The Corona-Drama: A Globally Co-Ordinated Assault on Humanity and Natural Living



A. Mother Nature Speaks

B. How a Wee-Little Germ Became a Dictator

C. A Tragi-Comedy in Point Form

D. Two Tragi-Comedies (mostly) by A. Firstenberg 1. Is the Sky Falling? (A Comedy of Mistaken Identity) 2. The Cure Is More Dangerous than the Disease! (A Comedy of Errors)

E. Media-Think and Censorship 3. Blind Trust and Data-ism 4. Does Big Pharma Control the Media? 5. Censorship by Omission: Empty News 6. Censorship by Commission: Fake News 7. Propaganda and Sophistry 8. Bioterrorism and the Blame Game 9. False Psychiatric Diagnoses

F. Medical Madness 10. Germ Theory Hoax, Fake Identification and False Diagnosis 11. Virology Is a Fraud: Exploring the Germ Theory Myth 12. Oversimplifying Cause and Effect 13. The Destructive, Deadly Solutions 14. F. The ‘’ 15. Spraying Viruses or Poisons in the Atmosphere

Imagine Putting Pathogens in the Clouds | Ken Calderia, GeoEngineer 16. Euthanizing and Murdering the Elderly 17. The Censored EMF-Syndrome Theory 18. The Magic Anti-Vax Words? 19. Healthy, Natural Cures and Preventatives

G. Governmental Idiocy and Malice 20. Lockdown and Economic Demolition 21. Mandatory Vax, Vax Passports and War on Non-Vaxxed


22. Bailouts, Free Money and Rising Taxes 23. Manufacturing Hunger and Weaponized Food 24. A Medical Dictatorship 25. Children and the Future of School?

H. Disaster Capitalism and Totalitarianism 26. Indemnity: Immunity from Legal Consequences for the Vaccine Profiteers 27. Medical Tyranny and Profiteering 28. Billionaires and Bankers Will Own the World: 29. Business Destruction and Monopolization 30. The Stock-Market’s Inside Traders 31. Government Bailouts 32. COVID-19 As an Asset-Stripping Operation

I. The Naked NWO 33. The Long Depopulation Game 34. Evidence of Premeditation 35. The Global, Deep-Theatre 36. Assassinations, Threats and ‘Convenient’ Deaths 37. Neural Link/Lace and Control through Fear 38. Medical-Environmental Technocracy

J. Civil Disobedience, Lawsuits, Protests and . 39. Moving 40. Global Protests 41. The Broken Hypodermic 42. The Law and Lawsuits

K. Transhumans and the Post-COVID World

L. Irony, Comedy and Art

M. Information Overload: Mother Nature’s Solution

N. Two Futures


How many doctors and health experts reject the health policies being enforced by governments? A few crazy quacks, perhaps? A few dozen? A hundred? See the truth at

The Great Barrington Declaration

Warning to Humanity Covid19

Nurses Issues Second Warning


Off With Their Heads!


A. Mother Nature Speaks

What are my children doing? Living in fear—of what? Of me! They’ve gone mad! They accuse me of threatening their lives with viruses, sunshine, hurricanes, droughts, bad genes and so on. But I gave them excellent bodies and a planet ready to be their paradise! I even gave them brains that would help them enjoy life more than any other creature. But they gave most of their brains to their leaders and teachers, and they spoil everything I gave them. They cover the land with their stupid farm animals and they disappear my forests, empty my waters, block my rivers, explode my mountaintops, poison me with thousands of chemicals and bathe me in intense electro-magnetic radiation. But they’re worried about a little virus! Look at them washing their hands, avoiding each other, wearing masks to reduce their oxygen levels, spraying toxic pesticides and waiting for doctors to cure them with more poisons. Oh, humanity, when will you understand how to live with your mother?

B. How a Wee-Little Germ Became a Dictator

I am COVID-19, and I am very dangerous! I am as powerful as God, or the Devil; like them, I’m invisible and no one can even prove that I exist. They say I exist, therefore I exist. The high priests at the WHO, the CDC and the MSM say I exist, therefore I exist. 5

COVID-19 is a religion. Nature is the enemy! Human bodies are the enemies! Follow the rules and rituals! Wash your hands! Keep away from dirty humans! Lock yourselves in your homes and take your medicine and obey, otherwise you’ll go to the Hell of the Anti- Vaxxers! And remember to pray for Lord Billy Gates and Big Pharma to give everyone their world- saving vaccine! That’s all you need! It’s magical. Don’t worry about your food choices. Don’t go outside! Don’t get vitamin D and don’t exercise your immune system by exposing yourself to dirt and deadly pathogens. Mother Nature is dangerous! If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay on your couch, pay your taxes and continue enjoying your freedom to consume toxic meals, polluted air, toxic entertainments, bs news, fluoridated tap-water and a fully microwaved and macro-waved environment! And be careful not to listen to agents of disinformation. Exercising your mind is too exhausting and could be traumatic. Let the government and the experts do your thinking for you. Brilliant billionaires are fighting to save you! They are not secret eugenicists and Satanists! Put that thought far from you! They are COVIDIOTS! Am I starting to make sense to you? In emergencies like this, we don’t have time for opinions, skepticism, investigative journalism and discussion. Your leaders must command; you must obey. Sorry. C’est la vie! That’s life … as we dictate it. This isn’t an emergency? The real emergencies are elsewhere? You’re crazy! Do you still believe that 15 million die every year of heart problems, 10 million of cancer, and millions more of other preventable diseases, not to mention the annual million-plus people who die in traffic accidents and in medical malpractice cases? COVID-19 is a million times worse! Haven’t you seen the pictures? People have fevers of Fahrenheit 451! People are melting in the streets! Organs are exploding! Numbers are multiplying, growing out of control and threatening sanity!!!! Let’s imprison the super-spreaders of lies and anyone who refuses to be injected or wear a mask! Viruses are dangerous! Viruses are deadly! The virus named MERS killed hundreds of millions! SARS killed billions! The Swineflu murdered trillions! Don’t you remember? They were worse than World War Two! The hospitals were empty because the doctors were dead. That’s all true! Would I lie to you? For profit? Surely, no one’s profiting from a pandemic! Put that thought far from your mind. Too much thinking makes men mad. Too much reading makes men blind. So, play the game and enjoy the game and don’t worry about losing. Be brave! Sacrifice your right to travel, to socialize, to ask questions and criticize, to decide whether your children live of die, and to sneeze and cough freely. Look, can’t you see the emergency? Your house is on fire! Don’t trust the idiots who say, “Everything’s fine.” Our fire alarm is the government, and if the government says your house is on fire, you’d better believe it! What if our fire alarm over-reacts? What if the fire is a little burnt food? LISTEN! YOUR GOVERNMENT LOVES YOU. IT WANTS TO PROTECT YOU. iT IS WORKING FOR YOU. Ask not what your government can do for you, ask what your government can do to you! YOUR GOVERNMENT LOVES YOU. IT IS YOUR BIG BROTHER.


What if I don’t want to be loved by you? You’re love feels like tyranny. Can’t we have a proper divorce? lOVE YOUR GOVERNMENT AND FIGHT MOTHER NATURE! if necessary, you must STOP BREATHING!

C. A Tragi-Comedy in Point Form

Today’s corona-drama is a truly global and epic comedy of errors! Just consider this little list of the egregious nonsense currently posing as reasonable, logical, intelligent governmental policy: 1. Germs and animals such as bats, her vast outdoors and fellow human beings are objects of fear while bioweapons laboratories, nuclear weapons, toxic foods, lying politicians, crooked doctors and dangerous are embraced and loved. 2. Human beings received a special ability to think, and yet they prefer to let their media, governments, doctors, pharmacists, epidemiologists, and other for-profit experts think for them. 3. Your government cares about you—that’s why they tell you to stay indoors and do not tell you to take vitamin D, vitamin C, selenium and zinc. Because your government loves you it does not tell you to eat organic food and get a daily dose of sunshine, and because it loves you it does not tell you that socializing is healthy and 5G is dangerous. 4. We believe our good leaders are good—even if they suspend democratic process and enforce rules that destroy hundreds of millions of lives to protect us from a flu. 5. COVID-19 is the world’s first non-virus virus, the first virus not to behave like a virus! Herd immunity does not appear after two weeks, and people can contract it more than once. 6. We must ban, censor and silence protestors as well as restrict freedom of movement and assembly, yet we insist that citizens have rights. 7. We only allow ‘essential’ businesses to be open to the public. Millions of jobs have been destroyed. What’s essential? Every business is essential to helping people pay bills for essentials like shelter, food, warmth and water. 8. The government is throwing money away, mostly at wealthy corporations, very little at people who have lost their jobs. They money governments borrow will make rich banksters richer. COVID-19 loves rich people. 9. Politicians treat the COVID-19 story as a joke. Police, without wearing masks and with no concern about social distancing, can physically arrest a person for not social-distancing. It’s not merely proof of hypocrisy; it’s proof that the lockdown is a global joke. 10. Governments pretend they are being generous by giving money to the unemployed. Such handouts will indebt us and future generations.


11. Doctors, the media and political leaders don’t know their own language. The word pandemic does not apply to the COVID-19 epidemic. It is even a stretch to call it an epidemic. 12. We close schools and libraries because you want to protect children, but we keep dropping bombs on foreign children. 13. If we disobey the lockdown, we might be charged thousands of dollars and imprisoned for a year, but real prisoners are being released because the authorities say they care about prisoners and prisons are places where COVID-19 can quickly spread. Meanwhile, the biggest criminals are not imprisoned at all. 14. We blame this or that country for creating COVID-19 in a military laboratory, because it feels good to blame other people for funding insane government research, but we ignore the sins of your own government and ignore the fact that all bioweapons programs should and must be terminated. 15. We repeat wild claims about deaths, illness, and overcrowded hospitals, yet avoid providing any believable visual evidence to support such claims, and rely on people to ignore the evidence that their local hospitals are not in crisis mode and are, actually, quieter than ever. 16. Blind to contradiction: Ban people from using park trails but allow them to use sidewalks—for now. Why so contradictory? Perhaps, as Dr. Buttar suggested, parks are closed because if we’re under a tree canopy, satellites can’t see us laughing at our idiotic rulers. 17. Tell students to study hard but assure them that their marks will not go down regardless of their performance. 18. Expect students to continue slaving for the grades that reputedly lead to jobs—jobs that no longer exist or/and supposedly produce unsustainable CO2 emissions—but that’s another joke. Innumerable more examples of contradictory and hypocritical thinking exist. The sections below might expose a few.

D. Two Tragi-Comedies (mostly) by A. Firstenberg

1. Is the Sky Falling? (A Comedy of Mistaken Identity)

As I write this, the world -- or a very large part of it -- is effectively under martial law. To protect against a proposed enemy named coronavirus (COVID-19), schools have been closed, airline flights scrapped, theaters and restaurants shut down, churches shuttered, curfews put in place, public gatherings prohibited, national borders closed, people told not to touch or go near each other, every surface, door knob and human hand smothered with toxic disinfectant, and the population ordered to “shelter in place” in their homes.


And the people, from the USA to Norway to Bolivia to Australia to Egypt to Indonesia, have obeyed, not only without much protest, but with enthusiasm. … No one is noticing that the mortality rates from all causes are going down, not up in most countries. This is not the first time a scare about a viral pandemic has swept the world. We have previously heard predictions -- none of which came true -- that swine flu, bird flu, SARS, MERS, West Nile virus, Zika virus and Ebola were going to kill millions of people. Notably, all of these scares have occurred after the Internet replaced human contact as the predominant means of communication, and words and pictures on a screen replaced reality. Today, this has gone so far that people are finally willing to shut down the world rather than notice what is going on around them. I do not pretend that there is no basis at all for these predictions. Behind all the hysteria is a fear that the catastrophe that was the “Spanish Influenza” of 1918-1921 will repeat itself. The 1918 flu, after all, sickened one-third of the world’s population and killed an estimated fifty million people. But there are a number of important facts about the 1918 flu that are not widely known: • The 1918 flu was not caused by a virus. • The 1918 flu was not contagious and did not spread by direct human-to-human contact. • The 1918 flu began on U.S. military bases where soldiers were being trained in wireless telegraphy. It spread throughout the world on U.S. Navy ships. Over 10,000 state-of-theart wireless stations were deployed by the U.S. Navy during World War One. The flu became much more deadly in September 1918 when the first round-the-clock voice radio station powerful enough to be received in most parts of the world went on the air in New Brunswick, New Jersey in service of the U.S. war effort, thereby launching the modern era of radio communication. Efforts by doctors working for the U.S. Public Health Service to prove the contagious nature of the 1918 flu were heroic and resulted in resounding and repeated failure. In November and December 1918 and in February and March 1919, they attempted to infect one hundred healthy volunteers with influenza in the following ways: • They put secretions from the mouth, nose, throat and bronchi from hospitalized influenza patients into the nose, throat and eyes of volunteers; • They injected blood from sick patients into volunteers; • They filtered mucous material from sick patients and injected it under the skin of volunteers; • They had volunteers shake hands with sick patients, talk to them, faces close together, for five minutes, then had the patient breathe out as hard as he could while the volunteer, two inches away, was breathing in, then had the patient cough directly into the face of the volunteer, five times. None of the volunteers in any of these experiments got sick in any way. Similar attempts to infect healthy horses with secretions from horses sick with influenza resulted in the same resounding failure. Historically, influenza was an unpredictable disease that struck without warning and without a schedule and disappeared as suddenly and mysteriously as it had arrived, not to be seen again for years or decades. It did not exist on this earth as an annual disease prior to the worldwide deployment of AC electricity for lights and power that occurred in 1889.


Many of the doctors who were flooded with influenza in 1889 had never seen a case before. But influenza has not been absent anywhere on earth since. What is most difficult for people to let go of is the notion, so deeply engrained in our society, that a disease is the same as a bacteria or a virus. This way of looking at the world, as a battlefied instead of a community, is wrong. Yes, there is a respiratory virus associated with influenza. No, the virus does not cause the disease. Influenza is a neurological disease that can affect almost every organ, with or without respiratory symptoms. It is caused by electricity. Especially now, the world needs to know these things. Once it is understood that the 1918 flu was not caused by a virus and was not spread by contagion, but was instead caused by the sudden spread of radio communication throughout the world, the hysteria should die down and the world can get back to normal, and go about the necessary business of getting rid of wireless technology. Radio waves have sickened and killed more of humanity in the past century than all of the bacteria and viruses combined. Also heart disease, diabetes and cancer (chapters 11, 12 and 13 of The Invisible Rainbow) are caused primarily by the sea of radiation with which our cell phones, cell towers, radio towers, radar stations, security systems, baby monitors, wireless computers, and other wireless devices and infrastructure have flooded our precious and fragile world.

2. The Cure Is More Dangerous than the Disease! (A Comedy of Errors)

The measures that have been put in place, and accepted without question, are ineffective, destructive, and anti-life. The photo below was taken during the 1918 so-called Spanish Flu that killed 50-100 million worldwide.


Masks Are Ineffective and Harmful!!!

