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Island Times, May 2011

Kevin Attra

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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Island Times Newspaper, 2002-2013 at Portland Public Library Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Island Times Newspaper, 2011 by an authorized administrator of Portland Public Library Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SLAND IMES FREE MAY2011 A community newspaper covering the islands ofCasco Bay INSIDE


Electronic Ticketiru!:atCBITD Titkets will beba rtodtd f or stunning as passmgm board, and cl arr automated tel/tr is e.tpected to be E installed this 111011th. 2i PageJ -~ J..___ _..11 Early S ]?1'ill~ Edition Peaks resident Vinnie Demos took , his great picture near Woodlanding Cove on Peaks Islanil ADayatthePost in t.ht wake ofa big_storm on April 17. She is a member of the Peaks Environmental Action Team, which is sponsoring an island tree Office picture contest for PeaksFest. Send a photo, drawing or paintin,ofyo ur favorite island tree to 25 Cresunt Avenue, Pew Island, ME Featurestditor R Wirrgfteld 04108, Multiple entries will be accepted, any siu. The winning image will be published here on the front page oft he Island Times. AU entries will be displayed in a show at the MacVane Community Center duringPeaksFest. talks with postal clerk Cathy Mosley, w"bose real title is too long to write here. Page12 Aspate of thefts and vandalism on Peaks 1\1Jril nunpage includes a Cafe b11rglary and S<.'V<.'Us tolen or ·wreck<.'11 vehicl<.'s The Fire of1957 BYKEVINATT'RA everything's a day old today." Fifth Jv!aine curator Kim This tS the latest of several crime I 1vfadsaac remcmben the largest The s afe and t rus ti ng sprees o n the island targeting •,&' J,'2-i --- fire on Peaks Island, as an eye­ atmosphere of island hfc may unlocked vehicles with keys ldt wiJne.ss. evaporate on Peaks Island in in the ignition. Last summer the Page15 the wake of a series of wildmg ice cream shop D ownfront was ep isodes by persons as )"Ct hurglarized along with a series unknown. of vehicle break ins and golf cart Jktwecn .\londa)' night, April thefts. 4 and the following Tuesday Last July t:he Peaks Island police IntheArts morning~ ,-x ,·chicles n ngmg force was cut fo ha1f, which was from automobiles to golf carts p rotested by rhc Peaks Island were either vandalized or stolen Council and the community on the JKids Review Andy and dam:,ged. grounds that it would compromise Warhol Around 4:00 a.m. that public

to ou.r community because we pay Peaks !;land Children's Workshop BYKEVlNATTRA use for p o1rking and u anspontion Love ofPeaks p.5 needs of the tsboders. 1t was such a high price to live here,•· she for scholarships for five children ~a,d. At one point n appeared she whose families rely on it co afford PIES p.5 Island C•••til mttling J',,,sdqJ April originally S50,000 bul is now at $30,000. The PIC plans to ask fo r was .actually going to £ihbust~r day care ~ rvices. 26 al lht 1#11 q11 Pt11ks 11/a.nd; tflJ11ttikm p.6 $40,000 thtS ye.ar. The requesit must chc motion, but ultin1ately it was In appealing to tht: couociJ fo r Letters t1/lt1tdi111,: J;.ri, Eatolt, Sroll K1J/ry1 be appro,.~ed, uoammous.ly. the gram. interim Director Lori &. Mrha,;g, &111 f:'qsf,r o.J Hratber submitted by June 31. Since the Lhc colal amount is Freid Moses said the actual cost YOGA p. 7 Tbol?lp,M; Jix in tlx amlmttt. "'Es.'ientially {annual passcsl arc not a good deal;' saic~ Foster. «Jf limited to $25,000, the discounts arc was S9,238 for 50 weeks of 5ecvice The Puzzle expccced to he given on a fi~t come (the number of weeks me PIC\\"" p.8 At its regular meeuog on April you buy them with a credit c~nd. the first ~rve basis, with prioriL)' given open) but added, "This does not 26 the Peaks Island Council elected interest costs will cat up any sa"ings Brio p.8 to eXJsting aonu.2 I pass holders. include adding any new children to swach focus from providing you would get. (Casco Bay I.inesJ Ano1her $2,500 was allocated and do<:s not iodudc anr ,c.hool age p.9 token discounts fo r .a.II islanders to makes you P'">' as much as they C11n." Star Gazing The to co,•er uansponation costs for children, for whic;: h we know there gh·i.ng meamngfuJ discounts w the recommended :.i1location children am:nding summer camps is a s1gnificar\t need." JClub p.10 heaviest u~rs of the tran~t system: would provide a discoum of $250 to help mainland kids corning lO Last year, ,he PlC awarded Lhe dail>· commuters. · for annual pass holders and $20 off the island camps as well as island PICW $5,000 towords scholarships Fifth Maine p.15 Chair Ru~ty Foster cccomrnet\ded per month for monthly p:a..sses. Foster -.aid there are currcntlr children going .tway to camp. aftcr the \l;'orkshop lost city and state that t~ PlC alloc:atc 2pprox.im.atcly ArtRoamings p.16 20 annual pass holdct'i for Peaks PoMe r tsclmatcd that $2,500 funding 1t had previously counted $25.000 o( ,he cufs d iscretionary l~land. though not 211 of them live v.-1'.>Utd pto\'ide two week's wocth of on. ··Thac $5,000 \\-1:,n a long wav/' Community Notes p.18 cransp<>rt11.uon fund fO supplc.ntem comm1,.1ter books to about 50 kids. said hcid·Moses. ''\X·1jthout it, these monch)y and annual passes rather on the island. If approved br the Cit)' CouncJ1 five children would not ha,·e been ,han pmv1de $25 voucher.._ as had ThH> wa_c: a bone of contenuon for Events Calendar p.19 this allocatmn wdl be-admio1,;tt:n!d able m be in the program." bee.n done in the pasL Councilor I leatht:r Thompson who mrou.e;h the PICW. Torn Bohan, rcpcc~c:ntmg the Business Directory p. 20 The mone~ come::: from a argued that aoy benefit "ShouleAee PIC, pa9e14 1....______....J Lhc City Manager and rcsuic.rccl to ·'\X'c should be paying attention approved another $10,000 to the PAGE2 ISLAND TIMES May2on An accidental fire undoes years ofwork


399 Presumpscot Street, Portland, ME 04103 ph (207) 828-0444 • fax (207) 828-1255 Email: [email protected]

Most ofthe damage 0

BY l~ MN Wand Trim,.. Fire broke in • home •t 105 NL·w Island Sch i lier who lives across the street. He porter ...,;th sc:ivfcc lO Casco Bay, Pcoobscot Avenue on Pe2ks Isla nd a little after said they've worked very hard rcnov2ting Bay and the- Cl'Hire Maine CO&SI, our 3 unit:, c.:.n bepol,frioned1obandlecventholl.rgCMjob, midnight on April 15, c,,usiog extensive the house. "They bad some French doors damage to the upper stories oft he building around the back pat! o f the porch. It but leaving the b:uemcnt virtually intact. must\ ·c taken them a week to finish those According to Portland fite Department doors. Now, God knows whar's left of Lieutenant Dan Stnall, who investigated then'I." the fire, it started in one of the floor joist Schiller said he called the Pe•ks Police bays under the first floor in the ,•1cinity station directly to report the fire. "It was • BuildjngSupplles of a pipe that led· to rhe upper floots, and 1:54 on my boat time clock, dose to that. • Abphallfco11cretetruck.s apparently bad been smoldering for as A couple of minutes later the siren went • UtUfdcs/wen drilling much as six hours. off, and it was 2:01 on the clock and tbe • Gta\'el,stone Once it ignited, the fire traveled quickly truck was here. through the wall c,,vities surrounding " I don't know how maoy [fi refighters} the pipe. It consumed a beam and panel were wtth the first hatch, but apparently ceiling 09, thefirsc f\i)O~ and gutt,cd an Lisa ).,ynch and Ellen (:f-\uswn] were ca, cntcrtafoment· cente/on the Second floor shuttling people in. At one point i counted before firefighters arrived. 13, then a second truck c,,me." A call wos placed at 1:52 a.m. and both Lt. Small said the fire was ca.. sed police and firefighters were dispatched. A accidentally, most likely by a plumbers hydr2n1 located directly across the street torch. "We've eliminated all the accidental allowed them tp get watCJ: on the fi re :murccs except rhe plumber's welding quickly. I tx1ujpme01," he said. Almost all of the external structure was According to Schiller, a plumbing sa,·ed, including the roof. "Josr the fact contrllctor had been working in the home that house is still standing is a testament the day before, apparently in rhc process to how <1uickly 2nd how well they got on of mewing a fornace in the bascmenL it," said Robcr:o Dav3s, a neighbor and Insur,ance invcstig~tors for both the c,,retaker ofthe pL~ce. homeowner and the plumbing contractor Accord ing to Pal'is, the owners Steve are currently conducung independent and Kelin Rapp live in C•lifornia. They studies of the fi re. 90.9 www.Wfl1)S.org 104.1 boughttheho0u1 tbrccor four years I ! !1• 1. • ' 1 l

YOUR COMMUNITY RADIO STATION .. r, ,~ d jrhe 911'habit··' ' ,....

