Catholic Telegraph
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The sum of Himself—from Christ who said; “Thou $3,520.54 was contribut¬ Leo XIII. gave audience a few weeks THE CATHOLIC WORLD. ed the THE CATHOLIC WORLD. The Hierarchy of the Church. art Peter, the Rock on which I build present year by the Catholics of ago to the Very Rev. Father Luigi da toy My Church.” As the successor of St. the diocese of La Crosse, for the sup¬ Parma, Minister General of the Fran¬ Peter, he port of its ecclesiastical students. ciscan Order of Rev. H. M. Calmer, S. J. presides over the Church of AT HOME. ABROAD. Minors, and to the Su¬ Christ. He is the Father and Gover¬ The periors and Professors of that great After St. .John the Evangelist had November 30th His Eminence, the example recently set by Harvard His Holiness has ordered the con¬ been cast into the cauldron of nor, of not only the people, bat of the College of St. Anthony which is the boiling Cardinal-Archbishop of Baltimore, de¬ University, through its invitation to struction of an Irish college on the chief oil before the Latin prelates. He is the centre of unity. religious enterprise of the new gate, and came out dicated the magnificent marble Church Bishop Keane, Rector of the American Arcutine Hill, and will expend one- He is the source of all government. Catholic Rome. The Fathers sought their audi¬ unhurt, the old Roman Emperor sent of St. Peter. University, to lecture in the million francs upon it. The Cardinalate is a dignity not con¬ ence to announce to His Holiness that him to the bleak and rocky isle of Dudleian Course, is Two new churches in the vicinity of already bearing ferred by Holy Orders. Like most ar¬ About five-thousand lire have been this international Patmos. And here he recorded that fruit. The Rev. Thomas Hughes, S.J., missionary house, St. Louis, were dedicated Thursday subscribed for a monument to the illus¬ wonderful vision called rangements, which, though made by of Detroit complete at last, was to be opened on Revelations, November College, Detroit, Mich., has man 27th, one in Collinsville, the trious Cardinal Massaia. Collectors in which the Church of Christ is carry out the Divine purpose, Thursday, November 20th. The Pope repre¬ other in just lectured before the students of correspond to the wants of human So¬ Cahokia, Ill. have been appointed in Vienna, Berlin, spoke with the sented as a city. “I saw the holy city, Princeton College, New Jersey. greatest animation of Father the the New ciety and are destined to live, grow and Crafts,of Jamestown diocese, Brussels, Paris, and Madrid. Subscrip¬ missionary work that especially Jerusalem,coming down front The new church for St. Mary’s con¬ endure, the great institution of the N. D.,is one of the most zealous Catho¬ tions are received by the President of belongs to the Franciscans, and prais¬ heaven, from God, prepared as a bride gregation, Norwalk, O., is being rapid¬ Cardinalate sprang from small begin¬ lic missionaries now laboring among the Roman Committee, Piazza Capra- ed with fervor not only the Francis¬ adorned for her husband.” ly pushed to completion. The build¬ the Indians. nica 78. can The founder and architect of this ce¬ nings. The word, derived from the workers, but the Franciscan writ¬ ing is already enclosed, the turret at Latin, Cardo, a hinge, is found in ante- Two Dominican Sisters from Ire¬ The Cardinal Archbishop of Paris ers, declaring St. Bonaventure to be lestial city is our Savior; the twelve the rear completed, the frame work for Nicene ecclesiastical writers and was land, who are well versed in the art of expects to be able to consecrate the his own favorite mystic. The College Apostels form the foundation, with the the tower in position, and the stone used to designate the fixed, permanent instructing the deaf and dumb, have Basilica on Monmartre in June, 1891. was opened with solemn ceremony by chief foundation Rock, their Leader work laid around it this week. being Cardinal and Prince. The faithful are the clergy of any church—which revolved arrived at Chinchuba, La. This votive Church of the SacredHeart Simeoni, patron of the Fran¬ living The structure presents a vpry imposing around them as a door round its hinge. ciscan Order. stones. The anointed ministers of the On will thus have taken eighteen years to Tuesday, November 25, the new appearance, and the traveler on the It is a Lord are the workmen chosen to scriptural word; for in Josue St. Patrick’s church complete. The special law of the Na¬ If we adjust just completed at Lake Shore Railroad an may trust the usually well in¬ and gets excellent and Judges the princes are called “the Marble tional Assembly, which