Security Wraps Democrat Debut
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■' : ■ .. I Voting Light The Weather Variable cloudiness tonight In Holton with scattered showers and thunderstorms likely. "Partly Page 13 sunny and warm Tuesday. ly>ws Manchester— A City of Village Charm tonight 60s, high tomrorrow 80s. ( VOL. XCI, NO. 288 (TWBNTY“f OUR PAGES-^TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 10, 1972 (Classified Advertising on Page 20) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS mm * -rrs :;; , ^ v« *“ ■ H dfc«ss wssmryrm sw •• v«<* •*' • ' <• m * Security Wraps Democrat Debut Delegate Schedule McGovern MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Here Is the schedule for the Democratic National Con Business vention, all times E D T: ‘Sure’ O f ?! MONDAY 7 :30 p.m.—Opening ceremo nies for the first session. First 7:55 p.m.—Welcoming in Victory troductions by Sen. Lawton M. MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Chiles and Rep. Claude D. MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Democrats wade into a logjam Pepper, both of Florida, and Battling Democrats are pre of credentials scraps tonight at Miami Beach Mayor Chuck paring to launch their 1972 their national convention amid Hall. nominating convention under Indications compromises may 8:15 p.m.—Welcoming ad strict security tonight with Sen. saw through roadblocks In dress by Lawrence F. O’Brien, George McGovern’s hopes for a smaller states but not in the chairman of the Democratic firstballot presidential nomi- red-hot California battle. Natlonal Committee. nation riding on the bitter Cali The unprecedented con 8:45 p.m.—Report of the Cre fornia credentials showdown. vention consideration of 23 dentials Committee. Bolstered by two favorable challenges to. delegates in 16 parliamentary rulings and In states marks the final stage of dications of support from dele a reform struggle within the gates uncommitted In the presi party that requires participa dential race Itself, McGovern appearance with two other candidates on NBC’s “ Meet 'Phe Press” tion of more women, youths Their differences are momentarily sidetracked as the three lead said he expects to win his fight program. Left to right: Sens. George F. McGovern, Hubert H. and minorities. ing contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination join in a Ellsberg, for reinstatement of 151 Califor It appears the boggUng vol triple handclasp in Miami Beach Sunday at the start of an Humphrey, Edmund S. Muskie. (AP photo) nia votes that were stripped by ume of credentials fights— his political rivals on the Cre which some said would last dentials Committee. more than a full day If settled Russo Go That could lift him to within on the floor—might be reduced 60 votes of a first-ballot by compromises in advance of South Windsor triumph Wednesday night, ac Rittenband Pledges IRA Breaks Off the convention’s opening bell. cording to The Associated But the night’s biggest con Frishees Fly On Trial Press tally of delegrate frontation is expected on the Toward Record challenge to California’s win- LOS ANGELES (AP) — Un- And such a decision Vigorous Campaign Truce in Ulster n e r-t a k e-all-prlmary rules usual ground rules govern jury **^*s:ht set off a rush by uncom- where both Sens. George selection as Daniel Ellsberg "**tted delegates to get on what By SOL OOHBN At noon today The South BELFAST (AP)—^The Irish Republican Army’s Pro McGovern and Hubert H. and Anthony Russo go on trial ^^6** would look like a winning (Herald Beporter) Windsor Frlsbee IntemaUonal tournament began Its 109th- visional wing broke o ff its cease-fire Sunday night Humphrey said they are not In today In the Pentagon Papers bandwagon. Pledging to conduct a vigorous campaign in all 13 hour Of consecuUve "Frlsbee after 13 days and renewed its guerrilla campaign. At a compromising mood. ca se. Backers of Sen. Hubert H. towns of the district and warning incumbent Democrat U.S. District Court Judge Wll- Humphrey of Minnesota, lead- Tossing" and the youths partici least six persons were killed, and Northern Ireland tee McGovern won the 271 Cali llam M. Byrne Jr. has barred “ B:ht to maintain the William Cotter, “Your do-nothing record in Congress pating are receiving town and tered on the brink of civil war. fornia delegates in the primary will be the issue of the campaign,” Atty. Richard M. statewide recogniUon. The Provisionals charge that -------------------------------------------------- attorneys from questioning po- Credentials Committee decision but the Credentials Committee that divided the 151 California Rittenband of South Windsor warmly thanked the First They have appeared on Tele British troops junked the cease- year alone, 206 have perished, la,ter decided they should be al tentlal jurors and says he will vision news and will again fire by