{ 219 Girls Show Saturday &

Every Tuesday Sunday, 3-9 ) & $1.50 Beer Sunday Bust

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 Chicago's Bull Dog Dance Troupe

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 Underwear Party $25 to the Sexiest in White $25 to the Sexiest in Color (No G-Strings or Jock Straps)

OUR NEW DANCER, DAVID LEE +I entertains Most Wednesdays & Fridays

219 S. 2nd Street • Milwaukee, WI 271-3732 i ; i i I Inln Step `v OctoberOctober 7-20,7-20, 19931993 •` Page Page 22 Touch-Tone Required. OVER 18 ONLY. Cover Story 51.99 /Min. 1-900-740-1-1UNT C/5 415-281-3183

In stepStep ; Inln Step welcomeswelcomes nationallynationally knownknown clean, diseasedisease-hoe,-free, disc, disc, for for MILWAUKEE, ACT ACT HOW riow MILWAUKEE,AruLWAUKEE, inin-shape,-shape, stable,stable, and and fin.fin. for comic KateKate Clinton to her lastinglosringrelation.e1312 relation. v 1 312 YOU FEEL, NOT NOT YOURYOUR INTELLECTUALiunLLECTUAL secure. I am serious and for AGE! GWM 28,(look & act PURSUITS.puestiITs. GBM GBM 28,28, 5'6", 5'6' real!Tcal! v1098 -1098 Magazine I Saturday.Saturday, October 9 MilwaukeeMitwaukee concert concert at at LAKElJLKE GENEVA,OENEVA, TIRED 24) 6', Er/B1, 1604, looking 1404, student enjoys the main Library's Centennial HallHall (733(733 N. OF GROW[NOGROWING ALONE.ALONE. dancing, going out, good I'MI'M A KICKKlcK BOXER.roxER. sO So 225 S. 2nd St. T• Milwaukee,Mitwaukee, WIWl 53204 53204 for friendship, possible 8th St.). Presented by the Lesbian Alliance GWMCWM 40, 40, 5'7", 5'7", 1484, 148#, good politics, I'ml'm in very goedgood shcipe. shape. I'mI'm Phone:PIlone: (414)278-7840(414)278-7840 v• Fax: 278.5868 8th St.). Presented by the Lesbian Alliance relationship, also a times, literature, Fax: 278-5868 sense ofof humor,humor, attrac. afroc. prof. 5'8", 1604, '60#, intointo of MetroMetro MilwaukeeMilwaukee (LAMM)(LAMM) Education sense groi ;:::;i--::=:.::,:::;:-:::-::::.=-::roommate with someone hanging out in cafes, ISSNlssN ## 1045-2435 Education conditioning, into men about Fund, Clinton's oftenoften-political-political material material looking to expand my close to my age or i.gi;hF*e::g|feFEconversation. Sks someone Publisher/Editor RonRon GeimanGeiman friendships & experiences. I age, funny, interesting, #fiin::9Jj::butirma*,u'the same as me, but I'm not promises to be asas fresh fresh asas thethe daily daily news. youngert18+). Call and get my #!sFhri,&gxnc?n::n=:n'like sci-fi, intell. conversation, my pager number. 41395 pos. White, for pos. pick! Very discreet,discreet, likelike to to be be Jamakaya of of thethe lnIn Step staff staff talks talks withwith ;a;u:£::iy::i:;,:,,9g very creative. Let's put our News FteporterReporter JarnakayaJamakaya "Cover Girl" Ms. Clinton beginning on Page fine arts,ode, travel, honestyhone§ly & & #ch¥|?;%:;2#is3restno,relationship. v2823 "Cover Girl" Ms. Clinton beginning on Page romance. 42012.201 2 MILWAUKEE, WHAT'S VVAT'S hiryi:si:tiinvee.te¥.Sep2ut23Ou5rbodies to the test. 42235 46 ofof this issue. ININ STORESTORE ININ THETHE GREAT¢kEAT YOUNCYOUNG ANDAND RESILESS! RESTLESS! Columnists/ContributorsCol urn n ists/Contributors I FOXFox RIVER rink VALLEY, vAur, AswEmEAVroRA SWEETHEART FOR - I ourtx"?OUTDOORS? G" GEM 23, 23, Looking for someone to take WAN Wells III•Dennis McMillan•Tony Terry PAIRINGPAIRII`io UP uP WITH\^rlnl A very good-looking, 6', 1554, road trips, or lust go out and UFELONGuFliLol`lo ADVINTURE. ADVENTURE. Arnie Malmon•Yvonne Zipter•Shelly Roberts PEER.P[[R. CWMGWM 24, 5'11",5'11 ", looking to do outdoor things do things. I'm 25, like horses Gdlkg. GWM 21, 5'9", seeking LTR RobertR#r#i.'ife#E#EL BrersnyvArlene Zarembka•Carl Szatman BI/BI, very max. looking to & have fun. So give me a and*#Eps:::m#fve#ki like to travel. Give me a 1354, Ern/Hz', Deadline F¥J#fo#:5ng¥, with intelligent, stable, Tom Salzsieder meet other guys in the area call. 41903.1 sO3 call, we can take a ride. arounda#ry;g¥sebn:#ki;:¥:]k my age bracket. Talk Giddygi'L=u;:n®T,k%arido.-up! 42166 gthifeGE{HM£2#*kehumorous GWM 18-25. Like CLEAN UP MY Madonna,Mrfuna, Erasure, Erasure, classicchesic Publisher's Aide de campCamp JoeJce Kochlteh NEXT DEADLINE to you soon!scon! 42256®2256 HELP CLEAN uP MY IS 7PM, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER OCTOBER 13 13 LOVE UFEIUFEI GWM CWM 33, 33, 6', 6', muiwAUK[[MILWAUKEE NO ro BARS,aARs, movies,mwies, artart && conveTsolion.conversation. A REALun NicE NICE ¢Lnrl GUY! one-nighters. Computers/TelecommunicationsComputers/Telecommuriications FOR OUR UPCOMINGUPCOMING 1854, green eyes, btm, NOro ®AMEs, GAMES, .USTJUST NoNodngsor~nighters. drugs or Looking for interesting people janitorial bus. owner sks guys ROMANCE.ROAAAREE. GMGM 36, 36, a254642546 . David JohnsonJohnson OCT. 21-NOV.21l-NOV. 3 3ISSUE lssuE toLcokng.±riELres##leto meet. For those who are 18-21 for pos. relationship S10",5'10',150#, 150#, Bm/Bm,Bin/Bin, lonely, and are dom. I'm and good times Someone interested in finding someone SEEKINGs[[raNG SONNY ENNt National Ad RepresentativesRepresentati`/es Don't forget... ThatThat issueissue willwill cover looking to be a bttm. I really similar, max, tp, to live with, for serious relationship. ROMANCE.nowun[. Cher Cher East: Rivendell Marketing Halloween! enjoy a good time. 44974 help with business. Let's talk f`ff.-rs==i=:I--Want someone who's impersonator seeks Eastir+ELifepr #)yriooto##-i'#lly escort her (908) 769-8850 & meet first. 42309 affecfionatoaffectionate and and romantic. I-nric. handsome#so#mar:keecorfher man to unT.sWHAT'S Ow ON YOUR yon i#i;:re#ip; to events. Seeking person vvesletle,at3}a653ng+ngIrWest: a.k.a. Advertising I'm bothbch thosehose andand more!rreel MIND?NINt» l'mI'm cleanchin &creative& cnrfe FOX VALLEY, PLAY spiritually connected, (213) 650-6223 -tlEDDr- rox vALur, pLAt Talk tolo youyou soon, soon. 42262 e2262 and would love some good RECORDSkECotos a & TALK TALK intelligent, creative, good #+GhesonnrereTcall.conversation. Give me a call. Cartoonists ^eouTABOUT ®urysl GUYS! Moll.ro Mature EYESEyEs FORFOR A A MATURE AArmE body, hairy chest, enjoys 449904990 1504, no GENTLEMAN. GWM 21, boating, biking, camping... Tom RezzaRezza. • Robert ArnoldTcamperArnold • Camper man 59", ¢ENIAAAlt. CWM 21, Bl/Gin,5'11", 5'11 '',155#, 155#, seeks seeks no wise cracks! 41761 DORA COUNTY, coui\ITy, FOR rok THE "E smoke/drugs/bars, sks El/Gm, :i:-:I::.:-i:e:::i: someone with similar older man, business type for SERIOUSstuns AT AT HEAn. HEART. ::n!)##:ke AppLETonAPPLETON ANAN OpERAOPERA Photography interests.inlerests. LoveLove walks,walks, cuddling. You be at least 35, GWMCWM 48, 48, 165#, 165#, brown ho hair, hair, JamesjamesTairELngrty,jeff Taylor•Jamakaya•Jeff Butler Butler hair, somewhat FAN WAITING w^mNc INiN THE "E moustache, 5'11", in running, roller-blading, Dk/graying verryy CD's. handsome, and at least my "ffiiiif:ii4#n#oWINGS. GM 55, I enjoy shape I'm told. looking cgf#;#j-ilf:,¥thscollecting records & Looking for pos. rel. with height Your call gets my hm going out to dinner, drinking, r someone interested in a Esoecially like Ad Design HavlicekHavlicek & AssociatesAssociates Bf¥i:`hediiiF:ng men 18-30. 42453 number. 42273 theatre, travel. serious relationship. If #i;'!i#i the opera! Woulc enjoy interested in following through, APPLETON,APPLETOw, PUMPPUMP I WORKWORE BY NIGHTS,Nl¢HTS, hearing from those who like Typesetting lnIn step; Step; Mary Mary Maliborski Maliborski ¥ed¥e#P#thngh,give a call. 41609 THOSE LEGS.-Looking for a BUT.-BLFT... by by day, day, I'm l'm a a Wild Wld & the same. 44004 IndexIndex - friend to spend time with. I'm Crazy Renaissance Mon S.E. WISCONSIN,VVISCOuN, LET'S LET'S Distribution into looking for someone to share MILWAUKEEMILWAUK[[ BIG, Ilo, GIVEOw IT IT A A TRYI TRY! GM 30ish, 30th, ¥evfas:u¥Ki.rh#toi,rnanew around here, not David Johnson•JRKJohnson TJRK Services 4 in BLONDEBLONi» && BEArmFULiBEAUTIFUL! NewsNews...... looking for a companion, bars. Looking for someone to {#Eif§f:o¥#meto£F#nrlife with. If you like to live daylight, give me a call! Transsexual 24, looking for Group Notes Notes ...... 32 soulmate. I'm into old- do bicycling with, rood or the Inln Step MagaziiieMagazine isis published biJweekly,bi-weekly, every every other other ##Tr:#oHn:un, , cross-country. So, why don't 42180 GBM for something special. LettersLetters...... 36 fashioned things: movies, will not be ThThursdayolnStep,1993.Anrightsreseived.PublicationThursday .1n Step, 1993. All rights reserved. Publication you pull on your bike shorts Believe me, you ofOf thethe namename or photograph Of any person, organization or Life's a Draga Drag ...... 38 music, getting to know people Why don't you photograph of any person, organization or & leave a number? 42467 LAWKISHAWLAvunsiiAw A MIXAV disappointed. businessbuslness inin this magazine does not reflect uponupon one'sone's InIn Memoriam Memoriam ...... 40 ELr#i#&froone-on-one, and truth & ;iursk#;!j;ff£;: AINDAND MATCH? JuncI+? Cross- Cross- give me a call? Sultry is my Sexual orientation whatsoever. All copy, text, display, sexual orientation whatsoever. All copy, text, display, Arts...... Arts 42 honesty. Maybe we can get IiuKELAKE GENEVA,Gn:NrvA, IT'SITJs NO NO dresser wouidwould like loto meet middle name! 44035 photos and illustrations Fgn;a¥#j5!# Onotos and illustrations inin advertisements advertisemonts are published Feature/Kate ClintonClinton Interview 46 together sometime! 41713 WONDER \^/I+YWHY I'Ml'M A oherother crosrdiessers.cross-dressers. Call me, with the understanding that the advertisers ##meT.i;'¥ AppLFTONAPPLETON NEW NEw TO ro THE "E are fully 50 HOMEBODY!lloM[BODYI CWMGWM 30.30- we can swap good9nd times. times. authorized, have have securedsecured the the proper proper consent consent forfor the the use use Steppin' Out Out ...... LA CROSSE, PADDLE know too 54 something, attrac., 6', 1904, 42488®2488 ^RA.AREA. So So I don'tI don't kno\^/ Ice off names,names, pictures and testimonialstestimonials Ofof anyany persons,per§on§, and and In ln CalendarCalendar...... THRU THE"E RIVER RIVER OFOF MY much. But I'm l'm a cl'nke nice guy,guy, top Magazine may lawfully publish and cause such homeowner, looking for Step Magazine may lawfully publish and cause such Juicy Bits Bits ...... : ...... 65 HEART.HEAm. GWMCWM 33, 33, 6'2", 6'2", MILWAUKEEJNIIWALIKEE NEEENED:NEEDED: SIO", BI/BI, 165#, eager to publicationublication to to be b® made, and save blameless ln Step some friends in the area, made, and save blameless In Step No Nunsense Nunsense ...... 68 220#, 1cokinglooking to meet guysguys !#drr=#ng:,!?, SUGAR DADDY. GWM, become familiar. How about MagazineMagaziri® from anyany andand allall liability, liabilfty. loss loss and and expense expense 6fof same age bracket. Not into RealAstrology Astrology ...... 72 into canoeing, camping, TV, 34, 6', 2004, B1/81, dev. you? If interested, leave a anyny nature arising fromfrom suchsuch publication.publication. Real bars. Enjoy being a #|?3£,k6,?%ra,jByMdev. fishing. I like a masc. somewhat message. I'll get back. SUBSCRIPTIONS:uBSCRIF110NS: Half Year (13(13 Issues)Issues) $15;$15: FullFull Year Camper ...... ' . . 76 homebody, cooking meals, breasts. Shy and !s:i#:;!i#'ffveg;REi outdoorsey type of guy. Be I,4175 (25 Issues)Issues) $25. Mailed FirstFirst Classclass in SealedS6aled' Envelope. The Gay Side Side ...... ` .... 78 enjoying the lake front. ?u##y:nddre#pt£subm., love to dress up and .4175 within§i#th¥ineifei;'be the area only. Let eELTSeE#n£;;:;: perform. PreferPrfer DarkerDarker men Sendend name, addressaddress and payment toto aboveabove address.address. ClassiesClassies...... ,..... 79 42609 nature take its course! but open to anyone 28-50,28-50, Classies Order Order Form Form ...... 81 fu InstitutionalInstitutionat NlemberMember 418941894 GraffitiGraffiti...... '..... 84 Gay & LesbianLesbian Press Association FREE PERSONAL AD! 1-800-546-MENN (6366) Press Association The Guide Guide ...... 85 PLACE YOUR Touch-Tone Required. OVER 18 ONLY. 51.99/Min. 1 '" 9 0 0 - '7 4 (1- t_J NI1' 415-281-3183 would like toto meet tolltall MILWAUKEE EAST EAST SIDE: youngeru#:i?i:-f!£;good guy 18-25 for good AI>PLE1.ON,APPLETON, HAVE HAVE FUN, FUN, discreet man.man. v3568e3568 AIM 2 PLEASE:PIEASE: 5'9, 5'9, 160Ibs, 160Ibs, harmonious rel. v2468 MAYBEJRAYBE EVEN GET bin,bnm, w/dark w/darii features, features, slioTtshort sErous.SERIOUS. Gwin GWM 5'or,5'9", LA CROSSCROSS TWOTWO-EYED-EYED hair, blue eyes, new to area , Oslll(OSI1,OSHKOSH, l'M I'M REALLY REALLY 1655, Br/Br, just out looking HELP SHAPE YOUR FUTURE. FUN ^I\lDOUT OuT¢OIl\lcI-GOING! TINTEN TO[D TOED cill-Male: all-Male: 6',6' looking to please. 'call before FUN AND for someone to talk to, get to Gdlkg 23, 5' 10", very athletic,ch[chc, Bi-male, very ##3%seT:atti%iellpm.) v3285 GWM know. Call and get hm masculine,ho-sciiline, 55, 55, variety van.dy of 1705, sks other guys 20- ##rfetr#dun#to;coeek;¥number. Call anytime interests,iderests, seeksseeks rd.rel. cREENRAy/AppiErcINGREENBAY/APPLETON 30yrs, with dark hair and a3186.31E16 - /conpanionchip./companionship. ®4241.42111 GRAB YOUR... jogging hairy bodies in the area. If L¥|Ymo5Yot.I.j8ffsi,ngshoes : I'm 59, 1751bs, #g,f?EL;i#irffa!,interested call me. .2445 DIE-HARDt»E-I+AID C & W FAN. rolsoNMADISON CuL"RED CULTURED enjoy biking & outdoorsy OwMGWM 36, 36, 5'8", 5'8', 1355, 135#, GWM, 39, 180Ibs, 5'11, stuff, looking for guys 2535 ¢AYGAY FATHERFATHER OF Ol`lE.ONE. gdlkg, into country music, blond/blue eyed, educated & to hang out with, poss. rel LOOKINGIcOKINO FORfoR song writing, very good FATHER. if#fiij#g##5&prof., seeking LTR w/guy 25- :!J:jo!u###:?;35-give me a buzz. •2467 AI`loTHERANOTHER GAY GAY FA"ER. artist, hairy chest. Give me a 35 should be good intell. & Yoii:You: late lie 30's, trimtrim and tallfall a a #;f,tiit#:acall, we'll get together. good looker. v5160 APPIETONAPPLETON big plus. Me: gdlkg, ®4144 E T: .4144 MMEET E INDEPENDENT: I'ml'm 44,44, Bm/Grn, I75#, S I 0" , SHANO HEALTHY look 34, feel 24,24, havehcrve a a absolutely love theatre, CREENB^t,GREENBAY, NOT Nor advisor to the Clinton-Gore campaign EARTHY VEGGIE 30 yr med build, seeking a dancing and monogamy with loN[LY,LONELY, BUIT BUT David Mixner€eniorMixner-sentor adviser to the clinton-Gore campaign old, w/strange & somewhat friendship with an attroc. guy the right man. Maybe you ' LOOKING.bouNG. CWM GWM 25, goofy sense of humor, into #nd#:#t:3ga3#grymy age or less. •3375 are the right man! .2928 5'10`,165#,5'10", 165#, B[k/Blu. Blk/Blu. YouYou Bob and RodRod Jackson-Paris-celebrityJackson-Paris-celebrity bodybuilders bodybuilders great outdoors & ready to con call me and gelget mymy hmhm ;I:i:::::::?::=i::=- RACINE FITNESS FASCIST MILWAUKEE,AVLWAUKEE, LOOKING LcOKING rough it .5173 RACINE FITNESS FASCIST number.number .4255e4255 executive director wants SERIOUS FOR ALL YOU GUYSOuITS William Waybourn-victoryWaybourn-Victory Fund Fund executive director GREEN BAY, NORTHEAST NORTHEAST WO-RKOurs:WORKOUTS: versdileversatile OUTOur "ERE. THERE. ,For For funfun & MILWAUKEE,MIIWAUKEE, CASTINGCASTINO area:area. MAN FORFOR ALLALL man-sized man is seeking a good times. I like going out, CALL!Com NEEDED: NEEDED: oneone Wisconsin RepresentativeRepresentative TammyTammy BaldwinBaldwin SEASONS: 35, 6', 190Ibs, cEnp.,:#off#¢§d#[:ngacouple of athletic dudes for shooting darts, serious butbe fun-loving fun-loving caring bearded, looking for friends, sonssome serious serious workouts.workouts. water/jetskiing, outdoors, man to inter-act oppos. 30-40, call for hm it v5216 ##',i:k;:h;m6t;r]fr,¥#ss; (could get v. sweaty) v3.112®3412 hiking, playing pool. If similar "role player", who's you're in the area leave a a#;i;B§f#Tfr¥I:,:S",attrac, 30'something, 5'11", MILWAUKEEMiLWAUKEE INTIMATE iNlmrmE F#i#;rfers:' MILWAUKEEMiiwAUKEE ARTIST: ArmsT: 21 messagemessage. v2940 .2940 160#, Br/Blu, likes tennis, TIMES/CONVERSATION:TIA^ES/CONVERSATION: yrr old, 56,5'6, 1351bs,135lbs, dark dark brw brw reading, movie buff, buff, GWM,CWM, 31, 31, 5'9, 5'9,170lbs, 1701bs, hair,air, very blueblue eyes,eyes, seekingseeking CENTRALcErnRAL WISCONSIN. wlscoNSIN. romance.foiTrance. PartPart will remainremain Theatre. seeking guy any race to have Join us at thethe newnew SkylightSkylight OperaOpera Theatre. intelligent guy, artistic or SERIOUSLYSERIOuSLY SEEI(lN®SEEKING open until filledfilled. .4957 e4957 fun times with, into dining creative:n,*li%nAS%T°#:::s°hripor A+, for friendship or GUY 118-47YR 8-47YR OLD, I'ml'm out, theatre, & word games, puss love rel. -give me a blond, 1951bs, w/big chest & MILWAUKEE,MIIWAUKEE, II AIAAAIM TOTO November 21st21st fromfrom 6:cO6:00 pmpin to 9:00 pin.pm. - hey big guy you won't be call#,i:.J%#.ngivemea v3615 arms., seeking guy into PLEASE!PLEAS[! GWMCWM 38, Icokinglooking #n:¥siifath°;ii:iba:n#disappointed. v5590 sincere rel. .. I enjoy for companionship. I go out $100 a person. MILWAUKEEMILWAUKEEGWM, GWM, camping, fishing and quiet of my way to be a pleasing MILWAUKEE SOMETHING SOJVIE"ING BTTM, 50, 50, 62, 6'2, 2301bs, 230lbs, into into person Give me a call. Very dom. pre- ijmi:;gil::hin!1n!¥4;U:;St,&evenings at home. .4765 Err;so;nm*n£°n£:::|#s,:: DIFFERENT: movies, walks, reading & a5178v5178 op TS looking for guy to play bowling, looking for young MILWAUKEE,M[LWAUKEE, NEW NEW TOTO ;::#[:k#e#ry?#pi;-with. (no calls after 9pm 1p guy 18-25 for good time MILWAUKEE,Mllw^uKEE, GWM, OWN, VWSCONSINWISCONSIN honks)thanks) ®5642v5642 getB#jks,,,:rg##otu:= togethers .3689 175Ibs, 6'2, enjoy great SOMETHINGsOME"lNC ININ outdoors, bike riding, long COMMON.COJ"ON. Bi Bi male male inlo into ROCKFORD YOUNG YOUNO EAU CLAIRE MASCUUNE MASCULINE walks, meeting new people, outdoors, physical activities, LOOKING WM,WM, 5'10,5' 10, brw brw #,::fkin|noJ#pe, MEN WANTED:WANED: 6'2,6'2, biking, hunting fishing, hair, looking to meet vr19714971 1851bs, 42, masc. very good looking for someone to share modison guys, (blond & bttmi#Ibjh:ik:ofu¥s.mveeTgood who likes his men MILWAUKEE,MILWAtJKEE, I LOVE the same interests. v2178 a plus). v5711 #Lifis,1gy,g#fEv;h!eas: smooth#=okf#io,!i;i,& masculine v2341e2341 THE OUTDOORS: Ex-lock, Ir tp, very sensual, mid 40s, PLEASE ME. ME. GMGM 45, 45, MILWAUKEE IONELY at EE MILWAUKEE LONELY at SOUTHSOU" EAST EAST 145LB1451B younger male to 5'5'11 1 I ", ", Bm/Gm, Bin/Gin,185#, 185#, the TOP: ip guy seeks btm seeking GAY AND ATHLETE: 25 yr old, 58, gdlkg, trim beard, sk GAY right away. Let's slow down !n;n3##:;:#s::k,hang out with. Let's explore. 1451bs, inexper. discreet, younger guys18-25. Like & make nice music together. .541154 1 1 LESBIAN VICTORY FUNDFUND g£°#m¥s:¥Ov#r+ top, looking for VICTORY masc. outdoors#,g#i8iiikL:k:Oed and having a good v57I7®5717 MILWAUK[[, nEALLvREALLY smooth young bttm who's MILWAUKEE, time. v5338 .5338 The Victory Fund is a nationwide network of donors committed to helping qualified openly gay and interested in sports & the INTOiino LONG LONG I+^ik. HAIR. CWM GWM the Victory Fund MILWAUKEE SIMILAR SIMILAR lesbian candidates win elections By pooling resources and targeting contributions, people MANJ\AAN IN IN SURSuFT A TURNTURN-- runners SITUATIONsmuATioN SOUGHT: sOuoltt: outdoors, leave a message 28, looking interested provides candidates with the financial resources and expertise they need to become front biking, tennis, swimming, ON!ONl OwMGWM 37, Br/Hzl, ;r%e#;g;%faFd:a:+:Swfane#i:a:idn:,i,;rtw£:&ng=rd¥d:%n£'ttrfed3:#e%nEg#fJfr#rue¥ni|%#ayF:Rg LTR wanted by 6', brw hair, (allEHiFEFi races welcm) .2385 in have longer hair, heavy, very domestic, like clean:Tca=:*b,yc:'iiT*ir, shaven, committed also who WAUKASHAW FATHER F^"ER blonds A+! who really wants walks, quiet nights, antiques. husbandhusbclnd & & father faker ofof 3,3, callcall ifif 962-3741 For Reservations FIGURE: GWM, CWM, 63, 63, brw brw to have a good time. v2829 Seek GWM hunk, in-shape Call (414)(41 4) 962-3741 For F]eservations inin similar situationsituation. v5718e571 8 i8.£i#:!#;:#veg hair, 1801bs, 180lbs, SP, 5'6, seeks seeks who isn't afraid to say "I LB;F:#ijh!;i,care", be supportive, honest,

PLACE YOUR FREE PERSONAL AD! 1-800-546-MENN (6366) InIn StepStop •` October 7-20,7-20, 1993 1993 • . Page Page 44 Touch-Tone Required. 1 9 OVER 18 ONLY. 0 0 _ 7 4 () - 1 -1 U N T C'S 415.281-3183 and the House went on to approve a NewsNews measure eveneven moremore restrictive than Milwaukeewhukee ARE ARE YOUYou Appleton EZ GOIN: 22, wdhdrWalashaw I ILiKE LIKE SHORT slum caring open minded, & Mims President Clinton's modified policy. It TiREDTIRED OF oF BARS BARs AND Joe 6'1, 2001bs, dark hair/eyes, Ors:GUYS: 6`2, 6'2, fil,fit, seeks ed ridiryHairy EHHET=TET|TLEto explore. Open to other contains language drafted by Sen. Sam GAMES?:G~ I om! I am! I om I am a a hll,tall, #==,d#ul#Z#,not into bars/ferns, seeks guys'.I if under 5'10, give a alternatives too..4005 good looking man seeking drother CWM GWM 25-35. 25-35..5869 e5869 holler..3784ri.I,r#„O,giro Gunderson, Barrett, Nunn and passed by the Senate which says: MilwaukeeMhaha so 50 SOMETHINGsaw:irive "Persons who demonstrate a propensity or tall good looking men to play with. Leave me a phone MilwaukeeMfroube vABIETy VARIETY OFOr MadisonMediso 19[9 yRYR aNI*OLD: GUY, into having dinner, Kohl intent to engage in homosexual acts would INTERESTS:rmmesrs:54yroW, 54 Yr old, student, 6', 1801bs, dark country home in Lake Feingold Stand Tall; i§t§:#§n;:§E§s:I:a:iji;oh:i¥:e;::#g#o¥iF£#r F#+¥L¥n±ELnumber..3840 create an unacceptable risk to the high active & anxious, looking hair, !Div/ eyes, into beach ELrEgi:ithr,Geneva .5136 &Eei#:!r`ooinwisgcrJ:a#iKohl Rest of Wisconsin standards%:ieard:guo?a#:?afle?leg¥okdt°ordTeerh# of morale, good order and Green bay FRIENDS: I need forward to hearing from you. walks, dancing, seeks guy up some? Please call and leave .5734 to 30. If interested leave a vl#gEatbWisconsin 35, INTO Delegation Desert Gays in disctoline."discipline." =,trfrtyrfTE## g¥ib##xp. ff##¥Eap CDRESSNG., looking far Gunderson said: "The implied your name and number. All msg..3870rna. ,3870 #br#+en3U#.Allcalls returned..3708 GreenGEi#*rfuE[E boy ROOMMATE other guys to dam. .5297 3fi!a{a;!onDesertGaysinMilitary disintegration of training and order in the NEEDED: Looking for a 29, GOODLOOKING, 5'11, face of what can only be raw WulkcehowWalkashow ALWAYSAIWAYS , 36 and older, for poss. 1701bs, prof., GWM, would SouthwhEOsiwii9rd East Wisconsin prejudice VEmREVERSATILE WN WM seek seeks underlines a ROOMRow FOR FOR NowNEW roommate situation .6368 like to meet guys 18-30, FederalFReufjenrga'AJgua£%§tRGe9nvfe°mrc%nt Judge Reinforces g#ei3!r:ih:aa::po:?en:i:i;gs!iEu:s3:!:i;:pi!¥,potentially serious problem of younger athletic guys for get militarymiritary leadership leadership ratherrather than any FRIENDSHIP: 24, looking ffigrffi7#drop me a line..5447 Ruling Against Government to meet good friends 24-30 Fox Valley PERSONALS togethers, hbe_**gcall soon..6079 shortcoming of a Gay soldier or the masc acting a plus .4375 Lor#tr3ngVIRGIN: 33, 6', 1851bs, MilwaukeeMhauha 27, 27, VERT VERY communityi::rtm##fro:f from w:ics:t which £°mide€:he comes. Or the fr¥###?5 black hair, like tennis, golf, GOODLKG, WELL BUILT, MilwaukeeMhndmidftylac mid 30s, LONG "I have not been a member of the BLOND HAIR, 1556, baking Analysis by Jamakaya "I have not been a member of the MihaukeMilwaukee RETIREDrmRED cross county skiing, first time looking for a good time, call Analysis by Jamakaya for rel,. & good times, leave military,military. and and I I cannot cannot speak directlydirectly from PROFESSIONAL 6', #ke#jki#;;'rd#hecall. .6424 ff±c,:ErTE:*,fast for hm number. .5495 #&r#'#,E? 1751bs, 60, prefer ynger namelure & & I.#..6105 col 05 Washington.Washington, D.C.D.C.-During -During thethe recent that experience.experience. But II havehave experiencedexperfenced MadisonMedison WEEKENDWE=l(END FUN: Milwaukee GWM, 28, heavy what itit feelsfeels likelike to have my life - who I men¥st¥ELScoffi#r who like older guys Green bay MR. BUSY: 31, Congressional debate andand vote over to have my life - who I .44774477 HAIRY 42, seeks slim, set, hairy, seeks smooth slim, codifyingcodftying the the ban ban onon GaysGays and inin am, what II am,am, and and what what I I have have smooth guys under 25 for tp, (visiting NYC soon). very busy, successful, if you #:ry:se:kecM## can handle a very busy man the military, Wisconsinites Wisconsinites got got to to witness wthess thethe accomplished -- reducedreduced to to and and judged judged by by : Madisonedison el.AAArmED: BI-MARRIED: 39, :#:Yg4¢n#al2#r,weekend fun, leave name, .551555'5 Hti#i&' call. .6136e6136 contrastingcontrasting~ styles of two of their a single,single, irrelevant factor. 511,5'11, 160Ibs,160lbs, dark dark'hair, hair, trim rrim number & description.dech'pfion. "As some of you recall, 2 years ago I e6488 Appleton MARRIED BI-MALE, representatives, a Republican who votedvoted "As some of you recall, 2 years ago I beard, masc., hairy, .6488 KenoshaKnd HEADLBAbNrm HEAD-BANGER goodlkg, lookin for man to 5'9, 30, looking for clean cut and an allegedly liberal was the target of an attempted outing. Rocine BLUE EYED 22 YR call BALL: TWO Two Bi-white Biwhho males nd against the measure and an allegedly liberal ¥±3T#nn*#O:5tosoman mutual enjoym't..5500 Racine BLUE EYED 22 YR mole, for my address & DemocratDemoTchr:t who :t:°ns#°£eaiuitring supported it. Republican People#::p|t:ewht:r#n°efvearntafktteedmt8tehideg:#nn:: who had never talked to me before, OLD: brw hair, 61, good #,:ck#oi#:L#;drop me a line..5914 40 & 21, are seeking other The scenario, featuring Republican who did not know me personally, attacked Green Bay IS ANYONE shape, loves outdoors, likes gay men for evening drinks 8##Ei#G%ME,OUT THERE? 25 GWM, dancing but not into bars, MilwaukeeMlwauke MLISCLED MUSCLED GUYOuY at our place and to enjoy Congressman Steve Gunderson and #::#denw°:ekkns°YhaT?opi:#:Ta#='rea#:?ik;odrme. The weeks that followed were hell for seeks CASUAL REL WM, heavy metal music. .6239 Democratic Sen. Herb Kohl, mightmight bebe calledcalled me, those close to me, and my staff.staff. TalkingTalking interested in similr oged guy if#;ha#1':#call for hm #..2251 #i#Lng:en;¥ "A Tale of Two Legislators." Gunderson £te=*i#siTi|r5ng6*guyto connect with. .5630 33, 5'8, 165)bs, muscl build, "A Tale of Two Legislators." Gunderson about, explainingexplaining or or defending defending one's one's Appleton COUNTRY TYPE: seeks casual rel.w/local guy, KenoshaKenoha LOVE TO ro EXPERIMENT: GWM, CWM, 31, 31, gave a passionate speechspeech on on the the floor floor ofof the personal andand privateprivate life underunder aa public MilwaukeeMihaukee LOVELovE conserv. 45 (look 35) hairy, no¥,s:i,g¥f#;wf,:r#:#; strings. .5921 House against the measure, whilewhile Kohl saidsaid microscope is aa violationviolation ofof ourour guaranteedguaranteed WRESTUNG: early 30s, looking for discreet times looking for LTR., looking Madison PROFESSIONAL forward to hearing from you. little in the Senate and still less to reporfers right toto privacy.privacy. ItIt is is intrusive intrusive andand painful,painful, 1551bs, nice tight body, love w/secure/exec. type who little in the Senate and still less to reporters Sos:30s: Md Mid 30s 30s man mon 6'6'1, 1 , T#nofac%£.rfB#nopr.Takeo chance. IT 1164 and constituents whowho demanded to to knowknow the especially when the weapons hurledhurled are wrestling, horse bock riding, enjoy talking and getting to looking for person 25-33, know someone first. 1r 1949 1751bs, prof., looking for reasoning b.ehindbehind hishis vote. bullets of ignoranceignorance andand prejudice encasedencased similar type ages 30-40 for MilwaukeeMhaukee P-W^UKEE:P-WAUKEE: goodlkg & musclr, .5816 NIGHTMOVES:NlcHTrovEs: I'M I'M The spectaclespectacle waswas especially especially ironicironic to in stereotypical labels.labels. Labels,Labels, after after all, all, are are a;#i!i;#ngiife ApplefonAppleton CREATIVECRIATIV[ & ;i:ii:iTjfc#3i!T4e!r*,after the office fun times. All looking for young men 23- members of the Gay and Lesbian a handy way to tap our worst fears and gain Kenosha MASTERFUL FUN?fuN? CWM,GWM, 30s,30s, 5'8, 5'8, interestedinlerested call.call. .5923 e5923 community because both Gunderson and energy out of thethe fogfog of emotionalism so MAN GWM, 41, (look & 1701bs,muscIr build, enjoy 26 for good times, I can't 8:emmmb:npfty3fecat::ebGoihyG::gersLoensb::3 Monroe COUNTRYCourmY GUY GUY wait, leave me a msg with Kohl have been the subjects of persistent stirred. feel 25) looking for subm. travelling, looking for Kohl have been the subjects of persistent "Against charges so configured, there WANTED: by fin. secure, your likes & dislikes. .3440 speculationabouttheirownsexualidentities.speculation about their own sexual identities. "Against charges so configured, there 25-35, hairy chested WM creative person /friend 21- gu#g###!ic!-£ into dom., .6800 35 (long hair A+) .2879 goodlooking, 48, GWM, Both have have been targetstargets ofof "outing""outing" can be no rational defense. AndAnd not the FEL¥#±''im;& #l!#k#ie!n;2; younger types encourage Kenoshaihaoha iIAVEHAVE THINGirmve FOR FOR r#T=¥:)stsi¥w¥ CROSScRcrs DREssERss DRESSERS: campaigns byby Gay activists. GundersonGunderson least ofof thatthat incidentincident forfor me waswas thatthat an an 1111 VvisconsinWisconsin BLOND, BLOND, 6', 6', Green bay GREAT TIMES: .3100®3100 BEARDED 45, 57, 1906s, even alludedalluded toto beingbeing forcefullyforcefully outed inin his year Congressional record, and almost 20 1601bs,160lbs, interestedinleresfed in in movies, nwies, GWM, early 40s, 1651bs, year Congressional record, and almost 20. MilwaukeeM.lwaukee ATTRAC.ATTRAC. GBM, CBM, boking for similar age for fun speech onon thethe floorfloor of the House. years ofof public office, stood stood toto bebe blown dinners, new friends in in area. arcs. brw hair, hazel eyes, nice .6094e6094 looking ISO good friend and LOOKING FOR real good dEL¥fo7#:nsotimes, CDressors a plus..5158 (It shouldshould be noted thatthat ofof Wisconsin's apart. My accomplishments stood to become :.#f¥nfeFfaraJip#hmtime, if interested call for hm someone seeking serious rel. MadisonMedison LFT'SLET'S nine representatives,representatives, only GundersonGunderson andand totallyta.i:if)YITyei:V¥nlpii:A#:ifes:?nogi:oqbue.cso,:: irrelevant next to the single question Vvisc"isinWisconsin SUPERCLJTS!ISUPERCUTSII e44 I 2 number..3908number. e3908 .4412 GETAWAY:CFTAWAY: 34, 34, 6', 6', Tom Barrett votedvoted againstagainst it. In In the the Senate, Senate, of whether or not I was Gay. NEEDI\lEED A A HAIRCUT? llAIRCIJl? FleeFree "I ask you how many people, how MilwaukeeMihaukee FkusTRATEDFRUSTRATED muscled, masc. acting, thick RussF`uss FeingoldFeingold also also opposed opposed thethe measure.) "I ask you how many people, how buzz cuts for anyone who MilwaukeeMlwaukee SIMPLE husky GWM 28, seeks bttm moustache, enjoy traveling to many brilliant military careers, how much wants me to be their personal THINGS: 30, 30, GWM, own, 6', 6', brilliant military careers, how much for safe fun, are you other cities, looking for poss. GUNDERSON SPEAKS OUTOUT taxpayer investmentsinvestments willwill we wastewaste before fa*cofrffiifeiobarber, call for details..7010 into quiet times, going out to navies,#q:;e:g#8.goingoutfo .5278 ##n:g2;:#bthavailable? .3953 #s#m,oif#:forel /6uddy..5567 On September 28, GundersonGunderson roserose onon learningleaning fromfrom thethe strugglesstruggles ofof blacks, blacks, Jews, Jews, MilwaukeeMihMciukee PRE PREer-OP OROk CD the floor of the House to speak in support of and other minorities the valuevalue ofof integratingintegrating WA~WANTED: 28, 28, 6', 6', 180lbs, 1801bs, ALLAll LIT LIFESTYLES! ESTYLES MilwaukeeMhaukee 31,31, PROF,PROF, GWM, CWM, MILWAUKEEMLWAUKEE VERY 5'11, modmed built,bui like biking, FRIENDLYF"ENDiJr GBM,OBM, 34, 34, 6'2, 6'2, an amendment which would have deferred the gifts of our diversity into our national let's get together and see • Couples/leather/Bi-/Cow plo athe g|nef#%rn3fmtheentH£#:ceht&:uped?#:t:udpepfe?#e°df music,must, dining, seeks sects quality 220lbs,2201bs, interestsinterests include, induce, the entire issueissue ofof GaysGays in in thethe militarymilitary to the ifee?#Sw°iu°cuhr,gnivgeerrs#„j#t:jn°sut:andati£,:#life? How much longer will we instead allow what happens, you wanna? Straight/Black/Latin/ra Young/Jocks/BBuildersoung ock ilders • timetime w/25-35w/25-35 guy who's goergood music,music, bikebike riding, riding, President and the JointJoint Chiefs ofof Staff, our biases, prejudices and discriminatory .7202#aegiv##;ndng=nof policies to bleed our national energy? bypassingbypa#9le8°tnog'geasj:j°#:'n¥=i!&n+otes, Congressional codification. policies". . to. Letbleed us our stop national repeating energy? the cruel, It failed to gain the necessary votes, . Let us stop repeating the cruel, PLACE YOUR FREE PERSON AL AD! 1-800-54 6-MENN (6366) In StepStop `• October 7-20, 1993 1993 • ` Page Page 55

