
Chaos Theory Xubin Zeng- AtmospheriDepartmenc Sciencet, and Its Applications Colorado State University, to the Atmosphere Fort Collins, Colorado

Abstract specific subjects in detail, we attempt to give an overall picture of the field. We usually cite the original refer- A brief overview of is presented, including bifurca- ences and more recent review papers so that inter- tions, routes to turbulence, and methods for characterizing chaos. The paper divides chaos applications in atmospheric sciences into ested readers can easily find more detail concerning three categories: new ideas and insights inspired by chaos, analysis particular fields of study and can find places to start of observational data, and analysis of output from numerical models. their own research in this field. Chaos theory is re- Based on the review of chaos theory and the classification of chaos viewed in section 2. Applications of chaos theory to the applications, suggestions for future work are given. atmosphere are discussed in section 3. Conclusions and suggestions for future research are given in section 4. 1. Introduction

Nonlinear phenomena occur in nature in a wide 2. Chaos theory range of apparently different contexts, such as hydro- dynamic turbulence, chemical kinetics, electronics, a. Background ecology, and biology; yet they often display common Li and Yorke (1975) seem to be the first to introduce features or can be understood using similar concepts, the word chaos into the mathematical literature to permitting a unification of their studies. The similarity denote the apparently random output of certain map- of complicated behaviors is not a superficial similarity pings, although the use of the word chaos in physics at the descriptive level; instead, it concerns experi- dates back to L. Boltzmann in the nineteenth century mental and theoretical details. This similarity results in another context unrelated to its present usage. from the modern theory of nonlinear dynamical sys- However, there is still no universally accepted defini- tems, which describes the emergence of chaos out of tion of the word chaos. Usually, chaos (deterministic order and the presence of order within chaos. This chaos) refers to irregular, unpredictable behavior in includes such features as solitons, coherent struc- deterministic, dissipative, and nonlinear dynamical tures, and pattern formation, as well as chaos theory, systems. It should be emphasized that chaos cannot which makes use of dimensions, Lyapunov be equated simply with disorder, and it is more appro- exponents, the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, and other priate to consider chaos as a kind of order without quantities to characterize chaos. In this paper, only periodicity. It was demonstrated in Lorenz (1963) that chaos theory will be reviewed. the sensitive dependence on initial conditions of a Many of the publications in the past few years nonlinear system is related to the aperiodic behavior of concerning chaos applications to the atmosphere the system. have concentrated on the evaluation of fractal dimen- By we mean any system, what- sions from observational data. The existence of low- ever its nature, that can be described mathematically dimensional and weather is a highly by differential equations or iterative mappings. Some- debated subject. A more difficult task is to find con- times, we also include systems where the exact present crete examples that show the significance of such state only approximately determines a near-future computations. However, it needs to be emphasized state: this extended definition of a dynamical system that these computations are just a small portion of the admits many real physical systems (such as the atmo- applications of chaos theory to the atmosphere. sphere plus its ocean and terrestrial boundaries), The purpose of this paper is to give a brief overview whose behavior commonly involves at least some of chaos theory and to discuss its applications to the randomness or uncertainty (Lorenz 1990). In a dissi- atmosphere. Instead of discussing any concepts or pative dynamical system, a vast number of modes die out due to dissipation, and the asymptotic state of the 'Department of Physics system can be described within a subspace of a much ©1993 American Meteorological Society lower dimension, called the . Chaos can also

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 631 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/11/21 05:07 AM UTC occur in Hamiltonian or conservative systems, but this solutions, limit cycles, which lead to periodic solutions, subject requires special methods due to the absence and tori, which lead to quasiperiodic solutions. The of an attractor. Chaos may also occur in quantum strange attractor refers to its unusual proper- systems where the number of degrees of freedom is ties, the most significant being sensitivity to initial larger than the number of independent commuting conditions: two initially close trajectories on the attractor operators (Berman 1990). Another behavior, called eventually diverge from one another. Strange attractors intransitivity, which is different from chaos but related are finite-dimensional, and, in some sense, they cor- to it, also occurs in some, but not all, dynamical respond to exciting only a finite number of degrees of systems. An intransitive system is one with a freedom; yet they have an infinite number of basic positive probability of acquiring any one of several frequencies (Ruelle 1990). These two independent, sets of infinite-term (or very long-term) properties pioneering papers triggered an upsurge of interest (Lorenz 1990). In this paper, only deterministic chaos among researchers in different fields in an attempt to in dissipative nonlinear dynamical systems will be gain new insights. Since then, especially since 1975, discussed. publications related to chaos have grown extremely There were classical physicists and mathemati- rapidly, and it is not the purpose of this paper to review cians, even in the previous century, who had thought all of this progress. Many of the historical papers on about nonlinear dynamical systems. Hadamard(1898) chaos were assembled into a single reference volume first observed the sensitivity of solutions to initial by Hao (1984). A comprehensive treatment of chaos conditions at the end of the last century in a rather theory with a readable account of many aspects of the special system called geodesic flow. Subsequently, subject may be found in Berge et al. (1984). A Poincare (1908) discussed sensitivity to initial condi- nontechnical discussion of chaos is given in Gleick tions and unpredictability at the level of scientific (1987). The concepts of chaos, fractal dimensions, philosophy. (Poincare even went on to discuss the and strange attractors, and their implications in me- problem of weather !) However, their teorology, are presented in Tsonis and Eisner (1989) ideas seem to have been forgotten until Lorenz (1963) in a very readable way. Some more recent references rediscovered them independently more than half