CENTRE COURT NEXT GEN ARENA COURT 1 COURT 2 12.00-02.00 Naša kužina by LF Restoran 17.30 17:00 17:00 17.00 18.00-04.00 Benoit Paire (FRA) vs Jiri Vesely (CZE) vs Andrej Martin (SVK) vs Marc Polmans (AUS) vs Taste Istria Kenny De Schepper (FRA) Norbert Gombos (SVK) Denis Istjomin (UZB) (ITA) 18.00 – 02.00 Istria gourmet restoran Ne prije/Not before 20.00 Slijedi / Followed by Slijedi / Followed by Ne prije / Not Before 19:00 by Zigante tartuffi Borna Ćorić Attila Balazs Radu Albot Cecchinato / Rublev (CRO) vs (HUN) vs (MDA) vs vs 21.00 (ARG) Damir Džumhur (BIH) Miljan Zekić (SRB) Dutra Silva / Lorenzi Wine tastings - Aged Malvasia Slijedi / Followed by Slijedi / Followed by Slijedi / Followed by Joao Sousa (POR) vs I. Dodig / F. Škugor vs Mihail Youzhny (RUS) vs COURT 4 PARTY PROGRAM Aljež Bedene (VBR) R. Jebavy / J. Vesely Nick Kicker (ARG) 17.00 23.30 Slijedi / Followed by Slijedi / Followed by Rogerio Dutra Silva (BRA) vs Party nights - Željko Joksimović D. Marcan / A. Šančić vs M. Draganja / T. Draganja vs Marco Trungelliti (ARG) M. Elgin / D. Istjomin Fognini /Giannessi Ulaznice su dostupne na službenoj web stranici turnira: SLOBODAN ULAZ NA PARTY PROGRAM U DANCE ARENI.

Organizator zadržava pravo promjene programa i satnice. Novosti iz programa pratite putem službene web stranice turnira i mobilne aplikacije koju možete pronaći na sljedećim linkovima. 1 WC 1. GOFFIN, DAVID BEL GLAVNI TURNIR 2. BYE D. GOFFIN [1] 3. BALASZ, ATTILA HUN 4. DŽUMHUR, DAMIR BIH 5. COPIL, MARIUS ROU I. DODIG WC 6. DODIG, IVAN CRO 6:4, 7:6(4) 7. CECCHINATO, MARCO ITA M. CECCHINATO 5 8. SIMON, GILLES FRA 6:1, 3:6, 6:1 3 9. FOGNINI,FABIO ITA 10. BYE F. FOGNINI [3] 11. YOUZHNY, MIKHAIL RUS 12. KICKER, NICOLAS ARG 13. MARTIN, ANDREJ SVK 14. ISTOMIN, DENIS UZB 15. BERLOCQ, CARLOS ARG 6 16. ČORIĆ, BORNA CRO 8 17. VESELY, JIRI CZE 18. GOMBOS, NORBERT SVK 19. ALBOT, RADU MDA 20. ZEKIĆ, MILJAN SRB 21. SOUSA, JOAO POR 22. BEDENE, ALJAŽ GBR



2 Lawrence Goran Frankopan Ivanišević

Najava utorka Osvrt na ponedjeljak

SREĆA ZBOG ISPLATILO SE DODIGA, TUGA DOĆI I NAVIJATI ZBOG ŠKUGORA ZA DODIGA Dobar start, ali moglo je biti i bolje. Jako mi je žao što Prvi dan je iza nas, u kojem smo imali razloga i za se Franko Škugor nije pridružio Ivanu Dodigu i Borni sreću i za malo tuge. Ivan Dodig je odradio i izvukao Ćoriću u glavnom ždrijebu, to bi me jako razveseli- vrlo korektan meč protiv Mariusa Copila, drago mi lo. No, Kenny De Schepper igrao je jako dobro, treba je bilo vidjeti i da je publika već prvoga dana glav- mu čestitati na prolazu dalje. nog dijela turnira dobro popunila tribine. Za ovaj tenis koji je Dodig pokazao isplatilo se doći i pogle- No, zato je sve nadoknadio Ivan Dodig i barem su gledatelji mogli pogledati koji se borio kao pravi šampion i bio ga u Umagu jer prije nisu imali takvu dati meč. sam vrlo impresioniran s njegovom priliku. Izgubio je, ali to je tenis, takve igrom i kretanjem, tim više što je došao stvari se događaju. Mogu se dogoditi i na turnir izravno poslije sezone na još većim igračima, na svakom turniru. Naš Dodo uvijek igra sa srcem, veliki s Dodigom. Obojica su fantastični travi i jer nije imao previše vremena Pogled prema današnjem danu. Imat je borac i makar u proteklom vre- igrači parova, već su igrali skupa, za prilagodbu zemljanoj podlozi. ćemo “punu kuću” jer će svi tereni menu nije imao previše uspjeha na znaju se i mogla bi to biti dobra Bilo je zanimljivo pratiti oba meča biti popunjeni. Borna Ćorić je glavna Touru u pojedinačnim mečevima, kombinacija na ovom turniru. naših tenisača istovremeno, a i publika zvijezda, njegov meč na središnjem njegova pobjeda za mene nije izne- Poraz Gillesa Simona za mene i se teško odlučila na koje će tribine terenu od 20 sati sigurno će biti jako nađenje. Nije jer on ima igru koja nije neko iznenađenje. Već sam sjesti, na središnji stadion gdje je igrao zanimljiv. Igra protiv Carlosa Berlocqa ne odgovara Copilu. Rumunj voli prije govorio da je ovo njegova Dodig ili u Next Gen Arenu s Frankom. koji je strašan igrač za zemljanu pod- izaći na mrežu, a Dodig je iskustvo najlošija sezona. Stalno nekako I ja sam bio rastrgan što gledati jer logu i koji će sigurno biti nezgodan iz parova na reternu jako dobro podbacuje. Nadali smo se da će su me oba meča, naravno, zanimala. suparnik za prvo kolo. koristio u ovom meču i odlično se od Umaga okrenuti priču, no nije Išao sam od terena do terena, ali na- Starta danas i Benoit Paire, pomalo branio protiv Copila. uspio. Izgubio je samopouzdanje, žalost Franku nije bilo suđeno. Imao neobičan tenisač, ali jako dobar. Čovjek Koliko sam bio sretan zbog Ivana, nije to onaj “dosadni” Simon, ne je četiri meč-lopte, dobru priliku. No, je dobio Stana Wawrinku, trećeg teni- toliko mi je bilo žao zbog Franka u smislu dosadan za gledati već Franko je odličan igrač i još bolja oso- sača svijeta, ove godine u Madridu, a Škugora. To je sjajan dečko koji je dosadan za suparnike jer je znao ba i siguran sam da će biti sljedeće to je dovoljno upozorenje svima koliko zaslužio prolazak dalje, ali očito sve vraćati, stalno se braniti i teško godine ponovo s nama na turniru. je dobar. Ni njega nikada nismo imali mu nije suđeno. Ovo nije njegovih ga je bilo slomiti. Ne znam što je No, još uvijek je i na ovom turniru prilike gledati Umagu, a mislim da će desetak dana jer je i u Wimble- razlog da mu trenutačno ne ide, ali “živ” jer igra parove. Eto, on i Dodig biti sjajan dodatak za našu publiku. donu igrao polufinale u parovima morat će nešto promijeniti. su igrali istovremeno mečeve singla, U akciji će biti Joao Sousa i Aljaž Be- s Nikolom Mektićem, koje je bilo Što nas čeka danas? Uh, bit će sva- a danas će opet igrati istovremeno, dene, lanjski finalist Andrej Martin na rubu, a nije otišlo na njihovu čega. Istaknuo bih ludastog Francuza ali na istom terenu. kreće protiv Denisa Istjomina po novo stranu. Sada je ovdje imao svašta, Benoita Pairea, on će biti sigurno Gledao sam i meč Gillesa Simona, umaško iznenađenje, Mihail Južnji je zapravo sve za pobjedu, u konač- zanimljiv publici za gledati, ali za- šteta što smo ga tako rano izgubili, tu, Fabio Fognini igra parove... Dakle, nici i četiri meč lopte, ali nije mu pravo će biti teško izabrati između ali show mora ići dalje. Uostalom, bit će zapravo vrlo teško pratiti sve bilo dovoljno. Šteta, velika šteta tolikih mečeva jer na svim će se imamo još dosta drugih igrača i zvijezda mečeve, skakat ću od terena do terena, da se nije prošao u glavni ždrijeb i terenima stalno nešto zbivati. Ali koje će nadomjestiti njegovo mjesto. jer to su sve mečevi koje se isplati zbog turnira i zbog njega samoga. i to je dokaz koliko je Umag ove Svejedno, drago nam je što je Simon gledati. Puno se toga događa i bojim Ali, nadam se da će sve to upjeti godine jak, zato možemo biti samo bio ovdje, on je ugledno svjetsko ime se da ćemo razmaziti gledatelje... nadoknaditi u konkurenciji parova sretni i ponosni.