destructive mistakesmistakes.of of historyhistory but insteadinstead . Lesbian leaders rethinking rethinking whetherwhether they they will will IT WISCONSIN'S use their lessons asas aa springboardspringboard forfor . support himhim in his bid forfor re-electionre-election next showcasing our our better better instiT`cts. instincts. Let us apply year. And at least one constituent,constituent, AIAl ri " MANFINDER'.' `-I.;." PERSONALS `'` thethe tolerancetolerance andand rulesrules of fairness that Geiersbach, has beenbeen soso incensedincensed with with Kohl HOW TO PLACE YOUR Milwoukee,Milwaukee, WILDWILD THINGTrmN® WNTD: 36 y/o, 1751b, SI 1, 715 Area CodeCede STARSTAI previous minorities' struggles have shownshown to he has takentaken toto picketing the streets ofof GAZER: sensitive 25 yr old FREE VOICE PERSONAL 25 YRYR OLJ»OLD: 6'1, blond, brwn keg curly hair, seeks be the only enduring, effective treatment for downtown Milwaukee with a large sign green eyes, like to dance, Soulmate to enjoy camping, WM, 6'1, 1951bs, new to our society from the malignancies of fe°awd#:rpseMnjaT:ruheeerbwkitohhi%o':rgeoustjgonfreading: "Senator Herb Kohl Come Out of RESPOND TO ADS: love to talk on phone. 47187 fishing, hiking, and setting by area, looking for solid from by¥ORTthoDdro#sL:iby calling the 900 number. po=ntoffi,#kda.=;,87 :#:,o£#:n##:gjtsigneoctri#yLea:ng:sn:ofgfprejudice. . . We must not only learn Your Closet." the bike & talking 44797 ##flfjiysst:Oldfriendship based on trust, history, but we must teach by example those NN. Milwaukee,Mhaukee, EZEZ TO GET e569045690 PLACE YOURYOuk FREE FREE *!ito°%j'„bfuot„::.Tustteachbyexamplethosewho will follow." JUDGE CHALLENGESCHALLENGES GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENT PRINTEDpRirmD AD: AD: AIONGALONG WITH: win: 2Os, 20s, Mhaukee,Milwaukee, AVID JUDGE byc°llingaln-d8#,.i46MENNby calling I -800546-MENN masc.,irase., seeksseeks simlr. dwndrm toto OurtroRSMAN:OUTDOORSMAN: prof. prof., , MhaukeMilwaukee rosiTivEPOSITIVE Meanwhile, on on September September 30, 30, Federal Federal and follow seeking positive man 35-45, KOHL'S SILENCE District Judge Judge TerryTeny Hatter Jr. reissued his into TV, & the caayeasy instructions.instructions I'mffit:nfffi:ti+:kirnagn&3,::45he, walking crafts. Unlike Gunderson,Gunderson, KohlKohl votedvoted against against jBtuf:#i:ninjunction frpor:hprohibiting jbdtjj:gh theatrhg?ngDe# Department rt#£j::jn:f of c5906v5906 in the Senate which * HONEHOME NUMBERS qulveErs a similar amendmentamendment in the Senate which Defense from discharging or initiating * TALJ(TALK LIVELIVE * ALLALL S.E. Wisconsin MANSIZEDMANSIZED would have left the policy up to the discharge procedures againstagainst GayGay or UFESTYLESuFESTYLf s ** LATESTLATEST ADS , MAN:Arm: 6'2, 6'2, 180lbs, 1801bs, versvers. #eu:Pde#t:V#e!3entvhoetedp3J!reycodufcattiponthoefPresident. He then voted for codification of Lesbian service members. FiRsrFIRST ** FREEFREE MESSAGE MEss^cE mansized nrN]n,man, smooth anooth the ban and has offeredoffered virtuallyvirtually no In January, Judge Hatter,Hatter, ruling in in the the CllECKCHECK * FREEFREE AD tanned bodies aa plusplus. v3700e3700 explanation for why he he'voted voted as he did, aa case of of Petty Petty OfficerOfficer KeithKeith Meinhold whom PLACEMENTPLACEM[m * DiscRiETDISCREET of his OuCALL BACK BACK SERVICE SERVICE MihaukeeMilwaukee BUDDIES BUDDIES practice came asas nono surprisesurprise toto many many of his . he orderedordered reinstated,reinstated, declareddeclared thethe * cONFiDEhnRACONFIDENTIAL WANTED: 24,24, GWM,CWM, constituents, like myself,myself, who who are are used used to to Pentagon banban onon Gays to be * SORTEDSORTED BYBY AREAAREA CODE beginner, seeking straight getting form letters with wishy-washy unconstitutional. He issued anan injunction Prokhoe4frothiwl-4i5-281.3i83,,44 I 415 281 5182 acting men. Let be friends 3:#irogns#Tesp':#::Stow:stiowi§hz:#:hoyf,opinions in response to questions asked of prohibiting any further discharges, a ruling WISCONSIN ±lni:r*:£L£#hiLand see what happens from thesR:apt8#eT#yo#°Mnihdis3:i:r|es.thmuswhthe senator many months before. . limitedEL°ithjEitjtnoghisn:wfunrtjhu:jrsgjj:t?ohnaTne%a?if:u+ira? to his own jurisdiction in California. there. here. ®2104v2104 Reporters from Madison's Isthmus, In Government attorneys have appealed the • 5'9, Appleton 35, 175LBS, MilwaukeeMihaukee SEEKJNCSEEKING A Step and Wisconsin Light failed to get a decision,ge°c¥:]TnTe3tuta¥gerneNyjsnt#avc:rcaupitpe6:eudrtthoef but the Ninth Circuit Court of enjoy biking, lookin for friends LOVER: GWM, CWM, 35, 35, 6"1" 6`1 , -, :e`:pPo:::frT:CR::ii::{g#tinfa#sdj:d3=#response from Kohl's staff in his Madison, Appeals in MarchMarch refusedrefused aa request by the 25-35, poss. de. 42417 hairy. ff:;,de#.:2#,# BlondeBLondtoetom##c,*i,Tom moustache, Milwaukee or Washington offices. Brad government toto liftlift the injunctioninjunction in the 31,®1, 5'6, 5'., 150LBS, 1 soles, brw ho Love to read and cook, I am Fitch,¥iyh:u*::I,s°:o#:SuhiLftt::ns°8r:Sdorprd:a Kohl's Communications Director, did meantime. hair/eyes, seeking guys 18-25 a prohasional.professional B278242782 offer thisthis ratherrather deceptivedeceptive explanation to the InIn September,September, JudgeJudge HatterHatter expandedexpanded #:fa#:F68i284-25for interesting times 46824 MilwaukeeMihaukee UVE UVE FOR rok THE "t Shepherd Express:Express: "The"The votevote onon the his earlier ruling, saying that the policy WEEKENDSI:WEEKENDS!: GBM 32,32, amendment waswas consistentconsistent withwith the Meinhold was discharged as Milwaukee,Mhmuke, lJKES UKES RAVES You can respond to an ad by calling: underELsdeera#:irchru#neihh:idyj#asthd::c#aeTg#":! which SCEhEs?SCENES? 191 9 YR yR OLD, Cro, bra ho 6'1" 185, Seeking guy to go administration position." well as the President's new policy are hair/eyes, 130Ibs, seeking guy out#.w!,!£5dndseewikwi.g#to9° with and travel. Love to If Fitch is referring to the amendment equally unconstitutional. He warned that if 1-900-740-HUNT rollerrolha blade, Hode, I Iam am a aeducated eduend #ife'dn¥=iELgvy1830 for fun times. 43918 4 8 6 8 bybys:fn.FBahTbj:[eBfeo¥enrg(#th;)?om[::€Ftehnet Sen. Barbara Boxer (D- CA) to leave the the Defense Department is found in professional. 42886 #eL'a,g:;e:£en:tn:u:tiga:Ese#e?sa£,:'i#:i Touch-Tone Required. professional. .2886 issue upup toto thethe PresidentPresident (which(which Koh_IKohl contempt of his order, it willwill bebe subjectsubject toto Manahaukin,Monahaukin, AAASC.MASC. 51.99/Min. 18+. ManFinder 415-281-3183 to AenN¢,ACTING, 36, 36, CWM,GWM, enjoys enioys RacineRcicine LOVE LOVE TO ro DAI`lcEDANCE opposed), hehe isis wrong.wrong. If he is referring to fines of up to $10,000 per day. cooking & discreet fime!times AIDAND coGO To TO pArmES: PARTIES: Sam Nunn's measure which differsdifers Hatter said he issued a stronger ruling earth, laid bock type to start married, bi-white, 40, w/other mast guys, looking 22 GWMCWM seekingseeing a considerably from Clinton's compromise perhaps the military is more clear what #ELnor something special with. educated, avid reader, "so L'*-:T£.#%'corwhkinofor serious, down to earth ed#;ng#±lct charming nice man. call me fg#:,rahbelyjsfra%£j':ni°k:':.#Ftpi#t§:,formula, he is also mistaken. That Clinton ;:no:nspegnr£E#:e;rst§t;h£{#:&u#:e:i:a;¥r;eonc7eearrrujhnagtis intended by this court." :#\:td#:oY#rf42922 I feel just as awkward and#mei:notoflj#=n.':?3]L% lets talk it over 43542 in,type, tr4859 44859 placing this ad as you may ultimatelyurn.mately acquiesced acquiesced to Nunn's restrictiverestrictive . The Clinton administration, whichwhich longlong Milwaukee,Mihaukee, OLDEROLD€k (or Clinton) off' Milwaukee,Mihauhe, HEY iiEy COOL con responding to it, but don't let MilwaukeeMhaukee LETS LETS PARTY:PARIT: measure shouldshould not not let let Kohl Kohl (or Clinton) off! ago promised toto liftlift the ban .onon GaysGays EXPERIENCED SOUGHT: SOuol+I: DUDE! 24 y/o, BM, like that stop you, please leave BiWM 5'8" 150, great the hook. entirely, immediatelyimmediately filedfiled an an appeal appeal toto 27, new to this, just looking movies, sports, dining out, msg. v5977 body and tan, love to have a The measure Kohl supportedsupported declares challenge Hatter's latest ruling.ruling. for exper. older guy who reading, looking for any great time, anything goes. homosexuals anan "unacceptable"unacceptable risk"risk" to the likes to have fun, (call also Milwaukee,Mhaukee, TO DATE, homosexuals roce, if interested leave name ikzj##i#l#:g Seeking a bttm to have a few ending the ¥T;;fco#:#tme for my writing address) PERHAPSPERl`IAPS TOTO l\AATE:MATE: I'ml'm military. It makes no reference to & Number.Number. v71.71 16 beers¥:#toFEngITg;7 and party with. 44237 Looking for partnership are looking for someone 20-27, ##:;hryjn':mwahi:;#:v':fv:£#i=et8anodj:!iE:witchhunts which have victimized thousands Over 8,000 Walkers call for Milwaukee, NICE WHEELS: ##o#,s:angyou? 45910 good personality, clean cut, MilwaukeeMihauke NEWNEv`i TO TO THIS: "Is: of service members. ItIt doesdoes not call for Raise $550,000 at 4th v. Vers. 45, 59, 1751bs, cute, with his own unique 3£,n'tkra##oh=s#¥39, mole seeking a sensitive equal enforcementenforcement ofof thethe UniformUniform Code of fv#;#7ffi, Wonsin,Wisconsin, LJKf UKE RAVESRAVES like to work out, enjoy quiet personality, call my mochine man who can teach me the Military Justice, and it allows any future OR GRUNGE? CRUNI? 5'6, Annual!aii:uai5i?3:8¥s#ae*sfB! Wisconsin AIDS e..enings, have great legs, take & leave a msg.v7339 ropes. Lets share our the 1351bs, brw hair & eyes, #b##ca::2:: Secretary#]#e%jus;!fcebea£:seat:°Wfjna%tefututhr: of Defense to reinstate a chance, I did. 47556 ffihts¥,#,ro6ourthoughts 41816 Walk ¥gl#.,##tke looking for smooth, clean Kenosha,Kenosho, FUN fuN STUFF: STuf[: question about homosexualftyhomosexuality asked of Walk Wisconsin,wisconsin, RUNNER'S luNN[n'S shaven, short haired, looking 35 y/o bi-WMbi-WM into MilwaukeeMihauke LOVELove TOro recruits on their inductioninduction forms. Ouss UP: Ioro to collecl. I "A Y6ar Of MAGIC" hosted by BODY: looking to pursue a toto##mfa#Triing meet like minded indiv. camping, concerts, down DRESS UP: love to collect. The Capitol TimesTimes inin Madiso`nMadison 'A Year Of MAGIC" hosted by physical rel. with somebody, 472957295 hill skiing, looking for 21- "idwould like like to to nedmeet oherother editorialized that that itit waswas "to"to hishis shame"shame" that I like to run, and stay fit. 37 y/o guy to share the collectors.collecbe. I I amam 31 31 . 5'5'1 I 11" ' Magic Johnson && MikeMike #[:,un?a#tortyffia Wisosin,Wisconsin, CRATIVECREATIVE Kohl failedfailed toto vote vote with wth other liberal 44429e4429 above.§[:;:;::#g6jc:oFjk:;i,refodeL¥, 44687 and well built.built. 43836 e3836 SPIRITUALSplklTUAI SOULAIATE SOULMATE DemocratsDemoKCorah:Ss°n on an vaont:SSu:n3f issue of civil c#'srig?g;k rights. of DunleavyD"ntsifu:#kee _ A|Ds care, education Kohl's vote and his lack of Milwaukee - AIDS care, education PLACE YOUR FREE PERSONAL AD! 1-800-546-MENN (6366) responsiveness havehave manymany Gay and and research`research programsprograms inin WisconsinWisconsin willwill InIn Step •` October 7-20, 19931993 •` Page Page 66 InIn StepStop •` OctoberOctober 7-20, 1993 1993 •` Page Page 91 AIDS WalkWalk benefit from thethe moremare than $550,581 raised raised at thethe 4th4th annualannual WisconsinWisconsin AIDSAIDS Walk on Sunday, September 26,26, surpassing surpassing this this "TELL OUT YOUR FIRST TIME" year's goal by over $50,000 (Last years total #aasrs4gi°ia,'o%yo?.Virosn5o?a°£°cLt:ita}€:rE:°J:iwas $411,000). Honorary co-chairs, Earvin "Magic" JohnsonJohnson andand MitwaukeeMilwaukee Bucks Coach Mike Dunleavy Dunleavy led led over over 8,000 8,000 walkers (double lastlast year's number) on the pledge walkwalk alongalong Mitwaukee'sMilwaukee's Lakefront which benefitted benefitted 2020 organizationsorganieatjons throughout the state. 'We"We areare reachingreaching the point of becoming overwhelmedoveiwhelmed byby the number of people seeking AIDSAIDS and HIV servicesservices inin Wisconsin," said Doug Nelson, executivee`xecutive. director of the AIDS ResourceResource Center of.of Wisconsin, Inc.lnc. "The`The money money raised raised today, today, 677 and throughoutthroughout thethe year,year, isis essential ifif wewe are to continue to provide AIDS care, care, prevention andand educationeducation services to the MFN~q3/4. people 'whowho needneed them throughout the 888 11111A111( state." Magic JohnsonJohnson and Coach Dunleavy 1-800 began thethe dayday at at the the Wisconsin Wisconsin AIDS AIDS WalkWalk Breakfast at thethe Italian Community Center. -Magic" Johnson "Magic" Johnson 688 -HUNK Other specialspecial guestsguests includedincluded Master of 5 2 9 8 per mtn./Bi l led to your MC / VISA / Connect Card as 4600, Inc contd. onon pagepage ►. 88 PhotoPtioto copyrlghtcopyright 19931993 byby Cr\eryl Cheryl L. Franklin Phone WISCONSIN Personals ONE phone call. Over 1000 Men. Meet the boy next door in our rr -:Ji Wisconsin section. Or search the country for your ups of guy in one of our specialty categories of "talking personals." Respond to over 1000 gay/hi adsl Record your own local and specialty ads todayl

FRIENDSHIP 'non-dating) MILITARY/UNIFORMS YOUNG/UNDER 25 PHONE FRIENDS INEXPERIENCED BODYBUILDERS RELATIONSHIPS BLACK GUYS TVS/X-DRESS MARRIED/BI WRESTLERS COUPLES LEATHER LATINS ASIANS BEARS HAIRY HIV+ (L toto R) ARCWARCW Exec. Dir. DDougDug Nelson, Bucks Coach NlikeMike Dunleavy,Dunlea\ry, and Eri^rinErwin (Magic) (Magic) 40+ $1.25/min. Johnson holdhold a a $100,000 $100,000 checkcheck fromfrom thethe MIIler Miller BrewingBrewing Company's Company's Magic Magic_Johnson Johnson 1.-900-454-3325 Foundation Contributedcontributed by RichardRichard Klemp,Klemp, VP ofof CorporateCorporate Affairs for Miller. Must Re 18: Touch-tone Required: Paradise Enterprises, P.O. Box 19149, Washington. DC 7.0036 Photo copyrigrltcopyright 1993 byby Cheryl L.L Franklin In Step •` October 7-20, 1993 1993 • ` Page Page 9090 eeling safe isn't always easy... Sometimes you have to work at it GuideGuid`e OUTOur OF OF STATE STATE ►• contd. from pagepage 88 Helen'sllelen's (F`ural (Rural socialSocial Group) Group) (815)(815) 344-6495344J5495 Human Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF) STATEWIDE (Speak Out Campaign) (202) 332-6483332J5483 W[SCONSINWISCONSIN STATEW[DE National:(i;£t.RI%9£hL%SC:apk¥:!F®:Nu::T(FH)RCF()2o2)332"83 G&L Task Force (NGLTF) (202) 332-6483 AIDS Drug Trials (experimental) Bottom Line TraivelTravel (G/L Travel) Milw.Milw. (800) (800) 933-8330 933€330 1-800-TRIALSA MEN Bottom Line 10% Society at N.M.0 Horizon Travel (G/L Travel) (800) 562-0219 Hno9%opn(I,r£Yfk(yenenTrFifvee:Liemagarine)(800) 562irai9 Box 95, Univ. Center, NMU, In Step (bi-weekly G/L lifestyle magazine) Marquette, MI 49855 P-FLAG Upper Peninsula 225 S.S 2nd, Milwaukee 5320453204 !j?Fi:!pga'i::e::i!:!uFi::9;::ette:,:M:::::i:,L3S4A3 PO Box 2754, Kingsford, MI 49802 (906) 774-1343 Phone: (414) 278-7840, FAX Only: (414) 278-5868 KingKfhgp##L#`£)s27rfe7u¥%5#caonT,y:(£:£)2£8#8 Productions (WI-USA pageant) (414) 347-0178 AT Log Cabin Club (G/L Republicans) (414)332-4549 :¥omcBaF#j!3C.:oi::nd:Cg:nR±P#7be:9fctn:)un,te#`4P324st9Team Wisconsin/Gay Games Go United, PO Box 310. Madison, 53701 (608)255-8582(608)255J)582 LIVE GreatGpreoa'BF;k£,Eta.|exiipr5:Z:J:#i°) Lakes Harley Owners (GLHO) PO Box 341611, Milw, 53234-1611 MAN Wisconsin AIDS AIDS LinoLine (outside(outside Milw.)MIlw.) WORK MonMon-Fri-Fri 9 to 9.9, Fri 9-5:309-5:30 1 -8001€OO€34AIDS-334-AIDS TO W,j8:;nNS.!npa+f#Wisconsin Light (bi-weekly (##::k':e%2i¥Spaper) G/L newspaper) 372.2773 1843 N. Palmer, Milwaukee 53212 372-2773 MAN 1-800-362-WISC Wl.WI. Legislative HodineHotline 1€00462-WISC Wild'Wild, MEETLOCAL GUYS IN YOURAREA! Erotic. 0D TheThe Gay Gay communfty community hashas talken taken aa leading leading rol'e role inin AIDSAIDS prevention Forbidden efforts.efforts.Yet,evenmenwhoknowalotaboutAIDSoftenneedsupport Yet, even men who know a lot about AIDS often need support 1.900-740-4868 Hardcore ADULTS ONLY 51.99/MIN. Sexual tokeepuptheirchangeeffon§,andwanttoleamevenbetterwaystoto keep up their change efforts, and want to learn even better ways to CUSTOMER SERVICE: 415-281-3183 Fantasies stay safe andand helphelp othersothers stay stay healthy. healthy. Thais That's why why the the Commun.rty Community $3§O/MIN 9350/MIN HealthHealthBehaviorprogramoftheMedicalcollegeofwisconsincreated Behavior Program of the Medical College of Wisconsin created RED HOT GAYGAY PARTY LINE RANMEN ATAT WORE.WORK. Steamy Orgasmic PhonePhone Sex 0BhdrNATWoREisaprogramevaluatingthebestnewapproaches MEN AT WORK is a program evaluating the best new approaches Hotter than Ever $200/MINsr/MIN forformal.ntal.ningheathybehavior.We'reinviting600mentoattendone- maintaining healthy behavior. We're inviting 600 men to attend one- day workshops offeredoffered at aa friendlyfriendly East Side location.location. In addition to 11.800-775-ORGY-800-775-ORGY learningleaning the the most most up-tordate up-to-date information information on waysways toto protect yourself 66749 7 4 9 from AIDS/HIV,AIDS/HIV, MEN MEN AT AT WORK Worm will will develop develop ways ways to to put put safer safer sex sex 24124HRS,18+,-)RS, 18+, Phone Phone Co.Co. Bills Bills ACN, P.O. Box 1321, Hallandalo,Hallandale, FL FL COOOO33009 knowledgeknowledgeintoreal-lifepractl.ce,leamhdwtostaysafeallthetl.me,and into real-life practice, learn how to stay safe all the time, and contribute to research thatthat will will improveimprove the effectivenesseffectiveness ofof AIDSAIDS GA' r P14011111E MALEJV\ALE prevention efforts. SELECT FkOM: 0DBecauseMENATWoREisastudy,partiCi.pantswillreceiJe$40 Because MEN AT WORK is a study, participants will receive $40 GALLCALL forcompletingevaluationquestl.onnairesattheone-dayworkshop,asfor completing evaluation questionnaires at the one-day workshop, as .C r:$ PUmPINC, MAN-TO—MAN TALK HOT GROUP J/0 FICTION HUNDREDS"NDREDs OF r-fEssfcEsiiE:ssl`qes well asas other payments forfor attendingattending follow-up follow-up meet.I.ngsmeetings or laterlater LOCKER ROOM FANTASIES TOP OR=OR 130TT01-1BC>TTOH questionnaires. you\YOU Nri.iENAP-IE tTIT 0 If you're a gay or bisexual man over 18 , call us ( WE gOTTE1-1 4800-947-3833 wE c;cmEn weekdays from 9:00 to 5:00 at 287-4680 for more Ivkb $2-3.50/MINUTE 1-96.„cO information and your invitation to participate. Ask for er4 74S-IISSip7qu-155® MEDICAL MEN AT WORK. FOR EXTRA ACTION CALL COLLEGE 1 / 1-100-74.5-1040 $2.112.GqmiNUTE_#41 MITE OF WISCONSIN Community Health Behavior Program PATRoM2EPfITRONIZ£ FIVAY EUSINESS BusiNe9s • . APEF\ne SANs^N RAFAELenFnEL CAcn •- 1818+yEnes#YEARS EE -_-i Medical -..- College _i of Wisconsin --_-'i InIn Step `. October 7-20, 1993 1993 v` Page Page 88 Vumbas, DiannaDianna Jones Jones && the the Reign, Reisn, Johnny Johnny AIDS WalkWalk on Washday andand the the High High SchoolSchool Of of the Arts ►• contd.contd. fromfrom pagepage 6 Jazz Group.Group. Keedy.sKeedy's Kitchen Party greeted Ceremonies, Carole MeekinsMeekins of of Today's Today's walkers as they returned to South Urbanurban TMJ4; U.S. Senator Herb Kohl; Richard Park. Following the Closing Ceremonies, Klemp, MillerMiller Brewing Brewing Company;Company; UniversityUniversfty hundreds::nckd.reFd°s'':#8ik:hrsejoiL°esdn¥hec%ri#:::ef# of walkers joined The Orphans in ofWisconsin-Madisonofwisconsin-Madison Basketball Coach,Coach, StuStu singing the Walk's traditional closing, "That's"77}ars Jackson; andand executive executive director director of of the the AIDS AIDS lNhatWhat FriendsFriends Are For." Resource CenterCenter ofof Wisconsin, DougDoug Several generous corporate and Nelson. individualindiv£::i::'onsgoe£:ro°nufed¥aTE:rbatedoiFan: sponsors donated valuable dollars The Holy Redeemer Redeemer Sanctuary Choir and services to the Walk, andand severalseveral area area and pianist, DanDan DanceDance entertainedentertained guests guests businesses donateddonated prizesprizes forfor walkerswalkers both beforebefore andand during the meal. collecting the highest amounts of pledge Immediately followingfollowing breakfast, breakfast, members members ofof money. Miller Brewing Company, Today's the unitedUnited IndiansIndians ofof MitwaukeeMilwaukee && Indian #';:¥:MajF::5#:r::#oT::FupnEts:!:fhT%g:i::TMJ4, Bank One, Aurora Health Care, Summer Festival ledled aa fanfare to the Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Inc., The openingopen#tgs=ur&m6#:i°pfat#:#ha:rathewaik ceremonies of the Walk. RathR:!Ley-FDoauv#sa%nYot::efnomfi:E¥#c.,TTiT: Foundation, Stein Medical, Time At South Urban Park, where the Walk InsuranceInsurance Co.Co. andand Ralph MarlinMarlin and began, walkerswalkers warmed upup with an an aerobicaerobic Company Inc.lnc. are are among the corporate workout led by Bally's VicVie TannyTanny and sponsors whowho have demonstrateddemonstrated a enjoyed the soundssounds ofof TheThe SlidellsSlidells on the commitment to the Walk throughthrough major services that were main stage. MembersMembers of of thethe United United Indians donations of dollars and services that were used toto undelwriteunderwrite the costs ofof produci.ng producing of MitwaukeeMilwaukee and IndianIndian SummerSummer Festival the event. motivated walkerswaiters as they began the 6.2 'With thethe generous generous support of our mile walkwalk and and aa varietyvariety ofof entertainment entehainment and corporate sponsors," saidsaid Lisa Sommers Sommers refreshment kept them energized alongalong triethe Wolter, director of development for the AIDS ONLY ! route. ¥eosltoeu,,r£,%::treorfodfeffi[[o£Ts::,t,fi::.T,#,grsResource Center of Wisconsin, Inc., "we are PerformersPerfomers atat variousvarious rest stops able to ensure that the money raised by 990 PER MINUTE included the Nefertari Dancers,Dancers, the Mighty ► contd. on page 10 + $2.99 g;'''