a can be found in, for example, Campbell (1990) and century later in his elegant paper entitled "Determinis- Marek and Schreiber (1991). However, most of the tic Nonperiodic Flow." The primary reason for this long progress in this field so far may be roughly divided into hiatus is that chaos defies direct analytic treatment, two different categories: one involves bifurcations and making numerical computation essential. Therefore, routes to turbulence, and the other consists of quan- Lorenz is generally regarded as the first to discover the titative means to recognize, characterize, and classify irregular behavior and to analyze it quantitatively in attractors. Here, we give only a brief review: usually completely deterministic, dissipative systems. He used only the original references and a few review papers a set of three equations, drawn from the spectral will be cited. equation set of Saltzman (1962), to model the nonlinear evolution of the Rayleigh-Benard instability (i.e., the b. Bifurcations and routes to turbulence instability that results when a fluid layer subjected to Ruelle and Takens (1971) showed thatthe Landau- gravity is heated sufficiently from below). This model Hopf route to turbulence (Landau 1944; Hopf 1948) is is also equivalent to a low-order quasigeostrophic unlikely to occur in nature, and they instead proposed model derived from shallow-water equations (Lorenz a route based on four consecutive bifurcations: fixed 1980) or derived from a two-level baroclinic model point limit cycle 2-torus -> 3-torus strange (Klein and Pedlosky 1992). By a careful analysis of the attractor (turbulence). A few years later, in collabora- numerical solutions combined with analytical reason- tion with Newhouse, they reduced this scheme to fixed ing, Lorenz was able to deduce that the solution of his point limit cycle ^ 2-torus strange attractor. In equations is eventually trapped in a region of the other words, quasiperiodic motion on a 2-torus (i.e., system's that has a very intricate (strange) with two incommensurate frequencies) may lose sta- geometric structure, and this solution is very sensitive bility and give birth to turbulence directly (Newhouse et to the initial conditions. al. 1978). This result also implies that, usually, there Eight years later, Ruelle and Takens (1971), mak- are only four types of stable attractors (fixed point, limit ing use of then-recent developments in , cycle, 2-torus, and strange attractor) in a nonlinear proposed a possible mechanism for the transition from dynamical system. This route, called the Ruelle- laminar flow to turbulence. Ruelle and Takens were Takens route to turbulence, is generic and is known to the first to introduce the concept of a strange attractor, occur in many mathematical models and laboratory which is topologically different from other attractors, experiments, but it remains less well understood theo- such as point attractors, which lead to steady-state retically than the other two routes mentioned below.

632 Vol. 74, No. 4, April 1993 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/11/21 05:07 AM UTC In an excellent review, May (1976) called attention pointed out by Landau (1944). Turbulence has been a to the very complicated dynamics, including period long-standing problem in physics. It is no longer a doubling and chaos, that can occur in very simple specific problem in hydrodynamics; instead, it has iterative mappings. Subsequently, Feigenbaum (1978, become a general concept, relevant to many fields of 1979a) discovered scaling properties and universal science (e.g., solid-state turbulence, chemical turbu- constants for one-dimensional mappings, and he in- lence, acoustic turbulence, and optical turbulence). troduced renormalization-group theory into this field. On the other hand, it needs to be emphasized that In addition, Feigenbaum proposed another route to chaos, at least for the time being, concerns mainly turbulence, which is now called the Feigenbaum or irregular behaviors in the temporal evolution, and is period-doubling route to turbulence: a period-doubling related only to the onset mechanism of turbulence— bifurcation cascade with periods p = 2n(ri = 0,1,2,. . .) i.e., to weak turbulence. In contrast, fully developed that quickly converges to an aperiodic asn^oo. turbulence involves both temporal and spatial irregu- This scenario is extremely well tested in both numeri- larities. Patterns and spatiotemporal chaos were dis- cal and physical systems. The period doublings have cussed in Campbell (1990). A recently developed been observed in experiments such as Rayleigh- technique called the wavelet transformation (Meneveau Benard convection. 1991, and references therein) provides a new tool for The third route, called the Pomeau-Manneville studying spatial intermittency and spatiotemporal route to turbulence, is through intermittency (Pomeau nonlinear variations. and Manneville 1980; Manneville and Pomeau 1980). In the context of chaos, the term intermittencyrelers to c. Characterization of chaos random alternations of chaotic and regular behavior in A simple way to characterize attractors is via power- time without involving any spatial degrees of freedom. spectrum analysis, which is often used to qualitatively This is slightly different from the original meaning of distinguish quasi-periodic or chaotic behavior from intermittency in the hydrodynamic theory of turbu- periodic structure and to identify different periods lence, which denotes random bursts of turbulent mo- embedded in a chaotic signal. Chaos is characterized tion on the background of laminar flow. This scenario by the presence of broadband noise in the power and the Feigenbaum scenario are, in fact, twin phe- spectrum. For example, Feigenbaum (1979b) used nomena (Hao 1984), but the mathematical status of power-spectrum analysis to study the onset spectrum this third route is somewhat less satisfactory than those of the other two routes mentioned above, be- cause, within its parameter regime, there is an infinite There are three distinct intuitive notions number of (very long) stable periods, and because of dimension: the topological dimension, there is no clear understanding of when the turbulent regime is reached or what is the exact nature of this ... related to the number of directions in turbulence (Eckmann 1981). Intermittenttransitionsto a space; the fractal (or Hausdorff) turbulence have been seen in many physical experiments. dimension,... related to the capacity of Although we are facing a situation of "all routes lead I a space; and the information dimension, to turbulence," the above three routes are the most I ... related to the measurements made in thoroughly studied. The Ruelle-Takens route is re- I a space. lated to Hopf bifurcations, where a pair of complex eigenvalues of the linearized map cross the unit circle; the Feigenbaum route is associated with pitchfork bifurcations, where an eigenvalue crosses the unit circle at -1; and the Pomeau-Manneville route is of turbulence. Poincare maps (e.g., Berge etal. 1984) associated with saddle-node bifurcations, where an are sometimes also helpful in analyzing chaos. More eigenvalue crosses the unit circle at +1. A more sophisticated tools include Lyapunov exponents and detailed discussion of these routes is given in a review various definitions of dimension. paper by Eckmann (1981). Related to bifurcations are crises of chaotic attractors, which are abrupt changes 1) DIMENSIONS OF ATTRACTORS of strange attractors themselves at certain parameter In dissipative systems, the dimension D of an values; this subject is discussed in Grebogi et al. attractor is lower than the dimension /c of the original (1982) and Sommerer et al. (1991). phase space (which will be defined in section 2c), The reason for such intensive studies of the routes since some modes will damp out due to dissipation. to turbulence is the belief that the key to understanding There are three distinct intuitive notions of dimension: turbulence may be hidden in its onset mechanism, as the topological dimension, which is related to the

