Ip,S' 6.500 Pounds, Has a Wing Span of ^.&R “*• 85 Feet and a Length of About 29 «• Feet 9 Inches

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Ip,S' 6.500 Pounds, Has a Wing Span of ^.&R “*• 85 Feet and a Length of About 29 «• Feet 9 Inches against Belgium. The main German tog the Junction of the Albert Canal had allied reinforcements been weakest Unk would be the line of Portable Death and drive against the Netherlands is di- and the Meuse, is reported to Ger- rushed to them, but the French were the Meuse between Rhenen and Ray Hughes Capper Germans Repeating Strategy recting itself Initially upon Utrecht, man hands; this, if true, is extremely obsessed with the idea of a great Maastricht. An alternative line, if north of the central rivers. Its ulti- serious. Eben Emael is a new fort; offensive in Alsace-Lorraine and the Holland must be abandoned, would Rumored Nazi Weapon mate objective is probably Amster- Its fall is said to have been due to a British Army was being sent, ac- be the Albert Canal from Antwerp l> th( AwdiM Pr*u. Red Cross O f World War in Lowlands dam. This German “new method" carried out a Ger- if Spur drive has by cording to pre-arranged plan, to to Liege; the Dutch, with British NEW YORK. May 14.—A death- breached the outpost line along the man air force detachment. There is form the left wing of the allied support, could meanwhile maintain ray machine, email enough to be Dutch Effort to Form Northern River Ijasel and the Germans claim a hint that a new “nerve gas” may forces and could not be diverted to themselves in the Fortress of Hol- Making carried on a soldier’s the War Relief Drive it jua also breached the first main have been introduced into the fort’s save Belgium. It is unlikely these land, they would be a continual back, la Bastion for Allied Line Dutch defense line between Amers- ventilating system. Parachutists, mistakes will be repeated. threat to the right flank and rear new German "secret weapon,” ac- foort and Rhenen. One disguised civilians, and air attacks of the Germans D. C. Has significant The Germans must, therefore, de- facing Antwerp, cording to a Rome broadcast Inter- Chapter $7,618 By MAJ. GEORGE FIELDING Intervention might take place—since point is that nothing in the way of all to combination are stated to have pend on their air force to hamper the Just as Antwerp Itself, if it could reliable the cepted last night by C. B. 8. Of Its ELIOT. it would be to the advantage of eyewitness accounts indi- given Germans possession of a progress of allied reinforcements have been held, would have been $150,000 Quota cates that the An broadcast It is now possible to give a some- the allies to form a continuous Dutch have actually bridge over toe Albert Canal. Their while they make good their grip on a threat to the right flank and rear English-language In $10,000,000 Campaign what clearer picture of the prog- front with so strong a left flank carried out inundations to any great mechanized forces, crossing toe the crossings of the Meuse and the of the German armies of 1914. from a Rome station, C. B. 8. said, ress of the German attack on the as that afforded the extent Meuse at Maastricht and the Albert position by Albert Canal, surround and reduce (Coprrtcbt, lMO.tfsw York HeraldTrUrast.) quoted the Munich radio as saying The full force of the American Low Countries, and the occasion is Dutch water-line positions, as well Parachutists Create Diversion. Canal on the captured bridges, are Uege and thus establish themselves said to have the new-type weapon “Is a kind of Red Cross went into action today in perhaps appropriate for including as to prevent the penetration of Subsidiary German operations in reached Waremme, west firmly in Belgium—if they can. It some data of a nature with of on the main wave, or • • •" its $10,000,000 war relief campaign general the Germans to the seaboard. the Netherlands, all, of course, linked Liege, Uege-Brussels must be pointed out that like many North Dakota death-dealing ray to the. The Germans claim that Delegates for stricken European countries fol- regard military situation. Belgians Rely on Canal. up with their main drive on Utrecht, railway. frontier fortresses, Uege is not in- which soldiers packed on their backs. The Dutch scheme of defense have taken toe citadel of lowing Nation-wide appeals yester- The Belgian defense system rests include the following: they Uege tended as a final barrier to a hostile Instructed for Roosevelt First reports said the Belgian Includes (1) an outpost or cover- itself, which is an old fortification fortress of Eben Emael day by Chief Justice Hughes and on three obstacles—the Albert Ca- 1. Operations of the air force, in- advance, but only as a delaying po- S> the Associated Press. .near Liege, Senator ing position along the River Ijssel of no great military importance; was taken with a Capper of Kansas. nal. the River Meuse (called Maas cluding parachute troops, largely sition. Meanwhile it denies to the N. mystery weapon, and the Nijmwegen on this this has been done either MINOT, Dak., May 14.