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Iau4 tal)*..ata*4» *MUS* rrtttr. SMutf CUM »»•*»• VOL. 85, NO. 98 IW «i JiTitti oTit iMlttami lurnu out*. RED BANK, N. X, fffURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1962 PAGE ONE ,** ... • •* 7c PER COPY Mrs. Roosevelt Dies at 78 NEW YORK (AP) - Mm. Franklin D. Roosevelt, a first lady whose stature grew from the White House to the world, died in her Manhattan apartment last night. GOP The 78-year-old widow of the nation's 32d President and niece of the 28th President had suffered from what the family -described as "a complicated type of anemia" for two and a half yean. ' . . • Her health failed rapidly during the lut six weeks, ac- celerated by non-contagious tuberculosis which was not proved until Oct. 25. , A Photo History of Mrs. Roosevelt, Page 10 WASHINGTON (AP) — The Despite bis penchant for pro- Her physicians, expecting heart failure, were with her at American electorate's demonstrat- vincialism and his .difficulties the end, along with- three of her five living children. Two ed disdain for party labels in with syntax, Brown proved him- sons were en route by plane from distant points in the nation. Tuesday's election indicates Re- self an artist at pressing palms, Nineteen grandchildren and four great-grandchildren also sur- publicans may need a personality- slapping tacks and chucking vive her. . • plus candidate in 19M. chins. He won. • . • •• "One of the great ladies in the history of this country has It just happened in the batjot- Just how little attention Call- passed front the scene," said President Kennedy. "Her loss ing that the Republicans who won lornians paid to party labels was will be deeply fett by all those who admired her tireless ideal- the big ones are just that type. demonstrated when they' re-elect- Inn or benefitted from her good works and counsel." < They have the kind of fresh, vot- ed Brown and at the same time Leaden of the nation and the world joined in expressing er appeal that is credited with save a new six-year term to the sorrow and IOM. ' helping nuke John F. ite deputy Republican leader, "I hive lost an inspiration," said UN Ambassador Adlai E. a hairline winner in 1960. And no ThomasH,.Kuchel. , Stevenson, the only person outside of the family to visit Mrs. one Is doubting that the President This seemed to be the mood of Roosevelt during the final weeks of her Illness.' He went by will seek re-election in another voters all over the country as her invitation. two years. .. they installed the first Republican "She would rather light candles than curse the darkness," The GOP stars in an otherwise (See- ELECTION, Page 2) Stevenson said, "and her glow has Wanned the world." confusing and somewhat frustrat- Private funeral services will be held at St. James Episco- ing election that ended in almost pal Church In Hyde Park, N. Y., north of New York City on a numerical dead heat in congres- the Hudson River, at 2 P. M. Saturday. sional and gubernatorial contests Decision She will be buried in the Rose Garden of the family estate were; • at Hyde Park, beside her husband, "in accordance with the Joint wishes," the family said. His simple gravestone already Ways Of Television bears her name and the year of her birth, 1884. Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of Bite On "Those at the interment service, in. addition to family, will New York, an omnivorous blintz- Mw. Eleanor Roosevelt (See MRS. ROOSEVELT, Page 3) cOMumlng, hand-shaking, back- clapping campaigner who is men- tally quick on Ms feet and knows es the ways of television. By getting NEW SHREWSBURY — Project Upgrading Held Possible himself re-elected by nearly naif decision' on whether or not a million votes Rockefeller leaped bring formal charges, against a LONG BRANCH — With two yatfcancy Tuesday as cound seven-way test, said he is con- homes with a total value of ove: to the top of the heap of Kenne- borough'patrolman has been de- new councilmen sitting in. Cow*- toaniat-lafge. and Julius Tonutf- sidering a request for a recount. $8 million. dy's potential GOP rivals. layed'until next week. eti met last night with the Hous- nl, appointed'last-week to fill Mr. Hennum said a decision He said, however, he would be Gov.-elect George Romney of -Police Chief James Herring ing ' Authority and Shrewsbury Third Ward vacancy. will be made today. Some form willing to revise plans to allow Michigan, an indefatigable cam- said his, conference with bor- Riverfront redeveloper Uonel K. While Mr. George took the of recheck appeared certain. "It for a greater value "if the plans paigner who charmed some union ough' attorney Milton Mausner on Levy and learned upgrading of oath of office from City Clerk is a question of how to proceed, make sense. votes, away from the Democrats the question had been put off to win his race in a key state. 1 the project is still possible. i Sanita J., Camaisa in a quiet citywide or on a limited basis The meeting adjourned withou until Tuesday morning. VETERAN WITH NEWS — Rep. James C Auchinclots midday ceremony, his closest'op- at first," Mr. Hennum said. any indication of what steps maj Possibly somewhat less liberal ' Mr. Mausner said the change Taking part in official business (R. 3d Di*t.) of Rurnion seams, to b» .enjoying the re- ' for the first time together were ponent William H. Henum, who 'I'll know more in 24 hours." betaken to alter existing arrange- than Rockefeller, he may attract of conference date had been apparently lost by 23 votes in a ments. However, the council two support from party conservatives made at the request of Chief port in yesterday's •dition of The Register after (ie sailed Writer George, elected to fill a The informal meeting with the who look' on the New York gover- Housing Authority and Mr. Levy weeks ago at the request of Coun- Herring. . to victory for his 11th farm in the Hoiiiref Representa- cllwoman Lucy Wilson authorize* nor as too inclined to the welfare ' The possible charges, against developed into a lively discus- state to suit them. tive! ai a result of the 1962 election. : ' sion which settled nothing but a Study Committee to Investigate Patrolman Edward Holden, the history of the project and to Wealthy Man spring from an incident brought air laid the foundation for possible determine if changes could be future, action. Gov.-elect William W. Scranton to the attention of the. mayor promoted. of Pennsylvania, a very wealthy and council last' month by Leon Would Revise Plant Council will consider making man just getting his feet wet in I. William, Sr., of Squankum After more than 10 years on the appointments to thhe committee bigtlme politics.' He U a hand- Rd. Three Are Gi drawing boards and in and out of at.its session next Tuesday. some, ail-smiles candidate who He asked'investigation of an KEANSBURG-Three midents were cited last nigit-by many courts, the project is head- Mr. Levy was questioned in- can be a tough campaigner if the occurrence on Sept.. 13 when the Borough Council for improvements they have mad* to their ed toward completion. It is a fed- tently by Mayor Thomas L. Mc occasion demands it. parolman allegedly blackjacked properties. - . • , \,: V ;'V' eryseeraUy-subsdiied d prograpg m admiais- Clintock on what guarantees the In .the second line,' a* Sherwood Taylor In' his: Shatto Rd..home. The pprograg m is spon»or»d by the borough l»a«<*tanpt tered by the Housjat^^ffWM city has that the advertised vain* tfet U fix up «lkfVi4srti«jrf-bull«ii«s i -ctty<-re#fW8B|»lte»t afeat, '.! wffl ba tmttr purposes of y to get iwtfeats p meeting Police'Committee Chalr- throughout the communityi . Mr. Levy; on* of the owners taxation. " " *" , .i considered sat- Mayor Louis T. ColiicWS said aw»Rjr'wiU be mad* of Yontors Raceway in New York TTheTta ar* Robert Taft Jr. ton gte John E. Unjop.'.Jit.i recom> vessels today for proof ththaat *ejthefy Jsfactory, Pierra Salinger, White and a' large scale building de- a performance:bond payable of the late "Mr. Republican,plcn, " whop"!™?'. •coundl hearing fo sre hauling Red missiles from Hoqse press secretary, called at- • month to the owner of a commercial property and two owners the ci^ to guarantee .the apart- Cuba. Of residential propertiea which have been improved. veloper, said he plans 270 garden won election to Congress in an at-PHtrolman Holden, "when and if tention to .the. last exchange of lpartmeats and 162 one-family (See PROJECT, Page 3) large race ta Ohio, and Gov. Mark *"* P»H« «Mef • signs charges,' Soviet Premier Khrushchev messages between President Ken- COMMERCIAL AWARD Hatfleld of Oregon, who won re- nedy and Soviet Premier Khrush- said Wednesday that 40 Soviet : Mrs. Lola Mcknight, owner of the Belvidere Hotel, re- election while the voters of his rockets had been dismantled in chev. ••'. ' • _- i '' ceived the commercial award while Mrs. Katherine Ennls, 20 state were giving another term to Cuba and probably weft on their ; In 3nV t)ct.V2T message to Morningslde Ave., and Mrs. Anna Crist, 10 Morningside Ave., Keansburg Creates Democratic Sen. Wayne Morse. way back to the Soviet Union.. r recehwd the residential awards. KhnishcJJev.^ennedy said he tin- The central performer in the The Pentagon said Wednesday derstood. the Soviets to have , Council announced that it will seek to buy the railroad GOP's greatest disappointment, Seat Belts night that arrangements were be- .Station, Church SL, from the Central Railroad of New Jersey. agreed to,remove offensive weap- Housing Authority the failure, to attain the governor RED BANK — the Red Bank ing made with Soviet representa- ons, systems'.from Cuba "under ,'' lit a letter, the line said it could not afford to paint and ship of California, was Richard tives for the Navy to check on the maintain the building and would sell it to the borough ilatd Jaycees will install automobile ipprdprlate United Nations obser- KEANSBURG — Borough without pay effective next Tburs- M. Nixon, familiar again in bitter seat belts Saturday'and Sunday, number of dismantled missiles vation and supervision." when it ever ceased rail operations along the Bayshore. Council list night took another day. defeat in the White' Street parking lot. aboard the homeward-bound So- Officials said they would seek to purchase the building so : There hag.been talk since of step towards providing senior He has been on leave with pay Nixon bowed out of politics with .Gov. Richard i: hughes has viet ships. the Red Cross filling this role. that it could be renovated. Officials have termed.the building citizen housing when it adopted pending approval of his request denunciation of the press' and an "eyesore.',' ' ' proclaimed this' weekend as'"New In announcing that the first con' an ordinance creaUng a Housing to the atate for disability retire- the acerbic comment: "You won't 'ersty Seat Belt Weekend;" tact would be made today,' Arthur Salinger also- was asked if the Authority. ment pension. liave Nixon to kick around any He has urged ail drivers who plan fora Navy check would have Sylvester, assistant secretary of any effect on U.S. insistence upon The housing unit will consist of It was reported that the state longer." do not already have.seat belts defense for public affairs, indi: five members — four of whom Polished Debater to have them installed this week- cated no specific hour. And he Cuba. He said.ho was not-pre- denied the request and that this pared to go beyond the Pentagon Police Pay Increase will be appointed locally. decision is under appeal. Nixon had sought through the end and recommends that they declined comment when a news- The fifth member is appointed tree of his personality, his abili- be used.' man asked if the Red Cross .would statement. , The chiefs leave without pay ty as s polished debater and his The announcement said! by the governor. will last until his status is clari- The National Safety Council play a part in the Inspection pro- Controversy Subfect experience in television to over- *'s estimated that seat belts will cedure. . "Tha Soviet Union has reported', Officials indicated that four fied by the state. people appointed last night to come Gov. Edmund G. Brown in save 5,000 lives a year and re- The administration has insisted hat ships are leaving Cuba with HIGHLANDS - A post-election and Councilman Herman J. C. Bernard Blum, borough state with a wide bulge in Dem- the Housing Committee — a sep- manager, reported that he and duce serious injuries by one- m international verification of isslles aboard.. ' hassle highlighted last night's Black but week disagreed with arate, body, would soon be ap- cratic registrations. He lost. hard. ie de-nuclearization of Cuba. "Arnngementsi are being made Borough Council meeting. the letter, noting that $175 was the borough engineer had made 'ith Soviet representatives for The heated exchange between included In the budget for uni- pointed to the authority. applicatioliti n witih thh e state for They are John Callinan, Eu- matching federal '' * mtact with these ships by United the governing body and mem- forms, "when it was drawn up." funds for the tates naval vessels and for < bers of the audience was touched Frank J. Hall, co-chairman of gene Bedell; John Devine and borough's sewer and drainage August Carvahlo. projects. Nixon Scores Newspapers counting tha missiles being off when Timothy Lynch, Water the citizen's committee, also Officials said the existing Hous- hipped out." Witch, requested that police ac- rapped . council for what he The funds are available under ing Committee would be *•" the Accelerated Public Works LOS ANGELES (AP) — Rich-early in his statement. But it last day (of the campaign). I The statement was Issued after counts be audited. claimed was a "continuing.cam- solved. trd M. Nixon, as angry and dis-turned out he had plenty. resident Kennedy met with the Mr. Lynch made the request paign against police pay raises." Act. Mr. Blum said the borough made a talk on television, a talk The old Seaboard Ice Co. i's asking for $190,000 for the raught as he has ever been' in Samples: In Which J made a flub xacutive committee of the Na- after council attempted to trans- Nobody Campaigned building on Creek Rd., has been wbiic, met reporters in what he "I am proud of the fact I de- ional Security Council.' fer $1,900 from the police pay- Mayor Guiney took Issue with sewer project alone. "I said I was running tor gov- mentioned as a possible site for He also advised the council called his final news conference— fended my opponent's patriotism. ernor of the United .States. The Later, at the United. Nations, roll account to miscellaneous Mr. Hall stressing that nobody a senior citizen apartment build- and accused segments of the You gentlemen didn't report it, uthoritatlve sources said the So- funds, within the police budget, on the council campaigned that the state, informed him that Los Angeles Times dutifully re- ing. Cost of the property has Green Acres Funds were avail- press of utterly failing to give but I am proud that I did ported that. Mr. Brown the last iet Union first proposed last Sun- to pay for the new police car andagainst the pay raise. ••••' • been set at $27,000 by the com- day that the U.S. Navy Inspect other department expenses. able for purchase of a small im a fair shake. that ... day made a flub ... He said 'I "But," he said, "we're not go-pany. Newsmen thought the Repub- "As I leave the press, all I hopft everybody wins, that-you outbound Sovjet. ships. Agreement Mr. Lynch was a chairman of ing to let you people put out stuff tract of land on Forrest Ave. for In other business, council in- a park. lican gubernatorial candidate had can.say is this: For 16 years, vote the straight Democratic tick- >n details was reached late the 51-member committee which that doesn't teu the whole truth structed' the.borough attorney to called the conference yesterday to ever since the (Alger) Hiss case, et, including Sen. Kuchel (a Re- ednesday, the sources said. aent letters to local residents be- and casts a bad reflection' on The manager was instructed proceed will) the acquisition of to file application for funds for concede victory to Democratic you've had a lot of fun, that publican.' The Los Angeles They,added that tha Soviet Va- fore Tuesday's election urging this council,.- without answering the Police Athletic League Build- me site purchase. JOV. Edmund G. Brown. Nixon you've had an opportunity to at- in, had made the proposal be- voters to approve a 20 per cent Times' did not record it.. it." ,,/ log on Carr Ave. Council plans - id that, but he kept talking. tack me and I think I have given (The Times endorsed Nixon.) use of Cuban Prime Minister police pay hike. The mayor went on to say that Council will meet Nov. 19 with to convert, the structure Into a "As I leave you," Nixon told as good as I can take. "And I can only say thank God del Castro's, opposition to; lnter- . Bad Planning he does not believe any-group the Industrial Realization 1 recreation center for senior citi- Committee to discuss that reporters coldly, "I want you to "It was carried right up to the (See NIXON, page 2) tlonal Inspectors in, Cuba.. He charged that there must should get an automatic raise zens and, storage area for the group's proposal to have the bor-know just how much you're going have been bad budget planning if "across the board." Recreation Commission. ough lease the public beaches to to be missed. council found it necessary, "at He explained that in'his opin- The governing body took under private interests. You won"t have Nixon to kick this late date," to transfer funds ion policemen, and other munici- consideration a request by the round any more because, gentle- for the police car. The industrial unit noted that pal employees,- as well as school Blue-Jeans League to use a por- revenues from beach operations nen, this is my last press confer- He also asked for proof that eachers, should get increases on tion of the building. has been declining over the past ee." money was set aside in the po- merit, rather, than across the Council introduced an ordi- years and suggests that the bor- Nixon v/ts endorsed by some 7, lice budget for police uniforms. board. and added: nance authorizing the expend! ough could lease the beaches to per cent of the California dally In the letter to voters, Mr. "People know my stand on ture of $1,000 for the renovation private individuals who would newspapers that took sides in the Lynch claimed that .policemen, this, I., have said fit in public of the municipal garage. pay the borough a set amount urbulent gubernatorial campaign. receive no uniform allowance.' many, times. Police Chief Alphonsus Mc- : ach year for the privilege of lut he said many of his state- Mayor'Cornelius J. Guiney.Jr., (See HIGHLANDS. PageS) Grath was placed on sick leave opening concessions on the ments, had been Ignored by the beaches. ress. The beaches would be main- He Had Plenty tained by private interests and I have no complaints abou Tooting would be free to the public. e press coverage," Nixon said HIGHLANDS — There are,, ' Board members noted last handling of claims and save some horns around ichool-rbut night that a number of children the board money. At present, no tooting. have musical Instruments pur- the policies are. divided among The problem is that Principal chased for them last year;by six agents: Today's Index Joseph R. BplgSr has been •their parents. ' .'. ' The. board decided to study unable '.to find a part-time Mr* Bnlger wan requested to Ihe matter further before reach- : Page' Page music teacher, • the Board of continue his efforts to find a Adam and Eve :....': M Iftrbloek .... I ing a decision, Movie Timetable Education reported last night. partaimo teacher. , Two new substitute teachers Allen-Scott • It In previous years, the High- It was also noted that a part- Obltuarlts were . approved: Mrs. Mary Amusements IS Sylvia Porter lands and Atlantic' Highlands time gym instructor Is being Shugard. Atlantic Highlands, Births 2 school systems have shared a Television ,: sought. and Mrs. Uremia MacDonald, Bridge Xt music tacher, each paying half In other business, the board Port Monmouth. Gtorge Sokolsfcy the cost, since neither has a granted approval to the Mon- It was announced . mat a Classified jfrM Sports ....._ Comics JB 1 large enough system to support moururn AthletiAhticc Club ffoor use of regulag r Instructor,, Mrs. Dorothoy Stock Market a full-time Intsruc'tor, the jrym once a week. Cdsgrove, hired In September, Crossword puztle JB Successful Investing . I This year, because of admin- William Pells, local insurance will resign In the near future Editorials I Women's News ZZJMJ istration problems, the method agent, .suggested that the board because she plans to move A Clean Car Rldas Better Utlca Mutual Insurance Co.'s NIXON AT "LAST: PUSS CONFERENCE' — Richard Nixon, admitting d.Uat In hit did not work out, and High- consolidate. Us Insurance to another town. Butch's Automatic Car Wash, 'Protcctloneerlng" offers planned lands' students have been with- policies covering the school. He Current enrollment was re- .cross from A&P, Newman Insurance at its best. Weart- bid for California's governorship, tells newsmen at a Bavarty Hills hotel press con- out music Instruction to date. Mid it would facilitate the ported »t 323 pupils. Springs Rd, Red Bank.-Adv. Nemeth Agency. SI- 1-2240.—Adv. farenca that "Thit it my last press conference." , NOT. 8, 1962 B£l> BANK REGISTER Weather [Tiree Hurt Mra, Thompson Rem#nbeis JUrs. Jloo&velt New Jersey - VirUbH doom- ess today and a ehaace af »ome Project designation brief showers later today, high n Crash In (Continued) in the low to mid-Ms. Cloudy to- 'Courage, Simplicity, Gotodness ments value of over $4 million, night and Friday' with periods Question Is of rain. Low Marlboro provided he. was reimbursed for UNCROFT - "1 will remember her for her courage, her and was often the guest of Mn. Thompsoa On peveral oe- the estimated $15,009 cost of the tonight about MARLBORO TOWNSHIP - casions the wife of Franklin D. Roojevelt Inspected the fa- Cleared Up 40. High Fri- simplicity and her goodness," Mrs. Geraldtne L. Thompson of bond. Three persons were injured in a Brookdale Farm said this morning of Mrs. Eleanor .Roosevelt. duties of the Monmouth County Organization for Social Serv- LONG BRANCH - The ques- day in the up- ice founded by Mrs. Thompson and her associates. Guaranteeing the same for the per 40s. two-car collision on Rt. 9 at 8 Mrs. Thompson, who has been called the first lady of projected $4 million worth of tion of whether there was a va- m. yesterday. Monmouth County, was a lifelong friend of the former first Her last visit to MCOSS was last May when Mn. Thomp- cancy on the Long Branch Hous- MARINE son, a Republican leader in the county, wu prompted to say, houses, he said, was a different Cape May to Taken to Paul Kimball Hospital, lady. They grew up together in the Hyde Park area of matter. He said the cheapest ing Authority last week when Lakewood, were Jose M. Solaria, New York. "People always ask me how Mrs. Roosevelt and I get along ;ouncil moved to fill one appar- Block Island— houses would cost $20,000; the Sou thwest J9, of 12 Ray Dr., Toms River, Mrs. Thompson recalled: politically. I tell them that MM. Roosevelt U above political average would be $30,000, and mtly has been cleared up. It did winds today driver of one of the vehicles, and "I knew her since childhood and from the very beginning parties. She wants things for a better world and never «top» the ultimate $50,000 to $60,000. ixist and it is now filled, City about 10 knots. lis wife, Mrs. Alveira D. Solatia, she had a purpose and it was never a selfish purpose. JHer working for thaf." "But how do I knew Lflng Manager Richard J. Bowen dis- Variable winds passenger in the car. The driver purpose was always for the world in which she lived—she A month later, in June, Mrs. Roosevelt made her last visit Branch can produce the market posed. tonight and of the second auto, John J. Coo- never attempted to. escape the world or the po\ver of life." to the 'county to speak at the dedication of a roemomljto jher late husband at Roosevelt at"that community's 25thiaBihnrtiary. for these houses," he asked. Last July the manager re- :arly Friday about 10 knots be- gari of 143 Pageant La., Levit- Mrs. Roosevelt was a frequent visitor to Monmouth County. The mayor said the apartment vived a letter of resignation aming northeast Friday and town, was treated at Fitkin Hos- Mr. Levy promises will have an 'rom the Rev. Herbert L. Lin- licking up to 15 to 20 knots Fri- >ital, Neptune. average cost of $16,000 compared ley, former rector of St. James day afternoon. Visibility 3 to 5 Tennent State Police said that Hughes Grieved to the $9,000 cost of the average Episcopal Church, who had miles with variable cloudiness ^oogan, traveling north, had Police Chief Rapped pf 400 garden apartments built moved from the city. Mr. Bowen and a few brief showers today: pulled out to pass the car In reported it to council but no ac- At Death Of throughout the city in the last Visibility 1 to 3 miles in periods rant of him, when he struck the HIGHLANDS — The reactiva The borough has received ap- Mr. Hall recommended that the two years. tion was taken Immediately on a f rain tonight and Friday. Solana car, which was traveling borough attempt to retain owner- eplacement. tlori of a Juvenile Conference provaroval from the federal govern- But, he added, if the building outh. Coogan was given a sum-Committee has hit another snag, ment to transfer ownership of the ship of the Twin Lights public Mrs. Roosevelt Last week council, by split nons for passing in the face of Twin Lights to the state, it was dock located on South Bay Ave. SHREWSBURY — New Jersey investment does not measure up ote, appointed Councilwoman TIDES Mayor Cornelius J. Guiney, Jr., the projected tax base upon incoming traffic. Trooper Nich- reported at last night's Borough reported. The governing body will seek Gov. Richard J. Hughes said hut Lucy Wilson, a perennial author- (Sand/ Hook) ilas Rpon Investigated. which the city may anticipate in- Council meeting. The state plans to use the his- * meeting with state representa- night he was "shooked and ity critic, to the post. The au- Today—High 4:40 p.m. and low tives to discuss the matter. grieved" to hear of the death come also will shrink. thority challenged existence of The mayor rapped Police Chief toric lighthouses as part of Sandy Gives Answers 0:55 p.m. In other action council: of MM. Franklin D. Roosevelt. the vacancy and Mr. Bowen an- Friday — High 5:09 a.m. and toward Monahan for submitting Hook Park. Directed a request to Sen. Har- Reached by telephone, the Mousing Authority Chairman nounced he had lost Father Lin :36 p.m. and low 11:28 a.m. and hree names to the county pro- Held Over Signing rison A. Williams, D-N.J., for ratdon authorities as members of Governor told a newsman: Daniel Maher organized the au- ley's letter vand could not prove 1:45 p.m. Births At the suggestion of former mall delivery to the Water Witch thority's presentation to the the resignation. (For Red Bank and Rumson ie committee without approval mayor Frank J. Hall, coun- section of the borough from Mul- "I recently met her son Council. He did it on a basis But last night, however, Mr. bridge, add two hours; Sea the governing body. cil held over signing of the deed ligan's Tavern to' Paradise Trail- Elliott, who told me ihe was fail- of supplying answers to a letter Bowen produced the letter and Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Long RIVERVIEW The committee needs three transfer. er Park. Ing. It's hard to beUeve It. She City Manager Richard J. Bowen gave out copies. He said It had Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High- Red Bank more members before it can re- was a very great spirit and la a has sent the authority. He mada Requested the county Board of been mlsfiled. It contained a lands bridge, add 40 minutes.) Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Peru, 31 sume operations, the mayor ex- tense Eleanor Roosevelt will nev- these points: firm statement of resignation ilained, but council last Septenv Freeholders, by mail, for the sec-er be dead. I send my condo- Frost Cir., New Monmouth, son Charge Youth ond month hi a row, to provide 1. Expert planners have agreed ind, Mr. Bowen said, certainly CHICAGO (AP) - Cloudy wet Tuesday. Mr requested local clergymen to lences on behalf of the people created a vacancy which coun- jrovide names from their indi- funds for the maintenance of Bay of thto state to her surviving the present plan is the most weather prevailed acroses. most Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rausch and linden Ave*., citing $10,000 suitable for the area and the besl cil could fill. of the eastern third of the na 230 East Highland Ave., Atlantic idual memberships. In Death Of children." aid to Atlantic Highlands and Tha governor was at Shadow- Investment for the city. tion today. The cloud cover ex- Highlands, daughter, Tuesday. "New blood Is needed to spark $100,000 to Mlddletown. 2. Changes can be made if al ended southwestward in the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bauer, 165 he committee and it was the in-Pedestrian brook to address a dinner gather- parties are agreeable. Election southern plains region while skies Center Ave., Keansburg, son, yes-tention of council to have repre- ing. KEYPORT - Police reported 3. The city could be sued by (Continued) were mostly overcast from the irday. sentation from all local groups," the U.S. government to force northern Rockies westward to the r. Guiney remarked. this morning that Robert Pres- U.S. Minister governor of Oklahoma and put Mr. and Mrs. David Pimidaiski ton, Jr., 17, of St. George PI., compliance H anything was done Democrats In the governors' of- Pacific Coast. Eatontown, daughter, yesterday. Ttoe juvenile committee has ToDriveReds Light rain fell in the northern has been charged with causing to obstruct completion of the fices in Vermont for the first time Ken inactive for five years, bor- death by auto, and released in Walks Out plan. The U.S. currently has an in 103 years and In New Hamp- 'acific Coast region, the north- PATTERSON ARMY >ugh officials noted. rn Midwest and from the north Fort Monmouth $500 bond. From India Investment of 91,151,000 by rea- shire for the first time in 4 In September, local clergymen son of purchases, land clearance, 'ears. Atlantic Coast region southwest- SFC and Mrs. Frank F, Tra The woman struck by his car Of Reception BULLETIN ward into the Southern Plains. irged council to assist in reacti- Saturday night, Miss Versa May and installation of sewers, curb: In Pennsylvania the same pat- passo, 26 Gosseiin Ave., Fort vation of the committee to "stem SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) - U.S. NEW DELHI (AP) - The and other work; and Mr. Levj tern put Scranton In as governoi Rain turned to snow in the colder Monmouth, son, Tuesday. Lewis, 53, of 81 Elizabeth St., died Minister Eugenie Anderson Chinese Communists have he tide of rising juvenile prob- yesterday afternoon in Riverview has an Investment of aboul nd gave Democratic Sen. Joseph air in the upper Great Lakes re- SFC and Mrs. Ralph D. John walked out of a Soviet reception launched fresh attacks on Indian ion. ems in the borough.' Hospital. $200,000. !. Clark another term. son, 26 Marion St., Red Bank, Mayor Guiney pointed out last list night after Bulgarian Presi- troops at the eastern end of the 4. All contracts and agree- Romney Victory Some early morning tempera- son, Tuesday. light that Chief Monahan, at the She had been crossing Main,St. dent Dimiter Ganev accused the Himalayan battle line, the Indian ments which are the basis of the In Michigan, Romney's victory tures and conditions: New York on foot at the time of the ac- United States of piratical action Defense Ministry reported today. *•' FITKIN leptember meeting, contended project are legal and binding. was accompanied by the election 45 cloudy, Chicago 39 cloudy, hat it was not his job to set up cident. Police said the Preston against Cuba. There is a pending court case of a Democratic lieutenant gov- Boston 40 clear, Washington 43 Neptune youth - reported that he did not • Ganev made the accusation in NEW DELHI (AP) — The In- new juvenile committee. see Miss Lewis in time to stop. attacking the procedure In which ernor and a Democratic congress- partly cloudy, Atlanta 50 cloudy, Mr. and Mrs. William Buff, 829 "Now, after all this,time, he an address during the Soviet Em dian Parliament cheered Prime certain changes were mad man-at-large. Miami 72 partly cloudy, Louisville Tinton Ave., Eatontown, son, It was raining when the accident bassy's reception in honor of the Minister Nehru today as he told takes things into his, own hands occurred. but the city Is obligated to mak Edward M. (Ted) Kennedy was 46 cloudy, Detroit 44 cloudy, St. Tuesday. and places me In the embarras- 45th anniversary of the Bolshe- it the Indian people will drive Its zoning accommodate the proj [he shining star of the Democrat- Louis 40 partly cloudy, Minnea- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McKen- Miss Lewis was born In Staten vik revolution. It was attended by the "expansionist, imperialist' polis 31 cloudy, Kansas City 38 sing position of trying to explain ect. The U.S. based Its partlc ic lineup. He won by a landslld na, 103 Randolph St., Freehold, :o one resident why her name Island, the daughter of the late Sofia's diplomatic corps and chief minded" Chinese invaders from ipation on city promises thai the seat that his eldest brothei partly cloudy, Denver 25 clear, son, Tuesday. William A. and Minnie Hoffman. delegates to the Bulgarian Com- "the sacred toil of India no mat- Dallas 47 clear, Phoenix 59 clear, ras submitted to the probation zoning revisions would be mad ;ave up in 1960 to become Presi Mr. and Mrs. George MoChes- authorities without her consent,' She had lived here 45 years. munist Party Congjess now be-ter how long and hard the strug- to meet project needs. dent. Seattle 51 rain, San Francisco 5 ney, 47 Shiverea Ave., Freehold, Survivors are a brother, Earl ing held here. gle may be." clear, Los Angeles 59 cloudy, he added. About the use of two parcels Ted Kennedy's run appeared tc son, yesterday. The mayor pointed out that A. Lewis of this place, and a lis- The guests also included Soviet "No self-respecting country that have pulled Endicott (Chub) Pea Anchorage 29 cloudy, Honolulu Mr. and Mrs. Oka Cerenov, ter, Mrs. Kenneth Donahue of chief' Ideologist Mikhail Suslov loves its freedom and integrity originally marked for develop- r6 cloudy. there h more of a need for a ment as parks but now planned body to victory over Republicar West Fifth St., Freehold Acres, juvenile committee here in the Union. . • and Bias Roca, former secretary can possibly submit to this chal- for homes, a dispute developed. iov. John A. Volpe. In the com- daughter, yesterday. last few years "than ever The funeral will be In Bedle general of the Cuban Communist lenge," Nehru told the crowded plete count of about 2.1 million chamber. "Certainly not India." John E. Schulz, authority MONMOUTH MEDICAL jrfore." Funeral Home tomorrow. party. executive director, said the au- ballots, Peabody had a 9,000 lead. thority believes the property in Volpe talked of a recount. Nixon Long Branch question would be better used for The contest in Rhode Islanc (Continued) Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson, houses. Other, equally desirable was considerably closer wlrr 118 Ridge Ave., Asbury Park, for television and radio for keep- son, yesterday. property will be substituted for about 6,000 absentee ballots yel ing the newspapers a little mori park use, he added. to be counted, Democratic Gov. Mr. and-Mrs. John Cavallo, 105 John A. Notte had a 46-vote edg« hon'st , . .' He said comparative values or Woodbrow Wilson Homes, Long over his Republican opponent, "Among the great newspaper Branch, son, yesterday. being appraised and that If in this country that people say John H. Chaffee. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeRosa, change is to be made permis- In Minnesota, with a handfu' should b" concerned about an sion of the Council will be asked the Lou Wile Courier-Journal 104 Garfleld a., Long Branch of precincts remaining to be tal- son, Tuesday. The fact that curbing in th( lied, Democratic Lt. Gov. Karl F, The New York Post, The Mi areas have been laid out to sui Rolvaag held a slim lead ovei waukee Journal and the Fresnc Mr. and Mrs. William Novick, building lots is a minor point GOP Gov. Elmer L. Andersen and the Sacramento Bee . . . 26 Lynn Dr., Asbury Park, he said. The results were so close tha "I would hope that In the fu daughter, this morning. Councilman Edgar N. Dinke the election may not be deter ture, as a result of this cam spiel said that the curb construe mined until the state canvassin paign, that perhaps they (the tion layout without prior consenl board meets Nov. 20. newspapers) would try, at leasi Highlands of the council In these two plot! For all practical purposes, thi simply, to see what both candi violated the basic agreement ant Democrats threw back the R dates say is reported, that, (Continued) rendered the whole agreemen publican attempt to make trad they have questions, to ask the "We let the voters decide th. void. Mr. Schulz laughed at th( tional minority party congressio same questions of the other can- issue, and they did. We coul suggestion. al gains in a nonpresidential el« didate . . . have prevented the police pa; tion year. "I hope that what I have sai< raise from going on the ballol PRACTICE-TEACHING In the Senate the Democra today will at least make televi but we didn't" he pointed oul BLOOM1NGTON, Ind. — Susar gained a net of four seats sion, radio and the press firs "If we had given them all Lindzy, 161 Sycamore Ave. make their ratio over the Repu recognize the great responsibil $1,000 raise we would have bee; Shrewsbury, N. J., who will teacr licans 68 to 32. Thisfwas the hig] ity they have to report all thi railroaded out of town," the maj language arts at Eastern Schoo est mark reached by the part; hews and, second, to recognize or declared. District In Bloomfield, Ind., is since the 69 seats lt held afte that they have a right and a re- "Come next year when the ta. among 260 student teachers from the 1938 election. sponsibility, if they are against payers see It on their bIHs, w Indiana University, who will sta In the House, the Democra a candidate—give him the shaft won't be responsible for it." teaching assignments Monday i had elected 258 members, the R "But also recognize, if the; junior and senior high schoo publicans 176. A Democrat wa Council took the request for an give him the shaft—put one Ion audit report under advisement. throughout the Hoosier state. In leading in one undecided race ly reporter on the campaign whi diana University requires all-da; Alaska. The Democratic marg will report what the candidate student teaching for an eight in the last Congress was 261 I says, now and then. Thank you meek period. 174. gentlemen, and good day." Dr. Clark, Red Bank, OBITUARIES Dies at 42 RED BANK - Dr. James F. WILLIAM J. STILLWELL JOHN J. McARTHUR MRS. DELLA B. MORRALL Clark, 42, of 253 River Rd., died MATAWAN TOWNSHIP —Wil- UNION BEACH - John Joseph TUCKERTON-Mrs. Delia 1 Tuesday night In Riverview Hos liam J. Stlllwell, 92, of 551 Line McArthur, 39, of 145 Morning- Morrall, 80, of 150 Water St., die pital. Rd., died Tuesday in his home side Ave., died yesterday at the Tuesday In Monmouth Medic. Dr. Clark was born in Dover after a long Illness. Esso Refinery, Linden, where he Center, Long Branch, where sh New Hampshire, son of Jami Mr. Stillwell was born In.Mata-1 worked. had been a patient four days. F. and Lilian Overson Clarl wan. He was a retired farm Mr. McArthur was born in Jer- Mrs. Morrall was born . He was graduated from the Unl worker. sey City. He was a member County Galway, Ireland, daugh verslty of New Hampshire i He leaves no known survivors. of the Union Beach Democratic ter of the late Mr. and Mrs 1941, and received his medic Services will be held Friday at Club, a Navy veteran of World John Forde. She came to fh degree from the Long Island Col 10 a.m. from the John W. Mehl- War II, and a communicant of United States 60 years ago. She lege of Medicine in 1949. H enbeck Funeral Home, Hazlet, Holy Family Catholic Church. had lived in Tuckerton three served his internship and resi with Rev. John H. Sharpe, pas- Surviving are his wife, Mrs. years, moving here from Cliff- dency in Kings County Hospital tor of the Keyport Reformed Rita Brown McArthur; two wood Beach. She was a mem New York, from 1949 to 1953 Church, officiating. daughters, Misses Colleen and ber of St. Joseph's Cathol He came to Red Bank am Kathleen McArthur, both at home Church, Keyport. opened his office for the pra< Burial will be in Fair View his mother, Mrs. Vera McArthur Cemetery, Mlddletown. Her husband, Frederick 1 tice of ophthalmology in 1953. of Cliffwood, and a sister, Mrs. Morrall,. died 20 years ago. George Hausmann of CHffwood. Dr. Clark was captain in th MRS. ELLA JONES Surviving are a daughter, Mr 182nd U. S. Army Infantry fro Services will be Saturday at William W. Goslau of Shrewsbury 1941 to 1945, serving in the Sou RED BANK -Mrs. Ella Jones, 8 a.m. from the Day Funeral two grandchildren, two greal Pacific, where lie took part WATCH THEM IMITATE THIS ONE! 73, of 611 Agnes Ave., Brlelle, Home, Keyport, followed by a grandchildren, two sisters, Mr! the Invasion of Guadalcanal. died' last night at the home of high requiem mass In Holy Fam- Katherine Yog of Tuckerton' an He was a member of St. Jamei her stepson Mervyn Jones, 217 ily Church at 9 a.m. Burial will Miss Winifred Forde of Irelanc This is the look of things to come in modern motor Of course, there's a great deal more thin styling West Bergen PI., Red Bank, aft- be In St. Joseph's Cemetery, Key- Catholic Church, and a membei and a brother, Michael Forde of the Red Bank Elks, the Mon car styling. In this new Cadillac that Is worthy of emulation. er a long illness. Born at Hills- port. Ireland. boro, Md., she resided at Briellc mouth County Medical Societ; Services will be held at 8 a.m the American Medical Assc It's the 1963 Cadillac-a motor car so beautiful There are Cadillac's beautiful and luxurious new for the past 45 years. She Is the DAVID BLACKBURN interiors—and Cadillac's remarkable new perform* widow of the late Walter Jones Friday from the Worden Funera ciation, the New Jcrsy Academ and so tempting it is difficult to resist. BORDENTOWN TOWNSHIP — Home, Red Bank. At 9 a.m. of Ophthalmology and Otolary anco—and Cadillac's unprecedented choice of per* who died In 1950. David Blackburn, 81, of Rt. 2, The new look in Cadillacs combines formality and high requiem mass will be offeree gology. He v/as a member of tli sonal appointments and accessories—'and Cadillac's She was a member of Shiloh died yesterday in Mercer Hos- in St. James Catholic Churc staff of Riverview Hospital ar youthfulness, majesty and vigor in a way that is Baptist Church, Manasquan and pital, Trenton. Red Bank by Msgr. Emmett / the New York Eye and Ear 1 predictably trend-sotting. , unrivaled dependability and valuo. Its fbwer club, the missionary Mr. Blackburn was born In Monahan. Burial will be In S stitute. And it belongs to Cadillac alone. You won't seo Cadillac is now more clearly than aver before the society and the woman's club Sterling, Scotland, son of the Joseph's Cemetery, Keyport. Besides Mervyn Jones, she Is late James and Margaret Black- Besides his parents, he Is sui any others with that sweeping expanso of hood and Standard of the World. vived by his wife, Mrs. Marie M survived by another stepson, Wil- burn, and formerly had resided deck that gives tho 1963 Cadillac Its unique look of Tho thine to do is to seo and drive one of tha liam Jones, of Red Bank, one in Freehold. He was a retired Award Pact Cusslly Clark; a son, David Clar! stepdaughter, Miss Dorothy weaver with the A & M Kara- and a daughter, Deborah Clar] vitality and power. twelve brilliant new models and get the whole- Louise Jones of Point Pleasant, ghcusian Rug Mill, Freehold. FORT MONMOUTH - A ml both at home; a brother, Ea And itd discorning usfl of chroma and adornment Cadillac story for 1968. And for a full year at tha tary contract for $51,974 hai V. Clark of Westfield, and a si: three grandchildren and two Surviving are his wife, Mrs. welcomes a new purity of form in automotive design. wheel, do it before another week goes by. nephews. Services will be held Helen Blackburn; a son, David been awarded to the Wcstin tcr, Miss Phyllis L. Clark of thi Saturday at 2 p.m. from Shiloh W. niackburn of Freehold; a house Electric Corp., Red Ban place. Baptist Church, Manasquan, with daughter, Mrs. Jessie Bllanclo for 12 months research work in The funeral service will be hel VISIT YOUR LOCAL, AUTHOIUZKD CADILLAC DEALHn Rev. J.W. Scott officiating. Buri- of Dordentown Township; a organic film tunneling effect Friday at 9 a.m. from the W al will follow at White Lawn brother, James Blackburn of and devices. Ham S. Anderson Funeral Horn cemetery, Point Pleasant, The Klderslie, Scotland, and four The contract, announced by the to St. James Church where a higl body will lay In state at the grandchildren. Fort Monmouth Procurement Of- requiem mass will be oflered RUSSELL OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC COMPANY ehiirch Friday, S lo 10 p.m. The The W. H. Freeman and Sons lice, U. S. Army Electronics Ma- 10 a.m, f. Leon Harris funeral home is Funeral Home, Freehold, It in teriel Agency, will be carried out Burial will be in St, Mary1 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD SHADYSIDE 10910 In charge of arrangements. charge of arrangements. at Pittsburgh, Pa. Cemetery, Dover, N. H. I RED BANK REGISTER successful Nason on Education Man in 60%..Tax Bracket : • • ' Seeks Tax-Exempt Bonds Faulty Study Techniques By ROGER E. SPEAR This fall, about 6,000 freshmen Commlttee on procedures to in- many students about this prob- Q)-»Tfl» 46 yean old, a suc- frared and optics and is very enrolled in engineering colleges crease the supply- cessful manufacturer's agent ai prominent in lasers, which deal in the United States. Less than Why don't more American "Why don't you want to study with no eateinptlons, am now with.the control and amplifica- 60 per cent of them are expected youngsters enroll in engineering science or medicine or engineer'* the » per cent income tax brack' tion of light beams. With a con obtain engineering degrees colleges? And, once they're en- ing?" I ask. etjinownothing about commor servattye portfolio, you can, four years rolled, why don't more of them stocks am Urink, afford the risk involved "Math and science are hard from now. remain to earn their degrees? courses," is the all too frequent have no timi one high grade science stock : to learn. I The Soviet Interest Not Enough reply. "Four or five or six years which might ultimately bring big Union gradu- The National Science Founda- seems to me rewards. of studying late every night-jfs) that tax-exempt ates 120,000 en- Uon and high school engineering not worth it And I might not (Mr. Spear cannot answer giaeers eacb and science clubs are working be able to do it!" municipal! are mall personally but will answer my best bet. year. to develop Interest in such ca- How many times have I heard all questions possible In his col- The shortage reers. But interest is not enough! Do you agree, umn.) parents say: and if so would engineers The basic fault is the lack of has reached study techniques In mathematics "My boy thought he wanted you list a few Q) "We own our home free i to be an engineer until he took available Issues guch propor- and science on the part of our clear and have a savings account OfVNosoa) tions that high school studeats. a course in chemistry (or math - with rates?" or physics). Now he doesn't >•!« E. Spear -y o.W We are young. I think we should President Ken- Students choose only those vo- mortgage our home—loan value nedy has asked for an early, re- cational goals they feel capable know what he wants to be. He A) I certainly agree mat $25,000-«nd buy investment prop- port from his Science Advisory of attaining. I have talked with does know that he doesn't want good backlog of municipals erty for additional income. My to be an engineer!" highly desirable for a man husband wants to sit pat I fed My discussion with these stu- your tax bracket. I don't feel, that we aren't receiving enough dents comes to the same conclu- however, that yon should cot return {ran the amount Invested Mrs. Roosevelt Dies sion. yourself off entirely from com' to our home. Any ideas?" A. H. v (Continued) mon stocks, since these will give No one has shown them how A) As a married man hi good AXMY AWARD—Sgr. First Class Joseph J. DeFaria of 77 Applegate St., River Include representatives from the U. S. government, the United to study mathematics or science. you • measure of protection standing, I am usually hesitant against inflation which no fixed Plaza, awarded the Army Commendation Medal, h congratulated by Col. Donald Nations, and the state of New York, as well as close friends Goals Follow Success about acting.as a referee in of Mrs. Roosevelt," the announcement laid. President Ken- income securities can possibly do, hujbaod-and-wife disagreement. E. Carle, commanding officer of Patterson Army Hotpitaj at Fort Monmouth. Mrs. Many of the students I have there are a great many availa- nedy will attend. So will former President Harry S. Truman assisted are now fine scientists ble municipals or public authori- However, Hie question yon raise DeFaria looks on. Sgt, DaFaria, who retired from tha Army la it week with more and his wife. < is an interesting one. and engineers. They set their ty Issues to choose from. For than 20 years service/was commended for duty at the Fort Monmouth hospital A memorial service at the Cathedral of St. John the Di- goal after their success hi high My reply hinges entirely you, I- suggest State of California sine* October 1954. He was non-com in charge of Preventive Medicin* Service, vine in New. York City is being planned, for sometime within school science and mathematics. 9.W$ due 1985 to yield J.15 per your knowledbge of real est the next two weeks. and your ability fo invest in prop- Office of the Surgeon. If we expect more young peo* cent, or Louisville Housing Au- The family gave permission for an autopsy, but its pur- pie to choose these vocations we thority's due 1983 to yield erty and obtain a net return of at pose was not made clear. Eight years ago, Mis. Roosevelt (east 10 per cent Anything less must take the trouble to teach per cent willed her eyes to an eye bank. them how to study math and would hardly seem worthwhile, Mrs. Roosevelt fought her illness with the same vigor with Q) "We have $10,000 in stocks. since even 10 per cent only al- science—and the earlier the bet- Hydrofoil Being Completed which she had pursued a career which took her to the tut ter. Including Union Carbide; Royal lows yon a spread of $1,000 over corners of the world. These subjects are nofmore Dutch; American Telephone; tte probable cost of mortgaging ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - bill making some $3,000,000 in Cost of a proposed underwater LECTURED OFTEN General Telephone; Sears, Roe- your own home. difficult than the others. But they The Harbor Commission was no- flood control funds available to ice prevention system was esti- She was often on the go-shuttling around the world on buck; Westinghouse Electric, and tified hut night that North the Baysbore area. one errand or another, both public and private. She lectured require a different approach. PerUa-Elmer, We bought for If yon have/any slightest doubt mated at $2,875. And the precise thinking de- as to your ability to accompli* American Hydrofoils, Inc., Chi- The commission has received far and wide, and was known to the public hi many lands. yield and growth, but Peridn- There will be an Ice control manded can become a pleasant tins result, I would adopt your cago, has completed construc- approval on a resolution to the Her travels were often the subject of good natured humor. Elmer dropped to half the price tion of hydrofoil hulls which may demonstration Nov. 9 and 10 al They also brought barbed criticism from many who disliked procedure once the student has we paid and gives no return. husband's position and sit pet Public Works committee of Con- the know-how. Q) "I own Parke, Davis and be nsed in the proposed ferry The Coast Yacht Works, Red her or her husband—or both of them. Should wo bold for future growth service between this harbor and gressi requesting a restudy of Bank, it was announced. Sever- Only after her death did the family disclose that her ill- Students are not lazy. Show or take t big loss?" Montgomery Ward, both bought them how to train for success within the last year. Would you New York. harbor facilities. al members of the commission ness was discovered two and a half yean ago. Initially, treat- RJK. plan to attend. ment permitted her to continue writing, speaking and battling in college and they become con- advise baying more of these The new hulls were built In The group wants the present fident hi their own ability. A) If you can afford the lack average down/or should I sell Louisiana and are being shipped hatbor breakwater raised an ad- Ned MacLaughlin, harbor mas- for the causes for which she had become famous. of income for «time, I most def- But last July, the anemia worsened and she entered the Once students realize through out and buy entirely new issues? to Florida, Where construction ditional five feet and an east ter, reported that there were 163 success at the high school level initely advise you to hold Perkra- If you advise the latter course, will be completed. sea wall constructed to prevent boat branchings hi October. Mr. hospital for a series of tests. She left the hospital and went Eimer. In fact, I will go •» far to Hyde Park for a rest, then to Campobello Island, where that college training in science, what replacements would you rec- The completed hydrofoil craft flooding In the harbor and ero- MacLaughlin also reported that medicine or engineering can be as to say that ( would prefi ommend? I want growth and < sion of the shore front five boats brake their lines dur- she had tirelessly helped her husband to recover from polio holding Perldn-Eimet to Wetting- will be tested in Florida, with achieved, they are not discour- afford to take my losses." H. S Coast Guard supervision. If Army engineers recommend ing the storm of Nov. 3, and sevT 40 years ago and resume his ca aged by the thoughts of the work bouse Electric, since the former eral small craft were slightly reer despite the crippling handi- Truman, her husband's successor, has been growing very rapid!] A) To a man in your position Test runs are planned for local federal aid for the harbor, and If ahead. They choose these goals. and with your objectives, damaged. cap. as a United States representative and the latter has made virtual!; waters next spring. the Congress approves that rec- to the United Nations. When more high school stu- no progress in 10 yean and suggest that you start all over A letter was read from Rep. ommendation,^ according to Rep. The Commission decided that She re-entered the hospital dents feel capable of becoming again. James C Anchincloss, R-3d for all boats not out of the har- Sept 26, and was moved to hei Lester B. Pearson, the Canadi- barely covering its dividend. Anchincloss the harbor will be an statesman then president of scientists and engineers we will Perkln-Elmer is a leader in In Parke, Davis has one of the District, which stated that eligible for monies out of the bor by Nov. 19, an additional fee apartment three weeks later, at have an adequate supply in these of $2 a day will be charged. her request the UN General Assembly, said finest names hi drugs, but it is President Kennedy has signed a $3,000,000 fund. in Ottawa last night: fields. heavily dependent on a single an- "The contentment which she "She was one of the great tibkrtic—Chtoromycetin. Earrings experienced In being among her (You may obtain a copy of Dr. Post-Election have destined In me past two own surroundings and with her women ot our time and her con- tribution toward progress in her Nason's "Help Your Child Suc- years, and I think they wM be family was of great importance ceed In School" by sending $1 down again in 1962. during the last days of her life," own country was only equaled by Day Marked Ready for Winter her contribution to all good inter- to "Help Your Child," Box 1277, Montgomery Ward is trying to the family said. General Post Office, New York.) rebuild its once-groat merchan- Mrs. Roosevelt died exactly 31 national causes." By Advance dising empire, but the ]6b may be FREEHOLD - Addition of The freeholders filed another pledge themselves to float a bond years after the tint election o; Mrs. Roosevelt never learned long and the stock Is a specula- 29,180 super snow pump, called report in their quest for $800,000 issue to meet the county's 25 per her husband to the presidency. the results of the elections of To Swear In NEW YORK (AP) — The stock Sno-Go, has capped preparations in federal money and $400,000 cent commitment, a letter was tive, rather than a growth, sit- 1 She campaigned with Jin Tue**y. one of which returned market's first post-election ses- uaftfon. of the Monmouth County Road state funds in the proposed $1,- required attesting to the. county's through four successful bids fo: her son James to Congress as Sheriff-Elect sion yesterday brought a surpris- Ftor your objectives', I Department for threatened fre- 600,000 repair and new construe- financial stability. and termed u ft* • Democra tativafrom ing advance which came after , Road tton project for Sea Bright sea '.The satisfactory, rtatmnrnt :;hid helped T to —SheiW-etect Jo- a switch of your ] Sj ErTfoears for? heZr C»ST seph A. Shafto will be sworn in- some early proflt-Ukfag was ab- into iwiu Dn re- walls. came In a letter from George physically handicapped mate. shape the Democratic ticket in sorbed. Trading was actlye," ported to the Board of Freehold- The project is part of the fed- SkUlman, director of the stati New York state and, while hos- to office herd* next Tuesday at and Mf Products Chemical Tested Idea* soon before Superior Court The Dow Jones Industrial NVSB). ers yesterday. erally • sponsored Accelerated Division of Local Government pitalized, had sent a contribution •rage advanced &2? to JIMS ~* Mr. Proton said the machine, Public Works program recently He noted that the anticipated Roosevelt frequently tested the to the New York Committee for Judge 7. Edward Knight. chewing away considerable re- to be wed for loading snow frai authorized. But after three weeks added debt will bring the county ideas of the New Deal on her. Democratic Voters, a reform lib- The new sheriff, who defeated slrtance tt the supply-area re- county roads into trucks for re- of conferences. Director Joseph debt ratio to assessments to 1.8 "I think I sometimes acted as a eral wing she helped found in Democrat Paul Klernan in Tues- garded as existing between 610 Set Course movatand alro capable of pump- C. Irwin said the only evidence per cent, compared to a legal spur, even though the spurring the city. day's election, will replace re- and (20 In the average. ing the white stuff 175 feet off of progress is paperwork four limit of 4 per cent. was not always wanted or wel- Six- children were born of her tiring Republican Sheriff Ira E. Of 1,292 issues traded, 732 ad- the roadside, Is ready for serv- inches thick. come," she wrote after his death marriage, but one, the first Wolcott For Scout : vanced and 318 declined. There ice. In connection with the newest issue for this purpose would not Franklin Jr., died in infancy. The state constitution provides were nine new highs for the year report, in which the freeholders served Ms purposes," With her at death were two that a sheriff takes office the aid four new lows. It was acquired from, the be readily marketable," Mr. Stlll- Leadership F.WJ>. SnoGo Corp. through man wrote. Although having expressed sons, the second Franklin Jr. and Tuesday following the gener- Volume was 4.58 million shares wish for "freedom from public al election. BED BANK — Scout training the George Gilbert Agency in In other business, the freehold- John, and her daughter, Mrs. An- compared with 4.32 million Mon- or the Great Northern District Keansburg, Mr- Preston said. 60 Pupils notice" upon leaving the White na Roosevelt Halsted. Two sons day. ers: House, Mrs. Roosevelt moved on flew here—James from his elec- No problem fmdisig tenants Boy Scouts, is being offered hi Describing its potential, he said Approved a Red Bank ordi- Chrysler once again headed Red Bank High School this month to even wider fame. tion in California and Elliott when you advertise The Register the list of most active stocks but Sac-Go can cut down banks 12 to Perfect In nance creating a loading zone on She helped organize the United from Miami. way—Advertisement for adult members, it was an 14 feet high, cut a swath eight a county road, West Front St., atnmbled in Its strong advance, nounced recently by Cant Ches- Nations and served President closing unchanged at 6#» on and one half feet wide, move at near Bridge Ave. ter Fromm, Fort Hancock, dis- 21 different speeds from 56/100 Attendance 83,300 shares. trict training chairman. Reappointed Gilbert H. Van miles an hour to 42 miles an SEA BRIGHT <- Four teach- Note, of Spring Lake, a regis- Auxiliary Second most active was Gen- Instructors are: eral Motors, off % at 56# on 86,- hour. ers at the Sea Bright Public tered Democrat, to the county 500 shares. Third was Polaroid, Cub Scouting, Frank Herbert, Citing other equipment in School have listed the names of Board of Education for Voca- Dance Planned Red Bank, chairman; Joseph 60 pupils who maintained a rec- tional Schools for four years. up I at 122 on 62,200 shares. estana, Atlantic Highlands readiness, Mr. Preston said two CUFfWOOD - Mrs. Ruth Wil- Next came General Dynamics, different types of plows are ready ord for perfect attendance in the State law requires the four board liams conducted the reguiai off % at 27% and Korvette, up tobert Ring, Belford; Sgt. Wll- for attachment to the county's month of October, members to be split between the am Maynsrd, Fort' Hancock; meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary %at27. fleet of 40 trucks. In addition, 15 Also listed were the names of two political parties. of Veterans; of Foreign Wars r. and Mrs. Robert Green sanding jets are on hand. six pupils who won prizes for art Yesterday's closing stocks: Leonardo; Mr. and Mrs. George Accepted the $1.5 million new Guadalcanal Post, In the Veter- "I hope we don't have to use and seven for costumes in the Gooseneck Bridge on Seven ans Memorial Home.' ACT Ind I-T-S at BrJE 11114 Cassidy, Port Monmouth, and school's Halloween contests. AdUBl XX JfJohnc s HaK n 4141<< Mrs. James Sebastian, Shrews- any of it," ha added. Bridge Rd., between Little Silver Tickets are available for the Air Kadua Jonea ft h The perfect attendance pupils and Oceanport, upon receipt of a AlltjE CP Joy Ml bury. dance to be held Nov. 24 la,the AlWc Lud KaMer Al were: letter from the Army Corps of AUtg Pw KeoMMtt Instructors hi Boy Scouting Post Home. Mrs. Geraldine Fite- 40 are: ' Oceanport Pre-first, first and second Engineers. Freeholder Abram Simmons is chairman. Music will AlUa Cnftl Krwn SS grades, Mrs. John P. Weir, teach- Voorhees, director of bridges, Alee* Edward Ferrari, East Keans- be provided by tha DJK Trio. Am Alrlln C*N er — Billy Benin, Cynthia Brit- said the construction and remov- Am Brk Sh burg; Albert Hansen, Falrview; Mrs. Williams was accom- Am out Lei Caftod Variance tingham, Martha Dodds, Jon Eil- al of the former span has been Leh Vil RR Allen Turner, Highlands; George enberger, Leslie Fichter, Lisa panied by Mrs. Irene Brenon and Am Bray LOP Olan Engledrum, Lfncroft; Charles "very satisfactory." Mrs. Rita Scarborough at the Am Hot Lib McN*L Kilgallon, Michael and Sharon Adopted a resolution pledging Am Smelt Lin * My Collins, Locust; Robert Skinner fall workshop fa the Edison Am ml LHton Ind Is Granted Knebllck, Lois Kraus, Suzanne $64,000 as a 10 per cent share ot An Ttl Tel Lukeni SU Middletown; Frank Steckhahn, OCEANPORT - The Zoning Lee, Eleanor Martinez, Sharon Township Memorial Post Hom», Am To* Mack Trk New Shrewsbury; Thomas Bur- the cost of beach erosion proj- sponsored by the Department o Am VUCOM MaraUi OH Board of Adjustment last night Smith, Richard Spahr, Joey ects in Deal, Spring Lake, Ocean Amp Inc. Martin If nett, Red Bank, and Junior Bouk, New Jersey VFW and Auxfflarv Anaconda Merck " acted on the first variance ap- Stout, Henry Tosel, Disiree and Grove, Avon, and Belmar. The Armeo BU- umson- Saturday. Armour uau plication of property.affected by Charles White and Joni Young. state will pay 50 per cent and Arsut Clc Minn Mftll the recently adopted zoning code Third and fourth grades, Mrr the municipalities 40 per cent During tha social hour which JUW oil Mo Pic A followed, a toy demonstration Atehlna Mont Ward Fellowship Hears changes. Raymond Heliker, teacher- < • All R«nn Nat BMc was held with Mr*. Elsie Lyl A«o Corp N Caih Re( Talk By Member The board granted a conditional Campbell AxeUon, Edwina Bean- Bibcock W Nil Dairy variance to Gabriele Piumacci, as chairman. Hat Dlitlll MATAWAN - At a meeting o um, Robert Bonln, Phoebe Dodds, MorganvUle Nat Orpi Dunbar Ave., Long Branch, who Rhonda Early, James Foreman, Refreshments were served by Nil Steal the Young Peoples Fellowship of Mrs. Irene Meehan, Mrs. Irene NY Central Trinity Episcopal Church, Rich- testified he planned to build for Leo Glaster, Robvn Konschack, A fashion show sponsored by KliUP. the Ladies Auxiliary, Morganville Brenon, Mrs. Olive Scott and Belli 8tMl No Am Ar ard Ratcllffe spoke on the "Days speculation a 1,430 square foot Laura Lee, Douglas Potter, Wen- Boelnr Nor Pic home on vacant Monmouth Blvd. dy Schadt, Karen Stone, Melanle Volunteer Fair Company, will Mrs. Helen Bienkowski. BOMM Nwit Alrlln of Trial and Growth." Borg W«ra Norwich Ph Miss Jean Phillips was wel- land near the intersection of Stout, Rita Swenson and Samra be held Saturday at 8 p.m. in Bnniwk Oiil* Mar the fire house, Tennent Rd. Bueken PI Onrftiu III al omed as a new member. She 'ortaupeck Ave. Wingerter. Bopy ErU Pan A W Air Cana Conference Buk>v» Param Plot Introduced Miss Margaret Can- Mr. Piumacci said he pur- Fifth and sixth grades, Mrs. Burl Hi' Pepney JC non as her guest. hased the property- which Charles B. Hall, teacher — Earl Daniel and Donald Kniffen, Cut JI PiPilU Set For Sunday C*t*r Tr«o Pa RE At the next meeting, Miss Car- measures 100 by 150 feet, Dodds, John and Richard Fors- ons of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pepal Cola Kniffen, Pleasant Valley Rd., re- Parkin Elm Hayducko will speak on May of this year. The bor- man, Margaret GaMo, Jacqueline KEYORT — The second meet- 'Ministry and Organizations." ugh-wide zone changes.adopted Kuczola, John Kurta, Richard ceived their one-year pins at the ing of the Cana Conference will Phlll pet 4-H Achievement Awards Night at >e held Sunday at 7:30 p.m. In 8RS7. Pit Bteel Aiss Hayducko and Richard R by Borough Council in September, Lee, Jane Mayer, Sene Ann Rafe, COM Coli Pub Bv Eta increased the frontage require- Mlchele Schadt, Caroline Schlat- the Park Avenue School^ Free- ihe cafeteria of St. Joseph's Coir Pal Pullman :llffe wHl serve refreshments. Colum OM Pure oil Antonio Fonseca read the first ment of houses in that area to mann, Michael Smith and Derek hold, Friday. School. Comi Sol RCA Con EdU lesson and Roblnle Malkmus, the 120 feet. Tynes. All married couples are Invited Com Can Readtnc Co Repub Stl econd lesson. They also;served A number of residents of the Seventh and eighth grades, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Brew- The moderator and director C B Revlon Jl»yn Met the hospitality committee for rea told the board they were Mrs. William T. Sawyer, teacher er and son, Daniel, and Mrs. wiH be Rev. Alfred Smith. Mr. Ray Tob social hour which followed. n favor of the building proposal. Daniel P. Brewer, Orchard and Mrs. Robert Koenig, Hazlet, Pulton — Robert Boeckel, WiHiam Cous- Bt JM Lead The next Convocation meeting The board granted the variance ins, Carol Dodds, Judy Hansen, Pkwy., spent Sunday with the lat- ire the Key couple and Mr. and at Ret Pap iroviding Mr. Piumacci submits ter's son who is attending Tem- Mrs. Andrew DeRostf, Harlet, are Bear* Roeb 'ill be Sunday. Nov. 25, in St. Weldon Hennessey, Linda Kresch- Shell Oil rlri's Church, Sea Girt. ocuments certifying that he ple University, Philadelphia, the Chair couple. Smolalr meler, Merry Larson, Robert Smith, AO ersonaMy served the borough Redfleld, Kerry Smith, Reginald Tlmmy Brewer spent Sunday A question and answer session Bocony -esidents affected by the pro- with his grandparents, Mr. and Sou Pac Tynes, Pauline, Rafe and Wendy 'ill follow, and refreshments will Sou Hy osal, and he obtains subdlvl Welch and Sandra Wingerter. Mrs. William Darby, Freehold. >e served. Market on approval from the Planning Wd Brand Art winners in the Halloween Ud Oil Cal NEW YORK (AP)-(USDA) - 3oard. The builder told the ltd Oil NJ contests" were, grades five and Itudeblkar holesale egg offerings short hi ward he owned other adjacent ilx, most amusing, Caroline Texaco nds to the property concerned T«» o Prod large and light on balance. De- ScMatmann; most original, Sene Tex a Bui and active on large and good i the application. Ann Rafe, and £ost outstanding, Lively, robast flavor Celt roil In other action, the board am pub ut 3i< Tld«»at Oil n smaller sites yesterday. Jacqueline Kuczola; and, grades unlike other cereals O Tel*Bl Trantamer greed to drop the variance an- Un Carbide Whites: Extras (47 lbs. mln.) seven and eight, most amusing, ... that's Wheatonal ' Un Pac 2-*3'/i: extras medium (40 lbs. lcatlon of Valentine and Amelia Carol Dodds; most original, Olm AM Unit Alro iller which would have per- Natural, all-wheat nutrition OOMTloh United Cp verage, 29-30; top quality (47 •Cathy Zieglar, and, most out- OMdyear JS Llnei bs. mln.) 44-47; mediums (41 lbs. mitted the construction of a one- landing, Sharon Tosel. to keep you going in high Ornoc Co !B Plywd Family house at the Intersection Ol A*P m Bub verage) 31-33; smalls (36 lbs. Costume winners were,, funni- ...that's Wlwitenil IS Smelt t Werah PI. and Smith St. The IS Steel iverage) 25-26; peewees 20-21, est, Kenneth Smith; most beauti- Van Al Stl Browns: Extras (47 lbs. mln.) oard noted that the applicants Walworth fere not present.at last night's ful, Sene Ann Rafe and Michael BUY A BOX TODAY- warn B Pid 5-46; top quality (47 lbs. mln.) leetlng to continue their testi- Schade; best concealed, Pamela 1410 A.M. — 1053 P.M. Va Un Tel 5-47; mediums (41 lbs. average) Axelsen and Faith Stone; and SERVE IT TOMORROW^ 1-33; smalls (38 lbs. average) ony. They had first appeared Monmouth County Newt Summwltt the board last month, most original, Robin Konschak 5-28; peewees 20-21. and Sharon Tosel. 11 Yngat Bn*T 7 A.M. - 12 Noon - 4:20 P.M. THB WHfATUM CORKOHATIOM, Wkutwiavllf*, subway, H.$i, RED BANK REGISTEB Thartdiy, Noy. 8, 1962- By CeUermarot Tbe M«n «boo! bti * itted for the o«t antti * r*»i| GINGER ctptcity of .720 *to4esi!, There of ptttopt Qt Mitt ill U$ 800 Ham now. *H- KP-WW (two H&. **xxto. gntei, TH* ytu tout, vm Million mtnu, ti» bousd hu itpogA »yi872orM73,tfc«U*r «"""• **— •RMUTAN TOWNSHIP - The elementary schools, which wiJi be Joard of Education has canceled "carbon copies" of the recently- GUT OUT THIS ts tentative Dec. 18 date for a completed UlHan Drive School, referendum on the proposed and addition of a 15 to 20-room school expansion program, The wing on the high school. VALUABLE SPECIAL CHRISTMAS DISCOUNT Register learned yesterday. Mr. Corbliss revealed Tuesday Robert J. CorbHss, board presi- that the board now is considering COUPON ADVERTISING OFFER dent, said as it looks now, the an additional proposal—to expand rote probably cannot be taken the high school gymnasjum. ^^V^tORSTAN STUDIOS **%&* before March, possibly even All our athletic directors have later than that. told us this 1s a must," he re- 24 WHITE ST., RED BANK The board has been unable to ported, "because of increasing Tfclf Coappw, whnfrtimM of Studh, Eatltht Beartr to Oot schedule a hearing before offi enrollments. The new wing will ciels of the state Department olif permit a doubling of enroUmenl Education and state Division ol and unless the gym is enlarged, 8x10 OIL-COLORED PHOTOGRAPH Local Government because of we will have a real problem on business backlogs in those agen- our hands." omr ota COUTOH FOR 95 Regular Valu* stflTAMC cies. The official said this could be TO A fAMIIY "Mom, Billy doesn't lisp any more! I knocked hi* two Although Trenton may beaWe done "within tiie $2,000,000 build- ONLY front teeth out playing $oceer!" > conduct an informal hearing ing program estimate." with the board sometime next He added: THIS OffR GOOD month, it is doubtful that a for- "I am certain we will not go UNTIL DEC. 3 mal hearing (for approval of over $2,000,000 in the bond issue." local Government because of The board has taken an option Partners Split slans) can be scheduled . be-on the 18-acre Aumack tract, fore the middle of January, Mr. south of Rt. 36, on the east side Township Without Consultant Corbliss Explained. of Union Ave., for one of the The board must have state de- new elementary schools. The oth- HOLMDEL — The Planning sociates, and learned that the partment approval on its plans, er site will be in the Garden ONLY ORGE BEFORE HAS THIS AtfAZINfi OFFER APPEARED III ANY NEWSPAPER! Parkway Homes section of (own. Board Tuesday found itself with two partners of the firm had educationally, and a state divi- I split up. sion okay to exceed the debt limit At present, the high school, ert NOW n< hfaf tt ft «r sMfe-to out the services of a planning by an additional $2,000,000. grades five through eight and py floctly n tils ppV y y One partner, Donald Irving, is I 1*1 ymr •R-cdwfd |*ttofr«>b b flm far WUmmi consultant said to have taken a position in The proposal, as reported in The part of the fourth grade are' on R.B.R. tU» William J. Duncan, boar the Midwest. The other partner, Register Oct. 22, includes. con- full-day sessions. All other class- secretary, reported that he hat Mr. Morrow, said he may join struction of. two more 16-room es are on split session. been in contact with the curren another firm, Noble Planning As- consultants Morrow Planning As sociates, Paterson, according to Mr. Duncan. Monmouth Shopping Center Mr. Duncan told the board he Students Take requested that Mr. Morrow send Ph. LI 2-2150 a letter outlining his new business Aptitude Test association and qualifications for Open Daily 10 am. 'til 9:30 p.m. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - I continuing to serve the township 1MONTGOMERYWARD, an effort to afford college-boun as a planning adviser. No letter Sal.'til 6. students an early opportunity t was received as of Tuesday's evaluate their ability to do co meeting. lege level work, the Preliminary Later in the board meeting, the Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT members reviewed what steps of the College Entrance Exam must be taken to assure the ination Board was given to 3 board of professional planning juniors and 10 seniors at Henr; advice. It was decided to con- tfudson Regional School recentl tact Charles M. Pike, director of This test was given under con the Monmouth County Planning ditions directed by the Education Board, to obtain the names o al Testing Service and was ad planning firms in the area. ministered by John J. Avril, c The Morrow firm prepared tlii the Henry Hudson guidance d master plan for the township in partment. 1958.

