' until thty wero chocked by tae Sims, Stoc-kpsrt ; Vin? tnd Carr . Hekaib Office, SuudcrUnd ; Snu;idcr = , Tiverton ; Roper , Ulvers tono ; Card- Dusau were left orp hans at Avignon, by the death of gro und. Upon recovering his feet he called bench his sniries for les s amounts than had absolutel a po!is?inen .—Mr Comb e icqairsd if the prieonwr a wisntd to well, WakifiiH ; Sbarpe. ADVEKTi-ta Ofiico, Warivick ; Gibson, Whit?haven ; Jacob and Co., Winches ter ; their sole surriviug psren r , a mat hor . Their father , y bum and gave his assailant In to custod paid to him The accounts , in y.—W licn ashed if he soy anyt hing to tvo cfearge . —Tho ma le prlaone? a i!4 he Maunder and Co 'Wolverhaapton ; Deighton Worcester ; Mabson , Yarmouth some years back, .u: to the *817. shon-n to bo witkin roach , and effectual. The operatio n of poli diametricall ; was committed. lo Professor Holloway. tic* y opposed to their own . Unt il workhouses and various prison? of tho metropolis , of tune (f the uiurtc while he atood bj tho Me of thopri. of certain disquali?c«ti ouB is fully examined , andinf oli. GUlLDIIAL li .—Robbing the -Tih —F. Freeland 1 Sib,—I have the pleasure to inform you that , Stuar t A. latel y, this matter was considered of very tri fling impor. , receiving euch work from master manufac.urers to be eontr w 0 :urn «d round upoa bim in a furiou * wanmr ;itous aad unproductive unions shown to be tho neces in tie service ot Mm Ann Wood and Son , of 101 ' , , Donaldson , Esq., an eminent merchant and agricultura- t ancc; but alas ! in Paris the joun e have lived a life of , Newgate - mado up by the inmates of their eftabi isbcunte , at a ina*e a violent >.ttack upon bim , knocked hi m down *ury consequen ce. The causes and remedies for th is 6iroe t , waa charg ed with robb ing his ' , list, and also a magistrate of this totru , called on me on »tat3 forni an emot' ons within tho last eix months. employers . For somo scale of prices which roductd the general ratio und rend , red h im ineensife ie ScVjr iaijortaut considerati on in this section of time pntt money haa teen mifalng of wagee . vi piBfcuucrs wha the ISth instant , an d purchased your medicines to the toe work. When the Revolution first bioke out eo unexpectedl from the desk in tbe witntBsed th-- vff.- ir forwarded te his y afforded to tUa independent woiksomen to an amount becamo indi gnaut , and ce z d the amoun t of Focsteex Pocxds to be THE CORDIAL BALM in Fcbrutry, Hcnrle tte ' back parlour , althou gh it wa » always kept locked , but sheep stations ia Xetv England. He stated that cr-:e of OF SYR1ACUM s eharaettr assumed a depth and bsrol y BulEc '.ont for their actual t-ileiisace . lie h?.d him- p rUnner until she at rival of a policitnan , to whom be was txpress iy employes no Buspkisn waB exciu d 8galnst the prisoner , as it his overseers had come to Sydney some time previously to renovat e the impaired powers of purpose previousl y unknown to herself . She dosircd self «en at a large union workbeune «ome of the faraale given into custody . Thu boy was teken to a 1 V'Jen ox aus e. was a mns 's brutal and cowardl without any good resulting from the treatme nt; the man obstinate gleets, ni pctency, tied by mining no less a sum thaa £10 nt onu time , in y surreansss, ana aebiUties arisin g told, waro her own words. The young man '-imporised ; tho warehouses at Z& \, and only one far thing nlioncd to iessuU . Is wo-? evident that the boy nas very seriousl then in despair ust d your pills and ointment , and much from venereal excesses, consequenco of which Mr T . Wood , ( tho 6on) marked y Has b&sa demonstrated by its unvary ing success in taou ho diil no t rawer the rappel ; he evaded the generate; tho pau per workwoman for her labour . Tha 6ame syr- ivjurad , nnd liewouM suggest that he should beiinme- to his own and Mr Donaldson's aston ishment , was com- sands uf some half-crowns and sh illings nnd placad them eases .To thost persona who are prevent ed and he frequented the wme-thop at tbo corner of tho in the tem waa also pureued at the Milihank Pcnueaiiar y irnd (iiaU-lj convejed to the hoi pital pletely restored to his health by their means. Now, this trie s en- desk or drawer at the bp.iuu , ind bo tr.perl y the marrie i state by the consequences of early , Urae go'.og occasionally I apprehend b , , found tho marked disrontinunnce of such a prac tice comnviole-at. South Main-street , Bandon, Ireland , dated March venereal contami nation , , and, , y terrors of a Ie83 romantic de- , tbey had been unfor. ' to thu prisoner lout he would cw-ntu -'lly and is recommended for any of monty inside the lining of his cap, end also a key under ' 2nd, 1S17. tne varied forms of secon- scrip tion. tuBately untuccessful. He bud also en xred into cor- ba fully comu-.ii!ed to Newgate to t»l; o hiB trial upon arysjmpt«ms , suckaser uptions bis coat which unlocked tho desk with the greatcB*. pos the To Professor Holloway. on tse skin, blotches on t;.c !.cad and face, enlargeme nt That Heaiiotte could bestow her affections upoa a rcBpoadet.co en the eame suVjec t with the several guar- ch ar ge ; but ho would remind him uc til r.ext Tuesda y, Sib, —A .young lady who was suffering from a disorder ot tue tar oat ' eible oflje. Whin found ont be fell on bis knees and , tonBils, and uvul a ; threatened destr uction man of this eorte of ' crempc may app ear, without re. dians of tha metropolitan unions , tho «hoh of whom , he wh?D ttie iioy would be tak en caro cf, fc nd hi* st ate be offseche st, withher lungs so exceedingly d.-licste that ot tlis i.ose, paiate , begged to be forgiven —The prisoner ' s father and ' r ennum from that eource fsen fupportca into a cabri olet , und eonvcysd borne in little cold, nhfch was generall y accompanied by nearl y Price Us. and 33s. per bottle. son bora an excell:nt character , and they were con' total loss of app vtite The 51. and never even to much ae Euspccted tho Bhoit-cociicgs hud come to an unanimous determination to decline extreme utonj, und ths p.