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From Bin Franclscoi Nlppnn Mnru May 2 For San Franciacol A broatfir'and batter outlook upon Chlyo Mnru May G human Ufa la found when glancing at From Vancouver. the world'i affalra through tht pagaa Xciilandln 2C Evening. of the EVENING BULLETIN. Mny For Vancouveri Bulletin ? Mnrninti liny 23 w 3:30 EDITION Advertises Best Advertising Service and Gi7es It ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 4915. 22 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1911. 22 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. LABOR AGENT MUST STAY HERE, SAYS COURT CIVIL WAR IN CHINA COMES NEAR Campbell Did WATCH FOR MISS LIST MONDAY Supreme Court Write The Letter Shell Sell Bulletins From A Schacht Car Holds Craig . - Question Now Arises Whether Recruiting Agent Stopped From He Is Ashamed Of It And Leaving on Manchuria Why Effort Made To Get Today Document Back From Re- The Territorial Supremo Court re- ney agreed that tho matter should bo fused to grant permission this morn- left entirely In the discretion of the court without argument. ing D. Cnrlg to tho to Frank leave After consultation with his associ- publican Committee. Territory, and tho labor recruiting ates on the bench, Chief Justice Rob- agent's trunks aro now on tho way to ertson stated that the court did not "I did not wrlto it lotlor to tho On-tu- il llliernle inlistiitciurnt, mid why Sim Frnnclsco on board tho Man- feel that It could bo party to an agree- Committee" should a Kepiilillriin I'ommlltecinaii churia. ment whereby n principal In the hobcaa Tlilx statement mndo by Murstnn be asked to return, liny letter Thnt Craig should leave for tho corpus proceedings now pending would was bo- -, to Campbell on Ktldny to n roprescnta-tl- o from oflirer of (for. Coast whllo his case pending be allowed leave mi the Supremo was agreed court not sco how It can of tho Is n deliberate t fora tho Court "Tho does Hullo tin eminent between Craig W. A. Kinney of bo party to an ngrccment whereby th of what" and misstatement fiirt. Furthermore, might there bo tho llrm of Kinney, Hallou, I'rosscr & petitioner will go beyond Its Jurisdic- Campbell did wrlto a letter lo tho about thin letler that should create Anderson, attorneys representing the. tion." stated Chief Justice Robertson. Ilcpuhllcun Territorial Committee. huch a furoro If It contained nothing sugar Interests In the light ngnlnstthc, Attorney Watson nnd Craig wero Thai letter hail to dn with (lie which Canipliell would object to be- recriilUng excursions. As an after- hopeful thnt tho court would grant dNticiiM'ri from Ilic oi'lloo of coming genorally known, thought, bowever, Mid upparently with the permission. Crnlg having been ao ij nWo Superintendent of Public M'orl.s. Friday forenoon a re- tin Idea that It vr moro or lesa sure that ln would be to leave t Hullo tin of nnU courtesy, It was he purchased his ticket for th That letter will n I mi ii result of n porter wan assigned the duty of nuk- mutter form thnt decided to th Flipremo Court for Manchuria and. had his baggago placed V cmiteJl (lint mis waged during tho ing Mr. Campbell whether ho ask had fortnnl permission. Vralg's habeas cor- on board. It is too late for lilm to ninliin of tlio Legislature, tho charge written tho Republican Territorial Miss Oralee List and the Schacht Car from Which She Will Sell the Evening Bulletin pus caso now pendrif before that tri- recover r.n thing but his hand baggago limine hoi'ii in n ile Ii) Campbell Mm-M- lf Committee a letter and If so what tho Next Monday Afternoon. bunal. lifter tho ruling of tho Supreme Court, tlmt I In "liollllcliiiis" wrrn lit letter was, whether ho had written Tho proceedings In court this morn- mndo a short tlmo before tho Man- mirk trjlng to cut don n his salary. It in hla pr I vn to capacity or an Sup- ing began ut 10 o'clock and were brief. churia sailed. He gave his ticket away What's more, after Campbell bad erintendent of Public Works, nnd HONOLULU (lays on that, thou went to silling tho Kinney nnd Watson were present, the to n friend oo tho dock, with the re- Craig nnd making It bo held ns a memento. luailo Ills denial of tho existence of also If ha had promised tho patron-iig- o By Mlis Oralee List livening llullctin thcro nnd stuyed sev- latter representing mark that WAR TO on necessity of A decision Is expected early next tblH letter to tho Itoniblcan Commit-te- e of his ofllco through a deslro to eral days, picking up enough cash to VESSELS n brief statement the us on our uay. Crnlg leaving for tho Const at once, week on tho habeas corpus proceedings ho directly or through be on Com- to Honolulu! take ty either friendly terms with tho Here's jou, having purchased his ticket and In Craig's bchnlf, nnd also tho constl-tutlcnall- men who were speaking in his mittee. Canipliell swelled up, talked I bow down at your feet; Only Three Centa. "When wo arrived In IliifTnlo wc had shipped hi baggago on the boat Kin of tho emigrant statutes. behalf, tried to induce nil ofllccr nbout Impertinence nnd then mnde an Willi your generous hospitality cun compete. Just three cents In tho world, nnd hnd STOP CHINESE of Com-inltt- None other tho Republican Territorial nsscrtlon that ho know to be untrue. to walk to ii hotel carrying our bag- to return th letter to him. by This m.ittcr was not mentioned I'vo traveled many, many miles, gage Wc sold the Times In that city tie- - (Continued Pago 3) Mhy should Canipliell make u on Have many to travel yttj Dea Moines with Forty Cents. MANCHURIA'S CAPTAIN FINED; worst, Hut you, dear Honolulu, "l'erliups l)es Moines was the UPRISING I never can forget. for when we struck that city wo had forty cents between us, nnd the mer- 17 zero. "I tnko off my hut to the Amerlcnn cury stood at degrees below nows-pnp- How They Spent It. man," said .Miss Oralee 1.1st, tho money (Annoclatrrt rress Caole.) girl, tills morning In speaking of "Wo lived ull Hint day on the urcau, HONGKONO, China, Apr. 29. Ae- - W: some of Incidents of her trip wo nnil we iimiKUl it loni or ii the u quart of cording lo reporte received here to around the United States In company Jar of peanut butter and through tho OF STEEL BURGLARS milk, t wo n (lay " IfU.un Taial of Canton has Cuptnln Andrew Dixon, master of tho tho Manchuria steamed Willi Mist Adnlr, selling nowspnpers. ntnl mi hut feasted open next heen ""rassassinated by a rebel, one of Pacltlo Mull liner Manchuria, was channel and to tho sea with ii nil bail the morning, Always Well Treated. breakfast loyalty of Lam Loy nnd Cheung Chong It " Ihe '''agitators. The nerved with u letter from Collector Messrs. "Wo of on du-a- have traveled thousands of the government troops Is doubted, tho Port 12. It. Stileknblo this nnrrn-- 1 attending to their very Important tulles nnd hnve never yet been treated Speaking of the trip fartlur West, f - 111 II a wholesale uprising feared. inc?. of tho ussessment of ties In the galley of the steamship ENTER SACHS' STORE lluu ..,,--luf. lnl.l. ,,f f'filni- itmi'tl . , advlslnc lilm by nny man wo met In our work or ..l.nn ,." ' ...... ; -. (.- - .. ., ... n.A a. l.nl.. -- mine in Huttc, when the cngo " " riu wi.i mi u ur.o nmouniing in mv, u " Manchuria. our play who did nut treat us Willi cornier bo been pulled off tho lrnnneil too feet before tho sufcty gunboat Wellington and two British leged thnt unmanlfcstcd opium wus "Had theso men tho utmost courtesy. ship, wo how wo could eluteli eiiiiEht ' torpedo boat destroyers havo been sent ing carried on his ship. do not know "This merely goes to show that It exclaimed one of- - i t0 c,nton to ,,nd r00P necessary Tho notlllcntlon came to Captain havo gotten along." lletwocn tlm hours of ono nnd throa' Investigation mndo this morning at Is up to the girls, and if they wish Guests of Elks - Missoula.' Mont., tho two girls to preserve-- ' order and guard tho for- Dixon within fifteen minutes of tho ucer who nnu 10 u kiwi hi. o'clock thlH morning, the SicIi'h Dry-goo- tho Snchs' Btoro dovelopod tho fact fr. I. a IronlAil rlirlit Hibv will lin " In unu"J"".... Hlka 38.1 on n eigne. set for lhn ,1rn:irlnri Of tlio OI SOmO IWO llunurcu vuum 8tnro ut tho corner of Fort nnd that nothing had been found missing Miss Mat, .who will sell tho Ilulle- - were guests of Iilgo time threo-du- y party ITnnclsco. equal numuer oi In Honolulu. Is hut !1 yeurs of trip Into Idaho, tho Manchuria for San '""'"""' Ilcictnnla streets was entered by bur- snvo tho money from tho audi regis- tin Having gun tho cus - l A ch of cook. "'"' ngc, nnd charming, Bolng on n speclul train nnd a Prior to this llred from "" hlgh- - glars, who bcfoio leaving tho pietn-Ise- s ter. wlnsomo and her was evidently considered n rather experiences lino tlnio. -- GOULD toms department, came tho arrest of "" stories of tho slio lias had, GRAHAM adjunct to a secured a sum of money that had An attempt will probably bo niailo "Tho only dehiy wc have Imd In tlio A. I. Howard, second steward, and lyprlied especially those when alio nnd Miss Ticck "hip. It was with a sigh of relief that mil been removed fiom a cash res- to estnbllth u connection In this lat- city In which they entlro trip wns between Hat Uiko ami P. Wlsslng. main watchman of Adnlr struck n knew I Dixon nnd his men pulled away noc-tur- al wo wero stnlled three, days tho Manchuria. fat'taln istor. est robbery with several similar not a soul, nnd with but llttlo ensh Huttc. when two employes on necount of a washout Theso men aro alleged to havo at - 'from tho wharf with but Whllo but llttlo over twenty-on- o visits reported recently at po- In tholr pockets, nro most entertaining, on tho train Btntr. I Short. templed tho disposal of six tins of i "Isslng. from tho lice headquarters. Nearly Broke), .Staya Were I , alleged dollars In small chnngo had been car- mndo early At noon today the opium "Wo reached Now York city with Asked about tho stay they had opium to local Chinese at an ried away by tho midnight Invaders Page morning haVfc bccn delivered through Howard 7B between nnd lived thrco (.Continued on 4) hour this they llttlo loallzed that they had Just tl us nsslstn'nco Do- - and Wlsslng had been discovered In BIG LEAGUE BASEBALL With tho of Chief of storekecp. nn looked a much larger ninount, bo- (Associated Press dUO tectlvcs McDiifllo nnd his men, tho tho possession of a Chinese Man-hnr- located near corner of King and ld les quantities nf silks and other NEW YORK, Apr. 29. Jay Gould, i.. niitrers nnnrehende.l tho lines of vulunblo textiles displayed (Special llllllo tin Cubic) UNITED STATES AUTHORITIES scion of the Gould family, and Miss and kept under detention at Central Pauahl streets. near the sevno of tho lobbory. SAN FRANCISCO, Cab, Apr. 29. Anne Douglas Graham ware married Pollen Station pending an investiga- Scores today in the big leagues! todav at 4 o'clock at St. Thomas EdIs- - tion of the matter by United States. lo SUGAR Kntrunco tho stoio was galnol AMERICAN. cnnal church. riaQtop Ernest Mltmora District Attorney llreckons, Ihiough one of windows. tho rear Boston Boston 3, Washington 4. Stlres, one of the most prominent of Satisfactory arrangements were msdo SAN FRANCISCO, Apr. Sugar: Sliong steel woro sawed thrnugii ROBERTS AS the New York clergy, performed the tho local ugonts tlio re- - :. bars Chicago Chicago 0, St. Louis 1 (called ARREST JACK through for 08 degrees test, 3.86c. Previous quo- In ordor that tho parly or pailles, ot ceremony. Their honeymoon will be leusn of Cuptnln Dixon, nnd tho Man-spe- nt 3,9:5c llccts: 18 analysis, 10s. In fifth) rain). England tation. unknown, might reach tho Interior of in Europe, and in theyjchurla proceeded to sea without any 3 parity. 4.7c. Previous quota- New York New York 6, Philadelphia will bo the guests of Lord and Lady 'delay. llio sloio. While tho rear of tho es- tion, 10s. 51-- 10. Decles. I Howard nnd Wlsslng wero snld to tablishment is, removed from tho re- OF BIG CHARGE Cleveland Cleveland 2, Detroit 1. ueen seen on Doara mo gular travel, yet dis- innvo nisi inufil Dill I I AIIMPUCC iivcnuos of tho NATIONAL. Miss Anno Douglas Crolinnt U tho Manchuria about 10 o'clock last night.. JUHIM DULL LHUIVLilltO trict Is said to have been pa(rolod Brooklyn Brooklyn 3, New York 7. daughter of Mrs Hubert Vos, who wns Under tho existing quarantine regulu- - illlllcultles In ANOTHER BATTLESHIP b) watchmen at HtatCil lulcrvnls dur- Philadelphia 7, Boston 4. Jock ltoherts, a local ll(unr dealer. Roberts bus hud tnnrltal Miss Coney of Honolulu. Miss Oraham' tlons, theso men wero prohibited from1 Philadelphia ourts. where u suit ing Uio night. Pittsburg Pittsburg 8, Ch)cago 3, .has been arrested by tho United States the Terrltorlul Is the niece or Uepresentntlvo J. ll.i leaving tho vessel during tho stay nt t AartlnlfI Prraa Pfllite.) on a ehargo of bigamy iind wns brought ugulnst lilm by a woman Coney Kntinl. Sho was born In Now Chief of DetretlvOH McHutllo wen' authorities of Honolulu. BARROW-IN-FURNE8- Eng, Apr. released morning upon u who cliilnuil Hint l had l"cu party York, being Douglas In on tho morn- A 'wus this her father Ora No one stationed on tho Alukoa2g,The great battleship Princess woik raso early this hill of loenl Chlnosn will shortly to a of contract marriage, lint of proml- - ,JlIi00 bond sort hnm of social and ilnnnclal wharf appear, to havo noted tho do- - poyl w ,unchod here today auo- - ing. Tho olllcors hcllovo that they begin nil Important series of agricul- which lie was aiuultted , I According to tho Information filed nence After his death her mother purturo of tho petty officers from thoCBlfuy, have sulllrlent clows lo run Iho pet-- tural oxperlmontB In n. tmct of land mnrrled tho portrait painter, Hubert, Willi the United Slates Commissioner steamer. pctratnrB lo earth. that has bean purchased from tho CALENDAR 'ir However, they were found uptown ti lid signed by United Statos Attorney, STEAMER TURIN EXPOSITION ON They hnto already secured evldeneo Kalmiikl Uuid Company. The tract Roberts hns contracted two marriages tt tt tt - n tt :t :: nt u local Chinese theater at a lutcr that strongly points to tho job haUng Is thirty acres In extent, nnd tlio pur- without the troublesome illvnroo cuso Tho Hill in will publish on it EXCURSION TRAIN hour, nnd a Chlnoso Is said to havo let coino forward with declaration that (Assnclnied Tress Cable.) been dono hy ono or more jniingsleis chase, prlcn Is said to ho J 0,000. entering Into thu record ut nil. it Monday the first or May a now ill DIE tio TURIN, Italy, Apr. 29. Tho Turin i DFR AILED1 1B tho men mado ndvnnces tho Hut ono bar whs cut from tho grotlng deal was through tho t lino- - it' ' towards today. Tho in.iilo Tho Information states tlmt on July ii handy refeieneo sloamer sale of six tons of opium for a sum exposition opened here oil lo protect tho win- 1". - thai sort loar real estate department of James 15, 1010, lio tniirrleil Mmy Jnne Wll ll table nnd euleiular. Tills ralcli- ii (Aphui lui-- il Press ruble) approaching 1200. dow, Tho spacn then left was birely Morgan, and Is ono of tlio most Mn nil. On January 14 of this your, ti dar will be urn on a regular page it MARTIN'S CREEK, N. J Apr. 29. It was currently reported on board body Is alleged con- I I An loaded with women laigo enough to admit Iho of a of tho recent transactions in however, ho to havo it of Iho 11 ii n and may ho ti, excursion train tho Manchuria this morning that Chief FOR 8ALE- - Palolo Hill today over em- small pin ton. suburban property. Tito trnct la tracted a iruirilagn with IVrys Iji ti cut nut rir uso lliiough tho tt nd children went in Cook I.nm l.oy nnd a head baker named Ocean View and fifteen killed and forty It Is Iho opinion of MeDudlo and on tho extreme niaJml Iviiko Casio, whllo his first wlfo was still it month It Is bolloMMl Hint this li bankment, Cheung Chong hnd been Implicated In living and claiming ltoherts us her alleged opium, Kalmuki Propertlea tho ofllcers now wotklng on tho ciko Head comer of tho Kalmuki section, tl will give Ihe people what thoy ii,lnjured w" th, re'ul,t' tho disposition of and Kapanulu by husbund, all of which, In the leg.t! theso employes wero to bo placed un- tlmt tho deed was dono ono of Immediately abutting tho property of want, It will probitlily ho it i phraseology of tho document tiled with tt and M17ATI AM ATTnPICn der nrrcst. Nuuanu sovoral pretty well known Inds who Paul Iscnborg nnd Fred Harrison. l it continued lliiough Iho year. tho United States Commissioner, (Associated Press Cable. As the minutes sped on towards tho Katlhl liavo been kopt under pollro survoll-at.c- o 4. "contrary to tho form of tho statute it "i MA7ATI AM, M.v . Anr. M Th. tlmo of sailing, no ono appeared from JOSE J. DIA9 past. sj . for sonio time AD3 PAY-- in such cases tuadu and provided .!. rebef nr aUkn0 t,e city, tho United States Marshal's ofllce, und Bishop 8b, below King 8t Phone J44

,, W.jA iiUitf. , W&.- - .t. JkLiih rM gjjaageffHeuu'i I 'umi ymSui "Vl

K" 2 EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H, SATURDAY, APR. r--- F ' ' 3 a,-- l"l . . V field Is tho Hunllngtoii Lnn.d and Oil LOCAL AND GENERAL ARRIVED Company of Hunllnglrm, W. Vn. It Masonic Temple Saturday, April 29. Malaria Fever has ll'.o urrcs adjoining tho properly Hawaii Mnul Mauna of tho North Amcilcan 1'elrolouni and liorts Mr. T. V. Wllcher was compcli'lr The telephone numbers Ken, stmr. . Company, nnd Is pa'inrlng to do ex- Bulletin to vigor by have not been changed with the loca- BAGGAGE reslored lienlth mid tensive- development work. The North A Malt lXhWtcy tion of the paper. They remain the llnifj's l'nre uftcr American Is proving up lis twenty-M- x DEPARTED n itllurk of miil.trla had so . same as printed In the telephone dire- CITY TRANSFER CO. (Jas. H. Love) PHONE 1281 ounrtor sections of land 'In tho WeeKly Calendar HcaKeni'd lilm Hint Ills ctoryBusiness office, 2256) editorial Friday, Apr. field, nnd will begin drilling ns soon 20. rrvpiilidcd to no nllitr trraliiieut. rooms. 218S. Sallna Cruz via p.irlu Alas- ns that work, Is accomplished. It has MONDAY! Island In n recent letter Mr. Wllcher kan, A.-l- t. r. p. nlrendy put mVMen derricks on ten of 8. 8.. m, wrote- Relighted Oceanic Stated. Autos, par hour, IjcwU Stablos. "I am to ndd the different lioldlilgi, ," i Australian .porlR via Fanning Inlnn-- my testimony to the tntellcnt Moti- TUESDAY: goes O.-- It without snylng that every- -- Mnkura, 8. 8., 2:.10 p. m. lity and iiImi the bencllclal clfectR ii is rcponcu on good miuiumy Honolulu Degree. iTn first thing Is llest nt The Kncore. Hawaii via Mnul porlH Clniidlne or Duffy's Pure Malt Whhkey. 1 Xrom llakorlleld Hint (Itorgft Cnmorim WEDNESDAY: Engineer Duncan has nssuniod hi" Httnr., r i. in. ' bail ii very Severn attack of malaria and tlio other Sip Francisco Inter- IImuiiIIiui 'llilril Degree. new iIuIIch at llio Migni mill sit J I ;i hippie San Finnchcti .lamns Juhnsoii, Am rover, fiom wlikh I never entirely ests that iimrhuFiM 11(0 I.ohI Hills THURSDAY:. knlau. hk Inc., p. in. I'ecovorcd until I used lluffv's Puto Mining Conlinny for $17G."00 mo Malt Whiskey Inking ond (iay'a ami Joo Knlnnu'a locomobile Saturday, Apr. 29. After with the Lost Hills Coiiso can be found nt thq. Auto Livery; Enterprise to Sail Wednesday. Tbo Klcnnier look on n. Email amount bottle tlib nervous feeling left mo lldnted Oil Company of,tbli city for San Francisco Manchuria, P. M. 1 ' FRIDAY: Phono 1326. The Mnlmiii Navlgstlon steamer Iln- - of Hawaiian products Including somo mid felt like a new innu. I U S. S., 10 ii. nl, (be purehnso of Us 290laeies of laud A hoisn belonging to n storekeeper leipilse Is taking on freight at llilo shipments of eoITeo ami bananas. The be.utlly recommend Duffy'ii Pure' Mult Whiskey to any ono conval- clear In tllle, In sections 2 and 31, SATURDAY: nt lnunalioclwe strangled Itself In lt- preparatory to sailing for San Territorial band wns tuesenl at Ala Im escing from fi er or suffering frimi In llio Ixibt Hills, for close lo stall week. elseo on Wednesday. passen- kea wharf and played a pleasing pro- I PA08CNQERO ARRIVED lat Seernl liny wnstilig disease. Tnken piop-irl- y i;0,000. The comp-ui- was orginl7cd Vhltnc & .Mnrsh will begin gers or gram n liac been booked nt the time befoio the milling nf the steam- In Hinnll doses It will pioduce last summer when the first itish lo eloaranee sale of ladles' ready-to-we- sailing of the steamer Manna Kea er. The cpiarantlnc kept nny and all slmr. Mnuna Per Ken from Hllo wonderrul results." T. Vlnco llio Hills wns begun. Tho mom-her- s morning. Moral (In. on Monda for Honolulu. lels fibni llio wharf and llio via wny ports A. Iteslnrlck, Misses Wllcher, I'nlon Point, locnled tho Ijnd, and then vvero Tim! S. driver, who lias been with re- The American ship John Kna Is ship. Kxanilnntlon had lilso been Ollbert (2), J. C. Souza, It. Qiilnn. A compelled to defend their rlghli In lli- passed through Ho- Mars Orient, ported to have sallod from Hllo for, made of itcrsonnl baggage of outgoing Oartenbcrg, K. J. II. F. Dllllng-han- i Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey All rltltltig of nolulu en route homo from against Inliuders. Al tho prerenl tlmo members Us Honolulu wjth 2H00 tons sugar on passcngeis. The Mancliuila ralleil and wfo. Mrs. K. Sllvu. r, chil- .Jrder lire cordially Invited to Japan as u Ionic slliiiulnnt when Ihev bold 2!0 neies In clear. It Is linnrd The cssel comes here to' minus her second slcwaid and main dren nnd nurse, (leo, llcggnity, wife and ittend meetings of local lodgrs W.itih for the newspaper girl In tbo after fever Is the great- imdertoni Hint llio nlntrnrl Is now coniilelo cargo for III" deck watelunati who hud been held tind T. P. AJollii, C. 111 blir automobile on Monday She will destined Iiki sou, Ilcnny, W est Hlrength-glve- r known to sci- Hie hands of the pinspccltvo I or Pew pending nil investlgitlim II. Mill tho i; veiling Ilu I let n to coast the United Slates ni' of Wallaco, Mrs. M. Halo, Hev. K ence. It nlds In destroying tho dlsj and their approval of the ti- Meet on the or ill I Mill) IK awaio tho fact that the Ship John! of attempted smuggling of opium. Shlmtzn. F. Crossby nnd wife. Miss ease germs und restores 'tissues In tle Is nit that stands In the way or 2nd and 4th he-- . That meet of Mrduicii nt Lcllehtia !'na lias ninilo the faslcst trip rs Eaton. Miss A. Weight C. A. lkiyle a gradual, natural manlier. It llio sule. Two hundred acies are in Mondays of ii. xt month, when Musson ntid Hawaii Sugar. stlinulate.1 the heart notion. If Walker tween tho Islands mid llio Allanlle W. II. Hongs, Misses Holt (2). MIhs nct Inn 2(1, and oilier nine- M.i-th- e the each month will lly monoplanes, should draw big Purser Phillips of steamer Yatiia-nak- a, weak mid run dow,n, take a Coast that Is on record since that of the (liekow Holt, W. K Clinng. ty In 31. P. i Honolulu. times n In section it K. Hall rnvnh from Dieadnoughl. in ISfiO. On her la't' """ Kea from Hawaii ports btlngs 8. lllinno, J. V. Marrlel, four day half u J. W. A. glass or milk or water. Sold every- tltockboMers In llio Anaheim Union 7:30 P. M. Hedhouse, wittehmaker and voyage. In which she sailed fiom hero report of the, following ronslgnnients Mls3 Dutro, O. B. Jeweler, has resumed business In thu Srlmefer and where IN SEALED DOTTLES Water Company, on whose propertv jidiuc rnnnirctipi mempeu ui the, John Kna reached Philadelphia or sugar awaiting shipment: Olaa Miss M. mnniiic ntt,., .. Masonic Tumiilc. Alukcii street. First wire. Kaulil. Miss J. II. ONLI. oil mm rounded by tbo Amalgamated Hawaii Mill Ixmo-hlw- n specialty. wllh a mil cargo or sugar. In the l"3; Wnlakea 10,non; Woods, Mlsi A. R Muynai'il. D. a. The DitiYv .Mall XVItUke) Co., JEHEFICIALAJSop.IATIOH. - class watchwork are greatly edaled over tlio outlook cintiom cor- splendid SI a I fiOOO; Wnlnnku Wind; Ononie.t 1fU3; Hechc-lc- r, ,N. Correct styles and correct prices In lime of las reeoi It. A. MrWayno, F. A. Alex- V., V. S. . for rnvnlllon. und decl.iro thai llio dis- iially invited. haR only four Pepeekeo SflOO; Ilnnlmiii KffnO; lluka millinery, will bo found at Milton & which been beaten ander and wife, 8. Tanaka. (leo. W covery of oil on tbo reservoir ulu I". times In history and Ihen bv the lau 21 '.Oft; l.uup.ihdchoc lllion, A. .1. T.AWAI1AN Parsons, Hotel sticet, opposite Young Carr, Sllvu. It. A. Wadsworlh. Ihn greatest Ihlug that his happened TRIBE. No. 1, 1. 0. R. M clippers, the Ookiila KiiUnlun (D) 3711; building famous which still hold A. M. J. S. W'nlker. 1). II In the.' district In enrs. The tpecinl majority of the fast sailing records (II) 346J Koholnlelo 75110; Case, II. M. (llllel. Dr. K. Meeu every first and third Thurs- - Bulletin Illustrated lllrcli, Miss The Amnlgaiililod well hnsl 'been edition will be of to of woild (fiOOO; Honokua 22.nn"; T. Mnv-e- r, ROTHSCHILDS Hch much interest the Asnno, PrlncesB Zuzanne. A. IN producing for tin, past ten davs :it isys of raonth nt Knights of 1ft SOBS, friends, as it describes and pictures the The Bonlrln and the Shehalls are 200; Punaluit Mrs. l, Jythlas Hull. Visiting cor Schelle. Mr. O'llrien. O T.ie i.ite of CM) tn 7(10 barrels a dav. brothers land you livs In or are visiting. both gelling c!o?o lo the end or 41701 sacks. H.IW Invited to attend. Mr. Jones W. Prcstldge, Jr. The nil nan Elriiek at a depth of Oct your clothes mndo to your own cargoes and the ror-m- m H. FOSTER, their about 2!i!U feet, und drilling wan d Sachem. measnro nt rendy-nind- o pi lees by may gel nwny by Monday and Footing Suey Meets Bttfllng Winds. V PA3SENOER3 DEPARTED. lo 312"i reel HiioiikIi E. TODD, C. of It. Ceo. A. Martin, Knplolanl Wdg. Suits by Tho bark Fooling Suey which left the latter Wednesday. 3no reel of oil . $20 and up. Honolulu somo days ago has been over SONOtUIU . E. At a depth or 2r.(i3 feet, tho Til-bu- AERIE, 140. 0. Mnrston Campbell. Superintendent meeting with In at- Per P. M. S. S. Mancbiirln, for A ndversc winds an Sin - Quarantine Regulation. In (ho Mldwav I'ublli- Is April I!). M. tVel"-ke- r, In Hono- OIIConiiany. of Works planning a junket a tempt lo beat Into tho port of Francisco, Mrs. Recent rl'os the stork of Meet on the 2nd and 4th WED During the present period or iiuar-- District, drilling on bcellon 3.L. 1 i the imilnlnml and will leave the Tho vessel Is repotted to have Mrs. A. I Ilulleno, Miss P. W. lulu Consolidated lends additional In- sTSSDAY tvsnlngi or each month at lit llio tho following Is one or tho .Is In firteeu root or oil There Turl'oiv mid bis duties May tr.th. been on tho Mnul port on lust Wnlsnn' David llarth wife nlid two tel cut to the following oil news, which sand. 1:30 o'clock In K. of P. Hall, corner regulations to bo observed by Intend- Is n heavy gas prcuro present and No reason has yet been assigned for Wednesday but owing lo strong winds chlldien. A. M. MeKeever. Mrs. A. W. Ih the latest received from the, Cali- Cretan la and Fort streets. ing travelers to the const: the eompnny has tho hole full of mud Campbells departure f'oni llio Terrl-io- r prevailing nt tho tlmo (ho vessel was Adams, Ilov. A. Cordon, E, Young, fornia flohlu: Visiting Eagles tro Invited to st- "Passengers will please desist from and water In order lo keep tho pres- mialile to mako port had-no- been Mrs. K. Young. H. Y. Irvlno II. A Further details me nt hand con- and taking on board any foodstuffs, r.s nnd sure under rontiol. Tho formation A senteme of two years .Imprison- sighted since. The Fooling Suey Is Wilson and wire, Mrs. 8. F. Hay. II cerning llio previously reported big ai:o a davis w r. well hs bottled water (Including soda Is snld lo shape up with that id tlio ment was Imposed iiion A. Herring to take on sugar- - nt' Kahulul for the F. Wlchmaii nnd wire, Miss K. Wlch-ma- deal by which English Interests, sabl 1VM C. McCOY. Sec. wutcrt, candles and milk. All baggage Honolulu wells In the vicinity, mid .i h Judge Clemons this morning, tho list roast of tho United States. Miss S. Wlchmnn, Judge Sldnov (o be contiolled by tho Rothschilds, - will be Inspected by officers of tho good producing well Is loked forward man having plead guilt- to a gravo i m Ballon and wire, Miss Ilarbaiu llal-lo- am In process of acquiring a grea'-oi- l HONOLULU L0BOE, 616, B. P. 0. E. "IT. B Quarantine Bervlco and nny such crime His sister, charged with a Virginian to Sail Eearly In May. Miss B. Iliirnett. Miss U MJv, propel (y In California. In addition 'to. articles found will be confiscated, be- Tho Santa 'Maria Pertoleuin and similar offense, was sentenced to one Advices received, at tho office of W. K. Chung Cyrus Hall and wife, E. to the Associated. Oil properties, tho Honolulu Lodge No. 816, D. P. O: causing do-la- y j sides Inconvenience and Amcrlcim-Hnwalla- Pino I.lno Company, capitalized nt hour's Imprisonment. the n lino stats Cnlderon, F. B. Craig Mrs.V. W. Jen-nln- syndicate Is said to have acquired filks, meets In their hall, on King to passengers. Only paper lels $1,u00,0()0, Tho Mr. Claude II. lllrdseyo wire, options Em- has been Incorporated. eve-iln- g. and his that the steamer Virginian will sail Chas. McNab nnd Mls N. on the Uiuoii Producers'. trust, near Fort, every Friday will bo allowed on board on passcn-gct- s. Incorporators aro Snmtiol Sussiuan pnity or assistants arrived by the last fiom Puget Sound ports ror Honolulu McNab, 'Anton I.enndio" A. E. Itcstar-Ic- k, pire. Do Republic and oilier Visiting Brothers are cordially l.ute. .. Huldcn. W. (I. Jack, F. S iMnnna s J and ivited to attend Kca from lluunltilu Ip make n on May Dili. This vessel Is iindcr-sloo- d Rev. A. I.. Hall. Dr. Henry ',. rnmiinulcV prois-rlle- Tho ileil Is Qfra - "Baggage for sealed compartment McAllister, or San Finnebni; J. W JA8. D. geological Hiitvey of Kolialn, and lot- as bringing down a goodly con- Pratt. Win. II. Halrd nnd wire. Mls said lo have been engineered bv Wll DOUdHEHTT, B. R. must be delivered on Alafcea wharf Goodwin or Redwood Cllj : .1. K M(r-fl- tl ei;, the other district of, llio Island signment of freight (in- - Island ports. Tnleson, MrS. Rulli (Ininclt. Miss 1 Ham P ll.iminon, the n GEO T. KL.UEQEL, Sec. before) scen o'clock In the morning. F. A Denleke of Iteikelcy They lme uicrli'ill a "lout elt ' on Ueroro leaving HaviSI tho'JVlrlnlan Hnrnclt, Mrs. N. 1). Wlllard, ,f. Mnudl mining mall. A large number or and "Passengers nro requested to fie n'-- There are 3.",.00n Minieu of a value VM McKINLEY LOUSE. NO. 8, the upper end nfi'bo Hani baseball Is scheduled to enrrv Iwrfrn Ibntisnml K. Iwnkaml ond servant. F. W. e, English capltulls.H have been the wharf not later (ban forty-fiv- e or $100 ouch. field, where the p.kl nlll bo located, Ions sugar for thu Istiinius'or Tchiian- - F. P. .ell, .1. W. Copellu, Mrs 111 llio State for borne time looking K.cf P. minutes pi lor to hour of sailing and s Mr Illrdseye with f.In wife and child lepcc. Dlnklnge, Mrs. Wm. J. Lent, A. F over nil prospects. mik lo hao their tickets and hand bag-gag- o leei.B ersry 2nd and 4th Saturday are occupying the cottage In Mr. John Ahrens. A new oil company In tho flainiov ewc-nu-Li aos PAv-ja- ei ready for Inspection by the quar ftin renlng .nt 7:30 o'clock In IC. P, Hind's, vftrtl. Kohala Midget. Alackan Off for leland m. of antine) officials." Sunar. Hall, Fort Visit- MKS. II W nOWK.S', who been Thb lAtnerlcaii-IInwalla- n cor. and Heretanla. has Pa freighter ing brothers cordially Invited to at-tn- In Aiistialla for a year visiting rela- Alaskan hns sailed for Island ports mi Mauna Kea With Frolicsome Sheep. D tives, was a roturnlng passenger In to tnko dn a shipment of sugar for U. S. ARMY GETTING WO RKOUT BOW Fiollcsomo bheep kept everybody HUME F. F. K1LT3HY, C. C. the Koatiindla and la residing at her transhipment i.cross llio if i?;m guessing at tho Mauna Kca wharf this Islilnius i E. A. JACOUSON, K. R. 8. Alcwu Heights residence Telninntepcc. The vessel will depitlj morning ns somo !!73 head wcro tin ironi the last port or call taking Inler-Isl.in- lino -.---- loaded from the d flagship ON OF MEXICO; LOOKS T WAR -t- rvMwnw twelve thousand tons sugar with des- JUS UK REAL . after a voyngo across the Hawaii BOii tination nt S.illna Cruz. Tho Alas- channel. Tho sheep wcro being m kan has somo six hundred tons struc transferred from the lower hold of Ss tural steel ror discharge nt Hllo. ICOAJOR. Geti.GOQDEl the ship to double decked wagons. rs a: 1h face attempt to got away mu:JiswSUy in Somo would mid Island Beats Cue Tomorrow. "- -- then tho fim would commence.. The V ' OUR POLICY Inter-Islan- d btcamoiH with suga-nn- d rams In the Hock llspht)ci! much :ic-ti- lt general eaigo nio diuS to arrive rfe Every flrni has Its policy for doing nnd In taking nn course - erratic early loinonow morning. Tho steam- JplR'W cL . IMOUNTIMS FIELD Our pulky Is to ou " -- business Rive over llio wharf they would cumo into I ART1LLEKT fV. . best, we er Kliiau should bo nil early arrival V- - IV l vi tho and feci that the in collision with portly ladles and toddl- ilorscments Klvcn by thousand of with a full shipment of sugar, Ac ing children. Even though Several fIi satisfied customers warrant us In cording lo the purser's report of the officers attempted to stanzas saying wo feel time our best Is reclto Mauna Ken. tbo slcnnior Mlknlinln - from Kipling, I he nnlmals fulled to better than the nest of other: fiom Molokal. Maul and l.nunl will calm down ns long ns there appoarod show up on Similar morning with a. an avenuo for escape. vailely or Hawaiian products. The Mnuna Kca brought tho usu-i- l ashoitmcnt of cargo Including omn-llo- s A. N.S Arlzonan W th New York Cargo. that at ono time contained cool- i New Ymk that left tho IJ.isI ing beverages for judded, lllloites OPTICIAN enact or tbo I'uit.ed States by tho The height list Include,! iwu mot, Aiiierlcan-llnwall.i- n Boston Building Fort Street Btemuer Hawall-ii- n one auto, Over May & Co. cord wood, consignment of on Mnreh !)lh nnd tho Texan of ? chickens and tin keys und lt.filU feet tho lino MaicTi bame nn lEIh Is duo tL-L'it&- of olila lirinher. A fair Ilu of passen mz gers lo.mrive nt lloiujlulif by (ho freighter nrrlved Arlzonnn duo here on or about May 1 Clh. The cbsel Is ptoeeedlng by the j PATTERNJATS Ships In Night that Passed the way or Sallna Cruz, San Frnnelbco Ship i inlcr-lslan- d On Display Tuetday By in tho sorvlco and Scaltlu. MILTON & PARSONS PI ami paused during tbo homeward til.i ra or tho flagship Mauna. Kca Included the steamer Kalulaul topoited at Kona Liner Due Tuesday. The Inler-Islan- d Mntida llio Htcnnicr Mnul nl Kiikalau bteamer l.oa Is steamer Kauai at Pminhnii and tbo duo lo arrlvn'from Kona and Knu porta When Building a steamer Nillinu nt Honokua. Tho lat- caily Tunsday morning ter vessel was taking on sugar This vessel may hrlng n 'shipment of nnd sugar. ' Home should arrive at Honolulu today, Tho cattlo and steamer Helcne was passed at Mahu- - Put In your haute the most con- - W Sierra on the Way. ' venient and economical arrange- - kona loading sugar and to tnko on cat-ll- o ' i . m According to ruble advices received Mn f.N wiPATirjr-- tup iiatu n epicure Is n professor of gas-- t at Kawalliao today arriving hero at noon tndnj tbo S. t Sun Heat Costs Nothing. For in- - pa rpnoiny tomorrow. 8. Sierra Sail Frnticlr.io at "cloven o'clock' Tormaugn ana prices oi ani-more New luivo fa this lork Methodists raised roinuooii for Honolulu. SUN HEATERS," write to JloO.000 for work In Ko- Manchuria Off for the Coast. WARREN B. CRAW, P. O. Box rea Yil there Is Adams efiufity, O, It was but a few minutes Inn 569, Honolulu, or Trent Trust Co. nftcr and apparently Vermillion county, II. o'clock this morning that tho Pari He dilutive!- - Mnll steamor Miiiicliu.-l- pulled away an Invitation to nddresa tho tenth bi- EAT AT THE from tho wharf for San Francisco. ennial convention or tho Ilrotlirliniul of PrtFseugors who hoaidcd tho vessel Itiiilwuy Trainmen at Ilarrisburg, Pu., Mundiiv. May nt Honolulu Included CI cabin and 9 II. Lnteinler nnd roso perfumes aro said Capitol Cafe Be Your Own s'lecrago At tho last mlnulo Y II Craig, lo be filial to mlcrniies. tho joung man who caused a 240,4 19,350 - Ilusslu ldauted acres In bin- in by his'at-l,,- Everything Now Service Excellent plantation circles year, tho largest ncrengo In Milk Inspector ictupts to recruit labor, was dctitlncil.its history. S. E. LUCAS 01TICIAX Jlnsonlc IJiiIldlng, corner Hotel mid Cull at the Honolulu Dairy- 'I he Civil War pension list was Co., by rruiikllu MmVeiigli, Secre- Hlier-lila- n W.C. Peacock& Alilirn. men s Association, Ltd, on Ltd , tary of the Tri.i-.urv- In nn aildrf" at Tlio best Louies In town to lit curj street, between 10 and II ere. tlie opening scxhion of the ililn nth mi Coney Garage ies o'clock any morning, and sen how Tel. 1704 Wines and Liquors Tel. 1704 until uiCutlliK of the i A.id V Is bundled by cliwirlc ireat-me- emy of Political nnd Social In STENCIL PATTERN8 and milk methods, to Philadelphia when he advocated a ilvll and sanitary em- Inter-Islan- NEW PILLOW TOPS Family Specialty service ponslon tor Bovcriupent Meet All d lie placed w'ltli tho consumers so Tradea ployes Steamers It will bo nlioluttl) pure, and A nuiehlue to tm n oit concrete roor-In- i; Mont Rouge Wines In mini? fre from gu-i- llfu und bacteria. ( tiles the voy that terra TouchingjKAUAI cotlu tiles me made, exoepl that Ink . MISS WOODARD'S, Sole Agents Mumm's Champagne ing is uuneci-Ntfa- i v , bus been InviuUd ' Fort Street ( Schlitz Beer by uu Indluna uuu RATES REASONABLE

UTi. Vfi-


(Hpcclal Bulletin Correspondence.) Possess all the important points 1IILO, April 24. That the course of Iruo lovo docs occassional!)' strike as mentioned below. for Infants and Children. bumpy a path ns tlio road between llllo mill Papnlkou Is ilemonstratcd The reputation ol Benjamin What is Castoria? by thu troubles' which hnve been en- countered, by a couplo or Jnpancso 8B& ASTORIA, is n ImrmlcHS siilMiiiiio Tor Cnstor OIF, clothes is second to none. C from Konn, who hao had n Hevcro Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is bnuch of tribulations during thu past f?S.P ItlciiHuiit. It contiilnH neither Opium, 3Iorphlno nor 'wouple or weeks. Deputy County Thev nossess a diurnitv not found other Narcotic suhalimcu (n'arcotics stupefy). Its Ilecn, who handled Iho prose :m:m$mn cution of thu case, week gavo Jifp . in any other make ol men's garments ago i its guarantee. It destroys Worms and nllays last Fovcrlsluiess. curcn Diarrhtea and Wind Colic. thu allegations of the prosecution It about as follows: Away from the ordinary ready-mad- e It relieves Teething Trouble cures Constipation Mr. and .Mrs. Takahnslil lived hap- wdfsmmw and Fliittilcncy. It nssimilutes the Food, regulates pily togetKcr In Konu, lmvlne been y rtF'7'1 ' y0 s clothes, you have unlimited the Stomach and HoweKs, giving healthy and natural married for the trilling period of some sleep. Children's The nineteen yearn, when one Akloka choice of exclusive, styles m select The Panacea mother's on the scene and captured. the Next a good restaurant th' hardest affections or Mrs. Tuknhashl. They t' ' can depend on the Friend. thing find Is ylsterday's newspaper. (ti V. 1 from, and you " agreed to llee to some place t' I rSrsaBfXyisaiaOsn f Tlio r At?" j ' on every wrapper where Ther's many a slip betwixt the blue yiO J' they could lovo In peace, and accord prints an' a new house. make. ingly an elopement was plannctr and Physicians Recommend Castoria. was carried into execution on or about "My patleLti luvarfahl? the action of your " I nws your Castoria ami aivlae 1U tMo Ul is made by hand. prIo la March 5. Tho Kvery garmeiit Caitotla." V. W. Tumyr, M. ).. famllK. wliue there are chlljrca." affair was carried but In lluCalo, K. Y. J. V. UlJilEitl, M. D., the most manner. The Chicago, 111. wife mot tho young man under some obla trees, where was also waiting nil .THE KEYSTONEj "Dnrlnmr practice I know of several mult! Tour Casonla la the best remedy In the world automobile In which the lovors hied Style cucl whin) yiiir raatorla u m rrncriU) anil uec.1 TO HEALTH Sec fur clilldrui i.li1 tlio only onu 1 uae and rccoiu- - WUhcoudrtiulu." K. Mu'miaik, M. .1, themselves to Olaa, where they took ktflmmm H.Uuli,Uo. mtuJ." .Ktu V. Uinuaii, II. D., lodgings In a Japanese IS Oinabe, Neb. house located This Make In n remote spot near Thirteen Miles, mmm ''Yonr Ceitorta la ctrtalnly The following duy Takaliashf dis- HOSTETTER'Si the grraloet rcnwilr I hiiYO need jour Caatorla ca a porgattre la Ibt STOMACH Quality Before 1 wifu for clilUrfii J.norof, I knuvr no olLir pro- fam. of rlitltlrtu for. Jcua put wllb mo.t happy covered that his had fled, and prietary prtpaialkiu wlilcli 1. 11. vili-u- and folly itidorte H at a aide remedy." ho Immediately set out, also In an Purchasing B. M. BITTERS II. Uvuwintr. I)., II. 1). Uixmti.M.J)., automobile, to catch her. But ho Kaou Cllj, Mo. l'Mlatlelphla, Fa. made a bad guess as to the dlrcc Your Children Cry for F Castoria. lion taken by the errhiR couple, and Make etcher's started off In exactly the opposite di Spring finally In Use For Over 30 Years. rection, I'lidlng himself at Ka Suit. walhiic. In tho meantime Ilia police ' wmmmmzmM&mamHfszmzmsesm had been notified, and some cry Economy good work was done In locating the lovtrs. As soon as this had been B09pBvf done, word sent to Takahashl, who Immediatelyni came to llllo, whero ! the lovers had been brought, bringing The fact that Hostetter's Says Willi him Deputy .Sheriff Nahalo of Stomach Bitters has helped When tliernionieter "It's Hot," Konu. thousands of sickly people Thermos Answers " Certainly Not," In the mean time, according to thu back to health during the story of Iho authorllcs, the lovers had past 57 years should con- , My contents are ley Cold. become awaio of the fact that thu vince jou'that it is the med- pollco wey o on Ihelr trail. In order to icine you need for Indiges- get out of troublo they seem, In their tion, Stomach Ills, Malaria, h&&tiei And when Thermometer goes below, lgKiraiice, to have made matters u Fever and Ague. " goo,) bit worse by getting married Says Thermos Bottle 'Tis Not So" Judge Wise performing thu ceremony For aalo" by Benson, Bmlth Co., Tho const iiuoucu was that both par Ltd.; HollUUr Drug Co., Ltd.; .For "All Is B'ot I Hold." tics weie finally arretted on chargca Chamben Orug Co., Ltd.: llllo Drug of adultery and In addition therein Co.; and at all Wholesale Liquor And they sre both right. Tho latest tiling In Thermos Bottles ! her n charge of bigamy was placed Dealers. against the lady, the cases coming up wo have them: the pint bottle that we sell you for $2, each. before Judge Kerry nt Olaa last Fri- day. Thu defendants were found Cveryboily can use a THERMOS now the price brings them within' NEW SENATOR IS giillly on Iho ndultoiy charge, while CAMPBELL DID ty- n anybody's reach for everyday use. Call and look at the new bottle. the hearing of the bigamy rnso was postponed for two weeks owing to tho fact that IVpnty County Attorney A PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL CASE lleen wns compelled to go In Konn. WRITE LETTER NEW TITLES a a INGLORIOUS END FOR JU3T RECEIVED E. 0. Hall & Son O'Gorman of New York Aligns Richmond and Mrs. Compton FAMOUS WAR VESSELS (Continued from Page 1) Himself Against Bailey Before Federal In- - any member of thu 11 u 1 1 o 1 1 n stuff Books formerly published at $1.50 Limited WASHINOTON, April, 1C The U. S. tu any other person than Mr. Camp- Faction i quisitors. H. lHiitsmouth, which In 1847, during bell, who was questioned In tho pres- thu Mexican war, raised the Stars and ence of John Wise, WASHINGTON. April 20. Thomas I'rnnk A Itlchinond and .Mrs. Jlnry Now 65c Stripes In Ban Francisco harbor and The reporter spoko to no one else S. Martin of Virginia, classified us u Coinptiin, tho two principals In the "saved California to the Union," Is to of the matter until ho returned to tho reactionary and put forward as tho llllo High School charseH, were cub-m- ( SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY! be traiiBferml at a cost of 1 1 10(1 and ofllco nor was It roentloued to anyone candidate of Senator Jlnlley, has boon lined to appear Pcfnre the United used as u quarantine vessel ut Nor- outside tho Bulletin otllco except chosen Democratic leader of the Sea- States grand jury this morning und folk, Va. Tim State of California Campbell. And et tho noon hour ttle. Among those who voted against were placed upon the witness stand by Brown & Lyon Co., asked that thu vessel bu sunt to San hud not passed when two men culled him was tho now Senator from New thu Federal Inquisitors. to Illchmuud took his place In the cor Limited Francisco bu kept as a nutlopal up of thu D u 1 n 1 1 n and York, James A. O'Gormuu, who, In the editor ridors of the Judiciary building ad relic, bi't tho Nuvy Department says stated that they understood Iho U u - casting his first vote, aligned himself It would cost nearly $23,000. If Cali- with ilie progressive wing. joining tho olllces of the UnlV'd States was "to roast" Marston Camp- Attorney, with u nuiiiUT or REWCO RYE WHISKEY San to pay lutln F. Shlvely District fornia and Francisco want bell mid asked if It could not "bo llenjamln of Indiana, a Japanese charged with offenses ugulimt the expense they can hnvo tho I'orts-uiout- h. postponed," progressive, was elected tho United States luws- - or summoned Highland Swiss Chiffon AT ALL THE LEADING SALOONS Tlicy were told that they wero tho of the caucus. Ho held that po- as witnesses. Mrs. Compton remained Tho U. S. S. Independence, which first ones to learn that the Hullo-- sition In tho previous1 Congress, on thn back lunal of thu Judiciary Finest Quality commissioned ' call to appear was In ISlC as tho 1 1 u Intended to roast Marston Cump-bel- l. As the nominee of tho Insurgents building awaiting her CORRESPONDENCE STATJONERY Y'iole8nl by squad-io- n ShTvoly re- before tho grand Jury. 1 llagshlp of tlio Mediterranean Ho had simply been asked a for minority lender Mr. 1 thorough In- 50o Pep Pound at ' mid settled the Darbury disputes, response ceived sixteen votes. Mr. Martin The grand Jury plans a straight question and his Intc,) High School A. B. ARLEIGH & CO- - LTD. fa to bo reduced to 'Junk. Among her twenty-on- vestigation thu llllo CONSALVES & was a deliberate falsehood. case und will also summon thu girls CO., Ltd., famous Coniuio-dor- o Thirty-eigh- t commanders wore On thu faco of It Campboll, after Democrats attended tlio who gave testimony at the heurliigheld Charles Stownrt, kuown as "Old caucus. Senators Shlvely, Tillman For GENERAL OFFICE STATION- having been Interviewed by tho re- by the Commissioners of l'ubllc In- ERY and FILING SYSTEMS, call or 1 Distributors Ironsides," and Culit. Joslah and Torrell were absonL Mr. Tatnall porter, must have spread tho nows Martin struction. write to ua and we will Pill your wants. of "blood Is thicker than water" that ho was to bo roasted or some- did not vote. fame, who ufterward served In tho thing to the same effect,, as no com- Tho sixteen insurgents supporting Confederate Navy. ment of this character 'Came from tho Mr. Shlvely wero: Senators O'Oor-ma- n, The Navy has tho figureheads of olllce. Owen, Kern, Stone, Chamber-lai- n, CAPT.A.LHALL Office Supply Co., Lid., thu U. U. bulletin S. S. Chesapeake, tho S. S. Tho U u 1 1 e 1 n Is Informed by l'ouieronu, Davis, Gore, Marline, 011 FORT STREET Chicago, Uiq U. S. S. Dolphin and tho what It considers reliable authority Heed, Hitchcock, Myers, Len) John- U. S. S. Vermont. They are splendid son, Smith of South Carolina and T . Mmlti frum whole ilmwnllini that Campbell not only wroto u letter specimens of the now discarded figure to tho Republican Territorial Com- Nowlands, IS NEAR DEATH QUARTER SIZES heads weighing from one to three mittee but he signed It as Superinten- Somo Democrats hero declare that At nil WoUn l?tin.tutiiM iiiiii Htorut tons apiece, und would iualte lino dent of Public Works, tho selection of Mr. Martin ut mi- M ornaments for public parks. If thu If thU be trill (he letter should he nority lender was promoted, rather at Capt. A. L. skipper n WorKs States and cities Interested mnko ap- a lining the diiruuienls nf Ills ufilce und than hindered, by tho persistent op- Hall, a Arctic Soda Water plication for, thoy position to him to tha shipping men of this them will bo given open to Inspection. If It was n pcr-bon- ul of William J. Ilrynn. Honolulu port, Is leported us Regal Shoe Store, .ittlbtilor uny, otherwise they will bn destroy- letter It should also be made Ileforo Congress assembled Mr. Ilrynn near dcnlh's door culti-M- , ed. enmo tu Portland, Oregon, whero ho lias Plnuotitr Syrup for nut on hot nuftlm public as It hud to do with public s, hero and took an active part In vU A ItMlUoi llufiiilnu Itir imtiilu'mtml lr vK'tuiM tho Insurgent progmmmo for con been superintending stevedores for Portland & Asiatic steamship A All UrouurH REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS, Thu statement Is also made with trolling tho caucus. Ualley'H Indorse- the t company. Ho suffored n par- School . equal ussuruiicu that it wns not until ment of Murtln was violently antag- severe Shoes PINECTAR SALES Entered for' Record April 28, 1911. onized by Ilrynn. alytic stroke u few days ngo and hn liiiir CO., LTD. From 1030 a. m, to 4:30 p. the assurance of this loiter had been AT THt. - m. been taken to tho'tiospltal, whero ho I passed that tho appropriation bill car- I'uter Kama to C Alilnu I Is not expected to llvo. "9 J Kiumhlpu Kuiiiakeu to H 11 Ma- - rying the salary of theSuperinten- Manufacturers' Shoe Co., S Captain Half has uu exlenslvo lie- - keliu :.... D dent of l'ubliu Works came out of tho at every o LIMITED (Veil lliiiwu. tr, to Draco K Mor Conferonco Committee. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. (inalntaneo pott on the even Pa- gan ltel As Campbell has misrepresented tho Coast and liuxmd tho 11 V cific. Ho was master Plnne 3tJ8 ItUliatd Trent ut nl, Irs, to facts as regurds his writing thu letter, Every copy of the n of tho PERSONAL COMFORT N I'utteu Hoi Eve steamship Walla Walla, which BANZAI SHOE STOT there Is no uuxurnuco that he Is tell- i n j served on sank W II I'atten und wf to Hachel 11 v Bulletin In a collision with tlui liar I; usu ing the truth when denying the exist- the citv carriers' routes should '" French tinons tiii: of an Kt.naTmc fan this hummcu Olvsou D Max off CiiM) Mendocino on January AVKATimn. 11 OUwoii ence of any conditions that might reach the subscriber by 5:30 rtnehel to Ttent Trust 2, IDOi, when 31! wero lost. SHOES force Htich a document from him, p, Subscribers fail lives fii Ltd M m. who 20 passen- (1 Of this number, wero Beretania 8treet, Near Nuuanu 1, Hiiuison to A 11 Dondero ltel to receive this 1 the paper by gers, four oiricers of thn steamer and HONOLULU, H. T. 9 Entered for Record April 29, 1911. - PEOPLE- AND PLACES time will confer a favor upon M From 8l30 a. m. to 10:30 a. m. 12 inombors of tho crew. Tho Walla mmmmmmmmmamL IN the circulation Costs so llttlo to to a- - ITS SECOND EDITION Bulletin Walla was valued at $300,000 ami lier AhiiIiiiii .Mlnaml Sholchl department by telephoning COLDS CAUSE HEADACHE run continuously that wano CM cargo nt $Ifi0 0U0. At Iho tlmo sho WESTINGIIOUSE Wl-- e K tt Tho first edition of "People and tt complaints to 2290. A special W S tu Until D was nporatnl by tho I'aclflc Coast LWATIVK HROMO-QIMNIN- re, you will hardly no-tl- V S Wlsn to K Tnkel D H Duces of Hawaii" was sold out a It messenger will deliver the Steamship Company between Seattle moves the cause. the world over FAN to K ShliuUu to Volcano Htublfs & ;t week ago. The great demand for tl Uil the addition Bulletin after this hour, and San Francisco. I euro t Co CM to u culil iu one ilav. E. W, Ltd tt this edition and tho necessity when name and address of Captain Hall lias been In tho em- tho lleht bill. KiiuIiii mid hsb In Mrs K - UKDVU'S siynaturu on each box. Madi Kchemi t: for filling extra orders has no- St subscriber are given. ploy of Iho Harrlnmn lines at Port- N'Hulwl 1) b5 tt cesslluted running n second edl- - tt two yenrs, Ileforo land for tho last 'Hitn Mi'niciNn ro s..n u,uiw . 1. It tlnn. If oi: want more copies iX 4. 4. 4. .; .; 4. ;. was The remains of the late Tom I.. John going there ho sii'rliit"iidlug iJaMsMjl. sXmmw Hjy MSm nf iX Mtti, mayor of Cleveland, O, wero In tt or any of Iho special features sloiedore tor the mmu liilert.u nt kindly place Jt lerred In (Inenwood t'emi'ters . Hfook tho edition ordnra 2185 editorial raoiim - 2250 Yokolnnn. U Is du'iiii .veira old. 21 S.ri filHorlal, ronmi - 22.i0 Co., XX . trio-pliei- The Hawaiian Electric Ltd. Ijn, N Y, near the srui of hli old nOv as Iho flii.il run Is, now being ft buktiuom ol'lU-e- Thee are the e hii!iii"i nfllie. Tliei pre lite 1 1 1! 11 1 frhnd, lleniy tl urge tt lu.ulo. Jt numbers of the It 11 0 11. Week It It 11 i'l I u 1 per roe. number of. tlnf, e 1 11.