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 633 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/11/21 05:07 AM UTC number of directions in aspace (Hurewicz and Wallman nation of the physics behind the multiple exponents— 1948); the fractal (or Hausdorff) dimension, which is namely, local distortion of turbulent structures, which related to the capacity of a space (Mandelbrot 1983); modifies the behavior of higher-order moments and the information dimension, which is related to the differentially. measurements made in a space (Farmer 1982). The The described above are often called thin topological and fractal dimensions require only a met- fractals to distinguish them from fat fractals, which are ric (i.e., distance) for their definitions, whereas the sets with fractal structure, but a nonzero measure information dimension needs both a metric and a (Eykholt and Umberger 1988). These latter sets are probability measure for its definition (Farmer 1982). characterized by a fat-fractal exponent, rather than a For simple attractors such as fixed points, limit cycles, dimension. They allow quantitative analyses of sensi- or two tori, the separate notions of dimension lead to tivity to parameters, final-state sensitivity, and quan- the same integer value. However, for chaotic (strange) tum chaos. Because they have finite measure, fat attractors, these dimensions may be different, and the fractals must have the same (integer) dimension as latter two may be noninteger. the underlying space, and, as a result, their dimension In practice, the fractal dimension is the most widely is insensitive to their fractal structure. used. It is one of the commonly used measures of the "strangeness" of attractors and is related to the num- 2) LYAPUNOV EXPONENTS OF STRANGE ATTRACTORS ber of degrees of freedom. It provides a lower bound The of a strange attractor cannot be on the number of dependent variables needed to characterized merely by its dimension: such an attractor describe the time evolution of the dynamical system, must be stretched and folded in some directions as and, for a simple system, the Whitney embedding well. These more subtle features can be described by theorem (Takens 1981) provides an upper bound. Lyapunov exponents. However, for complex systems such as the atmo- Lyapunov exponents are the average rates of expo- sphere, the conditions of the Whitney embedding nential divergence or convergence of nearby orbits. theorem may not be satisfied, and this upper bound The spectrum of Lyapunov exponents provides a may not be valid. The analysis of the correlation quantitative measure of the sensitivity of a nonlinear dimension (Grassbergerand Procaccia 1983a), which system to initial conditions (i.e., the divergence of is used as an estimate of the fractal dimension, also neighboring trajectories exponentially in time), and it is provides useful information about the variability of the the most useful dynamical diagnostic for chaotic sys- system, information that goes beyond the bounds of tems. Lyapunov exponents are independent of initial traditional linear statistics. Such analyses reveal the conditions on any orbit (Eckmann and Ruelle 1985). extent to which the actual variations are concentrated Any system containing at least one positive Lyapunov on a limited subset of the space of all possible varia- exponent is defined to be chaotic, with the magnitudes tions (Pierrehumbert 1990). of the positive exponents determining the time scale The fractal dimension mentioned above is some- for predictability. There are as many Lyapunov expo- times called monofractal, and a multifractal spectrum nents as the dimension of the phase space is more appropriate for describing many systems. (Guckenheimer and Holmes 1983), and, for a system Multifractal measures are fundamentally character- of coupled ordinary differential equations, one of these ized not by a single dimension value, but by a dimen- exponents is necessarily equal to zero, meaning that sion function, which is simply related to a probability the change in the relative separation of initially close distribution (e.g., Lovejoy and Schertzer 1990, and states on the same trajectory is slower than exponen- references therein). This dimension function Dq pro- tial. The negative exponents express the exponential vides an infinite number of different (and relevant) approach of the initial states to the attractor. In any generalized dimensions (multifractal dimensions) that well-behaved dissipative dynamical system, the sum characterize an attractor. It is shown in Hentschel and of all of the Lyapunov exponents must be strictly Procaccia (1983) that D0 is the , negative (Guckenheimer and Holmes 1983). D1 is the information dimension, and D2 is the correla- Related to the Lyapunov exponents is the tion dimension (Grassberger and Procaccia 1983a). Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy (Kolmogorov 1958; Sinai Multifractal measures can also be characterized by a 1959), whose inverse gives an estimate of the mean spectrum F(a) of singularities, and a formal relation- e-folding time of the initial growth of small errors. If the ship between Dq and F(a) is derived by Halsey et al. Lyapunov-exponent spectrum can be determined, (1986). Further refinements are discussed in, for ex- then the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy is bounded by the ample, Lovejoy and Schertzer (1990, and references sum of all of the positive exponents (Eckmann and therein). In the case of multifractality in fully developed Ruelle 1985), and the fractal dimension may be esti- turbulence, She and Orszag (1991) offered an expla- mated from the Kaplan-Yorke conjecture (Fredrickson

