ALL the NEWS of SECTION RED BANK Mid Surrounding Town* Told Fmrleasly Mid Without BU> RED BANK REGISTER ONE VOLUME LXIII, NO. 6. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1940. PAGES 1 TO 12. Scottish Games Council Hears Monmouth Hills Cotnpton Creek Work Prize He Didn't Property Sold Model Home Purchased Like Proves Costly On McC&mpbell Lawyer Object Otis N. Auer, auptiinUmlent of Monmouth Memorial hospital, has To Start This Fall William gnyder of Newark Farm Labor Day To Ordinance sold his former residence at Mon- Week After Opening didn't like the kewple doll he mouth Hills, Mlddletown township, won Saturday night on the to Herman Kurz of New York. The Keansburg boardwalk and at- Ninth Annual Meet William L. Parker Joseph G. McCue Agency of Rum- tempted to hurl it into the bay. son were the brokeis. Government Will Redre'dge Hla aim, however, was bad, and of New Jersey Clans Against Proposed The property is situated in the John W. Howie, South Orange, Buys it struck lirs. A. Arnold Arnold grounds of the Water Witch club, an The Whole Channel of Jersey City on the head, to Be at Holmdel Bathing Regulations exclusive summer colony on the causing a scalp wound. The Highlands of Navesink, near the At- Property at River Oaks, Fair Haven doll broke into several pieces lantic ocean. It includes about an and one of the chips caromed The ninth annual gathering of the William L. Parker, Highlands law- -• Howard W. Roberta, Mlddletown acre of woodec land with an exten- The model home at Itiver Oak*, township clerk, lj In receipt o[ a off and struck Fioreiio Fracas- Scots and their friends in New Jer- yer and borough attorney of that sive view over Sandy Hook and out co, breaking his glasses and sey is scheduled for Labor day, Sep- municipality, appeared before the Fair Haven, was purchased by John letter from the engineer'* oHice of Big Committee At to sea. The residence, which was Belford Women W. Howie of South Orange Just thu War Department a* follows: causing a. cut over his eye. No tember 2, on the beautiful country Sea Bright mayor and council Fri- completely remodeled by Mr. Auei complaints were made after place of Theron McCampbell at day night and objected lo Ihe pro- seven days after its formal opening. July 22, 1940. two years ago, contains nine rooms The Ray VanHorn agency of Fair Howard W. Roberta, Work For Annual Snyder agreed to pay for the Holmdel by the Scottish Games of posed ordinance to regulate bathing and three baths, with a wide veranda Like Busy Bees damage. The injured were New Jersey association. The Scot- Haven was the broker in the trans- Atlantic Highlands, and parking: in the borough. and a screened brick terrace. action. New Jersey. treated by Dr. frank Miele. ish games, will be an event of tre- Starlight Dance Mr. Parker stated he was appear- Mr. Kurz is a new comer to Mon- River Oaks is the new residential Dear Sir: mendous Importance this year, for ing as a taxpayer and could see no mouth county, having for many years For Red Cross their purpose will be the raising of community of large acreage owned Reference la made to vour litter reason why at this time an ordin- past spent his summers in the Po- and developed by Allen brothers. It of Julv !). 1B40, relative to the pro- Red Bank Jewish funds for the British Red Cross, as ance of this kind should be neces- posed dredirlnir of Shnal harbor and Indorsed by Permit 349, state de- Appeal Made for was formerly part of the Hosglnns sary. He also said many people estate located on River road and Comnton creek. New Jeraev. Community Center Committee To partment, United States government. along the shore would be affected You are advised that the work After the payment of actual ex- More Volunteer Buena Vista avenue at the boundary was advertised Julv 2. 1940, and that by such an ordinance and would not Mrs. M. A. Rice To of Fair Haven and Rumaon. bids will be opened August 1, 1940. to Benefit Study Proposed penses, the financial proceeds from be able to rent their houses because Workers at Once Actual dredcin? operations are ex- the games will be sent by the exe- of the various bathing clauses which The model home is rambling ia pected to commence shortly there- cutive committee of the Scottish would drive away prospective rent- architecture and la painted white after. A copv of tho specifications The Red Bank Jewish Community Game* of New Jersey association to Have Private Sale Despite the uncomfortable heat, the with red shutters. It haa aevoa center will hold their second annual Interest Cut ers. He added "I am beginning to is furnished herewith for your in- the British Red Cross at London. wonder if Sea Bright isn't going three groups of women working In rooms, two baths, rock-wool Insula- formation. starlight promenade Sunday evening, All contributions, small or large, Of Her Furniture Belford for the Red Cross have rea- tion, hot-water heat with a Thrush The privileges which you furnished August 25th, at the beautiful Holly- little over their jurisdiction in this Rumson Official should b* sent directly to Ben matter, and I definitely object to the son to be very proud of the amount •ystem oil fired and many other this nfllcn with In May have been wood hotel, Cedar avenue, West End. of work turned in for war relief ref- modern features of present-day con- Included in tho specifications. Your Sutherland, treasurer of the associa- clause In this ordinance which elim- In addition to contributing their tion, Rumson. Tickets will be sold George H. Roberts in ugees. There is still a very great struction. The house is in a pic- co-operation in this feature of the facilities for the evening, the man- Asks Reduction on inates the Sea Bright borough from prolect l» appreciated. at the entrance gate to the games restrictions that property owneri need for the ladies who can knit turesque setting of trees on a plot agement of the Hollywood hotel Is Charge—Sale Monday socks and baby bootees. In fact, la- 100x160 feet on River road, witfc a For the Acllnir District EiiKlneer: also co-operating with the entertain- Taxes to 6 Per Cent Labor day. Also food and other re- would have to abide by." Very truly yours, freshments will be sold on the games dles who can do any kind of knitting view of the Shrewsbury river, (Slcncd) I: S. Dillon, ment committee to make available a Mayor Walter Sweeney explained Afternoon, August 12 and who would be willing to give a The home was opened July 30 by headline Broadway floor show so that A charge of 6% on delinquent field. the ordinance in detail and stated MHinr. Corps of Engineers, Besides, (he Scottish village, a fea- few hours weekly to this splendid members of the Junior Service Executive Assistant. a grand evening of dancing and fun taxes U sufficient In the opinion of to Mr. Parker that it was not drawn cause will find a very cordial wel- "under the stars with the stars" is Councilman James P. Bruce of Rum- ture of last year's games, will have Mrs. Harriet B. Rice is advertising league of Red Bank, Visitors t* the This Is known as maintenance against private house owners with come at any of the units. The work house have donated to the league's assured. son. Mr. Bruce made a motion at various exhibits for sale, some of small beaches in front ot their resi- in this and next week's issues of The work on the part of the War De- them from Scotland and other Brit- can be done where the units meet or milk fund. Large numbers of p*o» The main object of this year's star- the meeting of the mayor and coun- dences but for the bathing establish- Register that she v/lll have a public the wool may be taken home and the partment and will consist of re- ish possessions, and some from the sale of the contents of her home at pie are visiting the model tomt dredglng the channel »t Port Mon- light promenade Is to raise sufficient cil of that place last Thursday to ments where hundreds of people garments returned when finished. money to amortize the mortgage on reduce the Interest rate from H% to factories of this country, all the Leonardo Monday, August 12. The every day and evening. During the mouth, the mouth of Compton's have to be protected as a measure The St. Clement's church group, evening spotlights illuminate th* the Community center on Riverside ' and at the suggestion of Mayor products of the inventive talents of •f safety. sale will be held on the premises, one creek and In Compton's creek up as some Scot who haa contributed to and one-half miles west of Atlantic under the direction of Mrs. J. P. house and surroundings, making a far as thu drawbridge. avenue. If this Is accomplished, am- James C, Auchincloss the matter Mr. Parker replied, "The ordinance Euler, have made 26 dresses and 12 bitious plans are afoot for Improve- was referred to the finance commit- the progress of the United States. Highlands and near the Leonardo strikingly beautiful scene. 11 will be recalled that years ago b inadvisable and I can sec no rea- high school, starting at 1 o'clock In infants' sweaters. Decorations and furniture for the ments to the building and to Increase tee for consideration. The commit- Will some ane gle as a free gift to •on why It should be passed." the only government work was the th* Scottish games awag-at-the-wa'? the afternoon and continuing until Mrs. Dora Barnes, who directs the home were provided by the Sterling Its facilities so that It may be of even tee will hold a meeting tonight at Borough Attorney Leon Reussllle channel into the mouth of Compton's It will be sold for the British Red all articles are sold. The sale will be Independent fire house unit, and her Furniture Co. and the Sherman shop, greater service to the entire com- the borough hall to discuss the pro- told Mr. Parker the ordinance does creek. Back in 1029 a movement wag Cross at the Scottish village. Be under the direction of the. well known associates have finished H women's both Red Bank concerns. munity. posed change. not apply outright to property own- initiated by the lato Thomas sure that it was made in Scotland. auctioneer, George H. Roberts. dresses. The buyer, Mr. Howie, ii a general Toward thla end the largest com- Stephen H. Johnson * Co. of Long •rs along the beach and garage own- W. Collins, Captain William Dennis, If it still ticks it may bring a guid The Rice residence Is one of the The unit which meets In the Meth- building contractor and a member mittee in the history of the Red Bank Branch was awarded the general ers. odist church annex, with Mrs. Jane Charles Schnoor, Elmer CJ. Maxson Jewish Community center has been price. outstanding show places of that sec- of a long-established firm located at construction contract for alteration! Councilman Sol J. Niemark said Johnson in charge, have supplied 15 and other pound net fishermen of formed with representative teams The delegates, representing their tion of Middletown township. Mrs. Newark. He and his family expect to the borough hall, Charles Meeker the ordinance was now void be- surgical garments and eight baby Belfonl to have the channel dredged from the Congregation B'nal Israel, clans and lodges in the organization Rice and her husband, the late Mel- to move Into their new horn* thla of Red Bank received the contract cause the regular meeting for the garments. and also to have the creek dredged the Ladles Hebrew society, the T. M. of the Scottish games, «r« as follows: vin A. Rice, were world travelers, month. for plumbing and heating and Her- public hearing was postponed twice. The women who are knitting are all the way to the Main street draw- * Y. W. H. A. and the Junior "T" Clan Forbes, Donald Carson of New- and in addition to the large assort- bert Marsh of Monmouth Beach was The ordinance was tabled until next doing splendid work. Mr», Olive bridge. A bill was Introduced for all bound Into one co-ordinated group ark and James Dickson of Arling- ment of antique and modem furni- awarded the contract for the electri- year due to the lateness of the sea- Tarnell and her associates have this purpose by Harold Q. Hoffman, to make this affair a huge success. ton; Clan MacLeod, James Craig- ture, the house is a private museum, cal work. The cost of the work li ion. turned in 72 baby sweaters and Mrs. Former Hosford then congressman, and a hearing head of Arlington and George For- housing hundreds of curios collected was held at Belford In 1920, and divided as follows: general construc- The sewage situation faced the by them In all parts of the world. Clare Krohn and her helpers have tion, $4,(62; plumbing and heating, sythe of Jersey City; Clan Murray, completed 18 sweaters and one pair finally tho project was put through William Love and James Craig of council again when a communication This will be one of the outstanding Chapel HiU In 1936, which made a great im- Democratic Club $715, and electrical, J120. Was read from the Bowman * Axel- public sales of the year. The house of socks. A petition signed by 14 residents Madison; Clan Cameron, Robert This total is 164 garments finished provement in boating In the creek. Munroe of Newark and Grant Hoat- aon real estate firm, stating that will be open for inspection Friday, Every so often tho government re- of Maplewood avenue was read, re- One of their clients on East Ocean Saturday and Sunday afternoons, Au- n about eight weeks. Surely this Is Estate Sold To Hold Annual questing the borough to improve tha son of Montclair; Clan Gordon, Ed. a splendid showing, but the need is drcriges tho whole channel which ward Mlcklejohn and Thomas Rose avenue was found not to be connect- gust 9, 10 and 11, from 1 until 5 street. Several residents offered to o'clock. still very urgent for workers so that they are now doing. of Elizabeth; Clan MacLean, David ed to the new sewer system. It was New York Advertising Two years ago another hearing Dessert Bridge contribute toward the cost, if neces- itated in the letter that plumbers In addition to the curios above this record may be maintained and sary. It was stated that the con- Baxter of Nutley and John Hood of possibly greatly increased, was held at Belford as the result of Passaic; Clan Stewart, Alexander dug around the grounds for more mentioned, there will be offered for Man Buys Large ii bill sponsored by Congressman dition of the street was worse since than a day and failed to find any sale antiques, desks, sofas, chairs, Mr«. Lillian Finnegan of Belforei Is it was dug up for the installation of Lesslie of North Arlington; Clan beds, lamps, porcelain, china »nd general chairman of these units. Sutphln for tho further Improve Fashion Show to Be Campbell, David MacLeon of Kearny pipe leading into the syitem. Show Place menn t nf J'llJll'lli tftttfttt t>t>VV drudging be a lire hydrant. Tha matter was re- The second sewage problem was glassware, The furniture Is predom- Featured at Event ferred to the' roaoTWIHnutee. and Hugh A. Bowie of North Arling- inant in rosewood, mahogany and tween UieMaiUiMai nn streett t drawbridgdbid e ton; Clan Drummond, John Mac- brought up by Councilman Nei- Tha former Isaac B. Hoaford wtaU and tho Church street bridge. This Mr. Bruce informed the council mark when he reported that the hand-carved oak. There are many in Middletown township, consisting •( Thursday, August 22 that new mapa showing the locations Donald, John MacKelvie of Newark Oriental rugs and odd pieces of Harry Y. Smith was approved by tha engineer's de- and Robert Arnell of Ridgefleld; PWA Is insisting the council see to 150 acres, was sold this weak ta partment of Now York and an ap- qf fire hydrants In the borough have It that the Thomas Procter Co., con- every description, as well as grand- George A. Rosette, who conduct* a been obtained from the Monmouth Caledonian club (Newark), Robert father's clock, mirrors, oil paintings, propriation was Included In the The Women's Democratic club of Risk of Newark and John Whyte of tractor of the sewer job, be paid Began New Duty prominent advertising agency la New Rivers nnd Harbors hill, which was Monmouth county will hold'its an Consolidated Water Co. On hla $37,000 due It. Mayor Sweeney said: draperies, bronze and marble statu- t'ork. The was considered ono of the show Wallace, Mrs. Lindsay of Newark Two ordinances were adopted. One bury Park. Prizes will be awarded Mayor Auchincloss, who said h Two New Houses Introduction Card places of Eastern Monmouth, and Many other Improvements are be- and Mrs. M. Aitken of Clifton; limits the number of licenses for at each table. would confer with residents of th when the late Mr. Hosford was an ing made at Ihc creek, Including Argyle, Mrs. J. Nicoll and Mrs. Le- the sale of liquor In the borough Members of the reception commit area in making the selection, executive and a member of the boara the bulkhoading and filling In of the van of Kearny; White Heather, No. and the other prohibits certain Going Up at River Harry Y. Smith, -who has been a old Flnnegan estate property which tee are Mrs. Katherine Elkua White Councilman Sheldon R. Coleman drains and conduits to be connected I member of the Red Bank postal serv- of directors of the International Pa- was purchased by .1. Howard Smith, and Mrs. Mary Jones of Red Bank, 16, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Jamieson of per company of New York and eon- reported that bids for the purchas Elizabeth; Lady Cameron, Mrs. A. with the sewer system. Road and Lake Ave. ice for the past 20 years, this morn- and bulkhead construction by the Mrs. Marie Farrell of Union Beach of borough bonds will be received a ing became the successor to Albert sldered one of the wealthiest men of township nt tho mouth of the creek Mrs. Mary McGrath and Mrs. Young of Orange and Mrs. Scott of Monmouth county, he prided himself the next meeting, August 8. West Orange; Heather Hill No. 65, Snyder as rural mall carrier on the to keep the filling In. Blanche Horvath of Keansburg, Mrs Councilman J. Edward Wilson re Construction has been started on R. F, D. route from the Red Bank upon the elaborate landscaping of hit Leona Hauslrt of Bradley Beach, Mrs. Mrs. Betsy Lang and Mrs. William estate and upon its appearance. Thcro arc a number of thriving ported on the resurfacing of section two new houses on a plot at the office, covering the Mlddletown town- Joseph Hahn of Avon, Mrs. Mary Love of Madison; Lady McColquo- Governor's Day : boot works along the creek from of Lakeside avenue, the Avenue ol corner of Lake avenue and River ship district served by the Red Bank There are two entrances to the Travis of Belmar and Mrs. Ella Wal- dale, Mrs. MacEwan of Keyport and ; road. One of these houses Is located office. estate, the main entrance being on early spring until lato fall, and the lace of Keyport. Two Rivers and Hartshorne lane. Mrs. D. Murdoch of Keansburg; whole creek is a bee-hive of activity. The new tar and oil spreader was To Be August 4 in Red Bank and the other In Fair the road leading from Navesink weat Members of the publicity commit- Craiglelea, Mrs. Butters of Plainflcld Mr. Smith made his first trip over Before tho bids could be adver- In commission, Mr. Wilson stated. laven, as tho boundary line of the the route Tuesday morning with Mr. to Chapel Hill village and the othar tee arc Mrs. Minnie Qulnn of Red and Mrs. Dodds of Westfleld; Blue- .wo boroughs divides the plot. being at the eastern end of the prop- tised it was necessary for disposal Bank, Mrs. Ann Andreach of Keans- A request from Harry A. Wilson bell, Mrs. A. Lesslie of North Arling- At Camp Burton Snyder and again yesterday morning arras to be secured for tho dredged chairman of the committee of coun- Allen Brothers of Red Bank are to familiarize himself before taking erty on the road leading from Bay- burg, Mrs. Warren Donnell of Mata- ton and Mrs. M. Dahl of Jersey City; the general contractors. Industrial view cemetery to Leonardo. Tha material. These were obtained for wan, Mrs. Joseph Donahay of Free' cilmen and citizen* appointed to Bonnie Doon, Misa May Gray of over the route personally. He had a the government by the township Arts, inc., the owner of tho prop- property also has frontage on the hold, Mrs. Christine Cole and Mrs. study the present zoning ordinance, Kearny and Mrs. Wilson of Eliza- Governor Moore novel way of introducing himself this committee as representing the local for J200 for expert advice for the erty, has appointed the Ray Van morning to the patrons of his route road leading from Mlddletown to Joseph Furcell, Sr., of Long Branch, beth; Balmoral, Mrs. B. Aitken and Navesink. interests. guidance of the committee, was au- Principal Speaker Horn agency of Fair Haven as its by inserting a card in each mall box Miss Mae Mulcahy of Asbury Park Mrs. Grady of Kearny; Hazeldean, ; exclusive selling agent Tho township has carried out » thorized. as follows: The large dwelling house, which and Mrs. Ann Croter of Belmar. Mrs, Macgilvar of Bloomflcld and at Big Affair I The houses have been designed can rightfully be classed as a man- policy of co-opnrntlng with the en- Cards and tallies will be in charge Mrs. Jessie Nimmo of Montclair. by the well known architects, Mc- Good Morning, Friends! gineer's ouicc at New York in every sion, is three stories high, ana from of Mrs. Rose Wenzel of Navesink, The executive committee consists Murray and Schmidlln, and are of Permit me to extend my personal the cupola and veranda deck one can dfitail possible nnd It is considered Mrs. Minnie Wermert of Belford, Library Makes A combination Governor's, Scout- early American architecture, One greetings as your new letter carrier, that this fact has been one of the of Alexander Batchelor, president, succeeding Mr. Albert Snyder, who on clear days have a fine view of San- Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson and Mrs, Bloomfleld; Kenneth Chisholm, sec- er's and Parents' Day will be held has five rooms and attached garage dy Hook and Raritan bays, Lower most Important elements resulting Sarah Sherwood of Freehold, Mrs. by postal regulations has been com- Annual Report retary, East Orange and Ben Suther- Sunday, August 4, at the Boy Scout while the other house has six rooms pelled to retire from the service af- New York bay and the skyscrapers in the recommendations on the part Gertrude Speck of Deal, Miss Jane reservation at Camp Burton-at-AI- and attached garage. Features of of tho engineer's office for the var- land, treasurer, Rumson. ter having covered this route faith- on Manhattan island. Maloney of Manalapan, Mrs. Made- lalre. At that time Governor A. the houses include copper and brass fully for so many years. In addition to this large dwelling ious improvements at Compton line Brown of Asbury Park and Mrs. Middletown Township Harry Moore, Senator W. Warren plumbing, tiled baths, fireplaces, oak Ai I cover this route daily I will house, there are a number of smaller creek. Josephine Ralne of Neptune. Circulation 86,311 How To Act Against Barbour, and members of the scout- floors and wood shingled roofs. The come Into more personal contact with cottages and the usual outbuildings Social committee members are ng executive board will be present houses will be ready for fall occu- you and the other patrons. It is my of a large estate. Also on the prem- Mrs. Rose.O'Flaherty of Middletown Fifth Columnists and will lead an inspection of the pancy. desire to serve you faithfully in The 19th annual report of the Mid- ises are a large lake and a somewhat Baby Boy Found township, Mrs. Minnie Fehlhaber of camping grounds which, thio year, every respect and to look upon the smaller lake. Highlands, Mrs. Donnell and Mrs. dletown township public library for Congressman William H. Sutphin Is being operated on the troop camp- ! patrons of my route as one large the year ending May 31 has been' of Matawan stated today that he has I family to whom I owe the fullest al- Adjacent to the Hosford property At Brookdale Farm Mary Maloney of Avon. Finance ing basis. Is situated the Chapel Hill light- committee members are Mrs. Rosa H. prepared by Mrs. Usllla S. Walling, been receiving numerous inquiries New House Sold legiance of my oath of office as a township librarian. The circulation Camp Burton is enjoying one ot I member of the United States Post house, and tho United States govern- Bergen of Matawan, club president; from patriotic cltiecns as to how its best seasons with new scouts en- 'or the past year was 86,311, as com- they might best serve their country, , Ofilce Department. ment has a right of way over a por- Trooper Tuesday Con- Mrs. Beatty, Miss Healy, Mrs. Don- rolling every week while many re- At Little Silver I Although the operation of this tion of the Hosford estate for access nell and Mrs. Helen Bernocco of As- pared with 34,864, the first year the particularly against Fifth Columnists. ! route is strictly under governmental library was organized. camp committee Is to the lighthouse property. sidering Adoption bury Park. especially anxious that on the occa- regulations, there is, however, that The property has had several own- The library staff, in addition to J. Edgar Hoover of the Federal Bu sion of Governor's Day every one Walls and Floors ! personal element that must be fore- Mrs. Walling, consists of Mrs. Lillian | most at all times. I want you to feel ers since the passing of Mr. Hosford A whlto baby boy between 24 and PASTOR ON VACATION. reau of Investigation, who advises Interested In scouting be present to and his children taking up residence '18 hours old was found yesterday A. O'Keefe, WPA supervisor, and "In order that our carefully pre- Made of Concrete I that I am your servant as well as see the work accomplished. I Uncle Sam's and that there Is a mu- in California. At one time the place morning about 0:30 o'clock wrapped Rev. Charles A. Thunn, pastor of Mrs. Lillian D. Hyer and Mrs. Ellz pared plans may not be disrupted abeth M. Coward, WPA senior clerks. The Governor's day program calls I tual Interest and understanding in- was conducted as a road house and in u blanket anrl lying on a bank tho KlrBt Baptist church, accom- and so that all sudh data may be for a short Scouting and Indian Arthur P Muelberger, who is in I volved between the patrons of this The report Is as follows: in more recent years a group of col- near the farm entrance of Mrs. Ger- panied by Mrs. Thunn and the chil- properly co-ordinated, we have en- dancing demonstration. All Eagle route anil its carrier. ored financiers had the properly and . 1921-2 the textile business at New York and aldino L. 'Thompson's Brookdalo dren, will leave by automobile today r deavored to encourage our honest, Scouts In the vicinity arc expected Respectfully, planned a community development avesink _ fi,ri7, , 14,425 patriotic citizens to promptly report who recently has been residing in farm, Llncroft. The baby was found for the pastor's home town of Mid- Vliddletown 2..172 and will receive a special greeting Red Bank, has purchased a house at Harry Y. Smith. for colored folks of the upper strata. by William Van Brunt of Llncroft, dletown, Ohio, where he will enjoy Itiver Plaza 2.B03 to the nearest FBI office any and from Governor Moore, who will be In talking with a Register repre- Port Monmouth 2.42A Little Silver recently completed by one of thu farm employees, who wad the haunts of his school days during all information coming to their at- the principal speaker. sentative Monday afternoon regard- VELMA CALDWELL ENGAGED. itford ... 2.242 tention pertaining to our internal W. S. Wainwright. The Ray Van ing his new activity, Mr. Smith said •walking to work. The baby's only a most needed vacation. While at ltd Hill ISIS 249 Speaking for the Camp committee Horn agency of Fair Haven was the clothing was a flimsy undershirt. Mlddlotown ho will occupy the pul- J Mnnmouth 2,250 security, without taking any further of the Monmouth Council of the Boy he felt there was much a carrier jeonardo , 1,595 broker in tho transaction. Mr. and Mr.i. J. Wesley Caldwell of Mr. Van Brunt nnlifled Matthew pit of the church of his boyhood. action. The patriotic motives which Scouts. Ernest M. Blanchard, scout can do toward having the patrons nf Seattle, Washington, and Santa Bar- eadden'n Corner l.ISS Tho house Is on Rlvervlew avenue, the route feel friendly towani fie Mullln. farm manager, who In turn The family will also visit at Dayton, Hillside Illi prompt groups ot private citizens to executive, has invited all scouts, bara, California, announce the en- 591 want to investigate such matters are near Silverside avenue and Is one of postal service besides just depositing notified the state police at Kcyport. Ohio, where Rev. Thunn will also Llncroft , leaders and parents to attend the the most modern and unusual ever gagement of their daughter, "Miss preach. Everett -.....-- S7« indeed commendable but one can affair. mall matter In the respective boxes, Trooper William Tuesday, an expert bwnnhip car 11,924 924 built in Monmouth county. The walls Velma Lorraine Caldwell, to Robert along these lines, was dispntched to 17.204 readily see that If these efforts are and it is his desire, as stated on his Bary Davis, son of Mr. nnd Mr«. Freedom! *»t Keanshurff S.759 and floors are entirely constructed of card, to do whatever he can toward handle tho case. Trooper Tuesday eonardo hl*h school .... misdirected they may result in mob TINTON FALLS DANCE. Mathias H. Davlo of 237 Western Freedom from hot summer days ownshin room 10,097 concrete. There is no plaster used bringing the department and its pa- nnd Mrs. Eugene Carroll of Brook- and sleepless nights la yours when 1,324 lolence or other Indications of a drive, South Orange. breakdown of law and order." any place in the house. Wood panel- trons into closer relationship. dalo farm took tho foundling to you equip your home with Olson In- S4.8B4 The third in a series of dances be- Ins plays an important part in the Miss Caldwell. who baa made her Monmouth Memorial hospital whore sulation. Hot sun cannot penetrate Book Stock, 1930-40 Congressman Sutphin Informs us ing held by the Tinton Falls fire interior decorations. The concrete home for several years with Mr. and hi- will be kept ponding Identification. —heat stays out—Olson Insulation Volume. hat the FBI Field Office in New company will be held tomorrow night Tim Right Time. Mrs. William Henry Jones of the keeps your rooms up to 15 degrees Hooki lidded hy gift 4.14 floors are covered with Inlaid linol- If the baby Is not Identified or 627 ersey is located at 936 Raymond- starting at 9 o'clock. Refreshments The right time to Install Olson In- Towers hotel, Brooklyn nnd Atlantic cooler. Pays for itself in large sav- Roods added by purchase eum. A utility room off the kitchen aulatlon is right now. Protection cljilmcd within a reasonable time, he Total number ut volumes the Commerce building, Newaik, New will be served. Highlands, attended Brlarcllff Junior ings on winter fuel bills. Call Red township librar„.y. May „31, . „1940 16,0*2 contains the oil died hot water heat- against sweltering summer sun. In- will hp turnrd over to the slate board Bank 1555. Olson Roofing Co., Roofs, I Bonks borrowed from the N. J. Tuh- ersey, and A. Paul Kitchin is the Ing equipment. sures all 'round comfort — keeps college and thn Santa Barbiira Slat* (if children's guardians. The baby Sldewalls, Insulation.—Advertisement I "• • «- LlLlbrirm~mm bmj > wm i yj CuCo Hillm, ••••<*•-•*,•••<•••»«»'•*». 4ft it nvestigator in charge. At Tre-War Trice*. rooms as much as 15 deRiees cooler. college. Mr. Davis attended flclon I Books rebound 15S A large selection of French, Enc- Savings on winter fuel bills will more Hull college, South Orangn, and the weighed about eight pounds and is 1 Notice. Womrn Wanted in gnod health. MPH Wanted Rooks catalogued l.ilfit lish. Belgian china and glassware. than pay cosl. For free estimate and University of VliRinla. ^_ I Books di.rarded durlnc year "OS The Navesink firemen will hold Anticipate your gift needs. Rendez- at. Jersey's oldest Firemen's Fair, Inspection call Red Bank 1555. Olson i According to Sergeant Smith In nt Jersey's oldest Firemen's Fair, heir 55th Annual Fair at Navesink Navesink, N. J., Thursday, Friday Navrslnk, N. J., Thursday, Friday vous Gift Shop, 523 Bangs avenue, Roofing Co., Roofs. Sldewalls, Insu- Window Screen*. charge of thn state police barracks Sterling Furniture Shop, Thursday. Friday and Saturday Asbury Park.—Advertisement. and Saturday nights, August 8th, 9th lation.— Ad vert isement. nnd Saturday nights, August 8th, Bth invites you to visit model home at ights August 8th, 9th and 10th. and 10th. Chevrolet special deluxe Fine mesh adjustable screens, 12- at Keyport, Trooper Tuesday Is con- nnd 10th. Chevrolet special deluxe Inch, extends up to 33 inches, 25c; 14- sidering ndoptlng tho baby In tho River Oaks, Riverside avenue, Fair Ihevrolet special deluxe four-door se- four-door sedan; 10 cash prizes. Free four-door sedan; 10 cash prizes. Free Haven. Completely furnished In an: 10 cash prizes. Free ground AWII Mowers, Inch adjust* to 33 Inches, 49c; icrsan rvent ho is not claimed by his right- ground prizes. "Meet your friends Typewriters and Adding Machines doom, elc. Niilluual H & 10, i'ruwn's. ground prizes. "Meet your friends Whitney maple. Open evenings 7 prizes. "Meet your friends at the Do you need a new mower? Your at the Fair."—Advertisement. rented low os $2.00 per month. Bap ful parents. at the Fair."—Advertlssement. p. m. to 10 p. m.—Advertisement, •"air."—Advertisement. old mower has a trade-In value at gains in new and rebuilt machines. —Advertisement. n i m Merritt Machine Shop, 24 Mechanlo Pests— ' 1940 models in stock; termi 10c a day. Hot Wittlher Nmls. Harvest Home, Tetley's for Typewriter!. Fuel Oil street, Red Bank.—Advertisement. get rid of them; ant traps, 4 for 39c; Have your old macblno cleaned, oiled Starling Furnllurn Shop, Gallon jugs 98c, beach back rests Coil's Neck Reformed church, Wed- Guaranteed machines at bargain o suit vour burner; best grades and Fly Dcd 25c pint, screen wire 3c sq. and adjusted for S3.5O with now roll- 21 White street, announces «tore-wld« HU-, awnings from 50c. Call up, we nesday, August Hth. Supper served prices. Expert repairing. Telley's er and rlbhon. Work guaranteed. reductions on furniture, bnddlng and 5:30 p. m. Tickets, adults, $1.00; chil- irlccs. Unexcelled service. Fred D. The road to belter and biscpr busi- ft., mole nots 25c, beetle traps 39c. will deliver. National 5 & 10. Frown's Broad street. Red Bank.—Advertise- Wikoff Co... Red Bank, phone 552.— ness leads throuch Thr Rrcistpr's ad- Nntional 5 h 10. Frown's.—Adver- Superior, 107 Monmoiith itreet, Rea floor ruvetins; during August IrUfnI- -Advertisement. dren 40c—Advertisement. ment. Advertisement. vertisinc columns,—Advertisement. tisement. Bank.—Advertisement, tur* gala,—Advertisement, I Pace Two" RED BANK REGISTER. AUGUST 1, 1940. Fire, Explosions, Destroy Camden Factory Horace Stout's Ignorance Hinders 1 "Fortune" Not In SCHULTE His Frame Garage Tuberculosis Fight UNITED "Ignorance is our worat enemy in our control are of the underprivileg- SI BKOAD ST., BED BANK Red Banker Wishes dealing with prevention and cure of ed class. Unfortunately Ignorance tuberculosis," Miss Evelyn T. Walk' and fear are also to be found In the LIQUOR Robbers Had Sent Him er of Monmouth County Organiza- same groups when public or Indivi- tion for Social Service said this week dual health are Involved. Our hard«»t Word in Advance in discussing the work of the tuber- bisk Is to break down those barriers DEPARTMENT culosis clinics conducted at social and convince the victim that what Horace Stout of Riverside avenue service headquarters at 131. Pearl we arc endeavoring to accomplish SPECIALS called at The Register office Friday • treet. is protection of th« patient and that afternoon and ftated that if the par- There are between 25 and 30 per-of his family. ty who broke into his bungalow at sons examined at each of these, clinic "To spread this doctrine the social Willmori Park in Middlctown town- sessions by physician* from the staff aurvice annuully distribute* approi- ship had lent him a postal he would of the tuberculosis sanatorium at imately 30,000 pieces of health litera- HUNTER have been there to moot him an Glen Gardnor and the county mna- ture, equivalent to on* folder, pam- BALTIMORE would have unlocked the door an torium at Allenwood. Social Service phlet or circular for every five resi- KVK given him ample opportunity to he] records reveal that the clinics have dents. Much of this education work A Blend of 11% himself to the limited contenta then since the first of this year resulted Straight Bra in. Is paid for by the medium of funds in the examination and supervision derived from the annual sale of Mr. Stout statea that his bungalow of 1,019 people where tuberculosis Christmas ••all. Others ar* provid- l.i really a one-story frame garage i exists or U potential, ed by the American Medical tao- WHISKEY which there was a table, a chair »n "Poverty, unemployment, under- ciatlon, insurance oompanlM and a stove. He further etateg that th nourishment and poor housing are other organisation* and agancitj in- building wa§ lecurely locked in all contributing factors in tubercu- terested In combatting- the apraad of $1.48 barricaded and that to have gotte losis spread," Miss Walker said in this insidious dlaaata which by dis- 'naide it was necessary to force en fifth part. "We find as a result of care- covery and proper treatment ID HI trance by using an axe or gome othe ful study that tuberculosis la more similar Implement. early stages can b« arraatad and 1 prevalent In certain classes and ra-often entirely cured," MM Walker Mr. Stout is the «on of the late Mr, cial groups which by reasons beyond and Mrs. Winchester Stout who live concluded. n Borden street, now Linden place 4-YEAR-OLD RYE His father was employed many yeirj Assistant Peel Councilor—Mrs. Fesiilne Jar Leon, ROYAL RESERVE n the old James H. Peters «tore an Keansburg Lodge Conductor—Kdna Foulkce. later by the late Robert Hance. Wonlen—Virginia Terr/. Nearly half a century ago Horaei Inside Sentinel—Mrs. Vivian Okmaan. Stout went into business for himsel Installs Officers Uutilda Sentinel—Mrs. Mary »aup». 85c $1.69 Truitae—Mrl. Bertha Waltan. FT. Thil (• an aerial view made as fire and explosions destroyed the R. M. Holltngshead company paint plant In Camden. Ix>»» was expected to and conducted a prosperous tea an Stcratari—Grac« Bpaun, M Proof QUART rtach millions. Four employees were reported missing «nd hospital officials said at least 27 were so critically burned they might di«. For- coffee route in Red Bank and nearb; Daughters of America AsallUnt Serrttarir—Evaljra Slats. tunately half ef the plant's 300 employees were at lunch when th« first explosions shook tho entire city of Camden. .•Illages. Later he took up insuranc Financial leeraUrr—iMra. Eliiafcelii ond was looked upon as one of the Snyder. 3-Year-Old Bourbon Hold Ceremony; Aaalstajit Financial gearatarr—^l*a. best insurance collector! and aalea- Laura Mini. has been set for Wednesday, August min In this district. More recent! Traaiur«r—Ann flhaw. PIEDMONT CLUB Rotarians To WPA Orchestra Hotel Manager 21, instead of August because of he took up general ranvaaslng, cal The Star of Bayilda council of Hapr»antatlirw—'Mra. I-oalta. flats and Governor A. Harry Moore's recepp- Kcansburg, Daughters of America, Mn. Dorottir WatU. ng from house to house selling vir AltarnaUi—Mil. Mabal Okaavacn* and To Give Concert tion at the summer White House att ous forms of merchandise. held a public installation of officer* Mn. Eva Antrim. 79c $1.54 Hear Globe Addresses Lions Friday evening at Balbach's auditor- PINT IS Proof QUART The New Jersey WPA symphony Sea Girt August 1* for the members He has always been known ti Following; th* ctrcmony dancing orchestra will present a program at of all the service clubs of the state. have been very thrifty and rutno ium, Keansburg. Over 150 person* attended. was enjoyed by th* gut»U. Th« next Trotter Today the Colony Surf club, West End to- Molly Pitcher Head has it that after so much trouble meeting will take plac* Friday even- DISTILMCII morrow night. Henri Feitsls la the few years ago In Die banks he too Miw Grace fipaun officiated dur- ing, Auguit I, A radio will b* award- LONDON DRY Local Club to Be conductor and Marshall Moss violin Gives Statistics Dinner Given his money and hid it in varioui ing the installation ceremony. State ed on the co-operative plan at that soloist. The program is being con- places and that his garage at Will- Councilor Jennie Moore wa» a ipM tim*. ducted jointly with the New Jersey Diocese Head inort Park held much of his fortune, er and the former councilor of the CRUSADER Host at District Besides oitlng many statistics rel Music Oulld. The program will be Mr. Stout is quite eccentric. H Keansburg group, Miss Evelyn NEW SHADT KNOIX. QUESTS as follows: ative to the business yearly of ho- Rt. Rev. Wallace J. Gardner, bish- Conference op of the Episcopal diocese of New can be scon riding his bicycle abou Klotz, also addressed tho gathering;. M PROOF Symphony No. a in E Minor, op. 64 tels in the United States, James A. he country side in all kinds o! The council wui presented with a Tsohelkowelcj Rnbers, new manager of tho Molly Jersey, was guest of honor at a din- Quest* r««Tl*t«rad thl* w*a* at Mr. 100% Qraln Dr. W. Stanley Carrick , soldier, Andante: AlIeKi-o con anlma ner given Saturday night by Bertram weather and invariably he carries banner by the West Keansburg lira and Mr*. Walter C, VanHorn'* mm- GIN Pitcher hotel, speaking before mem sailor and globe trotter, is scheduled Andante contabile II. Borden, senior warden of St. nn umbrella much on the same style company for having tlic largest body mar rtaort. Shady Knoll en Hanc* Valse, Alltgro moderato bors of tho Lions club Tuesday night present at the West Keanaburg fire- to speak before the Red Bank Ro- finite. Andanta maeetose; Allegro George's Episcopal church, Rumson, as the well known Britisher. Ht road, Fair Havtn, arc Mr. and Mn, $ tary club at their luncheon meeting Vlvsr. mads a plea, for service clubs and at his home. Following dinner the curly locks dropping well below th men's fair July 4. Past Councilor other organizations of the borough Frank Pedlow and family of Albany, Ihis noon at th* Molly pitcher hotel 'onc«rlo in D Major, Op. 77 Brafemi hidhnp discussed parish problems nape of hli neck elves the appear Miss Evelyn Klotz and Junior Past Mr x nrl Mrs. Charles Mohr. Mr. and For violin and orchestra and vicinity to endeavor to urge con- ance of the old time cartoons of Wll Dr. Carrick's experiences in the Allegro non tropno with the officers and members of the Councilor Mis* Dorothy Collett were Mn. Charl** Holden and family. MUs l-39 jungles of South American qualify Adagio vention groups of 75 to 100 person* church vestry who attended. Hams Jennings Bryan, who was frepresented with Jeweled pins by the to hold their annual session at Red Elect* Balrd, Mrs. John Balrd and QUART him to discourse on the subject, •'An- Alleiro g-iocose mi lion troppo vWare Rev. Gardner emphasized tht part quently caricatured by artists as members. Several other award* of Mr. and Mr*. Phillip O'Connell, Now acondas—the Giant Snake of the Imagery Suite _ _... Johnion Bank. Previously he had pointed pach parish can play in its commun- having a bird's nest in his profuse flower* were also made. Procession fn Indra out that the hotel guests spend on York; Mr. and Mr*. William Row, Jungl&s." Apara#A ity by not being Indifferent to th« growth of hair, Bloomfleld, and Mr. and Mr*. Oharla* an average of $12 dnlly In the towi The following took office: Governor Lester Fort ban »ent Urbasl wants and needs of others. He aaid, Kxtra heavy walking boots and a Leahy, . word to the club that hs will pay his Orerture to "Pi« fltd«rwiam" Straw or city which they visit. "It l« our responsibility to martial a heavy cloth vest were part of his Oounrllor—.Abble Foulkei. PUERTO RICAN official visit here Thursday, Decem- Assistant Councilor—Trleda Granita. Shady Knoll continue* to fea ftllad Christian army to combat un-Chrls- costume Friday and en his arm he Vice Councilor—Mn. Blanche Deekar. to capacity with over *t gu*it» reg- GOLD LABEL ber 6, and tht club has already be- tlnn things." carried two coats. Assistant. Vice Coundlor—Mr*. Klttr gun to plan to give him a great rt- Solemn High Worth weln. istered, many of the guasta r*maln- Those present were Rev. George •» i m Flit Councilor—Mn. Genevleva Kit*. ng for the entir* *aaaon. ceptlon. Fiske Dudley, church rector; J. Lew- District Governor Fort has also Military Field s Hay, junior warden; Henry R. Drum. Bugle Corps called to the attention of the club Dwlght, secretary; George V. Coe, | Blended and Bottled hi Scotland that the 183d district 1940 assembly treasurer; Edwin C. Stewart, 3rd, J,Competition Planned will be held at the Molly Pitcher ho- Mass At Fort Wright Brown, Gurdon Maynard, J. HAVE YOUR FLOORS BELLS SCOTCH tel next Thursday, August 8. The Frederick Talcott, Nicholas G. Rut- 'The City of Long Branch, in co- operation with the American Legion Red Bank club will be host to the gers, Jr., and Rufus C. Finch. Imported by assembly. An effort will be made to drum and bugle corps of that city, Garrison at Sandy Scraped and Refhushed! lO.F.Heubleln have evcrj' member of the Red Bank will hold a contest between junior I FIFTH club present. Governor Robert Ca- Hook Hears Army corps from New Jersey, New York *Bro. rey of the 182d district, well known Men From County and Pennsylvania Saturday after- to many Red Bankers, wil] be heard and Navy Bishop oon, August 10, in Atlantic stadium. during the luncheon hour. Join the Army This is the first time that compe- REFINISHED The club will be represented by a The Most Reverend John F. Capt. Joseph R. Bennett, publio re- tition of this type ha« been staged GLEN DUROCH large delegation to the meeting of 3'Hara, C. S. C, D. D., auxiliary atlons officer attached to the army I at the shore, though American Le- service clubs with Governor A. Harry dshop of the United States army and recruiting service at Trenton, haa 1« glon po»U throughout the state and FLOORS SCOTCH TYPE Moore at the Little White House, Sea lavy, celebrated Sunday morning a sued the following Hat of men from country hold these events annually. WHISKEY Girt, Wednesday afternoon, August lolemn high military field Mass in Monmouth county who have enlisted It i« expected that many thousand 14. he tree-ringed parade ground of Fort in the army and the stations where Legionnaires in the state will attend. add to the beauty of rlancock on Sandy Hook, command- they will be sent: The judges, army officers from any room and to the ng the outer harbor of New York Joseph L. Swozzo, Oueanport, QM, Fort Monmouth, are those who were FIFTH ind New Jersey metropolitan areas. Hawaii; Merlin S. Dorman, Asbury selected to judge the American Le- value of your home. Contingents of the regular garrleon Park, Med. Det. Fort Dupont, Dela- gion competition held in Asbury Clearance ompoaed of the 7th and 52nd Coast ware; Elsworth Burke, Asbury Park, Park at their convention In 1938. If your floors look Lrtillery, the Citizens' Military Traili- C A, Hawaii; George C. and Fred They are Bandleader John R. White- COURTNEY'S ng camp and reserve officers of the JAMES A. ROGERS. Thomas, Neptune City, QMC Light side, First Sergeant Gustave E. Vltt, 14th and 619th Coast Artillery, Motor Co., Porto Rico; John H. dull and lifeless, let APPLE BRANDY Sale Sergeant Bruce H. LeMalre, Sergeant M PROOF arched onto the parade ground in Mr. Rogers stated the hotel in- Griggs, Asbury Park, Coast Artillery, Thomas F. Sweeney, Sergeant Syd- • Gay's experts refinish MEN'S ensured cadence to the music of dustry does the seventh largest bus- Hawaii; Robert O. Deming, Freehold, ney Samuels and Corporal Willard ne of the army's crack bands, that iness in the United States and that C A Corps, Porto Rico; Eugene Ben- B. Exner. f the 63nd Coast Artillery. Present nett, Freehold, Air Corps, Panama; them now. 79c -$1.49, 200,000,000 guests were entertained Mayor Evans, Commissioners Kler- iso were detachments of the U. S. last year. He asserted there are 16,-Raymond V. Outcalt, Freehold, C A, SLACK SUITS gnal Corps, Quartermaster and Porto Kic-o; Morris Lcvine, English- nan and Nastasio, u well as other 000 hotels which have over 25 rooms, city ofllclals are working to have the 1 G and D VERMOUTH Values to $1.79 'inance, and Medical Corps, the that there are 1,200,000 guest rooms town; Francis M. Mailigan, Freehold, oast Guard and distinguished clvil- C A, Porto Rico; Marvin L. Stout, stadium in perfect condition for Summer Special! Only 4 ,c Madn and Bottled ny In all of the hotels, the property In- the contest, In case of rain the com $3.95 Now * in guests. vestment totals $3,000,000,000 and Neptune, Ord. Dept, Porto Rico, and GAMBAREIXI and 'DAVITTO Air honor guard in which tho na- Jerry Ncssenbaum, Englishtown, Sig- petition will be held the Saturday INCLUDING t COATS OF SHELLAC SWEET ^-1 JI(M)«. there aro 426,000 employees. He following, August 17. lonal and regimental colors were mentioned that all hotels pay for nal Corps, Panama. DRY W%#*»t arrled preceded the clergical pro- countless Items necessary to the j SERVING ALL Qg MONMOUTH COUNTY esslon to the specially erected pa- hostelries in the municipalities where Jewel Kobberv at Belmar. ade ground altar, surmounted with they are located and thus contribute Firemen** Fair Belmar police and county detec- le emblem, "For God and Country." to the prosperity of the respective tives are investigating the theft of GAY'S SERVICE EBLINGS embers of the Fort Hancock com- communities. At Leonardo three ladies' diamond rings valued Phone Red Bank 1336 Extra Special mand and the Citizens' Military The speaker gave many statistics at $1,000. Police would give out no I Training camp acted as acolytes dur- The charter and exempt members details of the robbery. ing the service. Immediately before of items in connection with the bus- iness, and among other things stated of Brevent Park and Leonardo Fire BEER . the altar were seated the disting- compnny will have charge of the uished guests, relatives and friends that one on*s cent of each dollar tak- That Grand Old Beer en in goes for profits and that the company's annual fair tonight at of the military personnel. Behind the Leonardo avenue fair grounds. 3 Cant Case 24 these stood the military units in for- cost of maintenance of each room averages 13.72 per day. He also said The ground prise tonight will be a - Fowler's Tenderized Beef - mation. mahogany chest of drawers. The Hosts to His Excellency Bishop it requires one employee for each fair opened Saturday night and will $1.99 guest to operate the modern hotel. Tender 25 1 O'Hara and guests, were Colonel For- close this Saturday night, when a Porterhouse rest E. Wllllford, coast artillery, U. Mr. Rogers was tendered an in- Chevrolet sedan will be disposed of c H. A., and the Rt. Rev. Monslgnor formal reception at the close of his on the co-operative plan. ea. First 6 Ribs Steak Minute Steak Monmouth County Surrsiata'l Offlc*. A. V. Simoni, D. S. C, Lieut. Col- address and answered a number of Frank Guttormsen is general chair- questions relative to hotel manage- In tho matter of the e«l«U of Helen (V onel, U. S. A., chaplain of Fort Han- man. His assistants are David La- Smith, deceniied. cock. Assisting were Rev. Monsig- ment. Rue, Oscar Dreschel, Fred E. Mahn- Armour Star Hams 23', | Smoked Cala Hams 17, Notice to creditor! to preaent el»lme: nor J. B. McCloskey of St. James President Lester R. Ross was In ken, Alvln Maxson, Joseph L. Brown, n flgiiinit esUtr. church, Red Bank, and the Redemp- charge of the meeting and Mr. Rog- I'uriuant to the order of Jowph L. Don* Harry Davis and Harry O'Sage. FRESH JERSEY POULTRY ! nhny, SurioitHte of the County of Mon- $1.95 torist Fathers from San Alfonso, ers was introduced by First Vice mouth, made on tha twenty-«lghUi dar West End, Long Branch. John and President G. Howard Lippincott, OUR FIRST OFFERING! of June. IIHO, on the application of Henry Reiss accompanied Monslgnor chairman of the speakers' commit- AUton Jleekmun, «nle executor of tho to Little Silver Men Young Spring estnte of Helen C. Smith, dcccncecl. McCloskey and served the Held mass tee. The latter reported lie was Broilers ,4for |.15 notice it hereby civen (o tho rredlton $2.50 as altar boys. rounding up interesting speakers for of said deceased to exhibit to the «uh- Endangered by Storm Jersey Turkeys I Tin. each Fowl<*»"-> 27ib, ncrlbcr, »ulo executor m nforennld, their Bishop O'Hara's sprmon centered the fall sessions of the club, includ- dchti anil demands n?nln?t. the fiald ec- Men's on faith in the. development of the ing Past International President Phillip McKay, John Douglas, Dirk tete, under onth, within nix month* from individual. "God must be in the Alexander B. Wells, Past Interna- VanNest, and Francis Kodama, all NEW SPRING LAMB ! th* date of tho nfnrcfl.ild order, or they Wash hearts and faith If we are to survive of Little Silver, narrowly escaped m will he forever harred of their ecUon'a tional President Earl Hodges. Fred n n Rib Chops 29c therefor asalnsl the laid j'lln-liber. Slacks as a nation and a.i< free individuals, Snyrior of Philadelphia, n newspaper capsizing Sunday In Lower New Legs • all sizes ..25c I Shoulden 16c Dated Freehold, N, J.. Jun« 2?. 1940. free to worship God, free to live and reporter who iia Interviewed some York bay while towing three boats to ALSTON BEEKMAN. B It) Brnid Street, Red Bank. N. 3. Reduced strive for maintenance of God-given of the most prominent persons of the the comet regatta in Princess Bay, Tender Made • Ready to Eat peare. Godlessness, turning into man- past two decades, and John Paul Staten Island. Tho men were riding Our New Saturday Only ! Monmouth County Surrogate*! Office). to conceived ideologies Is the antithesis Jones, a Washington lawyer, who has in Kodama's outboard motor launch Smoked 09* "n the mntttr of the estnte of William F. of spiritual enlargement of the soul, served as district governor of the when overtaken by the storm. The All Beef 4 (*t Dennln, deceased. J lb without which no people can live." Lions of the Washington, Maryland sailboats were overturned and water Roll Butter 31fb HAMS Notice to creditor! *o present, claim* The pontifical field mass opened quickly tilled their own boat. A Uni- Kennel Food -" £Knlnftl eetnti-. and Delaware districts. half or whole) l'ltrstmnt to the order of Jr,Met,h I* l>on« with the processional, "Adcste Fidel- Attendance prizes, furnished by ted States engineering dredge rescued aliiy. Surrojrnte of the (Jaunty of fflnn-* ii>," rendered by the band. The ser-Chester P. Rogers and George Olm- them and the boats were tied to the mouth, miulo on tho twiinty-elKhth d«/ mon was followed by the offertory, dredgn till the storm subsided. All Ifff- Pklf. Premier tall ran* California O bun. Fresh Pulled of June. 1940, on tho iiiipllcntlon ..'f stead, were won by Harold M. Bot- Evelyn P. Mntin, >nle executrix of tho "Crusaders' Chorus," Verdi; the Sanc- were uninjured and able to compete LUX L R kln and Robert H. MaJda. The cor- Red CARROTS J7c Jersey QQ eiatate of K. Denni». rlecea«ed. ENTIRE STOCK tus, ruffles and flourishes; the conse- in the recatta.. 19c 29- w dOT notice U hereby given to tho rreilitora —of— cration, "To Jesus Heart-All Burn- rect answers to the questions were FLAKES SALMON CORN - of laid riecemed to exhibit to the Fub- ing;" and the recessional, "Comman- that 8,000 Lions and guests were ecrlber, tola executrix as aforesaid, their registered at the Havana convention N.B.C. Jersey dabta and demands itralnst the aaid «i- MEN'S SPORT der's March." VICTIM BerrtJea* and tmte, under oath, within six months from and that 36 were registered from Beechnut Full Pod • )b*. the dat« of the aforesaid order, or they Pride 24*lb Bed rt*. will be forever barred of their actions •N'ew Jercey. Next weeks award and Mrs. Dorothy Krone of Main street. 23' Lima Beans' SHIRTS Goddard Executed question will be offered by Dr. COFFEE therefor ajalnit the said •ubirriber. 79c Port Monmouth, was the victim cf a Assortment GRAPES Dated Freehold, N. J.. June JS, 19io. Beg. Sl.W &SI.50 Value* Theodore A. Doremus. hit-and-run driver Monday when she EVELYN D. MAZZA. In Florida Prison Next. Tuesday night Mr. Lippincott Krandnlp 16 Wallace Street, Apartment S, was found lylntr in the street by her t c Lipton's O.P. Tea Jemey 0 bun. Ripe OQc Bed Hnnk. N. J. Herbert Goddard, who lured 17- will give a detailed report of the In-husbnnd with a cut over her left eye. Fresh 2*" 25 year-old Frances Ruth Dunn of ternational association annual con- Shn had been hit by the running can !! n) c M 1 e BEETS •> Me Watermelons ** NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Miami to her death by promising to vention hold last week at Havana, board of the car. Prunes " - -23 " M3 each Estate of Harry Ditrund, decent!. get her into the movies, was execut- I Insolvent estate.) FACTORY Cuba, v,m-n Past District Governor Notice la hereby itlven that the ac- ed in Florida's electric chair at state Harry W. Llndeman of Orange was MIRACLE WHIP pt. 21c : qt. 33c | Jumbo Salted PEANUTS 33c lb. counts of the subscriber, administrator prison Monday. Goddard lived at defeated bv 76 votes in the contest Attended T.\U< Convention. wllh will annexed of tho cutnto of said Fair Haven several years. docciued. will l>e audited mill itated I'V Tor director of the International or- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Clayton of FOHXER'S SPECIALS ENDING SATURDAY, AUGUST Srd the Surrogate of |hn County of Mnnmnulh The condemned man's last words Ramzatlon. An added attraction will Freehold hnvp returned from Hous- and reported for HHLlcment In the Orphans STORES.^. were "Goodbye, Jean." Court of said County, on Thursday, the °e the club's formal initiation cere- ton, Texas, where they attended the Jean Bolton of Miami, a friend of twelfth day of September. A. tl. 10*0. nt. Sl>n'» mirl Boys' Clothing mony of the six newest members of Elks' national convention. Mr. Clay- 10:00 o'clock a. m. nny.liiht BnvlnE Time, Miss Dunn, also was lured on tha the organization by the team of ton is exalted ruler of the Freehold at which tlmt, application will be. made motor trip during which Miss Dunn for the allowance of commissions and coun« 42 West St., Red Bank Which Past Statee Districtrictt GGovernoo r lodge. el fees. was attacked and killed. Miss Bol- Iforg W B Dated Julr J9, A. D. 1540. ton later was ablo to telephone rel- W. Bray is chairman, (Frmnk Gnmito Bldg.) The tentative date of ththee ReRed Register want ads are read by so FOWLER'S IliVINQ RIKBB, atives In Miami and was found on Bank Rotary and Lions golf tourna- many readers that you can be sure of 744 Broad Street. Newark, N. J., the hlshway north of Miami in BETTER FOOD FOR THE TABLE Administrator with Will Anneaei Opon Frl. * Snt. Until 0 I'. M. wenment andd ddinnei r at the Norwood < Pt whn ihlld, Hiker. Marsh A Shlpmnn. ajm. -Beach co.iuiti'. "'Tihinf; £%*™i, f >'°" ' 741 BKIB.1 Street, Country cl.ub, WjBflj,_Lons Braacn, -, 7 Broad Street — Red Bank —Phone 3334-35 Newark, N. J.. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940. Better Nesting Ready For A Dip At Leonardo Service Station Conditions For To Open This Week Northern Ducks Richeal and Quigley Erect New Building Banner 1940 Water- A new RichMl and Quigley Tydol fowl Hunting Season gasoline and service station will have Your Dollan go twice as far at Ruby its temporary opening early this Predicted month on the McHnskoy property Lant't Annual Dollar Derby. PUce your at .Shrewsbury avenue and Newman bth on any of our advertised merehan- Springs load, formerly the site of Pre-seajion alarmist hullaballoo to the Guy Edwards stand flrfld gaBO- elite and bring horn* a winner at oddt the conti'Hi'y, ducks and other mig- linn station. The partnership has con- •U (or I. ratory waterfowl aro now enjoying ducted the Atlantic servirr. station hetter-lhHii-Hvero|jo nesting ron- at Monmouth street and Mapie ave- DAY ditiona in <'innrl;i, iircnrdinK to ro- nue for the past six years. port» of tins II. s. Kluh and Wildlife The new station is scheduled to have and the Amerirnn Wildlife Institute, its formal opening shout August 15 These good canditlons for raisin; when all departments of this entire- young and the. Met Unit tho bird* ly modern plant will be completed. returned to tin; breeding grounds in Walter Kiel of Chestnut street, form- PEQUOT larger numbers tind In somewhat bet- erly connected with the Frank Van- ter condition than IIIBI yriir, point lo Skkle Dodge and Plymouth dealers, * banner dur|< hunting Reason this will bo foreman. The old buildings fall, in the opinion nf expert obser- on the McClaskey property have vers, been razed and a completely mod- SHEETS The early lock nf water in Canada ern structure is now being erected. which prompted din; prophecies of Work was hpgun nn this project greatly depleted supplies of water- early In July. fowl may prove a left-handed bless- Anaon Richeal and John Quigley, ing, according to information from 11 competnent biologists, both of Waverly place, have been in 72"x99 . "If there had been heavy rainfall the service station business for many during; early spring, in all prob- years but had not been together un- II" 1 99" . . , ability ducks would have nested In til their Atlantic station was opened shallow Ploughs and potholes which In 1H34. They have served the pub- would have dried up during the lic to the best, of their ability and drought conditions Hint prevailed In will continue to render all the con- PILLOW the Prairie provinces during May veniences of an up-to-date auto ser- and early June," the. blologlflts point vice station. _ CA§ES out, "As it wns, Hi" birds nested In CIVIL BKRVIL'K KXAMS. deeper wnler areas which did not TO MAT« H dry up and, nH a result, are 'sitting The United States Civil Service pretty.'" Commission has announced open Rain, and plenty of 11, came after competitive examinations ti, /in air- tho flrat week in ,lune. Part of a re- brush illustratur positions In the port submitted to Frederick C. Lin- Federal Government. The examin- 3 Year SHEETS $ coln, of the Fish and Wildlife Ser- Heady for a dip or a sail is Miss Josephine Plitnlk of Leonardo, at (he Leonardo Boat Basin where WPA ations cover four glades, with sal- 54" x M'i»» vice, reads: "Rain baa finally hit the workers are improving the harbor's facilities by constructing a large aulo parking space, retaining walls aries ranging from $1,620 a year for drought areu In the Canadian Prairie and a wide concrete sidewalk which will parallel the full length of the basin. Wide, sandy bathing beaches the junior grade, to $2,300 a year for Popular camp size for single provinces. One newspaper stated on Raritan bay aro In be found on either side, of the basin's entrance to the bay. the senior grade. The salaries are or cot size beds. Laundry MARTEX TURKISH that more rain fell at one lime than subject to a deduction of 3',i percent tested to give at least three at any time during tho pa«l ten toward a retirement annuity. years of satisfactory service. TOWELS years. Little run off in expected and ditlons are better than last year, hut legislation, that this tax go to the Applications must be on file with I, a r ([i« bath slue it appears few broods will be lost." 21" x 42", hiivy, that the water level Is still below Aid For Airports State Aviation commission. the Commission's Washington office .spongy t.u«eii, with A later report from another proV* normal. In 1937 and 1938 this refund not later than August 26 if received rolored borders, Pw- ince optimistically states that In- Through Gas Tax PILLOW CASES fect quality. Made amounted to $200,000 per year and in from states east of Colorado, and not by America's finest creases in the duck population are The airport situation in New Jer- 1939 lo more than $300,000, the In- later than August 29, 1940, if re- T« MATCH towel mills. expected and that predators arc not Shower Given sey is not. making any progress, ac- crease due chiefly to war contract ceived from Colorado and states bad. Tho report confidently predicts cording to a statement issued today activities. westward. MARTEX DISH that, because of late heavy rains, the Prospective Bride TOWELS by John K. Sloane, vice chairman of Mr. Sloane feels that the legisla- Applicants must have completed a 1 nesting areas will hold up witlsraftor- the N<"w Jersey State Planning ture should provide that, after ap- four-year high school course, op 14 ••Part Llnm' ily and give ihu llnd^Hi'ites uinplu time A stirprlun shower was Riven Fri- day night for Miss Florence Clcm- board. Newark and Camden airports proving the various airport facilities, units of high school study. In ad- to reach llyiitg age. ente by Miss Ella Sampoll at her are still closed. Atlantic City needs present and proposed, and approving dition they must have had elemen- Paradoxically enough, too much home on DeForrest avenue. Oeco- better facilities anil other locations the proposed operating budgets in tary illustrating training or exper- rsln has caused the. ions of some need study, attention and improve- detail the commission shall pay out ience, supplemented by experience in young ducks In regions where the atlons were In blue and white. Miss Clemente is the daughter of ment, Sloane snid. this tax money to the various air- difficult air-brush retouching and late downfall has been particularly ports as a contribution to their costs. similar work. Applicants may sub- heavy. Mr. and Mrs. Domenlr. Clemente of "The people should realize that this Herbert street and will become the problem is not only a problem of the "The commission should be re- stitute additional experience for the Favorable conditions now prevail- high school education; and they may ing in the. Alberta and Saskatchewan bride of Chester Relngle Sunday, municipalities hut also of the state. quired, to draft rules and procedure August i, at St. Anthony's Catholic The principal difficulty in this situ- for allotment of theso funds eo that also substitute for part of the exper- areas are expected to result in no- ience, completion of illustrative dt- ticeable increases in mallards, pin- church. ation lies in the fact that It has been an equitable distribution will result," Guests Included Mrs. Albert Do- too great a burden of cost on the he continued. "These rules could be sign or commercial art courses In tails, •hovellcru, gadwalls and blue- a recognized college or residence art Curtains for Every wing teal. Cnnvasback, redheads nato, Mrs. Mario Rossi, Mrs. An- municipalities. This cost grows as made subject to the approval of the tonio Maz7.a, Mrs. Mary Clambrone, additional technical improvements governor before becoming effective. school. Applicants must not have and several oilier species of ducks passed their 55th birthday. •will remain tho same, Government Mrs. Civita DeGcorge, Mrs. Mary and requirements for safe flying de- "The use of this tax for airport Room in the House reports indicate. Gambacorte, Mrs. DomenlcClemcnlc, velops," said Mr. Sloanp. development and operation Is a Full Information as to the require- The Delta, Manitoba, Duck station Mrs. Louis Sampoll, Misses Anna Mr. Sloane also added that the sound procedure and should meet ments for the examinations, and ap of the American Wildlife Institute and Frances Boccellato, Josephine New Jersey legislature should take with the approval of the citizens, plication forms, may be. obtained reports a small increase in the can- Natale, Vivian and Edman, cognizance of this situation not only users of airports and manufacturers from P. J. Gisleson, secretary of the vasback, redhead, ruddy, gadwall Rose Antlnozzi, Dorothy Clemente, because New Jersey needs the ser- and It will he a constructive step for Board of U. S. Civil Service Exam- and shoveller, with pintails and blue- Ida Clemente, Mary Lou, Ella and vice of airlines, but also because our commerce and defense In New Jer- iners, at the Red Bank postofflce or wing tealg about the same as last Virginia Sampoli, Mary DeGcorge airports are vital to any air defense sey." from the Secretary of the Board of rear. Mallards, widgeons, grcen- and Rose Recinelll. program. U. S. Civil Service Examiners at any PAIR vlng teals and lesser scaups are re- The legislature, continued Mr. Butcher'* New Job. first or second class postofflce. If you want printing done on time Sloane, .should amend the present torted down In this sectloirof Can- give The Register a trial. For over Harold Eastmund has resigned as Ids. gasoline tax law which provides for butcher at the Ziotkln & Dark food When you want to realize cash for 80 years The Register has been de- a refund of the tax on aviatiun gas- something speedily you can count on Tailored Ciirtaifi6 nf Dolled Observers at the Delta Duck sta- livering printing when promised,— market at Freehold to take a similar The Register want ad columns to do tion also report that nesting con- Advertisement. oline and provide, by appropriate position at the new Acmo market. your selling for you.—Advertisement. Marqiiioette Colored .Striped >Vl» Full Width Priecillnn Collage Sets of fine dottmj marquisette with fast color percale tops In prlscllla or cut-away styles.

ff«n«f Made REVERSIBLE VoNt MISS OUR Tuscany Lace Table Cloths COMFORTER 71" x Wr-72" x 72" •4" x 54"-54" x 72" COVERS Real Imported hand made lace cloths, to Dainty floral pat- grace any table, usually priced up to $2.88. terns In all wanted Popular "Daisy" and "Cloverleaf" patterns. shades. Reg, 11.24. While they last only. Mo* USEV CAR SALE! • Fait Color — Printed < QUILTED TABLE CLOTHS BED PADS 39" T 7«", t.horoiijhlT zig-zm wtitchtd, Madf by BTBVENS. SU* whltff cotton filling; covered with fin? M"iM" ID » virlaty of color pradp -whit* muslin. Rrneire your eld oomblnationi. Heavy wrtait, mattress and protects th« neir onft. A FORD EVENT! WRshed rrwh. 2 for 1" H-JMJ Cannon Plaid Reversible Bath Towels PATCH Blue, HiTPn, Rpd, Rlsck, Hold. 6 Larse .«!?.<> Bath Towels. A QUILTS knockout value. 1.98 e«. New- 2 in 1 popular ouilt«. showintr a dlf- fprpnt. pattern on FLORAL BATISTE and eithfr side. EMBROIDERED CREPE GOWNS See these amazing FORD DEALER bargains! ; Regular 59c and 69c values. Wa0t 0 Was Regular and Extra Sizes. 1939 FORD Delux 4 dr. Sedan \ 00 1937LASALLE4 dr. Sedan 00 With llcnl^r - 575 525 nFA.ll,,\n :Htr and tor 675 575* Regular Me 1937 FORD Station Wagon "Claw" 4S0oo .00 1939 PLYMOUTH Convertible Cpe. SPUN-LO RAYON 425 Automatic Top - Radio, Heater < RAYON 695°° 65J•°° Regular and Extra Sizes. 1939 FORD Delux Tudor 00 .00 1939 PONTIAC Delux Fordor Sedan UNDIES Step-in. Panties, Bloom- for 1 *7Cft.oo ers, Briefs. UNDIES With Heater , 575 525 Itaillo nnd Healer 3 I VV 695* I 1938 FORD Delux Tudor • Brocaded Salluf 49500 1937 Plymouth Delux Trg. Tud. Sed. • Lace Trimmed Ra,LI With llmllo „ 450™ With Kmllo 425°° 375 °° Taffetas VJU 1939 MERCURY 4 dr. Sedan 00 SLIPS • Fruit of ih« Loom built- Regufcr &nd MLrtaiM 1937 FORD Hydraulic Dump Truck 49500 Wfaiu Bod T»*v ROM. With Heuirr 695 425.00 ReKUlarly 59c & 89c up slips 550°° Reconditioned Motor _ Size* 34 to U 2 for • Colored TaffeUU with 1938 CHRYSLER "Imperial" Sedan 1936 Ford Tudor Sedan with Trunk 00 White and Tea Roue Pleated Bottom. Wllh Hadln and Heater 650°° "195* Reconditioned Motor .... 345°° 265' 1936 OLDS "6" 4 dr. Sedan 1937 DODGE 4 dr. Sedan With Biullo nnd Heater 425°° 375°° 450°° 395°°

MOUNT-ENGLISH CO. Our Only Store in Red Bank WIDE EAST I'SELECTIONl IJllDWMCESlI TERMS! 90 Monmouth St. Tel. 176 Red Bank 28 BROAD ST. R.B,I967.J RED BANK Page Fouf RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940'.