-i?(,ntr was tek en to , together with such general debility cases of Syriac um er Concentrated Detersive vinced ho was only the. viotlm of a conep : r icy intended to urhon . of body as to obli ge her to rest herself when going up but Sf-ience can only be had at 39 B of her tcluil fleshly lover , who was bu t the embedd ing takin g euch contracts in future , nud confino (ha la>!O!irs SO UTII .VARK .—Threat to Kill.— Cnarlotto Hal. , eraers -street , Oxford - deslroj him. Tfcpy v71.ro tare he was perfeotl y lnnoc-;nt one flight ef stairs ; the coiameucai taking your pills street , London ; whereby tbare is a saving of U. l2g , and of aspirations and day-dreams such as later events in of the work pei'pl j to such ar ticles as were invlispaisitl y lid cy waa ch:-r g.- .j with at'-cmtnin g to siab her husban d abou t sis months sir.ee, and I am happy to inform the patient is en&tted of the char ge which had been brou ght agaiuet him you to rtci ye advice without a fee, France havj been very far from realising. ncco!6ary for t he nse of their fellow.iumatea. SvVetnl of with an oyst-r feni?r . The cosapla '.nsnc ssid , t hat owing they have r estored her to perfect health. n-.iich advan tage is cr 3aijle Aldernnn Lawrence wished to know how they accounted ,pli only to those who remit 51 All this prcccfdoS , feverishl y enough, but still without the moo t respoctablo of the mfnufaoturera of art icles t-.> the drntke n habi:r. of bh wifa he waa comj-jellsd (Skusd ) William Beohse. ora paca. t. f<:r his falliog on his knaca and bcr glng forgiven m. " It to aay eclat or discovery, until the fa tal outbreak in June ufeioh afforded the lowest seulo of remuneration had tx. leave her f ur ytar« ego. Sie aoon formed au intim acy PERRY'S tUK-I? Y iKO 8FEOTF1C ?ILLS was not the firs t lime a similar accusation had been A CURE OF ASTHM A AND SHORTNESS I nm assured that this young man waa actuall y present pressed their readincsfl to co-op:r p.te in histfforts to the «fi;h ftno '.her msn , by whom «ho I md stveral children , Constitute an effectual remed y in all cases of gonorrhoea, brou ght agoin3t tim , nnd however p-iin ful the duty, hs OF BltE ATS, ;l?et , stricture, on the night of the 23rd at a certain re-union held in tho fulle st extent of ihtir power : and tho society with Kh '.eh mil bccuu ->c I10 (rotti plsinaut) refus-d to support tham and sliscases of the urinary organs . Price must commit him for trial . He was conveyed to New- j , Extract ef a Letter frora the Rev. David Williams , Resi- is. ya., »s. 6d., and 11 s per box. Faubour g St Ar.tolne, when it waa determi ned to rescrt hu was connected were akou t to draw up a scslo of pric: a ho was iu the hotit of threntf ni& c his life. Oa the dent Wesleyac liiaister , at Beauniaris , ga'-f. Island of Consul tation fee, if by kster , l!.—Patients are re- to force on tbo morrow; tha? each confederat - received for tha t kind of goods for their r.tiopti n, and to which i r.ci'd '.rg day Sh u rusbfd in'.o h'.s !iou

. Y&rd ; Barcla y vnd Sone, committee of tbe Faubourg St Jttcqies , wherein ber comparative comfor t from tho starvation nnd wr etched- mitted. Batura! , aad he is increas ing daily and strong. line Richmond , a rc9pect 'ible.lookiBg woman , afeout 45 * l arnngiJo n-stree t; But 'er and Hardmg , i, Cheapside ; lover bad received orders to ser ve under Colfivru , the ness in which thty wtrc now involved .—M r Combe said (SUned) David Williams. a. Johiiso n years of age, said she had been mcrri ed to the prisoner , 63, ComhUl ; L. Hill, 'New Cross ; W. b! late editor of the Fere Duehetr ,e, that ho was well aware *f ihe evils resulting from the J eues, Kingston ; W. J. Tanner , Egham; S. Smith , about eighteen years , ard bad b mo him several chil - EXTR AORDIN A RY TRE A TMEN T OF SICK THE Earl of Aldborou gh cured of a liver and At about the same hour a young man , palo and ' pernicious spirit of compe tition existing among the ma- Stoma ch Windsor ; J . B.Shillcoek , Bromle y ; T. Riches , Lond on- dreB . Ho had frequentl y Ill-used her , and acte d ia a 1'O O R IN ST P A NC 11AS W OHIvIIOUSE Complaint. itreet , tremblln r, reached tho private dwelling of General —, nufacturer s in such depart ments , and expriBBed his gra- . Green wich ; Thos. Park es, Woolwich ; Ede and most violent and bru tal manner while under tho influence Extract of a letter from the Earl of AWborou gh, dated Co., Dork ing ; and Joh n Thurl and remained in chao conference with the Minister till tificati on that the exertions of Mr Roper in promoting ey, Itlgh-s troet , Romford of strong drink. A fortni ght ago she w»s re luctantl A protracted investi gation was o p Tffla Messiua , Leghorn , 21st Februar y, 1845 :- if whom maj be had the 'SILENT FRIEND. nearly daylight , y tho bent fit of tho unfortunate workpeople were likvly to ened on Tuesd ay To Professor Holloway. compelled to leave her homo with ber fi ve cHldren , in before Mi- Waklvy, concernin g the It subsequently appeared , that, by way of testing his bo attended with success. death of George 8b,—Various circum stances prevent ed the possibility conRt q unce of htr husband' s vlolenuo and threats. Ho D^vis, agea thirty, an inmsto of St Pancra^ Work- my thankin g you before this timo avowed sentiments In favour of order and the govern - Tue Convict Emigration Sciieme , Anne and for swmediato 'y after him , he told lie was fery bad , cajip!4in;d of the Bo wal*«< they had inclosed in their peti tion to his Majesty the Em. It was not till nearl y seven o' clock on the evening of , said a be tter husband great paia in his Jaan dice Dicers . or a kinder husband did hu that she laboured under an entire ra iatnko , 116 all tint limbs and head Cpnsunrp tion i:; Liver peror, have, by imperial permission been forwarded to tke 25 h that she distin ctl not exist, when sober, bu t nheu , and eaid ho was not fi; to go out. Complaints Vener eal Affec- - y recognised her lover , not in 1 ' cnded to do for her was to send b-r eomo tea ar. d ' ¦Pebihty . - .