Heta Rousi

Zoobenthos as indicators of marine | 2020 | ZoobenthosHeta Rousi habitats in the northern as indicators of in the northern Baltic Sea Heta Rousi

This thesis describes how physical and chemical environmental variables impact zoobenthic distribution in the northern Baltic Sea and how dis- Zoobenthos as indicators of marine tinct zoobenthic species indicate different marine benthic habitats. The thesis inspects the effects of habitats in the northern Baltic Sea depth, sediment type, temperature, salinity, oxy- gen, nutrients as well as topographical and geo- logical factors on zoobenthos on small and large temporal and spatial scales.

ISBN 978-952-12-3944-1 Heta Rousi Född 1979

Studier och examina Magister vid Helsingfors Universitet 2006 Licentiat vid Åbo Akademi 2013 Doktorsexamen vid Åbo Akademi 2020 Institutionen för miljö- och marinbiologi, Åbo Akademi ZOOBENTHOS AS INDICATORS OF MARINE HABITATS IN THE NORTHERN BALTIC SEA


Environmental and Marine Biology Faculty of Science and Engineering

Åbo Akademi University Finland, 2020 SUPERVISED BY PRE-EXAMINED BY Professor Erik Bonsdorff Research Professor (Supervisor & Examiner) Markku Viitasalo Åbo Akademi University Finnish Environment Institute Faculty of Science and Engineering Sustainable Use of the Marine Areas Environmental and Marine Biology Latokartanonkaari 11 Artillerigatan 6 00790 Helsinki 20520 Åbo Finland Finland Professor Emeritus Ilppo Vuorinen CO-SUPERVISOR University of Turku Adjunct Professor Faculty of Science and Engineering Samuli Korpinen Itäinen Pitkäkatu 4 Finnish Environment Institute 20520 Turku Marine Management Finland Latokartanonkaari 11 00790 Helsinki FACULTY OPPONENT Finland Associate Professor Urszula Janas SUPERVISING AT THE University of Gdansk LICENCIATE PHASE Institute of Assistant Professor Al. Marszałka Piłsudskiego 46 Johanna Mattila 81-378 Gdynia Åland University of Applied Sciences Poland Högskolan Norra Neptunigatan 17 AUTHOR’S ADDRESS 22111 Mariehamn Åbo Akademi University Finland Faculty of Science and Engineering Environmental and Marine Biology Senior Research Scientist Artillerigatan 6 Heikki Peltonen 20520 Åbo Finnish Environment Institute Finland Marine Ecosystems Modelling Latokartanonkaari 11 00790 Helsinki Finland

COVER DESIGN, COVER PHOTO AND LAYOUT Linda Svarfvar To my loved ones

“Stretching his hand up to reach the stars too often man forgets the flowers at his feet.”

Jeremy Bentham


Bottenfauna är goda indikatorer på början av 1990-talet, när den främmande habitatkvalitet samt på miljöstress och och snabbt ökande havsborstmasken miljöförändringar, för de är långlivade Marenzelleria spp. anlände. Samtidigt och reagerar på abiotiska miljöfak- minskade kräftdjuren Monoporeia affin- torer på artnivån. I min avhandling, is och Pontoporeia femorata betydligt i som består av fyra publicerade artiklar, antal eller till och med försvann. Dessa studerar jag effekter av fysiska och förändringar har haft oförnekliga kon- kemiska miljöfaktorer på bottenfau- sekvenser för ekosystemets funktion, på nasamhällens sammansättning i tid grund av de olika egenskaper av arter. och rum. Ytterligare undersöker jag Förändringarna har skett samtidigt med förbindelser mellan bottenfauna och den långsiktiga temperaturökningen, deras habitaten i norra Östersjön. och salinitets- och syrehaltsreduktionen De enskilda undersökningarna i den i området. Resultaten av dessa studier här avhandlingen har utförts på vari- kan användas som verktyg för att eval- erande spatiala och temporala skalor. uera arters respons till förändringar i Specifika arter indikerade olika habi- habitat- och vattenkvaliteten. Ytterligare tattyper. Sedimenttyperna (lera, gyttja, ger dessa resultat information om sta- silt, sand-silt, fin sand, grov sand, grus, tusen av den biologiska diversiteten sten) var viktiga bestämmande faktor- i sedimentvattengränsnittet i Finska er för bottenfauna arternas fördelning, viken under de senaste årtionden. I speciellt på medelstora skalor (mellan framtiden är det viktigt att uppskatta cirka 100-meter och några kilometer). hur förändringarna i artsammansättnin- På en stor landskapsskala (flera kilo- gen påverkar ekosystemets funktion. meter) var de topografiska faktorerna på havsbottnen mer signifikanta vari- abler. I allmänhet ökade antalet arter med ökande topografisk komplexitet, Nyckelord: bottenfauna, bottenfauna- samhälle, indikatorart, habitat, bentiska men de mest komplexa habitaten var sediment-ekosystem, abiotiska miljö- inte de artrikaste. De fysikaliska och faktorer, miljöförändringar, Östersjön. kemiska variablerna (temperatur, syre, näringsämnen och salinitet) påverkade artsammansättningen av bottenfauna signifikant på den finländska kustzonen av Finska viken. På en temporal skala av några årtionden inträffade drastiska Åbo 2020, förändringar i artsammansättningen. Heta Rousi De största förändringarna inträffade i


Zoobenthos are beneficial indicators of occurred in the beginning of the 1990s, habitat quality and environmental stress as the invasive polychaete Marenzelleria and change due to their longevity and spp. arrived and rapidly exponential- how they react species-specifically to ly increased in abundance. At the same abiotic factors. This PhD, consisting of time the crustaceans Monoporeia affin- four published papers, investigates the is and Pontoporeia femorata decreased effects of physical and chemical vari- or nearly vanished from the study sites. ables on zoobenthic species in space These changes have had undeniable and time, as well as the indicator value consequences for the functioning of the of the distinct zoobenthic taxa studied. ecosystem, due to the different func- Furthermore, I investigate the linkages tional traits of the species. The changes between zoobenthos and their habitats in species composition are simultaneous in the northern Baltic Sea. The individu- with long-term temperature increases al studies of this thesis were conducted at as well as with decreases in salinity and different spatial and/or temporal scales. oxygen concentrations in the area. The Specific species were found to be indica- results of the studies can be applied as a tive of different habitat types. Sediment tool to assess species responses to habitat type (clay, mud, silt, sandy silt, fine sand, and water quality changes. In addition, coarse sand, gravel, stones) was found to the results provide information on the be an important driving factor for zoo- status of the biological diversity in the benthic species distribution, especially sediment water interface in the Gulf of on medium (between ~100 – 1000 m) Finland during previous decades. In the spatial scales. On a large landscape future it is critical to assess the impacts scale (several kilometres), topo- of the changes in species composition graphical factors were more significant on the functioning of the ecosystem. drivers. The number of species generally increased with increasing topographi- cal complexity, but the most complex habitats were not the most species rich. Key words: zoobenthos, zoobenthic assemblage, indicator species, habitat, Physical and chemical factors (tempera- seabed ecosystem, abiotic environ- ture, oxygen, nutrients and salinity) in mental factors, environmental change, the water significantly impacted species Baltic Sea distribution along the Finnish coast- al zone of the Gulf of Finland. On the temporal scale of a few decades, drastic Turku 2020, changes have occurred in species assem- Heta Rousi blage composition. The greatest change


LIST OF ORIGINAL PAPERS ...... 1 Contributions to the individual papers ...... 2

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 3 1.1. About the Baltic sea – gradients and seasonality ...... 3 1.2. Benthic fauna as indicators ...... 4 1.3. Anthropogenic stress ...... 5 1.4. Species – habitat connections ...... 6 1.5. Aims of the study...... 7

2. MATERIAL AND METHODS ...... 12 2.1. Field sampling ...... 12 2.2. Statistical analyses ...... 14

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...... 17 3.1. Substrate and spatial scales ...... 22 3.2. Temporal changes in species composition ...... 25 3.3. Effects of new species to ecosystem structure and functioning ...... 31 3.4. Trophic importance of zoobenthos ...... 32 3.5. Anthropogenic threats and their effects in the marine ecosystem ...... 33




REFERENCES ...... 41

PAPERS I-IV ...... 61



This thesis is based on the following original publications referred to with their roman numerals in the text:

PAPER I Rousi, H., Peltonen, H., Mattila, J., Bäck, S. and Bonsdorff, E. 2011. Impacts of physical environmental characteristics on the distribution of benthic fauna in the northern Baltic Sea. Boreal Environment Research 16: 521-533. ISSN (online): 1797-2469

PAPER II Rousi, H., Laine, A. O., Peltonen, H., Kangas, P., Andersin, A.-B., Rissanen, J., Sandberg-Kilpi, E. and Bonsdorff, E. 2013. Long-term changes in coastal zoobenthos in the northern Baltic Sea: the role of abiotic environmental factors. ICES Journal of Marine Science 70: 440-451. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fss197

PAPER III Kaskela, A. M., Rousi, H., Ronkainen, M., Orlova, M., Babin, A., Gogoberidze, G., Kostamo, K., Kotilainen, A. T., Neevin, I., Ryabchuck, D., Sergeev, A., Zhamoida, V. 2017. Linkages between benthic assemblages and physical environmental factors: The role of geodiversity in Eastern Gulf of Finland ecosystems. Continental Shelf Research 142: 1-13. Paper III is also a part of the PhD dissertation of A. M. Kaskela. DOI: 10.1016/j.csr.2017.05.013

PAPER IV Rousi, H., Korpinen, S. and Bonsdorff, E. 2019. Brackish-water benthic fauna under fluctuating environmental conditions: the role of eutrophication, hypoxia, and global change. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 464. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00464

COPYRIGHT The published papers have been reprinted with kind permission of the copyright holders.



HR = Heta Rousi, AAB = Ann-Britt Andersin, AB = Alex Babin, EB = Erik Bonsdorff, SB = Saara Bäck, GG = George Gogoberidze, PK = Pentti Kangas, AK = Anu Kaskela, SK = Samuli Korpinen, KK = Kirsi Kostamo, AKT = Aarno Kotilainen, AL = Ari Laine, JM = Johanna Mattila, IN = Igor Neevin, MO = Marina Orlova, HP = Heikki Peltonen, JR = Jouko Rissanen, MR = Minna Ronkainen, DR = Daria Ryabchuk, ESK = Eva Sandberg-Kilpi, AS = Alexander Sergeev, VZ = Vladimir Zhamoida. In paper II Heta Rousi and Ari Laine shared first authorship. In paper III Anu Kaskela and Heta Rousi shared first authorship; Anu Kaskela adopted the main responsibility for the geological part in the text, while Heta Rousi undertook the main responsibil- ity for the biological contents of the text.

Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Original idea HR, EB HR, AL, EB AK, AKT HR, SK, EB Design & HR, HP, JM, EB HR, AL, HP, EB AK, HR, MR, MO, HR, SK, EB methods (SB commented AKT (AB, GG, KK, on the design) IN, DR, AS, VZ commented on the study plan) Data collection/ HR HR, AL AK, HR, MR, MO, HR compilation AKT, DR (AB, GG, KK, IN, AS, VZ assisted with data collection) Data analysis HR HR, AL, HP AK, HR, MO, MR, HR, SK AKT Manuscript HR, HP, JM, EB HR, AL, HP, EB, AK, HR (MR, MO, HR, SK, EB preparation (SB commented AAB (PK, JR, ESK AB, GG, KK, AKT, on the text) commented on IN, DR, AS, VZ the text) commented on the text) 3


1.1. ABOUT THE BALTIC SEA – As only a few species are specifical- GRADIENTS AND SEASONALITY ly adapted to brackish water conditions which, coupled with extreme climatic The Baltic Sea ecosystem exhibits sub- conditions and multiple anthropogen- stantial seasonal variations and the ic pressures (e. g. Reusch et al. 2018), environmental gradients are at constant makes the Baltic Sea and especially its change with respect to several abiotic northern parts a challenging environ- factors. The temperature variation in the ment for species (Segerstråle 1957, shallow Baltic Sea (max 450 m) is large, Bonsdorff 2006, Snoeijs-Leijonmalm with usually cold winters and ice cover et al. 2017). The maximum number of in the northern Baltic Sea, and warm species in the coastal sublittoral-profun- summer temperatures (up to > 20°C) dal soft bottoms of the Gulf of Finland in the coastal zone (Leppäranta and is around 20 (Bonsdorff 2006). While Myrberg 2009, Snoeijs-Leijonmalm in the Kattegat region, on the Danish et al. 2017). During recent decades coast and South-Western coast of winters have become warmer in the Sweden, there are 775 macrozoobenthic northern Baltic Sea and the ice cover is species found (Ojaveer et al. 2010). The increasingly short-lasting (e.g. Reusch decrease in species number from south et al. 2018). The surface salinity of to north is gradual and is mostly caused the Baltic Sea varies from 25 (IOC g/ by the decrease in salinity (Segerstråle kg) in the south to about 0-1 in the 1957, Bonsdorff 2006). inner reaches of the northern Baltic 15000 years ago, the Baltic Sea was an Sea (Bonsdorff 2006, Leppäranta and ice lake. Since then, the marine, limnic Myrberg 2009, Snoeijs-Leijonmalm et and brackish conditions have developed al. 2017). In addition to salinity and one after another (Rumohr et al. 1996, temperature, also other chemical and Frenzel et al. 2010), which has had a physical features, such as nutrient levels, great impact on the seabed. Benthic light conditions, sediment character- organisms are very dependent on the istics and seabed topography, form the seabed characteristics. Some zoobenthic environment in which the benthic ani- organisms live most of their adult life mals live. Glaciations, the previous one in the sediment (infauna), while others ending about 10 000 years ago, together move on the sediment surface or are with subsequent sedimentary biogeo- attached to hard surface or vegetation chemical processes has formed variable (epifauna) (Pequenat 1964, Rhoads and benthic environments with soft, mixed Young 1971). Their distribution and and hard bottoms (Bonsdorff 2006, relative proportions can tell us about Leppäranta and Myrberg 2009, Snoeijs- the postglacial successionary state of the Leijonmalm et al. 2017). sub-regions of the Baltic Sea (Rumohr


et al. 1996, Frenzel et al. 2010). The state, but rather it is a dynamic entity relative distributions of e.g. crustacean changing with altering physical, chemi- species (such as various ostracods) at cal and biological forces. When defining different sub-regions of the Baltic Sea, and using indicator species, some cau- can reveal much about the physical and tion is needed. Species responses to chemical conditions in the course of his- environmental variables might depend tory (Frenzel et al. 2010). on the sea area, and consequently they may change along the environmental gradient (Zettler et al. 2013). Species 1.2. BENTHIC FAUNA AS indicatory responses might also depend INDICATORS on phenological factors, such as age or reproduction phase (Zettler et al. 2013). Biodiversity indices aim to meas- The prerequisite of a given species or ure variables, such as species number taxonomic group to qualify as an indi- or evenness, that respond to pressures cator is that it shows typical responses in the environment. To be useful as to environmental factors. Specific taxa, environmental indicators, the indices such as particular species of polychaetes must be able to distinguish between and molluscs, are more tolerant to low anthropogenic changes and natural var- oxygen conditions than others, such iability (Borja et al. 2016, Heiskanen as certain crustacean species (Andersin et al. 2016). As for marine benthic and Sandler 1991, Sandberg-Kilpi et al. invertebrate fauna, parameters such 1999, Eriksson-Wiklund and Sundelin as species abundance, biomass or trait 2001, Korpinen et al. 2010, Norkko information, can be used as indicators et al. 2012). Oxygen conditions in the of the state of the environment or qual- Baltic Sea bottoms have deteriorated sig- ity of habitats (Perus and Bonsdorff nificantly during recent decades, due to 2004, Villéger et al. 2008, Chuševė et excessive eutrophication, which is seen al. 2016). Benthic invertebrates are as changes in benthic taxa (Diaz and advantageous indicators owing to their Rosenberg 2008, Conley et al. 2011, longevity, differing biological traits Andersen et al. 2017, Reusch et al. and varying, species-specific respons- 2018). Species sensitive to oxygen deple- es to environmental factors (Perus and tion, such as the crustacean Monoporeia Bonsdorff 2004, Jernberg et al. 2019). affinis, have declined significantly, while Many species are sedentary and thus species which are tolerant of even pro- changes in their numbers may indicate longed hypoxia, such as the polychaete perturbations in a definite location. genus Marenzelleria spp. (from now on In my work “indicator” mainly refers referred to as Marenzelleria), have pro- to a species or taxon that is indicative liferated (Norkko et al. 2012, Villnäs of assessed habitat types, which mainly et al. 2012, Hewitt et al. 2016). Such depend on the seabed substrate. A habi- changes may have consequences for the tat does not, however, remain at a static functioning of the ecosystem, because 1. Introduction 5

different species have different effects on high abundances, where conditions the sediment, e.g. via their characteristic allow it (Andersin and Sandler 1991). burrowing or feeding activities. The dominance patterns often depend Different species can be categorized on dispersal patterns as well as on repro- according to their functional properties ductive success (Valanko et al. 2010). or biological traits (e.g. size, life histo- In addition, the dominance patterns of ry strategies, feeding type, movement, species depend on environmental con- habitat preferences) and classified into ditions or habitat quality of the site different functional groups (Bonsdorff (Laine et al. 1997, 2007, Bonsdorff et and Pearson 1999, Törnroos and al. 2003). Furthermore, the environ- Bonsdorff 2012, Törnroos et al. 2015, mental setting along the north-south 2018, Villnäs et al. 2018). Often spe- gradient of the Baltic Sea dictates which cies biodiversity varies more in and species become abundant (Rumohr et between different habitats than trait al. 1996, Bonsdorff and Pearson 1999, diversity responsible for ecosystem Bonsdorff 2006). function (Törnroos and Bonsdorff 2012, Henseler et al. 2019). Hence, reductions in taxonomical diversity 1.3. ANTHROPOGENIC STRESS do not necessarily result in changes in functional composition of assemblages Anthropogenic disturbances, such as (Törnroos et al. 2018, Boyé et al. 2019, hypoxia as a consequence of eutrophica- Henseler et al. 2019). In a system influ- tion, in combination with stratification enced by anthropogenic stress, it might and stagnation of the water below be expected that a species which is sen- (Conley et al. 2009, 2011, sitive to a specific stressor, would be Andersen et al. 2017), and climate replaced by another species with mostly driven temperature increase and salin- the same functional properties but with ity decline (Vallero and Letcher 2013, better adaptive abilities to the distur- Reusch et al. 2018) are likely to affect bance in question (Hewitt et al. 2016). the species and functional diversity of In a system which is subjected to con- the marine assemblages. Furthermore, stant stress and anthropogenic pressures, synergistic effects of rising temperature the conditions are favourable for inva- and increase in oxygen consumption sive, globally successful species which affect the ecosystem and related biota often occupy empty niches (Leppäkoski (Vaquer-Sunyer and Duarte 2011). The and Olenin 2000). functional diversity is affected through In the sub-littoral to profundal bot- non-random local extinctions of organ- toms of the Gulf of Finland, few key isms, which possess certain biological taxa, such as Marenzelleria, traits (Villnäs et al. 2012, Törnroos et balthica, M. affinis, Saduria entomon, al. 2015). In addition, other anthro- Ostracoda and Oligochaeta often domi- pogenic disturbances, such as coastal nate the assemblages. These species reach construction, dredging, dumping and


bottom trawling, or impacts of chemical is often characterised according to the pollution, may alter the functional com- physical features of the living space. “In position of marine assemblages (Tillin et a broader sense habitat simply describes al. 2006, Nasi et al. 2019). It is probable what happens to exist in an organism’s that r-selected species with fast repro- space - time or geographical vicinity, but duction (pelagic larvae), short life cycle such a definition of a habitat is based on and small size are at an advantage when unsystematic data” (Haskell 1940, Tillin an ecosystem is faced with severe or fre- et al. 2008 and references therein). quent disturbance, such as prolonged HELCOM Underwater biotope and hypoxia or anoxia, while K-selected habitat classification, which is compat- species with embryonic larvae and late ible with European Nature Information sexual maturity will decrease in abun- System (EUNIS), categorizes species dance (Pearson and Rosenberg 1978). occurrences along environmental gradi- It is important to conserve species ents (HELCOM 2013). Benthic marine and their habitats, because through landscapes, or seascapes (Boström et al. their specific functions, species facilitate 2011), correspond to HELCOM HUB one another and offer valuable ecosys- habitats, except that they do not include tem services. Such functions include species. In the European Union, a hab- bioturbation of the sediment and phos- itat is defined slightly otherwise, from phorus retention, which work as a buffer its physical properties. Marine Habitats against adverse environmental chang- listed in the Annex I of the EU Habitats es (Norkko et al. 2012, Griffiths et al. Directive include reefs, underwater 2017, Törnroos et al. 2018), and con- sandbanks, underwater parts of Baltic sequently improve water quality. With esker islands, coastal lagoons, boreal respect to burrowing species, size and Baltic narrow inlets, large shallow inlets age may be more important characteris- and bays, and estuaries. tics than species richness or abundance, Long-term and wide spatial scale regarding oxygenation of surface sedi- habitat mapping and habitat related ments (Griffiths et al. 2017). environmental monitoring are needed to identify natural fluctuations and anthropogenic changes from each 1.4. SPECIES – HABITAT other (MacKenzie and Schiedek 2007, CONNECTIONS Beukema et al. 2017). In this respect is an important tool to assess When analysing habitat-organism responses and threshold levels of biota interactions, the meaning of the term to particular habitat factors (Garden et ‘habitat’ should be defined. In a narrow al. 2006, Weigel et al. 2015, Snickars sense habitat can be a synonym for et al. 2016, Beukema et al. 2017). biotope, i.e., a set of environmental con- Presence of a species alone does not ditions that constitute the living space of indicate good quality of a habitat for an organism (Tillin et al. 2008). Habitat the species. However, if the species is 1. Introduction 7

clearly more abundant, and if different vegetation, and depth (often used as age groups are present, in a certain hab- a proxy for hydrographic parameters itat compared to other positions along at certain conditions) are useful when the environmental gradient, the habitat considering the benthic assemblage can be assumed to be of high quality for (Bonsdorff et al. 2003, Sokołowski et al. the species (Van Horne 1983, Beukema 2015). On the smallest scale from mil- et al. 1996, Valanko et al. 2010). limetres to centimetres, biotic factors Depth, sediment type, exposure, (intra- and interspecific interaction) sediment organic content, salinity, tem- become driving forces in the zooben- perature and oxygen, are perhaps the thic assemblages (Zajac et al. 1998, most important abiotic factors for zoob- Bergström et al. 2002, Thrush et al. enthos in the Baltic Sea (Bonsdorff et al. 2009). In order to protect a species or 2003, Laine et al. 2007, Sokołowski et biodiversity in general, it is essential al. 2015). In a broad sense habitat also to protect the habitats of the organ- contains the other co-occurring species isms (Gray 1997, Boyé et al. 2019). as well as all the ambient environmental However, it is not enough to protect factors, such as geological and topo- just one habitat; inter-connected hab- graphical factors affecting the organism itat network protection is needed to (Zajac et al. 2013). In this thesis “hab- safeguard meta-population dynamics itat” refers to either the biotope (including source-sink dynamics) and definition paper( I), or all the abiotic transport of larvae and adults between environmental as well as biotic factors the habitats that are potentially optimal affecting a specimen in a space (marine for certain species (Gray 1997, Valanko landscape or seascape, paper III). 2012, Boyé et al. 2019, Jonsson et al. Defining which habitat parameters 2020). are the most important for a species is scale dependent (Hewitt et al. 2007, Sokołowski et al. 2015). At a large 1.5. AIMS OF THE STUDY scale from kilometres to the scale of the whole Baltic Sea, environmental gra- In this work, the spatial (papers I, III dients in physical and chemical factors and IV) and temporal (papers II and such as seabed geological and topo- IV) patterns of abundance and structure graphical features, salinity, temperature of zoobenthic assemblages in the coastal and oxygen perhaps define best the zoo- habitats of the northern Baltic Sea were benthic species distributions (Bonsdorff studied. The work aims to combine 2006, Laine et al. 2007, Gogina et al. both small and large spatial and tem- 2016). The same is true for long-term poral scales. The overarching question changes of the benthic fauna (Schiele of this work is: which environmental et al. 2015). On intermediate scales of factors drive zoobenthic species distri- metres, factors such as sediment type, butions at different spatial scales in the sediment organic content, macrophyte northern Baltic Sea?


