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INTRODUCTION ...... 1 JURISDICTIONAL STATEMENT ...... 2 STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES ...... 2 STATEMENT OF THE CASE ...... 4 SUMMARY OF THE ARGUMENT ...... 8 ARGUMENT ...... 9 I. THE DISTRICT COURT MISUNDERSTOOD THE NINTH CIRCUIT’S OPINION IN DENT V. NFL...... 9 A. The District Court Mischaracterized Plaintiffs’ Arguments before the Ninth Circuit in Dent...... 9 B. The Dent Opinion did not Require the TAC to Allege that NFL Personnel Gave Drugs to NFL Players...... 13 1. The District Court considered restrictive interpretations of statutory terms resulting in an improper decision………….....13

2. The District Court improperly relied solely on the Controlled Substances Act and blatantly disregarded other statutes that Plaintiffs pleaded in the TAC …………..……………………16

II. THE DISTRICT COURT’S ORDER EXCEEDED THE SCOPE OF A MOTION TO DISMISS...... 18 A. Standard of Review...... 18 B. The TAC is Replete with Specific Allegations of NFL Personnel Directing and Controlling the Provision of Prescription Drugs to NFL Players...... 19 C. The Third Amended Complaint Adequately Pleads Negligence...... 23 1. The NFL Owed a Duty of Care to Plaintiffs …… …….……24


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i. The NFL failed to exercise reasonable care in its utilization of prescription medications ………………24

ii. For decades the NFL assumed a duty when it voluntarily involved itself in the distribution of medications …….27

iii. The NFL owed Plaintiffs a duty because they were in a "special relationship."…………………...……………..29

2. Plaintiffs have adequately pled the remaining elements of negligence ……………………………………………………31



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Andrews v. Wells, 204 Cal. App. 3d 533 (Sept. 12, 1988) ...... 32

Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662 (2009) ...... ……………………………..19

Baldwin v. Zoradi, 123 Cal. App. 3d 275 (Aug. 31, 1981) ...... 29

Beaver v. Tarsadih Hotels, 29 F. Supp. 3d 1294 (S. D. Cal. 2014) ...... 35

Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544 (2007) ...... 19

Clarke v. Hoek, 174 Cal. App. 3d 208 (Nov. 8, 1985) ...... 33

Coppola v. Smith, 935 F. Supp. 2d 993 (E.D. Cal. Mar. 26, 2013) ...... 23, 34, 35

Curtis v. Q. R. S. Neon Corp., 147 Cal. App. 2d 186 (1956) ...... 31

Dent v. , 902 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2018) ...... passim

Dent v. National Football League, No. C 14-02324 WHA, 2019 WL 1745118 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 18, 2019)…………………………………………………passim

Desaigoudar v. Meyercord, 223 F.3d 1020 (9th Cir. 2000) ...... 22

El-Shaddai v. Zamora, 833 F.3d 1036 (9th Cir. 2016) ...... 19


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Garman v. Magic Chef, Inc., 117 Cal. App. 3d 634 (Apr. 1, 1981) ...... 33

Giraldo v. Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation, 168 Cal. App. 4th 231 (2008) ...... 30

Hatch v. Ford Motor Co., 163 Cal. App. 2d 393 (1958) ...... 33

Ileto v. Glock Inc., 349 F.3d 1191 (9th Cir. 2003) ...... 22, 32

J.P. ex rel. Balderas v. City of Porterville, 801 F. Supp. 2d 965 (E.D. Cal. 2011). 32

J’Aire Corp. v. Gregory, 157 Cal. Rptr. 407, 598 P. 2d 60 (1979) ...... 26

Jackson v. AEG Live, LLC, 233 Cal. App. 4th 1156, (Jan. 30, 2015) ...... 32, 33

Johns-Manville Sales Corp. v. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd., 96 Cal. App. 3d 923 (1979) ...... 31

Jones v. Bock, 549 U.S. 199 (2007) ...... 19

Kleinknecht v. Gettysburg College, 989 F.2d 1360 (3rd Cir. 1993) ...... 30

Knight v. Jewett, 3 Cal. 4th 296 (1992) ...... 28

Lacy v. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co., 220 Cal. 97 (Feb. 10, 1934) ...... 33

Lindstrom v. Hertz Corp., 81 Cal. App. 4th 644 (2000) ...... 32


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Lu v. Hawaiian Gardens Casino, Inc., 50 Cal. 4th 592 (2010) ...... 26

Mann v. State of California, 70 Cal. App. 3d 773 (June 16, 1977) ...... 30

Mayall on Behalf of H.C. v. USA Water Polo, Inc., 909 F.3d 1055 (9th Cir. 2018) ...... 27

McIntyre v. The Colonies-Pac., LLC, 228 Cal. App. 4th 664 (2014) ...... 23

Moradi-Shalal v. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Companies, 46 Cal. 3d 287 (1988) ...... 26

Pub. Lands for the People, Inc. v. U.S. Dep't of Agric., 697 F.3d 1192 (9th Cir. 2012) ...... 19

Raven H. v. Gamette, 157 Cal. App. 4th 1017 (2007) ...... 23, 24

Regents of Univ. of Cal. v. Superior Court, 4 Cal. 5th 607 (2018) ...... 29, 30

Rowland v. Christian, 69 Cal. 2d 108 (1968) ...... 24

Saelzler v. Advanced Group 400, 25 Cal. 4th 763 (2001) ...... 33

Schaeffer v. Gregory Village Partners, L.P., 105 F. Supp. 3d 951 (N.D. Cal. May, 14, 2015) ...... 32

Sonoma Cty. Ass'n of Retired Employees v. Sonoma Cty., 708 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2013) ...... 18


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Spencer v. DHI Mortg. Co., Ltd., 642 F.Supp.2d 1153 (E.D. Cal. 2009) ...... 34

Steinle v. City and County of San Francisco, 230 F. Supp. 3d 994 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 6, 2017) ...... 33

Trujillo v. G.A. Enters, Inc., 36 Cal. App. 4th 1105 (1995) ...... 33

Turner v. City & Cty. of San Francisco, 788 F.3d 1206 (9th Cir. 2015)...... 18

United States v. Ahumada-Avalos, 875 F.2d 681 (9th Cir. 1989)…………….15, 16

United States v. Brunty, 701 F.2d 1375 (11th Cir. 1983)…………………………16

United States v. DeRosa, 670 F.2d 889 (9th Cir. 1982)……………………..……16

United States v. Park, 421 U.S. 658 (1975) ...... 17

University of Southern California v. Superior Court, 30 Cal. App. 5th 429 (2018) ...... 27

Verdugo v. Target Corp., 59 Cal. 4th 312 (2014) ...... 26


21 C.F.R. § 1301.71 (2018) ...... 16

21 C.F.R. § 1304 (2018) ...... 16


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21 U.S.C. § 301 ...... 4

21 U.S.C. § 801 ...... 4

21 U.S.C. § 802 (2016) ...... 14, 15

21 U.S.C. § 827 ...... 16

28 U.S.C. § 1291 ...... 2

28 U.S.C. § 1332 ...... 2

California Evidence Code §669 ...... 4, 34

Other Authorities

Transcript of Oral Argument, Dent v. National Football League, No. C 14-02324 WHA, 2019 WL 1745118 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 18, 2019) ...... 18

RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS: §285, Cmt. C (1965) ...... 25

RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS: §314A, Cmt. B, p. 119 (1965) ...... 29

RESTATEMENT (THIRD) OF TORTS: Liability for Physical and Emotional Harm, §40(b) (2010)...... 29

Oral Argument, Dent v. NFL, 902 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2018) (No. 15-15143) ……………………………………………………………...…………11, 12, 21


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For decades the National Football League (“NFL”) directed and controlled the distribution of controlled substances and prescription drugs to its players in amounts

(e.g., number of injections) and a manner (e.g., without a prescription and failure to warn of side effects) that violate federal and state laws. It did so for a lucrative financial benefit, yet left its “money-makers” – the players – with latent injuries

(e.g., kidney failure that did not manifest until years after a player retired) and drug addictions they now battle on their own, without NFL assistance, years after their careers ended.

In early 2013, Plaintiffs/Appellants (hereinafter, “Plaintiffs”) first made the connection between their injuries and the aforementioned illegal conduct. In May

2014, on behalf of all retired players, they filed a complaint to seek redress for the injuries the class has suffered, and continues to suffer, as a result thereof. The NFL filed two motions to dismiss and on December 17, 2014, the District Court dismissed on preemption grounds (the “2014 Decision”). Plaintiffs appealed that decision to the Ninth Circuit, which reversed and remanded to the District Court for further proceedings on September 6, 2018. Thereafter, Plaintiffs filed a Third Amended

Complaint (“TAC”) in which they streamlined the case to a single cause of action – negligence. After oral argument, on April 18, 2019, the District Court dismissed

Plaintiffs’ TAC on the grounds that Plaintiffs failed to adequately plead their sole


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negligence claim because they did not demonstrate any duty owed by the NFL to

Plaintiffs. The District Court came to this conclusion after deciding Plaintiffs’ well pleaded allegations were inaccurate, a colossal misstep at this stage in litigation. For the reasons discussed herein, the District Court committed reversible error dismissing Plaintiffs’ TAC as it misapplied the standard for deciding a motion to dismiss and failed to abide by Supreme Court and Ninth Circuit decisions pertaining to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 12(b)(6) motions. This Court should thus reverse and remand this matter for further proceedings below.


Plaintiffs appeal from the District Court’s April 18, 2019 judgment granting the NFL’s motion to dismiss. The District Court has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. §

1332(d)(2) because the proposed class consists of more than one hundred persons, the overall amount in controversy exceeds $5,000,000 exclusive of interest, costs, and attorney’s fees, and at least one plaintiff is a citizen of a state different from one defendant. Plaintiffs filed a timely notice of appeal on May 14, 2019. This Court has jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291.


There are 4 issues on appeal:

1. The District Court concluded that Plaintiffs did not comply with the

Ninth Circuit’s 2018 holding, when it remanded the matter to the District Court. The


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District Court found that Plaintiffs had convinced the Ninth Circuit that the NFL had directly handed drugs to players and Clubs and that the Ninth Circuit in effect required the TAC to contain allegations to that effect. Did the District Court commit reversible error when it mischaracterized Plaintiff’s argument and the Ninth

Circuit’s opinion in Dent,1 by holding that Plaintiffs’ well-pled allegations regarding the NFL having directed and controlled the distribution of drugs was insufficient to support a negligence claim?

2. In deciding a motion such as the one at issue, the trial court must accept all well-pled allegations as true and cannot resolve disputed issues of fact. The

District Court found the individual clubs and its respective employees, not the NFL, the conglomerate, as pled, were responsible for the conduct at issue and therefore dismissed the case. Did the District Court commit reversible error when it substituted its view of the allegations for what Plaintiffs pled and when it resolved factual disputes in the NFL’s favor?

3. The District Court held that none of the three duties alleged in the TAC were sufficiently plead under applicable California law. Did the District Court err in so holding?

1 Dent refers to Dent v. National Football League, 902 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2018) 3

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4. The District Court concluded that Plaintiffs relied on a negligence per se theory to support their negligence claim, when in actuality California recognizes negligence per se as an application of an evidentiary presumption provided by

California Evidence Code §669. Did the District Court commit reversible error when it conflated the evidentiary presumption of negligence per se with the theory of negligence as pled by Plaintiffs?


On May 20, 2014, Hall of Famer and seven other retired football players filed a putative class action suit against the NFL. Appellants’ Excerpts of

Record, Volume I, Page 279.2 The complaint was amended (“SAC”) to include two additional retired players as named Plaintiffs. E.R. 279. After the District Court dismissed Plaintiffs’ SAC and the Ninth Circuit reversed the District Court’s decision, Plaintiffs filed a third and final amended complaint. E.R. 289.

Cumulatively, at least one of the ten Plaintiffs played in every NFL season from

1969 through 2012. E.R. 245. The gravamen of the TAC was simple: since 1971, the NFL directed and controlled the distribution to its players of controlled substances and prescription drugs in violation of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse

Prevention and Control Act of 1970, 21 U.S.C. § 801 et seq. (“Controlled Substances

2 Appellants’ Excerpts of Record are hereinafter referred to as “E.R.” 4

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Act”); the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 301 et seq. (“Food and Drug

Act”), and corresponding state statutes. E.R. 10.

Plaintiffs’ stories are remarkably similar. Regardless of the team or year, players were given large quantities of opioids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and anesthetics without a prescription, with little regard for their medical history or potentially fatal interaction with other medications, and without warning about possible side effects. E.R. 105. While the types of medications changed over the years, from amphetamines in the 1970s to Toradol in the 1990s and beyond, the volume and manner in which they were distributed remained constant. E.R. 159–60.

The NFL engaged in this conduct to keep its players on the field and its revenues high, with the former becoming increasingly difficult over time and the latter becoming all-encompassing. E.R. 154–57. From 1966 (when the AFL and

NFL merged) to the present, the NFL has steadily expanded its schedule to include more games in an overall season and has also increased their frequency, with games now being played on Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays (and after ends, Saturdays too). E.R. 154. The offseason is far shorter than it was 50 years ago, as now a player might participate in the in February and have to report back in April (and until recently, March), whereas they used to go months at a time with no involvement with their clubs.


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In a survey by The Washington Post, nearly nine out of 10 former players reported playing while hurt. E.R. 155. Fifty-six percent said they did this

“frequently.” E.R. 155. An overwhelming number – 68 percent – said they did not feel like they had a choice whether to play hurt. E.R. 155. And they are right – the

NFL gave them no choice. E.R. 155. Rather than allowing players the opportunity to rest and heal, the NFL illegally substituted Medications for proper health care.

E.R. 156. For example, Plaintiff played a playoff game when he could not lift his arm. E.R. 175. During that time, he received two Percodan for the first half of the game and another two Percodan for the second half of the game to deal with the pain rather than proper medical care and rest. E.R. 175.

The similarity in which Medications were distributed to players on different clubs scattered across the country over five decades indicates that the decision to engage in this illegal conduct came from the NFL. E.R. 76.

The foregoing allegations form the nucleus of the TAC, the operative amended pleading filed on December 5, 2018. E.R. 289. Plaintiffs further allege that, as a result of the NFL’s illegal conduct, they suffer from addiction, muscular-skeletal injuries, and harm to their internal organs. E.R. 160.

Procedurally, the District Court first District Court granted the NFL’s preemption motion to dismiss on December 17, 2014. E.R. 288. The Order further provided that Plaintiffs could have until December 31, 2014 to file a motion for leave


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to amend their claims. E.R. 288. Plaintiffs did not, and the District Court entered a final Order on December 31, 2014. E.R. 288. Plaintiffs appealed the District Court’s

December 17, 2014 ruling to the Ninth Circuit. E.R. 288. On September 6, 2018, the

Ninth Circuit reversed on the collective bargaining agreement (“CBA”) issue and remanded the matter to the District Court for further proceedings. E.R. 151. The

Ninth Circuit was clear that Plaintiffs were to focus on the NFL’s responsibility and actions that support Plaintiffs’ negligence claim against it. E.R. 151.

On December 5, 2018, Plaintiffs filed their TAC asserting one cause of action – negligence. E.R. 289. This claim is supported by several facts pled therein, including the following:

− Doctor Pellman of the New York Jets, the public face of the League’s health problems, distributed drugs to players, E.R. 209 at ¶¶ 184;

− NFL’s employment of a doctor as the head of its prescription drug program since at least 1973 with the purpose of maintaining NFL’s Return to Play Business Plan (“Business Plan”), E.R. 203 at ¶¶ 159–62, E.R. 210 ¶ 188;

− The NFL holds annual meetings to coordinate details regarding the distribution of Medications among all of its clubs, E.R. 208 at ¶ 183;

− The NFL mandated that its players sign a Toradol waiver. E.R. 208 at ¶ 181;

− The NFL audits and reviews the distribution of medications, E.R. 210 at ¶ 188.; and

− The imposition by the NFL of reporting software and bulk drug procurement from SportPharm, a company that voluntarily surrendered its pharmacy license in 2010 in the face of charges that it illegally distributed drugs to multiple NFL clubs, E.R. 207.


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The NFL moved to dismiss the TAC for failure to state a claim and on supposed statute of limitations problems. E.R. 289. After oral argument on April 18,

2019, the District Court dismissed Plaintiff’s TAC, explaining that it did not find that the NFL was directly involved in handling, distributing, and administrating of medications within the meaning of the pertinent statutes and further that the NFL had no duty to Plaintiffs that it may have plausibly breached. E.R. 290. The District

Court found the statute of limitations motion to be moot. E.R. 21.

Plaintiffs timely filed the current appeal. E.R. 291.


The District Court analyzed Plaintiffs’ TAC under a fundamental misapplication of the law at this stage in litigation. It required Plaintiffs to prove that the NFL itself was providing prescription drugs to NFL players or Clubs. Rather, the standard at this stage is to assess whether Plaintiffs sufficiently pleaded allegations that, if true, would state a negligence claim. Further, the District Court mischaracterized negligence per se as a vehicle for Plaintiffs to prove negligence, when in fact California recognizes it as an evidentiary presumption. As explained, both supra and infra, Plaintiffs allege that the NFL owed a duty – under California law – to Plaintiffs, which it breached when it directed and controlled the distribution of prescription drugs to NFL players, leaving them with latent injuries decades after each player retired. Last, the District Court misinterpreted this Court’s 2018 holding.


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The District Court incorrectly determined that Plaintiffs convinced the Ninth Circuit that NFL was directly providing prescription drugs to NFL players and Clubs.

However, Plaintiffs assert, then and now, that NFL directs and controls its pyramidal prescription drug scheme and is therefore liable to Plaintiffs.

The question thus presented is: If in fact Plaintiffs can prove that the NFL directed, controlled and profited from the prescription drug scheme on a routine basis, did the NFL breach a duty it owed to each of the players?

In the appropriate analysis that should flow from that question, who else was involved in distributing and administering the prescription drugs is not relevant. The

District Court’s decision should be reversed because it failed to recognize Plaintiffs’ claims as pled and did not correctly construe the duty at issue.



A. The District Court Mischaracterized Plaintiffs’ Arguments before the Ninth Circuit in Dent.

The District Court premised its analysis of the Ninth Circuit’s opinion in Dent is on a misunderstanding that Plaintiffs argued that NFL personnel were directly giving drugs to the players or the Club doctors and trainers. These key passages from the District Court’s decision stating as much are as follows:

− “By their own admission then, plaintiffs do not allege that the NFL itself violated the relevant drug laws and regulations governing the medications at


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issue – that violation is specifically attributed to the club doctors and trainers.” Dent v. National Football League, No. C 14-02324 WHA, 2019 WL 1745118 at *5 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 18, 2019) (hereinafter “Dent II”).

− “Significantly, plaintiffs do not make any specific, plausible allegation that the relevant statutes apply to the NFL, let alone that the NFL violated those statutes.” Id. at *6.

− “Plaintiffs now acknowledge in their third amended complaint and briefing that the NFL did not itself provide medical care for or distribute medications to the players, and the operative complaint contains only conclusory allegations related to conduct by the NFL that would give rise to a duty of care.” Id.

Plaintiffs neither made such representations nor did the Dent Court rely on any such assertions.

The District Court’s improper reasoning, by its own admission, was driven by one specific exchange during the appellate oral argument between NFL’s counsel and the Dent Court, which it quoted in its opinion:

“THE COURT: Counsel, what do we do with the allegation in the complaint that NFL directly gave drugs to athletes? MR. CLEMENT: Well, I think what you do is you read it in the context of the entire complaint, so with respect to every one of the ten plaintiffs, the specific allegations are that they were given injections by the team doctors, the doctors … THE COURT: I’m looking at paragraph 17 of the complaint. This is the second amended complaint, the NFL directly? I’m going to put some Ellipses in here. The NFL directly supplied players with Opioids.” Id. at *2. (stating that this exchange and interpretation “of the complaint drove our court of appeals’ analysis.”).

Conspicuously missing from the District Court’s opinion is the exchange immediately following the above-referenced dialogue, which addressed a potential


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negligence claim under the theory that the NFL is the “outside force” causing medications to be distributed to the players. The following dialogue took place between the Dent Court and NFL’s counsel:

MR. CLEMENT: Well, again, I mean look, if they want to isolate their whole complaint to being the, you know, the direct distribution of opioids by the NFL, not through the club trainers and the club doctors, I mean, I think what they would then perhaps have is a claim that just is fanciful. But that’s, I don’t think that’s a fair reading of what they actually alleged in their whole complaint If you take it as a whole and I think if you go back and you … THE COURT: I’m sorry, I think this is where you’re going but they‘re not in fact alleging this is independent, they are in fact alleging that they use club doctors but why does the type use the club doctors bring this under the collective bargaining agreement? THE COURT: Okay, so, you know, I think they take that as a given so the collective bargaining agreement say the doctors have certain duties and in the (inaudible) thing there was this outside force that is causing the doctors to breach their duty and we’re not suing the doctors for the breach of duty, we’re suing this outside force for causing the doctors to do these terrible things. Oral Argument at 16 min. 01 sec. – 18 min. 00 sec., Dent v. NFL, 902 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2018) (No. 15- 15143), available at https://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/media/view_video.php?pk_vid=000001 0751.

In short, the NFL, through counsel, states that Plaintiffs’ claims did not depend on the NFL directly giving drugs to players and the Ninth Circuit confirmed that they agreed with such a reading of Plaintiffs’ complaint.

Indeed, the District Court quoted a statement from Plaintiffs: “the NFL controlled and directed a pyramidal scheme for the distribution of controlled substances and prescription drugs in flagrant disregard of federal and state law.”


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Dent II, 2019 WL 1745118 at *1. The District Court, however, drew the wrong conclusion from the pyramidal scheme argument. Wrongly, it found that “plaintiffs argued that they alleged that the NFL itself supplied and distributed the endless stream of drugs, thereby violating the relevant federal and state statutes governing controlled substances.” Id. Unsurprisingly, the pyramidal scheme is designed to do the exact opposite – it insulates the top of the pyramid from direct contact with the victim or ultimate purchaser. The Dent oral argument reveals that Plaintiffs’ counsel clearly stated as such to the Ninth Circuit panel. See e.g., Oral Argument at 8 min.

16 sec. – 9 min. 33 sec., Dent v. NFL, 902 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2018) (No. 15-15143), available at https://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/media/view_video.php?pk_vid=0000010751

(explaining that “what happens in a classic pyramid is everybody blames somebody else… that’s why pyramid schemes have been in existence…because they confuse duties, they confuse responsibilities and everybody’s got plausible denial…”).

Despite having the transcript of the Dent oral argument, the District Court emphasized its incorrect assumption of the Dent opinion: “To repeat, plaintiffs escaped preemption before our court of appeals by asserting the NFL’s proactive involvement with medication distribution. Having convinced our court of appeals that they were alleging that the NFL itself directly provided medical care and supplied drugs to players, plaintiffs may not bob and weave back to old theories of


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negligence that, in essence, amount to the NFL’s failure to intervene.” Dent II, 2019

WL 1745118 at *7. This exemplifies the District Court’s misunderstanding of

Plaintiffs’ argument, which resulted in the District Court erroneously concluding that Plaintiffs had convinced the Dent Court that they had alleged NFL personnel had directly given drugs to NFL players. Rather, Plaintiffs clearly argued the opposite – that the NFL itself had directed and controlled others to do so.

B. The Dent Opinion Did Not Require the TAC to Allege that NFL Personnel Gave Drugs to NFL Players.

The Dent Court, therefore, was cognizant that Plaintiffs’ allegations centered on the NFL directing and controlling the Clubs’ distribution of the drugs to the players. This reading of the TAC, not the one adopted by the District Court, should inform any interpretation of the language used in Dent.

1. The District Court considered restrictive interpretations of statutory terms resulting in an improper decision.

The Ninth Circuit discussed Plaintiffs’ negligence claim with specific attention to the NFL’s required duty to Plaintiffs. Dent v. National Football League,

902 F.3d 1109, 1118–19 (9th Cir. 2018) (hereinafter “Dent”). In its analysis, the opinion uses three words – handling, distribution and administration – either together, or more frequently, independently to describe the NFL’s role with regard to how players received prescription drugs. Id. at 1119. Yet, the District Court concluded that the Dent opinion used those words as defined in the applicable


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statutes, and therefore required the TAC to allege that NFL personnel directly gave drugs to NFL players. “Our court of appeals thus clearly reversed (on the preemption issue) based on plaintiffs’ prior representations related to the NFL’s direct involvement in the handling, distribution, and administration of the medications within the meaning of the relevant drug statutes.” Dent II, 2019 WL 1745118 at *8.

However, the word “handling” is not defined in the Controlled Substances

Act. In fact, the word is neither used in the Controlled Substances Act nor is it used in the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The District Court was categorically wrong to assert that “handling” had a meaning in the relevant drug statutes. The TAC cites to an NFL document which defines handling as “purchase, distribution, dispensing, administration and recordkeeping.” E.R. 211 at ¶ 194. This document provides a rather broad and all-encompassing definition of “handling,” which includes actions other than handing drugs to players or giving them to the Clubs. E.R. 211–12 at ¶

194. Yet, the District Court simply ignored this definition of “handling.”

The word “administration” is used only once in the Dent opinion, and, even so, it is combined with handling and distribution. Dent, 902 F.3d at 1119. The

Controlled Substances Act does not define administration but it does define the word

“administer.” “Administer” is defined as “the direct application of a controlled substance to the body of a patient or research subject by – (A) a practitioner (or, in his presence, by his authorized agent) or (B) the patient or research subject at the


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direction and in the presence of the practitioner.” 21 U.S.C. § 802(2) (2016).

“Administer” is not used in the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. The District Court erred in holding that the Dent opinion was referring to the application of a topical cream or ointment to a players’ body when it used the term “administration.” Dent

II, 2019 WL 1745118 at *8.

The Controlled Substances Act defines the words “distribute,” “deliver,” and

“delivery.” “Distribute” is defined as “to deliver (other than by administering or dispensing) a controlled substance or a listed chemical.” 21 U.S.C. § 802(11) (2016).

“Deliver” and “delivery” are defined as “the actual, constructive, or attempted transfer of a controlled substance or a listed chemical, whether or not there exists an agency relationship.” 21 U.S.C. § 802(8) (2016) (emphasis added). The Dent opinion is clearest in its application of the word “distribute” to this case. “Regardless of what

(if anything) the CBAs say about those issues, if the NFL had any role in distributing prescription drugs, it was required to follow the laws regarding those drugs.”

(emphasis added). Dent, 902 F.3d at 1121. “Any role” clearly includes more conduct than simply handing pills to players. As will be discussed infra, the TAC details the multiple roles NFL personnel played in directing and controlling the distribution of prescription drugs.

In addition, the Ninth Circuit, in applying the Controlled Substances Act, has stated “the distribution provision has been held to criminalize participation in the


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transaction viewed as a whole.” United States v. Ahumada-Avalos, 875 F.2d 681,

683 (9th Cir. 1989) (quoting United States v. Brunty, 701 F.2d 1375, 1381 (11th Cir.

1983)). In fact, “courts usually interpret the term “distribute’ quite broadly.” Id. The

Ninth Circuit also has specifically held that a defendant violated the Controlled

Substances Act when he “directed and oversaw the distribution of drugs” even though he himself never possessed the drugs. United States v. DeRosa, 670 F. 2d

889, 893 (9th Cir. 1982). The TAC echoed the DeRosa opinion with its multiple allegations that the NFL directed and controlled the distribution of controlled substances.

The District Court also asserted that “plaintiffs aim for a broader interpretation of liability allowed under Dent to include the NFL’s alleged activities beyond those governed by the relevant drug statutes, such as recordkeeping and storage.” Dent II,

2019 WL 1745118 at *7. However, recordkeeping and storage are governed by the

Controlled Substances Act. See 21 U.S.C. § 827(c); 21 C.F.R. § 1304(22)(c) (2018);

21 C.F.R. § 1301.71(a) (2018); see also E.R. 198 at ¶¶ 131–33. The District Court’s improper focus on the physical handing off drugs to players led to its misunderstanding of the reach of the Controlled Substances Act.

2. The District Court improperly relied solely on the Controlled Substances Act and blatantly disregarded other statutes that Plaintiffs pleaded in the TAC.


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The District Court only looked to the Controlled Substances Act in forming its opinion. The Plaintiffs clearly also allege violations of the Food, Drug and

Cosmetic Act and the California Pharmacy Laws, as noted in the Dent opinion. Dent,

902 F.3d at 1119. Assuming arguendo that the District Court is correct in its interpretation of the Controlled Substances Act, the NFL’s Motion to Dismiss should have been denied based on the other statutes at issue. Failure to consider them was reversible error.

With respect to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, the United States Supreme

Court has established the “responsible corporate officer” doctrine to impose direct, not vicarious, liability when a “… defendant had, by reason of his position in the corporation, responsibility and authority either to prevent in the first instance, or promptly to correct, the violation complained of, and that he failed to do so.” United

States v. Park, 421 U. S. 658, 673–74 (1975). This Court should apply the

“responsible corporate office” doctrine to the NFL as the literal structure is less important than the underlying policies supporting the “responsible corporate office” doctrine, especially in the context of interpreting reasonable conduct in a negligence claim. As noted infra, the TAC clearly alleges and demonstrates that the NFL was in a position to prevent or correct the statutory violations contained therein.

The District Court noted that the Controlled Substances Act could be violated even if the NFL did not possess or directly hand drugs to the players or teams. While


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questioning NFL’s counsel regarding the “kingpin” hypothetical, the District Court noted the following:

“[a]ll right. Well, but the argument I think is like in a criminal case, the kingpin may be careful enough never to have drugs in their possession. In fact, the drugs will be down at the street level or at some stash house or someplace where the kingpin never has to go. So let’s say the kingpin never touches the drugs. Never has physical possession, but controls the whole enterprise. Under your assumption, the Government couldn’t put the kingpin in jail because they don’t touch the drugs. That can’t be right.” (emphasis added). Transcript of Oral Argument at 35, Dent v. National Football League, No. C 14-02324 WHA, 2019 WL 1745118 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 18, 2019).

Although the District Court made the connection that the NFL, at a de minimis level, was akin to a “kingpin,” it clearly came to an inapposite determination. Based on the District Court’s improper interpretation of both the Dent opinion and statutory definitions, this Court should reverse the District Court decision.


A. Standard of Review.

A district court’s dismissal of a complaint for failure to state a claim is reviewed de novo. Sonoma Cty. Ass'n of Retired Employees v. Sonoma Cty., 708

F.3d 1109, 1115 (9th Cir. 2013). “In assessing whether a party has stated a claim upon which relief can be granted, a court must take all allegations of material fact as true and construe them in the light most favorable to the nonmoving party[.]” Turner v. City & Cty. of San Francisco, 788 F.3d 1206, 1210 (9th Cir. 2015). “Because this


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case was decided on a motion to dismiss,” the court must “take the [complaint]’s allegations as true and construe them in the light most favorable to the plaintiffs.”

Dent v. Nat'l Football League, 902 F.3d 1109, 1117 (9th Cir. 2018).

A motion to dismiss a complaint for failure to state a claim can only be granted

“if the allegations, taken as true, show the plaintiff is not entitled to relief.” El-

Shaddai v. Zamora, 833 F.3d 1036, 1043 (9th Cir. 2016) (quoting Jones v. Bock, 549

U.S. 199, 215 (2007)). At this stage, all reasonable inferences are drawn in favor of the nonmoving party. See Pub. Lands for the People, Inc. v. U.S. Dep't of Agric.,

697 F.3d 1192, 1196 (9th Cir. 2012). “[W]hen the plaintiff pleads factual content that allows the court to draw the reasonable inference that the defendant is liable for the misconduct alleged” a claim has facial plausibility. Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S.

662, 678 (2009) (citing Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 556 (2007)). This plausibility determination is “a context-specific task that requires the reviewing court to draw on its judicial experience and common sense.” Iqbal, 556 U.S. at 679.

B. The TAC is Replete with Specific Allegations of NFL Personnel Directing and Controlling the Provision of Prescription Drugs to NFL Players.

The District Court erred in holding that Plaintiffs’ TAC did not comply with the Dent Court’s instruction. To be clear, the Dent opinion held that “on remand, any further proceedings in this case should be limited to claims arising from the conduct


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of the NFL and NFL personnel – not the conduct of individual teams’ employees.”

Dent, 902 F.3d at 1121.

The TAC contains numerous factual allegations that NFL personnel directed and controlled the provision of prescription drugs to NFL players, including but not limited to the following: (1) Doctor Pellman of the New York Jets seen as the public face of the League’s health problems, dispensing drugs to players E.R. 209 at ¶ 184;

(2) NFL’s employment of a doctor as the head of its prescription drug program since at least 1973 with the purpose of maintaining NFL’s Business Plan, see E.R. 203 at

¶¶ 159–62, E.R. 210 ¶ 188; (3) Dr. Brown’s 1999 memo detailing the main purpose was “to provide guidelines for the utilization of all prescription drugs provided to players and team personnel by physicians and other healthcare providers” and “to ensure the appropriate handling (purchase, distribution, dispensing, administration and recordkeeping),” see E.R. 211–12 at ¶ 194; (4) NFL Prescription Drug Program emphasis was placed on “(1) the on-site audit, (2) the initial inventory and reconciliation reports, and (3) procedures used to provide controlled drugs to team personnel, to obtain prescription drugs from pharmacies, and to secure controlled drugs[,]” see id.; (5) violations of the Controlled Substances Act when travelling with controlled substances across state lines, see E.R. 219–20 at ¶ 215, E.R. 220–21

¶¶ 218–21; (6) NFL’s mandate to register Club stadiums and practice facilities as storage facilities for prescription drugs subsequent to DEA reprimands, see E.R. 207


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at ¶ 178; (7) NFL Security Office controls aspects of drug distribution and conducts on-site inspections, see E.R. 157 ¶ 8, E.R. 207 at ¶ 180; (8) NFL’s requirement that all Clubs report regularly to it regarding injury status and number of dispensed drugs, see E.R. 204–05 ¶ 163, E.R. 210–12 ¶¶ 188–96, E.R. 216–18 ¶¶ 206–12; (9) NFL’s regular meetings with Club doctors and trainers regarding the use of prescription medications, see E.R. 208–09 ¶¶ 183–87, E.R. 216 ¶¶ 204–06; (10) NFL personnel regularly meeting with the DEA to discuss the legality of drug use in the league, see

E.R. 218–21 ¶¶ 214–20; (11) NFL’s approval of hiring Clubs’ doctors and medical sponsorship, see E.R. 207 ¶ 179, which led to NFL (through counsel) referring to

NFL as a “super-employer,” see Oral Argument at 14 min. 20 sec., 19 min. 09 sec.,

Dent v. NFL, 902 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2018) (No. 15-15143), available at https://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/media/view_video.php?pk_vid=0000010751; (12)

NFL mandate that Clubs use SportPharm – drug tracking software, see E.R. 207 ¶

179; (13) NFL requirement that all players sign a Toradol waiver that was drafted by the NFL preceding the 2010 season, see E.R. 208 at ¶ 181 (14) San Diego

Chargers’ attempt to survey all Clubs regarding their distribution of controlled substances, which was squelched by Dr. Pellman, the acting NFL Medical Advisor, see E.R. 223 at ¶¶ 227–28; (15) NFL officials authoring its response to Harvard’s report on NFL doctors, see at E.R. 155–56 at ¶ 6, E.R. 223 at ¶ 229; (16) NFL funding two significant reports with respect to the use of Toradol in the NFL, see


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E.R. 204–07 at ¶¶164–77; (17) references to NFL’s liability regarding the use and distribution of prescription drugs, see E.R. 158 at ¶ 11, E.R. 220 at ¶ 217; and, (18)

NFL’s 2015 policy that teams could not travel with controlled substances but needed to use an independent doctor in the away city to dispense them, see id. at E.R. 208 at ¶ 182, E.R. 221 at ¶ 221.

The eighty-nine page and three-hundred and ten paragraph TAC is painstakingly detailed with specific allegations and references to demonstrate the

NFL’s direct role in controlling and distributing prescription drugs to NFL players.

See E.R. 154–241. In the context of a 12(b)(6) motion, those allegations must be accepted as true. Ileto v. Glock Inc., 349 F.3d 1191, 1200 (9th Cir. 2003);

Desaigoudar v. Meyercord, 223 F.3d 1020, 1021 (9th Cir. 2000). Considering the

TAC’s assertions as true at this stage, the District Court had very little discretion to find that Plaintiffs did not sufficiently allege facts to support their claim.

The NFL had the ability to stop Club doctors and trainers from acting illegally whenever it wanted to do so. In fact, on May 20, 2019, the NFL unilaterally announced that a new Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (the “Program”) had been developed to “monitor all prescriptions issued to NFL players by club physicians and unaffiliated physicians” and “[p]rior to the start of the 2019 NFL

Season, each NFL club must appoint a Pain Management Specialist …” The NFL further stated that the Program and appointment were “mandatory across all clubs.”


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See “NFL-NFLPA joint agreements to protect health, safety, wellness of players,”

NFL.com, May 20, 2019 at www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001031345/article/nflnflpa-joint-agreements-to- protect-health-safety-wellness-of-players (announcing simultaneously that the NFL and NFLPA would create a joint committee to “establish uniform standards for club practices and policies regarding pain management and the use of prescription medication by NFL players …’). Evidently, the NFL is finally mandating that prescription drugs be delivered to players legally.

Therefore, it is evident that Plaintiffs’ TAC clearly alleges that NFL personnel directed and controlled literally every aspect of the distribution of prescription drugs to NFL players. This conclusion is even more warranted in the assessment of a

Motion to Dismiss. The District Court erred in holding that the TAC did not do so.

C. The Third Amended Complaint Adequately Pleads Negligence.

A negligence cause of action in California consists of the following elements:

(1) the existence of a legal duty of care; (2) breach of that duty; and, (3) the proximate cause resulting in injury. McIntyre v. The Colonies-Pac., LLC, 228 Cal. App. 4th

664, 671 (2014). California recognizes that negligence is the failure to use reasonable care to prevent harm to others; thus, a person is negligent if they do something that a reasonably careful person would not do in the same situation or fails to do something that a reasonably careful person would do in the same situation.


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Coppola v. Smith, 935 F. Supp. 2d 993, 1013 (E.D. Cal. Mar. 26, 2013) (citing Raven

H. v. Gamette, 157 Cal. App. 4th 1017, 1025 (2007)). The TAC adequately pleads a negligence claim as defined by California law.

1. The NFL Owed a Duty of Care to Plaintiffs.

The District Court was incorrect when it concluded that Plaintiffs did not plead an independent duty of care. Again, Plaintiffs do not have to establish anything at this point; they simply need to allege plausibly, and that they have done.

The duties owed by the NFL to Plaintiffs exist because of the very nature of the activity at issue. The NFL assumed such duties, and further, a duty arises because of the “special relationship” that exists between the NFL and its players. Plaintiffs need only sufficiently plead one of these duties to justify reversal.

i. The NFL failed to exercise reasonable care in its utilization of prescription medications.

The Ninth Circuit has already determined that, applying the Rowland factors,3 the “lack of reasonable care in the handling, distribution, and administration of controlled substances can foreseeably harm the individuals who take them.” Dent,

3 The Rowland factors consist of: (1) the foreseeability of harm to the plaintiff; (2) the degree of certainty that the plaintiff suffered injury; (3) the closeness of the connection between the defendant’s conduct and the injury suffered; (4) the moral blame attached to the defendant’s conduct; (5) the policy of preventing future harm; (6) the extent of the burden to the defendant and consequences to the community of imposing a duty to exercise case with resulting liability for breach; and, (7) the availability, cost, and prevalence of insurance for the risk involved. Rowland v. Christian, 69 Cal. 2d 108, 113 (1968).


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902 F. 3d at 1119. The Ninth Circuit stated that Rowland factors had been satisfied and took the time to explain that:

“Carelessness in the handling of dangerous substances is both illegal and morally blameworthy, given the risk of injury it entails. Imposing liability on those involved in improper prescription-drug distribution will prevent harm by encouraging responsible entities to ensure that the drugs are administered safely. And it will not represent an undue burden on such entities, which should already be complying with the laws governing prescription drugs and controlled substances.”

Dent, 902 F.3d at 1119.

Ultimately, the question is whether the NFL conducted its business in a reasonable manner. In deciding the issue of reasonability and consequent duty, statutory provisions inform the interpretation of reasonable conduct even if the pertinent statute does not provide a private right of action. See RESTATEMENT

(SECOND) OF TORTS: §285, Cmt. C (1965) (“Even where a legislative enactment contains no express provision that its violation shall result in tort liability, and no implication to that effect, the court may, and in certain types of cases customarily will, adopt the requirements of the enactment as the standard of conduct necessary to avoid liability for negligence.”). The Ninth Circuit, in Dent, recognized such a duty under California common law:

“Here, any duty to exercise reasonable care in the distribution of medications does not arise through statute or by contract; no statute explicitly establishes such a duty, and as already noted, none of the CBAs impose such a duty. However, we believe that a duty binding on the NFL – or any entity involved in the


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distribution of controlled substances – to conduct its activities with reasonable care arises from “the general character of (that) activity.” See J’Aire Corp., 157 Cal. Rptr. 407, 598 P. 2d at 62. … Of course, establishing that an entity owes a duty does not necessarily establish what standard of care applies, or whether it was breached. But when it comes to the distribution of potentially dangerous drugs, minimum standards are established by statute.” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1119.

It is well established under California law that a business establishment's legal obligations to its customers and others may arise…[because of] the

Legislature's enactment of a statutory provision. Verdugo v. Target Corp., 59 Cal.

4th 312, 326 (2014) (“A duty of care … may of course be found in a legislative enactment which does not provide for civil liability.”); Lu v. Hawaiian Gardens

Casino, Inc., 50 Cal. 4th 592, 604 (2010) (quoting Moradi-Shalal v. Fireman’s Fund

Ins. Companies, 46 Cal. 3d 287, 304–05 (1988)) (“even without a private right of action under a statute courts retain jurisdiction to impose civil damages or other remedies … in appropriate common law actions.”).

The TAC is replete with factual allegations that specifically identify how the

“general character of” the NFL’s maintenance of its Business Plan and its direction and control of the distribution of the Medications is unreasonable. The NFL has violated every aspect of the standard set forth by the Coppola Court. To be clear, the

NFL failed to use reasonable care to prevent harm to Plaintiffs. A reasonable person would not have pushed prescription drugs in a manner contrary to the requirements of federal and California statutes as the NFL did, and further the NFL failed to stop


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the illegal use of prescription drugs as a reasonable person would have done with the same knowledge the NFL possessed.

ii. For decades the NFL assumed a duty when it voluntarily involved itself in the distribution of medications.

A separate duty to exercise due care arises when a person with no affirmative duty to act voluntarily does so. University of Southern California v. Superior Court,

30 Cal. App. 5th 429, 448 (2018). This duty arises when a defendant voluntarily undertakes to provide protective services for the plaintiff’s benefit, and either the defendant’s failure to exercise reasonable care increases the risk of harm to the plaintiff or the plaintiff reasonably relies on the undertaking and suffers injury as a result. Id. at 623.

The Ninth Circuit recently dealt with such a duty in the context of sports. The

Ninth Circuit reversed a district court’s dismissal of a claim against the defendant

USA Water Polo for failure to state a claim. Mayall on Behalf of H.C. v. USA Water

Polo, Inc., 909 F.3d 1055 (9th Cir. 2018). Plaintiff alleged she had been damaged when her coach consistently returned her to play despite her receiving multiple concussions over a number of same day tournament games. Id. at 1058. Plaintiff sued defendant for failure to implement concussion-management and return-to-play protocols for its youth water polo league. Id. The Court recited California’s negligence rule of law discussed supra. Id. at 1066. The Court noted that California law imposes liability “if a defendant acts (or fails to act) in a way that increases the


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risk beyond that ‘inherent in the sport.” Id. The Court found a 1992 Supreme Court of California case illustrative in that it quoted

“Although defendants generally have no legal duty to eliminate (or protect a plaintiff against) risks inherent in the sport itself, it is well established that defendants generally do have a duty to use due care not to increase the risks to a participant over and above those inherent in the sport.” Id. at 1061 (citing Knight v. Jewett, 3 Cal. 4th 296, 315 (1992)).

Here, the TAC adequately alleges that the NFL voluntarily involved itself in the distribution of Medications to its players. See supra Section III.C.1.ii. Indeed, a section of the TAC is titled “The League Voluntarily Undertook a Duty to its Players

With Regard to the Administration of Medications.” E.R. 203–08. The pertinent parts of the TAC detail how the League voluntarily undertook to establish a drug program starting in 1973 and how that program evolved to its current state with regard to distributing and administering Medications to players and therefore increase the risks to players. E.R. 203–04 at ¶¶ 159–64. It explains the various means by which the NFL has voluntarily assumed this duty with the imposition of Club audits, League-wide policies related to Toradol, the security and handling of

Medications, and the support of various studies that warned the NFL of the danger to players of continuing its practices. See id.

Plaintiffs have also adequately pled that the NFL’s failure to exercise reasonable care has increased the risk of harm to them beyond that inherent in the sport, see e.g., E.R. 160 at ¶ 16, E.R. 199 at ¶ 143, E.R. 221 at ¶ 220, and that they


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reasonably relied on the NFL’s undertaking and suffered injury as a result, see e.g., at E.R. 164 at ¶ 27, E.R. 167 at ¶ 36, E.R. at 171 at ¶ 45, E.R. 173–74 at ¶ 55, E.R.

176 at ¶ 64, E.R. 181 at ¶ 74, E.R. 188 ¶ 94, E.R. 190 at ¶105. The District Court erred in holding that the TAC did not do so.

iii. The NFL owed Plaintiffs a duty because they were in a “special relationship.”

The NFL owed a third separate and distinct duty of care to Plaintiffs because of the “special relationship” that intertwines the NFL, the Clubs, and players. The

California Supreme Court has held that a university has a duty of care to protect a student from foreseeable violence of another student during chemistry lab. Regents of Univ. of Cal. v. Superior Court, 4 Cal. 5th 607 (2018). The Court discussed special relationships that create a duty to protect against foreseeable risks, and recognized that “special relationships” share common features. 4 Id. at 620. These features include an “aspect of dependency in which one party relies to some degree on the other for protection.” Id. (citing Baldwin v. Zoradi, 123 Cal. App. 3d 275, 283 (Aug.

4 The court grounded its analysis in the Restatement Third of Torts, which identifies several “special relationships” that may support a duty to protect against foreseeable risks. Regents of Univ. of Cal., 4 Cal. 5th at 621 (RESTATEMENT (THIRD) OF TORTS: Liability for Physical and Emotional Harm, §40(b) (2010)). Restatement writers have recognized a growing trend in which courts consider a duty to aid or protect in any relation of dependence or of mutual dependence. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS: §314A, Cmt. B, p. 119 (1965).


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31, 1981); Mann v. State of California, 70 Cal. App.3d 773, 229–80 (June 16,

1977)); see also Kleinknecht v. Gettysburg College, 989 F.2d 1360 (3rd Cir. 1993)

(holding that a college owed its lacrosse player a duty of care based on the special relationship between the college and the player in his capacity as an intercollegiate athlete engaged in school-sponsored activity for which he had been recruited). The corollary of dependence is control, with one party dependent and the other having superior control over the means of some protection. Id. at 621. “[A] typical setting for the recognition of a special relationship is where the plaintiff is particularly vulnerable and dependent upon the defendant who, correspondingly, has some control over the plaintiff’s welfare.” Regents of Univ. of Cal., 4 Cal. 5th at 621

(citing Giraldo v. Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation, 168 Cal. App. 4th

231, 245–46 (2008)) (internal citations omitted) (emphasis added).

One might not think of NFL players as vulnerable, but when it comes to the direction and control of prescription drugs, they are as vulnerable as any other person in the United States to overuse or misuse and the resulting long-term health problems; to quote the Ninth Circuit, “[t]hat’s why they’re ‘controlled’ in the first place.” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1120. Further, there can be no doubt that Plaintiffs have adequately alleged that the NFL exerts “some control” over its players’ medical well-being. See E.R. 160 at ¶ 16, E.R. 199 at ¶ 143, E.R. 202 at ¶ 156, E.R. 203 at ¶

159, E.R. 203–04 at ¶ 162–64, E.R. 207–08 at ¶ 178–82, and E.R. 216 at ¶ 204. And


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while true that the duty imposed by a special relationship extends only to foreseeable risks, again, the Ninth Circuit has already explained that the risks complained-of here – long-term health problems – are precisely the foreseeable type of risks that come from mishandling of controlled substances. Id.

The District Court erred in holding that the TAC failed to allege a “special relationship” between players and the NFL (the TAC need only allege the facts of such a relationship and did so) and that the California doctrine of “special relationship” only applied in the context of higher education. Dent II, 2019 WL

1745118 at *9.

2. Plaintiffs have adequately pled the remaining elements of negligence.

Plaintiffs have adequately pled their negligence claim. As discussed supra, they have identified three common law duties owed by the NFL to Plaintiffs.

Plaintiffs have also pled breaches of those duties. For example, the TAC details a number of instances over several decades in which NFL personnel knew that the drug program it voluntarily created to monitor the handling and distribution of controlled substances was failing and yet the NFL took no action. See E.R. 210–12 at ¶¶ 189–95. Failure to act is the very definition of a breach of a duty. Curtis v. Q.

R. S. Neon Corp., 147 Cal. App. 2d 186, 195 (1956) (“An act or failure to act in violation of a statute is negligence as a matter of law.”); Johns-Manville Sales Corp. v. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd., 96 Cal. App. 3d 923, 930 (1979) (“Gross negligence


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involves a failure to act under circumstances that indicate a passive and indifferent attitude toward the welfare of others. Negative in nature, it implies an absence of care.”).

Lastly, causation is not nearly the hurdle that the District Court states (though mistakenly in the context of a negligence per se claim), at least at this stage of the proceedings. The Ninth Circuit recognized that the injuries complained-of here – long-term health problems – “can be established with certainty, and they are closely connected to the misuse of controlled substances.” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1119. In other words, it is foreseeable that the NFL’s conduct as alleged in the TAC, if true, proximately caused the injuries complained-of here. The TAC also includes the expert opinion of Leslie Z. Benet, Ph.D., a noted expert in the field of pharmacology and biopharmaceutics, that the injuries noted by the Plaintiffs could plausibly be caused by the misuse of prescription medications. E.R. 224–25 at ¶¶ 230–34. The

TAC alleges that some of the injuries complained of by Plaintiffs are specifically listed in the black box warning for the drug Toradol. E.R. 225 at ¶ 235. Additionally, under California law, “issues of breach and causation are questions of fact for the jury.” J.P. ex rel. Balderas v. City of Porterville, 801 F. Supp. 2d 965, 990 (E.D.

Cal. 2011) (citing Lindstrom v. Hertz Corp., 81 Cal. App. 4th 644, 652 (2000)).5 In

5 See also Ileto v. Glock, Inc., 349 F.3d 1191, 1206 (9th Cir. 2003); Schaeffer v. Gregory Village Partners, L.P., 105 F.Supp.3d 951 (N.D. Cal. May, 14, 2015); Andrews v. Wells, 204 Cal. App. 3d 533, 538 (Sept. 12, 1988). See also Jackson v. 32

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any event, Plaintiffs have adequately alleged that the NFL, through the maintenance of its Business Plan and its failings associated with the direction and control of

Medications, caused the injuries at issue. See E.R. 180–82 at ¶¶ 72–77; E.R. 232–

3610 at ¶¶ 269–87; see e.g., E.R. 160–61 at ¶¶17–19, E.R. 163–64 at ¶¶ 25–27, E.R.

171 at ¶¶ 43–45, E.R. 173–74 at ¶¶ 53–55, E.R. 176 at ¶¶ 62–64, E.R. 180–81 at ¶¶

72–74, E.R. 183 at ¶¶ 82–84, E.R. 187–88 at ¶¶ 91–94, E.R. 190 at ¶¶ 103–105.

AEG Live, LLC, 233 Cal. App. 4th 1156, 1173 (Jan. 30, 2015) (Breach of duty and proximate cause normally present factual questions); Clarke v. Hoek, 174 Cal. App. 3d 208, 214 (Nov. 8, 1985) (“…The province of the jury, as trier of fact, [is] to determine whether an unreasonable risk of harm was foreseeable under the particular facts of a given case…”); Hatch v. Ford Motor Co., 163 Cal. App. 2d 393, 397 (1958) (“The reasonableness of a defendant's actions is a quintessential jury question. The duty [of care] having been found to exist, whether it has been breached is a question of fact for the triers of the facts.”); Trujillo v. G.A. Enters, Inc., 36 Cal. App. 4th 1105, 1109 (1995) (reversing summary judgment on the issue of the reasonableness of defendant's actions, because “whether [defendant] acted reasonably under the circumstances ... [is a] question[ ] of fact to be resolved by trial, not summary judgment); Saelzler v. Advanced Group 400, 25 Cal. 4th 763, 785 (2001) (“The question of causation long has been recognized as a factual one, and it is only where reasonable men [and women] will not dispute the absence of causality.” (internal quotations omitted)); Steinle v. City and County of San Francisco, 230 F. Supp. 3d 994, 1034 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 6, 2017) (proximate cause is a question of fact which cannot be decided as a matter of law from the allegations of a complaint); Garman v. Magic Chef, Inc., 117 Cal. App. 3d 634, 638 (Apr. 1, 1981) (“Proximate cause is a legal relationship. Whether an act or incident is the proximate cause of injury is a question of law where the facts are uncontroverted and only one deduction or inference may reasonably be drawn from those facts.”); Lacy v. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co., 220 Cal. 97, 101 (Feb. 10, 1934) (explaining that proximate cause is a question of fact for the jury).


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Negligence per se is not a separate cause of action, but the application of an evidentiary presumption provided by California Evidence Code §669. Coppola, 935

F. Supp. 2d at 1016–17. It is the tort of negligence, and not the violation of the statute itself, which entitles a plaintiff to recover civil damages. Spencer v. DHI Mortg. Co.,

Ltd., 642 F.Supp.2d 1153, 1162 (E.D. Cal. 2009). To claim negligence per se, a plaintiff must allege that: (1) the defendant violated a statute, ordinance, or regulation; (2) the violation proximately caused injury; (3) the injury resulted from an occurrence that the enactment was designed to prevent; and, (4) the plaintiff fits within the class of persons for whose protection the enactment was adopted. Cal.

Evid. Code §669; see also Coppola, 935 F.Supp.2d at 1017.

The District Court treated the negligence per se issue as if it were the negligence claim. “Here, plaintiffs primarily rely on a negligence per se theory to support their negligence claim …” Dent II, 2019 WL 1745118 at *4. As noted supra,

Plaintiffs did not rely on an evidentiary presumption to prove their negligence claim.

The “Cause of Action” section of the TAC has but one cause – Negligence – and in particular, paragraphs 304 and 305, which identify common law duties (discussed supra) owed by the NFL to Plaintiffs, and paragraphs 306 and 307, which distinguish between violations of the law (negligence per se) and breaches of duties


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(negligence). The Plaintiffs could lose on the issue of negligence per se and still have a valid negligence claim. The District Court failed to realize that, even it was correct in its analysis, failure of the negligence per se argument would only mean that Plaintiffs lost an evidentiary presumption, not that the negligence claim should be dismissed.

Even though the Plaintiffs did not primarily rely on it, they are entitled to the evidentiary presumption because the TAC clearly contains allegations that satisfy the Coppola negligence per se standard discussed supra. See Coppola, F. Supp. 2d

993. The violations of the Controlled Substances Act, the Food Drug and Cosmetic

Act and the California Pharmacy Law are the foundation of the Plaintiffs’ negligence per se claim, regardless of whether either federal statute provides a private right of action against the NFL. See Beaver v. Tarsadih Hotels, 29 F. Supp. 3d 1294, 1321-

1322 (S. D. Cal. 2014).


For the foregoing reasons, Plaintiffs-Appellants respectfully request that this

Court reverse the Order of the District Court granting Defendant’s Motion to

Dismiss Plaintiffs’ Third Amended Complaint and remand this matter to the District

Court for further proceedings consistent with this Court’s opinion.


(44 of 340) Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366, DktEntry: 12-1, Page 44 of 46

Dated: August 22, 2019 Respectfully Submitted,

/s/ Willian N. Sinclair William N. Sinclair (SBN 222502) ([email protected]) SILVERMAN|THOMPSON|SLUTKIN|WHITE|LLC 201 North Charles Street, Suite 2600 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Telephone: (410) 385-2225 Facsimile: (410) 547-2432


Plaintiffs are not aware of any related cases pending in the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.


(45 of 340) Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366, DktEntry: 12-1, Page 45 of 46


I hereby certify that I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of the

Court for the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit by using the

CM/ECF system on August 22, 2019.

I certify that all participants in the case are registered CM/ECF users and that service will be accomplished by the appellate CM/ECF system.

/s/ William N. Sinclair

37 (46 of 340) Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366, DktEntry: 12-1, Page 46 of 46



Certificate of Compliance With Type-Volume Limitation, Typeface Requirements, and Type Style Requirements

1. This brief complies with the type-volume limitation of Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(7)(B) because:

[X] this brief contains 9,220 words, excluding the parts of the brief exempted by Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(7)(B)(iii).

2. This brief complies with the typeface requirements of Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(5) and the type style requirements of Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(6) because:

[X] this brief has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface using Microsoft Word in Times New Roman, 14-point font.

Dated: August 22, 2019 Respectfully Submitted,

/s/ William N. Sinclair William N. Sinclair (SBN 222502) ([email protected]) SILVERMAN|THOMPSON|SLUTKIN|WHITE|LLC 201 North Charles Street, Suite 2600 Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Telephone: (410) 385-2225 Facsimile: (410) 547-2432

38 (47 of 340) Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366, DktEntry: 12-2, Page 1 of 294


United States Court of Appeals FOR THE NINTH CIRCUIT


NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE, a New York unincorporated association, Defendant-Appellee.



JACK P. DICANIO SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP WILLIAM N. SINCLAIR 300 South Grand Avenue, Suite 3400 PHILLIP J. CLOSIUS Los Angeles, California 90071 STEVEN D. SILVERMAN (213) 687-5000 ANDREW G. SLUTKIN SILVERMAN THOMPSON SLUTKIN TIMOTHY A. MILLER & WHITE LLC SKADDEN ARPS SLATE MEAGHER 201 N. Charles Street, Suite 2600 & FLOM LLP Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Four Embarcadero Center, 38th Floor (410) 385-2225 San Francisco, California 94111 (415) 984-6400 Attorneys for Plaintiffs-Appellants Attorneys for Defendant-Appellee (Counsel continued on inside cover)

(48 of 340) Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366, DktEntry: 12-2, Page 2 of 294

ALLEN J. RUBY SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM, LLP 525 University Avenue Palo Alto, California 94301 (650) 470-4500

DANIEL L. NASH AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD LLP 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 (202) 887-4000

REX S. HEINKE GREGORY WILLIAM KNOPP, I AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD LLP 2029 Century Park East, Suite 2400 Los Angeles, California 90067 (310) 229-1000 Attorneys for Defendant-Appellee (49 of 340) Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366, DktEntry: 12-2, Page 3 of 294


Volume I of I

138 Notice of Appeal and Representation Statement filed May 14, 2019 ……………………………………...... ER 1

135 Order Granting Motion to Dismiss filed April 18, 2019.ER 7

131-1 Transcript filed on March 22, 2019……………………..ER 22

127 Defendant National Football League’s Reply in Support of its Motion to Dismiss Third Amended Complaint, filed on February 14, 2019...………………………………….….ER 45

125 Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Third Amended Complaint filed on February 5, 2019....ER 66

127 Defendant National Football League’s Notice of Motion and Motion to Dismiss Third Amended Complaint ……….ER 97

52-1 Opinion filed on September 6, 2018 ………………..…ER 123

119 Third Amended Class Action Complaint, Demand for Jury Trial Class Action filed on December 5, 2018 …..……ER 153

107 Final Judgment filed on December 31, 2014 …...... ER 243

106 Order regarding Motion to Dismiss and Requests for Judicial Notice filed on December 17, 2014 ………………...…ER 244

Docket Sheet dated August 13, 2019.…………..……. ER 266 (50 of 340) Case:Case 19-16017,3:14-cv-02324-WHA 08/22/2019, Document ID: 11407366, 138 DktEntry: Filed 05/14/19 12-2, Page Page 4 1of of 294 4

ER 1 1 William N. Sinclair (SBN 222502) ([email protected]) 2 Steven D. Silverman (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) 3 Andrew G. Slutkin (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) 4 Joseph F. Murphy, Jr. (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) 5 Phillip J. Closius (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) 6 SILVERMAN|THOMPSON|SLUTKIN|WHITE|LLC 201 N. Charles St., Suite 2600 7 Baltimore, MD 21201 Telephone: (410) 385-2225 8 Facsimile: (410) 547-2432

1 9 Thomas J. Byrne (SBN 179984) Stuart A. Davidson (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) [email protected] 10 Mel T. Owens (SBN 226146) Mark J. Dearman (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) [email protected] 11 NAMANNY BYRNE & OWENS, P.C. ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP 2 South Pointe Drive, Suite 245 120 E. Palmetto Park Road, Suite 500 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 12 Telephone: (949) 452-0700 Tel: (561) 750-3000 Facsimile: (949) 452-0707 Fax: (561) 750-3364 13

Attorneys for Plaintiffs Richard Dent, et al. 14 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 15 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 16 RICHARD DENT, et al. ) CASE NO. 3:14-CV-02324 WHA 17 ) Plaintiffs, ) NOTICE OF APPEAL AND 18 ) REPRESENTATION STATEMENT v. ) 19 ) NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE, a New ) 20 York unincorporated association, ) ) 21 Defendant. ) ) 22

23 1 Mr. Byrne passed away unexpectedly on January 6, 2019. 24

25 Notice of Appeal and Representation Statement Case No. 3:14-CV-02324 WHA

(51 of 340) Case:Case 19-16017,3:14-cv-02324-WHA 08/22/2019, Document ID: 11407366, 138 DktEntry: Filed 05/14/19 12-2, Page Page 5 2of of 294 4

ER 2 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT all plaintiffs in the above-captioned case hereby appeal

2 to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit from this Court’s April 18, 2019

3 entry of judgment.

4 Dated: May 14, 2019 Respectfully Submitted,

5 /s/ William N. Sinclair (SBN 222502) 6 ([email protected]) SILVERMAN|THOMPSON|SLUTKIN|WHITE|LLC 7 201 N. Charles St., Suite 2600 Baltimore, MD 21201 8 Telephone: (410) 385-2225 Facsimile: (410) 547-2432 9 Attorneys for Plaintiffs Richard Dent, Jeremy Newberry, 10 Roy Green, J.D. Hill, Keith Van Horne, Ron Stone, Ron Pritchard, James McMahon, and Marcellus Wiley 11














25 Notice of Appeal and Representation Statement 1 Case No. 3:14-CV-02324 WHA

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ER 3 1 REPRESENTATION STATEMENT 2 Pursuant to Rule 12(b) of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and Circuit Rule 3- 3 2(b), Plaintiffs-Appellants submit this Representation Statement. The following list identifies 4 all parties to the action and their respective counsel by name, firm, address and telephone 5 number. 6 Parties Counsel 7 Plaintiffs Richard Dent, Jeremy Newberry, Silverman Thompson Slutkin & White 8 Roy Green, J.D. Hill, Keith Van Horne, William N. Sinclair Ron Stone, Ron Pritchard, James McMahon, Steven D. Silverman 9 Marcellus Wiley Andrew G. Slutkin Joseph F. Murphy, Jr. 10 Phillip J. Closius 201 N. Charles St., Suite 2600 Baltimore, MD 21201 11 (410) 385-2225

12 Namanny Byrne & Owens, P.C. Mel T. Owens 13 2 South Pointe Drive, Suite 245 Lake Forest, CA 92630 14 (949) 452-0700

15 Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP Stuart A. Davidson 16 Mark J. Dearman 120 E. Palmetto Park Road, Suite 500 17 Boca Raton, FL 33432 (561) 750-3000 18 Defendant National Football League Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP 19 Allen J. Ruby Jack P. DiCanio 20 Patrick Hammon Karen Hoffman Lent 21 525 University Ave., Suite 1400 Palo Alto, CA 94301 22 (650) 470-4500

23 Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP


25 Notice of Appeal and Representation Statement 2 Case No. 3:14-CV-02324 WHA

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ER 4 1 Daniel L. Nash Stacey R. Eisenstein 2 1333 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 3 (202) 887-4000






















25 Notice of Appeal and Representation Statement 3 Case No. 3:14-CV-02324 WHA

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ER 5


I am employed in the City of Baltimore, State of Maryland. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action; my business address is 201 N. Charles St., Suite 2600, Baltimore, MD 21201 and my email address is [email protected].

On May 14, 2019, I caused to be served the following document described as:

NOTICE OF APPEAL AND REPRESENTATION STATEMENT on the following interested parties:

Allen J. Ruby Jack P. DiCanio Patrick Hammond Karen Hoffman Lent Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP 525 University Avenue, Suite 1400 Palo Alto, California 94301

Daniel L. Nash Stacey R. Reisenstein Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP 1333 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036


X (BY ELECTRONIC SERVICE VIA CM/ECF SYSTEM) In accordance with the electronic filing procedures of this Court, service has been effected on the aforesaid party(s) above, whose counsel of record is a registered participant of CM/ECF, via electronic services through the CM/ECF system.


(BY EMAIL) I am readily familiar with the firm’s practice of email transmission; on this date, I caused the above-referenced document(s) to be transmitted by email and that the transmission was reported as complete and without error.

(BY MAIL) I am readily familiar with the firm’s practice for the collection and processing of correspondence for mailing with the United States Postal Service and the fact that the correspondence would be deposited with the United States Postal Service that same day in the ordinary course of business; on this date, the above-referenced correspondence was placed for deposit at Baltimore, Maryland and placed for collection and mailing following ordinary business practices. (55 of 340) CaseCase: 3:14-cv-02324-WHA 19-16017, 08/22/2019, Document ID: 11407366, 138-1 DktEntry: Filed 05/14/19 12-2, Page Page 9 of 2 294of 2

ER 6

(BY FEDERAL EXPRESS) I am readily familiar with the firm’s practice for the daily collection and processing of correspondence for deliveries with the Federal Express delivery service and the fact that the correspondence would be deposited with Federal Express that same day in the ordinary course of business; on this date, the above-referenced document was placed for deposit at Baltimore, Maryland and placed for collection and overnight delivery following ordinary business practices.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Maryland that the above is true and correct.

Executed on May 14, 2019 at Baltimore, Maryland.