• . Lumbago the Minister oi the Imperial Palace. under the influence of drink he was quite a d-ff .rtnt ha in Ilia t"nguo waa white with ftvtr, and¦ he could tions Stapleford Park, tke uniform, but in the ranks of the National Guard , d tbe workbous?. Ho added ¦ Bropsy • • - Piles Worms, near ilelton Mowbra y, Leicesters hire. mim. The prisoner , who was a little excited , here re- Bugar af ter she had entere ecircelv crawl. all kinds —Ju ne, i&th , 1S18.—Sir ,—I h ave taken the nnrohing slowly up tho narro w Rue St Jacques , exposed Dysentery. ^.., .Shematism Weakness, from Revalenta proached his wife with having left h' m and ruined his th at ho would speak to the gentleman subscribers oa her Mr Edward Pitt , tbe accountant, apent Erysipelas Food for tV.e last ten days, and big to tender you my at every step to a desultory but murderous fuslllodo to the ; detention of Urine whatever cause borne, nnd that when she waa acked to re turn oho re- behalf, but tha t he htrusel f could render her no &id direotoi-3 of tha poor of St Pacotaa, produced the revere of allkinds Stone and Gra Tel most nrateful thanks for your kind advice ; the benefit I from tbe upper windows cf tho tall boutes . The first &c, &c. have deriv ed fused to do so, and tbe reas on was tb,\t oho had another wha tever ; and as she now felt It quit e hopeless to ox banks giving tho history of deeeaied' ;Srfd' attHa cstab Eshment of Pr ofessor Holloway. 244 .in so shor t a time is very far beyond my ex- and eeeond barricade bad been carried , but there re. a cas-3. They , pectations: the pain at the pit of the stomach partner He admitted \hu tbo bad a knife pact aviy h lp frosi that quarter , Bho wao to' ally at a I06B stated hira to be thirty jeara Strand , war Temple Barin , London, aud by all respectable quite left maiaed tbe far more Important one, to which the litho- . in his band , r=f age, the son of the arug gist ^aad Sealers Medic ines the me af ter takin g your food three days , and the effect on bu t it was not to cut her throat He had wh \t to do, ai neither her sister nor herself had a binple vestry clerk of Shorectitch , who throughout civi- graph refers, at the corner of the Rue St Severiu . . been lookin g paid 4\ per week atth fo«owin the bowels has also been very favourable ; I feel much after his wife for a fortni j fri n -\ In a condition to aBlsst them .—Mr Ilammill aaid for h is maintenance. m , V i? ! Sprices :-ls. ljd., 2s. 9d., 4s. less pain in At tha t moment a shot direc ted from a neig ght , and 6h p had behaved t In Jute la*t a committee 6d., Us., 22s., and 33s each box. my head , back an d legs. I sleep much better , hbouring th»ro conld bon= > question that gentlemen B3:oc :atlng There is a considerable and feel refreshed from him most cruelly. —George R'ehmond , tha prisoner ' s wa3 appointed to discharge all abhsbodied paupers, savin g by tilon g the larger sixes. it. My appetite is much better. house, passed through the young man ' s hear t, tie fell ' - I shall continue nephew, and un eld erly man , named Jjmeg CiQMl , a theraaeives together for tho furthttance of a scheme and d-:cea-td was ordered to bo iK.B.—Directions far the guidance of pati ents In even the Food and think it will restore me to dead in tbe racks withou t a eh h; but a wild scream ran g of discharged but did health again . I heartil y thank jou for broker, CJBfi rmed the statement of tbo wife as to the oc- which hsd the practice! (ft'^ct separatin g mr.rried noi go out ;i;l ihe 1^, of July. asorderare affixed to each box. your kind att en- through the air , and caused attenti on generall y ts be at * He was subse- tion, an d shall take every opportunity of recomm endin g currence on Saturday evening. The men f rom tlolr wives and children were bound to q'«s:t!y on seve.Dl tracUd to this particular incident .' Tbe troops rushed pris oner wbb appa- occasions aomitted a3 a vagrant this excellent Food to any one that may be suffer ing furnish funds ei ther to fend the latter cut , cr to he e£tensiTe Practice from thj lik e furies on tbe remainin g barricade and it rently kissing bii wife in the most nffrctl inato muDRer into the cssnnl ward?. Oq tha 9;h of Ausjaat ho f^'^i^^f&F&ffl ?Co. of same complain t, &c.-I remain , Sir, your , was ulti- provide them with supp ort in this csuntr y [ahr ' § u j'S ru U «1&8 Mess"s R- and L. PERRY and obedient humb le servant mately destroyed . when he cut her tbroa t . Cffell add'd , that tbe prieo . ; but was admitted ill by Mr ll-jbinson, the auraeun, but , Morgan Stickland , at the Earl jsatter ^¦jS- '-st^.V-V& ^-SiS^i ,thccontinueddemandfor ofHarbor oueh's. Poor H nrlette nor declared last wi ek that he would havereve pge. Di- the Khob appeared to him co extraordinar y, waa again discliiirged by thu committee heir ! She was found among the debris, os tbo 4th ^rork , entitled, tho ' SILENT FRIEND ,' (one hun- 50, Holborn, London, 22nd Drc . 1847. rectl y tho prisoner ind icted tho wound oa his wife's that be should likq to hrr.r how anch a of iSsptt-Oiber. The drei and twenty-five thousan d copies of which —Dear Sir —I literall y riddled with sbot. — Correspon dent of the ' John committee were aware that have been havo much pleasure in informi ng you that I have 1 thtoat vroposUlon had orig lnp.tcd .—Holland saAd, Uiu % ac- kold), and the extensive sale and high repute of their derived Bit!!. , he turned round end said , ' Her o U a prett; j ib .' deceased waa paid for. considerable benefit from the use of the Revalenta Ara Tho witness convtjed the wife to the fcorue of a nei cording to Mr J icksoa's explani tion , n fnud of betwe en Medicines have induced gome unprinci pled pert ons to as- bica. gh- Jihn Montrjrt', s pauper, deposed as follows :—la -A. G. Harris (Optic ian.) £G 0and £70 hr.d been rained by tho BpOB 'aneouii conttl - we iio come the name of PERRY and closely imitate the title of Frenchay Rectory, bour oppodte , and sen t for medical aid. Hd then w:nt the ca3usl w^rds have bupptr allo ntd , and in near Bristol, Dec. 9, 1847.