•p Mt. Pleasant Advocate Devoted to the interests of Mt. Pleasant and South Vancouver. Single Copy 5c, Three Hontlis 25c, Six Months 50c, Per Year $1.


'PHONE 3336 Corner Seventh and Westminster avenues. ocal Items. The New York COOKE'S DRUG STORE enn McCuaig Auction and OommiB- ion Co., L—...nexttoCarnoige Library, Hastiags street, buy Furniture for Oash, PAINTS! When you want a warm-weather drink, that Conduct auction Sales aud handle is both pleasant to take and beneficial to the Bankrupt Stocks of evory description, Dentists The Season for Painting is on. satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 1070. health, ask for— ;o: OUR GOODS ARE THE BEST MONEY CAN UR REPUTATION aB Painless Dentists is shown by tho daily Bring your Job Work to "The iucreuso iu our praotioe. We have gained a world-wide repu­ BUY AND WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Advocate" Offices. Otation with our discovery, whioh, when applied to the gums, Sovereign Lime Juice 101— teeth oan bo extracted absolutely painless. Mt Our patients are so pleased with the results that they not ouly tell I /_ Pl„*+ I *A - PLEASANT Tel. 4 4 7. Mr. nud Mrs. H. W. Maynard are their friends, bnt personally briug thom to our parlors that they J. A. neTT., LTO. HARDWARE STORE. baok iu their homo ou Sixth aveuuo. may recoive the same treatment. Iu this way, together with tho The COOKE DRUG Co. Ltd. Tho IIOUBO has boon repaired aud doue highest-class deulristry, douo by our Specialists, our praotice has gradually increased till wo nro secoud to nono iu praotice. CORKER WESTMINSTER and SEVENTH AVENUES. over sinco tho damage by fire, and iB By tho uso of our Double Adhesive Suotiou Chamber we aro able to practically a now house. fit the most difficult casts. Whoro other Dentists Foil Wo Meet With Success. If your teeth drop when you try to eat with thom, or if you aro afraid of them striking the pavement when you Jsueeze, Just a word about STRAWBERRIES Every resident on the Southside of there is something wrong; they do not fit. Our Double Adhesive False Creek will heartily approve of Suotiou Chamber overcomos this difficulty nud is Our Own Inven­ We havo secured the entire crop from ono of the best Growers in B C and will tho JBoard of Work's decision to tion and cnii not be used by others. have FRESH BERRIES EVERY MORNING. block pave Niuth avonue from West­ Gold Crown, Gold Filling, Bridge Work and all other Deutal|Work minster avoune to Granvillo street. dono, painless, nnd by Specialists and guaranteed for 10 years. Wo guarautee tho quality of theso berries equal to any on the market and better CASCADE than most, and nlso guarantee the price. THE BEER Without a Peer. , For your Ice Cream and Candies go to Wo expect berries to be a very Bhort. crop so would advise yon to placo yonr order the Mt, Pleasant Confectionary Store, with us at one*, aud we will deliver tl—in as you require. Brewed right here in Vancouver by men of years (Homowood& Main). Ice Cream sold NEW YORK DENTISTS and years and years experience, and a brewery whose any quantity, put up iu neat boxes. 14-7 Hastings St. Telephone 1666. Best Creamery Butter at 86c per Lb. Ontario Maple Syrnp. plant is the most perfect known to the Art of — :o: Brewing. Is it any wonder that it has taken a place Prof. G. P. Hicks has sold his home Ofiice Hours: 8 a.m., to 9 p.m.; Sundays 9 a.m., to 2p.m. in the hearts of the people which no other beer can on Eightoauth nvouue, aud has rented 2425 Westminster Ave. supplant r _•-.., .„ *}a. rw , ,.;„•_, *1 tho homo of Mrs. Johuson ou Fifth avo u uuo for three mouths, during which H. O. Lee, 'Phone 322 timo ho will have a new home built. Read the Real Estate column on last j Vancouver Breweries, Ltd. page of this paper. p*j*4**-j***j***4*m#****^m0&*#*i*4*M Mrs. W. A. Kemp, Deputy Provincial Vancouver, B.'C. Tel. 4-9 For Sale at all first-class Saloons, Liquor Stores aud Hotels or Commauder of the L. O. T. M., return. Flint's MrB. Russell of Victoria, is a guest of delivered to your honse. ed from Victoria on Tuesday. Mrs. Dr. aud Mrs. Robt. Lawrence. King's fleat flarket Kemp reports the Ordor growing and R. Porter & Sons. 2321 Westminster Ave. the din-rout Hives in Victoria thriving. 1 Mr. J. Gold of Ninth avenue, east :o: -A— FOOT is home ou a visit from his work up Wholesale and Retail *m*mj**m**mj**mj*4+j*^j*»m*i*x*»mmmm*^ The Strider Shoes for Men are pro­ the Coast. Dealers in all kinda of FRESH aud SALT MEATS. Fresh Vegetables always j • _ nti hnnrf. OTYIPVH Knlir-.iff.fi frnin nil •nnrfn nf Mn-nnt. Pln«cnnf nml 1-\.ivi.i_-.nr I1 ' nounced in style, rare in quality and f£ on hand, Orderuruers solicitesuncireda froirom alljiartan pans ofr Mounmount Pleasanno; t aud Fairview. r suporior in workmanship. Thoroughly Powder I \ Prompt Delivery. FRESH FISH DAILY. Poultry iiu season. reliablo nnd contains all that anybody Mr. W. A. Kemp has been nt home Tel. 2306 cau give for $5.00.—B. MILLS, 119 this week, but leaves ou the Tartar on -0___ .» MASSEY-HARRIS HaeJ^pgs street, west, Monday for the Orieut. A cure for aching, swollen, tired :o: MOUNT PLEASANT METHODIST and sweaty feet. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walters have moved ' CHURCH. into their new home receutly built BICYCLES Bov. A. E. Hctnerington B. D., A little dusted into the shoes corner of Seventh aud Brunswiok. pastor. Morning subject: "The Descont keeps thom Bweet and dry. - • -:o: — This Week's Special: Fine line of New Wheels Just in. Anyone prepared to pay Cash can from the Mountain." Evening subject: RING UP 914 for a good load of WE HAVE SECURED THE TOTAL OUTPUT OF get Rock-bottom Pi-ices ou the best Bioycles mnde. "The Spread of Religiou." 25 o Cedar Wood $1.25 a load, or leave orders BUTTER from a Home Creamery, made exclusively from :o: a box. at fioa Seventh aveuue, east.—CROCKER 1 BROS., Dealersiu Wood. 1 MANAGER, VANCOUVER Mr. A. Netherby, who has been Pure Jersey Cream.* W. J. Annand, AUTO & CYCLE COMPANY, Manager of the Mt. Ploasaut Brauch of Onr large purchase ENABLES ns to put it at the very low WS Hastings street, east. fJAy Bicycle and Au tomobile Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Walker of Carber­ Telephouo 1285. Repairing in all its branches, the Royal Bauk of Canada, has been price of 250 per pound. Neatly and Promptly dono. transferred to Cumberland, B. C, ry, Manitoba, are visiting their sou Mr, Ltd W. H. Walker, 415 Teuth avenue, east, whoro ho has beeu appoiutod Manager \^^0000t00****0****^a<*m*0f./Bf~ Subscribers ore requested to Changes for advertisements should be Westminster & Seventh Aves. Mt. Pleasant. staff of the B. O. Electric Railway Com­ 'Phone 790. Free Delivery. report any carelessness iu the delivery pany, has beeu promoted to the position n before Thursday noon to insure their Telephone 1860. Photo of Manager of the Light and Power publication. of "The Advooate." Departments of the Mainland branch of Frames the Company's servico. Mrs. Oscar MoCutcheon expects to fk^^%^s%^^.-*^%%^%.^%^%^%^,-%^^%^%%^^*V%^^'V*» leave in about two weeks for Wiuuipeg, # AT SPECIAL PRICES. Almost two cases full of By properly adjusted glasses Dr. where she will visit her sister. FLY TIME! Special Lines them. They attract !he eye :o:—— immediately upon entering Howell at tho Burrard Sanitarium Ltd,, The busy Fly is here again nud promises to mako itself unplonsant as over. Handkerchiefs—Plain Hemstitched Lawn Handkerchiefs, special at relieves eye straiu which causes head­ 5c oach or 6 for SOc; Handkerchiefs mado of flno Lawu, lace odgo, the store. In all sizes from The many friends of Miss Julia Curtis special at 2 for 15o ache aud other uervous troubles of Eleventh avouuo, will be sorry to IT'S UP TO YOU to fight him. We'll will supply you with what you nood the stamp photo BIZC up to :o: Hose—Ladies' Plain Cotton Hose, fast colors, special at 16c, 20c, 25c tho "splendid largo "Impe­ hear of her illness with typhoid. INSECT POWDER POWDER GUNS 80c and 85c per pair; Lisle Hose, fashioned leg, fast black, special at Mr. J. Horner bus moved his stock of :o: rial." They aro iu silver, TANGLEFOOT FLY PADS, Etc. 40c, ";0c and Ooo; Fancy Open-work Hose, special at 80c, 40c, 50c, «5e, bright and French grey Dry Goods from tho corner of Hastiugs Chas. Rannio, teachor of Violin and 75c and 85c; Children's Lace Hose, Bpecial at 20c, 25c, 80c. 40c and 50c. stroet and Westminster avenue, to his Cornet. Special attention given to young Wash Belts iu a large variety of styles, special at 85c, 50c and 65c. finish, in morocco and calf­ I A W THE DRUGGIST skin, with copper trimmings; new store 14!1 Hastings stroet, enst. Mr pupils. For tonus, etc, apply at Studio, l_*/\ VV , Wants to See YOUY< . Gloves in silk, lisle and cotton, iu a large variety of colors aud quali­ Horner is adding to the large stock of 87 Eleventh aveuuo. ties, from 15o pair up. from SOc np. Dress Goods, Staple Furnishings carried 30,3 a , d 0 fl These frames will make artis­ by a first-class Dry Goods Houso. Work has started on tho new resi­ A. ROSS & CO., \ e |e p-no„e Sr * tic ornaments iu any borne, dence of Mr. H. P. DePencier on the L%/«/*'%%^Wt«Uti'MsM%iVM%%tUUUl« 4 ore mutable for a gift to the comer of Seventh avenue and Quebec Mr. and Mrs. Thorutou Kirkwood The New Furniture Store Jane bride. street. ' and family aud Mr. Alex. Stewart, of at 2313 Westminster ave., near Seventh ave. Deloraiue, Manitoba, arrived iu the LOCAL ITEMS. Trorey city ou Tuosday last, and havo takeu —NOTICE.