I fiii'y ' miiaihiifcii ' - )t - . . ifiaVa'f4kiai.. . IftA&J.'- y ' , s CSkk.. ttirM frffU.. ST., Mi, ..n n..jiiBgn'aijji ' ug 'W&


Pcruna Secrets YmW&Wk HE DOESN'T LIKE IT ! You Should Know! Evening y Uilltur Hvcnlng llul let In 1 Bulletin should like a little spaco to express 5 WORK-A-D- RELIGION "DAILY and WEEKLY Published by BULLETIN PUBLISHING my views (nnil they seem to be the everybody else) on the CO., LTD., at Kerr Building, Alakea St., Territory of Hawaii. Mevs of about IT PAYS IlililliiKs of th educational Investi- GnMttttnantittutiuwtjuu'J gating f oinmlttPi) that has been listen- Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday. ing In the evlileiup of the II Ho High Appollonlus Is said to hnve Hied TUr'-cnnt- School men 4 11. C. i7 A I). and his .Trn nnroo from to mcmDcnHrxurn urr mc rncoo, Now, children. If ou can't play truvels Included such distant places hoguoihilu ou must go dif- TO OWN A HOME qulitly togetlitr Into us Homo nnd Indian. Ho performed mill Htu) there" That Is di- ICIRCULATION LARGEST OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED ferent looms many mlrncles, was accepted m Just about the slue of It. That Is the in the Territorv of Hawaii. "illulliigs" of n loirttnlttee Hint 'has vine, and was worshipped for seural ' ' On Anapuni street Is a modern five lirr.n invpllD-iitlni- what seems 1 u0 hundred years "Wallace R. Farrington, - Editor room bungalow the lilggist sisimliil tbut ban ever beeti Wo havo also This bntihed In fair Hawaii, iiiul that, ton, inuti was considered by many Jews to I among those who are aiout to mss be tho Messiah, was crowned king, SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. For Sale Uolden Heal; tho root of tlio abovo Iniyliooil nnd glrlliooil to man a fnur and maintained an armed Insurrection plant, Is very useful incdlclno. Many hood mid the pupils of a womanhood ugalnst Homo from ". Ills UUI-L.IITI- MUI-UII1I- people gather It In ourrlcil v6oellaridr rtVUNINQ N VVHIIKUV N Property Is in best condition, it at- high during tliu summer. 'ov people knaw oc downfall evidently convinced his Co- I'et Month, nfwber In IT.8 .711 f i SI a Moctflft ...... tractive and artistic. Grounds ore It seems to ine that the remarks t rto liow In mpatriots Unit ho was not Messlah.'for Par Quartet tnywhi u U.S .... Per Ver, loywhciela UJj .. .. planted with tropical plants, trees and raluablolt In dyspepsia, catarrh, endlted to Senator Cecil Ilrown, and a.no hex ns while name was originally In- rei Vrr anvhre ItiU.S .... H.oo Per Ytar uiywhrr n Canada I, no shrubs. and a general tunic. applied to the tlovernor, during the last his foreign, . . Vear Many thousand pmimliiof this root aro would be terpreted to mean "Son of a Star" this Per Vtai, pUiudt tJl.uu Pel postpa'J, toittin 3.oo PRICt: $5000 hours of the l.eitlslatnre used each year III tliu famoua catarrh more applicable to the coinmlttie that was afterwards altered to, "Son of remedy, Peru na. This fnet explains why brought III thn "nnillllRs" Lies Crawley In "Open I np - tidltoritil Rooms, 58185 Co., everybody uses l'eruna for calarrli. One or the other of the principals Court." Trent Trust Ltd. 111 thin mess has told tltllheralo His, ei.jBu8nes8 Office, 2256 (llcalty Auctlun Co, Ltd.) lies that will leave their nil marks to at the i lloooiotu At times iind In different tuned Pmtoftte end of time One or the otlur Is different u set ond class maltcr the countries, of the not ii lit iissoclato for the children of different features FIFTH - DISTRICT u schoolroom One or the other Is Christ Ideal liuva neon ni.nio proini- 29 1911 punlshet Which Pent, and we may say that the several ' SATURDAY APRIL Direct Importation of culltv nnd should be one Is It that Is guilty' If Itlchmonil churches have their own typical Is not guilty, then send hint hack to Christ, in fact every Christian has his J 'Hip gniitct of fun Us I should ..!), inoie money to properly It.tin fower Rome STABLE STOPPED guilty, not only - During Your Prints from Hllo If be Is then own conception, nnd It Is the Christ- Is to be conscious of none- - 'lluuii.it saddlers than any nation on earth lire lilin, but pros cute hhn Observe Ideal that has inado Christianity, not Compton. (.'nrljlr. The worst of it Is that the facts do the riiinu course with Mrs tho historical Jesus Paul Cams. willy-will- y Is played out. tiot appear to worry the average cit- GURREYS Tills Imsliicss Absence Uellcvlni; In the principle "f ccon- - If the Investigating committee was You can depend on It that all the izen The value of the epistles ns religious 10CG Fort Street oin. the ro.uls lointnlttee nf tlio Hoard not capable of placing the guilt. It (British and Americans In thn Pacific nf Supervisors has ilecldtd to close would seem that It Is about time Hint writings does not depend on their will vote on the Tatt arbitra- Craig Is hilNlng u great experience Hliililn in somebody brought In some "llndlngs" authorship, tiny more than does the "ajc" From the i tin' Boiirnmeiil the Fifth ' cvrws"5$-.""-- In tion scheme. First the novcrtiment tries to thrust S District, IwgliinliiB next iniinlli. The on tliu committee. value of Hip book of Psalms, Thn kept wanted to iiioiip) upon him, and then the (lov-em- horse and mules which hue been Tim committee sift the scriptions and salutations arc indeed lie make no snapjmlg-- Some of ctops might a tlirrH for iu.ui) months will taken evlilinee well nnd invalidated by criticism; but what- j. those burn decides that Craig's desire not Islands stable, where evlilenco was so SERVICES 1 down In the Kiikanho lit Some of the ever lu theeplsttes, under any con- holo In tho pocket of the Governor If to receive it should be heeded After SUNDAY tul.-i- i In It not go through n the) will be cine of the roaiKo thnt would struction put upon them, did us any Jie had to go before the people to the conimunlt) has been doing Its ut- wliidow-sa'- h with the, pinen knocked we are prepared to manage )Our good, to do It The old his official Impos- Hlnbte Kulu.i Alnpnl of the out, and for u simp Judgment, well. remains still. answer for acts most to make his operations estate and Jook after jour Inter- linis lis .vT-S-f-sT.7A- "a Fifth will umalii lis nuperln-tiiHle- If It Is nut a snap for Mrs Compton notion, if uny one has entertained It, sible, the court tells him he Can't ro It great- District ests here. You will find ri.vtii.iii miiM i in in r Hint Ftuhle, hut bis duties nnd Klchinnnd, nnd then pome! that thCMl writing.! were miraculous- V There Is nothing In llllo's school home He could be excused It he Amou ly to your advantage to plaeu llorcimm IScuddor, minister. will be xomenlmt t lliiiln.ited thiough Again referring to the words of Cecil ly communicated to the Jews, becomes 'ffalr which the sloter city can In for believes that nobod) Honolulu the management of your affairs A Ebereole, usslstaut minister the transfer of the iiulnials to the Drown "How long are tlio people go thoroughly undermined, and their dic- Jblumo Honolulu Evpii the verdict of loves a labor agent with a capable and responsible i) 00 u in, lllblo School, .Mr V A Kakuiiko slulile Theo Instructions lug to stand for this sort of thing"'" tatorial authority vanishes, lly this to , tlio Commission was dictated by a concern llowen, superintendent lire lather mirprlsllur tn him l.ft In n state of uncertainly as change of view thn lllblo Itself Is not I positive no ,HMo man. 10 a. m , Men's League lilble Class, Tod.i three roud liiims hue been tho guilty pirty. am that changed Ibid CAMPBELL'S LETTER. Come and see us as to term. dlsclun ged Some of the county olll-ris- i hild of mine should attend the school i under tho direction of the assistant who to Know the situation of these two people was Judged from In- - teachings of Jpuiib on ilniin whr either this dlstanco the minister. "The say they unsatisfactory -- Is not In the effurt to appreciate various When Marston Campbell told thn that ruiUeied placed nnd the end it urgent Republicans of the Senate the euro of the poor." In the clt fathers One of the I.ANTANA, forms of greatness, let un not under- I reporter of the he Societ) lllblo herle com-Jna- that 10 u ro at least strong enough to Bulletin Bishop Trust Co., Ltd. in., Womcn'H nun illmliurgid Is .1 K MiiHcben;, who Honolulu, April 27 estimate the vnlun of a simply good passing attention from the had not written a letter to the Repub- Class, President J W Ollmore, leath KUiierlnlemleil the paving of Fort Htrect life Just to be good; to keep life innnugnrs lican Central Committee be made a er "Studies In the Acta " between Hotel unit King Htri.ts pure from degrading elements, to BETHEL STREET cap statement that he knew was false 11 a in ) morning worship, rcrmon Another luni who lost his olllclnl make It constantly helpful In little Is lives Mollllll, It Mr Campbell did Repub- by Hev John L. llopwood "'lhe loane He at ami MISS LIST WILL ways to those who are touched by Aftor Honolulu people become write the was duo to hard Gospel of Efficiency " partl his work that It, to keep ono's spirit always sweet, with Miss List, thoy will lican Territorial Committee a letter the Republican party made a success, w C.30 p in.. Christian Endeavor and avoid all mnnner of petty anger Slave no causo to wonder at the repu-iiitlo- n that had to do 1th the subject of so far ns that district Is concerned, "An Evening in Persia" Inpt and irritability that Is an Ideal us of Oklahomans as the most patronage THERE IS NO QUARANTINE ON mectlnc iltiriiii. the eatnnalen Another ' 730 p. m., evening service, termon i . lmlS,tercd one 5f best SELL BULLETIN noble ns it Is dlHiciilt. Edward How- on earth Now the question nrif.es, why ho the wideawake by the assistant minister "A Unl- - on rind, in also discharged. ard Griggs. should ho be, so nngry when asked iihii the .erHiil Law." These three men lire reported to lie fi:v, one realises by this time concerning It and why should he Wireless It Is or) that A col dial Invitation Is extended to making no noise whatever, but d de- up Page 1) Iho Promotion Committee might Just make n sweeping nnij MESSAGES nil In tho city who are not connected bald that their eunuM will be tuken (Continued from In the next cam places, fas well go out of business If the San- nial when he mlist hate known from Willi any church to make Ceii- - as a politUal Issue lu various Miss List said that other p.ucn Chicago and Minneapo- itary Commission does not make a the statement coming from tho chair- tral t'nloti their church home and to In New York, sH lis tiny sta)eil for two weeks, hut thorough success of work. man of tho Republican Territorial If you vv to .na your mtnlnd ,,,, uny of ,., bervloeH hid Its or lu all uthir cities their slay had been Committee, that the committeeman Tncnas inuibr; APPLES or a bunch of BANANAS, from two lo five days -- has neer was not prepared to deny having such hkvhyiii Mnvr.im.vr. siiuslilne, BY LEGISLATURE "To nullotln Jutt leave an order with tu "It bus hon neurly'nll and to "roast" Marston Camp-tjpl- l. a document in his prusessoln Sabbath services will be, Sabbath experience wo have had to ISLAND FRUIT CO. the fow It merely nsks that as a public Superintendent Campbell is u pub- School ut lu o'clock, conducted by tho Hie contrary are forgotten We have . 72 8. King Street ofilcer ho tell the truth - when a lic officer and ns such his acts should superintendent; lesson for tho day, In en practical!) broke several times, (With Wells, Fargo Express Co.) to Ills but always came out right straight question Is put to him bo open and aboe-boar- What's l'cter preaching Cornelius and Credit Balances Left By friends Preaching at 11 by the pas- "'lhe women we have met have taken more, the public haB every reason to as much Interest lu the trips ns have Doth Senate and Is a most significant and tor. "If thou hast run with footmen Mr Wall need not fear that the have n keen Interest In his veracity our country Iho nieii, and we have sohl hundreds up- - and they hale wearier thee, then how House. public will think him conceited, If he and tho munnor In which he Is to uso Igrutlfylng tvldenco of the closer A sto.til.v and III in though not u of papers to women In the cities vvu English-speakin- g canst thou contend with horsus?" " accepts tho management of thn "f '? two lie, iv demand fin Kiigai i lucks have visited Floral tho great responslbilltJi placed upon l'"-- ' 3 p The total expenses of the Seiu'ci will Oahu Pilsnii meeting at m; Parade for another year. He should, his olllee of suenillnii millions of the nations to all understanding that inaiks the clnto of a vuclt during In Lovo With Honolulu. for nil purposes was $20 U79.25 during sermon In Portuguese and Hawaiian Honolulu Is the real town, so far as remember that when the right man people's mono) during the next bo the greatest peace guarantee of which tliu maiket has guicinll) heeu the sixty day session that Wed- tjo Sunday evening, llihln ttmly of the List Is concerned, and her esti- ended Is found, people modern times r.itlxr.il loi ) Miss for tho placo tho hold )oars book of Hoi elation, tho Orugon, the It Is lu vt rses nesday. The tolul balance on lisud Kolo.i made It.i leappe.uuneo In the mate of contained the on hard. President Tuft's plan If adopted will Heast, Image of thn Heast, In tills stiuy from both Territorial and Pederal the and selling on thn Himnlulu Exchange elsewhere come us near commanillng tho peace the false prophet If we miirt avoid Hospitality Uniurpasted. Is tia.020.7D. Of thn Fed-ei- Euro-pca- JUST PLAIN WOMEN. list, live sli.iic being sold fur $170, 1 Four steamers a year with n of thn world as all) thing can If these or bo lost then wh must know "1 tell )ou that nowhere have appropriation of $11,000, the sum of 1M tlio last rec-oid- I Immigrants looks like business, America and (lient Urltuln unite on what the) are Come and hear. mi advance ovei stiuck snili hospitality us have In of $9,luriri was drawn sale 'I Ills is u stuck sulilom and at that rato ery little titno Women have given so many exhi- anything, the nation does not exist Himnlulu The compensation Tor members ol sold on the maiket Tim demand fill Is nethliiK south of Mason tho elapse the one hun- bitions of their collective power and would daro to ralso Its hand l,TTi:it-l- SUMS, "Thin House was $IS000, tho salaries of should before that I, Ihla mid iJlxnii's Line to compaip with It Influence It requires un unusual Iteorganled on King Oahu cnuliuucil mi ih ite slock Iho Seuialors amounted lo half as European1) headed that agdlnst them Chinch, etieet, Wul-alu- I lu dred thousand are fetching $.!o consistent I), while .i - mid say that who was bum the display of numbers to oxclto remark near Thomas Squiiic. much. tills way to make permanent homes Let us hops that this great wan as btioiig us ever at $H2r,0, louutiv south of Hint line" Hut New York liaa 9 15 a m, Sunday School; lesion The total expenses of the House In the Islands though witnessed will bo followed by other n Tift) shaif-- ij.uii An Outdoor Girl. 3 - iiumbci of block of were $35 IMS HI. leaving 7- feminine of nil anil topic, Paul's Testimony In of c banning a balance couveutlons kinds expressions of International good will i hinging Cnmtuei-- t Miss List, spite hir g hands. Hawaiian from the Teirltorhil uppropilatlon ' Is with II a m, illuming woishlp: pieadi-ln- femininity, Is mi outdoor girl Sim Is for Governor Trcar seems to think that ns familiar parades of shirt- throughout our own couutiy and in) in stead) at ?3!i HiJ. 00(1 in both Hawaiian mill English, nn expel t horsewoman, a swimmer of Iho Hoiisu $20 or $I,0,)9S5. and as with Suffragist dem- Ilrlt-Is- h hL can beat tho Legislature by way waist strikers among the peoplo of tho several 'J he ustii! dlvhlenilfi falling duo on 111 I! p in, .Inn's Ilcllgio Llteruiy So- no iiHiiii ability, mid Interest riotu tho I'Vdtrnl appropriation of of a the Constitution Hut tho onstrations. It has hnd. In the estima- April 30 were deelaicd toda), C br result colonies, especially Canada and ciety; musical nnd literary piogiam out of door sports Is second only to $lJ.000 a balance of $5 S21 99. may ho that tho courts as well as tion of tlio New York World, no such Nothing will morn cer- lliewer & Co, $2 ti shaie; Hw.i, 31 In - lu trip she Is now House Australia 7 30 p m, evening worship; nor-niii- li Inh list the The printing hill amounted example of women's con- cents Waimaii.ilo, $2 Till Hawaiian milking world the Legislature will suggest that he impresshe tainly gnafiinleo the future of the Pa-- by Elder Waller nriiunil the lo $l,30S:rl(l and Iho Senate Electric, 7fi cents, Ql.iwahl $2; llrew-ei- Sells Monday. "beat It" with his opposition to what certed uctlvltlcs as that furnished by iClllC Slrungem welcome lo nil services Bulletin Them Is $:IM In outstanding bills In 1G n'H, lutm-lslan- Cfi cents; Monday afternoon Miss List starts ' tho representatives of tho people Mite the assemblage recently cclebintlon Honolulu, ugalnst the Somite. K.iliiilcu. 10 tents, mid Hawaiian Plue- - her newspaper campaign In W - of thn of woman's Hiiuolulans will apple, 2. ciiitb Musi of the hinkeui iiiul for the Hist time Competent engineers are now In work In foreign missionary Holds. see J filing lady on tin) III The patience mid iiuseltlshnes.s of a expect to be ilecl troil this titreets charge of the. public work of'each of When C000 women tax the capacity otr,i dividends a Schiicht louring car tempting tho re.ill) good woman call not be ciualed heroic long by hovimiiI plantation by tho best man on thn Counties of tho Territory, and the of the city's laigest church and the- public with thn two editions of the enith. vvhli h cut llielr dividends u few 1 1 I anil rcqulro when Evening II u ot n Territory has enough on Its hands atre auditoriums moutliH ago when tho sugar outlook TIiitp'h a safe medium between too for the next two years to seo that the they guthcr for luncheon to bu sub- Waterhouse much suspicion mid too much confi- Trust gloomy. was MISS ORALEE LIST good example of tho Counties Is fol- divided among threo of tho biggest Honolulu ('onrnlidulPil closed tho By1 An Admirer dence. lowed In nil lines of activity hotels, tho fuct Is one to bo noted week Etioug. varying ftoui $1 9.ri to Talk about jour Nellie Illy, And this was not a gathering of what $1 07 nnd there wuio leputs of fi And ubuut )our Plilneas I'ogg; Direct primary Is having the usual aro commonly known as "nihanceuV On Iho Hawaiian Exchange $2 15 a Why, the girl that Thursday hit Ha- waii In Is women, but of women whoso Ideal J share was asked Hoceiit ieport from oxperlenco Hawaii. It opposed Has got them all agog, and Jockeyed out of existence by a have remained conservative and Real Estate For Rent the Ileitis are very encouraging combination of tho political manipu- whose vital Interest Is still In the Thnsn other smart globe-lrotter- lators and tho high brows who know home and the church. Who well supplied Willi eush, It all. Tho plain everyday citizen has They did not meet to agitato for tho Hut Oralis) has crossed the sea On a some would even- ballot or to rcdre3s social wrongs trip mil rash to keep on fighting, and ho will Furnished tually win. and' demand new rights, but to for- She's not buying nny mitos, ward a work which was ono of tho Four bedrooms, Klnau St JC5 00 Nor over biplanes rove; Andrews College first to which sympathies were If she wus working for her board, great to Prof. of Amherst their Threo bedrooms, Kalmukl CO 00 It's a satisfaction says that "swearing is as necessary attracted and which, us their num- One-ha- lf of It sho'd save. cnuy a watch that ulways gives Two bedrooms, 3H 00 , . correct time as any other form of languago." ' The bers conclusively prove, Is still neur-e- st Kuhala ch'iptei In tho tomowhit She says she's got to do It, Is why there) are over dispatch containing this their hearts ' Another Thut assertion Two bedrooms, Palolo 30 00 . gloomy hlstoi) of tho fumlly of "Bill) If she's persist to roam, seventeen million An- Such a In closes with this sentence, "Prof. gathering of women n ) And might us well keep going Unfurnished Hoe was opem-i- toduy when tho last 190G, European now drews Is a graduate of Yale, capital would have attract- remaining piece of tho family pioper- - She's 'so fur fioin home ,'!Q,00 ' urd Is a popular member of tho Am- ed tho world's attention from Its Three bedrooms, Palolo I) on Kuhikaiia iivuuuo went under She's out for every nlcki I Waltham faculty." magnltudo ajono. In Now York It 1' herst the hammer at the otllces of .1, In pa'ssed inci- TOR SALE. To bo earned un honest wav. ns hardly more than nn Mnigau. being sold at miction. And rnr a llckit to New .inland Between the belt roads of tho dent of tho week Yet Its significance ipalUeil Watches An attractive property In the lhe price was so low that Takes ignite u bit tu pay. In use. The owner of a Wal-thui- Counties and tho school housesof tha Is not obscured. It has been left to i'llnaliun district JG000 00 William Savldge, tho ndmliilstialor e f WaUh can always rely Territory, with the oporatlons'of the tho women of tho missionary socie- Iho ostute of Annie Latllti Hue, She certainly hit the proper stride, upon' get him Iliiugulovv nnd half acre of laud his Watch to there wife, sayn ho wll) peti- rur, us suon ns she gut In, Federal government going stendlly ties to outdo all nther- jepresentatlves In Manoa Valley, desirable "lllll)'s" that on time. tu the! uale. She cottoned lo "Best Paper lu Town" time ou owned u Wul-tlui- m forward, the worklngmun In these Is- of feminine. Interest In . , COOOOO tion Iho coin lo set aside It's and activities location ., The) II v e n I u g 11 ii 1 e 1 n lands has no good cause to bo with- making the most Impressive of all Two pieces of piopeity wero sold, one to Thomas Kenned), hilnglng Wo carry a complete stock of f out the necessities of life, and ho demonstrations of tho power of wo- r Heiiiembi r, now, she's on her wn); Come und with $12uii mid one lo Mih W II Smith Wttlthnuis talk ought to get a tasto of some of tho man's Influence And w lie u she ofierH a copy. us about wutches hrlugliiK $l.uiu Ileal ostato men live-ce- luxuries. Dig up that great big pleco the piopeity Is vvoilh nt least And forget about inahope THE BRITISH-AMERICA- double this amount, soiuo s.iy a go.nl Qnp pf tho facts brought to light deal nieii t The Peniisvlvinila Itulliosd has es. H. F. Wichman by .the mobilizing troops on the Mex- Mi, si of tho Hoe ostato was long ago tabllslied nt Altooin a sehoul fur ap- Is, Waterhouse In en- ican border thnt thanks to tho Trust prentices coopeiatlon with tho the father mother dead, stuuteieil and gineering department & liol'ttcnl Congressmen who think That assembly In the Guildhall en. and the sou Chailcs It II oo commit- of Pennsylvania Co.. Ltd., FORT AND MERCHANT State College posts than they do s, STREETS HONOLULU, T. H. more of army of dorslng the American plan for ted biilfldo a few months ago, cutting Leading country Jewelers our is spending tratlon between Great Britain nnd his troat with a luzor. ArJ3 - ' PAY A KKmM'W vi,.

hi,uuL& ,)lL "i' .Js mdti&; SfctA'' .1. 'U qwiAkMut u. -. UjsMM 1'j)i?iW'.IktoUjitU . &vL-a,...- --J 'a EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H, SATURDiY, APR. 29, 1911. Alfred D. Cooper LOCAL AND GENERL Hawaiian Stocks ant) Bonds telephone Bought and Sold I The Bulletin nuibert have, not been changed with theloca going to be more worth your while 307 JUDD BUILDIWQ ' lion of the paper. They reman the Telephone 2489 P. 0. Box rl07 I tame as printed In the tolephonediree, qfr ,,' M " mmam IT'S ever this season to know what Selection ss The First from , office, 220C e'ltorUI 0" the Best Tanneries Go Into Williamson & Buttolph roonre, 2185. we've done for you in the way of fine y$r THE M Try a case of Plnectar. It I pure Stock and Bond Brokers Phone 1557. A N Sanfurd, optician, Uostoii and overcoats for Spring. 83 MERCHANT STREET suits block, I'ort Rlriet, over .May ft Co Thore'wlio ill Ink at lliv Anchor Phone 1482 P. 0. Box 628 Saloon uro Immune fiom cliohru l When you wear Packard Shoes you get New shipment of ineu'u mil hoys' Clung jj benefit of an organization of compe-- straw and felt hats. Kuin Co, U L. Honolulu Stock Block. S 'e dealings Exchange Harrison en' DUycrs- - Direct with the The heat of nil beverages I Prliiio &$ xZiJ "W. tanneries gives opportunity for first ixSI Siturdny, April 29 beer, the beer that's brewed to unit Schaffner Marx Inspected choice. 1 lie result Packard Hart w by lv tho climate. Pjl Expert. eW Shoe service cannot be NAMK OP STOCK mi akIip.i Subscribe for tho Call, flironlch mmmmmmMmammmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmHmmMmmmmmMmammm FforT,,,E elsewhere. MKIICANTII.K, or Kxmnlner $1.00 per tiionti Wall vS tb Factory f""l k ;(m XI C. tiro we r & Co Uto Nlnhots Co., Agents. fP 8UOAU Styllib pattern bats Just ipetieil at Rwa Plantation Cu 31V MIhh 1'ower'n, IhiHton bulldiig, I'ort Hawaiian Acric. Co Btreet Take elevator. & always great the matters Haw. Sug MX ' make provision in Com Co ... Don't throw your old lids away Itnwnllun Sugar Co 40 Ai by Ilonninu Susat Co llnu them cleaned the lipcrt Hat HnnokuaSucni Co tiM iCIeanora, 1123 Fort street of new fabrics, new models, new patterns If you u good joh ubtio 011 ii Ilalkn SnparCo 51 M7H want Hutchinson Sucnr Plant. is auto or currlage take It to Hawaiian Knhnktt I'luntntlon Co. .. isv Cntrlage Mfg Co, 427 Qinen St. ' and colors, this season is no exception. We Kekaba Sugar Co no Seu Whitney ft Mnrxb nil In th's MclNERNY SHOE STORE ViJ Koloa Sugar Co Issue, relative to their pile of re Mcllrydu Sugar Co 7 'MtiJL ' Kcrli'M, e c. on Monday nornlng . fine assortment of new Oabu Sugar Co 10 30 have a the best Onomea Sug-i- r Co MX 41 Jo'in It. llurgitrom, Pluto aul Or Olaa Sugar Co. Ltd A'4 gan Tuning ninl ltepalrlig Masonic Olowalu Co 1 Temple, Telephone 20C7. P O ilox things for you; we really want you to see l'aauhau Sugar Co. Plant iii 4 "40. . Pacific Sugar Mill no For distilled water. Hire's Hoot Co I no I'ala Plantation 'St ull popilar them as early as you can. I'ppeeken Sugar Co 12s Deer und other drinks. Pioneer Mill Co IOi oK Itlng up Pnoue 2171. .'onsolldated Walalua Agrlc, Co 112 113 Soda Works. Walluku Sugar Co Itenieniber, flreen Slnnps are fieo Waliuauulo Sugar Co. . . . (20 to purclnsers foi the iBklng, and There's no need to rush you about it; you'll find a Wuliueu Sugur Mill Co. . "S Kooilu absolutely In MIHCKU.ANKOrS, free Krhaiii'e for A Inter Island H'.tAitii N. Co. "5 (Ireon Stumps. great abundance of good things here ready for you Bargain in FUTURE Honnllau KlvclrlcCo .. The reception al' tin flinetimr's Hon. It T. 1. Co Pref 'OS home will not bo hold iet Mouila. linn. It. T. ft I. Co Com. io7y, on account of tho chief eciillxe be- whenever you come ; this is just to tell you that the Mutual Telephone Co. ... s.w ing absent on one of the other Real Estate COMFORTS Oabu It. & I. Co lllli) If. H Co, Pfd goods are now coming in, and that it's going to be Illlo It It Co, Com ... y Tho now Spring Bhovliig of shoes One of the flnett pieces of Land In Hon It M Co ji, 22)4 at the Mnnufuctuiers' tfioc Co, Ltd, worth your while to look them over early. the Punahou District. Fenced, Grate Are assured to t ,ose Hawaiian Plueapplo Co . i( 3J Includes tin array of liuthers, stles Tanjung Olok. It C. pd up .(8 41 ed, planted with choice and Fo- and shapes that will pkase the par- fruit do doasa tr pd. . 21 liage Treat, an abundance of Artetlan who save Puhang Itub Co (I'd).. ticular woman. Water, two etreet frontaget, and all I'ulmug " (Abs W I'd) Stand pipes, for the itirfiu'e of read for one large, two medium or nON'.DS. water to tlu sprlnkllnc SnUiiK Is iinulu essy hy having a Haw four ordinary-tile- d houtet. Ter (Fire CI) . carta, hiuo been Installed all alone ' SAVING ACCOUNT. Term payments by pur- Huw.Ter.4X the Walulau Hond to lb far nut 111 if detlred Haw Tci.V4S chaser. Haw Twelfth incline. all peies-snr- y iVtt. TOR SALE BY Unr Dollar li Hint It rr Pun ku liana Is one o' the thousand in- Haw.Ter.J'X I" open un Account, mill Ik-e- 111 Cal. l Sug Itef. Co t ICO or more tides whlcl bell without ter) st Mill tin pnlil ul Toggery, Ltd., the llaftukua on bill Silva's Jon rJltchCo., being advertised tie boards Upper Ditch Cfl rntn nf four mid emu-ha- lf per 101 hccuiiM' It has 110 eiial as a cleans- "PRATT" Haw. Irrgtu. C .. 0 101 ing agent, (irocers He I It This stcre is the home Hart,, Schaffner (8i Marx cent per unmitii, cumpouudid Haw, Com. At Sug. Co. 5 of clothes KxcIiihIwi New York ciislnm QTANGENWALD BUILDINQ Illlo R It Co., IssaolDOl V) sljles Illlo 11 It. Co.. Con C ... are being shown at The Itegal Shun iionoKaiiKiigarco.e .. 101 U Store These shoes come in ipiarter Ilou. ll.T. fc KCo G ... slreti, something that can not he ob- Elks' Bid., Telephone 1751 King Street Ry. C Kniinl Co. tained ut uiiy but n itegnl store. Kohnla Ditch Co. Cb .u Bank of Hawaii, Ltd. ICO i:ery department in Sachs' big Mcl'rjrto Sugar Co 91 Capital null Surplus, 000,(100 Ct... Is ing new Impor- Jl, Mutual Tel. Cs IOJ& 103 Btore overflow with Oabu'U. &!Co 5 100 tations of Spring gdods. New millin- $6000 Oabu Sugar Co ery, new goods, new fit wash dreis and OlaaSugM-C- o 6 ELECTRIC WITH r. Sachs Dry floods Co CABINET BATM8 MAS8AGE EVERY DEPARTMENT OF THE Will buy a BEACH LOT near I'ac. Hik Mill Co. to ldi( If you are particular about I'loneor Mill Co. CX jour Diamond Head. 00M correspondence stellnnery ou will bo A natural method of recovery from Rent a WnlaluaAgrlc Co. G ... 100 Excellent Sea Front Eetldence pleased with Hlgbliind Swiss ClillTnn bodily dieordera ladle and (jentlomen. Phone 24C7 er call at 176 6. King St. FRENCH LAUNDRY ites. Fruit trees and frow-- B which A II ft Co, Ltd, haw-Jus- era" - Arlelth Ko-lo- (upstairs). on lots. SI.i:s Hi'twccn IloardH.- E recciwd and are selling for 50c 10 IS UNDER THE PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF MR. ABADIE SAFE Ilili; Haw C. & S. (Jo, $33,50; per pound, DARON SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL L'5 IT, O11I111, $30; Oaliu, $311; IIIJ O11I111, Tho now ('loanable refrlg- - CULTURE 10(1 777 KINO STREET No Branches TELEPHONE 1471 T $30. O.tllil $30, in O.1I111. $30; lj eralors have one piece rompnrtinents BO CO a Oalin, $30; Walalua, $112 50; with rounded corners and eery com Magoon Bros., Wulalu.i fllL'.r.ll; 50 Wulalui, $112.50; DEPOSIT partment Is connected by an air-tig- 10 $1 HO Olau, 37'0; Oaliu, $3); 30 Joint cover Sco tlieni at II HacKfeld TRUSTS, REAL ESTATE AND $30. Oalin. & Co, Ltd, Fort and Queen BtroetB COLLECTIONS SokrIoii StIc-- i 5 II C ft S Co., I A lire which happened at Cor. Merchant and Alokca Bti. 1 II C lestriictle BOX $3!l.50. ft S Co.. $39 50; 10 Walalua Tuetday nas reiioited to tho Oaliu. $) C.i irwa $31 police last iilghi. properly worth DIVIDI.N'llS Apill 30. 1011: C. $2500 going up In smoke, four stores Ilrowoi ft Co, $J "linro; ICwa. SOc Stop Rent and 11 dwelling, all belonging () Jap- Paying and enjoy a eliaii'; Walnruul $2 5j Khiiro; Haw. t feeling anese, being the structures burned See Illeetilr 75c rluii'; Olowalu, $2 ,M Out of respect to the memory of Sale bliinc; Hon. II ft Co,. 15c Our Annual share; of Mrs. P. C Jones, Oabu Collego D0NDER0 & LANSINO security I I S N Co. fi'p Hliate; ICnhiiku, lOe and Phone 2553 83 Merchant St, Haw I'lnoapplo 25e tharo the Punahou Preparatory school luif. closed yestcrda 12 $500 to $15,000 Latest sugar quotation 3 8C cents at o'clock The of students of college postponed j!fjS the also Hawaiian or $77.20 per ton. the third term dame which was to hae been held last night. MARTIN GRUNE, Trust Co., Ltd., Mrs, Alice A Latidls, who 1ms been with Mrs i:.'M Tajlor, tho llorlst, Real Estate Agency 423 FORT STREET Sugar, 3.935 cts will lentil on the transport Iguu Muslin 11 Underwear CAMPBELL BLOCK May 5tli for vacation trip to tho Room No, 20. Coast. She will Unit Mrs. Donald l- -2d Kennedy at Colorado Springs und Corner For- - and Mercliant Streets, Bee!s, 10s, 5 May spend part of her vacation In San Begins on Monday, 1st Francisco. WHEN IN HMD 07 C. HEKRV WIITEilliOUSE TRUST L. HOPKINS (0. 2185 editorial rooms 22150 the past two years in the month of May, We have held a Great Sale business oftlce. These are the tele- Syitematizer. Notary Public, Aeeut FOIl Members Honolulu Stock and Bond phone numbers of the II u 1 1 v 1 1 u. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. Our Sales have each year to Grant Marriage Licrnses, Hawai- Exchange ian Interpreter and Translator heen highly successful, hecause the ladies are good judges of Lingerie values, Paper AND MERCHANT Judiciary HOURS FORT STREETS OFFICE Bid. HUH a is 9 a, m. to 4 o. m. Telephone 1203 and know we never misrepresent single item. This year our stock twice as large, the reason for that heing we nought hetter. of aetcriitloD STOCKS AND CHANG CHAU oof B0ND Co., The Sale beginning MONDAY MORNING takes in all GENERAL BUSINESS AOENT. Phone 1410 Trent Trust Limited hand-embroider- INTERPRETER. NOTARY PUBLIC garments from medium quality to fine ed MEMBES HONOLULU STOCK AND Office Corner Ho'.el and Smith HONOLULIJ'C LARQiSI Street.. P. 0. Box BIG, Phone 2380. BOND EXCHANOE good and in eludes PAPER HOUSE Distilled Water Ice HarryArmitage Gowns, Chemises, Princess Slips, Icu, DlHtllleil Water and Stock and Bond Broker Pur Member Btock SturuBC, coiHiill Ilia AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- ut Honolulu an Cold Ilond Exchange Covers, I Corset Drawers, PAPEB & SUPPLY CO., LTD. Oahi Ice & Electric Co., Campbell Block, Merchant Street Yawman&Erbe's Fort and Queen Box COO Phone 1128 6treeU and Skirts Filing Systems ircu iti:i.n:vi: at o.m'i:. OEO. Q. QUELD Manager (.ill did & Roth See tlio Values Our Big Windows are the busy business man's beet in That terrlblif HlIi illsuppears with STOCK AND BOND BROKERS atelttante. tliu DltOI'S nf I) 1) 0 Membrrt Honolulu Stock Bond ' riURT P. H. BURNETTE and It lclllii all Bkln disease ExcLunee Com r. of Deeds (or California kji Instantly. A nonfiling, heiillng Stxngenwald BldK 102 Merchant SL Kuinis dew NOTARY lotlou, used xteru;illy only Hono- York; PUBLIC; 'Irant Harriafce Lioeuiee; Drawi Hawaiian News lulu Di iik Co luter-lsluu- und O It ft 1 Shipping A e e ttortgHges. Deedi, Bills of 111, 1 1 books for sale ut the II u e 1 1 o Co., JORDAN'S Inter-Islan- am! O It & I. Shipping Leaies, Wills, Eto. Attorney (or the olllro COo esch hooka for salo ut the U u 1 1 0 1 u District Cuurti. 7fl MERCHANT IT ALEX. YOUNG BLDG. oltlco, COo cack HONOLULU. PHONE 1310. Weekly II u 1 e 1 1 u (I per rear. V I

mjkt&j AaiU , . .i,jutiMr.l&&j, -- 8 :w w TV V


S His, Associates Remembered m On His .Transfer to Si Mc&rytje! n When FrnnKAltixutiilLr U ft IMunene tf to take Iho iniin.iKUniTit uf Mcltiydo KSfs I plantation, lio was presented with a mm liciiutlCul llimnrd wnUh l.y his asso- ciated mi 1 plantation, u nil uf their kiiikI ylll mnl n con-Ktu- reminder lit thi'lr best wishes for III HUCCPIM. The ir setitntlon was n comploto sur-pri- st imE.S;&gaggEaaaagsaffiE' to .Mr Alexander. In mnkhiK the Bltt, the spokesman for thu "boys" said' oiir follow employes, of the Maul Agrlcultur.il Company wish to express t to j 011 their slnceru iipprevlatlon uf your uniform courtesy, that faithful- ND it shall come to pass that the waters of the mountain tops shall be ness mill help that uti have shown to them In every capacity In, which you hnve served this plantation In tlm carried into the hill country so that man need not fear the want of ab'uri- - twilp year you huvo been runncctcil with It "It Ik a went thine to win tlm entire CollllllellCC Of lltlb'K fellow h. It In n ? K dance of water fresh, water, cool water." greattr thins to maintain thai, cunn-dch- ns you have done tluuiiKh n Ioiik period of 1 tutu association. Your pride iniiKt In- - Justly stirred to think that those In authority have mIiikIci! Sou out tn KUlile the destiny or inll-llii- the. of property In your new field of It passed passed effort, hut I feel ctrtuln you Imvo more Just cause to coiiKrutulnte yoiir-He- lf Senate, passed thnt, to a man, the Rood wishes wm the of nil inir associates k with you IS. "In the name, of jour fellow House, and passed the I present )ou this token of Yes! r thi-l- repinl Kvery time you look nt the time, may thli tlmepleco rrfnlnil Governor Senate Bill Mm of olil times ami nlil friends of the Maul AKrlcultiiral Company Our m 68, Act 161 providing $65,000 for the heHt nlolm Rues with ou" purchase of the valuable water-she-d and rights of the Palolo Valley mountains and the building of a large Reservoir at a 750

ft. elevation on the Palolo Hill Tract, sup Three Months' Additional Time :& Granted On Dredging plying rapidly-growin- g dis- sta the Kaimuki Contract. SSSfc trict with fresh mountain water for all Work on ilrpilchiK tlio Honolulu harbor channel litis been postponed tlueo montlis by tlio Ameri- (. Standard time tb come. This can DreilBliiK Company, w'hlcli has tlio contract. , Tlio cjinpany has Just le- eched wolir tliiougli Hip local U. 3 eilRlneer's ollico that lis loipient for tlio tlnco montlis' ilelay lias ,Ven Kraule.l. Tlio tcijnest was mailo becaiiio tlio" Vftbi ThiiIiIiip. tlio company'R IiIr turbine-iIiIvp- ii ilreilKP, U now nt work at SS I'parl harbor ami bailly neeilcil tlioip, anil It was ilcpmcil advlsabln if pos- ' sible to postpone tlio local 'Job until Immense dip I'eail harbor rush was over. A '& ri.uilltlou Is attached to tlio ilel.iy m 8fc that It must bo approved liy tlio rlilef of enlnpers, U. S. A., but tills It Is axnectctl, will bo done ns tlie ollico bus pisscil fnvornhly on the request Tlio iiostioneniPiit mpans that tlio channel iIiciIkIiik will not stait until Reservoir July 2.1. rycl Tlio navy tdlp drcdRliiR which ron-tia- cl V , Is nlio held by tlio Standard American Company tins nlnu heo'i postpilned Tlio navy department hns allow ed this on condition thnt It tlm soon be a splendid system ilcp.it titicnt plans to send any deep will built, and diaft csscIk here, the flips must be dredged out at imeo, hut this Is a of piping will convey millions of gallons matter of two or threo-- days only. So (or the preRont tho IiIr tiirblno WATER FALLING FKOM AN ELEVATION OF 1400 FEET THAT WILL BE DEVELOPED 0f "Liquid Gold" to the thirsty hillsides of dredRo will slay nt Tenrl harbor

- FOR THE USE OF THE KAIMUKI D.STR.CT. SUPREME COURT CALENDAR . p rolluwlui; are the cases which are now on the eulendar of the Supreme Court fur Its Slay iiesslon, ciiniineiicliiR home-buildin- g agii-cultur- al these magnificent anct Mny l! Aue Kaeliu vs Meeau Nameiiliihn.

far-surpassi- .Motion to M. Har- ng transfir record T lands into regions of wealth and beauty. With such an abundant supply of rison for the motion: James U Colin for ilefeiulant Andrew I ljrli;lit vs flioman J. water for Irrigation and domestic purposes amply assured by the Government, the prophesied glorious Qiilnn. nxceitlons from Circuit Court, Klrst Circuit 13 C. I'ttcrs for future of Honolulu's finest residential section has to (iikooii Si Wenvtr ami come pass. C K. Qulnu for ilcfimlant-aiipcllan- t. John W Wlnkclliach vs. IIuuoliilii Amusement Co, Ltd. Appeal (rum Circuit JuilRe, Klrst Circuit. 'I.oulu m Andrews and 'I3iiKeiiii Murphy for lil!ilntllT-nielnii- Mhriioh & Veaer $m' Those who purchase now and build on our choice lots will reap the benefit of Kaimuki's establish, and A. S. Jluniphreys fur ilefcnd.int-appelle- e ed and future. Territory of Hawaii vs. Antonio substantial d'S.intos 13rror to District Magistrate of I3wn Attorney-Oener- unit Kinney, Uallou, I'rosser tc Anderson for ', watBSSiaq&sasm In the inattir of the Riiardlanhli of Illldreth Castle Hitchcock, n minor. Hcscrvcd question from Circuit JiiiIkp, Pom til Circuit Hurry Irwin for the KiiaiUl.in; Atloriiey-fienir- ns iiinlciis curiae. Alio Kiichu vs Meeau Xamealoha. J-jX- 13rror to Circuit Court Second Clieult. T, M Harrl-'o- for plnlntHT-npiicllun- t: jQ..9 Ci.j James I,. Coke for defendant-appelle- e

The V H Coal I3xclmiiKt, composed of twcut iarco Dltumlnous coal companies, lias made u coiubl-iinti- Salesroom Telephone 3306 with a capital of JMO.000,000 Main Office: Telephone 1659 Branch Ofli'ce: Telephone 3208 Tilt CHEAT llfNJAMIN COMfOUNU HERBALO -- Gurct Constipation. I Mal.es Now, iilth lilood. Stomach and Liver ft Regulator. Cures the Kidneys, m

I t . .tt- -H ... . -.,-- tiik2fmAAs'.i.l IM Xwiii.WIftiV .... v KSi:i &xJli ' AmEi 4iiBMiiiuft. ."v. - -- ..W- I fWW" j"VK " .

