Biomolecules & Therapeutics, 18(4), 375-385 (2010) ISSN: 1976-9148(print)/2005-4483(online) DOI: 10.4062/biomolther.2010.18.4.375 Review

Targeting Multidrug Resistance with Small Molecules for Cancer Therapy

Yan XIA, and Kyeong LEE* Department of Medical Biotechnology, College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Dongguk University-Seoul, Seoul 100-715, Republic of Korea

(Received July 12, 2010; Revised September 28, 2010; Accepted October 3, 2010)

Abstract - Conventional cancer is seriously limited by tumor cells exhibiting multidrug resis- tance (MDR), which is caused by changes in the levels or activity of membrane transporters that mediate energy-dependent drug efflux and of that affect drug metabolism and/or drug action. Cancer scientists and oncologists have worked together for some time to understand anticancer drug resistance and develop pharmacological strategies to overcome such resistance. Much focus has been on the reversal of the MDR phenotype by inhibition of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) drug transporters. ABC transporters are a family of transporter proteins that mediate drug resistance and low drug bioavailability by pumping various drugs out of cells at the expense of ATP hydrolysis. Many inhibitors of MDR transporters have been identified, and though some are currently undergoing clinical trials, none are in clinical use. Herein, we briefly review the status of MDR in human cancer, explore the pathways of MDR in chemotherapy, and outline recent advances in the design and development of MDR modulators. Keywords: Multidrug resistance, Chemotherapy, ATP-binding cassette

INTRODUCTION they have never been exposed, effectively eliminating the possibility of curing these tumors with chemotherapy. In With approximately half of all cancer diagnoses leading many cases, cells grown in tissue culture that are derived to death in the modern era, there is a compelling need to from such multidrug-resistant tumors demonstrate pat- address chemotherapy drug resistance. Drug resistance terns of resistance in vitro similar to those seen in situ. This can occur at many levels by affecting host drug metabo- observation suggests that multidrug resistance (MDR) is in lism, drug delivery, microenvironment, and cellular mecha- most cases the result of heritable changes that alter the nisms, and most of these mechanisms are still poorly levels of specific or mutant proteins in cancer cells, thus al- understood. Only the cellular mechanisms of drug resist- lowing survival in the presence of many different cytotoxic ance have been examined in detail, as illustrated in Fig. 1. agents. These genetic alterations that confer resistance to Impaired drug delivery can result from poor absorption of cytotoxic drugs can also affect cell cycle dynamics, sus- orally administered drugs, increased drug metabolism or ceptibility to apoptosis, uptake and efflux of drugs, cellular increased excretion, resulting in lower levels of drugs in drug metabolism, intracellular compartmentalization of the blood and reduced diffusion of drugs from the blood in- drugs, and repair of drug-induced damage (usually to to the tumor mass (Pluen et al., 2001). DNA). Although many kinds of MDR have been docu- Clinical oncologists were the first to observe that can- mented in cultured cells (Gottesman and Pastan, 1996), cers treated with multiple anticancer drugs tend to develop clinical data proving that these mechanisms are respon- cross-resistance to many other cytotoxic agents to which sible for MDR in vivo are generally lacking. Recent studies indicate that transporter-mediated drug *Corresponding author disposition plays a more important role than previously Tel: +82-2-2260-8906 Fax: +82-2-2260-8769 thought (Anderl et al., 2004). The interaction between che- E-mail: [email protected] 376 Yan Xia and Kyeong Lee

Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of cellular mechanisms of MDR. RFC: reduced folate carrier known to transport metho- trexate, CNT: concentrative nucleo- side transporter, OAT: organic anion transporters, CTR1, homotrimeric inte- gral membrane that transports reduced copper [Cu(I)]. Targets of chemotherapy, such as DNA, tubulin, and topoisomerases I and II (T-I and T-II) are represented. This figure is modified from the original figure (Polgar et al., 2004). motherapeutic drugs and transporters in cells and tissues a role in cleaving ATP (hydrolysis) in order to derive the is essentially related to the efficacy of therapy. ABC trans- energy necessary for transporting cell nutrients such as porters and solute carrier (SLC) transporters are two major sugars, amino acids, ions, and small peptides across superfamilies of membrane transporters that are featured membranes. in various hypotheses related to MDR development and ABC transporters serve a wide variety of cellular roles. transport protein modulators that alter drug pharmaco- In the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and kidney, ABC trans- kinetics. ABC transporters play a more distinctive role in porters excrete toxins, thereby protecting the organism. MDR. One of the most intensively studied proteins belong- ABC transporters also play an active role in the immune ing to the class of energy-dependent efflux pumps is hu- system by transporting peptides identified as antigens by man P-glycoprotein (P-gp). In tumor therapy, special effort class I HLA molecules (e.g. ABCB2/TAP1, ABCB3/TAP2) has been devoted to the design of inhibitors that overcome into the endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, they play MDR by blocking P-gp-mediated efflux. Several P-gp in- physiological roles in cellular lipid transport and homeo- hibitors have been featured in clinical studies, which showed stasis (Takahashi et al., 2005). that inhibiting ABC transporters for the purpose of over- A variety of ABC transporters have been shown to medi- coming MDR is a valid strategy, at least in haematological ate chemoresistance in cancer cells via extrusion of anti- malignancies. However, due to the prevalence of severe cancer drugs (Gottesman et al., 2002). Among the ABC side effects, P-gp inhibitors must be highly specific for suc- transporters involved in MDR are P-gp and MDR-asso- cessful application to the therapy of multiresistant tumors. ciated protein (MRP), which are overexpressed in malig- Herein, we discuss, in general, the mechanisms that have nant cells where they serve to pump out anticancer drugs. been proposed for mediating MDR in cancer cells, counter This results in a reduction of the amount of drug necessary strategies currently in practice, and novel approaches for for effective therapy. the development of potential anti-MDR modulators. P-glycoprotein (P-gp) ATP-DEPENDENT TRANSPORTERS The P-gp (ABCB1, MDR1) is located on chromo- some 7 in humans and encodes 1280 amino acids (Ambudkar It has been demonstrated over recent decades that one et al., 1999). P-gp protein functions as an ATP-driven ef- of the major mechanisms of MDR is the expression of sev- flux transporter of substrates from the intracellular to ex- eral different ATP-dependent drug efflux pumps. ABC pro- tracellular region. It has 12 transmembrane sequences as teins constitute a large family of integral membrane pro- shown in Fig. 2, of which sequences 5, 6, 11, and 12 func- teins that are found in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes tion in transport. Generally, P-gp is characterized as hav- (Dean et al., 2001). A functional integral ing a transmembrane domain (TMD) containing six trans- such as P-gp typically contains two nucleotide-binding membrane segments and a hydrophilic region containing a folds (NBFs) as well as two transmembrane domains nucleotide-binding domain (NBD). P-gp is mainly respon- (TMDs) encoded by a single polypeptide (Efferth, 2001). sible for limiting entry of orally administered substrates The first two units, called nucleotide-binding domains, play (drugs) into the body as well as excretion of metabolites in- Small Molecule Modulators of Multidrug Resistance 377 to the bile and placenta (Kim et al., 2006). Tumor cells ex- portance of P-gp to MDR during cancer suggests that cyto- pressing P-gp are characterized by reduced intracellular toxic drug delivery to cancer cells can be improved by in- drug concentrations, which decrease the cytotoxicity of a hibition of P-gp, which would afford a significant ther- broad spectrum of antitumor drugs, including anthracy- apeutic advantage and result in improved treatment of clines (e.g. DOX), vinca alkaloids (e.g. vincristine), podo- cancer patients. phyllotoxins (e.g. etoposide), and taxanes (e.g. taxol). The increased expression of ABCB1 gene in multidrug-resistant Multidrug resistance (MDR)-associated protein (MRP) cancer cells has been attributed to various mechanisms, MRP, a member of the ABC family of transporters, has including altered activity of transcriptional factors, gene re- been described as a GS-X pump capable of transporting arrangement or altered methylation status of the promoter organic anion drug conjugates as well as intact anticancer (Wada, 2006). On the other hand, ABCB1 is expressed in drugs (Borst et al., 1997). Isolated as a transmembrane normal cells of the intestine, liver, kidney, brain, and pla- glycoprotein in non-P-gp-expressing small cell lung cancer centa, where it regulates intestinal absorption, hepato- (SCLC) DOX-resistant cell lines, MRP is an asymmetrical biliary excretion, renal secretion, and protects the brain molecule consisting of eight subunits and four mem- and fetus from xenobiotics. brane-spanning domains (Almquist et al., 1995). Clinical In recent years, an increased understanding of P-gp- cancers expressing MRP include hematological (Broxter- mediated pharmacokinetic interactions has been obtained. man et al., 1994), lung (Rubio et al., 1994), acute lympho- In addition, the role of P-gp in modifying the bioavailability blastic leukemia relapses, and chronic myeloid leukemia of orally administered drugs via induction or inhibition has (Beck et al., 1994). been also been demonstrated in various studies. The im- Anticancer drugs that serve as substrates of MRP in-

Fig. 2. Schematic representation of primary structure of P-gp embedded in the plasma membrane. P-gp is glyco- sylated at its first extracellular loop and is composed of 12 hydrophobic transmembrane domains (TMDs) and 2 nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs).

