Course Title: A Survey of Course Code: ENGL 321 Program: B.A. in English Department: Department of English College of Science and Humanitarian Studies in College: AlGaht Institution: Majmaah University

A. Course Identification

1. Credit hours: 3 2. Course type a. University College Department . Others b. Required . Elective 3. Level/year at which this course is offered: Level Six/ 3rd Year 4. Pre-requisites for this course (if any):

Introduction to Literature ENGL 211 5. Co-requisites for this course (if any): none

6. Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply) No Mode of Instruction Contact Hours Percentage 1 Traditional classroom √ 70% 2 Blended √ 15% 3 E-learning √ 5% 4 Correspondence 5 Other √ 20%

7. Actual Learning Hours (based on academic semester) No Activity Learning Hours Contact Hours 1 Lecture 45 hrs. 2 Laboratory/Studio None 3 Tutorial None 4 Others (specify) None Total 45 Other Learning Hours* 1 Study 2 Assignments 2 3 Library 4 Projects/Research Essays/Theses 2 5 Others (specify) Total 4 * The length of time that a learner takes to complete learning activities that lead to achievement of course learning outcomes, such as study time, homework assignments, projects, preparing presentations, library times


B. Course Objectives and Learning Outcomes 1. Course Description The course introduces students to the different literary periods of English poetry. It would cover the main five literary periods of English poetry; Neo-classical, Romantic, Victorian, Modern and Post-modern with an introduction to Old English, Middle English and Renaissance periods. This survey of poetic literary periods would include selective poems of representative poets for each period. It would be as succinct and as comprehensive as possible. The philosophy of the survey would mix history with art where the poems mirror the era and the era explains the poems. The distinctive characteristics of each epoch (the political and cultural together with the artistic/aesthetic features) would be discussed. The survey may include poetic materials from outside Britain (The American and possibly World Englishes poetry, too).

The teaching of poetry would adopt an approach in which Form and Function are combined and interconnected. Students will be exposed to different ways of reading a poem ( see Eagleton's book ' How to Read a Poem?').

2. Course Main Objective By the end of the course, students should be able to:

1. Discuss the main ideas , concepts and terms of poetry and poetic study. 2. Outline the main historical features of each of the main periods of English poetry: Classical, Neoclassical, Romantic, Victorian, Modern and Postmodern. 3. Explain the artistic and aesthetic characteristics of each poetic period/movement. 4. Analyse poems effectively by tackling both Form and Function. 5. Develop an aesthetic sense of poetry in general, and English poetry in more specific terms. 6. Use knowledge of poetry to increase their English proficiency (esp. writing skills).

3. Course Learning Outcomes Aligned CLOs PLOs 1 Knowledge: 1.1 The beginning of writing poetry in classical times

1.2 Different poetic movements and their poetic traditions and characteristics. 1.3 The social context of each poetic tradition that formulates the specific characteristics of each time period

1... a survey of a large selection of poets and poems of the different poetic traditions and comparing between them 2 Skills : 2.1 Ability to think critically and analytically

2.2 Ability to do research and to make use of information from primary and secondary sources in support of a valid thesis and argument 2.3 Students will be able to appreciate poetry


Aligned CLOs PLOs 2... 3 Competence: 3.1 Ability to use literary and academic English.