EVCNINQ BULLETIN, HONOLULUT.H., 8ATURDAY, APR. 29, 1C11. 7. &U&.am3fIgMl. tlltabllthcd 1780 Walter Baker YOU CAN'T GET SICK IF YOU USE 8RO. BENJAMIN REMEDIES I & Co.'s i ,VI The words Bro. n and this picture CHQ hum must lie on cery package and CQGQAS

for eatltiK. drinking nnd cooklnc . i Pure, Delicious, Nutritious 1$ $ I0JB . 4lM ts Bro. Benjamin POMPOUMD HEKBALO

ItcEtocftil L. S l'ulint ODIca Hrcakfast Cocoa, lb litis STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEY and BLOOD REMEDY - linker's Chocolate (unsweet . ened), lb cakes German's Sweet Chocolate, euros Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Catarrh, Scrofula, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Lack ol Appetite, 1- -1 lb cakes Fluttering of the Heart, Gas and Wind on Stomach, Bloated Feeling, Pains in Stomach after Eating, Sick Headache, For Sile by Lttdlnc Gronrt In Honolnlu Dizziness, Coated Tongue, Biliousness, La Grippe, Dengue Fever, Chills and Fever, Malaria, Breakhone Fever, That -- Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Tired Feeling, Jaundice, Backache, Diabetes, Gravel, insipient Bright's Disease, Bladder Trouble, Enureses (Bcd-Welti- '11 ' r DORCIIESTP.K. MASS., U. S. A. by Children), Melancholia, Worms of All Kinds, Nervous and Female Disorders, Sleeplessness. Cures TRADE MARK Roelotorecl "CT. Fa-tan- t Constipation, A great , la S. OfJlco. 53 HIGHEST AWARDS IN anaemic condition. Tonic for Women. $,00 per bottle, 3 for $2-50- 6 for $5.00 EUROPE AND AMERICA DRUG ODDFELLOWS' BUILDING, HONOLULU CO., LTD., 1024 Fori Street NEAR KING ST. NO GREEN IESE1 rwrfflBHyiLTOaaadess MMM, . H fcurilliiK to tho records or the Ith the Imttf ships Imllt Mini to lm '1 ho titles or niriiiliiRlnin i rj ii olultuu lliut tin OiMiioerilii khou' i Kiinuciii li it In dm 'in n hill " TEA FOR TiHiHiin Uip.irtuiriit, ninny of tin tun llulchod h tho yeir 191 1 nt tlio Dnnd-lHiuul- it Ala, line adopt uuniil s ii ' li f r an .iiiieuilnuiit ,ir iatlln Inoimh net to n'mHsli ,i( ui. 0, S. to on dlnlrlctH do lint in life epuiiiH, tpi Ureal Hrltaln will Iimo li II Ktvorninont, tho fonmr li i lm; tl I'd Iprwllv hill or til'" riinn si mil ml ni inlor 'i'l fit will he and It (ntx the kOi rniutnt iik IiIIi '1, (lormiii) IS and the t'lillid Ptatis, throi nnd the latter tlc i stiin - J 70 to one doll K,. r lollut ir It Is iiiiiifi on was done to hold tlio the titiM Hut It will do c inipara-reilui- e THE FREE LIST! don u oi ir'ire Hem c hIm thai repro- - liol) lltt'c to the eost of Every Leaf of Emerald Hue hem KH"ir dlrtilots In lino Itstifinr Excluded From Country IT the Hepuhllouis otTer a rreo 8ii- -j 'Hio trust tontrolu all the mipplliK mEf3BKS& Knr amendment, Mr Kltihln thu n!-i- of rhnnp raw sugnr that eom'--i Imo After May First. Democratic Leaders HaVc No imullcan le.nlern m will either ino tho roiiiilr It controls tho fico sn to VirciU his ciin.il pIcdRo or liUlgji from Haw nil, tho rhllllppln" nml (liooii ton will lid jollow, nml wen Idea of Taking Off Duty word lo Mi 1. 1 Toilette, Porto Wen it crmtrolo most or Uki leaf of Hie cmeialdJyjo will bo ex- On Raw Product. Tho Ucinncrntc will not ndd nuar Culifln HiiR'ir which conies In at cluded from the Unlloil States after tn the frco list. The arsuo that raw pep cent, of roKulji rMex 1' cc.:i- - Miij 1 Immigration Sprin; u The authorities Oor ue im news troin wuHiiiiiK'nii in Kiisnr is on revenue naitii! TUPvitnlB licit and H contrnu loiubiiih First r-- lino nolliiiiK to do Willi tho order, In Ujo efft ct that etn If tho sut?ir may do nwn villi tlio Outeh Btnii'lnrilj tust i' To uniovo the Dutch mi If jini am iuIiIIUhI to the isrun whediilb Ih tal.en up h the tariff- - .mil reilnee the dut) on leflneil wtmr J Ktnnd ird would Iirlp sonu whin hut li i linlilt blame It on tlio Tn lliurd iiinkCrH, taw BitKir will not ho tnin.li- - liul will not tn'ie up ra-- ait Jl would lnnl'e ml a sllnhi iliffer- - . ut WiiHliliiKtnii ul Ilow lo i oois-mti- tlio HiiR.tr i chid-- eme I lii' . '1UoN"W-A'uXWoi- nle i.o Tei Itoiiil itcdillj illnrivriul aie Ii1 under dale, unm t'lc Ijio cuniitr tlioaiui lSl.it kiicii toi Is lint Kreni tliion-l- i of April HOli prints Iho foltnwliu miRnr, In hie.ik l!ii ItiiHt's powdrTiinil-r-""- ADR "6Y-JXI- 3I am natural nrocom hut It Is arllil front It iV'aBlilii,ton correspnndent. to ynve Iho boot nnd Umlsi.inn eino cl.illv colored with a mjiitorlous An Incident In tl'O delntc or joBtcr- - ludiisdl'H rrom ruin, la n nncKllnli Chinese, powder In order to mold daj has, caused aomo Roslp til ila which nobody linn ct ucceedeil In PILCS CUR CD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. the ediifiialnii or liming cacli packago At this Sale we are prepared to show the prettiest col- HoJreiicnlntvo I.a Kolletto or Wnsh- - niiBwerliifr, Tho trust (sreins In n 1MZO OINTJItNT is Ruarantccd labeled, ".irtlflclallj lolnied, ' tho of summer, IiiS'o.11 nslted Mr Kllclilo If ho would fnlr wnj to escape, hoentio It Ih now to cure any case of Itclnii),', Blind, bonT'deelded to order the Clilneso lection wear you've eyer seen. To make Mite for fico HiiR.ir If lie had Iho op- - so powerful that It cannot bo suiees-pordmlt- v nicdling or ProtrudinR Piles in 6 to ' ini'l IniMiicvo teairroweia to euro the Sale attract public, marked ' Mi Kllchln nnswered In full niacin d 1 1 days or money refunded Made by V without the. aid ! tho powder this the we have our goods tho nIHrniatIo A member of tho 'nn nnd Moin, V RIS MKDICI.Vn CO.. Siint Louts. lu the fiititio "Bieen" tea will he very low in price, and this means a saving In tla House canciiH n wocknKn t Caimnltteo Is rcspyiiflblo fur tho l' S n(A Mdlnw anil dlj Arroiillwr to tho toi proposition hick hauls It will luo that mine to all attend. glance at some bar- :?arrTaaaari5nvta3g3 ililn iiionntlc II nor, and tho onlj that Just oi the Iirr rt nco will bo tho eolor tTnder gains listed below: ho-ir- OF OF QUALITY the iiiIIiik of the which Is enm-i- o RUGS QUALITY FURNITURE id of seven experts iippolntcl at IIm liiHt-iiK- of tho Anierlenli ln nun hints cm n tea will not p Hi oiikIi the CiMiiin IIomsp liul will SEVERAL I ' ic tinned Lingerie Waists Honolulu's Greatest Dlcck Dried Dy Sun. J 'I he luetliiul In iitilnr hl.iek lea Lingerie and ami Kiien lea Is dlffeicnt Tho Iilok I'nr iindorprlml Inoliiilo Dutih mik Rug In, and oi modi funlilimed the Store U b In iiiilnr with I Furniture lcir tined lining tltf turn Marquisette kicom-- nur.u ini'-- 1 while tho prion t i Is ropnrnd Toi (,runriil liiiuiimi ami 'l tihiuiictl the iniiket hj a ipildieitnelhiid The Dresses ficsh pint kid li.uos in put In n poi Extends a cordial inritation to housekeepers to examine their unparalleled )", WnlKts, tain print , 51.25 mil .i hoi lire, ami :ih they are helm; im offirnl In tlm prottbsi, of tin showing of FLOOR COVERINGS and WINDOW HANGINGS. We are ill .Sprlm,-- ltd the Kinnei ipilnlilos Ihtni with 1 00 " " ' 1 25 itliM Thoj aro miv nfn.l imiall pluihn of the powder fnsh mid or tin lISfi'st,.iluoK featuring the Bigelow line of Wilton Body Brussels and Axminster Rugs, -. of tin 2 ;.- --" " 1 SO J r Vtiy lltlln Ik kiimvil of Tho nature America's acknowledged foremost and best makers of floor coverings. r lldn h tho ton " Kiilcr inereh.ilitH J,7r, " " " ".... 200 HjId I'ri i mil oicn the OecldenlalH hay they do 5 011 not know much ah ml It Tho pnwdei .mo , " f oo t.liu.eilu DrrasvH $ i75 Ih a Clilni'fto dlRcmeij It not onlj a SO " " " ,..."T!,... " Lo i , 225 11101 I.OH MII.'ION HlHiS. i iiii: itnis (haimeH the loitn rroni an mi i "I " son ' luutUo ellnw lo n IiihIioiis Krien ITS " ;.... 2.50 lw !H1J s'jxrh; IG7 27x:.t liul ptosents the tea 0(1 r. f.i) In I5ii " " " 3.00 '"" ....., . 675 15 uu 10 lC.M) Plain nml IlKiired, Krnn, brnnii Mcich.iula b.ij tlio ihlef luconven-lene- o mid blue, Prlica nml sizes of plain will ""'O " " "..' I?M ho suffered hj tho le i 00 325 iiitn.i.im u)) niii;sii:i,s itrtis. IIIKS 118 fnllnv.H: KrmwTH, liccinisn or the or Icnsth I, (Mi ' )25 ' " " Jooo 'JxlJ Sill) C,i nix'H) lime 15" UxlJ Ox'l OX'J 4 Cx7 C icipilied lu ilnlnj; the leave JU0 8.00 6 00 3 50 m .11 ",0 no 7 on " " " . . 4.50 l&l"' " " ' ' SJ 75 2.' . UM) (1100 3l.x7 27xr. 21x18 ' 18x11, j I OH Ml BULLETIN'S SPECIAL Kill " ' 500 """ 13 00 Il(il l,(IH .WMMI.II itrtis. 1.70 .75 IS PRAISED IN CEBU 0MB Ox!) 1(,x7t) :u;x7J (ri ll.ill Ituiiuirs 50 and 7i itB J7 0(1 17 00 io ; 1D0 a )d iiio i: on i n k iiu net in 'h ion 27C0 1x3 e Cm ii.l Iltioi M.il, two iiunlltlCH, all special edition H tiuxclliiK all nc-tli- 2.75 ,1 .!.' Ladies' House Bl7C8 Prices 1 0t) tn C 00. wot Id ami brliiKlni; on pi also Big Values it icjcIicm It went wheieer ucuiIIn TU'lMltV IIIIIIhSKI.h Itl'tiS. Coi on Matting, bent ipiallly, is In lu Cehu, riilllpplne Iho Dresses Isltmls and wide, 50 MB. a yd ; 36 in wide, 100 Colin Chionlclo Ipis Iho follow to in jxij ir. oo to isoo. liu ljirm MiilttJ of ?tliH to ihu'V" it d mij lenaulliiK It from Chiilcif of hlnh low o DuUh Itmrs in two-lon- e (in-toi- s ( '"Iho Honolulu IJu'iiliu; Ilulli Uli Iiih sUos II to 1.', Smith rl oiTiitniliil Ku'iliTr .Mitttini; for stair nil, )iV Ismicd n Hilenthll Kolttn up well Ladies' with MIbsIoIi binders Tin to triniU or lunnorB, lm (itulltj, 30 ctu SC Mile 65 piluled and profusely llluMiatiil m" ti niuHaox, pi Ice ... Jl hIoh n III . 1x12 7t,x :i0xRi, il.il edition or (it paeon In about Iho '.0 " " " 2 1.75 Dress Skirts lies r.o ! III. l.'lulr Nosing, 20 ,i ft sunn form as tho nnuiial edition oi isoo li 7ft nuts fl 50 " " ' ... 2.50 tho Manila Times Thu spcilnl Ik i llr.iss M.ilr Cormrs, 3r, mils pir plolo Intel ostium jlmu Hiit'lln llnuit-iil- ll IIilK KliKf III with articles 1 51, " " " 3 25 .lu? Ilnnnll and HIiiBtialloiiK of tlio most See Window DispM Hit and Miss, rnliiuioH, Poster and attractlvo nnd beautiful places lu that 5 0'J " " 3 50 IltuiKulnw orficts; all tho Btnndnrd II ton (hd ('arjuts lu hull and pirndlsal. Bpot In tho IUclJlc ulmi bIzch and lo'lorlngH Prices 1 2 to st. ill patterns In tnn, Knen, nnd red photnsrnpliH or prominent huslnehs 30 00 effcota Prko per d 1 10 men nml othom who have helped maki Ilunll "Altoi looKlliK thlouKh Iho Sale Commences MondayMorning, May s wo lonVlneod thai the aio I H I Ml 1 Philippines aio not the ijnl pUco I i m m &rr--A the Pacific Oceun whore. It Is Guml ss&. V- WINDOW to live" I Jk WbW QktLM I 1 washadle m&S JLfr. M. &. rfe -r SHADES 1 m miLm m t i bath mats r3r ff MADE TO To test the speed of projei tiles drl-e- n ilVl in cHoJSi w ORDER b modern high pnuoi cxpliislvos Oi ANY SIZC Btleiitrj.tB u llrltlsh b.io pirfectid " ilironoeope which nicnuitiri time to FORT STREET 8 the millionth qf a second, OPPOSITE CATHOLIC CONVlENf m 5 K Wocklj $1 jiur, Smbmt MWTMmi7niMraiwmiiM-Miii- i iiiiiibiimiii . J g2JSWg li llullutlu inr -

Ib.-j- i mjiai(i,1hJikiMJJ ' u Mi V - N f:a- w'' vw 'JliWW'WW 'i I .w n.tw"f9 I - tmm 8 EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H.p SATURDAY, APR. 29, 1911.

A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever KXXXXXXXXXVXXXXX HONOLULU Bf' AMUSEMENT X Do R. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S ORIENTAL x RECREATIONS Choir Now COMPANY, LTD. D CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUT1FIER 2 1 RtitoT Tun. rimf.1e , Moth lutein- - on Whitney & Marsh, I.! lUsli, tod Mia l)rRrf EMPIREJHEATRE 3i 1 ! AMUSEMENT lV"V on beauty, ifi I iif COMPANY'S, iffy fltfitectin It TONIGHT On MATINEES Limited hwttootl Ih ((' ATTRACTIONS Way fit VMM. 111 It i Monday, Wedneiday and Friday ft. H bftrmtt wc f Uitrlt Honolulu lil ffipfTljrlotartitma if ttrnctloii at the four AccfpllKicounttr Aimixpiiii'iit I'ompntiv to-- j NEW CHANGE TONIOHT theittrs com-plc- to j Irlt tf Jnll.t Arrangements arc pMctlcnlly tunjf tr, I. A lilKlit Hivm l'ark rniilri iiml Illjmll Mrrv iJ to ft Ilx luili xt client Ik thrullRliKllt Long, Heavy Hair? for the concert that tho noted Iftlr hftut ill cf tbf I England will glvo tin (ft vi1rntt Thp Park hni one of the best nil Sheffield Choir of King arid Lovell -- Then treat your well. Sec May 2C. It Taking m' Jw nlhlptk vu,,, ,..., tins hair un evening "f After Stock IIi.ID. I,,ul " """l"" the hero the 1 .nmm.na ulimt n linrn Im ,i l,it- -' opera llitm inimli I It is fed. Growth will bo held In tho Il.iwnllitn Comedians from Australia UlaH.nilil'a J KB lt. laa.l K.itn.til f tha that properly .. I Rlcr, iiml 1 kiopmu'iion.' ruibrliiirai(i.iiil ncf tho lour Woldons lire iinox-- of every kind demands proper house, tJthough Director W. D, Uo(ill..ininihflit.i!'fiw,i..iirf.iidrurore ,0nM m rMtrtloii fentK There Lov ell's Sinning Voice Is MiiRnlflcont nro' food. splits the Adams regrets that there Is no larger UR3.T.H0PHHS1Prop,37GftltJcejSliett,ll!wToL spntiilld lllms nnd the prkes are the Starved hair at or- I hall for this wonderful musical New Sketch! i low In the city ends, turns prematurely gray, ft In CAKE-WAL- The Hntoj hull (in net piv- - ganization to appear "THE CRAZE" excellent keeps short and dry. Then feed Knglnntl Is til (1 In the Anker Sisters- - n prettv The Sheffield Choir of r, yot-- hair. Feed it with proper of NEW TODAY! in Inn sicnr In which they ui the r known to ho the greatest chorus ulli with expert bund" Thci linrnedi food, a regular hair-foo- Feed mixed voices In tho world. Such Is no .03 tk.rritoiu or haw ii Ihe nrt from n woman expert In Sin it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. Thus conceded hy tho cntlro press of dreat Foley and Earlc COURT Or LAND HRillBTHA'l ION I rniieleo. Hlliln Curie Is nlunvs a help nature all you possibly can Iirltnln, CJermany, nnd Canada; such SALE '1K.RHITORY OK HAWAII to WIL- singing iittrnctlon, nml hotter lllms ore also Is the opinion of tho world's fore- Eccentrio Clog Dancers K nut to he hi . n unv toward giving you rich, heavy, In Kxtrnordlnnry B Act LIAM O SMITH, AI.HCItT where. most living conductors and compos- M 1 I owll H King, the AlKtrnllnn coin- - JUDI), SAMUKL KAilO.N. luxuriant hair. Ask your doctor Nlklsch, Safanorf. Woln-gartne- r, KAXON uml ALKHKD eilv skettli nrtlsts. ore nt the Lmplre. ers Richer, LATEST PHOTO PLAYS HltillOI' about your hair and about Ay cr's Stanford, Mac- W CAKTIIH, Trustees under the, "lure Lnvell li nmldiiR n hit with hli Elgar, Parry, Will mill of the l.tutc of Uernlce miiBiilllcent hIiibIhk olce, nml Koley Hair Vigor. Follow hi advice. kenzie and others, nnd for which rea- Popular Prices 1'iiuiihl Illnhop. ihceuxeil. J IJ ISirlo. cloff ihincrrs. form n son have they been selected by Dr OF J ALKIli:t) MAOOON, Krnm of unexcelleil nttrattlon Charles llnrrlss for his Musical Fes- llDWAHI) CUMMLVOS, u minor1 Voinmer llrothert. the tronR men, Ayer's Hair Vigor tival tour of the world b J Alfrcil Mukooii hln Qunril- - nn HMnK nre the hlB lilt of Tho Sheffield Musical Union was founded by Dr Henry Coward In THE PARK inlimr (hy Alfrcil Hugoon, Ills nre extrnorlliuir nml the look like DOES NOT COLOR THE HAIR J. 1872 Tho Choir consists of wenlthy (limrillnn). KAAIHUI: THUTRIt- - mam fnimni". OreiU nml Homnn works POPULAR OPEN-AI- THEATER I nnd Indies of social HITOItY OK HAWAII. h Alex- - of nrt Thli nn cxtmorillnnrj net Pr.ptr.J t, Br ), C. ,ir & Co , li.tlt, rim . II 0 ' manufacturers High-Cla- n Show Low-Prlc- a Tickets Ladies' Wash Coat Suits iiinler, Ltndsnv, Jr. ns Attornci Tho Kui II SlMterB In eleitrlcal il.inci standing called to the baton of their Hciiirnl. nml hi Mnrntun t'linip-- 1 r ll U niKe of the blpr thentcr, leader, Dr. Covvnrd llchcnrsnls for TONIGHT'S CHANGE Kill- - One-Pie- hell, nn Huycrlntcnclcnt of I'uhlh 'inpl(t. i ImnRc it nil the thonteni Ilclnrlch CnornKcn nml wf to them nro frequent, as many ns one ce Dresses Works, CITY AND rot'NTY OK nrxt Mmiilm nlBht mulil Iin.l Co Ltil M 13.900 no. ft of hundred sometimes being called In a 110, HONOLULU. In Joitpli J Kern lotx 109 nml Hcctlon II. Pulololllll vcar; nnd seldom Is it that! the full Beno im nml Kresldent of the Tract, Honolulu, Onhu; J1S00 11 341, Mnor muster-ro- ll Is Incomplete. Of the two uml to ALL p 449 Apr 11, 1911. Comedy Juggling Ko.inl of Superlor8, to uphold tho renown and Lingeries whom It may HIGHEST ART Antono II Mcilclros nml wf to Mu- hundred chosen iiincern In ' Cigarette Paper to Plowsharo Whcrcns, n petition linn hecn pre tual IlhlR & Loan Kocy of Hawaii Ltd, of the famous Sheffield Choir their Krtfteil to Knlil Court lij HOUKIIT M: lot" 8 mid 9, bldRs, rents, etc. New visit around the world, many nre con- Light nnd Hcnvy Weight llolnnclng DAVIS KINO. TruHtee for IMIth DU-t- i Jtulil Tract, Honolulu, Onhu; $1500. 11 ductors of choruses themselves; Jvct Wall, to reKlctcr iiml confirm his title BRINGS SUCCESS 141 p 45G Apr 17, 1911 whilst there Is not amongst them n BEGINS ON In Ihe follow lanil L II Hlchey to von Hnimn-Youn- ir singer who Is unable to read nt first The Uinil Kltuato In Honolulu, Olty nml Co Ltd, C Ml model DDuIck sight tho most difficult choral music Counts of Honolulu, Territory of Ha- tourliiR car Notl255, Ter of Ilnwall; N'o ever written. The cntlro repretolrc, waii, nml particularly ilocrlhcil nn matter wlinl line lie runt choose, $600 11 341, p 459 Apr 17, 1911 embrnclng n long and exacting list 4 Weldons 4 the true artist In nlwux upiirecliitcil Onhu CoIIcro hy tin to lMnnr HIr-Kli- follows.. J madrigals, glees LOT 1 Ilt'Klnnlnir nt nn Iron pin. iA ery birhcr Ih n heller citizen tr, D. lot 11, blk 12. CoIIcro UlU, of works, choruses, part-son- Acrobatic and Contortion Act nt Junitlnn of ntoiio wallM, helnK n tli.in u eri poor Btutosmnn In thu Honolulu. Onhu, 11235 II 342, p 382. nnd Is committed to mem- common corner of Kankea. I'unlil i nml Kmhlon liar cery mixer Is nn nrtist Apr 8, 1911 ory hy tho choir, a herculean task 1. or poini J to Trs of Onhu In OOOD PICTURES Iit tile iuii In his line nml u ery Kooil one. IMRiir HlRRlni. tr. ns perhaps no other chorus the MONDAY refirreil to (5ocrntncnt Surxm Colli Re, M, lot 14. blk 12. ColelRe I 1111m. world Is capahlo of Tho Sheffield 5c, 10c, 15o Htatlon Itoeky Hill helnir REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. Honolulu, Onhu; ISJ4 II 341, P 4C0. Choir, however, arc so familiar with Prices emt, 8, 1911 :T7.1i lect outh mill l"k.' ft Apr ever written The entire repertoire, uml riimiltiR In true iizlmutlm Recorded April 17, 1911. Luciano Ablan to Olan Sucnr Co 1 - as to mnke this effort of memorisa- 1 JO ISO feet ulons Kuiihln to I Ltd C M, cane crop on lot 12 of Kill- 1"' Cull Ilrimn. tr. tn Wllllnm Vnt1n easy of pin, ,'"t"- - M tion to them comparatively mi Iron I). Int III lot 16. blk J. Knplolanl TrntlJI'1'" olnn' Pl,na' """': THEJJ01J MAY 1st MAY 5 1S! 85' ir3 I feet llloilK I'lliillla to ml 1120 11 341, p 441 1, accomplishment NEXT 1st Honolulu, O.lliili 300 II 342, p 375 to Juno''' nn pin, Mi9 The choir Is on n tour of rctnark-nbl-o Iron Api 12. 1911 8PECIAL MATINEE TODAY 3 M 6V 112 fee nloiiK l'unlil.i to K Klhnl nnd huh ct nl to Starting from London i Nittlc M Wol IT mid hub (A) to Mu- Iiulanl length. 2l30 P. M. un Iron pin. Ilonoknu HiiRnr Co, L, r, hind, tual Illilg & I.onii Socy of Hawaii Ltd. on March 17, tho big organisation of 6 BIG ACTS 6 4 IS llnnoknln, Hnwnll; 10 yrs M; lot 5, hlk 105, bldRs, leutK, etc, l'a-lol- u llnmakua, moro thnn two hundred peoplo has pin 5 per an Iron Vullej, Honolulu, O.iliti; $1250 II rn pil J125, remainder nt 125 tomo to America and will lour tho & lil JO' 18 I feet nloiiK L C II 341, p .108 Mar 31. 1911 Uxtrnordlnary 341. p 4IG Apr 15, 1911. r South Seas, Australia, No lr.t iinrt Lot 2 to cen- Ilonoknu SiiKnr Co to H YnKiikunl. States, the Trint Trun Co Ltil, tr, to II I South Africa nnd back to Knglnnd ter of stream. OSulllMin. Ill lotM 1. 2 uml J, blk 100. L: of Rr 153. Namokii. Hmna (, 5'i of 11 Tho Itinerary for tho two months of Younger Jtn" if 0 fut iiIoiik centir Oiriin View Trnct. lloonlulu, Oalnii kua, Hawaii; 10 rn nt 11 per jr. Brothers (hilni; nr. nml .141. p 311 31, 1911. Maj' und ls( n sample of the Ktremn direct J1300 H 312, p 377 Apr 10, 1911 Mar June Strong Men us Living Mnrhlo Models llu-wn- O IIlRushl to Olan SiiRnr Co Ltd, C work choir Is doing: i Sun Antonio l'ort lient Soey of ll strenuous this 7 CIS' feet, nml pihmIiir 3198, 35' 1310 iner to Llllu J Nun, Itel; por It I 1975, M; cane crop on 128 of Br May 11 up pull anil Greek and Roman Posing ii 4" pipe nt feet, kul 557, I'elckane, Honolulu, Onhu; Kniiwelenu, l'unn, Hnwnll; 11 und mlv Winnipeg, Man. nlonir Ktnno tn 17720 II 341, p 453 Kch 1. 1911 "all: 1250 II .HI. p 449 Apr 17. 1911 4 Portage la Prairie. Wonderful Athletes! 8 S2 iV 65 0 feet ulntlK utone Willi! Meleuna II Knlumi nnd hsb (W II) I. Hln Nun and Imb (J) to Hun An- 4 nrnndon . 11 30' 1510 feet nlnni; Ktono wall: to N K Kenln, 1); II I" 4108, kill tonio Port llcnt Socy of Hawaii, D; Jus (i 10 Ktone wall! ltpgina, Snsk. II !5' 10 feit alone jIMOOa I 1975, 557, 3465, rents, etc, Ahuenn, Wullukii, Rexall .,. -- ft, P l ..t l..n u.J. .in ,. fill of It kill anil int Mooso Jnw, II ' Maul: 1150 II 317. p 476 Apr 14, f Russell Sisters 12 40' 0 feet -- tone -- H. in. 1911. 7 Travel. tow """.V.1..."'--11 ?1; I860 II J42. 378. Apr"'".5, 1911 Electrical Dancers tn nn iron pin; M I); 8 Wnrreii Chamberlain to W W Chnm- - Apia (w) tn Manuel Ilnhel, S.i8kaboon 13 vv Hinnj; uu . , . In 1661. 9 Poses Now ii us irei nuniu I A Binernl powers II 336, Int shnro In kul lull lniuR IMmonlon, Alb Pi dent Grecian with 1111 MI1 ' Mnllepal, etc, Kiuinupall, Muul; 160 I! lit Itl'll p 4S1 Apr 8, 1911 Ulcctrlcul Kffccts Shoulder Braces 14 9ti 27' 138 6 foot nloiiR Mono 317, p 478 Apr 10, 1911. ia. Kulmiikl l.uni1 Co Mil to Helnrlch 11 Travel. to nn Iron pin; llentrlco L Korsjth nnd hsh (A K) NELLIE Cooissen ct ill I) 13.900 si ft of 4 I) C. 15 181" 19' 171 fi stono wait lots Vancouver, In feet nloiiR to Lilly II nidreilRP, D; Int In It Olobe-Holjln- g Tho most comfortnblo braco tho world 109 mid 110, section II. I'alolo Hill ir,-l- fi In New Novelty and tn nn Iron pin; np 3, Kulu, Muul; Victoria. Trnct Honolulu O.iliu, 1450 II 342, p T 6636, Wnlnhull. IP. 17K" (14' 308 (1 feet 11I011R tnne unit .176 1901 Hpunlnh Dance Tho HHXALI, shoulder brace Is a wonderful new Invention that 380 Apr 7, 1911 180 II 342, p June 23, to tho point of hcRinnlnir, unit 0 At sea. ALL NI1W KILMS will straighten round shoulders without discomfort or Interfering with - conlalnlnR nn area of 0 90 ntres 2G Honolulu AMATEURS FRIDAY tho circulation I 2. nt KoutliweKt AT THE HOTELS 27-3- OT HcBlnnlliR the 1 At sen Is weighs piece, of old The REXALL brace light nnd wnshuhlc; only three turner of thli in center Juno to until point Moans. I ounces; has no steel rust, nor lnt.es to hurt the splno It is tho miwitl, the of -r O.ik-lun- At Government Survey Mr und Mrs A W Ooodfcllow. sen Idtnl braco for children as well as adults. In nil sizes referred to C Itoeky being Cul , Mr Mrs A C Hnum-Burln- Suva, njl 1b THEJAVOY Ktntlnn Hill and SEND CH-E3- MEASUREMENT WITH MAIL ORDERS nnd son Snn Krnnclsco, Cal ; At Ben I 2280 2 feet south, and 39812 feet east, E. P. Reed & Co.'s WHERE THE FILMS ARE CATCHY liv nrlinutlm Mr K M I'ltkirlnR nnd ilniiRliter, San 10 Ilrlsbane, bupcusland uml runnlns true Cool, Open-Ai- r Theater 1 173 51' 5(5 3 feet nlniiK einter of Krunclsco, Cat , Karl Julius HotlnR, 11-- At sen , ANOTHER FINE PROGRAM C 151) to llerlln, (iirmuii) . S S Cummins, iiiiuiiI (L l No a 0 Sidney, IN. S W Dashing Price $1.00 each ' 1'IJI, KruiiK I. London, plpo; Suvn, llod, n At sea. I 2 2II7 60' 19 0 ulonc to IhiB , Clniido A. Wilson, Wiirrii, New feet I'uahla 9 Ancklanll, N Z an Iron pin; Houtli VuIes, Mrs tl C Mcshcr und LowShoes 0 Wolllngtim Sisters 3 181 60' 112 2 feet nloni? l'uiihlu to daiiRhlcr, Victoria, II C ; Lillian V Anker n on rock; ' Llfred, Victoria, II C ; ft II Coivtun, "" mmmmmmmmam. Kencprs In Now nnd Novel Act 4 261 J9' 70 0 feet nlonR ruiihla nnd Toronto, Ont ; Jnines Hell, New Kxpcrt Latest Sensation Also New Songs Benson, Smith Co., pHHHinR over u "" on larRe rock Mr nnd Mrs. U II Williams, WANTS ut CS ft, to center of Ktremn; ' Colon, Mrs John W Onklej, riilln-dilplil- n, Limited, 5 349 44' 167 1 feet alone center of Pn , Mr und Mrs Sum D Kusclnatlng Htream (belns direct uz nnd $3.50 $5.00 Profiler, Oakland Cul ; Mr nnd Mrs SITUATION WANTED. THE REXALL STORE FORT AND HOTEL 8TREET8 dixt); I H H Holland, Spokunc, Wnsh ; 13 Yopng mnn of Rood education, with C 1. Oiinteinalu, C A ; nnd 83' 40' 152.5 feet ulonR Lot t" Culdron, Mr. ninny years of clerical experlenco In Hilda Carle R Island, tho point of heglnnlnR nnd Mrs 'Win, S. Mnrciuls, rtork llrst - class Kuijopean comnicrclul 1111 urea of 0.40 ncrcs 111 ; Laura II Mariuls, Itnck Island, houses and American rulliiiiy offices, Will Sing Selections from Itlchnrd C A. 1748 to HI , Marquis, (IIcIiir portlnnM of U The Catl of the Seaion Lntirustlne IllnoinlnBton, wunts position ut once Address "T. Carle's New Opera Ony; Mnnoa Vullry, Honolulu, Konn, III "V", this office. I 4914-- lt Onhu. T .II ) I "JUMPING JUPITER" You hereby to appear nt Royal Hawaiian. uro ilted FOR BALE 1 the Court of rtPRlntrntlon, to ho H W Miller, Los AnBeles, Cal ; And In Id nt the City nnd County of Hono- Tho dulntlly-clm- l foot-t- rim Orulcn List, Tulsa, Oklu ; Krcd lions Second-hnn- d motorl cycles 1 WuBntr, Lulu Glaser's Latest Song Hits THE on 2"rd dny of Mu A D milt, stylish Is tho und fnmllj, Honolulu; Robert II I.o lulu tho 1110, 1 Heading Standard, 1100 Hoth 1911 ten o'clock In tho fonnoon, to outcome of curcfiilly-so-leitl- d Diane, A Humes, Wnhl-nii- tit Lellehiia. W In excellent eoiiilltlon Honolulu NEW hIiovv If nny nu have, vli tho hhoex V. Iiupa-hoeho- ALL FILM8 tniixe, JuiIro Jno Munich Motor Supply, 11617 Alakta St. of mild petition fhoulil not ho nnd Mrs U. Schell, 1 Ho. prujir NEW SPRING Jlr 4Dir-t- f Popular Prices And ou appear nt OUR Latest Styles Brnnted unlesi SHOWING Kild Court at tho time nnd plnco nforo-Hal- d Young. recorded, nnd "FOUlt jour ilcfniilt will he Includes the most fnshlon-nbl- e Whipple Hall uml wife, A L Ijirily, LiX n A V IN the will petition will bo tnkeii erfetts, In 1111 nrr.iy of M Dolc, M Smith, D W At Wuiklkl. black ntnd white fox ter nml ou villi ho forover burred leuthirs, styles und shupes nnd wife, II K Curmlchncl nnd rier bitch Owpr call up Thono Johnson mild petition or nny C C from contetlnif that uro not only varied, wife Ilcrthu nurln Julian, W II. ini or urn iJti-.i- t deirpe entered thereon. but Include overj thlnit that llurtt, C Hi Kerrls, Mrs. II C Wruro-Bui- ir Ladies' Shoes H - WltncHH tho Honoriihlo W J till) stylo JudRp approves Miss i: llnrlior, J K Cock- AMU8EMENT8. JtldRC of raid Court, tlilH 29th ett Tod ( Schlver. O St J Ollbert, versus day of April, In tho J ear nineteen bun- As uiual, tills store will J c Kreha and wife, H V. Porter, If dled and eltven be tho ttnter of Kootwear Kilhey, W H Lewis nnd wife, Jns K HAVE ARRIVED AND ARE NOW Attest with Seal or nald Court Ktjle und both men and Hnullhun, Mrs. Ilenjamln llolt, Mrs C ATHLETIC PARK ON DISPLAY AT OUR STORE (Senl) M T. HI.MONTON women villi Mini this shop R Holt Miss Hose fluekoii P II Holt, Jeffries ItcRlitrur the most satisfactory pluto K A Ah Jamli r nml wife, II A The above cut illustrates one of the new Pumps which we have 4915 Apr. 29, May 0. 13, 20 nt 11 tilth to select their Wailsiiortli, (' Iwake BASEBALL FC SUNDAY In suede, patent and white canvas. MEETING NOTICE. OPENING OAK LEAGUE ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURES Spring Low Shoes AMUSEMENTS. TWO TWO OAMDS Of tho A special incetlnR of tho Mnnoa Im- ClAMnS will bn hi Id tho provement Club at 1i30 Portuguese vs. Native Sons of WORLD'S GREATEST FIGHT Walk-Ov- er residence of JudRO H n Cnopir (I'uu-pueo- ), Independent Theater Hawalh Shoes Munon Vulley, Moinluy Mny 1, For the Heavyweight Supremacy of 1911, nt 7'30 p m As buslncsi of Hotel Street, Near Nuuanu 3:30 Stars vs. Japanese the World RTont Impnrtnnco will enmo before this Manufacturers' Reserved Sints for tenter of grnml Will bo exhibited by UDDIE We have about 50 pairs of Walkover Shoes in broken tines, in . Is nil resi- stand can ho hooked nt li O ltu. I .v for u few nlBhts, nt tho meetlnR, it requested that NEWEST PHOTO PLAYS Tan and Black, button, formerly selling for $4.50 and $5, owners ho present. Soli's sporting department L'nlruiiic, ORPHEUM THEATER, HOTEL which we dents nnd property Shoe Co., Ltd. AND VAUDEVILLE ST. h di: Kni:i:sT, King strict, Commencing APRIL 29, 1911, at 7 30 will sell for the ridiculously tow price of $2 50 a pair while they last. 415-2- p m t Sccretnry 'Ibis Theater Is Intlipcndmt of all otlur houses. QltABOWSKM THU0K Admission 50c, 75c, $1 A solid tun hours' show, shmvliiB Joa- -' So Get The rnccnt cold simp In tho Bnn the INDEPENDENT HABITI every of tho fight und tho truln-In- g Open Saturday Evenings 1. 2 and 3 TOMB 45 H. P. detail B. tiiln Valley, Cnl , when tho therniomo-te- r V2, camps; also Introducing celebrities L. KERR CO., Ltd., dropppil to twenty-eigh- t iIcrtpos, Get your votes for $850 Ford AUTO- HONOLULU POWHi WAGON CO Apentl, of the ring and scenes In und about lias Rrently iimnnBeu tno prnpe crop. MOBILE Contest now onl Reno ALAKEA STREET m 875 South, NearlKing Street Get your tickets early and avoid the 1 HMLHMHHHJJli W e k 1 1 II u II D 1 n tl per jour. LOWEST PRICES IN CITY Phone aiuu rush.


, K.J'S lullBS - L .US t 4Ai &.! ua. mu .; ;",., !. "i'Hn4St - intitLAkHiummJilUMXvSm. ?ir 'HI.. W,y,,.,.ak- i r 'TflHBBIBBHMnHnnHMHMinHPr7r WsWwTH uwpirm&'0 C"


sub-divisio- ns profit-sharin- g Many have been opened in Honolulu, but none the . advantages of Makiki Beautiful. These are developing daily. Early.

sub-divisi- purchasers in this on will reap a golden harvest in profits at any time in the future when they wish to sell. The location

. , is ideal, and owners of lots are contributing toward the popularity of Makiki Beautiful by building attractive ' homes. This is practically the last inside sec-

sub-divid- tion to be ed in Honolulu. It is convenient to everything. Why not get in and buy while the price is inviting. Money invested

, .,, here will increase while you sleep,

:t; because a lot m Makiki Beautiful is, ' .;,;''- - where-ther- e f are no high winds M ,'" no heavy rains. lVff Discriminating persons buy0 '. ; there because the pioneer work of sub dividing has been done and results in improvements accomplished. Sidewalks are laid, trees and grass planted, and curbing set. The lots are on macadamized and oiled streets no ruts, no "Thank ye, marm's." Not a detail in the develop- -' ment of Makiki Beautiful has been overlooked, and it is within ten minutes ride of Fort Street and within a few blocks of the best schools and colleges in the Territory. We treat the public as though they came from Missouri. We are ready and willing to show them. We will explain in detail every feature, because we are satisfied that persons with the most superficial knowledge of real estate will immediately confirm our opinion as to the advisability of purchasing lots in MAKIKI BEAUTIFUL before the price advances. As an investment the returns will be better than money i invested in a savings fund at 4 1-- 2 p.c. interest. The value of a lot will grow

V while you sleep. Our representatives will be on the ground 2.30 today and Sunday. Dondero & Lansing, Phone 2S53 83 Merchant Street tKBSSSSSBSS. :g

"- 1 .,' Atari . - .fcL-ri'rf.t.ft- r 1'ftfr.A.ftflfflJti atKAaft.; tlMMMMMiitt IMMfcl .w-t-...,,,- .,, .li.i.... fc. --111.0! A. I 10 EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H.r 8ATUHDAY, APR. 29, 1911.

a a a n a n xt a n a :: ti tt it igai!MtOWBBgEE3ll! a tl fflm&mffimgmMmmxmMmmm AMATEUR PROFESSIONAL a SPORT CALENDAR. tl a t: a Saturday, April 29. tl a Baseball St. Louis vs. lllglia, a a Hawaii Yacht Club Onnsu to a a Pearl Harbor Chowder a a Sunday. Acrll 30. :: a Onhu Lcaguo Season Opens Two a SPORTS a names: Portngucso vs. NntUo a LOCAL FOREIGN a Sons; Now Team vs. Japanese a a Ilascball, Sugar League, Wnlpa- - a a Im vs. Alca nl Wnlp.ihu. Rwu i: a vs. Wnlnnae at Kwa. a a Opening Hawaii Yacht Clnh Sea- - a BASEBALL SEASON OPENS YACHTS CRUISE a Eon Uncos at Pearl Harbor. a a Monday, May 1. a a Baseball Puns, s. Kains, Alex- - a a trndor Field. a 7. 1 TOMORROW IN OAHUEAGUE TO PEARL HARBOR a Friday, May 5. tl Johnson . t a Ilaseball runs, vs Knnis. at a Introducing a Kntnclmirioha. a a Basketball ICallhl vs. Y. II. c. a A., at First Game Called at 1 :30 Between Portuguese and Ha- Chowder Tonight and Races a Honolulu. al r a Saturday, May 6. Will Be to a waiian Team Improvements Made and Games On Tomorrow Start a Baseball St. Louis vs. Highs, a 93 Is Conducted In Best Manner Possible. Season Right. a Monday, May S. a a Baseball, Kams vs. St. Louis, a Tho samo program nbont the parade A. ( 3 SO p. m : Stnrs s. P A C This nftemoon the yachts of the a Saturday, May 13. a Harbor, ninl the opening of tlic l'Ml sonon of Mav 211 30 p in.: Stars vs J. A. Hawaii club left for Pearl and a Smokef Ilealanl Bn.tl Club a '. :i 30 p in.: P A. (.'. vs Hawaii. lonlKht there will be great doings when Onhu I.rn Kile which was pin lined for a House. a May 2S P In.: Hawaii vs. the big crowd sits down to the chow- r30 a Wednesday, 17. last Sunday will take pl.ue tomorrow, p : .1 A C s P. A (' der, which appetites will be Mjy Stars. 3.30 in for Championship and If tlio wished of the fans have June 41-3- p in: Stars s. P. A. whetted by the fresh ulr of tho trip a Tennis Tourim- nn) thing to i1n with the matter, tho c p. in.: Hawaii vs .1. A. C. down In the open boats a incut, Singles Commences weather for tlio next thlrt-sl- x hours June 111:30 p. in: P A. f vs It Is the opening of the season, and a Courts. will be Ideal. Hawaii; 3:30 p. in.: J. A. C vs. Stars. In spite of the fact that the regular a Monday, May 15. In Portu- p. A. C vs. P. season onens tomorrow, thero At the nftemoon tho Juno 181:30 in.: J. baseball a Baseball Highs vs. Knnis. v races ?&nffifu2jrw& KlQwFJ. oly4?c ?l j- - vivy-- t !? guese team unci llnwnil cros Imts for A. f .1:30 p. m.: Stnrs vs. Ilnwall. will bo a largo crowd to see the a Saturday,. May 13. J:ny!t,4A the opening game of the sonson, nnd Juno 26 1:30 p. m.: Hawaii vs. J. A. which aro to bo pulled off at Pearl a Clolf nt Country Club I'rcsl the second game of the day will bo .'. 3:30 p. in : P. A. vs. Stars. Ilnrbor. the first of tho season of 1911, dent's Cup Play. hlg-- a called at 3:30, when the Stars mill July 21:30 p. in.: Stnrs vs. J. A. C. wlikh promises to be one of tfle a Sunday, May 14. Japnncsu teiim will Ktnrt thliiKi going. 3:30 p. m.. Hawaii vs. P. A. C. got 111 the yachting world of Hawaii a Oolf at Country Cltili l'rcsl Tony Mnrcnlllno, uiunngcr of tho July 9 1:30 p. m.: Hawaii vs. Stars. All the ynchtlng fiends have been a dent's. Cup Play. league. hnM done nil poslhle, with the 3:30 p. m : J A C. vs. P. A. C. busy this week In getting their sailers a May. A. rare, and nld of tho tennf olllel.iK to seleet pood July 101:30 p in.: Stars vs. P. ready for the cruise nnd a Territory Tennis Championship ia year, they p. : A. C. was brought up from tennis this nnd thnt will C. 3:30 in Hawaii vs. J. the Hawaii Tournament. a bo evenly matched In the Raines which Players on tho four teams In tho Pearl Harbor the middle of the week a lire scheduled for the next few weeks league who will nppear on the diamond to take a large party down, this " , . " is the conclusion now drawn afternoon nre: moils sailer leaving from Port street a a a a a u a a a a a a a a a a a a Olilclals of the Athletic Park nre to Stars All Toon, r j tlnes or W. at :' this afternoon bo conRrntulated on the work which Williams. P ; Tom YeuT lb : 13 Per- - The pearls will laco for n bilge has been done there In preparation Tor nnndcz, 2b; Th Ting. 3b.; Kan Yen, pump In the morning tomorrow, and this year's season, grandstand nnd s ; Sumner, ef . (VSiiIIIvan, rf.; It. aflerwnrd there will be a race for the field both tuning undergone alterations Chlllliigworth. If , wnns, tho trophy being tho Jaeger nnd Improvement which will be np Japanese Athletics llrllo. c : Hspln- - Cup predated by fans and plaers alike. da, p : Aknna. lb . franco. 2b.; Joo Utter In tho day the larger boats LECTURE HERE diamond yi-- In. one 3b : H Chlllliigworth. ss.; II. will get Into game for a try-on- t. The thli will Itoss. the DILLY JORDAN INTRODUCING JACK JOHNSON of the fastest ever, nnd the whole In Walker, of: II Zerlie, If: Ah Sam, rf. Just to see how everything Is working, and out tlelds have been raNed so Portuguese Athletic Louis Sonres, and the trophy for the winner" of this there will be no trouble from or- c ; Thos. Pfdro, p : M. Dcponte. lb.; event will bo clock. - that r a m 9 trsb. dinary rains as there bus been In the A Hiishnell. ;b : Alfred Souzn, 3k; XI "Senslckness will not be an excuse Charles Edward Russell, Fam- mm past It. Kieltas, ss ; O Madeira, cf.; Ol- - for absence," Is the wny Secretary s. ous Correspondent, Secured Olllclals of the park nnd league are If.. A P I.liio. rf. goon of the club puts It, nnd nil niem- - S Hnw-nl-l ; ; - to-- d 19 1 11 . cooperating for clean sport, and It Is Thomas, c Lota, p lln- bers aro to bo present today and For Public on May 5. Villa II i planned to have nothing objectionable inauku, 2b: Dreleil lb; Mnrkhain, 3b.; morrow without fajl 11 r either In language, belting or any fen- - Mlllkan. David Desha, cf.; Will a v In rerponc to nn limiilry as to turo which can offend the mot fns- - Desha, rf : W Wee. If. whether Charles IMward llussell, the tldlous, and so conduct the series that Umpires for the league season this noted Journalist, could stop nnd lec nil the baseball fans In the city vear are Hill Hampton nnd Sam S TOURNEY ture hero nn his way to tho States women as well as men will look for- - llngwnrth, these pien being iinmed by from tile Orient, Julius Uoensteln OF wnrd to the Sunday games as tho one Mnnngir Mnrcalllno with the consent nftemoon recnlvcd a ciiblogrnin event which they wish to sec during of the captains and mnnngers of tho from Mr. Ilussclt stilting thnt lie will tho week. J teams of tho league. be In Honolulu for n sliiRle dny, Fri Tho Bchedule Hotli these olllclals are big leaguers day. May r, nnd will ilellicr a public April 30 1.30 p m P A. C vs. 'and have had considerable experience lecture on tho afternoon of that day. Hawaii 3.30 p in Stnrs vs J. A C In baseball They know the game, and ' Arrnngements have been mndo for Hay 71-3- p m J A C. vs P their decisions will go. It Is of no use him to lecture nt 2 30 o'clock In the A. C p. m . Hawaii vs. Stnrs for tho players to try browbeating PnmmitiPP AnnnilltPfl afternoon on the roof garden of tlio . HpjJUIIIlLU IU ndVt, May 141 30 p. in- Hawaii vs J them when It comes to decisions. Young Hotel. ..Tlio, loinnilttce in K Charge of Championship chaiRC, which Includes Dr John T. Play In May. CSulick unU Itev. A. A. Eborsolo, mi- - will be free, $E&'MXm!E$MMm8!$ nounces that tho lecture public Is Invited, Arrangements for tho championship nnd thnt tho general PUNS DEFEATEO Mr. nussell has had u simulating tennis tournnment have been put Into career as n reporter trnvcier, special shape now with tho .appointment of n correspondent anil poet, n career which committee by C. O. Ilockus, who will has littcd him to lie u most Interest- f BY THE SAINTS FLY AT LEILEHUA luivi chargo of tho play on the differ- ing lecturer. Undoubtedly n Inrgo num- ent courts. o ber of Honolulu peopl will nvall them- Those appointed nre: Neighborhood selves of this opportunity to hear him. Thompson; Mnnoa club. Beard-mor- Pncllle club, Iluttolph; Here- - 6-- ELI LOSES FOUR Score of 5 at Close of Game acw.y win nave nan 5 .. wo - , .'L lmv OF ITS GOLF STARS Lasting Full Twelve Aviators Give a Flight the play on nil these courts and not The pictures are clean all the way through. 40 per Innings. at Big Post. (online It to Pncllle and Ilcrctanhi Iho Yalo golf team will com ts, ns has been done In tho past This jenr reason, a member' from bo minus four of lis best plnycis, lost cent of the big audiences that saw the pictures in the Alter twclvo Innings of piny In which lit fore Whipple Hall left for Aus Tor this nidi club 1ms been appointed on tho com- through graduation In June. Tho blue esterduy final nr- - V tho Saints scoied in lUc periods and tralia afternoon, mittee. has not given up hope of regaining states were ladies. the Puns in two, the former won out In rnngoinents wero mndo by him with Tho entry book for tho tournnment Its supremacy, however, In lnterco-leglat- o the baseball game at Anla Park yes-- 1 Jacl. Scully for nn aviation meet at Is now open nt 11 O. Hall's,, nnd will circles. Those who will bo terday afternoon by ono tally, the Lellehua during the latter part or May, bo open uritll S o clock; on the after-scor- e among the missing whert tho college """" tho Play In tho sin- - tourna- being f. whin two aviators would como lure to ". Inns gather for tlio nnniuil , ' i kIph tn tho followiiK; tiny. .. hard- - ought game, In. start ment at llallusrol In September It was and y monoplanes . ,.,,, for Lot ,,,, nnil ,,oul)leH only two Innings did tho Puns get mcn Hunter, tho Intorcol-leglat- o uil ,lrol,UCO(1 nollHn to'ra ,, ,,,. miy time, from now until Robert t.". C' l.ln.?.l!"l.i?..,l!T'..- champion; Hairy I.egg, tbo In- Jf!i" . J:'". - tho blnlane several months ago. when tho dato of tho tournament opening. l champion; Hurry Lege, " of any nvi- - nnd nil these, entries are to made tercollegiate tho t.m an'k. " the nrst nights . Wo dwnr ncroro 11)8 open on amy the tltlo holder; II. Admission ...... a ... ..- -.. ator n the Tirrltcwy, but It lemalned singles n. .. ' " """ VJ tiring Is tho most extensive piny of P. Merrinmii, twlre"ehainplon of Con- . -- I. T ., ?""' . ""'for Masson ,ni,d Walker to the This ""S I birds, to Hu- - the year 111 the tennis world here, nnd K. Mot.Kor.. a ,, ii! .i,.i u .,.' monoplanes, both Ulerlot necticut, nnil Karl ' . ;..:.. ..", do next month, all those who Intend In try for tho nun in inn nrvi Krf'iiiiii iiriiii wnll. which thev will On tlio other band, Robert (lardner, ...,.'"., iiuiriii on Wllheimlna. 'cliamplonshlp slioiild have their names nrrlvlng the the ISO',! national champion, Is Htill twelfth. In soun possible, i was great gamo to watch, nnd On account of lack of cooperation as as available. Ilo Is tlio Ynlo captnln It a by meet, when U a when tho teams wero shut out tlmo the public In the last a now nnd will bo uble to call upon time, many went only ns fnr as tho road. AT RANDOM after tho crowd of rooters for tho - PAMnflM such players as 0. ''O, Waldo, ,1a , opposition went almost wild with Joy. and looked down Into the Held with- i,i iiniilmf .1 mint In HAn lllfu H II Slnnley, Dunlap' and Btnlnrr. Vahlo, Tho scoro by Innings, hits and line tbo Jencrlns-JohnM,- ,. fight belongs to tho Brooklyn Country up; h;.nrtWlVolmwtl.o,;;xt",'noot .ben who special pictures weio exhibited In tho Btatos Club, Is one, of tlio must promising of SAINTS. nt Lellehua an.l run trains there for tho accommodation of vis tho audiences woio comiiosed of tbo Jew men. Ho made an excellent Ilun 11010200000 Itors lad leu to tho of foity per rout. Uuso 1 2 2 0 0 0 1611 olent showing In tho Connecticut tourna- lilts.. 110 12 J Scully 1M Lewis were tho ladloH PUNS. Jack and Tlniso who wish to lako a look ment, hint mimtnor. principals In bringing tho llrst blrdnun III o o o o d 2 o o o o o o r. t l0 pictures Honolulu need nut Ynlo lins matches scheduled with niuis Scully again tin III the 0 I heie, ami will fc0 )ilt.kwur,i nnl)llt HR tn (ll0 Base 0 - Harvard, Prlnrtnn, Williams nnd tho lilts.. 00001111U0 game ,, oruig .nese o,e- m ,.,, ,, Urrors St. LouIh I, Punahnu 10. ,,0 f I2cl, rcrnn.l MiyH Now Haven Country Club this spring Lineup: to "" '"' wuhlH Ibeiu Class contests alto will bo in order ; wh.ro Hall went yesterday make , Wcl St. Louis Knne. rf.; Swan, 2b l"ur0 lo Kt,o ",u Brcuicni ufiiii pic- shortly. Sliver, ss.; Nye, prellinhiary iirrniiKcments, Markbam, lb.; c; Tlio Ulerlot maclilne has but ono turcs oer hUown. Mm del, 3b.; Sponccr.lf: Janssen, pair of wings, nnd when nt n grent A. A. BOXING cnptaln, p.; W. Hnlllnger, ss.-lh- .; J. U, height hi tho nlr resembles a largo Klto will prolnbly x llolllngcr, cf. cotuisiso CHAMPIONSHIPS I'lrd moro than any other typo of fljer Onhu Junior Lcaguo, Iho season of Pinnhou-- Hil Keo rf.; Kong Tali ... ,nr ..y urn.. rX...,ru I 3b. Kim Wnl. 2b; Kwul Toon, p ; "," "iiisiruciru wlileli opcim III Juno. Thoio will hi " lltlflflP till IIOSTON, Mass., April II. Tho an- Kwul Sclioon. Hi ; Wndsworth . . bomo Kicai....hall when Hie JmiiI.im r ; if, ;..''..' nual national boxing championships Quintal, ss MtSlockcr, captain, lhn .ri.. e- r- ii... m.iisi. ri..,.,ei. lrlko llielr gait and tlm fans will Nicholson, cf. of the. Amatnur A(,Htlc Union held an.l It Is capable of extreme speed. llavo oinothlne to sou nloiifT with Hie Umpires nnd In Mechhnlcs' llulldtug Inst night Punn Whltsnn. It Is likely thai tills meet at tho big KfttuCH or Hie senior loaguo, Tor tlio neui-l- liOOO to wit- post by somo - two will run along together two persons only, commen- - 1 'RANDOM will be followed Instruc for FAND0M AT tlnn by theso blrdmen to such ofll- - inonllis, ness tho eliinlnatlnn. of tlio rawest rers as may bo designated to tnkn the material from u list of iilnoty-tw- o something The Kelo University baseball tenm (lights nnd lenrn of navi llnsohall nnd overy suc- - entrants. through Honolulu on tho Mnn-chur- ln the nlr. Nineteen bouts run off, whllo passed ., , cceilliiB Sunday until July Hi. when en route to tho States for n '.'."" n especially In Icagoo season closes That will number, tbo heavy; Berles of ball games. Tho trip wns'by tho military minorities and taken Pa" weight class, In which thero wero nn bomo hall, and llioso who waul to nrruKSed by tho University of Wis- up with "Washington, trials, go Into the finals todny on to go to ino country ran titko a run out consin tenm which went Jnpansome byes. Tlio class wiih the tlmo ngo and played a series of games FIGHT FILMS "TONIGHT In seo Sugar Lcaguo gamos going on nt tho sumo moat popular, getting soven of tho feJ In tlio cmplro of tlio Mikado. time. AT 0RPHEUM THEATER matches. JOHNSON-JEFFRIE- CLINCH u-- tt Ono of tho surprises defeat ISKC25J fl Athletics of nil ltlnds seem to he, All V'ltll rttou ,..i,,u ilnli'ii ,,, A.IiIa.Im wiir tho all Hilillo reniHlidesi promises tho flRht of Gllbort Callnnt, of ChelBca, by taking a brace ovor tho territory ...... Park i.f ernoon ten runs tho nest tiling iney nnvo ev. r V A. C Tho movo of tho nowly organized "10 i. - Trunk Ilufuguls, of tlio National seen III lino of scrup pictures when I1"" Ramon of Iho liiihoball son- to living teams tho of Ilrooklyn, N. Y., In tho tourist bureau nthlntlc Jeffries-Johnso- n film h"" l.euguo is going to ho puts on tho to uami class. Another Intorostlng bout wns from the Mainland and tho oiicut at tho (irpheuiii tonight. do tilings this eiu I tho dofent of John Crowley, of Paw-tucke- t, blinuhl bo strongly commended. Thef.o films nro tho bwt right pie - Orplienim ever tiilten, uccordlng to thoso Walpahu vs Alea, Wnlpnhu, nnd It. I by Julius Los8lor, of Theater tures at "Whipple Hnll nnd his family left who have seen them on the mainland, Hwa vs Walanae, at IJwn, nro tlio tho National A. 0 of Now York, by yesterday for Australia, whero the ml! - nnd If tho sports of tills city wish to scheduled games hi the Sugar League n knockout In tho third round In tlio llounlro nvlntnr win arrnngw n series see the real thing, nicy win journey tomoriow class. EXHIBITED BY EDDIE FERNANDEZ of flights for Mnsson nnd Walker, In 'over to the Orplieum tnnlRlit to see m t Elcrlot machines. tlieso tllins of tbo Iteno scrap W e k I y II u 1 c 1 1 n 1 ifrr jenr, ADS PAY-?- R1 xmimimBssEsmsmmmasssmmaEm'WlJjfe'WiSga