/s/ Desirena J. Farmer


United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 transferred to the undersigned judge on March 1, 2016) while the instant action was on appeal. appeal. on was action instant the while 2016) 1, March on judge undersigned the to transferred LLC Club, Football Cardinals Arizona v. Evans For the reasons stated below, the motion is G professional football players, defendant moves to a New York unincorporated association, LEAGUE, FOOTBALL NATIONAL v. similarly situated, on behalf of themselves and all others HADNOT, WILEY,REX JONATHAN and MARCELLUS MCMAHON, JAMES PRITCHARD, RON STONE, RON HORNE, ROY NEWBERRY,JEREMY DENT, RICHARD despite the players’ lingering physical injuries. indiscriminately in an effort to quickly return players back to the game and maximize profits, League’s (NFL) alleged “return-to-play” scheme in which former players were given painkillers Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page10of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page1of15 GREEN, J.D. HILL, KEITH VAN KEITH HILL, J.D. GREEN, 1 A separate putative class action against the against action class putative separate A In this putative class action alleging improper administration of pain medications to This motion is the latest in a series of lawsuits arising out of defendant National Football Defendant. Plaintiffs, FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA OF DISTRICT NORTHERN THE FOR IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT STATES UNITED THE IN INTRODUCTION ER , No. C 16-01030 WHA, was filed on May 21, 2015 (and 2015 21, May on filed was WHA, 16-01030 C No. , STATEMENT / 7 individual clubs involving the samethe involving conduct, clubs alleged individual RANTED 1 dismiss plaintiffs’ third amended complaint. . MOTION TODISMISS GRANTING ORDER No. C14-02324WHA (56 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 number of those individual football teams at various points in time. second amended complaint alleged a “pyramidal conspiracy” — specifically, by using the club preempted by Section 301. It so ruled based on plaintiffs’ pitch to our court of appeals that the claims neither arose from the CBAs nor required their interpretation and were thus not Management RelationsAct,29U.S.C.§ 185(a)(Dkt.No.106). found that the theory of liability was barred as preempted by Section 301 of the Labor 255 F.3d683,689–93(9thCir.2001)(enbanc). Accordingly,inDecember 2014,theCourt preemption rule within our circuit, as exemplified by (CBA) intended to protect the players. In turn, this consideration of the CBAs triggered the consider the long history of provisions agreed to by the NFL in collective bargaining agreements the reasonableness of the NFL’s conduct towards the players, it would have been necessary to medications in order to quickly return their injured players to the field. But in order to evaluate negligent in not doing enough to police the alleged problem of the individual clubs abusing pain fraudulent concealment (Dkt. No. 65). negligent misrepresentation, negligence asserted nine claims against the NFL in their second amended complaint — including claims for or disclosure of the medical risks and side The medications were distributed, plaintiffs alleged, without proper prescription, documentation, possible instead of allowing them to rest and heal anesthetics, and combinations thereof, in order to return players back to the game as quickly as supplied an endless stream of powerful pain medications, such as opioids, Toradol, local “clubs” or teams across the association of thirty-two separately-owned purposes of the present motion (Dkt. No. 106). In brief, the NFL is an unincorporated Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page11of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page2of15 In September 2018, our The essence of the then-operative second amended complaint was that the NFL had been In May 2014, plaintiffs filed the instant putative class action, alleging that they were A prior order set forth in detail the well-pled background facts, assumed to be true for country. Named plaintiffs are ten retired players who played for a court of appeals reversed and remanded, holding that plaintiffs’ ER per se effects, in violation of various laws. and independently-operated professional football 8 , negligent hiring and retention, fraud, and 2 properly from serious football-related injuries. Cramer v.ConsolidatedFreightways,Inc., Plaintiffs then (57 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 the CBAs. extent the NFL violated those laws, a ruling on pl Food, Drugs,andCosmetics Act(FDCA),andtheCaliforniaPharmacy Laws. standards [of care] are established by statute,” such as the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), the substances, it has a duty to conduct such activities with reasonable care” and that the “minimum court of appeals held that “to the extent the NFL is involved in the distribution of controlled 1118 (9th Cir. 2018) (emphasis in original). “With that reading of the complaint in mind,” our therefore its actions directly injured players.” Dent v. Nat’l Football League abuse by the teams, but that the NFL itself illegally distributed controlled substances, and second amended complaint as “not merely alleging that the NFL failed to prevent medication flow[ed] toobeythelaw.Youthenjustfollowdrugs”( “[o]nce the illegality exemption [to Section 301 preem No. 131-1 at 1–2). Plaintiffs argued that “the controlled substances and prescription drugs in flagrant disregard of federal and state law” (Dkt. doctors, “theNFLcontrol[led]anddirect[ed] counsel fortheNFL(id demonstrated by the following exchange during oral argument between the appellate court and thereby violating the relevant federal and state statutes governing controlled substances. argued that they alleged that the NFL itself supplied and distributed the endless stream of drugs, Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page12of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page3of15 This reading of the complaint drove our court of appeals’ analysis. It construed the Our court of appeals agreed with plaintiffs’ reading of the second amended complaint, as H OR: I’m lookingatparagraph17ofthecomplaint. Thisisthe THE COURT: Well, I think what you do is you read it in the context MR. CLEMENT: Counsel,whatdowewiththeallegationin THE COURT: Id . at1118–19. . at 11 (emphasis added)): players with opioids. to put some ellipses in here. The NFL directly supplied second amended complaint, the NFL directly? were given injections by the team doctors, the doctors . . . the ten plaintiffs, the specific allegations are that they of the entire complaint, so with respect to every one of complaint that the NFL directly gave drugs to athletes? ER 9 a pyramidal scheme for the distribution of duty atissue[was]toobeythelaw”andthat 3 aintiffs’ claims did not require interpretation of ption] [was]applied,therestofduties id . at5,8).Inotherwords,plaintiffs , 902F.3d1109, I’m going Ibid . Tothe (58 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 noted thefollowing. [was] notpreempted by[Section]301.” regarding Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page13of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page4of15 Based on the foregoing, our court of appeals held that plaintiffs’ “negligence claim the NFL’s alleged violation of federal and state laws it [Plaintiffs] are not arguing that the NFL violated the CBAs at all, but that directly itself illegally distributed controlled substances NFL failed to prevent medication abuse by the teams, but that [A]s we read the complaint, the plaintiffs are not merely alleging that the and theCaliforniaPharmacy Laws,Cal.Bus.&Prof. Code§4000 801 et seq and that proper labeling, or warnings regarding side effects and long-term risks, administration” of controlled substances without written prescriptions, The players argue that they were injured by directly provided medical care and supplied drugs to players the players’ Second Amended Complaint [] asserts that needs. Those individuals are employees of the teams, not the NFL. But Each team hires doctors and trainers who attend to players’ medical conditions. administered left the players with permanent injuries and chronic medical Substances Act,21U.S.C.§801 minimum standards are established by statute. The Controlled But when it comes to the distribution of potentially dangerous drugs, and federal laws substances and prescription drugs [Plaintiffs] allegedthatsince1969,the NFL has distributed controlled Bus. &Prof.Code§4000 Act, 21U.S.C.§301 et seq .; and the California Pharmacy Laws, Cal. But the require a court to interpret any term of a collective-bargaining agreement. caused the plaintiffs’ injuries is a purely factual question that does not As for causation, whether of the NFL to the requirements of the statutes at issue drugs with reasonable care can be determined by comparing the conduct negligence per se theory, drugs are to be prescribed and labeled. Therefore, under the plaintiffs’ the teams, and the individual doctors. statutes liability for a negligence claim alleging law of violated state and federal laws whether the NFL breached an obligation to players by violating the . The parties to a CBA cannot bargain for what is illegal. Therefore, teams’ injured players. does not turn on how the CBAs allocated duties among the NFL, this conduct violated the Controlled Substances Act .; theFood,Drugs,andCosmetics Act,21U.S.C.§301 obligations under the CBAs are irrelevant to the question , and that the manner in which these drugs were ER whether the NFL breached its duty to handle the NFL’s alleged violation of the statutes et seq Id . at 1121 (emphasis added). Specifically, its decision 10 ., set forth requirements governing how et seq governing prescription drugs. to its players 4 .; theFood,Drugs,andCosmetics violations of federal and state the NFL’s“provisionand , and therefore its actions in violation of both state governing controlled substances . the NFL itself , 21U.S.C.§ . the NFL et seq et seq .; . (59 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 negligence claimsnegligence weakerthe “are argument” 22). at 131-1 No. (Dkt. intenti the fromthat “conceded beginning having very the (Opp. 12). This order follows full briefing and oral argument. counter by asserting that they “have identified three common law duties owed by the NFL” to adequately plead their sole negligence claim, and (2) the claim is time-barred. Plaintiffs claim for negligence remains (Third Amd. Compl. ¶¶ 298–310). settled after a trip to our court of appeals and the completion of the This constitutes their “best and final” pleading (Dkt. Nos. 117 at 1; 118). Now that the dust has (Dkt. No. 118). In December 2018, plaintiffs filed a third amended complaint (Dkt. No. 119). “limited to claims arising from the conduct of the NFL and NFL personnel.” “conflat[ing]” actions by the club doctors and traine sufficient to support” their negligence claim. observed that it was still to be determined on remand “whether the plaintiffs have pleaded facts omitted) (emphasis added). Id Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page14of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page5of15 . at 1114–15, 1118–21 (citations and internal quotation marks omitted) (original alterations 2 The last leg plaintiffs stand on at this point this at on stand plaintiffs leg last The The NFL now moves to dismiss under Rule 12(b)(6) on the grounds that (1) plaintiffs fail In October 2018, after remand, plaintiffs were granted leave to amend their complaint Our court of appeals explicitly limited its holding to the issue of preemption and further liability for injuring players by illegally distributing prescription drugs. aggravated by continued performance does not address players in writing if a medical condition could be significantly In other words, the fact that the CBAs require team doctors to advise controlled substances is not preempted by § 301. the NFL’s alleged violation of federal and state laws governing discovery. We hold only that the plaintiffs’ negligence claim regarding prove these elements; perhaps not. That must await completion of alleged violations caused the players’ injuries statutes apply to the NFL, the NFL violated those statutes, and the claim, which will require the players to We express no opinion regarding the merits of the plaintiffs’ negligence claims can be assessed without any interpretation of the CBAs. allege they were injured by the NFL’s violation of those laws, their follow the laws regarding those drugs. NFL had any role in distributing prescription drugs, it was required to Regardless of what (if anything) the CBAs say about those issues, ER 11 in the instant litigation is a negligence claim,negligence a is despite litigation instant the in Id onal torts are [their] strongest argument”strongest [their] the are that torts and onal . at 1121. And, it warned plaintiffs against 5 rs from thoseoftheNFL,asplaintiffsare To the extent that the plaintiffs establish that the relevant . Perhaps plaintiffs can 2

Evans litigation, only a single the NFL’s Ibid if the . (60 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 administration of the controlled substances gave rise to a duty of care. our court of appeals held that the NFL’s duty, (3) that breach proximately caused the plaintiff’s injuries, and (4) damages.” conduct for the protection of others against unreasonable risks,’ (2) the defendant breached that elements: (1) the defendant had a duty, or an ‘obligation to conform to a certain standard of violation of the statute.” the plaintiff is a member against the type of harm which the plaintiff suffered as a result of the aris[ing] from the violation of a statute which wa claim (as they did in their second amended complaint), which is “a presumption of negligence failed to adequately plead the requisite elements of negligence under Rule 12(b)(6). between theNFLanditsplayers(Opp.8–11).This distribution of the controlled substances; and (3) the “special relationship” allegedly existing NFL’s alleged voluntary undertaking of the drug program created to monitor the handling and an independent duty to plaintiffs based on (1) the nature of the NFL’s alleged conduct; (2) the medications medication abuse, their claims in the second amended complaint was not only the NFL’s alleged failure to prevent F.3d at 1117 (citing Corales v. Bennett, 567F.3d554,572(9thCir.2009)). Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page15of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page6of15 “To state a claim for negligence in California, a plaintiff must establish the following .N Here, plaintiffs primarily rely on a negligence 1. Plaintiffs now alleged argue conduct that showing they that have the plausibly NFL owed As noted above, plaintiffs previously convin In sum, plaintiffsnowallegeasfollows(ThirdAmd. Compl. ¶16): . Dent Plaintiffs seek damages. that failure directly and proximately caused the injuries for which consistently and repeatedly, from the 1970s through at least 2014 and Medications were administered and distributed. It failed to do so, with federal and state laws regulating the manner in which these The NFL was required to, or voluntarily undertook the duty to, comply ATURE OF THE but also that the NFL itself handled, distributed, and administered the , 902 F.3d at 1118. Under this reading of plaintiffs’ negligence Hoff v. Vacaville Unified Sch. Dist. A CTIVITY AT ER direct involvement in the handling, distribution, and ANALYSIS 12 I SSUE 6 s enacted to protect a class of persons of which ced our court of appeals that the “essence” of order disagrees and finds that plaintiffs have . per se theory to support their negligence , 19Cal.4th925,938(1998); See id . at1119. per se theory, Dent , 902 (61 of340) see United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 individual teams’individual employees.”). limitedbe should claimsto fromarising conduc the themselvesclubs Th the against litigation. separate in th And liability. vicarious not liability, direct of theory amendedth complaint],conflate to appear plaintiffs the warning. appeals’ of court traine and doctors “NFL as actors relevant labeling allegedly in violation of the relevant statutes were NFL were statutes relevant the of violation in allegedly that inferred reasonably be cannot it true, as allegations plaintiffs ( involvement in the distribution of the Medica ( in the creation, implementation and maintenance of” an alleged “Return to Play Business Plan” handling, distribution, and administration of substances controlled on the NFL’s supposed “role conduct by the NFL. This order disagrees. 902 F.3d at 1119) (emphasis added)). Plaintiffs argue that they have adequately alleged such engaged in the handling, distribution and ad [p]laintiffs because [of] the general character of the conduct at issue, duty of care.” negligence applies only after determining that the defendant owes the plaintiff an independent Ass’n v.Am.HomeAssuranceCo. before the presumption of negligence . . . can be employed.” also specifically attributed to the club doctors and trainers. relevant drug laws and regulations governing the medications at issue — that violation is substances and prescription drugs” ( doctors and trainers would not have violated drug laws and regulations Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page16of294 id Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page7of15 . at 2). The “general character of” the NFL’s maintenance of this “Business Plan” and “its

C AL 3 The totality of the allegations renders this concluso this renders allegations the of totality The Yet plaintiffs continue to conflate conduct conflate to continue plaintiffs Yet Plaintiffs now explicitly base their claim that the NFL was directly involved in the As plaintiffsacknowledge,ourcourtofa By their own admission then, plaintiffs do not allege that the NFL itself violated the .

E id VID . at 13). Id .

C . at1180. ODE Specifically, they argue that but for the supposed “Business Plan,” “ See Dent See § 669. “[A]n underlying claim of ordinary negligence must be viable , 902 F.3d at 1121 (“We do note that at manyat [second that the note in do points (“We 1121 at F.3d 902 , , 62Cal.App.4th1166,1178(1998).The“presumption of id ER . at 2 (emphasis added)). rs” throughout the third amendedthird the throughout rs” complaint, our despite t of the NFL and NFL personnel — not the conduct of conduct the not — personnel NFL and NFL the of t 13 by the NFL and the individual clubs by sporadically by clubs individual the and NFL the by ministration of [m]edications” (Opp. 8 (citing erefore, on remand, any further proceedings in this case remand,this on in erefore, proceedings further any ey have attemptedclaimshave identical ey virtually vindicate to e NFL and the teams. But the plaintiffs are pursuing a pursuing teams.are the plaintiffs and the NFL But e tions violatethe”CSAandFDCA,accordingto personnel. For example,NFL For the that personnel. allege plaintiffs the doctors and trainers directly distributing the drugs the distributing directly trainers and doctors the 7 ppeals held that “the NFL owed a duty to ry label implausible. That is, even taking all implausible.taking label even ry is, That 3 Plaintiffs attempt to Cal. Serv. Station & Auto. Repair assuming, in fact regarding controlled handwave this , theNFL Club (62 of340) Dent , United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 doctor” ( doctor” ( “super-employer”conj clubs’ to the insufficient is is NFL related, closely while clubs, the and NFL the that moreis there entities, legal independent are clubs the and concomitantly,and is, mayrelationship that what musingmeantheir NFL and the case” “although this that for complicatedis clubs] discove the without and and, NFL the inference, as his alleged violations of the relevant the of violations alleged his as inference, argumentYork Pellman’sNew Dr. as on role dual alleged medicationsthe ( similarlyallegations conc factual plaintiffs’ undercutting an ( increased” only have field the to players return to of position back player a get to anything do to doctors and players support this contention they allege in the very next sentence that “ that sentence next very the in allege they contention this support “NFLactors Amd.relevant (Third the trainers” label and and doctors Compl.health” To players’ the 7). ¶ prescr and substances controlled these distributed “has see 4 third amended complaint to argue that the NFL is “controlling all of this” (Dkt. No. 134 at ( regulatory scheme designed to prevent the abuses at issue, those abuses nonetheless occurred” player’s hand, but rather, how it came to be that, despite a comprehensive and thorough deficiency as a mere technicality, asserting that “it matters not who actually put a pill in a do not make any specific, plausible allegation that the relevant statutes apply to the NFL, let the actual distribution of the controlled substances (Dkt. No. 134 at 44:14–15). contend that the NFL was involved in “every of aspect” the players’ medical care — except for Medications” (Opp.2–3;ThirdAmd. Compl. ¶¶159,163–72,178–80,188–96).Plaintiffsthus in” the third amended complaint; and it “sponsored League-wide studies on the effects of certain inspections of the Clubs’ facilities to ostensibly determine compliance with the laws identified committees to discuss and oversee the distribution of Medications”; it “conduct[ed] on-site “approved Club financial arrangements with doctors and medical groups”; it “established to their players”; it “mandated that the Clubs have locked drug storage areas at their facilities”; it reports and required reports from teams on the volum Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page17of294 ibid 4:10–11; Opp.3–4). Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page8of15 individual team’s individual Opp. 5). Opp. .). They try to shore up a direct liability claim by pointing to various allegations within the . ¶ 216 (emphasis216 ¶ id. added)). The conflation is madeis moreconflation the The all pl by evident As the NFL points out, however, this distinction is dispositive. Significantly, plaintiffs doctor and trainer have becomehave trainer lu and increasingly doctor Club see, e.g. see, actions, . ¶¶ 21, 30, 39, 47, 58, 67, 77, 86, 96). 86, 77, 67, 58, 47, 39, 30, 21, ¶¶ , id. For example, plaintiffs allege that the NFL “compiled weekly injury not the NFL’s. The third amendedthird The NFL’s. complaintthe numerouswith replete is other ER separate entities, and plaintiffs’ plain assertion that the that assertion plain plaintiffs’ and entities, separate are laws and regulations were madewere a regulations as and “capacity laws his in . (emphasis added)). But these factual allegations refer to refer allegations (emphasisfactual ibid. these But added)). 14 iption medications with little to no regard for the law or law the for regard medicationsno iption to little with on the field, regardless of the risks” and that “as the “as that and risks” the of regardless field, the on lusory allegations of the NFL’s direct distribution of distribution direct NFL’s the of allegations lusory to the puzzle” (Opp. 4). At bottom,At remains4). fact (Opp. the puzzle” the to ure up a direct (rather than a vicarious) liability claim liability vicarious) a than (rather direct a up ure Jets’ doctor and NFL medical advisor give rise to this medicalto NFL rise and give doctor advisor Jets’ aintiffs’ contention that the “relationshipthe [between that contention aintiffs’ 8 ry, it will not be entirely clear . . . what exactly that exactly what . . . clear entirely be not will it ry, crative, the pressures on the medicalthe on pressures the personnel crative, e of drugs they [the clubs] were distributing Raiders owner Al Davis Al owner Raiders Nor can plaintiffs’ reliance during oral during reliance plaintiffs’ can Nor routinely pressured routinely team (63 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 controlled substances” based on “the general character of [that] activity.” preempted) where plaintiffs alleged that the NF 159–82)). relate to its efforts to help the clubs relevant drug laws. (In fact, the conduct by the NFL that plaintiffs distribution, and administration of the drugs or ot specifically allege any facts as to how the NFL instructed the club doctors’ handling, medication via the “Business Plan,” nowhere in the third amended complaint do plaintiffs plaintiffs generally contend that the NFL contro care and treatment to players such that its conduct violated any relevant drug laws. Though previously pitched before our court of appeals, that the NFL undertook to provide direct medical to the clubs’ conduct), nowhere in the third amended complaint do plaintiffs allege, as they follows: “One of the most striking aspects of the audit program described above is that, despite first sentence of the section titled “Despite the Foregoing, the League Did Nothing” states as alleged conduct by club doctors and trainers (Third Amd. Compl. ¶¶ 66–71). For example, the if proved, would support their negligence claim against the NFL. rise to a duty of care. This order that therefore plaintiffs finds failed to plead sufficient facts that, complaint contains only conclusory allegations related to conduct by the NFL that would give did not itself provide medical care for or distribut added). Plaintiffs now acknowledge in their third amended complaint and briefing that the NFL facts sufficient to support their negligence claim against the NFL.” injuries” and that it “le[ft] it to the district court to determine whether the plaintiffs have pleaded to the NFL, the NFL violated those statutes, and the alleged violations caused the players’ plaintiffs’ negligence claim “will require the players to 1119 (citation and quotations omitted) (alterations in original). It further explained that alone that the NFL violated those statutes. Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page18of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page9of15 Our court of appeals previously found that the NFL owed a duty (and the claims were not Instead, plaintiffs ultimately accuse the NFL of doing nothing despite awareness of the comply ER 15 with those statutes ( Despite ninety pages of allegations (largely directed L was directly “involved in the distribution of lled and directed the distribution of the players’ 9 herwise forced the club doctors to violate any e medications to the players, and the operative establish that the relevant statutes apply see, e.g., ThirdAmd. Compl. do specifically allege largely Id . at 1121 (emphasis Dent , 902F.3dat (64 of340) ¶¶ United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Dkt. No. counsel directly for an instance when the NFL vi (Dkt. No.106at13–14).Thiswaseffectively our court of appeals left undisturbed). As the Court previously held, failed to intervene in the club’s implementation of the supposed “Business Plan” (a ruling which act echoes the exact theory already found preempted by Section 301 — namely, that the NFL no followupfrom theLeague”(id the thousandsofpagesdocumented Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page19of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page10of15 H OR: Well, that’s the original theory. Well, they never did anything to remedy it. THE COURT: MR. CLOSIUS: Okay.That’snotthesame though.Let’ssaythatthe BytheClubs. THE COURT: BytheClubs? Bywho? MR. CLOSIUS: THE COURT: Let me rephrase that. The Third Amended Complaint is Where isthat— MR. CLOSIUS: THE COURT: When they are telling people to distribute it illegally. MR. CLOSIUS: Giveme whatyouwouldsayisyourbestexample ofan THE COURT: 134 at 48:16–49:11): CBA provisions that cover the individual clubs’ duties to the players. conduct caused the players’ injuries, without consulting the specific analyze whether the NFL acted negligently, and whether the NFL’s players’ medical interests. It would thus be impossible for the Court to extent to which the various CBAs required the clubs to protect the physicians. The NFL’s overarching duty would then depend on the NFL, through the CBAs, required of the individual clubs and club the NFL breached it, the Court would need to determine . . . what the To determine what the scope of this supervisory duty was, and whether anything. That’s not the same as the NFL itself violating the Clubs are violating the Controlled Substances Act. — let’s say the — somebody is telling the NFL, Hey, illegal dispensation of controlled substances. report is doing it. They are being told all through about happening is illegal. The DEA is doing it. The Matava replete with people telling the NFL that what’s Your Honor,the— NFL employee violating the Controlled Substances Act. . ¶ 213 (emphasis added)). But the NFL’s alleged failure to ER illegal violations engaged in by all the clubs, there[was] 16 confirmed when the Court asked plaintiffs’ 10 olated a relevant statute during oral argument (65 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 were “not merely alleging that the NFL failed to prevent medication abuse by the teams, but that of the medications medical care to the players and the mere allegations that the NFL paid for surveys and reports and did nothing despite being told of culpability, not necessarily a legal culpability under the CSA or other relevant drug law. And, “admission” of joint culpability, however, could easily refer to some general moral sense of drugs to players itself, the clear import of Though Dent those governed by the relevant drug statutes, such as recordkeeping and storage. Not so. interpretation of liability allowed under Dent Assuch,plaintiffsaim“us[ed] allkindsofphrases”(Dkt.No.134at46:15–25). forabroader or FDCA), the appellate court’s choice of words “may not have been that precise” because it the word “handle” elsewhere in “distribute” as literally defined in the CSA. They suggest that because our court of appeals used that, in essence, amount to the NFL’s failure to intervene. supplied drugs to players, plaintiffs may not bob and weave back to old theories of negligence court of appeals that they were alleging that the NFL itself directly provided medical care and asserting the NFL’s relevant statutes. To repeat, plaintiffs es clubs’ distribution of the medications such that does not sufficiently support plaintiffs’ allegati statutes. The NFL’s alleged pressure on the clubs to return players to play as soon as possible NFL culpability on this” issue (Dkt. No. 134 at 49:12–50:12 Counsel then tried to pivot an by NFL next associate arguing stated that that the NFL had “joint Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page20of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page11of15 illegal distribution of medications by the clubs do not raise the reasonable inference that the mandated To repeat, as our court of appeals understood the second amended complaint, plaintiffs Plaintiffs complain that the NFL focuses only on our court of appeals’ use of the word arguably leaves room to find the NFL liable even if it is not physically handing out their illegal distribution such that the NFL itself is culpable under the relevant in violation of the relevant statutes proactive involvement with medication distribution. Having convinced our direct distribution Dent (a word that plaintiffs assert is ER caped preemption before our court of appeals by Dent 17 to include the NFL’s alleged activities beyond centers on the NFL’s alleged provision of on that the NFL was directly involved in the 11 it owed a duty to plaintiffs or violated any (at least, under the NFL’s specific direction) . ; Third. Amd. Compl. ¶ 11). This general not used in either the CSA (66 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 complaint required interpretation of the CBAs, our court of appeals noted, Pharmacy Laws the Controlled Substances Act labeling, or warnings regarding side effects and long-term risks, and that ‘provision and administration’ of controlled substances therefore “liability for a negligence claim alleging drugs violated the CBAs at all, but that question of whether 1119–20 (emphasis added). The clubs’ “obligations under the CBAs [we]re irrelevant to the plaintiffs’ injuries” is a question that does not require the interpretation of the CBAs. noted that “[a]s for causation, whether the NFL’s alleged the requirements of the statutes at issue.” Ibid handle drugs with reasonable care can be determined by added). As such, under plaintiffs’ negligence claim, “whether the NFL breached its duty to requirements governing how drugs are to be prescribed and labeled.” by statute,” suchastheCSA,FDCA,andCaliforniaPharmacy Laws,which“setforth it comes to the distribution of potentially dangerous drugs, minimumstandardsareestablished players.” the NFL itself drugs doctors.” not turn on how the CBAs allocated duties among the NFL, the teams, and the individual administration of the medications prior representations related to the NFL’s dir plaintiffs have apparently abandoned these allegations in the third amended complaint — Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page21of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page12of15 .” Ibid , it was In answering the question of whether plaintiffs’ negligence claim in the second amended Our court of appeals thus clearly reversed (on the preemption issue) based on plaintiffs’ Dent Id . at1121(emphasis added).“[I]ftheNFLhadanyrolein . Again, it noted that “[t]he players argue[d] that they were injured by required to follow the laws illegally distributed controlled substances, and therefore its actions directly injured , 902 F.3d at 1118 (emphasis added). were Plaintiffs “not arguing that the NFL . .”Id the NFL breached an obligation to players by violating the law . at 1118 (emphasis added). , .theFood,Drugs,andCosmeticsAct it violated state and federal laws governing prescription within the meaning of the relevant drug statutes ER regarding those drugs 18 ect involvement in the handling, distribution, and . (emphasis added). Our court of appeals further 12 violations of federal and state statutes without written prescriptions, proper comparing the conduct of the NFL to violation of the statutes .” Ibid Id . (emphasis added). distributing prescription , .and the California . at 1119 (emphasis this conduct violated inter alia caused the . Nowthat the NFL’s ” and , that “when Id . at d[id] (67 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 simultaneous insistence that the NFL did nothing to protect the players ( compliance with the aforementioned drug laws (Opp. 9). Notwithstanding plaintiffs’ Medications to its players” by setting up a drug program designed to monitor the clubs’ and suffered injury as a result.” increased the risk of harm to the plaintiff, or (b) the plaintiff reasonably relied on the undertaking must satisfy one of two conditions: either (a) the defendant’s failure to exercise reasonable care defendant should recognize as necessary for the pl California (2018) (citing Delgado v. Trax Bar & Grill preexisting risk.” plaintiffs. “A defendant does not increase the risk of harm by merely failing to eliminate a conditions are satisfied.” duty to act but voluntarily acts to has protect a another duty to exercise due care if certain compliance with the aforementioned drug laws (Opp. 9). This order disagrees. adequately pleadanassumption ofdutybytheNFL. their suffering of injury as a result of the NFL’s conduct. Accordingly, plaintiffs have failed to any specific facts as to their reasonable reliance on the NFL’s supposed assumption of duty or plaintiffs have not specifically alleged how the NFL’s conduct policies related to Toradol, and the security and handling of Medications” (Opp. 9). But duty based on the “various means” alleged, such as “the imposition of Club audits, League-wide Compl. ¶¶ 213–29), plaintiffs contend they have adequately pled the assumption of the NFL’s owed to the players (or that the NFL breached its duty). to sufficiently allege that the general character of the NFL’s conduct gave rise to a duty of care perhaps in response to discovery in the Evans litigation — this order finds that they have failed Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page22of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page13of15 Plaintiffs assert that “the NFL voluntar “The negligent undertaking theory of liability holds that a person who has no affirmative Plaintiffs next argue that the NFL voluntarily assumed a duty to ensure the clubs’ , 22 Cal. 4th 550, 558 (2000)). “The undertaking must be to render services that the .V 2. Univ. of S. California OLUNTARY Univ. ofS.Californiav.SuperiorCourt Id . at 448–49 (citations omitted). A SSUMPTION ER , 30Cal.App.5that450.Norhaveplaintiffsalleged 19 , 36Cal.4th224,249(2005); ily involved itself in the distribution of 13 . aintiff’s protection..[T]heplaintiffalso increased , 30Cal.App.5th429,448 see, e.g. the risk of harm to Paz v. State of , Third.Amd. (68 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Univ. ofCaliforniav.SuperiorCourt dependency in which one party relies to some degree on the other for protection.” that intertwines the NFL, the Clubs, and players” (Opp. 10). carrier-passenger relationships. Cal. App. 4th 231, 245–46 (2008)). Classic examples include jailer-prisoner and common control over the plaintiff’s welfare.’ ” is particularly vulnerable and dependent upon the defendant who, correspondingly, has some Furthermore, “a typical setting for the recognition of dependent, the other has superior control over the means of protection.” “The corollary of dependence in a special relationship is control. Whereas one party is Cal. App.3d275,283(1981); and their colleges. Plaintiffs’ reliance on over their medical care — and the NFL is analogous to that of the relationship between students players — who were compensated adult professional athletes with collectively bargained rights amended complaint. This order thus need not consider this argument. Southern Cal. Rapid Transit Dist. structure, guidance, and a safe learning environment.” how to navigate the world as adults” and are “dependent on their college communities to provide the provision of “social, athletic, and cultural opportunities” to students who are still “learning 624–25. In so holding, it considered “the unique features of the college environment,” such as with students while they are engaged in activities that are part of the school’s curriculum.” Id unavailing. There, the California Supreme Court held that colleges “have a special relationship control over the environment and the ability to Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page23of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page14of15 “Special relationships” giving rise to a duty may exist where there is an “aspect of Finally, plaintiffs argue that the NFL owed .S 3. Moreover, plaintiffs fail to sufficiently persuade that the relationship between the former As an initial matter, plaintiffs fail to allege this “special relationship” in their third PECIAL R ELATIONSHIP Mann v. State of California Ibid , 40Cal.3d780,789(1985)). . (citing Giraldo , 4 Cal. 5th 607, 620 (2018) (citing ER Ibid . Regents of University of California . (quoting Giraldo v. Dep’t of Corrs. & Rehab. 20 protect students,” as “[t]hrough [their] providing 14 a duty because of the “ ‘special relationship’ a special relationship is where ‘the plaintiff , 168Cal.App.4that245–46;Lopez v. Ibid , 70Cal.App.3d773,779–80(1977)). . Moreover, colleges “have superior Baldwin v.Zoradi Id. at621. , is therefore Regents of (69 of340) , 168 , 123 . at United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 does not reach the NFL’s statute of limitationsof statute NFL’s the argument.reach not does any dutyowedbytheNFLtoplaintiffs. duty owedbytheNFL. 620, 624.Accordingly,plaintiffshavenotsufficiently pled a special relationship giving rise to a the sense that “the unique features of the college environment” do for college students. See id medical care plaintiffs argue the NFL provided to them renders them “particularly vulnerable” in Dated: April18,2019. Higher Education and the Case for Institutional Liability 506, 516(Del.1991);HelenHickeydeHaven, relationships, and their behaviors.” educators “hav[ing] the power to influence students’ values, their consciousness, their of food, housing, security, and a range of extracurricular activities” and their administrators and leave to amend. this was plaintiffs’ “best and final” pleading, the instant action is claim and thus for the foregoing reasons, the NFL’s motion to dismiss is professional athletes. That being said, plaintiffs minimize the underlying societal issue and the need to protect the health and safety of our Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page24of294 Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHADocument135Filed04/18/19Page15of 4 Because this order finds that plaintiffs failed to failed plaintiffs that finds order this Because Based on the foregoing, this order finds that pl While sympathetic to plaintiffs’ position, this order is not sufficiently persuaded that the IT IS SO ORDERED. SO IS IT This order again reiterates that the ruling against plaintiffs’ theories herein does not

Judgment will follow. * Id ER . at 625 (quoting 4 CONCLUSION 21 adequately plead a negligence claim,negligence and a not plead need adequately it The Elephant in the Ivory Tower: Rampages in 15 failed to adequately plead their sole negligence

U W NITED aintiffs have failed to sufficiently allege ILLIAM Furek v.Univ.ofDelaware,594A.2d , 35J.C.&U.L.503,611(2009)). S TATES A LSUP D ISMISSED D ISTRICT G RANTED without further J UDGE . Because (70 of340) . at (71 of 340) CaseCase: 3:14-cv-02324-WHA 19-16017, 08/22/2019, Document ID: 11407366, 131-1 DktEntry: Filed 03/22/19 12-2, Page Page 25 1of of 294 23

ER 22

Richard Dent v. NFL Case Number: 15-15143 Case Panel: KOZINSKI, BYBEE, N.R. SMITH Hearing Location: San Francisco CA Hearing Date: 12/15/2016

PJC Good morning. May it please the Court, my name is Phillip J. Closius and I represent

the appellants, Richard Dent and nine other former professional football players.

With the Court’s permission, I would like to reserve three minutes for rebuttal.

Court You can try.

PJC Thank you. The factual allegations at the heart of this case involve a disconnect

between the face of the NFL and the shallow reality that supports it. Article 39 of the

Collective Bargaining Agreement, is clear that the healthcare responsibilities are

placed on the Club and that the NFL has no duties or obligations of healthcare to the

players under the CBA. However, as pled and presumed to be true, the NFL controls

and directs a pyramidal scheme for the distribution of controlled substances and

prescription drugs in flagrant disregard of federal and state law. The NFL is

attempting to use the words of the CBA to shield its illegal activity.

Court Sounds like a RICO case to me.

PJC Your Honor, it may be except we only have one defendant here.

Court I, uh, na, na, huh?

PJC We only have one defendant here.

Court Na, I’m sorry?

PJC We only have one defendant here. I believe RICO requires more than one defendant.

Court Well, sometimes you have a RICO case that’s not a RICO case because you don’t

have enough defendants.


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ER 23

PJC Exactly, Your Honor, it’s a similar thing. It’s a pyramidal conspiracy (inaudible).

Court I mean your pleading, your pleading as a tort case, right?

PJC As a tort case? Correct.

Court Yeah.

PJC Intentional and negligent.

Court So the question is whether or not the standard of care is derived from the CBA or not.

Where does it come from?

PJC We don’t reference the CBA, we will never use the CBA, we are not involved with

any duties under the CBA. As I just said, the NFL has none. Article 39 is clear that

the NFL has no duty or obligation in healthcare under the CBA. The major issue for

this Court to decide which is where the standard of care comes from, is did the

District Court err when it held that the illegality exception to 301 preemption only

applied to state statutory claims. This illegality exemption was created by the

Supreme Court now Allis-Chalmers. It was again referenced in the leading

preemption case in the Ninth Circuit, Kramer v. Consolidated Freightways. In neither

of those two cases and in no cases that we know of has this distinction be made and as

far as we can tell the District Court made it sua sponte. In fact, the Ninth Circuit has

repeatedly applied this illegality exemption to common law tort claims at state law

also. In Kramer v. Consolidated Freightways, the allegations were a breach of

invasion of privacy under the California Constitution and a common law claim for

intentional infliction of emotional distress. In Burnside v. Kiewit, again we had two

state law claims and a common law claim for conversion. In Ward v. Circus Circus,


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ER 24

we have all tort claims, Your Honor, intentional negligence. In Galvez v. Kuhn, we


Court Counsel, I’d like to work down through your causes of actions to see if I can simplify

this just a little bit. You have nine causes of action…

PJC Correct.

Court Three of them as far as I can tell actually are remedies, the (inaudible)…

PJC They’re derivative.

Court …which is the declaratory relief, the medical monitoring and the loss of consortium

which is number seven. I don’t see that those are really at issue here (inaudible).

PJC They’re derivative, Your Honor, they’re not.

Court Right, okay, so we’ve narrowed down to six things.

PJC Correct.

Court A couple of those sound in negligence but you have a couple of them that also, that

sound in fraud.

PJC Counselor.

Court I’m sorry?

PJC Yes, Your Honor.

Court Okay, so I just want to make sure I’m right. So we’ve got, I got several that sounded

in negligence and a couple that sound in fraud.

PJC There are three that we called, we would consider traditional negligence and then

there were three, one that’s negligence per se, the other that’s fraud and the other’s

fraudulent concealment which we think are intentional torts or the equivalent thereof.


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Court Okay. In the Evans case, Judge Alsup said that the claims against the Clubs were not


PJC Correct.

Court And then distinguished that case from this case in part by saying that in this case

these were negligence claims and that characterization seems to me to be wrong.

PJC We agree with that, Your Honor.

Court Okay, so if you got, if you got intentional tort claims, don’t those fall outside of the

CBA and aren’t those different from the negligence claims?

PJC Your Honor, we think all of them fall outside the CBA…

Court Okay, all right.

PJC … but the stronger case is clearly with negligence per se fraud and fraudulent


Court Okay, now let’s…

PJC …if that’s what you’re asking.

Court …and let’s go to the negligence, the pure negligence cases and tell me, and tell me

why those survive.

PJC In negligence, the elements for negligence per se are for…

Court Well, we’re not talking negligence per se now, we’re talking negligence.

PJC Oh I’m sorry, I thought, I thought he asked for negligence per se.

Court He did but he, as I understood his question, he, I guess he can correct me if I’m

wrong. As I understand it, he was saying negligence per se is one thing but I want to

now go to the negligence claims.

Court That’s what I heard.


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PJC All right, I misunderstood, I’m sorry Your Honor.

Court Counsel never quite hear the questions.

PJC The negligence claims are again based on fairly simple tort theory…

Court This will be negligence mis… misrepresentation negligent hiring and negligent


PJC Correct.

Court Okay, now tell my why those survive.

PJC Because the duty at issue is to obey the law. Again, the illegality exemption applies

here. It applies to common law claims. Evans confirmed that. It held only…

Court If only you alleged that in your complaint.

PJC I’m sorry, where do we allege…

Court Where did you allege that in your complaint? When I read your complaint, it seems

to me the negligent hiring, negligent retention, negligence claim itself do not harken

back to a violation of the law but instead harken to a common law duty.

PJC Your Honor, the duty to obey the law is alleged in paragraph 345 and paragraphs 370

to 380 and it does come from a common law duty, Your Honor, it’s in Restatement


Court Doesn’t that pretty much blow Section 301 out of the water? I mean anytime you can

claim a breach of duty of the Collective Bargaining game, this is where you also have

a duty to follow the law.

PJC Your Honor, …

Court And so, you know, I’m not sure how that can possibly add to your claim.

PJC If the underlying action is illegal, it can’t be validated by a clause in the CBA.


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Court Well, but…

PJC The CBA can’t make legal that which is illegal.

Court What we’re trying to do is determine if there’s a distinction, if you will, between your

common law claims which you allege in everything except the negligence per se

claim, you ex…, not only do you allege the negligence per se but you allege the

statutes breached. When you get to the other parts of your complaint, you do not.

You just say there’s a common law duty which arises and the common law duty

which arises is what we’re really talking about. I don’t see that’s alleged from a

statute, if it is, it’s part of the negligence per se. It’s just a common law duty that

might have been breached.

PJC Your Honor, in the complaint there are three duties that are alleged. One is to obey

the law, the other is reasonable care to prevent foreseeable damages and the third is

the duty to use due care in hiring and retention. That last one is from Ward, the other

two are in the Restatement. The two and three, the last two do apply only to the

negligence claims what I call, not the negligence per se and not the fraud and the

fraudulent concealment. But in defining the duty under those two standards, the duty

that incorporates the illegal activity.

Court Well, let’s talk about hiring a supervision right? Where does that duty come from?

PJC The common law. The NFL is involved in the hiring process by directing its…

Court Why is it not covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement?

PJC Because Collective Bargaining Agreement says the NFL has no duties or obligations

under healthcare and any hiring in the Collective Bargaining Agreement is placed on


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the Clubs but this is a world where what’s said is different from what happens. That’s

what we’ve alleged.

Court Well, would…

PJC That the pyramidal scheme exists outside the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The

Bargaining Agreement says one thing, it says the NFL is not involved in any of this

stuff. The reality is is the NFL is directing and controlling the illegal distribution of

the drugs in a classic pyramid scheme and, Your Honors, what happens in a classic

pyramid is everybody blames somebody else. Right, the NFL says it’s the Clubs’

duties, the Clubs say it’s the doctors’ duties, the doctors say it’s the trainers’ duties

and then the trainers go right back up again. That’s why pyramid schemes have been

in existence for thousands of years, Your Honor, because they confuse duties, they

confuse responsibilities and everybody’s got plausible denial to someone else. This

complaint is asking you to see through that and to allow us to hold responsible the

people who are, who have controlled and directed this scheme for 45 years, from

1969 until 2012, the applicable time period in the complaint. Hundreds of Club

doctors and hundreds of Club trainers have acted illegally and in violation of their

ethics. The NFL would like you to believe that every one of those people

independently arrived at that conclusion on their own. Our suggestion is that’s just a

classic pyramid scheme justification.

Court Well…

PJC The reality is is this has been directed continually by the NFL for profit, for getting

players back on the field, for allowing us to have Thursday night games, for allowing


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us to have our stars, it’s all dependent on this distribution of drugs illegally. Without

that they can’t do it.

Court You’re down to five minutes.

PJC Thank you, Your Honor.

Court You want to save or you want to proceed?

PJC I will save at the three minute mark if that’s okay with you.

Court Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you said five minutes. I was just reminding you, you can

take as long as you want.

PJC Okay, thank you.

Court Until it gets down to zero.

Court So let me get back to what you just said. If we go to negligent hiring, you say it’s not

derived from the CBA, it’s a state common law claim but under Caterpillar, isn’t my

next question then is this kind substantially dependent on the analysis of the CBA?

PJC Ward v. Circus Circus answered that question negative, Your Honor. It said that you

have a negligent hiring claim if the employer is not teaching its hires not to violate the

law. That was assault and battery claim with security guards.

Court Oh, your answer is Ward?

PJC Correct. Your Honors, the District Court erred in not holding its illegality exception

applicable to our common law claims which changed in Evans v. Arizona, which is

the correct result. Once the illegality exemption is applied, the rest of the duties flow

to obey the law. You then just follow the drugs. Your Honors, we understand that we

either have to prove our case or we can’t ever reference the Collective Bargaining

Agreement. We have no intentions at any point in here to reference the Collective


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Bargaining Agreement. If we can’t prove our case or if we can only prove it based on

the Bargaining Agreement, they’re free to argue preemption in any point in time

including after a jury decision. So we’re only asking here for the right to discovery.

We’re asking for the right to get to the heart of the matter and find out who in fact is

responsible for the illegal distribution of drugs that’s occurring on a daily basis in the

National Football League. Thank you, Your Honor, we’ll reserve the rest for rebuttal.

Court Okay, we’ll hear from the other side. I guess the one defendant.

Clement Morning, Your Honor, it’s Paul Clement for the appellees. As the District Court

correctly concluded, the plaintiff’s common law claims are precluded under Section

301 because they all require interpretation of the CBAs that provide the critical link

between the plaintiffs in this case…

Court This is a little unusual in that for most of these agreements NFL is not a party to the

CBA. Usually in Section 301 cases we, the question is here’s a party whose rights are

governed by the CBA or affected or set standards are set but as I understand it, six out

of seven agreements the NFL is not even a party, right?

Clement That’s right, Your Honor, but I don’t think that fundamentally changes the analysis in

the following respect.

Court When…

Clement We’re not talking about somebody who’s a stranger to the Collective Bargaining

process. The League oversees the 32 Clubs. There is a multiemployer bargaining

unit that really is, you know, reflective of the Clubs so it’s not like they’ve sued me

and I’m like a stranger to this whole process and then they probably wouldn’t be able

to bring their claim, they’d lose on the merits but there wouldn’t be a preemption


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basis. They’re clearly suing a defendant and are leapfrogging over the most obvious

defendant for what they’re complaining about and I, and I don’t think you…

Court That’s called complying with federal law. I mean you can’t sue the one, you know,

you leapfrog over the one you’re not allowed to sue, what’s wrong with that?

Clement It, they’ve leapfrogged over the one they clearly can’t sue but they’ve still managed

to land on somebody they can’t sue either and let me explain why. First of all,

remember the context here. You have unionized employees who are complaining

about the fact that they were given illegal substances, they say, or prescription drugs

without prescription by what they just said were Club trainers and Club doctors,

employees and agents of their employer. Now in that context, if they were to sue

their employers, I would think it’d be pretty obvious for negligence or fraud, I’ll get

to that in a minute, I think it would be pretty obvious that you’d have to interpret the

Collective Bargaining Agreement. You don’t solve that problem if you essentially

name as the defendant kind of the super-employer and the reason is man-, there are a

couple of reasons why that’s the case. First of all, in allocating the duty and trying to

allocate a common law duty to the NFL and not the Clubs, you have to confront the

reality that there’s a Collective Bargaining Agreement that assigns that precise

responsibility to the Clubs.

Court But that would be an argument that you’ve sued the wrong party and that’s a different

kind of claim than one that says all of this is preempted.

Clement I don’t think that’s right, Your Honor, I mean I agree they, they’re, it’s maybe both at

the end of the day that they’ve sued the wrong party but in order to allocate the

responsibilities and also remember you got to show proximate causation. In order to


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figure out whether or not that party is responsible, you have to look into the duties

that are assumed by the Clubs.

Court Counsel, what do we do with the allegation in the complaint that the NFL directly

gave drugs to athletes?

Clement Well, I think what you do is you read it in the context of the entire complaint, so with

respect to every one of the ten plaintiffs, the specific allegations are that they were

given injections by the team doctors, the doctors…

Court I’m looking at paragraph 17 of the complaint. This is the second amended complaint,

the NFL directly? I’m going to put some ellipses in here. The NFL directly supplied

players with opioids.

Clement Right, I think that to…

Court I mean I, this is a little incredulous to me but I, it seems to me that the, they’ve

alleged it and if they can prove that, I don’t see why that’s preempted by the CBA.

Clement Well, again, I mean look, if they want to isolate their whole complaint to being the,

you know, the direct distribution of opioids by the NFL, not through the Club trainers

and the Club doctors, I mean I think what they would then perhaps have is a claim

that just is fanciful. But that’s, I don’t think that’s a fair reading of what they actually

alleged in their whole complaint if you take it as a whole and I think if you go back

and you…

Court I’m sorry, I think this is where you’re going but they’re not in fact alleging this is

independent, they are in fact alleging that they use the Club doctors but why does the

type use the Club doctors bring this under the Collective Bargaining Agreement?


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Clement Because then under a negligence claim you would have to understand the duties of

the League and you would have to figure out whether they really had a duty to

provide, I mean you know, at the end of the day the idea that the League had a duty to

provide written prescriptions for all of this when they’re being directly administered

by the team doctors and the team trainers. I don’t see how you could say that they,

you could understand whether that duty was really allocated to the League without

interpreting the Collective Bargaining Agreement. I don’t see how you could

determine how there is proximate causation in what the League did when you have a

Collective Bargaining Agreement that specifically says that it’s the doctors’ decision

to use proper medical care. It’s the…

Court Okay, so, you know, I think they take that as a given so the Collective Bargaining

Agreement says the doctors have certain duties and in the (inaudible) thing there was

this outside force that is causing the doctors to breach their duty and we’re not suing

the doctors for the breach of duty, we’re suing this outside force for causing the

doctors to do these terrible things.

Clement And I don’t…

Court Why is that governed by the Collective Bargaining Agreement?

Clement Because ultimately in understanding what under the common law the duty of the

League is to the players.

Court Well, let’s put it in smaller terms. Let’s say for example that a, and I’m making this

up of course, that the wife of one of the players wants to poison him. Again I’m not

referencing any real life situation, but let’s posit that as a hypothetical and so she

decides what she’s going to do is she going to get one of team doctors and get the


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team doctors to inject the player with poison rather than whatever it is that they

normally give and at that, you know, after this happens the player then sues the

doctor. I’m sorry, not the doctor, sues the wife or whoever this person is on the

outside. Is that covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement?

Clement I don’t think that is, Your Honor, I think that’s more like…

Court How is this different?

Clement Because they are not suing a random defendant, they are suing the, essentially the

super-employer and in that context the super-employer, the first thing the super-

employer is going to say is, what are you talking about? All this responsibility is

allocated firmly on the team and the team doctors.

Court The wife would say, look, the responsibility of the doctor was to give him medicine

not poison. So, you know, I…

Clement But I do think they’re different and again, maybe this gets to the point, maybe there


Court I know you think they’re different.

Clement No.

Court The point is to persuade me they’re different.

Clement And well I’m going to try, Your Honor. I think they’re materially different in a couple

of ways. First of all, with respect to sort of the poisoning, maybe there’s, you know, a

nonnegotiable duty on everyone not to poison somebody so you can sue the, the wife

directly. In this context what they really want to talk about are not the negligence

claims, they want…


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Court You know, I’m going to change the hypothetical just to avoid having you have the

easy out, let’s say the wife says, you know, my husband is a laggard and he just got

some steroids and this is the kind of stuff given to him he’d be a better player, make

more money, I could sue him, you know, I could divorce him for further settlement.

So she goes to the team doctor and says, you know, just pump him up so that when he

goes out there he will knock himself out and, you know, do a better job. Okay, so

let’s say that’s what happens. You know, why, what, is there any theory under which

the wife would be able to raise the Section 301 of the LMR-, you know, the…

Clement Section 301, let’s call it.

Court Section 301, thank you.

Clement I don’t think there is but I do think it is different when you sue somebody who is

integrally involved in the Collective Bargaining process whether or not they’re a

signatory. If I could give you an analogy…

Court Maybe you can talk to us a little bit more cause I don’t quite understand and maybe

it’s just because I’m not so familiar with football, what is the role of the, of your

client in the Collective Bargaining process?

Clement Well, so…

Court They’re not in the contract, they’re not a party to the contract.

Clement No, no, I understand that but the Collective Bargaining takes place principally

between the NFL Players Association and a multiemployer bargaining unit that’s

made up of all the NFL teams so it’s technically, you know, an entity that’s separate

from the League but the bargaining is really taking place essentially at a League level

between the NFL PA and the multiemployer bargaining association.


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Court And part of the NFL MC the management committee.

Clement Yes, exactly and so as part of that back and forth they assign certain responsibilities to

the Club, certain responsibilities to the players, sometimes certain responsibilities to a

third party and so the idea in that context…

Court You still haven’t mentioned the NFL.

Clement Well, there might be certain things that are allocated at the League level to be sure I

mean and certainly things like for example, roster sizes, game schedules, that’s being

determined at a League level. Now…

Court No, no, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to suggest that the NFL doesn’t do anything,

obviously it does a lot. The question is what is their involvement in the Collective

Bargaining process and how are they, well, you say well, they’re different from the

wife because they are a super-employer. I don’t see the term super-employer

anywhere in the documents. It’s just something you’ve mentioned, I mean is there

something in the process or the documents that puts the NFL in some sort of different

position than the officious wife?

Clement I think there is which is to say it’s just essentially the mirror-image of…

Court And it made me think is what…

Clement It, it’s…

Court What do you say to persuade me that there is?

Clement It’s that the League is essentially the mirror-image of the multiemployer bargaining

unit that’s doing all these negotiations and I mean I, if you think about this…

Court I don’t understand the concept of mirror-image. There is in fact a multiemployer

bargaining unit here…


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Clement Yes.

Court It is the Club association, whatever it’s called, right?

Clement Yes, the management committee.

Court Thank you. Okay, so what does mirror-image mean and how is the NFL the mirror-

image? I’m failing to understand the connection.

Clement The League is an association of 32 teams. The 32 teams directly employ the players

who are or did employ the players who are the plaintiffs here.

Court You know, I, just to save your time, I do understand the structure. I do understand

how these players interrelate, what I don’t understand is what status or function does

the NFL have in the Collective Bargaining process? They do a lot of things but they

don’t do everything, right? There’s lots of stuff they don’t do and how, you know,

you say, use the term super-employer and you’re they’re different and, how? The

context don’t reference, are they involved in the…

Clement Well, they, the…

Court …Collective Bargaining, are they…

Clement …as you mentioned…

Court Do they sit at the table?

Clement The last CBA actually does mention them, you know, in hoc verba but the reason that

it doesn’t is because the leagues operate through the, you know, essentially through

the teams as to not just, you know, wages and not just to the way that they operate but

as to the specific complaint of what’s going on here and it seems to me that you

would be sort of blinking reality to say, oh well, the League is a complete stranger to

the CBA.


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Court No, so Counsel, in the 2011 CBA, the NFL is actually made a party expressly.

Clement Right.

Court Okay, so Article 39 and I’m looking at Section 3d, it says nothing in this Article or

any other Article in this agreement, this is the medical section...

Clement Right.

Court …shall be deemed to impose or create any duty or obligation on either the League or

NFLPA regarding diagnosis, medical care or the treatment of any player. So given

that the CBA says, denies that the NFL has any responsibility to the players, how can

the CBA preempt an action against them? They may have an uphill battle to prove a

state law duty but this section just says, yeah, well, it certainly isn’t, it certainly isn’t

going to come from the CBA because we’ve just said the NFL has no responsibilities

for medical treatment of any player.

Clement Well, a couple of things, Your Honor, first of all, you’re going to have to interpret the

scope of that provision of the CBA to make that conclusion so right there you’re

interpreting the CBA. You would reinforce that conclusion by looking at well, to the,

the other provisions that have been in the CBA from the beginning and you would say

of course, there’s no duty on behalf of the League because of the things they’re

complaining about are more directly assigned to the teams and the trainers and the

doctors and I do want to get the point out before my time expires that as to the fraud

claims, I think they’re even more obviously preempted because one of the common

law elements of fraud is to show reasonable or justifiable reliance. Well, how in the

world is it reasonable to rely on some omission or some statement of the League

when the, when you’re operating in an unionized employment situation where there


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are teams that are giving you advice about the exact same things more directly and

the agreement gives you a collective bargained right to get a second medical opinion.

So the idea that they would reasonably rely on what the League told them about the

medications or that there was some sort of springing duty on behalf of the League

when the Collective Bargaining Agreement itself assigns responsibilities and gives

rights that would I think make that reliance completely unreasonable…

Court Counsel I’m, I have to say that I’m, was really scratching my head after I read the

Evans decision because the same District Judge ruled here Judge Alsup took that case

and said well obviously, a suit against the Clubs is not preempted and you would just

think after having read this that a fortiori any suit brought against the appropriate

party who actually are administering the drugs and who are bound, the Clubs who are

bound by this would be preempted. But he said, well, the difference is that in Dent it,

they’re just negligence claims. Well, they’re not just negligence claims, there are

fraud claims. Those are intentional torts, not negligent torts.

Clement Well, but, but as I just said…

Court It makes me wonder whether Judge Alsup didn’t have the courage of his convictions

in the Dent case.

Clement No, no, I think if you give Judge Alsup his due at least in the Dent case, I think what

he said is he did a thorough analysis of the negligence claims and then he turned to

the fraud claims and he said exactly what I just said, which is the fraud claims are

even more obviously preempted because you have to show reasonable or justifiable

reliance and you can’t do that in this context without interpreting the CBA. Now by

the time he turns around in Evans and uses the shorthand for what he decided, I think


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he, you know, maybe at one point he said they’re all negligence and in another point

he talked about them as being common law but in all events, his shorthand may have

been a little too short but I think the Dent analysis correctly analyzes all of these

claims. Now personally I think he got it wrong in Evans. I think though that he

perceived this as being even more obviously preempted because this, I think he

perceived this case as being a little like the Supreme Court heckler’s case where when

you don’t sue the employer for something that is obviously the employer’s duty under

common law but you sue somebody less intuitive. In that case it was the Union, here

it’s the League. The place you would look for the assignment, the reassignment of

the duty that would naturally belong to the employer is to the Collective Bargaining

Agreement and the other terms that bind those parties together and that’s why I do

think any way you look at this, you’re going to come back to a need to interpret the

Collective Bargaining Agreement. If I could beg the Court’s indulgence for 30

seconds and just say, I don’t think the negligence per se claims are any different

because under California law, first you have to show an applicable statute and the

statute here directs responsibilities on physicians, on registrants, the NFL is none of

those things so you’d have to allocate responsibility for those duties.

Court That sounds like a 12b6 argument, it doesn’t sound like a preemption argument.

Clement I think it’s both because I don’t see how you can allocate that responsibility. I don’t

think, this isn’t like Kramer where nobody could sort of reassign the responsibility to

put a surveillance camera in. There’s nothing problematic under federal law for the

League to say as to these registration requirements and everything, that’s your

responsibility over there and you would be interpreting that. You also, the second


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element of negligence per se is proximate cause and how you can figure out that it

was the League’s violations here that proximately caused the injury without

interpreting the CBA and looking at who else had responsibilities, I think beggars

belief and negligence per se just establishes a presumption of negligence anyways.

You still have to show the underlying duty. Thank you for the Court’s indulgence.

PJC Thank you, Your Honors. About a month ago we provided with the perfect example

for this case, the Harvard Law School and a Harvard Medical School published a

report questioning whether doctors in the NFL were conflicted. Who responded to

the report? Jeff Miller, Vice President, NFL, not the Clubs. If that report contained

intentional fraud or negligent fraud, do we really think that a provision in the

Collective Bargaining Agreement would stop someone from bringing a lawsuit based

on the voluntary actions that they did in responding to the Harvard claim? Of course

not! It’s outside the CBA. Your Honors, the CBA is clear. There’s no provision on

point dealing with these drugs at issue. The responsibilities are on the Club and the

NFL has no duty or obligation. There’s nothing to be intertwined with. There’s

nothing fraud claims to be interpreted with.

Court Do I understand it correctly that we’d have to create a circuit split to come out your


PJC No, that’s not true Your Honor. There is a strong argument throughout the circuits

that illegal conduct is not to be used for 301 preemption.

Court But every NFL case has come out the other way, right?

PJC Not every NFL case no, Your Honor.

Court But respond then as I…


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PJC Brown v. the NFL? Southern District of New York decided by Judge Lynch.

Court I’m sorry, I’m talking about appellate cases.

PJC No, none of them…

Court There’s another we don’t…

PJC None of the allege illegality, Your Honor. None of them had an allegation of illegal

conduct. Again, Judge Alsup just missed it in Dent. This whole idea that it doesn’t

apply to common law claims is just wrong. It’s against the precedent. Your Honor…

Court Then respond, respond then to Mr. Clement’s argument that he made at the end which

I was going to ask him about where he responded before, on the negligence per se.

PJC Your Honor…

Court These suggest, I mean I don’t need to, I don’t need to say what his argument is to you

because I’m sure you very well understood it so give a response to that argument.

Why would negligence per se then not be preempted based on what he said?

PJC Your Honor, the four elements of negligence per se is there has to be a violation of a

statute. The violation has to cause the injury, the injury has to be one the statute is

designed to prevent and the plaintiffs have to be in a class that the statute intended to

protect. We fit all four. We fit all four. It’s a classic (inaudible)…

Court You got to have proximate cause. What are you going to say to that argument?

PJC Proximate cause, Your Honor?

Court Yes.

PJC It’s directly related.

Court How can we determine if it’s a proximate cause if we don’t look at the CBA?


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PJC Your Honor, the proximate cause is that the distribution of the drugs causing the

injury and if there is that question, that’s 12(b)(6), that’s getting into the facts, Your

Honor, that’s dealing with…

Court Well, you’re saying 12(b)(6).

PJC Correct.

Court Understand.

PJC Your Honors, I would also disa…

Court Ask the same question (inaudible).

PJC I would also disagree with learned counsel. The case law and the law reviews are

clear that preemption is not appropriate with regards to intentional torts. It’s more

appropriate with regards to negligence. We conceded from the very beginning that

the intentional torts are our strongest argument. The negligence are the weaker

argument. The NFL and Judge Alsup were obsessed with the negligence claims, Your

Honor, I mean he dismissed the intentional claims in less than a page. It’s the

intentional claims that are at the heart of this claim and Your Honors, you understand

these claims are not grouped together. You’re obviously free to preempt some of

these and not preempt others. If you wanted to preempt the negligence claims, you

can and let the intentional ones continue. It’s not that there all grouped, that all six of

them rise and fall together, they’re all separate. Your Honors, we’re asking simply for

discovery. Right, if you rule in, if you affirm this decision, our case is done. If you

don’t, if you reverse Judge Alsup in whole or in part, we only get discovery. There’s

minimal prejudice to the NFL here. If we’re wrong, they can bring it up at any time.

If we can’t prove our claims, if we rely on…


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Court (inaudible)

PJC …Collective Bargaining Agreement, they can bring it up any time.

Court (inaudible) the prejudice is not a consideration in making this decision.

PJC I think justice should always be a consideration.

Court Why, I understand justice but all we’re trying to do is look at what the law is and

apply it. The prejudice, I appreciate your argument but I didn’t find anything that

suggests that ought to be something I ought to be looking at in determining


PJC Your Honor, we therefore pray that you reverse the District Court in whole or in part

and grant us discovery, the ten appellants and the 1,300 other former players who are

signed up for the punitive class have a right to know who did this to them. Thank you

very much.

Court Thank you. The cases argued will stand submitted.


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1 ALLEN RUBY (SBN 47109) [email protected] 2 JACK P. DICANIO (SBN 138782) [email protected] 3 PATRICK HAMMON (SBN 255047) [email protected] 4 SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP 525 University Avenue, Suite 1400 5 Palo Alto, CA 94301 Telephone: (650) 470-4500 6 Facsimile: (650) 470-4570

7 KAREN HOFFMAN LENT (pro hac vice) [email protected] 8 SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP Four Times Square 9 New York, NY 10036 10 Telephone: (212) 735-3000 Facsimile: (212) 735-2000 11 DANIEL L. NASH (pro hac vice) 12 [email protected] AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD LLP 13 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. 14 Washington, D.C. 20036 Telephone: (202) 887-4000 15 Facsimile: (202) 887-4288



25 Defendant. Date: March 21, 2019 Time: 8:00 a.m. 26 Courtroom: 12 (19th Floor) Judge: Honorable William Alsup 27



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2 Page 3 PRELIMINARY STATEMENT ...... 1 4 ARGUMENT ...... 2 5 I. PLAINTIFFS HAVE NOT ADEQUATELY PLED A CLAIM FOR NEGLIGENCE ...... 2 6 A. The NFL Accurately Characterized Plaintiffs’ Complaint and the 7 Ninth Circuit’s Opinion ...... 2

8 B. Plaintiffs Failed to Establish That the NFL Owes a Duty to Plaintiffs ...... 4

9 1. Plaintiffs Have Not Plausibly Alleged That the NFL Distributed or Administered Any Medications ...... 5 10 2. Plaintiffs Cannot Establish That the NFL Voluntarily 11 Assumed a Duty ...... 7

12 3. Plaintiffs Cannot Establish a Duty Based on a Special Relationship ...... 8 13 C. Plaintiffs Failed to Plausibly Allege Breach of Any Duty ...... 9 14 D. Plaintiffs Failed to Plausibly Allege Proximate Causation ...... 10 15 II. THE TAC REVEALS THAT PLAINTIFFS’ ACTION IS TIME BARRED ...... 12 16 A. Plaintiffs’ Claims Accrued Before May 20, 2012 ...... 12 17 B. Plaintiffs Have Not Adequately Alleged They Could Not Have 18 Reasonably Discovered Facts Supporting the Cause of Action Until After May 20, 2012 ...... 14 19 CONCLUSION ...... 15 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27


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2 Page


4 April Enterprises, Inc. v. KTTV, 147 Cal. App. 3d 805 (1983) ...... 13 5 Artiglio v. Corning, 6 18 Cal. 4th 604 (1998) ...... 7

7 Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662 (2009) ...... 10 8 Baker v. City of Los Angeles, 9 188 Cal. App. 3d 902 (1986) ...... 7

10 Dent v. National Football League, 902 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2018) ...... passim 11 Doe v. U.S. Youth Soccer Ass’n, 12 8 Cal. App. 5th 1118 (2017) ...... 8

13 Evans v. Football Club, LLC, 252 F. Supp. 3d. 855 (N.D. Cal. 2017) ...... 11 14 Fox v. Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc., 15 35 Cal. 4th 797 (2005) ...... 15

16 Frenken v. Hunter, No. 17-CV-02667-HSG, 2018 WL 1964893 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 26, 2018) ...... 8 17 Gryczman v. 4550 Pico Partners, Ltd., 18 107 Cal. App. 4th 1 (2003) ...... 13

19 Gutierrez v. Mofid, 39 Cal. 3d 892 (1985) ...... 15 20 Hill v. Opus Corp., 21 841 F. Supp. 2d 1070 (C.D. Cal. 2011) ...... 10

22 Hutchins v. Nationstar Mortg. LLC, No. 16-CV-07067-PJH, 2017 WL 4224720 (N.D. Cal. Sept. 22, 2017) ...... 3 23 Jackson v. AEG Live, LLC, 24 233 Cal. App. 4th 1156 (2015) ...... 4, 7

25 Knapp v. Knapp, 15 Cal. 2d 237 (1940) ...... 15 26 Martine v. Heavenly Valley Ltd. Partnership, 27 27 Cal. App. 5th 715 (2018) ...... 9

28 Mayall ex rel. H.C. v. USA Water Polo, Inc., 909 F.3d 1055 (9th Cir. 2018) ...... 8 iii DEFENDANT’S REPLY ISO ITS MOTION TO DISMISS Case No.: 3:14-CV-02324-WHA (97 of 340) Case:Case 19-16017,3:14-cv-02324-WHA 08/22/2019, Document ID: 11407366, 127 DktEntry: Filed 02/14/19 12-2, Page Page 51 4 ofof 29421

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1 Nodine v. Shiley Inc., 240 F. 3d 1149 (9th Cir. 2001) ...... 13 2 Norgart v. Upjohn Co., 3 21 Cal. 4th 383 (1999) ...... 12, 13

4 Pooshs v. Philip Morris USA, Inc., 51 Cal. 4th 788 (2011) ...... 14 5 Regents of the University of California v. Superior Court, 6 4 Cal. 5th 607 (2018) ...... 8-9

7 Rotolo v. San Jose Sports & Entertainment, LLC, 151 Cal. App. 4th 307 (2007) ...... 7 8 Sanchez v. South Hoover Hospital, 9 18 Cal. 3d 93 (1976) ...... 15

10 Sosunova v. Regents of University of California, 11 Cal. Rptr. 2d 130 (1992) ...... 15 11 State Department of State Hospitals v. Superior Court, 12 61 Cal. 4th 339 (2015) ...... 10

13 Sun v. Wells Fargo Bank, National Ass’n, No. 14-CV-00063-WHA, 2014 WL 2142525 (N.D. Cal. May 22, 2014) ...... 4 14 Ward v. Westinghouse Canada, Inc., 15 32 F.3d 1405 (9th Cir. 1994) ...... 13


17 21 C.F.R. § 1301.11(a) (2018) ...... 6 18 21 U.S.C. § 331 ...... 7 19 21 U.S.C. § 802 ...... 5, 6

20 21 U.S.C. § 841 ...... 5, 6 21 22


24 25 26 27


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2 To avoid preemption, Plaintiffs represented to the Ninth Circuit they could prove their 3 negligence claim in a straightforward way that did not require interpretation of a Collective 4 Bargaining Agreement (“CBA”). All a court would need to do to find the NFL negligent, Plaintiffs 5 wrote, is “contrast the conduct at issue with the corresponding statutes to determine whether in fact 6 the NFL violated the foregoing statutory regimes.” (Appellants’ Opening Brief (“App. Br.”) 19.) 7 Accepting that argument, the Court of Appeals remanded with clear instructions about what 8 Plaintiffs had to do and—as important—what they could not do on remand: Plaintiffs must show

9 “that the relevant statutes apply to the NFL, the NFL violated those statutes, and the alleged

10 violations caused the players’ injuries.” Dent v. Nat’l Football League, 902 F.3d 1109, 1121 (9th 11 Cir. 2018). The Ninth Circuit was also clear that Plaintiffs should not “conflate the NFL and the 12 teams,” and should limit remand proceedings “to claims arising from the conduct of the NFL and 13 NFL personnel—not the conduct of individual teams’ employees.” Id. 14 Plaintiffs have not delivered. After filing four separate iterations of their complaint, having 15 access to significant amounts of discovery from the Evans litigation, and arguing these issues

16 before the Ninth Circuit and in response to three dispositive motions, Plaintiffs still have not 17 articulated a coherent, let alone adequate, theory of liability. In their Opposition (“Opp’n.”), 18 Plaintiffs no longer argue that the statutes even apply to the NFL—let alone that the NFL violated 19 them. Gone is the assertion that the NFL ever directly distributed (or handled, or administered, or 20 even possessed) any medications; instead, Plaintiffs’ latest assertion is that the NFL merely 21 “involved itself” in such matters. And the only allegations Plaintiffs muster regarding the NFL’s 22 affirmative conduct are a handful of examples in which the NFL supported the Clubs’ compliance

23 with the drug laws. After years of litigation in which Plaintiffs have accused the NFL of purported 24 statutory violations, the Opposition’s silence about those statutes is telling. 25 Instead, Plaintiffs have changed tack. They now argue that the NFL’s “fundamental” act of 26 negligence was fostering a “Return to Play Business Plan” that involved overprescribing 27 medications, while failing to prevent “Club doctors and trainers” from “violat[ing] drug laws and 28 regulations regarding controlled substances.” (Opp’n. 2.) But that is the same theory that this

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1 Court held preempted in 2014 and that Plaintiffs subsequently disclaimed on appeal. After

2 successfully persuading the Ninth Circuit that this was not their theory, Plaintiffs should not be 3 permitted to bait-and-switch their way into a different negligence claim on remand. 4 Because Plaintiffs failed to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, and because their 5 claims are time-barred, the Court should dismiss their complaint with prejudice.


7 I. PLAINTIFFS HAVE NOT ADEQUATELY PLED A CLAIM FOR NEGLIGENCE 8 A. The NFL Accurately Characterized Plaintiffs’ Complaint and the Ninth Circuit’s Opinion 9 The NFL’s Motion to Dismiss (“Motion” or “Mot.”) demonstrated that Plaintiffs failed to 10 plead facts showing (1) that the NFL “distributed” medications; (2) that the Controlled Substances 11 Act (“CSA”), Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”), or state statutes on which Plaintiffs rely 12 apply to the NFL; or (3) that the NFL breached any statutory obligation. Rather than take those 13 arguments head-on, however, Plaintiffs argue that “the fundamental factual underpinning of their 14 claim” is not actually the NFL’s violation of those statutes, but rather that “Club doctors and 15 trainers would not have violated” those statutes (Opp’n. 2) absent an NFL-driven “Return to Play 16 Business Plan” (“Business Plan”). The NFL’s true breach of duty, they argue, was its “failure to 17 act” in the face of those violations: “NFL personnel knew that the drug program it voluntarily 18 created to monitor the handling and distribution of controlled substances was failing and yet the 19 NFL took no action.” (Opp’n. 13 (“Failure to act is the very definition of a breach of a duty.”).) 20 That theory is the same one that this Court found preempted—and that Plaintiffs later 21 disclaimed on appeal in order to obtain reversal. In 2014, this Court characterized Plaintiffs’ 22 theory as a failure to act: “[T]he clubs violated the federal statutes (allegedly) and the league was 23 negligent (allegedly) in failing to detect and right it.” (Dkt. No. 106 at 18.) On appeal, however, 24 Plaintiffs attacked that characterization as “reversible error”—a “fundamental misperception” and 25 “misunderstanding of the complaint [that] infected every aspect of [this Court’s] analysis and 26 eventual conclusion.” (App. Br. 8, 14.) Instead, the “primary duty at issue” in this case, they 27 argued, “was that the NFL must abide by federal and state law.” (Appellants’ Reply (“App. Rep.”) 28 5.) Plaintiffs emphasized that their “claims do not require the court to weigh whether the NFL’s 2 DEFENDANT’S REPLY ISO ITS MOTION TO DISMISS Case No.: 3:14-CV-02324-WHA (100 of 340) Case:Case 19-16017,3:14-cv-02324-WHA 08/22/2019, Document ID: 11407366, 127 DktEntry: Filed 02/14/19 12-2, Page Page 54 7 ofof 29421

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1 actions were reasonable—what is ‘reasonable’ is required by the statute.” (App. Br. 31.) Rather, a

2 court need simply “contrast the NFL’s actions with its statutory obligations to determine whether it 3 violated its duty.” (App. Rep. 2; see also App. Br. 25 (similar).) 4 The Ninth Circuit took Plaintiffs at their word, reversing this Court’s preemption holding in 5 specific reliance on Plaintiffs’ allegations of statutory violations by the NFL: “[H]ere, a court 6 would have no need to consult the CBAs to resolve the plaintiffs’ negligence claim” because 7 “[i]nstead, it would compare the NFL’s conduct with the requirements of state and federal laws 8 governing the distribution of prescription drugs.” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1120. Yet on remand,

9 Plaintiffs have not even tried to explain how the statutes might apply to the NFL or which

10 provisions the NFL allegedly violated. (See Mot. 8-10.) 11 Plaintiffs’ only explanation for this shift is that they were not required to plead the elements 12 of negligence per se. (See Opp’n. 11-12 (“As an initial matter, Plaintiffs pled . . . negligence only 13 . . . [and] need not plead negligence per se elements”).) But that misses the point entirely. Having 14 repeatedly and explicitly tying the success of their claims to the NFL’s failure to follow the law— 15 and having obtained reversal on that basis—Plaintiffs cannot now claim that, all along, they merely

16 pled those statutory violations simply to preserve their “ability to simplify the proof they must 17 present relating to certain elements of their negligence claim.” (Opp’n. 14-15.)1 18 Plaintiffs are now mischaracterizing their own complaint in a fruitless attempt to save it. 19 Their assertion that they pleaded a “straight” negligence claim is belied by a simple review of the 20 negligence count itself. Nearly every paragraph of that count asserts (in vague and boilerplate 21 terms) the NFL’s supposed “violation” of the CSA, the FDCA, or state law. (See, e.g., TAC ¶ 299; 22 id. ¶ 300; id. ¶ 310.) In fact, most of the count—including the entirety of its first six paragraphs— 23 24

25 1 Of course, if Plaintiffs were not relying on negligence per se, their claim should still be dismissed because they have no plausible allegations in support of their assertion that the NFL 26 breached any other standard of care. See Hutchins v. Nationstar Mortg. LLC, No. 16-CV-07067- PJH, 2017 WL 4224720, at *15 (N.D. Cal. Sept. 22, 2017) (dismissing negligence claim because 27 plaintiff’s complaint did not allege any facts demonstrating, among other things, breach since the “allegations discernable from the [complaint] at most relate[d] to purported statutory . . . violations 28 that [had become] moot,” rather than specific facts evidencing the breach of a duty).

