Provincial Clinics Listed Alphabetical by District

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Provincial Clinics Listed Alphabetical by District KwaZulu-Natal Clinics Gazetted Name Insitution Name Type Authority Postal Suburb Postal Tel Tel Fax Fax Address Code Code Number Code Number Amajuba District Municipality Charlestown Clinic Clinic Provincial GROENVL Not EI opened yet Amajuba District Municipality Dannhauser Satellite Satellite Local P/Bag X1011 Dannhause 3080 034 6212666 034 6212279 Clinic Clinic Authority r Amajuba District Municipality Durnacol Clinic Clinic Provincial Amajuba District Municipality Emfundweni Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3667315 None None Amajuba District Municipality Greenock Clinic Clinic Provincial P.O. Box 6076 Osizweni 2952 034 3665599 034 3665588 Amajuba District Municipality Groenvlei Clinic Clinic Provincial GROENVL Not EI opened yet Amajuba District Municipality Ladybank Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3669401 034 3668004 Amajuba District Municipality Madadeni 1 Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3292122 034 3143523 Amajuba District Municipality Madadeni 5 Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3292123 034 3143048 Amajuba District Municipality Madadeni 7 Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3143701 034 3143956 Amajuba District Municipality Madadeni Gateway Clinic C Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3749221 034 3288281 Clinic C Amajuba District Municipality Majuba Voluntary Clinic Provincial P. O. Box NEWCAST 2940 034 312 7804 NONE NONE Counselling Clinic 2315 LE Amajuba District Municipality Mndozo Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3669923 None None Amajuba District Municipality Naas Farm Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3669166 034 3668149 Amajuba District Municipality Nellies Farm Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3667783 034 3667286 Amajuba District Municipality Newcastle Gateway Clinic C Provincial P/Bag X6653 Newcastle 2940 034 3280000 036 3280022 Clinic C Amajuba District Municipality Newcastle Primary Clinic Local P/Bag X6621 Newcastle 2940 034 3287754 034 3287706 Health Care Clinic Authority Amajuba District Municipality Niemeyer Memorial Clinic C Provincial P/Bag X1004 Utrecht 2980 034 3313011 034 3313532 Gateway Clinic C Amajuba District Municipality Osizweni 1 Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3660002 None None Amajuba District Municipality Osizweni 2 Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3660061 None None Amajuba District Municipality Osizweni 3 Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3137639 034 3137970 Amajuba District Municipality Prime Cure (Amajuba) Clinic Private P.O. Box 1232 Newcastle 2940 034 3154030 034 3154039 Clinic Amajuba District Municipality Rosary Clinic Clinic State P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3667389 034 3668149 Aided Compiled and Produced by The GIS Unit KZN Health Department Pietermaritzburg Page 1 of 32 2009/01/26 KwaZulu-Natal Clinics Gazetted Name Insitution Name Type Authority Postal Suburb Postal Tel Tel Fax Fax Address Code Code Number Code Number Amajuba District Municipality Simunye Clinic Clinic Provincial DANNHAU 3080 Not SER opened yet Amajuba District Municipality Stafford Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X6642 Newcastle 2940 034 3745800 034 3745103 Amajuba District Municipality Sutherland Satellite Satellite Local Private Bag NEWCAST 2940 034 312 7211 034 312 1570 Clinic Clinic Authority X6621 LE Amajuba District Municipality Thandanani Clinic Clinic Local P/Bag X1011 Dannhause 3080 034 6212666 034 6212279 Authority r Amajuba District Municipality Thembalihle Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X1055 Dundee 3000 034 3669318 034 3667782 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Adams Mission Clinic Clinic State P.O. Box Overport 4067 031 9053780 None None Aided 37587 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Addington Gateway Clinic C Provincial P.O. Box 977 Durban 4000 031 3272000 031 3272805 Clinic C eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Albert Park Satellite Satellite Local DURBAN 4000 031 300 3121 NONE NONE Clinic Clinic Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Amanzimtoti Clinic Clinic Local P.O. Box 2443 Durban 4000 031 3115598 031 9031720 Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Amaoti Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X13 Mount 4300 031 5195967 031 5195243 Edgecomb e eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Amatikwe Clinic Clinic State P.O. Box 65 New 3620 031 2058060 031 2057824 Aided Germany eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Asherville Satellite Satellite Local P. O. Box DURBAN 4000 NONE 083 459 NONE NONE Clinic Clinic Authority 2443 8565 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Athlone Park Clinic Clinic Local P.O. Box 2443 Durban 4000 031 3115880 None None Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Austerville Clinic Clinic Local None None 0 031 4612496 None None Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Bambayi Clinic Clinic Provincial eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Barracuda Clinic Clinic Local KWAMASH 4360 NONE NONE NONE NONE Authority U eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Bayview Clinic Clinic Local P.O. Box 2443 Durban 4000 031 4000086 None None Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Beatrice Street Clinic Clinic Provincial None None 0 031 3096097 031 3097931 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Bekulwandle Bekimpilo Clinic State P.O. Box 65 New 3620 031 2058060 031 2057824 Clinic Aided Germany Compiled and Produced by The GIS Unit KZN Health Department Pietermaritzburg Page 2 of 32 2009/01/26 KwaZulu-Natal Clinics Gazetted Name Insitution Name Type Authority Postal Suburb Postal Tel Tel Fax Fax Address Code Code Number Code Number eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Besters Clinic Clinic Local None None 0 031 5031165 None None Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Bluff Clinic Clinic Local None None 0 031 4661970 None None Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Bluff Medical & Dental Clinic Private P.O. Box Bluff 4036 031 4665030 031 4661636 Centre Clinic 21564 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Boyi Simelane Clinic Clinic Local None None 0 031 9090633 None None Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality BSN Medical Clinic Clinic Private P.O. Box 526 Pinetown 3610 031 7108025 031 7108130 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Buffelsdraai Clinic Clinic Local P.O. Box 29 VERULAM 4340 032 535 0999 032 5333047 Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Caneside Clinic Clinic Local None None 0 031 5051296 None None Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Cato Manor Clinic Clinic Shared P.O. Box 2443 DURBAN 4000 031 261 8943/4 031 300 3030 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Chesterville Clinic Clinic Shared None None 0 031 2640090 None None eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Clairwood Clinic Clinic Local P. O. Box DURBAN 4000 031 300 3095 031 300 3030 Authority 2443 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Clare Estate Clinic Clinic Local None None 0 031 2693131 None None Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Clermont Clinic Clinic Provincial None None 0 031 7075482 031 7110776 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Commercial City Clinic Clinic Provincial Private Bag DURBAN 4000 031 305 5016 031 305 5016 54348 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Corobrick Clinic Clinic Private P.O. Box Durban 4016 031 5603911 031 5603149 201367 North eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Craigieburn Clinic Clinic Local P.O. Box 828 Durban 4000 039 9795311 039 9796051 Authority eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Danganya Clinic Clinic Provincial P.O. Box 616 Umkhomaz 4170 039 9730136 039 9731740 i eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Dassenhoek Satellite Satellite Local P. O. Box 48 PINETOW 3600 031 706 2778 NONE NONE Clinic Clinic Authority N eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Denny Mushroom Farm Clinic Private P.O. Box 75 Hillcrest 3650 031 7691030 031 7691060 Clinic eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Durban Chest (CDC) Clinic Local P.O. Box Dalbridge 4014 031 3101600 031 3040602 Clinic Authority 18242 Compiled and Produced by The GIS Unit KZN Health Department Pietermaritzburg Page 3 of 32 2009/01/26 KwaZulu-Natal Clinics Gazetted Name Insitution Name Type Authority Postal Suburb Postal Tel Tel Fax Fax Address Code Code Number Code Number eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Durban North Satellite Satellite Local Lady of Fatima DURBAN 4001 031 300 3911 031 300 3030 Clinic Clinic Authority Church Hall, Northway eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Durban Oncology Clinic Private P.O. Box Mayville 4058 031 2618221 031 2618221 Centre Clinic 30422 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Durban Std Satellite Satellite Local P. O. Box DURBAN 4000 031 305 3347 031 306 2943 Clinic Clinic Authority 2443 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Ekukhanyeni Clinic Clinic State P/Bag Oakford 4340 032 5410530 None None Aided eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Ekuphileni (Umlazi L) Clinic Provincial None None 0 031 9081212 031 9087931 Clinic eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Emandleni Bekimpilo Clinic State P.O. Box 65 New 3620 031 2058060 031 2057824 Clinic Aided Germany eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Escoval House Clinic Clinic Provincial Private Bag DURBAN 4000 031 304 7411 031 307 2523 X54318 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Ezimangweni Clinic Clinic Provincial eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Folweni Clinic Clinic Provincial P/Bag X07 Mobeni 4060 031 9000501 031 9000800 eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Frame Textile Clinic Private P.O. Box 81 New 3620 031 7104413 031 7056329 Corporation Clinic Germany eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality Fredville Clinic Clinic Provincial P.O. Box Inchanga 3670 031 7835989 031 7835550 19295
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