- Central Meat Has juBt received an elegaut lino of— rooms over the Cooko Drug Store. Mr. "The Advocato" wishes auy care',nx Rev. A E. Hetheriugton B. A., B. D., THE JEWELER ness in delivery reported to the Offio* Kirkwood is oue of the largest farmers Tapestry Squares, Ingrains, Rugs, Chenille and Tapostry pastor of Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church Corner Hastings aud Granvi.le St*. telephone D1405. MARKET Ollleial Watch Inspector C. P. R. in his district, and is ou a fow weeks Table Covers, Parlor Suits and other Household Furnishings, preached to two Secret Societies on visit to tho Coast. Ninth ave. A Westminster road. Umbrellas. Sunday last. In the morning the Ladies' :o:——— Mr. Harry Dafoe, the well-known of the Maccabees to the number of barber with O. MeCutoheon's Mt. Pleas­ about 125 attended wheu the Rev. Mr. Meat of all kiuds continually Mrs. O'Dell, 175 Niuth avenne, west, aut Barber Shop, is convalescing from Do not forget the location, Westminster aveuuo, near having had soveral years experience in Seveuth avoune, Mt. Pleasant. Hethoriugton preached their annual ou hand. teaching mnsic, is prepared to toach a a severe illness of several weeks. Memorial Sorvice. After the church few pupils Advanced and Beginners, FRESH FISH DAILY. i For particulars aud terms apply to service they proceeded to tho Cemetery Fresh above address. Mr and Mrs. Harford Sr., of Rn -iu, WHEELOCK & WALKER. where the graves of departed members Poultry and Game in soasou. havo boon visiting their children on Mt. were decorated.|In the evening Rev.Mr. Best of Vegetables on tho Pleasant the past week. They expect Hetheriugton preached the Anniversary Market. Strawberries MOUNT PLEASANT BAPTIST to return soou to Mt. Pleasaut to reside at the lowest prices. Tho marriage of Mr. Dounld G, Sermon of tbo Iudopendeut Order of CHURCH. Mrs. Frank Marrion nnd children left Shipment of Perrin's Sodas and Molvorand Miss Mary Helen Abernethy, Foresters, about 150 of tho members of Tho pastor, Rov. Herbert W, Pieroy, Saturday lust for a mouth's visit to the Fancy Biscuits. Tho very latest styles In Canadian Interior. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aber­ the Order woro present. Both sermons Woodrow Zx will preach morning and evoniug ou and American makes nud designs in were most eloquent aud profound, and Sunday. Morning subject: "Temporanco Winter Shoes for Mon, Womeu nud :o: nethy, Berkley, California, will take *** Williams McKinnon & Cow, place July 25th. Mr. Mclvor formerly the spsaker prosouted tho beauties, nud Christianity havo kissed each Children at R. MILLS, tho Sboomau, BIRTHS.- Horn to Mr. aud Mrs. FRANK TKIMIILI: Manager. 148 Ninth Ave. Opposite No 8 Fire Hull 119 Hastings streets, west. Thorburu, Twelfth nvouuo, east, June resided on Mt.Pleasant, omployi-d in the principles ond virtues of fraternity, other." Evening subject: "Purposo." especially as represented by thoso two Telephone 081 Prompt Delivery, Telephone nl443. Prompt delivery. Young Men's Biblo Class and Suudny loth, a daughter store of J. S. McLeod. Sinco leaving several years ago ho has resided at Orders, along with the religious truths. School 2:110 p. in The Oddfellows of the city held The Choir rendered special music at Memorial Services on Sunday aftornoon Mr. Cole Owens is out again after a Berkley. His friends bore will wish last in the local hall, tho attendance weok's illness with la grippe, him all the congratulations that go with both services. Tho Foresters on return­ For a Game ol Lawn Grass Seeds St. Michael's Woman's Auxiliary held :o:-—' snch an auspicimiB event. ing to tho Oddfellows' Hull passed n thoir annual Garden Party at the hands boing very lurgo. After tbo Bervice the hearty vote of thanks to the Rev. Mr. Pool or Milliards Clover and Timothy Seeds, Oddfellows proceeded to the Ceinotery Road Mrs. Merkley's advert4smcut on Pratt's Poultry aud Animal Foods, 1 somo home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hotheringtou, (he Choir and tho Church Drop lo at whero the graves of doparted members 4th page, of Bpecial Interest to womou. Tho second addYess of a series Committee, Several speeches wore Piatt's Lto* Killer, DodBou, Westminster road, on Thurs­ made In pralso of tho Bermou, MdOUTOHBON'S BARBER SHOP Holly Chick Pood, B«efaorap«, Etc. were decorated and services held. of sermons ou "The Lord's FLOUR nnd FEED, day afteruoou and evening. The attend­ Second Coining" will be given at the :o; Mt. Pleaaaot. ance was large aud reoeipts gratifying. f**^0*A*****ia***^aia-j*^a*^eA***^ S. KEITH fiftsst-MsniWKSTAUNSTER *_**"*ROAD.• * Como in and seo our list of good buys, City Mission, 988 Westminster avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Marrion Sr., have Prof. Harpnr furnished delightful on Sunday 8 p. m. All are cordially bought aud moved into the late residence FlRST-CLASS Telephone 1 r> s 7 mnsic A palmist gavo away fortunes, on good terms and good titles I —2444 Westminsior avenue. SUriMER invited to attend. of their sou Mr. Frauk Marrion on Sixth Boot aod Shoemaklntj [rioh husbands and lovely wives at most is now horo. Nice display of avonue, and are making additions and aud Repairing dono at TheCanadian Bank Reasonable rates. The refreshments Advertise in "Tho Advocate.' alterations to the house. ^vere of tho best, and tho grounds with FOR SALE: a small Upright Piano Peters' Boot & Shoe Store of Commerce many lanterns and crowds of guesls apply at "Advooate" Offico, Men's Summer Goods presented a gay scene. at Mt. Pleasant Gout's Fur­ *mp****^i***j*******^m0**^***»****^ 2451 Westminster avenue. SAVINdS BANK DEPARTMENT. 1—:o: Deposits of < INK DOLLAR aud upwards THE nishing Store. Telephone 20 21 BCCHANAN & KDWAIU— Mt PloaBltut Lodgo L. O L. 1843, received and Interest allowed thereon. 'met on Thursday eveniug in K. of P. ROYAL BANK of CANADA Shirts, • Underwear, We have tho largost selectiou of •Use Bauk Money Orders issued. Hall, Worshipful Master H. W. HOWCB Belts, Hats, A General Banking Business presiding antL a large nnmber of the Mt. Pleasant Branch Stock Pattern Dinner Sets Royal Crown transacted. mombors boing preseut. Thero was an Caps, Etc. 111 the city—10 diflerent Hues of which you can buy any part. election of Commit teo-men und are now OFFICE HOURS: 10 a. m. to 8 p. a J8.000.000. Resorves $3,487,000. Let UB show you onr latest arrivals. They are Beauties. ' as follows: Brothers E. P. Eppinger 1st, ' / All other Furnishings for 80AP SATURDAYS: 10 a in. to 13 m. 7 to 8 p.m. R. S. Cuunuiugs 2d, W. A. Wood 8d, 07-pieco Dinner Sets $7.00 <* Men at low prices. Try us. THK BUT IN TUE WORLD. Drop 1 J. Dart 4th. The Degreo Team will as­ Accounts may be opened with 98-piece Dinner Sets, heavy gold borders $12.75 88-piooe Dinner Sots, illuminated $15.00 us a post card asking for a East End Branch sist Ebernezer ou Monday evening next Catalogue of Premiums to be 414 Westminster C. W. DCRHANT, in the Royal Arch Degreo. Several ONE DOLLAR. W. T. MURPHY Besides dozens of others to soleet from. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS from had free lor ROYAL CROWN avenue. MANAGER. songs and instrumental music mado the SOAI1 WRAPPERS. recess most enjoyable. Mt. Pleasnnt 7 to 8 o'clock. 24 IB Westmiuster avenuo Buchanan & Edwards If yon miss TUB ADVOCATK yon uiise I—tlgo will meet in future ou the 1st. A. B. Netherby,Snb-Managcr. Mt. Pleasant. ROYAL CROWN SOAP CO. the local uows. aud 3d Thursdays of each month. 602 064 Granville St. 'Phone 2021. V*N<;OUVCR, B.C. *0*44*004*00***0*00***4044 Z4*0*00**4000*4**0**0****000*4r00**a*4*0*000*4***00004 THE ADVOCATE, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA.