A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT FEATURING: l) I It used co bt:tl:rat calling the police or do point locations wbca calling 91 1!' fire station di reedy was the on)y way you Last year during a run down the ba)', a wide variety of excellent locally-produced could get help, and you had to memorize a passenger ahoarcl one of the ferries the oumhcr or have it posced C'\'erywhcrc. became uncontrollabll' violent. As eh~ public affairs programs weekdays 1-1 :30 pm and Some plac~got,smortand used numbers boot was just off Little Diamond, the like 3473 to snellf!RE, but nothing was captain headed for Peaks Island and called Monday thru Thursday evenings 7:30-8:30 pm consistent until 1968 when AT&T, which the island policG station direc tlr in order had a monopoly 9n phone service ot the to have an officer meet the boat to take the time, came up ";t,h 911. passenger off. Democracy Now! noon-1 pm on weekdays Even so. until r6ntl }t out on the islands It had been the informal procedure for it was still faster to call the local station years, but unfortunately what should hal'c than calling 91 I. been a fi\·c minute detour became a 20 But that's aU changed. With the ad\'eot minu1c ordeal for passengers and crew Free Speech Radio News 7-7:30pm on weekdays of new wireless technology and global because 1he officer was on the <>ther stdc position ing systems calling the statloo of the island at the time and had to be now will only slow things down. tracked down. l\leanwh1lc, the violent O n Peaks for msrance, calhng the police passenger continued bis rampage around stu ion only causes a delay as the officer the boat or firefigh1er has to then call disp.ich to "Toget rhe best response.get in the habit 90. 9/104.1 fM get the Mari ne Divisiot1 activated. If 911 of dial ing 911:' satd Chief J .alllontagne. is called, dispatch wi ll activate the righr "Assistus io helping you. Dialing 911 takes ALSO STREAMING LIVE l4X7 people immcdiateiy. another step out of the process." Portland Fire Chief Fred La Montagne said "The state of Maine and the phone WMPG.ORG companies have invested a lot ofenergy to • May2011 ISLAND TIMES PAGE 3 At Casco Bay Lines Electronic ticketing expected this month

BYKEVINATTRA Sometime this month the Bay Lines platform. plans 10 install an electronic ucketing But through that change, the company kiosk, similar to an ATM. In fact, ,r will decided to keep using ,he same ticketing temporarily be located near the Credit sof1ware, developed by Gateway out of Union's ATM in the terminal until the Boyertown, Pennsylvania, which Gateway bugs, if any,gc, worked out. upgraded nt Operations Manager Roki Horr, foundation, so your basic Licke,ing sys,cm who is managing I he project can be expanded to meet all sorts of needs. In addition Horr said, u\X"e'rc going to Much of this is the foundation for what we bar code all tickets. The bar code seaoniog do next." will allow, potenti•lly, for onlinc ticket If self-ticketing takes off, Roki s•id the purchasing." hope is to eventually expand the ticketing With the new system, as passengers options on the kiosk and move towards board the ferries their tickets will be more aut0mation, including reusable scanned by the crew members usi ng passes. "I want to be able 10 park my car, handheld electronic scanners. With one rush in the terminal, hit 'adult to Long swipe the Bay Lines wiU have more data Island' - which is where I go - and go available than ever before. aboard the ferry, and self-scan. 11I mean, dat:a is priceJess. We're asked 0 Pm an islander. I grew up on Long for data everyday, from somebody. So Island. It has never made sense t0 me that having that more readily available through I buy a paper ticket at that ticket window, this bar code tracking makes sense." I go 50 feet away and somebody takes it, The sys,em can correl2te dates of ,ears it in half and puts it in a box, and purchase, dates of use and destination the.re it sits until another employee comes It's S minutes for you, for each ticket, as well as ridership from out and empties the box, then shreds that, Portland. and then that shredded material has to go Both projects - bar coding tickets and somewherc. It's never made sense." the lifetime of a diff ere nee providing electronic purchasing - have A team from Gateway is expected to been in the works for a number of years. arrive May 9 in order to help bring the for Maine's children. In 2004, Microsoft st0pped supporting system online. the Bay Lines DOS-based computer f'So far we're on point," said Roki. 0 The programming's done. We 're ready to plug tic1'.eting system> and so it was entirely The National Children's Study, a iesearch initiative replaced with a more modern Windows and play on our end." at Maine Medical Center, has interviewers in your neighbomood. This study is the largest ofits kind in the Wi-Fi service now onboard nation and your participation is essential for it to succeed. BY CAITLIN M. GILDART You won't be asked to change anything in your life and everything we learn will be kept confidential. In April, Casco Bay Lines launched supporting sponsors. mobile Internet service on its ferries Great Diamond Island resident and Maquoit, Aucocisco, and Machigonne Casco Bay Lines board member M•tt By opening your door, you'll help every child in Maine, as well as in its terminal waiting area. Hoffner, who utilizes the service, says including the ones right down the street. To learn more This comes after several months "J am really surprised and gr2tified to of eJJ'IUCIII; The service cu rrently is being Portland. Incidental tour, cruise and U.S. tNVl'P,OMME~IAL?lWTfCTJON ACU.CY offered for free to the users, thanks to charter service is offered as well. PAGE4 ISLAND TIMES May2ou

Although signs on T hames post a two­ Lines from Casco Bay hour limit, vehicles with an island resident POLICE L0G April 2011 arki.ng sticker can park there weekly. The Pro.ided o/ Porlkutd Polict Depar1nmrt BY CHRIS HOPPIN rR stidiers are a-.raifable for qualified, year round islanders from the City of Portland Parking Di\,ision in room 20 at city hall Time Date Description The merry month of May brings real or on line at .,.,,,,portlandmain,.gov/parki,,g/ Location spring weather hopefull)', as well as many parking.asp. 08:06 I Theft PleasamAv more people trying to park cars on the Lots 10 the area range from the Pordand m:1infond as the: summer season 06:25 5 Burglary Commercial \X'elch St nearby Port Cttv Glass (207.775.4106) arrh·cs once again. Here's a quick review to the d istant 'lop o f the Old Pore lot 08:11 5 Burg!aryTo Motor Vehicle \\"elch St of the range of parking options when the (207.828.1212) which also includes 08:28 5 .Motor Vehicle Theft Central Av Casco Bay garage posts that FULL • Do monthly s\:,aces at $85 per month. 08:49 5 Motor Vehicle Theft Welch St Not E nter Except Monthlies sign, plus Surely t 1e most convenient parking is 16:56 5 BurglaryTo Motor Vehicle Peaks Island sorne other transit chokes. at the Casco Bay garage (207.774.8653), 22:30 5 Criauna! Mischief Welch St We often suggest to our visiting friends owned jointly br the City of Portland and that they drop off passengers and.luggage 15:44 6 MHR .Maoagemmt, a private compani•. It Attempted Theft Luther St at the ferry tcrrnin:1I and go west on has the same rates as the Ocean Gateway 15:45 6 Suspicious Acth~ty Central Av Commercial Street four blocks to the ganige, but registered year round islanders 16:19 6 Follow Up Elizabeth St Fisherman's Wharf parking lot It cha~ receive a $10 discount from the Parking 18:56 6 Animal Complaint Torrington Av S8 per day and is vcry convenient. Division. 13:45 7 Motor Vehicle Theft Upper A St Another option in the other direction, However, more than 100 people are 15:55 Attempt Locate east on Commercial and rhen north on currently on the waiting list for monthly 7 1o WhalcbackRd lndi:i, is the relath•elynewOcean Gateway 21:52 7 parking passes at the Casco Day garage. Motor Vehicle Theft New Island Av garage, built in 20()<). It charges $3 for the Of course, we would be remiss 1f we 18:42 8 Juvenile Offense HermaoAv first 'hour and S2 for each adclitional hour didn't remind readers of se,,eral other 16:32 9 Threat/Terrorizing PleasantAv up to a maximum of$25 per day. It also t ranspoctation alter natives co and 10:48 11 Theft Trefethen Av offers monthlr parking for$130. from Portland's Old Port area. 1"hese 12:12 11 Motor Vehicle Theft Orchard St Still another option is the Park & Ride range from a readily-available U Car lot at the inter:sccaons of Franklin Street, Share(866.323.4591) vehicle that's parked 12:28 11 Theft Trefethen Av 18:41 11 Criminal Mischief Peaks Island 14:43 12 Follow Up Island Av PARKING FACILITIES CONVENIENT TO CASCO BAY LINES 08:05 13 Burglary To Motor Vehicle Welch St

07:47 14 911 Hang Up Calls lslandAv CUST'Oll ~ fOUAMGMIAGE 19:38 14 Open Door/ Window 8 t,f.l:MS.ff£.::l':t...... , ...... ,. Upper A St ._...... _.r~-.-...... ~ .,,..i.-UOO-'-""""'•~ 01:52 15 Assist Fire Dept Peaks Island ...... 11 ...,.- 08:37 17 Suspicious Activity Peaks Island 9 ~:.."::::';':.!'!! 23:56 17 91 1 Hang Up Calls Willow St 1-•:ol~... c-,,. 03:31 18 911 Hang Up Calls WillowSt ~----.»--·-----­ 14:19 18 Animal Complaint Island Av 10 !!...... ---·.===- ~=;~....,,,...... 14:52 19 Animal Complaint Seashore Av ,.,...... ,...... 19:29 22 Threat/Terrorizing Seashore Av 1 1 ~~~~~~ 13:20 23 Assault TslandAv 7 ~ __o. _.,.. ._,...._._. ___.,_ ,..._____ I .. __.., 12 08:49 27 Assist Citizen Hussey Rd ...===-~~ ~ 13 ...,.'t0'$N,t"'"""N--- a Im& \ni .... - hi eAu:W 1: 1 fOIIM9t J0'!QUlllllATIIJf <-,.u.o 4 ~~~~~ 14 ...... Counr33 ..l ..~ ...... "°""""""' ,w...... ,.,.1.--'...... ~ .. ,...... ,..,_..,_, ...... _....,"'.-"'....,....._ __ Received April 28 i...... ,,IJ__,.,....,.~$-- _,p~~.,.uo ... ~-. .,...... ,..;,, ...... ,..,_. 5 ~=~'!'!.~~:-.. ...,._ ,..._.,,_..,_.. •--•--11,..,...... _u-. a-•...... ,.....,.,, ...... Ct.Jl9ERlNl)MUeTOMGE 6 :::,·~,._~::::,..--1. ~ OMYGAAAGE ~J...... 1'£o12fJ t-~1-IIOll).....,_OMl••u-....--...i-... _,,_, ...... ~~

The Division's website offers a detailed street map and contact information for nine other parking areas in the vicinity. Prices and resrric-tions vary considerably, Home Check primarilydue tO convenience~ Ma

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AN INTERVIEW WITH we were always bringing things over. It seemed like we were all just camels, constantly bringing stuffover. But char Mickey Friedman feel ing of festivity, like I was going to a party, has been maintained. It's been 22 I was born on June 16, 1928 in said there were inexpensive houses out years. Hartford, Connecticm, the middle girl here and we should come out and take 117/;•tl /einJ o/work hatJeyo" dont? of three girls. I grew up in Connecticut a look. At first I wasn't really imerested l started having children in 1950, but went to camp in Maine and always because I had been juggling two and T had five children in six and a half wanted to live in Maine. Finally made houses and five children, and once we years, because my last one was two - I it! On our 24th anniversary, we came moved to Maine we were in one house. have rwins that are now SO years old. up here to live full time. We spent On the other hand I always loved the So for the first 25 years or so I did a about 10 summers living part time up ocean, and the idea of living on the lot of volunteer work. I tutored in an here, and then we came full time in ocean was appealing. And, Harry said inner city school, T worked on PTA ... 1973. ifwe could share the house rhey would I worked in the school libraq• with our H=e pu lived 011 Pealu far a long timt? 1-fow didyo11 hear about Peaks? do all rhe work, so I couldn't turn that synagogue's social action commirtee, Do you /Jave a Pt11lu h land stqry to tell of memories From childhood or that illustrates My daughter Bersy's former husband. down. and was appointed ro our town's first conservation commission. Befo re I had why .rou love living here? Please email or H e had been talking to some peo ple So we came and looked, and the call Fran Houston. She has already heard and they were saying if there was one second time we looked we saw this children, I taught at a school for the scmt g reat stqries and sht wants to htar place they wanted to live it WllS Peaks house, which was funky but because deaf. Then when we moved to Maine, T 1oun.-[[email protected], or call lsland or the Caribbean, and Harry of the way it's laid out it was perfect decided to go back to college. 766.2-:J86.

