Neurology International 2012; volume 4:e16

Relationship between early and event-related potential (ERP) components, including , , premotor potential Correspondence: Sergio Machado, Institute of late stages of information (PMP) and , in healthy participants in Psychiatry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, processing: an event-related the context of a visual . We Rua Ferreira Viana, 62/apt, 60. Flamengo, CEP potential study found a moderate positive correlation among 22210-040, Brazil. the latency of P200 (electrode O2), N200 Tel. +55.2191.567006. E-mail: [email protected] Claudio Portella,1,2 (electrode O2), PMP (electrode C3), P300 (electrode PZ) and the reaction time (RT). In Sergio Machado,3,4,5,6 Key words: decision making, event-related poten- addition, moderate negative correlation Oscar Arias-Carrión,7 tials, N200, P200, P300. between the amplitude of P200 and the laten- Alexander T. Sack,8 cies of N200 (electrode O2), PMP (electrode Julio Guilherme Silva,9 Marco Orsini,10,11 Contributions: CP, RP, PR designed, conducted C3), P300 (electrode PZ) was found. the literature review and drafted most of the Marco Antonio Araujo Leite,2 Therefore, we propose that if the secondary manuscript. ATS, OAC, MO, MAAL, SM, JGS, MC, 3 Adriana Cardoso Silva, processing of visual input (P200 latency) ACOS, and AEN performed the literature review Antonio E. Nardi,3 Mauricio Cagy,12 occurs faster, the following will also happen and the drafting of the manuscript. All authors Roberto Piedade,1 Pedro Ribeiro1 sooner: discrimination and classification were equally involved in reading and approving 1Brain Mapping and Sensory Motor process of this input (N200 latency), motor the final manuscript. Integration, Institute of Psychiatry of response processing (PMP latency), reorgan- ization of and working Conflict of interests: the authors declare no con- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, flict of interests. Brazil; 2Faculty of Physical Therapy, UNI- update (P300 latency), and RT. N200, PMP, ABEU, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 3Panic and and P300 latencies are also anticipated when Received for publication: 13 April 2012. Respiration, Institute of Psychiatry of higher activation level of occipital areas Revision received: 23 July 2012. involved in the secondary processing of visu- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Accepted for publication: 30 July 2012. al input rise (P200 amplitude). National Institute for Translational This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Medicine (INCT-TM), Brazil; 4Quiropraxia onlyAttribution NonCommercial 3.0 License (CC BY- Program, Central University, Santiago, NC 3.0). Chile; 5Physical Activity Neuroscience, Introduction ©Copyright C. Portella et al., 2012 Physical Activity Sciences Postgraduate Licensee PAGEPress, Italy Program - Salgado de Oliveira University, Recent studies highlighted the importanceuse Neurology International 2012; 4:e16 Niterói, Brazil; 6Institute of Phylosophy, of central organization of neural processes doi:10.4081/ni.2012.e16 Federal University of Uberlândia involved in what has been called the different (IFILO/UFU), Brazil; 7Movement stages of information processing.1-11 The Disorders and Transcraneal Magnetic is capable of processing and executing Stimulation Unit, Hospital General Dr. these different stages in a seemingly simple Manuel Gea González, México DF, México; and efficient manner, i.e. the brain detects, that subserve the sensory, perceptual and cog- 8Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, identifies and discriminates different stim- nitive processes. Hence, the different stages of Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, uli, and subsequently selects and activates sensory information processing are represent- ed by specific ERP components, specifically Maastricht University, The Netherlands; appropriate responses in a matter of hun- 1,2 reflecting the primary and secondary process- 9Physical Therapy Department, Federal dreds of a millisecond. However, exactly ing of sensory input, encoding, classification University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; how these information-processing stages are processed in the brain remains largely and guidance of the task, as well as the selec- 10Neurology Department, Antonio Pedro unknown. Several researchers have argued tion and response execution.12 ERPs are well- University Hospital, Federal Fluminense that these processes occur serially, with the defined representatives of different stages of University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; completion of one stage being a requirement sensory information processing, with the early 11 Master Program of Science for the beginning of the next.8 In line with ERP components reflecting basic sensory pro- Rehabilitation UNISUAM, RioNon-commercial de Janeiro, this notion, one would expect that impair- cessing of stimuli (lower level processing), e.g. Brazil; 12Division of Epidemiology and ments in initial stages of sensory informa- P200 and N200 waves, and the later ERP com- Biostatistic, Institute of Health tion processing would affect the subsequent ponents reflecting the perceptual and cogni- Community, Federal Fluminense phase(s); perhaps also affecting cognitive tive processing of stimuli (higher level pro- University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and/or motor performance.9 In contrast, how- cessing), e.g. premotor potential (PMP) and ever, some studies have provided evidence to P300 wave that can be transformed into a support the notion that information process- motor (Go) or into inhibition response (No- ing stages can occur simultaneously, i.e. in Go).13,14 In the current study, we aimed to Abstract parallel, which means serial processing is investigate possible correlations among these not necessarily required.10 Furthermore, sev- early and late stages of information processing The brain is capable of elaborating and eral afferent and efferent pathways in the by assessing the latency and amplitude of early executing different stages of information pro- central nervous system have parallel path- and late ERP components, including P200, cessing. However, exactly how these stages ways, and their distributed parallel processes N200, PMP and P300, in the context of a visual are processed in the brain remains largely might clarify certain features of human oddball paradigm. In addition, we assessed the unknown. This study aimed to analyze the behavior.11 specific relation of these ERP components to possible correlation between early and late The examination of event-related potentials the behavioral measures of our paradigm. We stages of information processing by assessing (ERP) provides useful insights into the nature, were specifically interested in identifying spe- the latency to, and amplitude of, early and late organization and timing of neuronal events cific correlations across early and late ERP