3 INTERVJU RONALD KOROTAJ, DIREKTOR ISTRATURISTA I ORGANIZACIJSKOG ODBORA TURNIRA NEMA BOLJE POZIVNICE ZA TENIS OD OVOGA ŠTO MI NUDIMO Nakon zagrijavanja u subotu egzi- zabava zagarantirana. Na to se sjajno svih ovih sljedećih dana tijekom Zato bih predložio svima da dođu bicjom u režiji Gaëla Monfilsa, od nadovezao i Parni valjak s kojim Plava Laguna Croatia Opena Umag. i pogledaju kao što je mnogo ljudi ponedjeljka su pogonski motori je publika uživala. Kompletan naš Nemoguće je i pomisliti da netko i učinilo pa su se onda iznenadili i organizatora Plava Laguna Croa- party program za ovaj tjedan vrlo kroz ovih 28 godina postojanja komentirali nam kako je to zaista tia Opena Umag u punom zamahu. je sadržajan, zadovoljit će svačiji umaškog turnira nije barem čuo, sport kojeg vrijedi gledati uživo jer Prvi dan glavnog dijela ždrijeba, ali ukus jer za svakog imamo ponešto ako već nije uživo osjetio čari Umaga je posebno dinamičan i zabavan. Na i sve ono što slijedi u preostalim - rekao je Ronald Korotaj, direktor i ovdašnjeg ATP turnira, ali za one televiziji to ponekad izgleda lako, danima ovoga tjedna produkt su Istraturista i predsjednik organiza- rijetke izuzetke teško je zamisliti ali tek kada sjedite na tribinama višemjesečnog rada i truda uloženog cijskog odbora turnira. bolju pozivnicu od onoga što su vidite da nije. od strane organizatora. I svi će se Sportski dio turnira neće nimalo organizatori ponudili za ovo izdanje. Imate li svog tajnog favorita kada složiti da su rezultati odlični. zaostajati, dapače, popis igrača u - Oni koji još nisu bili kod nas vjero- se radi o konačnom pobjedniku? - Zadovoljni smo jako uvodom, prvi ždrijebu sugerira da će obilovati jatno imaju neku percepciju kako - Imamo mu uvijek nekoliko favorita, dan nam je bila subota koja je bila vrhunskim tenisom u Umagu. to izgleda gledajući televiziju, ali u ali s obzirom na to da smo prije izuzetno zabavna i koja uvijek pri- - Odradili smo prvi dan i već smo stvarnosti je to puno dojmljivije jer nekoliko godine rekli da je Borna vuče ne samo one koji vole tenis tu imali dva jako zanimljiva meča, gledati uživo i vidjeti koliko su te Ćorić onaj na kojeg dugoročno nego i one koji ga tek otkrivaju jedan s našim Ivanom Dodigom, loptice brze, jake, koliko je napora računamo i koji je predvodnik ne da vide neke nove stvari, a kada drugi s Gillesom Simonom. Vje- od svakog igrača u svakom poe- samo hrvatske već i generalno, je Gaël Monfils u blizini uvijek je rujem da će tako zanimljivo biti nu, to je posve drugačiji doživljaj. svjetske generacije mladih teni-