634 Vol. 74, No. 4, April 1993 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/11/21 05:07 AM UTC et al. 1983), which will be explained later. Further- be reconstructed by any of three methods: the method more, the Lyapunov-exponent spectrum can be used of delay (Takens 1981), the method of derivatives to constrain the choice of mapping parameters in a (Packard et al. 1980), and the singular-value decom- prediction problem (Abarbanel et al. 1990). Note that position method (Broomhead and King 1986), which is Lyapunov exponents are the time averages of the also referred to as principal-component analysis or local (temporal) rates of divergence. Higher moments empirical-orthogonal function analysis in the litera- of these local rates are also helpful in understanding ture of atmospheric science. These three methods the fine structure of the attractor. can sometimes be improved by linear filtering, but For low-dimensional systems, even without a knowl- such filtering must be done carefully, since it may edge of the exact values of the Lyapunov exponents increase the dimension of the time series (Badii et al. (which are important, as discussed in the previous 1988). At this time, there is no general agreement paragraph), a knowledge of their signs alone can about which method is best. However, for a short time provide a qualitative characterization of the attractor. series of low precision, the simple method of using For instance, in a three-dimensional phase space, a delay coordinates is widely used, and it has been set of three negative Lyapunov exponents (-, -, -) shown to work reasonably well in many situations corresponds to a fixed point, (0, -, -) to a limit cycle, (0, (Zeng et al. 1992a,b, and references therein). 0, -) to a 2-torus, and (+, 0, -) to a strange attractor. When delay coordinates are used with an infinite amount of noise-free data, the time delay r can be 3) COMPUTATION OF CHAOTIC QUANTITIES chosen almost arbitrarily (Takens 1981). However, The computation of dimensions and Lyapunov ex- when only a limited amount of noisy data is available, ponents requires the technique of phase-space recon- the quality of the analysis depends on the value struction. For a system of known first-order ordinary chosen for r. The appropriate choice of this delay time differential equations (ODEs) or difference equations, depends sensitively on the attractor understudy (Frank the set of all dependent variables constitutes a phase et al. 1990). Different methods have been suggested space—that is, a Euclidean space whose coordinates for obtaining r, including the space-filling method are these variables. Each point in this phase space (Fraedrich 1986), the method of computing the represents a possible instantaneous state of the sys- autocorrelation function, and the mutual-information tem. A solution of the governing equations is repre- method (Fraser and Swinney 1986; Fraser 1989). The sented by a particle traveling along a trajectory in this mutual information measures general dependence, phase space. If the solution is chaotic, then this rather than linear dependence. For long time series, trajectory is a strange attractor. Note that a single point the mutual-information method may be the most com- in phase space determines this entire future trajectory, prehensive method; however, for many systems, it since such a point represents a complete set of initial does not provide substantially different delay times conditions for the governing equations. In particular, than the other methods. Furthermore, in practice, this means that distinct phase-space trajectories can when the data size is limited, it may not be possible to never cross, which is not the case in the three- compute the mutual information accurately. In con- dimensional physical space. Basically, these are the trast, the autocorrelation function can be computed reasons that phase space is the natural setting for from small datasets, and the value of r computed studying the time evolution of physical systems. using this method does not differ substantially from the For a system with known partial differential equa- value based on higher-order autocorrelations. There- tions (PDEs), the system can usually be studied by fore, for short time series of low precision, the simple discretizing the PDEs, and the set of all dependent autocorrelation method, combined with the space- variables at all grid points constitutes a phase space, filling method, may be used to determine the delay which is an approximation to the original infinite- time T for use in defining the delay coordinates. dimensional phase space. For such a system (e.g., the It is usually difficult and impractical to compute atmosphere), an additional difficulty is that the initial various dimensions directly. Among the different pro- values of many of the variables may be unknown. cedures that have been developed to estimate fractal However, a time series of a single variable of a dimensions are the nearest-neighbor method (Badii complex system may be available, and this allows the and Politi 1985), the correlation-integral method attractor of the system to be reconstructed. The phys- (Grassbergerand Procaccia 1983a), and the singular- ics behind such a reconstruction is that a nonlinear system method (Broomhead and King 1986). Some system is characterized by self-interaction, so that a information about the quality of the results obtained time series of a single variable can carry the information with the different methods has been reported (Holzfuss about the dynamics of the entire multivariable system. and Mayer-Kress 1986). In practice, the correlation- When dealing with a time series, the attractor can integral method is the most widely used, and the

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 635 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/11/21 05:07 AM UTC vs given by Grassberger and (Zeng et al. 1991). A detailed discussion of different Procaccia provides a rigorous lower bound to both the algorithms and related techniques in Zeng et al. (1992b) information dimension and the fractal dimension (or has shown that this algorithm works for short time Hausdorff dimension), and all three are generally series of low precision, while most of the above meth- close in value. ods are useful only when the time series are long and/ When the Lyapunov-exponent spectrum A, (/ = 1,2, or have high precision. ..., n) with > \2 — - can be obtained, the When the correlation dimension can be estimated Lyapunov dimension DL is given by the Kaplan-Yorke reliably, a relatively easy procedure for computing the conjecture (Fredrickson et al. 1983): Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy (Kolmogorov 1958; Sinai 1959) was developed by Grassberger and Procaccia i (1983b). When the Lyapunov exponents can be ob- 1 DL = I + |A/+1|- 2 Ay, tained, the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy is bounded by 7=1 the sum of all positive exponents. The finite and positive Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy is a basic quantity where I is defined by characterizing chaotic behavior, and its inverse gives an estimate of the mean predictability time of the i 1+1 system. 