[Neurology International 2012; 4:e16] [page 71] Article components representing early versus late (EEG) data was collected. During the visual milliseconds with an inter-trial interval (onset stages of information processing and, if so, task, lights were turned off and subjects were to onset) of 1500 milliseconds. which characteristics (latency, amplitude) instructed to concentrate exclusively on the demonstrate such relationships in the context monitor screen. A 15” Samsung monitor was data of our paradigm. placed 50 cm in front of the participant. The acquisition and processing visual was presented on the monitor The International 10/20 System for elec- by the ERP acquisition software, developed in trodes was used with a 20-channel EEG system DELPHI 5.0. To elicit the P300, all subjects (Braintech-3000, EMSA-Medical Instruments, Materials and Methods were presented with the same visual discrimi- Brazil).16 The 20 electrodes were arranged in a nation task, which used the classical oddball nylon cap (Electro Cap Inc., Fairfax, VA, USA) Subjects paradigm.2 In this paradigm, two stimuli are yielding monopole derivations referred to presented randomly one of which occurs infre- Twenty healthy subjects [10 male, 10 linked earlobes. In addition, two 9 mm diame- quently. Participants were asked to discrimi- female; mean age 33.5 years, standard devia- ter electrodes were attached above and on the nate targets (25% infrequent) from non-tar- tion (SD) 11.5] were recruited. All subjects external corner of the right eye, in a bipolar gets or standard stimuli (75% frequent). were right handed and had normal or correct- electrode montage, for eye-movement (EOG) Target stimuli were defined as visual squares ed to normal vision.15 Inclusion criteria were: artifact monitoring. Impedance of EEG and and non-targets as circles. absence of mental or physical impairments EOG electrodes were kept under 5-10 kΩ. The Participants were instructed to respond only and no history of psychoactive or psychotropic data acquired had total amplitude of less than to target stimuli by pressing a button with substance use (screened by an anamnesis and 100 µV. The EEG signal was amplified with a their right index finger using a joystick (Quick a clinical examination). Furthermore, subjects gain of 22,000, analogically filtered between Shot-Crystal CS4281, Quick shot, USA). The were not included if they had less than 6-8 h of 0.01 Hz (high-pass) and 100 Hz (low-pass), reaction time (RT) resulting from the pressing and sampled at 240 Hz. The software ERP sleep prior to the experiment and/or caffeine of a button in the joystick after each target Acquisition (Delphi 5.0), developed at the during the 48 h prior to the experiment. The stimulus was used as an index of motor per- Brain Mapping and Sensorimotor Integration entire experimental protocol was explained to formance. Participants’ reaction times were Laboratory, was employed to filter the raw data: all subjects who gave their signed consent only measured at each trial in milliseconds. Each notch (60 Hz), high-pass of 0.3 Hz and low- before participating in this study. This study participant received one block of 350-400 tri- pass of 25 Hz. was approved by the Ethics Committee at the als. In this block, there was a 95% chance of 1- To quantify reference-free data, both visual Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 4 non-target stimuli preceding a target stimu- inspection and independent component lus and a 5% chance of 5-7 non-target stimuliuseanalysis (ICA) were applied to remove possi- Stimuli preceding a target stimulus. Specifically, 100 ble sources of artifacts produced by the task. In order to minimize sensory interference, target stimuli were presented in the block. The Data from individual electrodes exhibiting the experiment was performed in a sound and total number of stimuli presented (targets plus loss of contact with the scalp or high imped- light-attenuated room. Participants were seat- non-targets) varied between 350 and 400, and ances (>10 kΩ) were deleted as well as data ed on a comfortable chair to minimize muscu- the ratio of target/non target stimuli was 1:4. from single-trial epochs exhibiting excessive lar artifacts while electroencephalography Each stimulus appeared on the screen for 750 movement artifact (±100 µV). ICA was then


