Pilot-wave theory, Bohmian metaphysics, and the foundations of quantum mechanics Lecture 6 Calculating things with quantum trajectories Mike Towler TCM Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/∼mdt26 and www.vallico.net/tti/tti.html
[email protected] – Typeset by FoilTEX – 1 Acknowledgements The material in this lecture is to a large extent a summary of publications by Peter Holland, R.E. Wyatt, D.A. Deckert, R. Tumulka, D.J. Tannor, D. Bohm, B.J. Hiley, I.P. Christov and J.D. Watson. Other sources used and many other interesting papers are listed on the course web page: www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/∼mdt26/pilot waves.html MDT – Typeset by FoilTEX – 2 On anticlimaxes.. Up to now we have enjoyed ourselves freewheeling through the highs and lows of fundamental quantum and relativistic physics whilst slagging off Bohr, Heisenberg, Pauli, Wheeler, Oppenheimer, Born, Feynman and other physics heroes (last week we even disagreed with Einstein - an attitude that since the dawn of the 20th century has been the ultimate sign of gibbering insanity). All tremendous fun. This week - we shall learn about finite differencing and least squares fitting..! Cough. “Dr. Towler, please. You’re not allowed to use the sprinkler system to keep the audience awake.” – Typeset by FoilTEX – 3 QM computations with trajectories Computing the wavefunction from trajectories: particle and wave pictures in quantum mechanics and their relation P. Holland (2004) “The notion that the concept of a continuous material orbit is incompatible with a full wave theory of microphysical systems was central to the genesis of wave mechanics.