TO MEET MONDAY EATQNTOWN — An adjournei New look alike meeting of the Zoning Boan of Adjustment will be held Mon day at 8 p.m. at borough ha! Monmouth to consider matters which weri Games were played by mem- priced alike not reached last Monday d bers of the Christian Couples to the large amount of busines Club Friday in the Baptist Church before it. Fellowship Hall. Hostesses were your Mr. and Mrs. Willard Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Rauscher The members plan a progressive dinner in December. They will attend a service with the pastor in December for patients in the Hilltop Nursing Home, Middle- town. After the meeting the club members decorated the church hall for a wedding reception hel< Saturday for a member of th churchp

A family dinner party was heli Monday for the birthday of Re- 10 o'clock is a nee Aitken, daughter of Mr. am poor time for the Mrs. William Aitken, Millbrook Dr. Saturday. Guests were Mr. wedding. That's and Mrs. Arthur Canfieid of Rah- way and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard INNERSPRmG mattren when they open at Bartlett of Toms River. has 220 heavy duly coils, classic button tufted surface over heavy, comfortable padding. The woven stripe RAILROAD Nancy Corley, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Francis Corley, Mill- ffcWng if good looking and exceedingly sturdy. brook Dr., celebrated her sixth WAREHOUSE birthday Sunday with members of her family. Mr. and Mrs. Cor- "FIJUR fOAM" non-allergenlc, odorless pofy- ley are parents of another daugh- ether foam in 3-inch thickness for exceptional comfort OUTLET ter born, Thursday, Nov. 1. 241 Highway 35, Eatontown at a most unusual low price. Same heavy woven Jnit South ol EMontown Clrclo Open daily 10 to 9; Sat. 9 to « Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hergen- •tripe ticking; smooth button free surface. Call 542-2020 rother, Lone Oak Rd., entertained •I - • • • at a Halloween costume par- ty. Guests included Mr. and Mrs, NO MONEY DOWN Richard Gage, Mr. and Mrs. John Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs. mu/f Phillip Megna, Mrs. Patrick Ma- honey, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Edwan GENERAL ELECTRIC Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- HI-SPEED, 3-HEAT ert Holland. A double celebration was hel_ Saturday for the 10th birthday ol Timothy Keating and a commun _ 12-POUND ion party for Thomas P. Keating They are sons of Mr. and Mrs James Keating. A breakfast was DRYER held in the Pancake House, Mid- dletown, and a party was hel in the afternoon. Present were Jamie Keating, Mrs. Kathryn i Haff, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Bri- en and family of Centereach L.I.

Mrs. James Griggs had charge of the devotions and program at SAVE ON 3-PC. BEDROOM! the Ladies Aid Society meeting last week in the Baptist Church. The members will assist In th roll call supper to be held to- FORMICA TOPPED night. A covered dish luncheon will be held at the December WAINUT SO WELL CRAFTED meeting. In place of the usual Christmas gifts exchange among members, donations will be made toward a missionary needs. Host- esses were Mrs. Milton Ward, Mrs. Edith McCaulcy, Mrs. Ar- Dial the drying time to thur Williams and Mrs. Marga- suit the fabric ret Smith. Cancer dressings wen made In the morning. 3-Heat Selection Double dresser, 52* wide, with tilting plate HIGH for regular cot- Mrs. Patrick Mahoncy enter- glass mirror, classic panel bed, handsome and tons and linens; LOW tained the Lone Oak Women's for tlcllcale garments; Club last week. Plans for a trip roomy chest, all in magnificently grained wal- FLUFF for fluffing pil- to Now York Nov. 24, were lows, bedspreads, made. Members will dine at Lu- nut. Sleek, Danish-inspired styling with newly drapes, etc. chow's Restaurant, Present were designed hardware and off-floor lightness! Mrs. Joseph Morgan, Mrs. Rob- •Minimum llclall l'rit« ert Hcrf;enrothcr, Mrs. Robert Tripledresser3-pcsetlsamestyling,now209»90 Gage, Mis. Jolm Chamberlain GEO. C. KOEPPEL and Mrs. John Waterman. Well proportioned night stand, each juit 39.90 & SON, Inc. Plumblng-llcntlng-TV Kcpalr William Krcnza and son, Rob- "VIM Our Nrw ert, attended the Glant-Cardlnal TV Btereo J)'mmiMMllrin Rwm" football gnme Sunday in Yankee HI 1st Ave. All. Highlands 2S1-0HU0 Stadium, New York. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED or your money backlO NO MONEY DOWN when you "Charge if at Ward. It pays to advertise in The •twister.—Advertisement. « 35U. NOTICE- • LEGAL NOTICE- Color-Happy Hifj RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, Jfov, 8, 1962—5 1AX t*L& KWlfl BeR Official Honored By

i*JU.J» Mia to Duka t|u, uaount ol municipal Hem chujjible -.••-»•'• Uw flnt day oMtniitry, 1M2, eidajlv. however, of tli« Research Unit Th« Pleasure of •£•• iff ">• W-' U«2 u computed in the foilowini Hit, to(eth« with "> •»'<», uuanit from "w OlIt <>» •' Julr. Ist2. •» the due ol nle. MONTREAL, Can.-Dr. James l 01 •*«. The «ut»crlbtr will tell In fee to the penon who bid! the J "^tei *?'T*tl'™lpUon •• ">• lowe»t rite of IriUrttt, but In no B. Fisk, president of Bell Tele- * l*ir*'<*' *•' ce?'un> J>« annum. TIM payment tor (he ial« 1 phone Laboratories, has been Owning a "? U» cpncluAiii ot th. aue or lh« projwrty will be te-»M. d check only wlu be accepted In payment: chosen to receive the 1963 In- »•"?• Property ,lor. which there Hull be no.otner purchaser .0"""1 lo111 *••«>* Borou»h of Flir Ha»en, New Jewey. Br.re. dustrial Research Institute Med- 8 per centum per annum and the municipality, ahall have the al. new home The award was announced at the fall meeting of the Institute Begins With A .. by Donald P. Krotz, president. »•«*> (Cnantei 5 of TiUe Hoi lie RevJied Katotekv2 "ind 7»et» mppl The medal, awarded annually m«nt*ry thereto »nd amendatory thereor. . since 1945, is given for "outstand-. At any. time before the tale, the under«l«ned will receive piyment of th amount aoe on any property will) the Interett and costa up to the tine Ing accomplishment in or man- agement of industrial research • -i- i JIJ ta1?i '"M"1 to


• m : ONTGOMERY Famous Makers Collection of 5howrooiii Sample Pieces... , WE BOUGHT THE ENTIRE INVENTORY - and pass the savings on fe you!

Savings Up To H41.00—Wide Selection of Living Room Pieces—Every Piece on Display—4 Days Only

$20 OFF, various colors, $ $61 OFF, Danish modern $«1 »| f% $81 OFF, Early American, $81 OFF, mod., or prov., C astd. overstuffed chairs 79. 2-pc. living room, .brown ,£• I M < 2-pc. suite, brown 279. brn. or beige, 2 or 3-pc. $40 OFF. brown, Early $61 OFF, 3-pc. suite, $«% * Q $80 OFF, provincial suite, $4% Q P $91 OFF, trad., 3-pc. set, $ American chair •89. modern styling, beige .... Mm •# ir\ French, 2-pc. suite, brown JmW «# • beige cover, outstanding $62 OFF, brown, $ $71 OFF, 2-pc. modern, $80 OFF. modern suite, $91 OFF, modern 3-pcs., $ ^ A A modern sofa 168 blue-grey color JLrW W« 2-pc. teal-green 295. gold uphstry, reg. 439.95 $56 OFF, 3-ftc. suite, sofa $ "T A bed set, brown IOHK 2-pc. brown suite Jmtmf- jr«. 2-pc. suite, beige 295. reg. 479.95, beige cover & f w • $60 OFF, 2-pc. suite, $91 OFF, modern suite, $81 OFF, 3-pc. sofabed, $141 OFF, traditional, $JA (« modern beige \... 199 2-pc. beige 279 Early American, brown.... >3-pc, beige upholstery.... Ked Hank Kegistct D0N7 LET THE RIGHT LETTERS IM2 BiMd Street, Red Bank, N. J. Stttt «ilnr«y 15, MMfflctWW NOT THE Former Newsman EnabUsbed 1878 by /obi a CMk *M HMiy Clay 171 Dartmouth Avi By GEORGE E. SOKOISKY Fair Haven, N. I THOMAS IRVING 8R0VN, PnMlsber 1KS-1KI Nov. 8, 19C2 JAMES J. HOGAN. Editm M. HAROLD KEIXY. Gfwra) Manager To the Editor: Arthur Syfvester, who handles news for the Penta- One of the candidates in this W. HARRY PENNINGTON, Production Manager gon, ought to know better. He is a former ilewspaper- borough's municipal election co Thomas J. BIy Arthur Z. Kamin and William F. Sandford Frank W. Harbour fronted me In the polls today am man, having worked on the Newark (New Jersey) Exccutlvi Editor Aisoclita Editors liialetown Bureau Mgr. accused me of being the autho "Evening News." Whether this is sufficient experience of some literature recentlj Member ol Uw Associated Press for him to "manage" the news of the nation is doubt- mailed to. residents of the com' n» iMKMUd m !• uutitd exeioMmiy • tl» DM Ha u UI uu uxu »;lniM la urn inmor u "iu u u IP >m munity by the Democratic can* ful. However, he does apparently be- dates. ' lieve in "managed news" which, in un- Member ol American Newspaper Publisher! Association I would like to take this oppoi Member Audit Bureau of Circulation derstandable English, is faking the tunity to state that while I a Tb» Red Bank Rtguiir uaumu DO finfcaoit! ropumibiilUM tor typoKrtrj&iau «rmra in ftdtu in agreement with many of thi news. ' but wiu r«pnm without cfcirt*. tbit pan of an advtrtuimvnt to irhlc!i tb« typographic*! *rr*r oeeura vtrtmri wiu picu* notify ifa» rotnaiem*Qt tmniftdittciy of thy trror fttiicb may occur. statements contained therein ani The problem is not quite as simple disagree with several recent a Tim oinipapar utumti n« mp»a«lbllttl«i for ar atamanta ol oplnloaa to i*tt«rt from Ita rtadtri lions of the local Board o( Ei as stated. The Pentagon has for many SubiotipuoD Prices u iiiVaaea Uii thin J B»i. Ptr montu II.SO 13 mtnllii—118.00 • «101llU*_| ».0O ucatlon I had nothing to do wil years leaked like a sieve. Both military U copy •> eouBttr. T am Slrjfit copy by mall. 10 cant* » moaiht-113.60 3 month*-* 4.60 the preparation, publication and civilian officials, deirous of space distribution of these brochures. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1962 Although I agree that the Dem in the great metropolitan press or in ocrats have a perfect fight SOKOLSKY the weekly magazines, leak stories examine the qualifications of which indirectly bring them favorable publicity. It has political candidate based upo Information, or Not? his performance as a member too long been a belief that these large metropolitan and president of the schoo newspapers can make or break a man. This has become Government release of informa- use in carrying out the important board, I feel that I can best maki a form of blackmail to which public, officials ought not tion regarding America's military business of defending itself. We my own feelings known In a mon suitable forum, namely the schoo to be subjected. The role of Herbert Matthews of the preparedness and intelligence that should tell our opponents only that Your Money's Worth: district election and at schoo! "New York Times" and other reporters with regard to leads to the making of decisions on we are going to use what we must, board meetings. Cuba could justly be investigated without violating the This I fully intend to do at thl the highest level often leaves much and the best of what we have, for Property Gift Benefits appropriate time. I am flatter*: First Amendment to the Constitution. to be desired in the opinion of the our own protection at any time we by my accusers, but really, fe On the other hand, when Arthur Sylvester talks lows, you're barking up thi average citizen. are threatened. Let the enemy guess By SYLVIA PORTER wrong tree. Mayor Milton Kosen about "managed news," he shows such ignorance of informed me today he Is the sole the history of the press in the United States and the Too often, it appears, announce- what that might be. And the Ameri- If you, as a businessman, are planning to get rii author of these releases. struggle of the press to remain free—that is free from ments are made which would be bet- can citizen, trusting-that the best of of any old machinery, equipment, furniture, cars, etc Very truly yours, Richard M. Gilliam government supervision and censorship—as to be un- ter left unannounced. Too often, also, protection is being provided, should consider the possible tax advantages of giving thi suitable for the position he holds. information is kept secret for ap- be well satisfied. property to a school, church or charity before January A VIEW ON SANITY 36 Oakland St., The Futile Activities parently needless reasons, and the This is not to say that the gov- 1, 1963, instead of trying to sell the stuff. By giving, "Red Bank, N. In nearly half a century of association with the public, as a result, is put through ernment should be silent about con- you not only will help the organiza- To the Editor: As chairman of the Monmoutl press, I have never been lied to by a public official, periods of anxiety when events hap- ditions and events which increase or tion but you also well may get more Committee for a Sane Nucleai although I have, on occasion, been refused information benefit from the net after-tax return of Policy, I would like to answei or given confidences which I could not use, often to pen about which facts were not reduce dangers faced by its citizens. Mr. Hartung's recent letter t< made known. It would have been much better for your contribution than you would from The Register. discover that the confidence, was in the public domain. a sale of the property. Mr. Hirtung does not seem to Also, I have never been to a press conference, a brief- An example in point is use the average American — and with Because of changes made by the understand our position, and the ing, or anything of that kind. These are futile activities. of the high-level U2 reconnaisance him, people of the world — to know following will serve to clarif; Revenue Act of 1962, this will be the the same. News should not.be gathered by a wolf pack; it is an plane. This country went through a earlier jus't what official Washington last year you can get the full tax bene- We are against all missiles and individual task, accomplished only by hard work and variety of postures a couple of years had been able to find out about the fit from this type of charitable contri all foreign military bases. We doingenuity. not want Russian missiles aimed missile build-up in Cuba. It can be PORTER button,.1 ago when, just before a planned at us, nor do we want United A news official, such as Arthur Sylvester is, no summit meeting at Paris the Rus- imagined that had the spotlight of States missiles aimed at Russia. As an illustration, say you have old desks, chairs We are in favor of general and matter what his title, ought to be a man of the widest sians pulled the string and said they attention been focused on this situa- and typewriters which you have depreciated down to complete disarmament, with in- scope and understanding of the purposes of ihe Ameri- spections. had shot down one U2, containing tion in time the rug might have been zero but which have a second-hand market value o can press, which is to serve the reader, that is, the So far as Cuba is concerned, American people. A newspaper that forgets who Its Gary Powers "alive and kicking." pulled out from under the feet of $5,000. Used property dealers might not even give you we advocate an Immediate mill, customers are, soon loses its business. The customers The then President Eisenhower the sneaky Russians and Cubans be- tary disengagement by all sides. half this price because they can't get more than $5,000 We support negotiations through are not public officials but those who buy one copy fore the powerful missiles ever were promised Moscow there would be no from reselling your property. Also, you have to pay the United Nations to this end. of the newspaper each day. These customers are enti- installed, just by saying we knew Finally, \Ve would like to see a further U2 flights over the Soviet tax on whatever price you do get. A simple alternative solution to American- tled to news and comment, honestly prepared and hon- Union. A few months ago, Com- what was going on and that we would be to give the property to a local school which uban differences based on estly written. There are bound to be differences of opin- would not permit it to happen. normalization of diplomatic, trade munist China said it brought down needs it badly. Then you would have a charitable con-and cultural relations between the on and experience by those who comment on the news. Nobody, in our country, is so wise or so experi- a U2. It was said then that we had Several times President Kennedy tribution of $5,000, which, if you are in the 50 per two countries as well as free- dom of travel.\ enced that only his view should prevail. sold some" of these planes^ to Na- and other chief executives before cent bracket, could save you $2,500 in taxes. It is truly amazing that people tionalist China and flights were or- him have called upon the press to ho want an end to the suicidal Managed news is fakery. It is slanting the news. The 1962 Revenue Act says that when you make irms race are called "insane" by It is treating the American people as though they were dered by Taipei, not Washington. be discreet in the type of informa- Hr. Hartung, wftfle those who pre- charitable gifts of depreciable, business property after hildren. It has always been tried by officials. It has Now, it develops, \he U.S. has been tion it publishes regarding defense ter the horrors of a nuclear war 1962, you must reduce your contribution deduction by > considered sane! always been resisted by conscientious newsmen. Presi- using U2s over Cuba. But we now And yet it is Washington, itself, am Very truly yours, Jb,e, amount of depreciation you take on( the property Allen - dent Roosevelt was a master at creating a news at- say we won't do it any more — in- people close to the President- who after 1961. In the.above example,'assume you took niosphere behind which hefhid^iil doings, but his press : stead we will use low level aircraft. continue to be most indiscreet in your last $2,000 of depreciation on the desks, chairs secretary, Steve Early, an experienced newsman, often In this regard, it would seem to making disclosures and in refraining and typewriters this year. If you wait until January HAL protected his chief from his over-cleverness, - be in America's best interest to re- to make known facts that should be 1963, to give the stuff to the school, you'll have to No Justification for Lies frain from shouting out loud about known. It is a vicious cycle, one that cut your $5,000 charitable gift in 1963 by the $2,000 of depredation you took this year. Just because you A public official is entitled to protect himself should be changed without delay. BOYLE what we are going to use and not put off the gift beyond December 31, your deduction against prejudiced and untruthful reporting. But he is NEW YORK (AP)-Everybody not justified in lying. He can reject an inquiry as being would be reduced. says it was different in the old Allen-Scott Report; days. harmful to the country and the reporter may so report Note carefully that you can make charitable gifts What were the old days really For instance, clamping down on magazines which pub- of used non-business as well as used business property like? Well, they are at least a part lished photographs and blueprints is not the whole Red Planes Fly Spy flights Over II. 1 and there is nothing in the 1962 Revenue Act which rf you if you can remember when: story. Who gave them the photographs and blueprints? A dime-a-dance girl didn't mind will cut down your charitable deduction for non-busi- :wo for a nickel. If you were a Why not first clamp down on unwarranted publicity- By Robert S. Allen and Paul Scott ness property, whether you give this year or next. 'ancy stepper. eekers? In two wars, the press co-operated with public WASHINGTON - Russian jets Keep your eye on Manuel Ray, The backstage word is that Ray Check on whether a charitable religious or educational The customer was always right officials. For instance, not one word was printed about .., ;_!-.—< ...uu 1. j j p jj, uttlepublicized are flying high-level reconnais- one-time minister of public works s to nea U e little-publicized organization can use your old refrigerator, bed chair, If he failed to return, his absence the Manhattan Project, although much was known in the Castro regime, for a care- Cuban revolutionary junta re- had a threat of importance; sance missions over southeastern personal desk, etc. If so,, you not only will help by fully-manipulated build-up as the cently organized In Puerto Rico. about it It was not the press that made it possible for United States. contributing this used property; yOu also will save taxes No kid who wanted to get into Kennedy Administration's fa Rostow and Goodwin played hi circus free could ever agree the Russians to steal the atom bomb and the prox- Originating from Cuban bases, vorite leader among the Cuban leading roles in setting up the because you can deduct the fair market value of the on how many buckets of water it imity fuse and other American military secrets. It was \ these Soviet reconnaissance refugees. junta. property you contribute. took to fill an elephant. flights have Under the guise of attending a areless and subversive military officials and civilian An engineer who studied I ranged as far manpower conference in Puerto A boy remembered his last en- employees of the government It was not the press that '. Idaho, Ray has the backing ol north as Geor- Rico, the two InfluentialState De- If you are in the business of selling goods, you joyment by where he had powerful White House intimates. failed to tell all the sides of the Cuban situation; it was gia and as far partment officials spent more can get a tremendous tax break by contributing your parked his chewing gum. It was west as Texas. Foremost among them are At- than a week laying the ground- own merchandise to charity. always on the immaculate under- tate Department officials who "managed the news." They are being torney General Robert Kennedy, work for the Junta and formulat- ide of a piece of dining room or The press does protect the American people made by two one of the small inner group of ing plans to install Ray as its iving room furniture. presidential advisers on the Cuban Here's why. You buy at one price, sell at a marked- against censorship and slanted reporting. That protec- \ twin-engine jets leader in preparation for a drive up price and the difference is your profit If you give You learned about women by piloted by Rus-crisis, Dr. Walt Rostow, head ol to oust Castro without direct U.S. tudying the mail order catalog tion is in independent reporting and by competition ... sians. the State Department's Policy intervention. the goods to a charity instead of selling them, you pictures of what they could wear among newspapermen. There is a stern method of ; Planning Council, and Richard in winter to keep themselves The Red re- Ex-Castroltes don't pay any tax on the difference between your cost andling public officials who want to "manage the :• Goodwin, deputy assistant secre- warm. c o nnaissance tary of state for Latin American Working closely with Ray is and selling price—or what would have been your profit ews"; that is, to boycott them, their press conferences ' AUea Hights are be- affairs. another one-time high Castro of- on a sale. Yet, you can take a charitable contribution The man with the largest family ing fully tracked by the Air De- f marriageable daughters in the and their briefings. It would not take long for their ficial—Raul Chibas. who headed : fense Command, which could in- the Cuban railroads. Ray and deduction equal to the price at which you sell your leighborhood usually had the larg- uperiors to discover what happens ift a free country ; : tercept and destroy these jets at CARMICHAEL Chibas broke with Castro after a goods, not the lower cost to you. :st front porch and the darkest o a public official and a government department which \ any time. year of tils bloody and chaotic back yard—in which he sometimes But that is barred by explicit rule. In short, you get a deduction for the potential later grew prize vegetables. egards news as a weapon. We have no "Pravda" in Defense Department orders. Un- Other prominent refugees active income but you don't pay any tax on the income. Corn Cures: his country. '- der its directive, the Soviet recon- in the Cuban revolutionary junta One of the most distinguished naissance planes are kept under ate Jose R. San Martin, architect For instance, say your corporation is in the 52 pe;orms of individual charity was to constant sur-jb and builder, Jose Gomez Rodri- cent tax bracket and you want to contribute $200 of onfide to the other person your i'What Was All The Excitement About One Mora veillance and guez, and Rogelio Cisneros. The its income to a local charity this Thanksgiving. Your >wn solution of how to deal with that is all. last two are co-ordinators of the oot corns. Nuclear Weapons Base?" Pen tagon anti-Castro underground in Cuba. corporation's out-of-pocket cost for this $200 char- When chicken was served, some- sources say tw Rival refugee leaders are crit- itable gift would be only $96, for if it hadn't made this me at the table was bound to ob- \ ttiese orders' , ical of Ray on the ground he is a tax deductible cash contribution to the charity, it would erve, "I'm pure Southern—I slm are on the ex-(v 'dedicated leftist." r Jy can't enjoy it unless I hold it press authority! In these quarters it ij contended have had to pay the Treasury the other $104 anyway i my hands." of President' Ray's aim is to replace Castro in taxes. You could always cheap date Kennedy. with a coalition government that omely girl by playfully telling Tightest of- would include Cuban Communists. Now, say your corporation makes the contribution rour mutual fortune by her ficial secrecy It Is being said that Ray's basic by giving its own merchandise—just as an illustration, reckles: "This loves me, this surrounds this Scott nolicy is "Castroism without Cas- air conditioners which your firm buys for $120 andoves me not ..." matter. Military and other spokes-I o." Everybody predicted the lady men will give no information re-. Goodwin is credited with having resells for $200. The charity either can use the ail rtio played the piano at the silent garding the number and fre-| an Important hand in (he activi- conditioner or resell it easily for $200. lovies would make her mark in quency of these high-level Soviet I ties of the mysterious Alpha 66 the musical world. She was so reconnaissance flights, or any! inti-Castrnpoe rations. Your corporation deducts $200 for the charitable sensitive to moods. other details. All questions are' While Goodwin was in Puerto Kaiser Wilhelm was held' by countered with "no comment." , contribution of an air conditioner, thereby saving the Rico, it Is known he met with some to have exampled the full Congressional leaders who have same $104 in taxes that it would have saved from a members of ttilftgroup and visited depths of human depravity. Other- gotten wind of this have been told the two PT-boats with which they $200 contribution in cash. But since your firm paid ers disagreed. one intelligence theory is that the lave mnde raids. Alpha 66 is al The height of male sophistica- purpose of these Russian recon- said to have at least one only $120 for the conditioner, its out-of-pocket cost tion was to say, "Never chase a naissance /lights is to "assure" lined plane is only $16 ($120 cost less $104 tax saving). girl. They're like street cars. Wait Castro the U.S. is not preparing Discussed lo invade Cuba. By making its charitable gift in its own merchan-a few moments and there'll be an- Dr. Rostow is reliably under- other one along." stood to hnve discussed Cuban nf- dise, your corporation can contribute $200 at a net Ire cronm came in only Ihree Much Concern fairs with certain idividuals dur- cost of only $16! flavors. If you couldn't enjoy cho- Jh 15 disclosure Is causing much ing his brief visit to West Berlin colate, vanilla or strawberry- concern among the congressional on Oct. 18-20, on the eve of Pres- The heart of this is that you do not report as tax-well, you had. to take the apple leaders. Several Intend to speak ident Kennedy's dramatic demand to Ihe President personally alwul to Khrushchev for the removal of able income the difference between the cost and sales pie and cheese for dessert. it without delay. They particularly Soviet missiles and other "offen- price of the merchandise and yet you get a deduction College boys and hoboes rode want to know how long Ihe Reds sive" weapons. box cars from New York and Cali- on your income tax for the full sales price. It's a two-fornia to harvest Kansas wheat. will be allowed to continue Ihoso According to refugee sources, way tax break which can add up to immense savings! Only the rich drank orange Juice reconnaissance flights over Ihe Roslow, In these secret talks In U.S. without Interference. ft—Thursday, Nov."8, 1962" except to cloak the taste of cas- (See ALLEN-SCOTT, page 7) Tomorrow: Medical expense deductions. tor oil.' .'•''•• '•'> Allen-Scott Votes fey Dktpqte W Mifldletown BED BASK REGISTER inuMdajr, Nor, 8, lm-7 (Coottoued) West Berlin, urged that "erratic" and "mutable" Castro be re- placed with Ray as head of a traditional style-modern ease coalition regime. Important congressional leaders have been apprized o{ these back- stage details and are looking into them. Inside Cuba Between SOO and 700 guerrillas are now active in Cuba's mot' •- tain ranges. They are spliC up into small groups, tnd concen- trate on sabotage and hit-and-run night attacks, in one week, by a band of some 30 guerrillas, a If/ key stretch of railroad tracks was it - blown up, ilgnai switches were smashed, and a radar, station riddled with incendiary bullets . .-. . In addition to the guer- rillas, there are around 4,000 "helpers," who haven't taken up arms as yet, but actively assist the guerrillas by providing weap- ons, food. Information and shel- ter.... Foremost leader among the guerrillas Is "Juan Felipe"' which is not his real name. A former textile worker and union leader, h» operates chiefly in the the island.... Naval Intelligence extent simply his concessions to ary support to the Cuban invas- Escambray Mountains, which 1 has informed the White House the left wing of his party, a wing »n of 1961—whenever and wher- were Caitro'a main lair. "Felipe that 16 Russian ships that which on the whole went'along ver he decides such a line is, returned from exile to Join the WILLIAM S. WHITE changed course after the Presi- with his nomination only with re- Irst, needed, and second, as pru- ^ button-down shirts in guerrilla underground Since dent imposed the "selective" WASHINGTON — Within the highest assistants in recommend- luctance. To most in this wing, lent as such things can be in a : the missile crisis, some U.S. aid quarantine «e 'till in the Carib- so-called palace guard, the cir- ing policy in the new world which however odd this may sound to 'ery dangerous world. cle of men around the President, has follows our strong stand in conservatives, the President him- The central, the overmastering, no-iron Mansmootlf 100% cotton oxford is now reaching the guerrillas and bean. Apparently they tre wait' other underground elements in the stock of the pro-action men inCuba—Secretary of State Dean self is altogether too conserva- eality of It all Is this: The Pies- Here is the all-cotton shirt that drips dry ready for more in* for the lifting of the blockade Cuba. Arms, communications the cold war is going up. The Rusk and Secretary of Defense tive. dent found in Cuba that when he enjoyment Ifs the wisest choice of button-down fans equipment and other vital gup-before heading for Cuba or some-j stock, conversely, of those who Robert McNamara. These two toed up for absolutely vital na- Once the echoes of the Con- who don't want to worry about upkeep. See it in our plies are being parachuted Into where else.' ;. have favored mostly only talk Is Cabinet officers have come very gressional election have died ional interest, even at the risk going sharply down. well through their own crisis. The down, we shall see a marked f war and over all the hesitations great selection of MANHATTAN shirts. . A Republican and a veteran President's confidence in both is turn by the President toward the f the timid and temporizing, his I! hard-liner in dealing with Inter' high. centrists of his own party—and ourse was crowned by success FIFTH ANNUAL ART SHOW | national communism, John Me- Bewtet Out of It also toward the Republicans. aid his way was eased by the j] Cloy, has been quietly and dis- Chester Bowles, who along with These latter he will bring more iresence of strong advisers ready NOVEMBER 9, 10. 11 I erectly advanced to th» top po- Stevenson had opposed American and more into foreign policy. In o. look down the gun barrel along ABBEY MEN'S SHOP ll sltlon in our critical negotiations some instances this may be done cith him. He took his last appeal THOMPSON SCHOOL support to the lost Cuban patri- I with the Russians over Cuba. (In ots' invasion of Castro Cuba in by appointing Republicans to high » honorable power honorably 62 BROAD STREET RED BANK MIDDHTOWN-UNCROFT ROAD these, Fidel Castro has a nui April 1961, is altogether out of it. office. In others it will be done oised. He will not lightly take ||sance value; nothing more). Though retaining title as'a for by increased deference to the his appeal again; but if and Open Wed. & Fri. Evenings Use Your Easy Charge Republicans in Congress. rhen he must, he will not flinch Prim for Amateur and Professional Though not officially supplant- eigh policy adviser to the Presi- dent, Bowles is now being sent -nor will his advisers. ing Adlal E. Stevenson, our am- Found Something Paintings and Photographs bassador to the United Nations, consistently to faraway places Work ItctWad NoVtmtwr 9 . 9 am.4 with strange-sounding- names For the President, in the after- tyy alone Is beyond doubt light of his head-on confrontation holding the administration's real where nothing much is going on. EXHIBITION HOURS The real Influence on the Pres- in Cuba with Nikita Khrushchev, working brief in this current has now found and firmed op November 9, 7-9 p-m. phase of crisis diplomacy. ident of Ambassador Stevenson and Bowles has, in fact, never something for which, a ye*r and Nevtmbtr 10 and 11, 1-S pjn. In actuality though not in form, a half he had been groping. This EAST ORANGE MILL END SHOPS II he has become the principal col been high. Now, it is very low. league of the President's two They have been to a considerable is a Mam of tested cold war ad- EXHIBITORS TEA visers who, while not profession ally "tough guys," are quite tough enough when he decides, as •ptawred by | he did In Cuba, that the time and THE MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP place for toughness art at hand. n o This does not me'an that Mr. RECREATION COMMISSION Kennedy is now embarking on an NO ADMISSION over-simplified and automaticlly •D.O. MARKET "hard" line everywhere and in every circumstance. Because he C has not wished such an impres- 36 MAIN ST. KEANSBURG sion to be raised, the White House 187 DESIGNS... 465 SOLIDS (OPEN 7 DAYS — t A.M..10 P.M.) is discouraging all generalizations N that what we did in Cuba will necessarily form the patters all ALL EXCLUSIVELY OURS! over file world in the long, con- tinuing straggle with International CHICKEN communism. Hand Prints by COMMA But it does mean that the Pres- ident will not again be dissuaded CHUCK ROAST 29c Ib. from taking a tough line—as he Silk Brocades by COHAMA was persuaded not to give milt Mtddlctown PORK CHOP. End Cuts 29c Ib. Lincroft VEAL RIB CHOP : 39c Ib. Panel Prints by MIRAJ RMd Endcrs Heads CHUCK STEAK 39c Ib. |Turkey Group Damasks by MORECCO RIB LAMB CHOP 39c Ib. JAMESBURG - John E. End- Ombers by UNSCOTT LEG OF LAMB '. ...49c Ib. llers, Cranbury, has been elected to succeed Arthur DiPaola, Tren- ASSORTED COLD CUTS 49c Ib. ton, as president of the New Jer- Sheen by ROBERTO-STERNE RIB ROAST 49c Ib. ||sey Turkey Association. Richard Hinck, Neptune, was Linen Prints by CHARLES HSH FILLET 49c Ib. II elected vice president; Mrs. Hu- bert D. Ashley Flanders, treas- (imported) CHOP MEAT 4 lbs. 1.00 urer, and John Bezpa, extension BACON 3 lbs. 1.00 specialist in poultry husbandry, and many others by the |j college of agriculture, Rutgers Universitv. secretarv World's Finest Designers..