Once upon a time people tried to protect themselves from Mother Nature by wearing masks. They did not realize, oops, that they were killing themselves, that CARBON DIOXIDE ANAESTHESIA IS INDUCED BY MASKS and that chronic brain oxygen deprivation is progressive. It destroys nerve cells in the brain and lost nerve cells do not regenerate. They also failed to understand that medical masks are ineffective against the very thing they are supposed to stop: viruses! In fact, cloth masks provide breeding grounds for them. A 2015 study in the British Medical Journal found that healthcare workers caught viruses from their patients 13 times more often if they wore a cloth mask than if they wore a medical mask, and a Chinese study found that a medical mask was no more protective against viruses than wearing no mask at all. The World Health Organization warns that wearing a medical mask “may create a false sense of security” against COVID-19 and that “no evidence is available on its usefulness to protect non-sick persons.” The N95 respirator, recommended for medical workers, requires training to use properly and “without training, the masks could not only expose workers to the virus but also lull them into thinking they are protected,” according to doctors at the Harvard School of Public Health. In practice, even the N95 mask has been found to be ineffective in preventing the transmission of viruses. A review of six clinical studies, published in the Canadian Medical


Association Journal, found that medical workers caught viruses from their patients just as often when they used N95 respirators as when they used ordinary medical masks. Masks also lead to gum and bad breath. COVID-19 kills by causing severe hypoxia (low levels of oxygen in the blood). People wearing masks rebreathe some of their exhaled air, lowering the amount of oxygen they are breathing. “Wearing respirators come[s] with a host of physiological and psychological burdens. These can interfere with task performances and reduce work efficiency. These burdens can even be severe enough to cause life- threatening conditions if not ameliorated,” wrote the author of a 2016 article in the Journal of Biological Engineering. When the N95 respirator was tested in use in 2010, the “dead- space oxygen and carbon dioxide levels did not meet the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s ambient workplace standards.” Ventilators do not work and are harmful. Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell quit his job in the Intensive Care Unit at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn because he was required to put his COVID-19 patients on ventilators that he felt were killing them because the air pressure was damaging their lungs. His coronavirus patients all had severe hypoxia but healthy respiratory muscles: they needed oxygen, he said, but not pressure. “COVID-19 lung disease, as far as I can see, is not a pneumonia,” he said, but seems to be “some kind of viral-induced disease most resembling high altitude sickness... These patients are slowly being starved of oxygen … and while they look like patients absolutely on the brink of death, they do not look like patients dying of pneumonia.” Italian doctors agree: “Patients on ventilators deteriorate anyway, in an unexplained way... Most of these patients are plainly hypoxic.” PCR tests are not accurate. A March 25, 2020 paper by Carver and Jones reported that it is not possible to assess the accuracy of PCR tests because “There are little public data on the false positive and false negative rates of the various RT-PCR based tests.” A false positive test means that you are diagnosed with COVID-19 when you don’t actually have it. One of the only studies to date that has attempted to estimate the frequency of false positives is Zhuang et al., “Potential false-positive rate among the 'asymptomatic infected individuals' in close contacts of COVID-19 patients”, Chinese Journal of , 2020, 41(4): 485- 488 (in Chinese). They concluded that up to 80 percent of non-symptomatic people who test positive for the coronavirus may not actually have it. Shutdowns do not have any effect. Japan, which did not shut down until April 6 and then only with voluntary measures, has 2 COVID-19 deaths per million population. China, which shut down in December, has 3 deaths per million population. Belarus, which never shut down, has 4 per million. South Korea, which has only voluntary measures, has 5 per million. Iran, which shut down in early March, has 62 per million. Sweden, which did not shut down, has 156 per million. Switzerland, which did shut down, has 165 per million. Belgium, which did shut down, has 503 deaths per million population. Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, all close to China, have no COVID-19 deaths at all. Vietnam shut down in early February, Laos shut

12 down in late March, and Cambodia has never shut down at all. In the U.S., South Dakota, which has not shut down at all, has four times as many cases, but fewer deaths, than neighboring Montana, which is completely locked down. RF radiation and COVID-19 cause similar disease. In my last newsletter (“Is the Sky Really Falling?”), I noted some effects of COVID-19 that are similar to effects of radio waves. The list of effects in common has grown, and includes headaches, dizziness, nausea, digestive problems, muscle pain, tachycardia, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, strokes, and seizures. As many as two-thirds of people who test positive for COVID-19 have lost their sense of smell, often without any other symptoms. Patients are presenting with mental confusion, without any respiratory symptoms at all. Patients are presenting with diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. When patients with any of these symptoms test positive for the coronavirus, their illnesses are being attributed to that virus. But these are all classic symptoms of radio wave sickness. When both the virus and RF radiation are present, the disease should be attributed to both. And RF radiation and COVID-19 both cause hypoxia. COVID-19 impairs oxygen absorption by the blood, and RF radiation impairs oxygen use by the cells. COVID-19 would not be so severe were it not for the radiation. Recently, there is a new symptom that is being attributed to the virus that is exactly what one would expect to see from millimeter waves: a “fizzing” sensation throughout the body. It is being described as a “buzzing sensation,” “a burning feeling,” and “an electric sensation in the skin.” It is probably wrongly being attributed to the virus, and is due instead to 5G. It is a fact that 5G was turned on in Wuhan, China on November 1, 2019, and that the first known COVID-19 patient became ill there on November 17. It is a fact that there is a research virology lab in Wuhan, and that researchers there coauthored a paper in 2015 with American researchers from Chapel Hill, North Carolina describing a hybrid coronavirus that they had created by attaching a spike protein from bats to a SARS coronavirus. Zheng-Li Shi, the lead researcher from Wuhan, said in an interview in Scientific American that she had worried that COVID-19 was a virus that had escaped from her lab, but she reassured the world that she had checked and it did not resemble any of the viruses that she had collected in bat caves. Yet in the next sentence she justified her claim that COVID-19 came from bats by saying that it was almost identical to a virus that she had collected in a bat cave in Yunnan. The SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in China multiple times. As revealed by the Washington Post on April 14, 2020, U.S. Embassy officials had warned in 2018 that sloppy safety protocols for handling contagious viruses in the Wuhan lab "represented a risk of a new SARS-like pandemic." It is also a fact that the animal market in Wuhan does not sell bats. A YouTube video that has been shared on social media that shows bats being sold for meat at a market was actually filmed in Langowan, Indonesia, and not in China at all. In short, 5G is part of the coronavirus equation, and everything that we have been doing to address the pandemic has more to do with politics and fear than with reality. It is time to


re-open society, to take off our masks, and to open our eyes to what is really happening to our world.

E. Media-Think and Censorship

3. Blind Trust and Data-ism

Data-ism is an irrational bias not against certain groups of people but against certain kinds of data and facts. Data-ism has been corrupting science for centuries as scientists seek data that support for-profit designs, concoctions, policies and so on. A recent study confirmed that the pro-Covid-19 public is data-ist with regards to any data that challenges their beliefs. You are what you eat—and what you read and hear unquestioningly. Modern news outlets are uninspiring, fear-mongering and dumbed-down; the result—well, that’s too obvious. In any case, people no longer know what good journalism looks like. Consider, for example, a great alternative-media article like this one. Most people do not know who controls the media and do not know that the media is a tool with which unknown elites control the information and opinions of the world. Media-dependency is a real and present threat to our sanity. People have been trained to be helpless. They need journalists and experts to tell them what to fear and how to live. They believe the media’s claim that a pandemic exists even though their own senses and most of their contacts tell them that no pandemic exists. They believe the media’s claim that hospitals and front-line workers are overwhelmed by the pandemic even though they could visit a local hospital and find it empty. Media-dependency, or more accurately speaking, MSM-dependency, leads to data-ism. This independent media source quotes real science and data revealing the incredibly low numbers of people who have died of Sars-Cov-2. The anti-Nature trend in civilization has been accelerated by the fake pandemic. Now most people think Nature, human nature included, is their enemy. Viruses, germs, carbon and

14 methane are their enemies, and the human need to socialize, be outdoors and communicate without masks are dangerous aspects of human nature. Masks and social isolation are not useful, otherwise Nature would have invented them, and healthy animals don’t live in polluted and stressful environments. Meanwhile, brave doctors, nurses and activists are losing jobs, being forcibly confined to mental hospitals and even being ‘disappeared.’ Welcome to Orwell’s 1984.

4. Does Big Pharma Control the Media?

Big Pharma Owns the Corporate Media, But Americans Are Waking Up And Fighting Back - The Ring of Fire Network (

Big Pharma shells out $20B each year to schmooze docs, $6B on drug ads | Ars Technica

How Big Pharma and the Mainstream Media Manipulate Politics and Distort Facts - Weblyf Big Pharma continues to top lobbying spending • OpenSecrets

12 Big Pharma Stats That Will Blow You Away | The Motley Fool

5. Censorship by Omission: Empty News

What is being censored by the mainstream, corporate- and state-owned media?

1. Terrain Theory: the alternative explanation to the cult-like belief that viruses cause diseases (see Medical Madness, Part F8 below) 2. Evidence that stats are fraudulent and that, even despite this, they do not constitute a pandemic. Nov. 2020: See this report on CTV’s editing out of their news the statistic revealing that nearly all Covid-flu deaths occurred in old age homes, on 166 outside of them during most of 2020. 3. The lack of scientific evidence that masks, social distancing and vaccines work 4. The actual contents and side-effects of the proposed vaccines 5. Essential historical context for the ‘pandemic.’ 6. International protests 7. Doctors who speak out against COVID-19 policies 8. Alternative cures and advice on how to strengthen the human immune system 9. Harm and deaths caused by lockdowns 10. How the ultra-rich profit from the lockdowns 11. The unconstitutionality and undemocratic nature of the lockdowns 12. Law suits being filed against governments and international influencers like B. Gates 13. The fact that the mainstream media is censoring all of the above and all critical discussions of science and reality. 15

Most of the above points will be addressed below, in this subchapter or in others. All my information will be linked to sources in the alternative media.

Historical Context The corporate- state-owned press do not provide historical context; it has not explained that hospitals have regularly and are normally packed with flu patients. And here we learn that reasons other than excessive numbers of patients explain hospital crowding and staff overwork. Neither have the media compared the current coronavirus ‘pandemic’ to the Spanish Flu scam of 1918, the Swine Flu epidemic and others over the past few decades. Oh, and the HIV/AIDS investigation with parallels to the COVID hoax « Jon Rappoport. Neither have the media reported on the history of fake epidemics and medical scams. And let’s not forget the fraud-plagued history of vaccines. Yes, history matters! Similar germ emergencies were declared in the past and hyped up by the media, too. In each case the death

16 toll was expected to be high and documented to be quite unexceptional. But some of us have not forgotten: • Jon Rappoport • Ten doctors • Twelve Experts

Current Context The corporate- and state-owned press has avoided giving us current context. How does this corona ‘pandemic’ compare to other diseases? According to an independent press article published April 13, 2020: “So far, in Canada, there are 503 deaths attributed to [COVID-19]. That compares with 50,000+ deaths from all causes over a period of two months alone.” The New York Times, in a report entitled “Faith In Quick Test Leads To Epidemic That Wasn’t,” reported on a similar pseudo pandemic in 2007. Since 1999 Five ‘Flu years’ Saw More Deaths in UK than 2020! | Principia Scientific Intl. ( And consider these two pages: ∞ Censored News



Mainstream media ignores Canadian doctors speaking out against official COVID narrative - Rebel News MASSIVE GLOBAL UPRISING! - Anti Vaccine Passport Protests EXPLODE Worldwide! - What You Need To Know ( ooking into the lives of 81 people who took the j@b - YouTube Pharmacist Tells Vaccine Horror Stories. CVS Pharmacy Pays $6,500WK To Euthanize People Brighteon

MODERNA Founder Confirms Vaccine SHEDDING - Gets Kicked Off Twitter:Brighteon Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists « Jon Rappoport's Blog ( More on the coronavirus that doesn’t exist; and the Pink Demon « Jon Rappoport's Blog (


May 2021 Highly cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion: Gov’t ‘scrubbing unprecedented numbers’ of injection-related deaths – A Nurse in Halifax Nova Scotia Breaks her Silence, Calls COVID Bullshit and Demands Action! COVID nurse explains becoming a whistleblower: ‘I recorded them murdering patients’ | News | LifeSite (

April 2021 Denis Rancourt Interview - Experts Banned From Research Publication For Challenging COVID Narrative

March 2021 • 1500 Health Professionals Say Covid Outbreak Is "Biggest Health Scam of the 21st Century." • Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons cautions doctor who dares to have her own thoughts • Canadian Doctors Speak Out • Angry Nurse Has Had It with the Covid-19 Hoax • Erin Marie Olszewski – Undercover Epicenter Nurse: How Fraud, Negligence and Greed Led to Unnecessary Deaths at Elmhurst Hospital

November 2020: • Doctor Lawrence B. Palevsky speaks in the censored COVID-19 Exposed!

October 2020: • Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry from Dr. Stephen Malthouse


• AMERICA'S FRONTLINE DOCTORS - WHITE COAT SUMMIT II - SCOTUS PRESS CONFERENCE • Two hours of people, doctors included, speaking about the censorship they’ve suffered • October 2020: Two Occupational Health Experts Say Masks Are Dangerous • Over 7,000 Scientists, Doctors Call For COVID Herd Immunity, End To Lockdowns and here. • Doctor Starts Covid19 Rebellion In Ireland

• Open Letter from 400 Medical Doctors and 1300 Health Professionals to All Belgian Authorities and All Belgian Media. August 2020: • DR. ZEV ZELENKO: COVID WAR CRIMINALS SHOULD FACE NUREMBERG-STYLE TRIALS FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY • Dr Petrella warns against operation COVID

• July 27, 2020, a dozen doctors do outdoor press conference in front of the Supreme Court building announcing that a cure exists and is being suppressed. Their video was deleted from YouTube and Vimeo. The transcript is here. • July 25, doctors in Madrid declare that the COVID-19 is a largely a hoax being used to excuse the imposition of a medical dictatorship. • Protests around the world • August 2020: NEARLY 1000 GERMAN DOCTORS DECLARE THAT COVID-19 IS A HOAX. • Are these doctors, professors and virologists spreading false info? Why are their voices not heard on the pro-diversity, anti-discrimination media?


• Doctor John Ioannides • Professor Sucharit Bhakdi • 10 more experts • 39+ experts who will not be seen on the mainstream news (all the experts referenced and linked in this document are denied the chance to communicate their opinions on the MSN): • Ridiculously biased! • The CIA bias • Sinophobia? • The State of the Nation: “OPERATION CORONA PLANDEMIC: CIA’s Mockingbird Media Overwhelms Global News Cycle with Non-stop Coronavirus Fake News • This video was deleted by YouTube. It concerns fake, inflated data. Title: Two Whistleblowers Doctors say FAKE CV19 Numbers Dr Annie Bukacek Dr Scott Jensen Covid1984.

6. Censorship by Commission: Fake News

JUNE 2021 Whistleblower Funeral Director Exposes The "Blatant" Covid Agenda

JUNE 2021 Press told to fear-monger – Zero Covid document | Gript

FEBRUARY 2021: The British Medical Journal: COVID19 is Murder By Misinformation Busted: CDC Committed Criminal Fraud Over COVID19 Numbers! Medical Experts On The Real Facts About COVID And Lockdowns

OCTOBER 2020: • On October 17, I and other protestors took a ferry to Vancouver. The voyage was peaceful. Some masked people aggressively accosted a small anti-mask family, which somehow resulted in 12 protestors being banned, me and my friend being denied return ferry service on one ferry, and the media lying about everything as follows: Anti-mask protesters banned from B.C. Ferries after causing disturbance


• Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic Is Over” • UK Nurse blows whistle on hospital faking crisis and exposing empty beds and no coronavirus cases. • Evidence of news being faked and manufactured in the US: • Flu Outbreak Lies and Hoax • Empty coffins and empty hospitals • Using the same photo to allege that different hospitals in different countries have a coronavirus pandemic. See photo → → → → → →

7. Propaganda and Sophistry

A. This New York Times article, written by a Chinese author, attempts to make the word “freedom” refer to China’s medical dictatorship. Orwell called it double- speak. Read the article and analyze at least three passages that promote a medical dictatorship by associating it with freedom or are in any way dishonest, immoral, and/or propagandistic. B. Examine the following vaccine info-video produced by the CBC for children. What do children learn from it? Does it provide useful info? If yes, what? How does it appeal to emotion rather than the need for knowledge? Examine the content and the delivery method and style (the use of a child actor, graphics, etc). C. Explain how the following article and video uses sophistry to convince people that it’s ‘normal’ (moral is implied) for vaccine companies to be protected against lawsuits which patients might wish to file against them.