HAD1O PBOGEAMS. extent by the character and efBcifnc; ALSTON UEKMMAN, Officials O.K. Soap Box Derby of the fire department In a commu COUNSELLOR AT LAW St«tt» WBRB. Ill* Klloc»tl.i. Jos. P. Hlnlilmsnn, AUlon Batkmaa, ir. Survey of States Municipal Topics ity. Ollices. II) Broad St., UBI) BANK. N. J. P. M. Thundej, Aujnjit 1, By the »u Jersey State Education and recreation art) thei Middletown Sales 6 :00—Wax Tirade, Held Sunday QUINN * DOIiUJMUS, RMS—Vox. cited, the facilities for thU purpos League of Municipalities being far better, it Is remarked, thai COIJNSKLLORS AT LAW, S:16—Vespers. Whitfield Building. Red But* Five Foreclosed 6:B0—Music lot Todey. Property Tax Levy Leilifc Van Sant even dreamed a generation John J. Qulnti, Thomas P. IJoremua 6:44—Fox. Grammar and high schools at e avdi Vincent J. MrCue llnwurd M. Lmwa R:45—Dance Parade, I LIKE TO PAY TAXES William I.. Kuasell. Jr. ' 6:15 — Carter. The Department of Government budgets In certain school districts Scores Double Win able to all and in most cases a un: Properties Sold 6:1 fi—Current Event.*. At first thought it would stem to verslty or college course is not hup 6:30™ Moods in MMMC FOX. Theaters, Research o£ the New Jersey Plat and partly to operating cost in- Parsons, Labrecque * Borden, Chamber of Conimerre has recentl. ei eases In many districts throughout be a little difficult to ilnd convincing lea.qly out of reach for those wl The tale of live properties taken l'ronn - Cooper, Training Corp., Leslie VanSant, ion of Mr. and arguments for the paymrnt of taxes COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Ko x. concluded a survey of New Jersey' the state. Mrs. Cooper B. VanSant ot Madison want it. over for taxes was approved Thurs- 7:00—KcBUDie. with any degree of pleasure The K W.ll.ce St., Rid ••••Is Property Tax Levy for 1910 and School district levies for 1940, con- "I admit there are a few Itrm day by the Middletown township A. M. Friday, August 2. avenue, captured the M. E. Coyle usual greeting arrordrcl a tax bill la Theodore If. I'arsoui Edmund J. Cantons !':il(t—Mp.rric Melodiei. summary of this survey lias bee sequently, were lower than in 1939 city championship trophy Sunday where the tax-eaters have me over committee. The sales approved in- grumbling and criticism with often Thdodoio J. J.abieciiu* Loren C. I^jwi* 0:1.1— I'nx, sent out to the various Chambers o in only five of tho counties: Cape afternoon on the Tower Hill course barrel," continues the defense of cluded two lots at Hilton park to !>:!«--The New Mra.— a reference to tho "tax-outers" held Kl«ton !•'. Cumlia Kr.nk K. OroU II :3D— The Jjittl* Shop. Commerce of the state as well May, Hunterdon, Morris, Ocean and he raced to victory over a field "dig cheerfully" attitude. "We hnvi Robert H. Mnliln William U. fllalr, Jr.| Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Foster for Paisalc. responsible for the assessment. 1493.50; the former J'ctrr A. Luker «:!'•—Varieties; J'ox.JJatawan. to other Interested bodies nnd In of 59 in Red Bank'* aecond annual up-to-date emergency ho.spita John T. I^ivett, III 10 .CO—Louise Power*. soapbox derby, sponsored by Mc- Writing in the American City, Her- properly mi Walling nvenue, Belford, r dividual!. County and Other Levies. bert Coggins makes a strong case for served bv a smooth-riding convey to Mr, ar.ii Mt-s Clitrenre ColmPl'sfn 10:31—Futthions in Rhythm. This survey reveals an fxtremel Kim-Ldyton, Chevrolet dealers. Van ance, and a mammouth county hos UALI'II o. mnjaves~ — Morning Revue, County. Piano, interesting picture of the 19M mu There was a slight net increase of Sant waa awarded the McKim-Ljy- payment with a feeling of valtio re- pltal that is the last word in every- C'lUNKJJLAOK AT IJVW for ¥1,250; Ihe former Wentworth ceived. The average approach to Cooper, niclpal government costs in Ne $130,153 in tsxes for the support of lon loving cup when in a special race thing I don't want to see or. use— (New JtTat'j and New ifork Bara) property on Main street, Belford, to 10 :,'.!>— Fox. the matter of taxes is wrong, he as I Ki"'n- PUcf, 6.1 Park «•», Jersey, according to Charles A. Eat the 21 county governments. The 1940he nosed out Herbtrt Ewlng, lut except that it le not called a count R«d Hank, N. j. Mr. and Mrs. Blanche Adams for J1:0o—Kesume. total county-purpose levy of $44,811,- aerts, maki Ntw York 12,000; the former David P. Bishop P. M. on, Jr., secretary of the state body year's winner, who wai driving his) hospital since that name is thought 3:30—Merrlt Melodiei. 813, however, Is (2,111,899 below that car of the 1939 race. The Big Dtp expenditure in America today, or HOIlHIfj property at Ideal Beach to Corinne J:O0—Fads and Fgsbiom, Most significant of all, states Mr, fully reserved for a series of sunny, Certified Public Accountant Eaton, it shows that some counties, of the peak year, 1932. ice cream itore on Monmouth itreet anywhere In the world, could buy Breton for $700 and the former 4:30—Mualo For You. more benefits. home-like buildings that once upon AUDITS — TAX HEI'OKTS Otis N. Auer property in the Mon- 4:45—Church oC tha Air. by careful management as to econ- Taxes for the support of county the distinction of having «pon- a time would have been called a pon II Broad Street. Had Bank, N. 1. mouth hills section to Abraham J. 5 :1)tl — Fox. omies, have have been able to mak government Were lower this.year |n ; d „ h wl> As an example he takes a com- farm. Besides this, a certain amoun Tel. lied Hank 2G2l S:'!l—Ten Time Tune*. Atlantic, Burlington, Cape May, Es- Zager of Red Bank for $2,140.84. :.:]..--llappiiiti. Village. substantial reductions in municipal' The race waa run in htats and bined city and county tax of (190.38 of relief not supplied by the na- A petition, circulated by Post- 6 :4S—Dinner Music, purpose levies and that the ovcr-ai: sex, Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex, divided into two clauea. Clau B was for the year, breaks it Into 12 month- tional government Is available to DR. L. W. CARLBON 6:00—Fox. Monmouth, Morril, Sussex, Union ly Installments of (15.86 and then master Charles Toop of Lincroft and 6:111—Hani'e Time. state picture is most encouraging. won by Jerry Jerolimon, ion of Mr. hose to whom chance has not hand- SUHUKON ciiiKorniHST containing the names of 72 Lincroft nd Warren, They were higher In and Mrs. Douglai A. Jerolamon of proceeds to enumerate the return 6:15 — Carter. The summary of this analysis Bergen, Camden, Cumberland. Hud- ed the best of deals, FOOT A1LMKNTS residents, was read at the meeting. 6 :lfi—- Current. Evtnta. New Jersey's 1940 Property Tax Silverton avenue, Little Silver, who for the outlay. "Not being an asthste, I -isn't prop- The. petition was a request for 6:3il—Fox. son, Gloucester, Ocean, Passalc, was defeated in the final. ' Jerola- Mrst listed are the paved streets Ofllro Hours; Dully 0:80 a.m. to 1:16 p.m. 6:31 — Mooda In Music. , Levy as outlined by Alvln A. Burger, Salem and Somerset. erly estimate the free art galleries, kvenlngut Tuuaday and Thursday speed-limit signs to be erected on 7:1",—Sports Review. director of the department of Gov mon's car wai named "Win or and sewer system found in every museums, a zoo, city parks with free the roads leadinp to the village and 7 ::;il — Fox. Analysis of other 1940 property Bust." community of any size. Modern For appointment phone 2112 7:31— Trio-Alna. ernmental Research of the State band concerts, a ten-cent symphony, for special police officers to police Chamber of Commerce follows: levies reveals net increases of $134,- highways are no longer limited to SO BROAD ST., HED BANK, S. t. f>:00— .Home Philosopher. 362 in the state school tax, |2,689 in The race, judged by Mayor Charles together with stadiums, basebal the roads. 8:U,—Front Pane Drama, The beginning of a downward R. EnglishEnlih , MMayoa r ArthuAth r B . SickleSikl s cities, it Is pointed out, but radiate grounds, tennis courts, aquatic Victor Gtossinger, chairman of the. 8:30—OH Tha Record. curve in municipal gcvernmen district court taxes, *72,554 in region- ot Fair Haven and Monslgnor John B. in every direction and encompass parks, swimming pools and picnic il:«0—-Wax Parade. al high school taxes, (66,807 in the DR. MILDRED HULSART police committee, announced that the »:30—A 4b P. costs in New Jersey is reflected in a McCloakey, rector of St. James psr- tens of thousands of miles. Sewer grounds with tables and grills. And signs had been erected before the 0:31—Avo Maria Hour. tate-wlde net reduction this year county hospital tax (Bergen county ith, attracted a large crowd which service is becoming; more common realize, of course, some services I NUBGEON CHIROPODIST, petition had been received, and that 10:00—Music By Request. in the amount of taxes levied against only) and (532 in county library lined both lidea of the course. The every year. et are not avaljable for taxpayers Foot Orthopedic*— Klectro-Thempy the regular township police officers 10:45—Music You Want. taxes. 11:()()—Resume. real and personal property for the crowd wa« held back by a mow Fire and police protection are next n smaller or poorer, communities. Offira Hours: Daily 9 a. m. to 5 p. sn. were checking on traffic violators P.M. Saturday Aufuit 3, support of New Jersey's 586 mu- The state-Imposed soldiers' bonus fence. Mayor English made a brief on the tabulation of benefits. Even "But when the fact! are all con Evenings: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday In Lincroft and vicinity. Ho added 5:00—Sflturday Swjiig. nicipalities, bond tax levy remain* the same as address of welcome before the race though never called by many tax- sldered I feel the tax-eaters are (lo- Cloied Wcdnrxlay afternoon Fhone ••! that among those already appre- 5:14—Fox. in 1930. This tax will no longer be payers, the service is there for use 5:15—011 tha Record. Theae taxes total $114,278,529 for and also Introduced his fellow-Judges. ng a good job of buying with my IS8 IIHOAI) ST., RED BANK, N. I. hended by the police were some who ir.posed after this year. A parade moving up Ent Front in an emergency and the fact it is had signed the petition. II:I10—Jung!* Jim. 1M0, as against $117,413,715 In 1939— r.oney." 5:45—Vox. a reduction of $3,135,187. The figures Total All-I'tirpoae Levy |.W,7ol street to Prospect avenue to Harri- there makes for better living and Approved as members of'the town- 5:46—Dinner Dance. Hlfher. son avenue and then up the hill to «:00—Fox. used in this survey are based on results in a reduction of other tax-, The road to better and bigger busi ship fire department were Howard 6:01—Dinner Dance. the starting line, preceded the race. payer disbursements. Insurance K. Allee, Harry J. Smith and Ken- those appearing in the J'J39 and The total all-purpose levy against ness leads through The Register's ad « : 1 4 — I'os. The cars were led by the boyi' fath- costs are governed to a considerable ertlslne columns,—Advertisement. neth L. Culmorgen, Belford Jnde- 6:1.1—Current Eventi. 1940 Abstracts of Ratables prepared 'eat and personal property in New ers or mechanics. pendent; Eugene O'Uonnell, Port 6:Sll—Kux. • ' by the 21 county boards of taxation. rersey this year is (259,036,032, which 6:31— Tumblewnd Ramblers. Boys who took part In the race Monmouth; Albert C, White and C:J.',—Fox. Nineteen of the 21 counties of the s (332,781 higher than the 1939 total Samuel F. Gallagher, Belford En- 6:46—Mood in Music. state actually show a cut in muni Igure of $258,703,251. were Robert (Juackenbush, Llndiay KNOW* Helwlth, Alex Van DerBecke, Sam gine; William T. Alexander, River 6:.10—Fox. clpal-purpose levies of slightly less (The 1940 all-purpose levy, high as 7:00—Pleaiant Week-end. Oalaisi, Charles Dench, James Fix, Plaza and Fred J. Falke, Commun- than $6,000,000, but this is partly off- t is, is still below that of the peak ity Fire company, Leonardo. A.M. Monday, August I. set by tax rises In Hudson and Mer- Victor Copegtake, John Kelly, Ken- 0:00—Merria Melodies. ears of 1930 and 1931. The 1931neth Thompson, Jerry Jerolamon, o Bills amounting to $29,016.87, In- «:M—Vox. cer counties. Wllh eight of its 12 Uuilding Individual Igure of (260,413,615 remains the all- Martin Kutize, Peter Doremug, Peter cluding $3,500 for the board of edu- 9:15— Hit of the Week. municipalities showing increases, ime high). cation, were ordered paid. Relief K:30—Little Shopt Fox, Prown, Federal, the resulting- net rise In Hudson's Sickles, John Ogbourne, John Fisher, County, Piano, Training, MatRwan The following counties show an in- John O'Shea, George Hawkins, Leon- c {Successful bills paid amounted to $2,180.56. 10:00—Vox. municipal-purpose levies this year crease in the amount of property ard Flugal, Billy Johnson, Bill Chad- Credit Standing 111.01 —Louisa Fowerl. over last Is $2,486,96$, while in Mer- 10:30—Fox. axes levied In 1940 for all purposes, wick, Louii Longo, Peter Wlngerter, cer a jump of $262,161 in Trenton's w POTATO DKAr.RRS MEET, 10:81—Fashions In Rhythm. including municipal, county, school, Bill Beekman, Ted Wheeler, Joieph V^REDIT standing is a person's financial repu- 11:00—Resume. local-purpose levy more than ac- itate and other levies: Hudson, $3,- P. M. Menwopane, Loul* Lentlnl, Nick Cl- tation, In determining this credit standing ai a CAREERS 7:00— Happy Jim Parsons. counts for the county-wide increase 142.475; Camden, (154,904; Mercer, mato, Tony Cnprlonl, Thomai Gaff- w Orderly difrfrins: so that the mar- 7:14—i'ox. of $223,049 for municipalities. basis for a loan a bank considers thtM factori: CAN b« built better keting of New Jersey potatoes will 1546,2*7; Ocean, (10,417; Salem, ney, Ernest Flugal, Holmes Duncan, 7:1 R—County Sporti News. 16,440; Somerset, $10,530. Erich rarmly, J^eonard Pulley, Rob- and faittr with lh» not overlap too heavily with that of 11SO-—uarter. School Taxes Itciicli All-Timr- High. Hal he s good job? right kind of training. 7:31—Rhythm Revue. The following counties reduced ert Fix, Peter Promlnskl, Frank Virginia and Maryland potatoes and Unfortunately the net reduction of Hal he held it for some time? aflherin* strictly to U. 8. No. 1 *:00— Fox. heir all-purpose property tax levies Crelln, Bill Lippincott, Charles Doei it Mem permanent? You'll find fnt broU-trained 8:01— Off the Record, $3,135,187 in property taxes for the or 1940: Essex, (1,067,652; Atlantic, Knoll, George Gullllams, Anthony pradutiU In demand, fmployert grade specifications are urged hy 8:30—Fox. support of the state's municipal gov- Has he been able to keep continuously employed? •now tht value of thli tounri, dealers an erowera prepare for their 8:31— Your Favorites. 1698,977; Bergen, (336,003; Burllng- Pedone, Ted Mo»i, Richard Wld- Ii he induitrioui? •olid but In* it training coune. Get Si«S—Ruth Ellin. ernments is more than offset by an 1940 harvest. on, (158,376; Cape May, $282,149; rich, John Biancamano, Howard Doei he take adventaga of opportunities? Unrtfrf bttter and e*>t itarted »:«9—Fox, SOONER — beccust DraVei en- 9:00—Kesume. increase of $3,060,870 in school di«- Cumberland, 124,853; Gloucester, Campbell, Clinton VanBrunt, John Doei he ieem itable, or is he eomtsntly switch- These recommendations were Fredenburg, Lindy Logan, Robert ebUi yen tt cover the count, P. M. Tueedayt August 6, trlct taxes and slight Increases also 160,881; Hunterdon, (53,690; Middle- ing from one job to mother? thorfluohiV «nd completely In th» drawn up by the 18 New Jersey po- 4:4S—Band Wagon. in county and state levies. sex, (198,585; Monmouth, $305,972; Morley, Robert Lee, Walter Jackson, Hai he s itssdy income? ihortttt pettibU tlmt. tato dealers during a meeting held 5:00—Fox, n:01—Wai Parade, Tubltc School Enrollment* Decline, Morris, (106,»66; Passalc, (264,696; Chester Trubln, Morgan Rehrlg, Ii he thrifty? st Cranbury Tuesday evening, July SilB—Fox. School Taxes Bl»e Sus«ex, (26,147; Union, $423,719 and Jack Kaney, Seymour LapJdus, Les- Ii hi building up a reserve tm the form of set* •N»w location 28, In an effort to help growers ob- 6:1 S—Vespera. V'arren, (29,617. lie Van Sant, Dick Doughty and Ings, life iniurance, etc.? •No* ttjH/pmtui tain the highest returns for this R:30—Fox. Despite the fact that public school Michael Arnone. fi:31—Dance Time. Ii hs honeit, trustworthy, rellableP *MoMf eounoi year's harvest and to facilitate the 5:45— Modern Rhythms. enrollments have been falling each Asseseed Valuations Down Again, Doei he pay his debts end obligations promptly? movement of the crop to the con- 6:00—Fox. year since 1933, property taxes for Averafe Tax Rate Blses. Ii he alwayi in debt? • Tht fctif to bo sumer. 6:01—Dinner Music. the support of school districts have Assessed valuations of taxable YACHTING TRIP. Doei he overdraw his benk account? ENROLL NOW FOR 6:15—Cfirter and Fox. been constantly increasing, with the The U. S. No. 1 grade specifies 6:16—News Review, iroperty were reduced again this Dr. and Mrs. David Toren hid aa Does he itudy to improve himself ia his work? FAIL TERM that potatoes shall not be less than 6:30—Fox. result that the 1940 total property ar. The 1940 total is $5,489,669,439, Ii he looking forward end pluming for the future* 6:31—Hit of the Week. levy of $81,622,023 for local school their guests on a yachting trip Sun- |Day and Night) one and seven-eights inches In di- 6:45—Where to KO: FOX, Prnwn-Coopef against (6,617,803,676. The 1940 day, along the Inland waterway from ameter, that they be clean, fairly County Piano, Matawan, Fox. purposes is the highest In the his- •atables figure is the lowest since A study of theae factori will indicate the courts) 7:00—Resume. tory of the state. Factors respons- Point Pleasant to Atlantic City, Mrs. bright and free from such defects P.M. Wednesday, AufUil T. 1926. The reduction in ratablcn and Adeline Hampton and Mr. and Mrs. you thould follow to strengthen your persons! •e sunburn, scab, insect injury, cuts, ible for this rise in the 1940 tax levy he increase In certain tax levies 5:0(1—Tea Time Tunes. for school districts are attributable Cecil C. Crawford of Oceanport. Dr. credit standing. Always keep this question in bruises, scald and decay. 5:1 S—Fox. icmbinme e to effecett an averagge state- Toren's son David wa« alao on board. 5:16—Vespers. partly to a shifting of the debt ser- mind, "Will the bank be justified - on the basis The dealers endorsed (he New Jer- ide properly tax rate ot $4.72 per Dr. Toren, head of the laboratory de- 5:30—Dance Time. vice charge from municipal to school y of my record-in entrusting ita depositors' sey State Potato association's 1940 5:44—Fox. (100 for 194090 , as compared witith partment of New Jersey State hos- marketing program, which provides 5:45—Over the Tea Cups. pital, Marlboro, owns the yacht Sil- funds to me?."i •usinsis ens! Stcreterlel Stheek 6:00—Dinner Time Revue. «• .61 in 1939. for the employing of a field man to j 6:H—14FF TABLE I ver Heels. PERTH AMBOr NA1IONAI BANK It DO. help growers improve their packag- 6:1ft—Current Events. Wet Valuation Taxable by Countle* 313 STATE ST. ing methods and the appointment of 6:29—Carter and Fox. fi:3n—Music for Moderns, 1939 • 1940 GUEST AT ROHALLION. PERTH AMIOY, N. J. a representative to visit stores in 6:45—Where to Go: Fox, County Piano, Valuation Taxable THE MERCHANTS TRUST CO. 1he New Jersey metropolitan area Matawan, County 1939 1940 Difference Mlsf Betsy Spangler of Devon, Oeea Peiitisni Secures) fer Oraatuetei for the purpose of obtaining opin- 7:1)0—rox. Atlantic -., $ 141,467,554 $ 136,824,106 $ 4,643,448 — Pennsylvania, spent the early part OF RED BANK, N. J. Wm. C. Cops, D, C. *., Pnildtnt * ions for retailers and consumers on 7:01—Happy Jim Parsons, Training Cor- 463,941,041 poration, Bergen 465,118,808 1,177,765 — of this week at Rohalllon, the home A. J. St. John, M. S., ttlldant Mgr. 56,644,811 176,796 — Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation the quality of potatoes from this 7:14—Fox. Burlington 56,821,607 of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vose White state. The plan also provides for ad- 7:1ft—Accent on Music, Camden 245,614,784 246,722,652 1,107,868 + 51,755,783 117,366 — at Rumson as the guest of their vertising New Jersey potatoes in 7:30—Studio Feature, Capo May 51,873,149 Boya can make extra pocket monejf newspapers through the co-operation 7:4 5—Fox. Cumberland - - 48,544,786 48,570,946 26,160 + daughter, Miss Prudence White. 7 :(6—Oil the Record. 1,438,510,536 63,978,111 — lllng Tho Reclster.—Advertisement cf the New Jersey Council, 8:00—Resume. Essex 1,502,488,647 A.M. Thursday, August B. Gloucester _ 53,084,477 53,085,148 671 + 9:00— Merrle Melodies. Hudson - 1,180,189,55-1 1,125,039,819 68,149,735 — 9:29—Fox. Hunterdon 77,862,243 78,566,321 704,078 + Honored at Peddle. 9:S0— Dance Hits. Mercer 240,571,163 238,899,763 1,671,400 — 9:4fi—Tunes of Tomorrow, 1,101,996 — Jules David Prown, 10-year-old Middlesex 194,555,549 193,453,553 10:00—Fox, Monmouth 188,231,370 185,845,622 2,385,848 — •on of Mr. and Mrs. Max M. Prown 10:01—Morning; Moods. 10:30—Fox, Morris 113,217,107 113,672,214 455,107 + of Freehold, has been swarded sec- 10:31—Fashions in Rhythm: Prown-Coop- Ocean - 43,078,100 43,034,523 43,577 — ond scholastic honors for the year *»r, Training Corporation, Passaic 361,171,162 356,732,908 4,438,254.— 1939-40 at Peridie school. 10:59-Fox. Salem - 41,446,935 42,100,550 653,615 + 11:00—Resume. Somerset ~

RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940. Pace Five Jr., Mrs. Nekton K. Vandorbeek, Mrs. Mrs. J. Joseph Hennessey, Mrs. Card Party Aids Alex Burnsirle, Mrs. J. W. Stewart, George Harm, Mrs. J. Harry Robert- It's In Monmouth County Mrs. Howaid S. Higginson, Mrs. son, Mrs. James Hunter. Mrs. Ralph Lloyd Goldsherry, Mrs. A. J. Patter- Sickels, Mrs. Walter Boakey, Mrs. DRINK Salvation Army son, Mrs. ArnoM Sorirn. Mrs. S. J.Jacob Yanko, Misses Bluma Harris, Genealogy Kessler, Mrs. Charles H. Kichman, Ruth Straus, Mary Hennessey, Bar- Mrs. L. A. r.riflin, Mis. L, E. Van-bara Olson, Doris Perry, Marion Al- War Relief Fund Brunt, Mrs. Ivlwin S. Close, Sr., Mrs. ien, Mary Morris, Ruth Parker, Mr«. William R. Conover, Co-Edl- Frank Hewitt, Mrs. John Allen, Mrs.Marie McDonough, Cora Jennings tor. Member of the Geneilogica Alfred A|>plegate, Mrs. Edmond and Marguerite Enrigh'. Committee of th« Monmouth Oo'm- Prizes Made by Boy*' Good, Mrs. Philip Peters, Mrs. John ty Historical Association. Freehold K. Kailly, jr., Mrs. Kdinund Ayers, Notad Suffragist Dim. N. J. Club Awarded—More Mrs. Nina Rultrr, Mrs. Harry Bar- Mrs. Emma L. Yard Ivins!, 83. nard, Mrs. w. B. Cunningham, Mrs. Index (Part 1, Cont'd.) widow of William M. Ivins, well Than 125 Attended Ollie Prarce, Mrs. May VVulling, Mrs.known lawyer and a. Republican can- Marriage Jtworda Ambrose Matthews, MIH. Albert Lau- didate for mayor of New York, died Sept.—Dec. SO, 1»ST Prizes made by the Boys' club of ber, Jr., Mrs. J. J. Carhart, Mrs. Hen- at. her home at Freehold Wednesday #13H the local Salvation Army corps were ry C. Mrcklem, 3rd., Mrs. William of last week after a long illness. She awarded to those holding high score Curchin, Jr., Mrs. O. A. Hawkins, was a daughter of the latn Colonel Johnson, William, Sept. 30, S7. Mrs. H. c. Hawkins, Mrs. William Jonson, Jane, Oct. 7, 37. at a card party given Monday after- and Mra. James fi. Ysrd, the former noon at the Molly Pitcher hotel 'or Naulty, Mrs. Russell H. Minton, Mrs. Joiuon, JOBeph, Dr.c. 30, 3/. George H. Norman, Mis. Joseph L. owner and publisher n! the. Mon- Jonson, Sarah, Oct. 7, 37. the benefit of the war relief fund of mouth Democrat. Mrs. Ivins was thi> Red Bank citadd. Harrison, Mrs. Hairy V. Morfnrd, Kan, Abraham, Oct. 28, 37. Mrs. S. K. Till hill, Mrs. A. W. Wor-keenly interested in the women suf- (Ke)epers, Hannah, Sept. 28, 37. Mia. Oeorge T. Linton was genera den, Mrs. T. N. Dnrnmns, Mr?. \V. H. frage, movement and represented Kilpatrlck, Margaret, Dec. 30, 37. chairman with Mrs. Carl fV-hwenker, Pope, Mrs. Waller I,, Fredericks, New York stntc in an international Hem* of Pepsi-Cola Company: Long Island Cily, N. Y. Lane, Gilbert, Sept.'23, 37. Sr., Mrs. Walter McDougal and Mrs. conference in London. Ijiwrence, John, Jr., Sent. Id, 37, Mary Wellbacher serving as co-chair- Lets, Rachel, Sept. 18, J7. men. Refreshments were served by Lets, Rebckah, Sept. 16, 37. Misses Audrey Johnson, Jessie Letts, Me(l) oh, Sept. 23, 37. Parkes, "Bunny" Dillon, Kay Dore- I*tson, Hal ah, Oct. 14, 37. mus, Eleanor Jones, Marian Backc Lewlii, Nancy, Sept. 23, 37, and "Connie" Wingertpr. Lewis, Jonathan, Oct. 14, 37, Members of the assisting commit- Lift («c)n, Jack, Oct. 14, 37, tee were Mrs. Edwin F. Stewart, Lilly, James, Oct. 21, 37. Mrs. Herbert P. schaeffer, Mrs Uppencott, Elizabeth, Oct. 7, 37. Michael S. Jacobs, Mrs. Edward P. Llppencott, Mary, Oct. 21, 37. Magee, Mrs. Harrison Bance, Mrs. Llppencott, Remembrance, Oct. 7, 37 Leon de la Reussille, Sr., Mrs. Clif- C0M Uppencott, Leah, Sept. 18, 37, ford Stiles, Mrs. Daniel B. Olson,, Sylvester, Oct. 14, 17. Mrs. Herbert Wengle, Mrs. William Lokcrson, John, Oct. 14, 37. Howell, Mrs. Cecil C. Lediard, Mrs. Luker, Margaret, Sept. 28, 37. Albert VanSchoick, Mrs. Albert Lau- Luker, Elizabeth, Dec. 30, 37. ber, Jr., Mrs. L. C. Vanlnwegen, Mrs Maccleass, Cor's, Oct. 7, 37. Benjamin A. Crate, Jr., Mrs. Julius MaKUlre, Marget, Sept. 30, 17. S. Straus, Mrs. John J. Knodell, Mn DRUG Co. Maliby, Gilbert, Dec. 30, 37, Walter B. Connor, Mrs. Leon Van- Mane«, Merlam, Oct. 28, 37, Brunt, Mrs. Howard S. Higginson, Mathews, Ann, Oct. 14, 37. Mrs. Will Ward, Mis. Georjre Hurley, Matthews, Ann (a), Oct. 7, 37, Mrs. David Jones, Mrs. Isidore Ches Mathls, Charles, Oct. 21, 37. ler, Mrs. Harry Koch, Mrs. Elmer PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED BY REGISTERED PHARMACISTS Mauris, Raehel, Oct. 14, 37. Walnwright, Mrs. George H. Nevius, Maxwill, Sarah, Sept. 30. 37. WHERE A PIRATE FOUND GRACE Mrs. Ada B. Nafew, Mrs. Henry C. MoClew, John, Oct. 28, 37. Mecklem, 3rd., Mrs. Frank Ganter, McCIess, Nancy (wld. of Peter) Chilsl's church at Middlctown, iome timed called "Tho Church of Mrs. William A. Miller, Mrs. Thom- 54 BROAD STREET Oct. 28, 37. the Plrateg" because some of its income Is from property willed to as P. Doremus, Mrs. Kenneth Mc- Open Evenings ... in Red Bank McDuffe, Robert, Oct. 28, 37, the church by William L,ueds, said to be a buccaneer In the band of Queen, Mrs, Herman Asendorf, Mrs. McGlll, Mary, Dec. 30, 37. the notorious Captain Kldd. Leeds wan among it» first converts in A. J. Patterson, Misses Judith Smith, Mlddletnn, Hannah, Sept. 25, 37. the days of Ions; ago. His body lien under a stone In front of the Marie Conover, Ann Reuther and THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Middleton, John, Oct. 7, 17, church, having been moved there in latter days, usurping, it Is be- Mary Elizabeth Cunningham. Miller, Jacob, Oct. 21, 37. lieved, the grave and marker of some unknown. For the stone was Others present were Mrs. Samuel Miller, Peggy, Oct. 21, 37. erected when, by and for whom no one seems to know. On it was Greenblatt, Mrs. Benjamin Adler, 25c WHITE OPAQUE CUSS Mires, Abl|(ail, Sept. 23, 37. once an engraved metal plate which was removed and moulded into Mrs. Leon Rueckhaus, Mra. J, T. Mitto (r»), Joel, Sept. 16, 37. bullets for soldiers of thu American Revolution. Beekman, Mrs. David Wood, Mrs. i Moore, Susanna, Oct. 21, 37. Chrial'a Episcopal church is the oldest or second oldest, palish in Aaron Armstrong, Mrs. Benjamin mm Morris, Samuel, Oct. 14, 37. New Jersey. In 3746, ago had reduced the original building to "only Robinson, Mrs. Samuel G. Coggins, - - 2 Pc. "SCOTTIE" Morehouse, David, Sept. 16, 37, a «hell." It was repaired and, in 1835, rebuilt. The church was found- Mrs. Stephen H. LeQuier, Mrs. Har- Morton, Mirget, Sept, 30, 37. ed by George Keith on ten acres of land given by Rev. Alex Innis, ry Johnston, Mrs. Reginald Van- REFRIGERATOR Morton, Jo«eph, Sept. 30, 37. who is known to have resided in Mlddletown prior to 1603. This Brunt, Mrs. John Spillane, Mrs. Wil- Mount, Nancy, Oct. 7, 37. congregation and lliat of Christ church at Shrewsbury were the same liam R. Hartzell, Mrs. J. F. Wallace, Mun(y)on, John, Sept. 23, 37. until 1K54. Leeds willed the church 438 acres of land In Middletown. Mrs. M. M. Schult, Mrs. C. C. Lloyd, JARS Norrls, El (n), Oct. 7, 37. When the church at Shrewsbury w«s established In ISM, half of this Mrs. William B. Lackey, Mrs. Helen SOc SPORT Oatman, Simanah, Oct. 14, 37. land went to it. B. Graves, Mrs. Charles Prothero, 10c WOOOBURY SUN GOGGLES Beautiful S-inch round Ogborn, Sarah, Sept. 23, 37, Mrs. George. C. D. Hurley, Mrs. John FACIAL SOAP jar; mug fitting ltd has Page, John, Sept. 28, 37. B. VanWagenen, Mrs. Charles R. Wild Urf« inverted h«ndl«. Dec- Parker, AbegH, Oct. 21, 37. West, John, Sept. 23, 37. Williams, Paul, Sept. 16, 37. cmii Convet tfnt. orated with bright red West, Rebccah, Sept. 30, 37, Williams, Rebeka, Oct. 7, 37. English, Mrs. John F. Trudeau, Mrs. Special, Parker, Alice, Sept. 23, 37. Harry O'Brien, Mrs. Clara Cham- i F"» 17c i Parker, Jo/ilah, Oct. 7, 37. Wheatley, Joseph, Oct. 7, 37. Williamson, Cornelius, Oct. 21, 37. White, Amos, Oct. 14, 37, bers, Mrs. Joseph Serpico, Mrs. Pearce, Adam, Oct. 14, 37. Win(nen)t, Sarah, Oct. 21, 37. Thomas Cassidy, Mrs. John Milan, Pelrson, Thomas, Oct. 7, 37. White Ann, Oct. 7, 37. Worth, Sarah, Oct. 21, 37. White, Ashcr, Oct. 21, 37. Mrs. Patrick McCarron, Mrs. George Perlne, Jane, Sept. 30, 37. Woodward, Nlmrod, Sept. 23, 37, Conrad, Mrs. John M. West, Mrs. Pharcs, Robert, Sept. 23, 37, White Elizabeth, Oct. 14, 37. Youngs, Edmond, Oct. 28, 37. White William, Sept. 30, 37. Harold Morford, Mrs. Philip Leon- Pharo, Ann, Oct. 7, 37. Ziberson, John, Oct. 21, 37. ard, Mrs. Charles Grossinger, Mrs. Pierce, Mary, Sept. 16, 37. White William, Oct.-- 14,, 37. End. Dec. 30, 1037. §B$IP Wlkoff, Mary, Oct. 7, 37. Mary Ncsbitt, Mrs. C. E. Runyon, Plttenscr, Mar(c)y, Sept. 1«, 37. Indexed by Mrs. William R. Con-Mrs. Frank Warner, Sr., Mrs. Rus- *wl Pir(ce), Zllpha, Oct. 21, 37. Wllber, Jumes, Sept. 23, 37. over, Co-Editor. 35c Evelyn Joan Wiley, Ruth, Sept. 16, 37. sell Clark, Mrs. Frank Curtis, Mrs. Platt, Abel, Bept. 23, 17. William Kaney, Mrs. Benjamin A. 10c THRIFTY FACIALTISSUES Poast, Ell»», Sept. 16, 37. Wilkinson, James, Sept. 23, 37. Freehold Couple Wed, Wlllcts, Stephen, Sept. 16, 37. Crate, Jr., Mrs. J. L, Herbert, Mrs. Polemus, William, Oct. 28, 37. J. T. Clayton, Mrs. Maurice Schwartz, WAX PAPER Post, John, Sept. 30, 37. Williams, A(n)trcss, Oct. 28, 37. Mlsg Margaret Brown, daughter of C Williams Daniel, Oct. 13, 37. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Brown, and Mrs. H. C. Tilton, Mrs. William V. It-H 100 Pottor, Nathaniel, Sept. 30, 37. Smith, Mrs. Joseph Cooper, Mrs. Price, Joseph, Sept. 16, 37. Williams, Daniel, Oct. 28, 37. Garfleld Hurley, both of Freehold, MM 2 ° 5 GENUINE SEA SHORI Williams James, Oct. 28, 37, were married Sunday of last week at Stewart B. Cook, Jr., Mrs. Ensley Primmer, Elisabeth, Oct. 21, 37. White, Mrs. William T. Parker, Mrs. 50c SHOWER BATH Prl(n)e, Daniel, Sept. 30, 37. Williams John, Oct. 14, 37. Warrenton, Va. They will make Salt Water Taffy Kenneth Walker. Mrs. George Silver, sr. 12 DELICIOUS FLAVORS Ralph, Anne, Oct. 7, 37. Williams Nnncy. Sept. 23, 37. their home at Farmlngdale. SPRAYS MJHU Ramcsy, John, Dec. 30, S7. Reap, Lldi«, Oct. 14, 37. m.uldt< b~ •** attack— «™ a^a» " Reed, Rebecca, Oct. 21, 37, lk» ft. all hacali. Reynolds, James, Oct. 21, 37. Siaalau Valat! 25c VALUE—FULL LB. Richmond, Jane, Sept. 23, 17. 50c Elastic Edg* Rl(v)«, John, Sept. 23, 37. A Feature SOc IRONING «OAHI> Reads, David, Oct. 21, 37. TOOTH 10c MPER Rogers, David. Sept, 23, 37. OF OUR Rue, William/Sept. 30, 37. aai 4 TOOTH COVER 1 ftc *•« PHOTO _. .j««a tilt • ^^ NAPKINS Runnels, William, Sept. 16, 37. - -ALBUM PKG. oe 80—NOW Runnels, William, Oct. 21, 17. •*2=j (Sjagera, George, Oct. 21, 37. Samons, Nehemiah, Sept. 16, 17. AUGUST Schenk, Catherine, Oct. 14, 37. Schenck, Nelly, Oct. 28, 37. BLACK FLAG Sexton, Thomas, Oct. 7, 37. Shadwlck, Taber, Oct. 14, 37. FURNITURE : luxury INSECTICIDE Shebly, Fardman, Sept. 23, 37, I Shavino I 25c VALUE — NOW Shcmand, Nathan, Sept, 16, 37. Shinn, Sanh, Oct. 7, 37. SOc WILLIAMS Shrove, Anne, Sopt. 16, 37, SALE SHAVE CREAM Shutts, Heiter, Dec. 30, 37. HAIR TONIC 50c Val. Olivo Slack, Lo(r)ane, Oct. 7, 37, Smock, Jemima, Sept. 16, 37. l.nll jl.SO V.I. M I" LIJUAC, IOTH FOR 39° Smiroa, Joneph, Sept. 30, 37. VrUtU For -After Shave—Now Smith, Faithful, Sept. 16, 37. Smith, Phebe, Oct. 28, 37. ^ Ejiptrlly miLcle from Smith, Rebccah, Oct. 14, S7. \W\ any popular tizc roll Smith, Richard, Oct. 7, 37. of filmi or ncj«- 25c IDELEX Snediker, Rose, Oct. 21, 37. tivet. (S)oah, Sarah, Sopt. 16, 37. Tooth, Paste Soper, Phebe, Oct. 21, 37. AT NO South, Benjamin, Jr., Oct. 14, 37. SPICY_ EXTRA COST TUBE—NOW Southard, Klnar, Sept. 16, 37. Southard, Solomon, Sept. 16, 37, Spence, Elizabeth, Sept. 30, 37, •TMXUM Sprowlcs, Oliver, Oct. 28, 37. • DUSTINf. POWO. Stackhousc, Ler(n)zer, Sept. 30, 17. • COLOGNE Starkey, Mary, Oct. 21, 37. Yo.r Cl»i« Steelman, Ann, Oct. 21, 37. POPULAR MEDICINES II HAY FEVER RELIEFS Stevenson, Susanna, Sept. 28, 37, Steward, Samuel, Oct. 7, 37. C Stlbs, Henry, Sept. 30, 37. PHILLIPS 14c 65c Asthmador •:. scK,,;m» 49 Stlllwell, Catherine, Dec. 30, 37, Stoctim, Margaret, Oct. 21, 37. BI-SO-DOL J:: 49= NOSE DHOPS "IFc Slough, Deborah, Ort, 14, 37, |CERP..M.i Stout, Menu, Sept. IS, 37. 50c CYNTHIA Stout, Nancy, Oct. 14, 37. 10c CLAPP^ , TALCUM ABSORBINEJr. ::;"...69c HAR-EX Capsules ir Stout, Ruth, Bept. 18, 37. BABY FOODS Suldam, Harriot, Oct. 28, 37, Taylor, John, Dec. 30, 37. UNGUENTINE 43c ESTIVIN LIQUID SPM,., ..98« Tayler, Jos., Oct. 7, 37. Tlce, Ophn, Oct. 28, 37. Piece c NOSE Tlce, Joseph, Sept. 16, 37. SQUIBBS SHST. 50 T.S.T. DROPS 33C Tilton, Mary, Oct. 28, 37. Genuine Thomas, Nancy, Sept, 30, 37. i U. S. P. DRUGS tSUrtMER FOOT AIDS Thompson, Robert, Sept. 30, 37. FAMOUS R. D. URFECTO 1 C Thomson, Anna, Sept. 30, 37. "WHITNEY" R. Di EPSOM SALTS X ...... 5° Dr. SCHOLLS ?«|'.r«21 Throckmorton, Nancy, Oct. 14, 37. Throgmorton, Nancy, Sept. 30, 37. c Throp, Eliza, Sept. 2.1, 37. MAPLE BORiCACID X 14c 50 PEDI-KOR cl,. Truax, Ann, Oct. 28, 37. j y f Ifi^W 001 V. deaf, Benjamin, Oct. 28, 37. » BEDROOM SUITE Ql/Al' CIGARS MINERAL OIL EE.... 14c JOHNSONS^/ ... 17c Vanderveer, Arthur, Oct. 14, 37. Regular Price $129 All hand made of choice domestic C Vandyck, Abraham, Dec 30, 37. tobaccoi. Enjoy thete on PEROXIDES. 8c 35c TIZ SSIET. .... Vandlke, Servian, Oct. 7, 37. S^we»k-«nd tripj 27 Vanhart, Jane, Oct. 7, 37. or after , 0 Van Home, Joseph, Oct. 28, 37. ) dinner! BICARB. V ":. .V TOE-PAL s^rr. V»n Noart, John, Sept. 23, 37. .50 49= Van Wyke, Hannah, Dec. 30, 37. Voorhlcs, llendrlck, Oct. 14, 37. *99 OLIVE OIL XT.. Graceful, aristocrat of all lines of OFF GOES FATl Walnright. Hoisted, Oct. 28, 37. Vra. ;ll l,iT|inaaillvrl> I Wainright Hiifinnna, Oct. 21, 37. the nationally advertised WHITNEY/ Men, Women! Old att.>),"i "IT .., . :,n.\ -•,!.(..!„ f.H ruiily »llh"tlt I standards. For thoiin who want tho lnurv In in,il Ih. 'rih,iiz. Can 10c HIDYM, Se STUD, IOe FimiO Don't blame pxhatatol. ruiwlnwn iw REDUCED IN TRICE. «n your i«o riiouiainlfl Korji'iin .it Miri nli.n-. WHL'II yi>nrw>lf Utoni Wardell, Richard, Sept. 30, 37. Located at. River Oaks, River- BULL DURHAM, er KEJTUCir • lurlmi:. Tin n -A.• 1 Kh •.innuil n^alii In 11 wMkal Warner, Ann, Sept. 23, 37. side Avenue and Buena Vista TOBACCOS Bugler, Targtt .iniln... (tin rtRUl!>. if >..i am m,l tjifTft than I Webley, John, Dec. 30, 37. Avenue, Fair Haven. Complete- P A.. V.U-t o. er RIM-ROD •UOLER, PEP bOLQNU. llrlithliHl an.l •:>' Iil'ir:- -.• lurfc In fUlh Doa'll Webley, Rhoda, Sept. 30, 37. • ly furnished in Whitney Maple. >l.1f »nd II.U tw ulli-il IAT any l,,,,-,.,l (i,( Knrinni I«(W.| c REG. $1.00 PKO.—NOW Ift Wells, Joseph, Oct. 21, 37. A "gem" In home decorating. STERLING Welkin, Peter, Oct. 21, 37. OPEN NIGHTS, 7 to 10. 3^11, BRilholomew, Sept. 30, 37. FURNITURE SHOP 21 WHITE ST. 39c West, Mary, Dec. 30, 37, Page Six RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940. | ago by Samuel Grafton in the New York Post, which ident, "of good work done at pe; •hould be designated an "unfair la- ducrlbcd condition* in Germany in 1917, Germany'» sonal sacrifice." No dollar ala bor practice" under the Wagner Act. Chamber Bulletin Leonardo Harbor RED BANK REGISTER there! Mr. Reed reached into hi The number of actions penalized un- "kohlruben jahr—the turnip year." Wrote Mr, (irafton: Editorial Views der this clause 1* already long enough ESTABLISHED UT( "Crop« had failed. The British blockade v as tak- flle.» and produced a letter addresse to "My dear friend Jim," in whici to be confusing. Another complica- For August Out A Safe Haven ing hold. Turnips and a foul bread of indeterminate tion might ensue where the rehirlng THOMAS IRVING BBOWN of Other Papers Mr, Roosevelt thanked him for hi origin formed the diet of moat of the people. They support in 1932. would violate union rules of seniority Editor ul Publisher established by the collective bargain- Yesterday A. M. For Boatmen •ay that in Germany today one can pick out on the In baseball, when the pitcher "' street* the men and women who were infante in that

paigns to eliminate wasteful expen- Church Society Virginia BircUall diture* In government and bring Its Big Increase In ITEMS OF YESTERYEARS cost down within reach of tho tax- To Hold Picnic Engaged To Wed payers' pocketbook. Viola Root Telephone Calls Members of the Ladies' Aid so- Mr. and Mrs. Herjccel Birdull of To clfe the many achievements of Leroy place have announced the en- these taxpayer groups in i educing FROM REGISTER FILES ciety of the Methodist church -will visit Seabrook Farm*, the Birdseye gagement of their daughter, Mlg« th« cost of local government would Manager Harry Craw- Virginia Birdsa.ll, to Norman. Kirk Cameron's consume far more, than our allotted Foods freezing plant near Bridgeton Thursday. August 15. The trip will Stofflet of Shrewsbury, «on of Mr«. Monmouth lid., Ettnmtowa, B. Of spucp, but in brief It. can be pointed ford Cites Figures James T. Stofflet of Ridgefleld Park, out that this year, following several Happenings of 50 and 25 Yean Ago Culled From the be made by bus. A box lunch picnic will be enjoyed at the Parvin state and the late Rev. James T, Stofflet. years of Intelligent reform of fiscal Tho rnuple will be married Jn the affairs In local government and A gain of 30,470 telephones in serv- News and Editorial Column* for Entertainment park near Bridgeton. Dinner $1.2$ ice, and an increase of 234,000 calls a The tour and program for tho day near future. greatly accelerated activity by or- day In the average, daily volume of Lunch and Supper ganized taxpayer*, tux lates hove has been planned by the Monmouth Miss Birdsall Is a. graduate of Red .Malm Full Uan of nomocracy'* 1 ratlin over tho statewide, telephone of Today's Readers County Extension Council in Home AM- BREADS ANIt PASTKIM Ailvnnliixi's. been reduced In «3'/" of New Jcr- Hunk high school and Wilson col- linn network, were recorded hy the Economics. Reservations should be lege. She is employed in the office of FROM OCR OWX IJAKERY Hcy'd municipalities. New Jersey Hell Telephone Company shaving match at their respective Our nation's liuno program of na- Jn tho Held of state government Fifty Yam A»o. made with Mrs. Frank P. Kuhl or Dr. Carlos A. Ponn, pathologist, at Duiclnf Through during the. first half of ]!I4O. The Harry Lewis, -yoar-old con of barber shops la Keansburg. The Mr*. Fred W. Boyrl on or before Au- llonnl defense to proled und insure corresponding savings have been gain In telephones, part, of which is Asbury Park. Mr. Stofflet li a. grad- tho American "way of life" against Henry Lewis of Scobcyville, had a contest was for speed and ability. gust 10. Members of the society uate of Lafayette college and is em- COCKTAIL HOUR made, as evidenced by the three- seasonal and will be when vaca- narrow escapa from being killed by Both tonsorial artists were seeking foinlmi Invasion reminds us force- quarter million dollar reduction in tion tlino ends, was 4.'>1K larger than and their friends have been invlteo ployed by Hahne & Co., Newark. Till Clewing to the Miwlo * fully how fortumilo we are to en- an enranged bull. He was attacked "vlcliiiijj" for the experiment. to attend. In case of rain the tour tho 1040-41 «tate appropriation bill. In tho first half of W.W. The total by the Infuriated animal while driv- Tho ordlnunce prohibiting over- Joy llio prlvllcKoa and rights of This reduction waa made ns a direct number of telephones served by the will be conducted the next clear day. LEO LAZARO American dnnidcrury. ing his cow home from pasture. He head sheds and signs over the side- When you want to realize cash for result of state-wide public protest, company was 7(14,4S1! at the end of was found bruised and bleeding by walks in Red Bank's business die- something speedily you can count on And Hii CoatinmUla Meanwhile ' it is of utmost im- led by the New Jersey Taxpayers as- June, and the average volume of calls the wayside. trice became effective and Mayor Example Is a. lesson that all men The Register want ad column* to do portance that ttui runk and Me of sociation against excessive spending daily during the. six months was 3,- George Sandt carried out the ordi- can read.—Gilbert West. your selling for you.—Advertisement. cillmis re.coKnizn and use to the At the fair held at Oceanic for the by tho state government. 251,000. benefit of the hook and ladder com- nance to the letter by starting on the fullest extent the) privileges they Of primary Importance Is the fact Tho in telephones was largest of these sheds which was in possess MS a result of their Ameri- pany of that place $461.90 was that practically without exception general in all parts of tho state, ac- cleared. The American Mechanics front of Henry N. Supp's clothing NoCrwIU can heritage. Actually the averagrt the newspapers of New Jersey are cording to Harry W. Crawford, man- store. Following a short conversa- individual rarely exercises tils rights badge was won by Johnson Wilson, on the citizens' side—and inve ager for the company in this section, the. Knights of Pythias badge by tion with the mayor William Pope For You or RWimk to any Ri-eat extent and may be sur- proved time and again their willing- who soM that was a .six months John Bailey, the Firemen's bodge by took out the barber polo in front of prised to know jrtst how fully he ness to give generous co-operation Increase, of 957 telephones recorded Joseph Woolley, a gold ring by Miss his shop. It was not known what Friday 9 A.M. on Salt can imrtlcipali; in (hi: affairs of and publicity to tho work of taxpay- in his otllce, which hardies accounts Mary Riddle and a sewing machine Mr. Pope said to the mayor. government If he Is willing to devote er groups. Without this co-opera- for subscribe™ served by tho Red by Mrs. Keach. A collision hetwecn trolley cars on Auf. 2nd Items tho necessary time and energy* tion the success of organized tax- Hank, Mlddletown, Rum.son, yea Isaac I. Cole of Red Bank was rec- the Highlands division of the Key- The right to cast a ballot on elec- payers would not have been possible. Blight, Atlantic Highlands, High- ognized as a pension attorney by the port line resulted In John Rogers of tion day, while, exceedingly Import- Free speech—a free press—«nd lands, Holmdel, Keansburg, Keyport commissioner of pensions and opened Keyport, a motorman, getting a ant, is really but one phase of the freedoin of action by citUcns In pub- and Matavan telephone exchanges. a pension agency In Red Bank, broken leg. Accumulation Sale! process of self-government. lic affairs—are tho very essence of The Library company made $15 by John S. Hendrlckson, a prominent Continuous Interest In 1ho opera- FROM TIME TO TIME WE ACCUMULATE OVER STOCK ON our democratic birthright, and can OF mi; Aiit. a night entrtainment. The recita- merchant of Keyport and borough tion and expenditures of govern- be used effectively by taxpayers to tions of Mr. Burdette and the mu- collector for six years, died suddenly SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE—THE ITEMS ADVERTISED ment constant observation of the keep their government a valuable A devotional program under the sic of Mr. and Mrs. Strong, Miss Bea- in front of J. T. Schanck's store. He BELOW ARE OFFERED TO YOU AT DRASTIC REDUCTIONS IICIH and statements of elected of- servant rather than a dominant mas- nie Bergen and Rudolph Malchow was born in Holmdel township and direction of tho Christian Science had lived in Keyport 30 yearn. He clals— praise or criticism where ter. Committee on Publication for New were well worth hearing. —QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED. cither Is duo-ami close contact with The state milk inspectors were wan survived by a. widow and two Jersey, will he broadcast* over Sta- children. governing olllclals, Informing them TAIX SUNFI-OWKB PI-ANT. tion WBltll, Red Bank, tomorrow af- abroad. Whoever sold adulterated of the clll'/.cns' points of view on all milk or milk that fell below the state Rev. Robert A. MacKellar of Trin- Voikt, Dimity, Batute, ternoon at 4:4,1. Mrs. Louise M, ity Episcopal church and a group of Important matters—will develop to Mr. and Mr». Benjamin C. Cook Johnson, a. former Reader of First standard was liable to a fine of $50. WASH FABRICS others; reg. to 25c yd. 15c the fullest muasuro the opportunity of Branch avenue have a sunflower John W. Eyles, the horse shoer and his choir boys returned from a two of self government. Church of Christ, Scientist, Red carriage manufacturer of Sea Bright, weeks' camping trip along Barnegat plant on their premises v/hlch they Hank, will have charge, of the pro- bay. Thu boys on the outing were While this might seem a. distant feel Is about as tall as any that has dissolved partnership with Stephen dream to tho person who remains gram the subject of which is, 'Closer VanWlckle. Mr. Eyles continued the John McCIcllan, Ormond Mlnton, Lid Cover to match; reg. 89c set ever been grown In this section. Relationships.' business. Grandin Schanck, Charles Allaire, BATH MAT consistently uloof from public affairs The plant, which came up from a and who by Ignoring his democratic The schoolhouse at Jerseyville was Stanley Haviland, Kenneth White, seed apparently dropped by a bird, Conrad de la Mottc, Frank Outcault, right of sell-government plays Into is now exceeding ten feet In height Boy Iliuycllst Killed. condemned and at a meeting of the the hnnds of unscrupulous political trustees of the school district the James R. Wolcott, Jr., and Frank PILLOW CASES .mbroid*«l,p,;re;.79c box and an the flowers are not yet fully Clifford W. Heller, Jr., eight-year- proposition to build a new one was Weller. Hihemers, this type of citizen par- davclopcd Mr. anil Mrs. Cook have ticipation In government Is exactly old son of Clifford W, Heller, a lieu- voted down. Tinder the circum- Silverware and other valuable hopes that the plant will grow even tenant in the Asbury Purk fire de- stances the district could get no goods were stolen from Kenneth what Is being done, right hero In taller. DRESS FABRICS R«yo..,otW.;rc .toS';cyd 29° New .lersoy, by organized taxpayers partment, was killed Monday after- money from the state school fund for Wyckoff's house at Scobcyville and ? In communities throughout the Mr. Cook, who Is a member of Red noon when ho was thrown from his that year. most of the goods taken were wed- slate. Bank police force, will gather the bicycle ns It struck a fallen tree in Patrick Fahey, a laborer employed ding gifts of Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff. seed from the largest flower for a lot near his home. The boy was at Atlantic Highlands, met a sudden Franklin Carmine Moyan refused In theao communities the taxpay- returning from nn errand for his to serve as Red Bank's official dog LINEN TOWELS 15c ers Imvii organized Into a common planting next year. death by the caving down «f an em- mother when tho accident occurred bankment. catcher until the dog ordinance re .::inse—studied closely the affairs of . »• » He suffered a fractured skull and garding the disposition of unwanted (heir local government—found out On» of th« quickest ways to find a Mrs. Fannie Chadwlck, widow of lob U to advertise, in Tho Regis- Internal injuries when he was thrown Wilson Chndwlck, died at the home animals was changed. 39c the underlying reasons for high to the ground. IRONING BOARD SET • taxes -and waged vigorous cam- ter's Want Department.—Advertise- of her son-in-law, Joseph Thompson, There were Impressive ceremonies ment. at Oceanic, aged 77 years. at tho laying of the cornerstone of James S. Walling of Keyport ran the enlarged Reformed church on •".. ^.1.59 the prong of a clam rake In his right Shrewsbury avenue. Rev. H. K. Post LINEN CLOTHS ^ foot and It was thought he would be of Freehold, president of the Mon- lMKmHT ns— ms laid up for some time. mouth classls, presided. 9 Charles Relnhold's horse ran away John Rellly of Tlnton Falls, aged Kg. •-> 69c 39c MMftWT with th» baker wagon at Keyport and 9 years, was struck by an automo- LADIES BELTS the entire load of bread and cake was bile and his left arm was broken, oftms lost. The car was driven by an Elizabeth • Atkins * Conk opened a livery resident. TURBANS utortad color, and .tylM| reg. f.oo stable at VanTlne's hotel, Fair Ha- The Elf, owned by William B, ven. The stable was In charge of W. Potts, won its sixth straight victory Nelson Little. of the season and the fourth for the Mrs. Mary E. Truex of Red Bank season cup contest over the RumBon WRITING PAPER 340 and Jacob Shutts of Shrewsbury were Yacht club course on the South married at Haines Falls, New York, Shrewsbury. SALE A club known as the Everett Rec- by Rev. jJmes Moore of the Metho- ; reg. 70c dist church. The groom owned a reation association was formed at the MILADY WORSTED - 6Oc fertile farm In Shrewsbury and was home of Mrs. Bernard A. Hickey at one of the most successful farmers In Everett. The principal activity of the state. tho society was to interest Itself In Women'* Summer Bagt| reg. 4.00 The marriage of Miss Carrie Burk the young people of the village. BAGS and Stephen Clayton, both of Eaton- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Blair, who are town, was a surprise to most of the living temporarily with Mrs. Blair's regular and knee length; all II'MI; Ttg. 1.00 GOOD/YEAR TIRES people of the village. The young parents at Eatontown, were arrang. couple went to Newark and spent the ing to leave for California, where Mr. day with Mr. Clayton's father and Blair was a real estate operator. were married that evening. | William Legrand Howland, son of *<» «•« «*. 2.9s 1.9s I on sal* W. J. Smythe, chairman of the Harry W. Howland of Long Branch, CHENILLE COATS Ocean township Republican executive died in a Flushing, Long Island, hos- again at committee, sent the names of F. H. pital following an operation for In- Newcomb, C. E. Dennis, A. B. Stout, testinal trouble. Mr. Howland was 42 the Standard Summer Chateau Frocks; I re;, i.98 J. F. Woolley, William Fleet, C .M. years old and a well known composer Woolley, E. S. Nesbitt, W. W. White, of music and a playwright. GOODVSMPS NCW Albert Embley, A. T. Truax, J. R. Miss Charlotte Edwards, daughter Woolley »nd Grandon Hampton to of Mrs. Annie Brasch, and Harry \jrJu%»9 v JSfiw hand crocheted, navy, blue or white; reg. 69e pr. AU-AMHNCAN fMM the county board of registry and Hosford Sutton, both of Reu Eank, election for approval and appoint- announced their engagement. No ment as Republican members of the date was set for the wedding. n b T iine roomy re Ocean township board of election offi- When Dr. William D. Sayre re- BEACH BAGS * * * •»• &«*; «- 79c cers. turned from a Moose carnival he 100-1* Frank Giblin, son of Michael Gib- found that $75 in cash, a check, an SBE lln of Red Bank, fell from the South- automobile license and several oth- BEACH COATS full or hip length; ern railroad bridge while crossing er articles were missing from his 1*29 from the Mlddletown side to Red pocket. The doctor said he must Bank. He was not injured. have been touched. US-I»or James Stcen of Eatontown, James Joseph Johnson of Navesink, fa- BATHING SUITS *«» u.t«*, 32.40; re?. 3.9s 2«79 S. Yard of Freehold and A. W. Van- miliarly known about the county as uo-nna: derveer of Long Branch were elect- "Uncle Joe," celebrated his 80th mk% jmm. wtHh m ed to the executive committee of the birthday. A dinner was tendered Mr. ltin or county to compel the religious observ- Johnson by Judge Rulif V. Lawrence P Print*; "m 12 to 18; reg. i.98 1*19 ance of Sunday. at the Monmouth hotel in Freehold| The Freeholders went before Judge Howard Johnson won an antique Beasley and asked for the appoint- Egyptian watch fob at Al Shamoun's whhe . 1. ment of commissioners to condemn bowling alleys at the Highlands for REACH CAPES 25 $8c land under water owned by Mrs. Ll- rolling the highest score of the week. gler which was needed for the Mr. Johnson's score was 253 pins In Oceanlo bridge. Judgo Beasely a single game. in all color*; size* 12 to 20; reg. l.oo 69c appointed ex-Judge Alfred Wall- Kenneth Schlentz, son of Charles SHORTS Ing, Jr., of Keyport, Joseph A. Schlents of Eatontown. was bitten Holmes of Holmdel and Isaac C. Ken- on the chin by a dog owned by Mat- COOOWGMra FAMOUS nedy of Asbury Park. They were to thew Stothart. The wound was cau- PLAY SUITS 2-piece, wnall prints, 12-46; reg. 1.98 1*39 EASY-PAY TERMS ake testimony and report to Judge terized by Dr. J. C. Rush. Fensley as to the amount of dam- MARATHON USe YOUR CREDIT ages to Mrs. Ligier's property. Mrs. Ligier decided to takr> no further ac- The world is full of odd and curi- BATHING SUITS Ballerinas and UUe^ reg. 2.98 2*29 »»Y 2 tion to prevent the building of the ous people, so that there may be TIRE •« Y 4 draw on her property until after the those who have not used the want 1 ftOM'T MISS TH report of tho commission. columns of The Register. Our want AT ads have brought business and hap- 36-inch all-over; very good quality; reg. 1.00 yd. Twenty-Five Yean Ago. piness to many. Why not try The MCn ASOUT TME Farmers and their families from all Register's want column without de- parts of Monmouth county met on lay?—Advertisement. MEAT MARATHON James C, Hendrickson's farm, near Mlddletown, where an agricultural * MARATHON THUS field meeting was held.' Farmers and - QUICKIES - b«iM br Goodyear to out- their families had a delightful day of sociability and gained much infor- SMALL LOTS PRICED BELOW WHOLESALE COST FOR QUICK DISPOSAL mation on successful farming. «tar.i, and oth.r tin,. la Joseph Stavola ft Company opened 20 All Wool Bathing Suiti, reg. 1,98 99c 106 Yds. Remnants, Rayon, Silks, oth- Jt» price clem. 475-lSsr macaroni factors' in two buildings ers yd. 29c 5if.ll SIZE on Shrewsbury avenue owned by 5 Cretonne Beach Capes, reg. 1.50 69c 6Sat • *A*ATHON TIIKS Louis Lipuck. 28 Curtains, one, two prs of a kind, reg. 6.00-16 HJ The Red Bank Awning Works was 30 Pairs Beach Strollers, teg. 1.00 59c 1.00 pr. 49c 5.2S-17 or 5.50-17 bought by Martin V. B. Smock. The firm had heaquarters on White street. 15 Summer Corsets, Girdle* 69c 52 Tapestry, Velour, Brocatel Square*, 6.25-M or 640-16 UA» R. V. R. H. Stout, George Hen- 5.25-18 or 3.50-W 8.15 drickson, Jamea H. lliibbard and 50 Pr«. Filet Gloves, blk., navy, white, reg. 59c ea. 25c Cash prim with yow oW Ik* Clark Holbrook went on an afternoon reg. 29c pr. 12V2c OTHER SIZES fishing trip to the shores of Deal lake. 50 Yds. Woolens, 54-in Skirt or Dress- PRICED IN PROPORTION Mr. Stout landed a striped bass 18 Sharkskin Toppers and Skirts, reg. es, reg. to 1.98 yd. 69c weighing 19 pounds. The fish was 1.98 99c While ild.wo«i illgMy higher put on exhibition at the Oxford mar- 18 50x50 Rayon Table Cloths, blue, ket and was later cut up and distrib- 10 Culottes, Shantung or Linene, reg. Every Goodytar Tin carries a written uted to friends. reg. 49c ea. 25e An Indian motorcycle was bought l.oo 69c by Andrew Freedman from Louis J. GIRLS 42 Living Room Pillows, Rayon, Tap- LIFETIME GUARANTEE Tetley at a cost of $1CO and was pre- 6 Percale Print Housecoats, reg. 1.9S 69c estry, reg. 1.00 ea. 69c They make good mr IV* do sented to the borough of Red Bank PREFER for use in tho police department. 30 Knitted Sport Shirts, reg. 1.00 49c 6 Chenille Fine Bedspreads, reg. to LOW «MI, ',,H»CH¥HUE ClilTord F. Ivins of Riverside ave- nue scored success as a playwright. CREAM-TOP 18 Hopsacking Sport Coats, leg. l.DO 49c 6.98 2.98 Hi> sold five of his manuscript* to New York theatrical men. MILK 5 SunSuits, fast color Prints, reg. 1,25 69c 6 Bath Rugs, oval, oblong, reg. l.nn 69c A hound pup owned by Mrs. Lewis because they can be oer- 3. Thompson of Brookdale lost one taln of Ita purity. Milk, 5 Fitted Overnight Bags, reg. 3.00 2.2S 200 Yds. Drapery Fringes, Edgings, FRANK VAN SYCKLE of Its eyes In a fight. Dr. Robert they know, Is a hmlUi reg. to 25c _yd. Se Dlxon of Fair Haven removed both drink—and health moans 3 White Celolace Bags, reg72.95 1.98 151;153 West Front St. Open Saturday Nights Red Bank the dog's eyes and replaced them. 200 Yds. Fine Printed Percale, reg. 18c The operation was a most unuaual PURITAN 38 Pairs Matching Sash Curtains, g, one and attracted much attention pr. ISc yd. 12Vio PHONE 1296 QUICK ROAD SERVICE from veterinarians. The dog regained MILK COMPANY ts sight In both eyes a few weeks Phone Red Bank 82 Yds. Remnants Wash Goods, oth- 24 Balls O. N. T. Crochet Cotton, reg. atcr. ers yd. 10c 2oc ball Se Karl LaBella and George Kirby were arranging a hair cutting and r

