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Nurturing People Nurturing People President & Beyond Short- Process Excellence National Contribution Our Business Nurturing People Planet & Society Appendices 29 GCEO’s Statement Term Profits & Governance Report Sustainability & National Contribution Report 2018 Diversity and Inclusivity We believe that workforce diversity is essential to building and sustaining our always enjoins us to treat fellow colleagues with respect and consideration, competitive advantage. Diversity fosters innovative thinking and helps tackle regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, language, cultural background, physical business challenges through different perspectives. With a workforce of more ability, religious belief and lifestyle choice. These principles are applied in our than 12,000 employees representing 38 nationalities, the Axiata Code of daily interactions internally with our people, externally in our communities, and Conduct governs how we conduct ourselves in a multicultural environment and with business partners in the marketplace. Diversity & Inclusivity Group Employee Profile (by gender) # CC edotco CC 17% edotco 156 194 150 of senior leadership* 753 Ncell Celcom Ncell 132 Celcom positions are led by women Culture of 1,391 1,337 402 Smart across the Group Integrity & Smart 311 Performance 527 XL Robi 1,165 8,487 168 3,572 Robi Male Female 1,399 Dialog 768 Dialog XL 2,694 512 38 nationalities employed Conducive Workplace across the Group Total 12,061 Group Employee Profile (by age group) Below 30 years old 30 - 50 years old Over 50 years old Nurturing Future Below 30 Smart 59% Ncell 94% CC 11% Leaders years old Dialog 32% Celcom 81% Celcom 7% 25% Robi 27% edotco 75% edotco 6% Over 50 30-50 years old years old Total XL 23% XL 75% Robi 2% 3% 72% 12,059 CC 22% Robi 70% XL 2% employees edotco 19% CC 67% Ncell 1% Celcom 12% Dialog 66% Dialog 1% Ncell 5% Smart 41% Smart 0.6% Notes: # CC includes Axiata Corporate Centre and Axiata Business Services * Axiata Senior Leadership from the Group and OpCos Sustainability & National Contribution Report 2018 Diversity and Inclusivity Investing in our people is critical to the long-term success of the business. We annual performance and career development review. We have a robust talent manage our human capital investment by attracting and nurturing the right assessment process with a focus on identifying talent early in their career talent, and supporting their professional growth and personal well-being during in order to spur their progression through our Group and OpCo Accelerated their career with us. Employees across all levels of the Group undergo an Development Programme. Diversity & Inclusivity Group Talent Management Framework Group & OpCo Talent Councils 83% Leadership positions filled Oversee talent development aligned to internally Culture of our organisational transformation and in 2018 Integrity & aspiration Performance 174 Data driven analytics for insights and Top talents 7 out of 9 talent development CEOs have been 513 Middle Identify, assess and develop talents for internal level talents appointments future senior management and managerial identified roles Conducive Regular performance review and Workplace assessment of talents Truly A ‘Talent Factory’ Leadership External:Internal Group OpCo 83% Male Accelerated Accelerated Nationalities of hiring ratio has Nurturing our Leadership* Female shifted from Future Development Development 17% Programme Programme 78:22 when we Leaders 54% Local first started to 22% Footprint* 17:83 Two years structured leadership 24% External RM178 development 1st Female million Mentoring and coaching CTO in 2007 Spent on Talent CFO in 2010 Development since Leadership readiness assessments CMO in 2012 2009 Cross-functional and cross-country CEO in 2015 * ~USD45 assignments million Note: * Local: Locals working in their respective OpCo country. Footprint: Non-locals from Axiata’s footprint countries. External: Non-locals from outside Axiata’s footprint countries President & Beyond Short- Process Excellence National Contribution Our Business Nurturing People Planet & Society Appendices 30 GCEO’s Statement Term Profits & Governance Report President & Beyond Short- Process Excellence National Contribution Our Business Nurturing People Planet & Society Appendices 31 GCEO’s Statement Term Profits & Governance Report Sustainability & National Contribution Report 2018 Driving a Culture of Integrity and Performance Uncompromising Integrity and Exceptional Performance (UI•EP) are core values through their job responsibility regardless of their position with the organisation. embraced across Axiata Group. We expect our employees to always do the A Modern, Agile and Digital workforce will require collaboration with others and right thing and respect