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1 is simply cut-and-pasted from the claim labeled “negligence per se” from their last complaint.

2 (Compare TAC ¶¶ 299-310, with SAC ¶¶ 371-380.) 3 Nor can Plaintiffs salvage their complaint by attempting to blur the line between the NFL 4 and the Clubs. Plaintiffs now argue, for the first time, that a supposedly “complicated” NFL-Club 5 relationship cannot be clarified “without discovery.” (See Opp’n. 4-6.) That transparent attempt to 6 muddy the waters is misconceived. It is inconsistent with the Ninth Circuit’s clear admonition to 7 not “conflate the NFL and the teams,” and to limit remand proceedings “to claims arising from the 8 conduct of the NFL and NFL personnel—not the conduct of individual teams’ employees.” Dent,

9 902 F.3d at 1121. And it fails on its own terms: The TAC begins by stating “[t]he allegations

10 herein are supported by hundreds, if not thousands, of documents that have been produced, and by 11 testimony provided from” various NFL and Club witnesses. (TAC ¶ 1.) More discovery will not 12 help Plaintiffs with a “puzzle” (Opp’n. 4) that is already solved.

13 B. Plaintiffs Failed to Establish That the NFL Owes a Duty to Plaintiffs 14 Contrary to their assertions, Plaintiffs must plead sufficient facts to establish that the NFL 15 owes them a duty of care. “[T]he existence of a legal duty in a given factual situation is a question

16 of law for the courts to determine.” Jackson v. AEG Live, LLC, 233 Cal. App. 4th 1156, 1173 17 (2015). Simply “alleg[ing]” such a duty is insufficient to survive a motion to dismiss. (Opp’n. 8); 18 see, e.g., Sun v. Wells Fargo Bank, Nat’l Ass’n, No. 14-CV-00063-WHA, 2014 WL 2142525, at *1 19 (N.D. Cal. May 22, 2014) (Alsup, J.). 20 Although Plaintiffs suggest that the Ninth Circuit already “recognized” (Opp’n. 1) that the 21 NFL owes them a duty, they eventually concede (as they must) that the NFL owes a duty only if 22 one “assum[es]” that “the NFL engaged in the handling, distribution and administration of

23 Medications.” (Opp’n. 8); see Dent, 902 F.3d at 1119 (NFL owes a duty of care only “to the extent 24 the NFL is involved in the distribution of controlled substances”). Unable to meet that standard, 25 Plaintiffs now assert that “they have identified” for the first time not one, but two other “common

26 law duties owed by the NFL to Plaintiffs.” (Opp’n. 12.) Each theory fails. 27


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1 1. Plaintiffs Have Not Plausibly Alleged That the NFL Distributed or Administered Any Medications 2 The Ninth Circuit was specific and direct: To proceed on a “negligence claim . . . will 3 require the players to establish that the relevant statutes apply to the NFL, [and] the NFL violated 4 those statutes….” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1121. Moreover, Plaintiffs could only establish these 5 elements based on the “conduct of the NFL and NFL personnel—not the conduct of individual 6 teams’ employees.” Id. 7 As shown in the NFL’s Motion, Plaintiffs fail to plausibly allege that the NFL owes a duty 8 under the Ninth Circuit’s clear test because they cannot allege that any NFL employee, as opposed 9 to Club doctors and trainers, ever “distributed,” “administered,” or “handled” any medications. 10 (Mot. 6-8.)2 Plaintiffs respond, not by pointing to any such allegations, but rather by insisting that 11 they need not allege “that the NFL or its personnel physically handed Plaintiffs the Medications.” 12 (Opp’n. 6.) 13 The Ninth Circuit’s opinion, however, says otherwise: “[A]s we read the complaint, the 14 plaintiffs are not merely alleging that the NFL failed to prevent medication abuse by the teams, but 15 that the NFL itself illegally distributed controlled substances, and therefore its actions directly 16 injured players.” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1118. 17 This is not mere semantics. It matters whether the NFL or someone else actually 18 distributed the medications; the answer to that question determines who is subject to the CSA and 19 other laws that Plaintiffs cite—as Plaintiffs themselves acknowledged on appeal. (See App. Rep. 20 17-18 (“Determining whether the NFL could be liable under federal and state drug laws likely 21 turns on whether it, inter alia, distributed Medications in a manner that makes it subject to those 22 statutes.”).) For example, the CSA prohibits the “manufacture, distribut[ion], or dispens[ing]” of 23 controlled substances. 21 U.S.C. § 841(a). And for purposes of the statute, “distribution” and 24 “administration” have defined meanings. “The term ‘administer’ refers to the direct application of 25 a controlled substance to the body of a patient or research subject by” the practitioner or his patient. 26 27 2 For all their statements about “NFL doctors and trainers,” Plaintiffs still have not identified the 28 name of a single “NFL doctor” or “NFL trainer” who allegedly prescribed medicine unlawfully.

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1 21 U.S.C. § 802(2). “The term ‘distribute’ means to deliver (other than by administering or

2 dispensing) a controlled substance or a listed chemical.” Id. § 802(11). Thus, to be subject to the 3 CSA, an individual or entity must, at a minimum, possess the medications that are to be distributed 4 or administered.3 Plaintiffs’ theory of liability therefore falls apart because the NFL itself is not 5 alleged to have “distributed” or “administered” medications and is therefore not subject to the laws 6 in question. (See Mot. 8-10.) 7 The only specific allegations Plaintiffs can muster about NFL conduct relate to the ways 8 that Clubs distributed medications to their patients. “[R]equir[ing] reports from teams on the

9 volume of drugs they were distributing to their players” (Opp’n. 3), attempting to “mandate that

10 every Club use drug tracking software” (id. at 4), “approv[ing] Club financial arrangements with 11 doctors and medical groups” (id. at 3), and “sponsor[ing] League-wide studies on the effects of 12 certain Medications” (id. at 4), for example, do not constitute “distribution” or “administration” of 13 medications within the CSA’s definition of these terms. See 21 U.S.C. §§ 802(2), (11). And even 14 crediting those allegations, they are a far cry from what Plaintiffs promised the Ninth Circuit—i.e., 15 “that the NFL violated the Drug Control Act, Food and Drug Act, and corresponding state statutes

16 with regard to the manner in which it (not the Clubs) obtained and administered Medications.”

17 (App. Br. 19 (emphasis added).) 18 Having retreated from their claims that it was the NFL that had obtained and administered 19 medications, Plaintiffs seek shelter in the Ninth Circuit’s reference to whether the NFL had “any 20 role” in distributing or administering the medications. Dent, 902 F.3d at 1121. That does not cure 21 the TAC’s deficiencies because, regardless of whether “there may have been others involved,” 22 Plaintiffs still must show that “the NFL directly participated in the handling, distribution and

23 administration of the medications.” (Opp’n. 2 (emphasis added)); see, e.g., 21 C.F.R. § 1301.11(a) 24 (2018). Absent a plausible allegation that the NFL itself “manufacture[d], distribute[d], or 25 26 3 Although plaintiffs refer to the “handling” of controlled substances (see Opp. at 2-3, 8, 14), the 27 CSA does not actually use the term in its list of prohibited acts. See 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1). However, to the extent that “handling” is relevant, it presupposes that the NFL must have actually 28 possessed the medications at some point as well.

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1 dispense[d]” controlled substances in violation of the statute, it owed no duty as a matter of law.4

2 2. Plaintiffs Cannot Establish That the NFL Voluntarily Assumed a Duty 3 Implicitly acknowledging the absence of any allegation that the NFL had itself distributed 4 any medications in violation of the law, Plaintiffs argue that the NFL voluntarily assumed a duty to 5 ensure that the Clubs did not do so. (Opp’n. 9; see TAC ¶ 305.) This too is inconsistent with 6 Plaintiffs’ position before the Ninth Circuit. After the NFL argued that any claim that the NFL 7 “voluntarily assume[d]” a duty to the players would be preempted under Supreme Court precedent 8 (Appellee Br. 26), Plaintiffs rejected that characterization of their theory:

9 By reframing the claims in this manner, the NFL seeks to implicate common law duties and rights that some courts have deemed preempted. But the primary duty at issue . . . was that 10 the NFL must abide by federal and state law regulating, inter alia, the dispensation of 11 Medications. (App. Rep. 5.) The Ninth Circuit expressly permitted Plaintiffs to proceed on the basis of that 12 statutory duty to obey the law—not because the NFL assumed a duty. See Dent, 902 F.3d at 1121. 13 In any event, Plaintiffs have not pled facts sufficient to support their “assumed duty” 14 theory. “The duty of a ‘good Samaritan’ is limited.” Baker v. City of Los Angeles, 188 Cal. App. 15 3d 902, 907 (1986). First, a defendant must have “specifically” undertaken to perform the task that 16 he is charged with having performed negligently. Artiglio v. Corning, 18 Cal. 4th 604, 614 (1998). 17 Second, a defendant’s undertaking will support the finding of a duty to another only if (a) the 18 defendant’s action “increases the risk of harm to another person, or (b) the other person reasonably 19 relies upon the volunteer’s undertaking and suffers injury as a result.” Jackson, 233 Cal. App. 4th 20 at 1175 (citation omitted). In general, the negligent undertaking doctrine is “not favored in the 21 law.” Rotolo v. San Jose Sports & Entm’t, LLC, 151 Cal. App. 4th 307, 336 (2007). 22 Plaintiffs have not alleged facts that, if proved, would establish: (1) the tasks that the NFL 23 has “specifically” undertaken regarding Plaintiffs’ medical care; (2) the duty that arose from the 24 NFL’s specific undertakings; (3) how the NFL performed those tasks negligently; (4) how the 25 26 4 Plaintiffs make no effort to explain how the “NFL and NFL personnel—not … individual team[] 27 employees,” engaged in conduct that violated the FDCA or state pharmacy laws. Dent, 902 F.3d at 1121; (Mot. at 9-10); see also, e.g., 21 U.S.C. § 331 (the FDCA’s prohibition of misbranding or 28 adulterating covered medications or their manufacture, introduction, or delivery).

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1 NFL’s actions increased the risk of harm to Plaintiffs; or (5) how any Plaintiff reasonably and

2 detrimentally relied upon the NFL’s undertaking of the those undefined tasks.5 In fact, Plaintiffs 3 contend the opposite, insisting that the NFL failed to undertake any aid or services, i.e., that “the 4 League did nothing” to protect the players. (TAC ¶ 214 (emphasis added); see Opp’n. 13 (“[T]he 5 NFL took no action.”); TAC ¶¶ 213-229); see also Doe v. U.S. Youth Soccer Ass’n, 8 Cal. App. 5th 6 1118, 1128-29 (2017) (general rule is that there is “no duty to act to protect others from the 7 conduct of third parties”) (citation omitted). As this Court has explained, “no decision in any state 8 (including California) has ever held that a professional sports league owed such a duty to intervene

9 and stop mistreatment by the league’s independent clubs.” (Dkt. No. 106 at 6.)6 Plaintiffs offer no 10 basis in their Complaint for imposing one here.

11 3. Plaintiffs Cannot Establish a Duty Based on a Special Relationship 12 In their Opposition, Plaintiffs also for the first time allege that the NFL owes a duty based 13 on a “special relationship” with the players. Because that argument does not appear in the TAC (or 14 either of their other lengthy complaints), it may be rejected for that reason alone. See, e.g., 15 Frenken v. Hunter, No. 17-CV-02667-HSG, 2018 WL 1964893, at *3 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 26, 2018).

16 In any event, this theory, which applies only in rare circumstances, could not apply here. 17 As Plaintiffs’ own authority recognizes, the theory applies to particularly “vulnerable” populations, 18 such as students in the “collegiate environment,” which “is unlike any other” in that students “are 19 dependent on their college communities to provide structure, guidance, and a safe learning 20

21 5 Plaintiffs’ Opposition does not dispute that by citing to various studies, publications, task forces, and recommended “best practices” regarding the dispensing of medications to players, Plaintiffs 22 cannot establish that the NFL “voluntarily” assumed a duty to comply with federal and state law regarding the distribution, handling, and administration of medications. (Mot. 7-8.) And as the 23 NFL’s Motion demonstrated, none of Plaintiffs’ remaining allegations purportedly triggering an assumed duty involved individuals employed by the NFL. (Id.) Plaintiffs also fail to plausibly 24 allege that they detrimentally relied on any action taken by the NFL. 25 6 Mayall ex rel. H.C. v. USA Water Polo, Inc., 909 F.3d 1055 (9th Cir. 2018) is inapposite, as it does not involve a professional sports league or its relationship to independent clubs. Instead, 26 Mayall allowed a negligence claim to proceed based on an allegation that the organization “undertook a specific responsibility to establish and enforce rules to ensure the safety of athletes in 27 its youth water polo league.” Id. at 1067. Given the comprehensive CBA governing the Clubs and players regarding player safety and medical care, any similar claim in this case would be 28 preempted under Section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act.

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1 environment.” Regents of the Univ. of Cal. v. Superior Court, 4 Cal. 5th 607, 624-25, 668 (2018).7

2 When it comes to medical care, NFL players cannot be considered specially “vulnerable” or reliant 3 on the NFL “for protection,” considering that they enjoy a bevy of collectively bargained rights 4 over their medical care—including the guaranteed right to seek a second medical opinion.8 5 Plaintiffs offer no authority indicating that the NFL—or any professional sports league—should be 6 deemed to have such a “special relationship” with the professional athletes employed by its teams.

7 C. Plaintiffs Failed to Plausibly Allege Breach of Any Duty 8 Plaintiffs also were required to adequately plead breach. Here, the Ninth Circuit found that

9 breach would turn on whether “the NFL violated [the relevant] statutes.” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1121

10 (“a court would have no need to consult the CBAs to resolve the plaintiffs’ negligence claim” 11 because instead it could “compare the NFL’s conduct with the requirements of state and federal 12 laws”); (see also App. Rep. 2 (arguing on appeal that the court would need only to “contrast the 13 NFL’s actions with its statutory obligations to determine whether it violated its duty”). But, as 14 discussed above, Plaintiffs’ Opposition fails to allege how the NFL allegedly violated any of the 15 statutory obligations cited in the TAC. Indeed, their Opposition barely mentions the statutes. After

16 having argued that “if the NFL thinks that it is beyond the purview of these statutes, it should make 17 that argument in a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim” (Appellants’ Reply (“App. Rep.”) 18 17), Plaintiffs’ inability to respond once confronted with that argument speaks volumes. 19 Plaintiffs instead now rest their theory of breach on the allegation that “NFL personnel 20 knew” that the “drug program” was failing “and yet the NFL took no action.” (Opp’n. 13; see id. 21 (“Failure to act is the very definition of a breach of a duty.”).) But once again, that was the theory 22 that this Court found preempted, and that the Ninth Circuit was persuaded to reject: 23 7 See Martine v. Heavenly Valley Ltd. P’ship, 27 Cal. App. 5th 715, 726 (2018) (finding that the 24 case upon which Plaintiffs principally rely (Regents of Univ. of Cal.)“c[ould] not be read to create a special relationship imposing an affirmative duty to warn and protect others of inherent dangers 25 where the plaintiff assumes a risk of injury by intentionally engaging in dangerous activity”). 26 8 See, e.g., Declaration of Dennis L. Curran (Dkt. No. 73), Ex. 11 (2011 CBA) Art. 39 § 4 (ability to seek second opinion); Art. 39 § 5 (ability to have medical care provided at team’s expense by a 27 surgeon of player’s choice); Art. 40 (ability to inspect medical records); Art. 39 §§ 1-2 (right to board-certified doctors and certified trainers, and guarantee that Club physicians will make 28 decisions in best interest of player).

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1 The district court believed that the “essence” of the plaintiffs’ negligence claim “is that the individual clubs mistreated their players and the league was negligent 2 in failing to intervene and stop their alleged mistreatment.” However, as we read 3 the complaint, the plaintiffs are not merely alleging that the NFL failed to prevent medication abuse by the teams, but that the NFL itself illegally distributed 4 controlled substances, and therefore its actions directly injured players. 5 Dent, 902 F.3d at 1118; compare Dkt. No. 106 at 12 (holding negligence claim preempted because 6 “determining the extent to which the NFL was negligent in failing to curb medication abuse by the 7 clubs” would require analysis of CBA). As Plaintiffs’ discussion of their various theories of duty 8 make clear, they are now telling this Court that it was right the first time—that it was not really the

9 NFL’s statutory violations, but instead its “failure to act” in the face of violations by the Clubs, that

10 constituted a breach. That theory is squarely at odds with both the Ninth Circuit’s decision and 11 well-established principles of preemption, and must be rejected. 12 D. Plaintiffs Failed to Plausibly Allege Proximate Causation 13 The NFL’s Motion to Dismiss explained that the alleged link between the NFL’s actions 14 and Plaintiffs’ injuries is entirely conclusory and insufficient to state a claim for negligence or 15 negligence per se. (Mot. 12.) Neither of Plaintiffs’ responses suggests otherwise.

16 First, Plaintiffs argue that causation is a jury question. But “where the facts are such that 17 the only reasonable conclusion is an absence of causation, the question is one of law, not of fact.” 18 State Dep’t of State Hosps. v. Superior Court, 61 Cal. 4th 339, 353 (2015) (citation omitted). And 19 either way, a plaintiff must still plausibly allege proximate cause, by asserting “factual content that 20 allows the court to draw the reasonable inference” that there is “a direct relationship between the 21 injury asserted and the injurious conduct alleged.” Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662, 678 (2009); 22 Hill v. Opus Corp., 841 F. Supp. 2d 1070, 1096 (C.D. Cal. 2011).

23 Second, Plaintiffs offer the ipse dixit assertion that they “have adequately alleged that the 24 NFL, through the maintenance of its Business Plan and its failings associated with the handling, 25 distribution and administration of Medications, caused the injuries at issue.” (Opp’n. 13-14.) The 26 portions of the TAC Plaintiffs cite, however, are just recitations of the injuries that the players 27 suffered at the hands of “team doctors and trainers.” (E.g., TAC ¶ 273.) In fact, the TAC makes

28 clear that, whatever the NFL’s alleged failings, it was the prescribing doctors’ failures to warn

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1 them that allegedly caused their injury. For example, Dent explains that because he “trusted and

2 relied on the NFL’s doctors and trainers,” he “would not have taken the Medications in the manner 3 and amount in which [they] did had the Defendant provided him with the information it was legally

9 4 obligated to provide as discussed herein.” (TAC ¶ 27. ) Plaintiffs’ conclusory reference to these 5 prescribing personnel as the “NFL’s” doctors and trainers does not change the fact that, by 6 Plaintiffs’ own account, they would not have been injured had they simply received better 7 warnings from the Clubs. (See, e.g., TAC ¶¶ 19-25 (alleging injuries were “caused” by “the 8 wrongful administration of Medications” he allegedly received “from” the , San

9 Francisco 49ers, Indianapolis Colts, and Philadelphia Eagles).10 10 As in Evans, nothing in the TAC draws any connection, let alone a causal link, between 11 Plaintiffs’ injuries and the NFL’s alleged actions or omissions. See Evans v. Arizona Cardinals 12 Football Club, LLC, 252 F. Supp. 3d 855, 862-63 (N.D. Cal. 2017) (faulting Plaintiffs for failing to 13 offer a “plausible nexus . . . between their alleged damages and the clubs’ alleged misconduct”). 14 To the contrary, the few allegations specifically about the NFL all assert that the NFL tried to 15 encourage compliance with the law. (See, e.g., Opp’n. 3-4 (noting, as examples of the NFL’s

16 ostensible negligence, that the NFL “mandated that Clubs have locked drug storage areas,” 17 “mandated that Clubs and their doctors register their stadiums and practice facilities,” established

18 safety committees, etc.).) Plaintiffs’ conclusory allegations are insufficient to allege causation.11 19 Plaintiffs also have no answer to the argument that the actions allegedly taken by the NFL 20 have nothing to do with their injuries because those actions occurred decades after most of 21 9 Each Plaintiff makes this identical allegation. (See TAC ¶ 36 (Newberry); ¶ 45 (Green); ¶ 55 22 (Hill); ¶ 64 (Van Horne); ¶ 74 (Stone); ¶ 84 (Pritchard); ¶ 94 (McMahon); ¶ 105 (Wiley).) 23 10 Plaintiffs do not bother to respond to the NFL’s argument that their causation pleading has the same etiology defects as in Evans. (Mot. 12 n.7) 24 11 To avoid the defects in their causation allegations, Plaintiffs argue only that the Ninth Circuit 25 recognized that it was “foreseeable that the NFL’s conduct . . . proximately caused the injuries complained-of here.” (Opp’n. 13.) But that portion of the court’s opinion is inapposite. The Ninth 26 Circuit observed that addictions and long-term health problems “can be established with certainty, and they are closely connected to the misuse of controlled substances,” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1119, in 27 finding that a party would owe a duty of care to the extent that it distributed or administered controlled substances; it had nothing to do with the issue of causation. Id. 28

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1 Plaintiffs’ injuries occurred. For example, Plaintiffs allege that the NFL acted improperly by

2 allowing Club doctors to undertake studies (TAC ¶ 164), attending meetings where Club doctors 3 and trainers were present (TAC ¶ 183), informing Clubs of medication tracking software (TAC ¶ 4 178), meeting with the DEA (TAC ¶¶ 214-15), and setting up a visiting Club liaison program 5 (TAC ¶ 182). Yet the TAC admits that all of these events occurred in the 2010s or late 2000s, at 6 least ten years after lead plaintiff Dent retired. (TAC ¶¶ 18, 183-212.) And it is axiomatic that a 7 plaintiff cannot show that an injury was caused by an act that followed it.


9 A. Plaintiffs’ Claims Accrued Before May 20, 2012 10 Plaintiffs’ Opposition admits that, under California’s “discovery rule,” the limitations 11 period begins to run on a claim when “the plaintiffs have reason to at least suspect that a type of 12 wrongdoing has injured them.” (Mot. 15 (citation omitted); see Opp’n. 16:15-16.) Plaintiffs’ 13 reasonable suspicion need only be about “the ‘generic’ elements of wrongdoing, causation, and 14 harm.” (Mot. 15 (citation omitted).) A plaintiff “need not be aware of the specific ‘facts’ 15 necessary to establish the claim” (id. (citation omitted)), nor must he know its specific legal theory.

16 (See id.); see also Norgart v. Upjohn Co., 21 Cal. 4th 383, 399 (1999). 17 As an initial matter, the TAC demonstrates that Plaintiffs had actual notice of the specific 18 type of wrongdoing that they now allege: that “the Business Plan coerced [them] to return to play 19 far sooner than [they] should have.” (Opp’n. 18; see id. at 2; TAC ¶¶ 17, 19; Mot. 16-17.) 20 Plaintiffs themselves admit that the fundamental elements of this “plan” were publicly known for 21 decades (see, e.g., TAC ¶¶ 1-7), and that they themselves were aware of the manner in which it was 22 implemented—because they knew “that, from at least 1969 through 2008 when they played in the

23 League, controlled substances and medications requiring prescriptions were illegally provided to 24 them and thousands of other players in quantities and at frequencies that shock the conscience” so 25 they would “play through injuries.” (TAC ¶¶ 6-7, 13.)

26 Plaintiffs’ Opposition also fails to dispute the significance of their admission in the TAC 27 that the “doctors they saw after their careers concluded did tell them that some of their ailments 28 might be the result of the amount of Medications they took during their NFL careers.” (TAC ¶ 108

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1 (emphasis added); Mot. 16.) Although Plaintiffs assert that they lacked knowledge that the NFL

2 “was involved in the handling, distribution, and administration of those Medications in a way that 3 breached a duty” (Opp’n. 18), that is not relevant under California law. (See Mot. 15.) It is well- 4 settled that a “plaintiff discovers the cause of action when he at least suspects a factual basis, as 5 opposed to a legal theory, for its elements. . . .” Norgart, 21 Cal. 4th at 397 (emphasis added). 6 Plaintiffs’ alleged ignorance of the NFL’s purported involvement is irrelevant. (See Mot. 15.)12 7 Plaintiffs cannot avoid the limitations period by alleging that they seek to recover for 8 “exacerbated muscular-skeletal injuries.” (Opp’n. 15.) Under California law: 9 where an injury, although slight, is sustained in consequence of the wrongful act of another . . . the statute of limitations attaches at once. It is not material that all the 10 damages resulting from the act shall have been sustained at that time, and the running of the statute is not postponed by the fact that the actual or substantial 11 damages do not occur until a later date.

12 Nodine v. Shiley Inc., 240 F. 3d 1149, 1153 (9th Cir. 2001) (citation omitted). 13 And Plaintiffs cannot cure their time-barred claims by focusing on a single allegation that 14 one plaintiff (Wiley) was “hospitalized and diagnosed with partial renal failure” in “April 2014,” 15 (Opp’n. 15). Moreover, their argument that the injury “did not manifest” until 2014 is unsupported

16 by any allegation of the TAC.13 Wiley’s alleged hospitalization for kidney failure simply reflects a 17 later manifestation of injuries that he had previously sustained allegedly due to the same, allegedly 18 wrongful act—that “the Business Plan coerced [Plaintiffs] to return to play far sooner than he 19 should have . . . .” (Opp’n. 18.) As Wiley alleges, he played through injury because, at the time, 20 he “thought his injury was one the NFL would expect him to play through,” received injections 21 22 12 Plaintiffs’ cited case law is readily distinguishable. See Ward v. Westinghouse Can., Inc., 32 23 F.3d 1405, 1408 (9th Cir. 1994) (genuine issue of fact regarding when the plaintiff should have “suspected that a third party’s wrongdoing caused his pain and injury”); Gryczman v. 4550 Pico 24 Partners, Ltd., 107 Cal. App. 4th 1, 6 (2003) (plaintiff could not have discovered its cause of action because “the failure to give plaintiff notice of the happening of a certain event is both the act 25 causing the injury and the act that cause plaintiff not to discover the injury,” where defendant conveyed real property without notice to the plaintiff, who learned of the wrongful conveyance 26 years later by driving past the property); April Enters., Inc. v. KTTV, 147 Cal. App. 3d 805, 827 (1983) (Parties were “joint venturers, each occupying a fiduciary relation to the other.”). 27 13 Indeed, Wiley does not allege that he lacked actual notice of, or could not have discovered, 28 harm to his kidney before May 20, 2012.

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1 “[t]o do so,” and remained “in pain” after the season. (TAC ¶¶ 100-101; Mot. 17.)14

2 Plaintiffs have not alleged that Wiley’s later-manifested ailment is a “qualitatively 3 different” injury, lacking biological or pathological links to those sustained during his playing 4 days. As such, Wiley’s later-manifested injury does not give rise to a separate cause of action that 5 accrued later in time. Cf. Pooshs v. Philip Morris USA, Inc., 51 Cal. 4th 788, 796, 802 (2011) 6 (parties agreed that “COPD is a separate illness, which does not pre-dispose or lead to lung cancer 7 and that it has nothing medically, biologically, or pathologically to do with lung cancer.”). 8 Throughout their Opposition and TAC, Plaintiffs assert facts establishing that their initial

9 suspicions of wrongdoing—and their knowledge of a supposed relationship between their injuries

10 and the medications they allege the NFL provided to them—occurred before May 20, 2012. The 11 limitations period therefore expired prior to the filing of this lawsuit.

12 B. Plaintiffs Have Not Adequately Alleged They Could Not Have Reasonably Discovered Facts Supporting the Cause of Action Until After May 20, 2012 13 Because Plaintiffs allege that they had a suspicion of some purported wrongdoing before 14 May 20, 2012, they were obligated to plead facts alleging that once they suspected some 15 wrongdoing, they “conduct[ed] a reasonable investigation of all potential causes of that injury.” 16 (Mot. 15 (alteration in original) (citation omitted).) Neither Plaintiffs’ Opposition nor the TAC 17 identify any such facts. 18 Plaintiffs argue that their lack of diligence was excused because they “trusted” their doctors 19 and “were allowed to relax their guard.” (Opp’n. 21-22.) This theory lacks support in California 20 law or the TAC. The cases Plaintiffs cite involve situations where the plaintiffs had a special 21 relationship of trust with a third party that made an affirmative misrepresentation, which tolled the 22


24 14 Though Plaintiffs’ Opposition relies only on the allegations about Wiley’s diagnosis of partial renal failure in 2014, other Plaintiffs allege that they continued to experience effects of their 25 injuries after retirement. See, e.g., TAC ¶ 286 (alleging that Newberry learned of “decreasing kidney function . . . one night after retiring” (emphasis added)); ¶ 278 (“After leaving the NFL,” 26 Hill took Prednisone and thereafter “developed an abscess in his lung;” Hill experiences “atrial fibrillation,” “blood clots,” and “suffers regularly from muscular-skeletal pain” (emphasis added)); 27 ¶ 279 (alleging that “since retiring, Keith Van Horne has had two cardiac ablations” (emphasis added)). These allegations are similarly immaterial to the statute of limitations analysis in light of 28 Plaintiffs’ allegations of earlier notice of injury and wrongdoing.

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1 statute of limitations.15 The TAC neither adequately alleges a special relationship between the

2 NFL and Plaintiffs (nor could it (see supra Section I.B.3.)); nor that the NFL made affirmative 3 representations that Plaintiffs relied upon in delaying their lawsuit. 4 Plaintiffs also argue that they did inquire into the causes of their injuries and were told that 5 “Medications” were not the cause. (See Opp’n. 20 (“[T]he trusted doctors and trainers from whom 6 they sought such knowledge told them nothing was wrong.); id. at 22 (“Plaintiffs asked their NFL 7 doctors and trainers whether there were any issues with the Medications and were told ‘no.’”).) 8 But these assertions are not supported by allegations in the TAC.16

9 Ultimately, Plaintiffs rest their entire theory of diligence on a single, bare allegation that

10 they “exercised reasonable diligence to try to discover the facts at issue,” but “no doctor or trainer” 11 ever told them “about the side effects of the Medications they were being given, the dangers of 12 ‘cocktailing’” or “‘of the League’s involvement in the recordkeeping, handling, and distribution of 13 the Medications.’” (Mot. 18 (citing TAC ¶ 108).) But Plaintiffs never allege they asked their 14 doctors about the potential dangers of the medications. (Id.) Their attempt to shift the burden of 15 their duty to investigate to third parties fails as a matter of law. See Fox v. Ethicon Endo-Surgery,

16 Inc., 35 Cal. 4th 797, 809 (2005).

17 CONCLUSION 18 For the reasons discussed above and in the NFL’s Motion, the TAC—which was supposed 19 to be Plaintiffs’ “best and final” pleading (Dkt. No. 117 at 2)—should be dismissed with prejudice. 20 21 15 See Gutierrez v. Mofid, 39 Cal. 3d 892, 899 (1985) (where “harm caused by medical 22 malpractice is not immediately apparent” and the patient “may not suspect he has been wronged . . . he may reasonably rely upon his negligent physician’s soothing disclaimers.” 23 (emphasis added)); Sanchez v. S. Hoover Hosp., 18 Cal. 3d 93, 101-02 (1976) (applying “‘inquiry’ rule” to medical malpractice claim and noting that “the patient is fully entitled to rely upon the 24 physician’s professional skill and judgment while under his care” (emphasis added)); Knapp v. Knapp, 15 Cal. 2d 237, 242 (1940) (where respondents were trustees for benefit of appellant, 25 “appellant was entitled to rely upon their report to him without making any independent investigation” (emphasis added)). 26 16 Plaintiffs’ reliance on an unpublished California case, Sosunova v. Regents of Univ. of Cal., 11 27 Cal. Rptr. 2d 130 (1992) (Opp’n. 20), is therefore misplaced. See Sosunova, 11 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 133 (where a plaintiff’s doctor “assured her that her injury did not occur at the clinic . . . the effect 28 of these statements [was] a question of fact upon which reasonable minds could differ”).

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1 Dated: February 14, 2019 SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP 2 By: /s/ Jack P. DiCanio 3 Jack P. DiCanio 4 Attorneys for Defendant NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE 5

6 7 8


10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27


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2 I hereby certify that on February 14, 2019, I electronically filed the foregoing document 3 with the Clerk of the Court using the CM/ECF system, which will send a notice of electronic filing 4 to counsel of record for Plaintiffs and which constitutes service under Civil L.R. 5-1(h)(1). 5

6 Dated: February 14, 2019 /s/ Jack P. DiCanio Jack P. DiCanio 7 Attorney for Defendant 8 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE



11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27


CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Case No.: 3:14-CV-02324-WHA (115 of 340) Case:Case 19-16017,3:14-cv-02324-WHA 08/22/2019, Document ID: 11407366, 125 DktEntry: Filed 02/05/19 12-2, Page Page 69 1 ofof 29429

ER 66 1 William N. Sinclair (SBN 222502) ([email protected]) 2 Steven D. Silverman (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) 3 Andrew G. Slutkin (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) 4 Stephen G. Grygiel (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) 5 Joseph F. Murphy, Jr. (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) 6 Phillip J. Closius (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) 7 SILVERMAN|THOMPSON|SLUTKIN|WHITE|LLC 201 N. Charles St., Suite 2600 8 Baltimore, MD 21201 Telephone: (410) 385-2225 9 Facsimile: (410) 547-2432

1 10 Thomas J. Byrne (SBN 179984) Stuart A. Davidson (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) ([email protected]) [email protected] Mel T. Owens (SBN 226146) Mark J. Dearman (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) 11 ([email protected]) [email protected] NAMANNY BYRNE & OWENS, P.C. ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP 12 2 South Pointe Drive, Suite 245 120 E. Palmetto Park Road, Suite 500 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 13 Telephone: (949) 452-0700 Tel: (561) 750-3000 Facsimile: (949) 452-0707 Fax: (561) 750-3364 14 Attorneys for Plaintiffs Richard Dent, et al. 15 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 16 NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION 17 RICHARD DENT, et al. ) CASE NO. 3:14-CV-02324 WHA 18 ) Plaintiffs, ) PLAINTIFFS’ OPPOSITION TO 19 ) DEFENDANT’S MOTION TO DISMISS v. ) THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT 20 ) NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE, a New ) 21 York unincorporated association, ) Date: March 7, 2019 ) Time: 8:00 a.m. 22 Defendant. ) Courtroom: 12, 19th Floor ) Judge: Hon. William Alsup 23 1 Mr. Byrne passed away unexpectedly on January 6, 2019. 24

25 Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss Plaintiff’s TAC Case No. 3:14-CV-02324 WHA

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4 ARGUMENT ...... 2

5 I. DEFENDANT MISCHARACTERIZES THE ALLEGATIONS IN THE THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT ...... 2 6 A. The Return to Play is the Basis for Plaintiffs’ Negligence Claim ...... 2 7 B. For Decades, the NFL Directly Administered, and Maintained the 8 Business Plan, Which was Predicated on the Illegal Distribution of Medications ...... 3 9 C. Defendant Misinterprets the Ninth Circuit’s Opinion ...... 6 10 II. THE THIRD AMENDED COMPALINT ADEQUATELY PLEADS NEGLIGENCE ...... 7 11

A. The NFL Owed a Duty of Care to Plaintiffs ...... 8 12

1. The NFL Failed to Exercise Reasonable Care in the Handling, 13 Distribution, and Administration of Controlled Substances ...... 8

14 2. The NFL Assumed a Duty When it Voluntarily Involved Itself in the Distribution of Medications Decades Ago ...... 9 15 3. The NFL Owed Plaintiffs a Duty Because They Were in a 16 “Special Relationship” ...... 10

17 B. Plaintiffs Have Otherwise Adequately Pled Their Claims ...... 11


19 CONCLUSION ...... 23






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3 Andrews v. Wells, 204 Cal.App.3d 533 (1988) ...... 14 4 April Enters., Inc. v. KTTV, 5 147 Cal.Ap.3d 805 (1983) ...... 19

6 Baldwin v. Zoradi, 123 Cal.App.3d 275 (1981) ...... 10 7 Beaver v. Tarsadia Hotels, 8 29 F.Supp.3d 1294 (S.D. Cal. 2014) ...... 13

9 Bibeau v. Pac. Nw. Research Found. Inc., 188 F.3d 1105 (9th Cir. 1999) ...... 17 10 Clarke v. Hoek, 174 Cal.App.3d 208 (1985) ...... 14 11

Coppola v. Smith, 12 935 F.Supp.2d 993 (E.D. Cal. 2013) ...... 7

13 Curtis v. Q. R. S Neon Corp., 147 Cal.App.2d 186 (1956) ...... 13 14 Dent v. NFL, 15 902 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2018) ...... passim

16 Desaigoudar v. Meyercord, 223 F.3d 1020 (9th Cir. 2000) ...... 17 17 E-Fab, Inc. v. Accountant, Inc. Services, 18 153 Cal.App.4th 1308 (2007) ...... 17

19 Fox v. Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc., 35 Cal.4th 797 (2005) ...... 16, 17 20 Garcia v. Superior Ct., 21 50 Cal.3d 728 (1990) ...... 21

22 Garman v. Magic Chef, Inc., 117 Cal.App.3d 634 (1981) ...... 14 23


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ER 69 1 Giraldo v. Dep’t of Corrs & Rehab., 168 Cal.App.4th 231 (2008) ...... 10 2 Gryczman v. 4550 Pico Partners, Ltd., 3 107 Cal.App.4th 1 (2003) ...... 19

4 Gutierrez v. Mofid, 39 Cal.3d 892 (1985) ...... 22 5 Hatch v. Ford Motor Co., 6 163 Cal.App.2d 393 (1958) ...... 14

7 Hopkins v. Dow Corning Corp., 33 F.3d 1116 (9th Cir. 1994) ...... 16 8 Ileto v. Glock, Inc., th 9 349 F.3d 1191 (9 Cir. 2003) ...... 14, 17

10 Jackson v. AEG Live, LLC 233 Cal.App.4th 1156 (2015) ...... 14

11 Johns-Manville Sales Corp. v. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd., 96 Cal.App.3d 923 (1979) ...... 13 12

Jolly v. Eli Lilly & Co., 13 44 Cal.3d 1103 (1988) ...... 16, 17

14 J.P. ex rel Balderas v. City of Porterville, 801 F.Supp.2d 965 (E.D. Cal. 2011) ...... 14 15 Kleinknecht v. Gettysburg Coll., 16 989 F.2d 1360 (3rd Cir. 1993) ...... 10

17 Knapp v. Knapp, 15 Cal.2d 237 (1940) ...... 22 18 Lacy v. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co., 19 220 Cal. 97 (1934) ...... 14

20 Lee v. City of Los Angeles, 250 F.3d 668 (9th Cir. 2001) ...... 4 21 Lindstrom v. Hertz Corp., 22 81 Cal.App.4th 644 (2000) ...... 14



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ER 70 1 Lu v. Hawaiian Gardens Casino, Inc., 50 Cal.4th 592 (2010) ...... 12 2 Mann v. California, 3 70 Cal.App.3d 773 (1977) ...... 10

4 Mayall on Behalf of H.C. v. USA Water Polo, Inc., 909 F.3d 1055 (9th Cir. 2018) ...... 9 5 McIntyre v. The Colonies-Pac., LLC, 6 228 Cal.App.4th 664 (2014) ...... 7

7 Moradi-Shalal v. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Cos., 46 Cal.3d 287 (1988) ...... 12 8 Norgart v. Upjohn Co., 9 21 Cal.4th 383 (1999) ...... 16, 17

10 Raven H. v. Gamette, 157 Cal.App.4th 1017 (2007) ...... 7

11 Regents of Univ. of Cal. v. Superior Court, 4 Cal.5th 607 (2018) ...... 10 12

Rodman v. Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc., 13 No. 18-cv-03732-WHO, 2018 WL 5848969 (N.D. Cal. Nov. 6, 2018) ...... 17, 18

14 Rowland v. Christian, 69 Cal.2d 108 (1968) ...... 8 15 Rhynes v. Stryker Corp., 16 No. 10-5619 SC, 2011 WL 5117168 (N.D. Cal 2011) ...... 18

17 Saelzler v. Advanced Group 400, 25 Cal.4th 763 (2001) ...... 14 18 Sanchez v. South Hoover Hosp., 19 18 Cal.3d 93 (1976) ...... 22

20 Schaeffer v. Gregory Village Parterns, L.P., 105 F.Spp.3d 951 (N.D. Cal. 2015) ...... 14 21 Sosunova v. Regents of Univ. of Cal., 22 11 Cal.Rptr.2d 130 (App. Ct. Aug. 17, 1992) ...... 20, 21



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ER 71 1 Spencer v. DHI Mortg. Co., Ltd., 642 F.Supp.2d 1153 (E.D. Cal. 2009) ...... 7 2 Steinle v. City of San Francisco, 3 230 F.Supp.3d 994 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 6, 2017)...... 14

4 Trujillo v. G.A. Enters, Inc., 36 Cal.App.4th 1105 (1995) ...... 14 5 Univ. of S. Cal. v. Superior Court of L.A., 6 30 Cal.App.5th 429, 241 Cal.Rptr.3d 616 (Appt. Ct. 2018) ...... 9

7 Verdugo v. Target Corp., 59 Cal.4th 312 (2014) ...... 12 8 Ward v. Westinghouse Can., Inc., th 9 32 F.3d 1405 (9 Cir. 1994) ...... 19


Cal. Evid. Code §669 ...... 7 11

Restatement (Second) of Torts §314A, Cmt. B (1965) ...... 10 12

Restatement (Second) of Torts §285, Cmt. C (1965) ...... 12 13

Restatement (Third) of Torts §40(b) (2010) ...... 10 14











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2 At trial, both parties, of course, must present evidence on their claims and defenses and,

3 in doing so, they do their best to craft a narrative to explain what all the evidence should be

4 telling a fact finder. And, some day, that might occur in this case; if so, the NFL already has its

5 narrative crafted and, if motions like the instant one are prologue, will be ever so ready to

6 pounce on any failings by Plaintiffs to provide sufficient evidence.

7 But we are not at trial. Only one narrative matters at this stage – Plaintiff’s narrative,

8 and Plaintiffs are entitled to all reasonable inferences in their favor. Plaintiffs, not the NFL, are

9 the authority on what their complaint says and they need not prove any of it at this stage of the

10 proceedings. All of that means something; namely, this is not the time to interject disbelief as to what 11 evidence may be adduced or concern about cost to be spent if a plaintiff has plausibly pled its 12 claims. And that the Plaintiffs have done – a single negligence count premised on the well-pled 13 allegations that for decades, the NFL supplied controlled substances and prescription drugs to 14 its players in amounts (e.g., the number of injections) and a manner (e.g., without a prescription 15 or a failure to warn of effects) that violate federal and state laws. The NFL, as recognized by 16 the Ninth Circuit, owed those players a duty, which they breached and which proximately 17 caused the latent injuries complained-of in the Third Amended Complaint. 18 In 2013, Plaintiffs first made the connection between those injuries and the 19 aforementioned illegal conduct. In May 2014, on behalf of all retired players, they filed a 20 complaint to seek redress for the injuries that class has suffered, and continues to suffer, as a 21 result thereof. Enough time has passed since then. Legal arguments about preemption, along 22 with claims asserted by Plaintiffs, have fallen by the wayside. Now is the time to get this right. 23


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2 I. DEFENDANT MISCHARACTERIZES THE ALLEGATIONS IN THE THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT. 3 As it has done since the outset, the NFL conflates the applicable legal standards, 4 arguing that Plaintiffs must “establish” certain elements, rather than plausibly plead them, and 5 mischaracterizes Plaintiffs’ factual allegations. A plain reading of Plaintiffs’ Third Amended 6 Class Action Complaint (“TAC”) shows that, while there may have been others involved, the 7 NFL directly participated in the handling, distribution and administration of the medications 8 detailed therein (the “Medications”) and that such actions proximately caused the complained- 9 of injuries. The eighty-nine page and three-hundred and ten paragraph TAC provides more 10 than enough factual allegations to plausibly plead negligence claims against the NFL. 11 A. The Return to Play Plan is the Basis for Plaintiffs’ Negligence Claim.

12 The NFL completely ignores its role in the creation, implementation and maintenance 13 of the Return to Play Business Plan (“Business Plan”). It addresses the same in a single

14 footnote, claiming that the “baseless allegations” regarding the Business Plan “are irrelevant to

15 the single claim in this lawsuit – that the NFL allegedly provided players with controlled

16 substances in a manner that violated the law.” ECF No. 121 at 4 n.2. The NFL’s failure to

17 grapple in any way with the fundamental factual underpinning of Plaintiffs’ claim should doom

18 its motion. But for the Business Plan, Club doctors and trainers would not have violated drug

19 laws and regulations regarding controlled substances and prescription drugs and Plaintiffs

20 would not have been injured. Put simply, it matters not who actually put a pill in a player’s

21 hand, but rather, how it came to be that, despite a comprehensive and thorough regulatory

22 scheme designed to prevent the abuses at issue, those abuses nonetheless occurred. Like a drug



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ER 74 1 kingpin, the NFL may not itself be on the street dealing, but the dealing would not be occurring

2 without its direction.

3 Plaintiffs have pled that they suffered muscular-skeletal injuries while playing and

4 knew of the same when they occurred. Likewise, they have pled that, while playing, they

5 received Medications from Club doctors and trainers, whom they trusted and believed were

6 acting in their best interests. But the foregoing allegations, while a necessary part of the

7 narrative, is separate and apart from the legal analysis to be applied at this stage of the

8 proceedings to the simple and singularly-focused claims that Plaintiffs have pled. Rather, those

9 claims are based on two sets of injuries: internal injuries that did not manifest until years after

10 Plaintiffs finished their NFL careers, and pain and suffering caused solely by the exacerbation of their muscular-skeletal injuries because the NFL, through its Business Plan, mandated that 11 they be denied the rest they needed and instead were provided Medications, indiscriminately 12 and without compliance with federal and state laws, to return to play at the earliest possible 13 juncture. 14 B. For Decades, the NFL Directly Administered, and Maintained the Business 15 Plan, Which was Predicated on the Illegal Distribution of Medications.

16 The TAC is replete with allegations of the NFL’s direct involvement, via the Business

17 Plan and otherwise, in the handling, distribution and administration of the Medications.

18 Specifically, the TAC alleges that the NFL: (1) compiled weekly injury reports and required

19 reports from teams on the volume of drugs they were distributing to their players, see e.g., ECF

20 No. 119 at ¶¶163, 188–96, 206–12; (2) mandated that the Clubs have locked drug storage areas

21 at their facilities, id. at ¶178; (3) mandated that Clubs and their doctors register their stadiums

22 and practice facilities – i.e., the places where they distributed controlled substances – with the

23 DEA, id. at ¶178; (4) approved Club financial arrangements with doctors and medical groups,


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ER 75 1 id. at ¶179; (5) sought to mandate that every Club use drug tracking software from

2 SportsPharm, id. at ¶178; (6) through its personnel, regularly attended meetings with Clubs and

3 their doctors and trainers to specifically discuss, provide guidance regarding, and oversee

4 distribution of, Medications, id. at ¶¶183, 204; (7) established committees to discuss and

5 oversee the distribution of Medications, id. at ¶159; (8) had NFL security conduct on-site

6 inspections of the Clubs’ facilities to ostensibly determine compliance with the laws identified

7 in the TAC, id. at ¶180; (9) sponsored League-wide studies on the effects of certain

8 Medications, id. at ¶¶164–72; (10) interacted with the DEA regarding the manner in which

9 certain Medications were distributed to NFL players, id. at ¶¶214–20; (11) publicly referred to

10 Club doctors as OUR doctors, defended Club doctors from public criticism, and paid DEA fines on behalf of the Clubs, id. at ¶198; and (12) mandated that visiting Clubs use the local 11 Clubs’ doctors for the administration of Medications, id. at ¶221. 12 Further, while the NFL tries to draw a clear line between it and that of its Clubs, that 13 relationship is complicated and, without discovery, it will not be entirely clear to anyone 14 (perhaps not even the NFL) what exactly that relationship is, and concomitantly, what that may 15 mean for this case. What we do know is that the structure of the NFL is defined by its 16 Constitution and By-Laws.2 Constitution and Bylaws of the National Football League (2006), 17 static.nfl.com/static/content/public/static/html/careers/pdf/co_.pdf. And although the NFL and 18 the clubs are independent legal entities, there is more to the puzzle. 19 To name but a few aspects of the complex relationship: the only members of the NFL 20 are the Clubs, which meet annually and specially as determined by the Commissioner, see e.g., 21 Constitution and Bylaws of the National Football League, at 18, §§5.1, 5.0; the NFL Executive 22 2 See, e.g., Lee v. City of L.A., 250 F.3d 668, 689 (9th Cir. 2001) (court may take 23 judicial notice of matters of public record without converting a motion to dismiss into a motion for summary judgment). 24

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ER 76 1 Committee consists of one representative from each Club and votes on matters of significance,

2 including the hiring and firing of the Commissioner and determining his compensation, id. at

3 23, §6.1; all Club employees, including coaches and players, agree to be bound by the NFL

4 Constitution and By-Laws, id. at 11, §3.11(D); the Commissioner may establish committees,

5 populated by NFL and Club employees, id. at 25, §6.7; and the Commissioner may discipline

6 (including fines up to $ 500,000 or cancellation of any contract) any owner or Club or League

7 employee for conduct detrimental to the welfare of the League or professional football, id. at

8 30–31, §8.13.

9 In reality, though they are separate legal entities, the NFL oversees almost every aspect

10 of the Clubs. Indeed, during oral argument before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in this case, counsel for the NFL repeatedly referred to it as a “super employer” 11 of the Clubs and their doctors and trainers. See. e.g., Oral Argument at 14 min. 20 sec., 19 min. 12 09 sec., Dent v. NFL, 902 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2018) (No. 15-15143), available at 13 https://www.ca9.uscourts.gov/media/view_video.php?pk_vid=0000010751. The factual 14 allegations of the TAC are consistent with the “super employer” status of the NFL and, if 15 proven, could establish a separate path toward liability against the NFL beyond its direct 16 actions as identified in the TAC. 17 Perhaps the clearest proof of the NFL’s maintenance of the Business Plan and its 18 involvement in the distribution of Medications is the simple fact that for five decades, hundreds 19 of doctors and trainers across dozens of Clubs scattered across the country have complied with 20 the Business Plan and no one has broken ranks, even when doing so causes them to knowingly 21 violate the law. The clear inference, to which Plaintiffs are entitled at this stage of the 22 proceedings, is that the NFL, as super-employer, and its long-serving personnel such as Dr. 23


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ER 77 1 Brown, who has been in his current position since 1990, are maintaining the Business Plan and

2 directly involved in the handling, distribution and administration of the Medications.

3 C. Defendant Misinterprets the Ninth Circuit’s Opinion.

4 The NFL argues that the Ninth Circuit’s opinion in this case required Plaintiffs to prove

5 that the NFL or its personnel physically handed Plaintiffs the Medications. Not so. That

6 decision held that Plaintiffs’ claims as pled in their Second Amended Complaint were not

7 preempted by section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act. Dent v. NFL, 902 F.3d

8 1109 (9th Cir. 2018). And while true that the opinion stated in relevant part that “on remand,

9 any further proceedings in this case should be limited to claims arising from the conduct of the

10 NFL and NFL personnel-not the conduct of individual teams’ employees,” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1121, (emphasis added), the Ninth Circuit did not require Plaintiffs to go the extra step claimed 11 now by the NFL and show that its personnel were physically handing out the Medications to 12 Plaintiffs. 13 To the contrary, the Ninth Circuit explained that “lack of reasonable care in the 14 handling, distribution, and administration of controlled substances can foreseeably harm the 15 individuals who take them. That’s why they’re controlled in the first place.” Id. Thus, the 16 Ninth Circuit did not limit the NFL’s offending conduct to distribution only – handling and 17 administration suffice – and certainly did not require that Plaintiffs prove that NFL personnel 18 were actually handing out pills or injecting Medications. In fact, the Ninth Circuit clearly said 19 “[r]egardless of what (if anything) the CBAs say about those issues, if the NFL had any role in 20 distributing prescription drugs, it was required to follow the laws regarding those drugs.” Id. at 21 1121 (emphasis added). 22



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ER 78 1 Once again, the NFL’s selective focus on but a portion of a legal document (in this

2 instance, the Ninth Circuit’s opinion) and mischaracterization thereof paints a very different

3 picture than what anyone else would see if they read the document at issue.

4 II. THE THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT ADEQUATELY PLEADS NEGLIGENCE. 5 A negligence cause of action in California consists of the following elements: (1) the 6 existence of a legal duty of care; (2) breach of that duty; and, (3) the proximate cause resulting 7 in injury. McIntyre v. The Colonies-Pac., LLC, 228 Cal.App.4th 664, 671 (2014). California 8 recognizes that negligence is the failure to use reasonable care to prevent harm to others; a 9 person is thus negligent if they do something that a reasonably careful person would not do in 10 the same situation or fail to do something that a reasonably careful person would do in the same 11 situation. Coppola v. Smith, 935 F.Supp.2d 993, 1013 (E.D. Cal. 2013) (citing Raven H. v. 12 Gamette, 157 Cal.App.4th 1017, 1025 (2007)). 13 Negligence per se is not a separate cause of action, but the application of an evidentiary

14 presumption provided by California Evidence Code §669. Id. at 1016–17. It is the tort of

15 negligence, and not the violation of the statute itself, which entitles a plaintiff to recover civil

16 damages. Spencer v. DHI Mortg. Co., Ltd., 642 F.Supp.2d 1153, 1162 (E.D. Cal. 2009). To

17 claim negligence per se, a plaintiff must allege that: (1) the defendant violated a statute,

18 ordinance, or regulation; (2) the violation proximately caused injury; (3) the injury resulted

19 from an occurrence that the enactment was designed to prevent; and, (4) the plaintiff fits within

20 the class of persons for whose protection the enactment was adopted. CAL. EVID. CODE §669

21 (West 2018); see also Coppola, 935 F.Supp.2d at 1017.

22 The TAC adequately pleads a claim for both negligence and negligence per se.



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ER 79 1 A. The NFL Owed a Duty of Care to Plaintiffs.

2 The NFL first argues that Plaintiffs did not establish an independent duty of care.

3 Again, Plaintiffs do not have to establish anything at this point; they simply need to plausibly

4 allege. And that they have done; namely, that duties owed by the NFL to Plaintiffs exist

5 because of the nature of the activity at issue, because the NFL assumed such duties, and

6 because of the “special relationship” that exists between the NFL and its players.

7 1. The NFL Failed to Exercise Reasonable Care in the Handling, Distribution, and Administration of Controlled Substances. 8 As discussed supra, the Ninth Circuit has already determined that, applying the 9 Rowland factors3, the “lack of reasonable care in the handling, distribution, and administration 10 of controlled substances can foreseeably harm the individuals who take them;” additionally, the 11 Ninth Circuit specifically stated that the Rowland factors had been satisfied in Dent. 902 F.3d 12 at 1119 (“Carelessness in the handling of dangerous substances is both illegal and morally 13 blameworthy, given the risk of injury it entails. Imposing liability on those involved in

14 improper prescription-drug distribution will prevent harm by encouraging responsible entities

15 to ensure that the drugs are administered safely. And it will not represent an undue burden on

16 such entities, which should already be complying with the laws governing prescription drugs

17 and controlled substances.”). In other words, the NFL owed a duty to Plaintiffs because the

18 general character of the conduct at issue, assuming, in fact, the NFL engaged in the handling,

19 distribution and administration of Medications. Dent, 902 F.3d at 1119. As discussed supra at

20 3 The Rowland factors consist of: (1) the foreseeability of harm to the plaintiff; (2) the 21 degree of certainty that the plaintiff suffered injury; (3) the closeness of the connection between the defendant’s conduct and the injury suffered; (4) the moral blame attached to the defendant’s 22 conduct; (5) the policy of preventing future harm; (6) the extent of the burden to the defendant and consequences to the community of imposing a duty to exercise case with resulting liability 23 for breach; and, (7) the availability, cost, and prevalence of insurance for the risk involved. Rowland v. Christian, 69 Cal.2d 108, 113 (1968). 24

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ER 80 1 §1.B, the TAC adequately alleges such conduct, which forms a duty that is the foundation of

2 Plaintiffs’ negligence claims.

3 2. The NFL Assumed a Duty When it Voluntarily Involved Itself in the Distribution of Medications Decades Ago. 4 When a person with no affirmative duty to act voluntarily does so, they assume a duty 5 to exercise due care. Univ. of S. Cal. v. Superior Court of L.A., 30 Cal.App.5th 429, 241 6 Cal.Rptr.3d 616, 630 (App. Ct. 2018). This duty arises, e.g., where a defendant voluntarily 7 undertakes to provide protective services for the plaintiff’s benefit and either the defendant’s 8 failure to exercise reasonable care increases the risk of harm to the plaintiff or the plaintiff 9 reasonably relies on the undertaking and suffers injury as a result. Id. at 623. See also Mayall 10 on Behalf of H.C.V. v. USA Water Polo, Inc., 909 F.3d 1055, 1066–68 (9th Cir. 2018). 11 The TAC adequately alleges that the NFL voluntarily involved itself in the distribution 12 of Medications to its players. See supra §I.B. Indeed, a section of the TAC is titled “The 13 League Voluntarily Undertook a Duty to its Players With Regard to the Administration of

14 Medications,” and it details how the League voluntarily undertook to establish a drug program

15 starting in 1973; how that program evolved to its current state with regard to distributing and

16 administering Medications to players, and the various means by which the NFL has voluntarily

17 assumed this duty, including the imposition of Club audits, League-wide policies related to

18 Toradol, and the security and handling of Medications. See ECF No. at 51–56.

19 Plaintiffs have also adequately pled that the NFL’s failure to exercise reasonable care

20 has increased the risk of harm to them, see e.g., ECF No. 119 at ¶¶16, 143, 220, and that they

21 reasonably relied on the NFL’s undertaking and suffered injury as a result, see e.g., id. at ¶¶27,

22 36, 45, 55, 64, 74, 94, 105.



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ER 81 1 3. The NFL Owed Plaintiffs a Duty Because They Were in a “Special Relationship.” 2 The NFL also owed a duty of care to Plaintiffs because of the “special relationship” that 3 intertwines the NFL, the Clubs, and players. In Regents of Univ. of Cal., the California 4 Supreme Court held that a university has a duty of care to protect a student from the 5 foreseeable violence of another student during chemistry lab. Regents of Univ. of Cal. v. 6 Superior Ct., 4 Cal.5th 607 (2018). The Court discussed special relationships that create a duty 7 to protect against foreseeable risks, and recognized that “special relationships” share common 8 features.4 Id. at 620. These features include an “aspect of dependency in which one party relies 9 to some degree on the other for protection.” Id. (citing Baldwin v. Zoradi, 123 Cal.App.3d 275, 10 283 (1981); Mann v. California, 70 Cal.App.3d 773, 229–80 (1977)); see also Kleinknecht v. 11 Gettysburg Coll., 989 F.2d 1360 (3rd Cir. 1993) (holding that a college owed a lacrosse player 12 a duty of care based on the special relationship between the college and player in his capacity 13 as an intercollegiate athlete engaged in school-sponsored activity for which he had been

14 recruited). The corollary of dependence is control, with one party dependent and the other

15 having superior control over the means of some protection. Id. at 621. “[A] typical setting for

16 the recognition of a special relationship is where plaintiff is particularly vulnerable and

17 dependent upon the defendant who, correspondingly, has some control over the plaintiff’s

18 welfare.” Regents of Univ. of Cal., 4 Cal.5th at 621 (citing Giraldo v. Dep’t of Corrs. &

19 Rehab., 168 Cal.App.4th 231, 245–46 (2008)) (internal citations omitted) (emphasis added).

20 4 That court grounds its analysis in the Restatement Third of Torts, which identifies several special relationships that may support a duty to protect against foreseeable risks. 21 Regents of Univ. of Cal., 4 Cal.5th at 621 (quoting RESTATEMENT (THIRD) OF TORTS: Liability for Physical and Emotional Harm, §40(b) (2010)). Restatement writers have recognized a 22 growing trend in which courts consider a duty to aid or protect in any relationship of dependence or of mutual dependence. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS: §314A, Cmt. B, p. 23 119 (1965).


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ER 82 1 One might not think of NFL players as vulnerable, but when it comes to the handling,

2 distribution and administration of controlled substances, they are as vulnerable as any other

3 person in the United States to overuse or misuse and the resulting long-term health problems; to

4 quote the Ninth Circuit, “[t]hat’s why they’re ‘controlled’ in the first place.” Dent, 902 F.3d at

5 1120. Further, there can be no doubt that the NFL exerts “some control” over its players’

6 medical well-being; regardless, Plaintiffs have adequately pled that the NFL exerts such

7 control. See e.g., ECF No. 119 at ¶¶ 16, 143, 156, 159, 163–64,178–82, and 204. And while

8 true that the duty imposed by a special relationship extends only to foreseeable risks, again, the

9 Ninth Circuit has already explained that the risks complained-of here – long-term health

10 problems – are precisely the foreseeable type of risks that come from mishandling of controlled substances. Id. 11 B. Plaintiffs Have Otherwise Adequately Pled Their Claims. 12 The NFL next argues that the TAC fails to establish any of the elements of a negligence 13 per se claim. The NFL is playing gotcha here; it argues that Plaintiffs have not pled a straight 14 negligence claim and then seeks dismissal by arguing that, even though California does not 15 recognize a negligence per se claim, that is what Plaintiffs pled but they did so inadequately. 16 As an initial matter, Plaintiffs pled (and they need not establish) negligence only because, as 17 the NFL recognizes, negligence per se is not an independent cause of action under California 18 law, but rather, a doctrine that can be applied to determine the applicable standard of care. One 19 need only look to the Cause of Action section of the TAC, which has but one such cause, 20 Negligence, and in particular, paragraphs 304 and 305, which identify common law duties 21 (discussed supra) owed by the NFL to Plaintiffs, and paragraphs 306 and 307, which 22



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ER 83 1 distinguish between violations of the law (negligence per se) and breaches of duties

2 (negligence).

3 And Plaintiffs have adequately pled their negligence claim. As discussed supra, they

4 have identified three common law duties owed by the NFL to Plaintiffs. And while Plaintiffs

5 need not plead negligence per se elements, the federal and state laws cited in the TAC

6 nonetheless play an important role in defining the standard of care, even if the laws themselves

7 do not provide a private cause of action. See RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF TORTS: §285, Cmt. C

8 (1965) (“Even where a legislative enactment contains no express provision that its violation

9 shall result in tort liability, and no implication to that effect, the court may, and in certain types

10 of cases customarily will, adopt the requirements of the enactment as the standard of conduct necessary to avoid liability for negligence.”). The Ninth Circuit recognized in this case such a 11 duty under California common law: 12 Here, any duty to exercise reasonable care in the distribution of medications 13 does not arise through statute or by contract; no statute explicitly establishes such a duty, and as already noted, none of the CBAs impose such a duty. 14 However, we believe that a duty binding on the NFL – or any entity involved in the distribution of controlled substances – to conduct its activities with 15 reasonable care arises from “the general character of (that) activity….

16 Of course, establishing that an entity owes a duty does not necessarily establish what standard of care applies, or whether it was breached. But when it comes to 17 the distribution of potentially dangerous drugs, minimum standards are established by statute. 18 Dent, 902 F.3d at 1119; see also Verdugo v. Target Corp., 59 Cal.4th 312, 326 (2014) (“It is 19 well established under California law that a business establishment’s legal obligations to its 20 customers and others may arise…[because of] the Legislature’s enactment of a statutory 21 provision.”); Lu v Hawaiian Gardens Casino, Inc., 50 Cal.4th 592, 604 (2010) (quoting 22 Moradi-Shalal v. Fireman’s Fund Ins. Cos., 46 Cal.3d 287, 304–05 (1988) (“even without a 23


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ER 84 1 private right of action under a statute “courts retain jurisdiction to impose civil damages or

2 other remedies … in appropriate common law actions.”)).

3 The TAC is replete with factual allegations that specifically identify how the “general

4 character of” the NFL’s maintenance of its Business Plan and its involvement in the

5 distribution of the Medications violate the Controlled Substances Act and the Food Drug and

6 Cosmetic Act (See §III above). This duty is the foundation of Plaintiffs’ negligence per se

7 claims, regardless of whether either federal statute provides a private right of action against the

8 NFL. See Beaver v. Tarsadia Hotels, 29 F.Supp.3d 1294, 1321–22 (S.D. Cal. 2014).

9 Plaintiffs have also pled breaches of those duties. For example, paragraphs 189–95 of

10 the TAC detail a number of instances over several decades in which NFL personnel knew that the drug program it voluntarily created to monitor the handling and distribution of controlled 11 substances was failing and yet the NFL took no action. Failure to act is the very definition of a 12 breach of a duty. Curtis v. Q. R. S. Neon Corp., 147 Cal.App.2d 186, 195 (1956) (“An act or 13 failure to act in violation of a statute is negligence as a matter of law.”); Johns-Manville Sales 14 Corp. v. Workers’ Comp. Appeals Bd., 96 Cal.App.3d 923, 930 (1979) (“Gross negligence 15 involves a failure to act under circumstances that indicate a passive and indifferent attitude 16 toward the welfare of others. Negative in nature, it implies an absence of care.”). 17 And causation is not nearly the hurdle that the NFL makes it out to be (though 18 mistakenly in the context of a negligence per se claim), at least at this stage of the proceedings. 19 The Ninth Circuit recognized that the injuries complained-of here – long-term health problems 20 – “can be established with certainty, and they are closely connected to the misuse of controlled 21 substances.” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1119. In other words, it is foreseeable that the NFL’s conduct as 22 alleged in the TAC, if true, proximately caused the injuries complained-of here. And under 23


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ER 85 1 California law, “issues of breach and causation are questions of fact for the jury.” J.P. ex rel.

2 Balderas v. City of Porterville, 801 F.Supp.2d 965, 990 (E.D. Cal. 2011) (citing Lindstrom v.

3 Hertz Corp., 81 Cal.App.4th 644, 652 (2000))5. In any event, Plaintiffs have adequately alleged

4 that the NFL, through the maintenance of its Business Plan and its failings associated with the

5 handling, distribution and administration of Medications, caused the injuries at issue. See ECF

6 No. 119 at 72–77; id. at ¶¶269–87; see e.g., id. at ¶¶17–19, 25–27, 43–45, 53–55, 62–64, 72–

7 74, 82–84, 91–94, 103–105.

8 In sum, Plaintiffs have pled, and seek to proceed on, a single negligence claim. They

9 may be able to establish the requisite standard of care for that claim by showing the NFL

10 violated the federal and state laws cited in the TAC, or they may not. But pleading those laws simply preserves for Plaintiffs the ability to simplify the proof they must present relating to 11 certain elements of their negligence claim; as California does not recognize an independent 12

13 5 See also Ileto v. Glock, Inc., 349 F.3d 1191, 1206 (9th Cir. 2003); Schaeffer v. Gregory Village Partners, L.P., 105 F.Supp.3d 951 (N.D. Cal. 2015); Andrews v. Wells, 204 14 Cal.App.3d 533, 538 (1988). See also Jackson v. AEG Live, LLC, 233 Cal.App.4th 1156, 1173 (2015) (Breach of duty and proximate cause normally present factual questions); Clarke v. 15 Hoek, 174 Cal.App.3d 208, 214 (1985) (“…The province of the jury, as trier of fact, [is] to determine whether an unreasonable risk of harm was foreseeable under the particular facts of a 16 given case…”); Hatch v. Ford Motor Co., 163 Cal.App.2d 393, 397 (1958) (“The reasonableness of a defendant's actions is a quintessential jury question. The duty [of care] 17 having been found to exist, whether it has been breached is a question of fact for the triers of the facts.”); Trujillo v. G.A. Enters, Inc., 36 Cal.App.4th 1105, 1109 (1995) (reversing 18 summary judgment on the issue of the reasonableness of defendant's actions, because “whether [defendant] acted reasonably under the circumstances ... [is a] question[ ] of fact to be resolved 19 by trial, not summary judgment); Saelzler v. Advanced Group 400, 25 Cal.4th 763, 785 (2001) (“The question of causation long has been recognized as a factual one, and it is only where 20 reasonable men [and women] will not dispute the absence of causality.” (internal quotations omitted)); Steinle v. City of San Francisco, 230 F.Supp.3d 994, 1034 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 6, 2017) 21 (proximate cause is a question of fact which cannot be decided as a matter of law from the allegations of a complaint); Garman v. Magic Chef, Inc., 117 Cal.App.3d 634, 638 (1981) 22 (“Proximate cause is a legal relationship. Whether an act or incident is the proximate cause of injury is a question of law where the facts are uncontroverted and only one deduction or 23 inference may reasonably be drawn from those facts.”); Lacy v. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co., 220 Cal. 97, 101 (1934) (explaining that proximate cause is a question of fact for the jury). 24

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ER 86 1 cause of action for negligence per se, Plaintiffs are not required to plead the elements of such a

2 claim.