1 Wht lfi.it u4rf .. ' ,&X - lriBt'3., i4dsWu& lA. t'.'.ju .' --i "Mi-i- . - J.. .. fki i i"j- iii'hirt ii',,,, i EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., SATURDAY, APR. 29, 1911. 11


' n long established jkiIIcv v lilch lim- SEVEN CARS SOLD LAST WEEK PACKARD CO. ited Its field to Hie United Stales NEWSPAPER GIRL Canada nnd Mexico Hoi Iti Hughes who cntno up through the Packard shops mid now ranks as a lrcliiiie.il BY VON HAMMING COMPANY expert will look after the selling end IN SCHACHT AUTO of the enterprise In Pat Is as well as aiding In -- , h Packard tourists getting tliloiigli the red tape of the contin- Was Busy Period for This Company of Agents Schuman's ent. Now Has Paris Branch and List Will Sell Cars to tho Front and Long Tour Will Bo Made in Loco- - Up to tho liferent time Hie Pack- .Miss Bulletin Will mobile By Local Man. Establish Others In ard establishment In Paris has been From E. J. Sidney's. 40 Different Countries. devoted to extending Packard ser- h. p. Touring Car. Seven sales pre reported by the von pany's works has now hern completed vice to owners who had taken their abroad, llnmm-Youn- g Company thin week, ami the new building Is well under II. M. I.eland of Hie Cadillac Motor cars During the next week the Schncht phi- A growing In amongst which are two Cadillacs, two way. Arinugements wore so made thit Car Companv tnl.es n utilipiu and demand I'raiiop, en- touring car will be seen on the streets by HtilckR, ouo Studdard-Daylo- one work could he continued without any losophical view of the phenomenal couraged Packard tourists for a every afternoon with Miss Oralec List, Pope-Hartfo- performance of Cadillac at" our combining n reasonable amount and one Packard. I stoppage nnd under the new roof,' the l.ni thu Oklahoma newspaper girl, who high stnnd-nr- d A model 10 WUtc Htrenk llulck was which Is twice as largo already as the Aucgeles, April 0, when that car mn'io of speed nnd jiowcr with a sell tho efficiency will levelling Dulletln sold to tho .Ainorlcan llrokcrage Co old one the handling of the machines the greatest mileage eer recorded li of and adaptability ban from It an Ameilcan uiilouiulille In a twenty-fou- r Intlitenred tho compani In extending to he used In their business, whlcli In continues. In nearly every city Miss hour contest. Its sales operations to French ter- List and growing ho extensively that It When tho new building Is complet- Miss Adair sold their papers Tho Cadillac. h covering 1.1 IS ritory. A dcpendnblo car, complete-- from niitomobllea Instead of horses ed and the Impiovements which are ' .1 fixe, an automobile and E. Sidney, local now. Ik to bo put In. tho garage will lie ono mites In the time specified, not onlv equipped, for one price. Is This tho third car which the representative of the Schacht Com- Hie up to In the town. beat the best previous American rec- declared to possess rertuln advan- llrokerage Co.'Iiuh bought to be used of most dnto pany, bus pluced this car at tho dis- give ord by the miles, hut uvurjgod tio tages In competing with French deal- In their business. Another White The immense roof will a large posal of Miss I.tBt while she bandies miles per hour for 'J I bourn: flnlshel ers who quote n flguio for tho chas- Streak runabout was Hold to Chan. A. amount of floor space nnd there will tho sales of tho 1.1 supplemental Dulletln Slnght, which .Is to bo used an a ho loom enough to accommodate ns only miles behind tho specially sis and have prices for The car will be decorated with signs pleasure enr entirely. Stuglit Is n many cars ns are likely to bo In tho built $7,000 Flat; and left Its nearest Such essentials ns bodv top and tires, proclaiming the name and very clever mechanic and says he repair shop nt nnV one time. Every- following competitor 220 miles In tin us well as tho usual accessories. business of tho occupant mid Mr. Sidney him- pie fern a little llulck to uny runabout thing will bo brought up to modern rear. It Just happens that the move in self will drive the machine Miss which he tins yet seen, requirements and the shop will bo "Wo. would bo less than human If Paris Is coincident with a venture In for wo lliicuos Ayrcs. Louis It. Mack, re- List. A very handsome foro-do- Cadillac able to handle anything that comes did not experience a great deal of touring enr was delivered to Mrs. along. It satisfaction In this nchloement," cently associated with Ah an T Ful- Each afternoon the newspaper girl, Carrie Koblnson this week. Another says Mr. I.eland. "flut ours Is rather ler tho Packard dealer In Iloslon. who has traveled all over the United Cadillac wus delivered to There seems no doubt about the E. the calm satisfaction of the man who has applied for this territory and re- Stutes during the past few months, n prominent oil man. M. V, cais being favorites with many sees the correctness of his deep-seat- cently sailed for Huenos Ajres to will sell II u 1 u 1 ti s from this car. look ground. Import .Ins. J. Crockett purchased from the Honolulu people. Nearly every week convictions dciiuiustintcd to oth- over tho figures and that her success will be phenom- the-- show a largo for high von Hamm-Youn- g Company n thcio nrn Instances of folks discard- ers, than undue elation of him demand grade enal Is freely predicted. American runabout to bo ised for ing othet makes and buying one of who achieves tho unexpected. cars and he Is confident of Mr. Sidney 'Is well snllslled with working up a plensuro purposes. these natty looking machines. They "Tho ordinary lew Is that n csr prospcious trade. his advertising success In Honolulu h. p. 1912 Schacht Speedster powerful wins is It Is not unlikely that other lead- 40 most runabout II. Ynmanoku purchased a.sovon-passcng- fr nio nut only nice looking cars but which an cndurntico contest and within a few days he may leavo every-da- y ers will bo alloted territory In South seen in Honolulu. l'opo-llnrtfo- touring enr they havo proved Uhemselvcs time the best car for use. Our for the coast to confer with olllclals llumm-Yniiii- g Is precisely opposite. Ameilca. from tho von Company, nnd again a serviceable one. During conviction the of the company In regard to opening I from thu coast to stock the sales- rich In tiv ( topi tl h when I'tnain tho week of them have been de- We (Irmly believe thnl thu manufac- Joseph J. Mnndory, Pai.kard dealer u olllco which car Js to be used In the rent four brunch here and bring more rooms here. nltei . the i api.itiim of Hie gage. going turer who builds tho best car he pos- at Itocheetor, N. Y , sold a Packard service on ono of the other Islands. livered. Two to Hllo and two cars from tho mainland. Every time u tire is washed with n remaining In town. sibly can build for ev cry-da- y use, ne- Truck to Joseph J. Mandery. The wonderful stability and small ex- dealer President Henry Schacht of thq Washing tires ami washing a car kerosene mixture tho rubber Is de- l'opo-llartfo- cessarily builds Into It qualities In mason supplies. Now pense of tho makes A neat little Ford runabout also tho he's using company Is now In Ijs Angeles on are two different propositions. Wat- prived of moro of Its strength changed the owner being which make for endurance even If it tho truck In his business tho It an Ideal car for tho rent service. hands, new and a combined business and pleasure er alone, should be used to wash When washing tiros It is In si to wcro ns every Cadillac Is bull', money in family. Popes nlwnys have plenty of power n city business man. built, remains the trip nnd will remain there until tires anil as little of It as nlcessurv. simply dampen a sponge, with ij. an without the thought of triumphing In Tho Honorable Toshio Fujlwnra and scorn to last longer than any oth- Juno. After every run the envelope should water, cine taken Hint tho A man a contest. commissioner for Sidney er car mode. well known city business the department tf Mr. believes that the best be wiped clean with a damp spring sponge Is not soaked nnd dripping Ilumm-Youn- g an for "In short, the victory of tho Cadil- Agriculture and Commerce of Japan. way handle, g Tho on Company has Just placed order a to the Schncht here Is or cloth. Then wipe the tires dry with a iloih lac at Angoles was simply in- tho plant of have Just booked an order from Mr. Ixicomobllo machine. These I8 n visited the Packard Motor through n branch agency and he will A common mistake mado by luoto"-Ist- s or handful of waste. K. 19J2 urn undoubtedly ono of tho finest sult incidental to tho principles of Car Company at Detroit recently to go Los Angeles to mat-to- r Is to II. Wlohmun, n to discuss the mix kerosene with the wat- This, nnd many other phas, . of tho Wlch-inn- ii aro to standardization which ulwny.? study the construction of buildings. Packard touring car. Mr. makes among tho "slxles" that hac with President .Schacht nnd the er. This may be advisable when tire quostlon uio Intlmxlelv mwie.I In ma- Inspired the Cadillac Company. It Ono of tho Express has had a Packard before, and bo seen Honolulu. The latest Hebard and Slvgmund Motor Car Company which washing the body of a car to remove! ll the "Dunk of Illbondum" set freo la nt factory inado tho greatest mileage as It Van Company's took distributors seems to think that they are the chine to be delivered the Just Packard trucks Is the general of tho car mud and dust from the vanish but' to motoilHts upon request by Uio won Dewar not n load of goods (mm Chi- best car made and thercforo ho Is III dune. Starting from there ho will the tiphy; because household in California and Huwull It should never be done when wash- Mlchliu Tiro Company of Mlllimvii, throughout It was especially built for spe- cago to CariRMitersvllfii. Tho w.111 ordering a new one. This only goes make an extended tour these driver Ho bo uway not more than ing tires because kerosene eats nib-- 1 New Jersev. by wny cial achievements, but because It Is Intended to nt Elgin over night to corroborate tho Ullage, that "once the States nnd Judging tho remain thrro weeks and expects to bring ber This fact can be readll) proved "I ran load three Ions of hay at stood moro thoroughly standarlwM than but wife telephoned him iv Packard owner always a Packard Frank Thompson's Uiromobllo his that their back a manager for the branch here, by immersing a small piece of rub- a lime, haul It to Newark, I'lghio-- u llu" any other car In tho world." .Italic was acting quecrly. Ho owner." up to the strain of a hard tour cranked and ha will resume the advertising ber In kerosene ami allowing It to miles uwnv and get Mx dollars moro great In extending Its activities to up ut 8:15 p. midnight was Schuman Carriage Company. new purchaso should also do a sales in. at campaign In Australia with the two soak. The rubber will soon swell u ton for It." vviltos F. IjiuterlMch ma (ho d Mo walking Moor Chicago, 42 work of tearing tho old I deal towards making the style of tho French capital, Parkin tho In miles curs which ho brought bore lose Its .1 The down for that and elasticity The reason or New M.uinel, N. ptir-rha- nway a recent j name nt'tho Schuman Carriage Com chine moro popular than ever. tor Car Company has dcpaitrd from purpose, other cars being "brought or this Is apparent. Kerosene Is of a Packard truck ill r The. The Advantages of the f.g -- The Advantages 'of the Six Cylinder Locomobile Six Cylinder Locomobile r?m The Transmission is another The Locomobile Shaft Drive feature. The ease is bronc, in- Six, without changing gears, iuiis stil ittg peimatU'iit alignment of as slowly as a walk, or at a rate gears, shafts ami bearings. Four of over 6(J miles an hour, nnd speeds and reverse selectively climb:, hills .splendidly yet shows tiperated. It gives no tremble an efficiency of 12 miles to a gal- ami can be driven sevetal thou- lon of fuel. It has done this un- sand miles without adding any der ordinary favorable conditions more gteasc to the ease. on the roads of Southern Califor- The Rear Construction con- nia with full passenger load. In tains no brazing. Alloy stiel war and other point;, of axle tube. Tho cllipnu reatV performance it it the best car that springs are fi.ee to uct m dnv iug we ever made. A recital of the through the springs. 1'nivcrsat features of this model will make joints are in metal housing vvijl it clear why this is so. run StJOO miles or more without repacking with gtease. The Six Cylinder Motor de- The Appearance is attractive velops over 70 Hort.c-1'ow- on the test stand. The motor base low lines. ' The body is grace- is bronze. There are cylinders ful and roomy, of the four-do- specially designed for type, and seats seven. The bon- this model, is large valves, quiet valve net short, obviating the clumsy lifters, appearance high tension dual ignition, and a and waste room of new carburetor that cuts down numerous other sizes. 'I lie run- fuel ning boards are clean on both consumption and provides sides. great power at the same time. Tires are carried at the rear instead of on The new oiling system is the running board, thus improving Ap- oil is pumped to the the pearance of the weight- bearings in a constant stream. car and model possesses, in the highest degree, those important ing the rear springs emially. The Carbureter referred to Is new THIS that are peculiar to the Six Cylinder type. It TIivh aro largo In sUo and not Locomobile design and construction. runs overloaded, thus do not wear oflf be- It provides tho snap and power of n at a foot pace, and by the mere pressure of a pedal climbs fore their time. Caieful design and multlplo Jet duvlco with tho simpli- roust ruction of the differential gear city, economy, and ease of starting hills or accelerates to express train speed. The motor operates eliminates any binding or rramplng of a single Jot, Heat for vuporlia-tlo- n smoothly speeds. win u the ear Is turning u cuiuci a Is provldod by both hot wator at all condition that Ineieases tho life of and hot air. The hot air from tho the i car tlrett very roiHlduiuhly. gives a good Immo-idtutel- y exhaust mixture If very 'I lie Hiding are lomnrlc-obl- e. blurting. In addition, and important, The Locomobile Six is notably Vitalities nt The combination ECONOMICAL Tills Is due to a long wheel of hot wutor and hot air gives a more in the use of tires, the consumption of fuel and the base, long elastic springs, and excel- perfect mixture than could be ob- time needed upKeep. lent balanre. The enr rides easily tained with either system ulone and for and steadily theio is no sldo i,vvuy enables low gravity gasoline to bo or any tendency to sktd when travel-lu- g cp nun mod with sutlsfuctloa. Tho fl As to the fundamental virtues of Safety and Reliability, it is a at speed. quality of the mixture can bo varied 'I lie by tho oporutor. Sk merits your typical Locomobile a car of the highest quality of material, cIom) attention. If ou are Intersutrd The Clutch on tho Locomobile Six workmanship and inspection. It is a thoroughly high- rail or telephone for a diuiuuitia-tlon- . tested 1 operates without slipping or Jerking. and Thu price Is $ .SOD. Turning It Is a multiple disc, the type most ly developed model. Cur or Torpedo, Including Top and sultsblo for a large car. It Is simple, Donioiiutnlile Illins. reliable and requites very llttlo at- The Locomobile Six is made and distributed by an experienced 'I he l.oiouiobile llnnk, which Is In tention for lubrication. It may bo llhrur) form and contains 25S pages removed and replaced as a unit with- organization whose equal aim is to build the finest cars possible and SO Illustrations, will be uetii ou out dhttutblng un thing else. request. Our methods aro fieu fioin and to render such attentive service to owners that each Locomo- Insistent salesmanship. bile will give that complete and permanent satisfaction for which it was built. (.&VM7fl')l THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY OF AMERICA SCHUMAN CARRIAGE Agents CO., LTD., For Hawaii 'Bl.l L rK!H

- ',-,.. A i

- j iiinifHifiife.Y; Ju.a liffitMiM'itinfr-- ' M&kl SSfSH . J .)-- 1. MMm j&XiiMidt. 12 nVCNINQ BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H, SATURDAY, APR. 29, 1911.

ray. Mr. William P. Hoth, Judgo mpnamitmimmnumuimtimjn imii , ''' I IIJIL 'frttgw Mr Nnvvell, Mr. W. A. Klimev. ,'',f'Ut Mr. Kdg.ir Wood, Mr. H. Itobliison, 1). I. Wllhlnglon. $r Mr. Huttoii. Mr. Queen's Reception. Mr Wude Warren Tliaver, Maj. Hol- Cancc l Pacific Club. brooke, .Mr. M. I'. Mr Chas 1 I'rossor. Mies Beatrice Castle's Four O'clock Hctiienway, Mr. 11 M. Uallou, Mr P. Tea. I.. IIorne, Mr. Whlto, Mr. I. M. Major Mri. Tlmberlakc's Dinner. Young, Dr. Mooie ttnd otheis. and Senator and Mrs. Knudsen's Dinner. ST Williams' Heart Party. Mr. and Mrs. Crahbe's Pedro Party, r. , Mr. nnd Mrs. 6herniari','Dlnner, , Ono of enjuyablo iiventB of"lho the Mrs. John Dyer'o Bridge Party. , evening when Mr. week occnried last Miss Harriet Young's Luncheon; and Mm Clarence Ci'.ihhn ontcrtiilti"d Mrs. A. S Humphrey's Luncheon. a knee number of tho inembnrs of tho Ccnaca.nyeroft Nuptials. r of Eastern and Invited . Oulrr Slur Mr. and Mrs. Harold" Dillingham' friends nl their honi" on Nunanii ave-cnu- e ' evening Dinner. , O'S The fealiilo of tho Mrs, Putnam's Luncheon. w the ftvclrhitliiK gnme of jiedro al Mrs. Wtilkcr'o and'-Mrs- . 'Bralnar'd PACIFIC CLUB TO were vvhllo 1 which eleven tables used i Smith's Reception. a elected lo engago III unite number Mr. and Mrs. L. Tenney Peek's Din. in her diversions. ncr. GIVELARGE BALL The a Ihe card games dirt prles Mrs. C. M, Forster'a Luncheon. by Mis lleedy ami Mr vine rnptiued Mr. Mrs. .W. II. Cajtle's Dinner. Coyne. and and nbiir After tho gjtues Mrc Charles Wllder's Luncheon. Affair on Juno 9 at Pacific Club Will Be One of Season's In of prices the delicious Mm. Arthur Marix's Luncheon. Most Brilliant coffei Ice Affairs Society to Dance Its Gayest in randwlchea cake ami Mrs Tenncy's Luncheon. ci were Among pto- - Populr Clubhouse. Cain served. those Mrs. Neville's Luncheon. Mr. Coyile, Mr, out were: nml Mri Mrs. Dyer's Bridge Party, and Mr- - Paxton, Mr. Mrs. Auer- - fo , (TOUR two chief events on the Cooper, Mrs. Walter Macfarlalie, Mr and Minutes Club. hach Mr Mrs. T. Smith, Mr. and calendar lor jump are Norman Falrwealher, Mrs Hugo and Dinner University Club. soilnl Mrs, Merrill, the wedding ot Miss Claire Herzer, Miss Flora Tovvksbury, Ml Mr T Sharp, Mr. nml Mil. Cunha's Luncheon, Mrs. Kellogg. Mr. Mrs Tit Williams uml Mr llruee Alleeli Mcdulro, .Mrs William Wil Mr nml nnd iinrjigement Announced. Mis lleedy. MrB. Colroti M Carturlght, Jr., that will linmsnn, Miss Kulpo Henna, Miss Vir I'ei liner. Miss lenney's Luncheon. Mi- - It vv In, Mrs. Flack, Mrs. IJvnm, take jilace In St Andrew s gina i:kulraiid, Mi'B II M von Holt Mis. Frederick Waterhouse't Dinner. vlr Ilium, Mrs. Slovens, Mrs, on Thursday evening the Mr II M (Joodmnii. Mr It C llrown. Mies Luncheon. Cathedral WMvlit Mrs. Mr. and Mm. Pratt's !i Following the cere- Dr John F. C'ovvb, Dr. Norman Fair Purler, Mrs. Luncheon. nrst of June Riley Kingsbury's w Mr Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Clara ., mony a largo reception will he given weather, .Mr William Koper, Mr I) and ninldt Miss tho Ii03t an I the bride's home at WnlkIM Thin W Anderson, Mr John Andirion. "it vfil at ho ti , nnd many others. UU KMttMMMmftttmWVtWWmiH 2. 5,i?M!k was nnnouueed the mid- Mr Alan Kenton, Mr Fralsolle, Mr n- -' -- -- engagement V ., i .'?'''". '. l9" week, Both young people W Ileakbaiic ' AHWBnKSMRvftfSlSE'tji. hs dle of the In of been welting Lleiilen.int Munter 'Charne the j ' mFl'f'yGJ'Jr nre popular and have Wistaria. rinfr and congratulations th'c good wishes Senator ami .Mr. KiiinNeiiV lilnntr. Meat Milliter, who Mlsi The voung couple married of their friends. In the private dining loom of the Hoffman, young daughter valley Mr Itiuce the popular will live in N'uuanu Hotel I'leasatilnu an elaborate din- of Mrs Hocking, has given the litis recently pur- - been iMrtwrlght, Jr. ner was given by Senator and Mr command of tho Wistaria. Lieut, and High's bungalow, that is -- liased the Krlc Alfred Knudeen This function Mr Munter have been living in New Wyllle street The second situated on was given In honor ol Judge and Mri ork but will probably spend OVT the be a largo ball that will event will Hldnoy Uallou Stnlla. pink tulle MRS. CHARLES A. RICE. OF KAUAI In Alabama. The following . iimmer be givon on June 9th at the Pacific and roses made an exquisite decora- point an Interesting clipping from an Cfar-- the Indications that was Mm- - I A iv b. n Fin Club. From tion The sinilax feMooned from A picture appears m tie of ire alv.i In whirl uf iniv i:nCII1 I)ancr 'm this function Hi. v ft toward social success the central chandelier lo the corners ii I visit In Honolulu lieu irieini J the T. vi-- ill k Ril lei in of Mi The lighthouse tender Wistaria was r:r be one of the most brilliant utln-- i to euter- - will of the table Htm knots of tulle add competing with each turned by an act of the last Con given in Honolulu The In- Chin leu Uice, wife of Ilouorabl oier ever ed lo the beauty of the decorations tain iiiem. mt ami sin nice ovvu a mess to the public health ami marine Ml im will be Issued shortly This Charles Hire of Kaiul Mrr Hire wm vitations la Frame ruses formed the floral beautiful home on Kauai their home hospital service and Is now Ivlng firahnm or Fort Shafter was awarded her giiefls received In the 'drawing bj daiigb-te- al '.. event Is being eagerly anticipated decoration, combined with Australia Miss (Irnee King, the joungest r la the center Eoclal affairs .Mr Ma- lor Kills Island. N. Y. The surgeon gen the second prize tin einbioldeied loom, In tho dining room Mrs- - Har- the smart set maiden hair 1 hohc piesent nl Ibis of Mr ami Mrs Thomas King, and and Mis Hire left Thiir-da- v for llieii era! has requested the recietniy of deira hniidkeichlef. Mrs. Wallace win, old Castle coned tin. shot bet, been ver In ru- In In boo-ho- and enjoyable affair were Judge and Mrs has alwavt. popular home Knunl. hut will t'eturti the ticasurv to detail a commissioned the o prize, u tall Canton ehlual I Lunch-co- glil-hoo- Mis. JIlss Harriet louiinS Hunt and Mrs llryanl dely circles or Honolulu, in der d August- - polo matches Mr Richard injured the ten, nt a Uallou. Dr Charles fur the olllcer of the Revenue-Cutle- r Service vase. Mrs. Williams Is giving u se- Mr l.odge davs, she was one of lelgu-In- g Is largo ciicuhir Cooper, and Mrs lleiijamln the lllce captain of the Kauai te.iui and lo take temporary clnrge of the Wis.' ries of card parties, tho second ono table ornamented with Young Is hostess at i Is while marguerites Miss llurrlet Marx, Mr and Mrs. Harry Macfar- belles of this eltv. Tho Hire a crack playof. larla and supervise Ihe necessary re will occur In May. nrldge will be tho Miss Vera Damon buffet luncheon that is Major Mrs George Pot- and Miss Alice Cooke, In en-t- ei a delightful lalie and and pairs to that ami take, her to game chosen for tho second entertain- assisted Oaliu Country iescl tabling the guests. Among being given at the ter. hun-die- d ment. enjoyed those. lapte of some vears. Aliiut two l.owre.i. Mrs llepbtuu. Mis. Ilane-her- g Mobile, Ala., w'heie she Is to bo'iised T'liuso who Mrs. Club. This suburban club house Is Invited to meet Mrs. Frederick Ulng.i-hur- y guests baie beeiiji Invl'ed anil In connection wllh the (piaraiillnn sta hospitality were Mrs. Waller more and more popular; the Mis. Frank Hieliiudsuii, Mrs. and Miss I.ove Mlss.Cnlh-eiln- o growing Mr. Arthur r1Iarlv Luncheon. Miss Mlllaul will ho assisted In re- tion at that port. First Lieutenant CiiwIqs, Sirs. IMvvard iiinheil.iko weio Is Ideal and the cuisine ami Hum-h.ii- u Frpd Hush. Mis, M. Ivlnnniil Cioss-- Coodale, Mis. John situation Mrs. Ilurnham, wife, of Major ceiving by Mrs. Chas. It Cooper, Miss W. II. Munler, executive olllcer of Mrs. Cuter. Mrs. Urobilin, Mrs. Clark nre unsurpasM'il. The smait Cnmphell. lie Mrs. Frfdeilek Klamp, Mrs. Mont- service was the guest of liuliur at lunch May Damon Mrs. Ilaiohl Caslte nnd man. Mrs. Mri I'lilliu .vioiiuwk, tins neen to Mis. Johnson, Mrs. Cochran, Mrs advantage of these op- iieiaiicu take ague Cooke, Mrs. Ross Kingsbury, set nro tnklng eon Friday, at the Homo or .Mrs. Peck, Mis. Wall, Miss Stella Feck command of Ihe WUtaila, In accord (leo Htiwen, Mrs. It. Kingsbury, Miss members and several other friends, Kathelino i portunities, for the Arthur MarK. The luncheon table Mrs. It. It. lleldford, Mi John M-i- auce wllh the icipiest of tho surgeon Covvle.H and Miss Caitvviight. Jllss Stephens, Miss ' continually enter- r Louise (ilral'd. Miss Jesslo Kennedy, their families are was arranged to seat twelvo; tho Mr. nml Mrs. Cattle's Dinner. Camlless. Mis. J. II Mr. geneial. taining in this delightful sput. Twenty-- lleorgo Honton, Mrs, W W. North. Miss Wilhelmlua Tenney, MIhs Hoi Ilia table was set out on tho largo Hwa Mr mid Mrs William Hlchaid Cas- six guests were Included on MIsb .Mrs. (leorgo Cat- Miss Castle's Four O'clock Tea. Koepkc Miss Claire vVllllams, Miss lannl; )ellov cosmos formed a beau- tle have ImiiihI Invitations for u lleiiton "lr Mis. Major and Mrs. Tlpiberlake'o Dinner. list. The guests haml-palutc- d ion, Mary F.rue'st A pretty Infniimil tea was given lMllh Williams, Miss Vera Damon Voting's Invitational tiful decoration. The given on Miss f'ultoii Mm At tho nitlsllc homo at Fort were forin.it dinner that will be by M,rH Mrs, Alfred u were seated at small tubles that place cards were decorated with Kopke. Mrs. Ovrrtml 'Mm. Tbeodnrn Majurnnd Mrj Tuesday nfieinoou Mls Ucitrlcu Rlclrird Cooko, sdny evening. iiniberlake decorated with salmon col- next Thin Hit and Castle In honor of Sirs. Frederick Castle, Mis. Harold Castle, (Miss prettily these Mowers Among Mrs Marix's hards nthcis tallied nl, dinner complimentary l and maidenhair Ne- Kingsbury and her sister. Miss Luvi Alico Cooko, Miss Ida Koepkc and ored double hibiscus guests were Mrs. Ilurnhuni, .Mrs. Mrs. Dyer's Bridge Party'.' Captain ami Mrs. Catter. Tim forpier Among those present were Mrs. or Columbus, Ohio Miss Castle itn-- others fern. ville, Mrs. lMward J. Tlmberlake, One of the delightful bridge par Banquet In Honor of Judge n.vllou. of whom Is Adjiitaut-Cuuei- on the O. Young, Miss Harriet Young, J. Mrs. I Tenney Perk, Mrs. Stevens of ties of the season, wait given by Mrs, .A fnie'voll batnpiol ivu's gliiii at staff of Ilrlgadler-Cener- Maouli.t' Sfrs. Richard Cooke, Mrs Alfred Cas- Navy, Mrs. Mrs the Pardee, Charles Dyer. Fiiday afternoon, her homo the ITulyc'isltv Club Tuesday, cumpll-meulni- y Major mill Mrs Tlnihei lake's dlimeri Mrs. Oeorgo Ilowcn, Mm. Freder- al tle, Chllllngworth, Mrs Johnstone of on I.uualllo htuct. to Judgo Sldiiej Uallou, who aio always beautiful. Ftldaj's nlTalr ick Uvvlght Iowrey, Mrs. Frederick Dear tojhe Heaits the Women. Fort Shafter, Mrs. Carter, wlfo of Ill of di'li c.iko plulcs seiveil ns Ib inesldelit'of Ihe liuji, nnd was one seemed to surpass the former affairs of Wnterhouse, Miss Beatrice llolswnrth. Madame Smith, moth- Captain Carter, pilzes. These dainty trouble welc of tholj.irter ni' mbts. He.il cu na- In the w ly of artistic decorations, Tho fi Miss lrma Uallentvne, Miss Dorothy of Navy, DR.T. FELIX GOURAUD'S 1 er of Dr Tucker Smith the wrapped 111 tlsstio paiier and lied with tions Australian maiden hair huge tiieular table was ornamented Wood, Miss Kutherliie Stephens. MIbb llatlcntyne nnd and Mrs. Clinton Nile giHin butln ribbon. The ap- formed a prominent put In the decor- - with ten tall silver candle slicks 1 H Ornce Harding, Miss Helen Achilles, pointments and decorations fur this atlvo scheme. Collogo iciiii.'iuts .mil holding pink eaiiilleit that were Mrs. Charles Wlkox, Miss Alice Itoth, sir Oriental Cream Philip Dodge's Lecture. alfalr vveie perfect. Tho drawing flagj weio Inlrudiiied In the decor- lunuiilfil by shades fashioned to rep Miss Bernlce Hartwell. Miss Lydla A good audience assembled at the mum was filled with American Hp.'iu-l- y scheme. - rent In the center of the OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER McStockor, Miss Dorothy Hartwell, ative Mini rlonir nmeche- ioes tab, Art league on Tuesday afternoon to loses; violets weio profusely it ed weie iiiailo and luasts eebnnged .mil was a low basket, fllleil with Jm Miss Esther Kopke, Miss Julia An Indispensable and Necessary hear Mr. Philip Dodge's talk upon In the dining room and tho largo - a Jolly ilollnlrful evening ,ik France macs Ihe monogram ' plice Miss Florenco Ourrey, Miss and 1 Article for Particular Women. - Japanese towels. naL was adorned with yellow Pxpuilcniuil 'I hoi, who paitltip-iie- e.irds vveie garlaiidel wilh roses 9rr& Athcrton, Miss Hthel McKen- Juliette Interesting and artistic sanllioiiiiima. The eight tables wero in this dellglitlul Judgo This dinner could be called a iosp who Desire to zle, Miss Dertha Kopke, Miss Cather- affair weio Retain a were displayed and Mr. Dodge in Ills ariangeil In these thrto rooms The Sidnev M. Il'illou (ieneral Macinili dinner, fur Hip favora vveie aho in ine Goodalo and others. Youthful appearance, explanation of their designs and uses guests were Invited for half after tw.i. Admiral Cow leu Mr William lllch- - these llovieis. Among those ptoi-en- t $ts&ts!ti!M. Kvery woman owe It to hemo If and took ouu charmingly nlleld turning tho playing begun shortly after. Al iuiIh CiiRlle. Seiialur Frlc Alfied beside the host and hostess loved ones to retain the charm of youtli Souir Hccllnl. nature ha LrMowiHl upon ovvr Mrs. C her. For Hugo Horzer's third annual song Japanese, customs nnd stories. live o'clock delicious lerieshineuts KniiilFPii. I'.ijnrister Kteiens, Judge and CHslou Carter half a century thin article lius ren utetl A second talk In this of wero Among Invited to Whitney, Mr Dilling- Mr and Mrs lleiijamln Isiilge Murx, by actrcfiKVH, ulnKem and women of recital to be given ut the Young Ho- scries reried. those Waller Fraiieia smltvaIllvOtI,3, fuslilon. Jt renUerH the Hkln llko the "Things Jupanefce," by Mr. Dodge, will this affair wero: Mrs. Thcodoro lm-slu- ham, llilllsh Consul It C. Forhtdr Miss Agnes Walker and Mr H Faxon hoUm-s- of velvet leaving It clear and tel on Thursday evening, May 11th, TmXu riMPUsrmn7iMm Ieurly will to und in highly desirable given League Mr. lilshop. AOBOMMIta W TM O.TKUU when is creating much Interest In' musical be at the Art next Mrs. Francis McSloeker, Mrs Jack Alk'ii'uii, Major lleiinoti, Dr meparliitf for dally or evening uttlre. Am Tuesday, May 2nd, at half-pa- three Lackland, Mrs Frank Hilsletnl, Mrs Hedeinann. JinL'e l.vtner. Mr. W. 0 ii i u iniuiu unu iiuiiKiJunjr jitpuruiiuii( m and social circles. It rfniutnH unnoticed, AVhen uttendlliK o'clock special subject as giv- Oat,' Miss Sliiilh, Ml' 'J'boinpsou. .IiiiIki Mrs. Wllllam5 The ensemble work 13 to bo par- The Lvdla .cSlocker. Mrs Flank I' Heart Party. nances, uain nr mner enteriainmenis, it " - 37CntATJoNisr- .- srwYofts.! jireventa n yrenuy uptieuruneH of the ticularly interesting and by special en Is "Talks on Old Prints, etc Fiedeilck Jeuett ljwrey Mrs. John Ch'ules CleinntH. Mr David Andoi- Tho (list pari of I ho week Mis caused by the skin becoming Dioiv, Mrs. i:. I. Pnxtou. Miss Julie sou Dr Victor (iaik Mr. Albert Williams entertained .it n delightful heated, request Mr. Herzer hns decided to Gouraud'i Oriental Cream cures fckln MrStockir, Mrs. Lan- Afoug Mr. l,ni i In , Mr, heart party, was given nt give the opening chorus from nl Miss Millard's Reception. Nelion llskcr Thurston. that her ill Heaves and telleves HunLnrn. Heinnven largo sing. Mrs. Lindsay, ' Mis. II. Castle RnbbltiB Anderson. Mr lluriy Hep- lioino at Fort Huger Tho guests were ti ' Tan, 1'lmpleH UlackheudH, Moth 1'atchea, The Pagoda of Flowers by Cards are nut for a reception r Hash, Fteikb'S und VulKir Hodues. have nt the Pleasanton given by Miss M Mrs Havmond Drown, Mrs. Smith, burn, Dr. Hodglns, Mr. It. D. Mead, Invjted for hair nrter two on Mondaj Tellow and Muddy skin, giving a delicately tkur und retlued complaxlon Amv tt'nndfordo Flnden will Its every I Mny elpht lo ten. Mrs llocklug. Mrs KinU Wa'erman Mr Harold Mr. William afternoim The decoiatloii' ii vviacn wumun ueeirin. fir Honolulu rendition, In which the Millard on ninth, Iillllnilnni. iveio No. 10 For sale by DrugEltand Fancy Goods Dealers. Mrs Kllzabeth Mrs Oriiinud Love Mr. (iuulei Atheiton Mr 11 niii, work Is especially attractive. MIsb Millard was a popular voting Chinch nasturtiums and maiden hair T. Hopkins, Prop., 37 Great Jone Street, New York. ninety-si- x Wall VI rs Wall, Mr Hodge I. Marx Mr ( Mr Mlsa Cartvvilght Ferd. The names of those singing In tho teacher at Punahoii In and Thomas Walter Smith. ferns won the llisi a Mrs Mrs, Dvilghl T ('live David Di V Mur- - pjizp, a of bonis are ns follows Mrs. C. 11. Is renewing old friendships lifter Center. Frederick ll:trvc pair silk hosiery and Mrs. SACHS' W IMPORTATIONS EVERY DEPARTMENT FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WITH NEW SPRING GOODS A Beautiful Display of Wash Dress Goods Ladies' "Onyx" New Spring Tailored, Trimmed Millinery A Linen Occasion Suits for Women Department TOR MONDAY MORNING, MAY 1 Pure Silk Hose

MODEL HATS AVith bf ynrds of pretty new link milt ami Kiirter We Broadcloth Evening, Thousnnds TABLE CLOTHS and NAPKINS doublo climask, In line sott - of satin this va)i it- In Mack, whltt! u nit all wonderful selection of churmlnK dress fabrics In whlto nnd colors ar tlulKli; very htiuil-ioni- i A patlirnx fushiuimltltj tuUn-- to match our e Wraps? workroom now beln shown In this department. t! 'id S5'00 Capes and creations desluned In our .'x.' J 75 to t Special 1100 to ,ut $1 :: p choic- FLAXON Recognized by discrimi- r uv perfuct harmony of colors nnd J;li . .. 4 'ift to S Ml 3.70 lo i, 50 IN ALL THE NEW 8HADES est combination of colors; tery nating women as being unequaled for 2x3 coo to io :o 3 75 to S.00 In qual- Alterations free uud uuarniioiI, shapes; for street Summer wear 'i hae It nil . " 8 00 latest chic, smart j'sxaV .. .inri0 A showing nnd prices buiu-tlf- - splendid of black nnd dress wear. ities nt mainland feme DOUBLE SATIN TABLE DAMASK-I- II liamUuinn- ileslfjns. 75c. Jl. II --'5 Pure SilR Hose colored uoodn in the same ma- colored DltUSS (Jo(H)S and S1I.KS. to f 75 Special. COe, k5c. $1 uud I.' 55 qf fushlupalile inn border In con- ii lllnck vvlib mauve 75c per Women in search ATTRACTIVE TAILORED VALKING terial with tin ufcet PLAIN LINEN CLOTHS, Hemstitched -- 5U54, ClxC3, 72x72 J7 50 and unrUr. trasting sliadin pair lcrl.il lor Sprjiut and Hunimer frocks HATS Jx',0 Hpeel.l IhO, JO 50. H7ri will llud hen, u very uxrlusv slock EMBROIDERED LINEN PILLOW SHAMS Onlv two pairs to . ach coloring. ., to select from. Vlth every new Idea and tiru tj.. ji. r,ti jr.. ,o spoii.ii. n ,,( si', r,, j..t,, $5,50 Scotch Plaid Ginghams urn- vvliob sto, It CHINESE GRAS8 AND MISSES HATS of New Designs in Silk Dresses CHILDREN'S III linvln Table Ten ('Inth- Scurf und lit dHpieails, ut leclnl re- - 30c PER YARD Only one of each pattern' A nice assortment of tho most de- duitioiH Cotton Crepe sirable, trimming nnd shapes, braids, - Imported Bl'R Broadcloih (lowers, feathers, ornaments Voile liiiludiiii; IVr lau and Oilviilnl p.il- Marquisette and lllll- - A full lllll' UT II llilllls ut 51 Inches wldi i Spring weight, fully JOc S3 u EVERYTHING IN MILLINERY FINE QUALITY SOc A YARD DR.ESS GOODS SPECIAL pt r Mild ponged and shrunk, nt Mini DRY GOODS CO. FOR MAY 1st SACHS DRY GOODS CO. SACHS IMPORTED WHITE SWISS in II "ALLOVER" neat de It'll 60c per Fort and Beretania Sts. III 1,1 v.ilii' '! per uril Opposite Fire Station.