Figure 1. Event-related potential plot for P200 wave. Figure 2. Event-related potential plot for N200 wave.

[page 72] [Neurology International 2012; 4:e16] Article applied to identify and remove any remaining artifacts after the initial visual inspection. ICA is an information maximization algo- rithm that derives spatial filters by blind source separation of the EEG signals into temporally independent and spatially fixed components. Independent components resembling eye-blink or muscle artifact were removed and the remaining components were then back-projected onto the scalp electrodes by multiplying the input data by the inverse matrix of the spatial filter coefficients derived from ICA using established procedures. The ICA-filtered data were then re-inspected for residual artifacts using the same rejection criteria described above.17

Statistical analysis We obtained current density and RT esti- mated around the peak latency of each compo- nent for each subject. Since the peak latencies varied among subjects, an analyzed time win- dow was determined as the peak latency of each subject ± SD across subjects. In addition, RT was subsequently averaged to yield a final only value for each subject. Missed stimuli were not considered. Although RT is independent of ERP measures, it was used to verify subject alertness during the task. We applied use Spearman’s correlation analysis (P≤0.05) among latencies and amplitudes of P200 and the other components, e.g. N200, PMP and P300, and between P200 and RT.


Behavioral data During the visual task, all participants responded correctly to the target stimuli (100%).

Event-related potentials data We assessed the specific correlations among the ERP components and Non-commercialthe RT of our paradigm. We were interested in identifying specific correlations across early and late ERP components representing early and late stages of information processing and, if such associa- tions were found, determining the characteris- tics (latency, amplitude) and relationships of those components in the context of our para- digm. Statistical analysis revealed that the latency of the P200 component (mean 200.87 ms; SD 19.7063; Figure 1), showed a signifi- cant moderate positive correlation with the Figure 3. Positive correlation among the latency of P200 (electrode O2), N200 (electrode latency of N200 (mean 271.56 ms; SD 19.8907; O2), PMP (electrode C3), P300 (electrode PZ), and the TR. Each data point represents a single unique subject. A) Positive correlation between latency of P200 and N200 waves of r=0.47, P=0.03; Figure 2) observed in elec- the electrode O2. Significant difference; r=0.47, P=0.03; B) positive correlation between trode O2 (Figure 3A); with the latency of PMP latency of P200 wave of the electrode O2 and motor latency wave of the electrode C3. (mean 342.62 ms; SD 27.3317; r=0.43, P=0.05; Significant difference; r=0.43, P=0.05; C) positive correlation between latency of P200 Figure 4) observed in electrode C3 (Figure wave of the electrode O2 and latency P300 wave of the electrode Pz. Significant difference; 3B); with the latency of the P300 (mean 408.75 r=0.57, P=0.008.