BILLED TO YOUR VISA OR MASTERCARD (L toto R) Mayor John Norquist,Norquist, "Magic""Magic" JohnsonJohnson and BucksBucks CoachCoach MIBeMike Dunleavy Dunleavy cut cut the the ribbon markingmarklng the start Ofof the '93'93 lMsconslnWisconsin ^IDSAIDS "alk.`Walk. PhotoP_tloap copyright cprl¥rlgt\i 1993 _CliervlCheryl LL. Era.nk.I!n` Franklin Must Be 18 Or Older • Prices Subject To Change Without Notice Touch Tone Phone Only • For More Free Information Call: 1-800-676-GUYS • ©1993 Real People. Ltd. InIn Step `• October 7-20, 19931993 •` PagePage 8888 Parents a& Friends Friends Of of GaysGays && Lesbians eeling safe isn't always easy... MILWAUKEEM]LWAUKEE (414) {414) Shirley. 458-2506 Carolyn: 467-0422 SheboyganSEE:y:6p=:An2Ati##e Antiques 53o8. Caro'yn 4:::5: work at it SERVICES 336 Superior Avenue 53081 452-6757 Sometimes you have to MilwaukeeM#Bu5xeeinA#?&Ej2Ct(MAP) AIDS Project (MAP) PO Box 92505, 53202 273-1991 Milwaukeewhlwaukee Financial Planning S®Tvice.Service RACINE/KENOSHARAC]NE/KENOSHA (414) (414) (money management, retirement planning) 175#:wc:##em#,7#=E:eFLa%n3j3493 N Corporate Dr #110 Brookfield 53045 792-1690 ClubCfil£#h?eJ)(Hwy 94 (MW, DJ) c & 194) Kenosh8 857-9958 NorthNR¥d:hnti9areircRo#mfyet%?VRdcac,hE:ttateatre Shore Realty / David Chester 9001 120th Ave (Hwy C & 194) Kenosha 857-9958 MEN Residential/Commercial Real Estate Jot)ee'8JoDee's (MW, (MW, DJ)DJ) 4855 N Marlboro, Whitefish Bay 53217 964-1902 2139 Racine St (Hwy 32) Racine 53403 634-9804 R.L.P.R.t5p:g#ariab#o####,BGaxgrs2)17 Contractors (Roofing, Gutters) 871€117871-5117 What`fal&9ficj:ne":t?(#)32) About Me? (1NM) Racine 534o3 634_98o4 Soap Suds Kid (cleaning) 265-1265-1105 1 05 600 6th st.St. F`acine Racine 53403 53403 632-01716320171 Jeanie Simpkins, (MS), (counseling) 282J5160282-6160 Gay AA (Group 294 Meeting) 554-6611554J561 1 §ife#®s¥+#;jag;i,,XLconugn,se,,ng,SoulMates (G/L matchmaking) Gay/Lesbian8:¥#E{#u###eReRtinc9i9!o625co||ego,543o3 Union of Racine 625 College, 54303 AT 8626 B W Greenfield 771771MTE-MATE Gay Lesbianlesbian tJnlonUnion of Kenosha VCR Express (Repair) 2243 S Muskego 645iae50645-9250 c/ado UnitarianUnitarian Universalist WC®ffsFTn¥ffiv(oRrt?9j:i::Wells Ink (Advertising, PR) gR4)3 S MLiskngo 272-2116 POP0 BoxBox 593,593, KenoshaKenosha 53141 53141 654-9427654J9427 Southeasternsgr=?zgron,¥92i!D3s9thpEt::,t{H0%tsAkDs53s:Tico WI AIDS Project (HIV/AIDS Service RETAIL Organization) 6927 39th Ave., Kenosha 53141 1-800-924-66011 Coo-924c6Oi 657-6644 657¢644 WORK AfterWords (G/L Bookstore & Espresso Bar) UW-ParksideuFof2#%#haca4i,zaGon G/L Organization 9oo900 Woodwed Rd., #1##u#932ffi2be&ESpes9oBar)2710 N Murray, 53211 963-9089 Box 200, Kenosha 53141 595,2244595-2244 Constantc#`twRi##.,8gr Reader Bookshop 1627 E Irving P1.,53202 291us2291-0452 Seven Seas Aquatics (fish, birds, supplies) #5enw:enda9Ts¥=fach,birds,sulies)215 W. Florida St. 53204 272-7966 SOUTHEASTERN WI W] (414) (414) Clinton St Antiques 1110 S. 1st St. 53204 941-5179 UW-WhitewaterLJW"/hlto`^der G/La/l StudomStudent unionUnion one-day Ricco's Euro Design (fumiture/accents) We're inviting COO600 men men to to attend attend one-day g#.¥urorinquinlt#o#ffii2Ou:::I:: 309 McCutchen"ccutchon Hall, Hall, WhitowatorWhitewater 53190 472€738 10633 W 0klahoiinaOklahoma 321-2221 53190 472-5738 Savings;#Ox¥7:=gr#edi&i®ftyqupk7us39 Grace Tabernacle (Bible study group) workshopsworkBhopB wherewhere groupsgroups ofof ch+ysguys will`will workwork PO Box 367, Salem, Wi 53168 537-4639 CENTRAL WI WI (715) (715) together to:to: CentralCenfrol WI AIDSAIDS NctwerkNetwork (CWAN) (CWAN) (HIV/AIDS(HIV/AIDS §owic®Service Organization) 1200 Lake View Dr, Rm 200, ROCK 8ze[ JEFFERSON CO.CO. ❑I Lean Learn uprtndate up-to-date information information on on ways ways to to prdect protect yourself yourself from from AIDS/ AIDS/ Wausau, 54403 (715) 848-9060 ###tiae2oodevevDr,RmOap§'7848[ap RunwayR#5y,6s`,(Rwi"7',Dj)anesvi»®s3s45(60e)75cOAYS 51 (MW,D) UWSPu#rfep##¥p:ffpifepexce 10% Society HIV Campus Activities Complex, Box 68 Hwy 51 S, Rt. 7, Janesville 53545 (608) 756-GAYS UWSP, Stevens, Point, 54481 (715) 346-4366 MASN Satellite Office (AIDS Info) (715) 3464366 317 Dodge St., Janesville 53545 (608) 756-2550 LDS Brotherhood (Gay Mormons) UB DovetopDevelop ways to put safer sexsex knowledgeknowledge intointo pradic®practice PO box 152, Wausau, 54402 (715) 842-9881 CrossRoadscifaffi#&#;s#ee±#:i Bar (G/S/MNV) :=; =: i8B£#Lfiy#ons) 015) 842-9881 W6642 Hwy B, Lake Mills 53551 (414) 648-8457 Mad Hatter (MW, DJ, V) Friends (G/S, MM/) just some of the time 320 Washington, Wausau (715) 842-3225 OB LeanLearn how how to to stay stay safe safe a» all thethe time,time, not just some of the time 015) 842e225 10 E ShonanSherman Aye,Ft.AIItin8on Ave,Ft Atkinson 53538 (414)S63+2231 Platwood Club (MW, D) 53538 (414)563-2231 701 Highway 10W, Stevens Point (715)015) 341-886234iima ❑D HaveHave relationships that are both good and safe :§alriLELTHffifao,utWausau Narcotics Anonymous (ask for Gay meetings) (715)015) 536LIFE536-LIFE NORTHWESTNORTHVVEST WIVI ❑ WELEr.G#beeJ|ng&druepWomen's Resource Center UWSP B ConthbutoContribute to to reseach research that that will will improi7o improve th`® the effectivenesseffegiveness of of AIDSAIDS 336 NolsonNelson Hall,llall, StevensStovens PLPt. 54481 (715)346-4851015ysw64851 Connect (G/L info line) • 'prevention efforts PO Box 1304, Superior 54880 ai5p949467(715)394-9467 prevention efforts ::¥#Bife!'F#EL+anVArELisppeiN.O.W.A.P. (Northwest WI AIDS Project) HIV/AIDS Service Organization ❑I And And do do all all thisthis lnin a warri,warm, friendly atmosphere atmosphere NORTH CENTRAL WI(715) Wl(715) 505 DoweyDewey St., So, So. #208ceo8 EauEau ClaireClairo 5470254702 (800) 750-AIDS/(715) 836-7710 HIV/AIDS Spiritual Support & Education (Coo) 75OAiDs/pi5) 836-77io N2T'#D4sthsA¥Oi¥Ovs#i#n&t`#r8ffi5i345cO UW-Eau 2108 4th Ave, Stevens Point 54481 (715) 345-6500 uwiiuapcL#Oq5r\RE'2=suRTose9ca7Claire G/L Alcoholics Support Group Learn... Tap Line: (715) 839-3425 Linda: (715) 839-3687 Earn WhileWhile You Learn... Gay/Lesbian Support Group ScruplesScruplco (MW,Ow, DJ.DJ, F) Box 247A, 1411 Ellis Ave. Ashland 54806 ❑ ##AT.i,u4rms%grTkhiand54806 411 I ForFor contributingcontributing youryour timetime andand completingcompleting confidentialconfidential NorthernN#oeFct#isdr#sotR##!3i£;face.trg&8 AIDS Network (HIV/AIDS Service Organ.) Galloway St., Eau Claire 54703 (715) 839-9606 June Peters,Courthouse Rhinelander,54501 369-6228 Spirit Rising Ecumenical Community Church PO Box 1052, Superior 54880 (218) 720-3886 questionnaires, you will receive $40 for the one-dayworkshop, as well Northland HouseHous. (bed && breakfast inn)im) questionnaires,youwillreceive$40fortheonerdayworkshop,aswell Northland Gay Men's Center Highway 77, Pence 54550 (715) 561-3120 :ffi##:&¥.,:ed###tyL#EL%= 609 8 N. 2nd Northern Wi. Lambda Society Ave. E., Ste. 309 asasotherpaymentsforattgndingfollow-upses§ionsandcomplethg other payments for attending follow-up sessions and completing |RERTJREce# ql5)56\$1Z0 Duluth,Duiutii, MNMN 55802558Q2 (218) (218) 722-8585 722e585 PO Box 802, Rhinelander 54501 (715) 362-4242 SHEMSigmM:;i#TE#:eg#¥fur%¥b°#;.#::i::: (Support, Heal, Educate) for Parents, laterlaterquestionnaires. questionnaires. Family, Friends of Gays/Lesbians/Bi's (715) 359-7432 WEST CENTRAL W[WI ❑ If you're a gay or bisexual man over 18, call us Cavalier Lounge (MW, D) 114 N 5th St., LaCrosse 54601 (608) 782-9061 weekdays fromfrom 9:00 9:00 toto 5:00 5:00 at at287-4680 287L4680 forforyour your SHEBOYGANSHEBOYG^N AREA (414){414) La Crosse Health Dept (AIDS/HIV Service Organ.) 300 N 4th, Sherlock's Home (Mw, G/S, F) ia#¥ththFELa:cti#±dr#s°AIVsi¥}#±n¥;La Crosse 54601 (608) 785-9872 mEg±MEDICALCtoLLEGEOr-SIN Shchock's None (Mw. ®S, F) LaCrosseLacrces® lJGUG Support Grot.pGroup (608) 782-1274 invitationlnvltatlontopartlclpate.AskforMENATWoRE. to participate. Ask for MEN AT WORK. 733 Pennsylvania (No phone) LaCrosseLacrosse ParentsParents a& Frlends Friends of of Gave Gays (608) (608) 782€082782-6082 Blue Lite (Mw)(Mw) MEDICAL NewNow/ Beginnings Begli`rilng. (mo.(mo. newsltr)newsltr) Box Box 25, 25, Westby Westby 5486754867 1029 N. 8th,8th, 53081§3081 457-1636 COLLEGE CommunityColnmunfty Health Hcalth Behavior Behavlor Program hograln contd. on pagepage .► 9191 OF WISCONSIN MedicalMed]cal College Ofof WisconsinWlsconslh InIn Step •` October 7-20, 19931993 v` PagePage 1010 InIn Step `v October 7-20, 19931993 •` PagePage 87 2626is%RTT:nut9onD#5rs2n69Wm.ev§'F) Something Different (Wm,G/S,F) 5666 N Teutonia, 53209 461-7908 Wisconsin Groups to MILWAUKEE (414) (414) 20 StationStatlon 2 own,(Wm, D) 1534 W.W GrantGrant 5321553215 383-5755383€755 13 Tl.lsThis 1®Is It lt (M) (M) 418 418 E E. Wells Wells 5320253202 278-9192 Celebrate¥#grnasj:fi:8::ilto National RELIGIOUS 12 3B's Bar (Mw. D) 1753 S KK 53204 672-5580 VillageVI,I£9O[,cjhj:=hu{ARvrc«ed Church (Reconciled in fn Christ) christ) 273.7617 18 Triangle (M, V) 135 E. National 53204 383-9412 Coming Out DayDay 130 E Juneau Ave 273-7617 232!!BiE:s!i!`!o;w,#Ej,3£E;N:sa',c¥def:::3#p Vuk's Place (Mw) 2033 S 13th 53204 672-8866672- NewN#24H°vip®G#e#:[dchAuvro:h53°2'£hrist Hope United Church of Christ 645.91 74 24 Walker's Point Marble Arcade (MW,F) 1424 W Greenfield Ave, 53204 645-9174 1101 AA. 2nd 2nd St., St., 5320453204 647-9430 Goal ofof thethe SixthSixth Annual EventEvent 11 WreckWreck RoomRcom` (M, UL) IJL) 266 266 E.E. Erie Erie 53204 53204 273-6900273Jrm 15 Your Place(YP) (Mw, D)813 S 1st 53204 647-01306470130 isis toto Raise Consciousnes_sConsciousness MEDICAL 9:5z3y#rrspr#r8p,19tpr2.ndpx]5i32£ist53204 Zippers (Mw) 819 S 2nd, 53204 645-8330645e330 Dr.DE#:N¥[2:f€£#FaaltTe¥#t,:,:sDjseases, Kelly Balliet (Internal/Infectious Diseases) October 11 is America'sAmerica's 6th annualannual Medical Center Specialties Clinic BOWLING 945 N 12, 53233 283-7837 National Coming Out Day, and events Clinic (BESTD) (VD, HIV testing, Brady East STD 24 Walker'swalkers point Point Marl]l. Marble Arcad. Arcade (MW.F,BOw#9ghao (MW,F,Bowling) screening) 1240 E Brady 53202 272-2144 24 aroundgraoti°nndahj%omnjsni%a:du:heD:oyLnta#daree#:.rnt; Wisconsin and the country are being hepatitis 1101 SS. 2nd2nd StreetStrect 647-9430 held to celebrate whatwhat isis rapidly becomingbecoming Gay:i:E!#£:fg:::#T:,%,n##E:::;#32Ho2vtos2t7n2g-21" Men's HIV+ Support Group BESTD Clinic 272-2144 a new GayGay holiday.holiday. MilwaukeeM[lwauke® AIDSAIDS Project Project (MAP) RESTAURANTS WithVvith celebrities celebrities like k.d.k.d. lang, Iang, Elton EIton HIV/AIDS Service Service OrganizationOrganization lunch, dinner) John, Martina NavratilovaNavratilova and and Melissa Melissa ,3CIGIOt.% CO4 315315W. W. CourtCourt St.53202St 53202 - 6® 1100 1100 ClubClub (breakfast, lunch, dinner) Office/Staff 273-1991 AIDS AIDs Information lnfomation 273-2437 1100 SS.1st 1st street Street 53204 53204 647-9950647-9950 Etheridge comingcoming out out of of the the closet closet andand the (lunch, dinner, cocktails) ocr9ttlinillfSu(I-I,,+in 00 Wisconsin Community-Based Research 10 GlaseGlass MerlagerleMenagerie (lunch. dinner. cocktails) media's intense focusfocus on Gays and Consortium (Experimental HIV/AIDS Drug Program) 124124 NN. Water 53202 347-1962 384-8330384Jseo Lesbians in thethe past past year, thisthis month's month's |C#8uo€rtngi#:Fai#IVPA¥D®sershruop27#&),315 W Court St , 53212 273-1991 7 La Grill 807807 SS 2nd2nd St,St, 53204 Lesbian activist Jean O'Leary, offering Wonrien'sWomen's Altemat[v®Alternative Health llealth Clln]cClinic 8 Walker'sWalker'S Point CfroCafe (10amfrflerhours)(10am-afterhours) celebration is expected toto garner more another practicalpractical result ofof comingcoming out. 1240 E.E BradyBredy 5320253202 272-2144 272-2144 1106 S.S 1st18t St. 53204 384-7999 pubblicitypubblic.rty and and public public discussion discussion thanthan ever. TheTT:59„X®EapJueThAlvuon%,2ginner) Silver Plum (Lunch, dinner) Because comingcoming out is a process,process,- a a 1457 N Farwell Ave 53202 273-1457 National Coming Out Day (NCOD) waswas series of steps that sometimes takes COMPUTERCOMPuTER BULLET]N BULLETIN BOARDSBOARDS founded in 1988 to commemorate the 1987 months or even years, organizers ofof NCOD Alternate Lifestyles BBS HELPHELP` LINES March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian are encouraging Gays and Lesbians to (Gay listings, messages) 933-7572 444-7331 Rights and as a positive and proactive "Take:i:k:nvc::rraNg:nxgtgs%ap¥,ib;nge:emspnj8n:vet: Your Next Step," by becoming even Back Door BBS (GayCom messages, chat, news, Gay Information Svcs. (referrals) of pride and commitment on the games IBM file transfers, netmail) 744-9336 Gay=#ng°unn]Sd:CSH.iE:i:rrals) People's Union Hotline 562-7010 statement of pride and commitment on the more visible in a wayway thatthat is mostmost matchmaking, Gay Bash Hotline (confidential) 444-7331444.7331 Its Crossroads BBS (4 lines, chat, part of Gays and Lesbians nationwide. comfortable forfor thatthat individual.individual. It could files, netmail) 672-8885 Helpline (Crisis Counseling) 271-3123271€123 Gays and (e-mail, matching, Wisconsin AIDS Info Line 273273AIDS-AIDS primary purpose is to encourage mean holding hands with your partner in ig#T#gi?i!o,is;#:atochfng=k,nan:ow;¥Dr. Pervitis DYM-BBS #!g#]ncHriA:3`:c.:Lgs¥i#lal) Lesbiansi:;ba;.fyn:p:|#::id:s:te#.#;T[erna:?t.g:gTa:[g,.i:ti to come out of the closet to their sub boards) 873-2838 public, wearing a Gay button or writing a Dr.D:.uEovng)vundcatBes(emall.graph!C9'873.,68o Pervitis Wildcat BBS (e-mail, graphics, families, friendsfriends and and co-workers co-workers so so that that SERVICES lettergu:b:}nct,oh?hg::!#:a%We¥#Tstt#:°rrp#g¥;d!n': to the editor of a newspaper regarding sub-boards) 873-1680 are improved and System (news, personals individual relationships relationships are improved and a Gay issue. GLINN Multi-Board Super Able Amazon Handywork (Home Repair) 263-2889 supportSuPPPTrte#:gGaulyeri#Rj:bbor:tadyeonuersd6Ifisa for Gay rights is broadened. guides, files, on-line games, graphics) 289-0145 Alternative Connections (G/L matchmaking)765-1233 Many events are being held in descrp., files, echo mail) 873-6969 ffirfe#8:#iF%##Og?;a#:£&###T%t% "Telling the truth about yourself is a Starcom:ff#!#T#er#:£:es:#ELFms:,#ifea£; BBS (user Bottom Line Travel (Travel Agency, member IGTA) MilwaukeeMitwaNR:: and :#ntsMa%'i:onbei:g Madison to celebrate c::igraj: Underwoodu"to"ood pkny. Pkwy. EIErs BBS (a+nall.(e-mail, graphics,graphjcs. 258jrm 3610 N Oakland Ave 53211 964-6199964€199 step in creating better 258-8468 fundamental National Coming Out Day. Here is a quick sharevaro)shareware) The Experience (2 1/2 Day Workshop) 792-1691 with your family and friends," Financial Planning Services 445-5552 relationships overview#eti:Teat:?Thi:gmgj:tr8%hg:reisaquick of the major events. ETEnFri#ripi=,£ 'sce£]¥e.W°Ikshop) ffi§gi :eaE;dgaoE:hn:pa:%:u#:i:rinRfadLi¥%:nngge#bneftti?:Isays NCOD founder Rob Eichberg, who BARS ForestF2ffi##J::FT:#/5¥2Cih5ae] Home Cemetary/Michael K°Szul Koszuta 645+2632 53215 645-2632 authored Coming Out: An Act of Love. "If 2405 W. Forest Home MILWAUKEE 1 Ballgame (Mw, V, D, F) 196 S. 2nd 53204 273-7474 Theodore I. Friedman, PhD (Psychotherapist) or Lesbian, come out to 53204643-6900 Suite 206 53202 272-2427Z12-242| you;:Lh°::gcG°aT!nogr°L#s:bta:,AC£:feL°oVu:.::f are Gay On Saturday, October 9, side-splitting 3 Boot Camp (M, UL) 209 E. National 2266 N. Prospect, someone youyou carecare about about on on October October 11 11!" I" 14:4coRTELTfrv#±#EesNsat2#se£%4# BoysTown (Mw, DJ, V) Gay/Lesbian¥Lp|id#T:uit:ahiD#(##:froL:p'|3L,NN) International News Network (GLINN) Lesbian comedian Kate Clinton will perform: 645-1830 53203 (Fax 289-0789) 289-7777289J7777 "Polls indicate that the vast majority of Lesbi?:£aiuer#ayrifa¥e°E;jrnt9o'nsfj?I-;:'#n#; 2022 W National 53204 PO Box 93626,93626. 53203 (Fen 2890789) inin CentennialCentennial Hall of of thethe CentralCentral LibraryLibrary at 4 C'est La Vie (Mw, D) 231 S. 2nd 53204 291-9600 J'#iafi'.bd®d#ilA5:mT%je.sto.2o4.532igJill S. Gilbert (Attorney) people who report knowing someone Gay Ave. Ste. 204 53219 321-9733 po%p#hoe##nngd#rySsfu#p###neoguv,saostngm#,3s]F8p#aayo§s 733 N. 8th Street beginning at 7:30 p.m.. 5 Club 219 (MW, OJ, V) 219 S. 2nd 53204 271-3732 5810 W. Oklahoma overwhelmingly support our rights," says 7;Jff2¥%VI#inD*23j;S:::nd+F¥ouou2;:# Dance, Dance, Dance (Mw, DJ) Havilcek & Assoc. (Advertising, P.R.) fifeNis8aTessqe5etjnbeaganv:`#£,atsz:73°atp.a;Tickets are $15 in advance, $17 at the 801 S. 2nd 53204 383-83303e3€330 1749 N. Prospect 53202 271-5819271"19 door. Clinton's show is being sponsored by 16 Deja-Vu (M,D) 235 S 2nd St 271-4368 Horizon Travel (Member IGTA) 53051 255-07042550704 the&°e°TLeq:jbn,ta°nn'SA,#:%iso?~eLn|n8trsop°ML£=udk:g Lesbian Alliance of Metro Milwaukee 6£:1.#as6Y:bT*L2#sefurB 1100 Club (Mw, UL, DJ, F) st :;= N81 W15028 Appleton, Men. Falls AIDS WalkWalk 1100 S. 1st Street 53204 647-9950 Kathleen±##:iThi¥TE#¥¥o#§:i:i:P:R±, E. Hume (Attorney) Education Fund, Inc.Inc. 2 Fannie's (Wm, D, F) 5665 S 108, Hales Corners 53130 529-2129 ►> contd.condd. from from page page 8 On Sunday, October 10,10. Rev.Rev. DouglasDouglas 200 E. Washington 53204 643-9633643J9633 HurricaneH#g'#xe7v2grg;s2,Toduedon9 Womyn's Productions Morgan Strong will deliver a sermon called 7;2:cO=i?8ap###)¥o7s2ndstse2Ou384cO Grubb's Pub (MW, F) 807 S 2nd St 53204 384-8330 PO Box 71268, 53211 walkers will directlydirectly benefit benefit thousands thousands of McooEaenosuttr,o6gmw:„oduet:ivviL:I::eTS:uE:,:tg 222:grw:ssEL# Kathy's Nut Hut F#Opr, (WM, G/S,®s, F, F, D) Di Denis Jackson, PhD. (Relational training, "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!" 342-40033424003 people in Wisconsin." 1500 W. Scott 53201 647-2673 hypnosis,HIV & Vocational Counseling) people in Vvisconsin." during the 1030 a.m. service at the 2122£fi.Zi%#E=RE%®ow,DJt KT & Zips Atmosphere (MW, DJ) J.R.K. Services (Handyman) 383-0650383Jrm In its four year the history, Wisconsin Unitarian3unRg:ianth3n#;:£iista.cmriu[S;rvvi%st,ait3o#: Universalist Church West, 13001 2800 N. Richards, 53212 372cO372-6330 Klerk#RE###HE#FT' Group (Hairdressing) AIDs'W#kf#::¥:i3:E!:tv°eY#£#iso#.n#:AIDS Walk has raised over $1.4 million. An 7 La Cage (Mw,(Mw, DJ, DJ, V) V) 801 801 S. S. 2nd 2nd 53204 53204 383-8330se3ira3o 773 N Jefferson 224-1783 W. North Avenue in Brookfield. Strong's estimated 20,000 people in WisconsinWisconsin are are 17 LooseLaNee EndsEnds (GS, MW, MW, F) F) KlausKasl#§.N,e##Te°sm6:SJ®rs53i3o & Meyers (attorneys) purpose is to "celebrate the diversity of the 4332 W. FondFond dudu Laclac 442-8469442"69 5665 S. 108th, Hales Corners 53130 529-2800 infected with HIVHIV and and the the numbers numbers areare #.pNo:gris?g:,#%bjrnat:rfi=kdfid%:is&tr##: human communfty"community" and affirm and and support 10 M&M Club (MW, F) 124 N. Water 53202 347-1962 Lohman Funeral Funerd Service growing by more than 30 percent a year. Gays and Lesbians.Lesbians. 8::#NT";!#chTMW:)€t2s4ed:icewat®rse2o2 Cafe Melange (MW, G/S, F) 804 W. Greenfield Avo.Ave. 53204 645-1575 RevenueRre°vwej:3ebfryo#°ti:#snco3n%j#eAr[B5twaa,%efj[i from the Wisconsin AIDS Walk will 720 N. Old World 3rd St 53203 291-9889 Mailroom"3ajL5av{E%nE:*:i;)53215 (Box Rentals) On Monday, October 11, AfterWords, directly supportsupport programsprograms andand services that 191:,#rasetprA'v:.'53204 Other Place (MW, F) 3109 W National Ave, 53215 643-7002 Milwaukee'sMitw£Re¥.:ndGaay}?#d°bLeers`b::nAftbeoYk::g:; Gay and Lesbian Bookstore 117 E. Greenfield Ave. 53204 672-3987672€987 Thomas E. Martin (trial & general law) must continuallycontinually expand to meet meet the 53203 765-9413765iml3 25257£fif35,aeedToner(Mw,F,D) ReneZ Co-Z Corner (MW,F,D) ` 344-9600 RE.fasMc#o#sTn!trifit:8i38ili%'161 W. Wisconsin, Suite 3189 demands ofof aa rapidlyrapidly escalatingescalating epidemic.epidemic. contd. onon pagepage ►. 1212 709 N 35, 53208 344-9600 InIn StepStop •- Odeb®rOctober 7-20,7-20, 1993 1993 • . PagePage 8686 Galano Club (chemical free recovery club) MADISONunlsoN (608) (608) ¥N?Fu#b|riealfrooecovaychb)2408 N. Farwell 276J5936276-6936 Gaylaxians (G/L sci-fi group) ORGANIZATIONSORGAN]ZAT[ONS adol¥m#l#une¥8¥RE)N.Shapard532« Emory Chumess, 2705 N. Shepard 53211 GAMMA (sports/social) LesbianLesbl&n Parents Parorfu NchAckNetwork ffi#T&ti#=ng,'>PO Box 1900, 53201 963.9833963-9833 POpo BQx Box 572, 537oi53701 255-8582 255e5a2 GayiLesblan/Bi Community at UWM Madison Volleyball Group Jeff, 251-8716 ¥O###EREiw#a2wBox 251, 2200 E. Kenwood 53201 229.5555229-6555 Madison#p#xF#,##;£#p Wrestling Club Jeff':=:: Gay/Les/BiGalaal¥ng'NY8¥#53°2'2.frtcan(S.E„wichaptor) Veterans of American (S.E., WI chapter) PO Box 8234, 53708 244-8675 do 3036 N. Booth, 53212 5624191562-4191 MAGIC Picnic Plenlc Comm. Gay People's Union PO Box 208, 53201 562-7010 636 W Washington 53703 256-3404 (EXT 220) B! PAINLESS PAINLESS Gay%?#eL.i##eept£°uTa2r2#:392k°#m=3£°8`)0 'Youth Milwaukee (regular peer group meetings) Men's«#ewAw,w#inoton Alanon 537o3 256"o4 255-8582(Erse%) POpO BOxBox 0944109441, , 53209 265-8500 265e5OO NewNpng Harvest E#,i#i%n7#on Foundation (en (G/L Foundation) Foundation) Gay Men's Discussion Group (Bill) 271-2565 PO Box 1786, 53701 Gay Men's Support Group (Bill) 271-2565 Nothing to Hide (Gay cable) 241-2500 Girthg#&=j;L#:g#Crg:#](E:I:)ce2,532oles2 & Mirth/Milwaukee P. 0. Box 862, 53201-0862 Parents¥P#B¥x:;H#T#i:o¥ & Friends of &b*®)a Gays & LesbiansLesmae 241-25oo i Great Lakes Harley Riders PO Box 1722, 53701 ffB##|9|ie#FieF6iiPO Box 341611, 53234-1611 10% Society (student organization) Box 614, Greater Milw. Maritime Assoc. (GMMA) UW Mem. Union, 800 Langdon, 53706 262-7365 GIVINGGIVING (Boating,social) POBox 1768,53201 259-0500 Unicorns:trFF##J;TEn#§;%'37&X6t4.as2.7as of Madison (UL club) Holiday Invitational Tournament (G/L bowling event) PO Box 536, 53701 EL#o¥l##ffl#o!1¥*#¥5n!C?W#AL,i;iffiPO Box 899, 53201 672-8960 The Unitedunm (Education, (Education, Counsolino' Counseling, Adv°cacy2)5ses82Advocacy) LambdaL#fe,E!oft3N2%rfrofro'idca'actionilce§}.4839 Rights Network (political action, legal 14 W. MifflinMimin St., Sl, Ste Sto 103 103 2558582 defense)Box 93252, 53203 871-4839 woniono|igWomonsong o^fomon's (Womon's chonal Choral Group) Group) 24612681246-2681 I Leg-N:'i[5§i§2an;,-fug-§is§F-dy'MotroLAMM (Lesbian Alliance of Metro Milwaukee) Mitwouke°)264.26oo PO Box 93323, 53204 264-2600 RELIGIOUSREL]G ]O u S LOCMrt)nanLOC/Women ofof cal{rColor 8734942873-4942 MACT (Men of All Colors Together) Integrity/Dignity Box 730, 53701 836+8886836-8886 Dave Mg:#O 527-4296 (£gr.,feA'] colon 'un®r) Veral vora, 347-0580 347,,58O Affirmation%###rty#F#7sowij#it`:#)Are,se7o5 (UG United Methodists) Mp#:x(M92U72q2:d£°29)MGALA (MU Graduates) 256-1347 When youyou givegive to to the the CREAM CREAM CITY CITY FOUNDATION FOUNDATION University Church,1127 University Ave,53705 PO Box 92722, 53202 256-1347 256f2353256-2353 Milwaukee Mi#ha#9in®ieisc',u££i¥BD' Bondage Club (SM/BD) ee9BDSM 3109 W National #805, 53215 669-BDSM through payrollpayroll deduction atat work,work, you'llyou'll never notic`enotice NarcoticsNar¢otlc. AnonymotlsAnonymous (request Gay mtgs.) 543-48505434850 Peoplep3#w.L#I#fr Living With ¥tgDs AIDS coumaon Coalition 273., 99, it's gone gone|ainless.-painless. MILWAUKEE (414) (414) 315 W. Court, 53212 273-1991 OberonsOberone a.®vELoather(Levi/Leather club)club) BoxBen 07423,07423, 5320753207 Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) ORGANIZATIONSORGANIZATloNS (Support, meets monthly, call Sandy) 962-9320 PrideFest (Pride Committee) More importantly, you'reyou're providingproviding suppor\t support forfor tLhethe ACT LIPUP Milwaukee Nilunuke® POPO Box 1707, 53201 769-8708769J3708 :tife;#rt:fr#rfrfu#rii#.sa&ndtttpF#g!9seo AI#E¥8coA#n#FTun(=iaFcytoT,ee`ingr)272oulAlcoholics Anonymous (req. Gay meetings) 272-3081 PO Box 93852, 53203 272FEST272-FEST Beer Town Badgers (UL social club) Queer Nation (Queer Action) Community. Things like start up assistance for groups %e:oNxag3°ng5!?u5e3ee2ro£Ction)PO Box 93951, 53203 PO Box B40, 53201 r I :n°dmoT::|tr2aTjho!:8.S::koekstiortr tuhpe:jsbsr:S:;,npcreo:°r:#rs Paul Bunyon Society(Social group for SaturdayS%i:%RE###2rLeagve(SS,BL) Softball Beer League (SSBL) and organizations, books for the library, programs for Big & Bear Men) PO Box 1252, 53201(Rob) 933-4761 PO Box 92605, 53202 Black:ja#:T#On#F%;28Ttfa::2r82?u££ritRchigan76{ & White Men Together Sexual Compulsives Anonymous (SCA) 276-6936 public television, films for a festival. PO Box 12292, 53212 265e5cO265-8500 I Sherman#e#i¥'##bowAnon## Park Rainbow Assoc. (SCA) 276¢936 public television, films for a festival. Black Gay Consciousness Raising 933-2136 POP0 Box 76115, 5321653216 Black=|¥afes:es¥#%nr#==T%¥.i:ckg(BLUEH:#ae#i: Lesbians United Emergence (BLUE) (Support/ SilverS#b®rB:xP%C7®, Space (Group ,(€rmupck°;o°!d3°,'±esbjans) for Older Lesbians) 27,.2565 Social Group) POBox 92146,53202 933-8746 PO Box 371, Elm Grove 53122 271-2565 S.O.S. (Alchohol/Addietion(Alchohol/Addiction Recovery) 442-1132 - Simply ask fora united way Donor choice form, or Brand Ne`ArNew Queer Queer Cable 1`/TV Sl)o`^/ Show • 442-1132 Simply ask for a United Way Donor Choice form, or POP0 Box 93951.93951, 5320353203 . Ujimauj#B(oAfr;jF83Tin[3¥#S5cO3cO282Ca''Eric)277.767, (African Am. Support/Social, Call Eric) Brothers Loving Brothers (Gay male support) PO Box 92183, Milwaukee 53202 277-7671 form and place an X along side of the T8#ff.L#dnst.?r5g#5Ta(Gaymale§upport)1330 N. 22nd St., 53205 an AchoiceAChoice form and place an X along side of the ByBAyffi#NA#mn§caNnesc)#ET£H7el85!bca&#e#2S#;671 Any Means Necessary (Health Care Needs for RELIGIOUS African Americans) Veral 347-0580 Rodney 277-7671 CREAM CITYCITY FOUNDATION. Castaways lJ.C.M.C. (Lovoucather (Levi/Leather club)club) Cross LlitheranLutheran C,hilrcll Church (Roconctled(Reconciled inin Christ)Christ) r PO BoxBox 1697,1697, 53202-169753202-1697 1821 N.16thN. 16th sl St. 344-1746 344-1746 CounselingCounsellng Center (Gay(Gay && Lesbian SupportSupport && DignityDiglgoing7?£.0% (G/L Catholic churchl Church) 444.71 77 discussion Groups)Groups) 20382038 N. Bartlett,Bartlctt, 5320253202 271-2565271-2565 PO Box 597, 53102 444-7177 Cream City Chorus P. 0. Box 1488, 53201 344-9222 Lutherans ColicomedConcerned Cream8::= 8i# City 8:=:. Cummers (°ch;°jx,5ffu.bj3201 (Gay NO Club) 344-9222 PO Box 11864, 5321153211 481-9663 481-9663 CREAM•CITY PO BoxBen 93421,93421, 5320353203 873-2895 873-2895 MAPMPA8 Spiritual §oPx]xrig¥%5?5r§2o2 Care 273-1991 FOUNDATION Creamc2rod#N:]¥thFgr#d2a{tl7E City Foundation (CCF)I:CBFO)x 204. 53201 265iceo , PO Box 92505, 53202 273-1991 2821 N. 4th St. #217B, or, Box 204, 53201 265-0880 Milwaukee Metropolitan Community Church CreamC(rceVIans:]u¥resBaanrcT:g City Squares club) 963-1436 UFMCC) PO Box 1421, 53201-1421 332-9995 (G/L Square Dancing Club) 963-1436 Plymouth:###)eg:o:#8¥:in,(:3#nr:#A2#:)rch Church-UCC (Open & Affirming) DAMES (Dykes Against Minority Erotic 2717 E. HampshireHampshire 964-1513 964-1513 Suppressiongk#i:8t!#on:eife=:£ii7:2:nfi#eE6£32#abeco) PO Box 1272, Milwaukee, 53201 TrieThe SanctuarySancttlary (Eoumenical,(Ecumenical, non nondenominational)-denominational) Different Drummer Theatre Alliance (G/L TheatreCo) 1636 W.W. National 647-9199 POP0 BoxBox 92756.92756, 53202 347ee73347-0673 St.sktRT8wFsp=]=ffitvg.ureh James Episcopal Church DUOSDLJOS (G/L (G/l Couples Couples SocialScoial Group) 833 W. Wisconsin Ave 271-1340 PO Box 21651, 5322153221 679-5446679- UCCUGCu£:##Au##crtyofchri§t) (United Church of Christ) FestF#jg|#,s{`£2ng,rs6!#]ychoTalgmup) City Singers (Gay choral group) do New Hope UCC 645-9174 ACH0ICEACHOICE PO Box 11428, 53211 263€lNG263-SING First Flrst Unitarianunitarian §celetySociety (Unitaiian(Unitarian Universalistuniversalist Church)church) mi.onio ro. cii^i.er Front F`unners^halkersRunners/Walkers 774-2668 13421342 N N Astor Astor 273-5257273-5257 InIn Step `• OctoberOctober 7-20,7-20, 1993 •` Page 12 In Step • October 7-20, 1993 • Page 85 pancakes, sausage, fruit, coffee and juice, Gay/Lesbian Support at UW-BG 465-2343 Coming Out Day pancakes, sausage, fruit, coffee and juice, HIV/AAffvy,fuAA¥t#grekfyu£#n::,TedBdG (weekly meetings) Todd 435-5639 gr?i3 will be held at Communfty Housing and be held at Community Housing and Theisfip6ocfodetiiodg63'Pago85 Guide Northern Wornyn,Womyn, Inc. (Lesbian(Lesbian -Support/socialSupport/social Group) • contd. from pagepage 10 Services (the(the oldold Brooks Street Y)Y) at 306306 N.N. Box 10102. 10102, Green Green Bay Bay 54307-0102 543070102 Brooks Street. There is a sliding scale of Parents a& FriendsFriends ofof a/LG/L 499-7080 and Espresso Bar,Bar, located at 2710 N. PositivePce[tive Vofc® Voice PP. 0. Box 1381,1381, 54305 54305 $12-$8, with Murray Avenue,Avenue, will host host aa ComingComing OutOut DayDay children half price. For further MW 1/2 Men, 1/2 Women Party.Party6:a6'ct9o6b%:9i9dri2,theGay,Lesbian Call 963-9089. information,?L`f:£8a'tj#,h=ifidtrheenb:'{epdr!=t.(E°or8;u2!§: call the United at (608) 255- M Prefer Men Only On October 11 or 12, the Gay, Lesbian 8582. Mw Mostly Men, Women Welcome MADISON (608) (608) and Bisexual Community at UW-Milwaukee The Ten Percent Society atat the W Prefer Women Only and Bisexual Communfty at UW-Mitwaukee Men Welcome will hold a National Coming Out Day UniversityUniversfty of of Wisconsin Wisconsin isis coordinating the Wm Mostly Women, MEDICALMEDIIAL will hold a National Coming Out Day G/S Gay & Straight Mixed "Speakout" at which participants participants can can shareshare most ambitious slate of community and campus UL Levi/Leather MadisonMadlson AIDSAIDS SLipportSupport Network (MASN) their coming out stories oror listenlisten toto thosethose of :°jtpuasmbbait:::Sevs::::fi::N:t%#auinttyom::gbased events for National Coming Dancing Out D HIV/AIDS Service Organization others. The speakout isis expected toto runrun Out Week. AllAll events events areare free and open toto DJ Disk Jockey, Dancing POBg/ftfs73S.:rv5L#T3anoan#ijt:nrops„ Box 731, 53701 (303 Lathrop St.) 23OuASN238-MASN from 10 a.m.a.in. toto 2 p.m.p.in. in thethe Eighth Note the public. RememberRemember to stopstop byby Bascom V Video BlueB]u£2Bb:j3#jtyctAnv':n(#°8g%5ThuTsday) Bus STD Clinic (Monday, Thursday) Hall on Monday, October 11 where the 1552 University Avenue 53705 262-7330 Coffeehouse onon thethe groundground floorfloor of the `RainbowHall on Monday,Flag will beOctober displayed 11 allwhere day. For.the F Food Service Rainbow Flag will be displayed all day. For Student Union at 22002200 E.E. KenwoodKenwood Bivd.Blvd. BARS details beyondbeyond what we've published here, here, Call (414) 229-6555229-6555 to confirm thethe date. i call thethe Ten PercentPercent Society at (608) FOA.FOX VALLEYV ALLL i4 (414) 2 Club 3054 (WM, DJ, V) 262-7365. 3054 E Washington 53714 241-49772414977 MADISON 1:±#b#£o#a:#ct*O:nrJ:±;4se7ce Rod's (Mw, UL, D) The Unifed,United, Madison'sMadison's LesbianLesbian and and Oil Sunday,Sunday, OctoberOctober 10,10, anan Interfaith lnterfaith BARS 636 W. Washington (rear) 53703 255Jee255-0609 Celebration of DiversftyDiversity andand lnclusiveness 1 The New Bar (MW, DJ, V) Gay Agency for Social Change, is hosting Inclusiveness Pivot Club (MW, DJ,V) 4815 W. Prospect (Hwy BB) 6®#;#ocnlu£6iE|/.DJIV)4815W.Prospect(:%8|:!8|£B)o 636 W. Washington (upstairs) 53703 256i„65256-8765 will be held at 7 p.m. at University United Appleton 54915 730-0440 %aoymAgj:Pceyv:::sS:Tcj:'nd?taon#n'gjsot?S5janyg.two major events around Coming Out Day. 3 Phaze II (GS. MW, F, D) Bar & Grill (MW, F) :feoar##tag:nEL:3:i;#rs,se7ce A party will be held at The New Bar, 635 W. Methodist#j:thb:drs:'8hautr?hp.iT.2;tu#¥:rs#AvuenLitueed. Church, 1127 University Avenue. 7 Rascals7i?2¥#%n:i:riA'*#'nFLgi 1 954-9262 117 W Main St. 53703 255eeg255-5029 A party will be held at The New Bar, 63S W. 702 E. Wisconsin. Appleton 54911 954-9262 Washington, on Saturday, Saturday, October October 9 9 from from On Monday,Monday, October October 11, 11, Jay Jay 4 Ray's Bar & Grill (MW, F) will include music, Hathaway, a History Professor at Edgewood 2415 Winnebago 53704 246-3949246€949 8-10 p.m. The $5 cover :frafiF##!#,F;2 Wings 3054 (MW, UL) dancing, food and door prizes. College, will lecture on Leading to ORGANIZATIONS 3054 E Washington 53714 244ee70244-8870 On Sunday, October 17, the United will Stonewall:!i;En:£y:,i.!#is#e:rreocfeos;n::i:e:a:fi:;;;oo`:f The Construction of Homosexuality inin America.-America: 1880 1880 to 1960. It ECHOE92H5oBtE,#Acv:rtrvi;|mA'8'E:#'v54grk::#,'235€{OO (East Central AIDS/HIV Organization) hosti:1::Cia::F±eaa;T5dg¥°;#ap#£pcm:u;:3rt;:asw:i'i a Pancake Breakfast from 8:30 a.m. It 725 Butler Ave, Winnebago 54985 (414)235-5100 BULLETIN BOARDS will taketake placeplace at 7 p.in.p.m. in the uWUW MemorialMemorial PFLAG Fox Cities until 1 1 p.m. p.in. The The breakfast, breakfast, featuring featuring P:#95F:rtti:!g#uto, 54i4o 749.1629 TheTh. P.rdrParty BBS BBS (mags,(msgs, files.files, echo mail)mail)(608) (6o8) 258-9555 258.955s contd. onon pagepage ►. 1414 Box 75, Little Chute, 5.4140 749-1629 FoxF:ZoV##:3:, Valley AIDS Pri%|e,Cipp|oton Project 54911 733.2o68 0RGAN]ZAT]ONS 120 N Morrison, #201, Appleton 54911 733-2068 ORGANIZATIONS UW-Oshkosh 10% Society Yyo#R::%hu##,207 Reeve Union, SJ#%?549o| UW-0, 54901 ACTACT UPUP NadleonMadison p.P. O. 0 BoxBox 2023,2023, 53701 251-7985251-7985 Tips for COMING OUT and Gay AA/Anon 494-9904 , AASPIN AS#9N, Foundation !8#dMa#Ra{f€;' (Goal orsTO¥|sor Wish Assistance €§;bs5fu¥7fi5Oi for G.W.E.E.D.A.&D¥v#p#gt(8ffi#)vy8E8#2'&n,%sEhck¥;a:in+¥:,3,:#+oE:#.sdhE%gfn(S:u:u:l„:g°::::ua:;Rento» (Greater Wis. Education & Economic PWAs) 2828 Marshall Ct, Ste 210, 53705 273-4501 Taking YOUR "Next Step" Development Alliance) PO Box 8286, Oshkosh 54903 Apple Island (VVomens Cultural Center/Hall Rental) Gay/LesbianG3asw+-¥8L#nsseTiEg¥e£#P Support Group 849 E Washington 258-9777258-9777 UW-0 Counseling Center 424-2061 Bette Davis Bowlers (G/L Bowling League) "Giant" steps and "Baby" steps all count the same! SynergySE8eEyx(£i'87S, (AIDS i:kp°drtuNL:¥84rkg)35Support Network) 235€ioo BF?°sE?X?%L.y5?(7Bq!exua|PO Box 321, 53701 support) PO Box 2137, Fond du Lac 54935 235-6100 Bi? Shy? Why? (Bisexual Support) Fox Valley G/L Parents 727-1975 PO Box 321, 53701 Susan, 251-3886 • Wear an openly Gay symbol or button for an entire week. LawrenceEiL#it:i:#Vii###:%!:;i::::a:P. Univ./Gay, Lesbian, Bi Group ,7;:-;9:Campus #i.::ijvi|#:iifgiijn;g*!u;;jsi Women's Center ii?i • Fly a (Lawrence University InfoDesk) 710 University Ave. #202, 53715 262-8093 Rainbow Flag outside your home on Coming Out Day October 11 and on Gay Box 599, Appleton 54912 (Jessica) 832-7563 Different Spokes (G/UB bicycling club) 241-8184 Pride Day in June. 18-21 Yr Old Social Group for LesBiGays 256-2667 • Call a radio talk show and introduce a Gay or Lesbian topic. (414) Frontiers Gay Men's Outreach (Gay/Bi Men's • Read a Gay newspaper openly on a bus or in a restaurant. GREEN BAY Organ) 14 W Mifflin. Ste 103,53703 251-7424 • Write out a check to a LesBiGay organization to support its work. Gay/LesbianCay7Lesblan phonePhone LineLine 255-4297 2554297 • Take a straight friend to a Gay or Lesbian event. BARS Gay/Lesbian Information Recording • Make a commitment to boycott a company or organization known to discriminate. %T%rb!aanp®'ff3;6On(ask for tape #3333) Recordn9 263€{oo263-3100 • Invite your Gay and straight friends to the same party. 3,¥6n#::n':{Y##)3 Brandy's II (Mw, UL) Gay/Lesbian Resource Center • Confront your co-workers about a bigoted joke or comment. 1126 Main St. 54305 432€9W432-3917 go:Bd¥ux:ff:±®5S3:7£'j,®oycee®nsterPO Box 1722, 53701 • Put your lover's photo on your desk at work. 1 Napalese Lounge (MW, DJ) G/L Educational Employees • Call a "him' and "her" a "her" when talking about your love life. 515 S. Broadway 54301 432-9646 c/o The United 255i}582255-8582 • Hold hands with your partner publicly. :5:,av=5,:soB#?T*wL,a:JL3o52 Java's (MW, V) 1106 Main 54305 435-5476 Gay Fathers c/o United 255ce2255-8582 • Have both of your names put on your magazine subscriptions. 2 Za's (MW, DJ, V) 1106 Main 54305 435-5476 Gay Men's Video Club 3F:'sss%)Dalv!.`£#a#ny5545433o03o5,4 Sass (VVM) 840 S. Broadway 54301 ij5#ng437-7277 §§v}¥*#+£ua#:dPO Box 8234, 53708 en owaenoss7 244us75244-8675 • Be openly affectionate with your lover upon arrival or departure at an air, bus or trair GALVAnize (Increasing G/L awareness) terminal. PO Box 1403, 53701 256-42892564289 • Go to your local jeweler with your lover to shop for matching rings. ORGANIZATIONS KissingKl8slng Girls ProduedonsProductions (Lesbian (Lesbian CuuuTal Cultural Events) • Invite your LesBiGay family to traditional family or religious -functions. POP0 Box 6091, 5371653716 • Take your lover home for the holidays this year. A:g'Boofx8;2T#8gchurch)Angel of Hope (MCC Church) 496-8688 Lavender (Lesbian Domestic Violence • Come out to your family — parents, brothers and sisters. PO Box 672, 54305 496ce ±u:#E:8:rofB£:£Tn:;::#:te:;.pH90, 255-7447 A.. ^." Argonauts of Wisconsin (UL Social Club) Support Group) • Come out to your landlord, neighbors and co-workers. AF8%¥22¥9T6TS£°#fn(IASocialc|ub) (Office. Lounge, PO Box 22096, 54305 LesBiGay Campus Center • Write a letter to your Senator or member of Dayton 53703 265-3344 Congress in support of Lesbian and Ga) Gay AA/Anon (Meeting Weekly) 494-9904 Resource Center) 336 W rights, Group Bay City Chorus PO Box 1901,54305 494cO29494-5029 LesGayBi Teen Support S%ENtyRE%"##8nopg#eie#}ap.5_ Sponsored) 251-1126/246-7606 • Help organize a march or discussion group on LesBiGay rights. CenterC:2T§:r:`a#a}T5:jgopj"E|#.%Co°rT#is75J94oo Project, Inc. (CPI] (HIV Test/Counsel) FL¥£-fri=Cji#;:s:udffi+:D##|=:,:-tae=(Briarpatch & Picada • Come out, come out, wherever you are! 824 S Broadway, 54305 437-7400 or (800)675-9400 __FT

In Step `v October 7-20,7-20, 19931993 v` Page Page 84 People Men/MenMen"en Graffiti If you're gay and HIV positive, the Positive Approaches C1000111, Photo StudloStudio LooklngLooking forfor Nod®ls:Models: RapuirementsRequirements are: 1.1. cleanClean cutcut boyboy nextnext doordoor type type look§. looks. 2.2. \^lellWell defined athleticathletic body.body. 3. Positive,Positive, friendly disposition. To Health (PATH) program is for you! Medical If youyou havehave allall these these.quamies, qualities, weve have exciting videosvldeos Bobby:Bobl:r)/: I Ican't can't believe believe the the ads.ads. It must be boring up there!there! plusP;u,8sP:nctd°p§hhct¥Si:t#e#°e:%:n,%rtgaeks?€a¥#ctDep;{$ photo shoots that you can partake in and get paid l{cepKeep in touch, there will alwaysatways bebo an ear inin Milwaukee. for! Send photo and letter to: Images: Casting Dept., KovlnKevin 1363 N. \^lellg,Wells, Chicago,Chicago. ILIL 60610. 60610. MAPFest: Thank you for inviting us us andand the beautifulbeautful plaque. WeWe allall hadhad a a blast. blast. Northern FtevlowReview is monitoring, T-cell counts, physician referrals, counseling, GWWGWM 5'11",5'11'', 155 Ibs.lbs. Btrel.Br/BI. 3030 yrs young looking. MadhatterMadhatfer {Wau8au):(Wausau): YourYour support and encouragement is as I make my Seeks friends/penpals. friends/penpals. VVIll Will traveltravel or entertain. II livelive inin appreciated more thanthan wordswords can express as I make my -Large Pageant. Love to all. Upper Peninsula biitbut traveltravel toto GreenGreen BayBay often.often. RR 3 way to the MissMiss GayGay USA-AI+a)goUSA-At Pageant. Love to all. KatrinaKatina KayeKaye Box 1011, 1011, Ishpeming, lshpeming, MI Ml 49849. 49849, Helen's: ThanksThanks for for a a gcod good show show & 8. groat great fundnaiser! fundraiser! Bob/ClubBotyclub 0494 stress management, nutrition and fitness—all of PATH's CWAAGWM Active Actlve Top, Top, 42 42 Bearded, Bearded. average average looks, looks, thin, thin, Casual Observer:Observer: Your Your comments comments are are un\^/antod unwanted andand un+ un- lbs. Seeks passive/submissive bottom for 5.7"5'7" 120 lbs. Seeks pass-rye/submissive bottom for necessary. Do everyone a favor, get a life! Spike someone loving, open-minded, relationship. II seek seek someone loving, open-mlnded. ##:a,:#.£ov#yoonue,atavor.Tony: I'm crazy for you! get a lifeL Mike S#,r: willing to commit to building experimental, intointo BroB/D andand willing to commit to building Sprlggy:Spriggy: AppAre you sure you can liandlohandle hearing Madonna Box a specialspecial relationship.relationship. Respond to: Gordonne, Box first thing in the morning? z SpikeSplk® services have been designed with you in mind. 3166, Oshkosh,Oshkosri, WIWl 54903. 54903. Photo Prioto appreciated, appreciated, serious serioiis #n,#i3:::g,oongl:Eilg:n'sonwinning"mcotobroxious"Pinky Sue: Congratulations on winning "most Obnoxious" relationship orientated only.only. no one deserves itit moremore thanthan you!you! Splk®Spike Do youyou likellke guys dressed upup asas prettypretty girls?girls? Vlvlan:Vivian: Don't listen to those wimpy,wimpy, sensitive H®Ien8Helens whowho Interested inin a soothing, relaxing massageimassage byby aa prettypretty don't enjoyenjoy your your tiumor! humor' KeepKeep up up the the good good `A/oittl work! PATH is free, confidential, and sensitive to your needs. crossdresseT?crossdresser? Call TerryTerry at (414)544-1164.(414)544-1164. I alsoalso do Spik®Spike seeing photo sessions. John F.:F.: WhyWhy won'twon't youyou speakspeak toto mo?me? I'm I'm tiredtired Ofof seeing you out and not talking. PleasePlease give me a chance. II want to Man Wanted: WheekthairWheelchair bound G\^MGWM 61.61. WouldWould likelike be your friend, \^ron.Iwon't you you please please let let me? me? Jon a.B. to pleasure slenderslender BIack Black oror VthlteMite male. CallCall anytime till 3am. 3am. Very Very oral. oral. (Racine) (Racine) (414)633-2521, (414)633-2521, Frank. Frank. (Casey callcall Frank).Frank).

WlsconslnWisconsin BatesBares -A - A nudist nudist group group for for 81 BI && GayGay men. For more information send send aa selfserf addressedaddressed stampedstamped envelope to..to: W.B., P.O. P.O. Box Box 1684, 1684, Kenosha, Kenosha, 0. Wl11


GWMCWM 31, 31. 5'11", 5'11'', 155155 Lbs. Lbs. Seeks Seeks discreet, discreet, down-to-down-to- In Step welcomes letters from our readers. earth G\^MGWM 21-3521-35 forfor friendshipfriendship possible relationship.relationship. with signature, the outdoors. P.O. Letters should be submitted Interests include: Sports,Sports, movies, movies, the outdoors. P.0. and Box 5161, Appleton,Appleton, WI W 54911-5161.54911-5161. a printed name, with verifiable address phone number. Black males 214021-40 seekingseeking a sharedshared lifelife wlhwith a We will not print letters that attack an

professional 40 year oldold GMGM in Milwaukee.Mihraukee. Contact: individual, group or business without & & Boxholder, P.O.P.O. BoxBox 10361, 10361, Milwaukee, MihraLikee, WI WI 53210, 53210. publishing the author's full name. Letters respond to all. `whhwith note. note. Will Will respond to all. submitted anonymously will be thrown in ProfessionalProf®sslonal Individuallndlvldual SeekingSeeking intelligent.intelligent, the trash. sophisticatedsopriisticated companion,companion, 18-3018-30 y.o. y,o.,, for for relationship relationship Letters will be printed with "Name Withheld and to assist \A«hwith artistic ventures.ventures. My interestsinterests By Request" only if the author is known to include: Music,Miisic, traveltravel & a movies.movies. Serious Serious letter letter andand the Editor and the author presents a valid, photo willwill getgct reply;reply: Box 614.614, Ripon.Ripon, W]WI 54971. logical reason for not wanting their name such letters must EstablishedEstabllslied GWAAGWM looking looklng for same. same. Seeking used. When submitted, Call the Milwaukee AIDS Project at 414.273.1991 to learn how beginnings of aa relationship thatthat is stable and mature.mature contain the information in paragraph one Call (414) 792-1690. above, with a written request to withhold the authors name. Male BodybuilderBodybulld®r photographer prlctographer seeksseeks male In Step will not print letters with a bodybuilders toto photograph. Bigger isls better, butbut goodgood may be PATH can work for you. PATH is a collaborative program strings pseudonymous signature. Letters tone andand definitiondefinition OK, too.too. Free Free copiescopies (no(no strings keep attached)attaclied) toto hunkshunks whowho replyreply to:to: P.O. BoxBox 8212.8212, ejected or edited for length (please Janesville, VvlWI 53547.53547. less than 300 words); lack of good taste; libel and lucidity. If letter is not submitted for publication. of the Milwaukee AIDS Project and STD Specialties Clinic. GAY please note so on the submission. InIn StepStep •. OdeberOctober 7-ac,7-20, 1993 •` PagePage 14 InIn StepStop •` Odeb®rOctober 7-20,7J20, 1993 1993 • - PagePage 83e3 Coming Out Day Gay And Lesbian Victory Health ServicesServices Model/Entertainerrmel/Enterfuiner FuanydATnodHL:iEjainnj[¥:Cu€£e¥Fund To Hold Milwaukee ►• contd. from pagepage 12 Professional Non-sexual Massage — Therapy for Event November 221 I men##E.£n#nT::=:#:#ELg®th=pTste¥#ogr & women. Licensed, certified therapist offering Union. Check TodayToday /.nin the Uni.onUnion for Day & Eve. appts. Rlch,Rich, InnInn ofof thethe 7th Ray,Ray, 6029 6029 W. W. ALEX Greenfield,Greenflek], West\^fest Allis,Allis, 259-0559. 259-0559. locations toto allall UnionUnion eventsevents listedlisted here.here. `, MilwaukeeMl[`Araukeo — - Mitwaukee Milwaukee willwill hold its IODEL On Tuesday, October 12, a panel very first GayGay and Lesbian victoryVictory Fund ERTAINER discu9snionTuo#dfych,.n3ct8ffe;n'8:map„Psa#fiidiscussion on Coming Out on Campus will event on Sunday, November 21, 1993 at the Insurance be held atat 77 p.in. p.m. inin thethe MemorialMemorial Union.Union. AtAt new::#&;is#doa¥:ra°¥:-gabfr.21,1993atthe Skylight Opera Theatre. Available for 9 p.m.,p.in., MarilynMarilyn Pittman, Pittman, a a Lesbian Lesbian The VictoryVlctory Fund isis a nationwide Health, Life,Llfo. Disability Dlsablllfy && Long Long TermTerm Care Care Insurance Insurance needs metmet by by Mltwauke®'s Milwaukee's only openly Gay agent (10 Private Shows. comedian fromfrom SamSan Francisco, will performperform network of donors commifedcommitted toto helping the Fredric March Play Circle in the years)Iyears)! Call RalphRalph 445-5552. 445-5552. We \^le now nowprovide provide P & C -- 24 Hours -- in qualified openlyopenly Gay Gayand and LesbianLesbian candidatescandidates insurance coverage (busin®s§,(business, homeowners,homeormers, etc.). etc.). Union. A reception will follow at Memorial win elections. elections. ByBy pooling pooling resources resources and (4141669-9554 t#:t#L:en:a:::U:n:i:8:yEr:=!dii%:xCu#ii'efg!in:wpt:a:tthe Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Campus tparrogv%j:gtargeting contributions, a:tdri£:¥ggs'w#e the Victory(¥eq°#naE:rat Fund Legal Center at 336 W. Dayton Street. provides candidates with the financial I Nictvis.k On Wednesday, October 13, separate resources and expertise theythey need toto workshops on Safe Sex for Gay and become front runners.runners. InIn thethe pastpast twotwo years, years, Estate, Tax & Business Planning. Effective advocacy People Bi/Couples ;;n:t,:|[o#e:a:nnef:d:y:;:oF!iT:f3d,G:g::a:taiBisexual men and Lesbians and Bisexual the VlctoryVictory Fund Fund hashas contributed to State ¥gff#%io?E#L#so:!=n.'f¥a#ec&tiv°h:#ffi& affordable Legal Services. South & North side __ Peop]eBi/Couples _ women willwill bebe held in thethe Memorial Union Rep. Tammy Baldwin's successful campaign MilwaukeeMll`raukeo offices. J]«Jill Gilbert,Gilbert. Attorney,Attorney. 321-9733.321-9733, at 7 p.m. Also, watch for the special Coming at 7 p.in. Also. watch forthe special Cfom/.ng £:Ph.eTrasmt%B£#n;ast:¥h=iy'G:#gfa©i:for her state seat, and to Shelly Gaylord in Straight husband. She: 5'4", Daily Cardinal published BIBIcilrlou.-Curious Fen.I®:Female: Straight husband. She: 5.4r. Out issue of the her successful run forfor aa judicialjudicial seat. PrychicPsychic blonde, good-looking, mid 30's. Husband, mid 30's, 6 that day. At 9 p.m. that night, the LesBiGay Special guests atat Mjlvraukco's Milwaukee's event LTLETffiT+lEREHHiHHHEft. good-looking, seeking friendship wlBi female. (608) Campus Center on Dayton Street will show are: People WlthWith AltomatlveAlternative lifestyleslifestyles PreferPrefer 1-900-737-1-900-737- +©135.Cwh752-9135, Carol. !i#j!:¥:itt!r::i;:`a#£r!#jtE#Biioi[the video of Randy Shilts' And the Band T• DavidDavid MixnerMixTter — -As As a senior advisor 1818, ext.ext. 783,783, ForFor a a live,live, one one on on one one Psychic Psychie advice edviee S(mJmlglitStraight Male Male 39, 3a LingerieLingche loverlChrer looking locking for fo PlayedP'ayed On.On. to Bill Clinton Clinton and and the the ClintonClinton-Gore-Gore to theirtheir Importantimportant questk>nsquestions on Love.Love, Health,Heath. Money, On Thursday,Thursday, October October 14, 14, a apanel panel Job, Business, Mates. $2.98 min. 18+,18+. AvolonAvoton - G/Bi/Straighta/Blrstnalgm females.females, Ictislet's play!playl Fredricks Ftedricks ofct campaign,campaisn, DavidDavid played an instrumentalinstrumental rolerole Hollywood, Victoria's Secret. Write me: Jim, 3109 W. discussion calledcalled Out afat WorkWork willwill bebe herdheld (305)525-0800.(sO5ys25~. in helping helping forge forge an an unprecedentedunprecedented alliancealliance NationalRTE##:;+3ffiit##:,ffi#£ioow Ave., Box 702, Milwaukee, VV1 53215. beginning atat 6:306:30 p.in.p.m. inin thethe Memon.alMemorial between BillBill ClintonClinton and and thethe nation'snation's Gay Union. State Rep. Tammy Baldwin will and LesbianLesbian communfty.community. Couhse[ingCounseling PcOp[ePeople TS/TV/CDTSITNIC!D ¥::°un;sS#tt:aRe£.iscTn?mTnma¥io:=idww:rp%!j!discuss state anti-discrimination laws. Prof. •T BobE)ob and and Rod Rod Jackson Jackson-Paris-Paris — -Bob Bob Jay Hathaway, Madison Police Detective has earnedearned both both titles titles ofof Mr.Mr. American and Olson, UW Career Advisor and Planner alazoH,3#W#'c¥raed::°Andv?s°:jr=ngati:#eerAlix Mr. Universe.Universe. BodybuildersBodybuiiders Bob andand RodRod are COUNSELING FOR: BIWMBIWN SeekingSe.klng BlackBlack TVTV — - ForFor romanticromantic evenhg8.evenings. Leslie Kohlberg, formerformer computer computer companycompany blessed withwith intelligence, success, suooess, celebritycelebn.ty I'm 43, 5'9", 183 lbs. You, 28-40 yrs., slim and love to • Relationships manager RalphRalph Rodriguez, andand MarthaMartha and each other. This couple draws an extra • Relationships ::s¥'€'oor#:E:'¥%'n:#2.yTwhs%'mc#,'%°j;dress. No pros! I'm clean, UB2. Write CJ, 3109 W. 53215-1153. Popp, a teacher and member of Gay and sense:::seea:Pp°;hrp::.s:hd%mco#Pe':r€rn:#.anextra of purpose from their union. • Sexual Identity Issues National,Natlonal, Ste.Ste.10e. 108, Mite.,Milw., WlWI 53215-1153. \ Lesbian Educators, will share their own ::#i'a:tEa:i:tro%|dwTifms£::e°fthGe?ryoathd •T William Waybourn Wayboum —-As As execut.ive executive • Individualhdividual TherapyTherapy FICTION • MEET OTHERS • TRUE STORIES • NARRATIVES. experiences onon thethe job.job. AtAt 88 p.in.,p.m., Valli director of the Victory Fund,Fund, WilliamWilliam has has More Details? Call 1-404 333-6455 7". Kanhuha of the Hunter College Center forfor been an advisor toto President ClintonClinton and JEANIE E.E. SIMPKINS, M.S.M.S. S Ne4t, FAva.44.,! star AIDS will speak, speak, alsoalso in thethe MemorialMemorial speaks beforebefore GayGay andand LesbianLesbian groups 282-6160 Maid to a Order Union. throughout the U.S.U.S. 0 Friday, October 15, the Ten A„ 1-900-9 990-4843Non. On Friday, October 15, the Ten • Representative Tammy Baldwin — TEmoDORETHEODORE I.I. FRIEDMAN,FREDMAN, Ph.D.ph.D. S19. 0 FOr 20 5511 OR 0 Percent Society will sponsor a Coming Out Boe. 566065 0 wsco'ngi%reiev#idt:Ved::gmhTe¥Baan'dT€JTaEWisconsin's favorite daughter and State PsychotherapistPrychotherapist G"" 6 1 - 900 - 446 - 2336 Week Dance beginning at 8 p.m. in the 150.9 S13 41Ft, 22 Connection Fee Plus S1.99 Per 2114. representative inin Madison. Private, discreet discreet services in a non-medical services setting,byahighlyexperiencedprofessionalHomebound in a non-medical setting, Must be 18 yrs or Oder to Coll PlelOgP Call HI rot In Fi:e:IntD::#e:b,ewgi!:ni:epnogn;a:trmgo;a,LTin|fn:h::tGreat Hall of the Memorial Union. Be sure to set aside Sunday,Sunday, by a highly experienced professional. Homebound CATALOGS • BOUTIQUES • COACHING • SERVICES Admission to this dance isis $3.$3. ThereThere willwill be November 21,21, asas a date that will help help shape sliape services; st`identstudent ratesrates; ; paymentpayment plans as necessary. a DJ and cash bar.bar. your future. Tickets will be $100 per person. New Office Office in Gurnee in ± On Saturday, October 16, a #:rp%:.mTj£#ewhj:i8:nst`h°e°bpaer:§:I::n&The program will be held in the bar, salon & Milwaukee (708) (708) 249-8720 249-8720 Chicago £hien Community Picnic is scheduled for Milwaukee opera house, itself, where a video will be (414)(4izJZ7Z=ZF27 272-2427 (312) 726-5241 Brittingham Park beginning at Noon. In case screened:8reer:n:8ubseedr:Seenif'spweheec[hee3.Videowiflbe between speeches. of;,#:ieEaeTn:pailjih:i:,:.n,i:;g:iib¥e±o::ltd:s'%:: inclement weather, the alternative site is For more information call: TomTom ReedReed or the LesBiGay Campus center atat 336336 W.W. Jon MartinMartin atat (414) 962-3741. rmGH-TECHHIGH-TECH DAmNGDATING FOR Dayton Street. Editor's Note: Readers in other cities AunRNIunALTERNATIVE LiFEsrvlEs LIFESTYLES z4-iho.24-11ours arty Day IstalBi]thoty Privacy andandE8dofffronrss#udrRe#er%#;%#£, towns should call their local bars, <:I..` . ',`..`` -.,. campus centerscenters or or commuhifty community groupsgroups forfor 900-680-151590Q.-680-]5rs Ext.Ext. >00( xxx events in their area. InIn StepStep wants toto ortysL®pdrOnly SLID pa ninutc 8+18. cbNdLbehdi+I.ellolieCola Mud Use Ixidl-tnnc Phone publishPounb§S#u#gper#eg##fsbsti#ashibnutto#srly- comprehensive listings, but we rely SGC,sac.hc.zrs-2g34246 Inc. 215-293-0246 on groups getting the information to us. I ` `.`!` ' `. F.