Prvi dan turnira počeo je igrom tali- MARTINA ODUŠEVILI janskog igrača Marca Cecchinata koji je rezultatom 6:1, 3:6, 6:1 porazio NAJMLAĐI TENISAČI jednog među boljima, visoko ran- Slovački tenisač s osmijehom je jučer fije te potpisivanjem loptica, nakon giranim francuskim predstavnicima oko 11 sati ušetao na teren među čega su djeca svojim kućama otišla tenisa, Gillesa Simona, i to nakon više od 50 mališana koji su se već sa širokim osmjehom na licu. više od dva sata igre. U isto vrije- sat vremena ranije počeli zagrijavati, Kid’s Week svakog radnog dana za me na Grand Standu Franko Škugor nestrpljivo iščekujući trenutak kada vrijeme trajanja turnira u istom ter- odličnom igrom ipak nije uspio sa- će odmjeriti snage s prošlogodišnjim minu ugošćuje teniske zvijezde na vladati francuskog igrača Kennyja finalistom umaškog turnira. Na počet- druženju s najmlađim sportašima. de Scheppera i time se definitivno dana. Da je ozbiljna konkurencija ku prvog ovogodišnjeg Kid’s Weeka, Svi su pozvani da nam se pridruže i oprostio od glavnog dijela turnira. Rumunju Mariusu Copilu potvrdio Andrej Martin srdačno je pozdravio upoznaju svoje uzore. Mlada nada tenisa, Rus Andrey Ru- je pobjedom s rezultatom 4:6, 6:7 mlade teniske nade i blev, u kvalifikacijama protiv Atille nakon tie-breaka. U konkurenciji stao sa suprotne stra- Balazsa (HUN) nije uspio izboriti parova zaigrali su Bjelorus Max ne mreže. Nije mogao ulaz u glavni turnir. Večernji meč u Mirnyi i Kanađanin Daniel Nestor ne pohvaliti djecu dvoboju između našeg Ivana Dodiga protiv Aliaksandra Buryja i Damira koja su u narednih koji se nakon pet godina vratio u Džumhura, a pobjedu s rezultatom pola sata energično Umag na pojedinačno natjecanje i 7:6, 6:0 odnijeli Mirmy i Nestor. Ve- s njime razmjenjivala koji je 2011. godine osovojio naslov selim se današnjem danu i bogatom loptice, dajući sve od ATP turnira u Zagrebu bio je događaj rasporedu, uz poruku: Ajde Borna!!! sebe da zablistaju na terenu. Druženje je piše: Oscar Visintin završilo zajedničkim poziranjem za fotogra-


Ivan Dodig vratio se pobjedama na da igram dobar tenis, ali moram ATP Touru. Mislimo pri tome, jasno, na biti realan i mislim da će biti teško mečeve u pojedinačnoj konkurenciji. da nastavim u singlu, s obzirom da Hrvatski specijalist za igru u paru po- tijelo nije najbolje, ali naravno da ću brinuo se za osvježavajući prolog na probati, sebi za gušt. S druge strane ovogodišnjem Plava Laguna Croatia imam ciljeve u parovima koje sam Openu Umag pobjedom nad Mariu- si zacrtao, na to stavljam prioritet som Copilom u 1. kolu glavnog dijela i motivaciju- komentirao je Dodig turnira. Bila je to za našeg tenisača nakon pobjede sa 6:4, 7:6 (4). prva pobjeda nakon 13 mjeseci čeka- Za iznenađenje dana pobrinuo se nja, a nakon sedam vezanih poraza pobjedom nad u glavnom dijelu ždrijeba i još puno petim nositeljom Gillesom Simonom u njih u kvalifikacijama, Ivan Dodig u tri seta, 6:1, 3:6, 6:1. Talijan je ušao u sača, voljeli bismo njega vidjeti na nam je zadovoljstvo promovirati nekom se trenutku morao zapitati glavni turnir zahvaljujući odustajanju tronu. Malo nam je žao što nismo naše mlade tenisače, dati im prili- isplati li se i dalje pokušavati u singlu. Yugichija Sugite, a sada je ostvario i bili njegov prvi osvojeni turnir jer ku da uz našu pomoć zakorače na - Drago mi je prije svega i zahvalio vrijednu pobjedu. je osvojio već Marakeš, ali što nam veliku scenu jer nemaju uvijek i bih direktoru Lawrenceu je istovremeno naravno jako drago svugdje takve mogućnosti. Hrvati što mi je dao priliku igrati zbog njega, no bila bi nam čast da su uvijek naši favoriti, ali s našeg ovdje s pozivnicom, jer osvoji i ovaj turnir. promocijskog aspekta dragi su nam po renkingu to ne bih Hrvatski igrači oduvijek su bili ključan i svi ostali tenisači koji dolaze iz mogao. Bilo mi je gušt sastojak umaškog turnira, pa je i zemalja koje gravitiraju Umagu tu- igrati, a drago mi je što zbog toga lijepo vidjeti da se nakon ristički. Možemo tako primjerice sam pokazao da još uvijek pet godina ovdje vratio Ivan Dodig. osjetiti da ove godine ima izuzetno mogu igrati na visokoj - Apsolutno nam je drago da je Ivan puno Talijana na našem turniru, što razini. Nažalost činjenica s nama opet, velika je šteta što se vezujemo uz osvajanje turnira Fabija je da zadnjih godinu i pol dečki poput Pecotića ili Serdarušića Fogninija prošle godine. On je naš imam problema s leđima, te pogotovo Franka Škugora nisu veliki prijatelj već deset godina pa nije mi lako. I ovog puta uspjeli priključiti kroz kvalifikacije. ne bismo imali ništa protiv da i on mi je bilo teško, možda će Franko je bio jako blizu. No, uvijek još jednom ponovi lanjski uspjeh. sutra biti još teže. Znam U UMAGU OTVORENA NEXT GEN ZAVRŠENE KVALIFIKACIJE ŠKUGOR U ARENA DRAMI BEZ Još jedna novost umaškog turnira ove godine suradnja je s ATP-om u POBJEDE sklopu koje je Plava Laguna Croatia Franko Škugor propustio je veliku Open Umag promotor Next Gen te- priliku za prolazak u glavni turnir nisača. Riječ je o mladim, nadolaze- Plava Laguna Croatia Opena Umag. ćim zvijezdama svjetskog tenisa koji Šibenčanin je u posljednjem kolu bi jednoga dana trebali zamijeniti kvalifikacija protiv Francuza Kennyja aktualne vladare, Rogera Federera, de Scheppera ispustio gomilu šansi, Rafaela Nadala, Novaka Đokovića... od toga da je imao 6:1 i 3:0 u drugom - Čast nam je i privilegija što ima- setu pa loptu za 5:2, preko vodstva mo budućnost našeg sporta ovdje 4:2 u trećem setu, do toga da je u Umagu i što već sada gradimo imao četiri meč lopte u odlučujućem i razvijamo odnose s njima te se na Next Gen ATP Finals koji će se postojat će i sat koji će odbrojavati tie-breaku, pri čemu su tri bile vezane nadamo da će nam se vraćati i kada u studenom premijerno održati u 20 sekundi od završetka poena u (6:3; 7:6). Nije mu, međutim, bilo budu u svjetskom vrhu - rekao je Milanu. Po uzoru na tradicionalni kojima tenisač mora servirati, od- dovoljno pa je nakon maratona od 2 Ronald Korotaj, predsjednik Orga- skup osmorice najboljih tenisača nosno početi novi poen. sata i 41 minutu sa 1:6, 7:6 (2), 7:6 nizacijskog odbora turnira. svijeta, ATP je odlučio jednako ta- - Bit će zgodno vidjeti sve to, mož- (7) dalje prošao 30-godišnji Francuz. Direktor turnira Lawrence Frankopan kav tunir napraviti i za tenisače do da meni i ne jer volim uzeti dosta Glavni turnir uz De Scheppera kroz sa zadovoljstvom je predstavio trojicu 23 godine. vremena između poena - priznao kvalifikacije su izborili još Mađar igrača iz ove generacije tenisača do Samo što će se Next Gen Finals igrati je Borna Ćorić. Attila Balazs, koji je izbacio Andrej 23 godine koji igraju ove godine u po specifičnim pravilima: setovi će U sklopu ove promocije koja fokusira Rubljeva (6:3, 7:5), Marco Trungelliti Umagu: Bornu Ćorića, Rusa Andreja se igrati do četiri gema, nema “neca” mlade tenisače, u Umagu je dosa- preko Matteo Donata (6:2, 6:4) te Rubljeva te Australca Marca Pol- na servisu, nema prednosti na 40:40 dašnji teren Grand Stand prigodno Miljan Zekić, zahvaljujući pobjedi nad mansa. Oni su kandidati za plasman već sljedeći poen završava gem, a preimenovan u Next Gen Arena. Stefanom Napolitanom (6:3, 7:5).


