SPRINGPW09a.qxd:Layout 1 2/26/09 12:06 PM Page 1 BUFFALO BILL HISTORICAL CENTER I CODY, WYOMING I SPRING 2009 SPRINGPW09a.qxd:Layout 1 2/26/09 12:06 PM Page 2 To the point © 2009 Buffalo Bill Historical Center (BBHC). Written permission is required to copy, reprint, or distribute Points West materials in any medium or format. All photographs in Points West are BBHC photos unless otherwise noted. Questions about image rights and reproductions should be directed to Digital Collections Librarian Megan Peacock at
[email protected] or 307.587.2619. Bibliographies, works cited, and foot- notes, etc. are purposely omitted to conserve space. However, such information is available by contacting the editor. Address correspondence to Editor, Points West, Buffalo Bill Historical Center, 720 Sheridan Avenue, Cody, Wyoming 82414 or
[email protected]. Senior Editor By Bruce Eldredge Mr. Lee Haines Executive Director Managing Editor Ms. Marguerite House pring is just around the corner, and we at the Copy Editor Buffalo Bill Historical Center hope the end to the Ms. Nancy McClure nation’s economic recession is also just around the Designer S Ms. Jan Woods–Krier corner. Your museum has made many changes over the Contributing Staff Photographers past few months, only a small portion of which is in Ms. Chris Gimmeson, photography manager; response to the tough economic times. Most of the Ms. Nancy McClure; Mr. Mack Frost; Ms. Anne Marie Shriver changes—cancelling some programs, changing emphasis Historical Photographs/Rights and Reproductions to help our staff focus more on our visitors and members, Ms.