"For so many, instead of looking for 'cause Land Preserve, the Peaks Island Health of death' when they expire. we should be Ceoter, the Senior Housing Center and Peaks sland ~xpe-rienceS looking for 'c,-use of living' while they Home Stan, and for many years he was are still around." Don's cause of living also the President of the Peaks Island (P. I. J;. S) was quite visible and simple; he lived for Neighborhood Association. his G od , his church, his family and his In 2006 he received t he island's community. "True Grit" award in rrcognition of his The Kiosk with Eight His constant companions were his bible contributions to our island community. and The New York Times (Kindle™ Each time T pass the K iosk I will Windows version); be WllS always up-to-date about remember Don. Each islander would heaven and the Earth. He shied away from cemioly honor him by simply circling the any recognition and did not tolerate fools, kiosk, keeping informed, getting involved BY J ERRY GARMAN while effectively contributing to so many in any ofo ur great nonprofit organizations. island organizations and projects. Be like Don and do your part in promoting An island is • very active place with an overwhelming need to keep islanders It is easy to visualize his face projecting and preserving the Peaks Island from many of the eight kiosk windows. informed about a multitude ofeven ts and community. He was involved with the Peaks Island meetings. The octagonal kiosk., located at the top of Welch Street on Peaks Island, was designed and built with the dedicated purpose of providing informational space fot unonprofit'' organizations; the essential core ofour island community. In 1998 there were 15 organi221ions, today there are over 30. O ne of the last phases of kiosk construction required the design and fabrication of eight doors. I was fortunate to enroll the skills of Don Webster (the Very Reverend Donald Andrew Webster). GOLF CARSC(fUC This turned out to be a most pleasunble and painful experience. Pleasurable, because I had enjoyed www.patriotgolfcars.com working with Don on many projects. Painful, because his basement wood shop Sales & Service WflS only 5 1/2 feet high and Don was almost 6 feet tall and I was S feet 7 inches. for 12 years. Don had be'en serving the Large Selection of New & Used Golf Cars island for 22 years until bis untimely With bruised heads we painfully finished 837 Port.land Road Saco, ME 04072 the windows in time for the dedication. death on April 11. This kiosk has been serving the island Philosopher Nassim Tales states that, PH: 207-571-9735 PAGE 6 ISLAND TIMES May 2011 Island Views i

IsLANDJ TIMES - ...,...... --- Publisher: Kevin Attra

Member of the Society of Professional Journalists

Arts Editor - Jamie Hogan

Comm, Notes - Rhonda Berg

Research - Irene Schensted

Proof Reader - R. Wingfield

Feature Writers: Jerry Garman

J\like Richards This extraordinary picture was taken by graphic desittner Mark Shain ofVirtual Design, Ink, during1he EasterS unrise Service on the back shore ofPeaks Island, April 24. Crean be •iewed in full color glory on his Facebook page. ,I, Ftan Houston q from Congresswoman Rebecca Stephans Letters Chellie Pingree Kimberly Macisaac Dear friends, I am week.s behind reading l.hc leu:crs to the editor of the Ii-land Times and d\e Li1\es from Casto Ba~·· I think people do nol realize that Special Contributprs: the ta.xes bcmg levied on property on the1sland have wreaked havoc -\\11th some 1sl2odcrs. Justin Polmer Whether you att a secessiooiM., Peaks Alliance mernber or neutral we need to sit down and Jessie• George talk abouc assessments and p mpeny taxes. Do we ha,1c the information to suggest some chang,s to the City of Portland? I would like Nicole Evans u, see an aniclc on valuations and ~xes to sec if there are djfferences in housrng costs. I am Chellie Pingree not a great wrner bur I am willing m do Lhe FROM ROBERT LAUTERBACH research and share my findings ut the June Mary Terry Island Times. PORTI..ANO POLICE SENIOR LEAD The.re are some i11aoders, including Lhe OFFICER, PEAK.S ISLAND Supporting military victims Pedlikins. who bought properties a ye:u or so ofsexual assault before the revaluation and know their taxes Greetings, are fair. Some islanders believe that the state I recently J»d the hooor of meeting a group Production Assistance: should adopt the Circuit Breakers tax refund With the winter chill leaving us and of women who told me about chefr time and increase that t.ax refund. T he suggested the spring upon us I wanted t(>r emind serving our country in uniform. As patriots, C raig Davis cost to the state would be about $1 million. every one about maintaining a current theit stories were of bnvery, sucngth, and However. someone has co pay for that. You registration and insurance on our Island sacrifice. But u victims of sexual assault, thci.r Mark Shain csnoot plan refunds without fi ndiog a new golfcarts . I've personally spoken with a stories v.-ere of persecution, pain, and iojustic:e. revenue source or asking others to pay more. couple of islanders regarding the issue They a.tt not alvne. Today a £cmaJc member Would this refund teally be fair? of tbc military L, more likely to be raped tha.o Jack Shal.low O thccs have long suggested that a local and am confident it won't be an on­ going problem, You have to remember to be killed by enemy Eii:c. She is twice as option sales ,ax be imposed to recover $100 likely to become a victim o f sexual assault as a ~lion. The problem is Mainers already pay that the operator of the golf cart would scrvice~mcmbcr dan as a c.iviliao. h igh axes and would be payi~ that s•les tax be liable if there was an accident that Thousands of women- and men-in the too, Those who are summer citizens aJrcady had property damage and or injuries, pay their property taxes and would also be military report cases of sexual assault each The Cas,o Bay Island Times is a paying the local option sales tax. On a lighter note, Officer Dan Rose year, but the Pent.ago!\ estimates only one in conununil)'. newse;,per covering the T hey ha""e no say or vote to make any tax just completed his wrestling program. 10 e,·ec report thefr usault. Those who do arc islands in Casco Bay, We welcome cha1tgcs in Portland or Maine. Some of the Officer Rose stated that it was a major routinely osrracizcd by other unit members birth, engagement and wedding duzens haYe suggested thal PorLland adop t a success. In total, there were 12 kids in and ignored bysupeno..s. Andwheo they cry to announcements; obiruaries· notices Circuit Breaker l2.."< refund. Bowe,·cr, in order gc::t counseling ro destJ wtth the effects of their of community events; and letters to to get the money for the refund you need the program competing in competitions a.ss~uJt, they have 10 cut through reams of red the editor, Please tty to keep letters eitht:r a t:u: increase or creati"e war to ~cure all over the state, with six of them tape to cJaim benefits. to 300 words or less, We reserve $1 million to cover the costs. There ace other finishing off the pcogrnm by competi ng Along with l2 othe-r service members, the right to edit aU material. 1he problems as well. in the New England Wrestling Oassic, rnduding two men, lhe women l spoke with newspaper is available by mail for As you know people get a little tesly when held at the Cumberland County Civic arc filing a class-action lawsuit against a S25 a year. Address checks to island certain copies or ideas are discussed. 1 get a center, So congratulations to Officer mil it2ry system that d1d not do enough to Times, Our mailing address is 120 little testy t-very ru\y because I sec friends and Brackett Ave,, Pew Island, Mainf Rose and the kids that made it possible. prevc::ot their assaults, to support them in 1 ne1ghbc,r:- doing everything possible to par reporting their rapes or to bang them jusuce. 04108. To reach Kevin Attra, cau their property caxes onJy to come up short. Js Officer Rose stated that be hopes to be After being repeatedly assaulted, these ,w.1mco (207) 650-3016 or e-mail kattro@ chis redly what we want fo r th.is island? ( do able to put the program together next watched 1heir rapists get promoted 1n rank. isla11dtimes.org. For ad rates visit our not know the answer but Jam willing to begin year as welL We'll make sure word gers Theu complajmsspawoed reuliacioo. Superior website at www, isla11dtimi!i.org. researching valuations and the t:a.xes levied out as soon as possible so everyone officers told them to be good sole.lier.:; and oo properties. Most of the research can be "push through the pain." As che-y continued dooe onli nc and I will compare taxes without knows about it. to sen,e wi,h outstanding resotve and bravery, dl\•ulging the names of the owners of the P,S. Please be aware of where your properties, others made it a mission to make tbem fee l like Printed dogs are. We've had tOO ma ny calls cowards and tr:aitors. by lbeTimes Record, Stay runoo. I will be reporting on all of this regarding loose dogs lately. Brunswick next month. Perhaps J will get answers to the Is tt surprising that so few service members quatioos I have about property tu cs.. e\'et report being ~ssauJtcd? Cynthia Pedlikin pleaAeAeePINGRt:6,po9e14 May2011 ISLAND TIMES PAGE7 of plaque: the heart works much harder YOGAFORLIFE tO deliver a diminishing supply of A yogic peTspective on oxygen. Bringing mindful awareness to these dynanucs gives us the raw health ancl simple living material we need to begin to alleviate our suffecing. This practice requires BY REBECCA JOHANNA STEPHANS courage, perseverance and fortitude. R,be«aJohanna Stephans leaches private One way to honor your ancestors is yoga /essrm~ on Peaks Island and (t1 Port!and. to enhance the gifts they gave you, You may direct ~ur CDmments, mqu1r1es, or and to break the cycle of suffering that column ideas lo 766-3017 or rjsyoga@gwi. they unintentionally passed along. net. Returning tO the heart analogy, this For one week in Apcil, a Tibetan would show up as embracing Life by Monk and a Mandala Master set up committing to exercise and healthy shop in the tangerine lobby on the eating if you have a family history of second floor of Maine College of heart attacks. The pcoccss is similar, Art and created a sand mandala for whether it is a physical vulnerability peace. A mandala, Sanskrit for circle, or an emotional habit like yelling or withholdinl::affcction. 1s an intricate image used to facilitate meditation, illustrate a significant This sprrng I am offering three teachin~ and generate a particular workshops on this t heme. We will look for just one pattern of contraction energ)' 111 the artist and observers. lf you are fortunate enough to have that creates an obstacle in relationship, known about it and stopped by, I attempt to assign them. T he first Yoga practice is designed to make our accept responsibility with compassion imagine you still have colorful images time l arrived at MECA to watch the systems strong enough and resilient and forgiveness, and then design a daily dancing behind your eyes and a deep mandala creation in process, the monk, enough to withstand t he d iscomfort practice tO unwind that partem. Two of pool ofpcacc resting in your heart. bedecked in orange and gold robes, was of letting go - of material possessions, the sessions are scheduled to coincide I have only a superficial knowledge busy working on his laptop computer. habitual patterns, relationships, ego with Mother's Day and Father's Day. If ofTibecan Buddhism, so 1 recommend Turns out he was putting together a and u ltimately our own physical you are interested in these workshops, you do some resea rch if this slide show of evenrs from earlier in the bodies. Daily discipline is desi~ned to please do be in touch. column captivates your curiosity. week so we could get caught up. As the help us remember our commmnents However, Bllddhism and Yoga share mandala master was working (in Nike again and again. Without some sort foundational teachings, one of which sweatpants!), his cell-phone broke the of m indfufncss ~------~ is the four root causes of suffering: meditation with a lively rune for its practice, most of attachment, aversion, ego or ignorance ring tone. They are ordinary men who us will slip into and fear of death. In recognition engage in an exttaordi nary practice. habitual patterns of this connection, I was invited to The Dalai Lama, spiritual master of of suffering. WHOLEHEAR~ Wtit present one of the evening talks on Tibetan Buddhism, offers this bit of O n e rea d ily (/cO

