Meeting Purpose: Shelter Cluster Coordination Meeting – Gandaki Province

Meeting Date and 20 May 2021 Thursday, 12:15 PM – 1:30 PM Time: Meeting Location: Virtual in Zoom

IFRC, IOM, CRS, NRCS, HRRP, DAO, Local municipal authority

Meeting Participants: ⮚ Welcome and introduction

⮚ Agenda sharing

Agenda ⮚ Update from CDO,

⮚ Updates on Earthquake in Lamjung district (from some Palikas)

⮚ Updates on partners’ activities

⮚ Meeting discussions outcomes


Meeting Discussion

Gandaki Province Shelter Cluster organized the first Gandaki Shelter Cluster Coordination Meeting in support of HRRP and National Shelter Cluster as a general shelter coordination platform for humanitarian response and in support of the immediate shelter needs of people affected by recent earthquake in Lamjung district, dated 19th May 2021. In context of COVID 19 Crisis, Lamjung district was shaken additionally due to 19th May, Wednesdays’ earthquake of 5.8M. As per National Seismological Centre, till date 86 aftershocks has been felt in Lamjung.

Key Updates from CDO, Lamjung district

⮚ District Administrative Office immediately conducted field visit to observe the effects of earthquake and have visited Besisahar and Marshyangdi Rural Municipality. ⮚ Most affected Palikas are Besisahar Municipality, Marshyangdi RM and Dordi RM while rest of other Palikas are less affected. ⮚ DAO Lamjung organized District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) meeting today where preliminary data on damage and effects to property and relevant other things by earthquake was given by District Police Centre and also from Stakeholders of . ⮚ Preliminary data estimates shows that 208 houses were completely damaged, more than 1000 houses are partially damaged with minor cracks. ⮚ DAO Lamjung commits to distribute the achieved relief materials through one door policy system as soon as possible to the affected households in presence of elected local governments by DDMC.

Gandaki Province Meeting Discussion

⮚ Households that were totally damaged by earthquake will be provided NPR 15000/- as relief support. ⮚ I/NGOs will be informed to take forward supporting the earthquake affected households through DAO one door policy and coordination measures will be taken soon. ⮚ Majority of the houses completely damaged and partially by earthquake are majorly SMM houses. ⮚ Consecutive aftershocks have stressed the already damaged and partially affected households to become more vulnerable for living. ⮚ Houses that are unsuitable to reside, the full-fledged data will be provided to Federal Government and concerned agencies in order to make long term reconstruction plan. ⮚ DDMC meeting has formulated the Team comprising of 5 key person - Ward Chief, Ward Secretary, 2 Technicals and 1 Local Police representatives. The Team will collect major data of the affected households within 1 week timeline. After verification of data by DDMC, it will be shared to federal as well as provincial government, requesting for formulating long term reconstruction action plan.

Key Updates from Deputy Chief, Dordi Rural Municipality

➢ The epicenter of Lamjung 19th May-2021 earthquake (, Marshyangdi RM) shares its boundary with Ward no. 8 and 9, due to which majority of the houses in these wards have been damaged. Similarly, houses in Ward no. 7 has been affected too. ➢ After the earthquake, Local Disaster Risk Management Committee (LDRMC) meeting was held immediately, and all the wards of the RM were requested to collect the information regarding damage and affected HHs. ➢ In todays meeting of LDRMC, have decided to monitor and provide immediate relief and support to two most affected Wards (Ward 8 and Ward 9) by forming two teams. In coordination with NRCS, 50 sets of tarpaulin in Ward no 8 as per need and immediate support. ➢ Additional support will be provided whereby informing to central and provincial government after the assessment of need and support conducted. ➢ We expect support and relief from different I/NGOs and will be providing all the coordination to them.

Updates on Partners:

I. Key Updates from CRS - Uttam Paudel ➢ CRS is ready and willing to support in the relief, response and reconstruction process both in terms of technically and financially and requested the district stakeholders to coordinate and identify the gaps. ➢ One door policy is great mechanism to support but involving partners should have clarity on focal points for coordination in distribution of relief materials.