3.2 Search for material on the web.

3.3 Use of PowerPoint and laptop – projector systems 3...

C. Course Content Contact No List of Topics Hours Introduction:

1 Old English, Middle English and Renaissance: The Markers, 3 Areopagus and Metaphysical poets 2 Neo-classical poetry: Its Nature and Characteristics 3 Selective poets and poems of the time period: 3 Alexander Pope: "The Rape of the Lock" 3 Dryden "Happy the Man" 4 : Its Nature and Characteristics 3 Selective poets and poems of the time period: William Blake: "The Chimney Sweeper" William Wordsworth: "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" 5 Samuel Taylor Coleridge: "Kubla Khan" 6 Lord Byron: "She Walks in Beauty" Percy Bysshe Shelley: "Ode to the West Wind" John Keats: " When I have fears that I may cease to be" ... Victorian Poetry: Its Nature and Characteristics 3 Selective poets and poems of the time period: Tennyson: "Break, Break, Break" Hopkins: "Thou Art Indeed Just Lord" Mathew Arnold: "Dover Beach" Robert Browning: "My Last Duchess" 6 Elizabeth Browning: "The Cry of the Children" Christina Rossetti: "Up-Hill" Mary Howitt: "The Spider and the Fly" Charlotte Bronte: "On the Death of Anne Bronte" Modern Poetry: Its Nature and Characteristics 3 Selective poets and poems of the time period Modernist Poets: T. S. Eliot "The Waste Land"; Yeats "The Second Coming" 6 The Imagist Poets: Ezra Pound "In a Station of the Metro" Pylon Poets: W. H. Auden "Five Songs" New Apocalypse: "Don't Go Gentle Into That Good Night"


Post-modern Poetry: Its Nature and Characteristics 3 Selective poets and poems of the time period The British Poetry Revival: Bill Griffiths "Nomad Sense" 6 The Martian Poets: Craig Raine "The Onion, Memory" Revision 3 Total

D. Teaching and Assessment 1. Alignment of Course Learning Outcomes with Teaching Strategies and Assessment Methods Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods 1.0 Knowledge The beginning of writing poetry in lectures Class participation 1.1 classical times

Different poetic movements and their Class discussion Midterms 1.2 poetic traditions and characteristics. Assignments The social context of each poetic Close reading of Research papers and tradition that formulates the specific social circumstances presentations given … characteristics of each time period in class

a survey of a large selection of poets and poems of the different poetic

traditions and comparing between them

2.0 Skills Ability to think critically and Lectures/ teaching Class participation. 2.1 analytically students how to read attentively and critically Ability to do research and to make use Discussions/ teaching Research papers and of information from primary and students to think oral presentations 2.2 secondary sources in support of a valid independently and thesis and argument engage in group discussions Students will be able to appreciate Encouragement of Midterm and final … poetry students to be creative in exams their presentation 3.0 Competence Ability to use literary and academic Encourage students to Assignments English. make use of material on the 3.1 web

Search for material on the web. Encourage students to Class analysis consult the specialist 3.2 in the computer lab for help on web-based material


Code Course Learning Outcomes Teaching Strategies Assessment Methods Use of PowerPoint and laptop – Require the use of Exams projector systems PowerPoint when … giving presentations

2. Assessment Tasks for Students Percentage of Total # Assessment task* Week Due Assessment Score All 1 Participation and Quizzes 10% Along Week 8, 2 2 Midterms 40% 13 End of 3 Final Exam 50% Semester 4 5 6 7 8 *Assessment task (i.e., written test, oral test, oral presentation, group project, essay, etc.)

E. Student Academic Counseling and Support Arrangements for availability of faculty and teaching staff for individual student consultations and academic advice : Supervision of activities. ● Office hours 4 hrs/ week. ● D2L online learning processes

F. Learning Resources and Facilities

1.Learning Resources The Oxford Anthology of English Poetry by John Required Textbooks Wain , publisher: Spenser to Crabbe or , May 15, 2003

The Oxford Book of English Verse Essential References The Columbia History of British Poetry Materials Eras & Modes in English Poetry Electronic Materials try.htm


• Signed Student Code of honour explained during student Other Learning orientation to university to protect against plagiarism Materials

2. Facilities Required Item Resources Accommodation • Lecture rooms should be large enough to (Classrooms, laboratories, demonstration accommodate the number of registered students rooms/labs, etc.) Technology Resources • Laptop computer (AV, data show, Smart Board, software, • projector system etc.) Other Resources (Specify, e.g. if specific laboratory Central Printer. equipment is required, list requirements or Scanner attach a list)

G. Course Quality Evaluation Evaluation Evaluators Evaluation Methods Areas/Issues

Evaluation areas (e.g., Effectiveness of teaching and assessment, Extent of achievement of course learning outcomes, Quality of learning resources, etc.) Evaluators (Students, Faculty, Program Leaders, Peer Reviewer, Others (specify) Assessment Methods (Direct, Indirect)

H. Specification Approval Data Council / Committee Reference No. Date