8. Bioterrorism and the Blame Game

COVID-19 (Certificate Of Vaccination ID) is an act of for-profit and for-power bioterrorism. It was not an act of Nature. Researcher, Doctor David Martin, revealed that 117 patents for the dangerous coronavirus spike protein that is in the vaccine (or that the mRNA programs human DNA to produce) existed since 2002: Spike Protein Depopulation Patents Since 2002! ( For-profit industries always blame diseases on nature and foreigners, not on mankind’s unnatural lifestyle. We blame viruses and bacteria instead of human idiocy. As a result, we

22 forget that Nature is on our side, that we are its creation and that we were intended to live disease-free and could thrive if we lived according to natural principles, in the manner our bodies were meant to live. One specific consequence of this madness is that we are now blaming genetic material known as viruses for disease, while, in fact, viruses might actually be endosomes and exosomes working to defend us from disease. For more on this theory, see here. The media have also trained people to blame others for their problems. So, WHO is responsible for the coronavirus non-pandemic? The media blame China, the media blame the US, the media blame Canada, and the alternative media has blamed the UK. In each case, allegations of bioengineering COVID-19 come with circumstantial evidence, even after arrests are made. Of course, national leaders and heads of military bioweapons programs are never mentioned. And—of course—the media do not dare question the morality of operating bio-engineering labs per se. Yes, for the most intelligent species on the planet, weaponized germs, like nuclear bombs, are necessary for ensuring peace. Makes sense, right? Who is to blame? The power addicts or the submission addicts? It’s easy to blame the power elite, but we can blame ourselves for trusting governments to govern, and we can blame ourselves for trusting the media to inform us even though they have a long history of lying, and we can blame ourselves for not doing enough to educate ourselves and protect our health in a world full of choices. Yes, we can blame, and blame, and beg ourselves forgiveness, but that only treats symptoms. What we need is action productive of peace and a new way of thinking about our incredible, historical errors. The press ignores and censors the possibility that pollution, both chemical, biological and EMF, could break immune systems and cause disease outbreaks.

The Ironic Vaxxer War Now, in the year 2021, a new schism and battleground has (been) developed; the opposing sides are those who believe the MSM and those who don’t, those who obediently wear masks and vaccinate, and those who won’t. This schism will tear society in two, as the former group, the believers and obeyers, are so convinced that only masks and vaccines can save them and the whole world from dying of a flu that they might even kill or imprison or forcibly vaccinate anyone who is not convinced. The irony is that the group perceived to be dangerous is much more peaceful, does not threaten anyone who insists on wearing a mask or vaccinating, they merely try to explain the dangers and let the enemy decide whether it wants to commit suicide or not. That this ironic war could become very serious is not difficult to forecast, and bad omens are afoot: CALLED IT: WaPo calls anti-vaxxers “domestic terrorists” – OffGuardian


9. False Psychiatric Diagnoses

In an effort to smear and violently discredit anyone who disputes government and media claims and anyone who disregards government imposed social distancing and face masking policies, some so-called psychologists have begun ‘identifying’ dissidents and rebels as psychopaths. This is the first step to putting innocent people in jail—as if everyone isn’t already being put in a ‘jail.’ A better, more humane solution would be to give dissidents are rebels their own land or countries.

Psychopathic traits linked to non-compliance with social distancing guidelines amid the coronavirus pandemic Adaptive and Dark Personality Traits in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Predicting Health-behavior Endorsement and the Appeal of Public-health Messages.

F. Medical Madness

Dr. David Martin gives an excellent exposure of the medical industry and uplifting discussion of humanity’s situation (with some creative Bible reading): Dr David Martin – The Illusion of Knowledge – Forbidden Knowledge TV

Excellent introduction to the fraud and danger of everything ‘medical’ from masks to vaccine passports by retired Chief Scientist of Pfizer, Dr. Yeadon: Brighteon

10. Germ Theory Hoax, Fake Identification and False Diagnosis

Great science resource: First Problem: The actual SARS-coV-2 virus has not even been proven to exist – and even the mainstream media is admitting it, probably accidentally: NBC Nightly News Admits COVID-19 Doesn’t Even EXIST! The same fact was also confirmed by a PhD in microbiology and again by a PhD Virologist: Proves the SARS-CoV-2 Does Not Exist (see same virologist also here The Covid Scamdemic - A Blatant and Obvious Fraud) Dr Andrew Kaufman and two colleagues provided a short explanation of the facts at Virus Isolation (SOVI) by Morell, Cowan & Kaufman. RENOWNED Scientist SPEAKS OUT! - Covid Is A SCAM! - Don't Get The Jab! - Do Viruses EXIST? And consider: Germ Theory Debunked: Germs Debunk Corona and basics Virology Debunks Corona and Part 3 - Electric Virology: the truth about viruses


And Theoretical Virus: 10 Reasons SARS-CoV-2 is a Digital Creation Despite all our high-tech gadgets, modern medical theory is still medieval. Recent discoveries in micro-biology have revolutionized our understanding of pathogens like viruses. Some of the findings are discussed in Why Everything You Learned about Viruses Is Wrong. Now, in January 2021, we read the following at Principia-Scientific: “Finally, I’ve just received a copy of a document from the FDA which is an admission, December 2020, that Covid-19 virus doesn’t exist so just guess when you’re running a PCR test. You can download it here:- Page 42 is the relevant text.” Twelve national and private institutes of health in Canada failed to provide proof: Health Canada Has No Record Of ‘COVID-19 Virus’ Isolation. Moreover, if the virus is ever identified, scientists do not know how to prove that enough of them exist to cause sickness. Also, three dozen types of coronaviruses exist in our bodies, and we coexist with them. Additionally, COVID-19 (true name is SARS-CoV-2) has already mutated into over 30 subtypes. Finally, if a virus is identified, scientists do not know how to prove that it is responsible. Second Problem: The PCR test was not meant to diagnose anyone; its purpose was to identify bits of DNA material and to concentrate or amplify them. The test does not fulfill basic scientific requirements, but that does not seem to matter. Furthermore, the PCR test is being used to identify a piece of DNA that is not a virus but a part of every human being. This means that, potentially, if the test works, everyone will be diagnosed as infected. Morover, typically, most people with flu-like symptoms do not even have a viral – and most people who test positive do not have any symptoms.

Third Problem: Even if the tests were accurate, they are irrelevant because viruses do not cause diseases; they should be called exosomes, or bits of human RNA produced by humans because they are sick. Therefore, Germ Theory is false and Terrain Theory is true. The latter theory argues that unhealthy environments create the poor health and weakens our immune system to the point that some germs become uncontrollable. Here’s a good video about the problem: Doubts Rise About Pasteur’s Germ Theory Fourth Problem: Statistics are being inflated by hospitals and doctors who are turning normal flues, bacterial pneumonia and other causes of death into Sars-CoV-19 deaths. As a result, we read such absurdities as this: UK Health Authorities: Not A Single Case Of Flu Detected This Year and this Amid COVID-19 pandemic, flu has disappeared in the US. Additionally, at least in the US, are financially incentivized to declare any live or dead patient as a coronavirus patient because the government will give them money, and more money if they ‘need’ a respirator. And, as James Corbett reveals, doctors are being encouraged to identify anyone who died with coronavirus as someone who died because of coronavirus. This doctor is being investigated for merely questioning the obviously


unscientific bias in death certificates. And, again in the U.S., doctors are testing patients for coronavirus even though they were admitted to the hospital for other reasons.

According to many doctors and dogged researchers, all our technologies for identifying and diagnosing are either flawed or the authorities are inflating statistics. • Dr Rashid Buttar: gates-fauci-exposes-fake-pandemic-numbers-as-economy-collapses/ also at • Jon Rappoport cdc-says-about-the-test-for-the-coronavirus/ Jon Rappoport of-a-pandemic-through-diagnostic-tests/ • David Crowe • David Icke • Professor Michel Chossudovsky: epidemic-in-america-can-we-trust-the-data-how-much-does-it-cost-to-get-a- covid-19-test/5707831 • Italian politician rages at fake data and lies: e=emb_logo • Fake-COVID #s: • Finally, apparently the statistics are not nearly as bad as our biased, fear-mongering media wants us to believe:

11. Virology Is a Fraud: Exploring the Germ Theory Myth

“I have a PhD in virology and immunology. I'm a clinical lab scientist and have tested 1500 "supposed" positive Covid 19 samples collected here in S. California. When my lab team and I did the testing through Koch's postulates and observation under a SEM (scanning electron microscope), we found NO Covid in any of the 1500 samples. What we found was that all of the 1500 samples were mostly Influenza A and some were influenza B, but not a single case of Covid, and we did not use the B.S. PCR test. We then sent the remainder of the samples to Stanford, Cornell, and a few of the University of California labs and they found the same results as we did, NO COVID. They found influenza A and B. All of us then spoke to the CDC and asked for viable samples of COVID, which CDC said they could not provide as they did not have any samples.


7 University Labs Conclude: NO COVID - it's all just Influenza A or Influenza B (

How can the COVID-19 story be based on a fraud? Hahaha! Have you heard of the devil? People believed in that boogeyman for centuries. Many still do. So this COVID-19 paranoia mania is no surprise. One reason people remain oblivious of the fraud is that the media provides no details, certainly not theoretical context; in other words, the media has not questioned Germ Theory, or discussed its history and explained that alternative theories for diseases do exist. Germ Theory is critical to any discussion of contagious diseases because all discussions of contagious diseases are based on the assumption that Germ Theory is true, or applies to viruses as well as to bacteria. Why is virology a fraud? Here’s an accessible explanation: The Final Refutation of Virology

Doctors such as Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr Zach Bush, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr Darrell Wolfe and Dr Vonderplanitz explain that germ theory is only a theory and that 1) either viruses are not germs or 2) that dangerous, contagious viruses are only created by military labs, and/or that viruses cannot do any harm unless injected into people. Here is another good critique of Germ Theory by Doctor Cowan. Here is another by Doctor Kaufman and another by Doctor Young. Additionally, the media never cites the research done by Germ Theory critic, Doctor Stefan Lanka. Finally, modern virology has evolved to include the concept of exosomes to explain what the concept of contagious viruses cannot explain.

12. Oversimplifying Cause and Effect

Environmental problems, diet and lifestyle choices are omitted and censored. In a world where life is under assault by unhealthy lifestyles, cigarette smoking, bad diets, chemical pollution, and EMF pollution, stress, etc., we should consider ourselves lucky for having that wonderfully liberating ability to simplify our reality, forget its complexity and our 27 responsibility, and blame a nasty virus and think staying at home will save us from sickness and death.

• Brilliant Chinese scientists realized that other factors known as co-morbidities might contribute to the death toll: coronavirus-covid-19-infection-systematic • Have you noticed many wild animal populations suffering from viral epidemics? Why are humans so susceptible to viral pandemics? The Infectious Myth: • Jon Rappoport often critiques the media and the medical establishment for conveniently simplifying reality: one-disease/ • Bad air quality in northern Italy and Wuhan? emergence/5707928 • The most unexplored contributing cause of our illnesses appears to be the massive EMF pollution in our environment. These articles explore the connection to—and the health impact of— suddenly increasing EMF radiation in our environment: o o

13. The Destructive, Deadly Solutions

What are our doctors and health ministries and departments doing to create health? Mostly nothing—certainly nothing constructive. The general health of the human population has generally declined, regardless of increased life expectancy. We are living longer and sicker. For the first time in the history of the world, healthy people are being quarantined and billions of people are wearing masks and social distancing and the whole world is expected to vaccinate itself or face consequences. Why? Fear of a flu that has killed less than a regular seasonal flu and kills mostly unhealthy elderly people? For more on the harm being done to human physical and mental health, listen to Dr. Lee Merritt discuss how Covid- world had woken her up to the world of lies being paraded as medical science: The Rise of Medical Technocracy and the Truth of Viral Treatments

A. The Lockdowns


Our governments’ solution to the corona flu is to turn homes into prison cells. If you’ve never been locked up in an apartment with young children going crazy, you haven’t lived yet. Hospitals are already reporting a rise in child and spousal abuse, suicide, and so on. The only reason the total death rate is going down globally—or remaining unchanged (see chart below comparing Australia’s average death rate for the years 2015-2019 to that of 2020)— is because the virus is harmless and people are avoiding hospitals and doctors, both of which are leading causes of death.

Normally, according to epidemiologists, we develop immunity by exposing ourselves to a virus and to people with a virus, not by hiding from it. This is sometimes called herd-immunity. Lockdowns prevent this. Lockdowns prolong epidemics. See Not surprisingly, Dr. Dan Erickson, owner of Accelerated Urgent Care clinics in California, is exasperated by the lockdown, finding it to be completely unnecessary and much more harmful than a disease that has a lower mortality rate than the annual flu. ▪ immune-systems-of-everyone-who-complies/ ▪ This video was deleted from YouTube by YouTube. ▪ doctors-criticizing-stay-home-order

Here’s what Doctor Wittkowski thinks of the government enforced lockdown:


What are the consequences of lockdowns for businesses? Swedish Health Experts: Lockdowns Have Killed Millions | Principia Scientific Intl. (principia- In the UK, whose population is approx.. 63 million –

1) 1.4 million UK jobs lost' Updated- now 6.5million expected to be lost

2) 1 million businesses closed 3) 64% of businesses at risk of bankruptcy

B. Child Abductions? March 2021 • Gut Wrenching COVID CHILD CUSTODY CASE!! Disagree With The Narrative And THEY’LL TAKE YOUR KID!!!


C. The Quarantines

For the first time in the history of this mad world, healthy and asymptomatic people are expected to quarantine. In 2021, Canada, people are being abducted and thrown into secret quarantine locations—often hotels—and forced to pay thousands of dollars for bad room and board. ▪ Investigating a COVID hotel in British Columbia - Rebel News

D. The Test

▪ The Truth About the PCR Tests - Dr Samantha Bailey ( ▪ CDC Says PCR Tests Can’t Differentiate Between - altCensored ▪ FDA reverses itself: rejects COVID antibody test results; insanity reigns ▪ Tap Water Tests Positive for Covid ▪ PCR COVID 'test' depositing nano particle into your brain ▪ Get ready for your COVID anal swab | ZeroHedge ▪ WHO Admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce COVID False Positives | Principia Scientific Intl. (

E. The Mask ▪ Studies show that masks lead to cognitive problems and diseases ▪ WANT GOOD NEWS? WHO Official Says Mask Mandates & Social Distancing Should Continue Indefinitely ▪ Face masks that contain graphene may pose health risks - Recalls and safety alerts ( ▪ MIT Researchers Admit Anti- Maskers Are More Scientifically Rigorous | Intellectual Takeout ▪ The science: Masks don’t help but do harm ▪ 85% Of Masks May Contain Toxic Chemicals ▪ TERRIFYING nanotech planted in new masks ▪ Max Igan confirms nanotech planted in masks ▪ Study Shows How Mask Wearing INCREASES Infection Risk


▪ Manhattan federal court buildings now require two masks ▪ Could Wearing a Face Mask Trigger Lung Disease? ▪ Respirator Specialist PROVES Masks for Coronavirus Cause Harm ▪ Masks Are Making You Sick & It Seems That Is Simply Part Of The Plan ▪ Deceased ‘COVID Patients’ Show Hypoxic Brain Injuries—no evidence of infection [my conclusion: masks are destroying brain cells] ▪ 20 Reasons Mandatory Face Masks are Unsafe, Ineffective & Immoral | Principia Scientific Intl. ( ▪ CDC says one mask is not enough. Begins Recommending Wearing Two Masks | ZeroHedge ▪ WHO stands by recommendation to not wear masks if you are not sick or not caring for someone who is sick ▪ World’s top epidemiologists say masks don’t work. ▪ Arthur Firstenberg cites 14 scientific studies disproving the usefulness of masks (pages 6-8).

14. F. The ‘Vaccine’

General Points


a. No research lab has been allowed to analyze the ingredients of the vaccines. Why? Now, six months after vaccination began, independent Spanish researchers have analyzed the contents. INGREDIENTS of PFIZER VAX EXPOSED Secret Ingredient Luciferase (Lucifer’s Race) - it’s in the shot! Satan's DNA b. Over the past few generations, either despite or partly because of increasing vaccination schedules, global health has precipitously declined. Check any historical stats for cancer, heart disease, obesity, autism and especially auto-immune disorders. c. Plenty of doctors and whistleblowers are warning against taking any Cov-Sars-2 vaccine. d. Governments are actually preventing people from maintaining their health by requiring people to stay indoors, not socialize, wear masks, close gyms and stop vacation travel. e. They are doing nothing to help people strengthen their immune systems with vitamin and mineral supplements. f. Vaccination is unnatural. In nature, only poisonous substances are injected directly into bloodstreams; consider venomous snakes and mosquitoes. This helps the poison bypass the human immune system, which is mostly in the gastro-intestinal tract. Why does vaccination involve bypassing the immune system? g. People who are most actively promoting vaccination have profit motives and others, like Bill Gates, have an interest in depopulation or eugenics. h. The companies are not being transparent about the ingredients in their vaccines. One company is providing blank medical inserts. Consider this pathetic report about Pfizer’s vaccine. It mentions RNA, but its explanation of the purpose of RNA in a vaccine is illogical.