II. Key Updates from HRRP - Minar Thapa Magar ➢ HRRP is ready to provide any relevant technical support from the Cluster for Lamjung earthquake victims.

Gandaki Province Meeting Discussion

➢ Making of Response Plan has seen imperative and identify the technical capacity (I/INGOs, Government agencies etc.) that exists within this cluster in order to move forward in recovery process ➢ Data collection and information compilation is the major thing that helps to assess the kind of recovery plan needed for Lamjung earthquake victims. ➢ There is directives quoted in one such guideline of NDRRMA for responding to reconstruction and recovery of fully damaged house, which is yet to be endorsed. HRRP will further coordinate with NDRRMA for implementation of that recovery directives upon its endorsement effectively.

III. Key Updates from National Shelter Cluster- Manish Timsina ➢ Effective response communication channel among concerned stakeholders and partners, has been established soon after earthquake in Lamjung and credit goes to HRRP deserves for building this channel. ➢ Mechanisms and procedures for appeal release to respond Lamjung quake victims is important soon after preliminary data collection. ➢ Shelter Cluster is ready to move ahead for coordination as per the data obtained from the district level.

IV. Key Updates from UN/IOM ➢ Identification of affected HHS and their needs is most important. At the same time we need to identify the coping capacity of the district as well.If support is required from the provincial and central level we are ready to assist. ➢ Lesson learnt from the past earthquake need to be implemented and coordination between different government and partner organization must be done to reduce the duplication and smooth assistance.

Closing Remarks from Deputy CDO

➢ DDMC meeting held today on 20th May – 2021 and made several decisions to cope up and accelerate the relief and response. One door policy will be implemented to reduce the duplications and learnings from the past earthquake. ➢ Data collection of damaged houses is ongoing and will be verified by DDMC and share with NDRRMA for further reconstruction and recovery. ➢ DAO alone cant cope up with the aftermath of the disaster. So, we would like to appeal for all the support and assistance from different I/NGO s and other agencies. We would definitely coordinate in the relief and response. Response:

Red Cross Society Lamjung district chapter provided tarpaulin were distributed immediately to the affected households in ⮚ 50 set of tents and 200 tarpaulin were immediately provided by Ministry of Home Affairs while 40 sets of tents and 40 tarpaulin and Ministry of Internal Affairs/Provincial Government. ⮚ NGO Federation provided 15 sets of tarpaulin along with some relief materials to the affected households.

Gandaki Province Meeting Discussion

Next Step:

• Sitrep report will be published by Gandaki province shelter cluster with the support from district level stakeholders to disseminate situation update with wider audience. • Gandaki Province shelter cluster will endorse standers needs and gaps analysis template and start collection of information to reduce gaps and duplication. • Gandaki Shelter Cluster with the support from HRRP will mobilize one technical staff for the facilitation of coordination and information management at DAO office.


Photo: Hom Parsad Luitel – CDO Lamjung Photo: Til Bhadur Ghale

Chief District Officer Lamjung Vice Chairperson Dordi Rural Municipality

For further Information Please refer: IRA Lamjung Sitrep- Gandaki province

Meeting Participant:

SN Participant Full Name Organization

1 Hom Parsad Luitel Chief District Officer -Lamjung

2 Til Bahadur Ghale Vice Chairperson- Dordi RM

3 Jagdish Mishra Deputy CDO

4 Minar Thapa Magar HRRP

Gandaki Province 5 Uttam Paudel CRS

6 Manish Timsina National Shelter Cluster

7 Nirmal Chongbang IOM

8 Ganesh Gauli NRCS

9 Samita Paudel CRS

10 Rajesh Sunuwar CRS

11 Biren Shah HRRP

12 Rijan Gajurel Gandaki Province Shelter Cluster

Next coordinating meeting: TBD

Thank You for your regular coordination and Support