Pa?e Ten RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940'. >•>••••••>>•>»••>*>•>*• Food, of course, must be well Food To Make A SIDNEY SNOW Will be seasoned to be worthy of Hot Off the Griddle | Glad to Answer Any By Questions on Food Three Meals A Day ifs piquancy Healthy Man Happy ESTHER DONLAN Copyright BT SIDNEY SNOW, IMS Edited by WILMA E. OEITTE One ean give t man on » diet* Golf socks shrink so easily that broiled Ismb chops snd steaks and W)iite vegetables darken when It la almost desirable to dry them set away with it—but if the man U cooked too long. Cabbage, cauli- Dining Abroad upon wooden forms, which can be healthy and not on a diet there flower, white, onions, and turnips Just A Few Of The Many bought for this purpose. If such Is nothing they like briber than a may bo well cooked and yet not forms are not available, hang with healthy slice of stuffed meal with dai'kjcn. These vegetables, and also At Home foot end up so that the excess a good brown gravy, like this: Brussels sprouts, develop strong Sundaes Heads Popularity water will not settle in this end flavors when cooked too long. Uses For Red Ripe Cherries TORTINO DI POMPODORI and stiffen and shrink II. MOCK ROAST DUCK 2 small pieces rump steak, or a 4 tahlespoons butter Canned foods are often more ex- flank sleak In statist »very fruit stand and The seasonings used by the Ita pensive than those freshly pre- 1 teaspoon salt market one is seeing great boxes •s cup sugar Ian people in the preparation ol List On Warm Days pared, but certain ones, particular- U teaspoon pepper of those lovely, luscious red chci- l!i cups pitted snd drained red their foods are ones that are very ly canned fruits nnd vegetables, \\ teaspoon ginger rUi. Cherries that are just brg- cherries popular with tJie people of thli are such a work and time saver, 3 tablespoons fat drippings rtng to be purchased and prepared Sift flour once, measure, add country—particularly such season' needing only to bo heated and 1 cup bread crumbs fnto Jome tasty dish, or chilled and ings as used in the spaghetti sauces, baking powder, salt and sugar, and etc. seasoned, as to be allowable occas- 1 tableapoon grated onion eaten as are. sift together three times. Ad( ionally. Not much time or skill, 1 lesapoon chopped parsley One would probably b« npt to butter, Combine egg, milk This particular recipe given be- however, is saved In using ready- 1 slice chopped boiled ham vanilla. Add to flour mixture, fftlr. low is 7, dish of tomatoes and eggs mixed doughs, and they am as ex- doubt all the nice things that can and is as taBty and tempting as can 1 pint boiling water be done with cherries, but s help ring until all flour is dampened, pensive as a llko quantity of then beat vigorously one minute. be imagined— baker's wares. Have the meat cut about 1 Inch HOW FAR WILL me It's the truth-there are all Melt 4 tablespoons butter In a thick snd see that it has no scams, aorta of Jams and Jam combinations S.t8x2-inch pan or an 8-Inch skille TORTINO DI POMPODORI openings or muscle tissues running —and Jellies—and conserves—pud- over low flame; add sugar and cook VA pounds rips tomatoes If a maid sleeps in the house, through It. Beaton with salt, pep- DOLLAR GO? dings, cobblers and cakes—and as and stir until thoroughly mixed 3 to 4 eggs she should have comfortable quar- per and ginger. a few examples— On this arrange cherries. Tun 1 clove garlic ters in which her privacy is re- Heat the fat In a frying pan, batter out on contents of pan spected. She should maintain the SWEET CHERRY JAM Parsley same cleanliness in her room aa in dd bread crumbs and the rest 8% cups (1% lbs) prepared fruit Bake in a moderate oven (350 F.) Mint or marjoram of the ingredients and brown 50 minutes, or until done. Loosen 3 or 4 tablespoons good olive oil the rest of tho house. slightly. Spread evenly over the 4 cups (Hi lbs.) sugar cake from sides of pan with spat Grated Parmesan cheese steak and sew the edges together 1 box powdered fruit pectin ula. Turn upside down on disl Salt and pepper Cast aluminum cannot be dented, with coarse thread. Place the 'duck" To prepare fruit, pit about 2 _ with cherries on top. Garnish with .ta thickness helps it to hold heat in the frying pan or iron kettle with whipped cream, If desired. Chop the tomatoes and put them and makes It useful for slow cook- a little fat Sprinkle well with nounda fully ripe cherries, crush in a pan with the oil, garlic and ing. Poorer grades discolor and flour, let brown, add 1 pint boiling thoroughly or grind. If a stronger SWEET CHERRY CONSERVE parsley. Season with salt and pep- pit. water, cover closely and let, simmer cherry flavor is desired add a few per to taste and simmer until the Stamped aluminum is of medium several Hours or until tender. Re- crushed cherry-pit meats to fruit 4 cups (2 lbs.) prepared fruit tomatoes are reduced to a pulp. Grated lemon rind weight, less expensive than cast, move strlnga, place In hot oven, during cooking. Then rub through a sieve and add and as satisfactory for most uses. basting often, let brown nicely and Measure sugar Into dry dish ana Vi cup lemon juice the eggs, beaten as for an omelet MOULL F.A/D THE — 8 cupi (3 lbs.) sugar Too light weight dents easily, serve not In the gravy. set aside until needed. Measure and the grated Parmesan cheese burns through, and is hard to fllMSWJGR W OUR STORE prepared fruit into a S-or 6-quart % lb. chopped seeded raisins When the eggs are set, remove from 1 cup finely chopped nut meat* clean. Very thin grades are use- kettle, filling up last cup or frac- the fire and put on a hot dish with ful for articles not subject to heat. Huckleberry MunSni 25c dot tion of cup with water if necessary. 1 bottle fruit pectin a sprinkling of either chopped mint All souffles must hnvn the rnK's Tho advantage of aluminum— It. well beaten and folded into the Place over hottest fire. Add To prepare fruit, pit about 214 or marjoram. s light (n weight, never rusts, and So«ir Bum 20c doi nowdered fruit pectin, mix well, pounds fully ripe sweet cherries. mixture at tho last minute. They is a good conductor of heal. Its may be prepared ahead of time up ind continue stirring until mixture Crush thoroughly or grind. Add disadvantages—it is easily stained Orange Layer Cake 31c each comes to a hard boil. At once M cup water, bring to a boil, cover A GOOD PEACH—THE by alkalis in fruits and vegetables to ,the point of adding the. beaten All baking done ON th* oour In sugar, stirring constantly. and simmer 15 minutes. (For and by boiling water. egg whites. They muat be cooked (To reduce foaming, '.i teaspoon stronger cherry flavor, add ',i tea- APPLE OF A MAN'S EYE nlnwly In a moderate over with the premise* butter may be added.) Continue spoon almond extract before pour- baking pan set In a pan of boiling ing.) Grate rind and squeeze juice When making boiled coffee—use water. stirring, bring to a full rolling medium-fine ground coffee. Put boil, and boil hard 1 minute Re- from 2 medium lemons. Even when cheap, fresh peaches Measure sugar and prepared fruit are a treat to use in our cooking. heaping tablespoon coffee to each move from lire, skim, pour quickly. cup of boiling water, with 1 extra Vegetable soups are too often Mokler's Bakery Paraffla hot jam at once. Makes solidly packed, into large kettle They have such a flavor and always quite watery. The use of plenty of filling up last cup with water if give the impression of eating lux- spoonful for the pot, I'iaco coffee vegetables and not too much water 49 Broad St., Red Bank, about 7 glasses (6 fluid ounces urious foods. Sliced for breakfast rOU CAN plan a "month of Sundays" that will go like the wind even and boiling water in pot over flame. •son). necessary. Add lemon rind and If you aro the chief cook. For ico cream served Sundae fashion avoids this fault. If the soup on I'HONK Stilfl. Juice, raisins and nut meats, mix r in a shortcake they are superb Allow to come to a boil and boll CHERRY UP-SIDE DOWN CAKE marka red letter days on the menu calendar. to 5 minutes. To clear the completion seema weak, It may bo well, and bring to a full rolling but in dumplings they are the apple Improved by the addition of a boui- of many a man's eye, and the core This magic treat needn't faze the most budget-minded housekeeper. grounds, pour Into pot when boiled 1% cups lifted cake flour boil over hottest fire. Stir con- llon cube or two. stantly before and while boiling. of his heart. Six generous servings of satin-smooth ice cream, with never a trace of !i cup cold water to each 6 cups Hi teaspoons double acting baking Boil hard for 5 minutes. Remove of made coffee. Keep hot on stove powder PEACH DUMPLINGS »n ice crystal, can be made by failure-proof recipes from one cup of until served, but do not boil longer from flro and stir in bottle fruit cream and % cup of sweetened condensed milk. This creamy triumph U teaspoon salt pectin. Then stir and skim by Vi cup milk than the time allowed. A piece of needs only one stirring while freezing, so it's an easy treat, too. And, :lean eggshell in the pot may also ''•» UDlespooni softened butter or urns just 5 minutes to cool slightly, 6 large, soft peaches to prevent floating fruit. Pour Butter the size of an egg with the help of the refrigerator, it can be made beforehand, so that you 30 used to clear tho grounds. An shortening quickly. Paraffin hot conserve at •nameled pot is the easiest to keep 1 cup flour will have time for a late afternoon rest or beauty treatment, or for a •lean. If an aluminum pot is used, 1 ogg. well beaten once. Makes about 12 g!as=eg of 3 level teaspoons baking powder few sets of tennis. Serve it with fresh fruit or a sweet sauce, a magically Ri cup milk 6 fluid ounces each. a it should be well scoured after each 1 teaspoon vanilla ^^ ,3 teaspoon salt xetmy triumph that everybody will enjoy. use, dried well and left open to air. Sift together the dry Ingredients; Send Vour with the fingers mix in thoroughly VANILLA ICE CREAM a piece of butter and add the milk. To coddle eggs—when the water Roll out and cut In pieces to cover (Automatic Refrigerator Method) a boiling put in tho eggs. Cover Entertain A Group fruit. Have dough just moist enough ind remove from the flrc. Let the H cup sweetened condensed J'i lousponnn vanilla iggs stand 7 minutes, after which o be able to handle it. milk 1 cup whipping cream Make a sauce of 1 cup sugar; ime they will bo cooked but very Vt cup water iOft. Summer Clothes mtter the size of a large egg; 2 In Limited Quarters ups water. Boil, and while boiling, Mix sweetened condensed milk, water and vanilla. Chill. Whip [rop in dumplings. Then place in To knead dough with the hands, J eream to custard-like consistency and fold into chilled mixture. Freeio Now days when servants are i teaspoon salt iven about Va hour, or longer, If the dough is turned out. onto a For Vi teaspoon pepper lecessary. Serve hot with cream. In freezing unit of refrigerator until half frozen. Scrape from freezing floured board and worked quickly scale* and dining rooms are email, until Its is smooth and clastic. Hold the problem of entertaining a large V4 pound boiled ham, ground t is also good cold. tray. Beat until smooth but not melted. Replace in freezing tray unit Vi cup sweet pickle, chopped mtil frozen. Serves 6. the fingers of the hand together, group of friends is settled in the press dough firmly with fingers buffet style. Here we give merit 1 tablespoon scraped onion 1 tablespoon vinegar Irst, then with the palm of hands to another great Inventor whoever CUCUMBER CATSUP MAGIC CHOCOLATE SAUCE In regular motion. The fingers Sanitone Cleaning 1 tablespoon mayonnaise h« or she may be, for it is truly a draw the dough into a bunch, and delightful way to entertain as well Place water In top of double AND CHILI SAUCE 1 squares unsweetened cups (1 can) sweetened palms of the Winds flatten it out aa a great problem saver. boiler; add dry ingredients, bring chocolate condensed milk again. Usually, when the doush The menu for a buffet supper to brisk boll, stirring constantly. % teaspoon salt to 1 cup hot water is turned from the bowl with tho And need not be elaborate and can con- Place over rapidly boiling water, The making of meat loaf and amount of flour the rcclpo calls sist of something so simple as a cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. any cold meats often lies in the Melt chocolate in top of double boiler. Add sweetened condensed for, it la not sticky, but as soft salad and assorted sandwiches, plus Add other ingredients. Cool. Mix- atsup or chill sauce accompanying milk and stir over rapidly boiling water 5 minutes until mixture thick- is can be conveniently handled. ture thickens as it cools. Makes two t. The fact that chili sauce or a, dessert. A salad such aa this: !atsup is home made, makes It ens. Remove from heat. Add salt and hot water, amount depending on [t becomes softened In the knead- DREAM SALAD cups filling. the consistency desired. Serve with ice cream. May be kepi in refriger- ing process and more flour will lust that much better. Here arc have to be worked Into it to keep Ivory Laundering 1 package lime flavored gelatin :wo recipes that the housewife will ator for future use. Makes 2 to 2'A cups. it from sticking to the board. 1 cup warm water BLUEBERRY TOAST mjoy having among her collection >f home-made goods: For bread and rolls, the dough 1 cup grated cucumber „ worked until it Is very elastic 1 tablespoon vinegar Using either the fresh or frozen Cucumber Catsup—is made by WATERMELON RIND A GRAND DISH ind smooth. For coffee caRes work 1 teaspoon scraped onion blueberries—try this dessert for your grating on a bread grater % as in as little flour as is possible to TEL. $800 dash of cayenne family some time soon. many onions as large cucumbers, MAKES DELICIOUS OF CHICKEN LIVERS keep it from sticking. Knead from 3f teaspoon salt drain off some of the cucumber 5 to 10 minutes,. Raised doughs Dissolve gelatin in warm water. BLUEBERRY TOAST uice, but none of the onion. To PRESERVES AND PICKLE PURCHASED IN BULK l>ake at 375 to 425 degrees. With Add remaining ingredients. Force ivery quart of cucumber and onion 1 quart blueberries uice add l'/i pints strong vinegar. electricity—use same time and through sieve. Turn into ring mold. 1 cup sugar Eating the juicy red centers out Many men like chicken mainly emperature and place dough In Chill until firm and fill center of 1 ?o each gallon of juice (cucumber, if watermelons is by far not the because this little bird has such a jlther a heated or a cold oven. ring with the following: ,4 teaspoon salt nlon and vinegar) put 1 cup brown % teaspoon lemon juice ugar, 2 tablespoons salt, 2 table- nd of the watermelon—not if one fine, tasty liver. It's only too bad GREEN VEGETABLE SALAD French toast il stop and take into considera- that the liver la so small and can't Combine cooked string beans and poons mustard and 3 tablespoons on the fact that the rind can go be divided like a cake, but one need Ine crusts of bread cut from LEOft'S new peas, diced cucumber and Put 1 quart of carefully picked- ilack pepper. Put in bottle and Into the making of many fine things not worry about that because If sandwiches may be utilized in minced onion. Marinate and serve over and washed blueberries to boil iork tightly. that will grace the table this com- there is a poultry market near you, making croutons for soups. Cut with Trench dressing. with the sugar, lemon juice and salt. Chill Sauce—is made by paring 12 ng winter—it can well be pickled there will always be days when rusts into small squares and The sandwiches accompanying this Cook for 10 minutes, and pour into large tomatoes and chop fine, 2 large nd preserved and there probably there will be chicken livers for sale irown In a frying pan with a little RUG SHAMPOOING salad can be many. Snappy civ.eese a baking dish. Arrange sufficient jnlons chopped fine, 4 medium sized n't a woman who doesn't have a by the pound and on these days the luttcr. Let cool and keep In sandwiches, assorted butter sand- slices of French toast to form a ;reen peppers. Cut. vegetables sep- slghbor who won't save her a rind housewife can serve them in many entilated jar until needed. They wiches and an unusual minced ham layer over the blueberries. Sprinkle arately and stir all together-and add r two—then she in turn can do different ways. There is always the will keep a week or two. sandwich like this: with powdered sugar and a light as follows: h« same for that neighbor. omelet, or just plain sauteed livers, grating of nutmeg, and brown in a or better yet a Plain toast Is best made with 70 - 76 White St., Red Bank, N. J. MINCED HAM SANDWICH quick oven. Serve hot with either 2 tablespoons salt, 2 tablespoons SWEET PICKLED bread a day old If a hard toast Is your favorite hard sauce or whip- mgar, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, 3 CHICKEN LIVER RING 1 cup boiling water .eacups vinegar. WATERMELON desired. Use fresh bread for a 3 tablespoons tapioca ped cream. 12 chicken livers 10ft toast. Cut into slices about Boil one and one-half hours, stlr- 7 pounds watermelon rind Vi-lnch thick. Brown slowly on ng well, and bottle as catsup. 5 rounds sugar, white and light 1 teaspoon butter brown mixed U teaspoon chopped onion both sides on top of stove, or In aesEssasssaca The Ethel Mount Mozar School of Dancing 2 lemons, sliced 5 eggs oven, or In an electric toaster at 1 teaspoon lump alum Vi teaspoon salt the table. Spread with melted buU Studio, 117 Prospect Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. DEVILED CRAB IN SHELLS 1 quart vinegar Speck of white pepper Ler and serve hot. PHONE RED BANK 3210 1 pint water 1 teaspoon chopped parsley Just as This Baby Those cute little baking shells tbat t sticks cinnamon 1 tablespoon bread crumbs One of the quickest ways to find a Flay School re-opens September 3rd. Please register aa soon as possible. so many stores sell come in very 1 tablespoon cloves ob Is to advertise In The UOBIB- handy every now and then when a Chop the raw livers and rub them er'a Want Department—Advertise- All Type* of Dancing for Adults and Children—Beginners or Advanced Pare rind, cut into strlp3. Boll through a sieve. Place them in a nice little sea food dish ig In order. ntll tender and clear in water with pan and add the butter and onion, Brightens the "Ad". . They certainly do add to the spirit teaspoon salt and alum. Drain. cook for five minutes and remove of the occasion and make such an Chill In Ice cold water, dry on cloth. from the stove to cool, add the attractive appearance. Boil sugar, vinegar and water to a seasoning, 5 egg yolks, bread crumbs ENJOY Deviled crab is just one of the ight syrup, add spices, melon rind; and mix. Beat the whites to a stiff many things that can be baked in boll until clear. Remove spices, froth and add to the mixture. Grease Cooling Sea Broosos Menu Of The Week these fine little shells (they also !»ur Into jars, seal. Let »land four the ring mold and sprinkle with make grand holders for a little dirt, eeks before using. bread crumbs, pour in the liver ON YOUR TRIP moss and a flat plant but then, that mixture and bake in a pan half MONDAY isn't our line). To get back to the WATERMELON RIND filled with water for one-half hour. food problem, to make deviled, crab, to NEW YORK Breakfast—Sliced bananas with ready to eat cereal and cream, bacon PRESERVES Serve hot with sauteed mushroomi pick over 1 pound of crab meat, or creamed mushrooms. and eggs, chilled apple sauce, raisin toast, coffee or cocoa. Lunch—Pine- Scald 1 cup of milk; blending mean- Peel the rind of a watermelon apple juice with avocado balls, salmon loaf, fried baked potatoes, aspar- while two tablespoons melted butter hat is not too ripe, cut or chop into agus tip salad, home made ice cream, iced tea or coffee. Dinner—Cream and two tablespoons flour. Pour j-lnch cubes or strips, leaving as of mushroom soup, assorted salad plate, hot parkerhouse rolls, sliced milk over gradually, stirring cons- much of the firm, red pulp on the COMMON SALAD GONE tantly to prevent lumping. Add rind as possible. To 4 cups of diced baked ham, Creole layer cake, coffee. salt, mustard, lemon juice, Worces- or sliced melon, take 3 cups of "SNOOTY" tershire sauce and cayenne pepper. sugar, 3 lemons, (or 2 oranges and TUESDAY Pour this sauce over the crab meat, 1 lemon), sliced fine and seeded. It may be common, in fact nearly and mix thoroughly. Half flll shells, Let boll slowly about 2 hours until Breakfast—Siloed peaches and cream, ready to eat cereal, boiled eggs, the rind Is clear and the juice Is every one might know how to make hot corn muffins, coffee or cocoa. Lunch—Chicken soup, creamed chipped cover with grated bread crumbs and it and have it once a week but it's dot with butter. Bake for 15 min- thick. Place in airtight jars. Or, still good and for those who have beef on pineapple, tomato aspic, brown betty, iced tea or milk. Dinner— utes and serve piping hot. add 1 cup grated pineapple and cook VMS. I. I»H»Y HOOT «0UH 15 minutes longer. never made It here it Is: Jellied consomme, broiled lamb chops, mashed potatoes, sliced egg plant, This is the delightful, Jea-hreeJr »•? peach and peanut buiLti salad, huckleberry pic, coffee. MACARONI SALAD lo New York for your mil to the World's Fair. Go by connecting tralnt To make Julienne potatoes, cut 1 package elbow macaroni or motor coaches, or dri»e your car to WEDNESDAY the potatoes Into long thin thread- SAUCES FOR LEFTOVER 1 cup celery, diced Adanlic Highlands Pier. Board the S.S. Breakfast—Tomato juice, steamer! rice with butter, sugar and cinna- like strips and fry like French fried •5i cup cabbage, shredded Sandy Hook and enioy a slnnotn potatoes. They take only 4 to 5 MEAT 1 tablespoon minced parsley Jllbtseeing sail to New York and mon, scrambled eggs, coffee cake, coffee or cocoa. Lunch—Broiled grape- minutes to brown. . 1 tablespoon lemon juice return. Fret Parkins right on the Pier. fruit, frozen fruit salad, minced ham sandwiches, frosted cup calces, tea The first slice of cold, left over *A teaspoon salt _ M •» Leave Atlantic Hiaih- or milk. Dinner—Boiled tongue and spinach, hoiled potatoes, field salad, 195 lands Pier WEEK- meat is fine, but the second piece U teaspoon paprika $ I — •* DAYS: 6:05. 10:00 mustard pickles, Roquefort cheese and crackers, coffee or beer. ' usually needs a little sauce. Now 1 cup mayonnaise | * A.M., 2:05. 6:00, 9::0 too great a quantity of condiments 1 head lettuce P.M. SUNDAYS AND THURSDAY isn't very healthy, and a number Radieh roses I0UND TUP HOLIDAYS: 10:00 of little left overs in the house may l-DAYUMIT A.M.,4;»)«c8.35r.M. Breakfast—Sliced pineapple, ready to cat cereal, ham and eggs, but- Washers be used to take their place, adding Boll the elbow macaroni for 9 tered toast, coffee or cocoa. Lunch—Vegetable soup, creamed sweetbreads zest to the meat, and arc economical minutes in 4 quarts rapidly bollins; SPECIAL ONE-DAY EXCURSIONS water to which 1 tablespoon of salt fromAtlinticHisMjnd.navyitwA.e^ in patty shells, buttered peas, caramel pudding, tea or milk. Dinner— and more wholesome. Hiltom. Water Witch, Highlands Chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, French fried onions, artichoke salad, Repaired has been added. Drain and chill. GRATED CUCUMBER SAUCE Combine the elbow macaroni, celery, Highland Beach, Naiesink Beach. cantaloupe a la mode, coffee or beer. cabbage, parsley, lemon juice, salt Norrnandic, Sea Bright, Leonardo, Grate three or four large cucum- Belford, Port Monmouth. keansburg. and paprika. Add the mayonnaise Union Beach. FRIDAY Exchanged bers; drain them on a sieve; to this dressing, chilled. Toss together with •an Attractive Yard Can drained pulp add "• teaspoon salt, a i fork and servo on crisp lettuce EVERY DAY '1.25 Round Trip Breakfast—Honey dew melon, hot wheat cereal, jelly omelet, almond dash of red pepper, a teaspoon of eaves. Garnish with radish roses •««4 ••!(!• «n4 returning aama dmi, ring, coffee or cocoa. Lunch—Cream of asparagus soup, noodle-tuna onion juice, a tablespoon of lemon and quartered lemons. casserole, melba toast, fruit compote, cookies, tea, milk. Dinner—Clam Juice, and then stir in carefully two TWILIGHT DINNER SAIL Brighten Y^ur Home broth, broiled mackerel, parsley potatoes, smothered carrots, cheese bis- or three tablespoons of very thick Daily except Sundays and Holidays cuits, peach shortcakes, coffee or tea. cream; if you can whip the cream a little first, so much the better. CREAMED SPINACH $1.00 Round Trip SATURDAY CREAM HORSERADISH SAUCE: >i peck spinach Lv. Atlantic HlahUnd. Tier Water is life to grass and Breakfast—Stewed prunes, fried mush, maple syrup, broiled bacon, Press from the vinegar four table- H teaspoon Fait 6:00 r. M. spoons of horseradish, add a quarter coffee or cocoa. Lunch—Chilled grapefruit with mint Ice, grilled kidneys Dash of pepper Delkioui Dinner, B5c - $1.50 on toaat, sliced tomatoes, dressed lettuce, apple dumplings, tea or milk. of a teaspoon of salt, and work in H teaspoon nutmcp flowers. To freshen your yard Dinner—Broiled stuffed veal cutlets, buttered noodles, fried pineapple, the yolk of an egg. Whip six table- 1 tablespoon butter SpeciMl Ltnt r*reifor Groutii spoons of rream to a stiff froth, stir 2 teaspoons flour aive it a good soaking today I mushrooms, cucumber ealad, lemon chiffon pic, coffee. in gradually Into the horseradish MOONLIGHT SAIL and dish at once. Pick over and wash spinach thor- Pailr eicept S'jndsys and Holidatt SUNDAY oughly. Add salt and cook until 11.00 round trip from Atlantic High* CHOPPED CELERY SAUCE: tender. Do not add water. Chop lands Pier—Leaies 9:20 P.M. Brcnkfimt—Baked apples with cream, scrambled eggs, chicken livers the spinach very fine. Melt the but- i and bacon en brocliettc, raisin-nut toast, coffee or cocoa. Dinner—Crab Chop fine sufllcient celery to make ter In a pan, odd the flour and stir iAITHN ITANDAUD TIME SHOWN a half pint; season it with a quar- constantly until mixture thickens. Add 1 hour In Daylight Tlma meat cocktail, crown roast of lamb with stufllng, browned potatoes, corn ter of a teaspoon of salt, n tea- on the cob, asparagus hollnndalsc, stuffed olives, celery and mixed pickles, Tasting's Combine with the chopped spinach, ddiliontl tnlormathn Monmouth Consolidated Water Company spoon onion juice, a dash of popper. add the pepper and nutmeg and crmull licit mtnli angel food cake with home made peach Ice cream, coffee. Supper- Rub a spoon with garlic, mix thor- serve. Shrimp Nowhcrg, cole Blaw, nssortcd enkesj, coffee or tea. 16 Monmouth St.. Red Bank oughly, atlr into it the yolk of an J. O. HERB, Manager egg that has been beaten light with Sidney Snow will lie pleased (o supply iin.y of these recipes. Phone R. B. 39 two tablespoons nf rrcam: add a A pinch nf cir;im of tartar in S.S. SANDY HOOK few drops of lemon juice or tarra- boiled icings keeps them from Jut mite cue nl thU g£B U d OHMTU IT msiT tAUlOa( RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940, Page Eleven dent fatalities during the first six Eighth Annual National Guard's months of 1940 over the correspond- HOSPITALIZATION ing period of 1939 broke a steady 28-month downward trend, motor Hospital Ball Is Summer Maneuvers vehicle commissioner Magcp report- 3c per day ed. The fatalities rose 19, from 347 INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS Well Attended About 7,200 to to 366. W. C. Wfart^-All Kinds of Insurance 41 Broad St. Phone 224(1 Itad Bank Have Annual Training Hundreds of New Jersey officials, Doctors and Nurtei in employees and citizens, headed by Charge of Event Held Trenton, (AP)-New Jersey Nat- Governor Moore, attended New Jer- ional Guard units made final prepar- sey Day (Tuesday) at the Now York 9-.W Cream shortening and su^ar; add World's fair. Moore, pi aiding ihe At your groctr's Giant-Cultivated — with at Molly Pitcher Hotel beaten tggs, nuts, sieved bananas, ations this week for their summer maneuvers upstate New York. All co-operative spirit between New an infinitely finer flavor » and flour and soda sifted together, York and New Jersey, told lunch- flake in ovfn 45 . 50 minutes ill a but 1,400 of the states approximately a Tlie doctors and nursta of the lUff ELIZA 7,200 guardsmen will leave next eon meeting "I hope and pray that well-oiled loaf pan, temperature theee friendly relations wil] continue of Rlvarvitw hoiplUl hald tbeir M. 350" K. week-end for their annual training. eighth annual charity ball Saturday The 1,400 already have had theirs. in the future." The governor ofllclal- STEPHENSON ly opened a new commercial radio New Jersey Blueberry Cooperative Association night at the Molly Pitcher hot). Dr. Orange Bread Most of the New Jerney Guard is MftFMttT Ho»i Servk* network in New Jersey, lie. was In cooperation with R. Browning Wllaon, chief of ataff, K cup grated orange peels included in the 44th Division, slated TENMNG Dim** (about 3 orange peels) to be one of the first divisions to be given the Goodrich Award for dis- wai honorary chairman and Dr. 1 cup sugar called out under the proposed pro- tinguished public service. j New Jeriey Council and New Jeriey Ham Cawnui. Mk you ham •• •• MOTOR- m«r, Mr. and Mra. J. L. Poaraall, Mr. and milk alternately. Mix in cook- regiment. aqusda. I Battersby Radio Service no longer mops her brow for ed orange peel and pour into oiled STOKOR and Mra. Harry Walker, Mr. and Governor Moure reasaun-d the 206 BRANCH AVE. FHONE B. B. UN Mra. Frank Huda, Mr. and Mra. Ken- the insulation of the new ranges bread pan. Bake, m slow oven, tem- perature 325° F., about 1 hour. st&te it now had and alwayB would MERRITT Machine Shop neth A, Brower, Mr. and Mra. Charlea keeps the heat in the oven where have sufficient troopa to defend it H Machanlo St., Ited Bunk, K. * Schwer, Mr. and Mn. William Adami, it belongs. Buttermilk Bread from any attack from without or Mr. and Mrs. William Ward, Mr. and 4 cups flour within. Mn. ]{. F. Cook, Mr. and Mn. Fred The range ovens of today are so fast and dependable that it is really Vi teaspoon salt At Fort Dix In Burlington county, SUPER A. Ellison, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mc- fun to bake hot breads to KO with 2 teaspoons sugar Clcej, Mr. and Mra. K. L. Hlndle, Mr. he said, there always would be a per- your popular immnrr salad plate. 1 teaspoon soda manent concentration of between and Mrs. Lawrence A. Carton, Jr. Kspecially good also, is a light 2 teaspoons cream M tartar Mr. and Mra. Clancey Boynton, Dr. lunch of jellied bouillon served with 1 egg, beaten 8,000 and 10,000 regular Army men, MARKETS MMfl and Mrs. Joseph J. Hawkins, Mr. and hot bread and plenty of butter. ]'A cups buttermilk National Guardsmen, Citizen's Mili- tary Training Camp enrollees and Mra. George Worthley, Jr., Mr. and (If sour milk is used add 4 table- •WNI6 AND OFHATIO IY WILKINSON, «ADQII * CO, A NIW JIRIIY IMtTITUTIOM MNCI 1M4 Two kinds of bread may be baked other troops, in addition, he said, Mra. John Hawklm, Mr. and Mrs. at once to save time and money. spoons shortening.) Jay P. Wlckham, Dr. and Mrs. Anson You will discover that both the there would be sufficient Home Sift the dry ingredients; add the Guards to replace any National O. Hoyt, Mr. and Mra. Harold Ward, Hanana Bread and the Orange rest and mix thoroughly. Ward, Mr. and Mn. William B. I.ip- Guard units that might possibly be SITTING ON TOP OF THE WORLD! Dread given brlow are exceptionally Spread into a well-oiled low sided plncott, Mr. and Mra. A. L. Mlckel- nice to hare for the picnic basket called out of the statp. son, Mr. and Mrs. Dahl, Mr. and Mrs. pan and bake in a moderate oven, Senate President Arthur V. Foran or for the afternoon and evening temperjtare 375" F., time 30 to 35 HIS WIFE ALWAYS SERVES IDEAL TENDERAY BEEF Frank Sherry, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold snark. minutes. (R-Hunterdon) said that when the Zellner, Mr. tind Mrs. Herbert Scott, Banana Bread legislature reconvened November 12, After eating delicioutly tender betf, any man fcsls topi. Triert'i Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Mount, Jr., Mr. This bread sbouki be broken, not he would ask for legislation protect- 'A cup vegetable shortening or cut, and served hot. only orw way to b* iur« of always wrvlng tsndtr b«ef - - - S«rv* and Mra. H. L. Scott, Dr. and Mrs. butter ing the jobs of workers in intra-«tate Idtal Tenderay Beef—on ial« only In your Big Chitf and Mutual Samuel Hausman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1 cup sugar H yo* have any questions to ask Industry In the event a national com- Thompson. 2 eRKS, beate« afcoat these or other recipes, write pulsory military service law were Marked. Civ* your family a treat today—&• surt It's Ideal Mrs. Gene Goode, Mrs. Julia !4 cup nuts enacted. Ho said he was studying Tendtray! 3 bananas, sieved or catl Mrs. Stephenson, Jersey the best methods of making it man- Throckmorton, Mlnses Marjorle Central Test Kitchen, AHenhnrst, Messier, Edna Walters, June Warner, 2 cups all-purpose (lour datory for employers to rehire the Gurantctd Tender — Or Your Money Back! Barbara Sayre, Margaret Hunt, Peg- 1 teaspoon soda N.J. workers at the end of their military gy Riddle ,Jean Sschmldt, Eleanor duties. Jonsa, Eve HolU, Agnes V. Dough- CHOtCI MADE 6INUINE SPRING ^ ^«w two-thlrda of the total printing, or •i-ty, Edna Ayman, Marie Mullen, A Congressional Committee's In- No More Time I Catharlna Heath, Helen Mazza, Flor- about 6,300,000,000 stamps were made by private dies, Mr. Holcombe says. vestigation of the Interstate migra- Jt requires no nmn of yum limn ence Martin, Harriet Zumank, Bar- tion of destitute citizens, which start- bara Williamson, Loretta. DcTuro, The stamp tax was onu runt for to (ret the bcmeflU of complete and Stamp* each 26 cents of the retail price. They ed with an autocade swing across Mary Pratt, Nancy Malchow, Sarah New Jersey and brief inspection of unhurrlorl Bonuty Culture, at thia Burdse, Betty Carpenter, Kathryn wer» printed in 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12- w naturally! Prove thin, for yourself Sherman A. Manning, George Shoe- and dealgn to a marked degree, and Federal Building in New York. maker, Walter Hlltbrunner, Joseph Portugal feared Napoleon in 1807 —by letting u« prova It—1« you! each one was a bit of advertising for Rep. John H. Tolan (D-Calif.) aaid Robblns, Kenneth Smith, BJorn and moved her capital from Lisbon that concern. t the end of tha day'a tour, eon- Nielsen, D. C. Hamberger, Belford to Rio do Janeiro, Brazil. The ducted by several state department Our rateg er» alwayt low. Trultt, Elmer Sutphln, Jack Hurley, French took over Portugal ai the Th* government likewise laeued revenue stamp* of its own design heads, that he believed the Influx of Thomas McCue, John Boyd, Jr., Dr. king had anticipated biit before the migrant farm labor to pick New Jer- Philip L. Costa, George Lang, Gene and printing. These were used on king ever returned from Brazil, Eng- legal and business documents, tele- sey crops at the peak seasons con- Worthley, Whitney Burst, Ernest lish soldiers were in control. JOHN'S Giilllths, K. M. Wyckoff, Thomas grams, photographs, llquora, snuff stituted a problem for the state. Rib Roast - 23 Even the Portugal was past he; MIlK-rATTED—FRISH DRIIJID MADT-TO-IAT-BHICtWt lamon, Jack Balnc, Tom Morton, and tobaccoa. Housing, health, policing and relief prime. In fact she was at height of demands were seen by various com- 'harles Conovcr, Dr. Anthony J. Per- her maritime Beauty Salon rolta, John T. Hendrlckson, Robert BTAMl'B USED AS MONEY. mittee'members as vital aspects of Routing Chickens"-° .. 27c SmtYti NiM »27e power several the problem facing the it&ta. Pettigrew, Donald Osbom, Dr. L. W. centurlee earlier, The recent notice that Italy is us- I DIAL TINDMAY FANCY MILD CUM» 67 Broad Street, Carlborn, Dr. L. A. Sangmelstcr, Ben- or at about the ing atampa encased in cellophane an lamln Soldbldeum and George Olm- time her explor- money in order to utilize coin metal Reports on considerable damaga to CfcuckRosst rm »25c Sliced Bacon -10c Red Bank, N. J. ateari. ers discovered th for belligerent purposes, recall* a New Jersey crops—principally po- colony later chos- similar case in the history of our own tatoes, hay and truck and pasture en for her refuge country. Felix R. Huppe has lent crops—because of the continued dry | SPECIAL PICNIC COUPON OFFIK! | government. Vaj- part of his unusual collection of and hot spell were received by Stati coda Gama hat "Stampa Used as Money" to the In-Agriculture Department officials. found the passag ternational Stamp Centennial Exhibi- There was no immediate reflection in 'FREE! Pkge. Of 8 FRESH ROLLS FREE!! by aea to India, tion in the British pavilion at theprices, but there was expected to be and in I486 Dia New Tork World's Fair. shortly. e e had doubled tha The display shows the second 1861 |sffi,B, "» Our Best Skinless FRANKS at 25 , issues of the United States used as The New Jersey Press Association, Cape of Good Hope (known to phll • WITH THIS COUPON ONLY | atclists chiefly for the famous tri- money when currency was withdrawn comprising representatives of angles). from circulation In 1862 during the large number of weekly and dally Today Lisbon gives Portugal die early days of the Civil war. Mrnewspapers. , began active participa- Huppe tells us that for want of tangi- tion in the nation-wide preparednea tinction as the base for trans-Atlan- ble means of exchange merchants is- SHRIMP m »15c 1 FILLET o/ HADDOCK ""M2c tic Clippers plying between Europe program. sued private money in the form of The association's national defensi and America. And Portugal is onadue-bills, tickets and tokens. Gummed of the few neutral countries of Eu- committee, meeting at a Trenton ho adhesive stamps were popular but tel, made plans to co-operate with rope. Its days as a republic data impractical, because of their destruc- only from 1911. government agencies In combatting SELICTED U. S. No. 1 tlblllty. "fifth column" elements and in dis- An snterprislng mechanic by theseminating accurate Information Latest stamps from Portugal cele- name of J. Gault, however, worked brato eight centuries of Independence about national preparedness work out » very neat aolutlonn to the prob- ftgh N. Boyd of the New Brunswick through a history of turmoil. The lem by encasing stamps of various commemorative issue includea eight Home News was elected chairman denominations in bronze frnmen cov- and Frank B. Hulchinson of the Rut stamps. Two show a statue of the ered with islng-glass (mica). He POTATOES 1(M gcrs School of Journalism secretary. first king, Alfonso the Conqueror, then proceeded to commercialize his whose reign started in 1140. That nventlon and sold the reverse side LOCAL rldto is printed above 1940 at the left of the frame to private concerns for Walter R. Darby, New Jeriey Local OOLMN IANTAM of the armored figure of the king, advertisements. Government Commissioner, said re- which is shown in front of buildings. The stamps so encased comprised ports from New Jersey's 560-odd mu- doi. The values received in this country he lo blue, Sc rose, 5c brown, 10c nicipalities for the year ended June CORN 25 1 include a 40-cent«voj brow and a green, 12e black, 24c violet, 30o or-30 showed "continued improvemen IHDLEM CALIF. BARTIETT IA«« M.IACHID one escudo .75 ultra-marine. ange, «nd 90o blue. Few of the de-in the current debt position." Portugal recently issued commem- nominations about the lOo were used The number of municipalities in GRAPES 2, 15c! PEARS 5-10c Calory Stalks -5c oratives of the centennial of the flrat and are therefore quite scarce. (Par- default on obligations dropped from adhesive posta.Ro stamp. They boar ticular attention, when reviewing Mr, 25 to 17 during the year. a picture of Sir Rowland Hill and Hupps's collection, should be given arc In values of ISc, 25c, 40c, 60c, 80c, the three 3o Washington rose stamps A rlsa In New Jersey traffic ac«l- HORMEL PRODUCTS one a and 1.75 e. encased in a most beautiful Feuch- DAIRY DEPT wanger frame.) IDEAL U. S. COV. CERTIFW 93.0 SOOHI It was Cuba which suggested that When Uncle Sam realized the profit TH! WOlVD'J SPAM ".,:.• 25c the 21 American republics become Mr. Gault was making on his impro- temporary trustees over the newvised currency, he decided to make GREATEST world's European some stamp money of his own. By Spiced Haw ;r29t ROLL BUTTER colonies. FJaga of an act approved July 17. 1862, Paper sfct SKYLINE those 21 repub- Money, or Fractional Currency, fa- CHICKEN No. LOAF CREAM CHEESE •23c lics appear in a miliarly known as "Shin-Plasters," A LA KING con 33c semi-circle draw- camo Into being. FANCY ing beside a Cu- The first issue of United States CHILI 16-ox. SWISS CHEESE ban patriot on Fractional Postal Currency was made CON CARNf con 17c the Cuban com- August 21,1862. It consisted of small WHEN YOU VISIT THE LOAF AMER. CHEESE "23c m c m o r a tlvc of notes bearing the facslmlllo of the PIGS 5o Jefferson brown and the 10c Wash- ALLSWIIT Ib. the Pan-Ameri- FEET BON BON MSH PMf larroii can Unlon'a 50th ington green stamps then current. WORLDS FAIR MARGARIHE 19c anniversary. The Five of these 5c browns overlapping Via Jin»y Ctnlrol BREAKFAST each other made up the 25c bill, and WC CARRY A COMPLITI UNI OF lORDlN'S twooentavos Is Double the enjoyment of your trip! SAUSAGE JAR AND PACKAGf CHHSCS Us inscription includes the Ivo of the 10c greens, the 5De bill. red. These first issueF, like the stamp3 Etiioy thrilling views of Nfw York's name of the patriot, Gonzalo de Billion-Dollar Skyline, St.tue of hey represented, wpre perforated 12 Liberty, rhe World's Greatest H«r- Qucsxda, an early ambassador to ill around. The second Issue came Great. Britain. Below the flags and Jnr I tnjoy, loo,the nafcty, sprr.! nnd mt straight edged or lmperforated. tomfort of Jersey Cenl'rnl Service. No. 2 pntriot Is printed: "1890-1940 Union Subsequent issues of Fractional STANDARD Pannmerlcana Clncuentenario de auCurrency were of different designs, can Fundttclon." but nearly all of those printed during .he Clvl! wnr rnrrled thn Inscription, TOMATOES 5 MATCH AND MKDICINE STAMPS. 'Receivable for nil United States Stamps." LYND8M How the humble postage stamp has Jell-0 . . 3ph«.13e Chicken A La King lor 35c played its part in raising revenue to Puffed Rice QUAK6R—lc for 1 •> 1 O_ Morrcll Potted Meat No. 'A Cc pay, for war la graphically portrayed CENTENNIAL COVERS. pkg. Puffed Whoa* im p| There are nlso available covers S UNEEDA BISCUITS ical profession. If the truth were 3-10 cacheted with a special dealpn in hon- known perhaps many of Ilipm even I GOOD UNTIL AUGUST 7th WITH THIS COUPON ONLY I hnstened tho end of their credulous cif Hit- International Stamp Centcn- Ask Ticket Agent Abimt Low patrons. llal exhibition. These will be mailed Weekend Fnrcs to New York o any one requesting them upon the Children under S rear* td nfn rarrinl free. Under tho Revenue Act of 1862, •eccipt of 10c, by addressing this Ex- ChiMrrn mvlrr 12 mlurrri fire*. Consult which was In effect until 1883, Con- llbltlon, In cam of the British Pn- Tirkrt Affutl for additional Information. gress proposed to "provide internal llon, New York World's Fair, 1940. All ONE-WAY COACH FAKES NOW revenue to support the government PEACH and pay Interest on the publics debt" MDUCID TO 2« A M|lE 95 BROAD ST., RED BANK - Free Parking Incurred by tho Civil war. Manufac- Got an Ico box to sell? Want to ICE CREAM turers were permitted to submit their iuy a fur piece? You can buy and own drains nnd have stamps printed eli through The Register's! want ad^. JERStY < LNTRAL MEAT, DAIRV, FISH & PRODUCE PRICES EFPCCTIVE AUCUST 1st TO AUGUST 3rd hey're the most widely read in this to itafc aKlirtxs jut_ Han mam i^ • • ariyartinnrnanr Pa^e Twelv< RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940, Every one of those competent work era in the production room and in Local Surgical the office Is donating her time. WAS The us* of the building, formerly Dressing Unit the West Bergen Place school, waa made possible by the Red Bank Board of Education through the ef Exceptionally Busy forts of its president, Harold A Hendrlckson and Mayor Charles R English of Red Bank. The lumber Volunteers Working for the work tables was donated by F. K Blaisdell, Inc., The satter Lum- Like Busy Beet for ber company and the Monmouth Lumber company of Red Bank. Refugees and Wounded Chairs for the workers were donated by Mrs. Henry B. Derr of Since last September, the Amerl Branch, the Water Witch cIub of can Red Cross has shipped 1.488,45' Highlands, The Acme Furniture com- surgical dressings to Finland, Poland pany and the Carlton theater of Red Great Britain and France. By Sep Bank; the trucking is being done tember 1 of this year, It Is estimated without charge by Anderson Bros.; that a total of 8,000,000 dressings he Red Cross sign for the front of will have been produced by the Red the building was made by Charles K. Cross, both for the refugees and war Champlln; the Mount-English com- wounded of those countries, and to pany ofrRed Bank is supplying pack- IY CONGRESSMAN replenish the depicted supply ng cases; Alfred De Oennaro, the dressings In the United States. A ailor, is cutting gauze; frames for •WILLIAM H. SUTPHIN generouo number of those surglc compresses were made by the Fas- pray Corp.; oftice equipment was dressings will have been produced In Naval Academy Appointment. Monmouth county, through the vol- loaned by Harry Barnard; substan- untary contributions of time, effort, iai discounts on supplies such as The Navy Department advises me materials and money of our people. hardware, aprons, oil cloth, etc. were hat I will have a vacancy to fill at Monmouth county can well be proud .de by the Straus company, the Nat- he N.ival Academy, Annapolis, in of its work. onal 5c to II store, and Hendrlckson une, 1941. Any young men who nd Applegate; while the New Jersey fish to enter my competitive exam The Surgical Dressing unit of the Bell Telephone company gave a dis- nation for this appointment are in- Monmouth County chapter of the count on telephone service to the ited to write me Riving their full American Red Cross, located in Red workroom. The newspapers and names, the legal address of their Bank, Is an interesting illustration adio stations of the county have parents and the exact date of birth. f how such a gigantic task can be ;enerousiy contributed their space It Is required that applicant! be accomplished by volunteers. Here is nd time to publicizing the work of physically qualified, be not less than a well equipped and efficiently Monmouth County's Surgical Di- 16 years of aee nor more than 20 manned factory competently hand- islon. All of these and other contri- years of age on April 1, 1941, that ing its production quota. A unl- lUtions have been converted Into sur- they be legal residents of the Third ormed member of the secretarial ical dressings, and it can be truly aid that these dressings are * Mon- Congressional District, unmarried, taff greets the arriving workers, outh County contribution to hu- and high school graduates. makes the necessary records on time Tuberculosis heets and thanks them for coming. ;anity. In the production room, white Since the last World War the arbed women work at long wooden With its quota well in hand, the United State* has spent well over a ables measuring, folding and cut- urgical Dressing Unit bowed to the billion dollars for the hospitalizatlon Ing surgical dressings. Production ecent heat wave and until further and compensation of veterans with eads dressed In the regulation Red otice the workrooms will be open tuberculosis. More than 11,000 men 'ross uniform move among them, nly from 10 a. m. until 1 o'clock, with this disease were admitted to General onverslng with the workers, offer- Mondays through Fridays, except the Government Veterans' hospital ng friendly suggestions a« to how hat the Girl Scout group meeting during the last year alone. hla type of bandage Is best cut, how n Thursday afternoon and the even- The records show that It has not hat one should be folded. Near the ng group* meeting from 7 p. m. un- lembtrg Shifts .. Crisp Piquts .. Household Credit 1 9 o'clock Tuesdaya and Thursdays been proven that many service men BBOAD ST. BED BANK, N. J. oor, neatly tied bundles and large actually contracted tuberculosis in wooden eases are stacked. At spec- ill meet as usual. the service but there Is no doubt but Airy Y*ilti... Rayon Crtptt.. • (Ov«r Woolworth'O fled intervals a truck rolls up and Those seeking further information ! to the times their local groups that many entered their country'* LOANS P|--__ Ofln LICENSE lears the shipping room. service with the disease In an in- It all presents the appearance of ieet are asked to consult their group cipient form. It Is presumed and to »3oo« none *ou No. 7J5 well run corporate enterprise, but halrman or call the Surgical Dress- accepted that many of them had the Monthly Chirti !!'•% on Unpaid Is the story behind this scene that ig Unit headquarters at Red Bank disease aggravated by the rigors of Balanct »ke; it newsworthy. It U a story '14 during working hours. the new ways of living forced upon PERSONAL AND AUTO f the determination of the people them during their war service. LOANS UP TO »300 f Monmouth county to ease the The road to better and bleeer bust- During the years 1917-1918 the diag- Cool... Cool din and suffering of the stricken, ess leads throueh The Register's ad- nosis of a gub-tuberculfF state vai vertisine columns.—Advertisement. difficult, time consuming and costly. The procedure necessary was Impos- j slbla where hundreds and eve: thousands of men were passing th medical examiners every day. Onl, the most obvious cases were likel; to be detected, but that Is not thi case today. X-ray methods art no Budget Shop Dresses only cheaper but the examination methods are far less technical. The medical exhibit at tht New York World's Fair has demonatra KRIDEL'S ed this by offering chest X-rayg t visitors for $1 and the method is ai simple that the picture can be take) right there within lets than flvi minutes. These forward stride* 1: technical developments have «n LiKe a mixed salad of cool dresses ,.. some of each lovely material, inidtigh dif- AUGUST SALE abled city health authorities all ove the country to obtain auch recordi ferent casual styles to satisfy everyone, to add a broeay freshness to wttfeed ward* for all the children in public schooli, thus detecting tuberculosis in its in robe* just when a refreshener is most needed. For Year ciplency. Mor» important, however, l« Round Wear examination of persons between 2i Morning, afternoon and sports styles... coat dresses, shirtwaist mbttehl, eardi* and 35, for these are the ages whe gan necklines and draped bodices, Red and white, blue and white, Mm, pink, Values to Values to Values tuberculosis most often makes Itsel evident, it is claimed by the Unite: aqua, navy and pwnte. Sizes 12 to 20, 38 to 46, States health officials. If these ex- 25.00 30.00 35.00 to 40.00 aminations could be givtn to all me of military age, the eventual saving to the government—to say nothing •eeaml PlWf of the benefit to the victims them- 19.75 24-75 29-75 selves—might well be Incalculable Every man entering the army ant navy Is entitled to, and gets, as Mid-Summer Clearance thorough a physical check-up as ii possible. This precaution is essen- tial because the acceptance of re- rults with hidden diseases which All Remaining Tropical for Hot are likely to become acute during he period of service not only mean Worsted Weather the men are of no benefit to th country and their condition Is dan Values to 20.00 Values to 30.00 trerous for themselves and entail; eventually an enormous tax burden MATRIX AND Scrap Iron and Oil 14.75 The cessation of American export; of oil and acrap metal to Japan which is expected to result from President Roosevelt's broadening of COLLEGEBRED the export control system, will also result In a clarification of eurren' Discontinued Numbers of Japanese-American tension, accord ing to diplomatic officials In Wash- ington. However, the Preslden' JANTZEN, GANTNER, MANSCO TRUNKS states his action is not In the form of an embargo but it la a step neces 1.95 Values 2.50 • 2.95 Values aary for the conservation of our SHOES 3.95 Values aviation gasoline and the scrap metal which is so Imperative to de- fense. 1.65 1.95 2.95 Cook Book Offer Recently I was able to oecure a GOLLIttf BREDI limited number of the popular Aunt Sammy's Radio Recelpes Cook Book, and will be glad to send a copy, BEACH NECKWEAR free upon request, as long as the 675 supply lasts. Simply send your re- 65c quest to me at my Washington of ROBES Values 39' fire, •pnom 1308 House Office Build- ing, Washington, D. C. 10.71MATRIX WOK 1.00 I Values ) 69' Birthday Party 7.95 20% OFF 1.50 x Values j 1" For Eatontown Girl Barbara Ann Hathaway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hathaway of Eatontown, entertained a number of TKose two famous 'footprint in leather' groups fa guests Saturday afternoon at a lawn STRAWS and PANAMAS party at her home in celebration of new Summer styles for" dress and sports. White her aixth birthday. A birthday cake Tahiti - Shantung - Leghorn - Cocoanut Straws with six candles decorated tho table. buck, brown and white buck, blue and white buck. Blue and yellow crepe paper made Also a group of dark models in blue and blaek kid, up the decorations. Barbara was SeTlit StraWS Panamas and Fancys the recipient of many useful gifts. patent and gabardine. 2.95 Values 9 1C Games were played and refresh- 95 ments were served. '• 1.15 3.50 - 3.95 Vd» £65 Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. William Dlngman, Mrs. Earl High' and low cub'an leather heels. Not »H piaee tut 3.00 Values Hathaway, Josephine and Lydia I,g5 5.00 to 7.50 Values Hathaway, Charles Fary, Alice Par- a gaed range colleetively... 4y to 8. nell, Hilda Tomalno, Charlotte 2 Brown, Mary and Ann Hyslop, Arth- ur Aumack, Edward Elgrlm, Thomas Snyder, all of Eatonmwn, Jessie and Btrcwt Moor Marjorle Fllerfner of Tinton Palls, Mrs. Clifford Nlles, Mrs. James Nlles, Sr., Mrs. Thomas Kearns, Mary Lou Kearns, Thomas Kearns, J. KRIDEL Ruth Nlles and Brian Kearns of — Red Bank — Long Branch. Register and J20 Stolen. Bloom Brothers' garage at Eng- llshtown was broken into Friday OUR 71st YEAR night and a cash register containing $20 was stolen. Entrance was gained Asfeaug Hork BED BANK An Ideal Place to Live Uicuted On the Beautiful SECTION Shrewsbury Itlrer, One Hour From New York and Provid- ing Every City Convenience RED BANK REGISTER TWO VOLUME LXIII, NO. 6. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1940. PAGES 1 TO 14, Red Banker Saves Large Card Party This "Spite Fence" Local Police to Handle Drowning Child Wren Takes Over Sweepstakes Regatta Henry Cook, a young lad of Weat Given For County Also Has Two R. F. D. Mail Box Long Branch, owca hit life to Wil A wren has turned the mail Fifth Column Activities Ham Sheppard of Wallaca alreet Red Cross Chapter Sides Tojt box of Samuel Ostrolenk, a To Have a New Class when th* latter rescued thi drown- New York patent attorney of ing boy from the Shrewsbury ilver Everett road on tho R. F. D. at Dutch Neck near Newman Springs Red and White Used Martin Griffin Calls mail route, into a maternity FBI Asks Municipalities To brHfe Sunday, ward. Mr. Ostrolenk has placed Pacific One-Design Boats To Tlit boy, who did not know how in Decorations—Mrs. at Register Office and a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the to swim, had been paddling around mail box and when the mail Make Preliminary Investigations In th* wat«r with ioma friends when B. H. Boynton Hostess States His Case carrier makes his daily stops at Have at Least Ten Starters h* suddenly got over his depth. His the Ostrolenk abode, he blows •- companions had left th* water and In Thursday's Issue of The Regis- his horn and a member of the •-•• > Announcement that tho Federal Sheppard, his brother, Jack, and Mrs. Bertha If, Boynton wa« hos- To the already crowded National tess yesterday afternoon at a dessert ter there was a feature article on the Ostrolenk family comes out to Bureau ot Investigation had desig- Morris Holmsteadt, all of Wallace the car for the mail. Sweepstakes regatta schedule has nated municipal police department*, Rumton Teacher bridge at her home, "Fair Home,' first page of the second section re- Dr. Stevenson been added the Pacific one design street, were the first to reach him garding a "spite fence'1 being erect- A short time ago a wren built In co-operation with county and state after his calls for help. Alston Court, for the benefit of th* class. For the great majority of Monmouth County Branch of the ed by Martin Griffin on his property a nest In the mail box and laid authorities, as the body to investi- Shtppard, who dov* In for the power boat enthusiasts this will b* Off For Hawaii American Red Cross. The house was on Broad Blreet, opposite Pinckney her eggs there. She Is busy Returns From i their first opportunity to see this gate all complaints of so-called drowning boy and brought him to "fifth column" activities was made decorated with cut flowers and Red road, between propertlp* owned by hatching the eggs and the Os- | newest hydroplane speed boat race, last night by Police Chief Harold shore after he had gone down twice, Cross banners. David F. Sheridan and Samuel trolenks are expecting a blessed i which will be at Red Bank, Satur- William Pazicky to gave him artificial respiration. Shep- Western Trip A. Davison of Red Bank, president The assisting hostesses wore Mrs. Yanko. Mr. Griffin paid a call at event any day. day and Sunday, August 24 and 25, of the Monmouth County Police pard Is a junior life guard and re- Th* Register office early Friday j during the 11th running of the Na- Teach in Honolulu ceived his training at Camp Ockan- Ralph O. Wlllguss, chairman of the Chiefs' association. Red Bank branch of the counly chap- morning and stated objections to the Psychiatrist Lectures tional Sweepstakes. ickon, Medford. article, to the effect that he was not The Pacific one design class is Chief Davison yesterday afternoon William P. Pazicky, a, member of ter. Mrs. Hosea Chark and Mrs. attended a meeting called by A. Harry Morford. Garments and other erecting a "spite fence" and had not Red Bank Lodge at Mills College composed of a large number of the Rumaon high school faculty, left decided what type of fence he would | identical boats. The hulls arc IS Paul Kitchen, special ugent In this morning by automobile for the articles made by the local branch charge of the Newark office, which First Aid Units workers were displayed in the din- put up, although he had set up the Summer School feet single step hydroplanes, and West coast on the flint leg of nil trip uprights of the structure. the motors are stock Ford V-8, 80 was held at Trenton and attended to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he will ing room of the Boynton honiii, Plans Clambake by state, county and local law en- Mr. Griffin owns a strip 11 feet, • •*• i • h. p. converted for marine uae. All teach In an exchange program with Refreshments were served by Dr. George S. Stevenson of Everett forcement heads. At Fair Haven young women dressed as Red Crosa five Inches wide and 160 feet deep Ar)H FlftlH boatii are built according to official the Centrai Intermediate school of road in Middletown township re- drawings and table of offsets, of the Plans were worked out at this that place. nurses. The tea cakes were dJcorai- between the two above named prop- ' ""*• • a*»a» meeting for the clarification of ertles. He nays he is paying taxes turned home a few days ago from size and kind of material specified. "fifth column" Investigations, made Fair Tonight a month's trip to the West coast. They must be officially measured be- on It at an assessed valuation of $40 Larry Mahoney to While at Oakland, California, he necessary because of thn great flood per running foot, and that accord oriRlnated with the utmost in aim- of complaints to FBI headquar- lectured at th* summer session »t class. The new size boats were Circus Tomorrow Ing to his attorney, Theodore D. Par- Compete in Horseshoe Mills college. ters. This Is the first time since sons, he has a right to erect thereon originated with the inmost in sim- the war broke out that the federal •light—Awarding any type of structure he sees fit, pro- Pitching Contest plicity, economy and safety Incorp- authorities have requested the co- vided it conforms to borough regu- orated in the construction. Fred H. operation of local police bodies. if Car Saturday lations. Thatcher, Jr., of San Diego, Cali- In the future all residents nf Red Hr. Griflln said the late Mayor The Red Bank Elks lodge will fornia, and W. Melvin Crook of Bank having knowledge, or believing William H. R. White did not die soon hold its annual field day and clam- Upper Montclair, who will also race, have completed details and copies themsolvcs to possess knowledge of The three feature events of th* enough. He bases this statement on bake Sunday, August 11, at the Elks subversive acts, should report these Fair Haven firemen's fair for the grounds at Pinckney road and Broad of the rules governing the construc- an ordinance which he claims Mr. tion of thla new class. facts to tho Red Bank police de- rest of the week will be First Aid White originated and which has be- alieet. The bake will begin al 3 partment. An Investigation will be Night tonight, Roberta's circus to- come a borough law, regarding the o'clock in the afternoon. Fred Brown, chairman of the race made and If th* complaint is found morrow night and the awarding of erection of fences. He says this ordi- This yearly event was again ar- committee, advises that ten entries lo be bona tide, it will be referred the Chrysler sedan on the closing nance, if strictly enforced, would ranged hy the house committee, have already been received for this to the FBI. However, local residents night, Saturday. Three prizos will be compel a number of fences and bill- Maurice Schwartz, chairman; Herb- race, and states that some of these are asked not to write to FBI head- ert E. Edwards, Charles Bucklin, awarded among the first aid squads. boards, which have been erected boats hay* already clocked SO miles quarters, but to communicate with Tonight's professional entertainer John D. Hughes, Clinton F. Elliot, per hour. Entries so far received local pollen headquarters. Such pro- since the ordinance became effective, Frank Dean, Frank Sherry, Benja- will be the Great Cahlll, direct from to be taken down immediately. are from Irving S. Barney, Fall cedure Is lo he followed throughout a six weeks' run at Steeplechase min VanVllet and Herbert A. Scott. River, Massachusetts; Andrew Bag- Ilia entire nation. He further stated that at no time The committee, through the lodge onzl, Braintrec, Massachusetts; C. A, Park, Coney Island, has he attempted to sell this strip Chief Davison, while expressing Roberta's circus consists of 11 secretary, Harold A. Giblin, has in- Widcnhoiu*, Concord, New Hamp- his appreciation of any co-operation of land to either Mr. Yanko or Mr. vited all Elks, their wives and shire; Frank A. Dunn, Flushing, New trained animals, four ponies, one Sheridan and that if they have been thai might come from patriotic donkey and six dogs—and they will friends to participate In this year's York; W. Earl Orem, Cambridge, organizations, is asking that no com- approached as potential buyers, it celebration. Maryland; Carter Hughlett, Cam- parade through the business section has been done by real estate agents mittees bo formed for the purpose of Red Bank tomorrow afternoon. A feature of the afternoon pro- bridge, Maryland; William G.Delano, of Investigating allegedly subversive who have been anxious to make a Tlverton, Rhode Island; Charles The circus recently performed at deal. gram will be a special horseshoe Interests. If any member of such Jones Beach, Long Island. pitching contest between Larry Ma- Ving, Baltimore; Melvin Crook, He also states that Mrs. David F. Montclair, and Charles H. Hayes, organization havo any evidence to WILLIAM P. PAZICKT Large crowds are coming to the honey of Llncroft, state champion, present, hn said, ho will he glad to Sheridan had threatened to make it Washington. fair and a record attendance is an and another leading player. An confer with any representatives Mr. Pazicky, who has been teaching Impossiblp e for him to enter his propp - ticipated Saturday night when the athletic program, consisting of base- For the first time since the affair English In the Rumson ichool, will MRS. B. H. BOYNTON erty from WyckofT place. It was, Chief Davlson's statement was as car will be awarded. Th* car Is on ball games, races and other sports was started in 1930, this largest of teach history and English In the therefore, necessary for him to con- follows; exhibition In a prominent place on a for both men and women will be all power boat regattas is to be held Core curriculum system on the Is- ed In red and white. Those serving sider laying out a driveway Into his DR. GEORGE 8. STEVENSON "At the request of tho Federal revolving stand on the fair grounds. held. The evening festivities will this year after the Gold cup race. lands. Miss Maria Wong, of the refreshments were Mrs. C. K. Col- property from Broad street, using Bureuu of Investigation, which Is Lomax, well known sporta com- Include dancing to the tunes of a Dr. Stevenson, a former member In 1930 the race was started In eon- Central Intermediate school, will take lins, Mrs. Fred Walsh, Misses Anne the above specified strip for his own asking tho co-operation of every mentator, who has presided at the popular orchesera in tho Elks hall. ot the Middletown township board junctlon with the Gold cup regatta, Mr. Pazicky's position In the Rumson Little, Laura Close, Nancy Ilausman, protection. The controversy over man and woman In coping with un- award for several years, is away and , Reservations aro being accepted of, education, is medical director of held that year at Red Bank, but high srhool and will teach English. Peggy Hill, Mary Lou McDonald, the removal of a tree which had been by Mr. Giblin at the Elks home and since that date Gold Cup owners settled conditions which have fol- will not be able to attend this year, the national committee for menta. Miss Wong Is also very talented In Susan Strugis and Mary Jo Garrison. set out on his property at a spot he has stated that next Thursday have been chary of entering In th* lowed as a result of the situation in but the committee has arranged for hygiene with offices at New York music and It Is expected she will also Double decks of cards were given which would interfere with his enter- will be the final day for making res- Sweepstakes for fear of Injuring Europe, we are asking all Red Bank- several prominent persons to partic- city. ers who have tho best interests of take an active part teaching Ha- to those holding high scare at each ing his property from Broad street ervations. This is In order that their boats and eliminating them ipate. An honorary degree of doctor o their community and nation at waiian music to the pupils. Miss table. A tray, donated by Mrs. S. between Mr. Griffin and Mayor Eng- adequate preparations can be made. for the Gold Cup race Itself which Fire companies from various part* science was conferred on the docto] . heart, to remember that co-opera- Wong Is now at New York, where ahe Burritt Boynton, and a down pillow, lish and Jacob Yost, representing usually follows one or two weeks ot the county attended the fair Tues- The Saturday night dances, being this year at the annual commence- tion along the proper lines can be Is taking a summer course at Colum- given by Mrs. Chark, were awaaded the Red Bank Shade Tree commis- after the National Sweepstakes. This day night. Prizes were won by held in the Elks' lounge room, will ment exercises at Bucknell ual very helpful, but conversely, If not bia university. as special prizes. sion, resulted. year the Gold Cup race at North- Naveslnk Hook and Ladder company continue until further notice. versity. Dr. Stevenson was one of in the proper channels, can prove as Mr. Pazicky in traveling West with Others present were Mrs. Martin Mr. GrlfBn further gtates he called port, Long Island, will be held Aug- of Red Bank and Middletown town- the commencement speakers, his great n. hindrance as the worst of Lawrence Wagner, who Is also an Eichele, Mrs. William Willis, Mrs. E. personally upon Mayor English and ust 17. Practically all Gold CUB ship and Oceanport companies. The topic being "What Does Science Fifth Column activities. exchange teacher from West New A. Trcdwell, Mrs, Ralph Folks, Mrs. later upon Borough Attorney John S. owners have stated their willing- fire apparatus were parked on a lot Have in Store for Us in the Field "What Is thn proper manner o York, New Jersey, and will sail for Henry H. Kohl, Mrs. James H. Mat- Applegate and that upon Mr. Apple- ness to make a try at the Sweep- and the rear wheel of one of the Local Red Cross of Mental Health." co-operation? Should you have an Honolulu from San Francisco August tenlee, Mrs. Leon Conrow, Mrs. Les- gate's verbal authorization he took stakes. They will find tough compe- 22 on the S. S. Matsonla. Mr. Pa- trucks crashed through the covering Holder of B. A. and M. A. degrees suspicions of Fifth Column octlvl ter C. Leonard, Mrs. Richard Hack- down the tree at his own expense. tition from the 225 C. I. hydroplanes. zicky has planned to stop at interest- ot an abandoned well. The truck, from Bucknell, Dr. Stevenson re- ties: staff, Mrs. Charles Norrls, Mrs. S. B. He says that upon the advice, of Workers Finish With 26 225's already entered for the Ing points on the trip across the undamaged, was pulled out by one ceived his medical degree from 225's and sweepstakes races, these 1.—DON'T take the law In you Tuthlll, Mrs. Ledyard Avcry, Mrs. H. his attorney he was told what he country. of the Fair Haven fire trucks. Johns Hopkins Medical school. small hydroplanes, which have ex- own hands. Lawton Hlndle, Mrs. Clancy D. Boyn- might do with his property and he An added attraction at the fair Work Month Early Miss Ann Elizabeth Stevenson, ceeded 85 miles per hour will give 2.—DON'T diacusi It with friend: ton, Mrs. David Wood, Mrs. Ben- has not yet decided whether the con- daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Stevenson, and start rumors which may be last night was Florence Mae Vari- jamin Robinson, Mrs. Marion Stom- any of the Gold Cup boats a real struction work which he has started finished her freshman year at Buck- race for the money. Tommy Chat- both unfair and damaging. Jory Farm Sold To cola, three-year-old daughter of Mr, mel, Mrs. John Regan, Mrs. W. E. will be in the form of a high board and Mrs. Thomaa Varicola of Chel- Branch Work Rooms nell In June. Another daughter, field has built a new boat, and with 3.—DON'T take It up with an; Foster, Mrs. Paul Ashworth, Mrs. fence or whether he will make an Miss Amy Stevenson, graduated in sea avenue, Long Branch, who sang Eric Leavens, Mrs. C. V, R. Thomp- Jack Cooper and George Schrafft committee for action. New York Attorney advertising billboard of It. He states to Be Closed During June from Middletown township are making a real bid for supremacy. 4.—DON'T notify the FBI which several songs. son, Mrs. Fred Boice, Mis. Harry he realizes that if he decides to make high school and will enter Bucknell Is already swamped, but Tinton Falls Place Johnson, Mrs. Dorman McFaddin. an advertising sign of |t he will have Month of August thla fall. Next to the Gold Cup trophy It- B.—DO IMMEDIATELY communi Mrs. Emil Engel, Mrs. C. William to pay a license for same, which he self the National Sweepstakes tro- cate with your local police depart' to Be Country Estate Woman's Exchange Vocks, Mrs. Frances T. Backe, Mrs. is willing to do. However, if he does phy, a 30-inch bronze museum ment. William Pcnn Strode, Mrs. Clark P. not make it an advertising sign, he The Red Bank branch of the Mon- Republican Club piece sculptured by Cartot In 1804, "At tho direct request ot the FBI, Walter B. Solinger, an attorney of Elects Officers Kemp, Mrs. Howard E. Manning, might letter it "This Property For mouth County chapter of the Amer- represents a dying marathon runner pollco departments hereafter will In New York, has purchased a farm Mrs. C. A. Wright, Mrs. Herbert J. Sale," which, of course, would not ican Red Cross has completed Its handing the laurel of the victor; of vestlgate all complaints, tips, and from Mrs. Ethel V. Jory, located on Wright, Mrs. V. Parker Wilkinson, necessitate a license being paid for quota of articles one month ahead Hears Reports On marathon after his 23-mile run from suspicions. Thla will separate the Pino Brook road at Tinton Falls. Mrs. Emlllo Fanjul, Mrs. Thomas B. it as it is to be erected on the own- of schedule. At a meeting of the the battlefield. Mrs. W. B. Ruthrauff auxiliary group chairmen Tuesday, wheat from tho chaff, and as a re This farm contains 60 acres of land, Hasler, Mrs. Norman E. Titus, Mrs. er's premises^ The regatta committee has an- suit tho department will turn pvc on which there aro about live acres D. V. Manahan, Mrs. John E. Bailly, Mrs. Ralph O. Willguss, branch GOP Convention nounced that invitations to attend Is Named President As to a previous "spite fence" chairman, announced that the work- to tho FBI facts, not fancies! cvi of woodland, a trout stream and ap- Jr.. Mrs, H. C. Mecklem, Mrs. Ralph erected between the Yanko and Sher- have been sent to 320 yacht clubs denco not gossip. Eckert, Mrs. Daniel B. Olson, Mrs. ers will discontinue all work until and power squadrons throughout the proximately 15 acres of apple orch- Mrs. Wilbur B. Ruthrauff of Mid- idan residences by Mr. Griffin, he "This action was decided upon J. W. Stewart, Mrs. N. K. Vander- September. George Dwight Is East, and a large spectator fleet Is ards. There is a master dwelling of dletown township was elected pres- stated that this fence was not torn this afternoon at a meeting In the eight rooms and two baths, with all beek, Mrs. Walter Fredericks, Mrs, anticipated. Bumper signs, an- ident of the Woman's exchange of down Hallowe'en by hoodlums but The following quota has Deen com- postnlllcR building at Trenton, called modern improvements, a four-room G. Howard Lippincott, Mrs. Frank pleted; 50 women's woolen dresses, Praised for Work nouncing the dates of the Sweep- Monmouth county at a meeting held was taken down by persons who stakes, have been noted on cars In by tho FBI and presided over by guest cottago and several large farm Curtis, Mrs. Edna Boyd, Mrs. Edwin were paid to do so. 50 children's woolen dresses, 75 com- A. Paul Kitchen, special agent in buildings of different types., recently at her home. S Close, Mrs. John Mawson. in Willkie's Behalf II sections of the country, and both Other officers are Mrs. Roger Gil- The fence was still up this morn- plete baby layettes and 125 hospital Red Bank and the event are re- charge for New Jersey. Mr. Kitchen Mrs. Harry Coddington, Mrs. Thoo- Mr. Solinger expects to make this bert, first vice president; Mrs. Thom- Ing. Several large pieces ot tin bed shirts. Workers in all sections. ceiving the finest publicity possible. oxplulned that tho FBI is receiving dore N. Parsons, Mrs. Joseph C. Ir- Reports on the Republican na- a gentleman's country estate and will as N. McCarter, second vice presi- have been nailed to the uprights and of the borough have been busy dur-j Because of the new channels boats hundreds ot lips each day, and Is make extensive Improvements to the wln, Mrs. Charles Irwln, Mrs. William tional convention at Philadelphia dent; Mrs. George Werlemann, treas- the fence gives the appearance of a ng the past several months working literally swamped. For that reason, buildings, as well as landscaping the Koerner, Mrs. Joseph S. Hough, Mrs. were made at last night's meeting ith a draft up to eight feet are urer; Mrs. Stanton Whitney, secre- bill board in the process of construc- for this quota and have stated that in the future, all such tips will bo grounds around the dwellings and W. W. Armstrong, Mrs. Clifford A. they will begin work again in Sep- of the Rumson Republican, club by able to approach Red Bank and tary; and Mrs. F. C. Tatum, adver- tion. many of these largp rrnff will he on turned over to tho local police fencing tho farm with tho popular Humphrey, Mrs. Harrison Bance, tember or before if an emergency tho club president, Gcorgo Dwight, pai'lments. To co-operate with the tising. John S. Applegate, borough attor- hand .fnr tho regatta. type of board and post farm fence. Mrs. Harry H. Sutton, Mrs. John F. ney, told The Register this morning arises for more supplies. who is also state vice president of FBI Is of course, the. intention and The sale was made by G. Howard The exchange has 49 subscribers Trudeau, Misses Genevieve Compton, the Wendell L. Willkie clubs, and duty of every American. Please paying dues of $15 yearly and ap- that the matter of Mr. Griffin's cut- Chairmen present were Mrs. Leon Llpplncott, Red Bank realtor, with Flora Wlllguss. Barbara Olson, Mar- ting down one of the borough's Reuckhaua of the Ladies' Hebrew by Councilman Sheldon T, Coleman. remember, It is the direct request the co-opcratlon of Flcst * Ficst, proximately 100 consignors, 50 of Both aro ardent Willkie supporters Award Contracts of the FBI that hereafter all report." garet Hackstaff, Gertrude Norman, Maple trees in front of his lot would society, Mrs. H. Norman Hoyt, Tues- realtors, of Newark. which live In Monmouth county. Anne B. Hasler, Mabel Wilbur and and worked hard for his nomination or tips l«i turned over to your local Mrs. Albin C. Swcnson is now mak- probably be taken up at next Mon- day morning group Mrs. William Mr. Solinger has taken possession Marguerite Enrisht. day night's meeting of the borough j Trucx, Baptist church societies; Mrs. for President. For Harbor Work department. If you send It to the of the property and has already ing a design to be used on posters, FBI, you only cause them the extra council. Edwin S. Close, Sr., Presbyterian Mr. Dwight outlined some of the started work Improving the farm, stickers and cards advertising the highlights of the convention and con- Inbor of sending it In the depart- exchange which operates a store on Mr. Applegate told The Register church societies; Mrs. Harrison Atlantic Highlands ment. Eugene Worthlcy, an employco of "Sunnycrest" Houses that he and Jacob Yost of the bor- Bance, Trinity Church Guild; Miss trasted the deliberations of the Re- thn Copper Export corporation of Linden place directly in back of the publican convention with what he "Please Strand theater. The exchange has ough shade tree commission told Mr. Flora E. Willguss, Methodist church Man Gets One Job la be sure thai In every New York, has purchased from Her- Open For Inspection Griffin that the borough would move Societies; Mrs. George Richdale, Lin- called the "I" convention of Demo- cnan where there Is substance to man Hindcrer of Briello a residential announced that it will copy any ar- The American Home Builders and the tree, but that It could not be croft; Mrs. Louis Hayward, Shrews- crats at Chicago. Mr. Dwight paid Contracts for the construction of the tip, or grounds for suspicion, it property on Patterson avenue, ticle brought to the store at a reas- tribute to the newspapers in the onable sum. Development company, Inc., devel- done before fall. Mr. Applegate bury; Mrs. Leslie D. Seeley, Eaton- part of the inshore project of the will he fully reported to the FBI Shrewsbury. claims that Mr. Yost warned Mr. town; Mrs. William Pitcher, Holm- county for the co-operation he re- breakwater and yacht harbor at At- ami will receive immediate attention, An exhibition and sole of articles npprs of "Sunnycreat" on Branch The property uoiislsla of a laigu Griffin nul lu cut the tree down. del; Mrs. Frank Maickstein, Fair ceived while he was campaigning for lantio Highlands were awarded st since FRI agents will have time, to corner lot on which there Is a prac- will bo held at the home of Mrs avenue, Little Sliver, report the sale of three newly constructed houses. Haven; Miss Esther Bruce, Rumson; Mr. Willkie. a meeting of the m>ycr and council devote to actual cases rather than lcally new seven-room frame dwell- Harry B. Slocum In Long Branch Mr. Coleman gave a resume of f that place Tuesday night. The development which consti- Mrs. H. J. Hennesy, Fort Hancock; running down false information. ng. There Is also a new two-car ga- next month. convention happenings and com- A contract for heavy piling wa> tutes 150 lots was started a little Mrs. Thomas Voorhis, Tuesday morn- "AM thoughtful Americans, wo rage. Mr. Worthley, his parents ani" Others present were Mrs. Ernest First Aid Squad mended Mr. Dwight for his efforts awarded to George Conover of At- over a year ago and at present 15 Ing home group; Mrs. Alex Pepin, must remember that hysteria Is sister nre now occupying these prem H. Fahnatock, Mrs. Samuel Riker, in behalf of Mr. Willkie before and antic Highlands on a bid of $11,- tool nr the Fifth Columnist. , They houses hnve been constructed, five Red Bank Woman's club; Mrs. Wal- Ises as their home. Mrs Henry I. Rlker, Mrs. David A. at the convention. Since tho con- 29.09. The California Redwood Co. encinirngn mob hysteria, and we of which are open for Inspection Seeks Resuscitator ter Cowen, Lutheran church socie- Schultc, Mrs. E. D. Bransomc, Mrs. veniiun Mr. Dwight has made a trip if New York, on a bid of $27,950.1.1, mu*t. remain cool, HIK! collected, and daily. Tho development is situated ties; Mrs. John Osborn. Reformed Doxter Blagden, Mrs. I/illls Hague, through the West to sound out pub- was awarded Lho contract for struct- remember Hint local departments, Correct Date on Branch avenue near,White road church societies; Mrs. Leo Rocco, Mrs. J. G. Tlmolat, Mrs. Henry But- Atlantic Highlands evening group Red Bank Woman's lic opinion on Mr. Willkie. ural timber work. Tho contract for which know nur local problems and On the front page of section one, ler, Mrs. Gurdon Maynard and M and has three entrances, two off tcel work was awarded to tho Bay- lornl residents, are (Uteri to Branch avenue and another off White Squad Active club; Mrs. Milton Wssser, Young Councilman Louis M. Hague spoke column six of today's Issue there Is Grace Porter. Women's Hebrew association; Mrs. in favor of tho compulsory military nne Steel Co., Bayonne, on a bid m;iUe the preliminary investigation. an article in relation to tho coming rond. if $6,078.56. Contracts for further "II Is nt the direct request of Theodore Labrecque and Mrs. Wil- training bill now before Congress private sale of Mrs. M. A. Rico to be The homes which are being sold The Atlantic Highlands First Aid and on his recommendation the club work will ho awarded upon approval the FBI thnl I ask nil who read held at her home Monday afternoon, for $5,000 and up, are constructed liam O'Brien, Jr., St. James' Cath- f plans by the PWA. this statement to report any Fifth Hits Parked Car and Safety squad, which recently held olic church; Mrs. John Sutphen, members endorsed the measure. A August 12. Unfortunately, through a according to F. H. A. plans which Its annual fair, expects shortly to letter will bo sent to the New Jer- Explanation of the cause of the Column activities to their local po- typographical error the date as it administration has overseen tho lay- Colt's Neck and Mrs. Morton L. New- idor of kerosene In the borough llen department, nr county police At Shrewsbury purchase a modern resuscitator. | hall, Atlantic township. sey representatives at Washington appears In the display advertisement ing out and the planning of each The cost ot the apparatus, which is water supply wos given at tho meet- authorities. This Is thn plan form- pertaining to this sale, which is on A car which was parked In front Chairmen of the other groups who informing them of the action taken ng. It was stated that some Diesel ulnted hy the FBI to hnndlc a sit- plot of ground. Each lot is approx- to be similar to the one used by the at the meeting. The endorsement page eight of the same section, la In- of George Silver's house on Broad imately a quarter of an acre in size. were unable to attend were Mrs. F. II and kerosene had seeped through uation which has grown too large of street, Shrewsbury, owned by Miss Middletown township First Aid will not be recorded on the club's orrect. The display advertisement squad, is $540. Because of the poor W. Borden, Shrewsbury township; L small crack In a casing In thft Inte to he hnadled hy the fcdernl Irene Balnicky of Elizabeth, was Mrs. Edwin Irwln, Shrewsbury Unit minutes as an official act of the en- has been revised and appears cor- BOAT CI.UB TO MKKT, weather which the Safety squad had borough plant and had found ll« agents alone. damaged Tuesday afternoon when it Number 2; Mrs. Albert Doremus, Jr., tire club but of those present at way into one of welht. As soon ectly In the second section of to- was struck in the rear by a car op- for Its fair, the members did not the meeting. "At request of the FBI, nil loral. realize as much as they had antici- Senior chapter, World Wide Guild, H the trouble wn.s locateil the sup- eounty, and state police ogencles luy's issue on page live. i prated by Edward S. Donahue of Oak The Fair Haven Yacht club will Six new members join"! the club George H. Roberts, who will have pated, and for this reason an appeal Baptist church; Miss Eunice sicvek- ly from this well was stopped anil HIT co-nperntlng, and will aid and Hill road. Red Bank. Donahue could meet in regular session at the club- Ing, Presbyterian church Bible class; last night, reported Alfred King, sec- .vater pumpet! from another well, house tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. s being made for donations from all assist the federal group In every public-spirited citizens of Atlantic Miss Judith Smith, Red Bank Jun- retary. This brines the total mem- Officials said the mains should h» way possible, Russell H. Bennet, acting secretary, ior Woman's club; and Mrs. Marlon bership to fi96. entirely free nf the odor In a day urges a fun attendance. Highlands who may care to contrib- "We welcome co-nperatinn from ute. GriKor, Red Bank playground asso- 1,o*t and Found. two. Many resident* hnvo been iny organization, hut respectfully ciation. _ obtaining their drinking water from Cool Comfort Some of the proceeds from thB fair Lost, summer discomfort due to request that these organizations In hat they may have ample time to damages. hot, stuffy looms. Found, greater he Hendrlk Hudson spring on lh« no way take It upon themselves to horoughly Inspect this wonderful Find cool comfort this summer will be applied towards the purchase 1 Iwulcvard. with Olson Insulation. Assures you of of the resuscitator and a part will be Spring lake Community Playhouse . summer comfort with Olson Insula- in any police work, or usurp powers Lssortment of antique and modern NEW RESIDENT. Phone Spring Lake 2789 and re- tion. Proof agulnst the hottest sun. urnlturu and other articles. "sleepaule" nights and cool, comfort- used for maintenance of the squad, sf trained police officers. These able days. Makes rooms up to 15 verse charges for reservations for There's joy In living when your home jrgnnlzntlons can bo of vast asslst- which Atlantic Highlands residents Helen Gahagan (In person) In Toth- is Olson Insulated. Pays for itself by HltYANS IIAVK HON. Mrs. George Predmore of West degrees cooler. Saves as much on eel Is a distinct asset to tho bor- incr. ami T will be glad to discuss Irish Night. Sunset avenue gave birth to a daugh- winter fuel bills—pays for Itself in eroh's "Wind in the Sails," July 31- saving you as much as 20% on win- Mr. and Mrs. John Bryan, Hi*., of Peggy ough. August 3. or for Rex O'Malley in ter fuel b'lls. Free estimate—Inspec- llm matter with a committee or Monday night, August 5. ter last night at Monmouth Memor- economy. Free estimate nnd inspec- Memorial parkway, Atlantis High- Foley's orchestra; Irish and Amerl- tion. Call Red Bank 1555. OUnn Sacha Gultry's sophisticated comedy, tion. Cull Hed Rank 1555. Olson •eptrsrntntlves nf any aurh organ- ;iu music, .lark Madden's Rumson ial hospital. Mrs. Predmore before "Sleeping Partners," August 7-10.— Roofing Cn,, Roofs, Sldewalls, Insu- lands, are the pnrenU of a son bom za tlons.'.' Rooting Co., Hoofs, Sidewalls, Insula- Bovo can make extra pocket money this morning al Rivtcvl«w hotplUI. nn.—Advertisement. her marrlag* wu Ruth wilmao. tion.—Advertisement. •cllinc Xtai HeKUter.,dUt Advertisement. lation.—Advertisement. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST l 1940. Paere t church by Rev. Abram J. VanHou Red Cross Unit Weddings ten. May Close Stores Child Sings At Meeting Held To Mrs. May Riggen of Belford was Makes 800 Garments BI7RD0R—WIKOFF. matron of honor and Rola^-I Roll Fair Haven Fair Complete Plans son, brother of the bridegroom, was Wednesday P. M. The MiddJetown township emer- Miss Mary Ann Burdge, daughter best man. After a short wedding of Mr. and Mrs. II. L. Burdge of 35 gency relief Bed Cross unit comple trip the couple will reside at Belford, •RANCH OP N.WAHK, N. J. ed 800 garment* during the pul Florence Viracola For Harvest Home Lake avenue, and Frederick Dayton During August month for Red Cross war relief proj Wikoff, ir, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- 141 Broadway, Long Branch ecus. The workers and ehalrme Gave Performance liam H. Wikoff of 205 Maple avenue, DHUMMOND-DUNCAN % DelltfctluJ end EackeuHni Flsc. el Wales, le PI If Plan Is Adopted mtt Tuesday at the home of Mn Mrs. Harry Stryker were married Saturday afternoon at Miss Dolores Drummond, formerly | 4 o'clock at the Presbyterian church. Albin C. Swenson on Naveslnk Rive Florence Mae Viracola, three years of Red Bank, and now a resident M Chinese and American Ftod Rev. Stanley P. Hazzard of the Bap- Wednesday, Aug. 14, road and gave monthly report*. old, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Thom- in Charge of Festival East Orange, and Norman Duncan tist Mission in New York, and Rev. It was announced that there ar as Viracola of 316 Chelsea avenue, of Raleigh, North Carolina, were Scheduled for Aug. 14 John A. Hayes, church pastor, per- Compute Luncheons 40c •:- Complete Dinneri SOc Will Be First Day more than 300 workers in the town Long Branch, who won first prize in married Tuesdsy in the Church of formed the ceremony. LADIKS, ATTENTION! ship. Mrs. Dexter Bl»gden of Rum an Amateur Hour contest last week the Incarnation, East Orange. A re- son has donated several Rsd Cross At a special meeting held in the The bride was given In marriage ception followed the services at the F«Far your BrisgBridge Perllerentes eor Sociasocial AffeireAllaire, trtryy eour 30c Special, wklck Several Ked Bank merchants me at the Hollywood hotel. "West End, cueleil e el ChickenCbkk , MushrooMushroom ChoCkow MeinMl , RiceRi , TeaT , DDessett.'ot r SlSandwickh banners to be hung in the Red Crow sang last night at the firemen's fair ••huivh hall, Ofpanport, recently, ! by her father and wore a white lace home of the bride on Park avenue. In tie Red Bank Community Cham The couple are now enjoying a trip and Coffee. b*r of Commerce yesterday /ore work rooms in the various section! at Fair Haven. Mrs. Harry Stryker, president of the and marquesette gown made with of the township. Ladies' Aid and general chairman of long sleeves, a white lace top and a through Canada and upon their re- Chicken Mushroom Chow Mein to Take Out noon and discussed the closing o turn will live In Knit Orange. local stoics the last three Werines Reports were Kiven by Mrs, f'harle the Harvest Home festival-scheduled full skirt of marquesette skirt ovfr Include* NnotHet, Blue, Soy Smunt and Almond Cake*, quart We Johnston, Mrs. J. B. Slocum and Mrs, for August 22, appointed her various satin. Her tulle veil w»s finger tip days of this month at 1 o'clock p. m ChlckM Mushroom Chow Those present were in favor of tht J. C. Ray of Locust, Mrs. Craig Fin- committees and their leaders in con- j length and was held in place with negan, Mrs. Janes Johnson and Mrs. nr-ction with the coming celebration, i HUM of the valley. The bride's bou- idea which would give employpes an U(k 0( Application Made 141 Broadway Phon. 1473 Long Btryeh, N. J. afternoon during tho week for relax George Yarnell of Leonardo and Bel- Mrs. Lloyd Sickles is in charge of ; q ' »'&• orchids and white roses atlon, due to the fact that they hac ford, Mrs. Marc Krohn, St. Clement'i the dining room. She has appointed Miss Sally Burdge, the bride's sis- For Timber Walkway church, Belford; Mrs. Wilbur Rob her assistants who will take charge ter, was maid of honor. Her gown no Saturdays lo do so. Application lias been made lo the At tho meeting, it was thought ap- erts, New Monmouth Baptist church of the seating and serving of Uie was of yellow net and she carried an Miss Helen Coe, Port Monmouth, an< guests. '. old-fashioned nosegay. Miss Alice United States engineer's office at New TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN propriate that the idea be presented York by Mrs. Anna Pauels of Wash- in the form of a resolution U> the Mrs. Garrett Conover, Middletown. It is the plan of the committee to Wikoff, the bridegroom's slater, and * • s» • Miss Helen Cook of Plalnfleld, were ington street, Bumson, for a war de- Contractor and Builder merchants who would be involved have table service at 5:30, 6:30 and partment permit, to construct a tim- and see how m»ny were in favor 7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Sickles, in order { bridesmaids. Both wore blue net 1 carried old-fashioned ber pile walkway in the north branch SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING of the proposal. Headden's Comer to assure quick service and to elim- gowns and of the Shrewsbury river at It unison. Ai a result, by 5 o'clock yesterday inate confusion will provide a sys- | nosegays. SCREEN AND STURM ENCIDSURKf* Plans showing the proposed work TEI* 3Z55-M. t« HtlDSOK AVE, BED BANK, W, J. afternoon it was found that nearly Fair Next Week tem of varied cololcd cards. I William \VlkofT, Jr., the bride- are on file In Room 710, Army build- SO of those to whom the resolution The ticket sale Is in charge of i groom's brother, was belt ing, 39 Whitehall street, New York was presented had signed favoring Mrs. Hannah Hulsc Mrs. George : Ushers were Douglas Hoyt, Leon city, and may be seen by interested the idea. Also there were some who Fazzone Band Hurley and Mrs. Sickles. The menu j VanBrunt, Jr., Dr, l>. R. Burdge, a parties. The plans propose the con- voiced the opinion that they would will be prepared by Mrs. Perely brother of the bride, all of Red struction of a timber pile walkway to he glad to close if the chsln itores to Play Nightly Riddle, Ml*. Florence Gilladeau, Mrs, Bank; Everett E. Burage, another extend a distance of 134 feet channel- would do likewise. A few were op- Charles Walling, Mrs. Hannah Hulse, brother of the bride, of Hamilton, Ward of the high water line. posed to the idea but would go along Sunnycrest Mrs. Harry Stryker, and others who The annual fair of Middletown lire Ohio, and George Worthley, Jr. of The decision as to whether or not if all others did. are well known for their art in this Riverside Heights, Middletown town- a. permit will be issued on the plant) It was decided that as time was company No. 1 will he held this year vicinity. BRANCH AVE., LITTLE SILVER, N. J. itartinjr Saturday, August 10, and ship, submitted must rest primarily upon too short to ascertain the opinion A large booth displaying hundreds the effect of the prcipoaed work on of sll the merchants in time to prop- unning through to August 17, at The bridegroom's mother wore a Headden's Corner, Route 3«, adja- of articles, both practical and fancy, flowered chiffon gown snd s corsage navigation. Any criticism or pro- trly advise the buying public for the will be under the supervision of Mri. cats regarding the plan* from tht first Wednesday In August that the ent to the me house. Nightly of gardenias. The bride's mother dancing will be a feature of this Hurley while the pastor, Rev. Albert wore a white silk ensemble and a standpoint of navigation should be $5000 up to $8500 proposed closing would he limited FLORENCE MAE VIRACOIJA, Welstpncroft will be in charge of a submitted to the War Department, to the last three Wednesdays in ear's fair and Albert Fazzone'a pop- corsage of delphinium. ular orchestra will play. refreshment booth, lee cream, candy Room 710, Army building, 39 White- August starting with Wednesday, La«t week the child sang at the and soft drinks can be had from the A reception followed the ceremony hall streot, New York city, prior to 5-6-7 Rooms and Garage, Large Plots. August H- Prizes which are expected to gath- West End casino, \v;:h Tommy at the Molly Pitcher hotel. r large crowds every night will be latter stand. August 9, J9tO, as It Is desired to act Within the next day or two, by Tucker, well known orchestra lesd- The bride's gift from tht bride- n the application on that date, plentiful. The grand price of WOO as her accompanist. At the re- A special novelty sand pile is ex- MONTHLY PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $33.50. which time the chain stores will be pected to gather much attention. In groom was a set of airplane luggage. able to contact their headquarters will be disposed of the final night cent birthday party for United Slates The bride gave her attendants brace- hile three ground priies will go off this case patrons will hunt for hid- NO EXTRAS. and their decision received, fln»l Senator W. Warren Harbour, held at den treasures in piles of sand. lets to match the gowns worn at the plans will be made if sll are favor- ach preceding night. Tuesday iiigbt, Brookdale farm, she sar.£ "Happy August 13, will be flremtn's night wedding and the bridegroom gave, Playground Group able to the idea. Birthday" greetings to the senator his but man and ushers necktie ON BUS LINK, CUWSE TO HCJUOOI, AND IRANSl'OlUAllON In next week's local papers notice ith delegations from all the sur- •nd then presented a miniature ele- ounding departments expected to clasps and collar clips which were Goes Swimming (RESTRICTED COMMUNITY) will be given listing the stores that 'hant to him. She also presented a Society To Hold initialed. will be closed on the 14th, 21st and lit present. Special prises will be jouquet of flowers to -Mrs. Barbour. The weekly swimming trips of the 28th, as an advertisement. warded for the event. Annual Picnic After August 15 the couple will re- Bergen place playground boys and A number of communities In New The committee In charge is under side at 232 Maple avenue. girls to Sea Bright was continued — Five Homes Open for Inspection — Jersey have adopted Wednesday sf- he leadership of James Gibbons, Mrs. Wikoff is a graduate of Bed his week with 84 children being ternoon closing for July and Aug-who it assisted by Dave Simpson, Open Road Bids Horticulturists Will Bank high school and the Woman's ransported. The trips are under the INVESTIGATE "SUNNYCREST" ust Many of the merchants and Richard Nagle, dabs Simpliclo, college of the University of North upervision of Richard P. Guest, 'remcis Welsh, Walter Patterson, BEST VAIAJKS IN MONMOUTH COUNTY townspeople have brought the mat- At Eatontown View Herb Garden Carolina. Mr. Wikoff graduated from public high school teacher and foot- ter op during the last week and Arthur Boden, Rudolph Rlshamn, ball coach. Harlan Hogan, George Billows, Leon Red Bank high »chool and. Petty the present idea Is a trial to lee Prep school. Mr. Guest also reports that the if those concerned like the ehanf* Finn and Tom Kaarns. The Monmouth County horticul- Fred McDowell Is tural society will hold its annual hildren have begun working with which might be continued in future DBUMMOND—DUNCAN. copper during their dally sessions at American Home Builders years if found advantageous to those Awarded Contract gardener's picnic Wednesday, Aug- ust 14, or, If rainy, Thursday, Aug- he municipal athletic field. The concerned. Miss Dolores Vaughan Drummond, playground baseball team was de- Lightning Hits ust 15, on the Thomas Field farm, daughter of Mrs, Lawrence Drum- and Development Co. The idea Is not m new *>ne In Bids for the construction of Rey- eated Wednesday morning by the Red Bank but the Chamber has not Route 34, Middletown township. mond of East Orange, and the lite BRANCH AVE., S BLOCKS SOUTH OF BUM8ON RD, iBlds drive at Eatontown were Gardeners and their families are all Harding road playground team In a been able to bring the merchants Denise Home Clyde L. Drummond of Kansas City, nip-and-tuck battle, 7 to 4. The game pened last night at an adjourned invited. was married Tuesday at noon to in line with th» proposition prev- Meting of the borough council. Rey- pitted together actlv. members of Office open 9 A. M. to 9 P. M, daily iously. Now, it appears, that the A program of baseball for the Norman Duncan, son of D. Duncan olds drive, which is almost a mile both playgrounds]. movement will prevail. Councilman and Family men, croquet for the women and oth- of Raleigh, North Carolina. The ong, extends from Monmouth road er games for the children will be In Some of the stores give a half ceremony was performep d by the SALE OF LAND FOR UNPAID TAXES. Have Narrow Escapt :o Wyckoff road. progress through the afternoon. day now to their employees but it Rev. Carolu* R . WebWbbb at thth e IIncar- Card of Thanks. 103ft and 103B. It worked on a etagger system. This Four bids were submitted, and Clark Kennedy, secretary of the or- We wish to thank all friends and Fred McRoweli of Neptune received nation Episcopal church, East Or- AsNMmmU and Municipal Charfet Due the Borough of Shrewsbury. proposed plan will enable sll of the Councilman and Mrs. Edgar V. ganization, has announced that Ice relations who sent flowers, loaned I, Qrtruda C, VanVllet, Collector of Taxes in and for the liorough of Shtewi- he contract. Mr. McDowell sub- ange. The wedding was followed by employees to be off at the same Denise and their daughter Jean had cream, soda" pop "and other liquid a buffet luncheon at the -bride's cars and assisted in any way during bury, County of Monmouth, State of New JeiHt-y, hereby give notice that accor4* time and the employer as well. a narrow escape Tuesday night when mitted the lowest bid of ?1,459.96. refreshments will be served. our sad bereaevement ini to tht law wiulrlng me to mttko the unimiri tiixett. uHHcnimiunts and other home. Peter L. Carton A Family. charges, antusssed on the I amid, lei.eniei.t.H, heriuiUiuncnia und ronl eatutt in tht Customers will aid If they watch lightning struck their house en Other bidders and their prices were Mr. Kennedy has also announced Borough of tfluewauuiy, fur tho yuan. 1W.IK mid 1(J:MI, will on tlio Z'M day of August, Frank Sindlinger of Holmdel $2,242, The bride wore a lonf, flowing, Advertisement. the newspapers for the announce- Princeton road, Fair Haven. They that the society has accepted the in- white lace dress and large white hat. 1940, at 1U o'clock a. in,, in the HOIOUHII Hall, Ked Hank, N. J., nell the lends, ments -which will follow if the plan were sitting in the sunparlor when Tar Asphalt Service, Inc., New vitation of Anthony Schumann to tankmen LJI, hereditaments and I«H) an lute herein (letter, bed to in tike the amount Brunswick, $1,660.16, and Charles J. She carried a bouquet of summer chant-cable -.gamut the said lands un tht, first day of July, U'M anil J040, ai Is adopted. It meane only four the bolt struck the roof, directly view his herb garden which he plant- mixed flowers. Mrs. A. C. Harris of compuLtd In the tax list, tuuethei- with interest on Hiild ..mount from tho first day hours on three afternoons that your overhead, ripping off a number of Haest, Inc., Belford, $1,862. . > • •; - ed on Mrs. Morton NSwhall's estate, of July to the dite of Hale und tho rosu of tho null-, ILL pulilic voiuluc to such Tke road repair work will he done Red Bank, formerly of Pittsburgh, WANT ADVERTISEMENTS pardon or penonH as will purchase the siitue mibjoet to i«dtini>Uoii at, the lowest favorite store will be closed. It is shingles. The lightning descended "Stonehlll Farm" on the Phalanx Pennsylvania, was the matron of rat* of Interest, lut in no In VXCUH* of eight per centum imr amium. thought that the patrons will fladly under a state road fund appropria- •long the outside of the house, then road, Holmdel. Mr. Schumann has honor. She was attired In blue and This dale U made under the ltioviMlortH of un Art of Ix-KirilRtme entitled "An co-operate by purchasing In the tore two holes through the wall to a ion with the borough financing the a collection of herbs that are well Too Late for Classification Act for the AflKcnament and Collection of Tuxen," rt-vUlni. of 1W1K, approved March morning or the next day at the same iroject for six feet and the state also carried a bouquet of mixed amm- 4tth, 1D1K, and th« Acts nu,ipiemental thereto and amendiitory thereof. radiator in a bedroom and jumped worth seeing and.many horticultur- mer flowers. Kenneth Blngham of STANDING hay, moitly rwl c!ov«r, r«»0- The said landn, tenements, herediln ments nml real estate to he fold and the store they would normally d« so, 20 feet. Under the state road fund, berry itrawberry plants, rhubarb rooti, from the radiator to the bathroom ists are expected to take advantage Dallas, Texas, was the best man. names of the percons against whom nuid Inxca, n XHC.HR men t» ami other municipal and thus no business would be lost where 50 pieces of tile were knocked he appropriation only allows enough of this privilege. . privet hedge, IN feet With trtea, vorloun charges have been mud* on Recount of- enrh JMLITGI are *a follows, The church altar was banked with kindi. Sunshlna Farm, Gulf sai station, Y«»r by the employer who Is giving his loose. nances for 20 feet while, the road is Monmouth road, Welt Long Branch.* sales people a chance to have an 6 feet in width. The borough's cost palms and ferns and there were sev- Name Description 1B3S I»J» The spot where the bolt penetrat- eral Urge baskets of flowers. George Shore Development Co., Work 4, Jots, 1, 2, 8. 4. (, I. 7, ft, 9, 10, extra four hours to better fit them ed the wail was not more than six will be an additional $34.20. The road SIX-ROOM houw, newly decorated, on II, 12, 13, north side of Patterson Avenuo I 11-11 , Former Resident's R. Bangs was the organist. bu« line, convenient to townj rent 135. for the rest of the week. feet directly ovtr the heads of the will be constructed with asphalt oil Joseph P. Schwartz, block 4, lut 14, north side of Patterson Avenue.. After a wedding trip through Can- W. H. W»rt, 42 Vroad itreet, or phone Emellne Smith Kst., block 4, tot 18, north slile of Patterson Avenue.. t.ll and gravel grits. Ked Hank 2210.- Denise family. "It sounded like a Car Overturns ada and New England, the couple Emetine Smith list., block 4, lots 21), 21, 22, north aide, or Pntter- Borough Engineer L. W. Morris aon Avenue - J 24.06 14. huge cannon going off." said Mr. Willie motoring to their new bom* will live In East Orange/ LOST, black patent leather ban on Ocean Denlse. He said the holt made two recommended the bid be awarded to Shora Development Co., block fi, lots 1, 2, 8, north side of l'atter- Cruiser Hits at Charlottesvllle, Virginia, last Miss Drummond was a resident of •.venue, Sea Bright, or Rumion road. terson Avenuo „ - •<*& round holes in the wsll, as it they the McDowell firm. week, Mrs. Albert Snyder and two Kindly return car registration. Fhone Red cNiore Development Co., block 5, lots 8, 7, 8, north side of Falter- had been drilled by a carpenter. Mr. Red Bank for a number of years and Bank 1877. terson Avenue 24.H Sunken Wreck children, Joyce and Donald, encoun- was graduated from Red Bank high Daniel F. Mack, block 6, lot I G, on Laurel Street 47.'« Denise estimates the damage at tered & heavy storm which caused SMALL potatoei fcr sale. Hav* a lot ol Chejlsa J. Smith, block (, lots 18, 111. on T.HIIFFI Sheet »100. Archer Elected To school and Drake Secretarial college •mall potatoei, suitable for feeding to their car to skid and overturn. Joyce In Newark. jrs or cown. Buy »t your own price. Charles J. Smith, block 6, lut fi, on Laurel Htreet •.»» Woman Rescued Sunday toHB firot., Holmdel, phone C36I. Frank O'Brien Est., block 2i, lot 2«, west side of Ilroad .Street 8.10 27.28 MINOR INJURIES. received a dislocated collarbone and Mr. Duncan received his educa- Milton Heller, block 2Ii, lot, fi, Bouth Bide of Hyriimoio Avenue IS.20 Fraternal Office the other occupants of the car re- Minnie M. anil Courlland Palmer, block 27, lots 1, 3, south side by 3 Blind Men Bradford Rogers of Front street tion In Raleigh and Benson, North MARCH HARE LJbr»ry, 37 Bant Front Harry Archer of Red Bank, well- ceived minor injuries. Carolina and attended Columbia uni- street, phone 8211-J. During the sum- of Sycamore Avenue —•- 275.19 was treated at Rlverview hospital last known in fraternal circles In this sec- mer montha Kct the hftblt of reading a Shrewsbury Polo Club, block 211. lot 1, west side of Brunei Street 300.09 The Snyders, residents of Hudson versity in New York. He is now as- ,F. P. Tllton, block 8.1, lut 3. south fide of Silver llrook ltoail !»••« nighg t for lacerations of his left elbow, tion for many years, was elected Su- Koocl book. Best of current books can be A 36-foot cabin cruiser, Arthur K, id aveuue, Red Bank, for many years, sociated with the engineering depart- »nted. Alwayi a parking space." lrvinK Hansen, block 3.1, Jots 1, 2, 6, 7, south side of Silvci lirouk received while playing in a Junk preme Grand Orient of the Supreme have moved to Virginia because of fioad - «•••« owned by Arthur Kennedy of New ment of Weston Electrical Instru- Sycamore Realty Co., block 36, lots 11, 18, west side of Silver Brnnk York, struck a submerged wreck pile. Court of the Orient of the United Mr. Snyder's new position there. He LOST, sum of money, all bills, held to- Anthony DeStefanio of Drummond States at the sliver anniversary con- ment company of Newark. gether with clip; In iront of Burdge'i llovl »'••• Sunday afternoon at Leonardo and was at their new home when the ac- Sycamore Itaalty Co., block 37, lots 1, 2, pt, 3, east side of Silver avenue -was treated for a cut over his vention of that organization at arehoiine, Clay street. Reward. Return was badly damaged. Mr. and Mrs. cident occurred. The oldest child, :o Burdge A Sons office." llrook Road -.._ -... •«••• eye which he received when he fell Lynchburg, Virginia, Friday and Sat- GOODE—FENN. John P. Tllton, block 40, lots 8, 0, 10, nest side of Old Form Kennedy and a guest abandoned the Beryl, is at present attending the SBA SKIFF for Bale. « bargain; 21 feet Road <••!" against the coiner of & desk yester- urday. Kathcrine Glbbs Secretarial school at craft -wheti! It appeared it would day. Mias Elizabeth Godfary Goode, long. Forrl motor; ready lo go nnhlni?. Sycamore faulty Co.. block 40, lot 12, eaatslde of Silver Brook Road 30,71 144.ID sink. Mrs. Kennedy was rescued by Mr, Archer has been active in this New York, where she is living. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Franklyn ill 603 Koil Bank or fee bns.1 at li-wln'J Christine Broderson.'block 41, lots 12, 13, west side of Old Form Harry Patterson of TJnden place Yacht Worki." Boad »••'• three members of the New Jersey organization for eight years. He is H. Goode of Atlantic Highlands, and was trented for n puncture wound of also affiliated with Onward council, Irving Hansen, block 43, lot 4, east side nt Old Farm Komi II.*4 Blind Men's association, who were One of the quickest ways to find • Albert J. Penn of New York were CAPE COD Farm Market, Upper Broad Irrlnit Hansen, block 44, lots, (, 7, K, 0, east side of Old Farm visiting at Camp Hnppiness, Leo- his right leg. He was hurt Tues- American Mechanics, of Red Bank. street, ReRdd BIlsnkk . FreeF dldeliveryi , phone Road - •• ««8.•'* | before it could sink. a lbs. t6c, Georgia striped watermelons Any o( said tracts of land mny be redeemed before the snlo by paymsnt en* the j church, -performed the ceremony. •t5c: string beans, lima beans, peas, lettuce, amount due thereon to date of such redemption. Inrludlnir rnsls In dtU. radishes, celery, gcalllotin, cucumbers, pen- ORTKUMB C. VAN VMKT, Collector. The three blind men who rescued The bride wore a beige ensemble Cold cuts, pot cheese." Mrs. Kennedy were Russell Furnsri with a coriage of roses and delphin- of Newark, Anthony Montagnou of NEW JERSEY INVITES YOU-No. 31 MAN wanted, understand farming, gen- ium. Her only attendant was her erally useful] room, board, small wage. Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Class-] Union City and Harold Heereman of G. A. sUter, Miss Barbara Goode, and she Apply Sunshine Farm, Gulf (ra.s station, Pitman. They were swimming li- wore a powder blue chiffon gown Monmouth road. West Long Branch.' lfied Advertisements. the bay when they heard Mrs. Ken with a corsage of delphinium. Wil- nedy's call for help. Mr. Montafr liam Goode, the bride's brother, was noti and Mr. Heereman are totally best man. A reception for the Im- blind and Mr. Kurnarl has only par- D mediate family followed the cere- and tial vision. mony. Mr. Furnarl and his two compan- Mrs. Penn attended Red Bank PARAMOUNT :\Z ions obtained a rowboat and went to D B school and la a graduate, of Delicatessen Mrs. Kennedy's rescue. New Jersey State Teachers college, 25 BROAD ST. Free Delivery—Phone 1352 RED BANK Leonardo residents and boats own- Newark. Mr. Penn Is studying at SPECIALS DKI-ICATKSSEN, DAIRY, ers Indicated Tuesday that they Columbia university. After a shoft GROCERY SPECIALS THURS. TO SAT. FRUITS, VEGETABLES wnnld hesrin » campaign io have the wedding trip through New York FOR THE WEEK! sunken wrecks In the vicinity of the harbor and adjacent waters removed. state the couple will reside at .New GROCERIES York. • m i a» Maxwell House Taft's Birds Eye Eatontown Lodge MAGEE—SMITH. COFFEE GRAPE JUICE Ac MATCHES 4 boxes The marriage of Miss Helen Lydia l-ni. c»n 22' lt-or. bottle t7 11' Holds Birthday Party Magee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A birthday and Pollyanna party Harry G. Magee of Marlboro, and was held by the Sons and Daugh- Karl Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Heart's Delight LA FRANCE 1000 sheet Cc ters of Liberty, Eatontown, Monday A. Smith of Morganville, took place TOILET TISSUE roll ® nls;ht at a covered dish supper in Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock at APRICOT NECTAR the municipal building at Eaton- the home of the bride's parents. Rev. town. Albert Linder, pastor of the Freehold TABLE boxei C HORMEL Those celebrating birthdays and Baptist church, performed the cere- Gulden's large 2 59 I H 09c who received gifts from the lodge mony. MUSTARD jar SALT I SPAM wero Mrs. Mnudc Wright, Mrs. Bar- The bride wore an afternoon frock bara Heyer, Mrs. Anna Smith and of white crepe with a large picture DAIRY DEPT. Mrs. Margaret Lauterwald, Mrs. hat, and a corsage of orchids. Her Anns Smith, Mrs. Cora Dowen, Mra. sister, MIRS Nina. Magee, was maid of ROLL N. Y. STATE Anna Aumack, Mrs. Dorothy Davis, honor. She wore a white crepe dress Mrs. Meta Reed, Mrs. Alida Zingalc, with a white hat and a corsage of Mrs. Emma Blown, Mrs. Esther rubra lilies. BUTTER Sharp Cheese Emmonf, Mrs. Esther Flledner, Mrs. Following the ceremony a reception Mnude Wright, Mrs. Cnrrle SchlcU, was held at Buttonwood Manor. The ABE HALTERIN, M(cr, Mrs. Barbara Heyer, Mrs. Edith couple are now on a trip to Virginia FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLE SPECIALS ! Fiirmirly of Davidson's Lewis, Mi-a. Florence Knight. Mrs. Beach and upon their return will re- Ella Meyers, Mrs. Ruth Lewis, Mrs. side at Matawan. Fancy California Direct from South to Us Fancy Freestone Maude Adams, Mrs. Jessie Taylor, Mrs. Smith has been a member of Mlssta Helen Dowcn, Harriet Fary the faculty of the Summit high school BARTLETT PEARS CANTALOUPES PEACHES nnd Lutle Allgor. Old Post Office at Ralston for a number of ye«rn. Mr. Smith is and accountant ajtsoclated with Ly- 12 for 25c 2 for 9c 3 lbs. 14c CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY. On the old Momstown to Easton Stage in 1781. The present postmistress is his brand, Ross Brothers and Montgom- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Badenhop of Coach route is the oldest building housing a widow. There are now only a few who re- ery In New York. it) TClberon and NewHrk entertained at post office in the United States. Built in ceive their mail in- the old store. Tradition 1776 as a general store for Eafcton residents, Home Grown ,Vulcy Sunklst California Seedless a cocktail party and dinner at the has it that Ralston was formerly called AVERY—ROLISON. '5 Sapphire Room last night for their the building was leased for a post office in Roxiticus, an Indian name meaning "the place SWEET CORN ORANGES »on, Norman Badenhop who observed 1890 when Bnde Sam decided there were of the big meeting" but postal authorities Miss Vera P. Avory, daughter of . GRAPES his 2tst birthday. Mr. Badenhop is residents enough in the jrrist mill colony to thought the name too lone and changed it. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Avery of 25c 25 for 25c A senior nl Yale university and a establish a mail point The firet postmaster Ralston is located on State lloutc No. 21 near Beaufort, North Carolina, a'nd Har- 12 ears 2 lbs. 15C member t.r the Monmouth County; PU DeMoejt, who Kred in the oM home old H. Rolison of Belford were mar- Meadlnn. ried Wednesday. July 2, in th« par- Country, club gets ttSA . ,\ M&BSSBI RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940. Page Three