• Animated Explanation • A Thorough Vaccine Education by Chris Crutch • Have You Actually Read a COVID19 Vaccine Consent Form Yet?

Monthly Log of Related News

July 2021 • 60-percent-of-people-being-admitted-to-UK-hospitals-had-two-COVID-19-jabs • BREAKING DISCOVERY! What COVID Injections Do to Your BLOOD! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings! • "This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit": MRNA VACCINE INVENTOR Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries | ZeroHedge • Albums of people damaged by the vaccines: TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CON-VID 1984 VAXX INJURED IN THE US BEGGING FOR HELP and here THE NEEDLE AND THE DAMAGE DONE • GENETICIST AND RESEARCHER DR. LUIS MARCELO MARTÍNEZ: 'THE SPIKE PROTEIN IS GRAPHENE + (2) Graphene Skies? - YouTube


• New Zealand will hunt down those who are not vaccinated • "NO" Was Never An Option For COVID Injections, Vaccinated Spread Is Being Hidden & Coerced Approval ( • Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization • "We are Human Guinea Pigs": Alarming Casualty Rates for mRNA Vaccines Warrant Urgent Action - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

June 2021 • BIG PHARMA’S BEST KEPT DEPOPULATION SECRET ** - Worldwide Deaths and Injuries from Covid mRNA Injections • Whistleblower - Funeral Directors Speak Out - The Only Ones Dying Are From The Vaccine • Genocide! VAERS “Backloads and Throttles” Death Data Again | Principia Scientific Intl. ( • Latest VAERS Data Show: 5,165 Deaths Reported Following COVID ( • VACCINATED workers scheduled for REPLACEMENT ( • New Pfizer study: Four fifths of all vaccinated children aged 12 and over complain of side effects (

May 2021 • The Bioweapon is the Vaccine Spike Protein, Not Any Virus - Dr. Tom Cowan, June I, 2021 • MSM Unwittingly Admits mRNA Truth & The Expected "Cyber Pandemic" Domestic Terrorism COVID Crossover ( • DR. Byram Bridle “We Made A Big Mistake” Explains Spike Proteins. | Truth In Plain • Robert F Kennedy Jr. Warns of WHO Genocide - DTP Vaccine Kills at TEN TIMES the Unvaxxed Rate - Fort Russ ( • Dr Charles Hoffe: An Open Letter on Moderna Vaccine Reactions ( • B.C. doctors urge action on colleague spreading COVID-19 misinformation | CBC News • DEL BIGTREE INTERVIEWS 3 MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS INCAPACITATED BY COVID19 VACCINE ( • HEART INFLAMMATION IN YOUTH RECENTLY VAXXED • COVID VACCINE LESS THAN 1% EFFECTIVE?! • Pharmacist does not care that he does not know what is in the vaccine


• Regarding Moderna's secret vax ingredients: starts at the 19:00 minute mark. • Most Vaccinated Nation Seychelles Reintroduces Curbs as Covid Cases Surge - Bloomberg ▪ Deadly Prion Brain Diseases & Experimental mRNA Covid-19 ( ▪ Dr. Lee Merritt: Forced Vaccines Are a Holocaust-Level Crime Against Humanity – Forbidden Knowledge TV ▪ 7,766 DEAD 330,218 Injuries: European Database of Adverse Drug (

April 2021: ▪ URGENT! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss Advice ▪ Microbiologist Says Vaccines will Decimate World’s Population ▪ 18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a COVID Vaccine • Children's Health Defense ▪ F.O.I Request shows 2,207 died within 28 days of having the Covid Vaccine in Scotland during February – The Daily Expose

March 2021: ▪ Italy Starts Manslaughter Investigation As Teacher Dies Hours After Getting AstraZeneca Vax


▪ Doctor Mocks ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ While Being Vaccinated, Dies of Heart Failure a Few Days Later ▪ COVID Outbreak Confirmed At Nursing Home Despite Staff, Patients Being Vaccinated ▪ Many Dying in Israel Following the Experimental Pfizer COVID mRNA Injections ( ▪ Israeli Death Rates Skyrocket After Pfizer COVID ‘Vaccines’ Roll Out | Principia Scientific Intl

February 2021: ▪ Covid RNA Vaccines: Already More Than 1000 Post-Vaccination Deaths. – Remember, only 1% or less of families report vaccination deaths to government data collectors, so 100,000 people have died in less than two months in the U.S. and Europe. ▪ Hospitals in France forced to SLOW DOWN covid as healthcare workers fall ill in droves – ▪ Exploring the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links

More Side-effects

The new vaccine is not even a vaccine—it is gene experimentation! But, if it were a vaccine, Doctor Vernon Coleman says,

“Since I believe everyone is entitled to know what side effects there could be with a heavily promoted vaccine, I’m going to read you the official list of possible side effects. This is, remember, not my list but a draft list compiled by the FDA – the Food and Drug Administration in the US.

Guillain-Barre syndrome Seizures Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis Stroke Transverse myelitis Narcolepsy Encephalitis Cataplexy Myelitis Anaphylaxis Encephalomyelitis Acute myocardial infarction (heart Meningoencephalitis attack) Meningitis Myocarditis Encephalopathy Pericarditis Convulsions Autoimmune disease


Death Arthritis Pregnancy, Birth outcomes Arthralgia Other acute demyelinating diseases Joint pain Non anaphylactic allergy reactions Kawasaki disease Thromocytopenia Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in Disseminated intravascular coagulation children Venous thromboembolism Vaccine enhanced disease

“You aren’t necessarily going to get all of those [side-effects] or even any of them if you have the vaccine. But those are the possible side effects that the FDA has listed. They’re all unpleasant, most of them very serious and you can’t get more serious than death. “And if you are mad enough to have the vaccine then you and your doctor should keep a look out for the symptoms of all the diseases on the FDA’s list. “Your government won’t tell you about these dangers – they don’t believe in fully informed consent as far as vaccines are concerned. “Indeed, most governments are now doing everything they can to ensure that all criticisms of vaccines are banned. Depending on where you live it is, or soon will be, illegal even to mention that vaccines might not always work or might make you ill. “Finally, if your government really cared about you they would conduct a very simple, cheap trial. “They would keep a note of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who had the vaccine and compare that list with a list of all the health problems affecting 20,000 patients who didn’t have the vaccine in the same period. They make the comparisons every 3, 6 and 12 months. “Of course, they’d have to find some honest doctors to oversee the trial because it would be very easy to fiddle.”


The CDC has done another data dump into the Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. The data goes through January 29, 2021, with 11,249 recorded adverse events, including 501 deaths following injections of the experimental COVID mRNA shots by Pfizer and Moderna. Besides the recorded 501 deaths, there were 2443 visits to Emergency Room doctors, 156 permanent disabilities, and 1066 hospitalizations. Almost 70% of the recorded deaths were among people over the age of 65. As we have previously reported, because the VAERS reporting system is voluntary, studies show that less than 1% of all vaccine injuries and deaths are recorded.

▪ VAERS: Adverse Events After Covid Vaccine (

▪ How Many People Are The Vaccines Killing?


▪ 53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started – The Duran

January 2021: ▪ Horrific Latent Deaths Predicted Among the Elderly by Genetics Professor After With RNA Vaccines - LewRockwell ▪ CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are "Dying Like Flies" After COVID Vaccine Injections! Speak Out! - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization ▪ Cowardly vaccine producer, Merck, halts vaccine production and says natural immunity better than vaccination. Obviously, the real reason for halting production is lack of demand and 'side-effects' such as death, paralysis, etc. 1. Merck Scraps COVID Vaccines; Says It’s More Effective To Get The Virus And Recover – Summit News 2. Merck Discontinues Development of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates; Continues Development of Two Investigational Therapeutic Candidates - ▪ COVID VACCINE ABREACTIONS RISE WORLDWIDE ( ▪ Rate Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shot - Truly Times - Conservative News ▪ California Halts COVID Vax: Adverse Reactions at ‘Unusually High Number’ | Principia Scientific Intl. ( ▪ Vaccine-injured Woman Speaks Out & CDC Lies on COVID Deaths | Principia Scientific Intl. ( ▪ The Coming Zombie Apocalypse? | Principia Scientific Intl. ( ▪ Dutch Medical Doctor’s Warning about the mRNA Vaccine | Principia Scientific Intl. ( ▪ 13 Israelis suffer FACIAL PARALYSIS after taking Pfizer Covid jab | Principia Scientific Intl. ( ▪ 23 die in Norway after receiving Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine | Principia Scientific Intl. ( ▪ They CAN vaccinate us through nasal test swabs AND target the brain –

Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines, Johns Hopkins researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that can latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs into the body. David Gracias, Ph.D., a professor in the Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering, and Johns Hopkins gastroenterologist Florin M. Selaru, M.D., director of the Johns Hopkins Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center, led a team of researchers and biomedical engineers that designed and tested shape-changing microdevices that mimic the way the parasitic hookworm affixes itself to an organism’s intestines.


Made of metal and thin, shape-changing film and coated in a heat-sensitive paraffin wax, “theragrippers,” each roughly the size of a dust speck, potentially can carry any drug and release it gradually into the body.

▪ Professor Dolores Cahill: Why People Will Start Dying A Few Months After The First MRNA Vaccination

December 2020: ▪ Some COVID-19 Patients Getting ‘New-Onset Psychosis,’ Doctors Say | Principia Scientific Intl. ( – please read the comments on this article ▪ CDC Report – 3150 People Paralyzed After COVID-19 Vaccine | Principia Scientific Intl. ( ▪ CDC Probe After 1000s Negatively-Affected From COVID-19 Vaccination ▪ Media Blackout: Moderna’s FDA Report Lists 13 Total Deaths, 6 In The Vaccine Group 7 In The Placebo ▪ Top EU Scientist Warns COVID-19 Vaccine Linked To Sterilization of Women ▪ Softball Pfizer Vaccine Rollout Interview Goes Horribly Wrong | Principia Scientific Intl. ( ▪ Pfizer, a leading vaccine manufacturer, appears to be a criminal enterprise. ▪ CDC EXPECTS VACCINE INJURY EPIDEMIC ▪ COVID-19 Vaccine Bombshell: FDA Documents Reveal DEATH + 21 Serious ( ▪ Vaccine manufacturers are legally immune from anyone wishing to sue them for any illness or injury caused by their vaccines. ▪ RECOMMENDED COVID19 LECTURE: The Dangers of COVID Cultists - Tom Woods ▪ Pfizer strikes again! FOUR PEOPLE DEVELOP BELL'S PALSY AFTER TAKING PFIZER COVID-19 VACCINE ▪ Who will profit from vaccinating Canada? Here are few names.

Useless Vaccine – Or Super-Powerful-Smart Virus?

Most People Who Now Die With Covid in UK Have Been Vaccinated FULL SHOW 8-4-21

CDC Admits COVID Injections Don't Stop Transmission & Injected Can Spread COVID Just As Easily (

15. Spraying Viruses or Poisons in the Atmosphere

The Spike Protein Was Sprayed in New York and Italy and old age homes to start the pandemic hysteria! 40

Imagine Putting Pathogens in the Clouds | Ken Calderia, GeoEngineer

Social engineering involves different fields of science, finance, politics, entertainment and religion. The basic task is to put the population into a certain path, way of thinking, predictable behavior through deliberate yet subtle psychologically embedded restrictions and false mantra.

Take for example the Club of Rome mantra that “the common enemy of humanity is man,” which has a noble ring to it, creates the false notion that man is bad by default, or a “sinner by birth.” This view can be knocked down right away by the fact that the child’s behavior right after birth is dictated only by his environment, in much the same way as any animal adapts to its habitat.

On the other hand, the Club of Rome mantra that “the common enemy of humanity is man,” would create the justification to kill all men by all means, except themselves, of course.


“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we suggested that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions, these phenomena constitute a common threat which demands the solidarity of all peoples. But in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”

The Common Enemy of Humanity is Man, Club of Rome

It’s too easy to fall victims into these carefully crafted phrases, e.g.:

• “All these dangers are caused by human intervention” to induce guilt to the audience much like the dogmatic “original sin”; • “It is only through changed attitudes, and behavior that they can be overcome”, paves the way for social engineering’s primary purpose, i.e. changed attitudes and behavior that they’ve set for humanity.

The problem with their version of global warming is that, with all their exceptionalist wisdom, they forgot about the sun as the source of increased solar system warming which is cyclical and, of course, natural and beneficial. Why?

Brain is electromagnetic and the sun is emitting electromagnetic waves. Increased solar activity increases brain activity, and that would negate the fundamental purpose of their social engineering efforts to make people dumb and dumber each time they breathe.

So it’s not an accident that people around the world are getting smarter today when the sun is since 2012. Couple that with the social media enjoying its heyday, and they got a perfect storm of massive awakening, they are now refusing vaccinations.

We must remember what the Club of Rome represents are Old People who believe that life is survival of the fittest, and creating a mindless population of slaves is ultimately justified by the fact that the same population is not doing anything decisive beyond street protests to counter their persistent genocidal attacks, they all deserve to die.


And the only smart way for them to do this now that people are refusing vaccinations is for pathogens to be sprayed upon them though chemtrails to induce slow deaths, so that the logistical nightmare of disposing thousands of dead bodies all at the same can be avoided.

This method is confirmed by no less than the Carnegie geo-engineer himself, Ken Calderia, who

“is an atmospheric scientist who works at the Carnegie Institution for Science‘s Department of Global Ecology. He researches ocean acidification,[2] climate effects of trees, intentional climate modification, and interactions in the global carbon cycle/climate system.[1][3][4][5][6][7] He also acted as an inventor for Intellectual Ventures, a Seattle-based invention and patent company headed up by Nathan Myhrvold.[8][9][10][11]“

The real enemy of Man is a group of parasites behind seats of power and governments around the world.

Off-grid living is never complete without your own off-grid healthcare system. In fact, that is one of the most critical components on how you can successfully live outside of the dog-eat-dog paradigm. A real off-grid healthcare technology is already being used to suppress any pandemic, destroy injectable microbots, and it offers many distinct advantages not attributable to mainstream conventions.

16. Euthanizing and Murdering the Elderly

Journalist Jacqui Deevoy has discovered state committing euthanasia

17. The Censored EMF-Syndrome Theory

How can some people be sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies/radiation and not others? Some people are more sensitive than others. That does not mean insensitive people are not harmed. No one is immune to the biological effects of EMF or EMR (Electro-Magnetic Radiation). We are all being negatively impacted and slowly boiled, like the proverbial frogs in the pot. We might not even realize that our health problems are caused by the invisible biohazard of EMR.


