Jasper National Park
to the east on top of each other. The same rocks There are fleabanes, vetches, oxytropes, violets, Jasper National Park appear as the rugged, precipitous cliffs and castel the western wood lily, wild blue flax, large- JASPER Alberta lated peaks of the Jacques and De Smet Ranges. flowered gaillardia, shooting star and the pasque (3) Mesozoic— flower, better known as the crocus anemone, Location which is also found on the prairies. Other wild- These younger rocks are softer and have been flowers are Macoun's gentian, bunchberry, twin- Jasper National Park lies along the eastern stripped off the higher mountains by the processes NATIONAL slopes of the Rocky Mountains with its townsite flower, wintergreens, asters, arnicas, water willow- of erosion. They tend to be preserved only in the herb and its cousin, the great willow-herb or 235 miles west of the City of Edmonton. valleys between the great palaeozoic mountain fireweed, Indian paint brush, elephant's head, Its southern boundary crosses the vast Colum ranges, where they form areas of low, undulating pentstemon, larkspur, columbine and several bia Icefield and the total Park area of 4,200 relief and where they can be seen in the steep interesting orchids such as the calypso, hooded PARK square miles makes it the second largest of the sides of some of the rivers, as for instance at ladies'-tresses, small white lady's-slipper and the National Parks in Canada. Snake Indian Falls. In places they have been round-leaved orchid. The detailed map in this folder has been pre crumbled and folded into structures called anti ALBERTA Some very interesting flowers are found around pared especially to assist visitors to identify clines and synclines.
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