attacking Roman Catho- The truce was shattered ask all questions himself— votes among McGovern’s rivals District GOP. convention Saturday for giving him the located on the basis of popular In the state’s June 6 primary, be filmed Wednesday by Chan Ucs In Belfast’s Lenadoon dis- when a coldmn of 2,000 Catho- votes, paring the South Dakota drawing from lists of queries Republican nomination for Congress on the first ballot. submitted by attorneys for both "'ere a bit more cautious In dls- Rittenband, whose, home ----------------------------------- ^------------- nel S and SO. trlct. William WlUtelaw, the ues marched on the Lenandoon senator’s total to 120. The other So far the youths have col Brltl^ administrator for North- housing project in Belfast to defense and prosecution. cussing the floor fight that will in South WtadsBT is at 98 Scott „,an who nominated YelUn. De- 150 are split among the other highlight tonight’s possibly Dr., entered the conventlan jiverlng a light, humorous, lected 815 for the Cancer Fund em Ireland, charged that the force resettlement there of 16 Democratic presidential con The defendants, Ellsberg, 41, and have not been overlooked IRA “set up” the incident “to catholic families bombed out of and Russo, 35, charged In con marathon session. ^ favorite over four oUier can- i^ugh - provoking, tounge- In - tenders—most of them going to "I think the chances are fair dUates. Needing TO votes to win speech In Uie WiU Rogers by friends, relatives or the provide justification for re- their homes in a Protestant Humi^rey, who Is leading the nection with the leak of top se Town o f South Windsor. Mi sumption o t terrorist activity.” area. cret documents to news media, to good we will be seated,” said on the flrgt ballot, he had 80 on tradition, WlUlam Parmer drew fight to uphold the Credentials state Sen, Mervyn-Dymally of the first oount, and so after all standing ovattau-Hefroceived chael Freeijmah, one of the He - said the troops were Atod Squads of the militant Ulster Committee declslm.. have protested the judge’s decl- M f t t n h n w tfeVAiM w a a s t A o M r l >.'*1 I'l?' ■^iii I Msbijpiiwllislll tiiKt Saturday <xA first, Witn6flS68 Qtc j^efensc As ciatl<Mi and othai* BloM. They claim it will limit at- ^ A ^ les, a .Humphrey lead- ewttohes were made and the fl' another one vdien he rose to 80 .•f. M atty p tS iy i ^ d e n o a r * bit night the llghte did not go on claim. , — " Protestants Mocked the march- tor n e y s from thoroughly er. • nal vote announced. switch his vote to F ay. ter floor fight over California Hie final vote gave Deputy In the parking tot and the ten -Bean MacStloAan, chief .of ers and two trucks loaded with screening potential jurors In Edmund 8. Muskie, Farmer, a Hartford black, might splinter the party and cjjurt. meanvirhlle, pondered his poten- ilayor Arthilr Pay d West nis courts of the high school steiff o f the Provisionals, or- the furniture of the displaced was one of only two blacks hand President Nixon another The judge has indicated he decisive course on the Hartford 67 votes, Atty. Mark where the tournament is taking dered his gunmen bock to their families. When troops moved among the 1ST delegates in four years in office. made the decision, an optlmi of California credentials case, YeUln o f West place. He said as soon as the bullet-and-bomb campaign with in, the Catholics rained rocks, Hartford Whltlng Lane School, West Sen. Edmund S. Muskie of saw the division 8, Jonathan Dugan police were noUfled that the "utmost ferocity” to oust the bottles. Iron bars and gasoline federal judges, in an effort to Some aides -- of Hart- Hartford. lack of lighting would prevent Maine, himself a contender for of the delegatiCHi as the only ford 2, and Donald LeCroix of Dobkin was named a mem- BrlUEdi army. bombs on them. Nine soldiers avoid lengthy questioning on the tournament from conUnu- the nomination, could bethe possible way to revive his Hartford none. On the first ),er of the vacancy committee, lATthin 16 minutes, firing and half a dozen civlUans were subjects he considered irrele Ing, Police Officer Thomas broke out all over Belfast. Gun injure^. key to settling the question. faded nomination hopes, while count and i»1or to switches, sunor Hasblm of Manchester vant to the case. Hart contacted the school mals- Ohio Gov. John J. GlUigan and a number of his backers were Pay had 88, and Yellin had 15, was named an assistant to con- battles raged In the CathoUc The soldiers fired rubber bul- TTie defense had hinted it tenance department. The lights Ballymuiphy, Ardoyne and An- lets, tear gas and water cannon Muskle’s campaign manager. reported leaning to support of Dugan had IT, and LaCrolx had vention secretary Mrs. Fannie would pursue In-depth question went on and the youths have dersonstown sectors and the at the rioters, then charged Sen.