The research presented inpaper I during the later decades (Bonsdorff et brings new information on the effect of al. 1997, Nilsson and Rosenberg 2000, different soft sediments on zoobenthos Perus and Bonsdorff 2004, Törnroos et distribution in the sub littoral - profun- al. 2018), however, with somewhat dif- dal zone of the northern Baltic Sea. In ferent approaches. this paper zoobenthic species occurrence The main aim inpaper III was to between sediment types and depth zones investigate if significant relationships in a relatively small area (10 km²) was between zoobenthic assemblages and investigated (Table 1). The aim was to abiotic characteristics (including geolog- investigate whether the variables surface ical features, geodiversity, bathymetry, sediment and depth would be reflected surface salinity and spatial scale) of the on the zoobenthic species composition, study area existed. An additional aim and if distinct zoobenthic species were was to investigate if there were any dis- indicatory of particular habitats. Similar tinct marine landscapes based on the approaches were applied in Schückel et aforementioned environmental features al. (2013) in the North Sea. and zoobenthic species composition, In paper II we demonstrated the in the Eastern Gulf of Finland. In this long-term effect of hydrographic study, we demonstrated for the first environmental variables (salinity, tem- time the connection and interaction perature, basal nutrients and oxygen) between combinations of geological, on zoobenthic species composition and topographical and hydrological factors, abundance (Table 2). The study inves- and the spatial distribution of zooben- tigated possible temporal variability in thos in the northern Baltic Sea (eastern the zoobenthic communities of the two Gulf of Finland) in a wide landscape studied stations (depths 20 m and 35 m) (seascape) scale (Table 3). This was also and assessed if changes in water chemi- the first time in our knowledge that cal and physical variables of the water landscape categories or classes were would be reflected on the zoobenthic created based on combinations of abi- species. This approach resembles studies otic factors that mostly affected the by Beukema et al. (1996) in the North distribution of zoobenthic species in the Sea, and Laine et al. (1997) in the Baltic northern Baltic Sea. Thus, the marine Sea. To our knowledge this was the first landscape classes created, included cor- long-term study from the north-western responding zoobenthic communities. coast of the Gulf of Finland, with the This study resembles the approach used approach used, during recent decades by, e.g., Zajac et al. (2013) in Long of drastic environmental change. Other Island Sound on the northeast coast of resembling long-term studies have been the United States. conducted in the specific area or in the Paper IV strived to understand archipelagos of the northern Baltic Sea how spatial and temporal changes of in the earlier decades of the 20th cen- the environment affect the structure tury (e.g. Segerstråle 1937, 1957) and and dynamics of zoobenthic species 1. Introduction 9

composition, considering different factors on distinct zoobenthic species scales, and to interpret changes in the composition and abundance in time zoobenthic assemblages in space and and space (Table 4). The approach bears time. This study brought new infor- resemblance to studies by e.g. Laine et mation that combined long temporal al. (1997), Bonsdorff et al. (2003), and (2001-2015) and large spatial scale Villnäs and Norkko (2011) in the Baltic (hundreds of kilometres) research. The Sea, but it was extensive in both space research was conducted in the coast- and time and was conducted at the al (sub littoral - profundal) waters of coastal zone of the Gulf of Finland. the Gulf of Finland. It addressed spe- cific responses of critical environmental


Table 1. Spatial scale, main objective, methodology used and the amount of sam- pling sites and samples in paper I.

Spatial Temporal Main Methodological Amount Amount scale scale objective approach of of sampling samples sites Medium July 2007 Study of Multivariate analysis 56 sampling 56 out scale (from physical on the effects of sites of of which hundreds of habitats of bathymetry and sur- which 44 44 were metres to zoobenthos face sediment types were quan- quantita- kilometres) on zoobenthos titative and tive included in statistical analyses

Table 2. Spatial scale, main objective, methodology used and the amount of sam- pling sites and samples in paper II.

Spatial Temporal Main Methodological Amount Amount scale scale objective approach of of sampling samples sites Small scale 43 years Study of Multivariate analysis 2 76 (*3 (1 kilometre) (1964-2007) effects of on the long-term parallel physical effects of the samples) (salinity, abiotic environ- tempera- mental variables on ture) and zoobenthos chemical (oxygen, nutrients) variables on zoobenthos 1. Introduction 11

Table 3. Spatial scale, main objective, methodology used and the amount of sam- pling sites and samples in paper III.

Spatial Temporal Main Methodological Amount Amount scale scale objective approach of of sampling samples sites Large scale Sampling Study of Creation of land- Finnish area: Finnish (~200 in two connection scape classes based 150, Russian area: 150, kilometres) summer/ between on multivariate con- area: 68 Russian autumn geological, nections between area: 68 seasons topographical, abiotic variables and (2012-2013) coastal and zoobenthos hydrological variables on zoobenthos

Table 4. Spatial scale, main objective, methodology used and the amount of sam- pling sites and samples in paper IV.

Spatial Temporal Main Methodological Amount Amount scale scale objective approach of of sampling samples sites Large scale 15 years Study of Multivariate analy- 55 523 (~300 km) (2001-2015) effects of ses on the effects physical of the studied envi- and chemi- ronmental variables cal abiotic on zoobenthos variables on assemblages and zoobenthos individual species



2.1. FIELD SAMPLING 1), which provides a historical reference for the area. The 1 mm sieve fraction of The datasets utilized in this thesis stem three replicates was used in the study to from monitoring data and data from have comparable results for the whole spatial surveys conducted from research study period. In addition to the zoo- vessels used for the local, regional or benthic data, near-bottom salinity and national monitoring programs. water temperature data, sampled with Paper I provided ‘nature’s experi- a 1.5 l Ruttner sampler equipped with ment’ on a medium-scale in a mosaic mercury thermometers, enabled compi- sediment environment (between 23° lation of temperature and salinity data 15’ E - 23° 17’ E and 59° 49› N - 59° series covering the period 1927-2010. 51’ N, 10 km²) (Fig. 1). The samples Furthermore, near-bottom oxygen data for this study were collected with a van collected with the Winkler-method, Veen grab sampler (area ~ 0.11 m2) and later with a CTD-probe, was avail- during July 2007 from 56 stations, at able from 1979 onwards. Surface total 4-47 metres depth, in the Tvärminne nitrogen and total phosphorus data archipelago, western Gulf of Finland determined with standard methods (Fig. 1). The samples were sieved on a were also available from 1979 onwards. 1 mm mesh. The sediment type (clay, Although the long-term study of paper mud, sandy silt, fine sand, coarse sand, II only included two stations, they gravel and stones) of each station was could be considered as representative described visually according to a slight- of the soft-bottom habitats of the area. ly modified version of the Wentworth This is due to the fact that most of the scale, in accordance with the local sedi- key macrozoobenthic species recorded mentary conditions (Wentworth 1922). during the last 50 years, such as L. bal- In paper II, long-term (43 years; thica, M. affinis, Pontoporeia femorata, 1964-2007) changes in abundance pat- Bylgides sarsi, Oligochaeta, S. entomon, terns of zoobenthic species and related Marenzelleria and larvae of the family environmental parameters were investi- Chironomidae were regularly found. gated. The samples for this study were In paper III zoobenthic assemblag- collected with a van Veen sampler (area es were used to define seascapes of the ~ 0.11 m2). The sampling was conduct- eastern Gulf of Finland. The benthic ed during August 1964-2007 from two surveys for the study were conducted benthic monitoring stations — XXVI in July 2012 and 2013 in the Finnish (20 m) and XLIV (35 m), situated in eastern coastal Gulf of Finland, and in the Tvärminne Archipelago. The same September 2013 in the Russian coastal stations were sampled by Segerståle waters of the Gulf (Fig. 1). The zooben- already in 1926 (Segerstråle 1937) (Fig. thic samples from Finnish waters were 2. Material and Methods 13

Figure 1. Map of the study area, showing the study sites for papers I-IV. Study sites for papers I and II overlap each other. Paper I black triangles topping each other, paper II red circle (circle size is enlarged 2.5 times to make it visible on the map), paper III green stars and paper IV violet hexagons. The map was produced using QGIS version 2.8.9. collected with a van Veen sampler (area ~ from 9-53 m depth. Sixty-eight sam- 0.11 m2) and the Russian samples were ples were collected from the Russian collected with an Ekman-Birge sampler area from 1-26 m depth. In addition to (area ~ 0.03 m2). All the zoobenthic zoobenthic data, seismo-acoustic data samples were sieved through a 0.5 mm including geological and topographi- mesh. The 0.5 mm sieve was used in this cal data was available from the studied study because it was conducted under a area. Additionally, salinity, Secchi depth habitat mapping program TOPCONS (modelling data) and substrate data (Transboundary tool for spatial plan- were available. ning and conservation of the Gulf of In Paper IV the effects of important Finland), where the objective was to physical and chemical environmen- record maximum number of zoobenthic tal drivers on zoobenthic species in species. One hundred and fifty samples the Finnish coastal waters of the Gulf were collected from the Finnish area of Finland were investigated. The


zoobenthic samples for the study were 5). Nearest neighbour interpolation in also collected with a van Veen sampler ArcGis was used to construct a habitat (area ~ 0.11 m2). The sampling of the map comprising the mosaic of different biota was conducted from August 2001 sediment types and bathymetry, in sepa- to August 2015 from the Finnish coast rate maps (Table 1). of the Gulf of Finland (Fig. 1). Fifty- In paper II, a CCA was used to study five stations were sampled (at 8-72 m which environmental factors (tempera- depth) during the study years, which ture, salinity, oxygen, total phosphorus means that a total of 524 samples were or total nitrogen) best explained the taken. The samples were sieved on a 1 changes in the zoobenthic assemblage mm screen. The related environmental of the two soft-bottom long-term moni- samples (salinity, temperature, oxygen, toring stations, located at about a 1 km total phosphorus and total nitrogen) distance from each other, during the were taken during the period of August last four decades (Table 5). Trajectories 2000 - August 2015. The environmen- in the zoobenthic assemblages during tal samples were included from the year recent decades in the area were explored 2000, because physico-chemical condi- using Multidimensional Scaling (MDS; tions of the previous year might have McCune and Grace 2002). Segmented affected the new recruits of the zooben- regression analysis was utilised to inspect thic species, i.e. the outcome may show changes in water chemical and physi- a time lag of about one season. cal data (Hänninen et al. 2000). These changes in physical and chemical condi- tions were compared to the zoobenthos 2.2. STATISTICAL ANALYSES abundance data to see if there were any correlations. All the studies presented apply mul- In paper III, BEST analysis, which tivariate statistics, because they were searches for the ‘best matches’ between conducted to investigate the impacts of biotic patterns and environmental var- several factors on biota. Similar method- iables, was used to find out the rank ology was partly used due to reminiscent correlation between the geological, objectives of the studies. This was the topographical and hydrological environ- case especially in papers I, II and IV. mental variables and zoobenthos (Table Paper III differed most from the other 5). Next, LINKTREE analysis was con- papers concerning its objectives and ducted to define the cut-off values for hence its methodology, as it focussed on the variables that best explained the landscape-scale habitat classification. community structure. Using the results Constrained Correspondence of the BEST and LINKTREE analyses, Analysis (CCA; Oksanen et al. 2006) marine benthic landscape classes were was used in paper I to find out which created applying the variables, and their sediment types and depths were pre- cut-off values, which mostly affected ferred by the benthic macrofauna (Table the community structure. Furthermore, 2. Material and Methods 15

Table 5. Field methods, environmental parameters and numerical methods used in papers I-IV. MDS = Multidimensional scaling, SIMPROF = Similarity Profiles, CCA = Constrained correspondence analysis, SIMPER = Similarity Percentages, ANOSIM = Analysis of similarity, GLM = Generalized linear models, PRIMER = Plymouth Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research, R = R statistical language. Environmental param- eter in parenthesis means that the parameter was recorded, but it was not specifically analysed due to the layout of the study.

