William Totok the Romanian capital, which commemorates About the author: the persecution of Jews and Roma. William Totok, M.A., born 1951, lives as a Although in 2002 a government decree freelance writer in Berlin. He was a member (ratified in 2006 as a law) made Holocaust deni- of the International Commission to Investi- al, the glorification of war criminals, the public gate the Romanian Holocaust, which submit- dissemination of fascist symbols, and the estab- ted its final report in 2004, which came out lishment of fascist organizations and parties one year later in book form. Recent publica- into criminal offenses, in Romania there have tions: Episcopul, Hitler si Securitatea. Proce- sul stalinist împotriva “spionilor Vaticanului“ been no prosecutions against either Holocaust in România [The Bishop, Hitler, and the Se- deniers or extreme right-wing organizations. curitate: The Stalinist proceedings against the “Vatican Spies” in Romania], Iasi 2008; and Translation from the German by John Kenney the study “The Timeliness of the Past: The Fall of Nicolae Paulescu” in Peter Manu and Horia Bozdoghina, ed. Polemica Paulescu: sti- inta, politica, memorie [The Paulescu Polemic: Scholarship, Politics, Remembrance], Bucha- rest 2010. e-mail:
[email protected] Perceptions of the Holocaust in Contemporary Romania: Between Film and Television by Victor Eskenasy, Frankfurt am Main n spite of the relatively large number of stu- widely popular public intellectuals, made Idies and collections of documents published known particularly by television,