pincott and *on George of Long Donald Peseux attended at 4-H pic- Robert McKee Shrewsbury Branch, apent Sunday with Mr. and nic at Camp Burton Saturday. Mr*. John Corbett of Plalndeld. Donald Metsgar has returned from (Th* MeJ Dank Benliler can be bought Mrs. Walter Colgreave and Mrs. In Shrewsbury at Kharabbft'e Market and Camp Burton where he spent a To Give Recital Helena Caffyn are visiting Mr. and week. at Greenwood'a Market) , Mrs. Charles Oates of Plalnlleld. The Young People's Horn* Mia- Mr. and Mn. Alfred Metsgar and Mr«. Fred Smith and daughter Ernest E. Peseux were Camp Bur- Varied Program to Be alonary society cleared {90 on a cake Verna. of Albany, New York, are and white elephant sale Friday af- ton visitors Sunday. visiting Mr. and Mr*. William Davii Mrs. Pauiine K. Nelson returned Given on Carillon ternoon on the Eurden-Nevlua lawn. of Clinton street. Miaa Harriet Wood i* enjoying two to her home at Highland Falls, New George Cotgreave Is spending a York, Monday, after a two week»' Robert McKee of Mcl^aren street, week*' vacation from her duties with few days with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert carlllonneur nf HI. George's Episco- the Jersey Central Power * Light Cotgreave of Oakhurst. with her aunt, Miss E'la Brady. pal church, Rumson, will give a aer- company, Aabury Park. McmberB of the Presbyterian Miss Elsie D. Bahrenburg, accom- ie* of recitals each Sunday aflernoon Edward p. Fix of Monroe avenue church choir last night were given panied by her mother, Mra. John H. from n to 5:30 o'clock on the Mary is enjoying a vacation from hiB du- a. lawn party at the home of Mrs. Bahrenburg, left Monday by automo- Owen Bnrden carillon of Ihn rriurrh ties with the General Motors corpor- I Carl Whltehuist of Ixmg Blanch. bile to attend the Lutheran csmp at during August ana the (lint Sunday ation at Linden. Mr. and Mr*. Fix, Refreshments were enjoyed. Those Silver Buy, New York. In October. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Her- attending were Mrs. Clifford Brower, bert Chameroy, *pent the week-end Mrs. Benjamin VanKeuren, Mrs. Ed- Middletown Village at Mr. Chameroy'* place at Barne- ward Emmons, Misses Audrey An- mack, Vlvlsn Vlereck. Margaret gul, (The Red Hank Register rtn be ho'ieM Mr. and Mr*. Kugene J". Brook* White, Dorothy Walker and Jose- In Mirtdlfld«n from J. C. Knight and Wll- are vacationing at Camp Rich, Mil phine and Lydia Hathaway. lium 11. WdiHH ton, Vermont. The Shepherd* of Bethlehem Fri- A beach party was held last week Mr*. Lillian Mlk*ch I* vidtlngher day night celebrated its first anni- at the Leonardo beach in celebration ton-in-law and daughter, Mr. and versary and also observed Past Com- of the birthdays of George and Cor- Mra. Arthur Keller at Pleaaantville. mander* night In_ the municipal nell Ellison. Those present were Gilbert Roger* and family of North building. More than "100 "persons Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ellison, Stev- Bergen have taken po**e**lon of the attended. Supreme Commander, Miss Mildred Grenell of Pennsyl- etta and Maude Ellison and Mr. and lverson houae on Sycamore avenue Mrs. Clarence Johnson and son Billy which they recently purchased. vania received a gift on behalf of thn lodge. Pupils of the Dorothy of this place; Frances Emble/ of Bruce Berckmana and family have Farmlngdale, Paula Menz^l of moved to Southern Pinea, Nortl LsSalle dancing school entertained. A buffet supper was served. Shrewsbury and Gertrude Hayden, Carolina. Ann Cottrell, Jane Cottrell, Bobby Mia* Beuie Green and Mlsa Edna Haves, John Rogan, Ennis Bowie Mapp* have returned home after Keyport and Lou Aboil of South Amboy, vacationing in Vermont, The final summer service will be A two-car garage 1* being con held Sunday at the Reformed church •trucled in the rear of Chrlatchurch (Tha R«l Uank Krulxter '»" be touillit in Ki>yliurL from Coala Hruthern, Mid. at 11 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. rectory. The old garage has been Florence Melee, film HPHM-II. Mrs. Claie .Sus»man ami Mri. Anna J*lofnkyJ Abram j. VanHouten, will preach on raced. tho subject "The Consecration of The Reading club will hold a pic- Mr. and Mrs. George H. Conover Daily Life." The last session of the nic Tuesday, August 20, at Metede and Miss Margaret Rcddington have Bible school will be held Sunday conk. been spending several days with morning at 10 o'clock. Service* will Edward P. Fin of Monroe avenue Mrs. Conover's sister, Mrs. Howard be resumed Sunday, September 8. is enjoying a vacation from hi) I. Littell, at her summer cottage at ROBERT McKKE. Mrs. A. W. Fawcett returned home duties with the General Motor* corp Culvert Lake. oration at Linden. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday from a vacation In the Cats Th« first program will he presented Mrs. Johannes Helle and son of kill mountains, Fix, accompanied by Mr, and Mrs. Flatbush, Long Island, were recent Sunday nftcrnoon. The numbers to Herbert Chameroy, spent the week- Reginald Wood and family are va- be played at each recital have been guests of the former's father, Dr. cationing at Belle Meade. Howard end Hi Mr. Chameroy's place at Herbert S. Coolcy. requested by various persons. Barnegat. Post of Ridgefield Park spent the Mr. MCKCR'D program .Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gray and week-end with the Wood family »t Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Stofflet and eon have moved lo Philadelphia. will Include "The Rclls of SI. Mary's," daughter Ann of Rahway »r* spend this place. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wharton Adams; "Hcllnvc Me Jf All Thosn En- ing a few day* with Miss Emma Dr. and Mrs. Wylie G. Pata have and daughter, Miss Virginia Whar- dearing Young Charms," folk song; Holmes. Mrs. James P. Stofflet of returned from a vacation in M'line. ton, are enjoying an auto trip to "Fairest Iiord Jens," Sllesian folk Hldgvfleld Park waa a Sunday gueat Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baxter re- Chicago. song; "Sarabandn, Ijirgo," Arcangelo of Mlsa Holmes. turned home Tuesday after having Corclll; "All Beautiful the, March of Edwin Drodenon of Rochester, Mr. and Mia. Irving Smock have spent a month In Maine. Days," traditional English song; The* rfffpi, 'mm- * SuMjtter hfrhtfor em ft* ft fbeli *m\ in New York, i» spending a few day* returned from an auto trip through "Tho Old Refrain," Fritz Krelsler; the. New England states. "Joy to the. World the Lord is Come," with relative* in town. * /'//y> J *** then we nil kindt of nme quick-trick* m food'. Mr. and Mr*. William Stleglltz are Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cohen, Mrs. New Monmouth from Handel's "Messiah," nnd "God Sonja Cohen and Miss Dorothy Bless America," Berlin. spending two week* at Grand Isle An elaborate game party will be ifM coffer you am mnkt in * mnment, eaoJriV.i nil rwtWy to Vermont. Cohen ai« making an auto U'lp to held Saturday evening on the lawn of A meeting of the borough round North Dakota. St. Mary's church. In the event of melt in your mnuth, mnd—utondur of wonder*—an Itm ertam will be held next Tuesday at 7:30 Rev. and Mrs. Harold K. Green rain the party will be held at the Corn Roast Saturday o'clock at the school. and children arc spending the month Port Monmouth fire house. Cash mixture that UiH the refrigerator do nil the mark! of August at Port Jet-vis, New York. prices will be awarded. Fifty dollars At Fair Haven Club James R. Anderson of Sycamore Mr. Green has his annual vacation avenue ha* enliated for service in In cash will be disposed of on the co- A corn roast will be one of the from his duties as pastor of the operative plan In prices of $25, $15 the business men's (raining course Dutch Reformed church. features of tho weekly dance Sat- at Plsttsbiirg, where he Is in trsin and $10. Rev. William McCnnnell Is urday night, (it thn Shrewsbury Ing. Miss Elsie Roberts has been visit- pastor of the church. Mrs. Herman ing Miss Margaret Blum of Haw- River Yacht club at Fair Haven. Mr. and Mr*. Robert Williamson, F. Lahrecque. and Mrs. Hsrry Collins thorne, New York. are- co-chairmen. FRUITIDOR ICE CREAM MIXTURE Danre music, will he furnished by Jr.; of Jackson Heights, Long Is the Melody Makers. land, are visiting Mr. Williamson's Jennings Howard and B. D. Moon- William Morford Is steadily im- maw of Miami Beach, Florida, have In addition to thn usual water parents here. proving from an injury to his back ALL MBADY TO USE. PINT sports Sunday afternoon, the house Both Chrlat church and the Pres- been visiting G. Stanley Howard. received recently when he fell from Of)I committee is planning an amateur byterian church are closed during Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Snyder a truck on his farm. PCT.47H: ftoMsV-nukfe i— aratm without mi rim I, /MM or hatkm. show. August and will re-open the second recently entertained their son-in- Lester Thome's house was struck law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ly- Saturday night, August 17, will be Sunday In September. by lightning during a rain storm Chncolate, *r vaniila tn tthlrh any frnit or /favor m«y ft* miiri. Montn Carlo Night. This will be Edward Riley of man McDowell of Kenmore, New Tuesday night. The damage to the Broad street is York. one of Ihn Important events on the moving to a house on White road house was slight. Members of the Mndr with a fin* h«w«y ermm. Emek tin Mn fce whipped up to season's calendar. Lloyd E. Cokelet has a vacation Thorne family who were home at the formerly occupied by Ernest Blake- mulct • fiiari •/ ire trim J FOR 1.00 ley and family. from his duties as assistant cashier lime were shocked by the bolt. Two large trees on Sycamore ave- at the Keyport Banking Co. Joseph Puglici, Belford shoemaker, Aviation Newt nue were blown down during the Miss Doris Wilson visited friends has rented a shop In the Labrecque building at Campbell's Junction. He The hold-up at Asbury Park Tues- wind and rain storm Friday nigh at Albany over the week-end. and caused considerable damage to A daughter was born to Mr. and will move his business to the Junc- day might havo been a Hne demon tion In September. atratlon of tho value of aviation In electric light wire*. One of th Mrs. Harold Walling of Washington largo trees came down on the Court- street Tuesday. Rev. Samuel Johnston of the Bap- trailing automobiles but the Asbury tist church will preach at the Cald- NEW ENGLAND COOKIES $». 1,59 Park airport was called so late thai landt Palmer property and the other Mrs. Alex Cadoo, Jr., of Summit, opposite Raymond Sanborn's house, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. well Baptist church August 4 and 11 thero was no opportunity to be 01 Mrs. Emma Pcnterman is ill with DETAILS: Thty come in a gay pienit hamper. A*k any hoitrm real service. Non-flyers cannot un Employees of the Jersey Central J. Harold Hendrlckson, Is spending Power A Light company have bc-er a couple of weeks In Ocean Grove. rheumatism. derstand how clearly each road and The last prayer meeting until Sep- in Jrrtey about thin gay mttel hmmper, with over 22S rriip, frttht each automobile on It may be seen working this week making repairs. Mr. and Mrs. George Birch, Jr., are spending a couple of weeks at tember was held last night at the baked AW England tonkin. Pa* elrojM, ehoeoUlo-ehip, vanilla, fiom tho air. Herbert VanNpt* and family have Baptist church. moved from Broad atreet to Long Seaside Park. Private flying is beginning to give Misses Sarah and Caroline Bang- Elwood Taylor, Sr., Is enjoying: a filled or plain and doMtni of other type$. real pleasure to those who have ha- Branch. vacation from his duties as assistant Mr. and Mra. Maurice Murphy of hart of Broadway, have been visit- come more or less proficient. Mr, Ing Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conroy. superintendent nf the Prudential and Mrs. Wllllnin VanPelt of Long New York were Sunday visitors of building at Newark. Miss Margaret Murphy. Miss Emily Britton is spending Brach flew to Hartford, Connecticut some time at West Palm Beach, last Saturday, bad lunch near the Miss Josephine Lang returned home Sunday after spending two Florida. M airport and returned In tho after- Mr. and Mrs. H. Scabrook Schanck Everett noon. Trlpp Hompliill and Paul Na- week* at Canton, Maine. She made DO1EN «AT« the trip with Miaa Louella Frey of spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones are "SPARKOFFEE 1.69 gel of Spring Lake hired a Luseombo South street, Red Bank. Mra. Wallace Mercready at their the parents of twin daughters born at the Red Bank airport, flew to tho summer home at Rockaway Beach, Aviation Community club of Long last week at Monmouth Memorial DETAILS: The tool coffee Mlk « kick. Drink k m itei •»//«*, L. I. Seabrook Schanck and Wil- hospital. Mr. Jones is employed at Inland Saturday, went on to Provi- liam Schanck are spending the week with whipped ar tea tream, at todai or highbalh! Frank toff to, dence, Rhode Island, and later to the Eatontown Hillfleld farm. there. Bernard Hickey and son Donald tparkling water and e daih of tmret flavoring. Exclutive with' Falmouth airport on Capo Cod, Mas Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hanson recent- sachuseUs, where, they stayed lit tho (The Red Rank Krillatar )>• bought have been making sizable catches nt Eatontown at Davla' •tor* anil At ly entertained Miss Virginia Hart- of fluke off the pier at LongBranch. BnmbfTgtr'i m JV«u> Jertay. Airport, hotel overnight, returning Smock'a atnra) man of Philadelphia. Sunday. Estelle Polls of this place was The police department has temp- Capt. and Mrs. William E. Wool- treated at Rlvervlew hospital Sun- Red Bank nirport docs seem to at- orarily discontinued swimming in the ley, Sr., celebrated their 66th wed- day for a lacerated ri,Wit arm re- tract the old army dyers, Intent on lake. Plans are being made to open ding anniversary Monday. ceived while playing on a glider on being of service once more. Ex-Lieu- a portion of the ground on the south Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. VanBus- the porch of her homp. tenant Gray of Worcester, Massachu- side of the lake for swimming klrk had as their week-end guest, Miss Dorothy Rowe is visiting Jo- setts, Is tho latest World war pilot whereas in the past only a portion Miss Jane Walker of Wcstfleld. seph O'Brien and family of Brook- of the ground on the north side "EARLY AMERICAN" COOKIES ™ 1.09 to start his dual Instruction period. James Ward, Jr., spent the week- lyn. Other new students at Red Bank in- of the lake haa been used for swim- end with his family at Shlpbottom. ming. John Kelly was a week-end visitor Six freshly-baked homt-madf ty pat; inn l-topped, phis win* ivafm, clude D. P. Muschotte of Freehold Mr. and Mrs. Morton Sherman en- t New York. and Jim Hackett of Rumson. Recent The Craftmen'* club will hold tertained Mr. and Mrs. William Din- eugar too/tin, oatmeal eookiei. Packed in gay, re-uuitble tin. harvest home supper E. Shippen Geer Is having; a swim- solo llights havo been mado by Max- in Masonic woodle of Brooklyn over tha week- ming pnnl built on his farm. imilian Bcgerc, orchestra leader at hall Wednesday evening, August 28.j end. Mrs. Marion Godsswiesky nf Brook- the Mnnnimith County Country club The first table will be served at lyn Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Wil- end by Mr. Hosier, Jr., of Bcthle- 5:30 o'clock. Members nf the Ladles' iam Dziezyc. hem, Pennsylvania, owner of a new aid society of the Tinton Falls Hazlet • Methodist, church will serve. Patrick Vlscuslo entertained rela- Tsylorcraft 'MO," ntul hy Dr. Rich tives and friends from New York FRV1TID0R FANCY TUNA FISH flrd Frank of Elberon. Miss Allda and Virginia Zlngale (The Red Bank Knitter can be bought I Hnilct from Mm. Eilnn M, W. Feieus) over the week-end. Patsy Arnono of .lumping Brook nf Washington spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. William O. Reya of Coslmo Falcone and family enter- airport passed tho examination for ained relatives from Brooklyn Sun- private pilot's llccnsn under Inspec- and Mr*. Thomas Zingale. Mrs. Bethany road are visiting Mr. and lharles Abramo of Richmond Hills, day. 5 for 1.00 tor GlrLon, as did Mr. HclslnRer of Mrs. William Storzlnger on Long Is- rm Long Island, was also a visitor at land. Stanley Stllwell, Jr., spent the Ashury Park. week-end at Caldwcll with his sister, The five alternates chosen for the Zltutale home over the week- Margaret Eleanor, daughter of Mr. Fancy California ichiti meat, firmly packed. For nlatU, land- end, Miss Shirley Stllwell. scholarships from the first CAA and Mrs. J. Franklin Welgand, cele- wir.hei, bilked diahet end many may-to-make Summer meult, course arc about lo start training A birthday supper was given Wil- brated her second birthday Tuesday GROWING FALL LETTUCK. at thn Red Bank airport. -Since the liam Davis of Clifton street Monday of last week. government la now allowing them night in celebration of his birthday. Mrs. William H. Hycr, who has MAIL AND rHO\K ORDERS flUKO. f.Al.h M4HKET 1-lSlt A number of relatives gathered for According to C. H. Nlsslcy, exten- a maximum of threo hours instruc- been making her home with Harvey the celebration. A birthday cake was sion prolossor of vegetable growing tANCX CHOCEMES, WrEATH HOOK tion a week, instead of tho previous a centerpiece for the table. Hyer at South Keyport, has returned at the New Jersey College of Agri- hour and one-half, these five stu- to her home on the Holmdcl turn- culture, Rutgers university, soil for dents will flniah their dual instruc- Miss Pearl Morris of Freehold la pike. Ella Hycr ha3 also returned visiting Mr*. Kenneth VanBrunt. fall lettuce should test from pH 6.0 tion In less than three weeks. The from Red Bank to her home here. o 6.S and it should be thoroughly flvo students are Philip Castle of Tho Ladies' aid society of the Methodist church will meet this af- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Noon and prepared. Newark, Alex Shukis of Linden, Har- ternoon at th* home of Mrs. Min- three sons of Eldora were recent Large amounts of nitrogen should old Wcat of Rumson, brother of erva Gibson. guests of Mrs. Noon's parents, Mr. bo avoidod early In tho season, Niss- Percy West who Is alrrndy a com- Mr*. Gordon Blddle of Washlng- a*id Mrs. Irvine: Monahan. ley says. A 4-12-4 fetrlllzer is suit- mercial pilot, now at Hadley Field; <>n is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Wlndhurst and daugh- able In many cases. If the crop fol- Edward Salmon of Newark and Ed- Mrs. Henry Allen. ter Marilyn Lea have returned to lows one which has been rather ward Black of Irvlngton, Miss Mary Dennis hns returned their home on Lone Island after a heavily, then superphos- New students at the Asbury Park home after visiting friends at Union- several month's visit with Mr. And phate alone, applied at the rale of nirport arc H. .1. Trotter of Ericlle, vlle. New York. Mrs. Andrew J. Latham. Mrs. La- from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds per acre Mrs. Fred Stone of Elberon, Philip Mrs. Mabel Haynes of Freehold tham has recovered from a broken may be used. Blum of Bradley Beach, Joseph Wil- spent the week-end with Mrs. Ada B. arm. A plant producing normal growth son of Malnwan and Mrs. Ralph Nafew and Mrs. Archie C. Mosby. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Heath and will withstand the warm weather of Gather of Lone Branch. Tho annual Presbyterian church son David of Fair LaWn recently , Indian summer considerably better Solo nights have been made by Sunday-school picnic will be held spent a week with Mr. and Mrs.' than on? which has been forced Ellison Harvey, a member or the or- next Wednesday at Cold Indian Frank Hyer nt Crawford's Corner. with too much nitrogen. For this chestra, at Ross Kenton Farms; by Springs. The group will leave from Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Rosa, Mrs. reason it Is well to apply only enough Raymond Garofulo of Belmnr and by he Presbyterian church about 8:30 Harry Hughson, Mrs. William Urs- nitrogen to encourage a moderate Ira Gross of Ashury Park. a. m. adt and Mrs. James Neldllnger have amount of growth. More may bo Fred G."Stcclman of Lewis street, clurned from a visit with relatives added later in the season If neces- AU.-HAY 1IKACII PAi'.TV. - ivho heads tha Rteclman Editorial n tho Catsklll mountains. sary. service, is issuing weekly manu- Mr. and Mrs. George Newhall n,nd A common mistake is to plant An all-day beach party was held irripts for various publications. One son Bobby of Meturhen were recent rows of lettuce Ion olnse together, Saturday Ml Mantnlnkin hy a group if his manuscripts Is headed "Casual guests nf Mr. and Mrs. Cheston Lay- Nlssley reports. At least IS tn 20 nf 'OCHI people, with swimlng. flsh- Observations" and the other "Cracks on. inches should he allowed between Inr, and bnl! playing the pastimes. nd Whacks." "Casual Observations" Jack WHgnnd, won of Mr, and Mrs. the rows so that tho plants will not Cliff, employed at the Second cover national and international In- J. Frank Weigand, has returned crowd each other nor prevent air National Bank & Trust Co., was In ildenta and "Cracks and Whncks" 'rom Camp Burton at Allaire, where and sunlight from reaching the chnrgo of thn cooking. inntaln poetry and paragraphs per- :ie spent four weeks as a member ground. After the lettuce plants at- Present were Mr. nnd Mrs. Ohnrloa ainlng to national political actlvi- of Hnzlet Boy Siout troop. tain a height or an inch or two they E. Hnmmell, Mrs. Oliver Stryker, Ics. Vcrnon Ruthhnne, son of Mr. and should be thinned to stand at least Jack HnnituMI. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Marshall und Mrs. Thomas Rnthbono, nnd Donald 15 Inches apart in the how. KraKc-r, Miss Charlotte Bolticher and Miss Elale Marshall of Freehold eseux, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest If these practices arc followed. Jt*f. d, S. Fat Oti Miss Brttv Ritler. pent the week-end with Miss Lutte. E. Peseux, are at Camp Burton this growers will have a greater chance Alljrnr. week. of harvesting a. good crop of lr.Hur*: Boys ran make extra pocket money Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hathaway, ac- Mrs. J. Frank Weisand, Robert from need sown around August 10, •eTling "The"Register.—Advertisement eompanlad by Mr*. Katijarln* Llp- Welgand, Jl'rs. Ernest E. Peseux an. W. M. Armstrong o| ida and Kentucky. local church. This locltly become* suddenly Tuesday afternoon In the Banington, Illinois. party Sunday at Pleasant inn by Next Sunday morning »t 11 o'clock funeral home directing-, will be in Annual Event Held at thlr children. The occasion marked the one official and representative Rlvervicw hospital following an op- Funeral services were held in tbi in the auditorium of the church Kev. eration. Mr*. Heller, who Is. well he family plot at Kalr Vl«w cem*- the Soviero's 26th wedding annivers- organiutlon for women In the ery. historic Ablngton Episcopal church.) Albert VanSchoik't Parkc Richards, pastor of the Pres- church and 1U program la of euch known in Red Bank and vicinity, en- ary. byterian church «t Lawrenceville, Beside* Mr*. Doughty, Mr*. Hop- Mr. Irving was th* son of the! a nature as to Include all of the es-tered tho hospital a week ago for in- late Jarars and Elizabeth a. Irving] Sir. and Sirs. Soviero received will speak on tho subject "Thoughts testinal observation. Her condition ping la survived by a granddaughter, The third inniml fair of five New- many beautiful Rifts, bouquets of sential features which were promot- Mis* Audrey II. Doughty; two sis-of Locust and New York. of God." The Lawrencevllle church ed In the various socltttes which did not Improve and ahe underwent Man Springs road playmates was flowers, cards and telegrams of is one of the oldest Presbyterian an operation yesterday, en, Mr*. Clara, wife of Cecil W. held last week on the property of existed heretofore. A etudy commit- good wishes. The dinner table was churches In the country, holding a Mrs. Heller was born at Long Ledlard of Madison avenue, and MRS. KU/.AHKTH FOER8TER. Councilman and Mrs. J. Albert Van- tee, representative of niembers of Mrs. Jo*lla, wife of Chart** Oraves decorated with bowls of cut flowers deed granted by the West Jersey the previously existing: societies and Branch and was the daughter of the ill*. Ellzubuth Foerater, mother of Bcholk, who helped plan the fair. and a large wedding enke. late Harry and Mary Egan Kruse. f Keanaburg, and several nieces Frederick Foerater of Manning place, The grounds were decorated with company of England In 1698. This of the women of the church «t largo, and nephews. Their four children are Mis. An- has necessarily led Rev. Mr, Hich- ha* been formed for the purpose of She came to Red Bank aa a child and Keansburg, dlsd Thursday at her flags and buollis were trimmed with Kclo Sealzo, JNjck, Joe and Vim cm had lived here ever since, Sht was home lit Jersey City after a long yellow and green crepe paper. nnii to take a keen Interest in local studying the plan cf organization Soviero, Jr. history and the manner In which and the program of the new eoclety a niece of Professor and Mrs. Ru- CONHAD VORMWALD. ncei. She was 74 years of age. Fortunes were told and various Frank Alazza's orchestra furnished dolph Mnlchow of Leroy place. Her articles, cold drinks, hot coffee, this church Is rejated to it. Rev. and lo report at a general meeting Conrad Vormwald of NuUwamp The funeral was held Monday In music for dancing. Sir. Rlcharda spoke at Red Bank in of the church women to be held husband is a partner of Orosslnger * road died Tueiday at ht* home. He Jersey City. Interment was in Fair esk«, candy and watermelon were Heller, Inc., real estate and Insurance sold. Sin. Clmrles Rcarles. attired Guests present were Nick SovieroMr,. the summer of 1938. early In September. Thia commit- was 62 years old. View cemetery. Sr., Mr. and Mia. Peter Soviero Rev. Stanley K. Gambell, pastor of tee will be furnlehed with the official firm of Broad street. Mr. Vormwald r*tir*d alx year* ai a gipsy, told fortunes TThe pro- and Mrs. Anthony Soviero and fam-Mrs. M. S. Jacobs 1 fits of the fair amounted I" 515. ly, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ammirati, Hightitown Presbyterian church, manual of the woman ! aoclety Mrs. Heller was a graduate ef the ago after serving aa postal clerk for which is a comprehensive atudy of Red Bank senior high school in 1925 The fair committee was composed Miss Elizabeth An:mirh Ammir- Mrs. Michnel S. Jacobs of Rumson Pa., local minister in 1920-1927, will may attend the closing services of until this afternoon and the Heller ow morning at St. Jam** church, Harold Severin. The giils were as- ati. Annii and Peter Ambrosia ami load, Kumsim, was hostess yesterday be here Sunday, August 25. Rev. the Ocean Grove camp meeting. residence tonight. Services will be where the rector, Monsignor John sisted by their mothers and l>y Mrs.Autilla, Ammirati of Brooklyn. afternoon at a novel card party for Dr. Hayes will be back in the pulpit This practice haa been customary Margaret Hurlc. of Newark. held Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock B. McCloakcy, will celebrate a high the benefit of the Elks cuxiHary. A Sunday, September 1. for several years past. t the late residence, with Rev. Her- 1 urn of nqulem. Burial, in charge Others attending were Mr. and "weenie ' roast was held and guests New four-page pamphlets contain- bert S. Craig, pastnr of the Trinity if John E. Day, will he In Calvary Your Expnulon ef Mr«. Ezra Osborn, Mr. »nd Mrs. saw their "hot dogs" rooked at open ing the Sunday services for August LUTHERAN. Episcopal church, officiating. The In- Harry Osborn, Mrs. Wallace Ran- Keansburg Church were distributed to the members of emetery on Long Island. fireplaces on the terrace in back of The Social Service society of the terment will be in Fair View ceme- True Rtmtmbranu kin, Mrs. Joseph Frank, Mrs. Ges- the Jacohs home. the congregation Sunday morning. A tery. Group Has Affair brief Introduction of the ministers Lutheran church will meet at the HENRY M, KELLY, nell Morris, Mrs. Edward Leddy, Another feature of the party was Besides her husband, Mrs. Heller Is No otb*r act of a aonnal Mr«. Cedric Ryder, Mrs. Mary Dow- Mre. Helen Parish was hostess Fri- foi the month is given at the head pastor's home under the leadership The funeral of Henry Michael Kel- a cowboy, dressed in the costume of of Miss Winnona Darrah tonight at survived by two brothers, Harry man'* llf* give* him moro len, Sirs. I. Errlckaon, Mrs. Oliver day afternoon at a card party held a rider of the wide open spaces, who of each service to enable the con- Kruse of Leroy place and Edward A. ly of Morford plac«, who died Wed- complet* soul latlifactloa Stryker, Mrs. I. Anderson, Sirs. Ar- at her home on Wood avenue, Keans- gregation to feel better acquainted 8 o'clock. The group will make plans nesday of last waek, was held Satur- sang typical Western lyrics for the and projects for needs within the Kruse of River road, Fair Haven. than tho building of a M*. thur Spangenberfe', Sirs. M. Fanning, burg, by Court St. Ann, Catholic guests. Cards wore played on the with the speaker. day morning at St. Jajnsi church morial to hi* lovod ones who Mrs. William Wtllner, Mrs. Frank congregation. Daughters of America. garden terrace and in a tea house The eldera comprising the pulpit where a high mas* of nqulani wa* hav* gon* on. IjOVersidge, Sirs. Mary Acquave, Mrs. Mrs. John Beatty assisted the hos- supply committee are John B. Allen, Sunday-school and church will be JAY 8. GODUABU. elebrated wa* Rev. Thomas Nolan. Susan Johnson, Mrs. Anna Thorpe, connecting with the terrace. Ice conducted Sunday, August i at 9:50 tess. Miscellaneous items were bowls were table prizes. Ralph R. Kckert, Lewis R. Lowry Fay S. Goddard, 44, a resident of Mrs. Edward McDonoufh was or- Our telect Barra Memorial* Mri. Harold Dressier, Mrs. Elizabeth awarded as table prizes and refresh- and Emil Singdahlsen. m. The service will continue at Phalanx for nine, years, passed away ganist and sololit. Guests present were Mrs. Myra this hour during August. The church beir th* Guild mark of ap- Estelle, Sirs. Charles Rowell, Sirs. ments were served. Miss Mary W. Holmes with several Tuesday morning in the Monmouth The bearers were Thomas Bly, Ed- proval—your guarantee of a Guire, Mrs. Joseph Welch, Mrs. Carl- council will meet Wednesday, August Anna Murphy, Sirs. Walter anger- Attending were Mrs. May Wyman, Christian Endeavorers represented Memorial hospital of a he. to his pastorates, served also as dis- 55>. where she had been a patient for the Mrs. Morris was the widow of trict superintendent of the Trenton, past three weeks. She was 83 years Richard Morris and Is survived by Bridgetown and ».w Brunswick die old. a son, Walter C. Morris, also of Lit- tricts. He was at one time minister Large Green Sunkist Juicy Fancy Green Miss Dickemann was born on tle Silver. of the Methodist church of RedStaten Island and hud resided In this The funeral was held Sunday af- Bank, in 1303. His son, the guest section for the past 20 years. Sur- ternoon at the Mount Memorial PEPPERS ORANGES Cucumbers preacher for Sunday, joined the Newviving are two sisters, Mrs. Lena home, East Front street, with Rev, Jersey conference in 1S>29 and hasMayer of Staten Island and Msa.Elijah Reed, pastor of Little, Silver served as minister of the Methodist Louise Eliele of Flushing, Long Is Methodist church, officiating. Mr*. DESIRE TO SERVE f c churches at WhttesviUe and Pie land, and several nephews and J. William Helm was the soloist . , . Oar service tarolre*ne w JL ea. Aea. ant Grove, Island Heights, Riverside, nieces. and a'.ie sang "Lead, Kindly Light,' Barnegat and Milltown. Rev. Wagg and "Rock of Ages." The bearor* and sudden responsibilities. The funeral will be held tomorrow These thlnpi and many more we • will preach at both the morning and afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Mount •were Harold Tctley, Randolph Fields, evening aervicei Memorial funeral home, Wpst Front Vlto Parro and Joseph Yanarella, accomplish with little effort be- Burial was In Fair View cemetery. QUALITY FOR LESS AT OUR Ministers for the succeeding Sun- street, with Rev. Herbert J. Smith, cauae of our experience and > days throughout August are: ^Vugust pastor of the Red Bank Methodist genuine desire to serve thoiie In 11, Rev. George W. Young of thechurch, officiating. Burial will be in MRS. MABEL H. HOPPING. need. Baptist church of Middletown; Au- Dairy and Delicatessen Department Woodland cemetery st Sunnyslde, Mrs. Mabel H. Hopping passed 8 J'nrtion Rev. Earl I.. Hampton, min- p Genuine Swiss Knight Creamed Cottage gust Long Wand. !» «y Monday afternoon at the home Telephone R*-d Bank nt ister of th,: Methodist rluiich, Hilin- of her daughter, Mrs. Thclma, wife dale; August 25, RFV. R. D. Adams, of Warren Doughty of South street 24« Cheese lb. minister of the Presbyterian church RECEIVES SCHOLARSHIP, Gruyere Cheese 7- Mrs. Hopping had been ailing for the R. R. MOUNT & SON at Little Rock, Arkansas. past month and was confined to her Mrs. John Ebner will De the or- Miss Audrey Warne, daughter of Fmoemc K. ADAM*. MAMMD* Schickhaus Large Eye ty m Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Warne of bed for tbe last three weeks. ganlst tor August, to take the place Mrs. Hopping was born at Keans- ( of Mrs. Theresa G. Willey, who will Throckmorton avenue, has been Funeral Home awarded a state scholarship to New burg and was tbe daughter of the Luncheon Meat lb. Swiss Cheese lb. *w • be on vacation. Mrs. Ebner is as- late Edward N. and Saran C. Thorne 135 West Front Street Red Bank, sistant organist of the church and Jersey College for Women where she Is s junior. In her freshman and Wilson. Her mother passed away LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CAKE, BREAD and ROLLS will have entire charge of the musi- last September following a lengthy cail, proprn,,.«*.....,m. ....,,,,,riurinr, —AUEUM„ . sophomore yenr* j»he held a genera The re-orjramzation of Methodism scholarship awarded by the college. illness. Mrs. Hopping haj been i RED BANK REGISTER, 'AUGUST 1,1940'. Page Service League Disabled Veterans Red Cross Benefit Nets $10,981 Many Angles To Guests at Keansburg Recruiting Work Arranges Dance The Keansburg post of the Veter- ans of Foreign Winj entertained dis- For Milk Fund abled veterans from Lyons hospital Col. L. B. Magruder Tuesday lit a turkey dinner and cold supper. The disabled vets were Explains Activities A*P File Quality Meits-Guaranteed to Satisfy or YourMoney look! Mr*. Edgar Blake and treated to a swim In the Keanaburg pool and also given rides on the Soldiers wearing the brassards of Virginia Tompkim various boardwalk amusements. Af- the army recruiting service to be ter the. supper Tuesday evening the seen in almost every city of any size LEGS of LAMB JStfft- 2V Are Co'Chairmen visitors made up a brass band and to New York's great metropolis, who played war melodies and modern are responsible for filling the army's songs for tho entertainment of the needs In recruitment, are but one Cot FriM lit Six Ribs The Junior Rcivlce league will Keanpburg post members. phase of the recruiting service ac- Naturally Apt* Lb; hold a dance tat (lie benefit of the tivities, It was announced today by PRIME RIBS of BEEF 25° The committee wu made up of league'g milk fund Saturday night, Col. L. B. Magruder, corps area re- August 17, at the Itumson Country Frank lowering, historian for 3Mew Jersey; Pied Kcrfenlorf, command- cruiting officer for the Second Corps 1 e club. Howard and Lester Lanln'a Area, with headquarters at 39 White- Naturally «t«" tan-Fat Sftw leef orche»tra will play for dancing. er of the Keanshurg post; Clarence Oliver, Sr., vlc« commander, and hall street, New York. Col, Magru- SIRLOIN STEAK 29 Frank Browlck, officer of the day. der resides on Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury. Extra Fancy— •in order to secure the large num- tiiei I ti I j lit. Lb. ber of enlistments needed under the BROILERS & FRYERS 23" Stephen H. Allen new expansion program of the army," Col. Magruder said, "an in- SS e teiuivi radio activity consisting of Lb. Tells About His live announcements and transcribed POT ROAST WK . . messages are conducted over the 25 Presentation of the Check. Left to right: John C. Williams, executive Parking Place Job vice president and secretary of L. Bamberger & Company; Franklin several networks, in an effort to Conklln, Jr., head of the State War Relief Committee; J. J. Spurr, chair- reach the ears of the young men of 12 III., e man of theiNewark Red Cross; John J. Burns, president of L. Bamberger the nation who arc eligible for serv- • Ovir Merchants Chip in & Co.'a Co-Workers' Association, and Richard Well, Jr., president of L. ice. TURKEYS a «t-27- 25 Bamberger & Company. "To catch the eyes of prospective Sum of $7.75 Weekly soldiers, an Intensive billboard cam- $ A check for $10,981 was turned over and Stan Lomax, W0H sporlscaster. paign will be inaugurated August 15. LAMB *S5L" . 13< BACON^ for His Services < to the Red Cross today by L. Bam- Other celebrities who said hello Car carda, depicting outstanding WiltoD'i Certified, Fmli, Cudikr'' PnrllM, SwKt'i Premium 1 k CHUCK ROAST »»..i. „. . berger & Company's Co-Workera' as- and welcome were Mayor Meyer C. irmy posters, are displayed in buses, SMOKED HAMS ^; Vr ut^r ,,21e sociation and the Newark Bears, as Ellenstein of Newark; Ray Kennedy, trains, subways and elevated cars. 1 k o fI A representative of Tho Register "Two million automobile stickers VEAL SHOULDERS *•>•>•. , 17c CROSS-RIB POT ROAST had a chat this week with Stephen H. the result of the Gala Night baseball secretary of tho Boars; John Burni game sponsored by these organiza- presWent «f tho Co-Workers associa- are being prepared for use on wind- PORK CHOPS sh Lb«17e Allnn, who has the job of looking af- shields of private and commercial au- SMOKED CALAS «J?i5l3L. i*!l7e H7p'" ter the two parking spaces between tions for the Red Cross on Wednes- tion; J. .1. Spurr, chairman of the day, July 24th. Representing their Newark Ked Cross; Franklin Conk- tomobiles, windows, etc. These stick- SMOKED TONGUES £,°J. ,, 27c PLATE and NAVEL BEEF?,^',*' 7c West Front street, Emanuel court ers will be available at the recruiting and White street, and heard Mr. Al- organizations at thn presentation lln, Jr., state Red Cross war relief Franklin Conklln, Jr., chairman of chairman, and Richard Well, Jr., offices Immediately they are received SPARKLING FRESH SEAFOOD READY-TO-EAT MEATS ien cite many of tho incident that the Tfew Jersey Red Cross War Re- from the printer. make up hlg daily routine In serving pre.-sident of Bamberger's. FRESH FILLET . . . Ih 15c SLICED BOILED HAM . , „ 39e lief Committee; J. J, Spurr, chairman The East Orange American Legion "Magazine articles are being pre- MISS M, VIRGINIA TOMPKINS the limited number of Red Bank's pared for different publications em- business men who collectively are of the Newark Chapter of the Red drum and bugle corps presented their FRESH COD STEAK . ,h 12c LIVERWURST or BOLOGNA *£ u, 22c Cross; John J. Burns, president of colorful drill routine, and the com phasizing army life and recruiting Mian Virginia Tomiiklns anil Mrs. contributing the "enormous" sum it problems. FRESH MACKEREL . . ]b 7c SPICED HAM or MEAT LOAF Lb 27c Edgar Blake are co-cliulrmen of the $7.75 per week for Mr. Allen's serv- the Co-Workers' association; Rich- bined forces of Newark's police and «vent. This is the second dance to ices. ard Well, Jr., president of Bamber- firemen's band played before the "Army bombers and pursuit planes be given for the milk fund, the flrat ger's, and John C. Wllllama, execu- show and for the finale of "God Bless have participated jn activities closely Mr, Allen claims that he cannot tive vice president and secretary of America" and the "Star Spangled related with recruiting problems. FRUITS & £•• <-. VEGETABLES was held In the early spring. Th« aerve the vast number of persons They have delivered transcribed mes- league, under the supervision of Bambeiger's. Ray Kennedy, secre- Bauner," In which Lillian Wagner, using the parking spaces a full 100% tary of the Newark Bears was un- musical comedy soprano, sang. Red sages for radio stations throughout public health nui'Blng associations, is and doubts that anyone could. Ac- avoidably detained. the state. giving milk to worthy families In cording to his statement ono must CIXJSH and American flags in fire- Over 18,000 people turned out at works wound up the show. "Newspapers throughout the coun- varloua section! of tho county. 1M) a real judge of human nature find try have been generous in support- that, there are some folks no matter Ruppert stadium last week for the Among the special guests surround- ORANGES game between the Bears and Toronto, ing the speakers' stand were Com- ing the recruiting program for the how hard you try to please them just army. Editors, with their finger on can't be satisfied. and the all-aim- show which preceded missioner Joseph M. Byrne, Jr., U. the game. A Brooklyn hoy, 16-year- S. Senator W. Warren Barbour, Mrs, the pulse of the nation, are well SEEBLESS GRAPES One patron of tbe parking space in old Harry Walsh, walked on* with thn Patrick Henry Adams, president of aware of the urgent need of men to ANOTHER always solicitoua for Mr. Allen to llnd first door prize, a 1940 two-door Fold the State Federation of Women's All the army ranks, and they tre "a. shady spot" of her car. Another serin n, donated by Bambergnr's In co- Clubs; Deputy Mayor William L. Fox happy to participate in this cam- PEACHES "u«n»™«n"« . . . Lk EVERY 7th FAMILY has a car with an exceptionally wide operation wllh Hagin and Koplln, and Dr. William R. Ward, president paign. A*rv corns > door and he must have "plenty of Newark distributors. of tho WfOfnrn Federation of New- "Newareel and motion picture com- space," as he puts it, In order to get ark. panies are aiding the recruiting drive in and out of his auto and thereby Jack Dempsey was on hand to any HONEYBEW MELONS -•« a few words and draw the ludljy Besides the auto, there were two tremendously by showing shorts on UHUally takes a space and a half or the national defense program, and more when parking for the day. numbers, as were Frankie Frisch, other major door prizes awarded, a the. Forrlhnm Flash, and Cab CaJlo- Gulbranscn piano, won by Mildred subjects of army life. ICEBERG LETTUCE -"«•-,,. 9' 101111* Mr. Allen states that most patrons way and his bnnd, police escorted Meo of Newark, and an RCA radio- "Reproductions of Urge recruiting of the parking spaces are very appre- from the Meadowbrnok- club, who phonograph, donated In co-operation posters, in miniature, are being re- lOffEE! ciative of what tho merchants and gave a few numbers in hi-ite-hn. wllh Brich-Radisco Co., and won by puced on the cover of book matches the town fathers me endeavoring to Earl Harper, WNEW announcer, art- Walter Bueynski of Newark. Fifteen with the name of the sponsor on the GREEN PEAS 2 Lb, 15» do to make their shopping In Red ed as master of ceremonies fnr the "consolation" prizes -were also pre- Inside. Bank an added pleasure by provid- evening, and Introduced guest stars sented. "All In all, the recruiting canvasser ing such' favorable parking spaces, FRESH PLUMS of stage and radio Ezra Stone, of Tn the game which followed the Is but one small part of the picture of 2LJ5« However, there are those who "The Aldrich Family," Ed and Peg- the recruiting service, yet, he la the Doi. "want to have words" and only a festivities, the Bears beat Toronto, een Fitzgerald, WOR commentators, 7 to 0. man responsible for selling the man short time ago Mr, Allen was forced on the street with the idea of enter- CORN KMEY MOWN Eats to call the borough hall for police Ing the army, but he must thank all MIIIIIIHIIIIIIItllHIIIIIIIi SlIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllHHIIIIIHH. and have the "wordy" fellow taken these other agents who arouse the IIUIIIHIIIIIIIIIIHIHIIIUHIHIIHI away. Oceanport Belford desire to serve or the curiosity to ap- WHITE HOUSE I JANE PARKER Tradesmen are groat offenders proach the recruiting agent for more when it comes to using the parking (The Red Dunk Reteiwter enn be bought information." Marvel Bread area for a thoroughfare between in Oreaniiiirt from Carlos Mazia Rtict E. Mrs. Nettle VanWinlde, formerly HAP. MILK 11 DOUGHNUTS MRS. KDGAR BLAKE While and Front street*. Some of W. Worthley) of this place, died suddenly last week Large C their drivers have little or no thought George C. D. Hurleyi, superintend- at Brooklyn at the age of 92. She I Tappa White Leaf _ Cinnamon pa ^ ~ _ Miss Helen Phillip!) I" chairman for the rights of others and just ent, will have charge of the Metho- was a daughter of John VnnWInkle, 8 4 2. 5 Sugared •£, a^al Doi. of the ticket committee an«isted by dist church-school Sunday morning who lived to be 101. Her funeral Only Pure Vfgt. Shortening TJa«d 1 A NEW TASTE SENSAT1OM drive the delivery ears through at a Holds Parties PURE MIUT-ALL MILK Mrs. Anson 0. Hoyt, Mrs. C. K. Col- speed far in excess that allowed on at 10 o'clock. Rev. Albert S. Wols- was held Monday of last week. itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiwiimi Miiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimwii lins, Mrs. Frederick Walsh, Mrs. the highway. Mr. Allen slates that tencroft's topic will be "Watch" at Lightning struck twice in this The I Tappa Kag club spent Tues- ANN PAGE Donald English, Mrs. E. Allaire Corn- he has spoken to several merchants tho morning service at 11 o'clock. place Tuesday night during a rain day night enjoying the cool breezes well, Mrs. Wlnllcld W. Banco, Mrs. about their employees and that this Miss Helen Guillaudeau will have storm and Saturday night one of the and amusements of the Asbury Park French Dressing 'B° 10c Heinz Riee Flakes. . . . «• lie Gilbert Manson, Mrs. Joseph C. Ir- 'speed mania" is being noticeably re- charge of the Epworth league service local fisherman's pounds was struck boardwalk. Among; those who made win, Miss Edna Schmltt and Miss duced. at 6:30 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Wolsten- by a lightning bolt during a similar the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cider Vinegar p^I;^.. Ql 12c Homers Spam .... Janice Clark. Mr. Allen has furnished The Reg- croft will glvo an educational talk storm. Tuesday night a telephone Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. William Skid- Miss Betty Wlllguss la chairman later with a list of the contributors on "How Our Bible Came to Be." pole at Main street and highway 36 more, Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor, Chili Sauce - "«. . V 10c Del Monte Peaches . 2 r 27c of th* publicity committee assisted upon whom he calls with regularity The text of the pastor's sermon at Lb the 7:30 o'clock service will be "To was struck and splintered, ond the Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Taylor, Mrs. Bull Silniin SUNNYBROOK I - J3fi lilt A L by Mr. Ronald W. Allen, Mrs. For- and who pay an average of 25 cents lightning struck the residence of Hermann Simpson, Misses Julia Vk"J! 170 rest Smith, Mrs. John D. Brandll a week to make up the grand total of the Work." The Ladies' Aid society Murray Osborn of Bayslde Heights. Parker and Esther Conover, Francis l and Mrs. Kenneth F. Dlctz. "Mian $7.7!i. will meet at tbe church hall Tuesday to work on articles for the fancy Tho bolt damaged an electric water Bates, Douglas Parker and Raymond Kool-Aid ^ ...... 1"*-U Oxydol Ruth Galm heads the decorating The contributors are Schneider's in tho cellar of the Oaborn and Percy Smith. vkv 17o committee assisted by Mrs. Eugene work table at the annual harvest pump 1O Z l Market, F. D. Wlkoff Co., J. Kridcl, home. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn and Magee, Jr., Mrs. David M,ountford, R. Hancc & Sons, Red Bank Regis- home supper. 1 The club also held a party Friday Jolly Tine Popcorn . 2 T° 25c Super Suds Zi7o family who were home a : the time night on the North Long Branch Whit, Misses Evelyn Wodehouse, Anne B. ter, Red Bank Building & Loan as- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Hendrlck- were stunned by the shock. Hasler, Helen Woodhcad, Mary Kath- sociation, Albert S. Miller Shoe Co., son of the Eatontown boulevard are beach. Steak, frankfurters and oth- P&G Soap Naphtha • • • .•*•"" 23c 5 23c 10 45c ryn Warren and Doris Stevens. enjoying n. two wteks' vacation at er food were cooked and games and SULTANA— «J 534 Oi. 1 Prudential Life Insurnnce Co., Mer- 100% Piirt Vcf«labltUb.|B|t 3 Lb.1 chants Trust Co., J. Yanlio, Schulte- Vlrgenncn, Vermont. To reach a port, we must sail, wimmlng were also enjoyed. Wet Shrimp Fincy * Cam ! Shartcninf Canl*» Can Vlnlted, Rcussillc'8, National Shoes, Mrs. Ernest Ellison of Oceanport sometimes with tho wind And some- 1 Turtles Return Woolworth Co., Jersey Central Pow- park had as her guests Sunday, Mr. limes against it, but we must sail, Thd toad to better and bigger busi- White Sail Soap Flakes 2 ^ °' 25c Crisco Can er ft Light Co., S. Hoffman, C. L. and Mrs, White of South Orange, Mr. and not drift, nor lie at anchor.— ness leads through The Register's ad- l , QUEEN Pkj. of To Old Haunts Bcrge & Co., Fowler's Market, John and Mrs. Laurence Ellison of Bloom- Oliver Wendell Holmes. vertising columns.—Advertisement Ivory Snow or Flakes . °z 19c Paper Napkins ANN 80 B. Allen Co., Robert F. Wilbur, Dorc- fleld and Mr, and Mrs, David Ellison l p Two turtles, well known rcsl- mus Bros. Co., Clayton A Magee, J. of Nntley. Chipso G'^I:; vv 18c Grape Juice ** 2 L 23c P° 21c dents of Bclford rutuineil Uiat Klrschbaum, Straus Company, Jean Joseph Carroll has returned to his place during tho past week to visit Frocks, Miles Shoes, Second National x co N mr 1 L b 6 Oi. duties at New York city after two Broadcast "H i?H . 2 c. n ,29c Coca Cola *"»»" , 6 Bots. old haunts. The late Francis Mil- Bank & Trust Co., Mokler's Bakery, weeks' vacation at his summer home SULTANA ton Luker, who was killed In an ac- Art Kraft Shoppe, Vogue Beauty Sa- on Main street. cident at Fort Hancock In 1918, lon and Aspdln Paint Store. Apple Butter . 2"°* 25c Yukon Koli PI««D«P«« 6 Boti. Robert Leonard has returned to PUBLIC SALE EARLY carved his initials on the shell of A short time ago Mr. Allen was Elizabeth after spending the past P*ae JUNE- eoi. CJ, one of the turtles In 1913. His fath- made a special officer by the mayor week with his father, Major John D. o( the »••• Standar1 d QualitIy, • • • • •S^20 Com e Corn Flakes " Pl<9. •• er, the late Richard A. Luker, carved and council with the power to make Leonard. SUNNyFIELD his initials on the other turtle In arrests while on duty at the parking Misses Patsy and Marilyn Davis 's My'rooD ...4 c- 25c Corn Flakes .2^111 1914. ppure, Mr. Allen states to The Recls- are attending camp during August contents of the home of the late ANN PACE 1J Both turtles have returned to Bel- ter that although he Is vested with at Woodland. Salad Dressing . °r 25c Armour's Treet . . . T°-21O ford annually since 1913 and 1914, this power he has no desire to exer- respectively, and hnvc been seen cise it and that In all of the time that Heinz Ketchup 12c ; 16c Jell-o" . 2 ».. 9o each year by George Halney and he has been In charge there has been MELVIN A. RICE I4 Oi. «C« Caiarklal DESSERTS—ANN PACE 4 „ . lA* Caleb Luker, son of Richnrd Luker very few cases where an arrest was River Plaza Pl 1 Pineapple Gems S C,n« *wB •jpilKIC Genuine Fruit Flavors -• • " ' IW and o. brother of Francis Lultcr. The neccssa ry. To be sold on the premises, turtle marked in 1913 Is blind in one The Rod Bank Community Cham- About 30 members and friends of ^IIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIJi llllllrlllHHIHIIIIUIIIIUIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^ iUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIHIIIWII eye. A third turtle, marked In 1912, ber of Commerce, whose parking tho flro company and the Ladies' YUKON CLUB I | BRAND has been making annual visits but committee is headed by Frank Mcr- auxiliary of the company enjoyed a )ONA ha» not been seen this year. This rllt of Merrill's Machine Works, Is beach party Saturday night at the Leonardo, N« J. I CIGARETTES 1 turtle was also blind in ono eye and working In conjunction with the bor- Surf Bathing pavilion, Sea Bright. BEVERAGEGinger Ale, Club Soda,S I I fOMATO JUICE last year showed marks of having ough's police department to better Hot dogs, hamburgers and soft one and one-half miles west of Atlantic High- | POPULAR BRANDS | Fruit Beverage been badly hurt. the parking facilities. Only a few drinks were enjoyed. days ago the chamber forwarded a S Carton Cl >X9 i 24 Ot. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Paul arc- lands, N. J., near the Leonardo School, at 1 Csns* resolution seeking the borough's spending two weeks touring New | 10Pkss. *,|\ i 3 Boti. ifa help In providing additional pnrking York state. o'clock P. M., (Plus Deposit) Peggy Ingalls Is facilities us soon «« possible. illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli iHttNMMtlllHIHIIIIIIimillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliS ,fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiMinniHtiiiiMi Joseph Dixon has given up his po- Two Years Old sition wllh the Metropolitan Life In- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ingalls of Stork Shower For surance Co. st Red Bank and is no'.v Shrewsbury entertained at^a party working as a substitute In the Red Monday, Aug. 12, 1940 at their home Friday in honor nf Mrs. Allen Collins Bank postoftlce, their daughter Peggy's second birth- Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hendricks and continuing until all articles are sold. DIITTCD S1LVERIR00K CREAMERY day. Gamcn were played and refresh- Mrs. John Arnone of Chestnut are' entertaining guests from Ro street was hostess Tuesday night at ling. DU I I Ell * cut Ifom Tub i Lb. ments scrv*d. a stork shower In honor of Mrs. Thoso present were Lea and Mir- Norman Gardner of Hubbard ave- This will be one of the outstanding srfles of CRESTVIEW iam Wolcott, Bobby llotclikiss and Allen Collins of Shrewsbury avenue. nue Is enjoying a vacation frr.m his the year and will include antique desks, sofas, Susan Krakowitch of Shrewsbury, The- houau was decorated In pink railroad duties. EGGS Lar|i SalMlcd-Mixed Colors • • • Dot: *•* Bobby DngRctt of Ncwnrk, Jimmy nnd blue with an imitation stork on Mr. and Mrs. William Fiordland chairs, beds, lamps, porcelain, china and glass- Reeves of West Long Branch unit the dining Inblr- Tin! stork was of Newman street are tho jijirenls of MILD AMERICAN Elaine Toblemann of Newark. surrounded by gifts attached to pink a. son born Tuesday at Rlverview ware; furniture in rosewood, mahogany and STORE CHEESE Whole Milk u 21« Alno Mrs. Russell Hotchklss, Mrs. and blue streamers. hospital. Loretta Glaasey and Airs. R Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fowlpr spent yeslerdav as.n hand-carved oak; many Oriental rugs and odd Krakowitch of Shrewsbury, Mrs. John Kronen. Mr. nnd Mrs. James RUesl of Ralph B. Slckels of Ked pieces of evejry description; grandfather's clock, SWISS CHEESE ,SS«. Lb; 29* Nell Thompson and Mrs. Charles LoBrorno. Mrs. Peggy Kiel, Mrs. Bank at the World's Fair. Reeves of West Long Branch, Mrs. Christopher VanBrunt, Mrs. Helen mirrors, oil paintings, draperies, bronze and Agne* Daggett and Mrs. AdclcToblo Mesler, Mrs. Mary Jones, Mrs. Jenny MUENSTER CHEESE — Lb. mann of Newark. Fcrrantc, Mrs. Chnrlen Wells, Mrs. Little Silver marble statuary, pedestals, hundreds of curios OUR OWN TEA Mildred Marx, Mrs. Helen Gettls, e Mrs. Harry MuMello and children, collected by, the late Mr. Rice from all parts of GOLO'H RICH CHEESE . . HARBOUR'S HAVK JlNKl'GKE. His. John Robinson, Mrs. Charles Florence Ferguson of Willow drive Lb 35° Crochet, the Misses Mary Bruno, Lu- was admitted to Rlverview hospital the world. •Fin2e qualit •y UMitUi]iililiiltimMliTMiiitlli{». -11411 Mi 1 > t i i 11) 11U t KI r (t I > I }S II (fit I i 11 Ft t MI f »«»rf Hf I jtf bour home Tuesday, accompanied by MCKNNK KKVIIkKI). placed twice in srrond position at her mother, Mrs. Kolnml Byers, the annual Jersey Shore Horse Kenneth Lewis, 27, of East Keans- Show held on Wlllinm Buchsbaum's 9th, 10th, 11th, from 1 o'clock until 5 o'clock whose husband is serving with the burg, wan arraigned before Record- anti-aircraft branch of tho British Boxwood Farm, Spring- Lake, last P. M. ' 121 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK army. er Charles H. Rupp of Mlddlctown week. This horse, a grey gelding, township last week on a reckless won the blue ribbon in tho model At Pearl St., Near Carlton Theatre Mrs. Eyors will return to Ireland driving charge and on a charge of hunter class, hunter hacks and hunt- Terms: CASH. to continue war service work. She operating a car without having his ers shown ut walk, trot and canter. arrived in Canada on a freight boat license with him. Mr. Lewis 1 FREE PARKING ADJOINING STORE on which she and her daughter were Mi , and Mrs. Warren Herbert and HARRIET B. RICE. the only pastcngers. fined and his license was revoked Mr. and Mrs. John Slpe spent Sun- *«r a year. day fishing »t Bea Bid* Heights. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940'. Page Si? a stake; thenre (11) south thirty-three NOTICE. Casmcery 2-327 SHERIFFS SALE. degrees forty-seven snlnulee eait elghty- Keansburg Lodge DIVINE SPIRITUAL Sealed propcsala for the transportation dtrht and 2/10 feet to a stake; thenre of pupils will be received by the Board of By virtue of a writ of fl. fa. to sae di- (12) south sixteen degrees fifty-seven SCIENCE MEETINGS Education of the School District of Uie rected, issued out of the Court of Chen- minutes wts-t elghty-aix and 64/100 feet Archery Golf Fast Gaining Popularity Fete* President Borough of Jted Bank at 8 o'clock r cery of the State of New Jereey, wul beto u stake; thence (18) south twenty.five Tuesday, Friday and Sunday, 8 p. m (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) Tuei exposed to ealr at public veudue. on degree* fuity minutes tint eighty-one und the thirteenth day of Auvuit, 1940, a Mi./luu feet to a staVe; thence south The Kcanaburg council of the Pa Also private readings. in« inirieentn day of Auuuit, iv*\>, i MONDAY, THE 18ih DAY OF AUfiDST, S«Mor High School Building, HardliieT 1940. ten ileureci west nfty-nve and 96/100 trlotlc Order of Americans, had a Spiritual Church of Divine Ufht, Specifications and bid form* foi -••• between the hours of 12 o'clock and 6 feet to a stake; thence (16) south thirty- its guest laJt week the nations route and a standard form of qiicBlionnir o'clock (at 2 o'clock Dayllitht BavlnsT Time) five deurecH twenty-nve minutes east Mercer AIT., Fort Monmouth, N. J, to ba answered by the bidder may be »e Iu the afternoon of said duy, at the Court ntncty-(ine und 8/10 fret to a ft tike; president, Mrs. Anna Schardl, am cured fro~~ thence (1 6) south fifteen degree• thii ty- Home In the Uorough of Freehold, County twn minutes east ninety-seven end 86/100 her staff. Past presidents of th JAPH1A CLAYTOONN. of Monmouth, New Jersey, to eittUfy a Acce.Mrief Waiblaf Hiatiift Clerk, feet (u a ulnke; thence (17) south Iwvnty- West New York camp also attended Hiit CClerkl , decree of said couit amounting to upprox- 11 vu tlvgreen thirteen minutes east out* Senior High School Building luintcly $6,20{i. the affair, which was held at th Harding Road, K«d Bunk, N. J. hundred anil twelve end 76/KM) feet to a Veterans hall, Myrtle avenue, Keans All the following tract or parrel of land fctuitc; thenre (1«) south three de«ite» BURDGE'S and ,jMtmlaea hereinafter particularly de- thirty minutes went turn hundred and fnur- burg. CONOCO NOTICE. scribed, situate, lying and being In the tt'en and 4/10 feet to a tttuke: thence (IU) Mrs. Schardl addressed the gather Township of MlddeUown, In the (bounty of south t-ifht decrees twenty-nve ml nut en Service Station AMENDMENTS PROPOSED TO THE Monmouth, and State of New Jerney. •ast two hundred and nlxteeit and 88/1110 ing on the subject, "Patriotism."'A CONSTITUTION OF TUB STATE OF iteh'lnnintr at a point In the renter of feet, to a pUke; Iheni-e (20) »outh thirty covered dish luncheon was served 13-15 WHITE STREET, NEW JEKSEY BY THE LEGISLATURE degrees thirty minutes east one hundred RED BANK, N. J. OF 1940. Riverside Drive, and In the westerly line and dancing wag enjoyed by the extended, of the Us m be me r (now Her,nen) aiud twelve anil 1/10 tern I U* the «ent«r- Phone ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION lluu, thence (1) north twenty-five tlrgrccit of Kivernlcia Drive; thence (21) along liie guests. 3938 NO. 2. forty-ncven minutes went five hundred and i-eirter of Kivri'iMe Drive north nixtyJthree Those attending from the Wes Ceacurrent Iteeolutiea Proposing Amend ninety-ilx and 67/100 feet along the west- degreee twenty-eight minutes eest six hun- estate to the Constitution ef the erly line of land of said Batnberger (now f beginning1. Daniel Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. George B« It Renolvttl by the Houae of As»*in< corner thereof; thenre 12) north sixty- Kauftngeir, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge SKIN TROUBLES? faly of tht St«t« of New Jersey (tha Senate three deifrees twent y-eight minutes east Containing twenty-seven and Ml/l,onn Gauflnger, Jr., Mrs. Edna Helwlg anil concurring): ft vo h unified rind thirty-three feet slung acres. 