Very often our salesman will try on a Hickey Freeman All Priced Below Their Regular Vqlues suit "just for size" Our Workroom Will Custom-Make Your even though his customer doesn't plan to spend FOR 145.00 for a suit. DRAPERIES We don't encourage such Lined or Unlined • • Draw Draperies Included high pressure methods, for who can help coveting a garment that nestles FROM OUR READY-MADE DEPT. to snugly around his neck No-Iron Dacron # «» *Q ^Q" ^p- and shoulders, that feels so TAILORED •«•«*» * different from the clothes > 5" hems PER ordinary mortals wear? CURTAINS FOR ALL SIZES PAIR Hickey Freeman suits and coats Como In and See the Largest Selection of Ready-Made Bedspreads and Curtains In N. J.

are now marked with a red dot Open Wad. j on the sleeve button so & Frl. Nights SUPCOVER 'til 9 o'clock SPECIAL that you can tell quickly • SOFA and if your salesman is trying • CHAIR (4 CUSHIONS) to put one over on you. Overlooked Seams MILL END SHOPS • Heavy Duty Zippers 137-B BROAD ST. • Corded Seams RED BANK 50 OTHIR STORES AT EAST ORANGE, Reg. M.» MORRISTOWN, FAIR LAWN 64 , No affiliation with any other store on Hi* Jtney thoro with siml- Note • lor nam*. U SURE you aro in IAST ORANGE MILL END SHOP! Nov. 8, 1962 BED BAKK B£GI$TER iimmet la the lovely ttyl*'/'IfMblU at tntotl* Long-fbnning ? Series njUttwwt air is Hke wine." the whooping crane to the prairie For Phirbrook's •inuj take, dog. And there's a'sbort cfeapte YEAR-ROUND nitty 'the new Lo'rett* Young on nature's dangers—(he sting- IWEATHER-MAKIR Helps Buy A Ranch Show improve. Right now It's aw-Ing nettle and poison ivy to name Carrier fully hard to take, but don't By CHARLES W1TBECK SYSTEMS ^ The 'Natural Silhouette' age bracket, she liked his acting blame Jim. lit short, the new kick In the HOLLYWOOD - Actor Jarae: and she could afford him. Loretta premium world Is to amuse and Philbrook looks like he might rur Heats and Cbob Your Horn f» tfttp added that being a father of lour educate children in the Disney in Topcoats a foundry. He has the black Irisl children was in James' favor, Education Giveaways method. The new album Is for You Comfortable the Yeor-Round appearance and a no-nonsens Parents might not be aware of because he would know how to youngsters from age four to eight, ability. get along with children in the ttts, but there is a push on to up-grade cereal box top glvea and It's getting a big campaign NOEL R. NILSON Fans have seen him play snarl show. s like "Discovery," ways. Sponsors of products swal- OL^'^ Ing heavies and then Lorett So James Philbrook became 'The Bullwlnkle Show," "My lowed by children are consider- Young mad? him a leading ma: 'aul Belzer, editor of a women's Friend FHcka" and "Empire." In six shows three or four year; 'ashion magazine and he could ing educational premiums. In- ago. After that came two bi, be curt and gruff with the ladies stead of baseball hero picture), No report is In yet on whether Hops— "The Inlanders" and "Th in the shop, gruff, but gentle with plastic, prizes and play toys, one Investigators," Philbrook kept Loretta a» widow Christine Mas-, sponsor, General Mills, has come bis mouth shut, because h sey, and slightly bewildered, but1out with an educational giveaway. couldn't change anything, took th dead game with her six or seven It's called "Nature's Wonder- money and prayed his luck mlgh children. land Stamp Album," and contains change. cpIoVed stamps of animals to be Opening this Drive to the Bottle pasted in the booklet. The album Maybe he used all his luck Uf James certainly filled the bill on "The Islanders" two and He's big and bosses Loretta half years ago. The cast an around and apprentJy isn't afraid crew were in the Caribbean with of her on the screen. His only ob- Personal NOVEMBER 10th a beaten-up old plane filming th stacle is the show idea. A man pilot. Hiilbrook refused to go u; facing a dewey-eyed widow and in the plane bsoause he knew all those kids—it's enough tc was unsafe, and one afternoo consultation drive any man, much less a black The watched the laboring craft plung Irishman straight to the bottle. into the ocean killing a earner; WHEN BUYING 1 No one can answer why Misi man.and taking a thousand or s STOCK feet of island background film Young wanted to feature all those kids. There are quite enough on the bottom. And it was Phil At Thomson & McKlnnon you can practically every stluatlon com- brook, a former newspapenmfci consult with an account executive edy show right now. If she jusl who finally got word to civlllzi sf Wide experience. Hi h« the lit- PICK-UP cut the squad in two, oppres- tion for help. est Information on companies ind When cast hi sion might be lightened. HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN 747-3440 At the beginning of the seasoi Industries. And his proven ability in as her leading man for her nev planning Invtstmint programs for w Monday series on CBS, Philbroo; Philbrook was dreaming. How lilivldiul medi may be extremely for the home remodeler" :\ felt his luck had at last changei could he miss, being Lqretti valuable to you. "I never said this before," 1 Young's man? He was even say EVERYTHING FOR THE KITCHEN AND BATHROOM ' , stated before the .opening, "bi ing out loud how it was up t Our liteit Investment Ripert him to prove to Loretta she hai will bi mallid «n nqniit I'm in a good show." ... FROM FLOOR TO CEIUNG. 1 Kind to His Boss made a good choice casting Paul Perhaps Mr. Philbrook was b Belzer. The show looked like mon ey in the bank on paper. THOMSONS Ing kind to his boss, Miss Youn See tomorrow's Red Bank Register for . . . or he was just impressed by hi "You know, if this series runs track record. "I figure Loret three years I can have a rand MSKINNON really owns that 10 p.m. nig! in Colorado," he said quietly. II spot," he said. seems Colorado is the one placi 9 MtmtrUl Parkway, Uni Branch GRAND OPENING SPECIALS Maybe Miss Young did own th: in the country where Philbrook 301 Mlin Strut, AUentait time spot for a number of year: can breath properly. He sufferi MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE but if her present series is an from sinus trouble and was at indication, the lovely lady, wto his best spending summer after never seems to grow old, has lo: Tailored by her touch. "She's very seldom wrong, The House of Worsted-Tex Philbrook. "And she's first a foremost a good business worn The slender, easy lines of the "Natural an. She has another thing goi Silhouette" distinguish these topcoats by for her and that's a great sem Worsted-Tex, of latent latent." Maybe these last two apply The shoulders have that desirable un- Philbrook. Miss Young admii padded look and the coat hangs naturally she hired him because he w; big, he appeared to be in her from the shoulders. Fabrics are fine custom types usually BJRTHDAY PARTY TAKE found only in very expensive clothing. HIGHLANDS — Michelle Ovei felt, daughter of Mr. and Mri Naturally fitted to your figure by our Bobby L. Oyerfelt, 28 Atlanti expert stiff. St., celebrated her second birt day recently. Attending the outdoor partj 00 95 were her brother, Michael, hei maternal grandmother, Mr: 65 69 Frank Senz, and Mrs. Davii Scarcy and daughter, Terry; Mn OPEN WED. and FRI. EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. Albert S. Carlstrom and Terry Debby,. Sandra and Kitty Car' Strom; Mrs. John O'Donnell an< children, Kevin and Kathy; Mn Howard Brey, Jr. and daughte: Kim; Mrs. Robert Manning am daughter, Rnhin; Mrs. Robe aufanSlllaagIL g Mazzacco and children, Barban and Nicky, all of Highlands. Also, Mrs. Robert Duncan an MEN'S & BOYS' OUTFITTERS SINCE 1846 children, Leonard and Path PIBKI Mrs. Edward Palme and daug ters, Tammy, Patty and Karer I? BROAD STREET Mrs. Leslie Goodell and childrei RED BANK David, Dawn and Darren, all 1963 General Electric Atlantic Highlands. Hi-Bov orLo-Bov Full Console II

NEW 1962 GENERAL ELECTRIC 3-Way Power Shower DISHWASHER Big, Bright Daylight Blue Picture Plus Choice of Decorator Styling at an Exciting Low Price!

WASHES UP, DOWN AND ALL AROUND WtshM diihes with most thorough ictfou fowwi to ideiiee. Fowar • Top Controls—easy to see and use . • .out of young- Tower waihea UP. Power Shower wtihei DOWN. Power Arm malm ster's reach AU AROUND! • Built-in Antenna—for all-around reception NO PRE-RINSINO • Automatic Gain Control—for best picture stability, NO SCRAPING control and sound under varying signals flujjuwiy Drain end* JuBd-rinlni • Set-and-Forget Volume Control—preselected volume (scraping. Uqueflei & tlutlies remains same each time set is turned on •way toft food particles. • Famous "Daylight Blue" Picture—square-cornered SWING DOWN DOOR screen with GLAREJECTOR that cuts out glare and Psrmlti Full Extension Rack to roll reflections ill th* my out for easy aecass to ill pirts of upper & lower racks, • Rich Clear-as-life Sound—big 8" Dynapower speaker

0 E Bullt-ln • Full Power Transformer M730XMD Madtl SO-402 Top of stt, pnulne Mahogany • Precision-Etched Circuit Board Veneer; other exposed artas -In selected furniture hard- • Compactron—new multi-function tube for improved NO DOWN PAYMENT mods • NNdi No InWUtlMi reliability Eaty Tarms • Rotli to WbHto Aa t FrinchliM Gwint ElKlric Dulir • Glint bpidfr M in AuUontut to efr« GENERAL tUC • row-Sen* Mini ctrriM TRIO'S fimoui PERSONAL WARRANT boil uttlcla fen Fink- SERVICE. Aik oi lor jrm WtltMtl Wimnty. •*•» brain. No Scram to NO DOWN PAYMENT TS; •iS la. ilhfoMl MMMmmUU v>. la. tKmibli plttutt Clnnl LOWEST PRICE ft**i'7*"i'c. —i •Mlniniin Ktfill rrltt SM02 EVER! RADIO BETTER HOUSEKEEPING SHOP EATONTOWN &TVCO. . 46 Monmouth St., Red Bank • SH 1-4310 HWY. 35, EATONTOWN LI 2-0400 Open Wednesday and Friday Nif« "HI ?:00 j> Ai a Franchlscd Genvral Electric Dealer We An AiiHiorlied to Offer General Electee's Famoui Penenal Warranty Free Parking in Rear of Store—Entrance on Whit* Street /,,,1,'A1,!,",,, i , Strvlct. Ask us for your Written Warranty. NOTE—Wl SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL Jtn»» Maw, Mortis Ave., ily, Freehold, Mr. and Mn; E* RED BAMK REGISTER Thursday, Nov. 6, Belford give a Hsllow*«a party Saturday. '—" "—— "•'- -•--- .The fifth ttrtbday -fo Uth wedding anniversary Oct. Ucently for his birthday by his Jv$r SAY: 'I with number* of the family. wife. Attending were Mr. andFamily parties were held for Mra. William Bodtman and fantT Raymond Papa, son of Mr. and y-atee SUPPOSED ro SAY; 1 ily, Middletown; Mr. and MrsMrs. . Raymond Papa, Seventh St., tyiin De Angelo, daughter of Arthur Koelscb, Mrs. Eva Mewh- o was eight yean old Oct. 30 'lereuxac IT up Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas De Ange-Dermott Leonardo; Mr, and Mrs.and Brian Kansas, son of Mr. lo, East Rd., celebrated her 18thFrank Musante, Port Monmouth. an••**d* Mrs*'"••. Stanleouuimy Kaiuaxuuwui who birthday Saturday. Present were Bernard ReinhardtReinhardt , JJr. , cetobraftobfcc *" four years old Oct. 30, WlnfleUl Vanderzee, Madeline ed his fourth birthday Oct M ~~ ' Badality, Rente Dunn, Kerry Wll- The Uth birthday of Charles ' *UU, Jamei Dunn, Barbara'Bug- at a family party liali and Margaret Kennedy. Beorend, son of Mr. and Mrs. Denlse Bruntz, daughter, of Mr. Charfti Behrend, Union Ave., was and Mrs. George Bruntz,'made celebrated Oct 30 by Us family. The Women's Republican Club her first Communion Saturday wlp hold • luncheon and short in St. Mary's Catholic Church, It adds npl. More and more bustnew meeting In the Cobble New Monmoutl), and was enter- people use Iflo Register ads each Stones Restaurant, 'Middletown, tained at breakfast with Mr. andissue because reaulti com* fast- Mrs. Lawrence lippert and fan-er.-^AdVertliement.

MEN'S HANDSOME VINYL SURCOAT WITH DISPOSAL SALE ORLON PILE LINING tlcs manufacturing operation, Mr. Bergman reported. Early nut year the company plans to install RAILROAD WAREHOUSE additional extrusion and plastic j Sales Set forming equipment. The company'* principal en- OUTLET, INC. deavor in the ptaitks field, he 13.68 |A Record said, continues to be.the develop- OPEN TO THE PUBLIC NEW YORK - Sake of Uly-ment and marketing of Hds for IWlp Cup Corp. N. Y., for thecups and food containers. How- FRIDAY. NOV. 9, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. J flues months ended Sept. 30, hitever, he reported, prior to the TERRIFIC VALUE! I lathe same Ml period Walter J. Cuban crisis, the company has Just the kind of SATURDAY, NOV. 10, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. "(Bergman, dairman of the board begun delivery of some 33.000,000 land cUM execuUve officer hu plastic water cupe and lids to be protection m«o will reach ALL MERCHANDISE IS BRAND NEW AND ||nportei-to stockholders. bonded in Civil Defense Sanita- forwhentheweathcrgete tion Kits as put of the Fallout FULLY GUARANTEED BY THE MANUFACTURER For the first nine months of nippy or stormy. Ideal II this year, sales cane to a record Shelter program of the U. S. De- 1 partment of Defense. > for work, casual wear. 1 $82,133,309, a rise of about S per ITEMS LISTED BELOW AVAIUBLE FOR PURCHASE: n-ctat over sales of $78,118,171 in These cups are designed for A long below-the-hip SAMPLES ON OUR FLOOR FOR YOUR INSPECTION ||lae like period a year ago. temporary storage of water as surcoat of wind^efying Profits for the third quarter well u extended use several times a day over a two-week vinyl lined with warn AMT. ITEM AMT. ITEM I this year were tl,«76,«61, or M 1 cents per share on $3,200,154 com. span; each cup to be used by a Orion acrylic pile. Th$ 23 Bunk Beds IS Smoking Stands single person throughout the pe- | moo shares outstanding. This Mr. riod. , ragged yet supple M Mattresses (Al sizes) 35 Carpet Underpads I Bergman said represented an In- Syntilon* vinyl looks like 9 Dlrina; Room (Modem, , Umue of U per cent oWr earn-earn- — tEGAL NOTTCE 51 Box Springs (AH Sites) lags in the sane 1961 period of leather, resists cracking, 12 Studio Conches Provincial, CetonM) $1,548,051, or 49 cenU per share AM ORPmAMCl AMENDING AND peeling-wipes clean. || on 3,119,224 shares. SOPPUBUBNTMO CHAPTER *> Or • Pop-Up Toasters 60 Dtoerre Chain THX OBDlMAMOi KKOWW BY ITS Smartly styled, with knit Estimated earnings for the first iKoitr roRM Trn,i Ai"RxvngD 12 Bedroom Sets 52 Steel FaMing Chairs 1 oRNHAHcni or iMi", uDormo collar and wrists, he-man nine months row 9.8 per cent to jum», ISIL . i 11 Sectionals (Upholstered) 14 V^eodM Werirobes #,499,121, or U.72 per share, B» rr ORDAINID, i>r u» ituot zipper. Black, Ioden, blue, tut OouneU ot Uu Borouth o{ an 13 Hat Box Hairdryers from about $5,018,280 or $1.57 perBank uu Oupur 30 M Uu «6OT« an- beige. Sizes 36-46, 12 Crib Mattresses share In the same 1961 period. utltd OMIDUM b* ajjuodia. u (ol- 5 Stndeat Desb lomm:: 4? Dinette Sets Relocation and othe^expeaies •ECTIOEC M 1. Caiutir M 'TnBIc ij Incurred Ut starting up Lily-Tu-Actct" ArUcrUcU 1,, ''ProJilbltwProJilbltwl FuklnrFklr', 72 Rag and Carpers (Atitd.1 I SSMn u M b«rtbbb y «mind«d d to nil, 23 Chest of Drawers 1 lip's new plant in Holmdel. N. J.,u loUom: ' •2 Llnotam Rugs (Asird.) ' BECTtON II. On th« north ud SUEDE T WOflV#ftibtV SOffl MMS | aaid closing down its plant in Col- •outh ildei M Oold stntt txtmn 99 Sted Kfifdim Cabinets Illege Point, and its warehouse in Miple Avtnua and Ou Boroufb 21 Dressers tttrinftttriinf LoLott it UII - aut «nd • nnuc Konci I" dfei(ared a|. College Point after Tbt tongttng MOmaiiM >u intfe- mad and aaaMd flnt nadloi at a 'ALSO A URGE SELECTION OF HOUSEWARES. COOKWARI that'date." raiular OMUHX ot Uu Ifuor ud Mr. Bergman told stockholders Council t public auction Just South of Eatentown Circle by lily-Tulip under a sale-lease- on btbalf or Sncoatt Flntnu Co. at IS Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. ont beck arrangement, was purchased att tan Onrr., Mr. D7MC1MTH for to avoid any contingent liability dtlault In a CondlttomJ Idea Contract FOR EASY DIRECTIONS FROM ANYWHERE, CALL 542-2020 mada bf Douslal 8. 'BromiU. Said car that may have arisen under a mar be Hen at Louron'i Autorama. sublet or sale of the leasehold. Hw7.II, N«ptuo«, N. J. AueUnuar, WAtTBR J. O'NXIIX my-TulIp Is fflrpanrHng Its plaj- Hot. •> S . . I2.M SPECIAL VALUES at PRO WNS LUCITE A79 WALL PAINT ^J 6AL FREE INSTALLATION ON Aluminum Combination WHITE « STORM OUTSTANDING PLAID SHIRT SELECTIONS

Vake-prked group! Licludee famous Dan Hiver, Fie KEMTONE WINDOWS «nd Newberrys own brand deluxe quality. TOick,war n COLORS & WHITE REG. 6.5? wtton flannel shirts « many striking, colorful plaid pa COOK & DUNN $ SNOW WHITE ENAMEL $ .35 Buy 1 ... Get 1 Free! 77


liMtrt • Caa b* daeael aaiiiy froa bsU*. Mad* al all AXCOA ahmisum. Ftae tosunattan fcy our ewa sUUsd eratts- saaa. (WE SELL AT ADVERTISED PRICE*;) BUY DIRECT - SHOWROOM ONIYI NOSALESMENl NO COMMUSIONII Thsse an quality windows at kwaal te aarwMf* •. • Sb*pl Comparsl lave! Coiy and oconfotUbla •Oft plaid slippers with • BUDGET TERMS • FREE DELIVERY fl«*cy Uniiw, moulded Dally ^Saturday S A.M.-JiM P.M. cx«pe solea. Slssa U% Writ and Fri. '(U » P.M. "Between Yanko's * ; BROKEN GLASS? RE-GLA2EWANY TYPE ALUMINUM FRAME WINDOW 3B2 Brood St. SHoayilde 1-7B00 KedBan* ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I nna Eleanor Roosevelt was sometimes called the President to address a national political convention. AFirst Lady of the World. That was in 1940 when the appeared before the Mistress of the While House for 12 years, she Democratic conclave that nominated her husband was for a long time chairman of the United Nations for a third terrri. : Committee on Human Rights, a U.S. delegate to the Long after the death of President Roosevelt in U. N. General Assembly, globe-trotter, lecturer, 1945, she continued to work actively in politics, and newspaper columnist, magazine writer and book to write, lecture and travel. author, among other things. She was born in New York City, October 11,1884, As a child she was shy and retiring. She attended a Seemingly indefatigable, Mrs. Roosevelt disre- private school and made her debut at the age of 19: garded custom and criticism in pursuing her preo - On March 17, 1905, she married Franklin Delano edenf-shattering career. In her first interview after Roosevelt at the season's most brilliant wedding in entering the While House in 1933, she remarked:'"! New York City. .. hate the idea that I mighteverlosetouch with people Their first child, Anna Eleanor, was born in 1906. I don'f want ever to be a shut-in." Eighteen months later, a son, James, was born. A Mrs. Roosevelt first became interested in poiinc. second son, named Franklin D., Jr., died eight months during her husband's World War I term as assislant after birth. Three more sons—Elliott, another Frank- secretary of the Navy. She was the first wife of a lin, Jr., and John Aspinwall — were born later.

At six, with htr father, Elliott Rooiovelt, AI 19, when sha made har debut. Two yean whom iha adored. Ha called her "Little Nell." later, the married Franklin Delano Roosevelt. MRS. ELEANOR ROOSEVELT: Sha hod been colled First Lady of the World.

Mrs. Roosevelt with husband, mother-in law, Mrs. ______James Roosevelt, whoaxertedslronginHuenceonson's Beaming with |oy, the reads congratulatory Mr. and Mr». Roosevelt in 1920 when he won the Democratic career, and the live Roosevelt children at Campobella message husband holdt on election night, On trips abroad, sha mixed with rich and poor alike. Her*, on visit nomination for Vice President at the running mate of James Cox. in 1921, the summer FDR was stricken with polio. 1932, when he won finf (arm at President. to Puerto Rico in 1934, she chols with slum dwellers naar Lares.

Pretident and First Lady to millions, but just "grand- She broke tradition as First Lady, traveling far pop" and "grandma" to this group. Visiting son and wide and pursuing many interests. Here, Elliott in 1942, they pose with daughter-in-law and in 1935, the visiit coat mine at Bellaire, Ohio. grandchildren, Elliott, Jr., David, and Chandler. Hostess to soldiers at While House garden party in 1942, sha joins in hearty laughter as they watch an entertainer.

Columnitt, mogaiine writer and WS»- 3^a«B«li^l^t^B^B»k. . > < , • At U.N.GerleralAstemblyseisionin 1961,Mrs.Rootevelt,U.S.dele- Three generations* Mrs. Roosevelt with ton Franklin lecturer, sha if shown typing away She stands In tllent tribute before tombof huibond In garden of Hyde Park gate, confert with Adlai Sleventan, U, S. Ambanodorlo the U. N. From D., Jr., and grandson. Ensign Franklin D., H7, as they at her daily column, 'My Day." home. Friends and dignitaries came here often to'honor hit memory. 19»S to 1951, she wai chairman efU.N. Comm!»»lr>n on Human Rtghli. meet to celebrate her 77thbirlhdayinOctober,1961. This W«k'« PICTURE SHOW-AP Newifettwci. Upetz "Geopbyilca! Faetoft Af- RED BANK REGISTER Lab Personnel Take Part ftctiag El»otnKni«M«Jc Prtptgt- Thursday, Soy, 8, 1962—11 * ttehto Uhfc" b Dr. S. Benedict Levta. In Research Conference 11w NEREM conference, apon- sored by the Institute of Radio Leader Says 5 GREAT Engineers, is one of the nation's WEST END FO OT-Tb* U.S. ofc the Electronics Laboratory, Army ElMtwnk* Command hew and five papers were presented top adenfaUtc meetings in th( Many May was « m»)w p»rtJclp»nt »n the to reports «nd discussions by pv- field of electronics, and wu at' NNortheaso t ghWronlcg * Remrcb on recent scientific •chlevenen tended by man tbtn 17,0*0 scien- tod EnglaeeWnlW g MeetinMi g IIn Bot-of the laboratory. tists, entineers and technical Lose SS Aid STORES leaders from the United States PAINT CO. ASBURY PARK - Denjamin ton thi» #ejs*.;••«.. ,/•• The reports described a nov and abroad. Maj. Gen. Stuart S. HoW, com-device that synthesizes the hu- Sandberg, district manager of the mandiiig general o( the Electron- man voice, theoretical work and Social Security. Administration, ics •CommwMk-ctit » ribbon at ijew radar component!, and In- said here yesterday ''some dis- THE NAME Somerset Hotel to open the sci- vestigation of radio transmission Ex-Shore Man abled workers in Monmouth and entific wnfrejs. He also at-' through the earth. Hie five pa- Ocean:Counties may be losing THAT ROCKED plained p» comminf its «•» per* and their authors were: "A benefits for themselves and their sponslbUitles and its portion in Electronically Controlled ' Pon-Wins in Maine dependents because they either THE PAINT the Army structure to the only m»t gyntheslier" by Joseph De- BROWNVnXE, Maine (AP) - fall to apply for them or because hey delay making claims." coonferenee'|w»cheoo | s meeting open (&&, rjougj,g , p^y e tfl(J Ro^ Rodney Roes of Brownville, a for- INDUSTRY to the preM ert FJtohj "SmaSmaU Signal later mer New Jersey real-estate man He said in a statement here PRESTONE A half-day sewion wu devoted AHltAmpHltee r DDesigi n TTheoryh " by PrP . who became a Maine bear trap- hat "a recent sample showed to reporti and dicuMlom by Harold Jacobs, Dr. Leonard per, won a seat In the Maine that one of every three Social sonnel of the Army Electronics Hatkld and Frank Brand; "New legislature In Tuesday's ststi Security disability applicants ANTI-FREEZE Research and Development Lab- Laser Technique for Ranging Ap- election. waitj more than 18 months be- oratory. plication" by Robert Benson, Sec- In the June primary, Rost bat- fore applying for his disability in- 1.55 Gal. The Forf , Monroou* session, ond Lt. Robert Godwin and Ml tled for the Republican nomina- surance benefits and so runs a held Mondadyy waa chaired by Dr. chad MirarcW; "ProgresProgress in MlMl- tion with his brother, Milan, In chance of losing some pay- ments." No Limit. Hans K. aegjefaj f chiehi f scientisii t crwraye ComponentsC" " bby Nathan contest which flared into per- sonal ill will. For a time, the Mr, Sandberg also said In brothers did not speak to each some cases "people who are se- other. , verely disabled do not realize that Milan, who once held the same ;hey areeigilble for Social Secur- ity disability payments. In other seat, died in August. cases, the disabled person has Rodney defeated Democrat taken the advice ~ of relatives, John McDonald of Mllo 1,196 to friends or neighbors who, them- (45 Tuesday. selves, are not familiar with the Day SALE! Ross once sold real estate In disability insurance program." the Asbury Park area and oper- He advised all concerned to get ated an amusement park. .touch with his office here If He came to Maine first, about here are any questions as to 1945, and his brother followed rights under the program. several years later. Rodney has a real estate business but as a sideline traps bears for sale to The remarkable new orchid-fresh paint... trophy-seeking sportsmen. Scout Fete Canvass Group Is Planned VETO SUPRJME ASBCRY PARK - Boy Scouts Has Luncheon will cater their own banquet In STARTING Convention, Hall here Tuesday, Tori! low its clew, fresh frapaw,..absolutely no painty odor HOLMDEL — The annual Eve Nov. 27, when Monmouth Council . ..ocOy • deBiMfiHy plemnt scest, pare and clean as springtime! of Boy Scouts will hold its annual : TODAY ryJMember Canvass of the Holm- recognition assembly for lead- Thislfc», whtty smooth Interiof Mat Wfl piSntIs ultra flat... Mi del Federated Church was held we will be open ers. mUrd, to mate rooms hwpiul thai. Velvet Supreme flows^ like Sunday with Edward Schumach- »ugic, rovers lib a rinde, dries In 20 minutes to i beautiful, pee er as chairman. Kendall H. Lee, Asbury Park's city manager aa$ chairman of fecUr flat faish. MMUe mm...In itaious new colors...nun; EVENINGS A luncheon for' the canvass the council's activities commit oreds of eokw to mtWi ajy decontlng ielteme. You nave never usei MM. rtni W. •« f KM) group was arranged by the La-tee, will be the honorary chair- 'HI dies Aid Society. Luncheon was man, ' and C. Earl Bennett, Bel- paint like this before. You owe It to ywnelf to try It today! served by Mrs, Edwin Uebenow, mar, .will head the banquet com- Mrs. Irene Schumacher, Mrs. mittee. Some 1,000 scouts, lead- LIST <&35 GAL. James Kissel, Mrs. Louise Hanc< ers and officialj are expected to and Mrs. Arnold Anderson. The attend. canvassers'were John Zweig, Sr, 95 John Zweig, Jr., Edwin Uebe- now, William Boychuck, Edmund Brownies Give SALE 3 GAL Reicfaard, Alfred Btddle. Albert FRANKS BIG & TALL Nlehaus, Wesley Buck, Arnold Anderson, James Kissel, Ed- Costume Party MEN'S SHOP ward Smith, Edward Schumacher IKS Hwy. (I mi. No. sf Aabnry Circle) Wanamassa EATONTOWN - Brownie and Msrlr Crook Troop 101, sponsored by the Ea- tontown Lions Club, had a Hallow- een costume party at its regu- lar meeting In Steelman School. COLD BOND CRAFTCO 9 INCH Brownie Troop 196 members CEMENT PAINT were guests and were awarded ROLLER SLEEVES FREE BAYBERRY CANDLES prizes for best costumes. Troop 'TIUY" S "WIRNR" When you open • Christmas Club account of one dollar or more at the 101 members were judges. Winning prizes were Cathy Ca- 25-3 ALUMINUM EXTENSION Monmouth County National Bank. Just com* in to any of our 9 convanUnt re», ftretUest; BeUi.Purdie. fun- officti «nd say, "I'd lika to join your Christmas Club new." Before leaving, niest Patty Young and Cindy CcU Bonl Utax you'll rsc«4v» your pair of famous Baybarry Candles at our jift to you for VanDovef, most original Mali- % • WMtvbbtrSliaw 7-INCH reen Corcione won -a -prize for fU-tt. „ L. 15*50 joining.'. Y«^*>njoy; this Christinas more; knowing that y«u itartad to iava> PRIMER & 20 ROLLER SLEEVE "guessing who" 25 masked 20-Ff. 17.95 i for 1963 V. . Coma today—our supply is limirad! Brownies were. BOOM LOT Games were played and. re- SEALER— OAL M-Ft. 23.95 freshments served. 3 28-ft _., 27.95 WALLPAPER IAITIBHIP OMY Kmtafr tor Uu Adult guests were Mrs. William 50 / • FLOOR 32-Ft. 35.95 100% Pave AV«r*|< Boom W. Ramsay, leader c? Troop 196 75 3«-f*. _ - 39.95 mtctm • Llvln« and Mrs. James K. VanDover, & DECK WHITE SHELLAC Worn « adm assistant; Mrs. Raymond Cass ENAMEL GAL 40-F». — 45.95 1 Jr., leader of Troop 101 and Mrs 1 75 If tl (.Condi Raphael Roach, Co-leader; Mrs. OAL WaHtax Fabric Y". WUHam Zadorozny, Mrs. Verin 9-xir CANVAS 751 De&age, Mrs. Thomas Young DROP CAULKING Wall Covering 1 Mrs. Albert Carelli and Miss Di- II MrfeeV 3.7S. MM hi ane Jacelon. CLOTH £ CARTRIDGE rolls onlr. Be Santa's Helper 9x12' PLASTIC 9-INCH "TILLY" 5 ?8 WOOD STEP LADDERS JL Printed Pattern DROP CLOTHS GOLD BOND C 4-Ft 2.95 SPACKUNG COMPOUND INFANT DOLL 5-Ft..:..,. . 3.50 WARDROBE 4 75 9395 U.G.L. *•».- 4.25 SIZES DRIVEWAY COATING 10"-20» Renews Black Top Surfaces WERNER ALUMINUM 95 5 Gal. Can 4 STEP LADDERS MONTGOMERY 4 FOOT ..SALE $ 7.9S TIUY" 16-FT. PUSH-UP 5 FOOT ..-.SALE $ 9.9S HOUSE A QC WOODEN LADDERS 6 FOOT .....SALE $11.50 PAINT y • 8 FOOT .....SALE $15.50 Whllo LaUI lino A5O ntmil O It's easy to use Buy one gallon of paint-get one W : ANNOUNCING GOLD BOND Wa are now paying INTEREST on 1963 Chriitmas Club Accounts PAL? ' Select a class to meet your needs and join today Make 50 Weekly and receive early ... 'Payments ^^irrrTovember, 1963

$ .50 ' % 25.25 1.00 50.50 2.00 101.00 3.00 151.50 5.00 ' 252.50 10.00 505-00 20.00 ' ,. 1,010.00