Kuša i piše: Antonija Mandić

DOBILI SMO PRVU FINALISTICU - MLADU MALVAZIJU FRANKOVIĆ 28.izdanje Plava laguna Croatia Open vrhunskim malvazijama, gosti su jima su sudjelovali gosti na prvim ATP vina 2017.godine, čije će se pro- Umag nastavilo je s tradicionalnim uživali i u tajnama sommelierskog ovogodišnjim degustacijama. Na glašenje održati nakon svih održanih vinskim degustacijama pod nazivom zanata koje im je i ove godine otkrivao kraju su sva tri vina ocijenjena od degustacija, u nedjelju, posljednjeg Skrivene čari istarskih vina. Prva večer vrhunski sommelier Emil Perdec. strane publike, koja do kraja nije dana umaškog turnira. Sutra je na prošla je u znaku svježih malvazi- Kako prepoznati vino, što tražiti u znala čije vino kušaju. Najveći broj rasporedu degustacija odležanih ja, a svoje su predstavile vinarije boji, mirisu i okusu u odnosu na bodova dobila je mlada malvazija malvazija, u 21 sat u gourmet zoni. Franković, Coronica i Cuj. Osim u sortu, samo su neke od stvari u ko- Franković, i time ušla u finalni izbor

6 PREPORUKA DANA: ZAIGRAJTE TENIS U HLADU I UPOZNAJTE NOVE MODELE PEUGEOT SUV-A Posjetiti jedan od najboljih teniskih na sigurnom od UV zračenja, Peu- turnira u regiji, a ne okušati se na geot omogućuje svim posjetiteljima terenu, jednostavno ne bi imalo smisla. da zaigraju partiju tenisa, skijaju ili Ako ste svoj reket zaboravili doma, boksaju. Najmlađe čekaju slatkiši, a ne brinite! Svakog dana svoje teniske oni stariji, ljubitelji dobrih automo- ATMOSFERA ZA PAMĆENJE vještine možete pokazati u Social bila, mogu isprobati kakav je osjećaj Areni gdje vas u Peugeot zoni čeka sjesti za volan novih SUV Peugeot Nintendo Wii. U ugodnoj atmosferi, 5008 i SUV 3008. HLADNO PIVO UZ ŽESTOKE RITMOVE ZAGRIJALO UMAG Nakon izvrsnih mečeva koji su publici pivu ovo nije prvi put da nastupaju priuštili dozu vrhunskog tenisa, če- na ATP turniru, a pamte ga samo tvrti dan turnira završen je jednako po dobrom. dobrom svirkom rokera iz zagrebačkih - Nastupili smo ovdje već 2014. go- Gajnica. Hladno pivo u žestokom ritmu dine i bilo je izvrsno!. Bilo je puno otvorilo je koncert u Dance Areni koja žena u štiklama i muškaraca ćelavih je bila premala za sve posjetitelje kao i mi. Uopće ne sumnjam da će i koji se ni u ponoć nisu bili spremni ovog puta biti tako, kazao je Kekin u oprostiti od turnira. Dečki su Umagu svome stilu neposredno pred izlazak obećali vrhunski provod i upravo to na pozornicu. U sklopu Party nights su i isporučili. Tempo koncerta nije programa, danas mikrofon preuzma se usporavao gotovo ni trenutka, jedna od najvećih zvijezda regije, cijela Dance Arena skakala je u ri- Željko Joksimović, u 23.30 sati na tmu ‘Firme’, ‘Samo za taj osjećaj’, istom mjestu. Maskote Istraturista ‘Ezoterije’, ‘Dibidusa’ i mnogih i Plave lagune, Tino i drugih hitova Hladnog piva Lagunino, nisu bili aktivni te se sjajna atmosfera koja samo tijekom Kid’s Daya vladala od samog početka s Andrejom Martinom, turnira, nastavila do dugo u već su po cijeli dan obila- noć. Frontmen banda Mile zili kompleks Stella Maris Kekin otkrio je da, što se te- i zabavljali najmlađe nisa tiče, nije baš najkorisniji posjetitelje turnira. kad je servis u pitanju, ali je zato brz i okretan. Hladnom MONFILS ZAIGRAO MINI STOLNI TENIS, A POLMANS I PAIRE SE “OBRAČUNALI” U TENISU NA VODI Tenis na tlu ili vodi, njima je sve- Next Gen-a, najnovijeg ATP projek- mobitelom. Unatoč minijaturnom jedno. Marc Polmans i Benoît Paire ta za mlade tenisače, nije bio ništa stolu i improviziranom ‘reketu’, Fran- podjednako se dobro snalaze i za- manje entuzijastičan. cuz je, po običaju, slavio. bavljaju na oba ‘terena’. Australac i Nakon što je akrobacijama Francuz u ponedjeljak su se u paru i impresivnim plesnim po- s prijateljima suočili sa suprotnih kretima oduševio publiku strana mreže na Triglavovom terenu na subotnjoj egzibiciji, za SUP tenis i, pokušavajući osvojiti Gaël Monfils bio je zvijezda poen istovremeno balansirajući na dana i u Social Areni. 13. dasci za surfanje, nasmijali gledatelje tenisač svijeta s fanovima koji su ih promatrali iz Social Arene. je zaigrao mini stolni tenis, Paire se nije štedio,pa je svako malo a kako bi dodatno začinio završavao u moru, a ni Polmans, član meč, reket je zamijenio