1. Th» following amendment* to tht I lie northerly line of land of unit! Hum he r- Seised as the property of Louise Karl son Kdgar, Mrs. Elizabeth Frinkos, Constitution of tht State of New Jersey Ker (now Unnien) to thu center of J'atler- Hendrlrksnn, el all., taken tn execution at Mrs. Catherine Heholz, Mrs. Eliza- CUPROLOID art hereby proposed, and when tha tutme HOII ftoitd; thence (8) north twenty-five the suit of Mela A. Von (ilahn and Irma H. (hall be asreed to by a majority of tht degrees forty-seven minutes west eight VonUlahn and to be sold by beth Doerner, Mrs. Gertrude Koser, U th. •dratific colloidal traatMBt ••• hundred and elghty-Mnee and 7 3/100 feet tirov.4 by doctor.. A«k your Drwfitat member* elected to tht Senate and House MORRIS J. WOODRING, Sheriff, Mrs. May Hofer, Mrs. Mollis Utz. of Assembly, the said amendment* » " along the center of Patterson lload to a today. TRIAL SIZE 35c. point; thenre (4) south seventy degrees Dated July 12, 1040. Mra. Frieda Trivlsona and Mr. and be entered on their journals, with tha s forty-three minutes went eight hundred and Warren H. Smock, Sol'r. Mrs. Leon Kaufer and Mri. Sadie and nays taken tharson and referred to the (82 lines) IS6.S4 Legislature then next to be chosen «»«' eighty-nix and 47 /1110 feet along the Swinburne of Ideal Beach, formerly southerly line of the Barrett properly to NEED MONEY? published for three months previous to th< e wild cherry tree; thence (6) south eight NOTICE. of Woodcllff, that Tuesday after the first Monday o decrees thirty-nine minutes west forty-five Take notice that application has been November next, in at least one n«wspape: and ft/Ill feet to a stake; thence (6) Houlh made to the Township Committee of the MOMOAOI MONIY of each county, If any be published there- Mxty degrees forty-five minutes east one Township of Shrewsbury to transfer to MMMNCMO in, such newspapers to be designated by hundred end forty-four and 6/100 feet to premises located at Shtfto Road, Pine Students at Centenary Junior college at Harknttstown atf shown above playing a game of archery golf. the President of the Sonata, the Speaker a stake: thence (7) south de- Hrook, the Plenary Retail Consumption Tho game, a product of the west, Is becoming vrry popular in north Jersey where it is said Ihere are Surprise Shower • CONSTRUCTION of the House of Assembly and the .Secre- ;reea fifty-four minutes east eighty-nlne license No. C-4, heretofore issued to Theo- more archers per square mile than any other plare in the country. The bow takes the place of a golf tary of State; payment for such publica- -nd 15/100 feet to a stake; thence (8) dore Savage (known as Bob Jo nee' Pine MODMNIZAMON tion to ba made by tha Treasurer on war- south nfty-two degrees thirty-one minutes Brook Tavern), pine Brook Road, Pine filub mid an arrow is used as the ball. The players tee off toward the greens and continue shooting until For Belford Girl rant of the Comptroller. cast forty and 5/10 feet to a stake; thence Brook, N. J. v th»y are on the green. Jane Conkltn of Warwick, New York, is demonstrating the line ait of putting— PROPOSED AMENDMENT. (9) bouth eight, desrees twenty-nine min- Objections, if any. should be made Im- Mra. Dewitt Heyer and Miss Alma I 1. Amend paragraph one, section three. ute* went one hundred and fifty-two and (hooting at a raised ball. If the ball i> hit it Is equvialent to sinking a golf hall in the cup In regular b/10 feet to a stake; thence (in) south mediately in writing to Margaretta L. 'erry entertained Thursday night at Article IV, of the Constitution of the State Reed, tnwnnhlp clerk of the Township uf golf. Others In tho picture are left, Virginia Fneli of Staten Island; second from right, Eliaine Siebert of of New Jersey, to read aa follows: one degree twenty-seven minutes east one Shrewsbury. Mrs. Heyer'* home on Nutswamp hundred and eighteen end 3/1O0 feit to Upper Montclalr, and extreme right, Mary .Alice Winget of Maplewood. The (ieneral Assembly shall be com- (Signed) road at a surprise shower for Miss COLONIAL posed of members biennially alerted by the THEODORE SAVAGK. Joyce Newman of Belford, who j& BOND & M0HTGAGL CO legal voters of the counties, respectively, who shall be apportioned among the said street wore broken and the lower ngased to 'William Perry, Jv., also counties aa nearly as may be according to Lincroft BitOAO 8TBEET, RED BANK PUILIC NOTICE East Keansburg front windows were pushed out of of Belford. The couple expects to the number of their Inhabitants. Tha pres- aWreuf* ef Sfcrewebury, County et Monmouth, Now Jereey be married in September. Telephone 10*0. ent apportionment shall continue until tha Bhape anil tfc frames broken. (The lied Hank Uewlster can be bouttht next census of the United States Khali have SYNOPSIS OK RKf'OaT OK AUDIT (Tb« Red Bank Register run be bought Mr. and ilrs. Walter Woods and In Lincroft at the Lincroft Villngu Muiki'U The gifts were placed In a large keen taken, and au opportionment of mem- in Bail Keannburg from Isadora Walling) FOR THE YIOAR KNDED DECEMBER 31, 1939 son Walter ot Hawthorne are occu- basket decorated with pink and blue bers of the General Assembly shall be Honorable Mayor anil Council, Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh of Mor- madr by the Legislature at Ita firat eesslon Borough of Shrewsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stewart of Irv- pying the Lehmann bungalow on crepe paper. A decorated umbrella ris-town spent last week with John after the next end every subsequent enum- County of Monmouth, New Jersey lllgton spent the week-end at the I Gibbon's terrace. was suspended over th.e basket and Expert Repairing eration or census, and when made shall O'Nell and family of Brookdale farm. cma!n unaltered until another enumera- home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mur- i Men from Oils place who partici- treamers hunK from the umbrella. In accordance with R. S. 40:4*1 to 40:4:10, I httva audited the accounts and Mrs. Geraldine VanGerbig has re- OF .lon shall have been taken; provided, that records of the Borough of Shrewsbury for the year ended December 8lit, 1089. The doch of Hudson avenue. Mrs. Stew- pated in the Monmouth council Boy Bouquets of cut .lowers were attrac- each county shall et ell times be entitled art will be a visitor with the Mur- turned home from Katonah, New balance flhavti set forth directly hereunder portray the financial condition ef tht Scout finance campaign were Fred ively arranged throughout the resi- WATCHES, CLOCKS to one member; and the whole number of Borough at December Hist, 1H3U. doch* during next week. York. dence. members shall never exceed sixty. BALANOE-OUttRENT DIVISIOON Freibott captain, Walter Burkhardt, PROPOSE!) AMENDMENT. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Mead of Ne- Raymond G. Woolfe of Brookdalo Games were played and prizes AKSET8 MABIUTtHH Oeorxi! Meyers, Henry Pulsch, Wil- farm suffered a possible fracture of and JEWELRY 1. Strike out paragraph seven of section Balance, Treasurer ...... I 2,183.38 Local School Tax Payable ...... f vada avenue ontertained several were won by Misses Frances Klrwin 'our of Article IV and Insert In lieu there- liam Oliver and Newton Mallctt. Tho tho collarbone Monday when Kclls- Cash In Closed Bank 221.57 Locul School Ta friendi from Roselle over the week- and Thelma Larson. Others pres- Accuracy, skill and experi- of a new paragraph which ahall read aa j'axea Receivable ...... Appropriation K«»erve -... campaign ended Tuesday. boro camo a cropper in a steeple- 'OIIOWH: end. ent were Mrs. Harvey Bed!e, Mrs. Tax Title Uena - Reserve Overpayment -..- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MoMurdo of chase race at Saratoga. ence enable us to do the 7. Members of the Senate shall receive Bank Stock 200.01) itencrve AdvHiice Tax Payment Th« Geraldine Thompson Republi- Austin Johnson, Mrs. Walter Antrim, Newark were week-end visitors of William Warneker, second base- most delicate repairing. We annually the «um of two thousand dollan Deferred School Tax Revenue.... 13,192.25 Uenervt) CH»h In Closed Dank.... can unit will hold a business meeting ((2,01111.00) during the time fur whirl! Franchise Tu «... 47«.«t> HoHerve Hank Stoi'k Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quackenbush man for tho ilremen's Softball team, Mra. William Perry, Sr., Mrs. Har- thla afternoon at the fire house on guarantee satisfaction. Our hey shall have been elected, and while Heicrve, Amount Due Trust...... of Main street. fractured his right wrist Monday old Perry, Mrs. Leon Newman, Mrs, .hey ihall hold tbelr snid offices. Mem- Thompson avenue. Election of offl- prices will please you. Keaerve, Amount Due Dog Mrs. Henry Walling and brother, night when he fell in a game at Marl- Edna Thome and Misses Josephine bers of the (Jeneral Assembly shall receive Reserve Tax and Tax Title) ctrs will take place. annually the Hum of two thousand dollars Liens _... Alfred Boyd of Wilson avenue, spent boro against the Marlboro firemen. Klrwin, Marvis Aumack, Dorothy Mr, and Mrs. Fred Fredericks of Silverware Repaired (12.000.00) dining: the time for which they Reserve Vrenrhlne Tax Hec Friday at Perth Amboy. Johnson, Louise Elton and Natalie hall have heen elected, and while they Surplus Revenue—Cash Nyaek, New York, were v!«!tnr« with Mrs. Catherine Jensen is enjoying Tha ilre company will meet at the Protz. tmi ^ and Replated Like New .hall hold their salil ofrk-es. Members of Mr. Frederick's sister and brother- a vacation from her duties as secre- the Senate and tienerai Assembly "hall re- fire house next Monday evening. The tary to Mrs. Geraldine L. Thompson. ceive no other allowance or emolument, BALANCE—TRUST DIVISION in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Doyle BEACH PARTY firemen were called out Monday at A meeting of the Ladles' Aid so- REUSSILLES' •directly or indirectly, for any purpose ASSETS LIABILITIES of Forest avenue two days lust week. whatever. Dui from Current . I 109.46 Reserve Dot from Current midnight to fljrht a fire at tho flsh ciety will be held this afternoon at Ml. and-Mrs. Rodorick VanHouten The Methodist Young People's PROPOSED AMENDMENT. and daughters, Eleanor and Janet, of factory. the home of Mrs. Harold Perry of 36 Broad St., fed Bank 1. Amend paragraph five of section BALANCE-DO(1 choir will hold a beaeh party tomor- ASSETS Monmouth parkway will move short- Mrs. Frank Levering of 'Main River Plaza. Tel. 1831 t*-o, Article VII, to read as follows: LIABILITIES row night at the Avenel beach, Long (Clerks and surrogate* of counties eh all Carii - t 852,60 Reserve Fund, Dog_ ly to » residence on the Hudson street was recently rp-elected to the A meeting of the fire company will Account Receivable Branch. Frank Warner is In charge. neglected by the people of their respective lfl.oi) Reserve Dotr Tax Receivable .. river. post of president of Monmouth and be held tonight at 8 o'clock. couvitles, nt the time elections for mem* Deferred Charges Remitter! ..... 30.00 Reserve Deferred OhergM .... Account Rec. from Current 0.00 Reserve Due from Current ...... Mrs, Marie Lederhnus of Hudson Ocean council. Veterans ot Foreign Eugene Carroll, Jr., Is spending hen* of the Senate or General Assembly wars auxiliary. are lield In the State of New Jersey. avenue spent Friday at New York. this week at Camp Columbia at TlWy ahall hold their office* for Jive I 404.RO The Men and Women's Republican Edna Lee of Briarcllff place spent Whltesvillo, Mr. Carroll stirted a years, BALANCE CAPITAL DIVISION Sunday at Sea Side Park. ASSETS LIABILITIES association of the Seventh district vacation this week from his duties PROPOSED AMENDMENT. Cash Due from Current, Tire Bond held a party Saturduy night in cele- Mr. and Mrs. R. Vogel are making with the Amoco Oil Co. 1. aVmend paragraph six of section two, Truck ~.._..4 606.91 Surplus Cash - alterations to their home on Mon- Article VII, to read aa follow*: Deferred Taxation 6,000.00 bration of the birthdays of several of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Munson are SCOOP/ First in Long Branch Sherttfa and coroners ahall be elected the members. A supper was served mouth avenue. They expect to make vacationing at Geneseo, Nsw York. by the people of their respective counties, t 5,606,01 • 1,101,91 and dancing was enjoyed by the their permanent home here. nt the time elections for members of the The Bremen's softball team will Senate <«- General Assembly are held In guests, The celebrants were Mrs. Mr. and Mra. George Bailey were meet a team from Red Bank tonight Recommendations. the State* of New Jerney, and they shall a. Tbat all transaction! be entered Into tha minute* aV full detail to show Frances Youngs, Mrs. Vera Geiger, Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. on the Bremen's field. hold their* offices for five yean. Sheriffs the entire action. shall annually renew their bonds. Mrs. Prudence- Lovejoy, Miss Muriel George Jones of Brainard avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daley have b. That (Jeneral Ledger be kept poat«d to date. Filed JuV 2, 1940. c. That the provisions of R. S. M-4-D1; R. 3, R4-4-92] 14.4-81 and R. 8. 14-4.04 Mead and Fred Frank. Plans have Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyers of returned home from a vacition at been completed by the club for a ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION be compiled with. Main street entertained their daugh- Goshen, New York. No. 8. d. That all interfund accounts na transferred to the proper accounts^ game party to be held Saturday even- tei nnd son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Joan and Susan Ncuberger, daugh- Concurrent absolution Proposing AmeaaV c. That a time limit for the presentation of hills for payment at the meeting of ing at the olub housn. A business ment tn the Constitution el the the council be designated and properly enforced. Frank and son of Hillside, over the ters el Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ncubat1- meeting of the group will take place State e>f New Jereey. f. That all vouchers be sworn to before being; passed for payment, week-end. ger, won. ribbons Saturday at the Be It Ke*ol*ed by the Houne of Assem- *. That Interest be charged on all delinquent taxes. Thursday evening, August 8. Under ideal Mrs. Albert Johnson of Central annual Spring Lake horse show. bly of the Staha of New Jersey (the Senate the "traveling dollar" plan, spon- avenue held a card Earty 'or ^e SlffWHCf* concurring:) i I hereby certify that the above report Is a true and correct report of ttfe financial ; sored by the club, Mrs. Elisabeth Mrs. Mary Sullivan entertained 1. The foliovvinjr amendment to the transactions of the Borough of Shrewsbury, County of Monmouth, New Jerney, as ob- benefit of the Sea Scouts Friday af- her sister from Boston over the Constitution of this State be and the name tained from the books anil records of the Borough presented to me, supplemented by ; Wagner -was hostess Wednesday ternoon. Vttttty la hereby proposed, and when the name personal Inquiry and Investigation, nnd, in my opinion. Is a true and correct report '. night at a bunco parly at the club week-end. of the financial condition of the Doruugh. Frank Leverine has been elected Froc* shall be agreed t*o by a majority of the house, The embroidered picture, Larry Mahoncy, state horseshos members elected to the Senate and House Reapectfullr submitted. state historian of the Veterans of JOHN p. MULVIHILL. made by Mrs. George Ruppel and pitching champion, is practicing for of Assembly, the said amendment shall Foreign Wars. be entered on their journals, with the yean Itetrlntered Municipal Accountant. awarded on the co-operative plan, the annual Staten Island open tourn- And nays taken theivon and referred to the The complete report Is on file In the office of the Borough Clerk of tha Borough was won by Mrs. Viola Oliver of Hill- Walter Avery and Mrs. B. Sherman ament Sunday at Willowbrook Park, Legislature next 1o be chonen, and pubo-f Shrewsbury, New Jersey, and Is open for public Inspection. side. Mrs. Dorothy Cooney was hos- of Jersey City visited Mr. and Mrs. Stamen Island. Larry is again a, mem- lished for three mcenths previous to the Patrick Gavin of Brainard avenue first Tuesday after the first Monday of PUBLIC NOTICE. tess Tuesday afternoon at the weekly ber of the United States horseshoe November next, in at' leant one newapapet- Township ef Shrewsbury, County ef Monmouth, Naw Jersey card party of the club. Sunday. team which will play a Canadian of each county, If any* be published there- Mr. and Mrs. Lee Burmann of New in, to be designated bV the President of SYNOPSIS OK REPORT OF AUDIT Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Murdock of team at the Toronto exposition York are spending the rest of the the Senate, tho Speaker of the House of FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31st, 1931 Hudson avenue are making arrange- Thursday, August 'i'l. Members of Assembly and tht Secretary of State. summer at their summer home on To the Honorable Chairman and Township Committee of the ments to have two of their nlecos, the team will give an exhibition at PROPOSED AMENDMENT. Township of Shrewsbury. Betty and Constance Scanlon, and a Main street. Fort George, New York, Saturday, Amend Article VII, suction two, para- County of Monmouth,- New Jemey. Mrs. May Bcvans and nephew, August 10. Other members of the graph nix of the State Constitution, BO Dear Sirs: • nephew, David Scanlon, living in that henceforth, as amended, It shall read In accordance with It. 8. 40:4-1 1o 40:4:1«. I havn audited the accounts and Scotland, come here to live with them John McGowan, of Kearney are visit- team are Ken Hurst, Rhode Island an foltown: words of the Township of Shrewsbury fnr the year ended December Slat, 1939. The for the duration of the war. Mr. and ing Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paton of champion; Jim O'Shea, Massachu- I Sheriffs and coroners nhaB be elected by balance sheetn set forth directly hercur.der portray the financial condition of the Main street. ' llio people of their respectlte couiiden Local Schoot Tnx Payable I 1,228.88 Filed July 2, 11)40. \ The Ideal Beach group of the C. I. Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Fred Brunn Miss Ruth Tunnington of Mata- Clasht Closed Hank 8,046.2.1 Local School Tax 11,588.37 ~!aflha, , Collectollect r ...—....- riK'i.OI) Appropriation Reserves - . J,808,HS A. of the Keansburg Methodist left Thursday evening for Chicago wan is visiting Mrs. Harold Kelly. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. Tax RibReceivabll e „...... _..- IS.OOR.fiP KeHerves Unallocated — 4.93 church held a game and card party to attend tho funeral which was held Tax Title Liens Miss Lillian Besozzi of New York TO "UNKNOWN OWNER. His B'clra, De- 27.248.2H Reserve Do* Account -..-. at Civic hall Monday afternoon. The Saturday morning. Deferred Charges, Unexpended Reserve Advance Payment 902,42 is a Jsuest of her uncle, Dante Da- vl«rf>M and Personal Representatives Balance* . •.- 2,4Rfl.17 Itexerve Cloned Bank «... 8,04(1.28 door prize, a cake donated by the Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cooke of verio. and /or any of Their Heirs, t'evlseea, Deferred Charges, Overexpendl- Reserve Overpayment Tax ...... 1.22 Pierre bakers of West- Orange, was Tenuity were Sunday guests of Mr. Kxecutorn, Administrator*, (V-anteea, turei 171.20 Reservo Interent Due State 27.86 Assigns or SucceRnors in Right. Title or won by Mrs. Lillian Stokes. Mrs. and Mrs. John McCarthy of Brain- Deferred School Tax Receivable Reservere e TaTaxees anadd Tax TlUTito Sea Bright Interest," and "ADAM" J. SOUDOUI "'ranchise Tax Receivable 434.42 Liens -... eS,25«.H4 Mildred Young will entertain the ard avenue. (First Name Being Fictitious): Reserve Frfinc'ilse Receivable.... 434.42 members at a meeting of the group Miss Helen Coe, who is in charge By virtue of an order of the Court of Surplus Revenue, Non-Cash 3,669.37 at her home Monday afternoon. Plans (The Kerf Bank KeKister can be bought Chancery of New Jersey made on the day Surplus Revenue. Cash 1,168.12 of the local unit of the Mlddlctown in Sea Hright from Morris Weismun, H. of the date hereof in a caune wherein •will be made for the monthly Polly- township chapter, Red Cross, re- Lefkowltz and Cnnnell'a eiisar store) I Townnhlp of Shrewsbury, in the County of I 66,979.98 $ 6«,979.98 anna birthday party. The celebrants ports that the unit has completed 92 Edward Pannaci passed the 04th \ Monmouth. a Municipal Corporation of tiie DOG ACCOUNT State of New Jersey, la Complainant, avid will be Mrs. Emil Rauner and Mra. pieces of finished goods this month. milestone of life Sunday. He oc- j ASSETS LIABILITIES T, Brockman of Brooklyn, a summer you, "Unknown Owner, his helm, devisees Dor Tax Receivable t 915,t)4 Reserve Dog Tax Receivable....! fll*.P4 cuples a suite in the Pannaci hotel, and personal representatives and /or nny Deferred Charges 126.24 Renerve Defnrre.fl Charges 125.24 resident of this place. which he operated for many years of their heirs, devisees, executors, admin- Mrs. Nellie O'Rourke will be hos- Holmdel and "which is not open this season. f 1,041.18 • 1,041.18 tess at a game party Friday ninht ln i'l«ht, title or intercut," and "Adam" J. Despite his age, Mr. Pannaci posses- Sotsioui (first nutne being fictitious), und Recommendations. for the benefit of the chapel on Bray Norman Morgan, Henry and Wil- ses a keen mind and an excellent others, are Defendant*, you are require*) a. That fill transactions be entered Into the minutes tn full detntl to show the avenue, an annex of St. Ann's Cath- tn jifiy to the said complainant the sumeVitlre procedure of all bunlneaH. liam Cross and Jacob Stern made a retentive memory. He proudly re- olic church, Keansburg. y of S4K0.36, together -with the taxed costs b. That general ledger be kept pouted to e denlgnnted and properly enforced. pany at the fire house. Mrs. T. Bo- streets, in the Boraunh of Red Hank, ginia, is visiting Barbara Reed, f. That all vouchers he sworn to before heing pasned for payment. gert won the door prize, which wus Miss Margaret Peterson enter- County of Monmouth and State of New M- That all efforteff * b« made to continue to collect Interest on iall delinquent a fernery of plants donated by the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel tained Les Quins club Tuesday night. Jersey, "with interest, thereon to the rlnte axe>Ms an ntat presentnreiient. Rcrd. lafct mentioned, and in de-fault thereof you. h. That deferred charged he covered by budget appropriation. Tilton greenhouse. Arrangements are Plans were mado for a beach party and each of you, shall stand absolutely de- being made for another game patty Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Jeffrey am* r.ext Monday night. Others present barred and foreclosed of and from ail rlftht I hereby certify that the above Is a true am! correct report of the financial tn be held in August by the auxiliary. Mr. and Mr?. Wilbur Hammond of at. the meeting were Miss Ruth Vital, and equity of redemption of. in and to the rsnsactions r>r the Township of Shrewsbury, County of Monmouth. New Jersey, as this place accompanied by Mr, and Miss Lois Fary and Miss Gertrude land" niut premises nnd every part thereof ihtalned from the books and records of the Township presented to me, supplement** The date will be set at a meeting of covered by the certificate of tax aale In by pernoeial Inquiry »nd investigation, and. in my opinion. Is a true and correct re- the members Tuesday at the lire -Mrs. James Hammond and Mr. and Stevens. said cause nought to be foreclosed. port of flhe financial condition of the Township. , , , | Mrs, Leon Bennett of Shrewsbury The said bill In filed to foreclose a cer- Respectfully submitted, house. Paul Thompson, one of the tend- 1 spent Sunday at Highland Beach. ers on the Sea Bright drawbridge, tain certificate of tax sale made by Allen JOHN P. MULVIHILL. The members of the Dtiitiis Mur- E. Crawford, Collector sf Tases nf th« UoHntired Municipal Accountant. jihy association of Newark held a so- The Red Cross sewing meetings is in Monmouth Memorial hospital Taxing IMstrlct of tho Townnhip of Shrews- Tha complete report Is on file in the office of thfTTowns-hlp Clerk of the Township bury, iri the County of Monmouth and cial gathering Sunday at Murphy's which have been held each Wednes- with a broken kneecap. Tho knee of Shrewsbury. New Jersey, and Is open for public inspection. day afternoon In the Baptist chapel Slate of New Jerney. to said Township of tavern. will be in a cast for a month, and Shrewsbury, (luted May 21, 1034. on lands have been cancelled for August, PUBLIC NOTICE. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Standler of during Mr. Thompson's absence his in said Townchlp of Shrewsbury, County Township of Holmdel, County of Monmouth, New Jtreey and Ktatp aforesnld, Mid certificate being Long Island were guests last week at Rcsldcjits nl this section found it job on the bridge will be handled • While Peplm quite dilllcud Sunday night to cross by Charles Carlson. Tho bridge recorded In !>•* Monmouth County CUrk'i SYNOPSIS OV REPORT OF AUDIT the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Oflko In Bonk 11 3R of MortpaKes for said FOK THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER .tint, 1939 C. Johnson of Pointer avenue. Route 34. Trnflc was jammed from tender was injured when he was • Blut Poplin County, on panes 43H, etr. Dated July 1«, 1040. To the Honorable Chairman »r>rt Tn«/niMp Committee of the Mr. and Mr?. John Murdoch have the Matawan light to beyond Pleas- kicked by an Irate fisherman who Township of Holmdel, • Green Poplin APPLEGATE. STEVENS, FOSTBR returned to their home at Kearny fol- ant Valley inn. had been ordered by Mr. Thompson County of Monmouth, New Jersey. to stop fishing under the bridge. • Dully Pink Bioidclotn ' k REUSSILT'E, lowing a -week's visit at the home of The firemen's softball team tonight : Solicitors of Complainant. rjn "accordance with R. S. 40:4-1 to 4O:4;l«, I have ituMed the accounts ajid will play Wally's Wallopers at As- Fishermen are out with their 3* Broad Street, Red flunk, N«w Jern*y. their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. • Wine Pinchccla records of the Township of Holmdel for the year enn>rt December aim 1988. The and Mrs. Daniel Murdoch of Hudson bury Park. wi'akflsh nets and some have met alance »he«tn set forth directly hereunder portray the financial condition of the •with fair success. Conrad Johnson avenue. About 50 migrate Negroes from the • Blue Pinchccki IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. *w,.hlp .t B«.n*W "ft "fffc^HKan. DIVIS.ON and Henry Benson brought in 700 132-260. South are now located In this vicin- TO ANNA F. HEDGE: A«*HRTq LIABILITIES ity and are busily engaged In picking pounds one day. However, nary a 0 Grt«n Pinchccla By virtue of an order of the Court of C.h „.._.- I 10,720.38 Local School Tax Pnym.nt ...... I «.!2«.<7 Port Monmouth potatoes on the farms throughout blueflsh has been sighted and this Chancery of New Jersoy, made on the day e« ifcc'eivubit <».«2 R..rr». I«u. fn.m C«h..| loss inrunerl earlier in the season. R Union City and Mrs. Emll Huneke tember 8. horn neckline to hemline. Zipptr cloilnj. p!eur choice Julia Ram nine VanSchairk. dated Septem- 24S-OO °^\M1'™ Current Re- Mr. a nil Mrs, Lester Reisers of ber &, 192?. rernrded in the Monmouth and daughter Priscilla of Teatipck Daniel S. Ely, Wilson Conover and of solid colon or cKecki. County Clerk** Oflire In Book !>»0 nt Mort- Center strrfM nrn the parent? of a • 1,3)2.82 I 1.SI2.S2 were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Henry Cross report their crops of gages for said County, on piste 427, etc., Mm burn Mundny .it Monmouth Me- rovsrintr premises shunte In the Soroush ' Recommendation!. liam Miller of Campbell avenue Humor potatoes are coming along morial hospltnl. of Humson, in the Count? of Monmouth ». Ktcomnund th»t a Tax Salo bi held «crcirdlnir to law. Thursday. line. Mr. Ely brought back 125 anrl State of New Jrrsey. Mr. and Mrs. Wllllnm Lawlcr, Jr., h. Rtcomnund that ill money be deposited nccordlnu to law and a monthly recon- Mrs. Churles Lorcnz, Mrs. Oeorgic bushels of the Humor potatoes last And ynu, Anna F. Hedge, are made a of Manhattan Beach, California, are MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED Lt n year from Vermont and with Mr. party defendant to nsld mlt because you r° RKomin(iid th'at'Intermt be rhiimod on delinquent tnxei tcconilni to law. Jessup and Edward Boyd of Totten- spending the summer with Mr. Law- have assumed and agreed to pay ths d. H.comm.nd that deferred rharcei he covered by » bmliret nnjiounj Ion. Conover und Mr. Cross are exper- Vlllc, Staten Island, were guests of ler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William mortgage* sought to he forcrloffed, and bt- e. Becommend thut the r«l>orU required under R. S. E<-4-n 1-!>2-P3 he filed. imenting thnir growth here. Mr. Ely cau«e you are the ownvr uf the premises Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walling Thurs- Lawler, Rr. Mr. Lawler wns horn mentioned and described In the paid bill of planted 75 bushels and Mr. Conover day. at Leonardo, but this Is Mrs. Law- comploiit. and by virtue thereof claim to Mrs. Cornell Lyke of Campbell nnd Mr. Cross 25 bushels each. have florne Hen upon or Interest in the said ler's ilrst visit here. mortgaged premises. avenue Is confined to her home by The HaiHlst chapel Is being re- ESTABLISHED 187S INCORPORATED PAteil July 10. 1940. Illness. painted. He that urges gratitude pleads the APPLEC.ATE, STEVENS. FOSTER cause both of God and men, for & IIEUSS1LLE, "jOHN"j\ MULVIHILL. During the storm Friday afternoon Broadway R.lfUtered Municipal Accountant. Boys can nuke extra pocket money' without it we can neither be sociable Long Branch Solicitors of Complainant, 1 Mlll Accoimtant^( thi upper front windows of the Boyd' - F, O, Address: 34 Broad Street, Tht Domplul* report I. on 61. In tb« office of the Townnalp Clerk of tht Townalil* •elling Tb« Rajrfetejv—Advertisement nor religious Sqneca. ] 4 »a>'4 kardwara •tor. on Main Jted Buik, Hew Jeveer. ti Hoiadtflolmdtf,, »•» Jerm. and H otm tor publl« inspection. ., RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST I, 1940. Pace Sevan as Cook of Broad street. Mrs. Man- physical examination, others will be started the names of the students Miss Clara Smith and Mr. and MrsI. ing Mlas Flora Camphell of Hlgfc Personals ahan is a former resident of Red Civil Aeronautics called according to the date of tho will be released. Headden's Corner Harold Smith enjoyed a day's outing land I>nrk. Bank now residing at Falrvlew, New filing of the applications. at the Worlds fair Sunday. Miaseg Helen and Jane Davlti i«f Mr. »nd Mr». Frederick Wright of Ground School Course In addition to those competing for (The Red Bank IteKinter can be bought Jersey. The course will be of 72 hours scholarships a numbpr have enrolled in Headden's Corner from Kdward O'Flah- j Jackie Higgins of South Amboy yesterday for a week's stay with rel We»t Long Branch are the parent* Albeit Goldman of Wallace «treet Th« second civilian pilot ground length and the first ten having the for the a.s non-competitors. crty) visited his aunt and uncle, Mr. andatlveo at Belmar. of a daughter bom Saturday morn- returned yesterday from a week's cchool training course will he, darted highest rating of those who pass Those who pass in this group will Mrs. Edward O'FIaherty, over the Mr. and Mr». Ixjuln Reuther, whi ing at Monmouth Memorial hospital. Kleanor Newberry Johnson, 11, of | fishing trip at Knsroe's Point, New in the Red Bank hl^h school next will bo awarded scholarship for a alFo be awarded certificates but Wilmort park, waa treated at River- I week-end. for a number of year* have rr-sldai Jin. Wright 1« the former Miss Mary York. Mr. Goldman in associated Monday, August 5th. The instructors flight training course, which Is given must pay for their own flight train- on sleepy Hollow road and operate* Blordan of Red Bank. The infant view hospital Saturday after running! Philip Chubb, son of Mr. and Mrv with Sanders' llqilor store on Broad will be Messrs. Patrick and Hex, two at the Red Hunk Airport. One girl ing for pilot licenses a chicken farm, have aoM their prop haa been named Constance Ethel a rusty nail in her foot. | Charles Chubb of Chapel Hill road, street. of thai Instructors in the first, course. may be awarded a scholarship If in who is a member of the United erty io William u. VnnNote and fam Wright. Dr. F. J. GorT, olllcial jihyi-icul ex- the first ten, but only one. Miss Eileen Cooney, daughter of j Mrs. Barbara Kane of MliMletown Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cooney of Oak States navy has fulfilled the neces- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ri'Uthtr will roaki Mrs. Emma V. Brown of Marlon township, tcaclier of English in the aminer for the C. A. A., Is now en- The last course winners are now HAisr, HKI'LBI.ICAJN' BANNER. their home at Jteil Bank. •treet had aa Sunday guests her gaged in giving physical examina- Hill farm, is visiting relatives at sary qualifications to make the naval Red Hank lilgh school. Is a patient taking their flight training, but in Morrlstown. I radio school at Keyport, Florida. daughter, Mrs. Haroitl Peterson and at. Fitkin hospital, Neptune. Mrs. tions to more than HU HtudrnU whu addition to the ten awarded scholar- The Ked Bank Republican club The world In full of odd and curl children of Belmar. have applied for tho course. ships at the close of tho course, this week strung a tanner, contain- Mr. and Mrs. John Luke or the! Charles Smith and family have va- otJa people, so that there may b< Kane wan coach of tho senior high cated their former residence on the James Costa, 12, of Linden place, school jjliiy last April and 1B sponsor The school is limited and nnly the five more have i>pen called by the ing names of the entire ticket, from Bronx, New York, returned home j those who have not used the WAD cut his foot Saturday while crab- government find will shortly be the Presidential candidate down, Sunday after two-weeks' vacation Chapel Hill road and are Jiving on columns of The Register. Our wan of the. dramatic and stamp clubs at applicationa received prior to July the still house property at Nut- ads have brought outness and h»n bing in the river. Ho was taken to 22nd »re having consideration. Then, ordered to report for flight training across Broad street. This is believed with their cousins, Mrs. H. Caudugan the high school. and daughter. sw.irnp. piness to many, Why not try Thi RSverylew hospital for medical treat- William Cut-tin of Monmouth street if there are some, who do not take also. to be the first banner to be raised in Register's want column without de Monmouth county. Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Johnson, ment, haa returned home frsm a vacation the couraa or who fail to pass the i As soon as the course Is actually Misg Virginia Mount Is entertain- lay?—Advertisement. Frank VaiiHrunt of Union itreet of several weeks at Niagara Falls, Is enjoying a two-weeks vacation New York. from his dutie* in thn Carlisle and Mrs. R. B. Anlley of Lelphton ave- Melllck brokerage house in Now York, Mr. Vanlirunt will reaume nue has returned from a visit of two his position next Monday. weeks with relatives In New York. Her aunt Is now visiting at Ihe Ant- Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Ely, form- ley home. erly of r?ed flank; their daughter Frank B. Hclser of Mechanic street Helen and Mrs. Ely's mother, Mr». Is confined to his home with tha grip. Nathaniel Ormabee, have moved from their home at Glen Ridge to Atlanta, Georgia. Mr. Ely Is «nl- ployed by the Carroll-Dunham Smith Five-Year-Old Girl Fharmuceutlcal Co. of Orange as divisional sales, manager of the Southern states. Entertains Lodge Mr. and Mrs. William DotU of Pearl street are tha paranta of a Gloria Mazza Singt, son born Thursday at Monmouth Memorial hn«pital. Dances at Eatontown Miss Lillian Savage of Elm place and Frank Bauer of Rumson will Gloria Manza, flve-yeat-oltl daugh- accompany Mr. and Mrs. William ter of Mr. and Mm. Joseph Mnzga. of Noe of Monmouth Beach to New Eatontown, give a recital Friday York, Saturday when Mr. and Mrs.night In the Eatontown borough hall Noe will nil for Bermuda for a at the meeting of the Shepherds of three week's vacation. Hethlehcm lodge. She Bang and Misses Mac Flannlgan of River danced to the old tune, "Ida," and Si/uM A really outstanding auortmtnt of foed$ you will wanfto buy at this seasonal the year. Roll blaj Plaza .and Peggy Alvcrson of Leon- sang the "Woodpecker Song" and ardo and ltlohard Colby and Peter God Bless America," values'that will enable you t» please the family.and'savemoney'at.the sometime. Forjcompleto Alfano of Fort Meyers, Virginia, spent Friday evening at the Sea Juit Arrived ! satisfaction and economy visit your nearest Acme.buper.Market. Girt Inn. Five Carloadi of Donald Pease has returned to bia salesmen's duties in Sears-Roebuck company store on Monmouth street after spending a week's vacation in Jumbo First ol The Semsom! Froth KIIM Pennsylvania. Dr. Ijouis L. Gmnil of McLaren e street, who this week waa licensed SprSnf u a dentist to practice In New Honey Dews Jersey, is doing Interne work this year at tha Greystone state hospital, toasting near MorrlHtown, and will return Chickens 25 Unbelievably Low Priced next year to conduct a practice here. Here they are! Right from nearby farmi, the pick of the new crop! Fine, plump, mealy reaeten. Dr. Grand left yesterday to take 'up his now duties. U. $. N.. I N.w Lester Marians of Brooklyn will spend the week-Mid with Mr. and Mr». Theodore Fine of Bergen place. Legs of Lamb VX' 19c | Hen Turkeys » 23* Miss Alma Poling of Keyport, em- POTATOES ployed In tha buslnens office ol The Register, has returned from her vacation, spent at Virginia Beach, Virginia. %#^H JL I FancFeUlCyy Milk-feMllk"T©dd Fancy miik.milk-fedf , from I |C Bernard Jones, 8, of Prospect ave- 15 HV •••• ^^V_V • ^^m "• • g«v Wiecontin where the belt IV • ^^Bfl nue, fell while playing Friday and ^^a u i •% Wiicontin wher cut his arm. He was treated at GLORIA MAZZA Criip Iceberg vealit rown Rlvervlaw hospital. W ata^^fci ShoyldeShoulder RoasRoait ve«ne * grown- . mm0 Miss Helen McKea and Robert Gloria, who haa been singing since heads McKce, children of Mr. and Mrs. Leoshe was two years old, sings over sta- lie McKee of McLaren street, will re- tion WBRB, Red Bank, every Friday Lettuce Legs 6- Rumps »19c I Veal Peckeb turn Saturday from a trip through night on the children's hour. LaBt large Canada. night she again gave a rendition of Cauliflower ^ head William Sullivan, Jr. of Morrln- "Ida." at the Hollywood hotel. West Swift's Circle *S* Smoked Picnics ^tU town is spending a two-weeks' va- Fresh End, where she won first prize in Crisp bunch |OC PLATE IIIF Frotk or Con»od Lunth Meat, Labait*fi cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. an amateur contest. She concluded C«ltry Heart* William Sullivan of Naveslnk, Rover DRY SALT FAT SACKS with "God Bless America" and the Urf • Fall MM California Livarwurtt, H«ae) road. Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan of entire audlenca joined with her in KIIS OF BEEP * 21c Long Island, spent Sunday with Mr. singing. Sullivan's parents, Mr. and Mr«. Wil- SMOUL»ER PORK #M+»S » IS. Macaroni ©V dtooto Loaf liam Sullivan. •REAST OF LAMB * ISc Joseph Dlxon of River Plaza, for- Shower Given PEAS Mai* Uaf, Tarty IW merly an insurance agent for the BOILED HAM K n. |Oc Metropolitan Life insurance com- Joyce Newman Fresh Limes 5 *» IOc COTTAGE CMIEtE » IOc Kdtlo 6- Pimonto Uaf pany, has accepted a position at the Q _ Juicy Calif. Red Bank postofTlce. A surprise miscellaneous shower 15 -25c waa given Miss Joyce Newman of h Miss Mildred Scheldt of Bergen Freeh Belford Thursday night by Mrs. De- place is on a two-weeks' vacation Yellow Onions SsA 2 »'9c Fillets Haddock "" 13^1 Red Salmon Steaks Wltt Heycr of River Plaza and Miss from her position In New York. Alma Perry of Belford at the Heyer Mrs. Mary Reed of River»ld« ave- IIII home, The shower gifts were placed nue Is on a short vacation from her Bill 4 Salada Tea '•"•be.l was pulled to the bottom by a wave ry, Sr., Mrs. Leon Newman, Mia. Del Maiz Millets •vacuum can I Austin Johnson, Mrs. Walter An- Bonnl» and scraped his shoulder. Golden Hob-Ford Whole Kernel A* Evaporated Milk Oak trim, Misses Dorothy Johnson, Louise APPLE SAUCE 12-oi T«cnnm can 9 Mrs. J. Frederick Silcox of Key- Elton and Josephine Klrwan, Bel- mntxm Saiierb Ucad ol worM'B port, secretary to Alston Bcekman, ford; Miss Natalie Protz, Little Sil- finest coffees. Sr., of Brood street, Is enjoying a two tall •c NBC Fig NiwttM ver; Mrs. Harvey Bcdlc nnd Miss cans Saider's Sliced Beets ia glass 10< One Week OM weeks' vacation. She. Is spending this Marvls Aumack, Keypnrt; Mrs. Edna 2 n NBC Binger Snaps P»*!on week at Seaside Heights. Thorne. Keanaburg, and Mrs. Harold 0**** Cake Flour ^ 15^ Only! Mlna Charlotte Bottlchcr of Provi- Perry, River Plaza. dence Is vlsltlnR Mr. and Mrs. Oliver S My-T-Fwe Besserts P. Strykcr of Rector place. Olivar Staffed Olives imil Robert Trucx of Chestnut street If you want printing done on time give Tho Register a trial. For over lias accepted a position at the Ship 60 years The Register has been de- Ahoy Beach club in Sea Bright. livering printing when promised,— Octagon Products DAIRY DEPARTMENT Derrydale Miss Kathryn Shirk, employed In Advertisement. Farm Roll the auditor's department of tho Sec- Hurlock Sweet Cream ond Natlonnl Bank and Trust com- Cleanser J " 13 pany, and her sister Mlas Adeline JEWELRY REPAIRING Soap Chips '--'2C BUTTIR Shirk, both of Long Branch, enter- BUTTER tained Mr. and Mrs. H. H. James of Witches, Clocks and Jawelry Cleaned and ] String Beans Winner of over 50O priaes. Englewood at their home Saturday. Repaired at Reasonable Prlcet. Gran. Soap Xi8 New C Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner of All Work Guaranteed for One Yiar, Toilet Soap Riehland Roll Butter » Bergen place entertained a group of H. ROSIN, Jeweler Pack *•/ cans A«y Irlcnds at a birthday pnrty Tuesday large QtMMmt 'dated' EGGS ';: »28 nlRht in honor of Mrs. Merrlck Feld- IS From St.. Red B«nk, N. J. KLEK k L ,,k|t« I* man of Lone Branch. Those present T.I. 72-M. OSCO Cider and White B5 ^c SHver Seal Selected " Special Mild were Mr. nnd Mrs. Richard Warner, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Palmolive Soap ^5 •"99* Carefully Inspected Mr. and Mrs. George Potter and Mr.Efltat* of Jncub Meypr, flccenncti. Feldman. (Tnmt for Richard Meyer). Octagon Laundry Soap VINEGAR CHEESE Notice JB tiereliy Riven that tho «c- Lean Sliced Bacon MIBS Maybelle Badd of Irvlngton counti of tha nibncrlhern, trustee* of refrigerator spent tho week-end with Mrs.' Rob-the astute of said doreftspd, "will h< .C nu tit led and stated by tho Surroniite of quart C Domestic Swiss Chiejevr tb ert Knight of Peters place. the County of Monmnuth find reported for Boraxo Hand Cleaner Mrs. John Keating, the former settlement to the Orphnnn* Court of enld bottle IO KoHnd or Ming Theresa O'Nell, and daughter, Cntmty. on Thuinii«y, the twelfth tiny of Jar Square W> September, A. 1), llUf*. at Ui:ftii o'clock Wilson's Pigs Feet Mueaster Cheese Joan Patricia, of New Mllford, Con- a. m. Dnylluht Snvlnc Time, nt. wlilrh time In nidi Xo. 2'i necticut, and Mrs. Edward Euflnger, nrpllrnttnn will ho mmlc for tho allnwnnc« Syrnp cnii Margarine Princes* thn former Miss Helen ONell, of of rommlsrilnn* nnil courmol fees, Fresh Prunes Dated July 29. A. P. IP-Id. Bergonflold, spent Wednesday visit- ALFRED J. LIPPMAN, ing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warner of RhrownlMiry, N, J., .Kellogg's *S^ Peters place. Mrs. Keating and Mrs. JERROLI) H. MEYER, 73 BROAD ST. OPHInport, N. J., Euflnger are former residents of JACOn L. NEWMAN, Corn MX ' Victor Red Bank and graduates of Red 810 Jlroad St., Newark, N". J,, Bank Catholic high school. Tr us teen, RED BANK Jnrnb L, Newmnti, Post Toasties Robert Knight, 11, of Lelghton RIO Broad St., avenue, dived Into the river Mon- Newnrk, N. J.. BREAD i day from a dock at Fair Haven and Proctor. Wheities \ struck his head on an object He Fresh Sliced received a deep cut. He was taken Monmouth County Surrogate*! Office. C 8-10 Front St. In the matter of tho estate of Elisibcth Wheat & Rice Pnffs: oaf to Rlvervlov hospital, where two I. K. Clarke, dcrcnsecl. t stitches were taken to close the 5 i Notice to rrei'ltorn to present clalmi wound. The boy was taken to the ngninfil oitfltp. Kellogg's Cereal Varieties Furiunnt. to tllo nlcr nf .lonoph L. Keyport i hospital by Officer Harry Veroncau Ponnhay. Surruirale of tho County of Mon- Cudahy's Lunch of Fair Haven. mouth, mnilc mi Iho twenty.Hixth day at July, 11140, on tho appllrnllnn of Ellaiibtth SPAM i Mrs. W. C. Howell and daughter C. Fox, atlmitiNtrntrlx of the estate of Alma hnve returned from a cruise Eliuiheth I. K. Clnrkc. ilercancd, notice. Is Vnur to Virginia Bench where they hereby iriven to the crf'iltorn of snid de- MOD Clioiro TONGUE 752 River Rd. stopped at the Cavalier hotel. ceaHed to exhibit to the subscriber, ad- mlnlptrairix nn afnrrsniil. their debts and Mi?s T.nuollii Frey of South street. demands nunitiHt the said estate, under PREM 6-02 ^rc i oath, within nix months from tho date of n. member of tho roportorlal staff the aforesaid order, or they will be for- Tlio Sei 12-nz cans ^m'^9 Fair Haven v of The Reclatcr, has returned to her iver barred of their action* therefor New Lnncli Meal enn 19? 2 •TANG •No Meats Sold Horn duties following two weeks' vacation against Iho Bald •ubsrrllter. spent In Canton, Maine. She was Hated Freehold, N. J.. July 20. 1(1(0. 12-OX EUSAIIKTII (!. FOX, •REDIMEAT ClUI accompanied by Miss Josephine Sen Hrlnht, N. J. Lang of Shrewsbury. AlH'leKate, Steven*, FoMe;- Mrs. Lilly Manahan Is spending £ !iensi.illr. Grocery Prices Effective to Aug. Red Pank. N. J.. 7; others to Sat, Aug. 3. tha week with Mr. and Mrs. Thorn- Proctor*. YOUR NEARBY AGBf£^4IAS THE VALUES THAT PLEASE . Pace Eight RED BANK REGISTER. AUGUST 1. 1940. in Canadian churches during his va Granvillo park. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Register Folks cation In Canada in August. Kev. West Keansburg AInKley and daughters, with * party Correal was presented by church of friends, arc enjoying • vacation a members with a purse .Sunday at the $108,000 Holdup Scene Mr. and Mrs. George 1". Jarrinn Hanisor, Maine. Called "Skunks" morning service. and son uf the Bronx, New York. Mr. Miss Mary Barton and Mr. and and Mrs. Stephen J. Jarcma of lj , of :•>>»• York. niv e and children, John and Heir;: of rhlldri'n of Newark spent Sunday dio Scrvlre at Shrewsbury avrnuo Brooklyn arc spending several weeks with Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Brown of and Newman Springs road, called at joying vacations of two weeks. •nd Prints, John Wrrmert, Prudential insu here HS tho guests uf Mrs. Lenuwioh's Rtoi.n loud. The Register oillrc Friday afternoon parents, Mr. and Mrs. JVtrr Dickey Mr. and Mra. Richard Wright, Mr. Mid. before, he loft he had the satis- anr-e agent, his purchased a ne of Thirteenth street. All Shades and Styles. faction of calling The Register re- Dodge sedan from the Dcndi and Mrs. Thomas Osborn and sons, agency. Misa Mario Klepp of Stone ro:id, Wayno and Thoman, and Misses 'porters "skunks'' and told the pub- Miss Catherine Rchbein (if I'nton Wanda Breslaw and Joyce Craven of NOW ONLY lisher that he did not want his name Archdeacon and Mrs. R. B. Grit Heach and Mrs. Helen Knsky of Ci-n- printed in The Register's columns. Portsmouth, Virginia, are the guests bon were lim'-henri guests Tuesda terville were Newark visitors Mon- of Mr. and Mrs. John I. Louis and His tirade was based on one of of Dr. and Mrs. J. K Keilly Ht the day. family of the Beachway. .'lhe nldellphln of (he rowing regatta summer ruttage on Ocean boulevar Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hnnla Luclu of Mis. Martin Flynn and daughter as printed in The Register last Mr. and Mrs. .fames Phillips c Washington, D. C. were recent visi- Mario spent a few days last week at a> Thursday. This Item was as follows: Simpson avenue are the parents c tors of Mr. Santa Lucia's brother-m- Jersey City with friends. • The public address system failed son born Monday al Monmout aw and sister, Mr, and Mrs. John A. J repeatedly Kundny but Announcer Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs Lutz of Eighth street. « Thomas M. Oopslll stayed at the nil- Earle Bennett are the parents of Misses Veronica and Helen Hayes Colt's Neck jj orophnne nnd what emanated from daughter born Tuesday at the sam have returned to their licime at .New Hurry! They won't Uit Inng at • tho loud speakers sounded like dou- hospital. York following a week's vacation prices. • We talk. A description of the Phila- (Tho Red Dank Rculaler run !>• bought J delpnia Gold Cup. which Joe Burk Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Clark am with friends at this pliirc. at liic iLuiti of l.ouia J'Jotkin) • won, was Interrupted at an interest- sons Martin and Dirk, who hav Mrs. Ednu Solield of LIIIIK Branch The. Ladies' Sewing club of the Re- • Ing moment. The P. A. system was been staying at the home of Mrs was a Sunday visitor of IHT brother- formed church will hold a dawn par- • repaired after it was found that a Clark's mother, Mrs. Mary Martin ol n-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Fred- ty and covered-dish supper tonight • wire had been broken In the rear of Washington avenue for the pasi erick VanNote. Mr. VanNote. ha.s uc- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sher- J Dickman's boat works. month, left Monday for Great Bar- pepted a position with the Jersey Cen- man Hunt. PAJAMAS BLOUSES ', Had The Register mentioned that rinton, Massachusetts, whore thej al railroad at Elizabeth. Plans for the annual harvest home C J the publio address system had been will visit Mrs. Clark's brother, Dr Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Mack and of the Reformed church are well un- • net up and operated under Mr. Brad- J. Martin for several days, after daughter Joanne of Stone roatl were lerway. Those on the committee are NOW 99° NOW 59 I ley's personal supervision It mighl which they will return to their recent guests of Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur Charles Flock, treasurer; George [ not have pleased him when we callei home at Beverly Hills, California. W. Aumack of Gloucester City. Mrs. Hancc, ticket agent; Chriney Con- turn V»IIM IM»r Valim .our readers' attention to the fac Mrs. George Conover of Second Aumadt is tho former Miss Alila uvi'i', music; Garrett Conover; pub- avenue has returned from a two- ane Thorne. In Satin mid Strlpei In White, Htrlpca and Futtcl ! that the public address system faile licity and Walter Fields, lighting. and Solid rolora. d • repeatedly Sunday afternoon, weeks' vacation at Ocean Grove. Kenneth Mahr has returned to his Instead of the usual bund it has been ' The fact that no mention was John Buzby of South avenue is at- nome here following n Hirer, weeks' decided to have Ernie ChristolTerson | made of Mr. Bradley's efforts, thereby tending Camp Columbus at Bamber mention spent In Upper New York provide music with his accordion. So- ' failing to give him some free adver- lake. itnte. licitors for the supper are lnr will li(> Mrs. Moreau, Mrs. Flock, ister's publisher that there was i Bethlehem steel works, was a week- postoffice and fled to their parked car (No. 1). Lower arrow shows Srooklyn. Mrs. William Hunt, Mrs. C. Wlllett, JEAN FROCKS "noise in the machine for 20 min end visitor with his parents, Mr. and course of bandit's mile-a-minute escape. Shown below are Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rtnack of New Mrs. R. Ileulilt and Mrs. Lewis Sny- utcs" and that if Police Commission. Mrs. A. Sorensen of Bay avenue. Sturm (left) and J. Clarence Barton, Jr., the messengers, who were ork were week-end guests of the der. Those assisting will be Mildred, 16 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. er Thomas M. Gopsill, the announcer, Raymond Boyce, Jr., son of Mr. 'ormer's cousin, John K, Dickey of Vanolia and Hazel Clayton, Mrs. Sid- y questioned several hours by FBI agents. hirteenth street. did not make his remarks clear it and Mrs. Raymond H. Boyce, Sr., of ney Bennett, Mrs. Sherman Hunt, • was because "he has a poor radio Mrs. Raymond Dubesky spent Sun Mrs. Kaufmann, Mrs. John Sutphin, West Highland avenue, celebrated house. Russell England did the ay with her son-in-law and ilaiiKh Mrs. Anderson nnd Mrs. W. Heulltt. • voice" as Mr. Bradley put It. his seventh birthday Friday. Tinton Falls MONEY LOANED • While Mr. Bradley was bearing work. |ter, Mr. and Mra. Walter Arose of Ev- Sigmund Kasse of Staten Island, Miss Jean Tuck of Bloomfleld ha.s erett. Till! provision table will be taken on Jewelry, Silver, Mullcul Instrument*, Cnmerai, • down hard on The Register man one time owner of the Atlantic the- (The Kcl IW,'* IUsiitcr r:-.r. fcr !i«'»'ht Hlnoculitri, «!<•. Tinton FallR at Scott's store and from rctuiiifd home aftrr visiting Mies Harold and Marvin Hart have care of by Mrs. Reynolds, Miss • Harry Compton of J. Krldel's cloth- ater on First avenue, Is spending a Evelyn Dorr. opened a fruit and vegetable center Sickles, Mrs. VanSlse and Mis, Lef- Llctnird and bonded by Slat* ol N. J. . > ing store came into the office and two-weeks' vacation here. 'homna Calandrielio nt Pine Brook) WE FAY CAHH FOIi OLD COM) AND SILVER More than 100 suppers were near the boardwalk for Ihn summer. ferson. J he took time out to compliment Mr. John Herbert Posten, son of Mr. Miss Grace Klepp of Nullcy Is Tho sacrament of baptism at the » BraJley fur the wonderful radio re- and Mrs. W. Harry Posten of Me- irved last week by the Ladies' Aid Marlboro oclety at the annual harvest home spending several clays here ns the Reformed church was observed Sun- Broadway Loan Co. m ception and that he personally en- morial parkway left yesterday for guest of her uncle nnd aunt, Mr. and J joyed th' radio program very much. Illinois, where he will receive train- upper held at the. Tinton Falls fire Mr. and Mrs. William Stolz are on day for Margaret Francei, daughter !0S Broadway (Opp. Jacob su!nbach'«) Long Branch louse. Proceeds amounted tn over trip to Missouri. Mrs. Frederick Klepp, Sr., of Stono of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rlchcns, and • This bi'f.ught. a smile from Mr. ng to become a pilot in the United road. J. Bradley hut. did not reduce hi* blood States army. Mr. Posten graduated 100. Fancy articles and vegetables Miss Muriel Frel Is employed at Carol Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, ere sold. Cliffwood Beach. Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Pilborfccr and Paul Stanley Hunt. J pressure and he went away with n June from North Carolina state son Alfred of Newark arc guests of KKADE'S • far from pleasant thoughts about university where he studied aeronau- Mr. and Mrs. William Scolt and Mrs. Henry Schanrk, who was Ehvood Douglas, who ha» been a ughter Ellen Jane of Plainfield badly scalded ft few days ago, is re- Mrs. Dilbecker's sister-in-law, Mrs. hospital patient, returned home last t Th» Register and Its "skunk" per- ical engineering. He has been vis- John Eckert. • sonnel. ting at his home here for several nd Mr. and Mrs. Everett Bradley covering. week. His condition ia slightly im days. id son Robert of Westbury, Long The firemen were called out F Miss Marie. Sehoon has accepted a proved. iland, were visitors of relatives in summer position a3 cashier for the Mr. and Mrs. George Van Aken of CARLTON *-. ^»-*^»"- day evening to the home of William The condition of Mrs. J. Polljo of newly remodeled Brlggi's Casino on Avenue D, a surgical patient in a iwn over the week-end. Cox where a falling limb of a tree Osprey, Florida, visited Mr. and Mri. BKD BANK PHONE 1S0O Mrs. Adrian Nitschelm spent Wed' broke electric wires. the boardwalk. Mrs. Edytho M. John H. Sutphln of this place over t" Atlantic Highlands Brooklyn hospital, has improved. Schoen has returned from a visit The members of Monmouth chap- sday of last week at the World's The family of the late Nathan the week-end. TODAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY £ (The Red Bunk Register can hi hoiiuM fair. Liss has sold their interest in the with her son Charles in Connecticut Miss Barbara Rlchdale of Somer- cr, Eastern Star, are making plans Mr. and Mrs. Peter \V. Karloyu [J In Atlantic Highland! from William Leff. or a game party to be held Monday Mrs. Mary Carney of the Pine Marlboro general store to Mr. Liss' villo is spending a few day» with K J. Lemburg, A. Katz, Rubin's newsntand Brook road is spending a few days partner, Philip Silverstein, and will were recent guests of Mrs. Karloys's iss, Caroline Sutphin. • and Romeo'a RIB station) ' evening, August 12, In the Lions Den, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Judson S. Hop- Highlands. The committee in charge with friends at Jersey City. move soon to California. The Red Cross unit meets at the •- Tho two-weeks'-old daughter of la, Sr., of Keyport. Mrs. Hopla Is home of Mrs. John Sutphln every JOAN FREDRIC ,,_ Mayor and Mrs. Thomas C. McVey consists of Mrs. Sophie Bieler, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Wilklns, Services in the Old Brick church slowly convalescing from a serious jj of Sixth avenue, was christened Rebecca Liming, Mrs. Evelyn Cole- Sr., are vacationing at their summer have been suspended for the month Tuesday from 2 until » o'clock. Mrs. home at Lavalette. illness of several months. Sutphin is chairman. All the women • • Margaret Ann Sunday afternoon In man and Mrs. Bertha Weiss. of August which has been the cus- Miss Lorctta DeTuro, nurse at the CRAWFORD * MARCH [I St. Agnes church by Kev. John Tier- The next meeting of the Mon More than 100 persons attended the tom for several years. of the community are urged to at- Jersey City Medical Center, was a tend these meetings and help. <* ney. Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Lee mouth Bayshore Improvement asso dance given Saturday night by the Mrs. Edward Caeser of Jersey City week-end guest of her parents here. !' were the sponsors. lation will be held Saturday, Aug- firemen at the fire house. Another spent part of last week with her Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kurtz and The Ladles' auxiliary of the fire J Under a National Touth admlnis- ist 10, in the Atlantic Highlands dance will be held at the fire house mother, Mrs. Mary Foley. sons, John and George, Jr., have re- company will go on an evening out- 1 tomorrow night. ng to Seaside Heights next Wednes- J tration program, rustic benches and lorough hall. Richard Gordon and Johnnie Lee turned to their home at Dumont fol- N ii stone paths leading from a large wil- Kenneth Melncrt of Naveslnk ave- Mr. and Mrs. John McNeil and are at Camp Ranger, Wharton, New lowing a visit with Mrs. Kurtz's day evening, August 7. All the worn- ',. low tree, are being added to the Misses Frances and Anna Judge of Jersey, are to meet at the fire house and f j nue Is employed in a store on First brother, Theodore J. Franzcn of Jj p> k on Railroad avenue, avenue for the summer. Catona, New York; Miss Agnes Lc- Mrs. Lester VanWort of Manas- Stone road. start from there. t< iorough Attorney and Mr». John John Knight, employed as an en- Strange and Jack LeStrange of Jer- quan visited the School street Hay- Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan "Wagner Mrs. James Rilcy of Jersey City jj M. Pills bury of Washington avenue gineer by the American Car and sey City and Miss Margaret Schultz wards Tuesday. Mrs. Josephine and children, Francis, John, Jr., and nnd son James are visiting Mrs. •[. spent several days this week at At- of Belmar were visitors last week Rlley's mother, Mrs, James Conway 1 GOD Foundry company, and his family Vanderbllt of keyport was a Sun- Marjorie, of Nyack, New York, nre • • lantic City. have returned from a trip to Wil- at the Dean home. day visitor. spending a. week with Mr. and Mrs.of this place, for a few days. from R a i h a r / Crof/rcM Sfage Hit1 ',', Lightning stfuck the chimney of Uamsburg, Yorktown, the Skyline Miss Evelyn Dorr has returned to Miss Florence Ely, a student nurse Frederick Lipf. The firemen defeated the Hazlet jj the grade school on Washington Drive, and other places of interest her duties with the Pearl Insurance in the Middlesex General hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Carhart and fire company In a Softball game at • . avenue Friday night and caused in Virginia. company, New York, after enjoying New Brunswick, who received a se- children, Deanna and Wayne, spent the Hazlot field Monday evening, 9-4. \l slight damage. a three-weeks' vacation. She spent vere bask injury in a fall at the Miss Dorothy Powel of this place RUTH HUSSEY j; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiler of First Plans are under way by the local art of last week with Mrs. Carhart'a Lions club for a sail Monday even- part of her vacation in Connecticut. hospital several months ago, is able parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. New-visited some friends at New York i" avenue celebrated their fifth wed- A new house is being constructed Sunday. JOHN CARROLL |i ding anniversary Monday evening Ing, August 5, on the Steamer Sandy to get around and is visiting her man. Hook. on the south side of Water street parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Ely of Mr. and Mrs. John Featherston nnd Boy Scout troop 90 entertained an J; with a gathering of relatives at their opposite the Farrell property. Wil- out-of-town troop Monday night at Rita Hayworth • Nigel Bruce • • home. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Alverson Main street. hlldren were recent Jersey City visi- of Beacon Hill road recently enter- liam S. England is the builder. Mr. and Mrs. George VanAken of ors. thoir camp. Aftor the meeting, en- I," A game party for the benefit of St. A number of repairs have been tertainment and refreshments were '; Agnes church will be held next Mon- tained Mrs. Alverson's brother, Ar- Osprcy, Florida, are at the Courtesy Miss Rosalie Flynne of Newton Is SPECIAL KIDDIE SHOW SAT. AT 1 P. M. I.' day evening In St. Agnes' hall. Re- thur Norton of Newark. made to Mrs. Margaret Williams' house. a guest of Mrs. Martin J. Maxley of i enioyed. ;', freshments will be served and prizes Mrs. B. Bt'uder of Garflrld avenue j'_ will be awarded. was a World's fair visitor last week. It K ABE'S Requeit Feature Sat. Nite at 11 t. M. i! Mre. Adeline C. Paddack of Ocean The Altar and Tloscary society of It Costs No More to Buy the Best at '' boulevard is entertaining Miss Helen St. Agnes church will hold a cake SPENCER TRACY |; VanDcusrn of New York. sale Saturday of this week. The STRAND ii The mid-week fellowship hour will group will meet Monday evening at "THE MURDER MAN" |:. not be held In the Presbyterian the church. MARKET BED BANK TEL. 1300 ; church during August. Rev. Donald Sandy Hook Bay post, American . N. Correal will make 12 addresses Legion, will meet August 8. EST. 190» LAST TIMES TODAY - 2 Big Hiu ! SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY PHONE 343. BAY MIIXAND I LOLA DIRECT FItOM A SENSATIONAL FOUR-WEEK FREE DELIVERY ELLKN DREW In I JAMES CRAIG In ENGAGEMENT AT THE RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL! "French Without Tears"! "ZANZIBAR" The Wright Stores he 123 West Front St., Red Bank, N. J. FRIDAY & SATURDAY - 2 Excellent Features 30 Monmouth St. PHONE 2404 Red Bank r FBEE PARKING SPACE IN KEAlt OF STORK J Plumbing, Heating, Electrical & Sheet Metal A Few of Our Special Low Prices ! Lana TURNER • Joan BLONDELL * Georae MURPHY Contractors Large Oxydol 2 PxK, 35c Premier Grapefruit Juice 3 can, 25c