2 A; > 0 > 2 Ar /= 1 j=1 3. Applications of chaos theory This dimension is related to the information dimen- sion (Fredrickson et al. 1983), and its value is usually We divide chaos applications (e.g., in the atmo- close to that of the correlation dimension. For systems sphere) into three broad categories: new ideas and of known ODEs or mappings, the Lyapunov-exponent insights inspired by chaos, analysis of observational spectrum can be obtained, and this provides a simple data, and analysis of output from numerical models. method for estimating the dimension. However, for a very complex system (e.g., the atmosphere), we can- a. New ideas and insights not determine all of the Lyapunov exponents accu- The first category consists of new ideas and physi- rately from observational data, so this relation cannot cal insights inspired by chaos. Just as relativity elimi- be used. nated the Newtonian illusion of absolute space and The Lyapunov exponents can be computed rela- time, and as quantum theory eliminated the Newtonian tively easily for simple known model systems (Shimada and Einsteinian dream of a controllable measurement and Nagashima 1979). However, in many real-world process, chaos eliminates the Laplacian fantasy of situations, all that is available is a time series of long-term deterministic predictability. Because of experimental data, and it is much more difficult to chaos, it is realized that even simple systems may give extract the Lyapunov exponents from such a series. rise to and, hence, be used as models for complex Only in the past few years have such methods been behavior. Conversely, complex systems may give rise proposed. These methods differ only with respect to to simple behavior (e.g., coherent structures), which the orthonormalization method (Gram-Schmidt may be predicted for a period of time within the orthonormalization or Householder QR decomposi- predictability limits. Finally, and most important, the tion), the local mapping method (linear or higher-order laws of scaling and complexity hold universally, caring polynomial), and some technical details. Early meth- not at all about the details of the system. Chaos leads ods were based on the linearized mapping and either to the unification of order and disorder, and to the Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization (Wolf et al. 1985; unification of deterministic and stochastic descriptions Sano and Sawada 1985) or QR (Lorenz 1987). Chaos also acts like a bridge between (Eckmann et al. 1986). Most of the later methods were research in traditionally unrelated fields: in fact, the based on Eckmann et al. (1986), replacing the linear- International Federation of Nonlinear Analysts (IFNA) ized mapping with higher-order Taylor series (Briggs was established in August 1991, with members in a 1990; Bryant et al. 1990; Brown et al. 1991), and/or variety of scholarly disciplines. Much of Lorenz's re- using the singular-value decomposition technique to search presents excellent examples of how physical determine the embedding dimension (Stoop and Parisi insights and new ideas can be gained by studying 1991). Based on the work of Sano and Sawada (1985) chaos (e.g., Lorenz 1991a, and references therein). and Eckmann et al. (1986), we have recently proposed Although chaos places a fundamental limitation on a practical method for estimating the Lyapunov-expo- long-term prediction, it suggests a possibility for short- nent spectrum from short time series of low precision term prediction: random-looking data may contain

636 Vol. 74, No. 4, April 1993 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/11/21 05:07 AM UTC simple deterministic relationships, involving only a few stage, and the saturation stage. The first stage reflects irreducible degrees of freedom. Therefore, chaos theory local (linearized) properties, and the last two stages has also been used for prediction problems, especially depend on global properties. when there is a lack of proper initial data for use in a Chaos theory in dissipative dynamical systems numerical prediction model, or when a good model is (e.g., the atmosphere) has shown that, no matter how lacking (Abarbanel et al. 1990; Eisner and Tsonis large the original phase space, the final state may be 1992; and references therein). Eisner and Tsonis described by motions in subspaces (attractors) of (1992) also reviewed the prediction problems involved muchlowerdimension. Low-order models obtained by with neural networks. This is currently a very active truncating atmospheric governing equations are often research area. used as a first step toward studying atmospheric Since realistic atmospheric models, with or without processes. After all, chaos was found by Lorenz stochastic terms, ordinarily have general solutions (1963) in a truncated model. In general, low-order that are aperiodic, they tend to yield similar results in models are often capable of representing atmospheric either case (Lorenz 1987). This is the implicit assump- processes in a qualitatively correct manner, and a tion behind numerical weather predictions based on general procedure for constructing them was dis- deterministic approaches. Note, however, that this cussed by Lorenz (1982b). The influence of truncation does not mean that the atmosphere actually is deter- on the results in Lorenz (1990) was discussed by Wiin- ministic, since, for example, external forcing such as Nielsen (1992). Charney and DeVore (1979) were the solar output may need to be represented stochastically. first to study the multiple equilibrium states in the As mentioned in section 2c, Lyapunov exponents atmosphere in a truncated barotropic model. The are the time averages of the local (temporal) rates of influence of truncation on the existence of multiple divergence, and higher moments of these local rates equilibria was studied by several researchers (Tung are helpful in understanding the fine structure of the and Rosenthal 1985; Cehelsky and Tung 1987; and attractor. Nese (1989) investigated both the temporal references therein). The influence of the level of and phase-spatial variations in predictability of the dissipation and the form of the dissipation mechanism Lorenz model (Lorenz 1963). Nicolis (1992) devel- on the dynamical behaviors (including the chaotic oped a probabilistic approach accounting for the vari- behavior) of unstable baroclinic waves was studied by ability of error growth in the atmosphere and applied it several researchers (Klein and Pedlosky 1992, and to a low-order model (Lorenz 1990). Nicolis found a references therein). wide dispersion around the mean, showing the inad- The proper description and modeling of turbulent equacy of a description limited to averaged properties energy dissipation processes are vital for the under- only. Since Lyapunov exponents and the Kolmogorov- standing of fully developed turbulence. Meneveauand Sinai entropy are related to the predictability of a Sreenivasan (1987) proposed a multifractal model of system, the longevity of the enhanced predictability the energy-cascade process in the inertial range that periods often observed in the atmosphere can be fits remarkably well the entire spectrum of scaling quantified by computing the higher statistical mo- exponents for the dissipative field in fully developed ments of error growth rates. In fact, it is argued in