• Evidence for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications [PDF DOC] ( • NHS whistleblower Louise Hampton talks to former radiographer Ann Devlin, says 'COVID' IS NOT A VIRUS – IT’S STRONGLY ASSOCIATED WITH 5G RADIATION ( • Scientists and doctors have NEVER proved that flus and viruses are contagious! They tried to prove it 100 years ago, during the Spanish Flu, and failed. Many experts at that time realized that the cause of flus was electromagnetic radiation from electric hardware, radio waves, radar machines, and wireless communication. • What is electro-sensitivity? • 20,000 research papers prove that EMR is harmful. . I corresponded with the Univ of Aachen director of this site, asking how many of their current 27,000+ published NIR studies show harm? She said for an advocacy rule of thumb use 20,000. David Carpenter was copied in and also estimates 20,000. Moskowitz doesn’t seem to object. As everyone knows who has even a little familiarity with the EMR field, Carpenter (SUNY Albany, co-author of /Bio-initiative Report/, a summary of several hundred of the best of these studies) and Moskowitz (U Cal Berkeley) are the most influential scientists in EMR in N. America. • New York doctor quits because the symptoms he saw were not viral. In fact, they were classic 5G symptoms. • What is 5G? • Military origins of 5G • Detailed information from A. Firstenberg • 5G being used to create the symptoms needed to incentivize people to be vaccinated: • Health risks • Campaign to stop 5G • Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations • 5G versus Life • 4G is not innocent, but see 5G Super-Deadly-Hotspots

Arthur Firstenberg on 5G and Coronavirus I have been asked if I think the coronavirus disease is caused by 5G, and my answer is: not directly. But the parallels to 1918 are striking. Remember, the 1918 flu was not caused by a virus but by the proliferation of radio technology, to such an extent as to modify the electromagnetic environment of the Earth itself. The first, mild wave of the flu in the winter, spring and summer of 1918 was caused by the proliferation of thousands of wireless telegraphy stations, each having a limited geographic range and operating for a limited number of hours per day. The second wave, which lasted three full years, sickening one- third of humanity and killing ten percent of those it sickened, was caused by an escalation of radio from telegraphy to voice, part time to full time, and short-range to planet-wide. That is parallel to what is happening today. 5G is escalating the radio assault on our planet to a new level, using much higher frequencies, much greater bandwidth, and much


greater power levels. The first wave of the coronavirus has accompanied an enormous proliferation of 5G stations on the ground, each having a limited geographic range. This is shortly to be escalated from short-range to planet-wide, and from an indirect to a direct assault on the ionosphere, when thousands of 5G satellites go into operation this year and next. A clue to the electromagnetic nature of the present pandemic comes from an interesting observation: as many as two-thirds of the people who test positive for the coronavirus have lost their sense of smell, and often that is their only symptom and they are otherwide not sick. (“Loss of sense of smell as marker of COVID-19 infection,” ENT UK). Loss of sense of smell is a classic sign of the disease that was called radio wave sickness in the former Soviet Union, and that is called electrical sensitivity today; ofte n it is the only symptom of exposure to radio waves in otherwise healthy individuals. (“Investigation of the Olfactory Sensitivity in Persons Subjected to the Influence of UHF,” Ye. A. Lobanova and Z. V. Gordon, in The Biological Action of Ultrahigh Frequencies, A. A. Letavet and Z. V. Gordon, eds., Moscow 1960, JPRS 12471, pp. 50-56). Another clue is the frequently reported effects of the coronavirus disease on the cardiovascular system, including “arrhythmias, hypotension, tachycardia, and a high proportion of concomitant cardiovascular disease in infected individuals.” This was reported on March 6, 2020 in Cardiology Magazine. These are also classic effects of exposure to radio waves. A third clue is the astonishing variation in the severity of the current pandemic, regardless of the measures taken by governments to prevent person-to-person contact. Why, for exmaple, does Italy have 74,000 cases of coronavirus disease, and Japan only 1200? Eighty percent of the cases identified in Japan have not passed on the infection to anyone else. Tokyo, among the world’s most densely packed metropolitan areas with a population of 38 million, has almost no disease. This despite a nationwide quarantine and a shutdown of society in Italy, and few measures taken against the disease in Japan. There is no quarantine in Japan and bars, restaurants and clubs are busy and bustling. Temples are packed, and parks are filled with people viewing cherry blossoms. The subways are packed, and people are going to work, yet the disease does not spread. Japan has close contact with China, and did not even stop incoming flights from Hubei until February 1. Japan has an older population than Italy, and a higher rate of tobacco smoking. The electrical nature of the disease would explain this too. Almost all of Japan is volcanic, and the electrical conductivity of the earth underneath Japan is higher than underneath most of Italy. Residents of Japan are therefore better grounded than residents of most of Italy, and are less affected by the radio waves around them. The volcanic regions of Italy -- Sicily and Campania -- have much lower rates of coronavirus than the rest of Italy. Patricia Ormsby, who lives in Japan, told me years ago that when she is in the United States she can feel a cell phone from a distance of 6 meters, but when she is in Japan she does not feel a cell phone until it comes within 3 meters of her. I live in Santa Fe for the same reason: I do not feel all the cell towers here because the conductivity of the earth underneath Santa Fe is so high.


Regardless of the origin or severity of the respiratory virus that is called COVID-19, the rollout of 5G is playing a large role in the current pandemic. Fear, social isolation and the shutdown of society are doing far more damage to the fabric of life than the virus ever could. It is time for society to get over its obsession with this microorganism and to turn to the emergency posed by wireless technology, on Earth and in space. Also on March 18, OneWeb launched 34 more satellites into space from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, bringing the total of OneWeb’s satellites orbiting the earth to 74. None of these satellites have yet gone into operation, but on March 13, 2020, the Federal Communications Commission granted SpaceX permission to sell one million user devices to American customers. This has turned a long-standing concern into an emergency. For last fall, SpaceX announced its intention to begin providing 5G service to the northern United States and southern Canada after it had at least 400 satellites orbiting the earth. The threat to terrestrial life -- at least in portions of North America -- may now be only weeks away. I have summarized the threat to life posed by SpaceX in previous newsletters but it bears repeating. The energy for life is provided not only by the food we eat and the air we breathe, but by the electricity that we imbibe from earth and sky, which circulates through our acupuncture meridians, feeding our organs from the day we are born until the day we die. The source of the electricity that sustains us and circulates through our bodies is the earth’s own source of high voltage: the ionosphere. If we pollute that source with millions of pulsed, modulated frequencies, we will destroy all life on the surface of the Earth, including the birds in the sky and the fish in the oceans. And since they will all be orbiting in the ionosphere, that is exactly what all these satellites will do. Astronomers study the circulation of energy between the sun and the ionosphere. Atmospheric physicists study the global electrical circuit between the ionosphere and the earth. Doctors of Oriental Medicine study the circulation of energy within our bodies. Geophysicists are studying the effects of power line radiation on the ionosphere. But nobody is looking at the whole picture. Nobody is asking what the massive pollution of this source of energy will do to the community of life that it nourishes. Experience with Iridium (now operating 66 satellites) and Globalstar (now operating 48 satellites) tells us that the extinction of life will not be gradual. If thousands of satellites are turned on at once, it will be sudden and devastating. If service begins with only hundreds of satellites to a limited part of the world, and increases to global coverage from thousands of satellites next year, it may be a little less sudden but the end result -- the extinction of most life -- will be the same.

18. The Magic Anti-Vax Words?

Dr. Judy Mikovits has revealed that the medical establishment has known all along about the antidote to the contagion … the way to avoid taking the jab is to say “I am allergic to the SERUM”.)


When the medical establishment and political promoters want to exempt themselves from taking /vaccination, they always give themselves a legal way out, while pushing the “citizenry” to take the jabs. I am skeptical. I suspect the villains were once again planting hints in their jokes. Fire at SERUM Institute: Uddhav Thackeray likely to visit facility on Friday - India News Wasn’t the Serum facility burned on purpose in order to eliminate any trace of evidence of what kind of ‘vaccines’ they were actually making? Obviously, all the vaccines were centrally manufactured. Otherwise, how could the five vaccine distribution companies claim they invented their own new, experimental vaccines almost at the same time, all in record time?

19. Healthy, Natural Cures and Preventatives

What should governments do instead? To build healthy immune systems, the best prescription is to eat organic fruits and vegetables, get sunshine, exercise, and reduce your exposure to WiFi pollution.

The medical madness is inspiring governments to subject millions of people to more chemical pollutants as governments in China and Russia are spraying entire cities with disinfectant, and Spain is next, and after that, are you ready?

Vaccines are supposed to be preventative, not curative. We are supposed to be vaccinated before we are infected, but we are now vaccinating during a pandemic, so any reasonable person would conclude that we missed the opportunity for vaccination. So, why continue? The profit motive? This is one reason our national leaders will not admit that sunlight kills corona viruses or provide you with organic food, antibodies, vitamin D, chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C megadoses, selenium, zinc, Ivermectin, Bald’s Eyesalve, colloidal silver. Nor will our leaders tell to take Tamilflu and to protect ourselves from the vaccine and from the vaccinated, or to use Pine Needle Tea or Extract. Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are both anti-parasitic drugs and apparently have proven very effective against Cov-Sars-2—which suggests that we are dealing with a parasite, not a virus. ‘Coincidentally,’ the world’s second biggest hydroxychloroquine factory, which belong to China’s neighbor, blew up while Chinese military ships passed nearby. Here are more good protocols.

6 effective traditional Chinese medicines for COVID-19



Will THIS Cure The Vaccine INJURED? - Natural Anti-Radiation Pills & INCREDIBLE Studies REVEALED

How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children (

G. Governmental Idiocy and Malice

“You may starve, you may lose your homes, jobs, and the economy may crash. But we are curbing the spread of the flu.”

BIG BROTHER You might never have heard a current or former government official speak truth to power until you’ve heard ex-congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney. Interview - Congresswomen Cynthia McKinney and Harry Vox (

20. Lockdown and Economic Demolition

July 2021

• LAURA-LYNN TYLER THOMPSON: ELIZABETH STANTON AND THE SHORTAGE OF FREIGHT IN PORTS • UK Permanent Lockdown - Document Leaked – July 19 – India and South-East Asia, too • LEAKED DOCUMENT 14th June 2021 - Neil Ferguson On Permanent Lockdown UK • Leaked Docs On Permament Lockdown of UK in 3 weeks

June 2021 The Hypocrites: G7 barbeque party: Rules only apply to peasants

May 2021

WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON IN INDIA ( FASCISM In Canada! - Activists ARRESTED For Opposing Lockdown! - Antifa BEGS Police For MORE ARRESTS ( Coronavirus Australia: Scott Morrison says international borders to remain closed indefinitely ( February 2021:


THERE IS NO SCIENCE BEHIND LOCKDOWNS UPRISING IS IMMINENT! - People Fight Back As MAJORITY Of Businesses Go BANKRUPT! ( COVID Detainment/Concentration Facilities Go From "Conspiracy Theory" to Official Govt Policy in 3 Months - Activist Post End of Right to Travel, Forced Testing and Quarantining, Abduction Squads - Rebel News

January 2021: ‘Like being in prison’: The grim reality of what you can expect from a stay in hotel quarantine — RT Op-ed Another Study Shows—Yet Again—That Lockdowns Don't Work | ZeroHedge Study: 890,000 Americans may die due to COVID lockdowns | Principia Scientific Intl. ( CHILD ABUSE AT EPIDEMIC LEVELS DURING LOCKDOWN, Says BMJ | Principia Scientific Intl. ( Open Letter to FBI Demands Criminal Investigation Into Lockdown Fraud | Principia Scientific Intl. ( Quebec imposes curfew, tightens lockdown restrictions as coronavirus health crisis deepens |

November 2020: IF YOU SUPPORT LOCKDOWNS, YOU ARE SUPPORTING MURDER. Claire Edwards, former UN editor, calls COVID—the regulations imposed to ‘control’ the virus—an act of genocide. October 2020: History repeats? From WW2 internment camps of innocent Japanese, to Canadian internment camps for dissenters and sovereign people? See here and here. Australian big business, federal government demand accelerated lifting of Melbourne lockdown WHO Flip-Flops: Urges World Leaders To Stop Using Lockdowns To Fight COVID Contagion. See here, too.

Over 6000 Scientists, Doctors Sign Anti-lockdown Petition 15 Signs That America's Economic Depression Is Accelerating As We Head Toward The Holiday Season


September 2020: Europe’s LOCKDOWN will kill more people worldwide than Covid-19 virus, German minister warns Europe’s LOCKDOWN will kill more people worldwide than Covid-19 virus, German minister warns “A report by Her Majesty’s Government predicted that 200,000 people would die from delayed healthcare and economic recession caused by the response to COVID-19. Globally, the UN has estimated that 10,000 children every month are dying from hunger due to coronavirus measures; Oxfam has warned that this could kill 12,000 people per day by 2021. Looking at current data, CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield recently explained, “We’re seeing, sadly, far greater suicides now than we are deaths from COVID. We’re seeing far greater deaths from drug overdose…” The Lockdown Lobotomy The cure prescribed by governments around the world is deadlier than the coronavirus curse. Now, the lockdown and shutting down of borders doesn’t only mean the end of vacations and purchases of government-deemed non-essentials, it means the total destruction of small businesses while online giants, Big Box stores like Costco and Walmart that sell food and, conveniently, much more, flourish and absorb much of the smaller business economy. Now, in the middle of May 2020, we read the following: 10 Numbers That Show The U.S. Has Fallen Into A Horrifying Economic Depression. We are in the Greater Depression. Forget historical parallels. The old Great Depression was mild and small compared to the economic devastation that is coming. Oh, wait, according to, the unemployment rate in the U.S. is already near 35%, which would be 10% higher than the official unemployment stats for the Great Depression.

When will the lockdown end? Never—unless people rise up. In August 2020, Australia has already descended into a second lockdown, and Canada’s chief public health officer is predicting a second wave, therefore a second lockdown. Earlier in 2020, Italians were finding out. New Yorkers are finding out, and in August, 5th Avenue is a ghost street. Oh, our leaders will relax restrictions on this and that, but our dear leaders do not want the world returning to normal. Like Squealer, in Animal Farm, who inspired submission by warning that the tyrant Farmer Jones could return, our leaders are warning that relaxing counterproductive restrictions will invite COVID-19 back into our lives and further cull the human population by another … few thousand lives. 50

And, if necessary, they will invent new scamdemics.

What else is Big Brother doing for us? He’s throwing money around at the people he’s rendered unemployed and at the businesses he’s rendered businessless. Of course, the little people get very little, and the enormous sums of money Big Brother creates through the miracle of borrowing (from privately owned megabanks like the BIS, FED, IMF, etc.) is designed to make entire nations go bankrupt and owned by the megabanks and the bankster billionaires behind them.

o August 2020: Manhattan, NYC is a ghost town. All luxury stores are boarded shut. 80% of restaurants can’t pay rent. o August 2020: Australian cities begin second lockdown. Businesses dying. And, more here, and ... o Electronic car theft up 99%. o July 2020: 25% of renters in New York can’t pay their rent. o recession/5703809 o industry-enters-total-collapse-as-a-result-of-nationwide-lockdown.html o Louisiana is exemplary: Louisiana usually gets about 1,500 applications for unemployment a week. Two weeks ago they received over 70,000. The max benefit for Louisiana workers is $247 a week, lowest in the nation. No one in Louisiana has received a federal check for the additional $600 promised. [For the article see covid-19-louisiana]

21. Mandatory Vax, Vax Passports and War on Non-Vaxxed

July 2021 US Army preparing for mandatory COVID-19 vaccines by September, report says | American Military News Philippines president: ‘Covid vaccine or I will have you jailed’

February 2021:

COVID-1984: Israel Goes Full Bore with Covid Vaccine Tracking and Telling | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (


Israel Becomes the New Nazi Germany; Vaccine Passports Required 'Vaccine passports' could be used in UK, top official says (

April 2021 Here Come the Global Vaccine Passports WHO Rejects Vaccine Passport for International Travelers

22. Bailouts, Free Money and Rising Taxes

January 2021: Canada wastes $1.5 billion on dangerous ventilators: Plus de 20 000 ventilateurs dorment dans les réserves d’Ottawa | Le Devoir November 2020: Relief for middle and lower class Americans might run out. Millions upon millions are unable to pay their rent and mortgages. “Dark Winter” — Millions Of Americans Are Expected To Lose Their Homes Corporations are receiving huge bailouts and citizens are receiving small handouts—both from governments that are borrowing money from international banks owned by billionaires. How will we pay for all this ‘free’ money? Major Tax Increases are About to Slam America as Cities and States Want You to Pay for Covid Fallout Although Canada’s CERB (Canada Emergency Response Benefit) welfare payments are poverty payments, they will be taxed the following year!

23. Manufacturing Hunger and Weaponized Food

July 2021 "Rolling Shortages" of Food? UK's Meat Tax & Food Riots ( WARNING: THEY WANT TO STARVE EVERYONE Warnlng! Major food shortages are coming but don't worry they have a solution

June 2021 India’s lockdown may already have killed more people than “Covid”; will get worse

May 2021 Cyberattack Shuts Biggest Meat Producer in World, JBS - Cyberpandemic meets Food Supply

February 2021:


Texas Agriculture Commissioner issues red alert over food supply chain ( No Vax, No Food? UK Supermarkets may Require Vax Passport (

December 2020:

November 2020: We Haven't Seen This Much Suffering On Thanksgiving Since The Great Depression

October 2020: A WORLD-WIDE ASSAULT ON OUR FOOD SUPPLY: AGRICULTURAL TERROR: New Zealand Blocks Farmworkers, Leaves Crops To Rot Hawaii Food Bank Sees “Stunning” Increase In Meals Served De Blasio's 'Utopia'? Quarter-Mile Food-Bank Line Spotted In Queens

September 2020: More Than One Million New Jerseyans To Become “Food Insecure” By Year-End The Planned Starvation of America Holodomor 2.0. Manmade Famine and Election Chaos

August 2020: States Secretly Stockpiling Food, Competing to Fill Warehouse Ahead of Expected Disaster – or are they creating a disaster? Note, this August 31 article was deleted from the USSA news website.