''' i - 1 itijiin turn iii'iiitisAilWilh ' MZMu. M&k&Jiti .VVifitf x 't4 m..r-- ' 3 'ibf.wfe- - j ..- - - J& ..a.uh. jl. ..I'll. .'. t yfc' -- L-mA- .. Miftfa-i- f fr rfnffii! tm"' JMO.., f .t Jy.. S- - L fhm -'' .,, &ti&diLu ..sMxMkm.1 rlJir HH.o.,1, EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU. T. H., 8ATURDAY, APR. 29, 1911. 13 Wl

cticnn was served. This cl.ilioia i ii' - i i . v J lELa past was scivcd under n cumis mo tr p, festooned with tropical vine an 1 hung with lnrgc baskets of n i i i X hair and orchids. Small Inlih s som decorated Willi American lie m loses and othois with Sha-t- a iialles weie placed for the nccoiumo a 'ou OC1 Queen w , 6 of the gusest8. Tho n u rv l'i nt a largo circular kou ta ile oi nainentcd with n large (enter niece of' Climy lace, with dollies to iiihMi hack of the tnblo wen draped I win W 31 two large Hawaiian sl)k H.ih- - mi Exclusive ' W W one of the Hags, the Hawaiian cm. If tn n A 9 of arms was embroidered, iln- - u g ll bad been prctented to the Qi. . u din New York nig Ilio days or tne moniir h an I was exiiilslto. While ocimIiIiic fur the comfort of tho guests was iilnm. Custom nnd c.irrli'd out on an clab n u- - ., i 4J expressed the wish that I lui p would not bo pomp formal!)) ihe Styles or X -ov of Infotiuality and tin mmSk ,ri ltdcIoii. jr . If you go to New York or cny ness and kindness shown b ililv i added wmwwm other metropolitan center, you Place Ilio home al personage, greai i.. il, I Ii- - will Ulliioltjl'inl wu cnJoment of bo guests 'Ih' find tin; d men In uf npleii lor Whiting assisted euteri ruing iln wearing tlie same Regal Slioe WASHINGTON guests. Miss r.lhi'l Whiting was n when her Ituyjl itylcs wc have on sale rigid lieie picture In ii neain grass linen e'-i- t entertained with in orately trimuieil with Cliln I in n WmWM our ttoie. n reception and luncheon mi Whiting, wore n br uuirul . I In honor or the member.! of liotli J'tte of while, euibroldeie.i In ,i con Houses of the llin Go- ventlonal design; Mrs AP iin.l. r (I officials mid Hohertron looked beaulirul In :m REGAL vernor and other imhllc SHOES their wives. It was a scene tha' will amejIhUt blue Hntln, embiolitered hi remain In tlm memory of thojo who Oriental embroidery with cieiiu pli arc famous all over tlic world for tlieir exclusive ciiilom ilyle and quality. Tlie new line bat covorcd with pliiiii M,k fasliion-fealur- were fortunate to b present. Colonel models embody every e found in the most expensive custom foot- Donil-nl- s (leorge Carter looked a laukea and Mr. John Alninkn stunnliu hi wear. Moreover, Regals like e pongee embi nl shoes, because llity are made in were masters of ceremony, nieel-Iti- suit re. li t iuaitcr-ilze- Come in and look over ihe new Regal styles. the miosis at the entrnneo or Ibis with dingons, a Paris c uupleii beautiful home and eueortini? tlfpin to the continue; MrB. Charles Wee inok-e- d the royal drawing room, vvheie II'.' very handsouio In n sheer lilsh linen III Highness received. The Quteu vvih euibroldereil roiN and hen lly 11a seated on a carved koa throne. The trimmed with b) libli lace u or setting for this thrnnu vvai beautiful ltembrandt b.it pale jiluK (h'tfon REGAL SHOE STORE, was Ihmiiiii tall kahilis made of the cm and v rneie wl'h loses ei JNIM ing; Dickson bird and mounted In koa, were plac- Miss Irene woie a p.ilo King and Bethel Sts. blue figured chiffon, In h ed directly back or the throne an I al senil lib' the sldo of It. Her Majesty received effect trimmed with slUer Mrs Kuc Kniidseu was sliinnlng in with u gracious manner an her Kuesls grey she looked regal In a purple htocuileil cblffoii, mi'r ceile wlih a laige Batln, with rose point lace Her Jew neuch lilctlire hat. Mis V:ilt..r trt.,1 " V At) Pran't. lion, and Mrs. R. K. Malme, Hon. and inletly toUiiuilzi-(- l els wero magnificent being Oriental I'lear wolf n liutiil enilimfil Iln aii li. at SI, Andrew's geile gown; pli K ll.ui I) K l M. K. Cullioilral, Momlny tiger's claws, set with pieclous slnuei Mih. Jiihi Peru w.is Archil mil M". Mis. Mnkekiii. Hon and Mrs uwnlntc, ut Inlf In an ( iillur olKlit ikt-riirm- The necklace, cat rings and hair onu elaborateh euiln ilileie l' kei lion and Mi lliumi A ( .Mnie.ililuci I Ion. and Mrs. J. W. lllnii ItcHturtck lingerie gown, wmi a picture ,,n I II (In-- Mr. Waltor ments were especially beautiful. Mrs iiai T Urnun m a i, Mr l'h v Moaiuull, M. .nut Mrs i: A. Molt- - trimmed in long Hi a liMillior uf tlie lirlile. Iauken nnd Mts (' S llollowny tiririiii r L'hllllngwoi Hi n .mtMis A Hun .iliil .Mrs ( A Illrii Mr. llviufl. k.io .lus.-pl- tli .Mrs. John I.nno wore a handsome i I I Imt lulu kcuiliiK tlie acted as ladles In waiting .Mrs. lau- m; Cisile Hun ri.ki.n Il"'l and Mis W. II. Itice II. in nml Mn of Kruotn crepe; very ! Mr Uwnrt Mrs. AUred Castle liKiked II. Ciinei. linn lien i ll I i Arthur ucRM as licst mini kea wore a lieaiitlful InilHirli'd toilette ...... !. r S Hick ml Mrs Kaiula.i pteii.v in a laco lingerie gown, a I'liil-- i un, Mrs. H. P. i,n MIk.i r()ililn ltcrn(t was tliu lirlilei-inuli- l, of black nn J while satin foulard, Cone.i and Mr Piatl. Hon and Mrs W I Sholdo i sl'in scarf or pink was worn her! ami Mls-- i Miirli-- I (llluon trimmed with Duchem lace, the oiilv nwr u ii. inner, nun and Mrs s M . Ml ,, MrH ,u. i; hmm,!,.,, Hon nml 11 uttt-lillil-. MIhk .lulln C:iiiiiI)pII hand-Born- e shoiildeis; Mrs. Albeit .linld wore a Damon lion. Ceo si nctfil us Hnwer Jeweled ornament worn, was a ninl lin. . r 'I llwii. uml Mitt summery gown or while grass .cloth i i i:sr. BlrlK Onl u lew liilitinalc (rlomls diamond brooch. A In an Fteiirh anil airs. i.u. leni'mie vino Tuuie lli.n Mrs P. PjII with a large black hat; MiY Ulw.irJ and Mrs .1. .1. Hon ii iirorinit lint, trimmed with lace and svveot pe.is I'eiu nnd Mis Hon i: W Qiilnn. II m Win T Itob-lusn- n .'ri' Tnwsi) wore n beautiful tollelte of A. P. (ien completed this handsome, cosluin" pilo Jiidil Hon. V. Ilewlll. Hon Mr and Mis .1. II Wise Hon i''nk, wHh n silia't llowered lurlmi; Mr. nnd Mrs. Cdward Din. Mrs. Holloway's toilette was of black QUEEN LILIUOKALANl and Mis. .Inhn P ll.ile Hon. Ceo II nml Mrs i:i W.il.lmlo, II hi. nnd Mrs Tenney'a Miss Sybil Mclnerny looked H ncr, with Jet tilmmlugs, u llwl beautiful lluddy, lloij. Kill itn.t. Hon. and Noimiiu VYnthlns, Hon mid Mrs silk i.iio Who received Legislators. two-piec- In ll e pongee suit of Allen A. S Kiileiopii. w ill I in loin- - lei was worn. Prince Kalaiilanunle Mrs Hon. and Mis. Hon. .1 It. Yules. Sneaker Oixer nrrniiKPil for' blue, with Indian emlirold- - .1 K I tlm ir- - nsBtstcd tho Queen In iccelvlng. The trimmed Kiiiminoiitti. lion, nnd Ml. P HoUteln. llev S. I.. Deshn. Mr ti'cn at illimor that will hu to re-- , with n black picture Miss .I Hliloil by In which the icccptlou was held drloua Icnllug this p.ilailal finorl es of Ilio Queen's, nnd MUllo n'rv' hat; Kmiekoa lion. W. K'lwaakoa Holi.i Woodwaid Mr and Mrs C I.. Hop- - ncr Mr and Mru. IMwnrd loom I ' Tennt-y- , tluoiignd ..,, i. r ,,i...... '"e'nefiv N mi exceptionally' nretty ami Mi s II I. Kawewehl, Hon. , at their Colonial lioiuu on was bountifully decorated with U'l sldeneu was wlib .'.Itn i'" if, i.,, .'lllgn, .,, t , , , ,. ,, SaiiiI., kins. lll,. ""s luiiuuu ennance nor ipo in K'elliuol Hon and Mrs. A (I M. itob-- i ' tlie cmiiur of I.iinalllo ami 1'eiiKUCoU Franco roses and Call i llllles, these Idles and canlages On tho liwn. un- - ,,.,,,,, n", I ' ' "'" ""uiiie.itity Among were-- : Klrt-et- helng especial or " """v v""" those preent eilson. Hon nml Mrs W. O Smllli. Cen.ica.Rycroft Nuptials. Thin elaborate fiincllon U tlowers lavorltes tho'iicr tho tropical palm tiees tho President Krlc Alrred Knudsen follow I Prlneo and Princess Kaliinlanaole, Mr ami Mis f S. Holluw.iy. Mr and' Owing to Ihe upIiik i?leii In honor of UrlKuiller-(lenei-- al Shortly nrter eleven the walliin was ! Illness of her mother bind slalloned a iinmlt ed by her guests walked Into spa- -' I f ...... tlie novernor and .Mrs. Kreai, Senatoi and . ll.U .,,,,I..1... vf. ....A- v,1 .. ami MontKoniery guests In arrUe, tlm liro.i I of pieces played ..,.n ...in- i ,i mi., iii .miss iiiaii)S uaiilpueu Mr. becan the weio ospeciil clous garden wheio n delicious lun-Mr- s. K. A. txiiiidsen, Hon and Mrs ioi,g, iion ,in,i an It ii .Mikekau Ilvcrofl and Mr llenrj (leiiaca was Dozpiih ami dozyis of oiclihls will he uneil in the for ihe dliiner lalilo. DKIVES Mill Eunice Pratt'a Luncheon. THEM PLAGUE WARNING A luncheon was Kiteii Tlnirxilay In luinor of Ml?s C'lalro OUT OF WllllaniR, Hie Iiriile-i.'le- or Mr. THE HOUSE Ilrnre CurtwrlKlit, Jr. Hie color .. Departments of public health everywhere are ri heme wan uhlle uml Kreeu Dainty TO DIK CilliliU oriiainvuleil the lilsco canU, They Do $50 000 Damage to lS.awsrrs thoroughly fumiMar with the methods adopted by the a large liasliut of hrido's roses, veil- ed wild mile, Conned tho center-ile- in Properly Honolulu Yearly Tliimo present hesldo MJas authuriliss in San Frar.cisco In their crusade against rats, .MIfH Are Serious Menace to Stcanris5 Electric Dliilee I'ralt weio Clulro Wil- ' Health. liams. Miss Helen (llnln Miss Hell') and most earnestly request that all citizens should join McCorrlalon, Miss Huru I.ucaa limt Rat and Roach Miss Williams. MOOMMMBMM ll Paste Aiilliorillis Mill Wage Mar galust tjawaw .mi Hals nml .Mice nnd Ail ('lllrins ISO baa t Stuarna Claetrlo P.at. will kill ? alt tka rata and in the ijcnriwl destrucr.on of rats, using any and all .Sliiiuld .loin In Ihe Ytoik uf ailoa In s houoa In a alntla nlf ht Doctor Marshall'! Dinner. i:liriiiliuitlng Tliese Pests. WATER 8UQS, COCKROACHES, OED DUG3 An enjual)le dinner was ijlveii Sun and other Tiu.ln aro imlckly allied br Stearic' i:itclrlu l'ji'.o. Very eaiy tn ih. methods that will produce the best results, including day evenliit;, ut Ihe Hotel Cuiirtluml Hata do $50,0U(l ilaiuago every year tfUlRlNTFP Tu"r "j'." '" "iru "i".'i ii ".u....' U..UU kaTud ji..k )'V.i. h Dr Mnrahall Tho dozen covem goods In to Honolulu wholesale and Steams' Electric Rat and Roach Paste. It was used weio designated hy liand-ialnte- d 11 Is eKtlmated 3 oz. Lox 2Qo; 10 oz. box SI. OO. rttiill houses, lilare cards, depletini; scenes In for- Their luvages in tlie Jolihtng All drnaal.t. or , . Sie.imV llfCtric III i - I'aste wvIn fMrnim .... eign countries. Tlio bonnes weru worse in P.H0 than trrmid on Ilrcrill lr.. ... vhi.whi successfully in San Francisco, the authorities there buy- color schenio for ever before, uml many of the tho dinner was lavender and Vjlo 1ioiicb MlHrled the jear by ing many thousands of pounds. green. Among those present weru Ira lime antral bnM ti tW Hrt m M Mr nml 3lr. Jolinsdii, Mr. and Mrh. (mxdC BlMtrii lut aa4 Iwl Pi, Taileton, .Mr. uml Mih. Sclimldt, tliu tb ml lUtl irmlxialr for tfcM Misses Miss paata. Karnsworlli, Sach nu.l la tat UotUl Itlllk Dn4 ! 0r-man-y, others. tha rM anauallr tfainA-- prp.tr at IHO.OOO.Oto. to Iba ital fir Jm. Mr. L. Tenney Din. Crtoataa-2Srwii- a, prali1al f a 5 and Mr. Peck'a (ormd latarealloaal union of acfvnll&or(lvr ner, ganlaatlooi working loaithor tor lh oi ft; I'ink hlKonlas mid lace maldoii tormlnatlon of rati. dct&ro thai ovtrr arm Electric teams crxsxu hair ferns, adorned tho lalilo, ut tliu rat la tt Uafloi aiatea coaio lit Mlli.n .at loaM two acnta a da for til brtt. dinner Mr. nnd Mrs I.. Tenney I'eclc ara mllllona of oaoa. ( jjUU t&ora rati; pierided rnor Thursday evening. A ' aaato Laoroaaloi tho rat poaulalloa mou hrnnch silver camlelahra, with pliilf tttr T nero a jraar, Tha ra la attraallr kmsrr, la la silk shades was placed on u Cliiu; roraca honu, Varo ov atoro, b lnml laco center piece. Sprn)s of hlKoulaii - tn a arta paaaartf- damago ahort ia. and uulden hair were artistically ar- vhiva vtta tno farmor, oalU-- t tr9 ajs) trr houaoa tna4 lvlta ranged between the silver branches -n were i nr'-r- Roach These flowers also scattered in miff Paste A dly ana uca ft r4p tnoru V over the snowy chilli, Tlie place; ralbia ho(Tq.Irf H'1 Ar:3 c4" . W' "u cards were Teddy hears. who If??.. Tk.f abII A(hr'rat t(a.va IS the only guaranteed exterminator of these pests Thoso Urmlajiier co.b:ii, wr fl CaA La r!l4dl enjojed Mr. uml Mrs. U Tenney . upon to ftot qoicki r. IftUlf lb r4Dll I'eek'B hospitality wero out of tM to 01i. Mr. and Mrs. "U1T PObu la Ik money back if it faih. Drives mice out lioderlek ICInmp, iMrs. A. f tba Mltntlatiurirwho ra .i?;a;4ifs yur rats and Newton .rld.wfii wr ftiftlott th ro3 l.ocke, Miss I.oiiIho (Jlr.ird. Mr. ami AMtniction ofprottrtf U ry th '"it or u mny ldlotnanu tnt tfj rat. of doors to die. It is ready for use and does not have Mis. Henry von Holt, l.ieut Au A nun OO to uvuia, n mu iliews. U. S. , l.ieut l.eo Salmi U. uii ui'i'iai - , , . . and to pfnuflooi Ofini lor iirsiin H ftll -- "ZZ 1(1 N. ill-- IIUXHCl . v All bitn rawaa IBT niajatii vf w ,, Willi...,,. IJLlltfl...... y''S. good citizens should whick 'Erttrrtf. If ftllaftfir,ft. trloMtnntc,." w tn n m or in pu rtachw urovcD by Luncheon, Tho boboaio ultcut pro tno co-oper- Mr. Putnam's . 3r4 ilr Ibrovirh tho Mlont- - with the Board of' Health in their war upon W.H waail unsn fha rt4at bV Ltr. A larKrt Jardlnler filled with yel- loo !ft4 Ttvli oftcloUi To fin Vrondico low cliosanlheiniims rormed a beau- t IBO tllUDO WJ flCtft't Whtt Boo P ronoitco i rats and help extcrminare tjiem with Stearns' Electric I tiful center piece for tho enjoyablo 4 tihar oftloo otn im iboulJ co," ftftyt Dr. Cookroaohea by tha lanful tar..- -. Tha rndanl tMinulaMlOll muit b at luncheon given by Mrs. Putnam Rat Roach Paste. BIH 'Ihiirsday Hprlgs o( maiden hair weio itr1fth.f¥'" and ulso iiced in It Ll iiy or octtoo ood POTitttant ofrorto the decoration. Th war on rato dinui.li taaulia h. tho thai -- placo cards wore mirliie views. At ka Ahtalna.4. Our local and Utato f??riyje!segLju,ii'iijiici . board! of boaltb aro roaklnf iytmat the conclusion of the elaborate re- front to ft act lhatr ostlrpotioii, or.d rtrr bmtio)a inouia . 110 parson. past tho hosttgs and her gueals ZII Im laaaanlar tho numbor oi thlo 2 oz- - Box 25c, 16 oz. Box ZoitruotWo on J daniaroui animal. Ttia SIM to the laual, overlooklni; the eonatrucuon or buiiqhui na iu Stearns' Electric Rat and Roach ocTltoarai ElovirU ot and Itoaaiu Paste I neii. wheio black coffee was served. any All Druggist or sent prepitU on nscdpi uf price, Tu--ir f'aito, that cap to bouhl at dry oprcs4 scntj tank Ii It fall la eitarmlnataCooliroaehaa. OtA Uuca. WaUrBnaa, tka, Those present were Mrs. Waller itoro? will ro for toward aiourtav publlo It ll aura ilraib to lUta and tllca, Pftvarol bacurlal outtur for tno ilrltlnr them out ot tfoMi to dla. I Covvles, Mrs. MnntKomerj Mncoinb oitorrutoatlonlifttr. of rato aid mtco bovo 3 oi. box, 20 Oonlui 10 oi. box I.OO. tporlmtnto4 lth, but thoy jaarbi.w Mrs Stevens, wife of I'aymiMcr Sle- - poaiaio no Ihi iianjira Ste,arBS? Co.' stcarns' . Electric ID. Ialrmlnt0i-a-- tdunufimrbtoornr EtflCtrlo Paata. Paste ii?igVJ,.:'3pysrSi. Co., Chicago, I vensgf,tip U. S, Navy, Mrs. IMward whooo coat If raooh Woo id wboirta4u J Tlinunilakp and wife of Captain Wlniers, II S A (Conlimiad on Paga 14)

' ''Haaf

,... in 'iti A TSMuSOSSSSSmmSSSSSXCIiji' TiJaulFMsw,a3as"aawaVi- - RK? j, EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H, SATURDAY, APR. 29, 1911.

I Itl was llnoiiKli him that IhlB ciitirtvny tho Queen's Ho;pltnl today, to ho M EZIX i iKwea TJJJJJ ESSSSIIISH EZZZZZSI EZZZsZZI EuZZZiZIZI KmZZiihZiS SV m IjHWk SSiiS'C I t Lnf nJljmM was sliouii. opornlod on for appendicitis. WJT A lrrTl.... ia.v.--. W' ' Dillingham a HHiW' ML yBWkl F ! icft'sVC s'lWii ".''Xl filfS W Mm. II. Mason nint child of Hono- Mr. and Mrt. Harold Irai' 5 moHiS&KJl li !'." fciatt tttKS SSSMd U&&3R lulu and Miss Wright of Kohnla, Ha- H waiian Islands are spending the Ban- On Mr. and Mrs. 1911 Packard Thirty In Now York and stay- Monday o,enlng ter bi'asmi nie a ing nt the Hotel Walcott which Harold Dillingham entertained at Touring Car . has y lit iilso he n the homo of many prom- beautifully appointed dinner, eonipll-mtntnr- (Continued Page 13). HflilW from inent llnwallans heretofore, nmong to Judge ami Mts. llallou Mrs. Cunh.Vs Luncheon. l.unnllhi and Peitsaeola Btieets. A the inert teceiit here weie Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dillingham aie mint Mrs I' Marfntl.ttip - New York, Apr. Miloitulners. their home I'nlo lavendoi asters nstlsll-call- y doreu frlcilili have been hidden In mk 11. on avenue Is the scene of uiung'd lur the luncheon lalilo this arf.ili Hcrotunln fm a number of delightful function. Tho Woilm'sdav when Mts Cuuhn, unini-tnlne- d Dr. family may !1 . Tucker Pniltli and dinner nn Monday evening was no J Infuiiniill) in luncheon In hon- "rs. Foriter's Luncheon. move up to Niiiiaiiu Valley and oc- exception to repu'ailoii which or ol Mr Mrs ,Ww Mrs Charles Itlce was the guest of the I. nml Fredericks of cupy Ihc "Overseas." tho home or fhcfe hospitable onng people have Yoik. The gnosis of houoi nto rtld lionoi at an Inform. il luncheon, that Judge and Mrs Sidney llallou. At gained, The artistic appointments I Mentis of .Mr Cfuiha's, nml have was glum Moiiilii. hv her sister, Mm pi event he Is occupying the Hatch .lining and table was much ' ST bom spending tho pasl month nl ili C .l V I'orster. Tho ilcrorntlonn loom i place at San Sonel Walklkl. Mr. V. wl'h their decorations of hot Alexander Hotel Tlioy urrlv-i'i- I were unliiie and preltv. At the term- ouiik M Hatch. Kin daughter, muy le-- l rub-Iiui- nud lioiiK llowern nud dainty Australian on tho Hloirn uml hiving heard of ination of thin tepast. seeial h nl ii to Honolulu In the near future, inaldeti hnlr nil In Hi" exquis- tho excellent surrounding Ho- of bihlge was enjoyed. ferns mads In that case. Dr. Smith will lease the ite taste which ehaiactelli'es the dec- nolulu, no biought lliolr largo ton) llallou Inane. orations of lovelv home. Thoic ItiB car with thoin. Tin- - liiiirli"ii Mis. Charles Wilder's Luncheon. this bidden to enjoy this delightful din- given hi their honor w.ib not u largo A delightful bridge luncheon wan Caval- Mrs Faulkner, of the Fifth ner wero tho guests of honor Judge affair nml wnB ipiHe lufoimul Aiiiumr given Thuisdny by Mm Hie Sei-lc- e afternoon ry, will preside ns hoste'S at ami Mrs Hallou, (love. nor and Mrs those "I'utPil nl tliu tnhlo woio Mis Charles Wilder at tho Mclnertiy llihlge Cluh Monday afternoon. Walter Fiear. Upiier.il and Mrs. Mv n A. S. I'linhn. Mi. otiil Mrs. Freilei liy, place, where Ml. and Mrs. Wilder me meetings nre owns one The success of these comb nml Senator and Mrs. 12. A Ask the man who Mrs. John Howler. Mrs Holing, Mrs. sojourning. g due large!) to the hostess thojrotn-In- Knudscn. Iloth nml Mr Carl (Inline Later the nlTalr Is an nssuied ruccess. Tor li.Ttv nioloroil to the Countr. Cluh. Mrs. J. S. Walker's and Mrs. Bralnarci .Mrs. Faulkner Is gifted In l ho art of t Mrs. Monlroso Ornliam entertained a Smith's Reception. tabling. (irises entci lleautlful lmo nnt.trln .if frlr..i.!a l.iriirlnnllv nt 11 11 - Minutes Clu. n to nix Mrs. llinllinid cliori'ti. Fun four been clieou Friday. The Misses Itulh and Martha Smith ami Mi 8. J. S. Walker will en- - . are entorliilnlng Hie "Mlti-uli- s leitalu at the Oiilni Country Cluh. After a fomleeti earn" resldencn Miss Hello Weight departed on Cluh" HiIr nfternonn at Iheir Wednesday, May the llilid, nineteen 111 (iciiii.iuy, Mrs. Carl Holing and to visit fi lends In Cali- home on tho e inter of Kewnlo .and hundred ami eleven her son returned to Honolulu on the 1 Wilder avenue. Tlilp club uieo's tho Korea, ami are now,stopping nt the fornia. lln-- t S.tttiiilny of euch month ainl has Mrs. Neville's Luncheon. Moiina Hotel. They are kainaalniis MIsh Florence Hodman may leave iihotil thirty iiiuinhurH. Tho organi- Neville, or Major Neville, nml are well known In Honolulu. Mrs. wlfu crv shortly a trip to the main- zation pertains to a social nature at a luncheon For jdirs Mr. Holing was connected will entertain Tuesday land. ntul him heen In existence for over that will be given at her home a' with Schaefer & Co. tun years. A nutiiher or the ineniber.i 1021 (keen street. have, mnirleil, hut Ht 111 utienil Ih" ' Mts. Frederick WnterhoiiFe. who Mr. nml Mm. James Wilder will nr lt Fleming pleasant meetings. When an ongag'-lilel- En(,ar,ement Announced. has been occupying the live home on Iho thlid of May. la tin; Ih house on I.llllia stieet, will move In- nnnonnceil one who Mis. Clnlio Williams hnnniinrcn the ?&&!& to her own home, on Wyllle street, coniteinphttlng Joining tho matrlnin-iiln- l ongagoiiiint of her daughtor, Clalie Mcsdanies Frederick Smith. Frank - or May. During Wat-- ei ranks- la presented with u hatid-rot- the first Mrs. I.yser, Zuiuvvalt anil the TSMOTOR CARS to Mr. Iliucc Cmtwilght, ,lr. sojourn Halstead. silver loving eup Tho Min- house's In India, her homo Miss Kennedy nud Julia McSlocker Hen-Jam- o. was occupied by Mr. Mis. utes jiln" Is Hhlehl, Ret with Mrs. C. returned and were the winners of Hie exquisite Mr mid lledeiiianii Dodge Marx. Thin nfternoou the cluh wl'I to Honolulu Krlday, after n four Diesden cako plates that served in, meet at half after thtee. Kor-mo- Charles Atherlon n months' trip to the Oilent nml Charles and Miss Allco priies, .Mrs. lnj Mrs. Cooke Mr. Hurold Castle prize, n nip and H.xK't- - and Mm Cooke left on the Wllhelmlna Wed- consolation Major and Mra. Tlmberlake's Dinner. country ciimo In town from their nesday for California. They nro On the fifth of Mnv, the command-nn- t bus are comfort- - Ilium to meet them Mts. Castle plann'ng to In June, hnvlng Dr. and Mrs. Tuttle of Tort HtiKer and IiIh nttraetl" return bungalow been spending the past week ut her gone to the mainland on account of ably settled In their iiietty wlfo, will eulei-ipli- i at nil elnhoiale and fnther's home at Wulklkl. the Illness or Mis. Cooke's slsfer ut Fort do Hussy. Tim doctor illiiner. that will he given coniiill-lueiitnr- y extensively eliter-tulne- d Mrs Do La Vergiie, who lives In his wife lire being to Major nml Mrs. Camp- Mr ntid Mrs Krancls M Svvnnzy by the service set. They lire bell. will California. Coeri ho nrrnuKOil for t etui ned Krldav on tho Mnuchiirhi, great ruvorltes wherever they are sta ten after a delightful ami Intel estlng trip After n pleasant ten days sojourn tioned. Mnjnr and Mrs Ouniihell who have. around tho world. Mr. nml Mrs. nt their mountain linino "Nlnlko" Mr k heen IIvIiir ni the Itoyul Hiiwalinu , Kwunzy are leaders among the smart and Mrs. Frederick Jewell Uivvrey The closing of the Senate proved Hotel movod to lio.-- MuklM hae set of Honolulu and are being wel- and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dwlght quite n social cvetit Wednesday even Plreet Thin eliiirnilliR (ouple ate comed by their legion of friends. lelurned to their town home. ing, u number of " l"ty people tieing nrovlm: iUll an ceiiilslte to Ih" Mrs. A. S. Humphrey's Luncheon. Thursday. present to witness mid hear tho . Niua'rt Bet or Honolulu "Anna Marine." the homo of Judge speech that was liiailo by and Mrs. Humphrey's, was the set Dr. Stevens who wa formerly sta Clillllngworth to I Birthday, Party. Senutor Churles ting for n prettily appointed luncheon Honed nt Fort Do Hussy, vJlll leno President Uric A. Kiiiidsen when the The lilitlul.iv party Riven In honor that was given Wednesday. Yellow with hln family on the May trans latter was presented with u hiind-soin- o of Mr Sh"Nn.in, Momlnv PM-nln- ir daffodils adorned the exquisitely port-To- r Sail Finnrlfirn, Mrs. Slovens silver loving cup This speech was n dlMtlnet Thin iIuIIkIiI siicceBs. tnbli). Covers weto arranged has been v lulling her sister, Mrs. Du was very clever and witty. On re- fill tiffnlr waa by wife. iilnnued hln for bIx. i Dols on Kauai. ceiving tho hnndsorfio gift President The following Intlmnte frlcudH were Kmulsen responded with nn appro- I in cil to celcorntp thlx nnnlveritaiy, Mrs. Robertson's Pol Luncheon, J Tho Jack Dowsetta who have been priate speech that was extremely Packard MotorCar Company, Detroit and Mm. OeorBo Car- Klght covers wero nrranged for the spending the past six mouths on the clever and Interesting. Tho Scnato i ter. Mr. and Mr. Harry 'Mncfarlatie, luncheon that was glcn by Mrs Hiirppean continent, will snll from hall was prettily decorated' for the Licensed under Selden Patent Mr.- - Ileiijainln Lodge Murx, .Major and George HobertFon. In celebration of Liverpool on the 19tli of May. On occurrence, especially the President's Mrn. (.eori-'- e Potter. Ited exorlas made her birthday. Yellow chrysanthemums the 20th of Juno they will sail rroni desk, that was bedecked with Ameri- n beautiful decorations. and violets were used In the decora- Snn Francisco: while thoio they will can Uenuty roses. Among thoso who tive Kchemc. stop nt the St. Francis Hotel. wero there to observe this Interest- Mrs. Frederick Waterhouic's Dinner. h ing event were Mr nnd Mrs. Charles Hamm-Youn-g Knud-ne- n ' Co., Mrn. iCile Senator nml Mrs. Helen Noouan In convalescing Mrs. Turner will entertain the WiiIIp. Mr. and Mm. William It. Cas- - The von the coinpllnienled were guehts ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. IMward Wednesday bridge club next week at ftle. Dr. and Mrs. Moore, Miss Heat- - Tuemlny at (lie eenliiK, dinner nlen Tcimry, utter a month's Illness at the her home at Fort Huger. Klabornto rlco Castle. Mr uml Mm. Alonzo dart-le- y, hy l're(erlelt Wnti'thnuxc. Yel- Local Distributors Mrn Johnston sunltorlum. Mrs. Noonan preparations have been iniido for the Mr nnd Mrs. George Cooke, lion, low produced n lit- eliiHaiitlieiiiuinn bus been the recipient of many nffalr. The prl7eHnre unique and aim Mrs. Charles Kite, Mr. nnd Mrs. beautiful ilcrorntlntm. Tho color or tle attentions, some consisting beautiful. J P. Cooke. Mrs. Charles Chilling-wort- h, Boheine for thin eutcrtnlntnetit wni sympathetic notes, and llowers that Hon and Mrs. Mott-Smlt- h, vellow Thosn irenent eU nml Kreen. have helped "while away the tedious Captain and Mr Clinton C Carter Miss L. Puty. Mr nml Mrs. Harold u were, Senator Mrs. Hrle Alfred or Noon-u- n, who have at tho nnm-i- and been sojourning Sea ican hours convalescence. Mr. Dillingham Mrs. Hrle Alfred Knud- KniidM'ii, Mm. Ktanloj .Indue and her sister Mrs. IMvvnrd Tenney side Hotel lino rented nn n'traetlve scn, Mr. nud Mrs. Joseph Cooke, Hon. "Ijist week I had n birthday uml re- half hour, nud 1 felt when: It wus all hfispltnl corps to n .position ot uttacho ollici'n. Is n must unusual Senitor l'alichild ami and Miss Wllhcliulntt, Tenney, will houso on College street, opposite the nnd Mrs. Albert Judd nml others. ceived such unusual gifts. over that the devil hail certainly been to the emlussy leave on the or May for south- Hotel Plcasanteii. scared uu'iiy for u year nt lenst. move. In fact, It Is said to bo the "The (lrst thing; which greeted mo lias Mrs. Frederick Klngbury's Luncheon ern California. They will tuke their very pleasant having the llrst time an order of tho kind Madame Kimball, after a pleasant on going In breakfast wns a pig a "It's Major Oosiiuin's Instruc- Mm William I. Whitney. Mis large motor nud tour Tho Tlcnjamln Marx, havo lease 1 lure. He Is the chem- been made. rnr Southern visit In lovvti, returned o Hulelvvn tho 'largo bow of blue ribbon interning Ills rirundhoinmes were by Secretary of State IMIth Cnwles. Mlhs LohIho (lllard the Wlclinmn home, .on the corner and Inst yeur brought out his brldu tion's sent California. They are planning to llrst part o Hie week. Tafl-llk- e link mill then followed, n ist Knox nnd conllnned by Sec- Mia Kicderlck Klamp, Mrs. Hayinond or Klnau (.treets. and ii "pretty girl from Friinkfort-on-tlie-Mnl- Philander spend several months ut the Hotel and Vlctorl'i I few hours later, two guinea pigs In Dickinson, Kings-lim- y Hngllnh very well retary of War Ilrown. MIbs l.ovo Mm. Hosh Potter In Santa Ilarb.iru. Later they will occupy this homo until the an elnborute cage, while shortly after She speaks thorough Mr. and Mm, John Howler, who nr-- made somo wonder- He Is expected to muko n and Mine I'm IK of Ilolio libho north-e- Wlchmaus In fall. came two pigeons, Perhaps now, but at llrst will visit Lake Tahoe. In the l leturii the wel- fantall study of tho Japanese language, us well I'red-erle- rlvod on the Koiea, aro being speeches. She Informed Jack one cnjnjpd llio of Mr. n part of the ttliimx wan rendu d when, upon ful Into plague now raging In the State. comed by n of friends. For tho day she had 'lard on the heart.' as look the Kliissbury ut u luncheon. Tiles- - Mrs, Tuck ef host hearing an unusual clutter, I found u that Orient, San Francisco nrrl she ho couldn't at tlrst tho was given nt A pretty presetit they nro staying nt tho Hotel mnall Kniiu nightingale, adorned with What ineunt Major Is one of the young- w dnv Thli preltv nffalr attention was paid Mrs Pel nn the Korea nnd will make a Imagine. Flnnlly It dawned on him, Gosman . hui-tes- Pleasunton. They have been absent hells, ut gate; ami when the Kliit-'shur-y ninny the majors In tho service, having tho 1'ltol Courtlaiid. wbero the Kredeilck and Miss I.0VP, lengthy visit with inlallvcs, Mrs. doctor had prescribed wulks for est from Honolulu for four years. Their Mliuua l.o.i delivered u leg of lamb, Tho served but nlno years. Ife has been lias been stopping. I.avonder Wednesikiy, when tlioy milled on Iho Tuck Is it ho mother of Mis. Hcmy ' fully degeneration of the heart. lUither friends are so delighted over their re- - sent by Mr Hiiwch In Honolulu, I felt In Dilllpplnes twice nnd there artera made n pretty derorntlous. Wlllielnilna en ionic for tholr home Holmes and Mrs. Podmore. good, wasn't It?" the turn that they have been receiving u that my friends nnd relatives were showed a remarkable aptltudo for lan- In Columbus, Ohio. The U. S. Murine Imag- "stream" of callers each day bIiico warding on the horrors of mi guages, llesldes most of the Island Miss Tenney's Luncheon. bund was at tho .steamer to serenade After a successful year at Cornell inary siege of Peking. who languages return. I Major Oeorgo 11. It. Onsmnn, dialects, ho speaks all Hie Prior to her ilepailuro for tlie'cous' these popular women who liaVe been College, Mr Robert Hendry will their ic I "Ill tin livening Jack nnd I were sit- passed through Honolulu on the Korea of continental Kurope. MIhs will give a visiting In Wllliclmlun Tenuey tho Islands for the past turn to Honolulu In Juno to spend Iho "There nre nmiishig Instances even ting quietly nn the lanal with our only the other day, bound fur Japan, will Foilen of InnclieoiiB. Tho first pnter six weeks. Lieutenant Itoas Kings- summer vacation with his mother. proceed to Toklo as special uttiiclio of on the Hutchinson plantation, where neighbors, the (Iraiidhommes, when it were Intoxicating, tavern tnlnment will oeeur on Iho third of bury of the U. S. Mailno Corps Is u It's nil work and no play," writes Mrs. most tcrrllle nolsp began. Firecrack- the embassy. If kUses May ut her homo on tho coiner of brother-in-la- or Mrs. Kingsbury's Mr. Sherwood Iiwiey Is going to Jack llnvves. In u letter to n friend ' ers galore played nud spluttered for a Tho appointment of n major of tho would uot be prohibitionists.

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I IfKt editor niako this one ot iln most One jcar 2,IOn .1,000 I I n. .. I fti Illil ItltVMti. iwtttr- - ilUfJI UDI 111 niniiuUlftVn an iiiu " it r nvn- - Two jen'rs fi.oOO 7,000 sj Uiil let In Your rettiin will Th'roo jeara fl.l'OO ll.ouo "1WE IS MONEY" Reward For: Orgeoi tion Loyalty nf votes. Kit o J cars :' I DUO 30,000 Organizations the Same. .Niibscrlptliuis In UrM) lltiltillii. WHY LOOK ANY FURTHER TOR A SUIT? What Is nuked hero fiotn thu Oiil New trip candlilnlcs applies In the Votes Voles Regular $18.00 Suits for I2J0 ' How Votes Are Issued. nrRimlzition workers. I.'l u Itrv Olio jcir WO Si.O Regular $22.00 Suit j for $16.00 photographs pliow Ihb Interior nr ex- FAVORS Kvory copy uf tho Hill lot In will Rcuular $27.00 Suits for . . v .$18.00 FORTUNE FRIENDS nf your meeting place cnnlnjn n coupon, which, when pro- - terior views Rmjular $30 00 for .$to.co . his or Suits porly filled out. will untitle the holder! Write n sliolt. Interesting orv Qf CREAM MAKERS - td Votes of Iho number specified H'e "r,,rr-- Tell people ataMmn- i fliW RtrnillRPMPMTQ A VORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT ...... urin ..., ...... w VoIch nlc also Issued on p till null rc r urn tt l' TBI no wmniiiK mr mi' 1MH ,M, OF ACTIVE TRIP ASPIRANTS nppenf os- - 1 piano. It will to nil mil liprlptlons' to (ho livoiilng II ill I- ' i Ki- - I i iii ... ii ...... i,,, .. i. . "tMi ii fit in in imnu lurrm nrj 'll n In 'proportion In the length of pern iy ...... j "" " " i...nrcntlv making mi iiltempt to . oi tlmo such subscriptions are pnlil in."10 lmn " "'" form m tli- provisions or the l.iw THE LEADER, Tncy "'"""'win want to imip oni ,,,,, , ,,,,,,. . It to Wordnnco with tho schedule nppoar-,I,1,I- '- nir ,, t Olotliiei's Is Easier Get Votes Now Than Hereafter Because the ..,, ...... i I in; below. mi; wiuiit.u"'u wiiifii i..i.uir nun n j Field Is Not So Closely Worked as It Interested In, III ROino lat voar or ileum shell contain nt least fouMeiii FORT STREET, NEAR BERETANIA HONOLULU, T. H. years. Attend to this nt owe ('on- - per cent or Puller fnl roil In,sp..i .... Will Be Ask Question. Later On. limn olh- - 'or lltinelunl Is receiving ii iiuhiImt Do not hesitate about asklnrj ques- text Is crowing short. Ileln I.el,. von. In winds lieh. "' "implen ..f Iho l ernim in.nl. Klnen mill iipiI tions. That Is one of the thlims Iho ... i.. other "Yules for Imlli: tilns nml' So the next ilay .mil . !.. i th" new law bcciiino opprntlve. nii.l II or- - rOUieSl...:.. Vllll.n . i prizes for both'" In an iniirli a slogan! the whole week Is Jusl u good Hi contest mnii Is nt the ill lot in .lie llii.".. llmls tlnil lb.' reiiilrr.l iirrei utmi III your CHIIse in III.' I!H1 expansion ... .i i... ii... Urn fni. If vim nrn nil omtlilrntlon brim; urnilunlly iippro.uhiit. The I -- st lliitlollu - I.ieiiliil,' ' jcar eontORt, as Is, "Voles for rmilni ni.eneit. worker ami do not llioiouglily under- l'rlre nf lliillell.i sntnplc of he cream so far rctclveil I 1 Iptlon .$ 7K In i:n:lanil. In one way It In easier to get vote Htniiil tho veto Issuo or iiiiMhlng clso Montr's Subset i from n Japanese matitifiutiirci. whimc 3 Months' . .$ 2 00 iproduit c.intulncd slxte.n per nl Noisy ilcinonslrnllon Is not evident now than 11 will bo Inter on, for tho about this double contest, call at the cut 1 C . .$ too butter fut hut Intciiso Interest In tho subject nt Held Is boliiK worked every day and tl ti o 1 n and tho Information will Months' M 1 8.00 ' ' Kindly furnished, Year's ..$ heart Is discernible. Ihcro will bo H haul light for over) 17-'- Tllf n pissenirs nil the xtriitllll'i Uyult to dlUcrcnt new vrto Judnment. 2 Years ..$1000 their orders subscriber. st. itiiidilp l'rlnross lnn were Irnn-r.Tre- VhO good Judgmenf In casllng bil- - 3 "years' ..$J4 00 m.ikes the splilt of vole Kctlltu; 4lul remember that every otln r In Ilie Prtiiz frledrleli 111., Im ...... It- - lots. RimiWiitr. on leilil Itm list iln f. Years' ..$1000 nmonp the orRiinlriitlon workers u ...i...... litWill ...... illl'-- l il.nIHV P.IIIIUDn...rt .Willi" - - , In Iim hours and ten minutes 1'rlcc uf ecklr iliillrlln eieijltablo one Ambition for educa- lion In respect as you do. I not put In too iuiin M.Ira hut hold thai I mEGmsmmmk&mwi . 'I Buuscripllon 00 In dlRiillled K .von gotten alt out of Hicm In reserve fm snum more erlll- - ' .(",r tional travel, earned u linvo about .'. Ul) I rr ...... u... -- I... . ii. . ... eat coutesf iiierloit wlinit- ou will need- " icars lii.uilier. Inspires the trip workers to jwui inniiii.1. in...ii.... j.-.-...I...... v j.(....tin ...in TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY showing gain vnTri! mmint iin e.irriost effort In Just us eiedltahlo n get. every oilier contestant feels the lo make n great lo V lo i. Iliillrlln Take Dromo Quinine c.iupo. Kiinr, wnv nbnnl It sonio coveted contest mpport. Con- - Suliserlplloiis l.renlliR Laxative Im-- Old New All druggists Tho paeo of Iho Mile catheicrs Is Ilul thero nro going (o bo tlipusands lent Miling Is one of tho most Tablets. refund ' . Votes Volei if fails - - I pleasant to lew It thows keen more voles nnd Inindreds of more porlnnt things In success the money it to cure. ,1 Is the help one another Onn month 2ri0 sr.u E. W. is qn In pnpiilnr-Ityi'aii- d . Names Not Withdrawn. Grove's signature Iho wuifnre of Mite subscribers. signed up before the end r.r.o ' Three months 4fi0 cacli bo II signifies that eeiy worker of thV contest. SI"eo Iho liitt count tho names of Six 1.000 I 200 PARIS U S. A. Is certain of honest reward for every You might ns well hnvo Ilium as Ml H'o candidates have not been mnntlis MUMCINE CO. St. Uim. - I sells en"oil.y liny other eontestanl All ou navo I'lnni-- u.iuj n.iH ui u utnui- kind. Your grocer it, II. Is Krntlfjlnt; lo have such public lo do Is keen going after them. , "s not likely Unit Ihey ever will 4 with - manifestation of belief In the Hul- Don't let tho leaders hold their lead. 'again but the names arc not PREFERENCE PREMIUH CANDIDATES lo 1 n. Candidate's dependence 'on Tbev nrobahly did their best In drawn from the contest. Alt nro still 1 tho final and honc3t awarding of tho vvlmiliic the sunnlcmcnlnry nrlzes. eligible and ns soon ns voles nro I or should. California trips and tho orRanlratlon In tho vvoids of n famous naval j cast Tor any of them Ihey will prleu will never lio deplored by "I have not begun lo pear In Iho list with the other vote lu I,.,, tlicin; . you In ....l.nu tin. Diirnii .. v an '., lltnlln.l,.,.. ii l.... . fight," show them that are the .Liiuin, i.i, . . - ..r U" Yal Society .Honolulu S.C00 It was such past fnllli as this. Hut winning class. ,rn,M ll,n .Inll.- n..l.lh.l.l..n. ll,. .... Fratsrnal Order of Eagles .Honolulu 5,000 Induced Iho It ill lot In to offer ten Special Notice. long list of. nominations. To get jour ! n u Kamehameha Alumni .... Honolulu 5,000 to ia IHIHIIPJIV"!,i1ll a.I ittiil In nitita.iH (in ti trips this M'jr, Instead of live, and Subscribers sending la pajments lltllllU slllll l" "Ii ioiii tin u - R?-a- ehoo Alumni Honolu 5.C00 1 1 men- nctlvo eandldato. all that Is neces- tho eaily Inteiest of leaders mid tho II ti c ii must always Officers' Club Schoficld Barracks 5,000 c;imlilutcH Individual trip s.iry Is belli) ill votes. 4. eaustttl Iho ndillni; of the tion Iho mi me of tho St. Elizabeth Church Pal.ima 5,000 con- Nominations at any Time. j extra prizes, for ore inlz.itlnn Interest contestant and Iho Central Union Church Honolulu 5,000 I Honolulu Soap Works, - Tho nomination cnuiion will not he! In tlm welfaio of sonio of their mem- testant, they wish lo volo for, as all Louis Ccllege Honolulu 5 000 - leaving run dally any longer but this iloej St. hers; who nro ainbltlous tlip nsplr- ballots nro filled out before Red Men Honolulu 5,003 tho bal not mean that nominations can lint; mils; omco. You can hold back Lcllehua Social Hall Schoficld Barracks 5,oob iru.uilr;ition long ns you wish. Always still be sent In Nominations of of-- 1 Now one can aid Ills lots ns Puuncne Social Club' Puunene 5,003 by you want tho votes ganlzallon or trip candidates can lu F. L. Waldron, and' his friend personal interest rtato whether I I Llhue Plantation Club Llhue 5000 In outcomo lo made at nny tlmo dining tho con tho ultimate uf this Krcnl cist or returned joii. Alexander Baldwin Gymnasium Walluku 5,000 E9 IJvery subscription pa)incnt made test. From tlmo to tlmo tho nomin- 1 Distributor double contest. Militia Company I .'. Hllo 5000 Thero Is reward for tho met It en nr slnco March 28lh entitles tho ating coupon will nppear In tho pa- ...t per, It nppear tho Halli Church .. ..',, Hllo 5,000 of for to votes a trip contcstaiiL lint If does not at -- tjip workers; and reward pier for Order of Eastern Star" , .' Honolulu 5 000 ICvery payment on or slnco tlmo when jou want Iho blank. Wrltu loynlt. mndo Young Men's Institute Honolulu 5 000 Qiitltles tho payer to votes out the name, address, and occupa- Surely, n contest that, chronic Aiirll.ftui, Rapid Transit Benefit Association ..Honolulu 5,000 giumhicrs cannot hut silently compli- fujjMiofli' rn trip contestant nnd .w tion on a pleco of paper and send to 1.000 nomin-ntiii- Central Grammar School Honolulu 5,000 ment.! orgSrilzallon c Protent re- us; it will count for tiio nuleatant. Elks Club .Honolulu . . 5,030 It Is certainly f;rntlf.vini; when ono'b ceipts voles will be Issued. voles ns If on n regular nml Kcalla Club "kenlla .. . 5,000 effort a In please are .nppicclnled Remember nu get two sets of That ti why we nro pleased now. votes If joii pAj' or havo paid your Names of candidates when first, TlnV public Is vhowliiR plainly that' your siibseilpthm since April 27lh: nominated will bo pi luted for one J V II nnoth-u- r tlmo and then not again until Ihcyi WHE1 It nripicclates tho cfiorts of tho, al- onu or ji trip enndldate, nnd lot In. both past anil picsent. Toman organization candidate. An iccclvo votes nt some count. Those wlio hnvo read Iho paper for equal number of votes ns given In Send' Us Pictures. jenrs nro vvIIHiir lo continue It for Iho standing oto schcdiilc nro Issu- Active candidates who wnnt to ro-- i j ears In come. ed for both. mind their former acquaintances, SecoRd Special Premium on should not hesitate In sending us phn-- 1 Hot h who hnvo not the counts will bo made But Those taken It's Jlullotlli so far have hoard Mich Tuesday, Tliurnlay anil Saturday, be- logrnphs. If jou haven't one get one' Koiii) things of it thai the) ale onlj ginning with next Thiirt.il.iy. The re- taken You owe It to tho people who wnllliiK for a fuvorablo opportunity sults nf Ihcho counts will bo pub- nro supporting jou to show jotirsclf, EDISON lo put Iheinfcolves on Iho list of refi lished on Monday, Wednesday mid willing to do pari; and 11 u I lo- Of course it is, and it'll STAY -3- -t -- S lling subscribers. Krldny. Ilallols Intended for those ll n tenders all over Iho Territory of 5 'irri.A ,u IIicli day of iho contest boars wit counts should bo in the II u 1 o 1 u Hawaii are liitcicsted In jou; they AMBEROLA hot, too. ness to Increaslns activity. ofllco by. 4 o'clock of tho day. tho want to know something about you' Tho candldnlcs are putting asldo count In made. and nothing tells tho story so effec- Hie last traces of hesitation and going Keep jour paper coupons for trip tive!! ns a picture. In self Interest PHONOGRAPH But there's no reason why YOU inlo the oufiprlBO In a wholo-soulo- d mid orRnnhMtlnn candidates scrjnr.il.' do jour share toward making tliu w.ij that speaks well for what lliuy nnd do not toll Iho votes Send them mutest pngo as Intoiestiug as possi-- i should. will accomiilish. in, In envelopes wllli Iho unmooftlw bio Every Day Is Valuable. candidate, und Iho number of vo(o Willi Iho picture send also short an- -' The newest number ot the IMIson family you'll wish ou kept hard at wink limy contain written on Iho fiont. toliloginphy thai tells something nhoul present past A cold bottle of eveiy day when tho.lilg conlcfct koIs This will help lojuake counts nci in- jour and work mid life ltiioril Ituilc for 100 ice'.r.ls. near tho close itio and prompt and iiertnll. jou lo ami jour icnt.otis for wauling one of rtululiig to You'll hurry every hour and iceiuil esllin.ilo what cm reel total sliould Iho California trips or one of the Alliaetlve uud nl. I longer -' each d.i as n day for votes, he In advance ones offered. Ilvcrjone, oveij'- where, will bo in you inluresled what A tclll to Ibu organization that J mij We will not run It Juat as jout cum-- ' H wi lie II but will Irv ami put In the; RAINIER BEER form of an Interesting Interview I Young and old man w man. boy ' Value $200 or glrl-d- this much to holp the con 5 VOTES From HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. Stock m. FOR TRIP CONTESTANT IN EVENINQ BULLCTIN will make things lovely. TEN-TRI- P TRAVEL CONTEST 2000

Name ORDER A CASE a Bonus Votes Address Ask Your Friends

In of your candidate Fill name and address favoiite arc issued (or every club and ond to the Bulletin Contest Department. ol three old or three new daily To Help You (Not good after Wednesday, May 10) yearly subscriptions. As many bonus vote coupons will be is If jou lulling In u .Uiiiicli, fiulity nr mo organization, lot sued as subscription clubs arc jour fellow members l.nn Hint jou oxpiVt llielr help It will If you nsK It Irt giVLii to old or tin freey hIvcii only bcroie boinu othir secured. The three taiidldate three new daily yearly sub- - Water Heater Don't Mint 111" can do elTectlvu woilc must dc fuixet children the inont .scrmtions turned iit (ollCLllnR IJally Ciiupoiis,,iui null ns Bcturo jou many during contest ' I i some single ' Vote for Organization Contestant week. Will allow you to forget that Should your fathor, brother, ut.illnr, slstir or frliuds belong to any orKiinUatlon, uct them lo seciito tliu votes uud tisslstauco annoying lack of hot water In Evening Bulletin Second Contest Week of the ineiuliirs of tho orKunlrntloii 3 Ten Trip Travel Contest Do not let n day pas.s, without Htviiilug sumo milixcrlpMoUH FROM 8 A. M. TUESDAY, und votes The ste.ulj', pc'rulnlelil work Is what will iniiKo jou From $15.00 up the vvinm'i Keeping eveihiktluRly at It alwaj's brines sikclsh. Organization .. . . i- - APRIL 25th to 5 p. m. MONDAY. MAY 1. Aujoue, ulijwhciu, tan vote fur uny ruiidlduto. Canilldutvu votes, (This Coupon is not good after Wednesday, May 10) inn secure and subirlpliuus unywherc. II Is ensler to null qtiCittons tliiiu to eoneet lnlntnl.es Do candidate and send HB This is a standing continu- - HONOLULU GAS CO., LTD. H Fill in name of your favorite organization pot heslt ite to li kU IH'h1 Ii.uh Tin 1'niil.Ht Manager Is nt tho will ed Department, ous club offer that be I I U to the Bulletin Contest O It ii let ii ullltu, to help jou from week to week, ALAKEA AND BCRETANIa "flf during the contest. ' 3m