InIn Step •` OctoberOctober 7-20, 1993 1993 v ` Page Page 8282 Male for Sale — By the hour... cleaning! Fantastic house#£:e':|re&a::=va#abti::*3¥:.incfa#'a:8rndt:#i; cleaners available. We're thorough, affordable, Bed aer Breakfast reliable, honest, honest, experienced.experienced. Bonded/Insured. Bonded/Insured. Great Great references. Personalized, smiling service. Call Paul/Todd...Ee::frnfeds....thpeeLsfn/#Epe£'vedsE!::3.susdesrvt::;.(4:3'; the New/Improved 'Soap-Suds Kids' (414) Eagle Cove Bed a& Broakfast! Breakfast! Rustic. Rustic, ridgctopndgetop retreat 265-1105,265-1105. (Mow.)(Milw) 65 miles SE Ofof MinneapolisMinneapolis overlookingoverlcoking the Mississippi River,River. Country Country setting setting near near bike bike trails, trails, antiques.`antiques, VCR Services...Servlcos... Complete VHS oror Beta Beta repairs, repairs, boating, and eagles. F`eservationsReservations required.required (612) 822-822- $38.86.se8.86. Includes NEW basicbasic parts,parts. cleaning,cleaning. & 0276, (COO)(800) 467-0276, 467ro276. vrarranty.warranty. Cleanings $18.$18, We buy broken VCRs. LowLow cost lv/StereoTV/Stereo repair.repair. Piekup/deliveryPickup/delivery andand estimates OrganizationsOrgariizations FREE. Call (414)(414) 277:XXXX277-XXXX (9999).(9999),

Welcome toto S.O.S.S.O.a. —- AA mutualmutual helphelp groupgroup forfor alcoholicsalcoholies and addicts uncomfortableuncomfortable withwith traditionaltraditional Forestruest f}om home ¢£mrfurv Ginetfq spiritual/religiousspirftuavreligiou8 programs. programs. OurOur approachapproach to recoverylecovery isis basedbased on individual responsibility responsibility and reason. CallCall MichaelJVAchael KoszutaK®szufa Richard (414)(414) 442-1132. Director oFof FamilyFamily ServiceService New contact cltibclub forfor MomMen EnjoyingEnjoying MutualMutual Masturbation & Oral Sex. Newly formedformed and growing.growing. Send SASE forfor moremore informationinformation toto MEMMOS:MEMMOS: P.O. :-ii:-- Box 3145, Madison, Madlson, WI Wl 53704-0145. 53704-0145. \ 2405 WEST WEST FOREST-HOME FOREST HOME AVENUE AVENUE S&M Group forming for Gay/Bi Males only. Instruction, MILWAUKEE, WI WI 53215 53215 demonstration,§:#oefruapti'o°nT`jn#]§;!{rjnva'e:,#{:.d'nstcruh:£:i participation. Limited Charter memberships,membersliips, Charter Charter meeting mecting soon.soon. All facets facets toto bebe 414/645-26324.14/645-2632 explored. LeaveLeave message.message. Jon (414)(414) 933-1572,933-1572. . StevensStov®ns Enterprises:Entorprlses: 1 1-800-385-8432. BOoe85-8432. Mass Maillngs,Mailings, Services DatabaseDataba8o Entry, LogoLogo designing. designing, Word Word Processing. Preeegsing, Resumes, TermTom Papers, Monthly Calendars. Calendars, Wall/Signs-Banners,Walvsisris-Banners, PersonalizedPersonalized Greeting Greeting Cards, Cards, Handymanllandyman SpecializingSpecializing inin minor electricalelecthcal and CheckbookCheckbcok Reconciling-Budgcting.Reconciling-Budgeting. "Clerical "Clerical JackJack of of All All Service. plumbingpfumbing repairs, repairs, ceiling ceiling fans fan§ installed, installed, faucets faucets Trades" Personalb:edPersonalized Service. EST replaced and more. Flexible hours.liours. ReasonableReasonable rates. Call JoeJoe at JRK SenricesServices 383-0650. PleasePlcase leave InvestmentsInvestm®ms .- RctbememRetirement Planning, MutualMutual Funds, Funds, message.nrossage. (Mite.)(Milw.) Bond funds,funds. securitiessecuuties byby Mitwaukee'sMilwaukee's only Gay C•L•I•N•I•C Financial Planner (10 yens).years). FinancialFinancial Planningplanning CommunitySpiritCommunlfysplrlt LesbianLesbian && Gay TelephoneTelephone LongLong Services,Servlces, 445-5552,445-5552. , Brady East STD Clinic • 1240 East Brady Street • Milwaukee, WI 53202 Distance. Call VvchdvndeWorldwide andand saveSave up to 25% offoff your bill,bill. 2% 2% of Of your your bill bill is is donated donated toto the communftycommunity Alterations & Custom Tailoring: October special: Get (414) 272-2144 organization Ofof your choice. Swhch Switch Today. Today, Call Call 1-(BOO) 1-(800) to,##¥n8y&a€eY%Tomn::]#F,:ffi°Thr:Spffi###10% off any alteration or repair! Call The Perfect Fit, 546-0549, 24 hours/day. It'sIt.s a Family Thing. (414) 281-1672,281-1672, Mitw.Milw. LOHMAN Home Repair/Remodeling FUNERALFUNERAL.SERVICE SERVICE irou can designate The BESTD Clinic as your JOE KOCHKOCH, . Sr. -- OwnerOwner I DirectorDirector 0(=, @REMODELING 1993 United Way contribution recipient. -IngutTies lrwited - ` a©REMODEL.NG V - Inquiries Invited - KitchensKitcltens •. Baths •. CustoihCustom CabinetryCablneby 804 W. Greeenfield Aye.Ave. DickD]ck or Ken htilwaukeeMilwaukee .• 645-1575 414/684-3487 Anonymous HIV Testing every Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday Serving lylilwaukee Milwaukee & FoxFox Valley AreasAreas 6pm to 9pm -by appointment- at the BESTD Clinic "Pushing fhe±'=-..=' the REWELLSINK Anonymous advertising Wednesday Friday Friday Thursday Friday HIRE AN HIV envelope!" Traveling October 6 October 8 October 15 October 21 October 22 AMAZON Testing La Cage Triangle Wreck Room M&M Station 2 Clinic 9pm-12am 9pm-12am 5pm-8pm 8pm-12am 9pm-12am WELLS INK ABLE AMAZONAMAZON HANDYWOBKHANDYWORK 414.272.2116 ` ?amongp®inlm.. Plumbenp. plt.mtidno. Ca/witty cg..iiur ^ei.Able T® lo Ilepeeftopgiv l . rico...fLepi.c. The BESTD ClinicC\inie answersansurers your ETVHIV questions q.uesttons everyeiieng Thursday Thursdag on FreeFro. EstlmategEstimates CallCop 263-2889263-2ee9 JIIATA,MATH, Milwaukee drtzttiatik:ee Warner War7ier Cable Cable Channel Chartriel 47 47 at at 7:00pm.7;OQpm. In Step `v OcfroberOctober 7-20, 7-20,1993 1993 `v Page 16 In Step vI October 7-20, 1993 1993 v` PagePage 81 Local Stonewall Committee Seeks Broader Representation Classies Ad Order Form PLEASEpl£ASE PLACEplACE MY My AD AD IN INTHE The FOLLOWING FOLLOuNG IN STEP IN sTEp "CtassiEs" "aAssns" SECTION: sEcnoN: Next meeting slated forfor I ❑DAccounthg Accounting DEmpleyment❑ Employment 0D InsuranceIusunce ❑D Miscellaneous 0D PuuncationsPublications October 1919 I ❑DBed"rcakfast Bed/Breakfast DHealthseTvices❑ Health Services a❑ Legal Legal a❑ Notices Notices 0I Real Real EstateEstate ❑ ❑ a❑ Mad Mail Order D❑ Organizations t]❑ Resorts I DBullethBoardBulletin Board OHomeRepaiT/Home Repair/ \ Analysis By Ron Geiman I❑ Busi. Busi. Opport. Opport. RemodelingRemodeling 0D Models/Mdets/ D❑ Peoplepeep,e D❑ RoommatesRcommates ❑ ❑ EntertainersEnterfroers a❑ Pets Pets D❑ Services Milwaukee —The-The ad ad ho., ho-; Stonewall 2525 Buy/Sell Housing ❑ MilwaukeeMitwaukee committeecommittee metmet SeptemberSeptember 20 at ❑ Camping ❑ Instruction 0a Movingrstorage Moving/Storage 0I Psychic Psychic 0 ShoppingShopping ts:e:fr:n:d:T::c#:smc::&::Triso:f,.::!tr:o:lost:ithe Milwaukee Enterprise Center, the i U;¥¥i_a Counseing Counseling :Eggon 0 Travel Travel second such meeting of a proposed MAPFEST display kicked off the fundraising Milwaukee/Wisconsin Stonewall 25 efforts and generated aa fangelarge number of BOLD LEADl£AD IN IN 04axlmum(Maximum 2525 let(ers} letters) Committee.Comm.rttee. The local comm.meecommittee willwill names forfor a a future future database/ database/ mailing mailing list. list. _ eventually become part of the Stonewall 25 On SeptemberSeptember 20,20, inin aa unanimousunanimou,s Midwest Region organizations that is vote, consented toto selectselect AfricanAfrican American preparing for the Stonewall 25 celebration in Lesbian activistactivist LoriLori Coleman, Coleman, as as thethe ;#jns;t,#jr:uff§#set5o:Eagj:ra;n:gth£§oft;enber¥t:i,n2,,:New York, June 25-26, 1994. Wisconsin delegate to the next Stonewall Various parts of the '94 international #SN:tiposina,dseign?#o#£itneeerdmset:8:gYat!25 National Steering Committee meeting, to c®lebvraatiT;°nuin&au¥e:fthaerc'h94oin:£F3ti#eadcelebration include a March on the United be heklheld this October 22-25 injn Boise, Idaho.Idaho. Nations for Gay, Lesbian, Bi, and ColemanCoieman was electedelected interiminterim Midwest Transgender Rights all over the world. The delegate when the National Steering ::a:#s:gsewnj#:'sE£!#:natl,:°ev:b::th::oY:#|dn.e¥9:events will last the entire month of June '94 8eoigmakeeew#:FhethreeAUNgautis°tni:Ths:e:£nt%Committee met here August 1. The state in New York, coming on the heels of the had to select its delegate quickly named so Gay Games IV and annual meetings and &aad(I;es::nctfufdeleiegpates::i#sn£Ts¥:::that person could represent Wisconsin in conventions of most major LesBiGay any Midwest Regional Regional meetings, meetings, andand atat thethe The organizations around the world. meeting in Boise. must be supplied (if published in your of 'Your signature, area code and DAYTIME verifying phone number celebration marks the 25th anniversary Within days of the September 20 ad attests that you are of legal age and your request is to York's i£)?urrysto¥g=:=;o¥:pr:B]!##n#edpra£±honthea:u#ar:oiletalsoaEti#!f##¥¥;Iad). 'Your signature for a People (personal) ;jig:e§!ggi§e::;a¥;iji{:dtn:n;u§:i:°i:e;i:¥§i:o!fthe Stonewall riots in New meeting, committee representatives had meet other people at no expense on their part. All ads must be accompanied bli_payment and mailed Greenwich Park, often citedcited asas thethe birthdatebirthdate obtainedgb%fn¥9:jn#nfdari|#fo:Ppe#€een:¥:¥=e:ser82ir2 funding from the Cream City or delivered to In Step Magazine. No classified ads accepted by telephone or fax. of the modern Gay and Lesbian rights Foundation'sFoundaton'sLeadershipDevelopmentFund Leadership Development Fund ±ife:TH=iffon#cdrFrfu:-ri¥EfrF##£EEioTulisFHfifi movement,:fovtheeme#eaTd and Gthag the 3:£date Leer::i:dn around wrighpcE which to purchase aa discoLinted discounted air fare ticketticket forfor Placed by: Phone: ( Pride Committees havehave foousedfocused events Boise. TheThe CCFCCF isis toto bebe applauded forfor every year since 1970. acting on a special funding request within The September 20 meeting, to which I:u#:g.fe::.fa:.P:CE'&#:u#f.aT!#S::o#!just a few hours. Their quick action enabled 'Signature: Wisconsin area LesBiGay Lori to purchase a ticket the last day of an ::eryk#?#%#:;:i.?mae,:ti;ng'Lte°s#g:Sall known "airfale wars" sale. organizations were invited, only had about' "airfare wars" sale. PRICING YOUR AD . • • toe¥ag:=oapti,:ninwaeJ:enLn#=!''::?eh#:R::tlten people in attendance, none of whom On the agenda for the September 20 i PRICING YOUR AD . . was fromfrom out ofof town.town. However, the letterletter meeting also: CCF Proposal Starting Costs; inviting all the groups to send a gnedetia?i.:Tkseoa:8:g:Fdiro:p:t:,ess#e##:orsthg:and a look at the committee structure the Chargeforoneissue!30wordsorless}isse.00Charge for one issue (30 words or less) is $8.00 representative probably wasn't mailed out in Chicago Stonewall 2525 committeecommittee setset up as ai:vpill#eenlyfa?ELeengu:gbhag[iu:p:s:::tom#Eedni:t:,;` timely enough manner for many aahep£Su§£ihg,:d£:sfo:gay;Sre¥jF:£ngd°tiuopn. possible model for the Wisconsin group. Multiply 201 times the number of words OVER 30 organizations to respond. Wiconsin Because there was a lack of representation i Multiply 20¢ times th.e number of words OVER 30 LesBiGay groups are encouraged to send a • from a broad enough cross section of I Total for FustFirst IssueIssue representative to the next meeting, LesBiGayi:smBi8aybrfiigcoenns?nugatth¥:Seei#°fios°ef Wisconsin at the meeting, those !e;!r!sii:y;3fi:s:ti::i;n;£;3of:#:fi6:p:#:tscheduled for Tuesday, October 19, 6pm, at in attendance decided toto put those issuesissues I tchoenfer¥i'£a#:i,2E8n2t.erR.r!:tens?,::t:ejrrithe Milwaukee Enterprise Center, off to the October 19 meeting. The October TimesTines numbernumber ofof issuesissues ad shouldshould run Conference Room, 2821 N. 4th Street, in 19 meeting was scheduled prior to I Coleman's trip to Boise, so she could go to Milwaukee.Mitwaukee. g!:o##n#b,!'a::,sTe:h:eti;g!EeT:E?Lfi;oob:: I Enclosed isis cash,cash, checkcheck oror moneymoney orderorder for:for: $S the first local meeting August 28 (as the national meeting with latelate breaking At the first local meeting August 28 (as I reported in Issue 18) the group made the Wisconsin organizing news.hews. I MAIL OR0R DELIVERDELIVER ToeTO: a booth at The October 1919 meetingmeeting willwill also looklook I decision by consent, to set up I MAPFEST to get the word out about the at a structurestructure for the group and confimconfirm itsits IN STEP RAGAZINEMAGAZINE IN I Official Stonewall 25 name, asas wellwell as as consider consider permanent pemanent I localff;[o:E:sat:y:§fg§:t:,::+t£,§t;::u::t::§a{::t:t[a§ organizing effort. L 225 SouthSouth 2nd2nd Street .• Milwaukee,Milwaukee, WIW[ 53204 53204 merchandise was obtained forfor sale, sale, andand thethe committee positions. L - - Ii -----..------_ _ _ _I_J InIn Step •` OctoberOctober 7-20.7-20, 1993 `v Page 8o80 HairdresserlJalrdre.s®r -East- East To`rm Town —-Tied Tired Of of franchises? franchises? \^fant Want Housing to rmve?move? beDo it it newtnow! \deWe needneed experiencedexperienced pcopte.people. Bring Clientele,Clientele. extra extra bonus. bonus. Insurance, Insurance. salary, salary, GalenaGal®u 3522 3522 W. W. - -Cozy Cozy thrBo three room room studk) studio upperupper `Ath with conndss!oncommission or reasonable rentrent. RepliesReplies conlidentfal.confidential. muoroWhere Cancan youyou meetmoot quality,quality, compatible,oompatiblo, available avallablo people pooplo of of all utilitiesutilities included. included. Also Also has has garage, gafage, fencedfenced yard,yard. 273-1400, Tues.-Sat.Tues.-Sat. , laundry && cable cable TV. lv. Pets OK.OK, $255,se55, JolmJohn 771-7743 oror 577-2379. Dancers:mnc®rs: Male performersperfomers sought:ougm for dancingdancing lnin the §ano-soxsame-sex for lastinglasting rolationship§relationships andand friendships?friendships? Madison `Cbib.Club. Pay Pay andand perksperks negotiable,..negotiable... call (608){608) 3 Bedroom upperUpper ForFor RentRent Cheap!Cheap! \destsid®.Westside. 256-3360 noonnoon till till 5pm5pm RAF. M-F. se50/in.$250/mo. && utilities.ut!litles. Includes Includes stove, stove, refrigerator, rngerdor, access to to \^fasher/Dryer. Washer/Dryer. AvailableAvailable 10/93.10/93. CallCall Bruce Personal Ads?Ads? Anyone can writewrite a Wouldn't itit bebe nicenice toto determinedetermine at 873-2895873-2895 (Mitw.). (Milw.). Buy/SellBuy/Se[[ fairy tale. TheThe -personperson may may soundsound compatibility even before meeting? Brady A. Humboldt - 1 Bedroom upper flat for quiet Freedom Rings! Pendants, keychains, Finger Rings Alternative person.#yn.&#:rRgin-l#E#m:PP#ede8g|#i:ffil Owner lives in lower. Parking. $360, 291-0356. ®Fbeng°pmantt«n9T:!h?::d&¥afes¥ChBa*n;.jPl#;+Tn#: great, but it's usuallyusually a different storystory Now youyou can... with 4/fcr"¢J;.a/c After 11 llan.am. "Don't Panic" T-shirts & Tatoos. Body Jewelry - Ear, nose, nipple,,nipple, navel,navel, etc. ctc. Viktor-ViktoriaVlktor-Vlktoria "Where 'Wtero the the when you actuallyactually meet.„meet... this cancan Connections,Cormeedous, Inc.Inc. Unusual is U8ual"Usual" 3470 N. Oakland Aye.Ave. 1519151® N. N. Jackson Jackson -Charming- Charming t`rotwo bedroombedroom lo`rer,lower, fully create uncomfortable situations. remodeled,romodcled, newnew graygray carpeting, carpeting, excellent excellent location, location, S se.OO,$465.00, 352-3coi352-3601. , Mail OrderOrder ? Alternative Connections,Cormection§, Inc. Inc. isis aa One EndroomBedroom AptApt includingincluding garage.garage. H®atHeat a& utilitlesutilities Chance Encounters? MaybeMaybe itit willwill personalized matching serviceservice for sepaTato.separate. Immediately available. Locatfro:Location: 52nd and PenisPenls"lpple-Nipple Enlarg®m®ntEnlargement Professional vacuum Greenfield. If interested call 328-1451. Rent $375.00 happen, then again... maybe itit won't.won't. samesame-sex-sex lastinglasting andand compatiblecompatible Greenfiieid: lf interested call 328-1451. Rent se75.00 pump equipment and instruction for penis, scrotum per month. pump equipment and instruction for penis. scrotum per nth. and nipple enlargement. (Electric oror manualmanual systems.)systems.) You cannot control this.this. relationships andarid friendships.friendships. ACI,4C7 Sex and erection enhancement. Dr.Dr. JoelJoel KaplanKaplan (415) For Rent: Historic Washington\hashington Heights. CharmingChaining 2 739-5847.739-5e47. MC/Visa.MCMsa. is not a'a bedroom upper, d-mingdining roomroom with`utli oakoak buffet. Porches Porclies S front andand back,back, appliances,appliances, laundrylaundry hood hood-up,-up, off-street off-street Bars? The computer parking. 21082108 N. 52nd,52nd. Oct.Oct. 15/Nov. 15/Nov. 1, 1, 873-5903, 873-5903, seoo/ro.$500/mo. & & 9ecurfty. security. Antiques chemistry or video Rca[Real Estate may seem dringdating great at service. ConsiderConsldor thethe thrillthrill Of of occupyingoccupying one Of the nrost Siteboggait one of the most first' but artistically spectacularspectacular & unusual vintagevintage works of art first, but ? this side of thethe LeflLeft BankBank ofof Pan.slParis! DetallsDetails include:include: Aitticiun often it You needned sweeping DecoDeco staircase,staircase, 2 story artlstsartists studiostudio w/18' Ph 452.6757 tall window wall,`rall, & a possibilities possibilities galore. galore, Home Halve plus plus 336 Superior does not only visit studlo/store/gallery/restaurant/studio/store/gallery/restaurantl or? Sen'ouslySeriously updatedupdated. , Avenue Mon. Tue. Wed. Fri. Sat. Sheboygan, WI 53081 Demand the exhilaratingly unique. ComeCome && be 9 am to 5pm lead to us once! awestruck.awestruck, NorthNorth ShoreShore Realty.Rearty. 964-1902.964-1902. Closed Thursday & Sunday a lasting The restrest Duplex —- 3+3 3+3 bedrooms, bedrooms, natiiralnatural woodvrork,woodwork, stained stained of thethe glass, valuevalue priced.priced. NorthNorth ShoreShore Realty,Reafty. 964-1902. 964-1902, Pets compatible relationship or friendship.friendship. work is donedone byby us,us, throughthrough thethe Storybook Treasures -t— Great Great selection selection Of of vintagevintage bungalows, loaded with chain, style & value. North bungalows, loaded with charm, style & value. North Pets: Snakes:Snakes: CentralCentral AmericanAmerican Boa 2'-3'; $249 S mail and by phone. Shore Realty, 964-1902. Comsnakes:Com§nakes: AlbinoAlbino Red Red $60,$60, Amerythristic Amerythristic $35, $35, Normal $35. California King King (desert (desert phase) phase) $89.95.$89.95, Video, PicturePicture oror Computer Computer S We understand Green Iguanas ee9.95.$39.95. Male canaries $59.95-$69.95.$59.95-$69.95. Dating Services?Services? These are based on If youyou areare readyready toto succeedsucceed in your your special Baby HandHand-Raised-Raised BlueBlue Crov`mCrown Conure Conure $329.95.se29,95. Mini-Mini- Rex Rabbits $14.95. Hamsters 2/$5.2/$5. MixedMixed Africans appearances instead of compatibility. private life andand want to meet needs. Please see $.99,S.99, AlbinoAlbino Oscars Oscars se.95-$13.95, Seven Seas SII 1101 1 $8.95-$13.95. Seven Seas Computer matchin\gmatching isis an our display ad in Aqiiatics,Aquatics, 215 W. Florida, Milwaukee,Mihmaukee. 272-7966. 272-7966. M M-F-F someone who is attunedattuned to your noon-8pm, S S-S-S noon-6pm. noon6pm. the-i-.i.'ii.ii_.iii-i=ii.:._ news section :- ;j= impersonal method of tryingtrying toto desires,desi`res, personality, personality, education education and and of this issue. (414) 964-1902 Travel reach a very personal goal and therethere lifestyle, then call Alternativej4/fcr#4!fj.c;c arearc no guaranteed results.results. Connections,Co##ccfz.our, Inc. J#c. at at (414) (414) 765-1233 765-1233 Ft. Lauderdalo...Lauderdale... Admiral'sAdmiral's CourtCourt Mctel,Motel, BestBest locationlocation __ _ Employment near Gay beach/nightlife. Tropical Paradise_Paradise. LeniLow rates.lakes. for more information. Pets OK,OK. Mixed clientele. BrochureBrochure 1-800-248-6669.1-800-248-6669. SeekingSe®klng Employment Employment asas companion,companion, driver, driver, health hearn assistant, oror otherother employmentemployment considered. FreeFree toto Travel & Entertainment News. National publication for live-in«ve-in oror travel.travel. CallCall Tom Tom (414) (414) 763-6117;763-6117; oror write:wits: =raayve#eESTT#tnaT£#u¥:.T§L¥sat£ogt3:£uSP±jofTa]oynef£[Gay & Lesbian Gadabouts. Subscription $20 a year. aeos2605 Cedar,Cedar. Burlington, WI 53105. 53105. Friendship Friendship Or requestrequest a rfeefree sample copy: T.E.N..T.E.N., POB 6288,6288, dienZatthewffer"affue¢;di;ifym.- KOMeCti06, JAG, separately wanted.wanted, coirsidered.considered. Anaheim, CACA 92816-0288 92816-0288 InIn Step •` October 7-20,7-20.1993 1993 `• PagePage 1818 InIn Step •` OctoberOctober 7-20, 1993 1993 • ` Page Page 79 "to controlcontrol thethe disposition disposition of of theirtheir remains remains , 110 yryr oldold VictorianVlctorlan —-817 817 E. E. Knapp Knapp St.,St., 11 bedroom lower and 2 bedroom upper ($495), hardwood and the contents ofof theirtheir obituary and toto lower ($475)(sO75) and 2 bedroom upper (sO95), hard\rood Influenza Vaccinations heat, parking appoint an agent toto canycarry outout theirtheir wishes."wishes." Classiesclassics floors and and fireplaces, fireplaces, appliances, appliances, heat, parking included.inclLided. Nov. Now.18t, 1st. Now Now taking taking applications. applications. 258-2298. 258-2298. Offered This measure is supported by many people with AIDS but has much wider applications. MilwaukeeMil`Araukee — - Influenza Vaccinations :ttjhsA|S%S:ruetLsa§u£E:#ewdidbeyrTfBi¥£:#|: TosaTcea Area -— Spaclous Spacious 2 2bedroom bedroom Lovrer Lower flat. flat. FormalFormal Inln addition,addition, BaldwinBaldwin is is beginning beginning to to Dining room room withwlh built-ins.biiilt-ins, Some Some hardwood hard`Acod floors, floors, will be be offered onon Thursday,Tliursday, OctoberOctober 14th14th RoommatesRoormates gather knowledgeable and interested people garage parking.parking. S§50$550 month, heatheat incl. SecuritySecurfty from 6pm until 8:30pm in the upstairs Call 871-7775, please leave intointo workingworking groups groups toto conduct conduct thethe researchresearch GWM Needed To Share large Eastside flat. Must be depositdepos.rt required.required. Call 871-7775. please leave g:Tqu:ITooELnt:'ft3;3°MP&mM!8iutbh,e.2u4P#ribanquet room of the M&M Club, 124 North CWM Needed To Share largo Eastside flat. Must be necessary toto draftdraft modelmodel legislationlegislation forfor a responsible, neat, clean, non-smoker. non-smoker. Immediate Imrnediate message.massage. Water StreetStreet (at(at Erie).Erie). Two nurses willwill be statewide domesticdomestic partnerspartners law.law. Baldwin'sBaldwin's opening. Rent: $2cO$260 & Sec.See. Deposit,Depos.rt, negotiable negotiable lease. lease. available during this time to administer the Newberry Blvd. - Fashionable upper Eastside 3 bill could could be be introduced introduced beforebefore the Phone 276$766,276-8766, (Mitw.). (Milw.). :=:::nb:#:r}nagnih!Sa:jsmwee:°aandymj:LS:::jothn:vaccinations and answer any questions bedroomELFTELnyiF/[gd5atiflF£:hrd°#ab:e#TisE;Si:jjdn?ed: 1 1/2 bath flat. New carpet, freshly painted, completion of her firstfirst termterm inin 1995. Bright and spacious. Well about them.them. Sportsminded,Sportsmlnded, non-smokingnoncmoklng malemale winwill sharesr`are aa nice off-streetoff-strect parking. Bright and spacious. \^fell + 1/2 maintained. $825.00, se25.00, 964-2184. 964-2184, There will be be no no charge charge for for thesethese 2 bedroombedroo-in duplex.duplex. MainlyMainly furnished, furnished, $230$230 + 1/2 utilities.utMities. FoxFox Cities Tow/nTown ofOf Menasha. Menasha. Call Michael vaccinations,v=#inaati::sd#ayFovne:.pe£3:e,1:=::i:,g:P:h: howeverpeople receiving them PanzerpMaa#5"fift5#sv!#nctg-#Gt#vethseGe?efronof Victory Gives GOP 2448 N. 45th - Spacious. Living, Dining, Den. Oak (414) 731-7935,731-7935. students ok.ok can make a donation to cover the cost of the Majority in Senate hardwood£|#d45fl#k.SRapc#:eel:yi8h#njnyg:rdpe%.£# floors. Appliances, fenced yard. Secure vaccine andand supplies.supplies. JeffJeff Miller,Miller, RN, RN, and and Madison — With the election of Help!Holpl II want want to change my life. Responsible, Responsible, quiet, quiet, garage. Depos.rt,Deposit, 444-6651. 4446651. Barb Coyle,Coyl,e, RN, RN, have have once once again again initiated initiated Assemblywoman MaryMary Panzer Panzer ofof West clean CWMGWM andand older, well behaved behaved quietquict dogdog 8 room Lower (5 carpeted). Sunroom, formal this communitycommunfty serviceservice program program asas they 20th District Senate seat in desperately needneed place place to to make make their their borne. home. Hurry Hurry withwith Large Bend to the 20th District Senate seat in Milw., WI 53234. dining,#n#;.8riooeT`Lk#Itng:n{52g]##d¥k::#i:htf:r#J modem kitchen, 26 windows, ornamental fire the past several years. Miller have phone number:number. P.O. Box 341842, Mitw„ WI 53234, have done the past several years. Miller September, Republican legislators place, 15 doordoor pantry, pantry, natural natural woodwork, `rood\rork, stained stained persons who are HIV+ occupied, emphasized that allall persons who are HIV+ regainedFeeggFn:8e!heipesirmb'j#:jor'ie#iat?h=Staa¥: their slim majority in the State RoomRoommate mate -Sliare— Share 3 bedroom3 bedroom home home on on Mitwaukee's Milwaukee's glass, appliances,appliances, clean, clean, quiet, quiet, owner ovmer occupied. and also theirtheir lovers, partners, partners. roommates,roommates Senate. The GOpfl)emocratGOP/Democrat splitsplit isis 17-16. Northwest side. $280.00 includesincludes utilities except references,references , $485.00,$485.00. 444-3796. and care givers should consider being In thethe StateState Assembly,Assembly, DemocratsDemocrats holdhold phone. Must like dogs and be neat & clean. Call 464- phone. Must like dogs and be neat & clean. Call 464- share house near vaccinated. The 4080. Roommate `^/antodwanted CWMGWM toto sr`are house near vaccinated. the majority of of seats seats withwth 52.52. The. Bedroom available is furnished or This service is being provide by the stadium. Bedroom avallable is famished or This Republicans havehave 46. 46, Panzer's Panzer's former former seat, seat, upper 2 unfurnished.unfumished. Near bus line. Heat,Heat, washer/dryer,washer/dryer, and ancl Association, The GWMCWM 28,28, Looking Looklng forfor same same toto shareshare upper 2 Gay and Lesbian NursesNurses Association, The now vacant, will be be filledfilled through through a aspecial special NW/Westside. Rent $175,00 + 1/2 utilities included.included. $250.00/month.$250.00/month. SeriousSerious calls only.only, The bedroom flat.flat, NW/\^lestside. Rent $175.00 + 1/2 Brady East STD Clinic (BESTD), election. utilities.util.rties, Easy Easy accessaccess toto all areas Ofof city.cfty. 259-03412590341 . MilwaukeeR[aivd¥ukE:she:#D:J`:fie(:tEa:nTdD}hs|:; Health Department and In Step Supporters of Gay andand LesbianLesbian rights Responsible/clean/employed.Respons [b[e/clean/employed. Call 444-3159 (Mite.).(Milw.). to share large house near Vic Tanny Magazine. For fur(herfurther information, please please and AIDS issues issues atat the Capitol tell Inln Step GWM needed responsible roommate :nwa#:prReoda:?Rsehna,Tn:?ur8:shat,£Fesn,e#s¥:I/taryn:¥on Hawley Road. Rent includes utilities, washer/dryer, call The BESTD Clinic at at 272-2144.272-2144. that recent`changeschanges inin thethe legislature are GWMCWM Student Student Needs Quietau[et responsible roommate that recent 2-bedroom apt. on Humboldt off and heat. Non-smokerNan-smoker preferred.preferred. $250.00,$250.00, 476-7464.476-7464. to the status quo. ASAP. Beautiful 2-bedroom apt. on Humboldt off minor and likelylikely tomaintain maintain the status qua. Locust (near UWM). Rent includes own room, heat & helped to (near UWM). F`ent Includes own room, heat & Panzer, aa moderate Republican,Republican, helped to water,er, cable,Gable, storage, storaae, laundry.laundry, & & living living with vvith wonderful wonderful ANNOYANCE PHONE increaseincrease AIDSAIDS funding inin thethe 1994 1994 budgetbudget me! $247.50 + debasitdeposit ++ 1/21/2 phone/else.phone/elec. Non-smokerNon-smoker ANNOYANCE PHONE STATE NewsNews BriefsBriefs No drugs, please. please. 372-2817. through her membership on the Assembly's preferred. CALLSCAus powerful Joint Finance Committee. She has powerful Joint Finance Committee. She has to share large Eastside (Milw ) the in GWM, non-smokern¢mok®r to share large East§ide (Mltw.) ClassifiedClasslfled advertisersaduertlsers and others whowho Baldwin Prepares Prepares to Introduce been appointed toto the same committeecommittee in house. Furnished,Fumi§hed, off-streetoff-street parking. $275 plus 1/21/2 Two NewNew Bills the Senate. utilities and deposit. 291-0715. have theirthelr phone numbers llstedlisted lnin ar- State Rep. Tammy tlcles,ticles, etc.etc. inIn ►n ln Step maymay reeeluereceive an-an- Madison —- State Rep. Tammy Who Do Y6uYou Know/Know Who'sWho's a G\MAGWM and wants to rent Baldwin (D(D-Madison)-Madison) isis gathering gathering Huge Grant WillWill Fight Fight Breast, Breast, a room? ForFor infomationinformation callcall 383-4109,383-4109, (Milwaukee).(Milwaukee), noyancenoqunce calls.calls. In In StepStep regretsregrets thisthis \n-in- co-sponsors to to introduce introduce t`^/o two new billsbills into trusiontruslon into people's liveslives and encour- the state AssemblyAssembly at the same timetime she isis Cervical Cancer Cancer Gay Couple LookingLooklng to share largelarge 22 bedroombedroom flatflat inin 51. Includes all of such calls to take ac- coordinating workingworking groups groups toto conductconduct the Madison -— U.S. U.S. Rep.Rep. DavidDavid Obey the WashingtonWashington Heights,Heights, 17241724 N. 51. Includes all ages recel`uersreceivers of such calls to take ac- non-smoker, $250/month. Call groundwork necessary to draft legislation on announced recentlyrecently thatthat the state of utilities except except phone, phone, non-smoker, $250/month. Call tion.t\on. If you receluereceive an unu}antedunwanted call: groundwork necessary to draft legislation on Jim oror TomTom 258-0692. domestic partners. Wisconsin hashas won aa hugehuge federal grant to • Do not gluegive any informationlnformat\on until a is sponsoring detect andand fightfight breast andand cervicalcervical cancer One measure BaldwinBaldwin is sponsoring caller has been identified. will provide provide a a defense defense forfor people people caught in women throughoutthroughout thethe state. Housing • Hang up at the first obsoeneobscene or ha-ha- using marijuanamarijuana forfor medicinalmedicinal purposes.purposes. The Centers for Disease ControlControl and • Hang up at the first deluxe 2 bedroom, The lawlaw willwill allow allow forfor a a "medical"medical useuse Prevention will give Wisconsin $2.6 million 1122 E. E. Singer Slnger Cr. Cr. — - LargeLarge deluxe 2 bedroom, rassing word.uerd. in:r::egn4t!::dw§'!gm¥i?oY!fnc::%j#yse2;:fFr!';L°unr 1994 and $3 million in each year for four frostfree frig./stove,frig,/stove, ceramicceramic tiletile bath.bath. NewlyNewly sanded sanded defense" forfor thosethose caughtcaught with with aa "limited""limited" spotless throughout. • If calls persist,persist, contactcontact your locallceal years after that. Up to 50 sites throughout hardwood floors,floors. parking, parking, spotless throughout, amount ofof marijuanamarijuana "if thethe purpose purpose of the years after that. Up to 50 sites throughout Beautiful park views, quiet building. $450/mo. Oct. 1. mammograms and Pap Beaut.rful park views, quiet building. $45o/mo. Oct.1. phone company seri)iceservice representa-apnesenta- possession or or cultivation cultivation isis for medical use." the state willwill offeroffer mammograms and Pap No pets. 964-8833.964-8833. People with cancer, AIDS and other serious tests freefree of chargecharge toto lowlow and moderate tlire.tive. Their phonephone number lsis lnin your illnessesffi::::eeyj:hfte:nfi:i're',%§far::°:haeurs::rj::a often find relief from nausea and incomeincome women and toto ruralrural womenwomen withwith 1613 &a 1613A E.E. BelleviewBellevlew Placeplace -— Lower Lower flatflat && u]hltewhite pages, pages, oror onon youryour locallocal phone phone pain by smoking marijuana. littlelittle access access to medical care.caie. cottage, Oct. 1.1. 2+2+ bedrooms,bedrooms, dining dining rooms, rooms, spacious. spacious. pain by smoking marijuana. appliances in cottage. Parking, no bill.bl''. The second billbill gives people the legal The goal of the project is to screen Hardwood floors,floors, appliances` in cottage. Parking, no pets. $475.00 lower, $500 cottage, 964-8833. REMEMBER:REMEMBERS It lsis aa cT\mecrime for ariy-any- right toto controlcontrol thethe dispositiondisposition of theirtheir bodiesbodies 16,000.6,ooTohew8:ae'n°fe:hcehpyr:£ercttojsdt:tes:ret:: women each year to detect the pets. sO75.cO lower, $5cO cottage. 964e833. their early stages so that one to make obsoeneobscene or harassing after death to prevent interference by family diseases in S. 14th St. near Llncoln.Lincoln. TwoTwo bedroombedroom low/er lower withwith early and be more members:flee:g::tho:°o3::i:een:j#heorfir:;=eE#iH# or outsiders who may be unwilling treatmentfr:S:lams::t!£nth8ggj:a:!riystaagnedsb:°mt:raet can begin yard.yard Available now.now. $300/mo.$300/mo. Cat Cat oror smallsmall cagedcaged petpst telephonetelephonecalls. calls. to respect tlieir their wishes. wishes. It It allows allows individualsindividuals effective. allowed. No No dogs. dogs. CallCall 352-9148352-9148 oror 442-4663.4424663. InIn StepStop •` OctoberOctober 7-20,7-20, 1993 1993 • ` Page Page 7878 effort to lift the military ban, the coming HRCF Expands Advocacy 893i:s(:n':nti.hGeaymij#aEv:sa?hr:huegh:uT{#8battles on anti-Gay initiatives throughout the Network country, and the need to revitalize the Lesbian,i::3!a%',6:;atnhdeB?seeexduai°cor#:iie#sh: Gay and Bisexual community as a Washington, DCDC —- lnIn theirtheir first political force force at at the the federal,federal, state state andand locallocal meeting sincesince the announcementannouncement of the levels. 'We recognize that our community President's polieypolicy on Lesbian and Gay £::I:Lt'.¥p:nrter:3noieu?.ot?gaatn9zuerdcd°uTjTgutr%was out-spent and out-organized during the Models military personnel, personnel, thethe BoardBoard of of Governors Governors military debate debate by ourour opponentsopponents on the Far and Board of Directors of the Human Rights Right," said Steve Shellabarger, Co-Chair of Campaigna:dmB:fgr:°FfuBL#:tin°fDt:SagusmeapT.ij9.hft§ Fund met in Dallas Sept. 17-19 the Campaign Fund's Board of Directors. Boll and endorsed aa boldbold planplan ofof action to "Our obligation is to learn from the energize thethe LesbianLesbian andand GayGay communftycommunity experience,§h;gg;:,,:o§a¥j:§]#;;Fe:r¥a:s:,i:bo:a:::e:6gf;f{f¥s:;i:f and create a strategy to insure and regain thethe momentummomentum forfor equalftyequality for that we are prepared toto movemove forwardforward and toto LesbianLesbf#ea%da£;gjgT:rj:ansjoards and Gay Americans. met for win.''win." The Campaign Fund Boards met for two days of discussions to evaluate thethe

The Gay Gay side Side By TomBy Tom Rezza Rezza you Kr4ovii 4.14A-r $t'b 14•4LE-3 Mkt V41441' you EAT!"

and slick models.