Fig. 3. First-generation MDR modula- tors. 378 Yan Xia and Kyeong Lee clude anthracyclines such as DOX, vinca alkaloids, and mation and excretion of organic molecules by conjugating etoposide. By pumping such agents out of tumor cells, them with polar molecules. GST is known to mediate the MRP results in reduced intracellular accumulation of drugs biotransformation of various anticancer drugs, and its ele- and therefore resistance. Although MRP is remarkably vated level has been reported in various resistant cancer similar to P-gp in terms of its substrate specificity and ac- cell lines like MCF-7 (Hao et al., 1994). Overexpressed tivity, only 15% amino acid homology exists between the GST modifies drugs into end products with reduced activ- two proteins. Although MRP1 is associated with drug re- ities and enhanced rates of excretion. In addition to GST, sistance, it still plays a normal physiological role in the topoisomerase and apoptosis are involved in the mecha- ATP-dependent unidirectional membrane transport of glu- nism of cellular MDR. tathione conjugates. On the other hand, MRP is expressed The classical, transport-based cellular mechanism of in normal human tissues, such as muscle, lung, spleen, MDR involves efflux of a drug from the cell by various en- bladder, adrenal gland, and gall bladder (Zaman et al., ergy-dependant membrane transport proteins, thereby 1993). preventing the drug from reaching therapeutic concen- trations (Gottesman, 2002). ABC transporters are a family Potential mechanisms of multidrug resistance of proteins that mediate MDR via ATP-dependent drug ef- Numerous mechanisms have been proposed for MDR flux pumps (Leonard et al., 2003). Overexpression of ABC in cancer cells. Such mechanisms can be categorized as transporters has been shown to mediate MDR (Choi, non-cellular or cellular based on the factors contributing to 2005). Various transport proteins belonging to the ABC su- MDR development (Fan et al., 1994). Non-cellular mecha- perfamily have been characterized, including P-gp, MRP1, nisms involve factors that are actually extracellular such as its homologs MRP2-6, and the breast cancer-resistance limited vascular accessibility or the cell growth environ- protein (BCRP) (Borst et al., 2000), all of which are overex- ment, whereas cellular mechanisms include enzymes and pressed in malignant cells and serve to pump out anti- transport systems. cancer drugs, reducing the amount of drug necessary for effective therapy. Non-cellular MDR mechanisms Non-cellular mechanisms of MDR are generally in- SMALL MOLECULE MDR MODULATORS dicative of certain types of cancers that show inherent or natural resistance to chemotherapy upon initial exposure Currently, about seven million people die of cancer and to the drug. Transformation to a cancerous state requires 12 million new cases are diagnosed each year (Garcia et cells to grow beyond their natural boundaries, which typi- al., 2007). Over 90% of cancer-related deaths can be at- cally requires a well-structured vasculature. However, in tributed to failure of chemotherapy, and this is mostly due certain solid tumors, angiogenesis is compromised, which to MDR (Longley and Johnston, 2005). Finding methods of hinders the accessibility of the drug to cancer cells and lim- overcoming MDR in cancer therefore constitutes one of its drug-induced cytotoxicity. The growth environment in the most urgent problems in medical science. which cancer cells proliferate is markedly different from Compounds that are able to reverse resistance to anti- that of normal cells. Lack of nutrition and hypoxia due to cancer drugs are called MDR inhibitors, chemosensitizers poor vasculature followed by lactic acid accumulation or MDR modulators (Kellen, 2003). Thus far, numerous could confer resistance of cancer cells to the action or cel- compounds have been shown to inhibit the drug efflux lular uptake of drugs that act on actively dividing cells, the function of P-gp, therefore reversing cellular resistance. In latter of which requires a pH gradient (Demant et al., general, such compounds have been classified as belong- 1990). ing to a first, second or third generation, as described in the following sections. Cellular MDR mechanisms After the initial demonstration of verapamil as a P-gp in- Cellular MDR mechanisms may be classified as either hibitor, many additional compounds were reported to in- non-classical/non-transport-based or classical/transport- hibit drug transport and sensitize MDR cells to chemo- based. Non-transport-based cellular MDR mechanisms in- therapeutic