The News of All The Township Four Sections

VOL. XI, No. n wonmutmoK, N. J., FKIDAY, O<:TORKR 2r> PRICE THREE CENTS Barney Gannon's Life A Record Rotarians Entertain American Legion Day Of Courage And Kindness With Life Sketches Was Tremendous Success Serious Accident and Bitter Disappointment In Early Life Did j John H. Concannon, Barron Not Sour Disposition. Gannon A Man Without Enemies. : Schroder and James Patter- Spectacle on Parith House Field Most Pleating and lit«pirin#. son Tell of Past History. Re- Fine Parade in Evening Followed By Dance. The virr-proaitlont of the Kric the knowledge that would fit him Knilrond in a talk before H Rotitry fur his cherished job of railroad en- sults of Golf Contest ! No more inspiring and spectacular In the bugle corps competition the i lull on "Rnilroadinir" said that a gineer. Then he was in a railroad i I event was ever presented in Hood- first prize went to East Orange Post (rrcat many hoy» have a !nn«intc to wreck and permanently lost the use j Life storiesiy three members fea- | bridge than that staged lay the Amer- No. 73, $150; donated by M. I he enginei-rs. His talk was mostly of his HRM hand and arm. In an tured the Rotary Club dinner yes- A1NER CHRISTENSEN 'icucne Legion here last Saturday af- Demareat. The second prize, iihnnt railroads and was very in- instant his hope of a lifetime oc- CARMEN ZULLO terday. ' Republican candidate for committee- I ternoon when a seor* of military un- donated by F. H. Turner went to iprentintf. Hut if he had talked cupation that appealed to him Republcan canddal.o for commttpo- .lolin H, Concannon told how he mnn from the second ward. its representing posts all over the noy Post No. 38886ag()8 about tho kind of boy that wants blasted. man from thoi third ward. blew the crown out of a yard loco- East took part in competitive march- ney Post No. 388 of Olney, to be »n engineer be would have, had' But the kind of boy that wants' motive at the American Smelting ing and drilling. The third prize, $75 donated a more Interesting subject for that to he an engineer (Trows into tho and Refining plant when working There wer many bugle corps each Humphries and Ryan went to lUy- nort of hny is always interesting kind of man that is not easily dia- there many years ago and quit the Camp Fire Girls In natty uniforms, each hawing a mond Pellington Post No. 77 of *•*• and Worthwhile, He is the kind that d Gannon''s acidenid t put hihim job just before the superintendent different plan of drill to exhibit. erson. The Metuch*n post No. 65 won wants to fare forth in quest of ad- Miss Julia King Bride out of railroading. He was Riven a case on the scene. He came to Wood- The judges had a. hard job because the fourth prize of $60 donate* by venture and generally ho is fear- job of ticket agent at' the 125th bridge when a child and attended the Change Group Name so many exhibitions were of excep- Guy Weaver. Bronx County Po«t, of li"is and lovable with all the quati- Rtreet station of tho N. Y. Centra, public schools here. At the age of tional merit. New York won the fifth prize of ?85 i i<". of a real man. At Church Wedding and he found that this angle of fourteen he started to work' as a I New Group Formed of High Still the crowd of 2,000 that stood donated by M. D. Vanentine A Bros, Barney Gannon was that kind of roading had its appeal. The cons' i florist. Later he worked in the Val- on the Parish house field agreed on Co. Imy. (iannon was born in Port Jer meeting of new faces; the rush United To Edwin Casey Of i entine Lumber yard. Prom 1903 to School Girls To Be Advanced the winner of th« first pri»e before Olney Post of Olney, P. won tWo vis, N. Y. and when be was IB years bustle, the need of keeping his min Carteret at Notable Cere- 1907 he and his brother-in-law pub- Group — Meeting Dates. the judges mad« the announcement. other prizes one of $75 donated by old he wanted no badly to be on en- strictly on the job when there was lished »n Automobile Magazine in East Orange post No. 73 Bugle Corps Gustav Blum, Hugh Kelly and Jen- liineer that he took a job with the a rush of traffic' it was all new and mony In St. James. Church. Newark. The magazine was sold and The regular meeting of the Camp numbering about forty men carried sen & Rodner and the other of $60 New York Central R. R. wiping en- interesting. He learned to like sell- Concannon engaged the news donated for by the Wood bridge Fire Many Friends Attend Wed- Fire Group of Woodbridgd was held off the first honors. The distinctive tfines. Part of his job, too, was to ing tickets almost as much as he store business with brother in orange colored uniforms, the snap company; One was for the organiza- dig aRhes out of the ash piu, and had loved engines. Soon he was se.ll- ding. Woodbridge which has developed into Friday at the home of Mrs. H. Sil- and grace of the men's movements in tion traveling the greatest distance Ive had to do some coaling. But ing tickets in spare time at the hall his present business. bermann. The name of the Iroquois drill won boundless applause and the and the other for the organization these disagreeable tasks did not park. During the summer seasons of St. James church was-tho scene of Bamn Schoder said thai he has | group was changed to Da Kon Ya, * prediction oh every hand that this outside of the state having the high- a very pretty wedding Saturday dishearten him. He worked faithful- 1888-—90 and 91 he sold tickets in held but two Jobs, his prusent one Sioux Indian word meaning the corps would win. est rating. ly the long hours that railroaders th« afternoons at the National morning when Miss Julia King, with 8tewart-Warren Co., New York, But there were many close con- The prize of $50 for marching nf that day haa to put in and in League ball games. daughter of Mr. James King of Am- which he has held for IK years and friendly group. testants. At the end of the contest went to the Bronx County Post. The time he took a step further toward He was geting to know more and boy avenu«, Woodbridge was mar- the other with the government dur- A new group 0^ high school stu- all of the unit*, that were in «ompct- second prize in this division, $335 his ambition; he was promoted to more men; more kinds of men. And ried to Edwin W. Casey son of As- ing tit war. He spent a year at dents has been formed. They will be ition took part in a general drill on went to Newark Post No. 10. There fireman on a locomotive. he liked them all. Barney is a nat- sessor and Mrs. William D. Casey, of Camp Dix and a year in France. known as the I-Yo-Pt-A-Group. The the field. were many other posts in the com- To have advanced that far in ural mixer. In 1892 he took n job a.< Carteret. James Patterson said his hardest name "I-Yo-Pt-A" ' means the ad- In the evening there was a parade petition and all of them made a fine coveted ambition and then to be ticket agent with the Staten Island Before the bridal party entered the job WM the superintendence of 450 vanced group. Both groups will hold of all these uniformed bugle corps showing. barred forever from realizing it is Railway at the Battery. The fol-! church; Miss Ann Dunigan sang, "I women in a clothing factory where weekly meetings. and about the central part of the As each unit'eame on the- field its a fate that would have disheartened lowing year he was transferred to! Love You Truly," accompanied at he started as an errand boy at ?3 a The Da-Kon-Ya group will meet township. After the parade the prize name was announced by Drum Major most men for life. But it was not Perth Amboy to take charge of the I the organ by Patrick Fenton. The week. It took him B year to recuper- Friday afternoons after school and 1 winners were announced and the N. Darwyn Gallup. The judges were: with Barney. Barney Gannon, ferry, and also as assistant manager ; bridal party entered the church andiate. the I-Yo-Pt-A will meet Tuesday evening wound up with a danceJn the Major Mark O. Kimberling, superin- th»» man 'who" is running on the for the U. S. Express Company. approached the altar to the strains In 1917 he started at the bottom afternoon after school. Mrs. Herbert municipal building. tendent of the Rahway Reformatory. Democratic ticket for sheriff i» re- In all thejie iiWerent positions of Lohengren's wedding march. The with the Mexican Petroleum Co. at Silbermann will have charge of both A Chrysler Car that was offered in Lieut. Commander Louis Corapton piirded by many »s a politician but Gannon was gaining knowledge of altar was decorated with roses, Carteret of which plant he is now groups. She will be assisted by Mrs. a contest sponsored by the local post of Metuchen and Major John Hasa- there is a varied background and human nature and had developed n 1 chrysanthemums and palms, manager. Hilda Tiffany, of Colonia. was also disposed of in the evening. ermann who is the world's champion history prior to his entry into poli- growing interest in human nature j The ceremony was performed by The Rotary Golf team lost to the Plans were completed to hold a It was won by Guy Weaver. drum major. tics. It was, in fact a mighty tragic in the mass. It was but natural that; 'Rev. R. J. O'Farrell, assisted by Rev. Rahway Rotary team Wednesday and Hallowe'en party tonight at 7:30 at thing that befell Gannon when des- he became keenly interested in poli-: J. A. Keough, of Ridgewood as dea- entertained the vktors at dinner last the home of Mrs. Silbermann. Owing tiny changed his fate just at the tics. And with his faculty fi-r mak-1 ron and Rev. E. J. Mannion of Car- night. The club fllans contests with to the illness of Louise Silbermann threshold of manhood. ing and keeping friends wherever he , teret as sub-deacon. Monsipnor both Rahway andiPerth Amboy next the party will be held tonight at the Board Decides On To Dedicate Boulder At 18 Gannon was promoted to went it was but natural too, that' Egan, of PhiHipsburg and Rev. C., year. home of Mrs. Tiffany. All the guests lie a icnmotive fireman. He worked he was urged into an active place in Keagen of Fords were seated inside | Visitors yesterday were Charles are requested to mask. two years and was rapidly gaining politics. In 1902 he first appear..thc e church rail. Miss Ann Dunigan j Safran and John A. Coan, of South Applications for membership to Land Purchase On Janet Gage's Grave -— iis a candidate and was elected by a was the soloist for the nuptial mass, i Amboy and Willis T. Burns of Perth either of the groups may be made to j comfortable majority to 11 scut in The bride made an attractive pic-1 Amboy. Mrs. Silbermann. i Two Lots Near Colonia School Local Chapter of D.A.R. Makes the Hoard of Alderman of Perth Am- ture in a gown of ivory white satin Carteret Man Takes , hoy. He has been more or less iden-j with pearl ornamenls. Eler veil of To Be Bought By Board of Plans For Ceremony To Be tified with politics and has maintain- tulle was arranged in cap fashion Education—State Board Re- Held Arfhistice Day. cd a keen interest in the subject! with a wrvuth of orange blossoms, P. J. Ryan's Death Is Shock Woodbridge Bride .since. The year following his election She carried a shower bouquet of fuses Sewaren Board Issue Mrs. B. B. Walling, of High street, to the Hoard of Alderman he enter-. white roses, lillica of the valley and e( entertained the Tnembers of Janet The wvdding of Mi-s Mary Hub- ' 'he Assembly race and was elect- buby's breath. To Wide Circle Of Friends The Board of Education at its Gage Chapter, D. A. R. at their regu- inak daughter of Mr. and Mrs An- '"d. Then in IUOS he returned to the Miss Marie King, a sister of the meeting Monday night decided to lar meeting Monday afternoon. iclI drew llubinak, of Kerry street Wood- l 'rd of Alderman and served two bride, was maid of honor. She wore Life Long Resident of Township and Well Known Business purchase the two lots which adjoin The vice-regent Mrs. H. W. Von the Colonia school at the maximum bridge and August tauter, sun "f Mr. terms. iin ensemble of rose fraille satin with Man Passes Away After Brief Illness—A Brother of Bremen presided at the business and Mr*. Fred Lauter nf Carteret, Gannon's history in politics in- a hat of rose satin and gold lace. price of $600. meeting. Plans were completed, for ilicates that he gave satisfaction for She wore flesh colored stockings and Resignations were read from Miss was soletrnized in the rectnry nf St. ftl Mayor Ryan—Funeral Held Today. the dedication of a boulder to be .lames church, Wednesday night at ' seldom hud any trouble in being rose satin slippers and carried an Helen Sullivan, of the high school; placed, November 11 at 10:30 on the 7 lit) P. M. Kev. R. J. O'Karn'll of- returned to office. His circle of arm bouquet of ophelia roses. P. Joseph, Ryan, one of the most 1 Company, both located in Berkley John Dolan of school No. 1; Miss grave of Janet Gage in the Metho- fii'iute<| at the ceremony. frivndn kept growing both in num- 1 The bridegroom wore the conven-1 widely known business men of the. Heights. At the time of his death, Mr. Reiiata Genaro of school No. 9. dist Episcopal church yard. Mrs. A. The. bride wore a gown of ivory her and in influence. In 1909 he,| tional black. He was attended by hia township, and a brother of Mayor Ryan was president of both 01 these Miss Helen Coutts was appointed R. Bergen and Mrs. B. B. Walling taffeta in the silhouette fashion witn became » candidate for county brother Joseph R. Casey. William J. William A. RjanVoliti bridt groom acted as ushers. Immedi- son ,,f the late Patrick L. and Kath- Mack Press, publishers of the Wood- for school No. 9. Miss Dunigan sang "A Brown Bird with orange blossoms. She curried a u|i"lutl in that it is. so different' atfly after the ceremony, a reception erine Ryan. He was born in Wood- bridge Leader, and was a stockholder Pr°f- •'• H- L°ve. M/s' Lesler Dlx> Singing" and "I Love You Truly." ^'ntiwi-r Ixiuiiut't of white roses, lilii's- from that of the iivuragt' po!•litician.' was held and a wedding breakfast j bridge on March 10, 1874 and was a in the Woodbridge National Bank. Mrs. B. Crampton, Mrs. Viola Coe, Mrs. Frank Valentine accompanied at - bride wns attendi'il by her sis- Educated in the local public James Roman Catholic Church and of ton, Lockwood, Numbers and Wright Refreshments were served during !IT Ci'i'i'lia llubinak, as maid of-h<>n- didn't have ti>. Gannon made friends eymoon trip to Miami, Florida and S{,h()()1S) hc took a business cour3e in I the local councicl of the Knights of wore granted permission to nttend the social hour. The next meeting or. She wore a taffeta gown of a.-lu.; because he was himself a big friend. Havana, Cuba. Colenia'n's Business College in New-11 ColumbusClb . HHe was a membeb r off ththe the convention of the State Teach- will be held November 26 at the home ruses with a hat to match. She He never missed an opportunity to' Mrs. Casey is a graduate of the ers' Association to be held in At- qf Mrs. Foster Bussinger of Eliza- (l ark. At the age of 13 he left school, American Ceramics Society, an or- m;•Association to be Hem m At ,;irried an arm bounuet of pink ruses " « kindness but he did nut do it Newark Normal school and has | a»n, i, ,i, t t,, wnrik f wit;th hhi his sf fatherth , „ in! ganizatio tranization nmad made eu pU Bof ofme men nengage cneaeed d lilnt1^' >• nY< Nov. H, J, W ana ii. beth. :ind >nn\i dragons. fur political effect but hecau* he taught for several years at the Fords j thp day mjning busincss in Woo K'v<1 a"d to help, he. would ' Monsignor Egan of PhiHipsburg, porators. Somerville, N. J. schools can not be rented on Sun- Court Mercedes, was toastmaster. ni a York City, Cresoe, Pa., Jamesburg, I ' comparatively wealthy man to- i Rev. C. Rettgen, of Fords, Rev. R. Through the efforts of Mr. Ryan, The funeral services were held this days for social affairs. Mrs. Arthur Ernst was chairman of Kn-ncau Carteret, Perth Amboy, '<( 'av- His kindness has been bound-: Ryan, of Somerville, Rev. Edward A committee of young men re- arrangements, Mrs. Graney and IMS the Reading Railroad Company was morning in St. James Church where Matawun and Woodbridge. - • I Heil, of Red Bank, James King, induced to extend a spur line into the a solemn high mass of requiem was presenting the Woodbridge Athletic ilrs. Ernst were presented with cor- Mr. and Mrs. Lauter are on a hon- For Gannon to hear of some one Marie King, Miss Margaret Holohan, mining1 district and the business rap- offered for the repose of the soul. Club applied for the use of the gynW age bouquets. Mrs. Levi was pre- in nasium for one night a week to iented with a beautiful basket of i-ynio n trip to Niagara Falls and digress is equivalent to instant Miss Bridget Holohan, Matthew, idly expanded and became more pros- Rev. Father Ryan, brother of the de- at t on to lowers. There was community sing- (anaiiu( . 1.'pun their return, Mr. and ' ' bring relief to the one in Michael, Edward and WilliaWilliarm A. perous as a result. ceased was the celebrant. hold basketball games. B. B. Wal- wft lin Rov Mrs. Lauter will reside in Jamesburg. \ Bt. Some of his activities along Holohan, William J. Holohan, Miss jdent of the company. He also became The funeral was very largely at-( £> Anderson, and Floyd How- ng. Bolan's orchestra of Avenel fur- lished the music for the danciing. " this line are generally known. But Mary Fenton, Patrick Fenton, Mr. For some years Mr. Ryan was pres- tended and there were a great many ell were appointed to investigate. much of it is kept secret. N'oni of and Mrs. John Brennan, Mrs. Frank interested in the Grace-Ryan Brick floral tributes. The interment was in The club will have the use of the it ever gained publicity even in the Armour., Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Company and the Star Clay Products St. James cemetery. gymnasium for November 14. Potter Appreciates smallest degree through uny act of • Wyld, Mr. and Mrs. John Berg«n, The reports of Dr. I. T. Spencer Gannon, himself. I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gill, Mr. and and Dr. B. W. Hoagland were read. An instance to illustrate this Mrs. Michael de Santis. The Misses Educator Tells Society | A communication from the State Public Support point is the statement of .1 well- i Alice Sandahl, Alice, Margaret, Hel- Boa r d w r ead sta inB OH Land and Water Club Stor3y of Glacial Period j . , " . tk ' known resident of, Perth Amboy on urn! Anna Bergen, Nora Hurley could not take the bon^nd issue for Chairman of American Legion made recently. j and Allen McDonald of Woodbridge. The Salmagundi Musical and Lit- the adition' to Sewaren school. It was decided to advertise the $26,- Day Committee Thanks "As ai c»al dealer I personally 1 Mr. and Mrs. William D. Casey, Annual Masquerade erary Society was entertained Tues- know of Mr. Gannon's charity. He Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith, Wil- day night by Mr. and Mrs. A. F. 000 bond in the local papers. MAN Those WhoAided In Making has kept poor families supplied with j liam Casey, Joseph Casey, Mrs. Sam-|a -n- t e -• I £..„,.»;,». 51.1.J speaker of the even- Floycj Howell that sidewalks be laid Day a Success. coal throughout an entire winter uel Bishop, Mayor and Mrs. Thomas brilliant Social Function Slated ing was Alfred Cary Hawkins, pro- without their knowledge of the fact Muivihill, Mr. and Mrs. John Abell, For Tomorrow Night In fessor of geology of Rutgers Univer- around the Sewaren school. This WADE & BUTCHER that he was paying for the coal. Ho i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunn, Mr. and sity. Professor Hawkins spoke on recommendation was accepted. All Stanley ('. Potter who was chair- has been very much interested in ' Mrs. John McCarthy, Sergeant and Clubhouse in Sewaren bills were ordered paid. man of the committee on arrange- The Glacial Period." Prof. Hawkins Curved Blades lored orphans homes. I personally Mrs. J. J. Dowling, Mr. and Mrs. ments for American Legion Day here is a graduate of the. Woofibridge know of homes that he haa sent din- J(ohn E. Donahue, Mr. and Mrs. John SEWAREN—The Sewaren Land last Saturday is most appreciative of High School. for a REAL ners to along with unlimited garden F. Donohue, Supervising principal and Water Club will hold its annual Woman's Club Committed masquerade dance at the clubhouse A piano solo, "The Riosary" was the support and cooperation given products all through the season, and, MisMisss BB.. V. Hermann, Principal Miss SHAVE on Saturday (tomorrow) night. played by Mrs4 Grace Brown. Asher Has Benefit Card Party by the citizens and merchants of ( whcre he hasi | ease of the others their par- liam McCartney, Lucy, Mary ami Quicker tisan supporters vigorously fight bridge-Sewaren chapter of the Rah- Mrs. Maxwell Logan, Mrs. B. Kahn William McCartney, of Kahwuy. way Hospital will be held tomorrow Mrs. H. Stiilwell, Miss Ann Caster Tin' Buachman Guild of the Pres- for them and defend the their en- Mr. and Mrs. James Fuleher, Mr. emitw as vigorously den afternoon at the home of Mrs. Flor- Mrs. Gurber, Mrs. Emil Stremleu More Dependable byterian church met Monday night them, and Mrs. John Mulligun, Mr. and ence Tisdall. The booths have all been Mrs. L. McLeod, Mrs. Weber, an 1 But Gannon's case is t. He Mrs. Matthew Mulligan, Mr. ami lit tin home of Miss Louise Morris in has no emmiies. decorated ami present a pretty ap- Miss Grace Huber. • Mrs. James Twooney, Mrs. Margaret A Product of WADE ft BUTCHER Si'wuifii. Mis.s Winifred Brenwn led pearance. The chairman of the booths Pinochle: Mrs. W. Frederick, Mrs. the devotional service. Interesting Mulligan, Frank Thomas and Martin mi!: doll table, Mrs. B. S. Brewster; Mmhfm of F6if Cu(/.r>, Arthur Geia. CmwvmamndR*M talks were «iven on Porto Rico by Woman's Republican Club Mulligan, Miss Mary Fitzpatrick, of Candy, Miss Daisy Hush; bridge table, New York City. Whist: Mrs. Frank Mayo, Mrs. Melliu llowmd, Ruth Lorch nd Mre. J. J. Livingood; gift table, Mrs. Charles Fiirr. To Hold Benefit Card Party Mr. and Mrs. William Brown, of "Adele Warter. Oliver Ames; utility, Mrs. Stephen Euchre: Mrs. J. Harrington. Elmira. Wyld; delicatessen. Mrs. A. F. Ran- Plans were made, for tW winterns Pinna have been completed for the Fan Tan: Mrs, Chris Witting. HARDIMAN'S work. benefit card party to be held Tues- Mr. und Mrs. Francis Kelly, of AI- dolph; cake and pie, Mrs. W. W. PHARMACY day night October 29 by the Womans barly, N. Y. Conner; apron table, Mrs. W. A. Mrs. J. J. Dunn WBB chairman o Refreshments were served by the Shu was assisted by Mrs. John Goym Ed. L, Hardiman, formerly of ' hostess. Republican Club, of Woodbridge in Mr. and Mrs. William Holohan, Osburn; fancy table, Mrs. C. W. the Craftsmen's Club. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Connolly, Mr. Decker. Mrs. B. W. Hoagland is gen- the committee on arrangement Seaman's, Perth Ambov present were: Misses Wini- Mrs. J. F. Ryan, Mrs. C. M. Laddie, fred, Gladys and Dorothy Brejinan, All games will be in play. Prizes James Holohan of Elizabeth, eral chairman; Mrs. C. Cunningham treasurer pro tern and Mrs. F. G. Mra. I. T. Spencer, Mrs. Harry Fort Melba, Charlotte and Blanche How- will be awarded and refreshments Mrs. Frank Hunter, Mrs. S; B. Brew- George Tappen of Woodbridife bus Tisdall, hostess. The public is cor- ard, Dorothy Leonard, Anne Donnel- served. Mrs. A. F, 'Randolph is gen- liter, Mrs. E. A. Clausen and Miss been appointed Scoutmaster to Troop diitUy invited. PRESCRIPTIONS . ly, Grace F, Huber, Ruth Lorch, eral .chairman. Ann Dunigan, Jessie Brookfield, Florence MoAus- 31 to succeed the Kev. Eniuat S. Called For and Delivered ; lund, Florence Brown, Adele Warter D. P. D.YOUNQ Abbott. The new Scoutmaster an- The Frederick H. Turner Co. nounces that the scouta will hold! J. BLAKE Cor, Kahway Avenue . und Lily Green. The next meeting Notary Public — Jn»ur«nc« : : Insurance : t HAU-OWE'EN GOODS Lwill. be held November 4, At th« HOIUM for Sale and for Rant their regular meetings in the base- JOHN A. HASSEY , and Groen Str«»t IIAVMVI Si Avwwl, N, f. mi candidate for towu»h,ip MASKS • HORN3 - DECORATl tel. 18(5 WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDFNT FRIDAY OCTOP.KR 25. PAGE TWO failure of the bidder to comply with Wo.HlhrMlKe, Muldle^x (oulity. N-w the terms of his bid nnd the ren,uire- ! the hon• take and pny for the bonds at ,„, ,,f the forcKoinir bonds have Seen drawn upon an incorporated Jinnk or Inhuman New Jersey Couple •-,• Kir-t Nntional Hank "f Wil unproved hy the Attorney (ieneral, fifteen tru-l company, or a cashiers checK ,,,„! a copy therrnf enilorspd with Air Vrnui Underwear '•!;,it-e. New .ler• -y, within Are Given Terms in 4 •anl there f. The of -u.ii hank or trust company for a such :i|>|iro'val will 1H> furnished tho i ..iys from the n like amount, m either enso payable successful bidder. State Prison. v,c'"t 's reserved t rejeet all i-eieotc'l t which to the , rder of "The Hoard of Mu- Hv ordor of tin- llmird orf f.ducation Any rids may h ,io!, of the Township of ' i) is ttaehrd. r;1 iji(,.,|, ;,. I list rirt ('lcrli tenced W tornis :'i t! e penltcnthiry on apuin'-t any lo-s rc^iltmtr from a ,-:,- • '. •In1 «..iin.l Mini nil Intnls took chnrirea of crue!:;. ;•> children on or- n > in \, v> i-i'lil water. Thin pur- ders of Angplo 'stantofi, nctint chief !!, ':'.;.r I'M H,.' tinnt \* iinu r woiv an iinilcr-hirt of the lhlo hiyj's had not been seen on ,v :• :,T i.r ^imn'.T. ami that In' hin'l thr street for several days and that i, : hail a ci-M for years. Hi-; theory the two others bore bniises which tes- is :!.<' wore air life l")dy pMs tin- hot- tilled to severe punishment. tfT f"i- "nr'< hi-::ltli. Tu';nl traditional swiftness •* "Jersey Jus- |i:iv«.'i| alntii: iw it side llslit on hi; tice." The three children, Adolph, SQUARE eight yont-g ohl; I-;m:l Jr., seven, and fxcri'lsi"; every morniti;: to keen him- Louis, five, testitir.l tnat their parents sisn self In.f rlt-el;is« trim, ln'muse his ji>h nmloTtnok to Uitli.t on them a highly Is as iimrh a plnsieiil strain in heine effective punishment. n tnckle on n fnothall tram nilil Jie Tied to Door. . HERE'S WHY .... has to piny six ilnis a week, except Their 'wrists w.-rc tied with rope, F. have joined in tlir nation-wide movement of for Mio month's viKiition. which wng (hen tlutu' over the top of the leading dealers to give people lumber that • • • a door nnd fastened to the knob on Head in the Cloudt the other side. Ml throe were sus- they ean bank on fi>r IrueiiMM to species and grade. . Cart. Frank Hawks. coust-to-coflsi pended thus to the same door, they Even- package of 4-Square Lumber is species-marked flyer, tolls this one. tin1 moral of which said, their toes searofly touching the LUDWIG and grade-marked. is that aviation enthusiasts shonhl floor, nnd. they remained in this pos- keep their mimls on the pround even ture for seven hours. Purinc the Terms course of the evening their parents 4-Square Lumber in /maranteed quality lumber. •when they nre oavoriln; in tlie clouds. Small Down The lumber of CONFIDENCE. A booster fur tlio ll>ins jianie—and such persons ure more persuasive Payment! WOODBRIDGE LUMBER COMPANY, thnn A lot of subdivision salesmen— persumled two business men thnt tlie $2 Weekly! WOODBRIDGE, N. J. nlr Is the only real means of travel. Phones: 124, 125 These noisiness men wanted to co to Clevelnml from New York, nnd the nlrplane enthusiast convinced them 4SQUARE LUMBER thnt they would save much time nnil Inconvenienrp l>y flying there. So they chnnei'pil a plane nnd pilot nnd set'forth. When they were over the DEALER Pennsylvania nionntnlns the clouds closed In. nnd the plane seemed lost to tlie world. INVESTIGATE! "This Is sirent," thoupht the busi- ness men. "Just jam right through In any kind of weather, nnd beat the Meldorf Player Christmas trains to n standstill." ELECT Presently the pilot throttled down the motor nnd turned to his passen- Regularly $395 Club Plan gers. Call or "Say." he said, "does either of you Write know where we fire?" RUSSELL E. WATSON Xaiurnlly. neither did, and there wasn't n niS^to be found In the plane. A forced hffldin? was innde without $195 accident, nnd the business men set out Beat Them at Frequent Interval*. for Cleveland by train, swearing thnt We planned montki ago—ai « ipecial Chriitm.. Evtnt! But, beat them at frequent intervals with they had taken their last time-saving 11 enthutiaitic at we were about them—we didn't quite measure REPUBLICAN a stick. One of the Imys described the the full extent of YOUR enthutiaim! Now—we have only 57 raort_ plane trip. siae of the stick by pointing to the » • * to »ell! Select youri toroorrow--if you do not want to disappoint slat of a chair. the fumil,. A genuine $395 PLAYER. Brand new, of cour.e with Short But Good After examining th» three boys. Ed- full 88-tone keyboard, and the lovelieit, of ton«». A h»nd- CANDIDATE llnmrover conversation eavesdropped ward A. Ransom. Jr. secretary of the »ome mahogany ca.e. By .electing your NOW—you tave a full $200! In a lireenwicli village restaurant tlie Society for the Prevention of Cruelty other morning: to Children of Jersey City, who prose- 12 Rolli of Music "How ilUl yon find yourself after cuted the lilies, iisierted: "There FREE Muiic Cabinet and FOR mil's party?" have been only two worse examples Player Bench »o Match "Oh, 1 just looked under the table, of cruelty in my '-,'> years' experience and there 1 wns." with the S. P. C. C." Covered With Brjiset. Underground Life The rope had bitten deeply into the STATE New York' is n town of rnhbit runs. flesh of the boys and their wrists were The Home of Sterling Pianos In the more congested district around still encircled hy raw dents a quarter the Grand Central terminal and many of an Inch deep. ' Their bodies were other pans of the city, the real New covered with bruises and two of them Yorker, who is familiar with the un- had received black eyes. Judge Mode- derground pushes, can go great dis- relli sentenced Ihle lo one year In the ••••rill Imhoy II. »«| SENATE tances without getting wet during II |Smith tor. WadUon county penitentiary, at Uiurell \Y.\\. r- IA Piano A Hadio »ppl*. on ti-KlUon heavy niin. There are all sorts of Ot»l« IV1K1 • »"•.•*•%'«. I\H1- 1O tunnels connectlni: buildings and sub- and his wife to six months In the in- ways through whii-h a pedestrian can stitution. The childrfn were taken to \ Paul fur bv Charles H. Morris travel if he knows his New York. the Society for the Prevention of However if In' is a stranger he Would Cruelty to Children home in Jersey Campaign Manager^ him- to engage a iretropotltan guide. City and will he turned over to Jacob • • * Morgenweck, commissioner of Char- ities. The Squelch Mr! and Mrs. Ihle, In their defense ll happened in a white tile restau- gnid the boys had a'isbelmved, had rant thr niiuT day, A waitress set n stoien si line money from their mother SPECIAL SALE Klnss .if w.i;erln-fo!Y ii dignified young and had-sprken offensively to the Hi:m :ni'l started a conversation. boarders at the Ihle household. SEWAREN "I'l'i'iiy h"! loihy. brother," "Ye*." *:>.:u -ire. br.'ther," she said ay trnticm course In one of the Eastern 483 West Ave>, Phone 1536 • she hn.,i-.'l!: :•••• -• -IV- universities advises college men to ac- lly tl.N ;'r.'.i' tin- d'.nificd young quire n knowledge of world nffniis ALL CARS SOLD BY US CARRY A NINETY DAY GUARANTEE » ROOMS ^VITH BOARD man wa* aM.oy.-i. IK- beckoned to and general information through rend- the wait;i--. Icg of the newspapers. Also Meals A' la Carte—Caterer "Might 1' aa.''l er '^Uiss of wa- ter. |:r:i!:iliiii';h.'r'." a.- :i-ke.|. $26,000 PLEASURE CARS She sci'M il t'..r.V..!atic,' of the meal TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE in ri'S]H'cifnl -i!> !••••>•. NEW JERSEY School District Bond* Formerly Side Price SEALED PROPOSALS will U- re- ceived by the Board of Education i '. the Township of Woodbridpe. in thr Hupmobile Coach $375 $275 County of Middlesex, in the state o! New jersfy. at the- Hijrh Cadillac 4 pass. Coupe 400 300 New Jersey, Thursdiiy, November 7, li'^y Chevrolet Sedan 200 150 S o'clock 1'. M. when they w VOTE FOR 1 ubliciy i.|ientMl for the parch; st. at net !i-s? ;h,in par, of bonds o the Dodge Coupe 225 125 Board of Education of the foM.v.vinjr authorir.rd issue, viz: ?it?.uiui Svwaren School Addition Bor.j.-, m.curing serially. \>n<: '•>• HJ COMMERCIAL on Sept. ;i in each of the yeiir- iy;il M. IRVING DEMUREST to liT'il. ir.ilusive. Formerly Sale Price All of '.hi- bonds will be coupons' bond;., dated Sept. 3, 1S»29. refistti- able at the option of. the holder as Ford Panel Delivery ...... $175 $100 to principal only, or (on cancellation of coupons) as to both principal and H interest, will be of the denomination " T 200 125 uf $1,000 each, and will bear inter- est at thv nu£ of five per cent (5. I Reo Screen 1 ton Delivery . . . 375 275 or at the rate of five and one quar- ter per cent (5\t'i ), or at the ra;e of five and one-half per cent i^S '. i Reo Panel Body, 1 ton 375 225 per annum, payable semi-annually. No bids will be considervkl for International Chassis, 2 ton ... 350 175 New Jersey needs an efficient bund< of the higher intetest wite or 3 rates of any lawful bids arc re- Dodge Screen, / ton 200 75 ceived for bonds at a lower inter- 4 and capable Legislature. Do est rate. Both principal and interest will be payable in gold coin of the United Diamond T 3 ton, practically new, States of the present standard of your part by voting for an weight nr.d fineness at the First Na- tional Bank of Woodbridge, N. J. 4 wheel hydraulic brakes, 4 The amount necessary to be raited experienced and successful by the s-jle of tHe band issue is $26,- 000 for tht Sewarerj School Addition speedy forward, 6 cylinder, very bonds. No more bonds will be sold business man to represent your than will produce the amount neces- cheap. Wr# to W raised by the sale of such issue ttiid an additional sum of le;-s county. than $1. " **• - tf i»kd>«e, th«l AMBOY A- •••' WOGDBHIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 because you are tHe record owners r in attendance. Hopelawn made 8 Fords No, 14 FMtfaburifh, Pennsylvania. 97.6 of s»id premises. a record of more than 99 1-2 per !t (Inlonin , .... 97.5 —Mr. and Mrs. E. Reagan, of Hopelawn School rent for the month. Kensbey school AVENEL Onrjrp street are receiving; connratu- Hopelawn 10 Woodhridge No. 1 97.3 Dated: October 1ft, 1929. wns a rinse contender for first place 11 A vend 97.3 Intions on the birth of 11 ^daughter -so close that, only three thousandth —Mr. and Mrs. .1. Hnr(re«? nnd horn on Friday in New York City. -Miss Annn llettifrar, of Urace 12 Woodbridfce No. II !)fi.2 ORLANDO H. DEY, Leads Township of one per cent separated them. The 90.1 daughter,.Ann ?pent the weekend avenue, visited with friends at. New IH Sewfiren — Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Donegan and Solicitor of Complainant complete record of All schools in at- Hnifaman 98.4 visiting relatives in Jersey City. Brunswick Sunday. Attendance Record For Sep- —Mr. and Mrs. (). I\ Young and family motored to Hillside on Sunday 22 West Milton Avenue tendance for September follows. The where they spent the day. - Joseph Kochirk, Hans Larson tember Is Almost Perfect. Re- rhnrt, shows the name of the school, sons spent Sunday visiting relatives and Leon Larson wero fishing at Rahway, New Jersey. its rank and percentage of attend- in New York City. - Mrs. ,1. Herman and daughter, Beach Haven Saturday. W. I. 10-25; 11-1, 8, 15. 1 Courtcijr Showi Character cord Of All Schools ance . -Mrs. Kdwnrd Bradv and son Ed- Aug'ust*u^5tRa .anan"d WIMrsT . A. Rieman spent —Mr. and Mrs. John Hines, of Courtesy Is (he outwnrd expreBHlon J I- . „« 9nondin^ the we,k in Monday in Newark. New Brunswick avenue, entertained Hopelnwn ward, Jr., are spending the week in Nawi of All WoodbrMro-Townililp in With nlmost perfect attendance of your Inward appreciation of the Valley Stream, Long Island. Mrs. Ed-l —Mr~mr. ' flan"ad Mrs. C. Ohristiensnn, of T. J. Donohuc, of New York recent- Keasbey 70 1 1 1 Ambo lha ldd*p«nd*nt, tha moil wldoly I ho Hopelawn school led the cither rights of others. It costs nothing, yet ward Brady, Sr., and Mr. Edward' " ' >y spent Sunday at the ly. Rarron Ave. .. home of Mr. and Mrs. E. (Irode. r««d p*l«r In Woodbridf. M'hmils in the Township in Septem- Fords No. 7 - In one of our rarest commodities. It Brndy, will go to Valley Stream on —The Hopelawn Fire Company —Mrs. A. Ryiman entertained the will hold its fourth annual masquer- Iselin No. 0 118.2 Is the hnll-mnrlc of unRelflBhneM, the Friday and meet Mrs. Brady. tmo test of a Indy or a gentleman — "Social Six" at cards on Wednesday ade dflnce at Stitch's Hall on Sunday Iselin No. 15 1)8.1 —Mrs. M. Shaffer, of I'ort Read- evening. Grit. ing, and Mrs. J. Scaffer of Carteret evening, November 'A. Music will he Port Reading , 97.9 Mrs. H. Spragg and daughter nf furnished hy Fred O'Brien and his ami Mrs. G. Beam of Woodbrulge !Np w York spent the week-end at the Chicago Ramblers. spent Sunday at the home• of Mr. and j home o( Mr and Mrs c A Notta|rCi Mrs. G. Leonard. —Miss Grace Hinps pf New Brun- ! —-Mrs. W. P. Morrison, of Yonkers swick avenue visited at the home of —Mrs. J. H. Lander and children ! spent Monday at the home of Mr. and her sister, Mrs. Katherine Hensol, of motored on Wednesday to Yonkers! Mrs. .J. H. lender, Woodbridgc, recently. where they took Mrs. Lander's sis-] Mr. and Mrs. W. Perna entertained Mrs. Joseph* Kanek, of Florida SPECIAL VALUES ter home who spent the past week 1 on Sunday Mr. Anthony Cenntnin Grove foad, was n Perth Amboy visi- with the Lander family. 1 who has just finished a world Base- or Monday. — Mrs. Warren Oline has been con- ] hall tour. He has just came directly -Miss Elsie Iliritz, of Loretta fined to her home, for the past week, from .Japan. street, visited friends in Woodbridge >n account of sickness. —.John lnglis of the Fairway Monday. W. Kuzmiajc spent Tuesday in | Whippet club owner of the Whippet Thomas Saboy, of Juliette street, Now York where he bought the win- [ dog, Honnic Doone, Saturday ran mfttored to Hamburg, N. ff1.'"Sunday. ter stock for the "Elite Shoppe." i away with first honor in every race, —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ti^rek of 2 Parif s Suits —Florence Leonard has been ill 1 The race was held in Philadelphia. New Brunswick avenue visited rela- for the past week. The Junior Worn- \ Mr. Yet'a dog of Kenrney, came home tives at Bayonne Sunday. an's Club will hold the first meeting I with a second prize, of this yeair at the home of .lean l)e-1 —A ccara d party will be held on $35 and $40 Young this afternoon. October 30th at the Le Chat Noir by IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY —Dr. J. L. Ewing of the State the Rosary Society of St. Andrews Board of National Home Missions church of Avenel. A large attendance TO RONALD STILLMAN AND will conduct the morning services of is expected to he present Novelty MARION E. STILLMAN, HIS NOW— the Community Presbyterian Church prizes are to he awarded" to the WIFE. next Sunday morning. There will al- holders of high scores. Miss Mana- so be a Communion service and a re- ker is chairman and Mrs.-,!. E. Suchy By virtue of an Order of the Court ception of members. Those who have Is assistant chairman. of Chnncery of New Jersey on the Water for the thirsty. Food for already signified their intention of -Miss Aedlflhia Hoppe entertain' date hereof, in a cause wherein the hungry. Rest for the weary. joining are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ben- ed a few of her friends at her home Clara Vanderhoven is complainant and Ronald Stillman and Marion E. A kind word for the discour- son, Mrs. Clair Morrow and Miss on Wednesday evening. The home aged. Friendly acts will still re- Helen Soloman. was artistically decorated in Orange Stillman, his wife, and others, are —Miss Virginia Bird of Plainfield and Black. The guests came in Mas-defendants, you are required to ap- main the world's greatest ne- spent the week-end at the home of querade costume. pear and answer the Bill of complaint cessity" and finest blessing. on or before the 20th day of Decem- Have Your Miss Helen Tuttle. —The Junior Woman's Club held —Mrs. M. Buchanan and daughter, ber, next, or the said Bill will he Correct profeuinnul procedure. its regular meeting with a Hallowc taken as confeRSer against you. Overcoats Ann. spent. Saturday in New York 'en Party at the home of the presi Dependable. Equipped in mod- shopping. \ dent, Miss Marion O'Brien on Ave The said Bill is filed to foreclose cm manner. Priced within your —Miss Alice Crimmins, of New nel street last evening. Various a certain mortgage given by Mar- meant. FURS tin A. Lindveit and wife, to the said York City, spent the week-end at the games and a fortune teller helped home of her sister on George street, the members present to pass a most Clara Vanderhoven, dated Octoher Special Mrs. R. Voelker. pleasant evening. 15, 11)28 and recorded November 2, FUNERAL HOME RESTYLED Mr. and Mrs. William Tompkin 1U2R in Middlesex County mortgage 44 Green Strut book 5S4 at page 401, securing pay- Woodbridt-e, New Jersey and Mr. and Mrs. George Tompkins, United States in Warfare ment of the sum of $5000, and cover- Ert. 1904 Jr., of Arlington were the guests of The number of wars In which the Mr. and Mrs. George Tompkins, Sr. ing lands in the Township of Wood- Tel. Woodbridg* 264 iOl.50 United States haa been engaged de- bridge, County of Middlesex and Now at Special over the week-end. pends upon the definition of war. The State of New Jersey; and you, Ron- R. A. Hirner A. F. Grelner —Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Braithewaite Prices Department of War numbers Its calls ald Stillman and Marion E. Stillman, Funeral Directors spent the week-end and early part ol his wife, are made parties defendant the next week on a business trip to to active service at more than 100. As in other articles of women's apparel—styles chantfe each sea- son—Your Fur Cunt of last season may be in perfect condition, but it lacks perhaps, jnst the style "touch" wlttch only un expert in furs can suKKe«t. Ludwig's A new style collar or cuff may 12 PIECE LIVING ROOM OUTFIT Kreatly add to the charm and to FISHKI^'S HOLLANDKRIZE your fur gar- Celebration Sale ment is very important, restores beauty and adds new life. The prices are very moderate if you "THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES" Features! will take advantiiK'' of our spe- cial rate«. 187 Smith Street, Cor. McClellan 3 Complete Alaskan Fur Co. Room KELIAM.E Fl'UUIERS \ Perth Amboy, N. J. 320 State St. Tel 2799 Perth Amboy Outfits $258.75 FoitGooftfiovERM $25 Down~$2.50 Weekly COMPLETE -l'r. Suilc Uvrnyorl Table Kool Hlool »'•<» Bridge Lamp «nd Shade. .11.Ill Floor Lump and Shade UM •Is!) Tapestry ttu» Magazine Rark Hook Trough