•rrrfrri:roHTrn.c.f*H^-H-T~v^>KT4»4Mrri:>yMi TALKING HABITS. AN EX-MAYOR GIVES KEIR HARDY'S "AT HOME." Pecullar-tlea of Different Cities os Telephone Charts. An Interesting Old House and An In­ Telephony Is an expensive business UNSTINTED PRAISE teresting Tenant — A Piquant SUNLIGHT | Linked by Fate li to conduct If you are skeptical about Sense of Contrast. ".BODD'S KIDNEY PILLS ARE THE this, all you need do Is consult the VERY BEST MEDICINE I EVER The London World's subject for "Cel­ BY CHARLES GARVICH charts each Bell offlce prepares to show USED FOR KIDNEY TROUBLE ebrities at Home" for March 2 ls James :_ I the volume of traffic that "Central" Keir Hardle, M. P., at 14 Nevill's court, Fetter "lane. Says the writer: One ls must attend to at tbe different hours Mr. Robert Sheppard, Ex-Mayor of SOAP of the day ln every big city—not han­ Gananoque, Ont., Testifies to the Impressed by a certain piquant sense of | Author of *** The Verdict of the ," " A Heritage | contrast ln discovering the leader of dle in "any old way," but as smoothly Merits of Dodd's Kidney Pills. the "party of the future" at home In a Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap of Hate," "Nell of Shorne MlUt," "P»td and promptly as tbe calls that come lu Uananoque, Ont., April 30—(Special) house whleh dates back to the time of during the quietest hours. It Is tbls —"1 suffered off and on for over four the Tudors. Not far from the Holb irn are cleaner and whiter than if washed For," "A Modern Juliet," Etc. providing against what tbe engineers years from kidney trouble," writes end of Fetti rs and connecting that in any other way. call "the peak of the load" that makes Mr.' Sheppard, of this place, "and thoroughfare vviu. -he great printer's Chemicals in soap may remove the telephony so costly. though 1 tried many remedies and colony of New street square, Is a quaint dirt but always injure the fabric. Beginning at midnight, the stream ot was under a doctor a long while 1 got little alley, entered through a narrow brick archway, and flanked on eacti side (Continued from last week.) H street uraD, 1 suppose? Don t talk ls thin and sluggish till well along no better. I had Bright's Disease Sunlight Soap will not injure slightly. Lumbago, pains In my loins by a row of private gardens, whose 'alarm yourself; you can't hurt 'em. In the forenoon, when lt becomes a the most dainty lace or the And the young lndy—have you put .-'. ii at times all over my body. My abundant leafyness provides in summer CHAPTER XVIII. veritable flood. The early afternoon Is time, one of those pleasant oases of un­ hands that use it, because it is her in the glnss cuse? Let us go und skin was dry, hard and burning, 1 comparatively quiet, but there ls an­ expected greenery which somehow con­ Sutoumbc said no more ubout Ni­ look ut this rare specimen." could not sleep, the least exertion absolutely pure and contains no other torrent before the close of the made mo perspire fearfully and my trive to flourish here and there ln the na, but, like tin' (amous parrot, hu He drew her arm within his and very heart of tho wilderness of city injurious chemicals. thought a ureal doal; und ha Icund led her into tho next room; that Is, city's business day. Then the river of blood wns so bad I broke out in boils words flocks less and less swiftly till all over tho neck and back. I wns In bricks and mortar. The bouses to Sunlight Soap should always it. Imperatively necessary to go dowu as far as tho door; there he stop­ which these gardens are attached, and to thu theatre very often; one knows midnight comes again. tnls state when I started taking be used as directed. No boiling ped short and stared—his faco very Dodd's Kidney Pills anil in an Incred­ to which they give access from Nevill's tlmt business must be attendod to. red—at Nina, who wus stnnding with Though they are much alike ln a gen­ court—so named from the great historic or hard rubbing is necessary. But though lit- hovered about the ibly short space of time the boils dis­ loosely clasped hands looking, with eral way, the wandering lines on these appeared, 1 recovered my health and family whose one-time town mansion Sunlight Soap is better than stage entrance aud doorways at tho very iittle alarm, at the child. telephone charts bring out curiously still stands close by—belong to a period beginning and close ol tho ploy, he new I am quite cured." other soap, but is best when Vivienno looked up at him with the characteristic differences of differ­ of which the city has to-day but few did nok again see the girl whose fuce used in the Sunlight way. surprise. ent communities. For Instance, tlio surviving relics. ami voice haunted him; and it is "Why—what Is tho matter, Sut- broad, low sweep marking midday on LIFELESS RIDERS. Equally good with hard or probable—though not very likely, for coniliu?" she enquired in a low voice; A Wonderful Old House. Nimi'n face was not one tu be easily the Boston chart compared with the It ls perhaps the oldest — competent soft water • then she stopped short and looked Thrilling Incidents Culled From the torn from one's memory—that ho from Nina to him, for Nina had canyon-like plunge of the lines on the authorities give It at least four hundred <_•*_ non REWARD win i» p«td might have forgotten her, if the long New York chart means that business Horrors of Wur. years of existence — and certainly the -PJ,VW to any person who turned and was regarding him with provos that Sunlight Soap oontfttns arm of coincidence had nut been men ln the New England capital spend A veteran of the British nrmy In In- most picturesque of these ancient strett—od out in grim irony to draw a blush, and a surprise almost as any lnlurlouR ohomi—Is or any form marked as his own. more time at luncheon than their breth­ dlu onco saw a strange sight on a bat­ buildings that Kelr Hardle has made of adulteration. close* tho links uf the chain. tlefield. As be tells tbe story a squad­ his modest London domicile A wonder­ Sutcombc recovered his presence ren In Gotham. Lever Brothers limited, Toronttoo , I It chanced a week later that Nina of mind almost immediately, and ron of cavalry had benn held ln reserve ful old house, built of massive timber These telephone charts also show through and through, with Irregular was standing on tho edge uf the curb, coming forward said quietly, but that business hours In the American uuder cover of a field battery aud an in V\e middle of Hond Street, wait­ projecting casements, winding wooden - with a smile of pleasure In his frank metropolis are comparatively short- lnfuutry regiment. The artillery duel ing to cross. She was not in any eyes: stairway, and outer walls of plaster shorter even than ln London, whose hnd ended. Tbe assault of the enemy stained and tanned with the weather hurry, (or she was thinking of the "How do you do, Miss Wood! What In overwhelming numbers uad been re­ last act of the play; and she was merchants and professional men are and smoke of centuries, it seems at first Curious Naval Orders. a strange coincidence! I moan—" pulsed by the steadiness ot the Infan­ sight an oddly incongruous abode for ASPARAGUS. Uurln:; the Shanghai riots recently looting absently beforo her, when "Then you know— This is your supposed to give more time to social try. While a cloud of smoke hung over tho leader of the most determinedly It would seem almost ns If some of sho felt something brush past her Miss Wood!" The exclamation broke functions and outdoor sports. New Bkilt, and saw a child attempt to tbe field the cavalry received an order "advanced" party ln twentieth century It* Relation to the Famona Asphodel the marines who protected the settle­ from Vivicnne involuntarily. Yorkers do not get fairly busy beforo politics. But one soon discovers that of the Early Aves. ment must have been going about In run between the carriages, lt was a Sutcombc colored at the "your." 10 ln the morning, but an hour after­ to charge with drawn sabers. London urchin of the usual type, The troopei'B started In close order for this strenuous prophet of the future, so As n tickler of the palate asparagus pyjamas and wearing long hair like "I have told my sister of our meet­ ward their work, Judging by tbe tele­ far from being Indifferent to the inter girls; lor the following is one of tbe und there Is no doubt that ho w j ing tlie other night. Miss Wood," he the enemy's liue. Midway they met a has come down the ages with all the hav» threaded his way safely phone calls, reaches Its maximum. ests of the past, is not only proud of weight of Greek and Roman approval. orders for the" Brltlsti navy men at r said. "I hope you are not hurt. No? destructive fire from earthworks In the antiquity of the house and well anKtigst tho ho. *-es_if_an^oldi ip;djj Then there ls a falling off until about Plato ate it by the plateful, and Aris­ H.B.M.'s Consulate. "A church pnrado front of them and from the woofls on posted ln the history of Its surround 9nter°a moment's examination and 1 In the afternoon, when the tide turns tophanes, the humorist, regarded It as a will be held on Sunday next, for which not uttered an exclamation of ter a question or two, which the boy again and rises to a maximum at 3, their flank. A young cavalryman, with lngs, but has himself been at pains to the men must be properly dressed. restore, as far as possible, the original great aid in digesting the crank phi­ ror and apprehension. The child answered promptly enough—he wes after which there ls a gradual descent. his saber drawn, was shot In the heart Mght clothing is never to be worn In heard it, turned to look, having not character and aspect of the rooms which losophers of the day. dealing with a man now—Sutcombe Chicago's talk records show a typical while leading in the first file. The horse the daytime, and attention