INTEREST PAID ON COMPLETED CHRISTMAS CLUBS lutt roll It on. NO PENALTY CHARGES ON INCOMPLETED CLUBS Dries in mirattt. Available In I 14 coins ' Win a little girl's heart on Christmas morn with this en- and Oxford While chanting baby doll wardrobe. In- Come In cludes dress, slip, coat, hat, bunt- today. ing, nightie, sacque, bib, panties. Printed Pattern 9395: For baby dolls 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 Inches. State size. GAL. Latex is the wonderful paint for walls and ceilings THE ".-. • '"V* • (?"' Fifty cents In coins for this 2 pattern — add 10 cents for each pattern for first-class mail. Sen Pure to Marian Martin, Red Bank Reg- FREE MONMOUTH COUNTY NATIONAL BANK ister Pattern Dept, 232 West 18th turpentine No Purchase Necessary Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ; St., New York 11, N. Y. Print In sealed cant 79 Oil. SIPERSTEINS plainly name, address with zone, DEVOE WHITE RED BANK NEW SHREWSBURY LITTLE SILVER size and style number. MIRROLAC ENAMEL King Slie-lS or. WEST END PAINT CO. FIRST TIME EVER! Glamor- For Interior or Exterior Use SPRAY 128 Bdwy., Long Branch (opp. Baronet Thtr.) CA MJ8' KEYfiORT ENSLISHTOWN ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ous movie star's wardrobe plus Just fldn OfHiitM and Pnttat Optn Man. Thru Sal. 7ns A.M. to • P.M. w«d.. Fri. 'Ill a 110 exciting styles to sew in our AIHI1/TM ONIiV FREEHOLD (21 HOWELL TOWNSH|P • new Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog, VMfiiht) Until Knv. 11 UI!H BOMBS 69' FREE PARKING IN REAR OP STORE Send 35c. u. I 12—Tbursd.y, Nov. S, 1%2 BED BANK REGISTER Win Prises JCP&L Vetenm SHADE FOR DAD The children, til In swimsuita, MIAMI (AP) — A family was For Costumes TVKeyMailbag got out and held a beach umbrella heading for the beach one warm oove r theiif father while • he NEW SHREWSBURY -Mrs. By STCVENU SCHEUER music that i» played on the show. day recently, when their station- changed ththe tire. Charles Patterson of Red Bank Question — I have had a crush Please tell me ill that yon cut wagon had a flat tire. received a prize for the "pret- on Peraell Roberts for two years about this truly talented musi- tiest costume" at the recent buf- now and I can't seem to get over cian and gentleman. — Mrs. V, fet supper and costume party it. I feel foolish because I'm al- R., East Paterson, N. J. held at -the First Aid House by most 15 years old and I know Answer — The bearded maes- HORSE SUPPLIES the Community Club. crushes on movie and TV stars tro was born in Birmingham, Miss Judy Roemer of Little Sil- is kid stuff. Will you please give England, but came to the United ver was judged the fussiest. Mr. me Mr. Robert's home address States when he wag still quite FRED D. WIKOFF CO. and Mrs. Keith Olson were se- so I can write him. personally. I young. He studied for a long time lected as having the most origi- just have to tell him how I feel In preparation for his musical ca- nal costumes. everytiine I watch him on "Bon- reer. Upon graduating from UC- RED BANK, N. J. anza." It's very urgent that; I LA, he started conducting for the Mrs. John Rohrey, Jack Lem- write him.—K. F., Garysburg, Hollywood studios and also work- on and Frank Cooper judged the : ed as composer, arranger and ac- costumes. N. c. . ; Telephone SH 1-0554 Answer — I hope it's not' all companist for such stars as Bing Mrs. Julius Christensen was that urgent because you ask the Crosby, Frank Sinatra and Judy chairman, assisted by Mrs. Ar- impossible. H a star like Roberts Garland.' World-War It interrupt- thur Rohrer. ever let his home address be re- ed his career when he enlisted in leased publicly he would never the Air Corps and served as rq again have a moment's peace; pilot'tor four years: After the fans would swarm around his war, he begin his affiliation with Wilbur B. Warren house, peering through his win- NBC as musical conductor foi many radio shows. In 1954 hi dows hoping to catch a glimpse ASBURY PARK - Wilbur B started as the conductor for thi of the star. It would be best if Warren, 53 Elm PI., Red Ban* "Tonight Show" and moved when you wrote to the star at NBC- will celebrate hit 30th annlver Steve Allen left his post as host, VISIT OVR NEW TV, Sunset and Vine, Hollywood, sary Friday as an employee o Skitch has also conducted sym Calif., but there's not much point Jersey Central Power & Ligh EXCLUSIVE phony orchestras both here and in making it too personal — Company. BARTON'S CANDY chances are he does not personal' abroad. This past summer, he re- Mr. Warren is a winch trucl ly read all his mail. Most popu- turned to his old stand on "The operator in the electric utility'] DEPARTMENT lar TV stars receive hundreds Tonight Show," where he con- Red Bank District. He is mar and sometimes thousands of' let- tinues to do a topflight job.. Hen- rled to the former Miss Elizabeti ters each week, and if they read derson and his wife, Ruth, are Bennett, Red Bank. They havi and answered them all, they'd the parents of a 2'/j-year-old boy three sons, John of Fair Haven have no time left to do any act- named Hans Christian. Robert of Matawan, and Ray ing. Don't worry about your pro- mond of West Keansburg. longed crush on Roberts ... I once knew a girl who had a crush (For an answer to your ques- on Frank Sinatra that lasted tion about any TV program oi twenty years but she finally got actor, write to Steven H. Scheu- 16 Schools over it. She's now in love with er, TV Key Mailbag, c/o this pa- Bobby Darin. per.) Entered In Question - I think the "To- night Show" Is always fun but I don't think Skitch Henderson gets 3 Area Men Speech Test enough credit for the wonderful LONG ' BRANCH - Sixteei Join Navy high schools have entered stu WHISKEY EARLE — Three Monmoutl dents in the third annual Speec Davidson's 90 Proof, 100'•-, G;ain County recruits have enlisted to Arts Festival to. be conducted a service at the Naval Ammuni Long Branch High School Nov tlon Depot here. All were we 19, Mrs. Harrison J. Merrill, pro gram director, announced thi GIN corned by Lt. Cmdr. E. K. Arnd week. of the Naval Reserve Electronics Davidson's 80 Proof Division. The entrants and their facult' The recruits, who will trail advisers include: Asbury Pari I00°o Groin Spirits with the electronics division, an High School, Mrs. Ruth S. Jones Walter H. Umstead. Jr., Frei Christian Brothers Academy hold; Martin F. Smith, 3d, Mo Brother J. Albert; Freehold Re gional High School, William Star VODKA ganville, and Francis J. Annun ziata, Jr., Neptune. sinic; Keyport High Schoo Buy it by rhe case Lydia Kern; Long Branch Higl School, Mrs. • Merrill; Mlddletowi Township High School, Marl Union Beach Rothstein and Mrs. Minrosi Members of the American Le- Quinn; Monmouth Regional Higl gion Post were urged to atten Schoo], Mrs. Barbara Brown am Memorial services Sunday Frank McLaughlin; Neptuni Memorial Park by the com High; School,- Mrs. Violet H mander, Clarence Parsons, at Brooks; Raritan Township Higl Cenitrock, Ready to Serve • our ski shop recent meeting of the pos School, Mrs. Jan Theorin; Rei Members will meet in front o Bank High School, John H. Mac MANHATTAN or MARTINI 89 the Legion home at 10:30 a.m Kenzie; Red Bank Catholic Higl and proceed to the park. School, Sister Mary Vincent 1 is ready! ihetpindihatis a flayer-piano Rumson-Fair Haven Regiona fnfn Debra Maag, daughter of Mrs. High School. Robert Kastin COCKTAILS Why wait to discover the Shore Regional High School, Mrs ... Active «nd apres ski fashions by Phyliss Maag, Donnelly St., was fun of owning and playing given a party last week in th Virginia Kirwan and Ron Em Erntij Engel and P & Id ^ra featured. home of her grandparents, Mr mons; Star of the Sea Academy this revolutionary spinet Sister Richard' Ann; St.- Rosi PorazzI Imported, Imported SI. Francis and. player-prano—«•(!/, and Mrs. Peter Walker, Donnellj ITALIAN "Why hot'.top-in? * t. ,; St., to mark her second birthday High School, Sister Gather!* [TRENCH 'iwo/pianos'inone! Discov- Attending were Mrs. Robei Immaculate; and Wail Townshi| SWEET High School, Kenneth W. Hitch er the Pianola's full, warm Chenery and children Robert ax VERMOUTH r |RANDY Ifathy, Mrs. Chris Hart and soi ner, Jr. tone — rich styling and Six events are scheduled fo 30-O1. . Charles, Miss Joyce Wade, Mrs bottle compact design! Young Martin Mclnerney, Donna am the evening, Participating school . or. old—for parties,, sing- Jane Ostrander, Mrs. John K will be represented in the area: alongs or all-by-yourself vacs and daughter Camille, Mr of extemporaneous speech, poetr] and Mrs. Rudolph Maag, Sr., am interpretation, humorous dra DAVIDSON'S PREFERRED , . . here's a natural for son Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Walke matte interpretation, serious dra fun. and children, Cheryle an matic interpretation, prepare the fair university shop Sharon. speech for upper classmen, an TERMS IF YOU LIKE. prepared speech for freshmen. BLENDED for men, women and boys Your dealer in Joseph Kolodziej, Park Ave Upperclassmen in the categorj Monmouth County is has returned to his home Sunda' of prepared speech will be asked Rt. 35, Wonomasw (on* mile north of Asbury Circle) KE 1-4949 after being a medical patient 1 to discuss "The Poison ol WHISKEY Riverview Hospital. Prejudice." 86 proof 31";, Six years nld open daily 'til 9, Saturday 'til 9 * Ninth graders will be askec Davidson's exclusive la- Mrs.. George Sappah Is ii to talk on "Youth's Greatesl charge of the annual Christma bel and one of the best MUSIC Challenge." buys in the state of N\w ribbon sale being- conducted by Following the tournament, the 30 Brood St., Red Bank "the auxiliary of the local First first place winner in each cate- Aid .Squad, DAVIDSON'S gory will present his selection to fllli uart the entire audience. The program .Marvland Sir.iicht 1 Is sponsored by the Public Speak- ing and Debating Society and the RYE Student Council of Long Branch High School. The Student Coun WHISKEY ell will sponsor awards to the Boilled In Bond '".| 10,50 first; second, and third place c 100 1'roof, 10 year- old ' winner in each division. Judges representing professional organl rations, colleges, and similar Imported German Wines, 1959-1960 Vintage OUT groups will govern the meeting. All events of the Speech Arts Golden Krone your choice :estival will be open to the Zeller, Schwartze & Katz THE ZEST Dortmal, Nlersteiner public. Rudershelmer, Riesling Krover Macktarsch IN YOU! Mosel Bleiimchen Mrs. Hughes Pink Hock (Rose) Names Aides 10% Discount by the Case KEANSBURG — Mrs. James Imported (Pierre LeRoi) Hughes president, named com- Xlu Famoui Charcoal Filleted Slow M«»h CORDIALS mittees at a meeting last week Kentucky Straight f the auxiliary of American Le- gion Wilbur J. Price Post. BOURBON Committees named were Amer- (Stephen roller) Pineapple, Raspberry icanism, Mrs. Agnes Ellesson; Aged and Boilled In Kentncky ommunity child welfare, Mrs. fifth qt. Yi gal. torold Haitch; constitution and Davidson's N. Y. State ylaws, Mrs. Rose Thornton; cou- 3.794.791.79 .79 Q.49 9 pons, Mrs. Richard Jessen; fi- WINES ance, Mrs. Marion Simmons, *1.29 flrs. Hatich, Mrs. William Krue- 14 Flavors ;er; Civil Defense Mrs. Jessen; Imported Abordonlu Malion Oourmel, N. V, g|a|, Girls State, Mrs. Irving Spielman; SCOTCH Gold Star Mothers, Mrs. Joseph 8 Yean Old CHAMPAGNE N The luxury ol agrd icotcli at Pulaski; publicity, Mrs. Joseph a remarkable value rink £ Spjrkllni Burgundy ackman; legislation, Mrs. Krue- Ulilllled * bottled In Scotland NMurally fermented In boltl* WlllServe S ;er; rehabilitation, Mrs. Martha Rushman; membership, Mrs. Wil- $5.99 $6.99 26 02. liam Doyle; poppies, Mrs. John Fifth Quart $2.69 bottle/ Ranallo, and safety, Mrs. Frank arracelli. A verjr fine selection of Trustees named were Mrs. French Wipe (rlerro LiRol) • Davidson's Imported atlnJi Mrs. Krueger and Mrs. How sporty can a car get? Just take a look at the new F-85 Cutlass for BeauJolais (Pierre LeRol) OLDSMOBILE Thornton. '63! Rakish new silhouette .. . comfort-contoured bucket seats . . . Mrs. Jackman and Miss Shar- mh VERMOUTH center control console* give it the look and feel of a thoroughbred ron Hughes were named chair- French Dry men of a joint Christmas party ."VBT" Fifth sports car. Arid the Cutlass V-8 under its hood turns out performance o be held in the post home Dec. $1.99 $1.79 to match! Coupe or convertible, the 1963 Cutlass is Oldsmobilc's 8. They will also head the com- $1.49 mittee In charge of the children's lowest-priced sports car... a thrilling, thrifty way to join the sporting nnual Christmas party Dec. 23. AIL ABpVE ITEMS EXCLUSIVE WITH DAVIDSON'S sell On display at your Oldsinobile Dealer's now! *oi.»«<>f •••.»..«i Mrs. Bernadette Van Hart will T1ii« prices ore EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Exciting new blend of beauty be In charge of the Dawn Fund, Thora'B "Bomethinp Extra" about owning an OLDBMDBILEI and action... in the low-price field I md Mrs. Haitch will be in charge f the past presidents' parley. Plant for a county meeting Fri- — III YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZB) OLDtMOlM QUAIITY DIAIH-- day to be held In the post home ere made. Mrs. Haitch chair- an will be assisted by Mrs. RUSSELL OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC COMPANY, 100 Newman Springs Rd. trueger and Mrs. Rushman. It pays to •advertise in The _ .. „ ft, AN0 MlVf IHI JnWM.i.AMMICAl OHIV •lODUCTrON CAI WITH A FLUttMNMCTID, TUWOCHAMIO INO)NII- —— eglster.-Adverilsement. Open Mon.-Thun. 9 »m.<9 p.m. •. 9 am.-lO p.m. i to the GRAND OPENING of the 100,000 Sq. Ft. FAMILY RT. 36f KEYPORT CELEBRATION STILL GOING ON IN BOTH STORES, RT. U, KEYPORT ond RT. 70, LAURELTON OPEN DAILY and SAT. 9-9; SUNDAY SUNDAY 10-6! Out dogs' sUmeoti htm Otto 14—Thursday, Nov. 8, 1962 BED BANK REGISTER ttbtisaef «n d M their owner* - eto #qmitf n*tt County Ifen your dog Is tet or nervous, take "Most nervous people to*e made to the Thomas and BetU nervous dog.," Csadlto «*L Co., Elisabeth, H. J. a good look at yourself. Credited For Francis T. Candlin, a Denver "And many fa< people jive the dog a snack every time mey It peys to advertise in Theveterlnariin, told the American snack." , Inventions Register,—Advertisement Veterinary Association convention McKEESPORT, Pa. - Two Mpwnonth County, N. J., men are listed by The Fact Bureau, a reporting service, among in- ventors who have fashioned prod- Planning to ucts useful to Industry. George R. Squires, Jr., Heath- cliff Rd., Rumson, N. 7., and REMODEL? Richard W. Squires, Hopetcojuj, N. J., worked together in.fash- ioning a new type of adjustable shelving with telescopable corner posts and with a novel type of metallic fastening plate for the ihelww, which permits shelving to be mounted either flush against a wall or apart from It. The invention has been assigned Jo Dover Maid Industries, Inc. Raymond F. Piasecki, 2 Fair- KIMMERLE'S view La,, Hazlet, N. J., Is the inventor of a grounding clamp fo armored conductors, used in WHY NOT MAKE ONLY ONE STOP? making attachments to water AIMS AT '30 YEARS PLUS1—SgK M«j. Paul J. Chewaky, pipe. The damp bites into the and see the best selection of Wallpaper* and Vinyls left", of Belford, it congratulated by Brig. £en. Seth L. surface of the pipe and es Before you go toofar with-your home within your budget.' So *ny not bt under one roof. Weld, commanding general, S2d ArtMlory Brigade, who improvement plans, let a qu«lifi»d sure before you go ahead mi call administered oath of service on Sgt. Maj. Che»rtaky'» ui to ite how we can be of Mrvice We carry a complete decorator's choice —to men- representativefrenvCherUi f.Hem* re-enlistment after 25 years of service. bling and Son di«cu»i your idtM with to you. T«r any type horn* Improve, tion only a few: KLARIN'S you. We will be moro thm happy mint or remodeling, eelfus for « F. SHUMACHER • THOMAS STRAHAN tery C, third Missile Battalion. II Paint & Wallpaper Co. Belford Man, 51st Artillery, then located at Ii- to help you with your deiign and to free •itimate. Prompt serrfet as- OLD STONE MILL - IMPORTS BY LLOYDS do Beach, 1. I. Sgt. Ma], dies- for give you a realittie estimate keeping surtd. naky has also served at Pearl • PAINT R. E. THIBAUT. All of New York Army Vet, Harbor, the Philippines and in II • WALLPAPER THE WARNER COLLECTION • STOCKWELL Germany. During his tours abroad he has accumulated many • RELATED SUPPLIES NO MONEY DOWN • YEARS TO PAY WALCREST • and KATZENBACH & WARREN Re-enlists decorations and awards as the • TILE HIGHLANDS - Sgt. Maj. Paul ALSO Good Conduct Medal with a five-II • UNPAINTED J. Chesnaky, sergeant major of loop clasp, the American Defense FURNITURE No quwrton about l*-*orhorn* Impwvtmtiitt Sanitas - WallTex - Glendura - VarLar • Fobrique the 52d Artillery Brigade, a rest' Service Medal with the Foreign • WATERPROOFING dent of Belford and a native of Service Clasp, the Asiatic-Pacific II CALL Lots of Campaign Medal with two bronze I COMPOUNDS Dickson City, Pa., has taken an- Handprints - Scenles < Murals - Grassclorhs stars, the World War II Victory "The Color Center other step along the trail leading Medal, the Army of Occupation I of Monmouth County" CHARLES B. HEMBUNG & SON Medal (Germany), the Philippine II to a career of 30 years plus in 26 MONMOUTH ST. 13 Cflffcerliw Straet Eiieb. 1911 ltd la* WHY NOT JUST SAY, "CHARGE IT" the United States Army. Liberation Ribbon with one In ceremonies at the 52d Ar- bronze star, the Philippine Presi-jl Red leak SH 7-3838 DeyPhoMSIU-MM • M«« Pbone SH 7«I tillery Brigade Headquarters, dential Unit Citation, and the Na-|| Brig. Gen. 6eth L. Weld, Jr., com-tional Defense Service Medal. © KIMMERLE manding general, administered The sergeant major was pr the oath of service to Sgt. Maj.mated to the highest enlisti Chesnaky, who re-enlisted for an-grade In October, 1960. He r Paint and Wallpaper Co. other three years. Upon re-enlist- sides at 490 Greenfield Way, B< (ON THE PARKING LOT) ment, the Chesnaky said, "I don't ford, with his wife, Mary, Ms so have any specific goal of years David, and his daughter^ Paula 20 WHITE ST. RED BANK I'm going to spend in the Army, I'm Shooting for a lifetime if pos- AUCTION PLANNED SH 7-1129—WE DELIVER sible." RUMSON — The Ladies* Aial Sgt Ma). Chesnaky entered the iary of the Rumson Fire Con Army in March, 1937, completing pany will hold an auction at tl basic training at Fort Hoyle, fire house Thursday of next wee Md. Prior to bis assignment at at 8 p.m., with Mrs. John Gaynt It Pays to Advertise in The Register Highlands he served.with Bat-as chairman.


For a limited time only, October 15th to November 24th, your local Reddy Kilowatt Dealer is offering free a full sixmonths supply of Dazzle Bleach (six half-gallon bottles) to anyone who buys a new v flameless all-electric dryer. See your dealer today and sell yourself on an all-electric dryer. See how it dries all kinds t>f laundry1 safely in minutes any time,day or night* See how it driea your laundry softer, fluffier and without exposureito,dirt,or fading.from.fumes.or sun* comfortable* colorful and handsome 4-PC. FOAM Corner' Group Two smart tweed covered Come in for a Dryer Danish foam lounges In beau- tiful warm walnut finish with solid foam cushions. Used as Demonstration and got a beautiful sectional by day and as two twin beds by night. A corner table and coupon for a a beautiful lamp make this a much desired and appreci- ated group. Quart bottle of DAZZLE BLEACH • CAN BE USED "We want you to see and know about the new flameless all- AS 2 SEPARATE BEDS OPEN electric dryers, so to get you to cpnie to yftur Reddy;KiI6watt EVERY Dealer's today, he is offeriiig aicoji^ongood for a free quart EVENING bottle of Dazale Bleach during the limited time October 15th Pay Only $2 Weekly TILL 10 P.M. to November 24th. . ,. .

At ATLANTIC Buy with aituranc*

SUPERAMA from your local Rtddy JenwrCtntrsJ-Power ft light Kilowatt Dealer who • ••• * Shrewsbury Ave. at Route 35 LI 2-3600 New Shrewsbury displays this •mbltm tad cUlmi officer ..Erottt BED BANK REGISTER TkmAxj, Nor. 8, 1962-15 Votes hy Districts in Red Bank for Local Offices Veteran* Day /mlnoi. 11. Services, to be etoducted by 11 M Totif Service Set OmmMtOtr Swwtt tad Chap- MAYOR lain Alexander UiWn, will alM KEANSBURG -.MoUy Pitcher follow at the World War II monu- Hcre*s how to unscramble your life Gale (R) 208 156 2K 307 193 145 104 118 205 22 1.997 Jarracks, Veterans of World War ment at Carr Ave.' Nlcoila (0) 199 219 20$ 245 120 112 135 129 210 200 217 149 13 2,159 will hold Veterans Day serv- Members of the Ladies' Aux- iliary and members of the United COUNCIL ces Sunday at the borough hall States Army Firing Squad, Porl it 11 a.m. Falvo (R) _- 214 172 248 314 185 114 148 109 124 123 144 191 25 2,118 Monmouth, will assist at the serv- The senior vice commander, ices. Allen (R) 216 149 253 308 194 101 139 95 129 1OT 21 2,002 Jrnet J. Wenkowskl, is chairman Refreshments and entertain' O'Hern (D) 191 205 206 249 101 138 117 209 177 203 164 2,105 ind wiil be assisted by Com- ment will follow in Veterans hall, nandex Joseph Swartz and serv Maple Ave. •,/" McFadden (O) 181 20S 197 220 108 101 125 108 188 172 194 146 5 1,961 ASSESSOR Lomerson (R) 263 200 291 362 218 123 171 113 20 127 164 225 25 2,311 PREPARE FOR WINTER Koreans Return Rumson Lincroft SAR Session • WeaHitrstripping • Door Bottoms The local First Aid Squad ant Couple's Hospitality on Trip Its Women's Association will hole [s Scheduled • Plastic Storm Windows • Sleds their annual fall dance Fridsj MIDDLETOWN - Dr. C. Mal- FORT MONMOUTH-The food mouth this summer after serving at Val Ernie's Sea Girt Inn olm B. Gilman, Blossom Cove • Snow Shovels •Snow Movers will acconJM filled officers as director of the Signal School's Entertainment will also be pro Id., will entertain Monmouth studying at the "U.S. Army Signal officers department. ' ylded. Edward Roth is chairman oclety. Sons of the American • Furnace Hirers Center sod School here by Mr. assisted by E. Douglas Brandt .Mr. Kissam is ah automotive teveolutlon, at a meeting in his and Mrs.' William M. Kissam, 5 Chester Humhuki is in chargi Wt repair stonn sash! 1 supervisor with the Tidewater Oil esldence Friday, Nov. 16, at 8 Oak Tree" La., Rumson, was re- of entertainment, Mrs. Herbert Co. in New York. He and his .m. Iring your broken windows LADY BUXTON paid them, recently In Korea, wife are among, many couplet Levitt chairman of the auxlliarj Jewel Case by • The Klssams, who have enter- and Mrs. Raymond Tyburci, pub He will discuss the progress to as! that arrange to entertain Allied f the preservation of Monmouth Bcadti earrings, braceleu, necklaces in one great big jumble? Cast tained mon than 80 Korean Army licity. find a wing? See how easily everything gets straightened out in a students through the Allied Liai- lattiefield and talk on "The Im- officers at their home since 1957, Lady Buxton Jewel Case! Beads don't tangle any more. The biggert son and Visitors Division of ortance of the Battle of Mon- received a red-carpet welcome necklace fits neatly. The tiniest earrings can't hide. Stones stay In USASCS. Persons interested in The Lincroft Canteen will hoi lOuth." when they landed at Kimpo their tellings. Dust Mays out. There's room for every piece you own. •Jf- the program can contact the'com- another dance Nov. 16 at Lin The society is striving to do* And you dreu in no time flat! Heavenly colon port Qc(. 22, according to the the munity relaUons officer, Lt Ed-croft School, from 8 to 10:45 p.m le its-present membership of 63. English language newspaper, . Kaight.Jr. Nomination of officers will bi >r. and Mrs. Gilman have In- Korean Republic. They were held. John Fuqua and Jeff Scrl ited interested persons to this Established TtJtBhOM treated as "VIPs" by hundreds of nar are in charge of purchasing LIKE BACHELORS eetlng. officers of the Republic of Korea a new phonograph system for th 1884 SH 1-0001 Army Signal Corps. ROSELLE PARK — Roselle use of the canteen. It adds up! More and more During a week-long visit, they Park likes bachelor mayors. It RED IANK elected its third consecutive one eopie use The Register ads.each STOBE HOUBSi MM, thni tkm. tilt «.m. I* TM ».m, — rri. Sioe 17 fct>«d St. received the key to the City of The Ladies Aid Society of Lin ».m. to t l.m. — Boi. 1:M ».m. it 1:M p.m. Tuesday,, Herbert M. Barnes, jsue because results come fast- Seoul from Mayor Taeil Yoon and croft Presbyterian Church wil a 29-year-old Democrat, r.—Advertisement. a letter of citation from meet tonight at 8 o'clock. Rev Army chief of staff. Mr. and Mrs.defeated Republican Kenneth William J. Mills will speak 01 Kissam were also guests of honor Morean"" _ *, married and the father "Christian Stewardship." Ray at receptions as they toured ROK of-- fou" r 'children. Mayor Arthur mond Bryan, a member of thi Signal

Mrs. Harry Hardt, Swimmlnf Save NOW, even before winter comes! River Rd., has returned fron St Petersburg, Fla., where shi Sensational value coats... Jtof Green Stamps, tool visited for three weeks with hei brother-in-law and sister, Mr CHECK and Mrs. Charles Hockenbury. The Lincroft 4-H Club will meei next Tuesday at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. John Beebe, Cran V D0N7 BUY FROM SMALL SWATCHES! ford Cir. Tinton Falls, Off teen will be nominated.

» SEE THE COMPLETE 4 FT. PANEL! Miss Barbara Lamkin Middle town-Lincroft Rd., and Miss Sue Ellen Pelts, Atlantic Highlands attended the Syracuse Pennsy) SEE ALL THE FINISHES AVAIUBLE! vania State football game a* University Park, Pa., Saturday Miss Barbara Lamkin, Miss Diam SEE ALL THE INSTALLATION METHODS! Lamkin, Wyne Lamkin, an Henry Molzen of Lincroft, an( Frank McGinnas of Ardsley Pa., attended the Navy - Notri SEE ALL THE MATCHING MOLDINGS Dame game at Philadelphia. er Added To Antisul) Unit > SEE RED BANK LUMBER'S QUONSET POINT, R.I. (AP)- WASHABLE The U.S. Navy has pot a high POPLIN & TWILL PLYWOOD speed helicopter with twin en gines and a boat hull into servici GIRLS'JACKETS as part of its antisubmarim squadron. * , BOYS' "PERSONALIZED" comp. val. 4.99 In an announcement today, thi RED BANK LUMBER Navy said the old "Sea Bat" ha been replaced at Quonset by thi COTTON PARKA "Sea King." CHILDREN'S JACKETS "where everybody buy*" The Sea King is capable of'Io • ScotchguardPTnaUdTo eating, identifying and destroyinj Retlst Rain and Stobu with its own depth charges enenv AttacSer! *ooff "&*<* foT subs beneath the surface) thi f WALL ST. SH 1-5500 RED IANK Quality cashed cotton outa- Sturdy cotton warmly boy8,glrlB;rrandy pockets. Navy said Acetate quilt lining for (bell with acrylic pile lining. lined with quilt acetate. Attached drawstring warmth. Toddler sizes 2 Fancy bulky knit collar, Btye, to 4; children's 3 to 6X. green, cbarooaL Sixes 6 to 16. hood, flip hood or acrj lie pile collar styles. 7 to 14. ALWAYS ELECTED! Vharge-lP—No Moneu Down—125 Wemjf FOR BETTER SJERVICE and Higher Earnings ON YOUR SAVINGS SAVE BY NOVEMBER 10th EARN FROM THE 1st!

MACHINE WASH Bed Bank Savings COTTON POPLIN and Loan Association STUDENTS' & MEN'S HOODED JACKETS 10 BROAD ST. • RED BANK. N, J. Reg 5.99 "Where You Save Does Make a Difference!" TRANS-SEASON JACKET COTTON POPLIN SNOW SUITS • Selb elMwhen for 18.981 "• Brushednylonluninatedtopoly- Comp. vol. 9.99 urethane foam for imoother line, Washable, water repel- better shap« retention, warmth lent, Orion* acrylic pile without weight oi bulk. Acetate quilt lining, zip- half lining in jacket, re- • Rayon lining, button cuffi, lip- per or button front. At- mainder acetate quilt per front, (lash pockets. tached drawstring hoods, lined. Panto lined. 4-6X spsclol • Olive, black, camel 8-M-IrXL.' some with pile trim. Comp. vol. 9.99 Solids, plaids. Girls 7-14.

W.T.GRANT CO. YrmT f/! LITTLE SILVER MIDDLETOWN HAZLET Llttlq Silver Shopping Center Mlddletowa Shopping Center I Airport Pkii 631 Protptct 1123 Highway 35 ll! It! f> ;.; ,-


Millinery Dept., New Shrewsbury only F Linen Dept., New Shrewsbury only Fabulous Autumn Fashions! Auto Accessories, New Shrewsbury only \ TIER-1FIC! FASHION NU-TREAD TOWN AND COUNTRY Machtne Washable FLOCKED HAT SG P! Comparative values to $6.98! 1.89 ro 3.89 Hundreds of Styles and Colors Sparkling Fashion Sensations—-See Them Today!

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New Jersey er the Vote News Briefs Tk* Assedated Preaa TRENTON—A bl-stat« study of day., determined the prevtilm; the effects of fluoride on teeth of wage' rates for electricians em school children in the Eastern, ployed on public world projects' Pa.-Phillipsburg, N. J,, area was in Mercer County to be $4.95 an announced today by the New Jer- hour with double time'for'more sey Department of Health. Each than 40 hours of work a week. State health department is sup- He determined the wage rate for plying (3,000 for die study of electrical foremen to be 15.35 an some 2,000 school children, the hour. The determination was department said. School children made at the request of the Inter, In the eleirfentary grades will be national Brotherhood of Elec- examined to determine the dif- trical Workers, Local 369, which ference in tooth decay in the two questioned wage rates on a proj- areas. Officials said Easton has ect for the Ewing Board of Edu- fluoridated its water for the past cation. State law authorizes 10 years, but the water in Phil- Commissioner of labor to' lipsburg, across the river; is' not mine locally prevailing fluoridated. rates on public works project*1 in the event of a disagreement;

TRENTON—Twenty-five stu- dents have enrolled In an agri- SAYREVILLE— Joseph Zlem- cultural training coarse sched- ba, the SayrevlUe Borough uled to. open at Hammenton Council president under indict- next week. The 11-week course,' ment In connection with the dis- to be operated under terms of appearance of dirt fill from bor- FOR PROGRESS—Staff member, and gu.its of tha Chlldr.n'i Piychiatric Canter, the Area Redevelopment Act, is ough property, has been turned Inc., of Monmouth County, Eatontown,. met lait night at Rumton Country Club. designed to train students In out of office. Running for a tractor operations and farm* three-year term on the council Hare, left to right, ara Dr. Robert M. Counts, medical director of the center; Dr. machinery maintenance, the: yesterday, Zlentba polled 2,885 DeWitt Stetton, Jr., the recently appointed dean at Rutgers University and director New Jersey Labor Department votes. He ran behind RepnbU- announced today. •. ; cf intramural research at the National Institute of Health, Betheida, Md. and Ar- can Samuel Elaequa and Dem-', ( ocrat Edward M. Fielek in thur J, White, president of the center board of trustees, master of ceremonies. Dr. 1 ATLANTIC CITY - Atlantic three-way race tar two seats. THE WINNE* IN VERMONT— Philip H.Hoff, lawyer elected fha;' fir*f-' Democr>tre Sition wai the invited speaker. Another who spoke waj Freeholder Director Jo- County Prosecutor Augustine. A. The winners polled 44» and governor of Vermont in 108 yaan, poiai with daughters in Burlingtomhame. Girls, ; 4,182 votes respectively. Zfero- leph C. Irwin. , ',.- , . ' ' ' '; '. Repetto says he expects tb> have from left,- Gretchan, 7; Andrea, 9; Susan, 12, and Dagny, IU Hoff, 37, defeated evidence ready for the next grand bahts been charged wUhhrlbr jury, in his investigation of'al- taking, extortioa and rnlscen- the. Repubjicai) incumbent, F. Ray Kayw. Jr. ' ' (AP Vfir«ph6fol leged irregularities in absentee duct in office In connection balloting in the county. iTi with the disappearance of next grand jury meets Nov. -29. HO cubic yard* of borough- Repetto said yesterday hf had owned fill. The case lwi not yet Mflk RUMSON -. Or. DeWitt Stet- -. Chairman of the dinner commit- the Rev. Pr. Charles S. Webster, questioned some more persons' In . cone to trial. ton, Jr., the keynote speaker at tee was Joseph N. Dempsey, In- pastor of the Red Bank Presby- his'investigation. He would give Controls the first annual dinner of the terlaken, a member of the Board terian Church. Rabbi Morris no other details. The Federal Children's Psychiatric Center, of Trustees. Other committee: Shmidman, Congregation Sons of Bureau of Investigation is con- Inc., 61 Monmouth County, Eaton- men included Mrs. Marsh A. Israel, Asbury Park, delivered ducting a separate inquiry to de- Wonvan Be Reinstated Bryan, Rumson; Mrs. Stanley the benediction. termine whether any federal laws town, last night called to the NEW BRUNSWICK (AP)-The Edelken, Etoeron: Mrs. Ernest The center is a non-profit, out- were broken in absentee ballot- center's medical stall "a pro- general counsel'of the governor's. Kahn, Rumson; and Robert Eis- patient clinic treating emotional- ing in the county. Burned}- gressive group of professionals Milk.Price Sfudy Coipmittee said ner, Red Bank. ' , ly disturbed children under 18 intent on making the clinic a Wednesday night the. reinstate- leading mental health facility." The Invocation was spoken by years of age. JERSEY CITY — A witness Is Critical ment of minimum price controls He spoke at the Rumson Country has testified that a bus was go- on milk in New Jersey "is a pos- Club. ... NEW SHREWSBURY —A 7 ing just over M miles per hour year-old Pine Brook woman wai sibility." . Dr. Stejtonj who was recently v when It struck a state police critically burned when fire broki Robert L. Sheldon said the State appojnted .dean of the planned Shafto toDecide ear on the New Jersey Turn- out In her kitchen last night. Office of Milk- Industry cannot two-year medical school at Rut- * • • ' pike, killing three troopers!, gers University, is also director Mrs. Bertha Hemphill, abolish outright the controls it is State Trooper Peter Bordioo empowered to establish, to long of intramural research at the Na- testified for. the. state yesterday Squankum Rd., was rushed by th( tional Institute of Heal*, Be- New Shrewsbury First Aid Squad « the present law governing the OnSheriff^AidesIn Hudson County Court. He situation re?nain» in effect (5esda, Maryland. used the tachograph taken fi to Momnouth Medical Center, long Branch, where she was ai Sheldon spoke on the; radio pro- Medical FadHtles FREEHOLD — Sheriff-elect The Township Committee will the tachometer, • tpeej record- mitted with severe burns over the gram, Rutgers UnlvertJty- Forum, Discussing "first rate medical Joseph A. Shafto said yesterday have the right to appoint a suc- Ing device, which wa* In the 11 upper part of her body. beard on 35 New Jersey stations. facilities," Dr. Stetton said: he plans "very few changes in cessor to finish Mr. ShaftO's un- boa. Bordlno, talag a magnify- Gov. Richard J. Hughes sus. "I nm convinced that tin expired term. •• . ing glasi en the graph ee th* The rescue from the burning pended the minimum price con- fundamental research is accom office from Ira E. Wolcott next When he leaves office after witness stand, said It retfstertd kitchen was made by Mayor-elect trols last month after the commit- plished in an environment that Tuesday. Tuesday's swearing in ceremony just a hair over ta miles. The John Lemon, Jr., a member tee had heard testimony from harbors teaching and learning." But, he said, he's made no ab- Sheriff Wolcott will quit the turnpike speed limit Is M miles the first aid squad, and Pine solute decision whether to retain consumers and industry spokes- "'He added: county's official family for the per hoar. The.bos, driven by Brook firemen Getchel McCall either or both First Undersheriff first time in 19 years. Before menfin Various parts of the state. "I see the Children's Psychia- Raymond F. Peters, 35, of and Herbert Bowles. Caurtlandt White of Red Bank winning his first term as sheriff tric Center as a place where Easton, Pa., stnick another car The Pine Brook and Tintor '"the law which permits suspen- and Undersheriff Fred Brown of in 1947, he was undersheriff for before smashing Into the police Falls Fire Companies responded sion of minimum price controls Morris Woodring of -Neptune. ear on Jane II. Peters Is oo to the alarm at 6:19 p.m. anc is still on the .books," Sheldon "1*11 know better by the.end In winning the post, Mr. Shafto trial in Hudson County Court on benefit i. . fought the Mazer for;abou t 45 min said, ."And I think the only word of the week," he said. was elected by the narrowest a charge of causing death by utes. Damage wait confined to th< "~J committee could use (in Its munity, and their respective 1 margin of any of the Republi- tat health." Mr, Shafto also disclosed he motor vehicle. Other defend- kitchen and living room recommendation to the governor) ROMNEY WINS RACE—There's no doubt-about tha win- Last night was the first .pub- will resign aj mayor and as a cans who made a clean sweep in ants are the bus owner, GHG Patrolman Edward HoWen, who was 'susnension'." 1 ner of the Michigan gubernatorial race. George Rom- of Dr. Stetton member of the Township Com- congressional and county races Corp., and the Jws operator, investigated for the police; in Monmouth. Royal Bine Coach Co., Inc., He said the OMI cannot abol- since he was named to the Rutt mittee of Neptune where be has partment, said the blaze origin- 9h .the controls and' added: na'y and hi* wife, Leonora, presented this picture in He defeated former Mayor Paul charged with manslaughter and ated at a kerosene stove. • II 1 »ers post. He pledged that the served 15 years. His present ""'Suspension' has a temporary Detroit after ha defeated tha Democratic incumbent, Kiernan of Long Branch by just aiding and abetting death by seemed to have been a flash fire, oronosed medical school at Rut- term would expire at the end of flavor to it. This is an experi- John B. Swaimon. (AP Wirephotol over 2,300 votes. Benjamin Dan- auto. he raid. Mrs wiU be "an excellent one." 1963. mental period." , I don't know if I would be re- skin, a newcomer elected to.the Other speakers at the djjtoer, Monmouth Medical Center r Asked whether the committee quired to resign," he said, "but Board of Freeholders, had a 4,- attended by more than 100 per- TRENTON — Labor Commis- ported Mrs. Hemphill's conditlo; would recommend that the con- I don't think jt's good policy or 500 vote bulge over Democrats sons, included Monmouth .Coun- David t "Buck and Dr. Victor sioner Raymond F. Male yester- this morning a« still critical. trols be re-established, Sheldon ty-s'freeholder director; Joseph good politico to hold two posl- Gerdes, and incumbent Free- said, "I think that Is a possibili- tions such as these." C lrwln, Dr. Robert M, Counts, '•""• «•<* " •"•—" holder Director Joseph c- Irwin, ty." • .;•... • i center medical director, and Mar- winning his eighth term, had a The counsel said the commit- cus Daly, Lincroft, head of the Estes Convicted 7,700 vote margin. Issue In DouJ3t tee would recommend to Hughes center's current fund-raising TYLER, Tex. (AP) - A jury Eleventh Term a steppedmp enforcement of reg- drive. ulations to prevent what he termed convicted bankrupt promoter Bll- Want Voice in Choice of Maycir Mr. Irwin discussed the clinic Rep. James C. Auchincloss, "kickbacks and rebates which lie Sol Estes of swindling and set in relation to the courts and the winning his 11th term,' -scored MATAWAN TOWNSHIP — Re- crat Gilbert H. Hickman to thi have been a real evil in the in- his sentence at eight years in the riiblic school system. He said, by 20,000 votes in both\Monmouth action set in yesterday on the Township Committee dustry up to now." "the existence of the center in state penitentiary yesterday. and Ocean counties which com- question of whether Township Mr.. Man along with Cpromli .He said.the OMI had done a the Wmmunity has been an in- The verdict, reached after the prise the Third District. His Committeeman John Marz, Jr., teeman Daniel H. Downey backed 'reasonably good" enforcement valuable aid to the' county, 11 men and one woman deliber- plurality in Monmouth was 14,- will be elected mayor Jan. 1. Mr. Hickman In his bid for the job In this area, but lacked ated 2 hours and 8 minutes, end- 000. . Mr. Irwin added: "The out- It may put the Issue in doubt governing body, post. "enough imaginative people." ed a 17-day trial on state charges Like Mr. Auchincloss, the standing work being conducted Election night, a number of Only three votes are needed As examples of kickbacks and growing out of a transaction in- freeholders will take office in at the clinic provides even great- high Democratic officials, as to elect the mayor. The commit- rebates, Sheldon cited what he 1 volving a mortgage on liquid fer- January. - Mr. Danskuv an in- er benefits for the future/ ; tee consists of five members. called payments by dealers and tilizer tanks. The state said the surance broker and former ma- well as members of the party He continued: But yesterday, James R.. Bur> dairies to wholesale outlets to se- tanks did not exist. yor of Wall Township, will suc- rank and file, advised reporters •The ability to treat adolescents lew,'one of the two.local Demo- cure customers and other pay- Estes, 37, faces state antl- ceed Walton Sherman of Long that Mr. Marz' election as mayor to forestall the deep-rooted men- cratic leaders! informed The Reg- ments in the form of cash and Branch, who, after five terms, was a foregone conclusion, as a tal illnesses affecting adults has trust charges accusing him of fix- ister that the Democratic^ Clubs freezer units made by some proc- ing the price of liquid fertilizer. did not seek reelection. result of the election of Demo- three-fold effects, affording the and county committee' members essors to subdealers. community the need to subsidize will have a say-so in choosing the "We are recommending tha long term treatment generally as- mayor. •-. there be an increase in license sociated with adults, the program And as for the selection of Mr. i to get the wherewithal to hire also provides youngsters with the Mara, who previously has served more investigative people (for the PENNSYLVANIA GOVERNOR _ Republican Congress- means to live normal, happier here as mayor for 25 years, Mr. OMI) and to set up a better en- lives and to become better cit- man William S'cranton And. hit wife smile in Scran ton, 1 Burley added: "It Is not cut and forcement program," Sheldon izens'.! - said. the city founded by his family, after he wai elected - Counts Speaks The official declared that "be- He said governor of Pennsylvania. He defeated Democrat Rich- : the committee "will Dr Count's, medical director at cause of the fight Democrats had continue to be a watchdog which ardson Dilworth, former mayor of Philadelphia ' ' the center since its incepttonin this year In. selecting a mayor" will continue to give the public , ,. JAP Wirephofol the ff>» of' 1960, discussed "The the party will, attempt before Jan- reissurance that tfiere is need creation and development of the uary to determine "who the peo- for such a group." clinic in relation to .the • com- ple want;" before coming to a de- munity needs." , cision for 1963. Hire Shrewsbury Aide Dr Counts said: The method of "finding out' SHREWSBURY — William E. penditure of up to $600 for, .use "Our original goal was to cre- will be decided on in a week of Democrats Leary, 46 Queen Anne Dr., a by the Municipal Public Service ate a first-rate menfel health two, he reported. retired lieutenant colonel, was Co-drdihatiig 'Committee ,jo clinic facility. In my opinion this It may entail taking an opinion task has already been.,achieved, Mull Recount approved by Borough Council fighting a proposed water, rate poll of ' party workers, county last night as a part-time employee If not surpassed." edmmtttee ' members, the club ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — It Increase, and an expenditure of H^ added: may be that the last word has to assist in ' Municipal' Court $240 per year for-car allowance memberships or the general pub- work here. , "The accomplishments I reler lic. • • . ' ' 5 . not been said regarding the de- for the building inspector. • to can be attributed to hard work, feat Tuesday of Democrat Dr. If he accepts the position he Reimbursement. in the amount Asked if he had some other Robert S. McTague In his bid for and the abilities of our dedicated will work with Mrs, Isabe) Park- c)f f 1,113 'was'.received from tho fcolce for mayor, Mr, Burley l Borough Council post. , board and professional staff, all aid.,"No, we just want to make er, borough treasurer,' 'tax.' ($h State Highway' Department for .Party officials told. The Regfc of whom have clone far more than iir«;«bout this,Issue, and.do not lector and 'court' :clerk,i who, street»lighting ,'on Rt. 35. :er last' night that.the question was asked of them." rant the public to get the impres. Councilman Francis Jt Bolduc >f asking for a vote recount is ' Mr. Daly, heading the center s ion that it was decided before- said, needs aid! -. In Appreciation . $371,000 fund-raising drive, now 1 : under ^consideration," ',.••" '[ Please accept my heartfelt landland''" ' '-:".' '•'• ' .' ' under way throughout the county, Dr. McTague lost to Republi- Councilwoman . Anne Jackson thanks for your trust by granting discussed the progress of the cam- Mr. Burlew .reported that Uuj innounced that the borough is Other Democratic leader, Edward can John J. Kozak by a single my tenure of office as the Holm- paign, H» said » third of the vote, 848 to 849. in need of another part-time fi, Seville, agrees with him on del Tax Collector. I amvety goal bas been reached. One of The Kozak victory gave the employee to operate wow blow- grateful to all who supportixi hit. NOW HEAR THIS —LIHI. id, proclaim! next the matter. 1 .the high points of his talk was 3OP solid control of the govern- Ing equipment to clear sidewalks. 1 waek, beginning Sunday, American lEduoation Waelt in Little Silver. School offieiali •Frances StltweU to express appreciation for the Old Wagon Farm ig body. Mrs; Jackson's resolution desig- -Adv. ^ hundreds of people th ougiiout obttrving th* caremony are, left to right; C. David Vanderhoof, iuperintendtnt; Get your apples packed for Dr. McTague said last night nating those parts of Broad St., the community who have made Douglas C. Horan, principalv at Point Road School; Mn. Elii«b»th: Hart/a fourth Winter now. Mclntosh, Opales ie Democrats have until Nov. White Rd., Obre PI., Sycamore Old Wagon Farm donations to the center. Cent, Delicious, Red Rome and Ave., and Samara Dr. used by grade teacher and member of the.public refl«tion« committee for 'the TaacharV to request a recount by the Large selection ol evergreen!, Master of Ceremonies Stoyman Wlnesap in good supply. lonmouth County Board of school children ai student walk- Rhododendrons, azaleas, etc. ? Arthur J. White, president ;of >«ioclation; Min Maria Koikty, «n eighth grade tiaehar and pratidant of the auo- We press our own cider fresh lections. wayi, was adopted. The student for fall planting. Peat moss. (he, center's Board of Truitees, xiation; Mn. Vanetia Joyce, an eighth grada teacher and publicity worker,'and from selected apples, Closing for He said a decision on the mat- walkways will be cleared With fertiliser, and other garden sup- and one of Its original founders b ' d d season November 26, R(. 35, north er nuiy be mad« by the first of the blowing equipment. plies. Rte. 33, North of Middle- "e^'a'UsterrceremSsd as master of ceremonies. R»Wt F. rWatt, pre.id.nt of th. Board of Education; of Mlddletown,-Adv. text week. Council also authorized an-ex- :own.—Adv, ' • . 1 a. ' BED'BANK BEGISTEH 3 JWCM4V JVABOtV Real Entertainment 18—ITnmday, N«? 8, 1962 TH£V1SION JflWC-W _WO*.TV TV KeyPtevieu)8 OMMll: lja^RWO^PEj mm * ..WMXTV THURSDAY AFTERNOON EVENING ' FRIDAY HORNING Tonight's top television shows Hollywood stages are not always convincing, but this one comes off On Educational TV 1*00 . " 1:10 1:41 u pfevlewed and selected by TV 2-Love of Lire-Serial 4-News and Weather *-Previews \ Key's staff of experts who atbette- r than most. A tough ser- By HAROLD STERN , that the public didn't know about 4—Your First Impression 7-News S:H ' tend rehearsals, watch screen- geant disciplines a private for Ifi * lorry commentary on it until 1908?" 7—Jane Wyman—Drama 11—Three Stooge* I-Give Us This Day-Religion Ings, and analyze scripts In Newsleeping while standing sentry commercial television to note As a hook to get me audience 9—Science Fiction Theater lJ-What'i New-Children S:U York and Hollywood. during maneuvers, and makes the that there Is more genuine enter- Interested In each show, 11—Merry Mailman—Children 0:11 2-News •., • : mas wear a mask for ten days. tainment in educational television Month and an actor named Rob- 13—To Be Announced 7-Weather 4—SermoneHe—Religion LEAVE IT TO BEAVER. 'Te» The unorthodox treatment gets a than there is in the network pro- ert Benson appear as characters 12:21 *;20 ' 0:00 < It to EH«." The youngsters wffvarietl y of results, the dialogue is grams ostensibly produced tor of the period for a couple of min- 2-News 7—Sporti 2-CoUege OfThe Air enjoy thjs one. Beaver check! Okay and the acting Is pret- the purpose of amusement. utes. 11:31 4—Continental Classroom * with a newspaper coiumsist for ty good- 10 p.m. ABC. In fact,, where Max Morath is "It's really a great chance for 2—Search For Tomorrow 7—Capsule Comment advice on how to deal with his concerned, this is a problem. a character actor," Max noted. 4—Truth or Consequences , CM 2—Sunrije Semeiter parents. Of course, except for TOWGHT, Danny Kay* Joins The first series Max (Md for"Benson* gets a chance to play 5-Cartoons < i—Local News 4—Continental Classroom staying out overtime on week Johnny Carson tonight, and so do the National Educational Televis- 15, different characters (The se- 7—Camouflage S-Mickey Mouse Club It* •• , nights, Beaver has no real par- comedienne Alice Ghostley and ion Center (NET) MI catted ries is made up of 15 helftoun) 9—Memory Lane 7-News • J-Naws. •• -.;-•.. ent problems, but this hole Is pret- singer Kay Armln. (Color) 11:15 "The Ragtime, En," and, for ain Httte vignettes of no more 11—Rocky and his Friends 9—Zoorama 7:H ty well covered up and the show p.m. NBC while, tome of the people con five minutes per show.1 12:45 H-Huckleberry Hound 4-Today comes off quite nicely. 1:30 p.m. aeoted with NET were fearful Max and his wife J-Guidlng Light-Serial »—Profile: New Jersey I-Call To Prayer ABC. ' ,- (bat tile series was so entertain- the entire series and II—Merry Mailman—Children 7sl» Ing no one would take It serious- seems genuinely 12:88 4-Weather . f-News THE NURSES/The Prisoner." ly at education. But, Max manabout the entire range 4-News •/• .•• li» • ••• Good snow. A stock plot but ex- W&r,AM THS. WWTOW OF aged to combine the best of both matter, there Is no ' 7-News 4-News '••' ' '." ' . 7—Morning Prayer Uemely well done. A man who A STOMACH UL«R 7 .worlds and the series was preth- e one show on ragtime is (he 1:00 7—Focus On The News 7sl» sented (and Is strll being shown) 2—Burns and Allen—Comedy 7:10 5-Columbia Lectures faces » murder rap Is rushed to gem as far as he's concerned. the hospiUl so his Hfe can be to virtually unanimous critlca' "It represent* 25 years of a ma- 4—Leave It toTh e Girls 2—Newi 7—Early Bird Cartoons and public acclaim. de that's been overlooked," he 5—Cartoons 4-Unquiet River saved for the state to executo On Nov. 21, Max's latest NET said. "People laugh when I tell 7—Dr..Hudson's Journal 5—Mister Mtgoo—Cartoons 2—Captain Kangaroo him. Basically, it's a dramatic es- aeries, "Turn of the Century,' them this, but classic 11—People Are Funny 7—Guestward Hot —Comedy J—Sandy Becker—Children say against capital punishment, premieres in New York and will isn't the honky-tonk music you 13—To Be Announced 9—Merrytoon Circus 7—Tommy Seven—Cartoons but George Grirzard, Zlna Be- probably continue to be shown on hear today. That's Just a popular 1:25 11-News thune. Simon Oakland, and Louis both educational and coatmercia conception of what ragtime was. 5-Newj 1J—Japanese Brush Painting 7—Little Raicals—Cartoons Gossert, u doctor, nurse, guard, channels around the country for Ifs a delightful music and I think 1:11 7:10 8:4S and prisoner, make it an inter- many yean to come. that as more and more people 2—As The World Turns 2-Weather 11-Newi' - •'..,. esting and sensitive show. 9 p.m. "I don't feel education has toare exposed to it in Its classic 5—Movie— 11—Local News CBS- be divorced from entertainment form it will grow In popularity. 7—December Bride—Comedy 7MI f-Newi and Weather 8:M ANDY WILLIAMS. Two oppo- techniques," Max told me, "but "It seems strange to me," ' 8—Star and Story—Drama 2-News sjtes meet on Andy's show to- there Is a split between the edu-added, "that there has been II—Best Of Groucho —Quiz 0-Almanac Newireel 1J—Understanding Science. It-Weather lJ-Dateline: New JeJrsey night. Lawrence Welk plays th* cation and the,broadcasting sides fictionaHzed TV series accordion, sings, and becomes «a 1:50 '• 7:10 -••• -'• • wr • • of educational television on that era from the dose of the fron music teacher in Andy's subject. tier to the twenties. I think 13—Highlights of World History 2-Mlater Ed-Comedy 2-Life Of Rlley-Comedy 6UCMCT AN ULCER P YOU "This aeries won't be entirely would be a fine, endless source 1:55 4—Wide Country—Drama 4-Trouble With Father folksy, weekly visit to his old OFTEN HAVB STOMACH MM home.town. Betty Grable, on the ABOUT AN HOUR APT1R IAT- music the way The Ragtime of material. Maybe the problem 4-News 5—Sugarfoot—Western 7—Funny Manns 9—Jack La Lanne WG, REU6V6P BVMH.K, Era' M»," Morath continued. "Iis that there is no Historical, 2:H 7—Ozsje and Harriet other hand, hoofs as usual and 2—Password J—Movie—Adventure H—Comedy Party-^Cartoons looks practically unchanged. Al- ANTACIP6. OR rOOPrOOP . .Interlard music with my comidentifiable villain. 13—Profile: New Jersey TOMOttHOWlALflTUPfTU E SCKNBS mentary. Each show Is on a dis- "If no one else does a series ANXIOUS MOMENT - Peggy 4-Merv Griffin-Variety II—You Asked For It so, The Christy Minstrels sing tinct topic, humor, the temper- on the period,'" he concluded, McKay, as Sally Mitchell, real 7—Day In Court—Drama 13^-Photography: incisive Art tttt with Williams, and Andy steps out ance movement, women's rights, might Just get around to H mylies that her young son has9—Inquiring Mind—Education S-News in the audience for chitchat and Immigration, the transportation •elf." gotten into difficulties while play- II—Divorce Court—Drama I—Perry Mason—Mystery 0:10 song requests. (Color) 10 p.m. 2.11 7—Donna Reed—Comedy J—Our Mits Brooks—Comedy , It adds- upl Mora and more revolution, motion pictures ing In the surf on "Houseguest," NBC- people use The Register ads each courtship, the rise of the city, anl the bizarre story of how the13-Wonder of Words 11—Divorce Court—Drami 4—Dr. Joyce Brothers PREMIERE. "The Masked Ma- Grab bag: The most'depress- 2:M 13-Challenge of Change 5—Topper—Comedy issue because results coma fast- so forth. I include the songs of ing report of the month is thereputable owners of a private : i" EMIEWtlhR t tlM school become Implicated in 2—House Party 7^-Gale Storm—Comedy rine." Wat-tales-shot mostly on eft-Advertisement. the time as they relate to theNBC denial that It Is planning to 7—Seven Keys 4—Dr. Kildare—Drama 9—Movie—Adventure topics. This isn't a series that dump Its,woeful "It's:A Man's murder and extortfon, on "The 13—Parlona Francais I goes back Just for the sake of World" suffocation comedy series Alfred Hitchcock Hour" Thurs- 9—Movie—Adventure 5—Manhunt—Police nostalgia. in favor of something' else ... day, Nov. i (10:00-11: DO p.m 13-frl-State Focus 7—Leave It To Beaver 0:45 2:50 ..••••-•»» -• • _ 13—Science Corner—Education "There Irons show," Max con-anything else! So far, the only EST) on the CBS Television Net- Z—Nurses—Drama fessed, "on classic ragtime. I In-laugh I've had from "It's Awork. 13—Music Interlude tin Man's World" was from the re- 2:55 5-Wrestling cluded it because I love It and be- 4-News 7—My Three Sons—Comedy 4-News KID GALAHAD cause M is a practically unknown port that it was going to beBroadway guests on the Sullivan 10:00 scrapped. 5-News II—True' Adventure STAITS FRIDAY subject. There was practically Show, they won't be doing 1:00 13—Robert Herridge Theater 2-Ca!endar nothing Written on the subiett and Guests I heartily recommend: scene from their hit comedy. In- 4—Say When 2—Millionaire—Drama fc*0 t—Movie—Drama "HUUMt the popular attitude of the time Peter Cook, one of the four bril- stead, they'll appear In an origi- 4—Loretta Young—Drama 4—Hazel-Comedy was that If the music was writ liant stars of "Beyond Th nal sketch by Gomden and Green. 7—Susie—Comedy mnumr 5—Doorway to Destiny 7-McHale's Navy-Comedy U-OperatJon Alphabet ten by a Negro, H couldn't be Fringe," the funniest show on A guest I can do without: On 7—Queen For A Day 9—On Stage—Drama very good. But ragtime Is real- Broadway, appears on tomorrow Sullivan's Nov. 11 show, along H-How To Marry A Millionaire 11—Sea War—Documentary 10:08 ly the foHc music of the city. No- afternoon's Merv Griffin Show with the usual horde of personal! U-Higher Horizons 3:10 1J—M. I. T. Science.Reporter lOiZS body noticed it because of the(NBC-TV, 2-2:55 p.m.) Also, the ties, a comedian named Jerry 10:00 FRIDAY AFTERNOON IPJH attitude that folk music wa from superb Anna Quayle, co-star of Shane is scheduled for a turn. 2-To Tell The Truth 4-News SPECIAL ALL WALT DISNEY s 4—Young Dr. Malone—Serial 2—Alfred Hitchcock 13—Spotlight On Art the Mils. We kept looking In theAnthony Nenriey's imaginative Until a few days ago, his name 4-Andy Williams-Variety KIDDIE SHOW wrong direction. "Stop The World ... I Want To would have meant nothing to>me . 5-Mr. District Attorney 10: JO 7^-Wbo Do You Trust? 7—Premiere 2—1 Love Lucy-Comedy "I'm booked by the era around Get OH," graces tomorrow's Jack But, I was visiting one of Green' 11—Adventures In Paradise the turn of the century, just as IPaar Show (NBC-TV, 10-11 p.m.). wich Village's coffee houses the II—Laurel-Hardy and Chuck 4-Play Your Hunch And looking ahead, Anthony New- 13—Television for Teachers U-World At Ten 7—Answering Service—Panel am by ragtime," Max said. "It other night and thoroughly enjoy- 10:» H--Movie—Drama was a period during which most ley, himself, makes his U. S. net-ing the show along with the rest 1:55 work TV debut on the same Jack 2-News •—Best Of The Post-Drama 10:45 people thought a four letter word of the audience, when'the man- 1J—Lefcmann Master Class ' U—Parlona Francais I was a three letter word In phir- Paar Show on Nov. 23. This Is aager of the place announced that 11-Mr. Peabody 1 UVATBMC ' —Abe— real coup for Paar, whose show 4:M 11:00 UtOO al. we were In for a treat. Jerry 2-News 2-^IcCoya—Comedy "**"»* •BUDGET GOES HAWAIIAN* "The idea behind the series." has been skimming the cream of Shane, an;alumnus of the club, 2—Secret Storm—Serial 4—Make Room For Daddy 4-News . , • - ••• 4-PrlCe Is Right "MARCO POLO" he continued, "is to show how Broadway's talents tills season. was on hand and he had volun- 5-Depury Dawg—Cartoons *-News ' ' ;• - . 7—Ernie Ford-Variety "GOLIATH * THi DRAGON" many tremendous., changes oc- Ed SuHtaan, the man who's got- teered to perform. Shane, a stool 7-^Americaa Bandstand ." 7-News •-Johnny Andrew* curred then—In Moid, not in de-ten more mileage out of Broad- comic, b>gan to pepper (he "au- 9-Hlgh Road To Danger 9—Movie—Adventure 13—Understanding Science gree. For example, the motor way than anyone else In TV, will dience with a barrage of vintage 11—Bozo The Clown U-Steve Allen-Variety 11:21 "WHAT IVER HAPWNIO car, the recorder, the film, flight, present Anthony Quinn and Mar-Henny Ypungmon type gag's (and 13—Television for Teachers • • -• . 11:11 13-Higher Horitons TO IAJY JANE" communication, etc. Were you garet Lelghton, the stirs of only Henny can make them sound 4:25 2-Weatber 11:21 aware, for example, that the 'TehlnTchln,"- on his November funny) and, getting no response, 11-Koko The Klown-Cartoon 4-Weather 5-News. STORY OF PROFANE LOVE Wright Brothers Hew in 1963, but18th program. But, unlike most proceeded to vilify the ailtience, 4:M , 5—Movie—Drama- - v H:M .., "PHAEDRA" which, of course, didn't make, him 2-Edge Of Night-Serial 7-Local News 2—Pete and Gladys-Comedy atay more tolerable. Not to bela- 4-Here's Hollywood 11:11 4—Concentration "LADY & THE TRAMP" bor the point, it was, a shabby 5-Fellx and the Wizard. - 2—Movie—Drama 5—Romper Room—Children ("ALMOST ANGELS" display of bad manners .coupled 7—Discovery '62—Children 4-Tonight • " ' ' 7—Yours For A Song with bad material and' an In- 9—Looney Tunes •7—!Movie—Drama 11:40 ferior delivery. Ironically, on the11—Dick Tracy-Cartoons 13-Wonder of Words regular program was a. young 13—American Economy ^Reflections, 11:50 folkslnger nanigd Jimmy Gavin, 4:H 11-News who had one hilarious routine in U-News which he did a take-off on five 7—American Newsstand Vhif of our best known folksong celeb- 1:00 5-News MOVIE TIMETABLE Starts TODAY rities as they might sing "Mary 2-Love That Bob-Comedy 1:00 RED BANK Had a Little Lamb." Jimmy 4r-Movie—Mystery 4-News CARLTON- would be a natural for the Sulli- 7-1 Married Joan-Comedy 5—Movie—Drama tfld Otltht4 1:00: T:O0; fillL Melina Anthony van Show. 9-Movie—Science Fiction 7-«-Movie—Comedy EATOKTOWN Mercouri Perkins 11—Cartoon Zoo ' o Four DRJVE4N*- 13-Once Upon A Day-Children 1:09 Oidpt OMt Hiwaltio UN: 10:40 4-Headlfaer-Prama XM OUtite »:«. n J:25 LONG BRANCH -Jules 11—Rocky and his Frineds 9-Almariae Newireel TV Key 5:10 BARONET- Vallone Marco Polo l:»; T:00: 10:10; Qoliith 2—Movie—Drama , 2—Movie—Drama * Tilt Dr«|cn 3:00; l;». S-^Sandy's Hour—Children 9-News anil'Weather ASBURY PARK 7-Hi*hway Patrol-Police 1:15 LYR1C- Mailbag 11—Popeye—Cartoon* 4^-Sermonette—Religion Phudra 7:10; CIS. ' • ' • •' ••2:15 MAYFAIR- By STEVEN H. SCHEUER 7—Evening Prayer What Bvcr Htprxned T» Bibjr Jani England by the time he wa . 2:49 Question — Every now and then eight He started singing as a ST.JAMES- professional only three short 2-News ' •:••-.. Almoit An(>ii 3:10: |:3J; Lad; * come across a TV show like the • . 2:45 The Tramp 3:flD; 7:10; 10:30. recent "Premiere" one called years ago and has since become a-Give Us this Day-Religion "The Voice of Charlie Pont" one of Great Britain's biggest^ at- North of Rtd Bank Th(mlMr^ri which restores my faith in the tractions. He appeared in the ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS who at tha; tama monwnt embraced her lova and her ositnictJoft fact that all TV shows needn't b» movie "Exoresso Bongo" and will have been so surprised at Us comedic flair. ATLANTIC- A, as bad as they are. The show soon be seen in the new film Mullc Man'«:Mi »H0>»- was very well written and beauti- Wonderful To Be Young." He HAZLET fully acted, particularly Bradford will no dobut pay a return visit Question — When are the proLOEW- S DRIVE-IN- Drllman in the title role. Give us to the "Sullivan Show" In the ducers'of "Eleventh Hour" going Cartoom T:00; Uanctaurlaji Candidate more of the same.—Mrs. H. C, near future, Perhaps your Ten- to give Jack Ging something to 7:07; »:i5: Plwiuri Highway »:30. Bridgeport, Conn. nessee school mate was Elvis do? WendeH Corey hogs the show PERTH AMBOY every week.—Mrs. G. N., Moul- MAJESnC- Answer — Critics and fans alike Presley? Ladr * Tha Tramp 1:10: 1:00; 10:00; trie, Ga. , Almott Annn 1:65: D:M; 1:29. found this "Premiere" drama to EDISON their liking. Bradford Dillman's Question — If Peter Flalk ever Answer - Ging left 'Tales of s gets tired of giving great dra- Wells Fargo" last season because MENLO PARK CINEMA- excellent performance Is among Ladr * th. Tramp 1:30: I:M; T:40; this season's best. matic TV and movie perform- he felt he wasn't given enough to 10:10; Almo.1 *n«.li 2:60: S:M; »:00 ances, he could always become a do on the show. So far, he hasn't WOODBRIDGE had much to do on "The Eleventh Question — I enjoyed Cliff comedian. I think his cab driver DRIVE-IN-. Hour" except look Interested in ItMtUun for a H«a»jrw.ll»t 7:0!; Richard on the recent "Ed Sulli- sketch on the "Edie Adams Ill*); zot« »:80. .' Show" was one oT the funnle what Corey says, and that takes Shimmering van Shew." It he really Brit- concentration. Corey has always MONTCLAIR ish? The reason I ask is that he things I have seen'in a very long CLAIRIDGE- :ime, especially on TV. — J. P. struck me u one of those actors looks exactly Wee a boy I went who, after a minute of dialogue, Holiday In Spain 3:0Oi 1:00. to school with In Tennesse. When '., Paterson, N. J. seems to have been talking for al continuous sat. and Evening Is his next TV appearance and Is Answer —Balk's talent seems ATLANTIC SUB. from J p. M. he going to make any movies?— to have no limitations. If you haddueers of "11th Hour" promJie R. B., Toledo, Ohio. seen Falk's magnificently funny that Ging will be featured more Answer — Cliff was born In performance in the movie "Pock- Lucknow, India, and moved to etful of Miracles," you would not prominently In future episodes. .—- OOOOHMMOMIMOIOMOOOIIOWOOIOOIOOIOOOO (For an answer to your ques- ST. JAMES tion about any TV program or ac- MONMOUTH PLAYERS •'.• tor, write to Steven H. Scheuer, TV Key Mailbag, do this Matinee I P.M. present -. > paper.) MOW PUYING! Evenings 7 and 0 "Witness for the Prosecution* It pays to advertise la The Re«)»Ur.-Advertisement. November 2 and 3 and 9 and 10 STEINBACH'S DRESS SALON Curtain-4:40 P. M. Second Floor and Asbury Park TICKETS $2.00 FOR RESERVATIONS CALL MRS. B. J. f ANSLER SH 7-2853 COMPANY fAI« ••• IANI Navtsink Library In Navtslnk j Conllnuout Sat. & Son. ' T'"".' frottilPJt " DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketchu* IJ.S,-Mexle« Even ww, oo one can determine RED BANK REGISTER Thaahy, Nov. 3, 1962-19 the origin*! size of ETCbamizal. The old river btd is bulit up with Qoct outright purchase area- -That l» change are rejected, authorities qtomtal, A«I a homes, businesses and streets, Es- >. I Little ache face, an- extremely toodv pioB- the issue, may affect them very timates of the size range from *»|lem7invoJvlBg ft«» feopUfby Cal- personally,' the resident* app&r By ROBERT E. FORD Civfl War. At the time, the hick- sun expert on this land segment. to 650 acres, leros'estimate. imworried. ,', EL PASO, Tex (AP)-A Uttle lew MudmiUu wu seeking to area eventually gained a bit of land (long the Rio Qrande keep the slippery crown of Hex- name; El ChamUal — from the Is giving an oversized headache Ico oft hli bead, Spanish word for brush. to the United States and Mexico. Rives Escapes El Paso expanded and eventual- Mexican President Adolfo Lopez In 1*M, the Rip Grande escaped Mateoi discussed the piec* of land Its' banks and roamed freely in ly people built houses there. the look of a few months ago with President Mexico. Then the river returned Want It Back authority Kennedy. Tbe several hundred to its bed. but it didn't,return to Now a very vocal but unorgan- acres of territory is American— the exact spot-It left. It re-entered ized group lit Mexico clamors for the air of by virtue of a. capricious turn the • little belqw 'Its exit and left its return to Mexico. Members o( Rio Grande took nearly 60, years small bit of lanfl on the United the group consider El Chamfeal a naturalness ago. Mexico wants tbe area.back. States side 'which shortly beforepoint of national honor. It wu reported in Washington had been in Mexico. / The two presidents discussed the by: ; recently that a settlement In the This1 was in a part of the coun- matter when Kennedy visited Mex» GRIFFON CLOTHES long standing boundary dispute is try where land was almost wortfa- loo last spring. On Sept 1, Lopez a distinct possibility before the lest, Mateos said In his state of the Here's a sure-lire fashion rule— ' end of tbe year. "It was just1 weeds and brush nation speech that "nothing would the man in the Conference Natural The dispute had its origins back and a- few trees. There wasn't contribute more to relations be- Suit by Griffon measures up to when the United States was occu- house there," says Cleofas Callei tween the United States and Mex- the strictest fashion standards. ico than a: settlement of 'the El pyteg Itself with wrapping up the os, noted ElPtso historian and ' Natural shoulder lines, the Chaniizal problem." ' absence of padding, the trimness The presidents turned the touchy problem over to administrative of lines all add up to the Double Sessions Slated aides.' ' ' .'newest-Fall suit styles. Considering that the countries At Monmouth Regional are on good terms and Individuals from 69.95 on the border get along well, sev- of her brands from 55.00 NEW SHREWSBURY - Moo- be softened" next year by eral solutions are offered frequent- mouth Regional Hgh School will schedule which, would permit ly by cithers on both sides of the ALWAYS FRESHER • ALWAYS TASTIFR go on double sessions next' yuti grade* 10, 11 and 12 to attend Rio Grande. The Board of Education acted morning sessions with only the Several Plans Tuesday after Frank L. Wefcv ninth grade attending in the after- One would be to turn the area WEEKLY SPECIALS betraer, superintendent, made a noon. This would enable teachers over to Mexico. Another would statement outlining the impossi- to offer special help to students give Mexico land somewhere else DellAt youraelf ud the family with baked ftodt made of about the same size.' A third fresh dally. You'll tail* the difference Oat «al Imtter bility of maintaining single ses- In the upper grades in the after- is purchase of the land from Mex- MEN'S SHOP makes when you buy at Parb Putty. sion by increasing tbe sites of noon and would permit continua* ico. classes. tion of much of the school's II' Broad St. Red Bank Lopez Mateos, speaking through REPEAT OP A SELLOUT! Academic quaBty at the onebrar- y program. Foreign Minister Manuel Tello, Cor. MecJionle St. year-old school, tor which « 33- If the new addition is not avail- said last summer that purchase Member: Diner's Club FRIDAY ONLY! room addition Is proposed, would ';Me in September, 1964, as sched- uled, the school must then run or exchange of land would be un- Easy Charge-Carte Blanche RE©. suffer serious impairment, Mr. : satisfactory. • >,, CINNAMON Weinheimer said. . 'on two full sessions, Mr. WeJn- Open Wed. and h m r •Mexico was awarded;,0e land Fri. Nights 70c He added that "the blow would *i * **ld. •••;•• • Average, class-size is now 23 by arbitration in 1911. However, APPLE CAKE the U.S. - member' of the arbitra- Generously topped with fresb New York apples, laced with students with teachers carrying an average pupil load of UStion board dissented, saying no cinnamon and sugar and lavishly brushed with butter. Hazlet one could determine the location of the original bed of the river. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. ROOMS If ctowes were increased to There ine matter tested. and daughters, Iiadt, Carol and much a« 35 students, Mr. Weia- SATURDAY ONLY! Nancy of Morganvffle, former hetaer __.said_, aH ability and Hadet residents, have moved into achievement grouping, elective VICTORY their newly built borne on Oldsubjects, bonorr classes and ad- MM Rd. Hblmdel. vanced subject*'would have in be CAKE eftmlMted. • anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Brown, Under auch aa;arrangement * Jr., Rt. 35, and Mr. and Mrsqualit: y of ilistruction would be Herman A. 'Oetjen of Keyport inferior wit* teachers handling celeforation Deep, rich cake vMted Mr. and Mrs. Richard five assignments «nd. 175 students Reg. 35 topped with real wblpped Carr in Penns Neck Sunday. er day. : " 1.50 CTMHH 'from Tvscasi Dairies* Ofter reasons against in What a ntttaf climax te So* Mr. and Mrs. John J. Warnock, creased classes given by the su- d l 1 112 Bethany Rd., were New York perintendent: included denial City visitors Saturday, where coilege-required tiectivea to sen- SUNDAY ONLY! they visited Mrs. Warnocfc't fa- iors, . and elimination of business ther, Timnar Donovan of Brook- education subjects necessary " PECAN lyn, who is a patient In a New competition for secretarial posi- York hospital, tions. • - , .,