III SSI 1,1. K. W VI ^i> Kur Mali' M'lirliir Complete 8-Piece Bedroom Outfit \ AND

1-IIMO Two-lone Suite,. IM. gagleu Link Spring, IS.SO Col ton MtttreH, J0.7S. Bridge Limp and shade, 11.79. Nothing nut to buy! Doieni of coaplH are i tart Ing up hsiue- kcepluf with tluu ootdli Iron Ludwlg'i. Select yoor'j tomorrow. mnm. 11 WEEKLY—U MONTHS TO PAY Fur >it-mhrr» uf tin' lloanl of (innrul A»» MtililjT • VlUK FOH I II It 1 K VolK Kill TI1I1KK 3-Pc. Daveno-Bed Suite X M. Inline jlinnurril Votethe X William s. llfjr 1 x i,rVri.'i' II. MinfM>n X WHII li. tjjjiikniliusli 1 X J'.it'lili II. KilKiir TtepubticmX J. Kn-il ori>i-» $147

Including—as picturedn-club chair, throne fchair, and dav- Ticket er.port that opens into a full double bed. And k good looking room otherwise. With deep spring cushions. And uphol- stered in jacquard velour. $1.50 Weekly—18 Months to Pay 10-P Room Suite

For County cirri Wllllnm 11. 1'rlce $147 [X I f. Wm. Hllair Ten distinctly hundsome pieces—including extension table, china cabinet, server, host chair, and five guest chairs. In lovely walnut veneers, combined with the best cabinet woods. A marvelous value I $1.50 Weekly—18 Month* to Pay Open Saturday Evening Until 10

Kill COKONtll VO'l'K FOU TWO __ X | JLWUIH t'. tiruluor X| llubert e. Umuii _

••••v:i.;','fi'.,.i5wfei!r'. iriitfi*' '''.*.'tiuik£& WOODRRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1029 PAGE FOUR lAJr" Th.tmns (c) "Modern Nance CURT COMMENT Hoger*. For an encore Miss BANDITS STAGE Mm. Logan Is Hoste** , Lions Arrange At Surprine Shower | Womans Club Marks Eleventh Price played "Old Black .loo." Mi* DARING RAID ON fT"Tl't IlltP. Tin'? I'll" Mnrv Wollis. the speaker of the' afternoon (rave a splendid talk on 1 For Annual Banquet LONDON HOUSE Mrs. Mnxwell l.U>» |kv<>nue, ..ntertaini'd Tuesday night st « surprise miscellenne Hi' shower in f.>r HUruislnsni*. Birthday Party Is Held At Craftsmen's Club. Pleasing Pro- Lady Alexander and Her honor of Miss Florence Baldwin would just speak of a few that she ' £o|onja Country Club. Hear who will he married to George Me- gram Presented. Many Guests From Other Clubs. had reviewed. A few of the books Servants Threatened With Sin nfti'n proves to bo n contempt- Cullotlgh on November X<1. Interesting Talk. 1 I mentioned were "A Hook of Win- II. .' dl»:tip|)i>lntmpnt. CHHIS were player) and Miss Klaitif Th. _e _.elevent_ h birhtdny party of Charles Seissel. - nn>l H=c jour odbridge oiin-nse tlinti «listt f Prn.T for f.-i Urgr box filled with beautiful gifts. , with auturnn f|0W(.r« hy 'the art de- Woman's I lub. V Mr- announced that a banquet will be held in the Coionm ivi'l"w of ^ir fell I.inl.v A' coninion sitiso u* nn nid In It. Refreshments were served at a Ip8r tment. The president Mrs. A. Y. Mrs. M. Newcomer, special program would be put on Country Club on the. night of Mon- A!, \:it ilrr. n.-I'.rmnnflpT, at table decorated in keeping with Hal- Randolph (rmcioi^ly greeted the Sewareii-Woodhridgo Auxiliary ot nver Station WHK on Snturady at day, N'ovomJier 11, Armistice Day. rt 1 lowe'en. The center piece was a large her h IM. In C!IW" IITI November li'i-'J:! '." when ] d(lition to the/nnnquet and danc- rak. with » miniature bride and , ..,,| n H Fi'- : ,,; n; i JI drove up Unit it Is II noinlor ti«' ran IM? pnti'.'it! whjch 0VQned wi h ff inK th I.ord's land. Mr«l Vrthur Whitpen would speak. ln|< which will follow, there may In- groom fur the decoration. The favnrs J>rayor to I' I .\i , f ilc li,'iine between Rt it. Also representative;, of the fol- The program cuiiclvided with l»» special entertainment fertturrp. 1 wore black and orange snappers and 1 1 1 foil ' ' live in il.i' moniirm. One '1 he salute to the flag was given lowing clubs. Cninbury, Shrewsbury. y.'U'ct ons by Mi^ I' ' ' ' "Kvai. heur" i ,[-ri. v\ub n(|0I,ied unanimously ;i ni:in •• ! the w.'irnn remained In tlie il !• the of candy. followed hy the singing of "Arrirricn Red Bunk. Asoury I'ark. Keyport S-ilv.eilo and "(lrientale" by t':nly. , r<.s,,iuj.inn to go on record as favor- \V!.en come to Th nn>! i'«r. The men put on Muck the kin est i irtiests were Mr?, rred Bald- Tne Beautiful.a - \ jmrt |,u*ino^A ses- Literary, Tue>ii;i/ Study Cluh, F»r|s Mrs. Randolph announced the ne\t ]]]n ;) ,1(,rn,|lm.nt site, for the Kiddie p:i|ipr tlint su win Florence and Evelyn Baldwin, 1 m:i-»-. cnrere.1 the house with a w*aS held. Announcement was nnd Esitontown.jMr*. Ca-ewe!l Mi'im directors meeting to be held the pec- ^'"cp Well camp. The resolution em- y.ui. Mrs. Logan BockiuJ. the Mis*e* l pki'li ton key. ritwin-ked the serwinis' made of a conference to be held in state presidet.;«nd Mr>. l.eorgc r»r- nn(| Tlulrj.(ll,y an,| the club meeting lu>(|j (,s ,, ,e,lll(,st t thnt the Board of , Clare Hanson, Elaine Logan. Wini- Belmar on November 7..All members fruson. third di-trici vice-prcs-.'.ent ^ fhtirsday of November, 'chosen Freeholder' quarters. !..'lp«Ml then.selves to whisky One i.f the earthly Imrrors Is tl e ttlir(i grant to the | fred and Dorothy Brennan. Pearl wishing to go will iv.tify Mrs. How- wore not able to ^m- on ;icc.nint o! i, , ,^,-eting delicious re- „.„..,,,,,« ,,f , „,„ mid ilien t.'rr.'ri7e,| the h.'tiseli.'id. scene In n pullinan .Ires-ing ro"in 1 Filer. Berth:! -OnloU, Helen Kolb g Fnl. uvinp„ h(1 -r, !.„-,.-- th( amp the present site I.n.ii .\!exnnder was held down tn ard Stillwell, transportation chair- sickness. freshments were served by the hos- w;(h ^.j,fficii-nt land for future ex- early in tlie mornim:. ] and Mrs. Maxwell I.ogan, r bed :;n-l tl,r.'H!-r,r'd with death if she man. The meet'.nc uas then turned over jutnlity chairman, Mrs. Charles Seis- ^ .,n;:j(,n phe land to bo given by deMl maid. The president elcomed the new to the program chairman. set ami her committee. Mrs, Frank |(. |()n(? ,(,rJ)1 i(,lls(, "Niiliiral iihlllty" I' chictly In the memberb s Mrs. R wlir, irif.l t" u-.i to her assistance, was dUctiniinat l.'ti ^\ L t T J "hieli one selects Mi&s Kingsberry Entertains \. do Russy ami The first number on the program Valentine, first vice president, _ cut . Amon(? the ,fUei,u at the luncheon Mrs. Stanley Potter. was a group of selections on the t]u, birthday cakv and poured coffee. [lininiied n-rain-t a wnll. h.v a ninn from wind he lu'iirs ami sees. Members of Bridge Club Monday night wus .lohn McClain. A note of sadm,^ was interjected harp, played by Miss deorgia Price) .. . . father'of Lion Mark McClain. Mr. wlm threatened to. murder her. • ,..„ in the program when Mrs, Randolph of the National Broadcasting Com- , Tuesday Bridge Club I.nily Al.rin.lor, suffering from Amniic men. It Is not the fashion Miss Helen Kingherry of : MeClnin came as the guest of his spoke of the death of Mr. Bnyntnn, pany. Miss Price explained the - ~ • Ka» Lunchceon In Rahway i son. When President Jim Dunne call- ishork in:,! I'riii-.'s on the tliroi't and to talk aInnit their Hllments. so the> George avenue, Was hoi-tes-. to her who has always been a kind and help- nificanre of the red and black strings ! cd upvn Mr. McClain for a few re- IiamK tnlil a reporter of her adven- forget them most of tlie time. bridge club Mondau night. The pnn-s ful advisor and frienf d tn the club, and thtee uuses of the pedals. She took ture. for high scores wefe awarded to Mis? j A• note fro- m Mrs•• . -Boynto n was fo- r her numb Triere. by Th(? Tuesday Afternoon Bridge marks few of the members knew, that bers (at Club was entertained Wednesday at the response would be one of tho Pleadt'for Dog. You'll find the most populnr person Margaret Jellyman and Miss Anne; readd . MrsM . BoyntoB n is triie central Hasselman, (bi "Reverie" by Ches "I wns nwakened -by the burking In n swell society circle Is one who Baker. Miss Adolpha Koyen received , vice-president Of the state federation, hire, (c) "V»lse" hy Cheshire. As an a bridge luncheon hy Mrs. Paul Paul- best and most inspiring talk* ever of my 'pek'o,' and two men wenring the consolation prize. j She sent a basket >>f flowers for to- encftre Miss Price'played an "Old > son of Rahway. Following the lunch- delivered before the Huh. Mr. Me doesn't e.veti snub anyone outside of It. Dainty refreshments were served! day's meeting. Mrs. George Brew- Irish War March." ' 'eon, cards were played and high ('lain Sr.. w^U>e eighty years old on Mack crepe mnsks rushed Into the He has lived met. ronni. My bedroom Is locked nt night, by the hostess. The guests were Mar- ster trlen read a set of resolutions Mrs. Oakley Cooke. northern vice'score was made by Mrs. Carl Wil- his next btrTrVday. It Is charming to pet up In the garet and Dorothy Jellyman, Evelyn and 1 realized ot once that tlie men Which will be sent to the family of president was' then introduced, Mrs. liams. Mrs. George Merrill received of his life in the West and in his morning with the thought, "1 haven't Baldwin, Lillian Richards, Bertha Mr. Boynton. Mr Randolph then Cooke is also the announcer over sta- the consolation prize. talk referred at times to the great mnst have secured the key from n , n tiling to i,o todny"—for about ten ^ead a poem "He Is Just Away." ; tion WOR during the Woman's Club, The guests were Mrs. Martin New- American Desert; the mountains am! crjphonrd In the passage outside my days. OhtotPerth t Amboyof town, an, dAdolph Anne aE .Koyen Baker,, ooff | The following guests were present: hour every Wednesday at 1:30 Mrs. • comer, Mrs. Leon Campbell. Mrs. , the ranges. k f tXKlroom. Avenel. * . Beach Wood Woman's Club, Mrs. Cooke took for her subject "Tho De-' George Merrill. Mrs. C W. Bnrtie- He questioned the saying that the "I screamed, hut one of Hie men i John Garrison. ; velopment of Woman." She referred kov, Mrs. Lee Smith. Mrs. .Julian work of God is an honest rushed nt me and put one hand round SAID BY THE WISE Rahway Woman's Club, Mrs. to the 20-27 Versos of the firs* chap- Grow. Mrs. C. S. Williams. Mrs. Ced- man Hl, thought, that, the noblest my throat nnd annilier over my Mrs. Campbell is Hostess Nature hns always find more force Goorge Galloway. | ter of Genesis where Woman is first rls Ostrom, Mrs. Frederick Snenget, .y|H, ,,f man js hi wh.o does kindly mouth. The second man went around New Market-Dunellen Club, Mrs. spoken of. Mrs. Cooke spoke of the of Woodbridge. Mr-. M. .l"lnvs" of ' j f others when he doesn't than education. — Voltaire. To Ladie* Association t n nKS or W. J. Piddjngton. outstanding women from Eve who Westfield. Mrs. W. E. Bartow and haV(hae, to un(j joes it out of natural Home Reading Club, Rahway, Mrs. was the first woman. Deborah, Mrs. Friu Roessler. of Pliiinfield. When 1 dent know whether to fight The members of the ladies Associ- goodness of heart. The speaker com- ation of the Congregational Church Jackson. I who judged the tribes of Israt mended the cordial, service-giving or n-'t, 1 nlw ays t.—Nelson. were entertained Wednesday after- Janet Gagg e Chapterp , D. A. R., Mrs.' and became the first woman judge.; Wodbridge Chapter of Red principles of the Lions. He quoted

1 Ruth who was noted for her gen- noo±R KJ\f | | nI* 1/ aLJIt- th|| eI'll ! hom% \* L e***-*. of. Mr?^^- • < •- » . C"^' »^ .• •• Af . Camp H. W. Von Bremen. Cross Annual Meeting Mon- a writer who divided mankind into Yen will more surely hy bell in Grove avenue. The members! Woman's Club f Freehold, Mrs. tleness, Esther who risked her life three groups: those who say "tin- prudence than by passion.—Syrus. sewed on articles for the bazaaT to I Eugene Taft. to save her people. Dorcas, the day Night World is Mine and I'll keep it all he held December 3. Borough Improvement J^eague, woman of one talent, Elizabeth, j Thc annuai mating of the Wood- for myself; those who say the worl.hll There Is merit without elevation, Refreshemnts were served during! Metuchehetuchen , MrsMr . BeistBitl mother of John the Baptist. Mury , bridge Chapter of the Red Cross will may lie yours but I'll take it away but there is no elevation without some the social h»i The meeting next' Keyport Improvement Ass. Mrs. W. the mother of Jesus. She then . h(, ne|(j Monday night. October 2H, i from you and keep it for my own use. Wednesday will he held at the home H. Hitchcock compared the life of Cleopatra who jn the High School. •' and those who say "The world is —• merit.—I.H llochefnucnulll. ; of Mrs. William K. Franklin in Bar- Friendship Garden Round Table. ! waster men s lives to the life of T, , ri,(),>rts win be KiVen let us share it equally." To he seventy yenrs .voting Is some- ron avenue. Mrs. C. I. Harris. and election of officers will be held. | JJ,^ latter class Mr. McC'lain Sewaren History Club. Mrs. W. ll al times more cheerful and hopeful than "\ id set an example of nursing plans wj]1 hp f(trmulaU,d for the an- pointwi to a5 ttu, worth while folks W. Conner. which helped saye the lives of our , j prs are urged l to be forty years old.—Holmes. iuial rol ca! A11 mcmh of the world. Avenel Junior Woman's Club Matawan Woman's Club, Mrs. boys in the World War. Mrs. Cooke , t0 be prescnt. CoUrell. said the modest woman who work- He said there are three things A cheerful temper J"ined with In Has Successful Card Party that make a man's life happy: happy Perth Amboyy W,.man's Club Mrs. ed to, make her home happy was noeetiee will make beauty attractive. queen in her home. memories ,>f good thing! done in the AVENEL—A delightful card party- Glenworth Sturgis. Man'i Supreme Tribunal past; delightful present relations and knowledge delightful and wit good- SSouth h Ambob v Wi'man's Club. Mrs. Th audiendi c theh n stood and I There Is one court whose "findings" was held by the Junior Woman's j per|jjng sang "The Bells f St. Mary. happy anticipations for the future. natured.—Addison. Club on Tuedtlay evening at the ' are Incontrovertible, nnd whose ses- Miss Price favored the audience After the luncheon, tht Lions went home of Mrs. L. B. Dickerson. There Carteret Woman- Club. Mrs. Emil with, three M lections, la) \r, Mon- sions nre held in the chambers of our to the bowling alleys of the club The nature of all men Is so formed was a good attendance in spite of Stremlau. asteri"-—H;><«i'lman. (hi own hrenst.-- llo«ea Ballon, where a bowling match was held. that they see nnd discriminate In the the inclement weather, Pinochle, Avenel Woman'-- Club, Mrs. Welsh iilTairs of others, much better than Fan-Tan and Bridge were played. their own.—Terence. osf taking prizes were as fol- ,vs: Bridge: Mrs. F. E. Barth, When man has come to lie tjiwi'' Andrew Lockie, Lendall Pomeroy, "Put One Hand Round My Throat." ttiles of Nifiht, all the his companion was searching> record of Mrs. Harriet Un- and highest quality for only 8129.50. Screen Grid.Sl 19.30. the r"oui. He f.und the key to my She is seventy-live years safe. He opened this nnd took out f age. Free Home Demonstration! all tho jewelry l.e couid find, which Virtue Leadi All Is Wnrtli iibout SI'.TAj. Virtue Is tlie highest reward. Vlr We will deliver any one of these magnificent new Philco "'('io away. y,cj damned hlack- me truly goes before all things. Lib- ; furniture models to yoW home on Free Demonstration. guards,1 I cried. 'I d"ii t keep things SAP'S FABLES >rty, safety, life, property, parents, No obligations — no red tape. We want you to find out like that here for ynu.' country and children, are protected for vourself in your own home why Philco performance There was once— "They cut the electric light nnd and preserved. Virtue has all things is the sensation of the radio world. In herself; be who has virtue has all bell wires over the bed, but In doing A tnuk driver who never used EASY PAYMENTS, if you decide to buy. You merely make BO I think they caused the bell to riny things that are good attending him. profiinity. I —Plautus. a small down payment and then pay the balance monthly in the room oecuplsjd by my maid. out of income. She came running downstairs, but A small- boy who pined Tor met another masked man standing vacation to end. Balanced Units the Secret outside my bedroom door. She Mad« Pint Upright Piano screamed before she was overpow- The first upright piano was putenied RA&£ PURITY OF TONE — richer, clearer, purer tone A coal denier who didu't hope In 1800 by John Isaac Hawkins, on than ever before known to radio.^Reproduction so lifelike ered. for an early winter. "Her screams woke up the other Inglishman, who at that time was re it will amaze and delight you. ildlng ID the United States. servants, who shouted for help from An attractive young lady who J MARVELOUS SELECTIVITY _ Split-hair selectivity. Now the windows." spent nil her evenings at home sharper than ever in its separation of stations. ^ improving tier mind. Carries Boy From-Fire, VAST DISTANCE RANGE — Philco owners by hundreds A motorist who smiled Instead write us that they bring in stations in Cuba, Canada, Mexi- Learns Daughter Died of glaring nt the occupants of co, japan, Australia and other foreign countries. Philco'i Sprlnstleld, 111.—Joseph L. Finnegan, other cars, and range sweeps thousands of miles in every direction. a city liieiiiaii, rushed Into a limning burn here recently ant) carried out A nrand new SvotcL Joke.— Call or Phone Today Uobert Stone. Kinnegun took the lad "M. C. P." In the Chicago Daily to a hospital where he died anil re- FREE DEMONSTRATION —Prove for yourself at our ex- turned to thi' scene. He was Informed pense the wonders of thin his ihm.hter, Helen, six. who had this new Philco by been |ilnyins "bonfire" in the barn absolutely Free Dem- with Hohert, had perished In the DO YOU KNOW THAT- onstration in your flames. home. Telephone us There was a civil war id Kansas lr or call at our store at Sword fish Charges Boat - once and get the full details. Free Demon- and Injures Fisherman Florida WHH ci'de.l by Spain to tin I'nited States in IS-JI. stration requests will r.eMmi ^\n Ii.mi's hiitilt- with a be taken care of in lfpii ^MIIHI sHordtish which charged his Tripoli wns bunitiardeii by COIIIUI. the order in which dory, nitiiuu'ii II hole In It, unil scraped they come. " him with us sword, sent Kdward Wc-i ilore I'relile. U. S. N., in 1&01. 1 :a called him plain "Hob /.JIW, u li-dierinan on tlie M-liooner Vus Shu., .ey when he pitched tor the co da llama, to a lins|iHal here whei. The legislature of South Ciirollii.i New York American League team, the tmat armed from Hie tlsliluj; piuseil im net to nullify the laws oi but that won't be dignified any th* 1'nlted Btiites !u 183!!. more. He was named successor grounds recenHv. of the late Miller Huggins. It will be Robert John 8hawkey D«noteitjluri«l Pltc* after thU. The word "culumliurluiu" Is de- Gibraltar'• Compotilion rived 'row the Latin word "eolumbii," The Uoi-k or Gibraltar |g uot com inuiiiliit; h dove. The word was orig- posed of chalk, but Is chiefly a ver> inally applied to ows of niches In W compaet llroe»knje, generally stratified BALANCED-UNIT 'I'AUIJE MOUEL BALANCED UNIT 11U.HBOV wulls of sepulchral chambers ID Roman Above It are lasers ot Bhate and grit BALANCED-UNIT Hiciwot The Itock contains several caves,' on Screen Grid, S67.UO burial places from their funded rfe- Ntutrudyne-Htu, 4205.00 Ntuirodyn+Fhu, I149JM of wuLeti extend* over 400 feet lute (HJSHOLM fc (MAPMAN tioclru-DynanUc Speaker, $32. SO Beniblmice to l.|i« dovecute. Kvenluatlj & Crid, tl9S.«0 Screen Grid, 1189.50 the name was applied to the chamber its Interior, iltmbm .Viw )\ni '>••• k EnUnft Itself; hence Us use at the present iltmiat \m I ink li.1 Hukin,, time. Wiidom From PrankUn 244 Smith Street WILLIAMS ELECTRICAL COMPANY, Inc. Idleness and [irlde tai with a heav Telephone Perth Amboy 998 EL LC0NTRACT0RS AND DEALE Satma to B* • DUpuu er hand than kings and tiarllanaeuta of families are two-eui If we can Set rid of the former, wt Johi> W. Rockefeller, may easilj bear the lalter.—Benjaml SS faiullleu—thut Is, If you cau call thai Manager otter one a car.—Little Hock Arfcau Kraaklln (lToa-17UUj ''Letter on th< Stamp Ast."