Rural Delivery is Too Costly. The Postmaster-General presented The First Lady of Ireland. Remarking Wester.i Trails. to the House a report of the Investi­ Croup Comes The Countess of ls a lover _zra Meeker, a pioneer and histor­ gation made by Mr. William Smith of humanity. When Lord Aberdeen ian of the North-West, has set out A Teapot Tost - secretary of the Post-Office Depart­ was governor-General of Canada, from trom Seattle with a yoke of red oxen ment, and Mr. George Ross, chief ls93 to 189S, the Countess was pro­ and a "prairie schooner" to trace the 18 ALL THAT IS REQUIRED FOR Suddenly bably the most conspicuous and pop­ old Oregon trail from The Dalles east­ post-office superintendent, into the workings of the rural free delivery ular woman in Canada. She waswar d to Indianapolis. "From The service in the United States. . The Hence the Wisdom of Keeping in the House horn on the estate in Inverness-shire Dalies,' he says, "I expect to go ac­ two officials went to Washington last ij^ 1857, and was married to Lord ross the Blue Mountains to Pendleton, year and were received with every the Most Effective Cure Aberdeen in 1877. In 1880 whenthe n to La Grande, up the Snake river courtesy by the United States-postal Lord Aberdeen became Viceroy of lo Fort Hall, and on through the South officials. They state that it was ob­ Ireland she accompanied him to a Pass in the (Rocky) mountains. Then vious that the service was very popu­ Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine post that required diplomacy aud tact, tne trail goes down to Sweetwater, lar among the officials, but there ls lt was at a time wheu the people were tne North Platte, in Nebraska, and not the slightest likelihood that it will sullen and discontented, for the food the main Platte to Its junction with ever becjme self-sustaining. In the supply had failed. The warmth of the Missouri Klver." Beyond that Slight hoarseness In the evening Is Spring of last yeur there were 30.000 For bronchitis, whooping cough, that Lady's presence and her work on point, of course, there was no definite "SALADA" rural free delivery routes in operation, the only warning of croup. asthma, and every form of throat and their behalf soon won over the people, trail. Its branches radiated fanwlse, bronchial trouble, this great family who were aided materially. She was CEYLON NATURAL GREEN TEA and new ones being added at the rate About midnight the child awakes and made up tlie feeders to this main of 500 a month. The rule requires at medicine Is a quick and certain cure. directly responsible for a revival of stream of emigration to the North- To prove Its superiority over all Japan Teas. coughing — that peculiar, metallic Mrs. George Brown, 71 Harboard the lace making industry in Ireland, West; the one over which Mr. Meeker least a population of 100 families on a Lead Paokets Only, 40c, 50c, and 60c. per lb. At all Grocers. route from 25 to lit) miles In length be­ cough called croupy, and which Street, Toronto, writes: "Our children and ordered that all guests to the plodded iu 1852 extended to Indian­ Castle at Dublin must wear Irish pop­ apolis, tapping Illinois, indluna and Highest Award at St. Louis 1904. fore the district becomes entitled to strikes terror to the mother's heart. have been very subject to croup, and Hold __-t to all you have. There's free delivery. The rural carrier slops we have found that Dr. Chase's Syrup lin. She organized the Women's Lib­ Ohio. Whatever may be thought of Then begins the struggle for breath, eral Federation, which hus a member­ not a single hair too many. Than within half a mile ol any established of Linseed and Turpentine has always i.is fantastic reproduction of the trap­ tauten it tightly in place. HaU'a and ir relief Is to be obtained treat­ ship of 80,000. Now, once again, Lady post-office. There ls no free delivery brought quick relief. By using it at pings of the original trail-makers, ev­ Tag-table Sicilian Hair Benewer the first sign of trouble the disease is Aberdeen ts the llrst lady of Ireland. eryone with something of the "prairie Cling to ln cities or towns of less thnn 10,000 ment must be prompt and effective. •tops foiling hair, makM UM hair inhabitants, und an annual revenue Anyone who has tested Dr. Chase's checked at once. We always koep madness" In his blood, whether it grow, keep* the scalp healthy. ol If 10.000, but tho report says Unit u It Is remedy in the house, and, 1n fact, conies from experience or from the or tho whiskers and -nous-Mho ws Males Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine us a "It's tliis way," explained the client. demand ln this direction 1H bound to leel that we could not do without It. perusal or Parkmun and the early SUCKINOIIAM'S DTK. It oolors a rtoh brow. cure for croup will not hesitate to We also use it for coughs and colds "The fence runs between Brown's travellers, will wish the old pioneer Your Hair^sj^MsJ^yjU^^jjJjjho^y i come. pronounce it an unqualified success. with excellent results, and recommend place and mine. He claims that I en­ nnd his -ncli-pln wagon luck on the croach on his land and I Insist that eight months' journey. It will, per­ According to present plans and nl It ls wonderfully prompt iu loosen­ It to our friends. he Is trespassing on mine. Now what haps, serve to awaken Interest in a HOW A FIJIAN SAW THE KING. the present rates of pny Ihe cost ol ing the cough, clearing the air pas­ There are imitations of Dr Chase's would you do if you woro in-my movement which Is surely of more the service to the United States this sages of the head, and soothing the fc'yrup of Linseed and Turpentine. Be placo?" thnn loenl interest—that to mark out year will cerlninly be not loss than excited nerves. His Quaint Description of the Opening sure you see the portrait and signa­ "If I were in your place," replied the definitely the old roads which led Into Irom thlrty-tWO and a hall' to thirty People who realize the suddenness ture of Dr. A. W. Chase the famous lawyer, "I'd go over and give Brown a the west berore first-hand knowledge of Parliament In His Na­ three million dollars, while tho de wilh wbicli croup comes on, nnd the &/>o Food receipt book author, on the bottle you cigar, have a drink with hlin, and set ol tliem Is lost. licit cannot bo less than twenty mil­ danger which accompanies lt, usually tive Paper. buy. 25 cents a bottle; family size, 1. the controversy ln ton minutes, But lion dollars. keep somo of Dr. Chase's Syrup of That Builds three times as much, 00 cents; at all as things stand, I advise you to sue A Fijian who witnessed the opening The report snys that, ir such a ser­ Unseed and Turpentine In tho house dealers, or EdmanBOn, Bates & Co., of Parliament by the King wrote a him by nil means. Let no arrogant, Do the Banks Bring Them? Maybe you think of vice were established in Canada the for use In case of emergency. Toronto. most interesting nccount of his experi­ domineering, Insolent pirate like In a special article in the Brooklyn Mooney's Sodas only as & annual dellclt would amount to mil Brown trample on your sacred rights! ences for his native paper, "Na Mata," Hons of dollars, tho greater portion Eagle, Julius Chambers says the exo­ a translation of which ls given ln Tho Assert your manhood and courage. 1 dus of American farmers into the toothsome tidbit Don't or tlio burden falling upon the agri­ TOBY AND THE PANTHER. Deserted Ireland. need the money!"—Modern Society Spectator. cultural population, Canadian west has become a lllght. First he deals with the causes which overlook their food valuo Since the census of 1900 was taken What, he asks, Is the reason? He Tlio report closes wilh the state­ An Incident in a Central Indian Mis gave rise to the state opening, nearly 200,000 English emigrants have lf yom children moan and are rest­ denies that the soil is better in Can­ ment that in tbo opinion of the two sionary's Pursuit of a Wounded "Parliament had been conferring for Mooney's settled in the United States, the year less dn> Ir.g sleep, coupled, when awake officials the time has -not arrived foi Panther. ada. He offers this explanation: "1 a long time and divided counsels' had ended with July j.505, showing a larg­ with a loss of appetite, pale counten­ nave an idea that the banking meth­ Perfection the Canadian Post-office Department The London Dully Mall has been arisen," he writes, "and lt seemed to er number than any year since 1895. ance, picking ot the nose, etc., you ods in Manitoba are fairer to the far­ to enter upon a rural free delivery publishing some true stories of mis the King that Its reports to him were A uew Impetus has been given to Irish may depend upon it that the primary mer. In our country the bankers Cream Sodas service. siouiiry adventure. Here is one from wavering, and that what lt desired was immigration within the past two cause of the trouble is worms. Moth­ Central India.