COFFEE RING Ernest E. Peseux, Jr., of Los ENGIEWOOD - A proposal Angeles, Calif., who Is staying-at Oat the city establish a central MILK & CANE ... they go together.'^^teekjW* the San Carlos Hotel fa New York school for all students of eer- : dairy case tbe next tone you come la. f y ;": !f, '' City, spent a few days with Us tala grades te sBeriate a ra- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. cial lmbalaBce la the publle I Peseux, Bethany Rd. school* was defeated Tuesday, MStoWtt. la the pradomi- Mrs. Florence L. Cooper, Rt aaatty Negra tooth ward, the PARIS PASTRY 79, MorganvHIe, was a recent vote was MS In favor and 217 guest at (he hone of Mr. andopposed. The eeaadl agreed to put ^he measure en v.--•> -v. - i> •• "Butler makes th* difference" . » - Mm. Walter D. Brown Jr., Rt. 35. the ballot as a sampler of 4t BROAD STREET MD lANK No problem finding tenants publle opinion after a petlUoa SH 14252 Open Sundays « A. M. to J P. M. when you advertise The Register bearing 2£N signatures re- Adrtit outttedlt. PRESIDENT KENNEDY-rsssr SAYS: LETS TALK....

FREE!!!!! 15 to 20 pound ••<5 TURKEY WITH YOUR AT A FEW OF only PURCHASE OF OUR VALUES 19.95 'Evary' Hwi IM: staM crir $50.00 or more itmltar buys you a top fashion coat 6 Piece $ the KENNEDY ROCKER RECUNER CHAIR NYLON LIVING ROOM Robert HalL.comp. value 26 Solid Maple NYLON ft PLASTIC $ S0>f9 QlMl Reg. 29.95 All Colon C Z Clwlri, Compare the valuo! Wo show MOUTON TRIMMED 1O(K WOOL COAT 15 Recj. «.«'.' i '148 only two from o great selection Fashion'? iph'H silhouette with rit-<.-p collar and cyffs of black CofF— Tables. Reg, zw.« NAME BRAND BEDDING of the finest winter coats' Oi white Mouton processed lamb on black. Jr. petites' 3 to 11. by ENGENDER 7 Pc. Deluxe Dinette Set 4-pc. Modern Bedroom Exciting fashion silhouettes.. Lq. Dresser the finest in fabric,,,. the m

We Will Not be Undersold SHOP AND SAVE AT . . pualiry tor Quality "JUST LIKE 01.0 TIMfS WHEN YOUR DOLLAR BOUGHT WE SERVICE WHAT KENNEDY'S FURNITURE WE SELL!! YOUR MONEY'S WORTH!" ; M E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD., RED BANK ' Open 19 A. M. 'Ul IP. M. MOB. thru Frl. . FREE DELIVERY! Our New Salnroom in v;, ' Saturday'tU S:M P. M. NEED CREDIT? FREE SET-UP! 1 ROUTE 36 ON MAIN STREET tree Layov/ay and Storage 741-BMI' Free Pprklng In Front at Store' SAY "CHARGE IT! Across from also in ASBURY PARK, Rt. 35 at Asbury Pork Traffic Circle PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT BOTH LOCATIONS v • i CHURCH SETS SALE 20-Thurwlsy. Nov. 3, 1962 BED BANK REGISTER XEYFORT - Ctlvsry Meth- Class Presents | WE HAVE odist Church, Third and Osborn y Armstrong, Monmrjuth SU., will hoM i "This and That" Bank Group County National Bank, Red Beak; FRESH, LONG ISLAND Hie Nov. IS and U from 5 to 10 Mr. Barlow and Mr. Thummess, pan. They will offer for sale old Clearing House — Mr. Mo " -'"•••'% Committees ris, Alfred Goepel, First Mer- SHREWSBURY — The second books, musical Instruments and :hants National Bank, Red Bank grade of the borough school, BAY SCALLOPS fancy aprons. Refreshments will Joseph Baier, Farmers and Mei Are Named taught by Mrs. Vert Wise, pre- also be sold. chants National Bank, Matawa CHOICE JERSEY SHREWSBURY - William C. and C. Edward Tilton, Monmou sented an original program, Johnson, Jr., S Greenwood PI., County National Bank, Freehplc 'Mother ' Goose Learns About Middletown, the new president of Community Helper*." The pro- the Monmouth County Bankers Credit Bureau — Thoma SMARTLY and Clearing House Associa- Knecbt, Central Jersey Bank an gram was a cumllnation of a so- tion, has announced the makeup Trust Co., Allenhurst; Frank cial studies ualt on community Warner, Central Jersey Bank am of 11 committees of that organi- helpers. STACKED Trust Co., Freehold; Joseph M zation. The children painted their own Fettner, Monmouth County N AND GOING* The group and its trustees met scenery and wrote their, parts. tional Bank, Red .Bank; Mi this week at a dinner meeting in It was presented before an au- EVERYWHERE... Johnson-and Mr, Walling. Shadowbrook. dience, of patents and the first With chairmen listed first, Public Speaking — David Kil and second grades. these are the committees: gus, People's National Bank, Kej Taking part were Sandra Kezer, SHREWSBURY SEAFOOD port; Joseph T. Tanturri, Fir Arrangements — Russell S. Gail AdeskaviU, Seven Tramitz, Merchants National Bank, Asbu Vanderveer, Monmouth County Carol Buskirk,. Edith Farrell, Park, and J. Donald Mille Melina Mercouri and Rof Vallone are cast «i huiband MARKET National Bank, Freehold; John Robert Tomaino, Leigh Strieker; Farmers and Merchants Bank, and wife in the modern Greek love drama, "Phaedra," -FRESH OR PREPARED- Kay, Keansburg-MiddIetownv;Na- Donald Dobrowolski, Jeffrey Hag- Matawan. Qualiry Seafood U Our Middle Name .,„,. tional Bank, Lincroft; Robert S. which will open Thursday «t the Lyric Art Cinema, At- er, Douglas Kodama, Bruce 205 SHRCWSIllRY AVENUE RED IANK Lockwood, Sea Bright • National Disaster Relief—LaVerne Loop bury Park, through Loport Picturet Corp, diitribution. Maurer, Patricia Reed, Russell Farmers and Merchants National Bank, Sea Bright; John Higgins Jules Daisin produced and directed the picture which Arnone, Marc PimplnelU, Gary Centra) Jersey Bank and Trust Bank, Matawan; John A. Hur Johnson, Robin Bennett, Jane Ot- FREE DEUVERY - 741-9779 Co., Freehold. bert, Monmouth County National also start Anthony Perkins. to, John Greeley and William Bank, Freehold; Kelsey A. Ca Russell. ' Public Relations — John A. hart, Monmouth County Nation! Hurbert, Monmouth County Na Bank, Red Bank; Samuel 1 tional Bank, Freehold; Raymond Zelgler, Asbury Park and Oc'e W. Pettitt, First Merchants Na- Grove Bank, Asbury Park, a tional Bank, Manasquan; Richard Earl G. Pyle, First Merchant K. Sherman, Belmar-Wall Nation- National Bank, Asbury Park. al Bank, Belmar; Richard Schmidt, People's National Bank KeVport. Legislation and Law — Frank 5 County Men Durand, First National Bank, Spring Lake; Samuel C. Morris, On Navy Dut Long Branch Trust Co., Long Branch; Robert B. Barlow, Cen- GREAT LAKES, ML- Three r tral Jersey Bank & Trust Co., emits from Monmouth County N. J., have arrived at the Nav Freehold, and George L. Bielitz, r vltNwS POy CMNWOft CM OMMMMRf Wlnl *50HM QBRM Monmouth County National Bank, Training Center here for ni Red Bank. weeks ol instruction in "boc Auditing — Harry Burr, First camp." Merchants National Bank, Asbury The three are Donald W, Lee- below** prfcml Shop tor Kwta big savings. Ye. f*4 ««Jra Park; James Van Schoick, First ger, son of Mr. and Mrs. W In black National Bank, Spring Lake, and bur H. Leeger, 45 Vista Dr., Llttl glove leather Mr. Schmidt. Silver, Carmello D. Mami, son Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Mami, 1 call. Education and American Insti- tute of Banking—Mr. Sherman, Crescent St., Keansburg, and James Van Schoick, First Na- Gary S. Nicholson, son of Mi tional Bank, Spring Lake and and Mrs. John F Nicholson, Charles T. MacLain, New Jersey Poplar Ave., West Keansburg. Trust Co., Long Branch. The training center also a: SID'S Nominating — Harold Walling, nounced that two Monmou People's National Bank, Keyport; County seamen have been ai J. Joseph . McVey, Monmouth signed for further training BOOIERY County National Bank, Atlantic the amphibious command shij "Next to A&P" Highlands; Merle Simpson, Bel- USS Pocono. They are Robert ft mar-Wall National Bank, Belmar; Archer, fireman apprentice, LinLE SILVER and Joseph Thummess, Asbury of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Arcli Park & Ocean Grove Bank, As- er, West Farms Rd., Farmin SHOPPING CENTER bury Park. dale, and Wiliam J. Patton, Jr. Open Friday 'til 9 County Finance — William C. seaman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wi Johnson, Keansburg-Middletown Jiam J. Patton, 14 Church St. National Bank, Keansburg; F. Rumson. BwkMMi ud ek SobU AnUrySrt-Hudiiood tow with overlaid handle riser. 4-10" metal-tipped arrow. SpaUbg Mdal B«krtWU-AU robber, oOckl BRIGHT ACRE OPEN EVENINGS aue, weight Pebble mrta*, blade ebmel W" Dtrtboarf—2O-potat gaav en aide; butbaD on the otbn. t dart*, extm Urget. (Sunday 8 A. M. to S P. M.) trUjtr Takfc Teaate Set-OOeial stt: 4 rubbtt- EXCITING GAMES laecd paddba, reflation P*. damp and J talk.

• Complete um-bnent of eld aad new faroriM Ml aU the children's Chrhtmna with games...Give them SPECIAL HO SCALE MODEL hours at actkm-padced fun. See them today. MOTORING SET FIREPLACE ENSEMBLE Now racers change lanes travel equal distances • Flexscretn curtain screen • Hexscreen andirons fa nek« eat ba Sktfaf. 2 BMtf • Hexscreen • ZTIong powered ncen, tnuwfoRBer, all • 15 colored b«ll. the Bifflwaiiy, tadOag • Stopper target Tk* pha Z*ieed ontiaL Hnnjr firtset now for this grat savinti price! Regularly $95.00

Tighten one screw and the pressure-mounted NOW AO95 Flexscrees U installed.. J opening exactly. Noth- ing easier, or inurter.' ONLY! 69 Satisfaction guaranteed I '/ THE SOOPER-DOOPER f FLEXSCREEN HEAVY CAST IRON GRATE GOOFER GUN Pull the handle once, one ball Guaranteed against warping ii fired... give an extra pull, 30-INCH JUMBO CAT SPUINCACT1ON 6OUMEN COLl or burnout lor five years. a barrage is fired. Harmlex ; Removable ildes. Very plu«h body.,, • huggable Thrill* galore...extra large tite, sturdy • balls, sturdy gun, and hours of armful. Rhlneatodt li/e-Iong cprmgt. PerfeeUy aaf« rough 'n Regular 13.50 foolish fun and marlcsmaiuhip. cute pompom nott 4V whtaketa. tough wertem gallop. Unbreakable molded Colon: Orchid, blade, or white. plutle comtruction, wto** »<«1 frame. NOW! 99S RED ROBIN BIRD SEED Tli* best for Hi* least ... full of sunflower seeds and peanuts.

A mo f UNTSTON6 100 lbs. for 8.98 25 lbs. for 2 • U-GoatnlhtBdieitarSiud • Dim more* and guiflMl' llopa...ieUltor««UafOt)iir«e Set as wide a circle M decked. BROAD STREET Sounds like a real *«er «s It bUl SHREWSBURY Phone SH 7-55555 5


Phone SH 7-2222 Itplune * Hy Hhopiilnr trnter IJIIIe 8llver Shopplnc Crnler C«l«r 8 Airport Plan 31 E. Main 5r. 24 Mat" St. Tlgmi Wvar SaopsUI Rt. 35—3rd Ave. 531 Prospect Avt. 1123 Highway 35 Hml.f Freehold Toini River Route, toad 37 mtn who in * moment of doubt either Meted the fed] through bis Thursday, Nov. 8, 1962-21 T%e Day Football Began own goal or directjy at a Prince- ton mtn who finished tjb* job. (EDITOR'S NOTE - Tie %U ton. ft came 09 Nweaatoer f, Mfa, WflHaat Gummere of Princeto while around eadj «f the cap- (The Ttigum t&tor mercifully tfixa Prtncnoa visited New lowing copyrigWedartioJe.secoixJ and William Uggett o( Rutgei tains was a little crowd, intent didn't mine the Rutgers mi»- Brunswick once mote to dedicate met in midfield to toss a coil upon giving advice, and saying |creant.) the new Rutgers Stadium. was-wrktea by John T., Cunning. another tradition that endurre as much as possible."'. ' - Little Rutgers used brains to ham fty tte New Jersey Tercen- Gummere won the toss, and thei Spectators ringed the field, overcome Princeton muscle'. Cap- tsry Cwamteslpa. It has been of- to the astonishment at least of tt many of them sitting precarious- tain Leggeti ordered his men to fered for pubHcaiipn in Tne Reg-editor of Rutgers Targiun, dm ly' atop a wooden fence. Prince- keep the ball low and away from SEAL DRAFTY DOORS ister "by fa commission, '' ^ to kick off. Jtotwas odd, tli ton's followers burst often into re- the tall invaders.,! The strategy holds the copyright.) student newspaper later note hearsed cheers, delighting ev- won the day and Rutgers scored Second guessing the signal call. "since it had been agreed to stei eryone with a rendition of their the last two goals to earn a 6-4 PORTASEAL the ball against the wind." Ever "Sis, Boom, Bah" yell. Rutgers victory. responded with its own variety WEATHERTIGHT DOOR STOP football spectators and of vocal support, unorganized but Thaf^ight players of both sportswriters, came into Tension enveloped ,the field s toui - teams feasted on roast game and shortly before 3 p.m. Nov. 6, the captains returned to thei replayed the football match with 1888, the dayRutgers and Prince- teams. The Targum recorded tt Good feelings had been build- ever-mounting verbal vigor. ton gathered at the Rutger's scene: ing since the 10 o'clock train had Years later a newspaper account "baH ground" in New Brunswick "Grim-looking players were i brought the men of Nassau Hall written from the confused mem- to play the first official game of lently stripping, each one sui into New Brunswick. The Rutgers ory of an aging Princeton man Intercollegiate football.' rounded by sympathizing friend team welcomed their friendly riv- that "Rutgers chased us out of als at the station; regaled them town" brought letters of protest at dinner and then entertained from Princeton men who re- them with "a stroll about town, called both the game and the in- INTRODUCING! during which stroH billiards re- tensely good fellowship that fol- Seals like a refriger ceived a good deal of attention." lowed. STOPS WIND...SNOW...COID... If such excitement weakened Install it ysunelf ID nrnutet. either team, there is no record. The following week Rutgers vis- •r-PortuMl pravlitis * ttmmtit —It ited Princeton for the same type •diuitlm neattrerual for til titirltr The teams had no difficulty doort,. . it musts of hospitality and proved equally Itulf fully to comptn- agreeing on rules after Prince- good guests, for Princeton (this «t« for the most ie- ton accepted the formal, frant vinly wirptd doors. time using its own rules) scored CtmpM» uttor full invitation from Rutgers to pi a resounding 841 victory. tin Hterlor door.,. "a match game of football." THE FIRST INTERCOLLEGIATE FOOTBALL GAME IN AMERICA was played in 1869 PORTASEAl, INC. extra Heavy sterling Rutgers waited 69 long years MOmiSTOWN, N. J. The field, they had agree at New Brunswick. Rutgers defeated Princeton. (William M. Boyd, artist.) for another victory over Prince- Still it UKIm Lmito Ymft t by irould be 360 feet long by 225 feet wide (not much different in siz from today's gridiron). Ea team would Held 25 men and th ball could be advanced only kicking or atrUdng^wHh the fist Princeton was i gracious guest; whenever (here was a disagree- ment over rules, Rutgers pre vailed. Surely Princeton had ever; reason for confidence, for to th Targum editor "they were almosl without exception tall and muscu •WWW lar" while "the majority of om By special twenty-five are small and tight.' - arrangement with That view was tempered by judgment tiiat Rttfgerg players The Gorham Company "possess the, merit of being « we now offer you to much more than they took . th;s classic Rutgers men wore scarlet tu achievement in early bans, the better to aid teamwork, ' american design — and one home team dandy named Williamson wore a sca Colonial Eagle. let shirt, ' Distinguished by iu Officials chosen from the crow delicately incised watched as Princeton prepared crest... a perfect kick — or "buck" — the 10-incl .' compliment to your roiwd rubber ball (the pig ha FURNITURE discriminating taste. In not yet been called on as a saqii extra-heavy iterling silver! fice for Saturday pleasure). The thud of toe on baH echoed See this stunning sterling over the quiet field. Ah, the al creation by Gorham in knowing Targum editor was co AT THE MAET-LOW PRICES! rect! The kick into the wind was our silver department now, short. Rutgers moved relentless- ly to a goal, powering its waj The smart set loves the Mart Tomorrow's trends start here... in Modern, Contem- •47-eo DO YOUR CHRISTMAS behind a wedge of men that su The six-piece rounded the looters and be- porary ... romantic Colonial, Traditional... every style close to your heart. Guaran- pl«ct-«ltln e, ' SHOPPING.EARLY fuddled the Princeton defenders. Federal Tax'IncTuded That would never do. Gummere teed savings, too. All at our new million-dollar furniture idea center inMiddletown! instructed a young giant named J. Edward Michael to scatter th 4-PC APPRECIATION BEDROOM SUITE Rutgers intereference. "Big Mike" worked with a zeal IN ANNIVERSARY WALNUT PLEASE PHONE SH 7-4600 that earned him acclaim as lon as;the game' was replayed Here indeed i« furniture with a pedigree ... bred for a OR MAIL COUPON FOR YOUR memory. Surety •'Blj MDse" i breathtairing boudoir. Note the chic contemporary line, ac- the first All American: be bowled cented by an expensive inlay look on the drawer fronts ... CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE NOW over Rutgers men like so man ten pins and in every action hi rich walnut grain ... even elect, tapered hardwood legs. burly form loomed supreme. Nev (Casually formal in elegance. Forever fashionable in style. ertheless, superior Rutgers team At The Mart, naturally ... where tomorrow's ideas start 1 play carried the home 35 to Mtead. ,9-DR. 72" REG. $279 Swiftly the tide changed when [TRIPLE DRESSER ALL 4 PCS. a loose ball rolled toward the fence, pursued by Michael and 4-DR. 34" Rutgers man large in name onl' ICHEST DELUXE -George H. Large. "Big Mike1 'PANEL BED rammed into little Large an both of the flying bodies struck 38" MATCHING the board fence. Down .went the NOW ROR ONLY $19. DOWN 2 YEARS TO PAY. boards, tumbling screaming spec IMIR! tators across the turf. U jumped "Big Mke" but little 8-PIECE WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE George lay dazed beside the fall- CHINA and SUSS SHOP, INC. en fence. Bred for company and candlelight ... a masterful grouping in 147 Broad" St., Red Ban It, N. J. SH 7-4600 Princeton took advantage an promptly tied the score, aided b; "the modern mode. Note the expensive inlay look. Plenty of spae* l ft to preen your hdjjrlooms, too. Suite includes 49" breakfront-china ...40"x60" pedestal table with leaf ... exquisite armchair and S matching side chairs in your choice of hi-fashion colon. ALL 8 PCS. ONLY 926 DOWN 2 YEARS TO NOW *268 PAY. MATCHING BUFFET ONLY $74.

BRAND NEW 1962 GENERAL ELECTRIC 6-PIECE WALNUT MASTER DINING ROOM It's called 'Project 21' ... newest adventure in inner «pace. Rich Mobile Maid Dishwasher walnut. Chic modern styling. Even people-proof high pressure RiiUM, Drl«s, plastic tops for easy, easy cleaning. Traly a gourmet's choice, en- Sanltiies Service for cemble includes 56" china ... 40"x60"* table with leaf, 5 sculp- I2t—NoPre-Rlnsing tured curved back side chairs and armchair in whisk-clean decor- NMdmll Portoble — Jator vinyl. Rolls on Wheels! ALL 8 PCS. ONLY Ye», Ihit popular, giant copacily dithwaiher $35 with "Power Scrub" takes a big grimy NEMA DOWN Service for 12 and, In minutes, washes, rimes, 2 YEARS dries and sanitizts It and leaves every piece NOW '358 TO PAY sparkling clean. Cleans bulky pals, too, like MATCHING PLASTIC TOP 64" BUFFET ONLY $9* newt Even liquefies food particles and1 flushes thtm down the wonderful, exclmive Fluifiaway Drain... and thire are no screens fo clean! NO DOWN PAYMENT! Easy Terms! 2 Fine Stores to Serve You Furniture HOUSEKEEPING SHOP ROUTE 35, MIDDLETOWN ROUTE 22, UNION MUMock MS00 with a pedigree 46 MONMOUTH ST. SH 1-4310 RED BANK OS 1-0400 Nut to Klnnty SIIMI (W«t Sound Un«) Open Wednesday and Triday Nile Until 9 O'clock


NOTE —WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL As a Franchlaed General Electric Dealer, We are Authorized to Offer GE's OPEN DAILY 9:30 P.M., SAT. TIL 6:00 famous Personal Warranty Service. Ask us for your Written Warranty. /• ii n '" ' ' •' • ' • : i- ••'' ' • ' . !'• I • 'I • t I l • U'n i' • I II • • • • • 1 rrrj. \ jBudget Terms Available; Up To Two Years to pay 2Z-Tkartity, Nov. 8, 1%2 RED BANK REGISTER Bridge Column STEVE ROPER By MVNDERS and OVERGARD 'OMOIiitm WOUND UP THE DAILY CROSSWORD THEILBB«VER/-«»r SuWfaw /-sow* A0B0S8 45. Bring: 10. In- When something goes wrong in AS aETlfH* 1 asaas ss 1.X trace u about ventors tiie play of a bridge hand the one THE HANDS, of interest 46. Of former rights = BARTO».B. thing you can be sure of is that South dealer BARWUM 8. Export times IT. Af- there will be a post mortem. The of Holland 47. Prevailing flrma- i^sraiS Both rides vulnerable HESSE 0H3SH players will try to decide whose NORTH JS ?•/• 11. A. speech conditlons tlve HSH@ ass i sound DOWN reply fault It was, but this is sometimes * 10 S 12. Where & 1. Vapor 20. Italian BEEHEB anci a very difficult task, 7743 sports 2." copper Hocgna ssiQSii West opened the six of spades, O K 18 3 porridge coin *KQ J 3 event takes DEBS QJSDS and East won with the queen, WESi EAST place hot" 21. Ghost East returned the king of spades, VMtercUr't Am* • A9864 4.KQ 13. Impatient 3. Wrath 22. Row- and West played low. 9852 (? J 10 9 6 4. Regret ' boat's 14. In the Now the contract could not be OA64 *7 5 2 midst of: B. Soft part pro- 34. Breed beaten. West got in with the ace •75 09862 poet of nuts peller 35. Puts SOUTH 18.Ibsen 6. Pound 25. Pull hard! up stake: of diamonds in time to take A J 7 3 2 character down sailors' cry Poker third spade trick, but that was ? AKQ 16. Siesta by taps (2 wds.) 37. See: all for the defense. South made O Q 10 J "^"^ WWALT DISNEY 18. Tellurium: 7. Swiss 26. Untangle past part. game and rubber. • A 10 4 MICKEY MOUSE sym. canton 2T. Equip •. 40. Con- Bast spoke up first. "You can We* North KMt 10. River Into 8. Guided 28. To devise junctioj n X NT ftai 3 NT AU Par UNCA MICKEY, -^ 9. On hand, M 30. Exclamation 41. PPas s out a beat this hand by overtaking the Opening lead — * 6 HERE COMBS THS FIRST Irish sea: king of spad«," he pointed out. WINTER SNOW.- G3. merchan- 33. Stamp- existence 21. Presently dlse collector's . 43. Siamese "Drive out the jack of spades with your, nine, and you get back 23. A cheer (2 wds.) book measure 8 4. Hearts-8 5 2. Diamonds- with, the ace of diamonds in time for. the bull A 6 4. Clubs—7 5. What do ydu 1 % 3 4- s • to 7 8 9 IO to cash the rest of the spades 24. Agreement say? 25. Throws % and save the game." X Answer: Bid two clubs, thi 28. Bottle II YA It was all very true. What Stayman Convention. II partner stoppers could West say in his own de- 13 + bids two spades, you can raise to 20. Geraint's fense? wife three; if he bids anything else b w*17 18 IS SO. A sound to Good Argument you can bid your spades your- frighten % YA'A self. This indicates a 5-card suit 19 20 31 31 West put up a very good argu 81. Southern ment. "You'd be talking out of in a hand not strong enough for constella- •n 74/ the other side of your mouth if an immediate jump "to three tion 82. Capital of '^ ^/, Y/< you had three spades and three spades. 25 27 28 Turkey hearts," he replied. "Then I can For Sheinwold's 36-page book- beat the hand by sitting tight and let, "A Pocket Guide to Bridge," By LEE F4LK 86. Veterans' 29; to THE PHANTOM Adminis- i getting five spade tricks. But if send 50c to Bridge Book, Re< % YA tration: Y/ 211 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dae. 21) Converaatlon vill prove unuaually atin). Iltuiiieii interview!, conferences, em- ulillnf If jmu Mlttl the rilht (warn. ployment mitten ire favorably accented. CANCSR |Juw II fe July 21) CAPRICORN (D«c. 22 to Jan. 20) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL L«t kma« of uluca |uld«youMto wbtrt Aipecta ir« b«tter lor builnei* thKn for obligation ctldi «nd ttltlibUllr Ixilna. personal rtlatonahlpi, \Jlt diplomacy. CO 4-2222 OS 1-2100 LEO (July 21 «» Aug. 21) AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 t« Fab. 19) You lend to be moody. Interference «( Preasurc cuei a bit now, Relax and |O PR 4-2727 clallvea doem'l help the picture. lo •,mwU you've, betn wantlnf to aee. VIRGO (Aua. 72 to S.pt. 22) PISCES (F«b. 20 to March 20) ASBURY PARK -NY. TRANSIT Th\t t» M gtxA mrtn'mg to jit by the (ire Gfxxl aipeclt for Joint activities. People •nd drcim of ptwunt Improbtblliii" ar« in a mood to •«m with your t>lan*. Under Rollo Management QlQoi, Field Kntrrprlifi, Inc. ncoimn Aw, U*b.<* toddle- drfvtn* award* presented by *e BED BANK HEGlSfER towB,viwd Alexander Diuomi Safe Driving HuipMe O)| aad Refiaing Co., ij, NOT, 8, 1962 All $et for Duty in the Air Forue J toe of Mr. ud Mar; Met H. C Htytfaoro, operatioiis »«i* ander Diamond, M Prospect Ave. ger lor the Hew Jersey area, an- they were among the » em- NEWARK - Twelve of 104 re- T. McClement,» Bttrilniton Ave. Union Beach. Awards To nounced today. ptoyeea and one necenUy retired cruits enlisted In the Air Force Lewnudo; Richard B. FaircWM, They are WlUiam W. iGoslau of wnptoyee of the Eaatern Eaio Re- here last week were from the am of Mr. and Mr* Robert H. DORM FIRE CAPTAIN Goslau, Noll S3 Fatereon Ave., Shrewsbury~*—' , "2*8 gk» ofiettiolii In «» Htm Jersey Monmouth County Area. Maj. FairchiW, 484 Uance Rl, Little SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y years, and Elmer J. Noll, area to receive recognition gifts Dpmlnick A. Spina, Army Reserve, Silver; James C. Bennett, Jr., — Miss Jennifer Southey John ELIZABETH — Two Monmouth River Rd., Fair Haven, 24 years. for safe driving. police director of Newark, ad- son'"of Mr. and Mn. James C. aton. Oyster Bay Dr., Runuon County men have received safe ministered the mass oath of en- Bennett, Locust Point Rd, It,jr., has been elected fire cap listment oa the steps of city heJL' Locust; George J.Fitigerald, Jr., tain of her residence unit at Skid liter all left for Lackland Air son of Mr. and Mrs. George X more College. Miss Johnston Is Force Base, Texas, aboard • Fitzgerald. 125 Garfleld Ave., freshman at Skldmore. She i Branlff Airlines plane, to start Long Branch; Herbert A. Bltchoff the daughter of Mr. and Mrs WORTH SAVING FOR ... their training. son of Mr. and Mn. Arthur Bis- Janet S. Johnston. Sgt. Don Minor, an area're- choff, 74 Riverbrook Ave., and William F. Hogan, Jr., tot at It pays to advertise In Th cruiter, said the 12 from Mon- 1 MARRIAGE raputh County enlisted In the Air Mr. and Mrs. Wlllfcun F. Regteer.—Advertisement Force office at S Monmouth St. Bed Bank. Included were: SAVINGS EARN At Ronald A. Ford, son of Mr. Every day more and men people and Mrs. Eugene A. Ford, 51 East Bergen PL, Alan C. Pfifer, (son of Mrs. Helen C. Phifet, 165 are finding what they want at the Spring St., Roger A. Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Morris 433 Spring St., and Domenic J. COATS GALLERIES, INC. Janet C Mutt HCfMjTI A* HKfEllOfl Setaro, son of Mr. and Mrs. 288 NORWOOD AVI. DEAL, N. J, feminine W. Setaro, 233 Lelghton Kve., all of Red Bank;. Raymond Mont KEUogg 1-3461 MS Broadway, Long Brascb Mchael, son of Mrs. Ann Shea, !0 Avenue B., Circle Trailer MkkUetowa Sbopptag Center laatt, Eatontown; James McCle- CONSIGNMENTS ARRIVE DAILY KEYPOKT - OAKHURST — HOLMDEL nent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin

ITS OUR LITTMAN GREATEST ale Richard B. FafcchOd George J. FlttgeraU

MAJf>* ~ DIAWWD DIAMOND BMO rmurcBis anca BiAJMim Dvanrss M OAKAT Beautiful OVDIAHONDa Massive 14K u* Traditional *m* DUMOMD awr tcanty in an.*fl ww| Km«rald cut 14JPV gold'with T» Urn. (aTorlta. diamond wiitth *]4f moat* wt In *| •• beautiful , « t •olMlM. tola.la ' *w diamond. IAY-AWAY AU YOUR OWSTMAS GflS NOW Bay M Crtdrt - Pay Watty«r MwrtWy M yt» wMtl The second week of pur greatest Anniversary Sale continues to 1/2 CARAT bring bargains galore throughout the store. Don't miss the won- derful values that are the talk of tbe town! F. Hogaa, it. of Diamonds Perfectly matched diamonds set in love- ]y ff ings — spedal low price. OaHan* Pnrt *t*ar aw Brlc Include, foot- • *W1tlt K«naiB» ed tray, coffee pot, tea •plnelg. pot, m«*r bowl, and $8.95 cream aerrer.

