THE Inman Park Advocator Atlanta’s Small Town Downtown News • Newsletter of the Inman Park Neighborhood Association September 2017
[email protected] • • 245 North Highland Avenue NE • Suite 230-401 • Atlanta 30307 Volume 45 • Issue 9 The Wisdom of Our Crowd Springvale Park is on the Mend BY NEIL KINKOPF •
[email protected] BY SANDY HOKE • SPRINGVALE PARK COMMITTEE It is offi cial: we live in the weirdest of times. Need proof?
[email protected] The weekly Creative Loafi ng is now being printed monthly. It turns out that “News of the Weird” cannot compete with the weirdness of the news. Maybe that is why our President recently returned the nation to Sesame Street for a game of “One of These Things (Is Not Like the Others).” I’m pretty sure even Mr. Noodle wouldn’t be stumped picking the odd man out President’s Message when confronted with Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and George Washington. In these troubled and troubling times, perhaps it is wise to shift our focus to our happy place, our comfort zone, our own Sesame Street. For me that’s our neighborhood. Sure, we may be home to an Oscar the Grouch (Chris Coffee, I’m looking at you), and we may have reason to wonder whether Snuffl eupaGrolsch is as benign as he seems. On the whole, though, things here are pretty good. I am especially comfortable that we as a neighborhood care about one another, mostly play nicely together, and clean up even when we didn’t make the mess.