7 8 Lawrence Goran Frankopan Ivanišević


FOR ŠKUGOR ROOT FOR DODIG ENGLISH It was a good start but it could have been better. I am The first day is behind us and we had reasons to be truly sorry Franko Škugor failed to join Ivan Dodig and both happy and a little sad. Ivan Dodig played a rath- Borna Ćorić in the main draw as that would have made er solid match against Marius Copil. I was glad to see me really happy. However, Kenny De Schepper played the stands were filled well already on the first day of very well and should be congratulated on going through. the main part of the tournament. It was worth com- ing and watching Dodig’s match for the that Still, Ivan Dodig made up for it by prominent name in the world of tennis he had shown us. fighting like a true champion. I was and this way at least the spectators very impressed with the way he played who hadn’t seen him before got to see Our Dodo always plays with he- doubles players. They have played and moved on the court, especially him play in Umag. He lost but that’s art. He is a great fighter and even together before, they know each since he had arrived in Umag right tennis. Things like that happen all the though lately he hadn’t had much other well, and it could be a good after the grass season and had had time and to even bigger players, at success on the tour in his singles combination for this tournament. little time to adapt to the clay surface. any of the tournaments. matches, his victory was no surprise The fact that Gilles Simon lost wa- It was interesting to follow both our As far as today is concerned, we are to me. The reason for that is the sn’t really a surprise for me. I’d said players’ matches at the same time. going to have a full house as all the fact that his game simply doesn’t before that this was his worst se- Even the spectators had a tough time courts will be taken. Borna Ćorić is on suit Copil. The Romanian likes to ason. He keeps failing somehow. deciding which stands to occupy, the the center court at 8 PM, he will face come to the net and Dodig used We had hoped he would be able ones surrounding the center court where Carlos Berlocq, an excellent player on his return experience from the to turn things around once he was Dodig was playing or those at the Next clay and a tricky first-round opponent. doubles competition rather well in Umag but he didn’t. He has lost Gen Arena where Franko was. I had Benoit Paire, a somewhat unusual but in this match and defended quite his confidence. He is no longer that also been in two minds which match rather good player, will also start today. well against Copil. “boring” Simon. Not boring in the to follow as I was interested in both of This year in Madrid, the guy beat no. 3 As much as I was happy for Ivan, I sense that he is boring to watch them, naturally. I ended up going back in the world, Stan Wawrinka, and that’s was also sad for Franko Škugor. He but that he bores his opponents and forth from one court to the other. warning enough of how good he is for is a great guy who deserved to go by being able to return everything, Unfortunately, it just wasn’t meant all those who stand opposite him. We through but it seems it just wasn’t by fighting constantly and by being to be for Franko. He had four match never saw him in Umag before either, meant to be. This is just not his tough to break. points, a great chance. Still, he is a and I believe he will be an excellent time, as in Wimbledon he played What’s on the schedule for today? good player and I’m confident that addition in the eyes of our spectators. the doubles semifinal with Nikola Well, all sorts of things. I would next year he will be back with us at Last year’s finalist Andrej Martin will Mektić, and that match could have definitely like to single out the silly the tournament. He is still in this ye- kick off against in an also gone their way but did not. Frenchman Benoit Paire, as he will ar’s tournament, albeit in the doubles attempt at springing yet another Umag Here, he had everything to win the be an interesting one to watch for competition. surprise. We will also see Mikhail Yo- match, including four match points, the spectators. Actually, it will be I also watched Gilles Simon’s match and uzhny in action, and Fabio Fognini will but in the end it just wasn’t eno- really hard to choose between so I have to say it was too bad that we lost be playing doubles… It is actually going ugh. Too bad. It’s a pity he didn’t many matches as something will be him so early in the competition. Still, to be really hard watching all those go through to the main draw, for going on all the courts. And that’s the show must go on. And anyway, we matches and going from court to court, the tournament’s and his own sake. yet another proof of how strong have plenty of other players and stars as those are all matches worth seeing. Still, I hope he will be able to make Umag is this year. We can only be who will take his place. We are glad There is a lot happening and I am afraid up for it in the doubles competition proud and happy about it. though that Simon was here. He is a we will spoil our spectators. with Dodig. They are both fantastic

9 INTERVIEW RONALD KOROTAJ, DIRECTOR OF ISTRATURIST AND CHAIRMAN OF THE TOURNAMENT’S ORGANIZING COMMITTEE THERE’S NO BETTER INVITATION TO TENNIS THAN WHAT WE ARE OFFERING After last Saturday’s warmup exhibition Monfils is around, entertainment is interesting matches, one with our reality, it is much more impressive, staged by Gaël Monfils, as of Mon- guaranteed. His performance was own Ivan Dodig, the other with Gilles because to watch a match live and day the engines of the Plava Laguna excellently rounded out by Parni Simon. I believe all the following see just how fast and powerful the Croatia Open Umag organizers have Valjak, and the audience enjoyed days of Plava Laguna Croatia Open balls are, how much effort the players been in full operation. The first day of them. Our overall party program Umag will be similarly interesting. put in each point, it is a completely the main draw, and everything else for this week is very rich, and it will It’s impossible to even imagine that different experience. So I would like that comes in the remaining days of please everyone’s taste, because we in these 28 years of the tournament to invite everyone to come and see, the week, is the product of months have something for everyone –Ro- there is a person who hasn’t at least like so many people have done and of effort invested by the organizers. nald Korotaj, director of Istraturist heard of it, if they haven’t experien- told us in surprise that it is really a Everyone will agree that the results and chairman of the tournament’s ced the magic of Umag and the ATP sport worth seeing live, because it is are exceptional. Organizing Committee, said. tournament for themselves. For the especially dynamic and entertaining. - We are very happy with the intro- The sports dimension of the tour- few who haven’t, one can hardly ima- On TV, it might sometimes look easy duction; our first day was Saturday, nament will not fall behind; on the gine a better invitation than what the but when you sit on the stands you