' 1 &i &&fajfj$ ifiwti,U;, iH;Vitjgj' Ntiiii' SP?!gwv535IaH ganraawwi 'nr8FWiT jftAr I W1WT1 tl


restaurant. V?s; T like stiinimlugnnd "swells." "I flifiik you'll get your fun," mum. 1 seeing bohcmlan places pretty well. "Ilellol I suppose we ought to feol bled tony, but ho was not cnjojlng I don't bellete we'd And him there IT honored," inutt'Ted Leo Cohen, who himself. we went, but nil the same 1 had Just from west don't anhed the nnd "Of course the man's p. fraud nnd Lord Loveland until to Why, 1 help If you Niyliig n visit m enn't it nils siirpil.e the deserves nil he's got." tho Journalist ask mamtni to chaperon n party. 1 of Ids future fnther-li- thought. "Hut I'll be hanged if I like won't go. Nothing will make me. 1 law He had demniii'ed fried ojsters seeing him tako his medicine. Ho's n think If you nnd mamma and coffee mid had grenlly enjoyed Discovers and your good plucked one, anyhow." How Clean and Cool It Looks Comic dp go you'll giving the older to the handsome new Itoeheverte be Just Never glancing eight faces, like member of Alexander's stuff. at the ancient llomans watching the which patched his every movement martyrs up by lions. I "(let a lump on, If jou please," ho America eaten believe with sixteen brilliant eyes, Loveland you were n Itomnn In flnls'ied. pointing his black mutncho Is woman another passed tjiclr table and went to tell the what the housewife says of the of I anil prodding his white teeth with, a state existence. won't talk nbout cook that tho Italian parly would have It nny more. You enn ring up gold toothpick as he stared nt the man By C. N AND A. M. mam. a rum omelet In place of tho lost Ico ma if jou like. Ooodbyl" made notorious by todaj's newspapers. crentn. Cohen's Pressing his lips tightly together, fried ojsters wero WILLIAMSON Down went the receiver, and back ready, tie Polo having served l.o eland nway to pass or- Just scinmbled little Fanny Milton Into her turned the them, nnd now to Ulaek Dick, the second course of Intender scented bed, shivering, not der the cook. the dinner begun Cp,nhl. 1910. br DouMtdir. Tift 41 It wss nt already with blue with cold, but with emotion, Her tel- this moment that Mrs. points-w- as waiting Comptn, Copjnjhl. 1705. b, party entered the restaurant, for the "swells." ephone was silent nt last, hut she could nnd It was soup, nud Loveland Cleanable fhr Mtdurt Comptny had cither Leonard Mr, Cohen murmured his comment to not llnd her nay Into the dream again. to enrry It in nnd servo It himself isldorn, who nt her fulher's suggestion or The door of that drenni was shut for- else to show that the torture of tho wns hocrlng nbout young gentle-mnn'- s Saturday.) ever, and Funny was not Jealous even thnt Insh was lejond his (Continued from Last table, looking her prettiest. endurance. of Loslej lie inner now "They slinll see that I'm not asham- Porcelain-Line- FMii'ir Ci'olld.'e's first thought Tony KIdd nt Mrs. Milton's roquet ''Milton nln't lodged no complaint. after ed for myielf or nfrnld of them." he d reading Toil Kldd's tcry entertaining had telephoned for it tnble for eight, Nobody lias or I'd kicked de fel- resolved, returning to the restaurant hao story In the New York Light went to be wlthdrnwn ns far ns possible ler out first thing when tol' me ho with n steaming tureen nnd eight hot jou further than the fun of pnjlng a visit from the big front window, that din- wlm lie w as. Nobody goln' plates on a tray. Without n change nlu't to to Alexander the ner nnd diners need not be criticised touch him." Ureat's and being of expression he laid those eight plates, waited upon by the man whose super- by the mnn In the street, and as Lovo-Inn- d one "And nobody ain't going to Keep him by one. In their places on the ta- cilious airs on the Maurelanla had pushed back the rod drapery, car- ble, Refrigerator when ho sees that." added Isldnr.t. nnd then with n hand which ho made her feel "ready to burst with rying n tray loaded with Ico cream for pointing to the paragraph written In forced to bo steady he ladled out tho spontaneous combustion." Then It re- tho Italians, ho looked straight Into the Alexander tho hand- soup. The ladles drew; back, ns If un- Great's clearest It eyes of Elinor Coolldgo, Mrs. Milton curred to her that would be dra- easy lest he re- writing and the newspaper mnn, Tony KIdd. might seek some smnll matic to collect the whole circle of venge. Hot wns "Ho needn't see It mile's you blab, Not since h( he careful not to spill girls, excepting little spoil-spor- t Fan- early morning had n drop. silly goll" nalil her father. "What for found o Thst's because the LEONARD Is snowy white and the Inilde looks ny, to w honi Lord Lnvclniul had been moment's rest. Ho had hat? "Oh. pn, slmuld he advertise-limit- s don't send Mr. Gordon to Ilka an let cavern. You can FEEL coolness of It. read nep.iper nttenthe on boaid the Maiirctaulu. no nppetltc and would Imo had llttlf the I guess he pot wnlt on tho swells ngnln!" suftly plead- soinel'ln' else girl If possible n man, time to cat oven If he had been hun- to do." mut bring ed Isldorn, flitting up The surprising Ingenuity and scientific knowledge of the makers of the picking gry. Tho day's svork had Irritated nud uneasily. Kllnor nnturallr out the best LEONARD ars shown In tho ONE-PIEC- 'Homebody 'II tell him." unnerved him up to the last notch qf "They'ro trying to lake a rise out of COMPARTMENT construction. for herself, and the most desirable him. It's crool. I" "People come here to eat, not talk. seemed to be Couite de Itoeheverte,, a Ids endurance, No battle of his brief EACH COMPARTMENT IS ALL ONE PIECE. Anjhow goesi" cxperlenco "Thank you. but 1 don't mind. Miss ills new atrlvnl In America, whom sho bnd but lively South African And Alcxnnder." snld I.o eland, with n CORNERS ARE ROUNDED TO FACILITATE CLEANING. It went. met for the first time a night or two bad cost him, physically or mentally, It went to several papers, and, though ns much as these thirteen hours of grateful look, which went so straight after returning to New York. Ills COMPARTMENTS ARE CONNECTED BY AN T JOINT Alexander tho Great paid only for the waiting on Alexander's customers, nnd to Isidore's heart that tears started to I: answer having assured her that Knout COVER ROUNDED AND EASY TO CLEAN. invert Ion small In sight of ber eyes. of paragraphs the de Itoeheverte wns "entirely nnd de- the sudden those familiar columns of tho faces, smiling coolly on his shame, Vol took nway right soup Journals, he chuckled votedly nt her son Ice w hen, w hero tho plates THERE'S NOT A PLACE FOR GERMS TO HIDE to camo upon him like n volley of bul- nnd would seo himself la anticipation of reccUlng and how she liked," she telephoned to not tho amused glnnccs lets from n quick firing gun. of the good looking far more val- the four, girls she wnnted for the Hungarians or mi- ndortlse-nient- s Involuntarily Vol took n step back, nor Coolldgc's uable Of these one could not come; French count. Itoehe- knocked tho edgo of tho tray against verte wns not gratis, nor another could, but wouldn't for tho cruel nt henrt, but ho wrong. tbo doorpost and did not like wns he samo reason as Fanuj's (this wns Englishmen nt best, nud In & drnnneil it with Ullnor Coolldgo, hnvlng told matters of Madge Iteerley), nnd tho remaining him the from $9.50 up break- Price n crash of story Lord business within two thought It would be "more fun of Loveland ns sho know scope of his 2SI ing hnd snld; to the than a wedding." llach would bring crockory. it. "We girls want punish capabilities Alex- I'latcs him not only wny n man (Mrs. Milton also could be VjfU smashed. for tho ho would ander j ?l BBBBBb! nnoonii flew, nnit ho Has trusted to find one), nnd the pnrtj have deceived us nil If could, but wrong. Ico cream gushed That would therefore consist of eight. for his perfectly horrid, supercilious was why ho was nmong the ruins. airs when we used to know him on H. Hackfeld Neer since Hill Willing had firs! Co., Ltd., great. True It Hllnkey nnd ship. Bo made the fame of Alexander the Oreal the board please help us by might that nnd you FORT AND Q UEEN STREETS le had there been such n busy day In tho Polish wnltcr sneering stniing ns much ns "Lord Loveland sprnng to red restaurant ns the day when Tony's their can without mnklng n scene." of the Wnldorf-- colleague's nsslst story nnd sketch of "The Marquis of She had looked sp handsome when s t o r I n" (as nnce, not dis- sho made this request thnt Do Roche- - Tony KIdd had Twelfth Street" appeared lu tho Now York Light. pleased, however, vcrte had told her he would grnnt It dubbed him) was bo should bo lie doing There wns inoro work than Alexan- that with pleasure, nni was his a back number disgraced. Alex- best to keep his word. - der. I.otclnnd nnd the two others and bad Ik- su- ander scolded, the They had got In ns could do; therefore soon after 12 tho ns far the dinner perseded In pub- Italian brldo chicken fried with cream gravy, for WAILUKU CHURCH lic esteem by nt aid of "Miss Ir7le" bad to lie called in Buy Direct Save Money! hViii urn katiiku. The colored cook nud tho cook's an. screamed nnd which Hlnck Dick wns renowned, and TO BE DEDICATED least two prom had to bo reas- ising slstnnt worked until their brains, wero when tbo restaurant door opened nnd murderers and one extremely sured by tho Mr, Milton walked In, accompanied by The output of a great factory goes direct to the lively divorcee. Uut Tony en- ns nearly nddled ns nny egg ever em- imoi'prn users, you Tho .formal opening of tho Church Kldd's tai, it bridegroom, Lcn nnother man. and get the advantage of this when'you terprising eye lit on ployed lu their roost economlcnl mo- WITH A C1IA8II, send your orders to Wo can ship you Alexander's Cohen laughed Milton sauntered over to the tnble ut. of tho Oood Shepherd at Wnlluku will while It was still as ments, nnd to several members of the fresh disagreeably, Isldorn Jumped, and Mrs. nnd spoke every one civilly, darting tnko placo tomorrow. Ulshop Rcstnr-Ic- k, ns tomorrow's bread. In Issue stnfT the reason for tho rush remained to the of Milton's party looked nt each other only one covert, ugly glance at his Cnnon Ault and others of tbo the New York Light, was In a mystery. Alexander knew nnd smil- Doors, Sashes & Mouldings which the from under lifted eyebrows. wife, when gaze Kplscopal clergy will officiate, and making, and Alexander's own para- ed In his alcove. Isldorn knew and her fnscjiiatod rested In tho confusion (ho breakage upon discol- In fact, all .building materials, and you the mid- special graph was quaintly ijuotnble. cast reproachful "I told you sol" of the fading hruls'o which tavo trains from I'ula and I'uuneno Lovelund found himself ngnln. I'rldo ored bis square Jaw. dleman'! prcjfit. Reliable merchandltr that we poll-tlvel- y will bo run. "Lost at tho Waldorf-Astori- a hotel, glances at her father ns she heard the camo to his rescue not mcro hurt van-It- "Head tbo Light morning, Tony, guaranttt. Judge nnd Mrs. Ilnllou Snll on Korea. the Marqujs of Lovel.ind. Found, dit- rustle of opening newspapers. Hut tho this but n truer pride tbnn lind over nnd tbo pnpers copying It," " A Inrgo aggregation of society to, at Alexander tho Great's, In Tole did not understand tho curious afternoon SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE folks made his henrt bent high. h to Twelfth street. If yon want to bo questions peoplo whispered to blm, snld. "Thought I'd drop lu at tho PROMPT SHIPMENTS EVERYWHERE were nt tho wharf bid Judgo nnd As he bent down to up bro- served by n lord dlno nt Hllnkey wns stupid ns well ns sullen, pick the cockfight and see tbo fun. (Ireat Mrs. Ilnllou farewell. The Judge nnd Alexander's ken plntes ho told for 2.1 cents, marquis Included. Von while, ns for Loveland himself, none himself that these stunt. Isn't It?" no eyed Loveland his wife nro groat social favorites peoplo, oat your dinner; Walter Loveland does dared to who had como to plunge him up nnd down ns if tbo Kngllshman nnd will be missed by their largo cir- catechize him, so set wero Ills deeper P. A. R0V1G CO.. the rest." lips, o threatening his brows. still depths, were wero n freak at n museum. "Of course cle of friends residing here. uot worth a pang nnd Bhould not see Touy was very busy Just then, hav- Of course he suspected that It was tho story wns yours?" 9 1 they power to 1010 Wettern Avenue Seattle, Washington R 1 1 1 1 D ing an Important errand out nf town he who brought the crowd nnd raged that bad Inflict It. For the first tlmo Vnl's eyes nnd Weekly F CI per jwir. For one short Instant ho detested mot, only uj by the'P.rst train In the morning. Hut In the shame of his burning martyr- Touy's for on Instnnt. hut Mrs. Milton so Intensely bo lie secretly commissioned an under-fctud- y dom. Alexander had said that he wns that half there wns something like reproach lu regretted his vow to sparo nt to be at Alexander's when tbo to be "used for all ho was worth," nnd her name Lovcland's. A trapped hnro might all hazards, but by he bad n red restaurant should open Its doors he wns Biirc that already ho was In the tlmo hnvo thrown look llko that at tbo io picked up tho plcco broken order breakfast and while seeming some way being used Hut ho did not last of keeper who trapped him. crockery ho to eat to sketch tho now English know how or guess tho worst. knew that If everything Tho wero to corao over ngaln bo would do waiter. understudy was not to Ills ono consolation wns tho ClIAPTL'H XVI. question that ns ho had done. Loveland himself, but If crowd Alexander had drawn to gaze Alexander, was your 1'IIIEl and not to let the at tho tnmc marquis wns n common "I take dot out of wages," said waiter see that lie was under tiro of Alexander, loudly enough to be heard .MILTON turned away and crowd. Indeed, ho thought there wns was n ng attention. Notes of Lovcland's ap- by drawing out chair for beer-drinki- no danger thnt the red restaurant those who sat round tho table near pearance ns well ns n drnwing must to tho Mil.himself near one upon which and door. Encourage would bo Invnded by the upper classes. curtained bu mado for Mr Kldd's benefit. replied Loveland, his n seedy, bearded stranger With tho felgued Indifference n "Of course." When he came back from the. coun nf had placed a small leather hand hag caged voice steady. N try In white bear for n hank holiday when suddenly the whole restaurant Into tho nfternoon, however, Mr "I shouldn't liavo thought the Brit- KIdd nt once recognized crush the now waiter performed his seemed nlhe with dry. crackling ex- the cleverly ish aristocracy would h.ivo such clum- "temperance." during day. you promote executed sketch. There was no longer duties 'the If tho restau- plosions, and In the same Instant tho sy ways." Leo Cohen remarked nudl-bl- y any In his rant wero crammed throughout tho electric lamps went out. doubt mind that tho young to Isldorn, then called Jocularly The room. man who had slammed the door In his nfternoon. by 0 o'clock there was a ii moment ago brilliantly lighted, wns Hy across tuo room, "Sny, Alexander, got fate at the Wnldorf-Astorl- n was now mob. 7. however, the, place began hlnck ns a vault save for u glimmer nny mock turtle soup tonight!" I "plosllngor" In n cheap res- to clear, and Alexander rejoiced, be- from the Btreet through downtown "No," growled Alcxnnder. that shone tbo taurant. Next morning there was half cause there was much work for bis wlnduw. Then, us ono Jumped "Thought you might ho making n ccry n column on n good page of the Light. stnfT to do before 8. Dishes must bo up, overturning speciality of it this week," went on or breaking as it may seem to some vmi Includlngspnco for tho undcntudy'sltne washed nnd spcclnl food cooked and a glasses lu their hurry nnd the shrieks Strange people portrait of n tall young mnn In even- dozen tnhlcs prcpnrod for two Cohen. "Why?" of tho Italian women mingled with ing dress, with n coffeepot In ono hand "crowds" that had eugnged accommo- the strange crackling sounds, is fifty "Oh, cute Idea for an ndvcrtlscmcnt there this true. In the past years the and n milk Jug In the other, and even dation In ndvnncc. camo from somewhere at the back n the printers grinned nt the heading. Ono wns a wedding party of Italians, 'mock turtlo served by mock mar- loud detonation, quis " followed hy a hoarso "The Marquis of Twelfth Htroct-Now- -ly numbering fifteen. The other was ronrlug llko a blast furnace. Men cause of temperance has flourished as A titter went round tho room nmong Acquired Title," something mote exciting n party of cried out In amnzed alarm, and tho l those who bnd enough L'ngllsh to un- "swells" who had telephoned for din- dark room lit up ominously with n t T derstand Joke, nnd wns even evinced by general statistics. These same A persistent ringing of the telephone ner at 8. the thcro crimson glare that turned tho n faint, suppressed sound curtain In Fanny Milton's bedroom waked her Lnughlng and talking, they all of laughter through which It leaked the at Mrs. Milton's color of out of n delightful dream trooped Into tho restaurant Kllnor table. blood. statistics show a great decrease in the sale Coolldgo Loveland turned white. Ho bad an She was on shipboard ngnln. It was and Comte de Itoeheverte. In rushed Hlack Dick and his nsslst-an- t, 4... impulso to hurl tho broken dishes now .moonlight, and Lord Loveland was Hvn Tanner nnd Knto Wood, with tho with Hllnkey, who had been busy colloctcd on tho tray straight ut of distilled liquors and a corresponding telling her that he really cared a great hnudsomo Hungarian twins, who wero In tho kitchen, nud all tlireu shouted Cohen's oiled black bead, nud u week deal more for her than for Lesley rather sought nfter In Now York Just wildly, "Flro. Urol" ago ho woutd hnvo done m without Donnner She confessed that she then; Hnron Ludovlc Zsencha nnd his The restaurant was In n sale Seven stopping to reflect. Hut he hnd lived Btnto of increase in the of beer. liked him. ho was Just asking brother I'nul; Inst Mrs. Milton nnd chaos. A long Jet of flame sweeping toornnd longer In six days since landing In her to conic nnd reign over Loi eland Tony KIdd. out from tho kitchen and across tho New York thnu In ns many years be- castle as well as his heart when tho Tony had Intended to drop In nt narrow passage caught tho lu people are drinking it today where only fore, and ho was learning n lesson curtain distant though disturbing notes of an Alexander's In nny enso to hnvo a look tho doorway, up which little serpents which no ono had even fried to teach amateur concert in the music toom of at the marquis of Twelfth street, who of lire began to crawl. Every womau him In tho ry of himself. one person drank it fifty years ago. This tho Maureliiula turned definitely Into had been "discovered" by that morn- was screaming now lu a panic of I'ale, but perfectly composed In ap- fear tho bur-- r of that ing's Light, but bo would hnvo conio whipped to horror by tho red dark- shrill wretched pearance, ho did not even look toward Tho dream broke like a rain- on directly after returning from a sec- ness nnd tbo crackling explosions which to beer' is a normal Cohen and seemed to take no more goes prove that good bow biibhlo, nnd Fanny sut up In bed. ond out of town expedition If n tele- snapped and spluttered on every sldo. notice of tho young man's Imperil-neuc- e disappointed llfo. gram had not been forwarded to tho Tho excitable Italians chattered and with than nf the barking of some intoxicant. Bho by tho telephone country nsklng him to bo Mrs. Ml), struggled with one another In the dark, stimulant not an And' the seated herself mongrel dog, too feeble to bo kicked. up tho If sho ton's escort. tbo now Polish waiter ran hero and nnd snatched receiver as Ardently Loveland longed to get out were going It. Hut sho soon He was to find there like a frightened chicken that is to shako disappointed that of tho room nnd to stny out; but. best beer, the finest tonic, settled down to an absorbing Interest Fanny was not going, nnd his sees tho nx, the two negroes wero al- spirits though ho could car-rjlu- g k; have escaped by most In convulsions, Tony KIdd In tho glvo and tnko of conversation wero dashed by the news that she ills, the aud So. ' broken dishes into the called vainly on the Hungarian broth- with the Instrument. approved of the "Loveland sensation," kitchen, ho ? would not deign to turn ers and De Itoeheverte for help lu "Ilellol" she said. "Who aro youj for which ho knew himself to bo large- bis back on enemy. the lie gave the bringing order out of confusion. iU Oh, Kllnor Coolldgo what? Why, ly responsible. Nccitheless, In man- fray to Hllnkey nud obeyed n gesture At tbo. tlmo of the first explosion 3 Ullnor Coo Id gu, you don't mean It ner he wns ns gay ns tho others when of Alexander's which him to fm.V9 Mb J sent tnko Loveland had been quietly setting a aa J . wnltlug lu a cheap restaurant! I don't the party of eight made its merry raid n new M-A'- K order from the Italians. plato of fried chicken beforo Tony, jjftjlMi r.Tjisr''' believe It's true. In tho paper7 Well, upon Alexander's "I don't bellote bo'll enine to wnlt on and ns the leaped from his there's nothing In that. 1 know a The Italian murrlagc feast was al us," Journalist whispered Mrs. Milton to Tony two men were close, to. Thejeer That's newspaper myself. Oh, ready In full swing. Hut neither tho scat the jouug Jrewed man What' KIdd. "If he doesn't It will have been gethor.. Touy KIdd. bridal party nor nny of the thirty or Wal"afgJ-l,J-lI- ' II his name's hardly worth the fug nf coming all (Continued Next Saturday) "Oh, Kllnur. I It would he forty other occupants of the lestau- - this !! think wnj downtown. Ills handing us m v party, rant were lou deeply nhsoihed lu ' UU.1 and colo that their our things would have been the best Now of big nlcklo for uw u..nJTnJrs to notice tho iirrlvtil of llio stock tablets f'Uloliliy salo at tho D u 1 1 o t i it ufllce.

I v,&W&. ii!U -.-.1 ;J,fct. .- '.-. A1 ..BfcmiV.w. , J.!... . w Jiem J lw-MKHMHHHHHHHBBaHHHHHHHHIHlHE9fl-M TW&rrWVfT' ' w$WFVTJfW H(Rr tob - '


BY AUTIj ORITY. THE SENATE OF THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII, ary schedule provided for in the act or acts referred to in sub- (ho school OIKICH OV TUB nOAHD OK division 4 of this Section, less amount estimated for llKAlTIL BY AUTHORITY Honolulu, T. H., April 25, 1011. buildings and ground under aid stilslivision 4 and less tbo Honolulu, Itawttll. April 24, I Jtl I. amount of school taxes (provided for iu Section 1200; collect- TIINMinilH t'Oll PITKNIHIIINO AND llQUIl'MUNT. KAT'tOLANI (1IIU.H' ACT 143. Wo hereby certify that the foregoing Bill, after reconsidera- ed (luring the preceding year, that tbo ugaregsto: value of prop- HOMB, KAI.1III, HONOLULU. tion of tho veto of the Governor, was, upon n vole taken by erly in iieh county or city and county as nssoi-t'- d for the pm Hmlcrt tenili-re- , In ilii)llcntp, Ayes nnd Noes, approved by a two-thir- voto all of tho tho liears to the aggr.-ga- to "ToniliiN AN ACT of pons of this tax during preceding year fur KurnlsliliiB nnil , Ku-llh- elective memliers of tho 1:iIitik lit, Kniilulnnl Olrls' Home, l, Senate of tho Territory of Hawaii, valuo of property in the Territory, as similarly ihmm-h- Honolulu," fur furnlnlilnt; ami this day. Ktc Ari'itoniiATiNn Twenty von Puit-l'os- ii exclusivo of tho .property mentioned in the proviso of this equipping Ilia Kaiiloliml (llrln Home, Thousand Dollars Tim t ion. lit Kalllil, Honolulu, w III lio lit or Repaying Moneyh Wiiokmi'ui.i.y Collected ah the itlllw of tlin Hoard of llcnllh until Mkhuiiaxmhk License Tax Undeii Sections 704 to ERIC A. KNUDSRN, 12 o'clock noon, Monday, Mny 8, 1911, 708 or I'e.val Laws op 1807. President of the Senate. The assessor shall thcicupon estimate the rate per cent at Hppclllru'lloiiH und u list of urtlclel the required, and other Infortnutlon, may which the property, subject to bo taxed under this Section for lie Imd upon application at tlin ofllou Wheueas, certain persons, firms nnd corKrations doing bus- JOHN H. WISE, the benefit of such county or city and county, phall be taxed of tlin Doaid of Hcnllli iness in tlm Territory of Hawaii were required to nnd did pny Clerk of tho Senate. in order to yield, during that ear, the amount so estimated Tenders mint lie ncroinpanlHl by i chi tilled check equal In amount to 6 into tlio Treasury of tlio Territory of Hawaii certain linioiints to be required for the purposes specified in each of tho aliovc of tln tender. ns license tax imposed by Sections 704 to 70S of tbo IVnuI THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE subdivisions I, 2, !!, 4 and 5 of this Section. In estimating All bids niut lin inadn on forms Laws of 181)7, and TERRITORY' OF HAWAII, value as aessed for the furiilslicd .by tliti" Itoard of such rales the aggrtgate of properly, and ("ball must bo xubnilttml In accordance Willi, purpose of Ibis tax for tho preceding year, be taken a n mid ! milijpct to, tbo provisions and Wiieheam, said Sections 701 to 70S of tbo Penal Laws wcro Honolulu, T. II., April 25, 1911. bais. If the ralo so estimated for the puross specified in of Art C2, Hrsslun Ijiwd riillrenniilH on .Tnnuary 20, 11101, one-hal- f shall 190!i declared by tlio Supremo Court of tbo subdivision 1 shall exceed of one per cent, it be '4 bo Wo hereby certify that the foregoing Rill, reconsidera- Tlio Hoard of lleallli dopH not bind Territory of Ilnwaii to unconstitutional; Therefore, after reduced to one-hal- f of one per cent. If the rate so estimated tion on tho veto of the Itself to accept tlio lowest or any bid Governor, was, hkii a voto taken by for tbo purposes specified in subdivision 2 shall be such that or tender. Ayes nnd Noes, approved by two-thir- voto tbo lie it Enacted by Ifie Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii: a of all of the sum of that and the rate estimated for the purposes Tin: BOAitn or iikai.th. memliers the. r.to elective of House of Representatives of the Terri- two-third- s 11 Its President, specified in subdivision 1 shall exceed of one per MOTT-SMITI- I. tory of Hawaii, this day. i: A. Section 1. Tbo sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars is here- cent, it shall be reduced so that such sum shall be two-thir- 910Apr. 24, 21, 20, 27, 28, 29; May 1, by appropriated out of any money in tho Treasury received required for 2, .1, 4. of one per cent. If the estimates of the amount L. from tlio general revenue, for tho purpose of paying back tbo If. HOLSTEIN, specified in subdivisions 1 nnd 2 shall not be trans- Speaker, the purposes i amount collected as license, tax under Sections 704 to 70S of House of Representatives. on or before the last, day of January in CORPORATION NOTICES. mitted to tlio assessor I iv the Penal Laws of 1807. that year, the assessor shall estimate the rate for the purpa-o-s EDWARD WOODWARD, NOTICE. specified in subdivision 1 at one-hal- f of one. icr cent and the 2. All Clerk, Houso of Representatives. ono-sist- Section persons, firms mid corporations, or their rate for the purposes specified in subdivision 2 at h of To Subccribert Mutual Telephone Co, executors, administrators, assignees or successors, the cji9q Ltd. as ono per cent. The sum of the rates so finally estimated or may bo, shall within lleelnnlne May 1, 1911, a soliciting three months from tho passage of this Act for the purposes specified in said fivo subdivisions, cliurK of 10 cents per Hwltcb will bo present to tho Treasurer of tho Territory of Hawaii, verified be taxed for that year - shall be the rate at which property shall inadn for eery meKsiiKii cointileted bo- by oath, detailed statements of the amount or amounts paid by ACT 145. such county Itti'in tin-- Main KxeliiiiiK" III Honolulu under this Section in the taxation division in which ' them in accordance with tlm requirements of Sections 704 to and all telephones connected with tho or city and county is included. Wnli'utiu llruncli llxcliange, mtch charge 708 of the Penal Laws of 18117, and tbo Treasurer of tbo Ter- AN AOT to be collectable from the subscriber ritory shall, after having verified such statements of tbo from whore telephone the call Is made. Provided, however, that all real property and all personal amounts so paid, and upon being satisfied that no thereof Relatino to Pehsonal, Income Property Taxes ex- MUTUAL THLnPHONi: CO, LTD part and and within the Territory (not specifically taxed or lly J. It OAI,T, Treasurer. has been repaid to such persons, firms or corporations, repay DisrosrnoN or Phooeeds Thkkeov, Amend- property the the is used or operated in or in connection with 4U01 Apr. 0 Inc. Rei-ealin- empted) which to such persons, firms or corporations, or their executors, ad- ing Ceiitain Laws and Othehs. ofothei-wis- e, business of transmitting intelligence by electricity ministrators, assignees or successors as tho case bo, tho the NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. may passengers, mail or freight from ono island amounts paid by them, and shall obtain filo lie it Enacted by the Leyishture the Territory or transporting and proper receipts of of Hawaii: to other lands, shall be subject Nntlcn Is hereby Klvrn that a new for such to another or to vessels at sea or Directory HubscrllierH of Mutual payments. tax of the a each year, at the rate of the general property in Telephone. Is now being com- Section 1. Section to tax Co, Ltd, 1182 of tho Rovised Laws of Hawaii County of Honolulu for that year, upon the full piled mill will shortly be published. Section it. In case such statement is by Section is hereby amended Iho City and as required lo read as follows: sole benefit of the Territory, and All Intending subscribers, and all 2 of this Act shall lie cash value thereof, for the subscribers desiring liny change of not made and presented on or before tho respect of persons or property JlOth that all taxes, if anv, collected in inline or address, nre earnestly requenl-n- l day of June, A. D. 11)11, such claim shall bo forever "Section 1182. Taxation, divisions. For tho purposo of sole benefit of the to leave In writing at County of Kalawao shall be for. the Instructions barred. taxation, tho Territory is divided into four divisions, viz.: in tho Die olllco of tho company on Adams Territory." laii". not later than Al'ltll. 30, 1911. A section is hereby added to said Revised aftir which date positively no changes Section 4. This Act shall tako effect upon its approval. 1. Tho City and County of Honolulu, to bo called tho First Section 0. now will be made Tor the new Directory. Laws, to lx! known as Sectionl272A, as follows: MUTUAL TKLKPHONR CO. LTD. Division; i Honolulu, Apill 15, 1911. Wo hereby certify that, tho foregoing Hill, after reconsidera- 0 1,272 A. Disposition proceeds of personal and 4903 Apr. Inc tion on tho Veto of tbo Governor, was, upon a voto taken by 2. Tho Counties of Maui and Kalawao, to bo called tho "Section of taxes collected wi- two-third- 's property taxes. All personal and property KAIMUKI MEAT DELIVERY Ayes und Noes, approved by a voto of all of tho Second Division; ) tbo Treasury nt NOTICE. elective members of the House of Representatives of tho Terri-tory'- lder this Chapter shall be paid into Territorial ' Hawaii, this 25th tiny of April, A. D. 1911. ' a. Tho County of to bo such times as tho Treasurer shall direct. We will Htnrt a dally delivery to Hawaii, called the Third Division; Knlnuikl district next Monday, May 1, taxes, including all taxes specified in Sections 1201 lull, und reipiest our patrons to send II. L. HOLSTEIN, 4. The bounty of Kauai, to bo called tho Fourth Division." All road III their orders before 9 u. m. Speaker, Houso of Representatives. to 1205, both inclusive, paid iu from each district shall l kept Orders will he given very careful at- special account in tho Treasury to the credit of such dis- SKriTjo.vSi'.Sectitfn 1184 of said Revised Laws is hereby in a tention. ho on tho last legal day of each month by. p Q. YHK HOP & CO. F.DWARD WOODWARD, ainciiijed to read as follows: trict, and shall paid 4914-l- Clerk,. House of Representatives. iho Territorial Treasurer to Hie treasurer of the county or city bo "Section 1184. and county within which such district is included, and shall Aseiiors. appointment, removal Tho ' expended only iu making, maintaining and repairing public Wo hereby certify that the forcgojng Bill, after reeonsidor- - Treasurer, with tho approval lf the Governor, shall appoint and l tho ution on llio Veto of Iho finveriinp. vena niinii' ,n viUn Lien,, Lv may roads iu such district, as authorized by the Supervisors of CO. - r ...... ,, ...u, ...i .,nt. mj remove, for each taxation division, an assessor and col- two-third- city and county from time to time. Tho county or R0SAJ Ayes and Noes, approved by a volo of all of tho lector of taxes, to bo known as the 'Assessor,' " county or ' city and county treasurer shall likewise keep such faxes o paid elective members of thu Scnatu.of the Territory of Hawaii, this 14 to him in a special account to Iho credit of such district and l'dwi day oi April, A. I). 1011. Section a. Seetiou llfir. of said Revised Laws is hereby Good Old rejealed. shall under no circumstances allow any part thereof to bo used ERIC A. KNUDSEN, for any other purpose. President of the Senate. Section 4. Section 1200 of said Revised Laws, as amended Guckenheimer Pure All other persoiuil and specific property taxes paid in from by Section Ti of Act 80 of the Laws of l!IO.r, is hereby repealed. JOHN II. WISE, each county or city and county, other than the County of Ka- Rye lawao, except such as are payable to or retainable by tbo Ter- Clerk of the Senate. Section fi. Section 1212 of said Revised Laws is hcroby In? Treas- Bottled in Bond amended to read as follows: ritory as provided by law, shall paid by tho Territorial JULES PERCHARDS & FIL8' urer lo tho treasurer of such county or city aud county on thu CALIFORNIA SPARKLINQ WINES last legal day of each month. We Deliver to Any Psrt of the City "Section 1212. Genem! properly lares. Except as ex- 3181 empted or otherwise taxed, all real property and all personal PHONE Out of the property taxes, other than thoso specified inst!io property, within each taxation division, shall m subject to a proviso-o- Section 1212, paid into tho Territorial Treasury ACT. tax each year of such rate per cent upon tho full cash 144. valuo from each county or city and county, tho treasurer shall retain thereof as shall lio fixed for that year in tbo following ROSA & CO., maimer: from time to time, iu a special account, suflicieut for tho pur- AN AOT poses specified in subdivision 5 of said Section 1212, aud shall As soon .is practicable after the first. Monday followiug Makes and Queen Stieeti the pay the balance thereof to the treasurer of such county or city first day of January in each year, tho Board o'f Supervisors Foit of and county on the last legal day of each month for tho purposes the Reliev or John A. Cummins. each county and city and county shall prepare, and transmit to specified subdivisions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of said section. Tho the assessor of the taxation division in which in such county o county or city and county treasurer shall, from time Jo time, city and county is included,' estimates tlio Whehear, it appears that John A. Cummins, a descendant of amounts of money nllot from such lmlanco sufficient for the purposes specified in PRIMO of one required to ho raiseil from this during of the High Chief families of Hawaii, and a man who lax that year for such said sulxlivisions 2, !l and 4 respectively, and shall keep such has .Mon- county or city and county for the occupied honorable positions under tho Into Hawaiian following purpose, respec- allotments iu special accounts for use for such purposes only tively, (in estimating which BEER archy, was arrested on tbo 10th day of January, A. D. 1895, amounts tbcro shall lw taken iu and shall under no circumstances allow any part thereof to bo consideration, among other and charged before a Military Commission with tho crinio of things, outstanding obligations, used for any other purposo, nor shall tho Territorial Treasurer cash ou band and expected Treason; and receipts from other sources): allow any moneys so retained for tbo purposes specified in C to bo used for any other purpose, provided that, at 1. if For current expenses other than for the purposes speci- 1m Wheueas, it. further appears that owing to any time, there shall insufficient money iu the special account iuadvertenco aud fied in subdivisions 3, 4 and S of this Section; a of tlio gravity of tbo plea, ho plead guilty for tho purposes specified in subdivisions 2, !J, 4 or 5 respect- acific to tho said ively, moneys in tho general account of tho county, city and I Jaloon charge of Treason; und 2. For pormanent improvements; I county or territory, as tho case may lie, may be used for such KINO AND NUUANU STREETS purposes, in which case such general account may afterwards Wheueas, tho seven judges presiding at tbo Military Com- !1. For interest and sinking fund for county or city and bo reimbursed by transfers from such special account. mission before which 1m was charged, although recognizing tho "county bonds, if any; and Beer fact that be was not guilty of tbo crinio of Treason, were pow- All such payments by tho Territorial Treasurer shall bo Rainier erless under tlm law to do other than impose a sentence of "five 4. The Treasurer of the Territory shall similarly prepare, mado upon warrants issued by the Auditor." years bard lulwr and a monetary fino of Five Thousand Do- und transmit to such assessor, an estimate of the amount of llars;" and money required for that year to lo raised from this tax and Section 7. Act. 0;t of tho Laws of 1905, as amended by FOX SALE AT ALL BASI paid to the treasurer of such county or city and county for Acts 15 anil 141 of tbo Laws of 1907 and by Act 151 of tho Telephone 2131 school buildings and grounds to Provide tho of is hereby , Wheueas, tho reviewing authorities, acting ou tho recom- .under "An Act for liws 1909, repealed. mendation of tho said Military Commission, did mitigato and Maintenance of the I'ublie Schools," and any other act or acts, Order modify the said sentence by striking out tho "five years hard which amount shall be ono-ba-lf of the sums specified for such Section 8. This Act shall tako effect ou July 1, 1911, ex- lalwir," but retaining the said monetary lino of Five Thousand purposes for such county or city and county in the biennial cept as to Section 5 thereof, which shall ako effect on January Cream Pure Rye Dollars, which sum tho said John A. Cummins was compelled school budget operativo under said act or acts at tbo timo swell 1, 1912, provided, howuver, that warrants shall thereafter bo to borrow at a high rate of interest in order to pay tho said cMimatc is made. issued and paid to tho treasurers of the counties and city and fold bf finu aud thereby obtaiu his liberty; and, therefore, county for tho balanco dun them for tho then lapreceding six L0VEJ0Y AND 0 0. fi. The Treasurer of tho Territory shall similarly prepare, months, as provided in Section 1 of said Aot 03 of the Laws of lie it Enacted by the Lctjhhiturc tlm Territory Hawaii: and transmit to tbo assessor, an estimate of tho amount, if any, 1005 as so amended; and the further provided that, except as You'll find they're all good fel- of of payable lo or retainable tbo out proceeds hereinafter specified, all taxes now or hereafter delinquent, and low here. by Territory of the .Section 1. Tbo sum of Fivo Thousand Dollars($r.,000.00) of this lax during such year iu respect of such county or city collected after June '!!, 1011, shall ho dispo-'- d of as requird the Fashion" is hereby appropriated to lie paid out of any moneys in tho and county for school, interest, sinking fund and other pur- by the law in force at tbo time they became delinquent; aud "It's Treasury of tho Territory of Hawaii not othetwiso appropri- poses, including tho cost of asscr-sin- and collecting taxes iu further provided that all general property taxes collected after tho biich und school pur- said Juno J10, 1011, and which, if not paid, would become- delin- Hotel nr. Fort D. H. Daviei, Pro ated, for purpose of refunding to said John A. Cummins tho county or city county. Tho amount for fiuo hereinaliovo set forth. poses, under this subdivision, shall bo an amount which shall quent during the following half year, except thoo referred to amend- bear the same ratio to one-ha-lf of the amount specified for all in the proviso of Section 1212 of the Revised Laws as II ii 1 1 r 1 1 ii IMIIorlnl Ilooiu I'hoiie 2. This effect tho school the amount esti- ed by this Act. shall be dUpOt-e- of as follows: one-ha-lf to the 2185. II u I If tin lluslnesa unite Section Act shall take from and after puiqioscs in said biennial budget, plus l'liuut! dato mated lie accordance with the sal respective counties and city and county, other than tho County 2250. of its approval. , to required for that year in

.i-.- 'J. ,1 i.ntA< J ..I.Ekr I I .Wit WAi.,W .'M! it i .uSi&jV-- i 6 .aA. VJ ii . '.,ji,m,t.fc jwLi&kJste..Jti..4. J ttOka JL . vv-j.- . ...i 8JPV s J?,jcU 'Uitu (' irtmrs tvr-- i" r f) 18 EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU. T. H, SATURDAY, APR. 29, 1611.

of ICnlawao, in which they wore colleetcil, for tlio purposes d tion ns may he fixed by tho aseor of his division, with tho or tax list, which shall during uch times be open for the in- MPLY LrGHT AND dis- in fiilidivNirin 1 of said Section 1212; one-sixt- h to sncli approval of tho treasurer." spection of all persons liable to taxation iu tho division or INSERT TUBE counties and city mill county, for tho purposes specified in sub- trict, without fee or reward. division 2 of said Seetinn 1212; Hitch nnitmnt to Mich eountici Section 5. Section 120.1 of tho Revised Laws, ns amended Warmer docs tho rest niul city nml county, for the purpw oeificd in Sulidmsion by Section it of Act SO of tho Laws of 11)05, nnd by Section 1 Written or printed notice of such places shall bo given by 4 of said Sect inn 1212, a ihnll equal one-fourt- h of the amount of Act 1.'10 of tho Laws of 1009, is hereby further amended to advertisement onco a week for three successive weeks prior to spfeilied for such purposes for the hiciminl ieriod in Section read ns follows : May 1 iu some newspaper of general circulation, and by post- 7 of "An Act to "Provide for the .Maintenance of the Public ing a notico iu at least three conspicuous places iu such dis- Schools;" and the lemainder, together with all wliuol taxes col- "Section 120:1. litnlr, sulky, or-car- t, automobile, etc., tax. trict df the times and places at which such tax list shall be open lected after -- aid June :t(), 1011, to tlir Territory, for the pur- All brakes and'sulkics shall 1m' subject to nn annual tax of Two for inspection in such district." pose specified in Subdivision 5 of Saiil Section 1212; and th Dollars ($2.00) each, to.be paid by the owners thereof; all ox- provi'ioiM of the fourth paragraph of Section 1272A of tho carts shall Ik' subject to nn annual tax of Eive Dollars ($5.00) Section1 11. Section 1215 of tho Revised Lows, ns amended 1m ho and by l?evied Laws shall apply tin near a may in lvpect of tho each, to paid by the owners thereof; all automobiles Section 0 of Act 80 of tho Laws of 1005, nnd ns further ' allotments made in this Section for the rcspcetixp purpose other power-drive- n vehicles shall he subject to an annual tax muended by Act 18 of the Laws of 11)00, is hereby further ,yP lie specified in paid suhdivhions 2, 1 and fi, and the Territory thall of otio cent for each pound in weight, of such vehicle, to paid amended by striking therefrom tho words and figures "May 15'' advance to nucli counties and city and county monthly during by the owners thereof. In determining tho amount of tax for and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures "Slay 1." The Welkom Warmer nnd n vehicles, weight taken the .half year cudim Dcceinber ill, 11)11, o much ret may bo automobiles other power-drive- tho Size 3MixCyj Indies, weight 4 shall be that of such vehicle-- when in ordinary o and with all 12. Section 1250 the Revised Laws, ns amended ounces. mcesiiry for the jmijioes specified in "aid sulxliviMon , not Section of accessories nnd Upon re- by 12 8!) nmended The only modern, safe, olToctho noil excccdiiii; in any one mouth fth of the estimated its fittings, including fuel ami water. Section of Act of the Laws of 1005, is hereby such sensible sutmtltuto for tho untliiuuted amount which such piicral proKrty taxes will yield during ceipt of such tax the nssessor shall number nnd register to read as follows: Hot Water Ung. other power-drive- n vehicle, which said tax No water to no rubber to such half year, and may ieimhur-- itself for the amounts so automobile or for heat rot is paid, in tho owner's name, and shall furnish tho owner with a "Section 1250. Deputy asicstor's litis. In ench year on or Will last fur years. advanced out of the half of such property tase when collected The Warmer Is made of metal heat- metallic tag for such automobile, or other power-drive- n vehicle, Wore Mny 1, each except the assessors I which would otherwise be payable to such counties and city and deputy assessor, deputy ed within ana in mi to by the lighting with tho nuinlier nnd year marked thereon, charging therefor, for the districts iu which tho assessors havo their offices' shall and Insertion of a imper tube con- county as nhove provided. taining a blittclcm. smokeless nml in addition to the tax, tho sum of twenty-fiv- e centR. The owner inako two copies the assessment which shall of of the district, odorless fuel KeueratliiK a uniform shall nttach such tag upon the license number of such auto- 1k signed nnd sworn to by hini. One of such copies shall lw Approved this 20th day of April, A. T. 111. heat which lasts over two hours at a mobile or other power-drive- n vehicle. filed with the nsessor of the division. Such list shall, subject to cost of less tliuii one cent. It is curved to lit any portion of body uud held nny lie the WALTER!'. FREAR, changes made by any court having jurisdiction, the list In place by means of n bag und belt Any nutomobilo or other ovcr-- d riven vehicle, nny taxes for in aceordaiico with which tuxes lie collected. changes allowing move Governor of tho Territory of Hawaii. shall No the wearer to ubout at which are delinquent or which has not been tagged as required in or additions to such assessments shall thereafter bo made, will. AH A PAIN KlMiEIt herein, may bo seized by any nssessor or deputy nc-o- r or by except to add thereto properly or taxes that may havo been The Welkom Warmer has no equal. any polico officer acting on lohnlf of such assessor or deputy omitted therefrom." It can be put Into constant action 'and ill and held for a period of ten dnys, during which time, Is Indispensable In cases of rheuma- assessor; tism, lumbago, neuralgia, sciatica, ACT 146. it shall bo subject to redemption by its owner on payment of - Section 13. Section 1203 of the Revised Laws, as amended cramps, etc. tho tax duo and u penally of Olio Dollar ($1.00), together with by Section 13 of Act 80 of the Laws of 1005, is hereby By placing the Warmer on the af- fected part the heat being dry, not eosla for any of such power-drive- n vehicle. not so to AN ACT storing If amended read as follows: moist, bakes out the cold. Physicians a Ikj redeemed within ten days such power-drive- vehicle "hall tay that the moist heat of tho hot wat- ' Rrlatino to Taxation-- , Amknihnci, and Anmsa sold, by tho officer authorized to seize tho same, at public auc- "Section 1203. When ta.res payable. All poll, road, bchool, er bag will not euro but uggravate tho tho pub- specific ho ailments above mentioned. to Ci:ur.i. 1AWH i:i.atinu Thkiskto. tion, to highest bidder, for cah, after giving five days and property taxes, shall due ami payable on and Many have been sold not a g'ngle lic notico thereof in a newspaper published in such district, or nfter January 1 in each year." complaint. by the the Territory Hawaii: by posting notico thereof at least three public, place in tho Complete outfit Including Wnrmer, 'lie it Enacted Legislature of of Jn bag belt, coll and 10 tubes of fuel sent district whero such power-drive- n vehicle was seized. Tho Section 14. Section 1204 of the Revised Laws, as amended prepaid to any part of the U. S. upon m amended such by Section 14 of Act 80 Laws is receipt of $1.00. Skctiox 1. Section 11S3 of the Revised Laws, as amount realized at sale shall, after deducting therefrom of tho of 1005, hereby amended If you wish to know moro nbout this 1 SI) is hereby amended tho amount of tho tax and penalty due, costs of advertising, to lead us follows: by Section of Act of tho Laws of 11)05, wonderful device wrlto today for free to read as follows: co-t- s of storage and nuctioneer'h fees and thnrges, if any, bo descriptive booklet. paid to the owner of such power-drive- n vehicle. If no clnim "Section 1201. Deliuiiuenry. All "personal and specifio Welkom mfg. "Section 1 lh!J. Dates. All taxes shall lo assessed as of, and for such surplus shall hnvo been filed with such assessor or taxes remaining unpaid after May 15 of each year fthall thereby warmer co. tOS Fulton St, Ken York. ho duo and payable on and after .lanuary 1 in each year. deputy assessor within sixty days from tho dato of sale, such and thereupon Income delinquent. All real and personal prop- siirnlus shall Iks paid into tho Territorial Treasury as a govern- erty taxes remaining unpaid after Mjvy 15 of each year shall All taxpayers shall make returns of their property nml tho ment realization, mid all claim to such sum shall bo barred. thereby ami thereupon becoino delinquent as to ono-lml- f tho value thereof between January 1 and January 111, Iwth in- amount due. And the balanco of such real mid personal prop- AUDIT COMPANY OF clusive, in each year. Any person who shall use a lag not furnished in aceordaiico erty txes remaining unpaid after November 15 of each ycnr ' with tho provisions of this Section, or who shall counterfeit any shall thereby aiid thereupon beeoino'dclinuueut." - HAWAII All pergonal taxes and all specific, taxes and one-ha-lf of nil ' such tag, or who shall fraudulently use such tag upon a powcr- - other' propei ty taxes remaining unpaid after liny 15 of each driven Tehielo other than tho one for which such tag was issued, Section 15. SeelidfiTSfirTof the "Revised Laws, as ahiendoil year shall therebv and thereupon delinquent. shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall bo by Section 15 of Act SO of the Lu8,oMl)05, is hereby amended 924 BETHEL STItEET by to read j , II Ml 'I punished a tino of not to exeood Five Hundred Dollars as follows: The balanco of tho property taxes remaining unpail after i (.$500.00).'' i. Xoveiuber 15 of each year shall thereby mid thereupon becoino "Section 1205. Penally. A penalty of ten per cent shall P. 0. Bos G40 Telephone 2035 delinquent. Section 0. Section 1218 of tho Revised iLaWft, is- - hereby bo added by the assessor to tho .amount of all delinquent taxes

. repealed. . in excess of Twenty Dollars which shall lw . ,,. !!, r.i'i ($20.00), penalty Conducts all classes of Audits anS litNotice, of raise or disallowance of exemption claimed shall and becoino a part of such tux nnd bo collected us a part thereof. Investigations, and famishes Reports bo mailed by the assessor to tho taxpayer affected not later than Section Section 1221 of tho 'Revised Laws, as niiumdcd All delinquent taxes shall bear interest at the rate of ten per on all kinds of financial worlr April 1. by Act 141 of the Laws of 1000, is hereby further amended .cent from the expiration of fifteen days from the dato of di" by adding thereto tho following: linqueney until paid, which interest shall he and liecome a part Suiestions Riven for simplifying In order to Ik? entitled to appeal, any person desirous and of such tax and 1k collected as a part thereof. or systematizing office work. All otherwise entitled to appeal from any shall tile a no-- "All institutions, corporations or persons, in order to secure business confidential. tice 6f appeal at any time from April 1 to May 1, both in-- " exemption from property taxation, shall make return of their No taxpayer shall 1)0 exempt from delinquent penalties by the which is made. elusive, of year iu the assessment property in manner and form as by law provided, and shall note reason of having inndo nn appeal on his assesspient; but no ' thereon tho claim for exemption. Failure to make such return, delinquent penalty shall attach to Ihc amount of tho tax on tho Bargain in Lots The assessment books shall 1k made up on or before May 1, or to note such claim, shall lie a waiver of right to exemption for actual amount in dispute until ten days after such appeal shall Only $r, ennli iiiul SI week buys 1...H ... 1 1,1. 1)0 iht and le onen hicctinu from ilnv to llav 10. the current assessment. Provided, however, that nothing in filially decided, tho amount in dispute being tho exemption fur .Mm IiiiIIiHiik lotn n IMim and inclusive of each jear; notice of which shall ho given. this Section shall affect exemptions set forth in Sections 1222 claimed or tho ditTereneo between the amount returned by tho Kani.i Htri'ctH, near the fool of liitli uvi'lilie, KiilinuM. Area 00x100. nnd 1225 of tho Ucvised Laws, and Act 0.? of tho Laws of taxpayer and the amount ntecbsscd." Tlicxo Lots wcrii iiiortiniKiil for 180 Tho tax appeal court shall sit for tho hearing of tax appeals 1007." ouch niul liavu to tiu Kohl at a Kacrl- - during tho month of Juno iu each year. .(Iu JIIO K OJ.lI 'l01'0 ooit "'J "ll Section 10. A new section is hereby added to the Revised piirtiihlty tu hui'Iiih a Imrimlii uml Section 8. Section 1222 of tho Revis-e- Laws is hereby Laws, to be known as Section 1200A, as follows: tlniililt' or tilplu jnur innni'y within Prom January 1 to Deecmlior .'11, both inclusive, of each amended to read as follows: a nliort time. year, assessors shall attend at an advertised place for the co- P. E. R. STRAUCH llection of taxes, tho advertisement to contain notice taxes "Section 1200A. Sale All that "Section 1222. Forest land. In all cases where forest land of real properly. real properly, Walty Building 74 S. King Street will be delinquent after ilay 15 and November 15. is fenced for the purpose of protecting tho forest or springs or or nny interest therein, on which a lien for taxes shall exist, may bo sold by streams of water rising on such land or llowing through tho way of foreclosure of such lieu without suit by I'l.ANNINO TO I.KAVU Tlln CITV, "During Deoemlier of each year each assessor shall advert iso same, mid all live stock are excluded from tho .same, and no tho (ax assessor, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for OWNKIt W1I.I. H1U.I. CHEAP AND for tax returns to ho made during the following Jauuary." such laud its products is made, such cash, to satisfy the lien, together with all inteiest, penalties, ON KAHV TIIUMH A l'ltHTTY IIOMR other uo of or land, so ON MATI.OI'K AVUNlJIi long as such conditions exist, shall lie exempt from taxation. costs, and expenses due or incurred on account of tho tax, lieu KUItNISIIKD S3300 Section 2. Section 1180 of tho Revised Laws is heroby nnd snle, the surplus, if any, to bo rendered to tho person there- UNriJUN'ISIIKD UtOO amended to read as follows: In order to secure such exemption the person claiming it to entitled. The sale shall lo held at any public placo proper Kor iart!t:tilnr.i seo shall annually between the first and thirty-firs- t days of Janu- for sales on execution, after notico published at least once a. Island Investment Co., "Section 11S0. liond, oulh. Each assessor shall, within ary make a sworn written statement to tho locaj tax asscssosr week for at least four Mieecssivo weeks immediately prior there- fifteen days after his appointment and before entering upon describing the laud iu detail and setting forth tho facts upon to iu nny newspaper of general circulation published iu tho I Limited tho duties of his oflice, give to tho treasurer a good and suffic- which exemption is claimed, including an agreement that iu taxation division wherein tho properly to Im sold is situate, or if Member of Hawaiian Htoek , Itnoni 10.1, BtuiiKeliwuld build-In- f. ient in bo fixed loss there bo no nowspajK-r- circu- Iwnd, u sum to by tho treasurer, but not cinsideration of tho exemption from taxes ho will during tho then in any newspaper of general 'IVIeplioiio 1884; l'oatutllco box, than Ton Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). Said Iwnd shall ensuing year keep such land properly fenced, will not' allow any lation published in tho City of Honolulu. Such notico shall nuc I'nlile nililresH: "110111101;." bo executed under, nml iu accordance with, nml in tho form live stock upon it, and will notuso such land or its product, also bo poted for a like period in at least three conspicuous. provided by law for the Ixuiding of public officers; and each except upon tho approval of tho Board of Agriculture) and Por-estr- y, public places, within the taxation division wherein tho sale is FOR SALE. assessor shall take and subscribe an oath before any ier.-.o- during such year without first paying tho taxes on such to bo held, one being at a postoilieo and one being on such land. authorized to administer oaths, that he will faithfully, honestly land. ' Tho notice of snlo shall contain the name of the person assessed, HeautlfMl homu (1011x122) on Klnau and impartially perform and dichargo the duties of his otlico or from whom the tax Is tho character and tho street 13000. due, amount of I'lrie lot in Knmchnmtlia Park tract hc-s- to the t of his ability; such o.ilh shall Im tiled with tho treas- Any person who shall havo secured such exemption who shall tax, with interest, penalties, costs, expenses and charges ac- l.ntH In N1111111111 tract near the new urer. No assessor shall enter upon his duties until his bond and violate tho terms of such agreement shall he liablo to Ihj lined crued, a brief description of tho property to ho sold, and the Nuiianu I 'ail; at S2S0 up. Kk-ctrl- cur Her lee. oath of office shall have lieeu filed with accepted tho tho Ikj placo and by twico amount of tho tax which would assessed upon such timo and of sale, and shall warn tho pcrhons assessed, or Good lioimn near Kalilil chapel treasurer." land but for such exemption." from whom tho tax is due, that unless tho tax, with all interest, S2100 penalties, costs, expenses and charges, is paid lieforo tho timo FOR RENTHplenillil new cottage at 530. AIko a new cnttuKu at lMlniim, !i. Section 11SS tho Revised Laws is 12-1- bo Section of hereby Section 0. Section of tho Ueviscd Laws ib, hereby of sale appointed, tho properly advertised for sale will sold t May 15. tit S20. amended to read as foljows: amended to read jis follows: as advertised. J. H. SCHNACK, 137 Merchant Street "Section 11SS. Bond, oalh. Each assessor shall exact from "Section 1242. Addition of uweturned properly. Each Tho tax assessor, or bis deputy, shall, on payment of tho pur- each of his deputies a lxnid, npproved by thir treasurer, in a assessor shall at any timo add to his assessment or tax list for chase price, make, execute and deliver all proper conveyances sum to lm fixed by the assessor, but not less than Two Thousand tho year or years when omitted, any person or property there-lofor- o necessary iu tho premises and tho delivery of such eonveyamJo Silks and Dollars ($2,000.00), executed under, and iu nccordanco with, omitted from assessment and taxation; notico thereof shall vest iu the purchaser tho title Io tho property sold. and in the form provided by law for the lioudiiig of public of- shall bo given to tho owner, if known, within ten days after such Drawn ficers. Each of the deputy awessors shall take and suhscribo addition; and any such notico addressed to him at his last This Section shall apply to all liens that havo accrued after an oath before any person authorized to administer oaths, that known place of residence and sent by mail, iostiigo prepaid, .lanuary 1, 1009." WorK ho will faithfully, honestly and impartially perforin tho duties shall bo a sufficient notice." of his otlico to the liest of his ability. No deputy iiHsess-fo- shall Section 17. Section 1207 of tho Revised Laws, as amended HAWAII & enter upon his duties until his bond and o.ith of office shall Section 10. Section 1214 of tho Revised Laws, as amended by Section 17 of Act 80 of tho Laws is SOUTH SEAS of 1005, hereby amended CURIOS CURIO CO. liavo been filed with and accepted by the assessor who appointed by Section 8 of Act 80 of the Laws of 1005, is hereby amended to read as follows: Young Dldg. him." Io read as follows: "Section 1207. J'uhliA notice, timo, place of collection. Section 1 Section !. 1105 of the Revised Laws, as amended "Section 211. Tax list open to public. Tt shall bo tho Each assessor or his depuly, shall between January 1 and er by Section 2 of Act 80 of the Laws of 1005, is hereby amended duty of each assessor or his deputy to attend on all days ex- til, both incliihive, of each year, for the convenience of OWL to read as follows: ' cept Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, between tho hours of taxpayers, attend at certain times and places in each district 8 ..'SO o'clock A. M. and 4:00 o'clock P. IF., and on Saturdays, for the collect ion of taxes, notice of which shall lio given by "Section CIOAR NOW 5i 1105. ('ompetiwtian. Each assessor shall receive between 8:00 o'clock A. r. and 12 o'clock noon, between May publication in homo newspaper of general circulation in tho M. A. OIINST & CO Arrntt such compensation as tho Legislature from timo to tilde ap- 1 and May 10, both inclusive, of each year, at muiio convenient taxation division, and by posting the sumo iu at least, threo propriates. Each deputy ase5,or shall receive such compensa place or places in his division or district, with his assessment conspicuous places iu each district. BULLETIN AD8 PAY- -