authorized formed Vatican polish these stones that they may Ridge, Sauk county, Wis., was view of the new temple of the Al¬ correspondent of the axles” or “hinges” of the people. A. D. Cardinal Guibert and his successors to Politische reflect the beauty and the glory of dedicated. mighty. Rev. Father Chevreaux and Correspondent, the negotia¬ the Sun of Justice, that 304, Pope Marcellus instituted parish acquire the'site, and to undertake the tions between Russia and the perpetually The Polish Catholics of Oshkosh are his congregation have reason to be Holy See churches or titles and the priests who illumens this work as a national work, bears date stand at present as follows: A few city. The Priests are en¬ negotiating for the purchase of the proud of the new St. Mary’s church. had permanent charge of them were gaged in adorning the interior of the First Presbyterian church of that city. July 25, 1873. Since then the sum of months ago M. Iswolski received in¬ called Cardinal Last week Mother Sebastian and Sis¬ priests. The deacons £900,000 has been ex¬ structions from his Government to set¬ heavenly Jerusalem, by enriching with If successful, they will use it for a subscribed and of the Roman Church, in imitation ter Catherine Drexel were in Wash¬ virtue the precious souls entrusted to church and school house. pended. The Holy Father himself sent tle definitely the question of the suc¬ of the ington as the guests of the Sisters of their original Apostolic institution, £S00 as his personal offering. The cession to the long vacant Archiepisce- charge. The ministers and min- The the were at first seven in number. From building known as St. Bridget’s Holy Cross. Sister Catherine is strations are various; for as St. Paul great Dominican preacher, Father pal See of Mohilew in agreement with, church and school,Louisville, Ky.,Rev. about to establish a new Order to he the earliest days various charitable in¬ the Roman Curia. The candidate says,to the Ephesians, “God gave some H. Monsabre, has been invited by Car¬ pro¬ stitutions for the relief of the sick and Connolly, rector, was solemnly de¬ known as the “Order of the Blessed indeed, Apostles, some dinal Richard to preach the dedication posed by Russia for the vacant dig¬ and prophets, dicated November- 30th, by Bishop Sacrament.” The first house of this and others Evangelists, and others poor, with chapels attached to sermon. nity was one entirely acceptable to the McCloskey. Order will be built at them, arose here and there Philadelphia. Sis¬ pastors and doctors, for the perfecting The state of the Vatican household is Holy See. But, unfortunately, the throughout the fourteen A chime of five bells has been donat¬ ter Catherine went to Washington to of the Lambs, for the work of the min¬ “regions” far from Government of the Tsar further desir¬ ed to the Church of St. John the confer with Secretary Noble in regard being what it was in the time or parishes into which the city was to istry, for the building up of the body of Pius IN. The troubles of the ed fill up the bishopric,which would divided under Baptist, New York, by as many of the to the interest of her Indian mission of Christ,” which is TIis Church. Augustus. A deacon he rendered vacant by the proposed schools, some of which are located in present day have forced the HolyFather These reflections had one or more regions, with parishioners, which range in weight translation of its appropriately in¬ to considerably reduce his civil, milita¬ present occupent the institutions locally contained from 3,500 pounds to 5,600. the section now disturbed by the Indi¬ troduce this evening’s lecture because to the Metropolitan See, an ecclesiastic an uprisings. ry, and ecclesiastical service, and it in it, assigned to his care; and from the Rev. Peter Farrell, of Washington whose they recall to our minds what we have can now be said that the Vatican ex¬ qualifications are considered by fixed character of their charge, they avenue, near One-hundred-and-seven- Bishop Keane, of the Catholic Uni¬ the Vatican to be entirely unaccept¬ explained in the previous lectures and penses are reduced to what is strictly were called Cardinal deacons. For a versity, was elected a Vice President naturally lead to the consideration of ty-sixth street, New York, is building able. Russia obstinately refuses to of the necessary. In his desire to administer the long time there was no Cardinal- a new church, under the invocation of College Presidents’ Association, treat the subject to be briefly treated of, the with justice and economy (as far as question of the two sees sep¬ ,bishop, because the Roman Pontiff St. which held its second annual conven¬ Hierarchy of the Church.