4 All parties agree that, for present purposes, California’s two-year statute of limitations

5 applies to Plaintiffs’ negligence claims. But they differ as to when those claims accrued and

6 when Plaintiffs had knowledge of them. Driving this argument is the NFL’s intentional

7 misrepresentation of the injuries at issue – while the NFL wants those injuries to be what

8 Plaintiffs suffered on the field, in fact, the injuries are those that accrued much later in

9 Plaintiffs’ lives – and failure to understand, or admit, its role in the handling, distribution, and

10 administration of Medications as detailed in the TAC. The NFL first argues that Plaintiffs’ claims are time-barred because their injuries are 11 based on Medications they received more than two years before this suit was filed. Plaintiffs 12 concede that they received the Medications when the NFL contends they did. But that has 13 absolutely nothing to do with the relevant analysis, which, as the NFL correctly notes, is 14 determining when the last element of a claim occurred, which generally is when the claim 15 accrued. The provision of Medications is not the injury complained-of, despite the NFL’s 16 fervent wish otherwise; rather, it is the cause of the internal injuries and exacerbated muscular- 17 skeletal injuries that did not occur until after Plaintiffs’ NFL careers concluded. For example, 18 Plaintiff Wiley, who had no history of kidney disease, was hospitalized and diagnosed with 19 partial renal failure in April 2014, an injury that did not manifest until well within the 20 applicable statute of limitations. See ECF No. 119 at ¶287. 21 The foregoing argument, in reality, is a red herring, as evidenced by the fact that the 22 NFL spent half a page on it while spending the next four pages on the main event: the 23


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ER 87 1 discovery rule. While determining when a claim accrued is a necessary starting point for a

2 statute of limitations analysis, it matters not if all elements of a claim are present if the plaintiff

3 does not know they are present, in which case, what matters is when the plaintiff knew, or

4 should have known, they had a claim. That is the analysis that matters here. To this, the NFL

5 really has no response.

6 California recognizes the discovery rule and the Ninth Circuit has held that the accrual

7 date of a cause of action is delayed until a plaintiff is aware of her injury and its cause.

8 Hopkins v. Dow Corning Corp., 33 F.3d 1116 (9th Cir. 1994). Under the discovery rule, an

9 action accrues when a plaintiff has “suspicion of one or more of the elements of a cause of

10 action, coupled with knowledge of any remaining elements.” Fox v. Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc., 35 Cal.4th 797, 806 (2005). However, when a plaintiff “could not have reasonably 11 discovered facts supporting the cause of action within the applicable statute of limitations 12 period,” an action does not accrue until “the factual basis for a claim was reasonably 13 discoverable through diligent investigation.” Id. at 809, 814. 14 Each of the cases relied on by the NFL for its discussion of the discovery rule state that 15 the limitations period does not accrue until a plaintiff is aware of some wrongdoing. See, e.g., 16 Jolly v. Eli Lilly & Co., 44 Cal.3d 1103, 1110 (1988) (“Under the discovery rule, the statute of 17 limitations begins to run when the plaintiff suspects or should suspect that her injury was 18 caused by wrongdoing, that someone has done something wrong to her.”); Norgart v. Upjohn 19 Co., 21 Cal.4th 383, 394, 397 (1999) (statute begins “when, simply put, he at least 20 ‘suspects…that someone has done something wrong’ to him…or has reason to discover…based 21 on a particular act of wrongdoing”); Fox, 35 Cal.4th at 813 (“In our previous cases addressing 22 the discovery rule, we affirmed that … a plaintiff’s ignorance of wrongdoing involving a 23


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ER 88 1 product’s defect will usually delay accrual because such wrongdoing is essential to that cause

2 of action.”).6

3 Therefore, as the cases the NFL cites as dispositive demonstrate, the statute of

4 limitations did not begin to run until a plaintiff has sufficient knowledge of their injuries and

5 the wrongdoing that caused those injuries.

6 With regard to knowledge, California, like most states, looks to whether the plaintiff

7 had either actual knowledge or constructive knowledge of the injury and wrongdoing. See

8 Bibeau v. Pac. Nw. Research Found. Inc., 188 F.3d 1105, 1108 (9th Cir. 1999). The statute of

9 limitations in this case thus would begin when Plaintiffs had actual or constructive knowledge

10 of their complained-of injuries and the NFL’s associated wrongdoing. The TAC alleges that no Plaintiff knew that the NFL’s negligence, as described in the TAC, caused the injuries of which 11 they complain until within the applicable statutory period. ECF No. 119 at ¶107. In the context 12 of a 12(b)(6) motion, that allegation must be accepted as true. Ileto v. Glock Inc., 349 F.3d 13 1191, 1200 (9th Cir. 2003); Desaigoudar v. Meyercord, 223 F.3d 1020, 1021 (9th Cir. 2000). 14 Therefore, the only issue here is whether Plaintiffs had constructive knowledge of the injuries 15 and wrongdoing at issue. 16 California law charges a plaintiff with constructive or presumptive knowledge of an 17 injury “if they have ‘information of circumstances to put [them] on inquiry’ or if they have ‘the 18 opportunity to obtain knowledge from sources open to [their] investigation.’” Fox, 35 Cal.4th 19 6 Further, these cases all state that resolution of the discovery rule is normally a question 20 of fact. See, e.g., Jolly, 44 Cal.3d at 1113; Fox, 35 Cal.4th at 811 (specifically noting that Jolly, 44 Cal.3d 1103 and Norgart, 21 Cal.4th 383 were decided at summary judgment); see also 21 Rodman v. Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc., No. 18-cv-03732-WHO, 2018 WL 5848969, at *3 (N.D. Cal. Nov. 6, 2018) (the question of when a plaintiff “becomes aware of her injury 22 so that the statute of limitation would begin to run is a question of fact not susceptible to a motion to dismiss.”); E-Fab, Inc. v Accountants, Inc. Servs., 153 Cal.App.4th 1308, 1320 23 (2007) (“Resolution of the statute of limitations is normally a question of fact.”).


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ER 89 1 at 807–08. The crux of California’s discovery rule analysis thus turns on when a plaintiff was

2 on inquiry notice or whether the opportunity existed to inquire. To rely on the discovery rule,

3 “[a] plaintiff whose complaint shows on its face that his claim would be barred without the

4 benefit of the discovery rule must specifically plead facts to show (1) the time and manner of

5 discovery and (2) the inability to have made earlier discovery despite reasonable diligence.”

6 Rodman, 2018 WL 5848969, at *3 (citing Rhynes v. Stryker Corp., No. 10-5619 SC, 2011 WL

7 5117168, at *3 (N.D. Cal. 2011)).

8 The NFL offers three arguments as to why Plaintiffs knew, or should have known, of

9 their claims prior to May 2012. The NFL first argues that Plaintiffs concede they knew of their

10 injuries when they occurred. This argument is not only contrary to the express allegations in the TAC (i.e., Plaintiffs allege they did not know of the wrongdoing until later), but fails because 11 the NFL is again focused here on the wrong injuries. The injuries that occurred on the field are 12 not at issue. For example, Richard Dent (an example the NFL gives) is not suing for torn 13 muscles he suffered in 1983; rather, he is suing because the Business Plan coerced him to 14 return to play far sooner than he should have, thus leading to later in life, exacerbated 15 muscular-skeletal injuries that he would not have suffered had he received the proper rest when 16 he tore those muscles in the first place. 17 The NFL next argues that Plaintiffs concede they saw doctors after their playing careers 18 who told them that the injuries from which they were suffering may have been caused by the 19 Medications they received while playing in the NFL. But it is all the difference in the world for 20 Plaintiffs to know their injuries were caused by the Medications versus knowing, or having any 21 reason to suspect, that an entity that profited greatly off their backs was involved in the 22 handling, distribution, and administration of those Medications in a way that breached a duty 23


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ER 90 1 by violating the law and/or failing to act when it knew it should have. See Gryczman v. 4550

2 Pico Partners, Ltd., 107 Cal.App.4th 1, 5–6 (2003); see also April Enters., Inc. v. KTTV, 147

3 Cal.App.3d 805, 826–28 (1983) (noting that two overarching principles guiding application of

4 the discovery rule are that: (1) “plaintiffs should not suffer where circumstances prevent them

5 from knowing they have been harmed[;]” and (2) “defendants should not be allowed to

6 knowingly profit from their injuree’s ignorance.”). Plaintiffs have consistently taken the

7 position in every pleading filed in this case that they did not know of the NFL’s wrongdoing

8 and the NFL, in making the instant argument, focuses on half a sentence in paragraph 108 of

9 the TAC regarding the aforementioned doctor visits while conveniently relegating to a footnote

10 the remainder of that sentence: “no doctor ever told them of the League’s involvement in the recordkeeping, handling, and distribution of the Medications (nor would one expect them to be 11 able to do so, as none of these doctors had any affiliation with the NFL).” 12 In any event, the mere fact that, after their careers concluded, some Plaintiffs were told 13 by doctors that their complained-of injuries here could have resulted from the Medications they 14 took in the NFL, without more, does not put those Plaintiffs on notice of wrongdoing. And the 15 “without more” is missing here. For example, Richard Dent played 15 seasons in the NFL. 16 Even if he was properly provided with Medications during that time, he would have been 17 taking far more Medications than the average person at any other job. Thus, the mere fact that 18 he might have been told that the amount of Medications he took could have caused ailments 19 does not mean the amount, in and of itself, was an issue, and he thus would have no reason to 20 think anyone had done anything wrong in providing him with those Medications. In sum, 21 merely connecting ailments to Medications provided by doctors, without more, would not put a 22 reasonable person on notice of wrongdoing. See Ward v. Westinghouse Can., Inc., 32 F.3d 23


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ER 91 1 1405, 1407 (9th Cir. 1994) (held that a genuine issue of material fact existed regarding when

2 the plaintiff should have suspected that it was some third party’s wrongdoing, rather than

3 computer overuse, that caused his pain and injury, specifically tendonitis).

4 The NFL’s third argument is that Plaintiffs should have been generally aware of the

5 wrongdoing during their NFL careers. As has been shown herein, Plaintiffs had no actual or

6 constructive knowledge of any wrongdoing until November of 2013. In addition, Plaintiffs

7 obviously had no actual or constructive knowledge of the damage to their internal organs until

8 those injuries manifested themselves within the two year statutory period. These injuries were

9 not apparent because they were not the physical injuries that occurred on the field, i.e., a

10 sprained ankle or broken foot; these injuries were heart and nerve damage, blood clots, kidney issues, kidney transplants, renal failure, and heart attacks that happened years after retirement. 11 See e.g., ECF No. 119 at ¶¶273, 278–79, 283, 285, 286–87. 12 Equally important, Plaintiffs pled that they did talk to doctors and trainers while they 13 were playing but were not told of the harm that might occur as a result of being rushed back to 14 the field, pumped with Medications, as opposed to resting. Thus, they conducted reasonable 15 due diligence and took the opportunity to obtain knowledge but the trusted doctors and trainers 16 from whom they sought such knowledge told them nothing was wrong. See Sosunova v. 17 Regents of Univ. of Cal., 11 Cal.Rptr.2d 130, 133–34 (App. Ct. Aug. 17, 1992) (When a trust 18 relationship exists, the patient is fully entitled to rely upon the doctor’s superior professional 19 knowledge, skill, and judgment. The Court held that a genuine issue of material fact existed as 20 to whether dental patient reasonably relied on statements made by trained medical personnel of 21 clinic who assured patient that her injury did not occur from X-rays. The Court reasoned that 22 the plaintiff made a reasonably diligent inquiry as to the negligent cause of her injury, but, due 23


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ER 92 1 to reliance on the clinic’s assurances, she may have failed to discover the).7 Additionally, the

2 NFL’s argument that Plaintiffs had notice because of a few medical articles is flawed. The mere

3 notion that a few inconspicuous medical studies existed is not evidence of Plaintiffs having any

4 knowledge as they do not fall into a category that would have had access to the articles. ECF

5 No. 119 at ¶¶109–10. In light of the foregoing, no further inquiry was required of Plaintiffs.

6 Moreover, a person may not speak falsely at the cost of another’s expense. Garcia v.

7 Superior Ct., 50 Cal.3d 728 (1990). In Garcia, the Court held that a parole officer had a duty to

8 exercise reasonable care in giving the victim information regarding the parolee who ultimately

9 killed her. Id. at 736. The parole officer had received information directly from its parolee of

10 his intention to kill the victim, yet the parole officer provided false information to the victim, who reasonably relied on the parole officer’s advice. Id. It reasoned that although the parole 11 officer did not have a duty to volunteer information, the absence of a duty did not entitle an 12 individual to speak falsely. Id. 13 Finally, all of the Plaintiffs were in their 20s when they were NFL players. When they 14 first entered an NFL locker room, all the veteran players were being pumped full of 15 Medications. ECF No. 119 at ¶¶168, 193, 211. Their doctors and trainers, whom they trusted, 16 were telling them to take the Medications like their teammates and were supplying them freely. 17 Id. at ¶¶15, 197, 267. Plaintiffs were also aware that NFL careers are short in duration and that 18 muscular-skeletal injuries were likely to happen to most NFL players. Id. at ¶¶5–6, 260. These 19 realities were part of their assumption of normal wear and tear in an NFL career. Id. at ¶¶3, 20 7 Plaintiffs recognize that N.D. Cal. Local Rule states in pertinent part that “any order or 21 opinion that is designated: “NOT FOR CITATION,” pursuant to Civil L.R. 7-14 or pursuant to a similar rule of any other issuing court, may not be cited to this Court, either in written 22 submissions or oral argument…” N.D. Cal. Civil L.R. 3-4(e). Here, the Sosunova case is marked as “review denied and ordered not to be officially published.” As it is does not state 23 “NOT FOR CITATION,” Plaintiffs cite to it. In the event that this Court deems it improper, Plaintiffs request to have the cite excluded from their written submission. 24

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ER 93 1 262. A reasonable person in that circumstance would not suspect that the Medications were

2 being given illegally, their muscular-skeletal injuries were being exacerbated by insufficient

3 rest and the NFL’s Business Plan was demanding it. See e.g., Gutierrez v. Mofid, 39 Cal.3d

4 892, 899 (1985) (lacking medical knowledge, a plaintiff may reasonably rely upon his

5 negligent physician’s soothing disclaimers); Sanchez v. S. Hoover Hosp., 18 Cal.3d 93, 102

6 (1976) (The patient is fully entitled to rely upon the physician’s professional skill and judgment

7 while under his care…It follows, accordingly, that … the degree of diligence required of a

8 patient in ferreting out and learning of the negligent causes of his condition is diminished);

9 Knapp v. Knapp, 15 Cal.2d 237, 242 (1940) (In confidential relationships, because facts which

10 would justify investigation in the ordinary case would not excise suspicion where the circumstances show a right to rely upon the representations of another and the same degree to 11 diligence should not be required). 12 Plaintiffs had no actual or constructive knowledge of their exacerbated muscular-skeletal 13 injuries, damage to their internal organs or any wrongdoing. Further, Plaintiffs asked their 14 NFL doctors and trainers whether there were any issues with the Medications and were told 15 “no;” again, the law does not require Plaintiffs to go further. Finally, given the nature of the 16 relationship between the Plaintiffs and the persons with whom they interacted in the examples 17 provided by the NFL, Plaintiffs were allowed to relax their guard and trust what they were 18 being told. 19






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2 Plaintiffs respectfully request that the Court deny the NFL’s Motion to Dismiss.

3 Dated: February 5, 2019 Respectfully Submitted,

4 /s/ Willian N. Sinclair William N. Sinclair (SBN 222502) 5 ([email protected]) SILVERMAN|THOMPSON|SLUTKIN|WHITE|LLC 6 201 N. Charles St., Suite 2600 Baltimore, MD 21201 7 Telephone: (410) 385-2225 Facsimile: (410) 547-2432 8

















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ER 95


I am employed in the City of Baltimore, State of Maryland. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action; my business address is 201 N. Charles St., Suite 2600, Baltimore, MD 21201 and my email address is [email protected].

On February 5, 2019, I caused to be served the following document described as:


Allen J. Ruby Jack P. DiCanio Karen Hoffman Lent Patrick M. Hammon Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP 525 University Avenue, Suite 1400 Palo Alto, California 94301

Daniel L. Nash Stacey R. Reisenstein Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP 1333 New Hampshire Ave., NW Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 by:

X (BY ELECTRONIC SERVICE VIA CM/ECF SYSTEM) In accordance with the electronic filing procedures of this Court, service has been effected on the aforesaid party(s) above, whose counsel of record is a registered participant of CM/ECF, via electronic services through the CM/ECF system.


(BY EMAIL) I am readily familiar with the firm’s practice of email transmission; on this date, I caused the above-referenced document(s) to be transmitted by email and that the transmission was reported as complete and without error.

(BY MAIL) I am readily familiar with the firm’s practice for the collection and processing of correspondence for mailing with the United States Postal Service and the fact that the correspondence would be deposited with the United States Postal Service that same day in the ordinary course of business; on this date, the above-referenced correspondence was placed for (145 of 340) Case:Case 3:14-cv-02324-WHA19-16017, 08/22/2019, Document ID: 11407366, 125-1 DktEntry: Filed 02/05/19 12-2, Page Page 99 of2 of294 2

ER 96 deposit at Baltimore, Maryland and placed for collection and mailing following ordinary business practices.

(BY FEDERAL EXPRESS) I am readily familiar with the firm’s practice for the daily collection and processing of correspondence for deliveries with the Federal Express delivery service and the fact that the correspondence would be deposited with Federal Express that same day in the ordinary course of business; on this date, the above-referenced document was placed for deposit at Baltimore, Maryland and placed for collection and overnight delivery following ordinary business practices.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Maryland that the above is true and correct.

Executed on February 4, 2019 at Baltimore, Maryland.

/s/ Desirena J. Farmer Desirena J. Farmer


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1 ALLEN RUBY (SBN 47109) [email protected] 2 JACK P. DICANIO (SBN 138782) [email protected] 3 PATRICK HAMMON (SBN 255047) [email protected] 4 SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP 525 University Avenue, Suite 1400 5 Palo Alto, CA 94301 Telephone: (650) 470-4500 6 Facsimile: (650) 470-4570

7 KAREN HOFFMAN LENT (pro hac vice forthcoming) [email protected] 8 SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP Four Times Square 9 New York, NY 10036 10 Telephone: (212) 735-3000 Facsimile: (212) 735-2000 11 DANIEL L. NASH (pro hac vice) 12 [email protected] STACEY R. EISENSTEIN (pro hac vice) 13 [email protected] AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD LLP 14 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. 15 Washington, D.C. 20036 Telephone: (202) 887-4000 16 Facsimile: (202) 887-4288


22 RICHARD DENT, et al., Case No.: 3:14-CV-02324-WHA


26 Defendant. Date: March 7, 2019 Time: 8:00 a.m. 27 Courtroom: 12 (19th Floor) 28 Judge: Honorable William Alsup


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2 TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 3 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on March 7, 2019, at 8:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as 4 available, in the courtroom of the Honorable William Alsup, located at 450 Golden Gate Avenue, 5 Courtroom 12, 19th Floor, San Francisco, California 94102, Defendant National Football League 6 (“NFL”) will and hereby does move for an order dismissing Plaintiffs’ Third Amended Complaint 7 (“TAC”) (Dkt. No. 119). 8 STATEMENT OF ISSUES

9 The TAC should be dismissed under Rule 12(b)(6) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

10 for two independent reasons. First, it fails to plead sufficient facts to establish the essential 11 elements of its only claim—negligence. Second, even if the facts alleged in the TAC are sufficient 12 to state a claim, those allegations make clear that Plaintiffs’ claims are time-barred. This Motion is 13 based on this Notice of Motion and Motion, the Memorandum of Points and Authorities, the 14 pleadings and paper on file in this action, any other such matters upon which the Court may take 15 judicial notice, the arguments of counsel, and any other matter that the Court may properly

16 consider. 17

18 Dated: January 16, 2019 SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP 19 By: /s/ Jack P. DiCanio 20 Jack P. DiCanio 21 Attorneys for Defendant NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE 22

23 24 25 26 27



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2 Page 3 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 4 BACKGROUND ...... 2 5 I. The Court Dismissed Plaintiffs’ Original Action ...... 2 6 II. The Ninth Circuit Limited the Scope of Remand ...... 2 7 III. Plaintiffs’ Third Amended Complaint Disregards the Ninth Circuit’s Instruction ...... 3 8 ARGUMENT ...... 5 9 I. PLAINTIFFS FAIL TO STATE A CLAIM AGAINST THE NFL FOR 10 NEGLIGENCE ...... 5

11 A. Standard of Review ...... 5

12 B. Plaintiffs Do Not Establish an Independent Duty of Care ...... 6 13 C. The TAC Does Not Satisfy Any of The Elements of the Negligence Per Se Doctrine ...... 8 14 1. Plaintiffs cannot establish that the statutes and regulations 15 identified in the TAC apply to the NFL...... 8

16 2. Plaintiffs cannot establish that the NFL has violated any laws. ....10 17 3. Plaintiffs fail to establish that the NFL’s alleged statutory violations were the proximate cause of their injuries...... 12 18 II. ALL OF PLAINTIFFS’ CLAIMS ARE TIME-BARRED ...... 13 19 A. Plaintiffs’ Claims Are Barred Because They Are Based on Personal 20 Injuries That Occurred More Than Two Years Ago ...... 14

21 B. The Discovery Rule Does Not Save Plaintiffs’ Claims ...... 14 22 CONCLUSION ...... 18

23 24 25 26 27


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4 In re Actimmune Marketing Litigation, No. C 08-023762010 MHP, 2010 WL 3463491 (N.D. Cal. Sept. 1, 2010), aff’d, 464 5 F. App’x 651 (9th Cir. 2011) ...... 10

6 Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662 (2009) ...... 5 7 Baidoobonso-Iam v. Bank of America (Home Loans), 8 No. VC 10-9171 CAS (MANx), 2011 WL 3103165 (C.D. Cal. July 25, 2011) ...... 10

9 Baisden v. Bowers, No. 1:16-cv-00641-LJO-SAB, 2016 WL 2743388 (E.D. Cal. May 11, 2016) ...... 16 10 Bell Atlantic Corp. v. Twombly, 11 550 U.S. 544 (2007) ...... 5, 10

12 Brooks v. Gomez, No. C10-01873 SBA, 2013 WL 496339 (N.D. Cal. Feb. 7, 2013) ...... 10, 11 13 California Service Station & Automobile Repair Ass’n v. American Home Assurance Co., 14 62 Cal. App. 4th 1166 (1998) ...... 6

15 Carson v. DePuy Spine, Inc., 365 F. App’x 812 (9th Cir. 2010) ...... 8 16 Corales v. Bennett, 17 567 F.3d 554 (9th Cir. 2009) ...... 6

18 Darringer v. Intuitive Surgical, Inc., No. 5:15-cv-00300-RMW, 2015 WL 4623935 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 3, 2015) ...... 16 19 Dean v. Southern California Edison, 20 No. ED 12-01435-MWF (DTBx), 2013 WL 12143173 (C.D. Cal. Sept. 17, 2013) ...... 13

21 Dent v. National Football League, 902 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2018) ...... passim 22 Deutsch v. Turner Corp., 23 324 F.3d 692 (9th Cir. 2003) ...... 14

24 Evans v. Arizona Cardinals Football Club, LLC, 252 F. Supp. 3d 855 (N.D. Cal. 2017) ...... 1 25 Fox v. Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc., 26 35 Cal. 4th 797 (2005) ...... 14, 15

27 Hendrix v. Novartis Pharmaceutical Corp., 975 F. Supp. 2d 1100 (C.D. Cal. 2013), aff’d, 647 F. App’x 749 (9th Cir. 2016) ...... 15 28

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1 Jolly v. Eli Lilly & Co., 44 Cal. 3d 1103 (1988) ...... 15, 16, 17 2 Kim v. InterDent, Inc., 3 No. C 08-5565 SI, 2010 WL 3155011 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 3, 2010) ...... 9

4 Kwan v. SanMedica International, 854 F.3d 1088 (9th Cir. 2017) ...... 7 5 Ledesma v. Jack Stewart Produce, Inc., 6 816 F.2d 482 (9th Cir. 1987) ...... 13

7 Mock v. Santa Monica Hospital, 187 Cal. App. 2d 57 (1960) ...... 17 8 Moss v. U.S. Secret Service, 9 572 F.3d 962 (9th Cir. 2009) ...... 5

10 Norgart v. Upjohn Co., 21 Cal. 4th 383 (1999) ...... 15 11 Williams v. Hilb, Rogal & Hobbs Insurance Services of California, Inc., 12 177 Cal. App. 4th 624 (2009) ...... 12


14 21 C.F.R. § 1301.11(a)...... 9 15 21 U.S.C. § 331 ...... 9

16 21 U.S.C. § 352(f) ...... 9 17 21 U.S.C. § 353(b)(2) ...... 9 18 Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 335.1 ...... 14 19 N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214 ...... 14 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27


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2 Plaintiffs’ purported “best and final” complaint (Dkt. No. 117 at 1), asserting against the 3 NFL a single cause of action for negligence, should be dismissed with prejudice for failure to state 4 an actionable claim. The Third Amended Complaint (“TAC”) ignores the Ninth Circuit’s mandate 5 in Dent v. National Football League, 902 F.3d 1109 (9th Cir. 2018) that limits any further 6 proceedings on remand to claims arising from the conduct of the NFL and NFL personnel only. 7 Instead, each named Plaintiff seeks damages for injuries allegedly caused by receiving medications 8 provided by Club doctors and athletic trainers, allegedly without the written prescriptions and

9 warnings allegedly required by federal and state statutes. There is no plausible allegation that

10 anyone employed by the NFL dispensed or distributed any medications—controlled substances or 11 otherwise—to any player. Nor does the TAC “establish [under a negligence per se theory] that the 12 relevant statutes apply to the NFL, the NFL violated those statutes, and the alleged violations 13 caused the players’ injuries.” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1121. 14 Indeed, the TAC is directly contrary to the Ninth Circuit’s mandate in Dent. The Court 15 clearly outlined the single path forward for Plaintiffs’ negligence claim—a direct theory of liability

16 against the NFL. The Ninth Circuit observed: 17 [A]t many points in the SAC, the plaintiffs appear to conflate the NFL and the teams. But the plaintiffs are pursuing a theory of direct liability, not vicarious liability. And they have 18 attempted to vindicate virtually identical claims against the clubs themselves in [Evans]. Therefore, on remand, any further proceedings in this case [regarding Plaintiffs’ 19 negligence claim] should be limited to claims arising from the conduct of the NFL and NFL personnel—not the conduct of individual teams’ employees. We leave it to the district court 20 to determine whether the plaintiffs have pleaded facts sufficient to support their negligence claim against the NFL. 21

22 Dent, 902 F.3d at 1121 (emphasis added). The TAC, however, merely rehashes almost verbatim

23 the same inapposite allegations about the conduct of team doctors and athletic trainers that this 24 Court already found failed to state a claim against the teams in Evans v. Arizona Cardinals 25 Football Club, LLC, No. 3:16-cv-01030-WHA, 252 F. Supp. 3d 855 (N.D. Cal. May 15, 2017),

26 ECF No. 224 (“Evans Dkt. No. 224”). 27 The TAC also demonstrates that Plaintiffs’ claims are barred by the statute of limitations. 28 Plaintiffs allege they were given medications without warnings or prescriptions during their

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1 playing careers in an effort to return them to play, and suffered injuries when they did. Because

2 each of the plaintiffs ended his NFL playing career no later than 2008, each was required to bring 3 his claims no later than 2010. None did so. Their claims accordingly are time-barred. 4 This Court should dismiss the TAC with prejudice.


6 I. The Court Dismissed Plaintiffs’ Original Action 7 Plaintiffs are nine retired football players (TAC ¶¶ 18, 28, 37, 46, 56, 65, 75, 85, 95) who 8 were employed by various NFL Clubs between 1969 and 2008. (Id. ¶ 17.) At least six years—and,

9 in many cases, decades—after their careers ended, Plaintiffs filed this lawsuit on May 20, 2014,

10 asserting nine causes of action. (Dkt. No. 1 ¶¶ 260-384 (amended in Dkt. No. 5, Dkt. No. 65 (the 11 “SAC”), and Dkt. No. 119)). 12 In September 2014, the NFL filed two motions to dismiss: one seeking dismissal on 13 preemption grounds under Section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA), 29 14 U.S.C. § 185, and a second seeking dismissal due to the expiration of the limitations period and 15 Plaintiffs’ failure to state a claim. On December 17, 2014, this Court granted the preemption

16 motion and found that the second motion was moot. (Dkt. No. 106 at 1.) In ordering dismissal, the 17 Court held that “[t]he essence of plaintiffs’ [negligence-based] claim for relief is that the individual 18 clubs mistreated their players and the league was negligent in failing to intervene and stop their 19 alleged mistreatment.” (Dkt. No. 106 at 6.) Such a claim was preempted because “determining the 20 extent to which the NFL was negligent in failing to curb medication abuse by the clubs” would 21 require analysis of various CBA provisions. (Id. at 12.)

22 II. The Ninth Circuit Limited the Scope of Remand 23 On appeal, Plaintiffs argued that, in dismissing their claims, the Court misread their 24 complaint. Their negligence claim was not that the NFL had failed to adequately supervise the 25 medication practices of the Clubs, but rather that the NFL itself had distributed and dispensed

26 controlled substances to the players in a manner that violated the law. See Opening Brief for 27 Appellant at 9, Dent v. NFL, No. 15-15143 (9th Cir. Oct. 9, 2015), ECF No. 22 (arguing that the 28 NFL “violated duties established by detailed statutory schemes that regulate the distribution and

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1 administration of such Medications”) (emphasis added). The Ninth Circuit accepted Plaintiffs’

2 representation that they “are not merely alleging that the NFL failed to prevent medication abuse 3 by the teams, but that the NFL itself illegally distributed controlled substances . . . .” Dent, 902 4 F.3d at 1118. Thus, “to the extent the NFL is involved in the distribution of controlled substances, 5 it has a duty to conduct such activities with reasonable care,” and “no examination of the CBAs is 6 necessary to determine that distributing controlled substances is an activity that gives rise to a duty 7 of care.” Id. at 1119-20. Rather, “under the plaintiffs’ negligence per se theory, whether the NFL 8 breached its duty to handle drugs with reasonable care can be determined by comparing the

9 conduct of the NFL to the requirements of the statutes at issue.” Id. at 1119. 10 In restricting its ruling to preemption, the Ninth Circuit was careful to “express no opinion 11 about the ultimate merits of the players’ claims,” which “may be susceptible” to a “motion to 12 dismiss for failure to state a claim under Rule 12(b)(6).” Id. at 1126. Instead, the Court explicitly 13 left “it to the district court to determine whether the plaintiffs have pleaded facts sufficient to 14 support their negligence claim against the NFL” (as opposed to the Clubs, which were already 15 facing “virtually identical claims” in Evans). Id. at 1121. And the Ninth Circuit further instructed

16 that “any further proceedings in this case should be limited to claims arising from the conduct of

17 the NFL and NFL personnel – not the conduct of individual teams’ employees.” Id.

18 III. Plaintiffs’ Third Amended Complaint Disregards the Ninth Circuit’s Instruction 19 Following remand, Plaintiffs filed the TAC asserting a single cause of action for 20 negligence. The TAC does not assert any of the other claims from the SAC the Ninth Circuit 21 reviewed, including negligent hiring and retention of the doctors who allegedly “gave” them the 22 medications, negligent misrepresentation, and fraud.1 Rather, the lone count the TAC asserts is for

23 negligence – specifically, that the NFL was negligent per se because it violated federal and state 24 law through its “provision and administration” (TAC ¶¶ 299, 301-02) of medications without the 25 1 Thus, although the Ninth Circuit accepted as true the allegation that “the doctors and trainers 26 who actually provided medications to players” were employed by the NFL (Dent v. National Football League, 902 F.3d 1109, 1118, n.5 (9th Cir. 2018)) (emphasis added), the TAC no longer 27 includes any such allegation, presumably because Plaintiffs know from the Evans litigation that it is not true. Instead, Plaintiffs simply “conflate” the NFL and the Clubs by labeling the 28 professionals who actually provided the players with medications as “NFL doctors and trainers.”

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1 written prescriptions and warnings required by statute, which Plaintiffs allege “directly and

2 proximately” caused their injuries. (Id. ¶ 16.) 3 Notwithstanding the Ninth Circuit’s clear holding that Plaintiffs may not “conflate” the 4 NFL and the Clubs to establish a “theory of direct liability, not vicarious liability,” Dent, 902 F.3d 5 at 1121, the TAC makes no specific allegation that the NFL distributed or dispensed a single drug 6 to a single player on even one occasion. Instead, the very first paragraph of the TAC asserts that 7 their “allegations . . . are supported by” documents and testimony from various Club doctors and 8 trainers from the Evans litigation. (TAC ¶ 1.) Plaintiffs allege that the medications they received

9 during the NFL careers “were often administered without a prescription or side effects warnings

10 and with little regard for a player’s medical history, potentially-fatal interactions with other 11 medications, or the actual health and recovery from injury of the player.” (Id. ¶ 15.) But nowhere 12 in the introduction summarizing their claims, or anywhere else in the ninety-page TAC, do 13 Plaintiffs identify anyone from the NFL (as opposed to the Club doctors and trainers) ever 14 providing a single medication to any NFL player. Nor could they, as Plaintiffs well know from the 15 extensive discovery in the Evans litigation cited in the TAC that this never happened.2

16 The individual Plaintiffs’ specific allegations make this abundantly clear. Each describes 17 the circumstances under which he allegedly received controlled substances and prescription 18 medications in violation of law. (See id. ¶¶ 17-106.) But for each such incident, Plaintiffs allege 19 that they received these medications from their Club doctors and trainers and not anyone employed 20 by the NFL. (Id.) In fact, Plaintiffs attach an exhibit claiming to identify “the names of the Club 21 doctors and trainers [who allegedly provided the medications] for each year through 2008 as 22 provided by the Defendants during discovery in the Evans case.” (Id. ¶ 106.) Further, for each

23 Plaintiff, the TAC specifies only the conduct of team doctors and trainers (see, e.g., id. ¶¶ 21, 30, 24 25

26 2 To be sure, the TAC contains considerable misleading and inaccurate rhetoric about matters such as the “Opioid Use Problem” and the NFL’s supposed “Business Plan” to prioritize profits over 27 player safety. (See TAC ¶¶ 2-13.) But such baseless allegations are irrelevant to the single claim in this lawsuit – that the NFL allegedly provided players with controlled substances in a manner 28 that violated the law.

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1 39, 47, 58, 67, 77, 86, 96) in describing the injuries allegedly caused by “the NFL’s negligence”

2 (id. § VII). 3 For example, Plaintiff Richard Dent alleges that he received medications from the “team 4 doctors and trainers” for the Chicago Bears, the , the Indianapolis Colts and 5 the Philadelphia Eagles. (Id. ¶ 21 (emphasis added).) He further alleges that “the person providing 6 the Medication” did not identify the dosage or provide “the statutorily required warnings about side 7 effects of any of the Medications” (id. ¶ 22), and that this “wrongful administration of Medications 8 to him” caused the injuries for which he seeks damages in the TAC (id. ¶ 25). He also alleges that

9 he “trusted and relied on the NFL’s doctors and trainers and would not have taken the Medications

10 in the manner and amount in which he did had the [NFL] provided him with the information it was

3 11 legally obligated to provide as discussed herein.” (Id. ¶ 27.) 12 ARGUMENT


15 A. Standard of Review 16 To survive a motion to dismiss, “a complaint must contain sufficient factual matter, 17 accepted as true, to state a claim to relief that is plausible on its face.” Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 18 662, 678 (2009) (citation omitted); see also Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 570 (2007). 19 Although well-pleaded allegations, and reasonable inferences that may be drawn from those 20 allegations, are accepted as true, “for a complaint to survive a motion to dismiss, the non- 21 conclusory factual content, and reasonable inferences from that content, must be plausibly 22 suggestive of a claim entitling the plaintiff to relief.” Moss v. U.S. Secret Serv., 572 F.3d 962, 969

23 (9th Cir. 2009). 24 To state a claim for negligence under California law, Plaintiffs must allege that (1) the NFL 25 had a duty or an obligation to conform to a certain standard of conduct for their protection against 26 unreasonable risks; (2) the NFL breached that duty; (3) the breach proximately caused their 27 3 Each Plaintiff makes this identical allegation. (See TAC ¶ 36 (Newberry); ¶ 45 (Green); ¶ 55 28 (Hill); ¶ 64 (Van Horne); ¶ 74 (Stone); ¶ 84 (Pritchard); ¶ 94 (McMahon); ¶ 105 (Wiley).)

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1 injuries; and (4) damages. See Corales v. Bennett, 567 F.3d 554, 572 (9th Cir. 2009). As in their

2 prior complaint, Plaintiffs invoke the negligence per se doctrine. But the TAC fails to state a claim 3 under a negligence per se or any other theory.

4 B. Plaintiffs Do Not Establish an Independent Duty of Care 5 “Under California law, negligence per se is a doctrine, not an independent cause of action.” 6 Dent, 902 F.3d at 1117. Thus, California courts consistently hold that satisfying the elements of 7 the negligence per se doctrine may create a rebuttable presumption that a particular standard of 8 care was breached – but it does not create a duty or satisfy the independent duty requirement of a

9 claim for negligence. E.g., Cal. Serv. Station & Auto. Repair Ass’n v. Am. Home Assurance Co.,

10 62 Cal. App. 4th 1166, 1177 (1998) (“[T]he presumption of negligence concerns the standard of 11 care, not the duty of care.”). In other words, negligence per se “applies only after determining that 12 the defendant owes the plaintiff an independent duty of care.” Id. at 1180 (emphasis added). 13 In remanding this case, the Ninth Circuit found that such a duty could arise “in the 14 distribution of medications,” with the applicable standard established by statute. Dent, 902 F.3d at 15 1119. However, the Court simply accepted, for purposes of its preemption analysis, Plaintiffs’

16 allegation in the SAC that the NFL itself provided them medications in violation of law, and left to 17 this Court the determination of “whether the plaintiffs have pleaded facts sufficient to support” 18 such a claim. Id. at 1121. And in doing so, the Ninth Circuit made clear that Plaintiffs could not 19 “conflate” the conduct of the Club doctors and trainers with the NFL, but rather are “limited to 20 claims arising from the conduct of the NFL and NFL personnel.” Id. 21 The TAC does not plead sufficient facts to establish the required duty of care because there 22 are no plausible allegations that the NFL distributed or dispensed any medications to Plaintiffs. No

23 Plaintiff identifies anyone from the NFL who allegedly gave them any medications, in violation of 24 law or otherwise. To the contrary, the literal and only plausible reading of their claims is that Club 25 doctors and trainers allegedly provided medications without written prescriptions, proper labeling, 26 or warnings regarding side effects and long-term risks that they claim were required by the relevant 27 statutes. Plaintiffs’ effort to obfuscate this obvious fact by labeling Club medical personnel as NFL 28 doctors and trainers violates the Ninth Circuit’s clear prohibition against “conflat[ing]” the conduct

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1 of the Club doctors and trainers with the NFL. Id.; see also Kwan v. SanMedica Int’l, 854 F.3d

2 1088, 1096 (9th Cir. 2017) (holding that although a court must take all allegations of material fact 3 as true and construe them in favor of the nonmoving party, “[c]onclusory allegations of law and 4 unwarranted inferences . . . are insufficient to avoid dismissal”). 5 Moreover, Plaintiffs cannot establish that the NFL “voluntarily” assumed a duty to comply 6 with the law by citing to various studies, publications, task forces and recommended “best 7 practices” regarding the dispensation of medications to the players. (See TAC ¶¶ 159-229.) For 8 example, the TAC contains numerous pages describing the prescription of Toradol by Club

9 physicians to NFL players, including “the Matava task force,” the “Tokish Study,” a memorandum

10 prepared by the KC Orthopedic Institute regarding the use of Toradol by “NFL teams,” and 11 meetings of the Professional Football Athletic Trainers Society (“PFATS”). (See id. ¶¶ 164-80.)4 12 Apart from the fact that Plaintiffs do not allege that any of the professionals associated with these 13 activities are or were employed by the NFL, these allegations in no way support a claim that the 14 NFL distributed or dispensed medications to players. 15 For the same reason, Plaintiffs’ allegations concerning the doctors retained to oversee the

16 NFL’s collectively bargained “drug program” (Drs. Riker, Tennant, Lombardo and Brown) and the 17 league’s Medical Advisor (Dr. Pellman) (see id. ¶¶ 159-61, 183-84) fail to support their claim that 18 the NFL assumed a duty to ensure that the prescription practices of the Club physicians complied 19 with the law. As this Court previously recognized, “no decision in any state (including California) 20 has ever held that a professional sports league owed such a duty to intervene and stop mistreatment 21 by the league’s independent clubs.” (Dkt. No. 106 at 6.) The Ninth Circuit did not disagree with 22 this observation, but instead held only that the NFL could be responsible under a negligence theory

23 to the extent it actually dispensed or distributed medications to the players in a manner that violated 24 applicable law. Significantly, there is no allegation, nor could there be, that any of these “NFL 25 doctors” ever distributed or dispensed any medications to the players. 26 4 Despite the considerable emphasis on Toradol in the TAC, it is not a controlled substance 27 governed by the Controlled Substances Act (“CSA”). Neither are the other non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs (“NSAIDs”) described in the TAC, including Motrin, Vioxx, Celebrex, 28 Ketorolac, Indocin, or Naprosyn.

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1 In short, taking all of the allegations in the TAC as true, Plaintiffs at most can say that the

2 NFL was of aware, through audits and studies, of information regarding the Clubs’ practices in 3 dispensing medications to the players. There are no allegations, however, establishing that such 4 awareness gave rise to a legal duty of care. Plaintiffs have completely failed to show, as the Ninth 5 Circuit required, that the statutes governing the distribution of controlled substances apply to an 6 entity like the NFL, let alone that the NFL breached any of those statutes or caused Plaintiffs’ 7 injuries. And despite the Ninth Circuit’s clear directive to the contrary, the TAC’s claims that the 8 NFL voluntarily assumed a duty to supervise the Clubs’ medical practices amounts to nothing more

9 than a claim of vicarious and not direct liability.

10 C. The TAC Does Not Satisfy Any of The Elements of the Negligence Per Se Doctrine 11

12 Apart from the TAC’s failure to sufficiently allege an independent duty of care, it wholly 13 fails to satisfy the negligence per se doctrine Plaintiffs invoke to support their negligence claim. 14 The negligence per se doctrine requires Plaintiffs to show that: (1) the NFL violated a statute or 15 regulation; (2) the violation caused Plaintiffs’ injuries; (3) the injuries resulted from the kind of

16 occurrence the statute or regulation was designed to prevent; and (4) Plaintiffs were members of 17 the class of persons the statute or regulation was intended to protect. See Carson v. DePuy Spine, 18 Inc., 365 F. App’x 812, 815 (9th Cir. 2010). Applying the doctrine to Plaintiffs’ claims here, the 19 Ninth Circuit held that a negligence per se theory would “require the players to establish that the 20 relevant statutes apply to the NFL, the NFL violated those statutes, and the alleged violations 21 caused the players’ injuries.” Dent, 902 F.3d at 1121. The TAC does not satisfy any of these 22 elements.

23 1. Plaintiffs cannot establish that the statutes and regulations identified in the TAC apply to the NFL. 24

25 Despite Plaintiffs’ repeated assertions that the NFL violated the “statutory regime” 26 governing the distribution of controlled substances and prescription medications, the TAC fails to 27 establish that any of the purportedly violated statutes and regulations even apply to the NFL. 28 Plaintiffs reference a list of statutes and regulations that govern the obligations of medical

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1 professionals and “registrants” in distributing and dispensing controlled substances and

2 prescription medications. But Plaintiffs never identify how any of those statutes or regulations 3 apply to the NFL, nor could Plaintiffs do so, because they simply do not apply. 4 The CSA applies to persons who “manufacture, distribute, dispense, import or export any 5 controlled substances.” 21 C.F.R. § 1301.11(a). Specifically, “only persons actually engaged in 6 such activities are required to obtain a registration; related or affiliated persons who are not 7 engaged in such activities are not required to be registered.” Id. (emphasis added). Here, the 8 specific allegations regarding the NFL, as opposed to those involving the Club doctors (who are

9 registrants), plainly do not subject the NFL to coverage. As explained, there is no plausible

10 allegation that the NFL distributed or dispensed controlled substances to the Plaintiffs. (Nor is 11 there any allegation that the NFL manufactures, imports, or exports any such substances.) See Kim 12 v. InterDent, Inc., No. C 08-5565 SI, 2010 WL 3155011, at *11 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 3, 2010) 13 (dismissing plaintiff’s negligence per se claim, which was premised on defendant management 14 company’s alleged failures to provide effective controls and procedures for the provision of 15 medications under the CSA, holding that plaintiff failed to show that defendant, which had not

16 distributed medications to end-users (the patients), was subject to the CSA). 17 Nor does the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (“FDCA”) impose any obligations on 18 the NFL related to the conduct alleged in the TAC. By Plaintiffs’ own account, the FDCA 19 prohibits physicians from the manufacture or dispensing of drugs that have been “misbranded” and 20 from providing drugs without prescriptions or appropriate warnings. (See TAC ¶ 151); see also, 21 e.g., 21 U.S.C. § 331 (prohibiting misbranding or adulterating drugs or the manufacture, 22 introduction, or delivery of such drugs). Yet nowhere does the TAC allege that the NFL itself

23 misbranded or adulterated a medication under the FDCA, or introduced any such medication into 24 commerce.5 25 5 26 Although misbranding may occur where, for example, a drug’s label fails to include adequate directions for use, see, 21 U.S.C. § 352(f), this rule generally does not apply when a physician 27 provides a medication directly to a patient. See, e.g., 21 U.S.C. § 353(b)(2) (exempting from requirements of 21 U.S.C. § 352 medications prescribed by a physician under certain 28 circumstances). But in any event, the TAC includes no allegation that the NFL distributed a drug without the label required by Section 352(f) or prescribed a medication without following the (cont’d) 9 DEF.’S MOTION TO DISMISS THIRD AMENDED COMPLAINT Case No.: 3:14-cv-02324-WHA (160 of 340) Case:Case 19-16017,3:14-cv-02324-WHA 08/22/2019, Document ID: 11407366, 121 DktEntry: Filed 01/16/19 12-2, Page Page 114 15 ofof 29424

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1 For similar reasons, Plaintiffs have not alleged that the California Pharmacy Law (or any

2 other state law) even applies to the NFL. (See, e.g., TAC ¶ 303 (generally alleging that, “[f]or 3 example, the NFL violated the California Pharmacy Law, Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 4000, et seq.,” 4 without citing a single specific provision that applies to the NFL or that the NFL violated).)6 5 Plaintiffs simply refer to a list of statutes and regulations that govern the obligations of 6 medical professionals and “registrants” in distributing and dispensing controlled substances and 7 prescription medications without ever explaining how any of those statutes or regulations apply to 8 the NFL. Because they have not established and cannot establish that the statutes apply to the

9 NFL, their claims should be dismissed for that reason alone. See Brooks v. Gomez, No. C10-01873

10 SBA, 2013 WL 496339, at *12 (N.D. Cal. Feb. 7, 2013) (holding that plaintiff “failed to give the 11 Defendants fair notice of what the claim is and the grounds upon which it rests” because plaintiff 12 only listed statutes and regulations without “alleg[ing] sufficient facts establishing how each 13 Defendant . . . is alleged to have violated the provisions of each of the Acts identified”).

14 2. Plaintiffs cannot establish that the NFL has violated any laws. 15 The Ninth Circuit made clear that succeeding on the negligence per se theory would require

16 Plaintiffs to “establish that . . . the NFL violated th[e] statutes” in question. Dent, 902 F.3d at 17 1121. Plaintiffs have not sufficiently alleged that the NFL has violated any of the cited statutes. 18 Indeed, the TAC fails even to identify which statutes and regulations the NFL allegedly violated, 19 thus warranting dismissal. See In re Actimmune Mktg. Litig., No. C 08-023762010 MHP, 2010 20 WL 3463491, at *6 (N.D. Cal. Sept. 1, 2010) (“Without knowing which provisions were at issue, it

21 ______(cont’d from previous page) 22 exemption requirements of Section 353(b)(2).

23 6 While Plaintiffs generally allege that the NFL violated all fifty states’ and the District of Columbia’s laws “regulating controlled substances and prescription medications” (TAC ¶¶ 157-58, 24 302), they fail to identify which states’ laws are allegedly implicated by their claims. Indeed, Plaintiffs specifically identify only one such law from one such state. (Id. ¶¶ 157, 303.) 25 Accordingly, Plaintiffs fail to “give [the NFL] fair notice of . . . the grounds upon which [the claim] rests.” Bell Atl. Corp. v. Twombly, 550 U.S. 544, 555 (2007) (internal citation omitted); see 26 Baidoobonso-Iam v. Bank of Am. (Home Loans), No. VC 10-9171 CAS (MANx), 2011 WL 3103165, at *4 (C.D. Cal. July 25, 2011) (dismissing under Twombly a claim for violation of “a 27 litany” of statutes where complaint “provide[d] little or no indication of how any of the listed statutes were violated”). Here, the deficiency in Plaintiffs’ claims is even more glaring, since the 28 TAC does not even identify the statutes allegedly violated.

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1 was impossible to determine whether the [complaint] stated a ‘plausible’ claim for relief.”), aff’d,

2 464 F. App’x 651 (9th Cir. 2011). For example, several of the referenced statutes and regulations 3 define duties owed by registrants exclusively to the DEA. (See, e.g., TAC ¶ 133.) Many of the 4 regulations referenced are merely definitional (see, e.g., id. ¶ 122) or discuss only the punishments 5 applicable for various violations (see, e.g., id. ¶ 137). 6 Rather than alleging facts establishing that “the NFL violated those statutes,” Dent, 902 7 F.3d at 1121, Plaintiffs impermissibly conflate the NFL and the Clubs and allege that the manner in 8 which the “NFL doctors and trainers” dispensed these medications violated the CSA, FDCA and

9 analogous state laws. With regard to the CSA, Plaintiffs allege: 10 For decades, the NFL’s lack of appropriate prescriptions, failure to keep proper records, refusal to explain side effects, lack of individual patient evaluation, proper diagnosis and 11 attention, and use of trainers to distribute Schedule II and III controlled substances to its players, including Plaintiffs, individually and collectively violate the foregoing criminal and 12 regulatory regime. In doing so, the NFL not only left its former players injured, damaged and/or addicted, but also committed innumerable violations of the CSA. 13

14 (TAC ¶ 143.) The TAC further alleges that the NFL violated the FDCA by dispensing medications 15 without a prescription, warnings about side effects, and the proper FDA-approved label. (Id. ¶¶

16 151-52, 156.) Finally, the TAC alleges that these same medical practices violated analogous state 17 laws “regulating controlled substances and prescription medications.” (Id. ¶¶ 157-58.) 18 These allegations point to purported actions or omissions by the individual Clubs (and the 19 doctors and trainers employed by them), as the phrase “use of trainers” confirms. (See, e.g., id. ¶¶ 20 143, 156.) There are no allegations that adequately plead that a single NFL employee violated any 21 of the referenced statutes. Plaintiffs’ continual conflation of the NFL, on the one hand, and the 22 Clubs, on the other, cannot sustain a wholly conclusory negligence claim devoid of facts. See

23 Brooks, 2013 WL 496339, at *12 (holding that plaintiff “failed to give the Defendants fair notice of 24 what the claim is and the grounds upon which it rests” when plaintiff only listed statutes and 25 regulations without “alleg[ing] sufficient facts establishing how each Defendant . . . is alleged to 26 have violated the provisions of each of the Acts identified”). It also violates the Ninth Circuit’s 27 clear directive on remand. 28

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1 3. Plaintiffs fail to establish that the NFL’s alleged statutory violations were the proximate cause of their injuries. 2

3 Even if the TAC had alleged facts demonstrating that the NFL was subject to the CSA and 4 FDCA and had violated their terms, it does not plead sufficient facts demonstrating that Plaintiffs’ 5 injuries were caused by any conduct specifically attributed to the NFL, a requirement of Plaintiffs’ 6 negligence claim. Thus, even if the statutes applied to the NFL, and the NFL somehow could be 7 viewed as responsible for any violations, Plaintiffs cannot possibly demonstrate any discernable 8 connection between the NFL’s alleged conduct and their injuries. To the contrary, Plaintiffs

9 themselves allege that their injuries were caused by the specific conduct of Club doctors and

10 trainers.7 (TAC ¶¶ 17-106.) 11 Moreover, Plaintiffs fail to sufficiently allege a causal connection between the NFL’s 12 supposed violations of federal and state laws, on the one hand, and Plaintiffs’ injuries on the other. 13 While Plaintiffs assert cursory allegations regarding the “NFL’s” purported violations of 14 “recordkeeping” requirements and the supposed “ban on traveling with controlled substances” (see, 15 e.g., TAC ¶¶ 220, 299), the TAC includes no factual allegations that any purported violations of

16 these technical restrictions caused Plaintiffs’ injuries. See Williams v. Hilb, Rogal & Hobbs Ins. 17 Servs. of Cal., Inc., 177 Cal. App. 4th 624, 643 (2009) (finding that Evid. Code. § 669 (i.e., the 18 negligence per se presumption) was not applicable where party’s violation of a labor code (i.e., 19 failure to obtain workers’ compensation insurance) was not causally connected to injury). Even if 20 7 But even these allegations fall far short of adequately pleading the causation element of 21 Plaintiffs’ negligence claim. With regard to their purported musculoskeletal injuries, Plaintiffs merely provided a list of injuries, followed by conclusory allegations that each Plaintiff “believes 22 that [such injuries identified in the foregoing documents] were aggravated, extended, worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the wrongful 23 administration of Medications to [them].” (TAC ¶¶ 25, 34, 43, 53, 62, 72, 82, 91, 103.) These allegations are mere speculation and do not satisfy Plaintiffs’ burden of pleading that such injuries 24 were suffered “as a result of the anti-inflammatory injection[s] [or other medications they received].” (Evans Dkt. No. 224 at 6.) Similarly, Plaintiffs’ allegations concerning internal organ 25 injuries are supported by nothing more than the same type of speculative assertions that were discredited in the Evans litigation. As in Evans, Plaintiffs have attempted to “plead the causation 26 element of their [negligence] claim simply by pointing to some recent internal organ-related problem,” “baldly asserting their belief that it directly resulted from their use of medication,” but 27 not alleging any facts “whatsoever concerning etiology.” (Id. at 7.) The TAC, like the complaint in Evans, “just arbitrarily blame[s] . . . drugs” for Plaintiffs’ injuries, something that this Court has 28 already found insufficient with respect to the causation requirement. (Id.)

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1 Plaintiffs could establish that a Club (as opposed to the NFL) violated one of these restrictions,

2 such as improperly travelling with medications, this is far from sufficient to satisfy Plaintiffs’ 3 obligation to plead that such a violation proximately caused their injuries. 4 For example, Plaintiff Dent alleges that he was provided medications without warnings or 5 labels that allowed him to return to play earlier than he claims he should. (See TAC ¶¶ 22-23.) But 6 nowhere does he allege that any of these injuries were caused, for example, because the 7 medications were improperly stored under the CSA or given to him by a registrant in a state other 8 than which he was registered. Nor does he allege that the actions allegedly taken by the NFL with

9 respect to medications—conducting studies or auditing Clubs’ practices—caused his injuries in any 10 way. Nor could he. It would be illogical for Dent to claim injuries from the use of medications in 11 the 1980s and early 1990s were “caused” by NFL actions that took place a decade later. (See, e.g., 12 TAC ¶¶ 163-77 (alleging that NFL undertook studies and audited Clubs following Dent’s career).)8 13 And even if he could, the TAC makes clear that such actions were not the “proximate” cause of his 14 injuries. 15 A plaintiff must provide more than a “mere recitation of the causation element.” Dean v. S.

16 Cal. Edison, No. ED 12-01435-MWF (DTBx), 2013 WL 12143173, at *2 (C.D. Cal. Sept. 17, 17 2013). Because Plaintiffs have not sufficiently alleged that their injuries are traceable to any 18 purported negligent act or omission by the NFL, Plaintiffs’ negligence claim should be dismissed. 19 See id. (dismissing claim that “lacks specific factual allegations, particularly with regard to the 20 element of causation”).

21 II. ALL OF PLAINTIFFS’ CLAIMS ARE TIME-BARRED 22 California’s two-year statute of limitations governs Plaintiffs’ claims here. “It is well-

23 settled that in diversity cases federal courts must apply the choice-of-law rules of the forum state.” 24 Ledesma v. Jack Stewart Produce, Inc., 816 F.2d 482, 484 (9th Cir. 1987). Under California’s 25 “governmental interest” test for choice-of-law issues, “[w]here the conflict concerns a statute of 26 limitations, the governmental interest approach generally leads California courts to apply 27

28 8 The specific allegations of the other Plaintiffs are similarly deficient.

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1 California law,” especially where California’s statute would bar a claim. Deutsch v. Turner Corp.,

2 324 F.3d 692, 716-17 (9th Cir. 2003).9 Thus, not only does California’s two-year statute of 3 limitations for claims based on personal injury govern Plaintiffs’ claims, it also bars them. See Cal. 4 Civ. Proc. Code § 335.1; Fox v. Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc., 35 Cal. 4th 797, 809 n.3 (2005).

5 A. Plaintiffs’ Claims Are Barred Because They Are Based on Personal Injuries That Occurred More Than Two Years Ago 6

7 Plaintiffs filed this action on May 20, 2014, and therefore claims that accrued earlier than 8 May 20, 2012 are time-barred under California’s statute of limitations. “[S]tatutes of limitation do

9 not begin to run until a cause of action accrues. . . . Generally speaking, a cause of action accrues

10 at ‘the time when the cause of action is complete with all of its elements.’” Fox, 35 Cal. 4th at 806 11 (citation omitted). “[T]he last element to occur is generally, as a practical matter, the injury to the 12 future plaintiff.” Id. at 809. Here, Plaintiffs’ injuries are all allegedly based on pain medications 13 provided to them during their playing careers with the NFL. (See, e.g., TAC ¶¶ 21, 289.) Every 14 Plaintiff retired from the NFL in 2008 or earlier. (Id. ¶¶ 18, 28, 37, 46, 56, 65, 75, 85, 95.)10 Thus, 15 the latest date Plaintiffs could have suffered a related injury was in 2008. It follows that Plaintiffs’

16 causes of action accrued no later than 2008. Absent any tolling, the two-year limitations period ran

17 in 2010. See Fox, 35 Cal. 4th at 806, 809. Because Plaintiffs waited until May 20, 2014 to file this 18 action—at least six years after sustaining injuries—their claims are time-barred.

19 B. The Discovery Rule Does Not Save Plaintiffs’ Claims 20 The discovery rule is inapplicable because Plaintiffs cannot sufficiently allege that they had 21 no actual or inquiry notice of their causes of action before May 20, 2012. To the contrary, 22

23 9 Plaintiffs have not asserted that a different state’s statute of limitations should apply. Indeed, in the parties’ previous motion to dismiss briefing, Plaintiffs stated that they “do not challenge the 24 NFL’s reliance on California law” for the purpose of its statute of limitations defense. (Opp. at 3 n.1, ECF No. 80.) Though Plaintiffs alluded to the possibility that New York law may apply (id.), 25 New York’s statute of limitations for claims based on personal injury is three years, See N.Y. C.P.L.R. § 214. Application of that limitations period would also bar Plaintiffs’ claims. 26 10 Plaintiff Dent retired in 1997, Plaintiff Newberry retired in 2008, Plaintiff Green retired in 1992, 27 Plaintiff Hill retired in 1979, Plaintiff Van Horne retired in 1993, Plaintiff Stone retired in 2005, Plaintiff Pritchard retired in 1977, Plaintiff McMahon retired in 1996, and Plaintiff Wiley retired in 28 2006. (TAC ¶¶ 18, 28, 37, 46, 56, 65, 75, 85, 95.)

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1 Plaintiffs allege that they had reason to—and did—suspect that they had been injured by some

2 wrongdoing well before then. 3 The “discovery rule” is an exception to the statute of limitations that “postpones accrual of 4 a cause of action until the plaintiff discovers, or has reason to discover, the cause of action.” Fox, 5 35 Cal. 4th at 807. Under the rule, the statute of limitations begins to run when “the plaintiffs have 6 reason to at least suspect that a type of wrongdoing has injured them.” Id. (emphasis added). A 7 plaintiff’s suspicion need only be about “the ‘generic’ elements of wrongdoing, causation, and 8 harm.” Id. “[T]he plaintiff[s] may discover, or have reason to discover, the cause of action even if

9 [they] do[] not suspect, or have reason to suspect, the identity of the defendant. That is because the

10 identity of the defendant is not an element of any cause of action.” See Norgart v. Upjohn Co., 21 11 Cal. 4th 383, 399 (1999) (citation omitted). 12 Moreover, “plaintiffs are charged with presumptive knowledge of an injury if they have 13 ‘information of circumstances to put [them] on inquiry’ or if they have ‘the opportunity to obtain 14 knowledge from sources open to [their] investigation.’” Fox, 35 Cal. 4th at 807-08 (alterations in 15 original) (citation omitted). “A plaintiff need not be aware of the specific ‘facts’ necessary to

16 establish the claim; that is a process contemplated by pretrial discovery.” Jolly v. Eli Lilly & Co., 17 44 Cal. 3d 1103, 1111 (1988). Nor need he or she be aware of the particular legal theory that will 18 support it. See Norgart, 21 Cal. 4th at 397. “California law does not require a plaintiff to be 19 certain of the cause of his injury before his cause of action accrues; it merely requires facts 20 sufficient to put a reasonable plaintiff in suspicion that he has been wronged.” Hendrix v. Novartis 21 Pharm. Corp., 975 F. Supp. 2d 1100, 1108-09 (C.D. Cal. 2013), aff’d, 647 F. App’x 749 (9th Cir. 22 2016). “So long as a suspicion [of wrongdoing] exists, it is clear that the plaintiff must go find the

23 facts; she cannot wait for the facts to find her.” Jolly, 44 Cal. 3d at 1111. 24 Accordingly, for the “discovery rule” to delay accrual of an otherwise time-barred claim, 25 the plaintiff must adequately allege “(1) the time and manner of discovery and (2) the inability to

26 have made earlier discovery despite reasonable diligence.” Fox, 35 Cal. 4th at 808 (citation 27 omitted). To allege diligence, a plaintiff must establish that he “conduct[ed] a reasonable 28 investigation of all potential causes of that injury.” Id. “‘The burden is on the plaintiff to show

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1 diligence, and conclusory allegations will not withstand’ a motion to dismiss.” Darringer v.

2 Intuitive Surgical, Inc., No. 5:15-cv-00300-RMW, 2015 WL 4623935, at *4 (N.D. Cal. Aug. 3, 3 2015) (citation omitted). 4 The face of the TAC reveals that Plaintiffs had actual or inquiry notice of their claims 5 before May 20, 2012. First, all Plaintiffs concede knowledge of the injuries “at the time of their 6 occurrence,” again, during or before 2008, the most recent year any named Plaintiff retired from 7 the NFL. (TAC ¶¶ 25, 34, 43, 53, 62, 72, 82, 92, 103 (emphasis added).) The allegation that 8 Plaintiffs’ “injuries . . . were known only generally” but that Plaintiffs lacked knowledge of “the

9 specific nature or details of the injuries” (see id. (emphasis added)) is of no legal consequence. See

10 Jolly, 44 Cal. 3d at 1111 (“A plaintiff need not be aware of the specific ‘facts’ necessary to 11 establish the claim; that is a process contemplated by pretrial discovery.”). “Once a plaintiff is 12 aware that he has been injured the statute of limitations begins to run.” Baisden v. Bowers, No. 13 1:16-cv-00641-LJO-SAB, 2016 WL 2743388, at *2 (E.D. Cal. May 11, 2016). 14 Plaintiffs also concede that “doctors they saw after their careers concluded did tell them that 15 some of their ailments might be the result of the amount of Medications they took during their NFL

16 careers.” (TAC ¶ 108 (emphasis added).) Though Plaintiffs do not identify the date of these doctor 17 visits, it is implausible that all visits occurred after May 20, 2012—anywhere from four to 35 years 18 after Plaintiffs’ careers ended. (See id. ¶¶ 18, 28, 37, 46, 56, 65, 75, 85, 95.)11 19 Finally, the TAC is rife with allegations that confirm that all Plaintiffs had notice that some 20 wrongdoing had caused their injuries during their careers: 21  Plaintiff Dent alleges that in 1983, he experienced an injury in practice that caused pain “so bad it was difficult for Mr. Dent to sit on the toilet or even walk. Despite being put on 22 several anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers, he questioned being put back on the field. He ended up playing in the last preseason game, doped up to the point that he could hardly 23 remember playing.” (Id. ¶ 23 (emphasis added).)

24  Plaintiff Newberry alleges that “in the 2004 season he hurt his left ankle and the team doctors told him it was a sprain. He played most of the season anyway, with the doctors 25

26 11 Indeed, Plaintiffs all but confirm that these visits were earlier than May 20, 2012. They dispute that these visits constitute notice only because the doctors allegedly did not expressly identify the 27 NFL’s purported involvement in their medication—not because the visits were within the limitations period. (See id. ¶ 108 (“[N]o doctor ever told them of the League’s involvement in the 28 recordkeeping, handling, and distribution of the Medications . . . .”).)

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1 giving him a significant amount of painkillers. After the season [i.e. in 2005], he was told that he had completely torn the ligament in the ankle and he required surgery.” (Id. ¶ 32.) 2 Plaintiff Newberry further alleges that as early as 2005 and 2006, “his legs would stop working and he would fall over as if he had been shot.” (Id. ¶ 33 (emphasis added).) 3  Plaintiff Green alleges that during his career, “the pain got so bad that he demanded to have 4 surgery” and was told “it was his decision.” (Id. ¶ 41.)

5  Plaintiff Van Horne alleges that “during a playoff game . . . on January 13, 1991, he could not lift his arm.” He was given “two Percodan for the first half and two Percodan for the 6 second half to allow him to play.” (Id. ¶ 60 (emphasis added).)

7  Plaintiff Stone alleges that he “tore his thumb while playing with the Giants” (sometime between 1996 to 2001) and “was told that, if he were a baseball player he would have been 8 out for the season but because he was a football player, it could wait until the off-season.” (Id. ¶ 69 (emphasis added).) 9  Plaintiff Pritchard alleges that when he was traded to the Raiders, “the team’s head doctor 10 told him his knees were so bad that he could not keep playing. Nonetheless, the doctor told the team that Pritchard could play as long as he could cope with the pain.” (Id. ¶ 79 11 (emphasis added).)

12  Plaintiff McMahon alleges that during his career, which spanned from 1982 through 1996, “he became dependent on painkillers” and “was taking as many as 100 Percocets per 13 month, even in the off-season.” (Id. ¶ 88 (emphasis added).)

14  Plaintiff Wiley alleges that he challenged a diagnosis of a groin sprain, given while he was with the Chargers from 2001 to 2003, and “told the team doctor that the pain seemed more 15 widespread than a simple groin sprain.” After playing through it, he “decided to seek a second opinion” and learned that the sprain “was in fact a severe tear of his abdominal 16 wall.” (Id. ¶ 100-01 (all emphasis added).)

17  Plaintiff Hill developed a painkiller addiction, and, as early as 2005 had sought care at drug treatment centers. (See id. ¶¶ 276-77.) 18

19 These allegations confirm that the Plaintiffs all had sufficient notice of a wrongful cause of 20 their injuries well before May 20, 2012. See Jolly, 44 Cal. 3d at 1111 (“So long as a suspicion 21 exists, it is clear that the plaintiff must go find the facts . . . .”); Mock v. Santa Monica Hosp., 187 22 Cal. App. 2d 57, 66 (1960) (“Certainly, a prudent person would believe that if, in the course of an

23 operation at one point on the body, a serious and painful injury occurred to another part of the 24 body, there was cause for an investigation . . . .”). 25 Because Plaintiffs had suspicion of some alleged wrongdoing years before 2014, they were 26 obligated to plead that they could not have made an earlier discovery of the cause of their 27 purported injuries, despite reasonable diligence, in order to save their clearly stale claims. But 28 Plaintiffs have not carried this burden. Not only have Plaintiffs failed to allege that they were

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1 unable to make such an earlier discovery, but they also have failed to adequately plead that they

2 conducted reasonable diligence in the first place. Instead, Plaintiffs merely assert conclusory 3 allegations that they “exercised reasonable diligence to try to discover the facts at issue,” without 4 setting forth any facts establishing that diligence. While Plaintiffs have alleged that, during annual 5 conversations with Club medical staffs, team doctors and trainers did not tell them “about the side 6 effects of the Medications they were being given, the dangers of ‘cocktailing’ . . . , or of the 7 League’s involvement in the recordkeeping, handling, and distribution of the Medications” (TAC ¶ 8 108), Plaintiffs do not allege what, if any, questions they asked their doctors, whether they inquired

9 into the potential cause of their alleged injuries, and what those doctors told them—other than that

10 several doctors did attribute their injuries to “the amount of Medications they took during their 11 NFL careers.” (Id. ¶ 108 (emphasis added).) In short, Plaintiffs provide no details about their 12 diligence and claimed inability to discover their injuries before May 20, 2014, and, as such, they 13 cannot rely on the discovery rule to toll the statute of limitations. Accordingly, Plaintiffs’ time- 14 barred claims cannot be saved.

15 CONCLUSION 16 For the reasons stated above, Plaintiffs’ Third Amended Complaint should be dismissed 17 with prejudice. 18

19 Dated: January 16, 2019 SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP 20 By: /s/ Jack P. DiCanio 21 Jack P. DiCanio 22 Attorneys for Defendant NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE 23 24 25 26 27


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2 I hereby certify that on January 16, 2019, I electronically filed the foregoing document with 3 the Clerk of the Court using the CM/ECF system, which will send a notice of electronic filing to 4 counsel of record for Plaintiffs and which constitutes service under L.R. 5-1(h)(1). 5

6 Dated: January 16, 2019 /s/ Jack P. DiCanio Jack P. DiCanio 7 Attorneys for Defendant 8 NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE



11 12 13 14 15

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1 ALLEN RUBY (SBN 47109) [email protected] 2 JACK P. DICANIO (SBN 138782) [email protected] 3 PATRICK HAMMON (SBN 255047) [email protected] 4 SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP 525 University Avenue, Suite 1400 5 Palo Alto, CA 94301 Telephone: (650) 470-4500 6 Facsimile: (650) 470-4570

7 KAREN HOFFMAN LENT (pro hac vice forthcoming) [email protected] 8 SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & FLOM LLP Four Times Square 9 New York, NY 10036 10 Telephone: (212) 735-3000 Facsimile: (212) 735-2000 11 DANIEL L. NASH (pro hac vice) 12 [email protected] STACEY R. EISENSTEIN (pro hac vice) 13 [email protected] AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD LLP 14 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. 15 Washington, D.C. 20036 Telephone: (202) 887-4000 16 Facsimile: (202) 887-4288


22 RICHARD DENT, et al., Case No.: 3:14-CV-02324-WHA


26 Defendant. Date: March 7, 2019 Time: 8:00 a.m. 27 Courtroom: 12 (19th Floor) 28 Judge: Honorable William Alsup

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1 Before the Court is Defendant National Football League’s (“Defendant”) Motion to

2 Dismiss Plaintiffs’ Third Amended Complaint for Failure to State a Claim under Rule 12(b)(6) of 3 the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (“Motion to Dismiss”). Having considered the written 4 submissions by the parties, all other papers on file herein, and oral argument, the Court hereby 5 GRANTS Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss. The Third Amended Complaint is DISMISSED with 6 prejudice. 7 IT IS SO ORDERED. 8


16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27


1 [PROPOSED] ORDER Case No.: 3:14-cv-02324-WHA (172 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 126 1 ofof 30294

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RICHARD DENT; JEREMY NEWBERRY; No. 15-15143 ROY GREEN; J. D. HILL; KEITH VAN HORNE; RON STONE; RON D.C. No. PRITCHARD; JAMES MCMAHON; 3:14-cv-02324- MARCELLUS WILEY; JONATHAN REX WHA HADNOT, JR., On Behalf of Themselves and All Others Similarly Situated, OPINION Plaintiffs-Appellants,


NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE, a New York unincorporated association, Defendant-Appellee.

