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Research & Education In Your Neighborhood Sister cities Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas, Elbow Lake, Minn. and pioneer in autism Å elske Flekkefjord, er det eneste research, dies at 83 som ikke trenger begrunnelse. celebrate their close ties

Read more on page 5 - Stein Mehren Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly Est. 1889 Vol. 121, No. 31 September 3, 2010 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 • Tel (800) 305-0217 • www.norway.com $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at Birkebeinerrittet 2010 a success www.norway.com Over 14,000 News from Norway U.N. Ambassador Tine Mørch participants ride Smith presented Norway’s from Rena to statement to the U.N. Security Council Aug. 25 on the issue of Lillehammer in the piracy off the coast of Somalia, emphasizing Norway’s belief world’s longest that Somali pirates should be prosecuted and jailed in the re- cross-country gion, close to where the act of bicycle race piracy has been committed. (blog.norway.com/news) St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n Business Norwegian American Weekly Norwegian furniture company Ekornes has won two awards In the 18 years of Birkebein- in a recent U.K. “Interiors Monthly” survey, taking hon- errittet (Birkebeiner bicycle race), ors as “Best foreign furniture the 2010 race will go down in the company” and “Best marketing race’s history as the toughest one support.” of them all. (blog.norway.com/business) Rainy conditions combined with cold weather caused many participants to struggle with both Sports Photo: Birkebeinerrittet Norway’s Magnus Carlsen (19) bike and body during the Aug. 28 The dismal weather conditions of the Birkebeinerrittet 2010 added to the physical and mental challenges of the grueling defended his position as the CONTINUES PAGE 6 95-kilometer cross-country bicycle ride from Rena to Lillehammer. world’s best chess player when he defeated the current world champion Vishny Anada (42) in New lodge in Twin Cities The confirmation debate Kristiansund Aug. 30. (blog.norway.com/sports) Daughters of Norway Pauline Fjelde Lodge Confirmation Norway in the U.S. #51 to hold institution ceremony Sept. 25 is not only a Brooklyn Book Festival pres- religious, but a ents readings from “I Curse the River of Time” by Per Petterson civil rite in Norway Sept. 12. (blog.norway.com/norway-in- the-us) Le s l e e La n e Ho y u m Rockford, Minn.

