Annual Council Meeting 2014

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Annual Council Meeting 2014 1 HORWICH TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Annual Meeting of Horwich Town Council held in the Council Chamber, Public Hall on Thursday, 15 May 2014, commencing at 7.30 pm. PRESENT: Councillors: R. Silvester, Town Mayor (in the Chair), K. Denton, K. Helsby, J. Kellett, L. McCartin, K. McKeon, A. Morley, K. Ramamurthy, C. Root, J. Silvester and K. Thomson Town Clerk, C. Hutchinson. Admin Support Officer Mrs H. Fairclough Mayor and Mayoress of Bolton Town Mayor and Consort of Blackrod Town Mayor and Mayoress of Westhoughton Town Mayor and Mayoress of Adlington The Mayor’s Clergy Reverend S. Fletcher Approximately 30 invited guests. 1 members of the press. TO APPOINT THE TOWN MAYOR FOR 2014/2015: AM 183 In moving Councillor Richard Silvester as Town Mayor for 2014/2015 Councillor Morley spoke about having known Councillor Silvester for 20 years, having met as members of Rotaract, a charitable fund raising organisation, on which Councillor Silvester served as Vice President in 1994-1995 and President in 1995- 1996. Councillor Silvester’s interest in local organisations and local politics lead to his election to Bolton Council in 2004 representing Smithills Ward until 2010. In 2011 he was elected to serve as Councillor for Horwich North East Ward and re-elected in 2012 and was then co- opted to serve on Horwich Town Council in 2013, representing Lever Park Ward. Councillor Silvester enjoys representing Horwich and has been involved with various residents’ organisations who managed to achieve ‘village green status’ for Cedar Avenue playing fields in 2013, preventing future housing development from taking place. Councillor Silvester interest in world travel has involved visits to many countries including South Korea, Iceland, an epic car journey in Italy and a visit planned to the USA later in the year. Councillor Silvester would make an excellent young Town Mayor and do his upmost to promote Horwich and its residents. In seconding the motion, Councillor J. Silvester spoke of Councillor Silvester interest in politics which began when he was at university in Wales and his interest in the countryside. She was extremely proud of him and his hard work and the contribution he has made to both Horwich Town Council and Bolton Council and that he would raise a lot of money for local charities during his year of office. 2 It was unanimously resolved to appoint Councillor R. Silvester as Town Mayor for 2014/2015. UNDERTAKING BY THE TOWN MAYOR TO OBSERVE THE CODE OF CONDUCT THAT IS EXPECTED OF MEMBERS OF THE HORWICH TOWN COUNCIL AM 184 Councillor R. SIlvester signed the declaration that was then witnessed by the Town Clerk. CHAIRPERSON TO OUTLINE THE EVACUATION PROCEDURE IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE: AM 185 Councillor Silvester referred to the copies of the instructions for fire evacuation procedure including the requirement for visitors to sign the attendance register if they had not already done so. OPENING PRAYERS CONDUCTED BY REVEREND STEPHEN FLETCHER AM 186 Opening prayers were offered by Reverend Stephen Fletcher APPOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE AM 187 Apologies for absence were accepted from Councillors L. and S. Rock due to work commitments. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: AM 188 None. TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL HELD ON 16 MAY 2013: AM 189 Resolved unanimously to approve the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Town Council held on 16 May 2013. TO APPROVE THE ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2014/2015: AM 190 Copies had been circulated to all Members. Resolved unanimously to approve the Annual Report for the year 2013/2014. PRESENTATIONS TO RETIRING TOWN MAYOR AND MAYORESS AM 191 The Town Mayor presented the Retiring Town Mayor with an engraved medallion and the Retiring Town Mayoress with an engraved pendant. The Retiring Town Mayor thanked everybody who had supported her during her year in office, including 3 neighbouring Mayoralty, the Town Clerk and Town Council staff. Councillor McKeon, as Leader of Horwich Town Council paid tribute to the work done by Councillor Root during her year as Town Mayor, bringing a lustre to the title, showing a great example of public service and establishing a great tradition to be continued. On behalf of the Town Council, Councillor McKeon thanked both the Retiring Town Mayor and Town Mayoress, Patricia Holmes and congratulated Councillor R. Silvester on his appointment as Town Mayor of Horwich. APPOINTMENT OF TOWN MAYORESS FOR 2014/2015. AM 192 Councillor Morley proposed that Alison Brookes be appointed Town Mayoress for 2014 - 2015. Alison was brought up in Horwich and still lived there, she has a keen interest in golfing and walking and works in the Leader and Mayor’s Office at Manchester Town Hall. She will support the Town