drugs. The so-called 'first-generation' of MDR volve enzyme systems that limit the desired activity of the drugs included compounds of diverse structure and func- drug without altering its effective concentration inside the tion, including calcium channel blockers (eg, verapamil), cell. Glutathione-S-transferase (GST), an important en- immunosuppressants (eg, cyclosporin A), antibiotics (eg, zyme in xenobiotic metabolism, catalyzes the biotransfor- erythromycin), antimalarials (eg, quinine), psychotropic Small Molecule Modulators of Multidrug Resistance 379 phenothiazines and indole alkaloids (eg, fluphenazine and efflux (Benet and Cummins, 2001). The concomitant in- reserpine), steroid hormones and anti-steroids (eg, pro- hibition of both P-gp and CYP3A by these second-gen- gesterone and tamoxifen), and detergents (eg, cremophor eration “chemosensitizers” results in higher concentrations EL) (Ford and Hait, 1990). Although the structures of these of anticancer drugs in plasma due to impaired elimination compounds are very different, many are amphipathic mol- and metabolism. Clearly, an ideal “chemosensitizer” would ecules containing a ternary nitrogen along with a planar inhibit P-gp activity in tumors and not affect anticancer ring or ring system. drug metabolism by CYP3A. Unfortunately, none of the First-generation MDR drugs are also characterized by so-called second-generation modulators possess this im- other pharmacological activities, as they were not specifi- portant property. Therefore, yet another stage of chemo- cally developed for the inhibition of MDR. The structure of sensitizer development was required. Some second and some first-generation MDR modulators is show in Fig. 3. third-generation of MDR modulators are shown in Table I. Their affinity for ABC transporters is low, which requires high doses and results in unacceptable high toxicity (Thomas and Coley, 2005). Clinical trials with these first-generation Table I. Some second- and third-generation of MDR modulators MDR drugs failed for various reasons, but most often due under clinical trials to side effects. Many first-generation chemosensitizers Trials Modulator Structure Target were themselves substrates for ABC transporters and phase competed with the cytotoxic drugs for efflux by MDR pumps. Therefore, high serum concentrations of the chemo- PSC833 sensitizers were needed in order to attain sufficient intra- Valspodar Pgp III cellular concentrations (Ambudkar et al., 1999). These lim- (cyclosporin D derivative) itations prompted the development of new chemo- sensitizers that would be more potent, less toxic, and se- lective to P-gp as well as other ABC transporters (Krishna MS209 Pgp (quinoline I/II et al., 2000). MRP derivative) Three promising second-generation compounds (PSC833, VX-710, and S9788) have previously progressed to phase VX710 Biricodar Pgp I and phase II clinical trials (Toppmeyer et al., 2002; Incel MRP II Gruber et al., 2003). Interestingly, it was observed that the (pipecolinate BCRP concentrations of these agents that were sufficient for in- derivative) hibition of P-gp activity in vitro could also be attained in WR9576 Tariquidar Pgp plasma (Rowinsky et al., 1998). Unfortunately, serious lim- I/II/III (anthranilamide MRP itations remained regarding the combined use of P-gp in- derivative) hibitors and anticancer drugs. Blockage of P-gp efflux re- LY335979 sulted in greatly elevated plasma levels and reduced sys- RS-33295-198 temic clearance of anticancer drugs due to pharmacoki- Zosuquidar Pgp II/III (dibenzosuberane netic interactions. This generated considerable toxicity and derivative) necessitated a reduction in the administered dose of che- GF120918 motherapeutic drugs (Rowinsky et al., 1998). Reduction in GG918 Elacridar Pgp drug dosage was associated with reduced overall efficacy, I although a small subset of patients did retain the benefits (acridone BCRP cardoxamide afforded by the anticancer drugs. The nature of this un- derivative) wanted pharmacokinetic interaction can be elucidated by considering that P-gp and cytochrome P450-3A isoform R-101933 Laniquidar Pgp II/III CYP3A share substantial overlap in substrate specificity ( (Kim et al., 1999), with the latter contributing to the metab- derivative) olism of almost half of all clinically used drugs. In addition, ONT093 in excretory organs, the expression of P-gp and CYP3A is OC144-093 Pgp I/II coordinately regulated, whereas there appears to be a (diarylimidazole synergistic relationship between cellular metabolism and derivative) 380 Yan Xia and Kyeong Lee