— bu tioni of Lord Ashley, , Tro the Work and name s of the Msdicines. The public it For tap last five years I have Two Usepdi Bints about Cholera A writer in af ter tho prisoner , aad overtook him 300 yard3 from the Capt ' ter , and o:her gentle- the morning wo have to break a bushel of stones, hereb been in a most deplorable sr y cautioned that such, persons are not in any way condition fef health , having been subject a weekly medical journal, who saw houie .—Tho prisoner said his wi.'e hud been cohubi ting men , for promo ting the emigration of ponltent thievtB pick a pciina of oakuBi , Deforo we get any break - connected with the firm «f R. and L. PERRY and Co., during that tnuoh of the of period to most severe pains in the back , chest cholera , in 1832 and with CafMl since sko abandened 'her home , and t' iat he and felons, and ib&t by thut m-.Ens ab; ut a, dizou per. fast—that is eiijlii ounces ot' bread and London, who do not visit the Provinces , and are only , right and . 1834, suggests a very simple, two ounces to left sides, which produc ed vomiting almost daily dissuadod her soni bad been alread y sent oui, inc udiog the husbands r.f ch«-e?e. be consul ted personall or by letter , st their ' and , as he asserts, a very valuable prevention against from returnin g.—Ctff . 11, who 1b a highly To pick a pound cf oitkura will take some y, Esta blish, XexttoGod l oweyou a great debt of gratitude of tbeto wovw n meat, 19, Bemtrs-stree t, Oxford-street , London . fur tiie tho susceptibility of the* dieeaie. The weakened mpcctable man , and wboso wife was In court , BaU the , although it app.tred that neither ol an hour and a half , and same longer. To break a prospec t of health now opened before me. I there fore ' .mpo8 8C83tdiho nicetsary qua ifica tionB , having r.evir T WEST Y-FIFTII EDITION. thank you most sincerel state of tho stomach , he says, wfcich predisposes to chargo hbb quite unfounded , and tha t hi; had done all in tb' bushel of stone * will take some two hours , and others IHostri ted y, not only for bringing this in- committed a crlo.lnal eff ance. by Twenty -six Anatomical Engravin g3 on valuable aliment to my nutice , but for other cholera, is so decidedly obviated by eating freely of his . power to effort a reconciliation between tho prisoner —Anuo Lofinck hero re- a whole day. V we it no!; da one or the o lier we Steel. kind advice given me as to diet , &c—(Rev.) Thomas Min ster (Of enmraoa salt with our mealn,'that it is believed that and his wife.—Mr Yurdle y put siver&l ques tions to Cif- marked that oho understood Mr Jackson was nbou t to got nofuin f;. We have to turn out a* six in the On FhysicaL Disquidif ieations, Generative Inca paci ty, and ' 1 F arnley Tyas, Yorkshire .) three-fourths of the cases which would fell, whioh he answered satisfa ctorily, ant ! tho magistrate Bin'! out ;-. niHubirmoro in tbe tamo manner to Americ a , mornin ;7, ar.d in case of illness got nothing till the Impediments to Marriage. 3, Sydney-terrace otherwise oc- new and imp , Reading, Ber kR , Dec. 3, 1817,— cur ma/ be prevented by this simple sa id he was quitti satisfied there wts ' no f- und ution for asd thot, from the inatten tion ho had di playcd towards doctor comes—at- tec o' clock. roved edition, enlar ged to 19G pages, price Gentlemen , - I am hap py to be able to inform addition to our 2s. 63. ; by post , dire ct you that the food. The writer recommends the pris oner ' s jealousy. —Pulic:.S crgean« Wm , herself and sls'.er , ehpdld not botlevo ha caved whulur The Coroner runia ;ked , this from the Establishment , 3s. 6d. person for whom the formir qu ;\utity was proc ure for an adult the Yeoman , was vfr? 3har p in postage stam ps. d has ninth of an ounce (about 6 , K , took tho cliargo at tho atntion -nou&o they weva martl<- .d or Binglu.—Mr Hammill brW that \\m practice and to fcc that derivEd a very great benefit Jroai its use; distr essing a amall teaspoonfuH three . T he prisoner , tbat it ou^-ht Un-wri the . TUE SILENT FRIEND; sympt oms of long standing have been times a day , at breakfast, dinner, tea, waB In a Bonxewb tf excited state , and said tbe polioe aooie ty had orrtalnly tabon upon th(maelves to do what pniish of St Paucras was not under thu Poor medical work on removed, and a or Buotier. It of Law the exhaustion and physic al decay of feelin» of restored health induced. Having witness ed may De eaten wim fish , animal would not have «nymsre trouble with him—they woul d no ottu r person had ever f-oug^t doing befo re—sep.;. CommiaEhnera . the system, produced by excessive indul the food , poultry eame gence, the conse- beneficial effects in the above-mentioned case, I can with br. ad, toast, or bread and not take bira to the police court . Suspecting tho prho ratin g lnisbaiuin from their wivea and children in a rcry Dr Quain stated tbi quences of infection , or the abuse of mercury, with obser - : butter. The SeC fc ho had nisdc a p ost mortem confidence recommend it, and shall have much pl easure fidal result .s not obtained ner' » Intentions , he searched him very minutely , nnd took eiiMord ' nary roouner ; and be considered that n re- exnmiration of vations oa the married Etate and the disqualifications in so doing whenever an opportuuit y with salt meats, brethP. tbo body. Tli o brain ex libittd which offcre. —I am Gen soups, &c, m which salt is evi ry thing fro m him with which it was probable ho migh t newe d applioa tl' n ouijht to bo made to Mr J cltpen to chroEic inil imination prevent it; illustrated by twenty-six coloured en- tienien , rery trul y yours , James bhorla nd late ' dissolved ; because bv of some tiuii