models...' and textures. CaSte sizes, colors ...0.11(1 rib models—andmany ere. hat's out th Condoms come inoc 'w tirrte. AIDSline. Take advantage ante. 0)e the Wisconsin Condoms. AU the information, call 273-2437 more (414) ForMilwaukee, 334-2437 Inc. (800) Wisconsin, In of 2:73-1991 Wisconsin, Center (41v) Resource II In AIDS 532.02 11-ie Milwai.xl(ee, WI service of A 92505 V -111‘V.O. Box it InIn StepStop •I OctoberOctober 7-20,7-20, 19931993 •I Page Page 2020 InIn StepSlep `• October 7-20, 1993 •` PagePage 77 ' are rattled, don't readread it.~` it. Monitor Monitor what what your . Open 5pm, Mon-Fri 2-4-1 Cocktails in children read;read; that isis youryour right.right. But you Small IncreaseIncrease forfor AIDS' AIDS in Open 3pm, Sat/Sun Mon-Fri. 5-9pm Budget have nono rightright toto telltell me oror mymy familyfamily what to MilwaukeeMilw"aL#kaeuteeeBu_dgT£±igg4proposed read." Milwaukee — The 1994 proposed budget Mayor John Norquist presented to thetbhuedgMejttwMa:%::J8:nm#:Lqu6Sotufii|S?nn:Fudd:: Milwaukee Common Council includes GayGMfiiywfuuks:neesBSuspeustsAdson Business Puts Ads on just a small increase ofof fundsfunds for thethe HealthHeath DepartmentDepa,FTseenpttet#::'AWcit#bDhs6idaral]yand to deal with AIDS. Milwaukee Buses In September, ACT UP held a rally and MilwaukeeMIl\raukee —- ForFor thethe firstfirst time ever, marched into the Mayor's office asking for an openly GayGay-owned-owned businessbusiness has rented anrna:Cdhdeitiojnn:?St2:oyo%yo°frosr£FDgpar:tj::tjfo°nr additional $250,000 for AIDS prevention space onon MitwaukeeMilwaukee CountyCounty busesbuses to and thethe developmentdevelopment ofof a.a strategic plan toto advertise itsits samesame sex dating service. fight the spread of the disease in the city. Alternative Connections, Connections, Inc. lnc. has has purchased purchased F#t#Stwsap:a:got,tB§d5s,eoT:&jnh:hde::F5The Milwaukee AIDS Project had also ads featuringfeaturing twotwo men whichwhich will appearappear on lobbiedlobbied for a $190.000$190,000 increase.increase: buses throughthrough thethe monthmonth ofof October. The budget proposal contains the Steve Petullo, ownerowner ofof thethe datingdating $69,200 grant for preventivepreventive educationeducation service, explained: "It"It is is my my desire desire to to reach reach which MAP hashas received inin thethe previ`ousprevious not only thethe large,large, diversediverse GayGay and and LesbianLesbian WEDNESDAY'S SUPER BUST five years. But none ofof thethe otherother communftycommunity market, but but to to represent represent an an accurate, accurate, positive image of the Gay and Lesbian groups whichwhich bothboth MAPMAP andand ACTACT UP had I positive image of the Gay,and Lesbian BEER, WINE, SODA & JUICE that suggested shouldshould receivereceive additionaladditional funds lifestylelifestyle to to thethe community atat large." All the will get any money. Instead, an additional —- Briefs Briefs Compiled Compiled by Jamakaya g#,goeotoai:ythmeoLeey:,,Lnsieeapda,k:ne:,dg:i8::i$60,000 in the Health Department budget you can drink. STILL ONLY '39 will go to epidemiological studies of %!#er8u°|osti:tuberculosis and a:8jdAiEi:logical AIDS. studies of AIDS, Gay groups Christopher Fons of ACT UP UP saidsaid the Support Clinton's Health National Milwaukee 383-9412 extra $60,000 was still inadequate inadequate and and waswas 135 East "an admission by the city that they haven't i:|#rtGiiiftrg:'ESHealthPlan done:aonneademnj::5°hnabgoTteAiBsipaLthee%oh£Vmeonit enough about AIDS." The Common Council's Finance Committee will discussdiscuss Washington, D.C. — Leaders of the the budgetbudget proposal OctoberOctober 15. FREE FILM c' HumanHuma#R;nh¥o%a:.pca.jgTEeuan€er:n3f:R:. Rights Campaign Fund and the Tuou WITH onlys|995rd BIJOU•SPORNeArPOOSS PUROIASEll MIN!. 411 IOW M AIDS Action CouncilCouncil havehave thrown their.their .../ nlY $1 19 95 © 1•100 21r 1 Sussex Library to Keep support behind President Clinton's proposalproposall' SomethingS®ELffi#HELELEFT#trffiTfro Wild -_- each Or 312 337.1270 to reform thethe health care system. Scott Avery and &Ten Armstrong exchange sax stories by ihe campAr• "The AIDS epidemic more than any in this Novo release. Features bhp and uncut puds, Rob Mont.. lGorin "Daddy's Roommate" "The AIDS epidemic more than any Burke) sucking off his black pro sor Monona swallowing his or.., 3• mAiiDh.hNI"BRAND-NEW BIJOU Biiou EXCLUSIVES Extllisi`r[s after a public meat, and sex M a hoe and outdoors. With Randy Page and Bobby Sussex — A week other publicpublic health crisiscrisis has has exposed thelthe Madison. (how V0650) hearing in which debate raged between Hidden Instincts h§::a:§gu8s¢n,es:i;r:a°rgef§:ere:;;;:ae#eb:,: woeful inadequacies inadequacies ofof ourour existing health heath Seven in a Barn This latest Rick horn director Robert Priors features big dicks, ions BibleBiblequoting-quoting residents andand civil civil libertarians,libertarians, care delivery system. The AIDS Action Based upon the bed selling book of the 1960't about rural buddies who of boyish rnanhcod dripping paces, and plenty of dia for to form a sex dub. Boni antics include .$0ppaiker group masturbation, dollarll:.,i.`..I,.`-:.:,,...... `..`...... :,;...... ,,,..,..`....`....`... Editirg and phaeographywil amaze, as will these unshy the Library Board of the towntown of SLlssexSussex Councilgo¥ncq,e,#ausdysteF,;sTeentA,cP3toAdi%nr applauds President Clinton for gock,de competitions, and torn. old-fashi-oried suding and mar ready toy so Par kidd.n urges ad animal instinchl InITLuctory priced at $49.95. voted to support the decision ofof the library'slibrary's taking this historic stepstep to reform the lucking Directed by J. Brion and Dean Chasson. (Item V0083) (Pon V2637) director to keep thethe Gay-themedGay-themed children's nation's health care system," said Daniel GamescELirffiaEiREfiIrb#wLE¥ELE# Baby It's You Painstaking proiessionalism by director Steve Scott went :to this story bgehilends his irz bzri' a.iClio,tioer's wzldd tokz...1 book Daddy's RoommateRoommate inin circulation.circulation. Bross, the group's Executive Director. about o swimmer Ilex Ford) and a photographer (AJ Parlor) in Po first L co The vote was 5-2.5-2. S.F. Goy Ganes. Al devours Giorgio Condi uncut boner, and a Ono, o'Z 'Moon No by Pei Chicago' lb.., and on o boat Tim McFeeley of the Human Rights doctor hos sex wall his patient. WIC Johnny Dow.. ad Brion M.I.6. in the Chicago Harbor! Non slop dobou—dony horn o master But the BoardBoard also also establishedestablished anan ad Campaign:rae::r#c::n:d:;;g:::x:#¥sesHeE#:au:p°p%j#tgr Fund also expressed support for (lion V0271) storyiellorl Porn V2852) Introductory prnod at $49.95. hochoe committee of librarianslibrarians andand residentsresidents to Clinton's plan: "People with with AIDSAIDS and HIVHIV Lovers.& Friends A health dub sets the scow endless curnshots and beekokes with big The|L, Wer1414erbeeneadVI*J.I,===e= study the Library Bill of Rights, guidelines conditions have been fucks Ron Pearson know howhow pre-existing preexisting conditions have been cocks in At. well-photographed feature. Brod Mason r BUOY•u®o `n.toVIDEO cAT*L®® CATALOG II DHamm i-iill provided by the American Library and Eric Stryker in Iway; macho man Pierce Daniels sucks Joel used to deny them access to health care. as; lots of keg dicks; and supersecirs Scott CYHano and Eric Ryon hl-Lop.lGe.eilogMdcdrcomr.nhwdilllhorn Ito Largest Catalog Mail Order Camp:wry in the World111 Associationfi:s:o¥;:1dtiFo:i:g:aTih:::tohffi:,::::u::L:b:I?i;s regarding the selection of books President Clinton has stated repeatedly that areCo featured. them V0564) fueueu`nEroct*beafofDO.ie=h-iL-.La-.a.ctbtoofThe BUOU VIDEO Catalog is Pe most canprehensive catalog of with the intention of ensuring free access. thist#:#:#¥|!#:n:,gagae##ntl:t:h3e:at£:ddy#h¥§ practice should be eliminated, and if his NineNIliie--I.I---Ndll-and-a-Half Inches lhth.. gay male erotica in Pe world lover 750 pages)11Feceures over During the public hearing September plan passes, it will be. We will be with him Ms Bobby's birthday and dl he wants at !his party a 'rene-and-aholf- 3,500 in -depth erotic reviews of films at great prices from plan passes, it will be. We will be wth him indiesIt' Join Al, group of ww11-lieng and mossy headed mon &Cgs initiods imenioryl The BUOU V0E0 Catabg horn BUM ::,h:!§n!;e8:jnii::nntp§f:ilo:Sn|en:±g:ies:ie¥Sb:=:16, one resident said: "I can't believe we in[nthjihfi8hdt:ftpianoftheAmericanHeath this fight." adobrose with fucking, sucking, ad more. Dale Ford performs a £THTEJ±ul*i£LE:giviFhai== bi sirip-ogrom; outdcor ; orgies poolside and VueLdr+E#S£9S2:3PLt.t££itthVIDEO, since 1978. Only 519.95, plus $5.50 for shipping are talking aboutabout this. IsIs beingbeing Gay Gay normal? nomal? The draft plan of the American Health and getting his wish fulfilled!! ith Chris Thompson and Cay and haictirg (please .kw 2-3 weeks for &tory No, it's it's not. not. Women Women and and men men belong belong Security Act includesincludes unspecifiedunspecified new Monroe. V ID32) But a Lesbian together, not twotwo men." But a Lesbian funding for "prevention research" at the To ado by moih send check, money order, or your Voo, MC, or Am& number (wish capircion dolot pkts o signed snowing Pat you are over testified: "Reading straight books didn't National#:tip:nnga,fo,rn:ELre,::nti:fnLeesaefirohfarat..ih£ Institutes of Health for "HIV 21, Ia: MUDD VIDEO, 1363 North Wels, ae iwge,11. 60610. SHIPPING: Nemo Ovornight. (upon availability of lope I Add 55.50 for Pe lint tape, SI For gad'. addliawl. No US 1.4o2 &proves or shipments b P.O. Boxes.1A/m• approximately three days for delivery of lint time a Lesbian." re placing an order. keepfese¥e#:#5:as:nfm:#isahie:B#,didnl me from becoming InfectionInfection and and AIDS AIDS — -research research on behavior, orders I we do 113i Ship 10 MS, NC, NE, PR, TN, UT, or VI. 'Meow include both daytime and phone amers when Another SussexSussex resident,resident,r EmilEmil Or call 1400-932-7111 Or FAX 312437-1270 Prim good Augula 31, 1993. Glowdoski,Glowdoski,. said: s.aid: "If "lf you you are are shocked, chocked, if if you you contd.cdutd. onon page page ►. 22 InIn StepStep y` OdeberOctober 7-20, 19931993 • ` PagePage 7676 LAVENDERLAVENDER PHONEPHONE BOOKBOOK ++ ANNUALAHINUAL PLANNINGPLAININING CALENDARCALEINDAR

THE AHINUALANNUAL LAVEINDERLAVENDER PLANNINGPLAINMIMG CALENDAR CALENDAR Havlicek && AssociatesAssodates conceivedconceived the the ideaidea ofOf the the LavenderI.avender PhonePhone BookBeck latehte last year and introducedintroduced this newnew specialty directorydirectory toto thethe Gay & I.eshiinLesbian community.communfty. WeWe feelfeel aa concise, detaileddetailed andand organizedonganized listing listing of of businesses,businesses, organizations, places places of of interest, interest, help help groups/lines, groups/lines, services, services, etc. etc. is isvital vital to to T5g networking within the Community.Community. hIn Step'sStep's AnnualAnnual Plarming Planning CalendarCalendar pl.ovidesprovides aa yearlyyearly rcooi.d record Ofof what's sta going onon in in the the GayGay & & Lesbian Lesbian community, community, in in the the form form of of dates dates marking marking special events,events, celebrations, celebrations, anniversaries anniversaries and and other other dates dabes important inportant to to the the G/L Gth Community. oeuig < The Lavender Phone Book hashas metmet withwith manymany delays,delays, some some due due to to 3 $- overwork load,load, some some to to personal personal and and health health concerns, concerns, but but mostly mostly due due to to the the rite fact that wcwe wantedwanted to includeinclude hundreds of importantinportant listingslistings thatthat wouldwould showshow sao 0 evidence ofof thethe needneed forfor thisthis typetype ofof publication.pubhation. gW1cl cr. After a friendlyfriendly andand concernedconcerned phone call fromf ron Ron Geiman,Geimin, we've come z up with the equation above: Lavender Phone Book + Annual Planning ‹-cr, the equation above: Lavender Phone Book Annual Planning Calendar = AnnualAmual I.avenderLavender PlanningPlanning Calendar.Calendar. The 19941994 I.avenderLavender Planning Calendar will contain space for rcoordingrecording youryou-r personal personal dates, dates, plus plus a a monthly monthly listing listing`of of important important dates dates within within the the community along withwith the In Step DeadlineDeadline and Publication schedule. Plus it will include the most comprehensive listing of organizations,ol.ganizations, businesses, businesses, services, nonnon-profits,-profits, etc. etc. found found anywhere anywhere in inWisconsin. Wisconsin. You're You're invited Invited to to list list your l]usiness/onganlzatlonbusiness/organization and inportantimportant dates dates FREE FREE OF OF CIIARGE! CHARGE! I.avenderLavender Phone BockBook advertisers who purchased ad space will receive a free add ofof equaLlequal value value in in eacheach annualamual I.avenderLavender Planning CalendarCalendar throughthrquth the yearyear 1995.1995. YourYour adad willwill bebe up-sizedup-sized toto accommodateaccommodate thethe largerlarger format.format. Those whowho purchasedpurchased listings listings will will behe upgradedupgnded toto a 16th page adad and will receive thethe freefree adad inin 19941994 & 1995. We appreciateappreciate your your patience, patince, loyalty andand support. Ads prices in this-year'sthis year's ca`lendar calendar willwill bebe reducedreduced 3596.35%. For an informatiomlinformational flyer,flyer, oror informationinformation onon howhow toto listlist youryour business/organization business/organization and/or inportantimportant dates dates FREE FREE OrOF CHARGE, CHARGE, call 414/271-5819. InIn StepStop •` October 7-20, 1993 1993 •` Page Page 2222 Comprehensive AIDS ResourceResource Emergency Fly to Lourdes if you have the bucks. Stare ClintonClir;ton HealthHealth PlanPlari Call up a horny saint Act, often called the Ryan White CARE Act. at:tlyat°prct°:rrgeosfifGyo°dYBaaY]eut:eabx:kms}Staa,nn: a picture of God. Ihwerdat „ , ►• contd. from pagepage 20 Representatives ofof thethe AIDSAIDS ActionAction and beg for sexual sexual healing. healing. Fast, Fast, pray, pray, sing, sing, leap, make love, give thanks, and vaccines, transmissiontransmission of HIV,HIV, and and Council hadhad metmet with Ira Ira Magaziner, Magaziner, a a toptop laugh, dance|aaung£J:?jpthg#em:°#f;,3j:i::hv:npkosr:t::? until the primordial pain evaporates. prevention of disease progressionprogression to to AIDS..r AIDS."' Clinton advisor, advisor, to to share share theirtheir viewsviews about about what the health carecare package should (DEC. 21-JAN. 19): Clinton's healthhearth reformrefom plan also contain. Bross was onon handhand atat the WhiteWhite CAPRICORN (DEC. 21-JAN. 19): Michelangelo usedused to say hishis job asas a includesincludes fundingfunding forfor healthhearth care care costscosts House September 23, the dayday afterafter Michelangelo was to free the figure that was associated with clinical trials and provides Clinton's addressaddress toto the nation,nation, at at a a sculptor inside the stone. He didn't construct coverage for prescription drugs, according reception toto kick-offkick-off thethe drive for :r#:°drinws?dse:£efrs::n:Tiefi8i:rn:tfantstYua:trapped then, as much as he chiseled away the Campaign Fund. "We are continuing Congressional approval of the plan. a statue, then, as milch as he chiseled away toi.s;th::g!t:iopYaitE:I:::g|i:##:rsuag:3ld£?n:,#;i it. I recommend that you HOURS: Open lobby for these provisions and for the stuffstuff obscuring it. I recommend that you t§:°#+:;tiEi;n§ff°o;iii;i:a3£;;:o:{ii[i::sg§::I;;::#:i'i§n:to approach. The thing Mon-Fri at 3''" of 'off label' uses of prescription borrow Michelangelo's coverage •NAT]ONAL News Briefs and deserve already Sat & Sun at 2'" at least in the case of life- NATIONAL News Briefs you;:T°,:v¥jcahneda:ge:I:'Sa#Pd::giv|eThaeirteh:E? love and need drugs, and complete. All you have to threatening or disabling illnesses." exists, whole and complete. All you have to chisel away the stuff that's obscuring it. "AIDS Action Council will press for District of Columbia's Sodomy do is chisel awaythe stuff that's obscuring it. MONDAY - FRIDAY more specific assurances regarding the 20-FEB. 18): An ugly fact confidentiality of medical records and civil LawLawwEsehRneg,a#dD.c.I_.ThgD.ismct.Of Repealed AQUARIUS (JAN. Happy Hour 3-7pm %°nrfdesnptFa?jSCois:::fi:i:ecr:%rd:#%;# D.C. — The District of carefully from public view: Flipper, rights protections for health care Washington, concealed£Qnuce+ai:¥:a(:eAfu¥iv2#;FmEPBu.b|i:)ji€#:uFg,!#:: activists dolphin, committed consumers, and will work to see that reform Columb,a'sColumbia's sodomy law, which GayGay activists thetshu:cia:i.gin:'haq:e'3bJ:#tivq;'Pshoj?hte#s#headt original celebrity with 2-4-1 g;gnh::me?:::encdtj£#iswoi°{os::adtahtre;oaLe to for 30 years, hated captivity so intensely that challenges existing shortcomings in the have been trying repeal suicide. He 14 when the he just intentionally stopped Pull Tabs 7-9pm delivery of health care to poor and became=:Vfmbeeehr,st#gs:Opt:empE:;¥4r#heyneatF: history September one day to reverse the D.C. City The next five Flippers have all underserved communities," said Bross. U.S. SenateSenate failed to reverse the D.C. Cfty breathing.#eeathi:g. t;e j::trd j#:ntF#¥s ;ta°vpep:ti i:i#::rs#::S:iexh::ot#musn#e:s::t::na¥°°!:ro:s¥ it. Last week, though, Flipper "Services for people seeking treatment for Council's decisiondecision to to kill kill it. done the same. Last week, though, Flipper passed the D.C. the chain and avoided the substance abuse and mental illnesses must The CftyCity CouncilCouncil passed the D.C. VIIVll brokebroke the chain and avoided the MONDAYS ::%L==f:Lupseeo:hedsme:#{:fj{:ee:Te:n+i:i Privacy Amendment fate of his predecessors. With ` (9Close) responsive to all communities." Criminal Code Right to ignominious bebere#o°snssg%otoe#r::smeTusn;#i:%'iionthat law which banned allies, he managed (9-Close) Bross also expressed satisfaction that £#n##eep:L=jhntgt:h:r%avicyw#jTheB€#neendAct in May, repealing the the;3:ohmej,Ejooufsuf££eenot{fitj3E[#s:c;Ssfrasha¥:tE help of unidentified anal and oral sex between both to escape aa holdingholding cellcell near MiamiMiami and Clinton's planplan callscalls for thethe preservation and private anal and oral sex between both 2-4-1 Rail & Tap and homosexuals. Those 2-4-1 Rail & Tap expansion of funds for services to people heterosexuals and homosexuals. Those reach open sea. Is it any surprise that this is law could receive up to :itRana',°v7Afi5sfunt:df::Steh:jceRsyat:Pffi{:with HIV/AIDS under the Ryan White convicted under the law could receive up to thei;:Cfihrs:,Po:Thsee:;tse#;#Jpseurg5j::ntE:tdtehr!ihj: first of the seven Flippers born under the sign of Aquarius? The Aquarian instinct for WEDNESDAYS ;rig:d:fmAiguaa*:;::tp:n3#tr!::vjenrs#nocrtefs°orfreedom is always strong, but never more so (7-Close) than now. now. A (7Close) -41 PizzaPizza & 50/50¢ TapsTaps PISCES (FEB.(FEB. 1919-MAR.-MAR. 19): Now that you're so pregnantpregnant with financialfinancial FRIDAYSFRIDAYS & possibilities, I'ml'm suresure you'llyou'll be be veryvery receptive receptive totp°ropmeyrtieasn:fu#ons:yT°n my annual sermon on on the the spiritualspiritual SATURDAYS properties of money. Listen first to the wisdom of that Shot Specials,Specials, 9 9Close-Close archbishoparohbishop of capitalism, J.P. Morgan:Morgan: "Millionaires don't don't use use astrology astrology — - SATURDAYS & billionaires do." AndAnd nownow consider considerthis this divinedivine epigram fromfrom thatthat funkyfunky guruguru ofof holyholy SUNDAYSSuNDAYS nonsense, yours truly:truly: "Money "Money can't can't buybuy happiness, but money can rent happiness EverythingEverything 2-4-1 2-4-1,1, 1-7pm -7pm Horizon! long enough for you to figure out how to get With SoulMatesSoutMates -- LoveLove isis onon the Horizon! it:oa::g::nm:o:u:§hbfuotr%°un:oyfigunrer:t#:#Pt!:egsest for free." If aa picture says a tbousap.dthousand words,u!prds, imagineimagine whatwhat DJDJ ata` 11I Ipm, pin, Fri, Fri, a Videovideo u)illwill telltell . . .. . SatSa, & SunSun SoulMates has Pictures/VideosPicturesMdeos so thatthat YouYou can choose s1Y,`Y, DAYDAY OR NIGHT, FORFOR YOUR YOUR a match or date. (LYSLY HOROSCOPEHOROSCOPE Trytry OurOur "AIomic"Atomic Cherries" Video MembershipMembership starts starts at at $69.95S69.95 --The The timetime isis right.right. 235 S.S. 2nd2nd Street • . Milwaukee,Mtwclukee, WI Wl 53204 53204 Call (414) 771-MA;TE.771-MATE. 03-2500 Rephonerequired,Cys(415)281-3120ic phone required. C/S (415) 281-3120 414/271-4368 InIn StepStop `• OotoborOctober 7-20, 1993 1993 • ` Page Page 7474 In Step •` OctoberOctober 7-20,7-20, 1993 1993 • ` Page Page 2323 Astrology - 10 years in prison.prison. "The'The government should ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation. not play the role of Peeping Tom by placing The wording of the bill was based, in rules: You shouldshould definitelydefinitely wash wash youryour hairhair. itself#:#lj:ytiheeprr°teat°ef::;rpJ:#:°oTfyn8:anii:8 in the private bedrooms of consenting part,::hrtiFg,h!:#|.,:i.a;:::hx:uai|,oof;a:s:a:tg:s,nifif,;, on the Wisconsin hate crimes statute, regularlyregularly withwith Perrier.Perrier. adults," said MayorMayor Sharon Pratt KellyKelly in . which passed passed constitutional mustermuster by a signing the repeal.repeal. unanimous vote of the U.S. Supreme Court WhereWliere MEN areare n®fnot LIBRA (SEPT. (SEPT. 23-OCT. 23®CT. 22): Here'sHere's the Congress, which has jurisdiction over inin June.June. manymanyc:fntghr:SBis#jhd9shahfasj±u,ri;:lot:a?e;i:ewr HARDHAI\AI[Dt®FIHI)i- to FIND! Chinese proverb that's mostmost important for of the District's affairs, had a review Tim McFeeley of the Human Rights period in which it could have overturned the you to keepkeep inin mind rightright now:now: "He"He, whowho period in which it could have overturned the CampaigncampT:TgnMEE:€'eEra°ifs:!et#eumHagusR:9%Sr Fund praised the House for repealrepeal effort, which it ithas has done done inin the the past.past. awaits a horseman should take care not toto putting "aside partisan differences to unite LobbyistsL.obbyists say say thatthat bothboth thethe Democratic and confuse the noise of thethe hooveshooves withwith the against8#i#3t':a:}d;ag:rnj§:nanddffF::en#jsm:%.,¥Ttj:: Gay bashings and hate crimes." It is Republican leadership agreed not to beating of his ownown heart." to only the second bill including Gays and interveneintervene in thethe issue.issue. Sen.Sen. Jesse Helms And here'shere's the scene fromfrom thethe MarxMarx LesbiansET:h!:b€:rh::SwS:s¥:t:Eb::'ep'a:S:#':bggt§t;s#£eas:s:t ever to be passed by Congress. (R-NC) made no attempt to block the Brothers movie that'sthat's most useful to (R-NC) made no attempt to block the ' The first was the Hate Crimes Statistics Act repeal. remember. Groucho sayssays toto Lois,Lois, "Say, "Say, of 19901990 whichwhich mandatedmandated the collection of The sodomy bill defeateddefeated hashas been inin there'sthh.eu'::snae#i'di::,.BUAC#gE:ir:eFei]i:::,i#,! a million bucks buried in the empty hate crimes statistics by the JusticeJustice house next door." And Lois replies, "There effect since thethe foundingfounding of thethe DistrictDistrict inin Department. 1790. TheThe DistrictDistrict now now joins joins 30 30 states states that isn't a house next door." Whereupon. IlieThe bill,bill, which waswas sponsoredsponsored jointly have vacated theirtheir sodomy laws either Groucho§:;tuc:a::;§,enN:%X+h8:i:.;:s#,:I::E?,n,. says, "No? Then let's build one." ' by RepublicanRepublican James James SensenbrennerSensenbrenner of through legislative oror courtcourt action. Wisconsin and Democrat Charles Schumer SCORPIO (OCT.(OCT.' 23-NOV.23-NOV. 21): The of NewNew York,York, now now goes goes to to the the Senate Senate wherewhere supposed all-starall-star castcast of of villains villains turns outout to U.S. HouseHouse PassesPasses NewNew Hate Jesse Helms Helms isis expectedexpected toto trytry toto blockblock it.it. be a bunchbunch ofof confused caricatures.caricatures. They'llThey'll CrimesCrimweersshiLneg,gins,'a#j.c°.n_onseptemher Legislation never dent your destiny - as long as you never dent your destiny — as long as you Washington, D.C. — On September Three Vvomen's Clinics don't help them by giving them more power Women's Clinics more power 21,2o8,#rjT#ce;sg%aH#snoteREg#S#sbbS#_. the House of Representatives by Torched in than they've earned. II thinkthink the oidestoldest book overwhelming voice vote approved the Hate September in the world, the Chinese / Chi.ng, has the Washington, —After in the world, the Chinese I Ching, has the Crimes Sentencing Enhancement Act, a bill D.C. fire caused by an incendiary right advice advice for for you. you. Hexagram Hexagram 43,43, that increases penalties for federal crimes in Tp.y;?rnca¥eaFd#3##_ioD:!geecmEn#cefroerffe_fisFfaon¥#i,='device destroyed a Planned Parenthood clinic WltereWhere EverybodyEverybody Party'sPartys Breakthrough, says: "The struggle with evil which the victim was was targeted targeted becausebecause ofof I in Lancaster, PennsylvaniaPenns.ylvania September September 29,29, Pamela &A Everything'sEverythings aa D®Ilar Dollar must not be carried on directly by force. If his oror herher race,race, religion,religion, national national origin, origin, Pamela we do it the favor of fighting against it blow Maraldo, President President of of the the Planned planned Join Us At Noon ;y:ei!;:;o:t:h:e::€:i::;:fiE!r;;td#a::e!!i:?;rhffi:o:[!by blow, we lose in the end because thus wewe_ ourselves ourselves getget entangledentangled in hatred.hatred. For "PACKER the same reasonreason wewe shouldshould not combat our own faultsfaults directly.directly. As As long long as as wewe wrestle with them,them, theythey continuecontinue victorious.victorious. The The best best SUNDAYS" way to fight evilevil is is to to make make energeticenergetic 4 Video Screens & progress inin the good."good." Week Night & Daytime Specials Free Shots every SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 2222-DEC.-DEC. 20):20): Iflf you'veyou've 5, 6, 8 & 10 Passenger Limos ever hoped for aa miraclemiracle cure,cure, thisthis isis the the Packer TD week toto solicitsolicit it,it, invoke it, cry cry out out for for it. it. Your tragic flawflaw is now ripe for divine PIZZA & intervention. Your Your sorest sorest andand blindestblindest spotsspots are aching forfor your tender touch.touch. TheThe lost SANDWICHES part of your lifelife is isready ready to to be be found found — -and and given a new given a new name. it NW IRTBS NOWAVOW AVAILABLE AVAILABLE II know know it'sit's hard to totallytotally trusttrust thethe a • U. words ofof aa strangerstranger with with whomwhom you spend CD JUKEJUNE BOX ■I VIDEOVIDEO just fivefive minutes aa week, but try.try. Don't letlet POOL .■ DARTSDARTS .■ PINBALL this medicinal opportunftyopportunity flitflit by unexploited.unexploifeq. GREAT SOUND SYSTEM!SYSTEM! You CAN CAN CALL_ROBCALL ROB BREZSI BRnzsl OPENOPEIV DAILY I)AILY 3" ].-• SatI Sat & .Sun Sun Z" 2- Lincoln Town Cars EXPANDED WHE] Excaliber EXPANDED WEEI XJ6 Jaguar (414) 358-1900 819e.a S. S. Znd StreetStreet I ■Mjlw.tlke® 2nd'e45.e33® Milwaukee 12 Passenger Deluxe 645-8330 1-900-01-900-9 "Party Wagon" (P.O. Box 24093, Milwaukee 53223 $1S I.99.99 per minute. 18 & over. Touch[oiTouchto, InIn Step •` October October 7-20, 7-20,1993 1993 •` PagePage 73 InIn Step Step • ` October October 7-20, 7-20,1993 1993 •` Page Page 2424 Navratilova to Retire After '94 humble, innocent love forfor `FRIDAY, OCT 29 ClinicsCl.Inics TorchedTorched something bigger thanthan yourself.yourself. Parenthood Federation ofof Am'ericaAmerica Tennis SeasonSeason FRIDAY, OCT 29 Attorney General Janet . New York, NY— -Martina Martina Navratilova demanded thatthat Attorney General Janet New York, NY CANCER (JUNE 21UULY21-JULY 22): l'mI'm coming " we the latest incident of she will retire from "coafe7)tnd' Reno investigateinvestigate the latest incident of has announced thatthat she will retire from to youyou fromfrom the closet thisthis week, my fellow D " "domestic terrorism." after the /, "domestic terrorism." competition in professional professional tennistennis after the Cancerians. I'm in a big old musty closet in the arson attack in my goal for 1994 is Just days before 1994 season. "I"I guess my goal for 1994 is tch:ncbear:aena.ehr;nfaabj99:Ld.£#tsutyryc'3::ts:n,the basement of a 19th-century house, A Show with Sabreena DeLite abortion clinic in Peoria, she Pennsylvania, an to get through and still be standing," where i'm camping out in order to meditate and on September Billie Blaze, JasmineJasmine JonesJones IllinoisEi:nno|:;£Vtaa:nia#ig;b::di::a:nd:lr::n?c::nap:£e:5gi;; was firebombed, ::|d93iethki:uwg+oarnkdTi#':sb.estanding,"shetold the New York Times. gnhefy.,mows:mdp:negpo:ta;Ro:g::ettosm±d,taa;3on my own deep dark secrets — and was burned to the on October 18 20, an abortion clinicclinic was burned to the Navratilova turnsturns 37 on October 18 perhaps recover a few secrets I've been Pat DeRoma, JenniferJennifer MarloweMarlowe California. ranked 3rd in the groundgrouTij:s%akear£::kds' in Bakersfield, Caa;:f°rni3t isolated and, although sheshe isis stillstill ranked 3rd in the hiding even from myself. I advise you to attacks are not isolated have swirled Ethel MurMur, TadTad && GuestsGuests "These world, rumors of herher retirementretirement have swirled follow my lead. Delve into mildewy trunks declared. "They been in the incidents," Maraldo Maraldo declared. 'rrhey for at least twotwo years. "I've"I've been in the and long-unopened files. Reread old 30 fl conspiracy of violence than most !o:fir:E;:.in,:e:,i;f:Dn:efsw:fi:iio:,Cjii;v:si;:3:u:.i! SATURDAY, OCT OCT 30 represent an ongoing twilight of my career longer journals. Stare at your navel and try to reproductive health clinics. she joked. jr:uj:aJsb.erswtwahr:tafteyw°ausr|iR:V:'heann?oturyh:3 against women's people have had their career," remember what life was like when you had demand that Attorney General Janet to retire after participating in We She plans an umbilical cordcord attached attached there. Roto-rooter T#a- these acts as 'domestic and the U.S. !g;a:,:dse:&t:a;;d;tnig3:h::E;rgo!ifre:agen:,f:!j:i::aiF:tReno classify :e:::l!:hn::a;v,::;i:t;?i::;i:i:;r!#aij!:Tio:k:g3;:the French Open, Wimbledon your way to the dark, rich, fertile bottom of order the F.B.I. to the your way to the dark, rich, fertile bottom .of terrorism' and order the F.B.I. to Open next year. She currentlycurrently tloldsholds the Your word for the week is eekteuste investigate and prosecute the things. Your word for the week is eoctooue aggressively contd. onon page page ►. 26 "anamnesis,"•'anamnesis," which means means thethe abolishmentabolishment conspirators.":g3:ep?rsaYoeky."investigateand-prosecutethe ofOf amnesia.amnesia. ade Of ric_rd_fic_fic_Pc_Pc_FLISILIO_ILLIE1 eo~ Thank you to all who were LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22): Getting yourself Prizes Awarded DON'TI'OII,T FOROET!FORGET! involved inin mymy success at sandwiched::n°d#cuh:¥Zn3-bAeutwGe.e2n2)a:r::#j:gndy:uAsaetf in between a rock and a hard Judging at the if you're willing to becoming Mr. Gay WIWI-USA,-USA, '93-`93- place won'twon't bebe soso badbad if you're willing to on a kind of melt-in-your-mouth Stroke of 94. TheThe nextnext yearyear winwill be funfull of take on a kind of melt-in-your-mouth consistency. Be mushy like Gumby. Be Midnight and times that will Midnight opportunities and times that win absorptive like a sponge. Be soft and cool never be forgotten. I could not and sweet like ice cream. Study Libra's WELCOME NEW PLAN Ed have achieved this title without genius for tickling opposite extremes without DJ, BRETT TOTO help from others andand II wouldwould likelike crushed in the middle. This isn't the RUNWAY 55I I YOUR HOLIDAY help }!in!;i:!i;:{;:!§;;n'§i:§!e;gdi!::etrs:ti#!i}{:h%:::being RUNWAY YOUR HOLIDAY to taketake thisthis timetime to give themthem a time that triestries men'smen's souls. souls It'sIt's the the tirTte time that j men's and women's souls in all Mon - Fri at 4°-; very special thank you. squeezes men's and women's souls in all Open°P8:tM&°§u-nF:jta2tm4qu; ADVERTISINGEnTisiMfi NOW! the rightright places. Sat & Sun at 2" j Jimmy King,King, Jason Jason Flaig, Flaig, MON: 75' Tappers • TUES: 2 for 1 Michael, DuWanna Duwanna MooreMoore andand VIRGO (AUG.(AUG. 23-SEPT. 23€EPT. 22):22): Even ifif you RailRaYi°&Ni:i.eTsatpcp#;.T#5::2sfh°:t& & domestic beer • WED: Shots & 21 Cover Date p I Issue|siue 210ct..21-Oct.. 21 Cover Date the USA System forfor your consider yourself a closet aristocrat, Beer Special • THUR: Beer & soda October 13 DeadlineDeadline suggest33:;i:se,ry.yuo:g:I;thaef,I:::5.'':I,is:Ssr.:t;cl you apply the blue-collar approach Bash 7-close • FRI: 75e stammers & Cr, professionalism at all times; Za's BBa¥hr7S¢ToC::I..FRH#:¢Bsr:rm&mse°ia& Issue 22-Nov. 4 Cover Date to all problemsproblems thisthis week.week. ThatThat meansmeans koolko:I,§;gjeyN&a::S¥:e:,rE;2:a:t:;g:A:Ts#:in aide & Beer Special • SAT: "Cum Esepe 22-Nov. 4 Cover Datei management, staff and definitely to gel October 27 Deadline thinking with your body, being willing & C.", No Cover, Specials • SUN: my loyalleyal bar customers; hands dirty, and placing a high 2 to 8; Beer & Issue 23-Nov. 18 Cover Date your Bloody Mary's $1" |§_sue 23-Nov. 18 Cover D_ate Christopher and Kate forfor alwaysalways premium on hard work. It means keeping a bash 7 to close November 10 Deadline !h#:uf£:.g#ll#::d#'fi:embn:gacijg:neg:::::get soda bash 7 to close . being therethere;; Spanky,Spanky, thethe firm graspgrasp on the fact that you're neithei.neither. HOUR, 2-4-1 Rail & Domestic Thanksgiving & H.I.T. Issue) HAPPY HOUF], 2+1 Rail & Domestic (Also ourour Thanksgiving & H.I.T. Issue) Foreplay Dancers,Dancers, CabronCabron andand better nor worse than anyone else. It Beer, MonMonFri,-Fri, 4-7 4-7 Cover Date p your Issue 24-Dec. 2 the judgesjudges for making me "work especially means that you shouldn't let DJDil THURS,THUF`S, FRI, FFII, SAT, SAT, 24 Deadline, 5" too fine. Use it to perform STRICT November it"it" thatthat night;night; and, and, Todd, Tedd, for for the the ;;i:,:,t:ifr#:ga°en:ste;hofi!:ri#d:n;tis:t:yo°#fine intellect get 99Close;-Close; -ne,5pr.•Early deadline due to Thanksgiving very concrete wonders — like for instance of Beer! 'Early deadline and love, your shoes are We Offer 19 kinds Of Beer! support and Love, your shoes are dragging you away from, not into, a IssueIssue_25 25 ` t going to be hard toto fin.fill. labyrinth. Dec. 16-Jan. 12 Cover Date ia:£#[cr;toeuw:#aeyrs#enf:,,T#,nco;I D#Eo.,;i2y£:#BIG" to the There's justjust one exceptionexception toto thesethese : 4 Week Holiday Issue with "BIG" Pij II willwin representrepresent Wisconsin to the Changes! best of myny abilftyability at the national always. e INlN STEP pageant andand always. POPULARpop |'EWSNEWS MAGAZINE ,1.1 Love andand respect,respect, 225 North Waterwater stSt - ?p 225225 S. 2nd Street 278-0636 •. hdilwaukeeMilwaukee WI Milwaukee, WI Gregory JamesJames ADULTADulr vlDEo VIDEO TAPES TAPES && 53204 RAGAZRESMAGAZINES 51 Mr. GayGay WIWI-USA,-USA, '93-'94 `93-'94 EEIPhone:ne: 414/278-7840 51 r ADULTADulJr TOYSToys .• pEEp-sHoWsPEEP-SHOWS 8an-Midnight, 77 Days/Week Fax: 414/278-5868414/278-5868 11113J - Lif -01-3rJTJ- di E.1-121- 0 -07.35 6 8am-Midnight, InIn Step •` OctoberOctober 7-20,7-20, 1993 ` Page Page 7272 1753 South KK Ave • 672-5580 1 Real r Cocktail Hour Astrologyffistrology 7 Days a Week 2-4-1 TillTill 9:0opm9:00'm B B By1 1! Pr,Robert. 114,?11 PrP7'7.rviBrezsny Week beginning OctoberOctober 7 ARIESARIES(inAR.20-APR.19):Ibetyou'Ilmake (MAR. 20-APR. 19): I bet you'll make COCKTAIL HO R ATy a new connectionconnection because because of thisthis column column — - HO R ATYOR PLACE a connectionconnedion that that leads leads to to a a lot lot of of plot plot twists.twists. Maybe a strangerstranger is peeringpeering overover your shoulder asas youyou readread thisthis rightright now. J BEAT THE CLOCK A Friendly Friendly L L ...... Introduce yourself. Or maybe aa Very Place forfor Everyone, Intriguing Person will be eavesdropping as Monday thr_ Friday you)notLigauiEga:eei3nd::lug:t::v::darno,R3i:!:; and a friend discuss the meaning of my last several oracles. 44#\Sin5d%a±r=irFnTEa5Yo¢ till 5 Rail Drinks 50(t I also suspect that one of your intimate CREAM CITYCITY relationshipsreiati:::Sh:pSsusfjficthtahva:°anen::¥°burrej#jdToaj: will have a near breakdown 5 till 6 Rail Drinks 75V75¢ BENEFIT that could, with thethe helphelp ofof this this column, column, turn turn 6 till 7 Rail Drinks $1.25 CHORUS BENEFIT into aa breakthrough. UseUse meme as a matchmaker, aa mediator, a a mutualmutual friend.friend. 7 till 8 Rail DrinksDrinks $1.75 8 till 9 Rail DrinksDrinks $2.00 SAT., OCT OCT 16 16 TAURUS (APR. 2020-MAY-MAY 20):20): AreAre youyou sure youteyou're warmwarm enough? MaybeMaybe youyou should go Tap Beer `andand BottleBottle Beer 11/2/2 price featuring: out and buy an extra security blanket. Are Ask Bartender for Nightly • Singsational you;#?ankqn3uyyo:fveL=t+ins?C8:#nbg'a#:%.thAar: taking your vitamins? Getting more than Specials! • Singsational enough sleep?sleep? Don'tDon't lielie to me. Are you eating well? No, I'm not nagging. I'm making SO WHAT'S MISSING IN THIS SPECIAL???? Productions SingingSinging ::::n?owue{:7k¥°d:Fernfrea%9j;8L:;:ifT:rigsure you take better care of yourself, since Machine at 9pm you seem to have ignored the warning signals.¥%unais:eBidt;a:agveet}%T:r#sthhoet?Wpa]:i:8 Did you get your flu shot? Please II UPI • Gala Show atat don't telltell \meme to shut up.up. AllAll I'm.l'm askingasking is that ALSO . . . you check the tires onon youryour car. And go get 10:30pm10:30pm a check-up. And treat yourself to some nice long hot baths. But don'tdon't go outside with Oct 10 $3S3 CoverCover ChargeCharge with your hair wet. Help Miss Y.P.,Sasha Mitchell go to thePageant (Marney(Mafney isis 40!)40!) GEMINI (MAY(MAY 21 21UUNE-JUNE 20):20): The Hindu ternterm I.darshan" "darshan" refersrefers toto disciples disciples sittingsitting inin Showtime 8:30 (A Benefit Show) the presence of a holy person and soaking • 1111 presence of a holy person and soaking up thethe blessingsblessings he or she naturally Oct 24 radiates. Recently I waswas shocked to see a FOR MAP PANTRY comparable event occuroccur spontaneously at Razzle Dazzle Bring in a bag of grocer the locallocal farmers'famers' market.market. WhenWhen the person An evening from a star-studded crypt. Show Free. 8:30 and injn thethe Barney Barney costume showedshowed up.up, waving get a FREE DRINK and dancing but nevernever speaking,speaking, a swarmswarm ofof young children gatheredgathered inin. spellbound Free CountryCountry DanceDance Lessons adoration, asas if if drinking drinking inin liquid lightning.lightning. ItIt Hey Lessons was Barney darshan. College Students: Show us your ID & get Tap Beer FREE!!! Mondays, 8pm,8pm, TuesdaysTuesdays Even jfif you,Ireyou're not not aa Hindu or or a a BarneyBarney . 9pm, Fridays 8pm8pm && devotee -and— and especially especially if if you'reyou're aa proudproud cynic —- I I recommendrecommend thatthat youyou experienceexperience 813 South First • Milwaukee Saturdays 9pm some formform ofof darshan soon. soon. NothingNothing cures • 647-0130 •1* excess ironyirony betterbetter than a hit of of pure,pure, "A Place with a 90's State of Mind!!!" In StepStop .` OctoberOctober 7-20.7-20, 19931993 `. Page 2626 '.The"The artsarts shouldshouid notnot bebe usedused as a + the far right or •.Navratilova contd. from page 24 political football by those on Alexander. But she said ► contd. from page 24 &°:m#'leptr°nth#idby#:a:d°enr.thBeuf:h¥hsta°idrthe far left," said guarantee the NEA would singles titles she could not record for the most Wimbledon without controversy. "The very =#thtr#oestm£S:#'mrfelesdin,S:n5:I::d«£:most career titles — 165, and the proceed — 9, the essence of art, after all, is to hold a mirror prize money won by a woman — over §hi=#ovPT°rt:,ugiuft:g:n!#%¥o;h:'id¥ae:#o¥ most prize money won by a woman - over upuP t°Env%t:re:nservativeto nature." son. Orrin Hatch S,9$19 million.million. Even conservative Sen. Orrin Hatch "I''1 knowknow some ofof my my serf-\Arorth self-worth comescomes (R-UT) voted for Alexander, saying she is from tennis, and it's hard to think of doing !:-¥Rnvin°uto;dp9sr.di#Xt:n:esrfo:ayi::fi§::£position to restore confidence you'll never "in a unique something else where you know NEA." "But it's lnin the NEA" £#g#£g:i,#eLif::einhya#e#i£¥#u:I:##:e:rbe the best," she told the Times. Meanwhile, thethe Senate Senate defeated two is to life and I'm ready to not allall therethere is to life and l'm ready to attempts by Son.Sen. Jesse HelmsHelms toto restrictrestrict explore the alternatives."alternatives." the way grants are disbursed by the NEA. One amendment would have prohibited any Jane AlexanderAlexander ApprovedApproved as,as grants from going directly to individual Chair ofof NEA artists, the other sought to require that NEA the states to decide how Washington, D.C. — In an event that irff!¥ig!g¥:n:i:s!:g;u#!ijiF!::ji;::iff"#iE±funds be given to Almost two- thirds of the senat¥:s,+i:fie:n{oDrico.re_a:naa,nco:rvoennatti::±senators likened to more of a "coronation" to disburse them.them. Almost two- thirds of the against both measures. than a confimationconfirmation process,process, the U.S. Senate votedvoted against both measiires. Senate has approved the nomination of i;n:steshjaasneappfevxeadndgreFo°mineaati°nth°efactress Jane Alexander to head the National GayGay Groups ContinueContinue National EndowmentEndow/merit for the ArtsArts (NEA).(NEA). to Grow Senators nearly fell over themselves Washington, D.C. — The six largest and lavishingi£##£:,:tn°£?ai:a::?3::"wS:eL:#ie#:rr:I:a§ praise on the Tony national Gay and Lesbian organizations the Emmy-winning actress, who will head continue to grow in financial resources, federal arts agency whichwhich hashas been under personnel and membership, according to a attack in recent recent yearsyears forfor subsidizingsubsidizing survey conducted by the Washington allegedly ''obscene""obscene" art.art. ;i;¥}a!:iti;nn#ga£:iig:ihii¥a§|§a;izjjgf#i§iBlade. But their combined budget of $12