Rebecca Johanna Stephans, Kripalu Certified Yoga Teacher since 1994, has 24 years experience in the healing arts. PAGES ISLAND TIMES May2011 ACROSS DOWN She's a Rainbow -by Anna Tierney 1 Nixon victim 1 Aids 5 Viking epic 2 Dies 9 Where the arachnoid mater is 3 Closer's forte 14 The "e" in QED 4 Irish dish with Guinness 15 Pity! 5 Tragedy 16 Main artery 6 Eitner pale or brown •17 Classic Alec Guinness movie 7 Largest U.S. freshwater fish 20 Gree11 plover 8 Anti-submarine weapon 21 Haven,ME 9 Touristmecca 22 Hannibal's greatest victory 10 Part 25 Mama bear in Malaga 11 {lpP,cr extremity 28 Fed. agc.Y:. 12 (JJ's judge *31 He beat The Greatest 13 Apprehend *34 Vivien Leigh role 18 Femalediminutive 36 ~~-' tum on, drop out 19 LaW}'.er's last words? 37 Athin g as lovely as __ 23 New Jersey team 38 Boxer 10 brief 24 Memos aoout 40 Less t1nan summa 25 Pushkin'sEu~ne __ 41 Feinstein or Reeves 26 Insider info (sl) •43 LivTylermovie, ___ 27 Hit~_(encounteran Beauty obstacle) *45 Oscar Wilde title character 28 Military engagement 47 Lanai airport symbol 29 .,...,.,-boom-de-ay 48 roll 30 Italian operatic soprano 49 Imensifv 32 Cougar 52 Present!'y 33 All 54 Dominate (sl.) 34 Path.~e~ti~cl~oser (sl.) *58 Qieer as a 35. One of the world's 10 largest •{Cockney...,sl".) ___ _ nvers 637v1uslim kosher 39 Dell and IBM rival 64 Othello, for example 42 Subsidize 52 Cicatrix 58 ComedianMargaret _ 65 Musical instrument 44 Opposite of cynosure 53 Broken Arrow,_ {abbr.) 59 Dance of sorts 66 Works {Latin) 46 Entire hereditary information 55 Sound 60 Miss. 67 Warhol s suP!!rstar 50 ATMmfr. 56 Precious stone 61 Unit oflength 68 U. ofTcxas alumni 51 Goes on the lam 57 The Cyclops, for example 62 Carp

REAT PIZZA by Palmer Only steps away from your boat. WINNING CAPTIONS for A_eri! {Sec page 19 for this Eat in or "l~and___. Baked• lo travel. month's cartoon) Send caption ideas co [email protected] Supporting!he illood communities ond a strong wo~ng waterfront. A ~ 7 ~;s 94 Commercial Street, Portland 207 874.2639 ~ Seming extr11ortli11111y pubfr,,.,, &pi= jim11 _II 11_-~1. (O 10~]0 p.111. .. . : . SOLUTION TO LAST MONTH'S PUZZLE L - J 10 12 JJ N E T A .,.;.;....+--J..:.._+.:,.-4-~0 N I G 14 A R R A R A M -+--1--1---+-- A N M


u T T " u A


D A M s A p N 0 A " p A A M u 9 u N M N A For the l4.St #mt, you can't have your turtlt nnd tnt it too ... Noli Mtttndre, Brunswic:k, ME 0 E A s E N N 3 I wondered ifTurtle WAX would do ";;>.'thin:[:'~ kitchmfloor, "ot turtlt WALKS. I N s E R u N A T T y "Andrtn 0. . Wri t, W1nc:ote, PA May2011 ISLAND TIMES PAGE9

r May2011Sky Star Gazing BY M IKE RICHARDS dawn. The firstand last few days ofMa y The sky is falling, or so it must have these shifting heavenly bodies• lined up seemed to rhose in the tornado-ravaged roughly diagonally from lower left to communities in che southern U.S. upper right • will be joined by a waning recently. As the news media look around crescent moon, backlit co an azure for a cause for all t he severe wearher blue by Earthshine. Of course, to have we've been having worldwide, I suggest enough darkness ro see them firsthand, they simply look up (to the sun) and you'll have robe up and out by 4:30 a.m., down (to the Earrh). Greenhouse gases a daunting task even co hardy islanders. (mostly COJ undoubtedly contribute to the process of global warming - like STARS putting a lid on a pot of heating warer • but the original source of heat on Earth You might see the winter star Procyon is our host star, the sun. in Canis Minor jusr setting, almost It goes through activity cycles lasting directly west at sunset, but you can't about 12 years. We've just completed a miss red giant star Arcturw overhead in dormant phase and have moved into a Bootes. In the south is Spica in Virgo, more active one. Now sunspots burst hiding along rhe horizon, and in the through the sun's surface with increasing norrhwest is Capella, the yellow star in frequency, and gigantic arms of plasma Auriga. Finally, looking eastward is are thrown off into space. The sun's blue-white Vega in Lyra, and just rising huge gravitational field draws some of in rhe southeast is the red super-giant the plasma back ro the surface, but some star Amares in Scorpio. What you can't of ir escapes and reaches Earth where see are all t he circling the stars our own gravitation~! field diverts it ro overhead. Scientists have discovered our North and South poles, creating several hundred "exoplanets," but the breathtaking aurora. more recent Kepler space telescope has Meanwhile as summer approaches, detected 1200 more, with some stars Earth's 23.5° tilt begins to line itself up hosting several planets ofdifferent sizes, with rhe sun, so our northern half is as our own sun dots. bathed in sunlight. By rhe end of May, we get more than 15 hours oflight each ALMANAC 24-hour day, and the su1tlight we get is more direct. As a resu)c, our water, May l - Sunrise is at 5:34 a.m., but air and land masses heat up and force if it's clear a half-hour before that, look Illustration by Jamie Hogan the warm moist Pacific and Gulf air against the cold dry Arctic air, creating east for a thin slice of waning crescent storms of incredible strength which moon sining above Mars and Jupiter occasionally stir the heavy air into a and co the left of Venus and . whirling frenzy. May 3- New moon will make for dark skies all night, perfect for binocular PLANETS exploration ofo ur local universe. May 4, 5- T he moon is now a waxing Mother's Day Saturn is already up in the southeast crescent in the west over che mainland sky as dusk falls, and it crosses rhe sky at dusk. during the night, setting in rhe west May 6- Eta Aq11irid meteor shower well before dawn. It's still quire a sight peaks well before dawn today, as Earth Brunch in a telescope, even t hough its ri ngs are plows t hrough the trail of dust left by inclined only a few degrees ro our line of Halley's Comet, but we won't see many 11am -2pm sight and so seem quite narrow. Indeed, meteors at all, as most ofthe action is in they are thin compared to t heir width the Southern Hemisphere. $20 aqutts / $10 k.iqs 12 anq unqct - like a piece of paper stretching two May 10· First-quarter moon is high miles across che harbor from Peaks to Portland. at sunset and augurs a week ofe xcellent Please ran 207-766-5100 x2 This month however, rhe real moon-scoping, especially along rhe lor reservations planetary action is before dawn in rhe terminator line between light and dark east. There we'll find rhe two inner where shadows are long and craters Tickets also available online at planets, Mercury and Venus seeming to stand out sharply on the lunar surface. btOWnpapertickets.com/=nt/143369 cavort with rwo outer planets, Mars and May 15- The moon is at perigee, Jupiter. As the month begins, brilliant closest to Earth this rime around, so Venus rises first, followed closely by tides are building. Brunches Every Sunday tiny Mercury, ruddy Mars and mighty May 17- Full "Flower moon rises up starting May lsll 9am - 12pm Jupiter. But Mercury has the inside and out over the Gulfof Maine at 8:43 track in its orbit around the sun and p.m. Open daily at 11 :30am will speed ahead of Earth and Venus May 19- The confluence of the recent for lunch and dinner throughout the month, finally falling perigee and full moon will pull tides up starting May 16th. down to the horizon and ultimately to 11.5 feet and back down to -1.5 feet, a behind the sun at month's end. difference of13 feet. Venus, too, will fall closer to the May 24· Last-quarter moon is high at horizon throughout May as its position in Track 2 moves it ahead ofEarth, bur sunrise. Mars and Jupiter have outside cracks, May 27· The moon is now at apogee, so Earth will speed past chem allowing furthest from Earth, so rides will fall to them to climb in the morning sky a little halfof their former height. more each passing day. At mid-month, May 31· We're only 3 weeks from JuP.jter and Venus, our two brightest the su.mmer solstice, so sunrise comes -.· planets will be side by each. By the end awfully early (5:03 a.m.) and stays up ofthe month, Jupiter will have climbed late (8:14 p.m.), but this too shall pass, up to che top position, fo llowed by Mars, so "gather ye rosebuds while ye may." then Venus and finally Mercury: four t he Inn on Peaks J,land H lsl>nd A,-c. Pnk, !~:and, ME 207.766,5100 www.innonp

Now in its second year, J-Club is the journalism club of stUdenrs in.grades one throu_e;h five at the red brick schoolhouse, Peaks Island Elementary S chool, established in 1832. Members: Madison Alves, Nick Boyle, Audre~ lfyrne, Jameson Cfiilds, Davis, Ma.is)'. Davis, Dianne Dervis, Gabi Dumas, Dudley Holdridge, Ilo Holdridge, Eleanor Johnson, Isabella Levine, Elisa Membreno, Anna Mitchell, Eddie Sylvester, Ishmael Sylvester, East Underwood, Phineas Underwood, Kaethe Marie Wilson, Maisie W inter. Advisors: Diane Eacret, Editor; Lisa Penalver, Art Director; Sandra Lucas. Contact: [email protected].