Houses have been scrubbed What’s inside? from top to bottom, and baking has been a week-long affair, filled with News 2-3 love and pride. The sky is clear, Business 4 the breeze is gentle, and flags are Research & Education 5 flying everywhere. Is it a national holiday? No. It’s a time that sym- Photo courtesy of Leslee Lane Hoyum Opinion 6-7 Camilla, a recent religious confirmand Taste of Norway 8 CONTINUES PAGE 14 from Sarpsborg, Norway. Photo: Marcia Comer Travel 9 The 2010-2012 board of the Daughters of Norway Grand Lodge. Roots & Connections 10 Landscapes of the Light Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e Obituaries & Religion 11 Daughters of Norway Arts & Style 12 Women of Norwegian descent at the University Lutheran Church In Your Neighborhood 13 are forming a new group in the of Hope, 601 13th Avenue SE, Norwegian Heritage 14 Twin Cities area. Dressed in color- Minneapolis, Minn. Sports 15 ful regional costumes (bunads) or The Daughters of Norway is Norwegian sweaters officers of the a non-profit organization open to Grand Lodge, Daughters of Nor- women of Norwegian/ Nordic heri- $1 = NOK 6.2422 way, will institute a local lodge of tage thirteen years and older. updated 8/23/10 the Daughters of Norway on Sat- Its goals include preserving Photo: Petar Tale In comparison urday, Sept. 25, 2010, says Karen and sharing knowledge of our Nor- presents the exhibition “Land- 7/23/10 6.1783 Libke, President-elect of the new wegian heritage with our Children Ro y a l No r w e g i a n Em b a s s y scapes of the Light”— paintings by 2/23/10 5.9532 lodge. and communities. Lodges are lo- Trygve Lie Gallery in New Petar Tale and Kåre Tveter, from 8/23/09 5.98801 The event will begin at 1 p.m. York and Global Art Associates CONTINUES PAGE 13 CONTINUES PAGE 12 2 • Norwegian American Weekly september 3, 2010 Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Ingen så noen framtid i Kvalsund Mysteriet i Jotunheimen – Norsk kvinne (21) funnet død i ikke oppklart En norsk kvinne ble 29. august funnet død på - Så oppdaget de kobberet et hostell i Budapest i Ungarn. Ifølge politiet skal hun ha blitt utsatt for en kriminell han- — Som et eventyr. Dette dling. Hverken studentorganisasjonen ANSA berger framtida vår, sier eller Sjømannskirkens studentprest i Øst- Europa kjenner til saken, utover norske og ordfører Tor Myrseth ungarske mediers dekning av den. — Dette har nettopp blitt kjent. Vi vet ikke om det er Da g b l a d e t snakk om en student. Uansett er det en tragisk hendelse, og det er veldig beklagelig at slikt Foto: Politiet skjer i Budapest, sier ANSAs leder i Ungarn, Verdens kobberpriser er skyhøye, det Kvinnen hadde med seg denne blusen da hun Marte Sørensen. karrige fjellet over fjorden er en gullgruve. I døde på ferden over Smørstabreen. (Aftenposten) mange år har Kvalsund hatt en trøstesløs ut- vikling. Fiskebruket truer med å ramle sam- Af t e n p o s t e n Høyre klart størst på ny måling men når som helst, «kaien er pil råtten» står I august i fjor fant brevandrere på San- Høyre får 29,6 prosents oppslutning på en det på et skilt. delvbreen i Lom kommune i Oppland bein- ny meningsmåling. Arbeiderpartiet får bare — Folk flytter, nå er vi bare 1003 men- rester og personlige eiendeler til en kvinne. 26,1 prosent. Om målingen var resultatet av nesker igjen i kommunen, sukker ordfører Foto: Henning Lillegård, Dagbladet Funnet bar preg av å ha ligget lenge. Politiet et stortingsvalg ville Høyre og Frp alene fått Myrseth. Under her går kobberåra, vår livsnerve i mange innledet rutinemessig etterforskning i saken 91 av 169 plasser på Stortinget. De rødgrønne Forbi butikken går ungene fra barneha- år framover, sier ordfører Tor Myrseth i Kval- for å få klarlagt kvinnens identitet. regjeringspartiene ville bare fått 68. Frp er nå gen i tau, pedagogisk leder Adrian Israelsen sund. Norsk politi har brukt internasjonal ek- det tredje største partiet med en oppslutning Dypvik går bakerst og har full kontroll over spertise i identifiseringsarbeidet. Politiets For de unge flytter. Kommunen har lok- på 22,3 prosent, et fall på 0,7 prosentpoeng dem som er Kvalsunds håp. siste håp var at ICMP-laboratoriet i Sarajevo ket med gratis vei, vann og kloakk og 100000 i forhold til juni. Kristelig Folkeparti får 4,9 Adrian Israelsen Dypvik har forvent- skulle klare å fremskaffe en DNA-profil som kroner i tilskudd til alle som ville bygge hus, prosent, ned 0,2 mens Venstre får 3,2 prosent, ninger til fjellets gull, og tror kobberet vil gi kunne sammenlignes med eventuelle gjen- 80000 kroner til dem som kjøpte brukt og tilbake 0,6. SV får 6 prosent, ned 0,3 og stedet en ny giv der i skyggen av Hammer- levende slektninger. Nå viser det seg imi- Senterpartiet får 5,2 prosent, fram 0,7. 60000 til alle som omgjorde fritidsbolig til fest med sin gullkantede Snøhvit-utbygging. dlertid at det ikke var mulig å fremskaffe en (NTB) fast bolig. Tre familier takket ja. I dag er det informasjonsmøte, der også sikker profil. Men kobberforekomsten er ingen med- planene om to vindmølleparker skal presen- – Dette er synd. Det er lagt ned utro- – Norsk gass mindre verdt enn antatt alje uten bakside. Den underjordiske driften teres. Selv i NAV-kroken, som kafébordet lig mye arbeid, men uten denne profilen er Den norske oljeproduksjonen har falt 40 vil føre til at enorme steinmasser må depo- på Coop-butikken kalles, gliser gubbene fra vi dessverre like langt, sier Lom-lensmann prosent de siste ti årene, og i år produseres neres. Gruveselskaper vil dumpe alt i sjøen, øre til øre. Dog vil de ikke selge skinnet før Steinar Angard til VG. det for første gang mest gass på norsk sokkel. det vil skape en kunstig rygg i en fjord der bjørnen er skutt. En C14-datering slo fast at beinfunnet Analysebyrået Econ har gjort beregninger som fisk yngler. — Kanskje blir det nok en gang an- høyst sannsynlig stammer fra et sted mellom viser at Norge totalt vil tjene 1000 milliarder Planlagt oppstart er i 2012, en milliard dre som stikker av med millionene. Finn- 1680 og 1930. Kvinnen var rundt 153 cm kroner mindre på gassproduksjonene enn for- kroner trengs i grunnlagskapital. I Kvalsund markinger er vant til å bli lurt. Det er utrolig høy og var mellom 25 og 50 år da hun døde. ventet. –Gassinntektene faller dramatisk mye er fortvilelse og desperasjon snudd til håp og hva vi kan vende oss til, humrer Ivar Sørnes Politiet har nå ingen aktuelle personer. mer enn regjeringen har ventet i nasjonalbud- forventninger. sjettet i år, sier seniorkonsulent Kent Vincent og Magne Pedersen. Pedersen i analysebyrået Econ til NRK. Econ — Alternativet er nok å bli slått sam- English Synopsis: A lucrative copper vein was English Synopsis: Hopes for identifying a wom- har i en fersk rapport beregnet at Norge de men med Hammerfest, mener ordfører Tor found in Kvalsund, and Mayor Tor Myrseth sees an’s bones found last year at the Sandelvbreen in the copper as Kvalsund’s last chance to keep itself Lom, Oppland were dashed when no possible rela- neste 30 årene vil tape mer enn et helt stats- Myrseth. Han ser på kobberet som siste going as the population continues to shrink. tives could be identified. budsjett på de svært lave gassprisene. sjanse. (NTB) Trygdesvindler for Ny kunsthøyskole åpnet i Oslo Over 300 millioner kinesere får se 30. august åpnet Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. For første gang er hele skolen samlet under ett tak, milliarder Støre snakke om norske interesser i den gamle seilduksfabrikken på Grünerløk- NTB ka. Planleggingen og byggearbeidet har tatt Her blir utenriksministeren 14 år. For direktøren ved Kunsthøgskolen, I april gikk politiet Bergen til storaksjon den første norske Gyrid Garshol, er dette som bursdag, julaften for å avsløre svindel med støtte til enslige og 17. mai på en dag. – Jeg begynte for et år forsørgere. Tolv personer ble siktet i det poli- «verdenslederen» som siden, så jeg har jo bare fått være med på opp- tiet og Nav har kalt «Operasjon trygd». gjester kinesisk TV-topp turen. Dagen i dag er historisk. Men når jeg – Mange stønadsmottakere har funnet tenker på at vi hadde vannlekkasje på torsdag, hverandre igjen etter den saken. Rundt 50 som gjorde at vi mistet nettet, trodde jeg aldri stykker har meldt fra, sier direktør Magne Da g b l a d e t denne dagen skulle komme, sier Garsol. Fladby i Nav Kontroll og innkreving til Da- (NRK) gens Næringsliv. Nå er sommeren her igjen En gjennomgang viser at Nav har po- Opp mot 350 millioner kinesere følger litianmeldt trygdesvindel for 870 million- TV-veteran og sjefredaktør Anthony Yuen Foto: Kristoffer Egeberg Sol og temperaturer opp mot 18 grader de er kroner fra 2005 og fram til 1. april i år. neste ti dagene. – Et høytrykk er i ferd med å når han inviterer statsledere til programmet Støre er den første norske politikeren som blir in- 7.437 personer er i samme periode anmeldt bygge seg opp over sørlig del av Skandinavia, «Talk with world leaders» i beste kinesiske tervjuet i programmets elleve års historie. til politiet for slik svindel. Det betyr at gjen- sier vakthavende meteorolog Per Erik Haga sendetid. ved Meteorologisk Institutt. nomsnittssvindleren har fått utbetalt 116.983 Programmet er inne i sitt ellevte år på ske ambisjoner i Kina ble også hovedtema i (NRK) velferdskroner vedkommende ikke skulle den Hong Kong-baserte kanalen Phoenix det 30 minutter lange intervjuet, som vil gå hatt. Television. Men i dag var utenriksminister på lufta søndag om to uker. Erlend Loe med ny dose Kurt til høsten Navs statistikk baserer seg på saker som Jonas Gahr Støre er den første nordmannen Dermed oppnår Støre en av sine målset- Forfatter Erlend Loe trår til med nye, elleville er anmeldt til politiet, ikke på rettskraftige som har fått æren av å gjeste et av Kinas ninger med sitt 18 timer lange turbobesøk i påfunn — men bare, som han selv også un- dommer, og mørketallene er trolig store. største politiske TV-program. Beijing — å nå frem til flest mulig kinesere derstreker — i bokform. Under Oslo Bokfes- I Sverige er det utført undersøkelser som – Undersøkelser vi har utført blant våre med Norges syn på Kina og fremtidig sa- tival er han blant dem som skal stimulere le- anslår at den svenske velferdsstaten svindles seere viser at interessen øker og er blitt stor marbeid, så vel som å fortelle om Norges selysten hos barn og voksne. I fjor slo han til for inntil 10 milliarder kroner i året. Legger for Norge og nordiske land. Mange av våre viktigste utenrikspolitiske tema: Arktis og med en påskekrim som høstet god kritikk, og man de svenske tallene til grunn, svindles seere savner perspektivene fra de små lan- nordområdene. nå jobber han febrilsk for å komme i mål med den norske velferdsstaten for inntil 5 mil- dene i Europa. English Synopsis: Minister of Foreign Affairs to filmmanus i tillegg til en ny dose Kurti liarder kroner hvert år. — Norge er i denne sammenhengen Jonas Gahr Støre will be watched by nearly 350 «Kurt Kurèr». — Jeg regner med at nordlend- – Vi er overrasket over at vi fortsatt spesielt interessant fordi nordmenn to ganger million Chinese for his interview on “Talk with ingene har mer selvironi enn deler av pinse- finner såpass mange svindelsaker når vi for- har sagt nei til EU, og fordi Norge var med World Leaders” on Chinese prime time. Sur- menigheten, sier Loe til NTB om Kurts nye teller folk at de må regne med å bli kontrol- på å grunnlegge Nato. Jeg tror dette vil bli veys show there is a growing interest in Norway utfordringer i møtet med familien Hellføkk. lert, sier Fladby. et veldig interessant program for våre seere, and the Nordic countries in China, particularly (NRK) because Norway has said “no” to the European English Synopsis: A review by the Norwegian sier Yuen til Dagbladet. Union twice. The interview accomplished one Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV) shows Norsk nei til EU, EUs fremtid, og nor- that fraud costs NAV approximately NOK 5 bil- of Støre’s goals for his 18-hour trip to China: to lion every year. reach the largest possible Chinese audience. september 3, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/news Norwegian American Weekly • 3 News Student festival New Director of Development This week on Norway.com Steve Grinna joins Eriksen Translations makes Inc. 5,000 list on global health for fourth consecutive year Vesterheim Norwegian- International Student Eriksen Translations Inc., a leading language American Museum staff services provider based in Brooklyn, N.Y., Festival in Trondheim has been named one of the 5,000 fastest- after 29 years in financial prepares for February 2011 growing private companies in the U.S. by services industry Inc. magazine for the fourth year in a row. “Being recognized by Inc. magazine once again is a wonderful honor. Our success is re- ally a reflection of our clients’ success,” said Ve s t e rh e i m No r w e g i a n -Am e r i c a n Mu s e u m Vigdis Eriksen, president and CEO of Erik- sen Translations. Steve Grinna of Decorah, Iowa, has (Eriksen Translations) joined the staff of Vesterheim Norwegian- American Museum as Director of Develop- Norway ‘bomb plot’ underscores al-Qaida ment. pitfalls A graduate of Luther College, Grinna Interviews with U.S. and European intelli- has worked in the financial services industry Photo courtesy of Vesterheim gence officials and documents reviewed by the AP paint the picture of a loosely orga- Photo: Fotogjengen for 29 years, first with Strommen and Asso- Steve Grinna family in front of Vesterheim Mu- nized cell that was doomed to fail long before Hans Blix (left) spoke about weapons at the 2010 ciates in St. Paul, Minn.; then with Lutheran seum. Bottom row, from left to right: Sophia (1), ISFiT Festival, and was hosted by the president of Brotherhood/Thrivent Financial for Luther- Stella (1), Garrison (3), Moriah (7). Top row, Norwegian police raided its basement lab in ISFiT 2007 Martin Svarva. ans, in Minneapolis, Minn., and subsequent- from left to right: Sierra (11), Grant (13) Kim- suburban Oslo in July. The Norwegian plot’s berlee Grinna, and Steve Grinna. undoing, and that of its sibling plots in the ly in Decorah, Iowa; and most recently with U.S. and Britain, casts light on the potential Ro y a l No r w e g i a n Em b a s s y Brokers, International of Des Moines, Iowa. dren could grow up there too, he said. pitfalls of al-Qaida’s changing tactics in the Grinna spent his youth in Decorah, Grinna served on Vesterheim’s Board decade since the massive, highly organized The International Student Festival in which he describes as “the greatest place in of Trustees from 2002 to 2006. Proud of Sept. 11 attacks. Trondheim, one of the world’s largest student the country to grow up.” He always knew he his own Norwegian heritage, Grinna adds () festivals, is being held in Norway in Febru- would end up in Decorah again, so his chil- CONTINUES PAGE 5 ary 2011. The theme for this year’s festival Norway pledges to support low rates, cap is global health. The application deadline is krone gains Sept. 30. The Norwegian R&D puzzle Norway’s government must shape economic The ISFiT festival is a meeting place Norway spends less on research and development policy to allow the central bank to shelve where students from all over the world can monetary tightening for as long as possible work together with eminent speakers and than most OECD countries, yet is higher in productivity to avoid fueling krone gains that hurt export- performers to address global issues. ers, Finance Minister Sigbjørn Johnsen said. The ten-day festival is held every other “If the krone gets too strong, that is worry- No r t r a d e year. Since it was launched in 1990, its par- ing,” said Johnsen, 59, who will present next ticipation has grown to include more than year’s budget on Oct. 5, in an interview in 450 delegates from over 100 countries. In 2007, the OECD review board visited The OECD also found that Norway Oslo. Next year’s budget must allow for “as ISFiT is now encouraging students to Norway for their usual country economic had a less innovative tendency, based on low interest rates as possible in a way that apply to participate in ISFiT 2011, to be survey report. What they found perplexed calculations according to the Oslo Manual, we don’t increase the rate difference between held in Trondheim in February. With global them. Norway spent less on research and de- an OECD innovation indicator developed Norway and our main competitors.” health as its theme, the festival will be focus- velopment than most OECD countries, yet by among others Keith Smith at the STEP (Bloomberg) ing attention on the challenges and opportu- was higher in productivity. They called the Centre for Innovation Research in Oslo (now nities the world is facing, both now and in phenomena the “Norwegian puzzle.” NIFU STEP) for collecting and interpreting Younger newlywed Norwegians the future. A key issue for the festival will be The linear mode of thinking goes: the innovation data. A total of 24,600 couples were married in to identify what students can do to promote more you spend on science, the more inno- “It was clear to me that the analysts in 2009, 10,200 marriages were dissolved by di- global health. vative, the more productive, and hence the the OECD were very confused what was vorce and 11,900 couples were separated. The The ISFiT organisers invite world lead- wealthier you are. happening in Norway,” said Per Koch, an number of contracted marriages decreased ers to participate in the festival in Trondheim But that was not the case in Norway. advisor at Norwegian Ministry of Education slightly, while the number of divorces and as part of their general aim to make ISFiT a The country spent 1.5 percent of gross do- and Research. “In science policy circles you separations was at the same level as in 2008. In 2009, the average age of married males forum where those who are currently at the mestic product (GDP) growth on research had the idea that research automatically led and females decreased for the first time since forefront of world affairs can meet the lead- and development in 2005/2006, compared to to economic growth.” the beginning of the 1970s, for both first-time ers of tomorrow. Several Nobel Peace Prize with 4 percent and 3.6 per- Koch was one of the Norwegian re- cent, yet had high productivity and economic searchers at NIFU STEP (the Norwegian married and all married. For first-time mar- laureates have come back to Norway, home ried men the average age was 33.8 years, and of the Nobel Peace Prize, to discuss global prosperity. The Swedish paradox was that it Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research had high very high R&D investments, but and Education), and later at the Research for women it was 31.0 years. challenges with the diverse group that the (Statistics Norway) lower productivity and economic growth. CONTINUES PAGE 5 CONTINUES PAGE 5 Celebrate Leif Erikson Day with the Norwegian American Weekly! Give the gift of the Norwegian American Weekly or try Send a greeting in our Leif erikson Special Issue! it for yourself, and we’ll give you a GreAt deal! Happy Only $40 for any new subscription purchased now Leif Erikson Day! 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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206)784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $55 domestic; USD $75 to Canada; USD $175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • Norwegian American Weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/business september 3, 2010 Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (August 30, 2010) Greener than green Norsk Kr. 6.2972 Innotech Solar AS from Narvik has a bright Dansk Kr. 5.8753 Svensk Kr. 7.404 future with its innovative solar power Canadian $ 1.0562 Euro 0.789 Ra s m u s Fa l c k For detailed information about Oslo, Norway the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. Innotech Solar AS from Narvik, Nor- cell efficiency enhancements. way announced this summer that its two first Innotech Solar has headquarters and pro- AIR - SEA - LAND power plants in Spain had connected. Both duction facilities in Narvik, administration For all your travel needs: cruise specialists, domestic and international are roof-top mounted installations on indus- and technology offices in Oslo, sales offices trial buildings. The plants profit from a high in and China, and project develop- travel for individuals, groups and conventions sun irradiation in southern Spain, being lo- ment for power plants in . Always at the best possible prices! cated close to Alicante and Sevilla. Last June, the German solar energy gi- Innotech Solar was established in 2008 ant Q-Cells and Innotech Solar announced and started out in the incubator at the Re- they are forming a long-term strategic part- search Park in Narvik well above the Artic nership. Q-Cells will sell all of its non-prime Circle. At the end of the first operating year, solar cells to Innotech for conversation into Fax: (718) 238-3604 • Tel: (718) 748-7400 • toll free @ 1-800-822-5838 they had 37 employees. The company de- solar photovoltaic solutions worldwide under 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209 • [email protected] livers high-quality the Infotech brand solar modules and name. also assemble entire The team is MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE solar power plants. known by its per- a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w By using innovative sonal drive, integrity, technology they are www.innotechsolar.com commitment and en- maximizing electric- thusiasm. One of the Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, ity production from founders managed to commercial transactions and estate planning. prime solar cells. Its goal is to utilize 100 present his master thesis from the BI Nor- percent of the raw material and make bright wgian School of Management in Oslo at a 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 energy from it all. press conference held at the Norwegian Con- Early on the team was funded by one federation of Enterprise together with leg- Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 of the leading venture funds in Scandinavia, endary Jens Ulltveit-Moe, the President of the Oslo-based NorthZone Venture. Just be- the organization at the time. fore last Christmas, the funding was boosted The company is actively recruiting. They Russ Oberg, CLTC, CLU when Investinor invested NOK 52 million. are growing quickly! They are one of three This in addition to recent employee invest- finalists for the Confederation of Norwegian Independent Insurance Broker ment which, in conjunction with Investinors Enterprise’s Innovation Prize this year. Long-Term Health Care recent offer, will be used to further Innotech’s Serving individuals and corporations Business News & Notes Call me or visit my website: www.obergltc.com Contract for three new helicopters Northern Seas (ONS) exhibition in Stavanger, Norway, won the prestigious “best HSE stand (206)362-5913 awarded 5650 24th Ave NW, Ste 603 Seattle, WA 98107-4155 Statoil has awarded Bristow Norway a 10- performance” award. “Good health, safety year contract for three helicopters to fly from and environmental work means a great deal Flesland heliport in Bergen from 2012. The to us and we are therefore very pleased once NOK 2 billion contract involves the use of again to have found a worthy winner. This three brand-new Sikorsky S92 helicopters, in year’s winners have followed our guidelines addition to a new hangar and office facilities to the letter and have also succeeded in get- at Flesland. “Statoil is thus secured helicopter ting all their suppliers to comply with our capacity for a long time,” says Kjell Kristof- principal goals here at ONS, said President fersen, vice president of the operations and and CEO of ONS Kjell Ursin-Smith at the maintenance unit in Statoil. “This long-term award ceremony. First established in 2006, agreement ensured good competition as sev- the award was instituted to promote stands eral helicopter companies participated in the that show a strong commitment to every as- tendering process.” pect of health, safety and the environment. Statoil ( ) (Aker Solutions) DNV sets up Sustainability and Innovation WW group renews agreement with the BI division Norwegian School of Management Det Norske Veritas (DNV), the internation- The Wilh. Wilhelmsen Group (WW) has al leader in services for managing risk, has agreed to renew the professorship in re- formed a new division called DNV Sustain- search, held by the BI Norwegian School of ability and Innovation. The new division Management, by six more years. The coop- has been set up to steer DNV towards green eration agreement, which was originally en- service growth and sustainability services. tered into Aug. 1, 2006, will contribute NOK “Our decision to establish the new division 6.25 million over the next six years, provid- shows our strong commitment in the area of ing important support to basic scientific re- I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. sustainability,” says Dr. Henrik O. Madsen, search in relation to the maritime industry. chief executive officer at DNV. “We are con- Scott F. Peterson “The oil era is ending and Norway has to tinuously striving to show that in an increas- find other focus areas. What could be more (206) 783-2195 ingly challenging world, DNV’s competence 1713 NW Market St. natural than to focus on the long traditions and expertise instills trust and confidence and substantial expertise in the maritime in- Seattle and that we can help companies achieve per- [email protected] dustry. Increased knowledge and research in formance.” the maritime sector is important,” says Wil- (Det Norske Veritas) Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. helm Wilhelmsen.

Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most (Wilhelmsen.com) major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. Aker Solutions wins best HSE stand performance award at ONS Aker Solutions’ stand at this year’s Offshore september 3, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/research Norwegian American Weekly • 5 Research and Education Dr. Lovaas remembered Dr. O. Ivar Lovaas, pioneer in developing therapies for autism, dies at 83

Lo v a a s In s t i t u t e

Ole Ivar Lovaas, a psychologist who de- veloped one of the most widely used thera- pies for children with autism, and in doing so Photo: Innovation Norway/Heidi Widerø helped change the treatment and the public perception of the condition, died Aug. 2 in Currently, OECD countries spend about The Norwegian R&D Lancaster, Calif. He was 83. … 2.4 percent of GDP on R&D. In the EU, (…continued from page 3) A longtime resident of Malibu, Calif., the number is much lower. The Norwegian Dr. Lovaas died from complications of recent Government has acknowledged the goal, but Council of Norway, who was working on surgery, his son, Erik, said. He had also been is still at only about 1.7 percent, according this Norwegian paradox. There seemed to be ill with Alzheimer’s disease. At his death, to the Research Council’s 2009 Science & Photo courtesy of Lovaas Institute no connection between investment in inno- Dr. Lovaas was an emeritus professor of psy- Technology Indicators. vation and outcome. chology at the University of California, Los able to catch up to their peers and function in It is important to see what it is being Norwegian researchers looked at pri- Angeles, where he had taught since 1961. conventional classrooms. spent on and what affect it has on society. mary industries like fish and other low-tech Dr. Lovaas was the first researcher to “His work first of all showed that the The Norwegian Ministry of Education and industries such as petroleum, given their suggest that for at least some children, autism kids were teachable,” Tristram Smith, a psy- Research is acutely aware of the problem, prominent role in the Norwegian economy. is treatable. His work came to wide attention chologist at the University of Rochester, said and has even established a commission led They noted that the very term low tech – as in 1987, when he published a scholarly arti- Friday. “It was also very important in dein- by economist Jan Fagerberg that is to look defined and used by the OECD – wasun- cle titled “Behavioral Treatment and Normal stitutionalization, showing that you could into parts of this problem. derstood as companies reporting low invest- Educational and Intellectual Functioning in teach the kinds of skills that the kids needed The Government appointed the Fager- ments in R&D as a percentage of turnover. Young Autistic Children.” to succeed at home and in the community.” berg committee in December to consider the Johannes Hauknes, Svein Olav Nås and In it, Dr. Lovaas reported that after rigor- In the 1960s, when Dr. Lovaas began public-funded research in Norway, with par- others at NIFU STEP argued that this termi- ous training, some autistic children had been nology was misleading. The oil industry is ticular emphasis on whether there is consis- CONTINUES PAGE 11 in fact very technologically advanced and tency between resource commitment and re- invested much into innovation, although sults, and whether the system and the instru- maybe not the traditional white lab coat type. ments are well designed and effective. The And even if a fisherman does no research, committee will recommend changes that can LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. the ship he used was packed with high tech lead to the highest economic benefit in the Sales and Service appliances. The traditional R&D statistics broad sense of publicly funded research. did not capture this dimension. There were other problems as well. The Norwegian telecom company Telenor was R&D Highlights concerned about they way it calculated its own R&D and innovation investments. Tele- • Norwegian expenditure on nor reported NOK 400 million in R&D costs Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK R&D was NOK 37.4 billion phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 to Statistics Norway, compared to some 2 in 2007, an increase of 17.1 fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 billion at Telia, its Swedish competitor. Even percent compared to 2005. if it was using a different definition than the traditional R&D statistics, it seemed that • As a proportion of GDP, R&D expenditures in Norway some companies underestimated their in- [email protected] vestments in both R&D and innovation dra- amounted to 1.6 percent in 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 2007, and the OECD average Full Service Agency With Experienced matically. Norwegian Speaking Consultants! “The problem is that when company was 2.3 percent in 2007. Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! employees were given a questionnaire about information will help you make wise travel • Norway spent NOK 7,950 per Our daily specials and regularly updated information will help you make wise travel decisions in a constantly changing world! R&D, they started looking at the people in decisions in a constantly changing world! capita on R&D in 2007. This white coats, and not counting the blue hard Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Eu- Specials to Scandinavia is the lowest level in the Nor- VERRAZANO TRAVEL & LEISURE hats,” said Koch. r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n Europe & the Caribbean dic area. 1 (718) 979-6641 The European Union has set a goal for Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] 3 percent of GDP to be spent toward R&D. Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 New director … “We are extremely happy to welcome [email protected] (…continued from page 3) Steve Grinna to our staff,” Executive Direc- e [email protected] Hour tor Steven Johnson said. “I have the greatest Celebrating over 40 years on the air “Vesterheim is my history, my background. confidence that Steve can work with the De- That’s who I am.” velopment Committee of our Board of Trust- KKNW - 1150 AM “It is an honor to join all the other great ees to achieve a secure financial future for people at the museum,” Grinna said. “I will Vesterheim and help it thrive.” Saturdays 9:00 - 10:00 amam PST do whatever I can to help Vesterheim grow as If you would like to talk to Steve Grinna Streaming live on the internet at: an institution, and will work to build greater about ideas and options to help Vesterheim recognition of everything the museum has to grow, you may call him at (563) 382-9681, www.1150kknw.com offer, throughout the nation and in our own ext. 109, or email him at sgrinna@vester- back yard.” heim.org. Student festival… time of the festival may apply to participate Want to study in the United States? (…continued from page 3) in the seminars or Dialogue Groups. Partici- pants who are unable to cover their travel ex- NALA helps you with ISFiT participants comprise. In 2009 No- penses may apply to ISFiT for a travel grant. bel laureates Desmond Tutu, Shirin Ebadi Information about how to apply can be found every step of the and Betty Williams attended the tenth ISFiT on the festival’s Web site at www.isfit.org/ application process. festival. The speakers for 2011 have not yet participant/pages/36. been announced. Visit www.gradusa.org Students aged 18 years or over at the for more information. 6 • Norwegian American Weekly September 3, 2010 opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway Editorial Join the conversation! This newspaper’s opinions On the EDGE The educational future: No need for the uneducated? Occasionally we get comments By Steinar Opstad, Ph.D. that would imply that the Norwegian American Weekly is taking political I grew up in post-World War II Nor- education can also best survive extensive counterparts. positions leaning to the left in the po- way— the war had destroyed much of what change-over. More than 100 years have passed since litical landscape. my farming father needed to work with. De- A generation back, the U.S. was at the the immigrants came to the U.S. Today Most of the comments come af- spite the general material shortage we had top internationally when it came to number there are few jobs for people with only en- ter coverage of news covering global one focus: education. The future was edu- of people in the population with higher edu- thusiasm, willingness and muscles. Today’s warming and environmental issues. cation. cation. Now the U.S. is in 12th place. The society expects and demands education, and The fact is that the voters in both I am grateful for what I learned in the quality in public compulsory schooling is continually better education. This trend is Norway and the U.S. have elected gov- U.S., so grateful that I try to motivate new also at risk. universal. ernments that happens to be to the left generations to go there to learn. The situ- Three years ago, the world-famous Norwegian immigrants to America of the center will naturally drive the ation is different from when I went to the New York-based author Tom Friedman built schools as one of the first challenges political agenda and the political news U.S. for the first time. Norway has also from Minnesota published, in my opin- they had. Today local, regional or national in the two countries. That the agenda changed. In some ways we are ahead of the ion, his most important book “The World education is not enough, the future genera- and political views by these govern- U.S. I sometimes question myself about the Is Flat.” His basic message is that national tion must understand the world as well. ments lean to the left should not be a blessings in which our world-leading en- borders no longer have the same cardinal The United States has in many ways surprise to anyone. ergy position has put us. importance. had too strong a domestic focus, a year or This newspaper simply report I realize that the U.S. economy is weak, The effect of this is that the boring, re- two of college abroad (read Norway) would these news stories. even though the stock market and business petitive jobs are going to be automated or make the U.S. better, as it does Norway for results have started pointing up. The future outsourced in a flat world. The good jobs Norwegians going to the U.S. for studies. What do you think? is unsteady. The head of the U.S. Federal that will remain will be those that cannot be We want to hear from you! Reserve seems afraid that the growth is ebb- automated or outsourced; they will be the Steinar Opstad, born ing away, so he keeps the interest rates near jobs that demand or encourage unique hu- 1941 in Sarpsborg, Nor- Send your letter to: zero. To me it seems that the U.S. struggles man involvement, good education, passion way, is the retired Vice Letters to the Editor with structural problems, which need deeper and imagination. President of the Con- 7301 5th Ave NE, Ste A efforts than just the stimulation of the mon- Education and travel is my message. federation of Norwegian Seattle, WA 98115 etary policy. Send the young people out, they must un- Business and Industry. In the U.S., the unemployment rate derstand that their world is not only where During his career, he Email: [email protected] has risen, while we in Norway enjoy nearly they live, it is everywhere. See and under- was an educator and full employment. Lowering the unemploy- stand how people live and think in other communcator with positions as a journal- ment rate is critical for the health of the to- parts of the world and the U.S. and Norway ist, editor, teacher, and professor. He has a tal economy. The financial crisis is painful will have a better team of future leaders. Ph.D. and Hon. Litt. D. from the University for the total structural change-over in the While a regular Norwegian student has been of North Dakota. He is the author of several Proud to bring you the U.S.— painful because the need for new to five or six foreign countries with differ- professional books. He is also the founder Norwegian American Weekly qualifications in growth industries does not ent cultures and languages and speaks one of the American College of Norway in Moss, match the qualifications of job-seekers. All or two foreign languages themselves, you Norway. To learn more about the experience tells us that those with the best can guess how the situation is for their U.S. Norwegian American Foundation, visit http://noram.norway.com The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Birkebeinerrittet… ticipate. (…continued from page 1) The 2,900 volunteers who contributed over the weekend has made a major effort race. under demanding conditions. Despite the Birkebeinerrittet (also called Birken) cold and wet weather, participants and vol- is a 94-kilometer physical challenge, be- unteers were satisfied with Birken 2010. ginning in the village of Rena in the Åmot municipality and ending at Håkon’s Hall in Results Lillehammer. Women’s elite All participants are required to carry a 1. Pia Sund Stedt 3:19:45 backpack weighing at least 3.5 kilograms 2. Linda Larsen 3:31:19 throughout the race, and must be at least 17 3. Heidi Rosas Sandstø 3:33:24 years old by the end of the year. On the morning of Aug. 28, 14,565 par- Men’s elite ticipants started out in Rena, and of these, 1. Hannes Genze 2:57:04 Photo: Birkebeinerrittet approximately 1,100 participants did not fin- 2. Lars Ragnar Manengen 2:57:14 The wet, cold conditions made for a muddy ride for participants. ish the race. 3. Alban Lakata 2:57:37 All together, participants in the Birke- • 88,000 Gjende biscuits with chocolate • 1,000 liters of porridge beiner Race, Ultra Birken, Friday Birken, To see the full list of results, scores are • 52,910 bananas (8 tons) • 56 birthday cakes Youth and Children’s Birken Birkebeiner available online through http://resultatser- • 15,000 packets of raisins race counted for 20,000 starters. A total of vice.birkebeiner.no. • 6,000 liters of soup The Birkebeiner Race 2011 held Aug. approximately 25,000 registered, but be- During the weekend, the Birken staff • 70,000 bottles of Powerade 27, 2011. Enrollment for the next Birkebein- cause of the bad weather, many did not par- served participants: • 82,500 bottles of water er race starts Nov. 11, 2010. SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle september 3, 2010 Norwegian American Weekly • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since 1889 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local:(206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 fax: (206) 448-2033 • email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Dear Editor, Dear Roxanne, Dear Editor, Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] On behalf of the Nordic Heritage Mu- Thank you for bringing this to our atten- The readers of the Norwegian American Managing Editor seum in Seattle, Wash., we are delighted to tion! We didn’t mean to cause the confusion, Weekly are invited to attend a reception on Christy Olsen Field [email protected] announce that the Museum has been award- and we apologize for the mix-up. The Ches- Sept. 21 honoring the Norwegian Parliament Assistant Layout Editor ed $3 million in support of our Capital Cam- ter Fritz Library of the University of North Standing Committee on Transporation and Harry Svenkerud [email protected] paign from the Scan | Design Foundation by Dakota is located in Grand Forks, N.D., not Communication’s visit to Seattle. In addi- Advertising & Subscriptions Inger and Jens Bruun. Fargo. tion, the Norwegian American Chamber of (206) 441-3044 [email protected] Commerce will present the annual Cutting Contributing Editors Med vennlig hilsen, Edge Award. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Editor The reception will have heavy hors Carla Danziger McLean, Va. d’oeuvres and a no-host bar, and the price Eric Dregni Minneapolis, Minn. Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. is $20 per person. All members of the Nor- Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway wegian-American community are invited Marit Fosse geneva, Switzerland Drew Gardner Seattle, Wash. Dear Editor, to join us for this special event! To RSVP, Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. On Saturday, Sept. 18, the Scandinavian please contact Sharmon at the Nordic Heri- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway East Coast Museum will present a showing tage Museum at (206) 789-5707 ex. 10 or Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum rockford, Minn. of the film “The Fading Footprints of the email [email protected]. Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. American Dream” at the Danish Athletic Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Club in Brooklyn. Sincerely, Photo: Mithun Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. “The Fading Footprints of the American Nicole Brekke Dagfinn Magnus New Orleans, La. Artist’s rendering of the new design for the Nordic Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Heritage Museum. Dream” is based on the lives of our forefa- Norwegian American Chamber of Com- Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. thers, who pulled up their roots in Norway merce — Greater Seattle Chapter David Moe Juneau, Alaska and traveled to live the American dream. The Seattle, Wash. Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. film pays tribute to the influence, adventures, John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. This gift is a significant step toward and traditions that people brought to Norway Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway reaching our goal of a new, world-class facil- when they returned from the U.S., which Julie Whipple portland, Ore. ity for Nordic culture. $2 million of the funds gives Lista, Norway its American flair. Kjære Editor, Wendy K. Winkelman Mesa, Ariz. are designated toward building the new Mu- I know the melody to “Hurra for deg Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway seum, and $1 million will provide support som fyller ditt år,” which was printed in the CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives for Museum programs. Aug. 13 issue in Heidi Håvan Grosch’s col- to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage Please join us in thanking Scan | Design umn Rønningen Ramblings, but what other call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly for sharing our vision of an internationally song has the same melody? May we have reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for recognized museum and cultural center. We the melody printed in the Weekly? style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor are very honored to receive their generous taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. gift and look forward to informing you of the Sincerely, • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and Campaign’s continued success. Roar Irgens letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is Mount Vernon, Wash. not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions Appreciatively, and complaints about the opinions expressed by Irma Goertzen Eric Nelson the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published President Chief Executive Officer Dear Roar, weekly except the first week of the calendar year, Board of Trustees Photo courtesy of Reno Bergman Thanks for your question! We do not the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks Nordic Heritage Museum have a copy of the melody, but we found a of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. Seattle, Wash. number of audio versions available on You- NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription “Fading Footprints” is a film by Reno Tube! Visit www.youtube.com and type in Cost: US$55 Domestic, US$75 to Canada, Bergman, filmed, edited, and narrated by “Hurra for deg som fyller ditt år” into the US$175 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Arnsten Ariansen, with historical consulting search bar. SINCE 1889: Formerly Norway Times Dear Editor, by Jan “Tidemann” Jørgensen. & Western Viking & Washington Posten Comprising Nordisk Tidene, Decorah- On page 5 of the Aug. 27 issue, a photo This event is $30 per person, and in- Hipp hipp hurra! Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, of the Chester Fritz Library at the University cludes dinner and dessert. For more informa- Editor Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven of North Dakota in “Fargo,” N.D. tion, please contact Arnie Bergman at (718) No, no, no ... The University of North 851-6899 or email him at scandia36@opton- NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Dakota is located in Grand Forks, N.D. line.net. What do you have to say? I was born and raised in Grand Forks. Write to us! Believe me, we do not take kindly being Sincerely, Letter to the Editor usurped by that upstart to the south. Arnie Bergman Proud to bring you the 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A Norwegian American Weekly Scandinavian East Coast Museum Seattle, WA 98115 Mange takk, Brooklyn, N.Y. To learn more about the Roxanne Mari Johnson Norwegian American Foundation visit: Email: [email protected] http://noram.norway.com Han Ola og Han Per 8 • Norwegian American Weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture/food September 3, 2010 taste of norway Celebrate fall with Jarlsberg These creamy, satisfying recipes from Tine will make you excited for fall