Appeal from the United States District Court for the Northern District of California William Alsup, District Judge, Presiding

Argued and Submitted December 15, 2016 San Francisco, California

Filed September 6, 2018

(173 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 127 2 ofof 30294

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Before: Richard C. Tallman,* Jay S. Bybee, and N. Randy Smith, Circuit Judges.

Opinion by Judge Tallman


Labor Law

The panel reversed the district court’s dismissal on preemption grounds of an action alleging a variety of state- law claims brought against the National Football League (“NFL”) by former professional football players, and remanded for further proceedings.

The putative class of retired NFL players alleged that the NFL distributed controlled substances and prescription drugs to its players in violation of both state and federal laws, and that the manner in which these drugs were administered left the players with permanent injuries and chronic medical conditions.

The panel held that the district court erred in holding that the players’ claims were preempted by § 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act. The panel held that as pled, the

* Judge Tallman was drawn to replace Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski when Judge Kozinski retired. Judge Tallman has read the briefs and viewed the digital recording of oral argument. The panel has also reconferenced on the case.

** This summary constitutes no part of the opinion of the court. It has been prepared by court staff for the convenience of the reader. (174 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 128 3 ofof 30294

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players’ claims neither arose from collective bargaining agreements (“CBA”) nor required their interpretation. Specifically, the panel held that plaintiffs’ negligence claim regarding the NFL’s alleged violation of federal and state laws governing controlled substances was not preempted by § 301. The panel also held that the players’ negligent hiring and retention claims, and their negligent misrepresentation claim, were not preempted because they could be evaluated without interpreting the CBAs. The panel further held that the NFL had not identified any CBA provisions that must be interpreted in order to resolve the players’ fraud claims, and resolving those claims did not require interpreting CBA provisions.

The panel held that the players’ loss of consortium claim, and their requests for declaratory judgment and medical monitoring were derivative of their other claims. Because those claims were not preempted, the panel reversed the dismissal of the derivative claims and remanded.

The panel rejected the NFL’s argument that the dismissal should be affirmed on the ground that the players failed to exhaust the grievance procedures required by the CBAs.


Phillip J. Closius (argued), Andrew G. Slutkin, Steven D. Silverman, Stephen G. Grygiel, and William N. Sinclair, Silverman Thompson Slutkin & White, Baltimore, Maryland; Mark J. Dearman and Stuart Andrew Davidson, Robbins Geller Rudman, Boca Raton, Florida; for Plaintiffs- Appellants.

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Paul D. Clement (argued), Washington, D.C.; Daniel Nash, Stacey R. Eisenstein, James E. Tysse, Marla S. Axelrod, and Elizabeth England, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, Washington, D.C.; Rex S. Heinke and Gregory W. Knopp, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, Los Angeles, California; Allen J. Ruby, Jack P. DiCanio, and Timothy A. Miller, Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP, Palo Alto, California; for Defendant-Appellee.


TALLMAN, Circuit Judge:

This appeal requires us to decide whether a variety of state-law claims brought against the National Football League (NFL) by former professional football players are preempted by § 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act (LMRA), 29 U.S.C. § 141.

The district court held that the players’ claims are preempted and dismissed their suit. We disagree. As pled, the players’ claims neither arise from collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) nor require their interpretation. Therefore, we reverse and remand for further proceedings.


The NFL is an unincorporated association of thirty-two independently owned and operated football “clubs,” or teams. The NFL “promotes, organizes, and regulates professional football in the United States,” Williams v. Nat’l Football League, 582 F.3d 863, 868 (8th Cir. 2009), but it (176 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 130 5 ofof 30294

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does not employ individual football players; they are employees of the teams for whom they play.

Richard Dent is a retired football player who played on four different NFL teams during his fourteen-year career. During that time, doctors and trainers allegedly gave him “hundreds, if not thousands” of injections and pills containing powerful painkillers in an effort to keep him on the field. According to Dent, he was never warned about the potential side effects or long-term risks of the medications he was given, and he ended his career with an enlarged heart, permanent nerve damage in his foot, and an addiction to painkillers.

Since 1968, the NFL, its member teams, and NFL players have been bound by a series of CBAs1 negotiated by the NFL Players’ Association (the players’ bargaining unit) and the NFL Management Council (the teams’ bargaining unit).2 Since 1982, the CBAs have included provisions regarding “players’ rights to medical care and treatment.” Those provisions have changed somewhat over the years, but generally speaking, they have required teams to employ board-certified orthopedic surgeons and trainers who are certified by the National Athletic Trainers Association, and they have guaranteed players the right to access their medical records, obtain second opinions, and choose their own surgeons. The CBAs impose certain disclosure requirements on team doctors; for example, the 1982 CBA

1 There have been two periods of time when a CBA was not in force: from August 1987 to March 1993, and from March 2011 to August 2011. Those gaps in CBA coverage are irrelevant to this action.

2 Until 2011, the NFL itself was not a signatory to the CBAs. However, even prior to 2011, the CBAs were binding on all the relevant entities, including the NFL. (177 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 131 6 ofof 30294

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established that “[i]f a Club physician advise[d] a coach or other Club representative of a player’s physical condition which could adversely affect the player’s performance or health, the physician [would] also advise the player.” The 1993 CBA added the requirement that “[i]f such condition could be significantly aggravated by continued performance, the physician [would] advise the player of such fact in writing.” The 2011 CBA established that team physicians “are required to disclose to a player any and all information about the player’s physical condition” that the physicians disclose to coaches or other team representatives, “whether or not such information affects the player’s performance or health.”

In 2014, Dent and nine other retired players filed a putative class action suit against the NFL in the Northern District of California, seeking to represent a class of more than 1,000 former players. They alleged that since 1969, the NFL has distributed controlled substances and prescription drugs to its players in violation of both state and federal laws, and that the manner in which these drugs were administered left the players with permanent injuries and chronic medical conditions.

Like Dent, the other named plaintiffs allege that during their years in the NFL, they received copious amounts of opioids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and local anesthetics. The complaint claims the NFL encouraged players to take these pain-masking medications to keep players on the field and revenues high, even as the football season got longer and the time between games got shorter, increasing their chances of injury. According to the players, they “rarely, if ever, received written prescriptions . . . for the medications they were receiving.” Instead, they say they were handed pills in “small manila envelopes that often had (178 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 132 7 ofof 30294

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no directions or labeling” and were told to take whatever was in the envelopes. During their years of consuming these powerful medications, it is further alleged that no one from the NFL warned them about potential side effects, long-term risks, interactions with other drugs, or the likelihood of addiction. The plaintiffs claim that as a result of their use (and overuse) of these drugs, retired players suffer from permanent orthopedic injuries, drug addictions, heart problems, nerve damage, and renal failure.

Each team hires doctors and trainers who attend to players’ medical needs. Those individuals are employees of the teams, not the NFL. But the players’ Second Amended Complaint (SAC) asserts that the NFL itself directly provided medical care and supplied drugs to players. For example, the SAC alleges that:

• “The NFL directly and indirectly supplied players with and encouraged players to use opioids to manage pain before, during and after games in a manner the NFL knew or should have known constituted a misuse of the medications and violated Federal drug laws.”

• “The NFL directly and indirectly administered Toradol on game days to injured players to mask their pain.”

• “The NFL directly and indirectly supplied players with NSAIDs, and otherwise encouraged players to rely upon NSAIDs, to manage pain without regard to the players’ medical history, potentially fatal drug interactions or long-term health consequences of that reliance.” (179 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 133 8 ofof 30294

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• “The NFL directly and indirectly supplied players with local anesthetic medications to mask pain and other symptoms stemming from musculoskeletal injury when the NFL knew that doing so constituted a dangerous misuse of such medications.”

• “NFL doctors and trainers gave players medications without telling them what they were taking or the possible side effects and without proper recordkeeping. Moreover, they did so in excess, fostering self-medication.”

• “[M]edications are controlled by the NFL Security Office in New York . . . .”

• “The NFL made knowing and intentional misrepresentations, including deliberate omissions, about the use and distribution of the Medications.”

The named plaintiffs sought to represent a class of plaintiffs who had “received or were administered” drugs by anyone affiliated with the NFL or an NFL team. They filed claims for negligence per se, negligent hiring and retention, negligent misrepresentation, fraudulent concealment, fraud, and loss of consortium. They sought relief including damages, injunctive relief, declaratory relief, and medical monitoring.

The NFL filed two motions to dismiss, one arguing that the players’ claims were preempted by § 301 of the LMRA and the other arguing that the players failed to state a claim and their claims were time barred. The district court held a hearing on the preemption issue. It granted the NFL’s motion to dismiss on preemption grounds and denied the NFL’s other motion to dismiss as moot. The players timely appealed. (180 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 134 9 ofof 30294

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We have jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1291. We review de novo the district court’s finding of preemption under § 301. Cramer v. Consol. Freightways, Inc., 255 F.3d 683, 689 (9th Cir. 2001), as amended (Aug. 27, 2001).


Section 301 of the LMRA is a jurisdictional statute that has been interpreted as “a congressional mandate to the federal courts to fashion a body of federal common law to be used to address disputes arising out of labor contracts.” Kobold v. Good Samaritan Reg’l Med. Ctr., 832 F.3d 1024, 1032 (9th Cir. 2016) (quoting Allis-Chalmers Corp. v. Lueck, 471 U.S. 202, 209 (1985)). Congress intended for § 301 to “protect the primacy of grievance and arbitration as the forum for resolving CBA disputes and the substantive supremacy of federal law within that forum.” Alaska Airlines Inc. v. Schurke, — F.3d —, No. 13-35574, 2018 WL 3636431, at *7 (9th Cir. Aug. 1, 2018) (en banc) (emphasis omitted). Accordingly, § 301 preempts state-law claims “founded directly on rights created by collective-bargaining agreements, and also claims ‘substantially dependent on analysis of a collective-bargaining agreement.’”3 Caterpillar, Inc. v. Williams, 482 U.S. 386, 394 (1987) (quoting Int’l Bhd. of Elec. Workers v. Hechler, 481 U.S. 851, 859 n.3 (1987)). Conversely, claims are not preempted where the rights at issue are “conferred by state law, independent of the CBAs” and “the matter at hand can be

3 Section 301 preemption has a long history, which we will not fully recount here. An interested reader may refer to our opinions in Kobold, 832 F.3d 1024, Burnside v. Kiewit Pac. Corp., 491 F.3d 1053 (9th Cir. 2007), and Cramer, 255 F.3d 683, for more information on the history of the LMRA and the development of the preemption doctrine. (181 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 135 10 of 30294

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resolved without interpreting the CBAs.” Burnside, 491 F.3d at 1058.

We conduct a two-step inquiry to determine whether state-law claims are preempted by § 301. First, we ask whether the cause of action involves “rights conferred upon an employee by virtue of state law, not by a CBA.” Id. at 1059. If the rights at issue “exist[] solely as a result of the CBA, then the claim is preempted, and our analysis ends there.” Id.

Second, if the right exists independently of the CBA, we “ask whether litigating the state law claim nonetheless requires interpretation of a CBA, such that resolving the entire claim in court threatens the proper role of grievance and arbitration.” Schurke, 2018 WL 3636431, at *8. A claim that requires interpretation of a collective bargaining agreement is preempted. Burnside, 491 F.3d at 1059–60. “‘Interpretation’ is construed narrowly; it means something more than ‘consider,’ ‘refer to,’ or ‘apply.’” Schurke, 2018 WL 3636431, at *8. (quotation omitted). At this second step, “claims are only preempted to the extent that there is an active dispute over the meaning of contract terms. A hypothetical connection between the claim and the terms of the CBA is not enough to preempt the claim . . . .” Id. (quotations omitted).

“The plaintiff’s claim is the touchstone” of the § 301 preemption analysis; “the need to interpret the CBA must inhere in the nature of the plaintiff’s claim.” Cramer, 255 F.3d at 691. Therefore, a defense based on a CBA does not give rise to preemption. Caterpillar, 482 U.S. at 300. Moreover, “a CBA provision does not trigger preemption when it is only potentially relevant to the state law claims, without any guarantee that interpretation or direct reliance on the CBA terms will occur.” Humble v. Boeing Co., (182 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 136 11 of 30294

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305 F.3d 1004, 1010 (9th Cir. 2012). Rather, “adjudication of the claim must require interpretation of a provision of the CBA.” Cramer, 255 F.3d at 691–92.

Merely consulting a CBA (to, for example, calculate damages or ascertain that an issue is not addressed by the CBA) does not constitute “interpretation” of the CBA for preemption purposes. See Livadas v. Bradshaw, 512 U.S. 107, 125 (1994); Cramer, 255 F.3d at 693. Similarly, “[t]he need for a purely factual inquiry” that “does not turn on the meaning of any provision of a collective bargaining agreement . . . is not cause for preemption” under § 301. Burnside, 491 F.3d at 1072 (quotation omitted); see also Lingle v. Norge Div. of Magic Chef, Inc., 486 U.S. 399, 407 (1988) (“Each of these purely factual questions pertains to the conduct of the employee and the conduct and motivation of the employer. Neither of the elements requires a court to interpret any term of a collective-bargaining agreement.”).

In sum, for each of the players’ claims, we must determine whether the claim arises from the CBAs and, if not, whether establishing the elements of the claim will require interpretation of the CBAs. Burnside, 491 F.3d at 1059–60. Because this case was decided on a motion to dismiss, as we perform this analysis we must take the SAC’s allegations as true and construe them in the light most favorable to the plaintiffs. See, e.g., Kwan v. SanMedica Int’l, 854 F.3d 1088, 1096 (9th Cir. 2017). We must also be mindful of the fact that the “LMRA § 301 forum preemption inquiry is not an inquiry into the merits of a claim; it is an inquiry into the claim’s ‘legal character’—whatever its merits—so as to ensure it is decided in the proper forum.” Schurke, 2018 WL 3636431, at *10 (quoting Livadas, 512 U.S. at 123–24). Therefore, “[o]ur only job is to decide whether, as pleaded, the claim in this case is ‘independent’ (183 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 137 12 of 30294

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of the CBA in the sense of ‘independent’ that matters for preemption purposes: resolution of the state-law claim does not require construing the collective-bargaining agreement.’” Id. (alteration omitted) (quoting Lingle, 486 U.S. at 407).


To state a claim for negligence in California,4 a plaintiff must establish the following elements: (1) the defendant had a duty, or an “obligation to conform to a certain standard of conduct for the protection of others against unreasonable risks,” (2) the defendant breached that duty, (3) that breach proximately caused the plaintiff’s injuries, and (4) damages. Coarles v. Bennett, 567 F.3d 554, 572 (9th Cir. 2009) (quoting McGarry v. Sax, 70 Cal. Rptr. 3d 519, 530 (Ct. App. 2008)).

The plaintiffs have styled their negligence claim as one for “negligence per se,” but under California law, negligence per se is a doctrine, not an independent cause of action. Quiroz v. Seventh Ave. Ctr., 45 Cal. Rptr. 3d 222, 144–45 (Ct. App. 2006). Therefore, we construe the players’ claim as a traditional negligence claim, but apply the negligence per se doctrine.

Under that doctrine, a statute may establish the standard of care. Therefore, the defendant’s violation of a statute can give rise to a presumption that it failed to exercise due care if it “violated a statute, ordinance, or regulation of a public entity,” that violation proximately caused an injury, the

4 Because plaintiffs seek to represent a nationwide class but have not identified the specific states whose laws govern their claims, we follow the district court in applying California law for illustrative purposes. (184 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 138 13 of 30294

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injury “resulted from an occurrence of the nature which the statute, ordinance, or regulation was designed to prevent,” and the person who suffered the injury “was one of the class of persons for whose protection the statute, ordinance, or regulation was adopted.” Cal. Evid. Code § 699(a); see also Elsner v. Uveges, 102 P.3d 915, 927 (Cal. 2004). Many state and federal laws govern the administration of controlled substances to alleviate pain.

The players argue that they were injured by the NFL’s “provision and administration” of controlled substances without written prescriptions, proper labeling, or warnings regarding side effects and long-term risks, and that this conduct violated the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. § 801 et seq.; the Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Act, 21 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.; and the California Pharmacy Laws, Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 4000 et seq.

The district court believed that the “essence” of the plaintiffs’ negligence claim “is that the individual clubs mistreated their players and the league was negligent in failing to intervene and stop their alleged mistreatment.” However, as we read the complaint, the plaintiffs are not merely alleging that the NFL failed to prevent medication abuse by the teams, but that the NFL itself illegally distributed controlled substances, and therefore its actions directly injured players. The SAC alleges that the NFL “directly and indirectly supplied players” with drugs. It also alleges that the NFL implemented a “League-wide policy” regarding Toradol, that “medications are controlled by the NFL Security Office in New York,” that “the NFL coordinat[ed] the illegal distribution of painkillers and anti- inflammatories for decades,” and that “NFL doctors and (185 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 139 14 of 30294

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trainers” gave players medications “without telling them what they were taking or the possible side effects.”5

With that reading of the complaint in mind, we turn to the question whether the plaintiffs’ negligence claim is preempted.

The first question is whether the right at issue—the players’ right to receive medical care from the NFL that does not create an unreasonable risk of harm—arises from the CBAs. See Burnside, 491 F.3d at 1059. It does not. The CBAs do not require the NFL to provide medical care to players, and the players are not arguing that they do. They are not arguing that the NFL violated the CBAs at all, but that it violated state and federal laws governing prescription drugs.

The next question is whether the plaintiffs’ claim nevertheless requires interpretation of the CBAs. See id. To answer it, we ask whether the plaintiffs can make out each element of a prima facie case for negligence without interpretation of the CBA.

As for the first element, “[a] duty of care may arise through statute or by contract.” J’Aire Corp. v. Gregory, 598 P.2d 60, 62 (Cal. 1979). It may also be based on “the general character of the activity in which the defendant engaged.” Id. California courts consider several factors when deciding whether a duty exists, including

5 The NFL argues that the doctors and trainers who actually provided medications to players were employees of the teams, not the NFL. But at this stage of the litigation, we must take the allegations in the SAC as true. See Kwan, 854 F.3d at 1096. (186 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 140 15 of 30294

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the foreseeability of harm to the plaintiff, the degree of certainty that the plaintiff suffered injury, the closeness of the connection between the defendant’s conduct and the injury suffered, the moral blame attached to the defendant’s conduct, the policy of preventing future harm, the extent of the burden to the defendant and the consequences to the community of imposing a duty to exercise care with resulting liability for breach, and the availability, cost and prevalence of insurance for the risk involved.

Regents of Univ. of Cal. v. Superior Court, 413 P.3d 656, 670 (Cal. 2018) (quoting Rowland v. Christian, 443 P.2d 561, 564 (Cal. 1968)). These factors “must be evaluated at a relatively broad level of factual generality.” Id. (quotation omitted).

Here, any duty to exercise reasonable care in the distribution of medications does not arise through statute or by contract; no statute explicitly establishes such a duty, and as already noted, none of the CBAs impose such a duty. However, we believe that a duty binding on the NFL—or any entity involved in the distribution of controlled substances—to conduct its activities with reasonable care arises from “the general character of [that] activity.” See J’Aire Corp., 598 P.2d at 62. Applying the Rowland factors, lack of reasonable care in the handling, distribution, and administration of controlled substances can foreseeably harm the individuals who take them. That’s why they’re “controlled” in the first place—overuse or misuse can lead to addictions and long-term health problems. See, e.g., 21 U.S.C. §§ 801(2), 812. These types of injuries can be (187 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 141 16 of 30294

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established with certainty, and they are closely connected to the misuse of controlled substances.

Carelessness in the handling of dangerous substances is both illegal and morally blameworthy, given the risk of injury it entails. Imposing liability on those involved in improper prescription-drug distribution will prevent harm by encouraging responsible entities to ensure that drugs are administered safely. And it will not represent an undue burden on such entities, which should already be complying with the laws governing prescription drugs and controlled substances. Thus, we conclude that to the extent the NFL is involved in the distribution of controlled substances, it has a duty to conduct such activities with reasonable care.

Of course, establishing that an entity owes a duty does not necessarily establish what standard of care applies, or whether it was breached. But when it comes to the distribution of potentially dangerous drugs, minimum standards are established by statute. The Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C. § 801 et seq.; the Food, Drugs, and Cosmetics Act, 21 U.S.C. § 301 et seq.; and the California Pharmacy Laws, Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 4000 et seq., set forth requirements governing how drugs are to be prescribed and labeled.6 21 U.S.C. §§ 331, 352, 353(b)(1), 825, 829. Therefore, under the plaintiffs’ negligence per se theory, whether the NFL breached its duty to handle drugs with reasonable care can be determined by comparing the conduct of the NFL to the requirements of the statutes at

6 The NFL argues that these statutes do not apply to the NFL. But this argument goes to the merits of the plaintiffs’ negligence per se theory and not to § 301 preemption. We need not and do not consider it here. (188 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 142 17 of 30294

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issue. There is no need to look to, let alone interpret, the CBAs.

As for causation, whether the NFL’s alleged violation of the statutes caused the plaintiffs’ injuries is a “purely factual question[]” that “do[es] not ‘requir[e] a court to interpret any term of a collective-bargaining agreement.’” Hawaiian Airlines, Inc. v. Norris, 512 U.S. 246, 261 (1994) (quoting Lingle, 486 U.S. at 407).

The Eighth Circuit reached a similar conclusion in Williams, 582 F.3d 863. There, NFL players who had been suspended after testing positive for a banned substance brought a variety of claims against the NFL, including common-law claims and a state-law claim based on a Minnesota statute governing drug testing. Id. at 872–73. The NFL argued that all the claims were preempted by § 301, but the Eighth Circuit held that the statutory claim was not preempted, because “a court would have no need to consult the [CBA] in order to resolve the Players’ [statutory] claim.” Id. at 876. Instead, “it would compare the facts and the procedure that the NFL actually followed with respect to its drug testing of the Players with [the statute’s] requirements.” Id. Similarly, here, a court would have no need to consult the CBAs to resolve the plaintiffs’ negligence claim. Instead, it would compare the NFL’s conduct with the requirements of state and federal laws governing the distribution of prescription drugs.

We recognize that the Eighth Circuit held that the Williams plaintiffs’ common-law claims, including a negligence claim, were preempted by § 301. Id. at 881–82. But that negligence claim is distinguishable from the claim here. There, the plaintiffs argued that the NFL was negligent because it failed to warn players that a certain supplement contained a banned substance. Id. at 881. But the players (189 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 143 18 of 30294

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had procured the supplements on their own; in fact, they were taking supplements against the advice of the NFL. Id. at 869. The Eighth Circuit held that under these circumstances, determining whether the NFL had a duty to warn players about the supplement would require “examining the parties’ legal relationship and expectations as established by the CBA and the [Drug] Policy,” which explicitly stated that players who took supplements did so “at [their] own risk.” Id. at 869, 881.

Here, on the other hand, no examination of the CBAs is necessary to determine that distributing controlled substances is an activity that gives rise to a duty of care. The NFL has a duty to avoid creating unreasonable risks of harm when distributing controlled substances that is completely independent of the CBAs. Therefore, unlike in Williams, no CBA interpretation is required to determine whether the NFL owed the players a duty and whether it breached that duty.7

7 The NFL also points to Atwater v. Nat’l Football League Players Ass’n, 626 F.3d 1170 (11th Cir. 2010). There, the Eleventh Circuit held that a negligence claim arising from the NFL’s vetting of financial advisors was preempted by § 301. But in Atwater, the NFL’s duty to perform such vetting arose from the CBA itself, so the claim was preempted at the first step of the Burnside analysis. See id. The Eleventh Circuit did go on to say that even if the duty at issue had not arisen from the CBA, it would “still have to consult the CBA to determine the scope of the legal relationship between Plaintiffs and the NFL and their expectations based upon that relationship.” Id. at 1182. But in that case, the CBA explicitly stated that players were “solely responsible for their personal finances,” id. at 1181; interpreting that provision would be necessary to establishing the scope of the NFL’s duty. Here, there is no analogous CBA provision that must be interpreted in order to establish the scope of the NFL’s duty as it concerns the provision of prescription drugs to players. (190 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 144 19 of 30294

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The NFL argues that to determine what duty, if any, it owed plaintiffs, a court must “interpret the CBAs to determine the scope of the obligations the NFL and Clubs have adopted vis a vis the individual clubs’ physicians and trainers.” Similarly, the district court noted that the CBAs place medical disclosure obligations “squarely on Club physicians, not on the NFL.” But the teams’ obligations under the CBAs are irrelevant to the question of whether the NFL breached an obligation to players by violating the law. The parties to a CBA cannot bargain for what is illegal. Allis-Chalmers, 471 U.S. at 212; see also Cramer, 255 F.3d at 695. Therefore, liability for a negligence claim alleging violations of federal and state statutes does not turn on how the CBAs allocated duties among the NFL, the teams, and the individual doctors. Regardless of what (if anything) the CBAs say about those issues, if the NFL had any role in distributing prescription drugs, it was required to follow the laws regarding those drugs. To the extent that the plaintiffs allege they were injured by the NFL’s violation of those laws, their claims can be assessed without any interpretation of the CBAs.

The district court also stated that the negligence claim was preempted because “in deciding whether the NFL has been negligent . . . it would be necessary to consider the ways in which the NFL has indeed stepped forward and required proper medical care,” i.e., the provisions of the CBAs that establish minimum standards for the medical care teams provide to players. We are not so sure. The negligence analysis is not an equation, whereby one careless act can be canceled out by a careful act in a related arena— especially when the careful act is to be performed by a different party. In other words, the fact that the CBAs require team doctors to advise players in writing if a medical condition “could be significantly aggravated by continued (191 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 145 20 of 30294

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performance” does not address the NFL’s liability for injuring players by illegally distributing prescription drugs.

We express no opinion regarding the merits of the plaintiffs’ negligence claim, which will require the players to establish that the relevant statutes apply to the NFL, the NFL violated those statutes, and the alleged violations caused the players’ injuries. Perhaps plaintiffs can prove these elements; perhaps not. That must await completion of discovery. We hold only that the plaintiffs’ negligence claim regarding the NFL’s alleged violation of federal and state laws governing controlled substances is not preempted by § 301.

We do note that at many points in the SAC, the plaintiffs appear to conflate the NFL and the teams. But the plaintiffs are pursuing a theory of direct liability, not vicarious liability. And they have attempted to vindicate virtually identical claims against the clubs themselves in separate litigation.8 Therefore, on remand, any further proceedings in this case should be limited to claims arising from the conduct of the NFL and NFL personnel—not the conduct of individual teams’ employees. We leave it to the district

8 See Evans v. Arizona Cardinals Football Club, LLC, No. C 16- 01030, 2016 WL 3566945 (N.D. Cal. July 1, 2016) (holding that players’ claims against teams were not preempted by § 301, and denying teams’ motion to dismiss); Evans v. Arizona Cardinals Football Club, LLC, 252 F. Supp. 3d 855 (N.D. Cal. May 15, 2017) (granting teams’ motion to dismiss players’ amended complaint as to certain claims, and granting summary judgment for teams on some remaining claims); Evans v. Arizona Cardinals Football Club, LLC, 262 F. Supp. 3d 935 (N.D. Cal. July 21, 2017) (granting summary judgment for teams on all remaining claims), appeal docketed, No. 17-16693 (9th Cir. 2017). (192 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 146 21 of 30294

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court to determine whether the plaintiffs have pleaded facts sufficient to support their negligence claim against the NFL.


Ordinarily, “[a]n employer may be liable to a third person for the employer’s negligence in hiring or retaining an employee who is incompetent or unfit.” Phillips v. TLC Plumbing, Inc., 91 Cal. Rptr. 3d 864, 868 (Cal. Ct. App. 2009) (quotation omitted). To establish liability, a plaintiff must demonstrate the familiar elements of negligence: duty, breach, proximate causation, and damages. Id. There are “two elements necessary for a duty to arise in negligent hiring and negligent retention cases—the existence of an employment relationship and foreseeability of injury.” Id. at 870–71 (quoting Abrams v. Worthington, 861 N.E.2d 920, 924 (Ohio Ct. App. 2006)).

The SAC alleges that “NFL doctors and trainers gave players medications without telling them what they were taking or the possible side effects and without proper recordkeeping.” It also alleges that the NFL hired individuals “charged with overseeing, evaluating, and recommending changes to distribution of Medications,” and that the NFL knew or should have known that those individuals were incompetent. As a result, the players say they were “deceived about the nature and magnitude of the dangers to which they were subjected by the Medications” and ultimately injured.

If the NFL did in fact hire doctors and trainers to treat players, or hire individuals to oversee the league’s prescription-drug regime, there is clearly an employment relationship between the NFL and those individuals. Injury arising from their incompetence is foreseeable, given the dangers associated with controlled substances. See (193 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 147 22 of 30294

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21 U.S.C. §§ 801(2), 812. Therefore, to the extent that the NFL employed such individuals, it had a common-law duty to use reasonable care in hiring and retaining them.

That duty did not arise from the CBAs, which do not require the NFL to hire employees to treat players or oversee the distribution of medications. Nor does determining whether the NFL breached that duty require interpreting the CBAs, which—because they do not require the NFL to hire such employees in the first place—do not specify any qualifications for them. Thus, the plaintiffs’ negligent hiring and retention claims are not preempted by § 301. See Burnside, 491 F.3d at 1059; Ward v. Circus Circus Casinos, Inc., 473 F.3d 994, 999 (9th Cir. 2007) (holding plaintiff- employees’ negligent hiring, training, and supervision claims were not preempted because they did “not invoke or refer to any duty arising from the CBA” and did not require interpretation of the CBA).

The NFL has not identified CBA provisions whose interpretation would be required in order to adjudicate the negligent hiring and retention claims. See Cramer, 255 F.3d at 691–92. The NFL argues, and the district court held, that a court could not assess these claims without interpreting various CBA provisions regarding medical care, including the requirement that each team retain a “board-certified orthopedic surgeon” and that all full-time trainers be “certified by the National Athletic Trainers Association.” But those provisions relate to the teams’ obligations, not the NFL’s.

We recognize that it is not entirely clear that the NFL did hire doctors, trainers, or individuals to supervise medications. The complaint provides very little detail about the employees who were purportedly “charged with overseeing” medication distribution, and the SAC is devoid (194 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 148 23 of 30294

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of any allegation of an agency relationship that would render the NFL liable for the conduct of particular doctors who treated specific players.

But if the plaintiffs have failed to make the factual allegations necessary to support their claim, that is a pleading problem, not a preemption problem. The issue in this appeal is not whether plaintiffs have plausibly pled the NFL’s liability, but whether plaintiffs’ claims as pled are preempted. See Schurke, 2018 WL 3636431, at *10. We hold that the players’ negligent hiring and retention claims are not preempted, because they can be evaluated without interpreting the CBAs.


To state a claim for negligent misrepresentation, a plaintiff must allege “[m]isrepresentation of a past or existing material fact, without reasonable ground for believing it to be true, and with intent to induce another’s reliance on the fact misrepresented; ignorance of the truth and justifiable reliance on the misrepresentation by the party to whom it was directed; and resulting damage.” Shamsian v. Atlantic Richfield Co., 132 Cal. Rptr. 2d 635, 647 (Ct. App. 2003). As with all negligence claims, “responsibility for negligent misrepresentation rests upon the existence of a legal duty . . . owed by a defendant to the injured person.” Eddy v. Sharp, 245 Cal. Rptr. 211, 213 (Ct. App. 1988).

The plaintiffs argue that the NFL “continuously and systematically” misrepresented the risks associated with the medications at issue, that they reasonably relied on those misrepresentations, and they were injured as a result.

As we have said, none of the CBA provisions address the NFL’s responsibilities with regard to the distribution of (195 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 149 24 of 30294

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prescription drugs. Thus, any duty the NFL had to act with reasonable care when making representations regarding the medications arises from state law, not the CBAs. Therefore, the question is whether assessing the plaintiffs’ negligent misrepresentation claim will require interpretation of the CBAs. See Burnside, 491 F.3d at 1059. We hold that it will not.

Whether the NFL made false assertions, whether the NFL knew or should have known they were false, whether the NFL intended to induce players’ reliance, and whether players justifiably relied on the NFL’s statements to their detriment, are all factual matters that can be resolved without interpreting the CBAs. See Galvez v. Kuhn, 933 F.2d 773, 778 (9th Cir. 1991) (“[T]he question in this case is simply a factual issue and one of intent . . . . Interpretation of the CBA can hardly help resolve these factual questions.”). As for the NFL’s duty, if the players are correct that the NFL directly supplied drugs to them, then the NFL certainly owed them a duty to exercise reasonable care when making representations about those drugs. See Shamsian, 132 Cal. Rptr. 2d at 647; see also Garcia v. Superior Court, 789 P.2d 960, 964 (Cal. 1990) (holding that although a parole officer had no duty to make disclosures about the dangerousness of a parolee, once he chose to do so, he “had a duty to use reasonable care”).

The NFL argues that assessing the scope of the NFL’s duty would require interpreting CBA provisions related to medical care, including those that give players the right to access medical facilities, view their medical records, and obtain second opinions. But these provisions do not relate to the NFL’s duty to use reasonable care when making representations about the safety of medications. (196 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 150 25 of 30294

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The NFL also argues that it is impossible to assess whether the plaintiffs reasonably relied on the NFL’s representations without interpreting CBA provisions related to team doctors’ disclosure obligations. But California law does not require a detailed weighing of various parties’ disclosure responsibilities to determine whether reliance was justified; the question is whether the “circumstances were such to make it reasonable for [the plaintiffs] to accept [the defendants’] statements without an independent inquiry or investigation.” See Goodwardene v. ADP, LLC, 209 Cal. Rptr. 3d 722, 744 (Ct. App. 2016) (quoting OCM Principal Opportunities Fund, L.P. v. CIBC World Mkts. Corp., 68 Cal. Rptr. 3d 835, 864 (Ct. App. 2007)). Plaintiffs are denied recovery for lack of justifiable reliance “only if [their] conduct is manifestly unreasonable in the light of [their] own intelligence or information.” OCM Principal, 68 Cal. Rptr. 3d at 865 (quotation marks and citation omitted). We need only “look to” the CBAs to determine that none of them contain any provisions that would render reliance on the NFL’s representations regarding prescription drugs manifestly unreasonable. See Cramer, 255 F.3d at 692.

We acknowledge that two of our sister circuits have held misrepresentation claims by NFL players preempted because determining whether players’ reliance was reasonable would require interpreting the CBAs. See Williams, 582 F.3d at 881; Atwater, 626 F.3d at 1183. But in both of those cases, specific provisions in the CBAs arguably rendered the players’ reliance on the NFL’s representations unreasonable, which meant that interpretation of the CBAs would be required to assess the plaintiffs’ claims.

In Atwater, players brought claims based on the NFL’s alleged negligence in conducting background checks on (197 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 151 26 of 30294

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potential financial advisers. 626 F.3d at 1174–75. But the CBA provision that dealt with the relevant program explicitly stated that players were “solely responsible for their personal finances.” Id. at 1181. The Eleventh Circuit held that determining whether the plaintiffs’ reliance on the NFL’s representations was reasonable would require interpreting that particular provision. Id. at 1182.

In Williams, players argued that the NFL owed them a duty to disclose that a certain dietary supplement contained a banned substance, even though the NFL itself “strongly encourage[d] [players] to avoid the use of supplements altogether.” 582 F.3d at 869, 881. But the NFL’s drug policy, which had been incorporated into the CBA, stated that “if you take these products, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK!” and that “a positive test result will not be excused because a player was unaware he was taking a Prohibited Substance.” Id. at 868. The Eighth Circuit stated that the reasonableness of the players’ reliance on the absence of a warning about the supplement could not “be ascertained apart from [those] terms of the Policy.” Id. at 882.

Here, unlike in Atwater or Williams, no CBA provisions directly address the subject of the litigation: who was responsible for disclosing the risks of prescription drugs provided to players by the NFL. In Atwater and Williams, the nature of the claims and the content of the CBAs meant that adjudicating the claim would require interpreting the CBAs. But here, no provisions of the CBAs even arguably render the players’ reliance on the NFL’s purported representations unreasonable.9 Therefore, interpretation of

9 The only possible exception to this statement is a disclaimer in the 2011 CBA which states that nothing in the agreement should “be deemed to impose or create any duty or obligation upon either the League or the (198 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 152 27 of 30294

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the CBAs will not be required, and the negligent misrepresentation claim is not preempted.


The elements of fraud are (1) misrepresentation; (2) knowledge of falsity; (3) “intent to defraud, i.e., to induce reliance;” (4) justifiable reliance; and (5) resulting damage. Engalla v. Permanente Med. Grp., Inc., 938 P.2d 903, 917 (Cal. 1997). The elements of fraudulent concealment are “(1) concealment or suppression of a material fact; (2) by a defendant with a duty to disclose the fact to the plaintiff; (3) the defendant intended to defraud the plaintiff by intentionally concealing or suppressing the fact; (4) the plaintiff was unaware of the fact and would not have acted as he or she did if he or she had known of the concealed or suppressed fact; and (5) plaintiff sustained damage as a result of the concealment or suppression of the fact.” Hambrick v. Healthcare Partners Med. Grp., Inc., 189 Cal. Rptr. 3d 31, 60 (Ct. App. 2015).

The players can establish each of these elements without relying on the CBAs. The SAC alleges that “[t]he NFL knew, or should have known, that its provision and administration of Medications . . . created a substantial risk

[players’ union] regarding diagnosis, medical care and/or treatment of any player.” But the plaintiffs assert claims arising between 1969 and 2012, and the 2011 CBA provision would apply to only a sliver of those claims. Moreover, if the NFL undertook to provide direct medical care and treatment to players, as the plaintiffs allege, then the disclaimer— which only states that nothing in the CBA should be interpreted as giving rise to duties regarding medical care—would not relieve the NFL of its duty not to misrepresent the effects of the drugs it was giving to players. Cf. Cramer, 255 F.3d at 697 (“Because a CBA cannot validly sanction illegal action, we hold the terms of the CBA were irrelevant to plaintiffs’ claim.”). (199 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 153 28 of 30294

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of causing addictions and related physical and mental health problems.” It also alleges that the NFL intentionally withheld this information from players with the intent to deceive them.

The NFL has not identified any CBA provisions that must be interpreted in order to resolve the players’ fraud claims. As with the negligent misrepresentation claim, the NFL argues that assessing whether the NFL had a duty to make disclosures, and whether the players reasonably relied on the NFL’s representations, would require interpreting CBA provisions requiring team doctors to make certain disclosures. But as explained above, because the players’ claims are about the NFL’s conduct, resolving these claims does not require interpreting CBA provisions regarding team doctors’ disclosure obligations.


The players’ loss of consortium claim, as well as their requests for declaratory judgment and medical monitoring, are derivative of their other claims. Because we hold that their claims are not preempted, we reverse the district court’s dismissal of the derivative claims and remand.


The NFL argues that we should affirm the dismissal of all claims on the ground that the players failed to exhaust the grievance procedures required by the CBAs. For more than forty years, each CBA has included provisions that require players to follow certain dispute-resolution procedures for “[a]ny dispute . . . involving the interpretation or application of, or compliance with, provisions of [the CBA].” (200 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 154 29 of 30294

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However, the players are not arguing that the NFL failed to comply with the terms of the CBA. Nor do their claims require the interpretation or application of the CBAs, for the reasons already described. Therefore, we reject the NFL’s argument that we should affirm the dismissal of the plaintiffs’ claims on this ground.


Preemption under § 301 “extends only as far as necessary to protect the role of labor arbitration in resolving CBA disputes.” Schurke, 2018 WL 3636431, at *1. As pled, the players’ claims do not constitute a dispute over the rights created by, or the meaning of, the CBAs. Their claim is that when the NFL provided players with prescription drugs, it engaged in conduct that was completely outside the scope of the CBAs. The meaning of CBA terms governing team doctors’ disclosure obligations, the qualifications of team medical personnel, and players’ rights to obtain second opinions or examine their medical records is simply irrelevant to the question of whether the NFL’s conduct violated federal laws regarding the distribution of controlled substances and state law regarding hiring, retention, misrepresentation, and fraud. Therefore, no interpretation of the terms of the CBAs is necessary, and there is no danger that a court will impermissibly invade the province of the labor arbitrator. See id. at *8.

We express no opinion about the ultimate merits of the players’ claims. They may be susceptible either to a motion for a more definite statement under Rule 12(e) or a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim under Rule 12(b)(6), and they may not survive summary judgment under Rule 56. But the fact that the claims may have been inadequately pled is not a reason for finding them preempted. The complaint alleges claims that do not arise from the CBAs and do not (201 of 340) Case:Case: 19-16017, 15-15143, 08/22/2019, 09/06/2018, ID: ID: 11407366, 11002481, DktEntry: DktEntry: 12-2, 52-1, Page Page 155 30 of 30294

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require their interpretation. Therefore, they are not preempted by § 301.

Each party shall bear its own costs.

REVERSED and REMANDED. (202 of 340) Case:Case 19-16017, 3:14-cv-02324-WHA 08/22/2019, DocumentID: 11407366, 119 DktEntry: Filed 12/05/18 12-2, Page Page 156 1 ofof 90294

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William N. Sinclair (SBN 222502) 1 ([email protected]) Steven D. Silverman (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) 2 ([email protected]) Andrew G. Slutkin (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) 3 ([email protected]) Stephen G. Grygiel (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) 4 ([email protected]) Joseph F. Murphy, Jr. (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) 5 ([email protected]) Phillip J. Closius (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) 6 ([email protected]) SILVERMAN|THOMPSON|SLUTKIN|WHITE|LLC 7 201 N. Charles St., Suite 2600 Baltimore, MD 21201 Stuart A. Davidson (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) 8 Telephone: (410) 385-2225 [email protected] Facsimile: (410) 547-2432 Mark J. Dearman (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) 9 [email protected] Thomas J. Byrne (SBN 179984) Kathleen B. Douglas (Admitted Pro Hac Vice) 10 ([email protected]) [email protected] Mel T. Owens (SBN 226146) 11 ([email protected]) NAMANNY BYRNE & OWENS, P.C. ROBBINS GELLER RUDMAN & DOWD LLP 12 2 South Pointe Drive, Suite 245 120 E. Palmetto Park Road, Suite 500 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Boca Raton, FL 33432 13 Telephone: (949) 452-0700 Tel: (561) 750-3000 Facsimile: (949) 452-0707 Fax: (561) 750-3364

14 Attorneys for Plaintiffs Richard Dent, et al.


17 RICHARD DENT, an individual, JEREMY ) NEWBERRY, an individual, ROY GREEN, ) 18 an individual, J.D. HILL, an individual, ) KEITH VAN HORNE, an individual, RON ) 19 STONE, an individual, RON PRITCHARD, ) an individual, JAMES MCMAHON, ) 20 an individual, and MARCELLUS WILEY, an ) individual, on behalf of themselves and all ) 21 others similarly situated; ) ) 22 Plaintiffs, ) ) 23


25 THIRD AMENDED CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 1 Case No. C 14-02324 WHA/JCS (203 of 340) Case:Case 19-16017, 3:14-cv-02324-WHA 08/22/2019, DocumentID: 11407366, 119 DktEntry: Filed 12/05/18 12-2, Page Page 157 2 ofof 90294

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v. ) CASE NO. C-14-2324 WHA/JCS 1 ) NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE, a New ) THIRD AMENDED CLASS ACTION 2 York unincorporated association; ) COMPLAINT ) DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 3 Defendant. ) CLASS ACTION ) 4 COMES NOW the named Plaintiffs, by and through undersigned counsel and on behalf of 5 themselves and a class of retired National Football League (“NFL” or the “League”) players, who 6 file this Third Amended Class Action Complaint against the NFL and allege as follows: 7 INTRODUCTION 8 1. Plaintiffs seek redress for injuries resulting from a return to play business plan 9 (“Business Plan”) implemented and maintained by the NFL from at least the 1960s through 2014. 10 The allegations herein are supported by hundreds, if not thousands, of documents that have been 11 produced, and by testimony provided from Bud Carpenter (Buffalo Bills’ trainer); Dr. Lawrence 12 Brown (NFL medical advisor on prescription drugs since the early 1990s); Dr. David Chao (Los 13 Angeles Chargers’ doctor); Dr. Gerald Kuykendall (’ doctor); Dr. John Marzo 14 (Buffalo Bills’ doctor); Dr. Matthew Matava (’ doctor); Dr. David Olson 15 (Minnesota Vikings’ doctor); Dr. Elliott Pellman (New York Jets’ doctor and NFL medical 16 advisor); Dr. Arthur Rettig (Indianapolis Colts’ doctor); Dr. Andrew Tucker (Baltimore Ravens’

17 doctor); and Dr. Anthony Yates (Pittsburgh Steelers’ doctor), in a related case: Etopia Evans, et

18 al. v Arizona Cardinals Football Club, LLC, et al. (“Evans”).

19 2. The NFL’s Business Plan has prioritized profit over safety with more games, less

20 rest (e.g., Thursday night football), and smaller rosters that save payroll expenses. And it achieves

21 its ends because everyone involved in the League, save the players, has a financial interest in

22 returning players to the game as soon as possible. From doctors to coaches to general managers



25 THIRD AMENDED CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 2 Case No. C 14-02324 WHA/JCS (204 of 340) Case:Case 19-16017, 3:14-cv-02324-WHA 08/22/2019, DocumentID: 11407366, 119 DktEntry: Filed 12/05/18 12-2, Page Page 158 3 ofof 90294

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to League officials, their job and salary depend on this simple fact. The return to play plan was 1 based on four cornerstone concepts: profit, media, non-guaranteed contracts, and drugs. As 2 professional football took off, these bedrock concepts would become the driving force behind 3 every business decision made by the League. 4 3. The NFL also manipulated the media to increase revenue and reinforce the return 5 to play practice or policy. In 1965, the NFL created NFL Films to market video of its games, 6 coaches, and players. NFL Films highlighted the violence of the game and the “toughness” of its 7 players. Dramatic collisions between players were highlighted in slow motion. Players who 8 returned to the game with severe injuries were lauded as courageous heroes. These same themes 9 were repeated by the broadcast networks. American folklore regarding professional football 10 players was indelibly established – the players were super human warriors who played through 11 pain for the integrity of the game they loved. The return to play Business Plan became an accepted 12 fact of doing business by the NFL as profits soared. 13 4. In its thirst for constantly-growing revenue, the NFL expanded from 24 to 32 Clubs, 14 added two more regular season games (and are looking to add two more), expanded the number of 15 Clubs participating in post-season play, and scheduled more games during the week (particularly 16 on Thursday nights), leaving players with less recovery time and greater chances for new injuries

17 or worsening of existing injuries.

18 5. In a survey by the Washington Post, nearly nine out of 10 former players reported

19 playing while hurt. Fifty-six percent said they did this “frequently.” An overwhelming number –

20 68 percent – said they did not feel like they had a choice as to whether to play injured.

21 6. Those players are right – the Defendant gave them no choice. From the beginnings

22 of professional football to the present day, the NFL has created a coercive economic environment



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in which all players have non-guaranteed contracts. The current standard player contract states 1 that the player’s salary is game to game and a player’s contract can be terminated for lack of skill 2 at any time (referred to as being “cut”). Players are constantly reminded by general managers, 3 coaches and the media of the competitive nature of the game and the importance of playing. If a 4 player is injured, coaches advise him to return to play as soon as possible to prevent a replacement 5 from taking his spot on a Club. Rookie players are immediately told of the decades’ long adage 6 promulgated by the NFL – “You can’t make the Club in the tub.” The NFL exerts enormous 7 economic pressure on the players to return to play as soon as possible and play through the pain. 8 This financial reality is reinforced by the NFL-created image of the professional football player as 9 heroic warrior. See “Promoting and Protecting the Health of NFL Players: Legal and Ethical 10 Analysis and Recommendations” by Deubert, Cohen and Lynch (November 1, 1016) (hereinafter 11 the “Harvard Report”) at p. 72 – 73. “The pressures to perform and remain on the field at all costs 12 can be extraordinary.… Indeed players feel pressure to play through injuries not only from their 13 coaches but also from teammates, opponents, fans, media and others.” The perspectives of all the 14 groups mentioned are influenced and shaped by the NFL. 15 7. From the outset, the means by which the NFL facilitated the return to play Business 16 Plan was the widespread availability of the Medications, as defined infra. The NFL has distributed

17 these controlled substances and prescription medications with little to no regard for the law or the

18 players’ health. In 1994, former Raiders doctor Rob Huizenga noted in his book “You’re Okay,

19 It’s Just a Bruise”: A Doctor’s Sideline Secrets About Pro Football’s Most Outrageous Team that

20 Raiders owner Al Davis routinely pressured players and doctors to do anything to get a player back

21 on the field, regardless of the risks. And NFL doctors and trainers know that, if players are given

22 adequate rest and do not return to the game, the doctor or trainer will be replaced. While that once



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may not have caused any concern, as the position of Club doctor and trainer have become 1 increasingly lucrative, the pressures on the medical personnel to return players to the field have 2 only increased. The NFL has established a business culture in which everyone’s financial interest 3 depends on supplying Medications to keep players in the game. 4 8. When the DEA threatened the Business Plan in 2010, the reaction was resistance. 5 A typical response is found in an e-mail dated November 3, 2010. Paul Sparling, the Bengals head 6 trainer, writes to Dean Kleinschmidt, the Lions head trainer: “Until the VCML is actually in effect, 7 we will continue to do as we have done for the past 42 years [i.e., travel and distribute controlled 8 substances in violation of federal law]…. I sure would love to know who blew up the system that 9 worked all these years. It reminds me of when Charlie (from NFL security) told Marv, George 10 Anderson, Ralph Berlin, etc., that having a bottle with more than one type of medications was co- 11 mingling!” Clubs travelled with the Medications in violation of federal law until at least 2015, 12 after the filing of this lawsuit. 13 9. The Business Plan is best exemplified by a single-page document produced in 14 Evans that was prepared in 2014 by Dr. Thomas McClellan, an associate of Dr. Lawrence Brown, 15 titled “The Role of League-Wide Incentives in Promoting the Opioid Use Problem: The Need for 16 League-Wide Collaboration to Solve the Problem” (the “Opioid Use Problem”).

17 10. In the Opioid Use Problem, Dr. McClellan identifies three issues, each of which

18 have several sub-points. The first is “Pain and the Ability to Play Competitive Football,” about

19 which Dr. McClellan makes four points: (1) “Pain is omnipresent among NFL players – it is an

20 almost unavoidable consequence of playing the game at the professional level;” (2) “NFL players

21 who are in pain are not as able or as likely to play the game at their most competitive level;” (3)

22 “NFL players who do not play at their competitive best could face loss of status and income;” and



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(4) “NFL teams whose players do not compete at their best can face loss of status and revenue.” 1 His takeaway point: “It is in the players’, the teams’, and the league’s reputational and financial 2 interests to have the most competitive level of play and thus to find ways to overcome any 3 impediment to competitive play – perhaps especially pain.” 4 11. The next issue Dr. McClellan addresses is “Pain Relieving Medications and 5 Competitive Football,” about which he makes two points: (1) “Opioids and other non-opioid pain 6 medications are demonstrably effective in the short term for relieving most forms of skeletal and 7 muscular pain so often experienced by NFL players;” and (2) “For these reasons appropriate 8 (properly prescribed and monitored) as well as inappropriate opioid and non-opioid pain 9 medication use are both more common among NFL players.” His takeaway point on this issue: 10 “It is in the players’, the teams’, and the league’s reputational and financial interests to use 11 analgesic medications for pain relief. These incentives and the nature of the sport combine to 12 make opioid and other pain medication usage much more prevalent in the NFL than in virtually 13 any other industry, population or endeavor. This really means that there is shared responsibility 14 and joint culpability for the problem.” 15 12. Dr. McClellan’s final issue is “Short and Long-Term Risks of Pain Medication Use 16 in Professional Football,” about which he makes three points: (1) “Players in pain who would

17 otherwise not play or play at the same level of competitiveness may be induced by a pain

18 medication and their personal financial/reputational incentives to play under conditions that could

19 exacerbate their injuries and hinder their recovery;” (2) “Players who take opioid or other abuse-

20 liable medications – especially for protracted periods or at high dosages – will be at longer-term

21 risk for developing abuse or addiction;” and (3) “Because opioids relieve pain that might otherwise

22 prevent or diminish normal willingness or ability to play football – they can be considered



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‘performance enhancing drugs’ although not in the same sense as amphetamines or stimulants.” 1 His takeaway point on this issue: “Because of the shared responsibility for the nature of the 2 problem; because of the multiple incentives for using pain medications; and because the short and 3 long term risks of pain medication use and abuse have already been demonstrated – it is in the 4 shared interests of the players, the teams and the league to take combined action to find practical 5 solutions to the problem – these solutions must address some of the powerful incentives for pain 6 medication use that are endemic to the sport.” 7 13. Plaintiffs do not know whether the League has sought “to find practical solutions 8 to the problem” since Dr. McClellan issued the foregoing document. But they do know that, from 9 at least 1969 through 2008 when they played in the League, controlled substances and medications 10 requiring prescriptions were illegally provided to them and thousands of other players in quantities 11 and at frequencies that shock the conscience. And based on documents and testimony provided in 12 Evans, those illegal practices continued until at least 2014. 13 14. Over the course of those five decades, medications have changed. Amphetamines, 14 which at one time were left out in bowls in locker rooms, are not used as frequently now. Toradol 15 is a more recent drug of choice in the League. But while the specific medications have changed, 16 the NFL has dealt the following types of medications to its players consistently since 1969: 17  Opioids: narcotics whose analgesic properties operate by binding to opioid receptors found primarily in the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Opioids act to block and 18 dull pain. The side effects of opioids include sedation and a sense of euphoria. Opioids are commonly known to be highly addictive and are indicated for short-term use by patients 19 with no family or personal history of drug abuse and for those without significant respiratory issues. 20  Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Medications (“NSAIDs”): a class of medications that 21 have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects to mitigate pain, the most common of which are Aspirin and Ibuprofen. All NSAIDs have blood thinning properties and have been 22 linked to long-term kidney damage and other issues. Physicians deem Toradol particularly dangerous and its use is therefore generally limited to short-term administrations in 23


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hospitals for surgical patients. 1  Local Anesthetics (such as Lidocaine): are generally indicated as a local anesthetic for 2 minor surgery and are generally injected to numb the surrounding area. Lidocaine has been known to result in cardiac issues for certain patients and it is indicated for surgical use in 3 patients without heart problems.

4 15. The foregoing medications (“Medications”) were often administered without a

5 prescription or side effects warnings and with little regard for a player’s medical history,

6 potentially-fatal interactions with other medications, or the actual health and recovery from injury

7 of the player. Administering these Medications in this cavalier manner constitutes a fundamental

8 misuse of carefully-controlled Medications and a clear danger to the players both at the time of

9 administration and later-in-life.

10 16. The NFL was required to, or voluntarily undertook the duty to, comply with federal

11 and state laws regulating the manner in which these Medications were administered and

12 distributed. It failed to do so, consistently and repeatedly, from the 1970s through at least 2014

13 and that failure directly and proximately caused the injuries for which Plaintiffs seek damages.



16 17. The Class Representatives each played in the League between 1969 and 2008. 17 Despite playing for different teams and at different times, their stories are remarkably similar. 18 They suffer from two discrete sets of injuries directly caused by the League’s omissions and

19 concealment: (1) internal organ injuries, and (2) muscular/skeletal injuries caused or exacerbated

20 by the Business Plan.

21 18. Plaintiff Richard Dent is a representative of the putative class as defined herein. As

22 of the commencement of this action, he is a resident and citizen of Illinois. Mr. Dent played in a



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total of 203 games as a defensive end for the Chicago Bears from 1983 – 1993 and again in 1995; 1 the San Francisco 49ers in 1994; the Indianapolis Colts in 1996; and the Philadelphia Eagles in 2 1997. He was a four-time Pro Bowl selection; five-time All-Pro selection; two-time Super Bowl 3 champion; and was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 2011. He played two games in 4 the state of New York and five games in the state of California, where he experienced the provision 5 of Medications described herein. 6 19. While playing in the NFL, Mr. Dent received hundreds, if not thousands, of 7 injections from doctors and pills from trainers, including but not limited to NSAIDs and Percodan. 8 Mr. Dent recalls a daily ritual of going to breakfast with the team, then receiving whatever 9 Medications necessary to get him on the field, taking them in time to be able to practice, and then 10 taking downers at night to sleep. 11 20. Mr. Dent further recalls that, generally while playing with the Chicago Bears, he 12 received Tylenol with Codeine; Percodan; Percocet; and Valium, which he took upon receipt, and 13 Novacaine injections. He further states that he also received Valium from the San Francisco 49ers, 14 the Indianapolis Colts, and the Philadelphia Eagles, which he took upon receipt. 15 21. Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that: 16  In 1983, while with the Chicago Bears, he received pain-numbing and anti- inflammatory medications from Fred Caito and team physicians Dr. Clarence 17 Fossier and Dr. John A. Brna, which he took upon receipt;

18  In 1988, while with the Chicago Bears, he received pain-numbing and anti- inflammatory medications from Fred Caito and team physicians Dr. Clarence 19 Fossier and Dr. John A. Brna, which he took upon receipt;

20  In 1991, while with the Chicago Bears, he received pain-numbing and anti- inflammatory medications from Fred Caito and team physicians Dr. Clarence 21 Fossier and Dr. John A. Brna, which he took upon receipt;

22  In 1993, while with the Chicago Bears, Mr. Dent received 29 50 mg tablets of Pen VK, which he took as directed. 23


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1  In 1994, during his employment with the San Francisco 49ers, Mr. Dent was regularly provided with Feldene, Prednisone, Motrin, Vicodin, Celestone Soulspan 2 with soluble Decadron, Indocsin, and Azulfidine, which he took upon receipt.

3  In 1995, during his employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. Dent was regularly provided with Depo-Medrol, Lidocaine, aqueous Decadron, Feldene, Azulfidine, 4 and Prednisone, which he took upon receipt.

5  In 1996, during his employment with the Indianapolis Colts, Mr. Dent was regularly provided with pain-numbing and anti-inflammatory medications by team doctors 6 and trainers, which he took upon receipt.

7  In 1997, during his employment with the Philadelphia Eagles, Mr. Dent was regularly provided with pain-numbing and anti-inflammatory medications by team 8 doctors and trainers, which he took upon receipt.

9 22. Mr. Dent does not recall the dosage of the Medications he received and, more often

10 than not, the person providing the Medication to Mr. Dent did not advise him of the dosage and,

11 to the extent the Medication was provided in a container (regardless of what type of container),

12 the container did not identify the dosage. Mr. Dent states the he took more Medications than his

13 memory or his medical records indicate. He never received the statutorily required warnings about

14 side effects of any of the Medications.

15 23. Mr. Dent also recalls his first injury during his NFL career. In his rookie year

16 (1983), Mr. Dent played in the first preseason game. In the first practice after that game four

17 players fell on him. His legs literally did the splits and he tore his hamstring and tendons/ligaments

18 in his ankle. The pain was so bad it was difficult for Mr. Dent to sit on the toilet or even walk. Despite being put on several anti-inflammatory drugs and pain killers, he questioned being put 19 back on the field. He ended up playing in the last preseason game, doped up to the point that he 20 could hardly remember playing. This is where it started and went on from there; a pill for this or 21 a shot for that. It was not until game 14 or 15 of the regular season that the pain truly began to 22 subside. 23


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24. In addition, medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that Mr. Dent 1 suffered many injuries during his NFL career: 2  In 1983 he tore his right hamstring and left ankle ligaments; 3  In 1988 he fractured his left fibula; 4  In 1990 he suffered turf toe; 5  In 1991 he fractured his collarbone; 6  In 1994 he strained his left rear deltoid; strained his rhomboid in his right shoulder; 7 suffered tendinitis in both his left and right knees; suffered a contusion on his left patella; suffered a concussion; suffered an avulsion fracture of the fibular head on 8 his right knee along with ACL and MCL tears; suffered a talar break; and suffered bilateral boutonniere deformities on the fifth digits of his hand. 9  In 1995 he suffered right quadriceps atrophy with moderate joint effusion. 10 25. Mr. Dent believes that the foregoing injuries were caused, aggravated, extended, 11 worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the 12 wrongful administration of Medications to him. Many of these injuries were known only generally 13 to Mr. Dent at the time of their occurrence; the specific nature or details of the injuries were 14 generally withheld from Mr. Dent. Moreover, Mr. Dent was never contemporaneously informed 15 or knowledgeable that his injuries were caused, aggravated, extended, worsened, prolonged, 16 exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the wrongful 17 administration of Medications. Mr. Dent also states that he had more injuries than his memory or 18 his medical records would indicate. 19 26. At this time, Mr. Dent seeks redress for the muscular/skeletal injuries and internal 20 organ injuries discussed above and below. 21




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27. Mr. Dent trusted and relied on the NFL’s doctors and trainers and would not have 1 taken the Medications in the manner and amount in which he did had the Defendant provided him 2 with the information it was legally obligated to provide as discussed herein. 3 28. Plaintiff Jeremy Newberry is a representative of the putative class as defined 4 herein. As of the commencement of this action, he is a resident and citizen of California. Mr. 5 Newberry played 120 games at center for the San Francisco 49ers from 1998 to 2006, the Oakland 6 Raiders in 2007, and the San Diego Chargers in 2008. He was a two-time Pro Bowler; twice 7 named to the All Pro team; and twice received the , an annual award 8 voted on by players for colleagues who are models of inspiration, sportsmanship and courage. He 9 played three games in the state of New York and 51 games in the state of California, where he 10 experienced the provision of Medications described herein. 11 29. While playing in the NFL, Mr. Newberry received hundreds, if not thousands, of 12 injections from doctors and pills from trainers, including but not limited to NSAIDs, Vicodin, 13 Toradol, Ambien, Indocin, Celebrex, and Prednisone. Mr. Newberry received hundreds of Toradol 14 injections over the course of his career and, for many games, would receive as many as five or six 15 injections of other Medications during the course of a game. He also would receive Vicodin 16 before, during and after games to numb pain and often during a game would simply ask a trainer

17 for Medications, which would be provided without record as to what was being pushed on him.

18 30. During the course of his employment with the San Francisco 49ers and the Oakland

19 Raiders, medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that Mr. Newberry was provided with

20 the following Medications by the following doctors:

21  Dr. Klint: Augmentin 500 mg and Tylenol on September 8, 1999; Levaquin 500 mg, Tylenol, and Robitussin on November 19, 1999; Prednisone, liter of lactated 22 ringer’s solution, and albuterol on November 21, 1999; Turbinate injections, Ceftin 500 mg, Entex LA on November 5, 2000; Turbinate injection on December 4, 2000; 23


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Toradol 60 mg IM on October 14, 2001, October 28, 2001, (November 4, 2001 – 1 December 30, 2001, January 6, 2002 – November 17, 2002), November 25, 2002, December 1, 2002, December 8, 2002, Keflex 500 mg on December 11, 2002, 2 Zithromax 500 and 250 mg on October 24, 2001, Augmentine 500 mg on December 24, 2002, 5-day Z-Pak on December 26, 2002; Toradol 60 mg IM on January 5, 3 2003;

4  Dr. Dillingham: 1.0 cc of Celestone Soluspan and 1.0 cc Decadron on September 26, 1999; Xylocaine and soluble Decadron injections on October 13, 2001; 5 Dexadron injection on October 13, 2001;.5 cc of .5% Marcaine on November 26, 2002, 1.5 cc .5% Marcaine and 1.5 cc 2% Xylocaine injection on December 15, 6 2002, 2 cc of .5% Marcaine with 2% Xylocaine injection on December 30, 2002; Prednisone on September 15, 2003, Steroid and local anesthetic injection on 7 September 24, 2003; Prednisone on November 20, 2003; Dr. Bryan: Avapro 150 mg on May 8, 2004, Norvasc 5 mg on July 29, 2004; Vicodin on August 9, 2004, 8 5 day Prednisone Dosepak on November 27, 2004, Ibuprofen 800 mg on October 7, 2004, Prednisone on November 8, 2004; Keflex on June 15, 2005; Dr. Lambert: 9 Synvisc injection on July 18, 2005; Steroid and Bupivacaine aspiration;

10  Dr. Millard: Interdigital nerve block on November 26, 2002; 2 cc of 1% Xylocaine with .5% Marcaine injections on January 5, 2003; Prednisone 40 mg and Bextra on 11 November 11, 2004; Dr. Oloff: ¼ cc of Dexamethasone and ¼ cc of 1% lidocaine plain; .5 cc of .5 % Marcaine with 1 cc of 2 % Xylocaine; Avapro and Norvasc on 12 July 29, 2004;

13  Dr. Wall: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory injection on June 3, 2003; 1.5 cc of Kenalog and 2 cc of 1.0 percent Lidocaine; Kenalog and Lidocaine injection on 14 August 6, 2004; Hyalgan injection on September 13, 2004;

15  Dr. Bryan: Lomotil and Tylenol on June 4, 2003; Toradol 60 mg injection on September 4, 2003; Valtrex 2 gm and Denavir cream on December 10, 2003; Lotrel 16 on September 6, 2005; Lotrel 5/20 mg, Robitussin AC and Z-Pak 500 mg on November 3, 2005; Avapro, Lotrel 10/20 mg, and Voltaren on November 30, 2005; 17  Stanford University Hospital and Clinics Diagnostic Radiology: .5 ml of 18 lidocaine, 2 mg Dexamethasone, 40 mg Triamcinolone, and 5 ml of Bupivacaine .25% were injected on August 6, 2004; Long acting steroid injection on August 6, 19 2004;

 20 Dr. Donahue: Keflex 500 mg on June 2, 2005;

 21 Dr. Lambert: Synvisc 2 cc injection on July 11, 2005, July 18, 2005, Lotrel 5/20 mg on July 29, 2005; Celebrex 200mg, Avapro, beta blocker for HTN on August 22 4, 2006; Sulfasalazine, Celebrex on August 4, 2006;



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 Dr. Oloff: Dexamethasone on August 22, 2001; Dexamethason and Lidocaine 1 injection on April 14, 2005; ¼ cc Dexamethasone and 1/44 cc of .5% Marcaine plain injection on September 3, 2005; 2  Dr. Phelan: Zofran on December 1, 2005; and 3  Dr. King: Duricef 500 mg on August 5, 2006; Cortisone shots in September 2007; 4 Duricef on August 5, 2007; and Lebetol 10 mg IV x 2, Aspirin 325 mg.

5 31. Mr. Newberry further states that throughout the course of his career as a

6 professional football player, he was provided with other unspecified Medications, including but

7 not limited to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, pain killers, injections, and muscle relaxers,

8 which lack detailed documentation. Other than stated above, he does not recall the dosage of the

9 Medications he received and, more often than not, the person providing the Medication to Mr.

10 Newberry did not advise him of the dosage and, to the extent the Medication was provided in a

11 container (regardless of what type of container), the container did not identify the dosage. He

12 never received the statutorily required warnings about side effects of any of the Medications.

13 32. Mr. Newberry recalls that early in the 2004 season he hurt his left ankle and the

14 team doctors told him it was a sprain. He played most of the season anyway, with the doctors

15 giving him a significant amount of painkillers. After the season, he was told that he had completely

16 torn the ligament in the ankle and he required surgery.

17 33. Mr. Newberry also recalls that he had a total of nine surgeries on his knees, five on his left and four on the right. Most of the surgeries were after the season, some during. To play, 18 he received large amounts of Toradol, Vicodin and Percocet. In the 2005 and 2006 seasons, he 19 remembers that his legs would stop working and he would fall over as if he had been shot. He 20 would simply be given more painkillers. 21 34. Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that Mr. Newberry suffered 22 many injuries during his NFL career as detailed in documents already provided by Mr. Newberry 23


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at NEWBERRY_CONFID_000001-002668 and NEWBERRY_000001-000042. Mr. Newberry 1 believes that the injuries identified in the foregoing documents were aggravated, extended, 2 worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the 3 wrongful administration of Medications to him. Many of these injuries were known only generally 4 to Mr. Newberry at the time of their occurrence; the specific nature or details of the injuries were 5 generally withheld from Mr. Newberry. Moreover, Mr. Newberry was never contemporaneously 6 informed or knowledgeable that his injuries were caused, aggravated, extended, worsened, 7 prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the wrongful 8 administration of Medications. Mr. Newberry also states that he had more injuries than his 9 memory or his medical records would indicate. 10 35. At this time, Mr. Newberry seeks redress for the muscular/skeletal injuries and 11 internal organ injuries discussed above and below. 12 36. Mr. Newberry trusted and relied on the NFL’s doctors and trainers and would not 13 have taken the Medications in the manner and amount in which he did had the League provided 14 him with the information it was legally obligated to provide as discussed herein. 15 37. Plaintiff Roy Green is a representative of the putative class as defined herein. As 16 of the commencement of this action, he is a resident and citizen of Arizona. Mr. Green played in

17 a total of 190 games as a wide receiver for the St. Louis/Phoenix Cardinals from 1979 to 1990 and

18 the Philadelphia Eagles from 1991 to 1992 during which time he caught 559 passes for 8,965 yards

19 and 66 touchdowns and was a two-time Pro Bowler and twice named to the All-Pro team. He

20 played 11 games in the state of New York and seven games in the state of California, where he

21 experienced the provision of Medications described herein.




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38. While playing in the NFL, Mr. Green received hundreds, if not thousands, of 1 injections from doctors and pills from trainers, including but not limited to NSAIDs, Indocin, 2 Naprosyn, Percocet, Vicodin, and Butisol. 3 39. Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that: 4  In 1979 during his employment with the St. Louis Cardinals, Mr. Green was given 5 an unspecified amount of Percodan by Dr. James Ellsasser on July 20th; Mr. Green was also given an unspecified amount of Valium and Indocin by Dr. James 6 Ellsasser on July 20th.

7  In 1980 during his employment with the St. Louis Cardinals, Mr. Green was given Percodan #24 on December 15th by Dr. James Ellsasser. 8  In 1982 during his employment with the St. Louis Cardinals, Mr. Green was 9 injected with 1 cc of both Xylocaine and Aristocort on November 29th by Dr. Jordan Ginsburg; Mr. Green was also given a 10 day course of Butazolidin on December 10 13th by Dr. Jordan Ginsburg.