—it was dark, and the extort usurious Interest from the not the desire of the people of the years, a turn which Is quite perplex­ er Graves' Worm Exterminator effect­ windy darkness was filled with the farmer when he needs money to har­ land. So he decided that lL.should be are made of finest Cana­ "Abe" Trott, a well-known character ing to those native Irish societies mysterious noises of the jungle. Two ually removes these pest3, at once re­ vest or to move his grain. They dismissed." dian wheat flour,pur e but' of Peak's Island, Me., wns on his way which have been unsuccessfully at­ lieving the little sufferers. Know he must have their help, and to the woods to cut down some trees, men were huddled silently on a plat- Then he discourses upon a "chief-like form built in the boughs of a tree on tempting to stop the great national they put the screws on tbe borrower." boy who ls very good-natured to us ter and rich cream. There'i carrying an ux_ on his shoulder and leak for so many years. The unrest The coach In which the Lord Mayor a small terrier dog following at his the edge of the jungle. Below them Fljians, the one who fed us with crabs nothing else of equal size among the young native Irish ele­ of London rides on state occasions Do not let a cold settle on youi heels. They espied a woodchuek, to the undergrowth was black and still, and gave us pipes." This "boy" got a ment is still wonderfully strong. An has been in use since 1757. lungs. Resort to Bickle's Antl-Con- and cost that contains so which the dog gave chase, and drove tor the moon hud not yet risen. Sud­ "most useful letter'' from the police, denly there was a movement as American traveller in Ireland is as sumptlve Syrup at the flrst Intimation which "prevented the people of the land much wholesome nour­ him into a stone wall, where action much Impressed with this fact as he Minard's Liniment used by physicians commenced at once. "Abo's" sym­ (hough a portion ot ils blackness had oi irritation in the throat and prevent from crowding us, so that we might ishment. detached itselt from the rest and be is with anything else in that country U'.seuse Irom lodging iu the pulmon­ well see the King." pathies being with tire dog, he decided of remarkable things. Everwhere he The leaders of the constitutional to take a hand aud help him. So, gun to creep away. Just at that ary organs. Neglected colds are the He was found a stand In Parliament ^An ideal food. sees and hears of wholesale departure democrats in Russia are divided on putting himself in position, with the uiori.ent the moon rose and revealed cause of untold suffering throughout street, or, as he terms the thorough­ All grocers hava *em—fnsn] to the eyes of Mr. S. D.. Erie, and his for the United States. Even In the the question of_ legislative program. fare, "the path of Parliament." axe above the dog, he waited for the tho country, an of whicn could have and Sriap In air-tight package- extraction of tho chuck. Soon an .sniluri the lithe body of a panther remotest rural hamlets the old people oeen prevented by the application oi "As we waited wo saw pass the opportunity offered, und "Abe" struck, si nking througn the undergrowth A can be Beard lamenting some recent When—Baby had ScSld Head—When this simple but powerful medicine, great chiefs and their ladles in their thot rang out and, with a yelp of pain exodus of the most promising young Mother had Salt Rheum—When Father carriages. Who can tell their splen­ hut at the same time the woodchuek had Piles—Dr. Agnew's Ointment gave .ne price, 25 cents, brings it within lM(D(D___r_3l gathered himself up and pulled the 'he panther disappeared into the boys and girls. Almost every man or the quickest relief and surest cure. These iue reach of all, dor, the chiefs in. their robes of war dog In far enough for him to receive bushes. woman that a traveller meets and are gems of truth picked from testimony and their robes as nobles of the land, PERfECTION which is given every day to this greatest and the ladles with golden crowns daz­ the blow, and the dog was killed. With the sunrise, the missionary- talks with in Ireland has a number or The average man displays a lot ol of healers. It has never been matched zling like lightning with diamonds and hunter and his shikari descended from brothers or sisters, or very near rel­ ln curative qualities in Eczema, Tetter, enthusiasm wheu he gets a chance tc For yearB after, in relating the precious stones? Who can tell It? It their platform and began to examine atives who have recently left for the Piles, etc. 36 cents.—103 talk about his troubles.—Chicago story, "Abo" would always add: "And was llko a dream or the glory of the the panther's trail. The effect or the United States. Military movements, on a consider­ i—lily News. thet dog dont know to this dav but Emigration agencies exist ln every fairies. Wttt thet woodchuek killed hiin."— snot was shown by the patches of red able scale, are being organized at Dur­ part of the Island. Every village has Sarcasm. "Where we stood we saw all sorts of Boston Herald, on the ground, which led them through ban to suppress the rebellious Zulu a couplo of liyndied yards of thick a steamship agent, to whose advan­ tribes. "Hello!" cried the neighborly bore, people. For this Parliament have been chosen many working men by the peo­ jungle. After crawling on hands and tage it is to use every Inducement to "what are you building the new chick­ ple as their messengers to the big I-ndon docks Is tho feather empor­ knees under the brushwood they Influence the young men and women PALE, LISTLESS GIRLS en house for?" council. This ls a new thing, as for­ ium or the world. The last feather reached a narrow nullah. A little be­ to emigrate. Since their pay must "For a cup defender," replied Pep sale realized £212,000. yond this they came upon the wound­ come from the steamship tickets merly members of chief-like tribes only Can Only Obtain Health Through New, prey, "1 hear Sir Tnotnas Lipton is were chosen. ed panther scaling a tree. Mr. Price which they sell, the agents take good Rich Pure Blood Made by Dr. talking of challenging us again.' "I saw one of these messengers of The Spnni*_h minister of Finance has fired but the range was too long, and care to see that many of thom are dis­ Williams' Pink Pills. —Philadelphia Press. \ \ f No doubt you'll need a uo introduced a hill to give the Spanish the shot proved futile. Tho disturb­ posed of in the course or a year. The Growing girls—girls ln their teens the working men to Parliament. He ance had tho result, however, of was waiting where we were. The man government complete control over In naming posters which they flaunt in must have rich, pure blood. Healthy It Will Prolong Life.—De Sota, the startling tlie animal into falling from had a red necktie on I was told that TOWER'S sureties companies. the faces of the young people who are womanhood depends upon the vital Spaniard, lost his life in the wilds ol (he tree to the ground, when It once was a badge of a workman, as lt ls not FISH BRAND alreadv restive and over anxious to change from girlhood to maturity. Dlorlda, whither he went for the pur It Cures all Creeds—Here are a few more recommenced Its flight. go, offering the cheapest --transporta­ Every woman should most carefully the custom of people of chief-like birth pose of discovering the legeudar. to wear red neckties. names of clergymen of different creeds The missionary and his shikari fol­ tion, and, to their minds, fabulous watch her daughter's health at this who are firm believers In Dr. Agnew's "Fountain of Perpetual Youth," sale "Just before lt struck two of the -.•SUIT* SUCKER Catarrhal Powder to "live up Jo the lowed quickly on its track. It led wages on the other side of the Atlan­ critical period. If a girl at this period I this season. to exist in that then unknown coun­ clock the bands along the path were reaching" In all It claims, Hlsliop them finally to a dee]) and thickly- tic, prove Irreslstable to the average has headaches, If she is thin, pale and try. While Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc \ 1 I Make no mistake — it's the kind gwentmlin. Rev. Dr. Lungtiy (Episcopal­ vliiacer. During the last summer languid, it shows that her slender heard playing 'God Save the King- and ftv I that's guaranteed to keep you dry ian); Rev. Dr. Wlthrow and Rev. Dr. wooded nullah, wliich had taken th'e Oil will not perpetuate youth, it will blood supply ls being overtaxed. She the voices of the lords of war calling and comfortable In the hardest Chambers (Methodist); and Dr, Newman, form ot a horse-shoe. The panther whole villages in Cavan, Galwav and remote, tne bodily pains which make all of Toronto, Canada. Copies of their will always be ailing and may slip in­ out 'Present arms!' and then appeared storm. Made in Black or Yel­ entered the nullah at tho centre ot Donegal have been denopulated, and the youug old before their time ami low. Sold by all reliable dealers. personal letters for the asking. 