Bakersfield, CA (Cant.)
THE EXLINECOMPANY MEDIA BROKERS - CONSI!LT.ANTS p February 9,7004 Alfrcdo Plascenaa President I~.azerBroadcasting Corporation 200 South A Street, Suite 400 Oxnard, CA 93030-5717 Dear MI-. Plascencia, Herewith. in narrative forrri, is the review and appnisal of all of the assets, whicli are used and usable in the operatlons of five Radio Slations KAhX-FM, AveIial, KAJP-FM, Firebaugh, KZPE-FM, Ford City, KZPO-FM, Lindsay, and KNCS-FM. Coalinga, all California. I have not personally vislted the subject propernes, have no past 11oI coiiternplale furure interest in them and I have made the necessary investigation and analyses to develop this review and appralsal, subjcct only to the limitations heremafter described. The value determined rhrough this process is that of July 2003. ST-ATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND VALUE The purpose of this appraisal is to estiiiiattr the fair markel value of the aforementioned assets. The assets consisr of leases md personal property wi'th attendant licenses and pcrmits, which provide for the daily operation of the sublect ststioiir serving !he central San Joaquin Valley area of Californian horn FirebaLld7~ iii the north to Ford City in the south (Map enclosed.) This appraisal has been prepared at the specific direction of Mr. Alfred0 Plasceniia. President, Lazer Broadcasting Corporation. Marliet value is defined as the ‘‘hghesf price estimated in terms ofmoiley which a proprny will bring if exposed for sale tn the open market, allowing a reasonable ninc to t-md ;1 purchaser who buys with howledge of all of the uses to which it IS adapted arid for which it is capable of being used.’’ IDENTIFICATION OF FACLLLITIES Ktt9X-FM is a local class A station with 6 ku.
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