11  In 1984 during his employment with the St. Louis Cardinals, Mr. Green was injected with 1cc of Xylocaine and an unspecified amount of Aristocort on August 12 18th; Mr. Green was also injected with an unspecified amount Xylocaine on September 5th by Dr. Jordan Ginsburg; Mr. Green was also injected with an th 13 unspecified amount Marcaine on September 5 by Dr. Jordan Ginsburg.

14  In 1985 during his employment with the St. Louis Cardinals, Mr. Green was injected with 10 cc of 0.5% Marcaine on November 28th and December 8th; Mr. st 15 Green was also injected with 8 cc of 0.5% Marcaine on December 21 , and an unspecified amount on November 4th, with all injections performed by Dr. Jordan 16 Ginsburg.

17  In 1986 during his employment with the St. Louis Cardinals, Mr. Green was injected with 1 cc of both Xylocaine and Aristocort on September 10th by Dr. Jordan 18 Ginsburg; Mr. Green was also given an unspecified amount of Indocin on March 21st by Dr. Jordan Ginsburg; Mr. Green was also given an unspecified amount of th 19 Naprosyn on April 30 .

20  In 1991 during his employment with the Philadelphia Eagles, Mr. Green was given Naprosyn on August 18th, October 3rd and October 8th; Mr. Green was also th 21 administered a combination of Emperin and Codeine on October 13 and an unspecified date in December; Mr. Green was also given an IV of Dextrose 22 Decadron on an unspecified date.



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 In 1992 during his employment with the Philadelphia Eagles, Mr. Green was on a 1 course of 4 Naprosyn per day.

2 40. Mr. Green further states that throughout the course of his career as a professional

3 football player, he was provided with other unspecified Medications including but not limited to

4 non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, pain killers, injections, and muscle relaxers, including but not

5 limited to Indocin, Naprosin, Percocet, Valium, and pain-numbing shots, which lack detailed

6 documentation. He does not recall the dosage of the Medications he received and, more often than

7 not, the person providing the Medication to Mr. Green did not advise him of the dosage and, to the

8 extent the Medication was provided in a container (regardless of what type of container), the

9 container did not identify the dosage. Mr. Green states the he took more Medications than his

10 memory or his medical records indicate. He never received the statutorily required warnings about

11 side effects of any of the Medications.

12 41. Mr. Green developed painful calcium build-ups on his Achilles tendons. Rather

13 than treat the pain through rest or surgery, doctors and trainers gave him anti-inflammatories and

14 he skipped practices to be able to play but ultimately the pain got so bad that he demanded to have surgery. The Cardinals’ General Manager at the time, Hall of Famer Larry Wilson, pushed back 15 but grudgingly told Green “it was his decision.” 16 42. Medical records provide by his NFL teams reveal that Mr. Green suffered the 17 following injuries during his NFL career: 18  In 1979, he suffered a right gluteal hip sprain; a left quadriceps contusion; a left 19 shoulder contusion; a sprain on his left big toe, a strain of his left quadriceps, neck stiffness and bilateral hamstring soreness; 20  In 1980, he suffered an upper back muscle strain; a left knee prepatella burst 21 contusion; a left hip flexor strain; a left hand contusion; a right knee contusion; a right gluteal hamstring strain; neck spasms; a left ankle sprain, a right hand 22 contusion, and a left MCL sprain;



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 In 1981, he fractured his left index finger a right shoulder AC joint sprain; 1  In 1982, he suffered left hamstring tightness; neck stiffness; right knee tendonitis; 2 a left groin strain; a left shoulder contusion; bilateral groin soreness; right plantaris fasciitis; and a left leg contusion; 3  In 1983, he suffered right eye irritation; right knee contusion; a neck strain; a left 4 ankle sprain; right knee patellar tendonitis; a right foot strain; left ulnar nerve contusion, and a right hamstring strain; 5  In 1984, he suffered left hamstring soreness; left ankle inflammation; left ankle 6 sprain; left thigh contusion; left groin sprain; left Achilles tendon inflammation; right hip contusion and a right neck/shoulder contusion; a left hand contusion; a left 7 knee contusion;

8  In 1985, he suffered chronic avulsion fracture and calcification of hemorrhage in his left deltoid ligament; a right big toe sprain; a left shoulder contusion; a left groin 9 sprain; a concussion; and a left fibula contusion;

10  In 1986, he suffered left Achilles tendonitis; a left quadriceps strain; left posterior ankle soreness; right Achilles tendonitis; a right shoulder AC sprain; a right arch 11 sprain; a left ankle sprain; left heel soreness; left side lower back contusion; bilateral hamstring soreness; and a right shoulder AC contusion; 12  In 1987, he suffered right quadriceps strain; left Achilles strain; right triceps 13 contusion; left side cervical nerve pinch; left Achilles calcium inflammation; left and right hamstring strains; left quadriceps contusion; right knee patella tendonitis; 14 right calf contusion; left gluteal contusion; and a left groin strain;

15  In 1988, he suffered left heel cortical hyperostosis with thin bone spur; a left forearm contusion; bilateral hamstring soreness; a left Achilles soreness; low back- 16 gluteal contusion; a right shoulder strain; a left thumb MP joint sprain; left ribs contusion; a right hip flexor strain; a right knee contusion; a left thigh contusion; 17 and left side abdominal strain;

18  In 1989, he suffered a left heel contusion; right knee patellar tendonitis; right shoulder grade 1 AC sprain; left posterior ribs/back contusion; left clavicle fracture; 19 bilateral hip flexor soreness; a right wrist sprain; and a right ankle sprain;

20  In 1990, he suffered a right hip flexor strain; right and left heel bursitis; left insertional Achilles tendonitis; a concussion; left ankle sprain; and right shoulder 21 contusion;

22  In 1991, he suffered a left Achilles injury and hamstring soreness; a left thumb ulnar collateral ligament sprain; a left ankle lateral sprain; and chronic left insertional 23 Achilles tendinitis;


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1  In 1992, he suffered a right medial hamstring strain; a possible fracture of his left elbow; and left heel contusion; 2  In 1993, he suffered from injuries to his left heel, right calf, right hamstring, left 3 elbow, right groin and right hip and also suffered chronic left inertional Achilles tendonitis. 4 43. Mr. Green believes that the foregoing injuries were aggravated, extended, 5 worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the 6 wrongful administration of Medications to him. Many of these injuries were known only generally 7 to Mr. Green at the time of their occurrence; the specific nature or details of the injuries were 8 generally withheld from Mr. Green. Moreover, Mr. Green was never contemporaneously informed 9 or knowledgeable that his injuries were caused, aggravated, extended, worsened, prolonged, 10 exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the wrongful 11 administration of Medications. Mr. Green also states that he had more injuries than his memory 12 or his medical records would indicate. 13 44. At this time, Mr. Green seeks redress for the muscular/skeletal injuries and internal 14 organ injuries discussed above and below. 15 45. Mr. Green trusted and relied on the NFL’s doctors and trainers and would not have 16 taken the Medications in the manner and amount in which he did had the Defendant provided him 17 with the information it was legally obligated to provide as discussed herein. 18 46. Plaintiff J.D. Hill is a representative member of the putative class. As of the

19 commencement of this action, he is a resident and citizen of Arizona. Mr. Hill played in a total of

20 73 games as a wide receiver for the Buffalo Bills from 1971 to 1975 and the Detroit Lions from

21 1975 to 1978, which released him during the 1979 preseason. He was named to the Pro Bowl team




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in 1972. He played 26 games in the state of New York and four games in the state of California, 1 where he experienced the provision of Medications described herein. 2 47. While playing in the NFL, Mr. Hill received hundreds, if not thousands, of pills 3 from trainers and doctors, including but not limited to NSAIDs, Codeine, Valium, and Librium. 4 Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that during his employment with the Buffalo 5 Bills (1971-1975), Dr. K.H. Seagrave, Dr. John P. Kelly, Dr. Joe Godfrey and Dr. Richard Weiss 6 generally provided him with Medications and Dr. Weiss prescribed either Codeine, Librium or 7 Valium. During his employment with the Detroit Lions, Dr. William C. Ford, Dr. Edwin Guise, 8 and Dr. Robert C. Nestor generally provided him with Medications. Mr. Hill was also prescribed 9 Butazolidin on 8/19/77. Dr. Nestor provided Tylenol, Butazolidin and aspirin on 8/31/77 per a 10 document signed by trainer Kent Faub. 11 48. In 1971, Mr. Hill took Codeine, Librium and Valium. Generally while with the 12 Lions, Mr. Hill received painkillers and anti-inflammatories. 13 49. In 1976 Mr. Hill took Butazolidin and Aspirin. Generally while with the Bills, Mr. 14 Hill received Librium, Valium, Codeine tablets, anti-inflammatories, and pain-numbing injections 15 in his groin and shoulder. 16 50. Mr. Hill states the he took more Medications than his memory or his medical

17 records indicate.

18 51. He never received the statutorily required warnings about side effects of any of the

19 Medications.

20 52. Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that Mr. Hill suffered the

21 following injuries during his NFL career:




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 In 1971, he suffered several sprained ankles; a fractured nose; a torn right groin 1 muscle; partially-separated or dislocated shoulders; turf toe; numerous broken and dislocated fingers and received surgery on his left knee; 2  In 1973, he suffered a concussion and hyperextended both his elbows and wrists; 3  In 1976, he suffered a low back strain; right pentineous and pectineulase strains; 4 sprain to the mid-portion of his adductor region; left adductor strain; valgus stress to his left knee; hyperextended wrists; a partially-torn Achilles tendon, and injuries 5 to his groin;

6  In 1977, he suffered a contusion and strain of his right lower latissimus dorsi; a left knee effusion; a lower back strain; a right hamstring strain; and a left hamstring 7 sprain;

8  In 1978, he suffered a partial tear of his right Achilles tendon and a first-degree hamstring strain; 9  In 1979, he suffered a first-degree hamstring spasm. 10 53. Mr. Hill believes that the foregoing injuries were caused, aggravated, extended, 11 worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the 12 wrongful administration of Medications to him. Many of the injuries identified above were known 13 only generally to Mr. Hill at the time of their occurrence; the specific nature or details of the 14 injuries were generally withheld from Mr. Hill. Moreover, Mr. Hill was never contemporaneously 15 informed or knowledgeable that his injuries were caused, aggravated, extended, worsened, 16 prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the wrongful 17 administration of Medications. Mr. Hill also states that he had more injuries than his memory or 18 his medical records would indicate. 19 54. At this time, Mr. Hill seeks redress for muscular/skeletal injuries and internal organ 20 injuries discussed above and below. 21 55. Mr. Hill trusted and relied on the NFL’s doctors and trainers and would not have 22 taken the Medications in the manner and amount in which he did had the Defendant provided him 23


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with the information it was legally obligated to provide as discussed herein. 1 56. Plaintiff Keith Van Horne is a representative member of the putative class. As of 2 the commencement of this action, he is a resident and citizen of Illinois. Mr. Van Horne played in 3 a total of 186 games as an offensive tackle for the Chicago Bears from 1981 to 1993. He was a 4 member of the Bears’ teams that won the 1985 Super Bowl and participated in the 1984, 1986 – 5 88, 1990 and 1991 playoffs. Like Mr. Newberry, Mr. Van Horne was a recipient of the Ed Block 6 Courage Award. He played two games in the state of New York and 13 games in the state of 7 California, where he experienced the provision of Medications described herein. 8 57. While playing in the NFL, Mr. Van Horne received hundreds of injections from 9 doctors and pills from trainers, including but not limited to Novocain, Halcion, Percodan and 10 NSAIDs such as Voltaren and Naproxen. Mr. Van Horne recalls that while he played for the 11 Bears, the players were given Halcion and other Medications, along with beer, to help sleep at 12 night. Also, bowls of Supac (a high-dose mixture of caffeine and aspirin) sat out in the locker 13 rooms. Many Bears players took Supac with their morning coffee as part of the day’s ritual. 14 58. Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that: 15  In 1981 during the course of employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. Van Horne was provided with Butazolidin; 16

 In 1983 during the course of employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. Van Horne 17 was injected with both Xylocaine and Aristospan;

18  In 1986 during the course of employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. Van Horne was provided with Naprosyn; 19

 In 1987 during the course of employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. Van Horne 20 was injected with both Xylocaine and Aristospan;

21  In 1988 during the course of employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. Van Horne was provided with Duricef and injected with Cortisone; 22



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 In 1989 during the course of employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. Van Horne 1 was given an Epidural injection;

2  In 1990 during the course of employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. Van Horne was provided with Medrol; 3  In 1991 during the course of employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. Van Horne 4 was injected with both Xylocaine and Aristospan.

5 59. Throughout the course of his career as a professional football player, Mr. Van

6 Horne was also provided with other unspecified Medications including but not limited to non-

7 steroidal anti-inflammatories, pain killers, injections, and muscle relaxers, including but not

8 limited to Percodan, Voltarin, Prednisone, Halcion, Ambien, and Percocet, which lack detailed

9 documentation. Mr. Van Horne does not recall the dosage of the Medications he received and,

10 more often than not, the person providing the Medication to Mr. Van Horne did not advise him of

11 the dosage and, to the extent the Medication was provided in a container (regardless of what type

12 of container), the container did not identify the dosage. He never received the statutorily required

13 warnings about side effects of any of the Medications.

14 60. Mr. Van Horne recalls that during a playoff game against the New York Giants on

15 January 13, 1991, he could not lift his arm. Doctors and trainers knew he could not lift his arm so

16 they gave him two Percodan for the first half and two Percodan for the second half to allow him

17 to play. Often, he was not told what he was being given. 61. Medical records provided by the Chicago Bears reveal that Mr. Van Horne 18 suffered multiple sprains and pulls of his ankles, hamstrings, neck and knees; has had both of his 19 shoulders scoped twice; suffered a broken left thumb; had surgery on both Achilles tendons; has 20 pins in his right pinky; tore his left bicep tendon (after he finished playing but due to wear and tear 21 from playing); tore his right bicep tendon; and tore a ligament in his left elbow. 22



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62. Mr. Van Horne believes that the foregoing injuries were aggravated, extended, 1 worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the 2 wrongful administration of Medications to him. Many of these injuries were known only generally 3 to Mr. Van Horne at the time of their occurrence; the specific nature or details of the injuries were 4 generally withheld from Mr. Van Horne. Moreover, Mr. Van Horne was never contemporaneously 5 informed or knowledgeable that his injuries were caused, aggravated, extended, worsened, 6 prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the wrongful 7 administration of Medications. Mr. Van Horne also states that he had more injuries than his 8 memory or his medical records would indicate. 9 63. At this time, Mr. Van Horne seeks redress for the muscular/skeletal injuries and 10 internal organ injuries discussed above and below. 11 64. Mr. Van Horne trusted and relied on the NFL’s doctors and trainers and would not 12 have taken the Medications in the manner and amount in which he did had the Defendant provided 13 him with the information it was legally obligated to provide as discussed herein. 14 65. Plaintiff Ron Stone is a representative member of the putative class. As of the 15 commencement of this action, he is a resident and citizen of California. Mr. Stone played in 173 16 games as an offensive lineman for the Dallas Cowboys from 1993 to 1995; the New York Giants

17 from 1996 to 2001; the San Francisco 49ers from 2002 to 2003, and the Oakland Raiders from

18 2004 to 2005. He was a three-time Pro Bowl selection; two-time All-Pro selection, and two-time

19 Super Bowl champion. He played 23 games in the state of New York and 31 games in the state of

20 California, where he experienced the provision of Medications described herein.

21 66. While playing in the NFL, Mr. Stone received hundreds of injections from doctors

22 and thousands of pills from trainers, including but not limited to NSAIDs such as Toradol,



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Naprosyn and Indocin as well as Ambien, Percocet, and Cortisone. 1 67. Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that: 2  Dr. Warren King: 2% Lidocaine solution was administered by Dr. Warren D. 3 King on November 8, 2004 while Mr. Stone was employed by the Oakland Raiders:

4  Dr. Barrett L. Bryan: Unspecified amount of Septra DS was given by Dr. Barrett L. Bryan on November 17, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San 5 Francisco 49ers. Unspecified amount of Bactrim DS was given by Dr. Barrett L. Bryan on November 18, 2003 while he was employed by the San Francisco 49ers: 6  Dr. Michael F. Dillingham: Unspecified amount of Indocin was prescribed by Dr. 7 Michael F. Dillingham on October 6, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers: 8  Dr. Chris Beaulieu: Unspecified amount of Lidocaine given by injection at some 9 point prior to September 11, 2003 by Dr. Beaulieu while Mr. Stone worked for the San Francisco 49ers. . Unspecified amount of Decadron injected by Dr. Chris 10 Beaulieu at some point prior to July 24, 2003 as noted by Dr. Michael F. Dillingham in a 49ers Recheck on July 24, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San 11 Francisco 49ers. . Unspecified injection given by Dr. Chris Beaulieu on June 18, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers: 12  Dr. Lindsay: Unspecified amount of Indocin started on January 21, 2003 given by 13 Dr. Lindsay and noted by Dr. Michael S. Wall on January 23, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed with the San Francisco 49ers: 14  Dr. James B. Klint: 60mg Tordaol injected by Dr. James B. Klint on January 5, 15 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. . 60mg Toradol injected by Dr. James B. Klint on November 17, 2002 while Mr. Stone was 16 employed by the San Francisco 49ers. . 60mg Toradol injected by Dr. James B. Klint on November 10, 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 17 49ers. . 60mg Toradol injected by Dr. James B. Klint on November 3, 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. . 60mg Toradol injected by 18 Dr. James B. Klint on October 27, 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. . 60mg Toradol injected by Dr. James B. Klint on October 20, 19 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers:

20  Dr. Barrett Bryan: 60mg Toradol injected by Dr. Barrett Bryan on October 22, 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 60mg Toradol 21 injected by Dr. Barrett Bryan on September 15, 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers; 22  Trainer Lazenby: Unspecified amount of Indocin given by trainer Lazenby on 23 October 2, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers.


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Unspecified amount of Toradol injection given prior to October 7, 2003 as noted in 1 the player treatment log by trainer Tanaka while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. Unspecified amount of Indocin given by trainer Lazenby on 2 October 10, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers;

3  Trainer “M”: 8 tablets of 20mg Prednisone given by trainer “M” on July 23, 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 000777. 28 capsules of 4 75mg Indocin capsule given by trainer “M” on August 12, 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 5 tablets of 20mg Prednisone tablet 5 given by trainer “M” on August 21, 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 28 capsules of 75mg Indocin capsule given by trainer “M” on 6 October 12, 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 28 capsules of 75mg Indocin given by trainer “M” on October 23, 2002 while Mr. 7 Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 4 tablets 7.5mg of Vicodin given by trainer “M” on December 22, 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San 8 Francisco 49ers. 28 capsules of 75mg Indocin given by trainer “M” on December 24, 2002 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. . 1 tablet 9 7.5mg Vicodin given by trainer “M” on January 6, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 28 capsules of 75mg Indocin given by trainer 10 “M” on January 23, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 28 capsules of 75mg of Indocin given by trainer “M” on May 3, 2003 while 11 Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 28 capsules of 75mg of Indocin given by trainer “M” on May 17, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by 12 the San Francisco 49ers. 42 capsules of 50mg Indocin X given by trainer “M” on August 17, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. . 1 13 capsule 75mg Indocin given by trainer “M” on October 2, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. . 1 capsule 75mg Indocin given by 14 trainer “M” on October 11, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 2 tablets of 7.5/325mg Norco given by trainer “M” on September 14, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 1 capsule 15 75mg Indocin given by trainer “M” on September 27, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 1 tablet 7.5/325mg Norco given by trainer 16 “M” on September 28, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 1 tablet 7.5/325mg Norco given by trainer “M” on October 12, 2003 while 17 Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 2 tablets 7.5/325mg Norco given by trainer “M” on October 19, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the 18 San Francisco 49ers. 1 tablet 7.5/325mg Norco given by trainer “M” on October 26, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. Norco given 19 by trainer “M” on November 17, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 1 tablet 7.5/325mg. Norco given by trainer “M” on November 23, 20 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. Norco given by trainer “M” on December 14, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San 21 Francisco 49ers. 1 tablet 7.5/325mg. Norco given by trainer “M” on December 21, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. Prednisone given 22 by trainer “M” on November 10, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 2 tablets of 7.5/325mg Norco given by trainer “M” on December 23


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21, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 14 capsules 1 75mg Indocin SR given by trainer “M” on December 22, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers; 2  Trainer “R”: 1 injection 60mg Toradol given by trainer “R” on October 26, 2003 3 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers;

4  Trainer “BB”: 60mg Toradol injection given by trainer “BB” on September 7, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 60mg Toradol 5 injection given by trainer “BB” on September 14, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 60mg Toradol injection given by trainer 6 “BB” on October 5, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. . 60mg Toradol injection given by trainer “BB” on October 12, 2003 while 7 Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. Toradol given by trainer “BB” on September 21, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 8 2 injections of 30mg Toradol given by trainer “BB” on September 28, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 1 injection 60mg Toradol 9 given by trainer “BB” on October 19, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 1 injection 60mg Toradol given by trainer “BB” on November 10 2, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 1 injection 60mg Toradol given by trainer “BB” on November 17, 2003 while Mr. Stone was 11 employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 1 injection 60mg Toradol given by trainer “BB” on November 23, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 12 49ers. 1 injection 60mg Toradol given by trainer “BB” on December 21, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 4 tablets Septra DS 800-160 13 given by trainer “BB” on November 17, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 36 tablets Septra DS 800-160 given by trainer “BB” on 14 November 18, 2003. 1 injection of 60mg Toradol given by trainer “BB” on December 14, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers. 15 4oz. Robitussin A/C given by trainer “BB” on November 28, 2003 while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers;

16  Dr. Millard: 1.5cc Decadron injected by Dr. Millard on a date prior to November 17 20, 2003 as reported by trainer Lazenby on November 20, 2003 in the player treatment history while Mr. Stone was employed by the San Francisco 49ers.

18 68. Mr. Stone further states that throughout the course of his career as a professional 19 football player, he was provided with other unspecified Medications including but not limited to 20 non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, pain killers, injections, and muscle relaxers, which lack detailed

21 documentation. He does not recall the dosage of the Medications he received and, more often than

22 not, the person providing the Medication to Mr. Stone did not advise him of the dosage and, to the



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extent the Medication was provided in a container (regardless of what type of container), the 1 container did not identify the dosage. He never received the statutorily required warnings about 2 side effects of any of the Medications. 3 69. Mr. Stone received a serious elbow injury while playing with the Dallas Cowboys. 4 Rather than recommend surgery, he was shot with painkillers. In addition, Mr. Stone tore his 5 thumb while playing with the Giants. He was told that, if he were a baseball player he would have 6 been out for the season but because he was a football player, it could wait until the off-season. 7 70. Stone also suffered from a MCL sprain to his knee while playing with the Raiders. 8 Rather than sit out and rest, he was given shots in the affected area and pain pills, was re-taped, 9 and was sent back out to play. He ultimately developed an MCL tear. 10 71. Medical records provided by his former teams reveal additional injuries sustained 11 by Mr. Stone during his NFL career; those documents have already been provided by Mr. Stone at 12 STONE_CONFID_000009-25, 000036-40, 000049-51, 000058-64, 000072-83, 000085-100, 13 000111, 000119, 000121, 000125-141, 000153-362, 000364-368, 000451-463, 00490-496, 14 000586, 000584, 000592, 000599, 000607-617, 000619, 000633, 000641, 000645-6, 000656, 15 000660, 000676, 000687-763, 000766-916; STONE_000173; STONE_CONF_0000001-5, 16 000009-11, 000017-25, 000041-46, 000049-51, 000056-64, 000072-83, 000090-97, 000111,

17 000119, 000121, 000125-141, 000586, 000584, 000592, 000599, 000607-617, 000619, 000633,

18 000641, 000645-6, 000656, 000660, 000676, 000687-763, 000766-916.

19 72. Mr. Stone believes that the injuries he received while playing in the NFL were

20 caused, aggravated, extended, worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated,

21 protracted, or made permanent by the wrongful administration of Medications to him. Many of

22 the injuries identified above were known only generally to Mr. Stone at the time of their



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occurrence; the specific nature or details of the injuries were generally withheld from Mr. Stone. 1 Moreover, Mr. Stone was never contemporaneously informed or knowledgeable that his injuries 2 were caused, aggravated, extended, worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, 3 protracted, or made permanent by the wrongful administration of Medications. Mr. Stone also 4 states that he had more injuries than his memory or his medical records would indicate. 5 73. At this time, Mr. Stone seeks redress for the muscular/skeletal injuries discussed 6 above and below. 7 74. Mr. Stone trusted and relied on the NFL’s doctors and trainers and would not have 8 taken the Medications in the manner and amount in which he did had the Defendant provided him 9 with the information it was legally obligated to provide as discussed herein. 10 75. Plaintiff Ron Pritchard is a representative member of the putative class. As of the 11 commencement of this action, he is a resident and citizen of Arizona. Mr. Pritchard played in 106 12 games as a for the AFL/NFL Houston Oilers from 1969 to 1972 and for the Cincinnati 13 Bengals from 1972 to 1977. He is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame. He played 14 four games in the state of New York and eight games in the state of California, where he 15 experienced the provision of Medications described herein. 16 76. While playing in the NFL, Mr. Pritchard received hundreds, if not thousands, of

17 pills from trainers, including but not limited to NSAIDs, amphetamines, Valium, Butazolidin, and

18 Quaaludes. Mr. Pritchard received pills on game days. He also received an injection of a numbing

19 agent in his foot in a playoff game against the Raiders. And while Pritchard played with the Oilers,

20 amphetamines in the form of yellow and purple pills were available in jars in the locker room for

21 any and all to take as they saw fit. Mr. Pritchard describes a routine on the nights before games




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where, either at dinner or during bed check, trainers would give players sleeping pills or downers. 1 The next morning, they would be provided uppers for practice or the game. 2 77. Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that: 3  From 1969 to 1971, during his employment with the Houston Oilers, Mr. Pritchard 4 was provided with Valium, Barbiturates, and Amphetamines;

5  In 1974, during his employment with the Cincinnati Bengals, Mr. Pritchard was provided with a Renografin injection; 6  In 1975 during his employment with the Cincinnati Bengals, Mr. Pritchard was 7 provided with Butazolidin and numbing agents;

8  In 1976, during his employment with the Cincinnati Bengals, Mr. Pritchard was provided with cortisone injections. 9 78. Mr. Pritchard further states that throughout the course of his career as a professional 10 football player, he was provided with other unspecified Medications including but not limited to 11 non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, pain killers, injections, and muscle relaxers, which lack detailed 12 documentation. He does not recall the dosage of the Medications he received and, more often than 13 not, the person providing the Medication to Mr. Pritchard did not advise him of the dosage and, to 14 the extent the Medication was provided in a container (regardless of what type of container), the 15 container did not identify the dosage. He never received the statutorily required warnings about 16 side effects of any of the Medications. 17 79. When Ron Pritchard was traded to the Raiders, the team’s head doctor told him his 18 knees were so bad that he could not keep playing. Nonetheless, the doctor told the team that 19 Pritchard could play as long as he could cope with the pain. 20 80. Those injuries stemmed in part from a serious injury he had suffered the previous 21 season with the Bengals that required major knee surgery. Six weeks after that surgery, he was

22 back on the field playing against the Pittsburgh Steelers.



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81. Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that Mr. Pritchard suffered the 1 following injuries during his NFL career: 2  In 1972, he suffered a bruised hip; 3  In 1973, he suffered a right knee sprain; a fractured right hand; and a dislocated 4 middle finger;

5  In 1975, he suffered a concussion and fractured right foot;

6  In 1976, he suffered left knee surgery, a left groin sprain, and surgery to remove a bone spur in his right foot; and 7  In 1977, he underwent two more left knee surgeries along with surgery on his right 8 foot and right elbow and suffered a fractured right hand; a right knee sprain; and a pulled right groin. 9 82. Mr. Pritchard believes that the foregoing injuries were aggravated, extended, 10 worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the 11 wrongful administration of Medications to him. Many of these injuries were known only generally 12 to Mr. Pritchard at the time of their occurrence; the specific nature or details of the injuries were 13 generally withheld from Mr. Pritchard. Moreover, Mr. Pritchard was never contemporaneously 14 informed or knowledgeable that his injuries were caused, aggravated, extended, worsened, 15 prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the wrongful 16 administration of Medications. Mr. Pritchard also states that he had more injuries than his memory 17 or his medical records would indicate. 18 83. At this time, Mr. Pritchard seeks redress for the muscular/skeletal injuries discussed 19 above and below. 20 84. Mr. Pritchard trusted and relied on the NFL’s doctors and trainers and would not 21 have taken the Medications in the manner and amount in which he did had the Defendant provided 22 him with the information it was legally obligated to provide as discussed herein. 23


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85. Plaintiff Jim McMahon is a representative member of the putative class. As of the 1 commencement of this action, he is a resident and citizen of Arizona. Mr. McMahon played in 2 119 games as a quarterback for the Chicago Bears from 1982 to 1988; the San Diego Chargers in 3 1989; the Philadelphia Eagles from 1990 to 1992; the Minnesota Vikings in 1993; the Arizona 4 Cardinals in 1994; and the from 1995 to 1996. He was named League Rookie 5 of the Year in 1982; was selected to the Pro Bowl in 1985; was a two-time Super Bowl champion, 6 and was named NFL Comeback Player of the Year in 1992. He played two games in the state of 7 New York and twelve games in the state of California, where he experienced the provision of 8 Medications described herein. 9 86. While playing in the NFL, Mr. McMahon received hundreds, if not thousands, of 10 injections from doctors and pills from trainers, including but not limited to Percocet, Novocain 11 injections, amphetamines, sleeping pills and muscle relaxers and NSAIDs such as Toradol. 12 Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that: 13  In 1984, during his employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. McMahon was 14 administered Marcaine and morphine;

 15 In 1985, during his employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. McMahon was administered Naprosyn and prednisone;

16  In 1986, during his employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. McMahon was 17 administered unidentified injections, lidocaine (including Xylocaine), triamterene (including Maxide), and diuretics;

18  In 1988, during his employment with the Chicago Bears, Mr. McMahon was administered diclofenac (including Voltaren) and Vicodin; 19

 20 In 1989, during his employment with the San Diego Chargers, Mr. McMahon was administered aspirin (including Empirin), Anacin, Marcaine, lidocaine (including Xylocaine), dexamethasone (including Decadron), corticosteroids (including 21 Aristospan), hydrocodone (including Damason), diclofenac (including Voltaren), Entex La, Naprosyn, phenoxymethylpenicillin (including penicillin VK), Benadryl, 22 other anti-inflammatories, and other unidentified oral medications;



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 In 1990, during his employment with the Philadelphia Eagles, Mr. McMahon was 1 administered anti-inflammatories, phenylbutazone (including Butazolidin), muscle relaxants, cortisone, lidocaine, methylprednisone (including Depo Medrol), 2 naproxen, and other painkillers;

3  In 1991, during his employment with the Philadelphia Eagles, Mr. McMahon was administered hydromorphone (including Dilaudid), Zantac, Motrin, Marcaine, 4 hyaluronidase (including Wydase), Medrol, analgesics, cortisone, Indocin, Novocain, Percocet, ammonium bituminosulfonate (including ichthammol), 5 Naprosyn, valium, morphine, other anti-inflammatories, and other unidentified injections of medications; 6  In 1992, during his employment with the Philadelphia Eagles, Mr. McMahon was 7 administered Halcion, cefazolin, acetaminophen, docusate sodium (including DSS), naloxone (including Narcan), potassium, promethazine, antiemetics 8 (including Reglan), Percocet, fentanyl (including Sublimaze), gentamicin, cortisone, Motrin, Zantac, and other unidentified intravenous, topical, and oral 9 medications;

10  In 1993, during his employment with the Minnesota Vikings, Mr. McMahon was administered Marcaine; 11  In 1996, during his employment with the Green Bay Packers, Mr. McMahon was 12 administered cefaclor.

13 87. Mr. McMahon further states that throughout the course of his career as a

14 professional football player, he was also administered at various times hypnotics, Percocet,

15 cyclobenzaprine (including Flexeril), Darvocet, phenylbutazone (including butes), Indocin, Aleve,

16 ibuprofen, and other unidentified injections and envelopes of Medications. He does not recall the

17 dosage of the Medications he received and, more often than not, the person providing the

18 Medication to Mr. McMahon did not advise him of the dosage and, to the extent the Medication

19 was provided in a container (regardless of what type of container), the container did not identify the dosage. Mr. McMahon states the he took more Medications than his memory or his medical 20 records indicate. He never received the statutorily required warnings about side effects of any of 21 the Medications. 22



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88. Over the course of his career and 18 surgeries, Mr. McMahon became dependent 1 on painkillers, a slow process that overtook him without him realizing it. At one point, he was 2 taking as many as 100 Percocets per month, even in the off-season. After his playing career 3 concluded, he was no longer able to obtain painkillers for free from the NFL and was forced to 4 purchase over-the-counter painkillers to satisfy his need for medications. Over the course of that 5 time, he has spent an extensive amount of money on such medications. 6 89. While McMahon was with the Bears, he received injections for six straight weeks 7 in the 1984 season to cope with pain in his throwing hand and ten straight weeks in the 1986 season 8 for pain in his right shoulder. In both instances, only later did he learn that he should have sat that 9 time out and healed rather than mask the pain and return to play too early. 10 90. Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that Mr. McMahon he suffered 11 the following injuries during his NFL career: 12  In his hands, Mr. McMahon has suffered fractures, tendon avulsion, metacarpal 13 injuries, ulnar instability, metacarpophalangeal joint degeneration, and carpal tunnel syndrome; 14  In his back, Mr. McMahon has suffered strains, herniated and protruding discs, torn 15 spinal cartilage, atrophy and hypertrophy of the ligamentum flavum, spinal canal narrowing, and fractures in his transverse vertebrae;

16  In his kidneys, Mr. McMahon has suffered lacerations, contralateral renal trauma, 17 hematuria, and renal cysts;

 18 In his knees, Mr. McMahon has suffered joint dislocation and effusion; sprains and twists; medial meniscus tears; patellar tendonitis; posterior cruciate ligament ruptures, arthritis, and disruption; chrondomalacia; chondral fractures; 19 hyperextension; anterior cruciate ligament attenuation; kissing lesions; and degeneration; 20

 In his shoulders, Mr. McMahon has suffered dislocation, rotator cuff tears, 21 tendonitis, impingement syndrome, Hill Sachs lesions, bone spurs, osteoarthritis, adhesive capsulitis, acromioclavicular joint degeneration; paralabral cysts; 22 supraspinatus tears; and anterior glenoid labrum deformities;



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 In his neck, Mr. McMahon has suffered sprains and strains; herniated, compressed, 1 and protruding discs; cervical cord displacement; degeneration; and traction;

2  In his hips, Mr. McMahon has suffered flexor strains;

3  In his legs, Mr. McMahon has suffered pulled hamstrings and tibial contusions;

4  In his ankles, Mr. McMahon has suffered calcaneofibular ligament sprains and osteoarthritis; 5  In his chest, Mr. McMahon has suffered torn rib cartilage, rib fractures, strained rib 6 muscles, and costochondral separation;

7  In his elbows, Mr. McMahon has suffered contusions, tendonitis, lacerations, lateral epicondylitis, fractures, and degeneration; 8  In his feet, Mr. McMahon has suffered from metatarsal sprains and tendonitis; 9  In his arms, Mr. McMahon has suffered contusions and nerve damage; 10  In his face, head, and brain, Mr. McMahon has suffered from headaches and 11 cephalgia, concussions, jaw lacerations, and temporomandibular joint disorder;

12  Mr. McMahon has also suffered from bowel and bladder problems; pneumonia; memory loss; ringing in his ears; insomnia; hay fever; hypertension; below-average 13 manipulative dexterity and fine motor skills; impaired immediate and delayed free recall and recognition memory for complex visual information; below-average 14 nonverbal problem solving and response inhibition skills; depression; anger and irritability; abnormal levels of phosphorous, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein 15 cholesterol, mucous threads, calcium oxalate and uric acid crystals, glucose, bilirubin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, apolipoprotein B, and thyroid hormones; 16 and an enlarged left atrium.

17 91. Mr. McMahon believes that the foregoing injuries were caused, aggravated,

18 extended, worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made

19 permanent by the wrongful administration of Medications to him.

20 92. Many of these injuries were known only generally to Mr. McMahon at the time of

21 their occurrence; the specific nature or details of the injuries were generally withheld from Mr.

22 McMahon. Moreover, Mr. McMahon was never contemporaneously informed or knowledgeable



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that his injuries were caused, aggravated, extended, worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, 1 perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the wrongful administration of Medications. 2 93. At this time, Mr. McMahon seeks redress for the internal organs and 3 muscular/skeletal injuries discussed above and below. 4 94. Mr. McMahon trusted and relied on the NFL’s doctors and trainers and would not 5 have taken the Medications in the manner and amount in which he did had the Defendant provided 6 him with the information it was legally obligated to provide as discussed herein. 7 95. Plaintiff Marcellus Wiley is a representative member of the putative class. As of 8 the commencement of this action, he is a resident and citizen of California. Mr. Wiley played in 9 147 games as a defensive end for the Buffalo Bills from 1997 to 2000; the San Diego Chargers 10 from 2001 to 2003; the Dallas Cowboys in 2004; and the Jacksonville Jaguars from 2005 to 2006. 11 He was selected to the Pro Bowl in 2001. He played 38 games in the state of New York and 25 12 games in the state of California, where he experienced the provision of Medications described 13 herein. 14 96. While playing in the NFL, Mr. Wiley received hundreds, if not thousands, of 15 injections from doctors and pills from trainers, including but not limited to NSAIDs such as 16 Toradol and Vioxx, opioids such as Hydrocodone, and sleeping pills such as Ambien.

17 97. Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that in 1999, he received

18 Toradol after every game he played that season. Between 1999 and 2001, he received Vioxx.

19 98. Mr. Wiley further states that throughout the course of his career as a professional

20 football player, he was provided with other unspecified Medications including but not limited to

21 non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, Ambien, hydrocodone, pain killers, injections, and muscle

22 relaxers, which lack detailed documentation. He does not recall the dosage of the Medications he



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received and, more often than not, the person providing the Medication to Mr. Wiley did not advise 1 him of the dosage and, to the extent the Medication was provided in a container (regardless of 2 what type of container), the container did not identify the dosage. He never received the statutorily 3 required warnings about side effects of any of the Medications. 4 99. These drugs were given to Mr. Wiley even when, because of potential dangerous 5 complications, they were contraindicated for users with asthma, from which Mr. Wiley suffers. 6 After games, these drugs were given to him along with alcohol. Mr. Wiley states that he has had 7 asthma his whole life, something that any team doctor who reviewed his file should have known. 8 Nonetheless, no doctor ever told him that he shouldn’t take certain drugs, including but not limited 9 to Toradol, while using his asthma inhaler. 10 100. While with the San Diego Chargers, named Mr. Wiley was diagnosed with a groin 11 sprain. When he told the team doctor that the pain seemed more widespread than a simple groin 12 sprain would produce, the doctor told him it was a bilateral groin sprain. Based on that diagnosis, 13 Mr. Wiley thought his injury was one the NFL would expect him to play through. So he did. To 14 do so, he received multiple injections of an unknown, pain-numbing substance throughout the 15 remainder of the season. 16 101. After the season and still in pain, Mr. Wiley finally decided to seek a second opinion

17 about his injury. Upon seeing a doctor unaffiliated with the NFL, Mr. Wiley learned that his

18 “bilateral groin sprain” was in fact a severe tear of his abdominal wall, which required major

19 surgery. The extent of the injury caused him lasting, intense pain – requiring even more injections

20 and Medications to continue playing – and shortened his career.

21 102. Medical records provided by his NFL teams reveal that Mr. Wiley suffered the

22 following injuries during his NFL career:



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 In July 2000, he had surgery on his back; 1  In September 2001, he had surgery for a fractured foot; 2  In September 2002, he suffered a torn abdominal wall, for which he had surgery in 3 March 2003; and

4  In January 2004, he had a joint right labrum/rotator cuff surgery.

5 103. Mr. Wiley believes that the foregoing injuries were caused, aggravated, extended,

6 worsened, prolonged, exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the

7 wrongful administration of Medications to him. Many of these injuries were known only generally

8 to Mr. Wiley at the time of their occurrence; the specific nature or details of the injuries were

9 generally withheld from Mr. Wiley. Moreover, Mr. Wiley was never contemporaneously informed

10 or knowledgeable that his injuries were caused, aggravated, extended, worsened, prolonged,

11 exacerbated, intensified, perpetuated, protracted, or made permanent by the wrongful

12 administration of Medications. Mr. Wiley also states that he had more injuries than his memory

13 or his medical records would indicate.

14 104. At this time, Mr. Wiley seeks redress for the muscular/skeletal injuries and internal

15 organ injuries discussed above and below.

16 105. Mr. Wiley trusted and relied on the NFL’s doctors and trainers and would not have

17 taken the Medications in the manner and amount in which he did had the Defendant provided him

18 with the information it was legally obligated to provide as discussed herein. 106. Plaintiffs have attached as Exhibit A an excel spreadsheet with specific dates of 19 games played by the Plaintiffs during their NFL careers. Exhibit A also lists the names of the Club 20 doctors and trainers for each year through 2008 as provided by the Defendants during discovery 21 in the Evans case. 22



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2 107. Plaintiffs Richard Dent, Jeremy Newberry, Roy Green, J.D. Hill, Keith Van Horne,

3 Ron Stone, Ron Pritchard, and James McMahon did not learn of the facts – particularly, the facts

4 alleged infra in §§ 2 – 4 of the General Allegations Section of this Complaint – constituting the

5 claims they have pled herein against the NFL until November 2013 when they spoke with Mel

6 Owens regarding the same. Plaintiff Marcellus Wiley did not learn of the same until May 2014,

7 when he first saw press coverage of this suit.

8 108. Plaintiffs exercised reasonable diligence to try to discover the facts at issue. For

1 9 example, each Plaintiff spoke to team doctors and trainers on at least a yearly basis, if not more

10 regularly, about the type and/or amount of Medications being provided to them. Plaintiffs also

11 discussed their injuries with the same doctors and trainers as they occurred and with doctors they

12 visited after they finished their NFL careers for the injuries and ailments described herein. But no

13 team doctor or trainer ever told any of the Plaintiffs about the side effects of the Medications they were being given, the dangers of “cocktailing” (mixing Medications), or of the League’s 14 involvement in the recordkeeping, handling, and distribution of the Medications. And while 15 doctors they saw after their careers concluded did tell them that some of their ailments might be 16 the result of the amount of Medications they took during their NFL careers, no doctor ever told 17 them of the League’s involvement in the recordkeeping, handling, and distribution of the 18 Medications (nor would one expect them to be able to, as none of these doctors had any affiliation 19 with the NFL). 20


22 1 Exhibit A contains a list of doctors and trainers by year for each team for whom the 23 Plaintiffs played.


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109. Finally, neither the Tokish Study nor the Wash U/ESPN Study, discussed in greater 1 detail infra, reveal any information relating to the facts identified infra in §§ 2 – 4 of the General 2 Allegations Section of this Complaint, and thus by themselves would not have put Plaintiffs on 3 notice of the claims alleged herein against the NFL. In any event, Plaintiffs are not doctors or 4 otherwise active in the medical field and thus are not the type of persons to whom those studies 5 would have been sent or who would simply review a medical study of which they were unaware. 6 The Tokish Study also was not distributed in popular formats such as on TV or in a publication 7 that the average person might read, such as ESPN The Magazine, and while the ESPN study was, 8 Plaintiffs do not recall ever even hearing of it until after they first talked to in 9 November 2013 or, in the case of Plaintiff Wiley, after he heard about the suit on TV. 10 110. Thus, despite their reasonable diligence, Plaintiffs were unable to make earlier 11 discovery of the facts identified infra in §§ 2 – 4 of the General Allegations Section of this 12 Complaint. 13 III. THE NFL IS A RESIDENT OF THIS JUDICIAL DISTRICT. 14 111. Defendant NFL, which maintains its offices at 345 Park Avenue, New York, New 15 York, is an unincorporated trade association consisting of separately-owned and independently- 16 operated professional football teams that operate out of many different cities and states in this

17 country. The NFL is engaged in interstate commerce in the business of, among other things,

18 promoting, operating, and regulating the major professional football league in the United States.

19 112. As an unincorporated trade association of member teams, the NFL is a resident and

20 citizen of each state in which its member teams reside, including California.





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113. The NFL is a resident of the Northern District of California because it does business 1 in this District, derives substantial revenue from its contacts with this District, and operates two 2 franchises within this District, the Oakland Raiders and the San Francisco 49ers. 3 JURISDICTION 4 114. This Court has original jurisdiction pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1332(d)(2) because the 5 proposed class consists of more than one hundred persons, the overall amount in controversy 6 exceeds $5,000,000 exclusive of interest, costs, and attorney’s fees, and at least one Plaintiff is a 7 citizen of a State different from one Defendant. The claims can be tried jointly in that they involve 8 common questions of law and fact that predominate over individual issues. 9 115. This Court has personal jurisdiction over the NFL because it does business in this 10 District, derives substantial revenue from its contacts with this District, and operates two franchises 11 within this District. 12 VENUE 13 116. Venue is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1391(b)(1) because Defendant is an entity 14 with the capacity to sue and be sued and resides, as that term is defined at 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(c)(2) 15 and (d), in this District where it operates two franchises. 16 INTRADISTRICT ASSIGNMENT

17 117. This matter has been assigned to the San Francisco Division.



21 A. Given the Potential Significant Detrimental Impact, Congress Imposed A Sophisticated Criminal/Regulatory Regime on Controlled Substances and 22 Prescription Medications.



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118. United States law imposes a sophisticated statutory regime that regulates the 1 dispensation of certain medications that carry a greatly-enhanced risk of abuse and addiction 2 (“controlled substances”) and criminalizes violations of such regulations. This regime protects 3 against the dangers of abuse and addiction inherent in the use of controlled substances such as 4 opioids and other powerful painkillers. This regulatory regime applies to anyone involved in the 5 dispensation of these substances, from a physician operating a solo medical practice to a 6 multibillion-dollar machine such as the NFL. 7 1. The Controlled Substances Act Criminalizes the Dispensation and 8 Possession of Medications that the NFL Routinely Gives Players.

9 119. In 1970, Congress enacted the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control

10 Act (the “Act”). Title II of this Act, codified as 21 U.S.C. § 801, et seq., is known as the Controlled

11 Substances Act or the “CSA.” The CSA acknowledges that while “controlled substances” “have

12 a useful and legitimate medical purpose and are necessary to maintain the health and general

13 welfare,” 21 U.S.C. § 801(1), the risk of addiction associated with such substances requires a sophisticated regime regulating their manufacture, dispensation, importation, use, distribution, and 14 possession. 15 120. Regulation and enforcement of the CSA is delegated to the Food and Drug 16 Administration (“FDA”), the Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”), and the Federal Bureau 17 of Investigation (“FBI”). 18 121. The CSA2 organizes controlled substances into five categories, or schedules, that 19 the DEA and FDA publish annually and update on an as-needed basis. The controlled substances 20 in each schedule are grouped according to accepted medical use, potential risk for abuse, and 21

22 2 Medications regulated by the CSA also constitute prescription medications under the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, thereby requiring a prescription before they can be dispensed. 23


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psychological/physical effects. 1 122. Abuse of Schedule IV controlled substances “may lead to limited physical 2 dependence or psychological dependence relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule III.” 3 21 U.S.C. § 812(b)(4)(C). Among the medications listed as Schedule IV controlled substances are 4 Ambien, Valium, Librium and Halcion. 5 123. Abuse of Schedule III controlled substances “may lead to moderate or low physical 6 dependence or high psychological dependence.” 21 U.S.C. § 812(b)(3)(C). Among the 7 medications listed as Schedule III controlled substances are opioids and NSAIDs such as Vicodin3 8 and acetaminophen with codeine. 9 124. Schedule II controlled substances, which include cocaine and heroin, have “a high 10 potential for abuse” that “may lead to severe psychological or physical dependence.” 21 U.S.C. § 11 812(b)(2). Among the Schedule II controlled substances the NFL gave its players are opioids such 12 as Codeine and Oxycodone and stimulants like Amphetamines and Methamphetamines. 13 125. Under authority provided by the CSA at 21 U.S.C. § 821, the United States 14 Attorney General can promulgate (and has promulgated) regulations implementing the CSA. 15





20 3 On October 24, 2013, the FDA announced it would recommend to the Department of Health and Human Services that hydrocodone products such as Vicodin should be re-classified as 21 Schedule II medications. On August 22, 2014, the Drug Enforcement Agency published its Final Rule in the Federal Register to reschedule hydrocodone products to Schedule II of the CSA. A 22 copy of the final rule can be found here: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2014-08-22/pdf/2014- 19922.pdf (last visited Nov. 26, 2018). 23


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a. The CSA’s Regulatory Regime. 1 126. The CSA contains a number of provisions governing the dispensation,4 use, 2 distribution, and possession of controlled substances. Under the CSA, “[e]very person who 3 manufactures or distributes any controlled substance[,]” or “who proposes to engage in the 4 manufacture or distribution of any controlled substance[,] … [or] who dispenses, or who proposes 5 to dispense, any controlled substance,” shall obtain from the Attorney General a registration 6 “issued in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by [the Attorney General].” Id. 7 at § 822(a)(1)-(2). 8 127. To distribute Schedule II or III controlled substances, applicants must establish that 9 they: (a) maintain “effective control[s] against diversion of particular controlled substances into 10 other than legitimate medical, scientific, and industrial channels;” (b) comply “with applicable 11 State and local law;” and (c) satisfy other public health and safety considerations, including past 12 experience and the presence of any prior convictions related to the manufacture, distribution, or 13 dispensation of controlled substances. Id. at § 823(b). 14 128. The CSA mandates that controlled substances may be legally dispensed only by a 15 practitioner or pursuant to a practitioner’s prescription (as similarly established by 21 U.S.C. § 16 353) and within the purview of the practitioner’s registration. Id. at § 829.

17 129. Moreover, Schedule II substances cannot be re-filled, see id. at § 829(a), while

18 Schedule III and IV substances cannot be re-filled more than six months after the initial

19 dispensation or more than five times “unless renewed by the practitioner.” 21 U.S.C. § 829(b).

20 130. Only those prescriptions “issued for a legitimate medical purpose by an


22 4 The CSA defines the dispensation of a controlled substance as the delivery of a controlled substance “to an ultimate user … by, or pursuant to the lawful order of, a practitioner, including 23 the prescribing and administering of a controlled substance[.]” 21 U.S.C. § 802(10).


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individual practitioner acting in the usual course of his professional practice” may be used to 1 legally dispense a controlled substance under § 829(b). 21 C.F.R. § 1306.04(a) (2013). 2 131. The CSA also establishes specific recordkeeping requirements for those registered 3 to dispense controlled substances scheduled thereunder. For example, except for practitioners 4 prescribing controlled substances within the lawful course of their practices, the CSA requires the 5 maintenance and availability of “a complete and accurate record of each substance manufactured, 6 received, sold, delivered, or otherwise disposed.” 21 U.S.C. § 827(c). 7 132. The CSA’s recordkeeping regulations require a person registered and authorized 8 to dispense controlled substances to maintain records regarding both the substances’ prior 9 manufacturing and the subsequent dispensing of the substance. Such records must include the 10 name and amount of the substances distributed and dispensed, the date of acquisition and 11 dispensing, certain information about the person from whom the substances were acquired and 12 dispensed to, and the identity of any individual who dispensed or administered the substance on 13 behalf of the dispenser. 21 C.F.R. § 1304(22)(c) (2013). 14 133. Beyond specific recordkeeping, all registrants “shall [also] provide effective 15 controls and procedures to guard against theft and diversion of controlled substances.” 21 C.F.R. 16 § 1301.71(a) (2013). Depending on the schedule assigned to a particular controlled substance,

17 such substances must be securely locked within a safe or cabinet or other approved enclosures or

18 areas. Id. at §§ .72(b) & .75(b) (2013). Any theft or significant loss of controlled substances must

19 be reported to the DEA upon discovery of the theft or loss. Id. at § .74(c) (2013).

20 b. The CSA’s Criminal Regime.

21 134. The CSA enacted a comprehensive criminal regime to penalize violations of its

22 rules and regulations.



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135. Specifically, Part D of the CSA proscribes a series of “Prohibited Acts” that run the 1 gamut from trafficking of controlled substances to their unlawful possession. 2 136. For example, it is unlawful for any person to knowingly or intentionally “distribute, 3 or dispense, or possess with intent to … distribute, or dispense, a controlled substance[]” in 4 violation of the CSA. 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1). 5 137. Each and every single violation of this section that involves a “Schedule III” 6 controlled substance is a Federal felony subject to a variety of penalties, including but not limited 7 to a term of imprisonment of up to ten years (15 years if the violation results in death or serious 8 bodily injury) and a fine of $500,000 if the violator is an individual to $2,500,000 if the violator is 9 not an individual (for first offenses). Id. at § 841(b)(1)(E)(i). These penalties are doubled if the 10 violator has a prior conviction for a felony drug offense. Id. at §841(b)(1)(E)(ii). 11 138. It is also unlawful for anyone with a CSA registration to: 12  “distribute or dispense a controlled substance” without a prescription or in a fashion 13 that exceeds that person’s registered authority. Id. at § 842(a)(1)-(2);

14  distribute a controlled substance in a commercial container that does not contain the appropriate identifying symbol or label, as provided under 21 U.S.C. § 321(k), 15 or to “remove, alter, or obliterate” such an identifying symbol or label. Id. at §§ 825, 842(a)(3)-(4); or

16  “refuse or negligently fail to make, keep, or furnish any record, report, notification, 17 declaration, order or order form, statement, invoice, or information required” under the CSA. Id. at § 842(a)(5).

18 A person who violates any of these provisions is subject to a minimum civil penalty up to $25,000. 19 Id. at § 842(c)(1)(A). 20 139. It is also unlawful for a person “knowingly or intentionally to possess a controlled

21 substance unless such substance was obtained directly, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order,




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from a practitioner, while acting in the course of his professional practice, or except as otherwise 1 authorized” under the CSA. Id. at § 844(a). 2 140. A violation of this provision is subject to a term of imprisonment of up to one year 3 and a fine of up to $1,000 for a first offense. Id. Multiple violations of this provision result in a 4 term of imprisonment of up to three years and a fine of at least $5,000. Id. 5 141. Furthermore, “[a]ny person who attempts or conspires to commit any offense” 6 described above “shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense, the 7 commission of which was the object of the attempt or conspiracy.” Id. at § 846. 8 142. Except as authorized by the CSA, it is unlawful to “knowingly open, lease, rent, 9 use, or maintain any place, whether permanently or temporarily, for the purpose of distributing or 10 using controlled substance” or to “manage or control any place, whether permanently or 11 temporarily, either as an owner, lessee, agent, employee, occupant, or mortgagee, and knowingly 12 and intentionally rent, lease, profit from, or make available for use, with or without compensation, 13 the place for the purpose of unlawfully manufacturing, storing, distributing, or using a controlled 14 substance.” Id. at § 856(a). A violation of this section results in a term of imprisonment of up to 15 20 years and a fine of $500,000 if the violator is an individual or up to $2,000,000 if the violator 16 is not an individual. Id. at § 856(b).

17 143. For decades, the NFL’s lack of appropriate prescriptions, failure to keep proper

18 records, refusal to explain side effects, lack of individual patient evaluation, proper diagnosis and

19 attention, and use of trainers to distribute Schedule II and III controlled substances to its players,

20 including Plaintiffs, individually and collectively violate the foregoing criminal and regulatory

21 regime. In doing so, the NFL not only left its former players injured, damaged and/or addicted,

22 but also committed innumerable violations of the CSA.



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2. The Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Prohibits the Dispensation of 1 Controlled Substances Without a Prescription.

2 144. A significant complement to the foregoing statutory regime is the Food, Drug, and

3 Cosmetic Act (the “FDCA”). Enacted by Congress in 1938 to supplant the Pure Food and Drug

4 Act of 1906, the FDCA prohibits the marketing or sale of medications in interstate commerce

5 without prior approval from the FDA, the agency to which Congress has delegated regulatory and

6 enforcement authority. See 21 U.S.C. § 331(d).

7 145. The FDCA has been regularly amended since its enactment. Most notably, changes

8 in 1951 established the first comprehensive scheme governing the public sale of prescription

9 pharmaceuticals as opposed to “over-the-counter” medications. The purpose of this regulatory

10 regime was to ensure that the public was protected from abuses related to the sale of powerful

11 prescription medications.

12 146. Pursuant to this amendment, the FDCA provides that if a covered drug has “toxicity

13 or other potentiality for harmful effect” that makes its use unsafe unless “under the supervision of a practitioner licensed by law to administer such drug[,]” it can be dispensed only through a written 14 prescription from “a practitioner licensed by law to administer such drug.” 21 U.S.C. § 353(b)(1). 15 Any oral prescription must be “reduced promptly to writing and filed by the pharmacist” and any 16 refill of such a prescription must similarly be authorized. Id. 17 147. Jurisprudence interpreting the FDCA establishes that a proper “prescription” under 18 the FDCA shall include directions for the preparation and administration of any medicine, remedy, 19 or drug for an actual patient deemed to require such medicine, remedy, or drug following some 20 sort of examination or consultation with a licensed doctor. Conversely, a “prescription” does not 21 mean any mere scrape of paper signed by a doctor for medications. 22 148. As a result, a key element in determining whether or not § 353(b)(1) has been 23


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violated is the existence (or non-existence) of a doctor-patient relationship from which the 1 “prescription” was issued. 2 149. The FDCA further provides that the prescribing medical professional shall be the 3 patient’s primary contact and information source on such prescription medications and their 4 effects. Id. at §§ 352, 353. As such, regulations promulgated by the FDA require medical 5 professionals to provide warnings to patients about such effects. 6 150. Dispensers violate the FDCA if they knowingly and in bad faith dispense 7 medications without a prescription or with the intent to mislead or defraud. 21 U.S.C. §§ 331(a) 8 & 333(a)(2). 9 151. Dispensing a drug without a prescription, as NFL doctors and trainers regularly did, 10 results in the drug being considered “misbranded” while it is held for sale. Id at § 353(b)(1). The 11 FDCA prohibits: (a) introducing, or delivering for introduction, a misbranded drug into interstate 12 commerce; (b) misbranding a drug already in interstate commerce; or (c) receiving a misbranded 13 drug “in interstate commerce, or the delivery or proffered delivery thereof for pay or otherwise[.]” 14 21 U.S.C. §§ 331(a) – (c). 15 152. It is also an FDCA violation to provide, as NFL doctors and trainers routinely did, 16 a prescription drug without the proper FDA-approved label. Id. at § 352; 21 C.F.R. §§ 201.50 –

17 201.57 (2013). Stringent regulations dictate specific information that must be provided on a

18 prescription drug’s labeling, the order in which such information is to be provided, and even

19 specific “verbatim statements” that must be provided in certain circumstances, such as the

20 reporting of “suspected adverse reactions.” See generally 21 C.F.R. §§ 201.56, .57, .80 (2013).

21 153. For instance, labeling for any covered medication approved by the FDA prior to

22 June 30, 2001 must include information regarding its description, clinical pharmacology,



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indications and usage, contraindications, warnings, precautions, adverse reactions, drug abuse and 1 dependence, overdosage, dosage and administration, and how it was supplied, to be labeled in this 2 specific order. See 21 C.F.R. § 201.56(e)(1) (2013). 3 154. Such information must be provided under the foregoing headings in accordance 4 with 21 C.F.R. §§ 201.80(a)-(k) (2013). For example, labeling regarding a covered drug’s 5 tendency for abuse and dependence “shall state the types of abuse [based primarily on human data 6 and human experience] that can occur with the drug and the adverse reactions pertinent to them.” 7 See id. at § 201.80(h)(2) (2013). 8 155. Covered medications approved by the FDA after June 30, 2001 are subject to even 9 more stringent labeling requirements. See generally 21 C.F.R. §§ 201.56(d)(1); .57(a) – (c) 10 (2013). For instance, labeling for such covered drugs must provide: (a) if the covered drug is a 11 controlled substance, the applicable schedule; (b) “the types of abuse that can occur with the drug 12 and the adverse reactions pertinent to them[;]” and (c) the “characteristic effects resulting from 13 both psychological and physical dependence that occur with the drug and must identify the 14 quantity of the drug over a period of time that may lead to tolerance or dependence, or both.” See 15 21 C.F.R. § 201.57(c)(10) (2013). 16 156. The NFL’s use of trainers to distribute Medications, lack of appropriate

17 prescriptions, failure to keep records, refusal to explain side effects, and lack of individual patient

18 care, individually and collectively, violate the FDCA.

19 B. All 50 States Plus the District of Columbia Have Corresponding Laws That Regulate Controlled Substances and Prescription Medications. 20 157. The Act expressly contemplates that the States will implement their own laws 21 regulating controlled substances and prescription medications. All states do have such laws. Many 22 states’ laws are stricter than the CSA. For example, California has enacted the Pharmacy Law, 23


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Calif. Bus. & Prof. Code §§ 4000, et seq. that extensively regulates prescription drugs such as 1 Toradol as well as the Sherman Food, Drug and Cosmetic Laws, Calif. Health & Safety Code §§ 2 109910 & 110045, which largely mirrors the FDCA. 3 158. Since the NFL has a duty to operate its business in a lawful manner, the foregoing 4 federal laws and regulations apply to the League and, to the extent the League operates in a state 5 with corresponding laws, those state laws apply to the League too. 6 II. THE LEAGUE VOLUNTARILY UNDERTOOK A DUTY TO ITS PLAYERS 7 WITH REGARD TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATIONS.

8 159. The League implemented its initial drug program in 1973 under the direction of Dr.

9 Walter F. Riker. From the outset, the focus of that program was on the administration and

10 distribution of the Medications at issue here.

11 160. In 1984, Dr. Forrest Tennant took over Dr. Riker’s responsibilities and continued

12 the program he had put in place.

13 161. In 1990, the NFL’s drug program split. Responsibility for steroid oversight went to Dr. John Lombardo whereas the Dr. Lawrence Brown was tasked with oversight of the 14 administration of the Medications. Dr. Brown continues to oversee that program today. 15 162. Regardless of whether it was under the watch of Dr. Riker, Tennant or Brown, since 16 its inception, this program has required teams and their doctors to report to the NFL regarding the 17 administration of Medications while the League in turn has undertaken the duty of overseeing that 18 administration. 19 163. For example, at some point, the League began auditing the clubs’ compliance with 20 the foregoing laws. Documents produced in Evans include hundreds, if not thousands, of such 21 audits for every club stretching back until at least 1990 in which the clubs were required to report 22



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to the League the types of drugs being administered, the amounts in which they were administered, 1 violations of applicable laws they encountered, and other information required by the League. 2 164. Moreover, the League has funded studies relating to the Medications. For example, 3 in 2012, Dr. Mathew Matava, team doctor for the St. Louis Rams and then president-elect of the 4 NFL Physicians Society (“NFLPS”), formed a task force to examine the use of Toradol and provide 5 recommendations regarding the future use of the substance in the NFL: Matthew Matava et al., 6 “Recommendations of the National Football League Physician Society Task Force on the Use of 7 Toradol Ketorolac in the National Football League,” 4 Sports Health 5: 377-83 (2012) (hereinafter 8 “Task Force Recommendations”). 9 165. In an e-mail dated February 12, 2012, Dr. Matava described their “task [as requiring 10 them] to formulate a ‘best practice’ recommendation for the other members of the NFL Team 11 Physician Society and to Commissioner Goodell.” 12 166. The Task Force was the brainchild of Dr. Yates, who appointed an ad hoc 13 committee to look into the issue because of negative press the NFL was receiving. Funding for 14 the work came from the League, according to Dr. Yates. Dr. Matava, and possibly Dr. Yates, met 15 with Commissioner Goodell in New York to discuss the ad hoc Toradol committee prior to it being 16 formed in or around January 2012.

17 167. The task force recognized that a decade had passed since the only other study to

18 look at Toradol in professional sports took place. JM Tokish, et al., “Ketorolac Use in the National

19 Football League: Prevalence, Efficacy, and Adverse Effects,” Phys Sportsmed 30(9): 19-24 (2002)

20 (hereinafter the “Tokish Study”).

21 168. The Tokish Study sent questionnaires to the head team physician and the head

22 athletic trainer of each of the NFL’s 32 teams, with 30 of them responding. In addition to finding



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that 28 of those 30 teams administered Toradol injections during the 2000 season, the Tokish Study 1 also found the following: 2  Of the 28 teams that used the drug, an average of 15 players were given injections (this 3 answer ranged from 2 players to 35 players); and

4  Twenty-six of the 28 teams used Toradol on game day.

5 169. One team had a policy of no use within 48 hours of games, and another team had a

6 policy of no use within 12 hours of games.

7 170. Toradol has the potential for severe complications such as bleeding and renal

8 damage. In fact, the two teams that did not use Toradol injections had strong policies against its

9 use, citing potential complications, including renal failure and increased risk of bleeding.

10 171. Some players did experience Toradol complications; six teams reported at least one

11 adverse outcome relating to Toradol use. Specifically, four teams noted muscle injury, one

12 documented a case of gastrointestinal symptoms that resolved with cessation of Toradol use, and

13 one reported that a player had increased generalized soreness one day after injection.

14 172. The Tokish Study concluded that “given that bleeding times are prolonged by 50%

15 4 hours after a single [shot of Toradol use] on game day may deserve reconsideration in contact sports.” The study then called for additional investigation and sought the development of 16 standardized guidelines for Toradol use in athletes. 17 173. A memorandum entitled “Issues for the NFL Team Physician” from the KC 18 Orthopedic Institute and dated February 18, 2003 states: “Off-label use of Medications – There are 19 a large number of NFL teams that use Toradol in an off-label method. It is designed to be used 20 for the treatment of a painful condition as a short course of either IM or IV administration, followed 21 by oral administration for a maximum of 5 days consecutively. Most of the team doctors use it as 22 a method to limit pain before the onset or as a chronic treatment with players receiving weekly 23


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doses. I have spoken to the company in the past and the use as a weekly dosing is off-label. 1 Chronic and long-term use is not approved. Your patient needs to be advised of this.” 2 174. On the same day, Brad C. Brown, PFATS secretary, kept the minutes of PFATS 3 winter meeting held at the Combine in Indianapolis. Those minutes reflect that Dean Kleinschmidt 4 reported to the group assembled (open to all NFL trainers) on the meeting of the Drug Abuse 5 Committee as follows: “Those athletic trainers that have to contend with the NFL drug audit, the 6 committee has determined that the special care given to toradol and Vicodin in the reporting will 7 no longer be necessary as, these two drugs have not shown any significant problem.” In other 8 words, at the same time the Tokish Study is calling for more study and the KC document is 9 advising of risks associated with Toradol, the NFL collective decided to stop reporting about it. 10 175. Over a decade later, the Matava task force determined that standardized guidelines 11 still had not been implemented and that Toradol use had increased in the NFL during the 12 intervening period. 13 176. Therefore, the purpose of the task force was to “[p]rovide NFL physicians with 14 therapeutic guidelines on the use of [Toradol] to decrease the potential risk of severe complications 15 associated with NSAIDs – in particular, the increased risk of hemorrhage resulting from a 16 significant collision or trauma.”

17 177. The task force recommended that:

18  Toradol should not be administered prophylactically “prior to collision sports such as football, where the risk of internal hemorrhage may be serious” in light of the FDA’s 19 admonition “that [the drug] not be used as a prophylactic medication prior to major surgery or where significant bleeding may occur.” 20  Toradol should not be used “to reduce the anticipated pain, during, as well as after 21 competition” because “[t]he perception of NFL players getting ‘shot up’ before competition has shed an unfavorable light on the NFL as well as on team physicians who 22 are perceived as being complicit with the players’ desire to play at all costs, irrespective of the medical consequences.” 23


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1  If Toradol is to be administered, it should be given orally and not through the more aggressive injections/intramuscularly. The Task Force found that the greater risks 2 associated with injections – infections, bleeding, and injury to adjacent structures – combined with quicker onset of the drug when taken orally “favors the oral route of 3 administration.”

4 178. In addition to audits and studies, and in pace with public awareness of the

5 prevalence of drugs has increased, the NFL imposed a number of mandated procedures to control

6 the drug distribution system. The NFL has required that all drugs be locked in a closet or similar

7 locked storage facility, as mandated for years by federal law. The NFL has also required that

8 doctors register the Clubs’ facility as a storage facility for controlled substances and prescription

9 medication, as doctors who had been distributing drugs out of locker rooms at club facilities,

10 including away game facilities, that had not been registered by that doctor with the DEA was

11 illegal. The NFL has also tried to require all Clubs to purchase and utilize tracking software created

12 by a firm called SportPharm, many of which did. SportPharm collects the data and retains it in the

13 event the NFL is questioned about their drug distribution by the DEA or an appropriate state

14 agency. 179. The NFL also exerts control over each Club’s relationship with its medical 15 marketing partners and its Club doctors. Clubs are obligated to review any proposed medical 16 sponsorship arrangement with the NFL in advance of finalizing any such agreement. The Clubs’ 17 hiring of their doctors must also be approved by the League to ensure that the marketing 18 arrangement is not mandating the hiring of its doctors. 19 180. The NFL also exerts control over, and constant monitoring of, the storage and 20 administration of controlled substances and prescription drugs through their agent, the NFL 21 Security Office. NFL Security Office personnel regularly meet and consult with club officials, 22 including doctors and trainers, and conduct regular audits of club record keeping and facilities. 23


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181. The NFL imposed a uniform Toradol waiver beginning with the 2010 season, a 1 sample copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B. Every player on each Club was asked to 2 sign the waiver, which is identical for each Club. 3 182. Finally, the League funded the current “visiting team medical liaison program,” as 4 testified to by Dr. Yates, whereby independent local physicians provide controlled substances to 5 visiting teams as needed. According to Dr. Yates, the impetus for that program, which went into 6 place in 2015, were raids conducted by the DEA in October 2014 of various clubs to see if they 7 were still illegally traveling with controlled substances. As the Clubs were tipped off by a DEA 8 employee in advance of the raids, not surprisingly, none of them were carrying controlled 9 substances at the time. 10 III. THE LEAGUE HAS KNOWN OF THE PROBLEMS IDENTIFIED HEREIN FOR 11 DECADES.

12 183. NFL officials regularly meet with team personnel, including doctors and trainers.