stamliii r and graving g, and by t' , Surueon tfce action of heat, or long injure himself . After tho prisoner was locked Induce bim to perform whnt bo must fee would bo 8 -;e detail of cases. ByK.and L. yiith Ri'g. ° admixture of the salt wbh up he or- tho vessels n-erd congested. Tho iun s wtre ibo PERRY and Co., 19, Berners-slreet Oxford-street other matter, dered a police constable to watch him mare ect cf justiw . A direct rcprtsontft' iicin of \hn fact * , , Lon- 3, Sidney-terrace , Iicadin j, Berks, Juiuar yOth 1818 a change u produced in its propeilieB very closely, and diooascd. don. Published by the authors , and sold by Stran ge, 21, — The patien t is above fifty years of age, and the preventive power, with ' enter the cell ever y five, minutes . Sarao time afterwards should b a forthwith mado to tha City MiEBion , with Paternoster-row ; Hanney of a full reference to this nar By the Corsser-I consider that tbe di-eisfi of the 6*. and Sanger, 150, Oxford - liabi tof body. Prev ious to her commencing its ticular use of it, destroyed . tho prisoner appeared to be sleeping on tho bench In the whom this gentleman wr» understood to be conacctei). rtree t; Starie , 23 Tichborne-street use she -The following valuable brain was tho cmiHo of dcaih. ' It mi , , Haymark et; and was affected, among other symptoms , with a peculiar lookisg at him h» found and if thnt fuilod to produoa tke desir ed effect n lu have teaa Cordon, 146, Leaienhall-stree t London ful- prescription for tho (ffeotive cure of (he cell, but on blood iieu'ng from , tho whole accelerated by exposure , ; J. and li. ness and extension of tho skin over the whole cholera has ca«o to cold, bad f^ud , or an in- Baimes, and Co., Lti thwalk ' body • been received from J. Booker, Esq., bo th eiiieB of his n:ck . Wl tncaB ralaad him up an-1 should ba ssbmiiUd to tho Lord M;ynr , in whose , Edinburgh ; D. Camp bell, the impress .on conveyed being t h at of geueral Anassarca Viee Carcnl kr autlKiency et tood. Argyll-street , Glasgow ; J. Pries tly, Lord-street Croiistadt, Russia .-' The princi ' found he wai sligh tly wounded. The pri soner Imuu'di- jariedlction the insti tut ion was located . Iu ttc niem , and T. except that it did not pit on pressure , but was a firm pal point is to at- Tho Coruner rcniarkcd that tho diflie-ltv in the pewton, Clrarci j-street , Liver pool ; B. H. Ingram , elastic swelling. After a few days' use of the tack tho dweaso tho instant it is' suspected F.tely tore open tho wounds with his fingers , au il fee ble d time ho thoulil preocnt each tf the woacn with a do wee was Market-place, Manches ter. Revalenta • tako a , that medical gekree could not i.i.a'u.' ihem this unn atural tumefaction subs-.ded ; the iutegumenta stimulating dram, with,peppermint , acd tremendou sly. Witness despa tched a messing(r for a naiicn of 10s. from Vho poor -bix , bu'. as It wsb roBtii - Part tke First a few drops to arrive at tbe iaot ofbow tho di.ica e which oaused became univers al ly soft ana pliable , and every unpl ea of laudanum ; cover yourBclf up as warm Btsrgeoa , who dr essed the prisoner ' s wounds. On feEtl y impossible that such a futid Blou'd bo mad o pur- s dedicated to the consideration of tbe Anatom y and san t feeling in this respect as noBsib 0 death ori^inatul . AUhough by (,be rticdifiil evidence was removed J . Shorland^orianu , to promnto perspiration , apply hot searchin g the cell he found the bucHu of one cf tha prl . raanentl y aviilablu f, r thtir heaefit it woul d bo nocsb Piusiology of the organs which are directly er indirectl y late Surgeon , 95th Res! substances auch , If gal responsibility was got rid off, stiil \liorcw as as water, bn»n, salt, and evtn sand sener' fi braces , wi th which be had li flictcd the wounde Bary lor thtm to depend for their tuturo suppo rt upon the engaged in the process of reproduction. It is illustrated 21, Broad -stree t, Golden square , London , Nov. : to the limbs and moral responsibility remftining, 2oth put a mustard poult ce over the upost MniBu lf; it was st ained with blcod , their raptoilve pnr bhep which he brtd acd if tho jury by six coloured engravings. 1S47.—(Details of nineteen year s' dyspe psia, with It s ' whole stomach! As and bad been , no doub t, in eueli thought proper ho con- boob as perspiration breaks torn from the brace .—Mr Yardley oskod a lamin tublc would adjourn the inquiry for tha Part the Second sequent horrors in infinite variet y, ana t he effects of three out, and tho beatinz of Mrs Richmond Cise as theira , would be readily ftfforded % Treats of the infirmi ties attendance «f the fa her. and decay of the system, pro - weeks' die! on Revalenta Food) I humbl y and sincerelj tho pulse !» restored, the complaint may be looked if tho buckl e was the Instrument with wl ich the wound thtm , without the alternative of en tering the vorkhou sa. duced by ever indul gence tf the passions and by the thauk Iho court was cleared, and after some prac- God , and yourselves as Il ls instrumen ts, &c—Isa- upon as cocquered ; if it is neglecte on htrth ro&t was infllcte d \— Mrs lt chmond : O>\ no Tho corn plninnutB (Xprcssed thtir grattsf ul sense of the exultation tice of solitar y gratification. It shows clearly the man bella Grelli ere. d till it8 last , the lQvesiigiitt oa was adjourned Jur atage, recovers cannot be expected. sir ; it whs done wi th a knifo which had a long han dlo magistr atfc 'j k indnes s, and lef t tho court tho aitcudarceof nerin wkich the bane ful consequences of this indulgence 11, Viotoria-tcrrace ' ' By strictly at- . ueceasea'd father. , Sa ford, Manchester, Jan. 2, 1818. tending to the above mmple to it . , Ho was pressin g his cheek B gaiost operate on the economy in the impairment and destruc- —The 1-enents n eans, Mr Booker Bays mine Bt the CLERK ENWELL —BacTii. Tueatme kt of Foua I lmvo derived th erefrom , iu so short a that no person need fear time hu cut my threa t. tion of the social and vital po sers. The existenco of space of time fatal oonsequences I van In very high *pirlts , and Cdudren .