Benzi turbulence. Furthermore, it has been shown that and Carnevale (1989) that the ratio of the average multifractal dimensions for the physical phenomena growth rate to the most probable one is a measure of that arise from cascade processes can be character- enhanced predictability. It is also shown that the ized by three universal parameters that represent the atmospheric predictability depends on the scales of degree of multifractality, the sparseness of the aver- the flows, on the flow regimes, on the time average (in age energy, and the degree of conservation of the contrast to instantaneous values), and on measures of analyzed field (Schertzer and Lovejoy 1991a, and forecast skills (Schubert et al. 1992; Zeng 1992; and references therein). Several methods have been pro- references therein). posed to estimate these universal multifractal expo- Lorenz (1969) hypothesized that the growth of nents (Schmitt et al. 1992, and references therein). small initial errors in the atmosphere follows a qua- Scale invariance is a symmetry principle in which dratic law, and this hypothesis has been verified for the small and large scales are related by a scale- several numerical models (Lorenz 1982a; Dalcher changing operation that depends only on the scale and Kalnay 1987; Trevisan et al. 1992). However, ratios; there is no characteristic size. However, it deviations from this hypothesis are also observed usually cannot be applied directly to geophysical sys- (Chen 1989; Schubert and Suarez 1989). Nicolis and tems (including the atmosphere) due to the high Nicolis (1991) showed that the time evolution of initial anisotropy of the system caused by differential strati- errors in unstable systems follows three different fication, rotation, and other more complex scale-chang- stages: the initial exponential stage, the quasi-linear ing operations. The need to deal with scale-invariant

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 637 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/11/21 05:07 AM UTC anisotropy has led to the development of a model of tation and validity of the Gaia hypothesis that the generalized scale invariance (Schertzer and Lovejoy evolution of the biota and their environment are a 1991 a, and references therein). This model unifies the single, tightly coupled process with the self-regulation large- and small-scale dynamics by using an anisotro- of climate and chemistry as a fundamental property of pic regime with a single scaling, rather than the con- such a connected nonlinear system (Lovelock and ventional use of two distinct isotropic regimes: a two- Margulis 1974; Lovelock 1989). dimensional regime for the large-scale dynamics and Using a conceptual model, Vallis (1986) explained a three-dimensional regime for the small-scale dy- most of the principal qualitative features of the El namics. The scaling hypothesis has been confirmed Nino-Southern Oscillation phenomenon (including the by many empirical studies of geophysical phenomena aperiodic occurrence of these events). Using two- (Lovejoy and Schertzer 1991, and references therein) dimensional atmospheric flow, Rinne and Jarvinen and, recently, by more systematic analyses (Lovejoy (1992) showed that, when the numerical approxima- etal. 1993). tions do not allow air parcels to deviate from each other Climate dynamics has been a highly active re- sufficiently, errors in the numerical approximations search area in recent years, partly due to the concern can prevent the correct prediction of chaotic pro- over possible significant global change caused by cesses. They proposed that this explains the errors increased levels of greenhouse gases. Using a very observed when forecasting blocking highs. Bretherton low-order geostrophic baroclinic "general circulation" (1990) used the turbulence cascade model of model, Lorenz (1990) demonstrated the reasonable- Meneveau and Sreenivasan (1987) to study the en- ness of his earlier proposition that the climate system trainment process at stratocumulus cloud top and is unlikely to be intransitive—that is, to admit two or found spatial intermittency in this entrainment process more possible , any one of which, once estab- (i.e., entrainment takes place predominantly in large lished, will persist forever. Lorenz also showed that eddies), which can be tested by future aircraft mea- chaos and intransitivity can lead to interannual vari- surements. Gauthier (1992) showed that, due to differ- ability by means of nonlinear wave-mean flow interac- ent local-error growth rates, the same observational tions. Pielke and Zeng (1993) integrated this low-order error can lead to very different accuracies when apply- model for about 1100 years and found that, when the ing the adjoint method to four-dimensional data as- seasonal cycle is included, chaos and intransitivity can similation. lead not only to interannual variability, as in Lorenz Partial introductions to chaos and its applications to (1990), but also to the long-term natural variability on the atmosphere have also been presented in Tsonis decade and century time scales that is as large as and Eisner (1989) and Yang (1991). More applications what occurs between years or within a year. can be found in Schertzer and Lovejoy (1991b) and Nicolis (1990) outlined a general algorithm for cast- Sreenivasan (1991). However, the influence of the ing deterministic chaos into a Markovian process and change from traditional viewpoints brought about by illustrated the theory by some examples of interest in the study of chaos still needs time to be fully observed, atmospheric and climate dynamics. Such a statistical just as was the case with relativity theory and quantum approach can be used for the long-term predictions of theory. complex systems undergoing chaotic dynamics, such as the climate system. Tsonis and Eisner (1990b) b. Analysis of observational data used a forced nonlinear oscillator with damping to The second category of chaos applications in- study long-term climate dynamics, and found that the volves the analysis of observational data. Chaos theory system exhibits multiple attractors, that jumps be- offers a fresh way to deal with observational data, tween the attractors may take place in the presence of especially those data that might otherwise be ignored noise and fractal basin boundaries, and that the resi- because they proved too erratic. Many chaotic studies dence time on each of the attractors is a random in the field of atmospheric science have concentrated variable whose mean value is different for each on computing quantities characterizing attractors, es- attractor. They argued that such a mechanism may pecially fractal dimensions, from observational data. provide an explanation for rapid deglaciations and the Nicolis and Nicolis (1984) analyzed the time series of fact that ice ages do not last as long as today's climate. the isotope record of deep-sea cores and obtained a Note that their results may not be contradictory to low dimensionality (between 3 and 4) for the climate Lorenz's results mentioned above, because an ice- system. Subsequently, Fraedrich (1986,1987), Essex age effect was not included in Lorenz (1990). et al. (1987), and Keppenne and Nicolis (1989) ana- By finding chaos in Daisyworld (Watson and lyzed daily-average data over eastern North America Lovelock 1983), Zeng et al. (1990) and Flynn and and western Europe, and have likewise concluded the Eykholt (1993) raise questions regarding the interpre- existence of low-dimensional attractors. Also, theo-