13 The trainers are mandated by the NFL to meet on at least a yearly basis while the doctors meet at least annually at the Combine. These regular meetings, which have been taking place for decades, 14 provide the NFL with the chance to share information with the Clubs to which the public is not 15 privy. And as detailed herein, e-mails are sent en masse to all trainers or doctors about medications 16 and trainers or doctors from one team communicate with trainers or doctors from other teams about 17 medications via e-mail (see, e.g., the Dr. Chao e-mail to the trainer identified 18 herein) or, as Drs. Rettig and Matava testified to, before and after games. The Commissioner 19 attends NFLPS meetings; NFLPS executive committee members attend owners’ meetings and 20 NFL Management Council meetings, and lurking in the background are Drs. Brown and Pellman, 21 the NFL doctors who supervise the Club doctors. 22



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184. The NFLPS is governed by an executive committee that regularly interacts with the 1 League. For example, Dr. Anthony Yates (Steelers’ doctor), who served on that committee from 2 2000 to 2015 and is a former NFLPS president, testified at his deposition that Elliott Pellman, in 3 his capacity as medical advisor to the League, was a regular attendee of NFLPS executive 4 committee meetings. He further testified that Dr. Brown also attended such meetings, including, 5 for example, the February 11, 1995 meeting at the Westin Hotel in Indianapolis and the February 6 7, 1998 meeting at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Indianapolis. Other League officials attended these 7 meetings too, including Ed Teitge, who gave a 30 minute presentation on labor relations in the 8 NFL at the aforementioned 1998 meeting; Adolpho Birch, who attended the February 21, 2003 9 meeting at the Westin Hotel in Indianapolis (along with Dr. Brown), and Commissioner Goodell, 10 who attended the February 23, 2012 NFLPS executive board meeting. 11 185. Dr. Yates also testified that Dr. John York, an owner of the San Francisco 49ers 12 who was also chairman of the owners’ health and safety committee, would attend NFLPS meetings 13 and events, including the 2013 executive committee meeting at the Combine. Dr. Yates called Dr. 14 York “an important resource to and advocate for the team physicians and athletic trainers for all 15 32 clubs” at the 2013 NFLPS business meeting. 16 186. He further testified that he attended “one or two” owners’ health and safety

17 committee meetings and was present at the League’s New York offices once or twice a year while

18 he was NFLPS president.

19 187. Dr. Matava (Rams’ doctor) testified that, while president, he too attended owners’

20 health and safety committee meetings and regularly visited the League’s New York offices for

21 meetings. Both he and Dr. Yates testified that, while serving as president of the NFLPS, they




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attended, and gave presentations regarding medications (including Toradol) at, owners’ meetings, 1 the Toradol meeting having occurred in March 2013. 2 188. Moreover, the League, through Dr. Brown and the Club physicians, has audited the 3 use of controlled substances since the late 1970s according to documents produced by Dr. Brown. 4 For example, a March 1, 2013 memorandum prepared by Dr. Brown (in which he is styled as 5 “Medical Advisor National Football League”) for Adolpho Birch, Senior Vice President of Law 6 and Labor Policy for the NFL Management Council, covers the then nearly 40 year history of the 7 NFL Prescription Drug Program and Protocol, which apparently had “evolved … dramatical[ly] 8 in the last two years” (which happen to be the two years after the DEA investigated the Clubs, as 9 discussed herein). In that memorandum, Dr. Brown notes that the players’ “health and safety” 10 were major reasons for the existence of the Prescription Drug Program and Protocol from its 11 inception through the time that memorandum was prepared. 12 189. In a final report published May 30, 1990, Forest Tennant, the League’s Drug 13 Advisor, notes in relevant part that audits conducted by the League of the Clubs’ use of controlled 14 substances reveal in relevant part that “[s]ome Clubs don’t seem to know which drugs are 15 controlled substances, and some don’t apparently understand the necessity (and law) to keep 16 dispensing logs and an internal audit. A review of Clubs logs and internal audits … reveal

17 excellent tracking by some … and some other Clubs do not have enough documentation to know

18 if controlled substances are accounted for.” An audit from the very next year states that “[m]any

19 teams lack evidence of a copy of the current DEA registration for each prescribing physician” and

20 that a “significant number of teams store/stock controlled substances in devices of questionable

21 compliance to governmental regulations.”




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190. In a drug audit dated October 24, 1995 for the Philadelphia Eagles that went to Dr. 1 Brown (who took over from Dr. Tennant) it was noted that the Eagles’ Dr. Torg used the athletic 2 trainer’s name, rather than the player’s name, on prescriptions. 3 191. In 1997, one General Manager said that painkiller abuse was “one of the biggest 4 problems facing the league right now.” He said the League was trying to fix the problem, but 5 described painkiller use among players as “the climate of the sport.” 6 192. At the NFLPS business meeting held on February 7, 1998, Dr. Lawrence Brown 7 reported to the NFLPS that, during the last audit, at least “5 teams were in noncompliance with 8 controlled substances” (and he fails to make mention of what, if anything, would be done to bring 9 those teams into compliance). 10 193. And in documents produced by Dr. Brown in Evans, he identified several instances 11 in which he noted that trainers were dispensing prescription drugs in violation of the law: 12  An April 6, 1999 letter to Dave Kendall (Chiefs trainer); 13  An April 7, 1999 letter to Brad Brown (Titans trainer); and 14  An April 25, 2000 letter to Paul Sparling (Bengal trainer). 15 194. A document produced by Dr. Brown titled “NFL Prescription Drug Program and 16 Protocol” and dated April 1999 states that it was drafted “to comply with regulations of the Federal 17 Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as they apply to controlled substances.” The program’s 18 main purpose was “to provide guidelines for the utilization of all prescription drugs provided to 19 players and team personnel by physicians and other healthcare providers and associated the NFL 20 clubs” and “to ensure the appropriate handling (purchase, distribution, dispensing, administration

21 and recordkeeping).” The memorandum noted that “[t]he focus of the Program will remain on

22 diuretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ... and all controlled drugs” and the Program’s



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emphasis was placed on “(1) the on-site audit, (2) the initial inventory and reconciliation reports, 1 and (3) procedures used to provide controlled drugs to team personnel, to obtain prescription drugs 2 from pharmacies, and to secure controlled drugs.” The NFL Prescription Drug Program also 3 provided the guidelines for securing controlled substances and referred to protocol for the travel 4 container, which stated, “At all times, the travel container should be in the possession of a 5 physician or an athletic trainer when not in a team’s safe or in a locked equipment trunk/locker. 6 Access to the locked trunk/locker should be limited to a team physician and/or athletic trainer 7 while on the sidelines during practice or during a game. From a security perspective, a prudent 8 definition of possession means within the effective immediate control, i.e., reasonable distance 9 and sight lines, of the physician or the trainer. This is relevant on the road as well as when a team 10 is at home.” 11 195. Records from a February 21, 2003 NFLPS business meeting (open to all members 12 of the NFLPS) reflect that Dr. Brown “suggested that we work with the AOSSM [American 13 Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine] to develop a standard of treatment for professional 14 athletes since we are ‘outside the lines.’” 15 196. On March 28, 2007, Jim Anderson, the head trainer for the Rams, sent an e-mail to 16 all the Clubs head trainers in which he summarized the 2007 Drugs of Abuse Committee Meeting

17 and stated that: “Based on 2006 auditing results, Dr. Brown stressed the importance of properly

18 labeled medications with current expiration dates and lot numbers. Some teams audited last fall

19 were noted to have been adding new pill counts to old bottles already on the shelf. Each new

20 prescription ordered for team use should be kept in its original container and not combined with

21 pills in other containers.”




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197. In an e-mail dated January 7, 2008 to various team doctors and personnel, 1 Minnesota Vikings head trainer Eric Sugarman stated “Here is week 17’s fiasco ………. The 2 following items did not match up this week. 1. Total of 16 Ambien given out was recorded – 3 however only 11 Ambien were missing from the kit. 2. Total of 21 Toradol shots were recorded 4 – however only 20 Toradol shots were missing from the kit. 3. Total of 1 Diphenhydramine shots 5 were missing with no record of dispensing. There have been several times where the drug sheet 6 and restock sheet didn’t match but it was easily reconciled that day. There have been two 7 incidences of drugs that have not been accounted for at all. 1. 12/17/07 – Missing all 12 pills of 8 cyclobenzaprine. 2. 12/23/07 – Missing all 10 pills of SMZ/TMP 800-160 mg. In the case of the 9 SMZ/TMP the whole bottle itself was missing from the kit.” 10 198. The Falcons’ memorandum referenced above also stated in relevant part that: “On 11 4 NFL regulated medications (medication that we have to report to the NFL on our 12 reports/medication that is counted during the on-site audit), our numbers do not match our League 13 summary report (Norco, Lomotil, Ambien CR, Celebrex 400mg). Also countless antibiotics and 14 non-regulated drugs were missing or not accounted for. Controlled drugs, including narcotics, 15 were kept in an unlocked case, outside the safe. This has been addressed and all controlled drugs 16 are now in the safe as mandated by the NFL and State Laws. Strongly suggested by the NFL that

17 the Head Team physician be present for the on-site drug audit (to answer dispensation questions

18 and review of procedures), unfortunately, our team physician has never taken part in this

19 process. More medication on-site causes unnecessary expenses (most drugs have a limited shelf

20 life and must be returned, if not used, without credit). More problems tracking larger number of

21 medications, more difficulty staying compliant with State Laws. We just returned to Sports Pharm

22 a large number of medications that were expired or that we had in too large of a quantity. So far



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returned were 92 Toradol 10mg, 46 Lortab, 28 Toradol 30 mg/injectable, 279 Ultram (non-narcotic 1 pain medication). Last year the team spent approximately $100,000 in various medications. To 2 compare, we spent approximately $ 21,000 on medication in Cleveland. This shows a lack of a 3 thorough inventory system and of control on dispensation. We were told that there was $18,000.00 4 worth of improper billing of medications on player’s insurance (Cigna). This raised a red flag at 5 the Players Benefits Program at the League Office. A number of NFL teams, improperly billed 6 player’s insurance but the largest amount was with the Falcons. This amount almost resulted in a 7 fine to the club in order to repay the insurance Company. The League decided to pay these fines 8 and better educate the teams and trainers. We were also under the radar of the DEA because of 9 the large amount of controlled substances ordered” (emphasis added). 10 199. In a May 22, 2008 e-mail from Dr. Brown to several Head Trainers, he states that 11 he “had an opportunity to discuss many of the issues with the NFL Management Council” – those 12 issues being the trainers’ concerns with their ability to meet requirements related to “storage, 13 record-keeping administration, and dispensing of prescription drugs, especially the controlled 14 drugs that have a high abuse liability and are under the highest levels of scrutiny at both the state 15 and federal level.” He goes on to state in that e-mail that “the timing of this initiative was not 16 within [his] domain of decision-making [but that] the NFL Management Council has agreed to

17 [his] decision to modify the deadlines [for reporting] for this year.”

18 200. Yet two years later, when the DEA investigated the clubs, nothing had changed.

19 The clubs still did not understand – and were in woeful non-compliance with – the law regarding

20 controlled substances, as evidenced by the many, many violations thereof as testified to by Drs.

21 Matava, Rettig, Kuykendall, and Marzo, among others and detailed herein.




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201. A memorandum5 obtained from the memorializes a phone call 1 between Rob Geoffroy, the Falcons’ Vice President of Finance, Marty Lauzon, the Falcons’ 2 Director of Sports Medicine and Performance, Danny Long, an assistant trainer for the Falcons, 3 and Mary Ann Fleming, NFL Director of Benefits, that states in relevant part that “the medication 4 dispensation log contains no physician signatures; there is no control from the doctor to know 5 exactly what has been given to players and what type of communication exists between the trainers 6 and the physician; there is no evidence that the doctor actually knows what medication has been 7 given to the players. This log is in the doctors’ office, next to the safe, with the doctor having 8 passing out medication before without signing or putting his initials next to the transaction.” 9 202. But Dr. Pierce Scranton, NFLPS secretary/treasurer, warned the membership on 10 March 3, 1991 that club doctors needed to stop their practice of allowing trainers to dispense drugs: 11 “Briefly, only one Club out of nineteen that responded, had no OTC medication available, and no 12 prescription medication available. Surprisingly, up to nine Clubs of the nineteen surveyed had 13 some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication that was available, which the trainers stated was 14 given out to players by the trainer, if requested. Physician monitoring, according to the Survey, 15 was not done for the medications which you see checked. For those who answered in the 16 affirmative in this regard, you may wish to check your local State laws, as in the State of

17 Washington, it is illegal for anyone but a licensed physician, or a pharmacist, to dispense

18 medication from the training room, which is prescription in nature. For the protection of your

19 trainers and the Club, you may wish to address that issue.”



22 5 While the memorandum is undated, upon information and belief, the phone conversation it memorializes was referenced in an e-mail dated May 18, 2010 from Mr. Lauzon to Thomas 23 Demitroff, the Falcons’ General Manager.


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203. Apparently the Falcons, Bengals, Titans, Chiefs, Texans, etc. did not check their 1 laws as Dr. Scranton advised them to, or if they did, they failed to adhere to them. 2 204. Team doctors also gave reports directly to the League about the Medications. Dr. 3 Matava (Rams’ doctor) testified that, while president, he attended owners’ health and safety 4 committee meetings and regularly visited the League’s New York offices for meetings. Both he 5 and Dr. Yates testified that, while serving as president of the NFLPS, they attended, and gave 6 presentations regarding medications (including Toradol) at, owners’ meetings, the Toradol 7 meeting having occurred in March 2013. 8 205. A document titled “NFL Prescription Drug Program Advisory Committee Major 9 Findings and Recommendations” that, per its metadata, was created and last modified on 10 September 7, 2014, concludes in relevant part that non-physician administration and/or dispensing 11 of medications occurs at many Clubs (despite numerous documents mentioned herein, generated 12 before that date and circulated amongst trainers and others, that state that non-physicians cannot 13 do so – see, e.g., minutes from a February 11, 1995 NFLPS business meeting in which Dr. Brown 14 “stated that it is illegal for trainers to dispense prescription drugs”) and that a correlation between 15 injuries and prescribing behaviors could not be determined. It recommends that the relationship 16 between Club physician prescribing and Club win-loss performance be assessed along with the

17 relationship between opioid prescribing and other indicators of athlete or team performance.

18 206. On October 13, 2014, 27 clubs responded to a League survey and noted that an

19 average of 26.7 players (more than half of the active roster) per team took at least one dose of

20 Toradol per game.

21 207. The amount of drugs dispensed to players was also known by the League. And in

22 a memo e-mailed to all Team Physicians and Head Athletic Trainers on October 31, 2008 by Dr.



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Brown, he stated: “Another observation is the report of the number of prescription medication pills 1 provided to a player on a single occasion, from as few as one to as many as 40 pills at one time” 2 (emphasis added). 3 208. For example, the Indianapolis Colts provided information for Medications they 4 dispensed during the seven months that encompassed the 2004 season. The data was submitted to 5 Dr. Brown, copying team owner Jim Irsay and general manager Bill Polian, by Hunter Smith 6 (trainer) and Dr. Arthur Rettig (team doctor) on January 31, 2005. While the range of different 7 types of drugs dispensed is astounding, the 900 different doses of Toradol (oral and injectable 8 combined) and the 585 doses of Vicodin is particularly telling when one remembers that at any 9 time during the regular season, a Club has only a 53-man roster. On information and belief, the 10 drug usage memorialized therein was average for a club in the NFL at that time. 11 209. Pursuant to an audit of medications provided to the League, for the Colts, from 12 September 30, 2009 through February 16, 2010, there were 1,172 Toradol 10mg’s dispensed, 523 13 Toradol IM 60 mg 2ml’s, and 2,396 doses of Vicodin. The next highest medication dispensed was 14 Mucinex (1105). 15 210. For the Jets (at least), the usage of Toradol and Vicodin exploded between 2004 16 and 2009. In a January 26, 2010 e-mail from David Zuffelato to John Mellody and Joshua Koch,

17 he provides a chart showing that in the 2008 season, the Jets dispensed 1,031 doses of oral and

18 injectable Toradol and 1,295 doses of Vicodin (500 and 750 mg) and that, in the 2009 season, their

19 usage of Toradol increased to 1,178 doses and Vicodin increased to 1,564 doses. On information

20 and belief, the Jets are an average NFL club in terms of their Vicodin and Toradol usage during

21 the times identified.

22 211. And for the Steelers, the numbers only go higher. In a document dated March 1,



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2013 from Lawrence Brown (on NFL letterhead) to Dr. Yates (Steelers’ team doctor), Dr. Brown 1 notes that “there was documentation of dispensing by a non-physician [despite the numerous 2 warnings that had been going around the League since the early 1990s, as documented herein]. 3 Please re-evaluate to insure that this behavior is congruent with federal and state regulations.” It 4 also notes that during the “calendar year 2012, the [Steelers] medical staff … prescribed 7,442 5 doses of NSAIDs [again, 53-man roster] compared to League-wide average of 5,777 doses of 6 NSAIDs per Club. Regarding controlled medications, [the Steelers] prescribed 2,123 doses of 7 controlled medications compared to League-wide average of 2,270 doses of controlled 8 medications per Club. By total doses, your Club ranks 10th in the greatest volume of NSAIDs 9 provided by an NFL Club and 14th in the greatest volume of controlled medications provided by 10 an NFL Club.” 11 212. Upon information and belief, the types of problems identified above had been 12 known to the League since at least 1973 when it first implemented its drug program. 13 IV. DESPITE THE FOREGOING, THE LEAGUE DID NOTHING. 14 213. One of the most striking aspects of the audit program described above is that, 15 despite the thousands of pages of documented illegal violations engaged in by all the clubs, there 16 is no follow up from the League. No system, e.g., whereby a club receives a warning for a first

17 violation and stiffer sentence for subsequent violations. Indeed, as documented herein, clubs

18 would regularly report violations year after year and the League would simply process the

19 information and do nothing about it. That willingness to do nothing cloaked the failings described

20 to the League with an aura of legitimacy.

21 214. Indeed, even after the DEA began investigating the clubs and the League in 2010

22 relating to Medications, the League did nothing. That investigation began after a Chargers player



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was found with 100 Vicodin in his possession after being arrested, all of which came from the 1 Chargers’ Dr. David Chao, and the Saints were involved with arbitration regarding the theft of 2 controlled substances from their locker room. On August 11, 2010, doctors Conner (Carolina), 3 Pellman (NFL medical advisor), Yates (Pittsburgh), Caldwell (Miami), Casolaro (Washington, 4 D.C.), Rettig (Indianapolis), Matava (St. Louis), and Tucker (Baltimore) had a conference call to 5 discuss that investigation. 6 215. Minutes of that call record the following: 7  Drs. Conner, Yates, and Pellman met in the summer of 2010 with DEA representatives in 8 Washington D.C. to open lines of communication between the DEA, the NFL and the 9 NFLPS. 10  At that meeting, which lasted two hours, the DEA gave a 78 slide PowerPoint presentation 11 that offered the following “take home messages”: 12 o Written prescriptions must be patient specific and medication specific; 13 o Common stock bottles must be ordered pursuant to DEA form 222; 14 o A DEA registrant must have a distinct DEA number for the specific address where 15 the drugs are stored, including facility, stadium and training camp; 16 o Trainers cannot handle the stock bottles; 17 o Intermediaries are not allowed to dispense controlled substances; 18 o Physicians cannot travel across state lines with stock bottles; 19 o Physicians cannot administer or dispense controlled substances in states where they

20 are not registered; and

21 o Physicians cannot write a prescription for controlled substances other than in the

22 state where they are registered.



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 “We don’t want to give [the DEA] the fodder that we have all been doing this wrong. We 1 don’t want to show them our deficiencies” (emphasis added). 2  The doctors agreed that things needed to change, that they had to communicate what was 3 going on to the remainder of the NFLPS, and that the first step in doing so would be to 4 “very carefully and very thoroughly draft info, with the help of the league attorneys, and 5 put it on the members only area of the [NFLPS] website,” which they in fact did. 6 216. Every doctor deposed – Kuykendall, Rettig, Matava, Chao, Yates, Pellman, and 7 Tucker – has testified that they violated one or more of the foregoing “take home messages,” also 8 known as federal laws and regulations, while serving in their capacity as a team doctor. Indeed, 9 Dr. Yates testified that a majority of clubs as of 2010 had trainers controlling and handling 10 prescription medications and controlled substances when they should not have. 11 217. In discussing what to do about dispensing controlled substances to visiting players 12 in an e-mail exchange dated September 8, 2010 by and among Drs. Yates, Brown, Conner and 13 Pellman, Dr. Yates states that “In order to solve the NFL/DEA Dilemma we all need to work 14 together and ‘get along’. NONE of us are immune from scrutiny, trainers, physicians, advisors 15 (employed or independent) Park Ave management and so on. As I’ve said before: To date, there 16 has not been a constructive solution provide by the home NFL office other that the meet and 17 greet with the DEA and the subsequent legal conference calls. The information to date to the 18 Society is one of ‘Good luck’ and you are on your own to decide how to adhere to ‘the law’!!! We

19 are where we are because of our association with the NFL” (emphasis added).

20 218. On September 20, 2010, Dr. Pellman “took the liberty of putting together a list of

21 questions/problems that been posed to me by team physicians, ATCs and administrators along

22 with possible responses/solutions” and e-mailed the same to John Norwig (Steelers trainer) and



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Steve Antonopulos (Broncos trainer). Among the items addressed in that list is a concern from 1 “several of the team physicians … that the local physician [proposed to provide controlled 2 substances to a visiting team to ensure compliance with the CSA] may not know much about how 3 things are typically managed with NFL players.” One of the “possible responses” to that concern 4 is that “according to DEA[,] physicians are to prescribe controlled substances in a manner that is 5 consistent with the standard of the medical community … not the NFL medical community.” 6 219. In February 2011, DEA agent Joe Rannazzi came to the Combine and spoke to the 7 NFLPS membership about the CSA and its implementing regulations and how the doctors had to 8 abide by them. In other words, no NFL doctor in attendance could plausibly deny not being aware 9 of these regulations after that Combine meeting. 10 220. And yet the NFL still failed to comply with federal law. One such example is with 11 the relatively easy-to-understand ban on traveling with controlled substances, something with 12 which the NFL should have been able to comply in 2011 (let alone from the time the ban was 13 originally put in place). Attached hereto as Exhibit C is a chart identifying specific instances 14 when teams travelled with controlled substances. 15 221. Yet it took until 2015 for the League to implement a policy that all Clubs had to 16 follow – and then only in response to DEA raids of teams traveling with controlled substances –

17 in which, rather than travel with controlled substances, each team had to have independent doctors

18 registered in their home state to act as intermediaries for dispensing controlled substances to

19 visiting teams. In the years between 2011 and the implementation of that policy, upon information

20 and belief, many Clubs continued to travel with controlled substances, finding it necessary to

21 comply with the League’s Business Plan.




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222. Another example of the lip service paid by the League is the Matava Task Force. 1 Months after the Task Force issued its recommendations, Dr. Matava, in an e-mail to Dr. Yates, 2 questioned the failure of team physicians to respond to surveys regarding Toradol usage: “If these 3 guys want to give Toradol because they think it is needed or acceptable, then they should have the 4 balls to say so. What are they afraid of?” He commented in the same e-mail that “[c]ontinued use 5 of Toradol in the present climate is not rational.” Yet upon information and belief, the “T Train” 6 – Toradol injections before a game – kept rolling. 7 223. Ultimately, the Task Force findings were forwarded to Dr. Pellman at the League 8 office and the owners according to the deposition testimony of Dr. Yates. But Dr. Yates also 9 testified that as late as 2016, he witnessed players lining up for the “T Train,” something that had 10 been occurring with the Steelers for at least the previous 15 years. 11 224. In an e-mail dated September 9, 2010 from Pepper Burrus, the Packers’ head 12 trainer, to John Norwig, Steelers head trainer, Mr. Burrus states: “I expect no immediate guidance 13 from Dr. Brown or Dr. Pellman, other than ‘cover your own behind.’” 14 225. In an e-mail dated May 19, 2010 from Rick McKay, Falcons President, to Dr. 15 Pellman, Mr. McKay states: “Here is an exchange that I am not happy about – this is Jeff Fish 16 trying to get after Scott G. My question is Mary Ann Fleming (NFL Director of Benefits)

17 recommending the replacement of our Drs. I need to know – is this really true and does she realize

18 the on-site trainer is in control??? I need to keep this confidential.” The doctors were not replaced.

19 226. Dr. Chao testified that he asked Dr. Pellman and Dr. Conner to tell the truth about

20 how all Clubs were dispensing Medications in a manner similar to what the Chargers were doing

21 but they never did.




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227. On January 20, 2011, Damon Mitchell, a Chargers trainer, sent an e-mail to all NFL 1 head trainers in which he stated: “The San Diego Chargers are conducting a survey on controlled 2 medications. I am asking if you would complete the attached survey rather than your physician. 3 We feel the ATCs have all of the necessary information to complete it and give us the best response 4 rate so we may analyze the collected data accurately.” 5 228. Dr. Chao testified emphatically that Dr. Pellman squelched the survey because, 6 upon information and belief, it would bear out what Dr. Chao told anyone who would listen to him 7 that what he was doing with his players was the norm for the League. 8 229. Knowing all of the above, the NFL continues to state publicly that its doctors 9 provide first class health care to its players. In his response to the Harvard Report dated November 10 1, 2016, Jeffrey Miller, NFL Executive Vice President for Health and Safety Initiatives, stated “As 11 is set forth in more detail below, we are proud that this shared commitment has ensured that NFL 12 players receive unparalleled medical care, provided by world-class, highly credentialed physicians, 13 who are supported by superior athletic trainers … NFL players are cared for by some of the world’s 14 finest medical professionals.” Brian McCarthy, an NFL spokesperson, later told the Washington 15 Post the NFL teams and their medical staffs “continue to put the health and safety of our players 16 first, providing all NFL players with the highest quality medical care.” Washington Post, “NFL

17 doctors are on the wrong team.” On information and belief, the NFL has publicly made similar

18 statements for decades.







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V. THE DAMAGE IS DONE – THE MEDICATIONS AS ADMINISTERED AND 1 APPROVED BY THE NFL CREATE LASTING LONG-TERM HEALTH EFFECTS. 2 230. Leslie Z. Benet, Ph. D. is a noted expert in the fields of pharmacology and 3 biopharmaceuties, among others. He prepared a declaration in the Evans matter (the “Benet 4 Report”). 5 231. Therein, Dr. Benet stated “In my opinion there was, at the time of drug 6 administrations to the NFL players, clear-cut warnings in the FDA-approved package inserts for 7 these drugs, based on sound scientific evidence, that continued use of these medications could 8 have significant deleterious effects on the players during and beyond their active career as players 9 in the NFL, particularly with respect to musculoskeletal morbidity, but also with respect to kidney, 10 liver and cardiac morbidities and addiction conditions.” 11 232. Dr. Benet also noted “In my opinion, the use of pain masking drugs leads to 12 increased morbidity in terms of musculoskeletal, kidney, liver, cardiac and for drug addiction 13 beyond what is experienced by NFL players who do not receive drugs to mask pain sensors 14 indicating debilitation conditions that should be allowed to heal without constant contusions.” “Of 15 particular relevance to NFL players would be the risk for renal failure due to volume depletion and 16 the risk of bleeding following injury.”

17 233. Dr. Benet condemned the prophylactic use of the drugs. “There is no doubt that

18 NFL players in their job will experience pain. However, administering drugs to NFL players prior

19 to experiencing pain eliminates the signals to the player of actual or potential tissue damage and

20 ultimately leads to more severe damage.” Benet was particularly critical of the extensive

21 prophylactic use of toradol. “In my opinion the fact that the NFL teams supported and condoned




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the administration by team physicians of the pain killing drug toradol prior to games was an 1 insidious action guaranteed to lead to long-term negative health effects in the NFL players.” 2 234. According to Dr. Benet, toradol has a number of black box warnings in its package 3 insert. A black box warning is the strictest warning put in the labeling of prescription drugs or 4 drug products by the FDA when there is reasonable evidence of an association of a serious hazard 5 with the drug. 6 235. The prominent black box warnings for toradol state that the drug is indicated for 7 short term (up to five days in adults) management of moderately severe, acute pain that requires 8 analgesia at the opioid level. The total combined use of toradol oral and ketorolac tromethamine 9 should not exceed five days. This five-day limit and a daily maximum of 40 mg is states so as not 10 to increase the risk of developing serious adverse events such as: gastrointestinal risk, 11 cardiovascular risk, which can be fatal; renal risk, and risk of bleeding. In his opinion, it is 12 disingenuous to believe that because a player may not be dosed with toradol continuously over a 13 five day period that the foregoing warnings are of no consequence when players receive the drug. 14 In short, the administration of toradol to players also taking NSAIDs such as Indocin and 15 Naprosyn, very common in the NFL, increases the risk of liver and kidney problems, not to 16 mention bleeding.

17 A. More Severe and Permanent Musculoskeletal Injuries.

18 236. The NFL’s reliance on opioids, NSAIDs, anesthetics, and other medications to

19 make its Business Plan operate effectively has also directly resulted in more severe and more

20 permanent musculoskeletal injuries in players. Scientific research has revealed two reasons for

21 this consequence.

22 237. First, opioids, NSAIDs, and anesthetics operate to “mask” pain, one of the body’s



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most fundamental protective mechanisms. By enabling individuals to undertake physical activity 1 that is detrimental to recovery, drugs that mask pain heighten the severity of and render permanent 2 injuries that would have otherwise healed. 3 238. According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, pain is defined as 4 “[a]n unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue 5 damage, or described in terms of such damage.” Combined with swelling and limited range of 6 motion, pain is the body’s foremost defense against further injury. Because of this, the vast 7 majority of physicians recommend a period of rest and isolation of the painful body part to allow 8 the body part to heal and to prevent further injury. 9 239. Local anesthetics thwart that process as they temporarily interrupt the action of all 10 nerve fibers, including pain-carrying ones, by interfering with the actions of sodium channels. 11 Such medications cause a complete loss of feeling in the area into which the drug is injected, 12 rendering ineffective all the body’s normal protective mechanisms and dramatically increasing the 13 chance of permanent injury. 14 240. Analgesics, including opioids and NSAIDs, block pain by inhibiting the pain- 15 producing chemicals that cause pain. Clinically, these medications simply mask symptoms, 16 thereby increasing the likelihood of more severe and permanent injury.

17 241. Second, medical science indicates that the chemical properties of certain

18 prescription painkillers actually inhibit healing in a wide array of musculoskeletal injuries.

19 242. Peer-reviewed experimental studies suggest prescription painkillers have a

20 detrimental effect on tissue-level repair of injuries and those medications have been shown to

21 impair mechanical strength return from acute injury to bone, ligament and tendon.

22 243. In particular, opioids and certain NSAIDs have been linked to increased rates of



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osteoporosis, increased fracture risk, diminished muscle mass, increased fat mass and anemia. 1 244. Medical science therefore confirms the link between the use of prescription 2 painkillers and the astounding rates of permanent neck, back, knee, shoulder and other 3 musculoskeletal injuries suffered by former NFL players, including Plaintiffs. 4 B. Long-Term Health Consequences Caused by Prescription Pain Killers. 5 245. The constant pain Plaintiffs and other former NFL players experience from their 6 injuries leads directly to a host of other health problems. 7 246. Leading experts recognize that former NFL players who suffer from permanent 8 musculoskeletal injuries often cannot exercise due to pain or other physical limitations, leading to 9 a more sedentary lifestyle and to higher rates of obesity. 10 247. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity is linked to: 11 coronary heart disease, type-2 diabetes, endometrial cancer, colon cancer, hypertension, 12 dyslipidemia, liver disease, gallbladder disease, sleep apnea, respiratory problems and 13 osteoarthritis. 14 248. Surveys of former NFL players confirm that the players suffer from significantly 15 higher rates of all these disorders when compared to the general population. 16 249. In addition, it is well established that long-term use of opioids is directly correlated

17 with respiratory problems and these problems are made worse by use of alcohol together with

18 opioids.

19 250. Long-term opioid use has also been tied to increased rates of certain types of

20 infections, narcotic bowel syndrome, decreased liver and kidney function and to potentially fatal

21 inflammation of the heart. Opioid use coupled with acetaminophen use has been linked to hepatic

22 (liver) failure.



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251. Long-term use of opioids has also been linked directly to sleep disorders and 1 significantly decreased social, occupational and recreational function. 2 C. Health Effects Specifically Stemming From Use of NSAIDs. 3 252. NSAIDs are often viewed as a non-addictive “safer” alternative to narcotics. 4 NSAIDs have been shown to be among the most highly-prescribed painkillers for athletes. 5 253. Despite the popular notion that NSAIDs are “safer” than other types of prescription 6 painkillers, NSAIDs are associated with a host of adverse health consequences. 7 254. The two main adverse reactions associated with NSAIDs relate to their effect on 8 the gastrointestinal (“GI”) and renal systems. Medical studies have shown that high doses of 9 prescription NSAIDs were associated with serious upper GI events, including bleeding. 10 Additionally, GI symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, diarrhea, and fecal blood loss are among 11 the most common side effects of NSAIDs. Medical reports have also noted that 10-30% of 12 prescription NSAID users develop dyspepsia, 30% endoscopic abnormalities, 1-3% symptomatic 13 gastroduodenal ulcers, and 1-3% GI bleeding that requires hospitalization. Studies also indicate 14 that the risk of GI side effects increases in a linear fashion with the daily dose and duration of use 15 of NSAIDs. 16 255. NSAIDs are also associated with a relatively high incidence of adverse effects to

17 the renal system. Medical journal articles note that “[p]rostaglandin inhibition by NSAIDs may

18 result in sodium retention, hypertension, edema, and hyperkalemia.” One study showed the risk

19 of renal failure was significantly higher with use of either Ketorolac or other NSAIDs and, as a

20 result, the FDA prohibits treatment with Ketorolac for more than five continuous days.

21 256. Patients at risk for adverse renal events should be carefully monitored when using

22 NSAIDs. As the NFLPS Task Force stated, such patients include those with “congestive heart



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failure, renal disease, or hepatic disease[, and] also include patients with a decrease in actual or 1 effective circulating blood volume (e.g., dehydrated athletes with or without sickle cell trait), 2 hypertensives, or patients on renin-angiotensis-aldosterone-system inhibitors (formerly ACE 3 inhibitor) or other agents that affect potassium homeostasis.” 4 257. Additionally, the anti-coagulatory effect of certain NSAIDs, including Ketorolac, 5 can lead to an increased risk of hemorrhage and internal bleeding. The Physician’s Desk Reference 6 specifically states that the NSAID Ketorolac (Toradol) is “contraindicated as a prophylactic 7 analgesic before any major surgery, and is contraindicated intra-operatively when hemostasis is 8 critical because of the increased risk of bleeding.” 9 258. Moreover, certain NSAIDs can adversely affect the cardiovascular system by 10 increasing the risk of heart attack. Studies have shown that patients with a history of cardiac 11 disease who use certain NSAIDs may increase their risk for heart failure up to ten times. 12 259. Finally, other systemic side effects associated with the use of NSAIDs include 13 headaches, vasodilatation, asthma, weight gain related to fluid retention and increased risk for 14 erectile dysfunction. Medical reports have also noted that “[i]ncreasing evidence suggests that 15 regular use of NSAIDs may interfere with fracture healing” and that “[l]ong-term use of 16 NSAIDs…has also been associated with accelerated progression of hip and knee osteoarthritis.”

17 VI. NFL PLAYERS SUFFER INJURIES AND AILMENTS AT A RATE HIGHER THAN THE GENERAL POPULATION. 18 260. As former NFL player and coach testified before Congress, football is 19 “not a contact sport, it’s a collision sport.” With a player’s average career truncated to about three 20 and a half years, the majority of players walk away (to the extent they can) with beaten and tattered 21 bodies. 22 261. Former professional football players have another name for the multiple “car 23


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crashes” they survived each game – “plays.” With violent collisions a celebrated part of the king 1 of American sports, it is clear why so many players get carted off the field – and eventually leave 2 the sport – with lingering aches and debilitating pain similar to those sustained in car accidents. 3 262. Playing in the NFL thus means playing with pain and often requires playing despite 4 that pain. Given the violent nature of the sport, it is hardly surprising that analyses of NFL injury 5 data reveal that over half of NFL players suffer one or more musculoskeletal injuries in a given 6 year and the vast majority suffer significant musculoskeletal injuries throughout their careers. 7 According to DeMaurice Smith, head of the NFLPA, pursuant to the League’s own statistics, 8 professional football has a 100 percent injury rate. 9 263. But with media attention on, and League-mandated testing solely for, performance- 10 enhancing drugs such as steroids and HGH, the NFL has been able to hide the true performance- 11 enhancing drugs – opioids, NSAIDs, and local anesthetics – that not only mask players’ pain, 12 allowing them to return to play long before they should, but have equal or worse effects on players’ 13 health than steroids or HGH. Hiding the truth about the Medications allowed the NFL to hide 14 from Plaintiffs the truth about its Business Plan. 15 264. In 2011 by Dr. Linda Cottler of the Department of Psychiatry at Washington 16 University published: “Injury, Pain, and Prescription Opioid Use Among Former National Football

17 League (NFL) Players,” 116 Drug and Alcohol Dependence 188-194 (2011) (the “Wash U / ESPN

18 Study”).

19 265. The Wash U / ESPN Study concluded that “no research has been published to date

20 concerning the impact of pain and use and misuse of opioids both during and after a player’s

21 professional athletic career.”

22 266. Dr. Eric Strain of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the



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Johns Hopkins School of Medicine found that the Wash U / ESPN Study “nicely illuminates an 1 area needing light, helping us understand a subject that has received scant attention and driving us 2 to want to know more about a significant topic.” Eric C. Strain, “Drug Use and Sport – A 3 Commentary on: Injury, Pain and Prescription Opioid Use Among Former National Football 4 League Football Players by Cottler et al.,” 116 Drug and Alcohol Dependence 8-10 (2011). 5 267. The Wash U / ESPN Study surveyed 644 former NFL players “to evaluate level of 6 pain and other factors associated with opioid misuse during their NFL career and in the past 30 7 days.” It established that: 8  93 percent of the players sampled reported pain and 81 percent of the players perceived 9 their pain to be moderate to severe;

10  “[P]layers who misused during their NFL career were 3.2 times as likely to misuse in the past 30 days as NFL players who used just as prescribed;” 11  Of the players who reported misuse in the past 30 days, “78% had a history of opioid misuse 12 during their NFL career;”

13  Comparing former players who used opioids as prescribed to those who misused, the study showed that “misusers had increased odds for poor health at retirement . . . and had 3 or 14 more NFL injuries . . . ;”

15  “Misusers were less likely than non-users . . . to report excellent health in the past 30 days . . . , more likely to report knee, shoulder and back injuries, and over 6 times as likely 16 to report 3 or more NFL injuries;”

17  “Misusers were at increased odds of having a career ending injury and nearly 8 times as likely to be using a cane, walker or wheelchair . . . compared to their non-using 18 teammates;”

19  “[T]wo additional factors were strongly associated with opioid use: requiring a cane, walker or wheelchair . . . , and having severe pain . . .;” and 20  “The overall rate of misuse during NFL play was 37% . . . , a rate 2.9 times higher than a 21 lifetime rate of non-medical use of opioids among the general population of a comparable age.” 22 268. Ultimately, Dr. Cottler found that “[a]t the start of their careers, 88 percent of these 23


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men said they were in excellent health. By the time they retired, that number had fallen to 18 1 percent, primarily due to injuries. And after retirement, their health continued to decline. Only 13 2 percent reported that they currently are in excellent health. They are dealing with a lot of injuries 3 and subsequent pain from their playing days. That is why they continue to use and misuse pain 4 medicines.” 5 VII. PLAINTIFFS HAVE BEEN INJURED BY THE NFL’S NEGLIGENCE. 6 269. The named Plaintiffs rarely, if ever, received written prescriptions (or for that 7 matter, anything in writing) for the medications they were receiving while playing in the NFL. 8 270. Regardless of the era, the named Plaintiffs all received the bulk of their pills not in 9 bottles that came with directions as to use but rather in small manila envelopes that often had no 10 directions or labeling. The player would receive the envelope and be told to take it. 11 271. The named Plaintiffs never received statutorily mandated warnings as to the side 12 effects of the Medications. DeMaurice Smith, Executive Director of the NFLPA, has questioned 13 whether the players were ever told about the risks and benefits of the Medications they were 14 receiving from team doctors and trainers, and concluded that they generally have not. Smith stated 15 “[y]ou don’t have to walk far to find virtually every former player saying their team doctor never 16 advised them about side effects of the medications they were taking.”

17 272. Further, consistent with the NFL’s Business Plan, NFL doctors and trainers would

18 push to return players to the field, regardless of what injuries they had.

19 273. Mr. Dent suffers from an enlarged heart and nerve damage, particularly in his feet.

20 In 1990, while playing in Seattle, Mr. Dent suffered a broken bone in his foot. He was told by

21 team doctors and trainers at the time that he had done all the damage that could be done to that

22 foot and that, while he therefore could have surgery, they could also supply him with painkillers



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to allow him to continue playing. Trusting that the League and its team doctors and trainers had 1 his best interests at heart, he chose to continue playing and for the following eight weeks, he 2 received repeated injections of painkillers as well as pills to keep playing. Today, Mr. Dent has 3 permanent nerve damage in that foot. 4 274. Over the course of his career, Mr. Dent became dependent on painkillers, a slow 5 process that overtook him without him being cognizant of it happening. After his career ended, 6 he was no longer able to obtain painkillers from the NFL and was forced to purchase over-the- 7 counter painkillers to satisfy his need for medications. Over the course of that time, he has spent 8 an extensive amount of money on such medications. 9 275. Mr. Dent also suffers from muscular skeletal pain including, but not limited to, his 10 right big toe, left ankle, left hip, both shoulders, right wrist, fingers and hand. 11 276. JD Hill left the League addicted to painkillers, which he was forced to purchase on 12 the streets to deal with his football-related pain, a path that led him to other street medications. He 13 eventually became homeless and was in and out of 15 drug treatment centers for a period of over 14 20 years until overcoming his NFL-sponsored drug addiction. 15 277. Mr. Hill’s post-NFL decline culminated in a 2005 guilty plea to Social Security 16 fraud, though he received probation because the violations at issue occurred while Mr. Hill was in

17 and out of drug treatment centers. He has subsequently repaid all of the money at issue.

18 278. Mr. Hill is now a pastor/substance abuse counselor for the Christian community.

19 But while he has been able to clean up his life and re-establish relationships with his wife, children

20 and grandchildren, his addiction has left deep scars, both literally and figuratively. After leaving

21 the NFL, Mr. Hill had to take Prednisone to deal with the pain from his injuries. That Prednisone

22 weakened his immune system. He then developed an abscess in his lung, requiring major surgery



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resulting in the loss of part of a lung. In addition, he has atrial fibrillation that requires doctor- 1 supervised medication. Mr. Hill has recently been hospitalized for blood clots. Finally, he suffers 2 regularly from muscular-skeletal pain, including, but not limited to, his ankles, shoulders, fingers, 3 neck and back. 4 279. Since retiring, Keith Van Horne has had two cardiac ablations and has suffered 5 from, and continues to suffer from, atrial fibrillation, which began in 2004, and premature 6 ventricular contractions. He has also suffered from tachycardia and regularly suffers from 7 muscular-skeletal pain, including but not limited to, his arms, ankles, knees, back, biceps, neck, 8 shoulders and elbows. 9 280. Since retiring from the NFL, Ron Stone has consistently suffered from muscular- 10 skeletal pain including, but not limited to, his elbows, thumbs and knee. 11 281. Since retiring Ron Pritchard has had six knee surgeries and replacements for both 12 of his knees as well as shoulder, elbow, hand and foot surgery. He suffers from muscular-skeletal 13 pain including, but not limited to, his knees, right hand, right elbow and right foot. 14 282. Named Plaintiff Jim McMahon discovered for the first time in 2011 or 2012 that 15 he had suffered a broken neck at some point in his career. He believes it happened during a 1993 16 playoff game when, after a hit, his legs went numb. Rather than sit out, he received Medications

17 and was pushed back on the field. No one from the NFL ever told him of this injury. In addition,

18 he learned only a few years ago that he had broken an ankle while playing; at the time, he was told

19 it was a sprain.

20 283. In addition, Mr. McMahon suffers from arthritic pain in his hands and limited

21 motion, as well as extreme pain, in his right shoulder. He also has muscular skeletal pain including,

22 but not limited to, his knees, back, neck, elbows and ankles. He also has kidney problems. The



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foregoing pain and limitations stem from injuries Mr. McMahon suffered while playing in the NFL 1 that were never allowed to properly heal and were aggravated by continued play. 2 284. Over the course of his NFL career, Mr. McMahon also developed a dependency to 3 the habit-forming Medications that were extensively administered to him by the NFL. Because of 4 his addiction, he spent considerable sums of money and resources to obtain the Medications that 5 had previously been provided to him in large quantities by the NFL. 6 285. Mr. Green, who received hundreds of NSAIDs (which can cause kidney damage) 7 from NFL doctors and trainers, had tests performed on him while he played in the NFL that showed 8 he had high creatinine levels, indicative of a limitation on his kidney function. No one from the 9 NFL ever told him of those findings. In November 2012, he had a kidney transplant due to failing 10 kidneys. Since retiring, he has suffered three heart attacks. He also suffers from high blood 11 pressure. He also suffers regularly from musculo-skeletal pain, including, but not limited to, his 12 hips, left shoulder, hands, feet, right knee and elbows. 13 286. Similarly, while any doctor who looked at named Plaintiff Jeremy Newberry’s 14 records should have seen the decreasing kidney function from his blood levels, Mr. Newberry was 15 never told about that problem while with the League. Indeed, if not for one night after retiring that 16 Newberry’s blood pressure was measured at 250 over 160, at which point he was hospitalized for

17 days, Newberry might have died from his kidney problems. He suffers from Stage 3 renal failure,

18 high blood pressure and violent headaches for which he cannot take any medications that might

19 further deteriorate his already-weakened kidneys. He also suffers regularly from musculo-skeletal

20 pain, including but not limited to both knees, both shoulders, spine, left ankle and both hands.

21 287. In April 2014, Mr. Wiley, at age 39 and with no history of kidney disease, was

22 hospitalized and diagnosed with partial renal failure. He had lost half of his kidney function. Mr.



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Wiley continues to receive treatment and frequent medical monitoring for this condition. In 1 addition, he regularly suffers from muscular-skeletal pain, including, but not limited to, his back, 2 feet and right shoulder. He also had a repaired tear in his abdominal wall. 3 CLASS ACTION ALLEGATIONS 4 288. Plaintiffs adopt by reference all allegations contained in the paragraphs above, as if 5 fully set forth herein. 6 289. Plaintiffs bring this action on behalf of themselves and all other similarly-situated 7 individuals pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23, consisting of all Players, which for class purposes shall 8 mean anyone listed on one of the Clubs’ rosters from the point in a season where a final roster 9 decision is announced (for the 2016 season, this would have been when the 53 man roster was 10 announced on September 3, 2016) through the completion of that season, who received 11 Medications, which for class purposes shall include, but not be limited to, Naprosyn, Indocin, 12 Vioxx, Prednisone, and Toradol, from an NFL Club. 13 290. Excluded from the Class are Defendant and any entities in which Defendant or its 14 subsidiaries or affiliates have a controlling interest, and Defendant’s officers, agents, and 15 employees. 16 291. The members of the Class are so numerous that joinder of all members of any Class

17 would be impracticable. Plaintiffs reasonably believe that Class members number thousands of

18 people in the aggregate. The names and addresses of Class members are identifiable through

19 documents maintained by Defendant.

20 292. Commonality and Predominance: This action involves common questions of law

21 or fact, which predominate over any questions affecting individual Class members, including,

22 among others:



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(a) Whether Defendant provided or administered Medications to the Class 1 Members? 2 (b) Whether Defendant violated the Controlled Substances Act’s requirements 3 governing acquisition of controlled substances? 4 (c) Whether Defendant violated the Controlled Substances Act’s requirements 5 governing storage of controlled substances? 6 (d) Whether Defendant violated the Controlled Substances Act’s requirements 7 governing distribution of controlled substances? 8 (e) Whether Defendant violated the Food and Drug Act’s requirements 9 governing distribution of prescribed medications? 10 (f) Whether the provision or administration of Medications to Class Members, 11 as described above, violate state pharmaceutical laws regulating the acquisition, storage and 12 dispensing of Medications? 13 (g) Whether the Class Members provide informed consent authorizing the 14 provision or administration of Medications? 15 (h) Whether Defendant owed a duty and breached that duty to Class Members 16 by violating the federal and state laws described herein?

17 (i) Whether Defendant’s breach of a duty to Class Members by failing to

18 comply with federal and state laws governing the provision and administration of Medications

19 proximately caused Plaintiffs’ and Class Members’ damages?

20 293. Defendant engaged in a common course of conduct giving rise to the legal rights

21 sought to be enforced by Plaintiffs individually and on behalf of the members of the Class. Similar

22 or identical statutory and common law violations, business practices, and injuries are involved.



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Individual questions, if any, pale by comparison, in both quantity and quality, to the numerous 1 common questions that dominate this action. 2 294. Typicality: Plaintiffs’ claims are typical of the claims of the other members of the 3 Class because, among other things, Plaintiffs and the other Class Members were injured through 4 the substantially uniform misconduct by Defendant. Plaintiffs are advancing the same claims and 5 legal theories on behalf of themselves and all other Class members, and there are no defenses that 6 are unique to Plaintiffs. The claims of Plaintiffs and those of other Class Members arise from the 7 same operative facts and are based on the same legal theories. 8 295. Adequacy of Representation: Plaintiffs are adequate representatives of the classes 9 because their interests do not conflict with the interests of the other Class Members they seek to 10 represent; they have retained counsel competent and experienced in complex class action litigation 11 and Plaintiffs have and will continue to prosecute this action vigorously. The Class Members’ 12 interests will be fairly and adequately protected by Plaintiffs and their counsel. 13 296. Superiority: A class action is superior to any other available means for the fair and 14 efficient adjudication of this controversy, and no unusual difficulties are likely to be encountered 15 in the management of this matter as a class action. The damages, injuries, harm, or other financial 16 detriment suffered individually by Plaintiffs and the other members of the are relatively small

17 compared to the burden and expense that would be required to litigate their claims on an individual

18 basis against Defendant, making it impracticable for Class members to individually seek redress

19 for Defendant’s wrongful conduct. Even if Class members could afford individual litigation, the

20 court system could not. Individualized litigation would create a potential for inconsistent or

21 contradictory judgments, and increase the delay and expense to all parties and the court system.

22 By contrast, the class action device presents far fewer management difficulties and provides the



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benefits of single adjudication, economies of scale, and comprehensive supervision by a single 1 court. 2 297. This action is properly maintainable as a class action under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(c)(4) 3 in light of the nature and extent of the predominant common particular issues, exemplified in the 4 common questions set forth above, generated by Defendant’s consistent agreement, and 5 consequent consistent policy, of promoting and facilitating the use of the Medications. 6 CAUSES OF ACTION 7 COUNT I 8 NEGLIGENCE

9 298. Plaintiffs adopt by reference all allegations contained in the paragraphs above, as if

10 fully set forth in this Count.

11 299. The NFL’s provision and administration of substances described herein violated

12 the CSA’s requirements governing the acquisition, storage, provision and administration of, and

13 recordkeeping concerning, Schedule II, III and IV controlled substances. 300. The NFL violated the FDCA’s requirements for prescriptions, warnings about 14 known and possible side effects, and proper labeling, among other violations. 15 301. The NFL’s provision and administration of Medications also violated state laws 16 governing the acquisition, storage, and dispensation of prescription medications. 17 302. The NFL’s provision and administration of Medications also violated state laws 18 governing the recordkeeping mandated for the acquisition, storage and dispensation of prescription 19 medications. 20 303. For example, the NFL violated the California Pharmacy Law, Calif. Bus. & Prof. 21 Code § 4000, et seq. in a number of ways, including: (i) permitting the administration and provision 22 of prescription medications by persons not properly authorized to do so, (ii) without valid 23


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prescriptions or proper medical care providers’ orders, evaluations, diagnoses, warnings and 1 monitoring. 2 304. The NFL had a duty to conduct its business in a lawful manner and breached it. 3 The NFL’s violations of the various federal and state laws noted above constitutes negligence per 4 se. 5 305. Finally, to the extent the NFL voluntarily undertook a duty apart from those 6 identified above to ensure the proper recordkeeping, administration and distribution of 7 Medications, it breached that duty. 8 306. The NFL’s violation of the CSA, FDCA, and state laws and breach of its duties 9 proximately caused Plaintiffs and the Class Members’ currently-manifest and latent physical 10 injuries, economic losses, emotional distress, pain and suffering and other losses, harms and 11 damages. 12 307. The NFL’s violations and breaches were necessary to create the volume of 13 Medications necessary to implement the NFL’s return to play Business Plan which proximately 14 caused the Plaintiffs’ and Class Members’ injuries. 15 308. Plaintiffs and the Class Members’ currently-manifest and latent physical injuries, 16 economic losses, emotional distress, pain and suffering and other losses, harms and damages

17 resulted from events and conditions that the CSA and FDCA, and applicable state laws, were

18 designed to prevent.

19 309. Plaintiffs and the Class Members are within the class of persons for whose

20 protection the CSA and FDCA, and applicable state laws, were adopted.





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310. As a result of its violations of the CSA and FDCA, and of applicable state laws, the 1 NFL is negligent and liable to Plaintiffs and the Class Members for the full measure of damages 2 of all categories permissible under applicable law. 3 PRAYER FOR RELIEF 4 WHEREFORE, the Plaintiffs pray for judgment as follows: 5 a. Certify a class and appoint Plaintiffs and Class representatives and 6 Plaintiffs’ counsel as Class counsel; 7 b. Awarding Plaintiffs and the Class compensatory damages against the NFL; 8 c. Awarding Plaintiffs and the Class punitive damages against the NFL; 9 d. Awarding Plaintiffs and the Class such other relief as may be appropriate; 10 and 11 e. Granting Plaintiffs and the Class their prejudgment interest, costs and 12 attorneys’ fees. 13 Dated: December 5, 2018 Respectfully Submitted,

14 /s/ William N. Sinclair (SBN 222502) 15 ([email protected]) SILVERMAN|THOMPSON|SLUTKIN|WHITE|LLC 16 201 N. Charles St., Suite 2600 Baltimore, MD 21201 17 Telephone: (410) 385-2225 Facsimile: (410) 547-2432 18 Attorneys for Plaintiffs Richard Dent, Jeremy Newberry, 19 Roy Green, J.D. Hill, Keith Van Horne, Ron Stone, Ron Pritchard, James McMahon, and Marcellus Wiley 20





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DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 1 Plaintiffs Richard Dent, Jeremy Newberry, Roy Green, J.D. Hill, Keith Van Horne, Ron 2 Stone, Ron Pritchard, James McMahon, and Marcellus Wiley request a trial by jury on all issues 3 for which they are entitled to a jury. 4 Dated: December 5, 2018 By /s/ 5 William N. Sinclair Silverman|Thompson|Slutkin|White|LLC 6



















25 THIRD AMENDED CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT 90 Case No. C 14-02324 WHA/JCS United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page246of294 Dated: December 31,2014. J motion to amend their complaint by Noon on December 30, 2014. That time has passed. a New York unincorporated association, LEAGUE, FOOTBALL NATIONAL v. and all others similarly situated, REX HADNOT,onbehalfofthemselves WILEY,MARCELLUS JONATHAN and MCMAHON, JAMES PRITCHARD, RON STONE, RON HORNE, VAN KEITH NEWBERRY,HILL, J.D. GREEN, ROY JEREMY DENT, RICHARD UDGMENT IS Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document107Filed12/31/14Page1of1 IT IS SO ORDERED. SO IS IT The Clerk The Court’s order granting defendant’s motion H Defendant. Plaintiffs, EREBY S HALL FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA OF DISTRICT NORTHERN THE FOR E IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT STATES UNITED THE IN NTERED C LOSE THE in favorofdefendantagainstplaintiffs. ER F ILE 243 . /

U W NITED ILLIAM to dismiss allowed plaintiffs to file a JUDGMENT No. C14-02324WHA S TATES A LSUP D ISTRICT J UDGE (292 of340)

F INAL United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page247of294 Defendant National Football League is an unincorporated association of 32 separately-owned M to dismiss under Section 301 is and (2) the statute of limitations and improper pleading. To the extent stated herein, the motion complaint, based on (1) preemption under Section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act; professional football players, defendant has filed two sets of motions to dismiss the operative a New York unincorporated association, LEAGUE, FOOTBALL NATIONAL v. similarly situated, on behalf of themselves and all others HADNOT, WILEY,REX JONATHAN and MARCELLUS MCMAHON, JAMES PRITCHARD, RON STONE, RON HORNE, VAN KEITH HILL, J.D. GREEN, ROY NEWBERRY,JEREMY DENT, RICHARD OOT Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page1of22 . The following well-pled facts are assumed to be true for purposes of the present motions. In this putative class action alleging improper administration of pain medications to Defendant. Plaintiffs, FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA OF DISTRICT NORTHERN THE FOR IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT STATES UNITED THE IN G RANTED ER INTRODUCTION STATEMENT 244 . Defendant’s other motion to dismiss is / FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE JUDICIAL FOR REQUESTS AND DISMISS TO MOTIONS RE ORDER No. C14-02324WHA D ENIED AS (293 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page248of294 never healed properly, heart disease, renal failure, and drug addiction ( from debilitating physical and mental heath issues medication without proper disclosure about the medi field (regardless of the injuries still suffered). The result now is that after years of taking such the side effects and risks posed by such medication, instead rushing plaintiffs to return to the directions or labeling,” would and then “NFL fail doctors to and disclose trainers” to plaintiffs bulk of their pills [were] not in bottles . . . but rather in small manila envelopes that often had no prescriptions” for their pain medications, which could come in either injection or pill form. “The Ethics ( federal laws (both criminal and civil) as well potentially-fatal interactions with other medications administered without a prescription and with little regard for a player’s medical history or rest and heal properly from serious, football-related injuries. The medications “were often combinations thereof — all in an effort to return players to the game, rather than allow them to Toradol and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, local anesthetics, and allegedly supplied players with a consistent string of pain medications — including opioids, second amended complaint. Compl. ¶¶23–49,55).OnMay20,2014,thosetenplaintiffssuedtheNFLandarenowon their at various points in time, some as early as 1969 and others as recently as 2012 (Second Amd. plaintiffs are ten retired individuals who played for a number of those individual football teams and independently-operated professional football “clubs” or teams across the country. Named federal Controlled Substances Act, the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, “state laws,” and concealment; (5) negligent misrepresentation; (6) negligence asserts nine claims: (1) declaratory relief; (2 287). Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page2of22 For example, while still playing football, plaintiffs “rarely, if ever, received written Here is the nub of it. Since 1969, doctors and trainers from the individual clubs have The operative complaint seeks relief against the league, the NFL, not against the clubs. It id. ¶¶10–22,63–122). ER 245 ) medical monitoring; (3) fraud; (4) fraudulent as the American Medical Association’s Code of 2 , including nerve, knee, and elbow injuries that ,” and were distributed in ways that violated cal sideeffectsandrisks,plaintiffssuffer per se in connection with the id. ¶¶23–49,242–47, (294 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page249of294 counsel for their prompt follow-up and responses. for additional briefing, including from the union (which is not a party herein). The Court thanks proceedings, arbitration matters, and other topics. request judicial notice of various documents relating to medical studies, workers’ compensation with sufficient particularity, and for failure to complaint as time-barred under the statute of limitations, for failure to plead fraud-based claims derivative such that they too are preempted. Second, the league moves to dismiss the operative M the other materials for which the parties seek judicial notice, those requests are Curran Exhibits 1–13 and Nash Exhibit A are letters (Dkt.Nos.95,97–98,105).Accordingly, defendant’s requests for judicial notice of Both parties agreed that under FRE 201(b), the Court should judicially notice the agreements and could consult these agreements and grievance letters in ruling on defendant’s Rule 12 motion. letters to its brief. The Court then requested that both parties explain whether or not the Court motion to dismiss (Curran Exhs. 1–13). Defendant also appended several player grievance This motion also asserts that all remaining claims Nine, are preempted by Section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act, plaintiffs’ negligence and fraud-based claims hiring of medical personnel; and (9) negligent retention of medical personnel ( medications; (7) loss of consortium on behalf of putative class members’ spouses; (8) negligent ethical codes governing the acquisition, storage, di OOT Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page3of22 . .J 1. Following the hearing on November 6, 2014, the Court propounded a series of requests Defendant appended the various collective-bargaining agreements as exhibits to its Now, theNFLhasfiledtwosetsofmotions todismiss. UDICIAL N OTICE . ER 246 ANALYSIS i.e. plead other claims adequately. Both sides also G 3 RANTED , Claims Three,Four,Five,Six,Eight,and i.e. spensation, and record keeping of prescription , Claims One,Two,andSeven,are .