ENGLISH and it was very entertaining. It always contrary, the list of players in the draw organizers offered for this edition. see it’s really not. attracts not just tennis enthusiasts suggests some top-quality tennis is - Those who have never visited us Do you have your secret favorite but also those who are still disco- about to happen in Umag. might have some picture of what when it comes to the final winner? vering the sport and are curious to - We are done with our first day it all looks like because they have - We always have several favorites; learn new things about it. When Gaël and we’ve already had two very seen the tournament on TV, but in however, seeing as a few years back

THE GUEST OF THE FIRST DAY OF KIDS’ WEEK WAS LAST YEAR’S RUNNER-UP OSCAR’S CORNER the main tournament. The young tennis hopeful, Russia’s Andrey Rublev MARTIN THRILLED BY lost the qualifying match against the Hungarian Atilla Balazs (HUN), YOUNGEST PLAYERS thus also failing to go through to Yesterday, around 11 AM, the Slo- posing for a group photo and Martin’s the main tournament. The evening vakian tennis player walked on co- autographing the children’s tennis duel starring Croatia’s Ivan Dodig, urt with a smile on his face. There, balls. The children then left home who returned to Umag for a singles around 50 children began to warm with giant smiles on their faces. competition after a five-year stint up an hour earlier, impatiently wa- The Kids’ Week will be welcoming and who won the ATP tournament iting for the moment they would tennis stars and the youngest athle- in Zagreb in 2011, was the highlight play against last year’s finalist in tes at the same time each workday The first day of the tournament kic- of the day. He confirmed he was Umag. At the start of this year’s during the tournament. You are all ked off with the match featuring a serious contender in his match Kids’ Week, Andrej Martin gave a invited to join us and meet your the Italian Marco Cecchinato, who against the Romanian Marius Copil warm welcome to the young tennis role models. beat one of the better, high-ranked by winning 4:6, 6:7 following a tie hopefuls and stood on French tennis players Gilles Simon 6:1, break. In the doubles competition, the opposite side of 3:6, 6:1 after more than two hours Belarusian and Cana- the net. It was hard of being on the court. At the same dian Daniel Nestor played against for him not to com- time, Franko Škugor faced another Aliaksandr Bury and Damir Džumhur, pliment the children Frenchman, Kenny de Schepper at eventually winning 7:6, 6:0. I look who for the next half the Grand Stand but even with his forward to today’s rich schedule an hour traded shots A game he failed to overpower him, awaiting us, and I also have a brief with him, giving their thus definitely saying goodbye to message: Come on, Borna!!! best to shine on that court. Their gathering writes: Oscar Visintin ended with everyone

10 A GOOD START FOR THE CROATIAN REPRESENTATIVE DODIG WINS AFTER THERE’S NO BETTER 13 MONTHS Ivan Dodig is back to winning on the harder tomorrow. I know I’m playing ATP Tour. In the singles competition, well but I need to be realistic and I INVITATION TO that is. The Croatian doubles specialist believe it will be difficult for me to made sure this year’s Plava Laguna continue playing singles matches. My Croatia Open Umag had a refreshing body isn’t in the best shape but I will prologue by beating Marius Copil in give it my best, of course, if nothing the first round of the main draw. It else then for my own enjoyment. On TENNIS THAN WHAT was his first win after a 13-month the other hand, I have plans for the stint and seven consecutive losses doubles competition, so that will we said that Borna Ćorić was the Franko Škugor did not pass the qu- in a tournament’s main draw, plus remain my priority and that’s where player we were counting on in the alifiers. Škugor especially, he was many more in the qualifiers. At one my motivation will lie – Dodig said WE ARE OFFERING long run, and as he has been leading very close. Nevertheless, it is always point, Ivan Dodig had to have asked after winning the match 6:4, 7:6 (4). an entire generation of young not a pleasure to promote our young himself if competing in the singles The surprise of the day was Marco only Croatian but also internatio- players, and give them the oppor- matches were still worth it. Cecchinato, who beat the fifth seed nal tennis players, we would like to tunity and support to step onto the - I am pleased and I would first like to Gilles Simon in three sets, 6:1, 3:6, see him take the title. We are a bit big stage, because they don’t have thank tournament director Lawrence 6:1. The Italian entered the main sorry we weren’t his first title as he such opportunities all the time or for giving me an opportunity to play tournament after Yuichi Sugita had

