Parish Council MINUTES OF THE FULL COUNCIL MEETING HELD IN THE PARISH ROOMS, CROWAN ON THURSDAY, 9th NOVEMBER 2017 at 7.15pm Minutes of Council Meetings are available to view on; on the Notice Boards; on and Townshend Village Hall Notice Boards. Present: Cllr. Smith (Chairman) Cllr. Christophers Cllr. Henwood Cllr. Hodson Cllr. Dr. Jenkin (PC/CC) Cllr. McLeod Cllr. Mrs Muriel Cllr. Parnell Cllr. Tripp Cllr. Ms Tunnicliffe Cllr. Webb In Attendance: Mrs Thompson (Clerk)

Minute AGENDA ITEMS Action

Prayers – led by the Chair, who advised anyone not wishing to participate may leave the room and re-join the meeting later.

Chairman’s Welcome and Public Forum – the Chairman welcomed those present, with a particularly warm welcome to the members of the public. PC Butcher spoke regarding speeding issues in Townshend (Minute 163c/2017 refers). She said a Police Traffic Officer had attended and stopped a number of vehicles and gave advice and/or issued speeding tickets. The site is not suitable to employ the Speed Monitoring Vans. A more permanent solution would be ‘road furniture’. The problem is not isolated to Townshend. PC Butcher said the Police are no longer able to assist with road closures at the Remembrance Services. Cllr. Tripp asked about the vans parked at the junction in Townshend. PC Butcher said they act as a speed deterrent. She said if it is a problem it should be reported at the time. A similar problem exists near the public WCs in Praze, but as there are no yellow lines then CC’s Enforcement Officers cannot act and the Police can only take action if a vehicle is obstructing the highway. Mr Andy Norfolk referred to the recent fire at Mr & Mrs Mocks house. He said the water pressure in the village was inadequate and the Fire Service had to run a pipe a long way to fight the fire. This would be of particular concern if the proposed Dixcarte development were to go ahead.

Mr Ken Sampson confirmed the fire hydrant outside Crowan Cottages had provided inadequate water pressure. The Clerk to approach SW Water and the Clerk Fire Service to see if anything can be done to improve the water pressure to the fire hydrant.

Mr Norfolk said it was generally felt amongst Crowan residents that the proposed ‘Welcome to Crowan’ sign was not needed. Cllr. McLeod queried if this was the case as he knew of several who were in support.

A resident referred to the telephone kiosk, outside the Parish Rooms, which is Clerk leaning. The Clerk to report the problem to BT.

158/2017 Members’ Declarations – a. Pecuniary/Registerable Declarations of Interests – Cllr. Tripp in 173/2017; Cllr. Hodson in 161c/2017; and Cllr. Christophers in 161b/2017. Clerk b. Non-Pecuniary/Disclosable Interests – none. c. Declaration of Gifts – Members were reminded they must not accept any gift or hospitality with a value in excess of fifty pounds. d. Dispensations – none.

1 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2017-11-09.doc 159/2017 Apologies for Absence – Cllrs. Allen and Roberts.

160/2017 Minutes of Meetings – a. Full Council Meeting – 12th October 2017, AGREED as a true record. b. NP Steering Group Meeting – 11th October 2017 and 8th November 2017.

161/2017 Planning Applications – Members considered the following, including any planning applications received after the agenda was issued: a. PA17/07213, 8 Millbank Meadow, Leedstown – new bungalow. Cllr. McLeod said the access, which is a byway, is in a poor state of repair. Cllr. Henwood said the byway was much used by pedestrians, etc. and he was concerned that vehicles exiting the site would need to reverse out onto the byway. He was also concerned the proposed dwelling is much smaller and, therefore, out-of-keeping with surrounding properties. Cllr. Hodson said a neighbour had objected on the grounds of overlooking. OBJECT unless a means is Clerk found of turning vehicles on the site. If permission is granted, then Members would expect a condition for frosted glass on the Northern side. Cllr. Tripp abstained. b. PA17/05690, Land E of Ros an Brea, Praze Road, Leedstown – erection of two dwellings and associated works. Cllr. Christophers left the meeting whilst this item was discussed.