—The Urging the full support of the Canal; in the Netherlands) and the wooded centered (as to the latter) on Rotter- apparently invader essential lines of communi- but DNB, official German news line no more than a delay of the by fifth column elements or by a North Dakota State Democratic American people. Chief Justice hill country of the Ardennes. The dam and The Hague. Objective at cation. agency, later attributed the capture enemy was hoped for; (2) two main force which, emulating Ludendorff's Convention to Hughes declared the fund “will in- Albert Canal, deep and well forti- Rotterdam, to seize and hold the In the air the Germans appear to yesterday instructed 16 parachutists. lines of defense between the Ijssel- exploit of 1914, has penetrated be- sure prompt aid for those afflicted, fied, forms a sort of defended moat Waalhoven Airport and the docks, have a considerable delegates to the national meer (Zuider Zee) and the tween toe forts Into toe The superiority. party’s brave and generous people who have triple, thus use of the city. It is not that Ger- and running from the Scheldt at Ant- preventing airport apparent the gathering, each with a half vote, to been so afflicted.” parallel central rivers (Rhine, Germans admit that the forts are brutally werp to the Meuse, north by the Dutch and allies and denying mans have committed very large Waal, Maas), consisting of strong just of, still holding out. An allled-Belgian work for renomination of President Even as reports reached national Liege. Much of the of to the allied reinforcements the forces to this attack on the Low RUG Start* Our fortified positions, bridgeheads, country counter-attack appears to be devel- Roosevelt. The convention adopted Dufy# headquarters of Increasing suffer- North is principal seaport of Holland. Ob- Countries, except in the air. We CttAWAlfUTOMJ demolitions and water lines, and Belgium marshy and dif- oping, and advanced mechanized a resolution asking the delegates to ings among citizens of war-tom between jective at The Hague, the paralysis appear to be dealing largely with the main centers ficult; this country and have clashed with vote as a unit. countries, the Red Cross announced covering of the of units toe Ger- mechanized Ole m.ui? ■ the wooded Ardennes there is a wide the Dutch government. In gene- spearheads rather than Mr.PyU the of cabled country. The first of these posi- mans in the vicinity of Waremme. Charles J. Vogel, Gargo, State receipt thanks from which eral the parachutists, with assist- heavy columns of Infantry and artil- SANITARY CARMT fr 1 tions was, roughly, on the line Spa- gap through flows the Meuse. Meanwhile, another German force chairman, was re-elected national Princess Juliana of the Netherlands ance of bombers, have created an lery. It is, therefore, still conceiv- ru ten an mo eo. kenberg-Amersfort-Rhenen and the This gap is guarded by the great has advanced Into the Ardennes and committeeman, and Mrs. J. J. Ny- I for a contribution of $100,000 which immense diversion behind the Dutch able that the objective of this move second on the line Muiden-Utrecht- fortress of Liege, with its ring of Is One of Jamestown was elected na- the American Red Cross made to lines. apparently making progress. may be the Isolation and reduction gaard Neerijnen. old forts, built in 1890 by the from Brussels tional commltteewoman. IgyilDIAII^VfJ Holland (2) A drive across the undefended report, unconfirmed, of the Netherlands, and that the The notable features of this engineer Brailmont, and recon- sys- northern says this German advance is di- assault on is in $100,000 for Belgians. structed on provinces, which has Belgium the nature tem are; (1) It takes realistic ac- modern lines since the rected toward a of The Belgian Red Cross also has reached Harlingen at the mouth of forcing passage of a holding attack. If this is the count of the fact that the small World War, and an outer ring of the Meuse between and Namur cabled its the Ijsselmeer. There is a motor Uege case, we shall quickly see fresh Ger- “profound gratitude” for Dutch with its limited much newer and Army, pe- stronger forts, —very serious If true. man efforts south of a similar gift of $100,000. covered in road on the great dike across this the central riod of training, cannot hope to put turn by outpost posi- There Is nothing to show the ex- Meanwhile substantial funds were mouth, but one can hardly suppose rivers, pushing through Noord into the field enough troops to de- tions (pill boxes, tank traps, field tent of the allied reinforcements.
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