Peaks Isla11d School hosted the acclai111ed Maine-bated Figures of Speuh Stude11f Ense111ble for a peifrmna11ce ofPaul B11'!}'a//. The ,how n.•,11 part o/ a ltami11g 111od1i/e cetlfered 011 taJ/ tales. !11 the.followi,{g series, Stretch ofTmagination (below), st11tle11ts tt/1 taks J,-0111 the point ofview ofa co11/e11ljxJm,yjoumalist. - Editor l tide t he \1/ild \Vind STRETCH of IMAGINATION - End BY NOAH CHALFANT, GRADE 4

,John Il<-nTy Versus the He said: "I'm gonna hammer like I Pecos Bill was a cowboy and a bronco buster. Here is an eyewitness report: A Fa,;c:i nating never hammered before!" l\I ach ine: Tasked: "Why?" A fa1mcr states that he saw Pecos Bill He said: "That city slicker bas that using his lasso to catch a tornado! Heport "Amazingly, he caught it and wem for BY ZEKE DUPONT, GRADE 4 steam drill!" So, I showed up the next day, and the a ride! He rode the tomado for miles!" said the fa rmer. \,\llwn Davy :\if<,t Sally One day I was walking around when contest began. Near the end, the steam drill broke. John Henry came out of "After a while," the farmer continued, BY EDDIE5YLVESTER, GRAOE4 I heard singing and a clinking sound. "the tornado lost power and turned So, T followed the sound and came the mine, a winner, and then dropped dead. into a rainstorm. Pecos Bill floated back upon this BIG dude! le took me about down to l::md.n This just 111: Davy Crockett, yes, The two seconds to figure out who he was. His last words were: "A man's just a Davy Crockett, is geuing married! I, Believe it or not, he was John Henry! man, but he has to de, his best." Eddie Sylvester, have the story behind this union. Tt was a bright summer day by the Mississippi. Davy was enjoying a nap A.hhh}1-lig11t.ors when two eagles started plucking hair BY MAISIE W INTER, G RADE 4 off his head. Along came Miss Sally J\nn T. A. Whirlwind. She saved the dav with a scream so loud that the The other day I was tra,·eling through eagle's head and tail feathers turned the Kentucky valley when I heard a white. (People started calling them bald racket 111 a nearby forest. I decided eagles after that.) w take a little detour. I followed the Another thing about Sally Ann's sound until T reached a small clearing scream: it knocked Davy out, and also in the densclr grown woods. T couldn't caused him to be flung up into a tree. believe what T was seeing! T asked my So Sally then took six rattlesnakes, tied pal Elisa to pinch me just to make sure them together and used them as a rope I wasn't dreaming. Twasn't. to pull Davr out ofthe rree. You can probably guess what Tsaw ... Sally thought Davy looked pretty it was a young lady juggling alligators cute, so she fancied up by putting on a high in the sky! hornet's nest for a bonnet and applying I instantly recognized her as Sally the perfume of a skunk. Then Sallr Ann Thunder J\nn Whirlwind threw Davy into the river. Da,,y woke Crockett. Yes, it was Davy Crockett's up fast. wife. But the way she tossed 'em (the "Hi, T'm Davy Crockett. Marry me!" alligators), they literally went to OL\ter is what he said. space! I know this because when they Sally Ann replied with a thundering plummeted back to earth their tails "YES!" were on ftrc from the heat ofthe sun! And that is the story of how they Nobody went outside for the next few become engaged. You might say it was a days because it was raining alligators. whirlwind romance. iUustrotion by T im N ihof f

give Warhol a second chance. Over Ye t another contained paintings of the summer, Warhol stood in the objects that we see every day; Warhol AndYWarhol hot summer sun selling fru its and wanted people to see the beauty in vegetables at his brother's fruit and these objects. For example, Warhol vegetable stand. As customers came painted a series on Campbell's soup. BY ANNA MITCHELL, GRADE 5 and went, Warhol pamted them. These When Wa rhol was young, his family paintings were approved by Warhol's could only afford Campbell's soup. Anclv \X'arhol was outlandish, cut one ofhis pieces into four sections. teachers and brought him back to a life If \X'arhol had not eaten the soup, he unique and very passionate about his He then submitted each section as an at Carnegie Tecb. woulcln't ha,·c survived the poverty of art. Warhol was also, in a way, a pop individual piece of art work. Imelda Despite Warhol's teacher's thoughts, his childhood. \X'a rhol wove messages art revolutionist because he invented Tuttle, a classmate of Warhol's, stated, this art show opened 1he door to into his paintings. new technical methods. I also like creative tb111king. Although Warhol was extremely Andy Warhol because his work is Warhol's art srarted successful, he still faced challenges incomparable. Many people agree with looking un ique and throughout his career. The high~t me that Warhol was an extran1gant and abstract. Tina Fredencks hurdle for \'('arhol to jump was simply amazing anist and person. of G lamour magazine the fact that his art was different. \X'a rhol's passion for drawing hired Warhol to ~create Some fine art artists e,en believed surfaced at a very early age. Even being shoe advertisements for that Warhol's work was not art! Those bedridden for nearly three months her maga?.inc. Warhol artists didn't want \ndy \X'arhol to with rheumatic fever could not stop was nicknamed "The be featured in one man shows or Andy \X'arhol from drawing. Later; in Leonardo DaVinci of magazines or a gallerv providmg many his high school years, \X'arhol produced the Shoe Trade" for his artistsa place to present their work. But his first masterpiece: a self portrait. fabulous ad,·erriscments. manr people relished \X'arhol's work Eventual ly Warhol's father recognized Soon the word spread and overpowered those who didn't. his talent and started putting aside that Warhol had talent. Warhol's arr is now displayed at 28 money for Warhol's further education. Many gallery owners different museums throughout lhe Warhol used this monev to font! wanted shows featuring world. I personally got to see \ ndy his first two years at Carnegie Tech \X'arhol alone. \'('arhol'< work at the \luseum of (Carnegie Tnstirution of 1 echnology). i••gejroN1JH4,,11ubgi,_,.Jesi1•·~·- I As \X'arhol aged. he .Modern J\ rt. Now T fo Uy appreciate Carnegie Tech provided art classes for "He painted the way he wanted and started painting mearungful paintings. Warhol's work for what it truly is. Warhol to attend. An art show judged they flunked him." One of his collections consisted of And yes, Warhol was odd and by the faculty was held at the end of Forrunately, one of Warhol's teachers endangered animal painnngs. Warhol distinctly one ofa kind, but if you have Warhol's second year ofco llege. Warhol enjO)'ed bis work and was able to painted another thematic set of talent, you have talent. Andy Warhol wanted to try something novel, so he persuade the remaining faculty to paintings to honor Marilyn Monroe. had talent. May2011 ISLANDT IMES PAGEu

BY CALDER DAVIS, GRADE 1 ()ood ffttOitttts Beaver lodges ore made of sticks and mud. Some lodges are made for food. Beavers have oil in their tails. Beaver tails are rock hard. Beaver fur is stick)' because of the oil. Beaver fur is really warm. Blue herons eat fish. Great herons are the biggest herons. Some eels arc really long. All eels lay their eggs in seaweed. Female foxes jump over skinny stumps onto an animal. Foxes arc really good hunters. Owls are quiet hunters. Owls land on their animal before it knows they're there. Pbotograpl!J I?)• Ij"bk" Forkapic. Sprung Rhythms

Signs of spring observed ~ Nick, Calder, Dianne, Eleanor, Isabella, Eddie a11d Jsh1J111el St11ffed animals - 1101 /~s bu/ loxidern!J - ,nre /tafhing tools wh,11 Friends Merrymttting B19 i11 ,nid­ Bikes in racks ef coast M"int visited the "hool i11 late Barely anybody wears a coat Morrh, l;ringil'!, u-ith then, a fox, Wood chips on the playground a bem~r, a bl11t heron, an oJJ/ ,md 011 Fresh brcczc and the smell ofearth er/. In uppruiatio11, kids ill K-2 flanet Swinging and

Peaks Island Fiber Arts Camp Summn2011 June 2 7-Jut,, 1 Wizard Camp July 18-22 Medieval camp August 1-5 Creating Artwear August 9-13 French Camp Contact Susan Hanley at 332-2443, or Lights ... Action ... Camera ... Stop Action [email protected] www.peaksislandfibera1tscamp.com