Revised plans had been received and the two proposed dwellings are now

parallel to the road. subject to [1] the window on the North side SUPPORT being frosted glass; [2] a new agricultural access in made, across the rear of Clerk Plot 2 to the meadow / drainage field and [3] the drainage field is in an unsatisfactory position because of its proximity to Rosehill Farm. c. PA17/08402, Cottage, Higher Drym, Leedstown – proposed replace- ment single-storey, 2/3-bedroom residential dwelling. Decision delegated to Cllrs. Smith and Henwood. The following response had been subsequently made to CC: OBJECT on the grounds the proposed development would be out-of-character with the surrounding area and damage the value of the world heritage site. Also the existing property could be retained and renovated which would retain the old dwelling while staying in keeping with the surrounding properties and causing little or no damage to the world heritage asset. In addition there would be drainage issues if the proposed development proceeded as there is insufficient land to site the drainage system above the flood plain. Also the new plan indicates the site of the relocated summer house but makes no mention of it being used for residential use.

Cllr. Hodson left the meeting whilst this item was discussed.

Cllr. Tripp said the building was damp and previous efforts had not found a cure for this problem.

It was AGREED to report as a possible enforcement that the summer house is being used for residential purposes. Clerk d. PA17/04187, Polcrebo Moors Cottage, Polcrebo Downs, Nancegollan – installation of a septic tank and soakaway. NO OBJECTION. Clerk

162/2017 Other Planning Matters – a. Neighbourhood Development Plan – Cllr. Parnell said the Flood Plan drawn up by Cllr. Webb will be incorporated into the NDP. The Minutes will follow shortly. b. Planning Procedures – Cllr. Hodson said he had concerns about how the PC manages planning applications. He felt the current process was somewhat haphazard. He said the Chairman should look into how this is handled in the future. Cllr. Henwood said there had never been any complaint from members of the public. He said there was nothing to stop a Member from doing his own research.

2 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2017-11-09.doc Cllr. Hodson referred to Standing Order 29.1. Cllrs. Henwood and Tripp said Members could visit a site as long as they make it clear they are not representing the PC. It was confirmed that two Members should always attend together when making an official visit. Cllr. McLeod said it wasn’t always easy to find an available second Member.

A meeting will be held in the New Year to agree a policy. Clerk It was AGREED that when applications are received, the Clerk will email details to Members, and indicate the Member who had been given the plans. Clerk c. Planning Applications Approved by CC – i. PA17/06317, Roselyn House Cottage, The Square, Townshend – application for the variation of condition 2 in respect of decision notice PA15/04022. ii. PA17/07471, Hr. Drym House, Hr. Drym, Leedstown – change of use of detached studio to ancillary accommodation / holiday let use and 3.2m2 extension. iii. PA17/07642, Nancegollan Farm – conversion and extension of agricultural building to form dwelling. iv. PA17/08399, 9 Station Hill, Praze – retention and completion of rear extension to dwelling. d. Outstanding Enforcement Issues – the Clerk reported she had requested updates on the following: i. EN16/00860, Trenoweth House (former vicarage), Crowan - alleged unauthorised works carried out to Grade II listed building. Case officer: Alan Mason. ii. EN16/01461, Bosarawan, Godolphin Bridge, Townshend – alleged stationing of caravan without planning permission. Case officer: Ms Brown. iii. EN17/01558, Cargenwen Croft, Black Rock – alleged siting of numerous caravans for residental use and untidy site. Case officer: Miss Mandy Smith reported she had carried out a land registry check and will now send a warning letter out to the registered owner. NOTE – Public Protection had been asked to investigate other concerns regarding rats, licensing, etc. iv. EN17/01588, 1 Crowan Cottage, Crowan – alleged unauthorised works to Grade II Listed building; namely installation of UPVC door. Case officer: Miss Mandy Smith reported she had been in contact with the owner who has provided evidence to show that the door replaced was UPVC. He has also confirmed that the previous UPVC door was in place prior to the listing. Case to be closed. v. EN17/01691, Land Adj to Amenity Area at St James Place, Praze Road, Leedstown – alleged untidy site. Case officer: Miss Mandy Smith reported she had revisited the site and carried out a land registry check. I will send a warning letter out to registered owner. vi. EN17/01835, Roselyn House, The Square, Townshend – alleged construction of a raised balcony. Case officer: Miss Mandy Smith reported she had revisited the site and confirmed that the present structure will require planning permission. However, if it were to be reduced in height it would come under Permitted Development. vii. Dowha Fields (Bridleway 207/124/3) – a possible septic tank had been installed and a summerhouse / chalet erected. New case. Cllr. Jenkin said she believed a new caravan had been moved on site that day. viii. EN17/01888, 1 Woodridge Close, Leedstown – alleged breach of condition 2 (Incidental use) of planning approval W2/PA09/00942/F – workshop/store being used for business. ix. EN17/01914, United Farm, – alleged breach of condition no 5 (access) of planning approval PA16/06523 – opened a field gate without planning permission. Cllr. McLeod said Highways had looked at the wrong gateway.