New! Diamond Onyx Rings

For ladies and men — genuine diamonds set in genuine onyx in 10K solid gold

James MeCtena* ' Roger A. Morris Telectro Tape Recorder S-Pe. I,act«aw Bet . By Emerson. Till It". U" and 1OU 2-speed model. > * Trais caw. Ill Pay»l.0OaWeekt

Newes17 Jewet styles fol rWatche ladies and mens . Hers «- beautiful, dainty, accu- rater, His — sturdy, handsome, Ac- Pay »1.00* Week 1 Ca-Fe. Senlee for 8 Ansco Cadet Kit Walea Baaa. For ladies or Lovely dishes in QW Hen. Attached beautiful floral FREE! «ufc link, from pattern. tlM VfeyfCow

Raymond Rlehael Zipper , Alan C. Witter 14 inch Board Audit Hot Box BUIAVA "CARAVELIX NEwEST SULOVAS Is Received Accurate, da- A41I 5 ptaite «d watchea t>«flaM.. 2*1 JSTEW SHREWSBURY — Mon- from Tonr choice.., ••" mouth Regional ' High. School Board of Education Tuesday ac- GfiNERAl EUCTRK cepted the audit of the Joseph AIARMCIOCKS J, Seaman company for the fis- 14KT. GOU CHARMS Dial UshU up for IW «• cal year ending last June 30. raadln* In th« dark. ^ •99 No formal recommendations as lew as 0" Famoui Q.B. aualltr J accompanied the audit, which B L and accuraar at a low, was reserved for study. Mr. Sea- W Tnm.ndoiu ael.ctlon of lor«- low price. Stc weekly man told the board Tuesday he \T charm. — all atyle. and had made several suggestions to «•* TMiHfi ragt •IIM. the board secretary, aimed at smoothing problems encountered In the first year of operation. The resignation of Mrs. Phyl- lis Rhome, attendance officer, was accepted wifhTtgret. Mrs. Doraaele J. Setaro Rhomjs will move from the dis- trict. To replace nor, tho board to the board secretary at an an engaged Mrs. Norma J. Ebert, nual salary of $2,900. 30 Glenwood Dr., New Shrews- A request from the county bury. Her annual salary will be Red TJross chapter to permit so- 12.900. , ,.. , , licitation of funds In the school A contract for 1,000 graduation was rejected. Board policy dis- 171 SMITH ST. 65 BROAD ST. diplomas, to be ordered as allows such practices. PERTH AMBOY needed over, the next-five years, .Tuesday's board meeting1 In- RED BANK Open Frl. and Mon, Nights war approved with the E.A. cluded a presentation of current Open. Frl. and Wed. Nlghtl «»ian«H. femenlllt. Wright Company, Pheladelpbla. methods, theory implementation aa4 Uvlltown, |>», pnon*. and carrrln« can. This year, 123 diplomas will be and curriculum/by members of ordered at a price of $1.85 each. the English department. In De- Miss Judith Rlchelson of Colts cember;-a program about the li- Keck was made permanent clerk brary will be offered. '.A , -V<>1* 8, 1962 BED,BANK HEGiSTEH brary Unit Plan Program Tonight ets New embers Love Starved On Christmas Theme DEAL — The Monmouth Col- (Do you have a personal love and marrlaft you lege Library Association held a question or problem? Send it NEW SHREWSBURY — Mrs.lnuel show of the Monmouth and tea hist week for new members Ralph J. Lione will present a, Elberon Horticulture Society, and in the home of Its president, to Adam or Eve Lowell or both, Courtihip Myatery of two blue ribbons at the recent program on Christmas decora- Mrs. Aaron Melniker, B7 Sydney yu you prefer For a person- 20th century. With lewrty, In- Pt. Pleasant : Woman's Club .Ave. •'.•-''• -• ' • • . .• al'-•, unpublishe•- ••-•••• • - d reply, enclose telllgence and personality, yf tions, arrangements and wrap- show. Mrs. Theodore Nowick of Deal a stamped, self-addressed en- should have had roneos witn; pings at a Woman's Club meet- Dried arrangements will be was co-hostess, and Mrs. Otto engagement rings pushing your: velope. Mail to ADAM ft In tonight at 8:15 in Swimming made by memberj of the Garden arm of Long Branch, pasl doorbeU ever since you Kot,, River School. Club meeting Wednesday at 12:30 president, presided at me tea c/o this newspaper.) somed. ' ! Mrs. Hone, Is a member of p.m. in the home of the chair- table. •••.•', : Adam; the New Shrewsbury Garden man, Mrs. Joseph Larkin, 20 Dr. Robert Pike, chairmanmu\ , o<*f DEIB ADAM AND EVE: See If you can solve thlsi Club, won three blue ribbons and Meadow pt. lie department of modern lern Ian- JI^, 3l years'old and h«ve mystery yourself. Aw your a trophy this year in the 65th an- 00 "Hie Story of Gosta Berling" guages at the college, never been married. I cannot dates (1) over-awedby you (!); lr by Thelroa Lagerlof will be dis- the college's Guggenehim * understand why I cannot get do they consider m «P"-««r-: Tian Lectures cussed by the literature depart- books •*»- married, why nothing ever works rlage (3) or too pro««fri»I»i ment at 8:30 p.m. Nov. 15 in the dents and facultyy. out. I'm told by both mw sod and aggresive (4) or wgardi home of Mrs. William Guenther, The library association Is com- women that I am very attractive you as Just a food-time J*e?! For Nurses 41 Edison Ave. osed of civic-minded citizens LIBRARY GIFT—Rev. Harold R. Dean of the First Unitarian Church of Monmoufh and look like a well-known movie Analyze this and then take «";' NEPTUNE — A postgraduate American Home department who assist .the library; In Its star, I date and am on the go reetive steps - which thouM; nursing program will take place will meet in the home of Mrs. County end Mrs. Usilla S. Walling, left, director of the Middletown Township Library, growth. constantly, am considered popu- lead you strsjght to the altar. , at Fitkln M«moriat Hospital William wescott, 63 Hope Rd. examine one of a group of .books donated by the church. Looking on is Mrs. John The new members are William lar and I'm often told I am the •tarting Monday. TWs lecture se- also on the 15th. The drama '.' Salter, Bayonne; Mrs. Martin •belle of the ball," but I only ries will be open'to all profession- A. Hessel, Phalanx, library committee chairman of the church's Woman's Club, . 7T group will meet Nov. 19, at 8:30 to be the queen of one al and practical nurses in th/ p.m. in the home of Mrs. Bruce West Allenhurst; Mrs. Henry Of- I love to cook, area,' active or Inactive. Anderson, 60 Clearview Dr., and ferman, Wanamassa; Mrs. Philip keep house. I have been married for two Dr. Emanuel Abraham, associ Blank, Deal; Mr. and Mr*. Wayne arts and craft department meets Eight Antique Cars in Rumson Show Moreover, I work at a very years and my husband had «!• ate attending physician, has ar- cMurray, Asbury Park; Mrs. the same day in the home of rewarding profession, but this is ways Insisted that I not only I»X Samuel Nussbaum, Deal; Mrs. RUMSON — The North Shore J. A. Hilton. Mrs. J. B. Nash The booklet contains vignettes of no substitute for the love and the out all Ms clothes each'mornlni spices p arry Kaplan, Oakhurst, and dale Cir. Antique Automobile Club is pre- and Mrs. John Oswald were historical points of interest in the family I need. I want children but help Mm get dressed, Jus cal education of the Fitkin Medi- tfrs. Harry Green, Deal. senting eight of its early model chairmen of ads for the souvenir area. so badly I cannot watch a movie like a valet Not onJy that, bo cal Staff. It is designed to broad- The afternoon group plans to visit the Flemington Glass Works cars for exhibit Saturday from program booklet which will be WilHam Burke and Mrs. John Also, Mrs. Nathan Troum, Deal; or TV with children in- it I hen he's tired in th* mornini en nursing knowledge, explain 1 to 5'p.m. here at the third an- available to patrons of the show. Flynn. Mrs. Harry TjTartajskyk , Deall; e makes me shave Mm! Vhei new trends, and amplify in-serv- and Stangl Pottery in Fleming- was an all-A student in college nual Rumson Antiques Show rs. Samuel Eldelsbergg, Deal and have an affectionate and balked once or twice he ui< ice education. ton Nov. 26. Cars will leave from opening tonight at 8 o'clock. Pro- Park; Mrs. MaxwelMll l BllofskyBllfk , AAll- alive personality, rm not look-this meant I The lectures III be given on the home pf Mrs. Kenneth Roo- ceeds from the annual event will lenhurst; Miss Susan Teltelbaum, Ing for a Prince Channlni or he'he'd loo—•k aroun- d for someon Mondays from 30 to 2:30 p.m. nan, 845 Tinton Ave., at 8:30 a.m. benefit the Holy Cross building Paris-Designed Furs Asbury Park; Mrs. Nathan Wit- perfection in a man; In fact I'm else, So I always give in W at Fitkin ~ Mrs. Barbara The board will meet Nov. 27 fund. kind, Deal; Mrs. G.C. Klein, West quite tolerant and understanding MmJ1-. I da love MMm . Should I Schmidt, din in Mrs. Overman's home. ..ong Branch; Mrs. Abraham keep on dressing sad shavinhi g ice, is In chai The theme will be carried out of others' mistakes and short- in a tercentenary tribute to the it.tr. Elberon; Mrs. Joseph comings. him? . '• State of New Jersey. A total 6f Sands. Red Bank; Mrs.IraKatch- I left home when I was 13, ^ In A Lather en, Elberon; Mrs. A. W. Wiener, Little Silver 18 antiques dealers will exhibit. worked my way through school Dear In a Uther: You let In addition there will be a chil- Deal; Mrs. George Weiton, El- and had no time for dates or beron; Mrs. Nathan Frankel, In- and ha your'hubby get oft on the. • dren's art exhibit, paintings, arti- close friends. During those lone- Club Buffet terlaken; Mr*. Joseph Fitzslm- wrong foot to start with, so j facts and memorabilia from mu- ly teenage years I developed a UTTLE SILVER - A buffe moru, Deal, end Mrs. Donald seums and private collections. great need for love and com- don't be surprised it he keeps;! supper for members and guests Shay, Allenhurst. Mrs. John F. Klem is general panionship. When 1 recently dis- acting like a lazy heeL If Mt,\ of the Woman's Club will be The association plans to bold chairman of the show. Commit- cussed this need to be married, too big a baby to dress and. served tomorrow at 7 p.m. In the several more "membership tees" to love and be loved, with my tee" chairmen are Mrs. John K. shave, buy him a rattle and clubhouse, Rumson Rd. and Hanson, dealers; Mrs. M. P. in Monmouth County. On Nov. pastor, he only said it may not Church St Chamberlain, and Mrs. John J. 14 a tea for new members will be God's will for me to marry. serve him pabhira ONLY until for . . . Mrs. A. S. Wade, Sr., and Mrs. Bassett, ways and means; Mrs. be held In the home of Mrs. Thlswas like telling me if I were he grows up. • A. V. Jones are chairmen of the John H. Bowers, Mrs. John Ek- Thomas Harford, 205 Washington doubled up with appendicitis that Adam and Eve • Draperies • Slipcovers social. Assisting are Mrs. Har- dahl and Mrs. W. F. LeBaron, Ave., Spring Lake. Dates will be it might not be God's will for announced soon for similar teas • BedspreadV • Curtains old Birchenough, Mrs. H. S. Jack- publicity; Mrs. L. W. Ambrette, me to have my, appendix out son, Mrs. Phillip J. Knef, Mrs. chairman, Mrs. William Burke, in Red Bank and Freehold. How does one learn to live with • Shades ; • Blinds S. Wilson Laird, Mrs. Jofm H. Mrs. William Reilly, Mrs. Rob- The annual meeting of the li- a need for love so great as this? Gilmoreand Mrs. Walter S. Bow- ert Hensler, Mrs. Charles Pa- brary association is scheduled for Love-Starved Complete Insolation Service ker. terno and Mrs. Robert Ready, Dec. 5. Guest speaker that day Dear Love-Starved: We can't SHOP-AT-H|bME SERVICE An auction sala will be fea- promotion. will be poet and author Louis agree with your pastor. Surely tured. Auctioneer for the items Also, Mrs, Robert Sanders, Jr., Uarermeyer. the good Lord would get little BE SUMMER • 747H422 brought by school trips; Mrs. Andrew Gill, satisfaction in forcing you to B. G. Coats. art exhibit; Mr. and Mrs. Russell be a spinster. IHE ;•• • Peterson, history . and layout; Miss Travers Adam EASY Mrs. John Deisler, chairman, You can and will find the PORT MONMOUTH BAZAR Mrs. Elizabeth Farley, Mrs. I PORT MONMOUTH — Th B. Stanley, Mrs. George A. Is Engaged First Aid Squad Auxiliary wi Sheehan, Jr., and Mrs. Charles RED BANK — Announcement hold its. bazar again Saturda F. Abel, luncheon; Mrs. E. W. made of the engagement of from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m; in tt Dey, and MrV. Thomas Eadon, Miss Alida E. Travers, daughter "ETC or BUY squad building, Main St. general store; Mrs. William Glpv- of Jerome L. Travers, 35 LeRoy New! Originally scheduled for lai er, Jr., museums and historic col- PI., and the late Mrs. Marie La- Saturday, the event attracted fe lections, assisted by Mrs. Ernest brecque Travers, to Donald S. •••••III customers because of inclemei Gardella, Jr., Mrs. Henry Sand- Masyada, son of Mr. and Mrs- f weather. j, Mrs. Ralph Lawrence, Jr., Stephen Masyada of Perth Am- BICYCLE t and George H. Moss, Jr. boy. Chairmen of the hostesses are Miss Travers is a graduate of EXERCISER Mrs. A. P. Dedick. Mrs. J. T. Red Bank Catholic High School Robinson is chairman of the pre- and is employed by the Red Bank CLEAN RUGS view party, assisted by Mrs. Division of Bendix Corporation, Monogramed tseraesa* ctrcafattsa, gut- ' John O. Teeter, Mrs. George Eatontown. LAST LONGER Reidy, Mrs. John Gardella, Mrs. Mr. Masyada, an alumus of St dees Ike tedy. A so* fcr Mrs. John W. Meany, Jr., is Francis College, Loretto, Pa., is Wedding Rings all borne gyntt. . ',; . chairman of the children's art a sales representative associated and lode lovelier too! show, assisted by Mrs. Frank with National Cash Register, New Classic wide-style • • . Pezzuti and Mrsi' Vincent Whe- York. made of finest quality CALL TODAY lan; Mrs. John Dunigan, decor, assisted by Mrs. Franklin Clif- UK gold ford, Mrs. Robert Gorman, Mrs. Dinner Party WORN BELTED' or loose, this mocha, Persian lamb coat William O'Leary, Mrs. Charles with White script initial ia moet handsome. It has flap pocket* end turn-back sleeves. Arliss, and Mrs. George Hamil- Marks Birthday monogram on ton. RED BANK - Miss Janet Es- ANDRE FATH, noted French coutuier, has created a col- posito, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. DIAMINTINE finish. Construction was In charge of lection of fur coats and wraps this seasonn for the edification Joseph N. Esposito of Edgewood Frank Clifford, William' O'Leary, of American women. ' ' Matching Man's ring John Dunigan, Theodore Reiss Rd., Rumson and Jackson Highlighted in the showing were mutation minks, sables, Heights, L. I., was honored at Since UU and Robert Gorman. imported broadtails, Somali leopards and Persian lambs. available. Mrs. George H. Moss, Jr., is Sweet Sixteen dinner party in Keynoting one group was M. Fath's new Gothic silhouette. the Molly Pitcher Hotel Saturday. WHITEST. SH 7-2800 RED BANK serving as secretary, assisted by This line applied to a series of full-length coats. Inspired by Guests included Prlscilla Gil- Regularly $47.50 the designer's interest in 12th-century architecture, these were bert, Richard Miners, Charles PRICE! shaped with the uprightness and tapering top effect seen in Webster, Phillip Roy, Tre Rowse, medieval castles. Sptc. priced $35 Alex Snead, Meredith Platt, The contour was emphasized by smoothly arched shoulders Anne Hinkley. and narrowed, suppressed tops. At the waist o hip level, slen- Budftt Tumi Imiiuil r Also, Richard Dlxon, George- GIGANTIC BANKRUPTCY derness gave way to gentle fullness reaching to the hem, where No Extra Chug* For Cr«dlt ann Loder, Kancle Goldrick, Ver sidekicks swung out dramatically. Backs were flat and straight, non Paulson, Rosalie Uhorchak, Eur Chars* SOUTH JBtSElT I often falling from'concealed yokes. Marcy Hammond, Sally Sklar and Lar-A-Way Now For Xmai .Other shapes included slender cape coats, short waist- Jay Benedict. length jackets, three-quarter trotters and stoles. SURGICAL S Others were Robert Thaler, The furs pictured are outstanding styles from the collec- FURNITURE SALE Robin Austin, Susan Meeker, tion and depict three of the new silhouettes. SH 7-2414 J , .. Entfrt balance of bankrupt stock of Suburban Houst Furniture, formerly Robert Clark, Alfred rich, Wil- liam Weisman, Karen Satiinger, • of Manatquan, has been removed for this salt to NEW TOWN & COUNTRY Marlpit Hall Groups Tour Jane Jagen, Llndy Gray, Shep- r FURNITURE. Rr. 35 and Sunset Ave., Asbury Park, In order to dispose of all ard McHenry, Cory Rich, Cathe- Lonf Braaek Bad Bank merchandise. : MIDDLETOWN - Recent visi- Monmouth County Historical A rine Owen, Bruce Dunn, Michael •••Mill tors to Marlpit Hall Museum, sociation and is open to the publl Levi, Karen Ellis and Mary Beth King's Hwy., included members on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sat- Wilson. All Prices Have Been Slashed; No Reasonable Offer Refused of the Ocean County Historical urdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m Also, Ellen Lichtig, Kenneth the best takes Society and the John Eslaugh and on Sundays from 2 to S p.m. Thompson, Lloyd Harris, Marilyn Chapter of the Questers, Haddon- There is no admission charge. Petersen, Vicki Barrett, Gregory little longer Come Early For fleld. Arrangements for group touri Hemleb, Barbara Hensler, Carol a Open Daily SAVINGS Marlpit Hall, built in the 17th can be made by calling Marlpii Dunn, Lynn Ross, and Richard Best Selection century, is maintained by the Hall. Phillips. 10 to 9... MICHAEL'S MERCHANDISE UP TO Sat. to 6 BEAUTY SALON CONSISTS OF- 70% CHECK INTO OUR... •tdroom1 Suites, Living Room Suites, 3 and 2-pc. Sectionals, Dining Room will be worth while Suites, Dinette Sets, Occasional Furniture, Tables for Every Use, Picture Mir- waiting for!! rors, Sofa Beds, Hide-a-Bedj, Btcb, Springs, Mattresses, Lamps, Hollywood "ON LOCATION CLEANING" Not Just a new beauty salon, but a new concept Btds, End Tables, Step Tables, Cocktail Tables, Record Cabinets, Desks, Studio of hair care under the man- Couches. Den Furniture, Wall Accessories, Pictures and Hundreds of other Chairs • Sofas • Wall to Wall Carpet agement of Michael Caro- tenuto. You'll find in the- Items at amazing savlngsl Namt brands such as ETHAN ALLEN, DREXEL, lovely decor of this new FASHION. KNIGHT-OF-REST, BASSETT, DREW. SEALY, SIMMONS, KENT- USE OUR CONVENIENT •hop the most competent and experienced beauti- COFFEV, etc. cians to serve every phase AT-HOME CARPET of hair beauty. Hair Shaping a Specially; SALE CONDUCTED BY BANKRUPT AND FURNITURE Hair shaping will be done exclusively by Michael, CLEANING SERVICE whose skill hit been rec- STOCKS INC. AT LOCATION OF ognized over the years. JUST ONE CALL You will be enured of look- ing your prettiest in a new DOES IT ALL! coiffure created just for NEW TOWN & COUNTRY FURNITURE you by our skilled hair for information call stylists . . . Besides complete beauty care, our service Route 35 & Sunset Ave. Asbury Park will include wig sales, setting and cleaning. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR OPENING DATE Eafyr Terms Arranged FREE DELIVERY OPENING SOON AT LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANING NO boWi N PAYMENT UP TO 21 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK Un to 3 years to pay Coll PR 4-4525 FOR INFORMATION: SH 1-07M 500 BROAD ST. SHREWSBURY SH 1-2228 Cardner'i Barber Shop will conUnue doing AMPLE FREE PARKING — FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY business at II Mechanic Street. Clubs Plan RED BANK REGISTER Thursday, Nov. 8, 1962-3* Palette Talk directed to jfce Monmttta Monmouth Names County Historical Assodtt&w, raxmumna To Plant Exhibits At 70 Court St., Freehold, or to NEW YORK CW) ~ Mrs. Irving T. Bartlett, chair- Anthony Pertias if adding pW- Always remember the first rule of genealogy: man of the genealogy subcom- duction to bis other theatrical Art Festival mittee of the association, 46 Color Is The Key set down in any line any supposition until all clues activities. • • NEW SHREWSBURY - Satur- MHJOLETOWN - Women'? Kings Hwy., Middletown. have been searched and all conjectures dovetailed. Take Perkins has a management in- day is "plant spring bulbs" day dub* and garden clubs In the By ELEANOR MAJUCO area will have special exhibit* for instance all the conjectures on the Metcalf family, terest, his first, in "Harold," « .for the Garden Club of New It adds up! More and more play in which he is scheduled to on (Hiptay at the fifth annual people use The Register ads each Shrewsbury. The club maintains set down as truth, and try to reconcile them and solve reach Broadway during Novem« Community Art Festival spon- issue because results come fast- the puzzle. We read of this family'that "today there ber. The comedy is being di- the Memorial Garden on Syca- sored by the MiddJetown Town- er—Advertisement. more Sd*»l grounds as a civic ship Recreation Commission are descendants of these pioneer settlers in every state, reeled by Larry Blyden. which opens tomorrow night at service. Members will meet at 7 o'clock in the Thompson School, and they are esteemed for search, Strong or Armstrong, or 10 a.m. to prepare the garden MJddletg*n-Unpcroft Rd. the sturdy qualities charac- for spring. the family that Uved by a church These exhibits will add cobr teristic of the family for in a vale in Wales? 1 The announcement was made for the staging of the paintings hundreds of years". (Wor- Further, Michael Metcalf was by MM. IJoyd at a recent meet- and photos entered by profes- cester, Mass. Daily Telegram from the County of Norfolk, his ing of the Garden Club. sional and amateur artists and coat of arms was a shield show- Mrs. George Kuhn, chairman photographers. 1/28/1931.) ing three calves across the top of the junior garden clubs, re- judging of the show wiU take But we wonder which Metcalf with a dog. with his foot on a ported that the two junior clubs place prior to the ppening (fiat family this refers to, and what smaller shield across the MARKET will start activities this month. day. The total of It prizes will their sturdy qualities were. Was Adam "Medikalf" came from ' One group will meet in Syca- be displayed throughout the dura- this a reference to great strength Yorkshire, and his arms were 54 Carr Avenue more School Tuesday and the tion of the three-day show which shown in the following tales? Let two calves as above and one KEANSBURG other will meet the following concludes Sunday. Both Saturday us examine the clues. The Boston below with a helmet above. An- Tuesday, Nov. 20, in Swimming and Sunday the show will be open Post Magazine under "New Eng- other family had three calves so River School. The children will from 1 to 5 p.m. A reception and land Family Coat of Arms" de- placed surmounted by a satyr 787-1589 elect officers end make arrange- tea ft?r the exhibitors is sched- clares that the name Metcalf "is with a morning star held across, ments using dried materials col- uled at ifae closing. said to be- derived from the his shoulder. lected by them during the sum- Welsh "medd," (a vale) and So, which family shall mer. Details are being handled by the Recreation Office at Bodman 'caf,". (a church), thus signifing choose and where do we go from FRESH Mrs. Holmes Burton, Lincroft, Park. Maureen Neary Deakin is one who lived in sucb a village here? Shalt we begin with was appointed ways and means artistic director. or assumed this name as a home name, and if so which, or a coat KILLED chairman by the president, Mrs. designation. But we must remem- of arms? Hal Miller. Mrs. Ralph J. Llone ber the "is said" and look for SALAD SECRETS further verification. was welcomed back after Two secrets in making a good Question No. 7J: There is another derivation of year's leave of absence, salad: the greens must be very What is the derivation of the the name, but we read again name Metcalf of North Attleboro, Misg Eleanor Vieweg, home crisp, and the best quality olive 'though it is lacking in authen- Mass? service representative of Jersey oil should be used in the dress- ticity, it is replete with color.' L.A.M. Amhent, Mass. Central Power end Light Com ing. To crispen greens, soak first With This Coupon It goes thus: "in the days when pany, gave an Illustrated slide in ice water, pat or shake as dry bullfighting was popular in Eng- Inquiries and replies may be right to limit quantities) lecture on garden and holiday as possible, then place In tightly- land, one of the animals broke Hghtlng. covered vegetable freshener. To away and met a certain John Mrs. D. C. Melchior, Middle- serve, tear green to bite-size Strong, who calmly slezed its "SUMMEITRUGS town, was a guest. pieces: add dressing at the last nostrils, smote the beast and "Bouquet with Bed Chair" by Edelstein . minute. Olive oil kept ready in CLEANED Mrs. John Floddwrt and Mrs. killed it. "-Great strength with glass cruet can be used atl ta- Burton were hostesses for the courage as well. "When its pur- SPECIALS! ble, daintily and with a flour- evening.. Delight in the drab gets no house room' at 23 Edi< suers came up, asking if he had ish: gloss the salad greens with son Ave., New Shrewsbury. seen a bull, John modestly re- the oil first, then add desired CHUCK STEAK or ROAST 39f plied, 'Met a calf,' and from this b Ceramist Attends Canvases in the studio-home of Babette Bauman seasonings and vinegar. Edelstein reflect the artist's treasury of development his name arose." This seems far Regional Session conjecture, but we have anoth- CAPICOLLO by the half 99$, using color to establish three-dimensional designs, yet SCOTCH PLAINS - Ceramist er variation as well. Grace Apgar of Colts Neck at- retaining the two-dimensional surface of the canvas. Art Calendar "On a certain day his Majesty b tended the annual inter-chapter Colors to haunt the senses long after one has left ART CALENDAR the King, with Lords and Gentle- Imp, locate.!. Cheese 1,19 meeting of the Ceramic Leagues MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP men, were in a park where was a FREE STORAGE , Inc., held recently here in Mrs. the picture are the Edel- ures, then flowers. But on the Recreation Commission fifth wild bull, but a Mr. John Arm- TIL JUNE Istl V* Restaurant. stein tour de force. "Bou- horizon are seascapes, which annual art show, opens tomor- strong encountered him and WESSON OIL 1.69^ . Mrs. Apgar is a member of the quet With Red Chair," now are only sands of thought, row, 3 to » pjn., continues killed him with his fist, reporting parent chapter board of directors but are threatening for canvas through Sodday, 1 to S pj to his Majesty, 'I met a calf.' DAILY 8-7; Htl. & SAT. t-8; shown here, is an example Thompson School, MMdJetmm- and' is responsible for Inter-chap- space. Mr. Armstrong wag honored with SUN. 9-6 ter relationships with the New of the popular shore artist's in- lincroft Rd. Awards in profes- "I do my paintings in many favors in token of this ex- dividual style and her latest di- sions] and amateur painting and RUft CLEANERS England group.- bunches," she said, which is a ploit, and was made Knight, with rection in the exploration and photography. OPEN EVERY DAY! The league, now 10 years old, good line to bow out on since his name changed to 'Metcalf.'] cd BOW CA 2-50421 control of relationships in tonali- has five chapters covering the there is no brighter spot than MONMOUTH ARTS GAL- Now, what family name must we ties in color. The 30 by 24-inch the bunch on the red chair. The LERY, second floor, BaDan- area from Maine to Virginia and painting was awarded first prize tonality of the green really Une's, Red Bank, Sixth Annual from the Eastern coastline to Buf- in oils In the Sixth Annual Win- falo, N. Y. makes the red "zing." Winter Shew, through Dec 7. ter Show currently at the Mon GUILD OF CREATIVE ART, mouth Arts Gallery, Red Bank. B> Broad St, lane Geayer, HIDDEN GEMS with verbal Paintings and Prints, through FOR YOUR STORM though color is the key, there ribbons to, look for in the Win- Nov. 23. FOOTWEAR .... are more aspects of control by ter Show are Ron Wing's al- the artist subtly manipulated in most-miniature portrait "Wom- OLD MBX GALLERY, Syca- weeks of planning. In a calcu an With Hat," Hilda SouthaU'i more Ave., Tinton Falls, lated burst of brushwork and ceramic sculpture (on a ver- Jacques Kupfetman, Latest palette knife, the pre-conceived mlcullto and plaster base) "The OflSj limited CflgagetotBt* pattern and its direction of move- First Grade Takes a Walk," STUDIO $7, Concord Ave., ment are applied to the canvas and Roth Caruso's "Spring Student and Associates Show. in not more than three days Thaw." Ceil Graver's water- VILLAGE ART STUDIO, B (often less) to literally capture cokr, "High and Dry," won Monmouth R&, Oaktartt, Open- "air freshness" and to insure the popular award. ing EihtMUon, doses Saturday. against an overworked Quality MONTCLAIR ART MUSEUM, In the paints used structurally. LETS ALSO TELL that Bab- list New Jersey State Ex- "I want to communicate visual bette Edelstein's floral "Yellow htMttoo, through Dec. I. THE NEW beauty is the most meaningful," Dahlia," one of three of hers in FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON the artist-teacher said in com- the show, sported a "Fresh UNIVERSITY, Madison Cam- panion bursts of conversation, as Paint" sign an hour before the put, American Artists Profes- AUTUMN FESTIVAL OF colorful as her brushwork. opening Friday. sional League, Members Ex- The artist, who currently has hibition, through Nov. St. ROUTE 35 more than 84 of her paintings RESUMPTION of the Model' DOUGLASS COLLEGE, Art MIPDLETOWN out in exhibitions and at gal- ing Class for the Blind is un- Gallery, New Brunswick, Artists leries hi Shrewsbury, Maple- der way at the Guild of Creative in Two Media, through Nov. U. LAMPS wood, Philadelphia and In Art, 620 Broad St., Shrewsbury. Provtacetown, has had a defi- Reservations are being handled come to the nite change In palette since by the instructor, Mary Sheeao, moving here from New York 1 The Vista, Middletown. Her in USt. it Is keyed very high class for handicapped continues Jut arrived!... Ont of Hit largest assortments of GRAND and she admits to an imbltlon to be held Mondays at 1:30 p.m. "to eventually bring in the No time or day has as yet been Hut lamps in Hit molt fashionable choice of drapes, OPENING whole gamut of tonality," in set for the class for the blind. of future works* styles and colon . . . adaptable to any room ar- Monmouth Beach "When I'm 90," she added Plan Concert t. Such famous names as: puckishly,-"I expect to have run DELICATESSEN that gamut for truly beautiful At Old Mill paintings." and TINTON FALLS Baritone LIQUORS We're satisfied not to have to Raymond Scar?; will be featured STIFFEL - LIGHTOLIER II wait that long, and there is wis- Nov. 16 at 8:30 p.m. here in the jumped at our new location dom in the advice she continu- Old Mill, 1213 Sycamore Ave. . ously gives to her students. QUARTITE - LAUREL His selections will include songs 34 BEACH ROAD "Start with a simple concept and with MONMOUTH BEACH || develop it." by Bach, Beethoven, Vaughan Williams, Negro spirituals and An alumna of Cooper Union, work songs. joy-.. II School of Architecture, she stud- Reservations may be made byjj ied drawing with Robert Gwath- calling the Old Mill. The program I An emergency buttons trip Jlmey, sculpture with John Hoh- is being presented by the. Old|| out of ton and all my the Hastens.and Germanos I vanneS) wood sculpture with shorts in the laundry. A Mill Association. quick trip to West End TABLE • FLOOR Chaim Gross, oil painting and Variety solved the problem. wood work with Louis Schnaker You'll Rod a complete se- and composition with Stuart Da- Club's Bazar lection of famous Hanes vis and Burgoyne Diller. and Fruit of the Loom She has exhibited extensively Hours Are Set briefs and shorts...plus SEl many other items. Shop POLE • TREE and in local shows and at the As- RED BANK - The Red Bank bury Park Rotunda, Newark Woman's Club's annual Christ- here emergency or not Hair cutting is an art that we Museum, Jersey City Museum, tnas Bazar will be held in the specialize in at TONi'S. We City Center' Gallery and Bo- club house, 164 Broad St., tomor- will shupe your hair Just for garad Gallery in New York. Her row from II a.m. to 4 p.m. In WEST END you at TOM'S. work Is owned by many private yesterday's Register it was re- WALL LAMPS collectors, including television ported in error that the bazar VARIETY star Shirley Booth. would be at 2 p.m. FAIR HAVEN ALL AT COMPETITIVE PRICES! Seemingly a step ahead Of The snack bar will be operated SHOPPING CENTER current art fashions, Babette has by Mrs. Sonnlchsen from 11:30 Opea Friday Evenings moved from I&ndscB • ' fli to 2 o.m. L IMPORTED BRISTOL a one-day exclusive showing of TABLE LAMP • ALL SILK SHADE cordially invites you to attend • 32 INCHES HIGH Specially Priced! Limited 9uan»ity Hand Printed Serigraph Framed Pictures

This Saturday, November IOth . . . the representative of the Yen Amitel "A husband is what is left over after the nerve ha* been ex- Co, w?ll display here their entire new collection of limited edition Seri- JiBctcd." cighs Sassy. graph Pictures framed to your order. You will find subjects to fit any decor. They are colorful, unuiual, subtle . . . treitiondouily exciting . .. and they'll iolve your decorative problems with distinction.