— Joseph WorrnlUnd C.-oilia nervous , have exceeded u.y most san guine expecta- Warton Chandler and sexual debility and incapacity, with their ac- tion ", &c—John Mackuy. did not think he would har m me —Yeoman said the wsre pWoBd a t the bar be ' compan ying oro Mr Comb- , charged w!tb FlOllT BSIWLKS AS ElePHAST tr ain of symptoms and disorder s, are traced Winslpw, Bucks, Jan. 22 1843.-I found it to be a knife had net been found .—MrYardley said the case must ASD A RllINOCERO S. Mno . cruel ty to four children belong ing to thu former pri -A few weeks since ,f 'joimectiu S results to their cause. This simple, thoag h very efficacious aud pleasant food, doing Abeiinf.thy. s Tile inevitably go before a jury ; and that bufoie it , t.t A>baur , whilo s mt-nagerie S2?ri ,> itil Mei Mt of the Ointmen t and Powdebs .-A single was finall y 8oner .—The parish auth orities of St Lulto ' s at tended to was at °^ * f detail meanB good fci my own and others 'func tional disorders. —Yours , trial of one pot , prices disposed of It would be neecaeary Gi lway, nn elephant broke «ffi sums of the friK fW 11131 reme 6d of Adeenethy - Pile 0 bt- to bavo tbe evidence conduc t tho prosecution. The pcor childre n , who were la SLSTm tteu * d^, and fullby and dear sir, very truly, (Rev.) CharleB Kerr (of Gre at Har - mrbt , in conj unction with a 2s9d of Mr Robertson , the sur geon slcnings to the cage of the rhinoceros, thus ~?"^^ 5*' U U Pirated packet of Abern etby's , who atteuded Mrs R' ch. a ttired in the workhouoo drres , were mere Uttinc ^£ JKf? f-1 three wood).—A Mons. Du Barry. Pjlk Powdebs , will be sufficien t to living i- lwlo. him loose. A tight immediately 156 wh:ch fally y 9 Feb. 3 demonstr ate their mond after sr-e was wounded , Uo remanded (he priso tons, covered with mirkfl of vi : took place betsveen ricIlde^T™ ' dbP^ the effects of , Antiqua-street , Edinburgh , , 1818.—I am hap py extraord inary properties , and entitle them to .lence , eomo of «h ch tue two animp.ls, ^y to be enabled to say th at I have derived very considerable universal n:r till Wedn esday , and directed tha t ho should be were nctuall m which tbe rhinoceros was thtown Part the preference ; in cases oflHlis and Itad»?a&"Sate the y fostered. Tndr heads wero tha ved and to the ground. U Third benefit from the use of it.—Arthur Macartkur. inflammation , and thereb y closely wa'Clied. pon rising the rhiuoceros eava the Contains an accurate description effect a safe and Bneertv Airo eshiblt cd tv luass of ccabs and 8OT6B . Thtlr lom a »era cleiilutat of fee disea ses causna Stirling, Jan 31. 18l8.-Dcar Sir,-The llevalenta Ara- The OJaCouat and Powers can be " " Cun acH-BATS—.Amongst several summonses beard several upward thruato with his p-Wiou» by tnfecaos , an d bj the abuse of mercu ry ; prim ar y obtai ned of nn v\fi liter ally prolrml iug through thuir skin , thoy wer e scarce «e©ondary sjE and bica has been of immense Eerviee to me.—William spectable Chem ist in town or country " S f or the payment of a rate made in December horn, wounding him severely . The ' ?toms, eraptlons of the skin, Bore throat Stewart. » « , 184G, for nbla ta stand on their leg*, and they were rhinoctros thoa Inflam aatioa of the eyes, , Be sure to ask for Abebnet mVs t& e repair of the eld patish church allowed to sit cssaped to tho woods. disease of the bones, gonorl 72, )yeeds-strce t , Liverpool , Feb. 7tb, 1848.—Thanks to Pile Ointmvnt of St Dunstan , Stop. 01 tho floor durin g tho fwea, gleet, stneure, , are shown and Abernethv ' 6 Pile Powd ers. Ue was one sgainafMr investigation . Tbe wretched ex. Loko Exf - &c to depend oa thw the Kevatenta Food , I have been entir ely relieved in a mbUc l^ re ncy, Thorns Dunno , a gmleninn hlbition ' ected CoMET.~- rhis comet, whoso re- -jirase . Their troatmen tis fully deEcribe d gu ested to Urn tUir guard against of tht u nfortuan te childrcn-c auseS a nonsat ion i in th is Bect^on very short time from the most distressin g symptoms of ^Xts cLZit^s ' raiding in the Mile end-road . When asked wh y ho re. turn was foretold fay Mr Hied, a distinguished astro- rna« 5«.t3 of aeg.lfict , either in the recognit ion Id at low prices ana to observe, that none canTosdoW court .-Police constable 297 B. dtpoce d - of disease Indigestion, Low Spirits , Despondenc y, &c, and which fbe genuine un less tbo fus d to pay tho rate , MrDunne said ih..t on Mondaj nomer, has, it is faid , or to tb a Ueatme nt, are shown to bs the pr evalenc e , name of C. Hjnc1 is urintcd he otj :cted to the evening flfcout six ' re-ippearcd between Po'lux of the for two yesr s had resisted th e most active treatm ent. Ac Government ' validity of the rate o clock , be was pGse 'nff by Ci ty «r.d iru3 in the system, which sooner or later will on the Stam p affixed to each not 4s ed , which was surreptitio usly smuggled 0\wt0i' nnd IVocyon. It may b9 sten early in show Itself —Thomas Wal ls. .which is tbe lowest pric e ¦: Gar dtn row, Oity. toail , S: L *k»' « wb«i ht ia oni of the forms already mentioned , and ent ail the pr oprie tor is enabled to sell in.—JIr Yardlt-y I t is notin g province to , saw n crowd lha morning, in the uortk-esst , with a powerful disease High street, Maryport , Cumberland , May 18, 1818.— the Omtaent at owing go into that of between thr co and four B its fflwt frightfci nape, poi enly oa the . to the great espenw of fte ln- question . I only know that hundred piTocns, acd ho was telojoopo. It-i last appearance was iu the indiTilual Gentlemen,-It is now three weeks since I tried your ients, Hae rato has botn legnll v intrrm od year 1550, crei FQved befor« net_l!riDaUt: or ibata womunwas ill-using aa4 DUrsn glitfg eome ia the reign cf Q'teen Mary ; and its f-roicr 1^ five six obiec. chlldien acptar- , Ho knocked at tho doar tnwui timea» lut anos in tho jeai -1204, iu tho reian of Hcnrv HI eptember , THE NORTHER N KTAR. 11 S To gildM refinedfil gold, to paint the Uli'y, , $ V oetrClttC pB P forfOt tl)etl)£ people*ffcOttU ** " " ">a 8°". You,„„ "y..say the.