Jarlsberg Tomatoes Onion Soup Croque-Monsieur Baked with Jarlsberg

8 slices sandwich bread 8 Roma tomatoes 4 slices toasted bread 2 tbsp butter 4 oz Jarlsberg, grated 4 slices Jarlsberg 1 tbsp Dijon mustard 1/4 cup basalmic vinegar 8 medium onions 8 slices ham 4 cloves garlic 4 cups chicken stock 8 slices Jarlsberg 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 4 Tbsp butter Salt and pepper 2 Tbsp thyme Jarlsberg facts Butter the slices of sandwich bread on 2 Tbsp toasted pine nuts Salt and pepper both sides, add Dijon mustard, a slice of ham, 4 Tbsp thyme a slice of Jarlsberg and finally cover with a Simmer the onions in a casserole in the • A mild semi-soft, part skim slice of sandwich bread. Toast in a medium Cut the tomatoes in half. Bake the to- butter on low heat for 30 minutes until the cheese made from cow’s milk heated pan on both sides until golden brown matoes in the oven with balsamic vinegar, onions have a golden caramelized color and • Jarlsberg has a buttery, rich and the Jarlsberg is melted. olive oil, garlic, thyme, salt and pepper for taste. Add chicken stock and thyme. Simmer texture with a mild, nutty 15 minutes on 180 degrees. Remove the skin for 15 more minutes. Taste with salt and pep- flavor characterized by large Enjoy! from the tomatoes, sprinkle grated Jarlsberg per. Pour the soup into bowls and put toasted round holes and gratinate for 5 minutes. Sprinkle roasted bread into the soup and grated Jarlsberg on • Jarlsberg is the #1 selling spe- pine nuts. top. Gratinate in a preheated oven for 10 cialty cheese in the U.S. For these great Jarlsberg recipes and minutes. more, visit www.Tine.no Pizza with Jarlsberg and Mushrooms Tomato sauce Garnish 7 oz tomato paste 12 button mushrooms, sliced 2 tsp thyme or other herb 2 tbls extra virgin olive oil Nordic delicacies 4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil 4 tsp tarragon 1/2 cup water Salt and pepper “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!” Pinch of Salt, sugar and pepper 2 cups grated Jarlsberg

6909 Third Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Mix the mushrooms with olive oil, tar- rooms on top of the Jarlsberg. Bake the pizza Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 ragon, salt and pepper. Add a thin layer of on the preheated baking tray in the lowest www.nordicdeli.com the tomato sauce on the dough and sprinkle level in the oven until it’s golden brown. Ap- the Jarlsberg on top. Add the seasonis mush- prox 12-15 minutes. 1250 67th street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219

NorwegiaN ChristiaN home & health CeNter Fall Fair Saturday The Grand Lodge of the Daughters of Norway invites women of Nordic descent to become members in the new September 25 Twin Cities Lodge! 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Pauline Fjelde#51 Norwegian Institution Ceremony Christian Home 1250 67th St. Brooklyn, N.Y. September 25, 2010 1-4 p.m. University Lutheran Church of Hope Featuring 601 13th Ave SE, Minneapolis, Minn. 55414 Norwegian food • Norwegian gifts & Refreshments follow the ceremony — Scandinavian attire encouraged food for purchase • large flea market Vendors • Children’s actitivies Pauline G. Fjelde (born in 1861- Ålesund, Norway) Raffle drawings • And much more! was a talented painter, seamstress, embroiderer and weaver. In 1893, Pauline and her sister were commissioned to produce the first Minnesota state flag, which won a gold medal for embroidery at Grand prize: Two round trip tickets to Norway the Chicago World’s Fair. or $1,000 in cash!