50 cents to a hopeless decline or consumption the King. —106 of the bend and turned along the left vast countrysides in Mayo and Ros­ harass tue aged into untimely graves. arm, growling angrily as it covered common have been stripped of the if her blood is not built up at once "In front of him went four carriages \ ^ TOWER CANADIAN CO., with six horses each to draw them. l remnants or their old-time armies of with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The C* /J*J-' LIMITED, Changes In the course of the pro­ the ground In heavy strides. Its pur­ Glass Broken by the Voice. posed railway from East Ospe to con­ suers kept about twenty yards from farm laborers. rich red blood which these pills make On the horses sat men, and other men ^_fS^ TORONTO, OAN. lt is scarcely credible, but it is a ran alongside. These carriages had in nect with the Siberian railway involve Ihc nullah and skirted it nlong the bring health and strength to every fact, that glass can be broken by the them the high chiefs who serve the an increase in mileage from '1,000 to right until the top of the bend wns organ, and make dull, listless, languid voice. If you strike a thin wine-glass King. Then came a warrior band on H.uOO miles. reached. Here a halt wns mnde while girls, bright, rosy-cheeked, active and strong. Miss Maggie Donahue, Erins- wuile you hold lt by tho stem it will horseback, with a handsome young Mr. Price approached the nullah, the NO DIFFERENCE pauther growling away at the other ville, Ont, says: "Before I began the emit a certain note—in most cases a chief in tha centre, who carried the Signals of Danger.—Have you lost Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. end about two hundred yards distant use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1 was pretty deep one. On approaching the standard of the King. Pr. Leonhardt's Hem-Hold cures your appetite ? Have you an un­ I was very sick with Quinzy and badly run down, and it seemed as glass rapidly to your mouth, and "When they bad passed by, then any farm of Piles, Internal, External, pleasant taste in the mouth? Doe:; Then all was still. The nnimiii thought I would strangle. I used tic ugh my blood had turned to water. snouting into it the sumo note as loud­ came the King In a golden coach, drawn Bleeding, Blind, Itching, Suppurating, your head ache and have you dizzi­ seemed to huve vanished. Suddenly MINAUD'S LINIMENT and it cured 1 was very pale, suffered from head­ ly as possible, the vibrations of the by eight white horses, white as milk. etc., are simply names of tbe stages ness? If so, your Stomach in out -o; li sprang oul right under Mr. Price's me at once. aches and palpitation of the heart and glass being thereby extended, lt will As he appeared, everybody took off through whioh every case will paas II order and you need medicine. Bui feel, having doubled back along the I am never without it now. often I would pass sleepless nights. oe shivered Into fragments. This their hats and shouted Hip, hip hoo­ It continues. watercourse without making the ycu do not like medicine. He that Yours gratefully, I found nothing to help nie until 1 be­ used to be a favorite experiment ot ray! and the sound of the cry was Piles are caused by congestion ol sliglftesl noise. Mr. Price fired rap­ piel'ers Bickness to medicine must MRS. C. D. PRINCE, gan the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Lablacbe, the renowned singer, who like the roar of the surf on the reef blood ln ths lower bowal, aad lt take* Buffer, but under the circumstances idly and stepped buck to avoid the Nauwigewauk, Oct. 21st. Pills, and these have fully restored In the great joy at seeing the King. an Internal ramedy to remove tha animal's spring, and 1n so doing fell would thus break, one after the otlier, the wise man would procure a box ol me and I can truthfully say I never ,'H many glasses as were handed to "The standards opposite to us were cause. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills and speed­ into the nullah. The next moment enjoyed better health than 1 am now Dr, Leonhardt's Hem-Rdld Is a tab­ the panther was on him and had fixed him. lowered to the ground in salute, and ily get himself ln health, and strive to doing." tha bells of the big church of West­ let taken Internally, and no case ol hlo teeth in his arm. Piles has ever been found lt failed to keep so. The Growth of Children. minster rang out. The King bowed Suddenly Mr. Prices little fax ter­ When Dr. Williams' Pink Pills re­ his head ln response, nnd touched his cure. Money back If it does fall. rier, Toby, Hew at tho panther and An Explanation. Uet.il the age of eleven or twelve |1.00 at any dealers, or the Wilson- Hans Anderson Memorial. - place bad blood with good blood they Diya are taller und heavier than girls, hat, returning a military salute to fixed itselt on its bnck, tearing hard A western Kansas postmaster want­ strike straight at the root of all com­ the gladness of the people of tho land. t'lla Cr, Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont An appropriate memorial to Ham-, tit Its neck. This diversion caused ed to Inform the public that the loca­ ilien the girls tor the next lew years 14 mon ailments like anaemia, decline, surpass the boys both in weight and "Sombo! Sombo! how handsome the Christian Andersen is a museum fit the panther to lenve the mnn and at- tion of the post office had been indigestion, kidney and liver troubles, height; but the boys soon overtake King Is. Who can describe lt? He ls ted with objects associated with hlin taclt the dog, and Mr. Price was ablo changed, so he inserted this notice sktn eruptions, erysipelas, neuralgia, and pass them. The sons of non-lab- handsome and tall and portly, even ns self. Such a museum has now been In stagger up and out or the nullah In tho local paper:—"The post office St. Vitus dunce, paralysis, rheumatism, a true chief of FIJI. and run to where the native trackers ciing parents are taller and heavier FOR founded, ami, most appropriate of all, has been moved from where It was to and the special ailments of growing "The chief-like liny with whom I was were cowering. There he fainted, and .haa those of laboring parents. The at Odense, on the Danish Island of where it is now." girls and women. Be sure and gel said that we should meet In tho even­ wns curried back to his bungalow heads of girls are little rounder than Fionn, in the very house which he oc Uie genuine pills with the full name, ing with some other friends and have Over a Quarter of a Century bleeding from fourteen wounds. those of boys, and always a little ciipied. The exhibits range from the Geometrical Poems " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale a feast, as a finish up to our Joy at we havo successfully treated nervous smai'cr. lt has been found that chll- diseases caused by Drink and Drugs. commonest objects of Infancy to the Henri Allorge, u young French poet, People," printer on the wrapper ar­ having seen the King. That thing hap­ dien grow but Utile from the end ol 600,000 cures Is our record. We letters of thanks poured in upon the Couldn't Explain. hns written a volume of poetry, called ound each box. Sold by medicine pened, and we fed at a house of feast­ writer from the delighted children of dealers or sent by mull at 50 cents I\o\ember to the end of March; grow ing colled the House of Julius. speak truly and say that failure to Polite Stranger (In a railway sta­ Ihe "Spirit of Geometry." He sings tnli but Increase little in weight form many lands, and the pen with which tion, to deur old gentleman whom he a box or six boxes for 2.50 by writing "The owner Is a Frenchman very obtain a cure by tho Keeley Treat the charms of the purnlleloplpedon, —inch till August; and increase main­ he wrote the Inst lines of his work. hus accidentally kicked)—I beg your The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., skillful in preparing food, nnd It ment is a failure of the man und not the asymptote, and the rhomboid, and ly in weight nnd little In height from Perhaps the most historically Interest­ pardonj sir. Brockville, Ont. pleases chiefs and ladles to feast ther.-. our methods. Send for facts. rules the pons asinoriim on Pegasus' August to November. Address In confidence ing feature of the museum Is Ihe com Deaf old Gentleman—Eh? buck. In nothing since "Tho Loves The night I was there lt was full of plete collection or the editions of the "I beg your pardon, sir," the polite Bulgarian bands were wiped oul chiefs and ladles. I saw a lady there of tho Triangles" have, the figures of Motor Car Banned. "Fuiry Tales" in almost every lan­ stranger repeats, slightly embarras­ speech been so remarkable. by Turkish troops, forty being killed who, lt was said, was the mother of a THE KEELEY CURE guage of tho world. sed, and in a more elevated tone of Although the Vatican has given chief who concerns us, the assistant in the encounter. way in many things and allowed mod­ 133 Osborne St., Winnipeg. voice. Four thousand printers hnve gone big scribe for the colonies. She looked ern innovations to creep within her to me very beautiful, with a splendid On Mount Tom, in Massachusetts' Deaf Old Gentleman (raising bis out on strike in Paris for a nine hour Nurse's Good Words—"I am a profes­ hoary walls, on one point she Is firm dress and ornaments, there is a* traction system oporatinp hand to his ear)—I don't quite under­ day. sional nurse." writes Mrs. Eisner, Halt- fax. N. S. "I was a great sufferer from —she will have none of the automo­ two ears on a cable. As one car goo. stand you. "When the -frenchman knew I was rheumatism—almost constant associa­ bile. Tills creates more astonishment a Fijian, great was bla gimd nature to up tlio other comes down. Tlie gradi "I beg your pardon!" roared llie pol­ The nitrate Industry of Chill yields tion with best physicians I had every among the ninny strangers who go ite stranger, very much confused, In chance of a cure lf lt were In their power me, and he said that I should go and Maypole is an oxtriiordinnrly steep one,a faoi the government tho enormous annual —but they failed. South American tncie than uny other fact where all is tne deaf old gentleman's ear; "Isu m nf ?25,000,uUO ln gold from the see his kitchen, and tin took me there. tlmt frequently calls forth anxious in Rheumatic Cure was recomr inlcO—to. strange. If one goes In a carriage Sombo I Sombo! Ihe wealth of the kicked you."' export duty. day my six years of pah. 