ANN e~ tine .r=1. BottomDottomLinef=T5T==E''±£f== 53211 3610 North Oakland Avenue Avenue . • Mllviaukee,Milwaukee, vylWI 53211 Gay Games & StonewallStohewoll 25 , June '94 1029 N 8th ST March ®n on StonewallSitonowall Sheboygan, WI June 26, 1994 457-1636 Gay Games IV June '15-25, 1994 ® NonN®ncop-Stop allair Hotels~ceun as lowce as` CalfCall Bottom Bottom Line Line Travel Travel today today on MkhwestMidwest $70S70 perp®r person. persco Express BookButugvy® NOW to for informedoninformation dr & reservcedons reservations for S1$172.00 72.00 guaranteegunranhe your yur AirAdr space span is hotel space!spacel 964-6199 oror 1-800-933-8330-1-800-933-8330 limited.umRE. Open 2 to 2 Wisconsin's First Gay Owned and Operated Travel Agency. 7 Days ITSziiiizE] ti....•,. Gay FAX (414) 964-6303 964-6303 1-800-933-8330 1-800-933-8330 Alisociabn (414)(414) 964-6199964-6199 FAX (414) TmNTRT_fa -LT_`u -

InIn StepStep •` OctoberOctober 7-20,7-20, 1993 1993 • ` PageF'age 7070 InIn StepStep •` OctoberOctober 7-20,7-20, 1993 1993 • ` Page Page 2727 NoNo NunsenseNunsense ifif you'reyou're a a boyboy couple. couple. BetterBetter yet,yet, askask forfor On On millionmillion is is still still dwarfed dwarfed by by the the financialfinancial clout ►• contd. from page page 68 Our Backs or or Honcho Honcho and and REALLY REALLY wreck 'em!`em! of the nation's top right wing groups, whose budgetsgL:hgeetnsa:loot:',S+°oprerjihh:nwsn2g,%r°mujffj%'nYh°Se total more than $213 was out and had been able to have an open Just remember thatthat aa reallyreally vitalvital part of million. The six top Gay groups AN AFFORDABLE dialogue with the judge, perhaps Justice NCODNCOD isis toto take take anan activist role in and their 1993 budgets are: the Powell would have voted the other way and overturning those those outdatedoutdated sodomysodomy laws,laws, so Human Rights Campaign so Fund, $5.5 million; we!i:#;e![!on!,'#;:ve:h!uosq;i;tuh::::ii:r:#Ja;y;;bce! wouldn't have those stupid sodomy laws why notnot taketake the law inin youryour hands hands (and the National Gay and WAY TO DECORATE Lesbian Task Force, inin America today.today. whatever else is handy — yuk yuk), $3.3 million; Lambda grab Legal Defense But you say you're already as out as your partner, and SOD, SOD, SOD-O-MIZE :§§€,it§e:;Si:;!h;:::nH;:y,igi:u¥:a:£i¥::hiij:yi;:jjand Education Fund, $1.7 you yohuart:Vaertrn:i:eaia88nDd,ysaDYuskoyDu.kd:Mg,rzaE million; the the Federation Federation of WITH STYLE! can possibly be? Oh R-E-E-E-E-A-L-L- with another practicing queer (practice of ParentsParents and Y? Friends of Lesbians and Ga yo,ufi:#y,ogu,i!y:-bt::uig:[:i,:E:-d!:-::i-giui;aid:When your co-workers tell those stupid makes#jihkesa#heeJ).Br::,ttj?tnr8etThuee:,r,.,+Pp':iticn: perfect). Don't forget the all-important Friends of Lesbians and Gays,ys, $900,000;$900,000; homo The Gay.Gay and and ,.Lesbian Victory Fund, Unique Items • Great Prices jokes, do you quickly interrupt them second word word in in National National COMING COMING Out Day. Lesbian Victory Fund, with,:?tTo"gfess;y?odi:o;oquicekiyr:::er::gtat::Ft "Oh $611,000; say, did you hear the one about Well, I I thing thing that that I've l've lectured lectured quitequite long long $611,000; andand thethe National Center Center forfor the insensitive, LesbianLesbfhneRi3LhJ%'eF4o?:#ineemployeesat Rights, • Sofas (Starting(starting at$299) at $299) bigoted, prejudiced breeder enough onon NCOD: NowIVow Come Come Out, Out, $425,000. Sofas who..#eoj.i.S#'Vgeu.e8:9%eud'dpdn:jtTd+gudwb::fddnetr. no, I guess you didn't. The number of full-time employees at You wouldn't Darling!!!Dariind!!! • CD Racks (Startingat$39)(starting $39) get it anyway.anyway..... it'sit's a Gay thing." Snap Snap snapsnap these groupsgroups roserose fromfrom 7272 inin 1991 to 102 • CD Racks at snap.Snap. today. Ten of those are full-time lobbyists, • AccentAccent Pieces For you mall rats in a shopping mood, JILLJET S. S. GHBERT, GILBERT, CEA CPA up from 5 just two years ago. The number Pieces findfindyFo°:ry::area:|r:tt:r:naeiirn°gppj:3j,F°a°ndd your nearest store selling Levi's and A ORNEY-AT-LAWoRrur-AT-IAw of names on mailing lists has tripled in two (Vases,(Vases, Pedestals,Pedestals, Art)Art) shout out to all the patrons, "I am years,§o:d:;r::Tin;::6#:s:Tng::§negc::;::r::h,:i::nm:::5jeogfn::#§ but donors contributing money to purchasing this pair of jeans in support of • Counsel to to G.L.13.V.A. G.L.B.v.A these groupsgroups constituteconstitute lessless thanthan 1% of the • GlassGlass-Topped-Topped End • Wills, Trusts, Powers of thetshEe?C:hteavs,?n:§trffu3Sspa:I;rap:h::I:tfn:Strfn:§'udpi`oNrt:o=f Levi Strauss Corporation who did Trusts, Powers of estimated number of Gays and Lesbians in NOT Attorney, Property Law in (starting at $12.99) bend toto fundiefundie pressure,pressure, will will definit`elydefinitely and and Attorney, Property Law America. Tables (starting at Si2.99 Issues,Issues, Taxation & defiantly NOT contribute to the Boy Scouts, Taxation & • Glass-Topped Dining Business Matters, • Glass-Topped Dining andg:3aonnt'tyheN9oTsfi::t:jpduet,edto°etsh:ff::=osmc°e::;= on the positive side, does offer domestic Employment Law.law. Also on thethe Newswire.:.\\Newswire... partner benefits toto its employees!" Tables (Starting (startin gat at Si79) $179) Offices Located at: 5810 West Oklahoma, Philadelphia, PA — Abner Mason, an Next, taketake youryour same same-sex-sex pal to the Located at 5810 West Oklahoma, to the Suite 204, MilwaukeeMilwaukee and W62 N248 AfricanAfricapnhjfud::E[jna'frpoAm-B#t:::M:§`°B;:: American from Boston, nearest convenience store and and W62 N248 has been Chairs starting at $49. store and Washington, CcdarburgCedarburg elected President ofof thethe -LogLog Cabin inconvenienceinconvenience thethe clerk byby asking for a asking for a Federation, the national network of Gay • Lounge Chairs Playboyplayboy ifif `you'reyou're a girlgirl couple or a Playgirl 321-9733 Chairs RepublicanE#rbiifnh th:,u33:j°n#a::pr°io,3fclubs. Mason told theG#: • Lots More! Washington Blade he hoped to channel • Lots More! the#:Sh:nngr:FesB'agfe energies of hGea}°P::dt°Gay and :::£raen)Lesbian Republicans to "correct the problems in our WHAT'SWHAT]§ NEWNEW ATAT VUK'S?VUK'§? party" andand ensure Gay Gay and and Lesbian Lesbian visibilfty visibility and input in thethe GOP.GOP. Columbus, OH —- OfficialsOfficials at Ohio RICCO'S State University have reneged on an earlier SUPERSuPER SAVER$AVER §UNDAYSSUNDAY$ decisionS:actj:jounnjvt:rs#ehnav8:eul:g?adm°jryaE:::lil:5 to open OSU's family housing $1.50 facilityfacilfty to to Gay Gay and and Lesbian Lesbian couples couples andand EURO-DESIGN $1.50 BeerBeer Bust,Bust, 4-9pm •. $1$1 Rail,Flail, 4-9 4-9 their children.children. Some Some tenantstenants opposedopposed the change, and state lawmakers threatened to • 10633 West Oklahoma . block8roacnkgteh'ea#8;t3toe,jt;rakersthreatenedto- the new policy. • 10633 West Oklahoma • TUESDAYSTUE§DAY§ Washington, D.C. — Mayor Sharon 321-2221 Prattpratt%]fyh:#ht:nBjspri.8t.oTcovua#:a:gsa::a Kelly of the District of Columbia issued All Bottled Bottled Miller Miller Beer Beer 75$, 75¢, 44-Close-Close an official official proclamation proclamation declaring declaring Mon, Wed, Wed, September 15,15,1993 1993 "Miss"Miss StonewallStonewall PridePride and Stonewall Education Day" in honorhonor of Thur, Fri-1Fri-10'- oam. 8pm8' the Miss Stonewall DragDrag Pageant Pageant and SatSat-1-1 0amO am toto 5pm 5" urging "all residentsresidents toto joinjoin inin this celebration." Itlt isis believedbelieved to be the firstfirst SunSun-Noon-Noon to to 5Pm 5pm time aa dragdrag pageant pageant has beenbeen recognizedrecognized • 8700 W. Brown Deer . by aa public official.official. • 8700 W. Brown Deer • SanSam Francisco, Francisco, CA CA — - TedeTede 365-9039 Matthews, 41, a longtime Gay activist in SangaantthF::ns;is4c'o',3i:3nogftjffBSG€oymafitfjt3;nj: Francisco, died of AIDS complications FriFrj-loam.8pm-1 Oam-8 nm inin July.July. MatthewsMatthews helped foundfound Bay Area Wuffi'S SatSat-loam.5pm-1 Oam-5 Pm 2033 S. 13th St.St. . •Milunukee Milwaukee . NEW• NEW NUMBER: NUMBER: 672-8866672-8866 Gay Liberation in the 1970's and was Open0i)en 4pm - Close, 7 Days a Week f€:¥ur:Lb:iatti°eni;n78tE;cu`£::'&ryan#o%a,.Sfeatured in the 1978 documentary Close, 7 Days a Week Word is SunSun-||am.5pm-11am-5Pm Out. contd. c6nid. on on page page ► -3030 28 In Step • October 7-20, 1993 • Page BoysTown NITE CLUB

2022ae22 W. NationalI`L.bend Ave. Are. • .Milw Mini • .845-1830 e4}1eso Noon! HOURS:NOUFle: Open Open Mon Menelt-Sat at .t 7pm, 7pm, Sunday Sungiv at .€ lunl NEW "ROCK"ROCK THE HOUSE" SPECIAL§SPECIALS Mon,Mon. Tue, WedWed 25'25¢ Tap/75'Tap/75¢ Bail.Rail, 7-10Pm7-1Cpr Friday Beer Beer Bash, Bash, 7 7€lose,-Close, $ $55

$2 DonationDonation THUP„THUR., OCT 7,7' 11:30Pm,11 :3opm, $2 Miss WisconsinWisconsin USA USA AI-LargeAt-Large SHANNON§HANNON DUPREEDUPREE has aa BIG BIG BENEFIT BENEFIT BASHBASH with specialspecial guestsguests

. °SUNDAY,SUNDAY, OCTOBEROCT0BEP 1 IET i-AIplEi§-BiRTHDAV/CARRIE'S BIRTHDAY BAS[- BAen1nS. t. t,. a featuring §ashaSasha MitchellMitchell & Fatale§Fatales FreeFree TapTap peer,Beer, 9-10pm9-10Pm


'f,,`..`:. . `,A..` .... ``.` .... `.' £,,„``` SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16 FUNDRAISERFUN§DfiT§¥HB:::tfing.A;u;REF::::sFp:0:ECT FOR MILWAUKEE AIDS PROJECT DRAG-A-RAMA Host: Vivian Vivacious 110:30PT0:30Pm ShoVvtirne,§howiime, '2$2 CoverCover

on Milwaukee's Over 8,000 Walkers participated in the '93 Wisconsin AIDS Walk held lakefront. Photos by Jamie Taylor In StepStop •` October 7-20, 1993 - Page 68 October 7-20, 1993 • Page 68 i, -I- , SJ InIn StepStop •` OctoberOctober 7-20, 1993 1993 • ; PagePage 2929 emphasize that homosexuality is not just a :eTXEhafsj3:u9aiuht°T°::rhivg:proj:en°atsju;teasexual issue but a political one as well No RIunsenseNonsense (giving new meaning to the phrase, "politics makes##:Snfo:ysTr:#j:9bt:dthfeiiop*:):e'r#'j#.jncgsg for strange bedfellows"), requiring ByBEapr Sister Dana Dana Van Van lquity lquity active visibility. Personally, I am all for. :i#ifftyYis:3"?n.yo::rs=nna,alytie:t,awTe:"thfeoyr.visibility, as anyone can attest when they see me prancing around town dressed in NCOD == NoNo closets Of nun's:::.sm3apbritanacindgwa#3:nfa£W#adkr::Se## habit and white face makeup with Closets Of industrialindustrial-strength-strength fakefake eyelashes.eyelashes. If thatthat DeathDeath ain't visible, what what is? is? Supported by most of the major Sister Dana herebyhereby declaresdeclares NCODNCOD most of the major national Gay organ.izations,organizations, last year NCOD shall stand forfor "No"No Closets of Death." YouYou last year NCOD enlisted the aid of may recognize the official NCOD initials over 8000 groups nationwide, as well as signifying National Coming Out Day. Well the straight media. Talk show host now,Fga#y?re:#nNnoa:i:a:::,:c#i:i:g|?N?u3oDDayi.nELa!;, let's not nit-pick, alrighty?? Oprah Winfrey took a little break from her usual agenda Okay, here here comescomes your queer history iieii#d.w::he:hs#e!,:o;i,i%:;gr:s!!ao:lil:fi:lie:of male- bashing and instead devoted an entire TV lesson, students: on October October 11, 11, 1987, 1987, an entire TV program to NCOD. Phil millions ofof LesBiGaysLesBiGays from GaymericaGaymerica program to NCOD. Phil Donahue Donahue hadhad. several Lesbian/Gay theme showsshows duringduring participated in thethe highlyhighly successful successful NCOD weekweek (but (but then then PhilPhil always always has lots campaign known as National Coming Out has lots of those pro-Gay programs, bless Day. Celebrating the triumph of the very first his heart :iih°o:;e?I::it?iyopgr:%:;.mih,%'e;:ahrjsNhceoa5''and other vital organs). This year Gaysbiana:?:?,g,:#a3;!gn:£n:#itiiTE:::c!ieTn#a's!#i March on Washington, in a spirit NCOD staff will be be lookinglooking for for endorsements endorsements from of national GayGay pride, itit waswas aa time ofof from celebrities and leaders fromfrom the religious, "takingTaAi.ng your your next next step" step" out of the closet. the religious, business and political arenas Today, in thesethese treacherous times of outing,outing, across the , nation.::t::nn:sea:ny:uP:,:jfj:,e#:tafo:Fdrohsasppt::, Can you imagine what would however, itit is is notnot alwaysatways youryour choicechoice whenwhen happen if everyevery closetedcloseted celeb andand privatelyprivately poofter you take that step; so I suggest you beat the politico in the world came charging out of outers toto the punch and comecome outout allall the politico in the world came charging out of . their closetsclosets at once? Well, forfor one one thing, thing, the the Wayihh=gmo°a|eo9#Tsra£:I?ou:at,h8ob:rnegr!out:way. The more OUTrageous the better! National Enquirer wouldwould suddenly be out of The goal of this National Coming Out: business. Day yearly campaign is to radically and II firmlyfirmly believe believe that Gay invisibility is suddenly9uadyd#;r'ixc%aTs%ai£:jisiLsiit;a:jfcaJ':oavnedr increase the visibility of the over Gay invisibility is the heart of GayGay oppression.oppression. Whereas 20 million Gay men and women in America. Whereas NCOD is a way of letting Mr.Mr. andand Mrs. Apple Ora3#j:,[oenvgranyaFu::r:P8##EnRjnc£#f.rj#V in the vernacular: "ONE PER CENT, MY Mrs. ASS!!!„ASS!!!" Pie America knowknow thatthat wewe areare everywhere, This year NCOD proudly mergesmerges withwith and we demand ourour full,full, civil, civil, human human rights, rights, dammit! tah#ai:aprfitfth°tr#nHkua+!8:i:;iahig[%:n:t;it:jt;Athe non-profit organization, Triangle Institute, dammit! ToTo illustrateillustrate my my point, point, look look at at the the affiliated with the Human Rights Campaign hateful 'HarchA/ickeHardwicke v. v. Bowers Bowers SupremeSupreme Fund, to become even bigger and better Court case where thethe GeorgiaGeorgia sodomysodomy lawlaw tFhuannd'et:e:effig8Dev::dbjgHgR:Fndoffib:i:fsr.than ever. NCOD and HRCF officials was upheld. Justice Powell had voted at one time towardstowards strikingstriking thethe law,law, and and then then changed. He said that hehe hadhad nevernever knownknown a GayGay personperson in in hishis life. Ironically,Ironically, his his ownown IN STEP law clerk was GayGay butbut not not out. out. IfIf thatthat manman \ Watch for our •BIG. Change to Kick-Off c:Ontd.contd. onOn page ► 70 1994 Thomas E. MartinMartin - Our1Oth Anniversary Year - ATTORNEY AT LAW Nat'`I.ComingOu[DayisOcL11,butyoucaiiNat'l. Coming Out Day is General Practice of Law "COME OUT»Oct. I I, but to you can "COME OUT"' Fifteen Years Experience 5Ort7111G DETEREIIT . anytime!anytine! 5666 N. TeutoniaTcutonia Avenue •. Milwaukee —LA 765-9413 A Closed Mondays, open 44pr,- Tues-Fri, Tues-Fri, 6•''' 6m Sat Sat & & Sun Sun A Mayor John Norquist (upper left corner) and Sen. Kohl (center) were just some of the many celebrities who were at the Walk, which raised $550,581. InIn Step `• October 7-20, 19931993 •` PagePage 3030 and Lesbian rights cases. Formerly with the is in Grubb's Pub Newswire Newa¥wL?Sobkanc#fegaie;idF°sTc?Ty,witbho# York City Legal Aid Society, Dohrn La Grill is i,n Grabb's Pub commented: "I"I am eager toto contribute to ►• contd. fromfrom page .2727 Lambda's established traditiontradition of creative Chicago, IL — Just weeks after advocacy." African American Gays and Lesbians made SanSam Francisco,Francisco, CA —- United United AIrlinesAirlines history by marching in Chicago's annual has joined the growing list of dozens of 3,gig:::fti::of;I,:3diT:n:J:i;itkfaii;:isafr:::ijBud Billiken parade, Gay Latinos made major corporations in America which @#iED.ELulh history by marching in the city's Mexican prohibitFi3ip,Jr::n=3dE:hr[:fat:!r:°§:'nni!b';Sdi:efr,;:Z:€§ic:h: discrimination based on sexual Independence#iat:pryenbdyenmfr3:j#ajrnadt::T::tyASss¥:i:jt#: Day parade. The Association orientation in its personnel guidelines. An of Latin Men for Action applied to participate affinity group of Gay and Lesbian United as::LatinMfnn{:nrg::t{'°naanpdp'je!hte°Paprt::iEaet.: a contingent and the parade's employees:#e#aytle:gn:J:eiied?eio?bog:nn?eo`rLg&us:gl;'i:,:U;}it# helped lobby for the policy. organizers,organ.izers, thethe Mexican CivicCivic Society Society ofof Illinois,Illinois, agreed agreed withoutwithout hesitation. hesitation. New York, NY NY — - Beatrice DohrnDohm has has -— Briefs Briefs Compiled Compiled by Jamakaya been appointed the new Legal Director of thetbheee[aaf88int=€g;ieD:;ewnsLee8:LDErdeuc£:jo°nf Lambda Legal Defense and Education EXTRA! group which provides EXTRA! EXTRA! national EXTRA! Fund, a national group which provides counsel and assistance toto litigantslitigants inin Gay liIf ItIt Conce:msConcerns thou,You, It ConcernsConcerns U!±! Us! Read allall aboutabout this . .• .• 529-2800 DON'T FORGET! I 529-6440 WHAT:WIIAT: Friday Friday FishFish Fry,Fry, 6pm-on6pm-on ATTORNEYS Pub PLAN WlmRE:WHERE: La,La Grill Grill in in Grubb's Gmbb's pub MEYERS below La Cage & Dance KLAUS & YOUR HOLIDAY below YOUR HOLIDAY (Mr. La Grill) & Warren J. Klaus & Mike EHTISINfi NOW! WIIO:WHO: Mike our.harni)& ADVERTISING (Your favorite bartender) Michael T. Meyers PatrickPat|.ick (YOur fa,vol.lte ttaatender) Personal injury,inj ury, workers workers compensation, compensation, 21 Cover Date wills, probateprobate avoidance, avoidance, partner's pariner's Issue±sue 21.Oct..21-Oct.. 21 Cover Date WHY:WIIY: BecauseBecause you you askedasked forfop itit andand October 13 Deadline separation agreements,agreements, OWI, Owl, real real estate, estate, October 13 Deadline- Issue]s§ue 22-Nov.22-Nov. 44 CoverCover Date_ Date we'rewe'pe herehere to please.please. visitations & family law, TitleTitle XIX,XIX, October 27 Deadline Revocable and Medicaid Trusts.Thists. Issue 23-Nov.23-Nov. 1818 Cover Cover Date_ Date Join usus fopfor GoodGood Food, GoodGood DrinksDrinks 8e& FREE FIRSTFIRST MEETINGMEETING November 10 Deadline with attorney regarding any legal matter. (Also(Also ourour Thanksgiving & H.I.T. Issue)Issue) Great Times atat Free Living Will Issuets±qu±di-NDoi:e.m2bei°2¥DieiEe,5m 24-Dec. 2 Cover Date STRICT November 24 Deadline, 5' La GI`illGrill in i± Grubb'sGmbb's Pub CALL FOR FOR AN AN APPOINTMENT APP0IN"ENT *Early•Early deadlinedeadline due to Thanksgiving EveningEveningandWeekendHours and Weekend Hours IssueIssue 25 CPA ServicesServices WHEN:WlnH: Friday,Friday, OctoberOctober 88 && EveryEvery Dec.Dec.16|an. 16-Jan, 12 12 Cover Cover DateDate 4 Week Holiday issueIssue with "BIG""BIG" Friday II ?BB I Changes! Changes! \\ If -- STEP VA •\ Fib& INlN STEP HOURS: Wed,Wed, Thur,Thor, Sun, 9Pm-5an9Pm-3ana • 171111l,01:Ig _-+`--`:-i:i--==-- MAGAZINE \• P• 225 S. 2nd Street \ Ja$111.0. !If FpilFri, 6Pm=5:8oan6Pm-3:30' Milwaukee,Mitwaukee, WI ` 53204 Sat, 9Pm-4:oo8m9Pm-4:00am Phone:ne: 414/278-7840 5665 South 108thlo8th Street Fax: 414/278-5868414/278-5868 807 SouthSouth SecondSecond Street Street • . MilwaukeeMilwaukee •. 384-8330 Hales Corners,Comers, WIWI 53130 53130 =`--

InIn StepStop `• October 7-20,7-20. 1993 •` PagePage 66 same instant as JeffJeff Stryker,Stryker, itit shouldshouid be be Juicy Bits considered a simultaneoussimultaneous orgasm. These are thethe same menmen who who collect collect PornoPorno Star had more sexual partners than you is Trading Cards and believe if they shave considered to be a dirty, cheap slut, unless th{g.gr.incghefgd#eayn£.HP#pvreoveff,thheeyodsdhsavoe,their chests they will improve 2.416fro th6 the i -.... . the odds you are dating this person, in which of case picking up men because they&!e:ys:;I::ie#;b:i:nh::;edri#nSr:::#;;:i;u;nf:i; should be referred to "really picking up men because theythey might be sexually mistaken for smooth torso god, Marky Mark. experienced" or Madonna. torso god, Marky Mark. Law #9: Any LesbianLesbian who insists on aw #7: Any person whose personal sipping champagne from your running adaedx:`:,i::|%:#ij::s:Xr:Yti:#fs::n,rgahd°ysFnvpoi€3°dnia' calls for "discretion" is already involved in shoe either:jitphp:Tgh::aamnpi:%rneedrb?emf¥:rt:¥j:#jno:,Ssh:: has an incredible a relationship and wants toto tramp around foot fetish or is an idealidealcandjdateforanAlcoholicsAnonymous candidate for an Alcoholics Anonymous with out his lover, wife or husband finding meeting. out. These type of people arrogantly believe Law #10: Gay men who believe the the only way they'll ever be caught is if their the physical dimension and sexual acrobatics personal lives are subjected as much physical dimension and sexual acrobatics of porno stars are enhanced rigorous video scrutiny as you'd porno stars are enhanced byby specialspecial effects find on any and trick photographyphotography are the same men episodei!!:sii:i:ti::[sfis;,:I;:g:;!e%#ug#!s:;jfij!; of MTV's Real World. are the same men 1993-1994 who use explicitexplicit videosvideos asas the standard by Law #8: Over 60%60% ofof GayGay men who standard by men who which toto measuremeasure the sexual performance of use pomographicnyideospornographic -videos as a method of the sexual performance of as a method of their partners. enhancing sexsex claimclaim ifif theythey climaxclimax at the eeopyright©Copyright 1993 1993 by by Wells Wells 'Ink Ink &xpeidence, du Reahty I MON.-FRI.M°g=-pFm¥=]C&°B:e¥=.S.]Es¥a8keuRS: COCKTAIL T M HOURS: quthoap 9 I 2-4pm Rail & Beer, 2-4-1 , Snacks MR./MISS GAYGAY WISCONSIN 6 L 4 to 9pm Everything 2-4-12-4-I WISCONSIN "BE A IIACKER BACKER" SUNDAY, NOVEMBERNOVEMBER 14, 14, 1993 S A "BE A PACKER BACKER" 1993 U Join usus SUNDAYS for for the the PackerPacker GamesGames atat the FillFill outout this ``Official"Official Contestant Contestant EntryEntry Form"Form" andand mailmail to: PageantPageant K "Original Sports Bar» Productions, P.O.P.O. Box 75075,75075, Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI WI 53215 53215 E E "Original Sports Bar" Name A C Be Early! Don't be leftleft out! 0 ` DICKERTS SHEEPSHEAD TOURNAMENT"out! "DICKERTS Stage Name N 2 SHEEPSHEAD TOURNAMENT" 100% CashCash ReturnReturn --plus! plus! D 7 Address 3 Every 2nd & 4th Saturdays City/State/Zip 7 MONDAYS, 9pm-on Domestic Telephone A R 4 DomesticB±Beer $1.25 • $1.50 Rail TUESDAYS, ❑ 7 RESDAYS.9_Din-QE!9pm-on Contestant: II]I Mr. Mr. I MissMiss Gay Gay Wiscousin Wisconsin Pull Tab Night E 4 Night WEDNESDAYS, 9pm-on Sponsor (if any) E T BeerBeerBusREr Bust $3 or, 600 glasses of beer rHURSDAYS.9pm-j2nTHURSDAYS, 9pm-on Type of Talent 2-4-124-1 Rail Cocktails A $50 Rail Cocktails entry fee, check or money order payable to Pageant Productions must accompany this SATURDAY & SUNDAYS entry form. You will receive an entry pass at the rehearsal on Sunday afternoon, November 14.i:gfi¥pta%:¥:re,::er%nan:enorffapi;a:`£.e:re:e=ang:Hgen=:oz:#Tfc,:¥J¥f Official Pageant rules will be mailed to all contestants. All entry forms must be mailed, Bloodys,B|oodys,SsAc:e¥DAo¥s¥i$7¥A6¥= Screws, Dogs $1.75 til 6pm postmarked postmarked andand received received before before NovemberNovember 7, 7, 1993.1993. You mustmust bebe aa WisconsinWisconsin resident resident as as of of May 1, 1993. You must be at least 18 years Of age. Ma>inm 10 Mr contestants/rna.cinum 10 Party RoomRoom Available 1, 1993. You must be at least 18 years of age. Maximum 10 Mr. contestants/maximum 10 Miss contestants allowed. PizraPizza Served Any Time PENALTIES: You will lose 10 judging points for any deviation from the above instructions or the SLHEEPSHEAD-.TustfortheFunQ±±gSHEEPSHEAD - Just for the Fun of It! official rules: Non-mailed entry-10 points; Late for rehearsal-10 points; No tape at :¥°fa¥rfE£¥u¥¥¥:d°hg#£%pE:ints¥,f:=fyordE:di=:]°omp:£rNvoefa¥e¥tctiusorrehearsal (unless performing Every Thursday Night! live)-10 points. 7-20, 1993 • Page 65 In StepStop •` October 7-20, 1993 ` Page 65 at a bar, In Step `• October 7-20, 1993 •` PagePage 32 a man who is trying to pick you up to get rid of him Grants willwill be awarded onlyonly to ti%:s:ai:iei:;;ho:i;#h:i:3i;i¥le:a:§°!e;%:i:;;a:ffi;h§!:the more difficult it will be the more organizations that are tax exempt under the by closing time. Conversely, Bits the more likely Notes fn,tgearf:g.at:°envsetnhua:a6eogerefheeTPEouunnddeart:::Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation Juicy Bits attracted you are to a man, Group Notes your best applications from organizations it is that he's actually cruising welcomes Wells Ill111 waitress of not ordinarily associated with the Gay and ByftyWW. W.W. friend or a high-heeled Lesbian communities as long as the questionable gender. spills his guts MACT Open ForumForum requests meet Foundation criteria. An Law #3: Any man who iei!rira:i:#yp#S::;#§edd:atF:I:t|;::Gn:::yt':tii The TenTen ScientificScientific LawsLaws discussing the individual oror organizationorgankation thatthat lackslacks tax The as a panelist on a talk show Lucy Too Much"is 'rThe State of Racism" exempt status may apply through a tax topic, "People Who Love "The State of Racism" of GayGay DatingDating co-dependent whose of All Colors exempt organization that agrees to act as probably a dangerous Milwaukee —- MenMen Of All Colors Just as our world is governed by the, bill exceeds the amount you to announce :::#a:£u:::sa:,:,#hpaE'yagTer::gt:aactt::contract administrator. ;;§ej:k!;##;#§:i,§g;:;#:!iisniiin8T:;iiweekly therapist Together (MACT) is pleased lawslaws:#;ssifua'n¥°nr;iu!rse,gt3:%nae,8&yrttahj:. of physics and nature, there are certain to lease a luxury Gay and In making grant awards, the Foundation expect to pay monthly an Open Forum for the Milwaukee undeniable truths which hold today's Gay sports car. entitled, will give preference to new and innovative :ox£:hctout3epoaryaToor:::hystpookesasL:r.aluxurytownhouse or a foreign :::3i;a:n:r£:M#AricuE#RI:iefdouk°e:a?n:°##iLesbian-wi-e-stat6 community. Of Racism inThe the Mitwau.k_eeForum €.ey dating scene in a fierce grip. to which it projects or services that respond to unmet and Lesbian Law #4: The degree "The State of Racism in the Milwaukee Gay Albert Einstein revolutionized the quickly remove a needs of the community. The Foundation ;:!teEag:sbb*eibn:#tahEFfng:t:j#hnr:%uatt::d::Zj:dgGhfp:Just as becomes more difficult to Community," will be held October 10, at the #:j!§::f#s¥±rn¥iiia#§;!h:e:;iit§#tfe:t about the universe with his making love, is maymayfundtheimprovementan`d/orexpansion fund the improvement and/or expansion way we think about the universe with his partner's underpants while FirstfprsTtl#R';fyn!;nwjeF:r:he,'disLct2°RFrA`s:6ra#oh: Unitarian Church, 1342 N. Astor from E=MC squared, I will now intense feelings of of ongoing services or of an organizations famous equation directly proportionate to 4J5pm.4-6pm. The ForumForum isis cosponsored cosponsored by the on the way we look at our experienced capacity to serve the community. The shed new light sexual frustration and hunger Open DoorDoor CommitteeCommittee Ofof the First UnitarianUnitarian with the following, new and true if his Foundationgoia:#i,i:t3sesrv;#es3]r::fg;:%guann%:a:gas, will not fund general dating rituals by both partners. This is especially S°C!e#;donnaSociety. Rogers will serve as the to revised, Scientific Laws of Gay Dating! get all tangled up around his will serve as the administrative costscosts which are not linkedlinked to i;i,i::ei:;#!:,;3o:E:ET;cs¥:a;g;w:;:::n#:naoonu:I underpants Redonna Rogers Law #1#1: : A little knownknown mutation in the and must be lustily snipped off with Lamm, B.L.U.E., a specific program. ankles moderator for the Forum.Forum. Lamm, B.L.u.E., DNADr\IA sequence sequence causescauses Gay males to be your teeth. and the The applications deadline for this cycle ScissoL:w°r#y5?u#:et#.orescissors or inflated a man'S Ujima, Cream City Foundation constitutionally incapable of stopping #5: The more inflated a man's Community is::P=#%baepi3%£#°ingsg3d.ea,F'jnyeouforh%5Secygcnley October 31, 1993. If you have any Law Milwaukee Metropolitan Deb themselves from engaging in gossip. This lower his IQ. As a rule of thumb, on a panel that questions, please feel free to contact pecs, thethe lower his lQ. As a rule Of thumb. Church will be represented at queer genetic anomaly becomes especially -centered men are usually as about racism. Rohde at (608) 244-5354 or Gene Irlbeck these pectoralroenteredpectoral men are usually as. !ji#ii:,#j,:b:3:inFgrsf:H:g![;:ao:n:puTanf!#twill begin the open discussion apparent when the subject of the gossip is any Arnold Schwarzennegger will be #o?:/;og8F;,;p4g;,?,i4,-e5:%:,e,Zee?On/filci:?ee:oi(608) 831-4711. Write: New Harvest smeonv::ivaenda;a:::s£:#:,:msocttownaaTf#figogfear.sensitive as The most important part of the forum an ex-lover, a bartender blessed with Brad the emotional depth of a and the Foundation, P.O. Box 1786,1786, MadisonMadison 53701.53701 i!e!ji;i:;!e;.i!jy:a:Tahoiin#Ei;::[eiistsii::;;!ip§ij#:,i movie and possess the dialogue on this important topic Pitt's butt or any romantic rival who continue to bowl of oatmeal. beginning of a plan on how to possesses a bigger attitude than you. you judge to have in the EL¥jsest:ga°briggaenryattrfumd:n!Lcanryoat.Who Law #6: Any personperson you judge to have ge::u;in:ii!:if:a;nT!:!\uEe!sn5offn,i:.F#cnTa,n#::tifocus on the issues of racism Miss Gay Wisconsin-USA LawLaiw #2: #2: The The lessless interested youyou aleare inin Milwaukee Gay and Lesbian community. This event is free to the public. Light #:Siimq£¥r¥s!Sconsin-USAPreliminaries Hot on the heels Ofof the recen.trecent Miss rejfrtwe:T:hk#:ee:§eaft„igbd::s:es:::age:gT:Tagdnit¥i:irefreshments will be served. For additional to Club Gay Wisconsin USA PageantPageant it's time to Iv2nd11MEN Club informationi;fo'riati'6n--edntactveraiat(414)347-o58o contact Veral at (414) 347-0580 347-"2i47-1962 ` the process of finding next years or Dave atat 527-4296.5274296. start the process of finding next years WaterSt winner! 124N1i4NVIerst Jimmy King has announced the New HarvestHarvest FoundationFoundation f#3:J+[g::{efi#j:in;efa£°bbee:.a:s#€3°btg:::following Preliminaries to be held in October, Milwauk November, and December. Sat. Oct. 9 - Announces Grants Miss Gay Rockford, stage Door; Sun. Oct. 10, Miss Gay Appleton, Pivot Club; Sat. Nov. The New Harvest Madison —- The New Harvest 13 - Miss Gay Wausau, Madhatters; Sat. Accep award fall/winter grants for ble Foundation will Nov. 20 - Miss Gay Racine, JoDee's; and that benefit the Gay Maild 30 projects or services Wed. Dec. 1 - Miss Gay Milwaukee, Club ent communities. Awards may [8::v:ij:y:¥;ag#;u!i!;i;nip;giiiDi::?.:ai:i Pdrt9R0001 ;;°#oct:Ltie:srnb§##ELuf:at:#t#:::ts3€;and/or Lesbian 219. of the arts and Maio LUnCh°rion:fri.11:301: be made for promotion Contestants, as usual, will compete compete in in services, the media, ::ItuTg,d;efa°d,P:%#%:rv::ts|eth:rtmsme3raqculture, health, social PersonalPerso-hal Interview,Interview, Talent Talent and and EveningEvening community organization public education, Gown.Gown' . anteA such purposes. and development, and other Besides representing the title for a will not be made for promotion of a Awards year,B;isnigFnsg:e,pE:?:gntL:€ttrtennteillr:upfoorf:year, winning or being first runner-up b ::3:!C*i:I:dov¥#,it;ha:Sg8:e°m#aiou::i:ii§#%!fof legislative change or for support of c 3 candidates forfor publicpublic office.office. 1 $uperSuper $averSaver $unday$Sunilays Cha-Cha-Cha ihtl 4-9" So $1.50 Beer WKS Bust CHANGES $1 Rail PtaCe Photos by Jamie


engagement. engagement. Comedian/vocalist Comedian/vocalist

ComedlanNocallst Taylor In In

ln Stop`Odeber7-20,1993Page64

Step Step

• •

October October Khris Khris

Khris FrancLswowed thecrowdatM&Mclub rfurlng t\isresentreturn

7-20, 7-20,

Francis Francis

1993 1993

wowed wowed

• •

Page Page

the the

64 64

crowd crowd

at at

the the


club club

during during

his his

recent recent return return


Box Box

Sherman Sherman join usinmakingtheassociationapositive

and and

Sherman ParkRainbowAssociation,P.O.

join join

encourage encourage Box 76115,Mitwaukee,Wl53216. and theGayLesbiancommunity. force force intheShermanParkneighborhood

£fayn:EdGBrj5:EualMen,s encourage womenandpeopleofcolorto

neighborhood neighborhood

Alanon Alanon Gay Gay organization organization

whose liveshavebeeneffected bythe

seems seems

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rights rights

whose whose improve improve

neighborhood andwouldespeciallyliketo organization toreflectthemakeupof seems tobegrowing.Wewouldlikethe attended andinterestinthenewgroup Gay

Men's Men's

we we

Lesbians Lesbians provide provide

yr:C;SeA:a:::pogi#epa&onsopye::T.i,ngmet: Gay friendlyneighborhood. we canbecomeinvolvedineffortsto

area area

meeting meeting

rights andtopromoteShermanParkasa improve ourneighborhood,protectcivil based the the

Rainbow Rainbow

area tonetwork,,provideinformationonhow the 51stStreetentrance).Thefocusofthis meeting at at

Lesbians andGaysintheShermanPark Faeseetin%n :i::abseoft?nt::8:tTkeCommittees Next Next Fte:(t.ingaTthu:#ys,gnct#:,I:::h6r:nTez-;ups:

Rainbow Associationwillholditsnext

Assoc." Assoc."

A(s«fyK.:A Sherman Sherman

Next MeetingOct.19

Flaig Flaig

Pageant. Pageant. respective respective at at

Sherman Park"Rainbow

preliminary preliminary compete compete ii:fgeua:tT§194:)'u2b2S4-828%yor##nga#oSo°r:

Pageant. 8:e#iTea7njih:hewhj::lyG:;ywis££::me.ucaal In In

In Stop`Oc;tober7-20,1993Page33

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Club Club

51st 51st

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76115, 76115,

the the

can can

For For friendly friendly

For morejnformatjonwriteto:The

Our Our The The

Our picnicinSeptemberwaswell

to to Madison Madison The organzationJspurposeistoallow

Madison -AnewGayandBisexual

Milwaukee Milwaukee Step Step

Mil`Araukee -TheShermanPark Applications Applications

Applications areavailablefromthe

in in

at at

Catherine's Catherine's and and

on on

in in

network, network,

Meeting Meeting

Alanon Alanon

to to

lives lives

and and

Gay Gay

a a

(414) (414)

219. 219.

Tuesday, Tuesday,

our our

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Street Street

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organization's organization's


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and and

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and and

in in

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• •

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Milwaukee, Milwaukee,

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neighborhood. neighborhood.

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and and

Group Group

October October

Sherman Sherman

to to

the the

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224-9483 224-9483

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Gays Gays

— —

Bisexual Bisexual

interest interest

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Park Park

information information group group

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Miss Miss

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7-20, 7-20,

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We We

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available available

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19 19

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DuWanna DuWanna

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53216. 53216.

Sherman Sherman

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1993 1993

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Sherman Sherman

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Men's Men's

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Center Center

committees committees


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33 33

• •

• • • •

• • • •

• • organization organization

• PLUSsavingsofI.pto2S%vs. • 100%digitalfiberopticnetworkfor • Freecallingcardlousewhentravelling • 24-houroperatorservices • SimpleDialIservice, the finestserviceandsavingsavailable:

support support

the the

• Callanywhereintheworld support yourcommunitywhileenjoying organization youchoose.Youcan portion Telephone Telephone to to

to thelesbian.gayorHIV-related portion ofyourlongdislancebillwillgo

When When Call Call When youswitchloCommunilyspirita Telephone LongDistanceToday.

Make TheSwitchToday


Make Make

Long Long

conowNITysplRIT IT'S IT'S

hoDg DistanceScrviccDedicatedto the Switch Switch

Switch toCommunityspirit

AT&T, AT&T, AT&T, MCI,orSprint

ultimate ultimate


ultimate clarity


100% 100%

Call Call

Simple Simple

the the

Closet Closet

finest finest

-hour -hour 1-800-546-0549 1-800-546-0549


With With

anywhere anywhere

lesbian, lesbian,

Distance Distance

calling calling Lesbian Lesbian

Lesbian &Gayfrofrmurity

you you

digital digital

of of

your your

savings savings

Out Out


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service service

operator operator

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to to

your your CommunitySpirit CommunitySpirit

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switch switch


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CommunitySpirit CommunitySpirit

Pride. Pride.

card card

1 1

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gay gay

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Today. Today.