Third-generation molecules were developed to over- Table II. Recent development of novel MDR modulators come the limitations of second-generation MDR modu- Analog Target Cancer type References lators (Thomas and Coley, 2005). These new compounds O R R1 HN O Ar Breast cancer Colabufo et al., are not metabolized by cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A) R2 P-gp cell line 2008c and do not alter the plasma pharmacokinetics of anti- cancer drugs. Instead, these third-generation agents spe- Gastric cifically and potently inhibit P-gp while not affecting other Coburger et al., P-gp carcinoma cell 2008 ABC transporters. None of the third-generation agents line tested so far have resulted in clinically relevant alterations of the pharmacokinetics of the co-administered anticancer O Breast cancer Colabufo et al., drugs. Due to their specificity for P-gp transporters and X Ar P-gp cell line 2008b their lack of interaction with CYP3A4, third-generation

R P-gp inhibitors offer significant improvements in chemo- O O Ar R3 N Breast cancer Colabufo et al., O P-gp therapy without requiring chemotherapy dose reductions. R2 cell line 2008a R1 One of the most promising third-generation P-gp in- Hepatoma cell hibitors available is an anthranilamide derivative tariquidar line and Fong et al., O O O P-gp (XR9576) that was developed by NCI/Xenova/QLT Com- OR2 leukemia cell 2008 OR pany (Liscovitch and Lavie, 2002). In phase I and II studies 1 line of ovarian cancer treated with and vinorelbine, O Lymphoma cell tariquidar produced favorable results. Thus, phase III trials R N R P-gp Das et al., 2008 line O R1 have been initiated featuring tariquidar in patients having N O R non-small cell lung cancer. Briefly, tariquidar binds specifi- 1 CN H3CO N Breast cancer cally and non-competitively to the P-gp pump, which po- C8H17-n N N cell line and H3CO H P-gp Li et al., 2008 tently inhibits the activity of the transporter. Since tar- OCH3 leukemia cell iquidar inhibits the ATPase activity of P-gp, it would be very OCH3 line X potent, and its inhibitory action on P-gp transporter pump X Ovarian S lasts longer compared to to the effects of first- and sec- S Viale et al., * OH * OR P-gp carcinoma cell R' N N 2009 ond-generation P-gp modulators. Tariquidar did not result H3C N N O line O O in alteration of the pharmacokinetics of the co-admini- O OMe stered cytotoxic agents, including paclitaxel, vinorelbine, N O OMe MeO or doxorubicin in patients having solid tumors. This allows N Breast cancer Kühnle et al., H BCRP standard doses of these chemotherapeutic agents to be MeO NH cell line 2009 O used without dose reduction. Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. N

R1 developed a pipecolinate analog, VX-710 (biricodar, Incel), R 1 O N O N R2 R which is actually a high-affinity P-gp and MRP inhibitor. 2 NH Ovarian cancer Häcker et al., R3 NH S MRP1 OH cell line 2009b VX-710 has no pharmacokinetic interactions with doxor- OH R3 R4 R O ubicin and is currently undergoing trials in solid tumors. O 4 OMe Laniquidar (R101933; NCI/EORTC Inc.) and substituted Pr HO O Breast cancer P-gp Liu et al., 2009 diarylimidazole, ONT-093 (Ontogen Inc.), are among the ORha cell line third-generation of P-gp inhibitors. As such, both possess OH O N S R Ovarian cancer Ha¨cker et al., high potency and specificity for P-gp transporter despite N P-gp cell line 2009a having diverse chemical structures and origins (Newman NH2 R Leukemia cell Martelli et al., et al., 2000). R101933 and ONT-093 were shown to inhibit Ar1 O N O Ar2 n n P-gp line 2010 P-gp pump protein with no effect on the pharmacokinetics O O R3 Mouse T of and paclitaxel. The cyclopropylbenzosuberane R4 HO R2 lymphoma Krug et al., modulator LY335979 developed by Eli Lilly Inc. was shown R1 P-gp O parental cell 2010 to competitively inhibit the binding of vinblastine to P-gp O N line protein. LY335979 showed no significant pharmacokinetic interactions with daunorubicin, vincristine, or paclitaxel in both solid and hematologic malignancies (Dantzig et al., Small Molecule Modulators of Multidrug Resistance 381

Table III. Natural product based MDR modulators Targeted MDR Year ABC References modulators transporters

2005 P-gp Jin et al.


R4 Fig. 4. Structures of adamantyl derivatives 10 g and 14 f. O O P-gp Weiss et al.