Community Card Parties Phi Sigma Chapter Donates es for school children, adOToids nnd I Mrs. Paul Duel Honored tonsil rnses, medics] attention, sur- At Miscellaneous Shower Woodbridge CLASSIFIED ADS Are Successful Affairs $25 to Home For Aged Irs. Huber Appeals For iriciil dressings have been given to the sick nnd needy. Radium wan pur FORDS A surprise miscellaneous advertisements only on« SEWAREN—The weekly commun- MisB Derhen Bartholomew, of chased fur a man suffering with can- and Mrs.. J. H. T. Martin, rt.nt n word; minimum charge 25c. Red Cross Roll Call cer, thus making his life a little more shower wfls given for Mrs. Paul Duel of Rahway avenue are visiting in ty curd parties held in the Hewaren Green struct, entertained the Phi William Dunham Librnry every Thursday nigrht arc Sigma chnptoT, Wednesday night. comfortable.. IM the home of Mr Wellesley, CIIA'IMS nf WomftiridKo, [tcprcsontn- proving most successful affairs. Miss licrnice Weaver preside*! at the Home Service Worker Tells Through the efforts of our Chap- —Mrs. A. F. Randolph entertained five Mm. Jennie- Mundy tnkiiuj the Prizes are awarded those making business session when a report wfls ter an ex-service man received a Hidiss attrac,. t ivel.,y- decorate,, . d in pink and the following guests yesterday st jilurc of Mrs, Alfred Mundy. For high score, an\i refreshments are given of the card party held recently. of Work Done By Local anility compensation and an allow-! >-<1 I(T: Mrs, l)ue.] refi'ived many luncheon at the Greenmore Inn. Mr*. demonstration call Woodbridne Rl-W. It was decided to donate $25 to the WA] anfl xwU gifts. The Miss- Casewell Heine and Mrs. Oakley Cook served. Chapter ance of |fiO per month for an at , "^ Ijjrson, Helen Merrill and W. I. 10-25. A small admission charge is made Home for the Aged in Perth Amboy. of Maplewood; Miss Mary Wells, of Cards were played and high score Summit; Mrs. George Ferguson, of "" FOR RENT with half rate for high schooj stu- dents, and the proceeds will be de- was made by Mrs. Willard Andrews. The Rev. J,. M. Curley I). 1). Arch- ; kept warm and comfortable by our Mrs, F. Dunham and Mrs. Anbury Park and Mrs. Leon Camp- C. Dunhnm, Mrs. 'and Mrs. ROOM AND BOARD. 611 Barron voted to the purchase of new books. The consolation prize went to Miss Bishop of Baltimore, in his speech at | Red Cross supplying him with coal bell of Woodbridge. A. Hirner sanw iulo*. Re- Avenue, Woodbridgo, N. J. Phone Anyone desiring to reserve tables Marie Robhins. the Red Cross Convention last Spring last winter. This veteran could nut - Americus Chapter 137 0. E. S. freshments were served. , will hold a public benefit card party RU2. for n private party may do so by Refreshments were served at a n Washington, D. C. said "What prove thnt his illness was due to war nil . »» 1 nRS W. I. 10-lltf lling cither of two hostesses, whn table that was prettily decorated in .o«s the work of the Red Cross mean service, consequently WHS receiving .Thos' "77e presen™t were: MrsMrs.. .^ ,]ass--' Monday, December 2 in the CrafU- servo in turn from a large committee keeping with Hallowe'en. ;o the one hundred and twenty mil-1 no disability compensation. Another ('n- of houth Kiver; Mr* ™'"'""""'man'llim s C'luh House_..-.. ...Al.l car..d. „.game. . HOUSE for rent, furnished or un- of townswomen. Thnse present were: Mrs. Harold ionseopl* of this Nation? It means > veteran, wife and five children—man wrily'„'!?• "- "''I"'.' of ™lhWH.v.; will be in play. Mrs. John Gorton 11 r Mrs. W, furnished: all improvements. 178 ar more than giving; it means receiv out of work. Food, clothing and coal chairman of arrangements. Van SycVle, Miss Helen Pfeiffer, Miss Amanda Rowland place, Waodbridfrc. Tel, Miss Hernice Weaver, Mrs. W. Frank ng as well, on the part of the mem- were sent to this family, Barth, of —Mr. nnd Mrs. K. W. McComu, T.38-J. Hums, Miss Elizabeth Dolan, of lers and workers. , It means lives Just a few of the many cases hand- Smith, of Avcnel; Mrs A. Schmidt, of Wucidhridgv, are stopping at the Auxiliaries of Trinity ( Mrs. Woodbridge, Mrs. Frank Dugan, 01' ipiritmilized and brightened. I plead led this year. Home service "Covers rs. Andrew Smith. Master Willjard chnlfonto-Hadd'on Hall Erptel in At- KOR RENt-AUnfurnished npnrt- Combine For Bazaar Metuchen; Mrs. Willard Andrews oday for an extension of our Red a multitude" of human actions which id Clifton Dunham; the Misses ty«'t- |Mntjr city ment; live oi six rooms; nil 'm- y h ons which ty Ferdinandsen, Miss Marie Rnbhins Miss Muriel Hnn- Iross membership until we can call j no one can fully comprehend. The i? i '„""•„ PI •Helen l);imb«ck. _Mr nmnnd, MrM s Arthur Weed, ,of provements; (rurVge; apply 539 Rail- The combined Auxiliaries of Trin- cy, Miss Amy 'Riddlcstorffer, of Ml Wesiman, Edith Boston, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Alfred way avenue, or phone Woodbridge i roll of every adult American. 1 handling of cases by our local Red , "'" ''V ' ,1 nhnm, Irmn Kerd ity Episcopal church will hold their Perth Amboy. woulvould like to see the children listed Cross means that nany individual !i ,"' y.,la. „ , Jergeson. Miss Carolyn Mann, anJ 207. annual hnzaar and dinner, Wednes- lany inandsen. Marie Peterson, Ann Sen- W. 1. 9-6 tf. The next meeting will he held in the organization by their parents, contacts with Government Edward Johnson of Kearny, N. J day night, November C> in the Crafts- Mrs. II. W|,r(, t)u> ,|jnnpr KUcsts Friday off Mnu Thursday, November 7 at the home Red Cross work done from the high are made each mo 1>urruft o \I man's Club house. A turkey dinner motive of love for our suffering fel- .veterans and their families. . y; ThuuiHs Peterson, of Valentine place. FOR RENT—2 or 4 furnished room will be served from f> to 8 P. M of Miss Elizabeth Dolan in Grove .. apartments; also furnished rooms; avenue. owmen, and in the sweet ehnrity of "In the eleventh year following the Mnnn and Mrs. A, Sheenyy, of Metu - Miss Catherine Miller, of PB"*- Mrs. Alonzo Davies will have charge chonhM; Mrs. FranFkk DunhamDh , MrsM . S. delphia, Vpent the week-end with Mr. apply Mrs. Little, 144 Main street, of arrangements. Qirist, will fill the outstretched hind end of the World Wnr" the Red telephone 3-M. n time of National need, will dry the | Cross is still answering "presentpresent"; ttoo ^ [ \^£ M £„ and Mrs. Stephen H. Wyld. W. I. 7-5 tf. Mrs. J. B, Myers will have charge Little Miss Fleischer tears of the widows and orphans; will the daily en for dutv to the so diers ,. , . -, on. •« —Miss Mary Clarke, of Brooklyn, of the candy table for the little sis- tkof t ,,.1,4 »u u'' r u, i . .1 Hawkins, Mrs. S. Peterson, Mr. nnd Celebrates Anniversary shelter the homeless: will bring sur- that fought the big fight and to ththe is visiting at the home of James King, FOR SALE ters of the Flcur de Lis; Japanese een«e to the suffer nrr of multitudes soldiers enrolled in the ranks of our Mr. K- i of Amboy avenue. noveltieH, Misa Florence Brown; and at the same time will enable our I military and naval establishments. I' " — Mrs. J. Serena, of Elizabeth, FOR SALE costume jewelry, Mrs. Mark McClain; Miss Betty Lou Fleischer, of Row- beloved Republic'l^ls soul." " spent Monday in Woodbridge.. utility table, Mrs. Thomas Moran. HOME SERVICE DEPARTMENT Studcbakcr automobile; cheap. Ap- land Place, was hostess Saturday af What does the Red Cross stand fur u —Mrs. Thomiis Peterson and tilt ply—.1. J. Ncary, Main street, Wond- ternoon to a group of her friends WOODBRIDGE CHAPTER in our own Township today? AMERICAN RED CROSS I.. Tyler Mrs. Merrill, Mrs. A. Missos Mnri(>rii Spr<,d!lt Eliiabetii liridKe, N. J. Tel. 1200. in honor of her tenth birthday. Betty Krnu< Mrs A Mr Sunshine Class Prepares This year of 1929 has shown no H. S. Pearl Peterson, motored to As- W. I. Hr-25. Articles For Annual Fair ,ou received many pretty gifts. Thi let-up in the calls made' upon our lo- bury Park, Sunday. guests were in costumes in keeping cal Chapter. During the past year 138 —Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bowers, of Attractive 5 room bungalow; nice with Hallowe'en. Refreshments wen civilian families have been given Benefit Card Party For Ridgedala, avenue, motored to Buf- lawn, plot 50x100; improved street The regular meeting nf the Sun- served at a table decorated in orangi emergency relief; 23 calls from our Birthday Anniversary Party .-*,,„, , „, . »»•falo« t-.•-.-..o spen«d las...=tv week-en„«»- .,d wit-..,h . Dr^,. one block from school, two blocks shine Class of the Presbyterian c u and black. Hallowe'en favors were men now in service; 2 calls from For Girl at Fords Pep t. of Woman » Club ana Mrs. L. V. Buschman, formerif from stati >n and stores; gas, electri- church was held Monday night at the presented to the guests. Foreign Red Cross Chapters asking city, sewer, nice neighbors: only home of Mrs. Fred Schwenzer, of Those present were: Ann Barne- co-operation in locating relatives. ! AVENEL—Pinochle and Fan-Tan —Mrs. Alonzo Davies. Mrs. R. A. $5250; small down payment, balance Linden, avenue. The devotional ser- kov, Peggy and Ann Concannon Letters Mm men in service asking FORDS—A birthday party was were the favored of those Koch and Mrs, E. Mandemakers at- less than rent. Do Young, Wood- vice was led by Miss Emily Lawrence. Janet Howell, Peggy Ann Raup, Bar for news from home. Letters some-'given at the home of Blanche Ongaro who attended the card party at the tended a meeting of the Womatu bridge 929J. The members then sewed on articles bara Stern, Barbara Grow, Marjorie times go astray; addresses are lost in Popular street, on Saturday night Le Chat Nior tea roqm la«t Friday Auxiliaries of the Episcopal church, W. I, 9-20tf. for the annual fair to be held Novem- Newcomer, Jane Cox, Olive Spencer, nr there is sickness af home, fearful in honor of her seventeenth birthday evening. The affair was held for ne](| jn Roselle, Monday. ber 22, Delicious refreshments were social the benefit of the Civic nnd Art NASH SIX—1028, FIRST CLASS Mary Smith, Muriel Dixun, Kdn lest the real truth of conditions are anniversary. There were --Misx Lillian Richards of Fremsi served by the hostess. Geigel, Doris Burns, Sally Stauffer being kept from them. All have been gnmes, music and dancing. A deli- Department of the Woman's Club, street spent the week-end, with ML. CONDITION; BARGAIN; 22 The next meeting will he held No- Green street; Woodbridge, N. J. Vivian Clausen, Marian MacSkim gladly taken care of by our Ho trie' cious supper was served. piece donated to the committees by nnd Mrs. J. Nagel of Rahway. vember 4 at the home of Miss "Elna ming, Margaret Donnelly, Lorna Me Service Department. Those present were: Catherine tho Maple Realty Company was QUAKER PIPEI.ESS FURNACE, Rergh in Rahway avenue. Crory, Josephine Schrimpe and Betti Boys at home on furlough? have McCardle, Ida Sackett, Elda Sackett, awarded to E. Westergaard, man- Urge sire suitable for house. Two Lou Fleischer. been watched that they did not over Tessie Sackett, Ida Pucci, Rena Mor- Wr of the local A and P store, Trinity Men's Club To years old. Replacing with steam heat Mrs. J: Gorton Is Hostess stay their time, and when one boy etti, Sence Healgani, Julia Halgani, The prize winners for the even- Hold Vaudeville Show due to larger floor space. Middlesex At Anniversary Dinner FORDS—The funeral services fo waa about to be dropped as a deserter Mary Stanick, Steve Hodovarros, ing were: Fan-T»n, Mrs. Thomas Press, 18 Greon street, Woodbridge. Catherine Reta Egan, aged 19 year he was found and hustled on his way M»e Pucci, all of Perth Amboy; Cannon and Mrs. H. Cade. In Pin- The Men's Club of Trinity Epis- Mrs. John Gorton, of Tisdale Plac copal will hold a vaud^vilte daughter of Patrolman and Mrs. Rob-south to his post and" his past good Blanche Ongaro, Peter Sackett, "fhlc; Mr». J. KuchtyaVy^^ Peter Ur- FOR SALE—Five room house with entertained at dinner Wednesday hi(hi( •rt Egan were held Tuesday morning ecorecnrnrHaH wivesavedd . , , ,.,,,. r. n n "". . KK-- >'>'' •• BradyBradBradyy ,, MrsMrMrss .. RR. . EE. . BarthBartBarthh,, htajftidhotajftid f NMfNovewMfe e 29 in ththt bath and all improvements in Row ora saved. Georgs e DHaney, Walter Dell, Alex lL, ...... Mrs A I*iclner Mrq night in honor of Mr. Gorton's birth- in the Church of Our Lady of Peace. 2!l Ex-service men and their fami- ,. ,,' „. ' . , MitntyaKK Mv v , MrsM . A. winneril , mrM s Higi h schooh l auditorium. Six acts of land place. Telephone Woodbridge day. The table decorations were cut Miss Egan died on Saturday morning P. J. Donuto, George Urban and good vaudeville will be given. RoxyV 633-J or 575. s have received help in th.-ir many NNa Wl HaHarrr y HugheHughe.. , EmeEmer ChrisChristt- flowers. The guests were Mrs. W. C. after a short illness. rohlems. Food, clothing, coal, K\HS<- ensen nnd Eugene Ongaro. Mrs. I). P. I>e Young. male quartette will render sevenf BUNGALOW, 4 rooms and bath, i i:<)rto"- of N«wP?rt' R\'- Mf. iiml A solemn high mass of requiem electric light, gas, water, sewer, Mrs. Ernest Wadley and son Ernest soul. The interment was made in St. of Red Bank. Mrs. I^iwrence Gorton concrete street; price $3,&00; easy was offered for the repose of the and Mr, and Mrs. John (inrton of Mary's cemetery. terms; 6 Wedgewood avenue, Wood- town. bridge; inquire J. E. Harncd, Post Besides her parents, Mis? Egan is survived by five brothers, John T., Office Building, Woodbridge. Church Guild Plant Francis J.,'Ijawrence R. Joseph and W. I. 2-15tf. Benefit Card Party Jumes Egan. BUNGALOW—Five rooms; all im- provements; telephone Woodbridge SEWAREN—The Guild nf St. Sewaren Bridge Club 260-R or 575. John's church will hold a benefit card party at the home of Mrs. F. S. Entertained by Mrs. Bush EVERGREENS, Spruces, Japan Cy- Adums of West avenue on the after- press, Cedars, Fruit and Ornamen- noon nf October 30th at 2 o'clock. SEWAREN—Mrs. A. R. Bush was tal Trees; pink flowering Dogwood; Attractive priies will be awarded hostess to members of the Sewaren large assortment Shrubs; Hardy those making high scores. Refresh- Bridge club on Wednesday afternoon Plants; Grape Vines; Rose Climbers. ments will be served. i in her home in East avenue. Jansa'B Nursery, Old Road, Scwaren, There were four tables of members N. J. Store, 7IS Main street, Woodbridge, W. I. 9-13, 20, 27; 10-1, 11, 18, 25. present and high Bcores were made N. J. by Mrs. T. A. Vincent, desk set; Mrs W. I. 10-18. George Urban, sugar and creamer ry Sale TRUCKING, local or long distance; Mrs. T. P. Zettlemoyer, luncheon two trucks at your, convenience. WANTED—Two or three lOts in Phone Woodbridge 193. John Thom- Woodbridge. Write full particulars set. as, Oakland avenue, Sewaren. to Bo* A, Woodbridge Independent Mrs. S. J. H«nry was welcomed in 1H-20 Green street, Woodbridge, N* to the club as a new member at this WANTED ] meeting. Other guests included; Mrs CLEAN RAGS wanted, SIM of hand j W. I. li-lH, 25*. . F, H. Turner, Mrs. F. T. Howell, Mrs. kerchief oi larger, 6c s pound ! ——————————————— M. Hardiman, Mrs. Hurry Van l; II-l, 8*. T, A, Vincent im November Ilith.


I ii.iii^ lim knit -lit und wiml A beautiful si'li'dinn nf mhes A heaw flannel tiiglU gown for lll.l"M Mills with the built up to i-hoost fr oni. Afisortfd culurs th *_• woman who desires real ,h,,ul,i,r , ml kn«-i" length. and designs w irnith. Made extra full. A Suite of Rare Beauty — A Super Saving! featuring African Walnut and Diamond Veneers

StauiUrdliwl Quality I Every inch of veneers Stundurdlied Price! Suite built to tell al genuinely fine, every Inch of Inner woods $348!— Featured at S'JZB. The design U mat thoroughly twtod. duttproof construction nlncent! CombliUllg African walnnt, with throughout, In •> ward—built In itrict ac- diamond-grained vsneeri, and decorated wltli cordance with tpednoatloni let doyn by the hand carving. Four pieces—as pictured—In KOF.SSI.ER FVBNITDBE CHAIN. elude Hollywood Vanity, A super value I 97 to 105 Smith St. Perth Amboy, N. J. Roessler Stern's Easy Terms-$2.25 Weekly—18 Months to Pay MILLINERY COATS FOR FALL DRESSES FOR FALL FOR FALL

Everything that is smart in hats is being shown. Every style, every color, and evury head size can bo found. 3-Piece Frame-Top Suite "Kroehler" Daveno-Bed Suite FOOTGEAR $179 $229 Il Dun of "Kroeliler's" beat! A suite marveloualy ballt! One of the vert Bne»ti Koe«»ltr Values! Heautirullv curv- iiu' n'jriii^s am Individually wrttHied for better, longtl W4ar, ed frauiM. Bicb mobalr upholahry with Hue niiMiui'd-. (.1:1.1- I'll.' u|iliolnUown daily. More iww arrivals in our coat Rich color tones and combina- department. Exciuiaitely trim- tions make each garment so med with beautiful fur collars outstanding. ^' und cuffs. High heeW, cuban heels and military heeU ure all very pop- ular. Suede combinations are 168 SMITH ST., Cor. MADISON AVE. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. very popular, __^____ WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1920 SIX .lots mimlwrpil 1 tp 12fi inclusivft, fi.T SHERIFF'S SALE tu Hit inrliiHivr, 121! to 171 inclu- 1 , HANi KKV OK NT-W 'KUSKV iiiivi-, iiiirl 171! In I!12 inclusive on n I(r:\wvn t'harli's \V. Vmli-Mnnr rrrtiiin map i-ntitlcil "Map of Floruln Indian Summer (Irnvr llpvf'lnpiiii'nt, situate in Wooil- 1 1 liriilK ' Tmvnsliip. Midillcscx ('ounty, D " i i- r,t. l i .h ,-t -i ^ 1 ii'frrvinnts N'i'w .Ict.-n'V, owned and developed liy , Kvf.T -;ili' "•' 'flii'rtifiicr'l l'n' Sanuifi W! SrhwiirU, Kchriiaiy, 1 •> 12 Sub»criplion $1-50 Per Year 1 1 sum yrd and mapped by Lnrs<>n and i' tin ahrtvi -tsiteil writ Yn\, ("ivil Kntrinccrs, Forth Amhoy, MIDDLESEX PRESS. 18-20 Gr*«n Street, Woodbridge (,- iineTr'oTte.'l aniUi'livrejl. ^will New .lersey," which map is on file in the i.ffii-c of the ('lcrk of the Telephone Woodbridge 575 i-xiu 1 M.\V'' NI'IVKMHK'K 'THIU- EJ:; r County of Middlesex. CHARLK? II. RYKSK " „ MNKTKKN 1HM>HKI) Decree iimountinjt to approximate- MAXWEI-M.or.AN PjWlsh*r \\p TWK.NTY-NKK 1 1 ,1. .! RAKKKKT ; - - Advor!:<::-.|t Kf pre».'-.:a..% t „•,; ,',•;'•!.Hk in tin ;ilti'rii""M nf the Together with all and sinenlHcthe Va:.l .liiv \d the Sheriff- <>ffi«-e in the ri(;lits, privi'lepe-i. hereditamenPs nnd F--0-H s< - •'H, ffiVjfr Jlaroh 13. 191?. «t :h* P^st- 1 1 v .. '.. \v ",; - .ico. N .'.. 'jinffT the"ATt-eT Mnrcr. 3. lSTs>. Citv ' N»'« l'v ""-"^ ^ N- •'• appurtenance- thereunto lielonninK ,\!i :),.• •f.'l'.'-.Mni! :'•"' '"•' r"ri'1'' "' in- in anywise appertaining. land .i"«i rr,-!!U-.- II.T.-'.TI.I: tiT pni MTKKUl iPMIIISV, «irtlSIM»TI»M WILLIAM S. HANNAH.

\t. V-rt ,.hk«(-*-.'«.Jelr'lJ V«"l .III-, v :,. ' \V. 1. IM-is. '.'•"'; 1 I in .ii.i •!' - >-''••»**•

:> c Tim: • ' r.:> ii ':::.".!.. r:u" ft . re.'.- .via", .".". >H It? alTT. '? ' • a'.low in •.: kruw* ;i V' •.-..-•-( 1, ,T of a Tiafjre to ••>:•> v.d a rr.wr ser.?e ^ deiuwy. •-,-..-•. ;-,-. -,:-, ir,?^fa: a? a >;"core erdeavrr a" sorvpt.' vre- : - - •:- - • v >>jr r. 'ho r((-.i-. b.;t :- o.'Sv.ed t •-, the 5;>a. e «ot . ... - - --the Vii;t'-::i-:V>'un^ . ' lr. t'r.-.? :.'hm:-. t: is r'oip^d :.•> , ^ -,. .-,;„—. ^? ;. ^Ajif-nlfrs worthy, ar.i t^ c^ :ir.d fiirht • - < *:o>-« '-i ^ ' oh i' ;f*s ?v vi^r.oe ~- :::S:TI ci-r:'.y. ;:iju>':^e. • - ' . •; oe of the public welfare. Its oo'umr.f a'- a!', times art • • r.;blica'.;on of co'r.nv.i-.i.-atior.s ,-r. any subject, a'.tb,^:gh -• ••-.-.ini^atioTi w:*.'. be oo::f:de:ed th-iv is palpably bitt?r or ma- - -.:"5 "-'r which is r..->t f.pv.od by :-« author. 1" o.i'v? where it if -. :o?:ej. the name of the a-r.hor of a comni :rncatior. will b-e -.v ::-.".e'.d in publishing. ,

PRACTICAL TAX REDUCTION PLAN ^offers Exclusively this

i ;• .vt-ninr K"i».-t-\ (it iif New York, will place before the WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT r.ex: Leg^iaUiiv a plan fur consolidation of local units of gov- ,::.!i!i-];: ir. the state with a view to reducing taxes. He says ;•...! .it least 91' p>T ivnt of tlii- towns could save great sums ;>r the taxpayers if they were reorganized along modern busi- ness liiu-s. • HARD WORK He plans to consolidate small school districts which will By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK pr.'Vide double advantages of giving pupils better educational Dean of Men, Unirertity of !,-A-.litres and reducing cost of operation. Illinois. He proposes to substitute county highway organizations News from The Churche tor the present svstem of town highway organizations, claim- 1 j It n;is I'j- ttie sweat of his brow EPISCOPAL PRESBYTERIAN ing it would "result in building more and better town highways I thn( our fi"M nn(VStor ,,-ns to work s A. M. Celt of Ml- '.': !."> A. M.—Sunday s.b •' for the sanu- amount of money." and "would open up vast areas i »Iliinm lhi swor salvatiok wnns chariot. 11 A. M. Morning wor-hip. W. 11. tu he tlie tilsi'l 10:00 A. M. el- which today, because they are off a paved State road, have Foster of Kidgrewood. repr- -< '•'• ii I i n e which 11 A. M. Mori :,.- I'rayer and Scr- mon. ative of the anti-salonf. U.^uo fhown no increase in value and have shown steadily decreasing ^li'Mil'l r:ii.-.n>h house. 7 P. M. Young People's church. It. Latior-savlng 8 P. M. Thuivuy. Choir rehearsal. Norman Coleman, leader. Topic by eliminating unnecessary town tax collecting officials. ili'vioes nre her- '.» A. M. Fridav All saint* Day. Cel- "The Modern Authority «f the Better justice and a saving to the taxpayer would result aided on every ebration ot H"ly Eucharist. t Commandments. side. Glaring col- 7:15 P. M. B'-v >f••\n meeting. , P\M. Wednesday. Ladies' Aux- from reorganizing the whole system of justice courts, he de- ors nnd broad '? A. M. Satu lay. All Soulls Pay. iliary will meet at the home of 1 clares, doing away with justices of the peace who often have fan-i! type aiinomn'e OD nearly every Requiem '.i ration of Holy Mrs. John McCreery in Church Euch»rist. street. no legal training, and "retaining possibly some individual in ie |>ui.v some now Invention will [n:sh hard work to the P. M. Wednesday. Mid-week ser- every township who shall have the jurisdiction of a committing METHODIST vice. Topic. "The Distinctive Message of Christianity." magistrate, but placing the'trial of both criminal and civil cases' "ail liml "^k« n unnecessary fur ouc 9:45 A. M.—Sunday school. , , , ,•,. , , , • , • i ,, i to i\iTt hlmsolf either ph-vslriiilv or 11 A. M. Morning Worship. Leslie Blan. : South Orange Colored Baptist in thehands ot qualified and trained judges. _ j Uon hav . e ,t0 ltl1a li(ll io Pf,; work niem;illJ f oM knows ow t0 get will preach .md render violin 11 A. II. Morning Sermon. Model 91 % solos. Naturally, Governor Roosevelt's plan will meet opposition j the' machinery In motion he nee-d sei 1:30 P. M.—Sunday school. . , ,. . , , , , , i We are petting quite accustomed to >'>:45 P. M. Epw irth Leajrue. 137 - i- -D >r D • u ' ?:00 "Young People's Baptis- $137*° (less tubes) proposafrom job-holderl is a stesp iwhosn the righofficet directios woulnd anbed otheabolishedr state. s Bushoult hids the nmt,miluc stoker which eliminates 74 P Power Etetection and the new -45 tubes plus four timed . :4o P. M. Boyy scout ni?ht. sermon * „ . „ " receive the idea With favor. I "ny attention to the furunce except topic. "Litie Preacher? to the radio frequency enable Majestic to produce the most pow*™ 8:00 P. M.—Evening sermon. inj; occasionally ta'Vake out the ashes Little Peorie.'1 g SS Sve radio set ever built. Absolutely no hum and no and to see that the supply of coal Wednesday, S P. M. Prayer Meet ^illation at any wave length. Automatic sensitivity control pva FROM THF^MAN WHO PAYS dees uot become depleted. The «aso- CONGREGATIONAL Inf. unifonn wmsitivity and amplification in both high and low wave "lengths. Improved Majestic Super-Dynamic Speaker. Extra A gentleman who owns property, maintains a steady pay- line engine does almost every task 9:45 A. M.—Sunday school. heavy, sturdy Majestic Power-Pack, with positive voltage-bal- ti day which was once accomplished 11:00 A. M.—Morning worship. ChriatiaD Science Society roll and pays heavy taxes was asked his opinion on a proposed last insures long life and safety. Early English design cabinet thruugh hard physical labor. It has 6:4fi P. M.— Christian Endeavor. Sewtren of American Walnut. Instrument panel overlaid with genuine "special" tax measure. Replying, he said: not yet been taught to get the dill 7:45 P. M.—Evening worship. imported Australian Lacewood. Escutcheon plate and knot* 2:30 P. M. ladies Association w; A branch of The Mother Church "My opinion will be considered prejudiced because I am dren out of red and put them Into finished in genuine silver. their elntlies, hut there 13 no end to meet at the home of Mrs. W: The First Church of Christ, Scieii not a guest at the county poor farm. Nevertheless, I am an ; the possibilities of the future. Some l.arn Franklin. list, in Boston, Mass. FREE Home Demonstration investor and maintain a payroll which htlps keep 'many fam-', time-savin- nnd taiior-saving machine Sunday Service—11:00 A. M. St. James Sunday school— 9:30 A. M. ilies in my state. I still have the right to express myself'as the | £ ^,™ ^l^oR S 7 A. M. Low mass. Wednesday—Testimony meeting 00 y A. M. Low mass. Young- Pt-.;. power of. speechr+tih^not yet been legislated or taxed away. MOD P. M. As low as $2 per week years mull we shall have to do noth- : will receive Holy Communion. Thursday—Reading room, 3:00 to Double taxatrnfojind all forms of special taxation get farther inji more strenumis tluin to press the j10:30 A. M —High Mass. :.:i'o P. M. button or turn on the current. Short • and fapth^fnp'ay from the basic principle of equal taxation working h^urs. fii.d easy work, and f.nd tend toTnulermine democracy and the constitutional rights hlghiT wuivs is the paradise to which we ail li'i'k forward. of our cilizlns. CONCANNON'S In ediii-ati"!), as well, the eeneral Love It LARVEX 'Most tax bills today are framed on the theory of exped- tendency is awuy from hard work. 76 MAIN ST. iency; that is, from whom can the most be taken in taxes with The easy road toward a definite end For all stomach and intestinal mothproofs is the '.'tie ::,.iSt smipht. Text boolw troubles and disturbances due Woodbridge TEL. 299 the least likelihood of losing votes, and to camouflage as far emph.islzi" The favt that H niinlniuni to teething, there is nothing cloth... £s possible t/e continual increase in per capita tax bills re- niuount t f feff.r t will be necessnr.v to Spraying Larvex: i-iinifii'ehf'iid i!,e subject mutter as better than a safe Infants' and (jjireci : ' I'.'Vt-r the cost of new and 'progressive' or "socialistic' Mothproofs fabrics not presented within their pajjes. Stu- Children's Laxative. !eg>i;-.:ior. which is constantly forced on the people. Economy dents must be pleased, interested, aid washable—clothes, rugs, furniture. . wjT'j-. -htr "other fellow's money' (the taxpayer) is something e4 constantly the road from MRS. WINSLOWS •hat the average legislator and law-maker is not in favor of. whtch every [lossib'e abstmction nas Rinsing Larvex: been removed. If it is possible to set Mothproofs all washable It is yr.vrr.iitd i-cfore flections but consummation} of the prom- SYHUP out of wort! we dn U. woolens. I nm wonderiiip: if such a reiillza- tlon would he ii i"'id tt.irn;. Life may I be made too easy mentally and phys i DESTROYED DOLLARS Ically for the best development of the individual. An alhlete would be quite | unlikely to get anywhere If tie did ; Dollars, represtntfii ny property, die when tire destroys. not work regularly and if lie did no! j ELECT WheTht-r trie :.'':azc consumi-.- a jrr«-;it tract of forest or a one- regularly, also, pu>h bis musiles ti | the limit of their powers Ttu-re If j car garage, it mear.s a penr.ur.eiit economic lo*.<. The money little training of tbe brain If U 1? inve.sttd can never agijin work to produce profits. It is defin- never subjected to hanl persistent dlf Without Tubes itely and literally dead. ficult thinking. The boy who loaf? Leon E. McElroy m* along mentally never forcing his This is a direct loss. The indirect loss, in waste of tijme and mind to the accomplishment of some unemployment, may be even greater. The tax that would be unpleasant or difficult fast will never REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR have a trained brain. paid un a destroyed building is reassessed against other citi- No one has ever (gotten far without zens. The rates charged by insurance companies are determin- tmrd work. The latwir-saving devi.-e— ,illcl«M tin r;idi» ed by the aggregate average fire loss. Every citizen in the com- mental or physlcal-!-may rob a man C0MM1TTEEMAN-AT-LARGE of the power and development which set < onipktc in .1 munity pays, for every fire. Something that contributed its comes only from etrenuous and per WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP share, large >or small, to progress and social or industrial de- sistent exercise. One of the outstund beautifully — velopment, ha< been totally destroyed. Instead of an asset, it! in- mw> "f lhe c"un""y talkllls to a iriuuip of rounj: men at tbelr r[t Uynimi!- tpcakci. lhe Uyiucunc II i> ties produced under the principle of mass production |;J; SCIENCE an (Mubt wi iiKluilinf itcti^n, uwn^ '•»•« swget ol gMivunt Ntuuudync n^io Irc^uenty »(npiak*tionl and distribution, it may seem that the housewife, dealing with INDEPENDENT 11 u ut UIM umeni which hus b«n dtugntd to ufltr Iht UUtwtt in ptrfcMinaiiLC. The low pine m»k(t» It poBlblc food, the most basic of commodities, has keen neglected in the Sleep Walker* loi evciyunc. who his a drsirt foi iitiieciian »nJ beauty in tadio xrctivtfi. to utidy thru u>tc. movement to provide a higher standard of products at a lower Sleep walking occurs usually Comein indset this initiuinciu undapUy. Heal li in « unit cost.- In highly sensitive or neurotii YOUNG ATTORNEY ! HUiliiuls. caused by ill liealtl Now this neglect is beinj; remedied. Recognizing this situ- or overeating. The sleep walk ation, a manufacturer of a well known t*ble specialty has pur- er Is reully iicting his dream* OF 00 chased more than 40 non-competitive food products and will Generally he ruunot hear ordl As low as $2 per week miry Hounds, does not see. Hliil manufacture and distribute them-nationally in the hope that t'lin neither taste unr stnell WOODBRIDGE the le-ult will be better standardized goods that can be sold lien he awakes. If unytliiiij; Is fur less. remembered it Is reinetnlnriMl LEON Mct.l.KUY HS a dream. This nlah seems logical. Food we must have and to Iwive ) ltl» Weiiieru Nvv suaptr Uuluu v CONCANNON'S necessities and luxuries provided by an organization with tin- 76 MAIN ST. limitfii facilities, should assure a maximum -quality at a mini. t— Pltiase mention this paper u> ad Paid fur by \\ oodbtidge Republican Chili vertiaers; it helps you, it helps them Woodbridge TEL. 299 mum price. it helps your paper. \ WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 PAGSi SEVfcK

the school will be ('.. F, Barth, vice with competent nil around men. Chevrolet Motors president in charge of ninnufacurinj;, "The opportunities for tmining nne of whose life drojinis will be men in the early days were relative- Saves and realized when the first class is held. ly easy. Shop forces were much Starts Novel "School" Here it mi^ht he well to explain smaller and every ambitious worker Satisfies that ,this uiiii|Ue training place is not had the opportunity of working nt as ii school. The word "school" is onemany jobs as he chose. Company Founds Apprentice 1 which ) Mr. Harlh wants permanently Then volume production came Shop Where Fifty Beginners ilissoclatedi from this newest Chevro- along and specialists were developed. Will Learn Production. let un^lcrtnkinp. It, is definitely n In order to get sufficient cars to the hop, tpenited under shop discipline, public each man had to be master of UDGERWOODAVL Youths Range In Age From and maintaininir shop hours. It is to me operation. Changes about were ELIZABETH. N.J. 16 to 19 be known officially n.i the Chevrolet, dangerous hec'nuse workmanship such Ajiproil- ty are necessary. Whether or not up- •Mt-ant has a high school education <>en not affect his chances for get- ATTENTION! MAINE ing into the apprentice shop. It nnkes this difference, however, on he length of the cours«. Men who ure not high school graduates will be .7~r."i'» OrCjtn Gold | CITIZENS i|uireil to complete 10,02!l hours, Arthur A. Quinn Approximately four years of training. Mine Is Rediscovered High school graduates will be expect- •d to complete the training in two Deserves Support foil H\|I.M|. nre. Considerable ei- and POTATOES riirii'.riii hiis het n milled here hy the hirds of this time. The apprentice will work 50 hours 'i'1!i f ilmt tin' l.osl I'liinn mine on the ii week and will be paid from the out- Of County Voters Ski's rkei IIMS been found. 120 Ib. $ set with regular increases in salary The story of l.osi China runs back .79 until the course is completed. A newDemocratic Candidate For 7'i year* t" the ilnys when (.'apt. Wll- TAXPAYERS building is being constructed to iluiiisi'M TiHicnor, earl.v day sen enp- BAG house the undertaking. It is to he State Senatorship Has Detain- , founded this llnle southern Ore- one story and be 60 by'lfio feet in voted Entire Life In Inter- gon town. You have a duty to perform. dimensions. Inasmuch as all the first est of Better Standard of Ca|itiiin Tkhennr did considerable For many years, now, your county has been a happy 3 applicants . Ue unselfish derotion to these Then lie went down Into the garden duties and lor hi.- personal example, nnil bronchi his mistress a flower by Mr, Quinn received the personal thanks of Wciodrow Wilson. . way of pence milking;. In December, l:i27, he accepted 1 Vote For Yourself the president ;; of the Union National Boy Loses Foot Saving Bank of N'ew Jersey, at Newark, which position he i> now holding. His Dog From Train APPLEGATE'S Elected to the New Jersey State Kansas I'lly. Mo.-When Smoke, his Assembly in 1 !• 112. Arthur A. Qirinn police puppy, was In danger, Charles This Year ably represented Middlesex County HreNiein. sixleen years old. didn't lies- during 1-1*1.'!. l'.'l I and 11115. During ilate lo leap in from ol n iniln lo res- DEPENDABLE USED CARS his last year in office he was nom- cue liiin Smoke rei i[iroiiiieVI I'.v Hark- inated by the minority as speaker of iiiu utiill i'liarlie'3 father found the Rebuke the men who the house. While in the Assembly, , , , Mr. Quiim (•..nsistt-ntly-ailvoroted and ""> "" "'e r«l.t-.. •«•;..%• ,.i..' loo, „. fought for aile.iuate laws to protect rnished that It to he ampiMatcil have betrayed you and are women and children engaged in in- II ''!I;I l!i — and Slllnl.l hail 1)11 8 Are tested, approved and guaranteed by 1 dustry. ' j hiU v\ lien 111!' (h>t ^ol un III! |l;ll!l ol Arthur A. Quinn is exceptionally ' n Milwaukee iriiin Tin- youth •* ped hiding behind the mask of well-fitted to till the office of State, him "11 ihe trail; Iml failed by ii expert mechanics. Here are a few of our Senator, chiefly because of his clean [ I'ra.i inn ,i| a second in lump clear ol partisanship. record and hi- untiring work for hu-iibe lucoiimtive. many bargains. mnnitv. How One Woman iKHKHa-CKKKKHKKW-a ClOO CKUJflO Ott 0 I Rittlesnake Proves Vote The t to Bs a Hitch-Hiker 1927 STAR CONVERTIBLE COUPE Lost 20 Pounds of Fat 5 ("Jniise l.'ri'ek Tt'\iis»- A HV Lost Her Double Ckin Just completely overhauled and refinished. Tires like new. A real S dhiiiiniid Imelii-d rattle'- IC1 Lost 1I«T Prominent Hips 5 -ii;ike with u lust fni iraviil. Democratic Ticket buy can be had on thijs fine car. Lost Her Sluggishness tiiid II iiinitu'isl inaldnii u tuUr of west Texas, recently com- Gained Physical Vigor, Vivacious- li'ne.d t" iIi:tke n lili'mi: slniion For State Senator 1926 HUDSON COACH ne»», mid u Shapeliely FlFlfeuri e iilKH'.dimt wury at future re- HiieHls for n change of buttery New tire*. Original finish. Interior spotless. Car is equipped with <| ARTHUR A. QUINN Thousands of women art! getting fat water. and losing their beauty just because the essential accessories. You must drive it to appreciate its quality, T. C. Jnrdan, of Telly, little For Members of General Assembly they do not know what to do. If you are fat, how would_you like renlUed wliile driving peaceful- lo lose it and at the same time gain in ly on-his ivuy Ilial lie was piny- |X] ELMER BROWN 1927 JORDAN 8 SEDAN physical cb;irin and acquire a clean, ilia host to the ride-stealing; rep- clear skin and eyes that sparkle with tile. Mu liecame cognizant nl [X] JOSEPH T. KARCHER In excellent mechanical condition. Good tire« and paint. (Jar. buoyant health? the fiict rather alu'liplly, how- should be good for many miles of economical transportation. And uain in energy and activity? ever, when the attendant In- (Xl LOUIS SELLYEI Why not wliut thousands of women have formed him of the presence of done to uvl rul t>f pminds of unwanted fat £ Take nne-balf a Uas|<««' of Kruschen Salts in Hie snake which \vns curled ui> For Sheriff i glass of lint »atcr tvery morning before phiclilly on the hiittei-y hox, bVtakf(isl and kec|> it up for 30 days, Then weigh ymnM'U an*! at"*-" uow many puunds luivlng ridden II distance of 500 inutjuit i* guaranteed to reniove stains and nnke tccch flashing while—or it costs MOVING For Coroner 363 Division Street you nuthiiiK- Consiata of mild safe luniid which suftens titains and special paale which PACKING—SH1PP1NO : gvntly rcmuvey tliem. just use liouid once a tt«ra(« at R«aionabU RttM £] LAURENCE A. KKNNY, i\: - week and paste every day to keep teeth Perth Amboy, New Jersey clear and Jtfhitf. llleaihodrnt Conihinatioa •01 Ellubath Av.ou. mi perfected by two Jentista of high stand,