„ T irilww,„.! w ,.^ f .. * * * windwkdhas has stirreitirre d the locklock : " " ' ' ^ -—¦ ...... To throw a DerfumBperfume on the violetviolet.," *e ROYROYALAL POLYrPni.YTP.nnMm ECHNIO TxraTi -im™™ . B*.ia Ah! ss it seems ; because , for this, INSTITUTION. jiconsiderable time has elapsed since as attemp t to add to Beranger 's fame by saying one «y aoj has got the , last we hearty knock m h6 y attr ^» »* this plaoo, we wtrttwi gave any collection of poetical compositions in word in praise of the priceless gems he has lavished Which stops that und ergrowl efhls. been Sfi orf m?£ , have upon his countrymen , Yes: trust th a 'eoture acoompanied by a wort these wlumns. Of late the sayings of politician s— and mankind generally. nw, Colin' s love le brief . ffmffiS Ti . 1 We cull the choicest.1 K then art ° th Tn " apparatus Edmund , tho'hushed and low— P and wpanpk' , ' Burke , oa his firBt debut in life for the rhy mers'' wood-notes wild.' Hzatte , you are Blnn «/ - coasting of three retorla , improved himself Evea now we [m T1IUSUK £X LA FEE.] not spinning now. 1 a Ove not a little under the banners and lave but little space to devote two63 them are fi ed wi'h patronage of the to the sons of song. • Dans oo Piria pleln d' Tis a bird only, you declare — EL " H '- °/ " ti*118 0F H0OTB <« i iop i position ; for which or et de mlsere , &c.]' ^ P" "on , and in the third i aoSSthJ ^ ™* COMMONS -It purpose he was a constan t In the sharin g of a newspaper as in the sharin g Your favourite bir d ffSSare placedyi. chains ^"" han* ging °/ mquente r of Hera In Paris, to full of all squalor and that you have kissed ; from a bar in the centre , of the various debates and disputatioul the earth Schiller ] gold, TbenbU your in the two first retort s neii at £see the poet is the last thought In BeveBteen hund red Hrd be silent ther e : the water is decomposed , the bouse of one Seacocbe , a baker , but who , and eighty, a.d. No more such which passes by means of notwithsta nding of, although we will ventur e to hope anythin g but At a tailor ' s—my gra ndfather kisses, I iaslst. a syphon pipe throu gh the his situation in life, was gifted with , needy and eld- Ah! thought less of »h8 l suoh a ven the least-cared for. In bri ef, we must have When aa infint conduc t brings disgrace : ™ «rt . The wat er pacing throug hthe ss&TfiWsaatta -, of eloquence , that he was unanimously an eye , I'll tail you what happened to me. £22 n an Wa Bnil —* Ewn he, on whom you lavish all, heated matenal becomes converted intop ure ton £ ! ? >gton never Bpoko longer than constituted per petu al Pres ident of the famous die. to brevi ty; and this must be our excuse for the very Ko portent foretold by my cradle of straw liMgh s and hydrog en very often in your face , peroxide of carbon , then ce it paste s e> a good exa ple for putin g society held at the Robin Hood , near Temple meagre notice we are about to give of the man The fame of an Orpheus ; bu ', summoned one da ; Lst into the StorT ** ° neSn ear. Pr odeuoe still aver t your fall . ralor nd °°mbine8 with bl-carburate of On a certain memorable occasion in the House from whose songs we propose to make our selections. By my cries, my poor grandfather hurried and saw You hast en nvJL u' ? - y ' ob8er of towards yoHr nom ; I trow , - ls made fr ™r.E Peed , es Dr Knox 'does the Angl o Commons, Mr Bur ke, exclaimin g, •/ quit the That man is the glorious poet His child kissed and dandled about by a fay ! L zstte sto^Mf . ™*> t«5 or like sub. SaxonS9 show hisK- ' real Z - ' , you are not spinniD gnsw. and dr °PP»n2 on Tthe red hot chains charact er when relieved from camp, sudde nly left the oppesition benches, and And the Fairy's gay lullaby sung in my ears , amXt ler . from the presa ure of Three going ', BERANGER . You wish to go to bad ?i!°J iyP h°n tub e, by which the aunnlr M «T Estates. In America ha will ov«r to the Treasu ry aide of the house, thun With a chirm tbat dlipelled my first sorrows and tears. , you cry; i* aok m in dered This favourite of France Ah! ' tis a trick ! I understa nd. th US mixed arj at once oonveyVd * a.n t,0 bB a ^e man; a violent phi lippic again st his former fiiendl and obje ct of Eur ope's Then the honest old man, ia some little alarm , tato the , ho SSL E! 4 L and associ admira tion Collnish ere ; but let him fly, ZTlM use and no rif ng ates. Mr Sheridan concluded a spirited , is a nativ e of Paris , and was born in the Would know what my fate in the futur e should be. ntu if rll- 1 £5 « P« y' *PP a- T W re ply to tha t Or look in honour for your hand The imPo^nt advantage s P hlHI> Md at n06 > eDtireIy from unlook ed-lbr atta ck nearly in the fol- year 1780, at the house of his grandfa ther , ' There he i9, by my wand' s most infallible charm , Sine fronfW * - ari - thSVl5s bir ° a poor , Until your winniBg reprobate U inven t«>°. »w portablenew , simpli- th J>wing . word s : ' Tha t gentlem an , to use his own tailor. He lived nine years with his poor old A waiter , a printtr , a clerk ,' replied she. c tv *T2 ir alt8r 00tt 11 gran d- Shall lead you to the Church , a brid e, it8 a tus; nn '?,?a7ourite abode Abbotsford , is 83"'"^ ^ camp ; but hc willrec el* lather , during which time he 'A thunderbolt still adds a presage to mine,* 3ft «*es a beau- nowi open *to the1.u public on - f^ttTi.' ? was let ru n wild with- Still keep your maidenl y estate ; StTfr 8?f r^ H ^ Wednes days and Fr idays. a qmt d il as a And he nearl y bus died on the threshold of home Mr Ji asam, ofSutton -uDon-Trent. has f..und thai-. SliSeere ly nopef! i ! u £ de3erter . and 18in out hooks or schooling. At nine years of age he ; Sit here , Lisette nor qait my side that he will never ret urn as a