Beechnut Coffee lb. 25c Specially Blended Dietz's Coffee (None Better) lbs. 35c Double tall Armour's Evap. Milk Richness cans 25c Granulated Sugar 23c BETTE More usable space Full Cream Butter forsaje storagt' »2 SCORE 31fb DAVIS oj all jour food largo Kirkman Soap Flakes pkgs. 37c Cannon Turkish Bnth Tnwel FKEK CHARLES Store more yet in, J 6 I 1 O ATX FLAVORS 2 9c BOYER the Cellaret...iht 1 2-O7.. big reserve com- Armour's Treet Luncheon Meat 21c 3 DAYS - Sun., Mon., Tues. - Prevue Sat. Nite partment and door Kellogg's Corn Flakes 6c THE STORY OF PEOPLE NO DOWN PAYMENT—3 Yr». to Pay N.BC. Shredded Wheat 9c ENMESHED IN AN ALL- CONSUMING LOVE! When you cm let ihcic two things . . . generous Model Shown SR-S opacity and safe refrigeration assured by the ciclu- Fancy Fresh-Killed Broilers 25 sivr, rcfrigtrim-coolcd Rollator Cold-Mtker... at cxtrcmclylowcost, then your refrigeration dollar! go further. Let us show j-ou what Korgchas to offer you. Armour's Star Chuck Roast 17f. (Best rutsruts)) * * ' Get Acquainted Offer for Limited Time Only Grnulnp Spring WARNER Legs of Lamb of 1H40 FIRST witWEFFBEY LYMN NATIONAL I This Coupon Worth $10.00 Armour's Star Rib Roast "^ 29 BARBARA O'NEIL PICTURE I towards purchase of any Norge Refrigerator Virginia Weidlo: • Bonti Prices start as low as $104.95 for a 6 cubic ft. Armour's Star Sirloin Steak VH I model with this free coupon. (All Trininu-d) Maureen Adolphe Fay Herbert FEATURE WILL BE SHOWN: STOKE g A. SI. t« « F. M. 8 A. SI. to 9 I>. M. 141 I!,,,,! ^,° V"K- M°ncy aaa Ener«r h> I"""»"K SUNHAY—2:00 - 4:32 - 7:04 - »:3« Illll s'l. =,°"r 'hMy frco dellv".v to Rummn, Fair Haven, O'HARAMENIOUBAINTERMARSHAU nouns: Daily Frldny ana Saturday Llttln Silver. Shrewsbury, Blidclletoivn. MONDAY, TUK DAY—2U2 - 0:82 . »;24 RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940. days MUl Vivian Caafleld and Mra. orderly conduct, suspended sentence took part in tli» aervict w«r» lira YMCA Boys To Keanaburg John Hanover and daughters, Viv- Joseph Yuaranto 30, of Newark, ar- Belford Dora Barnes, George Seeley, Frar ian, Marjorle, Eleanor and Con- rested Sunday for walking the Rauch, Albert White, Mri. Olive (The Red Bank KtlltUr ran ba bought atanee, all of West New York. (Tha Red Bank Register can ba bought Yamall, Miss Dorothy Seely and Visit Ockanickon In Keannburic at the atorea of E. L. Miller, streets In a bathing suit, fined $5; In lielfurd flora II. flay ll*ir. Vlnoent N. Santa Ltirli, Philip Kell.r. Chtrlo Mr>. Jlllzabeth. Clark of Park ave- David Kisman 30, of New York, ar- O'Ncll. Wauserman'l waiting -room and Lewis B. Richmond. Vog«l and Gcorga SwUi) nue, who recently returned on the H rested for disorderly conduct on co Jack O'Nili'a) Mr. and Mrs. Jame* Craig and Large Program Set Ronald Smllh, two years old, of S. Washington, to her home here, af- plaint of Ann Neisnhlowns, aiso of August Volkland has returned to children, Janet and James, of Amlty- Manning place escaped Injury Thurs- ter Upending a year in England, is Now York, case dismissea. his position at Newark after enjoy- vlile, Long Island, spent Sunday with for Camp Closing day when he ran In front of an au> vacationing In Plattsburg, New York. Joseph Manieri, 23, JoTin Fiasco, 17, ing a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Craig. Mis, loinoblln operated by Harry Gtllespl Both fire companies werc called Anthony Lencrado, 17, Frank Zalew- Miss Dorothy McCoy of New York Shirley Craig returned home with out Monday after tho Dodgem on them for a visit. Richard K. Cooke, chalriran of of New York and owned by Joseph skl, 21, Edward Zalewski, 1C, all of Is upending the itimmer with Mr. Splvak of Perth Amboy, proceeding the boardwalk had caught flri>. Dam- Jersey City were brought into police and Mrs. John H. Wermert. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lee (pent the the Little Silver Y.M.C.A. camp com- age was slight. week-end -with their daughter, Mra. mittee and Howard I,. Unger, pre- on Church street past lhe postoflice. headquarters for investigation Mon- Miis Ruth Youst of New York The child wu taken to the ofllee of Mlu Thelma Kocllhoffer of Irving- day. Manicri was fined $25 on a spent the week-end with Mr». G. Bertha Poole of Belmar. fldent of the board of diiunturs, art* ton spent the wnpk-end at the home Mias Aline Runyon. Miss Claire recruiting cars nnd drivers 1o take Dr. Frank Mlele where he was found charge of driving without a license Trimble of Campbell avenue. to be uninjured. No complaints were of her aunt, Mrs. Ixiiilsa Klotz of and having a falB« registration card. Lingo, Robert Newlande and Francis th« Y.M.C.A. boys 1o C'nmii Ockan- Ramsry avenue. Robert Colson of Jersey City apent Rauch attended a baseball game at lckaon Saturday, August 10. Hob- lodged. The others were given aUHpended Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Charlej Carl Christian, 17, of Elizabeth, Samuel A. Wllkcns, 56, of Jersey sentences and ordered out of town Newark between Newark and Mon- art Robson ami Tiaynicini Conklln City and Woodland avenue, Keans- Angley. treal Friday. will be In charge of Dm boys. while bathing In the bay at the foot by Recorder Henry Schweizer. Miss Lucille Roche spent Wednes- burg, was arrested Friday on Wood- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thon of Eu- MIIB Emily Shlndle haa returned of Belleview avenue, received a le land avenue for reckless driving, on day at Kye Beach, New York. Thli will be (ho lust week that the vere cut on his foot lliursday. A call clid avnriue were hosts ln«t wepk to Miss Buth ISgaimllch spent Satur- home after a month's vacation at J«r- camp will be In tietssion and an complaint of Arthur Bucrklr. Wll- Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Thon, Mrs. Flor- y City, was made for the Keansburg ambu kens was fined $20 and charged $5 day with Mrs. O, Trimble. athletic and aquatic program In plan- lance but he was taken in a private ence Ferrari, and daughter Corrine, Mn. Caleb Luker, who has been ned •• a fitting llnalc. Leigh Oobb, cost of court Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Angley (pent car to the nfllce of Dr. fieorgti Fe- all of Brooklyn and Mr. and Mrs. Monday at Irvington. surgical patient at Monmouth Me- Y.M.C.A. secretary, hag announced man for treatment before the am Benjamin Cerwenskl, 46, of New- P. O'Hare of Jersey C'ily. morial hospital for the past three that much will be aililed to attractive ark was arrested Saturday on a James King of Metuchen and Ben bulttnr.e could arrive. During the storm Friday trees Smith of Highland Park spent Tues- weeks is convalescing at her home, profframi which are wuckly ffaturei charge of trespassing on borough were blown down on Campview place Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lohsen, Mr. of the camp for the closinK week. He Bonny Long and Jean fiprlnk, both property, after a report had been day with John F, Eastniond of East of Newark, were brought Into polte and on Shore boulevard. The rear road. and Mrs. John Ayers and children also announced that registrations received (turn Commissioner J. F..H.window of a Ford sedan owned by and Raymond Richardson spent art ttlll coming In but there I* •till headquarters Thursday by Officers Martin that someone was tearing up A «on was born to Mr. and Mrs. Alphonsus McGrath and William William A. Gehlhaiw was broken Sunday *t Seaside Heights. room for a few more In bot'-i the boys' the old Steppanskl property on Or- Arnold Wentworth Tuesday morning Thomas Dinnen of New York spent and'girl*' camp.' Murray for safe keeping. They were chard street. when a traffic sign on Carr avenue at Monmouth Memorial hospital. ordered out of town, and the Beachway blew against it the week-»nd with his family. Coolofifi A beginning was made this year Mrs. Catherine Blumijulst of New John Noverik of Summit was ar- William H. Warnock and daugh- The official board of the Methodist in acreenlng the Kills' cabins. To York spent the week-end at the Vin- rested Sunday and charged with as- ter, Mrs. Grace Keller of New York, church held their annual fish dinner -in— •ecure funds for the project, Satur cent House on Main ctreet. Mr. and sault and battery on complaint of Highlands spent the week end with Mr. and In the church annex Friday. day afternoon a supper was served Mrs. Francis Hardin of Newark are Mrs, Lillian Carroll of Maple ave- Mrs. Stanley B. Cook. The church food aale Saturday was to the visitors, In camp for the ape guests at the Vincent House during nue. He was fined (10.