Field method Paper I Paper II Paper III Paper IV Van Veen grab sampler X X X Ekman Birge grab sampler X 1 mm mesh X X X 0.5 mm mesh X Seismo-acoustic surveys X Environmental parameters Bathymetry X X X X Sediment type X (X) X X Temperature X X Salinity X X X Oxygen X X Phosphorus X X Nitrogen X X Coastline X Secchi X Substrate heterogeneity X Topography and its complexity X Archipelago gradient X X Longitude (X) (X) X X Method (Program) MDS (PRIMER) X X X SIMPROF (PRIMER) X CCA (R, Vegan library) X X X BEST (PRIMER) X X LINKTREE (PRIMER) X SIMPER (PRIMER) X X ANOSIM (PRIMER) X GLM (R, Mass library) X SEGMENTED REGRESSION (EXCEL) X NEAREST NEIGHBOR X INTERPOLATION (ArcGis) MULTILAYER SPATIAL MODEL (ArcGis) X


SIMPER and ANOSIM analyses were also utilised to ascertain if species/taxa conducted to assess the dissimilarity were significantly affected by physical between the landscape classes. The envi- and chemical environmental variables ronmental variables with the strongest including depth, archipelago gradient, relationship with zoobenthic taxa, longitude, year, clay, mud, sand, gravel, assessed with BEST and LINKTREE, salinity, temperature, oxygen, total phos- were combined as a multilayer spatial phorus and total nitrogen. Furthermore, model in ArcGIS (Table 5). SIMPER analysis was used to define if In paper IV, multivariate statis- the assemblage structure was different in tics such as Multidimensional Scaling differing oxygen categories. Generalized (MDS), Similarity Profiles (SIMPROF), linear models (GLM) were conducted Constrained Correspondence Analysis to assess the specific response of studied (CCA) and BEST analysis were used to environmental variables on zoobenthic define structure in the data. These were taxa (Table 5). 17


In total, 35 taxa representative enough especially chironomids were associated to be used in statistical analyses (i.e. with very flat or flat topography, while they were observed more than sporad- e.g. S. entomon, Ostracoda, M. affinis, ically), were recorded in the studies Corophium volutator and the Baltic clam covered by papers I-IV (Table 6). L. balthica occurred in more complex Several species displayed a clear pref- topography. erence for certain sediment types: e.g. The richness of species generally the lagoon cocle glau- increased with increasing geo-physical cum favoured coarse sand (paper I) complexity, with respect to the studied and the priapulid Halicryptus spinu- environmental variables (paper III; for losus preferred clay (papers I and IV). reference to the variables see Table 5). Other species/taxa displayed more flex- Rare species contributed most to com- ible sedimentary preferences, with other munity dissimilarity (paper III), as was drivers determining their distribution: also observed in a study by Thorn et al. e.g. the amphipod P. femorata favoured (2019) concerning forest . They cold saline waters (papers II and IV), also found that the role played by rare and the gastropods Potamopyrgus antip- species diminished as the community odarum and Hydrobia spp. favoured succession proceeded closer to climax warm, less saline waters (papers II and state following a disturbance (Thorn et al. IV). Some species/taxa were mainly 2019). This could be the case in marine driven by high nutrient concentrations environment as well. Furthermore, (P-tot and N-tot) and higher tempera- repeated and severe disturbances in ben- ture e.g. chironomid larvae (paper IV) thic habitats and communities usually and the polychaete Hediste (previous- decrease the species richness but may ly Nereis) diversicolor (papers II and at the same time provide an opportu- IV). Species such as the isopod S. ento- nity for invasive/introduced species, mon and the amphipod M. affiniswere such as Marenzelleria, to occupy vacant especially sensitive to hypoxia at the niches (e.g. Norkko et al. 2012, Hewitt sediment water interface (papers II and et al. 2016). In paper IV we additional- IV), whereas some other species, such ly observed that, as the species number as chironomid larvae (paper IV) and generally increased with increasing O2 Marenzelleria (papers II and IV), were concentrations, also rarer species such regularly observed at sites with very low as the polychaete B. sarsi occurred more -1 oxygen concentrations of < 2 mg O2 L . often. Interestingly, as shown in paper III,

ZOOBENTHOS AS INDICATORS OF MARINE HABITATS IN THE NORTHERN BALTIC SEA Table 6. Species/taxa included in statistical analyses in the individual research papers. Altogether there were 35 taxa in 11 distinct Classes (separated by transparent and light colored background). Additionally, some of the main functional traits of the spe- cies (size, movement, feeding type) are given. For reference to the environmental preferences of individual species/taxa, see papers I-IV.

Species/ Family Order Subclass Class Phylum Adult size, movement, Paper Paper Paper Paper Genus feeding type I II III IV 1-2 cm, crawler/burrower, sus- X X X X (Limecola) pension/deposit feeder balthica Cerastoderma Cardiidae Cardiida Heterodonta Bivalvia Mollusca 3-10 cm, crawler/burrower, X glaucum suspension feeder Mya arenaria Myidae Myida Heterodonta Bivalvia Mollusca 1-20 cm, burrower, suspension X X feeder Dreissena Dreissenidae Myida Heterodonta Bivalvia Mollusca 1-20 cm, attachment, suspen- X polymorpha sion feeder Mytilus edulis Mytilidae Mytilida Pteriomorphia Bivalvia Mollusca 1-20 cm, attachment, suspen- X sion feeder Hydrobia spp. Hydrobiidae Littorinimorpha Caenogastropoda Mollusca < 1 cm, swimmer/crawler/bur- X X X rower/drifter, surface deposit feeder Potamopyrgus Tateidae Littorinimorpha Caenogastropoda Gastropoda Mollusca 0.6-1.1 cm, swimmer/crawler/ X X X antipodarum burrower/drifter, surface deposit feeder/grazer Cycloneritida Gastropoda Mollusca 0.5-1.0 cm, attachment, grazer X X fluviatilis Halicryptus Halicryptidae Halicryptomorpha Priapulida Cephalorhyncha 0.2-2.0 cm, burrower, predatory X X X spinulosus Cyanophthalma Tetrastemmatidae Monostilifera Hoplonemertea Nemertea 0.2-2 cm, burrower, predatory X obscura Nemertea 0.2-2 cm, burrower, predatory X Oligochaeta Clitellata Annelida < 1 cm, motile, suspension/de- X X X posit feeder Hirudinea Clitellata Annelida ~2.5 cm, swimmer, parasite X Marenzelleria Spionidae Spionida Sedentaria Polychaeta Annelida 10.0-12.0 cm, motile/burrower, X X X X spp. deposit feeder Pygospio Spionidae Spionida Sedentaria Polychaeta Annelida < 2.5 mm, non-motile/semi- X elegans motile/burrower/tube-builder, deposit feeder Manayunkia Fabriciidae Sabellida Sedentaria Polychaeta Annelida 0.5 cm, burrower/tube builder, X aestuarina suspension feeder Hediste (Nereis) Nereididae Phyllodocida Errantia Polychaeta Annelida 10.0-12.0 cm, motile swimmer/ X X X diversicolor burrower, suspension feeder/ predatory 3. Results and Discussion 19

Species/ Family Order Subclass Class Phylum Adult size, movement, Paper Paper Paper Paper Genus feeding type I II III IV Macoma Tellinidae Cardiida Heterodonta Bivalvia Mollusca 1-2 cm, crawler/burrower, sus- X X X X (Limecola) pension/deposit feeder balthica Cerastoderma Cardiidae Cardiida Heterodonta Bivalvia Mollusca 3-10 cm, crawler/burrower, X glaucum suspension feeder Mya arenaria Myidae Myida Heterodonta Bivalvia Mollusca 1-20 cm, burrower, suspension X X feeder Dreissena Dreissenidae Myida Heterodonta Bivalvia Mollusca 1-20 cm, attachment, suspen- X polymorpha sion feeder Mytilus edulis Mytilidae Mytilida Pteriomorphia Bivalvia Mollusca 1-20 cm, attachment, suspen- X sion feeder Hydrobia spp. Hydrobiidae Littorinimorpha Caenogastropoda Gastropoda Mollusca < 1 cm, swimmer/crawler/bur- X X X rower/drifter, surface deposit feeder Potamopyrgus Tateidae Littorinimorpha Caenogastropoda Gastropoda Mollusca 0.6-1.1 cm, swimmer/crawler/ X X X antipodarum burrower/drifter, surface deposit feeder/grazer Theodoxus Neritidae Cycloneritida Neritimorpha Gastropoda Mollusca 0.5-1.0 cm, attachment, grazer X X fluviatilis Halicryptus Halicryptidae Halicryptomorpha Priapulida Cephalorhyncha 0.2-2.0 cm, burrower, predatory X X X spinulosus Cyanophthalma Tetrastemmatidae Monostilifera Hoplonemertea Nemertea 0.2-2 cm, burrower, predatory X obscura Nemertea 0.2-2 cm, burrower, predatory X Oligochaeta Clitellata Annelida < 1 cm, motile, suspension/de- X X X posit feeder Hirudinea Clitellata Annelida ~2.5 cm, swimmer, parasite X Marenzelleria Spionidae Spionida Sedentaria Polychaeta Annelida 10.0-12.0 cm, motile/burrower, X X X X spp. deposit feeder Pygospio Spionidae Spionida Sedentaria Polychaeta Annelida < 2.5 mm, non-motile/semi- X elegans motile/burrower/tube-builder, deposit feeder Manayunkia Fabriciidae Sabellida Sedentaria Polychaeta Annelida 0.5 cm, burrower/tube builder, X aestuarina suspension feeder Hediste (Nereis) Nereididae Phyllodocida Errantia Polychaeta Annelida 10.0-12.0 cm, motile swimmer/ X X X diversicolor burrower, suspension feeder/ predatory