,;s..,,,i&.,.Vy..4v. uimJt 2ih. i.j!hllirLX-jA!.-- . j. j.1 za5E52S5 maSmWM IMMMI-l- M ,.TfTFTr',79'r"'' '$Wy7W!l1t" ff '''MTf-- "r ' , ISi


LEGAL NOTICES. Elicit taxpayer shall pay nil specific nnd personal tuxes mid I'At'Ki; 8. Ka Xitnn ana i ka mule. K lilo no i liana na ka in Imi, e mnnaoia no ua pili iuia ku hewn iiiikamimi, u mn kona iiliewaia e luHiukuia i kn hoopai nolo oi uku lualuuu o one-hal- f of all property taxes duo liy him on or liefnro --May 15 men nana baleriu o ku Pupu Ola, i kona wu o noiiu aku ai e ana no IN TI1H UNITKD STATK3 DISTRICT nnd lio shall pay tho rcnuiining portion of the property tuxes kekuhi kiiukn, a i ole e na luiiauiii paha o kekabi hiiiikapiln, a kn L'ini Dala (.$10.00). COURT, FOIl TUB TISIIIIITOUY due by him on or before November IB of the year in which wnhi liaiiwi laau pului.v hana, a i olo e kutioha e nnuiiia, me ka OK HAWAII. they nrc assessed, nnd no other notification or demand limn that ohe lioonui ike i ka male i hooiiniiia aku i ua men nana baterin Paiku Ui. Nu Kiiukn: Nu Kiimii Mnkuuhi: Nu Kiihikuhi: THE UNITED AMER- i STATES OP in this Chapter provided for, shall bo required or necewnry." la i loan nuii hoi mai kekahi men nm'i i boolnioiia ua loohin i K lilo no liana kekahi kiiukn e lawclawo una i kekabi men inn' i ICA, Plaintiff, vs. CECIL UROWN, i i kit nm'i kohepopo, e tikuli pu in hoi ua male la mc kekahi puhi-pnl- a loohia kn nui'i kohepopo ku niuknnlu Ion ma kunn man lawc-luw- e Trustees, et nl., Defendants. Ac- - Skcthj.v 18. J 27 1 tlio Kevised Law is hereby i Wnhiiic o i u Hon brought In said District Section of e hoike ana ka iuou, na makaiiiki, ke nno kuuo a ami, a hiuiwi nu kiihikuhi kuiNjno Ion no kn hoopalo-kau- Court, Mid tlio Petition tiled In nmcmlcd to read ns follows: palm, hihuv'iihaua, liope i noho lawclawo ai, ke mlioHqio, nun i un poo e ae c noho like ana maloko o kn hale hoo- ttio ofllco of tlio Clerk of said me kuhi noho o ka mea noun ua male la. K lilo no boi i hann kah! a keena pnliu. District In Court, Honolulu. "Section 1271. Procedure upon (lislrcx. Distress of goods ua ua men nana baleria la kn hoike koke i kn hoxna kauii THE PRESIDENT OP UNITED THE nnd chattels for tuxes shall be ulTeuted by seizure and sale of tho uku ole, i ke kimka alui i noi nml I'.uki; 11. Ii kaiiolm i i Ilo- STATES, QREETINO: nana ami mekn a mea nana ami nu Kaukii c miihiimi nu pergonal property, nnd property subject to specific tuxes, of tho i CECIL UROWN, HENRY M. VON iaiii e niinn ua male In. ike pilut o mi hiwelawe ami upau me na Kiihikuhi luiiluiin o assessor tnko HOLT and ALUEtlT N. CAMP- delinquent taxpayer. The or deputy asse"or shall kekahi paihaknhnkii i hnawiin uku c ka Papa Ola. Ii lilo no i BELL, Trustees under tho last possession of nnd keep Btieh distrained property until tlio sale. Pauku IK lloonialu aim i na Moololo. K lilo no i hana na humi mi ka Pupa Ola ka boolako uku i ka knukii e boike mai Will and Testament of JAMEd Ohi'ko- kaiiolm ana i hoike o biinaia nuii. nm-nni- nun no kekabi nia'i kohcpoio e like ino na kiihikuhi o ka Pou-k- n CAMPHELL, deceased,' ABIGAIL After taking possession, tho assessor or deputy shall sell tho ka Papa mi iipaii ( Kami-wn- i, II o keia Kaimwai, i luikuhnka W. KAWANANAKOA; KALAKA-U- A o na bonknkn me mi kaiiolm o ka Paukii keia pni hoike, e like ino ke ano a property nt public auction after first giving five days' notice kn KAWANANAKOA, KAPIO-IiA- n )ela boi me tin hooiaio upau e jiili aim i ka loan o ka ih) Papa Ola i hoomuopopo ai, e kuhikuhi aim hoi i ke ano o n.i of tho lime nnd. place of suck sale by advertisement in n news- KAWANANAKOA, other- nin'i kobepopo, niaumli o na hoomnopo)o ana c like me na kuhi-kuh- i hiwelawe aim e like me ku innnno o ku Papa Oin he :iiKno no wise called KAPIOLANI KAWA- paper, if ono be published in tlio district, or by posting such n kn Paukii 7 o keia Knnawai, e malnmaiii maloko o ke- kn hooko uku mn kuhi o ka men i loan i ku nia'i kohfKo. Ii NANAKOA CAMPBELL, and U notico in nt least threo public places in the district where such A lnoolelo la o kna no ia lilo no i lunu mi kn Pupn Ohi c inahimn man i nn pailiakabakii KAWANANAKOA, minor sale is to bo held. kuhi buke nioolelo. o ua buke mail children of ABI0A1L W. KAWA- iiialalo o ka malama ami a ka Papa Ola a nolo boi e no wale ia e like im kn lawn kuoiio no ka boolako uku i ua kauka apiiii. NANAKOA; ALICE T. MACPAU-LAN- Ola e I kit wa e loan nku ai oia paihakiibaka mo mi e hoo-mii- ex- kcln mo keia men mawaho ae o na limn o kn Papa nana, kuhikuhi WALTER F. MACPAR-LAN- Such salo shall take place, within ten days after seizure, 4 o ka Obi o ae wale o ikeiu mi hoike koke no ke kauka e bamj uku i na men upau hookoiu ui husband of ALICE T. cept that ono continuance may lie had not' to exceed one week. a aole no hoi na lima Papa o la, i MACPARLANB WALTER u inoolelo paha i kakauia i men e mnopoKi ai ka inoa o ka mea ua man kuhikuhi a e kakatiiuou boi mi boike la mo ko i i kniioba kau Mi i kn la hooiimi hou i ku i ole i JAMES MACPARLANB, ALICE Suflicient property shall bo sold to pay all taxes, penalties, i liannin, koe Avule no niii he hana jiili kit hooko na o ami a ne Papa Ohi n kona N EMALIB MACPARLANB and ' agena kokoke ilaila. costs and chnrges. . keia Knnawai. MURIEL BEATRICE MACFAR-LAN- 1 minor children of ALICE Pauki IB. Hoike ami no ku nm'i i oltiolu. I ka lioomno-M)Hii- a T. MACFARLANE and WALTER On payment of tho prieo bid for any property sold, tho de- Paukii 10. Ka Iloomnenuu! hunt ana i kuhi. 1 kn wn o P. anil o ku oltiolu a oia o kekabi men i loohia i ka nm'i MACPARLANB; MURIEL livery thereof with n bill of sale from tlio assessor or his deputy kekahi wahi e noho ole in ai a ua kanaka ole paha niaumli o ka SHINGLE; ROBERT W. SHIN-- . kohcjxqio, e lilo no i hnnu na ko kauka liuiiu i hiwchiwc iaia e shall vest the titlo of such property in the purchaser. No charge make una n kaawalc ami paba o kekuhi men i loohin i kn uia'i OLE, husband of MURIEL SHIN- hoike ia i ka a i boi -- lie All received i men Papa Ola koua ngena pnha, u nana GLE; MURIEL MELV1N SHIN- shall mado for such bill of sale. surplus upon kohcHipo mai laila aku, o lilo no i hana ua ke kauka muni hoopuii ia men ma ka buke moolclo, a e hookiiu hoi i ua mea GLE and ROBERT V. SHINGLE, any such snlo after tho payment of the taxes, penalties, costs hiwelawe, u inn hoi aole bo kauka nana i lawchiwc i ua men la, Junior, la mai kona kaa ana malalo o ua koikoi u keia Kanawui i kuu ui. minor children of MUR- nml expenses, shall bo returned to tho owner of tho property a i olo ua knttwnlc palm ua kauka la i kahi okoa nku, alaila o IEL SIIINOLE nnd ROBERT W. sold, claimed bo deposited in assessor's ollico and until shall the .ku mm, i lien pna i ka hoolimalima, men o noho ami malaila, a. SHINGLE; BEATRICE MAUY subject to tlio order of tlio owner. Paukii 1(1. Xu Kne Kiiuuwui: Hoopni. O kekabi mea CAMPBELL; OAHU RAILWAY i ole men okoa nku paha iaiii ku luabima o ua keena Ja a wnhi kue una i n.i kaiiolm o keia Kanawui e mnnaoia no ua pili iaia AND LAND COMPANY, n corpor- paha, ka boike- - ami nku i ka Papa Obi n iole i kona ngcim ko- unsold the teized be tho ka bew.'i mikamimi a ma kona ahewaia ana no ia bewa e hoo-pnii- n ation existing and doing business Any portion of property may left at koke mahiibi no ka make a kaawaie ami uku pulm iloko o under and by virtue of tho no, ko nno ke kuliko me ka mea i boikeia mn kekuhi wnhi laws place of salo at tho risk of tho owner. bora umhope iho, a o ua keena la a i ole wahi of tho Territory of Han-all- ; ROB- n keiii Kanawui, nm ku hootikuiu ana i ka hoopai aole oi uku i J ERT W. ATKINSON paha i nohoiu ni, aole e noho hou ia e kekabi men n biki iltoiia and WAL- tho owner of property seized desires li retain or regain ku Hookahi Haneri Dala ($100.00). TER P. PREAR, Trustees; HA- If boomaemae hunt kupono ia aim, e like me u:i kiihikuhi ma- possession thereof, ho may give a suflicient Umtl and to WAIIAN FIBRE COMPANY, LIM- .surety hopc iho uei. ITED, a corporation tcxlstlng and produco the property nt tlio time and place of sale, or pay nil Paukt 17. I mea e biki ai ke lioouoc niita in ua men i doing business under and by vlr-tti- o tuxes, interest and costs." kauohaia ma keia Kanawui, o inuiia no i ka Papa Oin me ka of tho lawH of tho Territory Paukii 11. N'a ka Papa Ola a i ole kona man Agena v ana o ke Kianinn e hana man ruin lioowuopouo nuu i of Hawaii; EWA PLANTATION npimo i ka HiKqxmoiHmo u i ui kuhi- COMPANY, a corporation existing Skctiox III. This Act shall take effect on the first day of Knbikuhi ka llonimeinae riau una, inn maiiuo ui he kuxuio, n ka wa e boolabaia e like me na and doing business under and by January, 11112. Uookiipu i kn noho hou ia o na wnhi kupono ole. 1 ka wn v kuhi o ka Pniikii !MI2 o na Kunawai i Ilooiiliiuluia o loan no ki i vlrtuo of the laws of tho Territory boikeia aku ai no kekahi wahi i kiuiwalo nolo kanaka malailn, iiiami o ke kauawni a a manaoin no hoi bo hoobiba i un poo of Hawaii; and JOHN BROWN, Approved this 2(lth day of Ami). A. 1). 101!. e like me ke kiihikuhi maloko o kit Paukii 11 o keia Kanawui upau. JAMES WHITE, HENRY SMITH, c iwaknluakuuiniualm bora muhote iho, e kiiuoha DAVID JONES, MARY GREEN, iilaila iloko o JANE BLACK, MARTHA WIL- WALTIiK V. FKKAH,t no ku Pupa Ola i kekabi o kona man agt'iiu bele uku ma ua Paukii IS. Ii maiia keia Kanawui ma ka la o koua iihjiioui LIAMS, and ALICE DAVIS,- - un- Governor of the Territory of Hawaii. keena hi a wahi paha, a e kuuoliu uku aole Ion o hookiiawalei.i mm. known owners nnd claimants. uku kekabi pono o luko o laila i pili i kn mea nia'i, a biki i ka You nro hereby directed to appear hum kupono ia nun, n mi ka Papa Ola n i ole agena AHmoia i keia la 21 o Aperiht, M. II,. 1011. and answer tho, Petition In an nctlon lioomaeinae entitled ns nbove.'brought against yon paba e hoomnopopo i ko auo kn hoomaejnao aau kuixnio ana In tho United Stulos i ia u wnhi paba. ko . I F. District Court, MA KE KAUOHA . i ua keena hi a wahi paha, biki ni keena WAI.TKU l'UKAII, for tho Territory of Hawaii, within .noho hou iaiue kn )ino ole. Inil.e maiiiio ka Pupa Ola a role. Kiauimi o ke Teritoro o Hawaii. twenty days from and after service paha ua luwa ka hoomueiiiiK) laau .ami o upon you of n certified copy of Plain- KANAWAI 118. koua agena ktioim oia keena a i tiffs Petition herein, together with a kekabi keena a wnhi palm a ua biki ke nohoiu, KANAWAI 119. hoomaeimiu certified copy of this Summons. UK KANAWAI ole wahi paha, me ua lako upau maloko o laila, o And you hoo-lil- o arc hereby notified that luuti in c kn Papa Ola a i ole kona ageua ialui iiialalo o ua 1Ui KA.WWVAT unliEH jou nppcnr and answer as a ole, makeniako ka ona, abiila nana jwmoi nhoio required, tho said Plaintiff will Ji Pai.k ai l ka JIa'i Koiiiiroro ami: Ko.va I.aiia ana. o i niakeniake o ka tnku judgment of condemnation of tho no iiialalo o kona lilo, me ko kupono mio ka li IIoomim axa i ka Paukii !W o ki: Kaxawai 118 o ka Ka:. landu In i paba. Inn o ka Papa Olti kk'Kai) Hooi.ot.fiA clcfiribed tho Petition herein Ji' lloohlldhi c ka Ahitolelo o ke Teritore o Hawaii: Pupa Ola n ole kona iigemi inanao xawaJ o o 1007, i k ki: Kanawai any . i 1 and for other rollcf demanded' Id ' n 1'Hlo kona agenn piiliu, lie mea' kupono o hoopoiioiNino lion ia 128 KanaWai o ki: o 1U01). tlio Iviltion. .'.ii- o'xa Iau ii.V?eeim la ir wahi paha, e maiiil' no i na Pujia- la a i ole kona WITNESS TUB HONORABLE Pauku' 1.' Nil lijukiilin. . 0 kekabi men a mk' paha, ka i kakau 0 kaiiolm ami c SANKORD B. DOLE nnd THE HON- baku n'oua paba a liuiu nun palm, lima hoohaiui a man lu'n.i agena palm ke knu hoolaba ma ke ami J! llouhotoia c ka Ahiolilo o Ac Tcrilorc a Hawaii'. i o ua keena l.i ORABLE CHARLES F. CLEMONS, honhiina palm, o kekahi hiilckimi, hale hana lako kuai, bale liaini iiela a e loan aku boi ka ona n ngena paha Judges of said District Court, this kaiiolm la no ku keena halo i kekahi n wahi palm kekabi koc o ua palapahi O kcln Puukti .".'J o ke Knnawai 118 o mi Kuna- 23rd day of March, In the year of liana, oiliana, botele, kenkii, u ole o alio Pahku our , lirminiiPiono hou i mi wulii la uiiiiuuli o komi n o ko l., Lord ono thousand nlno hundred and halo okou' ae, nialoko o lailii e laweluweia ni kekuhi man bairn wai o ke Kuu o 11107, i hoololiia e ke Kauawni 128 o na Kana- ku a ka Pa pa e cloven and of tho independence of the me ka lehtilchi'r, e h6olakoia no mc na ipiikuha no ia wahi a lakoii lilo penoi pnha iloko o niaiiuwu kniK.no wui o ke Kaii o iOOfl ma keia ke Hoololiia nei a e heluheluu United hoohihn kauoha la i waiboiii States the one hundred and man wahi palm o like' mo kn lawn kupono, a c malama man inanao ai: he kopo no hoi o ua aku penei: thirty-fift- kekuhi twe palm c noho ana ma ia wahi, inn he poo ke (Seal) boi ia man ipu mo kit macmuivkiipouo o like me k:. apouo a me a ina ilia ka ona imiwaho aku o kahi l nolio m (Signed) A. E. MURPHY, ka Papa Ola ka Teritore. kuhi; Paukii .'10. O ua uku hana o keia nine keia Luna Aupui o nku oia, o waihoia no ka hoolaba Clerk. - a i ole, nolo biki ko loan koke iikuia no ma kn niuhiiia kg?.- o ke Kulumikaiibale ame Kulana e aku (Endorsed) ku-lu- i ole e kauia no ma kuhi kiiMno ua l'Ai'KL' 2. IIookn)ii i ko kuhuiiu. Aolo kekahi niea o i kiiuoha ma ke keena a ka wniliouu o ke Kulanakaiilnile ame Knliiuu e 75. i ni mai loko ae o "No. UNITED STATES DISTRICT nln-bel- kiileimu palia hoikeiu uku jiehi nialuiia o kekahi k:ui lawe ohuii kaa alii, kna mvila, e wahi la; a ina ka mm u poe COURT, for tho Torrltory of Ha- i olo like me keia inubope no nei: e hooko i kauoha o ua hoolaba la a ka Papa Ola a waii. THE UNITED STATES OP aoiio, a i ole iloko o kekahi bale, e like me in i hoikeiu ma oh' na i kauohaia, e hoomaka 1 a kona agena paha iloko o ka maiiawa AMERICA vs. CECIL BROWN, ka Pauku o keia Kauawni, a nm kekabi wahi paba o lnili. Moiu ... $11,000.00 o ku makahiki i ole kona palm e lawclawo i mi hana Trustee, ct al. SUMMONS. ROIL koke no ka Papa a agonii . . . 1100.00 o ku makahiki la, NTn Lain o k.i Pupa Lunakiai ERT W. .BRECKONS, United h'e-ka- n hoomnemiie una i un wahi no !t. K Iloolnko Imi nlahuo i mail Ipukuliii. O bi pili i ka hoojMinopono hou ;i,(IOO.(IO o ka niakiihiki States Attorney. Pauku mi o kekabi .Mukai Niii puhu,, i ke- nu boolilo no ia humi, e biki no ke koi aku maiiiuli THE UNITED STATES OP AMER- mea a poo palm na oua a man luua uui a ole, Kukiiiiolelo Kubinakaiibulo nine Kn i mai ai o na lilo npau e hoopukaia ICA, Imi paba i hoohiiiiu e noho ona iinnV) kekuhi liiii'.iilahao hoopii bihia, men e boi hou ka uitikiibiki kahi a hum 2,100.00 a Territory of Hnwall, booponopono a liooiuaenuie aim, nuii ku onu mai jkio liooliolo kaa miiliu biilihali ohim o booboloia ami maloko o keia no ia . 2,100.00 o ku niakiihiki City mai ka palm e Luna Ilooia of Honolulu, ss. i kuu palm i kuleana i ua keena la n wahi paba, n jhm' TerjtoYe, o honlako ninu ipiikuhn muloko ohi, mail o like Jxiio Kulanakauhiile time Kabinu . IJ.tlOO.OO o kn uiiikahiki I. A. B. MURPHY, Clork of tho n i ole e noho ana moluihi, oiui, lakou, ua luwa kupono o mnluiua num hoi.iu,mnu noho hoolinialiiiia una . o kn mukahiki United States District Court for tho me ka lieluim a ipu i bo- Pniikii 2,100.00 i boikeia aku ia lakou i like mo ia Territory and District of Hawaii, do ka o like me ka iqwuo a ka Papa Ola o ka Teritore. hooko ole na knuoha'i o Honolulu. . 2,100.00 o kn uiiikahiki mo maeiniie i maloko o ke lliqx' lukni Xni, Apann hereby certify tho foregoing to bo ikeia nuiluna iloko o kn uuiniiwa kuinmo boikeia y a O . 1,500.0.0 oka inakabiki x i i paha r Hope .MllKlll .MM Kll .1N1IIII " full, true, and correct copy of tho kauoha; a e biki no i ka Papa Ola a ole kona ygonu !'." Pauku I. K Uookiipu ana i na Kinba.iuu like in o ku lehii- Hoio Jlukui Xiu', Apana o Waianae . 720.00 o kn makaiiiki original Summons In tho caso of THE i nu olelo like palm mo keia a e kauia loliu-leb- u kau palnpala hoolaba me UNITED STATES OP AMERICA vs. lehu. 0 ka uuthiuiaia una na kiiiba inu wai like ia e ka Hom .Makai Xui. Apana o Wiiialiui . 1,200.00 o kn makaiiiki malum) o ka pukii o ko keena o ka mea nia'i a wahi palm: CECIL BROWN, Trustee, ot al., as tho ma mi wahi iiha niait i ka lehiilehu maloko n keia Tcri-toi- e Hokj Makai Xui, Apana o Koolaulou 720.00 o kn inakabiki Biimo remains of nnd on In rocord tilo ko hookapuia nei. JIojw Makai Niii, Apana o Koolaupok 720.00 o ku niakiihiki tho ofllco of tho Clork of said Court. "0 kn nui'i koheMiM he nia'i jiili wale uku ia. lie keena I IN. WITNESS WHEREOF, have i i i i keia nohoiu iho nei o kekabi mea loohia ka nia'i kohcHo V, ku hi Iikubi i horounto set my hand, nnd nfllxcd tho Pauku 5. Mnkemukeiu e knu na hoolahu. O im poe onn, Pahku 2. inana keia Kunawai mai a, nine V :i un pili ii mai palm. Aole o pono e nohoiu keia wubi a biki real of said District Court this 30th liinauiii, a sie baku waiwai paba i boikeia miiintia ao uei, o Mei, M. II. 1011. dny A. D. 1911. ia ana o kauoha kn Papa Ola a i olo konu m ot March, liialama i kopo o na Paqku 1, 2, !1, mc I o keia. Knnawai mil na kn hooko pono mi a (Seal) A. E. MURPHY, nana e alakui una nil hana pili i kii.hooinaemae hum wnhi kiekie kupono e ikeiu ai maloko o keia mo keia keena oi- agena palm i keia la 21 o Aperila, M. II. 1011. Clerk of United States District Court, hookaawuleiii keia hoolah.i Aponoiu .!m kun-ul- ii a hooponopoiio hou ana. Aolo e Territory of Hawaii. liana, a iiialnko boi o keia me keia kna mvila a knu ohua mai keia wahi nku o ili mai ke koikoi hoopui a ke knnawai, n By P. L. DAVIS, palm, a urn ko noi una i ka Papa Ola, e loan aku no i im WALTIilt V. FRliAK, wale no o ka Papa Ola o weho no." Deputy Clerk. poc baku a ona la, a hum imi hoi, na kopo i pniia o mi ninu mi ua ngena Kianinn o ko Teritore o Hawaii. 48D2-3- Pnuku 1, 2, !!, me 1 la o keia Kunawai. Paukii 12. Uookiipu ana i ka llooheniaheiiin o ku Poe loo- KANAWAI 120. x Balfour, Guthrie Line Paukii IS. Na Kiiiiiukuhi. Aolo kekahi mea i loohin i kn hia i kn uia'i kohepopo. 0 kelu mc keia mea i loohia i ku nui'i liin'i kohepopo, oiai oin e kaa ana iiialalo oin mii'i, e aeia e no kohciKipo o hoolei wide una i koua male, kiiba n man men ino UK KANAWAI :m maloko palm i i konit lilo hoi i o ulu nuii ui o Antwerp to Honolulu. o kekabi kuhi iiupuui a kuhi ktiokoa palm. pili kino a men na men i liooMiiuo wale i kekabi men okoa aku a poe paha e noho liko li HooMH.I Al I KA AloiCUNA lil O NA KANAWAI I HllUI.UUI.UIA Kapa-i- a SU'Hincr will rccv'lvo frolulit iliirlnu J'm.'ki; 7. K Iloike ua Kimka me na Poo o up. K lilo no i ami i ke keena hookahi, hale, a i ole, Impii paha o kekahi hale, o Hawaii, ma ka Pakui ana i Pauku Hou ia a i: Juiiii and will nrrlvo Honolulu about hana ua kel.i me keia kauka maloko o ka Teritore uei ka boike ke hoopiiia mai i kekahi mea a poe paha i hoooiiioia miimnli ka Pauku USA, i: IIoomaopopo ana i ka Out ana t .ai September 1. TA ana ma ke kiikiiu i ku iuoa, na mukahiki, ke auo (kuuo a wit-bin- e oia mini bami, e iniiuaoia no ua pili iaia ka hewn uiikiiiiiua, a Mau Air. i Tkiutokk a i Oi.i: l Kukaih Paha l.oadliiK ports will pimslbly Include Kkkaiii ka ,t i i -- Li-lt- palm), lahiii, oiliana, ktibi liopo i noho lawolawe'liiimi ai, o keia me keia men honx)iuo miimuli o kekabi ino liamiia o Kona Mau Mahki.i: Aupuni ma o Kkkaiii Mau I.uxa if linod opportunity for shipment ot inn i maopopo, mo kuhi noho o keia me keia men i ikcia e ua pclu, e biki no ke hoopii kino a i olo nm ka palupala i ku Pupil Oi'iiana a Poi: I.awi:i.awk Paha. .i$2. holiday goodn. i i i i For frclRht rates and Information, kauka la ua loohia i ku inu'i knhcpoM, ka Papa Ola, a ole Ola, a koua ageua pului o kokoko miu ilaila. K lilo no liana upply to i bona ageua kokoke mahiihi, iloko o iwakaliiakiiuiaiuaha bora ua ka Papa Ola a i ole kona ngena pitha i ka wa o loan uku ai v' Iloohnloia e hi Ahaolelo o ke Teritore o llauiiii: FRED L. WALDRON, Anent. mahopc koko iho o ku loan oin iko i ua kauka In. K lilo no hoi o ka hoopii e noii aku, u inu o hoonuuqsipoia o ku hewn i hoo- tS07-- 7t ami ' i i liana na keia mo keia Liinauiii o kekahi luiukiipibi, wahi hn-a- piiia aku ii;t hiwu no ka hoopilikia ami i kekahi men e noho like Pauku 1. O ka Mokuna i:t o nn Kunawai Hoiiluluiii o hum, home hooimilui n i olo wubi ami liko kuokoa a i ole nun maloko oia liimi, keena, hale a bapa paha o ua bah' hi, e Hawaii ma keia ke hoololiia nei mu ku pukui una i pauku hou and 1 Summer Days wahi oihnua paba no ku lehiilehu, o hoike e liko no la mo i.i hoike nku no ua Pupa Ola hi a i olo konu ugeJiii i nu mea hi ia a e kiipuiu ka Pauku ISA, penei: inalumi, i l;n iuou, mi makaiiiki, ke nno kauo a wahiiie paha, i hlinpiiia o hjiiko ami iuia i na men apau onu i hoopiiia ai, a e ka lahiii, ka oiliana, kahi hope Ion i noho hiwelawe ai, ina i kauoha ana hoi iaia o hookaawalc loa i kona male kuliii a men "Pauku USA. 1 ka wa o kekahi luua, ngena, men lawe-- . Paii Ka Hana maopopo, kuhi lima boi i noho ai o ua men liia'i la i loohin i pelapela e ne pnha o koua kino inn kuhi e hoopoiuo ole aku ni lawe a men okoa ae paha ninlnlo o kn humi n ku Teritore, u i l kobepiipo i komo mil! boi miihilo o kaua malama ana a i olo in hai. O kekahi men e hooko olo ana i ua kiiuoha a ruin boo- ide kekuhi puba o komi man malielo nupiini o aio ui i ka Tori-- ' Q00D THINGS koua ike una palm, iloko o iwakaluakuiuamiiha bora miihopo ponopono a ka Papa Obi n i olo n koua agena palm e kauoha tore, a i ole i kekabi palm n kona mini imibele aupuni no un wale uku UjafBULLETIN ADS PAY-pr- J! iho. unit hoi iaia nolo e liana i ua liiinii hoopailuii hoopoiuo Hoomauia Ma Ka Aoao 22

i iti,';iiJ , . i.s- ,snL . JH :,.u jujml. Jim j t .1 ' ' ii -- - !jLk.' - IM y faaAL!,:., JUtM!iJHimr: inrftm' rl Jlftri ?- - Jakii 1'.- w. rp p.v


Oceanic Steamship Company Alexander & Baldwin, nf MOVEMENTS OF LIMITED A. Leave S. F. Arrive Hon. Leave Hon. Arrive 8. F. Established in 1858 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS J. MAN, MAIL STEAMERS April 29 May 5 May 10 May 16 II. P. Baldwin President May 20 May 2G May 31 June 6 V M Alexander Shipping and Commission J V rioko.,.,2iullt 165 firit claes, (ingle, 8. F. 9110 hrr.t class, round trip, San Franclico. & Co. Bishop J U Unit r.nl VE8SELS? TO ARRIVE John Oullil Acting Treasurer Agent for -- i C. BREWER A CO., LTD., General ArenU. I! K . l'.iston .Secretary Sunday, Apr. 30. I) BANKERS W Smith Director Moloknt, Matil ports - W It ('untie Director Co., Mo. and Lanal Arthur Sowall & Bath, Mlkalmla, slmr. C! N. Wilcox Director Kauai ports Kluau, stmr. Commercial and Travelers' fc Co., San Francisco Pacific Mail Steamship Co., Parrott Tuesday, May 2. Letters of Credit issued on Sugar San Francisco Nippon Maru Factors. Badger's Fire Extinguisher Co. Wednesday, May 3. ' the Bank of California and San Francisco Ilo'niflulnn, M. N, S. i , iiIkivo company Commission Merchants, General Fire Extinguisher Co. S. Nteuitirr of tho will rnll nt Honolulu nml lenvo this port The London Joint Stock Bank SPRINKLE!) r nbutit tlio ilntai mentioned below. ORINNELL AUTOMATIC Friday, May 5. Ltd., London. and insurance Agents IIonRkpng ports Chlyo Clook-Co- . via Japan TOR THE ORIENT, TOR SAN FRANCISCO. Agents for Neuanan Maru, T. K. K. S. S. (WATCHMAN S CLOCK) O. S. S. Siberia May 9 S. S. Manchuria April 29 Hnunflnn Commercial & Sugar Co. San Francisco Sierra, 8. Correspondent May 9. S. China Mny 18 S. S. Mongolia '. May20 for the Haiku Hugnr Company. Tuesdya, Tjrpowriter Son Francisco Siberia, P. M, 8. 8. S. Manchuria Mav22 S. S. Persia 9 American Express Company Pnla Plantation. Royal Standard June Tuesday, May 16. 8. Mongolia June 12 S. S. Korea June 17 MjiiI Agricultural Company, CVok & Co. Snn Francisco China, P. M. 8. B. S. Persia July S S. S. Siberia June 30 and Thos. & Son. llamilliin Sugar Company. Aachen Munioh Fire Ins. Knliuku Plantation Company. San Frasclsco Wilhelmina, M. N. Mcllrydc Hugnr Company. S. S. ' ' FORT STREET, NEAR MERCHANT May Interest allowed on Term Kalmlul llnllroail Company. Saturday, 20. Hongkong via Japan p6rts Mongo and Ravings Bank Deposits. Kniml Hallway Company, For general Information apply to llonolua Ranch. lln, P. M. S. 8. Haiku Fruit nml Packing Company, Sunday, Apr. 30. . Kuunl Fruit ami I.nnil Company. Kauai ports Nocau, stmr. H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., agents Wednesday, May 3. Kauai porta W. O. Hall, stmr. n:i)i:iui. hhaltii actiiouitikh. knowiKu thu 'Hawaii via Maul ports Claudlno, purttfy ov Tin; milk fiiom Blntr. Castle & Cooke, Ltd Saturday, May 6. T0Y0 KISEN KAISHA Illto t sy pofls Mauna Kca, BANK OF HONOLULU Honolulu, T. H. Hlmr. THE POND DAIRY Sunday, May 7. LIMITED HU'imurs of tlio niiovo Company will call lit nml lcovo Honolulu on or SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MER. Knunl ports Klnau, Ktmr. 8UQAR mentioned below: CHANTS, FACTORS Maul, Molokal and Lanal ports about thu dates una wimiul- - FOR THE ORIENT. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. PAID CAPITAL, f000,000 1'i:ilmitti:d its iii:iku takiin' auoahu thu Miknhala, stmr. """"" GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS MINA. Monday, May 8. i Representing TELEPHONE 2890 S. S. Nippon Maru May 2 S 3. Chlyo Maru ..May 5 to Kauai ports Nocau, Ktmr. Succescori Ewa Co. S. S. Chlyo Maru May 30 S. S. America Maru May 26 Plantation Wednesday, May 10. CLAUS SPRECKELS & CO. Walnlua Agricultural Ltd. 8. S. America Maru JuneZO S. S. Tenyo Maru June 2 Co.. Knual ports W. O. Hall, Rtmr. Kohnla Sugar Co. S- - S. Tenyo Maru June 27 S. 8. Nippon Maru June 23 Hawaii la Maul iwrts Claudlno, Invites your Account and Walmea Sugar Mill Co. ' 8. S. Nippon Maru July 18 8. S. Chlyo Maru July 21 stmr. Apokna Sugar Co. "' G. S. Cliiyo Maru August 15 8. S. America Maru August 11 offers satisfactory service. Ltd VESSEL TO DEPART I Loans at market vatei. Fulton Iron Worka nt ML Lam's. CASTLE 61 COOKE, LIMITED, Monday, May 1. Agents, Honolulu. Dabcock & Wilson Pumps, Wc can recommend to our patrons the i Exchange and Cable trans- flreen's Fuel Kconomliers. Knual poits Nocau, stmr., C p. ,m. fers. M?tson Navigation Co. Tuesday, May 2. Hongkong via Japan ports Nippon Travelers' Credits and MUTTON Maru, T. K. K. S. S. Company Checks available everywhere. Hllo via way ports Manna Koii, Matson Navigation stmr., 10 a. in. ' we arc offering week being Maul, Molokal and Lanal ports C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. this as tender, stmr., 5 p. ni. BETWEEN SAN FRANCISCO AND HONOLULU Kauai ports Klnau, stmr,, 5 p. m. I fat and well flavored. The other meats SUGAR FACTOR8 AND COM- Thursday, May 4. ' FROM SAN FRANCISCO. FOR 8AN FRANCISCO. MISSION MERCHANTS Kauai ports W, 3. Hall, stmr., 5 April 18 Wllhelmina April 26 are as good. Your order will have . S. S. Wilhelmina S. S. p. m. V S. S. Ho'nolulan May 3 S. S. Honolulan May 12 !... s. K. Ailhlmlni Mav 16 8. S. Wilhelmina Mav24 Officers and Director: Friday, May 5. 8. S. Lurhne May 20 S. S. Lurline May 29 San Francisco Chlyo Maru, T. K. fr n. F. Bishop ...... President K. S. S. The Yokohama Specie Geo. H. Rouertson Hawaii via Maul ports Claudlnr, ....Vico-Presldcn- t and Maniger 6 p. ra. - stmr., . W. W. North Treasurcj- Metropolitan Meat Market , ,, S. S. HYADES of this lino sails from Seattle for Honolulu direct on or Limited Tuesday, May 9. about APRIL 29. Bank, Richard Ivera Secretary Hongklng via Japan ports Slborla, For lurther particulars, apply to J. It. am V Auditor HEILBRON & LOUIS, Proprietors TELEPHONE 18K M. S. S, Ueo. R. Carter Director P. HKAI) omi'K... YOKOHAMA Wednesday) May 10. C. II. Cooko Director Ban CASTLE & COOKE. LTD.. General Atenti, Honolulu R, A. Coulee Francisco Sierra, O. S. 8. nirector May 12. Capital (Paid Up) . .Yen 24,000,000 A. Gartley ,. Director Friday, Reserve Fund Yea 10,600.000 - San Francisco Hlnolulan, M. N. 8. Canadian-Australia- Agent n Royal Mail General banking business Tuesday, May 16. trniiBacted Savings accounts for C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. Hongkong via Japan ports China,-P- . STEAMSHIP COMPANY (1 and upwards. Young Hotel Laundry M. S. S. Fir a and burglar-proo- f vaults, Saturday, May 20. Deposit San Francisco Mongolia, P. M. S. FOR FIJI AND AUSTRALIA. FOR VANCOUVER. with Safe Boxes for rent FIRE AND MARINE Our wagons pass your twice dally, or phone up 1861 52 per S. Makura April 28 Zealandia April 25 ut ye.ir and upwards. and 1862. Moy2o Marama May 23 Trunks and canes to be kept on Zealandla custody nt moderate, rates. INSURANCE AGENCIES MAILS. I Particulars to be applied far. TTT. 1 THE0 H. DAVIES & CO., LTD . GENERAL AGZHTS. mans aro duo rrom mo ronowlni points as follows: XV AKAI, Slunugtr. Iloynl Insurance Co. ot Liverpool. San Francisco Nippon Maru, May 2. Corporation. AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Honolulu Office, Bethel and H Iondcm Amurance Yokohama Chlyo Maru, May S. Stri-cLa- . Telophono 2421 Commercial Union Assurance Co. Colonics Per Mnrama, May 23. p. u. 1CS. From New York to Honolulu, via Tehuantepec, every sixth day. and lfi!4. Box of London. Victoria Per eZalandln, Mny 26. Company's, wharf, 41st Street, South Camp's Malls will (or following Freight received at all times at the & Van depart tho Scottish Union National Ins. Brooklyn. Co. of Hdlnburgb. points as follows: San Francisco Chlyo Maru, Mny C. FROM SEATTLE OR TAC0MA TO HONOLULU DIRECT: Caledonian Insurance Co. ot Unequaled Edinburgh. Yokohama Nippon Maru, May 2. S. S. VIRGINIAN, to sail MAY 9 Vancomcr Por Mamma, May 23. 8. S. MEXICAN, to sail MAY 21 American & Foreign Marine Ins, Sydney Zealandla, May 2C. 8. 8, MI8SOURIAN, to sail JUNE 2 Co. i For further information apply to H. HACKFELD 4 CO, LTD., agents, Oahu Machine Shop TRANSPORT 8ERVICE. Honolulu. Pork and Beans C. P. MGRSE, General Freight Agent. 301 QUEER AND RICHARDS IIS. DIjt. arrived Seattle. Apr. 16. Telenbone 314 Territorial Board o Logan, from Manila for Honolulu, Automobiles, Motor Cycles, Qsi ta- - A food of fine and rich Apr. 11. UoRtry and Marine Encincs, Bice Immigration Sheridan, arrhed at San Francisco, Phone 2295 Reaches Hill Machinery, Etc OHcr 403 StanKewaU lla. nutriment Apr. 11. Konoluln. Sherman, fioni Honolulu, for Manila, Apr. 14. Hustaoe-Pec- k Co.,Xtd. Your Grocer Has Them Crook, arrived nt San Francisco, Apr. 13. KINDS ROCK AND SAND 1 Oil CONCRETE WORK. Honolulu Electric ALL Of nuford, arrhed Shanghai, Mar. 31 FIREWOOD AND COAL. SCANDINAVIA Co. PASSENGERS BOOKED 63 QUEEN STREET P. O. BOX 212 ' BELTING Engineering ar.d Contracting Per O. 8. S. Slorrn, for San, Fran- Bern-Htcr- n, Kouse-Wirin- g Repairing Supplies cisco, May 10. Mr. and MrB. 1187 AIAKEA ST. Near Beretania HONOLULU JR0N WORKS Mr. and Mrs. W. II, Ualrd, Mr. Time Table mid Mrs. C. V. C. Peering, Mr. and Oahu Railway n, FIRE INSURANCE AfftnU. Mm. A. K. (londmandson, Miss Truol-Mi- PLANISHED SXEEL If It's Paint Mr, and Mrs. J. 'S. Spltzor, Mr. Outward. A fall assortment, sues 24"x86" AND YOU WANT A GOOD JOB, SEE ME TOM IHAU and Mrs. O. 8. Alvers, Mrs. II. Holt, to 48"il20", and gauges No. 18 to Mrs. C. S. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Co. and Chemical Engines and The B. F. Dillingham For Walanae, Waiulua, Kahuku N SG just to hand. Jackson, Mrs A. C. Mohr, Mrs. E. II. Way Stations 3:15 a. m., 3:20 p. ni. Hoot, Mr and Mm Titus, Mrs Mohr, LIMITED City, Mill and Way Vfe do sheet metal work of all Watchman's Clocks For Pearl Ewa n. Mm. A, I,. Mr. Mrs. kinds, and guarantee snthla-tio- Iltittors, and Stations 17:30 n. m., 9:15 a. in. Sharp SignS Fredericks, Mr. and Mm. J. Thomas, aentrnl Agent for Hawaii. patronage is 11:30 .1, m 2:lG p. 31., 3 20 p. 3D., Your solicited. For Sale by P. K. Holt, Mrs. Clorfayb. Mrs. Shay, p. p. p. PROMPT TO JOBBING . . . ni.. J3:30 m., H1:1R m. ATTENTION AXE IEEN EVERYWHERE MIsr . . uonaon, A. OILMAN I. Thomas, Mrs. Thompson, J. Aisuranco uompany or I.elleUua "10:20 CO., PHONC 1697 847 Berg-llot- d, i3t r"ir Wnhlawu and EMHELUTH A LTD. Port Street KAAHUMANU T McCroHBnn, T. N. Terry, Carl m'ow York Unaerwrlters' Afjcncy. , in., D:15 p. m., 19:30 p. m, tll:16 Phpne 1511 145 King Street 0. 8. Carpenter, Mrs. Murston Providence Washington Insurance Co. p. in Campbell, Mrs. S. domcz, T. II. lion-to- n, PACIFIC ENQINEERINO HH n' STANGENWALD DLDG. Inward. Prlnco Kalanlanaoln, Mrs. 8. W Arrive Honolulu from Kuhuku, Wol BUILDING MATERIAL COMPANY, LTD. Mrs. I. M. Cox. MIrh M. B. Consulting, Designing and Clarke, K. J. Recce, A. K. Lorlmnr, aulua and Walanao 8:3S a. m.. tin 16:31 p. m. jxl raiita. Engineers. Mr, and Mrs. O. C. ?waln, Alex Hoff- f (J. LLPS 1JNSUKAJNUE Arrive Honolulu fro;a Rwa Mill and ALS1S WLTJMIIBX. Bridgei, Buildings, Concrete Strue' man, F. Malin, Miss Davis, Miss I. Hoffman, Dr. B. Miss K, City-t7- :46 a. m., 8:3G a. ra., Marshall, 1 Penrl hires. Steel Strncturei. Sanitary Sys- Shipping Miss I. Miss 11:02 a. in", p. 4:26 p. m.. AX.ua k. aoKBiBon. Packing and Sherman, Sullivan, U not a Luxury; It Is a Nieesslty. '1:40 ro.( tems, Reports and Estimates on Pro- C. A. J, Sulli- B:31 p. m., p. m. Ktnei ITnnnlaln Farnsuorth, Brims, J. is v Out you Must have the DEBT '7:30 nwii jects, Phone 1045. van, J. II. BeUer, Miss U. Wubko, m nd tliat Is provided jy the famous Arrlvo Honolulu from Wahlawa and Miss A. Welbko, Mrs. h. C. Hansen, , I Lollehua 9:15 a. m.. p m., B:31 Household Goods and most equitable Laws of Massa tl:4 21S5 cilitorlul looms 2250 Inter-lslan- t, and O. II. & L. Shipping Miss M. E. Tompkins, Mrs. M. F, p m., (10:10 p. ni. In IiuIii('h office. TIioM! uro tlio tcln. bookH for snlo at the Tompkins. husetts, tho two-hou- r Bulletin The Halciwa Limited, a phono iiuniliprn of llm II u Mot In. omco. 50c each, (only IN train first class tickets honored), We will pack your household goods and attond to tho FOREIGN PORT8.. New England Mutual lento Honolulu every Sunday ut 8:2C a. m ; ruturnlng, arrives in Honolulu and Custom House Papers. Thursday, April 27. Life Insurance to. at p. in. The Mmltod sl"p3 onl SAN FRANCISCO Balled April 27: Hstu.' at Pearl City and Walauae outward S, S. Honolulan, Honolulu, sHfisOT THE GOVERNMENT for OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS and Walanao, Walpahu and PraiJ City wft toward. Oy its system of contract work has become a close and particu- A SUGGESTION ON- - ECZEMA Dally. tSuaaay Kicep'.ed. tHuudny lar buyer In all markets. The Army has contracted with us to Union-Pacifi- II yen would bo fully Informed about Only. supply the stone and sand need In the concrete buildings for the c Transfer Co., HflK' , thee law, address G. quarters to bo erected at Fort Ruger. Looks as though our Nos. It is suggested that eczema suffer-.ir- n - T. DENIBON, F. O. SMITH a- - Hiiperlntendnnt. (1. P. A 2, 3 and 4 CRUSHED ROCK met requirements. nsl: Honolulu Drug Co. of this city CASTLE & COOKE, nluit n ports they are getting from YOUNQ ft n 1 1 t ! n phone numbers nrei Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., Ltd., KING STREET, NEXT TO HOTEL PHONE 1870 thu patients who have used the oil ot g. my MNEBAL AGENTS, Uuslness Ofllce-SiJ- t. ROBINSON BUILDING QUECN STREET wlntorgreen liquid compound, D, D. , , . HONOLULU, T. Hi idlterlal Sstmi S18J, V. Prescription.