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to to

the the

go go a a 63 InIn Step ;• October 7-20, 1993 •` PagePage 63 Page 34 InIn Step `• October 7-20, 19931993 •` Page 34 event begins with AlAnonAIAnon in Salem, WI. The day's at noon in Paddock Lake. Riders will problem of alcoholism in loved ones and lunchi:n%:`eaThoYYo'ri#;addady:%ke¥:ate.biife:swwitjt] a choice of a 75 minute or a 140 friends. "All men who seek recovery and have a choice of a 75 minute or a 140 ride; some will be a walking pace; growth through the Twelve Step tradition of minute at a "shuffle." Minimum cost will be hope, mutual understanding and honesty are some:jnmu:eatridae;,ssh°uR:.W'ELi:Fma:afj:tgwTlii;i Advanced reservations are needed, so, welcome. All men are invited to share in our $15. Advanced reservations are needed, so, !r::E:ii3;t!,t#,ii#:gie::¥::di|jiia:iiiii;:i:#3::i; GAMMA at 963-9833 for information. universal brotherhood, which has helped us call GAMMA at 963-9833 for infomation. universal brotherhood, which has helped us On Sunday, October 10th, GAMMA's lead healthier and happier lives." I;t:;:H#.e::it::lijis;will:a:?E:e#gi:if!:g:::s:2:::::to hike will be held in the Southern Meetings will be held every Wednesday annualannu9|nh?kuendwai¥'b°ect£:,3rj`n°#'eGSAo¥tM;;: Moraines. Meet at a private home in 6pm at The United, 14 W. Mifflin-Suite Kettle — European Hair Design at about 9:15am and pool rides to 103 (West side of the Square) in Madison,. Shorewood§::`reewMo°oraj:8:irtM9?i:£iaaEr#:eo,hr?d::i: Eagle, WI. For the weekend of October 16 & For more info, call (608) 255-8582 or 255- — Hair Color & Color Correction 17, GAMMA has a bike ride planned on 4297. of all skill levels will leave are no obligations or Saturday. Bikers There Course southern parking 773 JEFFERSON STREET requirements. Even if you are §h:e:u::j#t'::i:eh!;?f:c:oiu#:i::I:l§!ihEit:°£ijijk;§§the Grant Park Golf NORTH membershipmemI:£[ipreaqr:ire#:nts?bEt%:tif°;osua:er journey up the lake-path to this invitation is for you. lot at 1pm, and '1" klARk ytow only curious,curious, this invitation is for you. refreshments. We will be 224.1783 anonymity is assured to everyone. M&M's#&awi,:Pfgr':on#er#:!humpet#tes.'a*ee-Pwa[:r£: for some hAil2CIRESSiNCI Complete by 3:30pm. On Sunday, affiliated with any sect, back in Grant Park AlanongpaTg|et:sann°ontymaj#„j:t:asuLeitdhto:#;rys°ena: is not will brunch at Fox and or religion. Octobergact%j:rqr7a,n:£#tiAyw?I:3b°rE#£h°anti:£daanyd 17, GAMMA denominationdenominaton or religion. in Hubertus, WI. For an October Hounds in Hubertus, Wl. For an October El 1:1 I1 El El DDDDDE! GAMMA Newsletter Newsletter with moremore information DDDDD1:1 DDDDDDDED GAMMA WelcomesWelcomes AllAll on thesethese —- and and twenty twenty other eventsevents —- callcall D to FallFall ActivitiesActivities (414)(414) 963-9833. D Fall colorscolors areare featured inin Mil`^iaukeoMilwaukee El activities for the next two (9,a) D GAMMA'sGAMMA'soutdooractivitiesforthenexttwo outdoor weeks. On Saturday, October 9th, members - El friends will go horseback riding loafer E and #:SnTn8g#:Sia.t;#g:act;h:o:I::K8::ncg:£ii:r§beginning at 1:30pm from the Keno Stables D D WALKER'S etacciftatta'THURSDAY, E! POINT OCTOBER 14, 14, 6-8:30"6-8:30Pri E NEWS . . . Room A M&M Club club BanquetBanquet Room D • New Ownership (Upstairs,'upstaEso,nla?]|.:so*rtfc¥e::::dstree" 124 North Water Street) O E * Accepted • New Hours Donations O *Donations help cover the cost of vaccine. *Donations help cover the cost of vaccine. • New Menu those with ri IfJJ#:sgaJsve7coas,,:,i:ek,e:sr,i:ac,:::::,t,::I::h:,sees,T(:thE you're HIV Positive, or in contact with a U i.--.• NewNew LookLook HIV disease (caretakers, partners, roommates), El the Gay & Lesbian Community 13 Fluflu vaccineVaccine isis strongly suggested. E ContinuingContiming toto ServeServe the Gay & Lesbian Communtry BESTD Clinic; Sponsored bydy Gay/Lesbian Gayrfebian Nurses Association;Assceiation; BESTD cthic; E Milwaukee Health Health Department. Department. |E|

POINT CAFE (Ad space donated by In Step) WALKER'S POINT CAFH O (Ad space donated by ln step) E 1106 S.S.1st 1st Street •. MilwaukeeMilwaukee .• 384-7999384-7999 1E1 El ID DEEDDDDDDDEDDDDDDDD0 In Step • October 7-20, 1993 • Page 62 InIn StepStep •` October 7-20, 1993 1993 • ` Page Page 35 35 Oberons0berons AnnounceAnnounce Events GRAND Christmas9ftri.stmas ClubClub for Kids,Kids:, HalloweenHalloween PREMIER MilwaukeeMil\Araukee — - The OberomsOberons kickkick off their 3rd annual fund drive to raise money to:3eiru;r8harrsn#:[sfugR##eci3d::i:ew#o°na:¥ buy Christmas gifts for children who are clients of the Milwaukee AIDS ProjectProject on Saturday, October 5 at 10pm at the Wreck Room. Last year the Oberons raised over $2,000 to buy gifts for 78 children. The Oberonsii,t!ugnas!i!:3¥eigr!;5:;gtr::3£!:h::nt:#s;e:d::i;::;r have selected this charity because these childrenchildren are mostly fromfrom homeshomes where their parents are also affected by AIDS,XihDe§:at#:jrthE::e::=iiFe::Ss°ouarfffg?ndtfg and there are little resources in the household to spare forfor holidayholiday celebration.celebration. The October 9th fundraiser is a $5 tZZ.1 beer/soda bust. ,et. HALLOWEEN The Oberons will have a Village People Costume Party & Contest on Saturday, October 31, 10pm, contest judging at Midnight. There is no special door charge for the contest. First prize is a Espresso • Cappuccino $25§2§;:;:n:i:;i:i:tg;;i;;i;;:#e£:o§;j£;::o:jj§,:i:e;::; bar tab at the Wreck Room. Costumes may be Taylor other than Village People themed, Latte • Coffee • Tea orgraymt;obTeerat,:::vl;,tlfgreFneeos:,ebtuhteT:add may be along other lines, but drag costumes will not not be be ableable toto compete. Juice • Sweets


by Ride To Live,Live, LiveLive To To An Illuminating Experience in Ride Intimate Enjoyment of Photos Decadent Harley Riders Group Desserts The Great Lakes Harley Riders held Friday & Saturday, their first gathering on August 21 & 22 at the lakei:a:I:I;#'#n;:n'#£S:#%€betey?:Rid%rssa:h:e#:i home of one of its members. The social October 8th & 9th organization for Gay Harley Davidson owners:ht!na?ngi;#a3n:n|#Eae:da!,eE!,e::unke:e,aE'!;,i; was founded in Milwaukee during 5-11pm the 90th anniversary celebration of Harley Free Cappuccino, Davidson andand hashas a membershipmembership which stretches fromfrom coast toto co'ast.coast. Espresso & Coffee The group's first run included stopping by the Northwoods Run (year 19.5) hosted 1/2 Price on All Bulk by3¥:i:h£::rt:h°n#agu:;:¥fR#:(y;e:a'j::'e::5c;,tu3d3e8j:i the Argonauts of WI. which included a Coffees banquet, talent show andand Mr. NorthwoodsNorthwoods contest, where liospitalftyhospitality andand hothot men men prevailed. Fall and spring motorcycle runs are being planned as well as a road trip to PIER 221 Sturgis, South Dakota. Anyone seeking information can Tc°tlp##.a€do£#m¥Tehne`eNnaa##3ncerro¥:dat##as'oesmeeL,£#8:'Sdu'ri'n%athn=jtve"stl-v%es.Top — Jeff and Zoomle entertain the crowd contact Great Lakes Harley 221 North Water Street at The Napalese Lounge's 11th anniversary Riders, P.O. celebration. Bottom — The Nap's owner and staff i3i!:#js:a:I,;!a:#fi:i::fo,a::in#;,ij::a:3;e!:i:RrfaijBox 341611, Milwaukee, WI with some friends during the festivities. 53234-1611. Milwaukee InIn Step `• October 7-20, 19931993 •` PagePage 3636 DearestDeali3t,j'|:atE"sgi*uhkeeaekeitiThanks''to "Gay" Milwaukee: I'd like to send a heartfelt "Thanks" to CLUB 94 presents the Letters Church Lady, Ronnie Marx, Lizzie Bordeaux, the In Step, the Wisconsin Light, Brittney Morgan,S#:ah::t:agny:tEa:,n#i%cM#a:%nid:e¥ieh%i:nusxi and all the wonderful MAPFEST Editor: and volunteers, and all the the Beer Town Badgers, organizers and • voliinteers, . " _ _I__Iand _-`. all -I-^,.J' the I represent people who attended my show! Corporation. Recently your marvelous Inc.,|nc.,lJJeigfsnesT:6hoeap:reaetiroT.ogenceB#yeoi: a Wisconsin I flew up from Dallas, my new home, to an article regarding the Beer Annual ran years, 4th magazine y'all on Labor Day, After 5 based upon a mailing, be with Town Badgers would've held me back from coming that the club is alive and well nothing r3a#auziEFFnd:Sih£;:t8h:e:Ce:iu:eu%%r:d,:::tahTeaB;i,;announcing to entertain y'all at MAPFEST. planning certain fund-raising i;:t;i!o;iioa!!i::,i;i:#ir!#:in&F:!;iE:e¥s:,up and was planning certai,n fund-raising Y'all made me feel welcomed and I events. you for that! It's good to know the mailing was not sent want to thank Unfortunately, like some good "Raunchy Camp" Town Badgers or authorized rhaattytpa,ih,iknekg:#fe°'ggoa£!,!t;Sa##yt°c:nm°pvythat y'all outoutbytnhf:rtBueneartS'gfutnh3amdaj:nrsgoT:itnh°otrsieeendt by the Beer and then! by certain Badgers. every now AUCTION It was sent out "Beer AIDS by them. do miss my to hold Dallas is great, but I There is, at the present time, no plan fighting for activity Town" and I miss y'all! Keep any club night or other fund-raising and "Free", invitation for equal rights and be "Out" !#:r!,|sb:i!T#:i::r:e:j!o:::t;[myn3i::o;si|jaia,!:oln#:a;iratai-{h6--B-oot'Camp the Boot Camp Saloon. Saloon. The invitation tor I'd like to say one in that because I am! In closing, anniversary dinner, included this and keep 9th, 10:30' thet!o::%::ii::!s;3iga*##,ii:i:ciii|f3e:::fan?!!y!:e:|!,i thing and always remember Sat., Oct. is incorrect. Most importantly, the i;e¥:i:a!ii:s;:i;:i::E;::t:;:ije;:;i;;tggaffi;¥:F;:e;g:; mailing, this in your heart: notification of a change of address th,smnA§§{u§gc§hs§;;£effigiv so-called "Fight AIDS not people with and intentional misstatement. Club 94 Follies Girls is a deliberate AIDS"! May God Bless Y'all, and featuring address of the Beer Town The correct address of the Beer Town stay healthy because there's no Inc., is and remains: Badgers,Bad93g;r't:.fu|SE:ggreeBajns: such thing as a little AIDS, unless benefit S.E.W.A.P. Town Badgers All proceeds Beer it'sit's weifere!welfare! 166 P.O. Box 166 Thanks to all for making me feel at items greatly appreciated) Milwaukee,Mitwaukee, WIWl 5320153201 year, just to (Donated well, homehomeThaanndki and I will L°w,aELfourp=n=kkngye:: fly up next #:i aj lt isis truetrue that the club is alive and well, It entertainahtertain y'ally'all at MAPFEST! and it will continue to operate in Milwaukee's Love Always, in the Gay and Lesbian community as it has Dallas, TX regret Chastity Belt,Belt, Dallas, TX past. My clients wish to express their by the if anyone has been inconvenienced the Editor: wilful, wrongful acts of a few unprincipled To the Edltor: i:ja#i#::ii!i!p:e:eio:To:ofE;!vi::ii:s#e;ir:ubf::i;:I II taketake GREAT offenseoffense, at the "paid"paid individuals.individuals. ThankThank you. Sincerely, advertisement" by Brother JP (aka Jean the heavy-handed way in Marshall B.8. Haller, AttorneyAttorney Paul£:Vu?rtE::#n3yth:r£:hae+.£:ni#w#: Renieri) and which itit waswas written. THE BULLDOGS He mentions many things in his are Dear Editor: rambling and overambitious diatribe that the Male Dancers iI have have talkedtalked toto a a number number of of peoplepeople simply incidental to his championing for Chicago & Canadian and recently who either said they were Gay or poor and downtrodden of the Gay left the Many of the monetary h who,#h=,nt'#owmh°t::Prerfa*[:eps:#:re,e€ayth°er from their conversation, Straight community. 16t they impressionimpression thatthat they were. figures are, I believe, misleading in that of etc., and not Oct. What surprisessurprises meme jsis the number of should reflect ACTUAL costs, iag!!:tit:i:¥§i;itiih§L;§n|a§:si;ii;i:::;ii:ti§!tlike. I Gay people who do not know that Senator just "rounded-off' figures and the j#:tnj'::Yifng%t-e°rff;c83#reedstoa#mtrheat'!ie:n;many Herb Kohl voted against Gays in the military. wonder if it ever occurred to him that where Indeed,:n:gep[e,a:i:#e!iaegn:ii:n;,t::i:;ts:,:T#i:#dinr some even insisted that he voted in people would like to see EXACTLY favor, and refusedrefused toto believebelieve that that hehe votedvoted their hard-earned contributions are going. CLUB life at against. Having witnessed the day-to-day there I think the Gay press has to do a better The Sanctuary, I can tell you that while :ogba:n:St:h:#tntgh:h€a#rLe::th=:j°k°EappNe8e£ going to job of getting the word out and KEEPING it is NO DOUBT that the funds are is inin the publicpublic eye. worthy people, the lifestyle that he leads many YOurs,Yours, far from spartan and that a great can't AlAI GeiersbachGeiersbach people believe that their contributions him eating- Editor's Note: We DO get the word out — be THAT important is they see the time. Kenosha if#g"n#yrspeNoSp%w#ue.idD3.aggctth%eN#g¥_PSL only people would read the News Section out all the time and at the bars all Corner 1-94 & Hwy C (East Frontage Road) insteadjtnrisg£!ati±m°effok9Ejm9ngtitth&esp#o#od:ng&mre°a#in°§ of skimming it & spending most of Appearance isis everything?everything? 414/857-9958 their time looking at the photos & reading page the GraffitiGraffiti Section...Sechon... contd. onon page . 38 i i I t I

In Step • October 7-20, 1993 • Page 60

801 - 805 South Second Street Milwaukee • 383-8330

0 4110\leic . ti wivoce

7 C‘f°s Three lovelies competed for the title of Miss 219 recently, with Naomi LeParish (center) capturing the coveted crown. NOW ON SUNDAYS "ALTERNATIVE MUSIC NITE" MONDAY Pull Tabs TUESDAY $1 Mini Bust WEDNESDAY $5 Beer Bust & Male Dancers THURSDAY $5 Beer/Wine/Soda Bust + 50' Tacos e

The Jeff Hamann Jazz Trio performed during the WM Club's 17th Anniversary celebration. WHERE MILWAUKEE BOOGIES \ ( i I I I InIn Step `• October 7-20,7-20,1993 1993 `• Pag®.38Page 38 professionally andand withwth the utmost courfesycourtesy Letters to allall parties parties involved.involved. ►• contd. from pagepage 36 My reason for writing this is, Dance, if Don't get me wrong, I have NO youh¥g:epar%%Tefifrwvyit#'#getohrjsm;a:gkns%agyou had a problem with me or my backstage PROBLEM with helping those less-fortunate person, discuss it with me! If there is a tphE9EmEfst,yg±thbeTt;Iigwtfa°£n:g:I::s%Vrt:unn:#:than myself — but — when one is in the problem8%§?enhdjsitchui:d8e¥*ithsT:i|dff:::eb!:e: with judges it should have been public-eye, one has to realize that the public discussed withwith Mr.Mr. King or or the the judgejudge isPsu#CR-Reyyedrfj::,h:i::treaa';Zee:::tLhheop::#: VERY critical about a person who says involved.involved .The The temper temper tantrumtantrum you threwthrew was that they are helping the poor and DOING not only childish, but but showed showed youyou were were notnot things that may be misconstrued as prepared to lose, andand` ifif youyou weren't weren't i.i::`€jtshhe#:r:emh:e±P#h:,in:h3a°£ti:I?;:g:,'cNa§"Lavish." Remember, JP, that the public is prepared to lose how could you have been soliciting funds from and the prepared to win? 7ffi's where you are soliciting funds from and the 3::3:::a::£jsne?h°WCouldyouhavebeen ZA's public has a right to believe that their funds The other twotwo contestants, contestants, SpankySpanky andand 11061106 Main -- GreenGreen BayBay arg:b*Lcthbaesjnagr!#|:.t:s::I.jewerj:rnagttah::rttgrndt: not being mis-used. Writing a letter to Cabron, were very professionalprofessional in allall they they get-published (for a fee) in In Step did. I I think think you you need need toto stepstep backback and learn (414) 435-5476 Magazine railing against the very people that something fromfrom this beforebefore youyou resumeresume t414) 435-5476 you are trying to draw "into the fold" is competing inin contests.contests. VERY{iiip;uzr:e:;Suth#:!r!:(;fi:I:d'jasIV#:f£;:#\d:}n#P:::{P3'ai!:th:a! counter-productive and smacks of an Sincerely, elitism thatthat should be reserved forfor REAL, Gregory James not imagined, incidentsincidents and and events. events. Mr.lvlr. GayGay WIWl-USA-USA 93-94 In short, JP, I applaud your work, but do notn:: understand::a:is:aprid' why #?':#8 the Lack I::L#o'cE:: of focus. Perhaps this was the problem with the CongratulationsCongratulqtions "mainstream"E::?naspt:eathj:. organizations?oYgaasn±ha:jo::°?blem with the Sincerely, Greg! Scot D.D. Vertullo,Vertullo, MilwaukeeMilwaukoo Life's aa I)ragDrag ToT°thRecce?nTir#!9LashosttotheMr.Gay the Community: 94 Recently ZA's was host to the Mr. Gay © By By Bob Bob ArnoldArnold Mr 'GayGay WI,WI, USAUSA 94 WI-USA Pageant. This pageant is one of many promoted and run by King #r::n:yus:jg:§#eoat:i.Thai:dpagr::ntbsy°nR,nogfProductions. Join usus forfor aa specialspecial II have have beenbeen involvedinvolved withwith King party, Wed Oct 13 Productions over the past five years. In that reception party, Wed Oct 13 timetFL°edY#i°v:Sn:::rrtsheeeRaast:Ivn:e¥:aulrsn'#atsheadt I have never seen a contest run biased 9pm including the showingshowing or unfairly.unfairly. Mr.Mr. Gay Gay WIWl-USA-USA was no exception. of the pageantpageant tape!tape! I had been preparing for this contest for almostaimo:thaad?:::Par:3a:!t|,?i:ret#tjs{#onteitsti:i a year and still went into it not knowing ifif I Iprepared prepared enough.enough. That evening the contest wentwent very smoothly and according to the final scoring, very competitively. After the announcing of the 2nd, 1st runner up and winner, one of the King Productions fijj§g#s#jnoB:{f:;#nfi:#Enc::ufsr::%g{;{vj#a¥:contestants, Dan (Dance) Everts felt it was Friday 'O¢t Oct 15 15 King productions wrong. Dance placed first runner-up which #::g.hpmanti:ep':p#fiuibruTone:-:Pt:h{::gave him the opportunity to go to the NationalNatj°Aa:Laagr3S|i.thedressingroom,Dance Pageant. StarsStars O-n On Tour Tour Afterwards in the dressing room, Dance made comments about myself and the past Oct 22 Mr.#:.dew¥ffsmA:nti.%?°uAammy:eo#.ndrf:etphaesnt WI-USA, T.C. Hammond. He then FridayFrid,ay Oct 22 verbally abused a Lesbian judge and also my#eyrb:]iyckasi:§:dpaerLseosn?ja:njout*%:aL:#isn: backstage person, another Lesbian. Mr GayGay WI-USAWI-USA 9?93 When a bar patron camecame toto their defense,defense, Dance settled that by punching this hosts aa beirefbenefit it sh;ou]show toto sendsend. him gentleman in the face at which time he then "Girl, he's got a body to dive :£#:¥emgs:er#i#eft:£atb#htghuEih:ngetihe!:left the bar. to thethe nationalnational pegec[nd! pageant! I have no idea how King Productions for . . . .!!" wiiih:Pda,:ethnj:,j##n°gwMKrj.nfanpgr,°8ruogi°bn,;will handle this, knowing Mr. King, probably In Step v October 7-20, 1993 v Page 58 GENTLEMEN: Don't Fall Off your Stools, But, Do We Have a Surprise for You

THE WRECK ROOM Stop In & Ask the Bartender for the Details.

RECK 0 0

266 e. erie street milwaukee, wi 53202 273-6900

... • "• BottomBquo_P —I u. (L to to 8| R) 1S 1st runner runner up upDgnpe. Dance, M_r. Mr. GayGay Wl-uSArWI-USA winnerwinner GregGreg James,James. 2nd I.u.r.u. SdanrtySpanky and?p_a. Mr. E_r: Personality Personality. Cabron _Ca_bTo_n pose ppsfduring durlpg the thecreative creati`ie evening e`rening wear ilrear segment sEgmem of Of the the Mr.Hr. Gay WI-USA pageant at Za's. Top left, a close up of winner Greg; Top right is ChaChi, Mr. Gay ... • USA.\85su^S^ I.agcanl at Za'S. Top left, a close up Of winner Gneg; Top rigrit is Chachl, Wr. Gai . In StepStop `• OctoberOctober 7-20.7-20, 1993 `• Page 5157 InIn Stop Step T •October October 7-20. 7-20, 1?93 1993 ` •Page Page 40 40 Beaudin Jr.,Jr., Ofof LakeLake Orion,Orion, Mich.; Mjch.; sister, sister, Coming Out Week (UW Madison 10% SATURDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 23 23 Mrs. Beth Both Eisenlohr, Eisenlohr, of of Constantine, Constantine, Mich.; Mich,: Society): Noon at Brittingham Park. Community Memoriam Grandfather, John F. PiercePieroe ofof Utica,utica, Mich.;Mich.; #[ny:)n:°£!s:i:t:B£#:¥,:%:g£#:,°¥£emmma::rtyPicnic, in case of heavy rain or cold, alternate FrontiersFrontleTs (Madison):(Madlson): "Leather onon Parade,"Parade," In Memoriam and Bisexual Uncles, Aunts,Aunts, nieces nieces nephews, nephews, and and many many location is is thethe Lesbian,Lesbian. Gay,Gay, and Bisexual leather menmen will will discussdiscii§s model && demonstratedemonstrate loving friendsfriends inin Michigan Michigan and and Wisconsin.Wisconsin. Campus Center, 336 W. Dayton St. toys & attire related toto theirtheir style,style, (608)(608) 276-9716. 276-9716, Beach, revisited. VlsitationVisitation with cremains cremains for family, Wings (Madison): Mazo M&M Club:Club: SingsationalSingsatonal Production'sProduction's SingingSinging \ City Chorus benefit featuring relatives and friends,friends, were were held held at atwisconsin Wisconsin 38's: Cream machine performs. iinig;!5T:g:fr#j?&i.:f=:s:!jn:eciife:!sxrtn:gin,Ga,aSingsational Prod. Singing Machine at 9pm; Gala Gay Video Club: "Why Am I Gay" from Memorial Park,Park, ChapelChapel of thethe Chimes, w.rthwith Madison show at 10:30pm, $3 cover. HBO & "Manplay," 8pm, (608) 244-8675. services, onon Sept.,Sept., 25. 25. Services Services were were %i3g8}.(&::£3gfias)?T#:eE.uMdogsmaledanceClub 94 (Kenosha): The Bulldogs male dance FriendsF!!|S£°sTgG:#EY¥?;¥kE%ro&j,q#£#6:5::::;om Bar (Ft. Atkinson): Harold's Birthday conducted by Rev. CharlesCharles C.J. Wheatley,Wheatley, troupe. Party,Party. 5-? Free taptap beerbeer & & live live music. Pastor ofof Immaculate Heart of Mary, inin West West Club 219 Plus:Plus: UnderwearUnderwear Party.Party. $25 for sexiest will be returned to for sexiest in colored underwear. Allis. Stephen's Stephen's cremains will be returned to in white;white: $25$25 for sexiest in colored underwear. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • for in (No G-strings or jock straps). his home state ofof Michigan,Michigan, for intermentinterment in (No G-strings or jock straps). cowtotiARIun.sBnmmAVRARIv • the familyfamily plotplot in Newberry,Newberry, Mich.Mich. • cc"£70 HAROLD'S 131R111DAY PARTY SUNDAY,SuNDAY, OCTOBER 17 17 • • SAT.,SAI.,Ocr.23,1993,5-? OCT. 23,1993, 5-? • • by the Jeff Tap Beer & Live Music M&M Club: Club: Live Live performance performance by the Jeff • FreeF[ccThpBecr&IjvcMusic • Hamann Jazz Trio.Trio. • Club 3054 (Madison): TheThe Bulldogs Bulldogs male dance • FRIENDS BAR troupe. • • 10loEastsheTman^IVc.,FortAdtinson,W] East Sherman Ave., Fort Atkinson, WI • • (414)563-2231 Super Saver Sunilay$$unday$ ----llopctosccThul, Hope to See Youl, • 4-9pm Harold • 4-9Pm • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $1.50 Beer VILI zerS Bust SUNDAY,SuNDAY, OCTOBER 24 24 $1 Rail P g#TUEL#§ Nannette M&M Club:Club: The Irresistible Tommi & Nannette TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19 19 performPrfu... "our own Definiif op of pac_ism: MACT Milw.: "Our Own Definition of Racism" Bar: Local AftervvordsAfterWords Bookstore & & EspressoEspresso Bar: Lcroal discussion topic.topic, 4-5pm,4-5pm, Milw. Mitw. Women's Women's Center, Center, Stephen Beaudin first writer ElizabethEl.Lzabeth Ridley Ridley reads reads & & signs signs herher first 611 N. Broadway. Business meeting following the book, ThrowingThrowing Roses,Roses, atat 7:30pm. (See (See the :r`oTmN5tBor°5?3dowpa#3::;T,e§37Toe5e8tan%r'°J'£vW:n5927.from 5 to 5:30pm. Veral, 347-0580 or Dave 527- "Books" Section for more on Roses). Stephen Beaudin "Books" section for more on Roses). 4296. Stonewall 25 Organizing Meeting: 6pm, Your Place: Razzle Dazzle, an evening with aa Room 1962-1993 Milwaukee&tj°ivnaeu¥#2E5nt:gn?sn:Ztne9nt¥re:t::%r:npcme'Room Enterprise Center Conference StarStar-Studded-Studded "Crypt,""Crypt," showtimeshowtime 8.30.8:30. organizations (2821 N. 4th4th St.).St.), AllAll community communfty organizations . assure the Stephen T.T. Beaudin, Beaudin, 31, 31, died died Tuesday, Tuesday, .areare urged toto send a representativerepresentative to assure the September 21.21,1993 1993 atat St.St. Mary's Hospice entire state hashas input.input. in Milwaukee, Mitwaukee, with with complications complications due due toto AIDS and Cryptosporidiosis. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER OCTOBER 20 20 Stephen returned recently to WYOU/Nothing To Hide (madison):(Madison): Cable HALLOWEENiiALLOWEEH PARTY'SPARTY'S :I,Dtwsas:t:e:pefary:P:°i:s3#n:e:inJ3cch:gn:Lyto!:Milwaukee, from his home in Michigan to be Channel 4, 9pm,9pm, Ed Ed Andersons' Andersons' Journal Jouma/ from/ron LA LA with friendsfriends duringdiiring the last stagestage of his E. ByronByron Gill featuring MorrisMorris Kight Kight & & Judge Judge Rand Rand Schrader. October 3030 && 3131 illness. Gill passed on to the big Stephen was born in Manistique, Manistique, E. Byron THURSDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 2121 on September 20th, 1993. THURSDAY, Michigan April 1st, lst, 1962. 1962. His His school school cruisecru,se:.,::,i!:5fG3!,ug,;i#o:nr82ty8rtohtnl:3:;gt in the sky SIFUKS Duluth, Minn., Byron spent BESTD Clinic offers free, education was in Manistique,Manistique, andand he he later later A native of M&M Club:Club: BESTD Clinic offers free, Raze a great partpart ofof hishis lifelife inin Shorewood Shorewood and anonymous HIV testing & counselingcounseling from 8pm- VIU#'§"or served his country for 3 years in the Army He owned Mr. 12am. and was Honorably Discharged. Milwaukee'sMitwaukee's East side.side. He owned Mr. a:gel;:hf|:c:oo:Lnatb#::::y:,a:s:::.t.hvee:::: Ave. at Working in Milwaukee, he drove truck Byron's Beauty Parlor on Oakland years in St. Paul, FRIDAY,OCTOBER OCTOBER 22 22 815/965-0344 for variousvarious companies,companies, lastlast working forfor onegx:°tTLsepTE:ui#e:ahr!:rf,£:i9eaakr':rndstv3aui: time. He lived his final FRIDAY, a beloved General Pet Supply Company, Inc., of Minn.Minn.,, closeclose toto two two sisters sisters and and a beloved Cindy, anonymous MilwaukeeS#:ruakeepetan§uEEtyudfnogmp5gy,R:nbf.Asoonf and including DG Robinson nephew, "Duck" Jones and his family, Station 11:II: BESTD BESTD Clinic Clinic offers offers free, free, anonymous Rockford's Hot of Oconomowoc. Charmingehpah#"aDnudcki;J:.nssu#£j#isByT#'ai:nodY; and Bert. Surviving Byron also is HIV testing & counseling fromfrom 9pm to midnight. CompanyComps:#::.i:fs3rvcoivne°dmb°ywhq,:.father,Win. Inc. Author Jackie Party Place is survived by his father, Wm. longtimelongtime pal AllanAllan R. Eslinger.Eslinger. Pivot (Appleton): Lesbian Author Jackie Stephen Calhoun reads fromfrom her bookbook 'Fr/.ends"Friends & Lovers" lovers" 513 E. State Street "Bill" Beaudin, Sr. of Menominee, Mich.; Mich.; • Internment lntemment andand aa memorialmemorial serviceservice Calhoun 1.90 to Bus. 20 "Bill" Beaudin, Sr. of Menominee, ata.¥3#l;Oowwebd„}%..themusieavcomedyduo 7:30, followed by the musical/comedy duo 1L1 of were held in St. Paul.Paul. Byron waswas seventyseventy N.Slocktower Exit Rockford, Mother, Mrs. Phyliss Beaudin McCorkel "Seers & Rowbuck," West#%tshter'8%=infipeh#:!SSM?ceha`rdjfroMth€r?rk#£{ Bloomfield, Mich.; brother, Wm. one. Life isis richer richer having known him. I-