• ^i .: WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1929 PAGK KU.WV Minxes Catherine nnd Florence For Everyday Wear Id.ylnn, Almn tticker. Mary Roilly, Nab New York Mounted Iselin Girl Is Bride i Severs, Mary MouH.on, F'liulitif BUSINESS GO-GETTER Cop as Burglar De Luxe Stevens, 1-i'c Tr.iim, Miss Crrolia Fords Lions Work Drive Nears End lirnc, Mrs. Hroslin, of Gnrwmlil; MT Of Long Island Man Makers William llnylnn, Howard For Carrier Service For Fords Memorial OFFERS SERVICE lioylun, lioliert Hoehm nnd Mickey W.ind iHiriiit and Ivlwnrd Cooper. h? w.-is rei o. .V.iss Alice V, Boylan and A. J. Club Member* Rushing Cum- Lion. Have R*i*ed Most of the Irving Demarest Recognized as err,I tlie hom of Moiiiite.1 Cole United at Church Wed- Nonconforniily paign to Have All Houses Money Needed for Boulder. l-ol,, ding. Who so would lie a mnn mast be n One of Middlesex's Busy i:ine iirs I'M. Hi-n'rdliii: to Pevun Numbered Dedication on November 9 nonconformist. He who would grnthor Men 'Willing to Serve in the if lnsjuvtor I'rnest Ynn \V;iciier 1SKI.TN A beautiful marnaire cer- h.irci1 <>f tin1 Sttiten Ijliind drtei- Imniortnl pnlms must not hfl hindered Tht 1 - : r ' • r i" Ki>RI>S A fill Ki emony of much interest t<> loenl r<>s- by thp nnmp of goodness, hut muRt ox- th Ki'P.I- Legislature. i Keiptr Cv>nfvsseO coimtiittitii: idi«nt« t>"k pine* on Sunday morninjr, ,- w.irkinir • • rni- hy plore If It he goodness. Nothing l« w:ir!.di ''->' bu;-iaties. ] List, nt S o'tlock Mass when Miss win mail ,iH • :• . * '. nr nt lust sacred hut the Integrity nt !>e 1'l.icfd in !h( nit-nv-r Kelper'* home w.-is lavishly fur : ^j^, \- n y'an ilnuphter of Mr. and -,.• r. 1' :•,; a'ir rt Many men ' 1•.•.ih star.rne, busy o your own mind. Absolve yon to your- ! r.i I '.]', nUhod, ilie ilepuly inspeiior said.^jr? |,,|,n iti.yl:tn liccniw the bride fd --"-i • '; '.* ert .iii 1 f uccesst r. i :, their line, uf;i".i of K'ir.l>, Kfa-'nv an,! self, nnd yon Rhnll hove the 8uffrHR« 'V : •• ' • ' - " i'•••• ::t.:nii it- lar.ely n!th nieii Imndise taken from : of ..\jher John Cole of H*>cky Point, • it-i-llno to f. .:••.i !or puhllc office 1 of the world. —Emerson. - :>-.•• :»T Th the sumiiier hi'iiios of «i :i!th> persons ! T^ ] The Revrrrrtii IV. K.lwani (". •.!'.:•• ,'H carr 1 :li.i: 'hey "do nn of St.iten .Griffin. Pastor of S:. Ceeelin's f!. C. 1 i.n' he tlnn ", - | , '. . r . •, 11 uruv'-. r'j-i. Third -tri- taliiiiil. ami amo-iis the .articl es which performed the ceremony. Exp«miv« Tuition t'onslder t • :• <\:» ease of M. .'r.-.l. Ti\ - tatt MT p an ie)U> .-troot. s H fur The altar wa- prettily decorated ev.o of the busiest Kei|>er admitted An enplneeriiiR school Is the ni^t : .-.liT'i :• . .f '.;'. a i i nip• r- Thi' icrvmiry Irvine Pemm -'. with iiutunm leaves atvl pink and n:ve ;'.::d complete : outl'.t expensive type of school In the wml.l the K"'.i!d iiicn in Mid:. - \ I'ounty, »lui I? lurpo white chrysamhemimiv Thi' 1 wliicli ii.iil I'oi'-n instnl vl hi his "wn to operate, according to Arthur c. Saturday. N.urn not only wi. . t. l".i! .im:. !!*. to wetldine march was p'ayrd hy Mrs. rinn I,y»ti will -•>rve Ills Sta'• i -1 member of Ilie Inline. Ithlml. nsslstnnt biirsnr nl Mnssncl i Jr. . ."-.•..-r. •! -rl'.iv at.y -..ivo" .an II. Auer and .i'.iriiiK th.' e. r.-m-.ny -peaker. The n- All of tlit- rn'.'lMTies. lvpu:> lns|>ec i., • .- , ,j :'. r in tin- t ff- ft - i' •>!•- Mrs. Heft eon ton Van WntiiiT s:iiil, wore iomitiii- nunl operntliiB expense, he »H.VR. IS 1 dccompanieil by Mrs. Auer. 1 •, , -,;'•, .!• -:ri-- tha: a'' p-::ti-i!i- Wilh.ini A, Ityan. made upon !; :« !:':i '.he remark of teil in tie NIH\ t*i• •]> |>rniiut when nboiit f."! n student, compared with 1 Miss Kleam'r Ocwh-.irst of New •.- • .-:•„,; :r. :-y Monday. ThCy have Tin Americacn Leirinn r tiiivernor M< r..,r. K. l.arsun, »!v Keiper Wiis on ilil'v ns :i ii-mnittfd pn tuition nf only 'iridge will turn o*jt :n fi -. Rrunswick acted ay, maid m' honor •<-, • :: •'•.•' hands rd, looKs." Thai •- i :.i'.e reiTmmeuda consideral'ie worry to the c hriile, was he- The youne bride was a picture of demonstration, and most nf them !!tl11 ll:1 1 •;r. .; -•: : ha* r<--|'"'Klcd •<• :he !oveline«.s in a -Iress of Reipe Chiffon Keep youth er's P'^' '"' ' rei»«Tf.-«1 iimn> have already fifrtufiV'l intentif • *, .•-: •• number r...-.;srf. There of theni i" liif -• 'iliv ollirers with n lint ef hurse-hair, to mMtit. ,r. ,, :'i -A- :iou?es that still arc with- attendinjr She carried a larpe houqurt "f yel- , :;'n-r* h'Jt thesi. ;• :- t!v.i(r!it. The $11 t already contributed to-I low chry'santhfiuumj" mi'l aut.imr ward the expetis* of the memorial i- longer! M. 'if numbered w;;h:n a few leaves. Miss F,lean»r IV'whurst, her lav-. ahout • two third* of the entire Discharged Employees ''"maid of honor was attractively Tri.- rei-t'ipt^ <"'f the K.>ni- Post- amount nt'e.led. Jt is expected that I gowned in a dress nf tan chiffon • f:"ice arc surnui-ntuy iarye t>i war- the remainder will bv donated hy j Tell on Their Bosses with a hat of brown velvet. The dress (8 made of navy bhie silk cleanse the system Mr.: carrier f> that there i- no :i|i- the date o{ the dedication. , Washington. — Kmpluyers wh' She carried a lartre bouquet of pMn. iriinruoil with „ Hue iind white pnhen.«ion on that pi'int prnviiieii The donations received t» date discharge employees tn llieii white chrysanthemum- and autumn of poisons irii'iigrh fignature? are nhtain"d to the are as follows; polka dot cullsir. [t Is nimle with a bookkeeping departments run n ' leaves. petitions and the h^ti-c- in the dis- ! Fords I.ions Club. $100; Hayden belt nnd the skirt Is pluited. Dark risk If they attempt to evade Following the ceremony a wedding- •no: are proixrly numbt-red. i Chemical Company and Fords Fire hose ahil patent le:itlier shoes are payment of federal tines. breakfast was served at the home of Two of th« 8T»»t enemies to youth Company $F>0 each; Keasbey Fire »nd vitality are delayed elimination More than JlH.HHi was col the bride's parents on Grand avenue. Company $25; Thomas Epan, Mrs. A reception was held in the afternoon and intestinal poisons. To keep your- Economic Law lected by the Bureau ot Interne self Iree from both these common diffi- Annie A. Lit'.el, Ralph E. I,ittle and Webster Birtholace Late in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Thr ln« of rnnrns •• |.l. Allyn PeteiMon. jfi each. These Revenue last yenr on Inform.! culties will help you to stay voung. - Cole left on a wedding trip. They will an ecuiM'iiitc is*, win'' *intt s thut donations had been previously ac- Is Hittoric Shrine Him furnished tij rtisohnrtft'.i tour the Southern Slate> and upon in any (.•"'•" M;ii-'e :i" i»lT('!lse n{ la" knowledged. bookkeepers and acemintan's With the use of Nujol you can do it Concord, N 11.—Itesiored to a de their return will reside in Iselin. wr cir capii:il fiM'Hi'd ln-yond a co^ who received rewards totaling too. For Nuiol atoorbt body poisoni More recent donations include: ?ree sufficient to Insure its preservn Those who attended the wedding and carries tnem off, preventing their uln point In ihe (i:!nv:ition of loofl fcUHM. Morris Uuetsch $5.00 tlon, ttie boyhood linnie of Daniel breakfast and the reception which absorption by the body. Nujol also miispi a ly- 'IKIII i-rniii.rtli.nnte In Melvin H. Clum 5.00 Webster, In that purt of the old town Hart-Is F. Mires, assistant t. followed were: Rev, Edward C. Grif- softens the waste matter and brine* rrense In the |T"dnee rnifwl frnm I Irving Rospnblum 5.00 of Salisbury thnt now belongs to the the Internnl revenue commls fin, D. P.; Mr. and Mrs. John Boy- about normal evacustion. It is harm- ji>ei> area. 'Ri* I;i \ I? gftienilly at- Anders Andersen 5.00 city ,o( Franklin, hits been made 8 sloner, sukl by paying awnnl- lan. Mr. and Mrs. Asher John Cole, less; contains no drugs or medicine. to Ilii'iinln. l of vertphrntos In 5.00 Pords Wornans Cluli State Enoch D. Puller and Deputy man o[ | Ian, Adolph Boehm, Jr., Patrick Boy- that you can read rifht through the W'l usually deep, ne ihc iiniinalH nre 25.00 oooooooooooooooooooooooooo lan, Miss Eleanor Dewhurst, of New bottle. Don't delay, get Nujol today. C. & S. Corporation Secretary'Earl S. Hewitt hsve under striking per- ::.i.;:>-. and truly. If iciused without (liffinilty from the'r 10.00 Briinswick; Mr. and Mrs. Adolph John Ejrin 5.00 taken to nuike the birthplace better he Is aj goo! i- iie looks, he will Hart of imm»liility. Hut, while gen- — A Classified Adv. Will Sell It — JBwhm, Mr. and Mrs. Harry King. Chris Anderson 10.00 known and more easily nccessible to make a reou: 1 ! >r himself in the wally motionless they rnn BtlH move WUliam D. Hoy 5.00 the travelinc public. The road that Slate LegisLv .v, their eye? nml react optically. A hyp- John Tankochik 5.00 diverges frmn the Daniel Webstei Mr Demur?: «;i- born In Wood- William A. Ryan notized rnMdt ,ilsn rencts to the sound 25.00 lilghvvny a short (ilstnnce south of Louis E. Meyer hr|4ge In \'j<:i he was elected »{ a whistle 2.00 Friinklin has been repaired and the School children of Schools Township C'lt:k. .md in 1906 was birthplace estnte has been run trrtret- No. 7 and ID made Clerk u the then "Small Now Those 25.00 let order tlinn at uny tijfiie In tears Board" of FiifliilJers, serving un A |iath has been cut tliipugryfhe un ill the count- administration was •Icrhrusli to a grove on the shore of Rheumatic Old Fort Preserved changed four years later. He is rmtcli I'.roDfc. where Ehenezer Weh President ami o.vtier of the Rarltan fort Mcllenry of "Star Spangled . 1'- rth Amboy; Vice Pains Must Go Hnnnor" fume Is slill standing and Is mill, nnd here hns been set up a per- I'resiUfcn t of the First National open to the public. Many of the for- iiiunent table with benches for the Bank, ot WHO ibridgei member ot tifications romiilii and the drives anil The Agony Censes—the Swelling la use. o( picnic parties. Wooabri(l"e Wire Co. No. 1 and the wnlks are lined with cunnon balls of Inside the little two room house Exempt Firemuii's Association. For Reduced—Vhal a Blessing that siege. Two memorials to Francis Unit onee sheltered the Webster fami- forty years lie has been a member Scotl Key have been erected on (tie ly n historical museum has been es of the First t'oiurepatlonal Churcl) grounds, one overlooking the river anil Here's a supremely good and lately liihlislieU iinar3 he has been a doubling- Jdhn ilcrstanaing that one buttle must Rive once belonged to the Webster family memuer of Penh Amboy Elks No. results or you can have your money Uoniel Webster lived in the little 7*4 but- doesnt > Firtt Settlement Abandoned tack. house until be left home to prepare For years ;iu attempt had been The tirst IOLUJIISII settleuuMit ID New for D:i •tini).:th college, at Phillips made in Woodbridge to raise funds Ask for Alienru—it comes in big EiiRli\n(i was nmde «l the tnouili ot Exeter iieademy. for the building of a new Masonic In ttles and is nut expensive. Take it as the Kennebt'c river ,by the L'upliam Temple. Two attempts in 1927 were directed—it's n quick, active remedy colony in IG(i". A stnri'huuse and fur- rather unsuccessful, but In 102S. ar.ii one that y u can depend upuii even liflcatliin called Fort St. Oeoriie were True Temperance "Irv the Go-Getter" as his friends when the pains are most severe and tmilt. I'ophatn was eleeteil president There is no difference between designate him, was selected for the fever is rampant. of iiie polony, hut died the' following knowledge and temperance; for he job. la two weeks, although the 50-modest'hewiltlooK-twice lomafe < yedr aud tiie Colonists bei-omlng dU It's anti-pyretic — an analgesic and who knows wimt Is good and embraces drive was for $50,000, he had rais.-d hedrtened by the severity of the win- diuretic—and leading drupcists all over It, who knows what Is bad and avoids $72,000. •ters, nl)andoi)''il rtie settlement. America are glad to rtCcnniKT.d it. it, Is learned and temperate.—Socrates. Mr. Demarest wants to go to the Assembly. There is no doubt tha? lie will get there, and when he la in that body, it paat performances county for anything, he will be an aggressive and valuable member OPEN LETTER He is never too busy to take on another job, and Middlesex County To the Women of Perth Amboy and Environs people, who are demanding that their public affairs should be han- dled in a business-like manner. From Perth Amboy» Pioneer Furrier K, have the opportunity of securing as a re-Fresentatiye In the State law- making body a man who has 1 achieved distinct success in every Dear Madam undertaking, THE CARE OF FURS Why i? it that some women can keep their fur coals looking lustrous and smart season, when others allow their* to lose their beauty after comparatively few Recluse Leave* $250,000 LiringV.' Pome simple rules, regularly followed, will double the wear you get from Buried Under Rubbiih ar fur wrap. Philadelphia.—A fortune estimated rr by police ut $250,000 was found recent- When bearing Your When You Get Hoaie ly In an old Iron 8nfe burled under rubbish In the cellar of the home of Avuid getting it wet, but if you do, dry it Coat away from artificial heat in a cool current an old recluse who had Just died. *f air—out of doors, if possible. Heat re- There was S20.0UO ID cash and stocks nnd bonds with an estlmatad value of Avoid sitting un u.-if jH^-iMe, aa this moves the natural oils and the leather be- JLMO.OOO. softens the leather ar.d flattens the fur. comes dry and stiff, with a tendency to If you must wear it when seated, loosen crack or rip. L'aul Sehelley, seventy-nine, who it to prevent -train. Hang it where air can, rtach it. A dark long had lived alone In a house at closet is Hot a good place for furs. Hang it in 2045 North Waterloo street, was the Uo not carry hand-baps or parcel* a cool place, protected from lust but ac- possessor of the fortune. He had under your arm, as this wears off the cessible to fresh air. nap. lived there since the death of his Brush occasionally, always stroking with wife, 25 years ago. Wear a silk s<(arf to keep the oil uf the flow of hair, not against it. Police officers, summoned by neigh- your skin from reaching the fur. Hang on a padded wire hanger, which can bors, entered his home and found him T2A0IRTOR. Do not let a hat brim cut into your lie bent to fit. A wooden hanger may stretch dead In a chair. FOR-FOB.OJ CAR HEAURJ fur collar or fur scarf. it out of shape and tear the lining. Never suspend it from a nail, or throw it on a chair. Wind Wreck* World't A. GREENHOUSE Largest Cherry Tree Snohomisb, Wash.—A windstorm 1 Watch Next Friday . Iwue for Further Details About Fur Garment*. destroyed one of this city's proudest possessions—what was believed thp f - -•• " largest cherry tree in the world. The trunk measured 14 feet In circumfer- ACCELERAlOl Let Us Solve Your Coat Problems ence at the base and the tup spread a 1 FOOT diameter of 80 feet. The tree YOUR FUR COAT planted 65 yenrs ago. YOUR CLOTH COAT —Mention this paper to advertisers; It may only require a slight altera- —A new fur collar or cuffs—or pob- tion to make it over to the present day style. If you contemplate buying sibly relined will make it look like a new fur coat ask ua about our trade How to Reduce new. in plan. v. Varicose V«tlns

CREDIT IF YOU WANT IT Hub Gently and Upward Toward ike Heart a* Blood In Veinq How§ If you prefer-—-SatUfactory arrangements can be made That W«T to BUY YOUR FUR COAT and PAY FOR IT OVER A PER- IOD OF TIME. Come in—let us explain our credit plan. y ip have become despon- dent bct»uie they have been led to be- lieve tliat there is no remedy that will reduce sv(ulh}n veins and bunches. If you wilt get a two-ounce original REMODELING - IMPAIRING - FUR GARMENTS bottle of Mooae't Emerald Oil (full strength) at any first-class drug store and api>ly it night and morning as di- rected you will quickly notice an im- provement which will continue until the veins and bunches are reduced tu A. Greenhouse nornul. t ^ "For a Kt'ltfr (.Hiiueiit lor IA-HH Mouey" Indeed, so powerful is Emerald Oil that old chronic sores and ulcers are 56 Smith Street Below Packer House often entirely lit%d and anyone who " appointed with its use cm have WOODBRTDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, OCTORRR 25, 1929 PAGE NINl

n file in the office of Ihe- State Com- h«d already been proved thnt. this runic Ihe quick reply from a truck tendent less shifting of geam and Hilker Seeks Return missioner of Accounts at Trenton, NEW YARK--PARIS new-processed pisoline jpivi" six fleet owner in Newark, New Jersey. less knocking on hills. All in all it New .Jersey. New Standard Process distinct, advantages to motor ears. "I couldn't hear my motor run- is a modern power fuel, made by the f+m-inp the single term of Ihe jtres- The proving; curs nt the "Standard" ning," wrote a North Carolina motor- most up to date methods jret pos- On Record In Office enl County Clerk, the office hns been Testing Grounds had been running ist, "Hut it. carried me up the hill reorganized niifl systematized to n FASHIONS Results in Better Gas without H shift of gears." Now nil "Standard" dealers in on this gasoline for months. Hut it high decree of efficiency ami has been I According to Dr. R. T. Haslam, town have been supplied with this County Clerk Give* Reason* was decided not to sell this new- placed on a paying basis. Under the) New Processed Standard Gaso- Manager of the Development Depart- new-proecssed "Standard" Gasoline. Why He Should Be Re-elect, last Democratic management, the of- line Is Higher Test Fuel— processed gasoline to the public Uh- ment of the Standard Development "And the greater plant at Fiayway, 'til ferformance reports came in ed For Another Five Yearn. ce was operated at a net loss to the Company, a subsidiary of the Stand- N. J.", aay officials of the Standard f nxpnyer of $5,2^7.(1:1 in three years, Has Distinct Advantages For from Actual users. ard Oil Company of New Jersey, Oil Company of New Jersey, "is run- ning full capacity day and night and lf but during n similar period Mr. Hil- Motor Cars. The first letters were so encourag- this new^processed gasoline gives My official actft aa Clnrk of the ker has nre minted for profits to the ing, however, that distribution plans quicker starting, faster pickup, is Mxed trf its limit to turn out Comity of Middlesex is the sole basis County of $22,0(1^.15. One of the moat carefully guarded | we,,rrcc 1»i<*l1»i<*ly carriecarried throughthrough,. smoother power, all the advantages enough 'Standard' Gasoline, to supply on which I seek roclection to office," throughout the past year huV, 'Tn« best Rasnline I ever tried," of high test gasoline, with its at- the huge demand." said County Clerk P. Win, Hilker to- Lawyers, title, searchers and real estate brokers whose business brings l*on tho 1798 acres comprising the day, "Th« acts of mine arc an open 1 hook of which I foci justly proud, them in clos* contact with records in great Bnyway refinery of the Stand- and it in for that reason that ! ask the Clerk's Office say that the present, mil Oil Company of New Jersey. the electorate to return me for an- efficiency is in direct contrast to the Criinrrls patrolled the ffates between other five years". conditions which prevailed there hijrh bnrbod wire fences. Every visi- when Mr. Hilker assumed office five tor to the plant was carefully ques- FREE! FREE! Mr. Hilker points to the audits years ago. Documents now pass tioned. Photographers nnd newspap- made by accountants licensed to work through the office in less than two | cr reporters could (ret no further in tho State >of New Jersey, which weeks, whereas three months was re- j limn tho main office Hut just before certify that all receipts of his office quired under Democratic administrn I lie Standard Oil officials were ready A Fine Used Car at Riordan's havo been properly accounted for tion. to divulge their plnns, one reporter during the last five years. Those ' In addition to Mr. Milker's duties diil mnnnge to elude the guards. audits aro public records which at \ J as custodian of legal documents he lie found that three giant-sized double, units of cracking coils hud Make Note of This Opportunity (or You May be the Visitor Who been erected and that already a now-process«d "Standard" Gaaoline was being refined and released to se- Will Receive the Fine Used Car We Are Going to Give Away lected localities for practical exper- NOW- imental purposes. This gasoline is manufactured by During Our forcing heavy oil through a fire box Is the Time for Planting Evergreens, with high pressure pumps. The oil heated to a volcanic temperature, Hedging and Hardy Shrubbery of all passes from the coils to a "soaking drum," in which the ^''tracking" re- action takes place, and then into Kinds. other drums where the heavier oils, BIG USED CAR SALE! faflhton foreeasti kerosenes, and tars are entirely sep- so much discussion; the arated from the gasoline. We Have' a Wonderful Assortment skirt lansth, tho walslllnrs, tho sil- The result is an entirely pure, For One Week Starting Saturday, Oct. 26th houette,--to «iy nothing of faBrtcs. gh«r-test gasoline, which may be Madame Vionnet has a particular flair ild at no advance in price because and Continuing to Saturday, Nov. 2nd for Foundation Planting and Home for line and Ingenious cut, which only his new process extracts a greater n be accomplished in materials pli- mount of gasoline from the crude ablo rsnotiffh to (five the natural rolda. 11. The new coils give a higher yield Decoration. No frock could b« mow suitable for f gasoline stocks than the old, have Full Detail* of How You May Participate in Thi» Event May be fall traveling than the tallleur sketch- much greater capacity, and make Obtained at Both of Our Showrooms d. Ita fnbrlc is all rayon novelty issible the manufacture of many in- faille of diagonal weave in n&vy blue ermediate by-products. »nri white. It looks like a mixture of From a laboratory standpoint it a. fine woolen tweed and.Is ax lig-ht Below You Will Find Some of the Unusual Used Car Buys on In weight; too, It in not easily crushed. t*###** ****************** The tailored collar, slightly standing In the back Is n new note; the scarf- i AUTOMOBILE FACTS Ilke Jabot in white irron do londres Is Display-Every Car Reduced in Price! lined with the faille. The »leove« are ;###***#•**#**####*#*#**## 11 1929 CHRYSLER ROADSTER 1929 DURANT SEDAN with tailored buttonholes and Ralph De Palmt has been driving 6 WIRE WHEELS 1926 HUDSON COACH larpe blue buttonii. The skirt, which racing enrg for the last 22 years. He 1928 SEDAN 1926 OVERLAND COUPE Is four Inches below thn knees In hat been bad); hart several times. length, gains Its fullness by three • * • 1927 " CROWN SEDAN 1929 PLYMOUTH COACH pleats In the front atltched to give the 1926 " ROADSTER 1926 FORD SEDAN effect of a low placed flare, and slight Longer wear and efficient operation gores In the back. if the driving gears of n speedometer 1925 COUPE 1926 NASH SEDAN may be had If lubricated once each 1928 AUBURN 8-Cyl. SEDAN 1926 OAKLAND SEDAN week. 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1927 BUICK COUPE is Clerk of all County Courts, is Sec- • « » 1926 SEDAN retary to the Bi Partisan County elec- "Civilization Is at the crossroads" 1925 " COUPE Nothing Adds so Quickly to the Value tion board, and has cared for all doc- again, according to an economist And 1927 DODGE COUPE 1926 PONTIAC COACH uments in the Naturalization of five with care coming at It from at! dlrec- 1927 ROADSTER 1926 ESSEX COACH thousand citizens in the last five ions. of Your Home Than Shrubbery. ye-ars. H« also received and turned 1927 STAR COUPE • • • 1927 NASH CONVERTIBLE over fees in this county from licenses 1927 FORD SEDAN issued to sportsmen that totaled $18, per cent of all farms In COUPE, Just 'Phone us and We Will Call and 000.00 in 1928. Illinois have automobiles, 13.3 per "As a county official who has serv cent have two or move autos and 11.9 per cent have motor trucks. A small down payment will enable you to drive any one of these cars home. Submit Proper Plans and Estimate for ed you well, I merely ask that you Liberal terms can be arranged on the balance. Your old car taken a* first payment. judge me on my official record and Your Work. not on the many inferences being A black smoke Issuing from the ex- made by Democrati cpolitical strate haust Is an Indication of too rich a PAYMENTS AS LOW AS 20% gists, 'and if I am returned to office, gasoline mixture, while a bluish smoke 1 pledge the public the same hig discloses an excess of oil passing the standards of efficient administratoin rings. is the only appeal on which Mr. Hil- # • • ker is campaigning. The proportlf • of people to automo- John R. Baumann biles In the cou^y^-aow given as R10RDAN MOTOR CO. Radio to Find Oil 5.6 to 1, exceprln the case of the 1040 ELIZABETH AVE. 427 NORTH BROAD ST. GREENHOUSES The I.iHimlft Hudio college sayi tha fraternity house coupe, where the ra- radio waves, using reflected iouni tio still Is 12 to .T. ST. GEORGE AND HAZLEWOOD AVES. wavpa aa recorded on n seismograph • * • ELIZABETH, jN. J. are used quite successfully In lociitln It Isn't the prevnlence of cars on RAHWAY, N. J. oil, or miner Hie sail domes unde the streets and highways thnt makes OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL, 10 P. M. AND Phones :I*AHWAY 711-712 which oil Is neiienilly found. Dynnmlt the trouble; It's the lack of preva- SUNDAYS Tel. Emerson 7497-7498. explosions nre employed for obtiilnln lence of sense behind the wheels that the sound wnves causes the

$155 $157-50 $165 Less Tubes Less Tubes Less Tubes

Victor has denigned, developed and pro- Eveready always has meant the most duced, with its own research and engin- modern conception of musical fidelity. It is a matter of principle. Hear the On C. A. Earl offers you a triumph of real- eering; resources a radio new in design, ism in tone and volume. Voice of instru- This nuw design principle amazej even hew in appearance new in every detail wonderful new Eveready Screen-Grid Receiver and you will be astounded at ment heard on the C. A. Earl is that the experts and will astound yoyi, too, nnd every unit that goes into its con- $2 Friendly voice or instrument exactly as it is when you hear it. ^The most revolution- such perfection of tone, no matter how struction. It is the Victor Radio that heard in the broadcasting station. C. A. ary achievement since the advent of millions of people kn»w must some day musically critical you may be. Come in $2 Earl Hair-Line Super-selectivity brings the electric sets. Be sure and hear these be produced by the pioneers Mid lead- for a demonstration today, a new pleas- Credit Weekly ure awaits you. in the station you want perfectly— marvelous new Fada sets at our store ers in the field of sound reproduction. wfhen the traffic on the air, is at its today. Weekly Performance beyond anything you have thickest. Make your selection and pay ever'heard, HEAR IT and COMPARE. on Leon's Friendly Credit- A YEAR~~fl I A YEAR II A YEAR TO PAY j | A YEAR I TO PAY H TO PAYMl I '10 PAY LJ L ALBERT LEON & SON ALBERT LEON & SON ALBERT LEON & SON ALBERT LEON & SON 93-95 Smith Street 93-95 Smith Street 93-95 Smith Street 93-95 Smith Street Perth Amboy, N. J. Perth Amboy, N. J. Perth Amboy, N. J. Perth Amboy, N. J. A Whole Year To Pay Without Interest WOOnBRIDOE INDEPENDENT FR1PAV. l Be Kept, Judge Rules la rnnnfi'ted with hrnnnnltf.-SImm : Woman's Home Companion. SPOTS IN U. S. RE-ELECT / M Mi'ner .•' Uninhabited Area» of Coun- THE PERTH AMBOY I try Abw(t Which Little I [••.> A"1-.';.•••I. Is Known. I i \-'v.-is' ii-stifti'i! tluit be ruhertUed fiH ":\ k'^-'d ('hri«:i;ir. woimtti" nn F. Wm. HILKER GAS LIGHT COMPANY thai Mis Arbocast answered the ml an niiplmie In New I vi'rfv:i'di:. They were married tbe foili*il,i\ search lief I s,v:id time they were together, lie iiinlns were touml. <• REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Mid. 206 SMITH STREET i thai in tin' IIMUI e: I mfe iiilftl I" the up to th' in,, nliinlnncled «r. ' he bad set, Arbocust only received ihe one response to bis pf the-se MimV spi - mhcrtisemeni ArhosHst said: HIM lulled Klines Ruud Automatic and Storage "No, sir, not by a lonp shot. There "1'iule Sum nii'; COUNTY CLERK was a lot of answer but I Just la'ieii fairly i-oini . .. i i Water Heaters picked her out." l',:i-l," siiys Hie b- Instruments oarnr n* New Process Gas Ranges Noi»y Visitor! Cause colonists and were Town to Get Marshal u-e. Since those e I fnine »orl have hi i Wnco, Xeli.—The peaceful little vil- eMTV mpiure mile • lage of U'nrn, annoyed hy the rowlv A public servant Hi,. Mississippi riv. i "A Business Man Con-Den-Rit Radiant Logs Ism of visitors from nearby towns, has • liui alttiou^h i . established n law enforcement depart have been ruilioi i whose Re-elec- Odorless—Efficient—Inexpensive ment. Kor ninny ycnrs the -vMIEIIIO was Mid Bre nil Ihe « in a I without fl marshal niul police matM* lined ilie> MM1 not a trnte hut these linvp been mnde necos ureas. In the toret-1- tion is fully war- sary, It was decided, by the numerous Mnine extensive n Business Office" Inw violations of visitor!;. miuiths ol Ihe yt-:i• Citizens of the vlli:i^o were «f n ranted. • Telephone 3510 Perth Amboy the hunter and il.. iRW-nMiliiiK rlnss and iie-odei) no offl- lain sections ol ihe I ers. Tourists also caused no trouble, live families of l<" rn >•> Imt the fact that the town hail m> law whose (U^litjilrifr arc •• ,i,s! bj enforcers nttrnrted visitors from outsiders. towns nenrby who came here to "ntnke "The only hctnul I1 In the whuopee." much to the ntmoyiincp of eastern llnlleo Mali SURGICAL AND ORTHOPEDIC the residents. It was fur tlie curbing Iti the swiimp rejiioi;- of tills element that tlie new depart- THE COUNTY NEEDS MEN LIKE HILKER APPLIANCES i'la. There are relat i'.y tracts ment wns installed. thai have not In .11 surveyed or fi r C.oinmitU-e Trusses Supporters—Belts-Braces- mapped. Arches, in Fact a Complete Line Prune Juice Is Used Large Blark .Spots. Helpful Clubt "It is oiil\ afti't tl.e Mississippi Rtt Extrrminatar of These Needs. ^ to Christen a Boat Lend n-tinnd clubs are organltatbin" rl\er has been CT«'- •i'd. P'inj: west- I Betty and Bobbie ft ere oper:i P..lice l.ii ut William L. pwyer, said i St Panl. Minn.—When n river boat ' for young people established In 1ST 1 ward. that rbe exiri ' the radio. Suddenly ,froni Betty c reccmly be fouiul R nay to rid b.^ YOUR DOCTOR'S ORDER'S FILLED built for l>r. Waltham Walters, of \ Hppeur. Port if ns of i n Mln ia scream of doli^lit! 'Listen:" premises of rats. Ills carnce and back for re'lclous, phllnntbroplcal and no- Roclinstor, was launched here tlie dal purposes. The name Is taken ii-sMta are \trtunl v •?; bui | cried. "1 hare JAn Francisco. ynrd were Infested with the rodents. other day, it was christened by Miss ; tlie areas nre not uie; iiiul in the j that's where mother swild daddy w> Ue nttadic-.l a hose to the eilimi^t from Edward Everett dale's story M«ry I'.iilfi'ur, of Itocliester, bis niece. HENRY FRAHME ibe today." r.ot.bie paled a line, ''••it \\^e of til* sntomotille nnd turned the "Ten Tlmei One Is Ten." The club« remote sections of M She broke a bottle nf common prune trappers traverse ': country The j tie stwd his ground, "i'urn llmt r. |>,wti |;,;o the holes and under the pa .have a common htidKe, a Maltese cross 33 BROAD ST. Near Regent Theatre ELIZABETH Juice over tlie Inw. : bad lands of souih" -;ern S"Ul!l On I he coaimn&'ied firmly. "What's ra;e. He said t!,e fumes drove tlie with the Inscription "In Ills Name," Phone Emerson 9108 Hours 9 A. M.-7 P. M. kola form a sizable -. a. t:i!i;i-!> bar i mattar with jou? L\>n't you k:i> nv 1 rats out. and they haven't returned. but each nrrntiges Its own constltu The Only Practical Truss Maker in Union County — A Classified Adv. Will Sell It — ren. in which onh ;i i Mi -if t;l of poo j broke a w:w!--w j.anc today'" tloi. Ihe : and sinii! .• :•• :< are fmind in rii.rMionl NYhr;:- i, a* 1 t;i>tern \\ yondnj; in id Moni : "All nlonj; the 1 Mexico are mill pr..' •.••.;!ly inaecessl

n f.,..: .... s. In Texa« there lire 'till Ulifa1 :'!.ir a:t;is In the Vote For '1'iii; I'.i'nd region...... t.. t!ie Mex b-an bonier, where Me i:-.o C.rande VOTE FOR liver makes » loop t.. the south "In all this conn': y. r..>iu-ier. as is noticeable by referev •i- to a larne scale ! map, no very lar^e ureas are free frnin what tlie nuipn ii .or calls 'culture marks-'; trnils, rnadv highways, mil ( ways, power llne^. dams, canals. t'uines. factories, V laizes, towns, and cities —the eviderc.- lliat man lins In- \aileii and taken f.-r bis own imieb of tlie territory. Elmer E. Brown "The really renv.te regions, nn Louis F. Scllyci toticlied by man. can be tested hy this matter of map making. In the east ern slates maps show railways and highways su close together that they 1 form a tlne-meshtd network over tbe i i entire co'"i'ry. In the first tier of j FOR | states «vsi of the Mississippi river this iii-tworii is still closely spaced, but farther to the west the lines be come fewer ni"! the onllned spaces preat.T. In ihe moiintiiin and inter inouniain statt-s are the largest areas i uncrossed I'.v 'culture lines.' | "Ajiain :li.' stnr> Is told by tin maps showliej the lownship surveys o. i the liiileil Slates general land office NOV. NOV. l These M]ii:ir,. •iubilivisions have been t laid out in p'tiernl over the surface State Assembly | of all the sink's west of the Missis sippi excipi Texas. Texas has been , pxcepted lufiii-se none of that state's 5 urea was owned by the United Slates 5 I before it entered the Union, find all public lands were specifically retained by the sian'.