Species/Ge- Family Order Subclass Class Phylum Adult size, movement, Paper Paper Paper Paper nus feeding type I II III IV Bylgides Polynoidae Phyllodocida Errantia Polychaeta Annelida 3.0 cm, swimmer/burrower, X X X (Harmothoe) predatory sarsi Hydra spp. Hydridae Anthoathecata Hydroidolina Hydrozoa Cnidaria < 3 cm, attachment, suspension X feeder/predatory Cordylophora Cordylophoridae Anthoathecata Hydroidolina Hydrozoa Cnidaria 50.0-60.0 cm, attachment, X caspia predatory Saduria entomon Chaetiliidae Isopoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 5.0-10 cm, surface motile, X X X X predatory/scavenger Jaera spp. Janiridae Isopoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 3.0-5.0 mm, motile, omnivore/ X herbivore Asellus spp. Asellidae Isopoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 15.0-20.0 mm, motile, X omnivore/herbivore Monoporeia Pontoporeiidae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 8-10 mm, omnivore, burrower/ X X X X affinis swimmer Pontoporeia Pontoporeiidae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 8-10 mm, omnivore, burrower/ X X femorata swimmer Gammarus spp. Gammaridae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 4-20 mm, motile, grazer X X X Gammarus Gammaridae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 4-20 mm, motile, grazer X oceanicus Gammarus Gammaridae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 4-20 mm, motile, grazer X salinus Corophium Corophiidae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 6-10 mm, suspension feeder, X X volutator burrower Ostracoda Arthropoda 1-2 mm, burrower, suspension/ X deposit feeder Amphibalanus Balanidae Sessilia Thecostraca Hexanauplia Arthropoda 0.5-1.0 cm, attachment, suspen- X improvisus sion feeder Chironomidae Diptera Pterygota Insecta Arthropoda < 2.0 cm, motile/burrower, X X X predatory/deposit feeder Ceratopogonidae Diptera Pterygota Insecta Arthropoda < 2.0 cm, motile, predatory/ X detritivore/suspension/deposit feeder Ephemeroptera Pterygota Insecta Arthropoda < 2.0 cm, motile, suspension/ X deposit feeder/predatory Trichoptera Pterygota Insecta Arthropoda < 2.0 cm, motile, suspension/ X deposit feeder/predatory

WoRMS Editorial Board (2019). World Register of Marine Species. Available from http://www.marinespecies.org at VLIZ. Accessed 2019-11-20. DOI:10.14284/170

LuontoPortti/NatureGate (2019). Accessed 2019 - 11-20. 3. Results and Discussion 21

Species/Ge- Family Order Subclass Class Phylum Adult size, movement, Paper Paper Paper Paper nus feeding type I II III IV Bylgides Polynoidae Phyllodocida Errantia Polychaeta Annelida 3.0 cm, swimmer/burrower, X X X (Harmothoe) predatory sarsi Hydra spp. Hydridae Anthoathecata Hydroidolina Hydrozoa Cnidaria < 3 cm, attachment, suspension X feeder/predatory Cordylophora Cordylophoridae Anthoathecata Hydroidolina Hydrozoa Cnidaria 50.0-60.0 cm, attachment, X caspia predatory Saduria entomon Chaetiliidae Isopoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 5.0-10 cm, surface motile, X X X X predatory/scavenger Jaera spp. Janiridae Isopoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 3.0-5.0 mm, motile, omnivore/ X herbivore Asellus spp. Asellidae Isopoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 15.0-20.0 mm, motile, X omnivore/herbivore Monoporeia Pontoporeiidae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 8-10 mm, omnivore, burrower/ X X X X affinis swimmer Pontoporeia Pontoporeiidae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 8-10 mm, omnivore, burrower/ X X femorata swimmer Gammarus spp. Gammaridae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 4-20 mm, motile, grazer X X X Gammarus Gammaridae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 4-20 mm, motile, grazer X oceanicus Gammarus Gammaridae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 4-20 mm, motile, grazer X salinus Corophium Corophiidae Amphipoda Eumalacostraca Malacostraca Arthropoda 6-10 mm, suspension feeder, X X volutator burrower Ostracoda Arthropoda 1-2 mm, burrower, suspension/ X deposit feeder Amphibalanus Balanidae Sessilia Thecostraca Hexanauplia Arthropoda 0.5-1.0 cm, attachment, suspen- X improvisus sion feeder Chironomidae Diptera Pterygota Insecta Arthropoda < 2.0 cm, motile/burrower, X X X predatory/deposit feeder Ceratopogonidae Diptera Pterygota Insecta Arthropoda < 2.0 cm, motile, predatory/ X detritivore/suspension/deposit feeder Ephemeroptera Pterygota Insecta Arthropoda < 2.0 cm, motile, suspension/ X deposit feeder/predatory Trichoptera Pterygota Insecta Arthropoda < 2.0 cm, motile, suspension/ X deposit feeder/predatory

MarLIN, 2006. BIOTIC - Biological Traits Information Catalogue. Marine Life Information Network. Plymouth: Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. [Accessed 20.11.2019] Available from


3.1. SUBSTRATE AND SPATIAL or sedimentary conditions, some spe- SCALES cies, such as L. balthica, B. sarsi and S. entomon, were shown to be gener- In paper I variation in zoobenthic alists (positioned in the centre of the distribution was studied over medium CCA analysis) with regards to the stud- scale in heterogeneous sedimenta- ied physical characteristics (depth, ry environments, with relatively stable clay, mud, sandy silt, fine sand, coarse water physical and chemical conditions sand, gravel and stones). The relatively in the studied archipelago area. These generalist nature of L. balthica habitat types of studies conducted at small to preference, as well as the species’ abil- medium scales can function as examples ity to cope with low O₂ conditions and of how natural variability of species is H₂S, was also shown by Thoms et al. manifested in nature and how specific (2018) in the bay of Gdansk. Other spe- abiotic factors affect species composi- cies, such as M. affinis, Marenzelleria, H. tion (Bergström et al. 2002). While it spinulosus and S. entomon were mainly was evident that the stratified sampling found in deeper (and colder) sampling design efficiently captured a range of sites with mud and/or clay. different habitats (all sediment types A number of species were associated and varying bathymetry of the area with shallower depths and mixed sub- were covered), it was also evident that strates, in areas where macroalgae and coarser sediments correlated mainly vascular plants also occur. For instance, with shallower depths, while finer sed- the mudsnails Potamopyrgus spp. and iments correlated mainly with deeper Hydrobia spp. mostly occurred at shal- parts (about 30-45 m) of the study area. low sediments dominated by fine sand Hence, there could be covariation with and sandy silt. The distribution of depth and sediment type. Gammarus salinus, H. diversicolor, C. We observed that zoobenthic glaucum and Mytilus trossulus x edulis assemblages varied significantly in com- was often correlated with sand, stones position even within a small area, i.e. on and gravel in shallower depths, in rela- a scale of a few hundred meters. Part of tively exposed areas where water clarity the changes could be accounted for by was often better due to constant water the mosaic sediment structure, but the movement and mixing (paper I). species distributions also varied with Submerged macrophytes, such as Fucus depth (Fig. 2). Depth was the most vesiculosus, often grow on these light significant single factor explaining the bottoms. Among other species grazing structure of the zoobenthic assemblages, amphipods and isopods, e.g. specimens and there was evidence that it correlat- of the genuses Gammarus and Idothea, ed in part with the hydrographical and favour these sites for food and shel- hydrochemical factors, although not ter (Lotze and Worm 2000, Tan et al. measured. Although most of the spe- 2017). cies preferred specific depth zones and/ The assemblages of the deeper part 3. Results and Discussion 23

of the study area in paper I (character- Mya arenaria, , P. ized by clay/mud) were dominated by elegans, C. volutator and Oligochaeta, in Marenzelleria, which in paper II and IV turn, correlated positively with coarse was the dominant species of the deeper sand (paper I; Fig. 2). The polychaete (> 30 m) soft bottom sites, along with Pygospio elegans, which builds its tube L. balthica and M. affinis. However, M. of sand particles, is characterized by affinis was not found to be dominating a wide variety of feeding mechanisms in any of the assemblages during 2007 and reproductive strategies (Bolam and (paper I), which is also in line with Fernandes 2003). Several other species, the results of papers II and IV. The such as Cerastoderma edule, M. arenar- amphipods were very low in abundance ia and C. volutator have been shown in 2007 in the sub-littoral zone of the to favour habitats with P. elegans tubes study area, situated in the western Gulf (Bolam and Fernandes 2003). The of Finland. The results of paper I clearly higher species diversity in the vicinity of indicated that in the benthic environ- Pygospio elegans tubes was also observed ment homogeneity versus heterogeneity in the results of paper I. Polychaete of habitats offered a proxy to species tubes have a major effect on water flow diversity (see also Boyé et al. 2019). at the sediment-water interface, and Species functional traits, such as feeding when their densities are high, the tubes type, are likely to have a great effect on can contribute to sediment stabilization the preferences of species for sediment (Bolam and Fernandes 2003 and ref- type and depth (Rachor 1990, Villnäs et erences therein). In addition, Woodin al. 2011, Törnroos et al. 2015, Weigel (1978, 1981) also demonstrated that a et al. 2016). high density of polychaete tubes pro- Functional traits of a species, vides shelter from predation and local such as feeding type and burrowing disturbances to other species. behaviour, influence the habitat prefer- The effect of substrate on zoobenthos ences of a species. For instance, it was is scale dependent. In paper I, which was observed that deposit feeders, such as conducted at a relatively small spatial Marenzelleria, favoured soft sediments scale, with relatively stable hydrography, rich in organic matter, whereas suspen- species distribution responded strongly sion feeders, which filter organic matter to the composition of surface sediment, from the water column, favoured coars- whereas in paper III, which was con- er sediments (paper I). The polychaete ducted at a large environmental scale, species H. diversicolor is omnivorous, surface substrate types were not the main and an active predator, feeding also on driving factors for zoobenthos distribu- other zoobenthos (Scaps 2002, and ref- tion, although ‘substrate heterogeneity, erences therein). It occurs on varying ‘stones’ and ‘soft sediments’ contribut- substrates from sandy mud to clays and ed to the explained variation. In paper gravels, where it builds its burrow (Scaps IV, however, certain sediment types 2002 and references therein, paper I). were again among the driving factors



Oligo Theflu Coarse sand Myare

Gamsal Corvol Harsar Gamoce Stones Nereis Mona Marenz Mytilus

CCA2 Sadent Mud Gravel Depth Hydrob 0 1 Macbal Clay Halspi Cerglau Fine sand Potant