R1 R3 R2 1999). GlaxoSmithKline developed GF-120918 (elacridar), which inhibits P-gp and BCRP and shows no pharmacoki- MRP1 Chearwae et al. netic interactions with doxorubicin. Clinical trials featuring these new third-generation agents are ongoing with the O aim of longer survival for cancer patients. Although there BCRP Van Zanden et al. has been much effort, none has yielded any applicable O clinical results thus far. Despite some setbacks to the de- velopment of a novel MDR inhibitor for human cancer, a 2006 MRP1 Wu et al. great number of research groups have attempted to find effective strategies aimed at overcoming transporter- P-gp Raad et al. based MDR since 2008, as summarized in Table II. Interestingly, these compounds appear to be specific for BCRP Henrich et al. P-gp inhibitors according to their structure-activity relation- ship (SAR) results. Future clinical trials should be per- formed to evaluate the clinical benefits of these recently discovered compounds in cancer therapy. In this manner, BCRP Jin et al. our team (Min et al., 2009) initially screened thousands of small molecules from an in-house chemical library using an image-based high-throughput screening assay and a 2007 Curtisii root extract P-gp, MRP1 Limtrakul et al. P-gp-overexpressing MDR sarcoma cell line. We thus re- port the synthesis and evaluation of a novel class of dis- P-gp Fong et al. ubstituted adamantane-based MDR reversal agents. Hit-to-lead optimization resulted clarified the SAR for both terminal side chains. Many of the adamantyl derivatives P-gp Yu et al. produced were found to have reversal activities greater than that of verapamil and completely restored the cytotox- icity of 5 μM Taxol against MDR cancer cells. The EC50 val- ue of 10 g resulted in a 14-fold increase versus verapamil BCRP Katayama et al. without intrinsic cytotoxicity. The structures of certain ada- mantyl derivatives are shown in Fig. 4. On the other hand, O O MeO OMe 14 f shows that CYP3A4 was not affected at all, which BCRP Limtrakul et al. HO OH means it is unlikely that the plasma pharmacokinetics of 2008 N-hexane root extracts P-gp Romiti et al. the anticancer agents were altered. SAR studies on re- Chokeberry and P-gp, MRP1 Skupien et al. versal activity and CYP3A4 would provide useful in- mulberry leaves formation for the design and development of more se- lective and potent MDR reversal agents. The present work suggests that this a new class of high- course. ly potent and selective compounds that deserves further Most of the agents belonging to the first-, second-or investigation. In vivo animal results will be published in due third-generation of MDR modulators suffer clinically due to 382 Yan Xia and Kyeong Lee their intrinsic toxicity or because of undesired effects on synthesize new coumarin derivatives. Some synthesized the pharmacokinetics of accompanying anticancer drugs. coumarins showed MDR reversal activity, particularly pyr- These limitations have spurred efforts to search for new idyl coumarin derivative, which exhibited higher activity and effective compounds that could be effective at toler- than verapamil in vivo (not published) as well as in vitro. able doses without any adverse side effects. In this regard, recent research showing natural products as potential CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES MDR modulators is well appreciated. Since most of these natural compounds are essential components of the hu- Thus far, the complexity and versatility of cellular MDR man diet, it could be presumed that they would be least mechanisms have hindered the search for effective and toxic even at high doses. clinically applicable MDR therapies. Similarly, the pres- Natural products such as curcumin and the flavonoids ence and abundance of multiple ABC drug transporters kaempferol and quercetin have been shown to influence pose another hurdle to finding effective drugs for reversal P-gp function in human cancer cell lines with the MDR of clinical MDR. In summary, this new knowledge will lead phenotype. A list of this group of MDR modulators dis- to development of a wide range of effective MDR modu- covered in the past several years is shown in Table III. lators for various human malignances. Perhaps, the most widely studied amongst this group of compounds is curcumin (Limtrakul et al., 2007a; Shukla et ACKNOWLEDGMENTS al., 2008). Curcumin and its derivatives can inhibit the function of all three major ABC transporters, P-gp, MRP, This study was supported by the National Research and BCRP. 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