Big Blank Areas. "Only n few relatively small desen nnd mountain space? in New Mexico have Hot been divided luto townships by laud orbit surveys. But fartiiw west large spaces appear on tlie mui free from these squares. One uf the largest of ihe blank sputs sliows u| In southwestern Arizona north of tli« NOV. NOV. diagonal line tlmt marks the \J_eik.i Arizona boundnry from the 111th me ridlan iestward to the Colorado river The Interiutlonal boundary coanaip Democratic Candidate Bion has surveyed the actual boundary 5 5 mid an adj.lining strip two miles wide, but to the north lies a region neurl) Vim miles from east to nest and frum "ii to "ill miles wide that has not been FOR THE mapp.d. "Tins is mm ,,f t|,e must conspicuous i of the blanU spots on the map uf tl.c _;l'niti'il States. Other relatively un I l,now» ic^i.iis of considerable size labile frrn^ Alaska, where there ure »i'en-iii' ui explored tracts) lie In northwestern Arizona, north of the i.r.HI I I'iin.U'ii; in suUlliern Ne\;ida and easiiTil I allforuiu. alon;; (lie I...UI,.i.iry lietweeji the two Slatts; lu General I'ali and SHUtli'west of (iivat .s'uli and in suutlieastern Utah. The Democratic Candidate i;it111 rt-:;..,i was explored In lil'.'l b> :.n ' \] c.I:-.Urn of Uie Nutiunal Ceo t-fapbi. MI : My nillctl found un lirei, ..t iiuii.lrt-kU ..I square miles consisting of u\.,-p!y erc.Ied clay, shale and gaud OF "Able, Unquestionably Honest ai>d si..lie. i\ith 'be sparsest of vegetation. Tliroiuhou! ti>> extensive area the ex 1 j.lurcis foim.i not u single human iu Beloved by all with whorti he is ! habitant an,! very few animals and Integrity, Ability and a Spotless "Tlie I'liiled St»t*S has literally

I'.U* i,sit „; Isolated apols of small Brought in Contact". lAieiii. In vtiert an alrplan* ailyiii trutli aud Us wreckage remain un Reputation. • found fur 'wekg. But the Isolation of most »f fie*- places Is relative, Many are only a short distance from the "A Better Man for a Better btuten patbsi It 1* sljaiticBnt that Mouul Tuylir, on which the recent cnub occurred, la only ten mllaa from Pledged to Constructive Legislation. a IraiiiK-oDtlDeuiai railway and an I in Business Administration". proved highway, and la plainly risible from both. It la In a region that has been well mapped and la part of I forest reserve that Is frequently pa Paid (or py I. Jacubsun t rolled, if a plane abould crasn In one Paid for \ty Campaign Committee. Mjr. of tlie real blank apoU of the Dulled Stales, Its Cute utfjtut remain unknown Urn '>™*^ • .-,r^"«

WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25, 1929 PAGE ELEVEN V»ri»Hon In Dogi' SSiei iioy, \6, Bunas i'lftne; GIVES BIG "PARTY" CONDENSED THOUGHT The mnstlff, the St. ilornnnl iind 11ir> Won't Fly It Himself Irish wolfhound nre the hijjKost KR. s-- < 1111SI nictUm n( IN FnENC!! PRISON Only h:\il drivers use their horn*.— 666 The mnstlff Is prnhnltly the lienvlest ttn Mlt'iiLnnp iky n Jililcpiiyour old hn> Iliiinillon Kyfe. !• a Prcieription for find the Irlsn wolfhound tlw tnllpsi. is siild by Mnnpli s residents lo mnrU KEEP WARM! BUY NOW! I.nws do not ninke reforms; reforms Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, This Is n very Rnnornl stntompnt, RIIICP till- I'lt.V IIS tile I in<> of one of the Locksmith Inmate Makes Bilious Fever and Malaria. Indlvldrniln nf nil breeds sometimes yuniiKi'st plnne ti ullilcrs lii the conn Social Event Possible. make lnivg.—Cnlvln Coolldge. nrc very lnrge. M-.V. LEATHER COATS It it th« moit tpwdy r«ra«Jy know Whnt I write f do not always un- Iliibhy Rngsilnle, snn of Mr. and IilinoRes, France -A ptonitnnt time derstniiO myself at first.—Count Key- Mrs. !t. I,, ltniifuinle, will Imve hlt> wim hud l>y the nun mid women In- serllng. AND lilane completed In a few weeks. He mntPs of the prison here recently Is hulldlng It In t,he rear of a local Telephone X722 when a big pnrty wns given. A reg- miniKe where he hns worked e^erj ular pnrty, too, for It occurred at mid- Whether In life or death, walls we ilny except Sundny since school closW night without the guards knowing a mistake. A man'needs a getnway.— last Mny. anything nhoiit It. jTroder Horn. I.. E. Clark, grunge employee, has SThls wns perhaps the wny of I.I- I hopo beforo I pnsa to another iililcd yonng Itngsdale In doing the mngps Jiill of hrenklng into the news world to see skirts nil around the an- welding and metnl work and Jaraeo in*opposition to certnln American pen- New York Wall Paper C&. 'i. llnmmond helped to cover the kles.—Dame Mndge KenOal. Itentlnrlea recently prominent on the "Ings. front pnges, hut It looks as If It will If our teaching Is clear*affd decisive, Paints and Varnishes of Qwatfty The entfne develops 28 horse power. tnenn kicks rather thnn congratula- It wns bonglit in Forth' Worth by tions for the mldnlnht host. those whose vletfR It condemns will he hurt.—Bishop of Birmingham. Itnlihy. In this role, Pool Orcgolre figured. Hiihliy expects to get nn experienced Paul Is a locksmith Rifled with a A gentleman, If he hns the right WHOLESALE AND RETAIV pilot to iry out tlie pliine. "I am too senRe of humor, • Sent lo prison for of the argument, can sock a lady any .voiiiiK," he snys. The test (light will I theft of n few nutos, he hehnved lie imide either In Amnrlllo or Wichita time he wants.—Klrhard J. Walsh. 386 STATE STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J. well, WHS given privileges which al- I'IIIIS. "I wnni to lejirn to fly before lowod him to move about the ]nll and I try this inadilne," the youthful wns generally popular. Hut soon time II Is the unlversnl experience of hitlliler begun to hnng heavily nnd lie turned mankind that a man who gets an an- his thoughts to keys. nuity lives long.—Harasnj MacDonald K«ya—and Keyt. The proper time to Influence the He made keys for the locks of the character of a child la about a hun- cells. It depressed him to see his fel- dred years before It Is born.—Dean NEW JERSEY low humnns caged behind tlie bars Inge. while he walked more or less free. So each noontime when the guards Dreary, second-rate lives are a more were at lunch he opened the cell doors frequent cnuse of men till disorder than and the convicts came out to wnnder overwork or disaster.—Dr. Edward quietly nround for a tlnje, according Mupotber. to the story told In court. But there were other doors In the Man as be exists todiiy Is Incapable place. Paul turned bis thoughts to of solving the social problems raised keys again. He recalled Hint the jail by his own civilization,—George Ber- was used for women ns well ns men. nard Shaw. So he considered tlifit lie might en- liven things In the prison. The chief difficulty of forecasting When Paul apppnred before the nowadays Is to announce a. dmuu of' court to answer for his misdeeds. It the future quickly enough so that yon was stnted that he had manufactured will not receive a catalogue of It In The Largest Assortment of Leather Goods in the necessary keys fur the doors of the next mall.^Itoger W. Babson. the women's section of the prison and the male convicts passed along and made acquaintances. SHORTS Middlesex County After that Paul agnin let his thoughts dwell on keys. The result The Eiffel tower, In Paris, Is 1,000 LEATHER CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY was unfortunate this time. A notori- feet high. ous prisoner, Auguste I'.ro. inade his escape from the Jail, Inquiries begun There are no railroads In Hie king •Boys' Reversible Windbreakers $7.95 and Paul was blamed. dom of Afghanistan. Major Inquiry Possible. It mny be mentioned tlmt Paul's A salmon has been timed to swlir. Men's Reversible Windbreakers $8.95 career In the prison hns added n link ten yards In a second. to an already sufficiently long chain WORK CLOTHES, SHOES, FURNISHINGS of unusual Incidents which have The estimated population of Clilnn passed behind the high walls and mny In 1023 was 330,000,000. lend to a major Inquiry. The other affairs were*1nore grim, The tongues of some moths and but Sponsored by jhbwever, such ns the sequel to the terflies are as long as their bodies. 1ondemnntk>n of Charley Unrntauil, millionaire murderer. All kinds of A papyrus more thnn thirty-three stories were told about the privileges centuries old mentions the camel as IRVINE'S New Jersey Florists Association Charley enjoyed In Limoges while a beast of burden. awaiting trial. When Charley escaped Tel. P. A. 172 with a life sentence fur his two crimes P. J. McCarthy of St. Louis, Mo., THURS., FRI., SAT., SUN —he shot two men without any de- lifted a weight of 0,370 pounds by OCT. 31, NOV. 1, 2, 3, 1929 cided reason—the mob stormed the using Ills arms, legs and back on Sep- 198 SMITH ST., PERTH AMBOY.N. J. prison demanding bis head for the tember 17. ISDK guillotine. People wore killed, cav- alry was called out, .mil hundreds of arrests made before ponce was re- stored. 113th Infantry Armory One of the Inmates of Limoges Jail, pretty Delplitne Texler, has made oth- er disclosures of goings on In the SUSSEX AVE. and JAY ST prison. Delphlne herself was charged with killing her new horn biiby In her cell. Following her disclosures de- NEWARK, N. J. mands have been made for a thorough Investigation. Ailvcrtitiint'tit Doiwlril li\ Julius Klons, Florist: (lartcri't, N. J. — Classified Ads. Brine Results —

YOU Can Both HE 70th Auui- Wash and Iron T versary Sale brings many decided with this Machine reductions in meat prices. An oppor- tunity for you to teat economically, the quality of merch- andise at the A&P Meat Markets.

Blade Cut Ib 32c Legs of Spring Lamb it, 33<; UoaNting Chickens ;'L"'; ib 37c Fresh Hams Half or whole n'oTomltound or sJZn«o»st E T H E R ydu haVe large or Priiuo IlibM of llc^f VV small washings you 11 like the convenience of the Thor electric washer. Siii<»k«Ml tulas ib 21c It's so compactly built and it works so Sun ny lie 111 lla«;on ib. 42c R'AD well. It washes thoroughly and gently and does it in quick time. Anything Long Island llucks ib. 33c Quick as light—unerring as a chronometer, Mllon Light-O-Matic that soap and clean water won't spoil Fresh Fork Sausage ib 30c Tuning announces the stations of your choicel IYHS dramatic invention may be washed in the Thor with safety. Pork* LoiU8 Hall or Whole ib. 3 lc of the Edison Laboratories it but one of She many new features fc that pbcj the Edison Racfio for ahead of it» H|ie. A great radio By removing the wringer from the ll«'4 f 1'lalt- or Ntivel ib. 17c washer and putting the ironing attach- IKoef I'lute or Navel ib. 17c has been made even greater by these marvels of Edison pioneering. Come in and see the new fidlson—listen to ih tonal perfection that ment in its place you have an electric Fancy Fowl 2\i to$k»«- ib. 35c froner which is easy to use. You can brings the breath of life m«lf Intp the performance—and you will ib.42c operate it while seated and you soon Frying thickens 3 ib- »vg. realize that here, indeed, is a radio'which is not a purchase for a learn to put a fine finish on materials. Luillll Short Korequarterfl or Chuck u>23c season, but rather, a permanent investment In' better living. This marvelous musical instrument rh«t bears the greatest name in science Prices Efleelive (V.tubei 24th, 25th & 26th Cash price of Thor washer and is now priced as low as $167.50. ironing attachment is only $149.25 and terms price $158.25. 85 Main St. WOODBRIDGE Easy terms to tuit your convenience 258 Madison Ave. PERTH AMBOY 3 DOWN 246 Raritan Ave. HIGHLAND PARK 121 French St. NEW BRUNSWICK GRIFFITH PIANO CO. and 18 months lo pay the balance TIE I 317 State Street, Perth Amboy ATLANTIC & PACIFIC 605 Broad Street, Newark TEA CO. EASTERN DIVISION Radio Department Open Until 11 p. m. * WOODBRTDGE INDEPENDENT PAGE TWELVE FRIDAY. OCTORF.R 25, and in miiny cases receive i nntriluitions from (heir Community Christmas Seal Is I'hesN. In some instances the «ale itf the sv«| hns Ix^cn abaniloned with tln> iniuipuriition of the Commun- Big Health Factor ity Chests, hut has irsually ltwn re- sumed with the full cooperation of !ai Become Educational Force the Chest, in order to make the seal available to the community. Mrs. As Well A* Means Of Rais- Stremlau declared that a common ex- ing Fund*. , * perience of organizations adjoining chest towns was that booths maintain • tiiiji-- Soul Sale which lic- rd for last, minute purchasers were -pivitiir Hay if an i-diicn- besieged* by residents of the ncijjh- rll us f\in praiseworthy." i 1.1.I1 ;illv every home ha? nuide such j The Rod Cross has not sold i; ..fferiivi i-<*intriliutiiSii t" health; Christmas Seals since l!r!20 when the . ",. rnient in the twenty-three years ' seal became the property nf the Na- :i wimh it lias been used in this tional Tuberculosis Association and .iiitiy. .hat its abandonment emild its affiliated branches. lie lightly considered hy the hi- tn-r.'uli'sis ami health association? or i»v the juililir. renjile sct-m t" use it Charlttton Old City j-, 1 >t «s thry do Christmas urwri!.. In Irtrt2 (be Trench set tip n post at SCENE fi^n'HURRICANF1 This year's son] with itsliol] iind med- Tort noyal, S. C In 1070 the pro ieval holl-mnn is espocmily licrorHtivc prletory government was orlt'lniiiei) A: ;hc Knv nnii nuf»ht to look very well on pnek- nnd «oon a settlement WBB made at n^cs and li'ttprs." Porl'ltoynl In lfi*0. In 1071 the name Mrs. Stremlau, Mated that tuber- Ful1 M of Port (tovnl wns chanped to I'lmrlM Tl>« Cr..ti-il Aid «»' i'ulnsi.< associations, natinnal, stnto Town. This name was chanced to mid lecal jirp heartily in sympathy rdnrntlon Is first niJ In fimllnc out TIIP plan! rm:ltr.•*;- '••>>"-! in Charleston in IT!1* now little J-ot know—Tamt>a Trmes ivpnic1 ten pmiii.N In ilt with the Cnmmunitv Chest movpmen' AMERICA'S GREATEST FOOD SALE Scent from 'On with the $tw '- A Warner Bros Production. :^ :•• -i -.i:ir,c:np picture in nr. the AND now a week of even more amazing values marks this . . . our *» 70th Anniversary Sale. Now . .. America's Greatest Food Sale, held at all ^gf stores this week, brings a high point in the 70 years of successful progress of A&P. Here is an' opportunity to get your favorite brands. . . Nationally known for their fine, wholesome HELP! quality . . . now priced at outstanding savings. Join the ranks of the thrifty... lay in your needed supplies today... and save. These prices HELP! effective the entire week of Oct. 21 to Oct. 26 inclusive.

HELP! SUNNYFIELD BRAND —FRESH Boys - Girls WHITEHOUSE BRAND PRINT BUTTER EVAPORATED SPECIAL! FRIDAY und SATURDAY ONLY I Fresh I Pasteurized. Four individually We are givinig away all kinds MILK wrapped Vi pound prints packed in a wax-lined carton. Pound carton 53 From the heart of the Nation'j famous dairyland. An excep- of athletic goods absolutely free. tionally good value. C Here is a chance to get an outfit for tall cans 23 s large yourself or your team. DEL MONTE PEACHES iX" 2 cam SOME OF OUR CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 7« REGULAR LOW PRICES Just bring us a customer for a MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE OTE the»« «xceptional values I They ore N not specials marked down for this sale BOKAR COFFEE, • . 42c used car ancKwe will give you any but outstanding regular values to be hod every day. Countless others, equally attrac- tive, await your selection. Fin I ID HECKER'S 4M J.O9 •IVJUK GOLD MEDAL, PILLSBURY bag one of the following articles-FREE! JELL-0 o« ROYAL GELATINE - pkg 8c A&P GELATINE DESSERT • 3 pkg j 2Oc SUNNYFIELD FLOUR • MY-T-FINE CHOCOLATE DESSERT 3 pkg j 05c 89« KNOX GELATINE • - • pkg 19c SWEATERS — (ALL SCHOOL COLORS) SHREDDED WHEAT • 2 pkS, 19« EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE - Ib 35c GOLDSMITH RUBBER VALVE FOOTBALLS SANKA COFFEE - • Ib tin 65c SAUDA.WHITE ROSE, < Vi Ib pkg 23c QUAKER OR MOTHER'S OATS 3 25« GOLD5MJTH RUBBER VALVE BASKETBALLS UPTON'S or TETIEVS TEAS ( % tb pkg 45c NECTARTEA % Ib 17c • % Ib pkg 33c CHICAGO RUBBER TIRED ROLLER SKATES GULDENS MUSTARD . 10' HOCKEY ICE SKATES WITH SHOES MUFFETS - ... 2 pkgs 23c COMET or HEINZ RICE FLAKES 2 pkgs 25c GINGER ALE £ . 2 BASKETBALL UNIFORMS KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES or 25« POSTTOASTIES • - - pkg 8< CUCQUOT CLUB, C&C (CANTRELL & COCHRANE) BOW AND ARROW SETS PUFFED RICE • • . pkg 15c PUFFED WHEAT • • - pkg 13c UNEEDA BISCUIT TENNIS RACKETS I POST BRAN FLAKES • . pkg lie » EXERCISING OUTFITS KEUOGG'SPEP - - - pkg lie H. O. OATS - • • • pkg 12c P&G SOAP 7 BOXING GLOVES C A&P CONDENSED MILK • 2 cans 25c PALMOLIVE SOAP . STRIKING BAGS | EAGLE CONDENSED MILK • • con 19c 3 19 MAGNOLIA, STAR, UON- FOOTBALL SHOES CONDENSED • • - con 15c RINSO BASKETBALL SHOES BAKING POWDER— AfjD MANY OTHER USEFUL ARTICLES DAVIS - 6 01 can 13c 12 ez con 22c Lux 3 ROYAL • 6 oz can 23c ia oz can 45c 25« BAKER'S COCOA Vi Ib tin 19c PANCAKE FLOUR JtZ^ 2 >EE OUR DISPLAY AT QUAKER MAID COCOA H Ib tin 10c 25« BAKERS PREMIUM CHOCO- LEVINS SPORTING GOODS CO. LATE ... H Ib cake 22c KARO BLUE LABEL SYRUP 317 Maditon Ave. BLUE LABEL oWHElNZ KETCHUP large bot 23c HERSHEYS COCOA LEA & PERRINS SAUCE • - bot 28c y 25

Dote of N»tur« Growing in Grnea Think of Food Dark Stcret Why hother tn buy tonlcg or st\mn Tie thnt Is fnltlifiil In Hie first nl- If life IR worth living, which It Is, Our mpmory (.MPR bm-k to lli» tlnw when, If n nlci (rlrl had broken h*i The € liilflren'* Corner DOROTHY KBIHOIVIIS Inntn when nntnre will provide you tprnntlve Mint tests him. not only nets and If henlth Is a hlesslnu, which no with all yon need free of rharge, ask- more promptly, hut nlso sees further on« disputes, then discriminative leg, an they very seldom did, however, ttiouuht- about one's food Is • nni ot- In thoso days, she'd hnve asked tM SAILING THE SEAS ing In return only common sense nnd In the neit, Knch little Rrnce Invites HOW GOOD IS YOUR line. No make -helleve splendor a him' become, a (rood listener.—American a larger; nnd his step being upward, worthy of even the most cnltlviited doctor not to tell what the matter wu. MEMO this one. tint only strength nnd swift Mnjciulne. his view Ii wider.- .lames Mnrllnenii. knmnn belnns—rhlnico r»nlly News —Ohio State Journal. I'.IR I'IIIIIII nnrt Iliil,. • Irrfchi'n rmi like tlio wind Itself-one of the (rr up nti car -~ -~ WOMEN We'll innke. believe ninny, nmnj yearn cues up nnd down the rive™ I'll hnve slipped fiwny. breeze makes a strnn^e innsln We'll Journey bnck sound as It I>I>I.VH (iKnlnst the strip thonsnnds nnd •if mnttliiK. nnd stnh heavy loads an cnrrled Ihnl the little low. ghlp travel- are using thousands of years nni) look dt nnrlent ships ot nmnj very slowly and lazily nlong lie WH.\ lnmls Alrendy nnw? All aboard I" "Anil now comes u strange sight. In I'nulo hud been to sea once upon A deed I The little sails over how ami time He knew much ol ships nnd stern are not In use ot all. They seen Fiillur men, nnd us he stood pointing tn lie there only In case they shouM diilwnrd over the dnrk night sen he suddenly he needed. A large wheel Perth Amboy Trust Company Service for greater efficiency in told ("iretohen of the ships Hint yon nl one side of the hoat turns over arm find here. over. puHlilnii It on Its way. Smok< rises In hhn-k clouds from a smoke 'See, Aretchen," begun I'nulo, "fin stink It Is the lirnve little t'lermon: the management of their financial affairs and for increasing pro- out there nn the sen, snlls an nnclent plying Its wn> (irerlnn wnrshlp. one" (jreai ornn^e along the rlvei nnd yellow iinll In the center, one smnll rit m nn unfliiiHhffl ou-iure Can fit and progress toward financial independence. (lnlfh it at'oura lelv? Its el«e °i power l!> one over the now nnd one middle- — Harvey so new nnd unfrie*' sired one over the stern, rnrrj It thiil It could nni swiftly on Its destructive errnnd See venture on tin the two Blinrp points nn Us liow Those Argosy. It Is tiulll ot rurtst wood* ocenn, but It Is nre to rnm nn enemy ship Pown In nnd ricked ullli illkrn stills of |(iiy imd »• • proud to show thl> 1 slile the vessel, where you cnnnol see varied colors ttlch amtii it clnitiKt nnd proRress, Some You are cordially invited to consult our lire more rowers, nil dimes chained to nohln nnd merlimes it mnsi use Its snlls when tin their places Hr.rt forced In work hours I'hnnts xpend him engine won't work lost right, hut wait without rent A tnnn wllh n whip ilri'ils ol dullnrs (Jretchen, a few more yenra pnss tn wnlks hnck inn) forth among the. slnvef IryliiR to nutshlhi' nnd another ship looms before us ^ officers upon any question which concerns watching for nny^lrfto or In^y ones. their fellows In "After thousands ol years, the greal And whnl n BtriuiKe, funlnstlu ves innKnll'cent r I g 1 rat ship of all comes gracefully steam financial interests. wl In this nrM one A Viking ship I Kings. Galley your Ing across the vast sea. II Is Dip In one of these "InveB f.ri. ngiiln at enough to carry live thousand people HIII|I9 It Is Bald work, not Deinuse their strength Is buck and forth across the ocenn, Ne very during nil needed, lint hecnuse the merchnnls snlls can be seen nn this great glanl venturers Jour thInk tluil the more oars Iliey cun ills piny. Die liner will be tlielr ship. On of today, for Its engine power Is great neyed even before Iho forwnrd deck we eee a strl(>ed enough and sure enough to need ne (' i> I u in hut nun te'nl In which, pertmps, the niercbiinl further help. White It user) to take tiorn Sen, It Is ili<|i|iiys Ills must vnlunhle wnrcji nr several months In n snlllng vessel tn steered liy i hiitf'1 the nolili'iiinri who R:IIIS Rrnndly In cross the sen. H tnkes now only BIS onr fiislciied to the I his. til? Ilimlliil! t'lilncc, finds a [ilens or seven dnys, nnd sometimes ICBS ri(;lil slcrn shlu Vcin've henrd of ttit? nni shelter limn thnt." stnrbniml sli|«? Lung yenrs URO It WIIB Ihe "stecrtii'iinl" side, or the side "Wlmt Is this bemitlful vessel sullliii; As I'HUIO finished tulklnR, the mov Q|MIII wlilrh the slvrrlni; our wnsin iwillly. with slills full s< i Inwurd Ing lights of the ship they hud seen Perth Amboy Trust Co. pliiccd. llnv* splendid nre Ihe wnr us? An Atnerl'iin •>,, pnssed from view The ocenn wns rlors' slili'hls h!iti|;lMK In rows over the clipper noted tin- ri\* • s mice more dark us side ol Ihu ship' They look like Inrwc world ii v t1 r f o t Founded 1902 fur as he cnuhl round buttons from n dljierei] (Irctchen, not (minted ones *•-• "Well, (Jretcheii, which ot all those "oh, plense go nn. Wlint shlii Is bul plain. stronK, while ones ot cun gulp? IID you think you renlly saw sail 147 SMITH STREET nexl?" vus Hint will cntch uncl hold the inn across the sen?" he asked. "Just nppeiirlui; nhovf the horizon." most flikle breeie See. Grelchen Hut Ciretcheii was fast asleep, conlliiued I'IIIIIH, "if you WHICII closely Ibis ship lins cnblii^ nnd ll Is built ilrcnmlng. no doubt, of them all, Just Is a more spli'inllil ship, the Vrnciliin to cut through the wnler in record us I'aulo hud told of them. Branch Office: 563 Amboy Avenue

And Film ll Man Worth WkiU Foolith Waiting "Everything that cun be said about tie who freely miiRnlflea wlmt hath Ton enn cuinuill no grenter foilj the Einstein theory has been laid,' been nobly done, and fenrs not to de thnn to sit by the roadside until some MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM enys a writer. Now, we suppose, some clare us freely what mlthl be done one comes alonfc nnd Invites you to awful person will go nnd get It to better, tfke. ye the hest covenant of ride with him to wcnlti) and music—TTumorlst. Ills fidelity -Mllli.n -J. K. <;miu'i BUICKS-CHEVROLETS- CHRYSLERS - ESSEX - FORDS

UNION COUNTY BUICK COMPANY SPECIAL! 1927 SPECIAL! 1928 STUDEBAKER DICTATOR CHRYSLER 4-Passenger COACH 60 FALL CLEARANCE SALE! COUPE $345 $445 $138 Down Payment 50 50 $178 Down Payment Guaranteed Guaranteed A Nominal Very Easy Deposit Payments Delivers Must Go This Week! Enable You ft? Prices From $50 to $1350 ^ Fine Cars mam* BUY And Save From $50 to $250 SJUY NOW! On Your Car NOW! SPECIAL! 1927 SPECIAL! BUICK 1927 STANDARD HUPMOBILE 4-Passenger UNION COUNTY BUICK COMPANY 4-DOOR COUPE SEDAN TWO S 339 North Broad Street $495 $595 Rahway Ave. and Burnet St. ELIZABETH $238 Down Payment Two Block* From Broad St., Elizabeth SHOW ROOMS' $198 Down Payment Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings - Telephone Emerson 3802 A SPECIAL ALLOWANCE OF $10 WILL BE GIVEN ON ANY PURCHASE ON PRESENTATION OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT


•.,':iti!iiii.iHir'i>ij< WOODBRTDGE IMDEPKNDRNT FRIOAY, OCTOBER 25. PAGE FOURTEEN Army-Najiy Football Game As Pallette Real Life Sleuth >J Prior To Film Detecting Climax To All TaM, "Saluti in John Ford's Fox Movietone Drama of Annapolis and "Sgt. Heath" of "The Greene •.jay>'.i t h-' r p .1 1- Point, It's Brother Versus Brother. • ;f jn pr i.| i Murder C»»e" Served «» In The i,! •,.\ MovU-tnne all talking picture, "Saluto", played Deputy Sheriff. Pallet ;- ,-,,. A ;, M.:r- -t tin1 romantic background of Annapolis and West Point,

i-r »*(• Pal < •" the Mniestic Theatre for one week beginning tomm- »atp detect: wh " It was dim-ted by John Ford, and it is said to-be packed He ha« :•: Wed-!;..-::.: Vance in fjlvine drama and thrills. UlVinr : ' ' t-idt^d fun f->r a.. -s r\ -,-. hy one of Ami'rifu's work as the younjf midshipman v.l,() mv " " i ' i-.:' authors. Tri-trum Tup- triumph* ovc-r hia inferiority comply • - M •. 1 •TV- .-• . Win the i.:-l \port writer ns well ns over (rrpftt physical odo -or. -T • • •hn one, export writer ( py Thtatre T«n months .liinnoy also was graduated to ard )>-i'vf" «•'.'' f -'. f.'.m:rtp .ic'.ior Ml tin- on- screen from the stage.

p..'.•-,•. y-Jr hand." ,< P. :rvp: ,..-:T.-. The ca.-t ..hviou*ly O'Brk'n should be ideal as i|i>- .••r.-U-d. The pu-.iir.- <\\- West I'oint jfridiron hero whose j• • y IV:.-t'-- rr.iV.. - ,,•'•:,<* ;'.* hoich: in ar Army- in hi? younjrer brother's virtorics on "Va!! c'.as'Y i\: tilt' r.i'.n the football field and in love ov<. shadows the.bitterness of his nwn <]>•• " r -j;.r>:'< '' h-nvr.^ rv.,'. arid Helen ''handler, Captures Spirit c'. .»v. Broadway actrr's.. In a« an tinvisunl triumph in the Btaj^iny; '»» rrm;naU Ht> :* .* frier i 1 arc \Vii!iam .Inrncy, .Inyi'i' if th* foothall sequences. The fir«t 'm- battle iif its kind made with dialog B:i'. Traeger. and l/n.<«-»r.<- ther'and all the sounds attendant upon a Of Famous Eugene BUcajiie.'. ; h"Taiik and Ir. prppanre f i- } ' huge piirskin classic should afford he has m#r.y Vme- jra. rich msterinl for the man who made ' :. .. • rt^"I a\ •• t is a ^ripping «ini'iTP o "Four Sons." These scenes are really r- the thr:'..:nc <•'.• Fiyinir Squadron" ;w... Soy? and two firU. tuM1 For many Nick Stuart. Sue Carol and Walter Catlett in Why Leave Home?" Fox Movietone M. a nunrterhnck's view of the biir •...]>• fjpsr! vn:er"..-i efrfsh'.r.ply different way. it j came. puty ih--r:f:" Comedy versioT •' "Cradle Snatchers" -, on', fr^Tri rop^rT- Ono **oy. • ;r.p. a'i-'.ii'.r. ri: " i ;n •' 'ri'---- .••..'•• : '• "•' \ ry, n.ty. for one .< • • k O'l'run. I* sn athletic hor>> i hv My.-t-r;. .:- I'r. r :'-: F'T-.-—an A'.i-.\m«>rH-an | a«iapto-i (rrrr. "• :-•."- w h'.ch K a \ 'Ti o r. .t j •"' .-•i-t- -••-' -.<-:Kor un.i.v- : The ru.- Sa* I: .h:r... r -•• Keene's Abilities Fox Mov-.,:,r.f T-, • - of :hi? all -' r •• :r:-.r•;••:•••.{ :v. hi? hmth- j Saved Situations were written by ''"-.,• \ -. » **-.-y j.-r attr.-.ide. ' Gottler, who are :;•—•:••." |- "."•. c " •"•- dreamy y'.ith For Cuts and Wounds •tip ;r.c-.' :r: . . _ .. . ' their successes :- • \ j -•" .'. •" •-. -.vep: away fr->m \Y;>rr.-r Now Playing in Fox Movietone Follies of li'2;1" ar.: -,.- Prevent infection! Treat ».• tht c-.; < '. ••' ••• '"•••• 1'r. Musical Feature Production hits- , • : A--. '.V.-fs fepiri '.o happen. every cut, wound or Ku M:'.r..'-•.;. P.- .i V. !.< :he uu,,' . u ,,, Why Leave H. ::., ' ' i.'.-jr.-.viT> r.iri ir, "Sahitf" i« scratch with thi* power- mar v. rr:.,:, Why Leave Home? the Crescent The..-.. -?: > - -- y \ V'..n\t signed her ful non-poisonous anti- Suetl". h.-- ut:l. starting tomorrow. . re 'i'"" - "•-ract fo'lowintr septic. Zonite actually vti:at:..r.5 -f S.'. :*. r • r-. - r '.e in the l'rond Being "brok.." ]*A Richard Keene Other trouper? of rr.-- : kills germs. Helps to •n •.':.<: --.vft'-y-n-. • a stage car. • r and then to added are David Rollins, Ti;v ; r :..;: r. T-. M.irrine>.' Bed." • ;oce>s in talkine pictures. ] Bary, Ilka Chase. U-r; r.-. v > -\i»c:iv. :.. i-.-'.-ihlish heal, too. \ At La Salle i' iltsre in Philadelphia Dot Farley, and Gordon M.-.r. : :r :r:.n::-.:\.i:e f.i\ r w.:h b;J L;r:v>"n K' '-n'-'s natur.u a'.ilitvy as a dancer in P' .trid -inger kep ;:n "busy with col- Th'- .- ar*- !i>ir:at* perforn-. ince*, and he upexi ff:th ur:d. ". •:.i< advantage On vacation •rips with frier i- when finances ran i>w, none of he tmys wantini tn brir.z a •. write home for ni'Ti«y. si young Ki.ene always - ved the si;ua::"r. :.y applying for a J as enterUtiner at "li- < r.'.r:.' ;i nearby cabart* — and usually e.n it. fn i.i i '.• War: »-r ii!;.r.-:. ;ii- This :.rought h;m an CRESCENT rs-; inc' .l -.n Ar'h..:. 11. I'. H<-e- RIS iffer for a ;iiv.:'..-.r ;)...-iti"n at :i ri-. Nvi! large New V '•-• re-'.aurar,t. and tin Thi- •r .ni this he tir••;••••! vaudeviH,-. tmir- Popular Prices, Matinees 10c and 20c, Evenings 15c and 35c H- ::y.v..•.; •nz the Orph- .:: t:rcu;'.. and later • r.i" ". i joining the or;j:i.:i. M'.i-:c Bo\ Revue pa it-. .!«- Art':,'.;r i< i Hanr.!ti»n i ompany. t-rry t.M- ad.-f H.•«;..• Light comci; it-a-i- in "The Side- tivc. Wj.'.:;nn walks of New Y rk," ".Sevcntevn." ; «.i'Ari ..i . h .--bk- -i-i: a- "Tip Toes," ar..i "Spring Is Here," the •,ci-ritr:c >.-iir»-'.«ry '.u a wt-aithy followed by a intr.ui with Fox Movietone. "Tht My-u-riuj? Iir. K.; Manchu : As one of ;];•.• three college boys i- 'he tr.ird :!; a serii-s i.f ^riiipiii in the screen':- fir-t musical comedy. aiystery pictun:- whith I'araniiju "Why Leave H Keene estab- bi> miwlc during the |>a-t tV.v m>inthsv lishes himself as a juvenile of great Those who thriiU-d to "The t'anavy promise, and hi^ eccentric dancing is Murder <."asi'" and "Tht Stuu.u Mur- one of the feat ;t - of the production. ier MvV.ery" will havt some idea of Neil Hamilton, Jean Arthur and"Warner Oland in the Walter Catle" Sue * arol and Nick '.h«: tnjijyniiT.t ir. .-lure for them Paramount Picture "The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu" Stuart have th-1 leading role- in this when they M't "Trie Mysu-rioii- l)r. tum'ful tale lovv and laughter, r'u Mar.chu." —C .minir ti Hi- Majestic for one week beginning Nnvi-mber J.