Mayor throughout his year in office, having an understanding of the role of Mayoralty and local government. In seconding the motion, Councillor McKeon felt certain that Alison would enjoy an excellent year as Town Mayoress whilst fully supporting the Town Mayor. The Town Mayor was pleased to appoint Alison Brookes as Town Mayoress for 2014-2015. TOWN MAYOR’S REMARKS AM 193 Councillor R. Silvester thanked both Councillor Morley and Councillor J. Silvester for proposing and seconding his appointment and colleagues for appointing him. On behalf of the Town Council he thanked both Councillor Root in her role as Town Mayor over the past year and also the Retiring Town Mayoress Patricia for her support, both working hard to represent the town, supporting local groups week in and week out and paid tribute to everything that they had done and been involved in. A welcome was extended to the two Freemen of Horwich, who had done and continue to do so much for Horwich, former Councillors Bob and Barbara Ronson, along with the M.P. for Bolton West Julie Hilling, the leadership of Bolton Council and the Chief Fire Officer for Horwich. The Town Mayor was looking forward to his year of office, continuing the work of promoting Horwich and supporting local charities, societies, faith groups and churches, residents’ 4 associations and organisations including the Carnival Committee, Horwich Festival of Racing, Horwich Heritage and Fair Trade. As Horwich Carnival is now the only one taking place in the Bolton Borough, it is important to support this and other events which put Horwich on the map. Horwich is a town with a rich heritage and has some of the most beautiful countryside in Lancashire. 2014 will see commemorations for the centenary of the First World War and the Town Mayor will be involved in these, including joining the Mayor of Fylde in Lytham St Annes on 6 August for the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Lytham ‘E’ Company T.A. unit of the Royal Lancashire Regiment’s departure for the battle of Festerbert where they joined with the Horwich ‘F’ company who were based in the building which is now Horwich Resource Centre. The Town Mayor will travel to the United States later in the year and visit San Antonio in Texas where he will visit a housing suburb where there is a street named Horwich, which he will visit and present the occupants of each of 14 properties with a Horwich town guide. The Town Mayor also hopes to re-establish the twinning agreement with Crowborough in East Sussex on its 25th anniversary in March 2015. The Town Council has purchased a new town flag bearing the official coat of arms and will be flown outside the Public Hall.The Mayoral diary is already filling up with invitations and as well as supporting local Horwich charities, the Town Mayor also hopes to help Bolton Mountain Rescue Team. The Town Mayor thanked Alison for agreeing to be Town Mayoress who is also equally looking forward to the forthcoming year. It was hoped that all present would join the Town Mayor and Mayoress, along with other invited guests for the reception at Il Toro immediately after the meeting. An invitation was also extended to attend Civic Sunday on 1st June at Holy Trinity Church commencing at 10.30am for a special service. Finally the Town Mayor thanked the Town Council staff, in particular the Town Clerk Carol Hutchinson for her hard work supporting the Mayor and the Members of the Town Council. The Town Mayor then presented flower bouquets to the Town Mayoress, the retiring Town Mayor and Mayoress and the Town Clerk. APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY TOWN MAYOR FOR 2014/2015: AM 194 Moved by Councillor Kellett Seconded by Councillor Helsby and 5 Resolved unanimously to appoint Councillor Julia Silvester as Deputy Town Mayor for 2014/2015. UNDERTAKING BY DEPUTY TOWN MAYOR TO OBSERVE THE CODE OF CONDUCT THAT IS EXPECTED OF MEMBERS OF HORWICH TOWN COUNCIL: AM 195 Councillor J. Silvester signed the declaration that was then witnessed by the Town Clerk. TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE TOWN COUNCIL’S STANDING ORDERS AND FINANCIAL REGULATIONS: AM 196 Resolved unanimously to approve and adopt the Town Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. TO APPOINT THE FOLLOWING STANDING COMMITTEES ON WHICH ALL MEMBERS WILL SERVE: AM 197 a. Finance and General Purposes Committee b. Planning Committee Resolved unanimously to appoint all Members to serve on the Finance and General Purposes Committee and Planning Committee TO AGREE TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO SERVE ON ADVISORY BODIES, OUTSIDE BODIES AND SUB COMMITTEES AT THE MEETING OF THE FINANCE AND GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE ON 9 JUNE, 2014: AM 198 Resolved unanimously to agree to appoint Members to serve on these Sub Committees at the meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee to be held on 9 June, 2014.
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