A sold sign has been put up on our first exhi- bition home. That is the eighth house to be sold in this tract.

No better indication of value, architecture and construction can be had than this.

Critically observe the two houses now nearing completion on Buena Vista Avenue. Big rooms SOLD and a large plot, air conditioning or hot water BUT WILL REMAIN FURNISHED FOR heat and every modern convenience feature A FEW MORE DAYS THRU THE COURTESY OF THE NEW OWNER. these homes. ALLEN BROTHERS, Inc. 54 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. BUILDERS and DEVELOPERS Page Ten _REE^BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940.

porglea, sea bus and mackerel" Cgpt Caruso Hurls Harry Pflug "Dorle Mty." "Situ- Blue Sox Defeated Towners Nose Out Riggs, Miss Marble Win Surf, Field And Stream ghtered aea baas, mackerel and por- glea" Capt. Stanley Williams 'Escort" By Cedar Beach Shut-Out For (Paramount Fleet' "Good catches of The Belford Blue Sox lost a 3 to Bayview A. A., 3-2, aea bass, porgles and mackerel" 2 pitcher's battle Sunday afternooi: Sea Bright Tennis Titles Bucs Over Cubans Timely Notes On the Great Cspt. Harry Fairbanks "Dixie." on their home Held to the Cedu, Beach Royals. The Royal* gatherec In Sunday Game Outdoors by "Stew" VanVliet Abe Krldel with Mrs. Krldel and nine hits off the delivery of Lee while Pirates Squeeze party aboard Abe's boat fished San- Buenshor held the Sox to six scat Henry Wins Game Three and One-Half Hour Final, Our ire* ocean—If you are in a that in the old days when a person dy Hook bay over the week-end and tered blnglen. Through on Play crowd of sporUmen and happen to purchased a piece of property bor- returned with good catches of fluk" The Royals scored twice in the for Wichtnann With Riffgi and Kovacs, Thrills Crowd mention that a «alt water license fee dering on tide water he owned the and porgles. Jtalston Lamborn oi fourth Innning and again In tho by Sargeant in 8th would be a. good Idea in order to pay riparian rights which gave him title Shrewsbury reports that boats drift sixth as Belford crossed the plate in Triple in Ninth •— — game wardens to enforce the exist- down to the mean high tide mark. Ing for ' from Keyport to th the fifth and sixth. Lewis, Cedar ing silt water laws we have, you, Beach short stop, gained hatting Robert L. Riggs of Chicago, ranked . The Red Bank Pirates "squeeied" Let me give you an example of how point of th, Hook made splendid way, though the more than likely, will get the follon- this works. Last year 1 was attract- honors with three hits for his five Having no desire to play under ths flr.t among the nation's amateur I the lead all the into a victory Friday over the Cuban catches. hot sun any longer than necessary, tennis players, defeated Frank Ko- score is not indicative of the ability Stars of Havana In the third engage- ng reactions from some of them, ed tn one of our beacheb s where a chances. Lee, though the loBing vmc» of Oakland, California, Satur- of the English girl who deuced seven "Why make a fellow pay a fee to small crowd had gathered and dls- pitcher, had some consolation in the Jack Henry broke up the two-all ment between the two clubs. The Final arrangements for the United deadlock between the Red Bank day afternoon in the finals of the games before she finally curtsied to "anti-fence busting" Bucs, by perfec* flsh in the salt water, the ocean be- covered that one of the owners of strike-out record as he fanned seven mtn'« singles In the 53rd annual in- the queen. Hiss Hardwick broke her onge to all of us and has always these ancient and misunderstood, States Atlantic Tuna Tournamon in comparison to four by his oppon- Towrnus and the Bayview A. A. Sun- execution of the squeeze play In the are rapidly getting under way. A day afternoon on the old Robblns vitation tournament of the S&a opponent's service once in the first, eighth inning with Steve Sargeant been free." If soou of my fellow rights was in '.he act of putting «ev- ent. Bright Lawn Tennis and set but Alice Marble, unquestioned iportsmen think that the ocean Is eral fishermen off the beach. How- committee meeting war. held at the OBI) AH BKACH. field in Fair Haven, with a rousing bunting Johnny Maruska home from oan Hotel New Yorker July 30 and it was triple to score Bud Wlchmann from club when the little champion of the leader among the women players in third base, Red Bank made good ever, he did not succeed because one AII > H ra A i the world, took that In her stride— ree, let him start at the North end announced that entries to date In first base. Wichmann did the twirl- court* came from behind to take work of Bill Caruso's five hit per- at Sandy Hook and try to tish the of the fishermen happened to know F. Lon«, cf H 0 I II 0 1 Kovaei In five gruelling Bets, 2-6, and the trophy in addition. elude Melniar Fishing Club, Shark A. Lewii. 3b 5 0 1 Ing for Red Bank and limited tha formance winning, 1 to 0. urf all the way to North Point of the law. The owner called an offi- C. Fables, 111. 0 14 M, 6-3, 11-8, 10-8. The men's doubles, In which Fred River Martin and Tuna Club and the 0 1 Bayview squad to five hlta. Caruso's twirling was the best Barnegat Inlet. It wont take him cer of the law and when he arrived Fischer, lb. By virtue of his victory in the Schroeder and Jack Kramer defeat- was invited into the ocean where the recently formed Shcepshead Bay H Lewis, ss. John Konowltz paced th* batters ed Rigga and Welby Van Horn, 7-9, shown by a local pitcher this season ong to And out that the ocean is Tuna Club. Correspondence received 6. l*wli. r. .. with two singles In four times at bat three-and-a-half-hour match, Riggs as the left hander faced but four lot so free as he thinks. fishermen were standing to come In C. Canel, If. .. won hii third leg on the Sea Bright 8-10, 7-5, 6-3, 6-3, proved to be not and get them. to date Indicates tho total entry may H. Koley, lib. . while Henry's clout was the longest only one of the best matches of the extra batters. In only four innings Let's make that trip now. You reach twelve cluh«. Charles B. Hard- H. Feblea. rf. by far. Bayard aUo was credited bowl for the men's singles and re-; did more than three men go to bit tart out bright and early with th» It seems that an owner of riparian P. Buenshor, p 2 tired it from competition. Not since tournament but one of the great ing, president nf the Rumson Coun- with a hit, the fourth of Red Bunks and only one man, Holmes, in the opes of spending a day «urf fishing. rights has no jurisdiction over any- try club, was elected to membership Bill Johnston won the first bowl In matches played in the 21 years 4n a total of four. Owen Davis, though third, was admitted as an occupant .let's lay you decide to try Sandy one who la standing in the water be- In the Shark River Marlin and Tuna lacking Wlchmann's speed, was 1923 hai any one taken three legs competition in the men's doubles low the mean high tide mark. How- BELFORIl. at third base. Holmes was on the Hook, one of the finest stretches of club, which is representing the Bel All K II !'<> every bit as effective as ths St, In the men's singles. Vincent Rich- Sea Bright. This was a case of youth ever, the owner may purchase frona vs. experience, and experience he! mound for the Cubans and matchei surf fishing beach we have. You mar Marine Basin In this splendid M. Sttwert, rf. Si) C 0 1 2 Peter's college star moundsmen, ards, who won two legs on the tro- Caruso throw for throw until th know there are stripers there be- the state what is known as a ripar- 1). Kltwerald. 9b. e. f> I the upper hand throughout the lift event, Headquarters for the tourna Posnusly, c. rf 10 0 0 The visitors scored their only two phy in 1925 and 1926, Sidney R. eighth when Harry Hesse went Int cause every day you near reports of ian grant which gives him control Wood, Jr., who won two legs in game of the third set, with Rlgg merit which runs from August 18 T. Dlnneii, 2b 5 0 11 runs In the second when Tom Smith the master-minding business. men stationed there making good of a certain number of feet out In through to August 21, will be the Aduliato, If 4 110 1930 and 1932, and Riggs, who won and Van Horn leading by two sets, Iht ocean, but this grant is not very AdoakowlU, lb 1 I I II walked and stole second. Chic Bar- 5-0, in the third. catches. You get as far ag the gate Bclmar Yacht club. hit first two legs in 1937 and 1938, Maruska opened the eighth b; where you are told that you are not commonly owned. So It Is well to Brown, II 10 0 2 ker singled to send Smith to third. were the only three men ever to drawing a pass. Gray bunted ' Lee. cf 4 0 0 1 Barker took second as the peg from From there on youth was served, allowed to fish the Reservation and make sure by which right the own- Pitwera.ld, a 2 0 12 repeat on the trophy that Riggs or In this case, served and won th double play ball into Holmes' hands that all fishing passes have been re- er is inviting you off the beach. A 753-pound tuna caught by Ben R. Lee, > 4 0 0 0 the center field cut off Smith from took home with him. sixth game, love. They not only wor but the lanky negro momentaril; called. So you turn Southward David Crowninshield of Boston In scoring. Wichmann tried to nab the sixth but the next six to tak fumbled and was forced to put Gra; 85 2 • 27 12 2 talker going into second but Bay- Klggi, who has often been rightly thinking you will try the long stretch Pollution.—In this day and age of Ipswich Bay, Mass., establishes a 3ed»r Reach 0 0 0 2 0 10 0 11-3 criticized as a lazy player, showed the set, 7-5, breaking the veterans out by himself. Ivanicki- len of beach between Highlands Beach new United States tuna record. The ard dropped his high throw and run« Maruska to third with an Infield ou our civilization it la hard to conceive lelford 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 II 0-2 ners wern nn third and second, Turk the heart of a great athlete Satur- service every time, twice at love. and Sea Bright around Nurmandy that anyone will deliberately pollute fish measured nine feet, seven Summaryi Two.baje hit -II. Kcblen. day in his tilt with the tempera- The gallery by this time was def- Salamone, after fouling severs by the Sea, but after driving the en- Inches and six feet eight Inches In lacrlflc-e—Dennis. E. FlUifflrnlil. nn sacrificed us runners moved up on« pitches, also was walked. Sargean a body of water that furnishes food l>ai«—Belford 10, Cedar Beach 12. .Strike- base. Pollnp singled and Barker mental Callfornian. Kovacs had initely for the underdi'ga, rather un- tire distance you find that you are girth and was brought to gaff In one 1 then laid down a perfect bunt alon, In the form of fish, crabs and clams >uti—By Lee 7, by Buolmhol 4. Hate nn icot<-rl with Ib.n second Bayview tal- Rifga at match point four separate der pups, for both Schroeder and unable to park your car until you to thousands of people as well as hour and 35 minutes on a 39-thread lalla—Off I.fe 5, off Buenihor 2. Umpires times In the course of the play, but Kramer are under 21, the latter noi the first base line that Holmes fleldei reach the Sea Bright station and line, 22-ounce tip and 12/0 reel. — Striker, Nellll, Carter. ly- in time to watch all runners advance, bathing to thousands of people. It the diminutive mid-Westerner played yet 19. The fourth set saw threi even If you were able to park you has been reported to this column Red Bank put two hits and an er- through these points as coolly as consecutive service breaks in 'th< Maruska was running with the pitch and stood a good chance of steal had noticed signs all along the sea j that while fishing in the South A familiar sight to all Red Bank- or together In the third to SCOT* though they were not the margin third, fourth and fifth games, two wall saying "Private property, keep Shrewsbury river, great quantities of ers is "Chum" Chundler and his shoe Braves Win In one run. The count was tied In the for dsffitt. Riggs is known through- for Riggs and Van Horn, one for ing home had Ssrgeant not hit the ball. out." sewage was visible in the water, not boxes full of fresh caught, soft crabs, sixth when Mulvlhlll stopped a curve out the tennis world as a man who Schroeder and Kramer. From there With your hopes still high, as It is only poisoning the water but also with his hack. He scored after sn can play unbeatable tennis when the Most any day you can Bee him at Extra Innings on the "kids" had the match. In the Sargeant nas bolstered the infield still early, you decide to hit for Mon- contaminating the air. At the time his stand In front of the Second Nat- Infield out and Tom Smith's error chips are down, but one who is lazy sixth ganio of the set, which they and has put added color and con mouth Beach where there are some there were a number of men engaged at first base. and sloppy in play when a match took love, not one service was re- ional bank building with dozens of ftdence into the Inner defense. He swell spots to fish. Upon arriving in catching soft crabs and several this most delicious sea food. "Chum DeChiccio Best. BAYVIEW A. A does not count. To understand the turned by Riggs and Van Horn. The made several sparkling plays Friday you look around for a place to park. row boats went by spearing eels. All R H PO A E ability Klggs has in all departments tells me that this is one of the best French, sa. 0 3 2 eighth game saw Van Horn blow up night, in his second try under tha You eee.jigns saying that you are Sims in Tussle 4 2 of the game, his coolness under fire, entirely, and Riggs, who had playea crab seasons he has known in many Corcionn, 2b 4 1 8 2 • Red Bank arc lights. Sargeant in a not allowed to park on the niain 3 0 and his grasp not only of the me- through his three and one-half hour During the week a number of ln- years. .1. .Smith, If 1 0 0 part of the new sturdy infield com- highway so try the side streets with T Smith, lb 3 0 15 D 1 chanics of tennis but also of the qulrifs havve been received wanting Al DeChiccio won his own bail 4 five-set match with Kovacs the prev- posed of the durable Ernie Subo at Darker, cf 1 1 a a Strategy of the game, one must see he same results. Then a bright Idea to know where they could go to catch A last minute report ttates that game Sunday afternoon with Turk, c ... , 3 1 2 1 ious day, was understandably weak hird, fiery Pepper Cummings at sec- a him as ha played Kovacs, facing an in his game. Thus, the veterans hits you and you go down to the a blueflsh. I suggested that they Clarence Heeling of Manasquna, got elullng single to score Porcelll from 3 0 1 0 • • md, and the new first base slugger, Pistil, ah _ » 0 0 i 2 0 opponent with youth, stamina and, were defeated in the fourth set with street paralleling the railroad tracks visit our local fish dealers and see If Into stripers from the surf at Bay- second In the tenth Inning of a reg- 3ob Ivanicki. Davis r> 1 4 above all, a fighting heart. both of them down in their games. which la a very rough street with they could find a single bluerlsh for head. Accounting for 26, weighing ular Sunday Shots baseball league o o The fifth set was merely a formal- Friday's contest was delayed near- very little traffic and with marsh sale. Also that they might write to up to 12',-j pounds. These fish were game with the Neptune A. A. De- 30 F, 24 IS 4 Kovacs breezed through the first ly a half hour as the early evening grass growing right up to the edge the United States Bureau of Fisher- ItKD HANK TOWNEHR ity for the younger players. They caught between 8 p. m. and 4:30 a. Chiccio had hooked up wlUi Bill All it 11 A % two sets, taking them, 6-2, 6-u, with had the match in the bag with one aln scared members of both homo n the wt't «ide "Surely," you say ies ant! »»k (hum that question. How- ro Hlffs apparently facing a white- m. Frklny, Th« total catch amount- Sims, Asbury Park high school, in a BHUUCJ. 'JIJ 4 0 1 2 • t set to play. Riggs and Van Horn nd visiting team from coming to to yourself, "I am out of the wa; ever, I do not think it would do Muiviliill, >•. lb...... 5 0 0 fi 1 II washing. Kovacs raked the far ed to 160 pounds. nlne-lnnlng duel which ended at 4- put up some resistance, winning he park, However, at exactly 9:29 lown there" with high hopes thai them much good judging from a re- all and forced the locals to win out KoilowiU. o 4 it 2 8 0 n corners of Riggs' court with unre- he ball game was begun before a Wlrhmalin, p 3 i II 0 1 « three games and deucing five, but t last, you will be able to get to tin cent report "The Status of Wildlife in an extra frame. 0 1 2 0 0 turnable back-hand placements that ood sized crowd. O. R. Wallenstlne, president of the Hr'llry, cf .. < they could not turn back the youngs- urf you turn Into this street only ti In the United States" of a special Tied Bank was off to an early lead Varcarelll. If .... 3 1) 2 0 held the crowd breathless, and which Tots Doerr association of Bast 0n 2 II n ters, Kramer aced Riggs in the fifth CUBAN STARS OF HAVANA. un plumb into some beautiful new committee on conservation of wild- .... 3 It t left the king of the courts out of Keansburg, fishing aboard Captain In the first Inning u two runs thun- 3 0 0 1) game, the young pair broke Van islnted signs saying "no parking on life resources of the United States. 0 « position after ths few returns he AB R H FO Wright's charter boat out of Brielle, dered home. Neptune came back 5. .lonen, lb . 0 0 0 1 0 Horn's service in the second game, irabal, rf - 4 0 0 4 his street." You had noticed as you madt. I have not read this report but un- brought to boat three tuna weighing with one In the second but that was 1 1) 2 5 « and the last game, with one match artinex, 0 0 rrived opposite the Monmouth derstand It is admitted that the a arrera, 2b, —.._ up to 40 pounds. erased when the Braves scored In The third set showed a different point, was played love. I Beach jetty (the big Jetty) sign Great Lakes and the Atlantic ocean so 1 4 27 10 1 Rlfgs, a man who broke Kovacs' loimbre, cf ...... their half of the third. Neptune Itayvlow - IIIMIII 0— I CresPD, If. — laying "keep out, private property," are pretty well shot. lied Dank 0 0 10 0 10 0 1—1 service twice la the second and sixth Heredia, 3b went one ahead with three runs In This win for the Damon and hut you had figured that you would the fourth and fifth. Red Bank Summary! Three-baso hit—Henry. Runa games, a man who ran after Kovacs' Pythias of the courts reversed the Gilbert, lb take a chance on thatag at leas Newark Eagles At batted In—Henry, Konowltt, Turk, Pollne. kill shots and placements to make te Linares, lb, - Last week I mentioned two very knotted the count for the final tlm Sacrifice—Turk. Strikr-outa—By Wlch- decision of the week before in Bal- Casey, c rt of the funds that had gone Into unusual catches made from the surf, n the seventh and set the stage fo miinn H, by Davis 2. Kane on halls—Off returns that brought the gallery to timore, where Riggs and Van Horn Holmes, p. — s construction had been public Belmar Tomorrow Dnvii 0, on* Wk'limnnn 1. Hit hy pitcher its feet. Riggs took the set and lafayettes and sea bass. This week DeChlcclo'a hero act. Davis — (Wichmann. Mulvihlll.» Umpires— both men retired for a rest. took the youngsters in five sets. 30 0 6 24 IS unds. it's eels. Quite a number of them The Newark ifiagles of the Nat- Ed Moyes and Joe Dugan, Rec Calvcrt, Sullivan, Hcmpscott. With the 20-game fourth set came Schroeder is ranked in A class while RED BANK PIRATES, By this time you »re becoming were taken in the sui"f at Deal. The ional Negro league will play the Bel- Bank and Neptune center fielders Kramer is ranked 17th in the coun- ittle leu certain about our free ocean mar Braves at Memorial field Frld«y the hair-raising retrieving game of AB R H PO A writer has fished the surf for 25 respectively, garnered hoi try. Cummings, 2b. *. 4 iut as you have the greater part of years and it is the first time, to my night, August 2, nt 9 o'clock. ors with three timely blngles nplcce, Wolves Defeat Riggs that has pulled him through Maruska, rf —• Miss Alice Marble and Miss Sarah he day ahead of you, you push on knowledge, that this has happened, The Eagles, who are in third place Sims and DeChiccio were deadlocke so many tight places before. Ko- lf vacs was playing for points, he Palfrey won the women's doubles, I Ivanicki,' ib 4 farther South. Within a few miles in the colored circuit and already n the matter of stiike-outs wit: Second National boast one victory over the Braves, wasn't playing Riggs, and therein 5-7, 6-4, 7-5, In a three-set tilt which j Salamone, c 8 you come to a vacant lot with no Results of the surf for the past nine apiece, however, the loca Tho Wolves softball team mad* it 1 are favored to turn baek the shore Jay his mistake. In the 12th game was every bit as close as the men's j fjb'5"jb. .**.'...T.V.'.m S signs, and with a sigh of relief you week arc a little more encouraging moundsmen had the better of two victories in a row Monday night nine. The Belmar players have dif- of the fourth set, Kovacs was play- match. Miss Dorothy Bundy and J Splrop, , If.' -""""-. — « bring old Lizzy to a stop, get out In spots. Starting at North Point of walking situation as he passed bu over tho Second National Bank and ing for match point, with the score Miss Mary Arnold won the first set Caruio, p. ...« - — your surf rod, butt rest, sand spike, Barnegat Inlet. The boys down there ferent ideas, however, and they are one while Sims was guilty of twic Trust company, as they defeated the <-S, and he had Riggs at the danger in 12 games, breaking Miss Palfrey's 30 1 6 27 t 0 tackle box, lunch box and bait and caught fish, wcaks and croakers and confident of being able to even the that number. bankers 15 to 2 on tho Held adjacent service three times. The second set head for the surf. After selecting series, Their team has been greatly point twice, at 40-15 and 40-30. But Cuban Start tOOOOOOl 0—0 would have accounted for much bet- Manasquan and point Pleasan to tho Little Silver grammar school. saw the Marble-Palfrew team In hot- the proper rig and walking down to strengthened. the superb coolness of the cham- ReiT'Bank Flnitea 00000001 ter catches if It had not been for the continued to pace the league wltr Jack Whlto, Sr. did the twirling for ter spots than they had been in the the cool undertow to carefully toss the winners and, though tagged for pion steadied hh play, and he took Summary: Two-baae hlta—Splro, world famous Jersey mosquitoes. The Newark team la also Im- victories over Lakehurst and Way- first set but with more reserve ac- Holme«. Run batted In—Sargeant. Sae- your line out to wet it before bait ten hits, wan never in danger of the gam* after deuclng it once. These pests literally swarmed the proved, however, and Manager Dick side. Even though winning, Red curacy for the tight spots. rifice—Crespo, Gray. Double play—Ser- ing up and settling down to some losing his spell on the money hand' Kovacs, undaunted, still fought for vant to Cummings to Ivanicki. Strlke- beach and drove many surf fliher- Lundy has been getting great results Bank remained the third place en serious fishing, saying to yourself, era. the set. The California lad took The Bundy-Arnold combination re- ouu—By Caruio 7. by Holmes ». Base men to cover. with a revised Infield. At first base cumbents, two full games In back ball»—Off Holmes 3. Umpirei—Klaus "this is the life" and all else is for- three more games but Riggs took lied on age-old strategy In doubles I remember in the good old days rookto Francis Matthews has been of the leaders. Next Sunday th Tha Wolves gathered 18 hits from the last four consecutively to win and Clark. gotten. and almost won out. They played when I used to fish North 1'oint with showing well. The second sacker I* Braves have a chance to advanci tho delivery of Diet Warner, «eoi" the set and tie the match at two You no more than get nicely their shots to Mios Palfrey, the John Segar, Dorey Sverett, Cap. Clarence Israel of Rockville, Md., when they meet the Manasquan ing ten runs In the first inning m MU-all. settled than an old lady walks up weaker of their opponents, with two Stout, General VanVliet, Bill Lyman who la forming an effective double squad on the Utter's home field. De 13 mm went to bat. Frank Apple- to you and says "young man you The fifth set was almost a repeti- purposes in mind. Continual fire and many other old timers. While play combination with Bus Clarkson Chiccio il again slated to toe the gate and Harry Greenwood paced are treaspassing on my property as the attack with three hits apleea, tion of the fourth. Kovacs and Riggs would weaken Miss Palfrey's game camping on the sand dunes the mos- of Wllberforco university at short. rubber with Ray Sariborn, who Is I own riparian rights to this beach SECOND NATIONAL each broke service twice till the and the few shots which Miss Marble At Rumson Is Tied quitoes would make it mighty hot Lenny Pearson completes the quar- recently trying out with the Red and you will have to get off." You AB R H K score stood at six game? all. Kovacs got by way of these tactics, would or us. One Instance I remember tet at third base. Bank Pirate aggregation, |n reserve, 0 I start in with a mild protest, some- Eyles, 3b - 4 t took the next game on his own leave her cold. That is with the Ividly happened In a camp next to Another strong National Negro JclTi-cy, us 4 o :I 1 Coe and McMahon thing about the ocean belonging to RED BANK RRAVES. i iI service to lead, 7-6. Then on Riggs' Bundy-Arnold fire directed against iurs. One of the party (we all ate In league team will be booked for com- H PO A V. WBrner, c\ 4 n all of us, but not being absolutely AD K. Snlllln, cf - a 0 1I a service in tho 14th game, Kovacs Miss Palfrey, the play of Miss Mar- iead nets) became so worked up petition with the Braves at Memorial M. (ieronl, Sb. ..._ « 1 1 2 I 0 1I 1 Tie Ackerman, Kelly sure of your rights, and especially K. '. 3 3 t.CKK, If -. » le' d 40-30 wit•"h match point to pi.*.a,y ble would be stiff and inaccurate, jver the mosqultoea that he tried to field next Tuesday night, August «. Miller, »f _. H n ci 0 after she threatens to calf, a cop, you Roncore. SB - o : V. Snlffln, »f a 0 (i 1 but Riggs deuced the game. Kovacs according to their theory. ihoot himself and had to be taken Pound, If (I 1 Playing in the 36-hole four ball, take your, rod apart, gather up your Ralph, Sb a l l 1 then blasted the next point to win That, this did not work out is due ome under guard. And they call W. Geronl, 2b 0 Wilson, rf 3 0 fI n and led, his advantage. to Miss Palfrey's nerve, which stood best ball tournament last week-end butt rest, sand spike, tackle box, :hat sport. Tide Table Porcelll. e 2 11 I), Warner, p 2 0 1. fi at the Rumson Country club, George lunch box and bait and head back to Sanborn. lb Here was Kovacs' golden oppor- the strain of a double fire for the re- There were four stripers reported Tomaine. rf V. Coe, Jr., and Harold McMahon, your car. (At the end of this day's Data supplied tiy United Statea Coaat tunity but he bungled it. He rifled mainder of the match. Miss Marble y Jack Clayton of Asbury Park, PeChlecio, p WOLVES tied with Warren Ackerman and trip I will explain to you a llttli anil fieodetie Survey Bublln, 2b a backhand down Riggs' right side was deadly accurate in her returns nationally known caster, taken near 915 Federal Office Building-, Church and AB K H Carlos D. Kelly for first place with about riparian rights, but should yo Forbes, cf 5 2 2 line which the Chicagoan returned and her services thundered across the Casino at Asbury Park and one V«ey Streets, 41 fi IS 30 10 6 a 2 with a lob that brought Kovacs to the net with infinite power. The third a card of 133 for each team. Coe follow my advice and find yourself In NEW YORK CITY Ayres, 3b shot a 78 less a handicap of 6 for 72, at Deal. This isn't very many for NBPTUNE CITY A. A. AppieitlUe, rf, ...-....-—•«. 2 the net for what should have been set was Miss Marble's and Miss Pal- jail, please dont blame me.) B0 miles of beach and a thousand SANDY HOOK AB R H PO A McNnlly, If - f 2 while his teammate, McMahon, shot Castcrn standard time, add on« hour for 1 a. kill shot, an easy overhead smash. frey's without a doubt; it was rath- As you reach your car you begin fishermen, but it shows that a few Hewibon. If 5 112 0 Curchin, c —• .*••••—• j! 67 less a 6 handicap for a 61 for the Daylight Snvinf Time. 'Alien, a' — 8 0 0 1 S Greenwood, lb » 2 Instead, he merely returned the ball er a matter of time as to how long to think that maybe you are mis Hlich Water Low Wntrr 1 team total of 133. Ackerman carded have escaped the commercial Inter- Dugan, cf 5 19 11 White, (Jr.), »f 5 with cross court shot almost at a the Bundy-Arnold combination would taken about the free ocean belonging A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M Fresh, 2b _ 5 0 2 2 1 White, (Sr.), P ~ * 0 a 74 less 8 for 66 while Kelly shot ests. 2 right angle to the net. The shot stand them off. Miss Arnold and to all of us and also by this tlm Friday 6:20 8:33 0:20 12:20 ManBfleld, lb 5 1 1 14 0 lvan» _...._....- » a 75 lesB eight for 67. The tie be- The best news that I can give you Satuii]»y 7;0« 7:ltl 1:10 1il» Ryson, 3h ,„.„ 0 0 0 0 0 •was low, landing just over the net Miss Eundy squeezed safely by two you are getting a little sore and de is a report received from Stan Cran- Sunday 7:52 8:05 1:S7 2:04 41 U II 1 tween these two teams will be played cide to skip the thickly populate Scott, rf. a 0 1 0 0 in the fore-court. It looked impos- match points In the tenth game af- off next week-end. mer of Cranmer'a Taeklu Shop, Long Mondny ,, H:3I) 8:51 2:<3 2:54 F«bi-rt, II S> 1 10 0 sible of return to everyone but Rob- ter having taken two games, one a areas and head for the great open Branch. Stan tells me there Is a Tuesday !):2D 0:12 3:28 3M3 Sims. |> 4 0 1 0 a spaces, the sand dunes South of Bay Wednesday 10:22 10:3B 4:M 4:34 Barrett, s - 1 0 fl 0 0 ert L. Riggs, and he returned it, service break for Miss Palfrey, to In third place was the team of heavy run of croakers at Long Thundny 11:17 11:81 6:01 6:28 Hlti.s, 3b J 1 1 0 5 Belford Blue Sox running from his right base line to come from 5-3 to 5-5. Gray Mac. W. Bryan and Howland B, Head, only to find no parking, no Hlvh and \ovt tvnter at Atlantis Hlsh Matia, rf ; 1 0 (I 0 0 parking, no parking. In past years Branch starting just after dark and his left fore-court, with a high lob However, the favored pair took the Jones with a card of 137 for the tilt. that catches of 52, 34, 32 have been lamia. Port Monmuutli and Keanibnrs To See Yankees Play that Kovacs failed to touch. next two games to win the match Bryan had a 67 net while Jones card- you have lished the wildest stretch of umi an Sandy Hnok. 38 4 11 30 IS 4 frontier beach we have left from made, weighing from a pound to two For hiBh and low wnlr-r at Keyport, add •Batted for Alien In 10th. For tho second successive year, This point deuced the game, and after the Bundy-Arnold team had ed a 70 for their total of 137. pounds. These fish are being taken 15 minutes to Sandy Hook. Nep. City 01012 (I 000 0—4 he Belford Blue Sox baseball team Riggs, after winning the advantage them down love-40 in the 11th game. Behind this team were the teams Sea Side Heights to Barnegat Inlet. Red Bank 201000100 1—5 TWe at least I can fish to my heart's on commercial shrimp and sheddcr 111 bo the guests of the New York twice after Kovacs in turn deuced Miss Pauline Betz and Fred of Edward M. Crane and Edwin D. crabs. One fellow caught 15 on one Summary: Three-base bits—Hines, Eg- Vmcrlcan league team, August 19th the game, won the game. Kovacs content. As you draw near to Coast bert, Moyes, Dujgan. Mnnnsficld. Two. Schroeder defeated Miss Sarah Pal- Bransome, with a net total of 138; J. crab. The pound nets are starting Deep Sea Fishing base hits—Boncore, W. Oernnl. Sacrifice fhen the Yankees meet the Detroit looked beaten, but he was not yet frey and Elwood T. Cooke in the K. Rice and George R. Mellor, with Guard Station No. 110 you sec a little shack In the middle of the road, to bring In 5 and 6-pound weakflsh on iht hits—Boncore 2, Sanborn. Alien. Hits— 'igers, currently the league leaders. ready to give up. He took the next finals of the mixed doubles, 6-3, 4-6, net of 139; and E. William Heller OrT DeChiccio 11, off Sims 13. Struck- a guard comes out and advises you and ocean croakers up to four out—By DeChiccio 9, by Sims 0. HaHes .mong those who will make the trip game on his service to lead Riggs 6-2. and Nicholas G. Rutgers, Jr., with a re J. Adubato, G. Henry, H. Kemp- again, 8-7. That this is private property and that pounds. baUa—Off DeChiccio ]. off SimR 1. net of 140. there is no admission without a pass. Paramount Fleet Double plays—Bublln to Sanborn to M. on, M. Krohn, J. Finnegan, E. At this stage, the match had last- The fourth team, Crane and Bran- Boats Leave Manasquan River Yacht Geronl. Hit by pitcher—Ryson, Fitzgerald, C. Mccrbach, M. Stewart, Keansburg A. A. Slowly you turn the old bus towards The party boat* are at the height Basin, Brielle, N. J., .Dally S a. m. ed over three hours and the sun was some, had cards of 70 and 68 net re- home, thinking what a .-iwcll day's of their season. I have before me Fare, Including Bait, *2.00 E. Grcclcy, G. Leek, C. Gowers, T. spectively; Rice and Mellor, 70 and low in the horizon. Charles D. Hal- Posts Averages fishing you did not have and mutter- postcards from the Paramount Fleet Fla«t equipped with Radio Telephone Tou will find it less easy to up- lnncn and W. Gray. sey, chairman of the tournament 19 net and Heller and Rutgers, each ing things to yourself that are not PLENTY Of SEA BASS ens PORGIES root faulta than to choke them by 70 net. at Manasquan Yacht Basin, The committee at the club, had given In spite of the fact that the Keans- fit for publication. I have tried not 'Dixie" at Broadway Yacht Basin, gaining virtues.—Anon. nav« to advertise In The Register. permission 20 minutes before this There were no burg A. A. biseball team has -•— sweepstakes this to exaggerate this condition, others Point Pleasant, The "Optimist. II" at DEEP SEA FISHING that either of the men could put on but five of its 14 encounters past week-end. this might be more fortunate having Bclmar Yacht Basin and the "Doris on the spikes when they wanted to because season, the squad boasts a batting "connections" but on the whole it Is evening dew was forming on the average of .330. Four of May" Bclmar Yacht Basin. Here is _. -. the ten about what you can expect If you sample of some of them—"Plenty OPTIMIST II grass. Both took advantage of the Register Team Meet* CAPTAIN CHARLIE DODD active players are clouting the ball start out for a day's surf fishing in of sea bass, porgtes, and mackerel opportunity, and returned to the at a .400 rate while three our free ocean. Leaves Belmar Yacht Dasln, N. J, Dally court in spikes. The nerve-racked more Bank Softballer. lso good fluking" Capt, Charley Fare, Including halt, S2.00 have topped the .300 mark. Dodd "Optimist II." "Heavy catch of gallery gave hoth players tremen- The team is paced by Bill Schul- In justice to the few remaining SEA BASS — MACKEREL — PORCIES dous applause as they trod their A softball team has been formed man, left fielder, whose 19 hits in by employees of The Register and a places where a fellow can go surf battle field again in the fourth hour. 43 attempts merits him a .442 aver- fishing find where he will be received 1 game with the Second National bank Riggs spikes are a jinx to any age. George Uhrig, catcher, has and trust company will be played on with open arms (which I have pur- KING FISH RUNNING GOOD opponent, he beat Grant last year reached .428 In nine games with 15 McClaskey's field Friday night, Au- posely omitted until now) let me At Sixteenth Ave. Fiihing Pier, Belmar. N. J. and Prusoff this year after chang- hits in 35 tries. "Bounce" Carhart, gust 9. The bank team has played point them out to you as far as I BAIT AND TACKLE CAN BE HAD AT THE PIER ing his shoes when both matches j ., ( D—w -. -...*. wuun IHUI HUB piayea know them. Long Branch you can PHONE BELMAR 412 combination pitcher and outfielder, several games this year, not meeting Capt. Harry Pfluf Alee Announces a New Streamlined 45-Foot Wheeler, looked dead against him, and he find plenty ol pl.iices to park and the THE PARTY BOAT. "DORIS MAY" proved triK- to form, or the spikes has come along in the last few with notable success. However, they beaches are freo to fishermen (pro- SWELL QUALITY s mark. The combination Leaves Belrair Marine Basin Dally at fl a. m.; Shark River Club at B:1S a. m. did, this time. Kovacs won but charmegames dto havcircle e .41i7s acompletes his markd . witThhe j considerinpresent ag formidablthe e combination vided you clean up refuse after you) Finest Accommodatlona. $2.00 per Person, Halt Included. All-Day Trip. speedy opposition PHONE BELMAR 1SO8. three points in the next three games, Charlie Koster, second baseman, who thathtt ththe pressmen wili l put forth. Avon and Belmar (Shark River) Riggs sweeping through two of his barely got In under the wire with Positions for neither team are def- will gi.'e you a royal welcome. Pnrk own services and one of Kovacs. "14' 'hit " s fo" r 35 chances, equaling inite, but the batteries are expected back of *.he Shark River Luncheon- The California lml put up a game exactly .400. to find the Warner boys, Dick and ette. Capt Harry Pfiugc, proprietor. CRAMER'S TACKLE SHOP SWEU SAVING fight and stood off one match point The team averages arc as follows; Go in and ask for Ace, the manager, Custom Built Rode — Fishtne Cear Repairs 1 Frank, pitching and catching for the in the last game, but Riggs had I LAYER AB H AVE Bankers, with Jim Farley on the tell him that The Major sent you All Irish Linen Cuttyhunk Lines have been advanced 1.0% by the manufacturera. Our come from behind set on winning, .Srhulmnn ...- 43 19 down. Ho will tell you what is run- •lock on hand will be sold at lha old ptlci-i while they laat. Uhrls as I S mound and Haloid Kelly behind the Calico Craba, Itlvrr Shrddfr Crab", Squid, Shrimp. and one match point would not stop Carhart _ 48 20 bat for The Register. Other bankers ning, where to nsh and what bait to him. Kovacs netted i service re- Kojtter —.-...... 35 1« who will partake are Irving Eyles, use. You can park and fish at Man- L»tge New En(aauid Blood and Seutd Worms—Fresh Bait Daily Hecker SZ 19 asquan and Point Pleasant. Mana_a- turn for the Rpcond match point J. Tully 29 10 Bob Jeffery, Kenny Sniffen, Bill 11 Ocean Ave., Long Branch, N. J., Phone L. B. 1607 and KIRPS leaped tho nrt for the Kicland 28 9 .321 Legg, Blng Miller, Frank Sniffen, Al- quan inltt Is a swell place to fish. hftndflhnkp. Th in .256 fred Ralph, George Wilson, Charlie There are probably several other ft 61 places South of Point Pleasant Tho next finals match in the order H. Tully 14 .241 Beck and Gordon Forbes. The press- men will be represented by Chet For- where you can fish but the only one Deep Sea Fishing on the "DIXIE' of Importance If not of interest was that I know of Is Chadwlck where CAPTAIN IIARKY FAIRBANKS tho two-net duel between Mary Hnrd- The San Francisco peaks in the rar, Al Lonch, Charlie Johnston, Bill Shepherd, Ed Egan, James Hogan. thu Chadwick fisheries own both Leaves Broadway Yacht Batin, Point Pleasant Beach, N. J. wlck of England nnd Alice Marble, Coconino National forest near FlagFgJose- epp h sides of the road and will allow you Dally 8 A. M. FAKE, INCLUDING BAIT, MM ORV€LS queen of American courts, which staff, rise 12,611 feet above sea level, I Cecil MacCloud, Bob Disbrow to park and fish. Accommodations for Ladles, l'honc Folnt l'lcasant 145.1 or 1107. Miss Marble won, 6-2, 6-0. She had the highest in Arizona. Layton Webster. and About riparian rights—It seems Equipped with Ship to Ship and Ship fo Shore Radio Telephone. The CIGARETTE of Quality Mackerel — Sea Baas — Porflee ITtPHANO BROTHERS, Phdidelahji, fa. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940. Page Eleven First Jersey Track House of David To Meet To Get Permit Soon BOWLING, SOFTBALL RESULTS Pirates Friday Night

COATS WALIlMAN'.S ]/)Nc; BRANCH OOEAMCS. Racing Commission Receives Protests Ryan 144 V. Shambba . 13.i AB It H T. Boncore's Tie J. Calandrlello J. Tomaine ... 178 Dean , 15S HI) It. Sh*rnl>bn 1.-2 ('. (in 4 11, rf Against Track At Eatontown Club Knmelakl 212 197 218 Mirarrhl . .... 13a 245 143 Venabk-, ill a 0 1 1 With Merchants' Handicap ._ HI 811 J*. .SackowitE 144 168 158 l'carce, lb 2 2 1 0 A. 'J'omain 154 167 165 A. (Jreeri. er 1 1 0 «57 Wuod, If a 0 1 0 The New Jersey Racing commie •LACK COATS 718 906 774 K. Miller, ,f, .. 0 0 •ion Monday tentatively approved For League Title Csl C.Im.drl.llo ]«« 188 Kofrnrrlus, p the Elkwood park site of the Mon- n. Cslandrl.llo 12!i 14B 104 CITY SOFTBALL LEAGUE C. Miller, rf Big Channel Bats P«I«I« M.ff.S „ 14« 114 1 SB Ualton, 3b 0 0 1 mouth Park Racing association Loop Ended At Pet. Mflffti - !f>! th* lint legalized track In N.-w Jer- Handlnii _ lOi STANDING OF TEAMS. 26 3 5 8 Taken At Elberon St. JantFf' 4 n Monmouth Bunch 0200000—2 sey In more than 40 ycara. Roll Off Is Set 726 647 082 1.00(1 Long Branch . 0 10 10 0 I — 3 Probably the greatest piece of Hubbanl's .- 4 0 1.00(1 final approval of the sun hinges BLUE COATS Hook anil Ladder _ H t Summary: Struck-out—Uy liognrdua 1, upon compliance of the association, news that has come to the eara W. Bradihaw 1»7 129 121 .60(1 by ltoe 0. Bases on bulls—l!y Bojiardus 1, for Next Week Klli« 2 2 .500 by Roe 1. Umpire- Huina. of local surf anglers la the tak- W. Krancl. 134 1S7 130 Uuadfl _ 2 3 .41)0 whloh la headed by Amory L. I ins I. Bradlhaw 138 187 112 kell ef Chapel Hill, with cent In reg- ing of H 30-popnd channel basa Y. M. II. A 2 a .40(1 K. .Kranrl» ,..„.._ 13» 17» 174 Wolve» 2 3 .41)11 ulations and changes in construc- by John Albert of 80 Park ave- The Red Bank Recreation Hal Handlop _ 114 .1100 TWILIGHT SOFTBAXL LEAGUE. tion plans ordered by tho racing nue, Elberon, last Tuesday af- summer bowling- league came to a LahB (j ( temporary halt Tuesday night when 716 ~696 667 (Thursday Night,) STANC1NUS OF TEAMS commission. ternoon while fishing the Jtttles GREBN COATS Harding itoad _ 9 1 .900 the schedule was completed but two Brown )37 116 134 HUBBAltn'S. The comniliblon ordered the asso at Elberon. John was fishing AB ft II TO Muetanns 7 2 .777 elation to securn permission from with a boat rod, small Penn teams, the Merchants Trust company I). AiclMtllno 140 97 18S R. Desmond, »B 3 0 U 1 4 0 Jumpers 6 2 .750 C'orwln _ 174 172 170 0 0 John Street 2 7 .222 the borough of Oceanport, in which reel 2/0 hook and nine-thread and Boncore's, are tied for first N. Alchettlno 171 212 226 Whalen, rf 1 0 0 11 0 0 place with 32 victories in the 39 IJowli-n, rf _ 10 0 0 Plnrkney Road 1 7 .125 Klkwood park la located, to cluse off line, using shedder crab for Handicap 64 54 64 Scheldt, lb 2 0 113 0 Eagles : 1 7 .125 I'ortaupeck and Myrtle avenues in bait when ho hooked Into this games played. Merchant's had the Egan, cf 2 16 0 0 0 (Wednesday's Camel) title within their grasp, after having 676 661 717 Mammon, 3b 3 0 11 1 0 order to increase the parking area prlsso. This Is the first time In 1 0 HARDING ROAD led the league all summer, but J. Desmond. .2b 3 0 10 •unrounding the race track, and to years that channel bass have Farley, c 2 0 0 1 2 II AB K II E dropped their #econd match of the HED BANK BOWLING CENTER. I 0 Farn-ll, is 4 1 u 0 complete arrangements with th been taken this far North. Th* Ruasell, evening in the dining room of the lacco ; :...; 171 212 na Summary: Homo run—Ray PeBmond. Nntalo, 2b 3 0 0 0 est matches playcc' this season. Wln- clubhouse. (Monday's MMclits) Tuttle „ 213 181 2 on Two-base hits—Arnone, Whalen, Ilublln, Pepe, lb 3 0 0 0 Red Cross. In case of rain the g*me- mont, composed of Dewltt Unter- JONES Anderion _ 159 191 CoIIIa. BerKen. Base on balls—Off Collins 3. Caprlonl, If ~ 3 i 1- 0 Big Car Auto Race will probably be played Sunday, • Present were Amory L. Haskell, D. Arnon. 211 125 181 152 >iV Blako 0. Htruck-out—By Collins 1, by R. Varcnrclll, 3b 110 0 meyer, Norman Badenhop, Robert SakowlU, p 8 110 Wilbur B. RuthraulT, Joseph M, - HI 1<» 1" 878 868 illake 2, Umpire—Arnone. Two high goal teams played on' Eisner and Walter Strauss, was 873 AmorOBla, s£ - 2 110 At Union August 7 Roobling, Alfred N. Beadleston, Jr., .lone» ...-..„,,„„.. 182 1«» }»2 GLOBE PETROLEUM. Costa, !s - 2 110 Long Island recently for the benefit ahead of the Rumson riders through- tcls* . IBs 158 128 Stobl. 164 156 Warren Ackerman, H. W. Williams, 178 HAZLET, Sharabba, et 10 0 0 Driver with a flair for laughing off of the Red Cross. Early In Septem- out the cntirn game with tho excep- 'anN«ss - 172 167 114 C. Bruno 177 174 T. Vaccnrelll, cf 2 0 0 0 Robert Eisner, Edwin D. Bransome, P. Bruno . „....._,...... ,. 170 150 204 AB R H E danger and hero of hundreds of ber another benefit game for the' tion of tho last few seconds of the 844 7(4 747 Itnthbonc, as - -... Sill Geronl. rf 10 0 0 Gcorgo Oliver, George Miller, Dr. A. Bruno ...... 2V0 198 204 l'alnndrano, rf 2 0 0 0 thrilling close calls, Tony Willman Red Cross will bo played at Bed- sixth chukker when II. W. "Rube' ST. JAMES R, Tomalno 210 160 149 II. Walling, tl 8 0 0 0 Robert D. Tleehurst, Edwin D. Stew- il. Carhart, c 8 11 0 of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, today en- minster with a team from Burnt Williams tied tho score, to give Rum- |R|,,8 Ill 112 HO 26 6 5 1 art, U. Frederick Nellson, Jr., New- '. Arnon. ..._ 148 H4 l«l 939 838 897 II. Wnruock, lb 3 12.0 tered the field for the big-car auto Mills. son a new louse on the game. Darberio 174 187 187 . Wnrnock, cf 8 0 2 0 MUSTANGS A. C. combe C. Baker, William Foales, CALL ME JOE. AB R H E race meet at the Union Speedway The tie was short-lived, for Bob K. Arnon. 181 116 156 T. Arnone 134 191 19! Shown, lib 2 1 1 II Eisner nfter two unsuccessful tries Norman Badenhop, Robert Baden- E. Walling, Sb. 2 0 10 DePonte, as 3 110 Wednesday night, August V. Iccolio - 174 148 148 Sacc.o - 151 177 211 0. Buonano, If 8 0 0 0 Annual Golf Tilt by hi» teammates, pounded tho wil- hop, Andrew Clough, Max Phillips, F. Palandrano _ 162 180 169 Cherry, p 3 0 10 With many notables of the speed Dr. L. S. Ylvlsaker, George Brown, 788 707 742 Weinman 181 157 165 Evordale, rf. a 0 0 0 Crelln, p - - 3 0 0 0 ranks signed to compete In this Im- low through the Rumson goal. Rube R. Kruse 159 220 174 Hannway, If 2 0 0' 0 Boncore, 3b S 1 0 0 August 9, 10, 11 Williams saved twice for tho Rum- W: Strother Jones, Jr., Thomas Palendrano, !b 8 111 portant show under lights on the RED BANK RECREATION 27 6 9 1 K. Buonano. lb 2 12 0 Fields, Sr., Benjamin Black, J. Hlnton H2 1'B !»? 787 925 911 half-mile track at Union, the en- The fourth annual Jersey Shore eon riders with beautiful exhibitions HOOK AND LADDER. MustacclH. rf 3 0 0 0 of defensive piny. Schlffer, M. Strauss and Andrew llradBhaw 137 109 149 PARK INN. Canonlco, ef : 3 0 1 0 trance of the Wisconsin wizard in- invitation golf tournament to be held, Worden H» •«« !»' Rufflnl 186 159 1S1 AB R. HE. Efposlto, c - J' 1 1 1 dicated that a wide open scramble Trailing In the fifth period, one Curtin. 125 HI Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug-. I. Reynold! - 152 142 151 Ruffint 135 Lovcrsidge, 3b 3 0 0 .1 Rlerl, sf 10 0 0 can be anticipated in tils meet. The goal behind, Monmouth County went 3olmoriten _195 JU0 _176 D. Lafayette 127 188 153 Bleary, ss 3 0 1 0 Vetrnno, sf 2 0 0 0 uat 9, 10 and 11 at the Norwood Oolf on a scoring sprco in tho lnst chuk SAILBOAT SUMMARIES. Falandrano 215 175 Forbes, If » 1- 1 u brilliant Willman Is at peak form club, will attract a large Hold 6( 77S 882 840 T. Paria 146 187 Brooke, rf — 3 2 2 0 now. her to take Shrewsbury by four 3AKBRY 29 5 6 2 metropolitan golfers including the Mulion, 2b - 2 2 11 MuslanRs 110 2 10 0-S He hopes that his blazing perform- goals, 11 to 7, in tho other league MONMOUTH BOAT CLUB Mexander .... , .„ 1911 121 W 834 Sloye, cf -. 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0—5 defending champion, Charlie White-, 159 145 141 ARNONE. Jumpers ances of recent weeks will find him game. Monmouth County wan set to Liflilnlni Clui [joldncr ...... lllnom, c 3 0 0 0 head. 'ound 117 182 127 F. Jones 185 18S Worden, lb. . Slid banging away at the victory column win from the start and their five- ...... 187 157 181 181 Among the early entries are Dick Saturday '. Bublin .... J. Ainone 175 Hubbnrd, p 2 0 0 0 again when the big-car chauffeurs goal blitzkrieg In tho sixth chukker Start—2:10 P. M. Dummy ..... 100 100 I. Costs 167 175 173 Uowlen, Bf 2 0 J. JO Haebler Wins Arrow Chapman, Greenwich, Conn., society Owner Flni«h H. Bublin ... Dohrn 161 167 170 tangle on the Union Speedway oval golfer; J. Wolcott Brown of Fora- was the result of this certainty. Murdlco 143 212 168 27 6 9 2 Shrewsbury had little chance In this Kil Brur. I 728 «55 660 Class Sailing Race this first Wednesday night of Aug- gate, who succumbed to Whltehead. Peter Bentlty Haxlct 8 0 0 2 0 0 0—5 chukker, though they played a de- 816 910 878 ust. William always has been a fav- on the 18th green at Monmouth Comala Hook and Ladder 3 0 0 111 x—6 Phil Haebler, sailing his Arrow orite on New Jersey tracks and he is fensive game for the first part and Marjorle Moor* 8:50:55 INDIVIDUAL county after a bitter duel In tho In- Summary! Three-baso hit—J. Warnock. clase boat Lukindoo, won the race at determined to annex this triumph. an offenslvo game the second part SneakboNti Jvator .. : 188 159 155 BOWLING CENTER JUNIOR Two-baso hits—Worden, Molion, Brooks, augural in 1937; Mark Stuart, always Robert Mead 3:f>5ilT Rlordan > „„..... 187 178 150 Cherry and H. Carhart. Hits—Oft Hub- the Rumson Country club Sunday, The first race starts at 8:30 o'clock. a dangerous challenger In any event; when they were behind. Wnltor Mead ..._ - S;57:16 _,.._ 157 160 124 LEAGUE. Cltarelli bard 9, oft Cherry 9. Base on balls—Olt sailed over, the South Shrewsbury Pat Mucci, Crcstmont'Ji long-driving Wlnmwt Furms ""Jiff"1 James Clayton „ .1:5ft tl2 Schurker . .._ „. 171 153 162 Huhbard 1, off. Cherry 1. Struck-out—Uy river in an east wind. The regular Buddy White -.. 8:59|22 Talartco ...... 16S 100 150 star; Joe Ghezzl of Rumson, who ex- No. t—1), tlntermi-nr G. Miller STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Cherry 1, Umpires—O'Connor, Grammsn. Saturday point race, usually held at 1 Arnolfl Schwartz - 4:00:40 Charity Golf Match tended the husky Plainfield blond to No. J—N. Bndrnhtw """• I"" "" William Hniiiirman - - 4:01:40 8.10 "BTO Til W L T i l ey the club each week, was cancelled the 19th hole In lnst year's final; and No. a-H. Klmor - u '.; ,;n " Robert Elchman 4:06:18 ALLENS 27 t LITTLE SILVER. because of Insufficient wind. At Deal Sunday Buck—W. strum H. William. DICKMAN SKEETEK FLEET ey „ 182 183 190 W«st Bergen ..» _ 26 10 AB R HE Wilson Flohr and Billy Rohrey at Wlnmont Farms S 2 2 2 0 0 1 — 10 Wymbi .... 182 192 Waldman's - — 15 2 9. O'Connor, Sb 8 W. Dlnsmore Banks In his Circe Sunday - 157 173 183 A charity golf match for the bene- the htime club. llumion 1112 2 2 0—9 Woolley .... ._.. . . 1,18 Pete's _ 15 21 M. O'Connor, c - « 8 took second honors with Fiedler's Gaali for Wlnmont y»rni«—Untrrmeyrr Snenkboxes—ClatB A 185 158 Patterson ...... 144 Anthony's* ...... 14 22 Bruno, ss ~ 3 Nischasch when they tied for second fit of the Monmouth county chapter The tourney will again provide, 4. Ebner ». Hadcnhop 1. by hnmllcnp 2. Start—10:21 A. M. imllh ...... 164 169 Art Flornl "'.'. - 11 25 Vor Rumion—Uonlrn S, Wllllama 3, llrxl- HoWrt Mend 11:48:21 .'. .'. 193 M. Aschettino, 2b - 3 of the American Rod Cross will be fun for the duffer us well »«-'.*>? par-' (Thursday's Matches.) Parker, If. ..._ - - 8 places, three minutes behind Haebler. W S. Rcftrpc—Mai rhlllliw. eB Clayton .. 11:49(50 !09 827 872 Heron, skippered by Pierce, Motcalf's held Sunday afternoon, August 11, shnoter for ns many 'light* will bo urdu ltullman _..~ „ 11:50:51 WEST BERGEN. f. Meiia, sf, —- 8 at the Hollywood course In Deal Mon. County Slirtwtbury A. Costa 168 Schneider, p. ...» »...... _...*... 3 unnamed boat, and Barbara, skip- arranged as entries permit. All Mon-_ Walter Mead - ._ 11:51:50 when the. professionals Vic Cihezzi, No. 1—H. Solilfftr A. Draillmton Bonlen Hanre ...... - —-... H:S2;*I> TETLEY'S V. Sacco 171 128 Madusky, c „ — 3 pered by Potts, finished fourth, fifth, mouth county cluba hav0 Indicated* No. 2—N. A. Yuckman J. Unrblinu I. Teller . 172 184 T. Tomaliu _ 141 139 131 W. Macia, cf 8 Craig Wood, Sam Snead and Jim that they will have large representa- Buddy Whit. 11:54:83 Jncouha .... DeFailo I _ 176 159 201 Parro, lb .. —• 2 ind sixth in that order. No. 8—A. Clouuh (!. Gllmore Arnold Schwnrti 11:57:28 146 126 Thomson will play 18 holes in an tions in the competition. Hack—O. Ollvrr - W. KO«1M Humphries Menna 138 159 143 There were no other races last Jane Powers - - 11:57:52 Plngttora .. 184 R, Gentile 155 183 151 29 5 6 2 exhibition match starting at 2:30 Monmouth County ~ 18 110 B—11 Robert Elchman — - 11:58152 188 143 week for either the Arrow or the Mr. and Mrs. Lester Palmer, of- Shrfwubury „ 11011 0— 7 nyder FAIR HAVEN. o'clock. Sntakboxai—Clan B Noble ..... 154 152 18S 781 768 78D H E mldshipmite boats because the ma- ficial Metropolitan Golf assorlntlotl. GoaU for Monmouth County—Ollvrr s, William Wlkolt „ 11:65:25 167 173 AB R Richard Redmond, a trick golf ex- scorers, will be on hand to «uper- dough 2, Schlffi-r, Yuckman and all op- 1B4 FLORAL. Krcger, p. ...'. 4 0 0 2 jority of the skippers were lnter-_ Harry Snuthall - U:58tO7 Canavo 140 16t 1 0 pert, will also give an exhibition, vlse all the tournament detniln. A Itrxilntr player (FoaleB). For Shrrwubury— Donald l,t.iva, Jr -... 12:01:00 in 782 765 1'ryor. Sb - 8 0 ested in seeing the tennis tourna-' llpadlefitnn 2. Ftocbllnc rillmorp and D. Figaro 16.1 141 A. Etieland, si. „ - ~ 3 11 0 this one at 2 o'clock. Tickets for final organization mei'tlng will ba Voalet. by handicap 2, nefrrce—Edwin William Ilniierman 12:06:00 UP3TARTS Mana 145 152 Wagner, 2 b. ....'. a 1 1 ment. However, the children raced Sttwart. l Robert McKrn 12:12:00 tfenlll ._ 137 122 155 Malatra 121 2 Monday morning in their first point the match are on sale at various held at tho Norwood Golf club Mon- llraney ..... Ktl 137 Russell, ef. - S 1 FAIR HAVEN YACHT CLUB G. Figaro 1S9 149 B. Eitclalid, lb. - 3 0 1 beach clubs and country clubs in dny night at 8;30 when r<*preiiif with taken over this morning by Harry Clarrage and Frederick V. Parker. boya have field day activities and match was begun Tuesday night, the amateur handicap, was 67. Y. Smith, who has been employed aa George H. Betts, Spring Lake, who Tuesdays crlrla practice folk dancing with the winners holding an S-6, 3-2 George Maxfield and Billv Rnhrcy a carrier at the Rtd Bunk postoffice died July 8, made five bequest! of and the boya pitch horseshoes and lead when rain called a halt, l'otter of Swjming River Gol( club also had lrom which the route uir.anates. 12.500 each to his brother, Charles A. Man. Boy Saved conduct checker tournaments. Yeater. and Koye will meet Paul LeFever a net score of 67. Mr. Snyder succeeded Ihe late Betts, Stamford, Conn.; his sister, day the children had a pet show anil and Bill Lyborger, t lie Atlantic Charles E. Croyden, who died sud- Anne B. Hoffman; hla daughter, today girls and boya will build kites. Highlands entry, who defeated the IKXMS SlIOKLKillTS, denly while in the postal service. Mr, Elizabeth Helgoe, Paaadena, Califor- At Gravel Bottom Mra. GrlKor atated that In the lat. nia, and to hit two grandchildren, Kerr brothers, Art and Harold, 6-3, Smith served at a substitute on the ter part of August the children will 6-1, Tuesday night, before the storm. Henry J. Prusoff, ranked tenth jurat route before Mr. 3nyUer re- Susan B. Hanea and William H. liunna, also of Paaadena. The re- give a puppet show and tomorrow The flnah: in both singles and nationally, had Bobby liiggs en the ceived the permanent appointment. Tragedy Averted in will start building puppets with a, doubles will take place Sunday run in one of the quarter-final mainder of his estate he bequeathed A testimonial dinner will be ten- to his wife, Lucille Fletcher Betts Swimming River special WPA instructor. Jamed La. morning at 9:30. matches until the Chicagoan changed dered Mr. Snyder Saturday night at Blonda haa charge of tha boya' ac- Tom Gamon pulled the surprise of his rubber soles for spikes. Prusoff. and appointed her executrix. The the Elks club by Red Bank post- will Is dated July 26, 1939. tivities and atated that several soft- tho tourney when, Monday night, he who said after the match that the office employees when a gift of Mrs. Jennie E. Morey, Marlboro A tragedy waa averted at Gravel ball games have been arrmged, at overthrew Paul LeFever, seeded change of footgear had not angered wrist watch will be presented to him Bottom in Swimming River ntar tbe well at other athletic activities. number one in the draw, 0-6, 7-5, him, paced the court like a bear, by his colleague!. Edward Ottinger, township, who died July 12, left her estate to her son. Willet E. Morey, former Gin Ornbeig camp Sunday, The committee members will serve 6-1. After taking the best that Le- waiting for the little champion to Edward PIccolie and Walter Noble when Arthur White of WesUlde ave- ae Judgea at a maaquerade to b« Fevre could manage through the get back to play. This picture li better became It has a natural "center of Interest"—Ihe and appointed him executor. The compote the committee in charga of f irl'a face. When you have two or more subjecte in a picture, make one nue, assistant post electrician at held at the playground Wednesday first set and well into the second, Riggs' game always improves with the dinner. John Many will be toast- will was executed June 2, 1938. more prominent than the others. Mary D. Z. Pabst, Keansburg, who Fort Monmouth, jumped Into the afternoon, August 14. Refreshments the Michigan University player, and spikes; there seems to be a jinx on master. river, fully clothed, and brought out incidentally winner of the tourna- died July 8, In a will executed June of Ice cream and cake will bn served. all opponents whom he plnys when A purse was made up by resident! WO people often yield a better her face is more brightly lighted' Edward Cross of Eaat Sunaet ave- Edward J. O'Hara, WPA super- ment in the first year of its exist- he is Iron-shod, lie came from be- by the sun, while his filer, la most- 20, 1B32, bequeathed her estate to her along the rural route and It will be T picture than J-jBt one—eapeckil- friend, Ernest R. Merrill, and ap- nuo und an unidentified boy. vlaor of Monmouth and Ocnaa coun- ence, recovered to shock the local hind to defeat Bryan M. "Bitiy" ly In shadow. All these help to tennis public with a stirring upset. presented to Mr. Snyder at the din- ..iy ID tbe sununor time, when lots pointed him executor. Mr. Cross had gone to the rescue ties recreation division, spoke briefly Grant last year at Southampton af- ner by Edwin H. Bratch of Nut Gamon staggered through the sec- of young romances are budding. make the girl the center of interest. Gladys M. Boyce, Rumson, left of the boy, who had been awept in- and told of the experienced super- ter putting on spikes, he took Kovacs swamp. Fvpt-y picture should have such. to the hole by the strong tide at that visors who aid the teacher at the ond and then WHS afforded little in the finals here this year in three However, to make there pic'.nrpj her estate to her husband, Alfred I*. opposition as he took six out of most effective, there are a few » cetiter of interest. No dnuut you Boyce. Mrs. Boyce died October 14, point but found the task of bring- playground teveral times a week. straight games after he changed to ing him out too great. Mr. White, the seven quick third set games. spikes, and he came from behind, COVER CROPS JOB POTATOES. points you want to keep In miml. remember seeing group pictures, 1039. Mra. Arthur Hershon, secretary, who had left the water and had announced ahe had sent out appeal- The unconditioned school teacher against Prusoff, one set down, 3-1 The Aral point is to make one of such as a picture nf a graduating Mrs. Elizabeth H. Wlnterton of There are two very important fac- dressed, was notified of the plight ing letters for contributions to the, was no match for the youthful against him in the second, to win. your subjects more prominent than class, in which each fttco wits as Kryport executed her will Septem- pupil of Coach Potter whose mighty tors that have a bearing on the of the man and boy by hla alster-ln- project and had received some fa. the oilier. This keeps ihe interest prominent us the others. Pictures ber 5, 1936. All her estate was left service is considered the bpst in choice of cover crops to follow po- of that type are of course very to her daughter, Vcra A. Sproul. The law, Mrs. Mary VanNote, and he vorable replies. Mrs. Irving K. Lov- Gilbert A. Hunt, Jr.. the Einstein from being divided, and it's easy dived in and went to their assist- ett, treasurer, was instructel to pay the locality. tatoes, according to M. A. Clark, as- useful as records, but they do not will named Frank P. Sproul as ex- of tennis and an excellent player to sistant county agricultural agmt. to do. ance. He managed to get the pair all ouUtandlng bills. Gamon must meet Nelson Hosp If tmvn the pictorial charm of an in- ecutor. boot, defaulted in the third set of One is the amount of organic mat- Just have one of the subjects do- to the MkUllotowii shore as the boy he expects to gain his second leg on his semi-final match after having formal arrangement—because the Mrs. Anna H. Jeffery of Ocean the J. Kridel trophy. "Perpetual" ter and fertility added to the toil ing something, while the other was going down for the third time led the Sea Bright bowl winner 5-2 "ct'iuer of interest" la lacking. Grove made, a bequest of $1,000 to and the man was about to go down Rose, who has been competing In for next season'! use and the other watchfe.i. Then the attention will' the American Mission to Lepers of tourneys in and around Red Bank In the first act. Hunt quit after the is the protection of the soil between naturally go le the subject who is Naturally, when you're picturing for the second time. Maureen Orcutt seventh game of that first set and New York in a will she executed for the past decade, ousted Al. Ber- the time this year'a crop la harvest- most active. a couple, or a larger group, you do September 23, 1929. All the lost of The place at which the mishap oc- low in easy straight sets, 6-3, 6-1. Rlggs ran off five straight games to ed and the time next year's crop it not want to slight anyoue. How- curred la just north of the Ornberg win the set. He took the next one, An interesting example of tills her estate wan left to her husband, Wins Golf Tilt The finals will sec that old and planted. it abowu In the picture above. The ever, for best effect, you should Frank M. Jeffery, and he wat ap- properly near the bend In the river. worn out story of age and exper- 6-3, and then Hunt defaulted, too To follow the potatoes that art girl, dribbling sand from her hand, make one more prominent thuti pointed executor. A hole, believed to be about 18 feet ience against youth and power. tired to go on. The sun was ter- deep, exists at thla point. Mrs. Untermeyer rific that day, and Hunt, not emo- harvested first, a wider choice of »tlrirt« your eye first. Tlien. when the others. Sometimes just a turn Angelina Dellsn. Long Branch, who tionally strong, was loo enervated to covet; crops is available. Legumin- your, glance strays to the boy's of the BUbJecl's head, or a slight tiled June 25, bequeathed articles of ous covera will add more to the noil Leads Local Players continue. A part of the gallery was face, you are immediately turned change of your own position, will jewelry to her nephew, ThomaB De- MAXSON-RADKB. visibly and, unfortunately, audibly, than grasses or cereals. However, do It. And it's a valuable point to lisa; her grandnlcce, Doris Clttadino, Rumson Tennis they have to be sown earlier in the back to the girl's face, because he Miss Bella McKelvey of Naveaink critical of his apparent unsportsman- ia looking ID that direction. remember, because you'll be tak- and to her niece, Barbara Dellsa; Maureen Orcutt, six-time women'* like conduct. Knowing his temper- leason than the grains. Where po- ing lots of these pictures during $500 to her sister, Barbara Dellsix; has announced the marriage of her metropolitan golf champion, won the tatoes are harvested In early Au- There are some other good, In- $200 to her niece, Jennie Clttadlno, half-sister, Miss Amelia Maxaon, to M-hole New Jersey Shore medal play Team Defeats ament, the working press and tennis structive points In this picture. the summer—they're the type of followers refrained from criticism. gust there i« a good opportunity to and $200 to Our Lady Star of the Sea George Kader of Navesink. The cere- for the aecond time yesterday when get the leguminous crop such a* You will notice that the girl's head snapshot that adds Interest to your Catholic church at Long Branch for mony was performed Tuesday even- Hunt, himself, explained afterward album, she defeated Miss Laddie Irwin ot Navesink Club that he knew Rlggs would take him crimson clover, vetch, or a mixture ia somewhat higher in the picture masses for the repose of her soul. ing, June 25, In the parsonage of the Upper Mnntclalr, New Jersey state and that there was little point In of alsike and red clover. None of •pace than the boy's head; also, John van Guilder The remainder of her estate is left to Mlddlctown Baptist church by Rev, medal play titlchotder, by six strok. these are very tolerant to aoil acid- the executors, the Long Branch George Young. Miss Alvlra Craw- playing the match out. especially ea In an 18-hole play off at the Rum* Junior Group Won ty, However, there are some potato Banking Company and Edward F. ford and Kaymond Tayior were the son Country club, since Rlggs had another match the Juska, in trust, and they are directed same afternoon. farms where the land la not so acid attendants. Mr. Rader is an oper- Miss Orcutt scored an 80 at Deal S to 2 Yesterday that it would not produce a fairly to pay $40 per month to the testator's ator on the new Oceanic bridge. nephew, Thomas Dellsa, until he Monday, added an 88 at Hollywood at Victory Park Frank Kovacs, finalist in the men's good leguminous crop. What Di Yu Imw Abtut Hullh? The announcement waa made at a Golf club Tuesday, and blazed Crlmaon clover on land which has reaches the age of 40 years, and if miscellaneous shower for the bride singles, is one of the more tempera- By FISHER BROWN »wd NAT FALK he should die before reaching that through the la«t 18 yesterday with mental players in the game. Just a pH reading of 5.4 or 5.5 will give given Thursday night at the home a 76, to tie Mlas Irwin with a to till Glenn Prlchard and Charles Costi- age to pay that monthly sum to his of Miss McKelvey by Misses Alvlra, 20, he has cither developed or natur- a reasonably good account of itself wife, until their children all reach the of 242. Miss Orcutt won the plajk gan, coach and manager respectively ally ha3 nerves that jump at the if it is aown before the middle of z WHAT EMINENT Thelma and Lillian Crawford. The off with an 80 to Miss Irwln's 8ft. of the Rutnson Junior tennis team, age of 21 years, when the principal slightest movement of a ball boy be- August. The usual rate of seeding SCIENTIST WAS of the estate shall be distributed to decorations were pink and white and Mra. DeWitt Untormeycr took put their strongest combination of hind the base line of his opponent's is about ten to 15 pounda per acre. "GUILLOTINED* the gifts were concealed In an old- racket swingers on the Victory Park them In equal shares. The will is fourth place to lead Monmouth coun- court. Several times during the Winter vetch likewise ia a good DURING THE dated December 14, 1939. fashioned cedar chest. The bride re- ty golfers with a score of 250. Other tennis courts yesterday afternoon to matches, he asked the umpire to have crop for aoil building purposes. FRENCH MWAUTION? ceived many gifts. capture a 5-2 win over the Navesink Mrs. Anna Leeds Dunn, a widow, local players and their scores were tile boys move to the side of the Where It has not been grown before Those present were Mr. and Mra. Mls> Janet Dougl&H, Rumson, 269; Junior club. court, and once he refused to try of Spring Lake, left her estate to her it should be inoculated, and if there Eric Wler, Mrs. Carl Wier and Mar- Mr«. E, A. Cowcn, Hollywood, 274; The Rumson team captured three for a service of Rlggs because one son, Robert W, L. Dunn, for life, garet and Elsbcth Wler of Maple- is any possibility that the Held may then to his wife, Mllwnrd M. Dunn, Mr«, Arthur Gainen, Hollywood, 275; singles and two double matches to of the boys was behind Riggs' base be used for grain as a cash crop in wood, Mr. and Mra. Henry Wlggln- total their five points, while the vis- line. Apparently otherwise cool and In trust for their son, Ward William Mrs. Joseph F. Trounstein, Holly- the near future, vetch should not be Dunn, until the latter reaches the ton, Mr. and Mrs, Algernon Drlnk- wood, 283; Mrs. J. J. Connor, Nor- iting team chalked up a win in the calm, he took his time between the used because it can become a trou- watcr and Raymond Taylor, Atlan- singles and one in the doubles. games to rest for a moment to the age of 21 years, when he la to re- wood, 284; Miss Peggy Ilohrcy, Nor- blesome pest In grain fields, ceive the principal of the estnte. Mrs. tic Highlands; Mr. and Mra. Edward wood, 280; Mrs. Kenneth M. Seggcr- James Hughes, Navesink, easily umpire's criticism and the gallery's Wcsscl, Red Bank, and Mr. and Mra. approval. He was the underdog and If the field is used for potatoes Dunn died June 7. Her last will Is man, Rumson, 286; Mrs. Richard won his match from George Nelson, each year in succession, however, dated May 26, 1937. Donald Johnson, Mr. and Mra. Nell Fredey, Monmouth County Country 6-1, 6-2. Bill Fanning, Rumson high a fighting one at that and the gallery Johnson, Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mra. gave him a better hand than Riggs early (own vetch makes a good cav- Michael Duliban of Mlllhurst, who club, 293; Mr». C. F. Williamson, Nor- school star, won over Frank Craw- er and soil builder. The usual rate died February 14 last, bequeathed his Otto Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Leon wood, 296; Mrs. Georgo Oliver, Jr., at first until his temperamental Liming, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rader, ford, but was forced to carry the stunts began to cloy the spectators. of seeding is from 15 to 20 pounds estate to his wife, Sophie, and named Monmouth County, 301; Mrs. W. H. match into an extra set before win- per acre. Red clover and alsike are WHO WAt her executrix. The will was exocuted Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Crawford, Clif- Sullivan, Deal, 308; Miss Elizabeth ning, 6-2, 1-6, 6-4. Allen Prichard sufficiently well known inMonmouth May 17, 1939. ford Cooper, Marlon Cooper, Mill Roaenfeld, Hollywood, 313; Mrs. Fred. dropped the. first set of his match Brakes squeaked all Saturday af- county so that they need no further SIR AST LEV Anton Frndak of West Long Belle McKelvey, Mr, and Mrs. Rudy erlck E. Crispin, Deal, 317, and Mrs. to Joseph Heyers of Navesink, 3-6, ternoon outside the entrance to Ten- advertising. A mixture of ten PAStON Branch, who died June 12, 1940, left Rcckzicgel and Misses Alvlna, Thel- Herbert Forsch, Norwood, 340, and then fought back to trounce his nis Court lane on Rumson road, but pounds of each on soils which are his estate to his wife, Bertha, and ap- ma and Lillian Crawford, all of opponent 6-1, 6-0, James Shea of only one crash followed the squeals. not too sour will give a good pro- COOPER ? pointed her executrix. The will Is Navesink. Rumson had easy :atling for one set As luck would have It, Kovacs was tective cover on the land. s WHAT IS * dated October 19, 1938. Asbury f*ark Board in defeating Ken Hallam, then had playing Rlggs when the crash came, The other factor to consider la the Mrs. Anna Hill Jeffery of Ocean to put on the pressure to chalk up "VACATION but the tall Callfornian seemed not exposure of bare soil to erosion be- TYPHOID" ? Grove, who died June 27 last, be- Amusements Hires New Teacher* a victory with scores of 6-1, 7-5. a whit put off in his game. No tween the time the potatoes are queathed $1,000 to the American Mis- The doubles combination of Fan- nerves? The Asbury Park board of educa* harvested and the time the cover sion to Leperlsm with offices in New Carlton Theater. tion has appointed William G. Lukes ning and Nelson defeated Hughes crop Is established. We sometimes York City, and the remainder of her and Crawford, 6-1, 0-4 and Prichard This writer, who has seen Frank "Susan and God," starring Joan to organize and Instruct the vocal experience summer storms of great estate to her husband, Frank Moore Crawford und Frederic March, will mualc of Asbury Park high school and Shea tallied a win in their Parker play four years of prep severity in this section. Too much '• Hewaitheout- science of modem nutrition is based Jeffery, whom she named executor. match 6-1, 6-3. Ned O'Nicl and Bud Ancuarc on his teachings. be the Carlton theater attraction to- for the coming year. Mr. Lukes la a jchool tennis and three years of tour- land left exposed will result in ser- -anding ,urgica| The will was executed September 23, Tavis chalked up Navesink's only nament tennla had never seen him Answers. day, tomorrow and Saturday. Ruth graduate of Irvington high school, ious erosion. One suggestion which consultant of hii day in London 3. Tt is typhoid fever due to typhoid 1929. where he was student conductor of point in the doubles when they were smile during a match until last (1768-1841) and did important work bacilli contained *in the waters of Husscy heads the supporting cast forced into an extra set by Jack we feel has some practical possibili- Mrs. Lona B. Stone of Fair Haven which also Includes John Carroll and all high school music organizations. Thursday afternoon. A sudden storm ties is to harvest the potatoes in on the subject of hernia, polluted springt and broolca from lequeathed real estate in Armstrong Deislci- and Russell Coyne, with came up from the ocean around six K^iich vacationists are so apt to Rita Hayworth. Mrs. Ruth B. Adams was appoint* strips on a sloping field. Then a 2. Anloine Lavoisier lost hit head :ounty, Pennsylvania, to her son, ed to the position left vacant by the scores of 6-2, 1-6, 10-8. o'clock and black clouds were scud- cover crop can be sown on under the guillotine ia 1794. He was drink. 3arle Hough, and the remainder of The "request night" feature, to be ding across the sky, making the retirement of Miss Adaladc Hodges, harvested strip and the unharvested the Father of modern chemistry. The ner estate to her sister, Mary Har- shown Saturday evening at 11 who taught clothing in the home ec- courts extremely dark. Parker was strips can be dug out later after the mony. Mrs. Stone died July 13. The o'clock, immediately after the last onomics department. playing in the men's doubles at the Third Tilt Today cover crop has become established. will Is dated July 11, 1940, two days evening show, will be "The Murder Peter L, Pontler of Clifton will re- time when the wind whipped a white Domestic rye grass at the rate of icfore her death. Man" with Spencer Tracy. place Mrs. Paulino VanMoppes, who paper cup across the court at the 20 pounds per ncre Is a good crop EVERY HOME IS BUILT resigned because of illness. Mr. Pon- Herbert Memorial same instant Parker was about to to u«e where legumes are not con tler la a graduate of Pateraon Teach- return a volley, Parker, with a. sidered desirable. It Is well to re- FARM CHOP NOTES. ers college and will work in the up- mighty overhand swat, crumpled the member, however, that domestic rye AROUND ITS WINDOWS per gradei of Bangs Avenue North paper cup as the ball whizzed by Polo Tournament grass cannot be aown In the same By M. A. Clark, Assistant County school. his head. manner as grain, because if it is Windows Determine Wall Space Agricultural Agent. The Parker grin, infectious even Sponsor, of Famous World's covered too deeply It will not come Second, the Arrangement of your Shrewsbury Plays on a tennis court, brought a roar Fields that are intended for plow- is FISHING up readily. Fair Home Points Out Impor- rooms, the arrangement of your from the crowd, as several more cups ng In the next few weeks may be Locos—Pinolo Vs. tance of Good Windows furniture, is nil (lone around the plowed more easily If a disk Is run Warren K. Dean of Spring street sailed across the court, safely out of windows. Available wall space is was a member of a fishing party that racket distance this time, over them first BO that the next Winmont Farm Aug. 2 Garden Notes largely determined by windows. On shower will fall on loose ground and caught 200 fluke and weakflsh Tues- By W. Wiiinrth W«ed the outsiclo the architectural har- Don Budge showed up at the tour- t, NaHoiol Small Hon. Bureau soak in, rather than on hard ground day off Deal. The fishermen were on By M. A. Clark, Assistant County mony is largely determined by the and run off. CapL James' Carrie H., out of Shark The third game of the Herbert Me- ney Saturday to watch this man placing or grouping; of window?. Riggs who now nrciipies Budge's for- Agricultural Agent. River. _ _ morial polo tournament will be Thus you see how important Soybeans for hay should be cut played this afternoon at the Rumson mer place as number one amateur. Some people report that ants may New York City — Few people, when they build a new home, seem windows arc just from appearance as soon as the beans start to form RETURNS TO KUMSON HOME. Country club when Shrewsbury and Budge watched the Rlggs-Kovacs be driven from garden areas by re- alone. But appearance, important m the pods. They should be left in the Locos meet at 5:30 o'clock. match and seemed deeply interested peated applications of derris dust to realize the importance of win- dows. Yet every as it is, is only half of the story. he swath until wilted, when they The Carlton feature Sunday, Mon- in the latter's backhand that has containing rotenone. Mrs. Mary Holfleld, who haa been The Locos defeated Rumson in the home is built Here are some- of the other can be put up in windrow and day and Tuesday will be "All Thla living for tho past year at the Wil- first round of play Monday, 9 to 8, blasted so many opponents off the The raspberries in the garden around them. things that a pood window should bunches almost immediately. The and Heaven Too,' starring Bettc liams nuralng home, where she waa while Winmont Farm defeated Mon- courts with deadly accuracy. Many should be mulched and fed with This is literally do: uring process Is longer than for Davis and Charles Boyer. Jeffrey convalescing following Injuries re- mouth County Country club yester- believe that Budge's only rival for complete fertilizer. To get a good true in two dif- Keep cold air out. Keep warm hay but curing them In bunches Lynn and Barbara O'Neill have Im- ceived In a fall, has returned to her day, 7 to 4, in the other game of supremacy in the backhand depart- crop next year you should have good ferent ways. air in. Keep cool air in. Keep hot wlil assure a larger proportion of portant roles. homo on. Bingham avenue, Rumson. the first round. ment of tennis is Kovacjs, and Budge strong growing canes this year. First, the frame air out. Keep insects out.* Keep green leafy material to store In the Shrewsbury and Pinolo, both of dirt and dust out. Work freely un- himself confessed U was a potent of your house is Strand Theater. HEAT STROKE NOT SERIOUS. whom drew byes, see action this weapon in the hands of the rangy Diseased delphinium should be re- actually built der all conditions without rattling. iarn. week. Shrewsbury plays the Locos California lad. moved, soil and all. The vacated around its win- Provide ventilation when open. Be Where land is not subject to eroa- "French Without Tears" with Ray this afternoon while Pinolo will play areas can be sterilized with organized dow openings. watertight when closed. Let light Mllland and Ellen Drew and "Zan- Mrs. August Schweers of Little Sil- mercury, and the healthy plants re- on, a good way to prepare the seed- ver Point, was admitted to River- Winirumt Farm tomorrow. The win- FISH FACTORY FIKK. Take a look at a in. Give clear vision out. Add led for grass is to plow the land zibar" with Lola Lane and Jamea ner of today's game and the winner maining should be fed a little com- home under con- beauty to your home. Harmonize 2raig will be shown for the last view hospital Tuesday after ahe had plete fertilizer. arly and then go over it with a of tomorrow's game will meet in the struction some- with your style of architecture. times today at the Strand theater. suffered a heat stroke in her home. Damage of several thousand dol- ipike tooth harrow two or three She waa able to return home yester- play-offs Sunday for the title. Peonies should be fed with a fer- w. Wrimrta Wool time. Notice how No other architectural feature in The double feature bill Friday and lars was done Monday night by a the framing timbers around every tmes during the next few weeks to day afternoon. The Herbert Memorial tourna- fire at the Port Monmouth fish fac- tilizer mixture which Is low in nitro- a house must perform so many Saturday will consist of "Two Girl* ments, named after the late polo ex- window opening are doubled. destroy the weeds. on Broadway" with Lena Turner tory. The blaze was confined to gen, but high in potash. Seed pods functions. GHEZZI SETS NEW KECOR1). ponent, have been going on for over scrap material used in the manufac- should be removed. Don't forget that lime, fertilizer nd Joahn Blondell and "Ski Patrol" IS years on the Memorial field at the nd a well-prepared seedbed are the with Lull Dcstc and Philip Dorn. Rumso Country club. ture of fertilizer. Firemen from When digging and dividing old Vic Ghezzi of Rumson, pro at the n Port Monmouth anil the two Belford ; clumps of Japanese Iris, remember WILDLIFE AUTHORITIES and sport fishermen are, for the most most important factors In getting good stands of cither mixed hay, Deal Golf club, set a new record Sat- lire companies fought the blaze for PBEl'AKE TO TAKE part, as far apart as the desires of a urday when he shot a 62 around the that they should not be divided into >asture or alfalfa. BOND CLUB AT RUMSON. several hours before it was ex- as small clumps as the bearded iris. TO LIMBS AT ANNUAL couple of guys named Stalin and Deal's 71-par layout. This record was Mannerheim. The Bureau of Fish- Alfalfa scedings should be made tinguished. The factory is owned They should also be planted deeper CONFERENCE one stroke under his former record A luncheon and dinner were given and operated by J. Howard Smith. than bearded Iris. eries often is in the middle, between ho third or fourth week In August, of 63. Tuesday nt the Rumson Country Wildlife authorities tackling highly the two interests in more or less the lixcd hay seedlngB can be made the club under the direction of Carlos FIRE IN POIJCK STATION. Next winter's house plant program controversial issues will clamber fear- position of an arbiter. last week in August or early Scp- can be started now by obtaining lessly out on a variety of nhaliy limbs The touchy subject of Farmer- .cmbcr. Pasture seeding* can follow SALVAGE Kelly, for members of the New Jer- sm sey Bond club. Twenty-three mem- Fire Tuesday night caused damage »" fuchlas. at the Fifth Annual North AmPrirnn Sportsmen relations will be consid- ilong the n>st or second week In Wildlife Conference, to be held In ered by a panel of authorities—some ieptember. RICHMOND. Va., (AD—Virginia bers of the Bond club were present of $4,000 to the building at Briclle Crabgrass control on laws at this county welfare departments havo at lunch and 41 attended at the din- housing police headquarters and the season can be helped by first raking Washington, D. C, March 18. 19 and on the side of the farmer anil others 20. with the sportsman's interests at Remember that leguminous cover found a rich source of containers ner. borough's fire apparatus. It was dis- the lawn with a light splint rake to :ropa improve the soil more than for preserved fruits and vegetables. covered by Grandin Pearce, who was lift the prostrate stems of the grass Selecting a- perch on perhaps the heart, but all with open minds. east substantial limb und equipped In addition to the controversial grasses or cereals. The leguruc"cov- Police departments have turned over HOME FltOM HOSI'ITAl- awakened by the bursting of revol- so that the mower can cut them off. rs have to be sown earlier in the hundreds of half-gallon Jars—tho ver curtridge3 In the police head- with a saw to cut the limb off after subjects and problems of fundamen- Gladiolus thrips us well as those 'all, however, so give them some famed containers of tho South's quarters caused by the fire. The fire he has reached its farthest point, will tal concern, leading wildlife scientists John Trahum of Golden .street, on Japanese iris and day lilies may be Charles T. JacUson, Acting Com- will report their latest discoveries at lonslderatlon if you are covering Illegal "moonshine liquor." Cllffwood, who was admitted to Rlv- apparatus was saved but many rec- be controlled by spraying with three- elds for winter within the next two a lut of police material missioner, U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. the Conference, which Is sponsored ervlew hnapltal Mondny with u pos- ords ml quarters of a pound of tartar emetic, Jackson will discuss the dynamite- jointly by the American Wildlife In- r three weeks. "Bill of Divorcement," starring Experiments with rats Indicate loat. sible fnicturn of his ribs, ws» sent five pounds of brown sugar and 25 packed subject of the Relationship stitute and the Niitionnl Wildlife Clipping the tall weeds from the Maureen O'Hara and Adolphe Men- that addition of calcium carbonate to hninn yesterday. Traham Is em- gallons of water. Don't forget that,—between Commercial and Sport Flsh- Federation. pasture with a mowing machine la jou, will ho the Strand feature Sun- the diet diminishes the amount of ployed by Theron McCampbell of Bovs ran make extra pocket money tartar emetic Js dangerous, so handle ermen. one way to prevent them from go- day, Monday and Tuesday of nent harmful lead accumulating in the SSiUlU Xbc RegUter,—.Advirtisement It carefully. | Tbe interects of the cotnajercial It pays to advertise in The Register, ing to icad. week. bod* . .1 RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1, 1940. Pace Thirteen Fair Haven