tiiants when Fred Mt-ikle won undy- ing fame for failing to touch .-ecoiid, •'onditioned Dakie with a series of i Show Stuff Or Go training capers including throwinu. iiattintr. sliding and running thv | liases. Home Game's Rule After this preparatory work the; micro|iho(• a hull hhiyvr td )n>r- that one might fool the camera and j : tray tht |>nrt'"t' a ball phiy^r i>n the tlu' public in a silent' portrayal of talking scrttii. a ball player, but that one can't fool Jack Oakit. ur.n h.:- th.- Ifudinu the camera-microphone combination rolt of the- iu?-!.:ill in-ru ir, "F'a.-t of the taikies. [ Company", which O'liu- '.<> the He added that he was "doggone"; Strand for a wetk htpinninp Novem- triad that he had played the national j ber 7 know? thi,< fact and knows it pastime with the sand-lotters in his well. eai'ly youth—"for", he remarked, "I Af a hoy and well into his U'en- k'ues- even a film big leaguer ha? to Oakie iilaywl ball nil the sand lot.-, IK- a real ball player, these days." and .^o he had the right foundation, To prove it he slammed out a soar- But to (rive him the proper rounding ing home-run, at a moment when the out for his work in this play oa.-i'd orders were to draw a walk. He *n a Kinp Lardner comedy-ronianci- caught merry heck from Donlin and of the lastbal! diamund. Paranmunt A. Edward Sutherland, the director, tnpaged Mike Dunlin, former captain but furnished the screaming extras i Jack Oakie and Evelyn Brent in a scene from the Paramount •f the New York (jiant>, to be lech- in the Hollywood bleachers with roar- j Picture 'Fast Company1 " nical director of :'•:.<• 'ilrn. | ing glee. i to the Strand for one week beginning November 2. The part req.iir<-.i prelimin- ary work of 11; •.nan any role he haf yet httn a- Paramount. He 'had to learn his line-, a.Jaiit himself th.- i-ynob-i/y ,,• ti:e. ti.u'r- »cter "Hurry" Kane ar.d :ra.n h.x- aelf physically. Don'.in, w>:- -,••;;• ;. a-;..-r •.•:' •.:.•- COLOR AUTOBIOGRAPHY

By . I was in Canada when 1 decided to '.x was something new for me and I make use of the boxing and wrestling yuk him up cm jit. My fir>t screen VICTOR MCLAGLEN experience of my army career. Soon appearance was in "The Call of The - m .'.: jf. [ik'.ure work. title of the champion of Eastern Diana Mann»rj. After I had made .-. ".riv-.-ilir'i t.v.;r ti:-- fAhole world Canada. But it was all glory and very several more pictures, J. Stuart Black- ding this ' a ittle money so I joined up with a ton, who had seen me in London, while here and medicine show. If shows how profit- cabled me to cometo America to play i while ble the boxing game was that I the lead in "The Beloved Brute." th'-rc, b'Jt nev


BXUKEADE's MA.TF.STKCT333 Matin** D»l1y at 2i00 BEADS'8 Evening at 7 and • Continuous Performance Saturday. Sunday and READE'S Holidayi $2.00 TELEPHONE IA8 THE IIOIISK BROADWAY of Attractions TALKIKS TELEPHONE ISM KERTH AM11OY for nml 50c Coming for One Week, Starting Oct. ROUNP All I The Perfect One Week, Starting Tomorrow, Oct. 26 He'd Fix That Brother of His! TALKING , Triangle! Crime Sensation Startles City I THAT wti what Paul Randall, »ub Movietone end for the Navy, thought as he Philo Vance Here went into the game to stop, at all Mystery killer men- aces prominent fam- Thrills! cost*, his unstopable brother, West ily! S. S. Van [fine's Point star halfback. There was so thrillinK fiction de- tective solves baf- Mystery! much at stake—his whole future, fler! A series of a girl's love, the family honor . . . smashing, gripping, I'limactic thrills! What Paul did climaxes the most All-talkinjr! Action! glamourous, thrilling romance the speaking screen has ever created. TERROR — menacing, horrifying—threat- en* a socially prominent family—sensation- al, mysterious murders—police baffled— nine suspects—no clues—Philo Vance Brother Against Brother solves the thrill-mystery in a series of WILL! ANA smashing, climactic disclosures — William But different—a brilliant, new, Powell repeating his never-to-be-forgotten startlingly original, remarkably ap- POWELL characterization of "The Canary Murder pealing, romantic comedy drama of Case". Another baffler by S. S. Van Dine! modern youngsters. HEAR AND SEE THE ARMY- NAVY FOOTBALL CLASSIC! She Murder! loved heroes—two brothers, one of -Sinister! the Army and the Plenty of action and a other of the Navy .... Rivals on the gridiron—and Baffling! rivals for her affections. startling new drama! It's something to hear and see that will thrill you every moment. See This Thrilling Master- See and Hear all the a piece— thrills of a football classic brought to the screen paramount It's A Knockout! Qictwe in full realism! AT EACH PERFORMANCE AT EACH PERFORMANCE FOX MOVIETONE NEWS FOX MOVIETONE NEWS "It Speaks for Itself "ft Speaks for Itself" Also MOVIETONE SHORTS Also MOVIETONE SHORTS

Coming for One Week, Starting Nov. 2 Coming For One Week, Starting Nov. 2 The Most Sensational Thriller Ever Filmed!


Exntement! Suspi-n^ Fast Action! A (freat, gripping melodrama piv- oting on the biruthlesfl character of the mysUr- iuus Dr. Fu Munchu! Million* havi- rt'Uil his story in Sax Kohmer's novels! Millions will thrill to him, alive, active, fear- fully real on the .screen! Meimcing a beautiful love with his dialmlifiil cun- ning! Spreading hi^ wub of terror into the homes of the wealthy! "YOU KNOW ME, AL! I'm Elmer, the guy that's had his picture in the papers and everything. I'm in love with a swell girl now. Her name Is Evelyn and she's from a big Broadway show. She's crazy THE about me, too. She knows a smart guy like 1 when she sees him. I'm bringing her MYSTERIOUS— _~ . around to see you folks tomorrow. He sure Comedy to look us up in MAM III Wow! fAST COMPAHJ a Qaramount Qlcture Don't ninth Strange deadly powders! Oriental "guest" EVEIYN BRENT JACKOAKIE tea! A knife in the back! The terrifying RICHARD 'SHEET? GALLAGHER Sign of the Dragofi! These are the weapons Miss in the vengeful career of'thi* scientist turn- ed terrorist! Baffling the world's greatest detectives! Marching relentlessly toward It! the goal of extermination! Lovely Jean Ar- thur hypnotized to work the villain's will! Handsome Neil Hamilton striving against this oriental power! Only true love stops the terror! Warner Oland, veteran actor - At Each Performance of »tage and screen, in the powerful title role! A cast which includes William Aus- tin, O, P. Heggie, Claude King, and a host of other well-known players! It's big! Sen- FOX MOVIETONE NEWS sational! Thrilling entertaining! And MOVIETONE SHORTS WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT O. PAGE SIXTEEN FOLLOW THE CROWDS Newspaper Ofic« First Anniversary Week At •MILLION DOLUR Background of Big Bratter And Pollack's Rahway [V A~ £**»».« Tr»«i.rt-r To Future Si*mew Twin* li Phyffe Barer \/-v: FH.«»M Saturday and Sunday—Excellent

if Story \HWAV l The OAce ScatMlal"". N <-. 1 ; V. u ct V * •' CENTRAL AVE. Phcne

•I (-. • Air ore '."•( CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES EVERY FRI. • SAT. - SUN—1 to 11 P. M. E\R1& BIRD MATINEES DAILY 1 to 1:30 . • »..,-T. -(.# P«:ft*;#:*r pic; person nev ; -\... (-- / ALL SEATS HALF PRICE

: "•;•>,; ; .• •.•>. '.••>. ,-r *•::• i :hr.'.',:r.(f murder'. <•> '° ^ » TODAY nnd TOMORROW— • • '.-. T. •..".r viewpdint of the The currc 1.1 : .•:-•' ri' than :he District • Rahway t^i* , ON THE SCREEN Vi • > - :'',: t,' *. "'r p'c'urf offf-r- =v Neic^ *"- I'l ..' ',£ • r*& oriT.s ir an even nvre ^uil'.an and ': v,:i.. n.r i.n A TALKING RIOT FULL OF LAFFS! ! ~. ;•;" v JI» :

V. •- H*vtr :• swn a* a new.-paper ;r. •'•Sop'homi-v :',!..; c'••••• •'••

and t p p "Noisy Neighbors" a b;e Phy'.li? hh- her ->- Ja;" w,;j; ffs: Anniversarv '^ _With— ' y -;j (ne r.f •»-., Ei>T!-. na Hat'on ret' ;Kin« of the • :•.-•-->»f:*r a Inn? a^' ir. The played to \trc- Rr:.. EDDIE QUILLAN - The Quillan t L-TJ IVTJT ''.'. ':• Sandal" :n '.-.<- r !•» f the Five act? of .audfv..^ w:li bf ir. ?*TTT:« .\^K\ I:'. ST.," A.-, '."f :y ,-I:V.T. Le-h«- Fen: r. :•::.;.• -;•• added-a*tr«c: r. P'-f R>cff urr'.<>. r-*-t-:xe •:••• M-' Haver ar.d th'.r- :T. the Bratter ar: F '.bvk w-.]\ ftature ATr.(r,.-i'« V.-!>. V..:-. >.:;-. r..i «;.. Family, Theodore Roberts and i< i,rv Margare'. l..::r.zr. :.. .! the second ff ^r Jay. of Anniversar) "•*». i':.---- and Jimmy A' Paal L. Week with a' entirely new- and . Alberta Vaughn -•.-:.:. i:rec:ed the -^xtiiTe frorr. an ferent preten:a-.:on. "On W'ith t'r.t »:1. rrt-.-fr: :ht i\ K<- '.\r.:h.. Ki- T:E r.a; -lory •,>• -'»;k J-jnirir.eytr Show." the ( :-• 100 ner cent natu- v;f, i -•..•'dfrr, ."'.»&.* : •' i;r.irr.f j.;-.1- ON THE STAGE ir.o Payi Gen^-'vri ••••»-I'" BI^CK "Aaiiraj color, Mrjfrtnf and : ';-• ;:h: rf i"v VAUDEVILLE Other :r-TC:j • hiphly rnterti:r.:rjr : .-".-rt j'iyirc a: BIG ACTS OF C O. A H WAV N. J. Stunt Flyer Crashes Lowe Wiiis PHOME RAHWAY 99 + the Emp-.r* The«:r-: ;r.-.i week. STANDARD TALENT J WHERE THE SCRF.F.N IS ALIVF,1 Jean Rary T Fr.r.i-, .\-t Fr< In Night Landing Big Sandwiches Bobrv Burr.s i'6 '..•..;» Kir-ei.y 5 TODAY and TOMORROW— WEEK KXK'c ALL TALKING! Near DiwwteTo^cur. During Down* Nine Made of Chick- Alan CrOSlZLDu DlFSCtS the Filming of "The Flying en To Hold Out Against Mc- Our First Birthday Marine". Laglen and Win Damita. First Color Talkie Real treats are in store for everybody The newest F x Movietone all ., , . . •i \A\ .r.- and members of the' directed by Raoul _.A'«n. l r^!a^-, SUNDAY — ONE DAY ONLY p r '' i":.,n staff witnessed an excit- Eyed World." With the ^how. i-.n: ;•• '.ick1 Jurinjr' the filming of ON THE SCREEN •'"•If based on a s: rv bv Laurence Rtal-! nlltur»! color' Uik-"P- ' '.r.p.vf :ST-., Frying Marine", the Columbia lcture rQA a Th lings and Max-wVl" Anderson dis- 'if P ' r.t r.»h"*'ay PATHE'S OUTSTANDING pr- ;'tijn coming to the Stat* Thea- •.her th.ngs the many THe»lr^ >-5 «mar. *ho br.r.g* to his tr>- t,morro. with Ben Lyon, Shi^lSSt"^^ of Uwe and vjc. work the widest exp*r:er.ce. b.'th of TALKING PICTURE ,• Mason and Jason Robards. tor McLarter. as two hard boiled red 5ta«*' scre>en and P1^- Thf film is an aerial extravagant* blooded Marines. Their amours are Crosland sUrted his career by go- feat'Jrinif everj- spectacular flying confined to ar.y and all particular inK on the stage wt;h the Annie Ru«-| -tunt that has ever been done and se Phylis Haver lands and languages. " Company, playing small roles in many that will be seen for the first They met beautiful Lily Dam- Shakespeare and in "Th* Rivals." time. Plajies were whirling in theita in the at an inn where , "She Stoops to Conquer" and other sky in single and double file forma- her mother serve; repasts and charm- classic comedies. tivr.s. One of the planes came out ing daughter serves the diners. i Then he decided to try journalism. of a tail spin, straightened (Jut and In the batf.c for her favor, Lowe. He succeeded in getting a job, Je slipped towards the landing field, i hoping to stick at the table longer with the old New York Glob* and! en planed gently downwards for a "OFFlrif than McLagltr. and have the girl eventually landed on the dramatic ; landing. One of th« electricians, di*- 1 to himself gorges with chicken sand-: staff. During this time he was also obeying orders, trained a powerful wiches. i writer for several motion picture THRILLING sun arc directly on the pilot. Cms of horror arose as the spectators A total of r.:ne husky, real chicken magazines. ROMANCE realized that the pilot was blinded sandwiches disappeared, down his i These stories were seen by. the SCANDAL" by the brilliant light. His plane throat before he could ri'd himself of head of the Old Edison Company, OF THE , bounced on- the field several times, his rival. • "ho hired Crostand first as his pub- THE ROMANCE OF A SOB-SISTER then uptilted and dug its nose Into After the scene Lowe said: "Ajlieity director, later appointed him DEEP few years ago I engaged a press "sting director. This led to a re- I agent and the only thing he seemed quest that he direct a commercial —With— clear and sustained only a few to plant were stories concerning all; picture for the Curtis Publishing Monumental Drama of Human es and a severe shaking. the food I disposed of during one Company. So successful was this Emotion* production. In reality there was lit- film that he returned to the Edison RAYMOND HATTON Stripped to the RAW tie actual gorging during that pro- company as-a full-fledged director., duction. 'remaining in that position until the Eddie Quillan In "But I'll tell the 'cock eyed world' war, when he went overseas in the AND MARGARET LIVINGSTON that the sandwich eating was on the army photographic service. On his A TALKING COMEDY A SOUND CARTOON level in "The Cock Eyed World," discharge from the service he went ON THE STAGE "Noisy Neighbors" and I can verify it by the commissary to Selig in the capacity of director., METROTONE NEWS department on a check-up of all the! Among Mr. Cropland's best-known, Comedian's Voice Recorded in bicarbonate of soda I swallowed af- pictures are "," Saturday Matinee Only! Talking Sequences. ter it was over. i "Don Juan," "The Beloved Rogue." VAUDEVILLE 5th Episode of Talkie Serial "KING OF KONGO" "I never want to see a chicken—'"," When a Man AS YOU LIKE IT PAY ENVELOPES TO ALL KIDDIES! of the feathered variety—again." he' L-ives." "." and The voice of Eddie Quinlin, youth- added. ful vtt'jran of the vaudeville stage, "Thi- Jazz Singer.' SUNDAY . . . MONDAY . . . TUESDAY •vr..i i. featured in Pathe's dialogue 'and .-ojnd ver-ion of "Noisy N'eigh- WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY THE HOUSE OF SILENT PICTURES 5 - STANDARD ACTS - 5 •jor.-." at th>.- Rahway Theatre, pro- .•!.:-c- many :ir:r things in talking pic- MON. — TUES. — WED. — THURS. •uro fjr this comedian. 5 DAYS ONLY! Ei-r.t'- diet: n. natural and reson- "•',, '•••I'- '. • i^a.e several scenes in 4 — DAYS ONLY — 4 THEY'RE HERE "N ••;. N\-:srh'>jr;" among the best '. r.jt :".J •.'•.- rj-r.-r. recorded on the AGAIN WITH -.:!.-.-:.. A -cene with Alberta ITS NEW! ITS DIFFERENT! NEW SONGS AND Vii-i.-.-:.-. :.- ..:!; ,f -.he highlights of a •••-•;, •.•r.".-.™i;.r,.r.g picture, The young ^ hundred heavenly hues! NEW TRICKS! l-.a;,'1.-:'- a;l::y t., piay the saxaphone WOOOBRIDGE ;;.- .; -•.-.;.zr-i with fine effect in a Glorious Girls! Syncopated

ANtWVAhithast 'J'.:. '-- re<. jrded in "Noisy LAST TIME TODAY— are those of Theodore Scrapping Again/ !i ji.nipsonp , "Dad" ::::a.r. Gilbert. Ray Hailor RICHARD DIX To Hand the Cock Eyed —IN— ff orld Its Biggest Laugh Now You Can Hear the Riot "Holystones" Used to ln.-twvt.-n Kla£g and Quirt as They "THE WHEEL OF LIFE" Fool, Frolic and Fume with Each Scoiir Decks of Ships s" from Siberia to ADDED FEATURE— ''Hurricane" — Thrilling Sea "THE LOOKOUT GIRL" With JACQULAN LOGAN Drama — Shows How They Are Uted. SATURDAY ONLY—Oct. 26 2—FEATURES—2 ADDED FEATURE— "H•jiyalrjri*s" we:? ,••_•; rjy extra I .avers in Lolumuai,- a.:-'.-:k;r.g epic f tht sea, "H'irri!ar,». wr.:ch is to •)<-• -hjwn at the Em\>:ri Tr.eitre to- Davey Lee i^y und tom&rr'jw. After a few mom- i-iit-, » hated "holystones," |ikt the Their Dialogue in proverbial poi&on- Thet* inslmments ul torture are flat tlocei, which at "WHAT PfUCE GLORY" the present time are aUaihfcd to You'll Roar Whan You Actually Hear heavy stk-ki and are used in ftco BEN LYON In ng ilt-ck-, In the early days of "THE FLYING MARINE" Them Now in the njj vessels they were used without lie handle and the sailors were SUNDAY ~ MONDAY — Oct. 27 - 28 A1X-TALKL\G forced to work on all fours. Because • t the kneeling positions assumed in DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS WONDER PICTURE The &r»t 100% natural colpr, talking, tinging «nd using th? polishing stones, the sailors dancing picture. Greate.t all-itar cut of the year! eminded of prayer, termed the lm- plemenU. "holystones." It is a back- COCKEYE aching job to use them and several ol the players in "Huwicane," fully understand why members of the crew "Trail of 98" SPECIAL! SPECIAL! uften rebelled when set to work pol- WOtUD ishing decks. Skippers in those days —With— were hard-boiled and the dfceks must virron >IILV(;LK!V shine. If a man failed tp put the pro Mary and Margaret Gibb, per energy into bis work, the skipper DELORES DEL RIO EIIMIXII LOWE or mate had a w»y of convincing him of the necessity fur using ell>ow TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY — Oct. 29 - 30. only born joined together LIIV D\MIT\ grease. The method com>w**d of u ing iron knuckle* upon ti* unruly STOHY BY sailor. After *?Siati ku ':**« "knuck Siamese twins in the U/S., LAI HKMK ST.UJJNUS * led," once he usually uttit btout the "Stolen Kisses" With MAXWKLL AJS1»KKM>N task uf poluhmg dtckt with diligence THE VAMPIRES OF The exact method of \iaag "holy MAY McAVOY THE SEA in person. DIALOGUE BY Btoiice," ii shown in "Hurricane. H'lb&n ijusworth i; cut u the irate THURSDAY — FRIDAY — Oct. 31 - Nov. 1 W1LUAM K. WKLaJ* .-H-it captain, who demands decks Dlttctii by truii shine like gltuis. Other members BELLE BENNETT In FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY HAOIJL WALSH •jf the east hiving ouUlauding role ire Johnny Mack Brown, Leila Hy «m», Allan Itoscoe, Tom O'Brien ant "MOLLY AND ME" NOV. 1,2, 3 —Alto— l.fiU Mclntyre. ADDED FEATURE— A SOUND CARTOON 4 Other New Acts and Talking AND What forT FOX All rork aad no ^lajuw|wi Jack "HOUSE OF HORRORS" Feature Picture MOVIETONE NEWS Bcoyklyn Haflt. - C)HHfie4 Mi- y . WOODBRIDGE INDEPENUKNT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1929 SECTION TWO PAGE ONE

OnirinlziMl all"' in will nut pn far. Girl, 3, Killed by Bear Ami ofdjuiizi d inl nii'rnucp, Idling a SLAT'S DIARY Which Break* Into Home nuiH what he in:iy nr in;\y mil lirlW'Vft Winnipeg. - The thrw .venr-old In flic rnlled Rl-iti-s, will mil RO fnr HY ROSS KAKQUHAii rlthpr. dnuiibtiT of Fred Onirrlcleiik, Lou August F, Greiner Friday ma wns prilty sknred this ml. Man. HIIS killed there recently ' Arthur Brisbane . HI. when I cum home frum skim] when n In rue Muck bear, driven oul Thn French will pi IO tho Naval The teeehc-r sent of ilie neighboring tmsh liv lire nnd Self-Reliant Rum. Limitation Conference with deflnito restrictions. a fonc ransngc hunger, broke Into Hie Grorrlelcnk Women, Men and Strife. In ma and nst her home nnd curried off the little girl. Mnie. Curie'* Visit Fiance will not consent to reduction if she food lik«' of Woodbridgs In her cruiser tonnage. Leaving her three children In the Pearl for a Lady. for me to tak'e house, Mrs. Orrtrrlcteiik hnd tnken her _ Franc* will not consent to abolition fisic.ks for the huar/hnd's supper oat to him In the . y-iOVEHNMRNT prohibition enfoTce- of submarines, or even to the sugges- rest of the tirm \ ^* ment made an Interesting discov- tion that they be limited In she to 600 fields. When she rflturned she found at skool. nnd ma thrf front door of the house hntt^ed respectfuHy solicits your support ery, capturlnK a well organized bootleg tons, "The defense of Franco requires sed why whnt fort on the highlands of New Jersey, 2,000-ton submarines. Therefore we thi1 matter with Lri nnd the children missing. Crying to near the Narrows, where the big rum shall build them." the dear little her husband, she rushed around to the at the Polls on November 5th •hips come nailing In. Tho Italians have the same Idea, but boy hut before hack of the house «nd out Into the yard, where she found the body of the It wan a well equipped fort, with they don't even take the trouble to the tepcher end little Rlrl. ' Rawed off shotgunn, machine guns, state It. A few wordfl from Mussolini inner a reply ma sed well never pistols, Rearchllghtn nnd radios to di- will make Hint clear. The irtber two children, seven nnd iiiiiul 1 most pen- four years of age, hint run to n neigh rect rum ve.sseU. erelly jill way? - The government' irellevnB {his onp Mine. Curie, who helped the discov- boring farm, where II * ns learned for tend to that my Inter from the eldest child thnt the bootleg Institution did a biistnonn of ery of radium, comes here to accept self. for the new radium Institute nt War- henr hnd attacked her first, hut she li.nnn.nnn a week. Saterday - On saw, one Rramnie ol radium costing had eluded It and, with her younger ncct. of it was sister, hnd lied from the house. The government seizure did not dis- $50,000, paid for by American women. to rainey today turb hnolIeK lenders, well entrenched You could put In a small valise In piny ft. ball 1 nnd self-confident. Tlielr chlof said to radium worth more than < II the wealth |S( ,t rote a pome nnd sent \i^ Bandit li Chivalrous CORONER * reporter: "Thl« Is Just a Httlo Inci- of Rockefeller, Ford, Secretary Mellon to Jane, went like this. When air dent. If you want to order a thousand and George F. linker, combined, If I gase in to yure eyes, It makes me When Widow Is Victim cases of whlBkey, I'll deliver It to you such a radium qunntlty existed. stop & reelise. You are the 1 jrirl in St. Louts, Mo.—Chivalry on the pnrt In twenty-five minutes, We'll be doing this land. Witch makes me sum d: of a bandit saved Mrs. Caroline Bald up and ask for yure hand. Now if business as usual In twonly-ioiir hours, Our sun, with Its source of terrific win, a widow, of this city, from the with our men ou\ on ball." enejgy only guessed a^ by science, she pets sore I am fcoing to let her gc till after Crismas. loss of her money. may contain millions of tons of ra- "Surely you wouldn't rob n poor <1e Rundaq—When pa and me was on Give Woodbridge Representation in The Bishop of Manchester fears dium. fenseless widow," she exclaimed when "strife for mastery betwoen men and Wo can't get ot that. But we might are way to Snday skool a ole frem of hissen, drived by and ast when the culprit walked Into her confec- women." give more poor children the benefit of , y tioner; store and brandished a pistol Middlesex County That strife will never be dangerous. the sun's light, which Is accessible and was the golf linx. Pa told him am In her face. Women manufacture the men, which costs nothing. then he sed It is a wander yure, wife "So you're a widow?" he replied, Paid for by A. V. Greioer U the highest kind of work, and men lets you go to play on Sunday morn ing. and he reptyed and answered haltingly. "No I couldn't rob youthen." do the work. A diver In the Persian Quit went He walked from the store. "all naked to the hungry shark," and that he diddent have no wife, and pa sed in a ow tone of voice. Then how Man hasn't the faintest chanca of avoiding the shark, came up with a perfect pearl weighing fitly grains, cum you want to go play golf. competing with woman In motherhood. Munday—We was all set to go to No woman has ever competed with worth $250,000. the pitchcer show and sum Co. cum in men )n what we call works of genius. The pearl will go to some lady, not and are plan was spoilt. But ma see) There never has existed even a fifth very young, probably. Young huB- it was just a case of not oughting- to rate woman painter, writer, sculptor bands of young wives cannot afford %o and leave Co. setting in the house' or musician. such pearls. all alone becux you got to be polite Men and women supplement each The Indy will wear It occasionally once and a wile. other ami get along very nicely. at, then keep It In a info deposit Tuesday—They was a bad acksi- Woman comes first, for the creator bo* most of the time, losing $15,000 a dent down at the saw mill today and ypnr In Interest, and wear an Imitation Joe Glunt had to have his left ft. am- li grosier than the thing created. pitated. But he was very Cheerful Michael Angelo was greater than his penrl that even she won't know from the genuine after a few days. about it & sed Well that durn in work. His mother was greater groan toe nail woodent bother him no than he. more no how. < Overwork In not so dangerous, but Wednesda—Well 1 cot a bad cold A poet may lay: violent emotion Is extremely danger- in the had for sum reeson or another "I am the master of my fate, OUH, say* Dr. ,'!. P. Kmerson, learned and tryed to get out of going to "I am the captain of my soul." student of the human body. "A skool today but I diddent. The tee- But It Is unwise for a lady who strong emotion can Inflict a physical I'rwr sed that probly a little jerm wants t<> testify In court at Charlotte, Injury Just as tiuiy as can a knife," anuk up on me when I was un aware Nnr'.h Carolina, to take that stand. nays the doctor. of its presents and bitten me. Mrs. Miller, 20 years old, called • Thirsday—ma and pa including "communist labor agitator." told the However, a lift* that amounts to mi' went to a concert to hear a fine singer tonite. I dont no weather she court ihnt "man controls hlH own anything Is mmlc up of strong emo- tions. was good or nnt. 1-2 of my parents destiny." She IK Impeached iis an sed not. Ma sted she sung bewtiful atheint, therefore not worthy to be a A giant turtle on the Calupagos miners but pa sed them was Dis- Islands never has strong emotions cords. and lives five or six hundred years. Russia's government, going la the But who would h» a (ialapagos turtle? otnor direction, Is opening nine more Bettor be Keats, Alexander or Na- Voie* Don Not fmrel "anti-religious universities" to preach poleon. The bureau of standards says thai • theism. Prolific Writer of Hyrom the voice does not actually travel ovei Russian triulc union organization! a telephone wire. The motion of one Fgnny rrusby, the blind hymn writ- *r« ordered to appropriate from "cul- diaphragm controls an electric current er, wrote some 2,(XX) songs and hymnB. which moves another dlnphrngm, thus tural fuudj" a sum every month for Her most popular hymn li "Safe in the organization of militant atheists. Arms of Jeuus." reproducing the voice. To Realize The Sensational Savings ,\l 4TH ANNIVERSARY SALE I Will the Curtain Season Wo, t'itn't urge you sutlicii'ntly—we cun't remind you half ennu^h that the prruatest secure th<' tinest i|iiulity jowt'lry will be over Thursday. Rynicmbor there is only FRIDAY AND SATURDAY LEFT TO SHOl' Find You Prepared? IN AND TO SKCU'RE A BIRTHDAY CAKK FREK. This Is Curtain Week at ABC SILK STORES A Number of Timely Curtain SPECIALS Presented for This Week Only I To-morrow! To'Viorrow! TWO DAY FEATURE Criss Cross Novelty 3-Piece 3 Brilliant Diamonds Curtains Three beautiful blue A ROYAL VALUE Curtains DIAMOND SPECIAL white Diamonds ... of wondrous beauty . . . Thre<> beautiful blue white Shown in n large variety of Muile of fine marquisette, Very modern mounting of Diamonds in hand pierced itylei and ; fancy voiles, in an exquisite mount- greniiliut\ fnnry inartjuisftte; prtcf trimmed with bullion fringe IS kt. solid white gold st't ing. Just use your and hand engraved mount- lditge from silk stik'hings, set with beautiful Diamond. credit. ing. Very modernistic set- ting. $ 49 $1 .29 $45 $1.50 A $1 A WLiEK $100 89cto 3 $2 A WEEK

Filet Lace Curtains Saih Curtains Ruffle Curtains A moit rompletf vftrifI) : Bilk Uiuaik uvt-rdrnpffl tn the al&ml- A complete range of styles in fringe or without. Full lin« of IULI :; (ilift'ti set; 2 ilrui>i 2% yard* long, qualities (irh'ed from atylm, ranging in price from valaihti W liu'hej. AH •ttinilard culori, r IUIU, blue, uret'ii. rtnl add mulberry; jet $1.00 to $2.49 $1.49 to $4.49 Pair, 25c to 79c Lace Panels Irish Point Curtain* Point Venice Panels 4. full ra»ia of V4rUty In fin* filet «i<«l>tlun>l vtrlety of «tylM to N.« »Ur>ctlve ityk'i. Very lutr BAKED DIAL — WITH BAND IBQM, •ilk frlngt, In vtrtoui ilylm cbAoi. Iruni pattern*. Men's handsomely engraved . . . 89c to $5.98 $2.98 to $5.98 $1.49 to $3.98 white gold tilled ... 20 year case. Newest baked enamel dial. 15 jewel- 37 ed. i SPECIAL! SOLID GOLD CASE $1 A WEEK ENGRAVED 15 Jewel* Bedspreads Domestics Rei'taiiKulur shape, exquis- Handsomely engraved, ra- i Dress Velvet dium dial, 15 jeweled move- Silk Iwdnprraila, itely engraved, 15 jeweled SheoU Silk fmifli, in all the leodiug full ment Strap Watch. With full IIK; ill the WnM Watch. U kt. solid SlilKI; fine qual- abailea; per yunl ^•iiht cast1. Hand. wanted ibades, i li 0 ringing In price 50 from, $25 $37- Pillow C«§ei $L A WEEK $1 A WEEK 4 5x3 6; hem $1.98 to r-iii died; #1 4 for ...... f1 $5.98 Towel*. I. a r 1« Cannou Bedroom Sets 5 GENUINE DIAMONDS I?**: 45c Five scintillating, brilliant Diu- Tb« new style uf Mtido of rin« Table Clothi nuiiids set ill a solid 18 kt. solid white l»d sets, including or »ni]»>1lin, •hown In a lire* larva [llllow «rarf« variety uf •tyl««. priced tram . In a moat com- gold mounting. Very exuuisite. •ad v « a 11y to plete Hue uf sets match in • Urge rangiiif in i from SILKS aiMortuieut of col- Cruve Imck Dutlii. uoft IUHUOUI qual- or. 69c to ity, puru "Ilk, nil lli« luu *1 7Q $J.98 , $4.! fUIAKm.N.J. 0 $5.98 set CHARMEUSESATIN $8.98 40-liuili, heavy quality, rich OQ^ flnUh, lur r»U ilr«w>; yard OifC BLANKETS COMMUNITY PLATE RAILROAD MODELS Put wool; full lisu; double blaukvt; Vurt wool tilunketi, auitrktit^iAd. In PRINTED FLAT CREPE Hamilton, Wulthum, Illinois, will •* 7Q |A (70S »tlr«cllvu plalila: ro>«, blua. *7 iQ All tho now fall iiutUrn. In CO. Complete service for six ( l ft.l» IO f 1.70 (rMU »nii uvonilar #I.W •Ilk and ruyuu lulxturtta; y«.«d ...vvv . . . modurniatic patterns . . . eti'., railroad watches on complete with chest. On credit. Will pass Hailroad credit. inspection on any Railroad. 7S 127 BROAD §T. $28 ELIZABETH, N. J. $60 A frCSILKSTORES,lnc. v 50c A WEEK OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS $1.50 A WEEK 45 BROAD STREET Regent Theatre BUg. WOOPBRTDCR INDEPENDENT

•. r ' • v \ \ f ACE TWO SF.rTrON TWO By RING LARDNER By GENE CARR He Might Make Good Fertilim JUST HUMANS n YOU KNO^* ME, AL


"Aw. What flo YTn«an Ho Saw tts It Won't Be Long Now

REG'LAR FELLERS Puddinhead Didn't Say ^Tiich Kind of Pin By GENE BYRNES t





!'••-: ;. '.i.k it's 'ear stops me.