For membership, RSVP by September 10th For more information, Contact Emily Barker [email protected] or (651) 769-4596 Contact Francesca larosa at (718) 306-5645 september 3, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/travel Norwegian American Weekly • 9 TRAVEL A visit to the Royal Palace

All photos by Shelby Gilje From L-R: A statue of King Haakon VII, Norway’s beloved monarch who was the first to rule after Sweden and Norway were separated in 1905; Shelby Gilje and the Royal Guard who told Palace security she had arrived to return her late husband’s medal; Statue of Queen Maud in the Queen’s Garden at the Oslo Royal Palace; Medals awarded to Svein Gilje: Royal Norwegian Order of Merit, and the Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav, on the right, was awarded by King Olav V.

Sh e l b y Gi l j e al was still in the box. “Yes, it is. I checked of the holder, or upon promotion of the in- he asked,” Brakstad said. We shook hands Seattle, Wash. this morning,” I replied. “It would be terrible dividual to a higher grade. No such require- and that ended our 15- to 20-minute conver- to arrive with an empty box,” he said with ment exists for the Royal Norwegian Order sation. a grin. of Merit medal. Meanwhile outside, my cousins were Since the day that my husband, Svein Because we were early for the appoint- Together Brakstad and I filled out dupli- chatting up the guardsman who had arranged Gilje, was awarded the Royal Norwegian ment, we walked around the Palace grounds cate forms regarding the return of the medal, for me to enter the Palace. They were inter- Order of St. Olav in January 1976, I have and saw the Queen’s Garden, including a including Svein’s full name, date of death, ested in the guards, partly because one of known that the medal would have to be re- statue of Queen Maud, King Haakon VII’s etc., and our signatures. their five granddaughters recently had been turned upon his death. If I outlived him he wife. They were the first royal couple to “You will receive a formal receipt (for invited to attend the Royal Guards’Ball at an expected me to follow the protocol. But we rule after Norway became independent from the medal) by mail,” he said. upscale Oslo hotel. never discussed the matter with our families Sweden in 1905. Brakstad acknowledged that not all Had this young man been at the ball? or friends. We watched the changing of the Royal families return the St. Olav medals upon the they asked. “No,” he said “my turn is next Earlier this year when I decided to attend Guards in their striking uniforms— navy death of recipients. “But we don’t search November when I complete a year’s ser- a large family reunion outside my husband’s jackets with red trim and green epaulets, for them or prosecute if medals are not re- vice.” hometown of Stavanger and visit Oslo, I and black trousers with white stripes. And of turned,” he added. That was Friday, June 18, the day be- thought it made sense to return the medal to course those helmets that look a bit like a bird I responded that Svein had been quite fore the wedding of Sweden’s Crown Prin- The Royal Norwegian Palace in person. If with luxurious black feathers has perched insistent about the return of the medal. cess Victoria and Daniel Westling, who is I had not planned to make the trip, I could atop their heads. I wonder if the feathers “Then you can feel good about doing as have returned the medal to Consul Kim Nes- tickle their noses when the wind blows. CONTINUES PAGE 12 selquist at the Royal Norwegian Consulate A few minutes before 10 a.m., I ap- in Seattle. proached a guard at a side entrance to the Imagine my surprise when I told family Palace and told him I had an appointment Piece of Norway in America members and friends of my plan to return the with Knut Brakstad. The guard asked me for medal, and some were outraged. identification: I complied. The guard con- “Do the Norwegians have to return tacted the security office, then motioned me Olympic medals when the recipient dies?” inside. Turid and Hans Fredrik stepped for- grumped one of the outraged group. ward as if to accompany me, but the guard “The Brits don’t require one to return pointed at me and said, “Just her.” the Victoria Cross when the recipient dies,” Inside at the security desk I was asked another commented. again for identification and gave my passport When I first discussed this with Consul and a business card. The security officer kept Nesselquist, we both thought I would have them and handed me a green clip-on badge to return the second, higher medal Svein was for visitors. I was directed to a small blue awarded, But after more research it was de- room opposite the security desk and waited termined that all I had to return was the St. briefly for Brakstad. Olav Medal. It was possible to keep a small We introduced ourselves and exchanged replica of the St. Olav medal and the second pleasantries. Brakstad has family and friends medal, the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit. in the Pacific Northwest and has visited here, Both are being donated to Seattle’s Nordic so chatting with him was a pleasure. He also Heritage Museum, of which Svein was the knew about my husband, Svein’s achieve- founding president. ments as a journalist and his contributions to Consul Nesselquist arranged for me to help preserve Norwegian culture here. contact Knut Brakstad, private secretary to “This is the first time I’ve done this,” King Harald and Queen Sonja, at the Royal Brakstad acknowledged, on the subject of a “My grandfather, Knut Teigen, came to America from Hemsedal in Palace. medal being returned. “Me too,” I said. My Oslo hosts, Svein’s cousin, Turid Hallingdal, Norway. He and my grandmother farmed in South Dakota, but I thought perhaps the Palace wanted it loved to come and visit his brother in Kalispell, Mt. near Glacier National and her husband, Hans Fredrik Kolsto, and I returned to avoid having such medals sold on took the 15-minute train ride from the Skøy- e-Bay or popping up on party costumes. But Park. He always loved the mountains and long, narrow Lake McDonald, enåsen station near their home, to the Na- a small piece of paper in the box with the which reminded him of the fjords back home in Norway.” tional Theatre station, which is a short walk medal gave the details. ~ Submitted by Audrey Gjerde Bowers, Des Moines, Wash. from the Palace. According to that document, the medal Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! Jokester that he is, Hans Fredrik teased must be returned to the Office of the Order at Call (206) 441-3044 or email [email protected] me at one point asking if I was sure the med- Oslo or a Norwegian consulate on the death 10 • Norwegian American Weekly september 3, 2010 roots & connections Norwegian American Weekly Mat retter Photo of the Week with Sölvi Dolland

Photo: Jostein Viestad The Sildajazz Festival (Aug. 10-14) is more than just a series of concerts, a package of events: it’s 4 days when the whole town of Haugesund is a community that swings and where a unique exciting atmosphere is created. Submitted by Ludvig Simonsen via Facebook. Want to be featured as our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. We would love to include you!

During the minister’s prayer one Sunday, there was a loud whistle from a pew in the front row. It was little Ole. His mother Lena beside him was horrified. She What did you pay for that? Ole pinched him to silence, and after church asked: “Ole, whatever made you do such USD USD and a thing?” $63.28 $22.99 Ole answered gingerly: “I asked God “Last Night in Twisted River” “Last Night in Twisted River” to teach me to whistle, and He just did!” Lena by John Irving, hardback by John Irving, hardback at Norli in Norway on Amazon.com in the U.S.

published in Sept. 3 Norwegian Name Days Solution to “På Landet,” published in the Aug. 27. published in the

Solution to “Mat retter” Solution to “Mat retter” September 3: Alvhild, Alise Old Norse Svanlaug, which is composed of Alvhild is an Old Norwegian name com- Svanr (swan) and laug (wed to or promised). posed of the Old Norse alfr (alf, mystisk, Almost identical versions are Svanlaug, underjordisk vesen/elf, mythical, and under- Svomraug, and Svallaug, which are seldom ground people) and hildr (strid/battle). One of used today. Siv derives from the Old Norse the Valkyries was named Hildr. Alise (Alice) Sif (kinship, relationship). We find Siv in my- has two interpretations: it is either a French thology as the god Tor’s wife. 7. september version of the name Adelheid or simply an None listed abbreviated form of Elisabeth. September 7: Regine, Rose 8. september Regine comes from the Latin word Re- Bjorg Christiansen Aberdeen WA September 4: Ida, Idar gina (dronning/queen). This day is tradition- Mrs Oscar E Nelson Iola WI The name Ida is German, but it could ally a holiday for the martyr of Gallia Regine, Mrs A O Leslie Astoria OR be an abbreviated form of the names with which died in 250. Rose is an English version Herman B Olson Seattle WA the first syllable -Id. The masculine name of the Latin rosa (rose/rose). Ragna (Barikmo) Nelson Iola WI Idar, which became popular in Norway in E Vike Patterson CA later years, has its origin in the Old German september 8: Alma, Allan James T Pedersen Elmwood Park IL Alfa Jackson Burlington WA id (dåd/deed) as well as hari, which in turn Alma derives from the Latin almus 3. september comes from the Old Norse harjar (kriger, (nærende, god/nourishing, good). In addition Mrs Karl M Brandal Seattle WA 9. september stridsmann/warrior). to the female name, it is used in connection Karen H Tysdal Fargo ND E. Arnstdatter-Olsen Brown Arcadia MI with the university: alma mater (nærende Leif Holmes Stanwood WA 4. september September 5: Brede, Brian mor/nourishing mother). The masculine name Emma Paasche Santa Rosa CA Edmund J Oen Arden Hills MN Brede is of undertermined origin. Proba- Allan (Alan) is Celtic. JulieAnn Herset Kila MT Egil L Myrseth Edmonds WA ble theories of the origin include that the nmae Gunvor Ronhovde Tacoma WA John Mahlum Seattle WA came from the Frisian islands, and a version september 9: Trygve, Tyra Breide, was later used in Denmark. There Trygve comes from the Old Norse Tryg- 5. september Happy Belated may be a connection to the Old Norse breidr gvi (den trygge/the secure, fryktesløse/fear- Gunnar Engen Plano TX Birthday! (bred/wide). It could come from the German less). The feminine name is a Latin form of Helen H Sande SD brite (britisk/British). Brian is Irish, and most the Danish Thyre. The meaning is uncertain; Nels J Greva Los Angeles CA July 26 likely comes from bre (høyde/peak). it could be a combination of the god’s name Harry Solheim Seattle WA Else Bakke Tor and vig (strid/strife) or ve (helligdom/sa- Bert T Taule Portland OR September 6: Siv, Solhaug cred, temple). Mardelle (Hoston) Gaboury Meridian CA Kent Lakes, N.Y. Sollaug is a more recent version of the 6. september Want to see your birthday in the Hazel Tover Longview WA Norwegian American Weekly? Carl M Martinson Crookston MN Give us a call at (800) 305-0217 or email us at Proud to bring you the Sigurd Hansen Big Timber MT Norwegian American Weekly Ruth Gjerlow Li Lindenhurst NY [email protected]. Birthdays must be submitted at least one month in advance. September 3, 2010 Norwegian American Weekly • 11 Obituaries & Religion Just a minute In Loving Memory Encouraging columns by the late Pastor Per W. Larsen, written for Norway Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? Times and now shared with the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary free of charge.