Whether you have walls to dtcorato or juit enjoy nice things, come to ELECTRIC JAMIAN'S new store this Saturday. (We've moved, you know, juit 8 ' doors north). ' 666 HIGHWAY 35, MIDDLETOWN OS 1-2434 (South of Howard Joliiiaon'a) sum 264 Norwood Ave, Deal KE 1-0599 daily 9 t» 5:30 Monday, Wednesday and Friday » A. M. to • P. M. so/ HRO/ID si. mmwm,«.. wed. and frl. nights 7 to 9 Tuewlay, Thuraday and Saturday 9 A. M. to J:M P. M, A t Ft CONDITIONB& RED BAAK HEGISTEH vm Cage Official Matawan Star Scores Seven Applications Being Accepted In Wall Defeat; Runs 92 Yards EAST ORANGE - AppUotfoM are now being accepted by the North Jersey Board of Approved Matawan Regional's flashy tail- The fifth/and sixth positions comer to the top 10 in Pete Stirn- ski. Wall end, is the highest -scor- Basketball Officials for all men back George Morrell, with One are held by Wayne Edmunds and weiss of Red Bank Catholic, ing lineman with 25 points; interested in becoming members touchdown and a single extra Eddie Winrow, respectively, both StirnweisCt-l «.n t«v A Iff s jt ft s\'«score* ft >?T -tidl liipl^Adnaennqn'fall his Manasquan'^.Eril T7 s**#i t)it*>t\r> LA« (UcA Burns has the of the organization. Frank *C. point in Monday's loss to Wall of Red Bank. Neither scored in team's points in a 14-13 loss to season's only field goal, 10 yards; Corrigah, chairman of the exam- Township, has upped his individ- the Brick tussle Tuesday. Ed- South Plainfield and now has a Norcross has the longest pass in ination committee, announced ual scoring lead on the Shore to munds has '49 points on eight total of 41jpiarkers on six touch- terception run lor a TD, 85 yards, that the deadline for submitting 32 points. touchdowns while Winrow has downs and five extra points. and teammate Larry McDowell applications will be Monday, Dec. The Matawan star now has 11 eight touchdowns for 48 markers. Matawari's Ron David, with 37 has the longest run with a funi- 31. 1 touchdowns and 20 extra points Central Regional's Richie Nor- points, and Bobby Davis of Nep- ble, also 85 yards. All successful oan&dates for for a total of 86 points. Ray Har- cross scored'two touchdowns in tune, with.36, complete the top Matawan Regional continues to membership will become affiliat- vey, Manasquan halfback who Central's 26-13 victory over Mon- 10. lead in total team points with 214 ed with the North Jersey Board was second last week with 54 mouth Regional Monday and is Davis threw two touchdown while Bayshore rival Keyport has as of the 1964-1965 basketball sea. points, didn't score in his team's seventh with 42 points on six passes in Neptune's 45-6 romp held the opposition to the least son. The North Jersey Bo»rd is 13-0 setback at Middletown Town- touchdowns, and seven extra over Lakewopd Monday to raise number of points, 18. Matawan a meijiber of the International ship, but still holds a share of points. Norcross was involved in to TD aerial total to seven to has a 5-2 record. Keyport is 5-1. Association of Approved Basket- second place. George Hennessy, a four-way tie for the 10th spot lead in that department. — SHORB SCORES — ball Officials. Brick Township back, scored last week. TI) PAT T Morrell scored on a 92-yard George Morrell, Mala wan.-.ll " A candidate must be at least Brick's only touchdown as the Frank Parker, Rumson half- run Monday to have the longest George HenneBsy, • Brick ....9 21 years of age and submit a Green Dragons and Red Bank Ray Harvey, ManaaQuan..... back, seventh last week with 42 TD scamper to paydirt. Doug Hill, Freehold 8 physician'* certificate of good fought to a tie and also has 54 points, drops down to eighth place Other individual leaders where Wayne Edmunds, .Red Bank-B health with his application. points on nine touchdowns, Eddie WJnrow, Red Batik....8 this week. He failed to score not challenged. A Morrell to Ed- Rich Norcross, Central' 6 The North Jersey Board'* pre- Tuesday as Keyport shut out the Prank Parker, Rumion ....7 Doug Hill, Freehold Regional, die Flynn pass is the longest Peter SElrntviess, R. 3. Cath...6 liminary exam will consist of a third last week with 52 points, Bulldogs, 9-0. scoring aerial, 71 yards; Parker Ron David, Matawan 6 Bob Davis, Neptune .-...5 screening and floor test to be dropped down to fourth place as Stirnweiss Ninth has the longest kickoff return for Willie Major, Freehold s followed after a special course John Tateei, Matawan.... 5 Freehold was idle. The ninth spot goes to a new- a TD, 90 yards; Dick Przybylow- Zane Abel. Long Branch .S by a written test on both rules Ted Beekman, Neptune 5 Ralph Mango, Monmouth....4 and mechanics. The latter exams Ken Founts, MIddletown..._.4 are to be given by the North Dewty Marvin, central...... * Dick Przybylowakl, Wall...-.* Jersey Board during the current Jack Price Ready for Match Nick Roppolo, Brick... 3 196243 season in order to qualify Ken Fortler, Wall ^ Bob arris. Pt. Pleaaant.—4 * candidate for the IAABO exam- Roger Krlney, Central * HAWK BOOTERS— Two of Monmouth Colltg*'* out»Unding ioee«r players, Co- Harry Starrett, A. P 3 ination. All successful prelimin- Ken Thorns*, Keyport 3 captain Ron Jascoif. left, and Jim Markbam, right, discuss the season's acHvititi ary candidates will then be elig- Bob Whiting, Wall -.3 Race for Horse of Year CrownCliff Boyd, Rurason. _....3 during a r«cent prattice session on the West Long Branch field. The Hawk beoters ible to take the written IAABO Bobby Morton, Manaaq.uan..3 Eric Swenaon, Shore :3 wound up the seaion Saturday on a bright note by winning their third successive exam on Monday, Dec. 2, 1963. LAUREL, Md. (AP) - Jack entries. Barring accident, I don't lional, was run on mile and a Richie TTeager. Toms Rlver..3 Any basketball officials inter- a Mervln Eutwlck. shore 2 victory. Monmouth lost its first six games. Jajtott played in all of Monmouth's nine Price, outspoken trainer of Carry think they can beat any of.us." half grass course. - Carry Back John Eckman. Wall 1 ested In liking the North Jersey Jim Bally, Central ,.2 Back, challenged the Horse ol In head-to-head meetings this has never won on grass, and has Tom LaW. R. B. Cath 2 matches and was one of the team's leading scorers. Markham, a sophomore from Board test may secure an appli- year, Carry Back whipped Kelso never captured a race ,Jflnger Jay Benedict, ftumson. .2 / 1 cation blank from Corrigan by the Year contenders Tuesday tf Pete George, Matawan .2 Red Bank, was a fine addition to Coach Townlay Carr'i squad this seaitin. decide the issue In a match rac while winning the Metropolitan thath n 1'4miles il . Rich Davis, Freehold... 2 writing him at 920 Castle Ponit Richie Overton, Southern....? In which he would have Carry and Monmouth Handicaps. Kelso "Based on his performance in Rlcardo Hopklna, Neptune....? Terrace, Hoboken. Back compete "for peanuts, a finished ahead of Carry Back in the Man O'War, I can't realis- Howls O'Neill, Neptune 2 Skip Maacola, Red Bant...3 cigar, or a drink o! whiskey" ii tha Suburban and Man O'War, tically say Carry Back should be Paul Bchllller, KB. CtUl 1 but both stakes were won by Beau favored in the International," Bobby Lewis, Runuon. .2 Lombardi Has No Troubles necessary. Don Hasbrouck, Rumion .2 D & B Corps Purple. Price said. "He would have to Rich Cone,. Monmouth. —.2 Price dropped the gauntlet BUI Parrel), Matawan. 2 while prepplng Carry Back for "Carry Back is ready for his have racing luck to win. Even Eddie Flynn, Matawan 3 the Washington, D. C. Interna- best effort all the time," Price if he did, I still think a match Brad Power, Rarltan 3 To Entertain said, "but I certainly can't say race should decide the Horse of Wayne Steneck, Keyport 3 Getting Packers Up For A TSIV tional here Nov. 12. Dan HmlrUian. Keyport .2 the same for Kelso. the Year championship." S«m Robinson, Keyport. .2 Price said he doesn't think thi Bob Capalbn. Mlddletown....2 At Garden State "When Carry Back is beaten, Carry Back and Beau Purple John Farrell, Freehold. .2 done by the former Notre Darnel outcome of the International, in GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP)-Al- everybody says he's a bum. When along with the French entries of Tom ollvadoHI. I*. B...._ 2 though the Green Bay Packers star. CHERRY HILL - One of Jhe which Horse of the Year con- Mike Glaqulnto. Brick. ..2 Kelso loses, there's always some March 11 and Kistinie arrived at Richie Worthy, Toms "River..2 have won eight straight games, Kramer has booted five of six tenders Carry Back, Beau Purple Frank Iracl, Lakewood ...2 Vince Ciaglia outstanding drum and bugle corps excuse—like his blood pressure Laurel this week, moving Into the have a two-game lead in the field goal attempts and 16 straight and Kelso make up the U.S. Jay Burdge. L,akewo6d...:...J! of the nation will entertain at wasn't just right, or something stable area with Kelso, Lebon Ken Walenctkowskl, Centrft)..2 National Football League's West- extra points. His kickolls, how- representation, should have any Jeff Patterson, Pt. Pleasant..2 like that." M. L. of Canada and Takamaga- Jim Valentine, • Southern. .2 ern Conference and are talked of ever, have not been up to theTo Co-Captain Garden State Park Saturday as bearing on the title. Beau Purple beat Kelso and hara of Japan. Jim Sc»lD«,. Southern... 2 as unbeatable, coach Vince Lom- standard set by. Hornung. part of the ceremonies attended "If Carry- Back comes out ol Art cotireave. Shore... 3 Carry Back was fifth in the Man Delvin of Italy arrived yes- Jiin Busch.. Aebury Park....2 bardi says there's no trouble "Kicking 60 yards Is a lot dif- to the championship Garden the International In good shape," Jim Vanderslool. A.P. 2 Scarlet Cagers O'War, which, like the Interna-terday. Ixiu Ciamaglla, Tom»Rlver..l getting them "up" for any game. ferent than booting field goals," said Price, "I'd like to challenge Jack Damlco. ftumson..... 1 NEW BRUNSWICK — Rutgei State. ErV Burns, ManaBouan. 0 ,"Our bo^s realize," Lombardi Lombardi said. "We don't have a any remaining Horse of the Yea: Charlie Cox, Red Bark 0 said, "that every opponent comes man, at the moment who cas basketball team will play a 22 The group Is the Hawthorne contenders to a match race on a Pat Farmer. R. B. Cath 1 Caballero Drum and Bugle Corps Frank Clymore. Rarltan 1 up with a maximum effort to boom 'em into the end zone." game schedule, including particl dirt track at the classic mile and Greg Weber. Pt. Pleasanl...l knock us off. What does eight Mike Ditka, offensive end with pation in a Christmas touraamenl of Hawthorne. They have the en- Rickey and Devine Dan Nemeth, Pt. Pleasant,..! a quarter distance. Dick Croata, Southern. _...l straight victories mean? It simply the Chicago Bears, has a good Albert W. Twitchell, director viable record of having won over Willie Davis, Tied Bank 1 athletics, announced yesterday. 200 first place awards, have 23 "Prize money wouldn't be a fac- Tinker Dorn, Red Bank. .1 means we have six games to explanation, for the Packers suc- consecutive first place wins, have tor. I just would like to decide Alble Rothaleln. Red Bank....l play." cess this year. The Scarlet, which will I Bill Carlone, Red Bank 1 traveled throughout the United the title. I'd have Carry Back In Early Hassel Ram Bias!. Red Bank 1 The Packers rolled to their coached by veteran Don White, compete for peanuts, a cigar, or Bryan Walker. R. B. CUH.....1 has added Georgetown and Arm) States and have won X out of Bob Moncttef, Rumson 1 eighth straight*"'this season by a drink of whiskey. to the slate this season, ft will the last 57 contests. Gary Drlscoll, Vonmoutth-.l trouncing the Bears 38-7 at Chi' Local Boxers ST. LOUIS (AP) - A feud has Dick Stryker. Monmouth 1 again compete in the Albright "If Carry Back isn't the best,' hen the Brooklyn Dodgers to a Milt Huhbard. Monmouth....l cago Sunday and now have a Organlred March 20, 1046 with arisen between St. Louis Card- Hike Porter, Monmouth I holiday tournament In Reading, continued Price, "I wouldn't want lumber of National League pen- Frank D'Apollto. Matawan.,1 string of 16 victories, including 22 members, they were sponsored inal General Manager Bing De- To Compete In Pa., against Albright, Williams him to be voted the best horse. lants.- "He has been a tremen- Edmund Hamilton, Matawan..l six exhibition games. by Hawthorne Post, American Le- Some others apparently want the vine and Branch Rickey over Ed Oallo. Mauman... -~.l and Rochester. ious man in the game. I wel- George Blebert, Matawan. 1 -And they have won their last gion. title on technicalities or racing who is running the ball club, the Stan Sliuar*. Keyport 1 Rutgers will have 10 home :omed his return." three without their scoring ace Linden Show They made their first appear- luck." St. Louis Globe-Democrat; re- Jim GrlHIn, Keyport 1 games. Home and home contests However, Devine,admitted, he Barry Bromwell. Freehold....l Paul Hornung, named the league's ance on Memorial Day and were vealed Monday In copyrighted Bob Toroalnl, Long Branch..l LINDEN — Six boxers from will be played against Lehigh, Price left no doubt lie thought tad been surprised by some de- Nick Delmore, Long Branch..l most valuable player last year, the Shore Boys Club, Red Bank, garbed in service uniforms. They ttie battle was between Carrj story. elopments. Bob Proctor, Long Branch,...l Lafayette and Delaware. adopted the present style Spanish Fred Vitola, Long Branch.^.1 Lombardi said Hornung may b« are scheduled to box in a boxing The Scarlet, which had a 10-13 Back and Kelso—seeking an un- Rickey, who was named "sen- The first evidence of Rickey's Ray Zogalls, Neptune 1 show at McMannus Junior High uniforms a year later. authority came at the press con- Cary Carroll, Neptune 1 able to play Sunday when the record a year ago, will be eo- precedented third straight title— ior consultant" of the baseball Len Rugglero. Neptune 1 School here tonight. The Corps /entered^ its first ference announcing his appoint- Packers travel to Philadelphia. captained by Jay Marcus of New despite the late surge of Beau team a week ago, has shown .. Krol, Brick. 1 Dave "King" Cade and Del American Legion National Con- ment, the Globe said. He an- Bob Scott. Brick... 1 The star halfback was in uniform Rochelle, N. Y. and Vince Ciag- Purple. every evidence since then of Steve Gallum, Toms Rlver'..l last Sunday but did not see ac- Adams, both of New Shrewsbury, test in New York in 1947. Since swered questions concerning club John McCormlck. T. R 1 lia of Red Bank. Both are senioi Price also said he felt the taking over complete operation will compete in 130-pound class Ihen they have won American wrsonnel without consulting De- John Brown, Lakewood -.1 tion. He has been sidelined with guards. three U.S. representatives in of the Cardinals, the Globe said. Pat Tunney, Central 1 bouts. Legion National Titles in Miami. irtne, who was present. Ron Copeland. Central -I an injured knee. The schedule: International should finish ahead So great Is the disagreement BUI Kehoe,. Central 1 0 6 Boyd Dowler, who twisted a Lenny Barris, Atlantic High- St. Louis, Washington D.C., Chi- Later, manager Johnny Keane, Larry McDowell. Central—1 0 6 Dec. 1, Glassboro, • home; 5, of the 10 foreign entries. between Devine and Rickey, the Dick Cobb. pt. Pleasant 1 knee in practice last Friday and lands, will box in the 148-pound cago. Minneapolis, Denver and and George Silvey, director of Pennsylvania, away; 7, Boston U "It should be Carry Back, Beau Globe said, that both have con- Sam Mellllo, Pt. Pleasant.,..l was used only for punting duties class while Junior Monroe, New Us Vegas. •layer procurement, were called Bob Pourchler, Pt. Pleasanl.l away: 8, Massachusetts, away; Purple and Kelso—not necessarily sidered resigning their posts. IVayne Wiltshire-. Southern....! against the Bears, is expected to Shrewsbury, is scheduled to enter They also won the North Amer- to St. Louis for a meeting with Frank Laird. Southern 1 11, Columbia, home; 17, George- In that order—in a three-horse However, they have reportedly be ready for full action against the ring for a four-round bout in ican Open Championships from Rickey, a Cardinal official said, Warren Koseif. Southern 1 0 fi town, home; 19, Princeton, home; race," Price said. "I can't gel been persuaded to stay on and Ted Rowler, Shore ~.l 0 fl Philadelphia. the 160-pound class. 1960 through 1962. They were In- although Rickey could have George Tauser, > Shore w.1 0 6 23-29, Albright Holiday Tourna very excited about the foreign try to work out their differences. Annelo Napolltano. A. P 1 0 6 ternational champions in 1956 and earned everything necessary The Packer backfield remained New star Donald "Kid" Kaplan toent (Albright, Rochester, Wil Devine, who was given his first Ralph FOBS, Keyport. 0 4 4 1962. :rom Devine. BUI Price. RumsorL. ..0 3 3 sound again Sunday even without of Lakewood, who Shore Boys liams and Rutgers). job in baseball by Rickey, ad- Mike Luccarellt, Monmouth..O Hornung and flanker back Dow- Club coach Adrian Bailey says It was learned, the Globe said, Phil Huhn, Long Branch 0 Jan. 5, Lafayefe, away; This outstanding organization mitted there had been problems Tom Scott, Lone; Branch 0 has impressed in workouts, Fordham, home; 12, Delaware, has appeared at National Foot- HATS OFF.. and that he had been terribly that after the press conference, Lou Montonaro, M!ddletown..O Ron Matthews. Neptune 0 Tom Moore took over one more fight a light heavyweight oppo away; 26, Gettysburg, home; 31, ball League games. National and $ #5 concerned. Rickey issued orders, several of Cjrl " • - • " at Hornungs left halfback spot Maurice Hill, Lftkewood ...- 0 Ufavette, home. American League baseball games, Re,. $15.00 . 9 ° Dick Meyer, executive vice which were virtually and Jerry Kramer filled in ade- Jimmy Kirk, New Shrewsbury Feb. 2, Delaware, home; 8. Macy Day Parade for 10 yyear*, manding to directives previously quately In the field goal and ex- president of the Cardinals, said nicu Gray. win.... light heavyweight, will meet Jer- Army, away; U. Navy, away; II and PresidenPid t Eisenhower'Eih'* •Includes Mtld (oal. tra point kicking duties usually SHIRTS OFF. that he had learned that some Lehigh. home; 20, Colgate, home; au'gural parade in 1953. differences of opinion had arisen 23, Connecticut, away; 27, Lehigh Plaids and stripes. between Devine, general manag- White, wash 'n wear. away. Aj : _ • •. SFCAUTHf er of the Cardinals for five years March % ,Penn State, away. and the 80-year-old Rickey. Mey- i T^ KODAK $0.50 er, however, said he felt the Re* $3.95 problems were not insurmount- Wisconsin Works able. IttB-SirlVeT "Bing Devine is still the gen- On.Pafes Defense GLOVES OFF eral manager," Meyer said. MADISON, Wis. (AP) - Wis- CAMERAS The Cardinals obtained Rick- consin's football team concen WOOL - LEATHER ey, Meyer said, so Devine. could trated In practice again yester- Fur lined. consult immediately with a veter- day on pass defense in hopes o an and responsible baseball man stopping Northwestern'! Tom Vi Price in matters of immediate import- Myers when the Badgers tak'e o ance such as trades. the Wildcats here Saturday. NICK CAIVANO Cardinal President August A. Veteran end Pat Richter di< Busch, Jr., who made the de- not take part in the light contac OF cision to employ Rickey as a dummy scrimage but ran on pas consultant, was not immediately patterns and will be in shape available for comment. for the game. He is nursing BARDA "I have a great respect for bruised leg. Mr. Rickey," said Devine of the The Only Badger who,will hot 179 Bread St., Red Bank man who created the farm sys- see action is Al Piraino, a sopho- tem and helped the Cardinals and more tackle, who has a twistei knee. KODAK CAMERA Model 2, (Power loom... electric eye... focusing lens Preii d button down ... lh« Itnt zooms oulomoticolly from wide- WAUPAM ongta views to telephoto cloie- upi, Preii up, and the Uns looms bock. You view Ihrough the amazing a rtflix finder — je» exactly MONMOUTH COLLEGE SAILORS —Members of the Monmouth College sailing team discuss the highlights of the what you're getting. Fully auto- 1962 campaign—a bright one {or the Hawk jailors. This spring they won the coveted Friis Trophy defeating 12 malic exposure control. Super- eastern colleges. They also won or placed high in other intercollegiate regattas. Left to right, are Chuck Mulford, fast f/i.o lens hoi icole focus ing for cxlra-shaip movies. vice commodore, Collingswood; Mary McMurray, secretary, Highland.; Roger Smith, team captain, Fords; Jim aupom Weincke, commodore, Long Branch; Chuck Gunderson, frosh champion, Balmar, and Bob Chuy, rear commodore, Never baton a paint like [(I Dots Irvington. Other team memberJ not shown are: Dwight Fudge, Ed Moro, Erin Keaveny, Margaret Burke, Betty not drip or spatter Ilka ordinary Lisf Price $21450 Paifine Jay Wall, Joan Spaeth and Cora Lee McEvoy. The team coach is newly-appointed D.an of Faculty Everett pilnti. Thick, creamy "Lucltt" stay* on your brush or roller. So W. Holt...... ,.- •aty to ut«! Netdtno stirring or SPECIAL thinning. Drln In 30 minutes. 22 lovely decorator color*. $ 50 PROTECT DOCKS PROTECT BOATS 182. The new 1903 Chevrolet takes the spotlight with its RENT Amrwfmsm A NEW FORD OR OTHER ICE CONTROL EQUIPMENT DEMONSTRATION exciting new look! Slop in for a test drive today! We Have Everything Public Showing Saturday, November 10, 1962 FINE CARS AND TRUCKS MTV... AVAILABLE AT jor the ' PHIL WALDMAN'S At Coast Yacht Works Bodman PI, ft*d tank See the "AQUA-THERM" ELECTRIC In Operation! CAMERA FAN GULF J.H.KELLY Co. CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. SERVICE STATION Sponsored by Authorized New Jersey Dealer Cor. Broad St., Harding Rd. CORN'S Photo Shop Tel. SH 7-3900 325 MAPLE AVE RED BANK Maple Avt. & W. Front St. BOAT, SKI and SCOOTER CENTER IS Wallace Stratr Open Dally and Sun. 7 A.M.-10 P.M 75 WHITE STREET RED BANK OPEN EVENINGS SH 1-3130 Supplies and Equipment CALL SH 7.0308 SH 1-1124 DuPent Paints SH 7-2273 or SH 7-2274 second and third periods lor a BED BANK REGISTER Thursday, »Vqv. 8,. 1962-27 jy Frosh's 124 advantage. " , FIELD AND STREAM ar)/ jo ifce ftui period Football Records 12 «»mi— Ptlr Hnea 49 Iteriicii Rtd Bank Cttterflc marched M. « W»JI TownsWp U\ Timely Note* on the Greet Outdoor* Late Score yards for the tying Uxidtdowo. KED BANK NEPTUNE » Kartell TowwWp t M IIS With the ball on the Caseys* M. ASBURY PARK By NELSON BENEDICT (M-D (44) I Southern Regional quarterback O'Keefe fired a 15-11 Red Baak Catholic t Leag Branch () Wins, 19-18 111 7, yard past to end Tim Hennessy M Freehold Rtgtoaal U 14 Tons River Perth Amboy SAYREVH,LE - A Mtyard end • who went the rest of the way » Tens River IS 14 Middletown Twp. SOUTHERN REGIONAL Trenton Another opening, another season. Upland hunters sweep by btUback Warren Me- 7 12 for the TO. • . 4t LaJtewoed I 7 Freehold Regional (M) Union will sortie forth into the hustings at 9 a.tn. Saturday Mam* with two minutes remain- "7 I The losers came back with • U . Manasquaa 7 « Brick Township « Keyport Middletown Twp. ing and • quarterback Dennis 6 12 Despite the encroachment of industrial developmenl touchdown with five minutes to 12 Mlddlttown Twp. I II Muasquan II Wlkhnod Long Branch ,' O'Keefe'j run tor the Mtra point go on a 25-yard run. f Brick Township I • Central Regional 26 New Brunswick 18 and housing projects upon the countryside, there stil gave the Red Bank Catholic fresh Lakewood With three minutes remaining, a 0 Wall Township is plenty of open acreage available to the small gam a come-from-behind 19-18 victory M 53 Red Bank Catholic's Nick Torn- 1 Matawan Regional here yesterday. RED BANK CATHOLIC in in WALL TOWNSHIP and bird hunter in a county whose growth rate is oi berg recovered a Sayrevilla fum- BRICK TOWNSHIP M Shore Regional The 'Caseys scored early in the limited out on black ducks (two) at Cedar Saturday. • RumtOB-Falr Haven » -NOW GOING ON- now Is about as difficult as attempting to reserve Pete Brown, Spring Lake, and Alfred N. Beadleston, IS Wall Township H Middletown Twp. passage on the first space capsule directed at the Shrewsbury, quit a Great Bay blind with nine brant a It General Regions! Neptune moon. Red Bank week ago Tuesday. H IK Manasquan Prices Slashed In Southern Monmouth and all of South Jersey, Bulk of the brant are now concentrated on tidal RARITAN TOWNSHIP Freehold Regional Red Bank Catholic for that matter, are alive with quail. Small won- waters south of Brigantine. Lake's Bay and the (> der, then, that pointers and setters which lpiow 2* Long Branch Every Department! sounds back of Atlantic City are the places to shoot Monmouth Regional 25 their way around the bobwhite fields are presently now. The birds have not as yet commenced to trade Central Regional M more precious than their weights in diamonds. north to Barnegat Bay in consequential numbers. Point Pleasant 21 CENTRAL REGIONAL Balloons to Shore Regional (7-1) While prospecting some of the nearby wood- Broadbill shooting perked up a little locally. Fair- II 111 12 Point Pleasant All the Kiddies cock coverts, the writer was pleasantly surprised sized bunches of broadies have been moving on the KEYPORT It Matawan Regional to observe a noticeable Increase in ruffled grouse. Shrewsbury, but the bonus ducks (four may be bagged (W) 34 Southern Regional Other woodcock hunters concurred In that assess- daily) are still rafted solidly on Raritan Bay between Southern Regional I Keyport ment of the current status of grouse. The hard- Point Pleasant 25 Rarifan Township South Amboy and Cliffwood Beach. Plenty of blacks MramootB Regional 21 RnmsoB-Falr Haven SUN RAY DRUGS wood valley of the Manasquan is about as good on the bay, too. Central Regional 2t ' Monmouth Regional , Metuchea •VMM - < 46 Bread St., Rtd Bank (cor. of White St.l grouse country as Is to be located hereabouts. Election Day should have been • bang-up oc- Turkey Swamp might be worth a try, too. Rumsen-Falr Haven 142 FREE DELIVERY SERV1CE-SH 1-7960 casion for anglers. It wasn't, and experts along POINT PLEASANT After opening day, hunting hours will be from with laymen were confounded by the hick of co- 18 Open WED. and PRI. TIL 9 P.M. MATAWAN REGIONAL (M) one-half hour before sunrise till sunset Two mal operation from cod offshore and striped bass in I Central Regional (M) pheasants may be killed daily, 30 in season. Other ba the lower bay and along the beach. I Keyport - 52 Monmouth Regional II Matawan Regional limits are: jack rabbit, one; rabbit, four; quail, seven; Highlands and Atlantic Highlands party ves- • Central Regional »»••••••••«•••»••»»»•»•••»••••»•»•»»»••>•»• grouse, three, and squirrel, five. sels picked away at cod up to 20 pounds on Scal- 14 Point Pleasant 42 Shore Regional First phase of the season will terminate Dec. lop Ridge. Catches were spotty. Nor was ling 28 Southern Regional Rabbits will return to the game list Dec. 8-30. Quai and whiting fishing anything to brag about, al- » Madison Township Get the'one Great grouse and squirrel will be in season again Dec. 17 though after-dark visitors to Recretion Pier, Long II Wall Tewashlp Feb. 2. Woodcock hunting will continue through Nov Branch, started to clobber whiting early hi the 214 Winter Tire 28. No special license is required to hunt woodcod week. MIDDLETOWN TWP. (2+1) during the regular upland season. Aside from a mild flurry of activity hi the Toms River that... Local wildfowlers did better by far than majority o; South Channel area just at daybreak, striped bass Brick Township their brethern on coastal marshes last Saturday, open fishing was a flop on the holiday. Boats which IS Neptune Asbury Park Ing day of the duck season. A violent nor'easter pile trolled at Sea Bright and Monmouth Beach did Lakewood Up a storm tide which washed out blinds and mad nothing. It was all very discouraging. Red Bank small craft navigation perilous if not downright inv Nor are surfmen on the jetty frontier making any IS Manascjuan possible on South Jersey bays. progress in their efforts to pinpoint the concentration U 15 Conservation Officer Karl Kristiamen, Little of stripers expected at this season of the year. Yinky FREEHOLD REGIONAL Silver, described the turnout of hunters on the in- Russo, Long Branch, tells usa depressing quiet reigns (*•») 7 Brick Township 12 ' augural as light. It was no trick, be noted, toba g on the rocks from Sea Bright to Deal. IS Red Bank 21 a limit of two puddle ducks on the Shrewsbury. Winter flounders are on the move — and are bit- 12 Manasquaa I Blacks, mallards and baldpates figured in the kill ing— in Shark River and the Manasquan. Fishing for 31 Neptune « Toms River during Initial phases of the season. flatties in the Navesink and lower Shrewsbury remains I Long Branch The power of positive thinking paid off hand- a hit-or-miss proposition. River fishermen are catch ing occasional school stripers at the bridges. 114 ' somely for several sportsmen who set out brant LONG BRANCH decoys on the Shrewsbury at Monmouth Beach • Don't forget that special field trial for duck hunt (M) Saturday. They downed nine of a flock of brant ers and their dogs to be sponsored by Shrewsbury II Neptune River Retriever Club at the Richard G. Metcalf Farm I Manasqsan which lit into their spread. Although the duck 14 Lakewood season proper did not bow in until noon on the Whippoorwill Road, Middletown, 1 p.m., Sunday. Fol- f Brick Township ' OUR FAMOUS TUBELESS first day, brant and goose hunting started at sun- low the signs from the Oasis Restaurant on Rt 35 to 12 Asbury Park 7 Freehold Regional the trial grounds. TURNPIKE' rise. - IS Toms River 3-T NYLON 71 57 PROVED MANASQUAN SUBURBANITE WINTER TIRE for extra safety (M) IS Lakewood with I Long Branch I Freehold Regional S3ChevroletTrucks 17 Toms Rhrer tEXTRA^TRACTlON WFSYN; 7 Red Bank; Goodyear's new, more durable rubber—the greatest thing tbat ever happened to Snpvr) THEYVEAIWAYS BOH JVUBH BUT NEVER STRONBER THAU MOW! It Neptnne I Middletown Twp. Tires! No matter how cold it gets,newTUFSYN stays flexible...lets the famous Subur* banite tread-design bite deep and keep its grip. That's what we mean by EXTRA* .TRACTION...at zero and below! Floyd Patterson Wants To Fight Month ROAD HAZARD 6.00 x 13 black Listen Again tubaless plus GUARANTEE tax and old tire. NEW YORK (AP) — Floyd Patterson would like to Jjght YOU ALWAYS DO BETTER Sonny Llston again for the Heavy*, when you take your car where 7.50x14 or 6.70x15' weight championship, promoter Tom Botan said this week. the Tire Expert* are! only $21.40 plus tax and old tire. The vice president of Cham- pionship Sports Inc., said he had NO MONEY DOWN! FREE MOUNTING! talked with Patterson and the ex- champion had expressed confi- dence he would regain the title in a return match. .// Our New 3-T NYLON Patterson lost the heavyweight title to Liston In a first-round knockout in Chicago Sept. 25. Patterson was not immediately " Sure-Grip Winter Tire available for comment. "Patterson told me he plans to begin training next week In High- 95 land Mills, N.Y.," said Bolan. At low 6.70 > 15 black tube- "He Is very anxious for the re- as... type plus tax and tiri turn match, and wants it to be 12off your car. held in New York." TUMIUS lUCK 7.10 x 14 »r «.TO « It You can be sure that new engines, frames, suspensions that licked Mexico's Baja* 15 MONTH M tow M •>*.•• pint U» •»•) eld Ural Patterson was hopeful, Bolan ROAD HAZARD T1MMUM WHrrUMU. «ily »2 m»r«l Run will loork for you long, faithfully and at traditionally low Chevrolet cost. said, that Llston would get a li- QUARANTU cense to fight In New York. The A Chevrolet truck has always been a sound investment because of its *• challenger was emphatic about quality construction. This is what makes it give you an honest day's • wanting to fight-in. New York. NATION-WIDE ROAD HAZARD AND QUALITY GUARANTEE-All Now Coodyoar He stressed the fact that it was ^AutoTlres Are Guaranteed Nolion-ivido: ]. Against normpl road hazards-I. o. blowouts, work every day at very low cost and—when you are finished with it— close to home and close to his return more resale money to your happy pocket training camp. labrlcbreakt.cuts-excopt repnirabla puncturea.Llmlted to original owner for nuqibor o( CHEVROLET months specified. 2. Against any defects In workmanship and maforial without limit as to This year stronger frames, engines that can pull more, and practically The New York State Boxing | tailor-made suspension systems make Chevrolet trucks a better buy Commission has refused to grant tima or mileage. • Goodyear tire dealers In the U. S. or Canada will make adjustment allow-' anci on naw tire based on original tread depth remaining and current "Goodyear price." than ever. If you're in the market now, we'd welcome the chance to tell QUALITY THICKS Llston a license to box here be- cause of hit police record and »»»••»»•»••»•»»•»»•••»••••»••»•••»•••••••< you about, and let you drive, the new trucks. Just give us a call. fiLWMS CQST LESS his past association with unde- sirable characters. Patterson said that he would See the "New Reliables" now at your Chevrolet dealer's like to fight Llston in March, Bolan said. He talked about an Indoor match with the possibil- ity' it would be held In Madison LANE'S INC. Square Garden. TEL SH 1-0484 WHOLESALE and RETAIL CIRCLE CHEVROLET COMPANY Bolan said he planned to meet with Patterson next week to open COR. MAPLE AVE. and WHITE ST. RED BANK III MAPLI AVENUE RED BANK SHadyild. 14130 preliminary negotiations for the return match. WTOA710N8 WANTED. *W« tm.ua. um mm AUTOS AND TRUCKS AUTOS AND TRUCKS BUSINESS NOTICES HELP WAWTED-iMAlE 28—Thursday, Nov. 8, 1962 FOUND •— If boat on private bet*. 1M2 r.tVVJJJZ VI taut*. Kalae «x> V/«§«»fii Wagon Write "Boat,". PO Box 26, Rumson, terior with matching black tod white FR6E ESTIMATE YOUNG MEN 2040 Y£ARS N. J. interiorir. Fully power equipped. Smooth 1M2 PONTUC CATALINA sil-paMen perform!...,mint. J4&G- ~.- RUSSELL Oldsrnp- Houses ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST—Passbook R16299. Finder please idlllac Co. SH l'OSJO. Ask tor Mr. |M per week to iurt with MWurauimi CUITODW — ElWrieae*! man wains return to the Momnouth county Na- bile-Cadillac Co. SH M»J0. 1M1 CimySLER NEW YORKER nine- Additions Boom Dividers bffitocar. STm. «»u*a. Write LOST AND FOUND paisenger wagohJ air conditioned. Alterations to. AM. Men imalKyUt and doHI « tional Bank, Red Bank. I960 HJULMAN HUSKY , 3. F. PIACENTINO CON8TR1 cepuoaal work admeed rapidly. Net Bk Hi. B«d Bmfc, 1961 FORD ANOLIA 1959 CHEVROLET sll-cyUnder six- ' CO. appcft'TloKt plMsisc yftrsonsllty,' nt OFFICE MAKAOBR - Bookkeeper, full LOST — Black,.wallet wltti cash and Two-door, radio and heater. Only 9.000 passenger wagoig Poplar Ave., Fair Haven, BH 1-7597 iiavt car. If rou en suit Immedlalel chtrge. KictUert referaneei. credential!, Saturday, probably in the PUBUC NOTICE miles. JS50 OS 1.2509. 1959 FORD two-door ranch wagon. call 8H 1-4326 between 11 and U • Mlddletown A*P. Any or all of con- MAURICE SCHWARTZ & SONS FOR TREE WORK CIO trw servicr. 3 and i p.m. only. tents would be gratefully received wit ATTENTION MtDDLETOWN CHEVROLET - 1958 rmpata convert- Plymouth. Valiant. Imperial. Chryale Topping, trimming, removal Call U kivimo AND ODD JOBS. out questions. $40 reward for retur TOWNSHIP ALUMNI AND FRIENDS ible; lovely. If you have a steady Job International trucks. 2-4ZZ0 [or ires estimates Pull msnrs take over payment of 110 week. AD. :overage ' SALEB CLBRK -Retail bunding wltb contents Intact. Jane E. Morro' The 50th Graduating Class presents M1RAL MOTORS, Elizabeth, EL 2-2235. 141 West Front Bt. Red Ban: JHDIil^OCY* at the Register or IB Conover the "1963 ODRANOEU" A copy of. the RAPID SERVICE HEAITHO-Oas. oil terlaJs oompuy deslrei man [amlllai MlddletoWB Village. OS 1-3511. Year Book May Be Purchased By 1560 CHEVROLET — Impala hardtop; 1930 PONTIAC two-door sedan. co|. and electric, water, steam and air. with lumber, mUlwork and hardware Open Dally Till » — satunlar Ml *M Sending A Check Or Money Order for Immaculate. If you have a steady Job lector's Item. Good running condition, Free eitlma.ua. FURNACE CLEANINO. Steady Inside employment. Reply In FINANCIAL COOKMAN AVX. AND MAW ST. LOBT — Small black silk change put J6.00 To The Odranoel Staff, Mlddletown lake over payments of $57 month. rebuilding body but cannot coiriplete, 787-1856. own band•writing, giving all pertlnei PR&-M00 containing Jewelry. Reward. Township Hljh School, Tlndall Rd. Mld- ADMIRAL MOTORS, Elizabeth, EL 2- have lumber. Best offer. Phone OS 1- Informationm.. Write "B.8.," Boi 61 BUSINESS OPPORTUNiTIEJJ SH 7-284? 0751. HOME AND OFFICE CLKAWNO AUD Red Bank. MAINTENANCE — Traih removed BRING YOUR ROLLERS LOST — Friday November '2, 1 MARK'S PIZZERIA — formerly Lou'« 1956 VOLKSWAGEN—Sunroof. Radio, 1961 FORD THUNDERBIRD — Sand from cellars and properties 14 ft. EXPERIENCED route uleunui to CHANCE OF A NSW WINDOW «HAD«S dnlty Shrewsbury Ave.. Red Banl Now open. Specialising In Brick Oven heater. Very clean, S695. Boyle Ram- exterior. Equipped with power steering dump truck. Free estimate*. BH 7-J144. linen supply. Man between agea 35-S4 To jour own business and llvi Put on while you watL Any siu up black suede bag. Reward. 7«-8«6. Pizza In Red Bank. SH 7-98M, bler, Long Branch. CA 2-1461. and brakes. Low mileage, real sharp. with high school education. Oood salary rent iree. Well estattllshed restauranl 12995. RUSSELL Oliismobllc-Cadtllac to largest picture windows. Free rust- LOBT — Black miniature poodle, !i ATTENTION COMMUTERS — 24 hour CADILLAC — 1962 convertible, like union icale. Call or apply at Garden In a prime location wltli /aiuioui view, leas eyelet, free crochet shade pull. parking, one block railroad station in Co. SH 1-0910. Ask tor Mr. Walters. EMPLOYMENT State Towel Supply Co., 211 Edwards All modem equipment, beautifully det- Custom made shades, scallop and male, answers to name of "Fill." Loi new, low mileage, sacrifice. PR 6- Ave., Long Branch. CA 2-0372. orated. Include, private dining room Wednesday morning. 78T-6368 or OS Red Bank. IS per month. BH 1-7430. 3522. PR 4-S2S3. 1960 RAMBLER — Station wagon. Clean and seating c.p»cltjr o/_200. Owner Wl fringe, any type. Prompt delivery. Free M07. condition* standard transmission. Six- HELP WANTED-FEMALE measuring service. Convenient terms. 1961 CADILLAC 60 special. Ebony black cylinder, (1495. Boyle Rambler, Long LICENSED INSURANCE.i*AN - Tfl late back moortgage: . Call for ««ppprproot LOST — Passbook No. L3197. Find with matching Interior. Fully power associate with competitive mutual In- mem andlirtheand ra.»-r- deuills--••-•ll . B-Bildiu ingn , PROWN'S please return to Monmouth county Ni AUTOMOTIVE equipped. Extras include air condition- Brunch. CA J-1461. d ipment 1470 furahctf agency. Alto opportunity tc busineM and equipment $47,00u S Broad St. BH Bank SB 1-78O0 tlonal Bank, Red Bank. AUTOS AND TRUCKS ing, six-way seat and E-Z-Eye glass. 1959 CHRYSLER — Windsor two-dooi handle diversified llnej, such as ren Low mileage. S4395. RUSSELL Old>- hardtop. Gleaming white exterior wltl estate and mutual funds. Send resuno AMERICAN FLYER - Electrlo trains. AUTOS AND TRUCKS moblle-Cadlllac Co. SH 1-0910. Ask formatching Interior. Fully power equinocfl SECRETARY "A.P.," Box 611, Red Bank, 1954 FORD WRECKER — Power, low FINLAY Dlrl'l ice skates, aUe 7. Call SH 7- Mr. Walters, A nice clean car priced at only 11395. J7BJ. . . . mileage. Dolly wheels and accessories. RUSSELL Oldsmoblle-CadlUac Co. SH ACCOUNTANT — permanent poaltlon REAL ESTATE AGENCY Call 787-1616 tram 8 e_m. to 4 p.m. 1855 FORD — Crown Victoria, good 1-0910. Ash tor Mr. Walters. ENGINEERING OFFICE wltb CPA firm, excellent •alary, ex- TWO FIRBSTONB SNOW TIRES - AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - Liabil- condition, real nice, best offer. Call ceptional opportunity for advancement. Eicluilve Sales RepreieaaUre' ftO-U. Eicellenl condition. glS. Call OK USED CARS ity and physical damage. 17*90 can be842-0762. 1961 CHEVROLET — Wagon. Radio, Send resume to Sidney W. Binder, ' 270 Bay Ave. Blfhlandi BH 1-M12. *. Insured. HOUSTON WATERBURY. heater, power glide. Power steerln Must be Capable, Rood typiit, Mejcortai Parkway. Long Branch. 1951 'FORD — Two door V-8 standard S1895. Ray Smith Auto Sales. Hwy ! pleasant telephone voice, sell „ FEW magnificent pieces ol Tiffany SPECIALS! Realtor-Insurer, 18 W Front St. Re* rammlsslon, radio, heater. Good in- Red Bank. BH 1-5Z55. •tarter. ACCOUNTANT—Senior or •emlsenlor cut glass. Some Roger'! A-l flatware, Bank. SH 7-5300 terior. »95. SH 1-1880, after 8. experienced in public accounting fo: Drlc-i-brac. china and Hgurlnei. BH 1- 1S55"DODOB STATION WAGON—Hea AMBITIOUS I 0M7. Suitable for wedding or Christmas .„> PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE - 1957 OLDBMOE1LE — 88 hardtop, ra- sonable. Call after 5 p.m. and all da' To le phone STM321 for appoint- local CPA firm. Send resume an Available tor lease to nuui intereeted 1962 CHEVY II Beatulfully kept one-owner car, fully dio, heater, automatic transmission, Saturday. 787-2407. ment foi Interview. salary requirement* to P.O. Box In nelng his OVA boss, unlimited po- gnu. • ;• • • equipped plus power windows. 872-0408 power steering and brakes. S675 or best Red Bank, tential. Gulf Service Station adjacent MOVING — To apartment, must dis- offer. 291-0591. 1956 RENAULT . DAUPHIKE — Four- Hardtop, Auto. Transmission to new Shop ^Rite BdopplnKhoppfnf Center, pose of at ouce, cheap. Bedroom set. 9999999999? door sedan. $100. BULLDOZER OPERATOR — Sxpei mahogany finished chest of drawers, 1857 PLYMOUTH — Belvedere. Like SH 1-8119 RtE. 36, HAZIJT TRANSPORTATION CARS new condition. V8, automatic, IS95. TELEPHONE SALES enctd. Call after 5 p.m. Small Investment. Three week paid vanity with mirror and bench, night i960 CHEVROLET 1955 BUICK Boyle Rambler, Long Branch. CA 2- 1956 MERCURY — Four-door sedan, CO 4-4071 tralnlnr course to right man. » to table and chair,- like new, spring anil 1955 DODGE 1461. radio, heater, automatic transmission, Part-time or lull-time. Ambition and a weekdays, HE S-MM Nights, weekend mattresi. Brass bridge limp, walnut Bel Air 2-dr. Sta. Wagon 1955 DESOTO whttewall tires. J325 or best offer. 291 pleasant voice ara our requirements. CO 4-1311. bookcase, torch lamp, two twin afie and 1956 FORD 1961 CADILLAC 62 coupe. All white 0591. Selling experience not necessary, we PROCTOR & GAMBLE one double mattress. Very fine speaker Standard Trans., R&H 1199 each with black and white Interior. Fully train you. For Interview phone; Pays, In mshogany case. Wheel inow plow, power equipped Including six-way pow- 1958 FOUR-DOORDOOR FoForrd tnterceplorV. SH 1-001P, extenalon 31. Evenings OS 1 MORTGAGES child'! rocking duck. Many other things. 1953 BUICK WAGON er seats, electric windows and E-Z-Eye cylinder"rd . MMakke otter.tt Hiring young Wen to sample company 1956 PLYMOUTH WAGON I-IO4T products. No Bkiei or solicitation Can only be »en by appointment, call 1955 SIMCA glasi. 13795. RUSSELL Oldsmobile-Ca- OS 1-2860 BH 11100 between 6-7 p.m. . 1959 CHEVROLET (Ililac Co. SH 1-0910. Ask tor Mr. Wai- WO MAI-1 TO WORK in bookkeeping EAL FOR den or recreation .room, 1960 VALIANT — Green V-200, auto- wn. Lew bank rates. Financing ar- ret Oulotta, P. 0, Box ISO, Red Bank. 1311 or 787-6808. Two ilasa Inserts, one screen. w«au>- [xeen Castro convertible jofa* two matic transmission, radio, heater. Ex- rangement! completed ID ODB call at BARBER — Air Force Base Hlghlandi entrlpptd, complete, mil to haul. brown chairs, all zipper cushioned, cellent condition. 37,000 miles. J970. any of our office*. THE MONMOUTH EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIAN N.J. Monday through Friday, 9 a.i matching coffee table, solid wood, »12o. or best offer. 747-2303 alter 7. steady NottUm eitra to bur. CaU today. COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. 8H CO 4-3816 to 0 p.m. Guaranteed talarr plus* com' 8H 7>3»». 1953 PONTIAC Automatic 1000 mission. Call B72-13OO, Ext 498. Attei $23.88 $100 MARINE INSURANCE - Bee us-35 YOUNG WOMAN in 3*)'* or early Oa 7 p.m. Call CA 2-3164. : IniUlIatlon Optional OIRL'S blue tweed coat, size 10-12, years eiperlence. Call today. ROLSTON leather trim. Oirl's Ccglfsh racer 129, 291-1118 for office work, some experience In PART-TIME WRITER, late night worL PROWN'S good condition. Motorola car radio, per- WATERBURY, Realtor-Insurer. 16 W. bookkeeping necessary, will train (or Bayshore area resident wltli ear. News- 1959 CHEVROLET — Bel Air ledan. Front St., Red Bank. SJ1 7-S300. work on Burroughs Bookkeeping and Broad at. Red Bank IB 1-TtOO Tect condition, (20. U 2-1831. V-8. fully equipped, Including air condl paper or professional writing experience MARINE ENGINE REPAIRS - Billing Machines. Call CO 4-3660. requmiredl . Creative work, low pay. CO WE BUY AND BULL anything and MUST SELL — Any offer considered. pairs on all gas engines. Storage SHIRT OPERATOR — Experienced on 4773. everything. Give the highest prices. Wooden kitchen table and two chairs, Call William Utt furniture. Inc.. Hwy.desk chair, riding rotary lawn mower, terlutlon, outboard!, Inboards. SH 1-5150 fronts desirable. Full-time, year round. AMBITIOUS MEN — No experlena Donald's Laundry, 44 Marlon St., Red 3S, Uldillttown SB 1-3313. Open «• studio couch with cover. SH 1-TMt. OUTBOARD BOAT, sturdy, fiber necessary, steady year-round . worlr nlngs tut 9 p.m. water, ,-tj leaks, ashing Bank. Eam while you learn, S06 per wcel JALOUSIED SALES ARE H25. 03 1-1567 after 6:30 p.m. HOUBEKEEPER — To live In. while training. Must be neat and hav USNUBKIZINO tQUlPlUf.NT - r<)l References car. Call MU 1-6026 or 4624074, rent or ulti tree dellTery Soirtlt Jer DOORS AND WINDOWS U FOOT boat. 30 b.p. Mercury motor, «e» HllltOICAL BH l-MH. trailer. In water, J2M. Call CO 4-2589 842-3040 EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC — We are •peclalUti on quality work alter 6 p.m. •ART-TIME WRITER — Lale night Good wagei and benefits. Apply fn JAM BOTART BNOW ...... wl*Ji low prices. Fret ettimaUav 'ork, Bayshore area resident with car. person, Red Bank Auto Imports, 119 Onan 1600-watt generator with startei 17' "61" BROADWATER. 70 h.p. Mer- Newspaper or pro/eitslonal writing ex- But Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank. bailor! ana Mel tank, worth 1379, sell PROWN'S RED cury, electric, built-in tank, all canvas, ierlence required. Creative work, low I22S. will demonstrate. 20-gsL «as hotS3 Broad St. . IB 1-7S0O Red Bank MAN WANTED — 40-hour we«k 3 a.m. lights, fire extinguisher and extras. Pit ay. CO 4-4773. watsr healer, 112. »H I-sllII eienlnis. CRAFTSMAN belt sander, take? 4-2365. to 11:30 a.m, to work in business down- belt, tn. .OUSEKEEPER — Five days a week, town Red Bank. Pleasant working con- SH 7-1401 25' OPEN SKIFF with 05 h.p. Chris lours 2 to 5:30, two children, six and dltions, hospital!zatton. Above average ALTEN8URS PIANO HOUSE Craft Marine. All in good condition >ight. Call OS 1-2966 after 6. Intelligence, manual dexterity and ref- WOOD STORU SASH are still best.' fseri for Sailboat Race Committee. erences required. 741-1123. Rent A Piano $12 par Month Starting i price, S3. S3. Place your order HOT Sacrifice at J850' to avoid winterizing. MORE OPERATORS NEEDED — On liNABK UASUN-BAUUn. •OHJI1CR now. Red Bank Lumber. 9 Wan SL, CA 9-2311. sewing machines. Children's skirts and AUTO MECHANIC — Excellent lob CABLE'NMLAON. BVBIUm RCCK Red Bank. SH 1-5W0. .pa. 264-08J5. for ma" with right qualification*. Call iviokman Ave • Main 8L Aitrarj Pa, CHRISTMAS SALE PIANO — Lauter, emsll tiprtgh,t. four [ALESLADY — Experienced. Curtains Open dally till • Sal till »:» Drastic reductions lore off Lambretta PR e-MOl and half foot high, brown msliogany; 22% off stock boat. nd draperies. Walters, 47 Broad St., BOAT CARPENTER — To Install floor- bench included. Price SU0. HO 2-Wlo. BOAT SKI * SCOOTER CENTER led Bank. ing, bulkheads, cabins, berths, etc. Pro-VINE-PIECS manogsnjr (Unlag room 75 White SU, Red Bank duction, year 'round work, six day set; tnree-plece living room set with LAWSON SOFA, barrel-back chair, 'ANTED — Two experienced waitress- week. Overtime. Ulrlchien-Wilson Boat covers. In good oondltlon. 78T>2930. maple full SUM bed, two night stands, LIGHTNINO No. 8301 Llpplncolt, new 's. Night work. Martini's Diner. Rt. Works, Monmonth Beach. CA 2-48*0. maple dinette table, two mate'a chairs, this year, good racing record. Call 16 and Euclid Ave., East Keanaburg, Evenings. CO 4-4363. UAPLE BET-Bofa, rocker, club chair, •erver. Drexel mshogany buffet. Sea SH 1-5946 after 6. red leatherette, Ideal for den. reason above, call SH 1-02W after five. OUNTER GIRL — Dry cleaners, Ap. AUTO BODY PAINTER—Experienced, Mr. OS l-23ie. ly in person. One Hour Martlnlzlng, Full time, steady work. Apply In per- BUSINESS NOTICES ^pbells Junction. IIOQ Dick Matthews, Red Bank Auto IBWINQ 1IACHINB — Free Westing. FREE INSTALLATION ONE-YEAR IALE3 — Some decorating, part-fne. Imports, 119 Newman Springs Rd., Red lOuse portable with, rotary attachments SOLD RIGHT—SERVICED BETTER 51.5!) hour. ACE EMPLOYMENT Bank. tnr carrying case, «xc«llent condition. ALUMINUM COMBINATION CHARLES HOWER — Mason Con- a BH 7-<81«. STORM WINDOWS tractor. No lob too small. SH 7-4479 or AGENCY. 12 Broad St.. Red Bank. OPPORTUNITY for two college caliber GUARANTEE 3H 7-3494. > fsSWfUTKtUi. A11U1NQ machinea BUY "SURE" AT 5H [-O172. men with sales ambition and manage- 6 for $77 VOMAN — For drug store, tifrt-t'rn*» ment future. Salary f&OOO supplemented AU maaM m u at. Ouarantatd. Triple track, fully weather- stripped, FIREPLACE SCREENS repaired and by commiaslons. Intensive training. Al Low as |25. Serplco's. 101 Monmouth k h : made to order. Bright Acre, SH 7-5555. I to 7, five days. Call OS MOOT cmifinn t Alcoa aluminum, B Z tilt can First Avenue Tier 8. Write, in detail to "A.E.," - Neit to theater IB T-OtM. cleaned irom inilde. Terms.- • CHRYSLER Bright Store, 811 7-2222. Red Bank. RN.nnl NURSE'S'.'IDES — Wanted, BAYSHORE PLYMOUTH Atlantic Highlands GENERAL CLEANING—Cellars. yarde "•or appointment call BUTCHER — Butcher'si helper and PROWN'S and attics. Also ot'jer cleaning tie WG-42M weekend butcher. Steady position, live SALE Reaionable. 787-1856. dfiys. SABATOS PORK STORK. BO6 Alcoa Aluminum Gutters 33 Broad Bt BH 1*7500 Be4 Baait L H. HILL — Painter. Contractor. iPPLICATtONB now being taken for Main St., Belford. 787-9119. Get our completely Installed price. TUB UPSTAIRS THRIFT SHOP - No lob too large or too small. Call io]lday help. Full and part-time hours Best ot all. Installed by experts. CAU. buy* aod sellg dotting, tun, toys, and 747-9830. available. Apply in person. NEWBER- NOW. Uake an appointment for our •mill ItouJeJioId Items. Anything In good RY'S. Broad St.. Red Bank. HELP WANTED—Male - Female representative to see you at home some condition accepted on consignment. 6 HANDYMAN WITH TRUCK - Cellars; STAID — To live In six days, Sunday* night this week. East Front St., Keyport, upstairs. Hours attics, yards cleaned. Light hauling. off Own room, balh and TV. Only EXPERIENCED MEAT WRAPPER 10 to 4:30. Tuesday, eveolsc unUl 9. SH 1-2595 any time. reliable person with reference- "-H (Pull-Ume* PROWN'S CO 4-8013. TRENCH DIGGING — Laterals, pipe applv. Had previous girl 11 years. Call EXPERIENCED MEAT WRAPPER road St. SH 1-7500 Red Bank NS DIAMOND RINQ — Uuat telL trenches, sprinkler systems. Hour or (Part-time) Call after 5 p.m. contract. CA 2-3239, or CA 9-2004. EXPERIENCED PRODUCE MAN USED REFRIGERATOR — Excellent MZ-0381 H0U8EWORKER — TuesH**- and Fri- Full Benefits condition. Will accept resjonabls offer. SHARPENING—Sheara . knives. Every- day. Must be experfennr'rt and well Apply la person IH 1-3W. BAUS — Antique sell)* shaving flaivl, thing that has an edge. Mn\ Matern, recommended. Call 7*7-13;in Victorian rocker, china, gltu, etc CO 10-B West Front St, Red Bank. EBKB - gu up. flits |lb up. chairs, SHOP RITE adding machines, typewriters, manual nELLARS, Attica and Oarages cleaned. HELP WANTED—MALE 1200 Rt. 35 Mlddletawn and 'einctrte, office equipment ete. Al Closson ft Son. Call oargaln prices. New or used. AAC Desk t 737-5347 BA11B JGMPLOi'll.ENT AQKNCI ~ Rt. 35. Oakhurst. KI 1-39M SOLID... ELECTRICIANS wanted for new house qualified Personnel Fot Quality Orders PIANO SALE INTERIOR PAINTER — Any type In- wiring. Large housing project_in Mat- ,arf 210 Broad Loin Branch OA S-4747 All New . . . From 1386. Delivered. terior painting, by contract. Free es- CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! Anderson Htulc, 30 Broad fit. Wl 5-4071 after 9 p.m. REAL OPPORTUNITY OPEM !or ex- Is the word which best describes theda tiling new 1963 matea. Fred Wicks. 046-8551. perienced rraj estate person. Highway Qlv* yonr child » sift of a lifetime REVERE — 8 U. M. Movie Camera UOMENICO PRIMERANO Ci.'pe OIL Bt'UNER — pTv'ce man, yearly imullple Listing ol(lc« needs help wltb VAN OIL PAINTING and equipment complete. Excellent Oldmobile. Ih distinctive new design and its new rocket ter, contractor. All klnila o[ carpente poaltlor. benefits. Write qualification! waik-ms and phone*. Oood leads go- ol his favorite toy or doll. Reasonable condition Best offer. Call 872-1431 be- work, alterations. SH 1-9763. to "A.K ."' Box 511, Rftl Banlt. ing begging, P. 0. Box 208. Middle- rate*. CO 4-7904. tween 0 aad.fl p.m- town, N J. engines packed with punch . , . make it one of the best AUTOS AN") TRUCKS LARQB HAP CASE - 33" high by IT* AUTOS AND TRUCKS EDWARDS EMPLOYMENT AOHNCY SJkLE wide, .toltls 20 maps. Kor miormatlon new car buys of the year! (nncetltEiecntiva-Siles-Oiflca-Domestlr and ability «lth hl*n crtme* come to Th6> Red Banlt Register office, Cook A Dunn paint, white latex or Oat«H3 Broad Bt. Red Bank. 80 Broad Bt BH 1-0977 Red BumInterior finish base. I2.M fal. ACK tJMPUiylllSN-F APBNCV SHOP BY PHONE Uvary urder 4 soplicant our apeclnlr. PROWN'S 'ree quick dally delivery In Red Bank I? Rroad 81. Kert Bank 8H 134H Broad St Red Bank 8H 1-7900 area. Outlying- dHlrlcis Wednesdays "PLYMOUTH'S GOING and Saturdays. Discount prices. INSTRUCTORS — Accordionist. Oood HIGH CHAIR ~ Stroller, carriage, car- paying position tor beach rights, momenta from ahopplng. WALKER & WALKER hunt weather strip windows and many other extraordinary features. Rtllin MONMOUTH AND APPROPRIAT- • Trs.ru** ot in oilioilieer Jdnd )U privacyl You'JJ flad It prr« Kftmary, June; Sylvia, Ward. Col- proper, shall approve th* s&m«* In B Broad «. KM Bank IB 1-7M0 mediate occupancy. ROLSTON WATER- HOUSES FOR SALE place with the family In Ihia friendly HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Union, Wilson, Thorn*. Maplewood BURY. U WT Front 8t, Red Bank. irame Cape wlUi large bedrooms, tile the event the chairman of ttw Fi- Section 1; Acker Drive; Nile* Ave- nance Committee is unavailable, for SB 7-3900. bath, expansion attic. It baa a garage nue ; Bayilde Parkway; Swattxel MERCHANDISE WANTED — '" - a JSzUO lot. None the presentation of th« claim prior THREE ROOMS AND BATH — Fur- FAIR HAVEN - Three-bedroom Drive: Swimming River Road; Bar- to th* next Borough m*etlor> iha nished. One or two adults. No pets. BE R G Colonial. Living room, dining BERG bara, Terrace; liorrti Avenue, and claim/shall b* presented to any oth- WAHTBD m Herbert St. Red Bank. at the Juihandlei at Crest view er member or the Finance Com- UMl> OBJXNTAL RUOI Realtor LOWER THE BOOM room, full basement, large de- Drlv* and Woodland Drive; Maple mitte*. After the claim* hiv* thus BATONTOWN — Two-room efficiency tached garage. In good condition Realfor Avenue and Garfleld Avenue; Long- beta presented, the cam* smalt apartments. 130 weekly and up. In- wood Avenue, Andover Street and either D* approved or -disapproved • PR 44M* Inakp CA J-TOJ. cludes ntflltlef and maid service. Sur- NO DOWN PAYMENT Here li a lovely frame ranch with throughout. Price 115,000. Brighton.Avenue, all at a cost not larje bedrooms and Closets, tile bith with reasons for disapproval aod. PIANOS WAtBWO-aiOmtgT PIUCBI rey Mow, Hwy. So. 1J a-3233. to PRESIDENT KENNEDY to exceed th* euro of $180,000.00. ' returned to th« Borough Clark who and science kitchen, located on 50x120 SECTION 2. That this ordinance sfcal) alum then present UUM claim* to COUNTRY SETTDIO - One mile Red 3% DOWN lot. If you fluallly, no down vets, H50 MIDDLETOWN—Split level built lifted the Cuban Quarantine while U taka tffeet after paisage, publication Sank nation. Jtt rooms, unities, 1100. down non. vet. 1% yean old. Only Thant negotiated. Be your own Secre- the governing body tor fornw V* in 1956. Living room, separate tary-OeneraJ and negotiate the purchase and approval M provided by law. proval or disapproval iti r**ular I BUT USED UPR1OHT PIANOS — Vels • $93 Per Month 114,500. dining room, recreation room, of this fabulous four-bedroom home Nov. l" 8 S4ttt m*etlnc or at & regular adjourned Call IB I-fflM Tuuday or Tnunday THREE ROOKS — FtunKHed, prirate equipped with two full baths, huge at- jnMtirit;. arming after T p.m. or anytime Bunday entrance, Couple only. Your dollar (oei further than our astro- VOTE BONDED VOTE three bedrooms, one bath, at- tached garage, on a well-landscaped, OLD sous* ahutura, picture frame! 8H 1-1372 naut! when you buy this out-of-thls- tached garage, large lot with fenced-in property. City sewers. Alumi- Noncfc BECTION 4, The) Htyof may world rttii rancher. Lovely living num storm sash and many extras. See approve claims prior to the time ehavtat muas^ Iron banks, .etc. Write MKO BRANCH — Furnished apart- Urge bedrooms, tile bath, modern complete privacy in rear. Price NOTTCK 18 HKREBY OXVXN that the they ar* presented to tha governing Wllk.ns. Wain It Port almmouth. ments. Four rooma and bath. Heat room, separate dlnlne area, kitchen. it now. following Is a> true copy of an Or- and water supplied. CA (.IMS. three large-tired bedroom* and. bigkitchen, clean, warm oil heat and only $16,000 Substantial 4%% mort- $500 Down body faf approval. Wftero the May- WILL PAT Vf TO $U - Tor VMM batb, Attic, baiement and utility room W9.42 monthly when you assume a gage may be assumed. dinance that waa Introduced at a meet- or does not approve claims} prior to upright planoa. Call mornings. UNFURNISHED THREE ROOMS—Hill- aluminum atorma. ecreeni and win' 4V/1 mortgage. The lot Is big, 120x175, $15,500 Full Price Ing of the Township ^Committee of th* tim* they are presented to/ the side location lu Atlantic Highlands. All dowi and range toa Immediate posses the price is small, fis.000. the Township of Mlddletown regularly governing body for approval, It UUIIUM. IK. FURNISHED bachelor alon at eloftng. RED BANK — The best resi- held, and wu pawed on.first reading, •hall be til* duty to Incorpont* In OLD ELECTRIC TRAINS — Lionel, apartment 175. 2*1-1491. Who put the low prices on these THE BERG AGENCY " was laid over (or i«cond and fl- th* oCtioiai minutes, by signta* I»ei ami American riyer. made prior $11,900 Full Price homes? Who did that? Why we did. dential section of town, the most paasarB at tha regular meeting th« approving Resolution or by ap- to 1M0. IH MM alter » p.m. those little old money savers at livable home we've seen in many "Personalized Service" to be held on Wednesday - evening, proving the schedule ot claims ap- COMMERCIAL RENTALS Bonded, that's wbo. November U. 1M2, at th* Mlddletown proved by the gov«mlnc bodr, that moons. Paneled den with rustic OSborne 1-1000 Township Hall, at 8:00 F.U., at which be has examined the tame and has PITS AND LIVKSTOCK time publlo hearing will be held upon officially approved the •am* - tor LOPOB ROOM tor rent. Center ol THE BERG AGENCY beamed ceiling living room, :he same and all perton* given an town. Could b« used also for otnee BONDED with fireplace, conventional din- St. #35- ltfiddletown, N. J. payment where the Fr«cld«at of BANIMOMB MALE CAT — One ytir. ipac*. Approximately 1400 n ft Writ. "Personalized Service" opportunity to be heard., attd after pub- Council Is acting, in,the pla** «ad jMuscoroken. affeeUoaat*. Good wits /LODGE' BOX ML Red Bank. Real Estate Agency ing room, three good sized bed- Daily 9-9 Saturday, Sunday. 10-7lic hearing the same wlU be up for •tead of tha Mayor pursuant to children. 08 1-2389. consideration on second and lisa] pas- lAvr, then and la tin* •rent U» STORE FOR RENT — On While It OSborne 1-1000 U.S. Highway 1, Avenel rooms, 1% baths.'Seeing is be- Pra*lde6t ol Council may MWtova CHUNK QUAKTtR HORSE. Morgan. Red Bank. Call Route #35 Middletown, N. J. lieving. Price $26,000. HOWAKD W. ROBERTS, otelnu M Acting Mayor in lite Mare. Itandi H.J «ulet am gentle, rib- «H 7-U00 ME 6-0550 LITTLE SILVER ^- Ranch home. Liv- plftee and «tead ot th* Mayor. bon winner. HUM MIL Ceil altar Daily 9-9 Saturday-Sunday 10-7 ing room !3x2L full dining room, den, TowpjhJp Clerfct p.m. CO 4*496>. OFFICES roa RXHT - Center ol Remember, wa are open seven dayi three bedrooms, 2Vt bathe, plot 112x350. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZtNa THB 8£OHON 0. Clalnif thall &e con- town. Heat furnished Call a wees! WEART-NEMETH Neu station, and shopping. f23,M0. PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT AND SB 7-11OI aide r*d bv th* sovemlns; body REOIsTXRED MINIATURE POODLES MACHINERY 1FOR USE IN THB which shaU approve the sams, ex- reasonable. Steeliest reputation. Call HWY 38 — Hailet modern office, three BEACH AGENCY AGENCY CAPE COD — Living room llaU. OFFICES OP TfflB TAX COL- cept that said govarning body may ^ alter I P.m. CA HTM. modern Kitchen, fireplace, loilr bed- LECTOR, TAX ASSESSOR AND r*|ect any claim preeeoted to It four, five, six room suites, also one or COLONIAL rooms. 92000 dotvn, 0U% interest GERMAN IHEPHERD PUPPIES - two rooms. Ideal for lawyer or doctor LOOK WHAT WE FOUND REALTOR TREASURER OF THE TOWNSHIP stating ttm reason for such reiec- In tnese dayi of hlgti prices we have Large tree-ihaded borne in a very mortgage aisumptlon. 1124 all carrying OF MIDDLETOWN AND APPRO- tlan. Any disapproved claim ehall U£ cellllen" l background, three etlU avail- or any buslneesman. Excellent location, cha.rr.ei. H5,6OO. CA MML large parking lot 2164673. truly found a bargain in this clean ezcellent area. Three double bed- 102 WEST FRONT ST. PRIATING THB COiT/ THEREOF be referred back to the Borough •on. c. three-bedroom home; located one block rooms, beautiful living room and fire- AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE Cl*rk wtut men lnstracUoni u the GERMAN SHEPHERD pupplea, AKC OFFICE — Next to Bell Finance Co., Iron, ncbool near ihopplng and trans- place, dining room, beautiful en- SHadyslde 1-2240 OF BONDS AND, NOTES TO FI- governing body mar give at the reflitered. ten and ball weeka ol<3 Highway 31 Mlddletown. OS 1-0177, 0 portation. Cozy t*M heat, aluminum cw.ed porch, lull basement, garage. Schanck Agency NANCE THE PUR0HASB OF SAME Urn* of disapproval. Oood temperament, rcry healthy. Call write P.O. Box 7>, Mldrftetown.- • BtoruM and acreeni plu* mare. Secluded, yet children dr. walk to 24-HOUR SERVICE NOT EXCEEDING- THJB BUM OF alter 11* 322-338°. or 232-2881. Full price only flO.900 whool and church. Really a most ap- ' -I Realtor $22,000.00. ... SECTION C, It ehsil be Ui* duty Qualified VeU No money down peallne home vou should see. Reduced Member Red Bank Area S Linden tt. . Ret-Bank BB IT ORDAINED by tha Town*h\p ol the Boroogn Clark to record all IHtEP — U feeder Iambi and bred HOUSES FOB KENT Approximately f7t per month pay* all. to $22,600. WMB9J Committee of- th* Township of Middle- claim* \n the official mlnutts In* ' ewea, WU1 aeU •eparaUly oiui flock. Multiple Listing Service Uember Multiple town in the County of Monmouth: dicatldg that ttte gonroloc body 7»HXO altar S p.m. Subject to mortgage approval. CROWELL AGENCY, Realtor RUMSOrr — Unfurnished bungalow with Beach Agency, 11 E. Front Bt., Red Bank SH MOM SECTION 1. That the Township ol has by formal svctlon appiioved too MALE BEAOLE PUP — Efat* WMka living room, kitchen, bedroom and bam 1400 Hwy. 35, Middle town MidfUetowti purchase one Cash Regis- same with appropriate record a* hot water oil heat «7} monthly. Adult ter and Receipting Machine Including to may claim* disapproved or re- aid, AKC r«l»ter«d, a leaTbeauty, , , . OS 1-2727 $7,300 jected. inmt eell. P&. PR t-TZW. eotrpU only. JOHN L. MXNUOH, Heal. JBLBERON — 909 Van Court Will SHOREWAY LIKE NEW * Stand, for use In the offices of th* Louifiana styling two-bedroom ranch. Tax Collector, Tax Assessor and Treas- SECTION 7. It shall be the duty BAtSXT HOUND PUPPIES - AKC, landfcaped lot, 152x130' Newly painted n bungiloir, gas neat, enc)o«ed urer of the Township of Middle town, «UMt UKUCCTtOK OF KBHTALS - and decorated. Five rooma, $13,400. porch, good location. Early possession. Tile bath, modern kitchen, central gas ol the Borough Clerk ot such other fUl UlllUM sHd UfBIBlUWL InnBayi1 HJU b, call owner 842-I00L Gl and FHA terma available. REALTY CO. heat; 24* covered patio, on tree-shad all at a coat not to exceed the aum ofaoer designated by Resolution of ed 50x100 lot.1 One block from boat of $22,000.00. tin governing body, to Indicate on COLLIE POPPIES — AKC ntiKerM. tl* oeeopuo. Sum. TficAtr Anne; MIDDLETOWN •- Seven-room spill re Hwy. 35 Holmdel marloa and beach. S10.900 or best SECTION 2. That the sum of $23, •aid claim* that they have been- ap- ialHdwtm ehlldna tor children. BO panslon attic, dead end street- lm- CASEY'S AGENCY. INC. offer. Owner. PI 3- IM* Ki uta Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sun Ized to be Issued for the purpose of tor the payment thereof, wblch I1S.500. Call CO 4-7828. TIRED OF THE ORDINARY? — Then day 12 noon to » p.m. SH 7-2S36. •aid chscka «ball be signed by the each, IT Stephen St. WIO »12» rat Month you should see this 160-year old re- financing the cost of laid purchase. .Mayor and the Borough Clerk and Hailet THB BERO AOEKCt NEW SHREWSBURY — Four bedroom stored home. Four bedroomi, two batm. APPRAISED FOR $16,250 The total amount of bonds issued shall MI ranch, two baths, garage, fireplace, ASKING PRICE (14,900 ' not exceed tha sum of $20,900.00 which ' thereafter 'countersigned by the AKC — Small Poodles, ScHnauuri, m. *» bsuement. Many improvements. Excel- Living room 18x38, beamed celling, YE OLTJE SHREWSBURY — Execu- is the eilJmated amount of bond* or 'Treasurer or other, chlsf financial YorkJhlr* Terrier. NIC* aelectton of lent location. LI 2-1501 after 5 p.m. Pine paneled walls, built In bookcues, Nice three-bedroom, three-year tive ranch borne In very fine area. notes to be Issued. The maximum officer. After preparing chtclu tor healthy, Inoculated pupa va«Oi WE HAVE an overflow of bona fide Plank floors, large fireplace, 15" Eng- Three bedrooms, two tiled baths, large amount of money io ba raised from the payment ot claim*, he •hail •rospecls looking for two to [our bed-UNCROFT — Two large bedrooms, lish picture window overlooking watei»: old ranch. Baseboard heat, sci- record them In proper book* of ac* mm TEAR OLD OELOIKO—aentle. large living room, ceramic tile bath, Dining room 14x15, formal French den, 26' living room, separate dining nil sources for the said purpose Is good child's horse, Anyone can xlde rooml Call us for fast action to have ence kitchen, full dining room, room, large open basement, two-car the sum ot $22,000.00. count and tii*r*aCtex mail or other- mod dilldl ho your home rented. THE BERG AOEN- large kitchen, breezway, garage, dry doors. Kitchen, built-in refrigerator. dryer included. 100x150 lot. Own-garage. Large landscaped plot. Many wise distribute the checks to th* tlm. HJO. IH T CY, Rt 39. Mlddletown. OS 1-1000. basement, expandable attic, sarubbed hot 175x150. Asking 926,500. Bulkhead SECTION 3. It 1* hereby determined olalmants, grounds. Owner sale. SH 7-2219. waterfront- CHAFFIN AOBNCV, Keal- er has purchased another home. extras. $39,500. Call owner lor ap- and declared as follows: THREE ROOM BUNGALOW — Bath, tora, Hwy 35, Eatontown. U 2-1153. Intment, SH 1-70TS. No brokers. (a) That all bond* or bond anticipa- .SECTION 9. In th* cast 0t pay- REAL KTAtl FOR RENT furnished, all lmprovementa. Close to FAIR HAVEN — 108 Ridge Rd. Four- Bhorc Multiple Haling Bervice. tion notes Issued pursuant to this or- rolti, th* appropriate department Ft Monmouth. U 2-06113. bedroom Colonial, Iwo baths, terrace, UTTLE STLVBR - Cape Cod cottage. dinance shall bear Interest at » rate heads or such officer or employee fireplace, large lot beautifully land- AUTHENTIC EARLY AMERICAN CO- Immaculate, knotty pined, five rooms, APARTMENTS COUNTRY HOME — Overtooklnc hllli large screened porch. Near station and rot exceeding six per centum per an- a* may be designated by Resolution scaped. Call owner, 842-1001, LONIAL — Custom built, down to the NEW SPLIT LEVEL ' num, and the maturities, form and all of the governing body, shall pre- and valley, furnished. For rent by the natural cedar shakes and gambrel roof- transportation. Call BH-I80J. other matter* not determined herein pare the necessary payrolls for all year. Three bedrooms, 2V> baths, fire- M[DDLETOWK — St James Parish, line. Only one year old, "Thla beautiful Six Pleasant room*, t&ree bedrooms, place, secluded. Near Bell Labs. 1175 four large bedroom*, 16' kitchen, full Wt oaths, garage, good location foi 'ANORAMIC WATER VIEW of Bandy shall be determined by resolution or employees, which payrolls shall be house 1B surrounded by tall treei and family with children, bus pick-up lor resolution! of the governing body of duly certlDM by the person au- GARDEN APARTMENTS ier month. ROLBTON WATEBBURY. basement, garage, large lot. Walk to a running brook to the rear that Is a Hook Bay and New York Harbor. Older ihe Township ot Middle town adopted thorized to certify that the lerv- OtfB AND TWO-BEDROOMS. Sltueted Ualtor. It W. Front St., Red Bank. bun.'"Aisume *hi% Ol mortgage witii picture to see. The gracious entrance schools. Mlildlctoim 117,800. Colonial »et high on a hll) In century monthly payments of SllO or we will old tree*. Spacloui living room, dining pursuant to law. loes have been . rendered and tfi* h the belt Red Bank reildenllr BH 7-JMO. Hall, a living room, for formal enter- (h) Thai the period of usefulness a* Amount specified Is-in fact due and area. 1140 p*r month and up. arrange easy Financing tot you. $17,500. taining, a family room for playful chil- Dial 741 -7200 room and kitchen, (our lied room*, two SEA BHIGHT—Year rounA five loom*. E.R. BNYDER A CO.. Realtor*, Five bithJ, basement and garage. Open leflned by the statutes of New J*r> owing to th* > employ** or em- dren gives this house a warm and PHILIP J. BOWERS * CO. iey is hereby determined to be fifteen ployee*. Bald payroll ahalt tiwn be Dial 741 -7200 Available November 15. $95 per month. Corners, Mlddletown. OS 1-2580. - glorious feeling. The many extras have porch on front and tide face the water H 1-1111. Real Estate Since 11H and all thli for *17,S00. ELWOOD A. .15) years. approvsd by th* department head PHILIP 1. BOWERS * CO. FOUR BEDROOMS — J17.000. A little ta be seen to be appreciated. Only (c) That the supplemental debt state- responsible therefor and preMnttd 'LORIDA — Completely furnished two- asking $34,500. THOMPSON A. BAR- WALTER B. OVEBT0N ARMBTRONO AGENCY, Realtor, 555 bll of heaven 1' In this immaculate Prospect Ave., Little Silver. 8H 1-4600. ment required by «. S. 40A: 2*42 to the governing body tor approval Real Estate since 18M bedroom house directly on Crescent Cape Cod situated on a dead-end street TELL Realtors. BH 7-5600. Affiliate wai, prior to the paflsagc of thl* ordi- and, alter approval, ehall be paid WALTER 8. OVERTON Beach. Just south of Bt Augustine. with lovely grounds and mmy tieea. «0 White St. Red Bank RED BANK — Five-room home with nance on first reading, duly made la due course. Atnilate Two day beds and (wo sofaa In family An Idea.) location for children. Living EXECUTIVE HOME — Five bedrooms, asement and garage. Quiet location and filed In the office of the Township room. Central heat Boat ramp on the room, dining room, kitchen, tour bed- three baths. Off Navealok River Rd. Opt>ostte Uunlclpal Parking Lot rlthln walking distance of ttoree and Clerk of the Township of Mlddletown SEcnON 10, Whenever claims « WblW «. R«d Bank Intracoastal Waterway. Convenient to rooms, bath and full basement. waterfront. J59.500. 40-year loan. No •hopping- Qood for retired couple or and laid supplemental debt statement are presented tor Mlmbursement Oppoelte Municipal Parklnl Lot recreation and entertainment. X20O per THOMPSON ft BARTELL, Realtors. down payment flH 1-2233. small family. 114,900. R E D DK N show* that the gross debt of said for actual and necMiary traveling month plus utilities. Wrfte Mr. William expenses Incurred by. local official* 9!I 7-5600. FOUR-BEDROOM RANCH — Two AGENCY, Realtors, 301 Maple Ave., Township of Mlddletown as defined In J. Casey. 1301 N.E. "11 Terrace, aalnas- EATONTOWN — Three-bedroom ranch, corner Bergen PI., Red Bank. T4T-8X00- Section 40A:2-43 ol the Revised Statute* wh*r* authorized to travel by the vllle, Florida or call 373-3291. RUM8ON WATERFRONT — Moflern baths, garage, lull basement, % acre. finished basement, large garage, !l(,«00 Borough, such claims shall be THREE ROOMS —'Furnished, second ranch with large screened porch over- May aaaume VA% mortgage. LI 2-3162. 11 Kremer Ave., LI 2-3268. it Increased by this ordinance by $30, itemized and supported by receipt* floor. Conrenlentlr located. AU utili- rAIR HAVEN — Immediate occupancy, looking water. Three bedrooms, beamed 900.00 and that the obligations author* wher* available and pr***ntM a* tlder home completely - renovated. Mod .INCItOFT — Five room ranch on LOTS AND ACREAGE ked by .this ordinance will bo -within ties supplied. Call SH 14281 or BH 7- ceilings throughout. Private dock, re- one acre built In 1956. Priced to fell. ..-SB IS REAL DO-IT-YOURSELF — the debt limitations prescribed by the , ars ot!i«r etalnu la order to obtain •T28. :rn kitchen new bath, new heating duced to J22,50a ROLSTON WATER- SH 1-8642. Five rooms, one bath, fireplace, full nimbursament for such fxpiottt. >lant, etc. Two large bedrooms, large BURY, Realtor. 1« W, Front Bt., Red cellar with water; lively brook running CHOICE SELECTION of two-lO-tbree Local Bond Act. ATLANTIC BlaBLANDS-Flve room., Evlng-dlnlng room, laundry outlet, 1^ Bun*. BH 7-35O0. 'AIR 11AVEN — Custom built, four- by the side of this home. Wbat do acre wooded plott. Oak, beech and (d) That the amount of the proceeds ART1CLB 12. ;-, two batbe, newly decorated, fumimed. laths, iltt per month. Wm. Hall EH 1 dogwood, tome with view and brook, of the bonds or notes authorized by year-old two-story colonial, four bed- you want for 110,000? To see It call PONAunx7 a ~ Beat and utlUtfes. 35 mile view In- IMS. MIDDLETOWN — Owner moving, rooms, 2H baths, den, large modern COLSTON WATERBURY, Realtor, 18 others tilth and rolling, deed reitrlo thli ordinance which may be expend- IBCTX0H~L"' Any person v.ot»t- cludlni New York city. Call before i. priced for immediate sale, three-bed- kitchen on three-fourths acre wooded W. Front at, Red Bank. 811 »-3K». tlon to protect purchaser. SB. D0O and ed for Interest on the obligations to fi- Ing any of tha provision* ot this PR <-nis or after s, 2»M7 fin* not tarally room, two-car, garage. Immedi- $17,000. 03 1-2952. MARlt: COX AGENCY [. I MS-4144. rf *uch obligations, and other mst- to exceed Two Hundred, DoUan unfurnished, all Improvements. ate occupancy, gl75 a month, year's EASY CHAIR AND flLIPPERS-That's SEVEN ROOMS — Two baths, oil REALTORS A INSURORB, ATLANTIC HIOHLANP3—Lot lOftriM. tars specified In Section 40A:2-20 of the (1300.00) or b* imprisoned tor > lease. ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG, heat, garage. Near school, bus, train. Ravlsed Statutes of New Jersey, Is not term not to exceed njnety (W), AGENCY, Realtor, 555 Prospect Ave., the first Impression you get when you SH 1-8526. . Member Bhor* - Residential, wocxled; ares. Write "AQ" exceeding the aum of $500.00. TWO ROOMS FURNISHED - All utlll- LIUle Silver. SH 1-4500. enter this handsome colonial with lta Multiple Listing Bervlct , Box fill. Red Bank. dayi, or both. ties, parking space. 0 ahrewibury A».., emphasii on gracious living. Formal HOLMDEL — Near BeJ] Labs, brick 1 SECTION 4. Pending the Issuance of SECTION 2. Thli ordtnaoo* shall Red Bank. , •HBEK BEDROOMS, living room, illn- dining room, beamed celling, powder framed seven room ranch. Walk out fortaupecic CHOICE 'ACREAGE — New Shrews* said bonds, the cost of said work may :ake effect upon Us passage and pub- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - 18 First ig room, kitcnen, tile bath, garage, room, fireplace, rustic type den with basement. 2M. baths. 916-4121. 93 Co mane in Drive CA 2-1602 bury, 10 acres, must sell, $7,500 or be temporarily financed by the Issu- lication according- to law. at water neat. PR 44210. matching bookcases and small bar for best offer, hi 2-41B2. ance of bond anticipation notes, and PUBLIC NOTICK Ave Three large rooms, modern bath AVAILABLE! — Six room house, $19,700. PRICED FOR QUICK 8ALB — Newly each of satd notes shall contain a re- larae foyer, heat supplied, air condi- NAyESINK — Attractive five-room Informal entertaining. All these added 71i* foregoing ordtnanc* wa* intro- tioned. «89. BOWTKLL Rtal Estate features make this home an extra 187 Hudson Ave., Red Bank Call eve- decorated three-bedroom ranch, excel- cital that It Is Issued In anticipation duced and passed first reading at a house, full basement, garage, large ecial value at $26,000 THOMPSON nings for appointment, BH 1-1207. lent condition, convenient location, FHA REAL ESTATE WANfEI> of the Issuance of bonds, and shall regular meeting of the Mayor and 2B1-J100. , line kitchen, on bus line, one block appraised 119,300, asking $18,500. OS 1- decr.be In general terms the purpose rom school. S110 monthly. OB 1-3733. BARTKLL, Realtors, SH 7-5600. $2000 DOWN, $124 month Includes taxes Council of the Borough of R*A Bank LONG BRANCH — Two rooms Mr- and Insurance for this four-bedroom 1237. YOUX HOMH WANTBD — Why list or purposes for the financing of which held on Monday, November 8, 1M9. and Dished. All utilities Included. 170 month LEONARDO — Fiva rooms. Available IOLONIAL SPLIT LEVEL — Near with usf We advert)»o extensively in the note Is Issued. All such notes may will come up for final consideration CA 34M». shopping center. Three bedrooms, den, two-bath, tidy Cape Cod, with fire* the newspapers, radio and publish * be Issued tot a period of not exceed- Dec. 1 Reasonable rent. 201^0317 from place. Quiet street for children. Only PAUL. It SrnYKER, Realtor. V&rmi and paw*** « a regular meeting ot to 7 p.m. Baturdays until 12. playroom, screened porch, built-in catalog for home seekers. We are mem- ing one 11) year, and may be renewed said governing body lo be held on THREE-ROOM furnished apartment, range and dishwasher, baseboard heat, ;15,5OO. MuBt be seen today! ROLBTON from time to time for per lew) a of not complete privacy, utllltle* JiKftuded, WATERBURY, Realtor. 16 W. Front and Urra estate a, Statt UlghWAy 34, bers of the TWR, a national real estate Monday, November 19, 1002, at 8:30 IATE HOUSE — Quaintly furnished, IV, baths,, brook at rear of property. ST., Red Bank. 811 7-3500. referral service. We are "Home Trad- exceeding one (1) year, but such Ml. at the Council Chambers In the acrois from Fort Monmouth Hoipltal. re. bedrooms, 2tt baths, fireplace, Elcellent buy. 122,900. REDDEN Holradel. Phon« 818-4114. ers" - two offices, "11 MU time sales ntitcs, Including renewals, shall mature Municipal But M Ing, 32 Monmouth 139 Main St. Oceanport. pen porch, mi per month. ROLSTON AOENCY. Realtors, 301 Maple Ave., i7 POPLAR AVE — West Lnng Branch, people. Call WALKER * WALKKR. and bo paid not more than two (2) Street, Ited Bank, New Jersey, at UNFURNI8HBD APARTMENT—Newly VATEBBimr, Realtor, 15 W.Front Bt., comer Bergen PI, Red Bank. 741-BtOO. jarge corner lot close to school, shop* Realtors. Members Red Bank Area years from the flats of the original which time and place All persons d*> decorated, five rooms and bath, 1110 a - • Bank. BH 7-3500. ilnK center and community center, DON'T BUY — EXCHANGE Multiple Listing Service, Shrewsbury. notes, except HE specifically provided siring to lie heard thenon will be giv- TRANSFERRED OWNER — Offering 1 Ration level with IH baths. thli one lor yourself. SH 7-J684. day. 129,900. WALKER * WALKKR, Ilrtt floor, private entrance. Three 210 per month. Security fequlr^d. FOR THE FIRST TIME — We offer Hwy 3tv ShKWftmiry. SH 1-0212. 24- qualified opinion as to fair market rooms, unfurnished newly painted. Con- Tearly lease, TEICHER AGENCY. 287 MATAWAN — Builder's personal home. this custom spilt level. Bright, modern Hour Service. value; hold an open house for tale*- venimt to churches, stores, and trans- iceanport Ave.. Oceanport. 512-3JWO. Colonial ranch on Vx acre of wooded kitchen; full dining room, large living men to Intpect the property; and give portation^ Heat and utilities Included. ground. Six rooms, gorgeous fireplace, room., three spacious bedrooms, finished KOR THB FAWII.Y -,. Paahlonable our home preferred advertising. There RED BANK REGISTER CLASSIFIED RATES THRBB-BEDROOM RANCH — Untui'- full basement, one-oar garage. Beauti- family room, attached garage, patio. nir Oakf colonlsl. Ideal for the exec- a no eitra co«t Involved. Every mem- nlehed, all year 'round. Lease yearly, ful living. Call LO 8-1223. No down vels. ,$450 down non vets. utive with lirga family who muit live ber Is a Realtor. You enn put your 1 Day 42c Lln« THREE-BOOM apartment, all utllltlis 110 per month. SWEENEY AGENCY. Subject to VA and FIIA approval. In top location. Living room with fire- confjrtencfi in a Realtor. Consult pas* >ost Office Building, Sea Bright, 81?- 3 Days Consecutive J2c lint furnished buslneea couple preferred. UNCROPT — Very attractive iplft Only $14,000 at FIRESIPE, Realtor*l . place, formal dining room, modern 168 *f the Yellow Fsges In your tele- SH 7-»M» or SH M<»1. 14D2. level home. Picture window in the 21 OB 1-2531. • . ; Bp&cloui kitchen, den and powder phone directory. 5 Days Consecutive .28c Uni room. Upttttlrs lour twin •!» bedrooms, NATK8INK — Unfurnished, Biree co«y BCKANPORT—Portaupeck section, un- ft, living room. Three twin bedrooms, RIVER PLAZA -r- Boven room C»p« 8 Days Consecutive yfo Ltnti rumlshed three-bedroom ranch with liv- tiled bath. Science kitchen, dinette. 22 l two tile batha. Attached overijxed two- rooms, h • *v t, relrlgerator eupplled, ft. recreation room. Screened porch. Cod, basement. Can assume i h% car i&r^ie, ^Jff.&OO. Inspect today! Tlus- adults, IW, December. 291-M43, ing room, fireplace, kitchen, dining mortage. $15,500 747-OT15. 30 Days Consecutive room. bath, enclosed porch. Immediate Attached garage. Tremendous value! dell M. Borus Agency, 600 Hiver Rd., ads uNtnx Th* RenlHter'n P. O. Box 3flo eitra. FURNISHIID—Newly decorated. Three occupancy. $150 per month. Yearly Reduced to f 19,100, Really a fine WO-UKDIIOOM RANCH — Mlriilleiown Fair Haven. 81i 7-4K)2. Membfer Multi- rooms (private bath). Entire third floor. lease. Security required. TEICIItQll homo at a bargain price! Large Wnihflr and dryer, $16,1)00. Sil 1-7408 or ple Uitlng Service. Minimum Imtert'oa Hire* Unf Also two rooms, bed-llvlnt room, kltch< AQHNCY,' 287 Oceanport Ave., Ocean- mortgage available. STANLEY K. 811 1-2107. RIVER OAKS RANCH HOME — Maa- en. Share bath with one other. SH 7-<033 port, 512-8100. DOWNS, Realtor, Shrewsbury, fll! 1- For Fast Yearly Contract Rates on Request 1017. Member Multiple Listing Service. 8T. JAMES PARISH AREA — Charm" slve oak trees. Choice location. Flra- FOUR ROOMS — Furnished. Oaraie. fUGliLANDS — Bungalow, unfurnished, Ing atone front Colonial surrounded by ilac» in the livlnr room. Bsparate (11 n- Right to classify, edit or reject any adv*rtli*m*nt la raiirveA Near ihopplnt center. «H 1-VH 17 tout room*, bath. PJeiutaftt location, IBBUMHJ THIS MORTGAGE — JIM per dice trees. Privacy plus. Paneled lly nt room. Three Dedronmi, tiled bath. uy ThiRetlater. Morford Place, Red Bsnh. 70 plus Utllltlei. 872'1B89. . :ent Interest. Colonial homo In FoJr ing room with Colonial fircplacs, Hpa* ul htaement, Flnlihed 'oltyrootn. At- W# will not b» responAlbl* for •rrors, unlssj they are flitictid Haven, filx large rooms, fireplace, hot rate family dining room, deluxe step- tached garage. Aiklni «2 600. 8TAN- be torn the mcond |ht>«t'ton. EAST KBANBBUBO — Nsw three- FIVK-ROOM HOU8E . water heat-oil, detached two-car gn- laving kitchen, three twin site bed* LKY K. DOWNS, Realtor, Shrewsbury. room apartment large rooms, - tiled >n p;irlvate eslate, (wo baths, Cftll rujtp, Plot 100*1 art, Transferred, owner cioms, l ui liatfm. magnificent family SH 1-1017, Member Multiple Li*tin* Results No cancsllations will b» acoeptud or ehangsa made tn aSvertls** bath, Ideal for couple. 7B7I183 IH I 1217. imiat ncli. Mortgage $1&,3 aimnwsnuny AVB, RBD BANK N.J.. Citchen, dining room, tile hall., 22' CO 4-OG7B Slate noiieailon. Aiklng V%m. HTJiK- Call Classified—SH 1-0010 or OS 1-0525 Three roomi. Unfurnlshd. knotty pined attic with H bath makes ixr K. DOWNS, Realtor, Shrewsbury. :ouri,K — Would like house or bun- third bedroom, finished basement Own- UNCROFT TRANSFERRED 0WN8R- BH M01T, Member Multiple Listing SH 7-4K7 lalow with garaii, Ktlsrlncei. Write er. flH 1-4120. ltlevRl on large plot, dead-end Bervice. > NKiHTS, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY RED BANK'S BEST •u, nox 301, union Btaoti, N. J. I direct. Ideal lor children, privacy for Register Unusual five-room deluxe garden apart- CHARMING s«ven-room EnglHh Tudor, grown-ups. Lower level with gumeroom. FAIU HAVEN — Colonial Cape Cod. Dial SH 1-1110 ment Modern kitchen, two bedrooms, on qulel tree-lined street and tree- sliding doors to patio, Den or fourth Four bedroomi, ltt baths. Flreptao* In Large rooms and Closets. Quiet, fine FURNISHED ROOMS shaded plot Uu$t entrance foyer, /ire- bedroom, imW-bntii Living room de- the Jlvin* room. Don, Pining room. Calls on private telephones are toll-tree to OB 1402ft from lbe> itmotphare. place, living room, family dining room, signed to give tliat "open feeling." Electric kitchen. Matter bftrtroom IV* roUowiDR stations: IXJwill «, COHai 4, 7IT (Keambun), Ml (liotndel), spacious deluxe kitchen with breakfist Formal dining room. Throe bedrooms, 20' on the lit floor, full bniement. Hot 111 (Himiands), OOborm 1. l<3 (Rumaon-laa Brl»ht) ant tMadiriKla 1 . MADISON OArtDHNB UNNY FllONT ROOM — Walking dls- ar«a, den, three bedrooms, two baths, two hath*. Basement recrentlon room 'ittor oil heat. Screens and storm Ranh. ISl_Boutli_Bt BH 1-TB33 ince lo town, kitchen privileges, full biiament, oversixM garage, work- will) bar. AUachert K^rnge, Sensibly _ 'lURfltnne patio, Oarage. W"ll land- Classified 1M I ... ,. fiiHaTinSlOOMS — Furnished. All mill- ualness .woman preferred. SH 1-5275. shop. Unbelievable at I2R.500. ELWOOD prlwd at $2fl.(S00. LAWHENCB . /. icnpnd. Lots of apace and only $10,0001 Cans on private telephone! are toll-Ires In 111 1*110 (ran UM lies, private bath, garage. Half block nCS ROOM — Kitchen nrlvllegis, A, ARMSTRONG AOBNflY, Realtor, HCIIIIXINO, REALTOR. 19 Spring Bt,, STANLEY K. DOWNS, Realtor, Bhrewi following stations: 3tl (Atlantlo Hlahlatuis). Cipllal t asl t, Ukartf L lo Fort Monmouth and Red Bank bus. hornir, parking fatuities. Call 505 Prospect Ave., Little Silver, BH 1' Fled Rank. Fill 7-4121. MEMBER MUL- bury. Bll 11017. Member Multiple LUl Call lit 1-1M9 alter T p.m. BH 7-M3S 500. TIPLE] LISTING. Ing flervlco,