Just Phin Foolishness-

WlBo—! Uiii.k I .. tut u'.y dresses EINNEY OF THE FORCE Tadpole Will Live up a little HuMi> (d;~j;usti'i!:v)—Why don't ycu cm 't-r.j "ui entirely niid ii"ge as arnither Eve';


**You sn> slit's your best ^ '"No* THE FEATHERHEADS Back to Work

VH VOO TtWr >ttT «*ft V)»W VW WWV C0U«K> PW65 W itoO W46LK Of ICE AfiOOND THOSE 'Ml MOO WtP F6tt US WTUllife^AftS AX twtf - IT'S KKJM IDS Pua>) torn it XHAS USE

Hi-u- 1 wind I kiiL-w whether It nould W a lioj or ftlrl l>efore 1 go tu I he I rouble to tiaicti it! f v WOODBRTDGR INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1929 sfiCttdNTwo PAGE

'I'" biiild from the ground up n single '•;u nf iires^'nt-day specification I Packard Sales Volume would cost a imall fortune, if indeed it rinild lie done. Consider n Concrete e\ani|ile: when the Model K. I'nckanl, Cuts Production Cost :i four cylinder affair, was built in I!M>2 by .1. W. Packard it had to be Model of 1929 HB» Most Lavish priced at $7500; yet the circle nf STA1E Appointments But Cost I» progressive return has given the pub- lic of the present day tor a third of Vf-ry Reasonable that sum an eight-cylinder I'ackard equipped with such luxurious appoint- SENifDR 'Ill Hie allied subjects of supply ments as were scarcely dreamed of LIGHTS GOLDEN JUBILEE mill ili'iiiiiii'l, mcrchnnilisinK and thein that earlier day. I economics of distribution, Severn! Imagine if you can the. pioneers in wi-ikrlily volumes have been written. the industry contemplating the stan- dard equipment of the 1H29 Seventh One important, phnw nf these kin- Series Packard Standard Sedan: van- Celebrating FIFTY Years of ProgreM iliivl subjects, however, that has a ity cases and smoking sets built into pni'ticiilnr significance for the car-the heavily upholstered arm rests; iniyinjr public, con be set forth in n non-shatterabla glass; steering wheel P>ini|;rH[>n or two. and driver's seat adjustable for the As ii name for thin phenomenon, dainty maid or the six foot man; sun "the circle of progressive return" visors adjustable to any angle; car- will do well cnoujrh. For its most peted floors; hydraulic shock absor- eighteen seventy-nine ,- nineteen twenty-nine Mirci'ssful operation, two factors are bers; automatic windshield cleaners; essential: able, constructive maniiKe- centralized chassis lubrication; four ment, and 11 responsive public. As thespeed transmission—these, and a host ARTHUR A. lire of the circle processes, so r Kr^ular U lb pkjf 12c: >, Ih pkg 23c 2" 23c Tetley's Tea fcj AND GAS COMPANY Smooth, Cake-like Texture--Sweet and Fresh! Bread Supreme 8c PrtsidtnL

Victor Bread /g Pan Loaf 5c " HERE ARE NEW FALL FOODS AND HOME NEEDS! SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Pitted Dates l)ig pktf 17c ASCO Peanut Butter tumb. 10c, 17c, 25c Reg. 32c Swansdown Cake Flour ASCO Pure Spices can or pkg 7c big j)ktr 29c ASCO Sliced Bacon »/2 1b pkjf 21c PAINT HEADQUARTERS Calif. Seeded Raisin* pkir 10c Lifebuoy Health Soap 3 takes 20c Pure Apple Cider Va Kal jug 39c Prim Pastry Flour 24 lb bag 89c Sweet Apple Cider (Plus Deposit) THERE'S NO PAINT BARGAIN LIKE SWP QUALITY/ Gal. Jug 65c Octagon Laundry Soap large cake 6y2c Mott'» Clarified Cider qt jar 23c O. W. Ammoniated Cleaning Fluid bot 15c Our most valuable asset u the public confidence of this community. Only by Mil- ASCO Cranberry Sauce tumb. 15c ing merchandise that will give absolute satisfaction caa we cxpeot to gr»w. And Reg. 10c that is the only kind you will find here. Shcrwin-Williama Paint Pr*dao4s ar« typi- Quaker or Mother* cal of the class of goods w« carry. More people buy Sherwin-WiHiaau paint* and .Rolled White Oats 2 varnishes than any other brand—which is just another way *f saying Specially prici-d Uur oiu- week. that they are the world's greatest paint values. Lo»k over «ar Friday Reg. 12c Mueller's New Crop Vegetables (finlb S and Saturday Suggestions at friend-making Macaroni T yWm c n Macaroni prices. You'll find hundreds of others just ASCO " Peas * 23c «t onr store. ur Spaghetti Spaghetti ASCO s".7. Peas «»19c or Del Monte can Noodles 2 «*«• 19c Sugar 19c Save FarnuWe p^ £ can. 25 Shotwell's Vanilla Tender C by using the world's ASCO Fancy Cooked Can 2 finest floor varnith Marshmallows Sweet Potatoes 5 lb QQc 15c TODDY - 25:45' Your Soon an nibjectpd to tb« carton O** ASCO •mutant tramp, trasip, tramp of nailed htela—the aliding and lb woffling of little feet—the mov- Regular Now ing of bearj fumitijn — tpillad Oleomargarine 20c water. Rotary Sifters .... 2.75 2.29 gg^ So Good You'll Look Forward to Meal Time! A Tiraiih mint k« a world'i Brooms 75c 45c champion for punithmuit to lb c •tand up under tki*. month after Special Coal Scuttles |. . . 50c 45c month, and come back for more. Coal Scoops . . . 75c 50c m ASCO Coffee 39 AB4 tkat is what 8-W Mar- on Not Taroiah b-a woWd'a eaarn- Coal Shovels . . .10c 7c 49c-39c=10c Saved! fion. hit nade eepeciafj far tue lb on flooM, It has pifamn teuga- GUNS Coffee 35c •vtu to reaut •ootimnoM piai. ^Victor Tou a*ay dent tke woed bat SINGLE BARREL SHELLS and GUNS DELICIOUS SWEETS! Mar-Not will atill elia| U it* anr- BREAKFAST SUGGESTIONS! $8.50 faea. Driea oTarniybt with a rieh, Rangers 90c Reg. 10c ASCO Buckwheat... 3 pkgs 25c Lucille Assorted Chocolate* lb 35c IOB( w«arin| IsaUo. Hot or •old Reg. 10c A»co Pancake Flour 3 pkgs 25c Suchard Swiis Chocolate 3 bundles 10c water doea not af eat it. DOUBLE BARRELS Speed Load 1.15 Baby Ruth Bars 3 for 10c Vermont Maid Syrup glass J"K Don't wait oatil l«or* loek $14.00 up Repeaters Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour.... pkg 14c N. B. C. Robena Nut Top Cakes lb 27c 1.15 Pilisbury Pancake Flour ... 2 pkgs 25c Christy Brown Assorted Cakes lb pkg 37c skabkj. For beat mull* runitk Leaders 1.25 Calif. Seedless Raisins 2 pkgs 15c them sow witk Max-JCet, ASCO Pure Preserves , 2,1b jar 39c Brass Shot . . 1.50 Fresh Produce! Specia) Price on Case Lots THOMPSON'S SEEDLESS OR TOKAY GRAPES 3 lbs 25c FRESH CUT JERSEY SPINACH 3 lbs 25c FANCY TOMATOES 2 lbs25 c BUNCH CARROTS 2 for 15c LARGE LUSCIOUS BANANAS Dozen 25c WOODBRIDGE HARE CO. CRISP ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 Heads J9c 45 Main Street WOODBRIDGE, N. J. WOODBRIDGE INDEPENDENT

PAGE FOUR SECTION TWO News of the World Told in Pictures "Chinese Lindbergh" The "Aga Khan's" Fiancee Discussion on Naval Reduction

i-in: *•* ?«.?J5— Z:' 1* :*•-•; f.ri :r.» :' th> Tery Tex pictures l SNAPPED AT TOKiO— Ad:r.:ra'. Takarab* •-• ' t&>j.r.:: tr..l i* -t- ?-; -.-:• Ara S./.ir. Si: M--.s.-r.i: Shir, s;aie v.m pounded the Ja;;ar,*.'» attitude cr, the Naval Rp;. Ms-c: :I Ch i^'wrr. leaders. It has ix-er. ur.rS::al'.y rpptr.*-a that Ja:;.- - Cruiser Nearing Completion -!.<:. 1-ai Huang of Nanking, Invited by Royalty i^a and N*-. Vxt f .•:•. a-, .at.:: < "h and :nit: of the n«t Chma. renew.r.g the Jriend- !r;:t>*hJchbe.-kr »h;r. the Chines Lir.d . .:h" *« » visitor '.a?t year sit ':..( White Hc^e Blind Girl Tak^s Jump

SNAPPED AT BANTA MONICA, CAL.—The pretty =eur.-yea:-o'.d English trip'.'-,!, daughters of Ca;::, ar.d Mr;. Cl3ude Mawby. The flaxen-haired youngsters, Angela, C'.atidine and Claudef.e, have been here a year, during wai:h time their snow-white boiiits have become a, TiTi ...: :..: -:.. :. .> t::. or.e : deep tan. T'n«y will soon return to Europe, where a numb*: of notables, While Presider.t Hoover ar.d Premier MacDor-.i. : v,i :f c.^cuif::.; ti'e T'.c.ut..:; ufa'"t*-r*--- P'v.-.1:- -> bl.nd and a mexb-r (•'. ti'.f rf-rl-f.ns Instttuv Including the Prince of Wales and Queen Marie of Roumania, have Keeper. News » are bu;..y engaftd ir. ccir.; .-.' ths U. S. 5. Rile-.?:. j.-.:.5sr !or' the Blir.d ir.'B^t-:-. R'-:ar^:e~? rf thi? hrtr.dirap, she ts she'*:: extended Invitations to them. gTaph. tiear.r.g the hi;.-. .vJntp it a recent nie*: !or blind ^irls. Champion Cod Fisherman American Woman Leader in Turkey Try This on Your Baby

1 1 ' s>Afi-tiJ A"! STAMEOL'L TUR.KKY- -Kro:;t rui, ft' Miis M.irxn G He *let . u: Wi-hiiiitcn 1 photopraohed cur.: .; t:ie tea give:: in her h.'iijr by the Turkish Home League. Miis Hewlett .• ::'.an.:.t- a tour of the Near Eait :c obitrve the progrtii ui the modern womaji. Lowest Type Humans in Spain

iNAPPKU AT LOS ANGELES A bab> ben.f :<*wd up ln*t«*d of i-.-j^.1:.1. .;; ::. usual »ay-Pa'i! Carpenter tiirovung niKen-month- Ed C-nii o; E-ii::.;,.:;•-. H^: •<:.-. t

America's Oldest Grocery Adopted Countess

Cuiuitess Klara von Kardlyl. yuunger daughter oi Count and. Mme. Nicole Proult. sister of Counteu George Karolyi, who U the Idiiious Paul I'uiict, wearing The pnotograph shows a m»n wtio la loolted uj> to as the Jusiitc oi ute lJtaic ul La FVauoi*, and with three yean of age, is known U> 'Hie oldest grocery alurc in Ameiica Is operated by Kobert Staver him are his two wives and pne or their infants. Polygamy is rwikniiy yra4-ucrd in this hamlet. King the new headgear created by her, friends M "UtU« Suck-a-Tumb" and Sons at No. 741 Omit sutet, Jamaica Plains, Maas. The store Alfonso recently paid a visit to this sectluu u( hu domain and piojmstd the tiUiabitanu that he would en- •which has Ueen adopted by fash- Her moUiftr haj offered • reward to any one oflerlng a cure (or WHS originally founded by Ebentier Heaver, graudfalher oi Robert deavor to better their conditions. IU Inhabitants are as little infuimrd about \iu doings of tbe world at ionable feminine Fascist* In ~ —p^ ^ »^ • i • ^«»«^^p Seuver, back in 11M large as any people In the world. They exist under conditions hfitrUiturt- ii'ibtUtioblt what la daacrlbed u 'a mott un- France pleasant habit." •••"•:'*!


Good Old Roman Statute Inw two team* of mnlrs, a wagon »nd Bit Turilei Tn« Only W.y Out Storks' Inw wns tlie nnme given to PARIS a log rahln. Phone Perth Amboy Specimens or lho inntherhnrk nnrt The man wna rlrspprntp. He pnrpd MAKES QUEER DEAL mi old Finmnn Inw wlileh compelled 1.0111RP, a nllm child weighing about 12 9 9 loBgorhonrt mnips nro snld to nttnln the floor like n cnned hoggt. Unpnltl oMlilron to tnnlntnln their parents In FOR GIRL OF 13 100 pounds, qulcklj tired of married « length* of seven foot nnd n WPIRIII bills overflowed the desk to the floor. old ngn, provided the Inttor wrre In life nnd left her husband at Detroit, of WMI to 1.

I lonnor. inort* hoalthful HEAT /"JNE hears ;i lot nhoin the olt-ihi'- facp mnilp tn ni'w hatn, lint t|u>rc is a tindcncy to oxnwintr Iln-lr use. The French wfiy la to mluti't th't hat at a guaranteed loir price and imild it to thn head of tin wviir- cr, for th<' day Is pant when oin> ran Just K" In ami buy a bal I" a hurry. delivered with the utmost care The little off-thc-face modi'ln should lie modified to suit the Individual and worn with a suggestion of a Jaunty til! to one side to give them the truly I'arislan atr. And It Is well to re- member that the feminine clothes de- Tiiand dre.sfllor hah*. One Juat couldn't think of wearing a plain felt with a. velvi-t frock, while cire lace Inserts, feathers, or fur Revolutionizes Radio Reception^ trimming have a way of dreRHlnR up a hat. The sketch at the top i3 of i\RE you prepared for a hard winter? "Will you Krei-n felt with a clre lace insert The whole town is turning to micro-syn- down the back of the crown to the enjoy that healthful vvarfTith that reduces dangers of nape of the neck. The f.-l't hrlm has chronous Victor-Radio! 7 Outstanding Victor Features a sliirht gathered fullness at the Rides catching cold? HYou will—if you use "Standard" to RIVK the chic effect. Tlie Aj;lira Super-automatio itttion ie- tiirlmn wllh a crown of chenille In- Heating oil—uniform, delivery after delivery. Burns Nothing like it! A child can tune it. Wonder- 1. lector full-vision. lerwoven with allk has a felt hrlm ful micro-balanced circuit. Interchangeable Improved Victor circuit * » t which Is sniartly lonRer on one «iid|.. with a constant, steady fire —a constant, steady 2. sensitive, balanced. Tin- new evening c.-ps sponson-d by units. Radically new dynamic speaker. Tnlhot are faahlomjO. of lustrous elro warmth. Clean-burning, too. Less smoke and soot. • Push-pull amplification. Two iace. or of main.r The illustration Absolute volume control. 3. new KCA power Hadlotront 5 But more than that. At the present low prices you 245, jhuws a ina'lir irban. the crown Never has radio offered so much—and the 'In- eolor of "-, while two tones can assure yourself of a substantial saving in money 4. Marvelous new clcctric-dr- Df hkimle or fc- matliie wrap the price is within the reach of all! namio reproducer. :rown in ;i jtau fuhhioii. —if-you act now. Il'ndcr the terms of the "Stand- Three distinct units — all in- OOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Also the miraculous new all Victor-Radio- 5. terchangeable . . . accessible. Woman Protects Dog ard" Heating Plan you are fully protected against The new Klectroln: unparal- Electrola. Most compact, loveliest cabinets 6. leled electrical reproduction As She Kills Self rising prices. The service is prompt. Deliveries ever built. Comfort—courtesy-convenience. of recorded music. San Francisco.—IWore Mrs. carefully made. Our specially trained drivers and Terms to suit. Exquisite, compact cabinets. Pearl Alspiiugb turned


cCarthymen Hit Barren s Most THAT LITTLE-CAWE Vulnerable Point As Medwick Interesting Card Barrons Primed To Loosens Passing Barrage Slated For Saucer Meet Summit Eleven ell direrto.) forward Winner, of Race, F,ld Dunn, Te.m Undaunted By Pr«io». Wr To B.ttlr For Wood- £efe.t. - Expect, To C, e bridge Track Supremacy. Powerful Lnicn Count> ' T>am Stubborn Battle.

the , line. n vainly nttemptcl U< stem the | Ruddy fcnacked left tackle for :i" ,1,. ,.f h*t:ie. but the quick change lar run whic I spectaculathre ruWimdhridftn which advancee twenty-sid thrx- l h t,1 -, TT. i - r 1 ()ti thth0e npxnett playpy> ,h0 w e, was. topped in his track? ^iSijv.^.n the game us far us Woodhridg^ ^i^e ever , r- - " Stillmal n ^neakcM a PH.«« to Kullertnn concerned. Coach Rice opened who scrflmbled t» the thirty-three . with Payer in the back- yanl mark before he was stopped. t was fcirci-d to send him in- Off tackle plunjres by Dimock and ihe line when the bucking Mud- .--;.» ^ - cnishcd hi.- way through for Ruddy advanced the ball six yards. A ...... substantial pains. pass from Stillman to Schmidt w«< knocked down. Stillman kicked tn the I'arteret -corei) in the opening Cinterct twenty yard line. Medwick, f the game, when, after who recnvered. raftithe ball tn the the bull to the Wondbridge thirty yard line. Huber crashed rec:-ri i w i-nty.three yard line. Medwirk --*---,, eleve u pass to I'oll who was drop- off right tackle for six yards," bring- vivtry tf the Or»npeit»f ak punt, a forward passing sy- the extra tally j twenty-eight yard line. The I'arteret • >;.-:' stem. The fact that the The Barr .' iverue eleven fought' quarterback kicked to the Wood- boys hive been unable to kill a for- gamely to »t*p« a come-back, but br)dlfe tnirt>" y*wl 'me. "Tid Mon- :' r the : ivents ir,di- ward passing attack, is mainly re- u e wh( t rare-t s-rt. *tr«nrthen«! - v tvo touchdowns be- P" - > recovered skipped back sponsible for the set-back; received hind ;h«n-.. the < artere'.ian* baffled »<> «>>c forty-eight yard strip before <• iajr;t« w;th this year. However, the team is look- he was .r. affairs with the attend* i-' the Woodbridge j nait«?d. Dimock made a yard ing jpon the remainder of the season j team. The B*rron< performed well.! on tw« '!"« PJunges as the half ended. ; tnir s'j^ from a optimistic viewpoint and the ; Woodbriiipe, 0; Carteret. 1 \V •.(I tr-bfc'.t1.^ '•'. varsity players expect to give Sum- but the aerial attack was fatal, Third Qu»rt*r preir.acy. Thi? mit a stubborn battle. The probable ' game by quarters: Dayer kicked to the Carteret twen- taiKiing driver lineups: Fir»t Quarter ty yard line. Szelag ran the ball buck •j1. :r. emerging Woodbridre Summit Dayer kicked off to the Carteret five yards before he was tackled. A Seen From The Sidelines thirty-yard line. Coughlin, who recov- vari'u- W-.od- .xhmidt " left taeklp ,play with Szelag carrying race- at Ackerman ered the pigskin, made a scant two • reii'e rr.-rf.- •»•:!'• be seen competing left end the ball, brought the Carteret crew aga:r.-'. tacr. jther. The !:«". ir.c'.ude- yard? before he was downed, Med- a seven yard gain which advanced Saffron,. R. Tappers'on j wick skirted right end for a four -ich r-tables a? Deacon Lit". Larry left Uckle By TOM BRENNAN, Sports Editor the ball to the thirty-two yard strip. K<-a>. Kre<; I'av* Evans, • yard gain, and Szelag followed with Medwick made a first down through Aqutlla . Balish through center, advancing Jirrrr.y G'.ea.v'r.. Zeke Meyer. Rick left guard right tackle. Woodbridge was penal- for Sunrfay afternoon—THAT'S the ball t the Carteret thirty-three 1'eck-r. Billy Arr.'.id, B'--. R.-bin- Dign Phair 'LITTLE SERIES" WAXETH WARM scheduled ized fifteen yards for tripping, the ? n. Fred Fran-.e. L'-'j M>,re. who is yard line Huber failed to net any ball being placed on the fifty yard center One upon a time, in the far away ALL. yardage on a line plunge. Medwick rr.&Vir.g hi- first appearance at Wood-i Cacciola Fuller mark. A line plunge with Mr. Med- :>r:O£e in tw.-. rr.''nth?. and Rjssell right guard land of Keasbey, two ball -clubs got punted to the thiru-vard line, where wick toting the ball, netted five r-r."\vSerger. The fan? ir.ay antici- j Markus or Dayer Hall IT HAPPENED AGAIN! Montague who recovered, was drop- yards. He attempted to duplicate his pate just h'-w jr.uch rubber will fly | together, and decided to "nave a "lit- trick, but was rather unceremonious- right tackle It happened again! ''^^ when thi-: coristeliation of -tars be-' tle world's series" all of their own. two off tackle lv piled up without gaining an inch. v Fullerton Brydon ?'.n- "... huir. ver the ".ards in an i 'dbridge high school • r,lay;'which were stopped dead, and Cleban skirted right end for a ten •rff'-rt to plait in a rkh money prize The Messrs. McGraw and Anthony, footb"!! team into a ^tiflman panted to the fifty yard yard gain, bringing the ball to the Stillman right end Gaskill li-t which :• unusjaiiy large this, went into a secret CONFAB, and , chalkmark: Daniels clutched at the Woodbridge thirty-five yard line. quarterback Huber was thrown for a one yard loss Wfceii. I Montague ... ShawgeT emerged with a SERIES all PLAN- skirmish well - balanced. ljval f,,r eareret. but fumbled. The Following ".r.e :w.> match races and evenlv matched again- *ver alert Medwick fell on the ball on Medwick tossed a pass to Poll who wi:l be a ter,-ir.iie final with the first left halfback NED. Bats, balls, gloves and uni- Dimock Xapolitano its opponents, but with hi.- own fnrty-fiv> gaie nyar thde Carteretianline. A lines | was ^"^ onJhe. tw.en.|y-?;x ,yaTf :". ur "... ?Tii-'n in the sprints compet- right halfback forms which were on the verge of be- plunge faiu-.l > gain the Carteretians hne as he c au ht th ing :'..r humors in a wind-up. Topping anv ground. Cughlin skirted end for | . . 8 ,e ball Medwick * Ruddy or Dayer P. Tapperson , vulnerable point. That a s,x vard gain which brought the madf a >™« hr0^h 'a^ie' A for" thi- entire program and what may ap- ing STORED IN MOTH BALLS to war d a3S fullback - i •• - o — *" vulnerable point is a DE- bulli ftht.'thee fortv-ninfi... e vard line, and I ,P , M«i*»* to Szelag was in- propriately be classed as a fitting * Coach Rice may use Dayer in allow KING FOOTBALL to reign. completed, but Dimock was accused curtain ringer will be a three-mile the fullback position, and Markus! FENSIVE WEAKNESS then the fireworks began, Szelag un- , , corked a beautiful pass to Medwick of interfering with the receiver, and fprint affair with the winner? of the ' in the right tackle gap. In the Car- \ WERE RESURRECTED, and the aer- the ball was placed on the Wood- *.•*•.. match races battling in. a little i ;i!a!ll aerial attack. whc wormed his way through a bro- teret game, he was forced to replace' ies BEGAN! bridge seventeen yard line, fpecjal event. Dayer in the line. Ruddy's excellent I thalL t Carteret lick- ken field to the Wondbridge twenty- ,hree yard m;irk btfure hf, was (il)Wn Medwick hurled a long- pass which Heavy Ticket Sale performance may lead the high In the FIRST GAME, Billy McGraw's out- ,hree yard hf, ed Woodbridge last Saturday in a very >purts- ed. Medwick dropped back, and whip- was knocked down, and Woodbridge A heavy advance ticket sale for the school mentor to start him in the fit SMASHED OUT eleven HITS, and EMERG- took the ball. Stillman whipped out a a:'.''mobile racing events scheduled ibnckfield. and leave Dayer in his ped a twenty yard heave to Pol! who manlike game is now history, but the fact that was dropped on the Woodbridge neat pass, but it was intercepted by f-.r tne Woodbridge board track Sun- regular position at right tackle. ED victorious by a 3 to 1 SCORE. Mr. Anthony Cleban on the Barron's twenty-twu day afternoon by the Evans Speed- Carteret won by striking at the weakest point three yard line. A line plunge, with GROUND his teeth in SILENT RAGE, and Medwick carving the :.a!i. brought yard strip. He ran the ball back to way Association and -anctioned by in the Barron defensive system is a repetition the fifteen yard line, but stepped out the American Automobile Associa- voWed VENGEANCE. And his VOWING was the b'.ro boys a tuuehdov. n amid the tion \\a_- indicated yesterday when of the history of the 1920 grid season of the wild cheers of the CurUTt-t fans. on the eighteen yard mark, where 0. K., for the FORDS F. C. CRASHED OUT '.he ball was placed, Cleban was stop- Promoter Dave Evan.- announced fhat Equipment Pinners Medwick's drop-kick for the extra r.e jati received thv pasteboards from eleven HITS in the second game, and WON Woodbridge team. poin; went wide of the g..a": p..?t-. | ped on a line plunge, and Carteret Medwick kicked-off. a bi-autifj! wa? penalized for having only si\ tr.r printers. Applications which were by a 9 to 7 tally, and the teams WERE PRAC- The WnntUjridi-'i' boys have lost three out • = r.: into the association's headquar- Lose Three In Row kick, which landed on \V....• . nun .'>n the line of scrimmage. T« •> of four game- this season through THAT ! forward passes. Medwick t'" Szelatr. ter- d\ :>' Fjlton street. Ne-warK. as 'TICALLY on the same BASIS as they had i.ridg g );nf. A -•.•• ]ia- /is. after the sen- SAME VULNERABLE POINT, and unless an the ,II.i! Mt-dwick to Clehiin were knock.- : Avenel Bowlers Trimmed By been BEFORE the SERIES, 11: down, and Carteret lost another f: \ • t'.v.i \vtt'r> ajj' iri the th f.ver.ty-'.hrt-e y.ird ,:r.r I'uy.- immediate cure is discovered, a pessimistic >;.\tr.U on thi- "incoir.plet'e pass" 1:«-A . tn'.td wi:r. Post Office No. 1 Crew of i.. On Sunday OCTOBER TWENTY, this -ki.ldt-t! •••{ tackie f •!• t'r.n-e rr.or I M'lwick -tuck to hi- gun.-, hmvi-.T. •?•• •.•rythir.g Perth Amboy. view of the rest "i the season will be entirely yards, t>. tr...- v.vt-n'.v--:x ytir-.l mar- year, the RIVAL OUTFITS met on the rield of ; ', .•-: ..nothvr pas- to Szelag \\,.- ir.-.-' -i-- ri-aking justifiable. The Wmidbridge machine is fairly Stillmai, .b; licked ii.,v,-r - :.i:, n..<\ The pinner* representing the Steer BATTLE in the aforementioned little TOWN ing another Vnrve yard g.iin. 1 »in".-.•. i:r. -i kt-il down, and the boro quarter l ,tcK kicked. The ball was downed a'.-.vay= beer, desir- ,..,Pn,,n; Corporation of Avenel QF KEASBEY, and lo and BEHOLD, we. good on OFFENSIVE tactics, and the linemen" hi', left tuck.f fur .1 yard, bringin r 1 :hi- WooUbritige five yard line. tr.t t-.- i;.'.- -r,-: durir.g the (T. :. i. :. tne nose three times in have shown up exceptionally well on the DE- the bal! t) thv thirty yard line. Mot : lV.,dir;«c thi; tague and I.'ayi-r made five yards in I i'.i.i.iy. the galloping Irishma- . - !•••*• Monday night un the Recrea- FIND that MC GRAW had also VOWED, and r.-- <-en complete- .-n A..-.->-.- in Perth FENSE when the ball has been kept out of the tween them hrough ( artert- , , -.i.a-.'u-.i hi- way through the K" GROUND his TEETH IN'' RAOE, for KEAS- | line for a twelve yard gain which a.i- Ate • the wa-y ap- - ...^ P.--. . . . 'i.iffice No_. 1. bowlers of t:-.cklcs. M kirtt-d ,-nd f..r air. var.ted the ball to the M-.venteen yar : •jnng into thh e p xrr.l'ty by scores of nsg to 870, BEY wnn by a 4 to 3 SCORE! Keasbey CO- >cam : r un'- pa-- t cr:h Carteret opened the game Saturday with '" ,'-'!i|.. S!i!Im;in made a yard armin . Dtmor down. .,.; -.- \r.:s wee*:, how- i,.., . T-, and soy Uv g38 The HORTS h-Avlfd with glee as the ANTHONY- ",r:irl,* i-nd, and Dimock made tw W»« p a line plunging attack which failed to net 'hem w .dbri.lg.- on i|..»r- -.• ?.g tne e.jge -•: .-;r_, ^.^ t .vra? exceptionally close, ti.r-i.igh tackle. Montague ^'. i to oe at a t r. tr A'. t- r. team i^ing by a scant MEN skeedadled home beaten. Fords CO- 1 any great amount of yardage. Medwick. Car- |tl',r..!igh the f'arteretians for a f,\ • rirs'. t^tn rr.&rgir. eighteen pins. t tatkie HOKTS howled the other way, and some , * ;..IP: gaii! which brought the o\.il : G••ijfrty rfct iht higihh murr k for Xthe teret star, after tossing a few passes, soon dis- n;- tra, k.-. Me-lw:--k i.cii a Td.* . fit ir. the fim game by,MORE VOWING was DONE! ten " arpur.-i I : tackU- f..r enly.fivt- y»rd line. Stillnur •> •)'.; covered "wither he must go to win", and he (u the Carteret thirty y.i : •' IT.- -Toilin g a 22 «»re. His ully «as, "With the BLEAK WINDS and the ten ,nd a f;r-t •WT!. I'l.iUgh- high for the tr.tire three eames, but !„__,_.» . . ,,-,v-^.r-ni • went. With the game about five minutes old, .:ne j . ung^-. !.u*. idwick caught the pigskin, ar. : Golder, anc Pembfcm.n of the Post, BREATH Ot winter (yes, WINTER) beginning • •rn; his »av back through a broken in- he whipped out a pass which brought the ball -.»ti forty-nine yard n'-»n« .vard mark a* • u rl 6 .. , i- -•; J. I5l' ClALS were on hand, but yea, verily, SOME- |tain shot a pass over the goal line for a pa,- t. • A \ ..uf | -nu' >hi- ' 1 " 'T >-nd«l. Scurc: Wnodb: idi,'. 'lrt.i 173 THING was badl, ,,y MISSING"""""'" . What""--"?' Oh"i- , —.yes™, scorei-^^i-c , anunHd WoodbridgWnrirlbrirlirep Wa\V;iss licked goal 11 Ciirteret Cam-ret, 13. The Barrens know of their DEFENSIVE sc re ,-k ,,.,.. Fourlb Quarter THE CROWD. Evidently, all the ball fans who -'kicke-1 and ,jjt.' The final quarter opened with t: 1 m artt P. A. P. O. No. haven't AS YET sworn their ALLEGIANCE to WEAKNESS, and they are trying haty to cor- ,^ the''" '' C 'rn'.. p.>--cMK.n un f 155 rect it. Nearly all of last week's practice se; Cartel I WiHMibridge furry one yard In ".h> v.':.". :-e 1'.'.' KING FOOTBALL, were at Keasbe'y. ANY- Iiav •arU.r,.t i Medwick kicked to the fifteen ya: line, but thi- >!al! was run back ei>." 104 sions were given to the perfection of good de-, ,-„,,, ii..(lu?h iihu ri- \f\ WAY, they PLAYED BALL in Keasbey, BUT yanis *>el'.iri- the receiver wi tat ki. iver- fensive system to use against a forward pass- n iiack tu the :MVi ^u7,not in Ambpy. ALL OF WHICH has no SIO- StiSlmaK atti-nJpti-d a p*ss which -A- I'M. ^niber: on aril line u- the Arr.(,":-j. ingattack, and apparently, the team had mas- batu-.l i)..wn. Kudily failed t<> v* 7^ NIFICANCE, but it shows that Messers Mc- • Wui-di.ridge, (>• M^yer. Frto •-hruugh the line, and Stillman ag.i tered the situation. But lo. and behold, as soon ur'. 1 a'' a.i -"ar NIP1CANCE, but it shows that Messrs. Mc- Second Quarter unsuccusfully (tried the air ri.u - j\V.,,,(l! i, r xtr snapped, and—IT HAPPENED AGAIN: 1 ,i.\ in her !»...-s«-.--i..ri >.n .,prir.t •,v;:; [,:•;.• \t;?.i •-•-•. The FOURTH game of the SERIES is oali cuniing back to the eightei-n >••" Independents Cop ; r.'iji't- lur'y yard mark 1 • i bright light.- a, Imi-. Sulliuan kicked to the livr. .: ,i-.',.r,i rhr.iugh the \V,>.,.!- '? en'.rie- i sevi-n yard line where the oval « with 7-6, triranu-d Hoselle 24-0, lost to the fact that it held Boston College, - f-.r a >ix yard gain whii,h| Nil:, benny Brandfon, V ••'lt Arti Two From Lyceums Oraniif Vi->>. and bowed to Carttrti a IS to ij .-tore, and Villanova to a tr. ball to the thirty-f"ur hler, Lif.f v Shiingien , CiaudejBur- UA Saturday 13-0. Not a very im- 12 to 0 count. Both Hilton Ci.llty... <• ti:i-n unLiirked a ~h.'r: Medwick staginl a fast left end i ' ton, Char.e;,Ch - CCyi. Charley Cojuii^. pressive re-i.rd, but the red and .mil ViUsnuva are among the umle- luiik whu made a first ui.ini netted the blue and white t.->: Al Stewart and K'jftcl' "Snu'.vberger. Art Lee'i Outfit Loses Opener, feateil teams in the East. black standard bearers have given ri|< the hail to ".he th.rlj n -fv.-n yard ga'n. Szi-1. g ni»-i- Kollu'A'ihg the .-print.- and matcht= But Stages Come-Back In The potential. puWer of the Rut- For Barron Eleven excellent football exhibitions. g pd yard through tackle. Medwick ni'l" will b«- a ten-mile final in which the gers eleven faiWd lo show itst-lf in through a big hule in the Woodb: i.l/ live winrunK orivtr* of the sprints Second and Third Games. the St. Juhn'f game until the tina! Woudbridgr end- lonr.ori-ow's Game U Fifth Of a nine yard IUM Meil- line, advancing the ball Hi the lw<-:.. wil4 rumpeii' for honors fur the af- quarter when the Sc-jrlet came from yard mark, and once more, the W" : ternun. Then, to '.o.pp utf ththee after- ' The Wciod bridge Independents .i'.peii into an end run which Season—Leonardo, Rahway, iiehintl to win. Thi? Saturday, Rock- tne ball back,to the W.HMI- bridge eleven fought with its ba. >. noon'- offering; there will be a three- took tw i tjjt uf tnrte jrunies from Rutgers Eleven To afeller will star: his strongest team Port Richmond and St. |iL'i! _-. '..i.uty-sevei n yarball, but recovered. the Lyceum a!:ey> in, Perth Amboy Mary's Left. unly one change in his regular line-* nil made two yards before he was then attempted a pass which w.i Batik Catholic U up, Substituting either Tummy "Roii- last Friday night. The Independents piled up. .Medwick kicked ti> the Bar- knocked down. Another left tack, . • erts or Whitey Slagfer at quarterback, 1 lost the initial battle of the evening ruii .- ten yard line, and Montague play was good, for a yard, and vnf Dies Among Strangers '•• "• "' After battling with Summit to- Coach Rockafeller Expect* instead of iJitimer." Roberts wiil pru- whu picked" Up the ball was tackled bably get the call for the little back the ball on tlje ten yard line, Mei as Relatives Hunt Him buy, a 881 to 865 count, but took the morrow, the gridders of Woodbridge Strong Oppotitioa — Game by l'ull on the thirteen yard mark. wick Htlempted a drop kie "•"-gam>p -off haa*s been beaten only by Boston Col- oi^jgn^ y en(dj s. KKnaus s andd SSmoyt r ,'?- „,' " t*«nty- nt before he was dropped. Campbell He left Astoria, cume here and reg- Woodbrid». ' the season for Woodbridge. Thejlege and Villanova in two "»'« tackles; Harris and Anderson' " V"d line- Woudbridge failed to flrst down a run was nic«ly executed. Stillman tr istered at a lucal lintel. The clerk, lu LeeA 150 166 192 Leonardo eleven, will visit Wood- : fought games, will test the mettle of ;?uarc|s. (ruw] center- Roberta ur ,'i , n , ' "'i Carteret took free, and sjiiashud his way to the f"i 148 • 158 153 bridge Saturday, November 1. . the Rutgers University football_team $ quarterback; Greenberg and j. , twenty-one yard strip signing tor him, wrote 'Moliu Koskl" G. Lee uger lhMedwic ball ku n buckehe d the Woodbridge ty-five yatd mark. Woodbridge »•' by iiiiatake. The next duy lie wus Donnelly 198 168 163 The Barrons will bring their sea- at S'eilsun tield here at 2:30 o clock HoTton, halfbacks, and. GrosMnan, Medwick bucked the Woodbridge guards for two yards. A latera.«lc,ol, passMBM), |P«»«li*ed fifteen yards for holding n' 202 US 197 son tu a cluse on foreign battle tomorrow afternoon. Coach Harry J- fullback. two yard A ltl 1 1 lne fiuuul dead to the room from natural Naylor Szelag to Medwick, was successfully-}-"successful^ '! ' Ml moved back to the thn Kinhorn 167 182 178 i grounds. They will meet Railway at > Rockafeller has warned his charges Rutgers-has bet-n drilling hard all 1 CHUiieS. completed, but Medwick was dropped ty yard line. , Rahway on November 9, Port Rkh- that the visitors will furnish exce|i- vev^ an(j j expected. to uncover a 1 liU IOPK stuy (rum home cauied / «t>5 857 ni0 at ort varied atack in Saturday's contest. for a MX yard loss before he got uft- Dimock snatched one of Stilbm" Sb3t "d P Richmond November' tionally strung opposition, for the iillliig him lu the hotel, Peiary ..' 171 162 167 | in'the annual Thaiikb|«vinu classic ington eleven were at the hands of --e """ 'cgisvii u io me mir- Arthur Carlann kletitilled (lie clothing was tackled, but (fot free, "" ; Kraza 200 145 jun November 28. ' two of the strongest teams . in the New* of AH Woodbridge Town- !"n y"il;>,1.e:..^l*»-- ' „ l'lease mention this paper to »d- I.ampart 'average of .250 thus ftr in the sea- This year Catholic University is "even mo*t widely read paper but little Montague knocked it down Uimock by Stillmsn, failed to ma'1' 8 them 150 vert^era; it helps you. »t ''•IP i 80b 840 sun. WiKidbridge loit- tu Freehold, stronger as may be readily seen by in Woodbridge and prevented th« scare. Woodbridgi (Continued on n«*V!>*««• u UM0 1 it helps 'y° » ^ 881 WOODRRIDOE INDEPENDENT FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, lf»29 SECTION TWO P^OE SEVEN Fast Keasbey Nine Trims Fords 4 To 3; Leads Series