J Club devoted a recent meeting to stop motion animation, in anticipation of Animation 2, the second annual animation fescival sponsored by Peaks Island Film Academy. Paul Conlty screened selected entries from last year".s fen, and he and Nare Underwood provided hands~on instruction ro club rnembers and guests. In this picture, Underwood works with, from left, Isabe.lla Levine, Eddie Sylvester and Phineas Underwood. Animation 2 is May 14; deadline for submissions is May 7. Photo by Lisa Penalver PAGE1~ ISLAND TIMES May iou Page 12 assembled & articlts written by R Win~fitld. Contact me with ideas, neM or information 011 the topics proposed at bottom of this page, esptcially as relates to the islands. Contact me also to advrrtisc in this section. [can fielp you create your ad. [email protected] Cathy Mosley 'Post Lady Extraordinaire' Peaks Island P.O. !!I She's not going to like being called that, know, he's out ofthe office pretty early. "And J need to do my paperwork, I need especially in the title, in such big letters. "And I'm used to being busy; time goes so to get the mail out, so that l can make that Cathy Mosley has been the regular much quicker when yo11°rc busy. quarter•of-four boat. window clerk at the Peaks P.O. for almost "I started in July. I worked fo r a week and '" [ think sometimes people think, 'Oh, three years. One morning as she dispensed I'm saying, 'Oh. ..\ you know? But no, you }')ll're open until 3:30.' Wefl, I've been here stamps and weighed packages she agreed to know what? You can find stuff to do. It's almost three years. Thesign has always been tell me a little about heroelf. She didn't see been welJ worth it. out there, 3:15 is when you dose. Bm it's just why I needed a picture too, so [ promised it •And l 'm still havin' fun, I mean, I can like any business, you know? staffp l,oto would be ftn unposcd action shot. retire now, and when it docsn 't get fun "And ifl haven't put anything away I don't Whmwar you !,efor, coming t• Peah? anymore, that's when I'm goin'." mind taking cue ofsomeone . lt's just when to mail a package. ·wc11, I started in the main post office, What's.fa,, about working herrf - I was loading the trnck up one day and rm Cathy: .. It's a book, Meg? Do you wam co at 125 Forest Avenue. Then l bid a job, I "Viell the people, number one. People have ready, literally ready, to go out the door, and send it book rate? Do you h"'" two cents? [to don't know, gosh, it was probably in 1977, been wonderful down here. Just really really it was probablyabout25 minutes to4:00,and the kids:) Arc you having a fun vacation?" '78 and I went to South Portland. I worked nice. And you're your own boss-." someone said, 'Are you closed?' Meg: "The grandparenrsare coming. Tell on the window, on Cottage Road, "'WcU, you k now, 20 minutes ago! these guys what we're going to make." for quire a number of years, and that The ,nail's out there. The door's Kids: "Pineapple upsidedown cake'" job was abolished and I bid the job at locked. Cathy: "You know how todo that??" Downtown Station. "You just take it with a grain ofsalt. Kids: "Well we have a recipe." "l"m trying to think. My youngest Butas Tsay, ific's after3;15,ifsomeone So Catby, 'Postal Cler/1: is that ;~urtitle? daughter was born in 1989; I was in came and said 'Gee I need a book of Meg: I-low about 'Cathy'? South Portland in 1989, so maybe ir was stam;s'; it's in my drawer, I'll gi\.'C it to Cathy: "C:uhy! Very good. l"m just a clerk, '91 that I went to Downtown Station. tem. th:1t0s all I am." I was there probably 10 years. That DidJfJU evermi" lht bontr (Vinnie, the letter carrier, chimed in, "One statiun used to be where the old Key "Only once. Never - knock on wood of the better clerks, I might add.") Bank was. One Canal Pla,.a? And then - comin' down in the mornin~ whkh "My official title is Lead Sales and Service we moved from there to the location on is a good thing. Going home I ha,•e Associ:>te. In other words it's just plain ol' Congress Street." m issed it twice, and once was just window clerk." Then )'CU put in lo come out /(J Peak.st because I could've run down and got it Meg: "It's 'Post Lady Extraordinaire' says "Well Bob Swett retired, and this and I said,' Forget it. I'll wait and walk Meg, her kidsand a dog.· position out here, the job went up for or do something else.' You know what? With that they all left to make their cake bid. And I was the senior bidder, so What more beautiful spot to spend an that's how I got it. And I w,s· qu:1lified, and finish planning their scavenger hunt. hour?" Vinnie Amodeo is our regular Peaks window-qualified."' Peg Astarita came in with a gift What dca 'l,;d' meanf Cathy M osley with customer Macey O r me in this Island letter carrier and has been here a year tocally u nposed action shot. 10 m,il, and told interesring tales of and several months. I le bid the job and got "Jobs go up for bicl, :rnd if you're the the ex-Peaks Islanders who would be senior person, for a window job like this it, and plans to be out here until he retires, staffpl,oto receiving rhe package. Peg is always another 11 years. you have to qualify, you have to take good for an enterta.injng story or two. Has there /Jeen tmy other s;Je /q thntf Art ''I'm 24 years in the post office,ot Yir1nie Window Training and all that. Ifyou work Cathy: "How about S4.95. Do you need a a machine you have to qualify on that. But people exputing a lot of service here, for said, ..so I have 11 more a.nd the.n l can retire. exan,pk? receipt? You sure? I have it written." mine, I mean I've been on the window for 30 Peg: "In that c-,se I'll take it. Memory ain't Unless there's another re-orgar1iza6on,I'll be years, you know, a long time." "I don't know rhar they expect a lot of here. I don't think a senior guy would wantto service. J think t11cy don't realize sometimes what it used robe." I Vere you excit~d lo tome ~ re f Did yqu haw How do you lilt thefirry ri,k, Cothyf come our. Theywoulda had the opportunity any rtkTVOli.ons a/Jout 11XJrking on Peals? that you ha\'e a boat to catch. before to rake this job and they never wann:d "We're open from, well, l open at 7:00 "You know it's oneofthebestparts,comin' lnitialJy yeah, 1 was excited but I was and goin'. It's relaxing, it's a beautiful r-idc. it." when I get here. [She td,s the 6:15 ftrry a little, you know, 'Gosh did I do the right You see something different every day."' $qbtingon Ptalu is 1.voding out {oryuu7 thing?' You get comfortable in a place that from Portland ea,h morning. P()sfed optning Vinnie: 41 Qh yeah this is perfect, perfect. lime far the post o/fire is 7:15}. So ifsomeone Atlunehli= I often see you out walking ... you're at with people that }')U work with, and "I go out every day, yeah. Well, you know Compared 10 in-town? Night and day.• ... I had a lot of fun at Downtown Station, were catching the 7:15 boat [to Portland) Any mm or less worH and needed to pick something up, the door's what? I always walked from Downtown l worked with some really fun people. Station

At lunchtime Cath y tak e• a walk "around thac back sid•" of Peoks, a.k.a. 'the back shore'. "Every d ay iS$0 different, you know~The sk y, the water••. It's my way o fju st takin g th e time for mysd£ " · staffph oto ------Squirrel's Head Guidance ------Calling for your input... As we trolled for movies side-by-side at the Peaks library last week I asked Vinnie Demos what could be planted. ouidoors now: "Plant your peas. That's about it Why do you live on an island! for outside.· She said, tradicionally it's been after Memorial Day What makes it hard/What makes it greatr (May 30 this year) that you start to do your serious planting. Then you "work like gang busters." She Whatmakesitworthitforyou:' continue

BY KEVINAlTRA - ,valt Semon -- This winter it seemed Hkc the Publk Servioes Walt has three sons and four grandchildren, all crew·s were out plowing c-.·cry day. Night if1er boys. "There hasn't been a girl in our family since my night through 16 major snow storms l:>etw~ -grandfa ther's grandfather." Dec. 1 and April 1, the crews were running, Favorite meal: Steak and lobster. Favorite dessert: pounding into snowdrifts and cleiring the );;sl abou t anything. Favorite drink: Ginger a le roads. • A~ol'ding to record.$ from the Nation.al (occasio·nal] ™;ack Velvet). Weather Service Ytcather 3l.'ltion in Gl'ay. t here wa~ .a tot.al aocumubdon of 73, 2 inches, nearly .. 2 feet more than normal. The greatc-.« mowrall in a 24-hour period wai l,ii'df',!,-.-hichfcll on Jan. 12, -- The a,'t'ragc temperature fo,T' the sea..~c>n wu LEFT, Besides trash normal at 24.8° F. The warmest winter on -collection and road work, record a,·cragcd 31.2° f in 2001/2002. The most of the cre w are AJ Alves, Supervisor also part of rhe island's AJ has been w ith Portland's Public e<>ldcst wu 17.9° Fin 1970/1971, which wu emergency response team. Services Department fo r 35 years. During also the .snowic$\ winter v.1th 107.6 inches. lln this photo Marty (left snow events, he's up at 3:30 a.m. to open The least .snowiest winter wu in 1936/1937, foreground) and Walt shop and get the plows on the road. He only9.S inch<,,. {center} assist firefighters Our cRw worked ha.rd rhis yeu, so if you in a February 2009 fire. figured this year was an average winter, BELOW,Jamal d oses shop. we just got it all at once. fed inspired to show your apprccfation here's Favorite meal: Sca llops with bacon, som• tj,lngs tlley might like, .!though from the baked potato and corn. Favorite dessert: look.s of it you pMh.ibly won't be buying them Ma,:ty Mulke Blueberry pie. Favorite drink: Milk. i'l,p.,,....,, Patty Latham Favorite dessert: Seconds. "Why have • e,.i ng Coo\past Piles and Windrows Patty has been with Portland's Public dessert when you ca n have seconds?" • Sheet Mulcl1,ng Ftluorite drink: Coffee. • Sod T)l)CS Services Department for 12 years. • Soi Honzot\S Favorite meal: New England boiled • pli Tesong dinner. Favorite dessert: Chocolate cream • Hea,y M•tal "'""°'"I frOffl the Sod • Perenn;;aliWgetablesinMiloo pie.FIIUOritedrink: Milk. • ConsuuG1ing a Herb Sp,ral • loocheoo - Close 1i>/kJOJ,r Go!dtn • ~JillcColdtn Jamal Thundershield June 18 and 19 Jamal is the baby of the group, having Water in the Landscape be~n w ith Portland's Public Services • Wa:tr Conserv.a:ioo Issues Department for just 6 years. During • lloof Wa:e, C.pQ.We and~· Sy;t,ms off Buildings snow events, he's the one in shorts and a • S-s. 1\lells sleeveless T-shirt. • Wff W;ter ~s "'d Black \'li1tcfSysttmS Favorite meat: Fajitas. Favorite dessert: • Pond5. Streams arid "'1laculturo Baklava. FIIUOrite dri,rk: Water. • Water arid Radon Testing ..,_.;:.,__ • food. Wares and Coml'Tl.lmty RtsiffMCt. "" and o.s,gn • Badq! - &«cring the Eco-zoK Era • Solar. l'Md. W;ter Powe, THURSDAY MAY 19 • p..,;..e Solar E""9)' DAVtD FERRARO • Witlttt Glffll Houses • - Enew receive lxnefit$ tb2t S2,500 be allocated towards a vehicle i ( a doctor fi nds chc.ir PTSD consistent with rcpl-acemenr fund~ on the b:isis that the future the circum.stancc$ v( a veter:tn's M:nicc. Jameson Childs (above} put together a s,avenger hunt for the Fifth Maine's Open of the uui ckpended more on having a reliable \X1e need to extend this rule tc) victirns of l-louse on Sunday, April 10 celebrating the 250th anniversary of the Civil War. vehicle than in de.aJing with momemarr sexual assault. We ha\·t a responsibilit}' tO take Winners got a Union soldier bat. Many events commemoracin$ the Civil War will be (>pcrnting cos-es. cart of our wounded waniors. whether those taking place over the next four years. At the Fifth Maine, a Civil War band concert Former Councilor Rob Tiffany, who wouods uc to bod)· or spirit, ~nd whether will be held on June 18. The band uses authentic instruments built in the 1800s. In attended the meeting, agreed saying he'd they're at the hands ofeneiny or aUy. August, a Uncoln scholar will speak. always felt strongly that ifit w 2$ going tO be• Sexual assault should not be a growing risk s14.ffpboto viable enterprise the tui lud to be able to pay of sen~icc, but it is. Changing the militlry its own w.iy. Fosler's motion W2.S subscquemlr culture co p reve nt these assaults may take appro,·td by the Council. years, but changing th?llc ping slcln cancer is to p,actice sun d..elopmenl of m­ safely. You can slil enjoy Ille outdoors and maignanl melanoma and behaviors - nlai••111 ~ slcin. The rules are during younger years persist to ...... -· Enocuage schools to ado!)( - A\IOld sun exposure between 10 sun-p.OIOCM polcles sud1 as proYicf,ng a.m. and 4 p.m. shaded playgrounds, having outdoor lime before 10 a.m. and allowlng hats --the-.- ec-- up wilh prmd\18 dolhing. OWlool$. - Af,rJy sunsaeen: use a sooscreen ~ you - - heading .. camp 1his wilh an SPF 15 or tigher 1hal prOYides sunmer, )'OU may schedule a camp pi1ysic8I broad spectrum UVA and UVB at the Health Cenler. We are located at 87 protection. Active ingredients to look Cfflral A-, Peeks blend, open Tuesdays, for in a sunscreen are Parsol 1789 Thursdays and Fndays from 10,00 a.m. to (avobenzone), titanium dioxide, zinc 4:00 p.m. Pleese ca• 766-2'329 to schedule oxide, and Mexoryt. Apply a generous appointments. When the Health Ceoter is amount 30 minutes prior to sun -· pleaoe cal yov, Primary Ce