-0.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Sandy silt

-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0


Figure 2. Constrained Correspondence Analysis (CCA) graph showing zoobenthic species distribution in distinct benthic habitats defined by sediment type and depth. Taxa abbreviations: Monaff =Monoporeia affinis, Marenz = Marenzelleria, Halspi = Halicryptus spinulosus, Macbal = Limecola (Macoma) balthica, Sadent = Saduria en- tomon, Harsar = Bylgides (previously Harmothoe) sarsi, Mytilus = Mytilus trossulus x edulis, Potant = Potamopyrgus antipodarum, Cerglau = , Hydrob = Hydrobia spp., Nereis = Hediste (previously Nereis) diversicolor, Corvol = Corophium volutator, Myare = Mya arenaria, Theflu =Theodoxus fluviatilis, Oligo = oligochaeta, Pygele = Pygospio elegans. Figure modified from paper I. Observe the greater abundance of species associated with coarse sand and small stones/gravel (also sharing habitats with the species P. elegans) as denoted by the red circle. for zoobenthos distribution. The most the Gulf of Finland, and they were often important, and statistically significant, in close connection with each other. driving factors for zoobenthos distribu- Thus, we can conclude that in the tion in this study were depth, longitude, study area of the northern Baltic Sea, year, mud, archipelago gradient, tem- the surface sediment type determines perature, clay, oxygen, nutrients and the zoobenthic species composition at a sand. The study sites ofpaper IV were relatively small scale, whereas at a large distributed relatively evenly along the scale both surface sediment quality/type coastal gradient of the Finnish waters of and variation and hydrographical factors 3. Results and Discussion 25

are both important factors explaining topography’ (paper III, Fig. 3). The zoobenthos distribution (papers I and reason for this phenomenon is not IV, Bonsdorff et al. 2003, Perus et al. known, but this is consistent with the 2004). This is logical, because sediment Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis, type may vary considerably even at very where species abundance is greatest at small scales, while hydrography varies medium levels of abiotic or biotic dis- at relatively much larger (horizontal) turbance, such as wave action or grazing scales. (Connell 1978, Korpinen 2008 and In paper III the relationships between references therein). Topographical com- zoobenthos and habitat types were stud- plexity may be highest in areas where ied also considering topographical and wind, waves and currents flush the soft geographical variables, such as patch, sediments away and expose rock and slope, aspect, roughness, and coast- boulders. Fewer species can withstand al openness. According to the BEST the highest levels of physical distur- analysis, roughness at 20 km scale (i.e. bance (i.e. disturbance is frequent, high topographic complexity of the seabed), in intensity and large in extent) and in addition to relation of Secchi depth biodiversity, including number of spe- to depth, best defined the zoobenthic cies and total abundance, is diminished species distribution in the eastern Gulf (Gladstone-Gallagher et al. 2019). The of Finland (paper III). Nine different most geo-physically complex habitats seascapes were identified based on the may also be fragmented. Fragmentation aforementioned environmental vari- of habitats creates isolation, which slows ables and their cut-off values, derived down and hinders internal recruitment from the LINKTREE analysis. The (Gladstone-Gallagher et al. 2019). The variables describing topographical, geo- case remains unsolved, however, because logical and coastal impacts (excluding landscape complexity was negatively surface sediment type recorded during correlated with water turbidity: the flat benthic sampling events) best defined landscapes were always turbid, where- the zoobenthic assemblage structure at as complex bottoms occurred both in the scale of several kilometres (paper turbid and clear water (paper III). The III). effects of turbidity (i.e. eutrophication) In general, the number of species and landscape complexity cannot be increased with increasing topographi- unambiguously separated. cal and geological complexity. In ‘very flat’ landscapes, the species number was by far the lowest (3) while in ‘com- 3.2. TEMPORAL CHANGES IN plex’ bottoms the number of species SPECIES COMPOSITION varied from 5 to 9 (paper III; Fig. 3). However, the habitats with ‘very com- The zoobenthic assemblages of the Gulf plex topography’ were not clearly more of Finland have undergone remarkable diverse than the habitats with ‘complex changes since the 1960s. An increase







0 D1 D2 C1 B2 G2 F1 H1 H2 I1_2 LANDSCAPE CLASS

Figure 3. Average species number in the different landscape class categories. Landscape class category characteristics: D1 = very flat with turbid water, D2 = flat with turbid water, C1 = “average”/not complex topography, turbid water, B2 = “average”/not complex topography with water transparency >2 m, G2 = complex topography with turbid water, F1 = complex topography, H1 = complex topography with water transparency > 3 m (0.66 3 m (0.74

in temperature as well as a decrease in by surpassing of a threshold level in an surface salinity appeared as the most environmental factor, abrupt changes in significant environmental factors communities may appear (Gray 1997, accounting for the structural assemblage Boero and Bonsdorff 2007), which may changes in Tvärminne archipelago, lead to regime shifts in the pelagic and south-west coast of Finland (paper II). benthic systems (Möllmann et al. 2008, The study also provided evidence of 2009, Andersen et al. 2009, Selkoe et al. deterioration of oxygen conditions at 2015, Yen et al. 2016, Österblom et al. the sediment water interface. The dras- 2017). tic changes in environmental variables The most important zoobenthic have also been documented by many changes in the study area included a other studies for the south-western drastic decrease in the population sizes coast of Finland (Viitasalo et al. 1995, of the amphipods M. affinis and P. femo- Hänninen and Vuorinen 2001) and for rata and the polychaete B. sarsi, and an the entire Baltic Sea (e.g. Möllmann increase of the bivalve L. balthica (paper 2008, Weigel et al. 2015, Almén et al. II). In addition, the non-native invasive 2017, Andersen et al. 2017). Followed polychaete Marenzelleria, which arrived 3. Results and Discussion 27

in the northern Baltic Sea in the end structure of the infaunal benthic assem- of 1980s, increased rapidly in abun- blage (paper II, Fig. 4). dance (Stigzelius et al. 1997, Norkko A change in species composition does et al. 1993, Maximov 2011, paper II). not necessarily imply a drastic change in The most significant changes in the ecosystem function. Hewitt et al. (2016) zoobenthic assemblage, as observed in studied the functional vs. species com- paper II, occurred between the end of position changes at the same sites and the 1980s and the middle of the 1990s, during the same time frame as we did in which coincides with a described overall paper II. They showed that despite the regime shift of the Baltic Sea food webs drastic decrease of M. affinis followed (Möllmann et al. 2008, 2009). After this by increase of L. balthica and the arrival transition period, Marenzelleria along and establishing of Marenzelleria in the with L. balthica largely dominated the area, functional diversity of the benthic

Figure 4. Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) analysis showing changes in zoobenthic species composition and abundance at station XLIV (35 m), south-west coast of Finland, during 1964-2007. An abrupt change in zoobenthic assemblage structure took place in 1987-1995. Figure modified from paper II. Notice the red arrow which marks the arrival, and from there on drastic increase, of Marenzelleria in the area. In addition, abundance simultaneously increased in XLIV.


community did not change. to environmental variables (Pearson and In addition to long-term changes, Rosenberg 1978, Voelz and Ward 1990, also more rapid changes in abiotic driv- Bonsdorff et al. 1991, Bonsdorff et al. ers, such as seasonal water temperature 2003, Aarnio et al. 2011, paper IV). It peaks, which may induce O₂ deple- is plausible that the gradual decrease of tion, might interfere with patterns of oxygen concentration and increase of succession in benthic habitats. Impacts hypoxic periods has facilitated the estab- of physical or chemical disturbances lishment and increase in dominance of have been shown to affect benthic suc- Marenzelleria in the northern Baltic Sea cession in several studies in the Baltic (papers II and IV). Sea (Bonsdorff and Blomqvist 1993, The results ofpaper II showed that Rumohr et al. 1996, Herkül et al. 2011, the benthic assemblage in the study area Weigel et al. 2015) and in fully marine in the northern Baltic Sea underwent environments (Beukema et al. 1996, considerable structural changes over Nilsson and Rosenberg 2000, Norkko time. The results additionally indicat- et al. 2006, Birchenough and Frid ed that there was a tipping-point in the 2009). The functioning of the benthic long-term development from the late system and the trophic interactions can 1980s to the middle of the 1990s, when be compromised following such drastic the zoobenthic assemblage re-organized physical or chemical forcing. and shifted to an alternative organiza- In areas where communities are tion (paper II; Fig. 4). Environmental eradicated due to e.g. anoxic events, factors, especially temperature and recruitment plays an important role salinity, were shown to affect the assem- in the recolonization process (Pearson blage change significantly paper( II). and Rosenberg 1978, Valanko et al. This is in line with several studies that 2010). The initial phases of the com- have observed a regime shift caused by munity succession are dominated by the decline in salinity and an increase r-strategists, or opportunistic spe- in eutrophication in the Baltic Sea off- cies, often belonging to a small group shore ecosystem in the late 1980s to of highly motile deposit feeder poly- the mid- 1990s (Österblom et al. 2007, chaetes, with planktotrophic or pelagic Möllmann et al. 2008, 2009, Eero et al. larvae, such as Capitella capitata and 2011, Reusch et al. 2018). Marenzelleria (Pearson and Rosenberg The Baltic Sea is one of the fastest 1978, Bonsdorff et al. 1986, Norkko et warming sea areas even in the global al. 2012, paper IV). The effects of dis- context (Sherman et al. 2009, Reusch et turbance in the form of hypoxia, and al. 2018). A statistically significant tem- subsequent domination of r-strate- perature rise, since the 1980s, was also gists, especially Marenzelleria, were also observed in the results of (paper II). observed in the results of papers II and The effects of global climate change on IV. Temporal changes in species com- the marine ecosystems can be predicted position reflect their different responses based on changes currently happening 3. Results and Discussion 29

in the Baltic Sea (Reusch et al. 2018). occurrences of saltwater intrusions from Studies from the North and Baltic Seas the North Sea through Danish straits have forecasted that sea surface temper- (Leppäranta and Myrberg 2009, Liblik atures will increase by the end of the and Lips 2019). However, the reduction 21st century by 2-4 °C (Mackenzie and in Major Baltic Inflows are uncertain in Schiedek 2007, Griffiths et al. 2017, the light of the latest research (Mohrholz Dieterich et al. 2019). The benthic 2018). The decrease in salinity from the assemblages, as well as the entire marine end of the 1970s to the beginning of ecosystems, will be severely affected. the 1990s was confirmed by the results Some organisms, such as crustaceans of paper II. The segmented regres- (e.g. M. affinis) that do not tolerate sion analysis illuminated a statistically prolonged hypoxia and exposure to significant downward turn in annual hydrogen sulphate, and sessile organ- average salinity in 1979. The continu- isms such as sponges, which cannot ous decrease ended in 1992, after which escape, are more sensitive than others salinity values remained relatively stable. (Vaquer-Sunyer and Duarte 2011, In the results of the paper IV it was papers II and IV). In contrast, certain found that most of the studied environ- molluscs (such as Corbicula fluminea mental factors significantly impacted on and L. balthica) and certain polychaetes the distribution of the zoobenthic spe- (Nephthys ciliata and Marenzelleria) cies on the south coast of Finland. In are known to persist episodic hypox- order of significance, these drivers were ia (Maximov 2011, Vaquer-Sunyer depth, longitude (west to east in the Gulf and Duarte 2011, Thoms et al. 2018, of Finland), year, mud (sediment type), papers II and IV). Despite the abili- archipelago gradient (inner, outer, open ty of L. balthica to cope with moderate sea), temperature of the previous year, hypoxia, we clearly showed that the spe- clay (sediment type), oxygen, oxygen of cies was not able to tolerate more severe the previous year, temperature (bottom and long-lasting hypoxia (paper IV). In water), total nitrogen, sand (sediment recent years, evidence has accumulat- type), total nitrogen of the previous year ed that even short-term heat waves can and total phosphorus. Characteristic interfere with ecosystem structure and (habitat specific) zoobenthic assem- functioning (Wernberg et al. 2016, Li et blages were found in different oxygen al. 2017, Walsh et al. 2018). categories/regimes, and the diversity of In addition to temperature changes, biota – as expected – decreased with the surface salinity has been decreas- decreasing oxygen conditions (paper IV; ing since the late 1970s in several parts Fig. 5). The GLM model showed that of the Baltic Sea (paper II, Liblik and the taxa responded species-specifically Lips 2019). This is due to meteorolog- to the studied environmental variables, ical forcing causing changes in wind verifying the high indicatory value of patterns and mixing of water column, benthic species regarding changes in and perhaps reduced and more irregular their abiotic environment (paper IV).