I oiilmui'il /coin frtfi'dinii pafir. Haberrnan Fans Eighteen Batters and Allows Only Three Hit* , As McGrawmen Take Lead In "Little World's Series". i.ili/i-. Kuddy bucked the Cartcrrt. Woodbridge High School Eleven Loses To Carteret 13-0 line for two yards. Stillman kicked i,, the Carterel. forty yard line, and With their pitcher, Habcrman, striking nut eighteen bat- Mcdwick, who recovered, Knllupcd am! yieldiiiR only three hits, the Keasbey Field Club broke liiick to the Wuodbridtfe forty yunl si lip before he WHS dropped. tie existing in the "Little World's Series" by defeating the I In her and Cnuehlin mnde six Field Club 1 to 3 at Keasbey Sunday afternoon before a ynrds through the Woodhridni' line, :md Mcdwick smeared his way crowd of approximately 900 ball fans. The series now favors Ihi-oiiRh the VVnudhriclge. tacklcrs for Hie Keasbeyites two to one. :i nine yiml run which brought the aherman twirled masterful Imllvia the three strike route. Imll to the Wnodbridftc twenty-five in inn the entire nine nining stretch, Narlesky, Joe Romer, Gloff, John yard line. A puss, Kzelnir to ('" yard line, and hnd not some of his field- son. Dallnn, Dunford and Hyson hit then threw n pass to Seeing wlm was errors meant, runs, mice each for the losers. Haberman (Iinpped on the seventeen yard strip. itber team scored in the first inn- is credited with having fanned eigh- Carter<-t lost tile hull on downs with mir. in fact, Hnberman held the teen hatters to three retired by the only fifteen seconds to play. Still Kurds club scoreless until the last losing hurler. Both twirlers walked m 11 n whipped out n pass which was half of the sixth frame. f intercepted by Medwiek on the Wood- four batters each. Kciisbcy drew first blood in the The series now favors Keasbey bridge twenty-five yard line a? the (ilolT led off with a single two games to one. The fourth game k'unie ended. FinnV score: Wood- Parsler sacrificed to ad- scheduled to be played Sunday af- bridge, 0; (Hrteret, Ki. The line him. Haherman poked out a ternoon. Box score: Woodbridie Carteret which brought the runner Keaibey F. C. AB. R. H. Schmidt Hart. imid the roars of the gleeful Narlesky, ss, 5 0 2 left end Keasbey rooters. Two runs were add- Joe Romer, If, 5 1 2 Saffron ("honficki I in the third inning after Nftrleaky, Jim Romer, rf, . 3 1 0 left tackle ho singled, was forced out at ate Gloff, 3b, 4 1 2 •\i|Ui!ln (ireen (md by Jim Romer. Jim Romer was John Parsler, 2b, 2 0 2 left jrunrd nicked with the ball, and Gloff teased Johnson, cf, 2 1 0 i>i^n Daniels Kcdderson for a free pass to first, Haberman, p, 4 0 2 center KeadinK from left t" right, (standing) : Mgr, Jensen, '3(1; Fullerton, ':)(}; Cacciola, '.'!1 ; Ditfn, ,'iil; Markus, ','],'!; Saffron, '32; Captain [layer, '30; londing the sacks. John Parsler whip- Joe Parsler, c, 4 0 0 f'arciola Carlisle A<|iiilla, M2; Campbell, 'Ml; Kosic, MO; Nelson, Ml; Coach Orinn Rice. ped a long fly to center field, and Burke, lb, 4 0 2 riKht guard (Sitting): Schmidt, Ml; Ruddy, Ml; Stillman, Ml; I.ockic, Ml; Cioe, '31 ;Mont«KUi>, '31; Oimo ck, MO; Sherman, Ml. ,Joe Romer beat the throw home. Jim Markus . . Chodosh Romer staged a daring double steal 38 4 12 right tackle from second to home, to bring in the Ford, F. C. AB. R. H. Fullerlon Poll The Victors; Francis McCarthy's Carteret Gridders third Keasbey tally. The winners tal- Hrehowski, 3b, 4 1 0 right end lied their closing run of the game in Dalina, c, 4 1 1 Stillmun Medwiek (('apt.) the sixth mainly through- -Fedderson' -- -s SaboSb , ss, . ... 3 0 0 ipuirterhack ! error. Johnson grounded into the box, Danford, 2b, 4 0 1 MonURin1 lluheri but the Fords pitcher tossed the bnll Milchick, If, 4 n 0 left halfback '• wild to first, allowing the runner to PerryP y,, lbb, .'. 2 o 0 llimock C CmiKhlinj get to spcocnd. Hnberman practicHl- Rtuniph, rf, o 0 I n«lit halfback ; won his own game by crashing' Smoyuk, e, 0 Haver (Capt.) Szelag louble which scored Johnson I'Vdderson, p, 0 0 fullback from second. Hyson, 3b, 0 1 Score by periods: Fords scored in the last half of the •'Jacobs n 0 Wniidbridge II i) (l o . . ii sixth frame. Dalina teased Haber- Carteret 1 ;1 n u n ., 1:( man for a free ticket to first, and 33 3 Siitnmiin : Womlbridjre -curing, was rewarded. Danford poked an ** Batted for Fedderson in the ninth. '.iiiielidown^. 'none. Kxtra point.-, liner to Narlesky who threw Score by innings: itune. Carteret -eorinir. touchdowns. nil in an atttynpt to nail Dal- Keasbey 012 001 000—4 Medwiik ami Hart. Extra points, ill. hnt Pursier fumbled, and Dalina Fords 000 0O1 200—3 Medwiek. •Ir.ip kick. Snbsti'tutii.n-: IIr home with the first run Summary: Two base hits, Haber- Woodhridpi' liinldy fur [layer, name for the Anthonymen. In man (2), Hyson.'Buses on balls, off Payer fur Markn-. Kn'-K fur Saffron. nth, the Fordites made a des- Haberman 4, off Kedderson 4. Struck Sail': nn for Caccmla. Ciiinpbell fur perate -tiih at tying the score, but nut, by Haberman 18, by Fedderson Kullei'oii, Sherman Ur ('uiiuhlin. Time allowed two runs to irman, and Jim Homer by Fedder- ••<( ((.laiti-r-. ten minute-. IMerre. •"-s I he plate, before Habermiin son. Umpires, Rasmussen, Jogan, ilbenlahn of Ohio State. I'mpirr, ghtcned up, and retired the side i Parsler. Strait.--- (,f N. V ( . ||.M,| linesman, Winkler of Mahleiibertf. Karen Homliolt, his wife, John Rus- his wife, are made parties defendant niu->en and Hanne Rasimissen, his because you are the owners as ten- wife, tn Saumel Perlmuter, dated ants in common with others of said •Iline liii, r.i'2S and registered in the lands. Harry Ford's Pin Clerk's Otlice of the County of Mid- Dated September '24, lit'J'.l. dlesex in Book r>(i!> of Mortgages for WILLIAM A. SPENCER, said County, on page IKS, on lands Solicitor of Complainant, Team Wins Twice in the Township of Woodbridge, Mid- 1 l:> Smith Street, dlesex County. New Jersey, and you, Perth Amboy, N. J. Lose Opener Of Evening To Otto Homhol't and Karen Bomholt, W. 1. 10-11, IK, 2.r>; 11-1, 8. Hogan's Bowlers, But Take Heading fi-'-m left lo right— t"p I'""1, istiiiidingi Managci- ilciijiimin Zusiuan, Louis Hrown. Han,Id Koe-ter, l-'red (,'oltnn, Raphael Crulza, William l'iiiiil-a. A nt hoiiy Michits. .lacoh K--ig. llobrrt Schwartz., Walter Clierepmnk, Coach Francis .\Jcl'arthy. Second And Third A» Lions S.-coiiil K..W - John Scbun, Joseph Haska, Timothy Donovan, 'XL!; Nicholas Dinytri, '31; Michael Ciko, ':i!l; Walter Messingvr, William Me- Cavort. , ziink. Walter l'nvilak. William Si don. Third p.w from top—Michael Poll, '.'(2; Harold Huher, ';tl; Mitchell Carlisle, ','ij; Henry (ireen, ':(0; Jacob Chodosh, 'M; Isaac Daniels, 'SO; Captain Jo-fpli Mcdwick, ':{<); Charles S/.elag. '.'!!; George Chomicki, 'HO; Kdward Coughlin, '32; Theodore K U-ban, '82; Leo Hart, ':!(). A li.iulintr crew led by Harry Vote For Silting forward, live assistant in anagcrs—Irving Zusman, Lawrence Kubel, Kdward Ulman, John Kichey ami Unwell Misdom. Km,I, living (he fla^r of the Wond- firi'lp- I.inn-, took two uut of three ( ikirnii.-hi'- from a team1 led hy HM-1 Retulli From Inhftrmony NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. One—Township Clerk. tan Line 100 feet north of the north- L'.-II) iti-o ut' the Lions, in the weekly Actual III 111': r 1111 iea> icsiih frniu OJOne—Justici e of PPeace for full erly line of Fifth street; thence east- Sealed proposals for the const ruc- erly and 100 n»rth of Fifth luiwlin^ ii;iltlc-i staged by the nfore- in 1-ni-iiiiiii.\. k;iu I ir. Mario tion of Port Reading Storm Sewer, term. mentioned l.iuns on the I 'raft-men's Wiiicliell Walker. M I >.. Sew Vork Seven —Trustees of Free School street crossing Grant avenue to the Woodbridge Township, Middlesex Lands, northerly line of Forda Terrace No. i lull alley- Mondiiy night. The I.ioii- ph\sic!ili ami |'-v |I,,;III;I|J >| On I he County, New Jersey, will be received iinallv gnt < 111\vn to business, and i 1; thenc© northerly along the same other tiaiii!. b;irineh> In man MIL'C Is by the Town-hip Committee, Wxiod- The. boundary lines and polling to an angle; thence easterly along a mlli'd smile fairly commendable, a eelMMft"!! "T lit'Mlillu riridgc, until :i:.'!U p. m., October 2H, •cure-, believe ir or not'. places of the various districts are as ', northerly line of Fords Terrace, No. JOSEPH L GILL K'211 at which time they will be pub- follows1 I 1,, to the center of Mary avenue; Ii; the fir-t game "f the evening.' Con(rei(ional Commitleei licly opened and re.itd in the Memor- thence northerly along the center of llnii-cn'- I'.'T set the puci'. Steve Slemlii rs of eoagre'H lire perinflteil ial Municipal ISuilding, Woodbridge, First,,.,..- Ward—Firs, ... t Districtistrict: Mary avenue, to a poin"10t 0 feet Wv'lil .mil Duff nearly vop|ili-d llan- to express a preference fur cnniiiili- New Jersey. All hat tract lying between the- nortn of .tf,* north<.rly line of Pitman Democratic SVII'- mail, with ii score of 1!>L'. tee assignments, but the committee on The work consists of approximate1 Pennsylvania Railroad (on the east) aven thence eagte;ly and 100 {eet Hurry Ford'* i-ulfii didn't -'ar' off committees has the limil decision as t" ly'421 lineal feet 2\)", vitrified sewer and the center line o! Amtoy avenue th f pit 1 crossing -•J well, tin- -con I'lHnring ihe llo- the membership >if (he^c eoumilttei'S. pipe; 277 lineal feet 18" vitrified (on the west); and 100 feet north of ar street, and continuing in the j Candidate For t;aniti". '.'TO to *:t;>- Hut Mr. Ford .-ener pipe; Ulffi lineal feet I.V vitri- Green street (on the north) and (on course to the boundary of the ground bi- teeth, -hook a big fist the south) a line drawn mid-way be- virst NOTICE lit-il sewer pipe; 10K lineal feet 12" tween New and Second streets, and in tin' fine- of his team members, , All persons concerned may take no- vitrified sewer pipe; S manholes; 7 Polling Place: Fords School. mill then proi'i-eilfd to enjoy him- catch baftins. projecting easterly to said, railroad: tice, that the Subscriber, administra- Polling Place: Fire House, Wood- I Second Ward—Fifth District: -e!f fur the iv-t uf I In- evening, by tor, etc., uf Howard M. Hancock, de- Plau and spccilicutioiis for the I Comnris'np both sides of Main COMMITTEEMAN bridge. taking the re-t of the games, li'Ai ceased, intends to exhibit his final Re- Disposed work, prepared by George ! street including central Fords and '.M ('li'ill. anil i'it;.'i to till 1. Scores: count to the Orphan's Court for the ii. .Merrill, Township 'Engineer, have First Ward—Second District: Lafayette Heights. All of the ward Third Ward Hsrry Ford's Pinners County of Middlesex, on Friday, the been filed in the otlice of said En- 1 Foul i him-elf) K'l is") 1IH ! fifteenth day of November, Iii2!*, at ginct'i . in the Municipal Building, Polling Place: Memorial Munici- Slillwell 12* 100 I'M) 10 a. ni., in the Term of September, Woodbridge Township, New Jersey, Wvld i:i:i 14K 1!I2 and may be inspected by prospective pal Building. Polling Place: New Fords School. 1!)2'J, for Settlement and allowance; First Ward—Third District: ! the same being first audited and sta- bidders during business hours. Second Ward—Sixth District: Cl-ey 13S HH 1 til i u,,| |,y ,n(, Surrogate. All that tract between the Penn- Comprising Iselin. All of the ward lleilVr 1:!l%> Dated October «, ti»29. north of the Port Reading Railroad, Vugel 1 -° | JAMES E. BKRRY. upon ap- and south of a northerly boundary plication to the Engineer. the west); and between a line (on line described as follows: For Continued Good Business Administration ' Administrator. the north) drawn mid-way between Beginning at the Raritan Township 1170 063 Plans i and specifications will be New and Second streets, and pro- Hof knit«i tj prospective bidders up- line mid-way between Oak Tree I'aul for Ity the Candidate jecting easterly to said railroad, and road and New Dover road, and llugan lit IK It 134 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. on payment of Ten (?10.00) Dollars, the Perth Amboy City line (on the 17 4 which amount will be refunded up- thence easterly along the northerly ILinlirnan 123 , Sealed proposals for the con- south). line of Blocks, 440, .441, 443, 447 Duff Hi I 10t> 110 struction of concrete, curb, gutter on return of plans and specifications before the time specified for the Polling Place: Memorial Munici- and 449 to Pennsylvania Railroad, llnjska 10S K7 ', | and sidewalk, Warwick street in pal Building. lf)U opening of bids. and crossing the same; thence south- Hiiiisen I'.iT 1 ,Sf) Iselin section. Woodbridge Town- First Ward—Fourth District: easterly along the northerly line of ship, Middlesex County, New Jersey, Hids must be made on the stand- All that part of the First Ward Block 428 to the center of Chain- will be received by the Township ard proposal forms in the manner south of Heard's Brook, and west of of-Hills road; thence easterly along •I7U ()f.;i 0-11 •ommittne, Woodbridge, until 3:3" designated therein and required by DRIES hard and,L . (fill III IV •< ^ | T* W\«\t*Ifc 114 J|^ k f fc* • ••*•• bait' ,t . q y th Amboy avenue. the same to the westerly line of i. m. Monday, October 28, i!)2«) I tlie specifications; must Block 387; thence southerly along *^*~~^^ smooth as glass Hearinbe encloseg thde Polling Place: No. II School. g t which time they will be publicly L"••"-• aU-d envelopes ^ the line of Block 387 to Block 395; Rosy for the Pest mime of proposed work on the out- First Ward—Fifth District! thence westerly and southerly along I opened and read in the Memorial side, addressed to the Township Com- All that part of the First Ward Block 395, and continuing the last j SAPOLIN ~ | Municipal Building, Woodbridge, New mittee, Woodbridge Township, New ying north of Heaid's Brook and course in a straight line to the Port 4 HOURS y Jersey, anil must be accompanied by west of the center line of Amboy Reading Railroaa. The blocks above SPEED ENAMEL The work consists of approximate- u certified check for a sum of 10 Or avenue, and also that part of the mentioned being those shown on the No disagreeable odor—no stickiness! • l.iilfc cu, yds. excavation; 3,383 E the amount bid without condition- First Ward lying west of the center Township Assessment Maps. ^FINISH l;neal feet curb and gutter; 13,81 'J 1 endorsement, provided said check line of Linden avenue, and north of . . . Will not crack or chip! . . . M|iuire feet of sidewalk. hall not be less than $5f>0.00, pay- a line drawn parallel with Green Polling Place: Uelin School. Spreads easily and quickly leaving a ['Inns ii nd specifications for the to the order of the Township street and 100 feet north of the Second Ward—Seventh District: northerly line thereof. Comprising Colonia and north to high gloss finish . . t.Jn 17 beautiful nropnsi'il work, prepared hy Georjfe reasurerr, and a Surety Cjompany K. Merrill, Township Engineer, have ertificate statin" that Surejy Com- Polling Place: High School. the County Line. All of the ward colors and Black and | been tiled in the' office of said En- lany will provide the bidder with the First Ward—Sixth District: north of the northerly boundary of •ineer. in the Municipiil Building, 'Ctjuired bond, and must be delivered All that tract between the Penn- District No. 6. Sold and Retommend4d by, WooilbridKi' Towimhip, New Jersey, it the place and before the hour sylvania Railroad ;>, 1U2U. Polling Place: Avenel School. which' amount will !»• refunded up- B. J. DUNIGAN, Second Ward—First District: Third Ward—Third Districts on return of plans und specifications Township Clerk. Comprising all of Keasby. All of Comprising Sewaren. before till' time specified for the VOTE FOR opening of I1'1' the Ward south of Lehigh Valley Polling Place: Sewaren School. Hids must b made on the stand- ELECTION NOTIC^ Kailro»d tracks. Third Ward—Fourth District] To lie-in wilts, l'urd'ie's uce—"Pest Notice is hereby given that the Including all the ward south of Welch- -8it»nw Hk«'l.v to have tl>a uril proposal forms in the njiinner Polling Place: Keaibey School. boards of registry and election for Second Ward—Second District Port Readme Railroad and west of lout! awail..'d llu *nt. The lutsk: designated therein and required by the Township of Woodbridge wil" Woodbridge Creek. 1 the specifications; "Hist b« eifclosed Comprising Hopelawn and Fraser Texim la <•<> "It'' '" . M. Lehigh Vulley Railroad tracks, east (Woodbridge). «t the gridiron CIIIIICH And yul (Standard Time) on Tuesday, Octo- of the center of Crows Mill road, and name of proposed work »" the out- ber If), 11>2S), for the purpose of B. J .DUNIGAN*, - P. JOSEPH DUNIGAN fim tal>i- It. thin he 1» 1" Bliape. ride addressed to the Township Com- south of the center of King George's Clerk of the Township of Wood- mittee, Woodbridge Township, New i-evising and correcting their regis- Post Road frojn said Crows Mill road ters. easterly to the boundary of the First bridge. Jersey, and must be uc com pan led by 10-1, 11, 25; 11-1. pleast mention this paper to ad- a certified check for a sum of 10% Also Ward. NOTICE vertisers; it helps you, it helps them of the amount bid. without condition- Notice is hereby given, thai * Polling Plaice: Hopelawn School. In CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY it helps your paper. — al endorsement, provided said check General Election will be held at the Second Ward—Third District! various polling ulaoea in the Town- TO ABSENT DEFENDANTS. FOR TOWNSHIP CLERK shall not be less than $5ul).00, pay- Comprising southern Fords. Al To Otto Bomholt and Karen Boni- NOTICE TO CREDITORS able to the order of the lownslup ship of Woodbridge, Middlesex Coun- that traet lying north of the Lehigh ALEXANDER SABO, executor of ty New Jersey, between the hours holt: Treasurer, and a Surety Company Valley* Railroad tracks west of Crows Hy virtue of an order of the Court JAN VI/UOS, dl-eeascd, by direction certificate stating that Surety Com of 6 a. m. to 7 p. m. (Standard Tune) Mill road, and south of King George's of the Surrogate of the County of pany will provide the bidder with thi on Tuesday, November 5, 1929, lor df Chancery of New Jersey, made on Post road. the day of the date hereof, in a cajise Middlesex, hereby k?ive» notice to the required bond, and must be delivered the purpose of electing: Polling Place: Smith & Oster- creditora of the «uid Jan VIKIUS to at the place and before the hoy One—Member of State Senate. wherein Samuel Perlmuter is copi- Three—Members of General As- gnard's Oarage, Ford*. pluinunt, and Otto Bomholt and Ka- Courteous, Capable, Conscientious bring in their debtb, deniunda and above mentioned. Second Ward—Fourth District! cluims aguinst the estate" of the said The Township Committee reserve •eiwbly. Comprising central Fords. All that ren Bomholt, his wife, and others are deceased, under oath or affirmation, the right to reject any or al! bida i One—Sheriff. tract lying north of King Gerge'i defendants, you are required to up- within six month* from this date or deemed to thi beat interest of th One—County Clerk. Post road, lying between the Raritan peur and answer the bill of said com- they will be forever barred of any ac- Township so to do. Two—Coroners. Township line and the boundary of plaint, on or before the 25th day of Dated, October 17, lt$«. Three-rMembers of the Boaid of p y November, next, or the said bill will 11 Paid for by the Candidate tion therefor agaiiiBt th« said execu- Chosen Freeholder*. the FirFirsJrsJJ ii WWanll i and llyini g soututh of a tor. Advertised Octobor 18, 1U2U an. th be taken as confessed against you. ^ittein northerlrly boundary described «> fol- The said bill U filed- to foreclose.! Dated geptamber 25, Jj»29. < the WOODRRTDGE INDEPENDENT PAGE EIGHT SECTION TWO KKIP

Japanese Tootle Their I lotn and Sliuul "Hi, Hi" [

"Mlnli-i r,f Mi.. lt>i:nl nnil Hint* In :

fflultiriMs" In 'I *iU> fr, ,!ii[>iii)( on- |wi:n frt! Hi Tim<\ Id*' Neuvjiuicjizin*', ;i- f(ll

'*'. Al the rife of (tin hni,>l "f P" j jMmen, stop rnjiiilly. I><> i>"t I'ifs or I HitfTwise disresp«M-t him. ~— When pnssenger .if (he foot hove OUT * s Kl'Ul °f rooutli k» warning. 'Hi! Hi' v-v--r-/ -X HewIIre "f the «;ui'lerinR horse Sit hi* sluii: lint l;ik(; fright. Go j

*VJ( ni:ikes sport in tlii> rnndwajr, f l». NEW TOtK iif.ul eiilnnj:!>'iiieni •'( the dug with \ TIMES Mwt ftr*t M Ww pvbtic r«n- wheel "I'oki's. Ant titvd* »hx> o' >•>• ".. Co (sinitlifnclv on the crease-mud ' i« ilierc lurk* il.e skid (K'liion. I'rw.- Reporter Upsets, :'* t>r:ike nf ti,e f.'*i! IIS TIHJ roll round i :•• iiin,iT> to ram the collitpse and i

Troublesome Automobile Clincher Rims Remedied Guarded Plans An jiiiti'iiii't'fli1 diii'-hpr rim becomes , initf- tr.'iiWi'^inic when the rim get* j bM ilmvn in a few places so the tire j for mor* than e ^•a^ a jmoll o'my of drartsrrfn. e^ineerj and erectors at Boyway, near Eliiaberh, *»&'! nil! not slip under It properly, i M. J, wcrkfd c"i the construction of a unit different ftom any they had ever seen in an oil plant before. itiii if f"iri;tMl ilmvn ennui:ti to catch ] it; suilili'niv slip out when the car is the jcb l^oon to ossume shape, the men who handle the marketing of Standard Oil Company

-JL of Hew Je-w> p-ccve's were I?' in on the secret an0 told to prepare for the wideipreod diilribution of O r>«w-procei<.ed and superior gasoline, on Oc'ot>er l~th. wot ro be ker» sec-et till then! The advertising peo;!e were instructed to get ready for o public announcement around October 17Hi. Everything wos quiet os a churchyard. Batches o( the tjotoline were secretly run, sent out on the road for thorough tes' 'a. Local r="3gers we'e tipoed c** to eipect — at the opening of the fall season— *omethhg rod'.ca'S/ different in the way of o high-»es', quick-storting gasoline. Th«n out of a clear »ky came publicotion of o s>o-v n the NEW YORK TIMES of September 4th telling Straightening a Clincher Rim. of th« firing of the new units. The secret was out. Si rapid motlun ami cause an acd- •Kit. But It's Still News The sketch slii.w-s a simple method *T remedying tJii — trmihle by the use The TIMES reporter says that the "process produce* tt an ordinary oin.'ii cml wrench end a on improved grade of fuel. »«rt piece of pipe t«» ."lip over it to I*t greater Icveru^e. That is a conservative statement by a conservative newspaper. The new-processed gasoline, however, Plan Overhead Roads in is not "improved" in one or two qualities, tt is, in fact, Paris for Automobiles a "bolonced" high-test gasoline made by the latei* Plans have bci-ii |ii:iml hefurc the and best methods. It is called the new-processed r-emh Mlnl'-tiTcs of liiieriyr and "Standard" Gasoline and sells at no odvance in price. Tninsporimli'ti of n prnj'"t linking firis liy iin 'iM-rlniuJ iiiiii'itu'l'ik' rnud *itti Nice, .Miir-i-ilh.s, nVnilmKP, Bnr This Is A Balanced Fuel x, Brest, I.wins ntnl Onevn. Ac- There has been so much ballyhoo about low knock to the s-i-licnif, the muds «» (expenditure, It was suggested, 1 r/atA he covi-reil liy thft lniimrtutlon less a low l^ock r- —,. They ccn buy yet another ir x' mabirAils friitn (lernmny under the gasoli-e which has rr.cre mileage — if the car can !*t>aration plan and the upkeep could get under way Cn i'.l *« more than met if motorists paid » «l«vciul tax of 100 francs a year. We b~'bve rSat tie automobile owner prefers not to ferr.go three or f j>Lr essential qualities in order to get any one point of superiority. He wants the t AUTOMOBILE NOTEs! best gasoline for the use to which it is to be put — which is to operate his car, quietly, efficiently, and * economically, h c'her words, a 'balanced' gasoline. There was nnlliine renlly similar to il« rumble seat in the olden times. That is tSe ideal a'med at in making the new- ™itss possil-ly it "us diniMng over processed Standard. It hos a low initial point to give quitker starting, it is a high-test gasoline — and this means faster ac- A traflic cup SiriL'iipore, Straits Mtleinents, pu strings to ofierate celeration. ' tw Mop inn! ^ -i^nuls attuclied to It hos oil the added power that can be packed into to eliouldvrs. q gasoline properly balanced for other qualities.^najr; is womlerful. We heard , It has a lower knock rating than you have been I fellow f»\ : "'lln: trallii; ollieer Clinic getting before. afltr me to t'.vi; mi; a tup, but 1 gave \im the slip." The new-processed "Standard" Gasoltne is on sale today at all red pumps carrying the "Standard" bar No one good quality is Our rocolleetioii toes back to the and circle. It is fully guaranteed. No advance in ii& horse-and bugj;} iJ;iv.<, wlieu there sacrificed al the exp«ntt price. See for yourself how if increases a motor's •»isn't more tliuu one Dead Man's of another. The new-procaued GIANT SEPARATORS thai wring from highly compressed heavy oil vapotj lrt« very purejl of high fell ••rte per state. "Standard" hai them oil in "equal power. * . * boiance"-and in uniform meaiura dayafter day. gasoline stock*. So terrifically hot are the vapors that they must be run through enormous woler cooled Kinety cities in California, Includ- tanks as they pass from the compression chambers to the vast pipe line systems of (he "Stqndard" refinery. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY i'h^ Kan Frunvisco and Los Angeles, itst adopted a standard code for fctflie regulution^.

Affording to George A. Parker, reg- *«rar of motor vehicle In Mussachu- «Kts, a motorist, Outlier than improv- ht, begins to lose his ability to oper- ate tn automobile after ten years of GASOLINE frriing. STANDARD' B» not drive R new car, too fast k the lower geap. This will' ruin the Be systematic when hunting trouble about the enr^ Tikis la about Ar «oly way to detemjilue quickly NEW-PROCESSED HIGH-TEST

I AUTOMOBILE HINTS RABIN0W1TZ HARDWARE ***** **# *** **##**#*#**-*** * "If It's Hardware, We Have It!" There are 6,582,000 miles of Ulgb- HOLOHAN BROS. Full Line of ray In the world. GARAGE

Die of an automobile HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES 'k »« apt! three-fourths years. Dunlop Tires and Tube* •I . , . HOUSE FURNISHINGS Tire and Tube Repairing Have,the radiator contents checked p % 553-555 Roosevelt Avenue CARTERET, N. J. A tvery stop for gas on tbe touring Full Une of Auto Accessories lrtp. The coollftg Job la exceptionally I: : Tel. Carteret 312 and 1018 Cor. Amboy An. and Second St. WOODBRIDGE

It takes about 1,500 nuts to hold an Window S lades MtompbUe togettier, but It only takes Mie to scatter it ull over the land mi>e. Made to measure with side • • • THE NEW SAVINGS PLANS OFFERED BY Aside from the nation's highway. hems at no greater cost than Hit, a total of $">00,OW>,000 ts spent for street construction and THE PERTH AMBOY ready made shades * NATIONAL BANK ' A bus 12"> feet long Is being built Paulus Dairy CURTAINS and DRAPES to • European factory Instead of ID Main Office: 189 195 New St., New Brunswick, N. J. 102 Smith Street, Opposite King St., Perth Amboy, N. J. Controlled sod Superrii»d by Ibixle Island iu which case it would Phone 2400 » Established 1890 Made to Order tare been an interstute propoaltloa tbe start. The United States Government VACATION AND TRAVEL CLUB AULUS' Depmit.: 50 emit or mo,., p.y.Ue w*ekly. Tol.l amount tu b. A phone call or a post card 'OSITIVELY withdrawn «t any lime after lit month* ERFECTLV TAX PAYMENT CLUB and a representative will DROPHEAD USE MILK Q0 „ „„., p»yabie wtMy ToU] smount w> SEWING MACHINES ASTEURIZED withdrawn at any lima after iix month* . call. Singer, New Home, Domestic P 2% Intend Allowed in both Club, on 11.00 or more -<» ...- Beginning Monday, September 2, 1829 Wheeler & Wilson, Davis Walker-Gordon Certified Milk 4% INTEREST CREDITED ON SPECIAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Wendmere Farms\Raw Golden Guernsey Milk No additional charge for ' Th«y «ro all in Bank open Saturday Evening, (ton 7i00 to 8:00 P. M Suydam'a and RutgeVs Special Raw Tuberculin • Offer, E,.ry Baking Facility. Managed by OBc. .nd Director. FINE CONDITION who are w.ll known L«al Men of Higheat Standing , hanging them! M»ny Look lib* New Tested Milk tn tbe Community. „ „ Oficer. and Director.; Price $5 and Up DISTRIBUTION COVERS Harry Canard, President Ch»g. M. Peterson. Vice-Prwideat New Bruitiwick, Highland Park, South, River, Sayreville, Irs R. Crouse, Vice-Pre»Went Miles W. Beemer, Cashier UPHOLSTERY SHOP Director.) 7 Washington Av«nu« Parlin, Syouth Araboy, Perth Amboy, Woodbridge Carteret, Ford* and Metiichen, N. J. Harry Conard Thus. L. Hanson Auirust Staudt Elizabeth, N. J. K«lZ«n ^a8.M Peterson ffl^ Van Sycfte 154 Smith St. Perth Amboy Goldman Sam Polkon/lu W. Guy Weaver Phone 1020