638 Vol. 74, No. 4, April 1993 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/11/21 05:07 AM UTC ries of deterministic chaos and fractal structure have the clouds of the intertropical convergence zone by been applied to data in the atmospheric boundary examining the change in the fractal dimension for layer (Tsonis and Eisner 1988), the pulse of storm various conditions (e.g., the cloud type). The relation- rainfall (Sharifi et al. 1990), and some special atmo- ship between fractal dimension and turbulent diffu- spheric systems such as the Southern Oscillation sion, as well as general fractal concepts, was re- (Hense 1987). Using entire global fields of data, rather viewed in Ludwig (1989). than single-point time series, Pierrehumbert (1990) It should be emphasized that the estimation of discussed the dimension of global atmospheric vari- fractal dimensions from observational data is just a ability. small portion of the applications of chaos theory to the The existence of low-dimensional atmospheric atmosphere. A more fundamental question is: Even if attractors is currently a highly debated subject. It is a low-dimensional atmospheric attractor does exist for widely accepted now that there are limitations to the a particular type of atmospheric flow, how do we Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm when the number actually construct a mathematical mapping from just a of data is limited. Some doubts among researchers few parameters to the actual atmospheric flow pat- concerning strange attractors in the atmosphere were terns related to the dominant physical processes discussed in Pool (1989). Qualitative data require- revealed by the analyzed data? In a recent study by ments needed to accurately calculate the chaotic Zeng and Pielke (1993), a low-dimensional atmo- characteristics of a nonlinear system were discussed spheric attractor was obtained for surface thermally in Essex et al. (1987) and Tsonis and Eisner (1990a). induced atmospheric flow, and parameters or physical Various researchers have given different quantitative processes related to these low dimensions were dis- criteria, among which the criterion of Ruelle (1990) is cussed. A linear model can be used to provide the the least strict. In Zeng et al. (1992a), the time series mathematical mapping from the physical processes to of observational data (with different climatic signal/ the atmospheric flow fields that capture the salient noise ratios) has a length that is comparable to or features of the system. This study also implies that a greater than those used in previous studies; however, low fractal dimension does not necessarily mean that a saturated fractal dimension vs still could not be the system can be described by a few equations; more obtained, and it could be claimed only that vs is well generally, a low dimension means that the system can above 8. Using the quantitative arguments of Ruelle be described by a mathematical mapping from a few (1990) and Nerenberg and Essex (1990), it is shown in key physical processes or parameters to the flow Zeng (1992) and Zeng et al. (1992a) that most, if not all, fields. As far as we know, this is the first study in which of the previous estimates of low-dimensional attractors such a mathematical map is actually given. are unreliable. Based on simple models, Lorenz (1991 b) As mentioned before, a multifractal analysis is more proposed that, if a low fractal dimension can be ob- appropriate for describing geophysical systems. tained from observational data, this may instead reflect Lovejoy and Schertzer and their groups have applied the weak nonlinear interaction between the observed multifractals and generalized scale invariance to the variable and the other variables in the atmosphere. This study of radiation processes, satellite imagery of clouds, gives another possible reason for apparently finding radar precipitation data, turbulence data, and other low-dimensional attractors in the atmosphere. types of data (Lovejoy et al. 1993, and references The above evaluations of fractal dimensions were therein). The multifractal properties of energy dissipa- carried out in phase space. However, such analyses tion derived from turbulence data have also been can also be carried out for trajectories in physical studied by many researchers (Aurell et al. 1992, and space. Fraedrich and Leslie (1989) and Fraedrich et references therein). Aurell et al. also discussed the al. (1990) analyzed the data of cyclone tracks in the occurrence of spurious scaling due to finite Reynolds tropics and the midlatitudes both in phase space and number effects in the computation of multifractal di- in physical space. They found that the predictability of mensions (Halsey et al. 1986). cyclone tracks depends on their geographical loca- Related to the estimation of fractal dimensions is tions and the flow regimes. Gifford (1991) analyzed the estimation of Lyapunov exponents from observa- the observational data of pollutant concentrations and tional data (Keppenne and Nicolis 1989; Zeng et al. obtained a fractal dimension of 1.6 to 1.7 for the 1992a). The relationship between predictability based trajectories of the pollutants. This can be useful for on computing Lyapunov exponents and that based on large-scale atmospheric diffusion modeling, which general circulation models and the relationship be- currently assumes a fractal dimension of 1.5 (i.e., tween local and global predictabilities were also dis- ordinary Brownian motion). Using satellite data for cussed in Zeng et al. (1992a). In contrast to the clouds, Cahalan and Joseph (1989) studied the spa- estimation of fractal dimensions, there are still no tial structure of the atmospheric boundary layer and extensive discussions concerning the qualitative and