spy. But" Bat the bird , «o>n revived by a mer cy divine, , , mustard sown amongst wheat l, tor one was sent to Peronne , there to live with an Till comes that time so s is an effeotual cure for , he continued , ' oann ot sympathise in old grand- Shall brave with its strains other tempests to come. , or on or low, the wire worms. the astonishment aunt who kept a small ' Spia on as you «nd with which so fla t-rant an act of public-house, and in whieh And the Fairy ' , are spinning now. Two B a 0WS haTe apostacy s gay lullaby sang in my ears , 6 8 J^l« iu J .T l built thelr n«»ts under ono of has electrifi ed the house, for neither house he officiated as waiter or pot-boy. The old But it is time g the P8 drS"n the paddl e-boxes of I not With a charm that dispelled my first sorrows and tears . we ave a specimen or two of SSffUu f °010 a steame r which plies between that gentlema n have forgotten from whom ho has woman tau ght her young ,^ fe ™^* . institution , ' P.arin &.the latterjin most insta tes. This tural that he, who on his first starting in lady in her labours to ershaiows and sadieus the strings , Charles the Third , surnamed the Slmple one of the sue f«S wi T , eas would be gener ated onlyn«i?Z shows they ar e life The bright days of . 1" brutes and want taste. should commit so j-roBS a blun der as to go to a make him acquainted with the art of readin g. He glory and empire are o'er; cessors of Charlemagn e, was first dr iven from the throne 8U ooal 8ajS:~ ' baker s And his voice fo like tbat of a fitfcer thatbriDgs ' « In ,the eveDi»8°f Sunday week for his eloquence, should conclude such now at tended a primary school, and soon acquired by Eude g, Caunt of Paris. He took refage in England , ZS&J&T"™' llast ^, between S seven aid - ^ a The news of a wreck in his grief to the shore ' " eight , a globe of fire ot eweer , by coming 10 the .House of Commons for nil considerab le knowled ge of the art of liter arv com- . and afterwards in ; But on the deat h of ted * ¦oread.' And the Falrj 't gay lullab y Ming in my ears , Eudes (in CREMORN E K^fi.^" ^ "" the atmos phe e to position. 898), the Fren ch Lards and Bishops attac hed GARDEN S. • f T (S«ta« Lo KI) Mabriaoe. With a charm that dispelled my first sorrows and tears. themselves fl«r ° !?«* iDferieu w). At w-n- - ' Never marry but for love, to Charles again , and restor ed him the crown; hrst T$T*it took an ascending dir ection says William Ptnn m his At seventeen years of age he returned to Paris to which he finally The enterprising , but then oame Reflections and Maxims, The tailor cried oat— ' Then my daughter has sent loit, when , on beiHg betr ayed by Her- prop rietor of these Elynia n gar- 8 7ard3 the 6arlh but see that thou lovest what work as a journeyman compositor. Soon af ter his bert , Connt of dens seemBto be never Bcatter iDg Bli«erin 8 is lovely.* Bat a mafeer of songs to compensate my care— Terman dois, he was put in prison at Pa- weary of pr oviding for the en- spTrkB Snd ' HOP S. arrival in the capital the inclination came upon him Better work at my trade day an! night thin fee spent ronne , where he died in 924. tertainment of his patrons. On Monda y It is said , , evening that the Company of Moneyors in the Hope is the golden cord that tethers man to this to write verses. His poetical sensibility had early t t ' last there was a grand night aBcent of A las in vain sonnds , like an echo In air . The applicability of the satire to the the ' Royal Mint 11 to be done away with , which will effect a existence ; once destroy that ligament , and instead revealed itself, 1 ' then reigning Cromorne Balloon' 'ing for when a boy he had been affected Hash, hash ,' said the fairy , ' thou r t wrong to com- Bourbons will be withadazz 'di*play of fireworks savins of £10,000. 0} introspe cting with all the anxious eogern ess ex. seen at a glance. from the car. Shortly after ten o' to tears when , for the first time, he hear d the Mar - plain— clock the balloon A Gre at Fact —Seventeen per cent, of the popu- cited by happy anticip ations , gloomy retrospe ctions CORONATIO N OF CHARLES THE SIMPLE, slowly and gracefull y ascended seillaise sung by the enthusiastic Republicans of '92. Though oft have great Ulentsths smallest success— and was itself alraoat lation of Grea t Britain and Ireland reserve parochial super vene, and the mind deciduates into the ' Frenchmen immediately lost to lowest In his youthful musings he imagined a For the country shall cherish the bard , and his strain ! In Rhelms aisemble all, sight ; but far alo ft , every mo- relief. In Great Britai n alone it is ten per cent. only. dept hs of chaotic despair. Hope, like comedy, and ment higher and the never * Shall soften the tears of the exile' s distress .' On Monijoy and Saint Denis call! higher , the pyrotechnio devices The poor ra tes of Grea t Britain are nearly eight wiling guide of the pathless ocean subsequentl y an epic-poem , but did net carr y out b!az3Q from the , tha compass , And the Fairy' s gay lollaby son? In my ears , Repaix 'd the holy phial see— car , exciting the wonder and admi- millions and a half. This must come oat of the in- even in the midst of most gloomy either. Probabl y the stem realities of life put to ration of all pref ent. despondency , keeps " With a charm that dispelled my first sorrows and tears. Our fathers ' days again are come ; Fren ch jets , Chinese stream s dustry of the workin g classes in a great measure . A steady to its point, and prompts ua to flight these dreams of poetical ambition. Work S of&re, Italian getbes look forward Last night, as I sat in a sullen repose , parrows in numerous flocks set free , varingate d diamond and Bingal national poor -rate is almost inevitable. to a happy joncluBion of a tempestuous Bad failed and the joung poet was Roraan Can dles, voyage. reduced to the I saw ber again With the air of a sage Flu tter about the isored dome ; !$¦ «fec ,