Dr. lovaas… On the way (…continued from page 5) Arlene Skolnick, a psychologist at the The same is true of God’s family— studying autism, the prevailing Freudian University of California, states that a great the church. A totally harmonious and view rooted the condition in neurosis. Autis- number of people think the normal home peaceful church is non-existent. Some tic children, if they were treated at all, were is a place of quiet retreat, warm happiness, church people are immature and quarrel- given psychotherapy, to little discernible ef- and supportive love. Many couples there- some and difficult to get along with. fect. Others, including many of Dr. Lovaas’s fore enter marriage with expectations that early research subjects, were misdiagnosed are too idealistic. Dr. Skolnick believes “Some perfect churches there may be as schizophrenic or mentally retarded and it is more realistic to say today’s home but none of them are known to me consigned to institutions. is characterized by violence, depression, Yet still we’ll work and pray and plan Dr. Lovaas, by contrast, took a behav- and conflicts. Regardless of the accuracy To make our own the best we can. iorist approach, proposing that autism might of that statement, she does make a point— Anonymous be ameliorated through a rigorous one-on- Though Lovaas therapy can cost tens of perfect families do not exist. one program of behavior modification. The thousands of dollars a year, parents of autistic Not every family is characterized by That sums it up. Until we reach the program he devised, known familiarly as the children clamored for it. In 1995, Dr. Lovaas violence and conflict, but every family ex- perfect condition in heaven, we have to Lovaas model, took as its starting point a dis- founded the Lovaas Institute, based in Los periences times of conflict because we are make the best of with what we have, trust- cipline known as applied behavior analysis. Angeles, which trains teachers in his meth- all human beings and we live in difficult ing that God’s grace is sufficient to cover Drawing on the work of behavioral psy- od. Today, thousands of children throughout times. But we make the best with what we our shortcomings (Philippians 3:12-15). chologists like Ivan Pavlov and B. F. Skin- the United States and abroad are receiving have. ner, applied behavior analysis, or A.B.A., Lovaas therapy. uses behavior-modification techniques to Ole Ivar Løvaas was born on May 8, treat social and psychological problems like 1927, in Lier, Norway, near Oslo. His father Proud to bring you the drug abuse and mental illness. was a journalist, but during the Nazi occu- Norwegian American Weekly The Lovaas model emphasized inten- pation of Norway the family, Ole included, sive repetition: the autistic child worked 35 were forced to become agricultural labor- to 40 hours a week with a teacher or parent ers, working in the fields for 10 hours a day. trained in the method. It also stressed early A violinist, Ole attended Luther College intervention, with children ideally starting in Decorah, Iowa, on a music scholarship, therapy before the age of 3 ½. graduating in 1951. He earned a Ph.D. in At the heart of the model was a system psychology from the University of Washing- Sjømannskirken of rewards and punishments intended to rein- ton in 1958. The Norwegian Church in New York force appropriate behaviors and discourage Dr. Lovaas’s first marriage, to Beryl inappropriate ones. Social skills were broken Scoles, ended in divorce. He is survived by 317 East 52nd Street down into discrete, learnable units. (Hand- his wife, Nina Lovaas; four children from his (Between 1st & 2nd Aves.) washing, for example, would be taught as a first marriage, a son, Erik — who founded the New York, NY 10022 Lovaas Center, a separate organization based series of steps — turning on the faucet, using Tel: (212) 319-0370 the soap, drying the hands — to be mastered in Las Vegas that carries out his father’s [email protected] individually.) work — and three daughters, Kari Cole, Lisa Thus, with training, the autistic child Lovaas and Randi McAfee; six grandchil- Åpningstider: man-søn: 11-17 might progress from learning a simple task dren; and three great-grandchildren. www.kjerka.com like sitting quietly in a chair to more difficult Even now, no one is certain why the ones like making eye contact and, ultimately, Lovaas model works for some children and speaking freely and intelligibly. not others. Nor have researchers been able Gudstjenester Early on, Dr. Lovaas’s method was criti- to replicate the precise level of success Dr. cized as being overly punitive. In 1965, Life Lovaas reported in his 1987 study. Dr. Smith, Gudstjenester: 5. september og 12. september kl. 11. magazine reported on the work he and his as- who did his graduate work under Dr. Lovaas, Gudstjeneste i Washington DC: 12. september kl. 15 sociates were doing with autistic children at published the results of his own similar study U.C.L.A. To deter unwanted behaviors like in 2000. NB: Kirken er stengt mandag 6. september p.g.a. Labor Day. shrieking, head banging and self-mutilation, “We had about a quarter of the kids en- the article reported, researchers might slap ter regular education, and we had I.Q. gains Kalender the children or, in rare cases, administer elec- of about 16 points relative to the group of tric shocks. kids that didn’t get intensive treatment,” Dr. Ung i New York: Søndag 5. september kl. 18 og tirsdag 14. Over time these practices were eliminat- Smith said on Friday. “That’s pretty good, september kl. 19. Søndag 5. september er det semesteroppstart og ed. Today, the Lovaas model uses only posi- but it’s not 50 percent, and it’s not 30 I.Q. grillfest på takterrassen. tive reinforcements, like food, affection and points.” tickling, to reward appropriate behaviors. A plain-spoken man, Dr. Lovaas took BusinessLunsj: Onsdag 8. september kl. 12-14 Dr. Lovaas’s 1987 article, published in pains in interviews to say that when it came to treating autism, there was no magic bul- “The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psy- Småbarnstreff: Torsdag 9. og torsdag 16. september kl. 10.30 chology,” reported the results of a study of let. autistic 2- and 3-year-olds he began in 1970. “A cure would mean we removed the At the outset, most of the children functioned neurological deviation,” he told The Wis- Seagull: Torsdag 9. september kl. 12 at a low level and spoke little, if at all. consin State Journal in 1994. “We don’t do Nineteen received 40 hours a week of that. What we do is help them obtain a nor- Risgrøt: Lørdag 11. september kl. 13-16 intensive behavior modification for several mal life.” Trygve Lie Gallery years. By the time they were seven, nine To the end of his career, Dr. Lovaas was members of this group showed a gain of adamant that applied behavior analysis was Upcoming exhibition: “Landscapes of the Light” - paintings by 30 I.Q. points and could function in regular supremely useful in childhood interventions Peter Tale & Kåre Tveter. Opening Reception on Thursday, Septem- of all kinds. first-grade classrooms. Children in the con- ber 9th, 2010, 6-8 p.m. trol group, who got only 10 hours of weekly “If I had gotten Hitler here at U.C.L.A. at the age of 4 or 5,” he told Los Angeles therapy, showed little intellectual or social www.trygveliegallery.com change. magazine in 2004, “I could have raised him In a follow-up report, published in 1993, to be a nice person.” Dr. Lovaas re-examined the nine successful For more information about the Lovaas children when they were 13. Eight were still Institute, visit www.lovaas.com. Ditt hjem i utlandet able to function in regular classes and had maintained the gain in I.Q. 12 • Norwegian American Weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture September 3, 2010 Arts & Style

Landscapes.. of a body of work, which, including draw- (…continued from page 1) ings, now numbers over 15,000 pieces. His Style Highlight of the Week oeuvre also contains, for example vast and Sept. 9 to Oct. 24. distinguished canvases of over 5 metres long. By the time Tale settled in Norway in Attracting renowned and well-respected col- the late 1970s he had already gained a cos- lectors on both sides of the Atlantic, Tale’s Henie Onstad Kunstsenter mopolitan understanding of the global art artistic reputation is assuredly advancing. A scene, which has reinforced all his subse- beautifully produced and lavishly illustrated quent creative endeavours. Before he arrived book, “The Art of Petar Tale” was published he had laid the foundations of a promising in spring 2006. artistic career for himself, both in Europe Kåre Tveter is a painter of light. His can- and in New York and established invaluable vas gently captures the structures of nature, international networks. nuances in the light’s play above the woods, As a very young child in Montenegro, the fields, the bogs and the lakes of his be- Tale showed an exceptional aptitude for loved nature of eastern Norway, as well as drawing and painting. In his later teens and the magnificent landscape of Svalbard with as a young man he studied art and travelled its dramatic changes of light. widely in Europe— familiarizing himself Similar to the art of the impressionists, with contemporary art trends. In 1976 Tale a specific motif is not the central element moved to Norway where he soon established in Kåre Tveter’s painting. The themes are an optimistic critical and financial response sensed rather than seen. In the same way, the with his painting, culminating in a highly figurative elements often become traces or successful one-man show at Blomquist, one hints that are dissolved in or absorbed by the of the premier art-auction houses in Scandi- light, the space. navia. After several exhibits, Kåre Tveter do- When the opportunity arose he asked nated 40 original works in 1995, which form Kåre Tveter, the Norwegian painter, to join the basis for the establishment of the Stif- Photo courtesy of Henie Onstad Kunstsenter him. They worked side be side— Tale on the telsen Kåre Tveter Samlingenfoundation in Sculpture by Per Inge Bjørlo, the most recent addition to the Sculpture Park. The piece was installed Longyearbyen, Svalbard. These pictures are in August 2008 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the museum, and is located in front of the ground floor, Tveter on the first, for many museum entrance. years‚ a generation apart, their inspiring pro- now permanently exhibited in Gallery Sval- fessional relationship was based on mutual bard. artistic respect and trust. “Landscapes of the Light” exhibition is Li n e Gr u nd s t a d Ha n k e Throughout the 80s and 90s, Tale chose open at the Tryge Lie Gallery Monday -Sat- Line Grundstad Hanke Interior Design to focus almost exclusively on the production urday 12-5 p.m.; Sun 10 a.m.-5 p.m. During every visit back to Norway, April 8, 1912, was well-known in the sport Rønningen… turists, yoga instructors and two young la- I make sure to schedule a visit at the He- of figure skating. Her father, who had won (…continued from page 14) dies who are beginning to make low-budget, nie Onstad Kunstsenter at Høvikodden in the track cycling world championship in client-accessible commercials. There were Bærum. This place is dear to me, and I al- 1894, knew the dedication it would take to eryone has different dreams. I met a woman glass artists, life coaches and musicians. And ways feel so inspired after a visit. I am not make it to the top, and he was very helpful with an Internet boutique geared towards there was me— it was quite a cross-section. sure what it is that makes me feel so good to her success. Sonja’s mother was also very children 0-4 (www.kenguruloftet.no) and a The balance between job satisfaction about it, but I think it is a combination of the supportive and designed all the costumes for woman who has jumped on the rapidly grow- and a pay check, that’s what it’s all about and location, architecture and the arts, and the her competitions in the beginning of skating ing scrapbook phenomenon and opened her organizations like Kvinnovasjon Norge will café life located on the site. career. Henie spent many years in the U.S. own shop (www.screppa.no). I met acupunc- help Norwegian woman (and those like me When the architecture competition was and Europe touring with big ice shows that pretending to be) get there. announced for a new museum in 1962, 95 led her to making movies. entries were received, and after a tie-break- In 1956, Henie married the Norwe- ing round involving five projects, the young gian ship-owner Niels Onstad, and together Norwegian architects, Jon Eikvar and Sven they settled back in Oslo where they started Erik Engebretsen, were chosen. The build- building up an important collection of mod- ing gained an international reputation when ern paintings. In 1961 they donated their col- 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 it first opened, and today it remains one of lection to a public art trust, which bears their Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] the nation’s most important cultural sites. names. The building has had a few additions Henie Onstad Kunstsenter is located Featuring great Nordic products since opening day— at Høvikodden, ap- the first one in 1994 proximately 10 km Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments when a two-story south of Oslo, on Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats wing was designed 30 acres of ground and more! by the same archi- located by the Oslo tects. Later, in 2003, another addition took fjord, with public paths, a beach, a museum Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com place in form of an annex that extend into the shop, indoor and outdoor café as well as an outdoor park connected to the main building outdoor amphitheater used for plays and by a passage leading from the lower level. concerts. Sons of Norway Building, B-20 This building addition was donated by the You will find a lovely permanent art Norway Art 1455 W. Lake Street Norwegian gallery owner Haaken A. Chris- collection as well featuring exhibits. There (612) 339-7829 Minneapolis, MN 55408 tensen, and was designed by the architect is a room dedicated to Sonja Henie’s tro- www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] Stein Halvorsen. The annex is made out of phies, and the site also has a sculptor park By appointment please wood in contrast to the main building that with some permanent installations, and other consists of concrete and aluminum. I feel more temporary ones. the design is complimentary and blends well The current featured exhibit is Joan Celebrate Leif Erikson Day! into the landscape. Miró’s “I work like a gardener,” on exhibit One cannot visit this museum without from until Oct. 10. Happy Place a personalized greeting understanding the importance of Sonja He- Please visit the Web site to learn more: in the Leif Erikson Issue! nie and Niels Onstad, and appreciate the gift www.hok.no, and make it a stop on your Leif Erikson Day! they have given us. next trip to Norway! Sven Hushagen $10 for small greeting (1”x2”) Sonja Henie, born in Oslo, Norway Jensen Beach, Fla. $20 for large greeting (1.5”x3”) $10 for small ad (1” by 2”) $10 for small ad (1” A trip to... It made sense because King Harald V is (…continued from page 9) one of Victoria’s godparents. Happy Deadline: Shelby Gilje is a long-time journalist referred to as “an ordinary, normal man” by in the Pacific Northwest. She has worked at Leif Erikson Day! September 27 Norwegian and Swedish media. The Seattle Times, The Bremerton Sun, and Outside the Palace my cousins noticed The Seattle Post-Intelligencer before retir- ing. Her late husband, Svein Gilje, also a Ole & Lena Hansen Call (206) 784-4617 today vans being loaded with champagne and gar- ment bags with formal wear probably headed journalist worked for the same newspapers $20 for large ad (1.5” by 3”) ad (1.5” $20 for large Mankato, Minn. to reserve your space! to the festivities in Stockholm. and the Stavanger Aftenblad. september 3, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us Norwegian American Weekly • 13 In your neighborhood The ties between us Sister cities Elbow Lake, Minn. and Flekkefjord, Calendar of Events Norway celebrate their close bond What’s going on in your neighborhood?