May, 2020: See inserted article screenshot: “Every single worker…” Really?? How is that possible? Easily. Since the tests actually detect human genetic material, not viruses, the whole world could test positive. But why are the authorities focusing on farms? Who cares about farms? Do they want to shut down all our farms and starve millions? History and the facts about your rulers do not support you if you dismiss the possibility of a plot to reduce the human population through starvation. Africa, for example, does not suffer famines regularly because Africans don’t know how to feed themselves or manage their environment—though, admittedly, many are being kept ignorant of such knowledge.


Farms are essential. Farming is a life-and-death industry. Over the past few years, 1000s of small farms were disappearing every day around the world while a few toxic mega-farms expanded business. Our world as we know it has gone: Thousands of farms folding every day Is this, perhaps, a dangerous situation? Is this, perhaps, precisely what our greedy and eugenicist leaders want?

According to Peter Koenig: “By the end of 2020, more people will have died from hunger, despair and suicide than from coronavirus. We, the world, are facing a famine pandemic of biblical proportions. This true pandemic will far surpass the “COVID-19 pandemic”. The famine pandemic is reminiscent of the film “Hunger Games” because it is based on similar circumstances of a dominant minority controlling who can eat and who will die – through competition. »

And P. Koenig copied a recent Facebook entry (name and location not revealed for personal protection) reads as follows: “….. In the poorer country, where I live, the entire village is on lockdown since March 16. Here the people have nothing to eat … The wife of my main worker was raped and beaten to death. She was of Chinese descent. In spite of not being allowed to go outside, the people were starving and rampaged walking miles from farm to farm destroying everything. I have lost my entire livestock, fruits, vegetables. The houses were burned and the vehicles, tools etc. stolen. I am bankrupt with nobody around who can give money to rebuild. My workers cannot be paid. Their families are also starving. More malnutrition and undernourishment

54 which will lead to a higher starvation rate or death from other diseases. How many will commit suicide through landing on the streets completely impoverished? – How many died in India trying to walk literally up to thousands of miles to get back home in the hope of finding refuge, after all public transportation was shut down and all had to go into lockdown. I am sure that these numbers will be a lot higher than the number who have died from the virus as well as will increase the numbers for those dying of next year’s flue due to a weakened immune system.”

Why is starvation occurring and why is more starvation almost inevitable? Thanks to the economic lockdown, farms dependent on migrant workers are idle because the migrant workers are struggling to cross borders and avoid quarantines, and plane tickets are astronomical. Additionally, food packing plants are shutting down due to alleged COVID-19 outbreaks, and jobless people on insufficient government handouts cannot afford the food whose prices are rising. As a result, we have lack of money to buy food and lack of food to buy. Meanwhile, millions of people are sitting at home, doing nothing to help each other or themselves—and the MSM, while reporting on this, is doing nothing to criticize governments and corporations.

If you still think your governments and corporations care about you and are dealing with a real virus in a rational manner, consider that governments, Walmart and others are refusing to sell seeds. They do not want people feeding themselves. Finally, consider studying the research work of Christian Westbrook. “Christian is an independent researcher and creator of the “Ice Age Farmer” broadcast which documents the longstanding agenda to collapse our food supply and replace it with synthetic foods.” He recently spoke with Spiro Skouras. Of course, countries that depended on food imports will starve first, but the food supply chains and food itself is also being destroyed in wealthy countries.

• August 2020: Texas has drive-thru food banks with cars lined up for miles. • May 2020: From Chile: “Thousands Are Starving”: Protesters Demanding Food Clash With Soldiers As Lockdown Intensifies in Chile. • Canada: Truck drivers needs armed escort to deliver groceries to Walmart


• Around the world: coronavirus-the-hunger-will-kill-us-a-global-food-crisis-looms/ar- BB135Gbv?li=AAggNb9 APril • South Africa: “I’m starving now": World faces unprecedented hunger crisis amid coronavirus pandemic in-south-africa/ • From Nigeria: covid-19-lockdowns/a-53212565 • Millions starving in India: are-starving-us-millions-in-india-facing-hunger-during-lockdown/ar- BB13ctbU?li=BBoPWjQ • The Planned starvation of America: starvation-of-america/ • Supply lines: really-tight-nationwide-food-distribution-systems-break-down • New American Breadlines: depression-shocking-images-show-horror-of-americas-new-breadlines.html • And here: antonio-families-hungry-coronavirus-pandemic-texas/ • Africa: • Canadian agriculture: stories/headlines/canadas-agriculture-sector-is-at-a-covid-19-tipping-point- 94270

What can we do? Obviously, we must work together and grow food, as people did during World War Two, when so much of the American economy – agricultural workers included – was devoted to building weapons and military supplies that citizens were told to grow so- called Victory Gardens at home. It worked. Today, the challenge is greater, as more people are living without land, but the challenge is not insurmountable.

24. A Medical Dictatorship


Around the world, governments are using the fake pandemic as an excuse to declare emergency measures, grab power and suspend democratic processes. In January 2021, President Joe Biden is pushing the U.S. deeper into medical-police state tyranny. In late 2020, In BC, Canada, the Lieutenant Governor’s Bill 19 gives him the power of a dictator. For more on Bill 19, see here.

The global sheeple used to enjoy the illusion that they had rights, now that illusion is gone. Of course, our rulers deny it. They will say they’re merely incentivizing people to obey by creating consequences for disobedience … little consequences like losing your right to travel and go to any public place. Home imprisonment, anyone? All our rulers needed was a good excuse to convince people to let them trample civil rights around the world. They found one: tell people that breathing, socializing, and touching are dangerous and that only the government and high-tech companies can help them survive this awful curse. What rights are we allowing to be trampled? Freedom of movement, of congregation, of work, of speech and so on. Since we’ve had plenty of prior viral panics, we should expect a government that is prepared with masks, ventilators, tests, medicines, nurses and doctors, and so on. Instead, they have no evidence of any prior preparation—except, of course, plenty of evidence that they planned the scamdemic, as you’ll see below in a later chapter.


Shortages are already forcing hospitals and doctors to ration and deny health care to the elderly. Why all these signs of incompetence? Perhaps the people in charge do not know the actions needed to care for our health and our lives, and perhaps this predicament was created by tyrants to create chaos, fear, and absolute submission to tyranny and state- supported, predatory disaster capitalism (See Section G below).

o November 2020: Canadian military prepares to help with COVID-19 vaccine distribution o September 2020: Quebec imprisons people who violate corona regulations. o August 2020, New Zealand Rolls out Mandatory Coronavirus Quarantine Camps o August 2020, Melbourne and Victoria Australia begin crushing, degrading lockdowns. In Victoria: • "Where you slept last night is where you'll need to stay for the next six weeks." • Curfew between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. • Only one person per household will be allowed to leave their homes once a day -- outside of curfew hours -- to pick up essential goods, and they must stay within a 5- kilometer radius of their home unless nearest shop is over 5 KM away. • Exercise can be taken for up to an hour a day, with one other person, but still within five kilometers of a person's home.


o Russia begins mandatory vaccination in August 2020. o July 30: Oklahoma prepares to impose mandatory vaccination. o Virginia’s government encourages residents to snitch on one another, just as Nazis betrayed innocent Jews. o Canada can now legally fine people who break their corona-inspired unethical and stupid laws (including laws against congregating in groups larger than 5 and ‘trespassing’ onto tax-funded parks) up to ten million dollars and Canada can also sentence them to a year in prison. emergency-law-could-cost-you-100000-and-one-year-in-jail.html o The U.S. National Guard goes door to door to enforce quarantine: o More prisoners! emergency-detain-people-indefinitely/5708011 o More punishments! punishment-time-coronavirus-200312171128553.html o Tracking everyone! o Imprisoned in your home! cant-use-your-own-back-yard-police-make-sure-of-it.html o More fines! establishments-fined-for-violating-crowd-ban/ o Governments and the media tell children how to dismiss claims made by parents: conspiracy-theories • Increased surveillance: trojan-horse-to-increase-smartphone-surveillance.html triggered-by-pandemic-exposed.html • crises-to-expand-its-lockdown-powers.html • being-imposed-on-the-world.html • Big Brother or Contact Tracing? Euphemisms-for-us: propaganda-watch.html Do you like being surveilled and monitored like a criminal or a toddler? Of course, it’s for your own good! link-to-pending-covid-19-actions.html

And this from Activist Post:


“People are being thrown off their own private property because they’re not an ‘official resident’ of the town. Others have been arrested for attending a funeral. Others threatened with jail for their social media posts. “Content everywhere is being heavily censored, with major tech companies like Google and Facebook telling us what we can/cannot say. “Governments around the world are tracking their citizens’ every movement, and now there’s talk of national health databases and special passports. “And they’re spending trillions of dollars without any thought of the consequences.” 11.html

But freedom reigns—for who? For prisoners! Yes, prisoners are being set free. The argument? Prisons are breeding grounds for COVID-19. Nonsense. Prisoners are quarantined, like everyone else. And what does the government expect jobless ex-prisoners to do? Can you guess the worst?

• Indiscriminately releasing prisoners to that they won’t die of coronavirus in prison! released-900-inmates-over-coronavirus-fears How about giving them jobs, homes, food? • Prisoners sent home! homes-jail-traveling-without-permission.html • 35% of the United Kingdom’s prisoners have been set free: majestys-penitentiary-inmates-released-st-johns-crime-rate-lower-than-this- time-last-year-444416/

What will we do with the empty prisons? Fill them with protestors, if any dare to defy orders. Of course, most protests have been silenced, but that can’t last long.

• Prior to the Corona-drama, protests had been growing globally: • Thank God for determined French protestors! • Wuhan protests conveniently stopped:

Any other brilliant government reactions? How about NOT discontinuing any biological warfare programs and NOT closing any bioweapon labs? Yes, we continue to develop bioweapons—for good purposes, of course!


25. Children and the Future of School?

July 2021 Five Times More Children Committed Suicide Than Died Of COVID-19 During Lockdown: UK Study | ZeroHedge Doctors Given Power to Vaccinate Young Children Without the Knowledge of Parents

May 2021: Halton District School Board Bullshit: Youth-Vaccination-COVID-19-Fact-Sheet American Public Schools Hold Events to Convince Students to Take COVID Shot, Encourage Friends to Get Vaxxed - Activist Post Experimenting on Children - Genocide Leila Centner's Mic Dropping Interview on the HighWire the Mainstream (

April 2021: UN Officials Cite Study that Finds Lockdowns, School Closures Killing More Children than COVID

March 2021: schools-blackmailing-parents-for-covid-consent-fake-news-vaccine-passports-now- mainstream/

February 2021: 1493% surge in domestic child abuse during pandemic, reports specialist UK children’s hospital Surge exists compared with same period in previous three years

Covidiocracy: Music Class Inside Personal Tents

Surge of Student Suicides Forces Las Vegas Schools to Reopen | Principia Scientific Intl. (

Excerpt from: Top Charity Exposes Lockdown’s Shocking Mental Health Cost for Children: In Britain, the respected charity, the Samaritans has launched a hard-hitting new campaign pinpointing the shocking mental health damage the pandemic lockdowns are having on the nation. The charity reports that 4.6 million people are displaying depressive symptom and 80 percent of teenagers now have mental health issues.

Coronavirus doctor's diary: We're getting self-harming 10-year-olds in A&E - BBC News

January 2021: Parents Shocked as Armed Cops Show Up at Their Homes to Talk About Kids’ Grades


SUICIDE RATES SKYROCKET: “I’m watching kids and adults fall apart around me. Two kids in the next town committed suicide last week (one was 18 with a full ride to MIT/star quarterback, and one was 20). On top of the insanity of two suicides in a small, wealthy town in a week, the school then prevented the grieving football team from running on the field together to try and honor him. They cited COVID restrictions as their reason for preventing kids from running on the field, outdoors. While this is heartbreaking, the sheer number of kids failing academically, depressed, or simply despondent is staggering. “I work with 20 to 30 or so kids — and remember these are kids whose parents prioritized them getting exercise and activity during COVID — and 50% of them are struggling. Their friends who can’t afford or whose parents are afraid, 80-90%. Mild- mannered academic slams COVID hysteric | Principia Scientific Intl. (

Why are schools closed? Sweden keeps schools open and records no student deaths from Sars-Cov-2.

Virtual School Dangers: The Hazards of a Police State Education by J.W. Whitehead.

December 2020: What is life like for online-kids? NUMB - a short film by liv mcneil (

September 2020: Mother Slams School for Banning Children Unable to Wear Masks "Sentenced To Isolation Prisons!" - College Students Across America Are Being Subjected To A Horrid Psychological Experiment

August 2020: Tennessee teachers are worried you’ll overhear what they teach your kids local media recommends parents lie, trick children into wearing face mask

July 2020: Ten Million Children ‘May Never Return to School’ after Coronavirus


May 15, 2020: I teach students from a variety of schools, so I know that teachers are becoming lazier thanks to online teaching. Very few students are receiving feedback; even grades are not given. Tests are rarely administered and obviously cheating is unrestrained. Plus, students were informed that no one’s grades can decrease during the lockdown, which greatly diminishes motivation. Now, the return to classes in school buildings is being advertised as voluntary. This will greatly complicating the teaching profession and almost certainly guaranteeing that few will come and governments will make all education online and more worthless than ever. As if to ensure that few children and parents will volunteer, schools are imposing horrible, draconian and oppressive rules.

• When schools reopen, they will resemble prisons • Insane rules for schools in Quebec • Even online students must be vaccinated in Virginia. • Torture for children: Canada • When will schools open? No guarantee NY schools will open this September • We can expect enrollment in universities and colleges to collapse. People won’t have the money. In Canada, the government has already cut back funding. Plus,


some people might be realistic enough to notice that education does not have the power to create jobs. The job market is mostly dead.

H. Disaster Capitalism and Totalitarianism

The simple principle of disaster capitalism is to create, fake, or simply use disasters for profit and for the power grabs. COVID-19 is, in part, such an operation. The WEF is now warning that cyber viruses and attacks with have much worse consequences and will be used for ‘power’ and some profit. POWER GRID FAILURES, CYBER ATTACKS & FOOD SHORTAGES, (

26. Indemnity: Immunity from Legal Consequences for the Vaccine Profiteers

Supreme Court rules for vaccine makers on lawsuits | Reuters UK Unlicensed vaccine manufacturers are immune from some, but not all, civil liability - Full Fact

COVID vaccine-makers largely protected on side effects ( COVID: Pfizer, Moderna, and Other Vaccine Makers Get Legal Immunity for Some Time - SWFI (

Government pays billions in vaccine injury claims - ABC7 New York (

27. Medical Tyranny and Profiteering

Our dear leaders, echoing Bill Gates, seem determined to use COVID-19 to vaccinate everyone on Earth, whether they like it or not. Can you spell p-r-o-f-i-t-s and m-e-d-i-c-a-l m- a-l-p-r-a-c-t-i-c-e?

• Pfizer Contracts Exposed: Big Pharma Dictates, National Governments Kneel • 'Profiteering Healthcare System' Blamed as US Medical Debt Surges to $140 Billion | Common Dreams News • As I warned: RNA gold rush; new genetic products in the pipeline « Jon Rappoport's Blog ( • TYRANNY - government of Ontario, Canada, authorizes employers to fire without pay employees who do not vaccinate (see #4a and 4b) • WHO Whistleblower: Bill Gates Has Secret Deal to Dodge Vaccine Prosecutions


• Prime minister [Trudeau] said “We’re going to have to remain vigilant’ until vaccine is found” • Life won’t return to normal until vaccine - Von de Leyen (European Commission President) • Bill Gates will save the world … and make a profit doing it! • • • billionaires-seeks-gain-trump-admins-ear • Investigative journalist Pepe Escobar reports on the medical incompetence and disaster capitalism of the West

28. Billionaires and Bankers Will Own the World:

July 2021 WARNING: Globalists Are BUYING UP COUNTRIES! - This Is A TAKEOVER! - From Britain To Montenegro (

Vaccine Billionaires and Human Guinea Pigs - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

May 2021 COVID pandemic spawns vaccine billionaires amid global mass death ( Covid vaccine profits mint 9 new pharma billionaires - CNN

April 2021 While small businesses are crashing, the middle class is dying, so why are property prices rising? Consider the power of Blackstone, a company with 26 trillion in assets— mostly real estate. Yes, the billionaires are profiting, but who are they? All the Fortune 500 corporations appear to be controlled by four investment firms: Blackrock, with 8 trillion in equity, Vanguard, … And what is Serco? Serco Group Plc - A Leading Provider of Public Services? This company is briefly mentioned in conjunction with Blackrock here April 19th 2021 David Hawkins EXPOSES TRUDEAU & GATES FAMILY MASSIVE CORRUPTION (

March 2021 Here’s how the world’s billionaires made many more billions off the Covid hoax!