InIn StepStep •`' October 7-20, 1993 1993 • ` Page Page 5656 Lindquist & Jeane Amok) Arnold willwill discuss publishing Calendar & perhapsperhaps read. 7:30pm.7:30pm, ►• conid.contd. fromfrom pagepage 54 Coming Out Week (UW Madison 10% Society): 6:30pm at UW Memorial Union: SUNDAY displayed on Bascom mll.Hill. Lecture: .Leadi.ngleading Toro vg SUINDAY Lecture: (Check Today in the Union for location) Panel Stonewall.Stonewall:- The Construction Ofof HomosexualftyHomosexuality in g:m±n#9¥:#a!yoin#thkaet(#o#%i+¥£i!#°Banel Discussion: Out AfAt lwowh.Work. Panelists Panelists discussdiscuss beingbein!. America,Amerfea, 1880 7880 to fo 1960. 7960. Jay Jay Hatheway, Professor Hatheway, Professor out at work, state employment law regarding PACKERPmcRER of History at Edgewood College. UW Memorial sexual:#£:,Wo°±kh£#;:,eamnEto%:ieinpets#a:i5#i:gs orientation, and facilities that UW has for for Union.3fn#j::°cryhea:kE,a+g#a#n#`:egjen.,ounwfo¥e#ia' Check "Today In The Union" for room assisting graduatinggraduating students in being out job location,location, 7pm.7pm. applicants. Panelists include:include: Tammy Baldwin, GAMESGAnillBs assemblywoman; Jay Hathaway, Professor at TUESDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 12I 2 Edgewood=%%ee#b#::figeiaresHn:ih?#ybe%r.a?%v:::raitn College; Leslie Kohlberg, advisor in Free shotshot the Career AdvisingAdvising and Planning Services at every time Coming Out Week/UW Madison 10% Society: UW; AlixAlix Olsen, Olsen, a adetective detecthre with wth the the MadisonMadison every tine 7pm%mm]ant9u3;utM#e:REn%anTf8:nec`k°+%ed¥yc!:%:e at UW Memorial Union. Check Today in the Police Department; Martha Popp, a high school they score a Union for location.locaton. Panel Discussion:D]scusslon: -Com/.ng"Coming teachertp£(:CheerDaenpdaTTit!&#:TfaG:;PaphdaLh*Bjasnch°°] and a member of Gay and Lesbian Beer Bust they score a Out on Campus.Campus." - Students discuss their Educators; and Ralph Rodriguez, former 2to8 Touchdown.Touchdown. experiences comingcoming out.out. tJ`A/UW Memorial Memoilal UnionUnlon manager at several Silicon Valley computer Fredric MarshMarch PlayPlay Circle,Circle, 9pm9pm MarilynMarilyn Pittman,Pittrnan, companies.g:n:gt;jr:ita§n:dvmep€:P:I:¥####a},fofmiee*t:8heek 8pm at UW Memorial Union: (Check nationally known known San San Francisco Francisco comedienne,comedienne. TodayTK#a#¥i:.thfnuhnuj£:,:rhL#otir°kns)aLt#r#nyteYa" in the Union for location) Lecture by Valli Kanhuha. Kanhuha, who works at the Hunter GLAMOURG-OUR performs. Call 10% 10% SocietySociety at at (608)(608) 262-7365 for additional information.information. A A Reception Reception follows atat the College Center for AIDSAIDS and and Disease, Disease, THURSDAYTEIURSDAY specializesspeeia[izes in heath care issues. Topic to be Lesbian Gay,Gay, andand Bisexual Campus Campus Center, Center, 336 336 in health care issues. Topic to be GIRLSGlue SHOWS SHOWS W. DaytonDayton St. announced. KARAOKEKARAORE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 Every Sunday WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 13 13 OCTOBER 15 every OtJ)other 3„ livery Sunday Coming Out Week (UW Madison 10% WYOU/Cable Channel 4 (Madison): Nothing To Out Week (UW Madison 10% Thursday Society): 8pm, atat Great Hall, Memorial Union, Nite Hide#e°fu±Ct:rbe]:8:aF|jn£]ti:n(sM?9d3fs#:I;s¥:thfnngceT£, features the Flirtations '93 Madison concert, Society): 8pm, Great Hall, Memorial Union, RI 9pm. 10%10°/o Society's Society's Annual ComingComi.ng Out Out Dance.Dance. $25 Best Wreck F`oom:Room: BESTD ClinicClinie offers free COMING OUT WEEK (Lm/(UW Wladlson 10% offers free Singer 10:30Pmlo:30Pm Madison 10% anonymous HIV testingtesting & counseling. Society): Coming Out Issue, The Daily Cardinal,a:#:nfya,,:cjRE:moo#:;suune].oT;pD=]:]ycheck Club 219 Plus: Bulldogs male male dancedance troupe, FinalsF±nals inin UW Memorial Union, 7pm: Check 11pm.llpm. The BestBest TodayTeday in the Union for location, Safe Safe Sex Sex December Vsve°xck#o°#sfih°orpG%yraL::bfgrsng::LmBeisngx7u#SateWorkshop for Gay and Bisexual men. 7pm Safe $100 Show in Sex Workshop for Lesbians and Bisexual SATURDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 16 16 $1cO women, 7pm, Chck Chck TITUTITU for for Union Union location. location. 9pm 9pm $1SI TapsTaps & $1.75Sl.75 RailRail Drinks Town!Town.I at Lesbian, Gay,Gay, and and Bisexual Bisexual Campus Campus Center. Center, Frontiers (Madlson):(Madison): CarpoolingCarpooling to Portage forfor 3363^36 W. W. DaytonDayton SLSt. Vlideo..Video: And And the the Ban PlayedRIayed: a potpot luckluck eveningevening withwith anan lntemationalInternational Ballet On.0„. Dancer and his displaydisplay of costumes. (608) 241- 25002500. _` _ HALLOWEEN BoysTown: "Drag-A-Rama""Drag-A-Rama" wthwith Vivian 40 Vivian , vivacious,Vivacious, A MAP Benefit, Benefit, showtime showtime 10:30, 10:30, $2 $2 covercover. AT TWEENESDul[r Biking: Meet at 1pm at the southern parking lot of:ffkJ:96#;tetp:trk`Pcmolfatcg:res:.#E:naptoan¥n#e'°+6 the Grant Park Golf Course. Bike along the 76 k CLUB 1054 trail to M&M's for some refreshment, and return. c=|E#3¥o¥EN n4AIE for some refreshment, and return. Sponsored by by GAMMA; GAMMA; forfor informationinformation call 963- DANCERS 9833. Plk SATAT. OCT,OCT 30TIN149 CONSTANT READER .% SSCASH" PRus THURSDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 14 14 BOOKSHOP, LTD. 1627 E. Irving PlacePlace • . MilwaukeeMihaukee JJUDGING$gcITG PIjELTAT]%130ambeatr4 1280 Flu Vaccines (Mllw.):(Milw.): TheThe GayGay && LesbianLesbian USEDUSED-OUTOF-REINTRARE-OUT-OF-PRINT-RARE COSTUMEcOsTLmE CONTESTCONTEST t Nurses Assco..Assoc. , BESTDBESTD ClinieClinic & the MitwaukeeMilwaukee HARDCOVER BOOKS Books B0UGtITBOUGHT a SOLD Health DepartmentDepartment provide Influenza & SOLD Vaccinations from 6-8:30pm in thethe M&M M&M Clubs BOOK SEARCH upstairs banquet room.room. No charge,charge. but donations HOURS: A to cover thethe costcost Of of thethe vaccinevaccine && suppliessupplies willwill Daily 9-7, Sunday 11-5 be graciously accepted. Phone AftelJWordsAfterWords Bookstore Bookstore && Espresso Espiesso Bar: (414) Mother Courage Press day.day. Racjne'sRacine's publisherspublishers 291-0452 HALLOWEEN ofOf feminist,feminist. humanist humanist & & Lesbian Lesbian titles, titles, Barbara Badera InIn Step ` OctoberOctober 7-20, 1993 1993 ` Page Page 4242 receivedrpe,#eft:tr:BjTe°#Wfnrdds`B:`s9t92F:°art:reesdt three Tony Awards in 1992 for Best Play, Best Director, and Best Featured EVERY THURS. The ArtsArts Actress. DancingDane/'ng AtAf LughnasaLugAnasa is told through the memory of a seven year-old boy as he WINGS MADTOWN Cream City Chorus recalls::eedTseT:ery#oi::Vewnh:e?:-i::ddb:Ym3Shhj: the women who raised him: his mother and four unmarried aunts. Central to UNDERWEAR Producing Holiday the heart of this play are the sisters' radio, which inspires them to dream of a brighter Recording§r::joFai:I:tyH€#:;s #uiicrh::?n:Snp°diett:h':hi'£:te:arr8ar;hfmsog;ft:a:Sir:#;?ifuture, and the appearance of the boy's PARTY promises his Milwaukee — - TheThe WisconsinWisconsin CreamCream father, a charming drifter who L/L BAR • . 3054 E. Washington This tribute to the human -Close City Chorus, Ltd. is proud to announce that %:etrhea#TjnTghj8rj?r%u%h:oprt:gjsheusmha!:son the world. 100 Taps, 9 Madison, WIWI • .608/244-8870 608/244-8870 story of love, sacrifice and ?jtyh:sh°rbuesg'uLntd.;:opdr::t?ot:a::°ujTscetfih£:it has begun production on its first spirit isis thethe story of love, sacrifice ar`d disappointment asas experienced byby aa familyfamily (him and be a part professionally engineeredengineered recording. "Sounds OrOf 777e The Season" will will bebe filfedfilled withwith inin 19361936 Ireland.Ireland. of the fun! Hanreddy, who is beginning his PARTY - holiday favorites both sacred and secular, Joseph MAZOMAZ0 PAITY - as the Rep's artistic director, will Pr:!Ldapya::Vp°er#:Srmba°nt£:aacsrefefinadsi:oC#]?t:from past performances as well as from its first season direct Dancing Mr. Hanreddy comes to upcoming holiday concert. #!cs,Jeoa:s::n:#f:##:a:rt!:re;air:e:##:,i 16 from the Madison Repertory Sat. Oct. 16 Selections onon this un-interrupted MilwaukeeMitwaukee from the Madison Repertory Theatre where he waswas thethe artisticartistic director Last Thur. recordingrecording will feature feature musicmusic bothboth classicalclassical since 1986. You and modern, with thethe specialspecial treatmenttreatment only Hello! AreAre You to Brian Friel's "masterpiece of h month Wisconsin's premierpremier Gay and Lesbian Tickets to Brian Friel's "masterpiece of kind" (The Nation) are chorus can provide. the most astonishing kind" (The Nation) are erwear purchased by calling Ready! Anticipated release date for this "must" $8 to $25 and can be Box Office at (414) 224- on your holiday shopping list is set for early theSh8et#iv2:ua::RaenpbBeofu6%h£S:f(Z¥4C)a2'2n4g. Milwaukee Rep l'test $25 ::°yr:i#corf:£#ee;epapi:gd,?sti,fs°::i'io';me::it; to the Powerhouse December. Reserve copies may be ordered 9490. Subscriptions to the Powerhouse OF THE 1,4, are available through sh. in advance by calling the chorus' office at Theater'sTheater's6-playseriesareavailablethrough 6-play series (414) 344-WCCC(9222), or by contacting a October 17. MR. & MS. VIWI LEATHERLEATHER `93'93 1 44., !zhf:d|v:a4:4:#:C:gcciga2,!zt,:.e,I:!g#;f?.%gaa:chorus member. Watch for additional info as itit becomes available.available. Paul && LeslieLeslie Arts BriefsBriefs Invite you to a mitenite of funfun and Rep's 40th Anniversary Open Scrpp.pi.ngScreening Of Artist partylngpartying inin WINGSWINGS Producedriroduced VideoVideo SATURDAY.SATURDAY, OCT OCT 9 9at at 9pm 9pm Celebration Begins With are invited !#n3cr:nt::R#gn:n:senr*a:H Milwaukee —-Video Video artists artists are invited They will bebe serving your cocktalls!cocktails! "Dancing At Lughnasa" to screen theirtheir work atat anan openopen screening toto be held at the FuelFuel Cafe,Cafe, 818 East East CenterCenter Street Friday, October 15. The program will $25.00_casti_prS25iQO-izes_.fro i z es for '92 Tony Award Winner will continue until all work begin at 9pm and BEST_DRESSED The Milwaukee Repertory Theater is shown. Artists can show up to ten RES- openedo;::fie;:##ui,i!nrva#iirt::;%To:n::;Sat its 40th Anniversary Season with i:r:s:i:a;I:a:%#:rs{gowp:#£*Foe:a:i,3#,;mwT¥:iminutes of video on VHS or 3/4." The drama, MAI.]LMALE ANDAND FEMALE,REMAIE, Brian Friel's internationally-acclaimed program is free.free. PleasePlease call Great Lakes DancingDancl.ng AtA! Lughnasa Lughnasa went on toto winwin Film && VideoVldeo atat (414)(414) 229-6971229-6971 for more FEMiunFEMALE flunELE,COUPLE, London's 19911991 Olivier0livier AwardAward as as Best Play. information.information. The play then moved to BroadwayBroadway and MAIE&IREMALEjormEMALE &_FEMALE _COUPLE & MALEJmEcoupn _COUPLE_ c finarlciat ,..(Pfarintr29 cS'EuricE en4y|!if_orou£EEian Americans plan their financial future." crm- SUCCESSFUL "Helping Gay and Lesbian Americans plan their financial future." NITE,NITE. Callcan-fir-mridrmm±.ndicndrm.chedutfusuE=F]E for an appointment and seminar schedule for SUCCESSFUL 9pm MONEY MONEY MANAGEMENT and FINANCIAL STRATEGIES FOR MAfiififfiiERinnITL:;a;=::±:iR:±s=::E;E=:i¥ANCIALSTRtTEGtESFQRMANAGEMENT- SUCCESSFUL, RETIREMENT In Step • October 7-20, v In Steb . October 7-20, 1993 1993 ` Page Page 5454 InIn StepStop vI October 7-20, 1993 1993 v ` Page Page 4343 Beginners,Beginners. newnew membersmembers welcome, (608)(608) 244-244- 8675. Seers && Rowbuck at TheThe Late Night Theatre XX CalendarCalendar Madison Gay Video Club: "My Queer Body - Presents:Pre§9.nts:_Strange Strange Fruit Tim#Ld#:,:rGaanydv£#::u8:fo.s¥q3¥e8ep'm:%E.8)- Miller and "Extreme Close-Up" 8pm, (608) Pivot ClubClub 244-8675. . Milwaukee —- As As partpart ofof their month 244-8675. "Musicians With A Message," Seers & their month Horseback Rlde:Ride: Meet at ncon for lunch in long series "Theatre X presents Meet at noon for lunch in Rowbuck will debut in the Fox Valley area Theatre WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER OCTOBER 6 6 Paddock Lake.Lake, WI\M and proceed to Sa[em for Women," Late and proceed to Salem for at:towfu:c:k:e#nn9:eyuihj:A#riso¥,!';I:§B;i:a:ey8 Appleton's Premiere "LesBiGay" Night Theatre X presents either a guided or non-guided ride through Strange Fruit, a multi Bong Nightspot, The Pivot Club; on Friday, -media performance Nothing ToTo HideHide (Madison):(Madison): Cable Channel 4 State§itfaht:rfegc::daetiqon°:,na°£-a:u5d#n:'greedhg;u8h#O#. Recreational area. Sponsored by GAMMA; art!rt%is#e:s!ii|:h,a;i#ffit#e;;!B::n!rfagFja:n,:£ show created by Jen Benka, for information call 963-9833. October8j&:ggr°t22,|8:3g#[ 22, 10:30pm. Tch'#; Their p:#oEr:dna£performance Cathy show fromfrom NYC's Deep Dish .Saored"Sacred i/es Lies & & Civ7./ Civil information call 963-9833. Cook, BillBill Dempsey, Dempsey, and and Jane Kramer. Christmas Club For Children With AIDS: 3rd will be be free. "_Fl face valrie StrangeJane FruitKramer. ls ari Truth"rmfh' parts parts 11 & 2. The '93 March on Christmas Club For Children With AIDS: 3rd "At face value Washington,Washington. 9pm. Annual The duo,duo, who who appeared appeared at at PrideFest PrideFest Strange Fruit is an Fundraiser sponsored by the Oberons at eclectic, post-modern back-to-back mix of La Cage: BESTD Clinicclinic offers offers free, free, anonymous anonymous #:ufreFcukndR::Sfrastp?onps#¥5bfyorth=°„¥#:SatThe Wreck Room at 10pm. 93 perform songs with Comedy post-modern back-to-back mix of $5 for beer/soda & Props parody HIV testing & counseling from 9pm-12am.9pm-12am. bust. and::dpd:#g:e:i:a:=:i:,mfe::tyur:,:::Posf dirty ditties! and personal and political commentary.gL:Lo#%ntaaryn.d,npfrs3:::s,a3fangpeo,¥#,.i In ClubClul) 94 (Kenosha): 4th 4th Annual Annual SEWAP SEWAP Auction.Auction, Their performance will feature lots its bones, Strange Fruit of attempts to explore and expose our 10:30pm hostedhosted by the 94 FolliesFollies Girls. Proceeds Prcneeds new songs, including:including: "ode"ode foto thethe in/.lffary.military to explore and expose our conceptions benefit SEWAP.SEWN". ban," "i dont dont wannawanna bebe aa suburbansuburbaln of each other and the absurdity of ranking and EVERY housewife,"h.o.usevyife," ."anti :enti-anti-anti abortion aborijon song," song," °¥fl:a¥5Pit!3|;a:d:§':n:g:,€:#£t!;I:h#a:an:#htfiling each other into airtight, n.S?turgey night .special" and "my f6JdHe inflexible WEDNESDAY SUNDAY,SuNDAY, OCTOBER 10 10 "Saturday night special" and "my favorite categories," Kramer explained. Strange th/.ngs"things" (our(our version!), plusplus muchmuch more. more. Strange Fruit, co co-sponsored-sponsored by by Great Great Lakes Film & Video MALE Coming Out Week '93 (Madison): Interfaith will be presented on Celebration8:|EjFagtio°nutofwD:::r:£j(&Miant`|::A::n'en::i?7Fm. of Diversity & Inclusiveness, 7pm. Saturday, October 23 at 10pm and DANCERS UniversityUniversfty United MethodistMethodist ChurchChurch (1127 Great LakesLakes Film Film && Video Sunday,October 24 at 7pm at Theatre X, University Ave.). Followed by friends & sharing, Video 158 N. Broadway, Milwaukee, WI 53202. refreshments.ruenj::Fmrtyen?sV.e()6oE3t'8g.g35b3y.ffiends&sharing, (608)256-2353. presents FilmmakerFilmmaker TeresaTeresa L.L. !ijini;:j|;ot§:3¥;ij::M::£!a:u:#::n;s:r:p|S:in;;gd3a:i:Tickets are $5. For reservations please call, THURSDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 7 7 M&M Club: club: Groove Merchant Jazz. , Getter 278-0555. BoysTown: Carrie's Birthday Bash, Bash, show show wth with Milwaukee —- Great Lakes Filrh & Sasha MitcliellMitchell && FemmeFemme Fatales. Fatales. FreeFree tap 9- Great Lakes Film & BoysTown: MissMiss Wl-USAWI-USA At-LargeAt-Large Shannon Video is 10pm. sponsoring a program of works by "Ljps},Tvegugkeet.hTheTute#Thfaptr€rfw'.,'"e Dupree & friends, 11:30 11:30 showtime. showtime, $2 $2 donation. donat.on. , Frontiers (Madi§on):(Madison): DayDay trip trip to to Milw. Milw. Art Milwaukee#r#:uj:esep°fiR:°:#%avj3:°ogr:rtTst°fT¥ei:bL¥ film and video artist Teresa L. "Lips Together, Teeth Apart" Museum,Museilm, Sunday Sunday brunchbrunch atat Glass MenagerieMenagerie Getter. The program will includeinclude sevenseven Milwaukee — Next Act Theatre will be FRIDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 88 (608) 241-2500.241 -2500. short films and videotapes that Getter has accepting food donations throughout the run Open ForumForum (MI]w.): (Milw.): The"The S!afe State of of Rae/sin Racism /.A in . producedS:o°drtu&%Sb:fhdhv:dr:a:an%eintRaetwG;Sir.#: both here and in New York. the of:fcceL%SngJ3;#:;,atj%:#roAvg:#:hre:#: Lips Together, Teeth Apart for the Triangle: BESTD Clinic offers free, anonymous the MI.tw.Milw. Gay Gay Community,"Communfty,. Men of All Colors Colors program willwill begin at 7:30pm inin UWMUWM Milwaukee AIDS Project Food Pantry HIV=fvaT#;gBEscTOEn€:RLcgo#gLsgfrp:,.,a2nao#ymous testing & counseling from 9pm-12am. Together event, First Unitarian Church, Church, 1342 1342 N. N. Mitchell HallHall Room Room B-91 a-91 (3203 (3203 NorthNorth. t#:foT;#k?seoAJ.D2S4thpre°nj:FntgL°n?dpantrythrough its Oct. 24th ending run. PivotPlvot (Appleton):(Appleton): Comedian Tony Dominica, Astor, from 4-6pm.4-6pm. Business meetingmeeting followsfollows I Comedian Tony Dominico. Downer Avenue on OctoberOctober 13.) The Two couples attempt to celebrate the 10:30pm.10,30pm. from 6-6:30pm.6-6:30pm. program is free and a reception will follow. FourthFourtThTWo?jcui;Pa'te:Fj¥gTSE:nt:b=alecbhrat:utshe: of July at a Fire Island beach PierPler 221:221: GrandGrand PremierePremiere of New Your Place: HelpHelp MissMiss YP.YP, Sasha MitchellMitchell go to house. of New PleaseB[:g::in:i,f£2:€#ta%::gtrj:Tn%jEL:::,i:#.. call 229-6971 for more Chloe and her brother Sam Dessert/EspressoDesservEspresso Bar,Bar, 221221 N. Vvater Sty the Pageant 8:30pm8.30pm benefit show. information. have just Water St., The program inherited?Thh'e°£ifedan.8fteheiruxE#%o`uhserTessaomru#oavme,#ue#r' the luxurious Riverfront. 5-11pm, Free Cappuccino, Espresso Bowling: For those notnot interestedinterested inin a leagueleague .• will include: "My Mother resort from their &givceoT=n,t..%`;np£'oFnreai,::Pkp#feos.ESpresso Coffee, 1/2 price on all bulk coffees. schedule, joinjoin GAMMA at at 7pm 7pm at at Marble Marble Arcade Aroadel Before Me," A generational view of women deceased brother David, who recently died (1101(1101 S. 2nd2nd St.);St.), for information call 963-9833.963-9833. int he family; "Sense," Sensuality and abuse of complications from AIDS. Feeling shaky SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 Hiking: Meet at private home in Shorewood at are;,:efoe!:a#i:i,;1sT;:,::rl;:gi:n:,!ju::ie#:?i:!s::: examined through the five senses; in their marriages and uncomfortable amidst 9:15amI:I.k::#:aYnede#,P#.#:et:°thmees!:usre°rrnowK#eat and pool rides to the southern Kettle their Gay Kate Clinton In Concert: The openly Lesbian "Mindopsy," With an angelic dog, a woman neighbors, they busy themselves Moraine forfor GAMMA'sGAMMA's falLcolorfall-color hike.hike. All All ` comicfa#cciS:I:i:¥:tffuoThM¥d?:lytlEOL:esF?::3 legend, live in a LAMM Education Fund t"r¥tneqgpthsr%:gwtttea:fa::8:I:Cfg;gf;a„#°#:,n„travels through the stages of grief; "Ban-en," !h'#?:isiij:ir#si;;i,i#fj:u;:2!e#:|t;€iiiijwith cook-outs, crossword puzzles and idle welcome; for information call 963-9833. sponsored concertconcert at at The The Main Main Library'sLibrary's 963-9833. Sensuality and memory blend together chat. But asas the dayday progresses,progresses, their lovelove-- PivotPlvot ClubClub (Appleton):(Appleton): King King Prod's Wl-USA-USA to Centennial Hall, 733 733 N.N. 8th St.,Stu Milaukee.Milaukee. Tickets WI Tickets preliminary, findSnednssuoa+gs:nrtdoT;ema°#;:Ledndoti°egrefiT::.t°_ some sort of peace; and other films. $17 at tliethe door.door. preliminary, MissMiss Gay Gay Appleton.Appleton. Compete Compete inin talent, evening gown && interview.interview. ApplicationsApplications at M&Mhl&M Club:Club: Singsational Production's Singing at Machine. the bar, or by callingcalling Jason Jason at (414) 224-9483. Frontiers (Madison): Hiking Devil's Lake bluffs, BYOEPontlp?c:i!Tuand##:,,T8kj3?2D4:¥2';o!:kebluffs, picnic lunch, call (608) 241-2500. MONDAY, OCTOBEROCTOBER 111 I Madison Wrestling Club: Start of weekly 5:30pm¥§8:S:nwwe=tl#ngr::::§faEk°;b:#,kn¥. Wrestling Practice & Bodybuilding. NationalNat]onal ComingComlng Out Day: Take the next steplstep! Come out to your friends,friends, familyfamily && co-workers! co.workersl AfterwordsAfterWords Bookstore && Espresso Bar: Bar: NCOD NCOD horizon HALLOWEEN PARTY;S - -Comi.ng Ouf~ party. Fun, food & surprises, plus travel I PARTY'S "Coming Out" party. Fun, food & surprises, plus a fullfull arrayamay of NCOD items available.ava»able. Also, October 3030 && 31 launch date forfor nearnew hourshours nonr now includeinclude being - - • 255 - 0704 open orton Mondays from 11am llam untiluntil 10pm.lopm. 1 -800800 - -562562 -02190219 Coming Out Week '93 (Madison): 10% Society atffumwngr:suetn¥¥5j:9p,a,MoafddseoR,:i:%%w¥E;ety, UW presents a display of the Rainbow Flag 1502815028 ww appletonappleton avenueavenue VIUJ!'§ menomonee falls falls wiwi 5305153051 VES contd. on page ►. 56 on page 56 InIn Step `. October 7-20, 1993 1993 . ` Page Page 4444 trianglet:::isiisE!Jij#:njjn:E:#::iv:r::::,#:s%ein':£! history and each one's underlying Friedman (Common(Common 777reads) Threads) are produ.cingproducing insecurities and fears conspire to bring forth thet::e:#fi!gg.ar#dhe#3:#:mrbgu#gggith#:sc:I:pros:I:8ao3o: film and already writing the script and crises, deceptions, fights, lots of humorous securing rights to the many film clips to be predicaments and finally, revelations. In this included. The minimum budget is $800,000. modern paradise fraught with hidden Tomlin was a close friend`friend of VltoVito #o°udb::|thpearghdisr:ctefrr:u8:+LewEhce.thoj±€e±:trouble, the characters come face-to-face Russo's for 20 years until his death from with their their ownown limitations limitations and and those those of their AIDSE,uDSS°£#£ijoynesa#,ugngtjd.hJ%£:oattehmfru°cmh complications in 1990. He wrote much spouses, and choose toto fightfight on for love inin of his book while stayingstaying at her home in Los spiteSpiteT°i#e::I.are of it all. Si5 and $17. For tickets, Angeles.Ange,I:Srierietter,Tom]inwrotethatRuSSO'S Tickets are $15 and $17. For tickets, In her letter, Tomlin wrote that Russo's call 224-9490. book "speaks volumes about discrimination, prejudiceB?e#:i:e::aY::urmeieanbs°eutpdoji:n;mojfn:t:°d?a and the immense power of media CBS "Schoolbreak" SpecialSpecial stereotyping. . . Imagine how powerful The About Lesbian Mothers Celluloid%t:,r[eu:#3jn8,.a:3imwajfijnb%ho°nwfi,Pm°.W.er:L#: Closet will be on film. . . shown of people through television, in , CA — As part of its to millions . . Educating. . . Inspiring. . seriesserie:°o:"€:#gr'eackASTeci:is?acrtBsf#i of "Schoolbreak" specials, CBS will theatres.:3e:t[!g°sTS.a.fE3:P±etjnthg:°igr,t::epvi3i3r'.jn. CreatingCreat+nagx£:atgc€:'|e change." donations should be run on October 12 an hourlong drama Tax-deductible donations should be called#Tie8nofec;°#:!fre`,3,:Bo:t°:r{:::agderabmo; Other Mothers, about a teenage boy payable to Reflective Image, Inc. at forcedfa°ftre¥dtht:ycpepa:nw#ihst5:r:igt:tgre°fahLse83Fai to cope with the bigotry of his peers made Castro Street, #187, San Francisco, CA after they learn his parents are a Lesbian 584F8a4d8aps:ryoa§,t:eteot,B:#tgaen,FT:#:i;£:.cat 94114-94114-2500. 2500. A A contribution of atat leastleast $100 couple. entitle the donor to a videotaped copy of The program features Meredith Baxter will entitle the donor to a videotaped copy of finished movie. Donations of $1,000 or andandi::npnr:gr6Fs::da;ur::Yheere#e:isrdeorf Joanna Cassidy as the parents of the finished movie. Donations of $1,000 or more entitle one to a screen credit. 1515-year-year old Will. WhenWhen theythey joinjoin thethe boosterbooster more entitle one to a screen credit. club for Will's high school basketball team, other:'t#°pra#!|';S:|gdhsst:E::isb:;kteotbk:t'kt:haemrri parents and students try to kick them NetworkNetwork QQ Celebrates FirstFirst out of the club, and WillWill has toto strugglestruggle vyithwith AnniversaryAmfYbeu'qsu:#ue, NM - Network Q, the his loyaltyloyalty to to his his parents parents and and his his desire desire to Albuquerque, NM — Network Q, the be acTi:ept:?e:!accepted by P:Siepaeseers;ent his peers. out by CBS 'F:o!:tybTi:seeua:ti:rt#i!s!!:ai:b;i#!dl:i,::hrsg:3:::uTsmonthly Gay and Lesbian video program The press release sent out by CBS sent to subscribers across the U.S., has just was very Gay-positive, including facts from celebrated its first year of production and is Yeas=:rec%§t:gig:S##,Pc'hj?:t#8i#8#:tsGfr:ymsresearch studies which indicate that Gays busy creating shows for the fall season. and Lesbians cancan bebe lovingloving and effective Executive ProducerProducer David SurberSurber sayssays parents and a list of books and articles on subscriptions are up and the growing Gay%aar;npt:r:#tin:.IistOfbooksandartic[eson parenting. network of Gay and Lesbian videographers The messagemessage of OtherOlder Mothers,Mofhers, whoi:hb#:c:jpnt#:G::ga:r§dN[e?£bo:i:aitd|#h%:8#:nrs§t contribute to Network Q is the most according toto thethe release,release, isis that 'We"We raiseraise exciting resultresult of thethe project. chichildrenldren toto become become responsible, responsible, Shows in the past year (each two compassionate adultsadults by being responsible,responsible, hours long) included coverage of National compassionate adultsadults`ourselves, ourselves, regardless regardless Cominggoou+:::o°ng!tln:c#(:od:?:Vteer;yaega:rd5t:h#3¥ca: Out Day (October) and the March of sexual orientation." on Washington (May), detaileddetailed reportsreports fromfrom The special is scheduled toto airair on CBS the anti-Gay campaigns in Oregon 3-4 p.m. Tuesday, October 12. Check TV (December):Beece:nbt:3ayandcacmoF::g:: and Colorado (February t:nebrsa,;go: -- listings3sin3.smtoTsueeesdifa¥au°rcito°&3'c.3§:EL3ig{eng to see if your local CBS affiliate is filmed during during Aspen's Aspen's`Gay Gay SkiSki Week),Week), and and running it.it. If If they're they're not, not, you you might might want want toto a special Pride program with highlights of call and ask why.why. Pride?r:dpee:|a:n?:j*%mpra°rgoruanmdt#:hcohjgn#(hjt:,y3: events from around the country (July). For more information oror to to subscribe subscribe to Lily Tomlin Seeks Funds for Network Q, Q, call call 800-368- 800-368- 0638.0638. Egye|Ju3o##nc%seekts_Funds"Celluloid Closet" for SanSam,Francisco, Francisco, CA — - Lily Lily TomlinTomlin has has sent out a letter soliciting donations to help produce a documentary film based on Vito ,' CHANGES Russo's landmark history of Gays and 'BIG Lesbiansiiu°!s£:u¥s:;in##|¥o:}£|:f:::::ig:;nu|:ei! in the movies, The Celluloid Closet. TO IN STEP Oscar winners Rob Epstein (The COMING Timesn#£asd#sto"H#F#RI#Qa####(e#:nry of Harvey Milk and Common Threads: Stories From the Quilt) and Jeffrey In/n StopStep •7 October0ofobor 7-20,7-20. 1993 t993 •' Pa9°Page 52stomed 52 6ff to his-motel room and Checked stormed off to his motel room and checked Steppin' Out out, leaving his lover stranded. It's good he did, because the police were called, but he Club 219 Plus held their annual Miss Who says October should had already left town. says October should 219 Pageant the night of the 21st. Three (If(lf II was Za, I'dl'd strip strip Dance Dance of his Mr. contestants vied for one of the more Emerald City title; and if I was Jimmy King, coveted bar crowns, with Naomi LeParish I'd ban him from entering any King pageant capturing the title. Congratulations girl! 219 for at least three years. Perhaps after 3 or be lhisthis much fun? did up the evening right with an awesome 4 years he will have grown up enough to setii§:;#::#n:g:hi:;tang;jim:{§SLi;g:ili:§j;;i§d§ili|!g|:::!!t§igi;ji£';;hi§g#iE:i:i design featuring giant lipsticks, eyebrow handle potential defeat. And what is so pencilspeiicils andand nailnail polishpolish containers. containers. T00000Tcocoo bizarre, bizame, is is that that as as 1st lst r.u.I.u. hehe wouldwould have have Gay!Gay.' been eligible to compete in the national Mr. Saturday, September 25 saw another Gay USA contest along with Greg. So why full day of activities, including the M&M the blatant display of childishness?) g|,Lbq:,fro:,aeays¥:gil:.nm,Red;u,3:ni:n#g:an¢a.thfiEe:ey:%ii::£;n:to3£?y#j::cg#dn#!e¥:;snoa'wM'Club's presentation of Singsational The Pivot • However, I'mI'm not not Jimmy, Jimmy, and and a a ©The Pivot (Iub.Club Productions Singing Machine, "Night Flight" representative of his production company «15W.Ptosp.tiAve.^plrfu.414.73pel404815 W. Prospect Ave Appleton. 414-730-0440 hosted by Montana Silver at Runway 51, told me several days later that "Dance was YODnuth21ulpreebormtlpimirelD®etwYou must be 21 and present a valid picture ID to enter "Drag-A-Rama" presented by "The Helens" the official first runner up. That's the result at Club 94 as a benefit for SEWAP & NIAP of the contest, and the way it will be (South East WI AIDS Project & Northern reported to the Nationals. Whether he gets Illinois:§{#j:j§;§#::re;i;¥§rjj:#%#ife§[j§§;:;i;#O;%£:;:#§tn;§#te¥#¥;:D{¥;g:eij; AIDS Project), and the Castaways any support from us to enter the Nationals, club night at thethe WreckWreck Rcom. Room. is is still still to to be be determined." KingKing also also sentsent a Oct. 8 Tony Dominito letter to thethe NationalsNationals explainingexplaining thethe Tony Dominico 10:3010:30p.in. p.m. '• ' • ' • brouhaha, because such events can stain brouhaha, because such events can stain Friday Nofl.onollyrenormedcomediqn The big event that night was the Mr. the reputation of the USA pageant system. Nationally renowned comedian Gay Wisconsin-USA Pageant at Za's in

GreenGf:yeF%i#X:#e#a?Ki#:ehatut::a:td§j&;Mni§!thereputationoftheusApageantsystem. Bay. The King Productions • • -,• presentation featured four very good Besides the AIDSAIDS Walk on on thethe 26th,26th, Oa 0 MissMiss6ayApplefon-USAPqgconl Gay contestants from across the state: Gregory other events around town included a Appleton-USA Pageant James (Green Bay); Dance (Racine); performance by the effervescent, comic Sunday ContestantsContestqntscompeleintalent,eveninggownondinterviow compete Spankyi:iii!#s(:£e:fi:::Lug:;e;:S)$3u;S#dYee%t:a::g;°i{'§;a:I,Eea:n:%tsot;K':¥(:sefr§#::#:+;::gdm!: (Milwaukee); and Cabron vocal talents of Kris (Is he really related to in talent, evening gown and interview (Madison). TheThe winnerwinner was was home home town town. Connie?) Connie?) Francis Francis atat the M&M Club; Club; andand favorifefavorite GregoryGregory James,James, and Dance took.took yourYour P[ac®Place hostedhosted VivianVivian Vivacious' first runner-up. Spanky took second runner- premiere of "Razzle Dazzle". Oct. 22 Jackie calhounCalhoun ` 7:30 7:30 p.in. up:Bta#dngear£¥8i and Cabron swpaasn#ai°e°dkwas named Mr. fie,:pnedrsT#:,ed-Personality premieleMy two ofweek -Razz/e review Dazzle.. of action comes p.m. by fellow contestants. contestants. to to a aM€,ot: close W;aikwith r3#s:fptae#3:rc°2m&Sthe September 29th Friday LesbianLesbionouthorreodsfromherlotestbook,Fw.endrflndfover5 author reads from her latest book, Friends Itltwas was aa great evening of entertainmententertainment Champagnechampagne ReceptionReception && Show atat Clubclub 219 and Lovers and as a judge, I can tell you, it was very honoring your new Miss WI-USA, Duwanna difficult3#c:€:ojusdfen;.,i:£:e,i,g:utef,V3:v#t.fuoonoo=ngnydoufir:te%¥jgr.Wp,.¥%hypugeasntnoaf to score. I can also tell you that Moore and first runner-up Tiffeny. Best of Se\ers & Rowbuck I 0:30 p.in. -33E:goftftenone of the ##eesstjudges spokeS±°k:n¥ths£%g with each °Jt:rother luck i,PdT[?enioti::£ts'agin:Lent to welcome Seers & Rowbuck 10:30 p.m. luck in the nationals, girls! nLesbodoc.|ousWmusicol/comdeyduopromieresinFoxVolley during the contest — and scores were I'd like to take a moment to welcome lesbodacious" reached independent from one another. We several new advertisers to the In Step fold musical/comdey duo premieres in Fox Valley all;i]a&h:deindoeupre:£e,:t turned our score sheets g;ge%n?na:#rer6avyche in after each =Veral new advertisers to the ln Step fold segment waswas concluded,concluded, andand the;the Bever|yBeverly HillsHills LimoLimo (after(after a long lapselapse isis contestants were able to read all of our back); Walker's Point Cafe is open under Oct.Oc'. 29 Holly FarrisFqrris 10:30 10:30 p.in. notesr:Ei:S€:dF and swe:reh:£lee:°chrejauddgae" see how each judge ;,fafudrplaced :a£:*a new Y£:keerrswa°j#:wC:foeu}§ owner, with new hours °apnedn and aunndeejr a new p.m. thein.them. menu menu to togo go with win the the new new look.look. We now FridayFn'doy Comedy andand impersonationimpersonolion talent returns There should have been no have an espresso/juice/ dessert bar in the complaints, but there was "hell to pay" after Old Third Ward — Ricky has opened Pier the contest when Dance went off the deep 221 behind his Lights and Things shop at end. (Remember this all happened in the 221 N. Water Street. The Pier faces the Oct.Od. 30 MasqueradeMdsquerqde Party/Costume Party/(osfume Contest(onfesl public area of the bar...) He accused• Riverfront, and will also sell bulk specialty several of the judges of showing favoritism coffees. We've also got another bar back, SaturdaySo'urdoy and other outlandish charges. After arguing, looking to grow its LesBiGay clientele... insulting§ijig|i:i:i;#:§§;i:;h¥g:::::i;:i:E:i:i§vsi;:ij§;§dii:i:ji;¥iiig;:i:I:;§iaii:i§:i;a§i;: Green Bay in general and several Something Different is located at 5666 N. people in specific, threatening "I'll get you Teutonia, and offers food as well as drink to Od. 31 on my turf when you come to Milwaukee" a mixed clientele. Kim is taking over the Oct. 31 Halloweenhalloween Bash 2 2 p.m. p.in. - -(lose Close and:#'!:i::srai;h,¥n:),!|n,:f;I::nt3fafELti#tk!:a: generally throwing a tantrum that ;:3tf:!a:?#ht:ff3e::Ki:go:is::fwk:n:g:;;:I:ihti:operation of the bar from her mother and is Sunday included punchingpuncliing` one one bar bar customer,customer, he he reaching reaching out out to to more more her her kind kind of of people... people... Sunday Pumpkin Carving,Carving, Apple Apple Bobbin', Bobbin', Caramel (oromel ApplesApples & & More More 51 InIn Step `• October 7-20, 1993 1993 • ` Page Page 4646 InIn Step •` OctoberOctober 7-20, 1993 1993 •` Page Page 51 BothBo(h Fannie's Fannie's and thethe. NapaleseNapalese Lounge . saluted their friendsfriends and customerscustomers withwith a October Special Feature weekend of events. Fannie's hadhad dnhkdrink specials and specialspecial DJDJ musicmusic allall weekendweekend 10% Off Calendars in stock "Come Out" to See Kate inj#atph,:fee,:bjrTtperd°V£#h':r8:;wFabnynjjeesfr::3 the new improved, larger Fannies. The to See Kate Nap's celebrated with a show by Jeff and "Come Out" Zoomie on on the the 17th,17th, special special hors hors d'oeuvresd'oeuvres . Clinton OctoberOctober 9 on thethe 18th18th andand drinkdrink specials fromfrom 44 untiluntil if (i © q11 close on Sunday.Sunday. Congrats toto both the staffs and ownersowners (Sharon(Sharon andand Mel) Mel) ofof both MILWAUKEE'S FIRST GAY/LESBIAN LesbianLesbian ComicComic and CoverCover Girl Girl Fannies and the Naps. Here'sHere's to many. BOOKSTORE & ESPRESSO BAR Talks WithWith Inln Step Step many more such celebrations! Sunday, September 19 saw an array ofof activities, with Your Place doing a Chicago Events By JamakayaJamakaya activities, with Your Place doing a Chicago October Bar Crawl, M&M M&M Club club presenting presenting a a performance by the Jeff Hamann Jazz Trio, Side-splitting Lesbian comedian Kate Greco perfomance by the Jeff Hamann Jazz Trio, 51 featured Sabrena DeLite's Thur. Oct 7th, 7:30pm Clintonciintosnjd;;iiph'L#;n!oLuesshb:iTnc:vine:?;a#aKrai:g will help to usher in events marking and Runway :AdGi#n;oary£/|f§:tausr::ssa£:tehnaaDfeeL#:"A Girl For All Seasons" with a female Coming Out Week when she Paul Poetry Reading National cast for good Milwaukee's Centennial Hall stripper added toto the cast for good performs¥#::::Ca?Mjjn#%:evyse%ke#::i:ihaan at by Jay Hanson ononsei#auys't8octm°j:%rt::te3:?f°thp;%;sstilla Saturday, October 9 at 7:30 p.m. measure. saw the M&M Club "I'm just coming to see if there's still a September 20-22 saw the M&M Club celebrate theirtheir 17th anniversary withwith lots of Midwest," Clinton said in anan interviewinterview with Photo 11th, 7:00pm buffets, door prizes and Mon. Oct Inln Step. special drink prices, "l've been so worried about you," she the Jeff Hamann jazz trio. National Coming Out Day "I've been so worried about you," she performancesSg#€rinfspr#tshieb#ti'adm°:::rj¥:2tarroq by to Bob and his very said, refering to the recent flooding. "And Congratulations to Bob and his very Fun • Food • Surprise they:ha:?'brFafiir:n8,,toofttfjsreo#nwtefla°k°edi:3.:'j£:g.I blame all of this on weakened dikes. I capable andand friendlyfriendly crew for 1717 greatgreat years Full array of Nat'l Coming Out hate that!" of service toto thethe community.community. I'm sure they'llthey'll Clinton has been performing as an Kate Clinton be many moremore anniversaryanniversary celebrations inin Day Items: Pins, T-shirts, outoutL:#!:::::fbeemei:i3terffr|:nfora#=Tve Lesbian and feminist comic for twelve future years. postcards years. She startedstarted outout inin small clubsclubs and CLINTON ON CLINTON coffeehouses on the women's music Kate says that after Reagan and circuit, became became a a regularregular atat women'swomen's Bush were out of the picture sheshe was "a Thur. Oct. 14th, 7:30pm a material and REAL ESTATE music festivals andand is is renownedrenowned asas a little nervous" nervous'' about findingfinding material and Mother Courage Press Day skillful emcee emcee at Gay PridePride rallies and targets forfor herher jibes. jibes. "Quayle"Quayle waswas likelike a Iflf youyou areare buying or events like the recentrecent March on gift," she she says. says. publishers Barbara Lindquist & Washington. SheShe has alsoalso workedworked her way But the Clinton 'administrationadministration is selling, please please callcall me me Jeanne Arnold intoiani:phr:sg3:oaisxeen,T±sn"faeusq:rE:#i:nHsaa'h prestigious venues like Carnegie Hall inspiringinspiring her her creative energiesenergies too.too. AfterAfter and the Great American Music Hall in San all, she's a Clinton herself, and her brother DavidDavid ChesterChesler Book Publishing Discussion Francisco. is:s"B#:r':a?|y?.list:nw#::Sde:f:satnhdathemrabkreother Bill (really). So what does that make (414)(414)964-1902 964-1902 Readings Anyone who's ended upup withwith sore Hillary? face andand stomachstomach muscles fromfrom laughinglaughing "Family,"'LFaasm:'X:.:::+?,£ii;Sy#?fident|y. she replies confidently. uncontrollably at at her her showsshows knows that Has she met Hillary yet? Thur. Oct 19 "No. But I send her letters, I keep in talent hashas everything toto dodo withwith her "No. But I send her letters, I keep in Reading & Signing success. But the media's currentcurrent touch. She She nevernever calls,calls, she she nevernever writes,"writes," fascination with anythinganything Lesbian Lesbian has has also tkhneo£°,ffi[Cmseae¥Sh::go'#;a':;.:,'W"-Ithe comic says fretfully. "But I will — I Elizabeth Ridley given her career a boost. know I'll meet her someday." author of "Throwing Roses" How doesdoes it feel to be ''chic""chic" all of a Kate hashas been makingmaking more sudden, Kate?Kate? appearances inin thethe mainstreammainstream media "I always thought I was! We were chic' lately.lately. InIn AugustAugust sheshe waswas onon TheThe Arseni.oArsenio New Hours Starting Oct 11 totoou'±u:tl'¥e:s#io:r#i#aa;;:Ttioi:i?,!:Pstc7h'C` ourselves before anybody knew it!" HallHa// ShowSAow and and she she has has servedserved asas a NORTHORTIH Open Mondays 11am - 10pm But how long will the attention last? commentator on thethe SundaySunday editionedition of Sun, Tues-Thur 1lam-10pm getting over it SIsrmoRE 10 "I think the media is Good Mom/.ngMorning America,Amer7'ca, where where she she has has 9090 Fri & Sat 11am - 11 pm rightright';!ot#j.n8:tei5m#iaut':sgi%ttbnr8b°avb?;!t now. Our 15 minutes is probably seconds toto make wisecrackswisecracks about such L'AIL-MY about up," Clinton replied. "But the subjects as 'rrhe"The YearYear ofof thethe Woman."Woman." R.EAL" •Who is she?" Kate cracked. 4855 N. MarlboroughMarltsorough Dr. Dr. long-rangefobn°gt:aunpg'::.Bnpt[:ne#eep:i:d6f"Buatr:he ripple effects of it are 'Who is she?" Kate cracked. Whitefish Bay, WIWl 5321753217 wonderful. There's a great visibility and One segment she taped for the show AfterWords going to be at closing will be donated to the #nnsdc:oT:.n:::r£:Smat#:iatth:is:b#n:nt8beconsciousness from that that's includedinciud°e:et;:9.T#osphR:#sf°W:h:esnh°W the "10 Top Reasons Women 10%10%Ofrnycommdsionatclosipgwillbcdondtcd.pthc. ofmy commission 2710 N Murray. . WI 53211 (414063-90S') around forfor awhile. I I mean, mean, my my own own dad dad gotgot Don't Have TheirTheir OwnOwn LateLate Night Talk AID;ch;rtyAIDS charity of ofyouryour cl]oicc choice uihon when you you maniionmention thisthis ad. to saysay `Lesbian''Lesbian' without spittingspiting up!"up!" Shows." Reason numbernumber 11 was "Because In StepStep •` OdeberOctober 7-20,7-20, 19931993 •` Page 505o InIn StepStop •` October 7-20,7-20, 19931993 •` Page Page 47 and fax machines toto getget thethe wordword out.)out.) tpheen¥:reo#,9#esyc,Ceuwth.rogveteir£:ibnaenedd'=ssthey're too busy cutting their husband's 1^ie'll'We'll bebe gonegone 2020 years.years. It'sIt's $180,000 On September 28, the House defeated, penis off." The crew loved it, but needless per person —- but but there's there's a a different different showshow Steppin'Steppin, OutOut Rep.Rep.°#eseehpa::b:rrfe8Adth##tou(Swehd&feaj:€,. Meehan's amendment (which was to say, thatthat commentcomment landed on the cutting every nisht."night." similarsinilar toto Boxer's) leavingleaving the Nunn room floor.floor. Will it be pro-rated for low-income by RonRon GeimanGeiman terminology intact.intact womeYt'women? it be Pro-rated for low-income by Is she on every Sunday? Is this a 'We M./y do sliding scale," she says. good reason to get up Sunday mornings? 'We will do sliding scale," she says. good'Sre:i:n°Toegv:tryususnudnadya?y'i8}+Sjnags?"No, it's a sem.Lregular gis. I toll my` I guess Fall MUST be here... I hate to • • • "No, it's a semi-regular gig. I tell my "You won't get as much oxygen, but..." admitadmit'guitess#]'¥sUS:fbe]#...T'u::Leap it, but as of 1pm, Tuesday, The AIDS Resource Resouree Center'sC®ntor's 19941994 dad I'm gonna be on and then generally How is she going to celebrate September 28, I turned on the heat at our WlsconslnWisconsin AIDSAIDS WalkWalk waswas held`held &=di*'vmadge°:::ep?co?:#a#8Pitgg:ntsera'lywe invade some country and it gets :aotiuoF:::;::g=eino:?mLTggao;?%obnrattuL.."National Coming Out Day? office. Usually, our big eastern-facing September 26,26, under partly cloudy skiesskies preempted.„pre-empted." 'Well, I'll do my usual, which is I windows supply enough solar energy and and steadily warming temperatures. I didn't Clinton waswas a stifehstitch when she come out to my brother every year. So I'll iEL:*ii:::i!ly#:T#:no.::#T:e#i::::iheat that it gets us by for a while without make:nadk:I?addj#%mri:gLt:kme#o#ttufi:ersin:dJida|kt it down to the Lakefront for the walk showed up on PBS last summer come%=:¥:ei'£';#°:a§t!h£;±ueav':#h;::r'S:oiiw out to him again." for thethe firstfirst time time since since its its inception, inception, because because commenting on the national He doesn't get it? the furnace.furnace. Oh well, I Isupposed supposed it it had had toto S:iwmeedn#g°:npthE:'££[osnuaTg:irmca|political "He doesn't want to talk about it. I happenliappen sooner or later,..later... I was in GreenGreen Bay toto judgejudge thethe Mr.Mr. Gay conventions. When reporter TerryTeny Gross "He doesn't want to talk about it. I It seems tliatthat somesome of youyou out therethere Wisconsin-USA pageant the night before. asked aboLitabout thethe rumorsrumors thatthat RossRose Perot's was once in a sailboatsailboat wthwith himhim inin thethe aren't readingreading ourour Ne`ArsNews section closely #orsjgvnes,i.n-tvv¥h::faeaontnttwhtweonfis*tm#fe°i%However. I've heard plenty of comments daughter was a Lesbian, Kate inquired middle of a lake. We were thethe onlyonly twotwo inin enoughenougli to realize thatthat ourour seniorsenior Senator, from people who were there. impishly "Is she cute?" cracking up the boat andand hehe saidsaid toto me me `We We shouldshould Herb Kohl, has voted against our side in all Doesn't it seem odd that the numbers everyonei:#ot!:,'!s:§&:ets:esfbi:hnfi:p%FnthineE::r::e. on the set while on the air live. really get together and talk sometime...- DOUBLED from from 4,000 4,000 to to over over 8,000 8,000 She laughs heartily. "Actually, I've never the Gay/ military issues before the Senate. •'GET "AT LESBIANI" g:&a:y/offiiifTag,s:::1efhreLl?nee:::i:;On the other had, our freshman Senator walkers; but money wise there was just "GET THAT LESBIAN!" been;ei;I:s:o;I:aFiiimfiy;?f#:ib?.Tj:g:n::n:;; so out in my life." Russ Feingold, was one of the few #kuet¥:37bo7®tin:%nae£#+##.e.?oowoajsn,jg£:about a 37% increase from $411,000 in '92, Clinton is is likelylikely to to pop pop upup more often Any advice for others about coming SenatorsF=to:®Lnh9o°`£'oodYahis;,noeun:fjnths:ppfed# who stood his ground in support to $550]581$550,581 raisedraised in '93?'93? (And thethe new in mainstream venues. "Once you get your out?Out? money wouldn't have been that high nameLna::jTn§tpTj%Tle¥:n#,sL6Loenx:thyeoy¥rg:jtk:our in people's Rol-o-dex, they're like "Yes. In my health care package, it's of usus in allall the the SenateSenate votes on the `Get that Lesbian!' And there I go!" Gay/military issue.issue. #noeuyt##nBiewhi::edo#aet:d#io,t88without Miller Brewing donated $100,000 'Get that Lesbian!' And there I go!" the simplest and most healthy thing to do WthWith I.thelittle fanfare on SeptemberSeptember 14 the through their Magic Jor`nsonJohnson Foundation?) But her career is also gettinggetting aa boost let:¥;:iees't:#%,t#i:Se¥#::£s!a#i#:— to come out. It doesn't cost anything. Senate votedvoted 92-7 to adoptadopt the 1994 Sure, Magic broughtbrought inin new new participants, Participants, but but since she signed with the big talent agency And I, of of course, course, willwill be be doing doing the the physical physical Defense AppropriationsAppropriations billbill (as repodedreported inin they certainlycertainly didn't raise muchmuch money forfor InternationaliiTe¥n:I?oen:Pg:8a#: Creative Management#:nba8et:I:#: ini:gfaE# May. . examination." the last issue of In Step) which contained the walk!walk! ICM hashas access toto thethe hishesthighest levels levels inin Kate Clinton's giftgift forfor humor humor is is aa great g|neia:tet%#n:fLnuts::P)byhscehna¥onrtasna#an amendment written by Senator Sam II alsoalso heardheard complaints fromfrom several inin virfuallyvirtually all all entertainment entertainment areas areas and prescription forfor anyone needingneeding aa lift. lift. Her Nunn that is moremore restrictive than the our communftycommunity whowho complainedcomplained about Clinton is is sure sure toto benefitbeneft fromfrom their show will be a perfect way to celebrate Clionton-Powell compromise announced in Magic's speech, wherewhere hehe spokespoke ofof "family"family representation. Coming Out Day with friends and S#t::;:gaol:"wgsmop*:in:iethaen;a::n¥tdo:nJuly. Feingold was one of the 7 senators values" (a(aroh,-oh, there comes THAT phrase phrase She recentlyrecently signedsigned aa deal deal With with community.fofaw#:#3apye##fi#:#dt:a#brate again) and turning to God.God. Also,Also, Magic Magic Ballantine Books. Books. Her Her book, book, due due outout in who stoodstood atat our sideside all thethe way through Kate's performance is Saturday night, cluckedducked outout after after his his speech speech-making,-making, and and 1995, will cover cover "themes 'themes that I've talked Kate:s performance is Saturday night, the battlebattle w.rthwith thethe antiantLGay-Gay forces.forces. Nunn's October 9 at 7:307:30 atat CentennialCentennial HallHall ir:ir. the didn't 'twalk"walk the Walk''.Walk". `aboutabout overover 1212 yearsyears ofof performing performing — -the the amendment hashas been been called called "Lie-and "Lie and Hide"Hide" Central Library, 733 N.N. 8th8th Sheet.Street. TiickE)ts Tickets Well, there there will always atways be be complaints, complaints, Catholic Church of course,coilrse, women in in comparison toto Clinton's "Don't Ask,Ask, Don'tDon't are $15 in advance, $17 atat the door.dcor. HerHer no matter who the ARCW getsgets as the sports, bodies, politics,politics, women women getting getting ` Tell''.Tell". appearance is being sponsored byby thethe A fastlast ditch effort by Senator Barbara host(s). But in a year that the burden has older,oider, feminine protection..."protection..." grown so heavy for MAP and all other AIDS Lesbian AIlianceAlliance of MefroMetro Milwaukee Boxer (D-California) to delete Nunn's more ::ost(:);oBhu::Cyafoyre#h:tnih:I,boihrde:nA,hDas, Kate will be be performingperforming at at the the PerryPeny EducationEducafron Fund. For more information, all service organizations andand agenciesagencies inin the`the Fund. For more information, all restrictive language failed in a 63-33 vote. Street TheatreTheatre inin GreenwichGreenwich VIllageVillage fromfrom (414) 264-2600. Again, Feingold voted on our side, and Kohl state itit WOULD have have been been nice nice to to seesee the November 2323 toto JanuaryJanuary 2,2, aa show inin thethe (414) 264-2600. #s#!D::,i:!rf¢hu¥at:esd£]!:;:!efs:#c]o-:jni?nT{°!:':;voted in the side of continued AF`CVV'sARCW's goal goal of of $500,000 $500.000 blown blown outout of the heart of the Big Apple that ought to garner discrimination. water withwith raised funds doublingdoubling to match her more media exposureexposure and and critical critical - of walkers! f-atk (Kudos to AlAI Geiersbach, Geiersbach, locallocal the doublingdoubling of walkers! plaudits. SheShe looks forward toto more such PM' gadabout, and his efforts to "out" Kohl and extended runs. "CHICAGO'S LATE gadabout, and his efforts to ''out" Kohl and y • "And my company is organizing a NIGHT SPOT TILL 4 AM" to educate thethe public public aboutabout Kohl'sKohl's anti-Gayanti-Gay Now that I'm donedone pontificating, let's let's "And my company is organizing a voting record. Al has has takentaken toto thethe streetsstreets take a look back sincesince mymy last deadline... cruise," she she sayssays excitedly. 'We're 'We're goinggoing toto 3501 North Halstead with his "Come Out Kohl" signs, and makes Jupiter." Chicago, IL Two ofof ourour barsbars celebratedcelebrated theirtheir 11th llth (312) 871-6116 #enh:SIV';C3g|eeo°fuctoKm°#'tes;nag:i|eatTndbToaak.3Sextensive use of computer bulletin boards Anniversary on thethe Sept.Sept. 17-19 weekend. Jupiter? P' Super Saver $unday$Sundays 113IG" CHANGES • HALLOWEEN PARTY'S PARTY'S COMING TO IN 4-9Pm .41 11111 -- Octoberoctober3#|ife'§ 30 & 31 STEP'S DEC. 16 The neighborhood bar $1.50 Beer of the future Bust VUlite ISSUE 954 W Belmont HOLIDAY Chicago, IL 60657 $1#u::I:eervpu#'§ Rail Raze (4 Week Issue) 312,348-4975 lipTES HOTEL WASHINGTON I /1:1 Rt's tow Tim", I „fillit .\ b.‘.•

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