$495k Peaks Island 2-family New kitchens, baths, win­ clows ... a remarkable Islan d Broker: $675k OCEAN VIEWS! home with solid income Lots of indoor and history. RHONDA BERG outdoor living spaces, 207-756-3450 3bdrm,2 bath, roof· Intown office: top deck with hot tub; 47 India St stunnins home an; Portland, ME 04101 wow view [email protected] • ~ - 9 room Victorian nght ~ ! ' on t he beach. Southern exposure, dramatic views, 3 frpl, hrdwd floors, some new win· dows, newer furnace ~ S575k + worth the work .. May2ou ISLAND TIMES PAGE15

. " From the FIFTH MAINE ''Peaks Got aKin g-Size Scare''


So read the headline in the May others thought it was sparked by the 10, 1957 edition of the Portland hot sun beating down on broken Evening Express. shards of glass lying in the tall dry. The recent house fire on New grass. Island Avenue brought back Fanned by a stiff southwest wind memories of the de,•astating fire of and fed with debris that was still May 9, 1957 that ravaged 400 acres on the ground after a hurricane in ofPea ks Island. 1954, it quickly spread towards the The fire started in the vicinity of northeastern end of the island. TOP PHOTO: Aerial view of the fire on Peaks Island May 9, 1957. INSET: The Brackett Avenue and A Street, near Islanders hurried home from their afrumatb, only chimneys and stonework remained. the current transfer facility. Since no mainland jobs to assist firefighters from tbe Fifth Moint to!ltction o ne lived on the backshore at that in battling the blaze. Coming across time, it had been burning for some the bay, they could see flames Peaks school joined them in the time before being noticed. shooting 100 feet into the air. on the Brackett Church. For a fight. Even island women helped The cause? Some islanders talked High school students a nd the child, this was a terribly frightening by hosing down buildings and about kids playing with matches; seventh and eighth graders at the experience - even scarier than p roviding coffee aod food to walking through Battery Steele. those fighting the flames. A fire Fortunately che island has not HELP PRESERVE truck, Marioe reservists, and Coast since experienced another fire of WHAT'S SPECIAL Guardsmen arrived from Portland, this magnitude. With continued and the fireboat took up a position vigilance, such a devastating ABOUT PEAKS. offthe backshorc. conflagration can be avoided. The fire was pretty much under control by 7:30 that evening, flw Island is i truly tl)eCill plact. 111ith 1b rocky although small pockets of flames sh:ites, its wocJ!mds ¥Id its Y1?tla..-id:s. Your membership erupted periodically. It took a few (oaly SlS 1nd1\&V$?S fwlY) aod ,our donaticma.re days to completely quell the fire. CARPENTER cruciil in hdpiftf us 1m1ntaio open spaces. \Xlhen it was over, all that remained on the military reservation were FOR HIRE chimneys and the concrete bunkers and towers. Everything that could burn did, including several cottages adjacent to the reservation land. Luckily, there was no loss of life but *ISLAND= := there were a few minor injuries. LAND PRESERVE •--- As a young child I recall standing P.O. IOI '9, tlU.S IHUO, Ml t 4 1U Macey Orme ,._.,.,...OJ•_.._,..,_ _ -.••...,. in the school yard and seeing flames 7 66-590 9 towering higher than the steeple PAGE16 ISLAND TIMES May2011

You know, it's just there. That's what and then combine that with working gives the work itsspecial quality. I mean, with light, the kind of interesting light JnFocus not just me but any good photograph, you get inside, and how that changes - you see the photographer there. It's that because of what's happening outside a conversaticm with Victo~ human quality. You know, the camera is the environment, outside the window just this mechanical machine. If you're there. I usually use natural light. So, out of focus, if you're wandering and you different times of day, different weather just can't pull your thoughts together, will give you different light inside your then you're not going to achieve anything studio, like even from one hour to the significant. next, or even one few minutes to the So it's capturing not only the moment, next few minutes. So that's interesting the external object that you want to to capture thal And then working with capture with the camera, it's also how that light plays on objects, three­ achieving that at a time when you're in dimensional objects, and then how that focus also. So, it's capturing both those all works with the hvo-dimensional, Oat times, because you can't always achieve background, which I use a lot, which are that state, that quality of being sort of in my paintings. tune with things, you know. And, that's Yeah, your pictures play around wit/J really what it's all kind of about. For me what's really being shown. I mean, usually with a camera_, it's achieving that state you've got some real ouject plactd in front of of mind, too, as well as the actual object a painting so you can see that this is real and that you might be photographing. //rat's a painting, and then the whole tiring is How much time do you spend 011 a slu>0t? a photograph. Does ii vary? So right, I work with those three Yeah, it depends. Sometimes I'll just things. walk around with a camera and, you Tiu, backgrounds art all your own paintings regular 35mm SLR. It's very heavy, well "I'm the house chef, you k11ow, I cook know, nothing happens, and then and grap/Jics. Do yo11 create them specifically built. You can, like, drop it on a rock and dinner, get things ready," said artist Victor sometimes it's just that moment and to b, photographed? it still works, and you take it out in Romanyshyn whe11 I asked him ifhe gtts out can there it is. You're there and it's the right No, um, well, no. \'\'hen I'm working on the rain and snow. It's totally sealed from much. We spoke in his studio at the Bakery thing and you see it. Of course, you a painting or something I'm not thinking the weather, so that's nice. Stt,dios, 61 Pleasa11t Street in Portland, recognize il That's a big part of it, too, about photography, usually. I'm just Part of what's given a unique quality to where he spe 11 ds most ofthe time when he's recognizing. thinking about the thing f m working on. not taking care of lhi11gs at home on Peaks my photographs is the type of lenses I've So wlm, you su a scene that appeals to But it's after, when I think about it, you /sla11d. used with that camera, because the optics you with tire lig/Jt, do you allow the camera know. Usually I'll see some kind of object • 1guess this is going on wwards the third is really what determines the character of to make the exposure automatically or do you I want to photograph and then I'll work year, about two years in the Bakery Buildi11g the photograph, more than the camera. want to do something elsewillr it? out how 1 want the background to be. studio. On the island, you ktrow, 1 still use The lens have been important. that space at home. That's where I take a lot of Yoi, did a collection about two years ago my phowgraphs, in that studio on tire island." that was presented at Addiso11 Woolley, and Sometimes yuu want that, you want that blur, you're shooting/or the blur I think it i,wolv,d Jolm {WeHerau's/ poetry as Victor grew up in Orono where he was more than the sharp part because that blur can be very beautiful. born. His father ta11ght in tire School of Social well. Yo11 had a11 image of some sort ofshack Work at the U11i,,v,rsity of Maine. His mother out in a lake, maybt, on piers ... , was a child welfare administrator and also Oh yeah. Usually no, I don't do it all automatic. Like I remember yollr pencils, you had taught at the 1111iversityft,r a whiU. "They'v, ... it might have been moonlit, or maybe pencils and a yellow-colored paititing in the always been kind ofco mmunity actirie ki11d of not, I can't remember. But the clarity of You've two really basic things. One is background. So it was the color of the painting people,"said Vicwr. They since retired. that picture, and all your pictures, is just how much light you let in, you know, that inspired the JJ"llcils, or you wanted IQ do He also has a brother, Michael, who is a astounding. how wide open or closed the lens is, the the pencils? musician and composer. He plays mired That was taken in Lubec. I took a trip aperture, the s ize'of the aperture, how much light is coming in through the I wanted to do the pencils, and then I ethnic dance music i11 a band in the Czech specifically to take photographs. It was found that background for it, I think. I Republic. They just retunied from a tour in something I did with my brother that lens. And then, hJw much time you let think that's what I usually do. Holland. Michael lives in Boswn with his we'd been talking about for a long time. that light expose either the film or the electronic sen sot Those two variables With your artwork, for it1stance, the piece wife and two children, but thty hllVt a small So, he drove and then, you know, I would are very important because the w ider right behind you, now l/1a/'s a photograph of form near Farrni11gton. see something and I'd say, 'Stop!~ you open the lens - the more light you let in vases with this b,autiful bl11e abstract, what "/f's very isolated up there," said Victor. ·1 know, and he'd stop, right?, and I'd run • the shorter the distance will be that's doyou .•. ? think that's part ofthe rtASon they own it, to out and photograph it. going to be sh arp and in focus. If you That's a watercolor painting, and those gel out of Boston for the kids. It's beautif11I. How long does it take you to make a vases are, Rick Boyd did those. I think I've taken some photographs around there.• photograph like that? have a lot of light corning in a wide open I bought them, I think I had them. And Victor's family moved to Portland when WeU, you know, the photograph itself lens, you're going to have a very short those are chicory flowers. I hadn't done he was 12 or 13. After high school he went is a split second. I mean, the studio is one depth of field. Ti)at is, it's going to be a really big prints like that so I had this to New York City to study art at the School thing, but when you're out in the world very narrow margin of things that will done for me because I can't do those with ofVisual Arts. After school he stayed in the there is something else. Usually you've be in focus, and everything else is going the printer I have, but this one came out city and earned Iris livillg there through his got to work fast because whatever it is to be kind of in a blur. And sometimes you want tha~ you want that blur, you're really nice. artwork. you're photograph ing won't be there unless you go and grab it. Like that one shooting for the blur more than the ls this new? sharp part because that blur can be very Yeah, this is brand new. My painting, Painting is, like, one activity I've in Lubec, I was just walking around beautiful and interesting, or the contrast d rawings are pretty abstract kind of always done, sort of my background. town with my camera, and went out on between the sharp, in-focus foreground things, geometric. You know, not in I went to art school in New York and the pier there and saw that, and so, you and the blurred background. relation to some kind of thing in nature, I painted in New York for along time. know, I grabbed that moment. And then the other thing is the length but just my random scribbles and then Then I got into graphic kind of things Do you use a I ripod? of time that you allow that light to stay working with color and shape and things and I wanted to do, you know, multiple No, I don't like to use a tripod generally on. That's another variable because the like that. Like this kind of watercolor in copies and print-making. And then I got except in the studio, and even then longer your exposure, the less you can the background there. Basically it's about into photography. I mean, photography sometimes. It's important for me when capture in terms of movement. I mean, harmonizing different elements in a kind is something I've a lways done, too, since I'm working with the camera, my mental it's going to be blurred there because, of abstract way. Since my background is I was a kid. So, when I came to Peaks attitud e is very in sync with what I'm something moving fast, to capture it you in painting that's how I usually approach Island I kind of combined everything, doing, and pa rt of that is holding the want very short exposure time. my photographs, in a painterly kind of and even though the end product was camera steady. You know, I try to get into Most of the images I've seen of yours are way. a photograph, it really combined a ll the a kind of fixation on what I'm working You're working with Joh,i Wetterau on his different kind of media that I'd been on. It means a lot of concentration, and if still life. Yeah, well there's two things that websi~. No Age Cafe? working in, like painting. I'm in that kind of mode - you know, you Yeah, well you should really talk to What do you use for photography? Wl,at is don't always achieve that - but I can hold I've been doing. One is work outside the studio. It's kind of nature work and John because that's his creation, his idea. yo11 rcamera? the camera pretty still. landscape. And then working indoors, I'm just happy to be part of it. Yeah, he's ' My camera? It's about eight or nine I think the mindset of the photographer, which has mostly been still life. That's put a lot of work into that, creating Iha~ years old now - but at the time it was the person holding the camera, is almost when I've incorporated my art • you the structure. And then it seems that his really one of the best digital cameras more important than what you're taking, know, p aintings and graphic work • around. It's a Canon, but it looks like a because that comes through in the work. CONTINUED next page May 2011 ISLAND TIMES PAGE17

ABOVE: "Green Car", by Victor Ro'"4ny,",yn. "People see this as, they say, 'Wow, this is this gigantic mural and you've got the car parked in front of it. Where did you see that?' And I think that's great if ti creates that imeression . J don't know if it always does· but actuaJJ_r thi s is a tiny little toy car.# I u ked him ifpeople ac.tually think this some kind ofsce nt in France, and he said., 'Yeah, right, scene in France, like this is on my vacation.