M k , fmgmmggmgmggggggggggggglggggggggggggggg t t.,, ," )?. f;V,"r' vmfP?j ?"?Y


L COLDS AND May's Wo bave just received a new stock of silver-plate- HOTEL tablo ware in WANTS COUGHS the STEWART J!iiitit SAN FRANCISCO 61 llomreopathle CHINESE REBEL Restores color lo Gray '1835 R. Wallace' Geary Street, ftberc Union Squaie Jul! oppoiitt Uotrt St Frjocu B. & 8. COUOH AND CROUP SYRUP or Fnded hair Removes European Plan SI CO a day up DandrulT and invigorates GOODS American 1'lan JJ.OO a day up TO LET. WANTED. All utTcclloni of thn rcxplrutnry m MEET DEFEAT In the latel pattern?. They are lire npivilllv hilpeil hy the nee of the Scalp P r o m o I c s a plemincj, Steel am) Lritk atructur", furnnh-in- c lluurp cnimlnllhK of thren beilroinni! vry dnrabt ANTIII- (cnnntruc-ttot- il tltlM old WMIIiV MKUICINK. luxuriant, and inexpensive UW.M). class (elonet HIT or each), parlor, illnlliK-- l - aiililiiM'i'Ctors healthy hair cost Ilich tl- per diem A lonipcll-th- e rouui, luiiilry, hltehen and bulli-rmii- at - growth its falling hotel nt moderate rati'3 Omnibus will he held May 22, Stops lOot'lrio HhIiIh mill inn", mud-- 1 examination (Aoclalrd Pn Ciiit" ) mccU nil trains and steamers I!H1, uilalillshlm; si out. Keeps hair soft and em plllluhlni;; In kiiikI neighborhood,' for thii piirpniii nt Prepared only by 1IONUKONO. Apr Hotel now recognized ns nn eligible nf nublnpcctorii 1lrltlb Stewart ullhln lln ii.. nilniKuii' wulk uC Ihreoi rmbtcr tiilprifo wero'deKpiitehiil I'nn-to- u glossy. Js not a dye & bnalit In Hawaiian Island headquarter. (i i.nili in lion) nt $121 per dlom. For BOCRICKC RUNYOH CO. SO- - cur linen Unit Uv icr inniitli. '.! today on orders iidinir-alt- $1 W nJ nt Dm Sttrct tit ilirrct upon 'c'oiii-iiiamlii- fnm ihr Cableadilrci,-'Trav.ets- A II I.. ltiilletln 12' fiirlhi-- Information nddrcxK, San Francisco rffctpt of put ii4 Urilrrt mmr. Stnil lUc lur J.A.R.Vieira&Co. I' I.:itin, olllee, between with Inxlriiitlons t .i kii.i1 the taiupltf liolllc I'liili, My .SpcCiallic Cu 1 N'mul HIhIIoii, Code. Keservitti'inx m.nle nml e?ry ilny, except .Sunday. llauall, of foreigners In the or fur- Nconk, N. J.. I'. S. A. 113 HOTEL OT. JEWELERS tl .ouyh T. II " I'llUTJ CO CIINTU lle mm 4909-t- f ther hostilities lietucin tile I'llllH""' KhFUSB AM, SHItSTITUI IIS Trent Trust Co , Kurt iiUeot. 4!iH Apr 2S, 29: Mny 1. Iliinrihiln Tim For sale by nit lMiigKhls. lo.MillftH and tho ii III .MiikIhix property known an tliu Wilder Hie jw - WANTKIl Hilblnipcctori (dredtf-llli- fl The repoitu iioin 'eat wwhhuw HHnannaiMf- building, corner of Kort ami Qm-ei- i reell BKJEEXaillSffiiJSSESSIiSSlSEa nt t3.CH per diem. A cnmpclltlc of tioublo today hiouulit In l, rf ntree.19. Tlie bulM-- 1 elTe, t I'MlMiIn.illuli will bu lull) May 18, 1911, in', is wern to the Hint .i hi Ihk liiK nlll !, remodeled to hail be, n tt i, - suit tenant! for the puipoie of efltahllihluir mi eiiKai:ement inoij.i The LEADER I von Hatnm Young Apply to 0. llrewor & Co.. Ltd. I ri'Khler of KUblnipectors (diedif. In wlilcb lirli'.iile i i; ri ral ,sss2sss3Mi Ihb) at ll.ftO pir diem for further Bromide Cbting bad , received loort l woiiihIh CLOTHIERS Two live-roo- attractive eottnBci, llifiiniiatlon nihlroi "Cnmiu.iluhiiit, Tlu rebel loss vwis h. iv nnd their (fort Street Near Oeretanta Co., Ltd. Hotel St. Francis never . occuilid, 9th Ave., KnlinuKI; Naval rltullnn, Hawaii, Honolulu, T. defeat ileclslvo. iil.ovii puiiulorlum. One block froin II" Revolution Suppressed. 5ESE22H3 enr line. 4UlI-t- f Enlargements Apr. L's Union Square, San Francisco 4914 Apr "f, 29: May 1. LONDUNi The Litest in vi ' here fniin I'mitnii Ii I" ih that A rerond-huit- il chip or marine eloel: .Hut Received by S. S. Wdholmina Pioneers and Leaders in Under the Management ot the royalists m il il In ROOMS AND BOARD. with bell. Must be In K'xid condition. hae WHITE SERGE AND NAVY DLUE tho Automobile BuiincJi I tho revoliittoiiits ,n.Mi:s uooii.s I "mm Htnte price and where ran ho Fecit. made from anv plate or film TAILORED SUITS C'ntlOKH with bath nlid ho.ird for coti- - AddrenH "Marine," Hull till nlllce. AReiita for n cars tf cnod cnnuith for the mdlnary also .siioi'i'ivi: iiki:kskh 'iich 490.-,-- FIRE DAMAGES THE pie. A miltu of rooms with board l, Stovens-Duryc- a, picture. ARBUCKLE REFINERY ta Packard. and hot and cold water liuth. Shady S. Cadillac, Thomas Dyer, All Mi the lieaull.'iil park Nook, lOl'j lleretnnla Ht. Telephono An experienced woman for millinery NUW YOItK. Apr . Flu broke Mrs. F. Zeave, I , i'.etlnery llnhli, and r 1333. HUlO-t- unrlt nnd a Kir apprentice. Inquire, out In the Ai buckle Hug.ir Overland, Halter Klnctrlc, In Hie lirnrt Hie tllr, f TheKo iiilnrponioiilB are no rich 8 Yoonrj Building l'likuiiida .Store. Hotel tit. today and did nn hum, ns .imount of others. F nlilrli N the llnalrc of A furnished room with board, for a ,t.. 4913-t- f nR nnd nro nnlhed In damage before It could he got under Kcntleinun, can bo bad with prlvatu contiol. The loss r.nin lire im.l wntrr llir principal eienls ot ICxprc-H- i black and ulilte or si pin. Hie family for 30 a month. Apply 1017 Toi! to know Nleper's phono Is eHtlmnteil to be a uiii ( i of n mil- f.iiiiiiui folliaN nl San SPRING HATS , S Kin Ht. 4912-t- f number la 191C. Furniture and planoi lion dollars. lirancNro, tliN lioli-I- In en. moved to any part of city. In our window ymi will see nn llrnmiicnl nnd u(iiilii!ierc, Slylisli Opened Nlcely.furnlihed rooms with board. Pattern Hate Just plea'-aiitl- exainptfj of Ibis Work. GIOQONS GETS NAVAL ACADEMY. most ) llm Apply 13CC KlnK Ht. llxptrlithced driver ot bread wniton. WASHINGTON, Apr 28. l. r. MISS POWER Automobile ronifnrlnlilo ilrlt uf old Cat Nona other need apply. Vienna OlhboiiH. 1' Cnptiilti John s. X., Inn - Ifnrnl.i. Bakery. 1129 Fort St. 4901-- tt Oottqn Building Port Street FURNISHED ROOMS. been appointed Hiip.i Inl. n.l, nt of tho Tin; nnd nuMIII; ol Honolulu Academy. rnjnllj Job compositor. Apply nt onco to Naval Hie (lid World nml Hie Fur No. 7.1 lkrclanla St. nitttrlc light LEADIKO HAT CXEAirEHS. & Repairing Foreman, Bulletin I'ublhdilns Co. Co. Supplies Kast nnd the men of IiIkIi and ruunlnK water In each room, Photo Supply LLOYD CRISCOM WILL RETIRE. All ilinds of Hati Cleturd and J I, Apr .' - V nchloiinient In America l'rlco reuMuuablo. J, Townxcnd, Amateurs for llljoti Theater. Apply Ni:V YOltlf, l.lovd Blocked. Associated Garage nlio proprietor. 4870-t- f "Everything Photonraphic" (Irlseom, who has been prominent In iisseinMe In re lo between 12 and 1 dally. Ho TTied. Work rnntrlbutu the political clrehw here iln., his relurn Addi flt:arated. Limited mniuopfllltiin iiliiioiplurc nl on Clean furnlshtd room for wurklnf Anything of vnlua bought for cash. irom Italy, three vur ngo nnj uho FCIIX TUEitO. Spfalut, ihilltutlon vihlrh men; 51.1.0 per week. 1281 Fort Ht. ltoos, 1154 1'ort Strret. 0pp. Ccmrtst riireiul Cnrlo, 1117 Fort St. 4753-t- f win us the Mil eiini'ldiite Hie hospitality and luillililinil. 48!illm fltd Honolulu, T. H for the presidency ol the ItfpuMlinn nf San l'niucKio to llm county In .I.iiiiiiim lost, II' Nice, room Delmon-ho- , committee comfortable The WATCHES. lonlght that tih hfidth would trmeler. llerctaula .St., near Fort. luillilliitr, Mlilcli ioniiel lit m to In. in nil active ..For the BEST RENT CARS In the lhe markK 48li4-t- f lin 81 n week; no necu y.Arts & Crafts Shop rtlrc K. UYEDA creillt: piirtklpatlou In publli .iir.ilrs He has city, ring up (lie furl ho I ailvanre of kclinre while paying. Carlo, I , Wuir J. lort linnded fit bis resign. illon to the In M'rilcc, lias ihmt the InrKcst iHt. 1'JlO-- lt Latest Style of FURNISHED COTTAGES. Alexander Young Buildlrtp organization. capatltj ol any Imlrl htruilure CCNTLEMEN'S AND LADIES' HATS 2999 In tlie West, iiitd upou rumple. Crennnty'n furnished cottages, Wnlklkl LOST. linn ol the (.tree I annex RAPID TRANSIT MEN 1028 NUUANU l'oit Uenyli; Tel. 2SC8. 4859-t- f STREET will be the largest caraialmerj Silver Batchel contalnhiB 81B nnd TODANCE TONIGHT Tor (Irovo. Jchick Flnilir return to II. llnclifeld In the vt arid. Furnlidied cottatso at Cottato u.v. Iuirolro No. 8. 489C-t- f l& Coi mid revt'lyo riiward. I'iiipIovch nf llio Uapld 1'iannlt svini.i: tiii: si:itvin: is I 4!UII-l- OLDSMOBILE, No. 403 Tin; J'' PICTURE tlii-l- i rsuti. i'itici:s auk (Touipiiiij will Rive hIxIIi uuniial Mir. JEWELRY. fIimHi.iIhI il.mro IoiiIkIii at llio K. in A, BLOM, RENAULT, No. 40-- COPLEY r SHORTHAND. IN PHIUTS I Hall, juiil. It hIiiiiiIiI he u biicei a No. CS0 $1 no Hccurlty wlillo LANDAU LET, n weik: Wear l'rlvntu ijlven In Khorlhaud iih tlicicomnilllccii base linen hard a European li.iylnir. Full line; low pi Ices, good Instruction PACIFIC PICTURE FRAMINO CO. Importer Fort St Plan from $?.U0 Up b experienced tcniher. 1'. U. Ilox 83. wink an eiijiiyahle time. couds. J. (.'alio, Fort Ht. 1050 Nunanu Street 490G-1- Slttcihrara lll lc:ie llio cdrner or C. H. BEHN 4U10.tr .Vffil Kort luiPlnhl.i'nt twelve uVlock EPOCH-MAKIN- PRICE-CUTTIN- CLOTHES CLEANING. lonlKnt fur tin accoiumiiilalliui or the FOR 'SALE. MACFARLANE&CO., limit er. 4ALE NOW ON RING UP THE Clothes cleaned, dyed on TIM-- CottuKn of eleven rnoms. Rood locality, and pressed commit icon' In chnrRe if llio JUST ONE PLACE notice. Called mid deliv- i on car line; p iiln)relm.trlo IlKhtHI short for Limited ddiico ato: 3029. 11C0 i . mndtrn pluiiiblnir; iiuirly nuw. I'llcu ered. I'hone S. Hnrada, 1'loor iiMtinecr-T-A- II. Alliens. The Ideal spot on this Island for a 4S40-t- Oahu Auto J'.'tuO; JlOtl iloun, bulunco on tllno. Fort Ht. f AhkIbIiiiiIh-- W. S. Wlutor and II. S Yee Chan & Co. vacation of a day or a week is lllllletln oIllCM. , if Canai In. 4SlJ.tf.- - SODA WORKS. KcfiChlnncnl oommllleo C Sliiim FINE LIKE OF DRY O0ODS lloie-turl- WINES AND LIQUORS and .1. I.ando. Haleiwa The TraUBO envelope a 3022 tho I'hone for licit oda water Ileecptlou comiulltcc S. and Stand The management pays strict atten- Invention. No mldreilng ikcoj madii In Honolulu. Honolulu Hodu Ilcipj WAI1 YING CliONG M. McKluuiiu, tion to the needs of the guests, and ary lh sending out MIU r :o , cor- .i ic Mii.i.tnt, I'rop AVati r Co Matsuniotn lane, near the lervice is excellent. celpte. Uullstlu PubllnblDK Co.' ner of lleretnnla and Nuuanu. Arr.incenient riimtntttco A II tola ngants tor patentee. l Agents For AliiPHK. W. II ScfilllliiK. II. (I Ihnln CO., Packards, Kissel, end the only 1911' MOSQUITO-PROO- R. Ilcapy nnd C. Strom. Seven-Seate- d Locomobile CLEAN ROOMS lleautlful homo In 1'alolo Vulley, closaj JEWELRY. INGLEN00K WINES Kinp; Street, Ewa Fjshraarkct I'lnniiee conunlttOO II. O. Davis CAHHKUI, CHAUFfnUItS ( .hi be Imd nt the to carlluv; chenp; attractive terms. On credit; no security; wear whllo .1. AhcIi Kal-inu- and King and Bishop Phone 3413 Heu Walter II. Uradloy, care payliiR. J. Carlo, Fort Ht. Co., Ltd.; Tel. 1053. 49111. If We deliver to any part of the HAWAII STUDENTS AS WAlKiKl INN (lenulno pnngeo nllk liedxprend; o F0REIGNERSAT CORNELL hand needleworl!. riirchascd III AUTOMOBILE. city. rhliia. Inqulro or addicss No. 1 TANCY DRY Automobiles u c uimr.iN prop. d GOODS 4914-2- 1 For hire, leven-eeate- Packurd; HtiidcnlR rrnm Hawaii aro put Kbit; Plato 78 Deretanla Street .phone 2511. Young Hotel Stand: down aH "furelKniirii" 111 a recent pub- lletween mid lot, Kalmtikl, lOOxlDO; best lo- Mnmle;i Smith Streets Corner Chas.' Reynolds. 4540-t- l Phone 2026. P. 0. Box 488 lication Issued hv Cmiioll llnlieiKllv SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO. good neighbors; i cation In district; The i uitil luti as xout out pi hit view. Address O. Merchant Street Vienna Bakery uusurpussed 1. LIVERY STABLE. the CnllimluK: Box 12. 4878'tf ITHACA. N. Y.. April HI That Dress Goods Flrst-clns- a llvory turnout at rea- Furniture IIome-Mnd- c China henilH nmro Htildcnts to Cornell MfiN'S niRNISIUNUS lias tlie best , Hecoud-han- d Ford autninoblle, In food sonable rates. Territory I.lvorj order, 82S0. Inquire or II. K ITiilveitdlv limit lluv filbne rmnli.ti Orders l'rlco Btublo, 348 King; phone 263B. Bread, German Pretzels and Wnitc, coiner of Queen and Milllaul. Rugs & Draperies country Is hlniwn by n cnnipllnllim nf ptniiiirs I'limn lias rnriy-iin- ir H YAT HING Coft'ee Cake. lie sure and piano, good con- for livestock will be forwarded to One upright KrueBer MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. hole; 1'iirln Ulco twetity-two- ; dition; price Jir,0. Ilitjulru oC Oeo. J. Hopp & Co., Ltd. C. H. RELLINA at San Trancisco ring tip Coin mh.cn; tho Phllllpptncs tlilr-tee- ii if left with us. 2124. 11 Hiiilthle, lOlfi Mnl-l- St. week; nn neeurlly On ri illl; il n I'hc nml C.iuiuln and Hawaii eluvrn whllo paliiK J Carlo, Koit Ht. KAM CH0NG CO. $1 mieli 'I'lin Kiiiilli Amerleuti Sllnteu 1129 PORT STREET MISN'S clothliiB on credit; per 4010-t- f week: Bulls Klen at once. V. Levy tiro all leptesonted. piacllrally all nf MEN'S rURNISHING GOODS Tel. 1109 Co., Saclm lildg., Kort St. I I - - - OtitllltlHB CHIROPODIST. For IRON BEDS go to lie Kmnpcutt eiiunirira nnd llulln - And Delicious KtitdenU - BOYS' Three-bedroo- house nnd lot on I'oiui'll draH 'ruin thlrtv- CLOTHING DIt, C4 Bt above Wyllle Kt. Price Illltri- l- Ottlce. Alex. Youim "Ue l'iiiiiiiiich oiitHldp of llio Hulled Corner Fort and Beretnnia Streets CLUB STABLES Hl.lK -- 0S. 48311-t- Phono SI Butternut Bread 11900. I'hone 3148. f Coyne Furniture Co. alec. FORT STREET Delivered to Any Part of the City Selected Carovonlca wool cotton EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS, Wing Chong Co. Bt seed. A. V. Gear, 1214 Fort ' IxhlhiiKhl, Kluail l.'mployuienl Of KIN li ST.. NEAR BETHM PALM CAFE - Phone MM l)oi 401. 469H-- tl iK'JO Entered for Record April 27, 1911. P. 0. Ike; phono IS"!'.. It DeIer In KOA Frdip 10 30 a. m. to 430 p. m. Fntmture, Mattrestti, Y. Yoshikawa, 1 Chlld'H enamel crib. Inquire PIIUol FURNITURE - etc. All kinds of KOA MIS- CONTRACTORS. Iluiiiril i: ile Lima to A M I'a- tic, and ORDERS ARE SERVED IN HI., opponltu I.uimlllo Home. i.nnlm Option SION FURNITURE made to order. 130'j-l- The BICYCLE DEALER and (leorBo Yuuinda, iteneral contractor. M.J.I w Swain mid hfch In It Ar liai moved to OAHU FURNITURE CO. lIoblilllH I) Individual Meat and Pool table, complete; cheap. a co, Ksthnnti-- furnlxhed. 210 McCandlcH thur IMPORTERS OF ORIENTAL GOODS King opposite C UnglneerH, Tort ItuaHy. 1110(7. Phono 111C. Street, Young Hotel It Arthur Itohhlim and to Mutt Q lo P O llox HO I'hone SOW lllili; & I .o.i Hoey of II Ltd M 180 KIN STREET Pie Pots iihlp-pln- ,1 At the Inter-Ulan- d Onhu t: ThoniiiH lleeiiey nml wf to Mull and Railroad PLUMDING. Co. Hew location Red front, near DALTIMORE DAIRY booltii, Uullotln olllce, tf llldl, Loan Sixy of H Ltd M Wing Wo Tai & LUNCH ROOM ut ?oung Building, Telephone 2518. Fort Street Yee Sing Kee Plumber and tinsmith. Tiint Tiu-.- t I'o Ltd to Jeliulu II 041 Nuuanu, near Kinc Street Nev. Singer newlnc machine; rcaion- - FOR SALE 1) Smith St., bet. Hotel and Pauanl. JlllllbhOII ( I'lio.Ni; 10:0 flail up Phono 1103. 4897-t- f. ablu. ALGAROBA BEAN MILLS .Ml n 1. Iwiii. ie to K'anioho Ulco Mill II. Y0SHINAOA Drink I I. llowera. S029. FOR SALE OR LEASE. And Co Ltd Cholco cut Phone - FINEST Emma Sticet, Beretanla ONE SECOND-HAN- STANDARD l.llluoknlanl Trunt by Ira to Kiiue- FIT above May's Old Kona Coffee ohi Mill Co I. And Cloth of Al duality Ctn be A lurk'P house on lleretnnla avenue. GASOLINE ENGINE, 16 H. P. Ithe Ltd New BICYCLES arrived, for racinjr Iiiiukc Iiiih Hlx bedronmH, Iuiko Entered for Record April 28, 1911. Vurchaied from Main ttd general use. Prices, up to Dest In the Market V. Victor Talking Machines parlor, illnlUKronm, Ul ti lion, pantry, 1494 EMMA STREET Telephone 2435 From Si30 a. im to 10:30 a. m. $25 - SANG CHAN J35, without brakes, Repairing and etc Two iiittaKCH, two bedroonm Kiiilkmila (w) to I, 1. JliCniol- HENRY MAY & CO. K MC CANDLESS each, with bathrooms. Modern plumh-In- I, II BLD0. don neatly. Phone 1271 all paitly furnlKhed. For par- Joiiiiili hi Sh iw to t'Hiiliiirn Oye . 1, P. 0. Box 901 Telephone 1731 LATE3T RECORDS ticulars npply to I II. Kerr. AlaUen Bsl'jOTtitfX'w nWalTki-9--- M '1 I.' on- - to Kneleku HiiKnr Cn St !03-t- f i Ltd I Meat Market and Imyortera. Honolulu Monument BERCSTROM MUSIC CO, LTD. llotiu Kmitiin tin to Kailekil Suk-- i INFORMATION. fMiSKSaSSS r Co I td I Works, Ltd. rTyirTTtTfTTf fall on J Curhi for Jewelry. wntchen n Successors to Shaw & Seville llAS Thayer Piano Co. and illamoudK on cmllt; Jl n week; KING STREET, NEAR ALAKEA With no security. Wear whllo pnylnB URINARY K tlLait .T"fc. C. Q. Yee Hop & Co. Phone 30S5 P. O. Dox 491 V.I 10 tf m STn'rlSSii discharges! STEINWAY ffliGS'iPk m:i.ii'.vi:n in AND OTHER PIANOS FOR YOUR GROCERIES, SEE Illanlc hooka of nil lPilRnm, Fine Line of i 150 Hotel Street Phone 2313 hurts, 24 HOURS F. E. DAVIS & CO., by Uullotln TUNINO OUARANTKIIU etc., manufactured the AMERICAN BROKERAGE CO. PubllKhlni: Coinnanv feferwiirirjvjmrrjrr7TT!7T5sWEa!3 i Carpenter MiSi Tools iii ii i H Mti"Zy Kill); Street, ntar. Maunakrs MERCHANDISE BROKERS Jntor-lHlan- d and O. It & L- Bhlpplng At the New Hardware Stori ftttntrmtf tmnlrtinn - books for sale at tba II u 1 o t i o CITY HARDWARE CO, it.t. lll!('III.tHI I Weekly II u 1 1 e 1 1 n per year, nlllce, SOo each. King and Nuuauu 2291 Daily Merchant and nuuauu tl MAtAA4AlUl .t 444AAft4AAJ Streeti Phone Deliver? Slretti

''v.:-0a- &&.-t- A-- 4kj fc. iSii 'JL jLLLAUtiiihtiA .tmYiMU1 taLsoL.:fc WJ.. c . 'iti ft i.i sif i, )''.;.! ' 1.1 tAfi I i'

SATURDAY, APR. 29, 1911. 22 EVENING DULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. H., LEGAL NOTICES. - keknlii roxo Jloi- ia o Hawaii, jia ka Pakui axa aku ia ..Mo- - o hiki mm mnliopc iho o ko lnkou pno nui una mni, nine hu- K.M-A1- kuiiiu hoikc o no o hikhii lnkou ko ikoin, a o KL.NA 1 l'.MKL Hot, K .MA KU Axo O KA PAUKU limit ninopojio DISTINCT COUItT OF TIIK MAKE oin inoa i kn IN THE 2281 A, a k Hooi-A- ai i ka Pauku 2 o kk Kxawai 4!J o awi koko nku hut i ninu kopo nmii pnpn hoike UMTKII STATUS IX AMI F0K Wa-iii.n- i lonn ui kokun ka hooko T xa Kaxawai o ki. Kau o 11)05, i: Pn.i axa i ko ka k Lunu Xui o kn Oihniiu llnonnnuno inn TIIK TKHKITOHV OF AM) Hai-akoi.- i koiin OP HAWAII. Kaxk-.Mak- k Juiiio'xa i Koxa Kui.jiana ana nku i nn hoaknka nun o nu knnnwni c pili mm kc Mai Ka Aoao 19 UNITIU) 8TATK3 OF AMMIUCA, Hoomauia nku o na keiki i piha kniwmo nn niakiihiki c hole nui ni i ko ino pulm, o kn rinlntlK and l'etltloner, v. AU- nulinn oln, .inlinu wiii n milinii pnipu lnvi l.ntu i R Hooholoia e hi Ahiwlclo o kc Tcrilorc o Hawaii'. kulii c hole ko knlti. GUSTUS K KNUUHKN; EIUO A. n i oli- lima mipuni :iliu inin kn nloi mm f mi nn-i- i nie- Jlooin KNUDSUN; ANNIB S. KNUDSHNj iiininiili o ki- - koi mm nku 11 ku hum mipuni inin kn olii un.i lli, 1. Kc hoololiia nci inn kcia ka !Mokuna 117 o K aku no nunnei hoi kn Pnpa i na knhtin uoho o na ANNIK S. KNUUSEN, Oiianlluti of i nil- - Pauku na niinn t in nip, n limlmpi- - ilio hoi o kn hoikc in nun nku mi men hi, AKTIIUIt S. KNUDSR.V: AKTIIUH Knnnwni iloopouupono llou in t Ilnwuii, ma ka pakui nun uku )aahiina in.iloko nci o kc Teritoro, auio na oihana imi .luinii u - - i kn ninliiiin n 8. KNUDSKN; U.'VON 1IOI.TJ i- no i- pun inni kn hooknlii hnpnhn o uku 1A liinnii in Mokunu i pauku hou, o kiipaiiLiua ko nuo o ka Pnuku 228IA, hoopnn no like huim npnu hu. MAUI) - - i ki-l- HKNIIY M. VON I10I.T; o hi ii i- hnnwi in- mi liiiiim In, i nku hium piihn tin iiit'ii c like ienci iho: K. UAUSTIN; KKKA1IA SIIUAH - ki'in liki- - mi- - kn uii- - iki-i- nun, i kn limn impiiiii mi- uiniinwn noil i kn pili no ko COMPANY, u corporation organiz- k- - K uku no kn Pnpn un hoopii iuu uica i i- - n i kau o nn i koi nun, a pi-h- nku limn ni hiki nun ed mul existing under and by virt- iinini "Pniiku 228 IA. Kc nclo ko kn wuhiiio kmic-miik- c hnun i npuka a imi waiwai pnha inn kit hoopilihia nku i hiwolnwo kuc wni n nuhnii jinipn lmw ino palm, mi-u- ue) of the lawB of tlio Terrltury of iiinii niihnu hi, n iiuhnii i knua koho una iloko o ka nianawa hoainiia maloko nci ma-- 1 ia aku i na liumhuun o ko nu niuii o mui u poo c no i Inweia inii I In wall; TilK THIUIITOHY OP nku pniii-c- - liinliiuu oin." ii i in nc, c nonoi kokc uku no ka lunahooko-kaiioh- a o ua pulu-nl- u malnlo o koua main, a nno okon ao puhn, a o waiho uku no hoi HAWAII; 11ISII01' THUST COM- kuuohu In i ku Aha IIoopuiiopouo Wniwni no ona kauoha i un hopeiiu o in noii ana i ua lunu nupuni i lonn kn inana ku-iou- PANY, u coriiorutlon urcmiUed and K ki-i- Knnnwnl mni n nmhope nku o kn In by of tlm r.MKt' 2. iiinnn kane-mak- hoonuio-op- o existing under and virtue o kauoha mm i ku wniwni ii c hooa mni a o liana iho i no ka hookoia aku mmniili oia liana; a o noii a c o koiin nponoiii nun. lawa of the Territory of Hawaii; kaua koho nun i olcloia iloko o ku nianawu ikiiuin o ka Aha. aku hoi i ua kulaua noho'na nine na loina pili kiilniuina and SAMUKI, AI.UAHOUA, JAN'ri Inn o nelc ko kn wuhiiio kunc-innk- i kiiuhohaia aku pola, hnna Inula o na limahaua pne mui o ko ninu o iinio ua liuia-han- a tlUAVA, MAHY MANHO und JOHN , uui mi AHiuoiu i ki-i- In 21 o Api-rilii- M. II. 1H1I. 1IANYAN, uiitmown nun l kniiu koho'nu i oleloin inn ko kiikau a wuihoiii iloko o ku okoa nc nine kn jioc i komo inni e noho hiMilnupai in loko owners and clalmaiitH, OuronduntB and Ha- - nil it mnloko o ku uiniinwn i knuia e ka aha, n i ole hoi in, iuu nci o ko Teritoro no ku hnun o kn hooholoniua inin uku i ko ln- WAI.THH V. VUV.Ml, BIOIldt'UtH. no un kiiuohaia aku oiu pela u aole palm, ua nolo kona liana ana kou pono nine ko ke Teritoro poiimikni, nine ko koito nnu uku You nro liereby dlreclfld to oppnar, i Kiiininn o ke o Ilnwuii. i kaua koho'nu i oleloin inn ko kiikmt u wuihoiii iloko o ku uha hoi i kahi hnuii hoopoiiopotio mumuli o ua iihnhui kiilnuu pili nod answer tlm Petition In nu arllou entlllud above, brought nguliiHl uiumua no o ka pan ana o ka hooMiiiopouoiii auii o un waiwai oiltuun n pili inaoli hoi o kokuhi poo. ai ou In (ho Hlatrlct Court of the United la liiuuhooko-kmioh- a hi, o lou KANAWAI 121. u hookuuia ua inuiiiio mn(pjoH States, In and for the Territory of iu no oiu un hookoe oiu i koiin kiilemiu luipnkolu." Pauku 8. K hoohoihoi aku no ka Papa i ka noho pan man Hawaii, within twenty days from and UK KANAWAI mui in loko o Ilnwuii noi o nn niukaaiiiana nine ka oo i ami after service upon you of a certlllod uuikc-ninkei- copy of I'lalntlfT'H Pauku 2. Kin iuu kcin ko hoopnu loa iu nci kn Pauku 2 o pono a i knpono hoi ke lilo i poo miikiminaua ku i ka a I'otlllun heroin, to Collier with a eel tilled copy of this E HoOMAOl'01'0 AXA NO KA IIool.lI.O AXA I KA W.UWAI PaA kc Knnnwni !!! o nn Kmuiwai o ko Kau o 1005. i no Ameriku Huipuia. Summons. ma o xa Hooko Kaiiuiia a Li:na llooi'oxopoxo Waiwai, And you urn hereby notified thnt un- K HoOI.OLI AXA I KA 1'aUKU lSr." II XA KaXAWAI I 111)- - Pauku I). K muiia aku no nci Knnnwni ma koua uponoia K komo kokua pu aku no hoi ia mo na Oihana c nc o ko less you appear und niinwer us above required, tlio mild I'lnintlft will take i) Hawaii, a k Pakui axa i Ki.ua Mau Pauku Anpnni Tcrilorc no ka hoohoihoi ana nku i ka noho unit o ka uuiiri.riA JudKUieiit of condemnation of tlio i i j: Kai-ai- o nci. Hou ua Kaxawai j.a Hoi'i.uri.uiA a xa poo mahiai ninluiin iho o na uina nupuni kc Teritoro lauilu described Iu the Petition herein .' Pauku ISr.r.A nt: IS.-,- II. AK)iioia i kcia la 21 o Apcrila, M. II. 1011. and Tor utiy other relief dainauded In K hiki no nunnei hoi inin, inn ko nuo Kniiu n hopo pnha u the Petition. K Hooholoia e ka Ahaolelo o kc Tcrilorc o Hawaii: AVAKTKR V. PRKAR, nuo okoa ao pnlin, kc lnwe mni, pnu a hoolilo uku i nu ninu i WITNKSS TIIH HON'OIiAUMi SANKOHM U. U0I.B aud TUB B Kiimiuu o ku Teritoro o Hawaii. i u uelike e loan mni keknlii poo inni a e hnun nku hoi npau a A. (I. M. U0UEHT80N. Pauku 1. O kn Pniiku lSIi." o mi Kuunwui i Hoiiluuluiu hnun no hoi i wn hnna npnu loa i hiiio a i kupono iaha no k.i Judges of said District Court, this Eth inn ki'in ko lioololiiu nci i ni : KANAWAI 123. linnn o kii hooholomun mm nku i ka nohoiu inni nine ka nohoi.i day of January, In (he J ear of our Lord one nine hundred iho hoi o ninn hi nu ninu okon no; n c komo kokun thousand und ua mull nine eleven and of the Independence, of the un- - iki-i- ni ho uii-- "Pauku ISfifi. I ki'lu kcin lnnuawn o HK KAXAWAI nku hoi, ma konn mnniio iho iinio ka ac ana inni o na imioiio United States the ona liuuihed nud - - loo-ilini- i, knpono in no kn wniwni u un km- oh- hoi i kn Pnhipaln I lakou ia man aina, o loaa ku niaheleheleia aku o ua npaun ninu Ihlrty-Iirt- , - inn ho jinlapala hooiliun keknlii, o ku nit-i- i i uiiikt-- ko kuai E Kukumi ai i Omiaxa Hooi'.vr. T.imahaxa, Paahaxa a Ho- uiinui o kokuhi poc o loko nci o ke Teritoro nine ku hiMiiohoiii (Sgd.) A. B. MUltPHT, (Seal) hoolilo una nku i kokuhi waiwai pan o ku pan loa aim Papa Hooi-a- i 10 o na ninn hi. Aolo Clerk. uiuiuuu ikk IIki.v. i: axa kb Kaxawai uku hoi o ka poo ike uinhiui inaliinu iho o un niuii (ICudorsed) kn i nil-- , - no i ku (lain o ka wniwai no liookau mm na ninna Kaxawai o kk Kau Auaoi.ki.o o 1005, i: Pn.i ana i ka nno hoi kn Puki e hoolilo nku i keknlii o koua mint no ko No. 72. DISTUICT COURT OK TUB i PAUKU , hooko kauohu n luiuihonpoiiopouo wniwai p.ihu ke hoolilo nku PaI-- IIOOI-A- LlMAIIAXA, A t lloOI.Ol.I ANA I KA kuai nnu i keknlii oiu ninu ninn o keknlii pin-- n i olo iu, iuu ka U. S. for tho Territory of Hawaii. - UNITBI) AMBR-IC- A kn wniwni pan, n i keknlii liupn palm lawn kiiNuo ni, no ku f o kk Kanawai :t:t o xa Kanawai o kk Kau Auaoi.ki.o hoohnnn una nku pnhu i keknlii o nu lunu ninu In o kokuhi poo u TUB STATUS OP - , vs. AUGUSTUS V. KNUOSBN. et hookau mm nku i tin mi- i km- o kn wniwni o ku uii-- inaki-- u o 1000, i: Pn.i ana no Kkkaui Auiiau AIai.uxa o xa ninu mipuni palm, a ma ka hoonoho ana iho hoi i ka oe ninu ul. SUMMONS. ItOUBUT W. DHBCK-ON- S loan in huim Willi- - no, like nip k.i Loaa IIooi-a- I.imauaxa. in i hoi iu mini iipnu no e no xa IIaxa ike mahiai mnlunii o kn iiinii e hoolilo uku no na uiitu o and WILLIAM T. RAWLINS, At- u - pi-l- in i hoakuku-i- hiki, i kn wu i- loun ni ku laikini e huiiu nic keknhi jkm- - i kuliina emi iho i ko nn uina aupuin.i loan uNioi torneys for Plalntirr. - UNITtil) liiahope iho nci. 1 na wu npnii lawplawoia ni oin huim N Hooholoia c ka Ahaolelo o kc Tcrilorc o Hawaii: ka liopcna o ke konn mm aku i ka poo. iko mahiai o lnwe i nn HTATK8 OK AMBRICA, ki- - kop District of Hawaii fis. polu, ii niniiuoiu no oiu mull loan, oin iiinii lona, iiiiia nupuni i hoohnna ole ia a lilo i men uina nu ku Papa n I. A. B. MURPHY. Clerk nf tho Ills-trl- ct L'J liki-- in nit- - kn wniwni lcwu o kn wniwni 1. Aia kcia kc hookuniuia nci maloko n no kc i iloko nci K lie wniwni pnu, a ke lint Pauku ina noonoo ai ma ku hoonoho pan mm kn poe iko iiiuhini Court of the United States of urn kn hooinnopopo liki- - nnu n Teritoro o Hawnii he Oihniiu Hoopac Limnliann, Paahana a , o kn uii-- uiiike, utiii in, o ke Teritoic. America, In and for the Territory ami 7 ' it, In-li- a ke- i or t mni hoi i kn wniwni i'o elike me kn liinoliulii wniwai inula Hoike Pajia Hclii, c kna uku in limlulo o ka hooiualu ana District Hawaii, do liereby certify ii ' the foregoing to bo a full, true und o kii iihn mo kn liuiiin i hookaain no un uic, n o in koenn iho knlii Hoopac l.imahiiiin, l'uuhiiua Hoike Papa Hclii. hooknhun n c ninlnma nku no nunnei ku Papa Pauku 0. E correct copy of tho original Sunimoim liko in in iwnenu o ku poo i kuleana like mo ho wniwii ka main o kekahi hum ka-lep- a i '' ' i inahele knlepa kuai akca, nmlalo o In the case of TUB UN1TBD STATUS ko lakou ninliolc paknlii 2. H elima ka nui o lain o ka e Viookoliu holo-pon- o OK jinn In i hoolioi.i no ko ilala, a hoi Pauku na lijia, nui i mukiiiiknii ma ka ike, no ka hoohoihoi j ko kuai AMBRICA vs. AUdUSTUH R m wui-v- n i lioakakala lii'a ka hooliina-lim- a KNUUSBN, , "r.klilcnna ni tne kn loan i hoouiao)opoia no liikou, inn ho uui in hoi lakou o kc Kinninn inn ke nuo in ia aku o na waiwai ulit o ko Teritoro noi. E et ul na tho same reuiuluu I'lima of record aad on Ilia In the otllce of lewn kn men i hoolilnia no ko ilnlu, nolo hoi ho wniwni pan." Pnuku 80 d kc Knnnwni Kuiiiu, no nn kuio nmahikiWi aku no auanei hoi oia i kekahi poo o lawc mui, u o hoo- i u the Clerk .of said Court. no na palm i pan ole oia man kau, hiki ni hoi ku knlc-p- ni i na waiwai miinawu hoihoi nku hoi i onn knhuu o inuiiiiuuwii IN WITNBSS WHHRKOK, I luivo ki- - pnkuiin noi i ua Kanawai la hooknhi hi In I pun i AjK-ril- III) o kcia kcia niaka-- '.Tawkii 2. Hi' Pauku hou o nine ' ulit i liuihiia nine nu waiwai okoa ao, i na waiwai u kapoo jke hereunto set my hand und nlllxed the. lS.i.VA, hiki, hooiiiuku me ku makuhiki 1012. o 17Ui i Floouliinlnin o knjuitn ka Pauku ienei: o aim nilihiai' amo ka pin- - iko liana i kola ame kcin o Ilnwuii nci, seal of said District Court this m.i I day January, A. D. 1911. hoonoho uhnn a hoahu aku ia niauvniwiiMilii, o no of '$ pupa, who, (Seal) A. IJ MURPIir, 1S.ri,riA. K wailio nku hooko kauoha a lininhoo-1)oihih)1i- o i'AUicu JJ. hooknhi o lion ko lilo i Pcrosiilenn no ka Teritoi-i- - noi i nu ', JfPnuku ka Ho nn akii i ka ioc liinhini nine kn jmiC uoho o ko into Clerk of the United Stntes District wniwai puliu inuiti o ka luuukuuuwai i loan ku iiiaun Papa, a pelu no hoikein ui nmloko o kona palnpnln hookohu. loin'a o ka hooiilu mm, ku uuihiuia nun, kn hiiliuo una nmo ku Court, Territory of Hawaii, i o kn wniwni liooiuulii knlmiii i pnlnpulu noi p hoikc pilm ilim Un kuleunii no c lonn i ua hou kit hoihoi hou ia uku no ko lnkou liiiiii'nuiiwa mm I ka lakou mini inoa ulu, e loaa hoi naantMikii lly K. Ii. DAVIS, Deputy Clerk. 482-3- m liooku-liuui- K m ko kuliina o ku wniwni, u i tin men hoi n pan e pili una i n mini lilo io limoli mil kn hee una i na hiilawai o kn Pupa. amo'iia kuiiiu hoojia aclikc i oluolu kupono no ka halihali ana i Iiooiii1ion)o leu in o ko i ko Kinninn uku, ko i no npau W ui o ku palnpnln noi, loan ni ku hiki no ananci hoi ku Pupa, ino ko niono i ua mau mea ulu nei, a e hnna uku no hoi na huiiu e hoolilo ina o liootii!ioiooui o ka i KoniiMna Hoopno Liinnhunn, Punhniiu u HoikoPnpn i i hoohoihoi uku kuiiiu knpono no kn una; a hoonoho Ion i pili iu ninu men pono n kuono palm no ka J iu ilala i ko i i ltinaknnnwni he hann kuMno i'o no a he pono hoi no ka Hclii, a e loan no iaia ka uku mni loko ac o ua hiki i ka noho inni loko nei o Ilnwuii o kn poo iko ku tnuhiui na i ui o ku wniwni o liooinnluia an.i ka hoolilo una nku kn wniwai pan a hnoliloin nku kn Pupa o like mo ia o honkakaia Papa men ulu liilii unio kn holoinua hoi o nn oilinnn muliiui o ke QEIiORATQ i o i kn Pupa i komi-sin- u M i keknlii hapa palm o in, e innnn no kn Innaknnnwni hnnwi me ka apono mm o ke Kiuuinu. E hiki no auauei hoi Teritoro nei. K knu nku no niianci hoi ia kekahi nku lawc-luw- c nku i luikini o hnna pela. Aole keknlii oin lnikini e hoopukaii ke hoonoho nku i keknlii poo lima, wp hopo a m.c kauwa kupono lnaluna iho o na lniina hi-l- iluhi i lonn mni ko hooM)iioXiio i u hpolaha akca niuii ia inn ka nnpepu palm n uno okon no p.iha, c like me kunii e ninnno ni ho knpono, u u kuiiiin ana aku o ua men ulu i hanaia c iu n mumuli puhn o kuiin Old dlMKV wiiIIh mid cellllilis , kauoh.i liana ko mo nro iiiiule and fresh by the ! . oliki' me ka mea e kuiiohnin nun e kn lunnknnnwni, o ko lnkou man lniina nine ku lnkou innit mo kuliko lnwelnwe nun; c iikuiu aku no na (lain aau loa o loaainai ami lulnlit i i i kule-uii- a keena oihnini npplicatlun of this superior wall ami i ka pilikoko o kn men make, n kn m hoi unu ko kanawai, n c imi aku auanei u lona oua man jichi ko nuo uku koiuisiuii iloko o ku Wuihonn o ko Teritoro, r.lSt, iuu rovorliit;. Heady Tor Instant usu iu waiwai, o hiki ne ilium oua a e hojke ina he limit kuiiiu kii)oiio no kana hoohana ana. Ua hiki no nunnei hoi iaia ko hooknnwnlciii nei iu ninu ilnlu npnu Ion no ka ii ma keiu ko wlien nilxoil wltli ciild water. ku lakou i ole ni ku aein o ko noi." i Koinisina In nine kokuhi koua man lunn, hopo knpono hoopan aku ua IMiuo o ua Papa nei. no. a kuiiwn lnwelnwe e FOR EXTERIOR SURrACES i Knnawni In i Pauku .1. Ho Pnuku hou kc pnkuiin nci na Pavku 10. I liana na ka Pupa kn hnna ana nku i keknlii ilouluuluin, e kapnin kn Pauku lS.ViH, penci: Pauku I. E hiki no nuiiuei hoi i ka Papa kc liana nku i ka hoikc mukahiki i ke Kinninn, a nana hoi o wuiho nku imiiii o ku FULLER'S imi ana, uiunniiinu a uoii pilm nun no kn men pili i kc kuliina, Ahuololo. K hoiko no un lioiko In i kokuhi hoike i hoaknka "Pnuku 1B."5H. 0 keln mo keiu hooko kmiohn n lunalioo-ponopon- o ka uoho'ua kuonoonn auie na pouuiikai pan huim niuii o kn oe liiouknka iu nn hiinuhunn no ua ilula npnu i loan i ku Pnpn nine COLD WATER PAINT. w.iiwui i laikiuiia e hoolilo nku i keknlii wniwni pun lininhnnu i pue mni nine ku poo uoho hoolaiipai unit i ka aiua knhi i loan mni ai, a iu wni u no kn hnna hen ia i iikiiin nku ni, o. huawi honu i kn lunnknnnwni, mo nu bono kiiKun, o hoopan c hoca uui mni ann a un komo mni pnhu iloko nci o ko Toritore. iloko o kn innkiihiki hnnwina ilala nianiua ilkn. KJioiky no hoi IS THE DEST aim o hoolilo kuai nku ia wniwni u e hoolilo nku i nu loan eliko K hiki no uiiunci hoi iaia kc hoakoakoa unit i ka ike ma ka men i ka hcluna o na liniahiinu i luwcin mni i Hnwaii nei ma ka mo ko kuliikuhi n kc knnnwni. K hnnwi hoi oin i koua noonoo c pili una i ka pilikia auio ka auoi'ua no ua limahaua o na ! lilo o e Teritoro nci iloko o ua nmknhiki In, pnu pu mo ku itiu-ni- uiaikai ma ka lmoiiinono ana i ku uinnnwa me knhi knpono huim hocucii niuliini, haiialiina a hoowuiwni lchuleliii okoa ao u kn hihui, ku liiuknhiki, ko kaina, kc kuliina noho'na iiinro, Coolco, no kc kuai aim, a c hooiknikn hoi ma na aim npau eliko ino kn puui kc Teritoic nci; hoiiliiulu i ka ike inn ku men pili no kn kn ike palapnlu, nine kuhi noho mo kn hnna, c like mo ka mea Lowers & V. LIMITED hiki inin i lonn ni kn poinnikui i ku wniwni i hoomuluin. hiko i nu liuiahnnn i loan mumuli o ua oc liuiuhuua hi i puo hiki ana ke lonn, no ku iiinnuwii nolo o emi iho i kiiuiukuliiki kau oin i I104I11I1.1 inn ka ainn e hooliloia ntin c lioiko aim i kahi mni amc un jioe noho hoolnupni niuii la o liko mo ko lakou hooa hooknhi innniiin uku o kit holo aim mni o keln amo keia oia ano 177 SOUTH KINQ STREET tin- - ka nininwa e hooliloia ni, u eln no hoi oin o hoolaha ni nui nun inai, a i olo in, homo aim palm iloko nci o ko Teritoro i liuiahann. K lioiko ao no hoi iu i ku lilo ma ko poo hooknhi no mnloko o keknlii nupepa lawc uui ia ma kn mokiipuni kuhi o un keln amc kcia inanawa; o hooiniioK)X) lea aku hoi i na liana i ka hookomo mm mni i un poo liiiiiiliiniii hi i Huwuii nei. A e i oia hoo- ni iiiiia la i waiho ai o hoikc aim hoi kahi mo ka mnuiiwa knpono loa ai i un jmic la n c loan ui hoi o kn Innna aku a luunii hoike no no hoi in i kokuhi limn men o no i hooiiinnuiu ka ai ekolu ptilo i lilo aim, hooknhi inanawa o ka pule c hoolaha no mni niawnctui o lnkou nine ku poo e mnkciimko mm nu liinn- Pupa noii nku a o liana aku jnilin hoi nialalo o keia Kniiuwiii, hoolnhn hope, aole hoi c emi iho nmlalo o Iwo-ka- i komo o Hawaii nei kai liko, a o ka hunn; nnii pono uku.no kn hnuii hanaia aku ia lakou; nine nu hoikc. pupa helti e pili ana no ko Toritore iho o ko ana. Oia man kuai hoolilo o kuu- Forcegrowth m la niainua koko kuai kokua pu nku mo nu iihnhui knluna pili oihana a kokun o liko auauei me ka ka Ahaolelo a o ka ko Kiuuinu pnhu IV c hoi i kn koho kic-ki- e, tiua npau, inn kc kuilnln no in, a lilo men nku i inannoin no ko kokun nnu aku nui ka hoopahola ohu ni o houluuliiia i kola amo keia inanawa. mo kc k'-- no hup o ka njKino loa nun nmlalo o na hoaknka uku o nn pnnlmnn, a o noonoo a hooko aku hoi i na loina kn- hoi i ka Papa, ma kona inoa Will Do It iho nci. ka wn c hoikc no ni iinun o kn lunakana-wn- i hooliiolu palm i noho'na Paimui 11. K hiki no auauei mnliopc J pono c ao c hiki ai kc kcakca a ko ka ko i i oihana iho, ko hoopii nku a ko hoopiiia inni palm ina mni no in kuni ana mo na hnun lawclawcia, c loaa nku no uclo liana. pili i ui no ua hoopii kue i ko Teri- ka hooko kauoha a i olo lunnhooponopono waiwai palm ho kau- wale no o liko me ia hoakakaia Telephone 1003 i nci toro. oha pahtpiila o upono ana ua kuai hoolilo ana nininun ni i a. p. Pauku 5. Nn ka Papa no ananci hoi c liana aku na komo IO Mcdonald, i kuai o ua waiwai la i hooliloia. JE Pauku 12. Jin kcin, kc hoopnn loa ia nei ko Kanawai o o ka hnna una ka palapala i Ion i kn- Contractor and Dulldtr nclikc nun tipuu u o hnun uku no hoi na liana apau Kami-wu- la imimtili o nn hooiuio kiiiouo un nn Knnnwni o ko Kuu Ahuololo o 1005, i kiipuiu "He i IMImalei ulven on ull kinds of hnawiia no un kauoha nono i hauhaa pono n pono palm no kii loun mni o un hnna uku no ku luri-kak- hooko )ololciin na kauoha npau o kn lnikini, n o kc koho kickie o Iloonuinpopo ui no ona Papa Hoopac I.iuuiliauii a o a lulldlne. poo lininhnnu pac mni, no kn uku nun i ko lnkou uku comokii Concrete Work a Specialty i hoikein, he kuniukiiiii kujioiio in no ka waiwai i hooliloia." ana i kaua man liana." 'hoi n ma kokahi uno ao o hooholomun aku i ko lnkou luwcin mni, 'AUAIII 6TRCET. NEAR NUUANU Kn- III. --Ma keia, ke hoololiia nei ka Pauku 5 o ko a no ko lakou hookipa aku amc ka hoouoho'uaiu una no ka Pauku fV I. E mana kcin Ennnwai ma ka la o knna nponoia nnwni 311 o nn Knnuwui o ke Kuu Ahuololo o 1000, i knpaia Pauku inanawa. l'HX I ' ann. littkM 'Ho Knnawni o Hoohoihoi ui no kn Puhiniii it lloohuua nun i '"Vw-- Waiwai JInoli o ko Teritoro Noi urn ku Hoopac Iuiitihnuii Chas. R. Frazior mm' mmmww'sn (1. E nialaina no kn Pnpn, c like mo ku hiki, i buko na Pauku Okou ku Ilookuu AKinoin i kcin In 21 o Apcrila, M. II. 1011. lawc-lnwei- n nun nmo Kokuhi Mini Ano Iinun Ao ina una Company b; c hoikc ini.i i na wahi c noho nui ai iiuio nn nno hnnii o n, i Allium miiliiun iho o na Loan ino kn Ilnoknuwulc mui i nu Ixma fOUR ADVXRTiaiM ni c keln nine keiu lininhnnu i Inwein mni i Hawaii nci s iho i hunnlelo Hoopac Phone 1371 122 Kinjr St. WALTEK P. FREAK, i hooknhi no ia liana" ma ko paui ana na "Pnpn Sir inn kn lilo o ko Teritoro, nolo o cini iho kn nmknhiki Kinnina o ko Teritoro o Hawaii. l.iniahaiin, Pniihana a lioiko Papa Ilclit" no ua hunolclo ''Pupu minium nku o ko kuu una o nn linmluum hi ma ka niokit a holn Liniiihann" ma keia amo keia wahi o lnkou e ikoin ui. DONE BY mni no Ilnwuii nci. Hoopuo HAVE YOUR PLUMBING Pauku 11. K mnnu uku no nci Knnnwni ma ka la miia o KANAWAI 122. ' ' " Pauku 7. E loan aku hoi i ka Pupa ho man papa hoikc inoa Moi, 1011. JOHN NOTT r Aponoin i keia la 21 o Apcrila, M. II. 1011. s ' HEKANAWAT pan pono c hoikc una i na inoa, i ua nmkahiki aine knhi i lnwe, i AVAI.TKR V. nui in ni iloko noi o ko Teritoro o ua koiki oomoku npnu lou 1'UKAR, "THE PIONEER PLUMBER" - Kiauiua o ko o 182 IIooi-ono- - e liko. auanei mo ka hikiwnwe- Teritoro Hawaii. MERCHANT STREET E H001.01.1 ai i ka JIokuna 147 o na Kaxawai knpono i na mukahiki hole kula,

) . W -- -,- I Mm - ' g t i, w. tlM JS "W4 JJL.. .J t j