California email [email protected]. Viking Festival September 25-26 Massachusetts Vista, Calif. 40th anniversary of Norumbega Lodge Sons of Norway and Norwegian Fish Club October 1 Odin invite you to Viking Festival 2010 West Newton, Mass. on Sept. 25 and 26! It is a great family Norumbega Lodge #3-506 will be cel- event. Come enjoy Norwegian food, beer ebrating its 40th anniversary Oct. 1 at 7 garden, live music, Viking battle reenact- p.m. at the Scandinavian Living Center. ments, and more! Admission $7 one day, Wonderful smørgåsbord catered by chef $11 two-day pass. Kids 12 and under free. Kim Nadolny and music by Røroslaget Norway Hall, 2006 E. Vista Way, Vista, The cost is $40 per person. Please reserve Calif. For more information, call (760) your place by sending a check to Shirley 734-3678 or visit www.vikingfestival- Olsen, 4 Valley Rd, Dover, MA 02030. vista.com. Deadline: Sept. 17. For more information, call (508) 785-0800. Freya Lodge’s Viking Fest October 2 Minnesota Santa Rosa, Calif. Leiv Eriksson International Festival Viking Fest is Freya Lodge’s annual cel- September 25-October 12 ebration of Norwegian heritage and all Minneapolis, Minn. Photo: Gary Erickson things Norwegian: from Viking era re- Explore, discover, celebrate! Join the Nor- The Flekkefest committee members in Elbow Lake, Minn. enactments to modern art and pottery, dic community for celebrate the bonds be- Nordic arts and crafts, traditional foods, tween the U.S. and the Nordic countries. Ga r y Er i c k s o n heritage keepsakes, cultural displays and A variety of events will take place, so visit Sunburg, Minn. demonstrations, and remembrance of Leif www.mindekirken.org for a full list of Erikson. Come be a Viking for the day! events. For more information, call (612) Summer is the time for festivals. Com- Flekkefest was conceived. “There have been For more information, cal (707) 579-1080 874-0716. munities across all of America sponsor cel- a lot of people from Elbow Lake that have or visit www.freyalodge.org. ebrations touting their city’s uniqueness and traveled to Flekkefjord, and we have to try to new York individuality, things setting them apart from keep things open,” Shervey said. Gene Wen- Illinois “Fading Footprints of the American their neighbors. During the second weekend strom, another member of the Elbow Lake 31st Annual Scandinavian Day Festival Dream” showing in August, however, Elbow Lake, Minn. cel- Area Sister City Committee since 1973, re- September 12 September 18 ebrates its close affinity with another city, en ported, “My wife and I were the first people South Elgin, IL Brooklyn, N.Y. søsterby (a sister city) in Norway. The sister to visit there, in 1974, and then the following Festival celebrating the cultures of Den- Join the Scandinavian East Coast Museum city is Flekkefjord, located in the county of year the mayor of Flekkefjord visited here mark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Swe- for a showing of the film “Fading Foot- Vest Agder on the southernmost coastline of and we hosted them. Since then, most every den from 9-5 p.m. at Vasa Park in South prints of the American Dream.” Show- Norway. year, there has been an exchange between El- Elgin, Ill. Scandinavian food, crafts and ing will be at the Danish Athletic Club in Elbow Lake (pop. 1275) sits on the bow Lake and Flekkefjord.” vendors. Free pony rides for children. Brooklyn, and includes dinner and dessert. south easternmost shoreline of Flekkefjord Wenstrom voiced an opinion shared by Adults $10.00, Children under 12 free, Price: $30 per person. Please join us! For Lake, one of many lakes in west central the two communities, asserting that there are and free parking! For more information, more information, contact Arnie Bergman Minnesota’s Grant County. Deborah Kruse- positive international outcomes generated call (847) 695-6720 or visit www.vasa- at (718) 851-6899 or email scandia36@ mark, Rosella Sax and Milton Erlandson, all by this relationship. “Well, I think that both parkil.com. optonline.net. of Elbow Lake and all long-time members of sides learn a lot from each other,” said Wen- the committee that produces Flekkefest, re- strom. “We’ve learned about how oil has Kansas Washington flected as they stood beside their parade float changed their economy at Flekkefjord. Most Nordic Heritage Festival An evening with Solveig Torvik prior to the start of the Flekkefest parade. of the people work out in the oil rigs. In the October 2 September 14 Krusemark, Sax and Erlandson reported the past, fishing was the major industry, although Lawrence, Kansas Seattle, Wash. fest to be at least 33 years old, and that they there is still some salmon farm fishing taking Nordic Heritage Festival has family ori- Join us for an evening at the Nordic had been active since its inception. The in- place . . . They’ve been here and learned that ented activities for all ages. Come cel- Heritage Museum with Solveig Torvik, timidating number of years caused Sax to this is an agricultural area.” Shervey added, ebrate, explore and experience the culture author of “The World’s Best Place; Nor- smile and say, “…but I don’t want to admit “They marvel at the manner by which people of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland way and the Norwegians.” Year after to that!” here treat them.” Elbow Lakers are seen as and Iceland through food, arts and crafts, year, the United Nations ranks Norway Irene Shervey, chairperson of the Flek- very hospitable by those from Flekkefjord. genealogy, music, dance, Viking games, as the world’s best place to live. Torvik, a kefest for 2010, stated further, “37 years ago Flekkefjord visitors enjoy the fact that “they and more. The ninth annual Nordic Fes- Norwegian-American journalist, takes an [1973] Elbow Lake decided to have a sister can speak Norwegian here... and, they can’t tival will be held at the Douglas County unblinking look at aspects of life in this city . . . being that Elbow Lake was mostly of get over our scenery. The roads are too Fairgrounds, in Lawrence, Kansas. Visit welfare state. Norwegian ancestry, [city officials] decided straight!” www.nordicheritagefes.com or contact to go with Norway, and ‘Flekkefjord’ was Grant County Sheriff, Dwight Wal- Marilyn Myers at (785) 843-7535. Cutting Edge Award and reception available at the time.” The choice was made vatne, a Norwegian-American himself, sat September 21 and the tie was bound. Four years later, CONTINUES PAGE 15 Maryland Seattle, Wash. The Norwegian Parliament Standing Nordkap Annual Crab Feast New daughters... Women who join the new lodge at the Committee on Transportation and Com- September 11 (…continued from page 1) institution, or within thirty days thereafter, munication is visiting Seattle, and there Freeland, Md. will be charter members. Potential members will be a reception in their honor, as Annual Crab Feast at Norse Park in Free- cated throughout the Central and Western and others interested in attending this event well as the presentation of the Cutting land Maryland sponsored by Nordkap United States, visit: www.daughtersofnor- should contact Emily Barker at fjelde51@ Edge Award by the Norwegian American Lodge (Baltimore). Join us Sept. 11 from way.org gmail.com or call (651) 769-4596 by Sept. Chamber of Commerce. Join us for heavy 1-5 p.m. $35 per adult for all you can eat The lodge will be named for Pauline G. 10. hors d’oeurvres and a no-host bar at the crabs, hamburgers, pulled pork, BBQ Fjelde, who was born in 1861 in Ålesund, We are on Facebook! Find us at face- Nordic Heritage Museum at 6 p.m. Price: chicken, and sides. $20 per adult for ev- Norway. She was a talented painter, seam- book.com/pages/Daughters-of-Norway- $20 per person. Please RSVP by Sept. 17 erything but crabs. For more information, stress, embroiderer and weaver. In 1893, Twin-Cities-Minnesota. Visit our Web site at (206) 789-5707 ext. 10 or email shar- call Gary Havens at (410) 719-0140 or Pauline and her sister were commissioned to at www.daughtersofnorway.org for more in- [email protected]. produce the first Minnesota state flag, which formation about lodges and the Daughters of won a gold medal for embroidery at the Chi- Norway organization. Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 cago World’s Fair. RSVPs can be sent to Fjelde51@gmail. to add your list to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! com. Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. 14 • Norwegian American Weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans September 3, 2010 Norwegian heritage Rønningen Ramblings with Heidi Håvan Grosch

Heidi was a long-time Minnesotan until she married her favorite Norwegian, Morten, and moved to his home country of Norway. As a recent immigrant she is experi- encing Norway with a unique perspective, filling us in on the good, the bad and the unexpected!