[Neurology International 2012; 4:e16] [page 73] Article

ms; SD 30.0602; r=0.57, P=0.008; Figure 5) nent is the maximum negative amplitude According to a recent study, the parietal cor- observed in electrode Pz (Figure 3C). between 175 and 250 ms18 related to multiple tex would be involved not only in the spatial In contrast, the amplitude of the P200 com- neuronal processes associated with discrimina- demands of the visual scene but also in the ponent (mean 10.05 µV; SD 5.3082359; Figure tion and classification of visual stimuli.4,20 The visual organization for motor procedures.21 1), showed a significant moderate negative dynamics of these components can be under- Posterior parietal sites are interconnected with correlation with the latency of N200 (mean stood from visual routes. According to the pre- in order to prepare the 271.56 ms; SD 19.8907; r=-0.46, P=0.04; Figure Kropotov,21 the visual pathways are composed of individual to start eye movement, to aim the 2) observed in electrode O2 (Figure 6A); with hierarchical structures in which signals are eyes towards the selected object, and then to the latency of PMP (mean 342.62 ms; SD transferred from the first level to the others. reach and manipulate it. Within this context, 27.3317; r=-0.47, P=0.03; Figure 4) observed in That is, visual input reaches primary visual cor- the dorsal pathway (parietal) would be related electrode C3 (Figure 6B), and with the latency tex (Brodmann area 17) through the lateral to the procedural memory. Therefore, it is sug- of P300 (mean 408.75 ms; SD 30.0602; r=- geniculate body of thalamus. Then, ventral gested that as earlier registration of visual input 0.45, P=0.04; Figure 5) observed in electrode (temporal) and dorsal (parietal) visual path- (P200 latency) occurs, the motor answer pro- Pz (Figure 6C). ways are activated that discriminate different cessing happens faster (PPM latency). aspects of visual information (Figure 7). The P300 has positive maximum amplitude of dorsal pathway interests us because it is situat- between 250 and 600 ms and rises after the ed under areas covered by the electrodes O2, PZ conclusion of a task related to stimuli differen- Discussion and C3; these include secondary sensory cor- tiation reflecting attention reorganization. 18,26 tices for visual stimuli (Brodmann areas 18, 19, It is also related to updating The results demonstrate moderate positive 7 and 5) and primary sensory cortex (Brodmann and learning processes.27 It has been suggest- correlations among the latency of P200 (elec- area 3). These areas should be activated ed that this potential is elicited at the end of a trode O2), N200 (electrode O2), PMP (electrode sequentially in order to process information cognitive episode in which the decision is C3), P300 (electrode PZ). In addition, moderate related to the speed and position of visual infor- made as to whether the stimulus is important negative correlation between the amplitude of mation. Therefore, according to the hierarchic or not.28 P300 latency may reflect the discrimi- P200 and the latencies of N200 (electrode O2), theory of visual pathways, it is possible to infer nationonly time needed to interpret a stimulus as PPM (electrode C3), P300 (electrode PZ) was that the earlier secondary processing of visual important or unimportant.29 found. With this in mind, the discussion is input occurs (register of input - P200 latency), Another study evaluated working memory divided into two parts: first positive correlation the faster discrimination and the classification (WM) in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral and then negative correlation. process of input will happen (N200 latency).useSclerosis through ERPs in the context of an The PMP has negative amplitude that auditory oddball paradigm.30 The authors Positive correlation appears approximately 300 ms before the start found a prolonged latency of the N200 and The P200 component is well-documented as a of the movement with a peak occurring at 100 P300 components in 60% of subjects and pro- deflection with maximum positive amplitude ms.22 It is clearly observed in the contralateral posed that P300 delayed latency indicates a between 150 and 250 ms and is strongly associ- motor area relative to movement and has been WM impairment. Those results corroborate the ated with the secondary processing of visual utilized to indicate the stage of motor execu- visual pathways theory.21 First, they agree that input.18,19 On the other hand, the N200 compo- tion processing of ERP.23-25 the dorsal visual pathway is involved with the