January 2021 Governments Sign Secret Vaccine Deals: Here’s What They Hide


A Private-Public Partnership That Created A Pandemic

June 21, 2020: How much have the billionaires profited from three months of Covid- lockdown? See this and this and YOU’RE GETTING PLAYED BY THE CORPORATE BILLIONAIRE CLASS


And, I should have foreseen this: Ten countries have already begged the IMF for loans, and the IMF expects over a hundred nations will do the same, going into debt to the IMF. Two problems: 1) The IMF does not use US dollars but some other fake currency that could become the new world reserve currency, which would not only dethrone all other currencies but destroy all other currencies. 2) Once a nation is indebted to the IMF, it will not be able to repay and it will become legally subservient to its creditor, the IMF and the shadowy people who profit from the IMF, the World Bank, and the BIS. When will the moment of bankruptcy occur? No one knows, but it will come. According to Chris Hedges: “The steady increase in public debt, corporate debt, credit card debt and student loan debt will ultimately lead, as Nomi Prins writes, to “a tipping point—when money coming in to furnish that debt, or available to borrow, simply won’t cover the interest payments. Then debt bubbles will pop, beginning with higher yielding bonds.”

In fact, the world has 500 trillion USD in debts. The Canadian federal government has about one trillion USD in debts. These debts are growing faster than economies and debt and interest payments are sucking the life out of the world economy. It’s already effectively dead, and bankers are responsible. Now, by shutting down much of the world economy for COVID-19, when the crash happens, they can blame COVID-19! How clever! And when the crash happens, many small banks will sink and some big banks with connections to the ruling elites will be saved. They will also probably use the inevitable crash as an excuse to eliminate existing currencies, since all existing currencies exist in economies where debts are greater than savings in cash and digital money. Existing currencies will be replaced with a digital world currency. Other excuses can be offered, but the real reason will be to help our dear rulers track every transaction and control the money we depend on to live.

Spiro Skouras: And what is happening to small businesses, debtors and employees? See below.


29. Business Destruction and Monopolization

In the U.S., 100,000 businesses have already shut down, most permanently. Small brickandmortar shops are shutting down while giant online retailers like Amazon are booming. In fact, Amazon recently announced it was hiring 100,000 workers. As small businesses die, what little economic independence self-employed people had will vanish.

• • The Decline of Black Business | Washington Monthly

2020 • Top African brands could lose $60 billion over COVID-19 - Businessday NG • 40% of black-owned businesses not expected to survive coronavirus - CBS News • unprecedented-clash-erupts-between-tenants-and • 19-measures-upend-womens-lives.html • default-tsunami-has-started

Debtors? 30% Of Americans Didn't Make Their Housing Payment In June

Unemployment? doesn’t hide the painful truth.


30. The Stock-Market’s Inside Traders

Not only did CEOs, U.S. senators and other insiders conveniently dump their stocks shortly before the coronavirus devastated the stock market, but over a thousand CEOs ‘mysteriously’ resigned before it began. Many captains of industry abandoned ship well before December 2019, when the first inklings of trouble were dripped into the media, so perhaps they were just tired of making piles of money, right? Remember the insider trading that happened just before 9/11?

31. Government Bailouts

• BlackRock Authored the Bailout Plan Before There Was a Crisis – Now It’s Been Hired by three Central Banks to Implement the Plan • One man’s disaster is another man’s profit: let-crisis-go-waste/5707933 • Big money goes to big people: cash-grab-pelosi-us-agencies-compile-lists-phase-4-stimulus • cards/5708053

32. COVID-19 As an Asset-Stripping Operation


Due to lockdowns throughout the developed world, small and medium sized businesses are going bankrupt and homeowners are unable to pay their mortgages. Already, giant investment firms like Blackstone are buying everything with their trillions of USD. This drives up property prices, but

I. The Naked NWO

The fact that nearly 200 governments around the world reacted in lockstep, that is, reacted in sync, as if following the same script, strongly implies that they were being instructed by a globalist class of non-national, transnational, international bankers and dictators. The fact that parliaments, senates and houses of congress shut down during a so-called emergency proves that our governments are no longer in charge and are taking orders from ‘above.’ So, who are your rulers? Democracy was always illusory, but now the evidence is in our faces. Political institutions—the institutions that created the illusion of representative democracy— are closed and billionaires are dictating national policies. powerfully/5709479

33. The Long Depopulation Game

If a pandemic or other disaster is good for profits, which they usually are for the ultra- wealthy, why not keep the game going as long as possible? As section 27 will explain, the actors responsible for this disaster already have 5 year-long loan programs to fund their Covid disaster. So, why not keep the scam going for as long as possible—especially since this is one of those rare and special scams that not only fleeces the public but imposes new forms of control on the public? So, we should not be surprised that the initial 2-week lockdown in March, 2020, was quickly extended, paused, resumed, paused, resumed and so on, and that now, even during the pauses, masking and social distancing is required. So, why wouldn’t they play this game forever? That’s precisely what they’re boldly telling us in February 2021.

Fully Vaccinated Iceland Now Discussing 15 YEAR CORONAVIRUS RESTRICTIONS PLAN


15 Months later (May 2021): Top epidemiologist says virus outbreak is ‘absolutely inevitable'

Moderna CEO says the world will have to live with Covid 'FOREVER'


The coronavirus is going to stick around forever. Get ready for the new normal.

The coronavirus will stick around forever | Business Insider India

34. Evidence of Premeditation

Anesthesiologist Told to Prepare for a ‘COVID Crisis’ NEXT WEEK (Aug.3, 2021)


Dr. Fauci Predicted a Pandemic Under Trump in 2017; Video

COVID Vaccine Invented Before COVID, What’s Going On? (NIAID, Moderna Had COVID Vaccine Candidate in December 2019) (Mercola, MD)

Spike Protein Depopulation Patents Since 2002!

2016 Australian government authorisation to supply or administer vaccine/poison

Massive Stock of Body Bags in Preparation for???

CDC in Collusion with Vaccine Manufacturers (since 2004 at least!)

President of World Academy of Bio-Med Sciences: COVID-19 Is a Bioweapon

According to Professor Chossudovsky: “Let us be under no illusions, this [Coronavirus situation] is a carefully planned operation. There is nothing spontaneous or accidental. Economic recession is engineered at national and global levels. In turn, this crisis is also integrated into US-NATO military and intelligence planning. It is intent not only upon weakening China, Russia and Iran, it also consists in destabilizing the economic fabric of the European Union (EU).” Unfortunately, the public is steeped in faith and trust, so now the most obvious evidence of premeditated criminal behavior will be ignored. Let’s consider some of the evidence on which Professor Chossudovsky might have based his charge:

1. Many hundreds of CEOs quit just before the Corona-Crash 2. NINE simulation drills and laws that suggest premeditation 3. Trump signs a Coronavirus aid bill that was written in January 2019 and named the Coronavirus Aid Relief, Economic Security Act or the CARES ACTS!


4. In October 2019, billionaire eugenicist Billy Gates and friends staged an expensive coronavirus pandemic simulation exercise called Event 201. You read that correctly—a coronavirus pandemic simulation exercise. Coincidence? Yes, if the fact that most people sleep at night is a coincidence. The reason for organizing this event? To train and prepare the useful idiots in various governments and corporations to do the bidding of their masters. On this note, some coronavirus jobs were being posted by government before the virus began: 5. Mike Pompeo, on March 23, 2020, referred to this supposedly real pandemic as a “live exercise.” This is a military term meaning an exercise using real weapons. This suggests that the real pandemic was staged and that no one is actually dying from the ‘weapon’ – the allegedly dangerous coronavirus. President Trump was standing nearby, so he overheard and said, “You should have told us earlier.” That suggests he was not pleased, but he expressed no outrage and did not call out Mike Pompeo. Apparently, the elites just like dropping hints and knowing that the all-trusting, gullible public will ignore almost every sign that they are being duped. 6. In 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation published a paper (annotated by me here) that explored various disaster scenarios, including a pandemic. Unsurprisingly, its author had the audacity to suggest that more central control over people is necessary and good. 7. BlackRock Authored the Bailout Plan Before There Was a Crisis – Now It’s Been Hired by three Central Banks to Implement the Plan

35. The Global, Deep-Theatre

The media would have us believe that China and the U.S. governments are feuding. This is a circus. The global elites, billionaires, have governments in their pockets. Everything is co- ordinated. That does not mean they won’t turn on one another and wage war. Psychopaths will kill one another if given the chance. Early in 2020, videos were published from China showing authorities in hazmat suits dragging unwilling and flailing people out of their homes. Who shot these videos? Why did China allow them to go viral? Apparently, they were staged to spread fear of the virus and submission to authority. As usual, President D. Trump continues to talk big and do nothing. He implies that the pandemic is being manufactured and that the lockdown response is harmful, and he even criticized car manufacturers for ceasing production. However, and as usual, none of his actions suggest that he’s actually a genuine critic. He has done nothing. While he seems quite capable of giving more money to the Pentagon, building walls across continents and stopping environmental protestors, somehow he doesn’t seem able to do anything to stop his country from being ruled by a medical-military regimen, and he’s already authorized the use of the million-strong military reserves to help enforce the medical madness. In other words, Trump is part of the Deep Theater Company, aka the Deep State.


Sadly, people are falling for the Trump Show and forgetting that he is not their friend, that he is one of the elites, that he played golf with the Clintons and that he is quite a good actor. Of course, the U.S. is not the only nation with a Deep Theater Company. Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is also busy pretending to be a leader while taking orders from people we do not know or see, and he’s busy pretending to be worried and pretending that his self-isolation in a mansion is a good example to follow for people who live in crowded apartments and homes with school-aged children who are no longer going to school. And, he is busy pretending that his act of courageously not going to work (as if he ever ‘works’) sets an example we should emulate, as if he ever worries about his bills, shelter, food, medicine, and so on. Should we be surprised that Justin loved to teach high school drama classes? To some extent, all politicians are actors, but Dr. , the U.S. director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984, he is a criminal posing as a doctor, and he’s one of the many men pulling Trump’s strings. The UN, China, Bill Gates and others are tools being used to push a homicidal global agenda created by invisible elites—royal families, bankers, high-tech tycoons, and others, many of whom might be involved in cults such as Freemasonry.

36. Assassinations, Threats and ‘Convenient’ Deaths

Is this coincidence? Please note the dates. • ‘Nothing to worry about’: Madagascar spurns Covid-19 vaccines in favour of herbal ‘remedy’ | South China Morning Post (March 2021 • Six arrested as Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina survives assassination attempt – (July 23, 2021. Face of Malawi)

See a connection between the two articles below? • Dr. Hoffe of LYTTON B.C. Attacked by Dr. Henry & Interior Health Authority for Exposing Dangers of Experimental Bioweapon Falsely Labelled a “Vaccine” • 'Most homes' in LYTTON, B.C., destroyed by catastrophic fire, minister says | CBC News

See a connection between the articles below? Please note dates • On Assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse: Black Alliance for Peace Smells a Rat • Haitian President Jovenel Moise Assassinated By Unknown Attackers | ZeroHedge • Mounting Evidence Shows Haitian President Moïse Was Assassinated Before Blowing Whistle on Vaccines ( • e+covid-19&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=- 1&pq=haiti+president+moise+endangering+haitians+no+vaccovid-19&sc=0- 57&sk=&cvid=CBA329A7BB634BA1B264D2FC5E9FD11F • US ties to suspected Haiti assassins follow long history of intervention (


See a pattern among these news reports? Covid scientist targeted by a ‘far-right’ sniper | Principia Scientific Intl. (principia- Rand Paul Sent Suspicious White Powder In Second Incident Involving Republican in a Week Right after Rand Paul slams Fauci for outright lying about Wuhan lab connection, the US Senator is sent death threats and “white powder”! 2020 review: African ex-presidents, PMs who died [List] – Thirteen high-ranking African politicians died in 2020—but zero died in Europe and North America. Suspicious? Burundi says president dead of heart attack; media says he had COVID-19 | The Times of Israel Tanzanian president, Covid-denier and scam exposer, vanishes: Tanzania – The second Covid coup? – OffGuardian ( UPDATED: President Magufuli dead at 61 – OffGuardian ( Anti-Vaxxer, Brandy Vaughn: Brandy Vaughan SUICIDED for stance against VACCINE!!!!! ( Learn more about Brandy here: Search - BitChute The inventor of the PCR test presently used to test for SARS-CoV-2. He warned that this test must not be used to diagnose diseases: Before His Sudden Death (in 2019), PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis Blew The Virus Scam Wide Open (

PCR Inventor: “It doesn’t tell you that you are sick” – OffGuardian (

Kary Mullis interview (dismantles the AIDS myths and the bogus medical establishment)

37. Neural Link/Lace and Control through Fear

High-Tech Mind Control

BUSTED! Elon Musk’s Neural Lace Brain Interface Is The Graphene COVID Vaccine!

Dr. Lee Merritt joins the Health Ranger to discuss vaccine MIND CONTROL and medical MADNESS

George Orwell had a few books in which fear is used by governments to expand their powers and reduce rights. He imagined that the threat of war and violence would be used


to generate fear. Our rulers have struck an event better strategy; terrify people with the threat of a deadly disease.

Former governor and 3-time presidential candidate, Ron Paul: • • hoax/5706636?utm_campaign=magnet&utm_source=article_page&utm_mediu m=related_articles

Independent researcher Spiro Skouras reports:

Dr Piers Robinson, Co-Director Organisation for Propaganda Studies reports:

Andrew Korybko reports: order/

James Corbett reports: distancing-propagandawatch/ American media and politicians promote Chinese-style tyranny: china-model-is-the-future-unless-america-stands-strong/

Welcome, Big Brother! down-control-is-being-imposed-on-the-world.html Jon Rappoport’s 3-part discussion: epidemic-with-jon-rappoport/

38. Medical-Environmental Technocracy

The website or the US Center for Disease Control (CDC – aka Center for Disease Capitalism) has a page about Zombies. This may seem like a joke, and it is, but it is a sick joke that is actually being played on the public. CoViD-19 is a sick joke. And people are acting like zombies already and were living like zombies long before CoViD-19. However, the CDC might be telegraphing something even more serious. Chemtrails have been used to deliver both respiratory viruses and aerosolized vaccines for years. Technocratic dictators are using the coronavirus scam-demic to push the fake green agenda they failed to push on the world with their climate-scam.


BOMBSHELL: The upcoming coronavirus vaccine is designed to trick the body into attacking chromosome 8, that part of the human genome responsible for maintaining heart, lung, and cerebral health. So, the vaccine contains RNA or DNA that is a copy of chromosome 8, but it will be packaged in such a way as to trick the immune system into thinking it’s a pathogen, so it will attack you, your chromosome 8, so it will make you ill and stupid. See the video with its research. Steve Kelly confirms this research. And, a recently published video by a Pentagon whistleblower shows a scientists discussing how a vaccine can or will eliminate or silence a gene associated with religious passion or fundamentalism. I’m not a fan of religious fundamentalism, but it’s obvious to anyone that such a vaccine would eliminate all passion in general and turn everyone into a passive, apathetic, uncaring creature. Still want your vaccine? Nations are considering making it mandatory—or they’ll give you this freedom (choice): vaccinate or lose your freedom to move, work, shop and socialize. That’s how they imagine freedom. In the U.S., Trump vows to mobilize the military to distribute the vaccine: here and here. Fear of COVID-19 will be married to fear of another bugaboo, fear of Climate Change. As the economy is destroyed, our dear leaders will insist on using this ‘opportunity’ to build the green-smart-cities and the ‘green’ economy of their dreams. Of course, their smart-cities are stupid and their green-economy will by more polluting than ever. UNMASKED: Technocrats Seize NY & The "Green New Stimulus"

J. Civil Disobedience, Lawsuits, Protests and .

39. Moving


40. Global Protests

August 2021


Republic Broadcasting Network » Alberta downgrades China Virus to common flu status, quarantines no longer mandatory

July2021 COVID Lie Quickly Falling Apart, People Now Fighting Back with Mass Revolution

April 2021 Humanity on its Feet | Oracle Films | London 24.04.2021 Dr. Harvey Risch exposes Dr. Fauci and medical establishment

March 2021 Merkel Cancels Draconian Easter Lockdown Amid Backlash From Furious Germans Meet the BRAVE government official who QUIT because of Covid police state

February 2021 ONE-MAN REBELLION: CANADA MAN GOES BEAST MODE (Video) | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (

United Health Professionals Issue Alert Message about COVID-19 | Principia Scientific Intl. (

Nurse Whistleblowers DESTROY The Covid-19(84) Narrative Sparking A MOVEMENT THAT CAN’T BE STOPPED!!!