CONT>from previotu, page You know, I pretty have much moved all writing and my photography just kind my stuff here from the island. There's a of harmonize together in a lot of ways, at few things there but afulost all my stuff least some pieces do. So that works well is here now. " to have that kind of joint venture. We did So, tliis is whneyou're ,~ally selling? that in a book, too. Yeah, and I hope to do more of that. What's your day like here in the studio? That part of the thing. I hope that will You're pretty mucl, liereeueryday it seems. come from John's website, to get people Yeah, more or less. It depends, you to come by here. ' know, sometimes l just need to think Has it been mostly wo~d of mo 11 th that about what I'm going to be doi ng and peoplebllyyourstuff? study things, you know, like I'll get into Yeah, it's been word of mouth. People different maybe a painter I'm interested have seen my stuff on the art walk on inorit'ssomekindofdilferentthingthat Peaks Island and the~, you know, a I'll finally get some kind of idea from. relative or a friend will tell them about it You know, I'll start experimenting with or bring them over. That's sort of how it's the camera or doing something like worked out. that, or start working on some kind of Do you have any New York connections painting ordrawing. anymore? HOOJ has it bw, selli11g your work? Is this Cover design by Jomie Hogan There's people that have my work in what you're doingfora living? New York, collectors who saw my work Yeah, pretty much. I've found that NOW AVAILABLE at Casco BaY AndY's Old Pub, Hannigan's here. But, no I don't have too many I)nes. !'Ort what makes the most economic sense connections, galleries or anything Like Island Market+ The Boat House! is when I'm selling directly. Ga Ueries that. New York's another world. Updated liStings t istand FrieodlY advertisers, large print, handY Spiral I've never [laughs], it's like you put Lookit,g nt this piece you're worki11g 011 binding, IOtS Of 'notes' pages ft)r your 011Jn Often-used numbers. all the money into h aving your work right 110w, I'd say you're pretty meditative, it presentable, fra ming it, and then of Proven indispensable since 2001. s«mslike. course the gallery takes its commission Yeah, right. That's a good description, and after all that you barely break even, great gift! meditative. It's pretty accurate. Ma1(oolle Gallery as 51 Woods Road bt!tl ~el aU the money. I meanJ•theri,'s no ' well"as J,i., stlldio "Suite 26!JJl!',~ the Bakery 1;2 f ,I commission fee I'm paying to the gallery Studios 61 Plea;ant Sfreet in Portland or Peaks Island, Me 04108 or a nything like that. So, it just makes call '.0686. ' 772 www.phonebookpublishing.com more economic sense when I sell directly. PAGE18 ISLAND TIMES May2011 COMMUNITY NOTES

pong & a mo\·ie. Open to all 6th lo 8th graders. all re~rvation.~ mu~t be made through Denise. The Gem 'l'he Gem Gallery Contact Cclc:.lc at 766.58>7. Tai:c.e Worship ON-GOING EXERCISE PROGRAMS for Callery l! an a.rtist/craftspcnon coopel'alht of Service, Weclnf'sdap, 6: 10pm. Quiet, low­ ADULTS at 1hc MACVANE CENTER . Walk Classes & over 2S individuals in media of painting, drawing, key worship whh candleUgbt, :silence, prayers, Program Mondays & Thursd.tys at 8:1S am (mttt sculpture, pottery jewelry, phoroguphy, 1 gentle music and ecumenic.al readings. Church at oommunity building) . Low.Im)~ Aerobics printmaking, assemblage, fiber art, and wriliog. Supper, Tbursd,y, May 19 from 5:00pm to w1'vcight$ Mondays & Thur.sdays from 9:30 a.m. Inst1~uction Solo and 1mall group exhibitions change wttkly 6:30pm. Spring Chicken "ith ..tad,, broads & to 10:30 3,,m. • Tahlc Tcnni, for Adults Tuesdays and bi.wcekl)· from June through October with des;5erts. Free. All welcome! Rummage Sale from 2 p.m. lv 4 p.m. SJ>OllSOt'td by Portland larger themed member shows off-seuon and a Saturd1.y, May 28 from 9:00am to 2:00pm; Rccr.. li on (766-2970).ADULT BASKETBALL Dance C la.SS('S For classschedule holiday ule ~c;b year. Plcas,c call the gallery at St per bag starh at J:00pm. Donations: ple.'lse - TUESDAYS 6:00 7:50 pm at 1hc PEA KS arnl information contact Sharoan at 776. 5066 766-S600 for mott information. .m-e.w).Curator 6pm to8pm. apply annually by leuer to Janfoe ,\1. Wolkoff, Work.shop's hours. Please consider making a Sec:rd.ary, 89 Centr;a) Avenue, Apt. I, Peaks M~ic Carle 01uprirs@m1fair[X>iot.na or 766· donation ofcanned and baked gooTefer lighttr by Darr-di Taylor depicting hi.s phllosophJcal 7:30 pm in the Douglas E. MacVa.ne Community 766-2543. weight. Please foel free lo r«:ydc jan al lhc: sund and acerbic take on American li(e. Show runs Center. We need crea.th'e activities, uny ideas, as weU M,y 6 to May 28 with opening r,,oep-, Friday, generous dono.tions, awesome prizes -and lots of May 6, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Dedicated to the Peaks Island Libr<1,ry \·olunlcc:rs.ln5hort, ...,-enced YOU! Pleasebelp. R ' arc of phoiognphy, the Addison Woollcy G.Jlery Nurscr y-Rbyxne Time is on Wednesdays . . 1pple Eff eet The Chebeague features works by local artisu al:I wd l u nationally at 11am, following the Community Playgroup Attention H igh School Recr<>tion Ccnicr', Teen Center iJ looking for across the haU. Pre.school Story Time is on and internationally recognhe

New Construction Renovation ISLAND I 2010 Island Phone Directory John Kiely Covering 7 CIIICo &ry Islands Carpenter SERVICE Property Management Available at The Boathouse, Long Island, Hannigan's Island Mul:et, Pealcs, Andy's Old Port Pub, Casco Bay tines, and online at 591 Island Avenue Peaks Island, ME 04108 DIRECTORY www.phonebookpublishing.com. FMI (207} 766-2026 or wholesale opportunities call 766-5997. [email protected]

GallRM.CAAf>LNTRY f'NSH(W¥'EHTRY The AIMngmuseum l(ITOIOISI MYIC 000R8IWNlOWI and lodge. MNOOEllf!OWft &WlltRRH b Eighth Room and ball Ferry Cot1vet1ietrt MUIIOR I Eff8IOft PUM / PSIMITTllkt rnd. ME 04108 oft'l'ordand A .:~J>J'S (207)766-)086 • www.eighlhmlifle.oom 94 Coin,nercial Street. Ponland 207 874-.2639 766-3030 [email protected] Adem Wekf6mann - Srn11ngccmwrrlmmypi,l,fi/,;J,.p~fmm II a.m. to 10:Wp.m Y OGA ON P EAK S Michael Langella 382 Meosonl Aw,. Fifth Maine Rtgimt nt Mllj·eum RUECC.A JOHANNA STEPHANS Owne, f'eob l>lcmd, Me 45 Sta.tlt.ortt ,1.,,,,,,,t 207-632-8229 (),1108 f'.O. Box4l CAil FOR CURR[N1' Peaks Island, Maint 04108 SCH(DUll Of CLASSES 766 .3017 A Musrum of Chi! War & Peaks Island History AlSO 0 Ff[RING: Open Memorial Day thru Columbus Day PRIVATE YOGA HSSONS PARTNER YOGA din."C:tor@fiObrnainen1u..\tum.org HEALING TOUCH 207-766-33.10 "'"-ww.tiflh1n:aine.mus,um.o~ SOURCE YOUR CONTENTMENT FROM WITHIN ·...... ProlessiOnal I Land Surveyors Peaks Island Fiber Arts Camp Summtr201-l Take a Peak James 'D. 'J{_acfeau, £.LC June 27-July 1 Wizard Camp 52 Island Avenue C,trtif,ed July 18-22 M edieval Camp Peaks lsbnd, 04108 Floodplain Managers August 1-5 CreatingArtwear :-fain, I contact us with any flood zone ciuesuons or concerns.. August 9.13 French Camp With our dell, c:ollecu>n and evaluation, your agent may W7.766.5'1'JS•fu 207.7~M,54 ~) lower or extinguish your IMuri111CO premium. Contact Susan Hanley at 332-2443, or w w.mWpnh1sl.w.d.o.:t ..,,_ · -. [email protected] f\

ROOM FOR RENT CARPENTER PEAKS ISLAND FOR HIRE $100/NIGHT Certified 1/e~. .restorit,g Queen-size bed yoor /Jodt's energy Private bath bal.Mce Reservations/FM!: 207-756-3450 Macey Orm e [email protected] 766-5909

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AUTO & GOLF CART REPAIRS CARPENTRY FREIGHT DELIVERY Andrea Davis TOWING ON AND OFF ISLAND PROPERTY CARETAKING 207,415,4925 9U.96 l.8934 cell peaksbeads@?mail.com 207,51 e.0000 CALL PAUL PEAKS ISLAND 10 Island Avenue Peaks Island.Maine 04108 Ca.II me. I can do anything.