has already won the tournament in at just any venue. Croatian players here on an invitation as my ranking dropped out, and now he has a va- ENGLISH Marrakesh but, at the same time, we are always our favorites, but from would not have allowed it. It was fun luable victory under his belt. are also very pleased for him. Still, our promotional point of view, we playing out there and I’m we would be honored if he were to also love all other tennis players who glad I was able to prove win this tournament as well. come from countries whose tourists that I can still play at a Croatian players have always been gravitate toward Umag. We can thus high level. Unfortunately, a key ingredient of the tournament notice that this year there are a lot for the past year and a in Umag; therefore, it is good to see of Italians at our tournament, and half I have been having Ivan Dodig back here after a five-year we think this has to do with Fabio problems with my back absence. Fognini winning the tournament last and it hasn’t been easy - We are absolutely thrilled to have year. He has been a great friend for for me. It was hard for me Ivan back, and it is a shame though ten years, so we wouldn’t mind if he this time around as well that guys like Pecotić, Serdarušić or repeated last year’s success. and perhaps it will be even NEXT GEN ARENA OPENS IN UMAG QUALIFIERS END NO WIN FOR This year, the tournament in Umag offered another novelty – their co- ŠKUGOR AS operation with ATP, as part of which Plava Laguna Croatia Open Umag DRAMA UNFOLDS will be promoting the Next Gen Franko Škugor missed his big chance players. Those are young, up-and- to go into the main draw of Plava La- coming stars of the international guna Croatia Open Umag. In the last tennis that should one day replace round of qualifiers, the Šibenik native the current rulers, the likes of Roger squandered a number of opportuni- Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak ties against the Frenchman Kenny de Đoković, among others. Schepper, going from being up 6:1 and “It is our honor and privilege to 3:0 in the second set and serving for have the future of our sport right 5:2, through his 4:2 lead in the third here in Umag, and to already be The three of them are candidates used in between points to ensure set, to having four match points in developing relations with them. for the Next Gen ATP Finals, which that the time between the end of the deciding tie break, with three of Hopefully, they will be back here will debut in Milan, , in No- one point and the time the ball is them consecutive ones (6:3; 7:6). But even once they join the world’s very vember. Using the traditional sea- served for the next point does not a marathon lasting two hours and 41 best,” Ronald Korotaj, chairman of son-ending top-eight competition exceed 20 seconds. minutes went De Schepper’s way (1:6, the Organizing Committee, stated. as their model, the ATP decided to “It will be interesting to see all that. 7:6 (2), 7:6 (7). Tournament director Lawrence organize a similar competition for Well, perhaps not so much for me as ’s Attila Balazs also went through Frankopan was pleased to intro- tennis players aged 23 and under. I like to take time between points,” to the main draw by beating Andrey duce three players from this ge- Special rules will apply for the Next Borna Ćorić added. Rublev (6:3, 7:5), while Marco Trungelliti neration of 23-and-under players Gen Finals: first to four games sets, As part of this promotion focusing overpowered Matteo Donato (6:2, 6:4). competing this year in Umag: Borna and no lets or advantage scoring on young players, the Grand Stand The last to join the main tournament Ćorić, Russia’s Andrey Rublev and (the next player to win a point wins Court has been renamed to Next was Miljan Zekić, who won the match Australia’s Marc Polmans. the game). Plus, a shot clock will be Gen Arena to fit the occasion. against Stefano Napolitano (6:3, 7:5).


Tasted and written by: Antonija Mandic

WE HAVE OUR FIRST FINALIST - ENGLISH FRESH MALVASIA FRANKOVIĆ The 28th edition of Plava Laguna from top-quality malvasias, the guests things the guests participated in at of the 2017 ATP Wine contest, the Croatia Open Umag continued with enjoyed the secrets of the sommelier this year’s first wine tasting event. winner of which will be announced the traditional wine tastings titled trade, which this year were revealed In the end, the guests, who had not on Sunday, the last day of the tour- Skrivene čari istarskih vina (Hidden to them by the first-class sommelier known which wines they were tasting nament in Umag, following all the Charms of the Istrian Wines). The Emil Perdec. How to recognize a wine until the very end, rated all three of wine tasting events. Tomorrow at 9 first evening featured fresh malva- and what to look for in its color, smell the featured wines. Fresh malvasia PM, a tasting of the mature malvasias sias, with Franković, Coronica and and taste as far as wine varieties Franković got the highest number of will take place in the Gourmet Zone. Cuj wineries showcasing theirs. Apart are concerned are just some of the points, thus entering the final round

12 RECOMMENDATION OF THE DAY PLAY TENNIS IN THE SHADE AND SEE THE NEW PEUGEOT SUVs To visit one of the region’s best tennis of tennis, ski or box. The youngest tournaments and not try your luck on visitors will get sweets, while the the tennis court would simply make adults, car enthusiasts, will be able no sense. And if you have left you to see how it feels to sit behind the ATMOSPHERE TO REMEMBER racket back home, don’t worry! Every wheel of the new SUV Peugeot 5008 day at the Social Arena you can show or SUV 3008. off your tennis HLADNO PIVO WARMS skills using the Nintendo Wii set up for you UMAG UP WITH in the Peugeot Zone. There, in a relaxed atmosp- POWERFUL BEATS here and safe Following the excellent matches continued long into the night. As from UV rays, all that had provided the spectators to tennis, the band’s frontman Mile Peugeot visitors with a dose of top-quality tennis, Kekin revealed that, he wasn’t the can play a game the fourth day of the tournament most useful guy to have around as ended with an equally good con- far as the serve was concerned but cert by the hard rock band from that he was quick and agile. This Zagreb’s Gajnice. Hladno Pivo kicked wasn’t the first time Hladno Pivo off their gig at the Dance Arena performed at the ATP tournament, with the pounding rhythm, and and they only have good memories the venue was simply too small of the event. for all those who weren’t ready to - We performed here back in 2014 part with the tournament even at and it was great! There were many The mascots of Istraturist midnight. The boys had promised women in high heels and bald guys and Plava Laguna, Tino Umag a great night out and that like us. I doubt this time will be any and Laganino, weren’t was exactly what they delivered. different,Kekin said in his usual just active during the The tempo of the concert didn’t fashion just before going out on Kids’ Day with Andrej slow down for a moment, and the stage. Today, as part of the Party Martin. All they long they entire Dance Arena jumped around Nights program, the microphone went around the Stella to the beats of Firma, Samo za taj will be taken over by one of the Maris complex entertai- osjećaj, Ezoterija, and Dibidus, to biggest stars in the region, Željko ning the youngest visitors name but a few songs. The great Joksimović. His concert will be of the tournament. atmosphere that had been prevailing held at the same venue, starting since the start of the tournament at 11:30 PM. MONFILS PLAYS MINI TABLE TENNIS WITH FANS, POLMANS AND PAIRE CLASH IN TENNIS ON WATER Playing tennis on either hard surface Paire did not hold back, which meant he replaced his racket with his mo- or water – it’s all the same to them. that he frequently went under, and bile phone. Despite the miniature Marc Polmans and Benoît Paire are even Polmans, one of the players table and the improvised “racket”, equally good and can have fun on involved in the Next Gen, ATP’s latest the Frenchman unsurprisingly won. either of those “courts”. On Monday, project for young players, wasn’t the Australian and the Frenchman any less enthusiastic. paired up with their friends and had After astonishing the spectators with a face off on Triglav’s SUP court, his acrobatic feats and impressive trying to win a point at the same dance skills during Saturday’s exhi- time as keeping their balance on bition, Gaël Monfils was the star of the paddle boards and entertaining the day at the Social Arena. World the spectators watching them from no. 13 played mini table tennis with the Social Arena. his fans, and to spice up the match,

13 Marco Cecchinatto naciljao je lopticu taman tamo gdje je htio u pobjedi protiv Gillesa Simona

Tenis na vodi jedna je od posebnih atrakcija koja se nudi u Social Areni

Druženje s najmlađim teniskim navijačima i možda budućim sudionicima ATP turnira u Umagu

