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Bibliography Bibliography Esteban Alcántara Alcaide and Juan Pacheco Fernández, Réquiem por Torrijos (Málaga: Concejalí a de Cultura, 2007). Peter Allen, The Cambridge Apostles: The Early Years (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978). Peter Allen, “Pursuing Literary Manuscripts: The Case of the Missing Packet,” Victorian Studies Association (Ontario) Newsletter, (No. 40, Fall 1987): 9–12. Peter Allen, “A Victorian Intellectual Elite: Records of the Cambridge Apostles, 1820–77,” Victorian Studies 33:1 (Autumn 1989), 99–123. Peter Allen and Cleve Want, “The Cambridge ‘Apostles’ as Student Journalists: A Key to Authorship in the Metropolitan Quarterly Magazine 1825–26,” Victorian Periodicals Newsletter 6 (December 1973): 26–33. Alonso de Arcilla, The Araucaniad, trans. Charles Maxwell Lancaster and Paul Thomas Manchester (Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 1945). William Battersby, James Fitzjames: The Mystery Man of the Franklin Expedition (Toronto: Dundurn, 2010). Sam G. 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