The close interaction between zooben- recovers from organic pollution and the thic species and their environment has O₂ available for the benthic organisms been illustrated before by, e.g. Rumohr increases. This was also confirmed by et al. (1996). the results of paper IV, where the total Abundances of specimens are usu- sum of species increased as a function ally highest at moderate levels of of O₂ and the average amount of spe- eutrophication, where there is much pro- cies was highest at 10 mg O₂ L -¹ (Fig. ductivity, but no O2 depletion (Pearson 5). Episodic and persistent hypoxia are and Rosenberg 1978, Bonsdorff et al. common even on the coastal area of the 1986, Norkko and Bonsdorff 1996, Gulf of Finland (Virtanen et al. 2019). Patrício et al. 2004, Castorani and As a result, benthic habitats are often Baskett 2019, paper IV). According to devoid of macrofauna. This was reflected the results of paper IV, the total abun- on the observations of paper IV. A large dance of many specimens was highest at amount of the sampling events did not oxygen levels of ~ 7 mg O₂ L -¹ where contain any macrofauna, even if the O₂ excessive eutrophication was not pre- concentration measured at 1 m above sent. As shown already by Pearson and the bottom was sufficient for the studied Rosenberg (1978), the number of spe- species at the time of sampling. There cies increases linearly in time as a system is a delay in the recovery of zoobenthic

Figure 5. Average amount of species observed in distinct O₂ (mg L-¹) categories. Vertical lines: standard error bars. O₂ category 10 only included one species. The lowest oxygen concentrations after which the most abundant species disappeared from the community are indicated. Figure modified from paper IV. 3. Results and Discussion 31

species following a disturbance such as 2000, Bonsdorff 2006). In addition, hypoxia (Pearson and Rosenberg 1978, serious anthropogenic changes make Norkko and Bonsdorff 1996). the ecosystem ‘ill’, and thus vulnerable to invasions of non-indigenous species that can better withstand environmen- 3.3. EFFECTS OF NEW SPECIES TO tal stress (Leppäkoski and Olenin 2000, ECOSYSTEM STRUCTURE AND Boero and Bonsdorff 2007, Hewitt et al. FUNCTIONING 2016, Reusch et al. 2018). In the Baltic Sea there are also multiple niches avail- Certain surface-dwelling crus- able because the successional changes of tacean species such as M. affinis the ecosystem are still going on since the efficiently convey O₂ and nutrients last glaciation (Bonsdorff and Pearson between sediment and water column 1999). (Viitasalo-Frösén et al. 2009), and in Invaders might also change the func- addition enhance denitrification pro- tioning of the ecosystem if they bring in cesses (Karlson et al. 2007, Griffiths et a new function (Bonsdorff and Pearson al. 2017). Marenzelleria has largely sub- 1999, Leppäkoski and Olenin 2000, stituted M. affinis and P. femorata as a Boero and Bonsdorff 2007, Reusch et bioturbator (papers II and IV), which al. 2018). All changes are not necessar- could cause changes in biogeochemical ily negative, as is with Marenzelleria, processes mediated by zoobenthos. It which is an efficient bioturbator – it has, however, been demonstrated that burrows deep into the surface sediment this newcomer is even more efficient improving phosphorus retention and conveyor of O₂ in the surface sediment, oxygen conditions there (Norkko et because it burrows deeper (> 10 cm) into al. 2012). In the Baltic Sea there are the sediment than amphipods (Norkko three sibling species belonging to the et al. 2012, Hewitt et al. 2016). On genus Marenzelleria: M. viridis which the other hand, Marenzelleria increas- mainly occurs in the southern parts of es fluxes of dissolved nitrogen from the the Baltic Sea, M. arctia which occurs in sediment to the water column (Bonaglia the northern Baltic Sea and M. neglec- et al. 2013, Griffiths et al. 2017). ta which has a wider distribution in the If a specific environmental thresh- Baltic Sea, sometimes occurring sympa- old is surpassed, even a tolerant species trically with the other two Marenzelleria might become vulnerable for external species (Blank et al. 2008). The func- stress. Some other species, perhaps inva- tional effects of the three sibling species sive, might gain a competitive advantage. are relatively well known (Norkko et al. Baltic Sea is sensitive to invaders because 2012, Renz and Forster 2013, Ojaveer it is relatively young in geological age, and Kotta 2014 and references therein). and because frequent disturbances in the The three Marenzelleria species pos- benthic environment create possibilities sess relatively similar functional traits, for new species (Leppäkoski and Olenin although they probably have species


specific bioturbation effects on inor- (Campanyà Llovet et al. 2017). Climate ganic nutrient fluxes (Renz and Forster change increases the ratio between 2013). allochtonous/autochtonous food in Another invasive zoobenthic spe- benthic ecosystem through increased cies in the Baltic Sea, which is relatively river runoff and thus reduces the food well studied, is the bivalve Dreissena pol- quality available for suspension feed- ymorpha. It forms dense populations ers, deposit feeders and detritivores in the eastern Gulf of Finland, also in (Campanyà Llovet et al. 2017). areas where the native Mytilus trossu- In addition, body mass is an impor- lus x edulis does not occur due to too tant characteristic determining the low salinity (Orlova et al. 2004, Ojaveer position of an organism in aquatic food and Kotta 2014 and references there- webs; larger organisms are often higher in, paper III). The mussel beds are in the trophic chain than smaller organ- efficient biofilters, precipitating large isms (France et al. 1998). There is a amounts of particulate organic matter natural trophic continuity between the and transforming it into biomass, which benthic and pelagic systems (France et can be utilized by higher trophic levels al. 1998). Trophic interactions between (Orlova et al. 2004). Although their zoobenthos and zoobenthivorous fish, history and establishment in the Baltic naturally affect the structures of the ben- Sea is well known, most of the invasive thic and pelagic food chains (Yletyinen species in the Baltic Sea remain poorly et al. 2016, Griffiths et al. 2017). For studied, and extensive knowledge gaps instance, the decline of cod (Gadus exist regarding their effects (Ojaveer and morhua) in the late 1980s was caused by Kotta 2014). overfishing under unfavourable climat- ic conditions and possibly by spreading anoxia in the deep bottoms (Elmgren 3.4. TROPHIC IMPORTANCE OF 1989, Möllmann et al. 2009, Eero et al. ZOOBENTHOS 2011, Reusch et al. 2018). Cod predates on herring (Clupea harengus membras) It has been found that food quantity and sprat (Sprattus sprattus) which feed and quality are important factors deter- on . Herring also feeds on mining benthic food webs (Campanyà zoobenthos (Peltonen et al. 2004 and Llovet et al. 2017). Food quanti- references therein). The decline of cod ty, which is largely dependent on has been shown to affect the pelagic food sedimentation, is especially important chain down to (Casini determinant of benthic biomass where- et al. 2008, Möllmann et al. 2009, as food quality largely impacts species Reusch et al. 2018). Cod is also a zoo- composition (Campanyà Llovet et al. benthivorous fish feeding on the isopod 2017). Allochtonous organic material S. entomon and the polychaete B. sarsi is of poorer quality to benthic (Olsson et al. 2012). Both S. entomon than autochtonous sources of food and B. sarsi have decreased in abundance 3. Results and Discussion 33

during the last 20 years according to the 2014). long-term data in paper II. It is possi- The observed decrease of crusta- ble that partly the same environmental ceans could cause dramatic effects for factors were behind the decline of cod the whole trophic system, which would and S. entomon and B. sarsi. According lead to changes in ecosystem function- to Elmgren (1989) cod was previously ing. This is mainly because crustaceans mainly a zoobenthivore feeding mainly are an essential part of the marine food on S. entomon, but the spreading of chain, being for instance important anoxia in the deep bottoms of the Baltic food sources to some fish, such as her- Proper wiped out the zoobenthos from ring and perch Perca fluviatilis (Snickars wide areas, also harmfully affecting S. et al. 2015). entomon populations. In contrast, at Trophic changes are however hard the same time herring and sprat popu- to predict, because of potentially non- lations increased due to release of cod linear responses within the food web, predation, which may have induced the and because new human-induced envi- switch in food selection of cod (Elmgren ronmental pressures or non-indigenous 1989, Reusch et al. 2018). Moreover, species may emerge, causing trophic the food resources available for coast- cascades and regime shifts. This further al fish may alter if the distribution and underlines the importance of continued abundance patterns of zoobenthic spe- spatial and temporal monitoring pro- cies change. Changes in abundance and grams (Gray 1997, Aarnio et al. 2011, distribution of zoobenthic species were Villnäs and Norkko 2011, Dakos et al. confirmed by the results ofpapers II 2015, Andersen et al. 2017). and IV. Marenzelleria is not necessarily as good quality prey for fish as crusta- ceans are. This could have consequences 3.5. ANTHROPOGENIC THREATS on the functioning of the ecosystem and AND THEIR EFFECTS IN THE is an example of a trophic cascade. MARINE ECOSYSTEM This work describes the optimal habitat characteristics of some of the Climate change and related problems, key zoobenthic species of the northern as well as excessive eutrophication are Baltic Sea. This knowledge can be used among the strongest forces affecting the as a tool to predict how environmental coastal ecosystem (Villnäs and Norkko change affects species distributions and 2011, Kabel et al. 2012, Andersen et al. functional properties of the benthic eco- 2017, Reusch et al 2018, Carstensen et system (cf. Duarte 2000, Bremner et al. al. 2019). The Baltic Sea is one of the 2006, Andersen et al. 2014, Darr et al. worst affected sea areas globally (Reusch 2014, Degen et al. 2018). It can also be et al. 2018). The effects of these anthro- utilised to draw conclusions on the state pogenic forces in combination with of the environment and habitat qual- natural long-term variability of the ity (HELCOM 2009, Andersen et al. community were seen in the results of


paper II through abrupt changes in where species tolerant to low oxygen assemblage structure and also in paper levels, such as Marenzelleria (Maximov IV, although to a lesser extent due to the et al. 2011, Norkko et al. 2012), were much shorter temporal scale (15 versus dominant (paper II). Simultaneously, 40 years). In paper IV, the distinct species more sensitive to hypoxia and patterns arising from reduced levels of hydrogen sulphide, such as M. affinis oxygen in the near-bottom waters were (Sandberg-Kilpi et al. 1999, Eriksson particularly evident. Wiklund and Sundelin 2001, Vaquer- Eutrophication has had effects on Sunyer and Duarte 2011), decreased in the aquatic ecosystems since people abundance (paper II). Results of paper started cultivating land (Conley et IV implicated oxygen to be a critical al. 2011). However, its effects mani- limiting factor for macrozoobenthic fested by the extent and severity of species in the coastal Gulf of Finland. hypoxia and anoxia have increased in Bonsdorff and Pearson (1999) dem- coastal and open Baltic Sea during the onstrated the relationships between last 50 years (Conley et al. 2009, 2011, species diversity, abundance and oxygen Carstensen et al. 2014, Andersen et al. concentrations across the Baltic Sea 2019). The patterns seen in the Baltic gradient. Furthermore, Norkko et al. Sea, precede those seen in other regions (2019) found near bottom oxygen con- on a global scale (Diaz and Rosenberg centration to drive functional diversity 2008, Reusch et al. 2018 and referenc- of zoobenthic species in the Baltic Sea. es therein). Excess nutrient inputs result Climate change is likely to worsen the in increased amounts of organic matter, effects of eutrophication through many which is decomposed by detritivores, different processes such as increased and in the decomposing process O₂ is stratification, reduced ventilation of consumed up. This causes hypoxia or warming marine waters, increased riv- anoxia (Vahtera et al. 2007). erine runoff of nutrients, increased There were implications of eutrophi- oxygen consumption by microbes in cation-induced hypoxia effects inpapers warmer water, and changes in wind- I, II and IV. In paper I this was evident induced hydrographical patterns (Diaz only at the deepest, muddy habitats and Rosenberg 2008, Kabel et al. 2012, manifested as an impoverished biota and Altieri and Gedan 2015, Huttunen et dominance of Marenzelleria. In paper II al. 2015, Reusch et al. 2018, Liblik and eutrophication was manifested as a sig- Lips 2019). Additionally, in the warmer nificantly decreasing trend for O2 from water, organisms need more oxygen the end of the 1970s, as well as through resulting of increased respiration, while a sharp increase in winter total phos- solubility of oxygen decreases (Vaquer- phorus in the beginning of the 2000s. Sunyer and Duarte 2011, Kabel et al. Furthermore, community changes cou- 2012). In papers II and IV, temperature pled with eutrophication took place was observed as an important varia- towards the end of the study period, ble inducing changes in the zoobenthic 3. Results and Discussion 35