3 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2017-11-09.doc x. EN17/02018, Land West of Trevelyan Praze Road Leedstown – alleged works not being built in accordance with approved plans of PA17/01419, namely windows larger and higher than approved. Case officer: Ms Mandy Smith. xi. EN17/02032, Farm, Praze – alleged construction of a building affecting footpath 207/38/1 and stationing of a mobile home which is being used for residential purposes. Case officer: Ms Mandy Smith. xii. EN17/02042, Land Rear of Roselyn House, The Square, Townshend – alleged works not being carried out in accordance with approved plans PA17/06317 - concerns over window on the second storey on the east elevation. Case officer: Ms Mandy Smith. xiii. EN17/02081, Carne Tremayne Cottage, Praze – alleged rebuilding works to garage and storage room, both roof heights raised and flat roof. xiv. EN17/02103, OS Field 2149, Praze Road, Praze – alleged works not being carried out in accordance with plans PA16/10033 – location of building. Cllr. Henwood said he understood a new set of plans had been submitted, which would cover this.

163/2017 Highway Matters – a. Traffic Regulation Order – Minute 104/2017 refers. Ms Maxine Hardy, CC advised Mr Mike Peters will be taking over the work on the TRO, however he had been called to deal with the flooding at Coverack, which meant a further delay. b. Binner Bridge – Minute 146d/2017 refers. Members considered the response from Mr Mike Peters, Cormac (previously circulated via email), i.r.o. the joint request from Crowan and Breage PCs regarding:

i. Binner Bridge – request for the vegetation to be cut down to give clear visibility at this location. Although the trees are on land adjacent to the highway, Mr Peters had been asked to reconsider his position and open dialogue with the landowner. ii. Drainage – photographs of flooding issues near Binnerton Manor and Huthnance Farm had been provided to Mr Peters.

The Clerk to seek an update. Clerk c. Townshend Traffic Speed Survey – Minute 127f/2017 refers. PC Butcher’s report in the Public Forum refers. It was recognised that street furniture was the answer, but that there is no budget to finance this. Cllr. Jenkin said it would be helpful if there was a local pressure group. d. Parked Cars / Vans on the junction in the Square, Townshend – Mr Phil Kitts, CC Parking Enforcement confirmed that as there are no restrictions currently in place at this location, this would need to be reported to the Police as it falls under obstruction, this is still an offence but sits within the Police’s remit and not CC’s. PC Butcher’s report in the Public Forum refers.

164/2017 Environmental / Amenity Matters – a. Treasure Park – Minute 128a/2017 refers. Ms Maxine Hardy, CC apologised it is taking so long, but there had been a review on the devolution work, which had slowed it down slightly. Mr Scott Sharples assured her it is on the list to complete. b. Water Pipe, Leedstown – Minute 60b/2017 refers. It was AGREED to purchase a water pressure tester, which could be used in Leedstown and Cllr Henwood Crowan. c. Land Adj. to Collins View, Nancegollan – Minute 138/2017 refers. There had been no response from the landowner, as to whether he might be interested in disposing of the land to the PC, bearing in mind that it has been used as an amenity space by residents for over 10 years. The Clerk to write once Clerk more.