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 639 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/11/21 05:07 AM UTC quantitative data requirements for the computation of tion of physical processes is not too complex, the Lyapunov exponents. One brief study is that of Lyapunov-exponent spectrum can be obtained di- Eckmann and Ruelle (1992), in which they claim that rectly (Shimada and Nagashima 1979), and the fractal the number of data points needed to estimate Lyapunov dimension can be estimated using the Kaplan-Yorke exponents is about the square of that needed to conjecture (Fredrickson et al. 1983). In the case of estimate the correlation dimension. Some uncertain- truncated models (e.g., 11 equations in Nese et al. ties caused by the selection of the time delay were 1987, or 21 equations in Lorenz 1991b), such meth- reported in Zeng et al. (1992a), but were not men- ods can be used efficiently to estimate Lyapunov tioned in a similar study by Keppenne and Nicolis exponents and the fractal dimension. However, fur- (1989). ther work is needed to determine under what condi- The analysis of observational data is not limited to tions (e.g., the number of model equations and the the estimates of chaotic quantities. Ghil and Vautard complexity of the parameterizations) such direct com- (1991) used singular-spectrum analysis to analyze putations are practical. time series of global surface air temperature for the For atmospheric numerical models, such as gen- past 135 years, allowing a secular warming trend and eral circulation models, which typically have 105 grid a small number of oscillatory modes to be separated points, the direct application of the method (Shimada from the noise. They showed that the combined ampli- and Nagashima 1979) is impractical, and the compu- tude of the oscillatory components (i.e., the natural tation of chaotic quantities is the same as in the case variability) could postpone incontrovertible detection of observational data. However, more data can be of a possible greenhouse warming signal for one or obtained from model output, and the phase space can two decades. be constructed more conveniently by using variables at different (and appropriate; that is, not closely corre- c. Analysis of output from numerical models lated) locations. This avoids the problem of select- The third category of applications of chaos theory ing an appropriate time delay, and significantly de- deals with output from numerical models such as creases the computational cost of estimating fractal general circulation and mesoscale models (Zeng and dimensions. Pielke 1993). As mentioned in section 2c, when the The chaotic analysis of model output also provides number of model equations (at all grid points) is not too a new way to compare model results with observa- large (e.g., less than 30), and when the parameteriza- tions. It must be true that an accurate numerical simulation should produce fractal dimensions and Lyapunov exponents similar to those obtained from observational data. Further work is needed in this area.

4. Conclusions and suggestions for future research Chaos theory has been reviewed, and its applica- tions to the atmosphere have been divided into three categories. This can be summarized schematically in Fig. 1. This overview and classification also demon- strate that the current emphasis on the computation of fractal dimensions from observational data and the debate regarding the existence of low-dimensional attractors in the atmosphere represent just a small portion of applications of chaos theory to the atmo- sphere. Since this work has evolved from our research on a variety of topics, a number of suggestions for future research have become apparent. Some of these sug- gestions relating to atmospheric research are men- tioned here. Although qualitative and quantitative data require- FIG. 1. Summary of chaos theory and its applications to the ments have been established for the computation of atmosphere. The computation of chaotic quantities is excluded. monofractal dimensions, the corresponding require-

640 Vol. 74, No. 4, April 1993 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/11/21 05:07 AM UTC merits forthe computation of the multifractal spectrum lications related to applications of chaos theory to the of dimensions or the Lyapunov-exponent spectrum, atmosphere. From laboratory experiments on oscilla- which is more important dynamically, have not yet tory flows over topography in a rotating fluid, Pratte been investigated. Further work is also needed to and Hart (1991) showed that periodic forcing can lead study the practical significance of computing fractal to both periodic and chaotic behaviors. Using a sto- dimensions. chastic-dynamical global model of late Cenozoic cli- For high-dimensional complex systems (such as matic change, Saltzman and Maasch (1991, and the atmosphere), the reconstructed embedding di- references therein) demonstrated that both internal mension may be smaller than the actual fractal dimen- dynamics and earth-orbital (Milankovitch) forcing are sion. This may be related to the slight sensitivity to the responsible for the ice-age oscillations. Brindley et al. selected value of the time delay r in the computation (1992) discussed the effect of an extra periodic or of the Lyapunov exponents from observational data, stochastic forcing on chaos and noisy periodicity in as reported in Zeng et al. (1992a). It is assumed in two simple forced ocean-atmosphere models. Butler Zeng et al. (1992a) that at least the first few positive and Farrell (1992) used three-dimensional optimal exponents can be reasonably estimated. Considering (nonmodal) perturbations in viscous shear flow to the practical significance of this assumption, further study the transition from laminar to turbulent flow. work is needed. Selvam et al. (1992) discussed a nondeterministic cell Predictability is closely related to the Lyapunov- dynamic system model for atmospheric flows. Tsonis exponent spectrum. We hypothesize that the predict- (1992) discussed chaos theory and its applications. ability should be universal for certain types of dynami- Waldrop (1992) presented a nontechnical discussion cal systems. Stated in another way, our hypothesis is of complexity theory, which examines the systems that that the error growth after certain rescaling should be lie in the middle ground between the predictable and the same for families of nonlinear dynamical systems the chaotic. Islam et al. (1993) pointed out that, when (e.g., those with quadratic nonlinearities). One way to a variable (e.g., precipitation) depends on physical test this hypothesis is to follow the milestone work of constraints and thresholds, the chaotic analysis of this Feigenbaum (1978, 1979a), which led to the well- variable may lead to an underestimation of the corre- known Feigenbaum constants. lation dimension of the underlying dynamical system. The estimation of Lyapunov exponents and predict- Using the simple model of Lorenz (1963), coupled with ability is usually related to the growth of small initial a linear oscillator, Palmer (1993) explored the physical errors. Further work is needed to understand the basis for extended-range atmospheric prediction. quasi-linear and saturation stages of error growth. Noise reduction (Kostelich and Yorke 1990; Eisner Acknowledgments. This work was sponsored by NSF Grant No. and Tsonis 1992; and references therein) is a very ATM-8915265. One of the referees of this paper is thanked for many active research area in nonlinear science. For ex- helpful suggestions and comments. ample, observational data can be processed by noise- reduction techniques before four-dimensional data assimilation. Prediction based on observational data is also a References very active research area in nonlinear science, be- cause it provides a more stringent test of the underly- Abarbanel, H. D. I., R. 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