the diversity of employees and stakeholders across our ensure that we are faster in execution and innovative in delivery. markets. We encourage employees to take ownership and make a difference Diversity & UI•EP Inclusivity Uncompromising Integrity Axiata Code of Conduct Behaviours We believe that there can be no sustainable development for The Axiata Code of Conduct outlines the expected behaviour for our Group or for society without strong foundations in ethical employees at Axiata Headquarters, OpCos and subsidiaries. The D principles and actions. Compliance with laws, regulations, Axiata Code of Conduct is adopted and localised at each OpCo, and the Code of Conduct, and internal guidelines are the foundation of management team is responsible for its governance, training and our value of uncompromising integrity. We are committed to engagement. A percentage of an employee’s KPI is determined by Do the upholding the highest standards of lawful and ethical conduct, demonstrating core values through their behaviour. The core values Culture of right thing Integrity & by demonstrating honesty, fairness and accountability in all our of the Code of Conduct extend to our contract staff and vendors. Performance dealings, always doing the right thing and fulfilling promises made O to earn the trust of our stakeholders. Click here for more information Whistle-Blowing Channels Own it Conducive Across Axiata Group, each OpCo and subsidiary has an established Whistle-Blowing channel and mechanism to report unethical and Workplace non-compliant behaviour. Cases reported are monitored and investigated independently by each OpCo and subsidiary with respective management and oversight by the Board Audit Committee. C Specialists at Axiata Group and OpCos investigate allegations of integrity breaches. Upon investigation and comfirmation of a breach, the Disciplinary Committee chaired by the Group CFO, will take disciplinary action up to and including dismissal or contract termination. Collaborate Non-compliant among the senior leadership team are referred to the Group CEO and the Board Audit Committee. to win Nurturing Transparency on Gifts Future Leaders T A Gifts and Entertainment Governance Committee led by the Group Chief Human Resource Officer decides on the appropriate disposition of gifts and entertainment. In 2018, Axiata Group updated its guidance on the Gifts and Entertainment Policy and Guidelines for Corporate Centre employees. The guidance provided Corporate Centre employees with further clarity on how to handle matters Think different. related to receiving and offering of gifts and entertainment as stated in the Axiata Code of Conduct. Do faster. Do better R Strictly prohibited Answer six conflict If presented with a gift, All gifts above RM100 Group HR to decide from soliciting, of interest questions the value cannot be and entertainment on the use of gifts Respect every receiving cash, gifts or before accepting any more than RM100 accepted, declined exceeding the indvidual entertainment gifts or returned must be threshold for the declared common good Sustainability & National Contribution Report 2018 Towards a Modern, Agile and Digital Workforce In our industry where change is the only constant, it is imperative for our ethos of being Modern, Agile and Digital which is needed to grow our business employees to keep abreast of the latest industry developments. During the now and in the future. Our training focuses on our strategic business priorities year, we invested RM28.5 million in employee learning and development. as well as online platforms, allowing employees to broaden their scope and push The training programmes ensure we have the skills and talent instilled with the their boundaries in the transformative digital landscape. Diversity & Driving Digital and Inclusivity Digital Learning Platform Agile Learning We launched the holistic Learning, We empower employees to take charge of their own professional development and continuous learning by providing Engagement, and Accelerating access to, an online learning platform offering thousands of courses for customised learning. Performance (LEAP) programme to embed the culture and mindset required to be a Digital Champion. Top 3 Culture of LEAP exposes employees to best- More than Highest monthly Integrity & Over courses in-class speakers, provides focused of average duration Performance 91% functional training and promotes 10,000 total users logging per login completed collaboration. 64,600 active users courses completed in per month Agile Teams, end-2018 45 minutes Digital Privacy, Coaching Cyber security Subject matter experts shared Conducive global best practices and Workplace Building Digital Competency provided online and in-person coaching and mentoring We continue
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