Kvinnovasjon Norge Taking ideas from the kitchen table to the world

I am lucky I now live in a country that Photo courtesy of Leslee Lane Hoyum is full of resources for people wanting to Michelle, a recent confirmand in Sarpsborg, Norway, chose a civil humanistic confirmation. In 2008, start their own businesses, and last week I 15.5 percent of 15-year-old Norwegians chose a civil confirmation over a religious one. attended an all-day conference organized by Kvinnovasjon Norge (www.kvinnovasjon. The confirmation... no/about-kvinnovasjon) for female entrepre- (…continued from page 1) neurs. Kvinnovasjon Norge’s goal is to “mo- bolizes one of life’s milestones – confirma- so I didn’t think there was any point to it. bilize and motivate women to start their tion. The information studied in a civil confirma- own businesses,” and if the events of last In the U.S. and Canada, confirmation is tion seemed more useful. Civil confirmation Wednesday were any indication, over 60 normally viewed as a religious rite of pas- is more about people and how we should be- new female-run Norwegian businesses are sage. Most Christians believe it confirms a have.” in the making. baptized person in his or her faith and admits How do you think a civil confirmation We networked, exchanged business that person to full participation in the church. prepares you for your future? cards and did visualization exercises. “The In Norway, youth have a choice. They may “For about six or seven weeks we stud- difference between a dream and a goal is a choose a religious or a civil confirmation. ied many themes, including human rights, deadline,” prompted business consultant The term civil confirmation is foreign the law, the effects of alcohol and drugs, and Rina Skjæran from Kunnskapspark’s Incu- to most in North America. In Norway, the received an overview of the world’s reli- bator program (www.kunnskapspark1.no). choice is philosophical, and those who sup- gions. Sometimes speakers talked about their “Imagine what you will be in two years. See port it see it as a rite of passage, since it is a experiences. For example, when we studied Photo courtesy of Heidi Håvan Grosch it. Believe it.” ritual marking a person’s transition from one laws and rights, a prisoner from the Sarps- Fifty-two-year-old Sisel recited a poem status to another. In this case, it is a milestone borg prison and a police officer talked about could do this we could do anything; that that had become her new credo, “Når er det within adolescence, not unlike religious con- the mistakes we should not make. Norwegian “yes I can” spirit hard at work. min tur” (when is it my turn)… or maybe she firmation. “The last thing we did was to role play. In 2006, 32 percent of all new business- said “nå er det min tur” (now it is my turn…) All the Nordic countries allow civil con- We were Somali refugees who received new es in Norway were established by women. … either way it worked. Comedian turned firmations and the practice is not new to Nor- identities and passports and traveled from Kvinnovasjon Norge, now in its second year, motivational speaker Jon Morten Melhus way. The Norwegian Humanist movement Somalia to Norway– just like today’s refu- hopes that number will increase to 40 per- (www.begeistring.no) inspired us with hu- began non-religious confirmation courses gees would do. In 24 hours, we went through cent by 2013. mor. Although I went through his entire in 1951. In 1956, the Norwegian Humanist immigration, built our own house, lived in a “We want to instill female entrepreneurs presentation not knowing what begeistring Association (Human-EtiskForbund or HEF) refugee camp and ran though the forest for with the inspiration, motivation and compe- meant. I was happy to discover, upon re- was founded and assumed the task. HEF is hours only to find that our applications to tence they need to make their dreams come turning home and opening a dictionary, that one of the largest Humanist associations in live in Norway were denied. It was tough true.” it was not some archaic or hard-to-compre- the world with more than 76,000 members and I will remember it for a long time. You Last year they were a part of Jorid Vo- hend business term, but meant enthusiasm. who base their ethics on human rather than think you are struggling and your life is the rum’s journey (frittspillerom.no). Interested But it was the pre-lunch activities that “took religious values; it is part of the International worst in the world, but you realize that the in music, dance and young children she the cake.” Humanist and Ethical Union, an umbrella or- real refugees are struggling 10 times harder. wanted to find a way of making her many in- The conference was being held on a high ganization with member organizations in 40 It teaches you respect.” terests pay, and that is where Kvinnovasjon school (videregåendeskole) campus and our countries. In 2008, 66.2 percent of all 15-year- Norge stepped in. When she was accepted assignment took place in the central outdoor Why would someone choose one over old Norwegians chose to be confirmed in into the two-year program she was matched commons right in the middle of their break the other? That is a question best posed to the Church of Norway; 15.5 percent chose with a mentor and entitled to free classes and period. Imagine, 60 odd women of all ages two confirmands, Camilla and Michelle, a civil confirmation, says Vidar Kristensen seminars covering a wide range of diverse and sizes lined up in rows and… dancing. both of Sarpsborg, Norway. of the Church of Norway National Council. topics from the practical to the theoretical. Yes, dancing. Shaking this and that (some Why did you choose a religious confir- He expects the 2009 statistics to be similar, “The networking is also important,” Vorum of which was intentional, some of which was mation over a civil one? since the percentage of civil confirmations says. “It provides you with colleagues when gravity) to hip-hop, salsa and other music Camilla, a religious confirmand, re- remains relatively unchanged from year to you otherwise work alone.” She also appre- with ethnic rhythms from Flashstar Studio sponds, “I chose a religious confirmation year. The numbers, however, do not include ciates having a mentor. “It’s nice to know (flashstarstudio.com). Teenage boys were because Christianity is my religion, and also other Christian denominations in Norway. you have someone to talk to when you need hanging out windows shaking their heads. many of my friends chose it. We attended It is not surprising that each confirmand them.” Teenage girls stood in clumps, arms crossed, weekly classes at the church for approxi- feels strongly that the confirmation she chose Kvinnovasjon Norge realizes that ev- rolling their eyes. We just laughed. If we mately three-quarters of a year. We learned was right for her. Each view holds its own many interesting things about the Bible and merit. Camilla feels confirmation is a reli- CONTINUES PAGE 12 also performed a play based on Biblical gious experience and is a continuation of Norway.com text.” her baptism and a confirmation of her faith. Royal Norwegian Consulates How do you think religious confirmation Michelle, on the other hand, feels the Hu- Organization of the Week in the United States prepares you for your future? manistic approach is just as important, since TRØNDERLAG Consulate General in Calif. “In a religious confirmation you learn it teaches one about society and creates un- a lot about your religion and, most impor- derstanding and tolerance. Seeks to preserve bonds between Consul General tantly, you learn that it doesn’t have to be For Camilla and Michelle, confirmation descendants from Trøndelag emigrants Sten Arne Rosnes boring. You attend many gatherings where is truly a matter of choice, whether religious who live in North America 20 California Street, 6th Floor Christianity is the focus, while still doing or civil. It is interesting to note that The For more information, contact: San Francisco, CA 94111 fun things. This helps you teach others about Church of Norway National Council says President Bob Fossum Tel.: (415) 986-0766 your faith.” there has been no public debate about using 2108 O’Donnell Drive • Champaign, IL 61821 Fax: (415) 986-3318 Michelle, a civil confirmand, responds, the word “confirmation” outside the church (217) 359-4270 • [email protected] Email: [email protected] “I chose a civil confirmation over a religious for close to 20 years. Online: www.tronderlag.org one because I don’t believe in God or Jesus; For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations September 3, 2010 Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports Norwegian American Weekly • 15 sports

Peter Mueller back on the ice Tippeligaen: Norway’s Premier League Mueller (56) to coach for U.S. Olympic results Standings speed-skating medalist (28) 8/28 Haugesund 0-0 Tromsø Tippeligaen PLD PTS 8/29 Odd 0-0 Kongsvinger 1. Rosenborg BK 22 52 2. Vålerenga Fotball 22 43 8/29 Sandefjord 0-3 Strømsgodset 3. Tromsø IL 22 40 8/29 Ålesund 1-3 Hønefoss 4. Strømsgodset IF 22 36 8/29 Stabæk 2-1 Lillestrøm 5. Viking FK 22 33 6. Ålesunds FK 22 33 8/29 Molde 0-1 Vålerenga 7. IK Start 22 32 8/29 Start 2-3 Rosenborg 8. FK Haugesund 22 31

8/30 Brann 3-3 Viking 9. Stabæk Fotball 22 30 10. Odd Grenland 22 29 11. Lillestrøm SK 22 28 To read more about football in Norway, 12. SK Brann 22 24 visit www.norway.com 13. Hønefoss BK 22 23 & www.uefa.com 14. Molde FK 22 20 15. Kongsvinger IL 22 15 16. Sandefjord Fotball 22 8

The ties… munities do share a common interest in lo- (…continued from page 13) cal high school marching bands. They are as Photos courtesy of shanidavis.org and Wikimedia widely popular in Norway as they are here. Shani Davis (left) and coach Peter Mueller have signed a one-year coaching deal. Mueller is the former his sheriff’s motorcycle, its siren and flash- Then, it was time to begin. Norwegian national speedskating coach. ing red and blue lights to the fore, and a Wenstrom quickly raised his cell phone large, red, spinning light sitting atop the rear. camera and captured a last-second picture of Af t e n p o s t e n “I can confirm that Mueller will be a “This is quite a deal out here,” he observed. the committee as it arranged itself on its float. full-time coach for Shani Davis. Now, Davis He turned in his seat to watch the parade as- “I just sent an e-mail to our counterpart over A contract between the two Americans will be an all-round, and the goal is that he semble at the staging area in front of the high there, a picture of our committee . . . to her, was drawn up and signed over the weekend, will beat Sven Kramer in the all-round World school. Although parades bring great plea- in Flekkefjord,” he exclaimed. “There are a writes Aftenposten. Initially, the duo will co- Cup in 2012,” says Hauge told Aftenposten. sure to both sides of the Atlantic, parades in lot of ties back and forth. Last year, we were operate for one year, with an option to further Initially, the team will probably consist America have evolved differently in content there as part of their parade, and celebrated cooperation until the Winter of two Americans and two Dutch. and form from those in Norway. In Elbow our sister city relationship with them. Sister in Sochi in 2014. “In the long term goal is to bring Håvard Lake, there would be many noisy, flashing cities were formed,” he explained, “to bring Mueller, who was the coach of the Nor- and Hege Bøkko to the team. It could happen fire trucks from neighboring communities. nations together... it just brings things to- wegian national speedskating until 2009, as early as spring,” says Hauge. American parades love fire trucks. There gether so that people understand each other came under media scrutiny when he resigned Shani Davis won the all-round World would also be a large number of older, green, on an individual level; so that if there are Nov. 23, 2009 after allegations of serious Cup in 2005 but has since focused mostly John Deere tractors, driven simply for the ever misunderstandings, it’s easier to work insults and sexual harrasment from speed on 1000 and 1500 meters. In Turin 2006, pride and loyalty held by local farmers in with people you know.” skater Maren Haugli. he was Olympic champion at 1000 meters, regard for that iconic brand. The two com- According to the newspaper, Norwegian and he defended the gold in Vancouver last sponsor Rolf Hauge put NOK 1 million on winter. the skating team CBA Team. Find the perfect gift from the comfort of your home at Sports News & Notes our online store, or if you’re in the area, visit our E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 shop in Waupaca, Wisconsin! Javelin: Thorkildsen wins in Brussels in the 4x5km women’s cross-country relay at (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] Norway’s Andreas Thorkildsen won javelin the , is gaining a lot of gold at the Diamond League Final in Brussels national attention. “I notice there is a greater Aug. 27, with a throw measuring 89.88 me- impact than before,” she said to Aftenposten. ters. Finland’s Tero Pitämäki placed second “Especially after the Olympics, all of Nor- with 83.36. Germany’s Matthias de Zordo way was watching and noticing. It’s nice that placed third with 82.39 meters. Thorkildsen people appreciate me and think I’m a good SWEATERS — COLLECTIBLES — ROSEMALING — FISHERMAN’S CAPS — BOOKS — AND MORE! had already secured the Diamond Throphy, girl, but I haven’t changed in any way. I’m prior to the Brussels final. still a farm girl from Østerdalen.” Visit us online at www.thetrollscove.com (Norway Post) (Aftenposten) Women’s soccer wins 7-0 over Macedonia Ndure sets a new Norwegian record Norway’s women’s national team beat Mace- Sprinter Jaysuma Saidy Ndure beat his own donia 4-0 away in their World Championship Nowegian record at the 100 meter in Rieti Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly qualifier Aug. 25. Norway had already won Aug. 29, with a time of 10.07 seconds. To learn more about the Norwegian American Foundation, visit http://noram.norway.com Group 2, and secured a place in the World (Adresseavisen) Cup play-offs. Norway will play in the play- off matches Sept. 11-12, and 15-16. Emil Hegle Svendsen with stomach ulcers Celebrate Leif Erikson Day! (Norway Post) Norwegian biathlon superstar Emil Hegle Svendsen was diagnosed with stomach ul- Happy Place a personalized greeting Cycling star gets lots of offers cers. The double Olympic gold medalist has Leif Erikson Day! in the Leif Erikson Issue! Norwegian cycling star Thor Hushovd didn’t struggled with symptoms for a long time, but have a very good weekend, with disappoint- he appears happy to have some answers to Sven Hushagen $10 for small greeting (1”x2”) ing results in a major Spanish race, but he his problem, says Adresseavisen. Jensen Beach, Fla. $20 for large greeting (1.5”x3”) can console himself with lots of offers from After a period of hard training, Svend- by 2”) $10 for small ad (1” cycling teams keen to snare him. His current sen had to spend several days resting to save team Cervélo announced it was releasing all his strength. The biathlete must undergo an- Happy Deadline: its members and disbanding in its present tibiotic treatment before he can resume train- form for financial reasons. ing in full swing. Leif Erikson Day! September 27 (Views and News from Norway) “When you train hard as I do, the body reacts sometimes. I just have to face the con- Ole & Lena Hansen Call (206) 784-4617 today sequences then,” Svendsen said. “I’m still a farm girl from Østerdalen” by 3”) ad (1.5” $20 for large Mankato, Minn. to reserve your space! Therese Johaug (22), who won a gold medal (Adresseavisen) Slektninger. 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