'om as a he may penetrate us far as tbe Court gut-OS relative to the safety of tin dream. Two bottles cured iru. —106 whito men; the saucepans wero silver System from nervous tourists. Deaf Old Gentleman (very much ol San Daiiiiisco, but. In un automobile surprised)—What for? saucepans." "One afternoon a lady from Boston Ask for Minard's and take no other A British torpedo boat wus rammed the gates are resolutely closed to him "An accident!" loured the polite Boated lierself in the rear nf the cm and sunk by a destroyer in naval man­ and neither love nor money will open Btranger. It Is stated that at least 20,000 them. This dislike of modern means Murdered 2,500 Ye.in Ago. that was about to make its ascent ul oeuvres at Valletii, Malta. "An nccldent? Bless me—where? square miles of forest In Liberia are of locomotion Is of long standing. Leo A tragedy, dating buck to the Bronze tlie mountain, and it was at once oh But the polite stranger thought lt covered with dense rubber tree forests. There ls more catarrh in this section —III ls credited with having owned a Age, which terminated ln Great Britain The Kngiish borne dye. A cake of sorvod by several that she was ex­ better to leave before lie lost his reus of the country than all other diseases motor car and having used It ln the about COO U C., bas been discovered b> foap. Clean, quick, safe, hrlllisnl colors put together, and until the last few years Dyes lo any allude. Vou can't waah tbt tremely anxious us to tho outcome ol on.—Punch. I'he Most Popular Pill.—The pill is was supposed to be Incurable. _or a Vatican gardens, but tills Is entirely tho Yorkshire (England) Ramblers' color oul—it'a fadeless. Pv.s anything. her temerity. the most popular of all forms of medl­ great many years doctors pronounced It unfounded; he not only did not use Club In the course of an exploration of The targcat aale ta the British Umpire. a local disease and prescribed local rem­ one himself, but refused to allow nny Llttondalo Cave, near the Village of I— lor Color*—15c for Stack. The Ant and the Bicycle. olne, and of Pills the most popular are edies, and bv constantly falling to cure AU dealers or V. 1.. UKKKDI-T St Co., A French scientist maintains that Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, because with local treatment pronounced It Incur­ ecclesiastic to do so. Plus X hus fol­ Arncllffe. able. Science has proven catarrh to be Montreal. the ant ls the most powerful living they do what It Is asserted they can lowed the same policy and hns stead­ Various portions of a human skeleton a constitutional disease and therefore re­ ily negatived the applications of sever creature for Us size, and that the do, and are not put forward on anyquire s constitutional treatment. Hall's wero found, Including the skull, some al cardinals who live at some dis man-made affair which comes nearest fictitious claims to excellence. They Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. being burled In stalagmite, and al. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only lance from their dioceses. The only are compact and portable, they are constitutional cijre on the market. It ls bearing evident'-- of extreme age. Human Oddities. to realizing the ant's capacity and pruice of the church to disobey is powers ol endurance, compared with easily taken, they do not nauseate nor taken Internally ln doses from 10 drops Prof. Boyd Dawklns, to whom the A person's eyos arc out of line in Does Your to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the Cardinal Ferrari, archbishop ol Milan, skull was submitted, believes it be­ I no casus out of live, and one eye Is structural weight, is the bicycle. He gripe, and they give relief In the most blood ana mucous surfaces of tho system. who, among his brother cardlniils, ls bases llis calculations on tests and ob­ stubborn cases. They offer one hundred dollars for any longed to a female Celt, who probably Stronger than the other 111 seven per­ case it fails to cure. Send for circulars looked upon as n gay young thing who lived towards the termination of the sons out Of ifii. Only one person in servations, and quoto endless statis­ and testimonials. __ adopts this fashion of sowing the In­ Bronze Age, says a correspondent of fifteen as perfect eyes, the largest tics to prove his point. He argues evitable wild outs! The scenes at tho Heart Beat One hundred and fifty of the 070 Adress: F. J. CHENEY & Co. Toledo, O. The Yorkshire Observer. She was ap­ percentage of detects prevailing am­ that a bicycle might be built two- Sold by Druggists, 75c. Vatican ure often most comical. The parently about 10 yenrs of age, and way ong fair-haired people, The smallest thirds lighter than at present and still members of the new Bill ish House Take Hall'B Family Pills for constipa­ a..-conquering cur, accustomed to have not good-looking, for her upper teeth Vibration Of sound can bo distinguish­ afford tho same service. He finds in ot Commons are total abstainers. tion. all tilings scatter before it, is brought projected and her nose stood nearly at ed better with one ear thun with both. Yes. 100,000 times each day. the lines ot the modern bicycle such Fourteen hundred sailors belonging up short by a closed gate. Even the right angles to her face. perfect mechanical strength of design to the Portuguese warships which re­ motor seems to look astonished, and The nulls of two lingers never grow Does it send out good blood The owner of (he skull evidently met with the same rapidity, that of the that nn exceedingly light frame may cently mutinied are confined in bar­ no amount «f toolings makes the her death from a blow by some sh_.."p- or bad blood? You know, for be trusted with enormous weight. He racks. least Impression on the blank wall. If middle finger (.rowing the fastest, polnied weapon, as there ls a small ir­ while that of the thumb grows slow­ eood blood is good health; points out that the bicycle is the only a guard appears at all It ls only to regularly shaped bole, penetrating t_e vehicle whleh a person may convenien Keep Minard's Liniment in the house shake Ms solid bend until, tired with est. In llfty-four cases out of one- bad blood, bad health. And 'DODO'S ' inner table of the skull. hundred the left leg Is shorter than ly curry or be curried by. Certainly making a noise, the automobile retires Probably I tie blow did not provo In­ the right. you know precisely what to a mnn cannot carry a horse and car­ His Hand a Sun Dial. beaten.—Pull Mall Gazette. stantly fatal, and she crawled vp tht take for bad blood —Ayer's riage—unlOBs lt be a baby carriage, KIDNEY Walter Nason', living in Newport, cave to Its Innermost reoases to die, the and that cannot be lifted by Its right­ Me., bus the mysterious ability of be­ position in whleh the bones were found Clocks which nro only wound up Sarsaparilla. Doctors have ful occupant. The French scientist ing able to tell the accurate time of precluding (he Idea of burial. once u yeur can now he purchased for endorsed it for 60 years. has unintentionally called attention day by simply looking in the palm of The Russian steamer Kazan Is a- about ten dollars each. The "400-day to the bicycle as one of the mosl per- '/, PILLS his hand as another would look at his shore near Colombo, Ceylon. clock" was produced in 1870, but the One f remicnt —ass of tad blood Is s. a.ttggiah Slander, llrer. This produces constipation. Poisonous led of modern Inventions. watch. No one h.is been able to learn difficulties of manufacture made the substances srs thsn absorbed Into tb* blood, his method, and in fact he himself Slander Is a poison which eitl> cost so high lhat very few were sold, Inst—d of boing removed from tbo body dully Prof. Curie, the discoverer of radi­ cannot explain the source of his pow­ guishes charity, both In the slanderer and the innovation wns given up. s. nature Intends.!. Keep tbo bowels upon Hungry vultures h__vo attacked men um, was run over and killed by a wltb A JSI's l'ills, liver pills. All vegetaMa. er. Many of the people of the village and lu tlio person who listens to It, so There Is no Bwlnglng pendulum to the arid women in the valley lit Couches wagon ln Paris. who doubted his power, and who that n single calmnuy mny prove fatal clock. Tho pendulum turns first t e br J. 0. Aj_r Co., Lowell. Ciuiton or Valftis. looked upon It as n "fairy story," have the right nnd then to thn left, and Also maouflteturera of Count Aoke, the new Jnpnnose to an Infinite number of souls, elnca lt 9 HAIR VIOOR. by their own observations nnd experi­ kills not only those who circulate It, ticking Is done away with. Bishop Macdonald of Harbor Crace. ments become convinced of its truth. minister to Washington, says all dan­ f 1/9 1*0 *0UB CURE. but also all thos* who do not r*.*ct fci'CV O OH*' HXTOSAL. Newfoundland, has resigned his see —Thurston (Me.) Journal. ger of famine In Japan will bd over A owing to 111 health. by September. lt W N U No. 583 THE ADVOCATE, VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA.

