Was considered one of the most influential artists of the late twentieth century, and a figurehead of the 1960s Pop art movement

Andrew Warhola was born in 1928 to immigrant parents from Slovakia lived in Pittsburgh, United States, until 1949 when he moved to Manhattan, New york

His work spans multiple disciplines from Illustration, Film, Photography, Television and Publishing 1950’S 1955 “Green and Yellow Shoe”

Commercial Art

Simple line drawing


“Shoe bright, shoe light, first shoe I’ve seen tonight” 1950’S 1958 “The Magic Porridge Pot”

Commercial Art


Playful and fun images FINE ART Also know as Pop Art (1962-1967)

Imitated methods, styles, and themes from pop culture and mass media

Aspects of ‘everyday’ life 1960’S

●1967 “ and Nico”

●Commercial Art

●“Peel slowly” ANDY WARHOL: “ Diptych”, 1962. ANDY WARHOL: “Campbell Soup Cans”, 1962 ANDY WARHOL: “”Campbell Soup”, 1969 "The great merit of Warhol wasn't painting fifty cans of soup, but the idea of painting fifty cans of soup" - MARCEL DUCHAMP "America; I love for this there are several reasons. My paintings are symbolic messages about the strident impersonal products and those flashing material objects which today rises United States. Are the projection of all what can buy is and sell is, symbols practical, but ephemeral, that we kept in movement.”



From a young age, Warhol lived in fascination with being famous as politicians and movie stars. All those personalities that he saw in magazines. His portraits have the character of dispassionate and disinterested inventory of our time POLITICAL

ANDY WARHOL: Jackie Kennedy, 1964 MUSIC

ANDY WARHOL: “Double Elvis”, 1963 ANDY WARHOL: “ Elizabeth Taylor”, 1964 ANDY WARHOL: “Che Guevara”, 1968 ANDY WARHOL: “Mao” 1973. silkscreen ANDY WARHOL: “Mick Jagger”, 1975 . THE MESSAGE

• Behind every artist is the same questions:

• 1) Develop an idea, question, or problem that is guided by art

• 2) Apply the arts to communicate and improve daily life and solve problems REFERENCES

• Powder Run, “Andy Warhol”, April 4th 2007, via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution License.

• Ian Burt, “The Velvet Underground and Nico 1967”, January 5th 2006, via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution License. • Punxsutawney, “Campbell’s Soup Cans”, March 4th 2012, via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution License.

• Ian Burt, “Andy Warhol-Mick Jagger 1975”, May 2nd 2006, via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution License.

• Istolenthetv, “Warhol-Mao”, October 29th 2005, via Flickr, Creative Commons Attribution License.

• Andys portraits of Liz. 1965 via Artnet,

• Artquotes, “Andy Warhol Biography”,

• -Farlex, “Pop Art”, 2010, •

• Slide 14- Artquotes, “Andy Warhol Biography”,

・BYSOTHEBYS. (2013, November 13). 21 Facts About Andy Warhol, | THANKS FOR LISTENING!

Produced By:

Drew Setty

Lelua Taufua

Ninad Maheshwari

Ian Kidd