IMPRESSUM Glavni urednik: Tomislav Poljak | Dizajn: Studio BuRa | Naklada: 800 komada | Tisak: Primacomm d.o.o. Fotografije: Pixsell, N. Gerenčir, N. Jurjak | Prevoditeljica: Enisa Jelečević | Izdavač: ISTRA D.M.C. d.o.o., Jadranska 66, Umag

14 Martedì 18 luglio 2017 di Daniele Benvenuti IN ATTESA DEI BIG, NEXT GEN, RIBALTA TUTTA PER CAMPIONI UNDER CECCHINATO 23 IN PASSERELLA Un esordio da in- Tarda mattina piuttosto movimen- il direttore del ‘Plava laguna Croatia corniciare: la prima tata, quella di ieri, dalle parti della Open Umag 2017’ Lawrence Fran- partita in assoluto del Social Arena che, proiettata sul kopan e il presidente del comitato ‘Plava laguna Croatia mare, costituisce il cuore pulsante organizzatore Ronald Korotaj a fare Open Umag 2017’ del complesso ‘Stella Maris’, proprio gli onori di casa, la ribalta è stata sulla terra rossa a ridosso del campo centrale ‘Sta- tutta per la gioventù e il talento del campo centrale dium Goran Ivanisevic’. Prima si è del beniamino di casa Borna Ćorić, ‘Stadium Goran Iva- svolta la presentazione ufficiale della insieme a due ‘colleghi’ dal sicuro nisevic’, il battesimo sinergia locale con il progetto ‘Next avvenire come l’australiano Marc personale sotto un Gen’ che, in attesa dell’esordio alle Polmans e il russo Andrey Rublef. sole cocente e una ATP Finals in programma alla Fiera Le finali Next Gen vedranno anche prestazione di alto spessore con- opposto alla ‘wild card’ austriaca di Milano dal 7 all’11 novembre, ha l’introduzione di regole innovative, tro la testa di serie numero cinque Marc Polmans, mentre per vedere offerto una passerella di promettenti sia in termini di punteggio che di del torneo, il francese Gilles Simon. all’opera Fabio Fognini (campione talenti al grido “The future is now”. tempi utili durante il gioco. Per valo- Marco Cecchinato, primo nome del uscente e testa di serie n° 3, opposto Ovviamente. Umago collabora con rizzare questo progetto, quest’anno gruppo italiano a entrare in gioco al vincente della sfida tra il russo ATP per la valorizzazione di questi la Grand Stand Court del complesso nel tabellone principale, si presenta Mikhail Youzhny e l’argentino Ni- talenti under 23 proiettati nel futuro. ‘Stella Maris’ è stata ribattezzata con colpi deliziosi e soluzioni spesso colas Kicker) e (n° 4 Introdotti da Tomislav Poljak e con Next Gen Arena. spettacolari e, salvo la flessione nel e altro ‘bye’, prima di affrontare chi corso del secondo set (perso per 3-6 prevarrà tra il portoghese Joao Sousa nonostante un break di vantaggio sul e il britannico Aljaz Bedene) biso- 3-2), si impone con autorità eviden- gnerà attendere quasi certamente ziando duttilità e ottima condizione. la giornata di domani. Un netto 6-1 per alzare la voce, un Per quanto concerne il torneo di dop- altro perentorio 6-1 per chiudere pio, Fognini e Giannessi romperanno ITALIANO il discorso e passare con autorità e il ghiaccio contro due ‘wild card’, i spregiudicatezza al turno successivo croati Martin e Tomislav Draganja. dove troverà il vincitore della sfida Sfida italiana, invece, per Cecchinato tra il romeno Marius Copil e la wild opposto, insieme al russo Andrej card croata Ivan Dodig. Oggi, intanto, Rublev, a Lorenzi, affiancato dal l’esordio di Alessandro Giannessi, brasiliano Rogerio Dutra Silva.

RISULTATI DI IERI (ITALIANI) CAMPO CENTRALE: Marco Cecchinato (ITA) vs [5] Gilles Simon (FRA) 6-1 3-6 6-1 COURT 1: Marco Trungelliti (ARG) - Matteo Donati (ITA) 6-2 6-4 SUP TENNIS TRA COURT 2: Miljan Zekić (SRB) - Stefano Napolitano (ITA) 6-3 7-5 LE ONDE E MONFILS I RISULTATI DEGLI MINI PONGISTA Salutati i campioni di domani, la paio di raccattapalle sempre immer- ITALIANI IN CAMPO Social Arena ha potuto sorridere si nell’acqua. Necessari un grande ancora una volta grazie a un gran- equilibrio e buone doti tennistiche: LUNEDÌ 17 LUGLIO de campione di oggi. Gael Monfils, questo ha evidenziato la divertente infatti, è stato l’ospite d’onore del esibizione. Pochi minuti dopo, sulla mini evento creato per presentare terraferma, circondato da fotografi (QUALIFICAZIONI) il ‘Sup Tennis’, andato in scena a e fan, Monfis si è invece cimentato Non sono buone, per i colori italiani, le 7-5 dal serbo Miljan Zekic; Donati, Court meno di dieci metri dalla riva gra- da par suo intorno a un microscopico notizie che arrivano invece dalle qua- 2, ha dovuto invece piegarsi davanti ai zie a un campo gonfiabile e quattro tavolo da ping pong: prima utilizzando lificazioni con l’ingresso nel tabellone colpi dell’argentino Marco Trungelliti tavole ormeggiate al suo interno, la tradizionale racchetta e poi, visti principale nel mirino. Disco rosso tardo (6-2 6-4 il finale). Si esauriscono così basi indispensabili per i giocatori gli spazi a disposizione, addirittura pomeridiano, infatti, sia per Stefano i connazionali che puntavano al salto impegnati con racchette speciali e un sfruttando il retro del cellulare per Napolitano che per Matteo Donati. tra i big e non rimane che puntare numero sterminato di palline, vista la impattare la piccola sfera di plastica Napolitano, sul campo della Court 1, è l’attenzione sugli esordi di Fognini, difficoltà nel recuperarle ogni volta, bianca. Anche questo è Umago! stato superato con il punteggio di 6-3 Lorenzi, Cecchinato e Giannessi. rendendo necessario l’apporto di un