nt. PLEASANT ADVOCATE. Mt. Pleasant School. The Mass Meeting of Mt. ' (Established April''8,1889.) - Pleasant Residents. Orrtc* -2444 Westminster avenue. The closing exercises of Mt. Pleasant Furniture School took place yesterday. The teach­ Teu per cont off for Cash, or easy payments oan bo had. Mns. R WHITNEY. Publisher. ers aud pupils gathered in the large Thore wa3 a largo attendance at the Rockers from 90c up Chairs from 50o up meotiug on Mouday eveuing in Odd­ Real Estate! room in the attic, from 11 to 12 a.m., Beds from $4 up Springs from $2 up fellows' Hall, to protest ngaiust the lo. Eso'.T3n OFFICE—30 , where the final closing ceremonies of Sideboards, with n flno plate glass, worth $18 for $14.85 2-storey Residence on Sixth avenue, cntion of tho residents of the restricted large house, beautiful lawn, fruit. \ -OB-lon, E. C. England Where n this term took place. The Honor Rolls Wo have a nice line of goods. SOME GOOD BUYS- file of "The Advocate" is kept for district on Park Lane. Dr. W. D. Terms. Price $8,850. were awarded os follows: 6 acres at Eburue, black soil, $150.00 peri visitors. Grocerios at rock-bottom prices. Lots of fresh berries. Brydone-Jnok wns chosen for chairman Houso of 9 rooms, Eighth avenue; fine Division II, H B King, teacher—May acre; beautiful view. Terms. autl Dr. W. F. Coy lor secretary. Mr. orchard, lot 149x122 ; price $8,250. tubsorip-Dn $1 a year payable in Whyte, deportment; Frank Fleming, We3tm nster 3 acres at Jubilee Station for $400.00. *^ T WflllpPI**' ' avenue & W. R. Owens moved tho following Oash $1,150. Advance. punctuality aud regularity. ___*>. 1* YVcUlcltCfc Harris street. Telephone 1266. resolution whioh was seconded by Dr. New house on Teuth ave.,(coruer) every Lots on Fourteenth avenuo, near St. Scent* a Oopy. Division III, M E. Shaver, teacher— modern oonveuionco, vory desirable Catherines, for $160 each; terms. N. Allen: . property; easy terms. Agnes Wells, deportment; Alfred Bftu- '- at $14 70; Heather street to Temple & in Wostern Canada. Order of Foresters meets 2d and 4th Vancouver Council, No. 211a, moot minster avenue; price $325, $12;" Mondays of each mouth at 8 p. 111., in ceived, some coming from tho Old Sinclair at $12.90; Seventeenth avenuo overy 2d and 4th Thursdays of eacl> down, bulnuce ou easy terms. Oountry. Mr. nnd Mrs. Willoughby Tho Council met at tho Municipal $500.00 Oddfellows' Hall. month, In I. O. O. F., Hall, West to Temple & Sinclair at $9.90, and Six­ Visiting brcthron always weloomo. 7 Lots on Fourteenth nve., near Scott; will reside on Fifth avenue, wost. Hull on Snturdny evening June 16th, offered iu Prizes for What. minster uveune. teenth avenue to Temple & Sinclair at CHIEF RANGER—A. Pengelly. Sojourning Frieuds always welcome prico $325, $125 down, bnliince easy Roove Foreman presiding, and Council­ $8.90; provided that be agreeable to the Interesting Butter-mnkiugCoiu petitions RECORDI.NO SECRETARY—M. J. Crehan, open to Amateurs and also Professionals. H. W. Howes, Chief Councillor. terms. High ground, overlooking lors Towusend, Almss, Middler, Burgess Reevo and Clerk and the City Vancou­ 31-1 Princess street. City. !»1 Tenth avo., en»_. city. bejug presout. FINANCIAL SECRETARY—J. B. Abernethy Miss A. Ohnnibers, Recorder, —NOTICE.— ver. Tho Grandest Collection of Art, '_"_28 Wcslmlnsteravcnuo. Tel. 760. Personal notices of visitors on Art Treasures, and School Exhibits Address: Cure 231inVeM.ninsteravenuo .---room Honse, rented at $16 per month, A letter was read from W. A. Dun­ The Reevo and Councillors Burgess nt. Pleasant, or of Mt. Pleasant over got together in tho West. south half of lot, in 200a; $1,600, can, City Clerk of New Westminster, and Townsend were instructed to look people who visit otlier cities, also all offeriug auy assistance possible regard­ ^400 cash, balance to arrange. local social affairs are gladly received Ferris road over and to lot contract for The Carnival iu Venice and CORRECT ENGLISH, Get ynur work douo nt tho :8 Lots (comer) Westmiuster avenne, by "The Advocate." ing tho Eburnc-New Westminster tram samo to S. Churchill if doomed advisable The Kuukonshuo Air-ship line. amoncr the Special Attractions. HOW TO USE IT. Glasgow Barber Shop 80x132; price $3-200, terms. by them. 2 doors from Hotel A petition was rend from James Weir, Entries close July 7th. A Monthly Mngnzino devoted to the {7 Lots on Fourteenth avonuo, cast, $330 Tlio Reeve reported that he and FRANK UNDERWOOD, Proprietor. J. E. Littlo, F. aiid'R. Somers, rate­ Uso of English. Josephine Turck BATHS—Bath room lifted with PORCE­ each; high elevation; easy terms. OBITUARY. Councillors Dickinson and Burgess lind Baker, Editor. payers, to have Wilson road opened waited on Mr. Bnutzon, Managing Cheap Excursions on all lines LAIN BATH TUB aud all modern Jl a yoar; 10c for Snmplo Copy. Agents conveniences. M_- R. WHITNEY, 2144 Westminster Johu Sim, the flftson-ycar-old son of from Westminster avenue*- to Ontario Director of the British Columbia Electrio For Entry Blauks, eto , etc, apply to Wanted. EVANSTON, 111., U. S. A. avenue, Mt Pleasant Mr. and Mr. J. D. Sim, 171 Dufferin street Riilwty Company, iu tho matter of the G. H. Greig, President. stroot, west, died on Thursday morn­ El'Ui'ne-New Westminster urnm lino R. J. Hughes, Sec.-Tre.is. Partial Contents for this Month.— 60 YEARS' The Clerk wus iustrnoted to request ami settlers' fares. Mr. Buutzeu wns ing after nu ten days illuoss with acute A. W. Boll, General-Manager. Course iu English for tho Beginner; EXPERIENCE the Oity of Vnncouver to pnt material favorably disposed toward tbe proposed {...Pleasani liall^d'ostoffloe.) pneumonia. Tho doceased youth was damped nn Bodwell road over th<_ lino He agreed that settlers' tickets courso in English for tbo Advanced Mail arrives daily at 10:30 a. ui., and well-known on Mt. Pleasant, having dump nnd not leave it oq the road. should he reduced to 50c. Theso tickets Ql-j-f* Subscribers who fail to pupil. How to Increase One's Vocabu­ boon employed nt different times in 1:30 p. m. D. Morris was given one month's ex­ will bo g jod for ten fares with transfers get "The Advocate" ou Satur­ lary. Tho Art of Conversation. Should Mul leaves tlio Poetoffioe at 7 and 11 thu delivery service of Main's Dairy, to tho City lino and return. They will aud Wonld: hnw to uso tliem. I .onuii- tension of timo on Wellingtou avonuo also be good in the same manner ou the Kind's Market uud J. P. Nightingale 'N8W York Rov. T. W. Hail of Eburno. S. Churchill will bo paid $850 on THE ADVOCATE llrancli 1 nn. •.,. 1126 V HI... Waahlnglon. I), t:. SUNDAY. Townsend contract. Loyal Workors of Christian Endeavor It wns decided to buy a 12-ton road is only $1.00 a year, DO IT NOW I—If not already a Sub­ A GENUINE SNAP! roller. 50o for 6 months, scriber to "Tho Advocato" become ono jnoot at 16 minutes to 7, every Sunday NOW OPEN IN OUR » 25c for 3 mouths. now. Ouly $1 for 12 months. (evening in Adveut Christian Churoh, Sevou acres nf land, cleared nnd culti­ The Clerk was authorized to notify Seventh avonue, noar Westm'r ave. vated; chickou runs; 500 chickeus, cow, Mr. Chifforflo—. that the motion grant­ ing him 20o per chaiu for cutting brush MONDAY. horse nnd everything olse needed, iu a country horn". Sitnritcd iu South Vnn­ was cancelled on account of his failing Epworth League of Mt. Pleasunt couver. Reasonable terms. Call if ynn uud refusing to cut brush as required by Methodist Church moots at 8 p. ui. want to buy at 2414 Westmiuster ave. thn motion. j}. Y. P. U., meets iu Mt. Pleasr Councillor Burgess was requested to HOT WATER J-aptist Church at. H p. 111. havo brush on Rosenberg rond out by TUESDAY. BUSINESS NOTICE. day labor. Ho was also instructed to New Store FOR THE BATH. The Y. P. S. C. E., meets at 8 p. ni Looal Advertising 10c a line eaoh issue, call for tenders for outting brush on Display Advertising f 1.00 per inch After a hard day's work there is nothing so refreshing ns a hot jn Mt. PhaiAsnnf Presbyterian Ob n rer North Arm road, nnd to have brush cut bath. During the warm weather one reluctantly builds a hot Are per month. by day labor if touders bo not satisfac­ iu Iho range nnd consequently the bath is often uogloctod. Notices fnr Church :ind Sooiuty Enter­ tory. This difllculty cun bo easily overcome hy tho uso of gas for fuel, tainments, Lectures, etc., WHERE Before-.turfing on a shopping tour, with ono of ouf THB OBJ.KIT IS TO RAM]. MONEY Tho Reeve was instruoted to buy tent jook over the advertisements in the will beohnrged for. for uso of men on the rock orusher. DEASY HOT WATER BOILERS. ADVOOATE. All Advertisements inn run regularly It was decided to puy Brcssuy & Qninu 143 Hastings St. Tho "Densy" is A COMBINATION UOI.BR aud oan be attachod nud charged for until ordered they for 84 obaim 38 feet on Johnson rond, to your ordinary rauge also. be discontinued. end 28 cbnius 44 feet on Bodwoll road, If yon intend buying a NEW boiler, yon should soo the Combina­ Transient Advertisers must pay in tion "Densy" before making a purchase. If yon don't, you will when (he contractors satisfy tho Clerk be sorry aflor you have scon ono in operation that you hnd not . advance. that thoro ure no claims uguiust the taken nur advice. Noticesof Births, Marriages, aud Deaths Advocate $1 work. . published free of charge. George Sprung was instructed to use his judgment in regard to wages paid Vancouver Gas Company* for! 2 Months OFFICE : coruer of Carrall and Hastings stroets. Adverti—) in tho "Advocate.' men on the rock crusher. J. Horner, TheOh*-tr