assemblage during recent decades. have had a strong impact on the ecosys- Chironomid larvae, which have a large tem of the northern Baltic Sea coastal amount of haemoglobin in their blood, zone since the 1970s (Jumppanen and making them resistant of hypoxia (Ha Mattila 1994, Bonsdorff et al. 1997, and Choi 2008), were observed to thrive Andersen 2017), and they continue in warmer waters in contrast to crusta- to be main drivers of environmental ceans, such as M. affinis, which were stress for the Baltic Sea and particular- negatively correlated with temperature ly the open coastal waters of the Gulf (papers II and IV). However, it may of Finland (Carstensen et al. 2014, well be that the increase in temperature Fleming-Lehtinen et al. 2015, Andersen correlates with other environmental et al. 2017, McCrackin et al. 2018, drivers, such as eutrophication, and thus Murray et al. 2019). Climate change fur- it is hard to separate the consequences of ther increases inputs of allochthonous these factors from one another. nutrients into the sea in the Baltic Sea Climate change will also induce region (Huttunen et al. 2015, Reusch et acidification due to increase al. 2018). The increase in allochtonous of CO2 (Vaquer-Sunyer and Duarte nutrients is caused by increased precip- 2011, Jansson et al. 2013, Reusch et al. itation in winter (Diaz and Rosenberg 2018). The predicted pH decreases in 2008). This coupled with reduced snow the Baltic Sea by 2100 is 0.2-0.4 units cover may even counteract improve- (Havenhand 2012), and it is among ments achieved in water quality (Diaz the most severe globally (Reusch et al. and Rosenberg 2008, Huttunen et al. 2019). Although not enough is known 2015, Reusch et al. 2018, Räike et al. about the impacts of acidification on 2019). ecosystem functioning (Havenhand European Union legislation such as 2012), the studies show its negative the Water Framework Directive and the effects on larval stages of mussels, such Marine Strategy Framework Directive as L. balthica (Jansson et al. 2013) and require that the state of the aquatic eco- cod (Havenhand 2012). Organisms that systems is assessed (HELCOM 2018). are already stressed by increased temper- Indicators are needed to give information atures and lower oxygen contents are about the health of marine communi- especially vulnerable to acidification, ties with respect to a defined baseline which potentially reduces their survival (relative to the conditions not adversely (Jansson et al. 2013). affected). In the Baltic Sea, a large part In addition to climate change, there of the open sea ecosystems below the are several other environmental pres- halocline are impoverished below the sures, which may have additive or threshold value of good ecological status synergistic effects on the biota (Crain et on the EU Water Framework Directive al. 2008, Korpinen and Andersen 2016, scale due to hypoxia (Villnäs and Van Colen et al. 2018, Korpinen et al. Norkko 2011). Hypoxia also occurs in 2020). Anthropogenic nutrient inputs many locations in coastal areas (Conley


et al. 2009, 2011, Virtanen et al. 2019, seascape-driven variation, and long- paper IV). As hypoxia and anoxia are term changes driven by the large-scale spreading because of excess nutrients, patterns in climate, hydrography and and climate change may worsen the human pressure. To achieve this, marine effects of eutrophication, drastic meas- monitoring and habitat mapping should ures should be taken to decrease nutrient be carefully planned to be able to answer loads. Even then, the situation may get questions about spatial and temporal worse (Reusch et al. 2018). Therefore, changes of the ecosystem. baseline assessments of marine ecosys- By understanding the tolerance of tems become increasingly important for species regarding chemical and physi- guiding managerial and conservation cal factors and through reference to actions (Conley et al. 2009, 2011). The historical data, it is possible to make results of the papers I-IV demonstrate predictions on how changes in the envi- that, in order to manage and protect our ronment will likely affect the species sea areas efficiently, we need to be able distributions and how ecosystem func- to distinguish between the small-scale tions may change (Reusch et al. 2018). habitat-driven variation from large-scale 37


Non-random extinctions as well as Baltic Sea are taking place faster than changes in species composition, total almost anywhere else, this estuary can biomass and species behaviour can lead thus work as a time machine for future to large changes in functioning of the coastal (Reusch et al. 2018). This ecosystem (Villnäs et al. 2012). My thesis provides an opportunity to fur- work can be used as a tool to assess and ther study such changes in perhaps the predict how some of the changes occur- most vulnerable basin of the Baltic Sea. ring in the seabed communities and Species traits and functional diversity habitats will affect biodiversity and eco- are important parameters when study- system functioning. It was illustrated ing ecosystem functioning. However, how certain functionally important zoo- taxonomic studies are more accurate benthic species decreased significantly in assessing changes in biodiversity and in response to environmental changes, individual species roles in ecosystems. while some species appropriated new In future studies, analysing both taxo- functional niches and increased in abun- nomic and functional properties of the dance. It remains as a future challenge to benthic assemblages will provide a good assess as to whether these changes have platform for the evaluation and under- also affected ecosystem functioning standing of the soft-sediment systems in of the Gulf of Finland (or are likely to relation to habitats and environmental affect it in the future). As large anthro- drivers. pogenic environmental changes in the



The purpose of this work was to com- 2008, 2009, paper II). Eutrophication pile a holistic understanding concerning coupled with climate change, which is the responses of zoobenthic assemblages most pronounced in the high latitudes, and communities to environmental var- are perhaps the most pressing anthro- iation at different spatial and temporal pogenic forces that threaten the marine scales. The main results can be summa- ecosystems (Andersen et al. 2017, rised as follows. Reusch et al. 2018, papers II and IV). Zoobenthic species are distributed Addressing multiple human pressures, differently in seabed habitats, and spe- such as nutrient inputs into the sea, cific zoobenthos are indicative of certain is urgent in order to maintain impor- habitat types (papers I and III). In order tant ecosystem services and to secure to survey the impact of environmental healthy and well-functioning marine parameters on species, it is important to ecosystems. consider scale (Hewitt et al. 2007). For Understanding of zoobenthos-habitat instance, the effect of sediment grain- interactions is crucial to protect marine size is especially prominent on species ecosystems efficiently. Zoobenthic spe- on small to medium geographic scales cies react differently to disturbance, such (Zajac et al. 1998, paper I). In contrast, as eutrophication, hypoxia or anoxia at seabed geologic-topographic factors the sediment-water interface (paper are best manifested on benthic inverte- IV). Habitats that are under frequent brates on large landscape-scales (Zajac oxygen depletion or other severe dis- et al. 2013, paper III). Topographically turbance are dominated by r-strategists complex habitats were more species rich, (Pearson and Rosenberg 1978), such as than flat habitats. However, the most the invasive polychaete Marenzelleria complex habitats were less species rich spp. in the Baltic Sea (paper IV). A spe- than habitats which had intermediate cific response by a zoobenthic species – high topographic complexity (paper on different levels of environmental fac- III). Very complex habitats are suggest- tors may help us to assess the state of the ed to be fragmented. Fragmentation is benthic habitat (papers II and IV). likely to hinder recruitment (Gladstone- The research presented inpapers I-IV Gallagher et al. 2019). provides spatial and temporal knowl- There have been abrupt changes in the edge of the relationships of zoobenthic northern Baltic Sea ecosystem during species to environmental factors that recent decades, which are projected on can be used to adjust mitigation meas- the zoobenthic assemblages, and through ures, and to maintain a well-functioning trophic interactions, on the whole marine ecosystem with vital ecosystem marine ecosystem (Möllmann et al. services to people (Duarte 2000). 39


Many thanks to Professor Erik I want to thank all my co-authors, Bonsdorff for supervising me from the Ann-Britt Andersin, Alex Babin, beginning to the end and also for serv- Erik Bonsdorff, Saara Bäck, George ing as examiner. I very much appreciate Gogoberidze, Pentti Kangas, Anu his help and patience in the process. In Kaskela, Samuli Korpinen, Kirsi addition, Assistant Professor Johanna Kostamo, Aarno Kotilainen, Ari Mattila (Åland University of Applied Laine, Johanna Mattila, Igor Neevin, Sciences) and Dr. Heikki Peltonen Marina Orlova, Heikki Peltonen, (Senior researcher at FEI) are great- Jouko Rissanen, Minna Ronkainen, ly thanked for supervising my work Darya Ryabchuck, Eva Sandberg- from the beginning to the licenciate Kilpi, Alexander Sergeev and Vladimir phase and Assistant Professor Samuli Zhamoida for excellent co-authorship Korpinen (Research manager at FEI) and for all comments and help with is greatly thanked for his supervision writing and data analyses. Special thanks during the later phase of this PhD. to Erik Bonsdorff, Anu Kaskela, Samuli Dr. Saara Bäck (Environmental Korpinen, Ari Laine, Heikki Peltonen counselor at the Ministry of the and Johanna Mattila. Environment), Anna-Leena Downie Dr. Katri Aarnio and Dr. Kai Myrberg (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and are thanked for their useful comments, Aquaculture Science, United Kingdom) which helped improve the work. The and Dr. Heikki Peltonen are thanked pre-examiners Research Professor for applying for the Maj and Tor Markku Viitasalo and Professor Nessling foundation grant and opening Emeritus Ilppo Vuorinen are thanked the PhD position for me at the Finnish for their highly useful comments and Environment Institute. Åbo Akademi suggestions for corrections to improve University and Finnish Environment the manuscript. MSc Pia Pihlanto and Institute are thanked for facilitating my Dr. Katri Aarnio are thanked for help in dissertation work and for providing me the Swedish translation of the abstract with necessary equipment and working of this PhD summary and Dr. Rebekah facilities to undertake this research. Maj Rousi is thanked for English language and Tor Nessling Foundation (3 years), proofing and corrections. The r/v Societas Pro Fauna et Flora Fennica (2 Muikku crew during the study years are months), Åbo Akademi University and thanked for their contribution in sam- Erik Bonsdorff (3 months as well as pling. Furthermore, FEI and ELY-centre funding for publishing of paper IV) are are thanked for providing data. Thanks thanked for providing funding for this to all who have analysed the zooben- PhD work. thos and environmental data or helped


otherwise in the process. thanked for their support. Thanks to my former colleagues at FEI All my family members are thanked and the other PhD students (and later for their support during all these years. doctors) at the Åbo Akademi University, I thank especially Antti Hytönen and department of Environmental and Kari Valli and the beloved cats (Hertta†, Marine Biology, for their support and Teijo†, Retu†, Ninja, Kosmos, Nemo help during the years. Special thanks to and Ximen) that have walked by my Markku Viitasalo, Kirsi Kostamo for all side. I also thank my father Risto Rousi, their support and help during the years. Eeva, my brothers Arttu, Juho, Iiro In addition, especially Pirkko Kauppila, and Aarno and sister Maria, along with Päivi Korpinen, Jouko Rissanen, Pentti Rebekah, Pia, Kirsi and Joona as well as Kangas, Paula Väänänen and Henrik the children, for being there for me. I Nygård as well as Pirjo-Päivi and Pekka also want to thank my mother Hannele† Pihlanto, Kati and Juha Taina are for everything. 41


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Zoobenthos as indicators of marine | 2020 Baltic Sea | ZoobenthosHeta Rousi habitats in the northern as indicators of marine habitats in the northern Baltic Sea Heta Rousi

This thesis describes how physical and chemical environmental variables impact zoobenthic species distribution in the northern Baltic Sea and how dis- Zoobenthos as indicators of marine tinct zoobenthic species indicate different marine benthic habitats. The thesis inspects the effects of habitats in the northern Baltic Sea depth, sediment type, temperature, salinity, oxy- gen, nutrients as well as topographical and geo- logical factors on zoobenthos on small and large temporal and spatial scales.