January 2021: Maskless NYE crowds shout ‘Covid is a hoax’ outside UK hospital | Principia Scientific Intl. (

September 2020: • Many protests in Germany, England, Canada, and elsewhere, but state and corporate media do not report. • David Icke speak in London to inspired crowd that agrees the COVID-19 measures must be rejected. • 1.3 million Germans protest.

• July 2020 Ignoring more mass protests and government violence and tyranny around the world

41. The Broken Hypodermic



Pat King Freedom Fighter Court VICTORY! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine in Alberta! Pat King ( Dr. Patrick Phillips & Pat King (

July 2021 Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’ – Forbidden Knowledge TV


Moderna Rep Makes HORRIFIC Admission About Jab

Brazil Suspends Contract as Scandal Becomes Too Hot for Bolsonaro

JUNE 2021 Episode 221: THE mRNA INSIDER - The Highwire

Free Association of Independent Polish Physicians and Scientists Conference against mandatory vaccinations

Dr demands MHRA immediately halt Covid Vaccine programme

WHO Chief Scientist Served with Legal Notice for Spreading Disinformation


America’s Frontline Doctors Suing US Government to Stop Child Vaccination – GNEWS

OSHA Tells Employers They May Be Liable For Any Adverse Reactions If They Mandate Covid Shots See link to OSHA’s announcement re. liability here: COVID-19 - Frequently Asked Questions | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (


Miami School Asks Staff Not to Take COVID Jab; Global Media Assault



APRIL 2021 More Signs Of Slowing US Vaccine Demand Emerge As Some States Turn Down Shipments Europe won't renew AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine contracts next year

5 Reasons Johnson & Johnson Is Having a Very Bad Month • Children's Health Defense Former Pfizer VP to AFLDS: ‘Entirely possible this will be used for massive-scale depopulation’ – America's Frontline Doctors

Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer, Mike Yeadon, Gives Dire Warnings about the CV19 Shots

MARCH 2021 Canadian Doctors Speak Out Against Media COVID Hysteria Professor-and-Chairman-of Israeli-Medical-Association-Resigns-over-vaccine-testing Swedish professor quits COVID-19 research amid hostility Austria SUSPENDS Astra-Zeneca jabs after one death ‘Blood clots’ in Europe prompt investigation into Oxford vaccine Now France, Germany & Italy suspend AstraZeneca COVID vaccine 78

Now Ireland suspends use of Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID vaccine French Healthcare Workers Rebel Against Covid Vaccine En Masse

FEBRUARY 2021 Doctors Call on US to Address India’s Pfizer COVID Vaccine Block facebook-ceo-zuckerberg-takes-anti-vax-stance-in-violation-of-his-own-platforms-new- policy/

JANUARY 2021 Merck giving up on two potential COVID-19 vaccines after poor test results

California HALTS Vaccines! - Injuries SKYROCKET As Moderna SHRUGS

42. The Law and Lawsuits

July 2021 Vaccine Lawsuit Filed: Insider Blows Whistle on Coverup… Exclusive Attorney Interview (

June 2021 WHO Chief Scientist Served with Legal Notice for Spreading Disinformation

MAY 2021 America’s Frontline Doctors Suing US Government to Stop Child Vaccination – GNEWS

One long year of fighting government infringements on freedom ( Indian Bar Association Sues WHO Scientist over Ivermectin | Asia-Pacific Research

April 2021 Italian COVID Vax Death Family Launch Legal Action

The Nuremberg Code 70 Years Later

FEBRUARY 2021 EU Bans Compulsory Jabs & Discrimination Against Un-vaccinated GREATEST NUREMBERG TRIAL OF ALL TIME IS ON ITS WAY (REINER FUELLMICH - #CRIMESAGAINSTHUMANITY) Reiner Fuellmich With Other German Lawyers Class Action – UK Column Community South Africa suspends Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine rollout Sweden Bans Masks: ‘No Scientific Evidence’ They Prevent COVID US Courts 'Clogged Up' With Eviction Cases As Activist Groups Fight Back Forced-vaccination-law-in-Denmark-dumped-after-public-protests


Peruvian Court Rules Rockefellers, Gates & Soros ‘Created’ COVID pandemic

JANUARY 2020: UK’s First COVID Face Mask Discrimination Claimant Wins £7,000 OCTOBER 2020: Rocco Galati: Your Rights to Decline Mandatory Covid Measures

Global Fraud Lawsuit - PCR Tests etc.

September 2020 Oklahoma Doctors Claim Masks are Harmful to Healthy People and File Lawsuit Against Mandates

Below is a screenshot of search results for lawsuits related to COVID-19:

Lawsuit filed against the state of Ohio. Lawsuit filed against the queen of England. NYC Restaurants Sue Governor Cuomo For $2BN For Refusing To Allow Return Of Indoor Dining

August 2020


Lawsuit against Trudeau Government: Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati and the Lies and Crimes of the COVID Operation. Celebrated Canadian Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati characterizes the COVID Operation as “the biggest example of misinformation and lies on a global scale that we’ve seen.” The Constitutional challenge that he is filing with the Ontario Superior Court seeks to pull back the shroud of secrecy imposed by the Trudeau and Ford governments which, he says, are currently and have been “ruling by decree” beneath the pretexts of “COVID Measures” and “Emergency Measures”. Specifically, he is seeking “declatory and injunctive” relief against COVID measures. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) is also named as a defendant since it is publicly funded with a public mandate under the Broadcast Act and has a “duty of care.” Both Prime Minister Trudeau and Premier Ford refuse to divulge the substance and source of their “medical advice”, and the media, including the CBC, are guilty of extraordinary censorship.

For the full article and 1-hour interview, click. Next: Belgians File Lawsuit against Bill Gates and “Professor Lockdown” Again, in Canada: COVID-19: Inmate Suit Filed against Governments. This lawsuit is ridiculous, however, because inmates are already in quarantine and the positive tests are meaningless. ▪ NYC Pub Declares Itself “Autonomous Zone” After Government Tries To Shut It Down – David Icke ▪ This is Too Important (

K. Transhumans and the Post-COVID World

Reports are mounting that vaccinated injected people are dangerous. If they received any mRNA vaccine injection, they are bio-factories of synthetic spike-proteins—and they are walking bioweapons. Why? Their synthetic mRNA particles leak out of their pores and are emitted by breathing. Anyone who touches or inhales their weaponized mRNA will have blood clotting symptoms, and women, pregnant women especially, are most endangered. In other words, the millions of already vaccinated people are the real ‘untouchables.’ They should be isolated, or unvaccinated people who wish to live must isolate themselves from the vaccinated. How will the criminal elites and planners of this manmade disaster survive? I suspect the cowards will hide in the many gigantic bunkers that exist on this planet.


NOTE: I first found reports about the dangers of vaccinated people on April 25, 2021, on this website: The website’s owner is a nurse.

Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases ( Australian National Review - EXTERMINATION machine unmasked: Why vaccinated people are making HEALTHY people sick, Pfizer document admits.... Self-Spreading Vaccines, Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines & COVID Vaccine Menstrual Disruption (

Thought Exercise: What are the similarities between war and our COVID-world? Are families being torn apart by financial stress, psychological stress, and arguments about good and evil? Are ordinary people being sacrificed? How? Who is making the money? Research the big tech and pharmaceutical-vaccine companies. How are children suffering? What is the big difference between conventional wars and this COVID-war? Check global death rates over the past 10-20 years and see if COVID has increased the world death rate.

L. Irony, Comedy and Art

Satire: Urgent Warning for Hunger Pandemic and Burgers Are the Only Cure Fema: The Best Way To Prepare For Hurricanes Is By Getting The Covid Vaccine British Airways in crisis talks with Government over if vaccinated pilots should be flying planes?

Some airlines in Spain & Russia advising vaxtards not to fly due to bloodclots William Shakespeare, the first man in the world to publicly get the COVID-19 vaccine, died of an unrelated(??) illness

10 Covid-Skeptic Memes to Get You Through the Day – OffGuardian ( A little musical satire: My Corona | A "My Sharona" Viral Anthem


Big Oops, Blooper, and Freudian Slip: "Freudian Slip" or is "The Truth" finally been told about the Covid Vaccines? (

More Freudian slips


This article compares Covid lies to the lies spoken by the shopkeeper in Monty Python’s very funny Dead Parrot skit. Populism Isn't Dead, It's Stunned. You can find the skit on YouTube.

Globalist, disaster-capitalists are not the only ones who can see the future. This 1979 German film tell us that artists foresaw the Covid madness long ago.

Now, for a good laugh, see British Columbia’s government advice on Covid-safe sex.

Next, apparently, in March 2020, the Almighty Pope Francis asked God to end the coronadrama and the plandemic. Apparently, God is not in the mood, too busy, very angry or impotent. Comedy is an essential form of psychological immunization against health- destroying stress, chronic worry and prolonged fear. Everyone should monitor their stress and worry levels and protect their mental health with regular doses of comedy. What kind of comedy? Sometimes the cause of stress is comical enough if closely examined, and this is perhaps the best method for immunizing ourselves against a cause stress. Nevertheless, any for of comedy should be helpful. For another laugh, consider that people like the pope and American politicians are trying to pray the coronavirus away.


Want to laugh harder? Then consider that death rates in the United States have been going down, not up, since the beginning of the year. If you pay attention to the news, you might assume that record numbers of people are dying. The opposite is true. Not only has overall mortality for the United States been going steadily downward since January, but mortality has been substantially lower this year than last year. These are weekly mortality statistics for the United States from the Centers for Disease Control:


Week Number of Deaths 2019 Number of Deaths 2020

1 58,291 59,087 2 58,351 59,151 3 58,194 57,616 4 57,837 57,000 5 58,128 56,426 6 58,492 56,962 7 57,917 55,981 8 57,858 55,494 9 57,920 54,834 10 58,490 54,157 11 57,872 52,198 12 57,087 51,602 13 56,672 52,285 14 56,595 49,292 15 55,477 47,574 TOTAL 865,181 819,659

We are told that 37,308 people have died this year from COVID-19 through April 18, yet actually 45,522 fewer people have died this year than last year during the same period of time.

2. "Vaccine Side Effects are a Good Thing" – Google says


3. Another laugh: Covid 19 is saving lives!

4. OOPS! Flu shot increases chances of contracting Covid-19

5. We should trust the experts? WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu

6. Social distancing and quarantines increase death rate: isolation-can-increase-mortalit

7. Lockdowns are deadly: murdering-far-more-people-than-covid-is-killing/

8. Take 6 Feet and Shove It! TORB4o&feature=emb_logo



M.Information Overload: Mother Nature’s Solution


We are bombarded with information, some of it highly technical, contradictory and obscure. How can we avoid being overwhelmed? To cut to the chase, we can listen to Mother Nature and the Laws of Life instead of to the media and to so-called medical and political experts. What does Mother Nature say?

1. Stop viewing Nature as a battlefield. Nature created us to thrive by living naturally, without masks, with intimate relationships, without vaccines and, obviously, she created us to thrive in an environment that isn’t polluted with man-made chemicals, nutritionally deficient foods, EMFs and non-contagious bioweapons. 2. Be your own master! Mother Nature did not make us capable of critical and creative thinking only so that we could reject our gift and depend on politicians, marketers and doctors to govern us. 3. Be ‘sensible’. Mother Nature designed us to convert sensory information into knowledge. So, stop relying entirely on the media’s words and pictures. If you can’t see, hear or otherwise sense any evidence that, for example, a virus exists, ignore claims that viruses exist and ignore opinions founded on the claim that it exists, because even if it does exist, Nature prepared you to live well without that knowledge. 4. Emulate wild animals in wild settings. Be as active as Nature intended you to be; your body will reward you. 5. Eat fresh, raw food, like all of Nature’s creatures. Figure out what foods Nature designed us to eat. Your body will thank you. 6. Let food be your medicine. Even animals can sometimes feel ill—usually because we feed them the wrong foods—but their instincts lead them to medicinal foods. 7. No animal ever fears sick animals of its own species, so stop being afraid of humans on the basis of germ theory. If pathogenic, dangerous, contagious germs actually existed, animals would detect them or at least detected infected individuals with their noses, and they would instinctively practice ‘social distancing.’ They don’t practice social distancing because contagious germs either do not exist or do not pose a serious threat to creatures living in harmony with Mother Nature—which mostly means using our minds and bodies, as well as eating and defecating as Nature intended.

N. Two Futures

The Bad Potential Future 1. No end to the fakeademic; no end to lockdown/lockup, no end to economic disaster, and worsening suicide rates, bankruptcies, crime, homelessness, hunger and starvation. 2. The lockdown doesn’t merely slow down the economy, it ruptures the debt-fueled economic bubble that’s been building for decades. No recovery is possible unless debts are forgiven, but instead of doing that, governments or central banks will buy and own almost everything, and economic growth will be follow the UN plan for sustainability,


the Green New Deal and similar, cockamamie, elite-concocted plans to create a green global economy. 3. Forget school. There will be few if any job opportunities for graduates. School becomes pointless in a world where the vast majority of consumers depending on government handouts just to pay for basic expenses. 4. Crime rates will skyrocket and the upper class will build their triple-gated communities and smart cities for dumb people. 5. Desperately poor persons will let governments track everything they do, will let governments vaccinate them and limit their freedom to travel in return for money. Governments will consign people who refuse to be tested and vaccinated to permanent lockdown, or to quarantine facilities, cities, and regions. 6. Track and trace technologies will be used to harass and silence every critic and protestor. 7. Mass hunger will occur due to A) the solar minimum period, B) the destruction of the food industry by the lockdown, C) the ongoing assault on plant life by modern agriculture, D) 5G and other sources of EMF pollution, and by E) geoengineering, which also pollutes, reduces sunshine and causes extreme weather events like floods and droughts. 8. 5G DEW and lasers will be used against Westerners. The violence will be blamed on Chinese or other hackers, or perhaps it will be blamed on faulty Chinese hardware used in satellites, telecommunications towers and smart cities, or it will simply be called an act of war by China. Sinophobia will follow. The converse might happen in non-Western nations.

The Good

1. The sheer absurdity of this scam-demic and the sheer absurdity of the lockdown is activating people’s latent doubts about government leaders and the media. Now, in sleepy Canada, approximately half of the populace questions the media and the government. 2. People start using their legal systems to stop the scamdemic. Already, some citizen groups are launching criminal cases against their political 88

leaders. And, even more heartening is a recent movement to form Common Law Councils that demand the separation of Canada from the British Crown and demands that all corona laws be overturned. In Australia, citizens are invoking tribal law to immunize and insulate themselves from Australian law. 3. If people lose their jobs, maybe they’ll relearn how to govern and care for themselves in the way Nature intended. 4. If schools loose students and do less ‘educating,’ that’s good. We have better things to learn. 5. If jobs vanish, stock markets crash, pensions disappear, and governments print more and more money on demand, people will realize that money is fraud and will renounce money. 6. If food shortages grow and government handouts only allow dependents to purchase bad food, people will learn to grow their own food again and live simply, possibly without even the ‘luxury’ of cooking. 7. If people can no longer afford their toxic medicines, they will turn to affordable and more effective plant-based medicines. 8. If dissidents are denied WiFi, phone service, electricity and piped water, they will learn to live even better without them. 9. The economic-political disaster leads people to reconnect with each other and with Nature, rediscover their creative and intellectual potential, and revive the only dignified and sustainable political system: anarchism!