Because this order need not consider First , the league argues that 29U.S.C.185(a). id. D ¶¶ 373–80). ENIED AS (295 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page250of294 substantially dependent upon analysis of the terms of an agreement made between the parties in a paying disability benefits. that his employer and its insurance company breached a state law duty to act in good faith in disability-benefit payments due under a collective-bargaining agreement. The employee alleged examined an employee’s state law tort action against his employer for bad faith handling of collective-bargaining agreements: prevail over inconsistent local rules.” that “in enacting Section 301 Congress intended doctrines of federal labor law uniformly to fashion from the policy of our national labor laws.” federal law for the enforcement of collective-bargaining agreements, “which the courts must concluded that Congress, through Section 301, had employer, should ordinarily trump common law remedies. bargaining, involving as they do the collective strength of the unionized workers and their enacting Section 301, Congress intended that the rights and duties created through collective- for violation of contracts between an employer state common law duties. Section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act governs “[s]uits Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page4of22 In In In Unlike ordinary contracts, collective-bargaining agreements enjoy preemptive effect over .P 2. Allis-Chalmers Corp.v.Lueck Teamsters v.LucasFlourCo. Textile Workers v. Lincoln Mills disputes as to its interpretation. competing legal systems would tend to stimulate and prolong possibility of conflicting substantive interpretation under enforcing the contract. Once the collective bargain was made, the or more systems of law which might someday be invoked in provisions in such a way as to contain the same meaning under two difficult by the necessity of trying of trying to formulate contract negotiating an agreement would be made immeasurably more the rights which it had obtained or conceded, the process of of collective agreements. Because neither party could be certain of disruptive influence upon both the negotiation and administration meanings under state and federal law would inevitably exert a The possibility that individual contract terms might have different REEMPTION AND Allis-Chalmers held that “when resolution of a state-law claim is S ECTION ER Lucas Flourdescribed the need for strong enforcement of , 369U.S.95,104(1962),theSupreme Courtconcluded , 471U.S.202,220(1985),theSupreme Court 247 , 353U.S.448,456(1957),theSupreme Court 301 and a labor organization.” 29 U.S.C. 185(a). In IN THE 4 authorized federal courts to create a body of S UPREME C OURT . (296 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page251of294 on analysis of a collective-bargaining agreement.” created by collective-bargaining agreements,” as well as claims that are “substantially dependent collective-bargaining agreement was not required. (internal citations omitted). Again, an express conflict between the claim asserted and the ‘questions of contract interpretation . . . underlie any finding of tort liability.’” a collective-bargaining agreement. 301. Significantly,Allis-Chalmers found that the claims against the employer and the insurer were thus preempted under Section of the terms of the labor contract” must be deemed preempted under Section 301. The Court empted by federal labor-contract law.” A tort claim “inextricably intertwined with consideration labor contract, that claim must either be treat by respondent in her complaint. Thus, in this case, as in is whether, and to what extent, the union’s duty extended to the particular responsibilities alleged that Hechler was provided a safe workplace, and, second, the nature and scope of that duty, that collective-bargaining agreement in fact placed an implied duty of care on the union to ensure independent. In assessing tort liability, “a court would have to ascertain, first, whether the force of Section 301.” The Court determined that plaintiff’s claim was not sufficiently sufficiently independent of the collective-bargaining agreement to withstand the pre-emptive (1987), the Supreme Court concluded that “we must determine if respondent’s claim is Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page5of22 On Section 301 preemption, our court of appeals has summarized the law as follows: In sum, Section 301 preempts state-law claims that are “founded directly on rights Lastly, in dispute. can reasonably be said to be relevant to the resolution of the requires the court to interpret an existing provision of a CBA that claim is not preempted under [Section] 301 must inhere in the nature of the plaintiff's claim is the touchstone for this analysis; the need to interpret the CBA established in a CBA . . . it is not preempted. may be litigated without reference to the rights and duties applicable CBA . . . it is preempted. Alternatively, if the claim If the plaintiff's claim cannot be resolved without interpreting the International Brotherhood Of Electric Workers v. Hechler went beyond preempting only claims in express conflict with ER 248 ed as a Section 301 claim, or dismissed as pre- 5 Allis-Chalmers unless it necessarily The plaintiff's claim .Astatelaw , it is clear that , 481U.S.851,859 Id . at862 (297 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page252of294 independent clubs. During oral argument, professional sports league owed such a duty to intervene and stop mistreatment by the league’s uniform duty on the league to oversee the clubs. states whose law would apply and vaguely suggest that all such states would impose the same Plaintiffs anchor this claim for relief in supposed common law duties of each of the various players and the league was negligent in failing to intervene and stop their alleged mistreatment. Section 301. operative complaint and then determines whether those claims for relief are preempted under least California. That is, this order takes at face value the common law theories expressed in the argument that the asserted claims for relief would be recognized under the common law of at common law duty to police the health-and-safety treatment of players by the clubs. independent clubs therein. There is simply no case law that has imposed upon a sports league a determine the liability of a land possessor, not the liability of an unincorporated association of harm (and a number of other considerations). But existence of an individual’s common law duty of reasonable care based on the foreseeability of Christian argument must reach a reasonable level of credibility.” the claim and the wording of a CBA provision is insufficient; rather, the proffered interpretation (emphasis added) (internal citations omitted). “A creative linkage between the subject matter of Cramer v.ConsolidatedFreightways,Inc.,255F.3d683,689–93(9thCir.2001)(enbanc) Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page6of22 One problem is this: no decision in (including any California) state has ever held that a The essence of plaintiffs’ claim for relief is that the individual clubs mistreated their Nevertheless, in assessing the Section 301 issue, this order accepts for the sake of N 3. , 69 Cal. 2d 108, 113 (1968), a California Supreme Court decision that recognized the EGLIGENCE -B ASED C ER LAIMS 249 plaintiffs’ counsel repeatedly cited Rowlandv. . 6 Rowland addressed those considerations to Id. at691–92. (298 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page253of294 Exh. 12 at Article XIX, Section 19.5) (1971): examples, this order now marches through several provisions in chronological order: hire doctors and trainers and to provide medical steadily expanded. These provisions cover, among other things, the duties of individual clubs to protection of the players’ health and safety. Through these CBAs, players’ medical rights have Labor Relations Act, the players and the league imposed numerous duties upon the clubs for the players’ unionandtheNFLfrom 1968onward.Du on the clubs detailed provisions in numerous collective-bargaining agreements between the problem, not just what it has not done. would be necessary to take into account what the NFL has affirmatively done to address the regarding notice to players of injuries (Curran Exh. 5 at Article XXXI, Section 1) (1982): as one of the club physicians, to absorb the cost of doing so, and imposed further requirements recovery time (Curran Exh. 13 at 12) (1980): Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page7of22 The 1971 CBA imposed a requirement that the home team provide an ambulance (Curran The league has taken many steps to address the issue of player medical care by imposing In evaluating any possible negligence by the NFL as alleged in the operative pleading, it The 1982 CBA imposed a club requirement to have a board-certified orthopedic surgeon The 1980 CBA imposed a process for club physicians to document expected player .InEvaluatingtheNegligenceClaims,CourtWould A. orthopedic surgeon as one of its Club physicians. The cost of Section 1. Club Physician: Each Club will have a board-certified TREATMENT AND CARE MEDICAL TO RIGHTS PLAYERS’ possible. prognosis of the player’s recovery time should be as precise as in accordance with the Club’s medical standards. . . . The major and minor injuries must be by the Club’s medical staff and DOCUMENTATION: Alldeterminations ofrecovery time for physician and an ambulance at each game available to both teams. MEDICAL FACILITIES:Thehome team shallprovidea Imposed onClubsViaCollectiveBargaining. Have toConsiderthePositiveProtectionsNFLhas ER 250 care and information to players. By way of 7 ring the bargaining pursuant to the National (299 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page254of294 (Curran Exh. 5 at Article XXXI, Section 2) (1982): Section 1) (1993): could be significantly aggravated by returning (Curran Exh. 5 at Article XXXI, Section 7) (1982): records (Curran Exh. 5 at Article XXXII, Section 2) (1982): Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page8of22 The 1982 CBA imposed regulations on the clubs regarding the certification of trainers The 1993 CBA imposed a duty on the clubs to advise the player in writing if a condition The 1982 CBA imposed club requirements regarding chemical abuse and dependency The 1982 CBA imposed regulations on the clubs regarding player access to medical activity. writing before the player is again allowed to perform on-field performance, the physician will advise the player of such fact in If such condition could be significantly aggravated by continued trainer. time trainers must work under the direct supervision of a certified certified by the National Athletic Trainers Association. All part- trainers hired after the date of execution of this Agreement will be CLUB TRAINERS: All full-time head trainers and assistant problems. direct a player . . . for testing for chemical abuse or dependency TESTING: TheClubphysicianmay, uponreasonablecause, regular season. two times each year, once during the pre-season and again after the trainers’ records in the possession of the Club or Club physician MEDICAL RECORDS:Playermay examine hismedical and health, the physician will also advise the player. condition which adversely affects the player’s performance or a coach or other Club representative of a player’s physical responsibility of the respective Clubs. If a Club physician advises medical services rendered by Club physicians will be the ER 251 to the field (Curran Exh. 6 at Article XLIV, 8 (300 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page255of294 Exh. 11 at Article 39, Section 1) (2011): and required that any newly-hired physician have a certification in sports medicine (Curran club physicians (Curran Exh. 9 at Article XLIV, Section 5) (2002): Exh. 9 at Article XLIV, Section 3) (2002): Exh. 6 at Article XLIV, Section 6) (1993): added): care in the hands of the club physicians (Curran Exh. 6, Appendix C, at ¶ 9) (1993) (emphasis Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page9of22 The 2011 CBA required the clubs to expand the menu of physician types they employed The 2002 CBA imposed a requirement that players receive pre-season physicals from The 2002 CBA provided a right for a player to receive a second medical opinion (Curran The 1993 CBA imposed obligations on the clubs relating to substance abuse (Curran The 1993 CBA imposed a right to medical care for injuries and placed the scope of such examination . . . which will be conducted by the Club physician. player will undergo a standardized minimum pre-season physical Each PHYSICAL: PRE-SEASON MINIMUM STANDARD opinion. player will have the opportunity to obtain a second medical A OPINION: MEDICAL SECOND A TO RIGHT PLAYERS substance abuse problems. intervention, rehabilitation, and support players who have deter and detect substance abuse . . . and to offer programs of SUBSTANCE ABUSE:[I]tistheresponsibilityofpartiesto necessary during the term of this contract trainer, then Player will receive such medical and hospital care contract and promptly reports such injury to the Club physician or Player is injured in the performance of his services under this INJURY: Unless this contract specifically provides otherwise, if . ER 252 as the Club physician may deem 9 (301 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page256of294 11 at Article 39, Section 1(c)) (2011) (emphasis added): applicable government and/or other authority th all federal, state, and local requirements, including all ethical standards established by any Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page10of22 The 2011 CBA clarified, if it was not already clear, that club physicians must comply with physical condition. and/or a written explanation from the Club physician of the the examination in which such physical condition was diagnosed condition, may request a copy of the Club physician's record from being advised of such serious injury or career-threatening physical physician will also advise the player in writing. The player, after which significantly affects the player’s performance or health, the player’s serious injury or career threatening physical condition a Club physician advises a coach or other Club representative of a not such information affects the player’s performance or health. If time provide to a coach or other Club representative, whether or player’s physical condition that the physician may from time to required to disclose to a player any and all information about the medical profession in the Club’s city. government and/or other authority that regulates or governs the all ethical rules and standards established by any applicable comply with all federal, state, and local requirements, including In addition, all Club physicians and medical personnel shall include traditional physician/patient confidentiality requirements. not to the Club but instead to the player-patient. This duty shall physician’s primary duty in providing player medical care shall be the responsibility of the respective Clubs, but each Club The cost of medical services rendered by Club physicians will be RELATIONSHIP: DOCTOR/PATIENT Medicine or relinquish the position. Agreement has until February 2013 to obtain a CAQ in Sports promoted to head team physician after the effective date of this a CAQ in Sports Medicine; and any current team physician medical) hired after the effective date of this Agreement must have (CAQ) in Sports Medicine; any head team physician (orthopedic or Agreement must also have a Certification of Added Qualification or emergency medicine) hired after the effective date of this specialist). Any Club medical physician (internist, family medicine emergency medicine physician (non-operative sports medicine have at least one board-certified internist, family medicine, or certified in their field of medical expertise. Each Club will also physicians retained by a Club to treat players shall be board- orthopedic surgeon as one of its Club physicians, and all other (a) Medical Credentials. Each Club will have a board-certified ER 253 10 at regulates the medical profession (Curran Exh. All Club physicians are (302 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page257of294 regard is posed. administration of drugs and painkillers — or at least a fair question of interpretation in that includes proper medical care in accordance with professional standards — including for the the right to medical care established by the CBAs, moreover, presumably included and still drugs can reasonably be deemed to fall under these more general protections. Put differently, more generally medical care, player health, and recovery time, and proper administration of protections do not specifically call out the prescribing of drugs and painkillers, they address bargained extensively over the subject of player medical care for decades. While these situation in which the NFL has stood by and done nothing. The union and the league have (Curran Exh. 11 at Article 40, Section 3) (2011): Section 2) (2011): required all clubs to retain at least one certified physical therapist (Curran Exh. 11 at Article 39, Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page11of22 As demonstrated by the scope and development of these provisions, this is not a The 2011 CBA required the league to maintain an electronic medical record system The 2011 CBA required all clubs to employ at least two full-time certified trainers and Agreement or such longer period as the parties may agree. record system within 24 months of the effective date of this develop and implement an online, 24-hour electronic medical shall NFL The SYSTEM: RECORD MEDICAL ELECTRONIC assist players in the care and rehabilitation of their injuries. therapist who is certified as a specialist in physical therapy to each Club shall be required to have at least one full time physical the direct supervision of a certified athletic trainer. In addition, athletic trainers. All part-time athletic trainers must work under college or university. Each Club must have at least two full-time Association and must have a degree from an accredited four-year athletic trainers, must be certified by the National Athletic Trainers Clubs to provide services to players, including any part time CLUB TRAINERS: All athletic trainers employed or retained by * * ER 254 11 (303 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page258of294 be significantly aggravated by continued performance, the physician will advise the player of construe, and apply what was required toward theClassMembers” (SecondAmd. Compl. ¶¶355,370–80,386). duty to follow federal and state laws regarding medications and to “act with reasonable care to disclose to them the dangers of Medications.” Further, plaintiffs claim that the NFL had a negligence per se. Plaintiffs state that the NFL had a “duty to protect the Class Members, and to interpret what the NFL has already required in the various CBA provisions outlined above. determine if the NFL negligently hired and retained medical personnel, this Court would need determined without ascertaining the full scope of player benefits contained in these clauses. To Section 1; Exh. 5 at Article XXXI, Section 2). Whether the NFL was negligent cannot be fairly be “certified by the National Athletic Trainers “board-certified orthopedic surgeon.” Additionally, the CBA required all full time trainers to (Second Amd. Compl. ¶ 388). The CBA addressed this duty by requiring each club to retain a professionally-objective and specifically-trained NFL had a duty to “hire and retain educationally well-qualified, medically-competent, the positive steps it has taken and imposed on the clubs via collective bargaining. tort laws. Therefore, the NFL should at least be given credit, in any negligence equation, for that imposed uniform duties on all clubs — without diminution at the whim of individual state care for players in at least one important and effective way, including the administration of medicine. The NFL addressed the problem of adequate medical account the affirmative steps the NFL has taken to protect the health and safety of the players, negligent in failing to curb medication abuse by the clubs, it would be essential to take into preempts plaintiffs’ negligence-based claims. In determining the extent to which the NFL was Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page12of22 To determine whether the NFL breached these duties, we would need to consult, The same analysis applies to plaintiffs’ claims for negligent misrepresentation and Plaintiffs’ negligent hiring and negligent retention claims, for example, allege that the Under these circumstances, this order agrees with the NFL and holds that Section 301 ER by the CBA provision stating that if a 255 12 Association” (Curran Exh. 6 at Article XLIV, professionals not subject to any conflicts” i.e. , through a bargaining process “condition could (304 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page259of294 CBAs required the clubs to protect the players’ medical interests. It would thus be impossible physicians. The NFL’s overarching duty would then depend on the extent to which the various determine, to repeat, what the NFL, through the CBAs, required of the individual clubs and club scope of this supervisory duty was, and whether the NFL breached it, the Court would need to owed a supervisory duty regarding the medical care of the players. To determine what the and acts through, the clubs’ medical staffs. As described above, plaintiffs claim that the NFL state law claims against the league” (Opp. at 2, 9). provisions relating to the individual clubs “are completely unnecessary for resolving Plaintiffs’ state that they did not sue “teams, team doctors or trainers” and thus interpretation of CBA from the duties owed by the individual clubs and their medical personnel. In fact, plaintiffs careless. the health and safety of the players cannot be ignored in evaluating whether or not it has been plaintiffs’ arguments, the lengths the NFL has gone in imposing duties on the clubs to protect prominently included imposing specific CBA medical duties on the clubs. Contrary to in which the NFL has indeed stepped forward and required proper medical care — which here failing to address medical mistreatment by the clubs, it would be necessary to consider the ways NFL breached those duties, without reference to the CBA provisions outlined above. scope of the NFL’s duties in relation to misrepresentation of medical risks, and whether the (Curran Exh. 6 at Article XLIV, Section 1; Exh. 13 at 12). It is impossible to determine the require that the “prognosis of the player’s recovery time should be as precise as possible.” right to a second medical opinion, access to medical records, access to medical facilities, and provisions outlined above that would need consultation and interpretation provide for a player’s such fact in writing before the player is agai Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page13of22 This is simply not true. The nub of plaintiffs’ claims is that the NFL is responsible for, To this, plaintiffs reply that the Court can analyze the NFL’s duties separate and apart In sum, in deciding whether the NFL has been negligent in policing the clubs and in * ER 256 n allowed to perform on-field activity.” Other CBA 13 (305 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page260of294 255 F.3d at 692, and that alone is enough to trigger preemption. contact with doctors. This line of interpretation has a “reasonable level of credibility,” play decisions are made, where the medical records are kept, and where players have daily reasonable to place all responsibility at the club level, for that level is where the play-or-not- agreement that the league has no oversight responsibility on these subjects. It would be responsibilities to the clubs — but not to the league. By implication, this is tantamount to an oversight in some areas — but have not done so in others. Article 39, Section 3). In sum, the NFL and the union have bargained for ongoing league safety issues.” (Curran Exh. 5 at Article VIII; NFLPA Medical role Director in that advising is the to NFLPA have on “a health critical and CBA providedforleagueregulationofclub off-season workoutsandalsoprovided foran outlined the process by which the Commissioner can veto player contracts. Moreover, the 2011 the clubs. For example, the league oversees the discipline of players and the CBAs have sufficient for Section 301 preemption. at the league level. Even if this interpretation were ultimately rejected, it is a fair one and that is duties to the clubs, the CBAs can fairly be interpreted, by implication, to negate any such duty Nevertheless, because the CBAs expressly and repeatedly allocate so many health-and-safety sense, the CBAs do not conflict with the common law theories of the operative complaint. another) as to any league duty to police the clubs’ medical treatment of players. In that narrow individual clubs’ duties to the players. caused the players’ injuries, without consulting the specific CBA provisions that cover the for the Court to analyze whether the NFL acted negligently, and whether the NFL’s conduct Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page14of22 Where health and safety are concerned, the CBAs have allocated specific Notably, contexts the — league taken has on expressly a — duty in of other oversight of It is true, as the union points out, that .InLightofthe Many Health-and-SafetyDutiesImposedatthe B. to theClubsandElectedNotAllocateThemLeague. League LevelImpliesthattheCBAHasAllocatedSuchDuties Club Level,theAbsenceofanyExpressCBADutyat ER 257 the CBAshadnoexpressprovision(onewayor Exh.7atArticleXIV,Section6;11 14 (306 of340) Cramer, United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page261of294 with the facts and circumstances surrounding each particular case,” including the “pre-existing the CBA,”because“[w]hile thestandardofcar Stringer republished “Hot Weather Guidelines” that had been in effect at the time of the player’s death. negligence-based claims against the NFL and others, alleging that the league had negligently exhaustion during his team’s summer training camp. Thereafter, his widow brought 910–11 (S.D.Ohio2007)(JudgeJohnDavidHolschuh), afootballplayerdiedfrom heat omitted): supplements. The Eighth Circuit disagreed, e from theCBAs,toprovideplayers“[an] thereafter. The essence of those claims was that the NFL owed “a common duty,” separate had tested positive for a banned substance in dietary supplements and were suspended for fraud, negligence, and negligent misrepresentation (among other claims), after the players Football League cited it. considered, since it is a pre-2007 decision (CTA9 Losse of appeals on the issue of preemption and professional football players’ medical care. Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page15of22 , No.CV881802,1991WL 17230,at*2(9thCir.1991),thoughrelevant,may notbe Likewise, in This order finds instructive several out-of-circuit decisions. In Turning back to the Section 301 case law, there is no published decision from our court held that this allegation was “inextricably intertwined with certain key provisions of federal law,” . . . they are preempted by [S]ection 301. agreement agreed . . . must be resolved by reference to uniform Because the claims “relating to what the parties to a labor intertwined with consideration of the terms of the [Policy].” negligence, and gross negligence claims are “inextricably CBA andthePolicy parties' legal relationship and expectations as established by the such a warning However, whethertheNFL.owedPlayersadutytoprovide AlthoughOurCourtofAppeals HasNoSection301Decision C. , 582 F.3d 863, 870–81 (8th Cir. 2009), current football players sued the NFL Stringer v. National Football League on Point,thePrevailingCaseLaw FavorsPreemption. cannot be determined without examining the . Thus,thebreachoffiduciaryduty, ER 258 ingredient-specific warning” for the dietary xplaining (emphasis added) (internal citations 15 e remains constant, the degree of care varie[d] Rule 36-3(a)–(b)). Counsel should not have , 474F.Supp.2d894,898–99, Williams v. National Hendy v. (307 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page262of294 NFLPA has a duty to inform its members on the risks and consequences of head injuries.” information from the players. ways to prevent or mitigate brain trauma and fraudulently concealed concussion related the union’s treatment of concussions. Plaintiffs claimed the union negligently failed to research retired players sued the NFLPA, asserting several fraud and negligence based claims relating to 2014 WL 6776306 at *6–8 (E.D. Mo. Dec. 2, 2014) (Judge Ernest Webber), a putative class of health and fitness to continue to play football.” could plausibly interpret [the CBAs] to impose a duty on the NFL’s clubs to monitor a player’s NFL could . . . reasonably exercise a lower standard of care in that area itself” if “[a] court meaning of the CBAs was “necessary to resolve [the player’s] negligence claim,” because “[t]he [the player]from concussivebraintrauma was “it would be one factor tending to show that the NFL’s alleged failure to take action to protect such a duty to warn him about his concussive br bargaining provisions at issue here). court The concluded district that if the player’s team had writing about “significantly aggravated” physical conditions (one of the same collective- the NFL pointed to a 1993 CBA provision that required team physicians to advise a player in the NFL for negligently failing to educate players about the risks of concussions. In its defense, committed suicide as a result of brain damage incurred during his NFL career. His estate sued at *3–4 (N.D. Ill. May 11, 2012) (Judge James F. Holderman). There, a former football player the circumstances.” provisions “in determining the degree of care owed by the NFL and what was reasonable under explaining that resolution of the negligence-based claims was substantially dependent on such that addressed certification of individual teams’ trainers and duties imposed on team physicians, health and safety of the NFL players.” In particular, contractual duties imposed by the CBA on the individual NFL clubs concerning the general Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page16of22 Finally, in So too in Duerson v. National Football League, Inc. Smith v. National Football League Players Association Smith ER acknowledged that the CBA did “not explicitly say the 259 16 reasonable.” In other words, determining the ain trauma as being “significantly aggravated,” Stringer , No.12C2513,2012WL 1658353, pointed toprovisionsoftheCBAs , No.14C10559, (308 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page263of294 touching on drug use and surveillance videotapes did not preempt an employer’s “surreptitious” Accordingly, in fraud claims, Smith Despite this, in assessing the scope of the union’s duties in relation to plaintiffs’ negligence and added): U.S. at 211–12, the Supreme Court stated the following in the context of labor rights (emphasis misunderstands the Supreme Court’s holding on this issue of illegality. In determine the NFL’s own supposed negligence. this order finds that it would be necessary to interpret the CBAs’ provisions on medical care to under that statute, and not interpretation of a for payments deemed late under a state labor statute — required resolution of factual issues Balcorta Twentieth Century-FoxFilmCorp. Williams based on events which occurred while Plaintiffs were members of the bargaining unit.” concluded that “[t]he fact Plaintiffs are now Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page17of22 Second, plaintiffs reply that their claims are based on illegal conduct. This, however, To theforegoingcaselaw,plaintiffsrespondasfollows.First found no Section 301 preemption applicable b , StringerDuersonandSmith obligations, independent of a labor contract preempt state rules that proscribe conduct, or establish rights and inconsistent with congressional intent under that section to of what is illegal under state law. In extending the pre-emptive effect to a collective-bargaining agreement the ability to contract for they disfavored. power to exempt themselves from whatever state labor standards of lawwoulddelegatetoUnionsandUnionized employers the federal law, ousting any inconsistent state regulation. Such a rule give the substantive provisions of private agreements the force of suggestion that Congress, in adopting [Section] 301, wished to private parties may agree to in a labor contract. Nor is there any Section 301 on its face says nothing about the substance of what TheRemainingPointsPlaintiffsRaiseAreNotPersuasive. D. Cramer, 255F.3dat685–88,our courtofappealsrecognizedthatCBAs [ Section found that “interpretation of the CBA is necessary.” Furthermore, ] 301 beyond suits for breach of contract, it would be Clearly, , 208F.3d1102,1108–11(9thCir.2000).Nottrue. ER contradict our court of appeals’ decision in [ 260 Section retirees does not preclude preemption of claims ny provision of the CBA therein. In comparison, 17 Cramer, 255F.3dat693. ] 301 does not grant the parties ecause the plaintiff’s statutory claims — . , plaintiffs say that Allis-Chalmers Balcorta v. Smith (309 of340) , 471 United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page264of294 satisfies the required limitations period,” at least in under the CBA if the retired player has a cognizable claim to grieve Accordingly, “a player who has retired from the NFL may initiate and prosecute a grievance from the NFL,” such as provisions on retirement plans or termination pay (Dkt. No. 92 at 1–2). on behalf of current and future players that con explained that “the current CBA and former CBAs have included various provisions negotiated retiree status is not a bar to the grievance procedures. On this issue, the union’s letter has covers “only” future and current players (Br. 2) no longer part of the bargaining unit and are no longer subject to the CBA, which reportedly NFL through the procedures set forth under the CBAs because as retired players, plaintiffs are (allegedly) and the league was negligent (allegedly) in failing to detect and right it. only as a step in an ordinary negligence theory, action is allowed or asserted under the statutes themselves. Those statutes creep into our picture Football League Management Council Curran Exh. 3 at Article X; Exh. 11 at Article 43, Section 2). NFL or individual clubs, notwithstanding their prior retirement from the league ( In fact, former players in other cases have been able to arbitrate their grievances against the — but only as an antecedent and predicate for follow-on CBA. any of statutory claims 1053, 1071 (9th Cir. 2007), in which Judge Marsha Berzon wrote that employees’ interpretation of any CBA in that case. So too in statutory claim video camera surveillance in employee bathrooms. The plaintiffs there had brought a Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page18of22 Third To be sure, the operative complaint here alleges violations of federal and state statutes , plaintiffs contend that they cannot grieve and arbitrate their claims against the for invasion of privacy. The resolution of such a statutory claim required no to be compensated for compulsory round-trip travel required no interpretation ER , 688F.3d1107,1109–10 (9thCir.2012); 261 18 tinue to benefit those players after they retire . This order, however, holds that plaintiffs’ i.e. Burnside v. Kiewit Pacific Corp. the clubs violated the federal statutes the union’s view ( state commonlawclaims See also . . . and the grievance id. Matthews v. National at 2) (emphasis added). see, e.g. and Givens v. , 491F.3d . Norightof state state (310 of340) , United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page265of294 complaint are grievable in important respects under the various CBAs. 482 U.S. 386, 391 n.4 (1987). Nevertheless, the types of claims asserted in the operative by an analogue claim in the collective-bargaining agreement. See Caterpillar Inc. v. Williams time by continued performance” (Nash Exh. A at 1–2). further alleged that the 49ers did not provide “written notification of the risk inherent at that of returning to the field and sent him back to play with a “clearly improper purpose.” Dent of the same abuses plaintiffs allege here. Dent plaintiff Richard Dent filed a grievance against the San Francisco 49ers in 1995, alleging many recounting many of the same allegations the players have put forth in this case. In fact, named 103). The league also provided examples of sp injury, and requirements for informing players of outlined above, which provide for the qualifications of club physicians, procedures for treating several ‘longstanding’ CBA provisions.” The league stated that if the players’ allegations are true, they “could have been grieved under had grievable claims if the allegations in the complaint are true. In its supplemental brief, the affect their ability to grieve claims under the CBA. The NFL’s counsel stated (Tr. 15): Campbell). Tennessee Football, Inc. Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page19of22 To be clear, preemption does not require that the preempted state law claim be replaced What is more, the NFL has more recently conceded herein that the retired players likely Moreover, the NFL conceded at oral argument that plaintiffs’ status as retirees does not law is quite clear on that. don’t go away simply because it’s either –- that they retire, and the they’re complaining about here. Those benefits and those rights we’ve cited in the CBA that covers the kinds of injuries that There’s retirement plans. There are even disability benefits that the collective bargaining agreement for certain retirement benefits. is the plaintiffs here all have numerous rights, even today, under and they retain those rights after retirement. The easiest example bargaining unit and a collective bargaining agreement have rights As a matter of fundamental labor law, parties who are subject to a , 684F.Supp.2d985,991(M.D.Tenn.2010)(JudgeToddJ. ER 262 19 NFL pointedtomany oftheCBA provisions claimed the 49ers failed to warn him of the risks ecific grievances players filed in the past, the risks of continued performance (Dkt. No. (311 of340) , United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page266of294 Claims Three and Four for fraud and fraudulent concealment of the pain medications’ side effects and risks. Section 301. The motion to dismiss those claims is G Based on the foregoing, this order finds that the gap does not affect Section 301 preemption. conceded that this was not a relevant issue at oral argument, stating (Tr. 13–14): Plaintiffs did not respond to this issue in any of their briefing. In fact, plaintiffs’ counsel Furthermore, defendant adds (Br. n. 1): CBA was in effect during at least a portion of th and (2)from March11,2011toAugust4,(CurranExhs.1–11). 1993, followingtheexpirationof1982CBAandpriortoenactment ofthe1993CBA; always operated under a CBA, with two exceptions: (1) from August 31, 1987 to March 29, Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page20of22 The NFL further argues that Section 301 pr F 4. As such, this order holds that Claims The NFL argues that this does not affect its Section 301 preemption claim because “a Lastly, this order addresses the gap period between applicable CBAs. The NFL has CBA. We don't have any quarrel with that. that, well, at least at some point all of the players were under a when there was a gap year because they use it to make the point NFL has put it as, I think, their second footnote in their brief about there was no agreement. I might have those years wrong. But the There was a period, I believe it was between 1998 and 2003, when to operate under terms and conditions of expired CBA). player medical care in 1988 preempted because parties continued Supp. 1172,1174n.2(N.D.N.Y.1990)(findingclaim relatedto May 11, 2012); League sufficient to require preemption. during at least some of the events alleged in the complaint” is entirety of their careers, the fact that “the CBAs were in effect Because Plaintiffs’ claims allege duties and breaches for the RAUD -B , Inc.,No.12C2513,2012WL 1658353, at*3(N.D.Ill. ASED C see also Sherwin v. Indianapolis Colts, Inc. LAIMS ER . 263 Five, Six, Eight, and Nine are preempted by 20 e time during which all ten Plaintiffs played.” concealment — regarding the league’s reported See Duersonv.NationalFootball eempts plaintiffs’ fraud-based claims — RANTED . , 752F. (312 of340) i.e. , United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page267of294 The motion to dismiss those claims is therefore and trainers in disclosing information about the pain medications. the CBAs would be required to determine the duty of care owed by individual clubs’ physicians duty the NFL owed to players in disclosing information about pain medication, interpretation of 13 at Article XVII). alleged lack of proper disclosure by the NFL (Curran Exh. 6 at Article XLIV, Section 1; Exh. disclosure of medical information to determine whether plaintiffs reasonably relied on the ‘Supplements.’” So too here. It would be necessary to interpret the CBA provisions on the specifically section eight, entitled ‘Masking Agents and Supplements’ and Appendix G, entitled supplements] contained bumetanide cannot be ascertained apart from the terms of the Policy, Players can show that they reasonably relied on the lack of a warning that [the dietary injuries loom as a serious and inevitable evil. Proper care of these injuries is likewise a underlying societal issue. In such a rough-and- are derivative of the ones addressed above and fail for the same reason — Section 301. monitoring, and loss of consortium on behalf of putative class members’ spouses. These claims resorting to the CBA and the Policy.” players “cannot demonstrate the requisite reasonable reliance to prevail on their claims without Williams regarding the necessity of interpreting the CBAs applies to both fraud-based claims here. In Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page21of22 Accordingly, this order holds that Claims The same reasoning also applies to the fraudulent-concealment claim. To resolve what In ruling against the novel claims asserted herein, this order does not minimize the R All that remains are Claims One, Two, and Seven for declaratory relief, medical 5. Without repeating the discussion above, this order finds that the same arguments , preemption applied to the players’ claims of fraud and constructive fraud because the EMAINING C LAIMS . ER Williams CONCLUSION 264 21 tumble sport as professional football, player G explained that “the question of whether the Three and Four are preempted by Section 301. RANTED . (313 of340) United States District Court For the Northern District of California 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Case: 19-16017,08/22/2019,ID:11407366,DktEntry:12-2,Page268of294 Section 301 is 1947. The motion to dismiss all of plaintiffs’ claims based on preemption grounds under common law claims are preempted by Section 301 of the Labor Management Relations Act of the adequacy and scope of the CBA duties already set in place. That being so, plaintiffs’ apply new and supplemental state common law duties on the league without taking into account collective bargaining over the scope of these duties, it would be impossible to fashion and to and the players’ right to enforce these benefits. Given the regime in place after decades of vagaries of state common law. They are backed up by the enforcement power of the union itself may not have been perfect but they have been uniform across all clubs and not left to the placing a long line of health-and-safety duties on the team owners themselves. These benefits concerns in a serious way — by imposing duties on the clubs via collective bargaining and paramount need. The main point of this order is that the league has addressed these serious Dated: December 17, 2014. will be closed, and an appeal may proceed. prefer to stand on the present pleading for appeal purposes, judgment will be entered, the case should include as an exhibit a redlined or highlighted version identifying all changes. If counsel should clearly explain how the amended complaint cures the deficiencies identified herein, and must be appended to any such motion. Plaintiffs must plead their best case. Any such motion amend their claims, noticed on the normal 35-day calendar. A proposed amended complaint Case3:14-cv-02324-WHA Document106Filed12/17/14Page22of22 Plaintiffs may have until IT IS SO ORDERED. SO IS IT G RANTED . The NFL’s other motion to dismiss is D ECEMBER ER 265 30, 22


U W NITED ILLIAM AT N OON S TATES A , to file a motion for leave to LSUP D ENIED AS D ISTRICT M OOT J UDGE . (314 of340) (315 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 269 of 294 ADRMOP,APPEAL,CLOSED,REFSET-JCS ER 266 U.S. District Court California Northern District (San Francisco) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 3:14-cv-02324-WHA

Richard Dent, et al v. National Football League Date Filed: 05/20/2014 Assigned to: Hon. William Alsup Date Terminated: 12/31/2014 Referred to: Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero (Settlement) Jury Demand: Plaintiff Relate Case Case: 3:16-cv-01030-WHA Nature of Suit: 360 P.I.: Other Case in other court: . Jurisdiction: Diversity 9th Circuit, 19-16017 Cause: 28:1332 Diversity-Personal Injury Plaintiff Richard Dent represented by Andrew G. Slutkin , on behalf of themselves and all others Silverman Thompson Slutkin White, LLC similarly situated 201 N. Charles Street Suite 2600 Baltimore, MD 21201

410-385-2225 Fax: Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Janine D. Arno Robbins Geller Rudman Dowd LLP 120 E. Palmetto Park Road Suite 500 Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-750-3000 Fax: 561-750-3364 Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Joseph F. Murphy , Jr. 201 N. Charles Street Suite 2600 Baltimore, MD 21201

410-385-2225 Fax: Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Kathleen Douglas Robbins Geller Rudman Dowd LLP https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 1/26 (316 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 270 of 294 120 E. Palmetto Park Road ER 267 Suite 500 Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-750-3000 Fax: 561-750-3364 Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mark Dearman Robbins Geller Rudman and Dowd LLP 120 E. Palmetto Park Rd. Suite 500 Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-750-3000 Fax: 561-750-3364 Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mel Tyrae Owens Namanny Byrne Owens 24411 Ridge Route Dr., Ste.135 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 949-452-0700 Fax: 949-452-0707 Email: [email protected] ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Phillip J. Closius , Silverman Thompson Slutkin White, LLC 201 N. Charles Street Suite 2600 Baltimore, MD 21201

410-385-2225 Fax: Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stephen G. Grygiel Silverman Thompson Slutkin White 26th Floor 201 North Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21201 443-385-2225 Fax: 410-547-2432 Email: [email protected] ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Steven D. Silverman , Silverman Thompson Slutkin White, LLP https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 2/26 (317 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 271 of 294 201 N. Charles Street ER 268 Suite 2600 Baltimore, MD 21201

410-385-2225 Fax: Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stuart Andrew Davidson Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP 120 East Palmetto Park Road, Suite 500 Boca Raton, FL 33432 561-750-3000 Fax: 561-750-3364 Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Thomas Joseph Byrne Namanny Byrne Owens 24411 Ridge Route Dr Suite 135 Laguna Hills, CA 92653 949-452-0700 Email: [email protected] ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

William Nelson Sinclair Silverman Thompson Slutkin White, LLC 201 N. Charles Street 26th Floor Baltimore, MD 21201 410-385-2225 Email: [email protected] ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Jeremy Newberry represented by Andrew G. Slutkin , on behalf of themselves and all others (See above for address) similarly situated PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Janine D. Arno (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Joseph F. Murphy , Jr. (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 3/26 (318 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 272 of 294

ER 269 Kathleen Douglas (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mark Dearman (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mel Tyrae Owens (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Phillip J. Closius , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stephen G. Grygiel (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Steven D. Silverman , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stuart Andrew Davidson (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Thomas Joseph Byrne (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

William Nelson Sinclair (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Roy Green represented by Andrew G. Slutkin , on behalf of themselves and all others (See above for address) similarly situated PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Janine D. Arno (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Joseph F. Murphy , Jr. https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 4/26 (319 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 273 of 294 (See above for address) ER 270 PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Kathleen Douglas (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mark Dearman (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mel Tyrae Owens (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Phillip J. Closius , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stephen G. Grygiel (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Steven D. Silverman , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stuart Andrew Davidson (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Thomas Joseph Byrne (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

William Nelson Sinclair (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff JD Hill represented by Andrew G. Slutkin , on behalf of themselves and all others (See above for address) similarly situated PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Janine D. Arno (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 5/26 (320 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 274 of 294 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED ER 271 Joseph F. Murphy , Jr. (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Kathleen Douglas (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mark Dearman (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mel Tyrae Owens (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Phillip J. Closius , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stephen G. Grygiel (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Steven D. Silverman , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stuart Andrew Davidson (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Thomas Joseph Byrne (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

William Nelson Sinclair (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Keith Van Horne represented by Andrew G. Slutkin , on behalf of themselves and all others (See above for address) similarly situated PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 6/26 (321 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 275 of 294 Janine D. Arno ER 272 (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Joseph F. Murphy , Jr. (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Kathleen Douglas (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mark Dearman (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mel Tyrae Owens (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Phillip J. Closius , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stephen G. Grygiel (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Steven D. Silverman , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stuart Andrew Davidson (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Thomas Joseph Byrne (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

William Nelson Sinclair (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Ron Stone represented by Andrew G. Slutkin , on behalf of themselves and all others (See above for address) https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 7/26 (322 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 276 of 294 similarly situated PRO HAC VICE ER 273 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Janine D. Arno (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Joseph F. Murphy , Jr. (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Kathleen Douglas (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mark Dearman (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mel Tyrae Owens (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Phillip J. Closius , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stephen G. Grygiel (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Steven D. Silverman , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stuart Andrew Davidson (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Thomas Joseph Byrne (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

William Nelson Sinclair (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 8/26 (323 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 277 of 294 Plaintiff Ron Pritchard ERrepresented 274 by Andrew G. Slutkin , on behalf of themselves and all others (See above for address) similarly situated PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Janine D. Arno (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Joseph F. Murphy , Jr. (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Kathleen Douglas (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mark Dearman (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mel Tyrae Owens (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Phillip J. Closius , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stephen G. Grygiel (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Steven D. Silverman , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stuart Andrew Davidson (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Thomas Joseph Byrne (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

William Nelson Sinclair https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 9/26 (324 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 278 of 294 (See above for address) ER 275 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff James McMahon represented by Andrew G. Slutkin , on behalf of themselves and all others (See above for address) similarly situated PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Janine D. Arno (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Joseph F. Murphy , Jr. (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Kathleen Douglas (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mark Dearman (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mel Tyrae Owens (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Phillip J. Closius , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stephen G. Grygiel (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Steven D. Silverman , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stuart Andrew Davidson (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Thomas Joseph Byrne (See above for address) https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 10/26 (325 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 279 of 294 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED ER 276 William Nelson Sinclair (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Plaintiff Marcellus Wiley represented by Andrew G. Slutkin , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Janine D. Arno (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Joseph F. Murphy , Jr. (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Kathleen Douglas (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mark Dearman (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Mel Tyrae Owens (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Phillip J. Closius , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stephen G. Grygiel (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Steven D. Silverman , (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stuart Andrew Davidson (See above for address) PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 11/26 (326 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 280 of 294

ER 277 Thomas Joseph Byrne (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

William Nelson Sinclair (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

V. Defendant National Football League represented by Allen Ruby a New York unincorporated association Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom, LLP 525 University Avenue Suite 1100 Palo Alto, CA 94301 650-470-4500 Fax: 650-470-4570 Email: [email protected] LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Daniel L. Nash Akin Gump Strauss Hauer Feld LLP 1333 New Hampshire Ave. N.W. Washington, DC 20036-1564 (202) 887-4000 Fax: (202) 887-4288 Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Jack Patrick DiCanio Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP 525 University Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 650-470-4500 Fax: 650-470-4570 Email: [email protected] ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Karen Hoffman Lent Skadden Arps Slate Meagher Flom LLP Four Times Square New York, NY 10036 212-735-3000 Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Marla Axelrod Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and Feld LLP https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 12/26 (327 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 281 of 294 1333 New Hampshire Ave, NW ER 278 Washington, DC 20036 215-965-1253 Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Patrick Maben Hammon Skadden Arps Slate Meagher Flom 525 University Ave Suite 1100 Palo Alto, CA 94301 650-470-4500 Email: [email protected] ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Stacey Recht Eisenstein Akin Gump Strauss Hauer and Feld LLP 1333 New Hampshire Ave, NW Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 United Sta 202-887-4427 Fax: 202-887-4288 Email: [email protected] PRO HAC VICE ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Timothy Alan Miller Valle Makoff LLP 303 Twin Dolphin Drive Suite 600 Redwood City, CA 94065 (650) 966-5113 Fax: 650-240-0485 Email: [email protected] TERMINATED: 01/18/2019 ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Defendant NFL Clubs represented by Rebecca Ariel Jacobs Covington and Burling LLP 1 Front Street San Francisco, CA 94111 415-591-7036 Fax: 415-955-6536 Email: [email protected] LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED Interested Party National Football League Players represented by Andrew Santo Tulumello Association Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP 1050 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 13/26 (328 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 282 of 294 Washington, DC 20036 ER 279 (202) 955-8657 Fax: (202) 467-0539 Email: [email protected] LEAD ATTORNEY ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

William Nelson Sinclair (See above for address) ATTORNEY TO BE NOTICED

Date Filed # Docket Text 05/20/2014 1 CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT (Demand for Jury Trial) (No Process) against National Football League (Filing fee $400, receipt number 0971-8629427). Filed by Ron Stone, James McMahon, JD Hill, Richard Dent, Roy Green, Ron Pritchard, Jeremy Newberry, Keith Van Horne. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet)(Sinclair, William) (Filed on 5/20/2014) Modified on 5/20/2014 (cjlS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 05/20/2014) 05/20/2014 2 Case assigned to Magistrate Judge Kandis A. Westmore.

Counsel for plaintiff or the removing party is responsible for serving the Complaint or Notice of Removal, Summons and the assigned judge's standing orders and all other new case documents upon the opposing parties. For information, visit E-Filing A New Civil Case at http://cand.uscourts.gov/ecf/caseopening.

Standing orders can be downloaded from the court's web page at www.cand.uscourts.gov/judges. Upon receipt, the summons will be issued and returned electronically. Counsel is required to send chambers a copy of the initiating documents pursuant to L.R. 5-1(e)(7). A scheduling order will be sent by Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) within two business days. (bw, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/20/2014) (Entered: 05/20/2014) 05/20/2014 3 Certificate of Interested Entities by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 5/20/2014) (Entered: 05/20/2014) 05/20/2014 4 Initial Case Management Scheduling Order with ADR Deadlines: Case Management Statement due by 8/12/2014. Case Management Conference set for 8/19/2014 01:30 PM in Courtroom 4, 3rd Floor, Oakland. (cjlS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/20/2014) (Entered: 05/20/2014) 06/04/2014 5 Amended Complaint Demand for Jury Trial Class Action against National Football League. Filed by Ron Stone, Roy Green, Ron Pritchard, Jeremy Newberry, James McMahon, Richard Dent, JD Hill, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Summons)(Sinclair, William) (Filed on 6/4/2014) Modified on 6/5/2014 (cjlS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 06/04/2014) 06/04/2014 6 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice Stephen G. Grygiel ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8666938.) filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 6/4/2014) (Entered: 06/04/2014) 06/04/2014 7 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice Joseph F. Murphy Jr. ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8666998.) filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 14/26 (329 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 283 of 294 McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Sinclair, William) (FiledER on280 6/4/2014) (Entered: 06/04/2014) 06/04/2014 8 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice Steven D. Silverman ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8667006.) filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 6/4/2014) (Entered: 06/04/2014) 06/04/2014 9 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice Andrew G. Slutkin ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8667012.) filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 6/4/2014) (Entered: 06/04/2014) 06/05/2014 10 Summons Issued as to National Football League. (cjlS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/5/2014) (Entered: 06/05/2014) 06/10/2014 11 Order by Magistrate Judge Kandis A. Westmore granting 6 Motion for Pro Hac Vice Re: Stephen Grypiel. (kawlc2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/10/2014) Modified on 6/11/2014 (cjlS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 06/10/2014) 06/10/2014 12 Order by Magistrate Judge Kandis A. Westmore granting 7 Motion for Pro Hac Vice Re: Joseph F. Murphy, Jr.(kawlc2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/10/2014) Modified on 6/11/2014 (cjlS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 06/10/2014) 06/10/2014 13 Order by Magistrate Judge Kandis A. Westmore granting 8 Motion for Pro Hac Vice Re: Steven D. Silverman.(kawlc2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/10/2014) Modified on 6/11/2014 (cjlS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 06/10/2014) 06/10/2014 14 Order by Magistrate Judge Kandis A. Westmore granting 9 Motion for Pro Hac Vice Re: Andrew G. Slutkin. (kawlc2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/10/2014) Modified on 6/11/2014 (cjlS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 06/10/2014) 06/18/2014 15 CLERK'S NOTICE Re: Consent or Declination: Plaintiffs shall file a consent or declination to proceed before a magistrate judge within 14 days of this notice. This is a text only entry. There is no document associated with this entry (kc, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/18/2014) (Entered: 06/18/2014) 06/20/2014 16 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice Re: Phillip J. Closius (Filing fee $305, receipt number 0971-8711045.) filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 6/20/2014) Modified on 6/23/2014 (cjlS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 06/20/2014) 06/25/2014 17 Order by Magistrate Judge Kandis A. Westmore granting 16 Motion for Pro Hac Vice Re: Phillip J. Colsius. (kawlc2S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/25/2014) Modified on 6/26/2014 (cjlS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 06/25/2014) 06/26/2014 18 CLERKS NOTICE re: Failure to Register as an E-Filer. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service) (cjlS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 6/26/2014) (Entered: 06/26/2014) 07/02/2014 19 CONSENT/DECLINATION to Proceed Before a US Magistrate Judge by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley.. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 7/2/2014) (Entered: 07/02/2014) 07/03/2014 20 CLERK'S NOTICE OF IMPENDING REASSIGNMENT TO A U.S. DISTRICT COURT JUDGE: The Clerk of this Court will now randomly reassign this case to a District Judge because either (1) a party has not consented to the jurisdiction of a https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 15/26 (330 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 284 of 294 Magistrate Judge, or (2) time is of the essence in deciding a pending judicial action for which the necessary consentsER to Magistrate 281 Judge jurisdiction have not been secured. You will be informed by separate notice of the district judge to whom this case is reassigned. ALL HEARING DATES PRESENTLY SCHEDULED BEFORE THE CURRENT MAGISTRATE JUDGE ARE VACATED AND SHOULD BE RE-NOTICED FOR HEARING BEFORE THE JUDGE TO WHOM THIS CASE IS REASSIGNED. This is a text only docket entry; there is no document associated with this notice. (sisS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/3/2014) (Entered: 07/03/2014) 07/07/2014 21 ORDER REASSIGNING CASE. Case reassigned to Judge William Alsup for all further proceedings. Magistrate Judge Kandis A. Westmore no longer assigned to the case. Signed by Executive Committee on 7/7/14. (kcS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/7/2014) (Entered: 07/07/2014) 07/07/2014 22 NOTICE RE FACTORS TO BE EVALUATED FOR ANY PROPOSED CLASS SETTLEMENT. Signed by Judge Alsup on 7/7/2014. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/7/2014). (Entered: 07/07/2014) 07/07/2014 23 CLERK'S NOTICE SCHEDULING INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE ON REASSIGNMENT. Case Management Statement due by 8/14/2014. Initial Case Management Conference set for 8/21/2014 at 11:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 19th Floor, San Francisco. (Attachments: # 1 Standing Order for All Judges of the Northern District) (wsn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/7/2014) (Entered: 07/07/2014) 07/07/2014 24 SUPPLEMENTAL ORDER TO ORDER SETTING INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE re 23 Clerks Notice. Signed by Judge William Alsup on October 16, 2012. (wsn, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 7/7/2014) (Entered: 07/07/2014) 07/12/2014 25 WAIVER OF SERVICE Returned Executed filed by Ron Stone, Roy Green, Ron Pritchard, Jeremy Newberry, James McMahon, Richard Dent, JD Hill, Marcellus Wiley, Keith Van Horne. Service waived by National Football League waiver sent on 7/11/2014, answer due 9/9/2014. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 7/12/2014) (Entered: 07/12/2014) 07/29/2014 26 NOTICE of Appearance by Allen Ruby (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 7/29/2014) (Entered: 07/29/2014) 07/29/2014 27 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 7/29/2014) (Entered: 07/29/2014) 07/29/2014 28 NOTICE of Appearance by Timothy Alan Miller (Miller, Timothy) (Filed on 7/29/2014) (Entered: 07/29/2014) 07/29/2014 29 NOTICE of Appearance by Jack Patrick DiCanio (DiCanio, Jack) (Filed on 7/29/2014) (Entered: 07/29/2014) 07/30/2014 30 ADR Certification (ADR L.R. 3-5 b) of discussion of ADR options (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Sinclair, William) (Filed on 7/30/2014) (Entered: 07/30/2014) 08/13/2014 31 Certificate of Interested Entities by National Football League (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 8/13/2014) (Entered: 08/13/2014) 08/13/2014 32 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Stipulated Protective Order filed by National Football League. (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 8/13/2014) (Entered: 08/13/2014) 08/14/2014 33 ORDER APPROVING 32 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER SUBJECT TO STATED CONDITIONS.(whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/14/2014). (Entered: 08/14/2014) https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 16/26 (331 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 285 of 294 08/14/2014 34 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER to Extend Page Limits for Joint Case Mangement Statement filed byER National 282 Football League. (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 8/14/2014) (Entered: 08/14/2014) 08/14/2014 35 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT filed by National Football League. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B)(Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 8/14/2014) (Entered: 08/14/2014) 08/14/2014 36 ORDER GRANTING 34 STIPULATION TO EXTEND PAGE LIMITS FOR JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT.(whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/14/2014). (Entered: 08/14/2014) 08/18/2014 37 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice of Stuart A. Davidson ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8851737.) filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Davidson, Stuart) (Filed on 8/18/2014) (Entered: 08/18/2014) 08/18/2014 38 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice - MARK J. DEARMAN - ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8851915.) filed by Richard Dent. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Dearman, Mark) (Filed on 8/18/2014) (Entered: 08/18/2014) 08/18/2014 39 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice of Kathleen B. Douglas ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8851965.) filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Douglas, Kathleen) (Filed on 8/18/2014) (Entered: 08/18/2014) 08/18/2014 40 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice - Mark J. Dearman - ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8851915.) Filing fee previously paid on 8/18/2014 filed by Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing) (Dearman, Mark) (Filed on 8/18/2014) (Entered: 08/18/2014) 08/18/2014 41 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971- 8852144.) filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service Certificate of Good Standing)(Arno, Janine) (Filed on 8/18/2014) (Entered: 08/18/2014) 08/18/2014 42 Amended MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice of Stuart A. Davidson ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8851737.) Filing fee previously paid on 08/18/14 filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Davidson, Stuart) (Filed on 8/18/2014) (Entered: 08/18/2014) 08/18/2014 43 Amended MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice - Mark J. Dearman - ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8851915.) Filing fee previously paid on 8/18/14 filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Dearman, Mark) (Filed on 8/18/2014) (Entered: 08/18/2014) 08/19/2014 44 ORDER GRANTING 42 AMENDED APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION OF ATTORNEY PRO HAC VICE.(whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/19/2014). (Entered: 08/19/2014) 08/19/2014 45 ORDER GRANTING 43 AMENDED APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION OF https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 17/26 (332 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 286 of 294 ATTORNEY PRO HAC VICE.(whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/19/2014). (Entered: 08/19/2014) ER 283 08/21/2014 47 Minute Entry: Initial Case Management Conference held on 8/21/2014 before Judge William Alsup (Date Filed: 8/21/2014). Named plaintiff Jeremy Newberry was present. CMO was adopted with some modifications. (Court Reporter Lydia Zinn.) (dt, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 8/21/2014) (Entered: 08/22/2014) 08/22/2014 46 CASE MANAGEMENT SCHEDULING ORDER: ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero for Mediation/Settlement. All Rule 12 motions due by 9/25/2014. Motion for class certification due by 3/26/2015. Discovery due by 12/11/2015. Jury Trial set for 4/11/2016 07:30 AM in Courtroom 8, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. William Alsup. Motions due by 1/14/2016. Pretrial Conference set for 3/30/2016 02:00 PM in Courtroom 8, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. William Alsup. Signed by Judge William Alsup on 8/21/2014. (whasec, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/22/2014) (Entered: 08/22/2014) 08/22/2014 CASE REFERRED to Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero for Settlement. (lmh, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/22/2014) (Entered: 08/22/2014) 08/26/2014 48 NOTICE of Appearance by Stuart Andrew Davidson (Davidson, Stuart) (Filed on 8/26/2014) (Entered: 08/26/2014) 08/26/2014 49 NOTICE of Appearance by Mark Dearman (Dearman, Mark) (Filed on 8/26/2014) (Entered: 08/26/2014) 08/27/2014 50 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by National Football League for Court Reporter Lydia Zinn. (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 8/27/2014) (Entered: 08/27/2014) 08/27/2014 51 Transcript of Proceedings held on 08/21/2014, before Judge William H. Alsup. Court Reporter/Transcriber Lydia Zinn, Telephone number (415) 531-6587. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerks Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction.After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. (Re 50 Transcript Order ) Release of Transcript Restriction set for 11/25/2014. (Related documents(s) 50 ) (Zinn, Lydia) (Filed on 8/27/2014) (Entered: 08/27/2014) 08/28/2014 52 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice of Janine Arno ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8852144.) Filing fee previously paid on 8/18/2014 filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Arno, Janine) (Filed on 8/28/2014) (Entered: 08/28/2014) 08/28/2014 53 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice of Kathleen B. Douglas ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8851965.) Filing fee previously paid on 8/18/2014 filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Douglas, Kathleen) (Filed on 8/28/2014) (Entered: 08/28/2014) 08/28/2014 54 CLERK'S NOTICE. Telephonic Scheduling Conference set for 9/2/2014 at 09:00 AM in Courtroom G, 15th Floor, San Francisco before Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero. (klhS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/28/2014) (Entered: 08/28/2014) 08/29/2014 55 MOTION for Leave to File Second Amended Complaint filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley, Jonathan Rex Hadnot. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 18/26 (333 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 287 of 294 Proposed Order)(Sinclair, William) (Filed on 8/29/2014) Modified on 8/29/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 08/29/2014)ER 284 08/29/2014 Set/Reset Deadlines as to Responses due by 9/12/2014. Replies due by 9/19/2014. Motion Hearing set for 10/9/2014 10:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. William Alsup. (dtmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/29/2014) (Entered: 08/29/2014) 08/29/2014 Set/Reset Deadlines as to Motion Hearing set for 10/9/2014 08:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. William Alsup. (dt, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 8/29/2014) (Entered: 09/09/2014) 09/02/2014 56 ORDER GRANTING PRO HAC VICE of Janine Arno by Judge William Alsup granting 52 Motion for Pro Hac Vice (dt, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/2/2014) (Entered: 09/02/2014) 09/02/2014 57 ORDER GRANTING PRO HAC VICE of Kathleen Douglas by Judge William Alsup granting 53 Motion for Pro Hac Vice (dt, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/2/2014) (Entered: 09/02/2014) 09/02/2014 58 Minute Entry: TelephonicScheduling Conference held on 9/2/2014 before Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero. Settlement Conference set for 6/2/2015 09:30 AM in Courtroom G, 15th Floor, San Francisco. (Recording #Not Reported.) (klhS, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 9/2/2014) (Entered: 09/02/2014) 09/03/2014 59 NOTICE of Appearance by Janine D. Arno (Arno, Janine) (Filed on 9/3/2014) (Entered: 09/03/2014) 09/03/2014 60 NOTICE of Appearance by Kathleen Douglas (Douglas, Kathleen) (Filed on 9/3/2014) (Entered: 09/03/2014) 09/03/2014 61 Notice and Order Setting Settlement Conference before Magistrate Judge Joseph C. Spero. Settlement Conference set for 6/2/2015 09:30 AM in Courtroom G, 15th Floor, San Francisco. Signed by Judge Joseph C. Spero on 9/3/2014. (klhS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/3/2014) (Entered: 09/03/2014) 09/08/2014 62 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Granting Leave to File Amended Complaint filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 9/8/2014) Modified on 9/8/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 09/08/2014) 09/08/2014 63 NOTICE by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley of Pendency of Other Action (Civil L.R. 3-13) (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 9/8/2014) (Entered: 09/08/2014) 09/10/2014 64 MODIFIED ORDER GRANTING MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/10/2014). (Entered: 09/10/2014) 09/11/2014 65 AMENDED COMPLAINT ***SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT*** against National Football League. Filed byRon Stone, Roy Green, Ron Pritchard, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, Jeremy Newberry, James McMahon, Richard Dent, JD Hill, Marcellus Wiley, Keith Van Horne. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 9/11/2014) (Entered: 09/11/2014) 09/24/2014 66 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice for Daniel L. Nash ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8944057.) filed by National Football League. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Nash, Daniel) (Filed on 9/24/2014) (Entered: 09/24/2014) https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 19/26 (334 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 288 of 294 09/24/2014 67 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice for Stacey Recht Eisenstein ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8944103.)ER 285 filed by National Football League. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Eisenstein, Stacey) (Filed on 9/24/2014) (Entered: 09/24/2014) 09/24/2014 68 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice for Marla Axelrod ( Filing fee $ 305, receipt number 0971-8944127.) filed by National Football League. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Certificate of Good Standing)(Axelrod, Marla) (Filed on 9/24/2014) (Entered: 09/24/2014) 09/25/2014 69 ORDER GRANTING 66 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION OF ATTORNEY PRO HAC VICE.(whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/25/2014). (Entered: 09/25/2014) 09/25/2014 70 ORDER GRANTING 67 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION OF ATTORNEY PRO HAC VICE.(whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/25/2014). (Entered: 09/25/2014) 09/25/2014 71 ORDER GRANTING 68 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION OF ATTORNEY PRO HAC VICE.(whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 9/25/2014). (Entered: 09/25/2014) 09/25/2014 72 MOTION to Dismiss Second Amended Complaint (Section 301 Preemption) filed by National Football League. Motion Hearing set for 10/30/2014 08:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. William Alsup. Responses due by 10/9/2014. Replies due by 10/16/2014. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 9/25/2014) Modified on 9/26/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 09/25/2014) 09/25/2014 73 Declaration of Dennis L. Curran in Support of 72 MOTION to Dismiss filed byNational Football League. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1 - 5, # 2 Exhibit 6, # 3 Exhibit 7, # 4 Exhibit 8, # 5 Exhibit 9, # 6 Exhibit 10, # 7 Exhibit 11 - 14, # 8 Exhibit 15 - 17, # 9 Exhibit 18 - 20)(Related document(s) 72 ) (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 9/25/2014) Modified on 9/26/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 09/25/2014) 09/25/2014 74 MOTION to Dismiss Second Amended Complaint As Time-Barred And For Failure To State A Claim [Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 8, 9 & 12] filed by National Football League. Motion Hearing set for 10/30/2014 08:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. William Alsup. Responses due by 10/9/2014. Replies due by 10/16/2014. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 9/25/2014) Modified on 9/26/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 09/25/2014) 09/25/2014 75 Declaration of S. Sheryl Leung in Support of 74 MOTION to Dismiss filed byNational Football League. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A - C, # 2 Exhibit D - F, # 3 Exhibit G - K) (Related document(s) 74 ) (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 9/25/2014) Modified on 9/26/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 09/25/2014) 09/25/2014 76 Request for Judicial Notice re 74 MOTION to Dismiss filed byNational Football League. (Related document(s) 74 ) (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 9/25/2014) Modified on 9/26/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 09/25/2014) 10/03/2014 77 MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply as to 74 MOTION to Dismiss , 72 MOTION to Dismiss filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 10/3/2014) Modified on 10/3/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 10/03/2014) 10/06/2014 78 ORDER TO EXTEND TIME TO RESPOND. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/6/2014). (Entered: 10/06/2014) https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 20/26 (335 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 289 of 294 10/06/2014 Set/Reset Deadlines as to 72 MOTION to Dismiss 74 MOTION to Dismiss Responses due by 10/10/2014. Replies dueER by 286 10/17/2014. (dtmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/6/2014) (Entered: 10/06/2014) 10/10/2014 79 RESPONSE (re 72 MOTION to Dismiss Defendant National Football Leagues Notice Of Motion And Motion To Dismiss Second Amended Complaint (Section 301 Preemption) ) filed byRichard Dent, Roy Green, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Sinclair, William) (Filed on 10/10/2014) (Entered: 10/10/2014) 10/10/2014 80 RESPONSE (re 74 MOTION to Dismiss Defendant National Football League's Notice Of Motion And Motion To Dismiss Second Amended Complaint As Time-Barred And For Failure To State A Claim [Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 8, 9 & 12] ) filed byRichard Dent, Roy Green, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Sinclair, William) (Filed on 10/10/2014) (Entered: 10/10/2014) 10/17/2014 81 REPLY (re 72 MOTION to Dismiss ) (Section 301 Preemption) filed byNational Football League. (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 10/17/2014) Modified on 10/20/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 10/17/2014) 10/17/2014 82 REPLY (re 74 MOTION to Dismiss ) filed byNational Football League. (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 10/17/2014) Modified on 10/20/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 10/17/2014) 10/24/2014 83 MOTION for Discovery ***Notice of Motion, Motion for Discovery Conference*** filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. Motion Hearing set for 12/4/2014 08:00 AM in Courtroom 8, 19th Floor, San Francisco before Hon. William Alsup. Responses due by 11/7/2014. Replies due by 11/14/2014. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit 1, # 4 Exhibit 2, # 5 Proposed Order)(Sinclair, William) (Filed on 10/24/2014) (Entered: 10/24/2014) 10/28/2014 84 ORDER RE 83 MOTION FOR DISCOVERY CONFERENCE.(whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/28/2014). (Entered: 10/28/2014) 10/30/2014 85 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by National Football League for Court Reporter Jo Ann Bryce. (Miller, Timothy) (Filed on 10/30/2014) (Entered: 10/30/2014) 10/30/2014 88 Minute Entry: Motion Hearing held on 10/30/2014 before Judge William Alsup (Date Filed: 10/30/2014) re 74 MOTION to Dismiss Defendant National Football League's Notice Of Motion And Motion To Dismiss Second Amended Complaint As Time-Barred And For Failure To State A Claim [Fed. R. Civ. Proc. 8, 9 & 12] filed by National Football League. (Court Reporter JoAnn Bryce.) (dt, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 10/30/2014) (Entered: 11/03/2014) 10/31/2014 86 TRANSCRIPT ORDER by Richard Dent, Roy Green, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley for Court Reporter Jo Ann Bryce. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 10/31/2014) (Entered: 10/31/2014) 10/31/2014 87 Transcript of Proceedings held on 10/30/14, before Judge William H. Alsup. Court Reporter Jo Ann Bryce, Telephone number 510-910-5888, email: [email protected]. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerk's Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter until the deadline for the Release of Transcript https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 21/26 (336 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 290 of 294 Restriction after 90 days. After that date, it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction,ER if 287required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. (Re 85 Transcript Order ) Release of Transcript Restriction set for 1/29/2015. (Related documents(s) 85 ) (Bryce, Joann) (Filed on 10/31/2014) (Entered: 10/31/2014) 11/05/2014 89 Letter from National Football League Players Association . (Tulumello, Andrew) (Filed on 11/5/2014) (Entered: 11/05/2014) 11/17/2014 90 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Re Briefing On Submission Of The National Football League Players Association filed by National Football League. (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 11/17/2014) (Entered: 11/17/2014) 11/18/2014 91 MODIFIED ORDER RE BRIEFING ON SUBMISSION OF THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE PLAYERS ASSOCIATION. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/18/2014). (Entered: 11/18/2014) 11/19/2014 92 Letter from National Football League Players Association . (Tulumello, Andrew) (Filed on 11/19/2014) (Entered: 11/19/2014) 11/21/2014 93 Brief re 92 Letter ***Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of The National Football League Players Association's Letter to Judge Alsup*** filed byRichard Dent, Roy Green, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service) (Related document(s) 92 ) (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 11/21/2014) (Entered: 11/21/2014) 11/21/2014 94 Brief re 92 Letter Defendant National Football Leagues Response To Third-Party National Football League Players Associations Letter Brief filed byNational Football League. (Related document(s) 92 ) (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 11/21/2014) (Entered: 11/21/2014) 11/24/2014 95 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL STATEMENT. Signed by Judge Alsup on 11/24/2014. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/24/2014) (Entered: 11/24/2014) 11/25/2014 96 REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL STATEMENT FROM THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE PLAYERS ASSOCIATION. Signed by Judge Alsup on 11/25/2014. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 11/25/2014) (Entered: 11/25/2014) 11/26/2014 97 RESPONSE re 95 Order filed byNational Football League. (Related document(s) 95 ) (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 11/26/2014) Modified on 12/1/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 11/26/2014) 11/26/2014 98 RESPONSE re 95 Order filed byRichard Dent, Roy Green, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Related document(s) 95 ) (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 11/26/2014) Modified on 12/1/2014 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 11/26/2014) 12/02/2014 99 Letter from NFLPA . (Tulumello, Andrew) (Filed on 12/2/2014) (Entered: 12/02/2014) 12/03/2014 100 REQUEST TO NFL FOR FURTHER SUBMISSION. Signed by Judge Alsup on 12/3/2014. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/3/2014) (Entered: 12/03/2014) 12/04/2014 101 Brief re 99 Letter Defendant National Football League's Response To The Players Association's December 2, 2014 Letter Brief filed byNational Football League. (Related document(s) 99 ) (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 12/4/2014) (Entered: 12/04/2014) 12/04/2014 102 Letter Brief re 99 Letter ***Plaintiffs' Reply in Support of The National Football League https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 22/26 (337 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 291 of 294 Players Association's December 2, 2014 Letter*** filed byRichard Dent, Roy Green, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, JD Hill,ER James 288 McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service) (Related document(s) 99 ) (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 12/4/2014) (Entered: 12/04/2014) 12/05/2014 103 Brief re 100 Order Re Grievances filed byNational Football League. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Daniel L. Nash, # 2 Exhibit A, # 3 Exhibit B, # 4 Exhibit C)(Related document(s) 100 ) (Ruby, Allen) (Filed on 12/5/2014) (Entered: 12/05/2014) 12/05/2014 104 REQUEST FOR FURTHER STATEMENT FROM PLAINTIFFS. Signed by Judge Alsup on 12/5/2014. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/5/2014) (Entered: 12/05/2014) 12/08/2014 105 Brief re 103 Brief ***Plaintiffs' Response to the National Football League's December 5, 2014 Letter*** filed byRichard Dent, Roy Green, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service, # 2 Exhibit 1)(Related document(s) 103 ) (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 12/8/2014) (Entered: 12/08/2014) 12/17/2014 106 ORDER RE MOTIONS TO DISMISS AND REQUESTS FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/17/2014) (Entered: 12/17/2014) 12/31/2014 107 JUDGMENT. Signed by Judge Alsup on 12/31/2014. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 12/31/2014) (Entered: 12/31/2014) 01/27/2015 108 NOTICE OF APPEAL to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. Appeal of Judgment 107 (Appeal fee of $505 receipt number 0971-9238711 paid.) (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 1/27/2015) (Entered: 01/27/2015) 01/28/2015 109 USCA Case Number 15-15143 for 108 Notice of Appeal, filed by Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Richard Dent, Roy Green, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, Keith Van Horne, JD Hill, Marcellus Wiley, Jeremy Newberry, James McMahon. (dtmS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/28/2015) (Entered: 01/28/2015) 02/24/2015 110 Transcript Designation Form for proceedings held on 08/21/2014 and 10/30/2014 before Judge William Alsup, re 108 Notice of Appeal, 109 USCA Case Number, Transcript due by 3/26/2015. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 2/24/2015) (Entered: 02/24/2015) 03/09/2016 111 NOTICE of Appearance by Rebecca Ariel Jacobs (Jacobs, Rebecca) (Filed on 3/9/2016) (Entered: 03/09/2016) 03/09/2016 112 See Entry 113 Joint MOTION to Relate Case filed by NFL Clubs. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Jacobs, Rebecca) (Filed on 3/9/2016) Modified on 3/9/2016 (dtmS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 03/09/2016) 03/09/2016 113 Amended MOTION to Relate Case filed by NFL Clubs. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A) (Jacobs, Rebecca) (Filed on 3/9/2016) (Entered: 03/09/2016) 03/16/2016 114 ORDER GRANTING 113 MOTION TO RELATE CASE.(whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 3/16/2016) (Entered: 03/16/2016) 10/05/2018 115 MANDATE of USCA as to 108 Notice of Appeal, filed by Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Richard Dent, Roy Green, Jonathan Rex Hadnot, Keith Van Horne, JD Hill, Marcellus Wiley, Jeremy Newberry, James McMahon (sxbS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/5/2018) (Entered: 10/05/2018)

https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 23/26 (338 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 292 of 294 10/09/2018 116 REQUEST FOR CASE MANAGEMENT SUGGESTIONS. Signed by Judge Alsup on 10/9/2018. (whalc2, COURTER 289STAFF) (Filed on 10/9/2018) (Entered: 10/09/2018) 10/23/2018 117 Statement re 116 Order Joint Case Management Suggestions by National Football League. (DiCanio, Jack) (Filed on 10/23/2018) (Entered: 10/23/2018) 10/25/2018 118 ORDER RE BRIEFING SCHEDULE. Further Case Management Conference set for 3/7/2019 08:00 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom 12, 19th Floor. Motion Hearing set for 3/7/2019 08:00 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom 12, 19th Floor before Judge William Alsup. Amended Pleadings due by 12/5/2018. Motions due by 1/16/2019. Signed by Judge Alsup on 10/25/2018. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 10/25/2018) (Entered: 10/25/2018) 12/05/2018 119 AMENDED COMPLAINT (Third) against All Defendants. Filed byRon Stone, Roy Green, Ron Pritchard, Jeremy Newberry, James McMahon, Richard Dent, JD Hill, National Football League Players Association, Marcellus Wiley, Keith Van Horne. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A, # 2 Exhibit B, # 3 Exhibit C, # 4 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Sinclair, William) (Filed on 12/5/2018) (Entered: 12/05/2018) 01/16/2019 120 NOTICE of Appearance by Patrick Maben Hammon (Hammon, Patrick) (Filed on 1/16/2019) (Entered: 01/16/2019) 01/16/2019 121 MOTION to Dismiss Third Amended Complaint filed by National Football League. Motion Hearing set for 3/7/2019 08:00 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom 12, 19th Floor before Judge William Alsup. Responses due by 2/5/2019. Replies due by 2/14/2019. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(DiCanio, Jack) (Filed on 1/16/2019) (Entered: 01/16/2019) 01/18/2019 122 NOTICE by National Football League Notice of Withdrawal of Attorney Timothy A. Miller (DiCanio, Jack) (Filed on 1/18/2019) (Entered: 01/18/2019) 01/18/2019 123 MOTION for leave to appear in Pro Hac Vice for Karen Hoffman Lent ( Filing fee $ 310, receipt number 0971-13017536.) filed by National Football League. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate of Good Standing)(Lent, Karen) (Filed on 1/18/2019) (Entered: 01/18/2019) 01/18/2019 124 ORDER by Judge William Alsup granting 123 Motion for Pro Hac Vice as to Karen Hoffman Lent. (tlhS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 1/18/2019) (Entered: 01/18/2019) 02/05/2019 125 OPPOSITION/RESPONSE (re 121 MOTION to Dismiss Third Amended Complaint ) filed byRichard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Sinclair, William) (Filed on 2/5/2019) (Entered: 02/05/2019) 02/14/2019 126 CLERK'S NOTICE CONTINUING HEARINGS: Due to unavailability of the Court, the further case management conference and motion hearing are hereby rescheduled. Case Management Statement due by 3/14/2019. Further Case Management Conference previously set for 3/7/2019 8:00 AM is rescheduled to 3/21/2019 08:00 AM. Motion Hearing re 121 MOTION to Dismiss previously set for 3/7/2019 8:00 AM is rescheduled to 3/21/2019 08:00 AM in San Francisco, Courtroom 12, 19th Floor before Judge William Alsup. The previously set briefing schedule remains in effect. (This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (tlhS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 2/14/2019) Modified on 2/14/2019 (tlhS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 02/14/2019) 02/14/2019 127 REPLY (re 121 MOTION to Dismiss Third Amended Complaint ) Defendant National Football Leagues Reply In Support Of Its Motion To Dismiss Third Amended Complaint filed by National Football League. (DiCanio, Jack) (Filed on 2/14/2019) Modified on 2/15/2019 (amgS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 02/14/2019) https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 24/26 (339 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 293 of 294 03/14/2019 128 STIPULATION WITH PROPOSED ORDER Stipulation And [Proposed] Order To Extend Page Limits For JointER Case 290 Management Statement [Civ. Local R. 7-11, 7-12] filed by National Football League and Richard Dent, et al. (DiCanio, Jack) (Filed on 3/14/2019) Modified on 3/15/2019 (amgS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 03/14/2019) 03/14/2019 129 JOINT CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT [Civ. Local R. 16-9] filed by National Football League and Richard Dent, et al. (DiCanio, Jack) (Filed on 3/14/2019) Modified on 3/15/2019 (amgS, COURT STAFF). (Entered: 03/14/2019) 03/21/2019 130 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge William Alsup: Motion Hearing re 121 MOTION to Dismiss Third Amended Complaint held on 3/21/2019. Further Case Management Conference NOT held on 3/21/2019. Parties are directed to highlight pertinent sections of the agreed upon transcript of oral argument before the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and submit to the court by 3/22/2019 at 5 PM. Matter taken under submission. Court to issue written order. (Total Time in Court: 1 hour 14 minutes.)

Court Reporter: Debra Pas. Plaintiff Attorney: Phillip Closius, Mark Dearman. Defendant Attorney: Jack DiCanio, Daniel Nash, James Tysse.

(This is a text-only entry generated by the court. There is no document associated with this entry.) (tlhS, COURT STAFF) (Date Filed: 3/21/2019) (Entered: 03/22/2019) 03/22/2019 131 NOTICE by National Football League re 130 Motion Hearing,,,, Case Management Conference - Further,,, Notice of Designated Transcript pursuant to Court's March 21, 2019 Order (Attachments: # 1 Attachment - Stipulated Transcript of December 15, 2016 Ninth Circuit oral argument)(Nash, Daniel) (Filed on 3/22/2019) (Entered: 03/22/2019) 03/25/2019 132 TRANSCRIPT ORDER for proceedings held on March 21, 2019 before Judge William Alsup by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon, National Football League Players Association, Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley, for Court Reporter Debra Pas. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 3/25/2019) (Entered: 03/25/2019) 03/25/2019 133 TRANSCRIPT ORDER for proceedings held on March 21, 2019 before Judge William Alsup by National Football League, for Court Reporter Debra Pas. (Nash, Daniel) (Filed on 3/25/2019) (Entered: 03/25/2019) 04/11/2019 134 Transcript of Proceedings held on 3-21-2019, before Judge William H. Alsup. Court Reporter/Transcriber Debra L. Pas, CRR, telephone number (415) 431-1477/Email: [email protected]. Per General Order No. 59 and Judicial Conference policy, this transcript may be viewed only at the Clerk's Office public terminal or may be purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber until the deadline for the Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Any Notice of Intent to Request Redaction, if required, is due no later than 5 business days from date of this filing. (Re 132 Transcript Order, 133 Transcript Order ) Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/10/2019. (Related documents(s) 132 , 133 ) (pasdl50S, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/11/2019) (Entered: 04/11/2019) 04/18/2019 135 ORDER GRANTING 121 MOTION TO DISMISS. Signed by Judge William Alsup. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/18/2019) (Entered: 04/18/2019) 04/18/2019 136 JUDGMENT. Signed by Judge Alsup on 4/18/2019. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/18/2019) (Entered: 04/18/2019) 04/18/2019 137 JUDGMENT (AMENDED). Signed by Judge Alsup on 4/18/2019. (whalc2, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 4/18/2019) (Entered: 04/18/2019) https://ecf.cand.uscourts.gov/cgi-bin/DktRpt.pl?968411550296525-L_1_0-1 25/26 (340 of 340) 8/13/2019 Case: 19-16017, 08/22/2019, ID: 11407366,CAND-ECF DktEntry: 12-2, Page 294 of 294

05/14/2019 138 NOTICE OF APPEAL to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals filed by Richard Dent, Roy Green, JD Hill, James McMahon,ER 291 Jeremy Newberry, Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Keith Van Horne, Marcellus Wiley. Appeal of Order on Motion to Dismiss 135 (Appeal fee of $505 receipt number 0971-13346117 paid.) (Attachments: # 1 Certificate/Proof of Service)(Sinclair, William) (Filed on 5/14/2019) (Entered: 05/14/2019) 05/14/2019 139 USCA Case Number 19-16017 9th Circuit for 138 Notice of Appeal, filed by Ron Pritchard, Ron Stone, Richard Dent, Roy Green, Keith Van Horne, JD Hill, Marcellus Wiley, Jeremy Newberry, James McMahon. (amgS, COURT STAFF) (Filed on 5/14/2019) (Entered: 05/16/2019) 06/14/2019 140 Transcript Designation Form for proceedings held on March 21, 2019 before Judge William Alsup, re 138 Notice of Appeal, 139 USCA Case Number, Transcript due by 6/13/2019. (Sinclair, William) (Filed on 6/14/2019) (Entered: 06/14/2019)

PACER Service Center Transaction Receipt 08/13/2019 15:54:38 PACER STSWLawllc:3182817:0 Client Code: Login: Search 3:14-cv-02324- Description: Docket Report Criteria: WHA Billable 27 Cost: 2.70 Pages:

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