(The Bed Bank Rtil.t.r on be bought In f»lr Haven irom Joseph Piccolo, Gar- den fttate Grocery end Mr. Welntraub) Mr. and Mrs. James Humphreys of L»ke avenue are the parenlj of CLASSIFIED RED BANK REGISTER WANT ADS a daughter born Friday at Mon- nouth Mimorial hospital. Mlai Batty Rosenqueat of New Tork jpent last week with Mr. and lira. Henry E. Butler of Hance road. LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE FOR SALE FARM PRODUCE ROOMS FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE She ii a cousin of the Butlera. REWARD—Lost 16-foot rowbost. white, USED LUMBEIt— Tae Hailet Lumbar CINDERS and clay for tcnnli courta, over HAY FOK SALE, ml-a-d; also first and THE MAPLES, S8 Maple avenue, one of MODERN five-room bungalow, tile bath, MONMOUTH COUNTY farms, very iele<-t Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clay of First canter board. Phone Atlantic Highlands Yard ts receiving UrK« lot. of lecond- flowi and drtiiit^e; drlvcwaya built and ond cuUinjrs. I*, <\ Dinner FaAn. Red Bank's rno»t converiient location*; oil heat; r.ewjy decorated : near Little list of all slse* and tyres- Your In- it ret t and Lexington avenue are en- 1411. Henry L'hrlitlenien, car. A. L. Hss- hand lumbar, various »liei and length... repaired. Sand, gravel, Mil dirt, ton aoll Holmdel. A»k for Mr. Cook. I'h attractive roomt, rates rtaionable. Fhone Silver school. Waterbury, 22 Went Front quiries will be given licinnnul attoiitlnti. Ull Mtete.* All nalli are removed; Zxi'% up to 10 fMt and blue atone. Pricea reaaonable. Phone Holmdel 121*. Red Bank 1684. Mn. H. F. Dowstra.- street, phone 3500.' G. Howard LlpplnroU, ai Mrmnioulh tertaining Mr. Clay'a *on, Jamei at 114" W flJot' 8x4<* "D to 8 'Mt at lfcc street, phone B*d Bank 3Ji. POUND, rowboat. Owner may hive Bam* Eaton town 231. C. Stochl, Tinton avenue. NEW fix-ro'jm house for rent, furnished; Clay, and family of Brooklyn, New per foot; flooring at lie per square foot; Y PIGS and aerea of »o<, for la FURNISHED bedroom* for York. by Identifying and paying- for thli ad- sheathing at iiVjc per square foot. Oilier JOE BOX for ial«, capacity 1C0 pound* Ice, Middletown Stock Turn., Thorn at rem, steam oil heat, trarare attached. Curley SEE STILLMAN Park before you butM; vertisement. Morgan. 1Z Ueonard street, Fetert place, lied bank. anil Bray, .ihone 3310 Ited Bank." only elffht minutes to lU'd Jtank station, K*d Bank, pkone Mil, sites at proportionately low prices. Wlrt- 16.00. Stewart, corner Silvarsld* and Field, phone h6l. Ked Hunk. MIM Jean Dleckman of River dowt at 25o up, hone 2500.* tion. On route 86. Ulddlstown, phono Mid- flatlet station. Phone Keyport 1108. grown upi alike; milk kept under mo it MAUKIOB SCHWARTZ, ChryBler, Ply- LARGE room for rent, unfurnished; im- dletown 83-M, Mrs. Robert Porter, to ba able to take abort motor trips, sanitary condition*-. Sold in any quan- mouth and Internal ionnl inicV Falei and provement!; at 8 Broad itreet, Ked WORKING man's home, with elx rooms; IMMEDIATE ,.), excellent quality New TERMS—Five large rooms and bath; river one of wbleh was Into Red Bank a Hampshire Ked pullets; lay in on* SUMMER SALE—Cotton mtltreasM, well tity. Phona Red Bank 3643. .wrvice hcad'niarU'ia, I'hono Ked Ba.nlc Bank. Inquire at 60 Hardline road between all improvements; two-car gartse. Ex- made, durable ticking, all iliea, $5.76; 787. 10 and 12 A. m. or after 2 p. m. JS. M cellent condition; ?2,0'j0, Terms arranged. property; willow tr*es, mulberry bush- few days aio, where ha had the•onth. Charles Jonei, NutiwamtJ road ; beautifully shrubbed, corner proper- (aeit to HtllSeld K.rm), Red Bank, link ipringe, well reinforced, all Rites, SKA BRIGHT dory for -ale; will Mil r»a- Roic." Waterbury, 22 West Front street, phone plaaaura of seeing a number of hi* 15.25. Sterling Furniture Shop, SI White aon ably. Ohrla Neleon, 23 Ctnttr • treet, 1084 BUICK fwdan. model hi In good con- 3500.* ty; large porch; fireplace; two-car garage. dition ; four-duor deluxe, new rubber, Completely fui-nlshed, S13.S00. Marie Cos, acquaintance!. Mr. Ballln was io GOOD one* used backet* and crates for itreet. Open eveningi. Sea Bright, N. J.* FOR REFIN£D colored, rooms for rent, heat«r; a chance of a, liffj-timc. Come and 104-106 Leonard street, Ked Bank; five $260 DOWN and 122 monthly buys five- ealtor, Part-au-Peck and Red Bank, ill a few weeks ago that his recov- s*l*j reasonable prices. Farmers' Has- VBV.U TIHK.S for sale, 11.00 end up. take it away. $J9C. Open evening-, and set Eichame, Heiltt svsnus, Hsilet, N. 1. BABY CHICKS, tome one «a*k old, 10c; rooma, completely newly decorated; all room bungalow in Shrewsbury; large ery wa* not expected. H rook aide Inn, near Stone Church. At- teeted Rhode Iiland Reds, WhlU Hack*, Sundaya. William J. Levtne, 375 Broad- improvements; $20. Inquire Gllleon Real- lot; garage; alt Improvements. VVa'-er- HOUSB of seven rooms, bath, bot air hcet, KSS, elentrir, vsrage; large grape) Howard E. Morris of River and AKT1CLBB you needl Hammorks II.OK, lantic Highland-., N. J. Barred Rockn; bred from big layers. way, Lontc Branch.* ty Co., box 176, South Orange, or phone bury, 22 West Front street, phone 3500.' Muller, fil2 River road, towardi Fair Ha South Oiantfe 23109 collect.* arbor; lot 75x118 fett; live minute*' walk liance roads la home from hie chaJra $1.26, awnings from 69e 1986 PLYMOUTH touring tedan, radio, to railroad station. Fin. location. Prieei bamboo icr«fliti from 89r, 25-font garden SELLING OUT—Lumbermen, boat build- ven (white picket fence). $300 DOWN and *27 monthly buy* six- travel tripa 'or hia aummer va art), farmen, anyone needing* oak and heater, in excellent condition; re- ROOMS; n«w, modern house, high over- room house In River Plaza; large lot; 18,501), |500 down, balance payih!. IIS host Call up, we deliver. National 5 monthly. Address J. H. N., box 511, BeeJ lion. Mr. Morria representa a large IS. Frown's.' poplar for building*, millwork or planking. OUTBOARD boat and Johnnon IS horee poeueBbed by finance company, will sell looking Atlantic ocean; steam heat, hot garage; all improvements. Waterbury, 22 Coma In, pick out your own; fl'/jc and !«•• power motor for aale. Henry Hagvr cheap. Inijuire Burgefia' (j&.aae, 1S7 Riv- wator, phona; owner, living alone, would Watt Front street, phone 3600." Bank. cotton manufacturing concern la per board foot; also locust poata, complete man, 176 Hudson avanue, Red Bank." erside avenue, at Cooper's bridge. Act like to rent to congenial party; reason- UVINi; ROOM suit* 17.50, dinette let A REAL bargain; twelve-room fumUhad Georgia. 122,SO, car radio 16, bresd box tor, twinging cut-off taw, hoiitlng wlnrh and quick for this bargain.* able. No objection to children. Write P. CENTURY and three-quarter* old colonial new 7fix26 fnot building. Phone Red 10-FOOT boat and outboard motor for O. Box 134, or phona Atlantic Highlands home thoroughly randerniied; two baths, house; Cedar avanue, adjacent to Holly- Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. OeQolyar, wash boards ISc. pictures 10c. steii lad- 1 liars, n*w, II. Rtiicll'i Auction (Jallerles, Bank 446-J-2. Charles C Bennett and Co., sale. M. Brown, Mercer 4 Illinoie ave- USED CARS bought, Bold and exchanged. 8i»«- beautiful fireplaces , steam heat with oil -ood hotel and Shadow lj*wn; plot former resident* of this borough, It East Front street, iihona Ked U*nk Middletown, N. J. nue, Port Mori mouth, N. J.* Pontiac saleu and net-vie; termi. G. M. burner; guest cottage of three rooms; 106x366 feet; two-rtr garage; two hatii* were visitors here and in Red Bank 1118. A. C. Has mas Brothers, 19'Zl Mechanic COMFORTABLY furnished room, all con- large ahnde tree*. Ten acres of land. and laundry. Apply at 76 Broad street, FINEST freah killed fat rotating chickent, street, phone ;i o 6 r,. veniences; handy location. 1U Waverly Waterbury, 22 West Front, street, phone Eatontown, N, J. last week. While In Fair Haven they capons and young pullcta; large and 3500." CASH fer your old typewriter!, adding ma- MISCELLANEOUS CHEVROLET, IDS'! Master deluxe four- plac», phon« 3677-J Had Bank.* 135-ACRE potato farm, Middletown *stat* were the gueata of Mr. and Mrs chine, ch*ek writer or other office equip- email. Delivered to your door. Telep*one Davia M. Hicks of River and Hance at least 24 hotiri In advance eince each door updan, excellent condition; paint, SYCAMORE avenue home, eight rooms. section; ieven-room farm house, far ment; will call. Joeeph K. Sen.lco, 107 MKN. WOMKNI Want Vim 1 Sllmulsnt., ruMier vtiy yulion«t 1200. FOR SALE, V-8 Ford dump truck; tlire«- W. A. Hopping Agency, S Linden pl&ec* nue was cut on the left arm Mon- SORsWN everytbing; fralvanlsed screen NOW OPEN—Camilla's Beauty Kslon, 23< inrh auction pump on trailer and *.U-foot institutional, residential and com- phone Bed Bank 397.* wire s centa square foot; cloth netting Huction Uona. Call eveninxa between 4.80 TO BUSINESS couple—Two connecting mercial mortgages from 4 \'> per cant. day when he ran Into a car driven IH-KUOT factory built houie trailer, alio Hrldg* avenue, Bed Dank. l'hone rooms and bath; newly decorated; hot It eenta yard; ant trap* 10 c*nts, beetle factory built outhoard motor boat. Bill 123'J-K. formerly associated with CireU's and H o'clock. John Toomey, Kumson Apply Joseph P. Schwartz Agency, 14 ATTRACTIVE home in new neighborhood, by Mrs. Charles Nunn of fair Hav- trape SB rants, window screens 2G cents road, Little Silver.' water heat; gai-tige. Witb private family Duililu, Willow and Locust atrects, High- Spanish salon. Apply 43 LJiiiUii place, Red Bank." Monmouth • treet, phone 3121 Red seven rooms, steam heat with oil burn- en road. She took him to Rlvervlew and up. National ft 4 10. I'rown's." lands, N. J. er, modern bath, attached garage); well FORD station wavon, 1934; has new im- Bank.* kept grounds; price $8,000, $1,000 down, hospital where he wae treated and KN0LI8H 8CTTBH Dupplae, nine weeks PICYCI.BR on the budget plan, no money FURNISHED apartment in home on river FLOWER t>Uutai liav« my uiual variety down, easy monthly payments. Your proved mechanical hrakeH, heavy duty connecting sitting room and bedroom balance mortgage 4^%. W. A. Hopping then taken home, old, beautifully marked! pure bred; ex- of re-rooled planti; will be pleaaad to tires; new clutch, heater and accessories Agency, phone Red Bank 397.* cellent shooting doss. An* pets. Call Ked old blcycl* taken In trade, Mahns Bros., adjoining bath; flnt floor, separate en- FIVE acres. Little Silver, at Foxwood Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Kruie of aoe my old and new frienda at my new Highway 31, Eatontown, or 316 Main for summer or wintfcr driving; caith price trance. Preference to business person. Bank 982. place of hutjlncBi. Prlcea an usual, 16c $175. 600 Kiver roud, Fair Haven." Park; Early American farmhouse; fair WELL BUILT home being offered at 80S River road ara the parents of street, Lakewood, N, J., phon* Eatontown Boat landing privileges. 48 Riverside condition; six rooms, hath, fireplace, hot do ten, 11.00 per hundred, Rue'e, Hanct .10 or L«k*wood 980. avenue, phone Red Bank 1681. $4,500 to settle estate; beat residential a son born Friday at Rlverview hos KH1GIDA1RB for aale, ssven cubic fe*t; .venue, (rear Red Hank airport). air; $3,250. Ray VanHorn Agency, Riv- section; corner plot; eight-room houee with doubla doom; very good condition. TWO LINCOLN Zephyr sedans for sale: er road, Fair ilaven, phone 283.* pital. FOUR-ROOM apartment and bath; fur- oil burner; convenient to schools. W. A* Price ISO. Call KutonloYvn 143-J between PERSONALLY reconditioned planoa and DOGS BOARDED, stripped and handled; com.ilcU'ly leoonditioned; full price |896, Hoppinr Agency, phone Red Bank 117.* Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hunt of Hlver • and 7 o'clock in th* evening. ntpiotfiiclntc pianos, tuning, repairing the all breeds, all Bhows; 86 yearn' experi- Cameron Hoberson Co., authorired Zephyr nished or unfurnished; garage; electric NEW four-•room bungalow. hot air heat, load have, returned home from the.r bcit. DIrhan'a IMano Shop, Drumnond ence. All dogs receive, my personal at- dealer. Freehold, j>hone Freehold 70. oil heat; 132 per month. 13 Center street tile hnth ; garage attached ; small down MIDDLETOWN colonial; three acre*, high CLOSING eut bsruslnn antiques rnd cth* me, KeS0xl7. Brookslde Inn. Atlantic High modern conveniences; home comfort. Phone ments; in good location; not West Red street, Red Bank, phone 1717. prospect for Held trial anil shooting dogn. |ani|B n,.r stone church. lied Bank 1611. Address Box 453, Route Schwartz's Used Car Lot, West Front at M. Little, Jr., entertained a group Phon* K*d flank 182. 35. Pearl street, Red Bunk, phone 787." Bank. Addisss A. K., box Ell, Ked Bank.* BEAUTIFUL location, six rooms and bath; of men> employees of the Standard TRACTORS, rebuilt John Deere, Massey all improvements; plot 60x270, high and RIVER FRONT property, half acre plot. HIGHEST prices paid for buildings and eivht rooms, bath, gne, ?/ater, electric] Oil company at Elizabeth on an out HUG SALE still on—grass ruga of all Harris and Planet Jr.; also Ford ion DEPENDAI1LE used curs: Dodge. Ply dry; fruit; $2,000 down, price $4,500. F. kinds; lovely rag throw rugs from 25 PIOWH, harrows, planters, aeedtrs, cultlva* houses for wrecking purposes. High- R, Brink, 2S2 Spring street, Red Dank/ Ideal location; acquired by deed. Price. Ing Sunday to Sandy Hook on their BUSINESS NOTICES mouth, Chevrolet* and other makes of lands Wrecking Co., Highland!, N. J. $2,400; accept $400 cash, balance) small cente. Our hooked nigs are lovely nnd tori, weeders and hay tools. Conover cars; convenient time payment plans to boat, E. B. L. they art scarce—get them now. NitUonal Itroo., phone Holmdel 1121, Wlckatunk phone 1137. PORT MONMOUTH, nine-room house, hot monthly payments. D. S. Morris, phone) [> SJ 10. Prown's.* suit your budget. Leonardo Garage, Vsl- water heat; barns, garage; ten acre* of Eatontown 830.* Mrs. Harvey M. Little, Jr., has re- N. J. PAINTER, paper hangar *r,d decorator; ley Drive and Appleton avenue. Leonardo, WANTED, furnished apartment in Re< estimates furnlshtd; 25 y««r»' experi- ». J. Phone Atlantic niiAlands 480 ground ; priced $6,500. R. B. Rauch. South turned from a month's visit with OKU1.SBR Lllllu |), 40x1.6x8.6; KICCIH four; ence. All work guaranteed. Average Bank for September 1 occupancy by one End avenue, Port Monmouth. BUNOALOW in Eatontown, four rooms, compl*t*ly aqulpped. Ho reasunahle of- WANTED, furniture, modern o? antltjui Doclite & rlymouth Sales and Servlci. professional adult, conslitlng of livlne her mother, Mrs. George n. Blunt pictures, silver, bric-a-brac. Singer sew- room labor for ptimrinjr 13.50 and up. room, bedroom, bath and kitchenette; de- bath; all improvements;; lot fer refused. May h* Inspected at Irwln's Joseph Hoffman, 82 Drumroond place, Red lilt ACRES tor sale on Wilson avenue, 50x150 feet; beat of condition. Price) of Richmond, Virginia. Mr. andBoat Works. ing machines; old guns, stoves, cash reg- Bank, phona 1607. sirable location. Must be comfortably fur- Mrt. Little will move back to Long isters, store and office equipment. Fried- SITUATFONS WANTED nished. Permanent occupancy If satisfied. Port Monmouth; $1,500. R. B. Rauch, $2,100, accept $2 00 caah, balance smalt IDHD'I, 3fi South Main street, Asbury Park, Write, glvinic details, rental, etc., to South End avenue, Port Monmouth. monthly payments. V, S. Morria, phone) Branch this week. PAINT UP—Our Una at I'*erlese paint phone 3143. ATTENTION, Publlo—Do you need Imur- Eatontown 330.* cannot b* b*at*n: achMn paint 10 uents GRADUATE nurse desires to car* for con- Apartment, General Delivery, Sea Bright, SEVEN-ROOM house at East Keanabnrg; can; varnleii 10 c*nts, shallac 58 cents anc« of any kind? Hav« you a houet, valescent or chronic patient in own N. J. NEW MOATS—Four 16-foot outboard mo 9tor* or farm for rent or lale? Want a 100x100. corner lot; $1,500. R. 8, LOG CABINS on th« Shrewsbury river,. quart, turptntine 16 cents qt; laddem 2 home. Nice location; yearly. Phone long Rauch, South En4 avenue, Port Monmouth, priced at $3,000 to $3,500 each; only Ruimon cents foot, National 6 as 10. Frown's.* tor boats, flv* 14-foot outboard motor mortgage loan or bond? If in, coniult an Branch 2510-M. bouts, ten 8, 10 and 12-foot rowboatB and ag«nt with over thirty y«*rV experience. N. J. a modest down-payment required. Balance) REAL ESTATE FOR RENT payable In 120 equal monthly initallmonta) one sail host. Elite Rarltan Bsy Boat Call or wrlU It. V. R. H. Stout, 2 Linden HANDY MAN, white, 32, can do carpen- (The Red lank Ragliter on ba bought Works, 122 Broad street, Keyport. place, Red Bank, phona 2141. IF YOUR farm ts for sale, we hav* buyers. of $28.28 and $38.59 respectively. Thee* In Jtumson from Harry Barkan, Fred Fln- try, painting and electrical work; drive GARAGE for rent, 2,000 square feet, with monthly payments Include Interest and re- NOTICE. M, trucks, etc-.: able to do most any- Bowman & Axelson, Realtors, 99 Ocean nerty and Walter Torbarg) MABEL COLEMAN School of Danclnr; or without aUam heat; 274 Bridge ave- avanue, Sea Bright, phone 147. duction of mortgage, taxes and insurance. Notlc* Is hereby given that the follow TEN-PIECE dining room suite for sale; thing. Llttrell, Willow drive, Little Sll- nue. Call at Joseph Lentlnl's, 2S8 Shw Baeh lot fronts 50 feet on the beautiful Ing Is a true copy of an Ordinance iiasae fair condition; reasonable price. Phone beglnnari and advanced clauai, ballet, bury avenue, phone Red Bank 1756. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Barbour of at a regularly adjourned meeting of th tap, toa, charaotar and ballroom dancing; FItENEAU, N. J.—$1,500 buys three-room Shrewsbury rlv*r. The Interior may be> Auburn, New York, were guests of Red Bank 3228-M. bungalow, erarage; $100 down, $16.00 finished In pine, oak, birch or cypress, Township Committee of th* Township for children and adulti. Phona 2011, 15 NURSE—Experienced, hospital training, Mrs. Ralph Longatreet of Washing- Mlddlelown held on July 1940. a Rector place, Red Bank. HOUSES, apartments and bungalows, fur- monthly. Write P. O. Box 242, Matawan, William H. Hlntelmann, Realtor. Rum wo, ton street part of last weak, Other which time th* same pas led flrit reading PORCH glider, wicker couch, large tent, Infant's formula, rhildren's diet rare; nished and unfurnished, in Long Branch N. J.' *f. J., phone 600. and was laid over for second and fina office dark, living room chairs, large I BUY and tell second-hand clothes; must assist llpht duties. References. Call Deal and vicinity: |35 month up. B. C. CoaUs, luejts at the Longstreet home dur- passags to August 8th, 1S4B, at th* meet- dining room table, kitchen cook stove and be In good condition. L. Kerber, 200 3107-M.' Affent, 490 Bath avenue, Mng Branch. N. 35 fine rugs purchased from the cleaners. Shrewsbury avenue, Had Bank. Phona J., phone 3599 Long Branch. ing the past week wera Mr, and Mrs. Ing held at the Town skip Committee) rooms Town furniture Exchange, Red Bank.* WOMAN wishes work taking cam of child Joseph Crahan of Rahway and Miss at Middletown at 8:8© o'clock in the after- 4tS-W. by day or week In own home for work- noon at which time public Bearing will he COLONIAL country residence of ten rooms, Kay cuff, Miss Kay Backeaeck and DOLLAR SALE—Refrigerator, cots, sand ing mother. Mis. (ieorge Adams, next to thoroughly modern; two baths, oil burn- held on the same. ARTHUR fc. BOYCX, painting, decorating, Little Silver fire house, Little Silver,' Harry Lindsay of Brooklyn. HOWARD W. ROBERTS, box, trunks, tables, chairs, bookcases, er ; garage; large lawn and garden In beds, npritiKs, mattresses, birdcage, sash, paper hanging; estimates cheerfully Holmdel section; $60 per month on year's Erllng Monsen, desk clerk at po- Township Clerk two for a doMar; child'M wicker rocker. lubmltted. Phone 486 Rumson, N. J. YOUNG lady wishes position, rapid aUn- lease. Write Colonial, box 611, Bed Bank. lice headquarters, begins a two- A FURTHER ORDINANCE PROVIDING Everything bought and sold. Town Fur- ographer and typist; some experience; 1 STAIR BUILDER and mechanical wood* operates mlmeoKraph and adding machine. !"OR RENT September 1st, home on Pinck- FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OK VARI- nlure Exchange, 3f> Monmouth street, worker; circular stairways a specialty. 1 week* vacation today. Mr. and Mrs. OUS ROADS IN THB TOWNSHIP OF phone Ked Bank »2S.» Call Red Bank 3764-J. ney roa' ., four rooms first floor, three Monnen will.celebrate their 25th wed- MIDDLETOWN. W. E. Davis, 65 Grand avenue. Long bedrooms, two tile baths second floor; hot WHEAEA£, the Township of Mlddletowr Iranch, N, J., phon* Long Branch 172-M. WHITE woman an working housekeeper water heat, oil burner; two-car garage. Advertising Purges Itself ding anniversary August 7. Thalr FAKTAIL pigeons; a few pairs of excel- for business people; clean, particular and has undertaken the Improvement of var- lent lea: branded registered birds in CBSSPOOUS and septic tanks cleaned In a Owner, 62 Paters place, Red Bank. aon, Erllng Monscn, Jr., who attends ious- roads In tht Township of Middletown reliable. Can furnish good reference. Muck, red, yellow, etc. 2R9 Broad street, sanitary and odorless method; top soil, Write Reliable, box 511, Red Bank.' the war college at Washington, D. through tht appropriations from the State Eatontown, phone Katontown 381.• gravel, grading and moving done; trucks FIVE-ROOM house, soma improvements Down through the history of the United State*, C, will arrive home this week on a Highway Department; for hire. Louis Becker, 18 Worthley William Kane, Middletown, N. J. AND WHJUIEAS, additional allotmenU WHITE WOMAN wishes day's work to do, only a few advertising rogoies have thrived, and two-weeks' furlough. street, phon* Red Bank 1224-W. or would do laundry, in or out. Call have been mad* bjr th* Stat* Highway De- Good used Krlirid- UPPER floor of duplex house for rent, in- those only for short periods. Three cars were involved In a col- partment In order to complete the work at 276 Mechanic street, after 5:00 P. M. fmlatid; all conveniences; hot water and alrea, Kelvlnators, Norges, Cold- CALL R*d Bank 317 for sanitary septic Phone Red Bank 1274. lision Saturday on Ward avenus. A and it is necessary for the Township of tank and cesspool s*rvlca; also fill dirt, heat supplied. Call Red Bank 1409-J. Middletown to make ths necessary appro- spot, $29.50 and up. Electrolux, just top soil, manure, tennis court clay and car driven by Paul Engel of Jersey priation to meet the cost of the said work WOMAN, age 36, normal school graduate, There was a ttme, 100 years ago. when capable like new, I5B.50. All used refrigera- steel curbing. deMies work of any kind; must be home ALL YEAR country residence; two baths, City stopped suddenly. Another car, ^nidi tin receipt of the funds from the State tors guaranteed. Good Housekeeping lavatory; garage; exquisite view; fur- physicians were rare in this country. People dosed driven by Perclval A. Bourgerle of ighway Department for the same; evenings. Addresa A. B.. box 811, Red nished or unfurnished. Riparian rights; Now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by Shop, 46 Monmouth street, Red Bank. ENERAL CONTRACTOR and caaapoolt Bank." hlph section of Locust, on Navealnk Rivir themselves, both with dreadful concoctions mad* Harrison avenue, ran Into the rear th* Township Committee of the Township cleaned i carting and rradlng, top loll, road. Telephone Atlantic Highlands 823-M of the Engel car, and the third car, of Middletown: manure, fill dirt, elndan, it ravel and sand, WANT work, part or whole time; general for appointment to sea houee. from their gardens, and with patent medicines from Section 1. That the sum of Eighty-Five FURNITURE for sale, tables, chairs, odd Estimate! (Ivan. Phona Red Bank 1464. housework or nursing. Call at 86 Bank driven by Morton Newhall of Stone Oscar Becker. 47 Second street. Fair Ha- street, Red Bank.* the store. Then arose a swarm of nostrums for th* Hundred and Eighteen Dollars and Seven- pieces, cheap. At 63 River road, Rum- SEVEN-ROOM Colonial houm, over 100 Hill farm, R. F. D., Freehold ty-Savin Cents <|8,H8.77) Is hereby ap- IOII, N, J., Warhurtor.." Tan, N. J. "cure" of every disease. These nostrums slew their bumped Into the Eourgerlc machine. propriated to meet ths difference in cost BOY, 17 years or age, wishes job picking years old; two fireplaces, completely re- LAWN mowers sharpened and repaired; Bank, decorated; attractive grounds; Oceanport. thousands. Many of them existed for no other pur- The cars were slightly damaged, but of the Improvement of the Middletown- BEAUTIFUL mahogany antique Emplr* reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. fruit, '142 Branch avenue. Red Will lease or sell. Call Eatontown 13 for no one waa hurt. Policeman David Lin croft road; Mountain Hill road, Section sofa, old Colonial stair rail and post, lull for and delivered. New and uied 01' phone 2779." Information.* pose than, Its has been said, "to make ailing women No. 1; and Thompson svenue and Hudson mahogany; antique crane for large fire- awn mowera forsale^ John Han sen. 32 Kinney Investigated. avenue. Ssst Keansburg, •lace; mahogany table, Victrola, fine bird Hudson avenue, Red Bank, shop In rear, DO YOU need a good experienced sales- happily drunk at home." Section 2. That temporary bond antici- cage, Planftt garden cultivator; very res- phone 1029. girl? Write P. O. 3ox 628, Red Bank.* RENTALS—Five rooms, oil burner, $50; Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Shields pation notes shall be Issued to the lotmble. Write F. S., box 611. Red Bank.* asven rooms, oil burner, $55; Shrerwi- But the advertising of such pain-killers and fool- spent tennis week as the guesti of aaid work, and the name shall lie repaid by iury Colonial, $76. Many others, $30- funds twetlved from the State Highway TOP SOIL from pond bed given to anyone JOB PRINTING—When 70a ne«d bus- 100; Bomi on river. Ray VanHorn Agen- killers was thrown out by most newspapers and Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Harding Department of the Statt of Now Jorney. HELP WANTED iy, River road, Fair Haven, phone 288.• who will cart It uway; handy to get at. InMB aardi, letterheads, enYelopei, of Rumson road. Section 9. It Is heraby determined by Also three small nanny irnntR and thre* magazines at least 35 years ago, say* Nation's Busi- Miss Claire Farley of Greenwich, this Committee that th* period of useful- billy goata. Call Holmdel 6331.* billheads, booklets, potters, protrami, U. S. GOVERNMENT jobs: commence $105 HARDING road, Red Bank, half of double ness. As good doctors became more ccjimon, th* ness of the Improvement heteln provided announcement* or anything In th« Una to $175 month; nun, women. Try next bouse, hot air heat; six rooms and bath, Connecticut, spent the week-end as for, as determined according- to R. S. 40; Red Bank examinations. Prepare Imme- convenient location, $25 per month. Boyn- thirst for patent medicine abated. In their wain the guent of Mr. and Mri. Thomas 1-Se. Ii hsrehjr fixed and determined as BUTCHER business for sole, four miles of printing try The Register. Work of diately at home. Sample coiichinn. Full ton & Boynton, 8 Drummond place, jthone five (6) years. from Red Bank; good location; estab- tha batter kind don* whan promised particulars, lint, positions, freu. Apply to- Ked Bank 952. came some cosmeticians who preyed on women's 8. Adams of the Avenue of Two lished two yearn; good reasons for selling. Section 4. It Is here>by certified Uiat the and at reasonable Drtcaa. day. Write U. S. G., box 611. Red Bank. Rivers. Supplemental d*bt Statement required by Write Butcher, box fill, Red Bank.* MONMOUTH street. Red Bank, apartment vanity, wily scoundrels who offered perpetual youth Frank Bau«r of River road Is on a this law,' has been duly made and filed In CHAUFFEUR wanted; experienced city of five rooms; heat and hot water sup- In the form of lotions and creams. the office) of the Clerk snd snrh state THATCHER coal and wood range for sale, plied; reasonable rental. Boynton & two-weeks' vacation from his dutlss 15.00. 137 Broad street, Eatontown.* CESSPOOLS and septic tanki cleaned, 110. driver; neat, courteous, honest and BO- m*nt Hhows that the irons debt an de Drains, cei*spnols and wells dug; wood her; good reference. Phone Atlantic High- Boynton. 8 Drummond place, phone Red But the success of any article sold In packages at the EncMi Management company, fined in R. S. 40:1-741 In the sum of sawing. Howard Tllton. 30 Canter street, lands 809 or call eveninps. E. Mnrri*. Bank 952. IR.filS.T7. and Is within all debt limita- LAKGB wine press, crusher, three 10-gallon r*-lnmiranee underwriters, in New casks, five-gallon demijohn, two So-gal- Rumion, phone 619-W. Leonardville road, Atlantic Highlands, N. depends, of course, on repeat orders. Few If any tions prescribed by the Loral Bond Art of J. RED BANK—Half house, choice residen- Tork. N«w Jersey. Inn barrels for pale: all In good condition, tial section, near town; six rooms, tile lasting fortunes have been made by lying proprie- rlca reasonable. Apply to James G. Car- VACUUM cl«aner» repaired; any make. hath, steam heat; all improvements; ga- John Carton, son of Mr. and Mn Section ft. This Ordinance shall tak* ef- ter, Chestnut stroat. Port Monmouth, N. J. Allen Electric Shop, 18 White street, WHITE woman wanted for general hou«- tors of cosmetics. Women buy once. When thej| John Carton of Park avenge and fect twenty (20) days after Its publication Red Bank. work; sleep in; give references. Phone rage; S45 per month; available September and passage as required by law. Call any evening after 6 p. m." 1st. M. V. Brown, 24 Wharf avenue, Ked Charles Betts. Jr., son of Mr. and 1489 Red Hank. Bank, phona 27.* notice no results, except perhaps a rash or eruption, FOLDING cot and enr tent, room two cots, SEPTIC TANKS and cesspools cleaned, Mrs. Charles Bctts of East River also dry wells; drains Inntalted. Esti- they do not buy again. Most of the permanently ad- NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT fur sale; also violin, case, bow. stand; CHAMBERMAID, part time, mornings; vi- KRY attractive seven-room house, two road, returned Mondav nlRht from niotal fruit press, wire cot and mattress, mates given. Oscar Becker, 17 Second cinity Rumson. Write Chambermaid, Estate of (Jeorginii E. Ship pen, deceased. street, Fair Haven, phone Red Bank 1464*. tiled baths; attached ttarBKe; hot water vertiseu beatity preparations are made of ingred- a trip throught the New England Nolle* Is hereby Riven that the ac- Royal typewriter and quart jars. 168 box 511, Red Bank. heat; available October 1. River location. counts of the siibHcrlber, mibHtituted trun- .'heatnut atrtet, Red Bank.* Aleo two furnished bungalowH, available ients which any dermatologist will tell you are good sUtts. Mr. Carton anil Mr. Bctta tie of the entate of said deceased, will b« MAUELON PROAL. antique-, boutrht ml sold. 102 West Front street. Red YOUNG white fflrl wanted a* moth- October 1. Phone Red Bank 76.* * for the skin. And reputable department stores and are enJoylnK vacations from their audited and ntatcd by the Surroguto of BUST PAINT for the money; only $2.65 Bank. positions In New York and Jersey the County of Monmouth and reported for xallon; Cnrhuid paint of quality. Used er's helper; sleep in; no cooking or IN THK hills of Middletown! Authentic drug stores, in recognition of their responsibilities settlement to the Orphans' Court of said y lament firms In U. S. A. Hi-Ho floor laundry. Apply at 91 SHverton ave- Colonial home with four master bed- City, respectively. arnlsh adds yenrs of life to floors, water- LAWN MOWERS sharpened, special thle to their customers, will handle no beauty prepara- County, on Thursday, th« twejfth dny of week, $1.00; second-hand lawn mowera nue, Little Silver. rooms, two baths; servant's quarters; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schultz and September. A. D. 19-In, at 10:00 o'clock roof. Htnln proof, $1.7f> gallon; interlisht. or sale. All klmls of key* made. SAWS lame Bhad« trees; two-car garage. Water- tion to which women in the mass are allerglo at all. a. m. Daylight Saving Time, at which time nterlor wall palnl, superb, durable, *2.U bury, 22 West Front street, phone 3500.' family of Jersey City are spending application will fie made for the allowance gallon. Free demonstration. Honest value, nd scissors sharpened. Cross' Lock ami th two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Charles of commisilons and counsel fees. luy direct from factory representative. Shop, 155 Shrewsbury avenue, Ked Bank, WE NEED first class domestic help for 'hone 2752-J. podltlonfc In the best households. Apply LOCATED in Little Silver, a Colonial What in true of cosmetics and other packaged Betts of East River road. Dated July 39. A. 1). 1010. A. J.Jish, 1174 Ocean avenue. Sea Bright, at once <\t Monraouth Employment Agen- home, newly renovated: eight rooms, two goods is also true of everything you see consistently Misses Ethel and Doris Hillstrum, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BSTELLK Decoraung Seryice; paper hang- cy, 22 West Front itreet, phone 8500.* baths; steam heat; two-car fftrage; ihade OF MORRI3TOWN, N. J.. ing, plain and deeoratlve paintings; best trees. Waterbury, 23 West Front street, advertised. An advertisement is the worst poislblo daughters of Mr. tind Mrs. Alex By: Kenneth W. Thompson. iHOW CASE for sale, 3 feet, 6 Inches phone 3500.* Truit Officer, long, 4 feet, 6 Inches high, 21 Inches materials and workmanship at moderate AMAZING money-makers; seJl SO em- Hlllstrum of Park avenue "pent thfc rtrires. Phone (192, 20 Mount street. Red bossed perBorml Chrintmaa cards $1. Free place in which to try to deceive. Deception doesn't Morrlitown. N. J.. wide. Reasonable. Larry's Barber Shop. lank. TRIPLE Insulated modern home of six week-end visiting relatives at Free- Substituted Trustee. Port Monmouth.* samples. Sensational added novelty, 21- room*, two baths; automatic heat; large Work and doesn't pay. box on approval. Empire Card, Elmlra, port, Long Island. Freeman ft O'Dcnnelt. HOOVER cleaners repaired, b run hen re- plot oE ground; .orated In Shrewsbury. Mrs. Laura Cunningham has re- Babbitt Bldff., FIIOM an estate. Limoges china, bronae bristled. Allen Klectric Shop. IB White Roistnn Waterbuiy, 22 West Front street, That's proven over and over In The Reglstor'i Morrlitown. K. J.. ' figures, solid mahogany crystal cabinets, •traat. phone 61 J. lied Hank. phone 3500.' turned to her position with the Proctors. loin-., mahogBny dresner and chest, Melt. WHITE irlrl wanted; Hirht hounework: Want Department. board of education after a two en chin 11, wine bottle t, crysLal stem sleep In. Mrs. Dillone. 2S Lake avenue, GOOD old-fashioned home of seven rooms, IBSHM, etc Kuctl'fl Galleries, 29 Eait WINDOW CLEANING — Spring house weeks' vacation. Louis Kolhmen, NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT cleaning Is here! We clean wlnduwa, Red Bunk. bath; located in good neighborhood in 'runt street. Red Bank, near school and center of town. janitor of the Lafayette street Estate of Raymond Hoagland. dereAsod. waih woodwork, wax floors. Our work the bent, prices the lowest, Call Ked YOUNO woman wanted for peneral hnune- Newly painted inside and out. Rolnton school, is having a two weeks' va- Notice Is hereby given that the *c- ET of white porcelain wauh tubs for work and cooking. Adult family. Phone Waterbury, 22 West Front street, phone munta of tha subscribers, lurvlvlne trus- Bank 2630-J or Atlantic Highlands 77. cation. sale; also 30-callon water boiler with Mnnmouth V/lmlnw Cleaning Co. Rumson 658. 3600.* tees of th* **tat* of said deceased, wilt be •aI stove. J OH Pintkney road, Ked fii|rilt«d and stated by the Surropnle or lank.* Lightning struck, the kitchen of SHARPENING harber. doc and homo clip- NURSE wanted; child's nurec; iako full COTTAGE of four rooms, located ouUlde itie County of, Monmouth und reported for rhat'Ke of two rhlldren, npen 'A and 3; of Bed Bank on country estate; rent $35, the home of Mrs. Sarah Bruce on •ettiiramt to the Orphans' Court of said per*. R. A. Hickey and Son, Everett, COMMISSION bakery business for sale In N. J., phone Red Bank 7P3-J-I. muil be experienced; permRnent position. Sec Wnterbury, 22 Wont Front street, River road Tuesday night. The County, on Thursday, ths twelfth day of Ruminn; e^tabllnhod year and a half, Write Child's Nurse, box 511, Red Bank. phone 3500.* damage was slight. SepUmber. A. P. 1940. at, 10:Of) o'clock .pply at Munch's Bakery, 14 KJver road, a. ra. Dayllfht Saving Time, at which tins DRIVE-IN *aa station and repair shop; etween 8 a, m. and 6 p. m.* wonderful opportunity for mechanic; low EXPERIENCED white woman wanted: care SILVERWH1TE GARDENS horn* of s«v«n application will be made for the allowance of two-year-old child and aeeUt In rooms: oil heat, fireplace, tile bath; at- of commissions and counsel fees. rent. Can be purchased very reasonable. RISH setter bird dog for sale, ona year Write D. I. G., box Ell, Ked Bank. household. Permanent position. Phone tached garaffe; rent $67.50. Waterbury, Are we really grateful for th* DaUd July 19. A. D. 2040. old. Domenlco Acerra, 11 Bridge ave* Red Bank 917. 22 Weat Front street, phona 8600.* good already received? Then we JOSEPH C. HOAOLAND, ue, Red Bank. BOYS, GIHLS, make some money before shall avail ourselves of the blessings Rumson, N. J., you return to school. Sell Bob Sell's WHITE woman wanted to help with DUTCH Colonial house convenient to high wa have, and thUB be fitted to re- PORTETR flOAGLAND. ORIOLE tias range Tor sale; gray and honey to your friends and iielirhbor*. Mb- housework and In cure of ytmr-old baby. school and center of town; nix rooms, ceive mura.—Mary Baker Eddy. Rtimxon, N. J., iel; four burners, nidi oven, eral rommlsnlon. Call or write Robert State ane, WRKCO, etc. Write WMU Wom- nil heat; one-car Karaite. Rolston Water- ftirrlvlnir TmvUta. 112. 78 Fo ter strett, Rlvtr Plaaa. Sell, Willow oouK. Oe*anpari, M. J.* an* box &11| Red Bank.^ bury, 2: West Front •treat, phona 3500." Fourteen RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST I, 1940.

Patcrson on Saturday will entertain gone to the dock to ««a that all the — II II Swims— We Have 11 Armed Bandits Leonardo about 30 members of the Trinity Lightning Hits boats were securely fastened, WII Kplscopal church, Paterson, of which not hurt. (The Red Bank BcKltttr cm b. bought Mr. Childa is pastor. There will bo Henry Flood, Jr.', who m In hit Get $108,000 in Leonardo from Fred W. Mryeri, V. A. boat, the Black Maria, which was Monmouth Shoe Repairing Co. KildfKildufff , Balkan'! newntand and Neu't a beach party, picnic, and a hot dog Irwin Flagpole Hennessey's •lore) roast, and games. used by the judges during the row- Is Now Conducting Its Business at Mrs. Roy Klemmlng \va.q hostess at Ing regatta, said be saw a ball of Holdup in Front of Jimmle Sage cut his hand on glass Freeholder Irwin lightning strike and splinter th« Saturday. He Is the son of Mr. anda card party given by the Ladles' Republican club Monday afternoon. pole. Th« Blue Ribbon Shoe Repairing; Co. Asbury Park Postoffice Mrs. George Sage of Brevent avenue. Near It at Time Mr. Flood wss forced to remain Joseph Halleran, son of Mr. and.She also won thn bridge, prize. Mrs. George Piltz-Pcker won the pinochle In his boat during the itorm be- Just Around the Corner at Three men armed with shot gum Mrs. Albert Halleran of Center ave- cause tho water wa« too rough to nue, severely cut his foot while play- prize. itrfiTshmrnts were served af- Freeholder Joseph C. Irwin was held up two employees of the Asbu ter (he games. Mrs. Carl Bergman standing near the flagpole at Irwln's attempt a landing. 8 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK Park National Bank and Trust com Ing recently. All Our Sea Food Ifresii. Miss Jcanette Lohnaas and her 11 be hostess for the next card par- linatworks Tuesday night when light- No Cold Storage. pany late Tuesday morning in fronl ty, which will lie. held Monday after- ning struck, taking about eight feet Cuba Is about 90 miles from Flor- (2 doors down from the bus stop) of the city postoilice, stole a bag con mother entertained Daniel Sullivan of Brooklyn over the week-end. noon, August R, 'ii Community lite from th« top. Mr. Irwin, who hadida. taining $108,000 In cash and fled house, with all games starting at Phone 1377 We Deliver through Main street trattio In a cat Mrs. Belle O. Cross, president of 2.SO o'clock. bearing Pennsylvania license plates he Ladles' auxiliary of the Brevent A second bank shipment of cash Park and Leonardo lire company, Gertrude Morahan, granddaughter owned by the Seacoast Trust com pietided at a monthly meeting of of Joseph Falke, has returned home WEEK-END SPECIALS WEEK-END SPECIAL! pany, which was also being taken to he association Friday afternoon. after a week at rinnahar Dude ranch l«c lb. the postofllce for mailing to the Fed Mrs, Edward M. Kayner of Washing- at Peekskill, New York. 1HJTTKRFIHII Miss Kileen Murphy and Jerry BOX OF d.1 eral Reserve bank at New York, on avenue and Mrs. Howard Ra- Hmall WKAKVIBII _. for missed the holdup men by seconds. bone of Franklin avenue were ac- Vope of the Bronx, are guests at the James F. Smith i Dr.E.Tracbtman 16. The Seacoast men, enrryins J52.000 cpted as new members, A luncheon home of Mrs. A. J. Allis of Burling- Hmall HONITO MIXED FLOWERS * X • in cash, were directly behind the As- icheduled for August 7 was post- ton avenue. IAHUK HONITO ..... bury Park National Bank and Trust oned until Wednesday, August 14. Mr. and Mrs. P. Currie «f Wash- OPTICIAN OPTOMETRIST Boalon MACKKiii'.l. :20s, 'ompany men. Mrs. Olaf Christy Is chairman. Mrs. ington avenue are entertttining Airs. Specialising in COD HTKAKS Officials of the hank aald that all Rose Kovelcsky was appointed chair- Teasie Buzzy of Passalc for a week. SEA HANS DEAN'S Mr. and Mrs. John Neiderman, Sr., Fitting GluMt and Filling man of a game party to be given. nilet Haddock .... 25'» the cash stolen was protected by (Alt SpecM «or Friday u4 Saturday Dellwy Onlj) of Newark, and Mr. and Mrs. John Sptxialiiing m holdup Insurance and there would be August 27 at the Are house. Refresh- Prescription* Striped Baea ...A A BsV no loss whatever to the institution. nents and prices will be given, Oth- Nelderman nnd children of East Or- LITTLE SILVER. N. J. Tel. R. B. 1832. ange were Monday visitors nt the Jtrafonabl* Pricvt) Terms If Ey» Esuninatiom Halibut f -^kssK^- The holdup and getaway happened r hostesses for coming Tuesday D.ilr.d, so quickly that the few witnesses ight card parties will be Mrs. Kovel- home of Mrs. James K. Alverson of Salmon «J«-'|b. Beacon Hill road. could give little details and could fur- isky, August t, Mrs. Cecelia Letts, Broken Lensee Duplicated Scallops ..._ J ™" Uigueit 13, Mra. Margie Maxson, Au- Miss Anne Currie has accepted a Sun GlMte* nish only meagre descriptions of the LOBSTKRH (small) 40c l». RADIOS REFRIGERATORS bandits. Some said the getaway car gust 20 and Mri. Anna Meyers, Sep- position as secretary to Leo Blstan was a large black sedan. Others ember 3, The next meeting of the if Belford. PHONE 170 Small SOFT CRABS _|l.!odoi. EMERSON Stewart-Warner said it was gray, green or tan. Most .uxlliary will take place Friday af- Mrs. John Swidcrnki and daughter I*rge SOFT CKAHS _«!.O0doi. SMALL RADIOS ,. of them agreed that it bore Penn- ernoon, August 30. Following the Anne of Corona, Long: island, nre the 88 BROAD STREET, RED BANK Special Crab Meat .....Melt). II CC. FT. BOX 114'* meeting a party was given by Mrs. sylvania license No. JE933. Police guesU of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mc- Hours t to «. Eveflinn kr Appotateeat. Swordflili S-WAT FOBTABI.KS i.M have learned that the plates were 'eter Green, chairman of the Woni- Cook at their home on Brevent ave- 19 See the Stewart - Warner stolen at Philadelphia last March. divlsion of the fair for her ue. elpers. H»v« your radio repaired dual temperature for keep- The holdup occurred directly in Mrs. Hazel Weiss. Mrs. C. Klinken- while you w»lt Ing frozen foods. front of the postoffice in full view The Baptist church hu been con- berg and ilia. Lillian Hcding worn LOWEST TRHMi. of mRny persons. The bandit car uctlng a successful vacation church- higgh scorers at a card and g8mg e par- had been parked In the street at the chool, under the direction of Miss ty helhldd on thth UNN V off SStt . Agnes' rear of the postofflcn building {or "Use Bills, principal, There has been school Tuesday afternoon. Other LOUD'S RADIO STORE several hours. After me holdup men n average attendance of 63 girls and prize winners were Mrs. John Mor- 17 Mechanic St. Phone R. B. 795. had got the three bags containing ioys, and 12 teachers, making a total rlsey, Mrs. Helen McCook, Mra. J. the money, all In bills from $1 to $100 verage of 75. This is an unusually Swidcrski. Mrs. IT. Stallnccht, Mra. in denominations, they quickly went Frances Rogers anil Sirs. Leo Horb- PAVIDSON'BRn.S rge school. Tomorrow evening the to their car, which shot Into Main ster, Sr. This will be the lust party street and turned north. It passed chool will hold Its demonstration [ght at 8 o'clock, when parents and given by the P. T. A. for the .sum- one red light, which attracted the mer A game party will ho held attention of Vernon Bennett, a rail- lends are Invited to be present and i view the work accomplished by next Monday evening In the school road detective, who gave chase. The auditorium. ! bandit car turned weBt into First he pupils, 10 Qreat Specials ! avenue. One block in there is a rail-' James Qrodeska and Vincent Arne Anson and family of Thomp- kinsville, Statcm Island, motored for We Carry a Complete Lin* of Battle Creek or Loeb'a Health Foods. ! road crossing and as the car ap-O'Sage spent the week-end at Lake a visit at the home of Mrs. Zach proached the flagman was on thePlacid. Staer Thursday. This was the first ; crossing displaying his "stop" sign as Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kopf of Has- in our time In lb y«rs the Anson family i a freight train was approaching. The brouck Heights were v'sltors here FRIDAY, SATURDAY A. MONDAY SPECIALS FRESH FRUITS and i bandit, car put on more speed and had boen here. over the week-end. AUGUST »iU toMi l | got across only a few feet ahead of The BaptUt Sunday-school session .lamcs Gisleaon nnd family are VH- VEGETABLES i the train. Bennett was forced to begins Sunday morning at 9:45 a.cationing in Vermont fov three August Furniture I jam on his brakes to keep from ram- weeks. rtUDAY AND 8ATUKDAY! m., and there are cla&ses for people ' ming the side of the train. After of all ages. The morning worship Week-end Riirsts at the home of Sunseald Orange e\ HEINZ I the train had passed the trail of the service of the church will be held at Mr. and Mis. James C. DcLong of LARGE CALIFORNIA Highland avenue were Mr. and Mra. Grapefruit Juice Blend 11 o'clock when the pastor will Tomato Juice 8IJNKIST 8QIJKKZING and Rug Sale! car was lost. preach on the subject, "Joy Unpro- Harry Tucker of Jackson Heights, or Orange Juice or EATING j Radio broadcasts were immediately hlblted." The evening service will be Long Island. Mrs. DcLonK on Mon- c made of the robbery and FBI andheld at 8 o'clock and the men's choir day returned with her son David W-o«. ORANGES Your Chance To Save postofllce authorities were notified. will furnish music. The High who had been spending a week with 3 sr 20 The messengers were J. Clarence School Christian Endeavor meeting Mr. and Sirs. Sherwood Trlbau at Barton, Jr., 32, bank teller and mes- will be held Tuesday evening at 8 Mount Vernon. [engcr, and Joseph Sturm, 54, hiso'clock at the church. Prayer meet- Sir. and Sirs. H. Frederic Schneidor V-8 Davidson'. Yellow Label 29° - armed guard. Ing, with a forum period, will be held entertained the noted motorcyclist, SWEIfT • JUICY Two New York ex-convicts were Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at Oscar Eosner 'of Brooklyn, recently. Mrs. Zach Staor returned home j COCKTAIL TEA BAGS j arrested last night in New York by the church. A Blend of Eight Vegetable CALIFORNIA SUNKI8T 10% to 50% j police of that city and were held Mrs. Wesley Wakefleld was award- Saturday after spending a week with CSQUEEZING or EATING Juices. for possession of two loaded .38 cal- ed a set of dishes as a ground prize her stepfather at Brooklyn. es. A large A AAC 20* 35" 65 i ibre revolvers. Monmouth county Monday night at the Brevent Park Before leaving for her home at Z5b*i(S Whan UOtagi ORANGES In This Clearance I | authorities, however, doubted that and Leonardo firemen's fair. A hand- Now York city, following several Zi new size j the New York arrests would pro- some hand-made lace cloth, donated weeks' visit with her sister, Sirs. cans It makes considerable difference who says "clear- I vide a clue to the holdup. by the Ladies' auxiliary, was won byJohn Murphy and family, nt thoir ! Yesterday the largest insurance Mrs. Lena Maler Monday evening. summer home here, Sliss Rose New- Davidson's Delicious Dill Pickles 15 •• 25 ance" and it also makes a big difference what man gave a lawn party to several Sweet Juicy payment it has ever made to a New Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shetty of Fancy Quality sort of prices the discounts are taken from. The Jersey bank was handed over by the Englewood have decided to open neighbors and friends. A jlfl few extra specials mentioned for this week are j United States Fidelity and Guaran- their home on Center avenue and will Mrs. Chester Guttormscn is con- Mayonnaise fl full HI. FANCY I tee company to the Asbury Park fined to her home by Illness. remain here the rest of the summer. CALIFORNIA but a hint of what you will find reduced thruout \ National Bank and Trust company. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. VanDeWater P. J. Dinans and family of Jer- 12° 23° 35° sey City are Kuests for two weeks the store ! spent the week-end with Mr. Van- 8-oz, pt. hot qt not. BARTLETT PEARS DeWater's mother at Esopus, New at the home of Mr, and Sirs. Arthur Local Man Recovering York. Runkc. Jersey TOMATOES Simmons Inner- t 10-Pc. Dining Mrs. Frank Jackson spent the Mr. and Mis. Samuel Lewis, Jr., 10 <• 20° From Serious Injury week-end with her daughter, Mrs. of New York city, are visiting Sirs. Red Cross Brand Charles Meyers, and her family at Lewis' sister. Sirs. Belle G. Cross. FANCY spring Mattresses Suites ASPARAGUS Solid Pack Russell Brown of Mechanic street, Westfleld. Sir. and Mrs. Irving W, Teeplo of NYw l'ack • All Green RIPK Highland avenue are entertaining formerly employed at Whelan's drug Frank Hoagland of Appleton ave- MTTLK DAIII.INO store, Red Bank, who was injured nue has been ill for several weeks, Mrs. Edna Demarest of Nutlcy. ALLIGATOR PEARS No. % AM 3-25 $159 while divine: into a shallow body of but i« reported improving rapidly. Sir. and Mrs. Ewald Dogling of C Hefular price $21. Beautiful Regular price $195. Blonde j ^ater last week, is recovering rapkl- Mr. and Mrs. Hoagland are expect- East Orange were recent visitors at can £ / can bou.vant mattresses, with de«p mahogany In Its newest and I ly at St. Peter's hospital, New ng to leave for Michigan soon to the home of Sir. Dealing's sister, 3 - 25 pre-bullt borders, ventilators, richest shade. Selected from j Brunswick. spend some time with Mrs. Hoag- Sirs. Ida Vorbei^. Grapefruit Hearts handle*. The spring unit Is de- our 18th Century stock and ! Mr. Brown sustained a fractured land's relatives. Part of the confectionery nnd sta- FANCV CALIFORNIA Post Toasties Knyal Bio Brand signed for solid comfort and offered at a rare bargain.. In- neck and it Is expected he will be Howard Mallen and family will at- tionery business of Mrs. Florence SWEET SEKDLESS lone satisfactory use. dications point to much higher forced to remain In the hospital for tend the wedding of Mrs. Mallen'a Neu of Leonard avenue has been O price*. at least six weeks. He was employed niece. Miss Evelyn Kruse of Oakland, purchased by A. O. Warrington of 6° phi. GRAPES at the Whelan's drug store at New and Joseph Giles of Bogota at theNavesink, a member of the Middle- Luxurious Karpen Brunswick. Pompton Lakes cathedral Sunday af- town township high school faculty. Blonde Mhg. Bed ternoon at 4 o'clock. Peter Green of Monmouth avenue Citra Salad Chairs It pays to advertise in The Register. Rev. and Mrs. Charles J. Chllds of Saturday attended a clambake at 2 » 15° Room Suite Mctuchen given by members of the | Fancy OOrangr o and Grapefruit Dole's Pineapple carpenters' union. Section* Natural or Sweetened FANCY Lieutenant anil Mrs. Girard j 4dice. $25 Hughes visited Lieutenant Hughes' JERSEY POTATOES Regular prloea (55 to $65. Cus- $159 parents, Sir. and Sirs. Harry J. 2 """ 25 «n tom built for our regular stock. Regular price $210. Advance Hughes of Highland avenue over the V. S. No. I Large and deeply upholstered style from a national maker. week-end. Lieutenant Hughes was CROSS BROS., Ilolimlrl in expensive fabrics. Hand- The five splendidly matched recently promoted from ensign to carved Honduras mahogany pieces make a most attractive lieutenant, U, S. Navy. Ho Is a grad- WELCH TOMATO JUICE frames. group. High grade in every uate of Annapolis Naval Academy. QUAllT BOTTLK . . 2ilc detail. He has been stationed at the Brook- B-OZ. BOTTLK ... 10c Both for - 23c 10 - 13° lyn navy yard, but this week was Deluxe Porch transferred to the Norfolk, Virginia FANCY Low Priced Maple basin. Gliders PRUNE STJtIlVGI.KSS Suite Miss Vera Topher, Richard Top- Anglo Phillip'c her and Jack DInan, all of Jersey! JUICE GREEN BEANS City, are spending a few days at the ! Corned Beef Pork & Beans $26 home of Sir. and Sirs. Arthur I Spear Brand Regular prices $31.50 to Hi. 537.15 Runke of Washington avpnue. Regular price $59. Bed, dres- A party of eight men from the Jer- 1 Cc full <|t. o m occ Remaining stock of our auper 20° can 2 "• 15° line. Every new comfort fea- ser, mirror, chest. 4 pieces In sey Central railroad enjoyed a llsh- J cans *"* ture is built into thiwe pieces, neat design. Fair quality and ing trip on Wednesday aboard the CELERY HEARTS making Uiem suitable for all- well finished. Don't delay loo $149.50 7-pc. "Ellzaheth," owned by Matthew Stev- year use. long on this Item. enson and Edward Shaw. They re- DATE & NUT BREAD WINDOW-LITE Extra Largo Bundles turned with a splendid catch of A hunches fluke. Crosnc A Blnckwell's The Perfect Glass Cleaner Breakfast Sets In Special Lot of 9x12 Stanley, June and Charles Shaw, Makes Delicious Sandwiches Larie Bottle 19' children of Mr. and Sirs. Edward I 12° Chrome Rugs Bed Room Suite Shaw of New York, are spending tho o ore Sprayer to lit FANCY CALIFORNIA summer at the Shaw bungalow on It cans fail top of bottle 10° Florence avenue. SUGAR PEAS $23.95 $27 . FULL l'ODS Regularly priced to $39.(0. You Regular price $29.95. Some- know from many yrarg of ei- cut to Navesink SOAP & POWDER thing very different from the perienre with our rugs that regular type. Consists of table *ioo ' 2 "-17° they give wonderful service (The Red Hunk Ili'Kialer run l.e IIMIKIII i SPECIALS! and two chairs in various and that our prices are always CONSISTS OF: In Nftvi'Hink f:uru William Kcushiui At the striking color effects. Frlred This suite Is HKK/r finer than IiuftoHici-J ] FANCY low! These are grouped for picture indicates—All exposed Klex i*»> 17c for next Fall at $32.50. Extra Full Size Bed The women whn will assist at the rapid selling. Mostly new Ax- surfaces of 5-ply fancy fig- Keep Out of the Kitchen. r FULL rons chair* at V3-50. minsters from lending mills. Naveplnk Uiemcn's fair will meet Palmolive Soap 3 *> 25c Over SO patterns In stock. Solid Panel Bench ured walnut tops and fronls next Tuesday night at tho fire house Save and Serve With Birds Eye GREEN LIMAS Two-Pc. Living veneered with choice Butt to wrap articles for the grab bag. j Iiirfe slie Large Size Vanity Walnut — All edges havo The fair will he held Thursday, Frl- | day and Saturday, August 8, 9 and ' LIMA BEANS ....*« 22c r Summer Furniture rolled or reeded finish. Dust' Floating Soap .r..3 *> 10c Room Suite Large Size Dresser 10. Tender Baby Green. 3 - 25° proof throughout. Center Samuel Posten has purchased a Box Serves 4. Ivory Flakes ***• 19c FANCY 10%-50%off Extra High Chest guides make for easy work- garden tractor for UBO on his farm $70 (5 drawers instead of Ing drawers. Mirrors are on Monmouth avenue. YELLOW ONIONS ff price $110. From our Odd lots too small to Itemize. stylo Illustrated) large heavy plate. Mattress The bridge over Clayplt 'vas closed RHUBARB ** ISc P. & G. Soap .7 «««• 25c Mth Century group. Hand- Grass rugs, porch screens, several days lost week while repairs No Wast*. Bo* Serves 4. White Naptha Inner Spring contains 199 coll springs cov- )k I tied construction, covered In metal tables and chairs, beach were "being made. Selox 2J « -21c the new blue frieze. Guaran- furniture, odd porch chairs, Mattress ered with soft felted cotton Mlsa Janette Smith, librnrian at teed against motii. hammocks, etc. —choice of a coil or «trap- j the Navesink library, is spending a SQUASH "-•'»M7c The Speed Soap Simmons New vacation, at her home at Cold 1 CAI.IFOHNIA type spring made by Sim* Cooked - Beaily to Use. Chipio P* *- 19c Spring mons. Springs, Nnw York. Regular Flukes or Granules Tf5NnK.ll SVVKKT Frank lllo of Plattmount, who at- Box Serves 4. tends North Carolina State college nt CARROTS A small deposit will hold selection for future delivery. Raleigh, is home for tho summer BROCCOLI "« 22c A bunches vacation. National Biscuit Co. Mrs. Albert Sickles, Sirs. Slartha Green Side Shoots. 15* WEST I Connor, Sirs. Georpe Klem and Sliss Box Serves 4. ' Frances Klem are on a two-weeks' BITZ juiim.pkr.oio FANCY GREEN motor trip to Slalne. Southern Style LI PEPPERS Furniture Company ||| West Furniture Co. Frying Chickens 99c ••<* SOCIAL. TEA BISCUIT Got an ire box to sell? Want to 1863 KEYPORT, N. J. 1 Cut up. Xi> Wnsti'. 21tn. 2-OI. FIG NEWTON or O pk*s. OCc KEYPORT, N. J. buy ». fur pirrt '.' Yim rnn buy :ind 1 OUR ONLY STORE PPII through The RpciMpr'i! want ;ids. Uuarantccd. BUTTER COOKIES ' for "" 5 ' 10° They're the most widely read in this UA^tk