V '/•. BED BANK REGISTER Satodty Prtseat were Mr, tx4 F»vJot*J of Draft*, P*. A speeton i. ye*UM Raymond Brady, Chestnut St., _.' . .. .. _ .. J (Jianer WM ix*! 80—TLutruUy, Nov. 8, 1962 Group Receives 2 Hurt in Crash d fog WU celebrated Oct. 21 with Mrs. Un. Coaries Otysrlt;Sr,t Mi> **A Port MM. Cbtrlei Oberle, Jr., tod EATONTOWN - Two persons e Mid • car driven by Owlet J*cobi and (aniily and Guests were Robert Underwood, were injured in a two-car colli- Mr*. Hjlda Inzzoiiao, 18 Doreen Ktaberiy Jacobl, Unjon Beach, daughter Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. First Communion Dr.; OceupQirt, «tru<* another Monmouth U gnests. - '•" ' Edward Jty«genbeimer and sons, tee FJneswag, Rdwto Foster, sion near the Motor Vehicle In- Mr. tana HtfS. Arthur leary and Robert Foxworti, Craig Heggen, HIGHLANDS — Children of car, driven by Edwin C»Taylor, $e ninth birthday of Barbara DebWe-JIerlter and Kathy Crugh. Our Lady of Perpetual Help par- Anna Marie Beese, John Clancy, 40 Oakwood Ave.,- West Long Brady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Denlse Gass, daughter of Mr. Family, Barbara Ann and Cyn- ish received their first Holy. Gerald Connell, Mary Elizabeth Branch, broadside. and Mrs. Henry Gas; celebrated thia Otierie.' '•- * Mrs. Inzzolino was bruised on her 10th birthday Oct. 31 at a A surprise birthday party wa« Communion last Sunday at the Cooijck, Lynn Dempsey, Mark Community Church with Senior recently held for Henry Gass, •ELU ) a.m. mass. Rev. James A. Dempsey,' Noreen Marie Demp- the leg and M'. Taylor; who was Brownie Troop 347 meeting at Penise Wehner celebrated ber troop 74 at guests. Prizes were son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gass. Thompson, pastor, offered the sey, Robert Dempsey, Lorraine taken to Patterson Army Hos- the home of Mrs. Stanley Dudek. fifth birthday Sunday. Her birth- pital by the Eatontown'First Aid awarded to Paula Bimler for the Lee Ave., Belford, and later at day actually was Oct. 26. Those who attended were David mass and administered the Sacra- Dooley, Irene Gilson, John Cole- and Dennis Hornig, James Bur- ment on the Feast of Christ the man, Michael Gorman, Margaret Squad, .suffered a bWw on the most original costume, and Ger- her home. head -and a cut leg.: "\ • Robert anil Joyce Bunge, King. Mary Hall, Daniel Hartsgrove, trude Daley; Janet Keating, fun- Gary and Ricky Czugh, twin i Magda, Patricia Coyle, Patrolman Joseph Mazza in- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wacker sons of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur The fifth, sixth, seventh and james Horan, Noreen Horan, Lin- niest; and Deidre Miller, pret- sons oi mi. anu mm. ™unu fc~'r » Panlel eighth grade girls sang in the da Huetti, Thomas Jabionsky, vestigated. have returned to" North Miami, Crugh, Walada Ave., celebrated SWela tiest. Leaders present were Mrs. ley; Linda Finney, Unda Lore choir, accompanied at the 'organ Carol Ann Kanarkowski, Steven Fla., after spending four months their ninth birthdays Oct. 30. and Denise GMS. by Wifflam Ptak. Conrad Hall, Kolesar, Lorraine Kostka, Haik George Myles, Mrs, Joseph How- with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Czugh. Vincent Gorman, Terrence Wil- Mendes, Debra Ann Layton, Di- East; ard and Miss Katby Haugh. Mrs. Anna Stava returned with Daniel Vincent Wehner, son of son and Robert Horan, were al ane Nicosia, Catherine Ann O'- them. Mr. and Mrs. Walter WeUner, Melanle Hiry»,daBghter of Mr. tar boys. Neil, Richard Reilly, Mark Ric- The East Keansburg PTA ex- Wilson Ave., was baptized Sun- and Mrs. Louis Hays, Walada TODAY First communicants 'included -iardelli, Mark James Rich, Car- Keansburg ecutive members will meet in the Robert Oberle, son of Mr. and day in St, Mary's Catholic Ave., was given a 'family party ole Waters, Colleen Wilson and East Keansburg school Tuesday Church. Sponsors were Mrs. Saturday; in celebration of her WHJTE ELEPHANT SALE, Victoria Acampora, Michael An- Gin Scout Troop 28 held a Hal Mrs. Robert Oberle, Gordon Ct., Hth birthday^ •• i-:_ Leonardo PTA, 10 a.m. to 4 derson, Mary Lucille Anthony, "ranees Worth. Ween, party in the \ Bay shore' at i p.m. celebrated his second birthday Glenn. Rinehimer and Stanley p.m., Brevent Park Fire House, Leonardo. DESSERT-CARD PARTY, St. Mary's Guild of St. George's-by- the-River Episcopal Church, 1 p.m., Ralph Hall of the church. LECTURE, "Historic Land- marks of Plymouth, Mass.," Rose Briggs, sponsored by the Monmouth County Historical As- COMPANY •ociation, 6:30 p.m., Rumson Country Club. Dinner will fol- ASBUIY fARK i , , M» •*** low. . : RUMSON ANTIQUES SHOW, Holy Cross PTA, 8 to 11p.m., Holy Cross School, Rumson fKjd.,- Rumson.

TOMORROW BAZAR, Eatontown Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, 1 to 9 p.m.,' Masonic Temple, Eaton- town. ; : • . WHITE ELEPHANT SALE, Flattering Matte Jersey Blouses LeonardoPTA,»]0a.m. to 4p.iji., 1 Brevent Park Firs House, Leirn- . . . by Joan! Parris, with party ma rinon for Thanksgiving fsttivities! «rdo. RUMSON ANTIQUES SHOW, Three irresistible blouse ihapei in liquid rayon matte Jersey that Holy, Cross PTA, 11 '.a.m. to 6 p.m., Holy Cross School, Rumson. know how to add daih to your suits or separates. You'll want more BAZAR, Eatontown Chapter than on« of these wardrobe indisp«nsables. Order of the Eastern Star, 1 to 9 p.m.. Masonic Temple, Eaton- town. ' WINTERBAZAR, New Shrews- . 11 11.98 sleeves, zipper bury Reformed Church, 5 p.m., Scooped U neckline with White Hall of the church. back in bjaclc or bane. SATURDAY 8. Jewel neckline and elbow sleeve overblouse BAZAR, Eatontown Chapter, , ' i in black or taupe. Order of the Eastern Star, 9 a.m., to 5 p.m., Masonic Temple, Ea- • Ci Turtle neck, long sleeve overblouse in black tontown. ' i- or red; .... • ' . •• WINTER BAZAR, New Shrews- bury Reformed Church, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., White Hal! of the , STEINBACH'S SPORTSWEAR, Street Floor and Asbury Park church. CHRISTMAS BAZAR, WSCS of Christ Church Methodist of Ruin- ton and Fair Haven, 10 a.m. to S p.m., Fair Haven Fire House, Our Infinitely Chic Lurex Knit Sheath River Rd.," Fair Haven. .. RUMSON ANTIQUES SHOW, a. . that's indispensable to your social calendar. Gold-tipped black Holy Cross PTA, 11 a.m. to 6 wool in a feather pattern, sleeveless with jewel neckline and self p.m., Holy Cross School, Rumson Rd., Rumson. tie. Truly a treasure without measure for you who anticipate a "MAGIC SALT SHAKER," marionette show, St. James PTA, socially active season. Sizes 8 to 16. performances at 9:30 a.m. and H a.m., St. James School, Red Bank. .]•• 29.95 SMORGASBORD SUPPER, Noreg Lodge, Sons of Norway, 7 p.m., Connor's Hotel, Highlands. STEINBACH'S BETTER DRESSES, Second Floor and Asbury Park ROARING '20's DANCE, Elks Auxiliary, 9 p.m., Elks Home, 50 W. Front St., Red Bank.

WARN GUNNERS EATONTOWN -'.'Police Chiel William Zadorozny has warned residents that gunning is prohib- ited' within the limits of this bor- ough. Violators are subject to a $100 fine, he said: The New Jersey upland game hunting season opens Saturday. DAY Suburban Coats Go To New Trade in your old saw Lengths •••the 7/8 Lodk! on a NEW Newer, warmer, smarter! That's the Vi length suburban coatT. We show but two from our trend-setting collectionl Come see Meltons, corduroys, PIONEER cotton suedes in zingy fashion colors. Sizes 8-16, 5-15. A. Fleece-lined cotton suede with fashionable low belt. 39.95 Super 6-20 9 B. Pox collared corduroy with Orion acrylic '. pile/ lining. $35 •"•••• STEINBACH'S COATS, Second Floor and Asbury Park

"Tripoli"Town-Tailored Pump by Red Cfoss^ TERRIFIC A shoe famou* for fifl This impeccably-tailored urban pump becomes very special here . . . because it's fashioned over the fabulous Red Cross shoe last that makes it feel made for your foot alone. With stacked mid-heel, IN TIMBER smooth rolled collar, airfoot cushioning in black, or brown calf. A tupir t«w lor proltiilonil woodcutltn—dtllven lightning fail action and tmooth power for 14-98 •ThU product hai no connection whatsoever with the American Red Crou. •lead/, profitable, high produc- tion woodcutting. STElNBACtfS SHOES, Street Floor and Aibury Park • All n»w J»w>l.acUon •noln» • IniUntall.wwthtr (farting • Full power cutting at any «n(l» • Llghtmlght nugnMlum homing • Mora power—!••• down lime • M-day warranty an pirie ,• and labor, SHOP eef our SWAP OFFER now- TRADE and SAVE FRIDAY 'til BAIRD- DAVISON CO., Inc. 9 176 W. Front St. J ItKi: PARKING in our Parking RED BANK SH 1-2300 Lot Adjacent to the Store