4 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2017-11-09.doc d. Praze WCs – Members considered a proposal i.r.o. the possible purchase of the freehold on the toilets. The Clerk reported the deadline to buy the freehold is 19th November 2019. Cllr. Muriel explained the background. Further consideration was deferred to the Amenities Committee, to include installation of an electricity supply. A Clerk show of hands showed Members were unanimously in favour of exploring this further.

Members AGREED to a request from the Autistic Partnership to place a small plaque in all the Praze public conveniences. The idea is to Clerk promote awareness of Autism in Cornwall and to give a warning to Autistic people regarding the noise levels. The Clerk to advise Mr David Tyack, CC. e. Telephone Kiosks –

i. Kiosk 01736 850235, Townshend, TR27 6AF - it was to RESOLVED Clerk adopt this kiosk.

ii. Kiosk 01736 850344, Pilgrims Way, , TR27 6EJ – in September Members had granted permission to Gwithian and Gwinear PC for them to adopt this kiosk (Minute 128d/2017 refers). The Clerk to clarify if they Clerk still want it and, if not, the Clerk to apply to BT to adopt it.

iii. Black Rock, Praze and Releath – the Clerk to check with BT what is Clerk happening i.r.o. the future of these kiosks.

165/2017 Outside Bodies / Reports – a. Police – Public Forum refers. Noted at the suggestion of Ms Maxine Hardy, CC, Members’ request for monthly police reports had been passed to the Police and a detailed response from Sgt. Cooper had subsequently been circulated to Members. b. Cornwall Councillor – Cllr. Jenkin reported the chicken farm planning application (PA17/04129, Pengwedna, Breage) has yet to go to CC’s Strategic Planning Committee. Cllr. Henwood said the Police, VOSA and CC need to be made aware of the problems with tractors driving too fast and being overloaded. c. Community Network Panel – the next meeting is scheduled to be held in February 2018. Members considered the document (previously circulated via email), which sets out proposals for the future of the Network Panel Meetings, but made no comment. Minute 142c/2017 refers.

166/2017 Administrative Matters – a. Printer – Mr Lawrence, had fixed the ‘offline’ fault on the PC’s printer. b. Remembrance Sunday – 12th November 2017. In addition to the steps taken and reported to previous meetings, the Clerk reported: i. Poppy Wreath – provided to the Chairman at the meeting. ii. Chapter 8 accreditation person – Cllrs. Smith and Webb had attended the training course on 20th October 2017 in .

iii. Last Post – Cllr. Roberts reported he had not been able to find anyone to play the ‘Last Post’. iv. Road Closure Notice – Cllr. Webb had posted the road closure notices. In future years the road closure application should include the Clerk area that should be allocated for ‘no parking’. Traffic cones to be placed adjacent to the war memorial to prevent vehicles parking in front during the service. Members v. War Memorial – Mr Stovell had been asked to reclean the memorial prior to the service and remove leaves, etc. from the area outside the WCs, together with that of the milestone. Referred to the Amenities Clerk Committee.

5 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2017-11-09.doc c. Cornwall Electoral Review – Minute 148a/2017 refers. Members considered making a response to the Cornwall electoral review, which will recommend new electoral arrangements for Cornwall, including:

• The number of divisions

• The number of councillors representing each division • Division boundaries • Names of divisions The total number of councillors elected to the council will be 87. Closing date is 19th February 2018. Details previously circulated via email. CC are holding consultation events on: i. 16th November 2017, 1800-2000, Chi an Bobel Hall, Heartlands. ii. 30th November 2017, 1800-2000, St John’s Hall, . Clerk Deferred to the December meeting. d. Crowan Stories – Minute 147c/2017 refers. Ms Sarah Chapman advised they may be able to contribute a couple of short digital stories from Praze for Clerk the proposed film night. Deferred to the February 2018.

