Manhattan District History Project Y: the Los Alamos Project
., r . ) LA]MS-2532 (vol. ‘ II) I I - ..- [ 4 DS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY ‘ THE UNIVERSITYOF CALIFORNIAo LOSALAMOS NEW MEXICO ‘} , \ J – MANHATTAN DISTRICT HISTORY = ->=0 c— PROJECT Y THE LOS ALAMOS PROJECT ——— . .. i DO NOT CIRCULATE PERMANENT RETENTION + 1 .— . “. 1-- I .. ,..: ,- . ..= ~ .- ., . ., LEGAL NOTICE This repo~t was prepared as an account of Govern- ment sponsored work. Neitherthe UnitedStates, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Com- mission: A. Makesanywarrantyor representation,expressed . ‘or implied, withrespect to theaccuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information containedin this report, or that theuse of anyinformation,apparatus,method,or pro- cess disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damagesresultingfrom the use of any informa- . tion, apparatus,method,or process disclosed in this re- port. As used in theabove, “person actingon behalf of the Commission” includes any employee or contractor of the Commission, or employeeof suchcontractor, to theextent that such employee or contractor of the Commission, or employee of such contractor prepares, disseminates, or provides access to, any informationpursuantto his em- ploymentor contract with the Commission, or his employ- ment with such contractor. ... Printed in USA Piice $ 2.00. Availablefrom the Office of Technical Servtces U. S. Departmentof Commerce Washington25, D. C. a . i . ..- . LAMS-2532(Vol. Ii) SPECIALDISTRIBUTION LOS ALAMOS SCIENTIFIC LABORATORY OF THE UNIVERSITYOF CALIFORNIA LOS ALAMOS NEW MEXICO REPORTWRITTEN:1946 and 194’7 REPORT DISTRIBUTED:December 1, 1961 MANHATTAN DISTRICT HISTORY PROJECT Y THE LOS ALAMOS PROJECT ● VOL. II. AUGUST 1945 THROUGH DECEMBER 1946 by ● Edith C.
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