Figure 4. Event-related potential plot for premotor potential Figure 5. Event-related potential plot for P300 wave. wave.

[page 74] [Neurology International 2012; 4:e16] Article

WM. Second, they reinforce the hierarchic the- ory that makes up these pathways. In other words, signals are transferred from the first level to the other levels, in only this order. In this way, it is suggested that the earlier visual input register occurs (P200 latency), the faster attention reorganization and the working memory update takes place (P300 latency). Anjana and colleagues assessed cognitive status in children with attention deficit hyper- activity disorder (ADHD) using auditory ERPs.31 The ADHD children showed a statisti- cally significant N200 latency prolongation and amplitude decrease when compared with con- trols. , P200 and P300 were prolonged in ADHD children, but the difference versus con- trols was without statistical significance. The authors suggested dysfunctions in the discrim- ination of task-relevant stimuli could explain their findings. These findings support the idea that as attention level is lower, stimuli discrim- ination capacity is also reduced. Conversely, as attention level is higher, activation level of occipital areas involved in the secondary pro- cessing of the visual input (P200 amplitude) is alsoonly enhanced, and consequently ERP compo- nents, including N200 (discrimination and classification process of visual input) have shorter latency. use The results of Anjana et al.31 showed a sig- nificantly longer RT in ADHD subjects as com- pared with controls. Furthermore, using the same idea as above, attention deficits could lead to a lower cortical activation level for the input register (lower P200 amplitude) and con- sequently to an RT delay. In this , in nor- mal attention levels, a negative correlation between P200 amplitude and RT would be expected. In another way, the higher the acti- vation level of occipital areas involved in the secondary processing of visual input (P200 amplitude), the lower would be the RT. Looking to the fact that RT is preceded by PMP (motor response processing), a negative correlation between P200 amplitude and PMP latency would also be expected. In other words, as Non-commercial attention level is higher, and consequently the activation of cortical areas involved in visual input register (P200 amplitude), PMP latency is shorter. Vandoolaeghe and colleagues used auditory event related potentials (AERPs) to study patients with major depression without cogni- tive deterioration and patients with major depression with Alzheimer’s dementia and cog- nitive impairment.29 It was observed that clini- cally depressed subjects without cognitive dete- Figure 6. Negative correlation between the amplitude of P200 and the latencies of N200 rioration had significantly higher P200 ampli- (electrode O2), premotor potential (electrode C3), P300 (electrode PZ). Each data point tude and P300 latency than normal volunteers. represents a single unique subject. A) Negative correlation between amplitude of P200 Patients with Alzheimer’s dementia and depres- and latency of N200 waves of the electrode O2. Significant difference; r=-0.46, P=0.04; B) negative correlation between motor latency wave of the electrode C3 and amplitude of sion with cognitive impairment had a signifi- P200 wave of the electrode O2. Significant difference; r =-0.47, P=0.03; C) negative cor- cantly higher P300 latency than depressed relation between latency of the P300 wave of the electrode Pz and amplitude of P200 wave patients without cognitive impairment. Apart of the electrode O2. Significant difference; r=-0.45, P=0.04. from the differences in methodology (auditory

[Neurology International 2012; 4:e16] [page 75] Article

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