167/2017 Financial Matters – a. Accounts for Payment – schedule 2017/18–07 to a value of £2,998.63 was APPROVED for payment. The bank reconciliation was made available for inspection. The Clerk had clarified with Irons Bros. that they had not charged for work to the Nancegollan post in their invoice number 36014 as the work had not been carried out. The cost would be £365.00 plus VAT as per their original quote. She had, therefore, released their cheque. Cllr. Henwood reported the post had been removed, by Cormac, from the site. EXPENSES Price VAT Total Staff costs – including tax and NI 962.48 962.48 Praze WCs & Community Room 458.60 64.81 523.41 Parish Rooms, Crowan 15.36 15.36 Play Areas - incl. H&S reports 1,074.50 214.90 1,289.40 Administration - incl. training 182.65 25.33 207.98 £2,998.63 b. Bank Signatures – Minute 130d/2017 refers. The bank had confirmed the requested changes had been made to the signatures on the accounts. c. Electricity Supply – it was RESOLVED to enter into a new fixed price contract with EDF Energy. Clerk

168/2017 Correspondence – not mentioned elsewhere on the agenda. a. Praze War Memorial – Historic is considering adding the memorial to the List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. b. Clerks & Councils Direct – November 2017. c. NALC Smaller Councils’ Committee 2018 and 2019 – closing date 28th November 2017. Details previously circulated via email. d. War Memorials Trust – bulletin, November 2017.

169/2017 Parish Organisations – reports i.r.o. village halls and local school, which require Members’ attention. a. Nancegollan VH Cemetery – Members considered a letter from Mrs Linda Bain, VHC regarding the poor state of repair on various headstones in the cemetery. It was noted that whoever purchased the plot is responsible, where this is known. Failing that it would be the responsibility of the local Methodist Circuit. Greens (Cornwall) Ltd. are not able to risk assess cemetery headstones, but a local Funeral Director is known to undertake Clerk this work. The Clerk to inform Mrs Bain.

6 /Crowan/Meetings/Minutes/2017-11-09.doc 170/2017 Diary Dates – a. Council Meetings: i. Full Council Meeting – 14th December 2017. The Clerk apologised as she will be late in arriving. ii. Amenities Committee (AC) Meeting – Tuesday, 21st November 2017. iii. NP Steering Group – TBC. b. CC Localism Summits – the summits will give an opportunity to hear about, and question, a number of Council initiatives including strengthening the community network panels, devolution, the new Council budget and business plan and the work we are doing to improve waste and recycling, including work to issue a new waste contract for Cornwall by 2020. The event nearest to Crowan is on 28th November 2017, 1200-1630, Pool Innovation Centre. c. Preventing Violent Extremism and Terrorism Conference – 13th November 2017, St John’s Hall, Penzance. The Clerk has further information. Only one delegate per organisation. d. Potential Housing Development, Top of Fore Street, Praze – 13th November at the Praze institute at 2pm-6pm. e. Museum – Friday, 10th November 2017, 3.30-5pm. Members are invited to attend the Museum’s 80th birthday. Details previously emailed. f. CC Planning Conferences – cost per delegate £12: i. 28th November 2017, 1630, Chy Trevail Office, Bodmin. ii. February 2018, west location, date and time to be confirmed. e. Physical Activity Summit – 17th November 2017, Cornwall College, . The Clerk has further information.

171/2017 Information Only / Items for Future Agendas – a. None.

172/2017 Closed Session – in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, namely quotations, it was RESOLVED that it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be excluded and they were instructed to withdraw.

173/2017 Parish Rooms – Cllr. Tripp left the meeting whilst this was discussed. It was RESOLVED to accept a quotation from Mr Mark Tripp of £768 to repaint the Clerk interior of the parish rooms.

174/2017 Nancegollan Play Equipment – Cllr. Webb had met with Greens (Cornwall) Ltd. to Clerk discuss items he had missed on the H&S report. Further discussion deferred to

the Amenities Committee. the Clerk reported the baby swings had been removed on H&S grounds. Members considered the quotations for a set of baby swings, including frame with grass mats as safety surface (one bay, two swings) and it was RESOLVED to accept the quotation from SW Play at a cost of approx. £1,480.

175/2017 Meeting Closed – 21.37pm.

Signature: ……………………………………………… (Cllr. Smith) Chairman

Date: 14th December 2017

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